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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Thu May 16, 2024 11:27 am

US acknowledges that Israel likely used its weapons to violate international law

The Biden administration’s recent statements on Israel’s aggression in Gaza may seem significant, but Israel policy shows no significant changes

May 13, 2024 by Peoples Dispatch

The Department of Defense submitted a report which stated that Israel’s use of US-provided weapons in Gaza likely violated international law (Photo via IDFonline/X)

On May 12, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken uttered words some may have thought impossible for a US official to say during televised interviews: the United States believes that Israel should “get out of Gaza.” He declared that Israeli tactics in Gaza have meant “a horrible loss of life of innocent civilians,” but have failed to meaningfully fight Hamas.

On CBS’s Face the Nation, Blinken was asked about the US withholding bombs to Israel, to which he responded, “We believe two things. One, you have to have a clear, credible plan to protect civilians, which we haven’t seen. Second, we also need to see a plan for what happens after this conflict in Gaza is over. And we still haven’t seen that because what are we seeing right now? We’re seeing parts of Gaza that Israel has cleared of Hamas, where Hamas is coming back, including in the north, including in Khan Younis.”

This marks some of the most scathing criticism that the US has provided against Israel. Thus far however, much like similar US critiques of Israel, very little has changed in terms of material policy.

On May 10, the Department of Defense submitted a report to Congress, which stated that Israel’s use of US-provided weapons in Gaza likely violated international law.

“This report seems like the international version of ‘thoughts and prayers:’ admitting there’s a problem but not doing anything meaningful to prevent the further loss of lives,” said Amanda Klasing, National Director of Government Relations at Amnesty International USA. “Despite President Biden’s vague comments earlier this week, his administration today made its position loud and clear: it points fingers and takes swift action when an actor the US government considers an adversary violates international law, but treats the government of Israel as above the law, even while acknowledging the overwhelming evidence that Israeli forces are violating international law and killing Palestinian civilians with US origin weapons on US taxpayer dime.”

Although Biden did pause some weapons shipments to Israel last week over its plans of invasion in Rafah, the tens of thousands of Gazans slaughtered by Israeli forces did not stop the US from signing into law a USD 26 billion aid package to Israel last month.

“In turning a blind eye, the administration is allowing Israel to continue to do so without consequence. Israel’s routine violations have pushed half of Gaza’s population to the brink of famine,” said Abby Maxman, Oxfam America’s President & CEO. “With today’s report, the US will be complicit in even more death and suffering in Gaza.”

However, as Layan Fuleihan and L. Mohammed wrote last week, the US’s recent rhetorical shift against Israel does signify that “the US government does not support the operation in Rafah, and that they want a ceasefire to go through.” ... ional-law/


After Military Failure, Israel Eyes US Mercenary Groups for Deployment in Gaza
MAY 14, 2024


By Musa Iqbal – May 13, 2024

After failing to meet any of its military goals in Gaza, Israel is now looking for an exit that will grant it the ability to control the besieged territory while pulling out its own forces.

Zionist media sources have revealed that a plan is being coordinated with the US to have American mercenary groups deployed in the Rafah crossing between occupied Palestine and Egypt.

Egypt itself is also included in these talks, treacherously opening the door to mercenary forces continuing the same war crimes on Palestinians as Israelis – with potentially more impunity.

Calling it a “security firm,” the Israeli newspaper Haaretz did not disclose which mercenary group is being roped in for the job. However, one thing is clear: there is nothing good that can come of this development. American mercenary groups have historically been responsible for some of the most egregious war crimes committed in military history.

For example, take the case of Blackwater – now known as “Academi” – likely rebranded since the very mention of the name “Blackwater” draws international disdain. Blackwater was deployed to both Afghanistan and Iraq, where they committed numerous massacres and mass murders.

Investigations were conducted for their ruthless crimes, with rarely anyone held accountable.

Further, the mercenary group was even under investigation for weapons smuggling and the murder of an Iraqi vice-presidential guard in 2006 by a mercenary who was operating firearms while intoxicated.

The attractiveness of mercenary groups – be it Blackwater, Northbridge, Triple Canopy, or others – lies in the fact that they operate outside of the common rules of engagement and warfare.

International rules of engagement do not necessarily apply to private firms that excel in ultra-violence. A quick examination of the history of mercenary groups – particularly American – reveals an extremely dirty laundry list of war crimes.

And, when they are faced with calls for accountability, these groups are capable of silencing dissent through violence.

Notably in 2007, a Blackwater official – Daniel Carroll – threatened two US State Department employees, stating he could kill them at any moment and that no one would do anything since they are in Iraq.

Although some American mercenaries have indeed seen their day in court, many have been acquitted or given lenient punishment. For example, a former US president famously pardoned multiple Blackwater mercenaries after they were found guilty of massacring several Iraqi civilians).

The world has seen months of war crimes and outright genocide inflicted on Palestinians in Gaza. This devastation – perpetrated by the illegitimate regime of Israel – has not been stopped by global institutions whose very job is to prevent war crimes and injustices.

Now consider what private military contractors – in other words ‘mercenaries’ – can do and very likely get away with. These shadowy groups answer to no international standard.

Israel has threatened to enter Rafah multiple times in recent weeks – endangering the lives of hundreds of thousands of Gazans – mainly children. They already have launched the aggression on the city.

Rafah is the final place of so-called “refuge” for Palestinians in Gaza. Internationally, governments have pressured the Zionist regime to practice restraint or to abandon the operation altogether and accept a ceasefire deal – which under certain conditions – the Hamas resistance movement is ready to accept.

Employing mercenaries removes the international pressure on Israel, which has had its image tarnished and is met with worldwide disgust and growing isolation.

Mercenary groups can be billed as “security forces” that are “meant to maintain peace” but that have historically never been their primary objective in foreign countries – they are always tasked to sow disorder and orchestrate mass massacres.

In addition, Zionist forces have simply been a colossal failure at confronting Palestinian resistance. Even now, Hamas and other resistance groups are confronting Zionist forces in areas where the Israeli regime declared Hamas no longer poses a threat.

Israel is unable to win against the united Palestinian resistance and has called on American mercenaries who have fought illegal wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and more to save them from more failure.

There is also the continued ethnic cleansing employed by the Tel Aviv regime. Israel, in coordination with Washington, is banking on a mercenary firm to complete dirty work that may be even too ravenously violent for the Zionist regime – massacring Palestinians until they are all dead or fleeing out.

Zionist media reports that the firm will only have “limited abilities” and details include the delivery of aid and resources to Palestinians.

But let us not forget the infamous “Flour massacre” where Zionist attack helicopters and soldiers opened fire on hundreds of starving Palestinians who reached an aid delivery truck.

Palestinian resistance forces have expectedly rejected this completely, stating they will not allow any foreign military to maintain control of their land. They are the masters of their own land and resources.

Unsurprisingly, the White House and the State Department have both rejected the claims that mercenary forces are being examined to be deployed into Gaza.

In an embattled election season, and Joe Biden being met with nationwide protests and disgust wherever he goes, admitting to employing seasoned war criminals to be deployed to Palestine would surely not score any political points. It could be suicidal.

However, one should assume these talks were being held long ago. Whenever imperialist regimes hit a brick wall, the common routine is to deploy mercenaries to complete what official state forces cannot.

It’s not just in Afghanistan, Iraq, and West and Central Asia, American mercenaries are found in Ukraine fighting against Russia as Ukrainian forces have come to a complete halt in significant advances.

Elsewhere, in Africa, American mercenaries appeared in Congo, of course protecting US economic interests in exploitable resources – both human and natural. These are just the ones that are on record.

Private forces do not have to disclose exactly where they operate.

No US official would champion the usage of these mercenaries if they do not have to. It is an admission of failure militarily and draws political blowback on the international stage.

Mercenary groups from the Mozart Group to Northbridge are commonly accepted as desperate means for conducting desperate measures.

Despite the violent threat of these seasoned war criminals entering Gaza, the very discussion of them being deployed reveals that Israel’s genocidal war is a complete failure and that they are looking for an exit strategy that will continue the status quo of war and bloodshed.

However, let it be known that no such exit exists. All roads lead to failure, humiliating faiure. ... t-in-gaza/


Zionist Troops Have Killed More Than 630 Doctors in Gaza

Doctor attending to a little child in Gaza, May 2024 | Photo: X/ @DaniMayakovski

Published 14 May 2024

Among doctors and nurses, the health agency quantifies about 500 dead, while 138 womens has been killed too

On Tuesday, the Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that More than 630 employees of medical institutions in the Gaza Strip were killed by the Israeli army since the beginning of its aggression on October 7 last year.

Among doctors and nurses, the health agency quantifies about 500 dead, while 138 womens has been killed too.

The World Health Organization had reported more than 430 Israeli attacks on the health system in Gaza, including hospitals and ambulance workers. Also against refugee camps.

An example of this is the Nasser Hospital of the Al-Shifa Medical Complex, which was besieged for weeks by Israeli troops and left thousands of corpses in mass graves which have been discovered in recent weeks.

In the Rafah area, hospitals and health centres are under attack, not only militarily but also through the pooling of resources, which has led to the collapse of institutions.

This situation will also be worsened by the advance of the Zionist tanks and the invasion in general, which experts and world organizations will be a catastrophe in every way.

On the other hand, Israel has today committed several massacres against civilians, by land, sea and air.

According to the latest data published by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the total number of victims during 220 days of Israeli aggression on Gaza increased to 35,34 dead and 78,755 injured. ... -0015.html


Chris Hedges: Israel’s Willing Executioners
May 14, 2024

Hundreds of thousands of people are being forced to flee, once again, after more than half of Gaza’s population took sanctuary in the border town of Rafah. This is part of Israel’s sadistic playbook.

When You’re Smiling – by Mr. Fish.

By Chris Hedges

Run, the Israelis demand, run for your lives. Run from Rafah the way you ran from Gaza City, the way you ran from Jabalia, the way you ran from Deir al-Balah, the way you ran from Beit Hanoun, the way you ran from Bani Suheila, the way you ran from Khan Yunis. Run or we will kill you.

We will drop 2,000-pound bunker buster bombs on your tent encampments. We will spray you with bullets from our machine-gun-equipped drones. We will pound you with artillery and tank shells. We will shoot you down with snipers.

We will decimate your tents, your refugee camps, your cities and towns, your homes, your schools, your hospitals and your water purification plants. We will rain death from the sky.

Run for your lives. Again and again and again. Pack up the pathetic few belongings you have left. Blankets. A couple of pots. Some clothes. We don’t care how exhausted you are, how hungry you are, how terrified you are, how sick you are, how old, or how young you are. Run. Run. Run.

And when you run in terror to one part of Gaza we will make you turn around and run to another. Trapped in a labyrinth of death. Back and forth. Up and down. Side to side. Six. Seven. Eight times. We toy with you like mice in a trap. Then we deport you so you can never return. Or we kill you.

Let the world denounce our genocide. What do we care? The billions in military aid flows unchecked from our American ally. The fighter jets. The artillery shells. The tanks. The bombs. An endless supply. We kill children by the thousands.

We kill women and the elderly by the thousands. The sick and injured, without medicine and hospitals, die. We poison the water. We cut off the food. We make you starve. We created this hell. We are the masters. Law. Duty. A code of conduct. They do not exist for us.

But first we toy with you. We humiliate you. We terrorize you. We revel in your fear. We are amused by your pathetic attempts to survive. You are not human. You are creatures. Untermensch.

We revel in our libido dominandi – our lust for domination. Look at our posts on social media. They have gone viral. One shows soldiers grinning in a Palestinian home with the owners tied up and blindfolded in the background. We loot. Rugs. Cosmetics. Motorbikes. Jewelry. Watches. Cash. Gold. Antiquities. We laugh at your misery. We cheer your death. We celebrate our religion, our nation, our identity, our superiority, by negating and erasing yours.

Depravity is moral. Atrocity is heroism. Genocide is redemption.

The Sadist’s World

Jean Améry, who was in the Belgian resistance during World War II and who was captured and tortured by the Gestapo in 1943, defines sadism “as the radical negation of the other, the simultaneous denial of both the social principle and the reality principle.

In the sadist’s world, torture, destruction and death are triumphant: and such a world clearly has no hope of survival. On the contrary, he desires to transcend the world, to achieve total sovereignty by negating fellow human beings – which he sees as representing a particular kind of ‘hell.’”

Back in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Netanya, Ramat Gan, Petah Tikva who are we? Dish washers and mechanics. Factory workers, tax collectors and taxi drivers. Garbage collectors and office workers. But in Gaza we are demigods.

We can kill a Palestinian who does not strip to his underwear, fall to his knees, beg for mercy with his hands bound behind his back. We can do this to children as young as 12 and men as old as 70.

There are no legal constraints. There is no moral code. There is only the intoxicating thrill of demanding greater and greater forms of submission and more and more abject forms of humiliation.

We may feel insignificant in Israel, but here, in Gaza, we are King Kong, a little tyrant on a little throne. We stride through the rubble of Gaza, surrounded by the might of industrial weapons, able to pulverize in an instant whole apartment blocks and neighborhoods, and say, like Vishnu, “now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

But we are not content simply with killing. We want the walking dead to pay homage to our divinity.

This is the game played in Gaza. It was the game played during the Dirty War in Argentina when the military junta “disappeared” 30,000 of its own citizens. The “disappeared” were subjected to torture – who cannot call what is happening to Palestinians in Gaza torture? – and humiliated before they were murdered. It is was the game played in the clandestine torture centers and prisons in El Salvador and Iraq. It is what characterized the war in Bosnia in the Serbian concentration camps.

This soul crushing disease runs through us like an electric current. It infects every crime in Gaza. It infects every word that comes out of our mouths. We, the victors, are glorious. The Palestinians are nothing. Vermin. They will be forgotten.

Israeli journalist Yinon Magal on the show “Hapatriotim” on Israel’s Channel 14, joked that Joe Biden’s red line was the killing of 30,000 Palestinians. The singer Kobi Peretz asked if that was the number of dead for a day. The audience erupted in applause and laughter.

We place “booby-trapped” cans resembling food tins in the rubble. Starving Palestinians are injured or killed when they open them. We broadcast the sounds of women screaming and babies crying from quadcopters to lure Palestinians out so we can shoot them. We announce food distribution points and use artillery and snipers to carry out massacres.

We are the orchestra in this dance of death.

In Joseph Conrad’s short story “An Outpost of Progress,” he writes of two white, European traders, Carlier and Kayerts. They are posted to a remote trading station in the Congo. The mission will spread European “civilization” to Africa.

But the boredom and lack of constraints swiftly turn the two men into beasts. They trade slaves for ivory. They get into a feud over dwindling food supplies. Kayerts shoots and kills his unarmed companion Carlier.

“They were two perfectly insignificant and incapable individuals,” Conrad writes of Kayerts and Carlier:

“…whose existence is only rendered possible through the high organization of civilized crowds. Few men realize that their life, the very essence of their character, their capabilities and their audacities, are only the expression of their belief in the safety of their surroundings. The courage, the composure, the confidence; the emotions and principles; every great and every insignificant thought belongs not to the individual but to the crowd; to the crowd that believes blindly in the irresistible force of its institutions and its morals, in the power of its police and of its opinion. But the contact with pure unmitigated savagery, with primitive nature and primitive man, brings sudden and profound trouble into the heart. To the sentiment of being alone of one’s kind, to the clear perception of the loneliness of one’s thoughts, of one’s sensations – to the negation of the habitual, which is safe, there is added the affirmation of the unusual, which is dangerous; a suggestion of things vague, uncontrollable, and repulsive, whose discomposing intrusion excites the imagination and tries the civilized nerves of the foolish and the wise alike.”

Rafah is the prize at the end of the road. Rafah is the great killing field where we will slaughter Palestinians on a scale unseen in this genocide. Watch us. It will be an orgy of blood and death. It will be of Biblical proportions. No one will stop us. We kill in paroxysms of excitement. We are gods. ... cutioners/

Mr Hedges is doing fine work{but that crack about Serbia shows his education is incomplete), but Mr Fish, holy shit, is one ruthless sumbitch, a hypersonic missile of info war.


Israeli troops lament return to north Gaza months after ‘dismantling’ Hamas

Israeli soldiers say they failed to ‘assess the scale’ of Hamas’ military infrastructure during the early stages of the war

News Desk

MAY 15, 2024

(Photo credit: AA)

Israeli troops say they are facing significant difficulty in battles with the Palestinian resistance in Gaza’s northern city of Jabalia, an area that Tel Aviv said months ago was “cleared” of Hamas fighters.

“Renewed operations in Jabalia and other parts of northern Gaza, like Gaza City's Zeitoun neighborhood, point to two lessons learned: that the IDF failed to fully assess the scale of Hamas' military infrastructure in Gaza [during the first rounds of fighting in the city months earlier],” Haaretz newspaper reported on 14 May.

“When Israeli forces left the area, [Hamas] quickly reestablished itself in the vacuum created by the lack of a ‘day after’ strategy.”

Tel Aviv claimed in early January that all of Hamas’ battalions were dismantled in northern Gaza, including Jabalia. Several Israeli army brigades are now back in the north, with the army’s 98th division operating in Jabalia after being diverted there instead of Rafah, according to Haaretz.

“We are in a learning contest with Hamas. You can see they've changed tactics and are now focusing more on setting explosive devices in buildings,” the commander of the Israeli army’s 196th Battalion is cited as saying.

The fighters of Hamas’ Qassam Brigades and other groups like the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s (PIJ) Quds Brigades have increasingly used the tactic of booby-trapping and detonating buildings with Israeli forces inside.

Traditional tactics, including RPG attacks on tanks and vehicles, sniping operations, and mortar attacks on troop concentrations, continue to be deployed. The Qassam Brigades released several videos over the past few days showcasing their operations against troops in Jabalia.

The Haaretz report notes that despite wide-scale operations across Jabalia months earlier, the resistance’s military capabilities remain intact. On 14 May, Israeli forces watched a barrage of rockets fly overhead, fired from nearby them in Jabalia northwards to Ashkelon.

“It's frustrating to see this, seven and a half months after the war began,” a commander of the 196th battalion says.

According to Haaretz, the Israeli soldiers fighting in Jabalia have all used a single word to describe their presence in the city: "Sisyphean.” The word refers to the Greek myth of Sisyphus, who the gods punished by forcing him to roll a giant boulder up a hill, only for it to roll back down each time he neared the top.

Reservists are also increasingly frustrated, as they are being deployed to combat areas with no knowledge of when they could return.

“We were told that, in principle, we're coming for a month, but the bottom line is that we're here with open-ended orders,” the Israeli outlet cites a reservist as saying, adding that some are not reporting for service. ... ling-hamas

I am reminded of the Western knights, who would travel to the Baltic shore for a short season of hunting heathens with the Teutonic Knights. Not so easy this time...

US readies $1bn in bombs for Israel days after 'pausing' arms transfer

Israeli bombs are falling indiscriminately across all of Gaza as hundreds of thousands have been displaced from the southern city of Rafah

News Desk

MAY 15, 2024

(Photo credit: Mandel Ngan/AFP)
The government of US President Joe Biden has informed Congress that it is planning a $1 billion weapons transfer to Israel, congressional sources told CBS on 14 May.

Congress will have to approve the transfer, which was initially reported on by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

This is the first arms shipment to be announced by Washington since it paused a shipment of weapons to Israel over concerns with its plans in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah.

The weapons package includes $700 million in tank ammunition, $500 million in tactical vehicles, and $60 million in mortar rounds. It remains unclear when the arms will be sent.

The news comes as Republican lawmakers have this week been planning to advance a bill to mandate the “prompt delivery” of offensive weapons to Israel. The White House said it would veto the bill, which has little chance of passing in the Democratically-controlled Senate.

Democrats are divided on the issue, and around two dozen have sent a letter to Biden saying they were “deeply concerned about the message” sent by the recent pausing of the arms shipment to Israel.

In response, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said this week: “We strongly, strongly oppose attempts to constrain the President’s ability to deploy US security assistance consistent with US foreign policy and national security objectives.”

She added that Washington plans to send “every last cent” of the supplemental package signed into legislation by Biden last month.

In March, Congress passed a $95 billion package of foreign aid that includes military assistance to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan.

Israeli forces stormed and seized control of the Rafah border crossing on 7 May. Dozens of civilians, including children, have been killed as jets continue to heavily bombard the besieged city. Hundreds of thousands of civilians have been forcibly displaced, and the operation has severely disrupted efforts to send aid into the strip.

Washington has repeatedly warned Israel over the months against carrying out a full-scale attack on the city, which shelters over a million besieged Palestinians in dire living conditions.

Biden had said on 9 May his administration would not supply weapons for an expanded operation in Rafah.

On Monday, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that Washington will continue to provide Israel with military assistance in line with the aid package but added that the bomb shipment was paused earlier this month because “we do not believe they should be dropped in densely populated cities.”

Israeli airstrikes have pounded densely populated city indiscriminately since the start of the operation. Artillery shelling caused widespread destruction to homes and property on 15 May, according to WAFA news agency. The UN warned this week that an expanded operation in Rafah would be “catastrophic.”

In the past 24 hours, at least 82 Palestinians have been killed due to Israeli bombardment across Gaza. ... s-transfer

(Tell me about that 'lesser evil' thing again...and I'll stomp yer ass.)

Israel launched eight attacks on aid groups since October: Report

Israel's army spokesman claimed one of the attacks was due to 'misidentification' despite clear communications on the aid group's location

News Desk

MAY 14, 2024

(Photo Credit: Anadolu)

Israeli forces have conducted at least eight airstrikes on aid workers and facilities in Gaza since October despite direct communication with the groups, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report released on 14 May.

“Israeli authorities did not issue advance warnings to any of the aid organizations before the strikes, which killed or injured at least 31 aid workers and those with them,” the report reads.

“The eight incidents reveal fundamental flaws with the so-called deconfliction system, meant to protect aid workers and allow them to safely deliver life-saving humanitarian assistance in Gaza,” the HRW report continues.

Tweets by hrw
Multiple aid groups that have been victims of these Israeli airstrikes had been in communication with Israeli authorities about their locations and movements.

One of the more recent incidents happened in April when Israel launched multiple airstrikes against a World Central Kitchen (WCK) convoy, killing several of its staff, one Palestinian translator, and foreign aid workers from Australia, the UK, Poland, and a dual US-Canadian citizen.

“Israel’s killing of seven World Central Kitchen aid workers was shocking and should never have happened under international law,” associate crisis, conflict, and arms director at HRW, Belkis Wille, said. “Israel’s allies need to recognize that these attacks that have killed aid workers have happened over and over again, and they need to stop.”

Herzi Halevi, chief of general staff of the Israeli army, called the attack on the WCK convoy a mistake, claiming “misidentification” and that it “was not carried out with the intention of harming [WCK] aid workers.”

However, WCK said that they had informed Israel about its staff location on a Gaza road often used by humanitarian groups.

In the eight attacks mapped by HRW, at least 15 people, including two children, were killed, and 16 others were injured.

The other seven attacks include strikes on the convoy of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in November, a UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) guest house in December, an MSF shelter in January, an International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) guest house in January, a UNRWA convoy in February, another MSF guest house in February, and the home of an American Near East Refugee Aid (Anera) employee in March.

UN numbers at the end of April show 253 aid workers have been killed by Israeli attacks on Gaza since October, 188 of whom were UNRWA personnel.

HRW called for an international group of experts to conduct a review of the “humanitarian deconfliction process.”

On Monday, Israeli forces shot and killed a foreign NGO worker and wounded another in an attack on a clearly-marked UN convoy in Gaza's southernmost city of Rafah. ... ber-report



The US Empire Deliberately Stokes Hatred And Violence In The Middle East

Have you not seen how the US empire uses the radicalism caused by its military violence in the middle east to justify more military expansionism in the region, leading to more military violence?

Caitlin Johnstone
May 15, 2024

I sometimes see people expressing bafflement that the US would back a genocide in the middle east knowing that it will radicalize the region against them, mistakenly thinking this goes against US strategic goals.

And I always want to say to them, uh, have you been asleep the last quarter century? Have you not seen how the US empire uses the radicalism caused by its military violence in the middle east to justify more military expansionism in the region, leading to more military violence?

That’s what the so-called “war on terror” has been about since 9/11. The data unmistakably shows that US-led military interventionism in the middle east in the name of fighting “terrorism” actually leads more people to join US-designated terrorist organizations and commit more terrorist attacks, because nothing will radicalize you against the US and its allies like watching them murder and displace your loved ones right in front of you. But the interventionism continues anyway. Why? Because the resource-rich middle east is a crucial geostrategic region for planetary domination, and the US empire wants to have an expanded military presence there.

It’s actually a brilliant self-reinforcing scam. It works like this:

Step 1: Murder people in the middle east in the name of fighting “terrorism”.

Step 2: This causes people to hate you and your allies and to want to retaliate with violence.

Step 3: Designate these people “terrorists”.

Step 4: Send more war machinery to the region to go fight “terrorism”.

Step 5: Murder more people in the middle east in the name of fighting “terrorism”.

Do you see how this cycle would repeat over and over again, leading to more and more US military expansionism in the middle east? That’s exactly what we’ve been seeing, and it’s exactly what the US empire wants.

Why do you think the US empire spends so much energy propping up dictatorships throughout the middle east, despite claiming to support democracy? It’s so that they can impose their will on the region without any meaningful consequences in terms of geostrategic control. They can freely rain military explosives upon west Asia without losing allies and partners, and all that will happen is a bunch of radicalized hatred throughout the general public, which they desire anyway.

If the oil-rich nations in the middle east ever had democratic rule, their governments would quickly move away from their official and unofficial alliances and partnerships with the United States and Israel, and would in all likelihood form their own powerful bloc in support of their own interests. Because the empire helps suppress the will of the people in that region by installing and supporting dictators instead, the only recourse some people feel they have to see their will enacted in that direction is the non-state violence known as “terrorism”.

Someday there will be a large-scale violent attack on the US in retaliation for its genocide in Gaza, and the response from the US will with absolute certainty be more military expansionism in the middle east. This all suits the US empire managers perfectly fine. They want it, and they actively work to make it happen.

The US-centralized empire makes the world more hateful, more violent, more dangerous and more abusive. Humanity cannot know peace until this globe-dominating power structure has been cast into the dustbin of history. ... ddle-east/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Fri May 17, 2024 11:38 am

Hamas Statement on the 76th Anniversary of the Nakba
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 15, 2024


Al-Aqsa Flood is a natural extension of our people’s resistance and their legitimate right to defend their land and sanctities. It’s a strategic milestone that has restored the global presence of our cause, reinforced our national unity behind the resistance, shattered the enemy’s arrogance, and solidified our ongoing struggle for liberation and return, and the end of the occupation.

This year marks the painful 76th anniversary of the Nakba amid the heroic battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, waged by our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, united with their valiant resistance, led by the victorious Al-Qassam Brigades and the fighting Saraya Al-Quds, and all factions of the Palestinian resistance, in an epic saga lasting 222 days. During this time, the zionist occupation, its fascist government, and Nazi army failed to achieve any of their aggressive goals against our people in the Gaza Strip, despite committing horrific massacres and waging a genocide war that targeted all aspects of human life, using all types of weapons and ammunition, with full support and participation from the U.S. administration. The land of Gaza, like the blessed land of Palestine throughout history, has never been anything but noble, proud, and repelling to the occupying invaders.

76 years have passed since the zionist enemy occupied our historic land, and since the Nakba and displacement of our people, yet the great Palestinian people remain steadfast on their land, clinging to their rights and constants, defending their identity and sanctities, striking the finest examples of heroism, sacrifice, patience, jihad, and redemption at every stage of the struggle with the enemy. Despite the years, all attempts by the occupation to quell Palestinian consciousness, undermine their resistance, obscure their cause, or erase it have utterly failed. All its aggressive plans against our people in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Al-Quds, and inside the occupied territories will shatter against the rock of this great people’s steadfastness and the valor, strength, and fierceness of our resistance, and the rallying of our people in all squares of the homeland and abroad around the comprehensive resistance project as a path to liberating the land and sanctities.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

On the 76th anniversary of the Nakba:

On this 76th anniversary of the Nakba, we in Hamas remember the souls of the martyred leaders and all the martyrs’ caravans of our people in the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood in Gaza, the West Bank, and Al-Quds, and in our Islamic nation, whose blood and sacrifices have become fuel and a beacon for all masses of our people in our ongoing battle against the zionist enemy. We pray to Allah for the speedy recovery of the wounded and the sick, and for the imminent freedom of the prisoners and detainees in the occupation’s prisons, and we affirm the following:

Firstly: We extend a greeting of pride and esteem to our enduring and steadfast people in the Gaza Strip of dignity, who are the people of loyalty, generosity, and sacrifice, with their souls and everything precious, for the sake of Palestine, Al-Quds, and Al-Aqsa, who continue to write the glory of Palestine and the nation, and craft their legendary epic in steadfastness, sacrifice, patience, and redemption, despite the pain of displacement, killing, expulsion, and daily bombing, and the war of starvation and thirst waged by the Nazi occupation, whose dreams and illusions will shatter on the land of Gaza, by Allah’s grace, power, and support.

Secondly: The ongoing battle of Al-Aqsa Flood has cemented the unity, cohesion, and solidarity of our people in all squares of the homeland and abroad, and has proven to the world that our people do not know defeat, surrender, or concession of their land, constants, and rights, no matter how long it takes, and no matter the strength and crimes of the aggressor and its partners and supporters, reaffirming the legitimacy of our people’s struggle and the justice of our cause and restoring its global presence, as a just national liberation cause, for the achievement of freedom, independence, and self-determination, and the establishment of a fully sovereign Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital.

Thirdly: The ongoing aggression of the zionist occupation for 76 years, and the genocidal crimes it has inflicted on our people in the Gaza Strip for more than seven months, constitute a stain of shame on the forehead of all those silent and negligent in exposing and criminalizing it and working to stop it, and we call on our nation and all the free people in the world to press by all means to stop the zionist aggression against our land, people, and sanctities, and support the steadfastness and struggle of our people aspiring for freedom and independence.

Fourthly: The support and bias of the U.S. administration for this aggression and the ongoing zionist criminality in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and the occupied city of Al-Quds, and the policy of double standards practiced by Western powers in dealing with our people’s cause and their legitimate rights; constitute a major sin against all norms and human values, making them partners in bearing responsibility for the genocide facing our people, and we renew our call for them to retract it and do justice to our people and their legitimate rights and end the occupation.

Fifthly: Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque are the focal points of the struggle with the zionist enemy, and the occupation has no legitimacy or sovereignty over an inch of both of their blessed land. Al-Aqsa Mosque has always been and will remain purely Islamic, and our people will continue to cling to the city of Al-Quds as the eternal capital of Palestine. They will not allow the erasure of its features and the alteration of historical and current realities, and will sacrifice lives and souls to liberate them from the filthiness of the occupation and its settler hordes.

Sixthly: We commend the sacrifices of our free prisoners and noble female prisoners in the occupation’s jails, and we affirm that we will remain loyal to them until their liberation. We warn the occupation against escalating its violations and crimes against them, and we hold it fully responsible for the life and safety of the prisoners and detainees in its jails since the beginning of this aggression. We call on the United Nations and human rights institutions to intervene by all means to criminalize and stop the systematic violations of the occupation against them.

Seventhly: The continuing suffering of millions of Palestinian refugees in camps within Palestine and in the diaspora is directly the responsibility of the zionist occupation, and their legitimate right to return to their homes from which they were displaced cannot be compromised or neglected. Here, we call on the United Nations and UNRWA to assume their legal and humanitarian responsibilities in supporting the rights of refugees, providing relief, and ensuring a decent life for them until their return is achieved.

Eighthly: We call on the masses of our people in all places of their presence, both inside and in the diaspora, to continue their steadfastness, firmness, and confrontation of the occupation and its plans, which target the land, identity, constants, and sanctities, by all means, in all arenas. We salute the hands of the heroes of our revolutionary people in Al-Quds and the entire occupied West Bank, and call on them to further stationing and clash with the enemy and its settler hordes, defending their existence, and in victory for Gaza, Al-Quds, and Al-Aqsa.

Ninthly: While we salute and value the global movement in solidarity with our people and our just cause, exposing the crimes of the occupation in the Gaza Strip, we call on all masses, solidarity activities, and supporters of the Palestinian right to continue and enhance this solidarity and support by all means, in all capitals, cities, and squares of the world, and to press on the countries, governments, and institutions supporting the occupation, until the zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip stops, and our people can secure their legitimate rights to freedom and self-determination.

Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
Wednesday: 07 Dhul-Qi’dah 1445 H
Corresponding to: 15 May 2024 ... the-nakba/


My Heart Makes My Head Swim: The Twentieth Newsletter (2024)

Apartheid, occupation, and genocide are at the heart of the situation in Gaza – despite the baseless claim of Israel and its Global North allies that the use of these terms is tantamount to anti-Semitism.
MAY 16, 2024

Malak Mattar (Palestine), Hind’s Hall, 2024.

Dear friend,

Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.

The title of this newsletter, ‘My heart makes my head swim’, comes from Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks (1952). In a chapter called ‘The Fact of Blackness’, Fanon writes about the despair that racism produces, the immense anxiety about living in a world that has decided that certain people are simply not human or not sufficiently human. The lives of these people, children of a lesser god, are assigned less worth than the lives of the powerful and the propertied. An international division of humanity tears the world into pieces, throwing masses of people into the fires of anguish and oblivion.

What is happening in Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city, is ghastly. Since October 2023, Israel has ordered 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza to move southwards as the Israeli armed forces have steadily moved their gunsights across the Wadi Gaza wetlands down to the edge of Rafah. Kilometre by kilometre, as the Israeli military advances, the so-called safe zone moves further and further south. In December, the Israeli government claimed, with great cruelty, that the tent city of al-Mawasi (west of Rafah, along the Mediterranean Sea) was the new designated safe area. A mere 6.5 square kilometres (half the size of London’s Heathrow airport), the supposed safe zone within al-Mawasi is nowhere near large enough to house the more than one million Palestinians who are in Rafah. Not only was it absurd for Israel to say that al-Mawasi would be a refuge, but – according to the laws of war – a safe zone must be agreed upon by all parties.

Ismail Shammout (Palestine), Odyssey of a People, 1980.

‘How can a zone be safe in a war zone if it is only unilaterally decided by one part of the conflict?’, asked Philippe Lazzarini, the commissioner-general of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA); ‘It can only promote the false feeling that it will be safe’. Furthermore, on several occasions, Israel has bombed al-Mawasi, the area it says is safe. On 20 February, Israel attacked a shelter operated by Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières, killing two family members of the organisation’s staff. This week, on 13 May, an international UN staff member was killed after the Israeli army opened fire on a UN vehicle, one of the nearly 200 UN workers killed in Gaza in addition to the targeted assassination of aid workers.

Aref El-Rayyes (Lebanon), Untitled, 1963.

Not only has Israel begun to bomb Rafah, but it hastily sent in tanks to seize the only border crossing through which aid dribbled in on the few trucks a day that were allowed to enter. After Israel seized the Rafah border, it prevented the entry of aid into Gaza altogether. Starving Palestinians has long been Israeli policy, which is of course a war crime. Preventing aid from entering Gaza is part of the international division of humanity that has defined not only this genocide, but the occupation of Palestinian land in East Jerusalem, Gaza, and the West Bank since 1967 and the system of apartheid within the borders defined by Israel following the 1948 Nakba (‘Catastrophe’).

Three words in this sentence are fundamentally contested by Israel: apartheid, occupation, and genocide. Israel and its Global North allies want to claim that the use of these words to describe Israeli policies, Zionism, or the oppression of Palestinians is tantamount to anti-Semitism. But, as the United Nations and numerous respected human rights groups note, these are legal descriptions of the reality on the ground and not moral judgments that are made either in haste or out of anti-Semitism. A short primer on the accuracy of these three concepts is necessary to counter this denial.

Nelson Makamo (South Africa), Decoration of the Youth, 2019.

Apartheid. The Israeli government treats the Palestinian minority population within the borders defined in 1948 (21%) as second-class citizens. There are at least sixty-five Israeli laws that discriminate against Palestinian citizens of Israel. One of them, passed in 2018, declares the country a ‘nation state of the Jewish people’. As the Israeli philosopher Omri Boehm wrote, through this new law, the Israeli government ‘formally endorses’ the use of ‘apartheid methods within Israel’s recognised borders’. The United Nations and Human Rights Watch have both said that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians falls under the definition of apartheid. The use of this term is entirely factual.

Laila Shawa (Palestine), The Hands of Fatima, 2013.

Occupation. In 1967, Israel occupied the three Palestinian territories of East Jerusalem, Gaza, and the West Bank. From 1967 to 1999, these three areas were referred to as part of the Occupied Arab Territories (which at different times also included Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, Syria’s Golan region, and southern Lebanon). Since 1999, they have been termed the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). In UN documents and at the International Court of Justice, Israel is referred to as the ‘occupying power’, which is a term of art that requires certain obligations from Israel toward those whom it occupies. Although the 1993 Oslo Accords set up the Palestinian Authority, Israel remains the occupying power of the OPT, a designation that has not been revised. An occupation is identical to colonial rule: it is when a foreign power dominates a people in their homeland and denies them sovereignty and rights. Despite Israel’s military withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 (which included the dismantling of twenty-one illegal settlements), Israel continues to occupy Gaza by building a perimeter fence around the Gaza Strip and by policing the Mediterranean waters of Gaza. Annexation of parts of East Jerusalem and the West Bank as well as the punctual bombing of Gaza are violations of Israel’s obligation as the occupying power.

An occupation imposes a structural condition of violence upon the occupied. That is why international law recognises that those who are occupied have the right to resist. In 1965, in the midst of Guinea Bissau’s struggle against Portuguese colonialism, the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 2105 (‘Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples’). Paragraph 10 of this resolution is worth reading carefully: ‘The General Assembly… [r]ecognises the legitimacy of the struggle by the peoples under colonial rule to exercise their right to self-determination and independence and invites all States to provide material and moral assistance to the national liberation movements in colonial Territories’. There is no ambiguity here. Those who are occupied have the right to resist, and, in fact, all member states of the United Nations are bound by this treaty to assist them. Rather than sell arms to the occupying power, who is the aggressor in the ongoing genocide, the members states of the United Nations – particularly from the Global North – should aid the Palestinians.

Abdulqader al-Rais (United Arab Emirates), Waiting, c. 1970.

Genocide. In its order published on 26 January, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that there was ‘plausible’ evidence of Israel committing genocide against Palestinians. In March, the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Francesca Albanese, published a monumental report called Anatomy of a Genocide. In this report, Albanese wrote that ‘there are reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating Israel’s commission of genocide is met’. ‘More broadly’, she wrote, ‘they also indicate that Israel’s actions have been driven by a genocidal logic integral to its settler-colonial project in Palestine, signalling a tragedy foretold’.

Intent to commit genocide is easily proved in the context of Israel’s bombardment. In October 2023, Israel’s President Isaac Herzog said that ‘an entire nation out there is responsible’ for the attacks on 7 October, and it was not true that ‘civilians [were] not… aware, not involved’. The ICJ pointed to this statement, among others, since it expresses Israel’s intent and use of ‘collective punishment’, a genocidal war crime. The following month, Israel’s Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu said that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza was ‘an option’ since ‘there are no non-combatants in Gaza’. Before the ICJ ruling was published, Moshe Saada, a member of the Israeli parliament from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, said that ‘all Gazans must be destroyed’. These sentiments, by any international standard, demonstrate an intent to commit genocide. As with ‘apartheid’ and ‘occupation’, the use of the term ‘genocide’ is entirely accurate.

Vijay Prashad presents Frantz Fanon’s daughter, Mireille Fanon Mendès-France, with a poster of the cover of the new isiZulu edition of her father’s classic, The Wretched of the Earth, in Paris, France, 2024.

Earlier this year, Inkani Books, a Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research project based in South Africa, published the isiZulu translation of Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth, Izimpabanga Zomhlaba, translated by Makhosazana Xaba. We are so proud of this accomplishment, bringing the work of Fanon into another African language (it has already been translated into Arabic and Swahili).

When I was last in Palestine, I spoke with young children about their aspirations. What they told me reminded me of a section from The Wretched of the Earth: ‘At twelve or thirteen years of age the village children know the names of the old men who were in the last rising, and the dreams they dream in the douars [camps] or in the villages are not those of money or of getting through their exams like the children of the towns, but dreams of identification with some rebel or another, the story of whose heroic death still today moves them to tears’.

Children in Gaza will remember this genocide with at least the same intensity as their ancestors remembered 1948 and as their parents remembered the occupation that has loomed over this narrow piece of land since their own childhood. Children in South Africa will read these lines from Fanon in isiZulu and remember those who fell to inaugurate a new South Africa thirty years ago.


Vijay ... apartheid/


The Al-Aqsa Flood Operation Is - Despite All Damage - Effectual

[iOn Monday Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah held a speech which to a large part explained the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation and why it can be seen as a success. (Nasrallah is currently the public spokesperson for the various Resistance groups involved in the current fight):

Sayyed Nasrallah maintained that the Palestinian resistance wanted Al-Aqsa Flood Operation to be a chance to revitalize the Palestinian cause and remind the whole world with the Palestine and Palestinian rights thrown in the oblivion.
On the other hand, some Arab regimes promoted ‘Israel’ as a normal entity that preserves democracy, according to Hezbollah leader, who added that the steadfastness of women, children and resistance fighters in Gaza has changed this situation.

Nowadays, Palestinian and the Palestinian rights are being highlighted all over the world, Sayyed Nasrallah said, adding that over 140 states voted for granting Palestine a full UN membership.

Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed that the Israeli envoy’s act of shredding a copy of UN Charter over a vote in favor of Palestinian rights displays the Zionist arrogance and carelessness about the international resolutions.

The most important political media scene that reflects the victory of the Palestinian resistance is the moment the Israeli UN envoy raised the picture of Hamas military commander Yahya Al-Sinwar.[/i]

Another expression of the success is the fact that Israel has achieved not even one of its war aims:

Sayyed Nasrallah mentioned that the Israelis tell the Zionist officials that three main targets of the war–eradicating Hamas, liberating the captives, and protecting the settlements from Gaza missiles– have not been achieved yet.
Hezbollah leader said that Hamas continues fighting the Zionist occupation forces across Gaza, holding most of the Israeli captives, and firing missiles at the Zionist settlements in the south of occupied Palestine.

Sayyed Nasrallah added that the Israelis also failed to achieve the implicit targets, including displacing Gaza locals, noting that the Gazans showed a great steadfastness against this scheme.

Alaistair Crooke described the Resistance strategy as designed to exhaust Israel:

Seyed Hassan Nasrallah (as the spokesman for the unity of Resistance Fronts) has made clear that the aim of the Resistance is to exhaust "Israel" -- and to drive it to a state of defeat and despair -- such that Israelis begin to recant the claim of special rights and exceptionalism, and become content to live ‘between the River and the Sea’ with others (Palestinians), sharing in a parity of rights. That is, with Jews, Muslims and Christians living on a common territory. There would then be no Zionism.
Seyed Nasrallah explicitly foresaw the possibility of such an outcome emerging -- without major war.

I do not yet see such a situation evolving. Israel has instead descended into barbarism.

But current headlines of the Times of Israel do reflect the heavy strain Israel is under:

5 soldiers killed, 7 hurt in ‘friendly fire’ incident in northern Gaza’s Jabaliya
IDF confirms Hezbollah drone hit a sensitive military site; damage being assessed
Hezbollah fires dozens of rockets, claims to target army bases; IDF strikes Lebanon
Gallant to PM: Reject Israeli military, civil rule of Gaza after Hamas; I won’t allow it

Defense Minister Gallant is as right-wing as Israel's Prime Minister Natanyahoo but a bit more realistic. The Biden administration is currently trying to install him as the Prime Minister of a less radical Israel government.

The required marketing campaign for this is run through David Ignatius' Washington Post column (archived):

It’s time for Israel to begin building a Palestinian security force in Gaza that can provide stability there after the political power of Hamas is broken, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said in a blunt briefing this week.
“The idea is simple,” Gallant told me. “We will not allow Hamas to control Gaza. We don’t want Israel to control it, either. What is the solution? Local Palestinian actors backed by international actors.” Gallant’s frank comments mark a turn in the Israeli government’s debate about governance and security issues in Gaza, known by the shorthand phrase “the day after.” His views are widely shared by the defense and security establishment but opposed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing coalition.
Biden administration officials say Gallant has taken a larger role in U.S.-Israeli dialogue in recent months, as relations have soured between Netanyahu and President Biden. One U.S. official described Gallant as an “indispensable” problem-solver in the increasingly tense debate about how to end the war in Gaza.
In January, Gallant released a public plan that stated his central point: “Gaza residents are Palestinian, therefore Palestinian bodies will be in charge, with the condition that there will be no hostile actions or threats against Israel.” He proposed a multinational task force to help stabilize Gaza including U.S., European and Arab partners, with Egypt playing a special role as a “major actor.”

The idea is stupid.

Some heavily bribed remands of the Palestinian Authority selected by Israel and guarded by foreign occupation forces will never be able to rule Gaza.

As Amal Saad, a British-Lebanese scholar of all things related to the Resistance, concludes:

Hamas has not only weathered the storm of Israel's scorched earth policy but has emerged more resilient and adaptive in the face of this approach. Rather than breaking its resolve, Israel's overkill strategy has unwittingly fostered a more robust and determined adversary, and allowed it to rally support in Palestine and beyond.
Given these realities on the ground, Israel's misguided belief that it can handpick Gaza's future government borders on delusion. Far from weakening Hamas' grip on power, the war has paradoxically served to solidify the movement's status as the only legitimate and effective governing force in Gaza.

This does not bode well for the Zionist settler state:

This rare phenomenon, where one of the world's best-equipped militaries has its weaknesses laid bare for its enemies to exploit, has not only sealed Israel's fate in the current conflict but predetermined its failure in future wars. The acknowledgment of its military shortcomings, diminished morale among its troops and the growing confidence of its emboldened foes, all point to an inevitable outcome: a series of future defeats that will further erode Israel's once-formidable military reputation, strategic position in the region and even its survival.

I do not know enough of the internal dynamics of the Resistance to judge on this but that experts see a chance of such an outcome gives me some hope.

Posted by b on May 16, 2024 at 13:40 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


Palestinians commemorate 76th Nakba Day as half a million flee Rafah

Experts have pointed out similarities in the ethnic cleansing from the Nakba and the current war in Gaza

News Desk

MAY 15, 2024

(Photo Credit: X)

Nearly half a million Palestinian civilians have fled Gaza’s southern city of Rafah on 15 May as Israel’s threat to invade continues to loom overhead.

The mass forced displacement of civilians continues as Palestinians mark the 76th anniversary of the 1948 Nakba.

The Nakba, Arabic for “catastrophe,” paved the way for the creation of the Israeli state when Zionist paramilitaries drove around 750,000 Palestinians out of their homes and villages, many seeking refuge in what would become the Gaza Strip and West Bank and sanctuary in surrounding Arab nations.

Zionist militias attacked Palestinian villages in efforts to form a Jewish state, ethnically cleansing it from its indigenous inhabitants.

Nakba Day comes as battles rage on between the Palestinian resistance and Israeli forces. The UN estimates that roughly 450,000 Palestinians have been forcibly displaced from Rafah since 6 May, and nearly 100,000 from northern Gaza.

In just a week's time, effectively, a quarter of Gaza’s population of 2.4 million has been displaced yet again.

More than 45,000 Palestinians have been killed as a result of Israel’s onslaught of violence against Gaza. At least 14,500 of those killed were children.

Protests and actions commemorating the Nakba tragedy have sprung up across the globe in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Students in Melbourne took over a hall at the University of Melbourne, renaming it “Mahmoud’s Hall” in memory of Mahmoud al-Nouq, a prospective student who was killed by an Israeli airstrike in October.

“We don’t want to be at a university that funds research for war,” student Gemma O’Toole said. “Students have always been on the right side of history and always been met with the sort of reaction we’re getting right now.”

Students in the Philippines also held a protest, burning Israeli and US flags and calling for a ceasefire despite police disapproval and violence.

German tech workers have taken to Berlin streets in protest against the Amazon Web Services summit, demanding that the company pull out of Project Nimbus, a contract that provides the Israeli army with cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) services.

The project is speculated to have been used to provide public data for AI targeting systems like Lavender and compile a kill list for Israel.

Students at Tel Aviv University held protests, which the police refused to permit for the first time since the event was established 12 years ago.

Anti-protesters could be heard shouting at the Tel Aviv University students, “Here is not Columbia,” where students set up encampments in solidarity with the Palestinians. Graduates even ripped up their diplomas in dissent against the university’s policies.

Palestinians today have endured mass expulsion from their homes on a scale unseen since the Nakba. Mustafa Barghouti, a Palestinian politician, told Anadolu Agency it would be accurate to call what is happening in Gaza a “second Nakba, but even worse.” ... flee-rafah

US spy balloon crashes in northeast Syria

Local sources indicate that the balloon crashed due to a technical malfunction, while others indicate that it was shot down

News Desk

MAY 16, 2024

(Photo Credit: Lockheed Martin)

A sizable surveillance aerostat owned by the US military crashed on 15 May near the town of Rmelan in Syria's northeastern Al-Hasakah province.

Footage on social media showed the aerostat descending from the sky and, subsequently, its debris on the ground close to Rmelan, which was also near a US base. Allegedly, US fighter jets were seen flying over the vicinity during the event.

The US maintains several illegal bases in Syria, including the one in Rmelan, primarily in the northeastern provinces of Al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor, as well as Al-Tanf in the southeast, purportedly to combat ISIS remnants.

Several local sources said the spy balloon crashed due to a technical malfunction, while others indicate that unidentified culprits shot down the aerostat. The Pentagon has yet to comment.

The US initially introduced aerostats to its Syrian bases years ago, although they were considerably smaller than the one that crashed near Rmelan. The significant size of this aerostat indicates it likely carried sophisticated surveillance equipment, potentially including aerial radar systems.

The day prior, the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah carried out multiple operations against Israel, including the downing of an Israeli surveillance balloon in the south of Lebanon and the demolition of the launching base and the control equipment utilized for its operation.

Hezbollah has been launching daily assaults on Israeli military installations since 8 October, in solidarity with Gaza and in support of the Palestinian resistance. It has pledged to persist until the war on Gaza is stopped. ... east-syria

Egypt dismisses Israeli scheme for reopening of Rafah crossing: Report

Israel violently took control of the Rafah crossing and blocked the entry of aid into Gaza just hours after Hamas accepted a proposal for a lasting ceasefire

News Desk

MAY 16, 2024

(Photo Credit: AP)

Egyptian officials have shot down an Israeli proposal to coordinate the reopening of the Rafah crossing into Gaza and to “manage its future operation,” according to Egyptian sources who spoke with Reuters.

Shin Bet officials reportedly presented the plan to Cairo on 15 May, which included “a mechanism for how to manage the crossing after an Israeli withdrawal.”

The Israeli delegation traveled to the neighboring nation “mainly to discuss matters around Rafah, given recent developments,” according to an official in Tel Aviv cited by the British news outlet.

Israeli spokesman David Mencer on Wednesday claimed Egypt rejected an Israeli request to open Rafah to Gazan civilians who wish to flee.

These comments were followed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accusing Cairo of holding the people of Gaza “hostage” by not working with Israel.

“I mean, that’s not our problem. We’re not holding up the opening of Rafah,” Netanyahu said just one week after the Israeli military violently took control of the Rafah crossing.

“I hope Egypt considers what I’m saying now. Nobody should hold the Palestinian population hostage in any way, and I’m not holding them hostage,” the Israeli premier, who faces charges of genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and a possible arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court (ICC), added.

In response, Cairo denounced what it described as “desperate attempts” to shift blame for the blockage of aid.

Israel’s takeover of the Rafah crossing is a breach of the Philadelphi Accord, which was added to the Israel–Egypt peace treaty in 2005 after the evacuation of Israeli settlements in Gaza.

Before Tel Aviv took over the crossing, Cairo warned publicly that any such move was a red line that would put the peace treaty at risk.

Western media reported this week that Tel Aviv has amassed enough troops near Rafah to launch a wide-scale invasion of the besieged city as hundreds of thousands of Palestinians flee for their lives
As the crisis worsens, Egypt has announced it would formally join South Africa’s case accusing Israel of violating the UN Genocide Convention in Gaza at the ICJ. ... ing-report
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sat May 18, 2024 11:00 am

Craig Murray: Active Participants in Genocide
May 17, 2024

In obedience to Israel, the Western political and media class is isolating itself from public opinion on Gaza in ways hard to believe. But here are a few examples.

May 1 solidarity march in New York. (Pamela Drew, Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0)

By Craig Murray

Incredibly the Israeli genocide in Gaza is now reaching new heights of violence. Casualty figures are not coming in, as the attacks are so bad that bodies cannot be recovered, medics cannot travel and there are almost no medical facilities operational now anyway.

We now see that the Western injunctions not to attack Rafah were a smokescreen of lies to mask complicity. The final pocket of Gaza is being ruthlessly ethnically cleansed and its infrastructure will be destroyed like all the rest.

It is striking that this is accompanied by an absolutely shameless doubling down of support for Israel by the Western political and media classes.

Any thought that their isolation from the vast breadth of public opinion would give them pause, must be abandoned. Their Zionist lobby paymasters have jerked the chain, and rather than rowing back, we are seeing a redoubling of their efforts to suppress dissent and obscure the truth.

Some of this shameless distortion is so dissonant with the alleged norms of Western society it is almost impossible to believe it is happening. Here are a few examples.

No. 1). Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta is a highly respected reconstructive surgeon who continued to work heroically and tirelessly in Al Shifa hospital, carrying out operation after operation, mostly on women and children, as the hospital was shelled, strafed and machine gunned around him.

He was already a surgeon of great distinction, based in Glasgow where he is now rector of Glasgow University.

When Germany banned him from entering to address the conference on Palestine from which Yanis Varoufakis and others were also barred, it appeared perhaps as a one-off action as part of Germany’s extreme and panicked reaction to pro-Palestinian expression.

We have come to understand that Germany has a vicious hatred of Palestinians, remarkably based on the psychological trauma of inherited guilt from the Holocaust. While this is a muddled national psychosis that is plainly immoral and wrongheaded, at least it is possible to have some understanding of how it occurred.

But it then turned out that the travel ban slapped on Dr. Abu Sitta by Germany had a Schengen-wide effect as he was also banned from France. That appeared again to be something that was almost a technical accident as regards the rest of Europe.

But the Western political establishment then banned him from the Netherlands, and this time the Dutch government made it clear that it supports the ban, and is not just caught by a Schengen restriction.

So the major governments of the European Union tried to forbid a distinguished surgeon from giving first-hand medical evidence of the genocide taking place. I cannot think of anything that more sharply exposes the willingness of the Western political class to abandon the most basic tenets of supposed “Western democracy” in the interests of Israel.

No. 2). The willingness of the United States to use extreme violence against pro-Palestinian students on college campuses is another demonstration of the same abandonment of the pretence of democracy when it comes to Israel.

It also illustrates what has come to be a serious generational divide in Western public opinion, with young people very strongly motivated to oppose the genocide (which is not to say that older people are pro-genocide, just that they are more split, particularly in the U.S.).

This is being followed up with yet more crazed pro-Israeli legislation in the United States, seeking to designate anti-genocide and pro-Palestinian expression on campuses as anti-Semitic and thus illegal.

In many ways this typifies the reaction of the ruling class across the West. Their reaction to suddenly being exposed as the paid servants of an Israel which no longer has popular support and now causes public revulsion, is simply to attempt to ban free expression and make it specifically illegal to disagree with them.

Protester at the 11th National Ceasefire Now Protest on Palestine Land Day, London, March 30. (Steve Eason, Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0)

No. 3). The British Labour Party has gone even madder. Keir Starmer’s Genocide Party is an outstanding example of the success of the Israeli lobby in buying up both sides of the aisle and controlling the entire neoliberal uniparty that poses as the repository of democratic “choice” in the West.

Starmer had been doing his best to conceal his explicitly expressed “unequivocal support for Israel” lately, and to row back from his straightforward assertion that Israel has the right to cut off food and water from the population of Gaza.

There had been a fake shift, from refusing to countenance the word “ceasefire” to supporting a temporary ceasefire or a “sustainable” ceasefire — the latter being code for a ceasefire after Israel had achieved all its ethnic cleansing objectives.

But then David Lammy, the U.K.’s shadow secretary of state for foreign affairs, blew this out of the water with an address to U.S. Republican senators in which he made the totally bonkers assertion that Nelson Mandela would have opposed the college protests for Palestine. Lammy is a truly despicable individual, one of the ultimate examples of the corrupt politician whose voice is bought. But this was a move far beyond the pale.

No. 4). Even today, the Western media continues to spout Israeli propaganda at mains pressure. The Guardian, despite the thousands and thousands of dead women and children we have seen on our mobile phones this past seven months, continues to pretend that the genocidal attack is on “Hamas militants.”

The bombing and shelling of civilians in tents is still described as “clashes.” This propaganda really does not wash any more, though it may reinforce the morale of hardened Zionists. Everybody else has seen through it months ago. Yet still they persist.

No. 5). The endgame is becoming very apparent. The United States is completing its floating harbour for Gaza, and Israel has gained control of the Rafah crossing into Egypt, giving the U.S. and Israel total control of entry points into Gaza.

Israel has announced that the Rafah crossing is to be handed over to a U.S. mercenary force. The U.S. can then say it is complying with U.S. President Joe Biden’s pledge not to put U.S. forces’ boots on the ground in Gaza, while actually taking control.

The U.S. has justified the Israeli attack on Rafah as a “limited military operation,” thus claiming it does not violate Biden’s purported “red line,” even though Israel has ordered over a million displaced people in Rafah to evacuate again, to nowhere.

The only possible conclusion from all of the above is to reinforce my analysis that the Zionist political and media classes in the West, including Biden, Starmer, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron, U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, are active and willing participants in a programme of genocide.

They had numerous opportunities to turn back. We all saw what was happening months ago.

The endgame remains the processing of the remaining Palestinian population out of Gaza through the U.S.-controlled points of the Rafah crossing and the floating harbour, primarily into camps in the Sinai desert. The Western powers are doubling down on their genocide and on their colonial project.

I see nothing whatsoever that indicates they can have any other long-term objective in mind than the complete Israeli annexation of Gaza minus its civilian population. What do you see? ... -genocide/

I have long held that the tail does not wag the dog. And while that must be so it is more complicated than I currently understand. Because show me where in history has a minor power held a major power hostage? Unless it is simply a matter of 'The West' being desperate to maintain the credibility of it's power, because the credibility of it's morality has gone straight to hell.


Amira Hass: “Resist the Normalization of Evil”
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 17, 2024

Our guest is the Haaretz correspondent Amira Hass, the only Israeli Jewish journalist to have spent 30 years living in and reporting from Gaza and the West Bank. She is the recipient of the 2024 Columbia Journalism Award, and on Wednesday she addressed the graduating class of the Columbia Journalism School in New York City. Hass discusses the ongoing Israeli war on Gaza, why journalists should “resist the normalization of evil and injustice,” Israel’s recent censorship of Al Jazeera, its maintenance of a strict apartheid system, its complete rejection of the prospect of Palestinian statehood and more. “Israel took Palestinian life, liberty and freedom as hostage for the past 75 years,” says Hass. “You go to Tel Aviv, you think you are in New York or you are in London — and 40, 50 kilometers away, Palestinians live in cages.”

Israel is intensifying its bombardment of the Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza, destroying dozens of residential buildings in heavy airstrikes overnight and pushing residents to flee to other parts of the city. This comes as Israel is vowing to escalate its ground attack in the southernmost city of Rafah, with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant saying Thursday additional troops would enter Rafah and that military operations will intensify in the city. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also said Thursday, quote, “The battle in Rafah is critical,” unquote.

One-point-four million Palestinians — over half of Gaza’s population — had been displaced to Rafah seeking shelter. Now more than 600,000 have fled Rafah over the past week and a half since Israel launched its ground offensive there. Since then, no food, fuel or other aid has entered the two main border crossings in southern Gaza, further exacerbating the humanitarian crisis. Some 1.1 million Palestinians are on the brink of starvation, according to the U.N., while a full-blown famine is taking place in the north, this confirmed by the World Food Programme.

The developments come as the International Court of Justice has wrapped up two days of hearings in The Hague after South Africa’s request last week for emergency measures to halt Israel’s assault on Rafah. It marked the third time the U.N.’s top court held hearings on Gaza since South Africa filed a case in December accusing Israel of committing genocide. On Thursday, South Africa’s ambassador to the Netherlands, Vusimuzi Madonsela, urged the court to order Israel to “totally and unconditionally withdraw” from the Gaza Strip.

Israel presented its defense at the World Court today and denied it’s carrying out a genocide in Gaza. The International Court of Justice today ordered representatives for Israel to submit more information about humanitarian conditions in its so-called evacuation zones in Gaza. This comes as foreign ministers from 13 countries have signed onto a letter warning Israel to halt its ground operations in Rafah and to get more aid to Palestinians. The letter is signed by all G7 members minus the United States.

For more, we’re joined by longtime Israeli journalist Amira Hass. Born in 1956 in Jerusalem, her parents Holocaust survivors, she’s the Haaretz correspondent for the Occupied Palestinian Territories, based in Ramallah. She’s the only Israeli Jewish journalist to have spent 30 years living in and reporting from Gaza and the West Bank. Her books include Drinking the Sea at Gaza: Days and Nights in a Land Under Siege. Amira Hass is the recipient of the 2024 Columbia Journalism Award. And on Wednesday, she addressed the graduating class of the Columbia Journalism School here in New York. She now joins us in our New York studio. ... n-of-evil/


As famine takes over Gaza, aid shipments trickle in via US-built pier

A UN official described the pier on Gaza's coast as a 'wasteful distraction' as famine looms and Israel continues to limit aid deliveries to the strip's 2.3 million people by land

News Desk

MAY 17, 2024

US-built pier off the Gaza coast (Photo credit: US Central Command via AP)

The first humanitarian aid transported via the US-built floating pier has reached the Gaza shore, the Financial Times reported on 17 March, as warnings of looming famine due to the Israeli siege and bombardment of the enclave continue.

US Central Command issued a statement on social media saying the pier was part of an “ongoing, multinational effort to deliver additional aid to Palestinian civilians in Gaza via a maritime corridor that is entirely humanitarian in nature and will involve aid commodities donated by several countries and humanitarian organizations.”

The first arrival of aid follows two months of work by US forces at a cost of about $320 million and forms part of a larger maritime corridor between Cyprus and Gaza, as Gaza has faced the threat of mass starvation.

“The threat of famine in Gaza never loomed larger,” the UN World Food Program warned this week.

Aid groups have criticized the US effort to build the pier, saying the White House should have pressured Israel months ago to remove restrictions on the entry of desperately needed aid through the more efficient land crossings, where trucks are being forced to wait weeks to be allowed to enter the besieged enclave.

Last month, a senior UN official who requested anonymity called the project a “wasteful distraction,” arguing that “there are roads, there are border crossings – there’s [already] aid waiting outside Gaza.”

On Thursday, current and former officials from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the State Department said the White House has ignored months of internal warnings about the spread of famine in the besieged Gaza Strip. “I believe the US to be complicit in creating the conditions for famine. Not only has our response been woefully inadequate, but we’re actively responsible in large part for it,” a USAID employee told the British daily Independent.

This has raised questions about whether building the pier and establishing a maritime corridor from Cyprus has another purpose, such as to expel Palestinians to Europe via ship and pave the way for establishing Gaza as a regional transportation and energy hub to benefit Israeli business interests.

US President Joe Biden announced the floating pier initiative in March, claiming to be concerned over the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza following warnings by aid groups that its population of 2.3 million was on the brink of famine.

But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proposed the idea of the Pier to Biden on 22 October, at a time Israel was openly committed to preventing any food or water from entering Gaza, causing rights groups to accuse Israel of using starvation as a weapon of war.

The Financial Times notes that since the start of the war on 7 October, Gaza received an average of 200 trucks of humanitarian aid per day, according to UN and Israeli military figures, down from 500 before the war.

The pier route has the capacity to handle 150 trucks a day, while the UN estimates that some 1,000 are needed each day for several weeks to compensate for the massive shortages of food, water, medical supplies, and other items that have built up over the past months.

On Thursday, more than 350 trucks entered Gaza, the vast majority either from Israel directly or the Palestinian private sector in the occupied West Bank.

Egypt has stopped all aid shipments from its territory, according to documents seen by the Financial Times, after Israel launched a military offensive into the southern city of Rafah earlier this month, seizing the key border crossing with Egypt. ... built-pier

Will Germany betray Yazidi genocide victims?

Thousands face deportation to the Iraqi Kurdish Region, where the persecuted religious minority lives in prison-like camps under constant fear of a repeat of the 2014 genocide carried out by ISIS in collaboration with the ruling Barzani family.

The Cradle's Iraq Correspondent

MAY 17, 2024

(Photo Credit: The Cradle)

Thousands of Yazidi survivors of the genocide perpetrated by ISIS in 2014 are now at risk of deportation from Germany to Iraq despite the continued danger to members of the besieged religious minority in their homeland.

Though ISIS has largely been defeated, Yazidis are still not safe in their Iraqi homeland because the genocide was not carried out by ISIS alone but also by Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani and his Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), which still rules the Iraqi Kurdistan Region (IKR).

Because the Barzani clan still seeks territorial control of Sinjar, and because hundreds of thousands of displaced Yazidis still live in prison-like camps under the Barzani clan’s control in the IKR, the risk of a new genocide of Yazidis remains.

Yazidis in Germany

Many Yazidis sought safety and were welcomed in Germany in the wake of the genocide in 2014, in which thousands of Yazidi men were massacred, and thousands of women were taken as sex slaves for the terror group’s leaders and fighters across Iraq and Syria.

Berlin’s generous support for Yazidis was reinforced in January 2023 when the German parliament formally recognized the Yazidi genocide.

However, German officials now increasingly argue that it is safe for Iraqis of all faiths to return home because ISIS was defeated territorially in 2017 and no longer poses the threat it once did.

Last year, Germany escalated its deportations of Iraqis of all religious and ethnic groups after a secret agreement was reached between Berlin and Baghdad.

But although Iraq as a whole is now enjoying a rare period of stability following decades of wars and sanctions, Yazidis continue to live in fear of a new campaign of ethnic cleansing and genocide.

The hidden Kurdish role in the Yazidi genocide

It is widely known that ISIS carried out the genocide against Yazidis when it invaded the Sinjar region of Iraq in August 2014.

But it is almost entirely unknown – outside of the Yazidi community itself – that Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani partnered with ISIS to facilitate the slaughter.

After ISIS took control of Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, in June 2014, the terror group’s militants slowly began to surround the Yazidi majority region of Sinjar to the west by the Syrian border.

Despite the widespread fear and anticipation that ISIS would soon move to take Sinjar as well, Kurdish officials confiscated weapons and prevented Yazidis from fleeing while promising that KDP security forces, known as Peshmerga, would defend the vulnerable religious minority.

Dutch journalist Christine Van Den Toorn reported in the Daily Beast that according to a local KDP official, “higher-ups in the party told representatives to keep people calm, and that if people in their areas of coverage left, their salaries would be cut.”

Van Den Toorn reports further that KDP security official Sarbast Baiperi told Yazidis that “until the last drop of blood we will defend Sinjar.”

But Baiperi was one of the first to flee Sinjar ahead of the ISIS attack. “He fled in a single vehicle, telling no one but his guards,” Van Den Toorn wrote.

Baiperi was followed by thousands of Peshmerga who fled Sinjar ahead of the ISIS assault without firing a bullet, while some 200 local Yazidis were killed attempting to defend Sinjar alone.

The KDP and Peshmerga’s actions ensured that ISIS would be able to massacre and enslave as many Yazidis as possible.

The most dangerous people for Yazidis

But when the slaughter of Yazidi civilians began, it was not just Sunni Arab ISIS members but also Sunni Kurd ISIS members who carried out the kidnappings and killings.

Salwa Khalaf Rasho, a 16-year-old Yazidi girl who was captured and sold into sex slavery during the August 2014 attack, later testified to the UK Parliament that when she and her family were captured by ISIS, “Most of them were Arabic and Kurdish Sunnis from the region [emphasis mine].”

A Yazidi source speaking with The Cradle stated, “The most dangerous people for Yazidis are Kurds. Kurds were living in Sinjar, too, not just Arabs. Kurdish ISIS members killed many Yazidis in August 2014.”

Though often overlooked, the “presence of Kurds in jihadi groups is by no means a new phenomenon,” Aymenn al-Tamimi noted for the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point. Kurdish jihadi groups have been based in the Iraqi Kurdistan area for decades, even prior to the 2003 US invasion.

Like snow in the sunshine

The Kurdish persecution of Yazidis in 2014 was also not a new phenomenon. A 2008 US State Department memo released by WikiLeaks documents a conversation between Thomas Krajeski, then the senior advisor to the US ambassador in Baghdad, and Yazidi religious leader Tahsin Ali, which discussed Kurdish efforts to take control of traditionally Yazidi territory.

Ali said that “like snow in the sunshine,” the Yazidi community “will melt under KDP pressure to control the ethnic and religious composition of disputed territories in Nineveh [where most of the Yazidis live].”

The memo notes that Ali described how the KPD was stealing Yazidi land and “wiping the Yazidi community off the map.”

Kurdish Jerusalem

Kurdish territorial designs focused not only on Yazidi areas such as Sinjar and Sheikhan but also on the oil-rich city of Kirkuk, home to a mix of Kurds, Arabs, and Turkmen.

When ISIS attacked Mosul in June 2014, the Iraqi army collapsed and fled, leaving control of the city in the hands of the extremist group. KDP Peshmerga forces immediately took the opportunity to seize Kirkuk, which they viewed as the “Jerusalem of Kurdistan.”

Doing so allowed Barzani to drastically increase the Kurdish region’s oil reserves and export oil independent of Baghdad via Turkiye to Israel. This, in turn, provided the economic base needed to undergird the future independent Kurdish state desired by Barzani and KDP leaders.

Two weeks after Mosul fell to ISIS, Barzani told the BBC: “Everything that’s happened recently shows that it’s the right of Kurdistan to achieve independence. From now on, we won’t hide that that’s our goal. Iraq is effectively partitioned now.”

Although many focused on the amount of territory ISIS conquered for its so-called Caliphate, Denise Natali of the National Defense University observed that due to the ISIS takeover of Mosul, “the Kurds had extended their territory by about 40 percent.”

Gareth Stansfield of the University of Exeter noted that ISIS had provided the KDP “their moment to re-write the map of the Middle East.”

All the pieces for Kurdish independence were quickly falling into place, Stansfield told Time Magazine, “and ISIS has actually brought this.”

An explicit deal

However, the Kurdish capture of Kirkuk and other disputed territories was not just opportunistic.

According to French academic and Iraq expert Pierre-Jean Luizard of the Paris-based National Centre on Scientific Research (CNRS), there was “an explicit agreement” between Barzani and ISIS, which “aims to share a number of territories.”

ISIS was given the role of “routing the Iraqi army, in exchange for which the Peshmerga would not prevent ISIS from entering Mosul or capturing Tikrit.”

According to Luizard, the deal called for the Kurds to take territory in “mixed Arab-Kurdish and Sunni-Shiite territories, often also populated by Christian or Yezidi minorities.”

Cemil Bayik, a senior member of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), also alleged that Barzani made a deal with ISIS to allow Mosul to fall.

According to reporting from Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute, Barzani supplied Kornet anti-tank missiles to ISIS ahead of the Mosul attack.

Journalists and members of the KRG parliament later verified that senior Peshmerga commanders had sold weapons to ISIS and that none of them were ever arrested or charged.

Conquest masked as liberation

After helping ISIS conquer Sinjar and massacre Yazidis in August 2014, Barzani quickly pivoted, demanding that the US and its allies, including Germany, give his Peshmerga vast amounts of weapons to fight ISIS.

But when the Peshmerga finally joined the PKK to take Sinjar from ISIS in November 2015, almost no fighting occurred, and the city was captured in just one day.

ISIS fighters, who previously put up stiff resistance, suddenly fled as Barzani's Peshmerga arrived.

“The whole time I saw just one dead Daesh fighter,” Carsten Stormer, a German documentary filmmaker embedded with PKK fighters, told the New York Times.

According to a Yazidi source speaking with The Cradle, ISIS abandoned Sinjar City in another agreement with Barzani and the Peshmerga.

But instead of returning Sinjar to the Yazidi survivors of the genocide, Barzani claimed the territory for his future Kurdish state.

After hoisting a massive Kurdish flag over the city, Barzani declared, “Sinjar was liberated with the blood of the Peshmerga and belongs to Kurdistan in every way.”

Foreign Policy wrote that local Yazidi fighters then accused Barzani of attempting to “occupy Sinjar by agreement with the Turkish government.”

As Columbia University’s Program on Peace-building documented, Turkiye has also colluded closely with ISIS, most notably during the group’s assault on the PKK-controlled town of Kobani on the Syrian–Turkish border in September 2014, just one month after the Sinjar massacres.

After retaking Sinjar City, the Peshmerga then imposed an economic blockade on Sinjar, which lasted over a year and prevented Yazidi families displaced during the genocide from returning and rebuilding their homes and lives, Human Rights Watch reported.

Assyrian writer Max Joseph summarized Barzani’s strategy: “This is conquest masquerading as liberation.”

Camps like prisons

Almost a decade later, hundreds of thousands of Yazidis from Sinjar have not been able to return to Sinjar and continue to live in tents in internally displaced person (IDP) camps in the IKR under KDP and Barzani family control.

Regarding the international humanitarian aid earmarked to help the Yazidi IDPs, West Asia expert Matthew Barber of the University of Chicago stated:

So you’re feeding people, displaced, who are now living in camp-like prisons. And you’re actually helping maintain that status quo through a humanitarian aid industry while ignoring the political factors that are preventing those people from going home. Young people who went in as adolescents or kids lived their entire teenage years in tents on strips of gravel in the hot baking sun of the summer and the bitter cold of the winter. And it is sick. In my opinion, it is a continuation of this genocide. The Kurdish government is primarily responsible for it.

Another genocide?

Yazidi fears of another genocide were magnified in April 2023 when Kurdish extremists in Zakho called for a terrorist attack against Yazidis in the Chamishko IDP camp. The group discussed using grenades and other weapons and encouraged others in Erbil and Sulaymaniyah to join.

Some of these extremists may, in fact, be current or former ISIS members. In November 2023, Kurdish security forces from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), a rival political party to the KDP, announced the arrest of 55 ISIS suspects in the Sulaymaniyah region.

Yet more concerning is the claim by prominent Kurdish activist Qadir Nadir, which alleges that ISIS leaders close to Abu Bakir al-Baghdadi are currently living in Erbil under the protection of Barzani’s KDP, which is providing them secure apartments and generous salaries.

In January, InfoMigrants warned that “the threat of persecution and genocide continues to fuel migration” of Yazidis. The EU-funded group noted that some 2,900 Yazidis fleeing Iraq to Germany submitted asylum applications between January and September 2023.

One Yazidi who survived the 2014 genocide but is now threatened with deportation from Germany is 21-year-old Shahab Smoqi.

“I had one hope: to go to a country that would respect me, my religion, and hopefully protect me and my family against those who hate Yazidis,” Smoqi told InfoMigrants.

Germany, who so generously welcomed Yazidis in their darkest time of need, is now on the verge of betraying them as well. ... de-victims

West Bank settlers set fire to trucks mistaken for Gaza aid shipments

Israeli activists seeking to starve Gazans burned a second such truck in as many nights while also attacking Israeli soldiers

News Desk

MAY 17, 2024

Humanitarian aid supplies dumped by Jewish settlers on a road near Tarqumiyah military checkpoint in Hebron, occupied West Bank, May 13, 2024. (Photo credit: AA Photo)

In the second such incident in two days, dozens of Israeli settlers attacked and burned a truck in the occupied West Bank and assaulted its Israeli driver, mistakenly believing the truck was delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza, the Times of Israel reported on 17 May.

When Israeli soldiers intervened, the settlers also attacked them, lightly injuring three, including two officers.

Israeli settlers are trying to block humanitarian aid transported by land from Jordan to Gaza, where many Palestinians are starving under Israel’s blockade.

At the beginning of the war, Israel announced it would prevent food and water from entering Gaza while attacking humanitarian convoys and killing aid workers and police accompanying them. However, in recent weeks, the Israeli army has allowed more aid into Gaza in response to international outrage over its use of starvation as a weapon.

But Israeli activists have continued to try to block any aid from entering the strip.

In a statement, the army said the settlers attacked the Israeli driver of the truck at a junction outside the Kochav Hashahar settlement, northeast of Ramallah, before lighting the truck on fire. Soldiers provided medical treatment to the Israeli driver while working to fend off the mob. The army said the extremists responded with violence toward the soldiers.

In a separate incident, dozens of rioting settlers protesting aid to Gaza hurled rocks at Palestinian cars at the Tapuah Junction south of the West Bank city of Nablus. Israeli police responded with tear gas and stun grenades.

Haaretz reported that one of the Israelis was lightly wounded after being hit by a car whose Palestinian driver was attempting to escape from the mob.

The attacks in the West Bank largely started last month when Israel agreed to expand the aid route from Jordan.

The right-wing activist group Tzav 9 responded by organizing protests seeking to block aid trucks from reaching Gaza, including at the Karam Abu Salem crossing on the Israel–Egypt–Gaza border.

Tzav 9 also argues no food aid should be allowed into Gaza until the roughly 100 Israeli captives held by Hamas in Gaza are released. Israel, in turn, holds thousands of Palestinians captive in its prisons.

The Times of Israel adds that individual members of the Israeli security forces are believed to be informing the activists of the location of the aid trucks en route to Gaza, enabling their targeting.

Early in the war, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir signaled to police, which he controls, to allow the activists to continue protesting and blocking trucks entering Gaza at the Karam Abu Salem and Nitzana crossings, an Israeli official told the newspaper.

On Wednesday, activists attacked another commercial truck in the occupied West Bank, also mistaking it for a convoy carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza.

The activists lit a fire on the road at the Givat Asaf Junction on Route 60, dumped the truck’s contents into the road, and assaulted its Palestinian driver.

On Monday, activists spilled the contents of one truck onto the road and lit two trucks on fire to prevent aid from entering Gaza. Four people were arrested during the incident.

Tzav 9 claimed credit for blocking the shipment as it passed through the Tarqumiyah checkpoint in the Hebron Hills region, which is between the southern West Bank and Israel. ... -shipments

Berserk mad dogs.

Hezbollah launches first-ever Lebanese airstrike on Israeli base

The resistance group used, for the first time, a drone equipped with two missiles to attack Israel’s Metulla site

News Desk

MAY 17, 2024

(Photo credit: X)

Hezbollah launched the first-ever Lebanese airstrike on an Israeli target on 17 May, using a never-before-seen drone for the operation.

“In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their brave and honorable resistance, the Islamic Resistance attacked at 1:38 pm on Thursday 5/16/2024 the Metulla site, its garrison, and its vehicles with an offensive drone armed with two S5 missiles,” Hezbollah said in a statement on Thursday afternoon, marking the sixth of 13 operations that day.

“When it reached its designated point, it fired missiles at one of its vehicles and the elements gathered around it, killing and wounding them. After that, it continued its assault on its designated target and hit it accurately,” the statement added.

The resistance group released footage of its drone strike on Metulla. Two missiles are seen being fired from each side of the drone, which then descends towards its final target and explodes.

Three Israeli soldiers were injured – with one seriously wounded – in the drone attack.

Coinciding with Israel’s brutal assault on Rafah and its relentless attacks across the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah has stepped up its operations in recent days.

While it has increasingly deployed the use of attack drones in its operations over the past several months, this is the first time a drone equipped with missiles has been used to attack targets from above – not only since the start of this war but for the first time in Lebanon’s history.

Hebrew news outlet Channel 13 noted on 16 May that Hezbollah’s attacks have become bolder and more sophisticated, and are resulting in more Israeli casualties.

In response to Israeli airstrikes on eastern Lebanon the day prior, Hezbollah also announced on 16 May a drone attack on Elbit Systems, the Israel-based international military technology company.

It also targeted the David Cohen factory in Tel Hai, north of the Kiryat Shmona settlement.

One of Hezbollah’s many operations on 15 May targeted Israel’s Sky Dew aerostat at the Ilania base west of Tiberias. The Israeli army confirmed that a “sensitive” facility was hit. ... raeli-base
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sun May 19, 2024 12:21 pm

Protest against Israel’s Gaza Blockade and attack on humanitarian flotilla – Melbourne 5 June 2010. (Photo: John Englart / Flickr)

Chicanery versus humanity
By Prabhat Patnaik (Posted May 18, 2024)

Originally published: Peoples Democracy on May 19, 2024 (more by Peoples Democracy) |

THE current protests in U.S. university campuses demanding “divestment” from firms linked to Israel’s military machine, are reminiscent of the protests that had swept these campuses in the late sixties and early seventies demanding an end to the Vietnam war. There is however a major difference: the U.S. had then been directly involved in the war, while today it is not. This had meant a draft then in the U.S. while today there is none, which makes the current student protests completely free of even a shadow of self-interest. By the same token, direct U.S. involvement in that war and hence the daily loss of lives of U.S. personnel had invested the calls within the U.S. establishment for ending the Vietnam war with a seriousness that is sorely missing in all such calls today. The fact of the U.S. not being a direct combatant therefore makes the protests of the students much more principled and serious, while it makes the pronouncements on peace of the establishment much less principled and serious.

The students in short are moved by a pure sense of humanity. Their protests are motivated by an abhorrence for genocide, for settler colonialism, and for imperialist complicity in an apartheid Zionist regime; they are an expression of humanity’s quest for peace and fraternity. The U.S. establishment, on the other hand, indulges in double talk: while paying lip service to peace it does everything to prolong the conflict, and while professing opposition to the inflicting of cruelty on innocent civilians, continues supplying arms for inflicting such cruelty. The humanity on one side, the side of the students, is in stark contrast to the chicanery on the other side. If the first is the harbinger of hope for the future, the second represents the frantic dishonesty of a tottering imperialism.

This dishonesty is manifest at every level. For years now, the metropolitan countries have been committed to a “two-state” solution to the Palestinian issue, that is, to having a Palestinian State alongside the State of Israel. The point is not whether a “one-State” solution, that is a single State with its central executive elected through universal adult franchise, and within whose boundaries the Palestinians and the Israelis live together, is better than a two-State one; the point is that a two-State solution has been accepted for long by international opinion and also by the imperialist countries. A corollary of the two-State solution is that a Palestinian State should come into being immediately and be recognised as a full-fledged member of the United Nations. And yet whenever the issue of admitting Palestine as a full member of the UN has come up, the United States, despite being apparently committed to the idea, has exercised its veto at the Security Council which has the final authority in the matter.

This is what happened on April 19. The Zionist State of Israel does not want an independent Palestinian State for that would put an end to its settler colonial project; and the United States, despite its public posturing, goes along with this Zionist project whenever matters come to a head. On May 10 again the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly (with 143 in favour, nine against and 25 abstentions) for full membership of Palestine, and requested the Security Council to reconsider the matter. While the U.S., along with some of the arch right-wing regimes of the world like Argentina and Hungary voted against, other metropolitan countries (with the exception of France alone which voted in favour) abstained. The U.S., when the matter comes again before the Security Council, will no doubt exercise its veto once more to thwart not only any prospect of peace, but also the will of the overwhelming mass of the people of the world to resolve the problem.

The same dishonesty is visible in the manner in which the U.S. establishment treats the student movement. Police have been sent to several campuses to break up the encampments set up by the students and hundreds of student protesters have been arrested, despite the fact that the protests have been peaceful. The use of strong-arm methods to deal with peaceful protests constitutes an assault on the freedom of expression; but it has been justified by the entire American establishment, from Donald Trump to Joe Biden to Hilary Clinton. Donald Trump has talked of “Radical mobs taking over our college campuses” and accused Biden of being complicit with such “mobs”. Biden in turn who has openly supported police action against students, as at Columbia University, in conformity with “liberal” opinion in general, has charged protesting students with “anti-semitism”, a bizarre charge given the fact that student protesters have included a large number of Jewish students! Hilary Clinton has accused the students of being ignorant of the history of the middle east, as if awareness of such history could condone the perpetration of a genocide!

The anti-Vietnam war movement had at some point acquired the support of important American public figures like Eugene McCarthy and Robert Kennedy, but that again was because of America’s direct involvement in the war. In the present case the entire phalanx of establishment politicians has lined up in favour of the war and against the students.

Similar student protests have broken out elsewhere in the metropolitan world and similar strong-arm tactics have been used in many campuses. But there have also been instances of opposition to strong arm methods. In Britain for instance Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s advice to vice chancellors of universities that have seen such protests, to use the State machinery to break them up has not gone down well with all vice-chancellors; some have even refused to attend a meeting called by him. But in America there has been no such opposition; university heads who have sought to assert their own judgement on how to deal with the protests, have been forced to resign.

It is this suppression of thought on campuses that has brought the charge of a new McCarthyism being unleashed in the U.S. Then as now it is a group of right-wing lawmakers that are in the forefront of the attempt to suppress independent thinking on campuses. But the question arises: in the 1950s the context for McCarthyism was provided by the Cold War and the fear of Communism; what is it in the present context that is driving this new McCarthyism?

There can be little doubt that the new McCarthyism is linked to the rise of the right and to the ascendancy of neo-fascism in the capitalist world in the context of the crisis of neo-liberal capitalism. What the rise of neo-fascism has done is not just to thrust fascist elements that had hitherto occupied the political fringe to the centre-stage, but also to let such elements hegemonise the so-called “liberal” political forces, to create a more or less unified right-wing consensus that beats down all efforts at a revival of the Left.

It is noteworthy that when Jeremy Corbyn had been elected the leader of the Labour Party in Britain and had mounted a challenge against the establishment that had threatened to “get out of hand”, a conspiracy had been mounted against him by dubbing him “anti-semitic” (because of his sympathy for the Palestinian cause) and even removing him from the Labour Party itself.

Students and teachers in universities still constitute in the metropolis an independent source of thought, and hence a moral force that poses a threat to this right-wing consolidation. Control over universities therefore becomes an important item on the agenda of this right-wing consolidation. Independence of thought must be destroyed,every trace of humanity must be destroyed, if this right-wing consolidation is to have its way. What we are seeing in the United States today is this brazen attempt to destroy independence of thought.

Protesting genocide is dubbed anti-semitism. Neither the students nor Jeremy Corbyn was anti-semitic; in fact it is among their detractors that one can find elements that have had links with anti-semitic movements at home and abroad (like the movement started by Stepan Bandera of Ukraine who had collaborated with the Nazi invaders). But “weaponising anti-semitism” comes in handy for right-wing consolidation in metropolitan countries.

What is happening on U.S. campuses therefore is of great significance. The struggle between humanity and chicanery that is being played out on campuses today presages decisive class struggles in the days to come. ... -humanity/


‘Nakba Never Ended, It Continues as We See Livestreamed in Gaza Today’
MAY 17, 2024


By Syed Zafar Mehdi – May 15, 2024

While the world is commemorating the 76th anniversary of the Nakba on Wednesday, the catastrophe never ended, says a Palestinian-American trauma social worker and clinician.

In an interview with the Press TV website on the eve of the Nakba anniversary, Dina Elmuti, a first-generation Palestinian-American living in Chicago, who has extensively worked with Palestine-focused rights and advocacy groups, said the Nakba, which translates to “catastrophe”, “never ended.”

More than 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled from their homeland between 1947 and 1949, thousands of others were massacred and over 500 Palestinian villages and towns were completely wiped out by the occupying Zionist entity in what came to be known as ‘Nakba’.

“We have got to stare intergenerational trauma, the legacy of Zionism, theft, dispossession, and genocide right in the face,” said Elmuti, whose grandparents lived and survived the Nakba.

“The Nakba is not past. It remains continuous, as we see livestreamed today in Gaza. Zionists have been attempting to erase Palestinians from consciousness, and the face of the earth, from day one.”

Since October 7 last year, when the Israeli regime launched its indiscriminate bombings on the besieged Gaza Strip, more than 35,000 Palestinians, most of them children and women, have been killed and more than 2 million have been displaced and rendered homeless.

Many observers and human rights campaigners have likened it to another Nakba, or catastrophe.

Elmuti, who has a master’s degree in public health social work and has worked with NGOs serving children in Palestine and refugee and immigrant communities in the US, said her grandmother was a survivor of the Deir Yassin Massacre.

On April 9, 1948, more than a hundred Palestinian residents of the occupied village of Deir Yassin were murdered by members of the Zionist terrorist group Irgun and Stern Gang. The massacre was led by Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, who later became prime minister of the Israeli regime.

The massacre marked a watershed moment and paved the way for the birth of the illegitimate entity.

“She (her grandmother) was 8 years old at the time of the massacre. Her story of survival, much like other survivors of the 1948 Nakba, taught me that the mere existence of the Palestinian people has always been a threat that Zionists sought to eradicate,” Elmuti told the Press TV website.

“So, whether in 1948 or today, when your very existence is deemed a weapon, you will always be seen as a threat.”

Dina Elmuti’s grandmother outside her family home in Deir Yassin. (Photo: Dina ElmutI/Mondoweiss)

Elmuti, who has previously worked with the Defense for Children International (Palestine), said the world has reduced Palestinians to a “dehumanized sea of amorphous otherness” and “views their extermination from the wordless, faceless, thoughtless viewpoint of undifferentiated brown bodies”, who are “easily interchangeable and easily eradicated for simply resisting their own annihilation.”

She said the events unfolding in the Gaza Strip today are “merely genocide accelerated, and livestreamed” as Zionists have “always been explicitly clear in their genocidal incitement and unadulterated hatred towards Palestinians.”

“From Israel’s very inception, Zionists had one goal in mind: genocide. A genocide that was consistently denied by the larger percentage of the world, and ignored by the rest. Today, the world is simply seeing the genocide of Palestinians accelerated and livestreamed in Gaza,” Elmuti told the Press TV website.

“The level of destruction and depravity are much more sophisticated and accelerated, but it is a continuation of the slow-motion genocide that Palestinians have experienced from day one. The ongoing occupation of the West Bank and the suffocating siege on Gaza are intentionally and explicitly genocidal.”


Israeli genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza has been politically and militarily supported by many Western countries, including the US, making them directly complicit in the Israeli war crimes.

Elmuti said the United States is not merely complicit in the Gaza genocide but is “guilty of committing genocide against the Palestinian people, along with its military base, Israel.”

“America continues to unequivocally support and supply the weapons that continue to create one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes of the twenty-first century,” she stated.

On the growing student movement in the US in solidarity with the people of Palestine and against the Israeli-American genocide in Gaza, she said the students cannot stay silent in the face of this “inconceivable suffering and human savagery.”

“They have chosen to stand up, speak up, and risk their own comfort and privilege to tell the world the truth while the forces of denial continue to erase, silence, and label the truth as fiction,” she told the Press TV website, referring to university students in the US and other countries.

“They choose to raise their voices and speak up for all the voices that have been silenced. They choose to be a testament not only to the dignity of Palestinians but to the human dignity of everyone who could have done so much more but instead chose to do less.”

One of Dina Elmuti’s family members holds a key to their home in Deir Yassin during Elmuti’s last visit to the occupied Jerusalem al-Quds in 2011. (Photo: Dina Elmuti/Mondoweiss)

The student-led movement in the US, she added, will be “an eternal reminder of the Zionist rage that corroded into blind, dehumanizing power, bent on annihilating Palestinians and anyone who stood in solidarity with them.”

“Although the attacks and smears on them can be frightening, these intimidation tactics remain an implicit tribute to the power of solidarity. They remind us to look within ourselves and find a small portion of the courage and commitment that the victims of Israel’s genocidal violence muster every single day,” Elmuti asserted.

Elmuti said she has worked with Palestinian children who experienced severe physical and psychological torture and trauma at the hands of Israeli occupation Forces in the occupied West Bank.

“These children were detained from their beds and homes in the middle of the night, shackled, blindfolded, and taken to Israeli prisons where they were subjected to torture in the form of physical and psychological violence,” she said, speaking about the Palestinian children.

“They were humiliated, stripped of their clothes, deprived of sleep, their limbs were tied up and shackled to metal chairs, and they were subjected to verbal abuse and threats to them and their families. Many are held in solitary confinement and subjected to torture in order to obtain confessions by coercion. ... aza-today/


Zionism Is the Catastrophe
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 17, 2024
Kaleem Hawa


At seven months and seventy-six years of the Nakba, Palestinian writer and organizer Kaleem Hawa reflects on what this anniversary means amid the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Many have allowed themselves to be desensitized, rather than experience the war each day as if it were the first. This is in part a reflection of the enormity of the destruction, in part the adaptive qualities of a mind which resists too frequent a decampment to another’s field of vision. In these seven months, we have seen the wholesale ruination of Gaza’s life-sustaining infrastructures, its public utilities now makeshift; education and healthcare inoperable; food and water withheld. Almost every site necessary for political and social life has been destroyed: municipal and district archives with years of history are gone, records of families with century-long stories are gone.

In Gaza, the ultimate challenge of the 21st century has been consolidated: how to manage the desires of a people who have refused submission and dispossession; what is to be done with those who will not bend. The Zionists found their answer, built off of the prior answers, and accelerated — backed by the most sophisticated tools of torture and immiseration ever conceived by the advanced forces of American empire.

Seven months into the campaign of extermination, it is the sadism that stands out: hovering quadcopters made to sound like crying babies; elementary schools carpet bombed; and dark-site concentration camps, where Palestinian men are blindfolded and Israeli families are invited to watch and to laugh, as they are burned with lighters, drenched in scalding water, and electrocuted.

Zionism is the catastrophe. Its violence is world-historic, its regional ethnonationalist project takes the form of a sprawling entity of death and dismemberment declared by and for the Jewish people. This entity has no borders because it claims the entire Arab world, just as it has claimed thousands of Lebanese martyrs and thousands of Yemeni martyrs. With American support, it crushes and de-develops any who resist, installing ruling compradors to maintain a system of extraction and plunder that operates with impunity.

Every day we have ten Palestinian children who become amputees; every day ten children lose one or more of their limbs. Just like the Nakba, amputation is a political structure, its root is Zionist mutilation intended to enact politicide. The amputation of people from land, amputation of children from their families, amputation of limbs from their little bodies; these are the products of a colonial trauma that flows seamlessly into social trauma, the phantom pains and attempts at re-grafting an overwhelming challenge for the popular cradle.

No ceasefire will change the reality that made this permissible. This truth complicates the solidarities whose demands have not yet hewn to the objectives of national liberation. To those still indulging in self-mythologization or teary-eyed hugs, to what extent is Gaza truly the compass of your ideological project, to what extent has it led to your spiritual dislocation from the existing world system?

In your vision of justice, does the siege end? Do the lands return? Do Palestinians return to those lands, does the forced starvation go away, do the water and trees come back, are our prisoners freed? With thousands of children in graves, and thousands more whose families are in graves, our demands today are no different from the demands we made in our text during the first week of the genocide: that you do not waiver and that you remain committed until total return.

All of this — each blasted particularity — is sanctioned by the Israeli people. It is cheerled by them; they make videos to celebrate their violence, the martyrdom, the imprisonment, the starvation. They smile when our people are tortured beyond recognition. Theirs is not a social formation that can be lived alongside. To the Jewish anti-Zionist allies, it is not good enough to say that this genocide is a false idol: every major institution of Jewish political and religious life in the West supports the aggression, sending their money and their children to fight and kill Palestinians. Your task, then, is not a “redemption” of Judaism, not the salvation of the Jewish kids spiritually disfigured by their parents — it is Palestinian freedom, which necessarily requires a militancy in withdrawing, confronting and creating contradictions within these institutions.

Armed with this knowledge, we must be secure in the belief that the fight to stop Zionist aggression is just and true, which means defending those who do. The Palestinian resistance is our inspiration; we salute our brave fighters, who have faced every weapon known and as yet unknown, and who continue to struggle for a different world. If there is anything to be learned from the ongoing genocide it is to reject those who erase the immense contributions of the resistance, and to distinguish those who want unconditional liberation from those who just want the “violence to end” so as to sleep at night.

Because of this resistance project, we have claimed some victories in the imperial core. The movement is stronger than ever, more militant, more connected to the working class, to labor, to the students, whose encampments have bravely resisted their cities’ counterinsurgency strategies. Because of this work, the contradictions have become undeniable, an American left has been injected with new energies and now circles the fascists and their mercenaries.

The task at hand is to capture, maintain and organize this energy. Hundreds of thousands of people across the world have taken to the streets for Gaza, have fought for divestment in the universities, have demanded an end to surveillance and policing collaboration programs.

Those in power have doubled-down, sending more money and more weapons to the Zionist entity. The seemingly intractable appears at once daunting and hallucinatory, personally painful too, for those in our movement whose families and friends have spent their long October transmitting fear and rage from America’s extermination camps. If there is any solace to be found it is in those dreams and words and rockets that have remodeled the land — 76 years of assembly and disassembly, 76 years too long, but also proof that with Gaza as the heart, there will be courage and with Gaza as the eyes, the aim will be true. ... tastrophe/


[]Hamas takes out over a dozen invading Israeli soldiers in Rafah[/b]

Resistance to Israel's occupation and invasion of Gaza has intensified in both Rafah and Jabaliya amid continued threats of displacement and starvation for Palestinian civilians

News Desk

MAY 18, 2024

Al-Qassam Brigades during a military parade in Gaza last July (Photo credit: AFP)
Hamas fighters killed 15 Israeli soldiers in Rafah on 18 May, as Palestinian civilians continue to face the threat of displacement and starvation amid Israel's ongoing attack on the southern Gaza border city.

The Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian resistance movement, announced that "its forces were able to finish off 15 Zionist soldiers east of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip."

Qassam said in a statement that this came "after a Qassam group stormed a house in which a large number of soldiers were barricaded and clashed with them from a distance of zero, after which our mujahideen detonated an anti-personnel device in the Al-Tanour neighborhood, east of the Palestinian city."

An Israeli air strike on a house in Rafah killed two civilians on Friday night, the Palestinian news agency Wafa reported. Israeli artillery also struck the east and center of Rafah, Wafa added.

The Israeli army began its Rafah offensive on 6 May, months after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to assault the city, where he claimed Qassam has four remaining battalions.

Earlier this week, Israel began a massive operation in Jabaliya in northern Gaza, which has also been met by stiff resistance, months after the army claimed to have defeated Hamas there. Israeli air strikes hit targets in Jabaliya overnight on Friday after Israeli tanks and ground troops fought battles with Qassam fighters who were using anti-tank missiles and mortars in the narrow alleyways of Gaza's largest refugee camp.

Palestinian civilians continue to face displacement and death as a result of the Israeli invasions of both Jabaliya and Rafah.

Hanna al-Habash, 22, told The National she had already been displaced several times before reaching Rafah.

"I didn't want to leave for the south, but when the Israeli army called us, we couldn't stay in Gaza. They know how to affect you and make you afraid," she said.

Habash was forced to move twice within Gaza City, then to Khan Younis, and finally to Rafah City, where some 1.3 million Palestinians were sheltering before the start of Israel's current offensive.

"We are not only facing difficulties in finding a safe place, but also in living life," she said.

"The prices are so high, water is not available all the time, and using the bathroom requires planning. This is not a life."

“The Israeli army could reach us anytime without giving any statement about their intentions.”

“If we have to leave, we need to buy a tent, and it's too expensive. We can't afford it. I hope the war ends soon, and we can go back to Gaza,” she explained.

Malnutrition in Gaza is widespread, with international aid efforts blocked by what Reuters described as "Israel's de-facto shutdowns of its Kerem Shalom crossing and the Rafah border crossing with Egypt."

The first aid deliveries from Cyprus via the US-built port off the Gaza coast began on Thursday. However, Reuters adds it is "still unclear how it would be distributed given the challenges that have beset the United Nations and relief groups for months."

The UN stressed that delivering aid by land was the "most viable, effective and efficient" method.

"To stave off the horrors of famine, we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of Gaza – and for that, we need access by land now," deputy UN spokesperson Farhan Haq said.

"We don't want ships... we want safety," said displaced Gazan Hassan Abu al-Kass, speaking to Reuters in the central Gaza Strip.

US President Joe Biden claims he is concerned about the threat of starvation in Gaza and the pier is meant to ease the humanitarian crisis caused by Israel's blockade and killing of aid workers.

However, the Gaza government media office stated, "the American administration is trying, through this water pier, to show a civilized face and beautify its ugly face, which is fully engaged in the war of extermination, which the occupation army has been waging against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip for more than 224 days," warning that "the pier gives Israel an opportunity to extend the war on the Gaza Strip."

The statement questioned "the intentions of the American administration, which works to manage and continue the genocidal war, forms a wall of protection and support for the Israeli occupation, and continues to support it absolutely in order to continue its war against civilians."

http://thecradle-main.oss-eu-central-1. ... 2c055.webp

Israel escalates West Bank violence as jets pummel Jenin

The Palestinian resistance has been fiercely confronting near-daily Israeli raids across the occupied West Bank

News Desk

MAY 18, 2024

(Photo Credit: Reuters)

Israeli jets heavily bombed the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank late on 17 May, killing a member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and injuring several civilians – including a five-year-old girl.

The armed wing of the Gaza-based PIJ, the Quds Brigades, confirmed on Saturday that Islam Khamaysa, a member of the Military Council of their Jenin Brigade, was killed in the rare airstrike.

Khamaysa is described as being “responsible for several unique and heroic resistance operations that left the enemy's soldiers and settlers killed and injured.”

“We tell this cowardly occupier that we only achieve victory through blood and limbs. Your oppression will only increase our strength and resilience, and you will witness the might of our fighters on the battlefield and in the arenas of jihad,” the Quds Brigades statement reads.

The Palestinian health ministry confirmed eight people were wounded in the attack and remain in stable condition. Local reports say the airstrike also destroyed the targeted house, leveling it to the ground and causing damage to neighboring homes.

Tel Aviv confirmed the air raid overnight, saying it was carried out by a fighter jet and helicopter. Since 7 October, the Israeli army has increasingly conducted airstrikes in the West Bank, where violence had been surging for the past several years.

According to Israeli authorities, the attack hit “a compound used as an operations center by militants” and "was carried out to remove an imminent threat.”

Israeli army raids and settler pogroms have killed at least 502 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since 7 October. Furthermore, the latest figures from Addameer, the Palestinian Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, show there are currently 9,300 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons and detention centers, including 250 children and 78 women.

These figures include around 3,424 Palestinians placed under “administrative detention”, which allows the detention of Palestinians without charge or trial for renewable intervals ranging between three and six months based on undisclosed evidence. ... mmel-jenin

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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Mon May 20, 2024 11:22 am

Palestinian Leader Ismail Haniyeh in Nakba Anniversary Speech: Israel Put Negotiations at Dead End
MAY 18, 2024

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh has said Israel has introduced amendments to the ceasefire proposal that has put the negotiations at “a dead end.”

In a televised speech to mark the 76th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe) on May 15, the head of the movement’s political bureau said: “Since the beginning of the brutal aggression on Gaza, the movement has spared no effort to stop it and halt the genocide by all means.”

He stressed that Hamas “recently announced our acceptance of the proposal presented to us by our brothers in Egypt and Qatar, which was known to and followed by the American administration.”

“However, the occupation responded to the proposal by occupying the Rafah crossing, launching aggression on Rafah, and entering the Jabalia camp and the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza,” he stated, adding: “They also introduced amendments to the proposal that put the negotiations at a dead end.”

Haniyeh vowed that the movement will continue its efforts “to stop this brutal aggression by all possible means.”

He emphasized that “any effort or agreement must ensure a permanent ceasefire, a complete withdrawal from the entire Gaza Strip, a genuine prisoner exchange deal, the return of the displaced, reconstruction, and lifting the blockade.”

“The behavior of the occupation towards the various proposals confirms its premeditated intention to continue the aggression and war, showing no concern for its prisoners or their fate,” he said of Israel’s attitude.

Resistance factions
Haniyeh said Israel’s “repeated attempts to undermine the position of the resistance factions, coupled with its refusal to respond to the flexibility demonstrated by the movement in recent months and its insistence on occupying the Rafah crossing and expanding aggression in Rafah and other areas, put the entire negotiations at an unknown fate.”

He also slammed the US administration saying that “the recent American statements that aim to blame the movement for halting the ceasefire negotiations despite the American administration’s awareness of the movement’s positive stance, again confirm the American bias towards the enemy, providing it with political cover and military support for its war of extermination against our people.”

On Israel’s occupation of the Rafah crossing, the Hamas leader said the movement is in contact with Egypt, saying “We agree on the necessity for the Israeli army to withdraw from the crossing immediately, and the enemy has no right to interfere in how the crossing is managed, as it is a Palestinian internal matter, and we will manage it according to the established protocols.”

Gaza’s future
There has been much talk, Haniyeh said, about the so-called ‘day after the war,” and Israel’s “objectionable positions” on managing the situation in Gaza and removing Hamas “from the scene.”

“We say that Hamas is here to stay. The management of Gaza after the war will be decided by the movement in cooperation with the national consensus, based on the supreme interests of our people in Gaza and facilitating all post-war matters according to the national vision that ensures the unity of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.”

He highlighted that the management of Gaza after the war was a central topic in the national Palestinian dialogue held in Moscow months ago, “in the recent bilateral meeting with our brothers in the Fatah movement in China,” and in the meeting with the leaders of the Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front in Istanbul, as well as the meetings with the Democratic Reform Current.

“We will continue consultations with all factions and Palestinian figures,” Haniyeh stressed.

Tortured detainees
The Hamas leader saluted Palestinian detainees behind bars whom he said “are facing the fiercest campaign of oppression by this criminal Zionist government,” which deprives them of “their basic human rights, in addition to various forms of torture and medical neglect.”

He also drew attention to “the criminal practices of the occupation in secret detention centers, where all kinds of atrocities, physical and psychological torture, and executions against detainees from Gaza are committed.”

Hamas has prepared a file on the assault and abuse of prisoners, he said and has begun to deliver it to international, regional, and human rights institutions.

The movement’s leader also expressed appreciation for “all the positions that support our people and their right to freedom, return, independence, and stopping the aggression on Gaza, particularly the decisions taken by Turkey to halt trade with the occupying state and join the lawsuit filed at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. We also appreciate the positions of Egypt and Libya in joining this lawsuit.”

Global solidarity
“We are witnessing an unprecedented scene in history, with students from around the world in America, Europe, Australia, Japan, and elsewhere supporting the Palestinian cause and showing solidarity with our people in Gaza,” he stated.

“They are calling to stop the genocide against our people in Gaza, halt the export of weapons to this entity, and demanding their universities end their universities’ investments in the entity.

“It is Gaza that has become the icon for the youth of the world in all movements. It is Gaza that has toppled the zionist narrative, revealing the true and bloodthirsty nature of this occupier. It is Gaza that has reunited the nations around Palestine, embodying the unity of the fields in the Axis of Resistance, … and providing a broad horizon for rewriting history and drawing the maps of political geography.”

“The myth of ‘a land without a people for a people without a land’ and the notion that ‘the old will die and the young will forget’ have ended forever,” said Haniyeh. “They intended the Nakba to destroy the Palestinian people and end their sacred cause. Yet, the Palestinian cause remains strong in the consciousness of our people, our nation, and the free people of the world.” ... -dead-end/

Israel Confirms Hezbollah Attacked Sensitive Military Base Housing Giant Spy Blimp
MAY 18, 2024

Israeli minister of military affairs Yoav Gallant meets air force soldiers at a base north of the occupied territories housing a giant spy balloon, on February 20, 2024. Photo: PressTV.

Israel confirms Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement has attacked a sensitive military facility from which a giant spy balloon, known as Sky Dew, is operated.

The Israeli military said on Thursday morning that an explosive-laden Hezbollah drone had hit an Israeli airbase, situated some 35 kilometers from the northern border between the occupied territories and Lebanon.

The operation was Hezbollah’s “deepest strike” in the occupied lands since Israel launched its aggression against the Gaza Strip, Israeli media reported.

Before the new operation, the reports added, Hezbollah had fired projectiles at Israeli targets up to around 15 kilometers from the frontier.

On Tuesday, Hezbollah announced that it had targeted and destroyed an Israeli balloon, which used to spy on Lebanon, over the settlement of Adamit.

The resistance group also said that it had struck the balloon’s launch base, control mechanism and personnel, which killed and injured Israeli soldiers.

It further noted that the operation was a response to recent Israeli strikes on Lebanon’s southern villages and civilian homes.

Hezbollah and Israel have been exchanging deadly fire since early October, shortly after the regime launched its Gaza onslaught following a surprise operation by the Palestinian Hamas resistance group.

Hezbollah has vowed to keep up its retaliatory operations as long as the Tel Aviv regime continues its brutal Gaza war, which has so far killed at least 35,233 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured 79,141 others.

Hezbollah fought off two Israeli wars against Lebanon in 2000 and 2006, forcing a humiliating retreat upon the occupation’s military on both occasions. ... spy-blimp/


Non-stop resistance across Gaza as Israel massacres dozens

Israeli air raids have killed over 30 Palestinians in central Gaza over the past 24 hours

News Desk

MAY 19, 2024

(Photo credit: Mahmud Hams/AFP/Getty Images)

Dozens of Palestinians were killed by Israeli airstrikes on Gaza overnight on 19 May as Israel continues to pound the strip indiscriminately in response to the stiff resistance it faces from local fighters.

Al-Aqsa TV reported on 19 May that the bodies of 31 Palestinians were recovered from under the rubble of several homes after Israeli bombardment of the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza hours earlier.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in central Gaza announced that 20 dead bodies and several injured people arrived at the hospital on Sunday.

The deadly Israeli attacks on Nuseirat took place around 3:00 AM on 19 May. Tel Aviv claimed it was investigating the matter.

Israeli attacks persisted across the entirety of the Gaza Strip late on Saturday and early Sunday.

An Israeli drone strike on the Sabra neighborhood in Gaza City killed one Palestinian and injured another Sunday afternoon.

“A series of intense Israeli airstrikes and heavy artillery shelling struck the Nuseirat, Bureij, and Jabalia refugee camps, as well as the towns and cities of Beit Lahia, Rafah, and Gaza City late last night, resulting in multiple casualties among civilians, including a journalist,” Palestinian news agency WAFA reported on 19 May.

Eyewitnesses told the outlet that Israeli helicopters fired at eastern Rafah as airstrikes pummeled the city’s center. Israeli warships also struck the coastal areas of Rafah.

Around 800,000 civilians from Rafah have been forcibly displaced since Israel defied months of international warnings against launching an operation in the city, UNRWA said on 18 May. Israel did not devise a plan for safely evacuating the city before starting its operation and seizing the Rafah crossing on 7 May – as Washington had requested.

The UN has repeatedly confirmed that nowhere is safe for Palestinians fleeing Rafah.

Hamas’ Qassam Brigades said on Sunday that its fighters “targeted enemy forces stationed inside the Rafah land crossing, south of the Gaza Strip, with mortar shells.”

The Qassam Brigades announced several attacks on Israeli forces the night before, including the sniping of a soldier in the Netzarim corridor, splitting the strip in half. They also bombarded an Israeli command headquarters east of Jabalia in northern Gaza in a joint operation with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s (PIJ) Quds Brigades.

Qassam fighters killed 15 Israeli soldiers in Rafah that day.

The group said in a statement on 18 May that "its forces were able to finish off 15 Zionist soldiers east of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip."

Qassam Brigades spokesman Abu Obeida on 17 May said the Palestinian resistance in Gaza is prepared for a “long war of attrition” against the Israeli army and revealed that 100 “Zionist military vehicles” have been taken out over the past 10 days across Gaza.

Gaza will remain “a graveyard for invaders,” Abu Obeida added. ... res-dozens


The International Court of Justice Public Hearings on Further and Modified Provisional Measures to Prevent Genocide
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 16, 2024

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) holds public hearings in the case South Africa v. Israel – Oral argument of South Africa

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, holds public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures and the modification of provisional measures previously prescribed by the Court submitted by South Africa on 10 May 2024 in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) on 16 and 17 May 2024, at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the seat of the Court. Session held under the presidency of Judge Nawaf Salam, President of the Court.

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) – Request for the indication of additional provisional measures and the modification of previous provisional measures

Public hearings:

Thursday 16 May 2024: 3 p.m.-5 p.m.
Friday 17 May 2024: 10 a.m.-12 noon

Listen to the Full Session Here>> ... -genocide/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Tue May 21, 2024 11:29 am

Israel wants ‘expansion’ of Rafah assault as nearly one million Palestinians flee city

The UN said that Rafah is facing an ‘apocalyptic’ situation due to humanitarian aid shortages

News Desk

MAY 20, 2024

(Photo Credit: AP)

Israeli officials have reaffirmed their intention to invade Rafah on 20 May, coming as the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) estimates that over 810,000 people have been forced to flee the southern Gaza city over the past two weeks.

Speaking with the US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Monday that Tel Aviv will be expanding its Rafah operation.

“We are committed to broadening the ground operation in Rafah to the end of dismantling Hamas and recovering the hostages,” a statement from Gallant’s office quoted him as saying during the meeting.

The defense minister noted that Israel made adjustments to its evacuation operations in Rafah.

A number of casualties arrived at the hospital, all of them children, after the Israeli occupation bombed their house in the Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah.

— Eye on Palestine (@EyeonPalestine) May 20, 2024

“The exodus continues in Gaza,” the UN agency said on a social media post. “Every time families are displaced, their lives are at serious risk. People are forced to leave everything behind looking for safety. But there’s no safe zone.”

Aid shortages in Rafah have led to officials saying that the southern Gaza city is facing “apocalyptic” consequences.

UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths told AFP reporters on the sidelines of meetings with officials in Doha that the looming famine will become a reality.

“If fuel runs out, aid doesn’t get to the people where they need it. That famine, which we have talked about for so long and which is looming, will not be looming anymore. It will be present,” Griffiths said. “I think our worry, as citizens of the international community, is that the consequence is going to be really, really hard. Hard, difficult, and apocalyptic.”

Public international condemnation has been loud after Israel initially announced its planned invasion of the southern Gaza city, sheltering over one million internally displaced Palestinians.

On 6 May, Israel ordered Palestinian civilians seeking shelter in Rafah to evacuate parts of the city and began a troop and tank incursion.

Video evidence of the incursion shows the Israeli army firing tank shells at tents in Rafah.

Palestinian resistance groups have continued their fight against the invading Israeli army. On Saturday, Hamas’ military wing, the Qassam Brigades, announced that “its forces were able to finish off 15 Zionist soldiers east of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.”

In the statement, the group reports that the liquidation of these Israeli forces came “after a Qassam group stormed a house in which a large number of soldiers were barricaded and clashed with them from a distance of zero, after which our mujahideen detonated an anti-personnel device in the Al-Tanour neighborhood, east of the Palestinian city.”

Israel gave a proposal to Egypt to reopen the Rafah crossing and accept Palestinian refugees in order to “manage its future operation.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that “nobody should hold the Palestinian population hostage in any way, and I’m not holding them hostage.”

Cairo shot down the proposal, saying it was a desperate attempt to blame Egypt for blocking aid. ... -flee-city


Palestine 2018 Proved the Futility of Anticolonial Nonviolence
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 20, 2024
The Anti-Empire Project


There is no case of nonviolent anticolonial struggle

The US struggle for civil rights, remembered as the nonviolent movement of Martin Luther King, was also the movement of the Deacons for Defense in Louisiana, the movement of the Mississipi Regional Council of Negro Leadership which could “speedily mobilize substantial and deadly firepower” including E.W. Steptoe who had “guns all over the house, under pillows, under chairs”, of Robert Williams of Monroe, North Carolina’s NAACP who said in 1959 that “we must be willing to kill if necessary”, the movement of a night-long battle with police in Albany, Georgia in 1962 and in Birmingham, Georgia in 1963, when “every day of riots was worth a year of civil rights demonstrations”.

The Indian Freedom struggle, remembered as the nonviolent movement of MK Gandhi, was also the movement of the Hindustan Republican Army, of Chandrasekhar Azad and of Bhagat Singh, of the Telengana Uprising of 1946, of the Tamil Nadu anti-feudal struggle of 1943, of the underground guerrilla struggles after Quit India in Odisha, West Bengal, Bangalore and elsewhere, of the Toofan Sena in Maharashtra, of Indian National Army of Subhas Chandra Bose, and of the Naval Mutiny of 1946.

The two most iconic tales of the deployment of strategic nonviolence turn out, upon historical examination, to have been armed struggles, replete with violence.

Through an analysis of the work of Gene Sharp (“Gene Sharp’s Neoliberal Nonviolence” part 1 and part 2), writer and academic Marcie Smith has revealed the existence of a sort of “nonviolence industrial complex”, a network of institutions linked to the US foreign policy establishment, dedicated to two things: 1. steering opposition to US-backed states and projects in nonviolent directions, and 2. to using methods of nonviolent insurgency as a part of a set of tactics (including covert, violent action) to destabilize US targets.

The jewels in the narrative crown of this nonviolence network are the US civil rights movement and the Indian Freedom Struggle, which is why I devoted the two previous articles in this series to showing that these were in fact armed struggles.

The narrators of the nonviolence network have one other weapon: quantitative analysis. But this weapon too, turns out to be a plastic replica.

In their book Why Civil Resistance Works, Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan claim to have proven through statistical analysis that nonviolence is more effective than violence. Their analysis is worth detailed examination since it claims to have the authority of a huge dataset and logistic regression proving the chances of success are higher with nonviolence.

But what did they actually do? They made a list of several hundred revolutions from the 20th century (nearly all of which were in fact violent), coded some struggles as violent and others not, coded some struggles as successful and others not (in fact many of the successes delivered the countries and their economies directly over for imperialist plunder), and then after a quantitative assessment which amounts to counting the number of successful cases of each type, found that their “nonviolent” coded struggles had a higher chance of success. These nonviolent-coded struggles include:

the South African struggle (including its armed wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe);
and the many East European color revolutions.
the Palestinian Intifada;
A quick skim of any of these histories show that these were all violent struggles. The data reveal the conclusion the authors believed at the outset and for which they coded their data. Why Civil Resistance Works is historical falsification covered with a quantitative mystique.

To determine the veracity of their analysis we need examine only those events coded as both nonviolent and successful. Nonviolent failures are of no interest, since they do not bolster the nonviolence narrative. Neither violent successes nor failures are of interest either, since to the nonviolence industry armed struggles are already failures.

The database published with the book contains 57 nonviolent successes. There are two types of movements analyzed in the database: movements for regime change and movements for secession. There are no nonviolent successes for secession movements: all 57 nonviolent successes are regime change successes. There are only 4 secession successes out of 46 attempts in the database (Croatia, Tigray, Bangladesh, and Aceh from Indonesia starting in 1976-2005). All of these were violent.

Philosophers of science know that there is a complicated set of human decisions that go into the translation of things occurring in nature into statistical data. Even such decisive phenomena as birth and death can only be entered in a spreadsheet as “0” and “1” by the declaration of a doctor. Of all the types of data to translate into “0”s and “1”s on a spreadsheet, historical data is the worst. Was the French Revolution a success, a failure, or is it too early to tell? In history, some failures are necessary prerequisites for future success; some processes simply cannot be classified as one or the other (Chenoweth and Stephan include a “limited success” category to try to capture these).

The relevant point here is that the coding of these 57 events as both “nonviolent” and “successful” ranges from deeply problematic to utterly preposterous.

Going through them:

In this database, the Palestinian liberation struggle apparently started in 1973, was violent, and a failure. The Intifada, 1987-1990, is considered a nonviolent partial success. The 1979 overthrow of the Shah of Iran, which I won’t dispute was successful, is coded as a nonviolent process – which would be a surprise to the guerrilla fighters and defectors who fought the Shah’s soldiers in the streets. The 2005 Cedar Revolution in Lebanon is coded as a success, but it did not change the regime and Lebanon’s political system continued as before.

The Cedar Revolution is not the only “color revolution” (short-hand for a US-backed regime change operation in a US enemy country led by US-trained political and media cadres) coded as a nonviolent success. Indeed a good part (14 of the 57) of the nonviolent successes are East Europe color revolutions: 1989 Germany, 1981 Poland, 1989 Hungary, 1989 Czech, 1989 Slovakia, 1989 Bulgaria, 1990 Russia, 1989 Estonia, 1989 Latvia, 1989 Lithuania, 2001 Ukraine, 2003 Georgia, 1989 Kyrgystan, 2005 Kyrgistan. In the background of all of these color revolutions was the threat of US-led NATO expansion and US nuclear war, as well as the fact of US violent covert operations. Three more of these East Europe nonviolent successes – 1999 Croatia, 2000 Yugoslavia, 1989 Slovenia – are from the incredibly violent US-led dismembering of Yugoslavia in a series of civil wars (described in, e.g., Michael Parenti’s book To Kill a Nation and Diana Johnstone’s book Fool’s Crusade).

NATO bombed bridge in dismembered Yugoslavia, 1999, one of the nonviolent successes in the database.

In Africa, in addition to coding the South African anti-apartheid struggle as nonviolent (which would be news to umKhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress), and the Ghanaian, Zambian, and Malawi Independence struggles as nonviolent (they were not), the majority of African nonviolent successes in the database were mass mobilizations to press for elections. These were: 1989 Mali, 2000 Ghana, 1993 Nigeria, 2001 Zambia, 1992 Malawi, 1991 Madagascar, 2002 Madagascar, 1985 Sudan (in active civil war at the time).

In East Asia, the 1960 April Revolution in Korea (in which 186 people were killed) is coded as a nonviolent success, as is the 1986 People Power Revolution in the Philippines (after decades of guerrilla struggle and notable defections from the military). East Timor, widely recognized to have suffered a genocide from the 1970s to the 1990s, is coded as having had a nonviolent success in 1988, despite Independence coming in 1999 after a long guerrilla war. A 1973 popular uprising in Thailand, that had bomb explosions and dozens of deaths in riots, is coded as a nonviolent success. So, too, in Thailand, a long-running political crisis in 2005 that culminated in a military coup in 2006, is coded as a nonviolent success.

In the Americas, the database includes as nonviolent successes a 1931 naval mutiny in Chile, a 1944 armed revolution in Guatemala, 1958 Venezuela (which featured attacks on security services headquarters and resulted in the awful Punto Fijo pact), a clear failure to overthrow the system in Mexico in 1987, and struggles against dictatorships in Argentina (1977 and 1986), Uruguay (1984), and Chile (1983), all of which had prominent guerrilla movements. The database cites 2002 in Venezuela as a nonviolent success, but there were two things that happened in April 2002 in Venezuela: a violent coup against Chavez and its reversal when the army refused to endorse the coup: the coup failed, the the successful reversal of the coup involved military moves.

In Europe, a 1974 military coup in Portugal is coded as a nonviolent success. Of the churning conflicts, revolutions, and civil wars in Germany in the 1920s that culminated in the rise of Nazism in the 1930s and the most violent events in human history so far, 1923 in Germany is coded as a nonviolent success.

There is, however, a specific type of conflict coded as a nonviolent success in the database that recurs in different parts of the world, in which a spent dictatorship gives way, in the face of a basically nonviolent popular movement, to an election. About eight of the 57 nonviolent successes belong to this pattern: 1963 and 1974 in Greece, 1977 in Bolivia, 1984 in Brazil, 1985 in Haiti (which led to a military coup and additional years of mobilization until Aristide was elected, then violently overthrown again…), 1990 Guyana, 2000 Peru, and 2001 in the Philippines. This particular set of eight cases (five of which took place in the Americas) could be used as evidence for the argument that, under the right circumstances, largely nonviolent popular mobilization can reverse a stolen election or force a weakened government to agree to elections. It does not prove at all that nonviolent movements have a better chance of success than violent ones. But even in these cases, the threat of violence existed.

There is value in analyzing and comparing movements of resistance in history. There may even be value in coding them and calculating probabilities. But there is no value to be had in building a model for probability of success based on violence and nonviolence by miscoding failures as successes and armed struggles as nonviolent.

We never needed a database to tell us that under some circumstances a social and political struggle can be kept on the nonviolent plane. The key factor is the investment elites have in maintaining the policy that is being challenged. Union struggles can often succeed in winning wage and working conditions improvements nonviolently. Every election where the loser congratulates the winner and there is a peaceful transfer of power is an example of a successful nonviolent struggle. But colonialism, struggles over land, in which oppressors have racial ideas of superiority over the oppressed? In these cases, whether it succeeds or fails, armed struggle alone has a chance. Only by wielding falsified histories and models can the nonviolence storytellers argue otherwise.

Palestine 2018: the final proof of the uselessness of nonviolence in anticolonial struggle

And so we turn to Palestine, a colonial struggle over land, in which the oppressors have racial ideas of superiority over the oppressed and are, since 2023, engaging in active genocide. Palestine has been an area of focus for the nonviolence industry for decades.

A February 2024 paper by the Center for Constitutional Rights has shown that US anti-terror legislation was “driven by anti-Palestinian agendas from the beginning.” The nonviolence industry has had a similar Palestine focus from the beginnings of Gene Sharp’s Albert Einstein Institute. The 1987-1989 Intifada was an object of fascination for Sharp and for the nonviolence industry. Sharp’s Journal of Palestine Studies article in 1989, “The Intifadah and Nonviolent Struggle”, identifies him as the author of the 1973 book The Politics of Nonviolent Action as well as the author of Almuqawama Bila Ounf (Nonviolent Resistance), published in Jerusalem by the Palestinian Center for the Study of Nonviolence in 1986. In the article, Sharp argues – quantitatively again – that 85% of the intifada has been nonviolent. He simply asserts that armed struggle and nonviolent struggle are “not easily mixed to advantage” – and so the Palestinians should go from 85% to 100% nonviolent. After the usual arguments absolving Israelis of responsibility for the violence they mete out on Palestinians and the normal nonviolence argument that the the colonial repression faced by the victims is their fault for provoking their oppressors, Sharp suggests Palestinians go on a 21-day hunger strike, followed by “whistling or wailing at night, especially in dark streets” and “having the youths standing peacefully, not fleeing, holding small Palestinian flags, their right hands outstretched in a gesture of friendship.” Sharp dangles recognition before well-behaved Palestinians: “The shift to fully nonviolent struggle would also make possible more active support for Palestinian independence in Western Europe and the United States.”

After months of genocide, starvation, and the gleeful mass murder of tens of thousands of children, all filmed and celebrated across Israeli society and by Israel’s supporters in the West, Sharp’s arguments are striking for their absurdity as well as their vulgarity.

But Sharp was not alone.

Pakistani activist and academic Eqbal Ahmed made the argument to Palestinians numerous times. He reported to journalist David Barsamian in 1996 (published in the 2000 book Confronting Empire) that he’d told a group of Arab students in the US after the 1967 war that “armed struggle was supremely unsuited to the Palestinian condition,” that “Israel’s fundamental contradiction was that it was founded as a symbol of the suffering of humanity at the expense of another people who were innocent of guilt,” and that “you don’t bring (the contradiction) out by armed struggle. In fact you suppress this contradiction by armed struggle.” He told them in 1968 that

“This is a moment to fit ships in Lebanon and say, ‘we’re not going to destroy Israel. That is not our intent. We just want to go home.’ Reverse the symbols of Exodus. See if the Israelis are in a mood to sink some ships. They probably will. Let them do so. Some of us will die. Let us die.” Eqbal Ahmed imagined if Arafat were to “take on the role of a Gandhi or a Martin Luther King and announce tomorrow, ‘I must stop these settlements. They violate the spirit of Oslo. We are committed to peace. You are making war. We do not want to use violence against you. Peacefully we will march against you. We will sit in. We will clog the roads, start a full-scale movement, and discipline the Palestinians not even to throw stones, intifada-style, because Israelis will use and justify bullets against stones. They will use soldiers against children. Don’t even give them that.’ Israel will divide. It will divide as a society the way America divided. I would keep it divided until it makes peace.”

But Eqbal Ahmed, despite being an insightful anti-colonial strategist, was wrong about the histories he cited (Gandhi and Martin Luther King) and wrong about what would happen in the face of Palestinian non-violence, which did not divide Israel but incited Israel to ever-more intense racism.

Norman Finkelstein wrote a whole book (What Gandhi Says) trying to assimilate lessons from Gandhi to the Palestinian struggle. His conclusions are ambivalent to say the least, since at times he writes things like “it might fairly be said that Gandhi fostered a death cult.” The book ends up being a presentation of the self-contradictory politics in Gandhi’s writing, not the practical manual of civil resistance Finkelstein may have hoped to create when he picked up Gandhi’s 100 volumes of writing as an aid for the US-based academic and activist “to think through a nonviolent strategy for ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.”

Palestinians took up these ideas in good faith for years – in better faith than the method deserves. Hundreds of Palestinians died trying to do nonviolent struggle. So too did a handful of friends of Palestine, including Rachel Corrie, Tom Hurndall, and others in the International Solidarity Movement.

Eqbal had suggested finding out “if the Israelis were in the mood to sink some ships.” They were – they already had been in 1967, if we count the USS Liberty – but in 2010 a nonviolent flotilla tried to go to Gaza*. Israel boarded the ships, killed some of the activists, and arrested, mistreated, and deported the rest.

'The Marmara raid wasn't a failure' - www.israelhayom.comIsraelis attacked the Mavi Marmara as it tried to break the blockade on Gaza in 2010

But the culmination of the nonviolent vision, the maximum horizon of all nonviolence, the controlled scientific experiment of perfect nonviolence, occurred in the Great March of Return in Gaza in 2018. It proved that nonviolence does not work. From a scientific standpoint, the nonviolence debate ended in 2018.
As Gene Sharp’s article on the First Intifada opened the debate on nonviolence in Palestine, Jehad Abusalim’s article, “The Great March of Return: An Organizer’s Perspective”, in the same journal, closed the debate on the topic.

The Great March of Return started, Abusalim reports, with a facebook post by Abu Artema on January 7, 2018. Abu Artema asked, “What could the occupation bristling with arms do to a mass of human beings advancing peacefully? Kill ten, twenty, or fifty of them? And then what? What could it do in the face of an unwavering mass peacefully marching?” Abu Artema and others worked to make it happen and organized for months, calling for a date in March:

“To the surprise of all concerned, an estimated 30,000–45,000 people showed up on the first day of the Great March of Return. And on that day, Israeli snipers shot dead 17 Palestinians and injured some 1,400 others.32 The mainstream international media instantaneously referred to the carnage as “rioting” and “clashes” but to those on the ground in Gaza, it was beyond shocking: how could nonviolent protests unleash such fury as to cause Israel to kill 17 peaceful protesters and maim or injure another 1,400? That is how, from the very first day, bloodshed came to define the protest.”

By the end of the protest, cold-blooded Israeli snipers had killed 226 Palestinians and methodically injured 30,000. For the Israelis, it was sport. The Western media fluidly and easily lied about the march, its nature, and the murderous Israeli response. Neither Israel nor its sponsors faced any crisis or internal division about what they were doing to the Palestinians. Neither Israel nor the West paid any cost for inflicting these tens of thousands of Palestinian casualties.

Abu Artema, the protest organizer interviewed by Abusalim in the article, seems bereft of ideas at the end – he feels that more international mobilization is needed, some tool that prevents Israel from “targeting Palestinians in such a horrific way” and to “prevent the occupation from using propaganda to prime the public for slaughtering us.” The nonviolence industry was unable to come up with any such tools: the slaughter of Palestinians at the Great March of Return was not the fault of the nonviolent protesters any more than the genocide in 2023-24 was the fault of the Palestinian armed groups. Israel is a genocidal state: then as now, it is doing what it is organized to do.

Six years later, Palestinians are waging an armed struggle against the Israeli military in Gaza and the West Bank. The Israeli military has chosen to accept military casualties and defeats on the battlefield (including the methodical destruction of its armored vehicles and groups of soldiers) to focus entirely on conducting a genocide against Palestinian civilians, with the central goal being the destruction of all of Gaza’s hospitals and educational institutions and the murder of patients and medical personnel, while blocking food and water from reaching people. Palestinians’ allies in Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen are all engaging militarily with Israel and its Western sponsors. In the region, for the time being, the nonviolence case is closed.

Back in America though, in the solidarity movement, with the expansion of campus protests in April 2024, along with police repression all over the US, the nonviolence debate will rise again.
Anti-genocide students face the cavalry in Texas

Anti-genocide students demand universities – which turned out, to the surprise of the students and faculty, to be investment banks that sometimes teach classes – divest from the military industry feeding the genocidal state. The pro-genocide establishment has called the police to crush the protests. What will be the outcome? Nonviolent or violent? Success or failure?

*As I write this, another nonviolent international flotilla is planning to leave from Turkey to Gaza. ... nviolence/


Why Is It Taking So Painfully Long for Spain, Ireland and Other EU Countries to Recognise Palestinian Statehood?
Posted on May 21, 2024 by Nick Corbishley

“We have found ourselves in a situation where we feel the need to move forward unilaterally because the European response has been so weak.”

Two months ago, Spain’s President Pedro Sánchez held a meeting in Madrid with the prime ministers of Slovenia, Ireland and Malta. When the meeting ended, the four heads of government announced they were ready to recognise the Palestinian state in a way that would contribute to the success of a new peace process [bizarrely, the nation of Malta already recognises Palestinian statehood, and has done since 1988]. There were even rumours that Belgium and Portugal might tag along for the ride. Yet two months later, none of the countries — apart from Malta, of course — have recognised Palestine, though they keep talking energetically about doing so.

Sánchez has been speaking about the need to recognise Palestinian statehood since mid-November, weeks after the bombs began raining down on Gaza. In fact, he has been talking about it since the day he became prime minister six years ago. One could go back even further in time, to November 17, 2014, when the Spanish parliament approved a non-binding motion calling for the recognition of the State of Palestine, with a crushing 319 votes in favour and 2 against. The motion was supported by all political parties (certainly not the case today, with both the People’s Party and the far-right VOX firmly in Israel’s corner), yet the then-President Mariano Rajoy did nothing.

Today (May 21, 2024) was supposed to be the day. Weeks ago, Sánchez announced that Spain’s recognition of Palestine would be made official at today’s Council of Ministers in Madrid. Even the EU’s chief diplomat-cum-head gardener, Josep Borrell, himself a former minister in Sánchez’s government, confirmed the plans. But three days ago Sánchez pushed the date back a day or two, so that he can make a joint announcement with other EU member countries. As each day goes by, the death toll in Gaza rises by a few hundred more. When a genocide is in full swing, talk is cheap.

Would it even make much of a difference if three more EU countries recognised Palestine’s right to existence? Probably not, especially with the EU’s three largest economies, Germany, France and Italy, showing no sign of doing the same. Some view recognition of a Palestinian state as a political tool to pressure Israel into accepting a two-state solution despite the Netanyahu government’s innate hostility to the idea. Doing something, they say, is surely better than doing nothing, especially of nothing essentially means supporting and enabling Israel’s genocide against the people of Gaza.

“We have found ourselves in a situation where we feel the need to move forward unilaterally because the European response has been so weak,” a European diplomat from one of the countries that is working on Palestinian statehood recognition told The National. “Of course it would be better if the EU could come to a proper agreement on our approach to Israel and Palestine. But we have been unable to do that, which has massively weakened our influence in the region.”

It could also be argued, as Yves has done, that recognising Palestine at this stage in proceedings is likely to be a futile exercise given that a two-state solution is as good as unworkable anyway:

John Mearsheimer has stated a two-state solution is impossible and everyone advocating it ought to know that….which would seem to suggest their motives for touting it are cynical. One insurmountable obstacle is that a Palestinian state would have its own military, something Israel would never tolerate. A second issue is the way Israel has balkanized the area between Gaza and the West Bank, making any integration or even, say, land bridge very hard to implement. Third is what to do with the settlers. They ought to be expelled, again something Israel would never accept.

Current State of Play

Of the world’s 193 countries, 143 have recognised Palestine as a state — representing over three-quarters of the global population — with the Bahamas the latest to do so, on May 7. That’s four more countries than on October 7.

Only nine of those countries are in the EU, and of those nine, six (Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Poland and Romania) recognised Palestine during the early 1980’s when they were still members of the Warsaw Pact and most definitely not members of the European Union, or the European Economic Community as it was then known. Another two — Cyprus and Malta — did so before joining the EU. In fact, the only country to do so as an EU member was Sweden, in 2014.

Yet Sweden may already be having second thoughts. In a vote at the UN General Assembly earlier this month on whether to “upgrade Palestine’s rights at the world body as an Observer State, without offering full membership,” the country’s centre-right coalition government abstained. For their part, Hungary and Czechia were among just nine countries (including, of course, Israel, the US and Argentina) to vote against the motion. The governments of Hungary and Czechia are two of Israel’s closest allies in Europe. Which begs the question: will they soon be reversing their recognition of Palestine? Is that even possible?


As regular NC commenters such as Rev Kev have previously pointed out, the grey part of the map above, depicting the countries that have not recognised Palestine, is essentially the collective West. With few exceptions, the same countries that refuse to recognise Palestine are also fully on board with the US-EU sanctions against Russia.

Of course, there’s nothing stopping Spain, Ireland, Slovenia or any other EU member from unilaterally recognising Palestine tomorrow. Spain might actually do that, though it’s more likely to procrastinate a little longer. Perhaps the reason why these national leaders want to make this a collective act is they want to spread the resulting wrath of the Israelis and the Americans far and wide. The most cynical part of my mind suspects they might also be trying to time the announcement as closely as possible to the EU elections (June 6-9) in the hope that it will win their respective parties a few extra votes.

As they dither, Palestine continues its descent into what Norman Finkenstein aptly calls a “howling hell”. The ultimate irony is that by the time Sánchez & Co finally get up the nerve to actually recognise Palestinian statehood, Gaza will be wholly unlivable.

It’s perhaps understandable why the governments of these three countries are fearful of potential blow back. After all, Israel, through its UK-based proxies, already played a leading role in the downfall of former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. In recent months, Tel Aviv has launched a stream of verbal invective against any national leader who dares to criticise its actions in Gaza. Just this past weekend, the Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs and Fight against Anti-Semitism, Amichai Chikli, described Pedro Sánchez as “one of the worst” political leaders in the world and even accused him of “responsibility” for there being “more victims” in the Gaza Strip as well as delays in the release of the hostages held by Hamas.

Chikli, one of the speakers invited this weekend to the “Europa Viva 24” political event organised by Spain’s far-right group VOX in Madrid, alongside Argentine President Javier Milei, said in an interview with Europa Press that “leaders like Sánchez prolong the war (in the Gaza Strip).” because “they encourage Hamas to continue fighting and give “hope” to other actors in the area such as Hezbollah or Iran.

Just two months into his new role as Ireland’s Prime Minister, or Taoiseach, Simon Harris has already been accused by Israel’s Foreign Ministry of “awarding additional prizes to terrorism, in the form of an ICJ declaration of intervention on the side of South Africa… and the possible recognition of a Palestinian state in the future.”

Paying the Price

There is clearly a price to be paid for going against Israel. That may take the form of US pressure, economic reprisals or, as Connor Gallagher suggested in “Why Don’t More Countries Take Action Against Israel?”, Israel’s suspension of sales of weapons and surveillance and population control technologies, as already happened to Colombia. Harris’ predecessor, Leo Varadkar, was one of Europe’s fiercest critics of the Israeli war on Gaza. But in March he unexpectedly stepped down as Taoiseach, just days after lambasting the US for its support of Israel during a press conference at the White House, in front of President Joe Biden.

From Al Mayadeen:

“I think none of us like to see American weapons being used in the way they are. The way they’re being used at the moment is not self-defense,” Varadkar said after meeting with Biden in the Oval Office.

Varadkar was in Washington to take part in St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, and he had a meeting with Biden.

Palestinians “need the bombs to stop,” the Irish Prime Minister stressed Sunday as he made a plea for a ceasefire in Gaza, speaking during the reception

“The people of Gaza desperately need food, medicine and shelter, and most especially they need the bombs to stop,” Varadkar underlined…

He pointed out that “the Irish people are deeply troubled about the catastrophe that’s unfolding before our eyes in Gaza.”

“We see our history in their eyes, a story of displacement, of dispossession, and (in which) national identity questions are denied. Forced emigration, discrimination, and now hunger,” he expressed, invoking his country’s memories of its own struggles against British rule.

It was a rare moment of political bravery from a European politician that most likely cost Varadkar his job, either due to pressure from Israel, the US or both. In his resignation speech, Varadkar said his reasons for stepping down were “both personal and political.”

Pegasus Again?

A few weeks ago, Pedro Sánchez also raised the possibility of handing in his notice, in part due to corruption allegations levelled against his wife. In a four-page letter posted on his X account, Sánchez said he would suspend public duties for a few days while he contemplated resigning from government, citing months of right-wing attacks on his family. There has also been speculation in certain (largely right-wing) quarters that Sánchez may be the target of a campaign of political revenge by the Israeli government. These allegations, while unproven, are not totally outlandish.

Sánchez’s government already admitted in 2022 that his phone and the phones of other senior ministers, including the minister of defence, the minister of interior, and the agriculture minister, had been hacked with Pegasus spyware. Once installed on a mobile phone, Pegasus allows you to spy on the user, access their messages and other data, and even activate the device remotely for the purpose of capturing sound or images. As many as 45 national governments, including Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and a host of other African countries, have hired NSO’s services, and often not for good ends.

The prime suspect in this case is the Kingdom of Morocco’s state security services. An inquiry set up by the European Parliament pointed to Morocco as the “possible culprit for the spying.” Rabat certainly has its share of motives, chief among them that of securing Spain’s blessing for making Morocco’s colonial occupation of Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony rich in natural resources including oil, gas, fish and the world’s highest quality phosphate reserves, a permanent reality. Morocco is also suspected of having used the military-grade surveillance software to spy on senior government figures in France, including President Macron.

Ten months after his phone was intercepted, Sánchez unilaterally reversed 47 years of Spanish government policy on Western Sahara by accepting Morocco’s “autonomy” plan for the former Spanish colony, whose right to self-determination Madrid had backed since the 1970s. In doing so, he brought Spanish policy on Morocco and Western Sahara in line with that of the US, Israel and some of Spain’s EU partners. That policy? To permanently hand over Western Sahara, Africa’s “last colony”, to Morocco, its colonial power since 1975.

Pegasus has a very obvious Israeli connection: the spyware was developed by NSO Group, a Tel Aviv-based cyber-arms company with close ties to the Mossad. When a Spanish judge opened an investigation into the hacking, both NSO and the Israeli refused to cooperate, prompting the judge to close the case. Is it possible that Israeli spies have access to the same compromising information that Morocco’s intelligence agencies have (allegedly) been using to gain leverage over Sánchez? Of course it is. But for the moment there is no proof. All we have is conjecture.

Is it possible that the Israeli government and intelligence services have been using Pegasus — and other spyware technologies developed by Israeli companies — to gain diplomatic leverage over other countries? Of course it is. As the old adage goes, information is power, especially if the information gathered be used to control people in positions of power. According to a 2023 report by the Council for Foreign Relations, Israeli leaders have “allegedly” used Pegasus as a “diplomatic bargaining chip in pursuit of various foreign policy objectives”:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government reportedly offered Pegasus and similar cyber tools to purchasing countries as an incentive for stronger ties or concessions, but Israeli officials have denied any quid pro quo. An investigation by the New York Times Magazine found that countries such as Mexico and Panama started voting in Israel’s favor on some matters at the UN General Assembly after receiving the spyware, though other factors could have influenced their votes. Moreover, nearly every country that signed the 2020 Abraham Accords to normalize ties with Israel received Pegasus.

Including, of course, Morocco. Also worth noting: Pedro Sánchez published his non-resignation letter on April 25, just two days after Spain’s national court announced it was reopening the investigation into the Pegasus case after the French government had furnished the court with new evidence. It seems that the Israeli government and NSO have been collaborating with French authorities in this matter.

In the end, Sánchez chose to stay in office without offering explanations as to why. Some saw his non-resignation letter as an electoral ploy to mobilise his supporters ahead of key elections in Catalonia and for the EU parliament. This may also be true. For the moment, there is little clarity and lots of conjecture. Meanwhile, the Spanish government, in perfect lock-step with the EU Commission and other Member States, is intensifying its crackdown on mis-, dis- and mal-information on social media, particularly emanating from right-wing sources.

Germany’s “Reason of State”: Israel

It remains to be seen whether Sánchez, Harris or other EU leaders will eventually deliver on their pledge to recognise Palestine. If they do, it is unlikely to have much of an impact on what is happening in Gaza, unless, of course, it sets off a domino effect across the EU as more and more countries recognise Palestine and — most importantly — begin taking meaningful action against the State of Israel, such as cutting diplomatic ties and imposing economic sanctions. And that is almost certainly not going to happen.

While opinion solidifies against Israel’s “Gazacide” in some European capitals, including Spain, Ireland and Belgium, Germany continues to stand by Israel as “its reason of state” (in Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s own words), even after facing accusations of “aiding genocide” at the International Court of Justice. France’s Macron government has been all over the place on the Israel-Hamas conflict, with one French diplomat recently summarising the French position as “one day pro-Israeli” and “the next [day] pro-Palestinian.”.

Meanwhile, a handful of countries in other parts of the world are taking real action against Israel, not only by recognising Palestine’s right to exist as a state but even by cutting off diplomatic and/or economic ties with Israel. They include Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Belize, South Africa, Chad and Turkey. Given the breathtaking array of war crimes Israel has committed in Gaza — including, it seems, the worst of all, genocide — their number is embarrassingly small. Perhaps the International Court of Justice’s issuance of arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant yesterday will inject a little much-needed moral courage.

But the price for crossing Israel will still remain high, especially with the US continuing to cover Netanyahu’s back. In the case of Colombia, the consequences of President Gustavo Petro’s decision earlier this month to cut diplomatic ties with Israel — for having a “genocidal” government and president — could be very serious indeed. Colombia’s military depends on Israel for key supplies, including air defence systems, cyber-security systems, surveillance systems and other weapons. The country is also home to seven formal US military bases on its soil as well as allegedly dozens of so-called “quasi-bases.”

For Colombia’s military and police forces, both Israel and the US are key allies, providing not just weapons but training over the course of decades. In a previous article from mid-October, I documented how former senior Israeli brass and an ex-Mossad chief had helped the Colombian military and paramilitaries wage a brutal years-long assassination campaign against thousands of left-wing politicians during the country’s civil war.

Also in October, the Mexican-Lebanese geopolitical analyst Alfredo Jalife warned Petro to “be careful!” The Israelis, he said, “could organise a coup against him. They control Colombia’s spyware and train its soldiers and paramilitaries…”. So, too, of course, could the US. But Petro went ahead and cut ties with Israel anyway. Countries, he said, cannot stay passive in the face of what is happening in Gaza. And quite right, too. ... state.html


Now, ICC Must Investigate British Ministers Too
May 20, 2024

Arms, training and spying: As the International Criminal Court targets Netanyahu for war crimes, Mark Curtis flags seven U.K. officials for assisting the Israeli prime minister in three areas.

Karim Khan (centre) announces ICC arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday. (Screengrab by DeclassifiedUK / ICC)

By Mark Curtis
Declassified U.K.

Seven British ministers – including Rishi Sunak, David Cameron, Grant Shapps and Kemi Badenoch – must be investigated for aiding Israel
With the ICC’s chief prosecutor issuing an application for an arrest warrant against Israel’s prime minister for “war crimes and crimes against humanity,” attention must turn to those who have aided Israel.

British ministers have for months been materially assisting Israel during its onslaught against Palestinians in Gaza. This support is being provided in three main ways.

First, the U.K. is providing arms to Israel. Recently filed court documents reveal that, as of January this year, the U.K. government had 28 extant and 28 pending “high-risk” licences with Israel marked as “most likely to be used by the IDF in offensive operations in Gaza.”

On 18 January, Israeli forces bombed a residential compound in Gaza housing the emergency medical team of Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), a British charity. Four British doctors were injured in the airstrike, alongside MAP staff members and a bodyguard.

The attack was carried out by an F-16 jet, components for which have been supplied by U.K. companies.

But the U.K. continues to arm Israel, rejecting repeated calls by campaign groups, former supreme court judges and some MPs to halt them.

Second, the U.K. military is training Israeli armed forces personnel in Britain during the genocide.

The government has admitted that “there are currently six Israeli Armed Forces officers posted in the U.K.” It says “Israel is represented by Armed Forces personnel in its Embassy in the U.K., and as participants in U.K. defence-led training courses”.

Third, the U.K. military is conducting spy flights over Gaza in support of Israel. Declassified has found that over 200 surveillance missions over Gaza have been undertaken by the Royal Air Force, which is likely to have gathered around 1,000 hours of surveillance footage.

None of this spy activity is being used to halt Israel’s attacks on Palestinians. The U.K. government says these surveillance activities are solely to aid the release of hostages held by Hamas.

Although the ICC has also indicted Hamas’ leadership for hostage taking, there is little evidence that Britain’s surveillance of Gaza has helped save lives. Rather it encourages Netanyahu to continue a military campaign and avoid negotiating a ceasefire, a path many of the hostages’ families favour.

Secrecy to Avoid Prosecution

Westminster Palace, home of U.K. Parliament, from Westminster Bridge, London. (Jim Nix, Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

British ministers are refusing to provide detailed information about these three areas of activity to Parliament, likely to avoid prosecution for complicity in war crimes.

The U.K.’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) is, for example, refusing to give Parliament further information about its training of Israeli military personnel in Britain or a military agreement signed with Israel in 2020.

The U.K. government is also refusing to give any details about the spy flights over Gaza, which began on 3 December.

Court documents show U.K. ministers decided to continue arms exports to Israel on 8 April, one week after the strike that killed three British aid workers who were employed by the charity World Central Kitchen.

Also on 8 April, the U.K. began its latest round of negotiations with Israeli ministers to strike a new trade agreement. Rather than sanctioning Israel over its actions in Gaza, the U.K. is deepening commercial relations.

Legitimacy of Investigation

International Criminal Court at The Hague in the Netherlands. (Vysotsky, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)

The ICC has legitimacy in investigating British ministers since they are shielded legally and politically at the domestic level.

There is almost no chance the U.K. system will hold ministers accountable for aiding war crimes, particularly since they are protected by “crown immunity”.

This deems that ministers cannot commit a legal wrong and do not act as persons but as agents steeped with Crown authority, and are therefore untouchable under the law.

The very purpose of the ICC is to investigate and prosecute the commission, including aiding and abetting, of the most serious crimes when domestic authorities refuse to act.

They Don’t Care

The international Genocide Convention requires all states to prevent and punish genocide.

The principle of the Responsibility to Protect, adopted by all states in 2005, highlights the responsibility of states to prevent “atrocity crimes” such as war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

U.K. ministers are not only failing to uphold these norms: they are actively supporting those Israeli decision-makers violating them.

British ministers have consistently defended Israel’s attacks on Palestinians as the death toll has mounted to the tens of thousands. They explicitly reject South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice.

Evidence suggests U.K. ministers just don’t care about international law or how many people — Palestinians or Britons — are killed in Gaza.

At the same time, the British government is refusing to publish the legal advice it has received on whether Israel is violating international law in Gaza.

Ministers Responsible

U.K. Foreign Secretary David Cameron, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Home Secretary James Cleverly in November 2023. (Simon Walker / No 10 Downing Street)

Arrest warrants have been issued by the ICC against Netanyahu and his Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.

Its chief prosecutor, the British barrister Karim Khan, says he has “reasonable grounds to believe” that the two Israeli ministers “bear criminal responsibility” for crimes including “starvation of civilians as a method of warfare”, “intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population” and “extermination and/or murder”.

Rishi Sunak as prime minister, along with Foreign Secretary David Cameron, Defence Secretary Grant Shapps and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch — who all approve U.K. arms exports to Israel — must be investigated over their complicity in war crimes.

Deputy Foreign Secretary Andrew Mitchell, who has acted as the government’s chief apologist for Israel’s actions in the British Parliament, should also not escape the ICC’s attention.

Nor should Defence Minister Leo Doherty and former Foreign Secretary James Cleverly (now home secretary), who contributed to U.K. government decisions on policy towards Israel. ... sters-too/


Israelis Take Rally in Front of Parliament in Jerusalem

Protests in Jerusalem, May 20, 2024 | Photo: EFE

Published 20 May 2024

"You are the leader. You are the culprit," shouted the demonstrators.

On Monday, Israelis took to the streets in front of the Knesset (Parliament) in Jerusalem to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the call for early elections.

"You are the leader. You are the culprit," shouted the demonstrators, many arriving from other parts of the country after participating in a caravan of protests.

Relatives of the hostages captured by the Palestinian resistance group Hamas will participate in protests against the actions of the IDF and the Netanyahu administration.

Since the outbreak of war in the Palestinian enclave on 7 October 2023, protests have been called almost every weekend in various parts of Israel calling for Netanyahu's resignation and early elections.

In the case of this demonstration, the cause was the order of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which requested the arrest of the prime minister, for the crimes committed by the IDF in Gaza.

The police had to deploy a series of barricades to prevent the demonstrators from reaching the building, while those present sing songs against the Prime Minister and his Government. "Bibi is a danger to the existence of this country," they say. ... -0029.html
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Wed May 22, 2024 11:44 am

‘Distorting the Truth’ – Gazans React to ICC Chief Prosecutor Decision on Arrest Warrants
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 21, 2024
Abdallah Aljamal – Gaza


“The statement represents a clear distortion of the truth. It is a political decision that aligns with the agendas of the countries supporting the occupation.”

The International Criminal Court (ICC) Chief Prosecutor, Karim Khan, announced on Monday that he has submitted applications for arrest warrants against several Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

In his statement, Khan revealed that his team has requested the warrants from the court’s pre-trial chamber, where a panel of judges will decide on their issuance.

Among the Israeli officials targeted are Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

The application, however, also includes top leaders of the Palestinian Resistance: Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, Mohammed Deif, the commander of the Al-Qassam Brigades, and Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas’ political bureau.

After eight months of Israel’s genocidal war, which has killed over 35,500 people and injured nearly 80,000, Gaza residents were puzzled by the decision, which seems to equate between the victim and the killer.

The Palestine Chronicle spoke with four Palestinians who expressed their dismay at Khan’s measures.


“I lost all members of my family in the bombing of our home in Gaza City. I lost my father, mother, and siblings, and now I live alone in the shelter,” Mohammed al-Beibi told The Palestine Chronicle.

“I expected the court’s decisions to be fair to us and to reflect the magnitude of the crimes that the occupation continues to commit in Gaza,” he continued.

Al-Beibi explained that the ICC prosecutor’s statement is unfair to the Palestinian people, because it equates the criminal occupation, which has committed thousands of massacres, with the victims who are fighting back.

Israel’s Dominance

Zahwa Al-Zard agreed. “The occupation killed all members of my family during this war, and I expected the court to issue arrest warrants against all their leaders involved in these heinous crimes,” she said.

Al-Zard called on the International Criminal Court’s top prosecutor to retract its statement and to look at the truth with complete transparency.

“They should stop this war and prosecute all leaders of the occupation for the continuous bloody war on Gaza for the past eight months,” she added.

“This is proof of Israeli dominance over the court’s decisions. It’s a clear politicization of all court decisions and a disregard for the ongoing crimes in Gaza,” the bereaved woman continued.

Ignoring Reality

Samia Saleh, who lost her husband during the war, told us that the court’s decision ignores reality and attempts to cover up the heinous crimes committed by the occupation against Palestinians.

“The leaders of the occupation have committed all sorts of crimes in Gaza,” Saleh said.

“They have not hesitated to threaten us with annihilation. But it seems that the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor does not see the reality on the ground, but rather listens to what the United States has to say.”

Distorting the Truth

Nasreen al-Halaw is an elderly woman. She lost many relatives in the war, including her son’s family, killed in the bombing of their home in Gaza City.

Al-Halaw expressed her surprise and shock at the statement of the ICC prosecutor, who called for the arrest of Palestinian leaders on charges related to the events of October 7, ignoring the real reasons behind these events.

“The court should indict Benjamin Netanyahu, his war minister, Yoav Gallant, and all the other occupation leaders who committed war crimes against our people,” al-Halaw told us.

“The statement represents a clear distortion of the truth. It is a political decision that aligns with the agendas of the countries supporting the occupation.” ... -warrants/


'Voluntary migration' from Gaza 'last step' to full Israeli control: Minister

Settler groups demand that Gaza be ethnically cleansed of Palestinians to make way for Jewish settlement and have regularly attacked humanitarian aid shipments trying to reach the strip to feed starving people

News Desk

MAY 21, 2024

(Photo Credit: Motti Kimchi)

Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said on 21 May that Gaza should be under full Israeli control and ethnically cleansed to pave the way for Jewish settlement.

Speaking with ultra-Orthodox news outlet Kikar HaShabbat, the national security minister said the “encouragement of voluntary emigration” of Palestinians from Gaza is the “last” and “most important” step in Israel being able to fully occupy and build settlements in the Strip.

“If the emigration happens, and hundreds of thousands leave, you’ll be able to bring more and more and more people in,” the right-wing minister noted.

Ben-Gvir added that he “would love to live in Gaza if possible,” should these goals be met.

Haaretz reported on Monday that while Ben-Gvir was en route last week to a far-right rally calling for settlement building in Gaza, he was in shock over the police presence at the Tarqumiyah checkpoint, stationed to “protect” aid envoys to Gaza.

According to one witness at the checkpoint, Ben-Gvit got out of his personal car and said, “This can't be what my cops are doing instead of fighting terrorism. That's not why I do what I do, ensuring your salaries. I don't want you doing these missions.”

"Why are my cops here? Why are they doing this, that's not their job," the minister was heard saying over the phone while there.

After arriving at the right-wing rally, Ben-Gvir said that he “opposes” aid trucks being sent to provide Gaza with needed resources.

Earlier this month, The head of the UN World Food Program said northern Gaza had entered “full-blown famine," due to Israel's blockade.

Despite the police presence, right-wing settlers have previously succeeded in blocking off roads and violently attacked aid trucks headed to the besieged enclave, dumping some of the contents on the street and setting several trucks on fire.

Witnesses noted that when the Southern District Police Commander, Amir Cohen, reached the Tarqumiyah checkpoint to respond to Ben-Gvir’s criticism, he told the minister,” This is a policy decision, and this is the job of the Israel Police. We are exercising our responsibility.”

Ben-Gvir was angry the police chief stationed two special units, the Coastal District tactical unit, and the Yoav Unit, to protect the humanitarian aid convoys,

Two days after the checkpoint incident, Ben-Gvir lashed out at Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai, saying, "How is it possible that there is an explicit cabinet decision not to remove Yoav from its mission, and have it reassigned?”

The minister added, "I am exhausting myself to obtain positions and expand the police."

A police source later told Haaretz that Shubtai said, "I am obeying instructions, and the cabinet decided to send the aid by trucks. My duty as commissioner is to fulfil the instructions and secure them.” ... l-minister

Washington has ‘no objections’ to Israel’s brutal assault on Rafah

Nearly a million people have been forcibly displaced from the city, which is under intense Israeli bombardment

News Desk

MAY 21, 2024

(Photo credit: AFP)

Israel has decided to “limit” its ongoing operation in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah and forgo a major offensive there, the Washington Post’s David Ignatius said in an opinion piece.

According to Ignatius, the decision comes after discussions with Washington on the matter.

Following conversations with unnamed officials, he claims that a plan to send two more divisions into Rafah will not commence and that operations will be restrained.

“Israeli leaders have reached a consensus about a final assault on Hamas’s four remaining battalions in Rafah. Instead of the heavy attack with two divisions that Israel contemplated several weeks ago, government and military leaders foresee a more limited assault that U.S. officials think will result in fewer civilian casualties and, for that reason, Biden won’t oppose,” Ignatius wrote.

He says Israel “plans to conduct regular raids against [Hamas] insurgents [in Rafah], much as it does now in the West Bank. Indeed, the West Bank might be a model for how Gaza evolves going forward.”

The report came the same day that Israeli officials reaffirmed their intention to fully invade Rafah.

US media has reported in previous months that Washington was aiming to mold Israel’s Rafah operation into a more limited campaign focused on surgical raids and “counterterrorism” operations rather than a full-scale assault.

The US has since repeatedly warned that it would refuse to support Israel's assault against Rafah without a plan to safely evacuate the besieged population there, something that has not happened.

Since the operation began on 7 May, Israel has instead forcibly displaced over 810,000 of the at least one million civilians sheltering in Rafah – most of whom had already been displaced from other parts of Gaza.

“The exodus continues in Gaza. UNRWA estimates over 810,000 people have fled Rafah in the past two weeks. Every time families are displaced; their lives are at serious risk. People are forced to leave everything behind looking for safety. But there's no safe zone,” the UN refugee agency said on 20 May.

Relentless Israeli bombardment of the city continues as troops continue to push forward into Rafah.

“At least five civilians today were killed and others were injured in Israeli airstrikes targeting a group of citizens near Awadallah Junction in the Yabna refugee camp in the center of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip,” WAFA news agency reported on 21 May.

Al Jazeera reported on 20 May that Israeli forces have reached the depths of Rafah’s Brazil neighborhood.

The Palestinian resistance continues to fiercely confront Israeli troops in Rafah, as well as in the north of Gaza as battles remain ongoing. ... t-on-rafah

Hamas’ military ability remains largely ‘intact’: US intelligence

Only about a third of Hamas’ fighters have been killed, according to intelligence estimates, despite the nearly eight-month war on Gaza

News Desk

MAY 22, 2024

(Photo credit: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

US media reported on 21 May, citing intelligence estimates, that only about a third of the fighters from Hamas’ armed wing have been killed by Israel, while the majority of the group’s extensive tunnel network remains intact.

“Although Hamas’ communications and military abilities have been degraded, only 30 to 35 percent of its fighters — those who were a part of Hamas before the Oct. 7 attack — have been killed and about 65 percent of its tunnels are still intact,” Politico reported on Wednesday, citing US intelligence.

Washington has been “increasingly concerned that Hamas has been able to recruit during wartime — thousands over the last several months,” allowing it “to withstand months of Israeli offensives,” according to a person familiar with the intelligence.

Israel has previously claimed that around 12,000 Hamas fighters out of its supposed 30,000 have been killed, something the resistance group denies.

The Politico report comes just days after a Pentagon official, chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General CQ Brown, criticized Israel for failing to prevent Hamas’ return to prominence in areas where the Israeli army had operated.

Last week, US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said that a “total victory” for Israel is not “likely or possible” in this war, adding that Tel Aviv is “struggling over what the theory of victory is” in Gaza.

Israel claimed in early January that all of Hamas’ battalions were dismantled in northern Gaza, including in the northern city of Jabalia, where Israeli forces are now operating once again and are taking heavy losses during battles with the Palestinian resistance, including Hamas’ Qassam Brigades and other groups.

The resistance remains entrenched in several other areas across Gaza, particularly in the southernmost city of Rafah – which Israel had labeled Hamas’ final stronghold and where troops are also facing heavy resistance since Tel Aviv defied months of international warnings and launched an operation in the besieged city.

Fighters continue to emerge from tunnels to ambush soldiers with RPGs and explosive devices and have recently stepped up the tactic of rigging buildings with bombs and detonating them with Israeli troops inside.

At the start of the war, Israel said its goal was to “eliminate” Hamas. Nearly eight months into the fighting, the group remains nowhere near elimination.

Experts, including Israeli and western analysts, have said that Israel has failed to achieve all its goals in the Gaza Strip, including wiping out the resistance and freeing prisoners held by Hamas. ... telligence

No aid unloaded at US pier has reached Gaza: Pentagon

The hold-up comes despite the fact that Washington’s ‘humanitarian’ pier has been in operation for a week

News Desk

MAY 22, 2024

(Photo credit: US Army/Reuters)

The Pentagon said on 21 May that none of the humanitarian aid has been unloaded off of Washington’s floating pier on the coast of Gaza, as the US says it is working with the UN and Israel to identify safe routes into the besieged enclave.

Pentagon spokesman, Major General Patrick Ryder, said on Tuesday that the US, Israel, and the UN are working to determine “alternative routes” for the delivery of over 500 tons of aid that has been transported to the Gaza pier since last week.

The announcement comes after desperate Palestinians, stricken by famine as a result of Israel’s war, tried intercepting a number of trucks carrying aid from the pier over the weekend, according to Ryder.

“As of today, I do not believe so,” Ryder said in response to a question on whether any aid has been delivered to starving Gazans in the besieged strip.

“We do anticipate that assistance will be distributed in the coming days, of course, conditions permitting,” he added.

“Fully appreciating the desperation,” Ryder said in reference to the starving Palestinians who attempted to intercept aid trucks, “it is very important that this aid get to the people who need it most, that’s going to continue to be the focus … I understand, you know, the focus on why is this not working, or why is that not working, but what we’re focused on is how we can work to ensure that the Palestinian people get the aid.”

“We do anticipate that assistance will be distributed in the coming days, of course, conditions permitting,” he went on to say.

An unnamed US official told CNN that “the Defense Department and UN are still working to determine how much aid can be held at the [pier’s] staging area inside Gaza at any given time.”

The failure of Washington’s Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS) project comes as aid is piling up on the border with Egypt, as the Rafah crossing remains shut by Israel due to its ongoing operation in the southernmost city, which has severely hindered efforts to deliver assistance to desperate Gazans.

All other crossings are controlled by Israel, and the small amounts of aid entering the strip are severely below what is required.

The UN World Food Program (WFP) said in early May that northern Gaza is now facing “full-blown” famine.

The US army announced on 16 May that it had completed the installation of the temporary pier on Gaza's shore. Aid shipments began trickling onto the Gaza shore via the US port the following day, on 17 May.

Israel has repeatedly targeted starving Palestinians seeking aid in Gaza since the start of the war, including several incidents in late February and early March, which saw Gazans lined up for flour getting gunned down by Israeli forces.

Israeli forces have conducted at least eight airstrikes on aid workers and facilities in Gaza since October despite direct communication with the groups, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report released on 14 May.

Seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen (WCK) were killed in an Israeli strike early last month. ... a-pentagon

Norway, Spain, Ireland to formally recognize Palestinian statehood

The announcement set off alarms in Tel Aviv, as the Israeli foreign ministry immediately condemned the move and recalled its envoys to Oslo and Dublin

News Desk

MAY 22, 2024

(Photo Credit: EPA)

Norway, Ireland, and Spain announced on 22 May that they will formally recognize Palestine as a state next week, drawing the ire of Israel as the country immediately recalled its ambassadors to Dublin and Oslo.

“There cannot be peace in [West Asia] if there is no recognition … In the midst of a war, with tens of thousands killed and injured [in Gaza], we must keep alive the only alternative that offers a political solution for Israelis and Palestinians alike: Two states living side by side, in peace and security,” Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store said on Wednesday.

Shortly after Oslo's announcement, Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris said his country would also recognize a Palestinian state.

“Today, Ireland, Norway, and Spain are announcing that we recognize the state of Palestine,” Harris said at a news conference. “I’m confident that further countries will join us in taking this important step in the coming weeks,” he added.

Foreign Minister Micheal Martin said via social media that the recognition will become official on 28 May.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez followed suit, announcing Wednesday that the country’s council of ministers would also recognize an independent Palestinian state on 28 May. He also accused his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu of putting the two-state solution in “danger” with his policy of “pain and destruction” in Gaza.

In response to the news, Tel Aviv immediately recalled its ambassadors to Ireland and Norway and pledged to recall its envoy to Spain. The foreign ministry also summoned the ambassadors from the three European nations to “reprimand” them.

Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz called the show of support for Palestinians a “folly,” adding that recognizing Palestinian statehood “[sends] a message to the Palestinians and the world: Terrorism pays.”

Palestinian officials welcomed the announcement by three European nations, with Hamas calling it an “important step.”

“We welcome the announcement by Norway, Ireland, and Spain of recognition of the State of Palestine, and we consider it an important step on the path to consolidating our right to our land and establishing our independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,” the statement by the Palestinian resistance says.

“Historical moments in which the free world triumphs for truth and justice after long decades of Palestinian national struggle, suffering, pain, occupation, racism, murder, oppression, abuse and destruction to which the people of Palestine were subjected,” the Secretary-General of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) said via social media.

Nine European countries — Bulgaria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Sweden, Malta, and the Greek Cypriot administration — have already recognized Palestine as a state. ... -statehood
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Thu May 23, 2024 11:10 am

UN Stops Food Distribution in Rafah

Destruction caused by the Israeli Ocupation forces, May 21, 2024 | Photo: EFE

Published 21 May 2024 (15 hours 25 minutes ago)

The organization claimed that no aid cargo entered the dock that established the United States for deliveries by sea in the last two days.

"Food distributions in Rafah, in southern Gaza, are currently suspended due to lack of supplies and insecurity," announced the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East (Unrwa), in its X account.

The organization denounced on the social network itself that as a result of the ongoing military operation in East Rafah, the distribution center Unrwa and the warehouse of the World Food Program (WFP), both in Rafah, are now inaccessible.

The organization also stated that no aid cargo entered the dock established by the United States for deliveries by sea in the last two days.

For her part, the spokeswoman of the UN World Food Programme, Abeer Etefa, warned that "humanitarian operations in Gaza are on the verge of collapse". According to her, if the entry into Gaza of food and other supplies "in massive quantities is not resumed, famine-like conditions will be extended".

For his part, the deputy medical coordinator of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Gaza, Muhammad Abu Mugaysib, said that the Gaza Strip is experiencing a "medical catastrophe".

He indicated that there are only two field hospitals in Rafah that cannot meet the shortages and needs of the people, and that regular hospitals are required.

"Unfortunately, no medical aid has arrived in Gaza since the start of the Israeli army’s ground attacks on 6 May. So we are experiencing a shortage of many medical supplies," Mugaysib said.

In that sense, he warned that "if the Rafah border crossing does not open soon, there will be a major collapse and this will have a significant impact on the medical activities" carried out in the Gaza Strip.

"Heart patients are dying because they cannot be treated. Cancer patients are dying because there is no cancer hospital. The medical situation in Gaza is truly critical and catastrophic," he lamented. ... -0019.html


Israeli forces conduct deadly raid in Jenin refugee camp

Seven Palestinians, including a 50-year-old surgeon on his way to work, were killed by Israeli forces

May 21, 2024 by Peoples Dispatch

Israeli soldiers during the raid in Jenin Refugee Camp. Photo: Screenshot

Israeli forces conducted a raid on May 21 in the Jenin refugee camp and killed seven Palestinians, including Dr. Aseed Jabareen, a 50-year-old surgeon and Allam Jaradat, a 48-year old teacher, both while on their way to work. Also killed was a teenage boy riding a bicycle, Mahmoud Hamadna.

Israeli occupation forces also destroyed hallmarks of civilian life including streets, vegetable stalls, commercial vendors, and houses. Israeli forces also occupied homes and “turned them into outposts amid violent confrontations,” Wafa News Agency reports.

Schools in the refugee camp have also been evacuated, and the war on Palestinian hospitals continues as Jenin Government Hospital is reportedly under siege, with ambulances prevented from reaching the injured, Israeli snipers randomly opening fire in the courtyard, and the surrounding streets being bulldozed. A Wafa correspondent reported that at the Khalil Suleiman Hospital, also in Jenin, Israeli snipers are opening fire at anyone seen in the vicinity.

Special Report on the continued invasion in Jenin, filmed and edited by Actor Ibrahim Barahma #Mayday Created by @freedom_theatre & @artistfrontline

ALL UPDATES FROM MAYDAY #JeninUnderAttack #Palestine #Theatre #جنين

— The Freedom Theatre (@freedom_theatre) May 21, 2024

The Freedom Theatre, a cultural center in the Jenin refugee camp, published an anonymous reflection from a young artist, who said, “It hurts to see children leaving their schools, screaming and running to embrace their mothers in fear… It’s painful how everything breaks and changes so quickly, with the city’s rhythm turning tense, colors changing, and people’s faces transforming.” ... ugee-camp/


From the History of Israel−Palestine Conflict: The First Palestinian Intifada Against the State of Israel (1987−1993) and its Political Consequences
Posted on May 21, 2024 by Yves Smith

Yves here. The conflict in Goza is both protracted and intractable. The earlier chapters in the Israel-Palestine struggle over the land between the river and the sea help explain why. One nugget in this recap of the first Intifada is that the US was once able to tell Israel how to behave.

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic, Ex-University Professor, Research Fellow at Centre for Geostrategic Studies, Belgrade, Serbia

The Meaning of Intifada

The Arabic word intifada means “shaking off” but in the political language as a term, it means “uprising”. More precisely, this term refers to the two Palestinian uprisings on both territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. These two territories were occupied by Israel during The 1967 Six-Day War between Israel and the coalition of the Arab states in the region of the Middle East.[1] Both intifadas lasted from 1987 to 2000.[2]

The First Intifada

The First Intifada was, in fact, the spontaneous uprising in 1987 which lasted until 1993. It began as a revolt of the Palestinian youth throwing stones against the forces of the Israeli occupation but soon became a widespread movement involving civil disobedience with periodic large-scale demonstrations supported by commercial strikes. Usually, it is considered that the beginning of the First Intifada was a response to:

The realization that the Palestinian Question in the Middle East together with the Arab-Israeli conflict was not seriously taken into consideration by the Governments of Arab states.
The fact that the Palestinians in the so-called Occupied Territories (after The 1967 Six-Day War) should have to take matters into their own hands.
The West Bank’s and Gaza’s Palestinians started an uprising in December 1987 against the policy of occupation run by the Israeli Government. It has to be clearly noted that the First Intifada was not either started or directed by the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (the PLO) which was at that time located in Tunis.[3] It was, actually, a popular mobilization organized by local Palestinian organizations and institutions in Palestine. The movement very quickly became massive involving several hundreds of thousands of Palestinians of whom many had not participated before in the previous resistance actions and many of them were teenagers and even kids. The response of the Israeli security forces was brutal repression of the whole Palestinian population of the Occupied Territories.

During the first years of the uprising, the movement chose a similar form of the fight of Mahatma Gandhi (1869−1948) in India against British colonial authorities: civil disobedience, massive demonstrations, general strikes, refusal to pay taxis, boycotts of Israeli products, writing political graffiti or establishment of underground the so-called “freedom schools”.[4] Later, the uprising took certain forms of “terrorist” actions like stone-throwing, Molotov cocktails, or putting the barricades to stop Israeli military forces.

The actions of the First Intifada have been organized within the framework of the United National Leadership of the Uprising which embraced several popular committees. The fact was that Intifada succeeded in attracting up to that time the biggest attention by the international community, especially of those dealing with human and minority rights to the situation of Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The Israeli occupation of these territories has been criticized as never since 1967.[5]

Israeli Defence Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s strategy to deal with Intifada was to use military force and security power. In the years from 1987 to 1991, according to Palestinian sources, the Israeli army murdered over 1.000 Palestinians. Among them, there were some 200 teenagers under the age of 16. Army’s actions included massive arrests resulted that during the First Intifada, Israel had the highest number of prisoners per capita in the world. Due to such brutal actions, by 1990 most of the Palestinian leaders of the Intifada had been in prison and, therefore, the uprising lost its cohesive force but, nevertheless, it continued until 1993.

The Negotiations, the Washington Talks, and the Oslo Accords

During the First Gulf War in 1990−1991, the Palestinians and their national organization the PLO opposed the US-led attack on Iraq. After this war, the PLO became diplomatically isolated, and Kuwait and Saudi Arabia stopped financing it, therefore, bringing the PLO to the financial and political crisis.

The US administration after the First Gulf War decided to politically make firmer its position in the Middle East by diplomatically promoting Washington’s crucial role in the process of resolution of regional cancer – the Arab-Israeli conflict. It was organized multilateral conference in Madrid in October 1991 attended by on one side the Palestinian representatives and the representatives of the Arab states and on the other side representatives of Israel led by PM Yitzhak Shamir who was practically forced to participate in the conference under the pressure by the US President George H. W. Bush (Bush Senior).[6] However, behind the Israeli delegation, it was, in fact, Washington dictating Israeli conditions to negotiate. More precisely, Y. Shamir required that:

The PLO be excluded from the conference (as considered to be a terrorist organization); and
The Palestinians would not “directly” raise the question of independence and statehood for Palestine.

The talks after Madrid have been continued in Washington where the Palestinian delegation was composed of negotiators from the Occupied Territories. However, the representatives of East Jerusalem were not allowed to participate in the negotiations by Israel on the grounds that East Jerusalem is part of the State of Israel. Formally, the PLO representatives were excluded from the conference but in reality, its political leaders regularly consulted with and advised the official Palestinian delegation but little progress was achieved through the process of negotiations. According to Israeli PM Y. Shamir, the focal aim of the Israeli delegation and negotiation policy was to drug out Washington’s talks for some 10 years as after that the Israeli annexation of the West Bank would be simply de factoaccomplished fact for the international community.

Very soon, in 1992, immediately when Yitzhak Rabin became a new Israeli PM, the human rights of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories (the Gaza Strip and the West Bank) tremendously became worse – a fact which dramatically undermined the legitimacy of the Palestinian delegation to Washington’s talks and prompted the resignation of several delegates. There were several reasons for the failure of Washington’s talks as human rights violations and economic decline in the Occupied Territories, growth of radical Islamism as a challenge to the PLO, violent actions against Israeli security forces and civilians by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and, finally, the first suicide bombing (in 1993).[7]

There were two chief reasons for the Israeli PM Y. Rabin to continue the negotiations with the Palestinian representatives:

The real security threat for Israel of radical Islam and Islamic fundamentalists; and
The stalemate in the Washington talks.

Those two factors also contributed to Y. Rabin’s Government reversing the traditional Israeli refusal to negotiate with the PLO (at least not directly). As a consequence of such a drastically changed political situation, it was Israel to initiate secret talks directly with the Palestinian representatives from the PLO in Oslo, Norway. The talks resulted in the Israeli-PLO Declaration of Principles, which was signed in Washington in September 1993. The main points of the declaration were:

1.A fact that it was founded on bilateral recognition of Israel and the PLO as legitimate negotiating sides.
2.The declaration established that the Israeli forces would withdraw from the Gaza Strip and Jericho.
3.The additional withdrawals of Israel from unspecified territories of the West Bank during a five-year interim period were agreed upon.
4.However, the key issues of Israeli-Palestinian relations have been put aside to be discussed in some final status talks like the extent of the land to be ceded by Israel, the status of the city of Jerusalem, the Palestinian refugee problem’s resolution, the nature of the Palestinian entity to be established, the question of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank or water rights.

With the 1993 Oslo Accords, the First Palestinian Intifada against the State of Israel was over.

© Vladislav B. Sotirovic 2024

Personal disclaimer: The author writes for this publication in a private capacity which is unrepresentative of anyone or any organization except for his own personal views. Nothing written by the author should ever be conflated with the editorial views or official positions of any other media outlet or institution.


[1] The 1967 Six-Day War from 5th to 10th June is known in the Arabic world as the June War. The formal reason for this war has been three requests by Egypt to the OUN Emergency Force in Sinai: 1) to withdraw their detachments from the Israeli border; 2) the increase of Egyptian military troops on the Sinai Peninsula; and 3) to close the Straits of Tiran in the Gulf of Aqaba for the use by Israeli ships. Three Arab states made a military coalition against Zionist Israel: Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. The 1967 Six-Day War was started by the Israeli Minister of Defence General Dayan as a pre-emptive airstrike. However, it was soon followed by the Israeli occupation of the Sinai Peninsula, Old Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights during two last days of the war [Guy Laron, The Six-Day War: The Breaking of the Middle East, New Haven−London: Yale University Press, 2017].

[2] Don Peretz, Intifada: The Palestinian Uprising, London−New York: Routledge, 2018.

[3] The Palestine Liberation Organization (the PLO) is both a political and military organization that was created in 1964 for the sake of uniting different Arab Palestinian groups to fight Israeli anti-Palestinian policy on the land of Palestine. The PLO became dominated since 1967 by al-Fatah that was led by Yasser Arafat. In 1974, the PLO became recognized by the Arab states as an official political and national representative of all Palestinians. The Israeli military invasion of South Lebanon in 1982 decreased its military power and organization itself. As a consequence, the PLO became reorganized in Tunisia. The organization, however, became split into several extremist-radical groups like the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine or the Black September (classic terrorist group) who became responsible for kidnappings, hijackings or murdering within or outside of the Middle East. Yasser Arafat, therefore, persuaded in 1988 the PLO to renounce violence and terrorist acts and its governing council recognized the existence of Israeli state. As a direct consequence of such political move, since 1988, the PLO was accepted by many states as being a Government-in-Exile of Palestine. Yasser Arafat in 1993 acted as a Chair of the Palestinian National Authority administering the territories of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank [Jillian Becker, The PLO: The Rise and Fall of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2014].

[4] The regular schools were closed by the military authority of Israel as an act of revenge for Intifada.

[5] The Palestinian side claims that during the First Intifada, the Israeli Government runs a secret policy of killing of the Palestinians on the Occupied Territories. Such kind of operations has been done by special units who either presented themselves as Arabs in order to approach and execute the victims or by snipers who have been killing from a distance.

[6] The Madrid Peace Process was launched by the US’ President Bush and the Soviet leader M. Gorbachev.

[7] It is a matter of very fact that before the First Intifada started, Israel enabled further development of the Islamic groups among the Palestinians believing to create in such a way opposition to the PLO’s secular nationalism and consequently to divide Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. However, since 1993, it became obvious that Islamic fundamentalist groups are more dangerous for Israel than the PLO. About Hamas, see in [Matthew Levitt, Hamas: Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad, New Haven−London: Yale University Press, 2006]. ... ences.html


Israel’s Crimes Far Worse Than Hamas’
May 21, 2024

Netanyahu says any comparison between Israel’s war crimes and those of Hamas is “absurd and false,” writes Jonathan Cook. He’s correct and here’s why.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, April 2021. (DoD, Jack Sanders)

By Jonathan Cook

There is one thing we should all be able to agree with Benjamin Netanyahu on: Any comparison between Israel’s war crimes and those of Hamas is, as the Israeli prime minister put it, “absurd and false” and a “distortion of reality.”

[The Israeli leader’s remarks came in response to the International Criminal Court prosecutor’s request on Monday for arrest warrants for him as well as leaders of Hamas.]

Here’s why:

* Israeli war crimes have been ongoing for more than seven decades, long predating Hamas’ creation.

* Israel has kept the Palestinians of Gaza caged into a concentration camp for the past 17 years, denying them connection to the outside world and the essentials of life. Hamas managed to besiege a small part of Israel for one day, on Oct. 7, 2023.

* For every Israeli killed by Hamas on Oct. 7, Israel has slaughtered at least 35 times that number of Palestinians. Similar kill-ratios grossly skewed in Israel’s favour have been true for decades.

* Israel has killed more than 15,000 Palestinian children since October — and many tens of thousands more Palestinian children are missing under rubble, maimed or orphaned. By early April, Israel had killed a further 114 children in the West Bank and injured 725 more. Hamas killed a total of 33 Israeli children on Oct. 7.

Gazans outside Indonesian Hospital in Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip, on October 9, 2023, following Israeli airstrikes. (Palestinian News & Information Agency, or Wafa, for APAimages, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

* Israel has laid waste to Gaza’s entire health sector. It has bombed its hospitals, and killed, beaten and kidnapped many hundreds of medical personnel. Hamas has not attacked one Israeli hospital.

* Israel has killed more than 100 journalists in Gaza and more than 250 aid workers. It has also kidnapped a further 40 journalists. Most are presumed to have been taken to a secret detention facility where torture is rife. Hamas is reported to have killed one Israeli journalist on Oct. 7, and no known aid workers.

* Israel is actively starving Gaza’s population by denying it food, water and aid. That is a power — a genocidal one — Hamas could only ever dream of.

* Israel has been forcibly removing Palestinians from their lands for more than 76 years to build illegal Jewish settlements in their place. Hamas has not been able to ethnically cleanse a single Israeli, nor build a single Palestinian settlement on Israeli land.

Israeli military forces arriving to demolish the Palestinian community of Khirbet Ein Karzaliyah on Jan. 8, 2014. (B’Tselem, CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)

* Some 750,000 Palestinians are reported to have been taken hostage and jailed by Israel since 1967 — an unwelcome rite of passage for Palestinian men and boys and one in which torture is routine and military trials ensure a near-100 percent conviction rate. Until Oct. 7, Hamas had only ever managed to take hostage a handful of the Israeli soldiers whose job is to oppress Palestinians.

* And, while Hamas is designated a terrorist organisation by Western states, those same Western states laud Israel, fund and arm it, and provide it with diplomatic cover, even as the World Court rules that a plausible case has been made it is committing a genocide in Gaza.

Yes, Netanyahu is right. There is no comparison at all. ... han-hamas/


‘Supporter of the Oppressed’: Palestinian, Arab Resistance Groups Express Sorrow at Iranian President’s Tragic Death
MAY 22, 2024

Photo composition with late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and a collage of scenes of destruction in Gaza caused by Israeli bombardment. Photo: PressTV.

Following the tragic death of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and other top officials in a helicopter crash in the northwestern Iranian province of East Azerbaijan last Sunday, the Palestinian Resistance movement Hamas and other Palestinian and Arab movements issued statements expressing their condolence and sympathy.

Hamas: “Shared feelings of sorrow”
Hamas extended its “condolences, deep sympathy, and solidarity to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, His Eminence Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Iranian government, and the brotherly people of Iran, on the passing of His Excellency President Ebrahim Raisi, His Excellency Foreign Minister Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian” and other officials.

“We express our shared feelings of sorrow and pain with the sister nation of Iran and our full solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Iran in this tragic incident and grave loss, which claimed the lives of a group of the finest Iranian leaders who had a remarkable journey in Iran’s renaissance,” the statement added.

Hamas also stated that the late president and foreign minister “held honorable stances in supporting our Palestinian cause, backing our people’s legitimate struggle against the Zionist entity, and their valued support for the Palestinian resistance.”

“They made diligent efforts in solidarity and support in all forums and fields for our people in the steadfast Gaza Strip during the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, and their intense political and diplomatic efforts to stop the zionist aggression against our Palestinian people,” the statement expressed.

The group added that it is confident that the Islamic Republic of Iran will “overcome the repercussions of this great loss, as the dear Iranian people possess well-established institutions capable of dealing with this severe ordeal.”

Hezbollah: “A big brother to us”
The Lebanese Resistance movement Hezbollah also extended its condolences to the people of Iran.

“We have known His Eminence the martyred President closely for a long time,” the movement said in a statement.

“He was a big brother to us, a strong support, and a staunch defender of our causes and the causes of the nation, foremost among them Al-Quds and Palestine, and a protector of the resistance movements and their fighters in all the positions of responsibility he held,” the statement added.

Hezbollah also praised the late Foreign Minister Dr. Hossein Amir Abdollahian, who, “in all his positions of responsibility, the last of which was in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was a present, active, and sacrificial minister, carrying the flag in all political and diplomatic forums in the world and a lover of resistance movements and dedicated to their support and advocacy.”

Other statements
Statements were issued by various Arab resistance groups soon after the news of Raisi’s death was confirmed early on Monday, May 20.

Mohammad Ali al-Houthi, head of the Revolutionary Committee of Yemen, expressed the condolences of the Yemeni Ansarallah movement.

“Our deepest condolences to the Iranian people, to the Iranian leadership, and to the president’s family and the families of the accompanying delegation on the martyrdom of President Raisi and the accompanying delegation, and we ask Allah to grant their families patience and comfort,” al-Houthi said.

“The Iranian people will remain loyal to leaders who are loyal to them,” he added.

The Palestinian Popular Resistance Committee also expressed great “sadness and sorrow” in a statement.

“With great sadness and sorrow, we mourn the tragic passing of the esteemed Iranian President, Mr. Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their accompanying delegation who ascended in the unfortunate plane crash,” the statement read.

“We extend our heartfelt condolences to His Eminence Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and to the grieving Iranian people, hoping that Allah, the Almighty, will bring comfort to their hearts in this great loss,” the statement continued.

“We, along with our people in resistance, express our solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the Islamic Republic of Iran—its leadership, people, and government. We share their sorrow and pain in this immense tragedy,” the statement added.

The Committee also acknowledged the immense contribution made by the Iranian officials to the Palestinian cause.

“Palestine, its people, and its resistance will never forget the contributions made by the two resistant martyrs, President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, in support of the Palestinian cause and the advocacy for our people in all forums,” it said.

“We have complete confidence in the great Iranian people and their wise leadership to overcome this difficult ordeal,” it added further.

“Iran will always remain a steadfast supporter for all the oppressed individuals of the nation and the world in confronting the forces of arrogance, injustice, and tyranny globally,” the statement concluded.

(The Palestine Chronicle) ... gic-death/



It’s Not Unusual That We’re Being Lied To, It’s Unusual That People Are Noticing

It’s important to understand that there’s nothing unusual about the western empire’s depravity in Gaza or the mass media’s constant lies and distortions about it — they do these things constantly, year after year. What’s unusual is that people are waking up to it.

Caitlin Johnstone
May 22, 2024

It’s hard to get excited about Julian Assange winning the right to a limited appeal against extradition to the United States. They’re still keeping him locked up and silenced. He’s already been in Belmarsh for five years now while the empire bats him around like a cat toying with a mouse, and five years would have been an obscenely long sentence for the crime of good journalism anyway. They’re just squeezing him and squeezing him and squeezing him in every way they can for as long as possible, all without having to secure an actual conviction.

It’s important to understand that there’s nothing unusual about the western empire’s depravity in Gaza or the mass media’s constant lies and distortions about it — they do these things constantly, year after year. What’s unusual is that people are waking up to it.

I can’t stop marveling at how Israel apologists keep trying to convince young people that it’s those who are opposing a genocide who need to worry about their future employment prospects. No bitch, the future is coming for YOU.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board has penned a furiously biased screed condemning the International Criminal Court’s application for arrest warrants of Israeli officials for war crimes, claiming that “the ICC has lost sight of the crucial distinction between the death squad and the bomber pilot.” The premise of this line being that an IDF pilot who kills people with bombs is noble and righteous in comparison to Hamas.

One of the most demented things about western civilization is its completely unquestioned mass delusion that killing people with military explosives dropped from the sky is more moral and righteous than killing people with bullets or blades.

On the pro-Israel side you’ve got the entire military-industrial complex, all professional warmongers, all mainstream media and the entire DC swamp, while on the pro-Palestine side you’ve got kids who want a healthy future and Palestinians who don’t want to be killed anymore. Clearly this is a complicated and nuanced issue, with very fine people on both sides.

FYI there is nothing revolutionary or anti-establishment about supporting a Republican presidential candidate who openly backs all the same neocon war agendas as the current Democrat president.

A lot of right wingers genuinely adore Israel and think it’s wonderful to exterminate Palestinians, but you can tell many others don’t know much about the issue and are only jumping on the anti-protester bandwagon because the protesters are leftists. Many in the MAGA crowd even think of themselves as antiwar and anti-neocon, but here they are supporting an act of mass military slaughter that’s endorsed by every neocon swamp monster and professional warmonger in Washington solely because doing so puts them on the opposite side of the lefties.

This says so much about how mindless and unprincipled these people are, and how completely empty of meaning their purported values system actually is. If you can be led to support the worst thing in the world alongside all the evil swamp creatures you claim to despise just because the people opposing it are on the left, you can be led to support literally anything.

It also says so much about how stupid and shallow mainstream political discourse has become that so many mainstream partisans support or oppose things not based on how good or bad they are from their particular ideological perspective, but based solely upon what the other side supports or opposes. That binary-minded relationship with the world is such a brainless, amoeba-like, stimulus-response way of moving through life. And it’s millions upon millions of people.

Saying “Why are you talking about the US-backed incineration of Gaza and not X Y and Z bad things happening in Africa and Asia” is just saying “Stop criticizing the white people, criticize the brown people instead.”

Germany has deported seven Ukrainian soldiers who were there for training because they were wearing Nazi insignia. According to German officials, Ukrainian soldiers will now be explicitly prohibited from displaying Nazi insignia when training in Germany.

The west is pouring money and weapons into a military force who cannot stop causing scandals with their Nazi insignia and support for Nazi ideology, but we’re being told not to worry about those Nazis and that kids protesting genocide at university campuses are the real Nazis.

My neighbors have had a Ukrainian flag up since 2022 and it’s been shredded into an unrecognizable mess by the weather, which is just so symbolic in so many ways.

Everyone’s anti-war until the war propaganda starts. Anyone will tell you war is a terrible thing that should be avoided whenever possible, and that waging mass military violence for power and profit would be one of the most evil things a state can do. But then when it’s time for their own state to inflict mass military violence on a population for power and profit, a bunch of narratives come out explaining why this time war is 100 percent necessary and that this war is happening for noble and truth-based reasons.

And people buy it every damn time. Luckily, fewer people are buying it this time around. ... -noticing/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Fri May 24, 2024 11:14 am

Debunking the New UN Gaza Death Toll
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 22, 2024
Robert Inlakesh

Controlling narratives is critical in the context of international war and the media. The UN’s reported death toll from Gaza has recently come under fire; allegations suggest that the UN dramatically reduced its numbers downward. The UN has denied this accusation, but it seems to be a part of a larger disinformation operation meant to support Israeli state propaganda and hide the truth about Palestinian suffering.

The UN promptly refuted the initial accusation that it had significantly altered the death toll from Gaza. In spite of this, the idea was not written off as a straightforward error in the media but rather as a conscious attempt at misinformation. The number of civilian deaths recorded by the Gaza Health Ministry—figures that are also cited by significant NGOs and the UN—has long been contested by pro-Israeli pundits and government representatives. These officials, frequently without supporting documentation, have written off these figures as Hamas propaganda for years.

A May 7 debate between Piers Morgan and Israeli government spokesman Avi Hyman went viral, casting doubt on the Israeli story. Hyman faced severe criticism when he attempted to defend Israel’s conduct in Gaza during the interview. This event prepared the groundwork for additional fabrication of the Gaza death toll story.

Three days later, The New York Sun ran an article written by M. J. Koch, a member of the infamous rich Koch family. Koch used a May 8 United Nations infographic, which showed 34,844 deaths overall, selectively quoting it. Koch, however, falsely claimed that the 10,000 individuals reported missing were deducted from the overall death toll and instead concentrated on the breakdown of 24,686 confirmed dead, which included 4,959 women and 7,797 children. In actuality, there were documented missing people in addition to the 34,844 fatalities. Koch intentionally left out context in an attempt to cast doubt on the reliability of UN statistics.

Other media sites swiftly began to carry the misinformation. Using the same graphics, The Times of Israel published an item on May 10 that claimed a 17% decrease in women’s and children’s mortality in just two days. The post also mentioned another from May 6. Similar to Koch’s essay, this one did not discriminate between the overall and identified death tolls.

Fox News ran a widely shared item on May 13 with the headline, “UN revises Gaza death toll, almost 50% fewer women and children killed than previously reported.” The article for Fox News, authored by British-Israeli writer Ruth Marks Eglash, who has ties to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, focused only on the smaller number of confirmed deaths while disregarding the entire death toll. Eglash’s past assistance in reaching out to English-speaking media outlets on behalf of Israel’s UN envoy raises concerns about her reporting ethics and objectives.

The New York Post swiftly republished the false Fox News story with the explosive headline, “UN admits Gaza death toll wrong, with almost 50% fewer women, children killed than previously reported.” This misleading story quickly gained traction on social media and was supported by organizations such as the publicly financed CBC in Canada. In a piece that seemed to validate the narrative, the CBC hinted that the UN had really altered the number of deaths.

In response to the spreading misinformation, the UN clarified its data, reinforcing the accuracy of its records. On the same day, the Israeli government, for the first time in nearly eight months of conflict, released a statistic for civilian casualties in Gaza. This announcement was made by Avi Hyman, the same spokesperson who had been challenged by Piers Morgan just days earlier.

It appears that there was a concerted attempt to sway public opinion, given the timing of Israel’s announcement of its civilian death toll statistic and the disinformation campaign directed at the UN. The purpose of this effort was likely to manipulate the conflict’s narrative and divert public attention away from the true extent of Palestinian suffering.

Robert Inlakesh is a political analyst, journalist and documentary filmmaker currently based in London, UK. He has reported from and lived in the occupied Palestinian territories and hosts the show ‘Palestine Files’. Director of ‘Steal of the Century: Trump’s Palestine-Israel Catastrophe’. Follow him on Twitter @falasteen47

Though many mainstream media sources, which once doubted the death toll produced by the Gaza Ministry of Health, are beginning to accept that the numbers are accurate and that the genocide is real, there are still those who are trying to create doubt. Even if they do not directly state that the numbers of the Israeli mass killing in Gaza is inaccurate, they use such language as “the Hamas-run Ministry of Health claims”.On the other hand, Israeli numbers are rarely, if ever questioned.Palestine Chronicle’s Robert Inlakesh addresses this issue while trying to answer the question: “How does Gaza count its dead?” ... eath-toll/


Israel Gaza Starvation Ploy Intensifies With Seizure of Rafah Crossings
Posted on May 22, 2024 by Yves Smith

The caliber of information on what is happening on the ground in Rafah is poor thanks to Israel’s pogrom on journalists. Israel has had the good luck of Rafah reporting being crowded out by bigger-seeming events: the prospect of ICC arrest warrants being issued against Netanyahu and his defense minister Yoav Gallant; Ireland, Norway and Spain announcing they intend to recognize Palestine; and the death of Iran’s president Raisi. Nevertheless, we’ll hazard an update.

A new Wall Street Journal story describes how far Israel has gotten in its plan to take control of the crossings into Egypt in Rafah. Egypt says Israel has taken over 70% of what had been a demilitarized zone; Israel says it has only about half (Anadolu Agency says its sources say half). From the Journal:

The [Israeli] military has doubled the number of brigades operating in the Rafah area…

Israel says taking control of the corridor is critical to its goal of defeating the militant group that it says is holding out in Rafah… But doing so could jeopardize the country’s 45-year-old peace treaty with Egypt, which limits the number of troops both countries can deploy in the area. The Israeli Defense Ministry declined to comment on whether it aims to take full control of the southern frontier or has a timeline for doing so….

The Israeli operations that began in Rafah earlier this month have also reduced the entry of aid through two key southern border crossings to a trickle and displaced some 800,000 people from Rafah, where more than a million had taken shelter from fighting elsewhere in the strip.

A fresh Associated Press account reports the UN has given up on aid deliveries to Rafah:

The United Nations suspended food distribution in the southern Gaza city of Rafah on Tuesday due to a lack of supplies and an untenable security situation caused by Israel’s expanding military operation. The U.N. warned that humanitarian operations across the territory were nearing collapse…

The U.N.’s World Food Program said it was running out of food for central Gaza, where hundreds of thousands of people are now living.

“Humanitarian operations in Gaza are near collapse,” said Abeer Etefa, a WFP spokesperson. If food and other supplies don’t resume entering Gaza “in massive quantities, famine-like conditions will spread,” she said.

But the same story notes that Biden Administration is fine with the collateral damage from the Rafah operation:

A senior United States official said Israel has addressed many of the Biden administration’s concerns about a full-scale ground invasion of Rafah aimed at rooting out Hamas fighters there…

The official said the administration stopped short of greenlighting the Israeli invasion plan, but said Israeli officials’ changes to the planning suggested they were taking the American administration’s concerns seriously.

In case you still harbored doubts:
This is Rafah right now. The Biden admin will say it’s a “limited operation” because they already expressed opposition to a “major” operation. The media will repeat this and say Israel is addressing US “concerns.”

This is literally how propaganda works.
The rationale for Israel violating its agreements with Egypt to do so was that this move would enable it to rout out what remained of Hamas. Yet Hamas has reasserted itself in northern Gaza, so it seems questionable that Israel could kill all that many Hamas fighters in a Rafah operation. However, Hamas famously has many supply tunnels into Egypt, and Israel intends to destroy them.

But the most immediate effect is cutting off trucked-in aid supplies. From Middle East Eye:

Gaza’s Rafah crossing with Egypt has been closed for two weeks, after Israel seized the terminal in a ground operation and Cairo refused to open it from the Sinai side….

The Rafah crossing is located in an area designated as demilitarised in the 1979 treaty and a 2005 agreement between Egypt and Israel.

The peace treaty and the 2005 accord allow troops to be deployed in the crossing area only after mutual agreement between the two sides….

For the past two weeks, Israel and Egypt have been trading blame for the closure of the Rafah crossing, and aid trucks carrying food and medical supplies for Palestinians in Gaza have been piling up on the Egyptian side of the border.

Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry on Monday said that the Rafah crossing is closed due to the presence of troops and operations in the vicinity of the terminal, which he said threaten the safety of aid convoys.

Israel is blaming Egypt for failing to cooperate with respect to the Rafah crossings, although it’s not clear what cooperation is supposed to amount to.

According to Twitter, Israel is having great success in wrecking Hamas tunnels. But we heard that sort of thing when Israel first invaded Gaza. Hamas is believed to have a simply ginormous network, so even if Israel blows up quite a few, it has no idea what proportion of the total that represents. Indeed, a different Middle East Eye account describes how the US is vexed by Israel’s poor military showing:

The top-ranking general in the US criticised on Monday Israel’s military strategy in Gaza, warning that the failure of Israeli forces to both secure captured territory and eliminate Hamas from northern Gaza is hampering its ability to achieve its military objectives.

“Not only do you have to actually go in and clear out whatever adversary you are up against, you have to go in, hold the territory and then you’ve got to stabilise it,” said General Charles Brown, who chairs the joint chiefs of staff, as reported by Politico…

Brown said after Israel “cleared they didn’t hold, and so that allows your adversary then to repopulate in areas if you’re not there”.

Remember, this comes from the same US military that thought that the great Ukraine counteroffensive, with no air support, would be a smashing success because those inferior Slavs would run away as soon as they saw Western weapons in action.

Brown either does not understand or chooses not to understand how the Hamas tunnel system operates. As both Alastair Crooke and Scott Ritter have explained, many of the tunnels were built for one-time use and are even pulled down afterwards. It’s also an obvious ploy to booby trap them. Flattening the buildings over them has also served to create terrain that it ideal for Hamas surprise attacks and the rubble dampens the effectiveness of bunker-busters. So it isn’t hard to imagine that Hamas has a tunnel network remaining that is too deep for even the heaviest nasty bombs to collapse.

Nevertheless, there’s a lot of Israeli triumphalism on display:
The IDF just sent its 5th brigade into Rafah.

That is 10 brigades in Gaza as we speak, a record number of IDF soldiers since the war began.

What’s that smell?

Oh, it’s the smell of the end of the genocidal Islamic terrorist organization we call Hamas.
- Egypt a month ago: ISRAEL MUST NOT ENTER RAFAH
- Israel enters Rafah, finds 700 tunnels, 50 of which cross into Egypt
- Egypt: uhh...
The Middle East Eye story cited earlier on food supplies confirms that the pier-for-aid-deliveries gimmick is an abject failure:

According to US officials, the new floating pier, which became operational on Friday and is called “Trident”, will help with the additional delivery of 90-150 truckloads to Gaza each day.

So far, only 10 truckloads have been transferred to a UN World Food Programme warehouse in central Gaza’s Deir al-Balah on Friday. The UN says 500 trucks of aid are needed daily to address the acute needs of Gaza, where famine is spreading.

“The pier is more performative than effective and Rafah remains an essential piece of the puzzle to deliver sufficient aid and avoid a further deterioration in the already terrible conditions on the ground,” said Fabiani.

No aid was received on Sunday or Monday, a UN official told Reuters, while only five trucks reached the warehouse on Saturday and 11 were stopped and emptied by starving Palestinians on the way.

To give some context of how desperate conditions are in Gaza, from the New Arab in Palestinians surviving on 3% of minimum daily water needs in Gaza:

Some Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are surviving on just three percent of the global minimum standard for daily water usage, two humanitarian groups have said, as Israel’s war has decimated the enclave’s water infrastructure.

A lack of clean water and sanitation facilities have led to an increase in diseases and infections among Gaza’s civilian population, particularly children, according to the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)…

A deterioration of water, sanitation and hygiene conditions “have significantly increased acute watery diarrhoea among children under five, while other water-borne and communicable diseases such as Hepatitis are proliferating among families who cannot access sources of clean water,” the report found.

Families have been forced to build their own toilets, with hundreds of people using a single one, amounting to 30 times more than the minimum global standard, IRC and MAP said….

A BBC satellite analysis from earlier this month found that more than half of Gaza’s water treatment plants and sewage system have been damaged or destroyed by Israel’s heavy aerial and ground bombardment.

For months, families have been forced to spend hours queuing up with plastic bottles and gallons at water tanks, and then make efforts to ration supplies.

In other words, the Rafah operation appears to have the same primary effect as post IDF initiatives: to intensify the pace of the genocide. And by that measure, it is succeeding admirably. ... sings.html


Top Israeli security official leads hundreds in raid of Al-Aqsa Mosque

The Israeli official said the violation of the Islamic holy site was in opposition to European nations recognizing a Palestinian state

News Desk

MAY 22, 2024

(Photo Credit: @QudsNen on X)

Hundreds of settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on the morning of 22 May, accompanied by heavy security forces and Israel’s far-right national security minister, Itamar Ben Gvir.

An official source told Al Jazeera that the number of those who stormed the Mosque's compound totaled 327 settlers, including 127 extremist settlers.

“In a provocative act against Muslims and countries recognizing Palestine, the far-right Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, storms Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem,” Quds News Network wrote on social media.

Ben Gvir performed the act surrounded by heavy security forces, video evidence that has circulated showed one of his companions performing Talmudic rituals in the mosque’s compound.

In a social media post accompanying a video of the far-right minister at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Ben Gvir wrote, “This morning I went up to the Temple Mount [Al-Aqsa Mosque], the holiest place for the people of Israel and which belongs only to the State of Israel.”

He further went on to say, “I made it clear: the countries that recognized a Palestinian state this morning want to give a reward to the kidnappers of the female observers and their many supporters in Gaza – we will not allow any surrender that would even include a declaration of a Palestinian state.”

News broke on Wednesday that Norway, Ireland, and Spain announced their formal recognition of a Palestinian State, to which Israel recalled its ambassadors to Dublin and Oslo.

“Hamas must be totally annihilated,” the Israeli official said.

Hamas released a statement condemning the actions of the Israeli security minister, saying, “The act of the fascist zionist minister Itamar Ben Gvir storming the Al-Aqsa Mosque this morning is an aggressive act that pours oil on the fire and will not grant the occupation legitimacy over our sanctities, which will remain Arab and Islamic despite the nazi zionist occupation.”

“We call upon our Palestinian people in Al-Quds, the West Bank, and the occupied interior to confront the systematic Judaization campaign against the Al-Aqsa Mosque, to intensify their presence there, to journey to it, and to stand as a strong barrier against all attempts to desecrate and Judaize it,” the statement continued.

“We also urge the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to move effectively against the imminent zionist threat to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and all our Islamic and Christian sanctities,” the statement concluded.

On Tuesday, Ben Gvir also made comments urging the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, saying that Israel should work towards the “encouragement of voluntary emigration” of Palestinians from Gaza as the last and “most important step for Israel to fully occupy and build settlements in the strip.

“If the emigration happens, and hundreds of thousands leave, you’ll be able to bring more and more and more people in,” the right-wing minister said during an interview with the ultra-Orthodox Israeli news outlet Kikar HaShabbat.

Ben Gvir added that he “would love to live in Gaza if possible,” should these goals to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian land succeed. ... qsa-mosque

'How The West Was Won...'

Israeli army extorts Gazans to turn against Hamas: Report

The army has released pictures and details about Gazans who it claims ‘spied’ on other Palestinians for Hamas’ security apparatus

News Desk

MAY 23, 2024

(Photo credit: Getty Images)

The Israeli military has begun publishing pictures and details of Palestinians in Gaza who it says “spied” on other Gazans for Hamas’ security apparatus.

The army has received “legal permission” to engage in extortion, which aims to “awaken the public in Gaza and show them that Hamas is following them, and highlight what it is inflicting on them,” an Israeli military source is cited as saying in Haaretz investigation released on 22 May.

The source says that Israel’s Shin Bet security service is involved in the extortion.

The details published are said to be part of intelligence that the Israeli army has gained during its ground operations in the Gaza Strip, according to Haaretz.

The Israeli army began airdropping leaflets revealing the photos and ID numbers of 130 men last Friday.

“These men were recruited by Hamas’ General Security apparatus in order to spy on Gazan residents,” the source told Haaretz.

The source goes on to claim that those allegedly recruited gave Hamas personal information on “rank-and-file” people in Gaza, including details on their “sexual proclivities” and or their extramarital relations.

“Call us if you don't want your photo appearing here,” it says on the last page of the leaflet. “Hundreds of thousands of reports on you, the people of Gaza, have been collected. Do you want to know if you were spied on and reported? Go to the website, enter your ID number and find out who reported you.”

“Collaborator with the [Hamas] General Security! Have you found out if your ID number is on the website? We will soon reveal your details to everyone. You can still save yourself – call us,” the leaflet, which includes rows of photos, names, and ID numbers, says.

It also includes a barcode linked to a website where the details of specific people can be revealed.

The website lists names of people it claims to belong to other groups, such as the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), who – according to the Israeli army – provided information about their organizations to Hamas’ security apparatus.

It lists people who it claims have head dealings or affiliations with members of the Palestinian Authority (PA) or its Fatah party. It also includes dozens of photos of people described as “collaborators” or “informants.”

Some of them include children under ten.

The website went online by 16 May, and the army airdropped the leaflets a day later. The New York Times had revealed days earlier the existence of these documents, which the report’s authors seem to have been given access to, according to Haaretz.

Many of these documents reportedly came from Hamas’ security apparatus, which, according to the military source, its purpose was “to spy on anyone living in the Gaza Strip, including simple people cheating on their wives. It wasn’t just military or security information. They exploit this information in order to recruit people, working this way in order to maintain their rule.”

A man cited in the report, who had redacted and published pictures of the leaflet on the internet, said that the Israeli army’s claims are false and that since Israel controls the Palestinian population registry in both Gaza and the occupied West Bank, it has the names and ID numbers of all citizens.

“After the army’s attempts to push Gazans into collaborating with it failed, this new move is intended to evoke internal conflicts among the general public and within families,” the man is quoted as saying.

“People don’t know whether they’ll be killed the next day or not and are busy looking for water and food, there is little chance that the exposure of the names of alleged informants will evoke much furor, or that Israel’s psychological warfare will work,” Gazans are cited as telling Haaretz.

Israel has long been known to use personal information to extort and blackmail Palestinians, particularly in the occupied West Bank. ... mas-report

Social upheaval will lead Israel to collapse in coming years: Study

Two Israeli government administration experts say deep divisions in Israel’s society will bring about the end of the ‘Zionist dream’

News Desk

MAY 22, 2024

(Photo credit: Jack Guez/AFP)

A new study by Israeli government administration experts Eugene Kandel and Ron Tzur says that Israel will not make it to its 100th anniversary as a state, particularly due to deep divisions plaguing its society and political landscape, as reported by Haaretz.

“After the government's attempt to weaken the judiciary last year, followed by Hamas' massacre in the south, a picture of total failure in the systems, management and operations of the administration has emerged,” the two wrote.

They added that in the “business-as-usual scenario in the political configuration today, there is a considerable likelihood that Israel will not be able to exist as a sovereign Jewish state in the coming decades.”

“In the Israeli political regime today, there is no possibility of ending the internal war. After the terrible disaster [of 7 October] and the functional break down it reflected, it is no longer possible to act within the same framework and expect better results.”

Kandel and Tzur highlight that Israel is divided into three main camps that clash in order to “impose their world view on the state,” according to Haaretz. They also note three main existential challenges: The economic challenge, the clash of values, and the fact that very few notice these dangers.

The three camps mentioned earlier are as follows. The first are those of the Jewish-democratic-liberal state who wish to live in a western-style democracy. Kandel and Tzur say that the majority of Israelis, including Arab Israelis and many religious Jews, identify with this “tribe.”

The second are those who support a religious state ruled by the Torah, who would prefer Rabbinic law over democracy. This camp is made up of the ultra-Orthodox.

The third are those who are against a Jewish state and prefer a state for all citizens. Kandel and Tzur say most of the Arab community prefers this type of state.

There’s no possibility of these three camps agreeing on a “social contract,” they write, adding that the divides can no longer be bridged.

The two experts say that after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s attempt at overhauling the Israeli judiciary last year, it became clear that “the conceptions of identity and the visions of the two main Jewish groups clash and are even irreconcilable.”

Another phenomenon discussed in the study is one that is widely talked about: mass immigration.

Specifically, Kandel and Tzur believe mass immigration will start with the Israeli “elites.”

“This type of process can bubble for years, but if it happens, it is likely to be acute and fast, similar to a bank run. When the decision to leave comes, there is an advantage to do so before the big wave.”

“It will be easier for the first ones to leave without financial damage, while those who try to immigrate late will bear losses when the economy shrinks, the value of their assets decreases, and restrictions are placed on transferring money abroad ... These are the people who drive high-tech, medicine, academia and significant parts of the defense establishment. Most of them have attractive employment opportunities abroad, and some have already considered immigration options.”

Without its elite class, Israel will face a downfall both socio-economically and in terms of security, they explain.

“Many politicians have said on the Knesset podium that the country could manage without the pilots, the high-tech people and the members of other 'elite' groups. Today, more than ever, the arrogance of these statements is clear, because Israel's existential backbone depends on a relatively small group of people. Without it, it's simply not possible to sustain a country here over time,” they add.

The departure of the elites will result in the end of Israel’s economic growth. “October 7 showed the terrible cost of the enemy's perception that Israel is weak. A further weakening could invite much more extreme and severe security challenges,” they go on to say, even potentially resulting in “the collapse of Israel and the end of the Zionist dream.”

Uncertainties have been more evident in recent years. A poll released in April last year shows that a majority of Israelis are fearful about the future of their state.

The idea of mass immigration highlighted by Kandel and Tzur in the new study is something that Israelis have pondered for years: whether or not Israel will reach a stage where not only its elites – as the two experts say – but its entire population will flee in a ‘Reverse Aliyah,’ or mass emigration of Jews.

Kandel and Tzur are not the first Israelis to judge that their state may not last.

Former Israeli general and prime minister Ehud Barak said in an interview in 2022 that Israel could cease to exist before its eighth decade – citing ancient Jewish kingdoms whose rule began to disintegrate after 80 years of power.

This idea is well known among Israelis as the curse of the eighth decade.

More recently, historian Ilan Pappe, speaking with Democracy Now!, shared his hopes for the “collapse of the Zionist project.” ... ears-study


Why Did the U.S. Spend $320 million on a Rube Goldberg Pier For Gaza?
By Ann Wright - May 22, 2024 1

Floating pier off the Gaza shore in the Mediterranean Sea on April 26, 2024. [Source:]

When in the U.S. Army and Army Reserves for 29 years, I thought I had seen some pretty stupid things that politicians told the military to do. It always begins with politicians deciding the easiest, most sensible solution to a problem would have too much political baggage and cost them votes in the next election. So, they look for a politically expedient solution, one that is invariably very expensive and convoluted.

Attempting a Military Solution for a Political/Diplomatic Problem—AGAIN!!!
In this vein, all too often, politicians turn to the U.S. military for a solution to a non-military problem. Then some A-type personality in the military presents a hare-brained idea to the politicians, probably never thinking that the idea would be accepted. Then it is accepted to get the politicians out of a jam, and the next thing you know is that the Rube Goldberg, crazy idea is being funded.

This unbelievable scenario is what has happened with getting humanitarian aid into Gaza for the starving survivors there of the Israeli genocide. Instead of President Biden marking a red line in the Israel/Gaza/Egypt sand demanding that Israel allow into Gaza the miles of tractor-trailer loads of food and medicine that have been stalled for months at the Rafah border crossing, Biden’s inept diplomatic team sent out a plea for help to the U.S. military.

And the U.S. military, always looking for validation of its immense “capabilities,” seized the opportunity to use one of its little-known assets–the Army’s Joint Logistics Over the Shore, or JLOTS, system which provides bridging and water access capabilities–to help out the failed U.S. diplomatic efforts to get the U.S.’s “strongest ally in the Middle East” to end the starvation of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza by letting the massive truck convoys filled with food and medicines into Gaza.

Normally used to move military equipment across rivers where bridges have been blown up, many times by the U.S. military itself, and sometimes to transfer military equipment from a ship onto shore, the U.S. Army’s small navy swung into action and began sailing to the Mediterranean U.S. Army ships filled with barges that can be locked together to form landing docks and causeways.

Rube Goldberg Complex of Construction and Transportation Ideas
In a Rube Goldberg complex of construction and transportation ideas, the U.S. military anchored to the sea floor three miles off the northern coast of Gaza a floating dock system onto which large cargo ships can dock.

Cargo ships will off-load pallets and possibly container loads of humanitarian assistance-long life packaged food and medical supplies on the three-mile off-shore dock. This cargo will have undergone inspection by Israeli authorities in the port of Larnaca, Cyprus, 200 miles from Gaza.

The inspection process involves Cypriot customs, Israeli teams, the U.S. and the United Nations Office for Project Services. The U.S. Agency for International Development has set up a coordination cell in Cyprus.

From the cargo ships, food and medical supplies will be transferred into the backs of U.S. Army trucks (probably 2.5-ton trucks) that have arrived on the floating pier brought there by two types of smaller Army boats—Logistic Support Vessels, or LSVs, and Landing Craft Utility boats, LCUs. LSVs can hold 15 trucks each and the LCUs about five.

The loaded 2.5-ton trucks will be driven back onto the LSVs and motored the three miles to the second floating pier system constructed by the U.S. military.

Soldiers assigned to the 7th Transportation Brigade (Expeditionary) and sailors attached to the MV Roy P. Benavidez assemble the floating pier off the shore of Gaza in the Mediterranean Sea on April 26, 2024. [Source:]

The trucks will then be driven off the LSVs onto the second pier and down a two-lane, 1,800-foot (six U.S. football fields long) causeway anchored onto Gaza land by the Israeli military. The causeway will be anchored onto Gaza shores by the Israeli military because the U.S. military is forbidden to have “boots on the ground” in Gaza.

The truckloads of food and medical supplies are then driven somewhere…and supplies distributed by some organization…yet to be determined, according to the latest news reports.

The empty trucks are then driven back along the two lane 1,800-foot causeway to the floating pier where they are driven into the small LSVs and the LSVs sailed back three miles to the larger off-shore pier and the process begins again. The long causeway should be a cause of alarm for drivers as the winds and waves so dramatically affected the construction of the causeway that most of the causeway was put together in the calm waters of Ashdod, Israel, harbor after winds and waves made construction of the causeway in place off Gaza impossible. Parts of the causeway are now being towed 20 miles from Ashdod harbor to northern Gaza to be linked into place.

While Thousands of Truckloads of Cargo Wait at the Rafah Border Crossing, It Will Take 2,000 Truckloads to Empty Each 5,000-Ton Cargo Ship
If a large cargo ship has 5,000 tons of food and medical supplies to be off-loaded, and if each truck can hold 2.5 tons of cargo, it will take 2,000 trucks to take the cargo from one ship. If there are 15 trucks on each LSV, then the LSVs will have to make 133 trips to get the trucks to the 1,800-foot causeway.

If the LCUs that hold only five trucks are mostly used, then it will take 400 trips to get the cargo to shore.

Some 2,000 trucks offloading ONE ship, and then driving 1,800 feet on a causeway that will be dangerously affected by tides, winds and waves, is a recipe for disaster.

Will Israel Bomb the Docks, Piers and Causeway? Remember the USS Liberty!
The possibility/probability is high that Israeli military jets, drones and artillery may “mistakenly” target the pier complex…or Hamas or other militant groups may decide that the U.S. complicity in the genocide of more than 35,000 Palestinians in Gaza outweighs the meager food and medical supplies the U.S. is bringing into Gaza, thereby presenting another aspect of the recipe for disaster for the U.S. Rube Goldberg pier.

U.S. military personnel should remember the Israeli attack on a U.S. military ship, the USS Liberty. In 1967, the Israeli military bombed and torpedoed a U.S. ship off Gaza, killing 34 and wounding 171 and almost sinking the ship. The U.S. cover-up for its ally Israel’s brutal, lethal attack on a U.S. military ship continues to this day, as does U.S. complicity in the Israeli genocide of Gaza.

The World Will NOT Forget
Palestinians in Gaza and citizens around the world will not forget that miles of supplies are just feet away from Gaza at the Rafah crossing but the U.S. is refusing to use its leverage on Israel to open the gates at Rafah, instead offering an expensive, idiotic solution to an easily solvable problem. ... -for-gaza/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sat May 25, 2024 11:20 am

US negotiates Rafah crossing reopening under EU control: Report

Desperately needed aid deliveries entering through the Rafah crossing ceased after Israel invaded the border city on 7 May

News Desk

MAY 24, 2024

Palestinians at the Rafah crossing on November 1. (Photo credit: Hatem Ali/AP)

The White House is in talks with Israel and Egypt to place an EU mission in charge of administering the Rafah crossing in southern Gaza, Politico reported on 22 May.

Citing a senior White House official and another person familiar with the matter, Politico reported that the EU border assistance mission to the Rafah crossing point, known as EUBAM Rafah, may take responsibility for the crossing, which has been closed since the Israeli invasion of the city on 7 May.

“EUBAM Rafah is mandated to provide a Third-Party Presence at the Rafah Crossing Point (RCP). In its current stand-by mode, EUBAM Rafah supports enhanced capacity of Palestinian Authority border agencies,” its mission statement reads.

EUBAM Rafah was previously in charge of monitoring the crossing from 2005 to June 2007. It suspended operations after Hamas took control of Gaza from the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Egypt closed the crossing.

According to the mission's website, EUBAM has been involved in “capacity-building activities to enhance their ability to redeploy to the Rafah border crossing when conditions will allow.”

The Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza has been the main entry point for humanitarian aid and the only exit for Palestinians seeking to escape the war. Any Palestinian wishing to leave must pay $5,000 to an Egyptian firm and be approved for exit by Israeli and Egyptian authorities.

No aid trucks have entered Rafah in the two weeks since Israel took control of the crossing. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken have sought to blame Egypt for the halt.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told reporters on Monday that Israel's “military presence on the outskirts of the Rafah crossing and military operations put aid convoys and truck drivers in danger.”

On Wednesday, Egypt threatened to withdraw from negotiations to reopen the crossing because of “attempted doubts over its role.”

Israel's military takeover of Rafah and occupation of parts of the Philadelphi corridor, which stretches along the Egypt–Gaza border, is in breach of the 1979 Camp David peace accords between Israel and Egypt.

At the beginning of the war on 7 October, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant vowed to block all food, water, and electricity from entering Gaza. Since that time, Israeli forces have severely limited the aid reaching Gaza, creating severe food shortages throughout Gaza and famine in some parts of the strip. Israeli forces have killed many aid workers and police accompanying food into Gaza in truck convoys.

In December, Human Rights Watch said the “Israeli government is using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare in the Gaza Strip, which is a war crime.”

In May, the head of the UN World Food Programme, Cindy McCain, said northern Gaza has entered “full-blown famine.”

McCain said severe Israeli restrictions on humanitarian deliveries to Gaza “have pushed civilians in the most isolated, devastated part of Gaza over the brink. Famine was now moving south in Gaza.” ... rol-report

Hezbollah hits back after Israeli strike injures children in south Lebanon

The Israeli airstrike also killed a Hezbollah fighter, who was also a schoolteacher, while he was on his way to oversee exams

News Desk

MAY 23, 2024

(Photo credit: AFP via Getty Images)

Hezbollah launched dozens of rockets and missiles at an Israeli military site on 23 April, hours after Israel’s assassination of one of the resistance group’s members in a strike that injured several children in the south of Lebanon.

“In response to the assassination carried out by the Zionist enemy in Kfar Dajjal and the injury and terrorization of children, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance bombed on Thursday 05-23-2024 the headquarters of the Sahel Battalion of the 769th Brigade at the Beit Hillal base, with dozens of Katyusha and Falaq rockets [and missiles],” Hezbollah said in a statement.

The group announced several other attacks on Israeli sites earlier that day, including an operation targeting spy equipment at the Al-Raheb site and the Metulla site.

Hezbollah announced on Thursday morning the killing of its fighter, Muhammad Ali Nasser Farran, in a strike on the southern Lebanese village of Kfar Dajjal.

Farran was also a school teacher and was killed while on his way to work early on 23 April. The strike injured children in a nearby school bus after its windows were shattered due to the Israeli attack.

“The hostile [Israeli] aggression carried out by a done in the morning, on the Kfar Dajjal-Nabatiyeh road, led to … the injury of three students who were inside a school bus heading to their school at the time of the attack,” Lebanon’s National News Agency reported.

A number of school students were injured in southern Lebanon after an IOF drone strike targeted a car on Kfar Dajjal Road near Nabatieh.

Reports indicate that one person inside the car has been martyred.

Students were on a bus heading to school when IOF strike occurred nearby.

— The News Room (@TheNewsRoom0) May 23, 2024

The attack came a day after the anniversary of Israel’s withdrawal from several Lebanese villages in the south, including Mays al-Jabal, Odaisseh, and others. The day of 25 May marks the complete liberation of south Lebanon from 18 years of Israeli occupation.

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah is set to speak on the anniversary of Liberation Day.

Hezbollah has attacked Israeli military sites daily since 8 October in solidarity with Gaza and in support of the Palestinian resistance. It has vowed to continue doing so until the war in Gaza is brought to an end.

The resistance group has stepped up its operations recently, increasing its use of drone warfare and sophisticated, intelligence-based operations.

Hezbollah launched the first-ever Lebanese airstrike on an Israeli target on 17 May, using a never-before-seen drone for the operation.


- The military media publishes :

Video scenes from the operation of the Islamic Resistance targeting the Metulla site of the #Israeli enemy army, with a new attack drone armed with S5 missiles.

— Middle East Observer (@ME_Observer_) May 16, 2024

http://thecradle-main.oss-eu-central-1. ... 2c055.webp

Israel green lights autopsy of Gazan doctor tortured to death in detention

Former prisoners and Israeli officials have given multiple accounts of the inhumane conditions inside Israeli detention centers, where Palestinians are often shackled 24 hours a day and made to endure severe torture

News Desk

MAY 23, 2024

(Photo Credit: X)

Israeli authorities on 23 May authorized an autopsy on the body of Dr Adnan al-Bursh, who served as the head of orthopedic surgery at Al-Shifa Hospital before being arrested and tortured to death in Israeli detention.

The autopsy will be performed in the presence of a doctor representing the family.

A request submitted last week by Bursh's wife, Yasmin al-Bursh, for the investigation of her husband's death, was approved by Judge Gad Arenberg, who gave Tel Aviv seven days to respond.

According to the autopsy request, the doctor's health was good at the time of his arrest.

A statement from the Palestinian Prisoners Society released earlier this month said that Bursh, 50, was tortured to death on 19 April in Ofer Prison, an Israeli-run incarceration facility in the occupied West Bank. The group characterized his murder as a “deliberate assassination.”

Israeli media reports have claimed that the circumstances of Bursh's death “remain unknown and that Israeli authorities had not informed his family about them.”

Palestinians who met with the late surgeon in prison said he was in a “deplorable medical condition.”

“We barely recognized him … It was clear he had gone through hell, torture, humiliation, and a lack of sleep. He suffered from pains and a severe lack of food,” an unnamed Palestinian doctor told Haaretz.
“We tried to talk to him and calm him down, but he was shocked and sounded like he was scared and in pain. This was not the person we knew, but a shadow [of his former self],” the doctor added.

Bursh was arrested last December along with 10 other medical workers during the Israeli military ground assault on Jabalia refugee camp as he was treating patients at Al-Awada Hospital in northern Gaza.

After patients, health workers, and hundreds of forcibly displaced Palestinians were violently evicted from Al-Shifa by the invading troops, he moved to the Indonesian Hospital, where he was injured in an attack. He later relocated to Al-Awada Hospital before his capture.

According to security sources who spoke with Haaretz, Bursh was arrested “on suspicion of involvement in terrorism.” More than a month after his death, the Palestinian Prisoners Administration says his body has yet to be handed over to his family. ... -detention


The Battle of Jabalia: A Palestinian Lesson in War of Attrition
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 23, 2024
Khalil Harb


Israel seeks fast, hard wars, while its opponents seek slow-boiling, irregular wars of attrition. Now, with the resurgence of resistance ops in Jabalia and Gaza areas, Israel has lost both the field and the war.

The ground situation in Jabalia refugee camp, north of Gaza City, is more than merely a military clash between an invading force and resistance fighters fighting a “guerrilla war.” The deeper implication of the sudden battles that have sprung up in Gaza’s largest camp is that Israel is far more entangled than it wants to acknowledge, mirroring the US experience in its disastrous Vietnam quagmire.

Unlike the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Vietnam, however, Gaza is a flat strip of land that lacks crossings, mountain passes, or forests for the resistance to move personnel and weapons with ease across swathes of terrain. Egypt, which shares the Rafah Crossing with Gaza, has distanced itself from the Strip, and Gazans share no other borders with the outside world.

The resurgence of resistance in Jabalia, in fierce battles that have caught the Israeli army off guard, therefore, points to what some may call a ‘miracle.’

More than a guerrilla war

Speaking to The Cradle, a Hamas leader says that Tel Aviv’s claims of controlling the north and center of the Strip before focusing on the south were always false and that the resistance still retains its strength and leadership.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) spokesman Mohammed al-Haj Moussa assesses the situation similarly, telling The Cradle, “We are ready for a long battle of attrition” – echoing the words of Qassam Brigades spokesman Abu Obeida.

Their comments that northern Gaza is not under Israeli control, as it has often claimed, are evidenced by today’s resurgent battles in the north of the Strip.

At the war’s onset, Israeli forces moved from several directions toward the Strip, including Al-Atatreh, Beit Lahiya, Beit Hanoun, and Shujaiya in the north and northeast, and from central axes like Juhr al-Dik and Al-Zaytoun neighborhood towards Sheikh Ajlin near the coast – ostensibly to further tighten their control over Gaza’s north.

However, in January, Israel announced the redeployment of its forces, withdrawing from most northern areas and stationing mainly in Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, intending to move toward areas where resistance continued, mostly southward of the Strip.

Tel Aviv’s confidence that matters had swung in its favor in Jabalia was misplaced. Today’s the occupation army’s announced losses – in both soldiers and hardware – confirm that a fierce fight is taking place in the camp and its environs.

A senior Hamas source informs The Cradle that Israel’s “mowing the grass” strategy, intended to weaken or cripple Gaza’s resistance periodically, has failed to make the desired dent, even after 225 days of war.

The real war of attrition

Sources in the Palestinian resistance report that even Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, a major stronghold for Israeli forces to counteract the ‘Palestinian Viet Cong’ in northern Gaza, was unstable for Israeli soldiers. Palestinian fighters regularly emerged from the rubble and underground to fight a real war of attrition against the thousands of soldiers stationed there.

Resistance sources also say that a range of explosive weapons were used in ambushes and attacks: “Al-Shawaz bombs” and “Tandom” to destroy Merkava tanks and other armored vehicles, “Al-Yassin 105” shells, and bombs and booby-traps in houses using rockets and shells that didn’t explode during earlier raids, detonated when soldiers take cover inside.

Additionally, there are also ongoing sniper operations, mortar shelling, and sudden face-to-face clashes with enemy soldiers by fighters who emerge from tunnels.

The aforementioned Hamas leader tells The Cradle that these operations reveal “the IDF’s loss of control” and adds:

The enemy is not ready for long and multi-front battles, and this is what made it lose its balance and, at the same time, began to lose the theory on which it was based, which is a policy of deterrence and pre-emptive operations.

A particularly ironic aspect is that the Israeli military claimed it had ‘dismantled’ 20 of the original 24 Hamas battalions, giving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an excuse to move ahead with his invasion of Rafah.

“We can’t leave them there,” Netanyahu said of the intact battalions in an interview earlier this month. “What they are trying to do is extort [or] blackmail us to leave Gaza. Leave them in place, these battalions, leave their leadership in place, and they go take over Gaza again and do it again.”

A stalled ‘victory’

But Netanyahu’s relentless efforts to overwhelm Gaza and declare ‘victory’ over the resistance keep hitting the wall of the Palestinian Viet Cong and their nonstop display of new tactics: deception, ambushes, sabotage, espionage, sacrifice, and, importantly, strategic patience.

Jabalia serves as a quintessential lesson from this new-and-improved resistance. It is a resounding slap to the prime minister and his war cabinet, undermining an Israeli ‘victory’ at every turn. It exposes the futility of the proposed plans – whether Israeli, American, or Arab – to occupy, administer, or impose authority over Gaza.

The PIJ’s Haj Moussa says the military battles in Jabalia and Rafah, where occupation forces are also suffering increased losses, show that Israel “has not been able, for about eight months, to reach any of its declared goals in Gaza, neither at the level of uprooting the resistance nor the expulsion of Zionist prisoners.”

Despite unconditional US and western security band military support, Tel Aviv has been unable to definitively impose its control over Jabalia or other areas. The PIJ official emphasizes that the Al-Quds Brigades, his movement’s military wing, is still present throughout the Gaza Strip, and there is no fear of resistance weakening.

Analysts, including some within the Biden administration, agree that Israel is far from achieving victory. It has neither captured land, freed prisoners, nor killed senior resistance leaders. Lacking a credible plan for the “next day” and unable to destroy the labyrinth of tunnels, Israel is lost in the labyrinths above ground, not just below.

What happened to Tel Aviv’s boasts of killing 13,000 Hamas militants (out of 30,000–40,000 fighters), or its identification and destruction of “Hamas tunnels,” or its “cleansing” of entire areas from resistance control? What happened to Netanyahu’s claims that only “four battalions” were left in Hamas?

How is the Palestinian resistance still fighting fiercely in Shujaiya, Jabalia, Al-Zaytoun, Deir al-Balah, all the way to Rafah in Gaza’s south? How are Israeli tanks and armored vehicles being depleted so quickly, and the occupation forces dying in larger numbers than before?

If Netanyahu was betting that the subjugation of Jabalia, Rafah, and other key areas would facilitate his ability to negotiate the release of Israeli prisoners, he should cut his losses quickly to evade two defeats: a political one from his coalition partners and an angry public, and a military one in Gaza.

It is only a Gaza ceasefire that can save the Israeli prime minister from a Palestinian war of attrition, which will wear down Israeli morale, drain its economy, and frustrate its western allies.

For Haj Moussa, “the talk of Netanyahu and the occupation leaders about the expected victory, it is nothing but an illusion, and they are nothing but slogans that have nothing to do with the truth.” ... attrition/


Reporting on Influence of Pro-Israel Funders Is Not Antisemitic

After pro-Israel billionaires and millionaires met with Eric Adams, one attendee summarized “items ‘discussed today,’ including donating to Adams, using group members’ ‘leverage’ to help persuade Columbia’s president to let New York police back on campus, and paying for ‘investigative efforts’ to assist the city.” (Washington Post, 5/16/24)
An exposé by the Washington Post (5/16/24) showed the degree to which wealthy pro-Israel businesspeople coordinated with each other to pressure New York City Mayor Eric Adams to take drastic action against college campus protests against the genocide of Palestinians.

It’s a remarkable piece of reporting, by Hannah Natanson and Emmanuel Felton, that points to a pervasive problem in American politics: that the wealthy enjoy outsized influence with the political class, while the rest of us drift in the wind.

The story is based on transcripts of a WhatsApp groupchat called “Israel Current Events,” whose participants included “billionaires and business titans.” One message by a billionaire’s staffer “told the others the goal of the group was to ‘change the narrative’ in favor of Israel,” the Post reported. A person identified only as “a staffer” told the group, “While Israel worked to ‘win the physical war,’ the chat group’s members would ‘help win the war’ of US public opinion by funding an information campaign against Hamas.”

The article reported that the chats revealed collaboration with Adams:

“He’s open to any ideas we have,” chat member [Joseph] Sitt, founder of the retail chain Ashley Stewart and the global real estate company Thor Equities, wrote April 27, the day after the group’s Zoom call with Adams. “As you saw he’s OK if we hire private investigators to then have his police force intel team work with them.”

The piece revealed that groupchat members, aware that “Columbia had to grant Adams permission before he could send city police to the campus,” strategized about how to apply the group’s “leverage” to Columbia president Minouche Shafik, including contacting the university’s board of trustees.

‘An all-too-familiar trope’
The New York Post (5/17/24)—which regularly accuses George Soros of being the puppet master behind all progressive causes—attacked the Washington Post: “Intimating that a mainly Jewish bunch of wealthy power-players were quietly pulling a politician’s strings is a classic trope of Jew-hate.”
Needless to say, City Hall wasn’t too happy about the piece. One of the mayor’s deputies, Fabien Levy, quickly responded on Twitter (5/16/24) that “the insinuation that Jewish donors secretly plotted to influence government operations is an all-too-familiar antisemitic trope.”

His multi-post thread concluded:

@WashingtonPost & others can make editorial decisions to disagree with the decisions by universities to ask the NYPD to clear unlawful encampments on campuses, but saying Jews “wielded their money and power in an effort to shape American views” is offensive on so many levels.

The Washington Post, of course, did not report that “Jews” had “wielded their money and power”—but that “some prominent individuals” had, distinguished not by religion or ethnicity, but by their politics.

The mayor himself called the story “antisemitic in its core” (Good Day New York, 5/20/24) and doubled down on this point when speaking to reporters (New York Post, 5/21/24). The Anti-Defamation League (Twitter, 5/20/24) said that the Washington Post should be

ashamed of publishing an article that unabashedly (and almost entirely on anonymous sources) plays into antisemitic tropes by inferring a secret cabal of Jews is using wealth & power to influence governments, the media, the business world & academia.

The Adams administration’s effort to redirect scrutiny away from the latest credible charge of coziness with wealthy donors found a friendly audience in right-wing media. Fox News (5/17/24) gave Levy’s claims headline status, and the New York Post editorial board (5/17/24) said that the Adams administration “smells a whiff of antisemitism in the WaPo report,” because “intimating that a mainly Jewish bunch of wealthy power-players were quietly pulling a politician’s strings is a classic trope of Jew-hate.”

Yes, that’s the same New York Post that obsessively ties every political cause to the left of Emperor Palpatine to the Jewish philanthropist George Soros (e.g., 8/1/22, 1/22/23, 1/25/23, 7/24/23, 12/9/23, 4/26/24, 4/26/24). It is also interesting to note that two Rupert Murdoch outlets, thought to be Republican stalwarts, are once again acting as in-kind public relations agents for a Democratic mayor, a testament to Adams’ right-wing agenda—the New York Post endorsed him (5/20/21) and continues to cheerlead for him (1/27/24) as he approaches the end of his first term. For the Murdoch empire, politics (including shielding Israel) sometimes comes before party.
ABC (4/24/24) reported that at Passover Seders celebrated in campus antiwar encampments, “some set aside an empty seat at the Seder table for hostages abducted from Israel on October 7, when Hamas launched a surprise terror attack. Others put an olive on the Seder plate to recognize solidarity with Palestinians.”
A tired accusation
The accusation that the student protest movement against the genocide of Palestinians is “antisemitic” has become more and more tired. Many Jews are mobilizing in these protests (ABC, 4/24/24). As a result, many Jewish protesters face state violence (Al Jazeera, 5/3/24) and censorship (, 12/15/23) for speaking out against the Israeli military. Yet the Adams administration, Fox and the New York Post continue to hurl the insult, this time at the Washington Post, signaling that they have no more honest way to defend the behavior exposed by the Post.

It would be just as ridiculous to claim that Jeff Sharlet’s reporting (Washington Post, 8/16/19) on the influence of Christian lobbying in Washington is anti-Christian, or investigations into the millions of dollars Saudi Arabia spends in the US to sanitize its image (Guardian, 12/22/22) are anti-Muslim. Federal investigators are probing Adams’ financial relationship with Turkey (Politico, 12/22/23; New York Times, 5/20/24), and there’s been no serious discourse that the scrutiny is somehow anti-Muslim. Is reporting on the growing influence of the Indian BJP and the Indian nationalist government in Washington (Intercept, 3/16/20; Jacobin, 3/4/23) anti-Hindu?

When we talk about the Israel lobby, we don’t even necessarily mean Jewish advocates; that lobby consists heavily of right-wing evangelical Christians (Jerusalem Post, 1/27/24). Ken Griffin, the hedge fund billionaire who announced he wouldn’t hire Harvard grads who signed a letter critical of Israel (New York Post, 10/16/23), is Presbyterian. The arms industry supports Israel as well, strictly from the profit potential of protracted violence in the Middle East (Reuters, 10/16/23).

Establishment attacks on outlets that expose corruption are evidence of good journalism (, 6/17/21, 1/12/24, 2/2/24). Such attacks are meant to stifle the press, and keep them from being a check on power. In this case, they are meant to shut down dissent against the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

False charges of antisemitism have been an effective tool for the right in the past (, 8/26/20). The good news is that this may be starting to change. ... tisemitic/

The whole trick is in pretending that the rich are 'normal people'.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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