Sympathy for the Devils...

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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 19, 2024 2:59 pm

Chris Hedges: Joe Biden’s Parting Gift to America
March 18, 2024
The Democratic Party had one last chance to implement the kind of New Deal Reforms that could save us from another Trump presidency and Christian fascism. It failed.

Onward Christian Fascism – by Mr. Fish.

By Chris Hedges

Joe Biden and the Democratic Party made a Trump presidency possible once and look set to make it possible again.

If Trump returns to power, it will not be due to Russian interference, voter suppression or because the working class is filled with irredeemable bigots and racists.

It will be because the Democrats are as indifferent to the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza as they are to immigrants, the poor in our impoverished inner cities, those driven into bankruptcy by medical bills, credit card debt and usurious mortgages, those discarded, especially in rural America, by waves of mass layoffs and workers, trapped in the serfdom of the gig economy, with its job instability and suppressed wages.

Biden and the Democrats, along with the Republican Party, gutted antitrust enforcement and deregulated banks and corporations, allowing them to cannibalize the nation.

They backed legislation in 1982 to green light the manipulation of stocks through massive buybacks and the “harvesting” of companies by private equity firms that resulted in mass layoffs. They pushed through onerous trade deals, including the North American Free Trade Agreement, the greatest betrayal of the working class since the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act, which crippled union organizing.

They were full partners in the construction of the vast archipelagos of the U.S. prison system — the largest in the world — and the militarization of police to turn them into internal armies of occupation. They fund the endless wars.

The Democrats dutifully serve their corporate masters, without whom most of them, including Biden, would not have a political career. This is why Biden and the Democrats will not turn on those who are destroying our economy and extinguishing our democracy. The slops in the trough would dry up. Advocating reforms jeopardize their fiefdoms of privilege and power.

They fancy themselves as “captains of the ship,” labor journalist Hamilton Nolan writes, but they are “actually the wood-eating shipworms who are consuming the thing from inside until it sinks.”

Authoritarianism is nurtured in the fertile soil of a bankrupt liberalism. This was true in Weimar Germany. It was true in the former Yugoslavia. And it is true now. The Democrats had four years to institute New Deal reforms. They failed. Now we will pay.

A Second Trump Term

Trump speaking to supporters at the “Save America” rally in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021. (Voice of America, Wikimedia Commons)

A second Trump term will not be like the first. It will be about vengeance. Vengeance against the institutions that targeted Trump — the press, the courts, the intelligence agencies, disloyal Republicans, artists, intellectuals, the federal bureaucracy and the Democratic Party.

Our imperial presidency, if Donald Trump returns to power, will shift effortlessly into a dictatorship that emasculates the legislative and judicial branches. The plan to snuff out our anemic democracy is methodically laid out in the 887-page plan amassed by the Heritage Foundation called “Mandate for Leadership.”

The Heritage Foundation spent $22 million to draw up policy proposals, hiring lists and transition plans in Project 2025 to save Trump from the rudderless chaos that plagued his first term. Trump blames “snakes,” “traitors,” and the “Deep State” for undermining his first administration.

Our industrious American fascists, clutching the Christian cross and waving the flag, will begin work on day one to purge federal agencies of “snakes” and “traitors,” promulgate “Biblical” values, cut taxes for the billionaire class, abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, stack the courts and federal agencies with ideologues and strip workers of the few rights and protections they have left.

War and internal security, including the wholesale surveillance of the public, will remain the main business of the state. The other functions of the state, especially those that focus on social services, including Social Security and protection of the vulnerable, will wither away.

Unfettered and unregulated capitalism, which has no self-imposed limits, turns everything into a commodity, from human beings to the natural world, which it exploits, until exhaustion or collapse. It first creates a mafia economy, as Karl Polanyi writes, and then a mafia government. Political theorists, including Aristotle, Karl Marx and Sheldon Wolin, warn that when oligarchs seize power, the only options left are tyranny or revolution.

The Democrats know the working class has abandoned them. And they know why. Democratic Party pollster Mike Lux writes:

“[C]ontrary to many pundits’ assumptions, economic issues are driving the problems of Democrats in non-metro working class counties far more than the culture war…[T]hese voters wouldn’t care all that much about cultural difference and the woke thing if they thought Democrats gave more of a damn about economic challenges they face deeply and daily…The voters we need to win in these counties are not inherently right-wing on social issues.”

But the Democrats will not alienate the corporations and billionaires who keep them in office. They have opted instead for two self-defeating tactics: lies and fear.

The Democrats express a faux concern for workers who are victimized by mass layoffs while at the same time courting the corporate leaders who orchestrate these layoffs with lavish government contracts. The same hypocrisy sees them express concern for civilians being slaughtered in Gaza while funneling billions of dollars in weapons to Israel and vetoing ceasefire resolutions at the U.N. to sustain the genocide.

Les Leopold in his book Wall Street’s War on Workers, filled with exhaustive polling and data, illustrates that economic dislocation and despair is the engine behind an enraged working class, not racism and bigotry.

He writes about the decision by Siemens to close its plant in Olean, New York with 530 decent paying union jobs. While Democrats bemoaned the closure, they refused to deny federal contracts to Siemans to protect the workers at the plant.

Biden then invited Siemens’ USA CEO Barbara Humpton to the White House signing of the 2021 infrastructure bill. The photo of the signing shows Humpton standing in the front row along with New York Senator Chuck Schumer.

Mingo County, West Virginia, in the early 20th century was the epicenter of an armed clash between the United Mine Workers and the coal barons, with their hired gun thugs from the Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency.

The gun thugs evicted striking workers in 1912 from company housing and beat up and shot union members until the state militia occupied the coal towns and broke the strike. The federal siege was not lifted until 1933 by the Roosevelt administration. The union, which had been banned, was legalized.

“Mingo County didn’t forget, at least not for a long time,” Leopold writes.

“As late as 1996, with more than 3,200 coal miners still at work, Mingo County gave Bill Clinton a whopping 69.7 percent of its vote. But every four years thereafter, support for the Democrats declined, going down and down, and down some more. By 2020, Joe Biden received only 13.9 percent of the vote in Mingo, a brutal downturn in a county that once saw the Democratic Party as its savior.”

Clinton after a speech at the Charleston State Capitol in West Virginia in September 1993. (U.S. National Archives)

The 3,300 Mingo County coal mining jobs by 2020 had fallen to 300, the largest loss of coal jobs in any county in the country.

The lies of Democratic politicians did far more damage to working men and women than any of the lies spewed by Trump.

Mass Layoffs

There have been at least 30 million mass layoffs since 1996 when the Bureau of Labor Statistics started tracking them, according to the Labor Institute. The reigning oligarchs, not content with mass layoffs and reducing the unionized workforce in the private sector to a paltry 6 percent, have filed legal papers to shut down the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the federal agency that enforces labor rights.

Elon Musk’s SpaceX as well as Amazon, Starbucks and Trader Joe’s targeted the NLRB – already stripped of most of its power to levy fines and force corporate compliance — after it accused Amazon, Starbucks and Trader Joe’s of breaking the law by blocking union organizing.

The NLRB accused SpaceX of illegally firing eight workers for criticizing Musk. SpaceX, Amazon, Starbucks and Trader Joes are seeking to get the federal courts to overturn the 89-year-old National Labor Relations Act to prevent judges from hearing cases brought against corporations for violating labor laws.

Fear — fear of the return of Trump and Christian fascism — is the only card the Democrats have left to play. This will work in urban, liberal enclaves where college educated technocrats, part of the globalized knowledge economy, are busy scolding and demonizing the working class for their ingratitude.

The Democrats have foolishly written off these “deplorables” as a lost political cause. This precariat, the mantra goes, is victimized not by a predatory system built to enrich the billionaire class, but by their ignorance and individual failures. Dismissing the disenfranchised absolves the Democrats from advocating the legislation to protect and create decent-paying jobs.

Fear has no hold in deindustrialized urban landscapes and the neglected wastelands of rural America, where families struggle without sustainable work, an opioid crisis, food deserts, personal bankruptcies, evictions, crippling debt and profound despair.

They want what Trump wants. Vengeance. Who can blame them? ... o-america/
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Fri Mar 22, 2024 3:04 pm

MARCH 21, 2024

An old man with dementia can be expected to mix up the names of sons, wives, mistresses. If Iraq and Ukraine are in the same mental sock drawer for President Biden, we have a seriously under-noticed problem. You can watch Orf’s video for laughs, but this one is more horror movie than most of his productions. – Matt Taibbi ... eo-mashup/

A bit of comedy for the weekend. Biden's mental disabilities, like Trump's demeanor and character issues, are irrelevant to the job the main duty of which is figurehead. Trump's sin is that he goes beyond this and assumes that he can actually make policy independent of the powers behind the throne.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Mon Mar 25, 2024 10:52 pm

No plan, but there are principles
March 25, 12:29


Biden has "no plan" to keep Social Security solvent, the Treasury secretary said.

Bill Cassidy*: "Didn't the Treasury even look at this? We're already allocating $4.9 trillion to cover the [state budget] deficit, for the Medicare program, for many other purposes, and now we have to add social assistance without even calculating how much is needed money for this?"

J. Yellen**: "The president doesn't have a plan, he's driven by principles. He wants to work with Congress to protect Social Security."

BC: “Stop, I don’t understand. The president doesn’t have an action plan? Madam Minister, how can he not have an action plan if he’s been president for 3 years already?”

DY: "He thinks it's important to work with Congress."

BC: “Madam Minister, he doesn’t work with us at all.”

*Congressman from California. Republican.
** Head of the Ministry of Finance. - zinc

A highly organized system.

Google Translator

Malign neglect, ain't no accident.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:16 pm

The People's Ceasefire
Margaret Kimberley, BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist 27 Mar 2024

Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)

The United States relented and abstained from voting on a UN Security Council resolution requiring Israel to abide by a two-week ceasefire. Popular pressure forced this small step. Organized campaigns against Biden’s re-election created a political crisis which threatened to delegitimize Zionism and the U.S. state itself.

The Biden administration deserves no praise for abstaining from a United Nations Security Council resolution which demands that Israel observe a two week long ceasefire in Gaza. The U.S. vetoed numerous resolutions already, and was forced into doing the barest of minimums because of domestic and international political pressure.

In recent weeks, Joe Biden made an odd and obviously staged public statement on the floor of congress, claiming to have been angry with Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Leaked stories to the media made the same assertion, that Biden referred to Netanyahu as an “asshole” even as he continued to pour military aid into Israel. Political leaders like Senator Charles Schumer made a great show of criticizing Netanyahu in a stage managed good cop and bad cop routine.

The thanks for this brief respite from the killing spree goes to ordinary people who took to the streets in mass protests, demanding that the carnage come to an end. Here in the United States the #AbandonBiden campaign made clear that voters would express their displeasure by defeating Biden’s re-election effort.

And yet, the determination to continue supporting Israel is clear. No sooner had the resolution passed, than the US ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, called the vote “non-binding” when there is no such thing as a non-binding UN resolution. Even after being forced into accepting a two-week cease fire, the Biden Administration makes clear that it will support Israel's war crimes, regardless of UN votes, or the wishes of other nations.

There was already a ceasefire in December 2023. The hostages who Israel claims to care so much about began to be returned and the people of Gaza were safer for a short time. But Israel was determined to continue its campaign of ethnic cleansing. Even the International Court of Justice ruling calling South Africa's charge of genocide “plausible" and which required Israel to stop killing Palestinians, didn’t stop the bloodshed.

As the ceasefire resolution passed, Israel was killing patients and medical professionals at the Al-Shifa hospital. Israeli settlers and officials have engaged in a sustained campaign to stop aid trucks from entering Gaza. Universities have been destroyed. There are in fact no universities left in Gaza. A recently released video shows a drone strike killing four Gaza men. The atrocities never ended and they could not have been carried out absent United States political and Financial support.

This ceasefire, such as it is, would not have happened if the people had not remained in motion, opposing U.S. and Israeli genocide as much as they could. But caution is called for. Turn coats and false friends like Senator Bernie Sanders and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, now use the words genocide and ceasefire when they had previously refused to do so. They are still false friends. Both Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez are committed Biden supporters but they know which way the political winds are blowing. They can no longer manage what they consider to be an inconvenient public relations problem. The activism on behalf of the people of Gaza created a political crisis, which is as it should be. There is never positive change unless the powers that be can see that they and the system they protect face some degree of risk.

This ceasefire resolution came about only because the people demanded it. any credit given must go to unnamed people who have made their outrage clear and who have acted upon it. The pressure must be sustained. If it is not, Biden and his partners in crime in the Congress and in the corporate media will behave as though all is well. They want to believe they have a marketing problem that can be resolved with enough focus group wordsmithing instead of a political movement that cannot be stopped.

Fortunately the protest continues. The New York presidential primary will be held on April 2 but New York does not does not have provisions for uncommitted choices as other states do. Instead the demand must be made with a blank ballot. The Leave It Blank campaign asks New Yorkers to return blank ballots which nonetheless will be counted.

The worst outcome would be if Biden and his cohorts concluded that they could return to the status quo and continue to support Israel without fear of opposition. Actually that has already happened, as the Biden administration bypassed congress to send $250 million in military aid to Israel.

It is painful to watch as money and brute force are used to cover up Israel’s and America's crimes and silence those who point them out. Every success, no matter how small, must be acknowledged. That is why this ceasefire should be called the people's ceasefire. The people of the Republic of South Africa charged Israel with genocide when no other country would. People across this country refused to vote for Joe Biden and openly called for his defeat. The solidarity from people in the streets, and from Black religious leaders who conveyed the outrage and the concern of their congregants, and even the few politicians willing to speak up, are all the successes in this story.

And yet the devils are busy. The 75 year history of U.S. support for Israel will not disappear. There can be no confusion that criticism of Netanyahu is at all meaningful while support for the Zionist project continues. The fight must go on. Only the people, acting in concert, and with determination, can bring these crimes to an end.

It’s Not Voter Apathy; You’re Not Listening
Dr.Wilmer J. Leon, III 27 Mar 2024

If it were possible to tally non-voters, "Nobody" would have won the 2016 presidential election. Philip Kearney

Politicians and the liberal media cite "voter apathy" as the cause of reduced voter turnout, but the reality is that their devotion to corporate interests over those of the people creates a seeming lack of interest.

“Public Politics is the negotiating process between interested constituencies regarding the access to and distribution of limited resources and the resulting outcome or policy pertaining thereto.” Wilmer J. Leon, III, Ph.D.

One of the popular narratives that was disseminated in mainstream American media to explain Hilary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign loss to Donald Trump was post-Obama voter apathy in the African American community. According to the Washington Post , “In 2016, a seven-point drop in black voter turnout was perceived to have cost Clinton the election.

Political commentators often cite black voters’ “enthusiasm gap” as the primary reason for low turnout. This short-sighted perspective fails to consider that Mrs. Clinton ran a terrible campaign. She took the African American vote for granted and failed to craft a message that spoke to the needs and interests of the Ccommunity. Blaming the Ccommunity played into a stereotype that labeled African Americans as uninformed and monolithic in thought, instead of being introspective and recognizing her own short-comings. Her campaign ignored a simple reality…African Americans are as “political” as the rest of the country and there are real and substantive political interests that motivate the Community.

Two substantive pieces of legislation that impacted Hilary Clinton’s campaign came out of her husband’s administration. The 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act . The crime act, also known as “3 Strikes and are Out,” contributed greatly to the mass incarceration of African Americans. So-called welfare reform, that Hilary Clinton encouraged her husband to sign, removed hundreds of thousands of poor people of color from the welfare safety-net and plunged them into the ranks of the desperately working poor. Many African Americans never forgot nor forgave her for supporting these pieces of legislation, as well as her referring to members of the Community as “superpredators ” who needed to be brought “to heel .” It was not voter apathy or an “enthusiasm gap” that turned the African American community against the Hilary Clinton campaign, it was the realpolitik of Hilary Clinton.

As America moves closer to the 2024 presidential election, the narrative of “voter apathy” and problems with the African American voter are being promoted once again. The Guardian reports - Black and Hispanic voters deserting Democratic party in large numbers . The problem with this story is its failure to focus on Democratic party policy outcomes that have left many African American voters feeling ignored and disrespected. Fox reports - Biden support from Black voters plummeting as Democrats blame ‘disinformation’ . The Democratic party elite need to realize that African American voters are not uninformed, simple-minded, easily swayed nor can be taken for granted. President Biden has not developed, acted upon, nor articulated a message that resonates with the Community and reflects its reality.

There is another reality that is developing that could turn the “blame African Americans for Democratic party disappointments” narrative on its head. It is an oppositional form of politics called “uncommitted” that is gaining traction in Michigan, Minnesota, and other states. In the most recent Michigan presidential primary, the Listen to Michigan campaign which is a coalition of African American, Arab American, Muslim American, and other voters is expected to receive approximately 10,000 votes. The country was shocked to have more than 100,000 Michiganders take the time to vote for nobody instead of the incumbent president. Michigan is a battleground state that President Biden won by fewer than 150,000 votes in 2020. The strength of that 2024 “uncommitted” protest vote sent an unambiguous message to the Democrats.

On Super Tuesday Minnesota saw nearly 19 percent of its primary voters check the “uncommitted” box — an even higher ratio of voters than in Michigan. The focus of the voter’s ire in both Michigan and Minnesota is the Biden administrations unyielding support for genocide in Gaza. The #AbandonBiden campaign has said that under no circumstances will it support Biden in November. “Our triumph in Michigan is more than a victory; it’s a declaration of our fury and our refusal to be silenced…”

According to a recent poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 4 in 10 U.S. adults want America to broadly take a “less active” role in solving global conflicts. In a recent poll from Data for Progress roughly three in four Democrats support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. In the Data for Progress poll a total of 61% of Americans polled said they were in favor of a ceasefire. The Democratic Party and its presumptive nominee, President Biden are ignoring their base. This is a very dangerous tactic when a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed Americans are not excited about a Trump vs. Biden rematch.

In fact, there is a growing cohort called “double-haters,” those who are dissatisfied with Biden and Trump and do not want either candidate to win in November. Recent polls from the Marquette Law School, NYT-Siena College, and Morning Consult all reported 19 percent of those polled expressed dissatisfaction with both options. That is a large percentage of voters in a race that right now is within 1.5% to 2.0%, well within the margin of error.

Labor unions should be another area of concern for the Biden/Harris ticket. This past January, UAW President Shawn Fein announced the UAW’s endorsement of President Biden. Fain praised Biden for standing with the union during its strike against the Detroit Three automakers. The problem is the approximately 1 million rank and file membership may not follow the endorsement of UAW union leadership. Following the union endorsement Fein explained that he expected most of the UAW membership would not vote for President Biden in November. During an interview on Fox Business Network’s Your World with Neil Cavuto, Fain stated, “Let me be clear about this. A great majority of our members will not vote for President Biden…The majority of our members are gonna’ vote for their paychecks, they’re gonna’ vote for an economy that works for them.”

The Washington Post recently reported that The Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which represents about 2 million health-care, property service and government workers, plans to spend $200 million to boost President Biden and Democrats in electoral battlegrounds across the country this year. If the Democratic Party historically is the bastion of union politics and support, why is the UAW’s rank-and-file “gonna vote for their paychecks” (not for Biden) and why is the SEIU planning to spend $200M to get their vote out amongst a constituency that historically votes for Democrats?

According to The National Alliance to End Homeless , homelessness is on the rise in America. In 2022, counts of individuals (421,392 people) and chronically homeless individuals (127,768) reached record highs in the history of data collection. Unsheltered rates are also trending upward, impacting most racial, ethnic, and gender subgroups. As more than half of working Americans (53 percent), according to a recent Workforce Monitor study feel their paychecks are not keeping up with the pace of inflation, and Democrats; the Biden administration continues to find ways to send the much needed American tax dollar to war efforts in Ukraine and Gaza. According to Stephen Semler in Jacobin , “The Biden administration has been able to maintain a low profile by spreading arms provision to Israel across more than 100 smaller munitions sales”— allowing the president to posture as a peacekeeper while US weapons wipe Gaza off the map.

Voter disinterest is not at issue; voter apathy is not the new black. The two major American political parties are listening to their corporate benefactors, talking amongst themselves in their echo chambers and are not listening to their constituents. Maintain the current course and speed at your own peril. ... -listening


Democrats Furiously Finger-Wagging Over Billionaire Nicole Shanahan as RFK, Jr.’s Vice Presidential Pick
Posted on March 28, 2024 by Yves Smith

If the level of upset is an indication, Team Dem is seriously worried about Nichole Shanahan joining RFK, Jr.’s ticket as his vice president. For sake of convenience, we’ll mine a new comment, which is Financial Times’ speak for op-ed, by Edward Luce. Luce was Larry Summer’s speechwriter and a regular Democratic party water-carrier. He does write the occasional insightful and even independent-minded piece to make up for his scrivener’s work.

In “the dog that did not bark” manner, what Luce does not say is more telling than what he says. He does whinge, as many do, that Shanahan’s enormous personal balance sheet can and likely will go a long way in funding the RFK, Jr. campaign but focuses on ballot access and his legal expenses, meaning cleverly depicting RFK, Jr. as wounded and viable only with a very large cash injection.

Oddly I have yet to see any pundit consider that Shanahan joining RFK, Jr.’s ticket will serve to elicit more money from other Silicon Valley heavy-hitters. So far, they are depicting her involvement as a form of vanity project.

Luce offers only a passing treatment of the the trope than many Shanahan critics are serving up, that she’s not qualified to be Vice President. With Kamala Harris arguably having credentials and having demonstrated that incapable of even reading a Teleprompter well, the Vice Presidential bar has been so lowered that Shanahan can more than fill the role. We will learn more about Shanahan’s professional life in due course. She was a lawyer and started up and sold a company, so she is not devoid of accomplishment of her own, even if her big bucks come from marriage.

Luce refuses to consider that RFK, Jr. and Shanahan might be running out of principle (even if many would consider those principles to be misguided and naive) and think they have a shot, albeit a long one of winning. As we will discuss later, the views that Luce pooh-poohs, particularly aversion to vaccines and concerns about health risks from food and environmental toxins, is extremely popular among the super and somewhat wealthy in California. It’s mainstream in that cohort, and not fringe, as Luce tries to depict it.

If Joe Biden were to die before the election, which is well above a 0% probability, the RFK, Jr.-Shanahan ticker goes from “quixotic” to a contender. Instead, Luce acts as if his arguments could persuade Shanahan to drop her candidacy, which is a peculiar narrative position to take: that she risks going down in history and is enabling a Trump victory, and that she’s a newbie to politics and is not prepared for the roughing up she is about to get.

Instead, Luce hammers on the idea that the only thing the RFK, Jr. can do is damage the worthy Biden team. He invokes “aiding evil Trump” in the opening paragrapH:

RFK’s third-party candidacy could split the vote in key swing states. That makes him 2024’s potential Ralph Nader, the Green party candidate who in 2000 siphoned support from Al Gore. The winner was George W Bush. This time it would be Donald Trump.

The “oh no Nader” contention ignores that Florida, where Nader received over 90,000 voters, versus Gore’s margin of loss of 537, did not allow felons to vote. As Greg Palast recounted, Florida hired the highest bidder on its “scrub the voter rolls program, and the contractor proceeded to nix obviously black names that dimly resembled those of felons. Due to the state of search, I can’t readily find Palast’s work, but my recollection is that he found that a bare minimum of 90,000 valid black voters were removed. Take 30% propensity to vote and 90% propensity of black to vote Democrat, and you get 24.300 more votes for Gore.

And let us not forget that Bill Clinton did not strongly support Gore’s candidacy, and his lukewarm backing not doubt had a cost too.

Luce again insists the ticket has no hope but concedes it could prove to be harmless…in terms of Biden:

There can only be two end points to the path they are on. Either the Kennedy-Shanahan ticket will be another quixotic entry in America’s colourful history of third-party bids; or they will go down as the pair that helped return the White House to Trump.

The “you may push Trump over the top” is interwoven with what amounts to personal threats: You will be subjected to lots of oppo (presumably Shanahan is enough of a grown-up to have worked that out) and insinuations that she might suffer for the rest of her life:

Brace yourself, Nicole Shanahan. Most Americans have not heard of the ex-wife of Google’s co-founder, Sergey Brin…. Shanahan’s life will now be turned inside out….

The latter [helping Trump win] might complicate the remainder of Shanahan’s life. Nothing could prepare her for what she is about to go through….

The Democrats have every incentive to make life as hard as possible for Kennedy and Shanahan.

But all Luce can serve up is the rumor that Shanahan had an affair with Elon Musk when she was still married to Sergey Brin. Both Musk and Shanahan have denied that.

Ahd Shanahan is extremely attractive. If she is well-spoken too and either natively or with professional coaching is good under fire, attempts to attack her could backfire. Beating up on pretty young-looking women is frowned on in many circles.

Luce also depicts Kennedy’s long-standing big issues, the environment and vaccines, as populist without using that word:

But he appeals to swaths of America that are hostile to the pharmaceutical industry. Most Americans have a close family member who suffers from a chronic disease, such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension or addiction. Millions feel ripped off by the big drugs companies. On Tuesday, Shanahan vowed to fix chronic disease within “weeks, not years” of being elected. Many Americans are also affected by pollution — another of RFK’s themes and one of Shanahan’s philanthropic causes. If their names appear on the ballot, they will get some votes. The question is whether the trade off will be worth it.

Your humble blogger has commented on the the extent of concern about food quality and orthodox medical treatment among those who have the time and money to address it, and there are plenty of vendors who will stoke and serve that hobby. It goes way beyond organic foods to super-foods, de-toxing, specialized supplementation and injections, often accompanied by at least fitness enthusiast-level exercising. Many are vaccine averse. And that’s before you get to treatments that only the super-rich can afford, like buying blood from the young to use to regenerate theirs.

In other words, Luce might want to get out more before dismissing RFK, Jr. as the candidate for niche issues voters. Consider this sighting in February from a contact who managed to be invited to a big Hollywood pre-Oscars screening in a super wealthy resort area:

There was a large after party. The donors are getting ready to write checks.

They use straw polls as horse race indices. How much they need to donate? Who is the cool kid?

The results – among the ultra rich ultra Hollywood Liberal blue billionaire hive?

RFK JR – 58%

Trump – 27% – (I was about spit out my gin and tonic when that was read off)

Biden 4%

Newsom 2%

Various others less than 2% each.

There were multiple people there talking about Biden’s dementia. And the startling lack of enthusiasm among the Calif elite for Newsom also blew me away.

Mind you, I am not saying this to endorse RFK, Jr. He seems only to be running on Camelot hopium with no concrete ideas how to get there. I am simply saying that dismissing him before Shanahan joined his ticket, was premature and looks even more so now. ... -pick.html
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Fri Mar 29, 2024 2:14 pm

Only U.S. President Joe Biden Holds the Keys to Turning Off the IDF War Machine in Gaza

Steven Sahiounie

March 29, 2024

Will Netanyahu enter Rafah in defiance of Biden and the UN? If he does, will Biden turn on the red-light?

Soldiers in uniforms round up civilians at gunpoint. They separate the men from the women and children. The men are stripped naked and blindfolded, then taken into a room by the soldiers, gunshots are heard, and finally only the soldiers emerge from the room. The scene, panic, terror and brutality remind us of the Nazi abuse of Jews in the holocaust. But, this time it is the Jews who are killing and abusing, having learned nothing of humanity from their past suffering.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) entered Al Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza city on March 18 and have claimed to have made 500 arrests. Doctors and nurses are made to be guides to the 500 IDF invading soldiers as they search the hospital and torture their victims. Patients, their families and medical staff have been forced to stand outside the hospital as human shields, protecting the IDF from resistance to the occupation of the hospital, while 250 people have been killed by the IDF since entering the hospital.

Although most of those arrested were males, in some cases they did arrest mothers and their children. When the women and children became unnecessary to the IDF goals, they forced them to walk long distances to the south without and water or food for days. When they finally arrived in the south, some were near death from dehydration and the children starving.

Al Shifa is the largest medical complex in Gaza. It began as a British Army barracks, and over the decades of use as a hospital, areas were added on and in the 1980’s Israel constructed underground bunkers which included a tunnel system.

The hospital was first attacked and raided on November 15, 2023, with the UN, WHO and other humanitarian organizations condemning the attack which caused the deaths of patients and premature babies. The IDF claimed the Al Shifa hospital was being used by Hamas as a command center, and pointed to the Israeli built tunnels under the hospital as having supported Hamas and its resistance fighters. Despite the IDF’s incessant accusation, the Washington Post and Amnesty International both said there was no credible evidence to support the IDF’s claim.

Since then, the hospital has been under intermittent attack by the IDF, culminating in the recent invasion and occupation of the hospital which has resulted in mass arrests, executions, sexual abuse, humiliation of innocent civilians, deprivation of both water and food, and the attack on civilian homes near the hospital.

The IDF goal was to justify their claim that Al Shifa served as a Hamas asset. If they couldn’t find the evidence they needed, they could manufacture the proof they sought. The IDF needed to arrest hundreds of men and claim they were Hamas resistance fighters, or their allies. The hospital was sheltering 30,000 people, and many were men accompanied by their families. But, the IDF needed more men, so they began attacking the homes surrounding the hospital, and then invading the homes and removing the males found to add to their list of fighters they were creating

One family in a nearby house hunkered down and tried to survive by hiding in a small room, while the father of the large family would crawl to the kitchen to find anything to feed his children. Then the house began to fall apart after days of shelling, which allowed the IDF to invade the home and remove the man, blindfolded and naked. This was repeated among the neighborhood.

Gaza is a conservative society, and men and women wear clothes to cover themselves up as a sign of respect of themselves, their family and their society. Whereas in the West, going shirtless and in very short shorts might be acceptable, in Gaza it is not. The IDF stripped arrested men to their under pants alone and sent them to the neighboring houses near Al Shifa to warn residents they had 30 minutes to evacuate or die in the bombing.

The eye witness accounts are coming out of Gaza about severe sexual abuse by the IDF. In the religious and conservative society of Gaza, these crimes will be hushed up, swept under the rug, in an effort by male members of the family to preserve the honor and dignity of the victim. However, this leaves the victim to deal with the trauma of sexual abuse alone, and without a support system that gets the facts into the light of day. The abuse and trauma are magnified because she can’t talk about it. But, many women and girls are defying the taboos and telling their story to humanitarian workers.

There are no foreign journalists in Gaza. The one and only foreign journalist who was granted a Visa to go inside Gaza by the Israelis was CNN’s Clarissa Ward, and she was only allowed several hours in December. Despite the bombardment and siege of Gaza, emails, Facebook messages and Whatsapp messages and videos continue to emerge from the battle zone.

Al Shifa hospital’s current nightmare is but one of many healthcare service providers in Gaza who have been under siege. Food and medicine had been going into Gaza in a slow trickle, but now the doors are shut and sealed. Israel refuses to allow any UN trucks into Gaza after they claimed the UNRWA is in a conspiracy with Hamas. Other humanitarian aid groups say their aid is also prevented from entering Gaza.

More than 32,200 Palestinians have since been killed and over 74,500 injured amid mass destruction and shortages of necessities.

The international community agrees that only a ceasefire along with massive aid distribution can save Gaza from genocide and starvation. Yesterday, the UN Security Council passed a non-binding resolution calling for a ceasefire for the remainder of the month of Ramadan. But, will Israel comply? The International Court of Justice gave Israel an instruction to improve the humanitarian aid into Gaza or face an ultimate ruling by the court of genocide. However, Israel until now has completely disregarded the court’s urging.

In the end, only U.S. President joe Biden holds the keys to turning off the IDF war machine in Gaza. Only Biden has the power to cut off the weapons flow to Israel. But, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stood firm on his promise to invade Rafah, whether it causes mass deaths beyond comprehension, or not. Will Netanyahu enter Rafah in defiance of Biden and the UN? If he does, will Biden turn on the red-light? ... hine-gaza/

(The only 'red light' that Biden is likely to turn on is the one in his window, signaling APAIC that it's time for a visit...)
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Mar 30, 2024 3:12 pm

Biden quietly greenlights more weapons for Israel despite public row

President Joe Biden criticizes Israel for the slaughter and starvation of Palestinians in Gaza

News Desk

MAR 30, 2024

Palestinians inspect a crater following three days of conflict with Israel ahead of a truce, in Rafah town in the southern Gaza Strip, on August 8, 2022. (Photo credit: SAID KHATIB / AFP)

The White House has quietly authorized the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and warplanes to Israel, the Washington Post reported on 30 March. The transfers come ahead of Israel’s anticipated invasion of Rafah in southern Gaza that would threaten the lives of over a million displaced Palestinian civilians sheltering in the besieged border city.

The weapons transfers include more than 1,800 MK-84 2,000-pound bombs and 500 MK-82 500-pound bombs, according to Pentagon and State Department officials.

Israel has extensively used the MK-84 2,000-pound bombs to kill large numbers of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, including 100 civilians in one strike in the Jabaliya refugee camp on 31 October.

The MK 84 bombs are rarely used by other countries' militaries in urban areas due to their overwhelming power. One bomb can destroy an entire city block and leave a crater in the ground 40 feet wide.

Israel’s war on Gaza has killed over 32,000 Palestinians in the past five months, the majority women and children.

The State Department also authorized the transfer of 25 F-35A warplanes and engines valued at $2.5 billion, US officials told the Post.

“We have continued to support Israel’s right to defend itself,” a White House official boasted when speaking of the transfers. “Conditioning aid has not been our policy.”

Some Democrats have criticized President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken for the weapons transfers. Biden and Blinken have publicly criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for Israel’s killing of mass numbers of Palestinian civilians. But despite the public criticism of Netanyahu, Biden and Blinken continue to enthusiastically facilitate the flow of weapons.

“The Biden administration needs to use their leverage effectively and, in my view, they should receive these basic commitments before greenlighting more bombs for Gaza,” Senator Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat from Maryland, said in an interview. “We need to back up what we say with what we do.”

Biden’s recurring approvals of weapons transfers are an “abrogation of moral responsibility, and an assault on the rule of law as we know it, at both the domestic and international levels,” said Josh Paul, a former State Department official involved in arms transfers who resigned in protest of Biden’s Gaza policy.

Israel will rely in part on the new weapons to invade Rafah, a key entry point for humanitarian aid for Gazans starving due to Israel’s siege.

A massive influx of aid trucks is required to stave off famine, but Israel has imposed tight restrictions on aid deliveries into Gaza that US officials have refused to challenge.

An invasion of Rafah would also prove to be “a bloodbath,” aid groups have warned, as the 1.3 million Palestinians sheltering in the city in southern Gaza have no safe place to go.

President Biden and his advisors “do not see the contradiction between sending more bombs to the Netanyahu government even as it is ignoring their demands with respect to Rafah and getting more humanitarian assistance to starving people,” Van Hollen added. “If this is a partnership it needs to be a two-way street.” ... public-row

White House eases sanctions on violent Israeli settlers

The US treasury clarified the settlers who carried out attacks on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank may use their bank accounts, making the sanctions largely meaningless

News Desk

MAR 29, 2024

Armed settlers from the hardline Jewish settlement of Yitzhar stand on a cliff overlooking the Palestinian village below (Photo credit: AFP)

The US has dramatically softened the sanctions it imposed on seven violent Israeli settlers by allowing them to use their accounts at Israeli banks, Israel Hayom reported on 29 March. The move makes the US sanctions, which allegedly were meant to punish the settlers for violent acts against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, essentially meaningless.

The US Treasury sent a letter to Israel's finance ministry clarifying that Israel is not required to prevent the sanctioned settlers from making routine use of their bank accounts.

Earlier this month, The Atlantic magazine had referred to the sanctions as President Biden's "doomsday option" against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his religious settler supporters.

However, according to Israel Hayom, the US announcement empties sanctions against the settlers of any practical content since freezing the bank accounts of the seven men was the only step that affected them in any practical way.

The sanctions continue to prevent the settlers from doing any financial transactions with US banks or traveling to the US, but as far as is known, they do not own assets in the US and have no intention of traveling there.

The US Treasury letter comes two weeks after Finance Minister Smotrich announced that he would not renew the Israeli state's agreement to compensate banks in Israel that maintain relations with financial entities linked to the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Israel Hayom reported that Smotrich refused to renew his signature on a document that protects from lawsuits to the Israeli banks, Discount and Hapoalim, which have financial ties with Palestinian banks.

Without this protection, the Israeli banks were expected to sever ties with the Palestinian banks, fearing that they would be exposed to international lawsuits on the charge of transferring funds to terrorists.

Since the PA's economy depends on the relationship with Israel, this meant an immediate freeze of economic activity in the occupied West Bank, which is under PA control.

Israel Hayom added that the White House softened the sanctions on the settlers in response to Smotrich's threat.

However, it is unclear if the sanctions were meant to punish the settlers or Prime Minister Netanyahu in any significant way.

The Guardian reported in February that according to Aaron David Miller, who served six US secretaries of state as an adviser on Arab-Israeli peace talks, the sanctions against the settlers are not a serious effort to pressure Netanyahu to agree to a Palestinian state, end Jewish settlement construction on Palestinian land, or end Israel's mass killing in Gaza.

"They have all kinds of levers they could pull to demonstrate that they're not just frustrated and annoyed but they've reached the point where it's difficult for them to consider him to be a partner, or his government," he said.

"They could have slow-walked a restricted military assistance, particularly munitions. They could have abstained on a UN security council resolution. Or they could have basically said we need a cessation of hostilities, and joined with the international community in pressuring the Israelis to stop. They have levers they could have pulled, but they haven't done it." ... i-settlers
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Tue Apr 02, 2024 4:54 pm

Biden sinks to new lows over Moscow bombing and RussiaGate fake news

Martin Jay

April 2, 2024

Biden’s breath-taking stupidity in Ukraine is finally going to expose NATO for what it is: a paper tiger.

Are we all preparing for the inevitable? Trump returning to the White House? It would seem that certainly the Biden administration is doing just that given recent events. Moscow’s terror attack has taken centre stage of world news in recent days yet not one western journalist seems able to call out the ISIS warning from the U.S. for what it was: sham.

And not only the warning was disingenuous but the sheer bad taste vitriol of Washington which was on a level only matched by the suspicious outright and swift rejection that Kiev had no part in the attack.

Bad taste seems to be the hallmark of the Biden administration with a failed foreign policy which trails in second place. If Americans didn’t know before that the U.S. could not control two proxy wars on two separate fronts, now they know. As the aid parcels which drop onto Palestinians – sometimes even killing them – makes a statement in itself, it’s interesting to see how Biden is always looking in the past in almost everything he does. Even RussiaGate has been dragged out of its dank grave and had new life breathed into by Biden’s press people who are now preparing the American public for a Biden failure in December. The biggest fear for Biden is the “hack and leak” attack which pushed many democrats over a line with Hillary Clinton when her emails revealed what an utterly morose political figure she is. Who could forget that “there are terrorists there [in Syria] but they’re on our side” comment when talking about the early days of the Syrian crisis which started in 2011?

For Biden, there must be many troves for the Russians to leak at the given moment, with corruption in Ukraine being at the top of the list. But one salient question might be, does Putin even need to worry about “election interference”? This comical expression, coined by the Americans and slung at Moscow is done in such a fashion as to trick the humble observer that it was a dirty Russian invention despite the Americans practically inventing the practice and using it to their own means for the last 70 years in Latin America.

The reality is that Putin doesn’t need to interfere. He’s on a win-win ticket as, if Biden is re-elected the then senile U.S. president will be defeated in Ukraine and the American people will not only see all of the corruption stories emerge from that country but also the link between the Obama administration’s election meddling in 2014 to overthrow a Russian-aligned leader and today’s war. The crafted fake news narrative of everything starting from the day of the Russian invasion will no longer wash once Russian forces overthrow the Zelensky government and the West will be humiliated beyond its wildest nightmares into signing whatever is handed to them.

This, in part, explains how the NATO press machine – and most European governments – are going into overdrive on the subject of the need to beef up Europe’s military capabilities. This is entirely a ruse to act as a distraction for when Kiev falls and western elites are ready with their soundbites. The Russians are coming. We told you so.

And yet, the funny thing is that Biden has stopped saying that “Putin is losing in Ukraine” as, presumably, his hapless press people have finally worked out that it sort of clashes with “The Russians are going to take other European countries once they take Ukraine”. Inconsistency and miscalculation really are the hallmarks of the Ukraine war and the West’s bumbling since day one.

Now it seems, as NATO looks for more members in the far corners of the world, Biden’s breath-taking stupidity in Ukraine is finally going to expose NATO for what it is: a paper tiger. What is the point in bribing western journalists to stenograph NATO free hand out lies, diagrams which list the number of tanks or places NATO has collectively and then compare the figure to Russia’s, when no one in the west has the guts to sacrifice even one soldier on the battlefield? It won’t be too long before even dumb blue collar Americans work out that their tax dollars are being spent on a war machine which makes the rich richer and keeps them piss poor, as many Americans are noting how many goods in the supermarkets have risen almost 50 percent in Biden’s term.

The Russians are not coming. But Trump is, and he may well stop the war in Ukraine on his first day in office. Things are so desperate that as Americans begin to look forward to election fever, the Biden camp starts to worry about Russia. And RFK dividing Democrat voters right down the middle. Someone like Trump who is so mercurial and self-centred in everything he does, might be the answer to stop the madness of the Biden years. John Bolton, his former national security adviser who wanted him to bomb Iran, said that “Everything [about Trump] is episodic, anecdotal, transactional. And everything is contingent on the question of how this will benefit Donald Trump.” Is this possibly the only sensible thing this half-wit has ever said? ... fake-news/

Trump may, might? Naw, I doubt it. Trump may not like or trust the generals but as last seen they know how to push his buttons, at least in their bailiwick. He ain't doing nothing that will allow critics to call him a chicken and a loser to boot. Unless they can stimulate his always hungry greed, as in Syria, and when the US loses in Ukraine there won't be a reconstruction bonanza, as in Iraq.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:41 pm

The Specious ‘US Voter Apathy’ Spin
April 3, 2024

Wilmer J. Leon on the decline in American voters’ interest in the two major parties and their presidential candidates.

Voting booth in Grand Rapids, Minnesota, November 2023. (Lorie Shaull, Flickr, CC BY 2.0)

By Wilmer J. Leon, III
Black Agenda Report

One of the popular narratives that was disseminated in mainstream America media to explain Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign loss to Donald Trump was post-Obama voter apathy in the African American community. According to The Washington Post, “In 2016, a seven-point drop in black voter turnout was perceived to have cost Clinton the election.

Political commentators often cite black voters’ “enthusiasm gap” as the primary reason for low turnout. This short-sighted perspective fails to consider that Hillary Clinton ran a terrible campaign. She took the African American vote for granted and failed to craft a message that spoke to the needs and interests of the community.

Blaming the community played into a stereotype that labeled African Americans as uninformed and monolithic in thought, instead of being introspective and recognizing her own short-comings. Her campaign ignored a simple reality … African Americans are as “political” as the rest of the country and there are real and substantive political interests that motivate the community.

Two substantive pieces of legislation that impacted Hilary Clinton’s campaign came out of her husband’s administration. The 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act .

The crime act, also known as “Three Strikes and are Out” contributed greatly to the mass incarceration of African Americans. So-called welfare reform, that Hilary Clinton encouraged her husband to sign, removed hundreds of thousands of poor people of color from the welfare safety-net and plunged them into the ranks of the desperately working poor.

Many African Americans never forgot nor forgave her for supporting these pieces of legislation, as well as her referring to members of the community as “superpredators” who needed to be brought “to heel.”

It was not voter apathy or an “enthusiasm gap” that turned the African American community against the Hillary Clinton campaign, it was the realpolitik of Hillary Clinton.

As America moves closer to the 2024 presidential election, the narrative of “voter apathy” and problems with the African American voter are being promoted once again.

The Guardian recently ran this headline: “Black and Hispanic voters deserting Democratic party in large numbers.” The problem with the underlying story is its failure to focus on Democratic Party policy outcomes that have left many African American voters feeling ignored and disrespected.

Voting line in Washington, D.C., Nov. 6, 2012. (OSCE/Thomas Rymer, (CC BY-ND 3.0)

Fox reports — “Biden support from Black voters plummeting as Democrats blame ‘disinformation.” The Democratic Party elite need to realize that African American voters are not uninformed, simple-minded or easily swayed. Nor can they be taken for granted.

President Joe Biden has not developed, acted upon, nor articulated a message that resonates with the community and reflects its reality.


There is another reality that is developing that could turn the “blame African Americans for Democratic party disappointments” narrative on its head. It is an oppositional form of politics called “uncommitted” that is gaining traction in Michigan, Minnesota, and other states.

In the most recent Michigan presidential primary, the Listen to Michigan campaign which is a coalition of African American, Arab American, Muslim American, and other voters was expected to receive approximately 10,000 votes. The country was shocked when more than 100,000 Michiganders took the time to vote for nobody instead of the incumbent president. Michigan is a battleground state that Biden won by fewer than 150,000 votes in 2020. The strength of that 2024 “uncommitted” protest vote sent an unambiguous message to the Democrats.

On Super Tuesday Minnesota saw nearly 19 percent of its primary voters check the “uncommitted” box — an even higher ratio of voters than in Michigan.

The focus of the voters’ ire in both Michigan and Minnesota is the Biden administrations unyielding support for genocide in Gaza. The #AbandonBiden campaign has said that under no circumstances will it support Biden in November. “Our triumph in Michigan is more than a victory; it’s a declaration of our fury and our refusal to be silenced…”

According to a recent poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 4-in-10 U.S. adults want America to broadly take a “less active” role in solving global conflicts.

Vigil on Feb. 26 for Aaron Bushnell outside the Israeli embassy in Washington where the active-duty U.S. airman the day before killed himself for peace. (Elvert Barnes, Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0)

In a recent poll from Data for Progress roughly 3-in-4 Democrats support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. In the Data for Progress poll a total of 61 percent of Americans polled said they were in favor of a ceasefire. The Democratic Party and its presumptive nominee, President Biden are ignoring their base. This is a very dangerous tactic when a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed Americans are not excited about a Trump vs. Biden rematch.

In fact, there is a growing cohort called “double-haters,” those who are dissatisfied with Biden and Trump and do not want either candidate to win in November. Recent polls from the Marquette Law School, NYT-Siena College, and Morning Consult all reported 19 percent of those polled expressed dissatisfaction with both options. That is a large percentage of voters in a race that right now is within 1.5 percent to 2.0 percent, well within the margin of error.

Labor unions should be another area of concern for the Biden/Harris ticket. This past January, UAW President Shawn Fein announced the UAW’s endorsement of Biden. Fain praised Biden for standing with the union during its strike against the Detroit Three automakers.

The problem is the approximately 1 million rank and file membership may not follow the endorsement of UAW union leadership. Following the union endorsement Fein explained that he expected most of the UAW membership would not vote for Biden in November.

During an interview on Fox Business Network’s Your World with Neil Cavuto, Fain stated, “Let me be clear about this. A great majority of our members will not vote for President Biden…The majority of our members are gonna’ vote for their paychecks, they’re gonna’ vote for an economy that works for them.”

The Washington Post recently reported that The Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which represents about 2 million health-care, property service and government workers, plans to spend $200 million to boost Biden and Democrats in electoral battlegrounds across the country this year.

If the Democratic Party historically is the bastion of union politics and support, why is the UAW’s rank-and-file “gonna vote for their paychecks” (not for Biden) and why is the SEIU planning to spend $200 million to get their vote out amongst a constituency that historically votes for Democrats?

According to The National Alliance to End Homeless, homelessness is on the rise in America. In 2022, counts of individuals (421,392 people) and chronically homeless individuals (127,768) reached record highs in the history of data collection.

Unsheltered rates are also trending upward, impacting most racial, ethnic, and gender subgroups.

As more than half of working Americans (53 percent), according to a recent Workforce Monitor study feel their paychecks are not keeping up with the pace of inflation, the Biden administration continues to find ways to send the much needed American tax dollar to war efforts in Ukraine and Gaza.

According to Stephen Semler in Jacobin, “The Biden administration has been able to maintain a low profile by spreading arms provision to Israel across more than 100 smaller munitions sales” — allowing the president to posture as a peacekeeper while U.S. weapons wipe Gaza off the map.

Voter disinterest is not at issue; voter apathy in not the new black. The two major American political parties are listening to their corporate benefactors, talking amongst themselves in their echo chambers and are not listening to their constituents. They maintain the current course and speed at their own peril.

Dr. Wilmer Leon is a nationally broadcast talk radio host. An adjunct professor of political science. Host of the podcast Connecting the Dots w/ Dr. Wilmer Leon. Author of Politics Another Perspective. Go to or email: and Dr. Leon’s Prescription at © 2024 InfoWave Communications, LLC.

This article is from Black Agenda Report. ... 6x1024.jpg
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 05, 2024 1:59 pm


Stop Reporting On Biden’s Angry Feelings Toward Israel. It’s Not News. It’s Not Interesting.

Stop telling us about the president’s feelings. Stop telling us he’s “angry” and “frustrated” with Israel. No one cares. Nobody gives a shit how Biden’s feelings feel about the government he’s helping carry out a genocide. All that matters is that he’s helping them commit genocide.

Caitlin Johnstone
April 4, 2024

The imperial media cannot stop babbling about how angry President Biden’s feelings are feeling toward Israel like it’s some kind of actual news story, even as this administration cheerfully pours mountains of weaponry into backing Israel’s genocidal atrocities in Gaza.

If you haven’t been following the mass media’s coverage of Biden and Gaza for the last six months, the entire thing can be summed up by the headline of a new Politico article, “‘Angry’ Biden not changing Israel policy after deadly strike on aid workers”.

This is in reference to the Israeli military’s deliberate assassination of seven World Central Kitchen aid workers, which conveniently resulted in multiple humanitarian aid organizations ceasing their operations in Gaza out of fear of being attacked themselves. The attack has been drawing widespread condemnation throughout the western world, because six of the workers killed came from western nations and are therefore considered real human beings by the western empire. Biden released a statement saying how “outraged and heartbroken” he is about the incident, drawing a fresh deluge of frenzied reporting about how the president’s feelings are feeling about Israel.

But as the aforementioned Politico article illustrates, none of this actually matters because this administration’s Israel policy has not changed. Biden is reportedly set to greenlight a sale of fighter jets to Israel in a deal worth $18 billion, and this is just a few days after we learned that this administration has quietly signed off on the delivery of more of the 2,000-pound bombs with which the IDF has been obliterating so many civilians in Gaza. The Biden White House still adamantly refuses to acknowledge that Israel has even once violated humanitarian law these past six months.

So why are we being told by the news media over and over and over again that Biden is super duper upset with the government of Israel? It doesn’t matter. At all. It’s not a news story. It’s not interesting. Nobody with functioning gray matter between their ears gives the tiniest sliver of a fuck. But they’ve been hammering and hammering and hammering on this idiotic narrative for months.

The answer of course is because the western news media are propaganda services for the western empire of which Washington is the central hub, and their job is therefore to make the US government look good. By emphasizing the point over and over and over again that the US president strongly disapproves of the Israeli regime’s behavior in Gaza, the imperial spinmeisters are distancing the White House from one of the darker chapters in the history of the United States even as Biden signs off on this mass atrocity day after day despite being fully capable of ending it at any time.

This fuzzbrained nonsense is happening at the same time a major report from +972 reveals that Israel has been using an AI system to compile kill lists of suspected members of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad which have been carried out with hardly any human verification. One automated system, psychopathically named “Where’s Daddy?”, tracks suspects to their homes so that they can be killed along with their entire families. The IDF has been knowingly killing 15 to 20 civilians at a time to kill one junior Hamas operative, and up to 100 civilians at a time to take out a senior official.

This is the kind of murderous depravity that the Biden administration has been giving the thumbs up to day after day for half a year now while the imperial media prattle on like preschoolers about the president’s feelings.

Stop telling us about the president’s feelings. Stop telling us he’s “angry” and “frustrated” with Israel. No one cares. Nobody gives a shit how Biden’s feelings feel about the government he’s helping carry out a genocide. All that matters is that he’s helping them commit genocide.

This six-month mass atrocity has been one nonstop insult to our intelligence. ... teresting/



U.S. Laws Violated by Sending Arms to Israel

Biden ahead of his State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress on March 7. (White House, Adam Schultz)

In a Feb. 12 letter to the U.S. State Department inspector-general, Veterans For Peace detailed the U.S. laws currently being violated by U.S. officials every time weapons shipments to Israel are authorized to include:

The Foreign Assistance Act, which forbids the provision of assistance to a government which “engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights.”
Arms Export Control Act, which says countries that receive U.S. military aid can only use weapons for legitimate self-defense and internal security. Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza goes way beyond self-defense and internal security.
The U.S. War Crimes Act, which forbids grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, including willful killing, torture, or inhumane treatment; willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health; and unlawful deportation or transfer. All of these crimes are perpetrated daily by the Israeli Occupying Forces.
The Leahy Law, which prohibits the U.S. government from using funds for assistance to units of foreign security forces when there is credible information implicating that unit in the commission of gross violations of human rights.
The Genocide Convention Implementation Act, which was enacted to implement U.S. obligations under the Genocide Convention, provides for criminal penalties for individuals who commit or incite others to commit genocide.
Gerry Condon is a Vietnam-era veteran and former president of Veterans For Peace. He notes:

Veterans For Peace supports military personnel who act in good conscience and refuse to participate in genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, whether directly or in support roles. For example, orders to load or transport U.S. weapons to Israel are illegal, under both U.S. and international law.

Veterans For Peace recommends that military personnel who want more information about their legal rights, or who wish to be discharged from the military, contact the GI Rights Hotline. ... a-starves/

I guess that 'Rules based Order' thing works here too....
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:02 pm

US Elections: Biden and Trump Are Two Sides of the Same Murderous Coin
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 5, 2024
Hamid Dabashi

People watch a big screen displaying live US election results in Black Lives Matter plaza across from the White House, Washington, DC, 3 November 2020 (Olivier Douliery/AFP)‘Genocide Joe’ and ‘Don the Con’ are the morally depraved choices for a sham democracy run for billionaires that slaughters countless innocent people globally. I cannot vote for either

There is no lesser evil – evil is evil – and American political culture is evil. These two ageing men are the top two icons of that palpable evil. It is obscene to walk into any voting station and vote for anyone in this fundamentally flawed and irredeemable “American democracy”. We cannot salvage this diabolical political system. We must save our own souls.

For as long as I remember, over the almost half a century I have lived in the US, but especially since the 1980s and the Ronald Reagan presidency, I have heard the expression “the lesser of two evils”.

This is meant to convey the sentiment that there is not much difference between the leading two candidates of a presidential election, so reasonable and decent Americans will vote for someone who is the lesser evil.

Though the origin of the phrase might be traced back to classical antiquity and particularly Aristotle, it is since the Vietnam War in the 1960s that the phrase has become a common political position.

Most recently, we had to choose between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in 2016, and then between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in 2020. Again, in 2024, we will be facing the same choice.

In an opinion piece I wrote almost four years ago, long before Biden had wholeheartedly underwritten, financed, armed and diplomatically facilitated the Israeli genocide currently under way in Gaza, I explained why I would not vote for Biden.

This stance was against the declared position of leading American public intellectuals and revolutionary thinkers such as Cornel West, Noam Chomsky and even Angela Davis, who all agreed that we should vote for Biden for fear of Trump – meaning the lesser of the two evils. I have long stopped falling for that trap.

No decent American, no decent human being, has a candidate in this US presidential election. This is a rigged system that only the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac), the gun lobby and the fossil fuel lobby, among other militant billionaires making a mockery of this so-called “democracy”, know how to play.

To be sure, there are diehard Republicans and there are the so-called “Blue Dog Democrats” who will vote along party lines no matter who is the candidate. But to what end? What choice does any other decent human being who can vote in US elections have to make between Genocide Joe and Don the Con – as they are most commonly known in this country?

Two sides of the same coin

Consider Donald Trump, the Republican candidate. He is under investigation for having used state and federal institutions to hold onto power; is accused of using the government for his own personal and his family’s financial benefits, of cronyism and patronage.

He welcomed criminals and white supremacists into his White House, had deep corruption in his cabinet and showed systemic disregard for the rule of law – ultimately going so far as treason to try to sabotage the last presidential election in order to stay in power.

These are just a few examples of his political charlatanism. Trump holds xenophobic and Islamophobic views with unsurpassed loutishness in his relationship with women, Blacks, Latinos, Muslims and disabled people.

How could any decent human being go near a booth to vote for him? And yet millions of Americans admire, cherish and even venerate him and compare him to Jesus Christ.

His rival, the current US president, has enabled the Israeli genocide against defenceless Palestinians. He has empowered, encouraged, aggressively militarised and diplomatically protected Israel against global condemnation, speaking of a whole different level of murderous US politics.

Before the current carnage, he enabled and empowered the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. So his empowering and arming Israel to do what it does to Palestinians is part of a larger warmongering around the globe with a particularly nasty racist trace.

To protect Israel’s genocidal war on Palestinians, he bombed Yemen and Syria. He has chosen a foreign policy team heavily invested in the so-called “liberal interventionism” (namely imperialist militarism) of the Clinton-Obama administrations, with the additional potency of a great power rivalry against Russia and China.

When it comes to Israel and genocidal Zionism, Biden and Trump are two sides of the same murderous coin, a coin one might flip to decide which one of them is to be the next US president.

All implicated in that evil

In 2016, I wrote about the US election as an existential threat to the world. Today, as Americans get ready to vote or not to vote, Gaza has been laid to waste by US bombs, US fighter jets, US tanks, US bullets, US military intelligence and US diplomatic protection of genocidal Zionism. If Trump were to succeed Biden, it would be just more of the same.

There is no lesser evil – evil is evil – and American political culture is evil. These two ageing men are the top two icons of that palpable evil. The murdered men, women and children of Gaza in their tens of thousands, those lying buried under the ruins of their homes, are the evidence of both their evils.

There is nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, nowhere to call a safe haven from these monstrosities. In less than a month, Americans have to pay their taxes, of which billions will be spent building bombs to drop on Palestinians or other people like Palestinians. We are already all implicated in that evil.

A leading liberal columnist for the New York Times recently wrote: “But a second Trump term wouldn’t just be about the abuse of power, the erosion of checks and balances and the elevation of assorted hacks and apparatchiks into positions of real authority. It would also be about the concerted effort to make the federal government a vehicle for the upward distribution of wealth.”

Whichever of these two morally depraved men is elected president, he will do the same bombing of innocent people, starve the world as they starved Palestinians, look after their own diabolical interests and, once again, Americans will be pitted against each other thinking they are opting for the lesser evil. They are not.

Israel is not just a settler colony created by Europeans and Americans to protect their murderous domination of the globe. Israel is the very murderous logic of western barbarism that has sold itself as the epitome of civilisation.

When the president of this garrison state said he was saving “western civilisation”, he was stating the truth: his settler colony and the genocidal Zionism it represents are the very quintessence of “the western civilisation”. Two mass murderers, Biden and Trump, are the highest achievement of the political culture they call “democracy”.

Incurable xenophobia

Liberal Americans today fear that Trump will dismantle American democracy. But what exactly has American democracy meant for the world?

Ask a Palestinian, an Afghan, an Iraqi, an Iranian who suffered the indignity of the 1953 coup. Ask an African or Latin American who has been at the mercy of incessant CIA coups. Ask what American democracy means to them.

Built on the genocide of Native Americans, sustained transatlantic slavery and incurable xenophobia, the US in its entire existence is one solidly and irredeemably racist enterprise, where a group of millionaires can make a mockery of that claim to democracy.

What is Trump accused of on 6 January 2021? That his ruffian supporters attacked Capitol Hill and tried to prevent Genocide Joe’s succession to Don the Con?

Has Capitol Hill not been under attack by the endless march of one lobby or another – the gun lobby, the fossil fuel lobby, the Israel lobbies, ad nauseam?

Clean-shaven and clad in business suits, lobbyists walk into the halls of Congress and bribe the legislators to send more arms to Israel to slaughter more Palestinians, sell more arms to insane people to murder schoolchildren, or else disregard the environmental calamities we face and expand on the profits of the fossil fuel industry.

This is American democracy in a nutshell.

We should all abandon any false hope in American democracy, and begin from the ruins of Gaza and the slaughtered corpses of Palestinians buried under those ruins and rebuild a new political imagination.

It is obscene to walk into any voting station and vote for anyone in this fundamentally flawed and irredeemable “American democracy”. We cannot salvage this diabolical political system. We must save our own souls. ... rous-coin/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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