The Soviet Union

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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Tue Jul 04, 2023 5:51 pm

On the unjustified reinstatement of the repressed at work
July 4, 19:23


A very interesting and remarkable document ( GASO. F. R-3286. Op. 1. D. 3. L. 118) signed by the USSR Prosecutor Vyshinsky dated October 19, 1938.

In it, Vyshinsky, already at the end of the Yezhovshchina (in a month, Yezhov would be removed from the post of head of the NKVD of the USSR, and later arrested and shot), reports that even then a problem arose with the reinstatement of persons subjected to unreasonable repressions. The authorities were faced with the fact that in addition to those who suffered without guilt and were legally restored, there were also those who applied for restoration using the fact that the materials of their criminal cases could not be declassified and were not considered in the courts where the cases were considered about reinstatement.
Therefore, after decisions on reinstatement, the USSR Prosecutor's Office reserved the right to recheck court decisions on the facts of reinstatement of illegally dismissed workers.

In fact, this is one of the first documents where the issue of unjustified rehabilitation is raised. On the one hand, one can see that already at the end of the Yezhovshchina, a review of the cases of the illegally repressed began, which continued much more actively under Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria, which resulted in an amnesty of 1940. On the other hand, it also shows that the judiciary and the prosecutor's office did not act in concert, as is commonly believed.

Motivation from Ilyich
July 3, 16:00


How to shove the military with a kind word.

When in June 1918 the 4th Red Army was formed near the city of Volsk, it happened in wild, even by the standards of the Civil War, chaos.
The army was formed from partisan and semi-partisan village detachments, spontaneous and organized Red Guard detachments of workers, soldiers and internationalists, as well as from new regular units of the Red Army, recruited by mobilization.
All the commanders were fiercely at enmity with each other and all together were at enmity with the civil authorities, who were impatient to push this whole mob to the front.

Representatives of the People's Commissariat of War came to the army with formidable decrees and mandates, immediately mired in local squabbles and brought even more disorganization. No one carried out the orders from Moscow, referring to the discrepancy between their content and local reality. They tried to unite on the basis of party cells and immediately turned their meetings into fights and brawls - they could not agree on a single line.
After each fight, they made the same decision: "Let's ask Lenin again!"

Ilyich, this booth, of course, pissed him off. He asked everyone seconded to the 4th Army either clearly, no matter what, to fulfill the order, or simply to force all these pi ... members of the Revolutionary Military Council, commissars and commanders to obey the unified command of the army and act according to the situation.
Finally, after another srach at the army headquarters, when for the hundredth time they decided to seek advice "to Lenin", they received the following answer from him: "You do

as your consciousness tells you. If the decree goes badly, but your actions are good ", no one will scold you for this. If you do not fulfill the order or decree, and your actions come out badly, then you will need to be shot all."

The 4th Army somehow immediately gathered, went and broke Komucha near Khvalynsk.

Ilyich's answer was warmly recalled by Antonov-Saratovsky in the journal Proletarian Revolution, No. 3, 1924, p. 186.

(c) Grigory Tsidenkov - zinc

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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Fri Jul 07, 2023 6:03 pm

Vasily Stalin and the Korean War
July 7, 14:54


Vasily Stalin and the Korean War

In continuation of the cycle dedicated to the Korean War, I propose to turn to the personality of the unfortunately slandered hero of Soviet history, Vasily Iosifovich Stalin. An excellent officer, a brave pilot of the Great Patriotic War, an outstanding military organizer, Vasily Stalin, by deed and courage, proved his right to occupy high positions in the red aviation. During the war years, under his leadership, flight units achieved serious combat successes. Moreover, Vasily Stalin led the units not only from the ground, but also directly in battle. At the same time, he was distinguished by modesty, high demands on himself and his subordinates, and a willingness to work for the result of a common cause. As Hero of the Soviet Union S.F. Dolgushin: Vasily Stalin commanded the regiment diligently, listened to us, more experienced pilots. As a regimental commander, he could, at his own discretion, make sorties as part of any squadron, but most often for some reason he flew as part of mine. During February-March 1943, we shot down a dozen enemy planes. With the participation of Vasily - three. Moreover, it should be noted that, as a rule, Vasily was the first to attack them, after these attacks the planes lost control, and then we finished them off. According to our flight laws, Vasily could count them as shot down personally, but he considered them shot down in a group. I once told him about it, but he waved his hand and said briefly: “Don’t!”

There is unconfirmed information, which, however, is found in many memoirs, that the son of the chairman of the State Defense Committee went on combat missions without a parachute, so that, in the event of a plane being shot down, he would not be captured alive. In addition to personal courage, Vasily Stalin demonstrates serious tactical talent at the front. So, according to the award list signed by the commander of the 1st Guards Fighter Aviation Corps, Lieutenant General E.M. Beletsky, the 3rd Guards Fighter Aviation Division under the command of Vasily Stalin “conducted 22 air battles in which pilots destroyed 29 aircraft enemy (own losses of 3 pilots and 5 aircraft). Based on this, the lieutenant general concluded that “guard colonel V.I. Stalin has excellent piloting technique, he loves flying. It flies on all types of fighter aircraft. Personally participates in battles. Tactically savvy. Possesses good leadership qualities. Worthy of a government award - the Order of the Red Banner.

After the war, Vasily Stalin continued to serve in aviation, holding several important posts. Here is the certification for Vasily Stalin given in 1947 by his immediate commander and friend, Lieutenant General E. Ya. -153, MiG-3, LAGG-3, Yak-1, Yak-7, Yak-9, Il-2, Boston, Siebel, La-5, La-7, Hurricane - total flight time 3174 hours 15 minutes. He has been in command of the 286th division since February 1945. Under his leadership, units of divisions to fulfill the UBP plan in 1946 made a total of 14,111 sorties, with a flight time of 8376 hours 12 minutes, of which 5091 flew on Po-2 during the day, with a flight time of 2996 hours 27 min. and at night 3392 flights with a flight time of 1357 hours 47 minutes. The flight personnel of the division's units practiced takeoffs in figure eights and landings in pairs and fours. The pilots were good at firing at air and ground targets. Much attention in the division is paid to shooting from photo-camera guns, in total 7635 shots were fired from photo-camera guns. Training with the flight and technical staff of the division is well organized and carried out systematically in the division's training room, which consists of 16 well-equipped classrooms. The technical and operational service of the division is well organized, as evidenced by the fact that during the attestation period there were no cases of equipment failure due to the fault of the technical staff ... The division headquarters is put together and works well: during the mentioned period, the division conducted 3 flight personnel of 4 regiments for interaction with bombers.

During the first half of 1946, 22 tactical flight exercises were carried out, all of them were organized, without incident. On the whole, the division ranks first in the corps in fulfilling the plan for all types of combat training. During the time that has passed since the war, the 286th division has noticeably grown and become more organized. The flight crew is fully trained to perform combat missions at medium altitudes. 40 percent of pilots can fly at high altitudes and in difficult weather conditions. Major General of Aviation Stalin himself has good organizational skills, operational-tactical training is good. He skillfully transfers his combat experience to the flight crew. Energetic and initiative, he achieves the same qualities from his subordinates. In his work, he pays great attention to new technology, often gives innovative ideas and persistently puts them into practice.
The state of health is poor. Quick-tempered and irritable, does not always know how to restrain himself. In communication with subordinates, he allows rudeness, sometimes he trusts subordinates too much, even at a time when they are not prepared and are not able to fulfill the decision of the commander. These shortcomings of a personal nature reduce his authority as a commander-leader. Personally disciplined, ideologically stable, morally stable.”

Conclusion: it is quite consistent with the position held, it can be appointed for promotion, it would be advisable to use it in the inspector apparatus of the Main Directorate of the Red Army Air Force. It is curious that already during the disgrace of Vasily Stalin, who during the period of the Khrushchev anti-Stalinist campaign defiantly refused to betray the memory of his father, the same E.Ya. Savitsky speaks about Vasily Stalin in a completely different way: "... apparently, some unkind genes were laid in him, if, having matured, he became so - despotic, vengeful, accustomed to living on a grand scale, commanding everyone."

On January 17, 1948, Vasily Stalin was appointed commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. The appointment should have happened earlier, since many unit commanders considered him the most authoritative specialist for this position, but Joseph Stalin at meetings repeatedly suggested waiting with this appointment, since he very meticulously followed the service of his son, taking into account his opinion (for example, about failures in the work of the aviation industry), but at the same time very critical of many of his decisions. Due to his special attitude, Joseph Stalin considered his son too self-willed, incapable of assiduous organizational work. Here Stalin made a mistake. In a short time, Vasily Stalin solved many issues, starting with organizing leisure activities and providing decent housing for flight crews and their families, ending with the introduction of new models of jet aircraft in the Air Force. Vasily Stalin was well aware that the world is fraught with a new war, that the air war of the future is a war of jet aircraft, that the world has entered a military aviation revolution, when the pilot must constantly learn and relearn. He forces officers who do not have a school education to go to night schools, encourages attendance at new courses, the purchase and discussion of current aviation literature, and the constant improvement of theoretical, flight and combat training. Now it is customary to recall Vasily Stalin's support for army sports, but rarely does anyone remember that this was part of the physical and moral education of the fighters, who at any moment had to be ready for battle with the same Americans.

To summarize, Vasily Stalin proved that he was ready to solve the most complex military organizational tasks. Therefore, when the situation on the Korean Peninsula in connection with the Incheon invasion of the United States and its allies required air assistance for the Korean and Chinese comrades, in fact, Vasily Stalin became the main person responsible for it. It is believed that he received the combat mission of preparing aviation units to fight American aircraft as early as October 1950. Vasily Stalin began his work by strengthening discipline. More precisely, he continued to work in this direction. In this regard, it is necessary to recall one funny story, which I have already told about in the public “Digital History”:

“While analyzing the memoirs of Yevgeny Georgievich Pepelyaev “MiGs against Sabers”, the memoirs of the most productive ace of the Korean War, I came across a curious episode. After the Great Patriotic War, Pepelyaev served for some time in the 176th Guards Aviation Regiment, which was based at the Tyoply Stan airfield. Once, Vasily Stalin, the son of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, came to the airfield with another inspection. At that time, he held the post of commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District and carefully monitored the state of combat readiness of the aviation of the district. Stalin announced a drill. First, the operational lieutenant on duty named Molotov clearly conveyed the necessary background information to the pilots. Then Lieutenant Rykov, on duty at the airfield, reported to Stalin on the degree of readiness of equipment and runways. However, the authorities were absent, which affected that the pilots acted disorganized and sluggishly. Half an hour after the announcement of the alarm, the deputy chief of staff of the regiment, Major Voroshilov, appeared. And the bosses were all absent. And then Vasily Stalin shouted in his hearts: “What is happening - Stalin, Voroshilov, Molotov, even Rykov gathered, and the regiment is a mess. Still no regiment commander or chief of staff?” Soon the regimental commander was removed from his post. Major Hero of the Soviet Union A.S. Kumanichkin was appointed in his place.

It should be noted that after receiving an essentially combat mission, Vasily Stalin spent the whole of November 1950 without a break in Kubinka, where he personally (sic!) Prepared pilots for future battles with the Americans at the base of the 9th Volkhov Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. He entered the 324th Svir Fighter Aviation Division. This was the same division that participated in the famous air parades in the sky over Red Square under the direct leadership of Vasily Stalin. It was under Vasily Stalin that pilots learned to fly jet fighters. In addition, Vasily Stalin strongly recommended the legendary Colonel I.N. Kozhedub for the post of commander of the future combat unit in Korea. The preparation was intense but effective and already on February 13, 1951, the pilots personally selected by Vasily Stalin and Ivan Kozhedub received a combat assignment to the Far East. Vasily Stalin also oversaw the covert movement of pilots around the country.

It was Vasily Stalin who addressed the pilots with a speech about the goals and objectives of the war, in which they were soon to take part themselves. According to the article by Krylov L., Tepsurkaev Yu. “Government business trip” (Aviamaster, No. 3, 1997), Stalin allegedly claimed that the pilots would have to fight “neither for Kim, nor for Mao, nor for China, nor for Korea ..” . But according to the memoirs of E. Pepelyaev, Stalin “delivered a brief parting speech. He spoke about responsibility, about patriotism, internationalism, about the combat traditions of pilots in the Great Patriotic War. Personally, I have more confidence in Pepelyaev in this regard.

It should also be noted that Vasily Stalin, who was well versed in the performance characteristics of the latest jet aircraft and not only, according to E. Pepelyaev, is responsible for adopting the famous MiG-15, although then there was a serious dispute that in the sky of Korea they should fight La-15. In this, he was guided by the conclusions of the pilots from numerous, almost daily planning meetings regarding the "flying around" of new aircraft. But not only. Most likely, Vasily Stalin was familiar with the results of the first air battle between the American and Soviet Air Forces over the Yalu River in November 1950, when it was the MiGs that shot down several P-80s. Stalin's choice turned out to be the right one, which is confirmed by the Americans themselves. For example, the author of Air Power, Richard Stockwell, notes that "
The speed with which the Russians put the MiG-15 into mass production was truly incredible, but even more amazing is that no one on earth correctly appreciated this fact.

To summarize, it was largely thanks to Vasily Stalin that a combat-ready unit of the Soviet Air Force was created, which inflicted monstrous losses on American aviation, largely thwarted two attempts at an American offensive in 1951, and saved more than tens of thousands of lives of Chinese and Korean comrades. Many people know the MIG Alley, but we will soon talk about other successes of the red pilots. We also note that not a single red pilot was captured. For these achievements, Vasily Stalin was soon presented with the Order of Lenin, which for some reason was replaced with the Order of the Red Banner. In addition, he was awarded the qualification "Military Pilot 1st Class".

(c) Gleb Targonsky

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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Fri Jul 14, 2023 5:48 pm

The anti=Soviet propaganda mills apparently never stop churning....

"Terrible secret" of the Ladoga landing
July 14, 15:19


"Terrible secret" of the Ladoga landing

In June 1944, during the Vyborg-Petrozavodsk operation ("Stalin's Fourth Strike"), Soviet troops carried out the Tulok landing operation. Two brigades of marines were landed on the shore of Ladoga, between the mouths of the Tuloks and Vidlitsa rivers, and cut the highway and railway passing near the shore. Thus, it made it difficult for the Finnish troops to organize an organized retreat. The operation was successful and is still considered one of the most exemplary in our military history. Even Marshal Mannerheim recognized her as such in his memoirs. But we'll talk about it later.

I decided to write this text because for two years now the video has been very popular on the Internet: “WHY IS LADOGA BEACH ENTIRELY LITERAL WITH BONES? THE TERRIBLE MYSTERY OF THE TULOKSA LANDING. His description: “The sandy beach on the shores of Lake Ladoga is strewn with small white pebbles. But if you look closely, they are not stones at all. These are the remains of Soviet soldiers. What happened here in 1944? And why does almost no one know about this yet?

(Video in Russian at link.)

And really, why still no one knows anything? I lived almost all my childhood in the Olonets region, as a pioneer I went on excursions to Vidlitsa, to the graves of fallen soldiers. Then, being a journalist of the regional newspaper, I managed to talk with veterans - participants in the liberation of the region. No one has said anything about the "terrible secret" so far. And the locals were silent. By the way, in Vidlitsa, one can say, they exemplarily preserve the memory of their local history, honor the memory of the soldiers who died there.

So what is the video on YouTube about, which, if desired, can be found by everyone? On it, a certain man, who passed away as the head of the search association, walks along the Ladoga beach and tells us the Terrible Secret.

It turns out that during the landing operation of 1944, a barge with ammunition under the number 4144 was brought directly to the shore in order to unload it. They were on the barge, a quote from the video: "150 tons of TNT." But the heavy fire of the Finnish mortars led to a hit on the barge and its ignition. The ammunition detonated and there was a powerful explosion. At the time of the explosion of the barge, hundreds of our wounded soldiers were waiting for evacuation at the same landing site. According to the man in the video, the resulting explosion scattered the sand dunes, forever changing the coastline in this place, and turning hundreds of people into tiny pieces, some kind of "light white pebbles."

TERRIBLE SECRET! And they just revealed it. Hey, well done! By the way, there is enough cheap pseudo-patriotic pathos in the video. The question is - why? Such false pathos and pressure on emotions, as many people know, is the first sign of the manipulation of the minds of the audience.

After all, a demanding viewer can ask a legitimate question about supporting documents from the archive. After all, documents about the landing operation have long been introduced into scientific circulation. And they also mention barge 4144. The official reports of the command about the operation say that during unloading, one barge was destroyed with almost the entire ammunition of the rifle brigade (more than 6,000 shells and mines), while several people were injured. In general, according to the official version, no one died during the explosion, only significant material damage was caused. But the man from the video has an answer to this: they hid it, bastards ... In general, I note that the argument that the documents were destroyed or hidden in the archives will “work” when substantiating almost any hypothesis. Even such that the barge was destroyed by a flying saucer ...

Suspicions that this story smells like a rotten fake are born from the very beginning. If only because the ammunition of a marine rifle brigade cannot consist of "150 tons of TNT." Because the explosion of a barge on the water cannot cause changes in the landscape on the coast. Because after the war, many eyewitnesses never said anything about this ...

But I did not work in the archives, so I considered it necessary to turn to specialists who understand the topic better than me. Historian Bair Irincheev, who spoke several years ago at a conference in Olonets with a report on the landing operation on Ladoga, immediately ridiculed this video as a fabrication. The commentary of Miroslav Morozov, Ph.D. in History, dealing with the theme of the fleet, was detailed and critical:

“In my opinion, everything is greatly inflated, the authors of the video tried to turn on emotions and turn off the facts. The video does not at all address the issue of the losses of the 70th Motorized Rifle Brigade, its daily combat reports, from which one could make a judgment about the losses on the morning of June 26th. Secondly, it is hard to believe that during the mortar shelling, the wounded were laid out on the open beach. Third, the report states that the barge caught fire and exploded. Consequently, the explosion did not occur immediately, and people had the opportunity to disperse and take cover. Fourthly, 150 tons of ammunition and 150 tons of TNT are not the same thing. 150 tons of ammunition includes both the container and the bullets / shells themselves, which are not made from explosives, etc. ”

I also contacted the local Karelian search engines. It is necessary to mention the text of Alexei Shvarev, in which the issue of landing losses is considered in detail - A small documentary investigation of the mystery .. | Alexey Shvarev (

I will try to summarize all the reviews and comments about the story with the barge 4144:

1. According to the documents, all irretrievable losses of the 70th Motorized Rifle Brigade from June 21 to July 6, 1944 amounted to 265 sergeants and privates, the 3rd Motorized Rifle Brigade from June 20 to 30, 1944 - 112 sergeants and the rank and file. This period is even wider than the landing operation itself. There is simply nowhere to take 250 dead at one moment, it's pure mathematics. (As for the assertion that the landing commanders could impudently hide heavy losses from the leadership, you can see that in this case they would probably have to communicate with harsh uncles from one well-known department. And such communication, as you might guess, for any commander could end up very deplorable).

2. Documents confirm the explosion of a barge with ammunition, but, apparently, the explosion was not sudden and the personnel had the opportunity to leave it in time. The award list of the skipper of this same barge 4144, which can hardly be declared falsified, proves this.


3. Not a single published memoir of the veterans of the Ladoga military flotilla mentions anything about the death of several hundred wounded soldiers on the shore. Maybe there are unpublished memoirs somewhere? In any case, the authors of the video clearly do not know anything about them.

4. The phrase from the video about "150 tons of TNT" only testifies to the amazing illiteracy of its author in military affairs. The brigade's ammunition could not consist of one TNT. And it couldn't all explode in one second. Most of the ammunition would have scattered in different directions from the blast wave before it could detonate.

5. It is completely incomprehensible how a basin at a distance of one hundred meters from the coast can be associated with an explosion of a barge that was on the water. The modern landscape of the Ladoga coast with sand dunes cannot serve as evidence of a powerful explosion, and even more so a mass death of people.

6. According to local search engines, at the site of such a powerful explosion, in addition to bones, there should have been at least some related items. Molten shell casings, fragments of shells, as well as bowlers, spoons, flasks, buttons... Nothing has been found so far.

7. The only "evidence" is some "white pebbles". Perhaps these are bones, but as one of the Vidlitsky search engines answered me, there is no certainty that they are generally human. And they have at least some relation to the events of 1944.

Of course, during the Great Patriotic War there were enough real and tragic cases of the mass death of our soldiers. But why invent them from scratch? To thus attract interest and raise the significance of their work? So it's called - "hype". You can even make money on this. Or do the authors of the video have some ideological reasons to create another myth? Search engines are different. There, under the video, there are enough characteristic comments about the fact that "they filled up with corpses" and "the whole country is built on bones." Such a worthless country, such a worthless people... We have been hearing similar speeches for more than 30 years.

To hell with it, with this stupid video, I would not write about it, if not for one circumstance. To date, this nonsense has 385 thousand views and 8 thousand likes! For some reason, blatant lies on the Internet tend to spread much more actively than the truth. So I welcome the repost and distribution of my text in every possible way.


In his memoirs, Marshal Mannerheim wrote about the Soviet offensive in Karelia: "Both the landing operation and the capture of intermediate positions should be considered actions that deserve recognition from a military point of view." If you think about it, this mean phrase of our worst enemy, a complete Russophobe, anti-communist, bloody executioner and Hitler's henchman, is an excellent assessment of the actions of the Soviet landing force.

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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Sun Jul 30, 2023 4:16 pm

Festive concert in honor of the 90th anniversary of the White Sea Canal
July 30, 13:09


Festive concert in honor of the 90th anniversary of the White Sea Canal

Here, local liberals staged a slight hysteria about the fact that they are going to arrange a gala concert in Medvezhyegorsk on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the White Sea Canal.

I already wrote about its construction - IS THE BELOMORKANAL NOT A "KISS OF TWO OCEANS"?

In general, you can talk about the BBK for a very long time. About the fact that the idea of ​​building such a canal was first expressed by Peter I. About the fact that the world was amazed by the scale of construction, eminent Soviet and foreign writers who came to the LBC wrote about it. (For the skeptics, they weren't idiots to be easily fooled or bought.) About the fact that during perestroika, the number of people who died on the canal managed to increase twenty and thirty times. About the fact that from 1933 to 1941, 10 destroyers, 3 patrol ships and 26 submarines were transferred to the North along the White Sea Canal, and this played an important role during the Great Patriotic War. About the fact that on June 22, 1941 (when Finland was not at war with the USSR), two Heinkel-115 aircraft with Finnish saboteurs launched from Lake Oulujärvi.

The topic is huge. I will focus on just one aspect. Do you remember Solzhenitsyn? What does the Gulag Archipelago say about the White Sea Canal?

Quote: “In 1966, when I finished this book, I wanted to drive along the great Belomor, see for myself ... From Povenets I immediately reach the canal and walk along it for a long time, jogging closer to the locks to see them. Restricted areas, sleeping guards. But in some places it is clearly visible. The walls of the sluices are the same, from those same robes, I recognize them from the images. And Maslovsky's rhombic gates were replaced with metal ones and they are no longer bred by hand.

But why is it so quiet? Desert, no movement either on the canal or in the locks. The servants do not fumble anywhere. The ships don't roar. Gates don't open. Fine June day, - why not? ...

So I went through five locks of the Povenchanskaya "ladder" and after the fifth I sat down on the shore. Depicted on all cigarette packs, so desperately needed by our country - why are you silent. Great Canal?

...That day I spent eight hours near the canal. During this time, one self-propelled barge passed from Povenets to Soroka and one, of the same type, from Soroka to Povenets. Their numbers were different, and only by the numbers I distinguished them, that this one did not return. Because they were loaded in exactly the same way: identical pine logs, already stale, suitable for firewood.

Is it the same barge?

So, Solzhenitsyn spent eight hours on the bank of the canal, during which two self-propelled barges with firewood passed him. (I have a suspicion that the "conscience of the nation" could not distinguish firewood from industrial wood, but oh well). The question is - why in 1983, in connection with the 50th anniversary of operation, the useless White Sea-Baltic Canal was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor?

We look at the sources: after the war, the volume of cargo transportation along the LBC was constantly growing. During the 1950s and 1960s, the number of locks almost tripled, and the volume of cargo transported by almost a million tons for navigation. In 1970, LBC made 43,033 locks, passing 4,200,000 tons of cargo. In 1980, the number of locks during navigation amounted to 50,674, and the volume of cargo traffic was 5,895,000 tons.

In 1984, the intensity of cargo transportation reached its maximum: 62,030 locks and 7,200,000 tons of cargo. It remained at this level for about eight years.

At the turn of the 90s, capitalism returned to the country. A significant part of economic ties between the regions broke off. And almost all vessels of the mixed type "river-sea" of the White Sea-Onega Shipping Company gradually went to the ports of Europe.

In 1992, the White Sea-Baltic Canal made 25,056 locks, passing only 2,595,000 tons of cargo. In 1995, for the first time in four decades, the volume of cargo traffic was less than a million (960,000 tons). And a year later, cargo transportation fell to 500,000 tons.

After the 90s, there was no large increase in the volume of cargo transportation, as they say, this figure is inferior even to the pre-war period. But this is precisely the reality for which Solzhenitsyn and his ilk fought.

Although the fact that the LBC has great prospects is now being talked about a lot. They say that there is an intensive development of the deposits of the North, the delivery of materials and equipment from the center is required. But nothing can be done about geography, and the LBC, as it was, remains the shortest route from the European part of Russia to the Northern Sea Route. But for now, it's more talk.

We simply state that the “great writer of the Russian land”, the “ruler of thoughts” and the “liberal torch”, to whose opinion many are accustomed to refer, in his book impudently lied about the White Sea Canal. However, if only about this ...

(c) A. Stepanov - zinc

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I remember seeing Gulag Archipelago on a paperback tree at the library when I was a kid. Didn't look like something I'd want to read even though I attempted many books above my grade level.
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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:32 pm

How a criminal became a Trotskyist, and then an "innocent victim of repression"
August 5, 3:00 p.m


How a criminal became a Trotskyist, and then an "innocent victim of repression"

I read on the page of the allegedly liquidated in the Russian Federation "Memorial" society (officially recognized as a foreign agent) about the fact that on August 5 an anti-Soviet action will take place around the world: they will read the names of people who were shot in Sandarmokh in 1937. In Moscow, an open reading of names will be held in the Garden of Memory of the Museum of the History of the Gulag.

I already wrote how and by what methods a historical myth was created from Sandarmokh, and not only anti-Soviet, but also anti-Russian. Also on Zen he talked about the methods of "researchers of Stalinist repressions" that they used in compiling their lists. For those interested, I recommend the publications - ONCE AGAIN ABOUT SANDARMOKH AND 1937, as well as - Criminals - “victims of Stalinist repressions”?

In continuation of this topic, today I will tell you about the biographies of two people who are also on the “Sandarmokh list” and who did not make it into my book. I will make a reservation, these people do not appear in the composition of the first Solovetsky stage, that is, the place of their execution is clearly not Sandarmokh. They were simply included in the list for quantity, when the "Memorials" needed to promote this place. However, their biographies, it seems to me, give an idea of ​​what really happened in 1937.

The first of them is a citizen of Keltsev. I noticed it when I came across a post on a social network about Sandarmokh that caught my eye:“He is the son of Sergey Andreevich Keltsev, a nobleman, a writer close to the tsar, Nicholas ll, it was a wonderful family, my family, but only women remained, all the men were shot by bastards and scoundrels who hated Orthodoxy, the tsar and monarchists. People with a small letter, "Sharikov" carved the color of the nation, but I remember, I'm proud of my family!

I decided to clarify the biography of this noble man, tormented by the "ball". And not on some Stalinist website, but in the database of the foreign agent "Memorial" I found:

Andrey Sergeevich Keltsev, cons. UBBLAG, from the nobility. The son of a real state councilor, former secretary of Princess Shakhovskaya. We judged 5 times and had several drives for theft. The first time he was convicted in 1933. under Art. 58-10-11 for 3 years. He was exiled to Siblag, from where he fled and committed a number of robberies, when detained by a village executive, he resisted and took the gun from the latter, tried to escape, but was again detained and convicted under Art. 167 for 10 years.

While serving his sentence in BAMLAG in 1934. escaped for the second time and under the fictitious name of Bugaev, committed a robbery of a store, for which he was convicted under Art. dated 07.08.1932 for 10 years and sent to Vyatlag...

While serving his sentence in the BBLAG, being hostile to the Soviet power, he was a member of the K / R Trotskyist-terrorist group, fully shared the group's attitudes, prepared, together with the prisoners Appolonsky and Lippe, an escape from the camp, intending to go abroad. Lagadministration characterized negatively. Convicted under Art. 19-58-8, 72 09/20/1937 Troika of the NKVD of the KASSR. Shot on September 28, 1937. Rehabilitated by the Prosecutor of Karelia on June 12, 1989. Link -

Well, what can I say? "Trotskyism" to this remarkable man, of course, was sewn on out of lawlessness. Lev Davydovich would have been very surprised by such a supporter of his. Apparently, the NKVD workers did not want to bother much with this recidivist, and “Trotskyism” was then a universal accusation. Therefore, formally, the citizen of Keltsev was rehabilitated correctly, from a legal point of view, a person cannot be blamed for what he did not do.

But honestly, I would like to see an answer from anti-Stalinists - do you really consider this individual an "innocent victim of Stalinist repressions"?

The second biography is more complex. A resident of Karelia, Grigory Pudin, information from the book "Kindred".

“... Grigory had a brother, Vasily, who also served in the army and was awarded “George” for bravery. After the service, Gregory returned home. He did not recognize the revolution, as he had seen enough of the atrocities of the Baltic sailors. And in 1918, Grigory with his friends Marushin, Gornev, Shelgachev decided to defend the old regime and moved to the North, to the British, where they fought for two years.

After the war, Grigory Pudin returned home. “In 1935, Grigory left the collective farm, which later served as his repression. In the criminal case there was a record that he was a "volunteer of the White Army", and also "unauthorized departure from the collective farm" was also listed.

Yes, a typical victim of "Yezhovshchina", fell under the batch. However, this did not happen by accident! In 1918, in the Karelian village, this man definitely did not have any sailors. Nevertheless, completely voluntarily and having organized a group, Grigory Pudin went to the service of the interventionists. In what country, even the most civilized, for such deeds will not subsequently “arrive”?

Grigory Pudin fought for two years under the command of the British, that is, he himself killed Russian people.Perhaps in his file, now closed, you can find some details of service with the British ... By the way, at that time in any country for such service to a foreign power they could simply be put up against the wall. But the Soviet government, trying to quickly end the civil conflict, quickly amnestied a lot of such people. They remembered them in 1937, when it was clear to everyone that a new war would be ahead. And of course, they broke firewood. (No wonder most of the leaders of the NKVD, including in Karelia, were shot under Beria).

Do I mean to say that the citizens of Keltsev and Pudin were shot correctly? No. Even Vladimir Ilyich Lenin said that "in our ideal there is no place for violence against people." Therefore, the Soviet government tried to abolish the death penalty. But then something went wrong, and not through the fault of the Bolsheviks.

Just before determining what was “right” or “wrong”, blaming someone or, on the contrary, justifying, it would be good to understand all the circumstances of the case. Understand what preceded certain events. And then the perestroika myths that “everyone was repressed just like that, for no reason at all” will seem like a primitive agitation that served as an excuse for the collapse of the country. And so - each reader of these two very typical biographies can independently draw their own conclusions.

(c) A.Stepanov - zinc

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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:35 pm



On this day, 12 August, in 1939, British-French-Soviet military talks began in Leningrad. The British delegation was headed by an obscure admiral and the French by an obscure general; they had taken five days to get there by boat. The Soviet delegation was headed by the Defence Minister and the Chief of the General Staff. At the first meeting the Soviet side said it was there to negotiate a real agreement to combine against Hitler; what were they authorised to do? To talk said the Frenchman, let me get back to London said the Brit. A couple of days later London said he was there to talk. Not an auspicious beginning.

About a year after Hitler took power, Moscow realised Hitler was coming for it and everybody else. At Stalin’s direction, the Foreign Minister, Maksim Litvinov, starting pushing “collective security”: everybody who was threatened by Hitler should get together to resist him. Obviously, the three principal powers, Britain, France and the USSR, would be the leaders, but Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia were all on Hitler’s hitlist. Alone they would be eaten one by one, only united could they stop Hitler.

Litvinov didn’t have much success: he did get a treaty with France in 1935 but it turned out to have little content in practice. Meanwhile Poland, vitally important to any anti-Hitler scheme because it lay between the USSR and Germany, signed the very first non-aggression pact with Hitler in 1934 and collaborated in the carve-up of Czechoslovakia in 1938. Washington rejected overtures in 1934. The UK signed a naval agreement with Germany in 1935. Litvinov kept trying, and people like Winston Churchill agreed, but the Munich agreement of September 1938 pretty well killed it off. Without Britain, France or Poland, it couldn’t be done.

The fuse was burning: in March 1939 Berlin tore up the Munich agreement and dismembered the rest of Czechoslovakia; in April it denounced the Polish pact. Litvinov got Stalin’s agreement for one last try. Even though Stalin replaced Litvinov with Vyacheslav Molotov, he was still hopeful enough to send his two top military people to meet the Anglo-French delegation when it finally got there. But what hope was there for a collective anti-Hitler alliance if the only result from years of trying was a low-level delegation with no negotiation powers and lethargic time appreciation? Evidently nothing would be coming from London or Paris or Warsaw. A low-level Anglo-French mission in, say, 1935 would have been a base to build on but in late summer 1939 it was absurd.

If you were Stalin, what would you do when your Plan A is dead? You know war is coming, you believe Hitler when he says his aim is to seize lebensraum to the east. Your potential allies don’t get it. What would you do?

While London and Paris dither and Warsaw dreams dreams (what dreams? Hitler just tore up the non-aggression pact you were counting on: you’re next) Hitler strikes. How about a non-aggression pact? Stalin seizes the chance, the agreement is immediately signed. Stalin knows perfectly well that Hitler is going to attack the USSR and so he starts to grab as much territory to the west as he can and put off the day as long as possible.

In a couple of weeks you will see a whole bunch of op-eds saying that those two evil BFFs got together to do the dirty on Poland and start the war. You won’t see any mention of the failed Soviet collective security attempt. Why not? Well, the authors probably haven’t heard about it (lots of things have gone down the memory hole) and, if they had, it would spoil the propaganda value of their rant about wicked Russia.

FURTHER READING. I knew this happened because AJP Taylor’s Origins of the Second World War was a set text in my university days and he mentions it. But the man who’s really done the big work on it today is the Canadian historian Michael Jabara Carley. Here’s an interview with him that covers the bigger picture and his trilogy about to be published, an essay on what I call Stalin’s Plan A, and a book 1939: The Alliance That Never Was and the Coming of World War II. Every now and again the corporate media forgets to forget it: “Stalin ‘planned to send a million troops to stop Hitler if Britain and France agreed pact'”.

(By the way, while the West has pretty much forgotten this, you can be sure that Moscow hasn’t.)
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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Mon Aug 21, 2023 2:59 pm

If not for the USSR, millions of Americans would have died
August 21, 11:22


An interesting detail from a document written on June 11, 1945 during the discussion in the US House of Representatives of the Bretton Woods agreements. Even then, attacks on the USSR were openly voiced (even before the victory over Japan). At the same time, some congressmen spoke out in defense of the USSR, pointing out, among other things, that if it were not for the USSR, millions of Americans would have died. Of course, this line was soon crushed as part of the preparations for the Cold War against the USSR.

Note on the Bretton Woods Accords. June 11, 1945
Archive - RGAE F.413, Op.12, D. 10793, L. 78-80
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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Thu Aug 24, 2023 3:19 pm



On August 24, 1991, Marshal Sergei Fyodorovich Akhromeyev committed suicide. He had returned from his holiday at Sochi responding to the attempted removal of Mikhail Gorbachev from power. According to the reports of the time, he hanged himself in his Kremlin office, leaving behind a note. One version of what it said was: “I cannot live when my fatherland is dying and everything that has been the meaning of my life is crumbling. Age and the life that I have lived give me the right to step out of this life. I struggled until the end.” ... -august-9/

Above and beyond my personal travails the dissolution of socialism in eastern Europe was the worst thing to happen in my lifetime. I knew it even then, long before I studied socialism. I sat in front of my TV watching those clerks dismantling the Wall which failed to protect East from West muttering, "you fools..."
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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Tue Aug 29, 2023 3:24 pm

On the abolition of the wrong decisions of the former troikas of the NKVD
August 29, 6:48 am


Order of Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria to cancel the wrong decisions of the former troikas of the NKVD.
It was under Beria, even before the Great Patriotic War, that real work began to revise the excesses of the repressions of the Yezhovshchina period, and by no means under Khrushchev.


Archive - GASO. F. R-3286. Op. 1. D. 4. L. 110-110 about
Zinc - (you can also download it in PDF)

One of the important decisions that formed the basis of the Beriev amnesty of 1939-1940, accompanied by a mass revision sentences of 1937-1938 and the beginning of the process of rehabilitation of illegally repressed citizens and the restoration of socialist legality.
In fact, we see that the process was launched under Stalin, mistakes in the conduct of repression by the state were very much recognized and corrected. Many perpetrators of illegal repressions were punished, starting with Yezhov and the leadership of the NKVD.

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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Mon Sep 04, 2023 2:59 pm

My mission, if I succeed, is to destroy the Slavs
September 4, 15:47


“My mission, if I succeed, is to destroy the Slavs ,” Adolf Hitler said in a conversation with Romanian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mihai Antonescu. During their meeting in Berlin on November 27, 1941, Hitler openly announced plans for the genocide of the Slavs.

Egor Yakovlev, an expert of the Russian Military Historical Society, head of the Digital History project, found a record of the negotiations and for the first time translated its full text into Russian. The document was published on the HISTORIA.RF portal. The original of the so-called "meeting record" is kept in the archives of the National Council for the Study of Security Archives in Bucharest.

– The existence of such a document was known before. Together with other captured materials, it was taken to Moscow and ended up in the archives of the USSR Foreign Ministry. There, the Soviet historian Aleksey Shevyakov managed to work with him, preparing the monograph "The Economic and Military-Political Aggression of German Imperialism in Romania: 1936-1941". This book was published in 1963, and it was there, in a modest note, that I first saw quotes from the dialogue between Antonescu and Hitler about plans to destroy the Slavs. However, my appeal to the archive did not bring success: it turned out that in the Khrushchev era a large corpus of documents, including the one I was interested in, was returned to Bucharest. Fortunately, in 2013, a recording of the negotiations between Hitler and Antonescu was published in the twelfth issue of the Romanian scientific journal Zargidava. The publication from the archives of the National Council for the Study of Security Archives in Bucharest was carried out by Gheorghe Buzatu, professor of history at the University of Iasi, a controversial nationalist historian. Nevertheless, the document, fully introduced by him into scientific circulation, speaks for itself.. - said the expert of the Russian Military Historical Society, the head of the "Digital History" project Egor Yakovlev

– During the conversation between Mihai Antonescu and Adolf Hitler in Berlin on November 27, 1941, problems were discussed that were of great concern to the Romanian leadership. The first part of the entry is devoted to Romanian-Hungarian relations, which, despite the presence of both countries in the orbit of Nazi Germany, were extremely tense. In 1940, as a result of the Second Vienna Arbitration, Hungary took Northern Transylvania from Romania with a mixed Romanian-Hungarian population. In this dispute, the Nazi leadership took the side of the Hungarians, promising the Romanians compensation at the expense of the USSR. However, despite these promises, the loss of Northern Transylvania was experienced in Bucharest very painfully. Antonescu informed the Führer about the brutal discrimination against Romanians in the occupied region, asking him to intervene and achieve a "just solution."

- The second part of the dialogue was completely devoted to the "Slavic question". Antonescu brought to the attention of the Fuhrer that Romania was a categorical opponent of the creation of an independent Ukraine, of which he was aware of the projects. The Romanian politician pointed out that Slavism is a huge "biological problem" for Europe, referring to the large size of the "primitive" Slavic population, which is incompatible with European culture and civilization. In the event that an independent Ukraine appears after the defeat of the USSR, it, according to Antonescu, will begin to draw the rest of the Eastern Slavs into its orbit and turn into a new threat to Europe. This, the head of the Romanian Foreign Ministry argued, cannot be allowed.

- Of particular interest are Hitler's answers to the remarks of the interlocutor. The Fuhrer immediately agrees that the Slavs are not an ideological but a biological problem for Europe, speaks of the extreme danger of the "Russian problem" and argues that it is necessary to jointly find methods for the "biological elimination of the Slavs." Further, the head of the Third Reich talks about the conquest of living space in the East and says that his mission, if he can only fulfill it, is to destroy the Slavs.

- These were not just statements - the policy of extermination of the indigenous population of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus by the autumn of 1941 was already carried out by the Nazis quite consistently - Yegor Yakovlev specified. - The Nazis saw hunger as its main tool, which became a means of exterminating Soviet prisoners of war and residents of large cities. The most monstrous famine was organized to wipe out the Leningraders, but, for example, the population of Kyiv and Kharkov was also subjected to an artificial famine. Complementing this organized humanitarian catastrophe were the special actions of the SS and the police, with the support of the Wehrmacht. The occupation regime was planned in such a way as to cause huge mortality among the indigenous peoples and thereby "solve the biological problem" that Hitler and Antonescu talked about on November 27, 1941.

In connection with the above, the recording of the conversation between Mihai Antonescu and Adolf Hitler is of great importance for historical research. Egor Yakovlev is preparing a scientific publication of the document. Readers are offered a lengthy fragment dedicated to the fate of the Slavs.

A key fragment from the report of the meeting of Mihai Antonescu:

“The Führer began with a stormy discussion of the great Slavic problem, having done me the honor on three occasions to accept the point of view I have outlined on European reconstruction. As a basis for the conversation, the Fuehrer openly told me:

"You are right, the Slavic problem is biological, not ideological, as you said, and the fight against the Slavs must be waged by all Europeans."

In the future Europe there should be only two races: the Latin and the Germanic. These two races must work together in Russia to destroy (literally - dărâma, demolish) the Slavs. It is impossible to oppose Russia with legal or political formulas, because the Russian problem is much more serious than many people think, and we must find solutions to colonize and biologically eliminate the Slavs.

That is why all European peoples must work together in the fight against the Slavs, and tomorrow jointly transform Russia for Europe.

Why should the Belgians have 224 inhabitants per square kilometer when there are such huge spaces in Russia?

Why must my West Germans live in difficult conditions when the spaces in the East offer them a future?

My mission, said the Fuhrer, if I succeed, is to destroy the Slavs.


Meeting of Mihai Antonescu and Adolf Hitler in Berlin, November 27, 1941, Berlin

... Then I asked the Fuhrer to explain to me his point of view on the Ukrainian issue, since there are some elements of the German army in Bukovina that are in favor of the Ukrainians, and the Romanian government will soon have to take a stand on the Ukrainian problem in Romania. And I openly say that this position can only be against the Ukrainian element.

I explained to the Führer that this was not a matter of internal order, but a concept of general order, which I was obliged to present to him. For methe great problem of the restoration of Europe in a peaceful tomorrow is the solution of the Slavic question.

The Slavic question today is much more acute and dangerous for Europe than the pressure of the German people on Europe for Richelieu and Mazarin in the Westphalian era. The German people belonged to the civilization of Europe. The German people were at the center of Europe and had institutions compatible with the civilization of Europe; and yet the Westphalian concept was to immobilize the German bloc, divide it into hostile states and monarchies in order to prevent its unity and ensure, by means of counterforce, the impossibility of its expansion.

And the Slavic mass for many years did nothing but transform and move forward, being completely incompatible with the European spirit, with the civilization of Europe. Communism is nothing but the spiritual expression of the Slavic race.

The numerous and primitive Slavic mass is not a spiritual problem for Europe, but a serious biological problem associated with European fertility. It is necessary to find radical and serious solutions to this problem, and I believe that all European states should be involved in this activity, because otherwise Europe will achieve only temporary peace and will work for the Slavs.

The addition of Latinism, on a racial basis, to the actions of Germanism against the Slavs seems to me a necessity of the first order, and the position regarding the Slavs must be unshakable, any formula for secession, neutralization, occupation of Slavic territories is legal.

That's why I believe thatthe formation of a Ukrainian state, and especially a large Ukrainian state, is a mistake of a pan-European scale , and I also believe that the excessive territorial strengthening and expansion of Bulgaria is an action for the benefit of the Slavs.

In any case, for Romania Greater Ukraine or Greater Bulgaria means that the Slavic problem persists, if not worse. Because the Ukrainian state on our borders, based on nationalist principles and turned into a Slavic core, attracting the protoplasm of the Slavic masses from abroad, and a united and powerful Bulgaria in the Balkans, only squeeze Romania between two flanks, more threatening than yesterday. The Romanian people are anti-Slavic and have always been anti-Slavic, as well as naturally anti-Semitic.

Therefore, Romania must be used in new German actions and not weakened by the Slavic formations encircling and surrounding her borders.

In conclusion, I said that we Romanians have full confidence in the Führer's cause of peace and restoration, and Marshal Antonescu confidently linked his Romanian fate with the German one in the fight against communism and the Slavs in order to save the Romanian nation. ... ih-narodov - zinc

It can be noted that the current goals of the US and NATO in the east are not too different from Hitler's goals.

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