Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sun Jun 11, 2023 1:57 pm

the essence of war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/11/2023


The increasing Ukrainian offensive actions in various areas of the front in recent days have created a huge stream of striking photographs and audiovisual material used ,both to determine the situation at the front -sometimes prematurely and without really knowing the context in which these images are produced-, and to observe practically live the way in which the war is changing. Since the Crimean War in the mid-19th century, in which the first correspondents participated, the constant improvements in technology and dissemination of information have sought to speed up the times to bring historical facts closer to the public. The broadcast of images of the bombing of Iraq in the first Gulf War began to give the war a videogame image that continued with the introduction of ever lighter cameras to show the point of view of the embedded journalist in such a way that it was he definitively abandoned the fixed shot to show the battle in motion and with increasing speed. Communications have sought to broadcast the war live, from the ground and in motion, sometimes at the cost of image quality and, above all, the context.

The current war offers all the possibilities of improving image technology, which added to the increasing use of drones, a fundamental novelty of this conflict, is also representing progress at the service of propaganda. It is no longer a question of following journalists or soldiers moving through the trenches or trying to survive an attack using night vision cameras, but rather monitoring with better and better image quality in combat conditions or the broadcast of the combat itself. In recent days, the number of images of destroyed armored columns on the front has increased significantly, as have audiovisual captures of drones attacking or destroying enemy military equipment, a novel element that shows the usefulness of the use of unmanned vehicles to achieve military and information objectives. In this war where context is scarce, immediacy and spectacular images are replacing analysis, sometimes possibly at the cost of being able to give a fuller picture of events.

For weeks at the center of the official discourse, the Leopard tanks became one of the centers of the Ukrainian argument for their sure victory last January. Ukraine was already openly presenting itself as NATO's proxy army in a common war against authoritarianism or the evil symbolized by Russia. The euphoria for obtaining such precious material has made it inevitable that leopards become one of the most prized prizes from the moment its first use on the front was finally confirmed this week. It is not only about its destruction as a vehicle at the head of armored columns, but about showing its evidence, not only to prove the lack of Ukrainian progress, but also to deny the invincibility of Western military equipment, the main argument of the Ukrainian narrative.

On Thursday, after several failed attempts to show the destruction of Leopard tanks - some of which turned out to be other models of Western tanks or even combines abandoned in the fields of the Zaporozhye front line - several photos and videos showed what clearly could be identified as the first fallen leopards in the Ukrainian counter-offensive. On Friday, the anti-Russian propagandist Julian Röepke, a journalist for the Bild newspaper , lamented the four defeated Leopards that had been seen in just one day. At the end of April, media such as ForbesThey reported that Ukraine had received a promise to deliver another 14 Leopard tanks, joining the 71 the country had already received. The temporary or permanent loss of four tanks in a single day reflects the difficulty of this war and also the Ukrainian reliance on Western materiel.

The images published by the sides in conflict, always interested and seeking to create an image of their own victory and large enemy casualties, are, even so, an important element for the analysis of events. At the risk of generalizing from specific examples that may not fully represent Ukrainian tactics, destroyed Ukrainian columns have shown armored groups consisting of scant Leopards, a whole host of various Western armored vehicles, and tanks of Russian or Soviet origin that partner Westerners from Ukraine have donated to Kiev in exchange for being replaced by more modern and ideologically correct NATO materiel. Throughout the last few months, There has been talk of the logistical challenge that would be for Ukraine to integrate all this material with different maintenance needs into its doctrine. Recently, an article published byForeign Policypresented the current absence of a Ukrainian military industry as an asset, arguing that Russia's dependence on its military industry is a liability that kyiv does not have to worry about. Without its own military industry, Ukraine depends on its partners to have the necessary material to attack the Russian troops and continue the war. From the most optimistic pro-Ukrainian positions, it has been argued that Ukraine already has all the weapons it needs to wage war, so the importance of the flow of military assistance will fall in the short term. This is a questionable claim in itself, refuted by the latest announcements of new aid packages, but above all it ignores Ukraine's dependence on its Western allies, primarily Poland, to carry out the maintenance of all that diverse material that it is now trying to integrate into the brigades specifically created for the current offensive. The images that have been seen this week show the aerial surveillance to which these armored columns are subjected at the front.

The few advances that Ukraine has been able to achieve in Zaporozhye in this first phase of attack on the central front of the southern territories have been achieved on the basis of continued attacks after the defeat of armored columns. The Ukrainian argument these days goes through ensuring that a similar destruction in the case of Russian equipment would mean the death of all personnel, while Western equipment would allow the survival of the troops. However, that reasoning does not explain the destruction itself or how Ukraine is going to be able to recover these vehicles for later repair, if Kiev has a way to repair them. There are already images of Ukrainian troops being attacked by Russian artillery in their attempt to recover material lost at the front.

The graphic evidence of those abandoned armored columns at the front and the images of the monitoring and surveillance of the movements of tanks and armored vehicles for their subsequent destruction also show a qualitative change in the Russian performance. With an eight-year lead in the trenches of Donbass, Ukraine understood the importance of drones in modern warfare long before the Russian Federation. Russian reports from the front in the weeks before the start of the reactivation of large-scale hostilities already showed an increasing use of surveillance drones in sabotage and reconnaissance tasks, but also in the search for surgical artillery precision. Russia, apparently with the help of Iranian-designed material, it has also used drones as an integral part of its missile strikes with the aim of saturating Ukrainian defenses and forcing Kiev to make heavy use of its scarce anti-aircraft ammunition. And Lantset drones are becoming an essential weapon when it comes to attacking armored vehicles, something that had already been tested in previous months, but is gaining prominence these days when the Ukrainian attempt to advance over open fields has begun. in which their advances are anticipated by the troops on the other side of the front. Finally, drones are also the ultimate source for showing evidence of the destruction of enemy weapons and personnel, an essential element in maintaining calm at the front and in the rear.

These days in which Ukraine has asked its population for "silence" to develop its offensive, the Russian strategy goes through an opposite attitude. The open confrontation between the visible head of Wagner, Evgenny Prigozhin, and the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff is still recent. At a time of political uncertainty within the military sphere, the Russian authorities try to graphically show their military capacity and efficiency. All parties are aware that the coming weeks and months will mark the development of the war. Ukraine aspires to inflict a final military defeat on Russia, while Russia understands that preventing a substantial Ukrainian advance would be a victory that would leave Kiev and its partners in a weak position in the face of a possible negotiation. Also on the other side of the Atlantic, where it is feared that a failure to meet expectations would mean a slowdown in military aid flows or even calls for negotiations, the Ukrainian counter-offensive is seen as a decisive chapter. Of course, the priority in Washington is still not Ukraine or its population, always secondary. “Senior US officials are convinced that future support for the war in Ukraine and Joe Biden's global reputation depend on the success of the Ukrainian counteroffensive,” he writes this weekend.Political , making it clear that the priorities are focused on guaranteeing the American reputation. War has changed, but its essence remains the same.

Google Translator


Chronicle of the special military operation for June 10, 2023
June 10, 2023


The situation remains tense in the Orekhovsky section of the Zaporozhye direction : the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not abandon attempts to push through the defense of the RF Armed Forces. The Ukrainian formations changed their tactics and, after losing almost a hundred pieces of equipment, they began to treat it more carefully - at night the enemy tried to approach the Russian positions through landings, however, having fallen into minefields and under fire, he retreated. Nevertheless, the most violent clashes in the sector are probably yet to come - the enemy has a large number of reserves both in manpower and equipment.

At the same time, there is a high probability of an early offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the left bank of the Kherson region . The enemy plans to take advantage of the fact that the Dnieper has become very shallow in the section from Zaporozhye to the Kakhovka reservoir. In addition, significant reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, after the failure in the Zaporozhye region, are being transferred to the Donetsk direction and Gorlovka .

Meanwhile, on the flanks of Bakhmut, fighting continues in the area of ​​​​Dubovo-Vasilyevka, Berkhovka, Kleshcheevka and Orekhovo-Vasilyevka. Significant progress in this area was not achieved by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

During the night, the RF Armed Forces attacked the Mirgorod airfield in the Poltava region , damaging the runway, several pieces of equipment, and a storage of fuel and lubricants. In addition, several objects in the Odessa region and an ammunition depot near Zaporozhye were hit .

Attack on the Mirgorod military airfield in the Poltava region and other Ukrainian facilities


During the night, Russian forces carried out a combined strike against the Mirgorod military airfield in Poltava Oblast , where Ukrainian tactical aviation is based. Initially, information about this was reported by local authorities, and a little later, the fact of the strike was already confirmed by our sources. As a result of the attack, the runway and equipment on the site were damaged. A fuel and lubricants warehouse located nearby also caught fire.

Despite the defeat of the target, the huge object continues to function. By the way, planes take off from Mirgorod, whose area of ​​​​responsibility includes the Kharkov region and the Russian border territories. Therefore, there should be as many accurate strikes on the places where the aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are based.

Why did the Ukrainian authorities, who usually hide the facts of attacks on key military targets, now decide to talk about it?
Probably, in a similar way they are trying to speed up the delivery of Western fighters, arguing this with their own losses in aviation technology. Despite the fact that in recent days the enemy has suffered high losses in vehicles "on the ground."

In addition, at night, Russian aircraft hit targets in the area of ​​Karolina-Bugaz and Zatoka in the Odessa region. As a result of the work of Ukrainian air defense in Odessa , one of the anti-aircraft missiles hit a residential building. According to some reports, an ammunition depot near Zaporozhye was also hit .

Consequences of the destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP


The fourth day has passed since the destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP . The situation in the region remains difficult, but already relatively more controllable. In Aleshki, the water level dropped by two meters, in Golaya Pristan - by one. In Novaya Kakhovka, the water is almost gone and the authorities have already started cleaning the streets. Electricity is supplied to most of the settlements. PJSC RusHydro believes that the Dnieper will return to its usual course below the destroyed hydroelectric power station by June 16.

More than 6,000 people have already been evacuated from the flood zone. The EMERCOM of the Russian Federation, Russian servicemen and volunteers from various public associations are involved in rescue work. Nearly 2,000 people have been settled in temporary accommodation facilities.

According to recent estimates, the damage from the destruction of the dam at the hydroelectric power station amounted to about 11.5 billion rubles. More than 60% of the volume of water has already flowed out of the Kakhovka reservoir. Meanwhile, the authorities have created a special commission to deal with the consequences of the flood, it will be headed by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Marat Khusnullin.

Residents of the Zaporozhye region published a video showing that part of the Dnieper became shallow and dried up. In the future, this may threaten the deterioration of the ecological situation in the region.

At the same time, the disaster that befell the residents of the Kherson region did not become an obstacle to the ongoing shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - today the enemy hit the south of the region, where the accommodation centers for the victims are located.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

[youtube] ... obelsk.mp4[/youtube]
On the Starobelsk direction, the situation has not changed. Russian artillery and aviation deliver precise strikes on enemy positions. At the same time, in the Limansky sector, fighters of the RF Armed Forces shot down an enemy tank hidden near residential buildings with a Lancet kamikaze drone.

On the flanks of Bakhmut Ukrainian formations are still trying to bite into the defenses of the Russian army. Enemy attacks in small groups go along the front near Orekhovo-Vasilevka, Dubovo-Vasilevka, Berkhovsky reservoir , and also around Kleshcheevka .

Today, several Ukrainian assault groups tried to attack the positions of the 200th brigade of the Northern Fleet in the Dubovo-Vasilevka area. The armored group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed by the joint actions of artillerymen and fighters on the front line. Also, Ukrainian units were driven out of Berkhovka and the surrounding area. Now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to counterattack south of the reservoir.

Yesterday and the day before yesterday, formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out a raid on the northern flank of the defense of the RF Armed Forces in the Orekhovo-Vasilevka area near the M03 highway to Slavyansk. In the ensuing battle, two armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed, and the tank retreated.

All day today, enemy units have been trying to break through the defenses of Russian fighters around Kleshcheevka . The shooting battle went on for more than five hours, but the servicemen of the RF Armed Forces repelled the attack, while the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered losses and retreated. At the same time, attacks on the flanks of Bakhmut are likely to continue. According to Daniil Bezsonov , enemy reinforcements are being transferred from Kramatorsk to Bakhmut and Chasov Yar, as well as to Kremennaya

According to our information, the enemy, having failed in the Orekhovsky sector, is transferring forces to the Donetsk direction , including the areas of Marinka, Pervomaisky and, especially, Gorlovka . Reserves go through Kramatorsk and Slavyansk. In the opposite direction, disabled equipment, as well as the dead and wounded, are taken out along the same route.

Footage of recent battles for Novodonetsk in the South-Donetsk direction appeared on the network . The landed enemy fighters came under heavy fire from the RF Armed Forces, after which they were unable to build on their success. The Ukrainian formations occupying part of Novodonetsk had to retreat with heavy losses in manpower and equipment.

In the Zaporizhia direction, in the last few days, the most fierce battles unfolded in the Orekhovsky sector. In the morning, the enemy stopped making attempts to break through the Russian defenses at the Rabotino-Verbovoye line. line .

At the moment, Ukrainian formations are recovering from the previously incurred sensitive losses in manpower and armored vehicles. In addition, the enemy changed tactics - in the last attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, infantry was more actively used, ceasing to drive vehicles in columns directly into minefields. Ukrainian fighters tried to get close to the positions of the Russian Armed Forces through the forest belt, but again they did not succeed, falling under fire and losing a large number of people in the minefields. Such a change in approach is not surprising - the losses of the enemy in recent days have reached impressive proportions.

According to our information, over the past few days, Russian military personnel have managed to disable 77 enemy tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, and armored vehicles in areas near Orekhovo and Vremyevka . The list includes only those machines, the destruction or defeat of which is confirmed by materials from open sources: in reality, their number is clearly higher.

A significant part of enemy vehicles was hit on the way to Russian positions, which is the result of dense mining and good interaction with aviation and artillery. The complex defeat of the advancing columns also speaks in favor of the latter: the detected and standing equipment was destroyed by artillery, helicopters, anti-tank systems and FPV drones.

All this clearly confirms the high losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and refutes reports of allegedly “insignificant damage”. Although far from all the equipment was destroyed, a significant part of it is in the area of ​​fire and cannot be evacuated by the enemy to the rear.

Russian troops, meanwhile, continue to prepare for a new attempt to attack the enemy. At the same time, constant artillery fire is being conducted on the identified places of concentration of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to our information, the Ukrainian command is preparing an offensive on the left bank of the Kherson region : due to the shallowing of the Dnieper in the area from the Dnieper hydroelectric power station to the Kakhovka reservoir and the erosion of minefields, this task becomes feasible. Reserves are transferred, including from the Odessa and Nikolaev regions .

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

Today the Armed Forces of Ukraine dealt another blow to the Crimean peninsula . Two rockets were fired from the vicinity of Odessa: one was shot down near Cape Tarkhankut , and the other fell into an open field near Simferopol . According to initial information, the Ukrainian formations again used the Grom-2 operational-tactical complex. This is confirmed by outgoing signals from missiles.

However , Alexander Talipov stated that modernized anti-aircraft missiles from the Soviet S-200 complex were used to strike at the Crimea. Their modification is quite real. There are enough examples of "artisanal" retrofitting of obsolete Soviet systems with the support of Western engineers. - from Swifts to R-27 missiles at the Kommunar plant.

This version is supported by the extremely low accuracy of the missiles. And their launch across the Crimea is actually a run-in after modernization in combat conditions. At the same time, the Grom-2 OTRK was also not massively introduced into the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is still being finalized.

In the Bryansk region, Ukrainian formations fired at the village of Aleshkovichi in the Suzemsky district. No one was injured in the incident, but several civilian structures were damaged.

Ukrainian formations continued to shell the border areas of the Belgorod region . In the Graivoronsky district, the village of Novostroevka-Vtoraya was hit twice : the fence and roof of the outbuilding were damaged, and the power line was also cut off.

In the Donetsk People's Republic, massive attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Donetsk and nearby settlements continue. A man died from a shrapnel wound in the capital of the DPR.

Ukrainian formations continue to strike with British Storm Shadow cruise missiles at civilian targets in the Kherson region .

In the village of Zhelezny Port, shells hit the Pozitiv hotel: according to some reports, the head of the region, Vladimir Saldo, was in the establishment at the time of the shelling, but the official was not injured.

At the same time, the temporary accommodation center on the Arabat Spit again came under enemy fire - it was there that part of the residents evacuated from the flooding zone was located. According to the latest information, one woman died. ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(I neglected to post the artwork and some video. See link.)


Attack on the Sea of ​​Azov
June 11, 14:29


The RF Ministry of Defense announced an attempt to attack sea drones on the ship of the Black Sea Fleet "Priazovye". All drones were destroyed, the ship received no damage.

Today, at about 01:30 Moscow time, the armed forces of Ukraine made an unsuccessful attempt to attack the Black Sea Fleet's Priazovye ship, which is carrying out the tasks of monitoring the situation and ensuring security along the routes of the Turkish Stream and Blue Stream gas pipelines in the south eastern part of the Black Sea.

In the course of repelling the attack, all the boats were destroyed by fire from the standard weapons of the Russian ship, 300 kilometers southeast of Sevastopol. There were no casualties. The ship received no damage.

During this period, as in the course of previous similar attacks, the strategic reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle RQ-4B "Global Hawk" of the US Air Force conducted reconnaissance in the airspace of the central part of the Black Sea.

The ship "Priazovye" of the Black Sea Fleet continues to fulfill its tasks.

Despite the failures, the enemy does not leave hope to achieve results with the use of sea drones. So far, apart from the damage to the minesweeper Ivan Golubets, there are no special results.

How attacks were beaten off in the Orekhovo area
June 11, 12:07


How attacks were beaten off in the Orekhovo area

A voice message sent back on June 8 did not reach me until Saturday. In it, a comrade talks about how Russian troops fought off the first onslaught of the enemy.

- The heat is specific. The neighbors also had an attempt to break through, they went there to correct it. The bastards approached our positions at 100 meters. Can you imagine 12 hours of combat? Three hours of artillery preparation, when you simply cannot raise your head. The night was fun. But, thank God, they survived. Not without loss. But we also burned six of their cars. Three "Bradley", "Leopard" did the second. Two more minesweepers were going - theirs too. Those who were blown up by a mine were already finished off with ATGMs. Now it’s not a rod, they’re firing harassing artillery, they’ll regroup and they’ll probably go again. Pull, the Germans (as our soldiers call the enemy on the front end), reserves.

To the next question, “How are you?” the answer comes the next day.

- Hi brother! Starship specific! The battle has already been going on for days, several brigades are fighting, the equipment is immeasurable. It's hard, but we stand! We beat the German as best we can, and hold on. The next day, another 12 units were hammered. They stopped us 400 meters before us. Three "Leopards" have already entered. One on that point (where several more Bradleys were destroyed), and two more on the other flank.

- They say they are now letting Soviet technology go forward?

- No, everything is Pindos, Western. His is no longer there. But the projectile doesn't care whose. Humanitarian copters - day and night - help fucking. We cut off all approaches, if possible, with artillery.

- Doesn't the enemy crush our "birds" with electronic warfare?

- We do not let them go far, they drag it, of course.

The connection was interrupted again. Behind short but valuable messages from the very "front end" - sleepless nights, the smell of smoke and gunpowder burning, round-the-clock combat work and close proximity to death. These heroic people do not yet realize that they are actually making history. As their grandfathers once did on the Kursk Bulge. Gotta hold on guys! God help... - zinc

The situation in the Zaporozhye direction on the evening of June 10
June 11, 8:11 am


The situation in the Zaporozhye direction on the evening of June 10

Heavy losses forced the enemy to subject plans to a sharp adjustment:
The reserves deployed in the Krivoy Rog, Sumy, Kharkov directions are being transferred to the directions:

1). settlement Gornyak, Kurakhovka, Krasnogorovka, Staromikhaylovka, Marinka;

2) settlements of Nevelskoye, Pervomayskoye, Vodyanoye;

3) n.p. Dzerzhinskoye, at least 2 brigades were deployed in the direction of Mayorsk and Gorlovka.
The reserves go through the Kramatorsk-Slavyansk transport hub, entering each direction in the Zaporozhye and Donetsk regions to reinforce the existing groupings.
For the current groupings, it is currently established:
According to the strategic plan of the enemy, it is planned to push through the front line of defense along the Nesteryanka-Novoselovka line and to the south, with the forces of four brigades: 65 Ombr, 128 Obr, 108 Obr, 15 Obr NSU), and provide a bridgehead for the introduction of the main forces of the strike force.

The main strike force is aimed at the direction of Orekhov - Tokmak - Melitopol, it is planned to ensure the advance with the forces of 10 AK, the basis of the shock fist should be: 115, 116, 117, 118 ombr, which we talked about earlier.

Task: access to Melitopol from the north.

A flank attack is planned in the direction Malaya Tokmachka - Berdyansk, with the forces of 82 odshbr, 71 oembr, and 46 oambr, with the task of seizing control on the line of the settlement of Urozhaynoye, Novopoltavka, Semyonovka.
Task: Covering the left flank of the main group.

In the future, it is planned to conduct raid operations as part of battalion-tactical groups with the forces of: 46 detachments and 1 Special Forces "Azov" in the directions of the settlement of Mordvinovka, Novovasilevka, Botieva.
Objective: to capture the frontier along the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov Stepanovka the first, Botievo and prevent the landing of amphibious assault forces of the RF Armed Forces.

The forces of the main offensive grouping up to 12 brigades (47, 66, 115, 116, 117, 118 ombr, 128 ogshbr, 108 obrtr, 15 guard NSU, 82 odshbr, 71 oebr, 46 oambr) Total for the offensive operation, including reserves (

in including marine brigades, as well as units located in the Kryvyi Rih direction, included in the single plan of the operation in the Zaporozhye direction) at the moment the enemy has prepared: Manpower
- up to 56 thousand people (68 battalions)
Tanks - up to 350.
AFVs of all types - up to 1000
Field artillery guns and mortars - up to 500.
MLRS - up to 140 units.
(From these figures it is necessary to subtract the number of those destroyed in recent days)

IMPORTANT. The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is carrying out information sabotage, spreading information that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are finally bogged down due to lack of funds to continue the offensive operation.
Under no circumstances can you trust this information, it is designed to weaken the vigilance of the RF Armed Forces, the enemy has more than enough forces.

The enemy will throw everything he has into battle, regardless of losses, you must use this to inflict critical damage on him. the broadcast of hostilities in Ukraine continues as usual in Telegram, who are interested, subscribe

By volunteers and prisoners
June 10, 23:10


Measures delayed by at least a year.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu signed an order defining the procedure for organizing the service activities of volunteer organizations, the Defense Ministry said.

According to the order, volunteer detachments will sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense by July 1 to obtain the necessary legal status. At the same time, volunteers are given the right to conclude contracts either with the Ministry of Defense or with volunteer detachments, according to the Telegram channel of the military department.

It is noted that when volunteers conclude contracts with the state, social protection and support measures will apply to their families.

The Ministry of Defense noted that the measures taken will increase the combat capabilities and effectiveness of the use of the Armed Forces and volunteer detachments in their composition.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense decided to provide volunteers with weapons and medical supplies. - zinc

* * *

On the mobilization of prisoners

A bill has been submitted to the State Duma that will allow the Ministry of Defense to mobilize prisoners for the war with Ukraine and conclude contracts with them, bypassing the pardon procedure. Prisoners who have entered military service will be released from punishment according to rules that have not yet been submitted to the Duma. It will be possible to retire from the army during the war no earlier than at the age of 65.

Amendments to the laws "On mobilization and mobilization training" and "On military duty and military service", as well as to the Criminal Executive Code, were submitted to the State Duma by the heads of the Defense Committee Andrei Kartapolov (former Deputy Defense Minister) and his first deputy Andrei Krasov. They propose to cancel the absolute ban currently in force in Russia on mobilizing prisoners in colonies and pre-trial detention centers, as well as concluding contracts for military service with citizens who have a criminal record.

In October, the State Duma has already allowed the mobilization of men who were imprisoned for most serious crimes - for example, murder, robbery, robbery and drug trafficking. The ban was retained only for those convicted of crimes against the sexual inviolability of a minor, as well as under "terrorist" and "extremist" articles. But then the amendments concerned those who were already at large. Now deputies are proposing to extend them to prisoners. They are already fighting en masse in Ukraine, but now the Ministry of Defense is recruiting them - as before PMC "Wagner" - through an out-of-court procedure for a secret presidential pardon. After the adoption of the amendments, pardon will no longer be required.

How the Federal Penitentiary Service will release prisoners from punishment instead of pardoning is still unclear. To do this, according to the amendments, a new article 80.2 should be introduced into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - but it is not yet in the Duma database of bills. The proposed amendments relate to the replenishment of the army with prisoners during the period of mobilization and in wartime. On May 18, the Supreme Court clarified that the mobilization announced in September in Russia continues until the presidential decree on its cancellation, and the period from the actual start to the actual cessation of hostilities is considered war time.

That is, after the entry into force of the amendments made, the Ministry of Defense will be able to take prisoners to the war with Ukraine (under a contract or in the event of a new wave of conscription for mobilization) until its complete cessation. At the same time, according to the amendments, they will be able to retire from the army by age until the end of the war only at the age of 65. Thus, the age limit for mobilized and contract soldiers in wartime is proposed to be increased by 15 years. ... mya-voyny/ - zinc

But better late than never.
Prisons will obviously continue to unload and the FSIN targets for reducing the prison population will be reached well ahead of the target year of 2030.

Google Translator




By John Helmer, Moscow

There’s an old Russian adage about swallowing too much and trying to talk at the same time – if you don’t want to die of gastroenteritis, keep your mouth shut. This isn’t an option for understanding the past week of the war, and preparing for the next.

Bear in mind that, in the middle of the Ukrainian ground offensive and hours before the start of the largest NATO air operation since the alliance was created in April 1949, the war in the Ukraine is having almost no impact on President Biden’s (lead image) job approval polls and thus on his re-election chances in November 2024.

By contrast, President Putin, who goes to election between January and March of 2024, has declared his new approach to what will happen between now and then.

Despite the steady drift upwards of disapproval of the US president’s performance, and the widening gap between negative and positive voters since the start of the Special Military Operation, Biden’s conduct of the war has been the only policy which he and his election staff can calculate to have been a winner; that’s relatively speaking, when contrasted with Biden’s performance on the domestic economy, inflation, crime, immigration, and the direction of the country.



A look back at the history of this single Ukraine war measure reveals that the negative margin for Biden has been contracting, not enlarging, as the war has gone from bad to worse for the Ukrainians.



Since no significant anti-war policy has emerged in the Democratic Party, the only declared candidate opposing Biden for the nomination, Robert Kennedy Jr. has yet to declare what he thinks he would do that Biden hasn’t. “I don’t want Wall Street running the country. I don’t want the neocons running our foreign policy. I don’t like censorship. I think I’m skeptical about war,” Kennedy declared at the start of his campaign in April. That last line says nothing at all about the war against Russia.

On the Republican Party side, the bellwether for the candidate hopefuls – Andrew Napolitano, who is running for a seat on the Supreme Court, and Douglas MacGregor, the National Security Adviser’s job – are making the case that Biden’s conduct of the war is exposing US weapons and military strategy to defeat, not only on the Ukrainian battlefield, but in Germany and throughout the NATO alliance in Europe. To date, the front-running Republican candidates Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis are avoiding this point; the also-runners have no incentive to raise it.

So long as the partisan US media are reversing the meaning of the battlefield news, so that Ukrainian losses are recorded as Russian losses, and there is no direct and catastrophic defeat of US forces on the ground, at sea, or in the air, the Ukraine war can continue to be fought without damage to either the Democrats or the Republicans in Washington. At least, that is how they are reading the polls.

The contrast with Moscow is a sharp one, although it has yet to be noticed outside Russia.

On May 30 Putin signaled that in the outcome of the war, the Ukraine will cease to exist. “Basically, the territory that is called Ukraine”, Putin said, using the geographic term instead of the political and legal one, “was virtually controlled from the very beginning by people who, being led by the West, took the path of not just confronting Russia, but creating an “anti-Russia” on that territory… We are striking at the territory of Ukraine, but with long-range precision weapons, at military infrastructure facilities only, either at ammunition or fuel and lubricants warehouses used for combat operations. We have talked about the possibility of striking at decision-making centres. Of course, the headquarters of Ukrainian military intelligence is one of them, and a strike at this target was carried out two or three days ago. In response, the Kiev regime has chosen a different path – attempts to intimidate Russian citizens with strikes at residential buildings. This is an obvious terrorist approach.” In short, the Russian campaign is not against a state but on a territory run by terrorists.

The terrorist operations, it was implied, include the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines on September 26, 2022; the Crimean Bridge bombing of October 8, 2022; the drone attacks on Russian targets, including the Kremlin, last month; and the subsequent operations against the Kakhovskaya dam and the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline on June 5-6.

Putin’s May 30 statement was followed by a second , also apparently impromptu comment on the evening of June 9. The novel elements in what follows are the references to Ukrainian “strategic reserves” and to the Russian General Staff.

“First, we can safely state that the offensive has begun. We know this from the fact that the Ukrainian army tapped its strategic reserves. This is my first point. Second, the Ukrainian troops failed to achieve their goals in all combat sectors, which is clear as day…I cannot say that the offensive has got bogged down. All I can say is that the counteroffensive attempts that have been made so far failed. But the offensive potential of the Kiev’s regime is still there. I believe Russia’s military leadership is realistic in its assessments of the situation and will proceed from these realities as it continues to plan up our actions in the short term.”


Since the commander-in-chief is doing the talking, he’s saying that he is letting “Russia’s military leadership” do all the running now, and it will be the military “realities” which will dictate the politics of the outcome. This also means that the “realities” of the territory of the Ukraine will be decided by military operations which, on the Russian side, have yet to get fully under way until the Ukrainian “strategic reserves” have been fully committed and defeated on the battlefield.

Putin’s reference to “strategic reserves” includes the US and NATO weapons which have been committed so far, and destroyed — and those still to come from stocks in Poland, Romania, Germany, and in the western territory around Lvov. Against them, Putin noted “the high effectiveness of Russian weapons, especially the latest weapons. Indeed, we still do not have enough of the latest weapons, but the arms industry, the country’s defence industry is making strides, and I am sure that the defence industry will, without a doubt, fulfil its goals. The production of modern types of weapons is going at a fast pace.”

What does this mean? In the first place, demilitarization will be run by the Russian General Staff until there are no strategic reserves left on the territory – not east of the Dnieper River, nor west. If the NATO summit scheduled for July 11-12 in Vilnius is planning to place the rump of the Ukraine under NATO protection – “a certain order of accession”, according to Deputy Defense Minister Vladimir Gavrilov (right) — then Putin is warning that there will be a Russian military solution to ensure that this cannot happen.

In short, no political solution for the Ukraine short of elimination of US and NATO strategic reserves. This is the prospect of Russian military defeat of the US and NATO on the European battlefield for the first time. It appeared last month in the Pentagon Papers leaks attributed to Jack Teixeira, and subsequently suppressed by the White House, State Department, and the New York Times.

Earlier on Friday last, according to the sequence of the Kremlin communiqués, Putin also made an unusual announcement of the operational deployment of nuclear weapons at the Polish and Ukrainian frontier by July 8. Speaking at a welcome for Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, Putin said: “As for security, we will talk about it behind closed doors, one on one. Overall, the situation is stable, and I would even say good. We are collaborating confidently in this area.We are proceeding on schedule with regard to the most sensitive issues, which we have coordinated. As you know, the preparation of the relevant facilities will be finished on July 7–8, after which we will immediately start the process of deploying the corresponding types of weapons in your territory. So, everything is going to plan consistently.” For “sensitive”, “relevant”, and “corresponding types”, read nuclear arms to “correspond” with the US Aegis missile complex at Redzikowo, Poland, and warheads stored in Germany.

Listen to the discussion with George Eliason on Saturday’s War of the Worlds TNT Radio broadcast. The battlefield evidence referred to comes from Russian reports in all media. They should be interpreted with a salutary warning from Colonel Vladimir Trukhan (below, right).

Source: ... june-2023/
Right: Colonel Vladimir Trukhan,now retired from a senior staff post at the Russian Ministry of Defense: “Demilitarization means the complete elimination of the military threat to Russia from the territory of Ukraine. Denazification means the end of the functioning of an ideology based on national superiority and disregard for other peoples on the territory of Ukraine. We can judge the achievement of these goals based on the results of the SVR, and not in the course of it. What is not clear here? The bonus was the addition of new regions to the Russian Federation. Judging by the actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Kiev, I would venture to assume that this is not the last increase. This is Putin's stratagem — each new proposal is worse than the previous one…The Supreme Commander-in-Chief said to the military: ‘You have military science and military logic, you fight.’ He specifically said: ‘I am, of course, the Supreme Command, but I did not finish the General Staff Academy, so I trust the military.’ This is also a strong point of Russia -- the lack of political pressure… I repeat, the work is being carried out systematically. It will be difficult for us, because Zelensky will go to the NATO summit, where he will be told the following: ‘We gave you everything, where is the result?’ But these questions will not be asked to us.” English translation can be read here.

In the discussion of the June 6 attack on the Kakhovka Hydro-Electric Station (HES), the dam-busting precedents of the Soviet, German, British, and US military operations from 1941 to 1952 were mentioned. For more of the British history, read this and for the US destruction of the Sui-Ho Dam, click.

The history of Ukrainian attacks on the Kakhovskaya dam from July 8, 2022, to June 6, 2023, can be read in the Telegram reporting of Boris Rozhin (“Colonel Cassad”). For detailed analysis of method, motive, and consequences, including the Ukrainian testing of partial destruction last December, and the dam leaks before the June 6 operation, read this.




For the background story of the Ukraine-Russia grain and fertilizer agreements and the significance of the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline, read this. The Russian Foreign Ministry response to the attack identified the Kiev regime as the perpetrator of terrorism: “Let me remind you,” said Maria Zakharova, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, “that this was the case with all terrorist and extremist organizations. At first, the West fed them with a ‘spoon’, nurtured them, and then ‘fattened them up’, thinking that they were for the ‘slaughter’…At some point, these monsters began to devour their creators. If anyone among the public, experts, political scientists, OR people responsible for security, has at least some doubts that the Kiev regime will not then turn its terrorist insides against its creators, then they are cruelly mistaken. Unfortunately, then, it will be too late.”

As you read this, the NATO air forces will be taking off to fly at Russia in the first wave of operations called Air Defender 23. Read more here.

“By the time that we (and the Ukrainians),” comments a NATO operations veteran, “figure out that they have expended their combat power, Air Defender will be kicking off. At the current burn rate, and the Russian tempo of drone and missile strikes on rear areas, I’m betting they [Ukrainians] will be running low on ammunition, armoured vehicles and morale by then. This is where things will get very worrisome for them. If Air Defender isn’t covering a Ukrainian attack, it will be covering their retreat. Once the NATO trained and equipped Ukrainian reserves are used up, what stands between the Russians and the General Staff’s charge westward to the limit they will decide for their military reasons?”

Part of a column of German Leopard-2A6 tanks and US Bradley M2A2 infantry fighting vehicles destroyed on their move at Russian defence lines in the Zaporozhye area before they could open fire on June 7-8. Source: Russian Defense Ministry ... more-88116
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon Jun 12, 2023 11:58 am

The importance of appearances
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/12/2023


The presence of people and, above all, groups whose ideology and symbology openly contradicted the idea of ​​fighting for freedom, democracy and Western values ​​that Kiev claimed to defend has been one of the regularly repeated constants since the beginning of the war. It was from the first steps of the war in Donbass, a moment in which anti-fascist rhetoric dominated the discourse against the government, perceived as a cabinet that represented only a certain form of Ukrainian nationalism and whose agenda included social rupture and policy with Russia with the aim of erasing from the collective memory all the common past with Russia and the Soviet Union in order to replace it with the new nationalist discourse. Even before the armed group led by Igor Girkin burst onto the scene,Strelkov , in Slavyansk, the Ukrainian authorities had begun to take steps to incorporate the most mobilized factions of the most radical nationalism to reinforce or replace the armed forces. The question of whether the regular army would follow orders to attack its own population in Donbass did not exist with respect to groups that had already distinguished themselves such as the Maidan shock troops.

As Anton Gerashenko later boasted, in early April, the then-Interior Minister of the first government born of the Maidan coup met with Dmitro Korchinsky and Andriy Biletsky to introduce what would soon be the Azov battalion as a police battalion. , whose hard core was already working side by side with the local and regional authorities in Kharkov to put down the pro-Russian protests. Soon Azov and his leader, the white leader, achieved media prominence for their role in the seizure of Mariupol and also for their symbology and ideology. Azov was just one of many groups of radical nationalists included, officially or unofficially, in the troops that were to crush the DPR and LPR militias that summer. Biletsky's career, with an extensive curriculum in groups such as Patriot of Ukraine, heirs to the ideology of the groups that collaborated with Nazi Germany in World War II and whose soldiers fought under a symbol of obvious Nazi inspiration, made it difficult to normalize the integration of the extreme right in official structures.

Even then, although the war was waged against militias that could not be confused with the Russian army in appearance or weaponry, the idea of ​​war against Russia justified the use of groups like Azov, which even the United States Congress would qualify as twice white supremacist and fascist. The step aside of its indisputable leader, Andriy Biletsky, at that time a lieutenant colonel in the National Guard of Ukraine to aspire to a seat in the Rada that he achieved thanks to the withdrawal of the candidate of the then prime minister Yatseniuk made the task easier. Veteran of Patriot of Ukraine and known for his past anti-Semitic statementsHe was leaving the military command of Azov, consolidated in the Mariupol area, where for years he would act with total impunity and, on occasions, hand in hand with the richest man in Ukraine, Rinat Akhmetov. Although Biletsky only left the military command - a position for which he did not even have the necessary preparation - and remained, as he continues to do now, the spiritual and political leader of the entire Azov movement, it was enough to begin the normalization of his existence as part of the official structures of Ukraine. Year after year, Congressional budgets mentioned a ban on arming, training, or financing the Azov regiment.These steps were always symbolic and despite the attempts by Donbass and Russia to warn about the presence of neo-Nazis in official Ukrainian structures, their existence was never a real problem for Kiev, nor were other less media-focused but equally radical groups.


It was also never a problem that Azov's hard core from its inception came from the Borodach division, whose emblem was a modified Totenkopf flanked by SS runes. In 2016, Maksym Zhorin, then commander of the regiment, made public appearances with that emblem as the leader of the expedition transferred to Odessa for police work on the second anniversary of the Odessa massacre. In 2022, the name of Zhorin, who had theoretically left the regiment to join the political movement, a division that was used to justify that Prokopenko's Azov, also a member of Borodach, was no longer Biletsky's Azov and that the regiment to which was exalted by its fight in Mariupol was no longer the battalion led by the first commander. The Times he even claimed that Azov had disowned his wolfsangel. Azov continues to maintain its Nazi-inspired symbol and Biletsky, according to The New York Times a colonel in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, is cited as a source involved in the regiment's assaults on the front.

The split between the military and political wings of the different far-right nationalist groups used against Donbass never existed, but it served as a way for Ukraine's allies to claim that the problem was the figment of Kremlin propagandists' imaginations. And when the United States wanted to show its commitment to the fight against far-right fundamentalism, it did not designate groups like Azov, which included an American protected by Ukraine and wanted by US authorities for murder, as terrorists, but the Russian Imperial Movement. , a similarly radical group with many points in common. What's more, members of said extremist group share financing and patterns with the Azov regiment in the common war that all of them are waging against Russia.laundering that Azov or Praviy Sektor members like Da Vinci have received in the past.

The spectacularity that those who organized the operation, mainly Kirilo Budanov, head of the General Directorate of Military Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, wanted to give at the start of the raids in the Russian region of Belgorod has given prominence to a whole series of groups whose ideology it has become a problem for defenders of Ukraine. War, especially if it is against a historical enemy like Russia and is fought in the name of freedom and European valuesIt justifies everything, but even then, appearances matter. On this occasion, the symbols have turned out to be too obvious and not even the same media that in the past have openly justified the participation of members of the Russian Imperial Movement in the struggle in Ukraine have been able to ignore the ideological aspect. The ideology of too many of the most prominent members of the RDK and adjacent groups, their fight for a pure, i.e. white, Russia, their flight from Russia persecuted for their neo-Nazi activities and their refuge in the Ukraine, the insistence of White Rexthat it is not an insult to be described as a neo-Nazi, the Ku Klux Klan patch of one of the spokesmen before the press or the 1488 number plate of the first vehicle of an armed column that marched to Russia have been an accumulation of too striking evidence so that the press does not react to them.

A few months ago, the press accepted as legitimate the excuse of Orest , who claimed that the swastikas he used to post on Twitter or his celebration of Hitler's birthday were just samples of "Ukrainian humor" and, even so, the celebrated photographer from Azov continues to be received around the world. Hence, it cannot be surprising that the few media outlets that have echoed the ideology of the groups that Kiev is sending to liberate Russia have focused on appearances, that is, on the image that this ideology or symbology gives of Ukraine and not in the fact that neo-Nazis are being used as part of the official Ukrainian structures.

The press, like the countries that supply the weapons to make these actions possible, thus finds itself with the dilemma of ignoring the evidence or risking that one of the Kremlin's arguments is right and accepting that there is an ideological problem of presence of fascism in the Ukrainian military structures. For the moment, only Belgium has been upset to see that some of the weapons it had sent to Ukraine have been used by these groups in their raids on Russia, but, as expected, it has also confirmed that it will not stop that supply. In war, appearances are important, but everything is subordinated to the main objective: defeating the common enemy.

The media equivalent of this reasoning was published in The New York Times in an article titled “Nazi Symbols on Ukrainian Battlefronts Highlight Tricky Historical Questions” and illustrated with a Ukrainian soldier whose uniform clearly shows a totenkopf, a symbol present on the Ukraine war since 2014 and generally ignored to avoid criticizing Kiev troops. Critical only in appearance, the article recalls that both Ukraine and its allies have been forced to eliminate published photographs because of the Nazi symbology that was seen on one of the Ukrainian soldiers, a constant that goes beyond the 3 images mentioned and that in social networks has already become a continuous joke.

The proliferation of this symbology is worrisome, not because of its content, but because of its appearance. “What worries me, in the Ukrainian context, is that people in Ukraine who are in leadership positions either do not recognize and understand how these symbols are viewed outside of Ukraine or are unwilling to,” writes The New York Times .citing Michael Colborne, a Bellingcat researcher who has done a good job of monitoring groups like Azov over the years. However, now the objective is none other than to avoid a bad image of Ukraine, achieved by accepting these symbols and the ideology associated with them as part of the official discourse. “I think Ukrainians have to realize more and more that these images undermine support for the country,” Colborne laments, again skimming the surface.

The objective of the article is summarized in its central paragraph, in which, even admitting that Nazi symbology has acquired a presence in Ukraine, their marginality is alleged -compatible with being considered heroes- and a fight of the country's authorities against the extreme right that simply has not existed. “Ukraine has pursued initiatives for years through legislation and military restructuring to contain a far-right fringe movement whose members proudly wear symbols steeped in Nazi history and espouse views hostile to leftists, LGBTQ movements, and ethnic minorities. However, some members of these groups have been fighting against Russia since 2014, when the Kremlin illegally annexed the Ukrainian region of Crimea, and now they are part of the larger military structure. Some are considered national heroes, even as the far right remains politically marginalized."

The reasoning reminds us of what was already experienced in 2014, when all these arguments appeared: the marginalization of the extreme right, the justification for the use of these troops given the need to fight against Russia - even though it was not the Russian Federation that was fighting on the other side of the front - and, above all, the insistence that the black suns or totenkopfs did not represent Ukraine as a state. Already questionable then, when the institutionalization of the nationalist discourse of these groups as national discourse began, these theses are even less convincing today, when examples of racism and dehumanization of everything Russian occur at official levels and the bulk of ideology of Azov, Svoboda, Praviy Sektor or Bratstvo is practically inseparable from the precepts defended by the State, which has never fought to control the extreme right, but has used it to fight against the external enemy and also against the internal enemy .

A good example of Ukraine's struggle to control Nazism or neo-Nazism is the law that equated Nazism and communism, criticized even by the Wiesenthal Foundation for equating "the most genocidal regime of humanity with the one that liberated Auschwitz." That legislative package was used exclusively to ban the Communist Party, its symbology -including the hammer and sickle of the Victory flag, for which millions of Ukrainian men and women fought- and its ideology and to demonize any defense of the common past with Russia or the Soviet Union. In parallel, the state gradually adopted far-right nationalism as its official ideology.

In a way, The New York Times and others who have tried to downplay the use of neo-Nazi or fascist symbology in the Ukrainian Armed Forces are right. Despite its spectacularity, the black suns or totenkopfs that can be seen in the front are the least of Ukraine's problems, which do not go through the form but through the substance. The West will continue to argue that Andriy Biletsky's vote share in the legislative elections proves the marginality of the extreme right, but they will have to do so by avoiding admitting that, to this day, the state has adopted almost point by point the naciocracy that groups like the National Corpushave inherited from Dmitro Dontsov: exaltation of the war as the rebirth of the nation, demonization of all non-nationalist opposition, progressive attempt to eliminate the Russian language and culture from Ukraine, banning of Russian media and cultural products, and collaborationist treatment of all that population that has resisted nationalist impositions. ... more-27496

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If the rear is strong
June 11, 15:35


As for the events at the front, I try not to comment once again: since telegram users and telegrammers-authors of channels are constantly spinning the wheel of genoty. Either they will hysteria mercilessly, yelling like dogs that have pinched their paws - for example, the DRG in the Belgorod region, the downing of aircraft in the Bryansk region, etc., then they will enthusiastically admire the video with "Leopards" and other bradleys, forgetting that this is only the beginning of a counterattack and there is still a lot to come problem moments.

It is more interesting to pay attention not to momentary, but to long-term trends. And what do we see? And the fact that the Russian army has become more professional, meaner and harsher. As you can see, she is trained on the battlefield, paying with blood and iron for mistakes. In August and autumn of last year, the Hymars and its targeted raids were a nightmare, and now - have you noticed that reports about him have become routine and commonplace? Those. the army adapted to dispersal and camouflage. They wrote that we do not have guided bombs like JDAM? Pity: in the spring of 2023, they appeared on the battlefield and quickly became a significant factor. At the same time, both armies are learning: for some time, on our side, the dill in the rear was specifically terrified by "Geraniums" and at first it was poorly parried. Then they also learned. Our enemy is strong and not a fool either.

What is gratifying is that there have been shifts in the struggle for minds and in the DIMK MO, something began to shift, albeit slowly. They began to react faster, speakers appeared at the groupings of troops, and even the video with burned cats on the battlefield became a hit not only in RuNet, but also in the Western media. It is very beautiful, of course, when, after 80 years, German tanks are burning in approximately the same place where they once burned in the forties. And it's symbolic. Against this background, the unfortunate jamb with "combines" was almost forgotten, as well as the media war with the "Wagners", which went to the rear and ceased to compete for the attention of the audience.

Therefore, as a conclusion, I repeat once again ( Ukraine has no chance of winning in its sense (reaching the borders in 1991), if the situation inside Russia is stable, in the sense of a strong rear. The only hope of crests and their handlers is instability in the rear, unrest and activation of trans-Ukrainian elements that have been hiding (mainly among the elite, of course, which is suffering from the destruction of the former world order). And if this does not happen - and the defense industry will catch up - unlike Ukraine, we have it and rather big; and the army will learn, and interaction will improve. So Ukraine has no chance in the war for a long time either. None at all, if the Russian rear is strong.

(c) Periscope - zinc

PS. I fully agree with the opinion that the main bet of the United States is on the internal destruction of Russia.

Valuable language
June 11, 17:03


These are the guys who grabbed a valuable prisoner, information about which reached the headquarters of the front and personally K.K. Rokossovsky, and it was decided to counter-train.

The name of the prisoner was Bruno Formel, a sapper of the 6th Infantry Division. In addition to the message that "it will begin now," he told how demining was carried out on a regular basis then, in the hours before the "Citadel".

At night, sappers crawled to look for mines and neutralize them. First their own, then others.

Formel testified: “It was ordered to make one passage 3-5 meters wide for each advancing company. For this purpose, a sapper group consisting of 3-5 soldiers and a cover group consisting of 7-10 soldiers (infantry) headed by a junior commander were allocated. After arranging the passage, the sapper group with a Russian mine as material evidence [they did not trust the comrades for a word, yes - the Iron Wind] should return to their original position, and the cover group remained in place to guard the passage.

Now you don’t crawl like that under a copter with a heatpack, of course. - zinc

And not only. Now the passage in the minefields can be filled up remotely with mines. The same "Agriculture" or "Mars-II".
Well, engineering equipment for breaking through minefields and tanks with minesweeps, as practice shows, is very vulnerable in open areas and is affected by artillery, aviation and drones.

Google Translator



File image.

Kiev forces have reportedly made their first gains since launching their so-called spring counteroffensive on the Zaporozhye and south Donetsk sectors exactly a week ago.

The WarGonzo channel on Telegram said that Kiev forces were able to capture the village of Lobkove in Zaporozhye on June 11 after fierce clashes with the Russian military. Footage from the ground showed Ukrainian vehicles moving in the village and helicopters flying over the frontline in Zaporozhye region.

[youtube] ... G_2507.mp4[/youtube]

Russian troops withdrew to prepared defensive lines that overlooks Lobkove. Kiev forces are likely preparing to launch an attack from the village. However, higher ground will give Russian artillery and anti-armor means an advantage.

The Russian withdrawal from the villages mimics defensive maneuvers which were conducted on the south Donetsk sector when the Ukrainian counteroffensive first began on June 4.

Kiev forces sustained catastrophic losses while attempting to attack over the past week. Many of their German-made Leopard 2 and American-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles have already been destroyed or damaged. Nevertheless, they still possess enough manpower and equipment to attempt to break through Russian defense lines in the Zaporozhye and south Donetsk sectors.

The initial success in Lobkove will encourage the Kiev regime to further develop its counteroffensive. Pressure on the Russian military will likely increase in the upcoming few days. ... ns-report/



Heavy battles are ongoing on the Donetsk front lines. While Russian forces are destroying Ukrainian units on the western outskirts of Maryinka, the AFU attempt attacks in the area of Avdeevka.

In the Donetsk direction, eight attacks of the AFU were successfully repelled by the Russian military over the past day, the Russian Ministry of Defence reported. Ukrainian forces failed to break through Russian defences.
The “southern” grouping of Russian troops successfully repelled eight attacks by units of the 110th Mechanized, 1st Tank, 59th Motorized Infantry and 79th Airborne assault brigades of Ukraine in the directions of the settlements of Novobakhmutovka, Krasnogorovka, Pervomaiske and Maryinka during the day.
During the fighting, the AFU suffered the following losses:

up to 310 Ukrainian servicemen,
two tanks,
two infantry fighting vehicles,
two armored fighting vehicles,
two cars,
three pickups,
two Msta-B howitzers,
as well as a D-30 howitzer.

Russian military sources shared footage of Ukrainian attack in the Avdeevka region. The group of Ukrainian servicemen on American armored vehicles approached Russian military positions south of Nevelskoe.

(Video at link.)

In the stronghold of one of the companies of the Donetsk Army Corps, a Russian servicemen is seen fearlessly fighting the advancing Ukrainian forces. The fate of the Russian warrior is unknown.

While the Ukrainian military continues large-scale attacks on the southern front lines in the Zaporozhie region, heavy battles continue along all the Donbass front lines, where the AFU continue escalating the fighting. They attempt to distract the Russian military and clame at least some victories. ... -avdeevka/


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the situation at the front. Vremievsky ledge.

Fighting continues in the direction of Velikaya Novosyolka - Urozhaynoye (8 km south of Velikaya Novosyolka), the enemy is advancing with BTGr 37 infantry regiments reinforced by a tank company.
Has been stopped, currently regrouping.

In the area of ​​​​the settlement of Makarovka, it was stopped, took up positions in a forest plantation south of the Oktyabr state farm and on the southern outskirts of the settlement of Storozhevoe, regrouped, according to the latest data, heavy fighting resumed in this area.

The enemy command switched to the most ingenuous tactics: concentrating a large number of forces during a frontal attack, in order to push through the defenses of the RF Armed Forces "by mass".

Only in the area of ​​the Vremievsky ledge, the established losses of the enemy were: up to 44 tanks, up to 77 armored combat vehicles of all types, up to 60 units of other equipment, losses in manpower up to the battalion.
Despite this, the enemy has enough reserves at his disposal to continue such tactics.


Urgent notice.

According to the latest information received, the enemy has made 1,200 sets of Russian-style military uniforms for the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine.

Symbols, stripes, insignia, patterns, as well as the material are completely identical to Russian counterparts.

These sets are planned to be transferred to the following directions: Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson, Zaporozhye.
Among the kits: the uniform of the FSB, the Russian Guard (there are kits with insignia of the Akhmat regiment), the RF Armed Forces.

Also, for the MTR of Ukraine, dry rations were delivered to the Kherson direction, in particular, of their own Ukrainian production, as well as (MPE-14) made in the USA, and IRP-P, IRP-B of Russian production.

At the disposal of the special services of Ukraine there are explosives manufactured in the Russian Federation, in particular: TNT checkers and packages with hexogen, cumulative shells.

In the Kharkiv direction, there is a concentration of equipment previously captured in battles with the Russian Federation.
Wheeled trucks: "KAMAZ", "URAL", as well as a certain amount of BTR-80.

The enemy is preparing to carry out sabotage, which will be covered as an action committed by the Russian security forces.
The purpose of the sabotage is to divert the focus of attention from the offensive on the Zaporozhye front and accuse Russia of war crimes in the international arena.
Increased vigilance is required in hazardous areas.


.🇺🇦⚔️🇬🇧Breakthrough of the enemy at the junction of the Zaporozhye Front and the DPR: ours cover the lost positions and counterattack

▪️A difficult situation is developing in the South Donetsk direction, the enemy, after using large forces and flank attacks, occupied 3 small villages on the Vremevsky ledge.

▪️Under the threat of encirclement, after attacks in the rear near Levadnoe and Harvest, our people left Neskuchnoe, Blagodatnoe and Storozhevoe, they report from the spot.

▪️The report of the Ministry of Defense for yesterday directly confirms the advance of the enemy on the Vremevsky ledge, it says that aviation hit the accumulations of manpower and equipment of the 1st brigade of the President of Ukraine, the 110th brigade of the TerO, the 72nd mechanized and 1st tank brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in districts n.p. Novodonetskoye, Neskuchnoye, Storozhevoye and the state farm "October" of the DPR (just 3 villages where the breakthrough of the Armed Forces of Ukraine).

❗️Earlier it was reported that our units were forced to leave Neskuchnoe and Blagodatnoye, and now also Storozhevoe, retreating to positions where they are not threatened by encirclement.

▪️Today, heavy MLRS are already hitting the enemy.

Ukrainian military propagandists describe the situation in the following way:
"The Armed Forces of Ukraine entrenched themselves south of the village of Neskuchnoye.
➨ Part of the village of Storozhevoye moved into the gray zone.
➨ Russian troops launched a series of counterattacks towards the village of Neskuchnoye and the village of Blagodatnoye."

▪️The Russian Aerospace Forces and artillery continue to strike at places of accumulation of enemy forces on the tip in the abandoned points and throughout the area.
▪️The fighting continues.

Google Translator


FRom the Telegram account of Slavyangrad:

Velyka Novoselka — situation at 0.30 12.06.23

Unfortunately, I have to admit that I was mistaken in the stability of our information front. As soon as the TsIPSA began to work smoothly and systematically, then ours fell down and began to massively throw in what the enemy needed.

So what's going on in this area right now? The enemy made an attempt to break through in the evening, striking at the junction of the positions of our marines 5A and 1 AK (OBTF "Kaskad"). It goes along the riverbed of the Mokrye Yala River, but cannot yet go to the heights. The Armed Forces of Ukraine desperately need to gain a foothold on the heights until the morning in order to continue to go to Staromlynovka - the goal of the entire strike.

Here is a local logistics hub and with a simultaneous strike from the west of Levadnoe, the entire so-called, Vremeevsky ridge.

For now, it is stopped in the area of ​​the settlement, Urozhaynoye. Fights are going on for Makarovka (by the way, it is also below, and not on the heights). If he cannot break through, then most likely, having wasted his strength, he will roll back. Being in these positions (without occupying the prevailing heights) puts him at an extremely disadvantageous position. Here we must either go forward to the end, or we will have to retreat. From here, the night will be decisive in many ways.

-Yuri Podolyaka




Gulyaipolsky district (Zaporozhye direction)
situation at the end of June 11, 2023

Despite the statements that appeared on the Web, by the evening no enemy activity was noticed near Gulyaipole . Due to the precipitation, the roads were soaked, there was no offensive from both sides.

Even before 9 am, the enemy made attempts to advance on the positions of the Russian troops, but having lost two tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles and an IMR, he was forced to retreat.

🔻Despite the fact that artillery preparation from the enemy continues, the defense in the sector from Vasilyevka to Marfopol is stable: servicemen of the 58th OA report that there are no problems with either shell hunger or reserves.


❗️ Voenkor Rostislav Marsov made a visual diagram ( of the situation at the front based on the results of some of the successes that the Armed Forces of Ukraine achieved on Sunday. The blue line is the approximate front line before the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the red one is what will become the line of contact in the coming days, and the green one is potentially the next line of defense in the event of a Russian retreat. The purple line along the red dots is the "Surovikin Line" - Russian fortifications .

“So there are many more tests waiting for the enemy and the front will not collapse so easily ,” the author assures.

The Russian officer, who is in the SMO zone, with whom PolitNavigator spoke, urges not to believe the reports of the Armed Forces of Ukraine about wedging several kilometers into the Russian defense: “In some places they took up advanced positions. And this is 500-800 meters from the first line, moreover, the entire company is at the forefront.

However, military expert Vladislav Shurygin warns that the NATO headquarters deployed near Warsaw, taking into account the failures of the first days of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, gave the order to continue to put pressure on Russian positions, regardless of losses. The pressure in the coming days will only increase due to the transfer of forces from other directions, the next week will be decisive.

“ The curators demanded from the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at any cost to achieve a turning point and break through the Russian front. The focus is on the general weakening of the Russian defensive line, the destruction of fortifications, the opening of minefields. It has been announced that the forward Russian line of defense has been weakened by more than 40% ... Ukrainians are being convinced that the Russian army will face a problem of lack of ammunition.

Military observer Ilya Kramnik notes that the success of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can be brought not by advertised NATO tanks, but by well-tested old Soviet equipment, which is available in large quantities in reserves : 72 and BMP-2. There, taking into account the mass character and the clearly better preparation of the enemy on his native technology than on NATO.”


I am not concerned about any concessions on the Vremiev Salient, and neither should you be.

This was expected. The screening line was always meant as an advance warning threshold. The Ukrainians have yet to reach the first line of defence anywhere.

Even if they do, it is appears increasingly unlikely they will ever penetrate it.

Wait for the events to unfold.





Kupyansky section (Starobelsk direction)
situation at the end of June 11, 2023

So far, all attention is focused on the events in the Zaporozhye and Yuzhnodonets directions in the north, the front is also not standing. Ukrainian formations move reinforcements into Kupyansk itself, and then reinforce forward positions.

▪️Russian units hold bridgeheads to the southwest and northeast of Dvurechnaya , but active offensive operations are not underway at this stage.

▪️Ukrainian formations made a sortie in the Liman 1st - Olshana section, trying to push through the defense of Russian units. The attack was repulsed.

🔻Probably, in the coming days, attempts to push through the defense of the RF Armed Forces will continue: too large an enemy grouping (up to six thousand people) is concentrated on this sector of the front.


The situation in Moldova for June 4-11, 2023
June 11, 2023


Last week, mass protests of farmers began in Moldova, who are on the verge of bankruptcy due to the collapse in prices for agricultural products after the government refused to limit the import of grain and oilseeds from Ukraine.

In Chisinau, there were also protests of citizens against the militarization of Moldova and because of high gas tariffs.

Meanwhile, Maia Sandu still refuses to openly acknowledge the results of the election of the head of Gagauzia, and the current head of the autonomy, Irina Vlah, is sure that the president "will not calm down until Transnistria explodes."

Internal environment and protests
Moldovan President Maia Sandu held a press conference following the European Political Community (EPC) summit, which took place on June 1.

According to Sandu, "Moldova is no longer seen as a country that allows the Kremlin to ridicule itself," and the summit showed that the choice of the authorities was supported by European countries.

However, the authorities managed to gather only 20 thousand state employees for the pro-government rally, while anti-government protests on the same day gathered three times as many participants.

Poll about the mood of the inhabitants of Moldova

Last week, the telegram channels Rybar and the Gagauz Republic conducted a survey among the inhabitants of Moldova about the real approval of the foreign policy of the government.

As expected, the vast majority do not approve of the work of the government and fear the consequences of unification with Romania.

The survey confirmed the conclusions of other studies that the fear of a possible outbreak of war on the territory of Moldova and the associated mobilization dominates over other irritants in the form of rising prices and political repression.

At the same time, almost 58% of respondents expressed their support for the Russian special operation in Ukraine.

Farmer protests

Moldovan farmers have begun mass protests: in different parts of the country, farmers line up in columns on agricultural machinery.

Farmers are on the verge of bankruptcy due to the government's refusal to limit the import of grain and oil crops from Ukraine, which led to a collapse in prices for Moldovan agricultural products. Farmers are also suffering from the general economic crisis in the country.

Farmers demand to temporarily limit imports from Ukraine (as other Eastern European countries did), compensate for losses, pay back subsidies and oblige the Danube port of Giurgiulesti to export only Moldovan agricultural products until the end of the year.

The head of the Power of Farmers association, Alexandru Slusari , warned that they were ready to block the Leushen and Sculen customs, the national roads Hincesti-Leova, Orhei-Rezina and Balti-Chisinau, as well as stage a protest in the capital. Entrepreneurs are ready to take such measures on June 19 if there is no progress in negotiations with the government.

Maia Sandu said in an interview that she " understands that the farmers have certain problems ", but her administration will not defend the interests of its producers, since "Ukraine protects Moldova from the Russian danger ".

In the same interview, Sandu controversially noted that in order to overcome the weakness in the economy, the authorities “are trying to stimulate the development of the private sector, especially small and medium-sized businesses in the villages.” However, it is the representatives of this business that are now on strike.

Prime Minister Dorin Recean argues that Moldova "essentially has nothing to ban" from Ukrainian imports, and the real problem is only in compensating Moldovan farmers. At the same time, Rechan, following the president, noted that the prohibitive measures are “unfriendliness towards the Ukrainians who protect us.”

Other protests

In Chisinau on June 7, two protest actions took place at once .

In front of the EU representation building, supporters of the Renaissance party protested against the militarization of Moldova, noting the unwillingness to repeat the fate of Ukraine, which the West began to pump up with weapons after the Maidan.

Representatives of the Shor party gathered near the building of the National Energy Regulatory Agency of Moldova (ANRE) during the approval of new gas tariffs. Citizens stood with posters "Sandu regime and PAS = theft and poverty" and "Stop stealing from us."

gas crisis

Energocom has announced that it will start buying gas from Greece, the name of the company, information about the quantity and cost were not disclosed .

Maia Sandu said that accusations by the public and the opposition of violations in gas purchases are "false".

According to the calculations of Moldovan economists, in the first half of 2023, the average price of natural gas imports was $805 per thousand cubic meters, which is 45% more expensive than the European average.

For the first time , Moldova imported liquefied gas from France - 4.9%, Nigeria - 5.5%, Latvia - 4.8% and the USA - 3.6%.

Economic crisis

On June 4, the Moldovan government extended the state of emergency for another 60 days in connection with the Russian NWO in Ukraine.

The government also proposes to amend the law, according to which the reason for the introduction of a state of emergency may be problems in the economy and energy security.

Annual inflation in Moldova in May 2023 amounted to 16.26%.

Prices for foodstuffs rose by 13.97%, for non-food products - by 8.23%, and for services - by 33.27%.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in nine years Moldova has lost 356 thousand inhabitants due to migration from the country and natural population decline.

Foreign policy and European integration
Maia Sandu denied media reports that she had decided to run for a second term.

At the same time, the president believes that until 2030, when Moldova is promised accession to the EU, “support for European integration” should remain in the country. She sees the task of the pro-Western forces as "the fight against Russian propaganda, which is trying to denigrate the values ​​of the EU."

Politician Anatolie Taranu noted that the EU is concerned about a possible change in the vector of Moldova to the Eurasian one.

Deputies from the ruling PAS party made an amendment to the already registered bill on the transfer and renaming of Victory Day. After a public outcry, the deputies refused to rename the holiday, but still intend to reschedule it to May 8.

Moldovan educational institutions organize courses on European integration. According to the new amendments to the budget for 2023, 2.5 million lei will be allocated for these purposes.

EU Ambassador to Chisinau Janis Mazejks said that Moldova will not complete the process of European integration in the next few years.

According to him, the process of negotiations with the EU will continue during the mandate of the next parliament and after the new presidential elections.

Mazeix recalled that some countries lost their desire to complete European integration, therefore, in the case of Moldova, everything will depend on the mood of the inhabitants .

The diplomat also added that the Transnistrian conflict would complicate the country's accession to the EU.

Moldovan Foreign Minister Nicolae Popescu said that the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Austria have questions about the country's accession to the EU and "Chisinau still has to work to convince them of their readiness to start negotiations in the fall."

Norway joined the EU sanctions for the "destabilization" of Moldova. The United States imposed sanctions on Russian citizens who will be accused of "attempting a coup d'état in Moldova."

Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Mikhail Galuzin said that the West is considering Moldova for the role of a second Ukraine and "the Moldovan leadership is actively playing along with this."

Maia Sandu said that Moldova and Ukraine will soon sign an agreement on the construction of a bridge across the Dniester.

Transnistria and military escalation
Maia Sandu believes that the 5+2 negotiation format on Pridnestrovie is no longer viable. Russia, according to her, must withdraw the peacekeeping mission from the republic, and then Chisinau must independently resolve the conflict between the two banks.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Russia would regard the threat to peacekeepers in Transnistria as an attack .

The Moldovan side in the Joint Control Commission for Transnistria refused to approve a temporary representative from Russia.

The Russian side believes that the Moldovan delegation deliberately disrupts the work of the JCC.

Moldovan sappers from the "Codru" battalion will train soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the "Center of Excellence" of the national army.

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana said that the level of cooperation between the alliance and Moldova has increased significantly against the background of the Russian special operation in Ukraine.

Geoana said this at a meeting in Brussels with Moldovan Foreign Minister Nicolae Popescu , who went on a tour to Belgium and Sweden in order to speed up negotiations on joining the EU.

The Parliament of Moldova denounces agreements with the CIS on strategic weapons, as well as on the consequences of emergency situations.

Gagauz autonomy
Maia Sandu again avoided recognizing the elections of the head of the Gagauz autonomy and said that they were rigged: “The fact that a criminal group manages to buy votes is not democracy, it is corruption.”

Once again, the president reproached the residents of Gagauzia for their insufficient knowledge of the Romanian language, which is why they allegedly cannot resist “Russian propaganda”.

The current head of Gagauzia, Irina Vlakh, believes that Maia Sandu "will not calm down until she blows up Transnistria."

Vlah reproaches Sanda for the usurpation of power and criticizes her desire to legislate for the president the right to introduce a state of emergency and martial law.

The ruling majority of the PAS party refused to accept amendments from parliament member Fedor Gagauz to the draft law on the Security and Information Service of Moldova (SIS) adopted in two readings.

Gagauz proposed to reflect in the law on the SIS the procedure for appointing and dismissing the head of the SIS department of the autonomy in accordance with the law on the special legal status of Gagauzia.

Thus, the parliament refused to create conditions for the implementation of the autonomous status of Gagauzia. In addition, it is believed that the new head of the autonomy, Yevgenia Hutsul, will be expelled from the government. ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator


Chronicle of the special military operation for June 11, 2023
June 12, 2023

Fierce battles have been going on for several days in the area of ​​the Vremievsky ledge : under the onslaught of the enemy, Russian units were forced to withdraw to the Makarovka - Urozhaynoye line . At the moment, clashes continue on the northern outskirts of settlements.

At the same time, the offensive capabilities of the parties are hampered by bad weather in several sectors of the front: in addition to reducing the ability to use drones and aircraft, some roads have become impassable due to prolonged rains.

In addition, six naval drones of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to attack the medium reconnaissance ship "Priazovie" in the Black Sea: all devices were destroyed from standard weapons, there were no casualties or damage.

Along with this, the enemy carried out sabotage on the railway tracks in the Belgorod region and the Crimea . Significant damage was avoided, traffic on the sites was restored.

Attack on the ship "Priazovye"
Tonight, Ukrainian formations used six surface drones to attack the medium reconnaissance ship Priazovie of the Black Sea Fleet, 300 kilometers southeast of Sevastopol. All devices were destroyed from standard weapons: there were no casualties among the crew, the ship was not damaged.

During the attack in the airspace of the Black Sea, the strategic reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle RQ-4B "Global Hawk" of the US Air Force conducted reconnaissance and target designation.

The situation at the Vremievsky site


Heavy fighting continues on the Vremievsky ledge . Russian units were forced to retreat to the Makarovka - Urozhaynoye line . Despite the advance of the Russian assault groups to the north and the temporary return of control over Neskuchny, the Russian units failed to gain a foothold. Ukrainian formations accuse the Russian side of blowing up a dam across the Wet Yaly River: most likely, the explosion was carried out to slow down the advance of the enemy.

At the moment, the RF Armed Forces have taken up defensive positions along the northern outskirts of Makarovka and Urozhaynoye , the fighting continues.

The settlements of Makarovka and Urozhaynoye are under the control of Russian units: fighting continues on the near approaches to the settlements. At the same time, Storozhevoye is controlled by Ukrainian formations: videos of the capture of Russian servicemen appeared on the Web, presumably from the formations of the 5th Army. To the east, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attempted to break through Russian positions at the Novodonetskoye - Novomayorskoye line , but were forced to retreat.

At the same time, Levadnoe and Novodarovka, at best, are located in the “grey zone”. Indirectly, this fact is evidenced by the removal of minefields 110 arr tro in the Novopol region , the laying of roads there and the establishment of supplies.

Ukrainian formations are advancing in waves. Tactics usually come down to sending assault units into the forest belt on armored vehicles: a foot offensive as part of squads and platoons with artillery support, and armored vehicles follow the infantry. In addition, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is trying to push through the defense of the RF Armed Forces with a numerical superiority in the area, regardless of losses.

The offensive potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is still far from being exhausted, and in the near future we should expect an increase in the onslaught. At the same time, due to bad weather, the situation on the Vremievsky ledge worsened : the possibilities for using drones and aviation were reduced. Russian units, leaving their positions in the destroyed frontline villages, were forced to retreat to the next line of defense.

Railway sabotage


In the Belgorod region , on the Khlevishche - Biryuch railway section, as a result of sabotage, 15 wagons of a freight train derailed. The contact network was damaged, there were no injuries among Russian Railways employees and residents. The movement of electric trains and suburban trains was temporarily stopped.

In our big debrief ten days ago, we wrote that despite the short-term damage of most railroad sabotages, they will continue to exert psychological pressure.

It is significant that the derailment of the wagons again occurred during active hostilities in several sectors of the front. This has already become a characteristic feature of sabotage activities led by British curators.


Later, in the Kirovsky district of the Crimean peninsula, the movement of trains was temporarily suspended due to damage to the railway track. According to preliminary data, an explosive device went off right in front of the freight train on the Vladislavovka - Kirovskoye section, but the driver managed to apply emergency braking.

Within two hours, traffic on the site was restored. Prior to that, a bus transfer was organized for passengers. At the same time, pro-Ukrainian channels almost immediately announced their involvement in the incident.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

[youtube] ...[/youtube]
In the Starobelsky direction , positional battles continue in the Kremensky sector , Russian fighters knock out the enemy from the fortified positions in the forest, adjusting the work of artillery with the help of UAVs.

In the Kupyansky sector, the Ukrainian command continues to transfer reinforcements and strengthen advanced positions. Russian units hold bridgeheads to the southwest and northeast of Dvurechnaya , but active offensive operations are not underway at this stage. At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine undertook a sortie on the Liman 1st - Olshana section , trying to push through the defense of Russian units. The attack was repulsed.

On the outskirts of Bakhmut, the enemy does not abandon attempts to break through the Russian defensive lines in the Kleshcheevka area , however, thanks to a well-built defense, the RF Armed Forces hold positions, destroying enemy armored vehicles.

In the Donetsk direction in the Maryinsky sector, the situation has not changed significantly: positional battles are underway on the western outskirts of the destroyed city, where Russian fighters methodically take control of enemy strongholds.

In the Avdeevka sector, the headquarters of the 53rd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was hit by fire.

Heavy battles continue in the Zaporozhye direction : the enemy rolls over and over again in small groups. And there is a reasonable opinion that Ukrainian formations are now hitting in waves - such tactics were tested during the Great Patriotic War. The purpose of this is one - by continuous attacks by groups from small to large, to break through with large forces in a number of places on the site.

In the Gulyai-Pole section, despite the assumptions that appeared on the Web, no enemy activity near Gulyai-Pole was noticed in the evening. Due to the precipitation, the roads were soaked, there was no offensive from both sides. In the morning, the Ukrainian formations made attempts to advance on the positions of the Russian troops, but having lost two tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles and an IMR, they were forced to retreat. Despite the fact that artillery preparation by the enemy continues, the defense in the sector from Vasilyevka to Marfopol is stable: the military personnel of the 58th OA report that there are no problems with either shell hunger or reserves.

At the same time, new footage of equipment destroyed by Russian troops continues to appear on the Web. Nevertheless, the enemy is ready to make further attempts to advance, regardless of losses.


A tense situation remains in the Kherson direction : Russian troops continue to conduct counter-battery combat and strengthen defenses. At the same time, information is received about the production by the enemy of 1,200 sets of Russian-style military uniforms for the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine. Taking advantage of the confusion in the region after the sinking, members of the Ukrainian formations can try to pass for the "lost" military personnel of the RF Armed Forces.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

In the Donetsk People's Republic, the enemy struck at the civilian infrastructure of the agglomeration: in Gorlovka, as a result of a direct hit by a shell, the main water conduit leading from the village of Shirokaya Balka to the Stroitel district was destroyed, which will aggravate the humanitarian situation, given the constant shortage of water. In Yelenovka , as a result of shelling, a transformer substation was damaged, the settlement was partially de-energized.

The enemy continues to shell the settlements of the Zaporozhye region : today a Russian air defense crew intercepted an air target over the port of Berdyansk .

In the Kherson region , despite the difficult situation, Ukrainian formations continue to strike on the left bank of the Dnieper. At night , New Kakhovka came under fire from the Armed Forces of Ukraine , Sofiyivka , Sagi , Bolshaya Lepetikha and Kakhovka - in total, the enemy fired at least 30 shells, causing damage to civilian infrastructure. Nevertheless, the incessant shelling does not affect the conduct of rescue and other urgent work to eliminate the consequences of flooding.

Political events
Contacts with the UAE

UAE Minister for Climate Change and Environment Mariam Almheiri visited Ukraine and met with Volodymyr Zelensky . The parties discussed humanitarian assistance to the country and the involvement of the UAE in the implementation of the peace plan.

At the same time, the guest of the Ukrainian capital announced the provision of 2.5 thousand laptops for school students in the Chernihiv region .

On the situation around the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

In the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra for the first time, a memorial service was served for Hetman Ivan Mazepa , a well-known traitor who defected to Sweden during the Great Northern War.

At the same time, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine announced the opening of the museum of the hetman-traitor Mazepa on the territory of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

On the situation with the Kakhovskaya HPP

The Government of Ukraine has allocated 2.4 billion hryvnia to restore water supply in the Kherson region.

At the same time, representatives of the British Foreign Office announced their intention to transfer 16 million pounds to the Ukrainian authorities. to the Ukrainian authorities to overcome the consequences of the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station.

In addition, the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, Serhiy Kyslitsa , announced that the Russian side did not provide access to representatives of the organization to the liberated part of the Kherson region to provide assistance to flood victims.

On the exchange of prisoners of war

The Russian Defense Ministry announced the return of 94 servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces from Ukrainian captivity. They will be taken to medical facilities for treatment and rehabilitation. The Ukrainian side was given 93 privates and sergeants, as well as two officers. According to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak, some of them surrendered in Mariupol , Bakhmut , the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant , and on Zmeiny Island . ... 2023-goda/

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:52 pm

Ukraine SitRep: Destruction Of Its Third Army - Issues To Negotiate

Another Ukrainian attack got bogged down in a minefield.



3 Finnish Leopard 2R with mine clearing equipment
1 German Bergepanzer III recovery tank (based on the Leopard 2 chassis) with mine clearing equipment
2 German Leopard 2M6
2 U.S. M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles
1 U.S. MaxxPro armored transport vehicle
1 U.S. HMMWV armored transport vehicle
1 unidentified vehicle
This follows other significant recent losses.

The total replacement cost of the above vehicles at present value is about $60-70 million.

During the spring and summer of 2022 the Russian forces destroyed the regular Ukrainian pre-war army. It was replaced with Soviet era material from east European states and Ukrainian draftees. By the beginning of this year that second army had also been destroyed.

What we currently witness is the demilitarization of Ukraine's third army.

As I detailed back in January:

The stocks of two complete armies have by now been destroyed in Ukraine. The resources for a smaller third one will be delivered in the next rounds of 'western' equipment deliveries during the next months. Russia will dully destroy Ukraine's third army just as it has destroyed the first and second one. It is doubtful that the 'West' has enough material left to provide Ukraine with a fourth one.
That then leaves only two options. Send in 'western' armies with the equipment they still have or declare victory and go home.

I do not sense any appetite in the U.S. or Europe to send their soldiers into Ukraine. It is quite obvious that their fates would be no different from the Ukrainian ones.

That leaves negotiations as the only option. There will be a lot of hesitation as the price Russia will ask for to stop the war will be high:

For starters, will Russia insist on securing the rights to all territory east of the Dnieper River and on a special status for Odessa? I think so. Odessa would no longer be ruled by Ukraine. I also would expect Russia to demand (non-negotiable) the arrest and prosecution of those responsible for the murder of 42 Russian speaking Ukrainians in 2014 who sought refuge in the Trade Unions House.
I also would expect that Russia will demand the dismantling of NATO Aegis missile systems in Poland and Romania and a ban on U.S. or NATO troops being posted in countries that share a border with Ukraine. In light of Russia’s stated goal of de-nazification I would not be surprised if Russia demands the laws of Ukraine be changed and that Nazi-affiliated parties and symbols be banned.

I believe that Russia will want all historic Russian regions, at least those which Lenin and Khrushchev for whatever reasons gave to Ukraine, back under Russian control. Russia will also demand the lifting of all sanctions against it.

The West is failing to grasp the reality that Russia believes it is winning the war in Ukraine and that it is not suffering economic or political damage at home. And, when you factor in the international arena, the war has proven to be a boon for Russia’s efforts to help create a new international financial/trade system that circumvents Washington’s control. In other words, Russia has little incentive to entertain negotiations that would require Russian concessions.
It will still need some time for the 'western' public to move from swallowing 'Ukraine is wining' propaganda towards acknowledging reality. It unfortunately will also still take more Ukrainian and Russian losses.

But I strongly believe, maybe too wishfully, that the end of the war is now coming into sight.

Posted by b on June 12, 2023 at 14:47 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more

This war ends with Russian tanks entering Odessa to cheering crowds.

Busted Big Time… U.S., NATO Ultimately Responsible for War Crime of Kakhovka Dam Destruction

June 9, 2023

The blowing up of the Kakhovka dam is intended to bolster flagging public support for NATO’s geopolitical machinations in Ukraine. The fraud of “democracies” no longer holds any water.

The blowing up of the Kakhovka dam this week is a monumental war crime tantamount to using a weapon of mass destruction against a civilian population. The ultimate perpetrators are the United States and its NATO partners in crime.

An enormous facade has been breached. And we’re not primarily talking about a hydroelectric power plant – gravely serious though that is, and more on that below. What has happened this week is a bigger, more far-reaching breach: the unerring realization that the Western powers have burst their fraudulent images and can be seen for the criminal regimes that they are, along with their media organs of mass deception.

The full impact of the flooding of the Dnieper River in the Kherson region adjacent to the Black Sea will take weeks to assess. It is a catastrophe with huge humanitarian, economic, and ecological impacts. Cities, towns, villages, and farmlands have been inundated, affecting tens of thousands of people. The collapse of the dam is already putting the drinking-water supply to the Crimean Peninsula at grave risk, thereby widening the population impact to millions of people. There is also potential danger from crippling the cooling operations at the Zoporozhye Nuclear Power Plant located upstream from the dam.

Indisputably, by far, the biggest deleterious impact of the dam’s collapse is being felt in Russian-controlled regions of Kherson on the left bank of the Dnieper. Even the United States government-owned Radio Free Europe acknowledges that the destruction of Russian infrastructure is 10-fold that of the Kiev regime.

Yet, in an incredible display of servile propaganda, the Western media immediately sought to blame Russia for sabotaging the Kakhovka dam. This is in spite of overwhelming evidence that the destruction was carried out by the NATO-backed Kiev regime. So preposterous were the claims of Russian malfeasance that the Western governments have tended to backpedal on their initial accusations against Moscow, subsequently feigning doubts about who the perpetrators were.

Last October, Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, had explicitly warned that the Kiev regime forces were attempting to blow up the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant. Using American and NATO-supplied missiles, the Ukrainian military has been shelling the dam over the past year. In December, the Washington Post even reported Ukrainian Major General Andriy Kovalchuk saying how his forces were testing a tactic to blow up the dam’s floodgates using U.S.-made HIMARS rockets.

Thus, the sabotage was in the works and there is no way that the United States and its NATO partners did not know about it. Indeed, furthermore, given that the U.S. and NATO are directing all Ukrainian military operations against Russia, the obvious conclusion is that the Western sponsors of the regime gave their authorization for the dam’s destruction.

The timing of the disaster is another key factor. This week saw the launch of the much-anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive. Russian forces appear to have repelled assaults further north from the Kherson region near frontlines in Zaporozhye and Donetsk areas. The counteroffensive has involved the deployment of NATO-issued tanks and recently supplied munitions. It seems plausible that the dam-busting strikes and consequent mass-flooding are aimed at distracting Russian forces and freeing up Ukrainian military units from the Dnieper right bank, which has become inaccessible by crossing, and therefore more easily defended from the Kiev regime’s point of view.

Another important timing factor is “Ukraine fatigue”, as noted by respected independent American analyst Scott Ritter. The Western public has become increasingly critical of NATO’s dangerous proxy war against Russia. The reckless financing of this conflict with hundreds of billions of dollars and euros – while Western economies are racked by austerity and recession – is causing growing opposition among the public toward their governments’ callous and cynical policy of “defending Ukraine to the last Ukrainian”. There is also a rising awareness that the Kiev regime is a corrupt Nazi-affiliated entity far from deserving of any support. Western media cannot even hide the fact that this regime’s armed forces are Nazi-emblem-toting fanatics. And Western governments are seen to be abhorrently sponsoring Ukrainian fascists in an unspoken proxy war to subjugate Russia. The historical significance of this revelation is profound and undermines the very foundations of presumed Western authority.

The blowing up of the dam accompanied by kabuki-style knee-jerk Western headlines accusing Russia of “eco-terrorism” and all sorts of other sensational smears is intended to bolster flagging public support for NATO’s geopolitical machinations in Ukraine.

In short, the sabotage is a false-flag provocation; a mass-casualty event orchestrated to shock public opinion against Russia as a “barbarous villain”.

In reality, however, the use of false-flag operations and mass-casualty events is a well-honed dirty-trick specialty of Washington going back to Operation Northwoods in the 1960s and before that.

The latest Western crime by stealth will rebound and concatenate with all past crimes in a way that reinforces culpability and public awareness.

In addition to the trusted criminological methods of questioning who gains and who loses, as well as the substantial record of misconduct and strategic motive, there is also the irrefutable forensic evidence of the NATO-backed regime firing missiles continuously at the Kakhovka dam for months. Video evidence shows the artillery fire coming from the right bank of the Dnieper River under the control of the Kiev regime.

It, therefore, stretches credulity to the point of absurdity that the Kiev regime and its Western sponsors through their mass media attempted to lay the blame on Russia.

The exact same oxymoronic logic was invoked following the blowing up of the Russian-owned Nord Stream gas pipelines under the Baltic Sea in September and the drone attacks on the Kremlin last month. Western media promptly tried to saturate public perception that Russia was somehow culpable in a fiendish ploy.

Similarly, for months the Kiev regime has been shelling the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant – the largest civilian nuclear station in continental Europe. All the ballistic evidence clearly shows who is trying to instigate a radiation catastrophe that would engulf all of Europe, if not the entire globe. The Kiev regime is trying its best to breach Russian air defenses at the ZNPP using U.S., British, and NATO-supplied missiles and targeting intelligence. Russia has repeatedly warned about this potential disaster at the United Nations in the exact same way it highlighted the danger regarding the sabotage of the Kakhovka dam. (The UN’s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, is an abject tool under Western control as seen from its reluctance to attribute blame for the shelling of the ZNPP in spite of the glaring evidence. The Western media, too, promote the ridiculous notion that Russia is firing on its own military defenses at the plant!)

Russia has opened a criminal investigation into the Kakhovka dam sabotage, while the Kiev regime has quickly rejected calls for an international investigation.

As with the Nord Stream blasts, the Western governments will no doubt also contrive a cover-up to hide the real perpetrator. Western media have steadfastly refused to report credible claims by Seymour Hersh that the U.S. carried out the Nord Stream blasts under the orders of President Joe Biden. And several European states have suppressed the findings of their preliminary investigations, citing “national security interests”, that is, fear of U.S. retribution.

A touchstone matter concerning Western conduct is the total mismatch between its keenness for making wild accusations and its evident unwillingness to permit an independent investigation. That’s a general rule.

The Nazi Kiev regime knows no bounds in its depraved war crimes. The Bucha massacre last April in which civilians were executed by CIA-trained Azov Battalion death squads while Western media blamed Russia is out of the same vile playbook that the Kakhovka dam destruction was ordered, as well as the sabotage of the Nord Stream and the Crimea Bridge explosion. The Kiev regime is using a scorched-earth policy befitting a terrorist organization. No surprise there.

But ultimately the authors of this state terrorism are in Washington, London, and other NATO capitals arming the regime to the teeth with ever-more lethal firepower, financing its miserable existence, and providing obscene political support for its Nazi conduct. Ultimately, fascist foot soldiers reflect fascist leaders. The former may don military fatigues and sweaty T-shirts, the latter expensive cotton suits and ties. Nevertheless, they are all of the same sordid cloth.

The destruction wrought is utterly deplorable. However, one positive constructive thing is that there is now a growing public understanding around the world about the real, grotesque nature of Western regimes masquerading as “law-abiding democracies”.

Self-ordained Western “democracies” and self-deluded champions of “rules-based order” have in reality long been practiced in genocide, colonization, and imperialist aggression, supporting fascist dictatorships and terrorist entities the world over for their naked elite interests. The fraud of “democracies” no longer holds any water. ... struction/

NATO Escalates, Putin De-Escalates the War Stakes. The Only Game West Has Left Is Russian Roulette

Martin Jay

June 7, 2023

NATO, which uses the word ‘de-escalation’ in such an abusive way it is almost comical, is forced to raise the stakes in Ukraine.

The law of unintended consequences can be marked by a week of media gaffes where so-called leading figures on the Ukraine war put their foot in their mouths and reveal not only how deluded and misinformed they are about the crisis but just how bad it is for the west.

The only game in town is escalation. When western elites started out, they were so afraid of sending longer-range missiles or tanks as this was considered a provocation to Putin which could have dire consequences. But today, we have surpassed all of these different stages — like a gambler at the blackjack table who’s only rationale to recoup his losses is to take bigger chances with higher stakes — and still, after over 120 billion dollars of U.S. taxpayers’ money not shifted the war one centimetre to Ukraine’s benefit. And so now all is left is to manipulate Putin’s resolve to refuse to be drawn into escalation, by actually taking the war to the next level. Escalation. NATO, which uses the word ‘de-escalation’ in such an abusive way it is almost comical, is forced to raise the stakes in Ukraine. And their gamble is simple. We raise the stakes banking on Putin not responding with nukes. And, therefore, make gains which are basically artificial and couldn’t be ‘won’ any other way that these dirty tricks.

But have western elites really calculated correctly? This is the same NATO and EU/U.S. governments which have made error after error, even from day one, about Russia’s resolve? Miscalculation is really all the West has done with any consistency and so it is hard to take it seriously; they have figured that provoking Putin even more and expecting him to remain cool and not rise to the bait is the only winning formula after being in a war for 15 months which has exhausted all of the military stockpiles of the West and backfired so spectacularly with its wrong decisions — like sanctions against Russia which literally takes the food out of the mouths of Europeans and rips them off at the gas pumps — that it is laughable.

It’s largely about only listening to your own propaganda and believing your own sexed-up reports. How else to explain Ben Wallace’s somewhat idiotic quote in a British newspaper which surmised that the Ukraine was running out of weapons… but that its army would take Crimea before the end of the year? Was he just following a theme by others in a week which started with Lindsey Graham’s vile comment about killing Russians, which was strangely not followed up by a reference — even a reference — to the thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians in their graves, all for the U.S. to kid itself it’s still a super power and to cover up Joe Biden’s family’s dirty deals in Ukraine? Dead Ukrainians to buffoons like Graham don’t even factor. They’re not even worth their weight in dirty salt. Nothing.

The West has done nothing but miscalculate. And miscalculate. It’s all it has done in fact. And now we are witnessing the same with the last signal from UK defence minister James Cleverly who presumably is giving us a glimpse of the future strategy with his comment about Kiev hitting legitimate targets inside Russia itself. It’s not very complicated. The West is goading him on to do it with their missiles hoping that Putin will not retaliate and hit targets in Poland or even Germany. NATO’s response, by the time Ben Wallace is NATO chief, will be absurdly despondent asking the world to pretend to be stupid and continue to accept the premise that “hey, it’s not us. We’re not at war with Russia”. And if Russia rises to the bait, Wallace will be ready to pounce and feed the call centre journalists in Brussels with the “oh look what Russia has just done. Look at this unprovoked act of aggression”. The gag is almost as funny as the U.S. commander in Apocalypse Now who calls Vietnamese peasants “fucking savages” for having the audacity to throw a hand grenade into a U.S. chopper on the ground while his whole family is being cut to pieces by American soldiers spraying their 50 cals from above.

Except it’s not a joke. How long can this charade go on for? The timeline is as important as military hardware or even troops which are both very short in Ukraine, a point that Zelensky has admitted. The only hope we have for a nuclear war to not break out as once again the West rolls the dice is that Putin has the patience for Biden to lose the U.S. elections which is likely given his state of dementia and the lack of patience in America from blue collar workers who are incredulous to the maths of giving 130 billion dollars to Ukraine while most Americans don’t even have healthcare, let alone jobs or food on the table. And then there is the so-called spring offensive which has been moved to the summer offensive. If this shifts one more time to the autumn offensive, the lack of credibility in the project will suffer.

Remember, everything NATO and western elites do in Ukraine is a game, an experiment, untested ideas and strategies. It’s all a crap shoot and the only winners are the cabal of Zelensky who keep sending the millions to their offshore accounts in BVI while Europeans sink deeper and deeper into debt and harsher living conditions. Of course, America is the overall winner with now EU countries literally being sodomized from American companies cleaning up with new gas deals, EU companies creating jobs in the U.S. after relocating and military deals which break records. Biden’s error is not falling over sandbags or even failing to remember one country he has visited in recent weeks, when asked by a child. His mistake is not ensuring that such profits from the Ukraine war are passed on to voters. Everybody in his circle has a birthday every day of the year, even his degenerate son who was being paid 250,000 USD a month by Ukrainian oligarchs just to email senators on their behalf as early as 2013. Ukraine war ends with Biden leaving office. All Trump or any Republican candidate needs to do to win in 2024 is say “Hey, I will spend 130 billion dollars in my first term on poverty in the U.S.” and end the war in Ukraine immediately to secure a landslide. ... -roulette/

To suggest that the Republican party might spend 130B to end poverty or end the Ukraine war displays a near total understanding of how power works in the USA. That' party's questioning of the current regime's Ukraine policy is totally political and has no real bearing on policy.Old enough to remember how Nixon promised peace but when elected massively increased bombing and expanded the war into neighboring countries? Which is not to say that such duplicity is an exclusively Republican trait, far from it, the Dems win the Liar's playoff hands down having parlayed a desperate and uncharacteristic burst of decency in 1938 into a legend of being the party of working people.



By losing, Ukraine ensured the U.S. empire’s demise

JUNE 11, 2023

If Washington, NATO, and Zelensky had refused to play against Russia, history would have gone quite differently from how it’s gone since the war started. If they hadn’t entered into a war where they were compelled to adopt an impractical way of operating, where they waste their resources on costly military equipment that Russia consistently destroys, they would have defeated Russia in half a year. They could have learned from their initial mistakes, and quit earlier so they could salvage the situation. Or simply not have started the war. Not that it matters anymore, because Ukraine has been successfully demilitarized while the NATO powers themselves increasingly struggle to keep up with Kiev’s needs. And more importantly, Russia has already won the economic war.

The strategists on the NATO side willingly handicapped themselves in the war because the longer the conflict went on, the more hope they thought they’d have of winning where it truly matters, which is in the economic realm. Yet because this plan has been shown to be naive, as Russia continues to handle the war’s economic consequences vastly better than the U.S. or the EU countries, in retrospect it’s clear that their better option was to not have created the conditions for the war to have started in the first place.

The longer the imperialists have prolonged this war, the costlier it’s gotten for them. The more the imperialist countries have experienced an acceleration in their social decline, the more the peripheral countries have united against Washington’s destructive schemes, and the more the empire’s propagandists have been forced to do damage control over the Nazis Biden is aiding. It’s the same story that past declining empires have experienced, where they’ve done drastic things to try to regain their shrinking influence and then unintentionally sped up this process.

We’re at a point where whenever Washington's narrative managers say Russia has supposedly blown up another piece of infrastructure that’s critical to Russia’s own interests, nobody outside the aggressively pro-NATO circles truly believes this. Everyone has seen how Seymour Hersh revealed the U.S. blew up Nord Stream. And then how the media had to implicitly admit Hersh had credibility by reporting that U.S. officials knew of the industrial sabotage plot months plot in advance. So the decline in public support for Ukraine aid that we’ve been seeing since last fall is going to continue. There’s no false flag atrocity story the narrative managers can put forth that will undo this shift in mass consciousness. In growing proportions, the people in the imperial center are recognizing that their material interests are opposed to those of the war machine. Which they’ve long somewhat known, but only now are prompted to fully see, because this is the war that’s destroying their lives with inflation.

As Pepe Escobar reports, to try to maintain the dollar hegemony which they depend on to keep the imperial project stable, the neocons are next going to effectively declare war on Brazil, India, Turkey, Indonesia, South Africa, and the other “swing state” countries in the new cold war:

U.S. Think Tank Land – inebriated by their self-created aura of power – always telegraphs in advance what they’re up to…that’s the case with the incoming American War on BRICS as outlined by the chairman of the New York-based Eurasia Group…The message is unmistakable: “The threat of a Sino-Russian co-optation of an expanded BRICS—and through it, of the global south—is real, and it needs to be addressed.” And here are the recipes to address it. Invite most swing states to the G-7 (that was a miserable failure). “More high-level visits by key U.S. diplomats” (welcome to cookie distributor Vicky Nuland). And last but not least, Mafia tactics, as in a “nimbler trade strategy that begins to crack the nut of access to the U.S. market.” The swing state manifesto could not but let the Top Cat out of the bag, predicting, rather praying that “U.S.-China tensions rise dramatically and turn into a Cold War-style confrontation.” That’s already happening – unleashed by the Hegemon. So what would be the follow-up? The much sought after and spun-to-death “decoupling”, forcing the swing states to “align more closely with one side or the other”. It’s “you’re with us or against us” all over again.

This means the next step in Washington’s process of self-undermining reaction to its own decline is to stop trying to co-exist with Latin America. Which is something it’s had to do in order to remain at least somewhat economically stable at the same time that has the costly Russia sanctions in place. When the Ukraine proxy war’s disastrous consequences for the empire become fully apparent, which Escobar says will likely happen in mid-summer, so will the disastrous consequences of our government’s recent austerity policies. The Federal Reserve’s scheme to give employers more leverage by driving down living standards, and the latest social safety net cuts from the recent debt ceiling debate outcome, will both bring a new economic shock to U.S. workers and let them see what a scam the war was. They’ll fully learn a truth that many of them are already in the process of learning: that to believe the narratives the Democratic Party tells about global affairs is to be fooled into betraying one’s own interests as a worker.

With the knowledge from this lesson increasingly part of our mass consciousness, the people are initially reacting by becoming open to the arguments of the anti-NATO movement. The task of Marxists at this stage is to warn the people that if they encounter an org which claims to represent this movement, yet takes the “neither NATO nor Russia stance,” they should avoid that org. An org like that is a Democrat front group pretending to be communist. Then they should seek out one which narratively backs Russia’s efforts at fighting Banderite fascism and U.S. hegemony. Or, if such an org isn’t in their area, start their own political project that’s based in this principled anti-imperialist stance. Then work to link this project up with the other groups that are serious about defying NATO. We need to build an anti-imperialist coalition, one that’s not insular but capable of reaching those outside of the “left” spaces.

By creating a synthesis between the domestic battles of the imperial center’s communist movement—most prominently the labor struggle and the struggle for liberating the internal colonies—and the international struggle, we in the beast’s heart can fulfill our own responsibility in this fight. That being to defeat the empire from within, freeing both us and the neo-colonies which Washington can maintain control over even amid its decline. We can’t succeed if the struggle of BRICs and the other global anti-hegemonic forces isn’t successful, yet they also can’t fully succeed if we don’t work to render our government’s warmaking operations untenable. We can do this by combating the empire’s psyops. ... es-demise/


The offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine through the eyes of Western media
June 12, 11:31


The offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine through the eyes of Western media

Wall Street Journal: “According to the 28-year-old soldier, as soon as the regiment crossed the road beyond Malaya Tokmachka, the Russians began firing at them with Grads. "The fields were mined. Russian helicopters and jet fighters were buzzing overhead," the fighter said.

According to the soldier, one of the Leopards was hit and put out of action. "They were just waiting for us ... positions were prepared everywhere. It was a steel wall. It was terrible," the military says.

"The plan was to move south towards the Russian-occupied city of Tokmok... The other two units would also be advancing towards Tokmok from different directions," said one of the soldiers.

A fighter with the call sign "Finn", who is fighting at Velyka Novoselka, says,

"They were made for urban combat and the desert. In our reality, they can pass, but this is a struggle," he said. ... 23_900.jpg
AFP: A mechanized unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that took part in the recent attacks near Orekhov, Zaporozhye region, lost six of its nine American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles.

Only one BMP was able to avoid any damage. Probably two more were damaged, but could be repaired and returned to service.

Answering an AFP question about the results of the offensive on this sector of the front, one of the Ukrainian servicemen pointed “zero” instead of answering with his fingers.

WSJ: "There were more of them than we expected," said a 35-year-old platoon leader in Ukraine's 21st Mechanized Brigade, who took part in the assault near Orekhov in southern Zaporozhye Oblast.

Successes near Orekhov "turned out to be less than expected." The first Ukrainian attacks failed when an armored column ran into a minefield and was hit by return fire.

Kyiv's task is "to confuse the Russians about where the main attack will take place," said Ben Hodges, a former commander of NATO forces in Europe. In his opinion, such a blow has not yet been dealt.

"When the main thrust of the Ukrainian offensive comes, it will probably involve formations with several hundred tanks and infantry fighting vehicles," the article says.

Google Translator


From Cassad's telegram account:

Briefing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation as of June 12, 2023

Tonight, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a strike with sea-based long-range precision weapons at the places of deployment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reserves. Assigned objects are hit. The target has been reached.

Over the past day, the armed forces of Ukraine have continued to attempt offensive operations in the South-Donetsk direction .

In the area of ​​the Vremevsky ledge, decisive actions of the defending units, artillery fire and heavy flamethrower systems of the Vostok group of forces repelled three attacks the enemy from the direction of Velyka Novoselka of the Donetsk People's Republic and in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Levadne, Zaporozhye region. A sabotage and reconnaissance group of nationalists was destroyed

in the Kupyansk direction . Enemy losses per day amounted to over 35 Ukrainian servicemen;

In the Krasnolimansky direction, the activities of the Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group were stopped. More than 55 Ukrainian servicemen were killed during the day. In the DPR, an ammunition depot of a nationalist brigade was destroyed; Up to 15 Ukrainian servicemen were killed

in the Kherson direction ;

96 artillery units were defeated in firing positions, manpower and military equipment in 102 districts;

In the Dnepropetrovsk region, the radar station of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed;

An ammunition depot of a brigade of Ukrainian militants was destroyed in the Kharkiv region;

In the DPR, the command and observation post of the battalion of the nationalist brigade was hit;

Air defense systems intercepted the Ukrainian tactical missile "Tochka-U", destroyed eight Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles.




❗️Vremyevskiy ledge
situation as of 15.00 June 12, 2023

Fierce fighting continues on the Vremyevskiy ledge: due to the surrender of part of the positions of the 37th brigade of the unit and part of the 5th army, they continue to push.

▪️As a result of night battles, Russian troops were forced to retreat from Makarovka . But according to the Archangel of the Special Forces , clashes in the village have resumed at the moment, Russian soldiers are cleaning up the village.

▪️Russian troops firmly hold on to positions in Urozhainoe : despite the statements of the enemy, the village is under the confident control of the RF Armed Forces.

▪️Levadne and Novodarovka are still in the gray zone, with Ukrainian formations making holes in the minefields and preparing for further advance. The units are being attacked by Russian troops.

🔻Bad weather and the consequences of the destruction of the dam on the Wet Yaly River complicate the use of heavy equipment. Situational problems with the use of drones, army and tactical aviation. But the Ukrainian formations cannot completely cut off the Vremievsky ledge: Russian units retreat, inflict fire damage on their own positions, where the enemy enters, and then counterattack.

Meanwhile, reinforcements are being transferred from other regions of Ukraine to the Zaporozhye and Soledar directions.


forwarded from
Unofficial Bezsonov
New information is coming from the territories controlled by Ukraine.

In Zaporozhye, over the past 4 days, almost all medical institutions of the city were filled with Ukrainian soldiers. About 1,500 wounded soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were delivered to the 5th hospital alone. At the same time, the active movement of tow trucks in the amount of 200-300 units is recorded in the city. These are just some of the facts of the consequences of the offensive actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on this sector of the front.

There is also information about the activation of the work of the SBU in Konstantinovka and Kramatorsk. The task is to carry out a demonstrative purge on the “Day of Russia” and to detain all persons involved in the Donbas independence referendum held on May 11, 2014.


Ukrainian journalists are urging Russians to prevent damaged Western equipment from falling into the hands of the Russians. 😱

— A real situation has arisen when the enemy (Russia) can seize valuable damaged equipment and demonstrate it in Russia in a non-working condition.
“We all understand that the capture of a tank worth 10 million euros, which was in service with the Bundeswehr, is a bad effect for Ukraine and its image. For the important technological solutions that Russia will gain access to - Russia will use it to the maximum in propaganda.
“I hope that there will be a rapid reaction force that will destroy Western equipment knocked out on the territory of Ukraine in order to prevent its capture in a non-working condition.

Google Translator


From the Telegram account of Slavyangard:

GB: The maps below show the extent of the Vremev Salient—a spit of land about 10-13km in length. This is sufficient indication of its significance.

The fact that the Ukrainians made any gains here, in the screening band of the Russian defensive lines, well before the first actual defensive barrier, only after two weeks of fierce fighting is sufficient indication of the counteroink’s failure to date.

Analysis by Ross Marsov follows: “Military analysts” are already beginning to brazenly speculate about the Vremev Salient, nearly claiming that it begins with the Staromlynovka of Crimea [GB: sarcasm].

The Salient got this name because of settlement of Vremevka, which is adjacent to the Velika Novoselka. While we were holding Neskuchnoe and Blagodatnoe, the extremely inconvenient path through the village of Storizhevoye could supply our army with arms and bring reserves. After we lost Neskuchnoye and Blagodatnoye, Storozhevoye and Makarovka began to fall, because it would be suicide to stay in them.

Initially, this Salient was held together with snot. The supply line ran through the open countryside along the river. The main threat was that the flanks at Ravnopol and Novodonetsk could collapse, and then the AFU would encircle our army, cutting the road near Satromayorsky and Urozhaynoye. It would have been enough to cut ONE road and it would have been impossible to break out of the encirclement.

In general, the terrain there is very difficult, there are no spare roads for supplies, the settlements are separated by a river, the road is terrible and the terrain is open, there are fields and plain all around.

Rainfall is reported in that area. I fought in such conditions there, I can say with certainty that the roads are washed away. Not only the enemy supply is complicated, but also the provision of supplies and reserves to our troops. Our troops have to travel a long way from the main logistics routes to reach the combat positions.

In case of a breakthrough, our defenses were planned further - near Staromlinovka, where on the right and left flanks there are roads that can be used to supply positions near Volodino and Kermenchik. This is the first line, but there is also a second one behind it.

The fact that the grouping in Neskuchnoe has not been encircled, although there was a serious chance, and that our troops have not been pushed back to Staromlynovka yet, indicates that the defense as a whole is being successfully conducted, and the images of the burned equipment confirm this.

At the same time, the Vremev Salient is no longer there. We will not approach Vremevka again any time soon, there is still a lot of fighting ahead and the AFU has NOT run out of offensive reserves.



GB: Whether or not Makarovka has been retaken (it will be), the following is accurate analysis from Strelkov, which parallels the comments on Russian tactics I made last week:

Strelkov: The counterattack by the 127th Division of our troops at the Vremev Salient, supported by artillery and aviation, has been reported.

According to the reports, our troops knocked the enemy out of the Makarovo settlement and continue to push them northward, inflicting strikes by aircraft and artillery.

If this is true, then it is a confirmation of a tactic that has been successfully used many times before (during this enemy offensive)—our units do not "stand their ground [to the death]" under the enemy's artillery and armor strikes and pull back to the rear, giving them the opportunity to "get out from under the umbrella of the air defense and air defense.”

The enemy is then subjected to air strikes, and UAVs correct artillery fire on the strike groups. Then—when the enemy has been sufficiently battered—follows a counterattack by Russian tanks with dense air support to prevent the AFU from pulling their SAMs into the area and securing themselves on the ground. This leads to the defeat of the enemy assault units and their retreat.

The tactic is old and practiced back in World War II - "flexible defence" [GB: Russian strategists are the pioneers in the theory and practice of “mobile defence”] and it seems to be working successfully.

We can also assume that our commanders are not trying to hold or regain all the territory they have left, preferring to wear down the enemy on the battlefield between their original positions and our main defensive lines (which the enemy is still far away from).

And, yes, this is exactly the same tactic that our enemy periodically used earlier during the defense of Bakhmut. Now he has to experience all the delights of an offensive on pre-prepared positions with complete lack of surprise.

However, I repeat - the battle has not yet reached its apogee and the enemy still has strong reserves (5-6 brigades), which he can throw into battle in any direction.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 13, 2023 11:52 am

Winners of this war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/13/2023


As in all other wars, the war industry is being one of the great beneficiaries of the conflict in Ukraine. Coinciding with the first anniversary of the start of the Russo-Ukrainian war, several media reflected this benefit, recalling the increase that the large arms-producing companies have achieved in the value of their shares. Lockheed Martin, one of the main US arms companies, producer, for example, of the praised HIMARS, increased its stock market value by 23.3%, with which the value of the company rose by 24,000 million dollars. 23.3% was also the increase in the stock market value of the shares of Northrop Grumman, another of the large American conglomerates that, in that first year, obtained contracts worth 522.3 million dollars to produce, among other products, 155mm shells for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And the increase of more than 151% in the case of the shares of the German Rheinmetall, manufacturer of the already famous Leopard tanks, which has seen its orders double in 2022, is especially striking, with a forecast increase of 40% for 2023.

In all cases, although especially in the latter, the development of the war will mark the trend in the short and medium term, mainly due to the different strategies that adaptation to different scenarios will imply for Western countries, not only in relation to Russia. -Ukraine, but also with its aspirations to put pressure on China both on the Taiwan question, and in general on the entire North China Sea region or what the West has come to call the Indo-Pacific region. For the moment, the future Chinese threat is becoming the driving force for long-term planning, while the current war in Europe is for the short and medium term.

"I don't think we're there," said Lucie Beraud-Sudreau, director of the military spending and arms production program at SIPRI, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, when asked by the press about the possibility of creating a a tax on the profits of the big arms producers following the example of the oil and gas companies, which have also profited from the indirect effects of the war such as the increase in prices. In the case of certain sectors, the objectives of Western governments are not tax collection, but production.

Ever since it became clear that, after the failure of the Istanbul summit, Russia and Ukraine were headed for a long war, the question of supplying the necessary ammunition to continue fighting has been one of the recurring themes on both sides of the front. Recently, the public complaint and demand by Evgeny Prigozhin, Wagner's visible head, that his soldiers receive the necessary ammunition to continue fighting with guarantees have shown the logistical deficiencies of the Russian side. The lack of weapons and ammunition has been one of the recurring themes in Ukrainian propaganda, which has repeatedly accused Russia of sending hordes of men without the necessary weapons and equipment that the Armed Forces of Ukraine proceeded to liquidate .. Hence Ukraine, which regards casualty data as confidential information and on which it is immoral to speculate, constantly insists on huge Russian casualties.

That speech justifies the Russian casualty data provided daily by the Ukrainian command. On June 3, The Kyiv Independent mentioned 209,470 Russian soldiers killed in the war, 560 of them in the last day. Under the figure, the infographic of the medium added a small "approximately, to be confirmed", a note that should make it clear that the data is nothing more than a propaganda argument. In its latest count, Mediazona claims to have confirmed the death of 24,470 Russian soldiers, a figure that is undoubtedly high, but also far from the claims of Ukraine and the United States, which multiply that figure by five.

The logistical problems that Russia has suffered in this war are not a secret but something that has been openly and publicly discussed in the Russian press. Prigozhin's complaints, justified or not, since in his speech there is a good part of a sample of a power struggle that goes beyond the number of projectiles that his troops receive, have only occurred at the moment in which the demands They have manifested themselves as direct criticism of the Ministry of Defense. However, the course of the war, Russia's ability to defend the front once breached last fall, and the continuation of high-intensity warfare in battles like Artyomovsk for months on end refute the Ukrainian and Western argument of lack of materiel.

In the Ukrainian case, it has been possible to verify a lack of material, especially ammunition, on several occasions, not only in the statements of Ukrainian officers demanding projectiles from their partners. In this land and fundamentally artillery war, the lack of sufficient 155-mm projectiles has been confirmed, for example, at a time when Ukraine has stopped bombarding certain areas. Thus, given the need to prioritize the supply of ammunition to hot areasof the front -Ugledar, Artyomovsk, Zaporozhye, Kupyansk, Svatovo-, the shelling of exclusively civilian areas that Ukraine carries out solely with the aim of intimidating and punishing the population only stopped at a time when Kiev pleaded with its partners for the rapid delivery of 155-millimeter shells. Another sign of shortages is the Pentagon's repeated demand on the Ukrainian Armed Forces to use artillery more effectively to save ammunition.

The intensity of the Russo-Ukrainian war is not comparable to any of the conflicts in which NATO has participated in recent decades, something that is having logistical consequences both for the sides that participate directly and for those who do so indirectly with the production and supply of material. The huge profits that death and destruction in faraway lands are bringing to big arms companies are not solely due to production directly related to the current war or anticipation of future conflicts with China. One of the great concerns of the European Union and the United States, which openly prioritize the war in Ukraine over other budget items, has been the speed with which Ukraine spends the resources it has sent. The 200. 000 projectiles used weekly in the war at times of high intensity have as a consequence, not only that the European industry is not able to cover the demand or that the United States has to reinforce the production chains, but also the danger of emptying the reserves of the own countries supplying arms and ammunition. Hence, the United States has awarded new and lucrative contracts for the acquisition of material and that European countries begin to do the same. Critical voices with the demand Hence, the United States has awarded new and lucrative contracts for the acquisition of material and that European countries begin to do the same. Trump's decision to spend 2% of GDP on defense spending has disappeared and in several countries such as France or the United Kingdom the increase in production of the European military industry is beginning to be visible.

However, and despite the enormous benefits, the big producers are asking for more, as are the authorities of the European Union, who seem to blame the different member countries for the slow pace at which the remilitarization of the continent is taking place. Aware that the war in Ukraine will be long and that Kiev, which currently lacks Russia's production capacity, will continue to need weapons and ammunition, calls to sign contracts with arms-producing companies have recently increased. A few days ago, it was Jens Stoltenberg who demanded from the NATO member countries more long-term contracts with arms companies in order to encourage the growth of production.

Referring to European Commissioner Thierry Breton and his increasing use of the term "war economy," Deutsche Welle wrote last week that "the commissioner has just toured more than a dozen weapons manufacturing facilities around the bloc, where would have heard complaints about the lack of signing of long-term contracts. Despite multiple decisions by the European Union to increase funding and lower barriers to joint production, the effort is moving, in his opinion, "too slowly." The war is becoming, not only one of the motors of the European Union, but practically its reason for being.

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Background and elements of the war in Ukraine
Originally published: Schweizer Standpunkt on May 30, 2023 by Swiss Standpoint (more by Schweizer Standpunkt) (Posted Jun 12, 2023)

On the occasion of a trip to Strasbourg, Luxembourg and Brussels, two members of the editorial board of “Swiss Standpoint” had the following conversation with the Swiss military analyst Jacques Baud. He talks about the causes of the war, the current situation of Ukrainian and Russian troops and the influence of the USA on events in the region. In a second part, questions of international trade relations and Switzerland’s loss of trust and credibility abroad are also discussed.

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Jacques Baud (Photo ma)

Swiss Standpoint: Mr Baud, how do you assess the current situation? Why are there no negotiations?

Jacques Baud: We are in a strange phase. In the West, people think that Ukraine is winning and that is why there is no reason to negotiate.

Recently, François Hollande, the former French president, was lured into a phone trap by Russian pranksters posing as Petro Poroshenko.1 He confessed once more that the Minsk Agreements were nothing more than an opportunity for Ukraine to prepare its armed forces, and he declared that “as long as Ukraine wins, there is no reason to negotiate”. That is the general belief.

In the West, the disinformation is so strong that people don’t even realise that Ukraine cannot win. So why should we negotiate if the Russians are in trouble, not the Ukrainians? On the Russian side, the deliberate refusal of Western countries to implement the Minsk agreements has caused the loss of all confidence in our sincerity.

Minsk Agreements

SS: What happened to the Minsk agreements?

JB: Last year and early 2023, Petro Poroshenko,2 Angela Merkel,3 François Hollande,4 and then Zelensky himself,5 have all declared that they never intended to implement the Minsk Agreements. What does this mean for the Russians? After a first defeat on the ground, the self-proclaimed Donbass republics signed an agreement with Kiev in September 2014 (Minsk 1). Kiev did not comply with the agreement. Just after a second defeat in Debaltsevo a second agreement (Minsk 2) was signed in February 2015. Germany and France were the guarantors of the implementation of the agreement for Ukraine, Russia was the guarantor for the republics of the Donbass. Further, since the Minsk 2 agreement had become the Security Council Resolution 2202 (2015) the other members of the UN Security Council (the U.S., UK and China) were also responsible for its implementation. Since then, however, more than 10,000 Russian-speaking civilians have died in the Donbass.

The Russians have made every effort to have these agreements implemented, as they were meant to protect the Russian-speaking population. However, no Western country has even tried to make Ukraine enforcing them. Today, the Russians say the West is not able to honour its own signature, how can they trust us?

SS: What is the fighting situation in Ukraine? What are Russia’s goals?

JB: The common belief in the West is that the conflict has run into a stalemate, for example in Bachmut. This comes from the narrative saying that Russia wants to seize and occupy Ukraine. But this is wrong. The goal clearly stated by the Russians is to eliminate the military threat to the population of the Donbass. They achieved this goal a first time by destroying the material capacities of Ukrainian forces in May/June 2022. Since then, Ukraine has been almost exclusively dependent on the West for its armament. Because of this constant flow of equipment, the Russians have understood that this is not enough and that they have to destroy their human potential. This is exactly what is happening now.

On 18 October 2022, the newly promoted Commander of the Joint Group of Forces in Ukraine, Sergey Surovikin said it clearly: “We have a different strategy. […] We do not aim at high rates of advance, we take care of every soldier and methodically ‘grind’ the advancing enemy.”6 He uses the term “meat grinder”. This brings us back to the concepts of “demilitarization” and “denazification” Vladimir Putin used on 24 February 2022. The Russians have remained with the same objectives ever since. The “denazification” goal was achieved on 28 March 2022.

Today, we can see in the secret documents leaked recently what is left to Ukraine. For example, in February 2022 the Ukrainians had about 850 T-64 battle tanks; today they have only 43 available for their big counteroffensive. They certainly still have a few in reserve somewhere, but the vast majority has been destroyed by the Russians. So, the Russians have already achieved their “demilitarization” goal twice, and it is likely that they will soon achieve it a third time. It is the sad reality, although the exact opposite is said in the West.

SS: What do you know about the numbers of war victims on both sides?

We have convinced ourselves that the Russians have lost a large number of soldiers, and that extending the war will quickly lead to instability in Russia. But here again, the opposite is true. We assume that the Russians suffered between 100,000 and 200,000 fatalities. However, these figures are based on nothing. Nobody knows the exact figures because neither the Ukrainians nor the Russians communicate their losses.

However, there is a Russian opposition media, Mediazona, which, together with the BBC, is making educated guesses on the number of Russian fatalities based on the death notices in the media. So, this is a pro-Western and certainly not Russian government-controlled media, which probably tends to overestimate the number of Russian dead. However, according to this source one can estimate that between 10,000 and 20,000 Russian soldiers died in combat, but certainly not 100,000. In the West, we tend to rely exclusively on Ukrainian propaganda. On 31 December, the 100,000th Russian killed was celebrated in Kiev, and this was even beamed onto the tallest building of the city. But on that very day, Mediazona’s figure was at 10,000, which means 10 times less.

When other figures were aired for Ukraine, for example when in November Ursula von der Leyen said in a speech that more than hundred thousand of Ukrainians had died, the Ukrainian government vehemently complained. And this statement was promptly retracted. In fact, I think the figure was correct, and Von der Leyen most probably saw it somewhere and didn’t make it up, but she was not supposed to say that.

Propaganda as a basis for decision-making

SS: Where do the Americans get their information from?

JB: The secret U.S. documents leaked in the media in April give us valuable clues about how the West gets its information. Regarding Ukrainian equipment, there is no mystery, as these figures are mostly open. As to the Russian deployed potential, the U.S. and NATO have an intensive air reconnaissance activity which provides them with a good overview of the available forces.

But when it comes to the troops’ locations in the field, for the tactical situation, for the losses or the operations of the opposing forces, the West is almost blind. They have obviously no intelligence capacity of their own. Their only source of information is Ukraine. In other words, most of our decision-making is based on propaganda. That, for me, is one of the most interesting aspects of this conflict. It is said that the CIA is deeply involved in the conflict. This is true as far as special sabotage and terrorist operations are concerned, but it is completely wrong as far as analytical capabilities are concerned.7

SS: How do you go about your analysis?

JB: My approach is not about my opinions or feelings. I want to paint the best possible picture based on what is available, such as the number of deaths. It is about intelligence work. It’s about having as factual a picture as possible. I try to work out of a blank sheet with as little external influence as possible, regardless whether it comes from the left or the right.

Take John J. Mearsheimer for example, he writes interesting and true things. He says that the Russians were lied to from the beginning, etc. That’s true. But then he has his own ideas of the conflict. These do not correspond to the historical reality of the conflict. I can agree with some of his conclusions, but not necessarily with the path that leads to them, and this path is important for resolving the conflict.

For me, it is not about accusing or excusing anyone. It is about having the right picture to find the right solution. And that’s why I agree that the Russians were lied to since the 90s. That is the background of the conflict and adds to the current situation, but it is not the reason why Russia intervened in Ukraine. This is important.

Wars without aims are endless

It is a background element, which makes communication more difficult. The main rationale for the intervention is to protect the population in the Donbass. That’s why Putin has so much support for protecting the Russian population there. This is a key point.

When it comes to negotiations, the Russians will certainly exploit their victory in the field to achieve their political goals. That is clear, that is basically Carl von Clausewitz’s theory. However, to achieve political goals, there are other methods. This should have been achieved through the Minsk agreements. That is why the Russians have insisted on this political solution. Since it failed, they will use the conflict to achieve the goal differently. Hence this logic, a typical Clausewitzian consideration that we in the West do not apply. We have fought numerous wars for nothing, without any clear aims.

We, in the West have no idea what we want to achieve with Ukraine. If we wanted happiness and prosperity for the Ukrainians, we would have promoted the implementation of the Minsk agreements. We did not do that—we pushed them to prepare for war.

We are not pursuing constructive goals. You can see that in the wars in Afghanistan, Libya etc., they are all wars without aims. That’s why it is difficult to find a peace, a way out afterwards. If you have a war goal, for example, to occupy Paris and when you reach Paris, then it is finished, then you have achieved your aim and you are satisfied. But if you don’t know the goal, it becomes endless.

The Soviets had a goal in Afghanistan: to strengthen a government. This lasted for two years after they left—until the Americans brought it down with the help of the jihadists. Twenty-five years later, the Western coalition in Afghanistan had no objective: the government they set up collapsed within 48 hours after their departure.

This is exactly the problem of the Americans and Europeans in Afghanistan as well as in Iraq. They have withdrawn from Iraq, but what have they achieved? They don’t even know that themselves. They fought, but to what end? They destroyed the country, but that was not a goal.

Endless wars breed terrorists
Some say the U.S. did it for the oil. But that’s not true. The oil companies in Iraq today are not American companies. That means there was no aim. If you don’t have an aim, you can never win. That’s why Mali asked the French to leave the country. They wage wars without a strategy and without any clear objectives: they simply kill people, including innocent civilians (and sometimes they torture them). The result is that for every person killed, ten new resistance fighters emerge. It is endless.

That is why Africans rightly question the French military presence and its purpose. Today’s militaries (including in Switzerland) are no longer strategists, but (often bad) tacticians. This can be seen in Ukraine, where the military was trained by the West: it cannot keep up with the Russians in terms of operational art. This is an additional problem for the West.

| Background and elements of the war in Ukraine | MR Online
Map of the Intermarium. (Picture ma)

The Intermarium, a Polish foreign policy goal

SS: What are the Poles’ aims in the Ukraine conflict?

JB: That is very interesting. You are referring to the question of these ready-made divisions described in Seymour Hersh’s article on corruption in Ukraine.

In the 1920s, Jozef Pilsudski had a project. This is the so-called Intermarium [between the seas]. It’s an idea that has its origin in the 17th century principality of Poland and Lithuania. Today, it would be a matter of uniting the countries between the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean into one community. Those are the three seas. Pilsudski wanted to restore that. And about 15 years ago, at the beginning of the 2000s, Poland redefined the recreation of the Intermarium as a foreign policy goal.8

In January, an agreement for cooperation between Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine was signed.9 This corresponds to the first Lublin Triangle, which dates back to the 16th Century. It is an alliance that could be one of the first elements of this Intermarium that Poland wants to achieve.

Visegrad group with its own battle group

The Visegrad group with Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia also plays a role here. This is also an element of the Intermarium. For this purpose, a Visegrad Battle Group has even been formed militarily, a “Battle Group” that is not subordinate to NATO.10 This exists. It is not known exactly what Poland wants with it. But interestingly, it was recently said in England and Germany that in two years’ time (2025) Poland will have the second largest army in Europe.

There is the idea of forming an independent Intermarium, a small Europe within Europe, together with Poland. Of course, the Poles want to head this group.

At this stage, it is difficult to distinguish between rhetoric and reality. There are certainly rhetorical elements, there are certainly also concrete ones, such as those listed in Poland’s foreign policy goals. I did not invent that. This means, some are seriously considering this project.

Every now and then voices are raised, such as that of Emmanuel Macron, who calls for a “European defense army”. That’s pure rhetoric, they’re just words. Whether it’s the same for the Poles, I’m not sure, because there are certain concrete elements, like the combat force and the new treaties. It is difficult to predict the way in which these pieces of the puzzle will eventually fit together, but it could be a different Europe from the one we have in mind.

Goals of the right-wing extremist groups in Ukraine

It is interesting to look at the aims of those who support Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine. They are not only fanatical, but they also have a doctrine. Our media try to deny their existence, because many Europeans would withdraw their support for Ukraine if they knew.

These movements are generally against the European Union and prefer the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) (to which Switzerland also belongs). They have realised that the Ukrainian economy is not ready to compete with other EU countries.11 On very many demonstrations of the population the EU flag is crossed out with a cross.

On the other hand, they also have in mind participation in the Intermarium proposed by Poland.12 Their idea of Europe is not that of sharing and integration, which some in the EU have, but a Europe governed by nations, which even goes against the very principles of the EU.13 It is the “idea of the nation” (the N united with an I) that can be seen on the emblem of the AZOV movement and which is claimed by various far-right groups in Ukraine and elsewhere. This is why they support the Intermarium. When they say they are for Europe, they do not mean the European Union or the Europe we have in mind. It is the Europe as Hitler imagined it. That is the difference. And that is clearly stated in the doctrine.

Dangerous dynamics

In other words, we are in a dynamic that I consider very dangerous.

We and the Americans are supporting that. Of course, the U.S. have an interest not having a Europe that functions as it used to. In other words, they do not want a dysfunctional Europe, but a Europe that is unable to get stronger. This is the essence of the so-called Wolfowitz Doctrine.

You can read it all, word for word. They don’t want a strong Europe. Europe is supposed to function, people must be calm and work normally, but nothing more. Europe is closely monitored. That’s why we have this difference between Western Europe and Eastern Europe, and that’s why the United States promotes this difference. It not only helps them in their efforts to contain Russia, but it prevents Europe from becoming strong.

EU net beneficiaries have the strongest influence in NATO
It is interesting to see on the map how the money flows in the EU, and who the recipients are. On the one hand we have Germany, France, and Italy, these are the net payers, and all the Eastern European countries are the net recipients. And these are exactly the ones who want to have “their own Europe”. This is a strange dynamic. You can see that the influence of these recipients in Europe is enormous.

I have personally noticed this in the NATO. This is a policy that the Americans are keen to support. In other words, these states have more weight than Germany and France, which were NATO members from the beginning, but were critical of United States and were not willing to align on its foreign policy. That is why the U.S. tend to favor these East European states.

Aggressive, militant forces
That is the current situation. T
here is indeed a trend that I think is dangerous for Europe. These are aggressive, combative forces. The Poles and these Baltic countries are not only aggressive, but they hate the Russians. This goes back further than communism. The hatred is much older. These countries are extremely conservative, in the bad sense of the word.

These countries still have respect for the Third Reich. They celebrate the veterans who volunteered in the German Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS. We have to remember that in the West, we tend to see the 3rd Reich as an occupation force, while in Eastern Europe, they tend to see liberators against the Soviets. This is exactly the same thing in Ukraine. If this goes together with a spirit of tolerance and open-mindedness in a democratic context, this is fine. I can understand that veterans want to remember these tough days, regardless of the side they fought for. But it becomes a problem when it goes in one single direction and is no longer open to other perspectives. This leads to polarisation. That is exactly what you can observe today, and that’s where I see a certain danger.

SS: What are the connections to Canada?

JB: On the one hand, there is Christya Freeland, Canada’s vice president. Her grandfather was a Nazi collaborator in Poland and Ukraine. Thousands of Ukrainians emigrated to Canada in 1945/46 because they could no longer stay in Ukraine after the Soviet victory. They were mostly members of the former 1st Galicia Division of the SS. These people have since died and monuments were erected in Canada, to remember them. This is largely unknown in Europe. These are statues with swastikas that caused offence and led to major problems.14 Christya Freeland campaigned for these statues to be allowed to remain standing.

Traces elsewhere too
Ursula von der Leyen’s grandfather was also a Nazi and Victoria Nuland is also from Ukraine. Anthony Blinken’s great-grandfather was also Ukrainian. However, these people are certainly not Nazis today. But the irrationality and emotionality with which the Ukraine conflict is being conducted seems to demonstrate that these leaders were educated in a spirit of hatred and revenge. Some have this rejection or revenge attitude towards the Russians, others towards the Soviets. It is a mixture that converges today against modern Russia. I tend to see in this unhealthy relationship the “revenge of the grandchildren”. This is certainly part of the irrational way the West is managing this conflict.

With Iraq we didn’t have this problem at all. We don’t have any ministers who come from Iraq. But with Ukraine we have this constellation of elements that have a historical origin. I am not saying that they are dominant elements, but one can feel their presence in the background.

Ukraine only an independent country since 1991
When Putin says Ukraine was artificially created by the Soviet Union, he is correct. Ukraine has only been an independent country since 1991. That is only 30 years. Previously, it did not exist. Today, Poland contemplates recovering a part of it, the same with Bulgaria and, even in Hungary people say parts of Ukraine belong to them. The same goes for Romania and Moldova. Moldova itself was a part of Romania. All this is an artificial creation of the Soviets, of Stalin. It is a simplification to say that the Russians are against Ukraine. It is much more complex. It is precisely these elements that are not only state-bound, but also cultural.

| I N the Idea of Nation | MR Online“I-N”, the “Idea of Nation” is the insignia of the Azov regiment. It is similar to the emblem of the 2nd SS Panzer Division “Das Reich”, which “liberated” Kharkov in 1943, except for the inverted “N”. The background of this idea is the notion of “natiocracy” which implies that governance is based on the concept of nation in the racial sense. That is why those who support the Kiev regime speak of “racial purity”, because power cannot be shared with impure nations. This is the “idea of nation” based on the superiority of one race.

The nation must be pure. Therefore, no Russians should be in Ukraine; they do not belong to the “Ukrainian nation”. This is the position of the right-wing extremists, supported by our media, who support Zelensky. This is the logic of the “idea of nation”, it is about the question of purity. Purity is an element that keeps on resurfacing in the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist narative.

Because of this racist idea, the new masters in Kiev decided in 2014 to wipe out the Russian-speaking minority in Ukraine. In this spirit, on 1 July 2021, Ukraine passed a law granting different rights to Russians and Ukrainians in Ukraine.15 This is why our media did not report on the victims in the Donbass, nor on the measures taken against ethnic minorities. However, this was the reason for the Russian intervention.

De-dollarisation of global trade relations?
SS: Now a change of topic: What is your assessment of the current discussion of a possible far-reaching “de-dollarisation” of global trade relations? I see this as a trend. This is no doubt a consequence of the sanctions adopted against Russia, which frighten a lot of economic actors, but we must be cautious.

JB: The dollar will remain the most important currency for trade for some years to come. However, it is a sword of Damocles for the U.S. economy. The problem is that if your economy depends on the dollar, it is vulnerable to U.S. sanctions. Non-Western countries have realised the irrationality of our decision-making mechanisms and political leaders in the West. Faced with the unpredictability of the West, they are therefore trying to reduce their vulnerability to the dollar and the euro.

Many countries have lost confidence in the West. Switzerland is also affected by this. Last year, about 130 billion Swiss francs (145 bn US$) were withdrawn from the Credit Suisse, especially from the Middle Eastern countries.

Swiss sanctions against Russia as a signal
They thought that if Switzerland imposes so many sanctions and may also be able to confiscate their funds, then they should withdraw the money quickly. That is the reason. They are afraid. They don’t want to have dollars in reserve. They have seen that if sanctions have applied to a big power like Russia, it could happen to them any time. It’s the same with Saudi Arabia. Biden has said he would turn Saudi Arabia to a pariah state. The Saudis have rightly understood that time has come to move away from the dollar.

Saudi Arabia and Iran are holding talks
The so-called “Rest of the World” has realised that the West acts exclusively according to its own interests. More precisely, the U.S. acts according to its interests and the Europeans are not in a position to resist and are forced to go along. This has been seen, for example, with Germany and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Since last year, the West has been discussing what to do with the frozen Russian money. Should we keep the money to finance the war in Ukraine, etc.? This situation has naturally worried other actors who might be subject to similar sanctions. Those who had money in our banks have withdrawn their money.

SS: Is Switzerland in trouble now?

JB: No, there is probably no reason to worry, but we have not improved our situation, which is already, according to me, weakening Switzerland’s position.

SS: What is the situation of Germany and the West in general?

JB: Germany has to bear an additional consequence because of its energy situation. In February 2022, the West believed and hoped that Russia would collapse immediately after the imposition of massive sanctions. That’s what French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said. However, this did not happen. The world needs Russia’s commodities. Russia could therefore redirect its economic ties towards Asia. Russia never used oil or gas as a leverage against the West. So, the West has felt the indirect effects of these sanctions.

If you listen to what Oleksei Arestovich said in March 2019 and read the U.S. strategy to destabilise Russia written at the same time, it becomes clear that the U.S. wanted this war. The others have simply followed subserviently, using Ukraine not for the interests of Ukraine itself, but for their own interests.

The idea was to generate a hyperinflation in Russia, that would have created the conditions for a regime change by a discontented population. This did not happen because our decision-making assessed Russia’s situation with outdated data. As a result, we have unnecessarily abandoned a cheap source of energy. I remind you that Europe is not dependent on Russia, but on cheap energy. European leaders merely heeded the demand of Donald Trump, who did not want Nord Stream 2 to be completed.

Russia’s situation
Russian’s economy runs—even very well—because it was very well prepared. It can certainly survive independently of the West. After the Western sanctions adopted in 2014, the Russian leadership understood the problem would come again and it had to harden its economy. Early 2022, Russia was one of the least indebted countries in the world, and it has even less debts today. Russia and China have very low foreign debts. And what weakens a country? Its foreign debts.

SS: Can we speak of a war between NATO and Russia?

JB: This statement is inaccurate. NATO as an organisation does not have an independent decision-making capability of the USA. Therefore, the problem is not NATO, but the USA. Obviously, it is a war in Ukraine between the USA and Russia. The others (NATO countries, Sweden, Finland, etc.) are just “useful idiots”, as Lenin would say. The problem is that no European country has made an independent assessment of this war since 2014. They are paying the price and will continue to pay it.

Switzerland is unable to make its own independent assessment of the situation
This is confirmed, for example, by the situation report “Switzerland’s Security 2022” of the Federal Intelligence Service of June 2022.16 The analysis shows that there is definitely no understanding of the war. Zero. The assessment of the situation is simply based on Ukrainian propaganda. And things like this worry me because they indicate we do not have independent intelligence analysis capabilities.

The problem is not who you decide to support whether it’s Ukraine, or Russia or any other countries. The fact that we are not able to assess the problem independently is very disturbing. It shows that you can run into a problem when you haven’t understood anything. It’s like a child. It runs into a problem because it doesn’t know what it’s doing.

SS: Can Switzerland’s neutrality be saved if the assessment of neutrality is on similar grounds?

JB: Neutrality is a complex problem.

Foreign policy is based on national interests. That is unilateral. But neutrality in itself is not unilateral and there lies the problem. Neutrality works on a basis of trust. It must be credible. Neutrality is not unilateral, it is multilateral.

In fact, Swiss neutrality was guaranteed and specified by the Great Powers in 1815. That is why it became so robust. If other countries do not recognise that neutrality, then there is nothing we can do. You can’t ask Iran, for example, to trust us. Once neutrality, trust, or above all credibility, is lost, you cannot restore it unilaterally through a short-term policy. It takes time to restore trust.

Overcoming our own biases
SS: Why is our assessment of the situation not independent?

JB: It is the same as with terrorism. When assessing a situation, the most difficult thing is to overcome one’s own biases. That is the biggest problem we have. We cannot get rid of our prejudices. Today, the Russians are the designated bad guys anyway, back then it was the Soviets. There we talk about dictatorship. But when I look at what is happening in France now, you wonder what the word “dictatorship” really means.

This crisis is important because it shows us that the problem is not only between Ukraine and Russia, but also the weakness of our society. If closing a Twitter account is considered normal in our country—but not when others do that—then we have a very limited understanding of democracy.

Yet, this is not new. I’m not member of any political party, but here in Switzerland you see that some parties are barely allowed to speak. Democracy is a competitive process that includes the ability to come up with the best arguments. If I ban someone from speaking, it means that I don’t have arguments. That is no longer democracy. This crisis clearly shows that, and this is our weakness.

I remind you of the quote attributed (probably wrongly) to Voltaire: “I do not agree with you, but I will fight to the death so that you can say it.”

Unfortunately, we are beyond this point. Our leadership is made by very young politicians with no life experience and no culture, who are so narcissistic that for them democracy means thinking like them.

SS: Mr Baud, thank you very much for your interesting comments and your commitment.

Jacques Baud studied international security and economics in Geneva. He is a colonel in the General Staff of the Swiss Army and worked for the Swiss Strategic Intelligence Service. For several years, he performed various functions on behalf of NATO in Brussels and Ukraine. For UN peacekeeping, he was mainly deployed in African countries. He is the author of numerous books and articles on intelligence, asymmetric warfare, terrorism, and disinformation. His current analyses of the Ukraine conflict, published in independent media, are well received in Europe and beyond.

(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)

Notes at link. ... n-ukraine/


Chronicle of the special military operation for June 12, 2023
June 13, 2023

Throughout the day, fighting did not subside in the Vremievsky sector : Russian units drove the enemy out of the village of Makarovka , however, clashes continue on the northern outskirts of the settlement. All other attempts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to advance were successfully suppressed by small arms and artillery fire.

Nevertheless, at night, Russian troops attempted a counterattack in the area: at the moment, the parties are fighting fierce battles.

At the same time, Ukrainian formations carried out massive shelling of front-line settlements during the celebration of the Day of Russia . In Donetsk, the railway station area was under enemy fire: a 20-year-old girl was killed, six more people were injured, including a two-year-old child who was killed.

Regular artillery strikes were also carried out on the border areas of the Belgorod region. Despite the decrease in the intensity of shelling in the region, the general trend continues: over the past week, about 2,100 units of various ammunition were fired in the Belgorod region , while just over 1,400 in the Donetsk agglomeration .


The situation at the Vremievsky site

Fierce battles continue on the Vremievsky ledge : due to the surrender of part of the positions, the 37th brigade of the unit and part of the 5th army continue to push the Russian positions in the area. As a result of night battles, Russian troops were forced to retreat from Makarovka . But according to the Archangel of the Spetsnaz , clashes in the village resumed in the afternoon, Russian soldiers were cleaning up the village.

Russian troops firmly hold on to positions in Urozhainoe : despite the statements of the enemy, the village is under the confident control of the RF Armed Forces. At the same time, Levadne and Novodarovka are still in the gray zone: Ukrainian formations are making gaps in minefields and are preparing for further advancement. The units are being attacked by Russian troops.

Bad weather and the consequences of the destruction of the dam on the Wet Yaly River complicate the use of heavy equipment. At the same time, situational problems remain with the use of drones, army and tactical aviation. But the Ukrainian formations cannot completely cut off the Vremievsky ledge: Russian units retreat, inflict fire damage on their own positions, where the enemy enters, and then counterattack.

Nevertheless, at night, Russian troops attempted a counterattack in the area: at the moment, the parties are fighting fierce battles.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

There have been no significant changes in the Starobelsky direction : the Ukrainian command continues to transfer additional forces to the front line, preparing for a possible offensive on the Kupyansky sector of the front. Russian fighters, in turn, strengthen the defense and conduct reconnaissance. At the same time, the landing units of the RF Armed Forces were able to hit the enemy's ammunition depot in the Kremennaya area .

Near Bakhmut , the enemy does not stop making attempts to break through the Russian defenses in the Kleshcheevka area . At the same time, the last attack ended for the Armed Forces of Ukraine with significant losses in manpower and armored vehicles.

In the Donetsk direction, positional battles continue in the Avdiivka sector : Ukrainian formations from time to time undertake sorties, which are successfully suppressed by small arms and artillery fire. In the Maryinsky sector, Russian units, supported by armored vehicles, are fighting for control of the western outskirts of the city.

In the Zaporozhye direction, the Ukrainian command continues to pull up significant forces to the front line. At the moment, active operations are hindered by weather conditions that do not allow the use of heavy armored vehicles on the roads.

Nevertheless, intense positional battles continue along the entire line of contact in the area. Russian troops are trying to identify the enemy's deployment sites and strike at them from cannon and rocket artillery.

In addition, in the Zaporozhye direction , Russian special forces units reported the presence of detachments on the enemy side . A subdivision of the 12th brigade of the NSU " Azov " finished off the crew stuck in a wrecked tank south of Malaya Tokmachka : the militants drove up in a pickup truck and executed the wounded.

The motives in this case are not entirely clear, because usually the bodies are taken - as well as the equipment. Maybe there were some personal scores. There is an assumption that in this way they do not allow the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to replenish the exchange fund .

But in general, the Ukrainian bodies of information and psychological warfare, in conjunction with the punitive detachments, solve one simple task on the Zaporozhye sector of the front: to prevent their own recently called-up mobilized from doubting what is happening, and the survivors from telling about the realities of the front.

Therefore, among the Ukrainian formations, rumors are spreading about the capture of Tokmak , non-existent losses and “fake” photos of “leopards”. And then they are again driven in columns to the slaughter at the Russian defensive lines.

In the Kherson direction, Russian troops hit accumulations of enemy manpower and equipment in Dneprovsky , Chernobaevka and Kizomys , and also used guided bombs on identified targets in Kazatsky and attacked Ochakov , Mykolaiv region.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

Ukrainian formations continue to strike at the border in the Belgorod region . In the village of Vyazovoe, a hay storage and other outbuildings were damaged, but civilians were not injured. In Dronovka , shrapnel cut through the facade and shattered glass in one household. At the same time, the village of Murom in the Shebekinsky district came under fire .

At the same time, the enemy launched a massive attack on Donetsk and its suburbs during the celebration of the Day of Russia. In the capital of the DPR, the railway station area was under enemy fire: a 20-year-old girl was killed, six more people were injured, including a two-year-old child who was killed.


The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to shell settlements on the left bank of the Kherson region . During the night, the enemy fired at least 26 shells at civilian targets in Novaya Kakhovka , Kakhovka , Kardashinka , and Staraya Zburyevka . This afternoon, Korsunka was under massive fire - at that time, people with limited mobility were being evacuated in the village. Meanwhile, the region itself remains tense, despite the gradual decline in water. Russian rescuers regularly deliver humanitarian aid to those in need and evacuate everyone.

Political events
On the supply of weapons for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The head of the National Security Council, John Kirby , announced a new $ 325 million military assistance package for the Armed Forces of Ukraine , which, among other things, will include Stryker and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, as well as shells for NASAMS air defense systems and HIMARS MLRS.

At the same time, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine indicated that at the next meeting at the Ramstein NATO base , issues of training personnel, including technicians, to work with Western aircraft models will be resolved.

It is also planned to touch upon the topic of the supply of shells and the creation of logistics centers in Eastern Europe to repair damaged Ukrainian equipment.

On the statements of Western politicians about the Ukrainian counteroffensive

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken believes that Ukraine will inevitably succeed, and the United States intends to continue to provide comprehensive support to Ukrainian formations.

He also stressed that Ukraine should expect the next package of military-political assistance already at the July NATO summit in Vilnius . At the same time, Blinken noted that it is too early to give any assessment of the course of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

The head of the Defense Committee of the British Parliament, Tobias Ellwood , said that a "major attack" by Ukraine should be expected in the next few days. According to him, the Ukrainian formations are looking for vulnerabilities in the defense line, and the main Ukrainian forces prepared for the offensive are still in the rear.

French President Emmanuel Macron said that the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine would go on for several weeks or months: it was carefully planned, and France did everything to "punish Russia and help Ukraine recapture the territory." At the same time, he noted that the goals of the Western allies allegedly do not include an attack on the territory of Russia, and the main task is to avoid an escalation of the conflict. ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator


From Cassad's telegram account:

forwarded from
NGP exploration
⚠️ Summary of the situation on the Zaporozhye front.

Orekhovskoe direction.
At present, the 9th Army Corps is regrouping, replenishing ammunition and fuel supplies, in order to resume offensive operations, there is a strengthening of individual units with the forces of 10 Army Corps.

At night, attacks are possible along the line of Novodanilovka - Rabotino, Malaya Tokmachka - Ocherevatoe, it is possible to activate 33 ombr in the direction of Belogorye - Verbovoye.

Also, the 128th Guards Rifle Brigade is preparing for offensive operations with limited targets, with the forces of up to two armored personnel carriers in the directions of Lobkovoe - Zherebyanki, Stepovoe - Pyatikhatki, at the same time, 1 and 2nd Guards Rifle Brigade 128 Guards Rifle Brigade will have to start holding operations in the area of ​​​​the settlement Shcherbaki - Konovalova, Novoandreevka - Nesteryanka.

The enemy is preparing to deliver strikes from the MLRS M142 "HIMARS" on air defense, electronic warfare, command posts, to the entire depth of the operational formation.

In total, the enemy has currently concentrated in the Orekhovsky direction:
8 brigades, 33 battalions, of which - 6 TB, 16 MB, 3 GShB, 2 SHB, 4 operational battalions of the NSU, 1 MPB, 1 territorial defense battalion).

Number of equipment: up to 200 tanks, up to 800 armored combat vehicles of all types, up to 450 field artillery guns, mortars and MLRS, up to 200 anti-tank vehicles, up to 200 air defense systems (including MANPADS).

In total, more than half of all available forces in the Zaporozhye direction are aimed in the direction of Orekhov-Tokmak-Melitopol. As we said earlier, like many others, this seems strange for a number of reasons, but the fact remains.

Also, the departure of 15 fire brigade 128 fire brigade to the Vremyevskoye direction was recorded, most likely to build up efforts in the offensive in the direction of the settlement of Vremyevka - Staromayorskoye.


🇬🇧⚔️🏴‍☠️Orekhovsky section of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Zaporozhye Front
Pohovsky district, Orekhov-Rabotino-Tokmak line.
▪️Artillery battles do not stop, howitzers and mortars are actively working on both sides.
▪️Enemy DRGs roam at the separation from the line of contact in landings and run away from the very first shots.
▪️Due to heavy rains and saturated soil, the enemy did not conduct active attacking operations for three days.
▪️The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to conduct reconnaissance with the help of UAVs, preparing for new "meat assaults".
▪️Our rear lines are under the gunpoint of enemy missiles: strikes are expected from the M142 HIMARS MLRS.
▪️Probably one of the next nights, the enemy will again resume attacks along the line of Novodanilovka - Rabotino, Malaya Tokmachka - Ocherevatoe, and attempts to attack in the direction of Belogorye - Verbovoye are also possible.
▪️In the immediate rear, the enemy continues to actively regroup troops and pull up reserves after suffering heavy losses in personnel and equipment.
▪️Significant enemy forces are concentrated in the Orekhovsky direction, with a total number of up to 8 brigades from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the forces of the National Guard and the Terodefense attached to them.




Vremyevskiy ledge
situation as of 10:00 June 13, 2023

Fierce fighting continues on the Makarovka-Urozhaynoye line on the Vremyevskiy ledge .

▪️The village of Makarovka changed hands three times yesterday .

As of this morning, the village was controlled by Russian fighters, who managed to counterattack and re-occupy the village.

▪️Harvest is under the confident control of Russian troops: enemy breakthroughs are not allowed. The main efforts are now concentrated on restoring the front line to the north.

▪️To the west , Novodarovka and Levadne remain in a gray zone, with Ukrainian formations preparing to push towards Rivnopol to cut off the remainder of the Vremievsky salient .


forwarded from
War on fakes
Fake : The Russian Armed Forces hit a residential building in Krivoy Rog with a Kalibr missile. This is actively written not only by Ukrainian, but also by Western media, which immediately picked up the topic.

Truth: A Ukrainian air defense missile hit the courtyard of a residential building, causing a gas fire.

At the time of the explosion, the air defense system was operating in the region. This is evidenced by the numerous messages of local residents in the chats of Krivoy Rog. The city authorities also asked not to film or upload the air defense work.

The nature of the damage to the house and the territory of the yard shows that the explosion occurred on the site in front of the house. This is clearly visible in the small funnel. The rocket did not hit the building directly. The size of the funnel does not correspond to the combat power of the Caliber - after hitting this missile, a depression of several meters remains. If the Caliber hit the house, it would cause the collapse of one or more entrances, if not the entire house.

Gas pipes are visible on the building, which pass under the windows and balconies of the second floor. It was the damage to these pipes that caused the fire, the video of which is actively replicated by all Ukrainian telegram channels and the media. One of the local residents in the video from the scene also mentions that the gas pipeline was broken and windows in neighboring houses were broken.

At the same time, local authorities do not hide the fact that the "Caliber" have achieved their goal: they report that an industrial enterprise has been damaged. Most of these facilities in Ukraine are now used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

This is far from the first time that the work of the Ukrainian air defense causes tragedies. Every time after that, Volodymyr Zelensky and the Ukrainian media try to shift the responsibility to Russia.

Google Translator


From Slavyangrad's Telegram account:

According to incoming information, in Makarovka and near Urozhaynoye, as well as in other villages occupied by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ukrainians were not allowed to gain a foothold. Actually, the entire zone of the villages of the Vremievsky ledge is now one large zone of destruction of our artillery, primarily the OBTF Cascade, marines and aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Based on what flies from this hot area, the Ukrainians were clearly shown that the game with a rollback and a barrage of abandoned positions can be played together. As a result, the pictures with the administrative buildings of the villages, which they “recorded” the day before, are only media consolation.

In the coming weeks, they will change hands, Ukies will drag a lot more of equipment and meat there. And all this will be guaranteed to die there. I emphasize - to die with them, not with us. Swapping places with them and killing your forehead against armored fists is military stupidity. Our task is not to build villages from the defense for 3 houses of the Alley of Heroes in each unit, but to destroy the biological carriers of Ukronazism in the form of soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Therefore, treat the “leaving” and “returning” of these settlements cooler.

Blue Z Beard


A whole platoon of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered in the Avdiivka direction. The platoon commander of the 110th Ombre got in touch with one of our units. He wanted to save the personnel, since he had a lot of 300s, and his command refused to evacuate.

After negotiations, the unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine went out in full force to the BMP in our direction. Help was provided to the wounded. The rest are handled by specialists.

We are going there
Are you ready?
Let's go
according to the resident of the condition, the tank was 120 meters on way
and of the same...)
Drop your weapons!
Stop, stop, stop!
Where have you been?
Hands behind the head!
So, men, we take away, we are wounded here!
It's open here!



Geranium UAV and missile strikes hit enemy targets in Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and Kharkov regions tonight

Aircraft operated against the enemy in Kherson, Zaporozhye and South Donetsk Regions.

The main strike struck in places where AFU reserves were located.

For example, the missile paid a late visit to the command and control post of a battalion of the 68th AFU brigade in the DPR.

In Kharkov region, there is an ammunition depot less.

An S-300 SAM system radar station was dismantled in Dnepropetrovsk Region.

In Kryvoy Rog, an AFU air defence hit a residential apartment block, causing flats from the first to the fifth floors to catch fire.

A private enterprise was also hit here. But we are all well aware that this is not a "private" enterprise.

One of the strikes hit an armoured vehicle base and repair site.


Germany will not be able to replace every tank destroyed in Ukraine - German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius

German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius said that Germany would not be able to replace every tank lost in an offensive with Ukraine. However, he noted that the FRG will continue to supply Ukraine with reconditioned obsolete Leopard 1A5 tanks, which were decommissioned in 2010. According to Pistorius, Ukraine will receive over 100 units of the "German cats" by the end of this year. Thus, Germany will continue to pump Ukraine with its weapons with a vague hope for at least the slightest success in the offensive actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The Russian army continues to gradually replenish its collection of destroyed Western equipment in the Zaporizhzhya direction. American Bradley and MaxxPro BMPs, as well as modern German Leopard 2A6 tanks are already among the "exhibits".
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 13, 2023 6:19 pm

Did Russia Destroy The Nova Kakhova Dam?

Propaganda will tell you that Russia detonated the Nova Kakhova Dam which was and is under its control. It thereby allegedly cut of Crimea from its major water supply and endangered the cooling of the six reactors of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. The island as well as the power plant are under firm Russian control.

Well, so you can believe that. Or you can look for some facts hidden behind such 'news'.

Battles Rage as Ukraine Tries to Retake Russian-Occupied Territory - New York Times - June 9, 2023

Experts say the dam, which was held by Russian forces, was probably destroyed by an intentional explosion within the massive structure. They say an explosion from the outside, like a missile strike, or a structural failure caused by earlier war damage and high water spilling over the top, were conceivable causes but far less likely.
Ukraine Claims More Small Advances in Counteroffensive, but No Breakthroughs - New York Times - June 12, 2023

Engineering and munitions experts have said that the dam was probably breached by an explosion from the inside, not by shelling or other external attacks, and not by a structural failure.
Britain has delivered long-range ‘Storm Shadow’ cruise missiles to Ukraine ahead of expected counteroffensive, sources say - CNN - May 12, 2023

The United Kingdom has delivered multiple “Storm Shadow” cruise missiles to Ukraine, giving the nation a new long-range strike capability in advance of a highly anticipated counteroffensive against Russian forces, multiple senior Western officials told CNN.
Storm Shadow - Wikipedia

The Storm Shadow's BROACH warhead features an initial penetrating charge to clear soil or enter a bunker, then a variable delay fuze to control detonation of the main warhead. Intended targets are command, control and communications centres; airfields; ports and power stations; ammunition management and storage facilities; surface ships and submarines in port; bridges and other high value strategic targets.

"Two stage warhead punctures external shell, then detonates inside target"

Storm Shadown - Federation of American Scientists

When engaging hard targets, such as Hardened Aircraft Shelters or bunkers, the missile will strike the target at the estimated optimum dive angle, selected during mission planning. On impact the detonation sequence commences. The precursor charge will perforate the target structure, and any soil covering, and the follow through penetrator warhead will continue to penetrate inside the target to be detonated after a preselectable fuse delay.

Posted by b on June 13, 2023 at 5:30 UTC | Permalink


NATO: Air Defender 2023 Begins Amid Fears of Flight Delays

Military airplanes from the Air Defender 2023. Jun. 12, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@isotrua

Published 12 June 2023

"...10,000 soldiers and 250 planes are practicing together until June 23..."

On Monday, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) began its biggest exercise for air forces, Air Defender 2023.

According to official statements, the maneuver had been in the planning since 2018 and Germany is in charge of the drill with 25 NATO countries.

Around 10,000 soldiers and 250 planes are practicing together until June 23. Some of the planes are from Germany and over 100 are from the United States.

On Saturday, in northern Germany, about 300 people protested against the exercise, saying that it "underscores the rejection of negotiations with Russia and further escalates an already threatening situation."

According to official statements, Germany's civil aviation industry has seen major strikes in recent months, and fears cancellations as a result of the military exercise.

Despite claims from the military that no flight cancellations are to be expected, Matthias Maas, head of the German air traffic control union (GdF), said such claims are "unrealistic and have no basis in fact."

Official reports state that major airports in Germany are getting ready to have planes take off later at night if needed as a precautionary measure. ... -0019.html


NATO exercises Air Defender 23 have begun – one faux pas and WWIII will be upon us

The BBC and Euronews this morning were featuring the start of Europe’s largest ever air force exercises for which newly arrived U.S. fighter jets, bombers and mid-air refueling planes form the central unifying contingent in the more than 200 participating aircraft.

We are told Germany is the center of the air operations and that the purpose of the exercises is purely defensive, to demonstrate to Russia what awaits it if it should decide to attack a NATO member state.

Meanwhile, in alternative media some have raised the possibility that Air Defender 23 will be used as a cover for possible penetration of Ukrainian air space by F-16s said to be piloted by Ukrainians. This, they say, would repeat the way NATO naval exercises in the summer of 2022 were used to provide cover for the underwater operations that put in place explosives at the sea floor which destroyed Nord Stream 1 pipelines by deferred command in September.

Russian media are for the moment silent about any such threat of F-16s entering the war zone. However, it is fairly clear from the overall posture of the Russian military that any such incursions will prompt swift Russian countermeasures, meaning the shooting down of airplanes violating the de facto no fly rules in place.

Accordingly, we may be entering the most dangerous East-West confrontation since the Allied airlift to Berlin at the outset of the first Cold War

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023 ... e-upon-us/



Faina Savenkova: Too much pain
Originally published: Faina Savenkova: Too much pain on June 2, 2023 by Faina Savenkova (more by Faina Savenkova: Too much pain) (Posted Jun 13, 2023)

I have said many times that the war for me began on June 2, 2014, with the bombing of the Lugansk Regional State Administration by Ukrainian aircraft. And now comes another anniversary, already the ninth.

Strangely enough, that day is one of the few that I remember, albeit in fragments. Maybe because it was the first time we had so much noise, or maybe because I was worried about my grandmother, who was in the area of the shelling that day. I still don’t like it when someone doesn’t return my calls or messages for a long time, even though I know there can be plenty of harmless reasons for that. But it’s still scary. Really scary.

A heap of some scattered, jumbled memories that can not be gathered into a single chain… I remember having to go to the library to get a book for my brother from the summer reading list, but I was too lazy to go, so I told my mom that I was too tired. A little white lie. So we didn’t go. It’s quite possible that’s why we didn’t end up on the playground with my mom a little later, during the shelling in the park near the Regional State Administration building.

A couple of days later we went to the polyclinic, and mom talked to the pediatrician, including on this topic. At that time no one could believe that it was an air strike by Ukraine. Later, of course, all doubts dissipated, but back then many still had hope. Like the saleswoman at the newspaper kiosk. Her most vivid recollection of that day:

We’re looking up into the sky, and we don’t understand how this is possible, or where to fly, or where to run. We just stand there and look at the sky. And we see where this shell will land. So it hits us. We don’t have time to hide anyway.

What has changed since that day? A lot. And nothing. All of us have changed, the situation in Donbass has changed. But what has remained the same is the West’s approval of the fascist regime in Kiev. I think that was the main reason for the start of the Special Military Operation. The loss of hope for a peaceful solution and the provocation of an open war by the West. Did the Ukrainian people need this? No, of course not. Neither did we. Who needs war? But there is no other way. Children grow up when they begin to understand this simple truth.

What can we do? Try to understand cause and effect, try to learn a lesson. Even if too little time has passed for the present to be covered by the dust of time and become the past to which one can try to look dispassionately, there is no other way. The sooner the world realizes its mistakes, the better its chances for life. And the non-repetition of another June 2. Such mistakes, turning into crimes against humanity, bring too much pain to people.

Faina Savenkova

English translation: D. Armstrong ... much-pain/


Neo-Nazi Regiments in the Ukraine Army? It’s Perfectly Ok with U.S. State Department and CIA—and Its Reliable New York Times Echo Chamber—as Long as They Hide Those Nasty Neo-Nazi Insignia
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - June 12, 2023 2


Bellingcat is a Netherlands-based investigative research group that received funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA cutout that promotes propaganda denigrating U.S. enemies and defending U.S.-NATO foreign policy.

Michael Colborne [Source:]

On June 6, one of its researchers, Michael Colborne, provided a tortured defense essentially of the adoption of Nazi insignia by Ukrainian soldiers on their uniforms, raising concern only about the public relations effects.

Colborne was quoted in The New York Times stating, “what worries me, in the Ukrainian context, is that people in Ukraine who are in leadership positions, either they don’t or they’re not willing to acknowledge and understand how these symbols are viewed outside of Ukraine. I think Ukrainians need to increasingly realize that these images undermine support for the country.”[1]

In short, the use of Nazi symbols is not wrong or worrying in and of itself; the only problem is the potential PR damage arising from it, which could undermine support for the war effort.

Can you imagine, during World War II, a researcher making a similar statement about Nazi storm troopers during Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union?

Ukraine soldier with Totenkopf insignia. [Source:]

If he did, he would likely be condemned as a Nazi apologist since he nowhere expressed revulsion for the men wearing uniforms with Nazi insignia; he was only worried about their public image in the West because he wanted them to succeed and to sustain Western support.

Colborne’s quote was part of a New York Times article by Thomas Gibbons-Neff entitled “Kyiv Walks Fine Line as Fighters Embrace Use of Nazi Symbols.”

The article acknowledged wide use of Nazi symbols on Ukrainian military uniforms but claimed that the Ukrainian government was fighting to contain the “fringe far right movement” whose “members proudly wore the Nazi symbols.”[2]

The claim that the Ukrainian government was actually trying to contain these forces is undercut in the Times article itself, as it pointed to a) widespread use of such symbols; and b) the fact that in April, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry posted photographs on its Twitter account of a soldier wearing a patch featuring a skull and crossbones known as the Totenkopf, or Death Head, which originated with a Nazi unit that committed war crimes and guarded concentration camps during World War II.[3]

The soldier wearing it was a member of the Da Vinci Wolves, the paramilitary arm of Ukraine’s Right Sector that has committed large-scale atrocities in the Donbas since 2014, including torture and executions.

Its commander received a hero’s funeral by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after he was killed in Mariupol last year, undercutting the narative that these groups are on the fringe.


At least five other photographs on the Wolves Instagram and Facebook pages, according to the Times, featured their soldiers wearing Nazi-style patches, including the Totenkopf.

Da Vinci Wolves [Source:]
That the Twitter photo was not an aberration is further indicated by the fact that last month, according to the Times, Ukraine’s state emergency services agency posted on Instagram a photograph of an emergency worker wearing a Black Sun symbol, also known as Sonnenrad, that appeared in the castle of Heinrich Himmler, director of the Nazi SS Gestapo.

Sonnenrad. [Source:]

In November, during a meeting with Times reporters near the front line, a Ukrainian press officer wore a Totenkopf variation made by a company called R3ICH (pronounced “Reich”).

The Times’s claim that the Ukrainian government was opposed to such symbols and trying to contain the “fringe far right” was undercut further when the war first began in 2014: Then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko posted on his Facebook page a photo that he took with a Ukrainian Army unit whose members had sewn the Totenkopf badge onto their uniforms.

The use of these symbols should not ultimately be concerning strictly from a public relations viewpoint but from a moral one, and provoke growth of a large-scale movement in Western countries to cut off military aid to Ukraine and push for a negotiated settlement that ends the war.

For years, the public was told that the U.S. was arming moderate rebels in Syria—though it was eventually acknowledged that there were no moderates and that the U.S. was arming jihadist extremists.

Similarly, with regard to Ukraine, the public is being told that U.S. weapons are going to moderates, when the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion has been pictured using Western weapons.

Right Sector Azov Battalion members pictured with U.S.-supplied anti-tank Javelin missile. [Source:]

Last month, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu displayed images of two severely damaged armored vehicles that looked like they came from the U.S. after a May 22 cross-border raid into Belgorod by the Russian Volunteer Corps of neo-Nazi Denis Kapustin (aka Nikitin).

Denis Kapustin [Source:]

Nikitin claimed that his group had recovered military vehicles that somebody else had stolen from the Ukrainian military—meaning that U.S. military equipment is reaching the most extreme elements in the Ukrainian Army one way or another.[4]

The Times’s Liberal Luminary Champions a Nazi-Infested Army
Liberal New York Times columnist Paul Krugman ironically published an op-ed championing U.S. military aid to Ukraine in the same edition that Gibbons-Neff’s piece was run.

Krugman timed his piece to coincide with the 79th anniversary of the D-Day landing, a turning point after the Soviet victory at Stalingrad in the defeat of the Nazi army during World War II.

Krugman wrote that the anniversary of D-Day “seems especially evocative this year as we await the moral equivalent of D-Day, coming any day now when Ukraine begins its long-awaited counter-attack against Russian invaders.”[5]

Paul Krugman [Source:]

Krugman concedes, like Colborne, that Ukraine “does have a far-right movement, including paramilitary groups that have played a part in its war,” but says that these elements “don’t create any equivalence between the two sides in this war. Ukraine is an imperfect but real democracy, hoping to join the larger democratic community. Vladimir Putin’s Russia is a malevolent actor and friends of freedom everywhere have to hope it will be thoroughly defeated.”[6]

Krugman’s black-and-white view is complicated by the fact that it is Ukraine’s government that has banned twelve opposition parties, including the Communist Party, which is legal in Russia.

Ukraine also has many more political prisoners than Russia per capita with jails full of dissidents, and has employed a war strategy straight out of the Nazi playbook in bombing critical infrastructure, dams, and pipelines in an attempt to deprive people of water and cripple the Russian economy.

Krugman expresses his wish that the citizens of Western democracies were “more fully committed to Ukrainian victory” and that “some of those who oppose Western aid just don’t see the moral equivalence with World War II.”[7]

It is Krugman, however, who is blind to the fact that Russians are again fighting Nazi groups, and the U.S. and Western countries, shamefully, are on the side of the bad guys this time.

1.Thomas Gibbons-Neff, “Kyiv Walks Fine Line as Fighters Embrace Use of Nazi Symbols,” The New York Times, June 6, 2023, A6.

G2.ibbons-Neff, “Kyiv Walks Fine Line as Fighters Embrace Use of Nazi Symbols.” ↑

3.Gibbons-Neff, “Kyiv Walks Fine Line as Fighters Embrace Use of Nazi Symbols.” The Anti-Defamation League considers the Totenkopf “a common hate symbol.” ↑

4.Kapustin has co-hosted a podcast with Robert Rundo, leader of the California neo-fascist Rise Above Movement. ↑

5.Paul Krugman, “The Eyes of the World Are Upon Ukraine’s Armed Forces,” The New York Times, June 6, 2023, A22. ↑

6.Krugman, “The Eyes of the World Are Upon Ukraine’s Armed Forces.” ↑

7.Krugman, “The Eyes of the World Are Upon Ukraine’s Armed Forces.” Krugman makes a point of attacking people on the left “for whom it is always 2003. They remember how America was taken to war on false pretenses—which, for the record, I realized was happening and vociferously opposed at the time—and can’t see that this situation is different.” On the right, by contrast, Krugman writes that “many of those who oppose helping Ukraine—call it the Tucker Carlson faction—do understand what this war is about. And they’re on the side of the bad guys. The Putin wing of the GOP has long admired Russia’s authoritarian regime and its intolerance. Before the war, Republicans like Senator Ted Cruz contrasted what they perceived as Russian toughness with the ‘woke emasculated’ U.S. military: Russia’s military failures threaten such people’s whole worldview, and they would be humiliated by a Ukrainian victory.” ↑ ... sty-neo-n/



Fascist Ukraine was always going to lose no matter what, & this portends to our revolutionary victory in the USA

JUNE 12, 2023

This week, in the midst of a compounding series of losses for Ukraine that by mid-summer will likely lead to unavoidable NATO humiliation, one of my friends within the anti-imperialist movement presented an argument to me: that Ukraine could have won if it had instead used “unconventional” warfare tactics from the start. At first, this sounded compelling to me. Because for a long time, it’s been apparent to anybody following an honest account of the conflict that Ukraine keeps struggling due to wasting its resources. The country’s own armed forces were rendered unable to handle a war quite early on, and its air force in particular has been incapacitated. It’s long only been able to continue fighting because of outside aid. Therefore if Ukraine had utilized guerrilla-style ways of fighting, designed to minimize the manpower and tools needed to do battle, it wouldn’t have been demilitarized. The problem with my friend’s argument is that even though he was right about certain things, such a strategy wouldn’t have been practicable for a country like Ukraine.

This is because as I learned from some of the responses to my last piece of writing, which initially included my friend’s idea but has since been edited to no longer have that, a fascist state like Ukraine can’t realistically mobilize a guerrilla-style effort. I assumed it could because Ukraine is able to mobilize great amounts of bodies as is, yet I wasn’t considering a crucial factor: the lack of ability to keep control over a mass of people who would have to be drafted into the effort, mostly don’t share the state’s Banderite fascist ideology, and would be expected to remain obedient while not even functioning within the traditional army structure. The only people the Ukrainian government could trust not to defect or go rogue upon getting mobilized for a guerrilla operation are the members of the country’s fascist militias, who represent a tiny minority of the population.

You could argue that Ukraine would have been able to effectively fight a war by relying on them, because as my friend pointed out, the terrorist acts that the Ukrainian side has perpetrated (such as Nord Stream) have been most effective at weakening Russia. Combined with that point about the Ukrainians having been able to avoid military depletion if they’d not fought in the “conventional” way, and this sounded to me like sufficient evidence for his assertion. Yet when you put together all of the evidence for and against it, the conclusion is that Ukraine couldn’t have won under any circumstances.

Because I hadn’t yet learned a crucial detail about this situation, one that’s only recently been made apparent to the anti-imperialist commentary sources who inform my views: that even though the Nord Stream industrial sabotage was successful at destroying Russia’s pipeline project with Germany, overall Ukraine’s guerrilla-style tactics have been ineffectual. (Important disclaimer: when I talk about the Nord Stream explosion as something carried out “by the Ukrainian side,” I specifically mean the U.S. was behind it. Imperialism’s narrative managers have been trying to protect the U.S. government by claiming that a “pro-Ukrainian group” did it, which is misleading as this “group” was the Biden administration.)

As the commentator The New Atlas has assessed, Ukraine’s drone attacks on Moscow have failed to have a serious impact not just strategically, not just narratively, but also psychologically. The Russian people have not been dissuaded from supporting the war effort by these attacks, they’ve only been even more passionately convinced that they must unite behind the effort to crush this menace. How do we know that Ukraine would also have strengthened Operation Z’s social base if it had used these terrorist methods right away? Because as one of the objectors to my writing pointed out, the Ukrainian state’s nature as a fascist state makes it too corrupt, dysfunctional, and at odds with the people for it to sufficiently sustain an “irregular” warfare campaign. And by sufficiently, I mean long enough and hard enough for the Russian people to have been rendered too psychologically weakened to want to carry on.

Again, as I came to realize, the fascist militias couldn’t have done it all themselves. And normal, drafted Ukrainians couldn’t have been forced into acting like committed fascist crusaders upon being given the flexibility of a guerrilla cell. These draftees would have largely fled, and their superiors would have engaged in lootings of the allotted military funds in even greater proportions than they have within our timeline. The effort wouldn’t have been able to be adequately coordinated, and Operation Z would have succeeded even sooner that it has. Incredible that a fascist state’s strategic options are so limited, it wouldn’t even be able to gain an advantage from the resource conservation benefits that guerrilla warfare brings to a fighting force.

It’s obviously also encouraging. I’m glad that the scrutiny on my idea proved me wrong. I wouldn’t want fascist states to have the ability to effectively fight a far superior enemy by adopting a strategy that conserves their resources, like how revolutionary guerrilla armies can do. Fascist guerrilla armies can do this kind of disproportionate damage, except only when their job is not to try to defend an entire state. When fascists are in charge of a state, this makes them more in danger of being defeated, because in that situation they no longer have the flexibility to be able to rely on loose terror cells. They can still use those cells, the problem for them is that if they were to exclusively use them then it would no longer bring overall benefits to them. That’s only the case for fascists who aren’t yet in power, and are fighting to gain control over the state. Once they reach their goal, they become vulnerable in a way they didn’t used to be.

You could say the same about communists to an extent, because state power is a big thing to risk losing for whatever movement has attained it. The difference between communists and fascists, the difference that puts us at ultimately a greater advantage, is we’re capable of getting the vast majority of the people ideologically loyal to our cause. The fascists can only mobilize a “conventional” army through coercion (whether in the form of the actual draft or in the form of the poverty draft), whereas communists can theoretically do this without a draft. When a worker is fighting for communism, they’re fighting for their own material interests, and when a worker is fighting for fascism they’re fighting against these interests.

Russia’s victory hasn’t just aided the cause of U.S. revolutionaries by weakening U.S. hegemony, and thereby the imperial state itself. It’s also given us an opportunity to learn things about war that could make us win against this state. If revolutionaries here were to seize control of the biggest cities, which are likely the first places they’d be able to win due to their high concentration of people with a proletarian class interest, they’d still for the time being have to largely rely on the civil conflict’s initial guerrilla tactics. Aside from the military equipment of the police departments, military equipment is often outside urban areas and in places with more space. So the task of freeing the rest of the land from bourgeois dictatorship would have to be a hybrid-style campaign, one with endless complications to try to sort out.

The great advantage of the pro-liberation side will always be that the reactionaries can’t mobilize a full-scale army without state power. Their reliable base is in the fascist militias, or in those who will be inclined to join these militias when the moment comes. They can’t win the loyalty of the workers, which is why many of those within today’s largely working class-populated U.S. armed forces could be swayed towards the revolutionary side. ... n-the-usa/


Anti-war activists in Germany protest NATO’s ‘Air Defender 23’ military exercise

June 13, 2023 Peoples Dispatch
Around 10,000 military personnel and 250 aircraft from 25 countries are participating in NATO’s ‘Air Defender 23’ exercise scheduled from June 12-23. Anti-war groups have called it a provocation

Protest by Die Linke. Photo via Dei Linke/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

On June 10, hundreds of activists from various anti-imperialist and anti-war groups as well as the Communist Party of Germany (DKP) marched to the Wunstorf Air Base in Hannover to protest the NATO’s Air Defender 2023 exercise scheduled from June 12-June 23. A vigil was also held at the Spangdahlem Air Base near Trier, which will also serve as a base for the exercise. Die Linke organized protests against the NATO exercise on June 11. The protestors denounced war-mongering and projection of military might by NATO amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and demanded a ceasefire and peace negotiations in Ukraine, as well as removal of US nuclear weapons from Germany. The airpower drill is likely to cause civil aviation delays in Germany.

According to reports, around 10,000 military personnel and 250 military aircraft from 25 NATO countries will participate in the exercise to showcase their capabilities in the backdrop of the ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russia. Peace groups have warned that the NATO maneuver will likely escalate the conflict in Ukraine and increase tensions in the region. Fierce battles are currently ongoing in southern and eastern Ukraine. However, despite the arms, ammunition and funds it has received, Ukraine has not been able to make any significant breakthrough on the Russian front lines. Ukraine is now waiting for US-made F-16 fighter jets from its allies in the European Union (EU) to use in its counter-offensive.

According to many observers, Air Defender 2023 is intended as a warning to Russia. However, many sections of the population in EU countries including in Germany are unhappy with the prolonged war and bids by NATO-EU to escalate the conflict. The inflation and energy crisis triggered by the war remains unabated and millions across Europe are struggling to cope. The defense budget has increased manifold in several EU nations alongside heavy cuts in social spending. Germany itself slipped into a recession following a steep contraction in its economy since the last quarter of crisis-ridden 2022. It is facing an acute energy crisis due to sanctions on cheap Russian oil.

On June 9, Vincent Cziesla wrote in Unsere Zeit (UZ) that Air Defender 23 is not an exercise, but seems like a brazen but usual provocation, and is a tangible danger to world peace in times of war. “An accident with a Russian military aircraft, misguided navigation, or pilot error can be enough to make a training flight seem like an act of attack.”

“It will be particularly threatening if Ukraine were to use the slipstream of the maneuver to carry out attacks, while Russian air surveillance is forced to follow NATO activities. Currently, there is almost daily shelling of Russian territory, and the Ukrainian president is threatening major attacks. The potential for escalation of a Ukrainian military strike while NATO jets patrol nearby is obvious in this situation,” Cziesla added.

Die Linke stated on June 12, “today, the NATO-air weapons maneuver ‘Air Defender 2023’ begins over Germany. It’s the largest air force maneuver since NATO. This military saber rattling is irresponsible! We will not adapt to war and the military as tools of foreign policy. Right now, when another war is raging in Europe, de-escalation and diplomacy are the order of the hour—not upgrading, military demonstrations of power, and fueling the escalation spiral.”

Source: Peoples Dispatch ... -exercise/


A Chaotic Re-Sorting: Europe’s ‘Seminal Shift’ Is (Broadly) Moving in the Same Direction as U.S. Politics

Alastair Crooke

June 12, 2023

Europe it seems is (broadly) moving in the same direction as U.S. politics, Alastair Crooke writes.

The backlash has started. It has been slow to emerge, and is lagging that of the U.S., yet it has begun in earnest. It is, as Wolfgang Münchau, a former FT journalist and editor of EuroIntelligence, has observed: “a seminal shift (for Europe), with important consequences”.

It is likely to reshape politics along a new fault-line: No longer the banal issues of ‘uni-party’ (pro-Establishment) politics: marginal tax rates; easy monetary ‘fixes’ and the consequent debt that would accumulate. But rather, it would find expression in the confrontation between those wishing for a Green upending of human society; a ‘Trans’ world for children; easy immigration; the radical re-ordering of power between ‘Identity’ groups in society – and those viscerally opposed to all of the above.

In Germany, this evolution is at ‘break-out’: Chancellor Scholtz’s coalition is in deep trouble. There is an anti-Green backlash. Support for the Green Party has crashed to 13% in the latest poll. In contrast, the party of the alt-Right AfD is attracting approximately one in five Germans who are ready to vote for it.

The “CDU and other parties of the European Centre-Right previously had courted the Greens as potential future coalition partners. Now they view them as their main political opponents”, Münchau states.

Put bluntly, whilst most Europeans indeed are Environmentalists (to one extent or another), it has become clear to many that that the Green extremist ideology is so ‘Green Utopian’ that its vanguard is prepared to destroy human society (or put it into permanent lockdown) ‘to save it’. But Green zealotry on top of de-industrialisation and soaring inflation is too much for Germans to bear:

‘Forget the EU as a model’, suggested EuroIntelligence in May:

“The EU no longer serves as a role model for others … by being completely engulfed with its own green agenda, [the EU seems] to have forgotten that there is another world out there that needs to partake in those efforts for it to be effective at the global level …Would [it] not constitute real leadership rather than the introspective, self-righteous way of how we go about right now? … we need to let go of these sacrifice-based ideologies. They are too expensive for our economies. Instead we need more innovation and more finance to realise those. Most of all, we have to stop seeing ourselves as a role model for the world”.

Germans are becoming increasingly receptive too, to the AfD’s positions on mass immigration – as the German government moves to liberalize immigration laws and to naturalize millions of foreigners as German citizens. The AfD is drawing support too, due to its opposition to sanctions against Russia which, it argues, are weakening the German economy and leading to de-industrialization.

But what really had Germans in a fluster was an article in Die Zeit that claimed Germany will soon be “a country in which migrants will no longer be a minority … Integration was yesterday: Germany is the second-largest immigration country in the world, and the original Germans are likely to become a numerical minority among many in the foreseeable future”.

Many in Germany were left to ruminate on whether the dilution of the native German population was simply a ‘business necessity’, or deliberate ‘identity engineering’ – or even, identity rotation. The issue was hinted at too, in the UK, by Nigel Farage, who lambasted the “dishonest, globalist” UK government’s addiction to cheap imported labour. (Note the globalist tag attached to the Conservatives.)

Other signs of this incipient political realignment are evident in France (with a pronounced swing to the Right), and in Spain (where an unexpected snap election was called, following a sharp swing to the Right there too, in local elections). In the Netherlands also, angry voters swept to victory on an agenda to oppose nitrogen emission cuts (and the mandatory mass culling of cattle). And in Austria and Slovakia, pro-Russian parties are surging.

Anger grows as public discourse debates endlessly ‘the absurd’ (“what is a woman?”), whilst everyone gives up on ever fixing the deeper issues at stake. What gives this situation its particular air of futility is that no one seriously believes Europe will do what would be necessary to correct the deeper malaise – the impossibility to continue doing what it has been doing, matched only by the impossibility of doing anything other.

Of course, in Europe, the Right is not all the same, but the components are (albeit in a differing mixes).

As such, the European backlash is of a piece with the crisis of legitimacy bearing down on all western societies today, Malcom Kyeyune has remarked.

“The ruling elite is increasingly angry and bitter that the ruled no longer listen; the ruled, for their part, are bitter that the system so obviously doesn’t act in their interest, nor does it even really pretend to anymore. We might actually wake up one day only to find that neither politicians nor voters think ‘democracy’ is doing very much to help them anymore”.

In France, extraordinary political events have become the New Normal. Kyeyune notes:

“Reforms are increasingly impossible, mistrust in the political system is increasing year by year, and basic legitimacy is slowly leaking out of parliamentary proceedings. If President Macron senses that France is slowly becoming ungovernable without extraordinary—and politically dubious—executive measures, he probably isn’t wrong, and he is far from the only Western leader to face this quandary”.

“Last week, Democratic presidential candidate Robert Kennedy appeared on a Twitter Spaces panel co-hosted by Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, and venture capitalist David Sacks. He spoke for over two hours on a range of issues, including the war in Ukraine, energy policy, gun control, and the origin of SARS-CoV-2. Kennedy deplored the corporate takeover of the Democratic Party; excoriated President Biden’s pro-war instincts; decried the domination of U.S. foreign policy by neo-cons – and promoted renewable energy”.

“And yet, according to the New York Times and CNN, it was an orgy of right-wing conspiracy theorizing. “Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a scion of one of the country’s most famous Democratic families,” wrote three New York Times reporters: “dived into the full embrace of a host of conservative figures who eagerly promoted his long-shot primary challenge to President Biden … On Monday, he sounded like a candidate far more at ease in the mushrooming Republican presidential contest.”

“In an earlier era, Kennedy, would have been universally regarded as a far-left candidate in the mould of Ralph Nader … Kennedy believes that the war in Ukraine is being fuelled by “the neo-cons in the White House” who want regime change in Russia. In his campaign announcement speech, he described his mission as ending “the corrupt merger of state and corporate power” that is threatening “to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country.”

It is a dizzying political realignment – scrambling all of the traditional categories and leaving in its wake just two sides: not left and right, but insider and outsider. And no matter the substance of one’s beliefs, to the media, “outsider” means by default, “right-wing conspiracy theorist”.

And predictably, it has aroused a torrent of abuse and anger:

“Kennedy’s “crackpot claims” and “outlandish views” have won him “favour on the Right,” Vanity Fair moaned.

“Mr. Kennedy has found another benefactor who seems to enjoy deluging the press with excrement: Elon Musk”, snarled The Independent.

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Spends an Hour Sucking Up to Elon Musk in Twitter Space,” blared a New Republic headline …

Rolling Stone sneered at his “outlandish and pseudoscientific ideas” and labelled Kennedy a “fringe candidate” with “crank beliefs.”

Esquire called him a “raving anti-vaxxer” and lambasted the very idea of having a contested Democratic primary”, Shellenberger and Woodhouse write.

There you have it: To speak critically (as Michael Scherer wrote in the Washington Post), is to be a “conspiracy theorist”.

The ‘dizzying political realignment’ well describes the nature of the European backlash too: European Centre-Right and Green coalitions saw the Ukraine conflict as the means to centralise ‘a new kind of feudalism’ in the EU; to disenfranchise European national parliaments of their prerogatives; and to open the prospect for consolidating the strange metamorphosis of NATO from pure military alliance to an enlightened, progressive, peace alliance – pursuing ‘justice’, values and democracy in Ukraine.

With “the U.S. Democrats slowly becoming pro-corporate, pro-war, and pro-censorship”, said Kennedy, and with the “Republicans becoming anti-censorship, pro-civil liberties, and anti-war – there’s been a tremendous realignment.”

Europe it seems is (broadly) moving in the same direction as U.S. politics. The European Élites – like their U.S. Democratic counterparts – embraced war on Russia. The Euro-Élites have adopted massive MSM narrative and social control and have dismembered the basic civic norms of marriage between a man and a woman and biological gender to which many Europeans still adhere.

The European ‘outsiders’ have begun calling “Enough”! Yet they may expect to receive the same rough treatment from the main-stream media as Kennedy is receiving (whatever their views). The U.S. Deep State will stop at nothing to ensure that neither Kennedy – nor Trump – comes anywhere close to office. Brussels will act in parallel, in Europe.

Where is this realignment all leading? Well, we are in a chaotic re-sorting period right now. Kennedy, a Democrat, accused of MAGA-ism?? Extraordinary! Class politics it is not. It is a new realignment, scrambling old categories. And a shift in core values between ‘outsiders’ and their rulers. One reason that this will be very difficult to decipher is that outsiders now view ‘democracy’ with growing mistrust. Will that result in tactical voting? Does ‘Right’ or ‘Left’ have much meaning when a Kennedy is accused of MAGA sympathies? ... -politics/

For that matter calling 'Trumpism' conservative is a misnomer. While this might be true in culture wars in the real politic world his policies(or lack thereof) often veered far from the world of Barry Goldwater. Rather, to use a communist term, Trumpism is bonapartism.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:06 pm

First week of offensive
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/14/2023


For almost a year, both the Ukrainian government and its Western political and media partners have prepared the ground for the counteroffensive with which to recover the territory lost to Russia in its advance since February 24, 2022. With Russia controlling a relevant part of the oblast of Kharkov, although not the city, and territories on the right bank of the Dnieper River in Kherson, including the regional capital, at that time, there was no aspiration to do more than return to the borders prior to the Russian recognition of the People's Republics on 22 February of that year. The high morale of having managed to paralyze the Russian advance in the south and forced Russia to withdraw from the northern regions given the impossibility of advancing on Kiev, added to the growing flow of Western heavy weapons gave Ukraine the confidence of being able to achieve its objectives. .

With military assistance from its European and North American partners that included not only offensive weaponry but also logistical assistance, field advisers and, above all, real-time intelligence, Ukraine achieved two military successes in the fall of 2022: the offensive Kharkov lightning, in which the Russian troops, poorly prepared and without the necessary help from the operational reserves, were forced to retreat hastily and disorderly to avoid being besieged and suffering enormous casualties, and the recapture of the territories of the right bank of the Kherson region. Those victories have given Ukraine, and especially its propaganda, the certainty that it was possible to recover, not only the territories lost since the Russian invasion, but its territorial integrity according to the internationally recognized 1991 borders. This discourse has not taken into account that, even in the moments of Russian weakness after the defeat in Kharkov and before the soldiers mobilized in September could be incorporated, the Ukrainian troops could not continue their advance in the most vulnerable area of ​​the front to Russia: north of Lugansk.

Since then, Kiev and its allies have counted on the wear and tear of the battle for Artyomovsk and the Russian inability to break through Ukrainian barriers in heavily fortified places like Marinka, Avdeevka or Ugledar would translate into Russia's inability to defend the most important front. , that of Zaporozhye, on which the security of Crimea and its population depends. That makes this battle an existential fight for Russia and hence the impetus to organize its defense. Under Surovikin, Moscow sacrificed Kherson, the only Ukrainian regional capital then under its control, and withdrew without a fight to preserve the integrity of its southern grouping and began building a line of defense to which Ukraine, despite the small advances that it has achieved in the first ten days of the offensive, it has not yet managed to arrive.The AP or the Wall Street Journal have been forced to admit that Russian tactics have improved, that the Russian command is now better able to counter the Ukrainian tactic, and that the lines have been strengthened in unexpected ways. Naively, Ukraine's allies seemed to expect Russia's negligent preparation of defense lines, which Russia has, as reporters on the ground have shown, been preparing for months.

Ukraine's allies have reacted to this first phase of the Ukrainian offensive in the expected way: by reasserting their position. On Monday, Germany, France and Poland insisted that they "will help Ukraine for as long as it takes." The flow of arms and the essential diplomatic and political support of the NATO countries to Kiev is guaranteed for the moment, pending the results of the current campaign, which could determine the development of the conflict in the medium term. The idea that the counteroffensive could force a negotiation, possible only in the event of Ukraine's position of strength -Kiev has made clear its intention not to comply with any agreement that does not take place in this way-, is still present, although in no way short term. In the current circumstances, Any possibility of political negotiation is a chimera that would require a radical change in the position of one of the sides, something unpredictable right now, when both are confident in their chances of achieving a position of strength through military means. For Ukraine, that possibility requires a deep advance on the Russian lines and the ability to put the situation in Crimea in real danger. For Russia, any advance, or even the maintenance of the status quo after a year of preparation for this offensive, could be considered an important victory when it comes to positioning itself before a possible negotiation.

For the moment, the front is the aspect that determines the direction of the conflict and Ukraine's allies are perfectly aware of this. Yesterday, the United States promised a new package of military assistance to kyiv, 325 million dollars more, including ammunition and armored vehicles. According to Wall Street Journal, Washington is considering the possibility of sending depleted uranium projectiles, a controversial ammunition and which is accused of great prejudices both for the population and for the lands in which it is used. In his appearance yesterday, in which he referred at length to the situation at the front, Vladimir Putin, who admitted that Russia has lost at least 54 tanks in the Ukrainian counteroffensive, warned that Russia also has weapons similar to the one it intends to supply the United States. And insisting that Ukraine has not and will not achieve its goals, the Russian president cited the need for a buffer zone to prevent bombing, an idea that suggests Russia has not given up on potential progress. The Russian discourse seems to focus on the need to maintain the current lines of defense and the destruction of strategic reserves in order to exhaust both the offensive and defensive potential of Ukraine, assuming that it will not be possible for its allies to repeat a build-and-delivery operation. weapons in the quantities that have been mobilized over the past year. Hence the destruction of Leopards or Bradleys is celebrated as a victory.

The constant promise of more weapons and ammunition, accompanied by the also persistent Ukrainian prayers to continue the flow and include in it also long-range missiles and combat aircraft shows that Ukraine has not reached the level expected by several experts, who claimed that Ukraine had already received all the necessary weapons to wage war against Russia. The first images of German tanks burning in the open fields of Zaporozhye – “Leopards and Bradleys burn beautifully”, Vladimir Putin said yesterday – have already caused the first demands from Ukraine. Andrej Melnyk, the more than controversial former Ukrainian ambassador to Germany and future ambassador to Brazil, has already demanded that the lost Leopards be replaced by Berlin. At the moment, Germany has promised a hundred Leopard 1 tanks,

The reality is obstinate and despite the enormous propaganda and defamation work of the Russian army and its military and political authorities that has been carried out by the press and fundamentally by British intelligence, Russia continues to have armed forces trained and equipped with sufficient weapons to respond to an announced and foreseeable Ukrainian offensive. Russia controls around 20% of the territory of Ukraine, the second largest country in Europe behind only the Russian Federation, but the distances between the front and the most critical point for Moscow, the entrance to Crimea, are narrow. Hence the direction of the offensive could in no way be a surprise. Yesterday, Ukraine stated that its troops are advancing in their offensive towards Berdyansk, one of the three possible directions. Just as obvious as Berdyansk are Melitopol, the gateway to Crimea, or Mariupol, which would imply an offensive in the Ugledar area, which in recent months has proven to be a weaker point for the Russian and Republican troops, who despite repeatedly trying, They have not managed to advance on the city to thus cut off the supply of the Ukrainian group in the surroundings of the city of Donetsk. There they still resist, in an epic way according to The New York Times , outnumbered and outgunned, some Ukrainian soldiers in towns like Marinka, a strategic town on the outskirts of the DPR capital. Years ago converted into a fortress and with three major battles for its control throughout the years of war in Donbass, the city, like practically the entire Donbass front, is completely destroyed.

The first days of the offensive have seen more than modest Ukrainian advances in areas still far from the Russian defense lines and have left, above all, the confirmation of the priority directions, the central front of Zaporozhye, and secondary ones, both in the surroundings of Donetsk as in the north of Lugansk, the latter yet to be fully reactivated. These first offensive steps have also shown that the invincibility of the Western equipment has a strong propaganda component and the Ukrainian troops now find themselves in situations very similar to those in which the Russian and Republican troops found themselves in battles such as Ugledar, given the need to advance in full view of the enemy and over minefields.

The most optimistic defenders of Ukraine have chosen to either exaggerate the advances - scant and not even particularly consolidated - or to allege that the real attack has not yet begun, since strategic reserves have not come into play. Russian triumphalism over the ability to attack Ukrainian armored columns with artillery and drones is likely premature, but it also points to a seriousness in defense preparation that did not exist in the case of Kharkiv just a few months ago. The learning curve and time to prepare for an offensive that Ukraine and its partners have virtually telegraphed and detailed makes the Russian collapse that Ukraine's most fanatical supporters seemed to expect unpredictable. ... more-27512

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Development of the situation as of the evening of 06/13/2023
June 13, 22:53


Development of the situation as of the evening of 06/13/2023

Information is being received about the transfer of reserves of equipment to the line of contact by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The main rear area in which the mechanized units are concentrated is the Dnepropetrovsk region. The main route for the redeployment of the reserve forces is the railway junction Pavlograd - Pokrovsk (former Krasnoarmeysk, I once wrote about this strategic point for Donbass - ).

Our assumptions are confirmed - active attempts to storm the positions of the RF Armed Forces "from a swoop" are nothing more than ongoing reconnaissance in force, designed to deplete the resource of our advanced units, identify artillery firing positions and places of concentration of defending units.

After a week of fighting, the Armed Forces of Ukraine failed to gain a foothold in the area of ​​​​the Vremevsky ledge, Makarovka and Harvest. It is not convenient for the enemy to advance in this area, because the territory is well shot through by the artillery of the RF Armed Forces. Obviously, the intention of the Ukrainian command is to gradually occupy small settlements in the direction of Staromlynovka - Kermenchik - Novopetrikovka in order to create a springboard for striking to the south in order to block the section of the route from Mariupol - to Kamenka in the Zaporozhye region.

Quite a legitimate question, Kyiv does not sacrifice much infantry, actively throws equipment into battle, what is the logic here? It is quite logical to assume that the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is guided by the old principle of chess: "feed your opponent crumbs, making him think that he is smart and strong, and you, therefore, are weak and stupid."

The euphoria from counterattacks against advancing subunits should not obscure the breadth of vision. You should not entertain the illusion that the enemy is losing or has not prepared for the offensive, which has been discussed for two months. The fact is that at the moment the main armored reserves have not yet entered the battle.

The mistake of many military experts is that they are trying to assess the offensive potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in terms of the size of the strike force concentrated in the Zaporozhye direction - we are talking about the 10th and separate formations of the 9th Army Corps. They are known to be equipped with personnel and equipment by about 80%, which is clearly not enough to deliver a decisive blow. Yes, and these forces are concentrated in a 100-kilometer strip in the part of the Zaporozhye region controlled by Kyiv.

The main forces, as we now see, are concentrated in the Dnepropetrovsk region and are being transferred in small units through the Pavlograd railway junction and Pokrovsk to the front line. Moreover, speaking of the transfer, we mean not only heavy equipment, but also units of field artillery, air defense, engineering troops, and signal brigades covering the armored units.

Let's look at the staff division of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In the Ukrainian army, a tank battalion usually includes 31 tanks. The motorized infantry battalion will have about the same number of vehicles. An armored brigade usually consists of three tank battalions and one or two motorized infantry battalions. Add here the mixed composition of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers of the Soviet-Ukrainian-NATO model, air defense systems, an engineer, MLRS, and it turns out that on average the number of pieces of equipment of an armored brigade can reach 250 units on average.

According to various estimates, the Kiev General Staff gathered up to 7 armored brigades to deliver the main blow. So, despite the objective losses of the attacking units and a large number of knocked out foreign equipment, it is too early to talk about achieving an operational-tactical advantage over the advancing ones.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine were able to create rear areas significantly remote from the front in the Nikolaev-Krivoy Rog and Dnepropetrovsk directions, and the uninterrupted functioning of railway logistics today allows them to redeploy reserves in the volumes that are necessary to replenish the advancing units.

One gets the impression that by probing for vulnerabilities in the system of Russian defensive lines, the Armed Forces of Ukraine seem to allow us to experience local tactical success where they themselves create favorable conditions for it.

@Multi_XAM - zinc

Shallowing of the Dnieper near Nikopo
June 13, 23:55


Shallowing of the Dnieper near Nikopol. It was-became.
When it dries up, the enemy can try to force this swamp.

PS. Today I returned to the Crimea. From tomorrow, publications are going as usual. Comment mode - "friends only" - will also be removed tomorrow.

Google Translator


Vladimir Putin meets with Russia’s war correspondents

This evening’s News at 20.00 o’clock on Russian state television opened with extensive excerpts from the open discussion in Q&A format that Vladimir Putin had with 20 of the country’s war correspondents just a couple of hours earlier.

I was fortunate enough to have accidentally tuned into that session while it was still being broadcast live. The hour or so that I sat with the broadcast left no doubt in my mind that Vladimir Putin remains one of a kind among the world’s leaders. That is not meant as a compliment but as a statement of fact: the man is a phenomenon. He spoke extemporaneously, without notes.

The meeting took place in a Kremlin conference room. The participants included some of the best known journalists, including Alexander Sladkov and Yevgeny Poddubny, whom we see daily on state television reporting from the front lines in Donbas. But there were also journalists from the commercial channel NTV, from the military channel Zvezda and from print media including Komsomolskaya Pravda. There were even nontraditional journalists like the fellow who identified himself simply as a “blogger.”

What they all had in common was the possibility to pose tough questions about the conduct of the war, about shortcomings in equipment supply and injustices in compensation that irk the rank-in-file soldiers, about the relations between private military companies on the war front (the Wagner Group) and the regular military, and about a great deal more. All questions received serious answers or the promise that Putin would take the issues up with the Ministry to seek solutions. If it was not possible to respond for reasons of state security, such as the question about when Russia will in its turn go on the offensive, then the president did not mince words; he explained that the issue could be discussed between four eyes, not on live television.

I offer below my informal record of the most important to-and-fro that I heard. This is not a stenographic document but the gist of what I caught on the fly.


Q – At the start of the war, we saw that the Russian military command consisted of armchair generals, of people who got to their positions as ass-lickers. A lot of mistakes were made. Now from the progress of the war we see examples of great heroism and courage. What can you do to ensure that these people will rise to the top?

A – Yes, in peacetime our Army command was filled with armchair generals. But that is something you see in every army in the world in peacetime. Yes, I agree with you that the heroes who have been awarded medals for their courage and effectiveness on the field of battle should be given a “lift” by promotions and by their entering academies to provide them with knowledge of military science so as to take positions at the highest levels. I see room for such patriotic and brave people also in the security services.

One problem is that the heroic servicemen are self-sacrificing and are very often among those who die on the battlefield. But for those who make it through, we must identify them and fast-track them.

Q – We have seen how not just Ukraine but the NATO forces have crossed each of our red lines, one after another. They keep on pushing us back. When will we respond?

A- We responded by opening the Special Military Operation. That was our response to 8 years of war that the West initiated against the populations of Donbas. As for red lines crossed in the past year, well we have responded. I cannot detail all of this in public, but let us note our destruction of power generation facilities or our destruction of the headquarters building of Ukraine’s Military Intelligence in downtown Kiev.

Q- We see that Ukraine is being stuffed with the latest Western weapon systems. What are we going to do about it? Why isn’t our army fully equipped with modern weapons?

A – In the course of the Special Military Operation it has become clear that many forms of armaments are not available in sufficient numbers. These include high precision munitions, drones, field communications. We have to increase our production to meet demand. Overall in the past year production of all military hardware has increased 2.7 times. And in the weapons most in demand we have increased production 10 times. Remember that our decision to modernize our military industrial complex was taken eight years ago and a lot has been achieved. Also note that besides the MIC in the past year thousands of private manufacturers operating in the civilian sector have come forward as suppliers of subsystems and finished goods for the military.

Q – The United States has just announced that it will be supplying depleted uranium artillery shells to the Ukrainian armed forces. What will be our response?

A- The United States is offering to provide depleted uranium shells because it has run out of normal artillery shells and has a production capacity at present of just 30,000 per month, whereas the Ukrainian army uses up 5,000 or more shells a day. However, the US has a stock of depleted uranium shells and now proposes to empty its stores. Our response? We also have a very large stock of depleted uranium shells and may be obliged to use them now on the field of battle.

Q- Will there be another mobilization?

A – Everything depends on what we want to achieve in the war. At present there is no discussion of mobilization. After all there has been an upsurge of patriotic feelings and large numbers of men have come forward to enlist. There are now 150,000 newly signed contract soldiers available for the front plus another 6,000 volunteers outside contract. Our task now is to ensure that all soldiers fighting in the SMO war zone have concluded contracts that ensure they receive the same compensation and social benefits.

Q- Among contract soldiers we see that some receive much more cash than others. What can be done to level this out?

A – The federal allowances to contract soldiers are exactly the same wherever they are signed up. The differences in money paid out to them are the result of voluntary payments made by each region of the Russian Federation to their soldiers. We are a nation under law, unlike Ukraine, and there is nothing the federal government can do to coerce the regions to level up. However, we will have a word with the governors so that they are made aware of what others are doing and can voluntarily raise their allotments to a generalized level. This will be a case of sharing best practices.

Q – Why have we prolonged the grain deal with Ukraine? Soldiers in the trenches do not understand this cooperation. It appears we get no benefit from it.

A – Indeed, the West has not lived up to the commitments set down in the grain deal. Our grain exports still are handicapped by the exclusion of our specialized agricultural trade bank from SWIFT and by sanctions on boats and insurance to carry our grain to export markets. However, we have continued the grain deal for the benefit of the friendly countries in Africa and Latin America that are dependent on these grain supplies from Ukraine. Next month we will meet with African leaders here in Moscow and the grain deal will be one subject for our discussion.

Q – There have been frictions between private military companies engaged in the fighting in the Donbas (the Wagner Group) and the regular Russian army forces. What can be done?

A – What we are now doing is ensuring that everyone fighting in defense of Russia in the area of the Special Military Operation will have exactly the same rights and obligations set down in contract with the regular army.

Q – Many of those in the private military companies have been convicts released from prison upon agreeing to fight in the war zone. Upon the end of their term, they are released and pardoned. But then we hear that some of these people go back to their old ways and start committing crimes.

A – All of those convicts who serve their time on the battlefield are indeed pardoned. But anyone who then goes on to commit a crime will be held accountable and will be subject to punishment just as anyone else. However, let us note that whereas in general the rate of recidivism of criminals released from prison is 40%, the recidivism of those who served at the front is ten times less.


My key conclusion from watching Putin’s meeting with the war correspondents is that those in the West who say that the Russian President lives in a bubble, that he does not know what is really going on in this war – those “experts” and pundits are either ignorant fools or vile propagandists. Putin is making a great effort to build his own understanding of the real state of affairs by speaking directly to people at the working level. He does this precisely to avoid being a hostage of his top generals and ministers. Today’s meeting with the front line journalists came a day after his visit to a military hospital in downtown Moscow where he spent time talking with soldiers convalescing from their war injuries. These had all been awarded medals for heroism and Putin wanted to hear their stories, to understand their thinking about the war. His time spent with them was a lot more than a photo opportunity.

The 20.00 newscast added to the excerpts from the Q&A session a brief interview which journalist Pavel Zarubin took with a half dozen of the participants in the meeting with Putin. All were in agreement: they were impressed that the President had a firm grasp both of details in the war zone and of challenges before Russian society to support the war effort.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023 ... spondents/


From Cassad's Telegram account:



❗️Vremievsky ledge
situation by the end of June 13, 2023

Fierce fighting continues on the Makarovka-Urozhaynoye line on the Vremevsky ledge .

▪️NgP Intelligence reports that as a result of another attack by Ukrainian formations, Russian units retreated to the southern outskirts of the settlement Makarovka . After several days of fighting, the settlement is again under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Most likely, the defense of the Russian units is lining up for landing 700 meters south of Makarovka .

▪️Harvest is under the confident control of Russian troops. The front edge runs along the northeastern outskirts of the village.

▪️Levadne seems to be controlled by Ukrainian formations, while Novodarovka is in the gray zone. After the demining, Ukrainian formations tried to advance on Priyutnoye , but were driven back.

▪️Rivnopol is under the stable control of Russian troops: as stated in the Russian Ministry of Defense, all attacks of Ukrainian troops were repelled in the area.


The United States announced a new package of military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $ 325 million

From the available stocks of the American army will be transferred:

- Additional missiles for NASAMS air defense systems;
- MANPADS Stinger;
- Additional ammunition for MLRS HIMARS;
— 155-mm and 105-mm artillery shells;
- 15 BMP M2 Bradley;
- 10 armored personnel carriers Stryker;
- ATGM Javelin;
- Anti-tank grenade launchers AT-4;
- More than 22 million small arms cartridges and grenades;
- Explosive ammunition for clearing obstacles;
- Equipment to support tactical secure communications;
— Spare parts and other field equipment.

Google Translator


From the Telegram account of Slavyangrad:

The demilitarization of Kharkov is overdue - Vladimir Putin allowed the creation of a "sanitary zone" in the border regions of Ukraine

Today, the President of Russia held a meeting in the Kremlin with war correspondents, at which many important issues related to the course of the SMO were discussed. Among other things, Vladimir Putin commented on the situation with the recent raids by Ukrainian DRGs on the Belgorod region, as well as artillery strikes on Russian cities by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The head of state said that to prevent the shelling of Russian territory, it may be necessary to create a "sanitary zone" on the territory of Ukraine. What does it mean?

Some time ago, we already said that without the liberation of the Russian city of Kharkov, it would be impossible to achieve all the tasks set for the SMO. It is Kharkov that is now relying on the group that strikes at the Belgorod region - which means that for the sake of the peace of the Russian people, this abscess of Ukrainianism must be opened. The creation of a sanitary zone on the territory of Ukraine involves a military operation in the Kharkov region and nothing else.

And the ongoing campaign to attract servicemen to serve under the contract must be bearing fruit. The President said that 156,000 people have already signed a contract since February 2023. This is enough to solve the current tasks of the SMO without expanding mobilization measures. But for the liberation of Kharkov, our troops may need additional resources.

In any case, while the enemy counteroffensive has not yet been completed, it is too early to discuss the demilitarization of the border regions of Ukraine. The contours of the summer-autumn campaign are being formed right now, while the troops of the Kiev regime are killing themselves against Russian fortifications.



NATO Secretary General once again refused Kiev - Ukraine's entry into the Alliance "is out of the question"

In an interview with PBS, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that talk of Ukraine joining the bloc is premature and that the Kiev regime should first prove its usefulness on the battlefield.

According to Stoltenberg, “If Ukraine cannot win, then there can be no question of any NATO membership. After all, only a sovereign, independent, and democratic Ukraine can become a member of the Alliance.” Also, the Secretary General of the bloc added that he could not yet name any dates when exactly country 404 would be able to join the ranks of NATO member states: “The fact that Ukrainians have some successes is encouraging, but wars can be unpredictable,” Stoltenberg said.

Translated into Russian, the words of the Secretary General of the Alliance mean that Pan Zelensky should continue to send the army into suicidal attacks - otherwise, the fulfillment of the Maidan desires of the Kiev authorities, literally, “is out of the question.” In a situation of an ongoing conflict, it is much more profitable for the Alliance to keep its vassal on a short leash, motivating them with a “bright future” and not directly intervening in the conflict on their own. Ukraine for the West is nothing more than a weapon against Russia, whose population can be told for years about “a little more, and straight to Heaven” while grabbing people on the streets of Odessa and sending them to the trenches. Now the further fate of Ukrainian statehood depends solely on the success of the offensive, and to maintain the fighting spirit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a foreign owner can even sign another "declaration of friendship" that does not mean anything.

Joining NATO is the blue dream of the Kiev regime, for the sake of achieving which no one and nothing is sorry. To call himself some big word in the spirit of the "European army" is Zelensky's state program.


It behooves me to feed the starving and rapidly dwindling doomer brigade a bit of conspirological fodder.

GB: None of what follows below represents the views of Slavyangrad and is presented for entertainment purposes only (while the NATO designs on Russia are undeniable, it is highly doubtful that any such official document or policy (other than in the deepest recesses of the Atlantic rectum) exists, and the Ukrainian promises to “soon start the real counteroffensive” have sounded flat for at least half a year). Whatever the informational merit of the essay below, it definitely will tickle a few nerves, as all good entertainment ought to.

Obraz Budushego writes (unedited):

Plans to Dismantle Russia

The NATO summit in Vilnius does not bring any breakthrough decisions. The main goal is to consolidate a variety of positions, to reconcile plans, and to discuss the current situation.

Including the consolidation of efforts to change the regime in Russia within the framework of the whole alliance, not individual countries.

There is a plan to defeat Russia militarily, and it is being discussed.

They are ready to divide us and introduce democratic gendarmes, with no regard to our losses and with complete confidence in the indecisiveness of our responses. The prospects of capturing the sources of oil, gas, water, timber and minerals are higher than the loss of any part of the troops.

Already today, Western politicians are sounding the narrative of a "long Ukrainian counteroffensive," behind which is the preparation of troops from the west to invade. This is all for the period of late 2024 and early 2025.

We are informed about this plan, and through Lukashenko we are trying to indicate the determination to use nuclear weapons.

An important narrative in Vilnius will be the discussion of the plan to bring allied troops into Ukraine from 5-7 nations without the NATO flag, but under the guarantees of the collective West led by Washington.

The plan for victorious steps "to defeat Russia" involves 5 main steps:

1. Ukraine depletes Russia's military and human potential in 20-25 months, capturing its former territories of Kherson, Zaporozhye, Nikolayev, Donetsk and Lugansk regions, with luck and disorganization of the Russian Armed Forces even Crimea.

2. Immediately after that, Poland, the Baltic States, Germany and the Czech Republic introduce a combined group of 350 thousand people in Belarus. Preliminarily declaring a no-fly zone over RB, and as part of it hitting air defense, CA and decision-making centers, simultaneously activating the sleeper cells created between 2019-2022.

3. If successful - Sweden, FRG, France, Finland, Belgium and the Netherlands introduce a military contingent to the territory of the Leningrad region, St. Petersburg, Pskov and Murmansk regions, cutting off the SMP, blocking the work of the CC, most of the military units and strikes on Moscow, the CFA and control points. Sabotage in the troops and elite confrontation, multiplied by internal shocks from the loss of the LDNR, Crimea, and Belarus, will further strengthen the processes and prevent the use of SNF, and the refusal to launch TNWs has already been once in May 2022.

4. Instant pockets of separatism in the North Caucasus and the Far East will lead to the elimination of local leaders and the formation of points of tension and sabotage, further weakening defensive capabilities.

5. Constant work with representatives of elite groups representing both the war party and the armistice party is bearing fruit and sprouting through all the military and political structures.

In the next six months, these threats are considered unrealistic, but over the next 3-5 months, the work to increase efforts to implement this scenario will only intensify. The gathering of Russia's enemies in the Baltics once again shows the disposition to implement such a plan for the destruction of Russia, and the repeatedly increasing support of the AFU indicates that there is little doubt of success there.

To date, attempts to recruit children of decision-makers in the Kremlin, AP, Ministry of Defense and other security agencies have only intensified.

Recruitment is carried out continuously - from the moment the documents are submitted to the embassy for a visa or the activation of a second citizenship passport to the moment they are checked into hotels in the EU and NATO countries, as well as in the Middle East and Southeast Asian countries.

30% of these people are aware of the risks of recruitment for the sake of keeping what their parents and next of kin took abroad.

Ukrainian Counteroffensive

A real counteroffensive by the AFU is planned to begin on June 26. And it will be serious trump cards that will have to be beaten.

For the campaign 11 brigades with shock fists of tanks and BMPs in the number of 9 pieces of 75 vehicles are prepared.

Another Patriot is being moved from Rzeszow, which will stand in Dnipro or Kharkov. The Patriot was again brought to Kyiv from the Rivne NPP, where it protected an underground command bunker.

IRIS-T, Geparda, and Soviet S-300 air defense systems are delivered to Kherson, and some 15 MiG-29 are parked in Romania. Another 31 MiG-29s are completing modernization in Poland and Slovakia and will be relocated to Ukraine by June 24.

A strike group of 900 maritime drones was assembled in Odessa for strikes against the Crimea and the Crimean bridge.

Contrary to gossip, Zaluzhny is involved in preparing the counterattack, and Budanov was spotted in Kharkov on Monday, June 12.

THE ABOVE DOES NOT represent the views of Slavyangrad or yours truly.


While I find the mad musings of Obraz Budushego above merely mildly amusing, I will point this out: In the face of the general failure of the Ukrainian counteroink to date, Zelensky will, indeed, try something new in the second half of June, toward the end of the month. It is likely that a new front in this offensive will be opened.

I am referring, of course, to the clearly suicidal, but for that reason somehow all the more attractive to the Kiev regime, attack across the Dnepr river.

As you may have noted, the basin of the Kakhovskoye Reservoir is drying out. The river itself is turning to a narrow stream along its bed from the Dnepro HPP to nearly the estuary.

This was effected by Kiev by first discharging massive amounts of water from the Dnepro HPP during the period of the Kakhovskaya HPP collapse and then cutting off nearly the entire flow.

Either the Kiev regime was trying to prevent the collapse of the HPP system upstream (the dams have been damaged throughout and are in some danger of domino failure)—which I find unlikely—or, more likely, this was consciously done to lay the foundation for an attack across the Dnepr.

With the river turning to a relatively narrow stream, the pontoon bridges supplied over the past half a year by the West could be used in an attempt to rapidly deploy troops and establish bridgeheads, with the intention of broadly striking at the Kherson flank of the Russian grouping in Zaporozhye.

Nonetheless, I call this plan suicidal—and for a good reason. Kiev's plan likely counted on the Russian minefields and defensive lines being washed away in the deluge. Nothing of the sort has happened. Along the bank and on the islands there were observation strongholds, but the main lines of defense were originally established 20-30km inland.

Moreover, Russian troops have now returned to many positions along the left (south) bank of the Dnepr and on some islands. Critically, no artillery or mechanized units were affected by the flood.

What Ukraine's plan (if such exists) to attack across the Dnepr would involve is rolling through kilometres of flat, swampy terrain on both banks of the reduced river, erecting pontoon bridges across the Dnepr, and being in full view of the Russian artillery, air force, and the mechanized units. Fish in a barrel have it better.

This, of course, requires that the Russian Army be not too distracted by what is happening along the border (Kursk, Belgorod), on the Kupyansk or Svatovo directions, near Bakhmut and Donetsk, the Vremev Salient and elsewhere along the Zaporozhye front, and near Uglegorsk.

The men must stand strong and hold the defensive lines. Reserves must be kept back for quick maneuvering to where they are most needed (including to Kherson, should the need arise).

Provided the accurate and careful defensive operations demonstrated by the Russian Army thus far continue as they have, any Dnepr attack will, in my opinion, be suicidal for the Ukrainians. Just the thing they are wont to do.


Chronicle of the special military operation for June 13, 2023
June 13, 2023

Fighting continues on the Vremievsky ledge. After fierce battles for Makarovka and the change of hands in the village, the RF Armed Forces nevertheless withdrew to its southern outskirts. In other sectors of the front, the situation is stable, but difficult. The village of Harvest is under the full control of the RF Armed Forces, as is Rovnopol . Ukrainian formations are attacking in small groups, having changed tactics somewhat after the first days of the offensive.

In addition, Ukrainian militants attacked Lugansk with four Storm Shadow rockets, resulting in civilian casualties. In the DPR, several districts of Donetsk , as well as Gorlovka, Makeevka and Urozhaynoye, as well as Yasinovataya and Aleksandrovskoye with Staromikhaylovka, were subjected to chaotic shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Storm Shadow missile strike on Lugansk

Ukrainian formations attacked Lugansk with four Storm Shadow missiles. Three of them were shot down, but one hit the car market area, civilians were injured. In neighboring Alchevsk, air defense also worked, there were no casualties or destruction.

The situation on the front line and the fighting
The situation in the border areas of the Russian Federation remains stably tense. Ukrainian formations somewhat reduced the intensity of shelling, but they hardly abandoned plans for new attacks by Russia. The enemy is moving reserves and amassing personnel with equipment in Volchansk, as well as in Ivanovka, Vasilievka and Zakharovka.

In the Starobelsky direction, the situation has not changed significantly. Artillery duels are going on, the RF Armed Forces are hitting enemy howitzers and are actively using UAVs. Snipers and DRGs are working in the forests near Kremennaya.

[youtube] ... -43-04.mp4[/youtube]
Near Bakhmut, the enemy is trying to use the tactics of rolling in small groups to the front line of the Russian defense in the area of ​​Bakhmut and Soledar . A well-built line of defense and adjustment of the work of artillery with UAVs makes it possible to inflict painful blows for the enemy, destroying enemy equipment.

On Maryinsky and Avdeevsky sections of the Donetsk direction, the situation has not changed much: fighting is going on in dense urban areas with the use of heavy equipment and aircraft.


Fierce fighting continues on the Vremievsky ledge on the Makarovka-Urozhaynoye line line . NgP Intelligence reports that as a result of another attack by Ukrainian formations, Russian units retreated to the southern outskirts of the settlement Makarovka . After several days of fighting, the settlement is again under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Most likely, the defense of the Russian units is lining up for landing 700 meters south of Makarovka .

Harvest is under the confident control of Russian troops. The front edge runs along the northeastern outskirts of the village. Levadne , apparently, is controlled by Ukrainian formations, and Novodarovka is in the gray zone. After the demining, Ukrainian formations tried to advance on Priyutnoye, but were driven back. Rivnopol is under the stable control of Russian troops: as stated in the Russian Ministry of Defense, all attacks of Ukrainian troops were repelled in the area.

[youtube] ... r.com_.mp4[/youtube]
In the Zaporozhye direction, the situation has stabilized: the Ukrainian formations have stopped a series of suicidal attacks in the Orekhovsky sector, during which they lost a large amount of equipment. Artillery duels are now taking place on the line of contact, and Russian trophy teams are working in the “gray zone”.

In addition, footage of the confrontation between armored vehicles appeared on the network today: in the video, a Russian tank hits a Ukrainian M2A2 ODS Bradley infantry fighting vehicle delivered from the United States. After the second shot, the enemy vehicle, which can be distinguished by the characteristic contour of the tower, lights up. Judging by the indicators on the screen, the crew is firing at the target from a distance of 1385 meters.

This is another clear example of the need for combat vehicles to have a thermal imaging channel and other modern means of detection, which significantly increase the capabilities of even old equipment.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

Ukrainian formations continue to fire at border settlements in the Kursk region. In Tyotkino, nine houses were damaged as a result of the attack, two of them caught fire. Damaged gas and power lines. Civilians were not hurt. In Glushkovo , 10 residential buildings, several office buildings and two cars were hit, there are no victims or injured, a door-to-door tour of the territory is underway.

In several explosions thundered Lugansk during the day. Local residents reported hitting an object in the car market area. According to preliminary data, the missile strike was carried out by several Storm Shadow cruise missiles, one of which was intercepted.

In AlchevskAir defense also worked. At the moment, the nature of the destruction is unknown, emergency services left the scene of the incident.

The enemy continues to strike civilian infrastructure in the Donetsk People's Republic : Donetsk , Makiivka , Gorlovka and Aleksandrovka were also hit . In the village of Harvest , as a result of enemy shelling, two women were injured.

In the Zaporozhye region, Ukrainian formations again launched missile attacks on Tokmak and Pologi . Civilian buildings were damaged in the settlements, there is no information about the dead and wounded.

Today it became known that on June 12, as a result of a strike by the Armed Forces of Ukraine with Storm Shadow missiles, Major General Sergei Goryachev , who in the past commanded Russian peacekeepers in Transnistria and headed 201 military bases in Tajikistan, died. At the beginning of the SVO, he served as commander of the 5th separate tank brigade, but was subsequently promoted to chief of staff of the 35th combined arms army with the rank of major general.

In the Kherson region, the parties are engaged in artillery duels - Ukrainian formations continue to shell the flood-affected settlements on the left bank of the Dnieper. At the same time, Russian servicemen, along with rescuers and volunteers, are helping citizens who have fallen into the flood zone.

Political events

Vladimir Putin's meeting with Russian military commanders

Russian President Vladimir Putin today held a meeting with Russian military commissars, at which a number of key topics related to the NVO were discussed. Among other issues raised, the head of state promised to deal with the reasons for non-payment of allowances to soldiers for the destruction of enemy equipment and aircraft. Another important point of the discussion was Putin's statement about the Russian side's thoughts on a possible exit from the grain deal.

In addition, he stressed that there is no need to conduct a second wave of mobilization now, and that all Russian fighters should be equal in rights, regardless of the place of service.

On the participation of Ukrainian security officials in undermining the Nord Streams

The Dutch media, following the American colleagues, published information about the involvement of Ukrainians in the destruction of the Nord Stream . According to the publication NOS, the operation was carried out under the command of Zaluzhny, despite alleged requests from the CIA not to carry out this operation.

On the language policy of the Kyiv authorities

The EU Venice Commission proposes to the Ukrainian side to revise the provisions of the law on national minorities, which significantly restricts the rights of the Russian-speaking, as well as the Hungarian and Romanian population of Ukraine.

The commission suggested that the authorities give minorities the opportunity not to translate their events into Ukrainian, simplify book publishing, and abandon a number of other repressive measures.

Author: Rybar ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 15, 2023 12:06 pm

The weakest link
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/15/2023


After months of silence in which the leaks were limited to confirming the taboo that the issue implied in the diplomacy of the NATO countries, information about the main hypothesis being handled today is beginning to appear with increasing frequency. to explain what happened on September 26, 2022 in the depths of the Baltic Sea. The sabotage of three of the four Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines disabled the infrastructures and broke, perhaps even permanently, the direct connection between Russia and Germany, one more step in a political, economic and social rupture between two of the great axes of the continent. And while common sense always dictated that Moscow and Berlin were the parties most harmed, it did not take more than a few hours for the establishment to politician and continental media made it clear that there was no doubt. Western European powers directly accused Moscow of having sabotaged infrastructure for which it had fought for years and of which it was co-owner.

At that time, two positions stood out, to distance themselves from the official discourse of anger against Russia. On the one hand, attention was quickly drawn to the fact that it openly celebrated the disappearance, at least temporarily, of the gas pipeline, which gave greater importance to other gas transit routes such as the gas pipeline between Norway and Poland or the transit system through Ukraine. . Although the volume of Russian gas pumped through the pipelines has been significantly reduced, as of today, the transit occurs only through the Ukrainian system. At the time, unsurprisingly, Ukraine pointed, as is the norm on every occasion, at Russia's culpability. "The gas leakof NS-1 is nothing more than a terrorist attack planned by Russia and an act of aggression towards the EU”, wrote Mikhailo Podolyak even before all the explosions were known. And as is also usual, Ukraine tried to make the most of what happened. “Russia wants to destabilize the economic situation in Europe and cause panic before winter. The best answer is to invest in security: tanks for Ukraine. Especially Germans”, the adviser to the Office of the President stated at the time. At that time, the Leopard tanks that Russia is now trying to destroy or capture on the front lines were the wunderwaffe of the day, the weapon that was going to change everything.

The Ukrainian reaction was as expected and, without claiming in any way what was really an act of international terrorism against a whole series of European countries, one of them as important as Germany, was glad that Russia lost an important source of income. With the Nord Stream gone, the importance of Ukraine's antiquated transit system could be given a second life, ensuring what Kiev has sought for years: Moscow's reliance on Ukraine to transit its natural gas to the EU. Over time, that stance has moderated and Ukraine is now threatening to refuse to renew the transit contract with Gazprom, which would leave Russia with no choice but liquefied natural gas, whose sales to European countries have doubled in this year of sanctions and sabotage.proxy in a common war against Russia - Kiev seems to have decided that it is more profitable to act as a barrier than as a bridge.

The second position that drew attention in the first hours after the Nord Stream sabotage was that of the United States, much more moderate than the hot-headed European politicians, who seemed not to need even a minimal investigation to find out who was responsible for the events. That apparent initial moderation and the refusal to blame Moscow directly, perhaps because of the knowledge of what really happened, later translated into the jubilation of diplomats such as Antony Blinken or Victoria Nuland, who saw the "great opportunity" it represented for the United States. and its allies to drive their great rival out of the lucrative European energy market.

In the time that has elapsed since then, European countries and, above all, their media apparatus, have unsuccessfully sought a way to prove that the enemy Úrsula von der Leyen or Josep Borrell referred to in September was in the Kremlin. The passage of time without any evidence to reasonably accuse Russia of having destroyed a pressure tool that it could have used politically was always evidence that this enemy had to be sought elsewhere. Recently, some media have referred to the presence of Russian ships in the days prior to the events and in the immediate vicinity of the places where the explosions occurred, an element to which those who desperately continue to seek to blame Russia quickly seized. To your disappointment,

There is too much information that has been published in the European and American media not to accept that the main, possibly only, hypothesis that is currently being handled does not point to the Kremlin but to an ally of those who quickly charged against Moscow. More credible or not than Seymour Hersh's hypothesis, which alleged that it was the United States who, taking advantage of NATO maneuvers, planted the explosives, the current line of investigation focuses on the Andromeda plot, a yacht rented from a company Polish and with which a small team would have placed the explosives.

Known for several months, this hypothesis has undergone an important transformation. It is representative that the fundamental data for currently looking at Bankova and not at the Kremlin have been published in the US media. Initially, this theory openly sought to exonerate Volodymyr Zelensky and his government and blame was placed on a pro-Ukrainian group made up of citizens of Ukraine and/or Russia financed by a person outside the Government, who according to this theory would not have participated. In the midst of preparing the current Ukrainian counter-offensive, the NATO countries as a bloc sought to make it clear that the shadow of doubt did not fall on their allies in kyiv. Maintaining the certainty of the innocence of the ally who was being sent enormous amounts of increasingly heavy weapons and who was then seeking the delivery of tanks from one of the countries most affected by the events was too important.

With Ukraine fully armed and with no possibility that any of the countries involved can now reverse the war dynamic, the American press continues to give more and more details that point unequivocally to the Ukrainian government, perhaps rightly or perhaps wrongly. the intention of not sowing doubts about the actions of the United States. The latest leaks claim that a European country, the Netherlands, learned last June of a plan by the Ukrainian government to blow up the Nord Stream using a small group of divers who would access the site on a chartered yacht, that is, exactly in the way that European authorities speculate what happened. To avoid implicating Zelensky, it would have been Zaluzhny, the now suspiciously missing war hero, who would have taken command. And accordingThe Wall Street Journal , the CIA, informed by the Dutch secret services, would have warned Kiev against the attack. By that time, Ukraine would have already ruled out the possibility of committing the act. Obviously, the attack took place and was committed, according to the latest information, exactly in the way in which the Dutch secret services warned that it was going to take place. And even so, aware of the plans, the European and North American political elites wanted to blame from the outset one of the main victims and for months they have kept the most uncomfortable details hidden from all the countries involved in the Ukrainian war effort.

Especially representative has been the silence of Berlin, which even when it became clear that the main line of investigation pointed to its allies, naively or lyingly clung to the possibility of a false fla of the Kremlin. First of all, the history of the sabotage and investigation of what happened in the Nord Stream is the certification of the weakness of Germany, once the driving force of Europe and the center of continental power. Germany quickly yielded to the pressure of its allies and did not even consider starting the Nord Stream-2 and, little by little, Chancellor Scholz has given in to each of the demands that came from Ukraine or its allies. All this amidst the silence of his government in the face of growing evidence that the gas pipeline of which he is co-owner had been destroyed, among other reasons, to harm him.

Politically, Scholz has closed ranks with NATO and has resigned himself to using the same rhetoric as his Western allies and government partners, since 2014 one of the most radical parties against Russia, abandoning any attempt to maintain communication in search of resuming a commercial and economic relation that has been one of the bases of the prosperity of the German industry in the last half century. Quietly, Germany has apparently been willing to let time pass without solving the case. And unlike the United States, which since the publication of the Seymour Hersh accusation has wanted to find a way to exculpate itself, even if it has been at the expense of its proxy Ukrainian, which could hardly have acted without some kind of collusion from its bosses, Germany has remained silent.

Yesterday, Berlin presented its new national security strategy, in which it points to Russia as "the greatest threat to peace and security in the Euro-Atlantic space." However, everything points to the fact that it was not Moscow that committed an act of international terrorism against Berlin, which at some point will have to look its partners in the eye and ask for explanations for the facts. But, for the moment, whoever set the pace in European politics not so long ago is being treated right now as the weakest link, incapable of defending their interests and with no other option than to resign themselves to following the general line marked out on the other side of the Atlantic. and that those countries that were most pleased with the disappearance of the Nord Stream follow with impetus. ... more-27518

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Astroturfing For More War In Ukraine

Fellaraktar🇺🇦@fellaraktar - 14:46 UTC · May 29, 2023
As a British citizen I want to say that arming Ukraine is the single best use of tax payer money for decades

My only criticism is that the west aren’t sending enough, fast enough

Ukraine is paying for political posturing with the lives of their sons and daughters

Do more now

Karen Goetz📯🇺🇦 @KarenGoetz362 - 22:18 UTC · May 29, 2023
As a German citizen I want to say that arming #Ukraine is the single best use of tax payer money for decades. My only criticism is that the west aren't sending enough, fast enough. Ukraine is paying for political posturing with the lives of their sons and daughters. Do more now!

Oksanna Oricia (Оксана Збігла) 🇺🇦🇨🇦 @Roxanne_Oricia - 1:46 UTC · May 30, 2023
As a 🇺🇦 #Canadian I want to say that arming #Ukraine is the single best use of taxpayer money in decades.

My only criticism is that the west isn’t sending enough, FAST enough.

Ukraine is paying for political posturing with the lives of their sons & daughters.
#ArmUkraineNow ✊🏼

Thomas C. Theiner @noclador - 4:57 UTC · May 30, 2023
As an Italian citizen I want to say that arming Ukraine is the single best use of taxpayer money for decades.
My only criticism is that the west aren’t sending enough, fast enough.
Ukraine is paying for political posturing with the lives of their sons and daughters.
Do more now!

brit engr 🇬🇧 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇦 @brit_engr - 8:15 UTC · May 30, 2023
As a British citizen, I want to say that arming Ukraine is the single best use of taxpayer money for decades.
My only criticism is that the West aren’t sending enough, fast enough.
Ukraine is paying for political posturing with the lives of their sons and daughters.
Do more now!

bitiv @bitiv30 - 9:29 UTC · May 30, 2023
As a #Romanian citizen, I want to say that arming #Ukraine is the single best use of taxpayer money for decades. My only criticism is that the West isn’t sending enough, fast enough. Ukraine is paying for political posturing with the lives of its sons and daughters. Do more now!

Anne @KidsFromUkraine 🌷🌻 @AnneFella - 17:03 UTC · May 30, 2023
As a 🇳🇱#Dutch citizen I want to say that arming #Ukraine is the single best use of taxpayer money in decades. My only criticism is that the west isn’t sending enough, FAST enough. Ukraine is paying for political posturing with the lives of their sons & daughters. #ArmUkraineNow

Thibaud Ochem @Thibaud_Ochem - 18:51 UTC · May 30, 2023
As a 🇫🇷 citizen I want to say that arming #Ukraine is the single best use of taxpayer money 4 decades. My only criticism is that the West isn't sending enough, fast enough.🇺🇦is paying 4 political posturing with the lives of their sons & daughters. Do more now! #weapons4Ukraine

MH @Mickhavoc - 1:14 UTC · May 31, 2023
As a Canadian citizen I want to say that arming #Ukraine is the single best use of taxpayer money for decades. My only criticism is that the west aren't sending enough, fast enough. Ukraine is paying for political posturing with the lives of their sons and daughters. Do more now

Bogdan Stech @BogdanStech - 22:07 UTC · May 31, 2023
As a #Poland citizen, I want to say that arming #Ukraine is the single best use of taxpayer money for decades. My only criticism is that the West isn’t sending enough, fast enough. Ukraine is paying for political posturing with the lives of its sons and daughters.

Well, by now you will have understood the idea ...

There are many more such tweets.

In total I count more than one hundred by various NAFO troll accounts. All the tweets were issued between May 29 and June 6.

This is astroturfing on a fairly sophisticated level:

Astroturfing is the practice of hiding the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants. It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source's financial backers. The term astroturfing is derived from AstroTurf, a brand of synthetic carpeting designed to resemble natural grass, as a play on the word "grassroots". The implication behind the use of the term is that instead of a "true" or "natural" grassroots effort behind the activity in question, there is a "fake" or "artificial" appearance of support.

I wonder whose taxpayer money gets wasted on it.

Yesterday the Russian President Vladimir Putin had a public talk with war correspondents. Yekaterina Agranovich, a blogger, asked him about 'western' propaganda and the people deceived by it. Putin responded:

The information space is a battlefield, a crucial battlefield.
So, if someone uploads or writes something and provides an address, this is one thing. However, if there is no address and it is not clear who is writing or speaking, this is a completely different story. You and I are well aware that you can post things online using well-known technical means, and you can make it look like millions of people have seen these videos and commented on them when in fact there is just one person behind it who simply uses modern technology to replicate it endlessly. But, of course, there certainly are people who have a certain frame of mind, and they can express their point of view.

What can we do to oppose this? I think this audience will know what I mean. This can and should be countered not so much by restrictions or administrative or law enforcement constraints, but by effective work in the information environment on our part. And I am really counting on your help.

Well, he did not talk to me. And no, I do not post at Moon of Alabama to help Russia or Putin, but to lay things out as I see them. If that is at times consistent with whatever this or that other public person says, it is likely to be a coincidental and temporary state.


Hat tip: Syriacide

Posted by b on June 14, 2023 at 13:20 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


17 Killed After Kakhovka Dam Destruction

Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam destruction. Jun. 13, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@evanhill

Published 13 June 2023 (17 hours 13 minutes ago)

An attack on the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant on June 6 caused catastrophic flooding after the dam collapsed.

The head of the regional government, Andrei Alekseyenko, said Tuesday that the death toll following the destruction of the dam at the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant and heavy flooding in the Kherson region has risen to 17.

According to the official, the deaths were confirmed in two small towns downstream of the broken Kakhovka dam: 12 dead in Hola Prystan and five in Oleshky.

Alexeyenko said he had initiated compensation payments to victims worth 10,000 rubles and that so far more than 500 applications have been accepted in the towns of Aleshki, Hola Pristan, Novaya Kakhovka, at the Skadovsk temporary accommodation post, at Zheleznaya port and in other areas.

The regional chairman warned that "the analysis of the 9 selected wells in Golaya Pristan showed that it is undrinkable. Both bacteriologically and chemically, it is simply dangerous to health."

The death toll following the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam and heavy flooding in the Kherson region has risen to 17, the head of the regional government, Andrei Alekseyenko, said Tuesday.

He said that every day samples are taken from different water sources in all areas of the emergency zone.

As of Monday afternoon, the waters have completely receded in Nova Kakhovka, south of the dam, and work has begun to clean up the area, according to the official.

An attack on the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant on June 6 caused catastrophic flooding after the dam collapsed, forcing thousands of residents to flee. According to local emergency services, more than 7,100 people have been evacuated, including 421 children. ... -0019.html


Germany Fines Ukrainian Woman for Saying Russia Is Not the Aggressor
JUNE 13, 2023

German police. Photo: photo.

Elena Kolbasnikova, who calls herself a ‘peace activist,’ dismissed the court’s accusations, saying she will appeal against ruling,

A German court sentenced the activist to a fine of €900 ($966) for allegedly endorsing “Russia’s war of aggression” against Ukraine, local media reported on Wednesday.

Elena Kolbasnikova, who has become a well-known figure in the media recently, was found guilty of making statements in support of Russia in the Ukraine war, which could disturb public peace, Die Welt newspaper reported.

The 48-year-old had told media during a pro-Russian rally last month that “Russia is not an aggressor” and also claimed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was “controlled by the Nazis.” She argued that there was “no alternative” to Russia’s actions against Ukraine.

A district court in the city of Cologne ruled on Tuesday that she violated German laws, whereby justification of military aggression in public statements constitutes a crime.

Kolbasnikova, who calls herself a “peace activist,” dismissed the accusations and announced that her lawyer will appeal against the court ruling. ... aggressor/


Is Europe Too Stupid to Remain Gripped in the U.S. Deadly Embrace?

Natasha Wright

June 13, 2023

China must have used their diplomatic efforts to try and unravel the mysteries of how far the U.S. is ‘hell-bent’ on fueling further escalation of the European crisis.

Whilst having prepared the spectacular though perhaps somewhat sudden and unanticipated politics of reconciliation between the Saudi Arabia and Iran in utmost secrecy, at the anniversary of the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine on 24th February this year, China presented its plan consisting of 12 points to solve the other burning ongoing crisis as well. Russia did welcome the efforts gracefully though the West dismissed it (too) resentfully. In the said twelve points put forth by China, there was not anything too shocking therein to show just cause for such an adverse and hostile response coming from the Western ’proxy war’ instigators of the Ukraine crisis. Antony Blinken, U.S. State Secretary instead of radiating superb diplomacy, filled us in immediately in a very undiplomatic way that the world must not foolishly fall for a tactical move by Russia, which is supported by China. The Guardian reported that ‘Putin welcomes China’s controversial proposals for peace in Ukraine’ ‘the U.S. warns against ‘any tactical move by Russia to freeze the war on its own terms’ and the U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, voiced skepticism over China’s “peace” proposals, warning that they could be a “stalling tactic” to help Russian troops on the ground in Ukraine.’

Foreign Policy magazine attributed even as many as ‘three hidden pitfalls’ in the Chinese alleged agenda with the observation that their 12-point peace plan in Ukraine has not much to do with peace, if at all. I presume ‘it takes one to know one’? Overwhelming distrust by the Collective West followed that the Chinese proposal contained something rather elusive. Yet the reason might be that for the West regardless of what they would report and respond to is shockingly undermining enough albeit any mention of any peace plan whatsoever. They would probably prefer the tragically gory perpetuity of a war. In any event, in line with the model already seen before more than a year ago when the negotiations between Moscow and Kiev generated as many as seventeen draft agreements, only for those to simply be ‘shredded to pieces and chucked in the Washington DC bin’ when the then British PM, Boris Johnson, suddenly popped over to Kiev on the 9th April in 2022. Apparently, embattled, bumbling Bo Jo was there to set out a new package of financial and military aid. The then PM of Israel Naftali Bennett, who was essentially the mediator in those prior negotiations confirmed that fact, too.

Nevertheless, China does not seem to be giving up on this count. Quite the contrary, these days the European tour of the special Chinese envoy, Li Hui, China’s special representative for Eurasian affairs since 2019, who visited Ukraine, Poland, France, Germany, the EU seat in Brussels and Russia in the period between the 15th and 26th May to try and talk with all the parties (with vested interests and genuine concerns) about the 12 point peace plan which presupposes the respect for the sovereignty of all the countries besides a few humanitarian determinants therein and furthermore wholeheartedly recommends abandoning the Cold War mentality so that the legitimate interests and concerns of all the countries should seriously be taken into consideration and solved with the sustainable European architecture in focus and the continuous, mutual cooperation towards peace and stability on the Eurasian continent. The ‘cease in hostilities’ appeared to have been also factored in as well as the renewal of peace negotiations and the lifting of unilateral sanctions. Once this benign list of proposals was published, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a multi-day visit to Moscow which he and his Russian most courteous and welcoming host Vladimir Putin ended with the now famed message that the world is experiencing the tectonic changes which it has not seen before during the past century.

On a related note, there may be some use noting that a special Chinese envoy for the Ukraine Crisis (and a fluent Russian speaker) was awarded the Russian Order of Friendship in 2019 after having been in the position of Chinese Ambassador to Russia. It might be worth adding that he was in this position longer than any other Chinese diplomat before him. And one year afterwards, Russia and China officially agreed for the two countries (and lest we forget two great world powers) to continue their shoulder-to-shoulder, brothers-in-political-and-military arms partnership in their relentless efforts to fend off the bullying behaviour of ‘certain global hegemons’. At this point it is only too obvious who they were referring to.

Incidentally, such a solution put forth in the overwhelmingly modest and well balanced mediator in the Ukrainian crisis, is in line with the message which Beijing communicated to the official Washington DC, when Beijing placed Li Shangfu in the position of the new Chinese Defense Minister, who, suffice to say, happens to be under the sanctions of the USA currently. Li Shangfu’s new ministerial term in office began last month with the four – day long visit to Moscow and the meetings with the Russian Minister of Defense, Sergey Shoigu.

It is certainly intriguing for some of us what messages Li Hui and Li Shangfu may have brought to Europe and back home? Official press releases from the meetings are as per usual only too terse for the broader public to be able to draw any more concrete conclusions, except for the diplomatically courteous invitations to strengthen the strategic autonomy of Europe well communicated to the EU officials in Brussels. Yet, Wall Street Journal reported alleged details referring to the unnamed Western diplomats, who claim to be well informed about the talks Li Hui led during his European tour. Apparently, U.S. allies in Europe should reaffirm their autonomy and insist on the immediate ceasefire and urging Ukraine to leave behind its parts now belonging to Russia after the 2022 referendums. Wall Street Journal claims to have succinctly summed up Li’s clear message, by way of which he sent off a message to Europe that they should view China as their economic alternative to the USA and that the Russia – Ukraine conflict should be ended as soon as possible before it escalates further. This message was elaborated on that the European officials who appear to have aligned the messages by the Transatlantic Unity prior to this meeting with the Chinese official almost combatively responded that it was too early for the initiative by Bejing.

Mao Ning, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, was then addressed by a Reuters reporter to comment on Wall Street Journal’s report to what she replied that the official press releases contain the authentic information. Additionally, she noted that the Ukrainian Minister of the Foreign Affairs publicly said that he contacted the other parties and that none of the countries responded that Li Hui gave any statements whatsoever of which Wall Street Journal reported. The question remains why she did not on the very same occasion simply say that what Wall Street Journal wrote was untrue and that it was not the position of China on the matters? Strangely perhaps, she simply resorted to respond the way she did. It must be the Chinese good manners and superb skills of diplomacy the Global West should learn from, methinks.

This will surely remain open for further analyses and speculations. One cannot help wondering about the contents of the Chinese most probably perfectly decent proposals. and the manner the crumbling Global West is bound to respond any time soon.

This diplomatic mission to Europe was surely not sudden and not unanticipated at all given that Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Qin Gang visited France Norway and Germany earlier. Top officials from the United States, Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Adviser and Wang Yi on the part of China met in Vienna, Austria reached an agreement to maintain communication on the issues of national and international security, according to statements from the White House and the Chinese embassy. Both officials commented on the previously unannounced meeting as “candid, substantive and constructive.” The Sullivan-Wang discussions came after a meeting between U.S. Ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns and China’s second highest diplomat, Qin Gang, also during the same week in early May.

Upon reflection, China must have used their diplomatic efforts to try and unravel the mysteries of how far the U.S. is ‘hell-bent’ on fueling further escalation of the European crisis. China is perfectly able to grasp that this is not merely a Ukrainian crisis per se but the crisis of Europe of greater proportions. This is the Europe which is fumbling in the political dark whilst losing its feet underneath on the sustainable and efficient security architecture front. With any further escalation of the war, Europe is bound to find itself in an ever more difficult and detrimental situation. One of the chief goals by China in these diplomatic pursuits must surely be to try and reawake genuine concerns that Europe must work hard at solving this abysmal crisis for Europe to wriggle itself out from the ‘deadly embrace’ of its unreliable and brutish ally across the Atlantic’

One wonders if there will be sufficient self-awareness and political power in the U.S. (and EU) to avert a looming Thucydides trap ahead. The U.S. dying beast is enraged enough. And very stupid too. ... y-embrace/


Chronicle of the special military operation for June 14, 2023
June 14, 2023

The most active clashes continue on the Vremievsky ledge , where fierce fighting does not subside in Urozhaynoye and on the southern outskirts of the village of Makarovka . In other areas, the intensity of clashes has somewhat decreased.

At the same time, Ukrainian formations continue to accumulate forces in the territories of the Kharkiv region bordering Russia . The command of the RF Armed Forces is expecting another enemy breakthrough under the flag of saboteurs from the so-called "RDK". Parts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are reinforced by Ichkerian militants from the Sheikh Mansur Battalion, who are planned to be dressed in the uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the National Guard for provocation. This tactic is due to the fact that earlier parts of the Akhmat unit arrived in the Belgorod region .

At night, the Russian Armed Forces hit military targets in central, southern and eastern Ukraine, using drones of the Geran family and various missile weapons to attack.


Massive strikes of the RF Armed Forces on Ukrainian targets

On the night of June 13-14, Russian troops launched massive strikes against facilities used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kirovograd , Odessa and Kharkiv regions, as well as on the territory of the DPR occupied by Ukraine .

In the Kirovograd region, an infrastructure facility in the city of Svetlovodsk came under attack , in Odessa - the Krayan plant, on the territory of which there was an ammunition depot. In addition, the points of deployment of Ukrainian formations in Kharkov , Konstantinovka and Kramatorsk were hit .

The situation on the front line and the fighting


Ukrainian formations continue to accumulate forces in the border areas of the Kharkiv region : the Russian command expects new attempts to break through to the territory of the Belgorod region. An increased concentration of enemy reserves remains on the site: up to 21,000 regular military personnel and 9,000 members of territorial defense detachments.

Some of them are planned to be dressed in Russian uniforms and thrown across the border under the guise of servicemen of the RF Armed Forces. After the Chechen Akhmat units were transferred to the Russian border, a similar move was made from the Ukrainian side: people from the Chechen Sheikh Mansur Battalion appeared on the front line.

Part of the reserves were transferred through the Pechenezh reservoir and Volchansk to the east of the Kharkiv region: they will either be used as part of the counteroffensive near Kupyansk , or to be thrown under the Russian Valuyki and punching a corridor to the rear of the Luhansk People's Republic.


There are no significant changes on the front line in the Starobelsky direction . On the Svatovo-Kremennaya section, the 3rd motorized rifle division destroyed one of the enemy’s locations, using drones to reconnoiter the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

A tragedy occurred near Kremennaya : as a result of the actions of the command of one of the Russian divisions, servicemen stood in line in one area for more than two hours. The accumulation of personnel was revealed by the enemy: Russian soldiers were hit by MLRS HIMARS and cannon artillery.

Exact casualty figures are unknown, but sources from the field report that the death toll is higher "than the losses in the Yuzhnodonetsk direction in a couple of days."


In the Bakhmut direction, Ukrainian formations have been probing the Russian defenses in the areas of Klescheevka, Kurdyumovka and the Berkhovsky reservoir over the past few days. At the same time, all attempts to advance ended in significant irretrievable losses for the enemy.

During today, the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not take active hostilities near Bakhmut . At the same time, artillery duels and mutual reconnaissance did not stop along the entire front line.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops continue to wage fierce battles in the Avdeevsky and Maryinsky sectors . The units of the RF Armed Forces are supported by tank and aviation crews, as well as artillery crews. Nevertheless, in recent days the front line has not undergone significant changes.

Fierce fighting continues on the Vremievsky ledge along the Makarovka-Urozhaynoye line . According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, since June 4, the Ukrainian armed forces have lost about 7.5 thousand people killed and wounded on the line of contact alone, not counting the dead military personnel as a result of the use of Russian long-range precision weapons and aircraft in the depths of Ukrainian territory.

Makarovka is under the fire control of the Russian troops: the positions of the RF Armed Forces are located on nearby heights and to the south of the settlement. Ukrainian formations are trying to move south, and if the infantry has time to disperse through the destroyed buildings, then the equipment works on the approaches.

Harvest is under the confident control of Russian troops. The front edge runs along the northeastern outskirts of the village. All attempts to advance were repulsed. Levadne is under the control of Ukrainian formations: from there, attempts are being made to move towards Priyutnoye. Novodarovka is in the gray zone. Rivnopol is under the steady control of Russian troops.

In addition, a video appeared on the network of a Ukrainian T-72 trying to drag an abandoned MaxxPRO on a ledge near Vremyevka . At the moment of towing, loitering ammunition flies along them. As a result, in the confusion, the tank simply crushes the armored car that was trying to save. In parallel, Russian artillery is working on it and the broken cars standing nearby.

The Zaporizhia sector of the front was covered with rain, due to which the intensity of the offensive operations of the enemy decreased somewhat. In their rear, Ukrainian formations are moving reserves, evacuating damaged equipment that they managed to pull out. Despite the weather conditions, artillery is working from both sides, hitting the identified positions.


In the Kherson region , according to official statements, the water from the Dnieper will return to its usual course by June 20. But the flooded areas have yet to bounce back.

At the suggestion of the Ukrainian organs of information and psychological warfare, a scenario torn from reality of the offensive of Ukrainian formations deep into the Kherson region and the borders of Crimea is spreading .

According to the enemy’s plan, a crossing will be built through the swampy area for the transfer of a large-scale shock fist, which should occupy Novaya Kakhovka, and later deliver dissecting blows through Chaplinka to Armyansk and Melitopol. Such a scenario, given the unsuitability of the territories on the left bank of the Dnieper, looks improbable .

Most likely, such messages are spread in order to mask the directions of the transfer of reinforcements: recently three brigades were transferred from Nikolaev to the Donbass . In addition, informants from the field report a constant transfer of equipment to the east.

The scenario of a landing operation in the Kakhovka Reservoir is much more likely : after the shallowing of the basin, mine-explosive barriers were damaged, so the option of dropping landing groups in this area is potentially possible.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas


Ukrainian mortar formations fired at the village of Grudskaya in the Sevsky district of the Bryansk region . Two civilians were injured - they were taken by ambulance to the district hospital.


In addition, Ukrainian formations launched massive attacks on the border settlements of the Kursk region. In addition to Tetkino , Korovyakovka and Popovo-Lyozhachikh , the village of Glushkovo was under mortar fire : shells hit a kindergarten, a local recreation center, administrative buildings and residential buildings. Part of the village was left without electricity. Two civilians received shrapnel wounds of moderate severity.

According to Mash, the border guards also shot down three Ukrainian drones that tried to attack targets in the Glushkovsky district.


The enemy fired from the Grad MLRS at the border Valuysky urban district in the Belgorod region . In the village of Sobolevka , five residential buildings were damaged, as well as an office building and an outbuilding on the territory of an agricultural enterprise. There were no casualties.

Ukrainian troops do not stop inflicting chaotic strikes on the settlements of the Donetsk agglomeration : residential buildings and infrastructure have been damaged in the capital of the DPR and its suburbs. At least two people were injured.

It became known that yesterday another attempt was made to assassinate an administration official in the Melitopol district of the Zaporozhye region . Unidentified people planted an explosive device under the car of the head of one of the departments of the State Unitary Enterprise "Management of Automobile Roads of the Zaporozhye Region", but the man independently discovered the device and turned to law enforcement agencies.

In the Kherson region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue shelling the settlements affected by the breakthrough of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station. At night, both Kakhovka, Sofiyivka and Staraya Zburyevka fell under enemy fire. In the afternoon, Ukrainian formations launched a mortar attack on the humanitarian aid distribution point in Korsunk , but miraculously no one was injured.

Political events
On the speech of NATO head Jens Stoltenberg and Western arms supplies to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

At a recent briefing, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance's defense ministers would discuss the training of Ukrainian pilots for F-16 fighters, and their training could begin in the summer. The Secretary General added that at the next summit of the North Atlantic Alliance he would give a clear signal that he was ready to accept Ukraine into its ranks.

The participants will also discuss the creation of the NATO-Ukraine Council, where Kyiv can have the same decision-making rights as other participants. In addition, Stoltenberg said that Ukrainian losses, including Western equipment, were inevitable and expected, because Russia had prepared well-equipped defensive lines.

At the end, he added that NATO defense ministers will discuss a long-term program of military assistance to Ukraine at the summit in Vilnius. It also became known that Ukraine is trying to request F-18 carrier-based fighters from Australia, the Ukrainian side asked for a report on the flight and technical condition of the aircraft to assess the possibility of their transfer to Ukrainian formations, Ukrainian Ambassador to Australia Vasily Miroshnichenko said .

On the “injury” of deputy Adam Delimkhanov

Today, the possible injury of the State Duma deputy from Chechnya, Adam Delimkhanov, was actively discussed in the media space . There were immediately many questions about the incident itself: in the morning, Ukrainian media and Telegram channels announced that a blow had been struck at the place where he was, and his arm was torn off, and almost 200 fighters died with him in Primorsk. Ultimately, it became known that everything was fine with him, and the whole story was entirely fictional. ... 2023-goda/

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Other images at link.


Separate elements of the situation on the line of contact
June 14, 22:40


Separate elements of the situation on the line of contact

Continuing to analyze the situation in the South-Donetsk direction, we note the increased activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of Velika Novoselovka, the Vremievsky ledge in the direction of the settlements of Storozhevoye, Blagodatnoye, Makarovka, Staromayorskoye and Urozhaynoye, which are located along the route T-05-18 in order to reach the border Staromlynovka and further south to Rozovka, which will allow him to block the highway to Melitopol.

Kyiv understands that by gaining a foothold here, it will be able to create a full-fledged springboard for developing an offensive in an eastern direction. At the same time, while covering the right flank of the armored units attacking Novodonetskoye, at the same time ensure the transfer of reserves to the southeast in the direction of Mariupol.

At the same time, after analyzing publications in Western analytical publications, we come to the conclusion that with objective activity in this area, the possible successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are clearly overestimated. The enemy, indeed, is rushing towards Staromlynovka and the Wet Yaly valley, seeking to create a threat to the Russian forces in Volnovakha.

The indication that Staromlynovka is currently allegedly under the control of the enemy is untenable, since it is not even confirmed by Ukrainian sources.

We note that, oddly enough, the activists of the Finnish OSINT-community Black Bird Group, who analyze both Ukrainian and Russian sources in danimic, demonstrate the situation on the LBS more or less objectively.


As of June 14, Russian troops continue to counterattack in this area with the forces of the 127th MSD and the Kaskad OBTF. The enemy, indeed, managed to partially gain a foothold in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlements of Storozhevoye and Makarovka with advanced units of the 35th and 37th separate brigades of the marines, the 4th separate tank brigade, the 68th separate jaeger brigade, as well as the 129th separate territorial defense brigade.



According to our information, in the Zaporozhye sector of the front, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, acting from the positions of the Gulyai-Polye bridgehead, created a threat of blocking the supply center of the RF Armed Forces in Pologi. Obviously, the enemy does not seek to attack in a wide zone (the conditions of the flat terrain leave their mark). Therefore, it focuses its main efforts on seizing the initiative in the area of ​​key settlements in the LBS band. Thus, trying to block the transport and communication nodes.


In our opinion, if the enemy manages to gain a foothold in key areas, he will create favorable conditions for breakthroughs of tank units. And here, as we informed you earlier, it should be taken into account that the enemy has not yet committed the main reserves to the battle, counting on a debilitating effect ( ).

Summing up the data on the situation that come from the field and supplemented by information from Western sources, we can conclude that the offensive is still proceeding in the same format. The statements of official representatives of the Western authorities that the enemy is preparing a strike in the Donbas in the near future should be considered as an element of information confrontation in the context of increased activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson direction.

Precision strikes with long-range precision weapons on Russian air defense facilities in Genichesk, in the context of the continued shallowing of the bottom of the Kakhovka reservoir (drying quickly in southern climates), suggests a possible enemy attempt to force the Dnieper in this area.


The situation is as follows: so far, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, acting as company-tactical groups reinforced with armored vehicles, are unsuccessfully trying to capture the advanced Russian defensive lines, losing a large number of armored vehicles. We record the constant transfer of new forces to the initial areas for the offensive, which indicates a steady desire to gain a foothold in the above areas.

Since the section of the T-0509 highway (Velikaya Novosyolka - Zolotaya Niva) is under tight fire control of the RF Armed Forces, the enemy is forced to act from the nearest rear, losing efficiency and manpower when deployed into battle formations. But, judging by the activity, the existing reserves allow us to maintain the current momentum of the offensive. In this regard, we can agree with the assessment of the channel "Military Chronicle" (, according to which "a series of large-scale attacks in the South-Donetsk direction, probably serves as a cover" for preparations for a strike in the main direction. ... -XAM-06-14 - zinc

Wash basin for conscience
June 15, 8:22 am


Wash basin for conscience

Once upon a time, back in the days of Maidan, I tried to maintain contacts on social networks with acquaintances from the “other” side. First, because I value friendships more than political unanimity. But there are other reasons as well. At first, I hoped to see the process of mass sobering up and insight. The more time passed, the clearer it became that this would not happen. Much in the human psyche remains a mystery. Especially when professionals have been working on it for years.

Now I am doing this not in the hope of someone's insights and not out of unhealthy curiosity. It is important for me not to lose touch with reality and to understand how they build their conceptual world and how they think or do not think. It's always a bit like going to the hospital or the serpentarium.

But today my opinion about these people is changing. Most of them are not idiots or ignoramuses. They all see, understand; It's just that today it is very profitable and convenient. They know what they're doing. After the defeat of their power, they will surely tell us that they “did not know” and “did not understand”, because they “in fact are also victims”, and we are to blame for the fact that we “did not explain” this to them. They will do it with the same impudence and spontaneity with which today they confess their love for a shark.

Fascism is one of the most practical things in the world. There is no better washbasin for hands and conscience than this one.

(c) Oleg Yasinsky - zinc

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From the Telegram account of Slavyangrad:

Czech President Petr Pavel has demanded that security measures for people with Russian citizenship who are in Europe be tightened

"I believe that, as in the case of a number of world conflicts in the past, security measures for Russian citizens should be stricter during the ongoing war than during normal times. So all Russian citizens living in Western countries should be watched much more closely than before. Because they are citizens of a nation waging aggressive war.

I may feel sorry for these people, but at the same time, if we look back at the time when World War II started - the entire Japanese population living in the United States was under a strict surveillance regime back then as well. This is simply the price of war."

The strict surveillance of Japanese Americans in the United States in WWII looked almost like thе picture to this post...



🔺🔺🔺🔺 i would like to add something I learned by visiting Russia many times during the war: Russia doesn't do that in any way with Ukrainian passport holders.

Pre war, Ukrainians were "the largest ethnic minority" in Russia (between brackets as there isn't any ethnic difference between ukrainians and russians), and most Ukrainian refugees went to Russia. As usual, Ukrainians never needed a visa to Russia, have simplified access to permanence and right to work, and the war didn't change that. We never had an exodus of Ukrainians from Russia during the war and they are still welcome. If the slightest persecution or surveillance of Ukrainians in Russia were happening, you can be sure we would never hear the end of it.

During the six times I crossed a russian border checkpoint since the SMO, there were always Ukrainians in the bus/plane. They are put in front of the queue as their questioning takes longer. None of them were met with disrespect, barred or detained. But I have seen, for example, Poland bar Ukrainian men of military age from entering the country in front of my eyes.

So unlike the nazi puppet from Czech Republic says, this isn't simply justifiable or needed due to war. It is actually irrelevant and serves no military purpose. Just like the internment of Japanese in the US didn't and was an atrocity, a war crime. The real reason behind this proposal is the fact that he is a racist and a bigot. Petr Pavel is an example of how civilized is the "civilized world".



⚡️🇷🇺7/14 of the Leopard 2A6s, and 17/?? of the Leopard 2A4s. But despite that, not a single Russian tank has been destroyed by any of the Leopards. They are being used as rammers, to fight infantry, not for what they were intended to be used for, and that was to destroy Russian IFVs and Tanks. The Ukrainians are entirely misusing their arsenal of American and German weapons, which is infuriating NATO advisors in Berlin and Washington.

🔻Similar circumstances, where mishaps, failures, have led to the loss of 21 Bradley BMPs, and 11 AMX-10 tanks, which are being used as support cover in the Steppes of Zaporozhye. Once again, a total misuse of such an expensive weapon, and no much how bag on how efficient these systems are, Ukraine is sacrificing the top of the line of what western military technology.

🔻Already, Leopards, Bradleys, AMXs, Bugelpanzers, and other weapons, which have been captured by Russian forces, are already being obsessively studied by researchers in Chelyabinsk, Moscow, Yekatinerburg, Saint Petersburg, and other regional capitals. Models and specifications on these tanks are being monitored, replicated, in order to strengthen the defense of upcoming tanks such as the T90MS and the T-14, T-15, and other IFVs.

👉 If the rate of casualties continue, the AFU will not have enough modernised equipment to fight, as they have already been depleted of T80s, T72s, and even T64s, however, they still have a significant strategic reserve, which they are now using to recover losses.


Ukrainian channel Strana:

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have not yet launched a counteroffensive, but are conducting offensive operations in order to identify weaknesses in the defense of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of the Presidential Office, said on the air of the telethon.

"We haven't launched a counter-offensive as such yet, and Russia is saying, 'We've already won, we've already repelled the counter-offensive,'" Podolyak said.

He named three targets for current strikes.

“The first is to destroy as many mobilized as possible, frankly, in order to add psychological pressure on the Russian army.

The second is to destroy as much Russian equipment as possible, completely destroy it so that they do not use it. That is what our Armed Forces are doing today: they destroy, destroy and destroy again. At the same time, they are gradually moving forward within the framework of the testing mode, that is, they are looking at where it will be weakest.

The third component is not a specific direction. Today, Ukraine demonstrates what modern war is – it attacks in many directions at once. That is, today we are demonstrating that in the minority it is even possible to go in many directions. This is a unique story. Therefore, testing that allows you to move forward, create panic," says the speaker of the OP.

Earlier, experts interviewed by Sky News expressed confidence that Ukraine had already launched a full-fledged offensive, and not reconnaissance in force.

And Reuters published several conclusions about how this UAF offensive is going.


🇷🇺 ⚔️🇺🇦 Key findings of Reuters experts on the Ukrainian counter-offensive on the Zaporizhia Front

➖The parties seek to deplete the enemy's resources.
➖The Armed Forces of Ukraine can suffer huge losses before they get to the Russian defense lines.
➖The main line of Russian defense has a depth of 10-15 kilometers.
➖The Armed Forces of Ukraine involved 3 out of 12 assault brigades prepared for the counteroffensive.
➖The counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine slowed down sharply 5 days after the start.
➖Ukraine could lose about 15% of the Bradley infantry fighting vehicles provided to it.


#Summary for the morning of 15 June 2023 by TwoMajors

Overnight, the Russian Air Force launched Geranium UAV and missile strikes against targets in Kharkov, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye regions.

▪️ Fighting continues at the Vremyevsky outpost of the Southern Donetsk Front. Our troops hold key heights and conduct active defence. The AFU is failing to build on the initial successes despite the resources expended. The Russian Armed Forces command is reinforcing our grouping in the direction.

▪️ There are artillery duels on the Zaporozhye front, the enemy is regrouping.

▪️ In the Kherson direction, small landing groups of the AFU on islands in the floodplain of the Dnieper River have resumed their operations, and artillery duels are taking place. Despite the withdrawal of part of the AFU units to other parts of the front, the enemy, through the IPSO Centers, conducts information activities, throwing in information about the imminent mass landing across the Dnieper. This is currently impossible due to swamping of the terrain. Our units are returning to their previous positions as the water recedes.

▪️ In the Belgorod direction the enemy has concentrated about 21,000 personnel along the entire border section, stretching it along the line of contact, and is shelling Russian territory. It is pulling in reserves. The border on our side is being reinforced by Akhmat, the enemy is preparing provocations using our uniforms and equipment.

▪️ In the Kupyansk district of Kharkov region, the AFU is concentrating forces, including armoured vehicles and UAV companies. Fighting is taking place.

▪️ In the Svatovo-Kremennaya area the enemy hit our troop convoy due to a command error. There are local battles going on.

▪️ The enemy fired 220 munitions at the DPR. Gorlovka, Lugansk, Mikhailovka, Panteleymonovka, Donetsk, Olenevka, Vladimirovka are under fire. Two civilians were wounded.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Fri Jun 16, 2023 11:54 am

POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/16/2023


The Ukrainian conflict, with its internal and external ramifications and its impact on the international relations agenda at the European and world level continues to follow the trends marked in recent months. The reactivation of the front after the end of winter, which has prevented major battles from taking place in a large part of the terrain, has given rise to the start of Ukrainian offensive actions, which currently dominate much of the news. In the time of operational pause for a large part of the front, Russia has prepared its defense and Ukraine, with the invaluable help of its Western partners, has worked on its counteroffensive. As has been the norm since the start of the war in 2014, Ukraine has had the virtually unconditional support of the press throughout this process,

The press has also given voice to the Ukrainian story, taking every Ukrainian statement as true while questioning every Russian statement. The reality of war presupposes, practically by nature, the propaganda component of the statements of the parties to the conflict. But eight years of ignored war in which the Ukrainian narrative has been equated with the truth have pervasive the idea that Russia is always to blame , especially in the case of communication. Hence, it is seen as normal that members of the Office of the President demand that only information provided by the Armed Forces of Ukraine be taken into account. "Podoliak urges information about the possible Ukrainian counteroffensive only from military sources in kyiv," he headlined yesterday Europe Press .

Yesterday, Mikhailo Podolyak, whose tweets are published by the Western press as an official Ukrainian statement, wrote that "if you want specific goals, listen only to the music that the Armed Forces of Ukraine make every day." This speech is part of a contradictory narrative in which Ukraine has already started its expected offensive or the battle has not yet started depending on the communication needs. Podolyak, for example, has affirmed both things in recent weeks, without his having transcended his contradiction or diminishing his credibility before the press, which continues to publish his statements without the need to submit them to any type of verification. . Media reality, especially in the European case, imposes the need to follow the line of Ukrainian discourse despite its omissions or manipulations. Control of the story is so important that Ukraine makes the statement that only Ukrainian war reports -by definition war propaganda that requires verification exactly the same as Russian war reports- are reliable information compatible with the demand on the population not to spread the result of the Russian attacks. The halo of invincibility of the Ukrainian troops must be maintained at all costs, even if the images from the front affirm the contrary.

After months of preparation for the great counter-offensive, the one that was supposed to change the course of the war and confirm the change of initiative that the battle for Kharkov brought about, it is clear that Ukraine has already begun offensive actions that go beyond an initial trial. or positional battles like those that have occurred throughout the winter and spring. In this initial phase, in which a part of the brigades created and trained specifically for its advance on the southern front has not yet actually entered the game, Ukraine has made only marginal progress in the priority area, Zaporozhye, where it admits to having found itself with “strong resistance”.

Despite claiming, at least on occasion, that the offensive has not yet begun, Ukraine is already boasting of such progress. To do this, it uses a well-tested tactic over the past nine years: underestimating any city captured by Russia while overestimating every village captured by Russian troops. Both examples are currently taking place. Kiev, like the European press, highlights the capture of a handful of villages beyond Russia's first line of defense while downplaying cities like Artyomovsk, the loss of which Ukraine has yet to officially accept.

Contrary to the European press, which is openly willing to give up its journalistic duties, which should involve analyzing sources and verifying the credibility of the allegations, and even willing to present the British intelligence report as factual information on a daily basis, part of the press The US is already questioning the outcome of this first phase of the offensive. The images published by the Russian sources are enough to prove that not only Russia suffers losses at the front as Ukraine wants to show, but that Western equipment is also destroyed, abandoned and captured at the front. Everything indicates that Ukraine will not talk about the start of its anticipated offensive until it has achieved a relevant success to boast of and, for the moment,

While waiting for the next NATO summit, which is held in just a few days, Ukraine continues to combine its victory speech with the demand for more weapons from its partners. On Wednesday, Hanna Malyar, deputy defense minister and regular spokesperson for the ministry, said it will be difficult for Ukraine to achieve arms parity with Russia. Far seems to be the discourse used during months of invincibility of Western equipment against Russian-made equipment. Malyar appealed to a strange argument, "historical reasons", a reasoning that actually reveals a reality that Ukraine's partners have wanted to ignore: Russia has its own military industry and Kiev has succeeded in destroying 30 years of independence. the one he inherited from the Soviet Union. And in front of the speech of the first months of the war, that assured that Russia would lack microchips and components to produce more weapons, time has shown a greater resilience than desired by Western countries, both in industry and in the Russian economy. However, that is also the responsibility of the West, omnipresent in this war both by action and by omission. Mikhailo Podolyak denounced this week that the Russian missiles used this week against Ukraine, produced in 2023, contained Western components. The Ukrainian attempt to instill in its partners a sense of guilt that forces them to impose even more sanctions against Russia, including a blockade, clashes with the reality of today's world, in which, without a majority of countries agreeing to impose unilateral sanctions of United States and the European Union,

Politically, the trends have not changed either, and virtually unconditional support for Ukraine endures in European and North American capitals even though the media establishment is now unquestionably targeting Kiev in the case of the Nord Stream explosions act of international terrorism. last september. The West has invested too much in its proxy Kiev, so even such an act is not going to imply the rejection of countries like Germany, the main harmed by the sabotage. Without strategic autonomy and increasingly dependent on the United States, the countries of the European Union, even the most moderate ones, will continue to support and supply kyiv with arms. And showing its absolute submission to Washington, acts such as the one given yesterday, when the European Parliament demanded that NATO admit Ukraine to the alliance as soon as the war ended, will continue to take place.

The political situation lends itself to the justification of all kinds of measures. With the red line for the shipment of heavy NATO equipment for use in Ukraine and, in practice, also in Russia over, Ukraine continues to demand the delivery of Western aviation. Yesterday, Oleksiy Reznikov affirmed the "good news" that several countries will begin to instruct Ukrainian pilots in the handling of F16s, something that the Ukrainian Defense Minister had already announced on several occasions. Although the announcement of the delivery of western aviation is taking longer than expected by kyiv, the dynamics of the war suggest that it will take place in the medium term. The fear of escalation has disappeared and there seems to be no limit when it comes to making proposals that can only make the situation worse. Yesterday, in an interview withRFE/RL , Czech President Petr Pavel affirmed that greater control of Russian citizens residing in the countries of the European Union is necessary. Mentioning the example of the Japanese population in the United States during World War II - who were interned in detention camps for the sole reason of their nationality - Pavel referred to the need for the Russian population in the EU to be closely monitored. by the secret services. The war justifies everything, including the persecution of the population for reasons of nationality.

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Jun 14, 2023 , 1:12 p.m.

NATO exercises are coordinated by Germany and are intended to show the unity of its members in the face of potential threats, in particular from Russia (Photo: Bundeswher)

This Tuesday, June 13, Air Defender 23 began in Germany, the largest air exercises in the history of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). These practices will be carried out until the 23rd of the aforementioned month and take place in the context of the current geopolitical tensions with Russia.

The US ambassador to Germany, Amy Gutmann, said that while the training is "defensive" in nature, it is intended to send a message to countries like Russia. "I would be quite surprised if some world leader was not taking note of what this means in terms of the spirit of this alliance (…), and that includes Mr. Putin," commented the diplomat, reviewed RT .

Here are some facts about these aerial maneuvers that will cover most of the skies over Europe:

NATO exercises are coordinated by Germany and are intended to show the unity of its members in the face of potential threats, in particular from Russia.
The "Air Defender 23" exercise will include 250 military aircraft from 25 NATO countries and allies such as Japan and Sweden, the latter a candidate to join the alliance.
Some 10,000 troops will participate in the maneuvers.
The "Air Defender" exercise was conceived in 2018 as part of the response to the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation in 2014 via referendum. Supposedly "it is not directed against anyone."
The exercise will not "send flights, for example, in the direction of Kaliningrad," the Russian enclave bordering Poland and Lithuania, both member countries.
Other details of the NATO maneuvers can be seen in the following RT infographic:


(Photo: RT)
The bombast with which these NATO exercises are projected undoubtedly seeks to dissuade Russia, which in recent weeks has dealt major blows to the Ukrainian counteroffensive in the current war, including the destruction of ammunition, armored vehicles and other resources. military delivered by the Atlanticist organization to Kiev. ... efender-23

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How Ukraine has become a magnet for Western neo-Nazis
Originally published: Scotland Today Online on June 10, 2023 by Iain Muir (more by Scotland Today Online) (Posted Jun 15, 2023)

The war-torn east European country is a mecca for some of the most odious people on earth. What sort of threat does this pose to their home countries?


At the end of April, two French neo-Nazis—Alan Vineron and Guillaume Andreoni—who had joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine as mercenaries, were arrested and convicted in their home country. Two months earlier, one of them had posted photos of three executed Russian prisoners on social media.

However, Vineron and Andreoni were detained not because of any war crimes, but for attempting to smuggle weapons and munitions back home, including rifle scopes and magazines for machine guns. After a brief trial, they were sentenced to 15 months in prison each, nine of them to be served conditionally.

This incident is only the first sign of things to come. According to French media, about 400 French citizens are taking part in the armed conflict in Ukraine. Of these, about 100 are directly involved in the fighting, and about 30 are well-known far-right extremists.

It’s not just Paris that will soon face the prospect of militant neo-Nazis returning home. Observers note that the number of volunteer foreign fighters in Ukraine has reached thousands.

The French and their ‘adventures’ in Ukraine
According to the French media outlet Mediapart, France’s General Directorate for Internal Security had its eye on the suspects long before the incident. Despite this, they were detained only thanks to a random check at customs.

Vineron (also known as “Vivi”) is a retired fighter of the elite French Chasseurs Alpins (Alpine Hunters) unit. He was dismissed from the army after his neo-Nazi views came to light in the media. Shortly before returning home, he posted a photo on the “TrackANaziMerc” Telegram channel, showing three Russian soldiers shot in the head. The image shows that the soldiers were unarmed and killed at close range. After the photos of the execution began circulating online, Russia’s Investigative Committee announced that it would examine the crimes of French mercenaries against Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine.

Vineron’s accomplice, known as “Bones” by his military callsign, was also previously linked to a far-right neo-Nazi group which has long-standing ties with Ukrainian extremists.

The “Zouaves Paris” group—it ironically derives its name from the Berber tribe Zwawa, which in turn became known as the French army’s first “indigenous” regiment—supported Ukraine and established contact with local fighters from the neo-Nazi Azov regiment. In December 2019, the leader of the far-right group, Marc de Cacqueray-Valmenier, traveled to the country to personally meet Azov fighters and visit their training camp.

In January 2022, a month before the start of Russia’s military operation, Zouaves Paris was banned in France. However, its ties with Ukrainian extremists had nothing to do with the ban—a month earlier, the group had attacked anti-racism demonstrators who tried to disrupt a far-right rally in support of presidential candidate Eric Zemmour.

The ban did not particularly affect the neo-Nazis. Zouaves Paris supporters from the “Ouest Casual” Telegram channel are still singing the praises of Ukrainian fighters and are using Nazi symbols and phrases alluding to various far-right movements in France and Germany. In their posts, they refer to Russian troops as “the Asian hordes of Soviet imperialism that have once again taken over Europe,” and to Chechen units as “Putin’s Muslim dogs.” They use similar duplicate channels to raise funds for the needs of militants and collaborate with neo-Nazis from other countries.

The group boasts of its presence in Ukraine, posting photos of its Ukrainian supporters and stickers of French right-wing organizations. It has also created backup platforms in case the main Telegram channel is blocked.

All roads lead to Ukraine
A little over a year ago, far-right terrorists from France killed the former Argentinian international rugby player Federico Martin Aramburu. One of the suspects, Loik Le Priol, was caught on the border between Hungary and Ukraine. According to official reports, the terrorist and former marine commando wanted to surrender to the Ukrainian authorities after committing the murder.

In November 2022, the Italian police announced the arrest of five members of local neo-Nazi group “Order of Hagal”. They had illegally stored weaponry, ammunition, tactical equipment, and a grenade launcher and further engaged in regular paramilitary training to prepare a terrorist attack in Naples.

Later, it became apparent that the group also maintained close ties with Ukraine’s Right Sector, Centuria, and Azov neo-Nazi units. One of its members was a fighter from the Azov. His accomplice, having “dangerously close ties with far-right Ukrainian nationalist groups,” planned to attack a police station in Naples, while the former Azov fighter himself was preparing a terrorist attack in a shopping mall.

The Italian police first became aware of the neo-Nazis back in 2019. In an intercepted conversation from January 2021, one of the militants, Giampiero Testa, threatened that he would “make a massacre like in New Zealand,” obviously referring to the terrorist attack in Christchurch that resulted in the deaths of 51 people in 2019. Incidentally, in his manifesto, the New Zealand terrorist stated that he had trained in the Azov battalion in Ukraine, and wore neo-Nazi symbols.

These ties between the neo-Nazis are mutual. According to a 2020 investigation by the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at West Point, the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto became popular among Ukrainian paramilitary units. It was even translated into the Ukrainian language and sold as a book by a 22-year-old Kiev resident, becoming a kind of artifact. The center added that Ukraine “holds a particular attraction for white supremacists, activists and adventurers” largely due to the establishment and development of the Azov regiment and other state-supported paramilitary formations.

Over the years, Azov has encountered no impediment to growth and has become a powerful and extensive organization. The more it grew, the more support it received from the Ukrainian state. Azov’s ideological influence on Ukrainian society has helped to shape the country’s modern agenda. In the 2010s, the organization actively organized youth camps that taught basic military training and ideology. As noted in the Combating Terrorism Center report, the public declarations of Ukrainian far-right extremists attracted ultra-rightists from Europe, the United States, and other countries.

Far-right extremist puppet theater
In the same CTC report, Ukraine is dubbed the first country where the “overtly far-right white nationalist militia [is] publicly celebrated, openly organizing, and with friends in high places.”

As a result, Ukraine has become a meeting point for far-right extremists from all over the world. The foundation for this was laid long before the start of hostilities in February 2022.

Joachim Furholm was a foreign mercenary in Ukraine and later a recruiter of Western extremists. Furholm is a Norwegian fascist activist who was briefly imprisoned after an attempted bank robbery. He also became well-known for sympathizing with the terrorist Anders Breivik. In 2018, he joined the Foreign Legion in Ukraine and began recruiting American neo-Nazis to the Azov unit.

“It’s like a petri dish for fascism. It’s the perfect conditions,” Furholm said about Ukraine in an interview. Referring to the Azov unit, he said that “they do have serious intentions of helping the rest of Europe in retaking our rightful lands.” Later on the “Azov” podcast, Furholm urged listeners to get in touch with him on Instagram. When a young man from New Mexico reached out, the Norwegian urged him to join the fighting in Ukraine saying,

Come over here, boy. A rifle and beer are waiting for you.

Surprisingly, after making an appearance on the far-right podcast, Furholm wasn’t ostracized by the media. After speaking at an Azov rally in 2018, he went on to give an interview to the U.S. government-controlled RFE/RL.

The case of the American mercenary and former U.S. Army veteran Craig Lang is even more striking. Lang made headlines when he attempted to blow up his pregnant wife with anti-personnel landmines. In 2015, after serving a prison sentence, he joined the Right Sector ultranationalist organization along with another army veteran, Alex Zwiefelhofere. BuzzFeed reported that Craig recruited dozens of Western militants to Ukrainian paramilitary units.

In 2016, Lang joined the Georgian National Legion, which fought on the side of Ukraine in eastern Donbass. Leaked documents revealed that he beat, tortured, and killed local civilians. According to the publishers of the leak, one of the videos shows Lang beating and drowning a girl after a fellow fighter injected her with adrenaline so that she would not lose consciousness while drowning. Lang and other militants committed these atrocities as members of the Right Sector unit.

Despite the fact that Lang has been charged in a double murder case in the United States, his lawyer Dmytro Morhun told Politico that he had returned to the battlefield. In the summer of 2022, he was seen on social media “ in a Ukrainian military uniform and brandishing an anti-tank weapon.”

Paul Gray is another prominent example of the petri-dish effect. The Iraq war veteran and Purple Heart recipient was a well-known fascist activist in the United States before joining the pro-Ukrainian militants. Despite this, Gray made numerous media appearances, including on Fox News, where he was portrayed as a heroic soldier, his neo-Nazi views never surfacing.

According to media reports, a document compiled by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Service, intelligence, and other domestic security services, shows that many American militants have traveled to Ukraine. The evidence in these cases being recorded interviews with the extremists themselves, conducted by the law enforcement agencies.

Interestingly, one of the questions listed in the document was,

What kind of training are foreign fighters receiving in Ukraine that they could possibly proliferate in U.S. based militia and white nationalist groups?

In July 2022, Europol warned that “the proliferation of firearms and explosives in Ukraine could lead to an increase in firearms and munitions trafficked into the EU via established smuggling routes or online platforms” and “this threat might even be higher once the conflict has ended.”

This means that Ukraine isn’t just turning into a mecca for neo-Nazis, but also poses a threat for the West. A report by the UK’s Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament shows that British citizens who have traveled overseas for “Right-Wing Terrorism-related purposes” have been “further radicalized” and “developed connections” with others who share their violent ideology. At the same time, the report indicates that there is currently “no process” in place to monitor these people following their arrival home. ... neo-nazis/




By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

The Black Sea is a small body of water by international sea standards.

It is so small that when the navies of the shore states go to war, the battles tend to be brief, hit-and-run affairs, like the skirmishes between the Romanians, Germans and Soviets in 1941-42, and between the Georgians and the Russians in August 2008. The Russians, with the bigger, better equipped navies, tend to win. When they win, as they did over the Ottoman Turks at the Battle of Sinope in 1853, the outside powers try to equalize by taking the anti-Russian side: it was the French and British in 1853; the Americans and the NATO allies now.

In the recent history of their direct encounters with the Russian vessels and their air support, the Americans and British have come off with what is known in maritime history as their tails between their legs.

The surface area of the Black Sea is 436,400 square kilometres. By comparison, the Mediterranean, into which the Black Sea drains, is 2.5 million square kms, and there are several much larger seas than that. .

The Black Sea is also not the biggest of the seas on which Russia has a shore line and frontier. The Caspian Sea is 371,000 square kms; the Baltic Sea is 377,000 square kms; the Chukchi Sea, 595,000 square kms; the Barents Sea, 1.4 million square kms; the Sea of Okhotsk, 1.6 million square kms; and the Bering Sea, 2.4 square million kms. For the time being, the Black Sea is the only one of these seas in which one of the littoral territories, the Ukraine, has declared war on one of the littoral states, Russia.

In the year since the Special Military Operation began on February 24, 2022, Turkish figures count 52 ship losses altogether; most of the Russian losses are Ukrainian claims which have not been verified. All of the Ukrainian losses on the Turkish list have occurred in port harbours or at a limit of 12 nautical miles (23 kms) offshore. The principal causes have been mines, shore-based artillery, missile, aircraft, and drone strikes.

In the past three weeks, the Kiev regime has declared war in the international waters of the Black Sea by launching drone boats to attack two Russian naval vessels operating to guard the gas pipelines which run on the seabed between Russia and Turkey. The pipelines are known as Blue Stream, operational in 2003, and Turkstream from 2020. On May 24, the Russian Navy’s Ivan Khurs (lead image, left) was attacked by three Ukrainian surface drones; at the time the location was 140 kms northeast of the Bosphorus Strait, outside Turkish territorial waters, inside Turkey’s exclusive economic zone, but in international waters.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported the destruction of the attacking vessels without their reaching the Ivan Khurs, and the return of the vessel undamaged to its homeport of Sevastopol. Its mission, the ministry said, had been “to ensure safe operation of the Turkstream and Blue Stream gas pipelines in the exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Turkey and also [it] monitored the surface situation in the southwest part of the Black Sea to ensure the safety of navigation under the ‘grain deal.’”

On June 11, six Ukrainian surface drones attacked the Russian Navy’s Priazovye (“Azov Sea”, lead image, right). All six were destroyed before they could strike. The reported location was about 300 kms southeast of Sevastopol; that is the northern limit of the Turkish exclusive economic zone, but still in international waters.

The Ukrainian military have made no claim of responsibility.

The official Russian reporting of the incidents has treated them as Ukrainian terrorism. The method of the operations, and the vessels from which the drone boats were launched, have not yet been disclosed, although the positional data appear to have been recorded by the overhead US Air Force FORTE11 operation, and by overhead Russian surveillance aircraft, drones, and satellites, and by naval radars. The probability is also that real-time course targeting coordinates for the drones in their runs at the Ivan Khurs and the Priazovye were transmitted to the Ukrainians by the US Air Force (USAF).

The likelihood also is that the Ukrainian attackers used the shipping channel designated for the security of grain transportation under the Black Sea Grain Initiative agreements of July 2022. Compliance with these agreements is the responsibility of the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres. Ukrainian terrorism in violation of the agreements indicates the complicity of that UN official as the war has been extended by the Ukrainians and the USAF into international waters.






A pro-Ukrainian Turkish naval analyst has called Ukrainian naval operations in the Black Sea the “mosquito fleet concept”. “The Mosquito fleet concept was designed by the Ukrainian Navy and aimed to rectify its weakness by investing in asymmetrical warfare through small boats with large punches. Ukraine’s efforts to use its own shipbuilding industry for warship production did not make important progress, forcing Ukraine to procure warships from abroad. The USA donated 4 Island-class large patrol boats. And Ukraine has procured one Milgem-class corvette from Turkey with one as an option. However, these actions were not enough to boost the Ukrainian Navy at the start of the Russian Invasion in February 2022. The American-made boats were too small and lacked any effective armament, whereas the Turkish-made corvette was still under construction.”

This was published before the Turkish gas pipeline supply was threatened with destruction by the attacks on the Russian patrol vessels on guard above. The delivery capacity of Turkstream and Blue Stream is about 48 billion cubic metres (bcm); this amounts to 80% of Turkish gas consumption at present of about 60 bcm.

The hostile Turkish analyst went on: “The Black Sea Grain Initiative was signed, and Ukraine was able to export its grain to the whole world again. The naval front of the war is at a stalemate. While the Russian side has a clear superiority in numbers and capability it lacks the will and apparently the courage to bring the war back to Ukraine’s shores again. The Russian seems to be happy with the ‘fleet in being’. On the other hand, Ukraine was able to create its own humble A2/AD bubble without a navy and break the Russian Fleet’s will to fight. But it lacks the very basic ability of any naval force to conduct any operations on high seas and has very limited means to bring the fighting to the Russian shores.”

For reports of what exactly took place in the Ivan Khurs and Priazovye incidents, read this.

One of the Ukrainian drone boats filmed from the deck of the Priazovye; source: Reuters. A Ukrainian film of the Ivan Khurs attack can be viewed here. For a US Government-funded version of the incident, click. For Russian Defense Ministry footage of the Priazovye attack, click on this.

Guterres and the UN staff of the Black Sea Grain Initiative operations have issued no public statement on the naval engagements inside the so-called corridor of vessels transporting grain. Instead, on May 26, two days after the attack on the Ivan Khurs, Guterres’s staff admitted publicly that the inspections of vessels moving north and south in the Black Sea corridor had dropped sgnificantly. The UN announced that it “calls on all parties to work towards the full implementation of the Initiative’s provisions. The Office further calls on all parties to work towards predictable, stable operations in line with their commitment to contribute to global food security.”

Lisa Buttenheim, a US national who is chief of operationsfor the grain shipping programme, in a March 2023 visit to the Joint Coordination Centre where she inspected the data displays for the maritime corridor using terrestrial and satellite means and communications with vessel masters. Source:

After the Priazovye attack on June 11, Guterres and Buttenheim have said nothing at all. The Ukrainian actions at sea, and the bombing attack on the land pipeline carrying ammonia from Togliatti to Odessa on June 6, have all but eliminated the grain transportation agreements and the UN role; for more details, read this.

On June 12, Vzglyad, the leading Moscow press platform for security analysis, published its assessment of the war in the Black Sea. Here is the original. The translation into English which follows is verbatim, without editing. Illustrations and captions have been added.


June 12, 2023

Experts identified the goals of the AFU during the attack
on the vessel Azov
The AFU has attacked a Russian reconnaissance vessel again
By Alyona Zadorozhnaya

The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have attacked a Russian reconnaissance vessel again. According to the Ministry of Defense, six Ukrainian naval drones that tried to destroy the ship of the Black Sea Fleet Azov were destroyed. What are the enemy’s goals and how can Russia counter the threat in the Black Sea?

The vessel Priazovye, which ensures the safety of the gas pipelines Turkstream and Blue Stream, has repelled an evening attack by unmanned marine vehicles, the Ministry of Defense has reported. The Telegram channel of the Ministry says that the attack occurred around 1.30.

The AFU used six high-speed unmanned sea boats. All of them were destroyed when the attack was repelled using the standard armament of the Russian ship at about 300 kilometres southeast of Sevastopol; there were no casualties, the ship was not damaged.

As in previous similar attacks, the strategic reconnaissance drone RQ-4B Global Hawk of the United States conducted reconnaissance in the airspace of the central part of the Black Sea, the Defense Ministry added.

Left: the Northrop-Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk drone, which resumed overflights of the Black Sea after a Russian SU-27 (right) intercepted a USAF MQ-9 Reaper drone on March 14, 2023, forcing the aircraft to crash into the water. See:

This is the second attempt by the enemy to strike a reconnaissance ship of the Black Sea Fleet. Recall that on May 24, Ukrainian surface vehicles attacked the Ivan Khurs, a ship of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia in the exclusive economic zone of Turkey. Attacked by AFU drones, the Black Sea Fleet ship returned to Sevastopol under its own power.

The newspaper Vzglyad has analyzed in detail the threat of these fireships to Russian bases and ships at their berths and on the roadstead. According to experts, in order to strengthen them, it is necessary, firstly, to replace some of the deck-mounted pedestal machine guns on the vessels with remotely controlled systems with a high-quality sight, stabilized guidance and coupling with ship radars.

Left: MTPU gun mount with 14.5mm KPVT machine gun in the Ivan Khurs version (right), according to Defense Ministry video of the attack. In this video, it is not the manned gun but the heavier-calibre turret-mounted gun on the left whose fire hit the drone in the distance; this may be a variant of the AK-176 rotating turret gun. Click to watch. The pedestal-mounted weapon has drawn sharp criticism from Russian military experts. For more details of the Yury Ivanov-class Project 18280 intelligence collection vessel, click to read.

The operator, having received a signal from the radar, will be able to detect the drone at a great distance and hit it with an accurate machine-gun burst. Together with booms and disciplined watchkeeping, this will reduce the danger from Ukrainian fire-launching drones to an acceptably small one. Secondly, a thermal imaging surveillance system is needed in parallel with the radar. This will make detection more likely and will allow the alarm to be announced before the personnel can detect the fireships visually.

Thirdly, it is worth talking not so much about replacing some of the pedestal-mounted machine guns with remotely controlled systems, as about building up the barreled weapons on board ships and vessels. In place of one part of the machine-gun installations, modules with machine guns should appear, capable of firing when pitching, according to the stabilized optoelectronic sighting system, accurately over long distances. However, the pedestal mounts should not be removed, but simply moved so that there are more machine guns on board. And of course, there should always be individual marksmen on the machine guns around the clock during the combat watch. In addition, it is necessary to equip machine guns with thermal imaging sights in case of a night attack.

“In addition, the technology of remote control of boats creates scenarios that could not even have been imagined until recently. And the cheaper and more widespread this technology eventually turns out to be, the greater the danger to the Navy from any country,” the authors of Telegram channel Взгляд человека в лампасах note. At the same time, unmanned boats will not always be similar to those examples which attacked the Russian ships Ivan Khurs and Priazovye. In profile these can look like a small trawler, fishing boat, longboat, scow, dinghy or yacht.

“And if your destroyer or corvette goes through a narrow strait? Or if it is standing on the roadstead of a crowded port, and hundreds of varied local boats always sail around it? What if two or three dozen boats suddenly separate from this group at a distance of two or three cables and go to your warship at anchor? How many of them will the duty watch be able to destroy in the couple of minutes that will be at its disposal?” – these are the questions analysts are asking.

In addition, explosives can be secretly placed on an ordinary fishing boat, as well as the remote control system to direct it. And the sailors of this fishing boat can become the same victims as the target against which the boat will be sent. According to experts, any watercraft can be filled with explosives triggered by a remote-control system. “This technology may eventually become available even to the most primitive countries and organizations – as the savages of the Amazon jungle use mobile phones today. And the problem will be much more serious than the adventures which the pirates from Somalia once arranged for the merchant fleet,” the Telegram Channel authors emphasize.

As for the direct attacks on Ivan Khurs and Priazovye, the AFU is trying to achieve two goals with these weapons. On the one hand, to achieve a significant media effect against the background of an unsuccessful ‘counteroffensive’ in the Azov Sea (not to be confused with the ship). On the other hand, to cast doubt on the reliability of the Russian–Turkish infrastructure for gas exports.

“The Azov Sea protects the surface area of the pipes of the gas pipelines Blue Stream and Turkstream. This does not suit either the Ukraine or, in general, its overseas allies. After the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic, the Ukrainians are setting out now to disrupt finally all possibility of exporting gas from Russia”, comments Vasily Dandykin (right), captain of the first rank, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine Warrior of Russia. “In addition, the Ukrainian side is thus trying to “express its defiance of Turkish President Erdogan, who is closely cooperating with Russia. It is also important which specific ships were attacked. The first was the Ivan Khurs which is a totally domestic development. That vessel is capable of performing tasks of scanning the situation at sufficiently large distances,” the expert notes.

“Now there is the Priazovye. This is also a serious vessel. Despite the fact that it was built in the Soviet years, it was modernized in a timely manner. It is the Priazovye that is engaged in the protection of gas pipelines in the Black Sea,” the source emphasizes. “If we assume that the West wants to limit our [gas pipeline] exports, it becomes obvious why these ships are interfering with that plan”, concludes Dandykin.

“I believe that the AFU chose either Ochakov, where they have dug in for a long time, or Odessa as their hub to operate under the cover of the grain corridor. The enemy’s bet, apparently, was made on the fact that reconnaissance ships are usually poorly armed. But practice has shown that the available weapons are enough to destroy unmanned boats. Now our task is to find the place of their primary deployment and eliminate the target,” Dandykin points out.


“The AFU attacks everything they can reach. The priority, of course, is weakly armed targets, which are reconnaissance ships of the Priazovye and Ivan Khurs types. There is no strategy here. Only tactical actions aimed primarily at obtaining a powerful media effect,” adds Maxim Klimov, captain of the III rank in reserve.

“In the light of the threat that has arisen, such ships urgently need to strengthen their weapons. In addition, we need to think about the transfer of some ships from the Baltic to the Black Sea. First of all, we are talking about small missile vessels of the Karakurt corvette type. Moreover, the first two Karakurt vessels, which do not have the Pantsir-M complexes in their armament, must be equipped with the Tor air defense system. This will significantly enhance the safety of the ships,” Klimov concluded.”


The Karakurt-class corvette. “The first two corvettes of this class were fitted with two AK-630M Close-In Weapon Systems and a total of 8 Igla-S and Verba man-portable air defense missiles to protect against air threats. Though from the third ship onwards the air defense weapons were modernized. Newer vessels carry Pantsir-M air defense gun/missile system. It is a naval version of the Pantsir. Missiles have a range of 20 km and can reach targets at an altitude of 15 km. Guns have a range of 5 km. This system can engage four targets simultaneously with missiles and its anti-aircraft guns automatically engage targets that the missiles missed. It can also engage sea-skimming missiles, flying as low as 2 meters above the water. This air defense system is fully automated. Standard ammunition load includes 32 missiles in a storage and reload system below the deck”. ... more-88157


Chronicle of the special military operation for June 15, 2023
June 16, 2023

Fighting continues in the area of ​​Makarovka on the Vremyevsky ledge , where the enemy tried unsuccessfully to advance in the gray zone. On the Orekhovsky section of the Armed Forces of Ukraine today they operated in small groups at the turn from Rabotino to Novopokrovka , but by the evening tank battles resumed there. Late in the evening, information appeared about an enemy landing in the area of ​​Nova Kakhovka , but this information was not confirmed.

At night, the Russian Aerospace Forces delivered combined strikes on the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the territory of the Dnepropetrovsk , Odessa , Kharkov and Sumy regions . It is reliably known about the effective destruction of the target in Krivoy Rog - an industrial enterprise where the military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was repaired received significant damage.

At the same time, Ukrainian formations tried to attack infrastructure in Crimea with drones . Some of the devices were intercepted by Russian air defense systems, and several EW crews were imprisoned. The enemy failed to achieve its goal.


Raid of Ukrainian drones on the Crimean peninsula


Today, Ukrainian formations once again tried to strike with drones in Crimea . The peninsula authorities previously reported nine UAVs from Odessa, but in fact there were 11. Five were shot down by air defense forces of the Crimean Defense Forces (four at Kotovsky and one at Novoozerny ), and six were suppressed by electronic warfare units (two each at Razdolnoye and lakes Donuzlav , one each at capes Tarkhankut and Peschany ).

According to the authorities, there is no damage to the Crimean infrastructure. The example of the work of air defense and electronic warfare crews on the peninsula is indicative: no matter how many drones are launched by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and how, with the right approach, there will be no problems in countering them.

At the same time, over the next two weeks, the intensity of raids on the Crimea will most likely increase. Now over the territory of Europe, including in the Black Sea area, NATO exercises Air Defender - 2023 are underway. The maneuvers are a very convenient cover for reconnaissance and provocations near Russian territories, which is confirmed by the flights of NATO reconnaissance aircraft, which do not stop.

And yesterday, a US Air Force B-1B bomber flew to Romania at the Michal Kogalniceanu air base for a short visit , where it stayed for about three hours. The appearance of the B-1B in this case is similar to testing the reaction of the Russian authorities to the deployment of missile carriers near the Black Sea.

Attack on the object of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Krivoy Rog


Tonight, the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out missile strikes on Ukrainian units in Krivoy Rog in the Dnipropetrovsk region . One of the hit targets was an industrial enterprise, on the basis of which, according to some reports, the repair of the equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was carried out.

As a result of a precise hit, the building received significant damage, and several fires arose at the place of arrival.

In addition, at night, local residents reported explosions in Kharkov , Odessa and Sumy regions.

The situation on the front line and the fighting
In the Starobelsk direction, the situation remains stable. Neither side is taking any decisive action. The enemy periodically uses small groups of infantry with the support of armored vehicles, trying to find a weak spot in the advanced defensive lines of the RF Armed Forces, but consistently fails.

There are no significant changes in the front line in the Bakhmut direction . The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not leave attempts to dislodge Russian troops from their positions in the area of ​​​​Kleshcheevka and the Berkhovsky reservoir , but over the past day they have not been able to achieve any success.


In the Donetsk direction, after a massive fire defeat on enemy positions in Maryinka , Pobeda and Konstantinovka , Russian units went on the attack to the north near Novomikhailovka. Units of the 20th motorized rifle division managed to occupy two strong points and gain a foothold on the northern approaches to the settlement.

Due to losses, the 79th Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were withdrawn from the combat area: they are being transferred to a training center in Zhytomyr to restore their numbers. In its place, 2 dshb 95 odshbr (up to 450 people) were transferred.

Cutting off the "ledge" Marinka - Pobeda - Konstantinovka is important for cutting the communications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the east of Vugledar and developing an offensive against the fortress city located on a hill.


Positional battles continue in the Yuzhnodonetsk direction . The settlement of Makarovka is under the fire control of Russian troops. Attempts to advance Ukrainian formations were thwarted. Ukrainian forces made several more attempts to dislodge the RF Armed Forces from the southern outskirts of Makarovka , but were unsuccessful. Due to the bad weather, the intensity of enemy attacks decreased slightly.

In the Orekhovsky sector, in the morning, Ukrainian formations conducted reconnaissance in battle near Orekhov: they operate in small groups with the support of armored vehicles and artillery in the sector from to Novopokrovka . At the moment, tank battles began again.

The offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will develop in two directions: Orekhov - Danilovka and Orekhov - Tokmachka . According to radio interception, it is planned to use the surviving units of the 47th Ombre and 65th Ombre of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in two waves in the next attack (the total number is up to 20,000 people).

Russian aviation continues to use high-precision guided missiles "Vikhr" against the advancing Ukrainian formations, increasing the counter of Ukrainian losses.


In the Kherson direction , due to the erosion of the Dnieper channel and the actual destruction of the "gray zone" on the islands, there are more and more attempts to throw DRGs into Russian territory: two boats were destroyed near Gola Pristan , near Alyoshki - up to five boats.

Another enemy group settled in a hotel south of the Antonovsky bridge , where it was destroyed by Russian artillery. At the same time, the likelihood of a landing operation downstream from the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station is small: after flooding, you need to wait until the soil is in order, and during this time the RF Armed Forces will have time to restore positions. A landing scenario upstream is much more likely - the entire section from the Kakhovka reservoir to the dilapidated dam is potentially dangerous.

Later in the evening, information appeared about the shooting and landing of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​Nova Kakhovka . Some sources confirmed the fact of the shooting, but the landing of the Ukrainian troops was denied.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas
Ukrainian troops do not stop inflicting chaotic strikes on the settlements of the Donetsk agglomeration . The capital of the DPR, Gorlovka and Volnovakha came under fire . Civilian infrastructure was damaged in all settlements, several people were injured.

In the Kherson region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled Novaya Kakhovka , Tavriysk , Kakhovka and Vasilievka during the past night , which were hit by a total of 27 shells from cannon and rocket artillery. In the afternoon, the enemy launched mortar attacks on the Dnepryans in the Novokakhovsk urban district: residential buildings were damaged, a one and a half year old child died.

Political events
On the supply of equipment to Ukraine

Representatives of the authorities of Denmark , the Netherlands , the United States and Great Britain announced that they would jointly supply air defense systems to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the statement , deliveries have already begun and should be completed in the coming weeks. This, according to the statement, is due to the fact that Ukraine's Western allies want to protect key national infrastructure and ensure the "success of counter-offensive" operations in the coming months.

On the goals of Kyiv in the offensive

Today, Zelensky’s adviser Mikhail Podolyak said that Kiev’s plan is “to kill the maximum number of Russians.”

The official said that there were no plans to “step back a little, push, and then for negotiations”, the Ukrainian formations have one plan: “the most hard forward movement with the maximum killing of Russians on this route” . In his opinion, it is necessary to "destroy as many as possible and mobilized" to exert psychological pressure. ... 2023-goda/


From the Telegram acount of Slavyangrad:

Starshe Eddy (@VysokyGovorit) on the problématique of the NATO mission to train the Ukrainian fighters:

"6,000 Ukrainian troops are currently being trained in 40 different locations on 65 courses in 33 countries on three continents," said the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, adding that 60,000 had already received this training. Eleven thousand have been trained in the United States, enabling the formation of 12 combat battalions, and so on and so forth.

It all sounds impressive, but, in fact, the problem is that NATO and its allies are a very heterogeneous structure. Different not only in comparison to Ukraine, but also internally, even in such things as fire control. Problematic situations in NATO exercises, and especially in NATO exercises with allies outside the bloc, where the fire-controller and the firing battery commander use different reference systems, occur regularly, and the process has not yet been completely unified - for example, in the important area of flight control, the US and the British, close allies, reached unity of procedure only a couple of years ago.

The difference is aggravated by a 2-3 times shorter training process than the normal duration, language barriers (English is not uniform among the Ukrainians, Russian is not uniform among NATO and its allies, and Ukrainian speakers specializing in military technical translation are still to be found), and different tactical schemes. The schemes are still largely Soviet in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Finland (all three teach Ukrainian specialists), and unique in Germany, France and the United States, and they all involve different decision-making processes, artillery control schemes, and tactical structures.

The unification of the whole affair is a difficult, long and very costly process, which has only just begun in general terms - and is under way in the States, where common schemes are being worked out to ensure inter-force and inter-national coordination. But it is impossible to jump from the stage of experiments and trials on firing ranges to a unified system of training in 33 countries on a multitude of different types of weapon systems. How will battalion commanders, trained in Russian on Soviet systems in Poland, and an artillery battalion commander, trained in English in the United States, interact when given several weeks to get to know and agree on a common denominator, filled with the minutiae of preparing for an offensive?

The bottom line is that training in NATO and NATO partner countries, on the one hand, allows a number of more modern tactics and equipment, but on the other hand, then requires a long process of bringing the results of this training together. But it is precisely this phase that is lacking in Ukrainian training. Of course, I am not upset by this.


Enemy advances on flanks near Artemovsk: fierce fighting in progress

▪️ Armoured groups and company tactical groups of the Ukrainian armed forces continue trying to break through the front in the Artemovsk direction.

Northern flank
▪️In the direction of Berkhovka settlement, the AFU have continued to attack our strongholds in landings near the railway in recent days.
▪️ Russian Forces are moving significant reserves from Paraskovieivka, enemy analysts report.
▪️"The Russians are actively mining the outskirts of the village to hinder the advance of the AFU," the report says.

Southern flank
▪️AFU units are attacking to the west and northwest of Kleshcheyevka, near Ozeryanovka and Kurdyumovka, trying to break through to important settlements. Here the enemy attacks not only by day but also at night with the support of mortars and armoured vehicles, the attacks are repelled by BARS volunteers and fighters of the Russian Armed Forces.

Soledar sector
▪️ Fighting also continues in the direction of Vasyukovka-Razdolovka, where the AFU infantry attacks positions of a number of our units from the landings, Russian landing troops and motorized riflemen suppress these attempts with the fire of mortars, tanks and artillery.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Fri Jun 16, 2023 6:37 pm

President Joe Biden (L) shakes hands with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the Mariinsky Palace in Kyiv on 20 February 2023 (AFP)

Russia-Ukraine war: Another act of terror met by western media silence
By Jonathan Cook (Posted Jun 16, 2023)

Originally published: Middle East Eye on June 14, 2023 (more by Middle East Eye) |

The hypocrisy gets starker by the day. The same western media that strains to warn of the dangers of disinformation—at least when it comes to rivals on social media—barely bothers to conceal its own role in purveying disinformation in the Ukraine war.

In fact, the propaganda peddled by the media grows more audacious by the day—as two stories last week from the frontlines illustrate only too clearly.

Dominating headlines is the environmental catastrophe created by the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam under Russian control. Flood waters from the Dnipro river have ruined vast swathes of land downriver from the dam and forced many tens of thousands to flee their homes.

Rightly, the wrecking of the dam is being called an act of “ecological terrorism”—the second major one associated with the war, following last September’s blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines supplying Russian gas to Europe.

The costs associated with keeping this war going and avoiding peace talks so that Russia can be “weakened”, as Biden administration officials insist is the priority, have grown much steeper than most people could have imagined.

This is why a clear understanding of what is going on—and what interests are being served by fuelling the fighting rather than resolving the war—is so vitally important.

There have always been at least two narratives in Ukraine, even if western audiences are rarely exposed to the Russian one—outside of mocking commentary from western reporters.

In the immediate aftermath of the breaching of the Kakhovka dam, the BBC’s Moscow correspondent, Steve Rosenberg, visibly sneered as he reported that Russian media were insisting Ukrainian “terrorists” were behind the destruction. Russians, he suggested, were being brainwashed by their government and media.

He obviously failed to spot the irony that his own reporting, like that of colleagues, has served to reinforce the impression that the only plausible culprit in the dam’s ruin—despite a lack of evidence so far—is Moscow. Like the Russian media, Rosenberg has been hawking precisely the line his own government, and its Nato allies, want from him.

Pall of fog
The BBC recently launched its Verify service, ostensibly to root out disinformation. In similar vein, western media have started appending to any report of Russian assertions the warning:

This claim could not be verified.

Like a nervous tic, the media added just such an alert to Russian statements that large numbers of Ukrainian soldiers had been killed in what looked like the first stages of Kyiv’s so-called “counter-offensive”.

But no such warnings have been attached to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s claims that Russia blew up the dam.

Instead, reporters have been quick to regurgitate, unverified, his self-serving assertions that Moscow caused the destruction, supposedly to ward off the imminent counter-offensive, and that only western help evicting Russia from the areas it has occupied can prevent further “terrorist” acts.

As has so often been the case in this war, a thick pall of fog is likely to shroud what happened at the Kakhovka dam for the foreseeable future.

Which means that, if the media is determined to recycle speculation, what it should be doing at this stage—apart from keeping an open mind and investigating for itself—is applying the principle of “Cui bono?” or “Who profits?”

And if it bothered to do that properly, it might be far more reluctant to pin responsibility on Russia.

Rallying support
As Scott Ritter, a former U.S. marine and United Nations weapons inspector, has noted, the chief beneficiary of the attack has been Ukraine, both militarily and politically.

After all, the western media has been documenting a series of fortifications—from trenches and mines to concrete spikes—that the Russian army has constructed along its front lines during the long wait for the Ukrainian counter-offensive. As has often been pointed out, they are so extensive, they can easily be seen from space.

A man in the flooded yard of his house in Afanasiyivka, Mykolayiv region, on 10 June 2023, following the destruction of the Kakhovka dam (AFP)

And yet if it did blow up the dam, Moscow just washed away all its carefully built defences in a key area that Ukraine has set its eyes on recapturing—and just at the time Kyiv is said to be preparing for a dramatic military offensive.

Further, the swollen river behind the dam was a significant obstacle to Ukrainian forces crossing the Dnipro river for many tens of miles. It will be much less of a barrier now its waters have receded as the river gushes into the Black Sea. The dam explosion punches a surprise hole in a key, natural part of Russia’s defensive line.

Another critical concern for the Kremlin will be that the explosion poses a direct threat to water supplies to the arid Crimean peninsula—the first piece of Ukrainian territory Russia annexed. After a U.S.-backed overthrow of Ukraine’s government in 2014, Russia made a priority of securing Crimea, long the site of a strategic, warm-water naval base.

And to top it all, Russia’s control of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, upstream of the dam, has already come under renewed international scrutiny as questions are raised about Moscow’s ability to cope with a possible meltdown there as water supplies, needed for cooling, dramatically diminish.

There are political advantages in the dam’s destruction for Kyiv too. As Ritter observes:

There is a lot of ‘Ukraine fatigue’ right now. The world is just tired of Ukraine, of funding Ukraine… What Ukraine needs is a catastrophic event that rallies international support around Ukraine by blaming Russia for something big.

The dam blast does just that. It thrusts the war back into the spotlight, it casts Moscow as a “terrorist” threat not just to Ukraine but to wider humanity, and it will prove a very effective tool to justify yet more weapons and aid to “weaken” Russia, even if Ukraine’s counter-offensive proves a damp squib.

Reckless ‘test’ strike
The western media has not only largely ignored these factors, it has also drawn a veil over its own recent reporting that might implicate Ukraine as chief culprit in blowing up the dam.

As the Washington Post reported back in December, the Ukrainian military had previously considered plans to destroy the Kakhovka—in other words, to carry out what is universally understood now as a major act of ecological terrorism. At the time, the plan barely raised an eyebrow in the West.

The preparations included what now looks like a reckless “test strike” with a HIMARS missile—supplied courtesy of the U.S.—“making three holes in the metal [of the floodgates] to see if the Dnieper’s water could be raised enough to stymie Russian crossings but not flood nearby villages”.

“The test was a success,” the Post reported Maj Gen Andriy Kovalchuk, a Ukrainian commander, saying back in December.

But the step [of destroying the dam] remained a last resort.

Might that “test” or a similar one—possibly in preparation for a Ukrainian offensive—have accidentally undermined the dam’s integrity, making it gradually crumble from the pressure of the water?

Or could the dam’s destruction have been intentional—part of Ukraine’s offensive—spreading chaos to areas under Russian control, either to force Moscow to redirect its energies away from countering a Ukrainian attack, or deflect western public attention away from any difficulties Kyiv may have launching a credible military operation?

And why, anyway, would Moscow decide to destroy the dam, forfeiting control over water flow, when it could have simply opened the gates to flood areas downstream at any time of its choosing, such as when faced with an attempt to cross the river by the Ukrainian military?

These questions aren’t even being posed, let alone answered.

James Bond mission
There has been an established pattern with the media during the Ukraine war, one that may serve as a guide in understanding how the story of the breaching of the dam will unfold.

The reticence of western outlets to ask basic questions, contextualise with relevant background, or pursue obvious lines of inquiry has been equally glaring in another act of ecological terrorism: the explosions on the Nord Stream pipelines back in September. They released enormous quantities of the prime global-warming gas methane.

Again, the media spoke as one. First, they echoed western officials in ascribing the explosions to Moscow, without a shred of evidence and even though the blasts were a huge blow to Russia.

The Kremlin lost the bountiful income stream that came from supplying Europe with natural gas. Meanwhile, diplomatically, it was stripped of its chief leverage over its biggest energy customer, Germany—leverage it might have used to induce Berlin to break with the West’s sanctions policy.

All of this was hard to obscure. Soon the western media simply dropped the Nord Stream story entirely.

Interest surfaced again only much later, in March, when the New York Times and a German publication, Die Zeit, published separate and quite preposterous accounts, based on unnamed intelligence sources.

According to these accounts, a group of six rogue Ukrainians chartered a yacht and blew up the pipelines off the coast of Denmark in a James Bond-style mission. The story was widely amplified by the western media, even though independent analysts ridiculed it as wildly implausible and technically unfeasible.

‘Ukraine did it’
The problem the media has faced is that a very much more plausible account of the Nord Stream blasts had already been produced by the legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh in February. His unnamed intelligence source offered a far more credible and detailed account, and one that blamed the U.S. itself.

The circumstantial evidence for U.S. responsibility—or at least involvement—was already substantial, even if the media again ignored it.

From Joe Biden downwards, U.S. officials either expressed a determination beforehand to stop more Russian gas from reaching Europe through Nord Stream or celebrated the pipelines’ destruction after the fact.

The Biden administration also had a prime motive for blowing up Nord Stream: a desire to end Europe’s energy dependence on Russia, especially when Washington wanted to line up Moscow and Beijing as the new targets in its permanent “war on terror”.

Hersh’s source argued that the explosives were placed by special U.S. Navy divers, with Norwegian assistance, during an annual naval exercise, Baltops, and remotely detonated three months later.

The media studiously ignored this version. When it was referenced on the odd occasion, the story was dismissed because it was attributed to a single unnamed source. None of the media, however, appeared to have similar reservations about the fantastical yacht version, also supplied by an unidentified intelligence source.

Hersh’s account has refused to go away, gaining ever more traction on social media so long as no credible alternative emerged.

And so—bingo! The fantastical claim that a group of amateurs was able to locate and blow up the pipelines deep on the ocean floor has been dropped.

Last week the Washington Post reported that an unnamed European intelligence service had warned the Biden administration of an impending attack on the Nord Stream pipelines three months before it took place. According to this account, a small crack team sent by the Ukrainian military carried out the “covert” operation—again acting, it was stressed, without Zelensky’s knowledge.

The Post reported that “officials in multiple countries” confirmed that the U.S. had received advance warning.

White House lied?
The story raises all kinds of deeply troubling questions—none of which the media seem interested in addressing.

Not least, if true, it means that the Biden administration has blatantly lied for months in promoting a fiction: that Russia carried out the attack. The White House and European capitals knowingly misled the western media and publics.

If Biden officials have indeed conspired in maintaining a grand lie about such a momentous act of industrial terror—one that caused untold environmental damage and is contributing to a mounting recession in Europe—what other lies have they been telling? How can anything they claim about the Ukraine war, such as who is responsible for the Kakhovka dam’s destruction, be trusted?

And yet the western media—which, according to this new account, was deceived for months—seems completely unconcerned.

Further, if Washington knew of the impending act of terror—which was directed at European energy sources as much as at a nuclear-armed Russia—why did it not intervene?

The media’s coverage of this new version largely frames the U.S. as impotent, incapable of stopping the Ukrainians from blowing up the pipelines.

But Washington is the world’s sole superpower. Ukraine is entirely dependent on its support—financially and militarily. If the U.S. withdrew its backing, Ukraine would be forced to engage in peace talks with Russia. The idea that Washington could not have stopped the attack is no more credible than the claim a group of sailing enthusiasts blew up the pipelines.

If this latest account is true, Washington had the leverage to stop the attack on Europe’s energy infrastructure but failed to act. By any reasonable assessment, it should be considered to have willed the pipelines’ destruction, despite the devastating toll on Europe and the environment.

And thirdly, based on this account, Ukraine—or at least its military—has proven itself quite capable of committing the most heinous act of terrorism, even against its allies in Europe. Why should anyone, least of all the media, now be so dismissive of Russian claims of Ukrainian war crimes, including destroying the Kakhovka dam?

‘Good Nazis’
The truth, however, is that the western media are not concerned by the implications of this latest account, any more than they are by Hersh’s earlier one—not if it means turning the U.S. and its allies into the bad guys. The story was reported cursorily, and will be filed away as another piece of a puzzle no one has any interest in solving.

The western media’s role in foreign affairs is to prop up a narrative that turns our leaders into good people doing their best in a bad world, one that forces on them difficult, sometimes morally compromised choices.

Veterans of Ukraine’s far-right Azov volunteer battalion during a rally called ‘No surrender’ in Kyiv on 14 March 2020 (AFP)

But what if Biden and Zelensky aren’t really heroes, or even good people? What if they are just as ignoble, just as callous and inhumane, as the foreign leaders we so readily dismiss as the “new Hitler”? It’s just that they receive far better public relations from our complicit media.

Coverage of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam and Nord Stream pipelines alludes to a double problem: that western leaders and their allies may be implicated in the most terrible crimes, but we can rarely be sure because our media are so determined not to find out.

This week, the New York Times finally admitted on its pages something that it and the rest of the western media once openly acknowledged but have cast as a taboo since Russia’s invasion: that the Ukrainian military is awash with neo-Nazi symbols.

If the New York Times is willing to give Ukrainian Nazis a makeover, making them look good, what are they doing for Biden, Zelensky and European leaders?

However, even as the paper of record admitted what it had previously condemned as “disinformation” whenever it appeared on social media, the New York Times insisted on an absurd distinction.

Yes, the paper agreed that Ukrainian soldiers are proud to decorate themselves in Nazi insignia. And yes, much of wider Ukrainian society commemorates notorious Nazi figures from the Second World War such as Stepan Bandera. But no, Ukraine’s prolific use of Nazi symbols does not translate into any attachment to Nazi ideology.

This is the argument being made by a western publication that at the same time has taken seriously claims that a rock star, Roger Waters, is antisemitic for performing a track from his four-decade-old album The Wall satirising a fascist dictator… dressed as a fascist dictator.

Waters’ real crime is that now Jeremy Corbyn has been ousted from the Labour Party, he is the most visible supporter of Palestinian rights in the western world.

If the New York Times and the rest of the western media are willing to give Ukrainian Nazis a makeover, making them look good, what are they doing for Biden, Zelensky and European leaders?

One thing we know for sure: we cannot look to the western media for an answer. ... a-silence/


Turkiye deals blow to Sweden's NATO plans
By CHEN WEIHUA in Brussels | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2023-06-16 07:17

No positive view on bid when terrorists are protesting in Stockholm: Erdogan

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan announces new cabinet during a press conference in Ankara, Turkey, June 3, 2023. [Photo/Agencies]

Turkiye's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan played down the expectations for his country's approval of Sweden's NATO membership ahead of the military alliance's summit next month in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Erdogan's words came ahead of a trilateral meeting by Turkiye, Sweden and Finland in the Turkish capital Ankara on Wednesday to pave the way for Sweden's membership. Meanwhile, NATO defense ministers are meeting in Brussels from Thursday to Friday.

"Sweden's expectations don't mean we'll follow them," Erdogan said during a trip to Azerbaijan, Bloomberg and Turkish news media reported on Wednesday, referring to the hope by Stockholm, Washington and NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg for Sweden to become a member before the summit on July 11-12.

Turkiye cannot approach Sweden's NATO bid positively while "terrorists" were protesting in Stockholm, Erdogan was quoted as saying.

Hundreds of people, organized by groups close to the Kurdistan Workers' Party, which was outlawed by Turkiye as "terrorists", protested in Stockholm on June 4 against Sweden's new anti-terror law that was passed to address Turkiye's opposition to Sweden joining NATO.

Sweden and Finland abandoned their longtime military non-alignment last year and applied to join NATO and vowed to join together.

While Finland joined NATO in April after Turkish Parliament ratified its membership, Sweden's membership was blocked by Turkiye and Hungary. A new membership must be agreed unanimously by all 31 NATO members.

Turkiye has accused Sweden of providing a "safe haven" for "terrorists" and has issued extradition requests.

Commenting on Erdogan's latest message, Stoltenberg said his meeting with Erdogan a couple of weeks ago addressed the issue of Swedish membership.

Work in progress

"Some progress has been made and we will continue to work for the ratification of Sweden as soon as possible," he told a news conference in Brussels on Wednesday, adding he is not in a position to give an exact timeline or guarantee.

Stoltenberg said he told Erdogan that Sweden has changed the constitution, strengthened the counter-terrorist laws and lifted restrictions on arms exports to Turkiye.

The Swedish government decided on Monday to extradite a Turkish citizen residing in Sweden and convicted in 2013 of drug crime in Turkiye, a move aimed at pleasing Ankara.

Oscar Stenstrom, Sweden's chief negotiator at the trilateral talks, said Wednesday's meeting was good, but discussions aimed at overcoming Turkiye's objections would continue, without giving an exact date.

Meanwhile, Jim Risch, top Republican on the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee, threatened Hungary's delay in approving Sweden's NATO membership by saying he was blocking a $735 million arms sale to Hungary.

"Given promises that were made to me and others last year that this vote would be done, and the fact that it is now June and still not done, I decided that the sale of new US military equipment to Hungary will be on hold," Risch said in a statement.

NATO's reckless expansion since the 1990s has been seen by many as a trigger for the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

In a tweet on Wednesday, the Russian Foreign Ministry quoted President Vladimir Putin as saying: "We agreed that NATO would not be expanded. We came up with every option we could. Still no. Why?

"It is just because the country is too big; no one needs a country that big and with such great potential in Europe."

Stoltenberg on Wednesday dismissed the concern about NATO's expansion into Asia.

NATO is an alliance of North America and Europe and will remain so, he said.

"It is not an issue at all to make NATO a global organization with members from, for instance, Asia. No one has been in favor of that." ... bc86e.html


South African President Arrives in Ukraine for Peace Mission

Ramaphosa and the President of Senegal, Macky Sall, together with other leaders of the African continent will analyze, together with the Ukrainian president, ways to stop the conflict. | Photo: @PresidencyZA
Posted June 16, 2023 (1 hour 17 minutes ago)

The South African president was received by Ukraine's Special Envoy for Africa and the Middle East, Maksym Subhk, and South Africa's Ambassador to Ukraine, Andre Groenewald.

The President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, arrived in Ukraine this Friday, where he will meet with his counterpart Volodimir Zelenski, as part of the African peace mission in that European nation.

According to the South African presidency, the president "has arrived at the Nemishaeve train station in Ukraine and is received by the Ukrainian Special Envoy for Africa and the Middle East, Ambassador Maksym Subhk, and the South African Ambassador to Ukraine, Mr. André Groenewald".

Ramaphosa and the President of Senegal, Macky Sall, together with other leaders from the African continent, will analyze with the Ukrainian president the ways to eventually stop the conflict and open ways to agree to peace with Russia.

Likewise, the nations of Uganda, Congo and Egypt sent officials representing the presidents of these countries.

As part of the peace initiative, the dignitary of the South African country will later go to Saint Petersburg where he will meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, in an exchange scheduled for this Saturday, June 17.

The Secretary General of the United Nations Organization (UN) António Guterres expressed his enthusiasm for this peace mission and affirmed that the entity he represents will support all the efforts made to achieve a definitive peace.

For its part, the European Union expressed that it will not support the African peace plan in Ukraine if it implies that the conflict is frozen. ... -0011.html

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Cash payments for destroyed equipment
June 16, 8:48


Report of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on payments to military personnel for the destroyed equipment of the Ukronazis:

- Russian servicemen who destroyed 15 Tochka-U installations and HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine received 300,000 rubles each;

- More than 10,000 Russian servicemen have received payments for personal destruction or seizure of enemy military equipment since the beginning of the special military operation;

- Russian servicemen were paid 50,000 rubles for each of the 1,211 downed medium-range Ukrainian drones;

- Russian military personnel were paid 300 thousand rubles for each of the 45 Ukrainian helicopters and 71 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force destroyed since the beginning of 2023;

- The servicemen of the Russian Navy, who repelled the attack of six unmanned Ukrainian boats on Russian ships and civilian facilities in Crimea, received 200 thousand rubles each;

- Payments to Russian servicemen who destroyed Leopard tanks and armored fighting vehicles manufactured by NATO countries during a special operation are currently being processed based on reports from commanders in the Zaporozhye and YuzhnoDonets directions.

The Ministry of Defense also clarified that there are no restrictions on receiving payments for destroyed equipment. Each destroyed piece of equipment will be paid. Thus, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation encourages performance.
In general, an adequate revival of the Soviet practice of the Second World War.
Plus, there are additional cash bonuses from bloggers / military correspondents, artists and businessmen for various samples of Western technology.

Syrian comrades
June 16, 9:37 am


Syrian comrades in the NVO zone. Photo from the 98th Svir airborne division.

About Soviet and NATO standards
June 16, 12:04


About Soviet and NATO standards

I read from our smaller brothers such a theory that far from those people who were ready to study there and passed by all the necessary standards were sent to study to the West, but those who managed to negotiate with the military commissar.

If this opinion is true, and I think it is true, then the current absolutely clumsy actions of the Ukrainian army are not at all surprising. When people left for the West in the hope that if we go now to study Western technology, then the war will be over by then, and if it doesn’t end, then when this equipment will be brought, and even if they are brought, they will still keep in the rear, and even if we get to the front, then the tanks made with the help of democracy will beat the Muscovites by themselves.

Well, in general, it is noticeable that after the first failures in Zaporozhye, the fierce desire of the West to give the equipment to the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the bitter end, was replaced by a completely different picture. Yes! Still, one must be aware that the equipment that was produced in the West was created in the realities of completely different systems, completely different concepts and doctrines, it provided for the performance of slightly different tasks and turned out to be not the best option for fighting in the Pontic steppes.

In general, by the way, the disputes that again began with renewed vigor are surprising. The topic is as old as the world, which is better, T-90, Abrams or Leopard. In general, each of these tanks is the best, only it is the best within the framework of the military school for which it was, in fact, created. And the conclusion from this is that for the crests, no matter how they deny their past, the best tank within the framework of their own doctrine would be a deeply modernized T-72 or T-64. But faith in the white man's miraculous techniques is simply unlimited.

Well, yes, it is very striking when modern couch "tacticians" begin to talk loudly about the backwardness of Soviet military thought and strategy. The most stupid opinion you can ever hear. When you talk about this, then first be aware that the USSR was preparing for some kind of NWO in Ukraine, or in conditional Romania. The Soviet Union was preparing for the largest war in the history of mankind, which in the first month after the start was supposed to destroy tens of millions of people.

However, modern Russia is not the USSR, that country was the most natural military plant, which in the shortest possible time could be reorganized for the mass production of military products, which could make it possible to mobilize, albeit in a short period of 30-45 days, but simply colossal masses of the population. However, no one canceled the old Soviet tactics and developments. Here you are, the maneuverable defense that ours went to on the southern borders is the legacy of Soviet military science, and it is effective.

So, the fact that modern Russia, for understandable historical, economic and political reasons, cannot implement Soviet developments in matters of a total attack on the enemy, this does not mean that the USSR had bad military science.

By the way, after a year and a half since the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, some intermediate conclusions can be drawn regarding Western strategy and in-depth analysis. We can safely say that in many respects the analytical machine of the North Atlantic Alliance has begun to fail. The reason for this was the hegemony for many years, the absence of a real enemy, and a very strong underestimation of Russian society and the political mind of our country.

First of all, no one could have even come close to suggesting that the Russian military-political leadership would risk overstepping the boundaries of a “hybrid war” and starting full-fledged military operations. That is, the whole strategy was directed to the established dogmas of the Cold War era, which primarily involved strategic deterrence, rather than direct confrontation.

Secondly, Western countries made a very serious start to the fact that the Russian economy would collapse after the sanctions were imposed, and the Russian political elites would stage a coup in the country. However, this did not happen either, the political elites of the state turned out to be much more united, and Russian society did not flinch before the losses. Again, the pro-Western opposition, on which great hopes were pinned, simply fled from Russia.

Thirdly, the armed forces, having initially failed in the planning of hostilities, nevertheless managed to pull themselves together. Our country did not need mass mobilization of the population, especially since mobilization itself did not greatly affect the economy and the lives of citizens. Despite the strikes on the border areas, the country's leadership still maintains a peaceful state of life in most of the country's territory.

In general, counting on an attempt to turn the tide on the territory of Ukraine in their favor, Western countries have quietly come to the conclusion that it will no longer be possible to radically shift the advantage in their favor. So we should expect a few more furious throws, in an attempt to break through the defense of our guys in depth and gain a foothold at least somewhere in order to stake out the territory behind them. And in the West, support for Ukraine is beginning to lose its popularity. War in general is popular only at first, when people go under emotions, and when it becomes routine, then the courage that was at first subsides.

In general, no one will breed a new Iran-Iraq war in the middle of Eastern Europe. In this regard, it is much more profitable for the West to build a new 38th parallel. For, now, something has begun that was feared throughout the entire period of the Cold War, namely, “it has become impossible to achieve peace through war better than it was before the war.” Positional impasse.

(c) Dangerous fruit - zinc

Actually, back in March 2022, he wrote that the Syrianization of the war in Ukraine was inevitable. The current "Syria at maximum speed" does not promise a quick solution, and the farther, the more people understand this.

Putin on the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye region

June 16, 16:45


Putin on the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye region

In none of the areas the enemy was able to achieve their goals, even using strategic reserves.

Losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from June 4 to June 16 as a result of the offensive:

Tanks - 186
AFVs - 418

The total ratio of losses is about 1 to 10.

Enemy attacks continue right now (today the enemy was active in the Pyatikhatki area in the Orekhovsky direction and in the Urozhaynoye area on the Vremevsky ledge), chances on the success of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to Putin, no.


From Putin's statements.

1. Russia will increase defense spending.
2. Russia got off the oil needle.
3. Russia will expand the freedom of enterprise.
4. Western TNCs in Russia will be replaced by Russian businesses.

The main theme of the speech.

1. The calculation of the West on the collapse of the Russian economy collapsed. This is a miscalculation of the West.
2. The Russian economy is recovering and developing faster than expected in the West and in our country.
3. The economic course after the start of the NWO has generally justified itself and will serve as the foundation for further development.
4. Russia will not move towards autarky, but will maintain and expand trade and economic ties with the outside world.
5. A stable economic situation will allow Russia to successfully resist the West and ensure NWO.

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The rise and rise of far-right in Germany

Germany’s far-right protesters fly national flag at demonstration

The political class in Germany is stunned by the findings of a YouGov poll published on Friday that 20 percent of German voters would give their vote to the far-right AfD (Alternative for Germany), making it the second-strongest party behind the centre-right CDU (28%) and ahead of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s SPD (19%). There is no mistaking that it is a political earthquake.

Given Germany’s proportional representative system — which is unlike the US or the UK where too politics is fractious but is protected by the first-past-the-pole voting system — it is reasonable to estimate that the current “traffic-light” coalition between the centre-left SPD, the Greens (who polled 15%) and the neo-liberal Free Democrats or FDP (7%) no longer has a mandate to rule, after only one and a half years in office.

In the general election in 2021, the SPD had won 25.7%, the FDP 11.5%, and the Green Party 14.8% of the vote. This precipitous fall of the coalition in just 18 months introduces political uncertainties at a juncture when the economy is in deep recession, Ukraine war is at a tipping point and the rise of the far-right AfD, which by the way covers the entire far-right spectrum from democratic nationalists to Neo-Nazis, itself signifies a seminal shift in German politics since World War 2, with important consequences.

20% is an important threshold already in a fragmented polity such as Germany’s and there are political observers who put the AfD’s outer potential at about 30 percent. So far, a coalition with the AfD has been a taboo for the two mainstream parties CDU and SPD. In the developing situation, the CDU is facing a Hobson’s choice — a return to the “grand coalition” with the SPD (for which there is no appetite, given the sordid record of the period from 2005-2009 and from 2013-2021 under Chancellor Angela Merkel.) The alternative will be a coalition with the far right AfD, which conceivably, may become inevitable at some point.

Actually, in European politics on the whole, that is the current trend — the far-right coming in from the cold. It happened in Sweden recently and is now happening in Finland. The point is, the AfD is on a roll now and once it breaks through the glass barrier of 20 percent, it will become progressively difficult for centrist parties to exclude it from mainstream politics as coalition partner.

The recession in Germany is expected to be long, which all but guarantees that in the short run at least, the economic cycle works to the advantage of the AfD. Immigration is another issue contributing to AfD’s support base. According to official figures, the number of asylum claims in Germany increased by 80 percent between January and March 2023 compared to the same period last year.

Two other issues agitating public opinion are disapproval of Scholz’s support for Ukraine and anger about his energy policies. Scholz and SPD have positioned themselves on Ukraine’s side. Now, this is a change in policy and the issue continues to divide people. The AfD, which is Eurosceptic and advocates improved relations with Russia, is capitalising on the fact that around one third of Germans do not agree with Scholz’s Ukraine / Russia policies.

Does this matter? It does. With the economy in recession — and, Germany dragging the entire Eurozone along with it — the surge of AfD is likely to dampen enthusiasm for pouring more money and material into Ukraine. For instance, only 28% of respondents in the latest survey support the delivery of German fighter jets to Ukraine. According to a Deutsche Welle report, “Overall, support for weapons deliveries to Ukraine is declining, only a minority believes that the arms deliveries should be stepped up. The call for diplomacy is mounting: 55% now say the German government’s attempts at reaching negotiations to end the fighting should be intensified.”

Equally, there is a growing polarisation of views among Germans about their “European” identity. As a commentator pointed out, perhaps it’s a numerical coincidence only that the 18% who totally disagree with the notion of a European identity are the same number as the current polling figures for the AfD. More likely, it is an overlap. Paradoxically, the numbers of europhobes and eurosceptics alike are rising, with the latter having a distinct edge at 56 percent over 41% europhobes! This can eventually put the EU in a trap, as low EU approval ratings make it harder for member states to agree to further integration and, yet, further integration is needed to make the EU more successful. The big picture is that the sort of EU integration through the backdoor that has been happening may not work anymore.

The AfD’s future potential is significant since in Germany’s proportional representation-based system, it doesn’t need to win outright majorities to govern. In the short term, though, there is a political gridlock looming ahead in Germany, compounded also by the fact that the Left is shrinking and might not even get the minimum 5% votes required to make it into the next parliament. As for the Greens, they are stuck in the mud too, with their reputation tarnished out of a nepotism scandal, which will radiate for a long time (since the Greens are a closely-knit community and they will henceforth struggle to use the power of moral arguments, which has been a key element in their political rise.)

Besides, while in power, though the past year, the Greens pulled the plug on nuclear power, and drove Germany’s transition to renewable energy at breakneck speed, which is producing a backlash among voters. A law to force house owners to switch their heating systems from oil and gas to heat pumps, starting next January, has been a bloomer, since the costs to households are potentially crippling — varying between £15000 – £40000, depending on the size of the house. Poorer house owners are mostly lower middle class, and they also happen to be the part of the electorate that is most open to the far right.

Suffice to say, for a foreseeable future, the Greens are not going to be in a position to replace the traditional parties. Thus, a huge gap is opening in the ideological landscape at the political centre. To be sure, things are moving in such a direction that the AfD could become indispensable in the formation of a federal government in Berlin at some point.

Alas, all that talk about Germany being the next superpower alongside China has dissipated. It seems a distant dream now. Europe’s powerhouse is in shamble. The Ukraine crisis spoilt the party. But then, German ruling elite must be largely blamed for it, having played a dubious role in Ukraine right since the regime change in 2014 — especially in the plot to subvert the Minsk accords envisaging regional autonomy for the Donbass within a federated Ukraine.

Fundamentally, the German elites have been unable or unwilling to figure out that their country’s economy and the nation’s prosperity has been built on the cheap limitless energy supplies from Russia and the potentials of the growing Russian market for Germany’s high-tech industry. The birds are coming home to roost. ... n-germany/


The closer NATO’s big humiliation in Ukraine gets, the more Washington prepares to expand the war to the rest of the globe

JUNE 15, 2023

Over this last month, we’ve entered a transitional stage within Washington’s new cold war against the Chinese geopolitical bloc. That things are beginning to change became apparent when the New York Times reported Ukrainian fighters do indeed habitually wear Nazi symbols, and when the Washington Post reported U.S. officials knew of the plans to destroy the Nord Stream pipeline months in advance. The propagandists will never talk about the full story, this being that Ukraine is pro-Nazi up to its highest levels of government and that the U.S. itself was the one which carried out the industrial sabotage. Yet it wouldn’t have been realistic for them to be this honest a year ago, when the Ukraine psyop was seen by the narrative managers as something that couldn’t at all afford to be challenged. Now, with the fall of Bakhmut and the wider grinding down of Ukraine’s resources, it’s become apparent to the commentator Pepe Escobar that Ukraine will likely turn into a catastrophe for NATO around mid-summer.

How narratively damaging this loss becomes for NATO depends on how well we expose the ways the pro-Ukraine side lied about its capabilities. If the narrative managers succeed at damage control, they’ll at least avoid one more disaster. What is guaranteed is a scenario where the imperialists wait until attention isn’t so much on Ukraine anymore, then finally stop aiding Kiev’s long-failed project of regaining its territories. By the time that happens, the empire will have already begun the next phase in its attempt at reversing multipolarity’s rise. A phase that the empire’s strategists won’t be embracing from a position of triumph, as the proxy war against Russia has failed both militarily and economically, but from a position of desperation. Because telling from the absurdly risky level of ambition that this next phase has, it’s clear the empire is out of its safer options for trying to undo its decline.

This upcoming phase is one where Washington effectively declares war against all of the BRICs countries, smaller “swing states” within the new cold war like Turkey, South Africa, and Indonesia, and ultimately Europe as a whole. We know the most short-term part of the strategy is to target BRICs and these “swing states” because the neocon think tank the Eurasia Group has articulated this strategy. We know the other, likely more long-term part of the strategy is targeting Europe because this is apparent from observing how Washington has been acting towards European “swing states” like Serbia. That being to appease these states for the time being, while preparing to bring destruction to them.

The intended way of creating chaos for BRICs and the other “swing states” the Eurasia Group talks about can be discerned from the tactics the Group describes, and from the history of how these tactics have been used to destabilize societies. I call these tactics the “aggressively friendly” ones, where the imperialists feign an interest in building a good relationship with the targeted countries and then use the non-cooperation of the targets as justification for waging war. Inviting them to G7, visits by U.S. diplomats, and (threatening) trade maneuverings are the things we can expect Washington to do. When the swing states don’t comply with Washington’s requests, it will start with the fabricated atrocity propaganda, the backings of terrorist groups, and the attempts to gain UN permission for intervention. It will try to turn places like Brazil and India into places like Ethiopia and Myanmar, where parts of the country have been captured by imperialist destabilization operatives. And that consequently have in those parts become failed states, where communities are unable to access necessities and criminal violence is massive.

Ethiopia has been able to limit these zones of chaos, successfully rendering the ethnic supremacist U.S.-backed terrorist group the TPLF unable to realistically regain control of the country. Ethiopia’s story of surviving Washington’s hybrid warfare, and continuing its Chinese-assisted development, shows many of Washington’s future targets won’t simply fall upon having pressure applied to them. Not any more than Russia has fallen after being faced with the proxy war. Brazil in particular could become the next great anti-hegemonic state, where the moderate Lula gets forced by the circumstances to adopt a more consistently anti-imperialist policy. This at least is true for the countries that have the social cohesion and strength in their anti-imperialist movements to be able to prevent civil war. A place like South Africa, where communists have been mobilizing to a notable degree, can resist the hybrid warfare. Much of the European countries are more vulnerable.

Beyond the ways Europe’s status within the global imperial hierarchy has made its anti-imperialist movements weak, from a historical perspective Europe is the part of the world with the most precedents for violence to occur. Over a 5,000-year history of conflicts, Europe has the greatest concentration of locations where battles have been fought. Even if World War III is avoided, which has been made more likely by how much China and Russia have built up their ability to defend from the USA, war could easily be brought back to additional parts of Europe. If not in the form of clashes between countries, then in the form of civil conflicts, created by U.S.-backed terrorist insurgents or by wars that U.S.-backed fascist regimes wage against their own people.

We’re seeing the potential for this in Germany, where the CIA-created Qanon movement is furthering fascist extremism. We’re seeing the beginnings of this in Italy, where Nazi terrorists with direct ties to the Ukrainian Nazis have been caught planning attacks. We’re seeing this in Kosovo, where a NATO-backed fascist regime is intensifying its violent oppression of the Serbs.

That NATO is keeping troops within Kosovo shows its claims of seeking to keep the Balkans stable are lies. It also shows that the only reason why Washington has been acting friendly towards Serbia is because now isn’t yet the moment it wants to bring war to the region. It needs more time to arm Kosovo, whether so that it can fight a war against Serbia or so that it can turn the repression of the Serbs into a genocide. At the point when Ukraine has been spent as a tool for harming the Chinese bloc, and Washington has started on its hybrid war against the swing states, a heavily armed and fanatically nationalistic Kosovo will act as a useful replacement for Ukraine’s fascist coup regime. Kosovo’s purpose will not be to destabilize Russia, which has proven unfeasible, but to destabilize Europe—the part of the globe Washington can’t afford to lose. And a chaotic Europe is better for Washington than a stable Europe that’s embraced partnership with the Chinese bloc.

This is the strategy that the empire’s strategists are advancing. It’s what makes the Biden administration’s accommodations of Serbia logical from the perspective of those playing on the geopolitical chessboard. This willingness by Washington to momentarily act respectful towards Serbia—which the imperialist narrative portrays as a country that perpetrated genocide during the 1990s and provoked that era’s conflict—has created an amusing upset among pro-imperialist commentators. Because these commentators, due to their emotionally driven liberalism, sincerely believe that these atrocity narratives should be taken seriously by the U.S. in a principled fashion.

This is what we’ve been seeing from Jasmin Mujanović, the writer who’s been decrying Biden from a moralist standpoint for pursuing good relations with Serbia. Mujanović has lamented: “While in the Ukrainian context the Biden administration insists on the principle of ‘nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine’—meaning that Ukrainians must be involved in any and all negotiations related to the war—and has framed its support for Kyiv as an expression of the U.S. president’s broader pro-democracy agenda, neither principle applies to its forays in the Western Balkans.”

I don’t know what’s funnier: that Mujanović is clearly coming from a genuine conviction that the demonization narratives against the Serbs are true (no competent malign actor believes their own propaganda), or that he also believes the USA should be expected to act morally. An empire doesn’t exist to do the right thing, it exists to advance its own strategic interests. And at this stage, it’s in the U.S. empire’s strategic interests to placate Serbia, so that it can make Serbia comfortable enough to not be guarded against the inevitable betrayal. A betrayal that’s already happened to an extent with NATO’s aiding the Albanian fascist regime within Kosovo.

The goal behind all of these maneuvers is the survival of the USA’s capitalist ruling class. The more these maneuvers fail to prevent the transition away from the dollar’s hegemony, the more our ruling class will be at risk of having their status taken away. We can make the hybrid wars less effective by disrupting the narratives that they require in order to remain tenable. Counter the lies behind their wars, and the liberation of ourselves and the rest of the globe can be brought closer. ... the-globe/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:22 pm

The Donetsk Front
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/17/2023


The Zaporozhye front is undoubtedly the central element of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, which, depending on the mood of the Ukrainian representatives, has started successfully or simply has not started. The minimal successes achieved these days make kyiv reluctant to say that the big action it has been planning for months has begun. Even so, both Ukraine and the European press have highlighted the handful of abandoned and destroyed villages that Ukrainian troops have managed to capture. Some media have even gone so far as to falsely claim that these towns, whose size or importance they do not mention, suppose they have overcome the first line of Russian defense. In war, reality is fleeting and the situation can change rapidly, but so far, the Russian lines have held and there has been no deep advance by the Ukrainian troops. This has been recognized by media such as The New York Times , which highlighted the change in tactics of the Russian Federation, warns of the complaints of the Ukrainian soldiers, who are under Russian fire in the open field.

The change in tactics to which the American journalist refers is nothing more than the active defense that Russia has been preparing for as many months as Ukraine has been preparing the attack. The months in which General Surovikin was in command of the Russian troops in the Ukraine were used precisely for the fortification of a staggered defense that the Ukrainian troops have not overcome since the start of the counterattack. Ukraine's casualties and material losses are likely to be as high as Russia claims, but the fact that the Western press admits to difficulties is significant enough to assume they are high. However, Ukraine, which has created, trained and armed entire brigades precisely for the current operation, Therefore, it is not to be expected that a high number of casualties in the initial phase will imply any change in tactics or the strategic objective. Moreover, on Thursday night there was talk of a Ukrainian attack on Novaya Kakhovka, on the left bank of the Dnieper River in the Kherson region, and pro-Ukrainian Western journalists were talking about a first attempt to use the consequences of the collapse of the Kakhovka dam to force the Dnieper. The attempt has had no consequences, but it is a reminder that kyiv intends to exploit all weaknesses, real or non-existent, in the Russian defense in its attempt to advance. Neither the loss of personnel nor the loss of equipment - which kyiv hopes will simply be replaced by its Western allies - will change the plans.

Ukraine has already admitted that it is trying to advance towards Berdyansk, although its movements in different areas of the front also point to other objectives such as Melitopol, key in the attempt to advance on Crimea, or the aforementioned Kherson region, which will not actually be activated. completely unless there is a major breakthrough on the central front. Although the Zaporozhye front and the direction towards Crimea are the main objective, Kiev and its partners are aware of the difficulty of advancing over open ground and without the necessary air superiority to carry out a counteroffensive of the magnitude to which Ukraine aspires. Hence, secondary directions have also been reactivated in which the Ukrainian troops could obtain some advance to present as success.

Throughout the winter, and indeed since the arrival of Russian troops, Ukraine has stood firm in its defense of several priority areas on the Donetsk front, where eight years of war have meant defense preparation absent in other areas of the country. The only Russian advances in Donbass since the capture of Severodonetsk and Lisichansk last July have been in the Soledar-Artyomvosk direction, with the rest of the front completely paralyzed. Since the end of 2022, Russia has tried to use the same tactic used in Artyomovsk to drive out the Ukrainian troops: the slow and progressive advance avoiding the frontal assault until the end. That has been, and continues to be, Russia's way of acting around the city of Donetsk, practically on the front line since 2014 and where it has not yet been possible to expel Ukrainian troops. The most important point of the Donbass war, Donetsk was for eight years a preferred location for Ukraine, which built defenses in its surroundings that the Russian Federation, even despite the use of aviation, has not yet managed to defeat. Hence the difficulties of advancing on two of the most fortified towns has been, for the moment, unsuccessful and there is speculation about the number of casualties that Russia has suffered in them. These are Avdeevka and Marinka, two towns near Donetsk and from which Ukrainian troops have set up positions with which to terrorize the population of the most populous city in Donbass. Donetsk was for eight years a preferred location for Ukraine, which built defenses around it that the Russian Federation, even despite the use of aviation, has not yet managed to defeat. Hence the difficulties of advancing on two of the most fortified towns has been, for the moment, unsuccessful and there is speculation about the number of casualties that Russia has suffered in them. These are Avdeevka and Marinka, two towns near Donetsk and from which Ukrainian troops have set up positions with which to terrorize the population of the most populous city in Donbass. ss.

With a great deal of destruction even before Russia's entry into the war, both cities are now the scene of fierce fighting. Closer to Donetsk, Marinka, actually a suburb of the DPR capital, was one of the preferred locations for Ukrainian troops. Kiev could not afford to lose its proximity to Donetsk and has held on to those positions as well as those on the outskirts of Arytomovsk, from which it is now counter-attacking from the flanks, preventing Russian troops from advancing and forcing the Russian command to maintain a position there. a large contingent that it cannot support in other sectors where progress may be more promising for Ukraine and more dangerous for Russia and the civilian population in the area. The advance on Avdeevka, further away from Donetsk and surrounded by a whole series of small towns on which Russia is progressively acting, it is turning out to be even more complicated. For months, Russian troops have been trying to isolate the city in order to cut off its supply routes. But as in Marinka or nearby Ugledar, the entrenched Ukrainian troops have enough troops and ammunition to repel attacks or slow down the advances extremely. In the case of Marinka, the Russian and Republican commanders have been reporting progress for months that they have not been able to consolidate and that leaves open the possibility of Ukrainian counterattacks and attacks against the capital. Just yesterday, like practically every day since the end of May 2022, civilian neighborhoods in Donetsk were attacked by Ukrainian artillery.

The situation is equally dangerous around Ugledar, a town that Russia has tried to assault on two occasions, in both cases without success and at the cost of casualties and loss of equipment. In an elevated position and surrounded by an open field, therefore with easy vision of the enemy in its approach, not even the use of aviation has been enough to defeat the Ukrainian troops in the city of Ugledar. In the latest reports, the DPR stated yesterday that the Ukrainian troops remain in the high-rise buildings, converted, as they already were in Artyomovsk, into the modern equivalent of medieval castles, places in which to control the movements of the enemy and in which it is possible to resist for a long time. Ugledar does not pose a danger to Donetsk, but to Volnovaja, a strategic city in case of attempted advance on Mariupol. For this, Ukraine would need a break from the main front, not only from the status quo in that particular area of ​​the front. However, the danger persists precisely because of Russia's difficulties in drawing Ukrainian troops away from highly populated places like Donetsk, a favorite target for Ukrainian artillery, and also from places where a quick break from the front could spell a threat. At the moment, with both sides conducting active defense or attempted small-step advances, no significant change or front break in either direction is to be expected. Here, in the surroundings of Donetsk, the trench warfare and hand-to-hand combat that has been going on in the area since 2014 persists. ... donetsk-2/

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On The Failure Of The Ukrainian Counterattack

On June 4/5 the Ukrainian military launched its long announced counteroffensive in southeast Ukraine. Ten days later there is no significant progress.

This is not the outcome the war propagandists expected:

[General Petreus] spoke about the situation in Ukraine to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.
On the counteroffensive, he said:

I think that this counteroffensive is going to be very impressive.

My sense is that they will achieve combined arms effects in other words, they will successfully carry out combined arms operations where you have engineers that are breaching the obstacles and diffusing the minefields and so forth; armour following right on through protected by infantry against anti-tank missiles; air defence keeping the Russians aircraft off them; electronic warfare jamming their radio networks; logistics right up behind them; artillery and mortars right out in front of them.

And most important of all … is that as the lead elements inevitably culminate after 72-96 hours, physically that’s about as far as you can go, and they’ll have taken losses … you have follow-on units that will push right on through and capitalise on the progress and maintain the momentum and I think that can get the entire Russian defence in that area moving, then I think you have other opportunities that will open up on the flanks as well.

Back in reality the lead elements of the Ukrainian attack got slaughtered. They 'culminated', i.e. lost their ability for further attacks, in less than a day:

The men of Ukraine’s 37th Brigade were freshly trained and armed with Western-supplied weapons, tasked with an initial push through Russian-occupied territory in the early days of a long-awaited counteroffensive.
They would pay a heavy price.

Within 20 minutes of their June 5 advance south of Velyka Novosilka, in the southeast Donetsk region, mortars exploded all around them, soldiers said. A 30-year-old soldier known as Lumberjack saw two of the men in his vehicle bleeding heavily; one lost an arm as he cried out for his family. Lumberjack crawled into a crater, but the shrapnel from a mortar went through the soil and pierced his shoulder.

“We were left there in the field, without tanks or heavy armor,” said Lumberjack, who spoke to The Washington Post on the condition that he be identified only by his call sign because he was not authorized to discuss the battle. “We were shelled with mortars from three sides. We couldn’t do anything.”

There were fewer than 50 men in the unit, he said, and 30 did not return — they were killed, wounded or captured by the enemy. Five of the unit’s armored vehicles were destroyed within the first hour.

Whoever trained those units made grave mistakes:

For the first hour and a half of the 37th’s assault near Velyka Novosilka, the Russians bombarded the unit with nonstop shelling that penetrated their AMX-10 RC armored vehicles, according to Grey, another soldier in the battalion who spoke on the condition that he be identified only by his call sign. The armored vehicles, sometimes called “light tanks,” were not heavy enough to protect the soldiers, Grey said, and had to be positioned behind them instead of in front.

The AMX-10 isn't a tank and can not be used as one. It is a wheeled light reconnaissance vehicle built by France 50 years ago to dominate insurgents in its former African colonies. One of its main features is to have a good speed when in reverse gear. This to bail out as soon as serious counter forces are detected.

The Ukrainian counterattack is now stuck in the Russian defense security zone, miles away from the real defense lines. This was predictable.

As the U.S. Field Manual 100-2-1 described the Soviet army in defense (pg 93ff):

When the defense is established before contact with the enemy, the Soviets establish a security echelon up to 15 kilometers forward of the main defensive area. The elements which make up the security echelon come from the division's second echelon. A security force of up to battalion size may be deployed in front of each first echelon regiment.
A detailed and coordinated fire plan is developed. Weapons are positioned so that the maximum amount of fire can be brought to bear directly in front of the [Forward Edge of the Battle Area]. Enemy penetrations are blunted by shifting artillery fire and by conducting counterattacks.


The Ukrainian army used at least four brigades for its attack. At least two of those were from the 12 brigade reserve that had been built up for the counterattack. With losses of some 30% those involved were seriously mauled for little to no gain:

The Russians are trying to inflict as many casualties and destroy as many vehicles as possible in a battle zone ahead of the main defensive line, depleting Ukrainian forces before they reach it. In effect, it turns the area in front of the main defense line into a kill zone.
If the Russian strategy proves effective, Ukraine could lose too many of its newly trained troops — which number in the tens of thousands — and too many tanks and infantry fighting vehicles to breach the main line.
Even if they get that far, the forces might be too weakened to stream south and help accomplish a major objective: severing the so-called land bridge that connects Russia to the occupied Crimean Peninsula. This would be done by reaching the Sea of Azov, about 60 miles away.

The Ukrainian forces were obviously not trained for this. They also attacked in too many places. The map at the top shows attack arrows in 7 places and four main directions. One or two attack directions, with more concentrated forces, might have created better results.

The Russian President Putin recently described the Ukrainian casualties:

I will not give the number of personnel losses. I will let the Defence Ministry do it after it runs the numbers, but the structure of losses is unfavourable for them as well. What I mean to say is that of all personnel losses – and they are approaching a number that can be called catastrophic – the structure of these losses is unfavourable for them. Because as we know, losses can be sanitary or irretrievable. Usually, I am afraid I may be off a little, but irretrievable losses are around 25 percent, maximum 30 percent while their losses are almost 50/50. This is my first point.
Second, if we look at irretrievable losses, clearly, the defending side suffers fewer losses, but this ratio of 1 to 10 is in our favour. Our losses are one-tenth of the losses of the Ukrainian forces.

Since the start of the counterattack the Russian daily report has listed a total of some 10,500 Ukrainian casualties.

A second large attempt to cross the Forward Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA) with the remaining Ukrainian forces is expected, but is unlikely to have a better outcome. The long promoted Ukrainian counterattack is likely to end with high Ukrainian losses and no gains.

This then will soon become a huge political problem:

As he heads into next year’s reelection campaign, Biden needs a major battlefield victory to show that his unqualified support for Ukraine has burnished U.S. global leadership, reinvigorated a strong foreign policy with bipartisan support and demonstrated the prudent use of American military strength abroad.
A muddled outcome of limited gains in Ukraine would provide grist for all of those critiques and further cloud the already murky waters of NATO and European Union debate over future posture toward both Ukraine and Russia. A less than “overwhelming” success would probably also increase pressure in the West to push Kyiv to negotiate a territorial settlement that may not be to its liking.

There is little the Biden administration can do to change the grim picture. Congress will likely prevent it from openly using the U.S. military in Ukraine. The European NATO allies have now seen what the Russian army can do to its enemies. They will not be eager to see the same done to their own troops.

That leaves negotiations as the only way out.

The question for Russia is when and with whom. Talks with only Ukraine, a mere U.S. proxy with no real say, would be insufficient. It is the U.S. government that must agree to a new security architecture in Europe. The Russian conditions for peace will be harsh and it will still take a lot of time, and many dead Ukrainians, until the U.S. agrees to them.

Posted by b on June 16, 2023 at 14:47 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


Chronicle of the special military operation for June 16, 2023
June 17, 2023

Today, fierce fighting continued on the Vremievsky ledge : the enemy launched an attack in the forest belt in the area between Novodonetsky and Harvest. Meanwhile, in the Orekhovsky sector, Ukrainian formations, having regrouped in Lobkove, resumed their offensive against Pyatikhatki. The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to attack Russian positions in these areas over and over again, but the RF Armed Forces manage to hold out.

At the same time, the enemy continued to strike at Russian territory: several drones attacked the territory of the Bryansk, Kursk and Belgorod regions, and an elderly woman died as a result of the shelling of Donetsk.

A delegation from South Africa headed by President Cyril Ramaphos arrived in Kiev . The delegates planned to discuss with the Ukrainian authorities the possible mediation of the Republic of South Africa in resolving the conflict. During the visit, the Ukrainian authorities announced an air alert and stated that the Russian Armed Forces had attacked Kiev, where the delegation was at that time, but later this was denied by the press secretary of the President of South Africa, noting that he did not hear any explosions at all.


About the fictitious strike of the RF Armed Forces on Kyiv during the visit of a delegation from South Africa
Today Kyiv was visited by a delegation from the Republic of South Africa whose purpose was to discuss possible mediation in the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. The mission was headed by the President of the Republic, Ramaphosa Cyril.

Right during the visit to Kyiv, air defense systems went off. The Ukrainian side did not disdain to sound an alarm almost throughout the country, accusing the Russian Armed Forces of trying to shell the capital right during the visit of distinguished guests.

However, the South African delegation was not too impressed. One of the members of the mission disavowed the Ukrainian statements, saying that he did not hear any sounds of explosions or air raids in the city and its environs.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

In the border areas in recent days, there has been increased activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the Valuysky district of the Belgorod region. North of Kupyansk , along the Oskol River, as well as in the vicinity of Bolshoy Burluk , there are forces of the 1st special forces detachment, 3rd brigade and several detachments of the TPO of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

If during an attack on Shebekino , the Ukrainian formations pursued only the goal of PR, stressing the population and pulling the resources of the RF Armed Forces, then the offensive in this area is considered as a springboard for further advance towards the LPR through the Belgorod region.

Ukrainian formations know that large military units of the Russian army are stationed in this area, and it is through Valuyki and Urazovo that one of the main supply routes for the Russian Armed Forces in the Luhansk People's Republic passes.

However, the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the controlled part of the Kharkiv region in the forehead is futile: both Valuyki and Urazovo are located on the right bank of the Oskol River, and the main defense is built along the river.

Against the background of information about the strengthening of the grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kupyansky sector, a simultaneous attack in the Valuysky direction and from the Kupyansk-Kamenka sector is much more likely sector with the crossing of Oskol

Thus, the Armed Forces of Ukraine may try to realize the long-standing plan of a breakthrough to the line Troitskoye - Nizhnyaya Duvanka - Svatovo line, which was considered last fall, but then the RF Armed Forces were able to hold the defense along the Oskol River, and the 14th and 92nd Ombre of the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered huge losses.

There were no significant changes in the Bakhmut direction . Fierce fighting continues in the area of ​​the Berkhovsky reservoir and Kleeshchevka.

In the Donetsk direction at night, Ukrainian formations tried to recapture the positions lost the day before in the area Maryinka area . The Armed Forces of Ukraine were advancing from the area of ​​the so-called "menagerie" southeast of Pobeda, but the Russian fighters successfully repelled the attack.

The menagerie is a powerful fortified enemy position. All approaches are shot through, and a large number of minefields are installed around, which complicates its assault.

In Marinka itself, the positional offensive of Russian military personnel continues. Paratroopers of the 95th Airborne Brigade arrived from Blagodatnoye in the Limansk sector to replace the 79th Airborne Brigade. In addition, in the rear areas there is an accelerated preparation of those mobilized to be sent to the city.

In addition, information appeared on the network about yesterday's surrender of almost 20 Ukrainian servicemen from the 28th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Novobakhmutovka area .

Today, fighting continued on the Vremievsky ledge . At night, Ukrainian formations transferred infantry in four armored combat vehicles to forest plantations nearby in the direction of Novodonetsk .

Later, Ukrainian formations tried to attack the positions of the Russian Armed Forces in the forest belt between Novodonetsk and Urozhayny . Artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine intensively shelled the strongholds of the 37th brigade of the RF Armed Forces, covering the transfer of Ukrainian infantry in armored vehicles to the forest plantation. In one of the sections, enemy units wedged in at 150-200 meters. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to break through the line at the junction of the defense of the Russian troops and advance directly to Staromlynovka . Fighting in the area continues.

In addition, four infantry fighting vehicles near Levadny were destroyed by air strikes . Also, several units of enemy armored vehicles were hit near Urozhaynoye and Makarovka .

In the Zaporozhye direction, units of the 128th Guards Rifle Brigade, after regrouping in Lobkove at night , resumed the attack on Pyatikhatki . Several tanks and other armored vehicles were involved in the offensive. Fighting continues on the western outskirts of Pyatikhatki, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to gain a foothold. Several more tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are concentrated in the reserve near Lobkovy.

What is on the Vremevsky ledge, what is on the Orekhovsky site , the Armed Forces of Ukraine use similar tactics: first, after powerful fire training, infantry, deployed in armored vehicles close to settlements, goes into battle, and then heavier equipment is used in the clash.

Unlike attacks in the first days of the offensive, this method allows the enemy to keep more weapons and equipment. The infantry is more maneuverable, but at the same time it is an expendable material, which the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine does not mind throwing under the fire of artillery and aviation.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

Today, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with the help of UAVs, attacked an infrastructure facility in the village of Suzemka, Bryansk Region . Several drones fell on the territory of the village, some of which were shot down by air defense.

In addition, Ukrainian formations again used UAVs to attack civilian targets in the Kursk region. The warehouse and office building of the Bel-pol textile factory , one of the largest manufacturers of blankets and pillows with various fillings, were hit . A fire broke out on an area of ​​​​2 thousand m² at the facility. Arriving at the scene, firefighters eliminated open combustion and are currently dismantling the structures.

Later, the governor of the region reported the fall of an enemy UAV in the village of Korenevo . As a result of the detonation, a local resident received shrapnel wounds. His house was also damaged.

In the evening, on the border of the Belgorod region and the Yakovlevsky district in the Belgorod region in the evening, air defense systems shot down a Ukrainian aircraft-type drone. As a result of the incident, no one was injured.

Ukrainian formations continued to shell the cities of the Donetsk agglomeration : in Donetsk , an elderly woman was killed as a result of enemy strikes, and eight more people were injured.

In the Kherson region, the village of Dnepryany came under fire from Ukrainian formations , at least seven ammunition fell on Korsunskaya and Naberezhnaya streets. In addition, a humanitarian team from the Ridovka Helps Foundation came under enemy fire in Gola Prystan . In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine again shelled Novaya Kakhovka, Kakhovka and other settlements on the left bank of the Dnieper.

Political events
On the possible entry of Ukraine into NATO

Jens Stoltenberg , Secretary General of NATO, privately proposed to the Allies that they agree that Ukraine could join NATO after the war without implementing a membership action plan.

Politico specifies that the plan is a series of military and democratic reforms that the applicant country must carry out before joining. However, this does not give any time frame or guarantee that Kiev will receive membership approval.

Speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin at SPIEF

At SPIEF, Russian President Vladimir Putin made several statements regarding the progress of the NMD, talking about the situation on the southern sector of the front. The head of state noted that Ukraine has not achieved its goals in any of the sections, and the ratio of losses is more than 1 to 10.

According to the president, Ukraine is making new attempts at a counteroffensive, fighting is going on right now, including in the Zaporozhye direction, but "the Kiev authorities have no chance of success . " ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

Other images at link.


NATO’s Luftwaffe More Than an Echo of Nazi Operation Barbarossa

Finian Cunningham

June 15, 2023

If they were around, Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering and Adolf Hitler would be cheering on their NATO incarnation – albeit 82 years too late.

The NATO military alliance holds its largest-ever air force maneuvers since the bloc was formed 74 years ago. From June 12-23, the German Luftwaffe will lead the massive mobilization across the Baltic territories and Central Europe in an undisguised provocation to Russia.

The United States will deploy the most warplanes out of the 25 participating NATO partners. But Germany is the lead nation for the drills.

What’s even more provocative, the date for the so-called Air Defender 23 exercises falls on the 82nd anniversary of Operation Barbarossa. On June 21, 1941, Nazi Germany and its Axis allies launched the biggest military invasion in history, against the Soviet Union. That invasion turned out to be a military disaster for Germany, heralding its historic defeat nearly four years later, along with horrific suffering and millions of deaths.

It’s not just the dates that provide an uncannily grim echo. The sinister symbolism today of the German balkenkreuz (Teutonic cross) emblazoned on warplanes flying close to Russia’s border is reinforced by the participation of many of the Third Reich’s former Axis allies in the present day. Finland and the Baltic territories were the staging post for Hitler’s master plan to conquer Russia and carry out its Final Solution of genocidal extermination.

Meanwhile, on the ground in Ukraine, German Leopard tanks also bearing the balkenkreuz are today pounding Russian forces from Ukrainian territory, which also served as the invasion path for Operation Barbarossa. So far, many of these modern German tanks have been destroyed in today’s battles, which does not bode well for NATO’s sponsored Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Of course, Air Defender 23 pales by comparison of scale with 1941. NATO’s warplanes flying in exercises over Germany and the Baltics number 250 with a total military personnel of 10,000 taking part. In Operation Barbarossa, the number of aircraft was at least 10-fold greater and involved up to 4 million ancillary soldiers. Nevertheless, the symbolism is conspicuous and staggering for anyone with a keen sense of history. Amazingly, no Western media have made any historical reference to Barbarossa, not even in brief passing. Then again, that’s not that amazing when you consider the Western media’s role is to propagandize this war against Russia.

And it’s not simply a mere symbolic historic echo, appalling though that is of itself. The NATO leaders are increasingly openly talking about the objective of “crushing Russia”. The air mobilization over the next fortnight is billed as rehearsing offensive scenarios against Russia.

The timing of the NATO-sponsored ground offensive beginning last week in Ukraine in conjunction with the unprecedented deployment of air power this week has the hallmarks of a real contingency plan to catapult the proxy war in Ukraine to an all-out war between nuclear powers.

The deployment of nuclear-capable warplanes by the United States and its NATO allies is matched by the move by Russia to install tactical nuclear weapons in neighboring Belarus next to Poland and the Baltic states. Moscow and Minsk are roundly condemned in the Western media for that move. But there is hardly any mention by the same media of the hundreds of tactical nukes that Washington has stationed in Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, and Turkey. The NATO drills this week will involve rehearsing their launch against Russia and Belarus.

At a time when Washington and the NATO powers should be urgently exploring diplomacy to de-escalate the war in Ukraine, the U.S.-led NATO alliance is criminally fueling ever more conflict. The staging of Air Defender 23 and its stated aim to show force to Russia is a reckless lurch toward the abyss. An elite Western political class is inciting war despite growing Western public opposition to relentless NATO military support for Ukraine.

Such diplomatic effort is premised, however, on the vain assumption that the United States and NATO are interested in finding a political resolution with Russia. But evidently, the Western powers are not interested in that. They are motivated by defeating Russia.

This week, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg called for victory over Russia during a meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden in Washington. Elsewhere, in Paris, the French, German and Polish leaders explicitly said the objective of the war in Ukraine is to “crush Russia”.

When the NATO alliance was formed in 1949 – it was a mere four years after the routing of the Third Reich largely by the Soviet Union’s Red Army. The bloc was created by Washington and London along with the remnants of Nazi Germany and its European collaborators for the purpose of fighting the next war against the Soviet Union. By “next war” we really mean the continuation of WWII.

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the supposed end of the five-decade-old Cold War did not produce world peace. Far from it. NATO wars proliferated and now finally have converged on Russia. That’s because NATO’s mission was always about an aggressive projection of Western imperialist power. The relentless expansion of NATO forces since 1991 all the way up to Russia’s borders is proof of that.

The Soviet Union was not actually the definitive enemy of Western imperialism. The definitive enemy can be identified as any nation that does not prostrate itself as a vassal in order for Western capital to have free rein to ruthlessly exploit. Russia, China, and the other nations that do not conform with the U.S.-led “world order” are necessarily deemed to be enemies that must be targeted, sanctioned, menaced, and ultimately vanquished. History is at that inherent and compulsive war stage again.

Nazi Germany was a Western imperialist attack dog whose mission was to barbarically ravage the Soviet Union on behalf of the Western capitalist powers, which had covertly and often overtly funded the build-up of Germany’s war machine during the 1930s and early 40s. Ford, General Motors, DuPont, IBM, Wall Street Banks and the Bank of England, were just some of the Nazi industrial partners and financiers. The subsequent temporary alliance during World War Two between the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union was merely an expedient arrangement for the West to eliminate its German attack dog that had gone rogue with its own ambitions.

When that war was over (or more accurately, arrested), it was then back to the real imperial business of pursuing hostilities by other means against Moscow in order to eliminate any international geopolitical obstacle to Western imperialism, as well as to exploit the greatest earthly reserves of natural resources under Russian soil.

In this perspective, Hitler’s “lebensraum” plans for Russian conquest were merely taken over by the Western powers who were – thanks to Western media deception and revisionism – deftly able to dissemble their criminal imperialism with a facade of “democracy”, “human rights”, “law and order”, and latterly, “rules-based order”.

In short, NATO’s ever-culminating war moves against Russia are a continuation of Operation Barbarossa, not an echo. Air Defender 23 just sounds more palatable – as with so much Western rhetoric and platitudes.

Agnes Strack-Zimmerman, Germany’s parliamentary defense committee chairwoman, reportedly said of the Air Defender 23 war drills this week: “History has caught up with us. We have a hot war in Ukraine.”

This warmongering German politician seemed to be oblivious to just how profound her words could be construed. She, like other Western politicians, pundits and media, portrays the Ukraine conflict with fairytale simplicity as a “defense against Russian aggression”.

No doubt, if they were around, Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering and Adolf Hitler would be cheering on their NATO incarnation – albeit 82 years too late. ... arbarossa/

Putin and What Really Matters in the Chessboard

Pepe Escobar

June 15, 2023

It’s fascinating to see how Russian war correspondents are now playing a role similar to the former political commissars in the USSR.

President Putin’s meeting with a group of Russian war correspondents and Telegram bloggers – including Filatov, Poddubny, Pegov from War Gonzo, Podolyaka, Gazdiev from RT – was an extraordinary exercise in freedom of the press.

There were among them seriously independent journalists who can be very critical of the way the Kremlin and the Ministry of Defense (MoD) are conducting what can be alternatively defined as a Special Military Operation (SMO); a counter-terror operation (CTO); or an “almost war” (according to some influential business circles in Moscow).

It’s fascinating to see how these patriotic/independent journalists are now playing a role similar to the former political commissars in the USSR, all of them, in their own way, deeply committed to guiding Russian society towards draining the swamp, slowly but surely.

It’s clear Putin not only understands their role but sometimes, “shock to the system-style”, the system he presides actually implements the journalists’ suggestions. As a foreign correspondent working all over the world for nearly 40 years now, I have been quite impressed by the way Russian journalists may enjoy a degree of freedom unimaginable in most latitudes of the collective West.

The Kremlin transcript of the meeting shows Putin definitely not inclined to beat around the bush.

He admitted there are “operetta Generals” in the Army; that there was a shortage of drones, precision munitions and communication equipment, now being addressed.

He discussed the legality of mercenary outfits; the necessity of sooner or later installing a “buffer zone” to protect Russian citizens from systematic Kiev regime shelling; and he stressed that Russia will not answer Bandera-inspired terrorism with terrorism.

After examining the exchanges, a conclusion is imperative: Russian war media is not staging an offensive even as the collective West attacks Russia 24/7 with its massive NGO/soft power media apparatus. Moscow is not – yet? – fully engaged in the trenches of information warfare; as it stands Russian media is only playing defense.

All the way to Kiev?

Arguably the money quote of the whole encounter is Putin’s concise, chilling evaluation of where we now stand in the chessboard:

“We were forced to try to end the war that the West started in 2014 by force of arms. And Russia will end this war by force of arms, freeing the entire territory of the former Ukraine from the United States and Ukrainian Nazis. There are no other options. The Ukrainian army of the US and NATO will be defeated, no matter what new types of weapons it receives from the West. The more weapons there are, the fewer Ukrainians and what used to be Ukraine will remain. Direct intervention by NATO’s European armies will not change the outcome. But in this case, the fire of war will engulf the whole of Europe. It looks like the US is ready for that too.”

In a nutshell: this will only end on Russia’s terms, and only when Moscow evaluates all its objectives have been met. Anything else is wishful thinking.

Back on the frontlines, as pointed out by the indispensable Andrei Martyanov, first-class war correspondent Marat Kalinin has conclusively laid out how the current Ukrainian metal coffin counter-offensive has not been able to reach even the first Russian line of defense (they are a long – highway to hell – 10 km away). Everything NATO’s top proxy army ever assembled was able to accomplish so far was to get mercilessly slaughtered on an industrial scale.

Meet General Armageddon in action.

Surovikin had eight months to place his footprint in Ukraine and from the beginning he understood exactly how to turn it into a whole new ballgame. Arguably the strategy is to completely destroy the Ukrainian forces between the first line of defense – assuming they ever breach it – and the second line, which is quite substantial. The third line will remain off limits.

Collective West MSM is predictably freaking out, finally starting to show horrendous Ukrainian losses and giving evidence of the utter accumulated incompetence of Kiev goons and their NATO military handlers.

And just in case the going gets tough – for now a remote possibility – Putin himself has delivered the road map. Softly, softly. As in, “Do we need a march on Kiev? If yes, we need a new mobilization, if not, we do not need it. There is no need for mobilization right now.”

The crucial operative words are “right now”.

The end of all your elaborate plans

Meanwhile, away from the battlefield, the Russians are very much aware of the frantic geoeconomic activity.

Moscow and Beijing increasingly trade in yuan and rubles. The ASEAN 10 are going all out for regional currencies, bypassing the US dollar. Indonesia and South Korea are turbo-charging trade in rupiah and won. Pakistan is paying for Russian oil in yuan. The UAE and India are increasing non-oil trade in rupees.

Everyone and his neighbor are making a beeline to join BRICS+ – forcing a desperate Hegemon to start deploying an array of Hybrid War techniques.

It’s been a long way since Putin examined the chessboard in the early 2000s and then unleashed a crash missile program for defensive and offensive missiles.

Over the next 23 years Russia developed hypersonic missiles, advanced ICBMs, and the most advanced defensive missiles on the planet. Russia won the missile race. Period. The Hegemon – obsessed by its own manufactured war against Islam – was completely blindsided and made no material missile advances in nearly two and a half decades.

Now the “strategy” is to invent a Taiwan Question out of nothing, which is configuring the chessboard as the ante-chamber of no holds barred Hybrid War against Russia-China.

The proxy attack – via Kiev hyenas – against Russophone Donbass, egged on by the Straussian neocon psychos in charge of US foreign policy, murdered at least 14,000 men, women and children between 2014 to 2022. That was also an attack on China. The ultimate aim of this Divide and Rule gambit was to inflict defeat on China’s ally in the Heartland, so Beijing would be isolated.

According to the neocon wet dream, all of the above would have enabled the Hegemon, once it had taken over Russia again as it did with Yeltsin, to blockade China from Russian natural resources using eleven US aircraft carrier task forces plus numerous submarines.

Obviously military science-impaired neocons are oblivious to the fact that Russia is now the strongest military power on the planet.

In Ukraine, the neocons were hoping that a provocation would cause Moscow to deploy other secret weapons apart from hypersonic missiles, so Washington could better prepare for all-out war.

All those elaborate plans may have miserably floundered. But a corollary remains: the Straussian neocons firmly believe they may instrumentalize a few million Europeans – who’s next? Poles? Estonians? Latvians? Lithuanians? And why not Germans? – as cannon fodder as the US did in WWI and WWII, fought over the bodies of Europeans (including Russians) sacrificed to the same old Mackinder Anglo-Saxon power grab.

Hordes of European 5th columnists make it so much easier to “trust” the US to protect them, while only a few with an IQ over room temperature have understood who really bombed Nord Stream 1 and 2, with the connivance of the Liver Sausage German Chancellor.

The bottom line is that the Hegemon simply cannot accept a sovereign, self-sufficient Europe; only a dependent vassal, hostage to the seas that the US control.

Putin clearly sees how the chessboard has been laid out. And he also sees how “Ukraine” does not even exist anymore.

While no one was paying attention, last month the Kiev gang sold Ukraine to $8.5 trillion-worth BlackRock. Just like that. The deal was sealed between the Government of Ukraine and BlackRock’s VP Philipp Hildebrand.

They are setting up a Ukrainian Development Fund (UDF) for “reconstruction”, focused on energy, infrastructure, agriculture, industry and IT. All remaining valuable assets in what will be a rump Ukraine will be gobbled up by BlackRock: from Metinvest, DTEK (energy) and MJP (agriculture) to Naftogaz, Ukrainian Railways, Ukravtodor and Ukrenergo.

What’s the point in going to Kiev then? High-grade toxic neoliberalism is already partying on the spot. ... hessboard/

Gee, Thanks America! U.S. Sanctions Make Russian Economy Stronger and Precipitate Multipolar World

June 16, 2023

The paradoxical thing is that U.S. and European sanctions against Russia while intended to cripple the Russian economy have made the stronger.

Russia’s economy is performing strongly, according to recent forecasts from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The outcome defies earlier predictions by the United States and its European allies which held that Western sanctions would bring the Russian economy to its knees and force it to submissively “Cry Uncle”.

When the conflict in Ukraine escalated 16 months ago (after eight years of NATO-sponsored aggression using the Kiev Neo-Nazi regime), various Western politicians and pundits were relishing the prospect of the Russian economy collapsing from “Total War” launched against its international banking and trade.

Well, it didn’t turn out like that. Far from it. As the World Bank noted above, the Western sanctions have simply helped Russia boost alternative markets in China, India, and elsewhere around the globe. A principal earner for Russia is energy exports of oil and gas. Increased sales to Asia have maintained revenues despite the loss of European markets due to Western sanctions.

The paradoxical thing is that U.S. and European sanctions against Russia while intended to cripple the Russian economy have actually made the latter stronger.

Michael Hudson, an American global economics analyst, points out: “The sanctions have obliged Russia to become self-sufficient in food production, manufacturing production and consumer goods.”

Hudson also notes that the U.S. geopolitical strategy is to use sanctions in order to make its supposed European allies more dependent and subservient to Washington.

Another respected commentator, Glenn Diesen, a Norwegian geoeconomics professor, likened the use of Western sanctions to the self-destructive behavior of “self-harm”. The United States and European Union, he says, have “handed over a huge market to the rest of the world”.

Diesen also observes that 85 percent of the world’s population lives in countries that do not comply with Western sanctions against Russia. This global majority is more than ever creating new forms of trade and finance that obviate Western control. A major impetus for this positive development is the necessity bequeathed by Washington’s systematic abuse of power and privilege.

The repercussions are more far-reaching and profound than the inadvertent benefits accruing to Russia’s national economy. What the Western sanctions are also doing is accelerating the development of a multipolar world and the demise of the U.S. dollar as a global reserve currency. The upshot of those two trends is the historic dwindling of American imperial power – albeit with outbursts of militarism and warmongering along the way down.

A significant illustration of the times a-changing was seen this week at the 25th summit of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). Attending the four-day event were 17,000 delegates from some 130 nations. This year’s convocation witnessed large representations from Asia, Latin America and Africa.

The bustling event not only reflected Russia’s own economic strength but the fact that – far from being “isolated” and downtrodden – Russia is viewed by the rest of the world as an engine for growth and more prosperous multipolar relations.

Indeed, from the perspective of most nations, it looks like the United States and its Western allies are the ones who are isolated and anachronistic.

One of the attendees at SPIEF was American industrial analyst Douglas Andrew Littleton who commented: “Western sanctions against Russia have backfired.” And he added: “I’m happy that Russia has been able to bypass and skirt the sanctions in so many ways with their friends and allies.”

What’s going on here is not just merely the emergence of an alternative system, but an epochal political and perhaps moral paradigm shift. The globe wants more peaceful and mutual relations of cooperation and development. Most people on this Earth want endless warmongering, militarism and unilateral bullying by self-ordained powers to be put to an end. The planet is crying out for a world based on justice and peace.

What the world is realizing more than ever is that the unilateral use of economic sanctions by Washington is nothing but warfare and state terrorism by another, more palatable name. For decades, the U.S. has tried to use economic weapons to strangle and kill other nations. North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Iraq and many other countries come to mind where U.S. imperialism has imposed conditions of economic genocide.

The world is well aware of this fiendish legacy and has had enough of American barbarism wielded with the help of its Western lackeys in NATO and the European Union.

We should here make special mention of Syria, the Arab nation struggling to recover from 12 years of war that was inflicted upon it by Washington and its NATO partners for “regime change”. Today, Syria’s recovery is cruelly hampered by economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. and EU. How despicable is that?

There is an unerring historical sense, however, that Washington, has finally met its nemesis. By racking up sanctions against Russia and dragooning its EU lackeys to follow suit, the United States has now unleashed a historic dynamic process of its own imperial collapse.

For decades, U.S. sanctions worked to a nefarious degree on isolated, smaller nations to indeed enforce vengeful hardship.

Not anymore. Russia’s vast natural wealth and economy are too big to contain. Militarily, too, Russia will not be pushed around. Indeed, it has pushed back in Ukraine against the West’s deceptive and pernicious proxy war.

Organically and consciously, the world economy and international relations have been transformed in recent years, especially with the rise of China and Eurasia generally.

Another key development is that the Western imperialist media monopoly has also been broken. Washington and its minions in the European political class are held in contempt as liars and charlatans, even by their own populations.

By unwisely attempting to trap the Russian bear, the West has only created a scenario of revolt by the rest of the world from the West’s exploitative control. Five centuries of European and American Western parasitism have run their course.

Russia’s economic strength is galvanizing the rest of the world to shake off the chains of Western domination and subjugation. The process of dumping the dollar is gathering momentum which self-harming sanctions are precipitating. Pillars and facades are crumbling in real time.

The theme for the SPIEF event this year was “Sovereign Development – the Basis for a Just World”.

As with many other empires in the annals of history that have collapsed, arrogance and hubris often precede the fall. The American and Western elite thought they had an eternal license to wreak havoc for their own selfish gain. Their economic plunder and weaponry are now turning on their own heads. And it’s long overdue. ... lar-world/


Based on the results of SPIEF-2023
June 16, 23:53


To summarize Putin's speech at SPIEF 2023.

1. Russia withstood the economic blow of the West and has a solid economic foundation for further development. The United States failed to crush the Russian economy and will not succeed. 3. Russia is gambling in the apparent Syrianization of the conflict. Just as in Syria, Russia and Iran defeated the United States and the West in a marathon race, they also expect to win in Ukraine as part of a long-term conflict. Of course, the territory of Ukraine in the coming years will face destruction comparable to Syria, where 75% of the infrastructure was destroyed, as well as a further reduction in the population living in the territory of the former Ukraine. The responsibility for this lies with the US and the Nazi regime in Kyiv, who are killing Ukraine against Russia.

2. Russia will not close and go into autarky. The stake will be placed on the development of relations (of all types) with the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America and with the European frontiers. Europe is receding into the background in long-term planning.

4. The Russian Federation will use nuclear weapons only as a last resort. The bet is now being placed on a long-term conventional war. More than others (besides Ukraine), Europe will suffer from this, which has already entered a recession and will become even more dependent on the United States.

5. In general, Russia is fully aware of the need to wage a Cold War 2.0 for a long time and a multi-year war in Ukraine in the style of "Syria at maximum speed".
The goals of the NWO will not be abandoned. On the contrary, the last year of the war clearly showed that without achieving the denazification of Ukraine, other goals cannot be considered achieved.

In general, we go on a knurled track. The United States, of course, understands this, so further escalation of the war in Ukraine on their part is inevitable. Therefore, Ukrainian cannon fodder is being driven on the offensive. Decisive results are needed to reverse Russia's long-term war strategy.

Night Mariupol
June 16, 22:48


Photo of Mariupol at night in 2023.

Google Translator


From the Telegram account of Slavyangrad:

🇷🇺 ⚔️🇺🇦 The Russian army repels the enemy counteroffensive on the Zaporozhye, Vremevsky and Donetsk fronts - summary
The summary of the Ministry of Defense for the past day:
▪️ In the area of ​​​​the Vremevsky ledge, 3 attacks were repelled by competent and selfless actions of units, aviation and artillery of the Vostok group of troops enemy in the areas of N. p. Novodonetsk DPR and Levadnoe Zaporozhye region. Destroyed up to 30 militants, 2 tanks and 2 infantry fighting vehicles.
▪️ Russian troops repelled 3 enemy attacks in the Zaporozhye direction in the areas of n.p. Zherebyanki, Malaya Tokmachka and Mirne of the Zaporozhye region.
▪️ As a result of the fire damage of the advancing enemy reserves in the area of ​​the settlement. Stepovoe, Zaporozhye region, 5 armored vehicles were destroyed.
▪️ The total losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in these areas are over 235 militants, 4 tanks, 2 infantry fighting vehicles, 14 armored vehicles, the M777 artillery system (USA) and the D-20 howitzer.
▪️ In the Donetsk direction, the active actions of the units of the "Southern" group of troops successfully repelled 7 enemy attacks in the areas of the settlement. Belogorovka, Verkhnekamenka LPR, Novokalinovo, Pervomayskoye and Maryinka DPR.
▪️ In areas of n.p. Marinka and the Novgorod DPR, air strikes inflicted a defeat on the forces of the 46th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 109th brigade of the TerO .
▪️ During the fighting in this direction, up to 340 militants, 1 infantry fighting vehicle, 2 armored vehicles, 5 vehicles and 2 D-30 howitzers were destroyed.


The attack on the decision-making centers was inflicted on the military headquarters several kilometers north of Kyiv - Readovka source in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

According to a Readovka source on Frunzenskaya Embankment, the attack on decision-making centers, which the Russian Defense Ministry announced today, was carried out several kilometers north of Kiev. The military headquarters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was located there - at the time of the strike, high-ranking employees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine were in it.

Note that the Ukrainians themselves did not comment on the defeat of their military headquarters. Apparently, the commotion in the Ukrainian media is connected with this after the statements of the press secretary of the President of South Africa, who said that, being in Kiev the day before, he did not see or hear the explosions. At the same time, nothing was reported in the media controlled by the Zelensky regime that the strike was actually delivered in the vicinity of the Ukrainian capital.


Enemy launches new offensive on Zaporozhye front: US Bradley attack at Orekhovo

▪️ Ukrainian troops with NATO armoured vehicles have launched a new wave of offensive operations near Orekhov on the Rabotino-Verbovoye line, at the junction of the positions of the already well-known 291 and 70 regiments.
▪️ The enemy has conducted an artillery preparation and a column of enemy equipment is trying to break through to our positions, firing.
▪️ The AFU has already suffered its first losses in armoured vehicles and assault infantry.
▪️ The enemy is conducting its first daytime attack in recent times, before that it preferred night-time offensives.


If Kiev receives outdated F-16s, the Russian Air Force will destroy them overnight, military analyst Sean Bell has said.

He believes that Ukraine needs a modern air force, not "a squadron of second-hand aircraft".

Bloomberg earlier reported that maintenance of the outdated fighter jets, which NATO plans to hand over, could cost "hundreds of millions of dollars a year". At that it was stressed that F-16s would almost certainly not have a serious impact on the conflict.


The Poles had a nervous situation. They planned to go with an army of 150 thousand people, even to recruit up to 300 thousand. Belarus is much smaller, Russia's hands are tied by Ukraine. And then bang! Nuclear weapon. It appears on the territory of Belarus. And if the Polish hussars jump across the western border, then no one will meet them with machine guns and carts. Everything will fly straight to Warsaw. They suddenly remembered that we have Iskanders in Kaliningrad. And they ask themselves: “Do these Iskanders have tactical nuclear charges?”

Dmitry Kulikov on air SolovyovLIVE
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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