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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:54 pm

Nov 2, 2023 , 4:35 pm .

US soldiers provide air support to joint parachute operations during Tradewinds 2021 (Photo: US Southern Command)

The oil and gas discoveries in the disputed waters between Venezuela and Guyana coincide with the intensification of military tension by the second country under the influence of the United States.

These waters, over which Guyana is illegally managing the drilling of oil wells and for which Venezuela requests a fair resolution through the provisions of the 1966 Geneva Agreement, have become a focus point of increasing relevance for Washington. , which explains the military alliance sponsored by the Southern Command. In this context, the North American military entity assumes the direction of threats and bellicose tactics through Guyana.

Since 2015, the Cooperative Republic of Guyana has been participating in military exercises known as "Tradewinds", sponsored by the Southern Command with the aim of consolidating US supremacy in this region of the Caribbean Sea.

Previously, in 2012, Southern Command participated in Exercise Fused Response in Guyana . This exercise involved the collaboration of the United States Special Operations Command and the Guyana Defense Forces. The Fused Response constitutes an annual exercise of a multinational nature that involves forces from the United States and other allied countries. On this occasion, approximately 350 US military personnel joined approximately 125 personnel from the Guyanese armed forces.

Guyana has also participated in various editions of UNITAS, including this year's edition , which was held in Cartagenas de India and other parts of the Atlantic coast of Colombia.

As for the Tradewinds, Guyana has hosted these military exercises on two occasions. In 2021, the Southern Command provided training to Guyana's military and police forces in strategic locations, such as Camp Stephenson, located at the mouth of the Demerara River; Ayanganna Field, south of Georgetown; and Makouria Island in the Essequibo River.

An example that illustrates the bellicose nature of these exercises was the suggestive image of the United States ambassador at the time, Sara-Ann Lynch, participating in target shooting exercises during the maneuvers.

Former US Ambassador to Guyana Sarah-Ann Lynch receives shooting instructions from a US soldier during Tradewinds 2021 (Photo: US Southern Command)

Former US Ambassador to Guyana Sarah-Ann Lynch receives shooting instructions from a US soldier during Tradewinds 2021 (Photo: US Southern Command)
Earlier that year, the Acquisition and Cross-Service Agreement was signed between the United States Department of Defense and the Guyana Defense Force. The stated objective of this agreement is to promote interoperability and logistical cooperation between both parties, with the purpose of increasing the preparation and effectiveness of their armed forces.

On the occasion of this event, the then head of the Southern Command, Craig Faller, spent three days in Guyana, where he also supervised the joint maritime surveillance maneuvers carried out by both nations within the framework of the Shiprider Agreement, signed by Guyana and Washington during a trip by former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, during the Trump era. This agreement was part of the international campaign of harassment against Venezuela, under the pretext of the fight against transnational criminal organizations. The Shiprider Agreements allow joint maritime and air patrols to intercept illegal activities.

These maneuvers were developed with a provocative act against Venezuela that was denounced by the government of President Nicolás Maduro: the location of a United States coast guard ship positioned on the coast of Guyana, near the jurisdictional waters of Venezuela.

In his speech celebrating the procurement and cross-service agreement, Faller offered insight into how his government views cooperation with Guyana. He highlighted the active participation of Guyanese officers in military training and education programs offered by the United States.

In addition, he highlighted the collaboration between Guyana and the Florida National Guard, as well as Guyanese participation in multinational exercises such as Tradewinds. He also emphasized collaboration on maritime security issues, such as joint patrols in maritime waters and airspace.

The joint military patrols on the disputed border with Venezuela, carried out by the United States and Guyana, were announced by Mike Pompeo, during his official visit to this country in 2020. According to his statements, the purpose of these joint maritime patrols would be " drug interdiction" and strengthening security in Guyana. However, in reality, this decision was made in the context of a significant increase in oil exploration in the territorial waters of the Essequibo strip by ExxonMobil, in the Stabroek block.

The actions led by the current head of the Southern Command, General Laura Richardson, show that the Biden Administration has not decreased the pace of the previous government's siege of Venezuela and the Essequibo. During his four-day visit to Guyana and Suriname in 2022, Richardson met with senior Guyanese leaders to reaffirm US support for the security partnership with this nation.

Confirmation that the Southern Command is the main actor in diplomatic relations between the United States and Guyana is crystallized with the reception of the US ambassador to Guyana, Nicole Theriot, upon her arrival in the country. The relevance of the fact that this welcome was managed by Richardson and not by the State Department underlines the preeminence of the military over the diplomatic in the interaction between both countries.

In any case, it is about the militarization of US diplomacy in the Caribbean basin, in a region where there is a territorial dispute over the Delta and Guyana Esequiba, which they are trying to steal de facto and de jure with Georgetwon as a dolphin.

In a span of just two years, Guyana once again hosted the Tradewinds , this time in 2023. The opening ceremony took place on July 15 at Camp Ayanganna. On this occasion, around 1,500 military personnel from 21 countries, including three European nations (France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom), gathered in Guyana to carry out various activities on land, air, sea and cyberspace, distributed in different locations in the country, many of them along the Essequibo River.

Guyana does not stand out for its military capacity. According to an article in Foreign Police , Venezuela's Bolivarian National Armed Forces outnumber Guyanese forces by more than a hundred times. This article also highlights the growing relevance of energy resources in the disputed area, in the context of the war in Ukraine and the increase in hydrocarbon prices, which sparks greater interest on the part of US and US multinational companies. Europeans in our region.

In 2022, the government of Guyana carried out the International Licensing Round , a process aimed at identifying companies qualified to operate in the exploitation of oil in the disputed region illegally, completely breaking the provisions of the Geneva Agreement.

Several companies eligible to advance in said process were identified. In addition to ExxonMobil, this list includes American companies such as Hess Corporation and Liberty Petroleum Corporation, as well as the French company TotalEnergies. Exxon has the majority of control of the Stabroek block, where it is still exploring and extracting oil, marketing it to the United States, and is the big winner of the Guyanese concessions.

Given that Guyana lacks a large army and sufficient resources to address the territorial issue in dispute with Venezuela, the interest of the United States in providing training and military support in order to safeguard the security of its investments, as well as the of its European allies in said geographical area.

This, in turn, gives rise to the argument that Washington is seeking a proxy conflict through Guyana, especially considering the more conciliatory stance of the Colombian government under Gustavo Petro in relation to Venezuela.

Guyana is acting as a Southern Command military enclave in a region crucial to protecting American corporate interests, while maintaining Washington's influence at the regional level. ... del-caribe

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Thu Nov 09, 2023 3:06 pm


Image The Cayapo

Nov 7, 2023 , 10:57 am .

Why don't Arab elites cut off oil and gas supplies to Israel? (Photo: El Cayapo)]

"War is not simply a political act, but also a real political instrument, a continuation of political commerce, a realization of it by other means"

Carl Von Clausewitz.

"The end justifies the means"

Niccolò Machiavelli

Trickster, thug, pran, thug, robber, rapist, fascinating, perverse, bloodthirsty, impious, cruel, butcher, executioner, punitive, uxoricidal, matricide, parricide, genocidal, infanticide, fratricidal, murderer, gangster, scoundrel, scoundrel, crook, convict, punished, galley slave, condemned, prosecuted, forced, transgressor, miscreant, bandit, outlaw, malefactor, criminal bandit, contravener, murderer, convict, offender, contravener, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, evil, immoral, shameful, unethical, incorrect, guilty, reprehensible, reprehensible, smuggler, outlaw, blackmailer, kidnapper, scammer, pirate, unprincipled, pedophile, pedophile, unscrupulous, villain, criminal, thief, guilty, evil, offender, perpetrator, aggressor, gallows bird , offender, transgressor, intruder, villain, gangster, thug, hooligan, gangster, executioner, gun, gunman, hitman, triggerman.

If we put together all these words, nicknames, nicknames, and liquefied them, the concentrated paste would not contain, would not represent the atrocity, the true essence, the substance of the acts, of the criminal and terrifying acts that capitalism and its humanist owners commit against the world.

According to the hypocrisy of international diplomacy, at no time, place or against any person, in the name of any ideology, religion, party or interest, according to such laws, conventions, agreements, is no State authorized to commit such outrages, against anyone in the name of no one, but the powerful owners do, because their interests are above all law, precept, convention, moral pruritus, ethical posture, which are made to serve the owners against the slaves. Hundreds of invasions, massacres, genocides, ethnocides, assassinations have been carried out against people in all territories of the world, including Europe and the United States in order to protect and expand the interests of capitalism. And it is not true that, beyond the farcical voice, measures have been taken to protect the towns from the crimes of these pirates.

To show a button: recently the icing of Luis Leonardo Almagro Lemes has given low statements against Venezuela, when all of them know that the Guyanese elites for crumbs lend themselves to validating, at the expense of their own interests, the theft and looting that the oil companies want to do to our country. And it's all because of the energy that drives capitalism.

Here we can add officials from the UN, OAS, different NGOs and all the organizations that in the world talk about human rights, freedom, progress, democracy, justice. Caterva of hypocritical salaried people, cowed believers who live in the comfort of their positions without giving a damn about life, because ultimately they share the human principles that what is important is the end, the achievement of that soft armchair far from all pestilence and all war suffered by a child, a woman, a jungle or a destroyed river, to build that comfort for the very feuding officials accustomed to lying, because they live off of it. Like those who vote to condemn the blockade against Cuba but who do not lift a finger to make it happen and everyone celebrates hypocritically.

As in the story "Tremendo Guaguancó", which fits well like a fishbone in the throat of those bugs:

"At the conference for the solution of all the problems of the third world countries, convened as a matter of urgency, the presidents of all the formerly constituted republics, formally appeared dressed in their occasion frocks in the hall of the fourteen suns .

"Everyone in perfect formation and with a neat respect for the established protocol, they hugged each other seriously, until an hour later, when the photographers' fingers and eyelids hurt from shooting and focusing images that the next day would be projected to all corners of the planet as a palpable demonstration of the great effort made by the ruling counterparts.

"Once seated, they asked their respective masters of ceremony to pass them a couple of tears placed on a very shiny plate that was brought especially for the event from St. Peter's Basilica, lent by the Pope, who with this gesture wanted to show that he was willing to collaborate in solving problems.

"Once the formality of the ceremony was completed, the presidents put tears in both eyes and all cried in unison for the people governed by each of the other presidents, until they were tired of offering statements to the press about the goodness of the governments they each one of them presided, they went to another room where they toasted, austerely, with a million bottles of the best whiskey, and thirty-eight gandolas of Pasapalos brought from different parts of the earth, as a contribution from the peoples of the third world to its selfless rulers who conversed happily until dawn."

Big capital today is very concerned because the low prices of the energy that moves them are in danger, because capital works with the maxim of lower investment/higher profit, and that is what explains these actions in the Middle East, not anything else. . The rest are ideological justifications, whether Isaiah's prophecy or the predestination of the Hebrew people: pure straw. They don't give a damn whether the dead are Jews or Palestinians; The raw and real truth is the economy, as someone once said, and murdering children as a commodity that burns benefits big capital because it reduces its future costs.

These murderers of Arabs, and we say Arabs and not just Palestinians because we must not forget that if today it is Palestine in the public arena of crime, before that they were and continue to be Sahrawis, Algerians, Libyans, Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Egyptians, Lebanese , Jordanians, Yemenis and the other Arab and non-Arab peoples who are constantly in the crosshairs of these primed criminals who care only about their economic interests. These murderers and thieves are not new, they have been formed since ancient times; They are the same ones who in reality exterminated the North American cultures that inhabited these lands, they are the same ones who exterminated South America and its cultures, those who destroyed Africa and invaded Asia.

Let's be clear: the owners of capital care nothing at all - less than a damn - about this species, whether we are white, black, Indian, native, Asian, Shiite, Sunni, Yemeni, Arab, Kurdish, Ukrainian, Russian, African , Yanomami or Guaraos. For them we are all merchandise that is used and discarded in a thousand ways. The installation of a barracks with all the toys in the Middle East in 1948 was not to save or protect Jews or Hebrews, they are still cannon fodder for the owners, only ideologized, since they have been made to believe that they are a chosen people. Yes, it is true, chosen by the owners to use them against other peoples and justify permanent massacres and robberies in the name of big capital. Supranational entity that, when they already knew of the existence of enormous oil resources, with this warrior enclave, fundamentally seeks to keep the entire Middle East in chaos and destroy the Palestinian population in order to cover the entire territory that goes from the sea to the desert and allows it harass all countries in the name of their biblical borders, that is, lying.

This militaristic action of dispossession and crime was accompanied by a propaganda diarrhea of ​​millions of books, magazines, churches, congresses, talks, conferences, seminars, books, videos, pamphlets, documentaries, films, foundations on the Holocaust and God's chosen people. sacrificed. In this propaganda directed by Zionism, there is a detail that is never mentioned: in that holocaust promoted by the same transnational corporations that today promote the Israeli barracks, 68 million people of different religions, creeds, parties, ideologies and peoples died, but carefully with tweezers were extracted only 6 million because there was no room for anyone else in the propaganda; Fuck black people, women, children, Russians, Poles, Romanians, Germans, communists, they are not fit to embody the role in the film to spread the message.

An advertisement was carefully crafted in which white people arriving from Europe and the United States to Israel were well dressed, neat, with an air of heavenly wisdom, never an American Jacob telling a Palestinian woman: "Let me rob you, otherwise It's me, it will be someone else." Gamonales and thieves, looters and criminals, murderers of children, while the Arabs have always been sold to us as a group of poorly dressed murderers, full of sand, brutes, with the faces of criminals, in the style of Lombroso, incapable of stringing words together, always riding their camels, paying homage to Sir Lawrence of Arabia.

Can we believe now, in the face of the new massacre of children directed by Herod Netanyahu, that the Israeli leadership made a mistake, did not take care of the forms, or forgot that they were the neat diplomats, speaking slowly, typical of those who hold the power of the wisdom. It may occur to anyone in their right mind that is moderately informed that this is a manipulation by those who run the barracks, and even by those who from the United States government give orders as regents of the barracks, or in short we will realize that the owners are They are in a hurry and they already know that this barracks was stuck in fulfilling its task and must be dismantled and the owners, via direct operators, direct the actions, because Israel is no longer the barracks but has become, due to the force of habit and its routine, in a State with the functions of a State and the mafia interests that surround the State, and it no longer fulfills the objective of dismembering the Middle East, but rather the internal mafias fight for their own petty interests contravening the interests of their real owners.

This whole massacre goes beyond the traditional, of soldiers playing soccer with children's heads from time to time, or a massacre here and another there, and now the owners, with the situation of economic avalanche in China, with the Russia's potential, with Iranian strength, decided that it is urgent to anarchize the Middle East and Israel can no longer make those decisions directly. This is the real reason why we see how 4,000 children are murdered in front of the entire world without respecting manners, and how officials of international organizations, be it the UN, the OAS, the International Court of Justice, human rights and the entire group of officials at the service of big capital shamelessly remain silent or dedicate themselves to confusing, when not, impudently being with the owners of the world who subject us all. It is not surprising that Netanyahu's government falls and with it they wash the face of the murderers, while the political and diplomatic elites of the world return to their relations, taking care not to tell the Zionists and the owners of the world that they are a bunch. of outlaws against the world.

With the debacle of religious power and absolutism in the West, religion becomes just another business, a private company, a public limited company. Power is structured from another perspective, much more complex, but manageable by the humanist concept, because it is detached from ideological reasons and obligations and the administration of power begins without justifications. "The end justifies the means": what had been so hidden in past centuries, starting with humanism, begins to be practiced without moral attacks. There is no longer a need to repeat the martingale that killing infidels was not a sin, but rather a direct ticket to heaven; Now there is nothing to justify, because the loot itself evidences the atrocities of war, politics or diplomacy.

Now it's free will. No deity deposits in the almighty owner, soul or spirit. It is knowledge, wealth and weapons that allow power to be exercised without any restrictions. Since then, Manifest Destiny, the extermination of the inhabitants in Asia, Africa and America, the punitive invasions, the imposition of the Western civilization model on the entire world from north to south and from east to west, is totally justified.

But why are they murdering more than 8 thousand people, including 4 thousand children, in Gaza? The reason is economic, money, accumulation of power. The largest oil and gas producers in the world maintain strategic relations with China, the largest industrial power in the world and the second largest in trade. We talk about Iran and Russia.

The owners of controlled chaos need to draw up a trade route that has its own gas station in the Middle East to compete against the Belt and Road already being developed by the Chinese, which goes from China to Europe, passing through the entire Middle East, without pass through the Suez Canal. But these plans are not new, they are just unfolding now. These plans have to do with the submission to Europe by big capital to prevent Russia, Iran and China from controlling that market. It cuts off their energy supply, which is what drives capitalism. This explains the war in Ukraine: zero gas pipeline from Russia to Europe. It also explains the blowing up of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline on September 26, 2022 and, of course, who destroyed it, but there is still more like in the propaganda.

An immense gas field, called Leviathan by the Israelites, has been discovered in Gaza. If we see the route traced by the Israeli invasion attack on the map of Gaza, we realize that it is a straight line to the coast where Leviathan is located; For the Israeli headquarters that is an immense opportunity to get out of the quagmire, eliminating the ports of Lebanon, already blown up, and explains those involved and their interests and the war against Syria, which has already left almost all the oil fields in the hands of the transnational oil companies. of Syria, and keep Latakia, the main seaport in Syria, located on the Mediterranean Sea in the city of Latakia, in chaos. And all that would be left was Leviathan to explode. The port of Haifa, the largest of Israel's three major international seaports.

Is it cheap or not to kill 8 thousand people, including four thousand children? Let us always remember that the maxim of capital is to invest little and earn a lot. Everything else is straw talk and justifications from employees who miserably lend themselves to validating these crimes.

Energy is what moves the world, the capitalist industrial apparatus consumes 87% of this energy. Do the owners of capitalism rule or not? Why don't Arab elites cut off oil and gas supplies to Israel?

Condemn me / for the genocide holocaust / carried out by the state, Israeli barracks, racist transnational corporation / in the name of the interests of its owners, big capital, / against the Arab peoples. / I am the only one to blame / for my ambition / for my desire for profit / for my excessive power / for my selfishness / for my insensitivity / for my unbridled consumerism / for being a believer / for being ignorant / for being hungry / for fear / for not having a active tear / for not responding with an open heart / for not daring to say now! / for not being a kiss and a hug / for blaming others / for damn it / not having hurt anyone / but hypocritically / when I'm interested in fattening my pockets. / I am, rest assured, / for that and much more / the only one guilty of this crime / in the middle of the street / in front of everyone / without any shame. / No one puts forward arguments / too much. / The evidence condemns me.

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:52 pm

Nov 15, 2023 , 7:35 am .

President Nicolás Maduro held a meeting with the Venezuelan diplomatic corps accredited abroad (Photo: Presidential Press)

As part of the national agenda for the protection of the territorial integrity of the State, President Nicolás Maduro addressed the diplomatic corps of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela accredited abroad, and the Group of Friends, to discuss the importance of the consultative referendum on the historical rights of Guayana Esequiba.

Through a videoconference from the Miraflores Palace in Caracas, President Maduro reaffirmed the country's territorial sovereignty in this area. He stressed that Guyana has repeatedly violated the Geneva Agreement, signed in 1966, and that it is essential for Venezuela to defend its historic rights in this region.

He argued the fundamental factor that the referendum, which will take place on December 3, is crucial so that the Venezuelan people can express their support for the border claim.

The Head of State gave a historical review of the battle that Venezuela has been fighting for its right to exist for centuries. He highlighted that the 21st century has been a period of rebirth for his nation, although to get there it was necessary to face not a few or simple obstacles. In particular, he noted that the country has had to fight against the British Empire's attempted dispossession of its territory.

He highlighted that, even before the existence of the Republic, Venezuela suffered more than 300 years of European colonization, which resulted in the destruction of indigenous peoples and the genocide of more than 80 million people.

"They brought 50 million African grandfathers and grandmothers, kidnapped and installed as slaves by Portugal and the British Empire. They left us their culture and strength. The empires shared rivers, seas, people, territories and wealth, in turn they created 'legal' instruments. ', for example, papal edicts to hand over to the empires everything taken from the people.

The path to Venezuela's independence was the result of the struggle of various social groups that opposed Spanish rule, said President Maduro. In 1810, the union between inhabitants of Zambo, mestizo and Creole origin led to an uprising that finally achieved the conquest of freedom in 1811. However, the first Republic founded that same year failed to maintain itself due to its internal weaknesses.

From now on, the meeting between the Liberator Simón Bolívar and the Haitian president Alejandro Petion is important, where the former presented a detailed report with the objective of creating the Republic of Colombia, whose origin should be the Orinoco region. The first national leader highlighted Bolívar's determination to unite his forces with those of Páez in the Llano, a fact that began a series of important battles that led to the liberation of Venezuela and other countries in the region.

That period also contains the first signs of Venezuela's relationship as a Republic with the British Empire. The president related that in 1825 the Anglo-Saxon State recognized the eastern limits of Venezuela within Greater Colombia, establishing Essequibo as a border. The GranColumbian union did not last long. The country had to face the fading of Bolívar's project and then the betrayal and dispossession by José Antonio Páez, which led to the reorganization and uprising of the population under the leadership of General Ezequiel Zamora, in search of justice.

"The dispossession and national war were established in 1859 after the crime against Zamora. Then a blood of great lineage emerged, blue blood, with surnames and ancestry, which offered Venezuela to the British Empire to convert it into a protectorate."

President Maduro mentioned that, after the recognition of Guayana Esequiba within Venezuelan territory by the British Empire in 1825, the fraudulent delimitation of Venezuelan property over this space arose through the Schomburgk Line in 1841.

The Monroe Doctrine, a political concept introduced by the United States to reaffirm its power and influence in the region, played a crucial role in the enclosing of the aforementioned territory, the President recalled in his speech. At a time when the Venezuelan government lacked armed forces and was in a vulnerable position, it turned to the support of the United States to safeguard its security and stability.

This turned out to be a strategy by Washington to achieve its own objectives, after secretly making an agreement with the United Kingdom. In 1897 an arbitration court was established with the promise of justice but, in reality and as a consequence, the Paris Arbitration Award of 1899 brought with it amputation on Venezuela.

"From President Isaías Medina Angarita onwards, Venezuela's position to this day has been unique. We do not accept any instance to resolve the controversy."

The Geneva Agreement of 1966 was a significant step towards resolving the dispute over Guyana Essequiba. This agreement, signed within the framework of the UN, established the legal bases to address the controversy in a peaceful and diplomatic manner. By recognizing the existence of a difference and the need for a fair solution for all parties involved, the foundations for future negotiations and diplomatic approaches were laid.

Guyana's independence was later proclaimed. On May 26, 1966, Venezuela greeted and recognized the new independent State, but also recorded in writing its legal caution regarding the territorial dispute.

"Venezuela recognized the independence and existence of the State and reserves the entire territory of Guayana Esequiba. This does not imply renunciation of territory or sovereignty. Therefore, Venezuela recognizes Guyana the territory located east of the right bank of the Essequibo River."

Over almost five decades, Venezuela and Guyana faced the challenge of finding a practical solution to the problem. In 1966, under the presidency of Rafael Caldera, it was decided to pause the negotiations for 12 years, as established in the Port of Spain Protocol. However, in the 1980s, the issue became even more contentious and proposals arose to take control of Guayana Esequiba.

After an intense debate, President Maduro explained, it was agreed to use the UN Good Offices mechanism, through which Venezuela and Guyana would seek mediation from a third party. This approach was maintained during the presidency of Hugo Chávez.

In 2010, Guyana's abusive attempt to appropriate the maritime platform generated regional tension that required the intervention of the Caribbean countries. Through intense negotiations, a dialogue table was established in which it was made clear to Guyana that it lacked the authority to dispose of that maritime space.

President Maduro recounted how a point of agreement was reached according to which Guyana accepted that it did not have absolute competence to dispose of those seas and its right to sovereignty and delimitation of its maritime borders was recognized. This resolution was reflected in a joint statement between the two countries, which highlighted the historical level of their bilateral relations and the ties that united them.

After these episodes came the period of conspiracy against Venezuela, starting in 2015. The successive secretaries general of the UN, completely ignoring the Geneva Agreement and defying the basic principles of diplomacy, chose to hand the case over to the International Court of Justice. Justice (ICJ). This measure caused a drastic change in the regional panorama because the Southern Command assumed control of Guyana and opened ExxonMobil its dominance in the area by introducing numerous ships without any restrictions, said the Head of State.

"Venezuela does not recognize the International Court of Justice to settle the controversy. We have asked Caricom to carry out positive diplomatic work in this regard. The most abusive and illegal thing is that Guyana gave a license to ExxonMobil and oil blocks in the sea to be delimited."

The objective of the legal presentation before the ICJ, promoted by the transnational company Exxon Mobil, is to apply to Venezuela a form of judicial colonialism that President Nicolás Maduro describes as "gunboat diplomacy." This position seeks to deny the political and civil rights of the Venezuelan people, which represents an unprecedented political, diplomatic and legal action.

In this sense, the consultative referendum inaugurates a new stage. Regarding this, President Maduro highlighted that the country has numerous legal and historical research elements that support its position in defense of Essequibo, and that the entire country is united in this matter and claims its sovereignty over the territory.

"Venezuela has a legitimate government, 49 thousand communal councils and a strengthened Armed Forces," he said.

After carrying out a detailed historical analysis to explain the events that led to the call of a referendum by the National Assembly, President Maduro asked the ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives of Venezuela, as well as the social and political movements, to convey this message: Venezuela is being threatened and attacked, it is the object of external attacks.

However, the State has made the right decision by calling a national consultation, following the procedures established in the Constitution, as a means to avoid a conflict that is being attempted to be imposed from outside.

President Maduro concluded his speech by stating that it is essential that the firm progress that Venezuelans are making in their efforts to reach a peaceful and consensual solution that affirms the nation's sovereignty over Guayana Esequiba be disseminated internationally. ... l-esequibo

Nov 17, 2023 , 3:56 pm .

Departure of GDFS Berbice (1039) from the US shipyard construction bed (Photo: Metal Shark Boats)

The government of Guyana continues in its process of militarization of the country supported by the United States, which through oil companies seeks to appropriate the energy resources of the region.

The Guyanese press recently reported that an "induction ceremony" into the Coast Guard of the ship GDFS Berbice (1039) was held after its arrival in the country. The vessel built by Metal Shark Boats set sail from its facilities in Louisiana, United States, to Guyana on October 30.

According to the Guyanese government, this incorporation is due to a plan to "reinforce" security. However, everything indicates that this is a plan by the United States to protect its energy companies.

This movement occurs just at a time when Venezuela is claiming its legitimate right to the Essequibo territory. Contrary to the search for binational Venezuelan-Guyanese dialogue promoted by the government of President Nicolás Maduro, Georgetown appeals to militarization as a way to escalate the conflict. ... da-de-eeuu

Sair Sira

Nov 14, 2023 , 7:41 am .

Brigadier Mark Phillips, Prime Minister of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana (Photo: File)

On Tuesday, November 7, 2023, while the Act of National Union in Defense of Guayana Esequiba was taking place in Caracas , which brought together a plurality of political, economic, social, cultural and intellectual actors who live in Venezuela, it was known through from President Nicolás Maduro a statement from the Prime Minister of Guyana, Brigadier Mark Phillips, in which, among other things, he assured that "the time for negotiation is over."

In a context characterized by the increase in the presence of the Southern Command (SouthCom) in the region through the deepening of “military cooperation” with Guyana and which is opportunely being denounced by the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry , as well as by the non-observance of the transnational energy companies such as ExxonMobil from the dispute that remains over the territory of Essequibo, the statements of the second most important authority within the Guyanese executive cannot be underestimated and require in-depth analysis.

Since, if something has characterized the high Guyanese political authorities (presidents, chancellors and prime ministers) since 2015, it is their continuous refusal and rejection of any form of dialogue that could trigger a negotiation process with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela leading to resolve the territorial dispute over the Essequibo in a peaceful and mutually satisfactory manner.

Reviewing the historical memory of the controversy that Venezuela maintains over the Essequibo and analyzing in detail the process that followed the signing of the 1966 Geneva Agreement with independent and republican Guyana, the will for dialogue that the Venezuelan State has maintained is undeniable. as the backbone of its policy in the territorial dispute .

Beyond the criticism that such a position could generate, especially looking at it with eyes focused on the present and irremediably conditioned by the foolish Guyanese position, history shows that when there is no dialogue or negotiation, the path that remains is confrontation and violent conflict, which almost always, after an incipient escalation, ends in war, and with it no one wins, everyone loses.

Although consensus and conflict are an inherent part of politics, in matters of sovereign States it is always preferable to demonstrate and support initiatives that lead to consensus, dialogue and agreement; The great conflicts that humanity has gone through have been a consequence of its non-observance and the commitment to escalating differences.

This should be one of the most relevant characteristics of statesmen and political leaders, especially in a global context like the current one, characterized by an infinite number of geopolitical components that indicate an imminent change in the international order, that condition, and sometimes even determine. , the behavior of countries, especially from that large strip called the Global South, which with partial sovereignties (conditioned by the de facto powers), tend to be used by hegemonic countries.

Seen from this perspective, the responsibility is greater for the leaders and politicians of the Global South, who, faced with the claims of the great powers (the United States and the European Union at the head) and transnational companies (as new actors of relevance and impact on the international concert) by outsourcing them in favor of their interests, end up being dispensable tokens in a larger geopolitical confrontation.

Perhaps the most recent example of this statement is the entire political-diplomatic framework that was configured around the extinct Lima Group and the claims of "isolation" of Venezuela during the years 2017-2020 orchestrated by the State Department during the administration. of Donald Trump. After that failure and the repositioning of the Bolivarian Republic as a regional and global actor since 2020, everything seems to indicate that Guyana, following the script that both the United States and ExxonMobil have assigned to it, will have a starring role in a new stage of destabilization against Venezuela.

The new chapter to destabilize Venezuela would try to present it as a State that transgresses international regulations that refuses to abide by the jurisdiction and, therefore, the decisions of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the territorial dispute that remains with Guyana. , hence the international pressure that is exerted on Caracas from various spaces.


This has been revealed by the recent statements by Luis Almagro from the Organization of American States (OAS) and by the Undersecretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the United States, Brian Nichols , and other officials of the United States government, in which they call on the Venezuelan State to accept the provisions of the Court in the controversy, ignoring that Venezuela:

1.has not accepted its voluntary jurisdiction;
2.that the Geneva Agreement contemplates that the instances that are assumed must be accepted by both countries and not unilaterally as Guyana did;
3.and that the solution must be practical and mutually satisfactory to the parties.

The Guyanese bravado could only be explained under the protection that would give them, as a vassal State of ExxonMobil and US interests, legal protection in the ICJ where the oil company would be assuming the expenses of representation and defense of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana . and the military sponsorship shown in recent years with the deepening of military cooperation with the United States Southern Command.

The malice and insolence shown by Guyana by refusing a frank and sincere dialogue with Venezuela in order to resolve the territorial dispute within the framework of the only binding instrument approved by those involved to resolve the dispute, is a source of regional instability and conspires against peace. In the Caribbean. Refusing dialogue and negotiation is promoting conflict and violence; That has always been the path of the enemies of Venezuela, of those who yesterday were unaware of the State and opted for shortcuts that denied the country's institutions and of those who today are unaware of the controversy over a large territory that was Venezuelan from its beginnings.

The subtlety with which President Nicolás Maduro has handled Venezuela's international affairs in the context of harassment and siege that the country has experienced in the last eight years demonstrates the learning that his vast union experience and six years at the head of the Foreign Ministry left him. during the government of President Hugo Chávez.

The negotiations that he had to lead for Venezuela's entry into Mercosur, the countless consultations for the creation of Unasur and CELAC, the constitution of Petrocaribe as well as the consolidation of ALBA-TCP, his mediating role in the coup d'état in Honduras and Paraguay , and in general terms his participation leading Bolivarian diplomacy in the largest regional integration process of the last 50 years, allows him to be classified as a man of dialogue who believes in negotiation.

Since 2015, when Guyana, in clear violation of the Geneva Agreement, begins the delivery of oil concessions in waters yet to be delimited with Venezuela, the bilateral relationship suffers an accelerated process of deterioration that will be strengthened by the unilateral demand filed before the ICJ. in 2018, requesting the validity of the Paris Arbitration Award of 1899. In this context, the attitude of President Maduro and his government has been, once again, to prioritize dialogue and political negotiation with the Cooperative Republic.

Such an attitude should not be confused with candor or credulity. On the contrary, it shows a strategic vision that allows us to distinguish between the noise produced by Guyana's high-sounding declarations and the geopolitical implications that the outbreak of a conflict would generate not only for Venezuela or Guyana as the main parties involved, but for the entire Latin Caribbean region, in particular. where the only beneficiaries of the confrontation would be the energy transnationals and the US military-industrial complex.

In this sense, the statements of the Guyanese premier, Mark Phillips, conspiring against a negotiation with Venezuela and urging President Irfaan Ali to avoid dialogue with President Nicolás Maduro, are not only an example of the political dwarfism of the Guyanese ruling class, but rather their lack of understanding of the global and regional geopolitical context in which both countries find themselves inserted.

But such ignorance should not drag the Bolivarian Republic into conflict and confrontation. On the contrary, it must continue, faithful to its diplomatic tradition, supporting a dialogue framed in the Geneva Agreement of 1966, which allows us to amicably reach a practical, satisfactory and acceptable settlement for both parties.

The task will not be easy, the Bolivarian Government together with the vast majority of Venezuelans will have to defend the interests of the Republic in the Essequibo without falling into the bet of those who, inside and outside Venezuela, refuse and condemn any dialogue and negotiation process that leads to a solution.

The first action in defense of our territory will take place on December 3 when, in that great space of national dialogue that constitutes the consultative referendum, the country will be consulted on this issue of national importance and there as a nation we will establish our position on defense of Guayana Esequiba. ... e-justicia

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Wed Nov 22, 2023 3:20 pm


Image The Cayapo

Nov 22, 2023 , 10:02 am .

Imperial criminals had and continue to have the habit of robbing each other (Photo: El Cayapo)

The first treaty that the Spanish and Portuguese empires signed upon arriving in these lands was that of Tordecillas, signed in 1494, which delimited the property, that is, the theft that had been forcibly carried out on the original inhabitants of these invaded lands.

And we say theft because there is no papyrus, tablet, cloth or paper where the ancient inhabitants of these lands sold any land to the Spanish and Portuguese, and we do have evidence of the crimes and looting that they continue to commit today, not only in countries but basically the transnational companies legally established in them today.

ExxonMobil is the great-great-granddaughter of these slackers.

In that treaty, these prans divided the continent into two parts according to the strength that each one had. But the Portuguese little by little began eating the Spanish's maisalteao along the shore, and that is what explains why Brazil is so extensive. From a young age, these criminals not only robbed those invaded, but they had and continue to have the habit of robbing each other. It is their way of life and they know no other.

A gang of transnational corporations, headed by ExxonMobil, with the support of the Southern Command, have installed a military beachhead in Guyana, with the consent of the United States and England, relying on the institutions and laws that they themselves implement and control at will. , and the complicity of international diplomatic institutions and their paid mercenaries such as the ruling elite in Guyana.

Likewise, the puppets of Guterres, Borrell, along with Almagro's garrulo and the traitors, vermin hidden in the political interstices of the country, who swarm in the lobbies, trying to obtain crumbs from the owners. But their means of disinformation are also used to strip us of the Essequibo territory, because there are diamonds, gold, manganese, coltan, cobalt, uranium, silicon, bauxite, mica, oil, gas, but also water and jungle with its tree and animal reserves. Very important resources for big capital and its accumulation of more wealth and power for corporations.

Since the Spanish Crown created the Captaincy General of Venezuela in 1777, and then with the declaration of independence in 1811, Venezuela administratively inherited the territory located west of the Essequibo River (Guyana Esequiba) as a historical, legal and political consequence of the succession. from Spain. We are the only legitimate owners.

The colonial power was interested not only in wealth, but in the strategic position to dominate an access route to the sea and the Orinoco Delta, and depending on its interests the English Crown, which never had any title over the territory of Guyana. Essequiba, occupied it since 1814 illegally through the manipulation, forging and alteration of maps to support the fraudulent Paris Arbitration Award of 1899.

In 1897, the United States and the United Kingdom appointed five arbitrators to decide the boundaries between Venezuela and the colony of British Guyana. Venezuela had no representation on this commission. In 1899 the commission fraudulently decided that the west side of the Essequibo River was part of the British colony.

In 1949, the lawyer Severo Mallet-Prevost, belonging to the Arbitration Commission, before dying, revealed the criminal, unethical and violative conduct of international laws with which England stole 159,542 km² from Venezuela. Guyana did not exist as a nation or as a subject of international law at the time the arbitration fraud was consummated.

Do you agree to reject by all means, in accordance with the law, the line fraudulently imposed by the Paris Arbitration Award of 1899, which seeks to deprive us of our Guayana Esequiba?

Yes, without a doubt we will vote yes on the first question. Because it is time for corporations to never again enter our territories like dogs through their homes and plunder them as they please, leaving us misery as the only legacy and generating enmities between neighbors.

Geneva Agreement of 1966

The 1966 Geneva Agreement does not suit the looters, because it makes it clear that the 1989 Paris Arbitration Award is invalid, that is, null and void, and establishes that the parties must resolve the dispute through peaceful, friendly and diplomatic means. differ.

The history of Guyana, previously Spanish, then Dutch and then ceded by agreement to the English, can be summarized in invasion, dispossession and settlement of the Dutch, and since the 17th century the English, who during the colonial period disputed this territory where they brought slaves. of India and Africa that, together with the original inhabitants, Waraos, Caribs, Arawaks, there are a little more than 800 thousand inhabitants who today make up the current population of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, supported by an economy based on the export of agricultural products (sugar cane and rice), forestry, fishing, which represented more than 20% of the GDP, and mining products (gold and bauxite) 9% of the GDP.

Since 2019, with the discoveries and start of exploitation of oil and gas deposits, Guyana's economy has experienced a 180° turn, increasing its total GDP by more than 116% without benefiting until now. large majorities. Because, despite the declaration of independence, Guyanese politics and the economy continue to be controlled by transnational corporations that are using Guyana to steal Essequibo from us, including ExxonMobil.

Guyana (but we all know it was ExxonMobil) is said to have hired two large law firms: Matrix Chambers based in London and Foley Hoag LLP of the United States. He also surrounded himself with a battery of supposed experts to justify the theft, including Edward Craven, Paul S. Reichler, Alain Pellet, and Philippe Sands, a lawyer at Matrix Chambers. With this group of scammers, justified by a law degree, a business firm and a mantle of experts, they intend to "legally" steal our 159,544 km².

Do you support the 1966 Geneva Agreement as the only valid legal instrument to reach a practical and satisfactory solution for Venezuela and Guyana regarding the controversy over the territory of Guayana Esequiba?

Of course we will also vote yes to this second question, because it is clear that a rooster does not crow and whoever does not take care of what is theirs to ask for remains.

It is important to be clear that, since 2015, ExxonMobil has been pressuring Guyana to hand over oil concessions in undelimited waters with Venezuela, leading the Guyanese government to unilaterally violate the Geneva Agreement by filing a lawsuit requesting the validity of the Arbitration Award of Paris in 1899 before the International Court of Justice, which is nothing more than a judicial parapet in the hands of transnational corporations to rob and subject people to the designs of these global pirates.

These thugs, disguised as high-born lawmen, intend to sell us to this nest of rats, as the divine representation of justice, who, anointed by their masters, turn us into an outlaw State, and in this way strip us of what belongs to us and that so much It cost the liberating ancestors blood.

Do you agree with Venezuela's historical position of not recognizing the Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice to resolve the territorial controversy over Guayana Esequiba?

We repeat: ExxonMobil, which intends to appropriate the Venezuelan Essequibo to steal gold, oil, gas and other resources, supported by the United States and its armed wing the Southern Command, are the ones who in turn govern Guyana. It is nothing more than a vulgar looting, in the best style of the old European pirates who, with blood and fire, stripped of their belongings from those who crossed their path without respecting any type of law.

People who do not arm themselves with courage and reason to defend what is theirs are condemned to be slaves for life, and we Venezuelans have shown that we are not made of that breed.

Do you agree to oppose, by all legal means, Guyana's claim to unilaterally dispose of a sea pending delimitation, illegally and in violation of international law?

With our eyes wide open we will vote yes, so that everyone knows that Venezuelans know who we are and where we stand, who wants to rob us and who are their accomplices.

One of the fears of these transnational companies is that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela exercises full sovereignty over its territories, that it applies policies independent of the designs of these corporations of thieves who have dedicated themselves to plundering the planet from end to end; that designs productive economic policies, that makes history, that sows as powerful roots the Venezuelan being who loves the soil where he is born.

Do you agree with the creation of the Guayana Esequiba state and the development of an accelerated plan for comprehensive care for the current and future population of that territory that includes, among others, the granting of citizenship and Venezuelan identity card, in accordance with the Agreement Geneva and international law, consequently incorporating said state on the map of Venezuelan territory?

Yes and a thousand times yes we will vote for this collective desire to be fulfilled, so that the Essequibo sun finally shines with vigor.

With the evil of looting / and taking refuge in war / European looters came to these lands / and have continued the mischief / with lackeys who support them / but today is not the time for pruning / it is the time not to succumb / the time to vote for the yes / AND FOR ALL OF VENEZUELA.

We are a people of our word / that in honor of what was agreed / we have always respected / the work that embraces us / and the history that unites us / a very worthy people for now / a people that does not get bogged down / with a voice to decide / that you are five times yes / THEY ARE FOR ALL OF VENEZUELA.

Transnational thieves / moved by dispossession / by hunger and hatred / like the pranes move / they set up "legal" traps / that suit their interest / more like in times of yesteryear / they will not be able to steal here / that is why our votes yes / THEY ARE FOR ALL OF VENEZUELA.

War is not an option / for us people / war is the option of fear for profit / and desolation but our vocation / is not a simple matter of fashion / (he who wins does not get stuck) / because our desire to exist / goes in these votes for yes / AND FOR ALL OF VENEZUELA.

The ancestral territory / that cradled our smile / today requires and requires us / to conjugate the verb to love / with the desire to found / a flower that does not get muddy / in the peace with which it raises / our right to say / that these votes for the yes / THEY ARE FOR ALL OF VENEZUELA.

Tenths by Ignacio Tapia.

Next December 3, 2023 we will make history again. ... nos-patria

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Posted by MLToday | Nov 20, 2023 | Other Featured Posts | 0

Venezuelan Communist Leader Explains Attacks by PSUV

November 14, 2023 L’Humanité


Interview of Hector Rodriguez, head of international relations of The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), conducted by Luis Reygada in L’Humanité, newspaper of the French Communist Party (PCF).

A traditional ally of Chavismo since the start of the Bolivarian revolution, the Venezuelan Communist Party (PCV) claims to be persecuted by Nicolas Maduro’s government. Hector Rodriguez, the PCV’s head of international relations, denounces the liberal drift of a government who fears “the emergence of revolutionary alternatives”.

Last August, the Superior Court of Justice announced the dismissal of the PCV leadership. With presidential elections scheduled to be held in 2024, communists denounced the move as an “assault” aimed at imposing a new leadership “at the service of the ruling party”.



For the past nine years, the United States has been imposing unilateral measures aimed at weakening Venezuela’s economy. What do you think of the negotiation process aimed at lifting these sanctions?

Hector Rodriguez: There are groups on both the opposition and government sides seeking to torpedo the negotiations. The far right is opposed to the pact and is calling for new sanctions from the United States, and within the ruling party (the United Socialist Party, (PSUV), some have made sanctions a very lucrative business and are also betting on the failure of the negotiations.

For our part, the Venezuelan Communist Party (PCV) continues to denounce all forms of foreign interference and to demand the immediate lifting of all these imperialist and criminal sanctions, without any conditions. We also point out that these negotiations, which began in 2020 with agreements between the government and the country’s main employers’ representatives, have led to a reorientation of economic policy towards liberalism.

The PCV has denounced the government’s attacks on it. What do these attacks consist of?

Like various movements of workers’ and people’s struggle, our party has been defamed, persecuted, and repressed. They have accused us of receiving funds from the US government, while imposing an aggressive media blockade.

In the Parliament, our MP is denied the right to speak. They have also maneuvered to legally seize our party and its legal personality, with the aim of reducing our independence and preventing us from fielding our own candidates in the next elections.

Why these attacks on a party that has been a traditional ally of Chavismo since the beginning of the Bolivarian revolution?

The PCV denounces the pact between the political and economic elites, as well as the government’s neoliberal and anti-grassroots policies, which have led to the destruction of key labor rights at the expense of the Venezuelan working class. President Nicolas Maduro is clearly at odds with the program of the Bolivarian revolution initiated by Hugo Chavez.

His government is promoting a policy of opening up to foreign capital and privatizing the oil industry, liberalizing prices, freezing wages and pensions, and eliminating social benefits and collective agreements. President Nicolas Maduro is in clear break with the program of the Bolivarian revolution initiated by Hugo Chavez.

The neoliberal agenda, that held back the Bolivarian Revolution at the beginning of the 21st century, is now being forcefully taken up by Maduro’s government, with the support of the PSUV. This change has led to a process of regrouping of revolutionary forces and the emergence of new political referents. The government’s fear of the emergence of revolutionary alternatives was a determining factor in its decision to attack us.

How do you analyze the current political sequence with the opposition, from the Barbados agreements to the recent annulment of the right-wing primaries by the Venezuelan Supreme Court?

It is in the interests of both the government and the opposition to continue to appear to the masses as apparently antagonistic poles to maintain the deception of a false polarization. We believe that both poles represent the same capitalist interests, and therefore have profound coincidences in the anti-grassroots economic adjustment that the government is implementing. As part of the Barbados agreement, the Venezuelan government committed to offer democratic and electoral guarantees to all parties. This did not apply to the Venezuelan Communists. ... s-by-psuv/

Without being 'on the ground' or wading through volumes of mostly irrelevant material it is impossible to say whether Maduro is simply doing what can be done given current circumstances or whether the CPU has gone 'far left' with utopian demands unobtainable under current circumstances.

Of course we can expect hyperbole all around....
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Wed Dec 06, 2023 3:09 pm

ExxonMobil wants to start a war in Latin America

It is clear that the Venezuelans who came to cast their vote on December 3 in a referendum on the Essequibo region saw this less as a conflict between Venezuela and Guyana and more as a conflict between ExxonMobil and the people of these two Latin American countries

December 05, 2023 by Vijay Prashad

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro votes in a referendum on the Essequibo region. Photo: Nicolas Maduro/X

On December 3, 2023, a large number of registered voters in Venezuela voted in a referendum over the Essequibo region that is disputed with neighboring Guyana. Nearly all those who voted answered yes to the five questions. These questions asked the Venezuelan people to affirm the sovereignty of their country over Essequibo. “Today,” said Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, “there are no winners or losers.” The only winner, he said, is Venezuela’s sovereignty. The principal loser, Maduro said, is ExxonMobil.

In 2022, ExxonMobil made a profit of $55.7 billion, making it one of the world’s richest and most powerful oil companies. Companies such as ExxonMobil, exercise an inordinate power over the world economy and over countries that have oil reserves. It has tentacles across the world, from Malaysia to Argentina. In his Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power (2012), Steve Coll describes how the company is a “corporate state within the American state.” Leaders of ExxonMobil have always had an intimate relationship with the US government: Lee “Iron Ass” Raymond (Chief Executive Officer from 1993 to 2005) was a close personal friend of US Vice-President Dick Cheney and helped shape the US government policy on climate change; Rex Tillerson (Raymond’s successor in 2006) left the company in 2017 to become the US Secretary of State under President Donald Trump. Coll describes how ExxonMobil uses US state power to find more and more oil reserves and to ensure that ExxonMobil becomes the beneficiary of those finds.

Walking through the various polling centers in Caracas on the day of the election, it was clear that the people who voted knew exactly what they were voting for: not so much against the people of Guyana, a country with a population of just over 800,000, but they were voting for Venezuelan sovereignty against companies such as ExxonMobil. The atmosphere in this vote—although sometimes inflected with Venezuelan patriotism—was more about the desire to remove the influence of multinational corporations and to allow the peoples of South America to solve their disputes and divide their riches among themselves.

When Venezuela ejected ExxonMobil
When Hugo Chávez won the election to the presidency of Venezuela in 1998, he said almost immediately that the resources of the country—mostly the oil, which finances the country’s social development—must be in the hands of the people and not oil companies such as ExxonMobil. “El petroleo es nuestro” (the oil is ours), was the slogan of the day. From 2006, Chávez’s government began a cycle of nationalizations, with oil at the center (oil had been nationalized in the 1970s, then privatized again two decades later). Most multinational oil companies accepted the new laws for the regulation of the oil industry, but two refused: ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil. Both companies demanded tens of billions of dollars in compensation, although the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) found in 2014 that Venezuela only needed to pay ExxonMobil $1.6 billion.

Rex Tillerson was furious, according to people who worked at ExxonMobil at that time. In 2017, the Washington Post ran a story that captured Tillerson’s sentiment: “Rex Tillerson got burned in Venezuela. Then he got revenge.” ExxonMobil signed a deal with Guyana to explore for off-shore oil in 1999 but did not start to explore the coastline till March 2015—after the negative verdict came in from the ICSID. ExxonMobil used the full force of a US maximum pressure campaign against Venezuela both to cement its projects in the disputed territory and to undermine Venezuela’s claim to the Essequibo region. This was Tillerson’s revenge.

ExxonMobil’s bad deal for Guyana
In 2015, ExxonMobil announced that it had found 295 feet of “high-quality oil-bearing sandstone reservoirs”; this is one of the largest oil finds in recent years. The giant oil company began regular consultation with the Guyanese government, including pledges to finance any and every upfront cost for the oil exploration. When the Production Sharing Agreement between Guyana’s government and ExxonMobil was leaked, it revealed how poorly Guyana fared in the negotiations. ExxonMobil was given 75% of the oil revenue toward cost recovery, with the rest shared 50-50 with Guyana; the oil company, in turn, is exempt from any taxes. Article 32 (“Stability of Agreement”) says that the government “shall not amend, modify, rescind, terminate, declare invalid or unenforceable, require renegotiation of, compel replacement or substitution, or otherwise seek to avoid, alter, or limit this Agreement” without the consent of ExxonMobil. This agreement traps all future Guyanese governments in a very poor deal.

Even worse for Guyana is that the deal is made in waters disputed with Venezuela since the 19th century. Mendacity by the British and then the United States created the conditions for a border dispute in the region that had limited problems before the discovery of oil. During the 2000s, Guyana had close fraternal ties with the government of Venezuela. In 2009, under the PetroCaribe scheme, Guyana bought cut-price oil from Venezuela in exchange for rice, a boon for Guyana’s rice industry. The oil-for-rice scheme ended in November 2015, partly due to lower global oil prices. It was clear to observers in both Georgetown and Caracas that the scheme suffered from the rising tensions between the countries over the disputed Essequibo region.

ExxonMobil’s Divide and Rule
The December 3 referendum in Venezuela and the “circles of unity” protest in Guyana suggest a hardening of the stance of both countries. Meanwhile, at the sidelines of the COP-28 meeting, Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali met with Cuba’s President Miguel Díaz-Canel and the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Ralph Gonsalves to talk about the situation. Ali urged Díaz-Canel to urge Venezuela to maintain a “zone of peace.”

War does not seem to be on the horizon. The United States has withdrawn part of its blockade on Venezuela’s oil industry, allowing Chevron to restart several oil projects in the Orinoco Belt and in Lake Maracaibo. Washington does not have the appetite to deepen its conflict with Venezuela. But ExxonMobil does. Neither the Venezuelan nor the Guyanese people will benefit from ExxonMobil’s political intervention in the region. That is why so many Venezuelans who came to cast their vote on December 3 saw this less as a conflict between Venezuela and Guyana and more as a conflict between ExxonMobil and the people of these two South American countries. ... n-america/


Time to draw maps
December 6, 13:48


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro presented a new map of Venezuela, which, following the results of the referendum, formally included a new state, which was previously the territory of Guyana. Based on the referendum decision (95% in favor), Maduro has already begun the actual integration of new territories. Troops are concentrated at the border of the new state, passports are being distributed, foreign oil companies have been given 3 months to leave the new Venezuelan territory.


Guyana says it will not give up its territory and hints at the possibility of foreign support.
So far, only Brazil has deployed troops to the Guyana-Venezuela border. The US is limited to verbal support.

This situation shows that in the modern world, international law and pieces of paper do not guarantee anything to anyone. The priority is, first of all, the military-political ability to maintain one’s borders, as well as change them in one’s favor. All this is the logical conclusion of the Kosovo precedent, which led to the elimination of international law in the previous sense. Therefore, there will be more and more such attempts to reconsider certain boundaries, or to unfreeze old conflicts. The world is changing. And this process will not be painless.

PS. The Chavistas are successful in expelling the Western imperialists and returning the 24 states to their home harbour.

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Venezuela: FANB Deployed in Territory Bordering Essequibo
DECEMBER 6, 2023

A group of FANB soldiers. Photo: Últimas Noticias.

The Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) began development and social care activities in the border with the Essequibo territory.

The Strategic Operational Commander of the FANB, Domingo Hernández Lárez, reported via social media that the FANB began a first phase of deployment to provide comprehensive support in the area.

He explained that the support plans were carried out in the town of Punta Barima, in the Antonio Díaz municipality of the Delta Amacuro state, bordering the Essequibo territory.

Military personnel carry out the construction of bridges, repair roads, and provide medical care to the inhabitants of the community.

“Repairing our roads,” wrote Hernández Lárez. “Heading to the Guiana Shield in support of the comprehensive development of the nation.”

Likewise, he published a video in which construction machinery deployed on the “Bolivar and Delta state roads” is seen carrying out earthwork.

“Today more than ever, our FANB, together with its people, in the development of our entire Bolivar state!” wrote the CEOFANB commander.

The FANB deployment was carried out one day before the holding of the consultative referendum for the defense of Essequibo. In these elections, the “Yes” option won by an overwhelming majority.

A week ago, the FANB also began work on the construction of a school and clinic in the area bordering the Essequibo territory.

As part of Operation Roraima 2023, the FANB started various works near Venezuela’s de facto border with the Republic of Guyana.

Military officials began the adaptation and construction of a school, an outpatient clinic, and a training field.

Previously, they built a landing strip that will serve as support for the logistical development of the Essequibo territory. They built it in an area of the Bolívar state, bordering Brazil, near the territory of almost 160,000 kilometers in dispute with Guyana.

These actions ensure the comprehensive development and presence of the FANB in the regions of Venezuela close to the Essequibo territory.

(RedRadioVE) by Ana Perdigón ... essequibo/

Dec 5, 2023 , 5:43 pm .

The Venezuelan Electoral Power left explicit evidence of the participation of more than 10 million Venezuelans on December 3 (Photo: File)

This December 3, Venezuela organized a consultative referendum where it submitted for consideration by the population authorized to vote within the country, five questions referring to various topics within the framework of the dispute with Guyana over the Essequibo territory, which is subject to controversy.

This referendum yielded a participation result of 10 million 431 thousand 907 Venezuelans. An enormous majority was in favor of "YES" in all the questions asked by a margin of more than 95%.

This electoral process and its result have great significance in many areas, and one of them is that which concerns the margin of participation, since it corresponds to 51% of the Permanent Electoral Registry (REP), a data also expressed by President Nicolás Maduro.

Various sectors of the opposition have questioned the electoral result, including some leaders who participated in it.

The issue has begun to be trivialized in the usual disputes in the post-electoral public conversation, about the level of support for Chavismo, the degree of the "lack of lines" in electoral centers and the reliability of the organizing power, the National Electoral Council. (CNE). Therefore, it is an electoral process that deserves to be analyzed in this order.

The consultative referendum of December 3 had a special peculiarity. It is the only consultation of its kind that was organized without a high level of partisan polarization prior to the election and that translated into a campaign for voting options.

That is to say, beyond particular opinions of political actors, with "YES" and "NO" options subject to consideration by the population, there were no active mechanisms by political organizations that consistently campaigned for "NO."

Chavismo was the first convening and mobilizing force for participation, but it was more of a campaign of national unity, exciting, multi-faceted and with multiple actors participating at different levels.

Opposition leaders such as Henrique Capriles, Manuel Rosales, Benjamín Rausseo, Antonio Ecarri, Henry Ramos Allup, Javier Bertucci, Carlos Prosperi, Andrés Caleca, José Brito, among many other governors, mayors and opposition leaders participated.

The main opposition parties that promoted participation were Democratic Action (Allup current and Bernabé current), Un Nuevo Tiempo, Primero Justicia, El Lápiz, Fuerza Vecinal, Primero Venezuela, among others.

Additionally, unions and sectors participated , such as the Federation of Chambers and Associations of Commerce and Production of Venezuela (Fedecámaras), the National Council of Commerce and Services (Consecomercio), the Federation of Chambers and Associations of Artisans, Micro, Small and Medium-sized Industries and Companies from Venezuela (Fedeindustria), among others from the private economic sector, including commercial chambers in the states in the interior of the country.

Religious sectors from the large Catholic and Protestant Christian churches, universities, academics, artists, musical groups, among many others, also participated, in a conglomerate of more than 3 thousand social and territorial organizations of diverse origins.

In short, it was a national event with a type of transversal call that called on a wide spectrum of political and social identities to vote.

In the area that promoted the suspension and abstention from the event, the following were on the front line: María Corina Machado , the Voluntad Popular party (through the most active spokesperson of Juan Guaidó) and the Communist Party of Venezuela (leaders without initials of that organization led by Oscar Figuera). In addition, a group of actors from various backgrounds critical of Chavismo joined in, although in a dispersed or particularized manner.

A non-polarized electoral process without antagonisms (such as that of political groups confronting the "YES" and "NO" options) can certainly imply declines in participation, but the 51% margin is within the participation canon in this type of election. queries made in Venezuela.

As an example, 55.9% of the REP participated in the 2007 constitutional reform referendum - which was very polarized. Even the important referendum that approved the 1999 Constitution had a participation of 44.9% of the REP.

Each electoral event has different contexts and components; What determines it is the encouragement of voters to participate. So the type of "unitary" campaign could in this case be the stimulus that mobilized the electorate.

Due to the composition of the different levels of call in favor of participating, there are qualitative reasons to consider that this electoral event had many conditions to promote the vote of large sectors of the country interested in Guayana Esequiba as a thematic element with important roots in the national identity. .

An element that has gone unnoticed in electoral analyzes is that on December 3, the CNE launched a new electoral infrastructure.

The 2021 regional and municipal elections had 14,262 voting centers, while in 2023, 15,857 voting centers were used. 11% more new centers.

Beyond the number of new centers, their location is more important. Many of these centers were created at the request of President Nicolás Maduro, who asked the electoral power to favor conditions to put electoral centers closer to the people.

The important correlation of new centers had special emphasis on popular and rural areas. These have served to promote deconcentration, especially in neighborhood areas with high participation in favor of Chavismo. Which means that this would have served to reduce the possibility of "queues" outside various centers.

Initial estimates on participation also indicate that, in traditionally opposition areas, the density of participation was low, since the abstentionist inertia promoted by sectors of the hard right could have had an impact. In many cases, these are traditional electoral centers that are a reference for anti-Chavismo due to their "queues."

Taking these traditional centers as a reference implies an absolutely biased analysis. The electoral architecture has changed.

As the main promoter of the referendum, Chavismo experimented with a new vote mobilization scheme. The CNE has placed new electoral centers closer to its people and that implies fewer problems in mobilization methods.

To a certain extent, Chavismo is dispensing with the scheme of gathering in centers, which in some cases is a habit of political spectacle and "electoral party." For Chavismo, this has been a method from other contexts, but it does not apply in the present with the new territorial architecture of the centers.

He states that a strategy of attracting voters was applied in a personalized manner and by blocks. That is, it called on its sectors in groups to vote in time slots to avoid promoting wear and tear in centers and to guarantee transportation and mobilization logistics.

Such conditions made the process quick and comfortable for the voter, minimizing physical effort for the voter.

In the afternoon and until the night of Sunday the 3rd, Chavismo promoted a "house to house" scheme to summon voters and take them to centers.

The Venezuelan electoral system applies a "horseshoe" method at each polling station: the voter's name is searched in the electoral notebook, then they go through the fingerprint machine, vote, deposit the receipt in the box and sign the notebook. It is a process of less than a minute or a little more.

It is a process that has been perfected with each election. But it has also been facilitated with the entry into service since 2020 of the new electoral machines assembled in the country. With a very simple to use interface, with a touch screen, fast software and a very fast printer.

The CNE has adapted its processes, making them faster. But voters have already become familiar with the methods and deal with less confusion and problems when using the machines, speeding up the process.

In Venezuela there have been elections almost every year and queues have been a very biased traditional and visual component as a measure of attendance.

However, one of the very common reasons for the crowding of people and the generation of queues at electoral centers has been due to the also common failures in electoral machines. Or at least it was like that before 2020, when the new electoral machines came into service.

In many cases the queues have not been due to the attendance of voters at centers, but rather to technical problems at one or more tables. That is, in a center with four tables operating, if a machine at one table has software or hardware failures, the voters corresponding to that table cannot enter the center and end up queuing outside.

These machines must receive technical support on site , have support from Caracas or in some cases must be replaced. These issues involve time.

This suggests that, if the CNE minimizes the number of technical incidents, there is no reason for there to be queues outside the electoral centers.

According to the president of the CNE, Elvis Amoroso, since Friday, December 1, 100% operation of machines at polling stations was achieved and with zero technical problems.

On certain occasions the same reality can be presented from very different angles, depending on the narrator and sometimes the dissemination platform.

Various social media accounts presented the image of polling centers without queues, as an apparently "indisputable" feature of low attendance. But the photos on social networks barely illustrate part of the electoral process.

One of the factors that have been omitted from many social media accounts is that the CNE has promoted the entry of voters to the centers to authorized waiting spaces, so that the voter can then go to their table. This measure is intended to avoid voter crowding outside centers in conditions of heat, exposure to the sun or rain.

However, it is not completely true that there were no queues at some polling station. The record of the unprecedented and joint television broadcast carried out by Venezuelan media such as VTV, Globovisión and Venevisión left evidence of queues in various electoral centers with significant influx at various places and times on Sunday.

Basically, the perception built on some social media platforms ended up being very different from that presented by conventional media and it was surely the process of network engineering to manufacture public opinion.

The participation of more than 50% of the REP, that is, more than 10 million voters, should not be considered surprising if we look at the record of surveys published before December 3 that reflected the intention to participate. The opinion consultants provided a diversity of data, in several cases superior to the results obtained.

The Hinterlaces firm indicated that 72% of the REP would vote (about 14.8 million voters), while the ISC firm predicted 60% participation according to its respondents (about 12.3 million voters would vote). In fact, the pollster Datanalisis presented a more modest figure , but reported that 40% of its sample was willing to go to vote (about 8.2 million voters).

Although the final results were outside the margin of error of these firms, none of them indicated that participation would be low, none estimated that 2 million 100 thousand voters would vote, as some opposition leaders such as Henrique Capriles have pointed out , who paradoxically ended up questioning the electoral process in which he participated, granting himself a new electoral defeat. ... consultivo

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:56 pm

Venezuela’s Defense Minister: Guyana–US SOUTHCOM Military Drills ‘Unhappy Provocation’ (+President Lula Offers Mediation)
DECEMBER 8, 2023

Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López giving statements to the press. Photo: Presidential Press/File photo.

Caracas (—The Venezuelan minister for defense, Vladimir Padrino, has described the start of military drills by the United States Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) in Guyana as an “unfortunate provocation.”

“This unfortunate provocation by the United States in favor of the ExxonMobil praetorians in Guyana is another step in the wrong direction,” wrote Padrino through social media this Thursday, December 7.

He pointed out that the Venezuelan government is clear in the mandate that the people have assigned it, following the overwhelming victory of last Sunday’s referendum regarding the Guayana Esequiba territory. Over 10 million voters, representing a 51.01% turnout, approved the yes option in the five questions of the referendum, with an average of 97.07% yes across the questions.

SOUTHCOM is conducting joint military exercises with Guyana today

— Camila (@camilapress) December 7, 2023


“We warn that we will not be diverted from our future actions for the recovery of the Essequibo,” Padrino added. “Make no mistake! Long live Venezuela!”

According to the US embassy in Guyana, military forces from both countries have begun “routine” operations aimed at improving military cooperation between both countries.

“In collaboration with the Guyana Defense Forces (GDF), the U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) will conduct flight operations with Guyana in December 7,” read a statement published by the US embassy in Georgetown. “This exercise builds upon routine engagements and operations to enhance security partnership between the United States and Guyana, and to strengthen regional cooperation.”

This statement came just hours after a Guyanese helicopter crashed approximately 48 miles from the Venezuelan border, and social media trolls tried to blame Venezuela for the tragic incident in which five military officers died, according to Guyanese sources.

Despite the onslaught of posts by mainstream media interested in fueling the border conflict, the Chief of Defense of Guyana, Omar Khan, reported that the crash of the Guyanese helicopter could have in fact been due to weather conditions, and clarified that there are no indications that Venezuela’s had anything to do with the incident.

Khan further explained that the Guyanese helicopter had landed in Olive Creek to refuel, but after taking off, they had lost communication. He added that the emergency alert allegedly indicates that the most likely eventualities are that the helicopter crashed, fell, or that the commands might have been manually altered by a crew member.

President Lula:

An important issue we must debate is the Essequibo. Mercosur cannot remain on the sidelines.

I suggest that the president of CELAC discuss the issue with both parties: Guyana and Venezuela. Brazil is willing to host as many negotiation meetings as necessary…

— Orinoco Tribune (@OrinocoTribune) December 7, 2023

Brazil offers mediation
On the same Thursday, the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, expressed his government’s willingness to host negotiation meetings between Venezuela and Guyana to resolve the border conflict over the Essequibo territory.

“Brazil is available to host as many negotiation meetings as necessary,” Lula announced through social media. “We do not want or need more wars, especially on our continent. We have to build peace to improve people’s lives.”

In the same post, the Brazilian president suggested that both the Southern Common Market bloc (Mercosur) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) should address the Essequibo issue. “An important issue that we have to debate is the issue of Essequibo,” he wrote. “Mercosur cannot remain on the sidelines of the issue. I suggest that the current president of CELAC can discuss the issue with both parties, Guyana and Venezuela.” ... mediation/

The Venezuelan-Guyanese Dispute Is A Classic Security Dilemma


DEC 8, 2023

Guyana wants to develop its enormous offshore oil deposits in disputed waters, which requires having a reliable partner that can defend them from Venezuelan claims, while Venezuela fears that Guyana’s chosen US partner intends to exploit this pretext to unleash myriad hybrid threats against it.

The nearly two-century-long dispute over Essequibo is back in the headlines after Venezuela’s referendum on this mostly forested and potentially mineral-rich region, which Caracas claims as its own but is currently administered by Guyana. Without diving too deeply into the history, an 1899 ruling awarded almost all of it to then-British Guiana, but Venezuela objected to the outcome and once again officially raised its claims after World War II, which resulted in the 1966 Geneva Agreement.

The purpose of this piece isn’t to argue the legality of each country’s claims but to point out how this dispute has turned into a classic security dilemma. The issue began to re-emerge in the middle of the last decade after Exxon began prospecting for oil off of Essequibo’s coast and ultimately found enormous deposits there. In fact, they’re so large that Guyana is expected to soon have one of world’s highest oil earnings per capita, with estimates exceeding those of some Gulf Kingdoms and Norway.

The amount of investment that’s since flooded into this country of a little more than 800,000 people resulted in the fastest economic growth in the world this year at a whopping 38% according to the IMF. Although most of this is obviously driven by Exxon, so much so that The Intercept reported in June that this company “captured [Guyana] without firing a shot”, Newsweek raised awareness in early November of China’s impressive economic inroads there that turned Guyana into its largest CARICOM trade partner.

The Guyanese government therefore appears to be attempting a balancing act whereby it’s subordinated the country’s energy security to the US, which has the military means to defend these oil deposits in disputed waters, while relying on China for real-sector economic investments. To be sure, Guyana is much closer to the US than to China and its oil wealth has yet to “trickle down” to its people (nor might it ever if it remains “captured” by Exxon), but it’s still not (yet?) entirely subordinating itself to the US.

From Venezuela’s perspective, however, Guyana’s pro-US disposition entails latent national security risks since Exxon’s offshore oil investments in disputed waters could serve as the pretext for inviting a permanent American military presence that could lead to a multitude of hybrid threats in the future. Caracas was thus placed into a dilemma wherein it could either let this seemingly inevitable process unfold unimpeded or try to preemptively thwart it (or at least raise the costs for Exxon and/or the US).

These developments set the backdrop for Venezuela’s referendum on this disputed region, which also came amidst the easing of US sanctions against Caracas and the winding down of the Ukrainian Conflict, the latter largely due to the West’s depleted stockpiles and the failure of summer’s counteroffensive. These last-mentioned factors arguably played the greatest role in the timing behind that decision as will now be explained.

Venezuelan policymakers apparently calculated that the US has a greater need at present for their country’s oil exports ahead of next year’s election and as suspicions circulate about de facto jointly led Russian-Saudi OPEC+’s strategic intentions than for oil exports from Guyana a few years down the road. These observations were predicated on the US’ easing of oil sanctions against their country despite it not having made any significant concessions in exchange (at least as far as the public is aware).

With them in mind, these same policymakers then took note of how much the US’ stockpiles have been depleted over the past 22 months of proxy war against Russia, which led them to conclude that it’s comparatively weaker than at any time in recent memory. Accordingly, they seem to have wagered that Venezuela’s role in ensuring the US’ immediate energy security interests and that country’s newfound military limitations created the best opportunity yet for them to press their claims to Essequibo.

The reason why they didn’t want to leave the conflict frozen was because they concluded that the US would inevitably exploit Exxon’s offshore oil investments in disputed waters as the pretext for deploying a permanent military presence that could then lead to a multitude of hybrid threats to Venezuela. It wasn’t until after the US eased the sanctions and its military limitations were exposed that policymakers realized that they had the unique opportunity to finally resolve the security dilemma over Essequibo.

Therein lies the crux of the problem, however, namely that a security dilemma does indeed exist over this issue with all the associated strategic risks. To remind readers about this concept from International Relations theory, it posits that one country’s peacefully intended moves could be perceived threateningly by another, which prompts the second to react defensively in ways that the other then misperceives as offensive. They in turn react the same way, have their intentions misperceived, and so on and so forth.

This escalation cycle then continues indefinitely until the involved parties either agree on a series of compromises for defusing their mutual tensions or they spiral out of control into conflict. There’s also the chance that one of the countries could invite a third to bolster their defensive capabilities, which could worsen the other’s threat perception and possibly lead to them countenancing preemptive action. It’s these aforementioned dynamics that are shaping the Venezuelan-Guyanese dispute over Essequibo.

Guyana wants to develop its enormous offshore oil deposits in disputed waters, which requires having a reliable partner that can defend them from Venezuelan claims, while Venezuela fears that Guyana’s chosen US partner intends to exploit this pretext to unleash myriad hybrid threats against it. Venezuela saw what its policymakers regarded as a unique opportunity to finally resolve the security dilemma over Essequibo once and for all upon calculating that energy and military factors would deter US intervention.

Without intending to, however, their referendum and related moves served to create the “publicly plausible” pretext for accelerating the US’ speculatively preplanned comprehensive military partnership with Guyana. Venezuelan policymakers’ calculations were rational, and their country has the right to preemptively thwart impending threats of the sort that they were convinced would inevitably emerge, but they overlooked the US’ electoral context and its sensitivity towards global perceptions of weakness.

Biden will face a tough challenge from the Republicans next year, who present themselves as more serious about national security than the Democrats, so the incumbent ruling party can’t afford to look weak at home by sitting aside in the scenario that Venezuela asserts control over Essequibo. Likewise, the global perception of US weakness caused by the failure of its proxy war on Russia through Ukraine puts pressure on that country to prevent a replication of that geopolitical disaster in its own hemisphere.

These additional factors raise the costs of any potential Venezuelan military intervention into Essequibo, though it should also be said that Venezuela might hope that it too can raise the costs of any potential US one or at least of Exxon’s operations, thus freezing the conflict at its most tense phase thus far. To elaborate, these same additional factors also make the US much more sensitive to large-scale and/or symbolic military losses of the kind that Venezuela might inflict on its regional naval assets in a conflict.

The sinking of a single ship, even if only by a so-called “lucky strike”, could be enough to doom the Democrats’ hopes in November. Moreover, the US public might not support an overwhelming military response against Venezuela in defense of another faraway country’s disputed border if they deem it to have the credible risk of escalating into a larger and possibly even wider war. That’s not even to mention that the Pentagon might prefer saving the rest of its reserves for any contingencies with China in Asia.

Whatever ends up happening, it’ll be the result of the complex interplay between the primary Venezuelan-Guyanese participants in this security dilemma and the latter’s US military partner, all of which have their own interests and perceptions that are shaping their respective policies. The best-case scenario is that the conflict once again soon freezes, the worst-case one is that it leads to a direct Venezuelan-US war, while the most likely scenario might be renewed US subversion of Venezuela. ... dispute-is


Venezuela Takes a Step Closer to War With US
Posted on December 8, 2023 by Nick Corbishley

Following Sunday’s referendum, Venezuela’s Maduro government de facto “annexes” the oil-rich Essequibo region. Guyana calls for help from friends, including US Southern Command. Military exercises are already under way.

Three and a half weeks ago, we warned that the next major geopolitical flash point in this year of living dangerously could be in Washington’s “backyard” (or as the Biden Administration likes to call it, front yard). Sad to say, it looks like we were right. Like most geopolitical flash points, the region affected, Essequibo (or Guayana Esequiba), boasts a wealth of energy and mineral resources. In 2015, a consortium of energy firms led by Exxon Mobil discovered huge deposits of oil in the region’s disputed waters — and what’s more of the sweet crude variety that is easiest to refine, commanding the highest price on the global market.

In doing so, they reignited a diplomatic conflict that has been blowing hot and cold for the best part of the last two centuries. Essequibo has been administered by the former British colony of Guyana, of which it constitutes more than two-thirds of its territory and hosts 125,000 of Guyana’s 800,000 citizens, since 1899, when its frontiers were defined by an arbitration panel in Paris. Venezuela eventually accepted the ruling, albeit grudgingly, until 1949, when one of the US lawyers who had defended its case had a memorandum published posthumously that strongly suggested that the ruling had been rigged in Britain’s favour.

Redrawing the Map

Following Sunday’s referendum, Venezuela’s government has de facto annexed the 159,000 square kilometre territory, as well as its oil-rich waters. While it has not sent troops to the region, it is moving fast to make this new change a reality. On Wednesday, President Nicolás Maduro ordered the immediate publication of new maps of Venezuela showing Essequibo as part of its territory (rather than as a disputed territory). The maps will then be distributed to schools community councils, public establishments, universities and all homes.

This is what the new map looks like (as NC reader Joe Well pointed out in the comments thread to a recent post, there is a common saying in Venezuela that the country is shaped like an elephant, with Essequibo forming the hind and back leg):


Al Jazeera helpfully explains why the Essequibo region is so important, from a geographic, environmental and economical standpoint:

The area is located in the heart of the Guiana Shield, a geographical region in the northeast of South America and one of the four last pristine tropical forests in the world mined with natural and mineral resources, including large reserves of gold, copper, diamond, iron and aluminium among others.

The region also has the world’s biggest reserves of crude oil per capita. Just last month, Guyana announced a “significant” new oil discovery, adding to estimated reserves of at least 10 billion barrels – more than Kuwait or the United Arab Emirates.

With these resources, the country is set to surpass the oil production of Venezuela, and by 2025, according to projections, the country is on track to become the world’s largest per-capita crude producer.

The Venezuelan government’s “annexation” of Essequibo followed a consultative referendum held late Sunday on the fate of the oil-rich region, which Venezuela has claimed as its own since winning full independence from Spain in 1823, (for more historical background to this long-simmering dispute, read my previous post, The Drums of War Are Growing Louder in South America). In the referendum, more than 10.5 million eligible Venezuelan voters, just over 50% of the total, participated, with around 95% casting ballots in favour of annexing the region, according to country’s electoral authorities.

The voters also overwhelmingly agreed to reject the conditions “fraudulently imposed” by the British Empire in the Paris Arbitration Award of 1899; to “support the 1966 Geneva Agreement as the only valid legal instrument to reach a practical and satisfactory solution to the territorial dispute; to not recognise the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in resolving the dispute; and to oppose, by all legal means, Guyana’s claim to unilaterally dispose of a disputed maritime area, illegally and in violation of international law.

From “Non-Binding” to “Binding”

Before the referendum, the Maduro government insisted that the vote was purely consultative and non-binding; now that it has secured the result it was seeking, it is claiming the opposite.

“The word of the People is popular command,” tweeted Maduro on Wednesday. “We will enforce the decision the Venezuelans made in the consultative referendum to guarantee the development and well-being of our Guayana Esequiba. Venezuela has raised its voice!”

Also on Wednesday, Maduro presented the National Assembly with a draft law for recognising Guayana Esequiba as a province of Venezuela. As provisional authority of the new territory he appointed a deputy from the ruling party, Major General Alexis Rodríguez Cabello, and authorised the creation of subsidiaries for the region of the Venezuelan state-owned oil company Petroleos de Venezuela and the state-owned Venezuelan Corporation of Guayana Essequibo, which will be granted licenses for the exploration and exploitation of oil, gas and mineral deposits.

What motives does Maduro have for doing all of this? It depends, of course, who you ask.

In most Western media, the stock response is that the move on Essequibo is a desperate attempt to shore up political support at home as the country faces the prospect of new elections next year amid a slightly improving albeit still hyper-inflationary economy. The Essequibo claim is one of the few issues on which almost all Venezuelans, including many members of the political opposition, can unite around. It has also been argued that the Maduro government is desperate to get its hands on Essequibo’s sweet crude oil — hence the speed with which it is granting exploration and exploitation licences for the region.

While there may be a kernel of truth in both of these explanations, they completely ignore the spark that set off this latest escalation: Exxon Mobil’s discovery of oil in Essequibo’s disputed waters in 2015. As I documented in my last piece, Exxon Mobil has had a strained relationship with Venezuela’s government since 2007, when Chavez nationalised ExxonMobil’s considerable assets in the country, and the company’s discovery and subsequent exploitation of oil in Essequibo was an extremely provocative step. In a 2017 article, the Washington Post described it as “revenge” for Exxon’s then-CEO Rex Tillersen.

For Exxon Mobil, Guyana is a key cog in its plans for the future. Last year alone, the oil major and its two partners, Hess Corporation and China’s CNOOC Petroleum, earned nearly $6 billion in Guyana. That is expected to grow significantly in the years to come.

As Exxon has expanded its influence in the tiny country of Guyana, to such an extent that “it’s become hard to distinguish where the oil company ends and the government begins,” as Amy Westervelt reported for The Intercept in June, it was just a matter of time before US troops and military bases began arriving. The US and Guyana already signed an agreement in 2020 to undertake joint military patrols in the Essequibo region, ostensibly for “drug interdiction” and to provide “greater security” to the South American country.

As we warned last week, the drums of war are beating louder. As a contingency, Brazil, which shares a border with both Venezuela and Guyana, has extensive economic interests in and with Guyana as well as close ties (until now at least) with the Maduro government, already sent reinforcements to its northern border before the referendum. The Latin American superpower, which boasts the largest military force in the Americas after the US, bolstered those reinforcements this week with an additional 600 troops. It has also intensified its surveillance and defensive operations along the border.

So far, “movement on the Brazilian side of the border has been normal,” reports an army dispatch. Some Brazilian media outlets have warned that if Venezuela were to actually attempt a land invasion of Essequibo, some troops may end up trying to go through Brazilian territory, most likely the state of Roraima.

Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said he was following developments between Guyana and Venezuela with “growing concern”. He also suggested at a Mercosur summit that multilateral bodies such as CELAC (the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) and UNASUR should contribute to a peaceful solution. “We do not want and we do not need war in South America,” he said.

Venezuela already sent a military contingent to Puerto Barima, close to Venezuela’s Atlantic border with Essequibo, before the referendum. The country boasts the fourth largest military force in Latin America, with 137,000 military personnel, and is closely allied with both Russia and China.

Powerful “Friends”

By contrast, the Guyana Defence Forces (GDF) number just 4,600, according to the GDF’s official website. But the oil-rich nation, which accounts for almost 10% of Exxon Mobil’s global oil production, has friends (if one can call them that) in high places. And the Guyanese government is asking for their help. In a recent interview with CBS News, Guyana’s President Mohamed Irfaan Ali said his government, while much preferring peace and diplomacy, is, along with its friends, prepared for the alternative.

“We take this threat very seriously, and we have initiated a number of precautionary measures to ensure the peace and stability of this region,” Ali said on Wednesday. “Should Venezuela proceed to act in this reckless and adventurous manner, the region will have to respond. And that is what we’re building. We’re building a regional response.”

That regional response includes mobilising the support of the largely US-controlled Organisation of American States (OAS), the same organisation that fully backed Washington’s disastrous attempt to unilaterally impose Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s “interim” president. It also played a key role in facilitating Jeanne Añez’s bloody 2019 coup d’état in Bolivia. The organisation enjoys little support among the region’s left-leaning governments, who are working together to strengthen the regional body CELAC as an alternative.

Guyana can also count on the support of Caricom, a political and economic union of 15 Caribbean and Central American nations, as well as the British Commonwealth. He also claims to have the backing of France (quelle surprise!), the UK (ditto), and Brazil, which, if true, would actually be a surprise.

But it is the US that will be providing the bulk of the military support, if needed. From the US State Department:

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke with Guyanese President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali to reaffirm the United States’ unwavering support for Guyana’s sovereignty. The Secretary reiterated the United States’ call for a peaceful resolution to the dispute and for all parties to respect the 1899 arbitral award determining the land boundary between Venezuela and Guyana, unless, or until, the parties reach a new agreement, or a competent legal body decides otherwise. Secretary Blinken and President Ali noted the International Court of Justice order issued on December 1, which called for parties to refrain from any action that might aggravate or extend the dispute.

Guyana has also presented its case to the United Nations Security Council, where it is being discussed today.

“By defying the (International) Court (of Justice), Venezuela has rejected international law, the rule of law generally and the preservation of international peace and security,” said Ali on Thursday. “They have… declared themselves an outlaw nation. Nothing they do will stop Guyana, however, from pursuing its case at the ICJ or stop the ICJ from ultimately issuing its final judgment on the merits of this case”.

Venezuela will presumably be able to count on vetoes from China and/or Russia in the event of a vote on the dispute.

US Southern Command is already on standby. On Thursday, it announced that it will be conducting flight drills over Guyana, in collaboration with the Guyana Defence Force. This is after Guyana’s Vice President strongly hinted last week that Southcom will also be setting up military bases in Essequibo.

But let’s not kid ourselves here: this is not about protecting Guyanan sovereignty from a hostile neighbour; it is about protecting US interests in the region and boxing out both China and Russia from the region’s resources, as the Commander of SOUTHCOM Laura Richardson reiterated last week at the Reagan National Defense Forum:

The Guyanese government’s decision to invite SOUTHCOM to set up military bases in Essequibo, which was probably a long time coming, elicited a furious response from Caracas (translation by yours truly).

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela condemns the recent statements by President Irfaan Ali, who has recklessly given the green light to the presence of the United States Southern Command in the territory of Guayana Esequiba, over which Guyana maintains a de facto occupation and a territorial dispute with Venezuela, which is supposed to be resolved through the Geneva Agreement of 1966, the only valid legal instrument between the parties.

Venezuela denounces before the International Community, in particular the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the reckless attitude of Guyana, which, acting under the mandate of the American transnational Exxon Mobil, is opening the possibility of an imperial power installing military bases, threatening the Peace Zone that has been established in this region.

Whereas Guyana may have plenty of “allies” to call upon in its time of need, Venezuela appears to be more isolated. Even its long-time ally, Cuba, is also on close terms with Georgetown. Both China and Brazil are heavily invested in Guyana’s rapidly growing energy industry. Other regional allies such as Gustavo Petro’s Colombia and AMLO’s Mexico have so far stayed silent on the issue.

One country that may be willing to step up its support of Venezuela is Russia. As already mentioned, both countries already have close military ties. They also have close ties in both energy and tourism that date back to the mandate of Venezuela’s late President Hugo Chavez. It is also hard to imagine Maduro’s government raising tensions with the US in such an aggressive manner if it wasn’t backed by another military superpower such as Russia.

Not so long ago, Vladimir Putin offered Russia’s allies in Latin America, as well as Asia and Africa, advanced Russian weaponry during his speech at the opening ceremony of the International Military and Technical Forum 2022 and the International Army Games-2022 — all in the name of safeguarding “peace and security” in the emerging multipolar world. As I noted in an article at the time, it was one of a number of signs that Latin America is back on the grand chessboard, as the race for the region’s resources and strategic influence heats up in the new Cold War.

What better way for Russia to raise the stakes in its escalating conflict with the US than to provide military support to Venezuela’s government, one of the biggest thorns in Washington’s side, as it pursues its territorial conquest (or in the views of most Venezuelans, reconquest) of Essequibo. And if that is what ends up happening and this does indeed escalate into military conflict (still quite a big “IF”), Russia will probably not need to send its own troops into the meat grinder. Instead, it would be the US and presumably its allies in Latin America that would be providing much of the cannon fodder in this proxy war. And that would suit Putin just fine.

All of this is pure conjecture for now. But it is worth highlighting that Venezuela has been an unflinching ally of Russia during the conflict in Ukraine. And coincidentally, Maduro is scheduled to spend a few days in Russia this December, though the exact dates have not yet been set. Meanwhile, the US is already considering reimposing sanctions on Venezuela’s oil, gas and gold. ... anted.html


Venezuela Seeks to Slow Down the Humboldt Glacier Melting

Laguna Verde at the foot of Humboldt Peak, Merida, Venezuela, Nov. 2023. | Photo: X/ @GrafeRafael

Published 7 December 2023 (23 hours 32 minutes ago)

Over the last 30 years, the glaciers in the Andes mountain range have lost 42 percent of their surface.

On Wednesday, the Venezuelan Environment Ministry announced that it will launch a plan to slow down the melting of the Humboldt Glacier, which is located in the Merida state.

A thermal mesh will be used in a pilot project whose purpose is to decelerate the melting of the last glacier in the Venezuelan Andes.

These thermal meshes are made of polypropylene and designed to prevent direct sunlight on the glacier by creating a microclimate where melting processes will be delayed significantly.

Venezuela will be the first tropical country to initiate such actions, which are aligned with policies "aimed at fighting the effects of the climate crisis," pointed out the Environment Ministry.

Over the last 30 years, the glaciers in the Andes mountain range have lost 42 percent of their surface, shrinking from 2,429 square kilometers in 1990 to 1,409 square kilometers in 2020, according to a study released in 2022 by the Brazilian environmental initiative MapBiomas.

The rate of loss of glaciers in the tropical region of the Andes, i.e., those located between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, is 28.4 kilometers per year.

So far, the most affected glaciers in this area have been those within 5,000 meters above sea level, as they have lost 80.25 percent of their area. ... -0008.html
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:02 pm


On the Strategic Relationship Between Venezuela and China
DECEMBER 8, 2023

By Francisco Dominguez – Nov 30, 2023

During a state visit to the People’s Republic of China in September 2023, Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro met president Xi Jinping and both agreed to strengthen the relationship of their countries by establishing seven sub commissions to elevate it to the level of ‘all-weather strategic partnership’. This is the culmination of a relationship that began with president Hugo Chavez’s first visit to Beijing in 1999, the very first year of his presidency.

Chavez’s first visit went well beyond friendly diplomacy since Venezuela’s president and the then president of China, Jiang Zemin, signed fifteen cooperation and commercial agreements. This was followed by President Jiang’s visit to Venezuela in 2001. Trade between the two countries in 1998 amounted to a paltry US$182.8 million, which would grow hundred-fold by the 21st century’s second decade.

In his 1999 visit Chavez described the People’s Republic as “a true model and example of mutual respect”, adding “we [in Venezuela] have developed an autonomous foreign policy, independent from any world power and on that, we resemble China.” After that, high officials from both governments would visit each other’s country to develop a commercial and political relationship, which has grown stronger ever since.

Whilst Hugo Chavez was president of Venezuela, he visited China in 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. President Maduro did so in 2013, 2015, 2018, 2021 and 2023. For their part, Chinese leaders also visited Venezuela: after Jiang Zemin’s 2001 visit, Xi Jinping (then vice-president) visited in 2009 and in 2013, president Hu Jintao planned a visit in 2010 (interrupted due an earthquake in China), and Xi Jinping, as president, visited in 2014.

This detailed article by Francisco Dominguez – an expert on Latin American politics, National Secretary of the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, and Friends of Socialist China advisory group member – endeavours to chart the evolution of the relationship between Bolivarian Venezuela and the People’s Republic of China and its significance for Latin America as a whole. This article was first published in Friends of Socialist China.

Being a consummate strategist, Hugo Chavez understood earlier than other Latin American left-wing leaders, the significance and weight of China in world politics and economics, especially, the rising Asian power’s commitment to build a multipolar world. Chavez, an avid reader, endowed with a formidable intellect, was also aware not only of the significance of the 1949 Chinese revolution and the leading role played by Mao Zedong, but also of Deng Xiaoping’s economic reform in bringing about China’s extraordinary economic development. He knew that given the affinities between the Bolivarian and Chinese revolutions, the People’s Republic was a friendly ally.

Chavez communicated as much to his host, China’s president Jiang Zemin, and to the people of China in his first visit to the People’s Republic in October 1999. During the visit he went to Mao’s Mausoleum and declared, “I have been a Maoist all my life”. The 1999 visit to China was part of a tour for markets for Venezuelan and potential commercial partners to help break the overwhelming economic dominance of the United States over Venezuela. The tour included visits to Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines.

Though the tour produced positive results in all the other Asian countries, the outcome of his visit to China went well beyond all expectations: to the already existing eight cooperation agreements between Venezuela and China signed since Chavez coming to office in February 1999, his visit in October produced seven more covering the fields of energy, oil, credits to purchase agricultural machinery, investment, diplomacy and academia.

Chavez combined his strategic political audacity in promulgating an anti-neoliberal constitution in 1999, with a vigorously independent foreign policy seeking to establish strong links of every kind with the People’s Republic of China, as an alternative to Venezuela’s heavy dependence on the US. The Comandante knew Washington had activated all its resources aimed at ousting him and eliminating his government – perceived by the US as an abhorrent anomaly. Chavez’s political courage is even more impressive considering that in 1999, Latin America, with the exception of Cuba, was a sea of neoliberalism.

Washington’s relations with the People’s Republic had begun to sour because in 1996 Clinton had authorised a visit by Taiwan president, Lee Teng-hui, reversing a fifteen-year-old policy against granting visas to Taiwan’s leaders. Worse, in May 1999, NATO, during its war against Yugoslavia, had “accidentally” bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade killing three Chinese journalists. Though for Venezuela and China, the United States was an important trading partner, they both agreed to comprehensive levels of cooperation knowing that over time it would be viewed with hostility in Washington.

Hugo Chavez opened the gates and was a pioneer in the relations with the Peoples’ Republic of China for the rest of Latin America. Chavez was elected in 1999; the second left wing government in this ‘Pink Tide’ to be elected was Lula in 2002 in Brazil, who would be inaugurated in 2003. That is, four years later. Between 1999 and 2003, Chavez’s government faced intense US-led destabilization, which included right wing street violence, a worldwide media demonization campaign, national protests, economic sabotage, a short-lived coup d’état and a 64-day oil lockout that nearly brought about the country’s economic collapse. Though fully aware of this context, president Jiang Zemin paid a formal visit to Venezuela in 2001, occasion in which both countries decided to establish a “Strategic Association for Shared Development” and set up a High Level Chinese-Venezuelan Commission.

Venezuela and China: over two decades of growing partnership
The 15 agreements signed in 1999 between the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the People’s Republic of China were followed by the two countries agreeing to establish a “Strategic Association for a Shared Development” after Premier Jiang Zemin’s visit to Caracas in 2001. That this was coupled with the establishment of High-Level Chinese-Venezuelan Commission attests, with the benefit of hindsight, that the political leadership of the two nations grasped the strategic significance of the relationship.

In September 2000 a Joint Commission of Trade met, opportunity the Venezuelan government used to issue communiqué to support China’s entry into the World Trade Organization and recognise the People’s Republic of China as the only and legitimate representative of the Chinese people, reaffirming support for the principle of “one country, two systems” as a means of reunification.

Chavez made a second visit to China in July 2001 with the objective of consolidating the ten-year Strategic Partnership (2001-2011) signed with president Jiang Zemin in the same year. In his visit Chavez stressed the affinity of the Bolivarian revolution with the Chinese revolution, noting especially the fact that both nations had entered the 21st century without having accepted any imposition from anybody. They were determining their own destiny through their own political, social and economic model, based on their own rich culture, and furthermore, both countries were promoting international relations based on justice, the self-determination of nations and respect for the sovereignty of all nations.

This occurred in 2001, at a time when, despite growing social mobilisation and an acute crisis in Latin America, there was no inkling the region would be soon engulfed by a Pink Tide of left-wing governments. Lula was elected president of Brazil in October 2002, Nestor Kirchner in Argentina in 2003, Evo Morales would be elected president of Bolivia in December 2005 and Rafael Correa in Ecuador in 2006, to mention the most important ones.

Some political stability returned to Venezuela after Hugo Chavez won a recall referendum in August 2004. Chavez visited the People’s Republic again in November 2004, in a very different context since it was after the short-lived April 2002 coup and the US-led 64-day long oil lockout in 2003. Brazil sent 520,000 barrels of gasoline to help relieve the acute shortages caused by the lockout, along with twenty oil experts to restart Venezuela’s oil industry, sabotaged by opposition engineers.[1] China’s new president, Hu Jintao, received Chavez at a moment when China’s investment in Venezuela was the largest in South America. Cooperation agreements were signed on energy and mining, technical assistance, infrastructure, agricultural machinery, the military and housing. In 2005 Venezuela would establish a vice-ministry for Asia, the Middle East and Oceania.

In Chavez’s fourth visit to China in 2006, another Joint High-Level Commission meeting was held in Beijing, which led to the signing of 31 new cooperation agreements and the establishment of a Venezuelan Consulate in Shanghai. In this visit the two countries signed 12 cooperation agreements on energy, including joint ventures in the oil industry in Venezuela through their respective state oil companies, and the training of 195 Venezuelans in the use of perforation drills. Venezuela agreed to increase oil supplies to the People’s Republic, the joint building of 18 oil tankers, jointly explore the possibility to produce ethanol in Venezuela and an energy-saving project through Chinese technology on solar panels.[2] This was followed by the sixth meeting of the Joint High-Level Commission in 2007, when 45 more cooperation agreements were signed involving areas such as energy, finances, communication, technology, infrastructure, mining, agriculture, education and tourism.

Chavez visited China for the fifth time in September 2008 leading to the renewal of the Venezuela-China Joint Fund, with a commitment of US$6bn. In October that year, as a result of the growing Venezuela-China cooperation, Venezuela successfully launched its first ever satellite, ‘Simon Bolivar 1’. It was built by the China Great Wall Industry Corp. under an agreement signed in November 2005, was operated by the Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities and offered, free of charge, modern telecommunications such as broadband internet, high-definition television and mobile phone services to the whole of Latin America.[3] At the time (29/10/2008) France 24, in sour-grapes mood, reported, “The space lab – the pride of Hugo Chávez’s regime – is located at the heart of an air force base. In front of the first security checkpoint, a placard warns visitors: “Socialist fatherland or death”. Venezuela-China cooperation on space programme would lead to Venezuela launching two more satellites, the 1st Venezuelan Remote Sensing Satellite (VSSR-1) in 2012 and the VSSR-2 in 2017[4], named Francisco de Miranda and Antonio Jose de Sucre, respectively, after 19th century leaders of Venezuelan and Latin American Independence.

Hugo Chavez paid a sixth (his last) visit to the People’s Republic in April 2009 to strengthen the strategic alliance with China and when he met president Hu Jintao he asserted, “Nobody can deny the world’s centre of gravity has moved to Beijing”. This had been preceded by a visit to Venezuela by then vice-president Xi Jinping in February that year. Both countries agreed that Venezuela would increase its supply of oil to China from 380,000 barrels a day to 1 million by 2013 for which a Venezuelan oil refinery would be constructed in Chinese territory and they would establish a binational shipping company to transport the crude. In December 2009, after the eighth meeting of the Joint High-Level Commission held in Caracas, 29 more agreements were signed involving the areas of energy, science, technology, aerospace, economics, trade and social issues.[5]

In 2010 forty-eight agreements were signed by China and Venezuela, year in which the Development Bank of China issued a large-scale loan of US$20bn to Venezuela. The ninth meeting of the Joint High-Level Commission met leading to the signing of 39 agreements in areas such as mining, science and technology, industry, commerce, cultural exchange, agrarian developments, communes, and housing. The Joint High-Level Commission met in Caracas in November 2011 for its tenth meeting focusing on reviewing progress on joint projects but also a Venezuelan Parliamentary Friendship Group with China was established.

From 1999 until 2011 a total of 430 Venezuela-China agreements were signed out of which, 171 were cooperation projects on energy and mining, agriculture, science and technology, infrastructure, industry, aerospace, culture, social and economic and trade issues. They also included projects in areas such as iron and aluminium, food production, housing, importation of buses and vehicles, health and medical supplies, and electric power.

From 2012 onwards China provided financial assistance to Venezuela’s massive housing programme and, as a result of the 11th meeting of the Joint High-Level Commission convened in Beijing, cooperation expanded to mining (certification, exploration, and geological prospecting of reserves of minerals), oil (supply oil platforms), finances (Joint Fund with PDVSA), electricity, and academia.

The premature death of Hugo Chavez on 5 March 2013, was received by the United States and Venezuela’s opposition as a golden opportunity to finish the Bolivarian Revolution. Thus, the opposition contested Nicolas Maduro’s electoral victory in April 2013, which they followed with a six-month wave of street violence in 2014, complemented with economic sabotage bringing about acute shortages of basic items of daily consumption, primarily food. In 2015 US president Obama declared Venezuela “an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security of the US”, opening the floodgates to an unstoppable raft of nasty unilateral coercive measures (aka ‘sanctions’). He also expanded US energy output through fracking, deliberately making oil prices plummet to less than US$30 the barrel.[6] One the worst crisis in Venezuelan republican history began.

US-led aggression against Venezuela was highly damaging to its economy and its people since it took it to the verge of collapse, a state it was in from 2014 to 2020.[7] Nevertheless, the support and cooperation from the People’s Republic of China to Venezuela never weakened. Quite the opposite, it was intensified as solidarity especially during the very hard years of the Covid-19 pandemic, period when the US blockade of Venezuela was at its most intense. Furthermore, US president Donald Trump declared the 2018 Venezuelan election fraudulent and the victor, president Maduro, illegitimate, leading the US to recognise self-proclaimed ‘interim president’, Juan Guaidó, who engaged in massive corruption with US-controlled Venezuelan assets.

The 12th and 13th meetings of the Joint High-Level Commission took place in September 2013 and July 2014, respectively. The former held in China was attended by president Maduro and the latter held in Caracas, attended by the now president Xi Jinping. The two countries signed more agreements, on the same areas as at previous meetings.

President Maduro travelled to the People’s Republic in January and September 2015, the latter as part of the 15th Joint High-Level Commission meeting where, among the 11 new agreements, there was the Venezuela-China Joint Development Plan (2015-2025), the Framework Agreement for Cooperation in Special Economic Zones in Venezuela and the Framework Agreement for a Special Financial Facility of up to US$5bn.

By 2016, China and Venezuela had developed over 18 oil production projects with a total investment of about US$5bn, China had approved financing of about US$700 million in projects in the Orinoco Mining Arc, a region rich in gold, coltan, diamonds, iron, bauxite, and other strategic minerals. By February 2017, China and Venezuela had signed a total of 790 cooperation agreements in strategic areas.[8] In his 10th visit to the People’s Republic, president Maduro, within the context of the 16th meeting of the Joint High-Level Commission held in Beijing, signed 28 more cooperation agreements in the usual areas of oil, science and technology, mining, economics, security and health.[9] President Maduro characterised this visit as ‘historic’ because he signed a Memorandum of Understanding with China “for cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative”.[10]

Between 2000 and 2018 Venezuela borrowed over US$67bn from Chinese institutions, about 48% of the total of China’s loans to the whole of Latin America. Specialists say that this is the biggest credit granted by China to any country in the world.[11]

This has led some pundits to ‘theorise’ that paradoxically in Venezuela’s quest to build a multipolar world, closer and growing economic relations with China as a counterweight to Washington, makes it increasingly dependent on Chinese investment, technological support and economic assistance, which “could very well lead to the replacement of an old dependency (United States) with a new one (China)”.[12] The continued strengthening of the Venezuela-China relationship and China-Latin America belies these fallacies.

Between 2008 and 2020 Venezuela accounted for 29.6% of the contracted projects undertaken by China in Latin America, well over Brazil (13.9%), Argentina (10.7%), Ecuador (7.5%), Mexico (6.7%), Colombia (6.2%), and Peru (4.2%). Confirming the strong nature of the China-Venezuela relationship, between 2010 and 2018 China has constructed numerous hospitals, roads, bridges, ports, airports, schools, hydropower projects, and housing projects.[13] By May 2023, Venezuela’s relation to China was upgraded from “strategic partnership” to “comprehensive strategic partnership”.

In September 2023, on occasion of a visit by president Maduro to Beijing at the invitation of China’s president Xi Jinping, the People’s Republic of China’s relationship with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was further upgraded by to an “all-weather strategic partnership”. The event was described as follows: “The China-Venezuela connection is a key milestone in the shifting global political and economic landscape. In a changing world order, this partnership has the potential to provide Venezuela with economic prosperity, stability, as well as greater autonomy.”[14]

Both leaders and their respective governments see their relationship as a central component of building a multipolar world, highly valuing “the important role of the China-CELAC Forum (CCF) in promoting China-Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) relations. Xi Jinping and Maduro are willing to strengthen communications and coordination in matters related to the CCF, so as to promote a stable and lasting China-LAC relations in the new era, characterized by equality, mutual benefit, innovation, openness and well-being for their peoples. The Chinese side appreciated Venezuela’s role in LAC affairs, as well as its active stance in favour of the continued development of cooperation between the region and China.”[15]

The evolution of Venezuela-China relations charted above has taken place in the context of both the severe decline of the United States and the meteoric economic rise of the People’s Republic of China to being Latin America’s main trading partner, which we examine below.

The decline of the United States
The rise of Chavez and Chavismo can be found in the specifics of the decline and eventual collapse of the oil-dependent, parasitic, Venezuelan political economy whose terminal manifestation was the 1989 social explosion known as the Caracazo. In turn, the fall of Venezuela’s ancien régime occurs at the end of Latin America’s lost decade in a context dominated by the economic and political decline of US imperialism. In 1960, US GDP represented 40% of the world’s total, by 2000 – two years after the election of Chavez – it had gone down to 30%.[16]

The United States has sought to counteract its decline by building up its military capabilities thus massively increasing its defense budget from US$47.35bn in 1960 to US$320.09bn in 2000 (and to US$800.67bn in 2021), that is, a staggering increase of over 600% in 2000 (and 1,700% in 2021).[17] US military muscle has been flexed primarily in wars in the Middle East, presented as a ‘global war on terror’ that began in 2001 with US military action against Afghanistan. This was followed by war against Iraq in 2003, the war against Syria (depicted as ‘targeted operations to defeat ISIS’), the brutal military bombardment of Libya leading to the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, and a vigorous military support for Saudi Arabia in the civil war in Yemen.

The cost of 20 years of the US ‘war on terror’ has thus far been more than 900,000 people killed directly and about 4 million who have died indirectly as a consequence of it, 38 million people have been displaced, and an estimated cost of US$8,000bn to the US taxpayer. The US is currently conducting counterterror activities in 85 countries[18] and it has about 800 highly costly military bases around the world.

Given US excessive expenditure (plus poor economic performance) in the last decades, US governments have addressed these severe weaknesses of the country’s economy by borrowing money through the issuing of Treasury bonds, leading to a dramatic increase in the US public debt: in 1960 it was US$286bn, by 1980 it had gone up to US$908bn and by 2000 had reached US$5,764bn. That is, between 1960 and 1980 US public debt hovered around 30-40% of its GDP, by 2000 it was around 60% of GDP, by 2020 it had reached over 100% of GDP and by 2023 it was 120% of GDP.[19] Currently US public debt is over US$33tn (the world’s largest in volume) and with a GDP of US$27tn, the difference is a staggering US$6tn[20], equivalent to the combined GDP of all countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.[21]

The World Bank considers that countries with a debt-to-GDP ratio above 77% for a prolonged period experience significant slowdowns in economic growth.[22] Between 1961 and 2017, the US average rate of economic growth was barely over 2%; it had been 4.4% in 1970, that is, a steady downward long-term trend.[23] Furthermore, the US banking system triggered a massive world recession in 2008, and then it was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic before it could fully recover.[24]

As a consequence of military overspending, persistent and growing trade deficits, and poor economic performance, the US economy is unable to raise sufficient savings to devote to domestic investment. It is estimated that “saving and investment have declined substantially as a percentage of GDP over the last 40 years, and have collapsed almost entirely since the financial crisis” that, furthermore, investment “barely keeps pace with depreciation”, and, in conclusion the US, “overall, does not save enough money to fund all of the worthwhile domestic investments and relies substantially on foreign investors to make up the difference.”[25]

These figures came in piece written for the Tax Foundation in 2014 but since then the situation for the US economic in all these aspects got significantly worse. The US could increase the level of savings available for investment but they will have to be drawn by reducing either the population’s consumption or military expenditure. The latter, especially with the current conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza and the deployment of military muscle against China around Taiwan, is politically untouchable. Meanwhile wages have actually stagnated for decades: “Between 1979 and 2020, workers’ wages grew by 17.5% while productivity grew over three times as fast at 61.8%.”[26] Furthermore, US direct investment abroad outstrips inward foreign direct investment; in 2021 and 2022, the difference was US$1,331bn and US$1,326bn, respectively.[27]

One crucial consequence has been the decades-long neglect of the country’s infrastructure, which compounds all the problems identified. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 2021 reported that “an estimated 6 billion gallons of treated water [are] lost each day in the U.S., enough to fill over 9,000 swimming pools”, 43% of our public roadways [are] in poor or mediocre condition, a number that has remained stagnant over the past several years”, “42% of the 617,000 bridges are at least 50 years old, and 46,154, or 7.5% of the nation’s bridges, are considered structurally deficient”, to mention just a few of the neglected areas.[28]

An often-neglected dimension of US economic and political decadence is the rise of poverty in the wealthiest country on the planet. In a US Senate hearing in 2014 on Childhood Poverty, Senator Bernie Sanders stated that “the US has by far the highest rate of childhood poverty of any major country on earth”, this was, “22% of our kids living in poverty.” Sanders compared it with other countries: Denmark, 3.7%: Finland, 3.9%; Norway, 5.1%; Iceland, 7.1%; Austria, 8.2%, Sweden, 8.2%; Germany, 9.1%; South Korea, 9.4%; UK, 9.8%; France, 11%; New Zealand, 13%; Poland, 13.6%; and Canada, 14%. That is, Sanders went on, “in our society one in four of our children get their nutrition from food stamps.” He also said the reason the US has more people in jail than any other country on earth, is the high level of school drop outs, which, in turn, is caused by the high level of childhood poverty. He also said childhood poverty manifests itself in the fact that “more than one in five children in America live in households that lack consistent access to adequate food because their parents don’t make enough money […] the number of homeless children has gone up by 73%, since 2006 in every state in the country there are families living with their kids in cars or emergency shelters”.[29]

A Government Accountability Office (GAO) study commissioned by Senator Sanders issued in September 2019 concluded not only that “the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer”, but also the former are living longer lives, while poor Americans are dying young, leading Sanders to conclude that “poverty is, in effect, a death sentence.” The Report found that 48% of the poorest 20 percent in the age 51-61 in 1992 had survived by 2014, whereas among the richest 20 percent 75.5 percent were alive. “The poorest 20 percent were twice as likely to die over the 22-year period than the wealthiest 20 percent.” The same disparity was also found by the Report on life expectancy (see our comments below on China’s life expectancy), “only half of those without college degrees and in the bottom 20 percent of the income distribution survived to 2014. Among those with college degrees and in the top 20 percent, based on mid-career earnings, 80 percent were still alive.”[30] According to the US Census Bureau, in 2022 there were 37.9 million people living in poverty (11.5 percent of the population).[31] In September 2022 the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), covering the 1989-2019 period, reported that “In 2019, families in the top 10% of the distribution held 72% of total wealth, and families in the top 1% of the distribution held more than one-third; families in the bottom half of the distribution held only 2% of total wealth,” a situation Sanders described as “obscene.”[32]

US poor economic performance reduces the country’s ability to successfully compete in the world, and has led to a growing trade deficit. In 1989 its trade deficit was US$109,399bn, deficit that grew year after year and which by 2022 had reached US$1,177,372bn, that is, an 11-fold increase.

As far as US-Latin America relations are concerned, throughout three decades (1970-2000) after overthrowing Allende in Chile, US governments have imposed brutal neoliberal policies on its ‘backyard’ (the “Washington Consensus”). Neoliberalism massively impoverished millions of people, undermined the sovereignty of the countries South of the Río Bravo (Grande), greedily appropriated their natural resources, vigorously forced wave after wave of privatisation of state assets, and weaponized the IMF and World Bank to impose nasty structural adjustment packages, driving millions into desperate deprivation. By 1990 the proportion of the population living below the poverty line was 48.3%, that is, 200 million people, figure that slightly declined by 1999 to 43.8% (211 million people). This went together with unprecedented levels of income concentration at the top with 10% of the richest households receiving over 30% of total income[33] (or even higher), making Latin America the most unequal region in the world.

No wonder that in the 2000-2010 decade, radical social movements and left wing political currents ousted and defeated one neoliberal government after another (in some cases through mass insurrections) giving rise to the ‘pink tide’ that changed the region’s complexion for good. In 2005 a continental movement led by Chavez defeated US efforts to incorporate Latin America into a US-dominated free trade zone from Canada to Patagonia. This political offensive by progressive forces against neoliberalism weakened further an already declining United States, situation that coincided with the economic rising of the People’s Republic of China.

Latin America: Global South’s vanguard in building a multipolar world
Between 1960 and 2000 trade between the People’s Republic and Latin America was negligible, however early in the 21st century’s second decade (2012, at the height of the pink tide) trade between them had increased twenty-one fold. By then the People’s Republic of China had become the main trading partner of several Latin American countries, in an economic relationship that has continued to expand. Annual trade between the People’s Republic and Latin America and the Caribbean grew from US$12bn in 2000 to US$445bn in 2021, that is, a 28-fold increase.[34]

This development was in line with China’s extraordinary rise in the world economy: In 1960 China’s GDP was less than US$60bn whilst that of the US was US$543bn; by 2022 China’s GDP had gone up to over US$17tn[35] whilst that of the US was US$25tn[36]. That is, the US economy had grown 46-fold, whereas China’s had grown 283-fold. Furthermore, in 1980 China’s rate of poverty was nearly 100 percent; after taking nearly 900 million people out of poverty, by 2023 this had declined to 12.6 percent whilst that of the United States is 17.8 percent.[37] By 2021 China had managed to eradicate extreme poverty. In 2022, Ma Jiantang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Development Research Center, stated that “China’s battle against poverty has benefited the largest number of people in human history.”[38] UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, celebrated it as “the greatest anti-poverty achievement in history.”[39] Life expectancy in China, a more accurate measurement of welfare, went from about 40 years in 1950 to over 77 years in 2023, that is an increase of 37 years.[40]

China became South America’s largest trading partner, and though the US continued to be the largest trading partner of Central America, China rose to the second position. And, although Mexico is heavily intertwined with the US in a comprehensive free trade agreement, for the period 2000-2021 its trade with China increased 40-fold.[41] Trade between China and Latin America is expected to grow to more than US$700bn by 2035.

These commercial links have been strengthened by free trade agreements between China and Latin American countries: China has signed free trade agreements with Chile (2005), Peru (2009), Costa Rica (2011), Uruguay (2016) and Ecuador (2023) and 21 countries have, thus far, have signed to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.[42] Just to give the flavour of such developments, according to The Economist (18 Jan 2023), Chile, for example, sends 67% of its copper exports and Brazil 70% of its soyabean exports to China. By 2022, Latin America’s exports to China had reached US$184bn.[43]

Such developments between Asia’s economic giant and Latin America are taking place at a breath-taking pace, leading a US think tank – Wilson Center – to describe China’s growing influence in Latin America as the economic displacement of the United States:

“In 2000, about 3 percent of the region’s population lived in a country where the economic weight of China was greater that that of the United States. Two decades later, that percentage had grown to 60 percent”.[44]

The same applies to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from China into Latin America. In 2000-2004 the average Chinese FDI into Latin America was US$1bn, which in 2005-2009 went up to over US$3bn. It went further up in 2010-2014 to nearly US$12bn, getting to US$14bn, to US$11bn in 2020-2022. The annual average Chinese FDI to Latin America in the period 2000-2022 was US$8bn, that is, an accumulated total of US$184bn that generated a total of almost 630,000 jobs. China’s FDI in Latin America has covered diverse areas including automobile, electronics, energy, metals, minerals, mining, telecommunications, transport, and much more.[45]

The trends examined above show the growing strengthening of the relationship between Latin America and the People’s Republic of China, which has recently being depicted as having evolved significantly, “showcasing immense potential for future growth and cooperation. This partnership has opened up a wide range of opportunities for both regions, with economic, political, and social implications that can shape the global landscape.”[46]

China’s economic weight in the region grows apace. In January 2023, Brazil’s president Lula da Silva spoke about the possibility of negotiating a Mercosur-China free trade agreement. Chile’s president endorsed China’s application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). Additionally, China signed a US$1bn agreement with Bolivia to explore lithium. China’s investment in Argentina’s lithium is worth about US$960 million. China is also investing in Brazil’s state-owned semiconductor centre, CITEC. Additionally, Lula and Argentinian president Alberto Fernandez paid separate visits to Huawei during trips to China, showing Latin American interest in deepening IT cooperation with the People’s Republic, “much to the United States’ dismay”.[47]

In a visit to China in April 2023, Lula signed 15 agreements of wide-ranging cooperation but the “most important milestone was the signature of currency swap agreements between Brazil and China in March 2023.”[48] A month later, Argentina followed suit by agreeing to pay US$790 million worth of monthly imports from China from May 2023 onwards in RMB Yuan.[49] Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America and Argentina, the third largest.

The most important development in the region is the agreement signed by China and Brazil on 31 March 2023 to trade in their mutual currencies, allowing them to conduct their US$150bn annual trade and financial transactions directly, “exchanging RMB Yuan for Brazilian Real and vice versa, instead of using the US dollar for settlements.”[50] Ironically, 59 years prior, exactly on 31 March 1964, left wing democratically elected president of Brazil, Joao Goulart, was overthrown by a US-led coup d’état, leading to a 21-year long military dictatorship.

Three weeks later, Argentina’s government took the decision to settle US$1.04bn Chinese imports in April, and then US$790 million per month from May onwards in Yuan instead of US dollars. In January 2023, the People’s Bank of China had expanded its currency swap with Argentina by 35bn Yuan (US$5bn) to 165bn Yuan (US$ 22bn). Argentina’s Economy Minister, Sergio Massa said “These types of measures give our reserves greater strength and are key to improving the prospects for net reserves, giving us greater freedom and capacity to intervene in the face of those who speculate and overspeculate with the economic situation…”[51] As with Brazil, 47 years before (24 March 1976) a US-led coup d’état overthrew Argentina’s legitimate government and installed a military dictatorship that would assassinate 32,000 people in only six years.

The election of Javier Milei as Argentina’s president is likely to complicate, but not stop, Brazil’s proposal of a common currency for its mutual trade with Argentina and as a base for a Latin American common currency. Brazil is Argentina’s main trading partner in Latin America, so Milei’s threats to break commercially with Latin America’s giant may just be electoral demagoguery; it would be very difficult to implement and entirely self-destructive. Breaking commercially with China would also be disastrous since Argentina exports 57 percent of its soy to China, and the People’s Republic has invested heavily in Argentina’s lithium industry and energy sector. Not joining BRICS, as Milei’s main adviser Diana Mondino has announced, will substantially harm Argentina’s prospects of recovery. Let’s hope economic realities induce into Milei’s government a modicum of pragmatism and sanity.

And, a few weeks ago, on 21st October, the recently appointed BRICS New Development Bank’s president, Dilma Rousseff, met with China’s president, Xi Jinping to discuss ways to develop a new fairer and more equitable financial architecture aimed at allowing the participation of emerging markets and countries undergoing development. Rousseff also participated in the 3rd Forum of the Belt and Road Initiative (18-19 October 2023), where she said the BRI is one of most effective instruments to build a global community of shared future which is multipolar, inclusive and sustainable.”[52]

On 12 October 2023, Delcy Rodriguez, vice-president of Venezuela, at the Energy Week Forum held in Moscow, made an appeal to de-dollarize the oil market and called on the 31 countries targeted by US sanctions to jointly confront United States sanctions. She also pointed out that as a consequence of US sanctions, Venezuela’s oil industry had lost 4,000 million barrels of oil and, an equivalent of US$600bn.[53]

Although the People’s Republic of China is the second largest trading partner of Central America, which has been more US backyard than the rest of Latin America, the geopolitical shift away from the United States is also affecting it. These governments broke relations with Taiwan and established them with the People’s Republic of China: in June 2007, Costa Rica; in June 2017, Panama; in November 2021, Nicaragua; in August 2018, El Salvador; and in March 2023, Honduras.

The recently elected president of Guatemala, Bernardo Arévalo (August 2023), though he stated he would keep relations with Taiwan, he will also seek better relations with the People’s Republic of China.[54] All these Central American nations, with the exception of Costa Rica, have endured US interventions in the form of US-led coup d’état and even direct US military interventions. It is likely that very soon, the People’s Republic will stop being Central America’s second largest trading partner.

The salient features in China-Latin American relations are “complementarity” and “development”. The People’s Republic of China is an integral part of the Global South and Latin American cooperation with its already advanced economy, whose further development its inexorable, offers growing opportunities of mutual benefit.[55]

The People’s Republic of China has continued to develop strong economic, trade and political links with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela through thick and thin, even during the worst moments the South American nation experienced as a result of US sanctions. As recently as October 2023, the People’s Republic of China’s spokesperson, Mao Ning, welcomed the “resumption of political dialogue in Venezuela” and demanded the United States to “completely” eliminate the “unilateral and illegal” sanctions currently holds against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.”[56]This stance of the People’s Republic of China gives confidence to other left wing and progressive (and even not very progressive) governments in Latin America of the solidity and coherence of its foreign policy towards the region and the Global South.

Furthermore, Latin America has seen what the People’s Republic can and does offer to their development, especially when compared to what the United States cannot and does not offer to the region. Whereas the People’s Republic of China offers huge resources for development and progress in every key field, and crucially, it respects their national sovereignty, the United States offers neoliberal austerity, aggression, unilateral coercive measures, military bases and political support for the most extreme political currents such as Uribe in Colombia, Añez in Bolivia, Bolsonaro in Brazil, extreme, right winger Milei in Argentina, and it persistently tramples upon their sovereignty.

There is no question that Hugo Chavez with his 1999 visit blazed the path for Latin America to develop similar links with the People’s Republic of China. And also there is no question that the original Pink Tide massively developed commercial, economic and political relations between the region and the People’s Republic of China.[57] US aggressive foreign policy against the Pink Tide governments pushed Latin America towards participating in the building of a multipolar world.

The US played a crucial role in the ousting of Manuel Zelaya in Honduras in 2009, the coup attempt against president Rafael Correa in Ecuador in 2010, the ‘constitutional’ coup against president Fernando Lugo in Paraguay in 2012, the electoral defeat of the Peronist government in Argentina in 2015, the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff in Brazil in 2016, the false accusation of corruption and imprisonment of Lula that facilitated the electoral victory of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil in 2018, and in the nasty aggression against Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua.[58] And the US, of course, has been the mastermind of every attempt to overthrow Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution since 1999.

Latin America’s yearning for a better world began to take shape simultaneously with the emerging geopolitics being constructed primarily by the People’s Republic of China through the BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Belt and Road Initiative. They provide ample opportunities to the Global South for investment, markets, technology and credits, offering the real possibility of socio-economic development in an inclusive, multipolar, peaceful, stable world; possibility that has been denied to most of humanity in the unipolar world hegemonized by the United States.

An editorial of China Daily (26 July, 2023) ironized the US aggressive approach to its ‘competition’ against the People’s Republic of China as follows:

“It is not China that started the trade war between the two countries, nor is China suppressing the development of US tech companies. The Chinese military is not conducting so-called freedom of navigation operations off the US coast, nor is China meddling in the US’ internal affairs. And it is not China that is hyping up the need for countries to de-risk in order to create the impression of covert threats, nor is China reshaping supply chains to be exclusionary.”[59]

A Global Times editorial (11 February 2023) expanded this view by arguing that US aggressiveness is not applied to China only: “In 2022 alone, the US carried out 100 sanctions against others, involving 82 countries and regions. The number of entities on the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctions list has increased from 912 in 2000 to 9,421 in October 2021, a net increase of 933 percent.” The Global Times editorial accurately described and predicted current US behaviour:

“When Washington needs to suppress opponents, democracy is a weapon; when it needs to win over partners, democracy is a foundation. The anti-democratic “tyrant” talks about “democracy,” which is an insult to democracy. The hegemonic, bullying and domineering nature of US democracy is experiencing unprecedented internal and external shocks. From the Capitol Hill riots in 2021 to the once-in-a-century political chaos this year, “US democracy” has begun to show cracks from within. The successful democratic practices of other countries are seen as a formidable enemy by the American political elite, who are accustomed to self-importance.”[60]

Latin America’s progressive vision of a better, multipolar world neatly coincides with the People’s Republic of China’s foreign policy objectives, spelled out by president Xi Jinping in his speech “Community of Common Destiny” at the Boao Forum in 2015. President Xi’s argument is that the ‘win-win’ concept is grounded in the reality of the world international division of labour and the growing mutual trade and investment all nations engage in for which they require the actual means to permit such interactions such as free trade zones, “ports, railways, highways, airports and telecommunications links”.

Xi posited that all countries are “equal members of the international community with equal rights to participate in regional and international affairs” and that no civilization is superior to the other, it is only culturally unique. This is in stark contrast to the US whose elite presents itself as the “greatest country that has ever existed in history”, characterising, by definition, all other countries as inferior. This means, equality in international relations is a threat to its supremacy, and competition is a zero sum game of all against all. In short, the United States works to create ‘win-lose’ outcomes, out of which it benefits. In summary China’s foreign policy concept of mutual benefit expresses itself in its “win-win” policy, “the US concept is competition, zero sum games, and United States supremacy”.[61]

It is 24 years (October 2023) since Hugo Chavez first visited the People’s Republic of China starting a relationship that would grow stronger with each passing year and with every US imperialist aggression against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The thus far 790 cooperation agreements between the two countries and a myriad of joint bodies and institutions have been established, especially the Joint High-Level Commission, binational body that oversees, fine-tunes and develops their win-win relationship, attests to the strength of the relationship.

In his latest visit to the People’s Republic of China, president Nicolas Maduro declared that China and Venezuela have a relationship of “mutual intimate trust” and “true friendship” that share “a common destiny in the new world that is emerging” and both nations are committed to peace, development and cooperation. Thus, president Maduro gave full backing to president Xi’s objective to “build a community of shared destiny for humanity.” ... and-china/ :x
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Dec 29, 2023 3:15 pm

FBI Investigates Destination of Funds Approved for Guaidó
DECEMBER 25, 2023

Photo composition showing Juan Guaidó (right) and EVTV's executive Carlos Méndez with FBI agents in the background. Photo: X/@Cyberpatria.

International media has reported how the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating the destination of multi-million funds approved by the White House as humanitarian aid for the “government” of the self-proclaimed Venezuelan president, Juan Guaidó.

According to reports, the FBI visited the headquarters of the EVTV Miami channel, run by media entrepreneur Carlos Méndez, to question him about the diversion of funds to his media outlet. The FBI suspects that much of the humanitarian aid supposedly directed to Venezuela ended up in the possession of Méndez and his channel, which Guaidó tried to replace teleSUR with.

TeleSur reported that sources close to Guaidó, whose identity was not specified, said that Méndez would have to clarify what the federal agents were looking for in his channel and how much money he received from Guaidó.

A Democratic spokesman stated that Méndez would also be implicated in the embezzlement of funds granted during the administration of former President Donald Trump (2017-2021). The embezzled funds from the Trump Administration exceeded $2 billion, in addition to funds from Joe Biden’s administration.

The spokesman said that Méndez is not the only one implicated. Carlos Vecchio, Guaidó’s former ambassador to the US, Yon Goicochea, who managed funds from the White House during Guaidó’s “government,” and Roberto Marrero, former head of Guaidó’s “office,” are also part of the aforementioned embezzlement scheme.

An arrest warrant, the blocking of accounts and the seizure of assets were issued against Roberto Marrero and Eduardo Sapene, whom Guaidó appointed to manage the multiplatform. These measures were also imposed against Leopoldo Castillo and Larissa Patiño, appointed in the same function.

Méndez was also investigated by the Venezuelan Public Prosecutor’s Office. His channel in Miami was intended to be used to distribute teleSUR’s signal and place it supposedly “at the service of democracy,” according to international media. ... or-guaido/


Alex Saab FREE!
December 21, 2023


The Venezuelan diplomat who had been kidnapped by the United States for evading the illegal sanctions imposed by Washington on the Venezuelan people during the pandemic has finally been released after three and a half years of unjust imprisonment.

During that time, Alex Saab was tortured, beaten, stigmatized, and treated like a criminal for the crime of bringing food, medicine, and fuel to the Venezuelan people.

Three years ago, the case was not well known, so the Alliance for Global Justice began a campaign—with the support of Chuck Kauffman—who put all the resources of AFGJ at the disposal of the Committee to Free Alex Saab; thus, the liberation movement for Alex Saab was born. It grew organically as people from all over the world jointed this just cause.

The victory that we have obtained with the release of Alex Saab is the victory of the people against imperialism; it is the victory of more than 40 nations that are being subjected to illegal North American sanctions; it is the victory of the global south over imperial hegemony of the northern countries.

For Chavismo, this is a transcendental victory that unites the people during the coming presidential election. Maduro, the leader of this revolution, has resisted relentless attacks emanating from the U.S.!

Today, colleagues, we share with you this moment of joy and happiness and thank you for your unconditional support for freedom and love for social justice. Alex Saab, the kidnapped diplomat, was an innocent man, a political prisoner.

We also thank the work of the several other groups who sent hundreds of releases, statements, publicized demos and webinars. It shows the Defense Committee was the work and collaboration of grassroots groups including: UNAC, International Action Center, Taskforce on the Americas, The Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA), Anti War Committee, National Lawyer Guild (NLG), Association Americana de Jurists (AAJ), Sanction Kills Campaign, Popular Resistance, Code Pink, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Fire This Time Movement,ALBA Chicago Committee,

We cannot forget our great friends and collaborators, Oscar Lopez Rivera and Roger Waters

Alex Saab’s release comes along with his birthday and in the midst of December celebrations. For this reason we no longer say Free Alex Saab. If not, happy birthday Alex and happy holidays!

The fight to defend Venezuelan sovereignty against the illegal sanctions of Washington DC still continues so we will continue to find ourselves in the fight.

In Solidarity,

William Camacaro



Venezuela Launches Military Deployment in Response to UK and Guyanese Provocation (+Argyle Declaration)
DECEMBER 29, 2023

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, presenting his end-of-year salutation message to the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, announcing the deployment of a joint military operation to face Guyanese and UK provocation, on Thursday, December 28, 2023. Photo: Presidential Press.

The commander-in-chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) of Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro, has ordered the immediate deployment of the “General Domingo Antonio Sifontes” Joint Operation, set to be a series of joint military exercises between various armed personnel of Venezuela that will take place on the eastern Caribbean and the Atlantic Façade of Venezuela—near the border with the disputed Essequibo territory—in response to Guyana & the United Kingdom’s military provocations.

This announcement was made during his presidential end-of-the-year greeting ceremony to the FANB this Thursday, December 28, where President Maduro informed that this defensive action was put into operation following reports from the government of Guyana that it would accept the entry of a British warship into undelimited waters.

“This threat is unacceptable to Venezuela and to any country in the region,” the president stated during the national broadcast. “We have taken an initial step, still in its first phase; our FANB, united, has taken a step. We won’t start anything with anyone, but we won’t let anyone come and harm Venezuela.”

President Maduro also liaised with the commander of the Bolivarian National Navy, Admiral Neil Villamizar Sánchez, to activate the joint military drills that will take place in the Gulf of Paria, Sucre state. The operation consists of the deployment of 5,682 FANB soldiers, three ocean patrol vessels, two logistical transport vessels, three multipurpose vessels, three coast guard patrol vessels, seven missile boats, five helicopters, and 23 fighter jets; among them, five F-16s, six K8s, and twelve Sukhoi 32 MK2s.

The Venezuelan head of state took care to reaffirm Venezuela’s willingness to dialogue and diplomacy; however, he noted that territorial integrity will be defended by all military bodies and with all the strength of a nation that is sovereign and anti-imperialist.

“We believe in diplomacy, in peace, but no one should threaten Venezuela, no one should attack Venezuela,” the president highlighted. “This threat is unacceptable for any sovereign country. A threat by the decadent former empire of the United Kingdom is unacceptable. We do not accept it.”

On December 14, a high-level meeting was held between President Nicolás Maduro and his Guyanese counterpart, Mohamed Irfaan Ali, to directly address the territorial controversy over the Essequibo region. This meeting, held in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, resulted in an agreement—known as the Argyle Declaration—between both parties, to maintain dialogue to resolve the controversy over the disputed territory.

The Argyle Declaration further held that both parties agreed that “directly or indirectly, they will not threaten or use force against each other under any circumstances, including those arising from any controversy existing between both States.” In addition, it was agreed for both states to cooperate and avoid incidents on the ground that would lead to an increase in tensions between both countries.

However, President Maduro noted that the provocation made by Guyana and the UK—involving the presence of a British warship off the coast of Guyana—in fact violated the joint Argyle Declaration signed by him and the Guyanese president. ... claration/
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:39 pm

Scandal Unveiled: Guyana’s Government Finances ExxonMobil’s Taxes
JANUARY 5, 2024

Guyanese lawyer Christopher Ram (left) and Guyanese Attorney General Anil Nandlall (right). Photo: Alba Ciudad.

The vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, has made reports of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana’s continued violations of international law and the Geneva Agreement in favor of the transnational oil company ExxonMobil in regards to the Essequibo territorial dispute, stating that new irregularities are being unveiled on the submissive nature of the Guyanese government towards the US oil corporation.

“More irregularities continue to come to light regarding the ‘business’ relationship between Guyana and ExxonMobil,” Rodríguez reported via social media this Wednesday, January 3. “The Guyanese lawyer, Christopher Ram, condemned, in one of his most recent columns for Stabroek News, the fact that the Natural Resources Fund (NRF), intended for the payment of taxes, holds $276 billion that should have been transferred to the Revenue Authority of Guyana (GRA), as established in the agreement signed with those oil companies that work illegally in the waters set to be delimited.”

The vice president also shared a note in the Guyanese Kaieteur News outlet on this subject, explaining that chartered accountant and lawyer, Christopher Ram, along with Guyana’s Attorney General and minister for legal affairs, Anil Nandlall, have been immersed in a debate over the use of funds from Guyana’s Natural Resources Fund (NRF) to address tax obligations incurred by ExxonMobil and its partners in the Stabroek Block oil region.

The Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) that governs the deepwater block obliges Guyanese authorities to finance the companies’ tax payments using oil revenues kept in the NRF. The reports of irregularities arise from the fact that the NRF has not been paid on time for those tax obligations to the GRA.

Through a report made in the Guyanese news outlet Stabroek News, Ram highlighted the discovery in the NRF accounts that it currently holds $276 billion (Guyanese dollars), approximately US$1.4 billion, that should have been transferred to the GRA based on the provisions of the PSA. The lawyer urged the relevant authorities to investigate and clarify this large figure in the NRF account.

Through another recent letter published in Stabroek News, Ram also accused Guyanese President Irfaan Ali’s government of being as complicit as its predecessors in allowing ExxonMobil, which “keeps unreliable accounting,” to dictate his orders and withhold all the Stabroek Block for longer than agreed.

The three main oil companies operating in Guyana keep 87.5% of the barrels of the oil produced to themselves, leaving Guyana with just 12.5% ​​of the resources from their own territories, all the while paying only 2% of royalties and avoiding any other tax. They also manage their own accounting, notoriously unreliably, and are deliberately opaque when publishing supposedly timely data on the oil production that they extract from the marine subsoil of the Venezuelan Essequibo, located in offshore territory currently held by Guyana.

The debate
Telesur has reported that Guyanese Attorney General Anil Nandlall has responded to Ram’s claims by pointing out that the NRF law does not allow transfers to GRA but only to the consolidated fund. Any unauthorized withdrawal allegedly constitutes an offense, according to the Guyanese official.

Additionally, Nandlall argued that the NRF Act’s supremacy provision prevails in case of inconsistency with other laws. However, Ram expressed his disagreement with the Attorney General in a counter reply to Nandlall’s statement, citing a past case in which Nandlall himself said that laws are not always supreme to contracts.

Ram challenged Nandlall to provide evidence of tax payments made by the oil companies, requesting GRA-issued tax certificates and the source of funds used. He also inquired about any other documents confirming tax payments on behalf of transnational oil corporations. ... ils-taxes/

Pity the British
JANUARY 4, 2024

British warship. Photo: Counter Punch/File photo.

By Maria Paez Victor – Jan 1, 2024

Bread and circus! That was the Roman formula for governance. The latest UK government ploy, however, omits the bread and jumps straight to circus. The UK has sent a warship that will inflame a delicate 100-plus year border dispute between two Caribbean nations, Venezuela and Guyana.

The government of the UK should be at pains to right a wrong the UK committed one hundred and twenty-four years ago. Instead, the UK is threatening Venezuela with a warship – a situation that could very quickly escalate into a regional conflict.

In 1899, as the mainstream press of the time reported, Imperial Britain robbed Venezuela of the Esequibo territory that had been part of its territory since Colonial times, even before 1811 when Venezuela won independence from Spain. Maps from the time make this very clear indeed. The theft was lawfare, carried out by a bogus 1899 Arbitral Tribunal. At that time, taking advantage of an impoverished Venezuela that was in the middle of a civil war, an arbitral tribunal was concocted with no representation from Venezuela. Representatives from Britain, USA and Imperial Russia decided in favour of British Guiana (today Guyana) declaring the Esequibo to be British territory. All subsequent Venezuelan governments objected and have contested the decision to this day. In fact, in 1966 the UN Geneva Agreement declared the 1899 tribunal decisions null and void due to its blatant irregularities.

In the 1966 Geneva Agreement, Venezuela and Guyana agreed that any dispute between Venezuela and Guyana should be peacefully and amicably resolved within the framework of this Agreement.

On 14 December 2023, the presidents of Venezuela and Guyana meeting at St. Vincent and the Grenadines, signed the Argyle Accord which precludes foreign intervention of any kind from the Esequibo and an agreement by both states to cooperate and avoid incidents that would lead to an increase in tensions between both countries.

Therefore, by welcoming a British warship to patrol the Esequibo waters Guyana has directly violated the Geneva Agreement as well as the Argyle Accord.

It is not the first time the British navy has threatened Venezuela. In 1902, beginning of 1903, British, German, and Italian gunboats arrived at the Venezuelan coast – where today its international airport is situated- and bombarded the civilians in the undefended towns. These armed carpetbaggers demanded that Venezuela pay for losses they supposedly had due to the civil war, and further wanted immediate payment of loans they had foisted on previous governments under usurious terms. Without any proper armed forces, Venezuelan citizens, en masse, congregated on the Venezuelan coast and repelled the invaders.

Today we see an echo of the past and the ghost of Margaret Thatcher! In 1982, she thought – rightly – that a “little war” against Argentina would rally her nation and reverse the declining popularity of her government. In Britain, the Union Jack was everywhere to be seen, ostensibly in support of ‘British rights’. In that “little war”649 Argentinian military personnel were killed, 1,657 were wounded, and tragically, 323 Argentinian raw naval recruits died when the aging ship, the General Belgrano, was torpedoed in international waters as it fled the far more powerful British navy. This politically motivated aggression against a much weaker nation, will forever be seared into Latin American consciousness as an example of British infamy, a last gasp of a fading empire. So, the symbolism of a British warship off the coast of Venezuela is not lost upon Venezuelans.

Today, another Tory wanna-be-Thatcher prime minister, Rishi Sunak, seeking to “make Britain great again” but lacking Thatcher’s political know-how, is posturing before Latin America and the world, as a defender of its former colony. He shows no shame or even awareness, of its past colonial sins. Instead, the UK government is defending the newly discovered oil riches of its former colony, and which it, and the corporate oil interests it serves, crave.

The British government has quite a budget for its war machine, having just paid 4.2 billion pounds for 5 new naval frigates, but apparently, it does not have the budget needed to properly address the social needs of its people. It is so much easier to parade under patriotic banners, threatening smaller nations to show off just how powerful Britain thinks it still is, than to face its crumbling social infrastructure. In the UK, in 2022 there were 3.8 million living in extreme poverty, that is, in destitution, which is a 61% increase since 2019. Destitution has more than doubled in the last five years. Funds for social security and health care are not enough and many charities and social organizations plead for support. [3]

But there are billions for frigates to intimidate smaller countries rather than meet the needs of its own people. The British government would do well to concentrate on the sorry state of its own population rather than try to fan the flames of war between two nations in the Western Hemisphere or waste its support on the disreputable Exxon Mobil. Thankfully, Britain is no longer an imperial power of any real significance. Instead, it has become an adjunct of US foreign policies and defender of the interests of multinational corporations. Shame!

Since 1966 there had been ongoing amicable negotiations between Venezuela and Guyana but this ended when Exxon Mobil was allowed by Guyana to look for oil. Guyana has thrown itself into the arms of Exxon Mobil, having made a satanic pact with that climate crisis denying, ocean contaminating, oil company of poor repute. Exxon Mobil has obtained the upper hand of the government of Guyana. About $26 million has been handed to Guyana in exchange for refusing to negotiate further with Venezuela and denouncing the Geneva Agreement of 1966. Exxon Mobil is perhaps the most criminal oil company in the world. For decades its engineers knew well what fossil fuels were doing to the climate, but not only did they supress this information, they paid writers, scientists, and media to deny climate change was happening. It has violated human rights of countless rural and indigenous people; and in Indonesia its collaboration with a brutal government led to it being accused of genocide.[4]

It seems wherever Exxon Mobil operates it commits ecocide, crimes against nature. One of its worst crimes was the environmental disaster caused by its oil tanker the Exxon Valdez. In 1989 it spilled 10.8 million gallons of crude oil in Alaska, causing the death of between 100,000 and 250,000 marine birds, hundreds of otters, seals, eagles, orcas and innumerable fish. The company spent years fighting in courts, denying its culpability, and trying to squirm out of paying for damages caused. In the end, after 20 years of litigations, it paid the state of Alaska the pittance of $507 million, that is one tenth of the cost of the damages caused by its oil spill. If it can do this to Alaska in its own home country, imagine what little environmental protection the people, and pristine flora and fauna of the Esequibo would get from this irresponsible corporation.

Guyana has the lowest human development index of South America, with an extreme poverty of 35%. And this poor country will receive only 25% of Exxon Mobil profits. Most of the indigenous people of the Esequibo, who have been sadly neglected by Guyana, consider themselves Venezuelan or of dual nationality. Their lives are a far cry from all the rights and services that the Venezuelan indigenous people enjoy.

If the Tory government truly wanted to play a positive role in the international dispute that has arisen, it would do well to send their frigate back to port and declare that the UK supports a peaceful solution to the dispute as per the 1966 Geneva Agreement and the 2023 Argyle Accord.

Here are some specifics:

Firstly, the UK should respect the Argyle Accord that was signed at St. Vincent and the Grenadines on 14 December 2023 by the presidents of Venezuela and Guyana, The Argyle Declaration states that both parties agreed that “directly or indirectly, they will not threaten or use force against each other under any circumstances, including those arising from any controversy existing between both States.” In addition, it was agreed for both states to cooperate and avoid incidents on the ground that would lead to an increase in tensions between both countries.

Secondly, the UK should openly and sincerely admit its culpability in the sham 1899 Arbitral Tribunal that saw Venezuela stripped of its territory. This was accomplished with a deliberate misinformation campaign that involved the bogus cartography of one R. Schomburgk, who arbitrarily drew up false maps. That is how Britain took over Venezuelan lands west of the River Esequibo that had always been its eastern border. Nothing would restore the reputation of the UK in the region more than this mea culpa by Britain and its bona fide support for a peaceful resolution crafted by the two countries themselves without foreign interference.

Thirdly, the Bank of England should immediately return to the government of Venezuela the $2 billion in gold that Venezuela deposited in its vaults years ago, but which the Bank refuses to return, under the ridiculous lie that Nicolás Maduro is not the true, and democratically elected president of Venezuela – although recognized as such by the countries of the United Nations, and now, even by the USA.

There can be absolution for Britain, but it must atone for its mistakes, by sending home its warship, supporting the 1966 Geneva Agreement framework, supporting the Argyle Accord between Venezuela and Guyana, and returning Venezuela’s gold. Or it can just maintain a discrete silence as others try to clean up the mess their imperial past has left.

[1] First, a personal disclosure: I have a post-graduate degree from a distinguished British university, my husband is British, and I have lived in and visited Britain many times these last 50 years having relatives and good friends there. Therefore, when I plead pity for the British people, it is not sarcasm, it is truly meant, because I do not think they deserve the lying, corrupt and pathetically colonialist-minded government the supine Tories are providing them.

[2] Cartoons from

[3] Big Issue, Isabelle Mcrae, Hannah Westwater, Ella Grover, 24 Oct. 2023, ... ng-crisis/; ... he-tories/

[4] Ein Beitrag von Joe McCarthy, Global Citizen, 23 August 2017; ... gJfrvD_BwE

Business & Human rights resource Centre, “Trial in US Lawsuit against ExxonMobil over alleged complicity in torture & beatings by military in Indonesia could start after 20 years”, ... -20-years/

(Counter Punch)

Giant corporations backed by gunboat diplomacy, old hat for the Brits....But will they ever tire of being Uncle Sam's attack dog?
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Tue Jan 23, 2024 4:27 pm


Franco Vielma

Jan 18, 2024 , 10:38 am .

President Maduro explained key data on the performance of the Venezuelan economy during 2023 (Photo: Cheché Díaz / Crónica Uno)

During the Report and Account of the national government in reference to the management of the year 2023, President Nicolás Maduro Moros highlighted an important set of achievements derived from the implementation of his economic policy.

In the first instance, one can evoke the comprehensive economic growth, which exceeded the figure of 5% in terms of GDP, which places Venezuela with the highest growth in Latin America and the Caribbean by the year 2023.

For its part, accumulated inflation in Venezuela closed the year at 189.8%, which represents a decrease of 44.2 points compared to 2022, when it reached 234%, as reported by the Central Bank (BCV).

Despite the decreasing record of inflation, it ranks as the second highest in the region, only surpassed by Argentina (211%). However, what is important about the analysis of inflationary behavior in Venezuela is its context: the Venezuelan economy is still under foreign coercive measures and in 2018, the peak of "maximum pressure", said indicator exceeded 130,000%.

The picture, which in general remains complex, indicates that the containment of certain interrelated markers would be part of the stabilization of the national economy, according to the strategy of the Venezuelan government.

The growth and inflation variables are closely linked to the monetary policy of the central government and their starting point has been the repeal of the Foreign Exchange Illicit Law in 2018 by the then National Constituent Assembly (ANC).

This milestone, which meant a turn in the restrictive economic policy of the use of foreign currencies in the real economy, was the result of the consecutive disfigurement and destruction of the official Exchange Rates that until that year were implemented by the national government to govern the value of the bolivar against foreign currencies, especially through the use of parallel markers that exacerbated the devaluation in an alarming manner.

In 2018, the Venezuelan government pragmatically assumed the objective reality of its political and economic moment. In that year, the edges were deployed in the development of the blockade against Venezuela, which had been orchestrated since previous years, but which had a very serious emphasis since August 2017 when US President Donald Trump applied measures against PDVSA and the national financial structure.

Since then, the free floating of currencies and a tolerance of their circulation in the real economy have influenced the behavior of the Exchange Rate, a fact that reduced pressures for devaluation and uncertainty.

In 2019, the Exchange Tables method was created, which would begin greater deployment in 2020 with the intention that the private sector and private actors could buy and sell foreign currencies without major restrictions in public and private banking. from the country.

One of the most significant elements emanating from the monetary policy of the last three years has been the achievement of governance in the Exchange Rate price reference systems. The national government and the BCV have achieved that, in the vast majority of formal businesses, the reference price for the Exchange Rate in commercial operations is the average rate offered by the BCV itself.

In this sense, the year 2023 registered a very particular milestone: the Exchange Table system experienced the smallest variation in the accumulated percentage of increase in the North American currency, since said exchange system existed, as can be seen in the following graph. according to data published by President Maduro.

The year 2023 is the year with the least upward variation in the Exchange Rate in recent years (Photo: Misión Verdad)

It is clearly noticeable that in 2019, strong devaluation inertia was maintained in the variation of the Exchange Rate, as it was 7,188%. Much of this bullish inflection was mainly due to the factor of lack of monetary governance, since then the Exchange Rate in the real economy was governed by the parallel dollar, which transferred trends and behaviors in the bid for the price of the currency in the supply and demand framework.

In 2023, the accumulated variation of the Exchange Rate was 205.6%, a significant decrease. This data should be interpreted as the percentage increase in the price of the dollar in bolivars during 2023.

In other words, in the last 10 years, since the first US coercive Executive Order was published in 2015, 2023 was the year with the lowest devaluation of the bolivar against the dollar.

It is necessary to appreciate that the coercive context against Venezuela has not changed. There is no lifting of the blockade. What has existed since October 2023 is a limited, partial and temporary relaxation of some restrictions aimed at the Venezuelan economy, especially in the oil field.

The country has not produced and exported crude oil at pre-blockade levels. This aspect is worth attention because Venezuela has been marked by a rentier-oil model that has meant the maintenance of the exchange system thanks to the enormous resources in foreign currency that the national executive has allocated.

Oil revenues increased in 2023, but in very modest terms. PDVSA closed the year with a contribution of 6.23 billion dollars, a fairly low figure when compared to years like 2014, when more than 56 billion dollars entered the national economy for the same concept.

In the absence of a huge contribution of foreign currency from the Venezuelan State, those that are feeding the exchange system now come mainly from the private sector, the natural and legal persons who are placing foreign currency through the Exchange Tables.

As can be seen in the following graph, during 2023 the volume of currencies traded in the exchange system and coming from the private sector increased considerably, reaching 14,577 million dollars.

Private individuals and legal entities make important contributions to the national exchange system (Photo: Misión Verdad)

This data is very relevant because it implies the dismantling, in fact, of the rentier-oil model that has predominated in the country's exchange and monetary metabolism for almost 100 years. This implicitly means that if the private sector helps to significantly support the exchange system, the flight of foreign currency is inhibited and the pressures that imply devaluation are then degraded.

Another element of special significance about this data is that the statements that the national executive is "burning" currency in the exchange system through the intervention method lose absolute meaning. During 2023, the amount of 4,789 million dollars in exchange interventions (placement of foreign currency) by the BCV was reached. This amount is not even close to all the currencies that are traded in the exchange system.

Although the executive carries out these interventions to help stabilize the Exchange Rate, it is also true that it uses the sale of foreign currency to meet its commitments in bolivars, which in turn avoids the monetary issue or financing of the budget through issue. of bolivars.

The current exchange rate scheme is proving to be effective, which can be seen in the data. In December 2023, a month of great flow in financial operations, the increase in operations at Exchange Desks was 130% compared to December 2022, which denotes fluidity in the metabolism of this system.

For the Venezuelan government, the exchange system and the stability of the Exchange Rate are inherent to the control of inflation and the drive for growth.

The Executive's emphasis on monetary policy was evident during 2023, as it continued with restrictive policies and liquidity containment; first by stopping monetary issuance and then applying controls in other areas, such as credit, an aspect that urged public and private banks to focus their credit policies on productive areas, instead of encouraging consumption.

Despite the restrictions on the flow of liquidity, from December 2022 to December 2023 there was an undeniable growth in credit amounts calculated in dollars, as seen below.

In 2023, the amounts in credits almost doubled, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the national government (Photo: Misión Verdad)

In the last 12 months, there was a 94% growth in the amounts delivered in loans, reaching 1,472 million dollars.

In another order of ideas, oil, the fundamental basis of the Venezuelan economy, also left favorable records during 2023. Activity grew 12.99% in the last quarter of 2023, even with the blockade of the industry. The increase in oil exports was 60.46%. But considering that PDVSA's contributions to the national treasury remain modest, it is evident that the Executive remains faced with a difficult situation for its financing.

The economic policy promoted by President Maduro has focused its strategy on containing the flow of liquidity, as we stated, which has avoided financing the budget through monetary issuance. But in an adverse context marked by persistent restrictions on crude oil exports, the State's financing base has also been transformed.

The Venezuelan president pointed out during his Report and Account for the year 2023 that the Venezuelan State has been progressively overcoming its rentier metabolism and that it has built conditions to form a new financing base through collection via taxes on economic activities.

In 2023, tax collection increased 26% and reached the equivalent dollar amount of 5,750 million, which has allowed better financing of the State.

Tax collection registers a great increase, according to the Presidential Report and Account (Photo: Misión Verdad)

In 2020, the amount of income through tax collection was the equivalent of only 1,571 million dollars; By 2023 this figure has almost quadrupled.

In summary, the general balance of the economic policy implemented by the Venezuelan government for 2023, in accordance with these data, indicates that:

GDP growth of 5% was achieved, the highest in the region, despite the adverse context.
There was a clear downward trend in inflation, leaving behind the hyperinflation recorded in previous years.
A lower level is seen in the upward variation of the Exchange Rate, which contributed to stabilizing the price systems.
The BCV rate is the one that governs the vast majority of commercial operations in formal activity in the country, the basis for the important exchange governance.
The Mesas exchange system was developed, whose full operation broke the rentier inertia through enormous contributions of private capital.
There is a sober monetary policy restricting liquidity that is helping to contain the asymmetries and the picture of monetary instability generated since the blockade.
Credit grew considerably, and has been focused on fundamental productive activities.
The Venezuelan State continues to strengthen its financing policy through taxes, without incurring monetary issuance. ... -en-2023-i

Google Translator


Venezuela’s Attorney General: Dozens Arrested for Terrorism & Destabilization Plots (+María Corina Machado Named)
JANUARY 23, 2024

Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab gives statements to the press about terrorist plots unveiled last year January 22, 2024. Photo: X/@TarekWilliamSaab.

Several individuals, who were involved in plans to sow terror and destabilization in Venezuela, with conspiracies aimed at assassinating President Nicolás Maduro, are under arrest. This was reported by the Attorney General of the Republic Tarek Willian Saab during a press conference on Monday, January 22. He added that the far-right opposition politician María Corina Machado was named by one of the individuals arrested.

Saab explained that among the Venezuelans who were involved in a destabilization plan called “White Bracelet” are Tamara Sujú, Wender Villalobos, Norbey Marín, María Barraez, Mario Carratú Molina and José Antonio Colina. Arrest warrants have already been issued against these people, since “it is presumed that they were involved in crimes of treason, attempted intentional homicide against President Nicolás Maduro, attempted intentional homicide against the governor of the state of Táchira [Freddy Bernal], terrorism, and association to commit a crime.”

One of the destabilization plans was to begin in Táchira with the aim of “exploding” everything on January 1, 2024. “The wanted to bathe the country in blood, they wanted the surprise factor,” Saab added.

He also explained the other conspiracies, revealing one that was even intended to be carried out in the presidential residence La Viñeta, to assassinate the Venezuelan president and the minister of defense.

During the press conference, the attorney general presented two videos with the confession of two arrested individuals who recounted the details of their plans.

Saab added that on the phones of the detainees it has been possible to verify their participation, as well as that of the other wanted civilians, soldiers, lawyers, and journalists who could be involved in the events.

The conspiracies of May 2023
The attorney general reported that the conspiracies were underway since May 2023, with the last one scheduled to be carried out between the last days of December and the first days of January.

He said that fortunately the intelligence agencies and state authorities followed up and that the Public Ministry is going to request the courts for the maximum sentence for those allegedly involved.

Concerning the first conspiracy in May 2023, Attorney General Saab reported that 11 Venezuelans were detained: Uaiparu Guerere López, Manuel Gedler, José Ignacio Moreno, Willians Cuña, Sarkis Sako, Nelson Villasmil, Ricardo Marcano, Wilmer Soto, Rafael Dum, Luis Alvarado, and Franklin Alvarado.

In addition, there are arrest warrants against three other people who have been charged with crimes of resistance to authority, serious personal injury, damage to property, conspiracy, treason, disclosure of military secrets, and illicit trafficking of weapons and ammunition.

In the second case, also from May 2023, which the attorney general called the “Guasdualito Espionage Case,” a group of civilians and soldiers were operating in coordination with members of a foreign intelligence organization, to capture members of security forces and even presidential security, to obtain information and attack the president, and cause terror among the population.

“This foreign organization operates and holds clandestine meetings in the city of Bogotá,” said Saab, adding that the following Venezuelan citizens have been detained and charged for involvement in this conspiracy: Douglas Ruíz, Jesús Rodríguez, and Rolando Rojas. They have been charged with terrorism, treason, conspiracy with a foreign government, disclosure of military secrets, and association to commit a crime.

Abduction plot against President Maduro in La Viñeta
The third case of conspiracy reported by Tarek William Saab is called “La Viñeta.”

“In this case, we deactivated a terrorist group whose aim was to attack, to repeat this psychotic obsession, to attack President Nicolás Maduro, and the Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino.”

The operation was to be carried out at that presidential residence La Viñeta by five individuals “now detained and charged.” In this case, Saab presented a video of one of the individuals, the main person responsible for the terrorist plot confessing how it was planned to be carried out.

The detainees are José Gregorio Montiel, José Daniel Mendoza, José Antonio Moreno, Audelino Bermúdez, and Jhonathan Abache. The crimes with which they have been charged are treason, conspiracy, terrorism, and association to commit a crime.

Video evidence
In the video presented by Saab, an individual identifying himself as First Lieutenant José Gregorio Montiel, from the Presidential Honor Guard, says that he was the chief of security of La Viñeta presidential residence.

He goes on to say that in 2021 he was contacted by a group of Colombians via WhatsApp, but he deleted it. Later, he was contacted again and told that they were working with “a general” named “Clíver Alcalá.”

Among Montiel’s claims is that he was in charge of selecting the Honor Guard candidates. “Once he had all the staff in the residence, he was going to plan the kidnapping of President Maduro and the ministers who were going to be at the meeting at that moment. This operation was going to take place in November 2023.”

Montiel goes on to relate that when he had control of the residence, taking advantage of his position as head of security, he would place civilians “disguised” as an honor guard in La Viñeta.

“Using a tank to enter the residence, the president and the rest of the ministers were going to be abducted and taken to the Petare neighborhood,” Montiel confessed. “At that time, a journalist would be there to put the information on air.”

Fortunato Case: spying for the CIA
In another destabilization plan called the “Fortunato Case,” five people have been arrested and charged. José Fortunato Guerrero Rojas, Daniel Rivas, Jholmar Cardénas, Jesús Alberto García, and Edgar Carillo fhave been charged with treason, conspiracy with foreign governments, terrorism, and association to commit a crime.

Attorney General Saab explained that José Fortunato Guerrero was detained in the José María Semprún municipality of Zulia state. “He entered the country illegally to carry out espionage and terrorism activities, he was looking for information such as names of pilots and military personnel to send it to the CIA,” Saab added.

White Bracelet case: bathing the country in blood on January 1
The “White Bracelet” case was also exposed by Attorney General Saab, accompanied by a video of the alleged terrorist ring leader confessing the details of the operation.

Angelo Julio Heredia led the plan that was to start during the final minutes of the year 2023 and explode on January 1, 2024. “He and his team wanted to bathe this country in blood, at the start of the year, because they thought that everyone was celebrating in their homes… and they wanted the surprise factor,” Saab explained.

Subsequently, a chain of events were to unfold on January 1 in Táchira, then continue to Barinas and so on until culminating in Caracas.

The plan was dismantled by the Venezuelan intelligence agencies, leading to those involved being prosecuted.

More revelations
In the video presented, the individual who identifies himself as an army captain, Angelo Julio Heredia, explains that he is a deserter from the Ramo Verde prison, from where he escaped on December 25, 2019.

He ended up in Bogotá where he had “interaction with a polygraph test with Colombian intelligence, because they wanted to know if it was true that I escaped and was against the regime, and when President Petro won, the situation was very difficult because they were going to extradite me.”

Heredia added that he traveled to the United States to begin his political asylum process, and meanwhile, he was making videos calling for protests, which generated “political affections” for him, particularly from journalists who helped him.

During his stay in the United States, he began to plan his entry into Venezuela, meeting with Carratú Molina, and “first lieutenant José Antonio Colina,” who expressed their support to execute the plan.

Plan from Cúcuta
Heradia explained that he arrived in Cúcuta where his entry into Venezuela was planned, and added that “retired Major General Tomás Enrique Martínez Macías was in charge of recruiting retired officers within Venezuela to join the plan.”

Once the “team of people” was formed, the plan consisted of entering Venezuela “to do intelligence work with the 22nd Brigade Unit, the Negro First Unit, and the Artillery Unit to determine which of the units was the most vulnerable and then to take it by storm, take up arms, create an area defense, use journalists to make statements giving credibility to the operation and recruit ordinary citizens.”

It was planned, according to Heredia’s confession, to take the governor of Táchira as hostage and then make military statements, “from us as a tactical unit, from journalists, and in the end, a political statement, which was going to be made by an opposition leader,” whose name was hidden in the recording but was clearly seen as María Corina Machado.

A statement was also expected from abroad, made by Carratú Molina, and from other people in Venezuela, and a speech had been prepared for a political leader (again the name was hidden), who was going to be the “political image” after the military pronouncements, Heredia said.

In addition, “there were journalists and YouTubers who were aware of the plan and the dates that they were going to have as their mission, the communication part to disseminate on various social media platforms, channels, newscasts everything that was happening on site.”

He added that they had hoped that the Venezuelan population would unite, and when there was a greater number of people, they would advance towards the capital. Saab explained that the purpose was to obtain the weapons fleet, assassinate the president and the governor of Táchira, and sow chaos in the country.

National prosecutors 67 and 74 have been commissioned for this case. The detainees so far in this last plot are Angelo Julio Heredia, Guillermo Enrique César Siero, Tomás Martínez Macías, Carlos Jesús Sánchez Vásquez, Ronald Alejandro Ferrer Vera, and Diana Desiree Victoria Justo.

Arrest warrants have been issued againt Tamara Sulay Sujú, Wender Villalobos, Norbey Marin, María Sebastiana Barraez, Mario Carratú Molina, and José Antonio Colina. All of them are outspoken anti-Chavista far-right content creators and journalists living abroad, with strong links to the far-right Venezuelan opposition that negotiated with the Venezuelan government in Barbados under US directions.

(Últimas Noticias) by Aura Torrealba, with Orinoco Tribune content ... ado-named/


Posted by Pedro Eusse | Jan 22, 2024 | Featured Stories | 0



General Secretary, United Federation of Workers of Venezuela

January 12, 2024

The year 2023 will be remembered as the year the Nicolás Maduro government destroyed the minimum wage. With 93 percent of the minimum income based on bonuses rather than actual wages, and the dismantling of collective bargaining agreements, the working class has been plunged into unprecedented misery.

Never have workers and their families been subjected to more precarious conditions of existence. With November’s annualized inflation of 359 percent doubling that of November 2022 (figures from the Venezuelan Central Bank), the national minimum wage has been frozen for 18 months at 130 Bs, already below four dollars a month. This makes the Venezuelan labour force the most devalued in the world.

During these almost 365 days, the National Government consolidated the policy of labour deregulation which was systematically initiated in October 2018. This leaves the majority of workers and their families having to survive with bonuses and food bags. The mechanisms of state control have the purpose of preventing eventual workers’ and popular protests in the face of the social catastrophe to which the government itself has led us with its neoliberal policies, which force the working class to bear the entire weight of the structural crisis and imperialist coercive measures.

Without a wage policy that complies with the Constitution and the Organic Law of Labour, with serious violations of freedom of association and without the possibility of exercising the right to strike, with criminal violations of workplace health and safety regulations which cause more and more fatal work accidents, the working class is subjected to outrageous precariousness, quasi-begging and unprecedented levels of overexploitation.

To make matters worse, the National Budget Law of 2024 imposes priorities that have nothing to do with improving the quality of life of working people. On the contrary, privileges to capital are emphasized and resources are assured for demagogy and electoral manipulation. Once again, the parasitic ruling class will be the great beneficiary in the profound unequal distribution of national income. There are no budgetary provisions to establish decent salaries and pensions, but only to continue granting bonuses – obviously with no impact on social benefits, vacations, profits, Christmas bonuses and other legal and contractual indemnities.

Sharpening of the class struggle

The past year began with months of massive protests by teachers and other primary and basic education workers – demanding, unsuccessfully, the signing of the teachers’ collective bargaining agreement – and is concluding with some scattered labour protests demanding the full payment of year-end bonuses from public employers.

Discontent is widespread and will be expressed early in 2024 with labour protests, considering the serious deterioration of the subsistence-level material conditions of those who depend on a salary or a pension. Really though, nobody in Venezuela lives on a salary or a pension – the majority is forced to perform numerous formal and informal jobs to subsist. The result is deteriorating health, and more time away from family care and the fulfillment of social, cultural and organizational activities which facilitate mass participation in the struggle to change our oppressive reality.

Another present trend is the government’s growing authoritarianism and unilateralism. This is expressed in the criminalization of workers’ struggles, open layoffs and sham dismissals. All of it occurs with official acceptance (especially against militant union leaders and safety representatives), employer and government coercion to subdue the individual and collective will of the workers, and the use of judicial power to legitimize abusive and anti-democratic political decisions.

In this context, we are obliged in the new year to broaden the united struggle of the working class and of all the people, putting aside everything that disunites and dismantles unions and the retirees and pensioners associations. Being an election year, the efforts of the government and the right-wing opposition to manipulate working people, as well as their organizations, will be intensified. That is why, now more than ever, it is essential to strengthen the independence and autonomy of the labour and popular forces that fight to recover our human, social and labour rights and to defeat policies that only serve capital and that debase the working class and the people in general.

–Tribuna Popular ... ismantled/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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