Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sun Mar 10, 2024 1:01 pm

Four scenarios


Stuck in the political blockade of those who do not understand why their plans did not go as expected, the West accelerates its march in order to decide what to do to prevent the situation in Ukraine from getting even worse. It is not about improving the lives of the population or finding a way to resolve the conflict and end the war, but quite the opposite. While the Biden administration is getting closer and closer to the anti-immigration measures of the most reactionary wing of the Republican Party in order to unblock the approval of the 60 billion dollars it wants to invest in the war, European countries are looking for a way to compensate for the delay in the arrival of American military material. With no prospects for change in sight, the objective is none other than to guarantee the continuation of a war that the European Union has decided is existential for the continental political and security model. From that starting point, which is also shared by the United Kingdom and the United States, there is no room for peace, negotiation or the slightest political dialogue, nor for concessions. The objective is the Russian military defeat in Ukraine and the return to the borders, not of February 24, 2022, but of 1991, something that can only be achieved - in a highly improbable way - with a massive mobilization of military resources.

The situation on the front, which has produced the current catastrophism that affirms, as Josep Borrell did, that the war can be resolved against Ukraine in three months, denies any possibility of achieving the maximalist objective of kyiv and the Western capitals. The contrast between desires and reality is currently observed in the two points on which the battle centers. Ukraine is not fighting to reach Crimea or capture Donetsk, but to prevent Russia from recapturing Rabotino, the only success of the 2023 ground counteroffensive, or continuing to advance west of Avdeevka. Faced with these prospects of uncertainty, different think-tanks linked to Western governments are considering the possible scenarios they could face in the coming months or years. Just like exactly a year ago, The Telegraph publishes an extensive article in which Roland Oliphant, a veteran of reporting on the conflict since 2014 and who has always followed the war from a pro-Ukrainian point of view, presents the four scenarios that in the United Kingdom are handled as possible for Ukraine.

Four were also proposed by Alexander Graef, an expert in international relations, in February 2022. On that occasion, the proposals ranged between eternal war, ceasefire, Russian consolidation and Ukrainian victory. Regarding this last possibility, Graef stated that “a complete Ukrainian victory seems a distant possibility. Any path to this scenario would likely require fighter jets and long-range missiles that would allow Ukraine to conduct deep bombing raids into Russian territory. “If the West decided to hand over those weapons, the threat of nuclear escalation would be approaching.” The failure of the ground counteroffensive, the Ukrainian insistence on obtaining the weapons mentioned by Graef to use them against Russian territory, the recent mention of the possibility of a Western military presence in Ukraine, the alarms of possible confrontation between NATO and Russia and the Russian warning that it could lead to atomic use confirm that conclusion. However, the risk of an escalation beyond Ukraine and beyond the current conventional ground war is not a problem for European authorities and think-tanks , all of whom are focused on finding a way to achieve the best possible scenario for themselves and the worst for Russia. In that calculation, the well-being of Ukraine and its population is a secondary factor, despite being the basis of the discourse that affirms that the war seeks to guarantee that Ukrainians are free to determine their future . That Ukrainians , of course, refers only to one part of the country, which is expected to impose its model of country and identity on other Ukrainians at the expense of their freedom and opinion.

Oliphant's article starts from the usual cliché. “Everyone is tired, everyone is angry. But even without money and without weapons, we will fight with sticks,” he says, quoting a Ukrainian soldier. That the feeling could be exactly the same, although not to fight against Moscow but against kyiv, or that it has been like this for the last ten years on the other side of the front is an aspect that is not even taken into account. Despite the rhetoric, the only result to take into account is the state of the borders and the conditions in which the power relationship between Western countries and Russia will remain.

“Chatam House, the semi-official British foreign affairs think-tank , has carried out an exercise this month in which it has modeled four basic scenarios for the end of the war,” presents Oliphant, who quickly defines them as “a Ukrainian victory, a Russian victory, some kind of agreement and the deadlock.” From there, the journalist makes a journey between the Ukrainian victory and its defeat, always from prejudice and without ever taking into account the reality of Donetsk, Lugansk or Crimea, regions on which he has reported during the last decade. As it could not be otherwise, the starting point of the analysis of the four scenarios is to distort the Russian point of view to assign to Moscow objectives that contradict its actions in the last two years and, above all, the contents of the negotiations. of Istanbul, a moment in which it was possible to really see what the Kremlin's aspirations were. “The Russians have offered the possibility of entering into talks, but they claim that their objectives have not changed and they still intend to take Kiev,” Oliphant alleges without taking into account that, two years ago, as confirmed by the Istanbul document to which he Accessed this week by The Wall Street Journal , Vladimir Putin was willing to abandon all captured territories beyond Donbass and Crimea in exchange for Ukrainian neutrality. If ever it was a goal, the taking of Kiev was no longer one when the delegations met in Istanbul on March 29, 2022.

Russia is not, for Oliphant, the only obstacle to possible negotiations. “The Ukrainian spirit of rebellion, despite all the country's suffering, is far from dead. It is easy to find people as angry as they were two years ago,” he insists, once again forgetting the spirit of rebellion of those who have spent ten years resisting having a way of understanding Ukraine imposed on them with which they never identified. Oliphant also forgets the absolute disinterest in achieving a diplomatic resolution to the conflict on the part of the Western powers. It is not necessary to believe the version that it was Boris Johnson who blocked a practically closed agreement between Russia and Ukraine to understand that there has been no intention of the countries of the European Union and NATO to promote a peaceful resolution to the conflict either before or after on February 24, 2022. Comfortable with a low-intensity war on the borders of one of their historical opponents, the EU, the United States and the United Kingdom did not act to seek compliance with the Minsk agreements nor did they press for an agreement to return to the borders prior to the Russian intervention when that was possible. Over the last decade, Western countries have acted and continue to act as guarantors of war.

When presenting the scenarios, Oliphant begins with the most optimistic, “the first option, a Ukrainian victory, is best articulated in the ten-point peace roadmap presented by Zelensky in 2023 and that both he and "Ukrainian diplomacy continues to explain at every opportunity." Zelensky's peace plan involves demanding the unconditional surrender of the Russian Federation. In the idyllic version of The Telegraph , the road map “begins with confidence-building measures, such as establishing nuclear security, restoring grain exports and releasing prisoners, and ends with the withdrawal of nuclear weapons. Russian forces from all of Ukraine, including Crimea and the parts of Donbas occupied in 2014, paying compensation and agreeing to prosecute alleged war criminals. Peace would be backed by international security guarantees - probably Ukraine's entry into NATO - which in turn would lay the foundation for a formal cessation of hostilities signed by both governments. Not content with demanding an unconditional surrender that would mean abandoning the population of Crimea and Donbass at the mercy of the will of Ukraine, which has made it clear that its plans involve repression and denial of their rights, Zelensky aspires to impose this plan without that there be even a minimal negotiation with Russia. This same week, the Ukrainian president, who in September 2022 banned any negotiations with Vladimir Putin by decree, stated that "we will offer him a platform where he can admit that he has lost this war and that it was a serious mistake."

For Oliphant, the plan faces two major obstacles. None of them were to be carried out against the opinion of a large part of the population of Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk. The first is that it would require a major Russian military defeat, something that, as could be seen with the 2023 counteroffensive, is unlikely. However, unwilling to accept miscalculations, the Ukrainian authorities have placed all their hopes in Western fighters and missiles and aspire to repeat a new major ground operation to achieve what they did not achieve in Zaporozhie last summer. The second obstacle according to the article is that “liberating the territory would not by itself win the war if it simply pushes the front line back to the internationally recognized border (something in itself very difficult). “There has to be some way to persuade Russia to stop fighting.” Despite ten years of conflict and reporting on it, Oliphant has not yet understood that Crimea is the main red line for Moscow and its abandonment could only occur as a confirmation of complete defeat and Russia's inability to continue fighting.

Aware that this scenario is highly unlikely, since it would require a Russian military, political and economic collapse, the think-tank moves on to the second best option, a dialogue option that it presents while actually hiding the objective. Quoting Oleksiy Goncharenko, a deputy from Petro Poroshenko's party and a fan of the war against Russia until the end long before February 24, 2022, “there are two wars. The first is for the independence of Ukraine and this war was already won in the spring of 2022. The second is for territorial integrity. And history teaches us that these wars can last for years, even decades, and we don't even know when it will end." That second war that Goncharenko speaks of is a war of conquest and imposition against a population that has been resisting for a decade. The deputy may not know when it will end, but he should know that on April 14, 2024 he will turn a decade old.

Goncharenko's approach in this plan B , actually a variant of plan A, starts from reversing the order between the recovery of territorial integrity and access to NATO. The plan is the same one that the President's Office has tried to impose, without much success, through Anders Fogh Rasmussen, former NATO secretary general and Andriy Ermak's top lobbyist. Faced with what Oliphant presents, a situation of commitment with future aspirations for a possible German-style reunification, an agreement “territory in exchange for peace”, the approach seeks the entry of Ukraine into NATO to activate Article V of collective defense . Ukraine's accession to the alliance under war conditions would automatically imply a border between NATO and Russia, the main objective of the plan. Any Russian attack would trigger, or so the President's Office hopes, Article V, while Ukraine could continue attacking, for example, Donbass. The scenario, actually a NATO-Russian Federation war approach, is less defined in Oliphant's presentation, who prefers to refer to it as the compromise option that it is not.

As icing on the cake, The Telegraph adds the assessment of Goncharenko, known for walking around the House of Trade Unions in Odessa when the lifeless bodies of those who had been burned alive had not yet been removed. “Full membership in NATO, and with it the umbrella of the alliance's Article Five mutual defense clause, is the only deterrent that would fit perfectly. It is that protection that, in Goncharenko's words, allows him to rest easy knowing that his children will not have to fight in the war again,” Oliphant writes. For eight years, Goncharenko, like the rest of the Ukrainian ruling class, rejected any commitment to Donbass, condemning other people's children to continue fighting a war kept active in a completely artificial way.

The last two scenarios appear less developed. The first of them, the most probable considering the current situation, is that of an inconclusive result for the war, "a chess game that ends in a tie and where there is no victorious exit." Barring a collapse, it is not expected that the Russian flag will be able to be raised in cities like kyiv or Odessa, but neither will the Ukrainian flag be raised in Sevastopol or Yalta. Oliphant contrasts that situation with the “deadlock” that Zaluzhny referred to, a situation that can be solved through attrition or innovation. “Analysts accept the possibility that, over time, “exhaustion” will win, forcing both sides into long-term stalemate,” Oliphant writes, describing a possibility that is not remote. Both armies are heavily armed and want to keep fighting, but there may come a time when defenses make any advance impossible and the stalemate is as definitive as it was in the Donbass war. The scenario, according to The Telegraph , “is very different to the security of an internationally guaranteed peace agreement. First of all, it wouldn't end the war. Instead, Ukraine and its allies would have to live permanently prepared for the resumption of hostilities: it would not be so much a Cold War as a Hot Peace.” Without an international agreement, Donbass knows from experience that it would have to live permanently prepared for the resumption of hostilities and for Ukrainian bombings, although this is not a factor to be taken into account by those who have modeled the scenarios.

Finally, Oliphant does not even attempt to define the terms of the Russian victory scenario. For this he alleges the confusion of the Kremlin's approaches and its inability to present clear objectives. Hence, he turns to another think-tank to add that “more specific objectives can be deduced from a recent assessment by the Royal United Services Institute, a think-tank close to the British armed forces, which states that Russian intermediaries are currently proposing that Ukraine concede. territory already under Russian control, plus Kharkiv and possibly Odessa, agree not to join NATO and appoint a Russian-approved head of state. The only concession is that the part of Ukraine that remains can join the European Union. Those goals have not been publicly articulated, and it is quite possible that they will be contracted or become even more ambitious.” The terms are so out of touch with reality, they so contradict the Russian proposal to Ukraine to agree to end the war in 2022, when Russian troops were still besieging kyiv, that it is possible to completely ignore the proposal. As could be seen with the negotiations in Istanbul and also in Minsk, Russia has never demanded impossible concessions from Ukraine in territorial terms. In 2022, Moscow was willing to abandon the southern territories and even negotiate the borders of Donbass with Volodymyr Zelensky, so the demand of Kharkiv and Odessa, which would also imply control over Nikolaev, must be considered simply as an argument of those who seek to exaggerate the Russian danger and justify continuing to arm Ukraine to continue a fight that they recognize is uncertain and dangerous.

“With the Ukrainian armed forces depleted of ammunition, Russian forces on the ground will gain battle ground in 2025, ultimately forcing Mr. Zelensky to accept peace on terms dictated in Moscow,” adds The Telegraph, which understands that Russia hopes to achieve an undefined victory in 2026, which in turn depends on “things going the way that benefits Russia in Washington and on Ukraine not finding other ways to fight. And if Ukraine does not surrender, Russia may have lost its best opportunity to enter into negotiations in a position of strength,” he says, deliberately forgetting that Russia obtained agreements from Minsk that Ukraine never had the intention of complying with when it wanted to negotiate in 2014 and 2015. , the refusal to discuss any NATO proposal in 2022 and a resounding no from Ukraine and its partners in Istanbul and continuously since then. How can Russia regret having wasted an opportunity it has never had?

Google Translator

I dunno. Kharkov and Odessa seem reasonable to me, and I'll bet the majority of the inhabitants too.


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Forwarded from
Voenkor Kitten
Military expert Boris Rozhin on the main points during the Special Military Operation of the Russian Federation on the territory of the former Ukraine in the Avdeevsky direction by 17.51 ​​Moscow time on March 09, 2024, especially for the Voenkor Kotenok channel @voenkorKotenok :

More than half of the village is under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.
After covering enemy positions in the north, the enemy’s position in the village sharply worsened, and counterattacks did not produce results.

Most of the village is under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces sit on the western outskirts. Part of the village is a gray zone and has not yet been cleared.

Most of the village is under the enemy.
Our troops are on the eastern outskirts.
Part of the village is a gray zone.

Positional battles are taking place in the village.
Each side controls approximately half of the village.

The offensive of the Russian Armed Forces in the direction of Ocheretino is not currently taking place and it can hardly be expected until the end of the fighting on the Berdychi-Orlovka-Tonenkoe line.

The enemy continues to actively spend its reserves on this line in order to hold back our offensive and gain time to organize new lines of defense west of Avdievka, relying on the terrain and water obstacles.
Complicating the situation for the Ukrainian Armed Forces is the fact that a number of defensive positions existed only on paper, and are now being hastily attempted to build them from scratch.

The active work of our aviation forces the enemy to pull up air defense systems to the front line (including in the Avdeevsky direction) in order to cover the Ukrainian Armed Forces from attacks by our bombers. This has already led to a significant increase in losses of enemy air defense systems, which are constantly being hunted.
Kyiv’s propaganda case with the “downing of a large number of Su-34s” resulted in large losses in the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ air defense equipment.


Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 9, 2024) | The main thing:

- The Russian Armed Forces hit the Vampire MLRS combat vehicle in the Avdeevsky direction;

- Russian air defense shot down a MiG-29 of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​Krasnoarmeysk in the DPR within a day;

- The Russian military repelled two attacks and seven counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Avdeevka direction in a day;

- The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces per day in the Avdeevka direction amounted to more than 450 military personnel, 3 infantry fighting vehicles, 2 armored vehicles were destroyed;

- Russian air defense shot down 197 drones in one day, and also intercepted 3 HIMARS projectiles and a Hammer guided bomb;

- The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost more than 300 military personnel, a tank and a Strela air defense system in the Donetsk direction in one day;

- The Russian Armed Forces destroyed the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Pokrovsk region in the DPR;

- The Russian Armed Forces destroyed ammunition depots of the 43rd artillery, 3rd assault, 47th mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;

- The Russian Armed Forces repelled two counterattacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kupyansk direction during the day, enemy losses in the direction amounted to up to 30 soldiers;

- The Russian Armed Forces have improved the tactical situation in the southern Donetsk direction, hitting two brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

▫️Operational-tactical aviation , unmanned aerial vehicles , missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed: the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system in the area of ​​the Pokrovsk settlement of the Donetsk People's Republic, ammunition depots of the 43rd artillery , 3rd assault , 47- 1st mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, control point for unmanned aerial vehicles of the 126th mountain assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Stepovoe, Zaporozhye region, manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 127 districts.

▫️Air defense systems in the area of ​​the settlement of Krasnoarmeysk, Donetsk People's Republic, shot down a MiG-29 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force.

▫️Within 24 hours, three US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems and a French-made Hammer guided aerial bomb were intercepted .

In addition, 197 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed, including in the areas of the settlements of Yasinovataya, Novoandreevka, Yakovlevka of the Donetsk People's Republic, Zmievka, Kremennaya, Zhitlovka of the Luhansk People's Republic, Shevchenkovo, Zhovtneve of the Kharkov region, Pologi, Kopani, Mirnoye of the Zaporozhye region, Novaya Mayachka and Chaplinka, Kherson region.

▫️In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 267 helicopters, 14,855 unmanned aerial vehicles, 484 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,409 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,235 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,332 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 19,549 units of special military vehicles. (.....)

Google Translator


Mar 8, 2024 , 4:20 pm .

Victoria Nuland is a key figure in the decadent American foreign policy of this century (Photo: Archive)

The United States Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, will retire from her position in the coming weeks, as announced by the head of the US Department of Foreign Policy, Anthony Blinken.

Nuland has served in his country's diplomatic service for almost thirty years. While it is now easy to recognize her for her role in the Ukrainian crisis, over many years under five American presidents and a dozen secretaries of state, Nuland has left a legacy of destruction that will long be remembered.

When George W. Bush first became president, Nuland was quickly recruited by Vice President Dick Cheney. During the years 2003 and 2005 she served as his advisor advocating the invasion and occupation of Iraq. This policy resulted in disproportionately bloody numbers , even if the most conservative estimates are taken. In her second term, George W. Bush recognized her “work” and appointed her ambassador to NATO, a position she held from 2005 to 2008. During this period, Nuland worked intensively to secure international support for the US military invasion of Afghanistan.

At the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest, as a representative of the United States, he put pressure on allies to grant Membership Action Plans (MAP) to Ukraine and Georgia. Despite opposition from the German and French governments, he ensured that the alliance promised that Ukraine and Georgia would be admitted to NATO at some point, triggering the war between Russia and Georgia in August of the same year and laying the foundation for continued tensions between Russia and Ukraine.

Nuland remained in power with the arrival of Democrat Barack Obama. She was appointed Undersecretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, from there she engineered the coup d'état against the democratically elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine executed in 2014. According to her, Washington spent five billion dollars on "supporting democracy . "

In early 2014, a recording of a conversation that apparently took place after the third round of negotiations between President Yanukovych and the opposition was leaked on the Internet. In this conversation Nuland argues with the United States ambassador to Ukraine, Jeffrey Pyatt, about who should join the new Ukrainian government. Nuland lobbied for Arseni Yatseniuk, who later became prime minister. Nuland's response to the ambassador, when he suggested consulting with the European Union before proposing Yatseniuk, was: “Fuck the European Union!”

In 2016 Nuland was tasked with holding a dialogue on the Ukrainian situation with Vladislav Surkov, assistant to the president of Russia at the time. The last rounds of negotiations did not have any positive results.

With the arrival of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States, Nuland found no place in his Republican administration. However, with the inauguration of Joe Biden as president in January 2021, the aforementioned was appointed Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs.

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a Special Military Operation in Ukraine and the United States intensified its involvement in the region. Nuland's record proved crucial in this context. It was she who explicitly threatened the destruction of Nordstream if Russia "invaded" Ukraine. The rest of the story is already known.

Why did Victoria decide to leave now? The explanation of the spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zajárova, is more than sufficient:

"They won't tell you the reason. But it's simple: the failure of the Biden Administration's anti-Russian course. Russophobia, promoted by Victoria Nuland as the main foreign policy concept of the United States, drags Democrats to the bottom."

And despite leaving the public scene, his involvement in the destabilization of Ukraine in 2014 and the subsequent coup d'état cannot be erased from the memory of the thousands of victims who suffer the consequences of his erroneous judgment, which reactivated the confrontation with Russia . ... ria-nuland

Google Translator


Russia-Ukraine war update on Iran’s Press TV

Yesterday evening I joined expert on modern warfare and conflict resolution Greg Simons based in Uppsala, Sweden for an eight-minute Skype ‘panel discussion’ of latest developments in the Russia-Ukraine war hosted by Iran’s global television broadcaster Press TV. We substantially agreed that the most important recent events in the war pointing to its end sooner rather than later were the Russian taking of Avdeevka in the middle of February and the firing of Victoria Nuland at the U.S. State Department earlier this week.

See ... -press-tv/


Ukraine Weekly Update
8th March 2024

MAR 8, 2024

I’m keeping an eye on it!


Zelensky - Mark My Words: ‘The World Will Remember’


Zelensky has blamed the West for the failed Ukrainian Counter offensive last summer and after a recent Russian air strike had killed a number of people in Odessa, he had this to say:

When lives are lost, and partners are simply playing internal political games or disputes that limit our defense, it’s impossible to understand. It’s unacceptable. And it will be impossible to forget – the world will remember this.

It appears that the once great Z had left his script at home, and, encouraged by his nasal indulgences was inspired to say what he felt? This could be a statement from someone who has realised, finally, that he has been stuffed. I would guess that both pro and anti-Russian people will agree that Zelensky has justified and justifiable grievances against the West. And I think that he is correct in his judgment (if it was his judgement) that history will remember and judge the West’s failures in its support for Ukraine. The emotional ‘We will back you forevermore’ narrative has yielded to the excusatory ‘we did our best to help you but you simply weren’t good enough’ narrative. ‘The West has failed you miserably’ narrative is simply unimaginable and therefore unimagined by the West’s leaders. That’s the way it is at the moment.

Zelensky Rises Again


And so - the once great Z is trying to make himself great again in the only way possible for an actor (especially this actor): i.e. through a dramatic production. And so Z is making a film about his life from comedian to ???? (insert your own suggestions here). It has been labelled, without any sense of irony: ‘The Price of Victory’ and has a budget of $115 millions. What film producer in his independent sane mind would believe that profit could be extracted from such a project? But what do I know?

Zaluzhny Should Not Have Been Sacked - Klitschko


Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko at the site of a missile hitting a high-rise residential building on June 24, 2023 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Russia launched...
The Mayor of Kiev has criticised the once great Z for sacking a popular general when the country needed to unite around people with the highest support (Zaluzhny’s support was higher than that of Z). His replacement, Syrsky, is not one of those. The new supremo has started sacking commanders, maybe because they are Zaluzhny supporters, which is making him even less popular. A recent poll shows that in the event of a second round election between the two Z’s, Zaluzhny would score 67.3% to Zelensky’s 32.5%. So it does not seem likely that the latter will call elections but his legitimacy will be called into question once his term of office expires in May.


Meat Grinder Needs Feeding


The Meat Grinder is running out of male meat, actually but females are being sold the idea that being cannon fodder is somehow fashionable. Vogue appears to be saying ‘wear this and look good when you get blown apart’ or ‘join the army and sex deprived males will be your constant shadows’. But as long as you look good, who cares.

Last week I suggested that some Ukrainians fear that Kharkov may fall to the Russians. In an interview this week, Zelensky said that he could not advise people to return to Kharkov because the Russians have four corps assembled in the area and could attack at any time.




According to Geroman, on the morning of the 7th March:

In the Kupyansk direction, the Russian Armed Forces came close to Sinkovka. Fierce clashes occur in the Tabaevka area. 15 km west of Kremennaya, our troops are fighting on the outskirts of the village of Terny, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are sending reserves. At Seversky, Russian troops, supported by armored vehicles, attacked the eastern part of Belogorovka.

At Artemovsky, Russian units noted advances in the Bogdanovka area. The assault on Krasny continues, and there are positive results. In the areas of Kleshcheevka and Andreevka the situation remains unchanged.



According to the Military Chronicle, the Ukrainians are dominating the skies with their drones around Rabotino-Orekhov where fierce fighting is taking place. It seems that the Ukrainians are determined to push the Russians out of Rabotino at any cost and are feeding their reserves into the battle.

Artemovsk (Bakhmut) - Chasiv Yar


The Russians have been destroying Ukrainian positions in a strongly fortified Chasiv Yar all week with Fab bombs. They are also clearing the Ukrainians from Ivanovskoye and Krasnoye while fighting for Bogdanovka in the north.

South Donetsk


On March 5th, Rybar reported that: ‘In the Yuzhnodonetsk direction, Russian troops are pushing forward in their assault on Novomikhailovka from two directions and are strengthening their positions in the populated area’. ... update-260

(Much more at link.)


The ICC: A Tool of Western Aggression
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 9, 2024
Christopher Black


The ICC: A Tool of Western AggressionThe new charges made by the International Criminal Court against two Russian military officers, Sergey Kobylash, commander of the Russian Aerospace Forces’ Long-Range Aviation, and Russian Black Sea Fleet Commander Viktor Sokolov, reinforces the role of the ICC as a tool of Western propaganda and aggression and makes a mockery of its claimed role as an international court.

Mr. Khan, the latest iteration of ICC prosecutor, is a British lawyer who apparently never learned about the role of justice when he attended law school. His March 5th statement claims that the ICC has jurisdiction over Ukraine and Russia and that the officers charged directed attacks on civilian infrastructure, all of which is false. His political bias is established with the following statement,

“In our application for these warrants, my Office again underlined that these acts were carried out in the context of the acts of aggression committed by Russian military forces against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, which began in 2014.”

That statement is a bald-faced lie. It was not Russia that committed aggression against Ukraine in 2014. It was the United States, Britain, Canada, Germany, France and the other NATO allies who committed aggression against Ukraine and its people by staging a coup d’état in 2014; overthrowing the elected government and installing it in its place a NATO puppet regime riddled with Nazis. That alone should shock the world. Yet in the West, nothing is said about it. Many do not even know it took place. The facts have been suppressed and distorted by the propaganda they concocted to cover their crime of aggression, so they have labelled the brave resistance to the NATO-Nazi coup by the citizens of Ukraine located in the eastern provinces, as “Russian” aggression. Only a charlatan, having regard of all the facts, could come to that conclusion. It is the war begun by the Kiev regime against the Ukrainian people that Russia was finally forced to step in order to stop it.

But Mr. Khan seems undismayed that he will be labelled a charlatan, since this is the second set of charges he has filed against Russians, the first set being against President Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, Russian Ombudswoman for Children’s Rights, some months ago.

The rapidity with which Mr. Khan has acted against Russia stands in stark contrast to the complete refusal by the ICC to lay charges against Israeli leaders and military officers for the genocide they are committing against the Palestinian people in the occupied territories, despite the fact on November 17, 2023 Mr. Khan, on receipt of referrals from South Africa and other states that Israel was committing war crimes, and crimes against humanity in the Occupied territories, as far back as 2006, stated that his office was investigating the matter. Yet, despite the International Court of Justice ruling that there is plausible evidence that Israel is committing genocide, despite the referrals from other nation states since then, as well as many individual complaints by world citizens and groups demanding charges be laid, he has done absolutely nothing. In effect, by his refusal to charge Israel leaders and officials, he aids and abets their actions by granting them immunity from prosecution.

Yet, in the case of Russia, over which the ICC has no jurisdiction, he acts with the utmost speed, ever ready to please his masters in the West, who need something, anything to pull the wool over the eyes of their citizens in the face of the great defeat they are suffering in their war against Russia in Ukraine. He is always ready to oblige them.

The fundamental problem of the ICC is that it is not a world court. It only claims to be, while representing the interests of the nations that promoted it, even the USA, which refuses to subject its citizens to its jurisdiction. It is a “court” to be used for western interests, no other. It was not created by a world government. It was created by a treaty drafted by representatives of a group of nations referred to as the Assembly of States Parties. The process of drafting the treaty was long and complex; however, it is necessary to point out that it is recognised that no single nation could purport to create such a court claiming to have international jurisdiction, and what a single nation cannot do, no group of nations, however composed, has the authority to create such an entity either.

The claim of the ICC to universal jurisdiction is a consequence of its ability to assume jurisdiction even in matters concerning individuals who are citizens of nation states that are not parties to the treaty. We have seen this with the charges laid against Russians for crimes allegedly committed in Ukraine. Neither Russia nor Ukraine is a Party to the Treaty of Rome, and therefore the ICC has no jurisdiction over the citizens of either state. However, the Ukrainian government, established by the NATO coup-d’état of 2014, invoked the Acceptance of Jurisdiction clause in the ICC Statute to afford the ICC with jurisdiction over Russia. Article 12 of the Statute states,

“Article 12

Preconditions to the exercise of jurisdiction

3. If the acceptance of a State, which is not a Party to this Statute, is required under paragraph 2, that State may, by declaration lodged with the Registrar, accept the exercise of jurisdiction by the Court with respect to the crime in question. The accepting State shall cooperate with the Court without any delay or exception in accordance with Part 9.”

This has two effects. Firstly, the phrase “crime in question” means that, in the case of Ukraine, for example, the ICC accepted a letter from the regime installed by the coup-d’état, granting the ICC limited jurisdiction-only over the alleged crime that was referred to the ICC by Ukraine. The crimes of Ukraine in the conflict, committed for ten years against the peoples of the Donbass and against civilians in Russia, are conveniently ignored. The Kiev regime states the ICC has no jurisdiction to consider them, and the ICC accepts this farce.

The result of accepting a letter of limited jurisdiction, that is a letter purporting to grant jurisdiction to the ICC over Russian “crimes,” while refusing to grant the ICC jurisdiction over Ukrainian crimes, is the selective prosecution of citizens of one state while granting immunity from prosecution of the other state. This is a legal and moral absurdity. The very idea of justice, in the sense of equality before the law, is negated, but more, it affords the Ukrainian regime an immunity from prosecution which provides encouragement to commit further crimes of its own on its claimed territories and in Russia. Once again, as in the Israeli case, we see that the ICC is acting as an enabler of war crimes instead of bringing to justice those committing them.

On May 21, 2023, the Russians charged the prosecutor and judges of the ICC for crimes involved in the issuance of the ICC warrants against Russians. The Russian Investigative Committee stated that,

“The ICC prosecutor is charged under part 2 of article 299, part 1 of article 30, and part of article 360 of the Russian Criminal Court (criminal prosecution of a person known to be innocent, as well as preparation for an attack on a representative of a foreign state enjoying international protection in order to complicate international relations). The judge is charged under part 2 of article 301, part 1 of article 30, and part 2 of article 360 of the Russian Criminal Court (knowingly illegal detention and preparation for an attack on a representative of a foreign state enjoying international protection in order to complicate international relations).”

“Both have been put on a wanted list.”

We can expect further charges to be laid against Mr. Khan and the judges concerned. ... ggression/.


Are France & The UK Plotting A Ukrainian Power Play Right Under Germany’s Nose?


MAR 10, 2024

There are indeed plans for a conventional Western intervention in Ukraine despite their leaders’ denials over the past two weeks, but they’ve yet to fully form and their execution can’t be taken for granted, but they also can’t be ruled out either.

The debate that French President Macron provoked over whether NATO should conventionally intervene in Ukraine exposed the existence of two distinct schools of thought on this issue inside of Europe. France, the Baltic States, and Poland appear to be in favor of “non-combat deployments” there for demining and training missions, which could be carried out through a “coalition of the willing”, while the rest of the bloc supports Germany’s stance that this shouldn’t happen under any circumstances.

“Scholz’s Slip Of The Tongue Spilled The Beans On Ukraine’s Worst-Kept Secret”, however, since he inadvertently revealed that there are already British and French troops there helping Ukraine with “target control”. The subsequently leaked Bundeswehr recording about bombing the Crimean Bridge confirmed that the Americans are there too. Nevertheless, what’s being proposed by Paris is a formalization of these deployments along with their gradual expansion in a “non-combat” capacity.

Nobody should be fooled into thinking that France and the other four that appear to be in favor of this scenario are solely interested in demining and training missions. Rather, their intent seems to be to prepare these on-the-ground forces for surging eastward in the event that the worst-case scenario from Kiev’s perspective materializes whereby the frontline collapses and Russia starts steamrolling westward. These NATO members would then try to draw a red line in the sand as far as possible to save Ukraine.

Germany’s approach is altogether different in that it prefers to formally stay out of the fray in order to focus on building “Fortress Europe”. This refers to Berlin’s policy of resuming its long-lost superpower trajectory through “defensive” military means with US support in order to lead Russia’s containment in Europe at Washington’s behest while America “Pivots (back) to Asia” to contain China. A major component of this plan is the “military Schengen” between Germany, the Netherlands, and Poland.

The Baltic States and Poland are unlikely to participate in a conventional intervention in Ukraine without the official participation of a nuclear power because they fear being hung out to dry in the scenario that they clash with Russia inside of that crumbling former Soviet Republic. Therein lies the strategic importance of France’s involvement since it could assuage their concerns due to the possibility of Paris resorting to nuclear brinksmanship with Moscow if its own troops take part in the aforesaid clashes.

The UK wouldn’t sit on the sidelines in that event since it’s already playing a leading role in NATO’s proxy war on Russia through Ukraine and previously signed a trilateral security pact with Kiev and Warsaw in the week before the latest phase of this decade-long conflict started in mid-February 2022. Like France, the UK also doesn’t want to see Germany resuming its superpower trajectory, and both might wager that they can either get the US’ approval for their intervention or do it unilaterally to make it a fait accompli.

France isn’t yet part of the “military Schengen”, which could impede its ability to move large amounts of troops and equipment into Ukraine, so it can either soon join this pact or negotiate its own version with Poland and/or Greece-Bulgaria-Romania to complement its new deal with Moldova. Romania’s “Moldovan Highway” that’s being built in “emergency” mode is creating a new military corridor in the Balkans from which France can counter Germany’s growing military influence across the continent.

This emerging Greek-Ukrainian corridor is already one of the West’s most important logistical routes for perpetuating the proxy war after the traditional Polish one became unreliable following the farmers’ protests. It therefore makes perfect sense not only to invest in it for that sake alone, but also for countries like France and the UK to entrench their influence along the route in order to create their own “sphere of influence” there for decelerating Germany’s superpower trajectory.

That’s precisely what France is doing via its new security deal with Moldova, which will lead to closer security ties of the “military Schengen” sort with Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece in order to facilitate the dispatch of “trainers” to that landlocked country. The UK can either follow suit in some way or redouble its influence in the Baltic States and especially Poland, possibly culminating in its troops conventionally intervening in Ukraine through the last-mentioned while France’s enter from Romania-Moldova.

The possibility of France and the UK either receiving the US’ approval for this intervention or doing it unilaterally as a “coalition of the willing” in order to make it a fait accompli could pressure Germany to participate in order to not be left out and made to “look weak”. Its Air Force officers already claimed in the earlier cited leaked recording that the missiles that those two sent to Ukraine pressures them to do the same with the Taurus so the precedent is established for why they might think the same in that case.

While it initially seems counterintuitive that France and the UK might want Germany to participate in this intervention when one of the reasons why they’re arguably plotting it is to decelerate its newly resumed superpower trajectory, there’s actually a clear logic to these calculations. Deeper German involvement in this conflict could further reduce the already dismal chances of it entering into a rapprochement with Russia after everything ends like many hawks still fear is possible and desperately want to prevent.

It could also become overextended in some sense and thus lose the military-strategic grip that it’s recently obtained, thus creating openings for France and the UK to chip away at Germany’s influence in the Balkans and Baltics respectively in order to keep their historical rival’s rise somewhat in check. Berlin might not bite the bait though since Scholz has yet to even approve sending Taurus missiles there with the clandestine troop deployment that they require so there’s a chance that he’ll stick to his guns.

If Germany formally stays out of the fray while France and the UK embroil themselves in it with disastrous or at least unimpressive results, including those that see their Baltic and Polish “junior partners” exploited as cannon fodder, then Germany might actually benefit a lot. Those two’s approach would be discredited, the possibility of which might be why the US thus far appears reluctant to approve their “coalition of the willing”, and by contrast lend credence to Germany’s approach.

“Fortress Europe” might then be built at an even faster pace in the aftermath of this conflict as the only two possibly countervailing forces to keep its influence in check would have discredited themselves. On the other hand, a partially “successful” conventional Franco-British intervention in Ukraine could discredit Germany if it literally ends up saving Ukraine from collapse and stopping the Russian steamroller. In that event, “Fortress Europe” might be built a lot differently than Germany planned.

Instead of the EU as a whole functioning as a pro-US German-led proxy bloc in the New Cold War, Berlin would have to accept London’s “sphere of influence” in the Baltics and a condominium with it in Poland while Paris would have its own “sphere” in the Balkans. Rather than relying on one country to rule the EU by proxy, the US would depend on three, with the advantage being that there’d be less of a chance that Germany would ever “go rogue” but at the detriment of this being more complex to manage.

It remains to be seen whether France and the UK will go through with this Ukrainian power play right under Germany’s nose, but there’s little doubt that this is what they’re planning. The US could possibly disapprove, however, and they might then lack the confidence to conventionally intervene through their own “coalition of the willing”. There’s also the chance that the US takes the lead in this respect if Russia achieves a breakthrough before NATO’s largest drills in three decades end in June.

It would be easier for the US to do this on its own with everyone else following it than to depend on others, but this could risk World War III by miscalculation much more than if France and the UK conventionally intervene while the US “Leads From Behind”, hence the latter scenario’s appeal. In any case, the top takeaway from this analysis is that there are indeed plans for a conventional Western intervention in Ukraine, but they’ve yet to fully form and their execution can’t be taken for granted. ... plotting-a

I still find the notion of NATO ground forces going all out in Ukraine unlikely. They got no 'ass' and once that expeditionary force is smacked they got nothing left.
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:25 pm

Missile policy
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/11/2024


The spiral of reproaches that began following Emmanuel Macron's words after the summit of the European Union countries to show the unity of the bloc in its support for Ukraine reached its peak just a few hours later, when one by one, practically all The member countries - with the exception of the always belligerent Baltic countries - rejected any possibility of sending ground troops to the country at war. Cross statements in which Germany accused France of not having sent enough military assistance to Ukraine and the French about Germany's refusal to send long-range missiles were followed by the leak of a conversation in which the head of the Luftwaffe planned the way to reduce delivery times at the time when political authorities made the decision to approve shipments of Taurus missiles, material that Ukraine has been demanding for months. The Russian publication of the audio of the conversation, whose veracity has been confirmed by the German authorities, has served as a measure of pressure against Chancellor Scholz, the man who can unblock the shipments, but who currently appears to be the last German authority aware of the implications of sending cruise missiles to a country that has made it clear that it would use them against Russian territory.

As expected, Scholz's active defense , which revealed that the use of Western missiles in Ukraine implies the presence of soldiers from supplier countries in the use of this equipment, has not only offended France, but also the United Kingdom. , affected by the German confirmation of its military presence in the war. But Scholz's position, who wanted to be inflexible in a red line that he will have to prove he is capable of not crossing, has also had media implications. Despite having become, with its growing military support, the second largest donor of military equipment in absolute terms, Germany continues to be criticized - and pressured, especially by its chancellor, much more moderate than the hard wing of its government or the opposition CDU - both for its past relations with Russia as well as for its reluctance to follow the steps taken by the United States, the United Kingdom and France in the progressive elimination of the taboos of the first months of the Russo-Ukrainian war.

“German policy towards Ukraine is incoherent for a reason,” Politico headlined last week in an article that described as incoherent and contradictory the German position of increasing its military assistance, but doing so below other countries in terms of GDP per capita . The article, which of course mentions the Taurus missiles that it demands that Germany send to Ukraine, is not limited to that criticism, but sees as hypocritical a policy whose objective it describes as incoherent for strategic reasons. “Since Scholz realized that Ukraine was capable of defending itself against Russia, his strategy has been to act in tandem with Washington by supplying Ukraine with just enough weapons and equipment to survive, including anti-aircraft batteries and tanks, while withholding the tools. what he would need to win,” explains Politico , who later reproaches Scholz for his insistence that “Russia must not win and Ukraine must not lose.”

“This may seem like just semantics, but for many Ukrainians, hearing the leader of Europe's political and economic power join their fight for victory would be an important psychological boost and would send a clear message to Moscow about Berlin's commitment,” reproaches Politico , which seems to give more importance to the psychological effect of a phrase by the German chancellor than to the data of the billions of euros with which Germany contributes daily to the Ukrainian war effort. However, having lost the respect that Berlin has enjoyed for years as the leading European power, the tone of accusation, reproach and treatment of Germany as the weakest link in the European Union has become not only the norm, but the strategic option of the United States and the countries and opinion leaders close to Washington.

Of course, the reason why Politico understands that German policy towards Ukraine is incoherent, contradictory and insufficiently bellicose is “a deep-rooted fear of Russia”, to which we must add, according to the outlet, the interest of the weak chancellor Scholz to present himself as “the chancellor of peace.” “ Scholz's Urangst is that supplying Ukraine with weapons such as Taurus cruise missiles – with which it could bring down the Kerch bridge linking Crimea to Russia and possibly even hit Moscow – would unnerve President Vladimir Putin to such an extent that he would take reprisals against Germany,” says Politico , who sees the main reason for this fear in the 20th century and the two world wars that Germany fought against Russia. “Just as the terrible losses Russia suffered at the hands of the Nazis in World War II are seared into that country's collective psyche, you would be hard-pressed to find a German family that was not traumatized by Russia's invasion, whether it was a father or grandfather lost in Stalingrad or civilians trapped in the mouth of the approaching Red Army,” the article states, confusing Russia with the Soviet Union in its particular vision of the victim country and the one that was not. Curiously, Germany's position with respect to Israel in its staunch defense of the current war, in which the Israeli actions are being studied by an international court in the face of the credible accusation that it could constitute the crime of genocide, does not cause the rejection of the American press by hiding behind the historical argument. The fact that the Soviet peoples could not be eliminated from the face of the earth as Nazi Germany tried to do with the Jewish population precisely because of the existence of the Red Army to defend them is also not something that seems relevant in the historical analysis of how they were currently see what happened during the war.

Contradicting the premise with which the article begins, Politico also mentions a second argument why Scholz seeks to avoid escalating the war with Russia. After admitting the relatively good opinion of the population of the territories of the former German Democratic Republic, the article seeks in recent history the origin of the current chancellor's way of acting. “Many Germans credit West Germany's Cold War engagement strategy – called Ostpolitik and promoted in the 1970s by Willy Brandt, Germany's first post-war social democratic chancellor – with the end of the Cold War. As a child of that time, Scholz understands better than anyone the influence of Ostpolitik on the German psyche,” he explains to present diplomacy and the will to agree not only between allies as a burden and a defect. Diplomacy, not war, achieved for Germany, for example, the recovery of the eastern territories under conditions, not of reunification, but of annexation. And diplomacy and dialogue made possible an economic relationship with Russia that gave German industry access to a reliable and cheap energy source, for decades one of the bases of its competitiveness.

The article, which recalls Scholz's poor electoral prospects, is surprised, however, by the fact that the chancellor's Ukrainian policy is the aspect in which he obtains the most acceptance from the population. “The chancellor is not alone in the German panic room,” he seems to lament and later admits that 60% of the German population agrees with the rejection of sending long-range missiles. What's more, according to a survey published last week by the newspaper Welt, there are only two parties - the Greens and Liberals, partners of the SPD in the Government - in which sending missiles to Kiev is the majority opinion.

In the usual style of simplifying the problems to the point of virtual parody, the article, which is representative of the attitude of the press towards the German Government's position, presents a weak chancellor bound by his fear that any step will receive a reciprocal response in their own territory. Germany, until now in agreement with the United States, has really sought to keep the war contained to Ukrainian territory. The fear is not, in reality, a possible Russian attack on Germany, which would activate NATO's collective defense clause and is therefore absolutely unfeasible. That panic that Politico refers to is a Ukrainian escalation in Russian territory, which would make the war escape all control. Because any minimally serious analyst must understand, observing Russia's way of acting, that reprisals for the use of Western weapons against its positions have always occurred in Ukraine. The risk is not a Russian attack against Germany, France or the United Kingdom - Russia does not even try to shoot down the Western drones that patrol the Black Sea, coincidentally always before Ukrainian attacks against the Russian fleet - but a new escalation in Ukraine that the West cannot control.

It is also not a surprise that neither this nor other articles that criticize the German chancellor for his weakness and his attachment to diplomacy do not mention the issue of distrust in Ukraine's intentions. His pacifist past has not prevented Scholz from approving the sending of tanks to an army that has integrated groups whose symbolism is inspired by the Third Reich. However, any element of the ground war will be contained to Ukrainian territory. The strength of the Russian defense has made this clear. Germany has not hesitated either to send air defenses to Ukraine and Berlin is one of the candidates to have delivered to Kiev the system with which the IL-76 was shot down, transporting dozens of Ukrainian prisoners of war who were going to be exchanged. The question of trust and what Ukraine is willing to do to inflict losses on Russia is not limited only to purely offensive weaponry. In terms of attack, as the conversation leaked by Russian intelligence shows, Germany is aware that the missiles would be immediately used against Russian territory, inevitably provoking a new military escalation.

To achieve the shipment of weapons, kyiv has not hesitated to promise that the material will not be used against Russian territory. Of course, outside that territory there is always the Crimean peninsula, internationally recognized as part of Ukraine, but accepted for ten years as a Russian region by its population. Any attack on Crimea can have the same effect as a coup on the territory of continental Russia, something that advocates of total war prefer not to be aware of.

But perhaps the most important argument against sending missiles or heavy equipment and against seeking a Ukrainian victory instead of just avoiding a defeat is precisely the word from Kiev. It is likely that the fact that Ukraine has promised repression, limitation of rights or even expulsion of part of the population of Donbass and Crimea is not a particularly relevant factor for the European and German political authorities, but perhaps what happened in September is. 2022 in the Baltic Sea. Despite Ukraine's declarations, promises and guarantees of not having participated in an act of international terrorism against, among other countries, Germany, all the evidence published since then indicates that Berlin should not look for the culprit among its enemies but among its allies. Those who, through articles in the major international media, are now demanding that they send missiles with the capacity, perhaps, to reach even Moscow.

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 10, 2024) The main thing:

the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donetsk direction lost up to 280 people, 11 pieces of equipment and 2 warehouses per day;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost over 150 military personnel in the South Donetsk direction;

— The Russian Armed Forces hit personnel and equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 136 regions;

— The Russian Armed Forces hit the brigade control center, two fuel depots, two ammunition depots and the Ukrainian Armed Forces UAV control center;

— The Russian Armed Forces in the Avdeevka direction occupied more advantageous positions and repelled 2 counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;

— The Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Avdiivka direction lost up to 310 people and 16 pieces of equipment per day;

— The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kupyansk direction per day amounted to more than 110 military personnel;

In addition, 130 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed , including in the areas of the settlements of Privolye, Kremennaya of the Luhansk People's Republic, Aleksandrovka, Yasinovataya, Verkhnetoretskoye, Stepnoe, Maryanovka of the Donetsk People's Republic, Novoe, Trudovoye, Novoprokopovka and Lyubimovka of the Zaporozhye region.

In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops inflicted fire on the personnel and equipment of the 72nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 128th terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Ugledar and Staromayorskoye of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to over 150 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, four cars, two D-20 howitzers , as well as a Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount . The Ukrainian Armed Forces' ammunition depot was also destroyed .

▫️In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of forces, through coordinated actions, defeated the manpower and equipment of the 65th mechanized, 128th mountain assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 126th terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Stepovoe, Zaporozhye region, and Ivanovka, Kherson region.

The enemy lost up to 45 troops and three vehicles.

In addition, during the counter-battery fight, the following were hit : an M777 artillery system made in the USA, a Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled artillery mount made in Germany, two Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mounts , as well as a D-30 howitzer .

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed within 24 hours : the control point of the 47th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Zhelannoye of the Donetsk People's Republic, two fuel depots , two ammunition depots , a point control of unmanned aerial vehicles of the 71st Jaeger Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the settlement of Novokalinovo, Donetsk People's Republic, as well as enemy manpower and military equipment in 136 areas. Air defense systems shot down three US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems . In addition, 130 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed , including in the areas of the settlements of Privolye, Kremennaya of the Luhansk People's Republic, Aleksandrovka, Yasinovataya, Verkhnetoretskoye, Stepnoe, Maryanovka of the Donetsk People's Republic, Novoe, Trudovoye, Novoprokopovka and Lyubimovka of the Zaporozhye region.

▫️In total , since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 577 aircraft, 267 helicopters, 14,985 unmanned aerial vehicles, 484 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,420 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,235 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,350 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 19,572 units of special military vehicles. (.......}

🔹 Russian Ministry of Defense

Google Translator


‘Novorossiya’ rising from ashes like phoenix

Russian President Vladimir Putin took a meeting on development of southern/Azov sea regions, Moscow, March 6, 2024
The Russian President Vladimir Putin’s meeting on Wednesday in Moscow with top officials of economic ministries and leaders of the southern and Azov sea regions — ‘Novorossiya’ historically — signifies a major initiative in the Kremlin’s geo-strategy, with global ramifications, as the conflict in Ukraine meanders toward a new phase.

What lends poignancy to the occasion at once is that Putin is beating the swords into ploughshares at a juncture when the US and its allies sounding bugles. Indeed, one way of looking at Wednesday’s meeting is that it is a riposte to the fanciful conjecture 10 days earlier by French President Emmanuel Macron that European armies might march into Ukraine to push back Russians.

Putin signalled something profound — that war cries to defeat Russia is already time past. With the capture of the strategic town of Avdiivka and the rapid advance further west since then, cities like Pokrovsk, Kostyantynivka and Kramatorsk are now facing a fast-approaching front line, littered with signs of approaching Russian army.

As the Russian forces gain more momentum in the Donetsk region, the question of where they will stop is becoming increasingly difficult to answer. There is much unfinished business still. A big concentration of Russian military facing Kharkov is ominous. Odessa is also in Russian sights.

The progress of Russian operations may seem ponderous. In the past month, Russian forces gained only around 100 square kilometres of Ukrainian territory (according to Belfer Centre’s latest Russia-Ukraine War Report Card) but then, in a war of attrition, tipping point comes most unexpectedly, and before one catches breath, it’s all over. The Wall Street Journal wrote that Ukraine has few remaining military strongholds in Donbass, which means that with each Russian advance, Ukraine must retreat to often underprepared positions.

A New York Times report on Thursday titled Mutual Frustrations Arise in U.S.-Ukraine Alliance ended on a sombre note citing Western officials and military experts that “a cascading collapse along the front is a real possibility this year.”

President Joe Biden was conspicuously taciturn in passing judgement on the war in his State of the Union Address at the US Congress on Thursday, except to warn the Kremlin rhetorically that “(we) will not walk away. We will not bow down.” The cryptic remark could mean anything, but he did acknowledge that “Overseas, Putin of Russia is on the march…”

Importantly, Biden put in cast iron his past commitment not to send troops to participate in the war in Ukraine. And his focus was on the Bipartisan National Security Bill in the pipeline that would resume large-scale military aid to Ukraine whose future is now even more uncertain what with Donald Trump’s unstoppable surge as the candidate of the Republican Party.

The fear that the US is walking away from the war is gut-wrenching for Europeans. The French President Emmanuel Macron’s remark last week on Monday on the dispatch of Western ground troops to Ukraine was reflective of belligerence and bravado that often accompanies frustration. Earlier this week, Macron urged Ukraine’s allies not to be “cowardly” in supporting Kiev to fight Russian forces; on Thursday, he went further at a meeting with party leaders to advocate a “no limits” approach to counter Russia.

But there is a big picture, too. On Thursday, Macron met with Moldovan President Maia Sandu, pledging France’s “unwavering support” for her ex-Soviet country as tensions mount between Chisinau and pro-Russian separatists in the breakaway province of Transnistria. During the Macron-Sandu meeting, the two signed a bilateral defence deal, as well as an “economic roadmap,” although no details were provided.

The timing of France’s defence deal with Moldova, which follows a security pact with Ukraine last month, hints at geopolitical considerations to get a toehold in that vital region — where Dniester River rising on the north side of the Carpathian Mountains and flowing south and east for 1350 kms drains into the Black Sea near Odessa — to challenge the rise of Novorossiya, which is in the throes of renewal and regeneration.

For more than three decades, Transnistria has been considered a possible flash point for a conflict. The endgame in Ukraine has a domino effect on Moldavia, which, encouraged by the West, step by step, is strategically defying Russia to “erase” its influence, and move into the EU and NATO camp. Russia has been watching closely but patience is wearing thin.


Sandu is a semi-finished American product — an ethnic Romanian who got transformed as a graduate of John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and had a stint in the World Bank and was pitchforked into the top rungs of Moldavian politics, eventually as the pro-European candidate in the Moldovian president election in 2016.

Sandu has the same genetic make-up as another colourful figure in the post-Soviet space whom the US groomed for “regime change” in Tbilisi — Mikheil Saakashvili who was the president of Georgia for two consecutive terms from 2004 to 2013 following a colour revolution stage-managed from Washington. The strategic calculus both in Georgia and Moldova basically aims at NATO’s expansion into the Black Sea which has been historically a Russian sphere of influence.

Therefore, Macron’s recent remarks on western combat deployment in Ukraine must be understood properly. He is by no means spiting the Biden Administration — nor is Germany differing from him — as he pushes the envelope and hopes to salvage victory out of the jaws of NATO’s defeat in Ukraine. Biden administration will be quietly pleased with Macron’s tantrums against the Russian windmill in the regions of Novorossiya and the Black Sea.

The startling disclosure recently of the discussion between two German generals regarding the logistical complexity of lethally destroying the Crimean Bridge shows that Berlin is very much part of the Ukraine project despite the fault lines in the Franco-German axis.

France tasted blood in pushing a similar strategy in Armenia, which has virtually moved out of the Russian orbit and is jettisoning CSTO membership while seeking EU and NATO membership. Its focus will be to evict Russian military presence in Transnistria.

Reacting to the West’s thickening plot in Moldova, Transnistria has sought protection from Moscow. There is a big population of ethnic Russians in that region. The response from the Kremlin has been positive and swift. Shades of Donbass!

At Wednesday’s meeting in the Kremlin on the economic and infrastructure development in the new territories, Putin stressed the modernisation of the Azov-Black Sea road modernisation plans. He said, “we have big plans to develop roads in the Azov-Black Sea region.”

Of course, infrastructure development and strengthening of transportation networks will be an important template of Russia’s counter-strategy. Moscow is not waiting for a conclusive end to the conflict in Ukraine for the integration of the new territories into its economy from a long term perspective.

The crux of the matter, in geopolitical terms, is that Novorossiya is rising from the ashes like the phoenix and becoming, as Catherine the Great envisaged, Russia’s most important all-weather gateway to the world market connecting its vast untold mineral resources and huge agricultural potential. George Soros knows it; Wall Street knows it; Biden knows it. For France and Germany too, it is invaluable as a resource base if it is to ever regain its economic dynamism.

But in immediate terms, the challenge lies in the politico-military sphere — that “Russia cannot be allowed to win in Ukraine,” as Russia’s First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky summed up. Russia has requested a Security Council meeting on Ukraine for March 22. Polyansky said Russia will expose the diabolical plots of France, Germany and the US.

‘Novorossiya’: The alternate reality of Ukraine ... e-phoenix/

Some of us have been saying this for ten years. Putin had been set on a Seat at the Table only to find out that Russia was on the Menu. Many, many lives could have been saved.....


France Aiming to Create Alliance of NATO Countries Willing to Send Soldiers to Ukraine
MARCH 10, 2024
NATO military exercises in Estonia, February 10, 2024. Photo: Alexander Welscher/DPA/Legion Media.


France is trying to build a military alliance of NATO member countries willing to send their armed forces to Ukraine, adopting a polar opposite position to a more cautious Germany, US media outlet Politico reported.

Although most European countries, including Germany and the Czech Republic, are reluctant to send troops to Ukraine, the Baltic states Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are more open to the idea, reported Politico. Meanwhile Poland, which was initially reluctant, now appears to be changing its position. The foreign affairs minister of the new government of Poland, Radosław Sikorski, declared earlier this week that “the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine is not unthinkable,” repeating Macron’s sentiments.

“There can be no buts”
On Friday, March 8, French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné held a meeting with his counterparts from the Baltic states in Vilnius (Lithuania), intending to reinforce the proposal that foreign troops could help the Kiev regime in tasks that do not involve fighting Russian forces, such as demining. The foreign minister of Ukraine, Dmitro Kuleba, was also present at the meeting.

The foreign ministers of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, France, and Ukraine in Vilnius, March 8, 2024. Photo: Mindaugas Kulbis/AP.
“It is not for Russia to tell us how we should help Ukraine in the coming months or years,” Séjourné said at the meeting. “It is not up to Russia to organize how to deploy our actions or establish red lines. So we decided it among ourselves.”

“There can be no buts. We must draw red lines for Russia, not for ourselves. No form of support for Ukraine can be excluded,” said Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis, who chaired the meeting.

Politico reported that the Baltic ministers praised France for “thinking outside the box” regarding the Ukraine conflict.

However, French Foreign Minister Séjourné clarified that the French initiative was not in response to any request from the Kiev government but an autonomous initiative. “At the moment, Ukraine is [only] asking us to send ammunition,” he said.

On the other hand, Kuleba subtly attacked Germany’s reluctance to send long-range Taurus cruise missiles to Kiev for fear of provoking Ryussia. ” Personally, I’m fed up with… the fear of escalation. Our problem is that there are still people who think of this war in terms of fear of escalation,” he said.

Opposition to Macron’s proposal
On February 27, French President Emmanuel Macron suggested the possibility that NATO troops could be sent to Ukraine. During a special summit on the Ukraine conflict, attended by 20 European countries, the French president said, “Today there is no consensus to send troops on the ground. But in dynamic terms, nothing should be ruled out.” Such an initiative has already been rejected by Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Sweden, and Canada.

Russia has also criticized Macron’s proposal. On February 29, the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in his annual address to the Federal Assembly, made warnings about “tragic consequences” if Macron’s proposal was implemented.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stated that Russia consider direct confrontations between Russia and NATO inevitable if the NATO sends its troops to Ukraine.

The idea has faced opposition in the French political arena itself. After a meeting with Macron, the opposition parties declared that they were surprised by the president’s bellicose tone and were disappointed by the absence of diplomatic solutions. “I came worried and left more worried,” Manuel Bompard, coordinator of the left-wing political platform La France Insoumise (Rebellious France), said to the press. ... o-ukraine/


By Stephen Bryen, Asia Times, 3/3/24

On July 25, 1943, Benito Mussolini, after being voted out of power by his own Grand Council, was called to a conference with King Vittorio Emanuele in the Villa Ada park at the special bunker known as the Villa Ada Savoia.

The King told Mussolini that the new Italian prime minister would be General Pietro Badoglio. Tired, unshaven and shaken, Mussolini walked out of the meeting only to be arrested by Carabinieri troops.

He would be held at different hiding places until he was transferred to the Hotel Campo Imperatore, Emperor’s Field Hotel (Albergo di Campo Imperatore) in the Apennine mountains.

Under Hitler’s personal orders, a German team made up of Nazi paratroopers (Fallschirmjäger) and a team drawn from the Waffen SS assembled in 10 gliders at Rome’s Pratica di Mare Air Base where they were towed to within striking distance of the hotel.

On September 12, 1943, the gliders carried an Italian general whose role was to convince Mussolini’s jailers not to fire on the Nazi rescue force. Four days before, the Italian government signed an armistice with the Allies, an event closely tracked (via communications intercepts) by Nazi intelligence. Allied forces had already taken Sicily and were lodged in southern Italy.

Hitler ordered his army to not only free Mussolini but also to take Rome, which they dutifully did. As this happened, the new government headed by Badoglio and the King escaped Rome and joined the allies at Bari, on the Adriatic in the south of the country.

The Germans established a military line of defense called the Gustav Line. Mussolini was flown out of Italy, first on a Storch light aircraft, and then transferred to more long-range aircraft that first took him to Vienna and, after a refresh, on to Berlin. Hitler would receive him and put him in charge of a rump Italian government called the Italian Social Republic (Repubblica Sociale Italiana, or RSI).

In April 1945, as German defenses crumbled, Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci attempted to flee to Switzerland but they were captured by Italian communist partisans and summarily executed on April 28 near Lake Como. Their bodies were taken to a service station in Milan where both were hanged by their feet for public display.

This bit of World War II history could well be a model for US Pentagon plans to rescue Volodymyr Zelensky should his government in Kiev collapse.

The US has launched a number of trial balloons and encouraged French leader Emmanuel Macron to propose the idea of sending NATO troops to Ukraine to somehow save the Ukrainians from the Russians.

This sort of thing would not have been discussed in polite circles until the failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive and the collapse of the defense of Avdiivka. Now it is obvious that Russia has increased the tempo of its operations and is taking gobs of territory held by Ukraine’s army.

It is also now clear that Ukraine has significant manpower problems and its attempt to use forceful means to corral potential recruits is causing unrest in the country, including in major cities such as Odesa, Kharkiv and Kiev.

The problem for Washington is the lack of political support for any NATO military operations in Ukraine. The revelations, especially in the European press, including a recording of German military officers discussing how they could blow up the massive Kerch Strait bridge with Taurus missiles and hide the operation, are undermining the German government’s already badly eroded credibility at home. A French “instant” poll, meanwhile, showed two-thirds opposed to sending troops to Ukraine.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who recently emerged from a serious prostate operation to testify on Capitol Hill, argues that if Russia “wins” in Ukraine, then pretty soon after the Russians will attack NATO territory, suggesting that the first attacks might be against the Baltic states.

Austin knows there is no evidence supporting his argument. The same sort of claims, also coming from European leaders, are based on assumptions and assertions without any facts. Speaking on the occasion of his State of the Nation address in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin said emphatically that Russia has no intention of attacking Europe.

Austin and the Pentagon are in a dilemma. Without a provocation of significant magnitude to justify a NATO intervention (another Gulf of Tonkin exercise of what was a manufactured casus belli), what can the US do to save Ukraine? How can it get away with an intervention that most wouldn’t object to in Europe or the United States?

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin listens during a Senate committee hearing on Capitol Hill earlier this year. Photo: Chad J McNeeley / Defense Department

The US cannot just send in troops to start fighting Russians. That would surely start a war in Europe. Putin has already put down a marker that if there was a war in Europe, Russia could use its “tactical” nuclear weapons.

While NATO has been playing chicken with the Russians for many months, urging Ukraine to use NATO-supplied weapons to attack Russian cities, for example, or attempting to take down the Kerch Strait bridge or other critical Russian infrastructure, the introduction of NATO frontline troops can’t be hidden behind a facade of non-intervention or plausible deniability.

On what basis could NATO troops get away with some sort of intervention without a Russian counterattack? The Nazi example of freeing Mussolini may be a model that, in a modern interpretation, might do the trick.

No one can say how long the Zelensky government can hold on in Kiev. With a steady Russian military advance, growing turmoil at home, the refusal to hold elections, the jailing of people opposed to Zelensky and a host of unpopular measures, Zelensky’s hold on power is entering the zone of desperation.

The Russians may see an opportunity for a power transition to leadership in Kiev inclined to make deals with Moscow. Zelensky probably can’t do that: he is too committed to expelling every last Russian from Ukrainian territory and demanding war crime trials, as he also insists that he will never deal with Putin in Russia. Zelensky’s security situation in Kiev could rapidly come under a terminal shadow.

In these circumstances, the Pentagon could rescue Zelensky and move him elsewhere, with Lviv (Lvov) being the most likely place, as it is far in the west and challenging for the Russians to reach if they wished to deal with Zelensky using military means. Rescued by NATO “forces”, the Russians might happily see Zelensky and his government go.

That would make the relocation possibly unobjectionable or at least not the worst outcome for the Russians. They could then deal with a more flexible replacement government.

In effect, just as Italy was temporarily divided (more or less) in half, with the Gustav line the demarcation until allied forces finally took Monte Cassino in May 1944, Ukraine might also be divided, although exactly how would depend on what remained of Ukraine’s army supporting Zelensky.

Should someone of the quality of former commander-in-chief Valerii Zaluzhny take over in Kiev, it could mean that Zelensky’s stay at Lviv would be brief and he would go into retirement elsewhere. From the perspective of NATO and the Pentagon, such a process would take some time, perhaps even a year, allowing President Joe Biden to hang on until the US elections in November.

There are not many good choices for NATO or Washington. Biden cannot afford another Afghanistan debacle but one is rapidly creeping in his direction thanks to Russian military victories and the crumbling of Ukraine’s defenses. Biden has the option of opening peace negotiations with Russia but Moscow may not be interested. There is a lot of water that has poured over the dam.

Of course, the military situation in Ukraine could stabilize and the Russians could decide to wait until after the US elections in November, but this seems unlikely now. The Russians are under their own domestic pressure to wrap up the “Special Military Operation” and there is no reason at present to believe that Putin and the Russian army will slow down or back off.

In this light, the Mussolini rescue at the Hotel Campo Imperiale model may be one of the few alternatives available. ... -zelensky/


Ukraine Is Presenting Itself As A Reliable Mercenary Force Against Russia In Africa


MAR 10, 2024

The WSJ’s piece makes it seem like the armed forces’ recent gains around the capital are the result of this secret Ukrainian intervention, which is intended to imbue policymakers with the notion that the US can successfully roll back speculative Russian influence in Africa by proxy so long as they keep funding Kiev.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported this week that “Ukraine Is Now Fighting Russia in Sudan”, which can be regarded as the follow-up to CNN’s report from last September about how “Ukraine’s special services ‘likely’ behind strikes on Wagner-backed forces in Sudan, a Ukrainian military source says”. According to their sources, Ukraine dispatched special forces there last summer to fight against Wagner’s local allies, during which time they also helped improve the armed forces’ drone and mining capabilities.

Most dramatically, however, is the claim that Ukraine helped evacuate Chief General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan from the capital of Khartoum to Port Sudan. None of what is written can be independently verified, but it wouldn’t be surprising if there’s some truth to their report. After all, by presenting itself as a reliable mercenary force against Russia in Africa, Ukraine likely hopes to keep the foreign aid spigot flowing indefinitely.

The West has turned now-rebranded Wagner into a bogeyman whose sole purpose in the narrative context is to justify more of their meddling across the continent, but they’re uncomfortable doing this directly at the level that’s required to contain Russia, ergo the need for a reliable proxy like Ukraine. The timing of the WSJ’s report comes amidst the Congressional deadlock over more aid for that country, thus hinting that the intent is to show policymakers that these funds are paying off in unexpected ways.

Their piece makes it seem like the armed forces’ recent gains around the capital are the result of this secret Ukrainian intervention, which is intended to imbue policymakers with the notion that the US can successfully roll back speculative Russian influence in Africa by proxy so long as they keep funding Kiev. Although the WSJ referenced the State Department’s warning to others not to intervene in this war, it’s obvious that Washington will turn a blind eye towards Kiev’s intervention, which it clearly approved.

This assessment is based on the claim that Sudan has been sending arms to Ukraine in secret this entire time that were paid for by its patrons, so it’s unimaginable that the US would suddenly turn against either of those two when they’re both advancing its interests vis-à-vis Russia. Khartoum is helping to relieve Kiev’s arms shortage, which is more severe than ever nowadays, while the latter is fighting as Washington’s proxy in that country against Moscow’s supposedly Wagner-backed local allies there.

If the aforesaid allegation is credible, then it would explain why Sudan has been giving Russia the runaround on their plans from 2020 to open up a naval base in Port Sudan, which prompted the recent proposal here for Russia to seek an alternative in nearby Somaliland instead. This would also add more context to why the US diplomatically intervened to negotiate ceasefires for the same conflict that it provoked since freezing it could lead to more arms being sent to Ukraine instead of staying inside Sudan.

Re-evaluating everything in light of this insight, it would appear in hindsight that Burhan did indeed bite the American media’s bait that his country’s conflict is supposedly due to Russian meddling, after which he later requested a Ukrainian special forces intervention out of desperation and then sold Kiev arms. This enabled him to keep the West on his side, thus making it more difficult for his opponents to topple his de facto military-led government and therefore giving him a chance to stay in power or at least alive.

His reactions were predictable, which is why they could even have been manipulated if American intelligence thought to “engineer” them in advance. In that case, the aforementioned media bait might not have been simple opportunism, but part of a sophisticated psychological influence operation aimed at getting him to secretly arm Ukraine on a false anti-Russian basis. Burhan kept up the charade by retaining cordial ties with Russia but now his double game has been exposed.

Moscow can either distance itself from Khartoum out of self-respect to signal displeasure with it arming Kiev or try to “win back” its wayward partner in some creative way, both policy options of which are independent of exploring whether Somaliland could host a naval base instead. Regardless of whatever Russia does, which should be respected by its supporters even if they disagree with the decision, its diplomats shouldn’t deceive themselves into thinking that ties will return to normal anytime soon. ... tself-as-a
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:43 pm

Authoritarianism and expansionism
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/12/2024


The rapid and disorganized Russian withdrawal from the regions near Kiev in 2022, together with the successful Ukrainian advances in the Kherson and Kharkiv regions, led to the massive dissemination of these successes on social networks by Ukrainian fighters. One of its manifestations was the almost instantaneous presentation of material on the frequent incursions of the different groups linked to the Ukrainian GUR into the Russian rear or the People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.

The consolidation of a true state of war, and the greater Ukrainian difficulties on the front, have led to the progressive closure of these quasi-public broadcasts of the development of the fighting and even to the silence of the most prominent propagandists of the Ukrainian national idea. Olena Semenyaka stopped appearing in the media already in 2022. To the extent that they reflect a part of the official Ukrainian military ideology, recent interviews given by Dmytro Korchinsky are therefore of interest, both to the NTA end of February, like Natalia Moseychuk , already in the middle of March. Presented in a less developed form, the positions of the leader of the Bratstvo Battalion, with a national-Christian fundamentalist ideology, can also be followed on his own YouTube channel.

In his interview with NTA , developed after the defeat of Avdeevka and the Ukrainian withdrawal from Lastochkino, Korchinsky reviews both the weaknesses of the Ukrainian army and the parallel strengths of its adversaries on the front. Among these weaknesses he mentions the existing problems in the defensive lines and states that " we know how to dig and extract mines worse than the enemy ."

Referring to the functioning of the Ukrainian state apparatus, Korchinsky maintains that " this is largely due to the fact that many construction companies that have to build fortified defense lines ", which involves serious civil engineering work, " do not want to do so because, by having to work with budgeted funds, they face constant inspections by SBU administrative agents, tax audits in which everyone requires money and, in the end, everything is more expensive. So no one, or very few construction companies, want to participate in the awards of these defense structure works .” Which leads to the fact that, as current Russian advances in different directions of the front show, “ not all of our positions [on the front] are well prepared and equipped .” Unlike Russia in 2022, when work on creating defensive fortresses began, Ukraine has not believed in the need to build defenses, another example of underestimating other people's capabilities and overestimating its own that no one in Kiev wants to admit.

A second aspect is linked to the Russian advantage in human and material resources. Regarding the first factor, Korchinsky highlights that the Russian army has no fewer problems than the Ukrainian one. According to him, Russian soldiers also have to fend for themselves to cover their needs, there is a lot of disorder, massive assaults that are associated with great human losses and poor medical care, but the Russian Federation has a human force that is massively replenished. “ Due to the magnitude of the enemy, it is possible to advance several hundred meters in different areas .”

Referring to the Ukrainian deficit in material resources, the Bratstvo leader offers an example regarding tank reserves and notes: “ Russia has about three thousand tanks in the combat zone that it can use for attacks. Even if we destroy an average of 10-15 tanks every day, we will only be able to destroy half of them in a year .” In this material dimension, another aspect that also influences the situation on the front is that the Ukrainian forces experience a shortage of ammunition and weapons due to the " indolence of our European brothers, in particular Macron, the Greeks and Cypriots ", which makes two months prevented the purchase of artillery shells for Ukraine in non-European markets. According to Korchinsky's account, these projectiles were available, particularly in South Korea, but French President Macron indicated that they had to be purchased on the European market. Pressure from the Baltics and Czechs finally allowed contact to be re-established for the purchase of material for Ukraine.

In these circumstances, the Bratstvo leader considers that the Ukrainian military action will be defensive for now. « If our command does not take some very unusual steps, it will be a defensive “stalemate” . Russia will concentrate its efforts where the Ukrainian defense appears weakest, “ the same thing ” that the Ukrainian forces themselves tried to do “ when they tried to mount a counteroffensive .” But progress will be very limited and with heavy casualties. The main Russian offensive direction in the coming months will probably be in the direction of Kupyansk, a city that Korchinsky, however, does not see for now in danger of falling: “ Capturing the city will be very difficult for Russian troops .”


Regarding a possible change in the Ukrainian defensive position, “ a lot will depend… on the European supply of long-range missiles. Whether we continue to be supplied will also depend on the timely arrival of artillery shells and other military equipment… also on the delivery of drones and the number of well-trained UAV operators we have .” Korchinsky recalls at this point some aspects linked to the privatization of the Ukrainian war, among them that an important part of the war action with drones in Ukraine remains, and with considerable disorder, outside the Ministry of Defense: “Only by reducing that disorder in the armed forces and improving organizational efforts… we can achieve a significant reduction in losses and even some successes .”

In a more long-term perspective, Korchinsky believes that the final fate of the war “ will depend on who sees the rearguard fall first .” The war will not be resolved on the front " it will be resolved in the rear, as in the First World War ", a period in which " the fronts were stable ", but not the rear parts where a pre-existing situation was observed in many of them. revolutionary, both in Germany or Austro-Hungary and in the Russian Empire and even Great Britain. In Korchinsky's opinion, “ the first one whose rearguard is going to fall ” will lose the war. In this sense, Korchinsky's argument is obvious: both sides work to undermine the opposing rearguard. To do this, Russia is capable of producing the missiles itself with which to try to destroy Ukrainian air defense systems, while Ukraine depends on its partners to obtain this material.

From quite voluntarist positions, the national-Christian leader hopes that, “ despite everything ,” this collapse in the rear will occur in the Russian Federation. In Korchinsky's opinion, “ the internal situation there is quite unstable and the contradictions among the elite in Moscow are quite serious .” We do not expect “ a popular revolution ”, because the Russian people are an “ inconsistent people ”, but not revolutionary (in terms of willingness to rise up against power). But “ in its political elite, contradictions and disputes are quite serious, and the Prigozhyn revolt was a sign that great events are developing, hidden under the rugs, and that something should be expected to happen .”

Ultimately, something always happens in conflicts in Russia and stability is only achieved, in the Bratstvo leader's perspective, through repression. And unlike post-World War II Stalin who, with his iron fist, was able to prevent collapse, “ right now they don't have that strong hand, despite everything, and the elites are unstable in Erefia [the Russian Federation]. and therefore we just have to hold firm, maintain stability, whatever happens, maintain the defense and just wait for events that we can benefit from to begin in Muscovy .” Confusing desires with reality has been a constant in the discourse of the Ukrainian nationalist extreme right.

Korchinsky theorizes in this way what appears to be the strategic position of the GUR, the military intelligence of which it is a part: the destabilization and fall of the Russian regime through attacks against its rear. Asked when it will happen, he points out that “ Putin is not capable of great repression against his entourage ” and that the heavyweights, located in the first rows of access to power, “ compete among themselves ” for that power.

The foundations on which the theory is based lack, however, solid foundations: “ we know very little ” about what happens hidden, he acknowledges, so “ we cannot predict ”, it can happen in a day, or in a year, “ We only know that this happens to them all the time ”, it is “ a long-term trend in Muscovy ”. Putin has been in power for 20 years, so “ we can expect something from them ”, some kind of crash or collapse. So “ the main issue is not to relax ” and then “ reach Moscow and not just the borders of Ukraine ”, preventing Putin from staying in power. “ God has his own plans, and I see that he has Ukraine in his own calculations because, in the last ten years, the Ukrainians have tried to lose several times and were ready to capitulate, but God pushed us to the surface and gave us strength to resistance and for victory ,” he states with an argument that makes it clear that Ukraine is not capable of causing the internal revolts in Russia that it has been dreaming of for years.

This is how it is written, or rather, this is how it is about writing history from the deep forces that define and develop the strategy of the Ukrainian GUR, many of which aspire to form an army parallel to the official one, capable of promoting political-military action. In his interview with Moseychuk, Korchinsky shows with complete clarity the fundamentalist, authoritarian and expansionist dimension that characterizes his Ukrainian project.

Thus, in his answers, he states that Ukraine will only survive “ if we are exclusively a religious nation ”, “ if we are highly mobilized ”, if we are “ a highly militarized society that takes on a great task ” which is “ to reach Moscow ” . . “ We have to cross the Urals ”, “ we have to destroy everything that moves there ” and get hold of the oil and gas, “ the sources of our recovery ”, “ this is what we have to take ”. An expansionist and national-religious vision that extends to a Europe whose original joint mission project should be sought in the first Crusades. As a result of the Crusades, “ the Europe we grew up in…. for the first time he has realized his unity these days .”

In one of his recently published videos, it is striking that Korchinsky refers to the taking of other material during the expected collapse process of the Russian Federation, that related to nuclear material. He hopes that this Russian nuclear arsenal will fall into “ responsible ” hands, willing to sell it in parts to the United States, including those of “ such constructive forces as the Ukrainian armed forces and the Ukrainian special services .”

In his proposal for political-military action, the Bratstvo leader maintains that “ aggressive military propaganda is needed ” since only the strong are supported, those who advance on the ground or intend to do so. He defends, in parallel, the maximum internal “ censorship ” to counter Russian propaganda and repression against those accused of it.

According to Korchinsky, the measures necessary for war must be imposed ruthlessly because “ the truth has to be imposed by force .” In reference to military mobilization, for example, he maintains that “ we now have a large part of the population against mobilization, but we have to carry out that mobilization through directive methods in order to survive ,” because “ the good must impose itself by force .” A good that Ukraine must expand throughout the world: “ Ukraine can only survive in a world that we more or less control… or in which we participate in many of its processes ,” he assures anyone willing to listen. ... nsionismo/

Google Translator


From Cassad's telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 11, 2024) The main thing: Four attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled

in the Kupyansk direction , the enemy lost up to 30 military personnel;

— In the Donetsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces occupied more advantageous positions and repelled the attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The enemy lost up to 180 troops;

— In the Avdeevsky direction, the Russian Armed Forces improved the position along the front line and repelled 11 enemy attacks. The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost more than 430 military personnel;

— In the South Donetsk direction , the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost more than 140 servicemen;

— An attack was repelled in the Kherson direction , the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 30 soldiers.

During the day, 95 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed in the areas of the settlements of Peschanoe, Tabaevka in the Kharkov region, Zhitlovka, Lisichansk in the Lugansk People's Republic, Donetsk, Kremenets in the Donetsk People's Republic, Tokmak in the Zaporozhye region and Proletarka in the Kherson region.

In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the 72nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the 102nd terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Vodyanoye, Donetsk People's Republic and Chervonoye, Zaporozhye region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to more than 140 military personnel, eight pickup trucks and a US-made M119 towed gun .

▫️ In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of forces, as a result of coordinated actions, occupied more advantageous lines and positions.

An attack by an assault group of the 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was repelled in the area of ​​the village of Rabotino, Zaporozhye region.

The enemy lost up to 30 military personnel, a tank , five vehicles and a D-30 howitzer .

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed: a fuel depot and seven control posts of UAVs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In addition, two points of temporary deployment of foreign mercenaries, as well as accumulations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 142 areas, were hit .

▫️Air defense systems shot down 10 rockets from the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system.

During the day, 95 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed in the areas of the settlements of Peschanoe, Tabaevka in the Kharkov region, Zhitlovka, Lisichansk in the Lugansk People's Republic, Donetsk, Kremenets in the Donetsk People's Republic, Tokmak in the Zaporozhye region and Proletarka in the Kherson region.

📊 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 267 helicopters, 15,080 unmanned aerial vehicles, 484 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,428 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,237 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,369 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 19,608 units of special military vehicles.

🔹 Russian Ministry of Defense (.....)

Google Translator


SITREP 3/11/24: Patriots Blown Up as Mix-Messaged NATO Fumbles On
MAR 11, 2024




From the Kiev Post article:

Fabien Roussel, a representative of the French Communist Party, said after the meeting that “Macron referenced a scenario that could lead to intervention [of French troops]: the advancement of the front towards Odessa or Kiev.”

He noted that the French President showed parliamentarians maps of the possible directions of strikes by Russian troops in Ukraine.

Following the meeting, Jordan Bardella of the far-right National Rally party noted that “there are no restrictions and no red lines” in Macron’s approach.

Manuel Bompard of the La France Insoumise party expressed increased concern after the meeting. “I came to the meeting worried and left even more worried,” he said.







The Minister of Defense of Italy, Guido Crosetto, criticized statements from France and Poland regarding the possibility of sending NATO troops to Ukraine.

"France and Poland cannot speak on behalf of NATO, which from the very beginning formally and voluntarily refrained from intervening in the conflict," he stated in an interview with the newspaper La Stampa.

Crosetto believes that this would be a step towards unilateral escalation, which would deprive the conflict of the possibility of a diplomatic solution.

According to the minister, Italy will continue to support Ukraine, but there is a need to "intensify diplomatic channels."

But of course, Macron continued to seed the ground for future provocations in a quite telegraphed direction:


The most important thing to clarify in all this is that some are misunderstanding NATO’s intent vis a vis the troop deployments. They wouldn’t deploy the troops to immediately start attacking Russian forces and initiate WWIII. The going theory is that, initially, NATO members would seek to free up Ukrainian resources in the west of the country at a time when Ukraine’s frontline troop numbers are depleted to critical lows.

Here’s two analysts’ takes:

In France and the Baltic States, threats are increasingly heard to send their troops to Ukraine if the front of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "crumbles". We will not see the French in amphibious boats under Krynki, but they can take over the rear functions, freeing up units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to be sent to the front - world history already knows such examples.

The enemy is also increasing the production of various types of attack drones. Both for strikes on the territory of Russia, for attacks on the front lines, and naval options. Despite the talk that Russia is starting to get ahead of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in terms of the number of drones produced, in reality the situation is much more complicated, and quantity does not mean quality/functionality. There's a lot of work to do.

And the second:

In the foreign segment of the social network X (ex-Twitter), the first proposals to send foreign troops into the territory of Ukraine began to appear .

Of course, all images of this kind have the status of unofficial, but their meaning is already understood.

The essence of the proposals for the deployment of foreign troops on the territory of Ukraine (at least for now) boils down to the fact that NATO forces would not enter into direct combat with the Russian Armed Forces, but would be deployed along the northern border of Ukraine with Belarus and, although to a lesser extent, nearby with Odessa (apparently to protect the ports).

The deployment of NATO troops along the border with Belarus, according to this idea, should help the Ukrainian Armed Forces free up troops stationed on a line with a length of 1.3 thousand km.

At the moment, this is impossible to do, presumably due to the threat of offensive actions by the Russian Armed Forces from the north.


These are just rumors that some have already ‘debunked’—but it does seem most probable to me that such a thing would be the initial vector. Recall our last discussion about Ukraine having an alleged 700k men “in the rear” taking up various duties and guarding various sites and borders. If NATO troops could relieve them of that, it would not only free up more fodder for the front, it could accomplish a second important goal: blocking off ‘likely’ Russian invasion routes, like areas north of Kiev to dissuade another Russian offensive from the north, as well as bring Belarus into a slowly threatening constrictor squeeze as well.

Another such ‘rumor’ from Ria Novosti’s official TG channel from a couple weeks ago which I posted before, but want to include again for the sake of info consolidation:

A knowledgeable source from RIA Novosti provided details of the British plan for a NATO expeditionary force in Ukraine, the creation of a no-fly zone and “undermining” Russia’s offensive capabilities:

▪️ preparation of such a scenario for implementation in London is expected to be completed by May 2024;

▪️ it is planned to secretly transfer large, highly maneuverable NATO forces to Ukraine from the border regions of Romania and Poland to occupy defensive lines along the right bank of the Dnieper;

▪️ a preventive strike by the armed forces of Moldova and Romania on Transnistria is also not excluded;

▪️ in order to “disperse” the forces and assets of the Russian Armed Forces, it is planned to deploy a contingent of NATO forces and the armies of individual members of the bloc on the territory of Norway and Finland;

▪️ at the same time, strikes may be delivered to strategic infrastructure facilities in the northern regions of Russia;

▪️ after that, according to the British plan, NATO troops would create a “buffer zone” within the occupied positions, including the border with Belarus and the territory around Kyiv, and the released forces of the Ukrainian army should withdraw to the Northwestern Military District zone.

In essence, the ideas seem to outline a potential attempt to force a ‘Korean scenario’ on Russia, were Russia to reject all ceasefire and settlement overtures when the time comes. That time would come when the AFU is finally nearing total collapse, which could be anywhere from a couple months from now until first quarter of 2025.

But while it’s not yet plausible that NATO would dare such a maneuver, make no mistake, if they chose to do so, there is nothing Russia could do to stop them. They would be able to bring their ‘blocking’ detachments to whatever areas they wanted, and Russia would likely be forced into some kind of halting impasse. Forget the puerile comic book tales about Russia striking European capitals or nukes flying. Russia would not start WWIII by attacking NATO assets first in such a way. Why? Because, technically, for NATO forces to do that would not be illegal or out of place in the eyes of international law. After all, if they’re not attacking Russia first, then they are merely traversing the territory of their own ally, with full permission from Ukraine. It’s the same reason the U.S. can’t do anything about Russian forces harassing them in Syria.

So, yes: NATO can move in and put up blocking forces and basically “dare” Russia to go through them knowing Russia can’t do so without attacking them first and giving NATO unprecedented casus belli—and it would all be perfectly legal in the eyes of international law. Russia did the same thing at Pristina in 1999.

But of course, doing so would be very politically risky for NATO leaders, and likely extremely unpopular among constituents so there’s a chance they’re only bluffing in order to shape the psychological domain of the war.

Poland’s Sikorsky may have given some of that game away in his interview above, where he basically implied that these recent moves may be part of a sort of asymmetric destabilizing strategy to make Russia less comfortable in their own moves, second guessing everything. In fact, just about all NATO’s recent actions have apparently been about creating a heightened sense of tension and fear, to make Russia less confident all around. This of course goes back to the days of the infamous RAND report about strangulating Russia with gradually increasing tension.

This strategy was clearly seen this week in the following report:

For the first time since the country joined NATO, a Swedish military aircraft flew near the borders of Russia, reports the portal for monitoring military aircraft flights Itamilradar.

As the portal notes, there is various equipment on board the aircraft that can intercept and analyze messages and other electronic signals.

And of course in general we know NATO countries are slowly attempting to prepare for a much wider European war in the future:

We are informed that in France several previously disused military bases are currently being rehabilitated, but using administrative obfuscations intended to lure the curious.

For example, in Chateaudun the disused base was ceded by the army to the municipality to make it, according to the official version, a private airport intended to receive Falcon type aircraft. The site has a main runway 2,300 m long and a cross runway created by the Germans during the last war which was left abandoned. The main runway was intended for fighter planes.

There are more than 70,000 m2 of warehouses, offices and housing buildings which are therefore being rehabilitated, and an 80 hectare voltaic power plant will be set up. All this to accommodate a few Falcons?

This is just an example, there are several bases in this case. The aim would in fact seem to set up discreet bases for NATO military operations to avoid having everything grouped together in the "main" bases in the event of strikes.


I say “attempting” because I’ve pointed out before the cyclical nature of these escalations. NATO has threatened almost every single one of these actions for years—like the infamous “300k rapid deployment force on Russia’s border!”—without any of it coming to fruition because the actual initiatives turn to vapor under the scrutiny of how much it would all cost, and what titanic effort it would actually take. In reality, NATO can be said to be getting weaker by the year, with constant cuts to forces all across the board. So will the latest threats of buildups pan out? Probably not, as NATO stands slightly better chance to collapse than reinvent itself as a superpower, in my estimations.


Big Serge, by the way, has a good thread about France’s military capabilities apropos potential Ukraine intervention:


Serge concludes:

The balance of things is that Macron is trying to make it look like he's taking a tough stance on Russia, knowing that the veto from Germany and America will prevent him from actually having to follow through. He can then say "I tried, but the Germans are cowards".

Threating to enter the war if Russia gets to Odessa is basically like saying "you better not beat up my little brother, if you knock him unconscious I'm going to hit you." You wouldn't wait until your kid brother has already been pulverized to step in.

With others chiming in:


(Much more at link, check it out) ... lown-up-as

"The Poodle bites, the Poodle chews it."
Frank Zappa


In Related News...

... water is wet and the fire is hot.

The jets are ready, and the flight instructors are waiting, at a new training center in Romania that was created to teach Ukraine’s pilots to fly the F-16 warplane. But there’s a catch: The Ukrainian pilots have yet to arrive, despite declarations last summer that the center would play a crucial role in getting them into the air to defend their country from increasingly deadly Russian strikes. It’s still unclear when Ukrainian pilots will begin training at the center, at the Fetesti air base in southeast Romania, which NATO allies also are using to get schooled on the fighter jets. But the delay is a window into the confusion and chaos that has confronted the military alliance’s rush to supply the F-16s. That is not to say that Ukraine’s pilots are not being prepared. Twelve pilots so far — fewer than a full squadron — are expected to be ready to fly F-16s in combat by this summer after 10 months of training in Denmark, Britain and the United States. But by the time the pilots return to Ukraine, as few as six F-16s will have been delivered out of about 45 of the fighter jets that European allies have promised.

Boy, those pesky Russian pilots are rubbing their hands in anticipation. I can almost see how pilots of Su-57s, Su-35s and Su-30SMs are pulling the sticks to have a first go at those F-16s. Well, it is pretty much the one-way ticket for whatever 404 pilots are out there. I doubt any sane NATO pilot would want to go against Russia's VKS. It is the same for all those M1 Abrams tanks which are having a very bad time in 404 and some say that already 7 have been destroyed, some say--more. Doesn't matter, the deadly truism of XXI century warfare "if you are seen, you will be hit" is, well, truism. I simply see no way how a widening gap in battlefield air defense, C2, netcentricity, the so called RUK/ROK (Recon Fire/Recon Strike Complexes) and standoff weapons can be closed by the West. There are no resources left. And then, of course this:

Russia is set to produce nearly three times as many artillery munitions as the U.S. and Europe this year, CNN reported on March 11, citing NATO intelligence estimates and unnamed sources familiar with the matter. Russia is producing close to 250,000 artillery munitions monthly, or around 3 million per year, according to NATO estimates seen by CNN and the outlet's sources. Together, the U.S. and Europe can produce approximately 1.2 million munitions annually to send to Ukraine, a senior European intelligence official told CNN.

Somebody, of course, forgot to tell CNN and their "sources" in this non-story that artillery shells are SHOT from guns and one can have 10 million shells but if the innards of your barrel wear out due to low sustainability of all NATO guns, what good will it do if you do not have guns, which also are being destroyed in industrial quantities by Russians. How many Paladins or Caesars can NATO send to 404? I thought so. But then again, those "senior European intelligence officials" probably never heard about such things as sustainability, tactical and operational rear repair plant for weapon systems, and, of course about operational depth strikes which, surprise-surprise, degraded 404 weapons repair and maintenance capability dramatically. Ah, those details of war and don't start me on operational planning--evidently NATO only now learned about such thing. ... -news.html


New Storyline in Wall Street Journal: “Russia Is Running Out of Missiles” Shifts to “Russia Can’t Keep Up Production Forever”
Posted on March 12, 2024 by Yves Smith

In an ideal world, your humble blogger could try to track down the origins of a new storyline now appearing on the front page of the Wall Street Journal: Russia Is Pumping Out Weapons—But Can It Keep It Up? But a comparatively terse treatment will hopefully illuminate some “critical thinking” issues, as well as allow manufacturing and military equipment experts the opportunity to contribute insight and details in comments.

It’s noteworthy that the Journal has shifted from the usual depiction of the Russian military as cavemen with nukes to a headline formulation usually reserved for high-flying stocks. Even so, nowhere does it clearly acknowledge the degree that Russia is outproducing the US/NATO combine. Recall that the famed RUSI paper, The Return of Industrial Warfare, said it would take the West ten years to catch up with Russian production. Note that that presupposed a serious commitment to bulk up, which does not seem to be happening.

So a critical element of this article is its failure to look at Russia’s performance relative to the West, as opposed to cite particular purported problems in a vacuum. It seems curious that there is no mention of how Ukraine has become a killing field for Western hardware, with 2 Patriot missile batteries (an over $1 billion system) taken out in the last 2 weeks, along with a HIMARS platform and 4 Abrams tanks burning in the last week. Alexander Mercouris, in his Tuesday presentation, said based on specific mainstream media reports, that the Ukrainians were unhappy with the performance of the German Leopard 2 tanks, with more than half destroyed, and only 7 of the British Challenger tanks were operational.

Mercouris also pointed out that Russia is now deploying so-called FAB bombs, which are extremely heavy bombs with great destructive capacity. Russia has a significant inventory but until recently could deploy them only as dumb bombs. But they have devised modifications similar to the US JDAMs kit that turns them into precision munitions. Mercouris cited accounts that depicted them as game changers. Even though they do not have the range of ballistic missiles, they are much cheaper and it seems also can be deployed in large numbers.

Similarly, Mark Sleboda pointed out in a recent video that the New York Times stated out that Russian shell production was out pacing not just the US, plus NATO and non-NATO allies…by seven times (see starting at 13:50).

The Wall Street Journal story also fails to mention that Russia is ahead of the US in many critical weapons categories, such as air defense, hypersonic missiles, and signal jamming, or that the for-profit US arms-makers focus on producing expensive, fragile, hard-to-maintain systems that look great in videos for Congress but often don’t perform all that well in real world conditions.

Let’s turn to some key extracts from the article. This is the central argument:

For some Western officials and analysts, Russia’s military production figures are misleading and mask challenges including a shortage of labor and a falloff in quality. The ramp-up may not be sustainable as it saps resources from the wider economy, and any drop in output could leave Russia even more reliant on help from allies such as China, Iran and North Korea, they add.

…the Kremlin quickly pumped resources into its arms industry. Last year, 21% of all federal expenditure went into what Moscow categorizes as defense, up from almost 14% in 2020. The 2024 federal budget calls for an even greater proportion of spending on defense this year, at more than 29%….

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said in December that Russia was producing 17.5 times as much ammunition, 17 times as many drones and 5.6 times as many tanks as it did before the war….

Russia can likely sustain its war effort for two to five more years at the current scale, according to a senior North Atlantic Treaty Organization official. At least two European military-intelligence agencies also believe Russia can produce enough weapons to last several more years.

Regarding the Russian military budget, the Journal story does not consider how much is due to bulking up the number of men in service (which would presumably fall back once the situation in Ukraine is resolved) versus producing more hardware.

The article does not give convincing arguments as to why Russia would be forced to cut back on its production surge, even after conceding Russia can maintain it for some years. The first reason is labor shortages, particularly of skilled labor. It is true that Russia generally has a worker shortfall, and bulking up the size of its military has not helped. But the skilled labor element will significantly self-correct over time as factory labor becomes more experienced with production.

A second reason is that the arms manufacture will come at the expense of other sectors. Commentators who have been to Russia or have close contacts there confirm that the government has not gone to a war economy footing and has in large measure has successfully shielded civilian life from its impact. However, I do recall reading some grumblings about cutbacks in certain programs (for the life of me I can’t recall which and I would not trust search to point me to good sources) so it is not as if there have not been losers in Russia from the war effort.

This article might simply be seen as an exercise in copium, but it is arguably worse. It suggests that the US experts and allies are still either not willing or are too invested in their myth of superiority to make an honest assessment of their and Russian capabilities to determine what to do next.

The article makes much of the notion that Russia has not meaningfully increased tank production, as opposed to refurbishing and upgrading them. Note that experts like Brian Berletic have argued that refubished T-72s are effective, modern weapons. The Journal makes much of older tanks being sighted outside factories…without providing confirmation that they have been seen much on battlefields:

Last year Russia brought out at least 1,200 old tanks from storage, Gjerstad estimates, based on a review of satellite images before and after the start of the war. That means that, at the very most, Russia produced 330 new tanks last year, though the true figure is likely to be half that number, Gjerstad said.

For example, up to 200 tanks at a time have sat outside the Omsktransmash tank factory in Omsk, Siberia, since late 2022, according to satellite photos provided by Planet Labs PBC. That’s despite the plant having produced no new tanks for several years before the war began, Gjerstad said.

The tanks look like the T-62, which hasn’t been produced since the 1970s, and the T-54/55, which was first designed just after World War II, according to Nicholas Drummond, a defense consultant.

These older tanks aren’t as good quality as new models, and stocks will eventually run dry.

The Journal account may depend in part on the Institute for the Studies of War assessment:

Russia removes up to 40% of its tank reserves; "production" is actually modernisation – ISW via @pravda_eng

Russian tank "production" in recent years have largely represented refurbished and upgraded tanks taken out of storage, rather than new production.

— Erika 🇺🇸For🇺🇦 (@Lcheapoe) March 10, 2024

There are several issues here. One is that the older tanks might not be intended for battlefield use but to patrol and police secured territory. I recall that when Russia first occupied parts of Zaporzhizhia, it used older tanks in that capacity.

Second, and this is much more speculative, the role of tanks may have become more limited in the era of pervasive surveillance and drone warfare. Recall that a hallmark of the failed super duper Ukraine counteroffensive, tanks featured prominently in the initial assault. The Russians had not only mined the field heavily, but even were able to mine behind the tanks, after the advance. The result was many Western tanks were embarrassingly burned. The Ukrainians revolted against this failure and changed tactics, moving men to or close to tree lines in armored vehicles and then having them advance on foot.

The point here was a tank-heavy assault, designed by the geniuses at NATO, was a complete and highly visible flop. Now that was arguably the result of attempting a classic combined arms operations maneuver without air superiority or even air cover.

But an issue missing here, and pervasively in coverage of this war, is how drones in particular have changed the nature of combat. I wish Scott Ritter had developed this point more in one of his recent talks. He described how he had talked shop with a senior Russian soldier who had been taken from the front lines and on his way to get general staff-type training, was debriefed extensively so as to feed battlefield experience into production, as in modify designs to deal with identified shortcomings and make promising upgrades. For instance, more and more Russian drones are being outfitted with night vision as a result of this sort of feedback.

Ritter gave a high-level summary of the way that the Western way of “combined arms” war is 30 years out of date doctrine. Russia now maps battlefield operations around its drone plan, gridding out the contested area. Drones are foundational, both leading assaults and even providing logistics. But you will notice in the Journal account only one mention of drones:

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said in December that Russia was producing 17.5 times as much ammunition, 17 times as many drones and 5.6 times as many tanks as it did before the war.

Another odd premise in the piece is that military investment will compete with and drain the rest of the economy. That obviously could come to be true but there are several offsetting factors. First it that as Russia continues to demonstrate superiority on the battlefield, at least some of these investments could fuel new and more sales to foreign buyers. Second is that innovations and improvements in the defense sector can produce civilian spinoffs. Again, those opportunities may not be well exploited, but they certainly have the potential to create synergies, as opposed to resource competition for, the commercial sector.

Finally, the Journal does not consider that Russia may not need to maintain this allegedly unsustainable level of arms output. Ukraine is very unlikely to be able to sustain the war past the end of the year due to if nothing else, manpower shortages. Russia may still continue large-scale military operations well into 2025 to secure and clear some territories and create whatever arrangements it needs to protect expanded Russian territory. That may include a sizable demilitarized zone and possibly even having large peacekeeping forces in key parts of rump Ukraine until a complaint government is in place.

Despite a lot of NATO-member threat display, currently led by French President Emmanuel Macron, military experts deem it to be bluster. NATO forces are simply too small, uncoordinated, not set up for combat with a peer and on top of that are now too low on weapons and in no position to remedy that soon to pose a credible threat (well, save triggering a nuclear war). Accordingly, most NATO leaders are vocally opposing the Macron (and friends like the Baltic states) in his saber-rattling.

So the bigger point is Russia’s war-related needs will slow down due to the intensity of the combat diminishing. Russia may still continue to make arms at its current levels so as to produce an ample stockpile, but there is reason to think it won’t have to produce at surge levels indefinitely.

Mind you, if a non-expert like me can find ample holes in a story like this, imagine what a maven could do (and I hope those experts will pipe up in comments). But this again should highlight the value of careful and skeptical reading in maintaining informational health. ... rever.html
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:58 am

Cross-border raids
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/13/2024


A few days ago, Kirilo Budanov, the leader of Ukrainian military intelligence and provocative media star of this war, announced new operations by his soldiers in Crimea as part of a coordinated strategy to liberate the peninsula. Earlier, the head of the GUR had launched a new threat of attack against the Kerch bridge, which connects the peninsula with continental Russia. However, the last adventure of Budanov's small army has not been in Crimea, but rather the cross-border option has been recovered in search of a propaganda effect, but also to extend the front. It is no coincidence that the latest incursion into several Russian oblasts occurred in the week in which the general elections are to be held. As usual, GUR events have a military and a political aspect, which is always intertwined with the desired media effect and does not depend directly on the final result, but on the images it leaves along the way.

Yesterday morning, quickly providing images that the Russian press accused of being staged in advance, groups of soldiers of Russian origin who are part of Budanov's special forces announced a surprise attack against three Russian regions. The attack was mainly focused on Kursk and Belgorod, specifically in the town of Tyotkino, north of the Ukrainian city of Sumy, and the border area north of Kharkiv. “The town of Tyotkino, Kursk region, is under complete control of the Russian liberation forces,” the Russian Liberation Legion stated on Telegram, quoted, giving credibility to the allegation, by the entire Western press. As has happened in the news coverage of the fall of Avdeevka, in which the role of the Third Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been emphasized without mentioning that it is a unit formed by Azov soldiers commanded by their leader spiritual Andriy Biletsky, on this occasion, the media has not gone into who the soldiers who intend to liberate Russia are and where they come from .

“Ukraine-based militias – made up of Russian citizens who oppose Moscow's invasion and have taken up arms on behalf of Kiev – have claimed to be behind previous incursions into Russian territory. "The Russian Volunteer Corps and the Russian Freedom Legion claimed to have taken temporary control of several settlements in the Belgorod region in May and June 2023 in a series of raids after breaching a border checkpoint," wrote AFP as only context of the events, thus avoiding mentioning the nationalist and extreme right ideologies that form groups like RDK, whose leader is a well-known neo-Nazi. In reality, the reason for these groups' existence is not their anti-war stance, since a part of them was already fighting as part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the Donbass war, but rather the fight against the current Russian Government. “The Freedom for Russia Legion and the Russian Volunteer Corps are made up of Russian combatants opposed to President Vladimir Putin and fight in the war with the Ukrainian Army,” wrote EFE , also ignoring that this fight takes place from positions very far to the right of the Kremlin, with a strong presence of racist and supremacist positions that the leaders of these groups have never hidden, although the press continues to insist on doing so.

Unlike AFP , the EFE agency does mention Ilia Ponomariov's message, which announced a "joint operation" of the Russian Freedom Legion and the Russian Volunteer Corps, the latter led by Denis Nikitin, a well-known Russian neo-Nazi. detail that, of course, is ignored both by the press and by the former Russian deputy, now a refugee in Ukraine. “Ponomariov, who is considered the political head of the Freedom for Russia Legion, specified that the town of Lozovaya Rudka, in the Belgorod region, bordering the Ukrainian Kharkiv region, “is under the total control of the liberation forces,” continues the Spanish public agency, which also does not provide context about Ponomariov, who last October did not hesitate, through one of the Telegram channels affiliated with his movement , to incite a pogrom against passengers returning on a flight from Israel. Ponomariov has also not hesitated to sponsor a series of groups formed by activists and members of Russia's most radical fringe, many of them in Ukraine to avoid justice.

In the afternoon, without giving special credibility to the liberation of Tyotkino, a town of barely 3,000 inhabitants according to the 2021 census, the Russian authorities began to provide images of the latest feat of the GUR army. On the one hand, there were reports of an attack on the local administration of the city of Belgorod, where material damage was caused. On the other hand, images of the attacks against the groups that had carried out the incursion were published. In several of them, armored vehicles used by Ukrainian forces could be seen being destroyed. One of the videos, easily geolocated, showed on the border between Russia and Ukraine, a tank and several armored vehicles destroyed right on the border and an impact from Russian artillery a few meters from the line that separates the two countries, although in Ukrainian territory. Beyond the supposed takeover of an undefended town hundreds of kilometers from the front, the losses of the Ukrainian groups have been confirmed, those that some media are describing as “Russian partisans.” The Italian newspaper La Repubblica did so, adding the tagline “fil-Ukrainians . ”

Aside from the media effect and the statements about the beginning of “the liberation” of Russia “inch by inch”, the statements of the GUR spokesperson show the lack of results. Faced with his usual hyperbole, Andriy Yusov limited himself to stating that “the Kremlin is once again not in control of the situation in Russia”, a vague description of the events. This was accompanied by a false denial according to which the soldiers were not acting, according to Yusov, under orders from Ukraine.

The modus operandi of the GUR is thus repeated : groups of soldiers armed, equipped and financed by Ukraine and affiliated with the military intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine attack in a coordinated manner and evidently planned by the military authorities and Ukraine boasts of its successes, generally imaginary, to, at the same time, deny their participation.

The result of yesterday's attack has been meager and cannot be compared either with the raids carried out a year ago, which at least left certain images of soldiers prowling through Russian border villages, or with the major Ukrainian attack against the regional capital of Belgorod in December 2023, which caused the death of 25 civilians due to the bombing. In the afternoon, images from the Russian press in Tyokino confirmed what was evident: there was no Ukrainian capture of the town. In any case, the recovery of the resource from the cross-border attack portends more incursions with this double propaganda and military objective based on extending the front to the maximum. However, now that it is Ukraine and not Russia that suffers from a shortage of personnel, only more continuous attacks or with a greater number of troops and means can destabilize this area of ​​the front. With little possibility of carrying out a large-scale operation in Russian territory, which would have to be carried out by the Armed Forces, which would require the approval of their Western allies, it can be said that the main objective of actions like yesterday's is a simple media effect that is likely to be repeated soon. ... onterizas/

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From Cassad's telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 12, 2024)

► In the Kupyansk direction, units of the “Western” group of forces, in cooperation with aviation and artillery, repelled seven attacks and counterattacks by assault groups of the 57th motorized infantry and 32 1st mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​the village of Sinkovka, Kharkov region.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 40 military personnel, two pickup trucks, three US-made M777 artillery systems, two D-30 guns, as well as the Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station.

► In the Donetsk direction, units of the “Southern” group of troops actively liberated the settlement of Nevelskoye of the Donetsk People’s Republic and occupied more advantageous lines and positions. In the areas of the settlements of Novomikhailovka of the Donetsk People's Republic and Belogorovka of the Lugansk People's Republic they defeated the formations of the 79th air assault and 81st airmobile brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 350 military personnel, two tanks, four vehicles, as well as the Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount.

► In the Avdeevsky direction, units of the "Center" group of troops with active actions improved the situation along the front line , inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment of the 23rd mechanized, 71st, 143rd infantry brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Keramik and Berdychi of the Donetsk People's Republic .

11 counterattacks of assault groups of the 24th, 47th mechanized, 3rd and 78th assault brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled in the areas of the settlements of Kirovo, Leninskoye, Novobakhmutovka, Orlovka and Tonenkoye of the Donetsk People's Republic. The enemy lost more than 380 troops, two armored combat vehicles and 13 vehicles.

► In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of forces took more advantageous positions, and also defeated the manpower and equipment of the 128th Terrestrial Defense Brigade in the areas of the settlements of Staromayorskoye and Vodyanoye of the Donetsk People's Republic. An attack by an assault group of the 58th motorized infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

was repelled in the area of ​​the village of Shevchenko, Donetsk People's Republic. The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to more than 145 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, eight pickup trucks and an Akatsiya self-propelled artillery mount.

► In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of troops, as a result of coordinated actions, defeated the formations of the 117th mechanized and 128th mountain assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Kamenskoye and Lobkovoe, Zaporozhye region.

The enemy lost up to 50 troops, three vehicles, an Msta-B howitzer and a D-30 gun.

►Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed: an ammunition depot of the 43rd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as a launcher for the US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system. In addition, concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 132 regions were hit.

► Air defense systems shot down 11 multiple launch rocket systems during the day: HIMARS, Grad and Vampire, as well as the Tochka-U tactical missile.

In addition, 146 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed , including in the areas of the settlements of Kremennaya in the Lugansk People's Republic, Zelenopole, Aleksandrovka, Kodema in the Donetsk People's Republic, Mirne, Vyshneve, Shevchenkovo, Konskie Razdory, Ocheretovatoye in the Zaporozhye region and Rybalche in the Kherson region.

📊In total , since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 267 helicopters, 15,226 unmanned aerial vehicles, 484 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,438 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,238 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,378 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 19,658 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


February wrap-up: PMC Ukraine, Zelensky's Ides of May, Croatian Arms Dealers, Ukraine's new 'defence agreements'

Fears of a new offensive, violent mobilization, military corruption, Zelensky fears a parliamentary coup, the new 'OlyaUA' meme, will Ukrainian soldier reconquer Scotland?

MAR 11, 2024

Problems with manpower are a popular topic. Bogdan Krotevich, an Azov commander, claimed in a February 22 interview that Ukraine lacks the sufficient amount of troops to halt a second Russian offensive, a statement which was echoed by the mayors of northern Ukrainian towns.


David Arakhamiya, the leader of the ruling Servant of the People party, echoed Krotevych’s sentiment regarding the danger of a new Russian offensive, but stated that problems with western military aid must be made up for by mobilizing more men. He justified that with reference to the fact that there is a personnel deficit of up to 40% in Ukrainian frontline units, which he explained as being caused by rotation, not losses. The mayor of Kharkov, Igor Terekhov, made a similar statement about fears of a new Russian offensive several days previously.

On this topic, a new meme has emerged in Ukrainian social media: OlyaUA in Poland. It emerged after a real comment by a user with this name and photo, who commented ‘WHY AREN’T YOU AT THE FRONT YOU ABOMINATION?’ on a tik tok video that wasn’t sufficiently patriotic. Now, thousands of Tik Tok users have renamed themselves to this username and with the same patriotic profile picture, and ironically spam comment sections with ‘WHY AREN’T YOU AT THE FRONT’ and ‘WHY AREN’T YOU IN A TRENCH’, ‘WHY AREN’T YOU SPEAKING THE STATE LANGUAGE’, ‘YOU ARE JUST A DRAFT DODGER WHILE I HOLD THE FRONT IN EUROPE’. The idea is to make fun of overly patriotic Ukrainians, often young women, who comfortably live in the EU and condemn Ukrainian men who try to escape mobilization or are otherwise insufficiently patriotic.

Mobilization remains as popular ever. In February 23, a Kharkovite and a Kievan attacked a soldier in Kiev, beating him with a brick and stealing his wallet and phone. There were precedents for such events in the Kiev of 2023. In far west Ukraine, mobilization officers abducted and beat a man with partial paralysis. After a month where he was severed from all communication, he was sent to the frontline. In Mukachevo, another west Ukrainian town, a video emerged of mobilization officers dragging a screaming man into a car. His intense resistance led to them giving up, kicking the lying man fiercely as a parting gift.

On the 4th of March, Aleksey Bezhevets, the advisor on the matters of mobilization to the Minister of Defence, made the following remarkable statement:

"The Russians will move much closer very soon if there is no one to stop them." He called the lack of personnel and weapons a "tragedy." And many Ukrainians trying to avoid mobilization are "just dust in the wind."

Plenty of dust is forgotten in Ukraine. Four Colombian private military contractors were killed by a Russian missile strike on a frontline town on February 23. The strike itself was described as bloodless by the Ukrainian military, and the families of the Colombians killed only found out through social media.


Despite relative deadlock in parliament over the mobilization law (over 4000 amendments have been proposed), new experiments are constantly emerging, with or without parliamentary approval. The national bank has stated its willingness to access citizens’ bank cards, hinting at the government’s proposal to restrict the credit capacities of draft dodgers. A new law has been proposed that would drastically increase the amount of CCTV cameras across Ukraine, ostensibly with the aim of ‘reaching the level of developed countries’.

Another remarkable development has been the appearance on Canadian permanent residency applications for Ukrainians of the demand for applicants to submit official documentation of all their prior military experience. Government sources stated to Ukrainian publication ‘Strana’ that the practice had begun prior to the New Year. Naturally, this was a desire emerging from the Ukrainian government communicated to its Canadian partners. I will keep readers informed on updates regarding potential mobilization of Ukrainian abroadю

The central Ukrainian region of Zhytomyr was overrun on February 23 with masked army officers who claimed to be conducting ‘anti-diversionary operations’, though local media found it more likely that they were putting the town under lockdown to conduct mobilization more effectively. The creation of blockposts in Kiev was explained by reference to supposed ‘anti-diversionary and training activities’ on February 8, though the mobilization office also released photos where they detained smiling Kievans at these blockposts, though the photos were soon deleted. It was soon officially confirmed that the blockposts were being used to conscript people.

The scene in Zhytomyr region

Nor has the mobilization process been free of corruption, to put it mildly. A recent court case has revealed an entire network of corrupt mobilization officers in Odessa, who now demand 10,000 USD from men wishing to evade mobilization - the price has doubled compared to 12 months ago.

(Paywall....) ... -zelenskys


Russia thwarts Ukrainian attack on Belgorod region

The Russian Defense Ministry reported this Tuesday that Ukrainian "terrorist formations" attempted to carry out an invasion plan against the Russian region of Belgorod, which, it assured, were repelled.

According to the military entity, the Ukrainian forces planned to advance simultaneously in three directions with the support of tanks and armored fighting vehicles.

Previously, the Ukrainian Army launched intense attacks against civilian targets, which were repelled by Russian forces, who eliminated 60 Ukrainian troops and five tanks. ... -0012.html

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Think Tanks Funded by Defense Contractors Dominate the Ukraine Debate
March 12, 13:37


Think Tanks Funded by Defense Contractors Dominate the Ukraine Debate

Remember our report on the role of Western think tanks in information warfare ( )? Now they... there... someone has begun to guess something!


The vast majority of media mentions of think tanks in articles about US weapons and the war in Ukraine come from think tanks whose donors profit from US military spending, arms sales and, in many cases, directly from US involvement in the war in Ukraine.

The analysis allows us to draw a number of key conclusions.

First, of the 27 think tanks whose donors could be identified, 21 received funding from the defense sector (77 percent). Unfortunately, because donor disclosure is voluntary, we cannot determine the percentage of think tank funding that comes from defense contractors.

Second, in stories about U.S. military intervention in Ukraine, the media cite think tanks that have defense industry funding 85 percent of the time, or seven times more often than think tanks that do not accept contractor funding. Pentagon.

Third, despite the general trend toward greater donor transparency at think tanks, nearly a third of leading U.S. foreign policy think tanks still do not provide information about their donors to the public.

Fourth, the media rarely identifies conflicts of interest posed by defense industry-funded think tank experts they quote when they express opinions on policies that would benefit the defense industry.

Attention! The report contains a large number of references to prohibited and undesirable organizations in the Russian Federation! - zinc (there you can download the report itself)

The Russian Armed Forces liberated Nevelskoye
March 12, 3:17 p.m


The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the village of Nevelskoye was liberated today. Earlier, our troops finally put the finishing touches on the enemy’s fortified area.
The liberation of the village and the associated fortified area opens up interesting opportunities for our troops to operate north of Krasnogorovka.

Pervomayskoye is now about half ours. It will be possible to try to press the enemy of the south.
Krasnogorovka - ours got caught on the southern outskirts of the city. There are stubborn street battles going on there.

Nevelskoye caused us a lot of problems, but this nut was finally cracked.

Raid on the Belgorod region
March 12, 5:41 p.m


Raid on the Belgorod region

This morning the enemy made a second attempt to break through the border into Russian territory in the Belgorod and Kursk regions. Last weekend he already made such an attempt, but preparations for entering our territory were promptly discovered by our reconnaissance, as a result of which concentrated high-precision strikes were carried out on enemy concentration areas, as a result of which the enemy lost up to 70 people, five tanks, four self-propelled guns and MLRS, up to ten armored vehicles and pickups, after which he was forced to adjust his plans.

The goal of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (MOU) remained the same - to try to break into the territory of the Russian Federation in a large group, capture some village (preferably with a polling station), shoot staged videos there (and at the same time plant prepared information fakes), ( https:// ) to promote various Russian collaborators in Budanov’s feed and provide materials for the media campaign of Ukrainian and Western propaganda media. No serious military tasks were set - initially it was just about a “PR raid”, which is completely in the spirit of the actions of the leadership of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the MOU, headed by Budanov.


Our intelligence monitored the enemy's preparations and again provided the necessary data to disrupt the attack. Even on the approaches ( ) to the border, they began to strike the enemy, as a result of which the enemy’s plans were again disrupted and he suffered significant losses ( ) in people and equipment (according to preliminary data, up to several dozen people and 10-12 pieces of equipment, including several tanks).

Units of the Russian Ministry of Defense and the FSB Border Service gave a powerful rebuff to the enemy, as a result of which the enemy was never able to penetrate deep into our territory, and skirmishes and shelling on the border gave him nothing. Regional governors and the leadership of the FSB Border Service noted that there were no violations of the state border.

The PR image of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs collapsed again, and the staged videos were ridiculed even in the Ukrainian segment of social networks. It is worth noting that conscript soldiers of our airborne troops who were in the Belgorod region also took part in the battle on the border, who, along with professional military personnel, thwarted the enemy’s actions without suffering losses.

In general, the operation, which the enemy had been preparing for several weeks and in the organization of which he had invested significant resources, was a complete failure.

(Videos at link.)

About the filming of a tik-tok video in the Belgorod region
March 12, 20:08


Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation about the filming of a tik-tok video on the border of the Belgorod region.

This morning, units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, together with units of the border service of the FSB of Russia, thwarted an attempt by the Kyiv regime to make a breakthrough into the border territory of the Russian Federation in the Belgorod and Kursk regions.

▫️ Around 3 o'clock in the morning, after intense shelling of civilian objects, Ukrainian terrorist formations, with the support of tanks and armored combat vehicles, attempted to invade Russian territory in three directions: from the settlement of Odnorobovka, Kharkov region, as well as in the areas of the settlements of Nekhoteevka and Sdaryushino, Belgorod region.

▫️ All attacks of Ukrainian terrorist formations were repelled by the selfless actions of Russian military personnel.
The enemy was hit by operational-tactical, army aviation, missile forces, artillery and heavy flamethrower systems.

▫️ In the area of ​​the settlement of Odnorobovka, Kharkov region, up to 60 Ukrainian terrorists and four pickup trucks were destroyed.

▫️ On the border territory on the Ukrainian side, in the area of ​​the settlement of Nekhoteevka, Belgorod Region, up to 45 militants, two tanks and two armored personnel carriers were destroyed by Russian Aerospace Forces aviation, artillery and Lancet unmanned aerial vehicles.

▫️ On the border territory on the Ukrainian side in the area of ​​the settlement of Spodaryushino, Belgorod Region, competent actions of units covering the state border, strikes by operational-tactical and army aviation using the Whirlwind ATGMs destroyed more than 100 militants, five tanks, three Bradley infantry fighting vehicles produced USA and two cars moving towards the State Border of the Russian Federation. Another engineering clearing vehicle hit a mine.

▫️ In addition, from 8.00 to 8.25 Moscow time, four attacks by Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups that tried to break into the border territory near the village of Tetkino, Kursk region, were repulsed.

▫️ As a result of the active actions of the state border covering units of the “Western Group of Forces” and the border service of the FSB of Russia, the terrorist formations of the Kyiv regime were thrown back.

▫️ The enemy lost 234 militants killed, seven tanks, three US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and two armored personnel carriers.

▫️ There were no violations of the state border. - zinc

Mommy's pie, what's wrong with your face?

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Image ... in-russia/



By Ray McGovern & Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Consortium News, 2/16/24

As U.S. House members grapple with whether to give $60 billion more to Ukraine, they must also grapple with the checkered nature of the intelligence they’ve been fed.

On July 13, 2023, President Joe Biden announced Russian President Vladimir Putin “has already lost the war.” That was six days after C.I.A. Director William Burns, normally a sane voice, had called the war a “strategic failure” for Russia with its “military weaknesses laid bare.”

Earlier, in December 2022, National Intelligence Director Avril Haines reported that the Russians were experiencing “shortages of ammunition” and were “not capable of indigenously producing what they are expending.”

We advise caution, as these same people now say that Ukraine can prevail if the U.S. provides $60 billion more. Do they think they can change geography, overcome Russian industrial might, and persuade the Russians that Ukraine should not be a core interest of theirs?

Obama’s Reasons

Recall President Barack Obama’s reasons for withholding lethal weapons from Ukraine. In 2015, The New York Times reported on Obama’s reluctance: “In part, he has told aides and visitors that arming the Ukrainians would encourage the notion that they could actually defeat the far more powerful Russians, and so it would potentially draw a more forceful response from Moscow.”

Senior State Department officials spelled out this rationale:

“If you’re playing on the military terrain in Ukraine, you’re playing to Russia’s strength, because Russia is right next door. It has a huge amount of military equipment and military force right on the border. Anything we did as countries in terms of military support for Ukraine is likely to be matched and then doubled and tripled and quadrupled by Russia.”

The above words were spoken by then-Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken on March 5, 2015 to an audience in Berlin. It turns out President Obama was right. It is hard to understand why Blinken (and Biden) chose the way of President Donald Trump, who gave lethal weapons to Ukraine, over the way of Obama.

So much for geography and relative strength. What about core interests? In 2016 President Obama told The Atlantic that Ukraine is a core interest of Russia but not of the U.S. He warned that Russia has escalatory dominance there: “We have to be very clear about what our core interests are and what we are willing to go to war for.”

[See: VIPS MEMO: To President Biden —Avoiding a Third World War]

Earlier, when a saner William Burns was ambassador to Russia, he warned of Moscow’s “emotional and neuralgic reaction” to bringing Ukraine into NATO. Braced on the issue by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in February 2008, Burns reported that Russia’s opposition was based on “strategic concerns about the impact on Russia’s interests in the region” and warned then that “Russia now feels itself able to respond more forcefully”.

Burns added:

“In Ukraine, these include fears that the issue could potentially split the country in two, leading to violence or even, some claim, civil war, which would force Russia to decide whether to intervene.”

Regime Change in Kiev

Feb. 18, 2014: Protesters throwing pieces of brick pavement at Ukrainian troops obscured by the smoke of burning tires in Kiev. (Mstyslav Chernov, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)

The overthrow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 gave immediacy to Russia’s warnings on Ukraine and its fear that the West would try to effect “regime change” in Russia, as well.

In a major commentary, “Russian Military Power”, published in December 2017, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency concluded:

“The Kremlin is convinced the U.S. is laying the groundwork for regime change in Russia, a conviction further reinforced by the events in Ukraine. Moscow views the United States as the critical driver behind the crisis in Ukraine and the Arab Spring and believes that the overthrow of former Ukrainian President Yanukovych is the latest move in a long-established pattern of U.S.-orchestrated regime change efforts …”

Is Putin paranoid about “U.S. regime change efforts?” D.I.A. did not think him paranoid. And surely Putin has taken note of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s remarks in April 2022:

“One of the US’s goals in Ukraine is to see a weakened Russia. … The US is ready to move heaven and earth to help Ukraine win the war against Russia.”

In sum: Russia has both the will and the means to prevail in Ukraine – no matter how many dollars and arms Ukraine gets.

Obama was right; Russia sees an existential threat from the West in Ukraine. And nuclear powers do not tolerate existential threats on their border. Russia learned this the hard way in Cuba in 1962.

Last, there is zero evidence that after Ukraine, Putin will go after other European countries. The old Soviet Union and its empire are long gone. Thus, President Trump’s recent remarks, in which he threw doubt on the U.S. commitment to defend NATO countries from a nonexistent threat, is nonsense – sheer bombast.

Ray McGovern, former army infantry intelligence officer and later chief of C.I.A.’s Soviet Foreign Policy Branch; was also C.I.A. one-on-one briefer of The President’s Daily Brief 1981-1985.

Lawrence Wilkerson, Colonel (USA, ret.), Distinguished Visiting Professor, College of William and Mary; former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell. ... n-ukraine/

So what happened between this apparent caution of Obama and Biden throwing caution to the wind? These guys seem to be throwing blame on Trump which could be true but not how they mean. Rather than the weapons sent to Kiev might it not have been the over-all erratic nature of the Trump regime foreign policy which compelled the imperialists to throw down the gauntlet as an assertion of hegemonic power?
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:49 am

Tension, threats and propaganda
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/14/2024


“In late 2022, the United States began “rigorously preparing” for the possibility that Russia would hit Ukraine with a nuclear weapon, in what would have been the first nuclear attack in war since the United States dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. almost eighty years before, as two senior Administration officials told CNN,” journalist Jim Sciutto wrote last week in an article that does not hide the commercial objective. “I first reported that U.S. officials were concerned that Russia would use a tactical nuclear weapon in 2022, but in my new book, Return of the Great Powers , out March 12, I reveal exclusive details about the level unprecedented contingency planning carried out as senior officials in the Biden administration became increasingly alarmed by the situation,” he adds without the slightest shame for using a supposedly informative text, not only to publish an article in the that details interestedly leaked by the United States are simply presented to exaggerate the danger, but above all to sell their book .

"If a significant number of Russian forces were overwhelmed - if their lives were destroyed as such - that was a kind of precursor to a potential direct threat to Russian territory or the Russian state," Sciutto quotes a US officer as saying, who, Of course, it gives absolute credibility and without the slightest critical spirit to the accusations of the United States. The warning referred to the possibility that a large Russian group would be surrounded in Kherson in the late summer of 2022, which had proven catastrophic for Russia, which had lost the initiative on the front and had suffered the serious defeat at Kharkiv. In the end, neither Russian troops were overwhelmed, nor their lives destroyed, nor did Russia, as was evident at the time, use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Faced with the alarmism of Washington - and especially of its related press - the Russian plans did not involve an extreme measure in case of collapse, but rather to avoid it. Despite the fame that the media has brought to bear on him, General Armageddon , Sergey Surovikin, did not plan a nuclear attack, but instead withdrew troops from Kherson and immediately began to build the defense lines that months later would make the multi-billion dollar Ukrainian counteroffensive in 2023 fail. And instead of nuclear weapons, Russia began the campaign of missile attacks against critical Ukrainian infrastructure that it had not carried out in the first days of its military intervention, something that, taking into account the precedents of Iraq and Afghanistan , it can be said that it is very likely that the United States would have done before even sending ground troops.

The Russian nuclear doctrine is clear and neither in 2022 nor at any time since have the circumstances arisen for its use. However, the publication of these past threats is relevant at the current time, since the nuclear issue has returned to the political agenda. The risk and comments by different Russian authorities have resurfaced as a result of the tensions caused by Emmanuel Macron's words about the need to eliminate taboos, among them the main one, the presence of European Union or NATO troops in Ukraine.

“Our triad, the nuclear triad, is more modern than any other. Only we and the Americans actually have such triads. And here we have made much more progress,” Vladimir Putin said yesterday in an interview. When asked if Russia would use these weapons, the Russian president recalled that Russian nuclear doctrine has not changed. "We are ready to use weapons, any weapon, including the weapons you mentioned," said the head of state of the Russian Federation, adding the condition. Russia would consider using nuclear weapons "if it concerns the existence of the Russian State or damage to our sovereignty and independence." As in 2022, those conditions of existential threat to the State or its integrity simply do not exist. The return of the nuclear issue is fundamentally due to the reaction that has occurred after Macron's words, which once again raised the possibility of a hypothetical war between Russia and NATO, a threat that, although unreal under current conditions, Yes, it would be existential for the Russian State, thus making the use of nuclear weapons possible.

Despite Macron's apparent change of stance from being the last Western leader to try to prevent Russia's invasion of Ukraine to becoming the toughest Western leader, the situation has not changed. The bilateral security agreement signed by France and other countries with Ukraine implies an economic commitment and the delivery of weapons, but explicitly excludes the introduction of troops. In that sense, Russia is aware that Western soldiers have participated and are participating in the war as volunteers, mercenaries or integrated into the Ukrainian Armed Forces. And if you were not aware until now, thanks to Olaf Scholz, the presence of small contingents of soldiers from countries like the United Kingdom has been confirmed in tasks directly linked to the use of the missiles with which Ukraine aspires to destroy the Russian army in the rear. . For the moment, the German chancellor is resisting international pressure and yesterday he once again reaffirmed his position of not sending Taurus missiles to Ukraine. Scholz denied not trusting Kiev's word and justified his decision, which he described as his red line, describing the missiles as "a very long-range weapon" - that is, capable of attacking Russian territory - and adding that "given the importance of not losing control over the objectives, this weapon could not be used without the deployment of German soldiers”, something that the chancellor insisted that he rejects even if this participation can be done remotely from Germany. The attempt to avoid a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia is evident in this action by the German Chancellor and the countries that firmly rejected Macron's words about the possibility of the presence of troops from Western countries in Ukraine.

Germany, Ukraine's second military supplier only behind the United States, does not seek peace but rather maintains the status quo and its chancellor is comfortable with the idea of ​​continuing to increase internal military investment and also the contribution to Kiev. On his recent visit to the United States, Scholz insisted on the need to resume American military assistance to Ukraine and encouraged European Union countries to increase spending. In the last few hours, both Washington and Brussels have announced measures in that direction: the United States' fiscal engineering has made $300 million reappear from a supposedly depleted fund and the European Union approved a new package worth 5 billion euros.

The war is not at risk of running out of funding, but continues according to the same parameters observed during the last two years, in which the will to contain the conflict to Ukrainian territory has been one of the few points in common between Russia and the countries Westerners. Macron's statements, which must be understood as a provocation rather than a declaration of intentions, have revived the need for measures also to avoid direct conflict between NATO countries and Russia. Only then, in a scenario that today must continue to be considered unviable, could the nuclear option be spoken of as possible. Only in that case would the threat to the Russian state be existential. However, the clarity of Russian nuclear doctrine has not managed to avoid combinations of headline and image to illustrate it like those that occurred yesterday. The AP agency , for example, published a “breaking news” in which it stated that “Putin tells the state press that Russia is willing to use nuclear weapons if threatened” and accompanied it with the image of three heavily armed soldiers. of the Russian Volunteer Corps , RDK, a group of Russian soldiers, many of them with fascist ideologies, who fight as part of the GUR troops of Kirilo Budanov and who these days attack the Russian border. “Legionaries with the nom de guerre Apóstol and Domovoy and the rest of the stormtroopers send greetings from the liberated part of Tyotkino, Kursk region,” the group published yesterday on social networks, with an image supposedly of the town. Shortly after, the Russian press published a photograph from February 2022 in which Russian soldiers could be seen next to the same building in which the legionnaires were posing . The place was quickly geolocated as Rizhevka, a village near Tyotkino on the other side of the border, that is, on the Ukrainian side. Fearmongering, propaganda, fallacies and misuse of headlines and images come together to create an image of danger that currently does not exist.

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From Cassad's telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 13, 2024) The main thing:

- the Russian Armed Forces took more advantageous positions in the South Donetsk direction within 24 hours, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 150 military personnel;

- The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donetsk direction per day amounted to up to 245 military personnel, a tank and a combat vehicle of the Strela-10 air defense system;

- The Russian Armed Forces repelled one counterattack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​the settlement of Novodonetskoye in the DPR within 24 hours;

- The Russian Armed Forces improved the position along the front line in the Avdeevsky direction, repelled 12 counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the enemy lost up to 460 military personnel, Braveheart self-propelled guns;

- The Russian Armed Forces destroyed two Mi-8 helicopters of the Ukrainian Air Force and hit the Patriot complex;

- Russian air defense shot down 4 HIMARS missiles, 6 Grad MLRS shells, 3 Hammer bombs and 136 Ukrainian UAVs in one day;

- The Dnepr group of troops inflicted fire damage on formations of four Ukrainian brigades in the Kherson direction within 24 hours.

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed: two Mi-8 helicopters of the Ukrainian Air Force at a site in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Novopavlovka of the Donetsk People's Republic and a workshop for the repair of weapons and military equipment in the area of ​​​​the populated area Balakleya village, Kharkov region. In addition, the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed at a firing position in the Kharkov region, as well as manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 129 districts.

▫️During the day, air defense systems shot down 136 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles , four HIMARS MLRS missiles made in the United States, six Grad MLRS missiles, as well as three Hammer guided aerial bombs made in France.

In total , since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 269 helicopters, 15,362 unmanned aerial vehicles, 485 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,464 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,238 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,397 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 19,709 units of special military vehicles.

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French Defense Reports Acknowledge Ukraine Is Done With

The French president Macron has recently pushed for an engagement of foreign troops in Ukraine. The idea was immediately rejected by every country that would be able to send a reasonable number.

The question is why Macron suddenly came out with this.

A series of recent reports from the French defense establishment might have caused his irritation.

The French magazine Marianne got access to "several confidential defense reports" from the French army on the situation in Ukraine.

Guerre en Ukraine : de la prudence à l'affolement… Ce que cache le virage de Macron (archived) - Marianne, Mar 7 2024

Arnaud Bertrand has translated large parts of it:

The situation looks exceedingly bleak for Ukraine, which might in part explain Macron's recent declarations around sending troops to Ukraine. I translated the important parts of the article:
"A Ukrainian military victory now seems impossible"

The reports Marianne consulted write that Ukraine's counter-offensive "gradually bogged down in mud and blood and did not result in any strategic gain" and that its planning, conceived by Kiev and Western general staffs, turned out to be "disastrous": "Planners thought that once the first Russian defense lines were breached, the entire front would collapse [...] These fundamental preliminary phases were conducted without considering the moral forces of the enemy in defense: that is, the will of the Russian soldier to hold onto the terrain".

The reports also highlight "the inadequacy of the training of Ukrainian soldiers and officers": due to a lack of officers and a significant number of veterans, these "Year II soldiers" from Ukraine - often trained for "no more than three weeks" - were launched into an assault on a Russian fortification line that proved impregnable.

Somehow people who had never heard of the Battle of Kursk convinced themselves that Russian soldiers in defensive positions would run away as soon as they would hear a tank rumbling towards them. They of course did not do so.

These Russian troops are well managed and cared for:

The reports also highlight that contrary to Ukraine "the Russians have managed their reserve troops well, to ensure operational endurance." According to this document, Moscow reinforces its units before they are completely worn out, mixes recruits with experienced troops, ensures regular rest periods in the rear... and "always had a coherent reserve force to manage unforeseen events." This is far from the widespread idea in the West of a Russian army sending its troops to the slaughter without counting...

The Ukrainians on the other side are done with:

"To date, the Ukrainian general staff does not have a critical mass of land forces capable of inter-arms maneuver at the corps level capable of challenging their Russian counterparts to break through its defensive line," concludes this confidential defense report, according to which "the gravest error of analysis and judgment would be to continue to seek exclusively military solutions to stop the hostilities". A French officer summarizes: "It is clear, given the forces present, that Ukraine cannot win this war militarily."

The fall of Avdeevka has shown that the Ukrainian military, even on the defensive, will inevitably lose the fight:

"The Ukrainian armed forces have tactically shown that they do not possess the human and material capabilities [...] to hold a sector of the front that is subjected to the assailant's effort," continues the document. "The Ukrainian failure in Avdiivka shows that, despite the emergency deployment of an 'elite' brigade – the 3rd Azov Air Assault Brigade –, Kiev is not capable of locally restoring a sector of the front that collapses," alerts this last report.

In consequence the Russian forces will simply move on:

What the Russians will do with this tactical success remains to be seen. Will they continue in the current mode of "nibbling and slowly shaking" the entire front line, or will they seek to "break through in depth"? "The terrain behind Avdiivka allows it," signals this recent document, also warning that Western sources tend to "underestimate" the Russians, themselves adept at the practice of "Maskirovka," "appearing weak when strong." According to this analysis, after two years of war, Russian forces have thus shown their ability to "develop operational endurance" that allows them to wage "a slow and long-intensity war based on the continuous attrition of the Ukrainian army."
There is nothing really new in the above for people who have followed the facts on the ground.

So why were western media, and politicians like Macron, late in recognizing the real situation?

Posted by b on March 12, 2024 at 16:59 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more




by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

It’s near-certain that no Russian general, nor member of the Stavka, nor President Vladimir Putin has read Biggles.* If one of them had, he would accept that now, after a long time of forgetfulness, the Germans are again the enemy who can and must be defeated by Biggles or his successors — if civilization is to be saved in Europe.

They are the original Germans, with their headquarters in Berlin. Not the new Germans – they are the Americans who occupy Germany, and direct it from their headquarters in Ramstein, Mons, Brussels, and Washington.

“Look out, there is a Hun” – this is the first line of a warning Biggles sang to alert his partner to a guard on patrol at a castle operated as headquarters and prison by the German Secret Service. Biggles was singing to the tune of the British national anthem, God Save the King. “Look out, there is a Hun/Quite near you with a gun.”

The war that is now accelerating to its climax on the Ukrainian battlefield requires the same alert and wit; the words are the same, the tune is now the Russian national anthem. And the Huns are not the only ones approaching with a gun. So are the Frogs, Limeys, and Doughboys. When Biggles was fighting his war, it was his clear understanding that the Germans were the principal enemy in Europe and worldwide. He regarded the French and the Americans as necessary but weak, unsteady, and incompetent allies.

What is an intrepid mind like Biggles to think and to do now?

At the moment the approval ratings and voter preference polls show that the alliance against Russia is ruled by the weakest governments in their post-war histories: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government is down to 17% preference, Scholz to 20% approval; French President Emmanuel Macron is down to 30% approval, and his successor would lose to the Rassemblement National (“National Rally”); Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s approval is 9%, and his Conservative Party is trailing the Labour Party by 23%; President Joseph Biden is at 39.5% approval, losing to candidate Donald Trump by 2% nationally, more in the key states.

These politicians are threatening to escalate their war against Russia with long-range, nuclear-capable missiles and more forces on the ground in the Ukraine; as Macron has suggested, the plan is to reinforce Ukrainian defences either west of Kiev, along the Belarus, Polish, and Romanian borders, or in a line for the defence of Odessa and Kiev. If the calculation of these politicians is that their talk will trigger a rally-round-the incumbent effect in the electorate, they already know from their polls this will fail.

The military calculation has been rejected by reserve or retired French and German generals who point out that additions to the command, technical, and special forces they have already deployed in the Ukraine would survive for less than a week because they have no effective air cover; no ground-to-air defence; no survivable ground weapon of any kind; and no fortification or bunker that cannot be penetrated and destroyed by the Russian Kinzhal and Iskander missiles and the heavy FAB-1500 bunker-busting bomb.

“The enemy [of France] is not Vladimir Putin but Emmanuel Macron,” retired General André Coustou said on March 7. “He is the liquidator, the destroyer of France. He’s the one who should go!” Coustou, who has been at war with Macron since 2018, added that “our weakness, our vulnerability” makes for “a concrete impossibility for the time today.”

This is not the German generals’ view. That was revealed by Ingo Gerhartz, chief of the Luftwaffe, when he thought he was speaking in secret with his deputies, one of them a general on the airforce plans and operations staff. “I will be grateful to you if you tell me not only what problems we have, but how we can solve them,” Gerhartz said. “We are now fighting a war that uses much more modern technology than our good old Luftwaffe. This all suggests that when we are planning deadlines, we should not overestimate them…There are certain concerns if we have direct communication with the Ukrainian armed forces. Therefore, the question arises: can we use such a trick and second our people to MBDA [German arms maker]? Thus, direct communication with Ukraine will only be through MBDA, this is much better than if such a connection exists with our Air Force…I think that our people will find an option. We just need to be allowed to try first, so that we can give better political advice. We need to be better prepared so we don’t fail because the KSA [Kommando Strategische Aufklärung, “Strategic Reconnaissance Command”, a German intelligence organization] may have no idea where the [Russian] air defence systems actually are.”

Trick and try first — this is what the German generals are doing. They and the Berlin ministers supporting Gerhartz have been contradicted in public by Scholz who claims: “I am the chancellor and that is why it is like this.” A scheme to implement the Gerhartz plan and preserve Scholz in his camouflage is in discussion with the Sunak government.

Moscow sources are divided. There are those who believe the political and military calculation of these allies is cynical: they realize their war is lost to Russia – the Ukrainian battlefield as a territory and also the weapons, intelligence, command and control they have supplied – and they are preparing to avoid taking the blame at the next election and defence budget votes.

Other Moscow sources caution the war in the east has been won, and lost by NATO, but not the war in the west and north. One close to the Defense Ministry warns that “too much is being read into battles won and troops defeated.” This source believes “the best trained Ukrainian reserves and battle groups are west of the Dnieper and in the north. The reserves on the eastern front are fodder, disposable. It’s been clear to the US and the others for some time that the eastern part will be lost. The real battle will be when the main offensive begins for Odessa and Kiev – if it does.” According to this source, the real meaning of the Macron remarks and of the public reaction to the Gerhartz plan is the coming Battle of WoD. “The West of Dnieper [WoD] is where the war will be fought. That’s where the Russian offensive will be met with the best-trained troops and equipment; they are still uncommitted, much still outside the Ukraine. They will be moved in large numbers, but only to defend WoD.”

In the Biggles stories, von Stalhein is far cleverer than any German in command or in power for a generation. “Do you think you are in a position to dictate terms to me?” Von Stalhein says to Biggles inside the castle. “Whether I am or not, I’m doing it”, Biggles returned. “It’s time you knew me well enough to know that I’ll do what I say. I’m not given to threatening; but go your own way and you sign your death-warrant. I’ll see to that; I’ll hunt you down and kill you like a mangy wolf, if I have to spend the rest of my life doing it.”

The Russian president and the Stavka don’t need to read Biggles to say this. They have already said it. What remains to be revealed — not said in advance — are their intrepid methods for defeating the Hun.

The Biggles stories are classified for children from nine years of age. This is another mistake.

Biggles’ creator, Captain William Earle Johns (1893-1968), had fought as an infantryman in World War I, first against the Turks at the Battle of Gallipoli, which the Turks won; and then against the Germans and Bulgarians on the stalemated Salonika front. During the last year of the war he flew bombers over Germany before he was shot down, wounded, and imprisoned by the Germans.

He explained at the front of his very first Biggles book in 1932 that Hun “was used in this book as the common generic term for anything belonging to the enemy. It was used in the familiar sense, rather than derogatory.” The disclaimer was intended to rebuff later allegations of racism, as it should.

Left: Captain W.E.Johns. Right, the 1936 publication from which the National Anthem quote has come. The disclaimer appears in The Camels Are Coming in 1932.

Biggles was the nickname of the Royal Air Force fighter pilot, Major James Bigglesworth. He was invented by Johns from his combat experience; he went on to publish ninety-seven book-length Biggles stories between 1932 and 1997; Johns himself died in 1968.

The one thing Biggles is, because Johns was, clear-eyed about is knowing who his enemy is and what solution for this there must be — killing him, preferably in a fair aerial dogfight, but since the outcome of the crash could never be certain, with whatever method was at hand. The name of the enemy was Erich von Stalhein, a Luftwaffe flyer in World War I and then a secret service agent, who – Stalhein himself explains to Biggles after capturing him at gunpoint – “do not die so easily. It has been said that, like the cat, we have nine lives…when I was shot down and crashed following the ingenious coup planned by our mutual friend Bigglesworth was my eighth life. I had one left. I still have it.”

Von Stalhein was cleverer than Chancellor Scholz and Luftwaffe chief Gerhartz. The Russian race hatred of the skin-headed Gerhartz (right) was displayed in a 38-minute telephone conference he held on February 19 on the subject of how quickest to prepare the Taurus missile for killing Russians – in their kindergartens if need be, as a deputy warned him to no effect. Out of his mouth in the crudest fashion, Gerhartz has declared war on Russia, and in consequence he is a reciprocal target. To be sure, Gerhartz thought he was speaking in secret on a highly secured line. Von Stalhein was never so careless. Image

“The defeat by the Iskander missile of the Ukrainian S-300 air defence system in the area of Krasnoarmeysk. Pulling the SAM closer to the front line in order to somehow try to cover the troops from the flow of FABS from the UMPC led to the fact that in recent weeks a significant number of Patriot, NASAMS, C-300, Buk-M1 SAMs have been lost.” – March 9. Notwithstanding, the US continues to press Greece to transfer its S-300 batteries to the Ukraine in exchange for Patriots.

This is not over-confidence or bluster. “With or without European troops and new supplies,” a Moscow military source believes, “the Ukrainians are preparing defensive lines more sturdy than Bakhmut and Avdeyevka, better armed, better manned. Where and what lines or pockets they have built, I don’t know. No one is saying.”

The daily Defense Ministry battlefield briefings and bulletins are signaling that those who do know are striking at the fallback Ukrainian positions in their dozens — without giving the geographic locations. The March 11 bulletin reported: “two temporary locations of foreign mercenaries were hit, as well as concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 142 districts.” On March 12: “In addition, accumulations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 132 districts were hit.”

A NATO military veteran comments that the Russian methods for these strikes are “drone, missile, glide bomb, artillery and, we can bet, sabotage/partisan operations.” He adds: “You can’t tell where Germany, France and the US start and where they end, or the inverse. It’s tiresome to hear about NATO, French, Pole, whatever deployments in the Ukraine as they’ve been an accomplished fact for years. The real news is that the Russians are getting better by the day at identifying and killing these personnel.”

“The Ukrainians are so concerned about a Russian offensive in the north that they launched their version of a spoiling attack this week. They’re reacting, but the timing is off. The Russian General Staff has been, in effect, goading them, striking rear areas and conducting commando raids along the northern border for months now.”

The source is dismissive of the deterrent effect of NATO planning for a reinforced battle to defend Odessa and Kiev. “For a start, the Russians won’t move an army against Kiev. As for an operation to save Odessa, backed up by German Taurus on board F-16s based in Romania, “those countries couldn’t organize a one-car funeral, let alone an operation like that. And they certainly don’t have the stomachs for it. Not now.”

Now looks like this:

The last poll was recorded in mid-December 2023. Source:
Macron’s approval level was at its all-time low (24%) between December 2018 and July 2019, when the Gilets Jaunes protests were at their peak. Since then Macron and his successors have slipped further in the polling of French voter preferences for the second presidential vote round.


The election preference polls in January show a massive lead by Labour over the Conservatives whose vote share is now the lowest the party has recorded since Sunak became prime minister in October 2022.

Biden’s lowest approval rating was 37.4% on July 26, 2022. At current approval of 39.8%, nine months before Election Day, Biden is running lower than his three predecessors in the job at the same point on the political calendar.

The picture for Germany and Chancellor Scholz is worse, as Deutsche Welle, the state propaganda organ, reported last December. “For Scholz, the only way is down. The representative poll, carried out by the research group Infratest-dimap surveyed 1,364 eligible voters between December 4-6 by phone and email. Of them, just 17 percent said they are satisfied with the SPD-led government. For Scholz himself, that figure is one-fifth. It’s the lowest approval rating of a German chancellor in the history of the poll, which has been tracking monthly sentiment since 1997.” Scholz’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) has not sunk to its 15% current election vote before; at 13% the Greens in Berlin have dropped to the level of 2009.

As the SPD-Green coalition is sinking, they and the defeat in the Ukraine are taking public confidence down with them. According to this current poll from Infratest-dimap, German trust in the Americans and the Ukrainians is slipping most; trust in Russia is gaining.

Key: blue= who can be trusted. Grey=who cannot be trusted. Source:

Captain Johns doesn’t let Biggles say much about politics until the wars against Germany are over, Berlin capitulates, and von Stalhein turns into an ally against Soviet Russia. That’s when the series turns into fiction for children.*

Johns was clear at the beginning: “Biggles is not entirely a fictitious character. True he did not exist under that name, but the exploits with which he has been credited have nearly all been built on a foundation of truth, although, needless to say, they were not all the efforts of a single individual…Finally, I hope – and I say this in all sincerity – that something may be learned from the combat tactics employed by Biggles and his friends, who may one day find themselves in the cockpit…”

That’s the Biggles message for adults. This time in the cockpit, it’s the Germans, French, British, and Americans who are the children playing at war fiction.

[*] The first Biggles translation into Russian, Бигглз во Франции (“Biggles in France”) appeared in 2016, sixteen years into President Putin’s administration. A Russian review of that book at the time explained that “one of the classics of English adventure literature, William Earle Johns, has never been published in Russia. He was just unlucky. He began publishing his novels, short stories and novels about Biggles, the pilot of the Royal Air Force, in the 1930s, when the USSR had its own hero pilots. Therefore, Biggles was simply overlooked, although Johns’ name stands among such giants as [Robert Louis] Stevenson and [Rider] Haggard. But it's time to correct this mistake of history. Captain Johns is the real Indiana Jones of English and world literature.”


NOTE: The lead image shows the German Navy frigate Hessen, which is currently operating in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden to escort Israel-owned cargo vessels or vessels heading for Israeli ports such as Eilat, in defiance of the Houthi campaign to blockade Israel until it ends the genocide in Gaza. On February 27, the Hessen demonstrated the incompetence of its equipment and crew by firing its missiles at an approaching drone and missing on two attempts; the drone was a friendly US Air Force MQ-9 Reaper. The Houthis have been more accurate, shooting down two Reapers. They have also sunk one cargo vessel, the bulker Rubymar, on March 2. No Houthi air, sea drone or missile has yet struck and sunk a vessel belonging to the navies supporting Israel in the area. ... more-89549

"Other Moscow sources" might be 'Maskirovka' too...I find it hard to believe that Kiev has been holding back 1st line troops that might have given them some kind of 'breakthrough' and shore up the front currently.


Rob Urie: The CIA and the Decline of the American Empire
Posted on March 12, 2024 by Yves Smith

Yves here. The reverberations continu from the clearly-planted New York Times article on what were likely only some of the CIA operations in Ukraine. Mind you, Russia probably knew about all of it and more. But the piece did make clear that the CIA was already well ensconced before the 2014 Maidan coup.

Rob Urie uses that story as his point of departure. Urie argues that the CIA is not merely a secret army for the President but is now in charge of US foreign policy. Urie is far from alone in that view. Scott Ritter, in his latest Judge Napolitano talk, describes how the CIA from its origins was set up to run secret foreign policy (see starting at 14:30).

By Rob Urie, author of Zen Economics, artist, and musician who publishes The Journal of Belligerent Pontification on Substack

‘For Many Ukrainians, It’s Been a 10-Year War, Not a 2-Year One’ headline, The New York Times.

While the Washington Post has long been considered the mouthpiece of the CIA, the New York Times has been more effective at carrying water for it in recent years. The recent longish Times article entitled The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin contains recitation of CIA-friendly talking points that portrays it as indispensable to ‘our’ ability to commit pointless, petty atrocities against Russia as the US sacrifices more Ukrainians in its misguided war. Missing from the piece is any conceivable reason for the US to continue the war.

The oft ascribed motive (and here) for the CIA’s existence is to act as the US President’s secret army abroad. The wisdom of this arrangement has been debated over the years. Former US President Harry Truman, who oversaw the founding of the CIA from its predecessor, the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), later regretted the decision and argued that the CIA should be brought to heel. Later, the Cold War presented cover for the CIA to act badly under the cover of national defense.

In Stephen Kinzer’s book, All the Shah’s Men, the CIA paid people to pretend to be communists so as to convey the fiction that the CIA’s effort was about ‘fighting communism’ rather than stealing Iran’s oil. Similarly, in the US coup that ousted Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz for daring to raise the minimum wage paid by foreign-owned industries in Guatemala, also featured fake communists intended to convince the American press that the CIA was fighting for freedom and democracy rather than to steal wages from poor people for the benefit of rich Americans.

Together, these imply that fake communists had been more effectively demonized by Federal agencies than other available out groups because of the threat they didn’t pose to American capital. Recall, in 1919 Woodrow Wilson sent the American Expeditionary Force to join the Brits, French, and Japanese in trying to reverse the Russian Revolution. Later, through the Five Eyes Alliance, ‘the West’ spent the post-War era attacking the Soviets while alleging that they were responding to political violence that they (Five Eyes) started.

Oddly, given recent history, the claim that the CIA is the President’s secret army still appears to be the received wisdom in Washington and New York. This is odd because while the CIA appears to be acting as Joe Biden’s secret army in Ukraine and Israel, it went to war with (the duly elected President of the US) Donald Trump for his entire four years in office. While Mr. Trump played the victim of the US intelligence agencies to perfection, he didn’t do what many normal humans would have done in his circumstance— clear out the top few levels of management at CIA, the FBI, and NSA and see where this leaves ‘us.’

Implied is a reversal of political causality whose proof can only be deduced. Is Biden directing the CIA, or is the CIA directing Biden? For instance, while Biden was Barack Obama’s point-man in Ukraine before, during, and after the US-led coup there in 2014, Mr. Obama was publicly arguing that Ukraine was of no strategic value to the US. With Donald Trump following Mr. Obama as President, the CIA likely saw its 2014 coup in Ukraine going to waste. This interpretation sheds a different light on the Hunter Biden laptop fraud perpetrated by 51 current and former CIA employees.

(FBI informant Alexander Smirnov has been convicted of nothing related to the new charges of ‘Russian interference.’ As was proved with Russiagate, charges are easy to make, difficult to prove. No one— not a single person, was convicted on the now antique charges of Russian collusion. Those who were convicted were convicted on process charges unrelated to the collusion charges. This use of the law as a political weapon is called lawfare).

The view in this piece is that Donald Trump was elected in 2016 because Barack Obama threw several trillion dollars at the malefactors on Wall Street who blew up the global economy while he pissed on the unemployed, the foreclosed upon, and every working person in the US. In so doing, an income and wealth chasm was rebuilt between the public welfare recipients who run Wall Street and Big Tech and the former industrial workers whose jobs were sent abroad as the final solution to the ‘problem’ of organized labor.

With the current panic in the US over the rise of the BRICS (China and Russia), the same politicians and economists who thought it wise in 1995 to gut the industrial base with NAFTA are now busy launching WWIII. These people never learn from their mistakes. For instance, it apparently never occurred to them that outsourcing military production might come back to bite when geopolitical tensions inevitably flared again. Likewise, just-in-time production and inventory management produced economic brittleness / fragility that created problems when the Covid-19 pandemic hit.

Biden was a known quantity when he was appointed by Barack Obama to be President in 2020. The CIA, acting in league with the FBI, had spent prior years softening up the American public with lies about US foreign policy, lies about American history, lies about Donald Trump and his supporters, lies about their own roles in rigging American elections, lies about the American-led coup in Ukraine, lies about Russian military ambitions, and lies about US plans for the destruction of Ukraine. To be clear, these American agencies weren’t lying to the Russians. They were / are lying to the only people who believe their bullshit— Americans.

So, where is this going? With the CIA’s and FBI’s undermining of the elected President’s (Trump) political agenda and its open efforts to rig the 2020 election in favor of his opponent (Biden), it certainly appears that the CIA is now running the US. Biden’s foreign policy team—Antony Blinken, Jake Sillivan, and Victoria Nuland emerged from the Clintonite death cult buried deep within the bowels of the American foreign policy establishment, That they appear to be as uninformed and arrogant as their policy outcomes to date suggest they are is only a surprise inside Washington and New York.

However, this is at best a partial explanation. What is surprising about US foreign policy is how ignorant of world history, US history, basic diplomacy, military tactics, economic relations, and basic human decency the American political leadership is. It’s almost as if the answer to every foreign policy conundrum of the last century has been to bomb civilian populations, kill a whole lot of people, and then pretend it never happened. Vietnam? Check. Nicaragua? Check. Syria? Check. Iraq? Check. Ukraine? How can the body counts be hidden from beleaguered, clueless, citizens so effectively?

Some recent history: the US launched a war against Russia when it (the US) invaded Ukraine in an unprovoked coupthere in 2014 (see here, here, here) and ousted its elected government. The Russians had taken issue with the US / NATO surrounding it with NATO-allied states (maps below). Years earlier, as Russian President Vladimir Putin stated in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Mr. Putin had approached former US President Bill Clinton about Russia joining NATO. Mr. Clinton ‘spoke with his people’ before telling Mr. Putin no to joining NATO as he reneged on George H.W. Bush’ s promise to keep NATO away from Russia’s border.

A bit of additional history is needed here. The USSR was dissolved in 1991 to be replaced by non-communist Russia surrounded by former Soviet states. Ukraine is one such state. The political – economic reference point of post-Soviet Russia was an anachronistic form of neoliberalism. Recall, Americans had been told since at least the early twentieth century that ‘communism’ was the ideological foe of Western liberalism. Current Russian President Vladimir Putin is proudly anti-communist. But the US MIC (military-industrial complex), of which the CIA is a part, needs enemies to justify its existence.

Following the dissolution of the USSR (1991), there was discussion inside the US regarding a ‘peace dividend,’ of redirecting military spending inflated by the Cold War towards domestic purposes like schools, hospitals, and civilian infrastructure. However, the CIA had been so hemmed in by Federal budget constraints that it had inserted itself into the international narcotics trade forty years prior (link above) in apparent anticipation of just such an event. With the (Geroge H.W.) Bush recession of 1991, an election year, the peace dividend was rescinded.

Maps: the phrase ‘NATO expansion’ is an abstract way of stating the US policy of surrounding Russia with hostile forces by which its people will live in perpetual fear of nuclear Armageddon being launched mere minutes from major Russian cities. The not-usefulness of threatening an opposing nuclear power with nuclear annihilation while leaving it only minutes to decide whether or not to launch a counterattack virtually guarantees an accidental launch. The American architects of this scheme would do well to study the history of prior nuclear non-proliferation pacts to understand the illogic of doing this. Source: CNBC.

While this is well-trodden territory for the few who have been paying attention to the details of the US war against Russia, it is completely unknown to American Democrats, whose party Mr. Biden nominally leads. With Biden having claimed for the two years since February 24, 2022 that the Russian move into Ukraine was ‘unprovoked,’ the Russians had made it clear over the prior thirty-one years that continuing to expand NATO to Russia’s border was a provocation. Biden apparently depended on the fact that the US ranks 125th in adult literacy to offer up ‘unprovoked’ as the veil placed between the truth and his supporters.

In terms of his political acumen, Biden was recently let-off-the-hook on felony charges related to the classified documents that he stole when he was Vice President. Federal agents decided against charging him based on Biden’s mental incompetence. The clever Biden immediately asserted that he was plenty competent to be charged. Readers who imagine this to be evidence of cognitive decline needed to have been there when Mr. Biden was at the peak of his game. While he has long been skilled at lying to his constituents, his inability to separate truth from fiction is as old as he is.

The question of why Barack Obama and the CIA appointed Biden to be President in 2020, given his tenuous relationship with ‘our’ shared reality, his long history of not just supporting every bad idea that is run through Washington, but his proposing most of them (see here, here, here), and his apparent ignorance of world history, American history, basic diplomacy, healthcare economics (ACA), industrial policy, and basic canine etiquette, would be a mystery if it were one. Those angry about the US genocide in Gaza need to understand that his willingness to slaughter millions of innocents in US wars is why he was appointed to be President.

(The low caliber of American politicians comes through control of the ballot box exercised by the political parties. While fewer than half of Americans believed the US to be ‘a democracy’ in surveys a year or two back, in one newer survey this number is now about one-quarter. While initial blame for this was explained away by citing TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), Joe Biden has now been President for three-plus years, and it continues to drop. During this time, American liberals have asserted that the CIA and FBI are ‘saving’ democracy. Apparently, the other 75%+ of the US disagrees.

The implausibility of assertions that the US is ‘supporting’ Ukraine by provoking Russia into killing and / or dispersing its citizens and leveling its industrial infrastructure would be bizarre without the accompanying propaganda and censorship campaigns. In dozens of conversations that have taken place around the US, American liberals have stated straightforwardly to yours truly that they simply avoid facts— such as those regarding the actual history of US actions in Ukraine prior to 2022, because they don’t want to sully the purity of their ignorance. This is not a mischaracterization. Most were friendly when saying it, and some are friends.

It took the US-led genocide now underway in Gaza to shock American liberals into confronting the consequences of their politics. In the US, it was the youth vote— citizens who were born too late to have experienced the neoliberal, neoconservative, ‘revolution’ of 1973 – present through the serial forever wars that were launched. To date, Joe Biden has only slaughtered around 600,000 – 800,000 human beings in Ukraine and Gaza. But he helped George W. Bush murder another million in Iraq. While all leaders of large states engage in political violence, Mr. Biden’s wars-of-choice in Iraq, Ukraine, and Gaza exist in a category apart.

For instance, those horrified by the slaughter in Gaza may wish to look into the siege of Falluja (Iraq). Unlike the Soviet heroes of the Battles of Leningrad and Stalingrad, the American willingness to use outlawed chemical weapons(white phosphorous) against the civilian population of Falluja annihilated the entire population. This happened in real time, on cable news, with full disclosure by American reporters that the US was using illegal chemical weapons to slaughter a captive population during the American occupation of Iraq. While cover-up lies quickly followed, this was a time before total state control of the ‘free press’ had been sealed.

At any rate, Joe Biden was brought to power in 2020 to propel the CIA’s war against Russia forward. Recall, Donald Trump sent the US foreign policy establishment into conniptions when he (publicly, openly) asked the Russians to share emails that had been leaked from Hillary Clinton’s (illegal) home-based server after she was Secretary of State. The CIA ran with it, asserting from about that point forward that DNC emails had been hacked by Russian intelligence when they had been leaked.

To the point made by journalist Aaron Mate, neither Clinton’s people (CrowdStrike) nor anyone else has demonstrated that the emails were hacked. It was understood before Donald Trump won election in 2016 that the emails had been leaked by a DNC insider. The bet here is that the CIA saw an opportunity to move its war against Russia forward using Trump’s impolitic joke against him. As I heard the comment, Trump didn’t assert that the Russians obtained the emails themselves. He was asking for help obtaining them, but not really. It was a joke.

As horrific as the US / Israeli genocide in Gaza and war in Ukraine are, anyone paying attention to US foreign policy since WWII would know that this is what America does. To understand the tactic, Benjamin Netanyahu was showing maps of Israel cleared of Palestinians in the weeks before October 7th. While in office, the George W. Bush administration held international critics of Israel at bay through several iterations of Israel ‘mowing the grass,’ meaning bombing Gaza with the express purpose of murdering as many Palestinian civilians as they could.

To those who voted for Biden without knowing this history, perhaps you want to educate yourselves before voting again. Understand, horrific slaughters being carried out by the US were on American television for most of the eight years that George W. Bush was in office. The Collateral Murder video, the release of which is a major reason why Julian Assange is being persecuted by the US / Brits, offends the powers-that-be because it exposes the truth of the war against Iraq, and not because it is a lie.

A tangential question is why liberal Democrats are the target audience for state propaganda? Beginning with the (George W.) Bush / Biden / Clinton war in Iraq, the PMC saw its role as functionaries for the oligarchs develop. ‘Liberal hawks’ in New York suddenly had the power to sit in comfortable chairs while calling for the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people they had never met. And they were allowed the fantasy that the Bushies cared what they thought. Selling American wars and state-sponsored lies once again became the business of the bourgeois press.

It was telling at the time that these people, bourgeois Democrats who spend their days kowtowing to power, or more specifically, laboring for it, would serve as a reactionary force for their lords and masters in the American oligarchy. With finance and technology directly and indirectly funded by the American state, the jobs that pay are in the service of the war and surveillance sectors. The negative value that they provide as advocates for mass destruction is evidence of the deeper and true nature of capitalist imperialism.

Further, with the US recently funding the salaries, pensions, and healthcare of Ukrainians and Israelis, the deeper nature of capitalist democracy begins to look quite different from its explanations. As stated above, the US ranks 125thinternationally in adult literacy. The US healthcare system is the most expensive in the rich world by a large measure, with the worst outcomes in the rich world by a large measure. Only a rapidly shrinking sliver of the US believes that the country is ‘a democracy.’ The answer from officialdom: find a bunch of CNN-looking newsreaders skilled at making declarative statements and set them to lying for officialdom on the air.

Map: statistics can be informative or misleading, sometimes both. The concentration of low life expectancy (at birth) in the ‘Black belt’ of former slave states illustrates an American conundrum. A national healthcare system such as those that exist in civilized nations could go far in bringing healthcare to all Americans. Neither capitalism nor weak efforts at reform like the ACA (Obamacare) have produced such a system. That Barack Obama didn’t understand that the residual Tory governments that rule the American South would preclude Medicaid expansion for political reasons is why he shouldn’t have left it to their discretion if he actually cared about healthcare outcomes. Source: CDC.

The youth who are in the streets protesting the US / Israeli genocide in Gaza are on the right side of history. But where have they been for the last two years with respect to the US war against Russia in Ukraine? As will be clear in retrospect, the US and Israel are clearing Gaza of Palestinians to replace them with Zionist settlers. This is called ethnic cleansing when other nations do it. American youth have correctly concluded that everything Biden says regarding Israel / Palestine is a lie. Why then are similar lies regarding the US war against Russia still being taken at face value?

For those who may have missed it, Russiagate is being revived in time for the 2024 election. Implied is that Democrats can’t win an election without help from the CIA and FBI. Understand the context: after abandoning his campaign promises to raise the minimum wage and ‘support labor,’ Joe Biden funded the salaries and pensions of Ukraine for two years while goading the Russians into killing at least half-a-million Ukrainian conscripts. The American politicians bragging that Ukrainian youth are dying for their benefit best resemble the German industrialists bragging about the benefit they received from Concentration Camp labor supplied it by the Third Reich.

The reason why Russiagate is being revived by the CIA is that it ‘worked’ in the senses of 1) producing serial accusations that halted alternate discourses until they are disproved, 2) the jobs of the urban bourgeois are a function of their fealty to power 3) the post-9/11 surveillance state has continued to be built out with the apparent purpose of censoring politically inconvenient views, 4) the political establishment has lost its credibility, and with it, its political legitimacy, 5) there is no chance that the US will prevail in its stated military ambitions in Ukraine, and 6) the American genocide in Gaza makes the US a rogue nation by international standards.

Looking forward, Americans face a tricky proposition with any establishment politician. The questions are: who are they lying for, and who are they lying to? While Russiagate consumed a plurality, a majority even, of Trump’s political agenda and the West’s discursive space for four years, it has been systematically disproved (and here, here, here, here). However, Russiagate proponents obviously see a receptive audience for any nonsense they can fabricate. Remember when Democrats were calling for nuking Russia over $65K of internet memes that ran after the 2020 election? The word is i-n-s-a-n-e. Welcome to an empire in free-fall.

What should be clear at this point is that the CIA isn’t the ‘the President’s secret army.’ If it were, it would have been Donald Trump’s secret army in his first term. That it went to war with Trump suggests that it is a political actor that is advancing the interests of powerful insiders, not those of the President, or even those of the US. In a human sense, the CIA is a large bureaucracy that is being pulled in multiple directions at any one time. As people, I’ve liked the CIA folks I’ve met. Some— those who did field work in Reagan’s Dirty War in Central America in the 1980s, were the most broken people I’ve ever met. (I publicly opposed Reagan’s war in real time).

The apparent working hypothesis of officialdom, that domestic political repression will revive the political and economic fortunes of the US, reeks of ignorance and desperation. George W. Bush’s war against Iraq demonstrated to the world that the American ruling class was / is reckless and murderous to the point of being unhinged. The Wall Street debacle of 2007 – 2009 demonstrated that finance capitalism is a mechanism for putting all of a society’s resources into its least capable hands. The inability to rethink these, followed by the studied implausibility of Russiagate and the open insertion of the CIA into domestic politics, looks er, um, unlikely to yield constructive results. ... mpire.html

Well, Trump wasn't anointed, you see, not the Establishment's choice, so 'The Agency' would never be his private army. His election was a fluke, an accident of bourgeois democracy gone putrid. They'll not let that happen again.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Fri Mar 15, 2024 11:03 am

Electoral condemnation
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/15/2024


As in the last legislative elections held in 2021, in which the Donbass issue was treated practically as an issue of national and not international politics, the presidential elections taking place this weekend in the Russian Federation have obtained all kinds of condemnations by Ukraine. Three years ago, thousands of residents of Donbass, who had acquired Russian citizenship through the simplified route decreed by Vladimir Putin in the face of administrative abandonment by Ukraine, were able to participate for the first time in a Russian electoral process, although they did so by having to travel to the Russian Federation and as a population residing in another country. There were still months left before the political recognition of the People's Republics and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, although tensions were already beginning to accelerate both between kyiv and Moscow and between Russia and the West. Each step of Donbass's rapprochement with Russia was already understood as an act of aggression and a reason to reaffirm its positions even more. Always explained out of context and without taking into account the opinion of the population, Ukraine and its partners condemned the fact that people who had obtained citizenship legally participated in the elections of the country in which they had full citizenship rights.

The situation is now repeated in a very different framework, with the chronification of the war on a larger scale, with Donbass and other Ukrainian territories formally understood as part of the Russian Federation and with the possibility of exercising the right to vote not in the territory of the mainland Russia, but in the Ukrainian cities themselves. The holding of elections at the current time is a political focus mainly for three reasons: the various implications of the war, the relations between Moscow and Western capitals and the participation of the population that Ukraine still claims to consider as its own. In a framework of political tensions and large doses of propaganda, all these aspects come together to create a discourse of using the current situation for personal benefit.

Both the European Union and the Secretary General of NATO have spoken out in recent hours against the Kremlin's electoral policy. In a more moderate way, the EU has doubted the freedom of the elections, and both organizations have criticized what they see as a lack of press freedom, the absence of sufficiently critical candidates and the treatment of the opposition defended by the West. And like Ukraine, they have condemned the holding of the presidential elections in the Ukrainian territories, including Crimea, where it is not even the first time that the population has the right to vote in the presidential elections. In both cases, Western organizations forget the hypocrisy of condemning Russia while constantly proclaiming their firm support for Ukraine, a country whose freedom of press, expression, worship or thought lacks the slightest guarantees.

It is also not an obstacle for Brussels, London or Washington that Volodymyr Zelensky intends to postpone the presidential elections in Ukraine until the end of the war. Taking into account the intention of the Ukrainian Government to reject all negotiations until it recovers its territorial integrity, these elections, which under normal conditions would be held this spring, may be postponed for years. Ukrainian legislation protects the Ukrainian president, as it prohibits elections during the state of emergency. That was precisely Petro Poroshenko's logic to try to delay the presidential elections in which he was aware that he had no option against the then newcomer Zelensky. Poroshenko's attempt to cause a situation that would allow him to decree martial law through a provocation, a diplomatic-military incident with Russia in the Black Sea, did not prosper given the obvious nature of the ruse. Zelensky, now a war hero and with his only political rival, Valery Zaluzhny, sent as ambassador to the United Kingdom, has managed the situation shrewdly and has progressively eliminated any challenger and has gotten his partners to actively support the idea that his legitimacy goes beyond the formal end of his five-year term. Zelensky now has the possibility of prolonging the state of emergency sine die .

“Free and fair elections are fundamental to any democracy. And the elections in Russia will not be free and fair. Because we already know that opposition politicians are in jail, some have been murdered and many are in exile,” said Jens Stoltenberg. In the case of Ukraine, on the contrary, the absence of opposition is understood as the unity of the Ukrainian people while each and every abuse of the Ukrainian system is justified to prevent the political participation of any type of non-nationalist opposition. “We can affirm before the elections that they will not be free or fair,” added the NATO Secretary General, who insisted that “there is no free and independent press in Russia”, another argument that can be applied to Ukraine. But also in this case, the absence of media that is even minimally critical of the system born from the Maidan is seen as something positive and Kiev has already received repeated praise from the European Union for its reforms to improve press freedom. The banning of media outlets and political parties and the demonization of all non-nationalist political options did not begin in 2022, but in 2014, as did the will of Western institutions to protect Ukraine from possible criticism for this.

As expected, the participation of the population of the Ukrainian territories in the elections has been the center of the arguments of kyiv and its allies this week. On Wednesday, the daily report from British intelligence, a good thermometer for measuring the issues that the West wants to put on the political agenda, stated that "Russia is intensifying pressure for the population of the occupied territories to vote in the elections." For days now, electoral events have been seen in places like Donbass, enough for London to allege pressure on the population. The argument is the same as that used by kyiv in the referendum of May 11, 2014 and also in the elections that the People's Republics held in November of that year to legitimize their existence in the face of Ukrainian aggression. As on those occasions and in each electoral process in which the population of Crimea has participated, Ukraine has described as illegal and non-binding the votes held in the territories it considers its own, a redundant argument considering that Kiev has been demanding for months to their partners who do not recognize the results of the Russian presidential elections.

In another act of hypocrisy by those who refused to agree to hold elections in Donbass as required by the Minsk agreements and have made the elections difficult even in the parts of the region under their control, Ukraine wanted to show its concern for the population. “For your own safety, and taking into account the provocations of the Russian authorities, we urge you to avoid places of mass concentration of people near electoral centers and military infrastructure facilities of the Russian occupation forces during the days of voting.” The word provocation has been widely repeated by Ukraine over the last decade, generally to accuse Russia of those acts that it itself committed. This has been the case for years with accusations of Russian bombing of Donbass cities under the control of the DPR and LPR, the assassinations of Donbass military and political leaders, the Odessa massacre, the attack on the Elenovka prison, the demolition of the Il-76 with Ukrainian soldiers on board or the bombings of the Energodar nuclear power plant, under Russian control. Provocation, an accusation that is actually an admission of guilt, has been and continues to be the way in which Kiev has allowed itself to blame Russia for its actions, which leaves some doubt about Ukraine's intentions for this coming weekend. In any case, the proliferation of statements and the accumulation of condemnations of the elections show a certain nervousness. At the end of the day, whatever the shortcomings of the Russian elections, they mean giving more voice to, for example, the population of Donbass than what Kiev has allowed in the last decade, in which it has denied them, not only the pensions or the vote, but also opinion. It is therefore not surprising that any demonstration of support for Russia in places like Donbass or the exercise of political rights that Ukraine has denied them for a decade is perceived in kyiv as an attack.

It is also no coincidence that Kirilo Budanov's GUR has prepared its great media operation for this week with the use of groups like RDK, presented as “ethnically Russian.” The war marks the political situation and the attempt to make Russia look like a country in chaos is flagrant. Yesterday, for the third consecutive day, sabotage groups tried to penetrate the border in a media operation that has already left significant casualties in Budanov's ranks, tanks and armor destroyed on the border and a video of the liberation of a Russian town recorded on a ukrainian village Yesterday, the Russian partisans issued an order to evacuate the civilian population from the border areas before a major attack, something that, given the obvious weakness of these groups, can only be achieved through a major operation by the Armed Forces. from Ukraine that would require a green light from its Western allies and that is not to be expected, especially at a time of shortage of material and personnel.

Attempts to create a more serious situation have predictably increased as the week has progressed, with the largest attempt coming yesterday. And although using tanks, armored vehicles and even helicopters to capture border villages lacks viability, the images, whose veracity is not essential, and the messages are sufficient as a media operation. A propaganda truncated only by the easily identifiable videos with which the Russian Federation has shown the destruction of the units and equipment that the GUR has sent this week on a practically suicidal mission that is consistent with the current political moment, in which The importance is in the image and the slogan, not in the real situation.

Google Translator


From Cassad's telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 14, 2024) | The main thing:

- The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces per day in the Donetsk direction amounted to more than 240 military personnel, 3 tanks;

— The Russian Armed Forces repelled three attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the southern Donetsk direction;

— Russian units thwarted another attempt by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to make a breakthrough into the border territory of the Russian Federation in the Spodaryushino area;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 125 military personnel in the South Donetsk direction per day;

— Russian air defense shot down 136 Ukrainian UAVs, a Hammer bomb, four HIMARS MLRS shells and four Grad MLRS shells in one day;

— The Russian Armed Forces destroyed up to 195 Ukrainian soldiers trying to break into Russian territory, as well as 5 enemy tanks;

— The Russian Armed Forces in the Kupyansk direction occupied more advantageous positions and repelled one attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

▫️In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops inflicted fire damage and repelled three attacks by assault groups of the 72nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 128th terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Vladimirovka and Staromayorskoye of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 125 military personnel, a tank , two vehicles and two D-30 howitzers .

▫️In the Kherson direction, as a result of coordinated actions of units of the Dnepr group of troops, the situation along the front line was improved, and fire damage was caused to accumulations of manpower and equipment of the 118th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the 35th Marine Brigade, the 23rd National Guard Brigade and the 121st Thermo defense brigades in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Zaporozhye region, Vysshetarasovka, Dnepropetrovsk region, and Mikhailovka, Kherson region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 30 military personnel and two vehicles.

▫️ Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation damaged manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 108 regions .

During the day, air defense systems shot down 136 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles , a Hammer guided aerial bomb made in France, four HIMARS MLRS missiles made in the USA and four Grad MLRS shells .

▫️In total , since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 577 aircraft, 269 helicopters, 15,498 unmanned aerial vehicles, 485 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,481 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,238 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,406 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 19,731 units of special military vehicles. (.......)

Google Translator


Tick-tock with tropozavalivaniem
March 14, 2:25 p.m


As part of the filming of peremozhny tik-toks, the cocaine Fuhrer and mom’s pie organized a pile of corpses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the border with the Belgorod region. Up to 40 more dead today.



The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that in the morning, up to 195 Ukrainian militants, 5 tanks, 4 armored fighting vehicles and other equipment were destroyed near the border with the Belgorod region during attempts to break through the border.

Since the night we have 1 dead civilian and 6 wounded.

Destruction of Ukrainian Armed Forces helicopters in the Kharkov region
March 13, 5:06 p.m


Beautiful from the Russian Defense Ministry.
We caught 3 helicopters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kharkov region while refueling. First they covered it with cluster munitions, and then added LMUR to the immobilized vehicles. 2 helicopters minus, one was damaged, but was able to take off and escape. The enemy acknowledges the death of the pilots of the destroyed helicopters.

(Video at link.)

The picture quality continues to improve.
Another Patriot air defense system was also hit in the Kharkov region.

About the new Cold War
March 13, 6:48 p.m


Google Translator


It Doesn't Matter.

William Burns may have been, once, long time ago, an acceptable diplomat and CIA asset in Moscow, but military thinker he is not, as are not those people in CIA who "plan" those 404 "operations".

Senior intelligence officials warned on Monday that without additional American aid, Ukraine faced the prospect of continued battlefield losses as Russia relies on a network of critical arms suppliers and drastically increases its supply of technology from China. In public testimony during the annual survey of worldwide threats facing the United States, the officials predicted that any continued delay of U.S. aid to Ukraine would lead to additional territorial gains by Russia over the next year, the consequences of which would be felt not only in Europe but also in the Pacific. “If we’re seen to be walking away from support for Ukraine, not only is that going to feed doubts amongst our allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific; it’s going to stoke the ambitions of the Chinese leadership in contingencies ranging from Taiwan to the South China Sea,” William J. Burns, the C.I.A. director, told Congress.

The US may unfreeze those $61 billion, she may even try to supply more of the same, more Patriots, more M1 Abrams et al--it doesn't matter. This is what they cannot grasp due to low level of education and culture. This is a new paradigm for them--all of them are "graduates" of the school of "beating the crap from defenseless nations" strategic "studies", and with the level of economic "science" in the West they cannot grasp how this all unfolds. They panic, they propose some band-aid to the patient stricken with the 4th stage cancer, all in vain--it is a different warrior culture they cannot grasp, they simply have no reference points. The United States never had Alexander Nevsky, Kutuzov or Zhukov. They fear what they cannot understand, but the question is--did they ever try? Nope... Burns wasted his time in Moscow, he learned absolutely nothing. ... atter.html


Explosive Secret French Military Report Makes Shocking Admissions: "Ukraine Can't Win!"

MAR 14, 2024
Folks, I wanted to make this article free, but alas I’ve wedged myself into a new working schedule of at least two paid articles per month, one for each half, so this one’s got to fill the slot. But you don’t want to miss this dishy report, so I suggest for those unable to subscribe to utilize Substack’s new feature which is supposed to allow subscribers to unlock one free article to try out. Unfortunately, I don’t know how it works on the consumer’s end, precisely, or how to activate it, as it appears to be something new or still being rolled out.

It’s a 4,400 word piece, and as usual I’ve left about the first 900+ words, by my estimations, open to wet your beaks.

It’s come to light that according to sources from the French Marianne paper, Macron’s entire recent mental manqué resulted from a secret series of ‘assessments’ by the French military that not only provided an absolutely disastrous picture of the actual realities on the ground in Ukraine, but in no uncertain terms even concluded quite frankly that: “Ukraine cannot win this war militarily.”

Image ... s-ukraine/

“Ukraine cannot win this war militarily,” concludes the first report, written in the fall of 2023, following Kiev’s disastrous ground offensive. It praises the Russian forces as the new “tactical and technical” standard of how to run defensive operations and debunks the media myth of “meat assaults.”

Here’s a summary of the report from DDGeopolitics to get a quick gist:

While Macron might be preparing something disastrous, the French Armed Forces are trying to sound the alarm through the French media.

In the French publication Marianne, ( ... -de-macron) which is very close to the French political class, French officers speaking on condition of anonymity spoke about their impressions of the war in Ukraine, the AFU and the Russian Armed Forces.

In summary, the officers speaking to the publication rated the Russian Army very highly. The Russian Army, contrary to Western media, trains its new recruits properly, organizes rotation of personnel and units in the frontline, and always mixes veterans with new recruits so the new soldiers can learn more quickly.

By contrast the Ukrainians blew their best and last chance for victory in the Summer 2023 offensive. The French Armed Forces also estimate Ukraine needs 30,000 - 35,000 new conscripts or recruits every month to keep their force levels steady but currently the Ukrainians are only inducting half that number.

The article assesses that there is no conceivable path currently to a Ukrainian military victory.

So it would appear quite plausible that Macron did in fact lose his lunch over the report from trusted military sources, which resulted in his Defcon 1 meltdown and Tourettes-like expectorations on troop deployment. Now he’s even announced plans to allegedly ‘address the public’ on the Ukraine issue tomorrow, per Le Monde paper.

But if the secret military report was damning to the AFU, it was even more damning to the uxorious petit caporal’s Grande Armée itself:


You have to read it twice to believe it—excusing the infelicities of machine autotranslation. Yes, that’s the French military calling itself an army of cheerleaders in the face of the Russian army. “Who is this guy kidding, sending us to Ukraine?” they seem to protest.

The report goes on, no less pessimistically (autotranslation formatting cleaned up a bit by me):

Planning, imagined in Kiev and in the Western staffs has proved "disastrous".

"The planners thought that as soon as the first lines of defense of Russians would have taken place, the whole of the front would collapse [...] These preliminary phases of the fundamental have been made without consideration of the moral forces of the enemy in defensive: that is to say, the will of the Russian soldier to cling to the ground," notes the report referring to "the failure of the planning" of the western camp.

That’s called “underestimation”.

And riddle me why, exactly, did the West underestimate Russia so wantonly? Oh, that’s right—because all their projections and estimations were based on totally erroneously cooked data. When you have the SBU reporting 20 shot down Russian planes per week, and 500,000 Russian casualties—or whatever the absurdity is up to now—then, I’m sorry to say, that’s going to very unfavorably skew your expectations and mission planning.

I’ve belabored it before, but I’ll say it again for the new Subscribers: the U.S. military rolled out a whole new initiative tasked specifically with integrating “open source intelligence” into its planning, giddy with possibility at the first, seemingly endlessly fruitful, ‘successes’ of this partnership with rabid pro-UA OSINT autists in the opening stanza of the war.

However, this famously proved catastrophic when reports began to trickle out that much of U.S./CIA mission planning for the grand Zaporozhye CounterOffensive™ was in fact based on outdated OSINT maps of Russia’s defenses. In short: they planned the offensive around Twitter maps made in MS Paint by light-shunning basement dwellers like Andrew Perpetua. Once the Ukrainian spearhead actually reached the lines, they realized things were quite different than their Twitter intelligence had assured, because Russian forces were hip to their over reliance on such unhygienic ‘data’ habits, and proceeded to modify many of the defensive structures and positions.

The report continues with praise for ol’ reliable Soviet legacy gear:

With no air support, and with Western equipment that was disparate and less efficient than the old Soviet equipment ("run-down, easy to maintain, and suitable for use in degraded mode", the report mentions), the Ukrainian troops had no hope of breaking through.

Russia, they shockingly confess, is the gold standard of military defense in the world today:

"Today, the Russian army is the 'tactical and technical' benchmark for thinking about and implementing the defensive mode," writes the report.

Why, I’m nearly beside myself! We were mocked for two years writing these very words, yet all along NATO military heads were secretly whispering agreement. It feels almost surreal to be vindicated in such fashion.

Notable is the fact that in previous such public distributions, of ISW, RUSI, and other propaganda farm variety, some praise occasionally managed to slip through, but rarely without the accompanying counterbalance of heavy ridicule. “Russian forces showed strength in capturing XXX town, but they did so with meat waves generating 50,000 casualties,” and so on.

But this report has nary a single critique—just simple unvarnished praise for the Russian Army’s demonstrated supremacy.

(Paywall...) ... h-military


Ukraine Loses Soldiers and Equipment in Failed Attempt to Cross Russia Border
MARCH 13, 2024

Georgian Legion mercenaries carry coffins of Ukrainian soldiers who died in a battle against Russian troops, during a funeral ceremony in Kiev, March 12, 2024. Photo: AP.

The Russian Defense Ministry has revealed that in an attempt to cross Russian borders, the Ukrainian army lost 234 fighters and a substantial amount of military equipment, including seven tanks and three infantry fighting vehicles.

In a statement released on Tuesday, March 12, the Russian Defense Ministry said, “The enemy lost 234 militants, seven tanks, three US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, and two armored personnel carriers. There were no violations of the state border,” noting that the attack was confronted on all three different directions where Ukraine tried to infiltrate.

In detail, the Russian ministry said that up to 60 Ukrainian fighters were killed and four pickups were destroyed in the Kharkov region. Along the Ukrainian front, 100 Ukrainian troops were killed and five military tanks were destroyed. Near Nekhoteevka, in Russian Belgorod, 45 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two tanks were destroyed.

Russia further reported that a member of its territorial defence was killed and 10 civilians were wounded during a cross-border raid by pro-Ukraine militias in the border region of Belgorod.

“Ten civilians were wounded, six of them are in hospitals… A member of our territorial self-defence died today,” Belgorod region governor Vyacheslav Gladkov wrote on Telegram.

How fragile are Ukraine’s defense lines?
NewsWeek reported last week, citing military sources, that the recent Russian capture of Avdeevka has been followed by the continuous expansion of Russian control along the frontlines.

According to the source, Ukrainian forces are “both outmanned and outgunned along the front.” The recent fall of Avdeevka was in part blamed on ammunition shortages.

Since then, Russia’s expansion has been “incremental” and will likely increase in the short term as long as aid remains stalled in the West.

According to the arms industry-funded Institute for the Study of War, the Russian victory in the battle of Avdeevka has opened new avenues for land control in surrounding areas, and Russian forces are working rapidly to increase their presence along the frontlines before Ukrainian forces can rebuild a more cohesive defense line.

Last week, Dmytro Lykhovyi, spokesman for the Ukrainian Tavriisk Group of Forces, announced that his troops had pulled back from Stepove, approximately eight miles north of Avdeevka. Russian troops, on the other hand, declared control of Tonenke to the south, along with other nearby territories. ... ia-border/


Medvedev's compromise peace formula

March 14, 15:59


Medvedev's compromise peace formula.

1. Recognition by the former (hereinafter referred to as “Ukraine”) of defeat in the military component of the conflict.
Complete and unconditional surrender b. “Ukraine” represented by the neo-Nazi clique in Kyiv. Demilitarization b. “Ukraine” and the ban on the creation of paramilitary forces on its territories in the future.

2. Recognition of the Nazi character by the international community b. the Kyiv political regime and the forced denazification of all government bodies under UN control b. "Ukraine".

3. UN statement of loss b. “Ukraine” of international legal personality and the impossibility of any of its legal successors joining military alliances without the consent of Russia.

4. Resignation of all constitutional authorities b. “Ukraine” and the immediate holding of elections to the provisional parliament of the self-governing territory b. "Ukraine".

5. Adoption by the provisional parliament of laws on the payment of all required compensation to Russia, including payments to the relatives of the dead citizens of our country and payments for harm to the health of the wounded. Establishing a procedure for compensation for property damage caused to constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. Official recognition by the interim parliament b. “Ukraine”, that its entire territory is the territory of the Russian Federation. Adoption of an act of reunification of territories b. "Ukraine" with Russia.

7. Self-dissolution of the provisional parliament. UN recognition of the act of reunification.

(Snort! What fun.)

Kakhovka Reservoir is filling up again
March 14, 23:31


The Kakhovka reservoir was partially filled with water again due to melting snow.
By summer, this factor will disappear and it will dry out again.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:31 pm

Diplomacy: Western red line
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 17/03/2024


“During the Cold War, there was a consensus among Western leaders to never speculate about the circumstances under which they would deploy nuclear weapons. In that situation, strategic ambiguity made sense,” Wolfgang Münchau writes this week in his article published in The New Statesman , in which he argues that the current situation created by Emmanuel Macron's recent statements could not be more different. “In an attack directed at the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, the French President stated that red lines should never be pointed out to an adversary who is in the habit of crossing them, explains the journalist, economist and writer, who criticizes precisely the implications of the words of Macron as a way to eliminate all strategic ambiguity and uncovers the differences between the countries of the European Union at a time when, from his point of view, unity is necessary. “French-German unity is a necessary (although not sufficient) condition for Europe to exercise its power, and Scholz has spoken out against ground troops. So has Donald Tusk, the Polish Prime Minister; On the other hand, his Foreign Minister, Radosław Sikorski, seems to be on Macron's side. The reality is that the EU is divided on this issue. And that is the message we are sending to Vladimir Putin,” he adds.

Münchau's position, undoubtedly more moderate than the official discourse of the European Union, which sails directly towards a belligerence that is difficult to stop, is, however, based on the mistaken premise that there is a position from Brussels that differs from that of Washington. or London. Germany's reaction to Macron's words, with Olaf Scholz's counterattack revealing the presence of British - and perhaps French - soldiers in Ukraine in tasks linked to the missile attacks, has not only shown that there is no common European position on which are the objectives of the Ukrainian war and the ways to achieve them, but subordination to those who have never seen the possibility of a non-military resolution to the Ukrainian conflict, that is, the United States and its European partner, the United Kingdom.

Currently, this position is seen in European nervousness regarding Joe Biden's difficulties in obtaining approval of new financing for the Ukrainian war effort, which European countries cannot compensate for on their own, and especially in the face of fear of Donald Trump's return to the White House. In both cases, the concern is the same: the possibility of having to take charge of the Ukrainian issue alone or with an American partner undermined by electoral difficulties and reaching a point where military means are not the only option. Hence, they currently receive similar responses from European Union officials, the statements of the Republican candidate for the presidency or the Pope's call for the “white flag”, not understood in terms of surrender, but rather acceptance of the situation and the need for negotiation to end a war that Ukraine cannot win. From the official speech, the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, has demanded, as the Ukrainian press has proudly echoed, not to get “into this garden.” Francis's posture was not annoying when he met smiling Arseniy Yatseniuk in the first steps of the anti-terrorist operation , not even when the Vatican sent humanitarian aid to Lugansk during the years of war in Donbass or even when he tried to mediate between Russia and Ukraine on previous occasions. The current nervousness is not due to the existence of pacifist pressures in Western countries, which remain marginal in the context of a great European mobilization in favor of maintaining the war as the only way to resolve the Ukrainian conflict and also the bilateral relationship. with Russia.

In that relationship, the strategic ambiguity of the West as a collective should not have public red lines with which Russia knows what limits the European Union and the United States are willing to go to. According to Le Monde , glass of whiskey in hand, Emmanuel Macron first uttered a phrase about sending “boys to Odessa” on February 21. Days later, after the summit that he himself had called to show the unity of the countries of the European bloc, the French president caused the storm by reaffirming his position of not ruling out in advance the possibility of sending Western troops to Ukraine. The comment in a relaxed and relatively private environment thus became what Germany understood as a proposal that had to be quickly rejected. The rapid alignment of much of the European Union with Germany's refusal to get directly involved forced Macron to temporarily qualify his statements, to which he has returned, with even more force in recent days. According to the communist representative in the meeting called by the French president with the parliamentary political groups, Macron recovered his initial comment to suggest the possibility of sending troops in the event of a Russian advance towards kyiv or Odessa.

Western nervousness has shown itself this week with the words, attitude and even body language of the French president in a televised interview. “This war is existential. We cannot continue living as if nothing had happened. Putin is responsible for the war. “We will be willing to make the necessary decisions so that Russia never wins,” the French president insisted, always without defining what would be considered a Russian victory. “To have peace you do not have to be weak. We will do everything necessary to achieve our goal. If Russia won, the lives of the French would change. We would no longer have security in Europe,” he added, apparently adhering to the theory that Moscow would attack European countries, members of NATO, in the event of the conquest of all Ukrainian territory. Neither Russia's fear of the expansion of NATO, nor the repeated declarations that a direct confrontation with the Atlantic bloc would mean a nuclear war - Russia is aware of not being able to fight a conventional war against the sum of these countries, no matter how weak that many of their armies currently are - have made the European authorities and media see that this line of argument is nothing more than the self-serving use of political propaganda.

And although the verbal escalation, to which Russia has reacted by recalling its nuclear doctrine, has occurred as a result of Macron's position, its relevance is due to the current situation in which Ukraine finds itself. According to CNN journalist Jim Sciutto, the United States prepared in 2022 for the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons by Russia in the event of the collapse of its troops. The danger was imaginary, but the argument was based on the possible defeat of Moscow's troops. The current concern is also exaggerated, since the slow Russian advances do not justify the argument that Russia can reach the Polish or Moldovan borders, but is due to the opposite situation: the fear of Russian victory.

“Europe's credibility would be reduced to zero. What security would Europeans have?” Macron insisted in reference to that hypothetical Russian victory. The Western decision to bet on war in the name of continental security requires a sufficiently exalted discourse. “We negotiated the Minsk agreements and other attempts as best we could but there is nothing to discuss with Russia, Ukraine must win,” Emmanuel Macron stated, to reaffirm his position that dialogue with Russia is impossible. He has done so by twisting, as has been customary in the last eight years, what happened in the process of a negotiated resolution to the war in Donbass. Western countries, especially Germany and France, have been aware, at least since December 2019, when Zelensky officially notified that the Minsk agreements were “impossible to implement,” that Ukraine never intended to fulfill its commitments. More than four years later, Minsk continues to be an argument for betting on war and renouncing any negotiations with Russia. In Macron's speech, in which a red line should not be drawn in the war, it is necessary to insist that the step that cannot in any way be taken is that of diplomacy. There is no ambiguity regarding the willingness to keep the war going until the West achieves its objectives. And despite the divisions that have manifested themselves in recent weeks, the unity of action in favor of war is evident. On Friday, Germany, France and Poland staged it to announce a coalition of countries to acquire long-range artillery and reaffirm the intention to increase military assistance for Ukraine, especially with regard to the acquisition of ammunition on the world market. The European Commission, for its part, also announced an agreement to subsidize the defense industry and “boost ammunition production and joint procurement to accelerate deliveries to Ukraine.”

The political moment lends itself to maximalisms and outbursts. “Russia delenda est ,” Edgars Rinkēvičs, president of Latvia, wrote on Friday, paraphrasing “Carthage must be destroyed” from the Punic Wars. His statement has gone unnoticed precisely because it does not differ excessively from the official discourse. These are statements like that of the Pope, and especially that of the German SPD deputy, Rolf Mützenic. “The SPD speech that left even Baerbock stunned,” headlined the horrified tabloid Bild . “Isn't it time that we not only talk about how to wage war, but also think about how to freeze a war and then end it?” he had stated from the Bundestag rostrum. This type of discourse is what currently marks the red lines of the West.

Google Translator


From Cassad's telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 17, 2024) The main thing:

the Russian Armed Forces occupied more advantageous positions in the Donetsk direction;

— The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 200 military personnel in the Donetsk direction per day;

— The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the South Donetsk direction per day amounted to over 120 military personnel;

— Nine counterattacks by Ukrainian Armed Forces assault groups were repulsed in the Avdiivka direction in 24 hours;

— The Russian Armed Forces repelled three counterattacks in the Kupyansk direction, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 90 military personnel;

— The Russian Armed Forces hit the assembly and testing sites of unmanned boats, the temporary deployment point of the IRIS-T air defense system battery and the UAV production workshop;

— Russian air defense systems shot down 168 UAVs, 23 MLRS shells and an S-200 missile in one day;

— The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Avdeevka direction per day amounted to up to 380 military personnel, 2 armored vehicles and 10 cars.

During the day, operational-tactical aviation , missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hit: the assembly and testing sites for unmanned boats, the temporary deployment point of the battery of the IRIS-T anti-aircraft missile system in the Odessa region, the assembly and preparation workshop for unmanned aerial vehicles devices in the area of ​​the settlement of Priluki, Chernihiv region, as well as manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 127 districts.

Air defense, electronic warfare and small arms fire shot down 168 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, 23 Czech-made Vampire MLRS rockets , as well as an S-200 anti-aircraft guided missile converted for attacks on ground targets .

📊In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 269 helicopters, 15,849 unmanned aerial vehicles, 486 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,509 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,241 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,434 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 19,875 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


And ODAB came
March 16, 10:11


About 300 militants of the Ukrainian formation “Kraken” were destroyed by one precise strike from a volumetric detonating aerial bomb weighing 1.5 tons.
This was announced by the Chief of Staff of the Joint Group of Forces, Colonel General Alexey Kim, as stated by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

PS. Based on yesterday's arrivals in Odessa.
“Two Majors” reported that, according to their sources, the enemy killed 550 people from the Lyut brigade and the Tsunami battalion. 2 generals were also killed.
"Dumskaya" veiledly reported about a large number of killed and complained about the "merged formation." The post was later deleted.
As of yesterday evening, the enemy admitted 20-25 killed and up to 80 wounded.
In general, the numbers are still being clarified.

About attacks on oil refineries
March 16, 16:20


Regarding attacks on refineries, we see a classic organizational delay, as was the case in 2022 with HIMARS attacks on ammunition depots, until the system began to take measures to minimize the damage with a creak, and now this happens extremely rarely.

What seems necessary.

1. Installation of anti-drone networks + electronic warfare systems at sites - it is obvious that this has not yet been done everywhere.
2. Providing security for the facility - 3-4 positions ZU-23/2 + 2/3 mobile pickups with machine guns + 1-2 with searchlights.
Interesting options with balloons.
3. A large number of unused SPAAGs are still stored in long-term storage warehouses. Large oil companies may well be able to allocate money for their restoration and use in the interests of protecting their own refineries.
4. In any case, all this will be much cheaper than paying for refinery repairs and their downtime.
5. Security personnel may be included in PMCs financed by large companies.

I’m sure that something similar will come anyway, it’s just that before that, apparently, a couple of more refineries will be put out of commission.

Google Translators


Ukraine - France Already Lost In Odessa

The French president Emmanuel Micron has gone a bit crazy:

Europe’s credibility will be destroyed if Russia is allowed to win in Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron has warned, as he defended his refusal to rule out sending troops to the country.
The war in Ukraine is “existential for our Europe and for France”, Mr Macron said in the interview on France 2 and TF1.
“Do you think that the Poles, the Lithuanians, the Estonians, the Romanians and the Bulgarians could remain at peace for a second [in the event of a Russian victory in Ukraine]?” he asked. “If Russia wins this war, Europe’s credibility would be reduced to zero.”?

Micron fails to recognize that Europe does not have any credibility it could lose. Just ask those ~150 countries who have not sanctioned Russia. They know very well that the 2014 U.S./EU coup in Kiev started the mess and that the failure, especially of France and Germany, to force Kiev to implement the Minsk agreements led to its escalation.

Failing as the guarantor of agreements without any attempts to enforce them leaves one's credibility behind.

Trying to regain land for Ukraine that it had lost a decade ago is similar nonsense:

"We are doing everything we can to help Ukraine defeat Russia, because I will say it very simply: There can be no lasting peace if there is no sovereignty, if there is no return to Ukraine's internationally recognized borders, including Crimea," Macron said during the TV interview.
Interestingly Micron does not say how he will attempt to achieve that. The front is cracking everywhere and Ukraine is running out of men who are capable and willing to fight.

France could probably send 30,000 troops to Ukraine but what good could those do? It does not have the troops and equipment for a real fight with Russia. The logistics alone, vulnerable to Russian attacks, would be a nightmare.

The France dream of ruling Odessa already died during the chaos at the end of the first world war 105 years ago (edited machine translation):

December 12, 1918. Renault tanks unloading in Odessa

Emmanuel Macron's statement about the possibility of introducing French troops to Ukraine and, in particular, to Odessa fell almost on a round date: exactly 105 years ago, the French army was already on Ukrainian territory. Very briefly, though. But the French had a considerable influence on the course of events. Although not at all in favor of Ukraine: they did not allow the capture of Odessa by the troops of the Ukrainian People's Republic, transferred formal power over the city to the Russian White Guards, actually quarreled with the local rule of Hetman Grigoriev, who went over to the side of the Bolsheviks, which played a huge role in the subsequent military collapse of the UPR.
In the end, after several months of being in Southern Palmyra, the French troops were thoroughly decomposed by Bolshevik agitation, sang "Internationale" in pubs, and as a result, the French command decided to leave Odessa in early April 1919, calling it "unloading" the city in order to reduce the food shortage.

There were at that time French, Polish, Serbian, Greek, German, British and other troops involved. The Russians had split into Reds and Whites and several nationalistic Ukrainian groupings tried and failed to win a war against everyone else. The Cossack Hetman Grigoriev was probably the most interesting character of all. As is historically typical for his kind he and his troops fought for practically all parties in the war changing loyalties on a whim whenever convenient.

If France would again go to Odessa who could it really trust in a fight? The Nazi groupings? The government in Kiev which they mostly oppose? The Russia partisans who increase their activities in Ukraine day by day?

How would it react should such a missile strike, even by chance, would hit its troops camp?

Russians With Attitude @RWApodcast - 13:46 UTC · Mar 15, 2024
From what we have seen from Ukrainian media so far, today's Russian missile strike against an AFU temporary base in Odessa killed:

- Alexander Gostishev, former head of the National Police in Odessa, commander of the "Tsunami" "Assault Regiment" (formed from policemen, fought in Bakhmut, part of the "Liut" Brigade, an ongoing project to militarize and mobilize Ukrainian police staff to the frontlines)
- Sergey Tetyukhin, former deputy mayor of Odessa, who volunteered to join the AFU last year
- Dmitry Abramenko, deputy head of the National Police in Odessa
As the day goes on, more names might appear.

The French people for one do not seem to be interested in joining the mess:

In an Odoxa poll, 68 percent of French respondents said Macron's comments on Western troops in Ukraine were "wrong."
Macron's party will likely lose in the upcoming election to the European parliament. Let's hope that other leaders do not fall for the electioneering stunt he is providing with such nonsensical talk.

Posted by b on March 15, 2024 at 15:02 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more




by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

A little bird has materialized to sing that the record of the German generals discussing their plan to attack Russian targets with the Taurus missile was intercepted and leaked to the Russians by the Americans.

A big bird, actually. The telephone conference of German Luftwaffe chief General Ingo Gerhartz (lead image, left), one of his staff generals, and two Luftwaffe lieutenant-colonels on February 19 was listened to by US signals intelligence after the first meeting the Germans had with a new regional US Air Force (USAF) commander, General Kevin Schneider; Schneider took command of the USAF Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) on February 9 after two and a half years in a senior staff post at the Pentagon under General Charles Brown Jr. Brown was promoted from USAF chief to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs on October 1, 2023. When Schneider left Brown’s staff, he took a promotion from lieutenant general to four-star general.

Schneider has never flown or staffed USAF operations against Russia. He was in Singapore for the bi-annual Singapore Air Show to demonstrate what the USAF press office called “the opportunity to sharpen ties with Singapore, demonstrate flexible aircraft capability, enable engagement with foreign partners, and expand power projection.” His agenda of meetings with other country airforce officers is classified.

Intelligence coverage of the airshow proceedings by the US, Russia, and China was especially intense because of the participation in the show of aircraft from the warfighting states. Russia, which has participated actively in past Singapore airshows, did not participate officially this time.

The allegation that the Gerhartz teleconference was intercepted by the Russians originated from the Germans and British, and has been amplified in US and NATO media. The first Russian report that it was US intelligence which picked up the call and then leaked it, appeared in Moscow on March 4; click to read.

What has now surfaced is the audio record and transcript of the first minutes of the teleconference, before Gerhartz came on the line. In these five minutes, much more has been revealed by the three German officers than has been published by RT in Moscow on March 1, when the audio record and transcript began with Gerhartz’s appearance.

The full audio record in German, produced and published by RT Deutschland can be heard here. The publication date is March 1. The voices recorded at the beginning are those of Captain Hergang, who introduced and managed the teleconference from Germany; Luftwaffe Brigadier General Frank Graefe, speaking in his Singapore hotel room and describing what he could see out his hotel window; Luftwaffe Lieutenant Colonel Udo Fenske and Lieutenant Colonel Sebastian Florstedt, who are speaking from Germany.

A report and transcript in German, auto-translated into English, was published by Tobias Augenbraun in Dirk Pohlmann’s internet platform Free21 on March 8.

The interpretation of the additional evidence by Augenbraun and Pohlmann is that “apparently, the plans were already presented to [USAF] General [Kenneth] Wilsbach [lead image, right] in October 2023, which are also the subject of further discussion… This is astonishing for the following reason: All the rest of the conversation is about how to bring Taurus closer to the Minister of Defense, Boris Pistorius… How can it be that top German generals have already presented these plans to a US general, a full 4 months… before talking about how to discuss these plans with Boris Pistorius (Minister of Defense). Something seems to have gone badly wrong with the order here. Is it normal to first talk to generals from other countries before initiating your own defense minister? Who is in charge in Germany? Is the military out of control?”

Augenbraun and Pohlmann believe the German operational plan discussed with Wilsbach last October was the Gerhartz missile attack on Russia, and that the German Defense Ministry and the Chancellery were unaware of it at the time. This interpretation has been amplified in a report by a Brazilian who claims “here apparently we have a clear cut case of top German military officers taking direct orders regarding an attack on Crimea – part of the Russian Federation – directly from American officers in the Pacific Air Forces.”

There is no evidence of this in the record of what the Germans actually said and meant.

According to Graefe, “he’s [General Schneider] only been in office for 2 weeks and he didn’t even know what I was talking about. And that’s why I said, I’d better come by again, because that was October, when we presented all this to Wilsbach.” This is Graefe’s acknowledgement that Schneider, who was director of the USAF staff at the Pentagon from September 2021 – five months before the Russian Special Military Operation began – and then for two and a half years of the war, knew nothing at all about the German air attack plan for Russia. In Russian, that’s spelled вообще ничего.

Instead, there is evidence that Gerhartz and Graefe have been concealing their Russia-attack plan, not from their German political superiors, but from the Americans; and misrepresenting what they have been doing in Berlin in discussions with the two USAF generals, Wilsbach and Schneider. These two USAF generals are focused on China as their enemy; they have never held a staff or operational command in Germany and against Russia; their current commands are limited to the Asia-Pacific region targeting China.

Wilsbach was at his PACAF headquarters in Hawaii concentrating on Chinese targets, when Graefe says on the tape that “we presented all this to Wilsbach.” “All this” was Luftwaffe planning against China, not Russia – reason for Chinese military intelligence to have been keeping the Germans under close surveillance in Singapore, along with the Russians.

The German reporters are unaware of the Russian press report identifying the US as the source of the leak. They haven’t realized that the first five minutes of conversation reveal the special interest which the USAF had in keeping Graefe under surveillance in Singapore. Also revealed now is the USAF motive in making the Gerhartz war plan against Russia public before – not after — it had been agreed with Washington.

The timing of the newly disclosed Luftwaffe briefing of USAF General Wilsbach last October is also revealing. It was then that the Pentagon was considering what to do next in the Ukraine – and the forward budget required — after the Zelensky-Zaluzhny counteroffensive had collapsed into the rout which the Pentagon had been anticipating since the Teixeira leaks of early 2023.

In short, on display here is evidence that after the Kiev regime capitulates, the Germans are the enemy the Russian General Staff know they must defeat as the American generals look for a way of their own to retreat.

Graefe and Schneider have been on speaking terms for several years – at least since 2019 when Graefe, a one-star general, was the senior German military attaché in Washington and Schneider, with three stars, was the staff director for the USAF at the Pentagon. Even then and there, Schneider was a specialist on Asia, not Europe, not Russia.

Left, General Kevin Schneider; right, Brigadier General Frank Graefe, wearing a patch from a joint US-German air exercise.

There is also additional audio and transcript at the end of the original record which was not translated into Russian for the initial Moscow publication. This runs for five extra minutes.

Revealed for the first time is the confidence on the part of the military officers that they can get Defense Minister Pistorius to do what they want, and that he is as eager as they are for their operations to appear at least as competent as the British and French. “You’re man enough,” Gerhartz tells Graefe, “and the minister [Pistorius] is a totally cool guy to deal with anyway. So from there….. You are the experts. It was just important to me that we just appear sober and don’t somehow smash show-stoppers into it [Crimean Bridge], which they simply don’t … that are not credible when other nations deliver Storm Shadows [British] and SCALP [French].”

As for the Americans on the battlefield, Gerhartz concedes “we have now surrendered [sic] 3 Patriot radars out of 12. There have been long faces in the FlaRak [anti-aircraft missile group]. But at the moment they are shooting down the planes and missiles that can’t hit us.”

In final words on the record, Gerhartz wishes his men good luck in their briefing with Pistorius. “Make something for visualization – not too much, always remember: They come from a completely different world, from a completely different world of thought than we who are talking here right now. So… Yes, then that’s fine…All right. Then I thank you for the round and wish everyone happy work and then I hope to see you both in Berlin. And then you, Frank [Graefe], when you’re back from Singapore. And if I can’t be there, then one of you can just contact me afterwards, because then of course I’m interested in how it went with good Boris.”

Graefe then told Gerhartz about a productive meeting he had just had in Singapore. According to the Google translation of the German, “I’ve still got something out of … I’ve just met the tailor, or… can you stay right on the line?” The word Graefe used was schneider. Either this was code for General Schneider spoken to hide from the others what was meant, or everyone knew who was meant.

“Yes, OK,” Gerhartz replied. “I’ll call you again separately in a moment.” This a signal that what Graefe had “got out of” Schneider was so sensitive, it wasn’t for the ears of the two lieutenant colonels.

This last revelation also indicates that if the Russians had intercepted the teleconference, they also know what Schneider told Graefe for Gerhartz. If the US is behind the interception and leak, they want to keep Schneider’s part top secret. ... more-89562


Ukraine Is Facing The Scenario Of Asymmetrical Partition


MAR 15, 2024

Asymmetrical partition between Ukraine’s western neighbors into “spheres of economic influence” alongside a de facto Korean-like partition between NATO and Russia is much more foreseeable than its western neighbors like Poland formally reincorporating their lost territory due to financial and political reasons.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned about the impending partition of Ukraine. According to her, “All these statements that Macron and other NATO politicians make, about the possibility of introducing contingents or some kind of paramilitary units into the territory of Ukraine, are related to the partition of what they see as the remnants of Ukraine…They are ready to occupy and partition Ukraine.” What she didn’t mention, however, is that this will likely be an asymmetrical partition.

Instead of Ukraine’s neighbors officially divvying it up like former President and incumbent Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev suggested via the map that he recently spoke in front of, NATO states are unlikely to formally reincorporate their lost lands. Rather, what’s more likely to happen in the event that they form a “coalition of the willing” to conventionally intervene there is that they’ll carve out “spheres of influences” on the pretext of protecting their “strategic borders”.

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis revealed that while the bloc as a whole can’t intervene in Ukraine since it’s not a NATO ally, members could bilaterally do so on their own, which Poland might have sought America’s approval for during its President and Prime Minister’s meeting with Biden. It was argued here that this could even be partially motivated by domestic political factors, not to mention the West’s “worst-case scenario” of Russia achieving a military breakthrough that catalyzes Ukraine’s collapse.

France and by extension also the UK might be plotting a Ukrainian power play under Germany’s nose to prevent their historical rival from resuming its superpower trajectory with US backing as Washington empowers Berlin to contain Russia in Europe while America “Pivots (back) to Asia” to contain China. These rapid moves come amidst reports that the G7 is planning to appoint a special envoy to Ukraine, which this analysis here argued could be tasked with implementing the Davos agenda in that country.

Zelensky told the World Economic Forum in May 2022 that “we offer a special - historically significant - model of reconstruction. When each of the partner countries or partner cities or partner companies will have the opportunity - historical one - to take patronage over a particular region of Ukraine, city, community or industry. Britain, Denmark, the European Union and other leading international actors have already chosen a specific direction for patronage in reconstruction.”

It therefore makes sense that they’d want to safeguard the regions, cities, communities, and industries that Ukraine promised them patronage of so as to stop Russia from taking control of them in the event that it achieves a military breakthrough which catalyzes Ukraine’s collapse and leads to regime change. This analysis here, meanwhile, argued that formally reincorporating its western neighbors’ lost lands is unlikely due to how much their demographics have changed since the end of World War II.

Accordingly, “spheres of economic influence” are the most likely outcome if France’s talk of a conventional NATO intervention is implemented, after which the participants would be able to profit from their respective zones while carrying out military training and law enforcement activities there. These foreign troops could also prevent the state’s collapse in the areas under their control, repel uncontrollable refugee influxes, and combat weapons smuggling into the EU.

The end effect would be to formally preserve Ukrainian statehood per the West’s officially stated objective that “justifies” their proxy war against Russia through that former Soviet Republic while nevertheless asymmetrically partitioning it into “spheres of economic influence” per the Davos agenda. It’s also possible that with time some of Ukraine’s western neighbors like Poland might consider entering into a “confederation’ with the adjacent region under their control but that’s still a far-fetched scenario.

Their taxpayers could be stuck with the bill for reconstructing those formerly Ukrainian regions, plus the locals would become citizens with equal rights (including voting ones), which those countries’ people might firmly oppose and therefore potentially rebel against. It’s much less economically and politically costly to simply siphon wealth from those regions in exchange for limited security support than to constitutionally enshrine enduring economic, political, and security rights to their locals for prestige.

For these reasons, while Zakharova is likely correct in assessing that plans are afoot for partitioning Ukraine depending on several situational variables (e.g. the conflict’s military-strategic dynamics and domestic politics like in Poland’s case), everything probably wouldn’t unfold like the public imagines. Asymmetrical partition between Ukraine’s western neighbors into “spheres of economic influence” alongside a de facto Korean-like partition between NATO and Russia is much more foreseeable. ... cenario-of
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Mon Mar 18, 2024 2:09 pm

War, reason for the State
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/18/2024


Less spectacular in media terms than the claims that Ukraine is running out of missiles to fight Russia, the fight to find the necessary financing to continue the war and maintain the state remains one of the priorities of Ukraine and its partners. “Months of political deadlock in the US Congress on the $60 billion aid package for Ukraine have left Kiev desperately seeking alternative donors to finance its war effort against Russia and avoid drastic cuts in public spending,” he wrote in the past. Financial Times weekend in an article presenting Ukraine's difficulties in maintaining the status quo of war priorities without the assurance that economic assistance from its foreign suppliers will meet its needs.

Ukraine's spending pattern, known not only from budget lines but from actual spending reports, shows a nearly 50-50 split between military spending and everything else, including public salaries and pensions, education, healthcare, infrastructures, the payment of their debts and other aspects of the maintenance of the State and its institutions. The distribution of work between Ukraine's two main suppliers is also known : the European Union, whose long-term investments allow Ukraine to sustain the State, and the short-term guarantees of the United States, which provide the bulk of international assistance to that the Armed Forces can continue fighting for the freedom of Ukraine and bombing, despite the supposed lack of projectiles, indiscriminately cities like Donetsk.

Despite the delays and a threat of a veto by Hungary that, as on previous occasions, was not going to be fulfilled, the European Union approved several weeks ago its contribution of 50 billion euros for the next four years. “The European Union is doing well through the 'Ukraine Facility', recently approved by the bloc, which allows it to provide more than fifty billion euros in grants and loans to Ukraine over four years. It is a good start, but it is not enough,” wrote one of the many senior fellows of the Atlantic Council after the announcement. In reality, despite the apparent good words, the article goes on to detail a whole series of obligations to which the EU should commit to both the support of the State, the preparation of its armed forces, the creation of a military industry and the future reconstruction of the country. . In reality, despite the apparently optimistic tone, the much more expensive commitments it requires mean that the argument does not differ too much from what was published by Politico , which stated that the package is “practically nothing.” "With the country's financial needs growing by the day as its intractable war with Russia drags on into a third year, the West - and Europe in particular - is facing the uncomfortable truth that it will have to pay much more," he wrote. the article, which at no time called into question what it practically perceives as a moral obligation of the European Union.

The tendency to shift the burden of maintaining Ukraine as a State in the European Union is evident and cannot be coincidental. Throughout the development of the war, big American capital and its main investment funds have looked with interest at Ukraine and have come to show enthusiasm for the possibilities of future reconstruction. Valued by the IMF and the World Bank at 500 billion dollars, the reconstruction of Ukraine is an attractive market for those who are aware that there is a lot of money to be made in a country willing to cut back on the well-being of its population in favor of large international capital. . In early March, Bloomberg stated that “the trillion-dollar race to rebuild Ukraine is slowly getting underway.” The war has not ended nor is it about to, but the aspirations of large companies have already doubled the estimates of international organizations.

However, and despite the fact that Zelensky meets periodically with investment funds and companies specialized in infrastructure construction, Ukraine's needs are currently much more mundane and urgent. “Ukraine has allocated almost half of its $87 billion budget this year to defense-related spending, but its national income amounts to only $46 billion, meaning it needs to fill the gap with help from international partners and by reducing their non-military spending,” explained Fiancial Times, which warned that both military spending and the deficit will increase “with a surge of up to 500,000 recruits and billions more will be needed for their salaries, training and equipment.” The war bill increases even if income does not necessarily increase. “We have practically reached the maximum of our capabilities, all internal resources are used to finance the army,” says Roksolana Pidlasa, Chairwoman of the Parliamentary Budget Committee, as quoted in the article. The Ukrainian state is currently a machine that keeps its army fighting thanks to the weapons it receives from its suppliers while waiting for its partners to cover everything else.

“According to Pidlasa, Ukraine's original plan A was for US and EU aid to start arriving in January. Hungary delayed the EU's four-year, €50 billion non-military aid package, which was finally agreed in mid-February. These delays have made Kiev begin to consider a plan B and even a plan C , Pidlasa explained. "The government is negotiating additional budget aid with other G7 countries, especially Japan and Canada," he added, defining plan B. “We are also studying significantly cutting non- military spending and raising taxes,” he concluded to define the C. As a last resort, Ukraine is also considering printing currency.

In other words, plans A and B involve increasing Western dependence on Ukraine and also future debts, an aspect that is only now beginning to be taken into account. Only plan C implies increased taxes, yes, at the cost of cuts, systematically in the non-military part of the budget. Ukraine, an outstanding student of the IMF-dependent countries, has always been willing to make cuts in health, education, pensions and state subsidies that went much further than what was demanded by international institutions, accustomed to obtaining reluctance and rejection from the Governments, not proposals so generous with their interests. Hence it is not surprising that, while Russia and the countries of the European Union try to mobilize their economy to serve the needs of the war - in the case of Russia by investing large amounts in increasing industrial production - Ukraine responds to the current situation through cuts, privatizations and, only when these resources are exhausted, tax increases such as those planned for bank profits.

"Ukrainian leaders have rejected suggestions that their country should imitate the Russian war economy, arguing that more than half of its economic output is generated in the service sector and that much of its industrial base was dismantled after the breakup of the Soviet Union and destroyed even more since the war,” writes the Financial Times , which does not dwell on how Kiev has deliberately destroyed its industrial base. The formally independent Ukraine dropped the powerful military industry inherited from Soviet Ukraine, convinced that capitalist transformation should direct the economy towards the post-industrial West. Furthermore, the weapons, ships or battle tanks that that industry was capable of producing did not manufacture the NATO weapons that the new Ukrainian elite aspired to have. On the other hand, the country's large civil industrial base, located in the east and south and with Donbass as one of its main centers, had its priority market in Russia and not in the European Union. The article also forgets two other important details: part of that industry was left on the other side of the front ten years ago, as were the energy resources necessary for industrial production.

Western dependence on the Ukrainian economy is not only a consequence of the destruction of the war, but has been a deliberate process designed precisely to achieve that objective that is now justified with arguments without the slightest coherence. «If we recruit everyone to work in military production, who is going to pay for the orders for projectiles and weapons? “Someone has to pay taxes,” says Pidlasa, as quoted by the Financial Times . The President of the Parliamentary Budget Committee seems not to be aware that maintaining employment is the basis of the economic support of the State. In reality, the argument is understandable from the point of view of the economic ideology of Zelensky's environment, which seeks an economy of services in which the State has minimal weight and which leaves a large part of the needs of society in the hands of the market. Of course, without forgetting the subsidies from its foreign allies, States without which Ukraine could not maintain its army or its economy.

kyiv is eagerly awaiting approval of the $60 billion that the United States wants to use in military assistance. However, with the electoral factor very present this year, the news coming from Washington is not completely satisfactory for kyiv. “Among the proposals being considered is treating some non-military aid as a type of loan, according to House Foreign Affairs Chairman Mike McCaul, R-Texas, who is participating in the talks, and the South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. Russian assets seized by the U.S. government through sanctions could also be used as collateral for loans to Ukrainians, McCaul said, adding that the plan could also have a generous repayment system to help Ukraine . last weekend. Among those senators who propose that non-military assistance be in the form of a credit, not a subsidy, are staunch supporters of the Ukrainian cause such as Lindsey Graham.

War, the raison d'être of the State, is not in danger, since it is to the military sector that Ukraine allocates its own income entirely. The absence or reduction of US assistance would undermine the Ukrainian offensive effort and make the defensive effort difficult, an aspect for which the countries of the European Union are mobilizing in order to compensate for these losses. kyiv, Brussels and their non-US allies will have to bear the added cost of infighting between US parties. The war must continue and there is no room for “the brave word” which is to negotiate, as the Pope demanded last weekend in a comment that has so bothered the Zelensky Government. Even if it is at the expense of the population, whose well-being is only secondary. ... el-estado/

Google Translator


The German-American Strategic Depth Clown Show

Pepe Escobar

March 15, 2024

The saga of Bundeswehr officers plotting to blow up the Kerch bridge with Taurus missiles and getting away with it is a gift that keeps on giving.

The Four Stooges saga of Bundeswehr officers plotting to blow up the Kerch bridge in Crimea with Taurus missiles and getting away with it is a gift that keeps on giving.

President Putin, in his comprehensive interview to Dmitry Kiselev for Russia 1/RIA Novosti, did not fail to address it:

“They are fantasizing, encouraging themselves, first of all. Secondly, they are trying to intimidate us. As for the Federal Republic of Germany, there are constitutional problems there. They correctly say: if these Taurus hit that part of the Crimean Bridge, which, of course, even according to their concepts, is Russian territory, this is a violation of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany.”

Yet it gets curioser and curioser.

When the transcript of the Taurus leak was published by RT, everyone was able to hear Brigadier General Frank Gräfe – head of operations of the German Air Force – speaking with Lieutenant Colonel Fenske from the German Space Command Air Operations on the plan to deploy Taurus systems in Ukraine.

A key point is that during the plotting, these two mention that plans were already discussed “four months ago” with “Schneider”, the successor of “Wilsbach”.

Well, these are German names, of course. Thus it did not dawn on anyone that (Kevin) Schneider and (Kenneth) Wilsbach could instead be… Americans.

Yet that did raise the eyebrows of German investigative journalist Dirk Pohlmann – who I had the pleasure to meet in Berlin years ago – and his fellow researcher Tobias Augenbraun.

They found out that the German-sounding names did identify Americans. Not only that: none less than the former and the current Commanders of the U.S. Pacific Air Forces.

The Four (actually Six) Stooges element gets an extra boost when it is established that Liver Sausage Chancellor Scholz and his Totalenkrieg Minister Pistorius learned about the Taurus plan no less than four months later.

So here apparently we have a clear cut case of top German military officers taking direct orders regarding an attack on Crimea – part of the Russian Federation – directly from American officers in the Pacific Air Forces.

That in itself opens the dossier to a large spectrum ranging from national treason (against Germany) to casus belli (from the point of view of Russia).

Of course none of that is being discussed on German mainstream media.

After all, the only thing that seems to disturb Brigadier General Gräfe is that German media may start seriously prying on the Bundeswehr’s Multiple Stooges methods.

The only ones who actually did proper investigation were Pohlmann and Augenbaun.

It would be too much to expect from German media of the “Bild” type to analyze what would be the Russian response to the Multiple Stooge shenanigans against Crimea: a devastating retaliation against Berlin assets.

It’s so cold in Alaska

During the jolly Bundeswehr conversation yet another “plan” is mentioned:

“Nee, nee. Ich mein wegen der anderen Sache.” (“No, no. I mean the other matter.”) Then: “Ähm … meinst du Alaska jetzt?” (“Ahm, you mean Alaska now?”)

It all gest juicier when it is known that German Space Command Air Operations Centre officer Florstedt will meet none other than Schneider next Tuesday, March 19, in Alaska.

And Gräfe will also “have to go back to Alaska” to explain everything all over again to Schneider as he is “new” in the post.

So the question is: Why Alaska?

Enter American shadowplay on a lot of “activities” in Alaska – which happen to concern none other than China.

And there’s more: during the conversation still another “plan” (“Auftrag”, meaning “mission”) also surfaces, bearing a not clearly understandable code name sounding like “Kumalatra”.

What all of that tells us is that the Crash Test Dummy administration in the White House, the CIA and the Pentagon seem to betting, in desperation, on Total War in the black soil of Novorossiya.

And now they are sayin’ it out loud, with no shadow play, and coming directly from the head of the CIA, William Burns, who obviously sucks at secrecy.

This is what Burns told the members of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this week:

“I think without supplemental assistance in 2024, you’re going to see more Avdeevkas, and that – it seems to me – would be a massive and historic mistake for the United States.”

That spells out how much the Avdeevka trauma is impressed on the psyche of the U.S. intel apparatus.

Yet there’s more: “With supplemental assistance, Ukraine can hold its own on the front lines through 2024 and into early 2025. Ukraine can continue to exact costs against Russia, not only with deep penetration strikes in Crimea, but also against Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.”

Here we go: Crimea all over again.

Burns actually believes that the humongous $60 billion new “aid” package which must be approved by the U.S. Congress will enable Kiev to launch an “offensive” by the end of 2024.

The only thing he gets right is that if there’s no new package, there will be “significant territorial losses for Ukraine this year.”

Burns may not be the brightest bulb in the – intel – room. A long time ago he was a diplomat/CIA asset in Moscow, and seems to have learned nothing.

Apart from letting cats and kitties galore out of the bag. It’s not only about attacking Crimea. This one is being read with surpreme delight in Beijing:

“The U.S. is providing assistance to Ukraine in part because such activities help curb China.”

Burns nailed his Cat Out of the Bag Oscar win when he said “if we’re seen to be walking away from support for Ukraine, not only is that going to feed doubts amongst our allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific; it’s going to stoke the ambitions of the Chinese leadership in contingencies ranging from Taiwan to the South China Sea”.

The inestimable Andrei Martyanov perfectly summed up the astonishing incompetence, peppered with tawdry exceptionalism, that permeates this performance by Burns.

There are things “they cannot grasp due to low level of education and culture. This is a new paradigm for them – all of them are ‘graduates’ of the school of ‘beating the crap from defenseless nations’ strategic ‘studies’, and with the level of economic ‘science’ in the West they cannot grasp how this all unfolds.”

So what is left is panic, as expressed by Burns in the Senate, mixed with the impotence in understanding a “different warrior culture” such as Russia’s: “They simply have no reference points.”

And still they choose war, as masterfully analyzed by Rostislav Ishchenko.

Even as the acronym fest of the CIA and 17 other U.S. intel agencies have concluded, in a report shown to Congress earlier this week, that Russia is “almost certainly” seeking to avoid a direct military conflict with NATO and will calibrate its policies to steer clear of a global war.

After all the Empire of Chaos is all about Forever Wars. And we are all in the middle of a do or die affair. The Empire simply cannot afford the cosmic humiliation of NATO in Novorossiya.

Still every “plan” – Taurus on Crimea-style – is a bluff. Russia is aware of bluff after bluff. The Western cards are now all on the table. The only question is when, and how fast will Russia call the bluff. ... lown-show/


Ukraine’s Latest Raid Against Russia’s Belgorod Region Is Driven By Purely Political Motives


MAR 16, 2024

It represents a so-called “middle ground” between the scenarios of extreme escalation and extreme de-escalation that are nowadays being discussed.

The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that Ukraine’s latest cross-border terrorist raid against Belgorod Region, the alleged footage of which was actually filmed inside Ukraine despite being passed off by some of its fighters as Russia, was a complete failure. President Putin had already assessed earlier that this was driven by purely political motives related to influencing this weekend’s elections, boosting Kiev’s morale, and improving their negotiation prospects during any forthcoming peace talks.

Just like Ukraine’s first cross-border terrorist raid last May was “copium” after losing Artyomovsk, this latest one is delayed “copium” after losing Avdeevka. Each was aimed at advancing similar political goals, albeit the first didn’t have any direct connection to the elections but can be seen in hindsight as lending credence to the late Prigozhin’s failed coup attempt one month later. In that sense, its intended political importance was even greater than this latest one, but both obviously ended up failing.

Another interesting point about last week’s unsuccessful cross-border terrorist raid is that it represents a so-called “middle ground” between extreme escalation and extreme de-escalation. The first refers to a conventional NATO intervention in Ukraine’s support, which could likely include Poland’s participation if it happens, while the second concerns Pope Francis’ appeal to Zelensky to resume peace talks pronto. Neither are acceptable for Kiev at this point in time at least and that’s why it sought a “middle ground”.

The problem is that this approach isn’t just unsuccessful, but it’s also unsustainable since it has nothing to do with reshaping the military-strategic dynamics that continue trending against Ukraine. If Russia achieves a breakthrough across the Line of Contact, then Kiev will be compelled to resort to either of the aforementioned extreme scenarios, be it escalation through a conventional NATO intervention or de-escalation through the resumption of peace talks pronto (and on Moscow’s terms).

It would therefore be better for Kiev to proverbially cut to the chase in implementing either of those options right away in order to bring the conflict to its inevitable end game, but this isn’t being done since its leadership is still holding out hope of indefinitely delaying that for self-serving political reasons. Zelensky and his ilk fear that these scenarios could discredit them in different ways whereas maintaining the seemingly untenable state of affairs as long as possible can preserve their power for the time being.

Resorting to either option would mean that their side lost, thus paving the way for Zaluzhny or whoever else to replace Zelensky whenever martial law is lifted and the next national elections are held, provided that they’re free and fair of course (which can’t be taken for granted). Since the incumbent isn’t yet comfortable with his political fate, he wants to hold off on setting those events into motion as long as he can, ergo why he ordered these suicidal cross-border terrorist raids for purely political reasons. ... st-russias


Sweden Closing Nordsteam Investigation a Shocking Coverup
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 17, 2024

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal interviews Swedish engineer Erik Andersson, who led the first independent investigation to the site of the Nordstream pipelines blast sites, on the Swedish government’s sudden closing of the investigation into the terror attack on the eve of joining NATO.

Andersson also addresses US meddling in Swedish politics, and the potential consequences of Stockholm surrendering its traditional neutrality to the anti-Russian alliance. ... g-coverup/

Ukraine’s Armed Forces Are Degrading While its Economic Elite Grow Richer
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 17, 2024
Dmitri Kovalevich

Russian Forces Take Control of Mirnoye Village in Zaporozhye Region

March 2024 marks the beginning of the third year of war provoked by the member countries of the NATO military alliance and their Ukraine proxy against Russia. The past number of months have seen a slow and steady retreat by Ukraine’s armed forces. Its defense lines supposedly established along the front lines east and south of the Dnieper River in past months were either not adequately constructed or were not built at all.

Missing and stolen defense fortifications

People’s deputy in the Ukraine legislature Serhiy Rakhmanin wrote on March 6 that Ukrainian authorities cannot decide who should finance the construction of defensive fortifications: the central government, local authorities, or specific military units? In reality, there are too few funding sources to pay for fortifications and too few support workers to build them.

People’s deputy Oleksandr Dubynskyy, a former associate of current president Volodymyr Zelensky, wrote on Telegram on March 5 that fortifications have only now begun to be built in front lie areas, citing the example of the Sumy region. The city of Sumy (pop. 275,000) is app. 200 km north and west of Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city. Kharkiv is located less than 50 km from the Russian border.

Dubynskyy writes that although Zelensky gave an order as early as February 1, 2023 to construct new fortification lines in the defense-contested eastern regions of coup Ukraine, that was more than one year ago and it was all a show. Everything was said and done on television in order to convince the Ukraine population and Western allies that the defensive works were being carried out. He writes, “During the past year, fortifications were being built only on the airwaves of the president’s daily ‘telethon’ broadcast [situation update]. Similarly, hundreds of enemy airplanes, thousands of enemy tanks and hundreds of thousands of enemy infantry were being destroyed. It is therefore entirely unclear how Russia could attack anywhere on the eastern front. If the enemy were watching the ‘telethon’, they would have abandoned their positions a long time ago and taken flight.”

Another deputy from Zelensky’s party, Maryana Bezuglaya, wrote last month in the self-described ‘anti-corruption’ media outlet Antikor that there were almost no fortifications constructed in and around the cities of Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Bakhmut and or Avdeevka recently lost to Russian forces by Ukraine. She notes wryly that such fortification did exist there, but only on paper. “The generals did not plan or control events, although, of course, the official reports say otherwise.”

According to Bezuglaya, if any fortifications were built, it was for the purpose of pleasing superiors, not particularly for military needs. She writes that in the city of Bakhmut, taken by Russian forces in May 2023, pillboxes were placed at “the western entrance to the city, so that the bosses could see them.” But, as she explained, the Russians forces that eventually recaptured the city did so from the east.

‘Fortification projects’ cited by military and political officials in Ukraine have often seen their funding disappear into private hands.

How to squeeze more money out of Ukrainians for war

The head of the legislature (‘Rada’) committee on finance, tax and customs policy, Danylo Hetmantsev, announced in early March that Ukraine plans to introduce an additional military tax (levy) on entrepreneurs. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine says it needs some 44 billion hryvnias (US$1.5 billion) of additional revenues to patch a large hole in their budget.

Ukrainian economist Oleksiy Kushch writes that additional funds could be found by introducing a tax on the owners of large tracts of land and special taxes on luxury items such as yachts and mansions. According to him, additional royalties on mining are also possible, primarily on the mining of iron ore. In his opinion, it would be possible to collect some 100 billion hryvnias from such sources; in other words, twice what financial officials in the Ukraine government say they are seeking. But the Ukrainian elite will never go for this.

The economist summarizes, “My gut reaction tells me that government officials will instead create additional taxes on everyone, for example, a special levy on salaries in the amount of five percent. This was already done in 2015 when they introduced a military levy of 1.5 percent on everyone instead of taxing the economic gains of the elites who rode the wave of the Maidan protests.”

In Kusch’s opinion, additional fees and taxes by the Ukraine government will only strengthen the trend seeing more and more Ukrainians withdraw from the country’s official economy into its shadow economy. Real revenues for the government budget are unlikely to increase significantly. He jokes, “It’s like trying to shear a pig; there is a lot of squealing that goes on, but not a lot of wool is produced.”

Danylo Hetmantsev stated in February that more than half of the Ukrainian economy operates in the shadows.

Ironically, five years ago, Zelesnky and his ‘Servant of the People’ political machine presented themselves to the Ukraine electorate as being libertarians, supporting tax cuts or even tax abolition. But once the state apparatus was in their hands, their tune changed.

The plight of the internally displaced

At the request of Western creditors, beginning in March, the Ukrainian state will continue to reduce already meager, monthly benefits paid to internally displaced persons (IDPs). Benefit payments are currently set at US$26 equivalent per month.

Earlier, the minister of social policy claimed that the reduction of social benefits was necessary to ‘motivate’ recipients to look for work.

A report on the Ukrainian Telegram channel ZeRada explains, “It’s a strange policy, of course, to deprive benefit payments to IDPs as a means to incentivize them to find employment when, at the same time, no new jobs are being created and the authorities themselves are causing an increase in the flow of refugees from Ukraine to other countries.”

ZeRada, which is published by several writers in Ukraine, explains there are some 4.9 million internally displaced people in Ukraine but only some 2.5 million receive benefits.

Military conscription woes

Ukrainian officials are urgently seeking funds to strengthen the country’s military conscription program. Economist Oleh Pendzin claims that an additional UAH 0.5 trillion (US$131 billion) is needed to run the conscription program. “The issue is that we don’t have the funds for the additional conscription being talked about. Much more money is needed to reach the stated goal of an additional 450,000 personnel.”

He writes further, “The prime minister says his government is preparing a bill providing for employers to pay a retainment tax (‘reservation fee’) to retain employees who would otherwise be taken by conscription. This would apply to all tax-paying enterprises. The president is supporting this, and so the question is not ‘if’ but ‘when’. Any outstanding questions concern the amounts to be paid and the conditions,” says Pendzin.

However, the problem with any plans to increase military conscription is the diminishing number of people who are willing or available to serve in the armed forces. Ukraine soldiers are already claiming that people who are visibly ill are being drafted into the army.

In early March, Ukrainian journalist and serviceman Stanislav Aseyev frankly described to the U.S.-funded Radio Sovoboda (Radio Liberty’) the growing problems in the AFU training centers that he witnessed in two Ukraine military units in the Donetsk region. He wrote that new recruits have included “epileptics, ex-prisoners, deserters, and a lot of random people with no relation to any particular brigade, waiting to be assigned”. He gave an account of a homeless man who had been conscripted. “At the enlistment office, they offered him a ‘winter in warmth’, gave him a bath and some clothing bought in a second-hand shop, and delivered him to our camp in the forest. But they forgot to wash his legs, which were oozing with sores. The man was taken to hospital after his arrival and then returned the next day ‘fully fit’ for duty.

Aseyev claims he saw no motivated servicemen in the units he witnessed. In combat conditions, personnel scatter, arms, and equipment is abandoned, including that supplied by the West. He said he received the impression that most of the people being conscripted are from “the hinterlands of different regions, not the urban centers there”. He also said the ‘elite’ units he witnessed were those known to expound neo-Nazi ideology, such as the ‘Azov’ and ‘Carpathian Sich’ brigades.

A sharp rise in luxury cars as a sign of elite enrichment

The flow of Western aid may not be helping soldiers in the trenches very much, but the smuggling and illegal sale of military supplies have enriched many times over the Ukrainian elites close to Zelensky. The Strana media outlet in Ukraine recently reported that the year 2023 saw record sales of luxury foreign cars in Ukraine. Some luxury brands entered the ‘top 10’ of best-selling cars. This had never happened in peacetime Ukraine. Sales of Tesla electric vehicles have increased tenfold compared to 2021.

Strana notes that at the Ukrainian-Polish border, the sight of truckloads of Mercedes and BMWs lined up to enter Ukraine frankly surprises the Poles who are watching. They wonder aloud who can buy such expensive vehicles in a country at war. Strana asked the same question in its report and found several explanations. The main explanation, it writes, is the “emergence of a new category of applicants to buy luxury cars,” namely, “people whose well-being has increased significantly since the beginning of the war”.

The publication cites a man who drove a modest Volkswagen prior to the war. “Then he got into the flow of new money appearing and decided to upgrade his car. He bought a Range Rover, many of which are newly appearing on Ukraine roads.”

“According to the employees of one car dealership in Kiev, expensive cars are mainly being bought by law enforcement officers. In addition, the country has a number of people newly enriched by the war. That includes people profiting from corrupt schemes to supply the army. One luxury watch dealer explained that his sales during the past year broke all-time records.”

A new but ‘wrong’ Maidan protest movement

To keep the flow of Western aid flowing, it is important for the Ukrainian elite to hold on to power. In late February, the Intelligence Committee of the Office of the President issued a statement warning about plans for a new ‘Maidan’ uprising, this one to question Zelensky’s electoral legitimacy. His five-year term limit expires at the end of March and scheduled elections to coincide with the end of the term have been canceled.

Zelensky’s office is now warning that protests and an uprising are being prepared by the ‘Russians’ to take place in March-May 2024. Its Intelligence Committee alleges in its statement that the main directions and goals of the ‘Russians’ in their planned campaign is “disrupting Ukrainian mobilization, spreading disinformation about Ukraine’s ability to win a military victory, and creating and spreading fake news about ‘Ukraine fatigue’ among our partners and allies in the world.”

It is ironic that a warning of “fake news of Ukraine fatigue” being spread among Ukraine’s Western partners should be issued. The ‘partners’ can surely see matters with their own eyes and require no reminder.

The Intelligence Committee report is reviving a story concocted by Zelensky’s predecessor Petro Poroshenko in 2016. That was termed by Poroshenko et al as the ‘Shatin Plan‘. This public relations exercise some eight years ago was an attempt by Poroshenko to discredit his then-political rivals, including a rumored candidacy by Zelensky.

Any real political opposition in Ukraine has been completely suppressed and silenced first by Poroshenko, then followed by Zelensky. This leaves on the formal, political terrain little more than a competition between two competing cliques as led by Zelensky and Poroshenko. The Poroshenko clique presents itself as ‘the opposition’ in Ukraine. The latest warnings over ‘Russian disruption tactics’ are in large part a move by the Zelensky regime to block a return to the presidency by Poroshenko.

No surveys of the real attitudes of Ukrainians are available. Those surveys that have been published cannot be trusted at all because few people will tell pollsters they truly think, fearing arrest or rushed conscription. Several surveys by sociologists, for what they are worth, have shown that most Ukrainians ‘trust’ Zelensky, consider the country to be moving in the right direction, and believe that Russia will be defeated.

Ukrainian political scientist Mykhailo Chaplyga writes in Telegram that the Intelligence Committee’s statement shows weakness and fear in the Office of the President. “Firstly, such statements are inherently useless. Secondly, they only increase suspicion; this latest statement stems from weakness and fear. The foreign press will ignore it because it sounds like something produced by a kindergarten class. Opposition politicians will clearly see it as a sign of panic and weakness. ”

The ‘Legitimate‘ Telegram channel in Ukraine writes, “The declared ‘crisis’ over accusations that the Kremlin is preparing ‘Maidan’ style protests is a blatant hatchet job by functionaries from the Office of the President. Another Maidan, like the past one, could only be organized only by Western clientele. The messaging by the Office of the President is an attempt to stigmatize all protests in advance in order to disperse them more easily.”

Notable, here, is that Ukrainian authorities recently celebrated the tenth anniversary of the Maidan coup, which brought the current anti-Russia and pro-Western elite to power. But any new Maidan, any new wave of protests, is perceived as something terrible and is declared in advance to be ‘pro-Russian’. This is part of the vast effort to prolong and perpetuate the widespread corruption and profiting taking place from the war, all thanks to the Western aid that is fueling it. ... ow-richer/


The conversation with collaborators will be short
March 18, 13:36


Putin, in a night speech, said that up to 800 people were killed on the border during attempts to disrupt the elections, including a large number of collaborators. The order was given to treat any collaborators always as if they were armed. If desired, it can be interpreted as and as good for the destruction of this public in any form, with or without weapons. We obviously won’t see many prisoners from this chase.

(Videos at link.)

New NATO base in Romania
March 18, 12:11


The largest NATO base in Europe is being built in Romania.

The $2.5 billion facility is located in the middle of a mountain plateau and will become the center for the command and control of NATO forces in southeastern Europe and a serious springboard for the alliance in the Black Sea region.

The new base is almost 20% larger than Ramstein Air Base, Europe's largest, located in Germany.

@belarusian_silovik - zinc

10 years of coming home
March 18, 9:00


10 years ago we returned home.
It was a good day, one of the best and most memorable in many ways. The day when a dream came true.

Congratulations to everyone on this wonderful holiday.

Google Translator

(Boris is a native of Crimea and hardly disinterested... Look at those people, are they pining to return to the control of Kiev? Other videos at link. Hopefully Kharkov and Odessa can enjoy similar festivities soon too.)
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:22 pm

Signs of the march of war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/19/2024


Time passes and Ukrainian complaints accumulate. Always demanding, kyiv remains upset by the amount of assistance received, the times in which its allies have delivered the material, the way in which the option of diplomacy appears periodically in the major Western media, the limited damage of the sanctions against Russia or even for failing to destabilize the Russian political situation. “More than two years into their wartime alliance, the bond between the United States and Ukraine is showing signs of fraying, giving way to mutual frustration and a sense that the relationship may be somewhat stagnant,” The New York Times recently stated . American strategists believe that “Ukraine must concentrate its forces in one big fight at a time. Instead, President Volodymyr Zelensky, who has promised to expel Russia from every inch of Ukraine, spends his forces in battles for cities that, according to American officials, lack strategic value,” the American media explained. The examples are numerous and it is perfectly known that Washington did not consider it right to fight, as Zelesnky and Syrsky wanted to do until the end, for the city of Artyomovsk. The article also mentions the battle for Avdeevka, where the withdrawal occurred when defeat was already evident and Ukraine had wasted human and material resources against a flagrantly superior force.

Although it has not received any criticism, Ukraine's performance during the last week in Belgorod can also be considered an unnecessary fight. Groups at the service of Ukrainian military intelligence, Kirilo Budanov's GUR, which has shown its anger for not having achieved the objective of destabilizing the internal situation in Russia in the election week, have attacked villages near the Russian-Ukrainian border for days and the regional capital. In addition to the casualties suffered by the RDK, a group formed by soldiers of Russian origin and in which fascist ideologies are preeminent, Russia has reported eleven fatalities and more than 80 injured people, all of them among the civilian population.

Trying to stage a success from what has simply been a failed attempt to disrupt the electoral process, the Freedom for Russia Legion, the Russian Volunteer Corps and the Siberian Battalion claimed yesterday in a statement to have wounded 800 Russian soldiers and captured another 27. The same militias have claimed in the last week to have captured two villages. To justify the first capture , Budanov's soldiers provided an image that was geolocated in Ukraine, not Russia. On the second occasion, the soldiers infiltrated Russia and took photos in a school where they had removed the Russian flag before returning to Ukrainian territory. And unlike Russia, which has provided images showing the casualties and losses of Ukrainian soldiers, neither the GUR nor its related groups have been able to show evidence of these large Russian casualties. The imaginary casualties serve to obtain headlines from international agencies, but they do not change reality. In addition to falling again into the mistake of fighting for places of no strategic importance that the United States blames, Ukraine did not even achieve a consolation prize. On Sunday, The Washington Post was surprised by the high participation of the population of Belgorod in the presidential elections, even despite the risk involved, and the massive support for Vladimir Putin. Despite the evidence that the Russian groups act under the direction of Ukrainian military intelligence, Kiev has tried to maintain a certain distance from the operations, hence no complaints are to be expected from the United States, which has always preferred to ignore, at least publicly, Ukrainian operations in Russia. The implausible strategic ambiguity rules despite the fact that it is the clearest example of wasting resources.

But complaints are currently circulating in all directions. Ukraine has not hidden its criticism of Germany, the second largest military supplier in absolute terms, for Chancellor Scholz's refusal to send Taurus missiles, and even the most unconditional of its allies is no longer free from the wrath of the Ukrainian authorities. “They have frequently complained that the Biden administration has been slow to approve advanced weapons systems that could cross Russia's perceived red lines, from fighter jets to long-range missiles,” explained The New York Times . However, the reproaches do not stop there. “What happens if the Americans, in addition to not sending defensive assistance to Ukraine, are sending offensive assistance to Russia?” asks The Atlantic in an article whose sources could not be more biased. The article is based entirely on Ukrainian military sources who, despite the obvious conflict of interest, are given credibility by the American journalist.

“A Ukrainian military source told me he believes Russia's long-range strikes, with cruise missiles that are among the most expensive weapons in its non-nuclear arsenal, are targeted using satellite images provided by American companies. According to him, the sequence is clear: a satellite takes images of a place and, days or weeks later, a missile lands. "Sometimes another satellite is sent to capture additional images later, perhaps to check the extent of the damage," writes the article, which goes on to describe a whole series of places where American commercial companies would have taken images and were subsequently attacked by Russian missiles.

The article, which admits that there is only circumstantial evidence at most, prefers to focus on the Ukrainian accusations and ignore any reason why Russia may not even need such assistance . Curiously, the media that for years have described the weapons delivered to Ukraine as defensive, define offensive assistance as a possible commercial acquisition. In any case, the media prefers to forget the deep knowledge that Russia has of Ukraine due to the common past of the two countries, a stage in which much of the Ukrainian military infrastructure was built. Nor are Russian capabilities and the availability of its own satellites relevant to The Atlantic , and not even the usual recourse to the enormous number of Russian spies supposedly infiltrated in the different sectors of the Ukrainian State deserve a mention. The Ukrainian accusation is sufficient evidence even against American companies. The article also does not make the business case to explain why a private company might sell its services to an opponent.

If these commercial transactions - which would undoubtedly have to be carried out through third parties - have happened, they must be a mistake. “The Ukrainian military officer acknowledged the possibility that the assignment was just from a citizen or benevolent group curious about obscure Ukrainian military assets and armor factories. And he said that he had no reason to believe that the companies themselves favored Russia in the war. “Both Planet and Maxar do a lot of business with the US government, and intentionally helping Russia would jeopardize contracts and invite regulation,” adds The Atlantic , opening the door for non-compliance with sanctions to reach companies as close as the who are currently helping Ukraine obtain virtually real-time images of Russian targets. “Industry experts insist that the companies have contacts with the United States government and would gain nothing by doing business with Russia under the table.” Contacts with the US administration, which outsources intelligence work in a form of privatization of the State and war, are too lucrative to assume a willingness to work in favor of Washington's number one enemy at this time. However, any Ukrainian reproach or accusation gets its media echo in what is nothing more than an attempt by kyiv to call into question the American ability to comply with its own sanctions, one more sign of a certain Ukrainian desperation over the progress of the war. ... la-guerra/

Google TRanslator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 18, 2024) The main thing:

The Russian troops have improved the situation at the front line of the Avdeevsky direction, seven attacks and counterattacks by assault groups of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been repelled;

— The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the South Donetsk direction per day amounted to over 130 military personnel;

— The Russian Armed Forces inflicted fire on the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Sinkovka area in the Kupyansk direction, enemy losses amounted to up to 60 military personnel;

— The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donetsk direction amounted to up to 380 military personnel, two armored vehicles and four cars;

— The Russian Armed Forces stopped attempts to infiltrate Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups in the area of ​​​​the village of Kozinka;

— The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 150 military and militants killed and wounded during an attempt to penetrate across the state border of the Russian Federation in the Kozinka area in one day;

— Russian air defense destroyed a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter in one day, shot down 143 Ukrainian Armed Forces drones, and 22 MLRS shells;

— The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces per day in the Avdeevka direction amounted to 295 military personnel, 2 armored vehicles, as well as a British FH-70 howitzer.

▫️In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, defeated the formations of the 128th Terrestrial Defense Brigade in the area of ​​the Shakhterskoye settlement and repelled the attack of the assault group of the 58th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the Urozhaynoye settlement of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost over 130 military personnel, a tank , two armored personnel carriers and four cars.

▫️ In the Kherson direction, as a result of the actions of units of the Dnepr group of forces, concentrations of manpower and equipment of the 128th mountain assault and 28th mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of the settlements of Stepnogorsk and Shcherbaki, Zaporozhye region, were hit by fire.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to over 55 military personnel, two vehicles, a D-20 howitzer and two Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mounts .

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery from groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation struck the site of a meeting of representatives of the command staff of the SBU and the Armed Forces of Ukraine , and also hit enemy personnel and military equipment in 137 districts.

Air defense equipment destroyed the Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force, and also shot down : 143 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, 22 rockets from the Vampire and Grad multiple launch rocket systems , three Hurricane rockets and a HIMARS rocket .

▫️ In total , since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 577 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 15,992 unmanned aerial vehicles, 486 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,521 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,243 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,440 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 19910 units of special military vehicles. (.....)

Google Translator


Events in Ukraine: March 1-14. Parliamentary crisis, Rada is sent to the trenches
Zelensky cancels parliament for two weeks, the anti-Zelensky coalition strengthens, public opinion increasingly calls for peace, polls show Zaluzhny easy winner of elections
MAR 18, 2024

Welcome to my subscribers to another instalments of events in Ukraine. The idea is to release these news bulletins twice a month. I do it by trawling through all the news on, a Ukrainian media site which is probably sponsored by old members of the Yanukovych elite like Sergei Lyovochkin, crafty old grey foxes that have managed to outlast maidan and stay in Ukraine. Strana is critical of Ukraine’s pro-NATO nationalist course, but is also sufficiently critical of Russia for some of its journalists to remain in Ukraine and practice their craft, despite the site being blocked in Ukraine since 2021.

I was also planning to pepper this month’s instalment with some news from Ukrainian Truth, the main western-funded media group which is also quite interesting and critical of Zelensky, but to tell the truth, I didn’t find the time. Going through 350 pages of the strana news events that I selected took enough time. In any case, I am looking forward to publish an article later this week about the Zelensky government’s conflict with Ukrainian Truth and its fellow US-embassy funded anti-corruption warrior friends.

Now, onto the events of the first month of March. Last time I didn’t have many dates, so this time I’m organizing it by dates in a brisker style.

Parliamentary crisis and the ides of May
This section is about the parliamentary crisis which has been brewing regarding the end of Zelensky’s constitutional 5-year term on the 20th of May. I wrote about it in my last instalment of events in Ukraine. This narrative is being pushed by a wide range of oppositional politicians, many of whom are associated with Petro Poroshenko, but not only.

15 February

According to polls by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, public belief in Zelensky fell by 5% after replacing Zaluzhny with Syrsky. Before February 24 2022, it stood at 37%. Following the Russian intervention in February 2022, it rose to 90%. By December 2023, it had fallen to 77%. At the start of February 2024, it stood at 65%. Now it is 60%. Zaluzhny is trusted by the most Ukrainians - 94%. Kyrylo Budanov, flamboyant spymaster, has 66%. 40% trust in Syrsky and another 21% lack faith in him.

February 29

Petro Poroshenko officially whined to Oliver Varhelyi, EU commissar on European Expansion about how he and other opposition politicians are are not being allowed out of the country. The former presidents claimed the rights of opposition are being trampled on in Ukraine. Varhelyi approvingly tweeted about it.

1 March

Zelensky begins the process of choosing judges of the Constitutional Court. Only the Constitutional Court can give a real answer about Zelensky’s legitimacy after May 20, but the problem is that many of the judges were chosen under Poroshenko. Zelensky has already had many highly dramatic conflicts with the Constitutional Court, which were covered widely in the western press.

4 March

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal wants to reduce the number of ministers by a quarter. On 19 December 2023 Strana came out with an article about how Zelensky doesn’t want to close the parliament or conduct elections, but would rather reduce the size of the government. This was based on an answer he gave during a press-conference to Ukrainian Truth to (recently arrested in Poland) journalist Mykhalo Tkach. In the same press-conference, when asked by a ‘Weekly Mirror’ journalist about the struggle with political corruption, he ended up arguing for 10 minutes, during which he also stated his desire to ‘reduce the size of the government’. On February 19, Strana also came out with an article about rumors that Andrii Yermak, much-reviled grey cardinal and trusted head of the presidential administration, could be made Prime Minister to exit the parliamentary crisis.

Strana reports that Servant of the People (SotP) deputies want to lay down their parliamentary mandates, but are being blocked by the party leadership. On 26 January David Arakhamiya, head of the party, was complaining about this problem. On 11 December 2023 Arakhamiya also complained about this on TV. There are currently 400 People’s Deputies left in the Rada. On December 8, Maxym Efimov from (Igor Kolomoisky-financed) party ‘Rebirth of Ukraine’, and the non-affiliated deputies Dmitro Spenov and Vitaly Danylov from ‘Fatherland’ laid down their parliamentary mandates.

On 27 January, Arakhamiya said that 17 deputies wanted to lay down their mandates. He claimed that the situation is the same in other parties and that the situation is worse than before the war. On 4 March, Strana’s informant in the SP says 20 deputies want to abandon their posts. He claims that there are more and more, but they aren’t allowed. According to the informant, the situation is worse than January 2022. Quote: ‘there is some kind of constant chaos in our fraction, everyone does what he wants, says what he thinks, and the leadership has totally forgotten about it all, they don’t find our opinion on any question interesting. They just ask us to press the green button and that’s it. Everyone’s damn tired of it. We don’t know what the plans of the leadership are regarding the current situation in the nation and on the front. The current feeling is one of turmoil and hopelessness. They don’t let us leave, so we all have a suitcase mood.’

Ex-people’s deputy Valery Karpunov in conversation with ex-people’s deputy Ihor Mosiychuk stated that the 103rd clause of the Ukrainian constitution forbids a term longer than 5 years.

Karpunov: ‘Otherwise any president can created conditions that allow him not to conduct elections and rule for 5-7-10 years, referring to the 108th [law of Ukraine’s general legislation. This defines presidential powers as being preserved until the appearance of a new state leader, which pro-Zelensky forces refer to in order to justify his post-May legitimacy]. Where is the common sense?’

Karpunov says that Zelensky should just name his own prime minister to become state leader through the rada, which wouldn’t be hard given how he controls parliamentarians. There were rumours about yermak becoming PM and taking control of the state with Zelenskys permission in February.

5 March

Kiev mayor Klitschko says in interview to Italian newspaper La Repubblica that ‘Zelensky should have explained the reason behind his decision, which shocked every Ukrainian… many people felt confusion and desperation… Expelling general Zaluzhny was a very serious mistake. Now we need a government of national unity, to regroup…. Not a single peace plan will work unless the frontline holds. We can realize that only if we will be strong, and the Russians will respect that.’

I would add that there has long been speculation that the Klitschko brothers, light-headed heavyweights of Ukrainian politics, plan to make up their differences with Petro Poroshenko (despite unity during the 2014 Euromaidan, they started bickering soon after coming to power) in creating an anti-Zelensky coalition.

A survey is released claiming that Zaluzhny would win presidential elections. According to the poll, he would win in the second round with 67.5% against Zelenskys 32.5%

Meetings of the Parliament cancelled, Arakhamiya states that deputies have been sent to the front ‘for a very important mission upon which aid from our partners relies. When this task has been complete they [the Deputies] will return to work in the session hall’. There is speculation that they are being called upon to gather material for ‘a complex report for the US senate’ regarding the situation on the frontline, defense constructions, and other topics. The opposition claims that the move is a way to get rid of obstacles in the path of the president’s will.

People’s Deputy from Poroshenko’s European Solidarity party, Oleksiy Goncharenko, claims that this remarkable event has taken place because Zelensky wasn’t getting enough votes for laws he wanted to push through.

Strana argues that People’s Deputies both within Zelensky’s party and outside, frustrated with Zelensky and his rule for various reasons (the former because of how little he consults with them regarding controversial laws, the latter for his repression of oppositional political activity, for instance his putative ban on Poroshenko from leaving the country), have been conducting an ‘Italian strike’ by refusing to vote.

Furthermore, by rattling off an ever-increasing amount of proposed modifications to the crucial mobilization law (it is now over 4000), the government is in deadlock, unable to push through needed legislation. According to Goncharenko, ‘not only our party, but a whole set of parliamentary fractions have decided to put every single proposed modification to a vote. And at this point, the leadership of the parliament decided to simply cancel it all’. This deadlock angers both soldiers, who demand a solution to the manpower problem, and civilians, who oppose the law whether it is proposed or implemented.

According to a strana informant inside the Servant of the People, the Poroshenko opposition has demonstrated that it can slow down the legislating process to a halt. Furthermore, the Poroshenkites are supported by the influential Dmytro Razumkov, former speaker of the Parliament and ex-Servant.

Ukraine’s Central Election Commission announces that Zelensky is legitimate until the election of a new president, which can only take place after martial law ends.

However, it should be noted that only Ukraine’s electoral codex forbids the conduction of elections in wartime, not the constitution. However, the constitution does speak of a maximum 5-year presidential term. This is the opposition’s argument.

7 March

Zelensky announced that General Zaluzhny has been appointed Ukraine’s ambassador to the UK.

Poroshenko and co are angry about Zaluzhny being sent to Sunny Albion. People’s Deputy Volodymyr Ariev of Poroshenko’s party European Solidarity (ES) calls it ‘political competition’.

There is also plenty of confusion about the procedure. Zaluzhny was named ambassador without prior British agreement, which should be the usual diplomatic procedure.

Ex-deputy head of the Central Election Commission, Andriy Magera, criticized this break from procedure. Some experts like Ruslan Bortnyk say that Zaluzhny’s new job is probably good for his political future. This is because it renders impossible Zaluzhny’s likely fate where he to stay in Ukraine - Zelensky would try accuse him of corruption charges. Kost’ Bondarenko compared it to the island exile of Napoleon - both were popular among the troops.

It shouldn’t be forgotten that this happened only several days after the polls came out showing Zaluzhny would win an election against Zelensky.

11 March

The Rada has been cancelled for another week. Servant of the People still doesn’t have enough votes to carry through its laws.

Yaroslav Zheleznyak, people’s deputy from the pro-western ‘Voice/Holos’ party, posts about this new development on his telegram: ‘Honestly, it is hard to surprise me with anything from the [Servant of the People] coalition after 4.5 years working in the Rada. But today it happened - with the new plans to cancel yet another plenary week.’

Poroshenko’s deputies from European Solidarity seem to have gotten used to life at the frontline, and a photo of them posing in helmets went viral on Ukrainian social media. Though, it must be said, perhaps not with the unironic approval its authors intended


14 March

Goncharenko calls the situation a ‘deep parliamentary crisis’. Notes that the March 14 Rada session was the first in three weeks, only lasting for two hours, including a suspicious air alert. The only vote taken was regarding non-recognition of the Russian elections, hardly a big step forward.

Public opinion on peace and war
Fiery discussion around matters of language and ethnicity continue as usual in Ukrainian society. Khrystyna Soloviy made headlines when she stated in early March that Russian-speakers have blood on their hands. By March 7, she corrected that by clarifying she only meant Russian-speakers in the media, not all Russian-speakers.

(Paywall) ... liamentary



Getting the NATO-Russia Ukrainian War Dead Wrong
March 17, 2024

Propaganda and outright disinformation continue to masquerade as 'Russia analysis' across the West and Ukraine. This is proving fatal for Western policy and the survival of the Ukrainian state. For example, in summer 2023 Michael McFaul tweeted “Ukraine is winning.” Now: “Russia is not 'winning' in Ukraine. In the last year, Putin has sent to be slaughtered tens of thousands of Russian soldiers and tons of equipment all to take 2 villages. Ukraine is enduring losses too, but Russia is not achieving major victories” ( ). McFaul's claim that over the last year Russia has taken only “2 villages” is a bald-faced lie or the product of unbounded ignorance.

McFaul here is calling Bakhmut and Avdeevka 'villages'. These have been the loci of Russia's two most important offensive victories over that last year; its most important defensive victory was the defeat of Ukraine's summer 2023 counteroffensive—an endeavor doomed from the start precisely because of the inaccuracies and falsehoods being purveyed as military, political, and economic strategic analysis in the West. Bakhmut, for example, had a pre-war population of 76,000, and the latter - 32,000. These population sizes are not those of villages but of small towns, as any third-grader would know. Moreover, Bakhmut was an important transport hub, in particular for moving troops between north and south Donbass and eastern Ukraine, and Avdeevka was the most powerful Ukrainian stronghold in Donbass and eastern Ukraine, reinforced for over eight years since the Donbass civil war began. It was a key center for ultranationalist and neofascist Ukrainian units, which routinely fired on civilian centers in pro-Russian Donetsk. Its fall opens the way for a Russian march to the Dnepr River over the next year or so. Villages never have such strategic significance.

still, since the end of Ukraine's defeated summer 2023 counteroffensive, Russia has taken more than ten villages in the Donetsk sector alone. In the week before McFaul's tweet alone, Russia took three villages in whole (Lastochkino, Severnoe, and Petrovskoe) and several more partially, including what is really a small town, Orlovka. Since then more villages have fallen west of Bakhmut and Avdeevka.

With political scientists and national security advisors like this, who needs idiots? This scale of distortion is what McFaul would call 'misinformation', disinformation' and 'lies' if Putin or any Russian and American who disagreed with him engaged in it. Indeed, McFaul has been deeply involved in US government/academia efforts to expose pro-Russian misinformation, much of which is not misinformation but facts of the kind I have presented herein—facts that are inconvenient for the US government's effort to counter Putin's 'unprovoked , brutal' war 'against Ukraine.' McFaul's tweet sought to buttress Americans' declining support for the NATO-Russia Ukrainian War, even as Ukrainians' support for its continuation falls, and is now supported by a minority of Ukrainians ( za-i-protiv-prodolzhenija-vojny-razdelilis-v-ukraine-prakticheski-porovnu.html ).

Similar to McFaul's faulty effort, two somewhat more objective observers recently commented on the supposed lack of Russian progress in the war: “The absence of decisive battlefield outcomes over the past two years has made the alternative to a negotiated end (one side's absolute victory) seem like a fantasy” ( ... ar-ukraine ).

Even in economics the gap between Western 'knowledge' and Russian reality is cavernous. For example, in April 2022, the World Bank forecast that the Russian economy would shrink by 11.2% in 2022 ( ... -ukraine-s -by-45-says-world-bank-240981/?source=russia ). Reality was 2.5 percent contraction ( ... 023-02-08/ ). The Russian economy will “die by winter” 2022 because of the “catastrophic consequences” of the military mobilization, pro-Western Russian economist Vladislav Inozemtsev warned in autumn 2022 ( economy-die-by-winter-says-economist-vladislav-inozemtsev-putin-mobilization/ ). In the interim between then and now Russia bypassed Germany as the world's fifth most powerful economy by purchasing power parity. Beware of prognostications from those dubbed as 'top Russian economists' by Western magazines.

All these smaller distortions are a product of observers feeling the need to one extent or another to serve a particular master, upon whom their careers and pay checks depend: the US government, NATO, CIA, MI6, and so on. Hence the ubiquitous use of propaganda terms such as 'Putin's unprovoked, brutal war against Ukraine' and the vigilant omission of all the Western actions over three decades that provoked this war. No one in Western mainstream media will reveal in an overall sense that this war - what Putin calls a 'special military operation - is actually a war for and against NATO expansion. This is a NATO-Russia Ukrainian war—a war fought between Russia and NATO, each in part using proxies in the form of the Ukraine's breakaway regions, the Donetsk and Luhansk Peoples' Republics, in the case of the former and Ukraine in the case of NATO.

Failure and deception is ubiquitous across the Russia-observing community in the US and the West whether one is talking about media, academia, or think tank communities. Issues such as those mentioned above are not difficult to assess in a far more accurate way. Such 'analyses' and forecasts do not require undertaking the greater challenges of discerning what is in a politician's head at any particular time or the outcome of distant events. They require simply gathering facts (research) and then conducting objective analysis of them. Often the failures and falsehoods are a function of incomplete research, but more often than not these days they are a function of enormous biases and wishful thinking, which misdirect research and undermine objective analysis, or outright state-directed misinformation. Beware.

In this case we see people holding important positions of responsibility in forming public opinion intentionally misleading the American people. They do this in order to ensure that the American people continue to support NATO's war effort in Ukraine and rejections with Moscow regarding Ukraine and the future of European, Russian, and Eurasian security. This means continuation of a failing and inevitably failed war effort against Russia at the least and a potential still unmade decision to have NATO enter the war in full force. This, in turn, means supporting the continuation of the slaughter of the Ukrainians and Russians and possibly many others, should NATO enter the war. These are fools' errands, adding to previous ones — chief among them being NATO Expansion — that turned Russia against democracy and the West, gave rebirth to Russia's security provoked Russia's invasion of Ukraine US foreign policy and Western global policies, now running into a series of catastrophes, have too long been driven by an excessive number of ambitious, cynical fools in American government, academia, and media. This persists to our great peril. ... ead-wrong/


Ukraine Weekly Update
15th March 2024

MAR 15, 2024

Even reindeer are trying to vote in the elections!

Today, on the 15th March, voting in the Russian Presidential elections began in earnest and will continue until the 17th. Predictably, the level of Ukrainian terrorist attacks, including DRG incursions onto Russian territory in Kursk and Belgorod, have increased in a vain effort to disrupt the electoral proceedings at a very high cost. There is nothing major to report on the battlefronts but Ukrainian casualties and losses are roughly the same as previous weeks. There is growing acceptance among Western elites that the war is lost and a panic of sorts has afflicted some of them. They simply do not know what to do apart from letting off steam. They have made a huge gamble which didn’t come off and now they are facing the stark realisation that it was all for nothing. In the Middle East, the tragedy continues and a land war in Lebanon could be on the cards. A ceasefire in Gaza appears as far away as ever, unfortunately, as the genocide continues. In the US, Biden continues to blunder as his Trumpian opponent’s popularity increases. Commentators continue to speculate regarding the departure of Victoria Nuland and the mess she left behind in Ukraine, where some believe another coup is coming.

Ukraine Matters

I want a f….ing rest pal - OK!

A Kiev spokesman has told the Financial Times that 330,000 troops on the front lines desperately need a rest. But the mobilisation bill will not be passed until later this month, according to RT. Around 48% of candidates are unwilling to fight. When asked why they were reluctant to join the military, Ukrainians cited ‘concerns about the quality of equipment, inadequate training, the risk of death or disability, uncertainty over how long they would have to serve, and the fear of being assigned to a unit led by a poor commander’. Given the demise of the officer corps, this latter fear is well grounded. I have also seen reports of untrained troops entering the front lines.

You’re Not Listening - Pentagon Tells Z

It seems that the ‘we tried to help but you didn’t listen’ narrative is being aired as the Pentagon claims that Z will not listen to battlefield advice such as focusing on ‘one big fight at a time’, so the NYT is reporting - according to RT. Men and materiel have been wasted attempting to hold towns and villages with little or no strategic value and Ukrainian forces should have left Avdeevka much sooner. The Ukrainians are complaining about the lack of funding from the West and the delay in receiving war materiel.

We’ve Given You Enough!

Shame on you! Social media pundits are saying.

Social media pundits on Twitter have been ripping into Zelensky for continuing a war when he could have negotiated for peace back in March 2022. He is accused of having the blood of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers on his hands. His claims to be defending democracy have also been criticised since Z has cancelled elections. Russia is holding elections in which Russian citizens in the war zones will be voting - so why can’t that happen in Ukraine? And some are pointing to his deluded view that the Ukrainians can win.


Is that a growl?

Slavyangrad has reported some interesting facts about Zaluzhny’s dismissal. First, he has been declared unfit for military service and second, after six months in the UK he will lose eligibility for political office in Ukraine. Thus Z appears to have crippled his opponent both militarily and politically. One report suggests that Zaluzhny’s severance package amounted to $53 millions.

Zelensky v Zaluzhny (the Sequel)

Achilles dragging Hector’s body away after defeating him

Just when you thought the rivalry between the two had been sorted by Zaluzhny’s move to the UK - which may not have happened yet - a story emerges in Sputnik claiming that discontent is growing among elite Ukrainian units who want their former general back. These people are also discussing the removal of the once great Z. According to Slavyangrad, RIA Novosti is reporting that a group of discontented military people will be seeking support to attack the parliament building (Verkhovna Rada) in Kiev as part of a coup. The plotters, who were overheard, are hoping that the people will rally around those in uniforms.

We Won’t Listen to You - Kiev Tells Pope

He kissed the Ukraine flag in April 2022.

Pope Francis has called for negotiations on Ukraine and upset Z with the following statement: ‘The strongest one is the one who thinks about the people and has the courage to raise the white flag and start negotiations’. Dmitry Kuleba, Ukraine’s foreign minister, was scathing in his judgement of this, stating that Ukraine has its own flag and will not be raising other flags. The Pope’s call for peace has not been supported by many Western leaders - unsurprisingly.

Civilians on the Move


On March 9th, Slavyangrad reported that:

Due to the deterioration of the situation at the front, the civilian population of the Kharkov region began to be transported to the Poltava region, and Donetsk residents to the Dnepropetrovsk region.

The arrows at the bottom of the map show the latter movement while those at the top represent the former. This is a clear sign of where the Ukrainians believe the Russians are headed.

Ukrainian Ministries to be Axed

5 of the 19 ministries that form Ukraine’s administration are to be axed in order to save money. The ministries affected will likely be those relating to the ‘social sphere’ according to Sputnik. I have no further details at the moment.

Ukraine to Block Russian TV


$4 millions dollars has been set aside by Ukraine to block Russian TV, according to RT. Ukraine has also talked about banning Telegram channels (which would not suit me). German authorities have also caught the censorship virus by threatening to stop Russian journalists from entering the country by refusing to renew their visas. If that happens, Maria Zakharova said, German journalists will be expelled from Russia.


Zaporizhye Nuclear Power Plant Under Attack - Again


According to Pravda, the plant came under attack in which one bomb fell just five metres short of a fuel storage facility. The IAEA has stated that these attacks are unacceptable and yet they continue.

US Directly Involved in Ukraine


Anatoly Antonov, Russian ambassador to Washington, has accused the US of direct involvement in the Ukraine conflict. According to Antonov:

The situation has reached a point where some high-ranking [US] officials are saying: we need to help Ukrainians ‘strike deep in Crimea.’ In other words, the direct involvement of the United States in the conflict has been officially recognized.

The US’s involvement in the conflict has been obvious for some time but US officials are now making statements that make this clear to the whole world - including the global South.


Iskanders Destroy Patriots

Iskander being launched

Sputnik is reporting that Russia has destroyed two Patriot systems this week using Iskander short range missiles. A Ukrainian officer said that the loss of launchers or radar was less important than the loss of the experienced crews (probably NATO people) who were operating them. But replacement systems are unlikely to be provided for several months, according to Sputnik. Slavyangrad reported that:

Over the past two weeks, while trying to bring 6 S-300 air defense systems, 3 Patriots, 2 Buk, 2 NASAMS, and 1 Gepard to the front line in different regions, they were detected by Russian UAVs and destroyed.

The cost of the lost Patriots and ammunition amounts to $17 billions or more and seven radar systems were also destroyed.

Some suspect that the location of the Patriot systems was betrayed to the Russians. Anyway, needless to say, the Pentagon is not pleased and Syrsky is being scolded for using the systems as mobile defence close to the front lines where they are vulnerable.




The Russian MoD has provided a report on mercenaries who have been involved and killed during the SMO:

Since 24 February 2022, the total number of foreign mercenaries who have arrived in Ukraine is 13,387. At the same time, the destruction of 5,962 foreign mercenaries has been confirmed to date.

Nearly 1500 Poles, 500 Americans and 360 Brits have been killed. South Front reckons that 40% of mercenaries have been destroyed.

(More at link.) ... update-294


MARCH 18, 2024

“Listen to Former German General Harald Kujat at a public lecture in Germany how he destroys the false pro-war narrative of the neocons. This talk was held in German and is dubbed into English thanks to the brilliant work of Andreas Voss who makes these translations possible.” – Neutrality Studies ... t-be-easy/


Special Report: Ukrainian Attacks in Belgorod Reveal Terrorist Nature of the Kiev Regime

Lucas Leiroz

March 19, 2024

Trying to disrupt the Russian elections, Ukraine launched a series of terrorist attacks on the Belgorod border, leaving many dead and injured.

The presidential elections are definitely the most important event for the Russian Federation in 2024. Across the country, millions of people left their homes to vote at the polls and choose the best candidate for the next six years in the presidential office. However, on the country’s southwestern borders, the exercise of political rights by Russian citizens has been affected by Ukrainian terrorism. In the Belgorod region, several attacks have occurred in recent days, leaving people dead or injured, as well as destroying the city’s civilian facilities.

On March 14, the day before the start of the election period, I was in Belgorod on a special expedition by the BRICS Journalists Association, with the aim of covering Ukrainian shelling on the ground and collecting information about the local situation. It was a day marked by intense bombing, with missiles and drones constantly hitting civilian targets. On that occasion, we followed the attacks one by one, visiting almost all the affected locations and talking to the victims who had their properties destroyed and relatives injured.

According to residents, bombings have become increasingly frequent. They claim that attacks occur especially intensely during holidays and important dates for the Russian Federation. Enemy forces seem interested not only in targeting civilians, but also in destabilizing the common lives of citizens, preventing them from leaving their homes on important occasions. In the specific case of the recent attacks, locals associated the bombings with the election period. According to them, Kiev wanted to prevent the electoral process from taking place normally in the border regions, forcing Moscow to postpone or cancel the election date.

Throughout the day, Belgorod citizens received messages from security agencies via SMS, warning them to stay in their homes and avoid walking in the streets, given the high risk of missile attacks. At least two people died in the city on the 14th alone, with several injured, including children. Shopping centers, civilian cars, roads and other non-military targets were destroyed, causing damage to the local population and the city’s infrastructure.

Furthermore, also on the 14th, Ukrainian troops entered Belgorod by land, crossing the border in an invasion operation with the support of armored vehicles and helicopters. The attack was quickly neutralized by Russian defense forces, who eliminated the invaders in time and prevented the prolongation of hostilities on land. As has become commonplace in Belgorod, Ukrainians try to take advantage of the absence of military mobilization in the region to carry out terrorist attacks without any military relevance. Kiev’s forces are incapable of gaining and controlling ground on the Russian side of the border, only managing to generate frictions and harm civilians.

Experts believe that the real objective of these maneuvers is to promote a type of “psychological operation”. There are two meanings to this: on the one hand, it generates panic among Russians, creating a feeling of insecurity and dissatisfaction with the country’s situation; on the other hand, to show Western public opinion that “something is being done”, thus justifying the sending of money and weapons to the Kiev regime. Both objectives appear to fail, however.

Talking to local residents, I could see that there are no negative feelings towards the Russian government among them. On the contrary, civilians claim that the more the Ukrainians attack the city, the greater the people’s desire for victory becomes, and they begin to further endorse the operation to denazify Ukraine. More than that, specifically regarding the elections, all the Belgorod residents I spoke to stated that they will not stop participating in Russian political life because of the attacks. They showed not only fearlessness, but confidence in the effectiveness of Russian forces in preventing these attacks from escalating to the level of a major catastrophe. In fact, it seems, the more Kiev hits civilians, the more civilians increase their support for Russia, frustrating Ukrainian expectations.

Regarding Western public opinion, we have seen in recent times a rapid decrease in support for the war, both on the part of taxpayers dissatisfied with Western military policy and on the part of some elites interested in escalating support for Israel. Therefore, such terrorist incursions are unlikely to have any positive impact on the current situation in Ukraine, with attacks against peaceful regions being unnecessary.

In the end, my experience in Belgorod corroborates an opinion that has become increasingly common among analysts of the conflict in Ukraine: the Kiev Junta is a terrorist organization, which openly targets civilian targets on Russia’s borders, even though there is no strategic benefit in such incursions. ... ev-regime/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:32 pm

Leopards, Abrams and the ground war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/20/2024


On January 25, 2023, the United States Department of Defense announced its commitment to send 31 M-1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine. With this, he fulfilled the main wish of the Zelensky Government, which at that time sought the creation of a “tank coalition” in anticipation of the massive counteroffensive with which it was going to break the Zaporozhie front, cutting off the land corridor that Russia had created. to Crimea and jeopardize control of the Black Sea peninsula. The Ukrainian objective, and hence the direction in which the offensive would take place, was as evident at that time as what Washington was trying to achieve with the promise of sending a batch of its best tanks: to pressure the German chancellor to approve the sending of Leopard tanks, considered the best NATO battle tanks. Olaf Scholz, more cautious than some of his counterparts, was then cornered by his associates, who were pressuring him to cross one more of the red lines he had marked for himself.

The rumor about Scholz's demand that the United States take the step of sending its own tanks before Germany did the same was perhaps a media or political invention to force the German leader to fulfill a promise that was foreseeably non-existent in light of the Pentagon's announcement. . That same day, Germany gave approval to European countries to send Leopard tanks of its own and shortly after committed a first batch of its arsenal. By then, the United States had already moved the goalposts and made it clear that, although its announcement had preceded Scholz's, it would be the German tanks that would reach the Ukrainian front first.

“The Abrams, as you know, are very complicated tanks. They require serious instruction. Although we approved them yesterday, it will take a while for them to get to the front. They will not be there until the spring offensive,” Victoria Nuland said in a Senate hearing just 24 hours after the statement announcing the shipment. By then, other European countries had already committed their Leopards and the German chancellor could not back down. In a well-organized move, the United States and some of its closest allies, mainly Poland, had achieved exactly what they wanted: Germany would take charge of the bulk of the tank shipment for a ground offensive impossible without a huge number of tanks.

The result was, not only the foreseeable, but also the one desired by the United States: at the time when Russian troops boasted of the first Leopard hunt , there were still months before the arrival in Ukraine of the first American Abrams even despite of the enormous delay with which the spring offensive began, which was actually the summer offensive. “A Russian artillery attack on a column of Ukrainian vehicles during a daylight assault on or around the town of Novopokrovka – 35 miles southeast of the southern Ukrainian city of Zaporozhie – apparently left at least one man out of action. Leopard 2 tank on Wednesday,” David Ax wrote in Forbes on June 8. By then, social networks had been filled with images of tanks of Western, Soviet and Russian origin - the latter two forming the bulk of the armored columns despite media propaganda focused on material of Western origin - destroyed in the minefields. from the gray zone of the place where Russian troops were waiting for the Ukrainian attack.

Months later, Volodymyr Zelensky would attribute the failure, which was already taken for granted by the Russian Government, to the lack of material and the leak of Ukrainian plans. Knowledge of the plans due to the existence of some type of fifth column or internal enemy had made it possible, according to this version, for Russia to have the plans in its hands and the delay in the shipment of material by the Western partners had contributed. giving Moscow the time necessary to prepare its defense. This view, which the Western press has taken for granted, ignores that Russian troops had begun digging trenches on the Zaporozhie central front in the fall of 2022. Even then, without the need for leaks or military intelligence reports, it was evident that That would be where the attack would occur. Ukraine's objective could only be Crimea and it was in Zaporozhie where the Dnieper did not act as a natural barrier. However, it is easier to explain failures by external errors - a shortage of heavy equipment - or by looking for internal enemies.

Numerous Leopard tanks, Bradley vehicles and tanks of Russian or Soviet origin had been left along the way on both sides of the front. Minefields, which the United States and Ukraine inexplicably failed to foresee, the use of drones and artillery made it impossible to continue with the plan of a rapid armored advance towards Rabotino, Tokmak, Melitopol and beyond. Unfortunately for Germany, especially the production company Rheinmetall, the Leopard tanks turned out not to be the leaders of a pack that would make the Russian troops flee, but rather they were hunted just like the less popular Ukrainian armored vehicles. Luckily for the United States, their Abrams did not share a fate nor were they subjected to the news penalty with the publication of the tanks burning between craters caused by artillery, thus avoiding the negative commercial effects that images of destroyed tanks could have.

On September 25, exactly eight months after the announcement of their shipment, the Ukrainian press reported on the arrival of the first American Abrams tanks, conveniently delivered after the failure of the European tanks in breaking through the front. Zelensky refused to give the specific figure of how many of the 31 committed Abrams had been delivered and it would not be until October 16 when Voice of America confirmed the arrival of all of them. “The tanks, which offer greater mobility and firepower than Soviet tank tanks, are expected to support Ukraine's defensive and offensive efforts. The shipments could give new impetus to the counteroffensive, which has begun to break the Russian defensive lines,” wrote The Kyiv Independent with the naivety or manipulation necessary to hide that the offensive had been unsuccessful for months. “Delivery has occurred faster than initial estimates and in time for potential use in the final weeks of Kiev's counteroffensive against Russian forces before winter sets in,” added Voice of America , citing a spokesperson. of the US Army, which stated that “the Abrams tank is a great armored vehicle, but it is not a silver bullet. Ultimately, what matters most is Ukraine's determination to break through.”

Ukraine was not going to break through in any of the three directions in which it attacked: the Zaporozhye front, the Kherson front with its failed bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper or the surroundings of Artyomovsk. What's more, the brigade to which the Abrams were assigned, the 47th, whose task was to enter combat once the Zaporozhie front was broken and advance towards Melitopol and Crimea, would not participate in the planned offensive actions but would end up assigned to the ultimately failed defense of Avdeevka. And despite the constant rumors about Abrams sightings on Russian social networks, which practically became a meme, it was there that they were finally found, also in the final phase of the battle and, above all, in the Ukrainian attempt to contain the Russian advance.

“The Abrams are the most capable tanks in the world,” the Pentagon boasted a year ago, although it also warned of their complexity in handling – hence the long period of training and delivery – and maintenance, another of the American excuses for waiting. that it was the German tanks that burned first at the front. More or less capable, all tanks are vulnerable in certain conditions and it was only a matter of time before the Abrams appeared in the Russian media burning on the front lines like the Leopards did. “This is how the Russians are killing the M-1 Abrams tanks,” Forbes headlined last week. David Ax's article states that “Western-made tanks – Challenger 2, Leopard 2, Abrams M-1 – are a priority target for Russian forces. For obvious operational reasons, of course, but also because every hit on a Western tank is a good piece of propaganda.” Both aspects are obvious, but we must also add the commercial one: Ukraine and the West have been dedicated to showing the superiority of Western weaponry, so every Western jewel destroyed is to refute that false halo of invincibility that seeks economic gain.

In just a few days, Ukraine has lost three of its 31 Abrams tanks received from the United States, 10% of the total. “The 47th Mechanized Brigade is the only Abrams operator in the Ukrainian army. The brigade saw action north of Avdiivka, the center of the Russian winter offensive, late last fall, and the M-1s arrived soon after, replacing the brigade's few surviving Leopard 2A6s,” Ax explains. It is curious that in an article about the destruction of powerful American tanks such clear mention is made of the difficulty of survival of German tanks, a nod to the commercial rivalry between allies.

In his article, Ax describes the circumstances and causes of the destruction of the three Abrams confirmed lost to Ukraine:

“The 47th lost its first M-1 on or before February 26, when a Russian first-person view drone hit the tank's ammunition compartment, causing a fire that eventually destroyed it.

“The second Abrams was knocked out of action on or before March 3, this time reportedly by a Kornet laser-guided anti-tank missile that struck the relatively lightly protected side of the tank's hull and pierced the attached M-19 explosive reactive armor. “The Kornets have tandem warheads: the first charge penetrates the armor and the second explodes inside the tank.”

“Apparently, the third confirmed loss of an Abrams, a week after the second, was also due to an anti-tank missile hit, which caused a fire that burned the main gun bullets in the ammunition compartment. "The anti-explosion gates and the exterior explosion panel of the compartment must have failed."

In the end, contrary to the speech of a year ago, which wanted to make Western tanks seem impenetrable, the reality of war has revealed the evidence: there is no material that is impossible to destroy nor any miracle weapon. Russian artillery superiority and good defense preparation made the summer offensive fail. Worn out and facing intensive use of aviation, Ukraine could not resist the Russian advance and had to withdraw from Avdeevka. To slow down the march, kyiv introduced its latest bullet, the Abrams tanks, which have suffered the same difficulties as the rest of the material subjected to a high-intensity conflict. But even in the articles that admit that Russia has found ways to harm the best Western material, we must end up recovering the official discourse of exaggerating to the absurd the high casualties of others and the minimal casualties of its own. “The M-1 is a tough tank. But it is no more invulnerable than any tank in a war that has consumed more than 6,000 Russian tanks and at least 700 Ukrainian ones.” With these losses, coincidentally with the same ratio as that alleged by the Ukrainian authorities to minimize their personnel casualties and exaggerate the Russian ones, one might wonder how it is possible that Ukraine has not already managed to subdue Russia. ... terrestre/

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 19, 2024)

- In the Kupyansky direction, active actions of units of the “Western” group of forces inflicted fire damage on enemy units and improved the situation along the front line.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 30 military personnel, an infantry fighting vehicle , four vehicles, two US-made M777 artillery systems , as well as a Czech-made RM-70 “Vampire” multiple launch rocket system combat vehicle .

— In the Belgorod direction, Russian units continue to take measures to prevent the penetration of sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the border territory.

As a result of air strikes and artillery fire on concentrations of troops and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the border regions of Ukraine near the village of Kozinka, Belgorod Region, the enemy lost up to 40 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles and three vehicles.

— In the Donetsk direction , units of the “Southern” group of forces occupied more advantageous lines and positions , defeated the formations of the 79th air assault, 46th airmobile brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 118th terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Novomikhailovka, Razdolovka and Georgievka of the Donetsk People’s Republic Republic.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost over 215 military personnel, three tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles and four vehicles.

During the counter-battery fight, the following were hit: a Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery mount , two Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mounts , a D-30 howitzer and an S-60 anti-aircraft artillery complex .

— In the Avdeevsky direction, units of the “Center” group of troops liberated the village of Orlovka of the Donetsk People’s Republic and improved the situation along the front line.

Six counterattacks of assault groups of the 47th, 53rd, 59th mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled in the areas of the settlements of Pervomaiskoye, Tonenkoye and Berdychi of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The enemy lost up to 125 troops, two armored combat vehicles and five vehicles.

In addition, during the counter-battery fighthit: self-propelled artillery unitM109 "Paladin" made in the USA, "Msta-B" howitzer , two D-20 howitzers , D-30 gun and MT-12 "Rapier" anti-tank gun.

— In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops inflicted fire damage and repelled two counterattacks of assault groups of the 72nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the village of Staromayorskoye, Donetsk People’s Republic.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 130 military personnel, a tank , two infantry fighting vehicles, five vehicles, as well as a Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount.

— In the Kherson direction, as a result of coordinated actions of units of the Dnepr group of forces, the situation along the front line was improved and fire damage was caused to accumulations of manpower and equipment of the 65th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 121st terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino and Pyatikhatki, Zaporozhye region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 30 military personnel, two vehicles, a US-made M777 artillery system and a D-30 howitzer .

— Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hit manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 114 regions.

— Air defense systems destroyed 143 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles , and also shot down 38 multiple launch rocket systems: HIMARS, Alder, Grad and Vampire.

📊 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 16,135 unmanned aerial vehicles, 486 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,534 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,244 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,456 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 19933 units of special military vehicles. (.....)

Google Translator


The CIA’s Secret War Using Russian Fascists to Fight Russia
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 19, 2024
Scott Ritter

Russian President Vladimir Putin after take a flight in a military aircraft, Feb. 22. (Dmitry Azarov, Kommersant)

Disrupting the Russian presidential election and creating an atmosphere of weakness around Putin is precisely what the U.S. intelligence agency would seek to engender.

In the days leading to the Russian presidential election that concluded on Sunday, a network of three Russian paramilitary organizations working under the auspices of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, or GUR, launched a series of attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of the attacks was clear — to disrupt the three-day Russian presidential election by creating an atmosphere of weakness and impotence around President Vladimir Putin designed to undermine his authority, legitimacy and appeal at the voting booth.

The operation was months in the planning, and involved the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK), the Freedom of Russian Legion (LSR), and the Siberia Battalion. All three of these organizations are controlled by the GUR, whose spokesman announced the attacks.

Left unsaid is the degree to which the C.I.A. was involved in what amounts to an invasion of the territory of the Russian Federation by forces operating under the umbrella of what is openly acknowledged to be a proxy war between the United States and its NATO allies against Russia.

While Ukraine maintains the attacks by the RDK, LSR, and Siberia Battalion are the actions of “patriotic Russians” opposed to Putin, the involvement of the GUR in organizing, training, equipping, and directing these forces makes their attack on Russian soil a direct extension of the proxy war between Russia and the West.

Given the extensive involvement of the C.I.A. in the work of the GUR, it is highly unlikely that an action of this scope and scale could have been executed without the knowledge of the C.I.A. and in the attacks, including its goals and objectives.

Indeed, the presence of high-end U.S. military equipment, including M-2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), in the order of battle in the attack by Russian insurgent forces points to a direct U.S. role, as does the political nature of the mission of election disruption, which has been a long-term objective of the C.I.A. in Russia stretching back decades.


Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine in Kiev, 2013. (Dmitry Trikutko, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

The C.I.A.’s relationship with the GUR is well-established, dating back to 2014, according to The Washington Post, when the C.I.A. worked with the GUR to establish a network of bases along the Ukrainian-Russian border from which to conduct intelligence operations against Russia, including missions that involved operations on Russian soil.

The C.I.A. intercepted Russian communications, captured Russian drones for follow-on technical exploitation, and oversaw the recruitment and operation of spy rings operating on Russian soil.

In the lead up to Russia’s initiation of the Special Military Operation (SMO) against Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, the C.I.A. expanded its relationship with the GUR to include specialized training provided by members of the Ground Division of the C.I.A.’s Special Activities Group, responsible for covert paramilitary operations.

[C.I.A. first began secret operations using fascists against Moscow in 1948 with the CARTEL and later AERODYNAMIC programs. See: On the Influence of Neo-Nazism in Ukraine.]

The training was focused on unconventional and guerrilla warfare skills that would help facilitate the creation and sustainment of anti-Russian insurgencies carried out by “stay behind” teams operating on any Ukrainian territory that was occupied by Russian forces.

After the SMO began, ethnic Russians who had served since 2014 within the ranks of the neo-Nazi, Ukrainian nationalist, paramilitary organization known as the Azov Regiment organized themselves into a separate organization known as the Russian Volunteer Corps, or RDK.

Members of the Russian Volunteer Corps on 24 May 2023. (Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0)

The RDK modeled itself after the Russian Liberation Army, an entity organized, trained, and equipped by the Nazi Germans during World War Two which was comprised of Russian prisoners of war. Russians today often refer to the RDK members as “Vlassovites,” after Russian General Andrei Vlasov, who was captured by the Germans and later defected to their cause.

Vlasov recruited Russian prisoners of war into what was known as the Russian Liberation Army, which eventually consisted of two divisions comprising some 30,000 troops. Most of Vlasov’s “army” were either killed in combat, or taken prisoner by the Soviet Union, where they were treated as traitors and punished accordingly (the enlisted sentenced to lengthy terms in the Gulag, and the leaders hung.) The RDK was able to attract several hundred former Azov fighters and new recruits into its ranks.

A second ethnic Russian military unit, created in the aftermath of the SMO, is comprised primarily of Russian military defectors and prisoners of war. Known as the Freedom of Russia Legion (LSR), it consists of several hundred soldiers organized into two battalions. The LSR operates as part of the International Legion of the Ukrainian Territorial Army.


However, it is controlled by the GUR, according to GUR chief Kyrylo Budanov, as opposed to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

The third ethnic Russian military unit operating with Ukraine is the so-called Siberian Battalion, composed of ethnic Russians and non-Russian ethnicities from the Siberian territories of the Russian Federation.

The members of this formation are volunteers from Russian Siberia who are opposed to Putin’s government. Like the LSR, the Siberian Battalion operated as a GUR-controlled part of the Ukrainian Territorial Army and is said to consist of around 300 men, according to a report in Euronews.

The incursion over the weekend by the GUR-controlled, anti-Putin, Russian forces is not the first instance of its kind. In March and April 2023, several small cross-border attacks were carried out by forces affiliated with the Russian Volunteer Corps RDK.

More telling was a larger attack made on May 22, 2023. The timing of this attack, which lasted less than a day, seemed to coincide with the fall of the hotly contested city of to the Russian private military company Wagner.

The capture of Bakhmut by Wagner signaled the beginning of a rapid deterioration in relations between the head of the Wagner Group, the one-time Putin loyalist, insider Yevgeny Prigozhin, and the Russian military leadership, in particular Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff General Valeri Gerasimov.

From left: Putin, Shoigu and Gerasimov during a 2019 military exercise. (, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0)

On June 23, 2023, Prigozhin led thousands of his Wagner fighters in a rebellion which saw him occupy the Russian headquarters of the SMO in Rostov-on-Don, and march on Moscow. While the rebellion was quashed within 24 hours, many of the Wagner fighters said that they had participated only because they were told they would be deploying on to Russian soil, where Wagner was prohibited by law from operating, to defend against further incursions from the RDK.

Information that emerged after Prigozhin’s abortive rebellion showed that the Wagner leader had been in frequent contact with the Ukrainian GUR in the months leading up to his insurrection, and that the RDK attacks were part of a coordinated effort orchestrated by the GUR, designed to weaken and perhaps bring down Putin’s government.

The Biden administration acknowledged having detailed intelligence beforehand about Prigozhin’s revolt, and yet did not provide any warning to the Russian government, suggesting that the C.I.A. was at a minimum cognizant of the GUR operation and tacitly supported it.

A crowd in Rostov-on-Don watching a tank with flowers sticking out of its muzzle during the so-called Wagner Rebellion, June 24, 2023. (Fargoh, Wikimedia Commons, CC0)

The presence of U.S. weapons, including Humvee vehicles, in the possession of the RDK fighters on the weekend likewise hinted at a broader U.S. involvement in their training and equipping, involvement which, given the prohibition on the deployment of U.S. military forces in a training capacity on Ukrainian soil since the initiation of the SMO, pointed to the C.I.A.’s Ground Division as the facilitating unit.

The Russian government has assessed that the total strength of the GUR-controlled forces that attacked Russia in the leadup to the presidential election completed on Sunday numbered around 2,500 men, supported by at least 35 tanks and scores of armored vehicles, including a significant number of U.S.-supplied M-2 Bradley IFVs.

The scope and scale of the military operation, which included helicopter-borne forces inserted behind Russian lines, is such that it could not have been accomplished without the knowledge of the C.I.A. Moreover, the tactics and equipment used (helicopter raids, M-2 Bradley vehicles) strongly suggest a more direct role by the C.I.A. in both the planning and training of the mission and the troops involved.

The C.I.A.’s Ground Division is composed of veterans of the C.I.A.’s secret wars in both Syria and Afghanistan, where the C.I.A. trained secret armies to carry out their own secret wars in support of C.I.A. objectives.

Ukrainian special forces unit in Kabul during the 2021 Kabul airlift. (Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0)

The discrediting of Putin’s government with an eye to his removal from power has been a goal of the C.I.A. since 2005, when the C.I.A., together with British intelligence, began actively working to create viable political opposition movements inside Russia.

While these efforts have largely failed (the recent death in a Russian prison of Alexei Navalny, believed to have been a creation of the C.I.A., underscores the scope and scale of this failure), the C.I.A.’s covert political warriors in the Political Action Group of the Special Activities Center continue to try to undermine Putin through various means.

Given the Russian government’s stated goal of producing a large turnout in the election as a way to certify Putin’s legitimacy, disrupting voter turnout by creating instability and a lack of confidence would be precisely the kind of cause and effect relationship the C.I.A. would seek to engender.

The fact that the RDK leadership openly bragged that their ongoing attacks were a) designed to disrupt the Russian presidential election and b) were planned months before the attack, is a strong indicator that, given the intimate nature of the C.I.A.-GUR relationship, that the C.I.A. was at a minimum knowledgeable of, and most likely a facilitator, of the GUR-led attacks using Ukrainian-controlled Russian insurgents.

To understand the gravity that surrounds the possibility — indeed, probability — that the C.I.A. was involved, however peripherally, in an attack on Russian soil designed to disrupt a Russian presidential election, one only need reflect on how the United States would react if Russian intelligence services collaborated with Mexican drug cartels to create a well-armed insurgent army composed of Mexican-Americans who attacked U.S. territory from across the U.S.-Mexican border in order to influence the outcome of November’s U.S. presidential election.

The United States would view it as an act of war and respond accordingly.

Manifest Danger of Nuclear Conflagration

The Biden administration is overseeing a Ukrainian policy that is rapidly collapsing around it.

America’s NATO allies, concerned by the lack of leadership from the Biden administration when it comes to Ukraine, are threatening to dispatch troops to Ukraine to bolster a flagging Ukrainian military. The Russian government has warned that any such move would be construed as an attack on Russia, and potentially create the conditions for a general nuclear war between Russia and the collective West.

Now, amid such a tense environment, it appears the C.I.A. has not only green-lighted an actual invasion of the Russian Federation, but more than likely was involved in its planning, preparation and execution.

Never in the history of the nuclear era has such danger of nuclear war been so manifest.

That the American people have allowed their government to create the conditions where foreign governments can determine their fate and the C.I.A. can carry out a secret war which could trigger a nuclear conflict, eviscerates the notion of democracy.

Government of the people, by the people, and for the people seems like a distant dream. In its stead the future of America appears to be in the hands of a rogue intelligence agency that long ago abandoned any pretense of accountability and operating under the rule of law. ... ht-russia/


France Will Likely Seek To Secure Ukraine’s Black Sea Coast If It Conventionally Intervenes


MAR 20, 2024

Romania and Moldova, where France already has troops and just signed a security pact that might soon lead to the same, could easily serve as its launchpad Odessa.

Russian foreign spy chief Naryshkin warned on Tuesday that France is preparing to send 2,000 troops to Ukraine following Macron’s claim last month that a conventional NATO intervention can’t be ruled out. This statement also coincided with France’s top general confirming that his forces are ready to deploy wherever they might be needed, which discredited the Defense Ministry’s description of Naryshkin’s warning as “disinformation” since there’s some objectively existing truth to what he said.

While many members of the Alt-Media Community mocked Macron’s claim last month, a prestigious Russian expert just lent credence to it in an interview with Sputnik. Alexander Mikhailov, who’s the head of the Bureau of Military-Political Analysis think tank in Russia, told that outlet on Tuesday that “Macron undoubtedly has access to both the personnel and the resources to send troops to Ukraine.” It’s therefore not implausible to imagine that France might conventionally intervene there.

If that happens, then it would either be preemptive or reactive and either unilaterally or as part of a “coalition of the willing”. Regarding the first choice, France could attempt to justify this on the pretext of getting a head start before Russia achieves a breakthrough across the Line of Contact (LOC), or it could just wait till that “trigger event” happens. As for the second choice, it’ll either do this on its own, or more likely in partnership with the UK, Poland, and the Baltic States, with possible German participation.

Regardless of the pretext and whoever else might participate, France will almost certainly seek to secure Ukraine’s Black Sea coast if it conventionally intervenes. It’s already had several hundred troops in Romania since early 2022, which can be ramped up ahead of this move, and just signed a security pact with Moldova earlier this month that could possibly lead to it hosting troops too. The “Eastern Balkans”, which are falling under France’s “sphere of influence”, can thus become a French launchpad to Ukraine.

Romania and Moldova already border Ukraine’s Odessa Oblast, the eponymous capital of which is both strategically and symbolically important. It’s that former Soviet Republic’s top port but also an historically Russian city. Securing it from Moscow’s control by dispatching NATO-member France’s troops there as a so-called “deterrent” in the event that the LOC collapses or appears on the brink of collapsing is therefore doubly important for the West.

Naval drones could continue threatening the Russian Fleet in that scenario while that country’s supporters might become disheartened after realizing that reunification with Odessa would be nigh impossible without sparking World War III if that city comes under de facto NATO control via France. Since the Dnieper has already proven a formidable obstacle to both sides’ forces over the past two years, it’s very possible that France might expand its zone of control along the Black Sea coast up to Kherson.

That would then result in the Russian-Ukrainian LOC becoming a Russian-NATO one, and it could even expand northwards up the Dnieper to the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, but French forces might be reluctant to cross the river to Zaporozhye and beyond in order to not overexpand their military logistics. Furthermore, since this intervention scenario would be connected to a possible Russian breakthrough, France might not want to risk coming to blows with Russia on the eastern side of the Dnieper.

For as unprecedentedly dangerous as this sequence of events might be due to the very high risk that World War III could be sparked by miscalculation, the silver lining is that it could potentially freeze each side’s positions along the southern front at least and thus set the partial basis for a ceasefire. Ukrainian troops could also flee westward across the Dnieper if Russia breaks through the LOC and know that their foes probably wouldn’t follow them for fear of sparking World War III by clashing with NATO troops.

That could enable Russia to secure President Putin’s envisaged “sanitary/security zone” that he spoke about during his re-election speech, thus setting the stage for Ukraine’s asymmetrical partition between NATO and Russia with a “buffer zone” in Northeastern-Eastern Ukraine. Honestly speaking, Ukraine’s Black Sea coast is France’s for the taking, but only if Paris has the political will to go for it and its people don’t revolt from the enormous Russian-inflicted casualties that could follow (likely via missile strikes). ... -to-secure


One Of The Rare Times When RT "Analysis"...

... not reporting which is useful, makes sense, albeit Poletaev, whoever this person is (Vatfor is a collection of amateurs), should have read this blog about ten years ago when I warned that, indeed, as the tittle to his piece reads:

Western ‘expertise’ on the Ukraine conflict could lead the world to a nuclear disaster. Pundits are completely out of touch with reality – which is why their views pose a danger to humanity

Any serious military expert will tell you that it is good to have a strong enemy but who is rational and understands realities rather than some monkey with the grenade, even if it has the best of intentions, in a monkey sense of the word. Now, people ask me why I do not give John Mearsheimer a wide birth when it comes to Russia and war. Let me remind you that in May 2014 he, correctly, pointed out in his article in Foreign Affairs titled: Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault. But this is as far as his "expertise" in Russia, warfare and economy goes. In fact, considering a well known feature of Washington establishment which makes its strategic decisions based on Hollywood and Kool Aid about own military "might" and economy, Merasheimer, who IS considered a sort of an "expert" in geopolitics committed in this piece a worst sin in medicine--Primum non nocere (First, do not harm).

Of course, some analysts might concede that NATO handled relations with Ukraine poorly and yet still maintain that Russia constitutes an enemy that will only grow more formidable over time -- and that the West therefore has no choice but to continue its present policy. But this viewpoint is badly mistaken. Russia is a declining power, and it will only get weaker with time. Even if Russia were a rising power, moreover, it would still make no sense to incorporate Ukraine into NATO

This is exactly what they in Washington needed and wanted to hear (and read), because the whole premise of the clusterfuck they created in the last 10+ years was that Russia is weak, and that all Russia's offers have been not a rational conduct of diplomacy but the signs of weakness. And here comes the second most important tenet of medical ethics as derived from Hippocratic Oath:

I will not be ashamed to say "I know not"

Sadly, there is no ethics in American so called "strategic studies" and geopolitics and selling BS as knowledge is not only encouraged but rewarded handsomely most of the time. And here we are 10 years later and who knows how many millions of Ukies and tens of thousands of Russians killed and wounded. ... lysis.html


Ukraine's Demographics Again Dictate To End The Fight

The neoconservatives have launched their probably last attempt to save their project in Ukraine.

Edward N Luttwak @ELuttwak - 13:42 UTC · Mar 16, 2024
In Ukraine the age of conscription is 27, that is when people have started to work & have children. Naturally not many show up. Now they are discussing lowering the age to 25, still absurd. 18 is the right age, with bodies of growing strength. The Ukraine army is much too small

Following Luttwak's urging, a neocon Senate stooge jumped in:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) called on Ukrainian lawmakers Monday to quickly pass a mobilization bill that would make more citizens eligible to be drafted into the military, and he sharply questioned exempting men under 27 from the fight.
Graham called for the swift legislative action — even as U.S. lawmakers remain unable to reach their own consensus on aid for Ukraine — while visiting Kyiv, his first trip to the Ukrainian capital since he abruptly turned against a $60 billion aid package for the country last month.
Ukraine is already short of soldiers and ammunition, and Russia is advancing on the battlefield, having recently seized the eastern city of Avdiivka after a Ukrainian retreat. Ukraine’s new mobilization law, which has been under debate for months as the country faces a severe shortage of battle-ready troops, proposes lowering the country’s draft age to 25. Although citizens can voluntarily join the military starting at age 18, and men between 18 and 60 are banned from leaving the country under martial law, the draft has until now protected younger men — many of whom are students — from being forcibly mobilized.

“I would hope that those eligible to serve in the Ukrainian military would join. I can’t believe it’s at 27,” he told reporters Monday. “You’re in a fight for your life, so you should be serving — not at 25 or 27.”

“We need more people in the line,” he said.

Hmm - who is this "we" please? Is this meant as a pluralis majestatis or as an admission that the whole war is not about Ukraine but about the selfish aims of some lunatic clique in Washington DC?

Neither Luttwak nor Graham seem to have any knowledge of Ukraine's demography. I pointed out six month ago that there are hardly a significant number of 18 to 25 year old left in Ukraine. If that cohort gets further diminished by senseless dying Ukraine's future will be even more bleak than it is now. Even the British nuts who earlier proposed to draft 18 year old Ukrainians have learned to shut up about it.

The graphic below, taken from Wikipedia's Demographics of Ukraine, presumes that Ukraine has a population of some 40 million:


But the real population number in the areas under control of the Ukrainian government is by now only about 20 million, half of which are people of retirement age. Drafting the few men of age 18 to 25 will not help to win the war but will, over time, further depopulate Ukraine.

The new mobilization law in Ukraine is slow to move through the parliament. There are many reasonable objections to it. The law will probably pass in April to be signed in May and to be fully enacted by June. It will increase the real mobilization numbers by only a few percentage points.

If those who will be mobilized under it the new law will get the training required they will join the front only by fall. It is unfortunately more likely that they will be immediately send to the front line to die. Either way there is no doubt who will win the fight.

Alex Vershinin of RUSI correctly describes this is as a war of attrition:

Attritional wars require their own ‘Art of War’ and are fought with a ‘force-centric’ approach, unlike wars of manoeuvre which are ‘terrain-focused’. They are rooted in massive industrial capacity to enable the replacement of losses, geographical depth to absorb a series of defeats, and technological conditions that prevent rapid ground movement. In attritional wars, military operations are shaped by a state’s ability to replace losses and generate new formations, not tactical and operational manoeuvres. The side that accepts the attritional nature of war and focuses on destroying enemy forces rather than gaining terrain is most likely to win.
The West is not prepared for this kind of war.

But Russia was prepared for this, just as it had been during previous wars. It is the side which has accepted attritional warfare. It will win.

There are currently more daily losses in the Ukrainian army than newly mobilized men joining it. To surrender to the Russian forces is seen as a real opportunity.

It is high time for Ukraine to give up. Its supporters should urge it to do so.

As Vershinin closes:

Unfortunately, many in the West have a very cavalier attitude that future conflicts will be short and decisive. This is not true for the very reasons outlined above. Even middling global powers have both the geography and the population and industrial resources needed to conduct an attritional war. The thought that any major power would back down in the case of an initial military defeat is wishful thinking at its best. Any conflict between great powers would be viewed by adversary elites as existential and pursued with the full resources available to the state. The resulting war will become attritional and will favour the state which has the economy, doctrine and military structure that is better suited towards this form of conflict.
If the West is serious about a possible great power conflict, it needs to take a hard look at its industrial capacity, mobilisation doctrine and means of waging a protracted war, rather than conducting wargames covering a single month of conflict and hoping that the war will end afterwards. As the Iraq War taught us, hope is not a method.

Make peace you fools.

Posted by b on March 19, 2024 at 9:56 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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