Stalin is trending

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Fri Nov 03, 2023 2:26 pm

A dozen knives in the back of Stalinism
November 2, 17:51

A dozen knives in the back of Stalinism

Somewhere in the early 2000s, I published an article in a local newspaper about the phenomenon of Joseph Stalin. Her message was that this ruler was of his time and was needed, including to win the Great War. The article, as they say, went to the people. Here and there I saw a newspaper unfolded on it. This is perfectly imprinted in my memory.

Typically, such interest in the person of the famous Soviet leader is interpreted as a longing for a harsh hand, nostalgia for the Soviet era, a tradition of slavish worship, or a heightened thirst for social justice. And someone will see in this a sign of human degradation and destruction of the nation’s gene pool.

In my opinion, it is not his cult that is to blame for the growing popularity of the figure of Joseph Stalin, nor an attempt to turn everything back, to start “tightening the screws” and “cutting down the forest so that the chips fly.” This phenomenon demonstrates a desire to perceive history as a single process, as opposed to the accumulation of disparate pieces of a poorly sewn, awkward patchwork quilt. No matter what they say about her, the story is the same.

I want to say right away: what we consider to be anti-Stalinism has nothing to do with real history, its Soviet period and the personality of Stalin. It represents a worldview concept, in its extreme expression reaching the point of exaltation and unconditional religious faith. Moreover, this teaching has its own effective “fists”.

Three waves

We can schematically identify three waves of anti-Stalinism: Khrushchev, perestroika and post-Soviet. Khrushchev's de-Stalinization was used quite effectively as a means of opposing the Soviet system. Vsevolod Kochetov’s novel “What Do You Want?”, published in 1969, says that through the debunking of Stalin, “it was possible in some minds to shake the faith in the work that had been done for thirty years under the leadership of this man.” It became the main ideological weapon of the Cold War, designed to destroy Soviet society from within.

The finest hour of the denial of Stalinism came during Soviet perestroika. Ideologically, this was tantamount to a thermonuclear strike on the foundations of the country. During this period, critical, immature minds saw in Stalin and his legacy signs of the current and future apocalypse. For example, the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 was interpreted as a clear consequence of Stalinism.

It is noteworthy that perestroika, proclaimed in April 1985 by the new General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev, was initially declared as a continuation of the work of the Great October Revolution. Allegedly, it was needed because the country’s development took the wrong path. The notorious departure from the ideals of Marxism-Leninism was linked to the personality and activities of Joseph Stalin.

Soon the demonization of Stalin and his reign reached the level of absolute nihilism. Everything Soviet was a priori declared wrong and criminal. For this reason, everything created over these decades was scrapped under the slogan of “the fight against Stalinism.” For if everything is permeated with this “infection,” which for many critics of the Soviet regime is worse than German Nazism, then you don’t feel sorry for the broken.

Under the guise of calls for truth-seeking, a profanation of the view of the history of the USSR began. In an atmosphere of general nihilism and nurturing of the Soviet inferiority complex, as the famous Soviet philosopher Alexander Zinoviev wrote, “an orgy of admiring one’s ulcers” began. Perestroika transformed into “catastrophe.” Indeed, there is nothing to be proud of if behind seventy years of the history of the USSR there are only Stalinist totalitarianism and Brezhnev’s stagnation. Moreover, we have not renounced these “ulcers”, have not flogged ourselves and continue to drag them along with us...

In the “dashing” 1990s, this bogeyman successfully coped with the rejection of the inhabitants of the former USSR from the recent past and their reconciliation with new shocking realities . Society was intimidated that there was no other option. Allegedly, if you don’t undergo “shock therapy”, it will only get worse. Do you want to go back to the Gulag? No? Then be patient until you kill Stalin within yourself. It's your own fault. Led by Western “consultants,” the ideologists of “market reforms” whipped up an atmosphere of fear and convinced that our society was being purified through suffering so as not to return to the horrors of the past... In recent

Russian history, starting approximately with the “swamp” unrest in the capital of 2011-2013 . and the Kyiv Maidan (coup d’etat in Ukraine in 2014), they started talking about the need for a new de-Stalinization, “Perestroika 2.0.” As an argument, it was argued that the country had not completely cleansed itself and did not get rid of this sin of its history, because it did not learn the whole truth and tried to forget a lot. Since the lingering remnants of Stalinism are again pushing the country to a dangerous point, a new, deeper wave of de-Stalinization is needed in parallel with the restructuring of Russian society... The

principle of rejecting Stalinism is perfectly presented in the cult film by Tengiz Abuladze “Repentance” (1984), where the exhumation of the body of the deceased is played out graves and throwing him off the cliff again and again. It is according to this circular composition that the arguments and denunciations of the supporters of total de-Stalinization are built. Modern calls for de-Stalinization are just a rehash of perestroika demagoguery and campaignism and do not bring anything new to the understanding of the phenomenon. Moreover, they make a rational rethinking of this period of Soviet history impossible, leading it to the plane of “naked” emotions. In this area, it is not arguments that work, but exaltation with speculative juggling with numbers of victims of repression and any other “fried” facts that affect the emotional sphere.

At the same time, the real results of de-Stalinization are not the improvement of Russian society, its transformation and spiritual uplift. Let's remember the collapse of the USSR, the expulsion of millions of Russians from the former Soviet republics and what happened to Russia in the 1990s. So what is it? The triumph of freedom and humanism or indirect mass repressions against former Soviet people? If you start to unearth the horrors of the “holy nineties” (the phrase of the wife of the first President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin, Naina. - Ed.) and their catastrophic effect postponed into the future, they will more than outweigh the scale of the “Stalinist nightmares” inflated by the fighters against Stalinism.

Reformatting the past

The destructive mechanism of de-Stalinization continues to work today. It is not customary to subject the Stalinist period of Soviet history to a comprehensive scientific understanding. We are in a nihilistic ideological matrix successfully instilled from the outside, we operate with primitive myths, ideologemes and cliches. Stereotypes of thoughtless overthrow of everything domestic. After all, if any path in Russia leads to repression, an ax and the Gulag, it is necessary to follow the “light of Western truths.”

Again, if Stalin is so bad and terrible, then the shameful 1990s in the history of Russia and the crime that occurred in 1991 (the year the so-called market reforms began) are quite natural and justified. It is obvious that post-Soviet de-Stalinization serves as an instrument of ideological defense and preservation of the “gains” of democracy.

Thus, we get an ideological “black hole” that absorbs everything around. It is based on the idea of ​​the historical sin of the Russians, a killing shot according to the formula of the famous Soviet philosopher Alexander Zinoviev - “they aimed for communism, but ended up in Russia.” The speculative cliché about a country that, for the most part, wrote denunciations to the NKVD, brings this “sin” into the category of the original, with the search for causes in the history of national civilization. Among the origins of the “fall” are the adoption of Orthodoxy and the inheritance of the traditions of Byzantium. According to Russophobes, this is where the centuries-old traditions of Asianism and the slave psychology of the Russian people lie.

Since de-Stalinization is a speculative project of nihilistic cleansing, it is far from a true search for the truth about the Soviet past. In essence, this is an ideological reformatting of the past. Since this mechanism has already shown its effectiveness in past years, one should not think that today it is forgotten or shelved.

Do you want to disavow any opponent? Easily. It is enough to call the doubter a Stalinist. If you do not vehemently denounce Stalinism, then you yourself are a criminal. The “collective” (or silent majority) is always right. Dogmatic tradition.

Let us recall the perestroika campaign of defamation of Nina Andreeva, who was called “a bander from a brothel” for her rather balanced article “I cannot compromise on principles.”

She just dared to write: “...Together with all Soviet people, I share anger and indignation at the mass repressions that took place in the 30s and 40s due to the fault of the then party and state leadership. But common sense strongly protests against the monochromatic portrayal of contradictory events that has now begun to prevail in some press organs.” But her “letter” was branded as a “Stalinist attack.”

She compared the role of Joseph Stalin in history with the reign of Peter the Great, who was named by anyone, right up to the Antichrist. At the same time, “today few people are embarrassed by the personal qualities of Peter the Great, but everyone remembers that during his reign the country reached the level of a great European power.” Such arguments and analogies could be perceived as reasonable if the main goal of the “subverters” was not to destroy history. Hence the difference in ratings. Peter I, with all his shortcomings, is perceived through the prism of the blissful “cutting” of a window to Europe. Whereas Stalin should be mercilessly branded. And not him alone. Why not completely destroy the building built under his leadership in order to begin to recreate something new from scratch, from the void.

Let me quote Kochetov once again: “This is a means of struggle... to come up with frightening terms, to speculate on the words “Stalinism” and “Stalinists.” With the help of this trick, how many scum crawled into the light of day from the bedbug cracks!”

In this way, a primitive ideological interpretation of history is created, working on the principle of substitution. For example, there once was a prosperous Tsarist Russia. But then a landing party of Bolshevik demons landed on it, who, using foreign money and malicious intent, initiated unrest and massacre. The “red wheel” rolled...

Through the prism of a popular print

It is easier for many ordinary people to perceive history through the prism of such a popular print than to start a conversation with the fact that at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia there were a huge number of opposition political organizations and a real terrorist war was waged against the state. As a result of the February coup, or bourgeois revolution of 1917, which occurred as a result of the betrayal of the ruling elites, any state power was overthrown in the Russian Empire and the very fact of its existence was called into question. The same Bolsheviks took over the country that had fallen into anarchy and began to stitch it together (imagine what would have happened if Boris Yeltsin had been in their place) in a situation of fierce confrontation on all sides. It is precisely in the political diversity and rampant terrorism of the beginning of the century that the reasons for the constant struggle of the Bolsheviks for power lie, which in our country is interpreted as a purge of opponents.

From the above it follows that it is impossible to distill a complex historical process into a simple formula. Just as primitive as applying plantain to any sore spot is the explanation of the causes of any Soviet and Russian evil with the grave legacy of Stalinism.

Who needs this bogeyman and why? Why do they constantly replay the plot from the movie “Repentance” and scare us with relapses? Anti-Stalinism is an important dominant feature of the post-Soviet ideologeme, built on a sweeping opposition and a black-and-white perception of the world. She relies on an artificial split between the Stalinists and people of the new formation. This opposition reveals the contours of social careerism - renounce the past and become successful.

In this context, a successful Russian is one who has gained access to capitalist benefits and joined the cream of society. All others are mostly alienated from the “gains” of democracy and civilizational benefits. Not because of someone’s malicious intent, but because of the inheritance of the “original” sin of Soviet history.

Any attempts to reconcile the above social groups are perceived by the transmitters and guardians of the post-Soviet ideology of alienation as illegal and unacceptable. Recently, one of the beneficiaries of the “democratic reforms” - oligarch Oleg Deripaska - in his blog categorically rejected the possibility of reconciliation between the “whites” and the “reds”. Even such obvious arguments as the need to consolidate society in the conditions of the Northern Military District did not work. Such reconciliation for modern bearers of “democratic” ideological bonds is more terrible than the danger threatening Russia from the West.

Therefore, any sober, balanced assessment of the Soviet period of history is now “out of format.” Otherwise, we will have to admit the criminal collapse of a huge country, looting of its ruins and the emergence of a gigantic demographic hole from which Russia has not yet emerged. It is too difficult to discuss painful issues in a reasoned and substantive manner. It’s much easier to get hysterical about Stalin’s horrors and nightmares.

Stalin as a historical figure

Today, Russian society for the most part, out of inertia and for ideological reasons, resists the obvious. However, history will inevitably put everything in its place. The same processes occurred with the assessment of the figure of Peter I, who has long been not perceived in the public consciousness as the Antichrist. Everyone assesses his role differently, generally agreeing on a positive perception of the Peter the Great period in Russian history.

The same thing will happen with Stalin over time. But this requires ideological demilitarization of this topic. Otherwise, it works as a lethal weapon, sowing historical nihilism and alienation between people.

The desire for a scientific rethinking of Russian history is not a conversation about justifying or exposing one or another of its subjects or figures. Individual assessments may be subjective, but the most important and objective thing is to build the overall plot of national history, its logic, purpose and purpose. A providential plot from which nothing can be erased, where everything matters and is imbued with rhymes.

At the same time, the period for rethinking the past should be commensurate with the past in terms of event intensity. For example, after February 24, 2022, much of the Stalinist period became much clearer: from the non-aggression pact between the USSR and Hitler's Germany and the mystery of June 22, 1941 to the purges of the Soviet elite. All that is needed is the will of the researcher, not clouded by a heap of stereotypes and ideological dogmas.

(c) A. Rudalev

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:40 pm

We are talking about the rehabilitation of Stalin himself
November 7, 16:58


It is very strange to live in your homeland without freedom, but it is no less strange to imagine freedom without a homeland...
Censorship is total.
Anyone who criticizes the special military operation may be declared an enemy of the country.
We are on the verge of a wave of large-scale repression.
We are no longer talking about the rehabilitation of the victims of Stalinism, but about the rehabilitation of Stalin himself. (c) former head of Novaya Gazeta, foreign agent Murotov

The Fifth Column is whining that it has become more difficult to engage in subversive activities within the country and the former free times are over.
Well, Stalin has long been rehabilitated in the public consciousness and the majority of the country’s population perceives him as a positive historical character. In this regard, the hopes of the de-Stalinizers that the old generations who remembered Stalin would leave and forget about him were not justified. Because for a person who defends his homeland, it is quite natural to have a good attitude towards Stalin; for this you do not even have to be a communist.

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Sat Nov 18, 2023 3:33 pm

Nuclear icebreaker "Stalingrad".
November 18, 12:11


The new Russian nuclear icebreaker, currently under construction in the Baltic, will be named Stalingrad.
The new name of the Project 22220 icebreaker has already been approved by Putin.

It is also worth noting that the authorities of Volgograd/Stalingrad reminded yesterday that during the holidays the city will again traditionally be renamed Stalingrad, and also that the issue of renaming the city is still on the agenda, but they will not rush into it for now will continue to study the public opinion of city residents on this matter.

In addition, work has intensified to promote the installation of a bust of Comrade Stalin in Victory Park in Oryol. The local faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation proposes to install a bust of Stalin there. Some deputies of the local parliament agree with this, but only if it is the alley of the military leaders of the Second World War, where the bust of Stalin will be installed together with the busts of the Marshals of Victory. They say that if the bust of Stalin is in the role of the General Secretary of the CPSU(b), then they are against it, but if the bust of Stalin is in the role of the Generalissimo, then they are not against it.

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Wed Nov 29, 2023 3:56 pm

There is no reason to react
November 29, 14:36


The installation of an 8-meter monument to Comrade Stalin on the territory of the Mikron plant in Velikiye Luki was recognized by the Prosecutor's Office as legal. No grounds were found for responding to the complaints.

Local liberals squeal that “the hydra of Stalinism is raising its head in Velikiye Luki.”
Next in line is the rise of the “hydra of Stalinism” in Orel. They are now debating whether to erect a monument to Stalin in the central park separately or as part of a group of Marshals of Victory. I think the second option will win, especially since it has already been implemented in a number of regions. The bust of Stalin for Orel itself has long been ready. The only question left is installation.

PS. As I’ve been writing since the 2000s, the installation of new monuments to Stalin in Russia is historically inevitable. The wind of history is like that.

A referendum is needed to rename Volgograd
November 29, 11:36


The Volgograd Regional Duma proposed holding a referendum on renaming the regional center. To rename Volgograd to Stalingrad, 50% + 1 vote will be enough.
At the same time, the region itself, if the city is renamed, will remain Volgograd (it’s like St. Petersburg + Leningrad region).

The proposal was approved by the State Construction Committee of the local Duma.
Now Volgograd is renamed Stalingrad several times a year (9 times) on holidays.

The proposal itself is aimed at ensuring that city residents themselves can speak out on this issue.
City authorities say that the issue of renaming is being discussed and there is no need to rush.

My position has not changed for a long time.

Conduct a referendum among city residents.
Combine it with upcoming elections to save money.

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:32 pm

Busts and monuments to Stalin in Russia
December 8, 20:25


They report ... ki-stalinu that by the end of 2023 there are already 110 installed busts and monuments to Stalin in Russia. Of these, less than 10% were installed before 1991. Most of the monuments to Stalin in the country were destroyed under Khrushchev. So the current increase in their number in fact eliminates one of the consequences of the 20th Congress and Khrushchev’s de-Stalinization.

The overwhelming majority of them were established under Putin, which is not surprising, since the processes of Stalin’s rehabilitation in the public consciousness gained momentum in the second half of the 2000s, when the process of materially fixing Stalin’s return to the public agenda actually began. The authorities rather prevented this, but without fanaticism. Attempts to replace Stalin with Stolypin, Nevsky or Nicholas II did not lead to anything and they simply gave up on this, limiting themselves to slowing down attempts to install full-size monuments to Stalin in large cities.
After the start of the Northern Military District, this process only intensified, as Stalin became even more fashionable as a symbol of mobilization, order and victory.
At the same time, it is important to remember that monuments to Stalin are not always erected by communists, and among the huge number of sympathizers of the activities of the leader and teacher of all nations, not all are members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and other communist associations.


PS. We don’t yet have a monument to Stalin in Sevastopol, although before de-Stalinization it stood near the railway station in the park. Demolished under Khrushchev. But Stalin played a huge role in the fate of Sevastopol and the current appearance of the city arose thanks to Stalin’s decision to urgently restore Sevastopol through the efforts of the entire country after the Second World War.

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Tue Dec 19, 2023 3:30 pm

2 carnations to Comrade Stalin. Announcement of the 23rd promotion
December 18, 21:11


As usual, I support the annual campaign “2 carnations for Comrade Stalin.”

2 carnations for Comrade Stalin. Announcement of the 23rd promotion

Integrity and respect for history is important for any country and people who do not want to perish and dissolve in time. The history of our country spans many centuries; throughout there have been not only great victories and grandiose achievements, but also failures and setbacks. However, the fabric of history is inextricable, all these years and decades are watered with the sweat and blood of our ancestors, overshadowed by tireless work to build and strengthen the state.
Not a single historical period can be erased from the national memory and discarded as harmful and unnecessary. Moreover, if we are talking about the period of unprecedented rise and power of Russia - the period when for the first time in its history for a long time it became one of the two leading powers in the world - the period of the Stalinist USSR, inextricably linked with the figure of J.V. Stalin himself.It stands out for the achievements that we, the Russian people (in alliance with the rest of the peoples of the USSR) have achieved in all areas of human development.Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan III, Peter I - all of them forced the Russian people not only to respond to the challenge of the time, they forced them to mobilize and defend their right to independence. And even among them the personality of I.V. Stalin stands out sharply.The memory of national leaders is of a slightly different kind . We honor and honor them not so much for their personal achievements, but for the heights and victories that we ourselves, the people and the country, achieved under their leadership.We remember the latter for great achievements, military or peaceful exploits. We honor them for what they have done personally. The result of their deeds - here it is, next to us - a scientific discovery, a victory in battle, an immortal book or painting, or a heroic deed forever inscribed in the History of our Motherland.We are going to lay scarlet carnations because Stalin is our national leader. How do such personalities differ from historical figures, from scientists, generals, engineers, artists and writers?Some will ask why? Joseph Vissarionovich has been dead for a long time, the party created and led by him is no longer there, the country of which he was the head has been gone for almost a quarter of a century. These are all things of bygone days. Now there is a different country, different challenges, different reality.

12/21/2023 on the next anniversary of the birth of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, we call on everyone to honor the memory of the Leader by personally laying flowers at his grave at the Kremlin wall in Moscow and in memorial places in other cities of the USSR.

Under Stalin, the USSR developed at a pace unattainable for the world, making a breakthrough unprecedented in history in just 20 years, which made it possible to defeat the fascist reptile, which had gathered under its banner the economic and military potential of almost all of Europe. Under Stalin, the foundation was laid for our nuclear missile shield and a breakthrough into space. Under Stalin, the cult of knowledge and labor forced us to strive for science and make world discoveries and breakthroughs. Under Stalin, just two years after the war, cards were abolished and annual price reductions began. Under Stalin, our country and our people enjoyed worldwide recognition and respect.
It was under Stalin, on the ruins of the Reichstag, that we showed the whole world who the real supermen are!

That’s why his memory is so dear and we encourage everyone on December 21, 2021 to come and honor the great man by placing two scarlet carnations at the leader’s grave or other places in your area associated with his name.

Two Carnations Campaign for Comrade Stalin" will be held for the 27th time on the private initiative of a group of comrades.

The purpose of the action is to honor the memory of the Leader on December 21, 2023 by laying flowers at his grave on Red Square in Moscow. Anyone can take part independently or as part of our group.

For our comrades who live outside the Moscow region and are not able to take part in person - provide voluntary fundraising for the purchase of flowers, the purchase of flowers and their laying in Moscow on their behalf on Red Square at the grave of Comrade Stalin on December 21, 2023.

Details can be found on this page

The event must be coordinated with the authorities .


Sberbank card: 5336 6901 3535 0538
As of December 16, 2023, 20,222 rubles were collected

Fundraising will be stopped on December 20, 2023 - zinc

Photo report will be published after the event.
Repost is welcome.

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:39 pm

Comrade Stalin's birthday
December 21, 11:11


Comrade Stalin's birthday

Today is Comrade Stalin's birthday. After the start of the SVO, many more people began to understand what Comrade Stalin did and why, and to understand his motives, methods and goals much better.
It is also worth noting that many of those who poured slop on Comrade Stalin, by a happy coincidence, turned out to be collaborators who fled to Ukraine or the West, where their hatred of Stalin happily coincides with their hatred of Russia and Russians. Just like during the march of Europe united around Nazi Germany to the east.
We broke their back then, we will break them now.

Happy Birthday, Comrade Stalin!

PS. I’ll post a report from the 2nd Carnation action to Comrade Stalin as soon as the photos appear on the Internet.

2 carnations to Comrade Stalin. 12/21/2023
December 21, 16:42


As part of the annual campaign “2 carnations for Comrade Stalin,” scarlet carnations purchased at the expense of citizens were placed on Stalin’s grave near the Kremlin wall in honor of the birthday of the leader of nations.
The event, as usual, was agreed upon with the Kremlin commandant’s office. A total of 6,400 scarlet carnations were laid.


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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Fri Jan 12, 2024 2:56 pm

Rewrite the icon with Stalin
January 11, 21:49


In Georgia, local priests called for an “urgent rewrite” of the icon of Stalin with Matrona (made in 2008), with whom Stalin allegedly met during the Battle of Moscow.
Previously, Georgian priests quite calmly displayed the icon at home, but now, after acts of vandalism, they called for “historical authenticity.” They threaten that if those who donated the icon do not redraw it themselves, then they will take up the paints themselves.

Of course, there is not a single documentary evidence that Stalin ever met with Matrona, not to mention the feverish delirium about the flights of Moscow with icons during Operation Typhoon. These are already post-Soviet tales. Which, however, as part of the development of a bizarre branch of “Orthodox Stalinism” (in the second half of the 2000s, when a large-scale process of rehabilitation of Stalin in the public consciousness began in Russia), also gave rise to similar icons, from which the left laughed and the right babbled.

The icon itself with Stalin in the church had long ago turned into a meme that didn’t really bother anyone (those who wanted to believe in this story could believe in it, those who didn’t want to could laugh at it), which floated out in such a bizarre form during the next paroxysms Russophobia in Georgia, which in relation to Georgia is especially ironic, since Georgia has not given birth to a greater man than Stalin (although the Ossetians can present here, with their version that Stalin was not a Georgian, but an Ossetian) and it is not a fact that it will ever give birth sometime in the future.

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:14 pm

Monument to Stalin renovated in Gori
January 23, 20:49


Despite protests from the opposition, the monument to Stalin was renewed in Gori.
The authorities also refused to rename Stalin Avenue in Gori.
The opposition and Western NGOs have already thrown a hysteria about the “rebirth of totalitarianism” and “Stalinism” in Georgia. Although, where is modern Georgia, and where is “Stalinism”...

It is noteworthy that this is happening after recent attempts to rewrite the icon with a story about Stalin’s meeting with Matrona..

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:48 pm

Comrade Stalin on the division of Germany and German socialism
February 3, 15:27


An interesting historical document, where Comrade Stalin actually conveys to the leaders of the GDR that the division of Germany in connection with US policy has become inevitable and therefore it is necessary to create the security forces of the GDR and create an actual border. The motives of the United States described by Stalin are still relevant today. It is also noteworthy how Stalin whipped the leaders of the GDR for proposing equalization of wages. Plus interesting remarks about collective farms and kulaks in Germany.


April 7, 1952
Present: comrades Molotov, Malenkov, Bulganin, Semenov (SKK)

Comrade Stalin says that in a previous conversation, V. Pick raised the question of the prospects for the development of Germany, in connection with Soviet proposals for a peace treaty and the policies of the Americans and British in Germany. Comrade Stalin believes that no matter what proposals we make on the German question, the Western powers will not agree with them and still will not leave West Germany. To think that a compromise will be reached or that the Americans will accept the draft peace treaty would be a mistake. The Americans need an army in West Germany to control Western Europe. They say they have an army there against us. In fact, the purpose of their army is to hold Europe. The Americans will involve West Germany in the Atlantic Pact. They will create West German troops. Adenauer is in the pocket of the Americans. All former fascists and generals are the same. In fact, an independent state is being formed in West Germany. And you must organize your own state. The demarcation line between West and East Germany must be considered as a border - and not as a simple border, but as a dangerous border. We need to strengthen security at this border. The Germans will be on the first line of its protection, and we will put Russian troops on the second line of protection. Agents of Western powers roam too freely around the German Democratic Republic. They may take extreme measures and kill you or Comrade Chuikov. This must be taken into account. Therefore, it is necessary to have strong border security.

Then, continues Comrade. Stalin, - we want to restore the military commandant's offices. This is also a good thing against possible sabotage. Also, our troops must have adequate security. And you need this, you yourself will be stronger. Comrade Stalin asks if these proposals are suitable?

Comrade Peak says that this is very important.

Comrade Ulbricht agrees. He asks whether commandant's offices will be restored everywhere?

Comrade Stalin replies that he does not know this. Comrade Chuikov wants to restore the commandant’s office and allocates 3-4 thousand military personnel for this.

Comrade Peak says that this is very important and necessary.

Comrade Stalin says that we clarified the issue of arming the German police and came to the conclusion that the weapons should be Russian. Now the German police have old German weapons, for which there are no German cartridges. We need to either restore the production of ammunition, or we will sell you our weapons.

Comrade Ulbricht says that he agrees with this. But will all the weapons be sold? Starting with a revolver or starting with a machine gun?

Comrade Stalin says that all weapons. If your police are not armed, then what kind of police are they? You have the right to have armed police. Comrade Chuikov says that in addition to the regular police in the GDR there is a barracks police, i.e. troops. He asked for tanks and artillery for her. We agree. Think about it.

Comrade Stalin says that he has two questions. Last time here it turned out that in the GDR the ratio of wages of workers and engineering and technical personnel is 1: 1.7. This is completely wrong. This will ruin your entire industry. Perhaps you relied on the fact that Marx and Engels said during the Commune that an engineer should not receive more than a skilled worker. Maybe it was right then, but now it is absolutely wrong. An engineer is engaged in intellectual work. He must have an apartment, furnishings; he should not run for a piece of bread. The environment of his life should be such that a person working with intellectual work needs it. He needs to have a library, comfort, so that he can calmly read a book or write something. If you don’t do this, not only will your old engineers leave, but also your young ones will run away. In our country, an engineer earns two to three times more than a worker, and in some places even four times. Academicians receive 12 thousand rubles monthly. Without this it is impossible to work and improve. Therefore, old views on this matter must be discarded. Technology has become so complex compared to the times of the Commune that an engineer, and even a skilled worker, must study a lot to master this technology. An engineer must be able to constantly improve, read books, write - without this there is no engineer. The same applies to the army. Marx and Engels believed that a militia army was needed. And in the first years, we also considered only a militia army necessary. Life has shown that this is wrong. Now, in order to defend the country, we need a modern army with many specialists. A militia army is only good if the war is decided by a rifle. Now this old militia army must be discarded. Now it is not a manufacturing army that operates, but a machine army. Therefore, there must be people in the army who know cars.

Comrade Stalin says that he also heard that in the GDR skilled workers receive little more than unskilled workers.

Comrade Ulbricht says that they get more, but the difference is not enough. Therefore, it is intended to introduce tariff categories.

Comrade Stalin says that we had the same experience in the first years of Soviet power. Communes were created in factories, which included engineers and unskilled workers, who contributed their earnings into a common pot and divided everything equally. It was stupid. Skilled workers had no incentive to improve their skills and unskilled workers also had no incentive to rise to the level of skilled workers. Both of them lost. Then some people said that this approach to business was proletarian, socialist. But there is nothing proletarian or socialist in this. This is peasant egalitarianism. Any proletarian will tell you that if he receives more salary, he will qualify, but otherwise he will not. A skilled worker should earn much more than an ordinary worker, and an engineer much more than a skilled worker. Whatever the cost, it needs to be done. We've been doing things this way for 25 years now, and that's the only reason things are going well. There is a prospect for skilled workers, many of whom have passed the engineer exam and become good specialists. Peasant egalitarianism must be buried. Comrade Stalin asks if the German leaders agree with this and adds that this is a real Marxist approach.

Comrade Pik says that this is correct.

Comrade Stalin says that he has a second question. He, Stalin, understood that in the GDR there are no collective farms at all and that machine-rolling stations serve only private peasant farms.

Comrade Ulbricht confirms this and adds that we even prohibited the organization of collective farms where the peasants wanted it, so as not to interfere with the movement for German unity.

Comrade Stalin says that you are complaining about the kulaks. But what kind of tactic is this - complaining? The kulak must be surrounded and collective farms created around him. In our country, the organization of collective farms took place simultaneously with dispossession. You won't need this path. Let the fist sit there, don’t touch it.But besides the kulak, in your village there are poor people who live near the kulak. She needs to be involved in a production cooperative. How many poor farms will be included in the production cooperative - 5-10-15 - it does not matter. It is important that they get organized. Now the poor do not have cars, do not have enough seeds, and do not have the necessary knowledge and experience in farming. That's why she's doing poorly with her harvest. In this situation, the poor will go bankrupt and become unemployed. If you organize small collective farms and help them organize their economy, then the peasants will think about what is better - to go to a collective farm or live alone. There is good experience in Hungary, where good collective farms are organized, the kulaks are not touched, the collective farms were given cars; They are trying to raise the collective farm harvest. One cannot think that Hungarians are more capable people than Germans. You must do the same. It is necessary to provide production cooperatives with benefits, as we once had. It’s cheaper to give cars, help with seeds and advice. If you need instructors to organize collective farms, we will give them to you. Of course, if a bloc of parties objects to this, then that’s a different matter. But the bloc cannot object if the peasants want to organize production cooperation and if you help the peasants in this. What's wrong with that? You will see for yourself that the peasants will go to visit these collective farms and see how life turns out in a new way. I noticed, says Comrade Stalin, that you do not value the peasants in your policy. This is an old Social Democratic prejudice against the peasantry. If this is true, then this situation must end. Comrade Stalin asks the German comrades whether they need peasants? Do they give them food? But if peasants are needed, then it is necessary to have a basis for an alliance with the peasantry.

Comrade Peak says that when land reform was carried out in the GDR, the enemies campaigned that we wanted to create collective farms. The peasants had a strong prejudice against collective farms, so we were afraid to raise the question of collective farms. We now have in the countryside an association of peasant mutual aid and trade cooperation. This contains the principle of cooperation. It may now be appropriate to pose this question on a broader basis.

Comrade Stalin says that it is necessary to create production cooperatives in the villages and call them that. This will only be a plus. You will have a strong support among the peasants. Hungary is doing very well with this. And you could have done this a long time ago. One must not remain silent against any agitation, but counter-agitate. You can say that the poor peasantry wants to join production cooperatives and that the government is helping them to do so.

Comrade Pik says that this is good.

Comrade Stalin notes that cooperatives should be given benefits - selling cars cheaper, helping with seeds for the first two years, and then they will get stronger. So, is this possible?

Comrade Ulbricht says it is possible. This will make things easier for us in the village.

Comrade Stalin says, “of course, you will have your own base in the village.” Don’t force anyone there - if they want, that’s fine, if they don’t want to, don’t. The peasants themselves will join production cooperatives. It would be possible to send good people from the urban unemployed to organize such cooperatives in the countryside. Comrade Stalin says that in the Soviet Union we got rid of unemployment for two reasons - because we are expanding production and because the peasants settled on the land. Previously, every year 23-25 ​​million hungry peasants from the countryside came to Russian cities and drove down the price of labor. Now this is no longer the case, since the peasants are interested in working in the countryside. Now there are no unemployed in the USSR and the problem is that there are not enough workers. We mobilize young peasants and send them to industry. So we beat unemployment from both ends. There is no need to skimp on helping collective farms. It will pay off later. Then you will have an alliance of workers and peasants. And without peasants, it is difficult for workers alone to survive. You need help from the peasants.

Comrade Ulbricht says that this has its consequences. Until now, we have said in the GDR that we stand for a democratic Germany and have not carried out a number of measures that need to be taken in the development towards socialism: We have also never said that we are moving towards socialism.

Comrade Stalin says that this was correct.

Comrade Ulbricht asks whether, after a deep split in Germany, we should continue such previous tactics?

Comrade Stalin says that there is no need to shout about socialism even now. But production cooperatives are pieces of socialism. People's enterprises are the same as socialism.

Comrade Ulbricht says that until now we have not talked about this and have not indicated that people's enterprises are socialist. We slightly disguised the social relations that arose in the GDR.

Comrade Stalin says that this mask helped you not to intimidate the middle strata of West Germany. But if it didn’t exist, then maybe you would attract the lower strata more strongly to you. The workers will be happy to know that you are nationalizing industry. Otherwise they will say that you have the same government as the one in Bonn. We can say that in the GDR the industry is popular, nationalized, but in West Germany there are individual capitalists - millionaires who own industry. Here we need to maneuver - on the one hand, we should not scare off the middle strata, but we should not offend the workers of the West either. We sell you our joint stock companies. It will be important for workers in Germany to know that nationalized industry is thus being increased. The workers will be very happy about this.Of course, we need to maneuver and disguise ourselves in relation to the middle layers. If you say that you have state industry, it means that the enterprises are not in the hands of robber capitalists, but in the hands of the entire people. But you yourself should know that this is socialist production. Production cooperatives in the countryside are also pieces of socialism. There is no need to shout about this. When things are going well in the production cooperatives, all the peasants will see the benefits and strength of the cooperatives, then after that the peasants will turn to the workers. But for now there is no need to shout about it, because... You don’t have collective farms in your pocket yet. In my opinion, you should start this business. Although two states are being created in Germany, there is no point in shouting about socialism yet. These farms should not be called collective farms yet, but rather production cooperatives.

Comrade Peak says that the issue of industrial cooperation must be seriously discussed and clarity on this issue must be brought to the party.

Comrade Stalin says, first build several collective farms, and then discuss it in the party. You have no material to discuss right now. Laughing, Comrade Stalin notes that first there was action, and then the word.

Comrade Ulbricht asks what experience have people's democracies had? Wouldn't it be more advisable to start building production cooperatives after the harvest?

Comrade Stalin says that peasants usually build houses in winter. After the harvest, you can talk to the peasants about creating production cooperatives.

Comrade Peak says that the workers ask us, what is the social system in the GDR? What is socialism? So far we have avoided answering this question, but the workers remained dissatisfied.

Comrade Stalin says that we must tell our workers that we have entered socialism. This is still incomplete socialism, because... You have many private capitalists. But this is the beginning of socialism, a piece of socialism, the road to socialism. You must show that you are closer to the workers than the Adenauer government.

Comrade Stalin asks which body is superior to you - the Secretariat or the Politburo?

Comrade Pik replies that there were ambiguities on this issue in the SED, although according to the SED charter, the Politburo is superior to the Secretariat. Comrade talked to us here. Pegov from the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and he well explained the methods of work and brought clarity. In addition, we talked here with Kuznetsov, Romanov and Mikhailov on issues of pre-conscription military training.

Comrade Stalin says that you may need instructors for the construction of collective farms. It would be possible to call instructors from Hungary or Poland.

Comrade Malenkov notes that they will be less authoritative for the German peasants than the Soviet people.

Comrade Stalin says that we will provide 1-2 instructors. Just don’t carry out dispossession at the same time as collectivization. You can leave your fists alone for now.

Comrade Ulbricht says that we do not need to touch them, because... Once production cooperatives are organized, some of the kulaks will immediately defect to the West.

Comrade Stalin says, what's wrong with that? You will take their land. In Poland, some of the kulaks sold their land and are now engaged in the carriage trade. Comrade Stalin asks if there are state farms in the GDR?

Comrade Ulbricht answers in the affirmative and adds that state farms account for about 5 percent of the entire sown area of ​​the GDR.

Comrade Stalin asks, do they work well?

Comrade Ulbricht says that it is not very good.

Comrade Semenov gives information that the yield of people's estates in the GDR is significantly higher than the yield of peasant fields. But people's estates, as a rule, are unprofitable and receive subsidies from the state.

Comrade Stalin says that some people's estates can be transferred to peasants if they do not work well. We, in the Soviet Union, initially had difficulties establishing the work of state farms. Then we transferred part of the state farms to the peasants and the farm became profitable. To provide for the workers of state farms, we began to allocate plots of land to them and they began to work better and settled firmly on the land.

Comrade Stalin asks whether the German comrades received a rolling mill?

Comrade Grotewohl replies that the money for the purchase of the mill has been transferred, but they cannot yet say definitely about the purchase of the mill.

Comrade Stalin asks if they hope to get the camp?

Comrade Grotewohl answers in the affirmative and says that they have given appropriate instructions.

Comrade Stalin notes that in the Soviet Union they make such mills and, in general, all the necessary equipment, however, the factories are overloaded with orders.

Comrade Stalin asks whether iron ore has been found in new places in the GDR?

Comrade Ulbricht replies that the GDR has low-grade ore with about 20% iron content.

Comrade Stalin says that it must be mixed with good ore. Before the war, the Germans did not refuse such ore, which had 5%.

Comrade Ulbricht says that special low mines for low-grade ore have been built in the GDR.

Comrade Stalin says that such ore must be mixed with good ore. The Poles take Krivoy Rog ore from us and mix it 50% with their low-grade ore. The Germans took ore from us even under Hitler. We recently discovered good ore in Siberia containing 60% iron. But this field is located very far from the railway.

Comrade Ulbricht says that they have one more request. We have already communicated that we want to create a CNG program. We will try to speed up the development of this program and publish it before the ban on CNG. We ask that Comrade Stalin and the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks look at our project and help us develop the program.

Comrade Stalin agrees.

Comrade Grotewohl says that in assessing the situation in West Germany and US policy, they completely agree with the opinion of Comrade. Stalin. He, Grotewohl, would like to ask whether Comrade. Stalin that at the moment it is necessary to make changes to our argumentation on issues of German unity and to the official point of view of the GDR government on the issue of restoring German unity.

Comrade Stalin answers negatively. We must continue to promote German unity all the time. This is of great importance for the education of the people in West Germany. Now this weapon is in your hands, you must hold it in your hands at all times. We will also continue to make proposals on issues of German unity in order to expose the Americans.

Comrade Grotewohl asks Comrade Stalin for an additional sale to the GDR of 8,000 tons of long-fiber cotton.

Comrade Stalin agrees and offers to talk about this with Comrade. Malenkov.

Archive - RGASPI. F. 558. Op. 11. D. 303. L. 179-187 - zinc
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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