Russia today

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Thu May 23, 2024 2:48 pm

Medvedev’s Tweet About The Upcoming Swiss “Peace Talks” Risks Offending Close Russian Partners


MAY 23, 2024

If Medvedev was just speaking in a personal capacity, then it might be a good idea for Russian diplomats to reassure their counterparts in India and elsewhere that their ties won’t be damaged if they take part in that event as part of their balancing acts.

Former Russian President and incumbent Deputy Chair of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev tweeted that his country “will remember” all those who participate in next month’s Swiss “peace talks”, promised that it “will definitely influence our relationship”, and warned them against attending. He also argued that neutral countries who take part in the event with the intent of not ruining their ties with major players must know that Russia will believe that they’re now siding with Ukraine against it.

Even though he’s become known for over-the-top rhetoric since the start of the special operation, which some observers consider to be a means of managing ultra-nationalist sentiments in Russian society and among its foreign supporters, his position still means that he’s formally a leading policymaker. For this reason, it’s no small matter that he’s declaring as a statement of fact that Russia’s ties with those who attend the upcoming talks will definitely be influenced by their participation even if it’s just his opinion.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whose External Affairs Minister reaffirmed their country’s trust in Russia earlier this spring amidst claims of the latter drifting towards China, announced that Delhi “will resonate the voice of the Global South” at next month’s summit. It’s nowadays a globally significant Great Power that multi-aligns between the Golden Billion and the Sino-Russo Entente all while presenting itself as the leader of the Global South so this balanced approach makes perfect sense.

China also hasn’t formally ruled out participating in the event either despite Russian Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov jumping the gun earlier this month by taking its absence for granted. The People’s Republic might want to promote its peace plan at those talks, and it could be uncomfortable giving up on its competition with India for leadership of the Global South by letting it speak on behalf of those countries unchallenged. China’s recent effort to repair ties with the EU might also fail if it sits out the summit.

Meanwhile, the Brazilian and South African leaders said that they won’t be taking part in the upcoming talks, with the first explaining that this is due to both conflicting parties not being represented whereas the second chalked it up to “constitutional processes” following next week’s presidential elections. This won’t make a difference either way though since Brazil already de facto abandoned its previously over-hyped plans to share its own peace proposal while South Africa has zero influence on the conflict.

At the end of the day, it’s every country’s sovereign right to promulgate policies that its leaders believe to be in their interests, whether that’s their decision to participate in the upcoming Swiss “peace talks” or the way in which Russia chooses to respond to those that do (if at all). It’s regrettable that Medvedev perceives this to be a zero-sum choice with no possibility of compromise, but it’s unclear whether he’s expressing his views in a personal capacity or an official one considering his prestigious position.

In any case, his approach risks not only offending close Russian partners like India whose leader already announced that his country will participate, but discrediting Russia’s foreign policy after Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov lambasted the West’s policy of forcing zero-sum dilemmas onto others. If Medvedev was just speaking in a personal capacity, then it might be a good idea for Russian diplomats to reassure their counterparts in India and elsewhere that their ties won’t be damaged if they take part in that event. ... e-upcoming


Nicaragua extradited Gorbachev to Russia
May 22, 6:20 p.m


Nicaragua extradited Mikhail Gorbachev to Russia.

Former Moscow State University professor Mikhail Gorbachev became widely known for the fact that while he was on the federal wanted list and hiding from him in Nicaragua, he continued to receive a salary from Moscow State University. And even upon dismissal, according to the documents, he could count on “payment of compensation for unused vacation.” And only a loud scandal over receiving a salary while being on the wanted list led to his actual dismissal from Moscow State University.

They were also looking for Gorbachev for his dealings in Saratov, where he took money from students for grading, being essentially an ordinary bribe-taker.
Last year I wrote about him a couple of times, now apparently he will go to jail for both bribery and escaping from justice.

Thank you to the Nicaraguan comrades.

Deputy head of the Moscow Federal Penitentiary Service arrested
May 23, 15:16


Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Moscow Region, Vladimir Talaev, was detained on suspicion of receiving a large bribe.

“It’s not the 37 that was scary, but the one that will be” (c)
Although in reality, for now everything is going on in a very light mode. In the spot.

The Kremlin assured today that this is not a campaign, but serious, long-term work for a long time.

Head of the Main Communications Directorate of the Russian Armed Forces arrested
May 23, 10:15


The head of the Main Communications Directorate of the RF Armed Forces, Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Vadim Shamarin was detained. Arrested for 2 months. Searches were carried out in the general's house. They take a bribe on an especially large scale.


Apparently in the coming weeks we will see a number of other high-profile cases.

Russia will not restore relations with Japan
May 23, 11:28


The Foreign Ministry ruled out restoring contacts with Japan in the current conditions

Moscow does not intend to initiate the restoration of political contacts with Tokyo in the current situation, Lyudmila Vorobyova, director of the third Asian department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

The atmosphere of relations with Japan continues to deteriorate, she said, pointing out that Tokyo adopted the 22nd package of sanctions in March, motivating such actions for reasons that have nothing to do with bilateral relations or with Japan itself.

“It is obvious that in such conditions we do not intend to initiate the restoration of political contacts: breaking them is the choice of the Japanese side, and it is up to them to think about the future of relations,” the diplomat said, commenting on Moscow’s possible steps in relations with Tokyo in Vladimir Putin’s new presidential term.

According to her, Tokyo must understand that a return to normal interstate dialogue is impossible without the refusal of the administration of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida from anti-Russian policies, supported by real practical deeds. - zinc

If you recognize the Kuril Islands as part of Russia, then come.
In the meantime, the country will celebrate the 79th anniversary of the defeat of militaristic Japan. Next year there will be a round date.

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Sun May 26, 2024 2:25 pm

Russian President Signs Decree Allowing Confiscation of US Assets in Case of Washington’s Misappropriation of Russian Assets
MAY 25, 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin. Photo: Alexander Kazakov/Sputnik.

A roadmap has been prepared in anticipation of possible misappropriation of Russian state funds by Washington.

Moscow could move to seize property owned by US-linked entities and citizens in Russia, should Washington attempt to confiscate Russian assets being held abroad, according to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin on Thursday.

The US and its allies are presently devising ways to use funds generated by some $300 billion in Russian sovereign assets frozen in the West to help Ukraine’s war effort against Moscow.

The document released by the Kremlin outlines a future mechanism that would allow any damages caused by the US to be offset by property owned by the US itself or associated entities. The Russian government and central bank would be empowered to seek redress for such losses through a Russian court.

Those who could face potential action against their assets include US citizens or those who reside in the country, or those do most of their business or generate most of their profits in Russia. The property of people “under the control” of such individuals will also be liable, regardless of their nationality and residency.

The court will be able to grant compensation in the form of property physically present in Russia, shares in Russia-registered businesses and property rights. A governmental commission will be responsible for compiling the list of those who could be targeted for compensation.

Putin’s decree gives the government four months to prepare the legal framework for the mechanism and submit the relevant proposals to parliament for consideration.

The Ukrainian government has been urging its Western backers to confiscate Russia’s sovereign assets and use them to cover Kiev’s military and reconstruction needs. The US supported the proposal, but European nations, in whose jurisdiction most of the funds are held, have objected out of concern that such a move would be illegal and would deliver a serious blow to the Western financial system and the reputation of the euro.

Less ambitious Western plans include imposing a windfall tax on profits generated by the immobilized assets and using them either directly to buy weapons for Kiev or offering them as collateral for a loan, which would then be used to bolster the Ukrainian military.

Moscow has said it considers any form of expropriation as theft and has vowed to retaliate if the West infringes on its property rights.

(RT) ... us-assets/


Bortnikov about the terrorist attack at Crocus
May 24, 9:46


FSB Director Bortnikov reported on the progress of the investigation into the terrorist attack at Crocus.

1. The Main Intelligence Directorate of the MOU is directly related to the terrorist attack.
2. The entire circle of persons involved in the terrorist attack is established. So far, more than 20 people have been detained - both perpetrators and accomplices.
3. Coordination of the executors was carried out through the Vilayat Khorasan militants operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The financing of the terrorist attack 4 also passed through them
. For the terrorists to escape, a “window” was prepared on the Ukrainian border, which was prepared on the Ukrainian side, where they moved on command.
5. The investigation will continue until all those involved are found.

Piracy triumphs
May 24, 18:12


Piracy triumphs

Journalists from the Russian Izvestia found out why modern domestic computer entertainment fans love to access video games without paying for legal access. So, in the first three months of 2024 alone, gamers from the Russian Federation downloaded games, add-ons and mods worth 118 billion rubles. In comparison, only 59 billion rubles worth of licensed copies of games were purchased during the quarter.

Moreover, according to game industry analysts, a significant part of the blame for this lies with the external party. For example, foreign companies, having decided to leave Russia, thereby destroyed the understandable chain of acquisition of their software gaming product.

And therefore, among Russian experts, we are 100% sure that if the West has decided to sever relations with Russia, then it is necessary to invest in game studios that have legal registration in the Russian Federation.

Thanks to XYZ School, it turned out that a significant part of Russian fans of computer toys, 74%, make their choice in favor of pirated content. The damage from an “average” pirate like this is approximately 7,000 rubles. And if the conditional share of users illegally downloading game content is divided equally, then one of these halves acquired an average of three games illegally.

As Emma Yusova, the manager of the XYZ School company, explained, users who made their choice in favor of illegal gaming content are only indirectly to blame: economic pressure from foreign owners and putting a spoke in the wheels in an attempt to prohibit access to foreign payment systems forced ordinary players to make their conscious choice in benefit of free downloading. ... -besplatno - zinc

The right choice. During the war, all software and all computer games of enemy countries are captured. Don't pay your enemy.

Boris does like his computer games...but regardless of where they are made and who owns them, they are inherently a product of capitalist civilization.))

Rothschild doll
May 25, 6:36 p.m


Rothschild doll

What a twist! But the men don’t know! Who would have thought!

Mikhail Khodorkovsky confirmed from his own lips that he was a puppet of Western capital when he was the head of Yukos. The real owners of the business were not just anyone there, but the legendary Rothschilds themselves.

Technically speaking, one of the Rothschilds had the right to revoke official authority to manage the company. That is, he could have fired Khodorkovsky himself. So that if in Russia the tame oligarchs of the nineties begin to be oppressed by the authorities or killed by competitors, the profit remains with the owners.

True, the whole news is that this obvious thing was confirmed personally by Khodorkovsky. It's just that years of liberals whitewashing his working ass was a waste of time.

Are we expecting long videos about this from Maria Pevchikh? Or is this something else, and in general being subordinate to Western oligarchs is not a betrayal?

Drew DAHR ( ) - zinc

Suddenly it became obvious to some that everything that was said about Khodorkovsky as a Western puppet turned out to be true.
From Khodorkovsky’s revelations it directly follows that YUKOS was taken away not from Khodorkovsky, but from Rothschild, which actually explains the long-term legal campaign in attempts to get something from the Russian Federation.

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Mon May 27, 2024 4:05 pm

Sverdlovsk fast and furious
May 26, 19:28


Head of the anti-corruption department in the Sverdlovsk region Dyakov and his modest fleet of vehicles.



He defeated corruption in the Sverdlovsk region and forced an indemnity to be paid to the winner.

We want South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and then to the EU
May 26, 10:08 p.m


Georgia's statements that it will return Ossetia and Abkhazia and join the EU in 2030 are an attempt to hide behind anti-Russian rhetoric from the threat of direct sanctions from the United States. The United States sees that against the backdrop of this chatter, Georgian Dream clearly intends to adopt a law on foreign agents that limits the capabilities of the United States and in the future clearly intends to remove the old senile woman who acts as president in Georgia. So it is unlikely that the United States will buy these slogans and pressure on the ruling regime in Tbilisi will increase. The United States does not need unpredictable frontiers, but submission. So it is possible that Kobakhidze, despite his statements, will still be discharged from the “bourgeoisie” and declared “a Putin hireling in the pay of the pro-Putin oligarch Ivanishvili.”

It's hard to be a non-subject country.

The Russian Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Justice proposed to exclude the Taliban from the list of terrorists
May 27, 12:45 p.m


Zamir Kabulov said that the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Russian Ministry of Justice reported to Putin that the Taliban could be removed from the list of terrorist organizations. The Taliban are also invited to take part in SPIEF 2024.

This does not mean that the Russian Federation will automatically recognize the Taliban government governing the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (in fact, Russia, of course, recognizes it, but legally not yet). This only eliminates the conflict when they have been actively doing business with the Taliban for several years, but legally they are listed as terrorists. Since 2021, the Taliban simply have no reason to resort to terrorist methods of warfare due to their victory in the Afghan war.

In general, logical and expected steps. Concerning international recognition of the Taliban, bargaining will continue.

Threat to drunk scooter riders
May 27, 3:21 p.m


Now in Russia they want to fine drunk scooters up to 30,000 rubles and limit the movement of sober scooters in pedestrian areas to a speed of no more than 8 km/h.
The totalitarian regime is again attacking the rights of minorities.

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Tue May 28, 2024 2:48 pm

MAY 27, 2024
Moscow Times, 4/29/24

Major European banks that continue to do business in Russia paid the government four times more in taxes in 2023 than in the year before Moscow launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Financial Times reported. [ ... 8ca43eacfb]

The seven lenders — Austria’s Raiffeisen, Italy’s UniCredit and Intesa Sanpaolo, the Netherlands’ ING, Germany’s Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank, as well as Hungary’s OTP — reportedly paid around 800 million euros ($857 million) in taxes to the Russian state last year.

In 2021, those same banks paid 200 million euros in taxes, according to FT.

At the same time, the seven banks reported a combined profit of more than 3 billion euros last year, though part of these funds cannot be withdrawn from Russia due to wartime restrictions on dividend payouts. It is because of this increase in profitability that the seven banks paid more in Russian taxes in 2023, according to an analysis by FT.

The amount of taxes paid by the major European banks to the Russian government totals around 0.4% of Russia’s non-energy budget revenues expected in 2024, which highlights the role foreign companies continue to play in propping up Moscow’s financial stability despite Western sanctions and an exodus of foreign companies following the 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

Western sanctions imposed in response to the war, which cut Russian banks off from the Swift international payment system, have increased the appeal of Western lenders among Russian clients who seek to maintain access to the West — but they have also benefited the banks themselves.

For example, Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) saw its Russian profits more than triple to 1.8 billion euros between 2021 and 2023, a figure that is half of RBI’s total profit. Raiffeisen, which has repeatedly said it plans to exit Russia, also paid an additional 47 million euros in 2023 as a windfall tax imposed by the Kremlin on some companies, according to FT.

FT said its report did not include U.S. banks like Citigroup or JPMorgan as they “do not report comparable Russian results on the group accounts used” for its calculations.

Citigroup paid Russia $53 million in taxes last year, while JPMorgan paid $6.8 million, according to calculations by the Kyiv School of Economics. ... vasion-ft/


Russia Is Preparing To Strategically Partner With The Taliban

MAY 28, 2024


The driving force for removing the Taliban’s terrorist designation and inviting it to next month’s investment forum is the desire to make tangible progress on reaching a strategic energy deal with Pakistan, which would complete its Ummah Pivot and Greater Eurasian Partnership.

The Taliban remain international outcasts due to their refusal to implement a truly ethno-politically inclusive government per their prior promises as well as their treatment of women. Although no tangible progress has been made on either of those two very sensitive issues, economic and security interests pushed regional stakeholders to enter into de facto relations with this group for pragmatic reasons. Out of all those that have done so, Russia is far ahead of them all as proven by these latest developments:

* 16 May 2024: “Afghan Taliban no longer Russia’s enemy — Russian diplomat”

* 17 May 2024: “Afghanistan to expand range of goods exported to Russia — deputy PM Overchuk”

* 24 May 2024: “Taliban can stabilize Afghanistan if left to its own devices — FSB director”

* 27 May 2024: “Russia invites Taliban to St. Petersburg International Economic Forum — Foreign Ministry”

* 27 May 2024: “Russian ministries propose to Putin to remove Taliban from terrorist list — envoy”

As can be seen, Russia’s previous threat perception of the Taliban has disappeared, and it now considers the group to be a regional security provider with respect to containing ISIS-K. Moreover, Afghanistan’s location enables it to facilitate Russian trade with Pakistan, both commercial and energy. These interests have combined to inspire Russia to more openly embrace this group, which comes ahead of next month’s investment forum and October’s BRICS Summit. Here are some detailed background briefings:

* 27 September 2021: “Comparing The Contours of Russia’s Ummah Pivot in Syria & Afghanistan”

* 19 August 2022: “The Taliban Envisions Russia Playing A Big Role In The Group’s Geo-Economic Balancing Act”

* 6 March 2023: “The Top Five Takeaways From The Russian Ambassador To Afghanistan’s Latest Interview”

* 16 June 2023: “Russia’s Afghan Point Man Hinted At The Possibility Of Military-Technical Ties With The Taliban”

* 19 May 2024: “Analyzing The Strategic Importance Of Russia’s Reportedly Planned Afghan Oil Hub”

Basically, Russia sees Afghanistan as an indispensable part of its larger geostrategic reorientation to Muslim-majority countries, while the Taliban believes that Russia can help their country preemptively avert potentially disproportionate dependence on China and especially Pakistan. They also have shared economic interests with respect to facilitating trade between Russia-Central Asia and South Asia via Afghanistan from which that transit country can profit accordingly to help rebuild its economy.

Something big is obviously in the works between them judging by the timing of Russia’s deliberations on removing the Taliban from its terrorist list just before next week’s St. Petersburg International Investment Forum. In all likelihood, not only does Russia expect to make progress on its reportedly planned Afghan oil hub, but there might even be an update about President Putin’s envisaged delivery of Russian pipeline gas to Pakistan through Afghanistan that he mentioned only once in September 2022.

This doesn’t mean that a deal will be clinched on either since that involves Pakistan finally agreeing to conclude their long-running talks on a strategic energy one, which it’s thus far been reluctant to do under American pressure since April 2022’s post-modern coup. Nevertheless, even a Memorandum of Understanding between Russia and Taliban-led but by-then presumably terrorist-delisted Afghanistan on this and/or a parallel railway would be significant since it could help move Russian-Pakistani talks along.

Therein lies the larger goal being advanced through the latest developments in Russian-Afghan relations, namely the comprehensive expansion of Russian-Pakistani relations, which is considered the last piece of Russia’s Ummah Pivot and Greater Eurasian Partnership concepts to be completed. That South Asian state of nearly one-quarter billion people is seen as a promising market for Russian commercial and energy exports as well as an overland gateway to India with whom Russia has decades-long strategic ties.

From the Kremlin’s perspective, the successful cultivation of Russian-Pakistani relations could enable Moscow to exert positive influence over Islamabad for politically resolving the Kashmir Conflict, most likely by simply formalizing the Line of Contact as the international border. That could then maximally unlock Eurasia’s geo-economic potential by creating a cross-continental corridor, but all of this is only in the best-case scenario, which is far from assured.

For instance, Pakistan might still refuse to budge with regards to reaching a strategic energy deal with Russia due to the previously mentioned American pressure, or it might agree to this but still remain at serious odds with India. Another factor is India’s reaction to the comprehensive expansion of Russian-Pakistani relations, especially if this results in Russia inviting Pakistan to participate in October’s “Outreach”/“BRICS-Plus” Summit, the potential political risks of which were detailed here.

In any case, it’s clear that the driving force for removing the Taliban’s terrorist designation and inviting it to next month’s investment forum is the desire to make tangible progress on reaching a strategic energy deal with Pakistan, which would complete its Ummah Pivot and Greater Eurasian Partnership. Hopefully these interconnected processes will proceed smoothly and not unfold in ways that inadvertently risk offending India. It’s a difficult task, but Russia’s diplomats are more than qualified to handle it. ... ategically


They said they would leave, but they didn't.
May 28, 1:21 p.m


They said they would leave, but they didn't.

Many foreign companies have changed their minds about leaving Russia, writes the Financial Times, citing experts.
““Many European companies found themselves between a rock and a hard place. They said they would leave. They were given a choice of buyers that was unacceptable to them,” one of the executives who collaborates with Western firms in Russia shared with the publication.

It is noted that now the mood has “changed noticeably” and some companies no longer feel the need to leave the country. One of the reasons, according to the author of the article, was that company managers are not satisfied with the amounts offered by buyers for their business in Russia. According to him, the discount on a transaction can sometimes reach 90 percent. In addition, consumer activity has recovered in Russia.
According to a study published in May by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Research, the majority of foreign companies continue to operate in Russia despite sanctions and strong political pressure. - zinc

The thesis about 300% profit has not been canceled. If there was an economic opportunity to ignore sanctions and continue to work in Russia without losing the sales market, then such companies remained in Russia, either directly or through intermediaries. Well, the products of those who left are quietly supplied to Russia through third countries through parallel imports.

Sanctions are working.

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Wed May 29, 2024 3:14 pm

By Sarah Lindemann-Komarova, Echo of Siberia, 4/30/24

Sarah has lived in Siberia since 1992. Was a community development activist for 20 years. Currently, focuses on research and writing.

Pictures available at link above. – Natylie

Spring #3 of the SMO has sprung. This past year has been a defining moment in Post Soviet Russia’s search for meaning, connection, and ownership. The rupture with the West is indisputable forcing everyone to think about their country, their future and make a choice, commit. For some that meant signing a contract to fight.

In Manzherok, a Village in the Altai Republic, spring brought with it news of the loss of our first soldier. He was a veteran, a builder, and, according to the Village chat, initially volunteered to serve in a city reconstruction effort. While in Mariupol, he signed a contract to participate in the SMO and he was killed in the Donetsk Region. Posts with candle icons and words of condolences from neighbors followed the announcement.

For others committing meant leaving but most of those who wanted to leave are long gone. The Levada Center’s March survey supports that assumption recording a 34 year low in the number of respondents who wanted to move abroad, 9%, down from a high of 22% in 2021. In Manjerok, commitment means taking advantage of new opportunities to start your own business or get a new job because they are plentiful and salaries are up.

Until recently, economic development in the region consisted of “green tourism” that allowed people to generate income taking tourists into their home or guest house. Initially this inspired hostility. In 2007, a woman described the problem as jealousy, “people started counting the number of cars parked at a neighbor to see how much money they were making”.

In the 2022 Ria Novosti social-economics and overall ratings the Republic came in at #82 out of 86 regions. On the plus side, the lack of economic development yielded one tangible benefit, Altai remained, one of the most pristine and beautiful places in the world. Sometimes referred to as the Switzerland of Russia, it is thought by some to be the gateway to the Buddist/Hindu spiritual kingdom Shambhala. And into that world stepped Russia’s largest bank, Sberbank.

A number of years ago, young families were encouraged to stay with free plots of land up on the mountain. Their neighbor on the mountain became the Sberbank 5 Star year round Manzherok Resort that currently boasts 30+km of ski trails. Construction of a children’s adventure park and other features will continue on for years. Thousands of people paid holiday rates of $23 a day for ski passes, $13 for night skiing. A four cheese burger costs $9, the same as Fo Bo soup with beef. Manzherok water is $3.30 making classic Coca Cola (still available) a bargain at $2.70.

When the SMO began, the ski lift was operating and the 5 Star Hotel was set to open in a year. The opening was delayed due to sanctions related to the planned Italian interior. Sanctions also moved domestic tourism up the national budget priority list so the building of a four-lane highway through the center of town is in Manzherok’s near future. A week ago, Sberbank became the sole owner of the local airport that will be expanded to accommodate international flights with a focus on China. One lane Village roads have become major thoroughfares as navigators re-route cars away from traffic jams on the current two-lane highway. New chain stores have appeared pushing out or challenging locally owned businesses. All this in a community that only 9 years ago suffered a flood that made it possible for the last people on my street to get indoor plumbing through government disaster relief.

One room 50 year old Village houses are on sale for more than half a million dollars. Only Sber has spent that kind of money buying properties they now need for the ever-expanding resort. The rumored numbers were even higher but there is no evidence of a market for an old village house getting anything like that kind of money. But, expectations are high. That is the Year 3 and moving forward challenge for Russia, making it possible for people to realize their potential, prosper, and feel good about their children’s future.

Last fall the Mayor of 32 years was replaced by a former Sber Resort Manager. All winter rumors were flying, trees were disappearing, and electricity outages were more frequent. But it was the appearance of 3 letters KRT (somewhat analogous to eminent domain) that got everyone’s attention.

The forces in charge now are of a whole other magnitude but an impressive group of individuals has surfaced to represent and defend the interests of residents. Most are small business owners. A few are elected local deputies, one beat a United Russia opponent to become a District Deputy, one serves as monitor for services on the mountain pushing for quick repairs when the electricity, and thus public water, are out. One tried to run for Mayor but his candidacy was disqualified. The rest are just active citizens with skills and knowledge. It would be a mistake to think of these people as oppositionists. These are community and results-oriented people with a real sense of ownership.

This new constellation of forces has inspired in form, if not in substance the appearance of governance. There have been several public hearings and the Regional Deputy appeared to provide an account of his work and respond to concerns about KRT. The school gym was packed for a town meeting where the Mayor, the District Head, and heads of a number of departments responded to questions. The head of development promised everyone that KRT was not being considered for any residential areas. She seemed surprised that people did not share her excitement and belief in the need to respond positively to big interest from outside investors. Residents want more attention paid to their problems and supporting local entrepreneurs. On the way home we passed an electric station flaring out. We reported it and that street spent another February night without electricity.

There are four WhatsApp chats where information exchange and lively discussions take place. Often, they focus on what to do with the cows or wild dogs. Overall, you get the sense that it is the pace and breadth of change that can come without warning, despite all the formal meetings, that scares people. Nobody is against development but they did not expect their way of life to be liquidated.

A week ago, news surfaced in a chat that there will be an architectural code issued and it was suggested that people building wait for the code. Rumor has it green or red roofs and fences. One neighbor commented, “Minimum to paint a new roof is 300,000 r, no one has that kind of money”. Another suggested there be a more comprehensive approach to the code, “For example, in all two-story houses, women must wear red miniskirts, in one-story houses with old slate, they must wear black long skirts and black scarves, men must wear colored shirts, and the administration must wear red caps with bells to make them special. Tourists will be delighted! Also, to make us stand out, we should put a large fly near our noses.”

In April student sociologists patrolled the streets with a questionnaire about development and the Resort. The “for” or “against” options did not provide the kind of nuance that exists here. There was also a focus group in preparation for the upcoming Gubernatorial election. A participant told me none of the 9 people there were happy. The degree of discontent left the moderator struggling to make sense of it all as she asked what type of person would be best for Governor pitching such options as someone with strong federal ties, a leader from a neighboring region etc.

Perhaps expectations are too high on all sides but something is happening in Manzherok. If not a negotiation, there is at least a dance taking place and it brings evidence of an important change. On the train from Moscow to Novosibirsk in February 1992, my coupe mate Baba Masha told me there are two words you need to know to understand Russia, terpellivwi (patient) and peredjit (living through it). This new generation of citizen leaders in Manzherok is patient. They are almost Zen like in their ability to absorb rejection and keep going. What they are not, is willing to live through it. Is it too little too late? Maybe, but it ain’t nothing. ... o-the-smo/


Monument at Prigozhin's grave
May 29, 14:29


A full-length monument was erected at Prigozhin’s grave.
In a month, the country will “celebrate” the dubious anniversary of Prigozhin’s failed military mutiny.

He was useful though over-rated and in the end behaved as one expects of a mercenary.

Neoliberal ideology led to the plunder of the country
May 29, 15:46


The President of Kyrgyzstan Japarov made a programmatic criticism of neoliberalism.

Neoliberal ideology led to the plunder of the country

Neoliberal ideology, which gained popularity in Kyrgyzstan after the collapse of the USSR, led to the plunder of the country and put it in danger of extinction . The head of the republic, Sadyr Japarov, announced this at a national meeting.

“According to this ideology, the “invisible hand” of the market economy itself will create a miracle of development, bring prosperity to everyone and lead our state to prosperity,” the President of Kyrgyzstan recalled. - We spent many years blindly believing in this principle. We were told that “the state is a bad manager”, “the government cannot play any role in the economy.”
All this, according to the head of the republic, ultimately led to colossal social inequality. The overwhelming number of citizens of Kyrgyzstan was rapidly becoming poor, and only a separate, small group of people was getting richer.

“Neoliberal ideology is false,” Sadyr Japarov is convinced. - It contradicts the interests of ordinary people. We have witnessed that it did not bring any development. On the contrary, our country was plundered, destroyed and almost disappeared . We have become world record holders in our dependence on remittances from labor migrants from abroad. Our poor men and women, both old and young, were forced to leave their children and elderly parents and scatter around the world in search of food. This won't happen again. I really like the slogan of the UN Sustainable Development Goals - “leave no one behind”. God willing, we will not leave anyone unattended! ... narod.html - zinc

The market did not solve it. This has never happened before and here it is again. The bright neoliberal path has led to another historical dead end.

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On Russia's construction of a nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan
May 28, 2024

Yesterday, representatives of Rosatom and the Atomic Energy Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a contract for the construction of a low-power nuclear power plant (LNP) . Negotiations on the construction of a nuclear power plant have been going on for a long time, but initially the talk was about a station with two water-cooled water reactors VVER-1200. Therefore, the choice of NPP from six 55 MW power units was somewhat unexpected news.

Apparently, we are talking about a ground-based version of the reactor for icebreakers - RITM-200N . The reference (standard) unit will be the Yakut NPP , the construction of which is about to begin. The reactor installation is not being developed from scratch - it is an adaptation of an already operating transport reactor, which, in addition, will be simpler: the design does not need to include ship pitching, operation with serious lists and trims of the ship.

RITM-200 itself is designed to operate with uranium fuel enriched up to 20% and a campaign duration of up to 10 years, in contrast to VVER/PWR with fuel enriched up to 5% and refueling every year and a half. It turns out that Uzbekistan will buy fuel from Russia from high-volume low-enriched uranium (HALEU), in the market of which not long ago the UK was going to undermine Russia’s position.

In its current form, the solution looks successful for both countries : Uzbekistan is getting a nuclear power plant that will not be too large for its energy system. At the same time, Russia is the first to export SNMMs , first showing working technology, and after some time a reference project.

A low-power nuclear power plant is good because it does not plunge a small country into large debts and allows it not to redesign the entire existing energy system, which is very expensive. A successful project in Uzbekistan will allow Russia to lower the entry threshold for newcomer countries that want to get nuclear energy, but are not “capable” of a full-fledged nuclear power plant. ... bekistane/

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The West Foments Chaos in the Caucasus
Posted on May 29, 2024 by Conor Gallagher

Wedged between Russia, Iran, and Eastern Europe the Caucasus are considered a crossroads in more ways than one. That can be an uncomfortable place to be nowadays as great power games pick up steam. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and if we throw Türkiye in here as well, are all struggling in their own ways to navigate the pressure cooker.

While Armenia is allowing itself to be used by Western powers to destabilize the region, Georgia is attempting to stop Western meddling. Türkiye, too, is now considering clamping down on “foreign interests” in the country while Azerbaijan looks sturdy for now.


For now, Armenia, whose government appears to have abdicated in favor of Western interests, looks to be the least stable and the most likely source of regional turmoil. What’s happening there is either the result of sheer incompetence or there are ulterior motives at hand. The latest from the West-led peace process has Armenia giving up more occupied land to its neighbor Azerbaijan with nothing in return, which continues a recent trend.

Many Armenians are predictably enraged by the deal, and large protests led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan are continuing into a second month and demanding the resignation of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. Their complaints:

During a massive rally on May 12 in Yerevan’s Republic Square, which was filled with tens of thousands of supporters, Archbishop Galstanyan articulated the movement’s stance, stating, “We are not opposed to peace, delimitation or demarcation. However, what is currently happening, with unilateral concessions forcing us to our knees, is unacceptable. There is no precedent for repeatedly giving in without guarantees against war, especially under the threat of force. We seek definitive peace, a peace that is worthy and lasting.”

We have now arrived at the point that was obvious months ago. Pashinyan government, led by the West, has humiliated itself by ceding contested lands with nothing to show for it, which is generating mass public outrage. The same happened with the region of Nagorno-Karabakh last year.

Against the backdrop of the new Cold War, mediating countries began to compete for the status of the main moderator of the Armenia-Azerbaijan negotiations. Yerevan began to favor the West, and talks mostly moved to Western platforms. It was during those meetings that Armenia agreed to officially recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan.

Once Armenia did so (and PM Pashinyan declared so publicly), the die was cast. The region was (and is) recognized as Azerbaijani territory by the international community but was overwhelmingly populated by ethnic Armenians. Roughly 100,000 of them fled to Armenia after Azerbaijan blockaded the region for months and then moved militarily to assert control in September – an operation that resulted in hundreds of deaths.

Despite moving the negotiation process under the guidance of the West and publicly recognizing Nagorno-Karabakh as Azerbaijani territory, the Pashinyan government has sought to lay all the blame for its loss at the feet of Russia. And Pashinyan now largely refuses to participate in summits with Russia.

There has also been a step-by-stp poisoning of ties with Russia from Armenia’s side, including “freezing” its participation in the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization, not allowing the head of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cooperation with Armenia into the country, and joining the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The ICC, which much of the world views as no more than a political tool of the West, has an outstanding arrest warrant for Putin for alleged war crimes in Ukraine. That now means that if Putin were to visit Armenia he should face arrest there. Moscow called the ratification by Yerevan a “hostile act.” It’s certainly interesting timing on Armenia’s part considering the statute came into effect all the way back in 2002. The souring of ties culminated in Russia recalling its ambassador to Armenia on May 24.

As negotiations continue on disputed territory, Armenia is negotiating from a position of severe weakness. Azerbaijan enjoys military superiority, Armenia has thrown away its Russian security blanket, its new friends in the West don’t have the capabilities to effectively intervene and they’re also reliant on Azerbaijan natural gas.

And so we have a Western-led peace process in which Azerbaijan demands more and gets it.

The result is a humiliated, angry population in Armenia while the government tries to shift all the blame onto Russia. That seemed to work for a time in the aftermath of Nagorno-Karabakh, but Armenians by and large are no longer buying it. This much is obvious:

To what end, though? Just to set another bonfire in Russia (and Iran’s) backyard? The fears of other countries are that the West’s ultimate designs are to make a bloody mess of logistics through the Caucasus that are playing a major role in Asian integration. Both China-led East-West routes and Russia- and India-led North-South routes rely on passing through the Caucasus.


That course of action would be suicide for Armenia, which is surrounded by countries interested in seeing those trade routes developed. Armenia was dependent on Russian for protection, and its economy is also mostly dependent on Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union and has been doing quite well acting as a reroute point around sanctions.


The protests in Armenia are led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanian, a senior cleric of the Armenian Apostolic Church. It’s unclear if Galstanian has enough support to force a change in government. A few rallies he headlined have reportedly drawn about 30,000 people.

Galstanian was educated in the U.K. and Canada and in recent years has risen to prominence due to his opposition to any land deals with Azerbaijan. He has the support of much of the political opposition, as well as the Sasna Tsrer organization, an extra-parliamentary force that is anti-Russian, pro-West, and has perpetrated political violence in the past.

So, while Galstanian’s opposition is clear to the course Pashinyan has the country on, where he would take Armenia should he gain more power is unclear. For example, I have yet to see Galstanian direct any criticism at Pashinyan’s puppet masters.

Under the Pashinyan government, Armenia has remained on bad terms with Azerbaijan and Türkiye, and relations with Russia have gone down the drain. The country is somewhat allied with Iran, but that is being strained by Armenia’s opening the doors to meddling from the West – including hosting military drills with the US last year.

What exactly is the strategy here – if there’s one at all? So far all that’s happening is a slow motion car crash in Armenia; meanwhile its neighbors (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Türkiye, and Russia) strengthen ties in order to fend off the Western foothold in the region.

Speaking of Georgia and Türkiye, both countries are pursuing variations of a “foreign agents” law intended to squash foreign meddling in the countries’ politics and prevent an Armenia-like situation or color revolution attempt.


New legislation in Türkiye would jail journalists and researchers working for foreign “interests.” According to Turkish Minute, that would apply to “anyone who carries out or orders research on (Turkish) citizens and institutions with the aim of acting against the security or the political, internal or external interests of the state, on the orders or in the strategic interests of a foreign organization or state.”

Those convicted would face three to seven years in prison. Since the 2016 coup attempt in Türkiye, tens of thousands of people suspected of links to US-based preacher Fethullah Gulen have been arrested, more than 140,000 fired or suspended from their jobs and nearly 3,000 sentenced to life in jail.

The US has refused to extradite Gulen who has always denied involvement in the coup attempt. The newly proposed foreign interests law could be a sign that despite the massive crackdown on Gulenists, Turkish officials still fear that Western NGOs are attempting to destabilize the country.

The latest “coup” intrigue in Türkiye revolves around high-ranking police officials allegedly attempting to ensnare members of Erdogan’s ruling coalition in graft probes. Of course, the possibility exists that the politicians are indeed corrupt and labeling any investigation of them as a coup attempt and arresting the officers is a way to make the investigations go away. In recent years Gulenists have frequently been accused of targeting officials by eliciting fabricated statements from “eyewitnesses.”

Türkiye joins a handful of other countries and breakaway regions also working towards foreign agents laws:

The usual criticisms are being aired about Türkiye’s proposed law – that it would be a blow to rights and freedoms and take a toll on press and civil society. That take isn’t necessarily wrong; the law could be used to crack down on legitimate criticism.

At the same time, what is government expected to do when a certain country or bloc of countries use this openness to fund foreign organizations to destabilize the country from within and attempt color revolutions?


That’s what’s happening in Georgia, which just passed new restrictions on NGOs. Despite the law’s enactment, the tense situation is far from over as Western governments and NGOs are now expected to double down on efforts to topple the government in Tbilisi, and chances are it will get even uglier than it already is:


Zourabichvili is also promising to hold a referendum on the pursuit EU membership.

“We must prepare a real referendum. This energy that is in you today should be spent on collecting signatures and bringing them to me. I will sign the order for the referendum – do we want a European future or Russian slavery,” she said.

The Georgian law requires NGOs and media outlets that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from foreign sources to register as organizations “carrying the interests of a foreign power.” It should be noted that the US has its own Foreign Agents Registration Act, and that Georgia’s law does not mean that these NGOs cannot operate; they just must register.

Tens of thousands of Georgians have protested over the government’s new law for days, claiming it is part of a pattern of assault against human rights in the country. Proponents say it is necessary to preserve the country’s sovereignty from constant meddling from the West. The Georgian oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili who is a major kingmaker in Georgian politics says that the “global party of war” interferes with Georgia’s interests.

One of Ivanishvili’s fiercest critics is the incarcerated former president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, who accuses Ivanishvili of having him arrested.

In 2008, Saakashvili who was backed by the western NGOs and believed Georgia was soon to join NATO and that the alliance would have his back, started a war by bombing the breakaway region South Ossetia. Russia intervened and in five days Georgia was driven out of Ossetia.

Georgia is still mending ties with Russia, and as the West accelerates its efforts in former USSR countries, politicians and the oligarch Ivanishvili likely don’t want a repeat of 2008. That being said, they don’t claim to be “anti-West;” they just don’t want to be used as a battering ram against Russia.

Even Ivanishvili has said, “with sovereignty and dignity intact, by 2030, Georgia will join the EU.”

Yet, that begs the question: on those terms, would the EU even want them? ... casus.html
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:31 pm

Two years after the Battle for Mariupol, Russian investments have already rebuilt most of the city


Lucas Leiroz

May 31, 2024

Life returns to normal in the city that was the scene of the first large scale battle of the Russian special military operation for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.

Mariupol, a port city in the Donetsk People’s Republic, was the scene of the first large-scale battle of the special military operation for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. Having been occupied by neo-Nazi battalions for eight years, the region was affected by severe bombings between February and May 2022. At the time, Russian units such as the Donbass militias and the Chechen “Akhmat” forces fought mainly to destroy the Azov Regiment’s headquarters, located at the Azovstal plant, having achieved a clear victory that showed the world the military superiority of the Russian Federation.

Before the Russian victory at Azovstal, Western propaganda often spoke of “Ukrainian victory”, motivated mainly by the fact that Russian forces had retreated from the Kiev Oblast. A narrative was invented saying that Moscow had at some point intended to capture Kiev and was then defeated by the so-called “Ukrainian resistance”. This myth was demolished in Azovstal. By winning in Mariupol, Russia showed the world that its priorities were always to liberate the Donbass and destroy the neo-Nazi battalions, with the operation in Kiev being a mere distraction maneuver to advance in Donetsk and Lugansk.

The scenes from the time show a devastated city, absolutely unfit for habitation and human life as a whole. Mariupol was reduced to ruins and debris. Collapsed buildings prevented any economic activity, while innocent people desperately tried to recover their belongings and resume their lives. Before long, however, everything began to change. Winning the battle, Moscow immediately began a reconstruction project in Mariupol, the result of which is clear to everyone who visits the city today.

I was in Mariupol for the first time on May 24th, during a press expedition led by the Russian media group “Vashi News”. On that occasion, I passed through the city’s main points, including the ruins of the Azovstal plant. What I saw there surprised me for a very simple reason: the city that had become a symbol of war, death and destruction, is now a calm, peaceful and pleasant place, where families circulate freely during most of the day, almost without any security concerns.

Mariupol is almost completely rebuilt. Life is returning to normal quickly and effectively. Commerce operates freely until 11pm, when curfew is still in place. During the day, families take their children to spend their free time in the children’s square in the city center. People go out to work and fulfill their obligations without much worry. Not only is the restoration of the city impressive, but also the efficiency of the Russian defense forces in preventing NATO missiles and drones launched daily by Ukraine from reaching targets in Mariupol. Clearly, life has changed for the better. Local people feel safer now.

Reintegration with the Russian Federation was a fundamental step towards the complete restoration of Mariupol. Since returning to Russia, the Donetsk People’s Republic has been one of the main centers for infrastructure investment, both by the Russian government and private actors. In Mariupol, almost everything has been restored. And what is not yet fully restored is at least under active reconstruction work. The process is fast and effective, employing local labor and guaranteeing wages and stability for thousands of civilians.

In parallel to all this, there are the ruins of Azovstal, which will certainly take some time to be completely removed. The plant, in fact, is becoming a kind of sanctuary for thousands of Russians who go to the region to pay respects to the memory of the soldiers killed in the Battle, saying prayers and placing flowers. The remains of the site serve as a reminder of how contradictions still exist in Mariupol and throughout Donbass: life is increasingly normalizing, but the war is not over.

The tranquility of civilians and their absolute confidence in the ability of Russian forces to prevent the worst are confronted with the reality that no one knows where the next NATO missile or drone will land. Two years later, everything seems better, but all the citizens of Donbas are still anxiously awaiting the day when definitive victory will make any worries unnecessary. ... -the-city/

(Not original photo.)


The struggle for SWIFT hegemony
June 1, 5:54


The struggle for SWIFT hegemony

The G7 countries and the EU are discussing the introduction of sanctions against third-country banks using an analogue of the SWIFT system from the Central Bank of Russia.
“Under discussion... there are measures that will be directed against lenders in third countries that use the SWIFT-like financial messaging system of the Central Bank of Russia to circumvent restrictions,” Bloomberg reports, citing sources.

However, specific measures have not yet been agreed upon.

Previously, the agency claimed that, as part of the 14th package of anti-Russian sanctions, the EU intends to prohibit member countries of the association from using the Bank of Russia Financial Message Transmission System (SPFS), designed to replace SWIFT.

It is known that 20 countries have already joined the Russian analogue of SWIFT. ... ft-sankcii - zinc

But there were times when we were seriously frightened by being disconnected from SWIFT. And now it turns out that we need to fight against a completely working Russian analogue.

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Anti-government protests in Armenia
May 31, 2024


Protests continue in Armenia against the government of Nikol Pashinyan and the uncontrolled surrender of territories to Azerbaijan. Today, a new round of escalation of events was observed in the center of Yerevan .

In the morning, protesters led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan , who heads the “Tavush for the Motherland” movement , picketed the building of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Armenia in the morning. The protest then moved to the neighboring Foreign Ministry building, where Galstanyan demanded a meeting with Minister Ararat Mizoyan and department employees.

The protest leader said that if Foreign Ministry employees refuse to talk, then citizens have the right to consider them agents of the Turkish-Azerbaijani government.

After this, police units began to push the protesters away from the building of the Armenian Foreign Ministry. Protest leader Galstanyan was hit in the stomach , and some clergy were beaten . 29 people were harshly detained.

Against the backdrop of the events in Yerevan, it is impossible to escape the feeling that we have already seen something similar - the persecution of the church as the last stronghold of Armenian identity - before. Indeed, approximately similar pictures were observed during the expulsion of the Armenians of Artsakh with the destruction of religious sites by the Azerbaijanis. The current level of confrontation between the Armenian authorities and the church almost equates the Pashinyan government with the Aliyev administration in terms of goals and objectives. Only the methods differ for now. ... armenii-2/

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Kit Klarenberg

May 31, 2024 , 7:24 pm .

A pro-EU protester in Tblisi displays a Georgian Legion flag. Video by Rami Yahiah.

More than 25 thousand NGOs operate in Georgia, most of them financed by Europe and the United States. A new bill aimed at curbing Western interference has sparked angry anti-government protests explicitly encouraged by Washington.

A dark political atmosphere hangs over the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, and it is becoming more ominous by the day. The Prime Minister, Irakli Kobakhidze, was informed by an EU commissioner that he will suffer the same fate as Robert Fico, the Slovak leader who continues to fight for his life after an assassination attempt at the hands of a pro-Ukrainian ultra. US lawmakers are moving to sanction members of the ruling party, Georgian Dream, and on May 14, in Parliament, opposition MP Tako Charkviani threatened : “Believe me, there will be a color revolution in Georgia.”

The cause of this tumult is a bill known as the “Foreign Influence Transparency Act,” which would force organizations to publicly disclose their funding received from abroad. For weeks, the streets of Tbilisi have been filled with tens of thousands of protesters demanding authorities scrap the law, which they believe will jeopardize Georgia's path to membership in the European Union (EU). Despite vehement condemnation from EU and US officials, the law has been passed. The Hegemon has since threatened to impose visa restrictions on lawmakers who support the law, and the protesters show no signs of giving up.

The sincerity of the citizens who continue to occupy public spaces in Tbilisi for fear that their government's actions will sabotage Georgia's EU aspirations cannot be doubted. But there are clear signs that many were seriously misled about the nature of the new law, with some apparently convinced that it will mandate mass surveillance and force the public to denounce their neighbors as “foreign agents.”

The campaign to misinform Georgians about the bill is mainly led by foreign media and foreign-funded NGOs themselves. There are currently more than 25,000 NGOs active in Georgia, and almost all of them receive money from outside. Many are funded by the EU, which funds more than 130 different “active projects” and 19,000 small and medium-sized businesses in the country. The US intelligence services, USAID, the CIA and the NED are also important sponsors of the sector.

Together, these elements are mobilizing their constituents in the streets for a new round of protests that ultimately aim to overthrow the government and replace it with one that suits the interests of Brussels and Washington.

Caption: Above: Georgians wave American and Ukrainian flags as they protest the government's proposed “Foreign Influence Transparency Act.” Video by Rami Yahiah.

Many foreign-funded NGOs are explicitly concerned with integrating Georgia into the EU, NATO and other “Euro-Atlantic” structures. Among them is the Shame Movement , which has been at the forefront of the recent riots in Tbilisi. NED grant records indicate it received just under $80,000 in 2021 to “engage regional youth activists,” help young Georgians address political “challenges,” and advocate “for government accountability.”

Curiously, an NED entry indicating that the Shame Movement also received more than $90,000 that year “to promote democratic accountability and effective oversight of the Georgian parliament” was removed. It noted that the organization was responsible for tracking “the votes and statements of all parliamentarians and maintaining online profiles detailing this information.” Was it, ultimately, from the perspective of the West, about creating a “blacklist” of parliamentarians who vote in the “wrong” way?

The Shame Movement also participated in the 2023 riots, when Georgian Dream attempted to implement legislation similar to the aforementioned law, but had to give up after a violent mob threatened to invade parliament .

A Wall Street Journal report at the time made the organization's distaste for the government clear, quoting a Movement spokesperson who described Georgian Dream as a Kremlin proxy "aimed at pushing the nation closer to Russia and further." far from the EU.” They stated that the government “can't come out and say that it is for Russia and against EU integration because it would get a huge public backlash, so they are trying to slowly boil us like a frog. “They are trying and doing everything to sabotage Georgia’s integration process into the EU.”

Both inside and outside the country, since protests against the law broke out, the Western propaganda line that the Georgian Dream serves Russian interests or is somehow a pawn of the Kremlin has been repeated with increasing frequency. Evidence to the contrary has been completely ignored by Western opinion makers, with the influential foreign policy think tank the Carnegie Endowment, based in Washington, DC, going so far as to remove a detailed report that broadly refuted the allegation.

Indeed, since coming to power in 2012, the Georgian Dream party has struck a delicate balance between strengthening ties with the West and maintaining civil coexistence with neighboring Russia. To join the EU, the Government has gone through all the procedures required by Brussels , has met all the conditions declared for accession and formally obtained candidate status in December 2023. However, since February 2022 it has become an always hectic dance, with increasing external pressure to impose sanctions on Moscow and send weapons to Ukraine.

Caption: The Tbilisi offices of the NATO-EU Information Center , an initiative sponsored by the Atlantic alliance that states its goal is to “involve our population in Georgia's European and Euro-Atlantic integration processes and obtain their well-informed support.”

Strict compliance with Western sanctions regimes and public condemnations of the Russian invasion are clearly insufficient for Brussels, Kiev, London and Washington. In December 2022, Garibashvili claimed that the Ukrainian government had repeatedly demanded that Tbilisi open a “second front” in the proxy conflict against Russia. His refusal was met with a firm rebuke, which in turn led to Georgian Dream being branded a Kremlin proxy and therefore a legitimate target of regime change operations.

Unlike in 2023, the government has refused to back down from applying “transparency on foreign influence” in the face of Western condemnation and the violent mobs flooding the streets of the Georgian capital. On May 3 , Prime Minister Kobakhidze issued a strong statement accusing the United States of orchestrating two failed coups in Tbilisi since 2020.

He claimed that these efforts “were carried out through NGOs funded by external sources” and were inspired by the “false statements” of Kelly C. Degnan, US ambassador in Tbilisi until 2023. Kobakhidze was referring to the fact that the diplomat accused the ruling party of being puppets of the Kremlin. These accusations “served to facilitate violence by foreign-funded actors,” he said. Referring to White House complaints about local police response to ongoing demonstrations, he wryly noted: “I have not expressed my concern…about the brutal repression” of students protesting in solidarity with Palestine two. days before in New York.

Former Georgian leader and former Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze opened the floodgates to NGOs seeking to enter his country by allowing foreign-funded civil society organizations to operate with little oversight. At that time he was a darling of the West, but with this act he signed his own political death sentence. As a since-deleted article from the USAID website noted, Western-backed NGOs began “promoting democratic and liberal values,” seriously undermining his rule.

“For example, in 1999 U.S. funding helped Georgians develop and rally support for a Freedom of Information Act, which the government passed. That law allowed the media and NGOs to investigate government budgets, force the dismissal of a corrupt minister, and give people the feeling that they had to regulate the government," the report continues. Exorbitant sums were also spent on training of “lawyers, judges, journalists, parliamentarians, NGOs and political party leaders” in the art of the color revolution.

This led to the Rose Revolution of 2003, which overthrew Shevardnadze and installed Mikheil Saakashvili, a politician groomed by the United States and personally approved by CIA billionaire George Soros, in power. One participant in the insurrection quoted in the suppressed USAID article acknowledged: “without foreign help I am not sure we would have been able to achieve what we did...USAID supported civil society and created a network of civic-minded people.” Elsewhere, a Saakashvili aide declared that Washington had “helped good people get rid of a bad and corrupt government.”

Foreign-funded NGOs exert an outsized and toxic influence in Tbilisi, having “long colonized most areas of politics and public services,” as an essay published on May 2 by LeftEast noted. These organizations “receive their mandate from international organizations, which create and pay for political reform to-do lists for Georgia,” and “lack incentives to consider the impact of the projects they implement because they are not accountable to the citizens in whose lives they play a role.” such an intrusive role.”

Although this “eroded the agency of Georgian citizens, the country's sovereignty and democracy,” the “transparency of foreign influence” law will not in fact address these issues, the authors argue. Instead, the legislation is concerned with countering “a small but powerful clique” of well-funded NGOs aligned with Saakashvili and his United National Movement (MNU), which “openly engage in partisan politics” to weaken the Georgian Dream. As can be seen in the current round of protests, this entourage is propping up opposition parties while calling for the dismissal of the government.

Caption: Despite the presence of foreign media at each protest, pro-EU protesters ironically play Gil Scott-Heron's iconic “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.” Video by Rami Yahiah.

Saakashvili ostensibly runs the UNM from Tbilisi prison. After fleeing Georgia and taking up residence in Ukraine as governor of Odessa at the invitation of Petro Poroshenko after the Maidan, after losing power in 2012, he returned in October 2021. Upon arrival, he was imprisoned for ordering violent attacks against rivals politicians and helping one of his ministers cover up a horrible murder he personally directed. President Zourabichvili has promised that she will “never” pardon the former leader.

According to recent polls , the party only has 9.6% popular support, well below Georgian Dream's 31.4%. Despite his waning popularity, Saakashvili's supporters seem determined to get him out of jail by hook or by crook. In September 2023 , security officials warned that “a blow to the Euromaidan” was being prepared. The conspirators included ethnic Georgians working for the Ukrainian government: Giorgi Lortkipanidze, deputy head of kyiv's military intelligence; Mikhail Baturin, Saakashvili's former bodyguard; and Mamuka Mamulashvili, commander of the famous Georgian Legion .

Mamulashvili is implicated in the false flag massacre involving snipers who fired on Maidan protesters in Kiev, Ukraine in February 2014, which was instrumental in overthrowing President Viktor Yanukovych and establishing a nationalist government prepared for war with Russia. . Apparently, the Georgian warlord brought the shooters to kyiv to wreak “chaos” by opening fire on the crowd, providing them with weapons to do so. This time, according to security officials, anti-government activists, trained near Ukraine's border with Poland, would set up a "tent city" in Tbilisi, much like the one erected in kyiv's Maidan Square. A false flag attack would then be carried out at the location, triggering violent mass riots.

The bloody plot, supposedly planned for sometime between October and December 2023, never took place. However, police discovered activists from a US government-backed group CANVAS (Center for Applied Studies and Innovation) operating in Tbilisi at the time, suggesting that something evil was afoot. CANVAS emerged from Otpor, a dissident youth group created by the NED that was instrumental in the overthrow of Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic in 2000. From then on, its activists began training agents of regime change around the world. on account of Washington .

Among the recipients of the CANVAS experience were members of Kmara , a youth resistance movement that led the Rose Revolution of 2003, directly inspired by Otpor, logo and all. That event has marked Georgian politics and society ever since, and looms large in the minds of many citizens, whose historical connotations are considered both positive and negative. Without a doubt, opposition MP Tako Charkviani knew very well what she was doing when she forcefully promised a new color revolution in Tbilisi.

This article was written in English by Kit Klarenberg and published on The Grayzone page on May 26, 2024 and was translated for Misión Verdad by Camila Calderón ... en-georgia

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:18 pm

Revanchist madness
June 2, 23:09


Everything that Soviet propaganda lied about turned out to be true (c)

Unveiling of the monument at Prigozhin’s grave
June 2, 13:16


Yesterday in St. Petersburg, on Prigozhin’s birthday, a monument to the head of the Wagner PMC was officially unveiled at his grave.




Regarding questions about the monument to those killed during Prigozhin’s failed rebellion, a monument to the dead pilots was erected last year.


Installed at the Severny airfield in Ivanovo.

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They made a hero of him when a hero was needed after the setbacks in Kerson and Kharkov despite him being neither fighter nor general. He was an 'Owner', a Condottieri , a treacherous breed whom Machiavelli warned us of and who proved the point.


Who is trying to rewrite Mongolian history and why?
June 1, 2024


Mongolia recently celebrated a tragic date. On May 11, 1939, the war began on the Khalkhin Gol River . After four months of heavy fighting, the Japanese occupiers were defeated and abandoned plans to seize the territory of the modern Dornod aimag.

Although historians have long appreciated the significance of the victory at Khalkhin Gol, it is increasingly necessary to note attempts to rethink the events of those years and “adjust” them to the political situation. This is done at different levels: social and academic. Let's look at the mechanisms and promoted narratives in order.

Substitution of meanings in the public consciousness


The historical memory of the battles at Khalkhin Gol is one of the pillars of good neighborly relations between Russia and Mongolia. The West understands this very well, and therefore they are making every effort to reduce the number of points of contact between the two peoples.

Thus, in the center of the Mongolian capital on Sukhbaatar Square, the EU representative office organized the “Europe Day” event. It was dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the EU and Mongolia. At the event, participants were introduced to projects implemented in Mongolia with funds from the European Union and Western funds, and were told about the procedure for obtaining a Schengen visa, scholarships and Erasmus+ exchange programs. During the interactive sessions, visitors got acquainted with the culture and traditions of the Old World.

And everything would be fine, but the relationship between the mentioned actors began on August 1, 1989 , and a festive event dedicated to this event was planned precisely for May 11. By choosing this particular date, European officials clearly tried to broadcast the narrative that at the present stage, Mongolian youth should focus on the EU, and it is better not to remember the events of the war at Khalkhin Gol at all.

In Mongolia, local pro-Western speakers act as mouthpieces for many destructive narratives. For example, Dmitry Taevsky is the fugitive head of the fairly well-known Russian opposition online publication Babr 24 , or the Mongolian journalist known as Maidar Sosorbaram .

In their publications, they criticize Moscow’s foreign policy, promote the pan-Mongolian agenda and hint at the separation of Buryatia, Kalmykia and Tuva from Russia.

The period of dominance of the People's Revolutionary Party in Mongolia is presented as a dark page in the country's history, and the friendly nature of relations with the Soviet Union is explained by the “imperial aspirations” of Moscow and its desire to “colonize” Mongolia. It was Sosorbaram’s information resource that was the first to give the widest publicity to “Europe Day”.

Pro-Western leaders of public opinion are propagating the thesis, which has long existed in foreign historiography, that Mongolia has become only an arena of confrontation between the USSR and Japan. Allegedly, the possible occupation did not pose an existential threat to the Mongolian population, although the example of Manchuria suggests the opposite. On the contrary, Moscow's diplomatic efforts and the deployment of Soviet troops in Mongolia, they argue, made the country completely dependent on the Soviet Union.

Modern ideologists of Pax Mongolica openly insult fellow citizens who take the opposite position on their information resources. For example, an elderly man who thanked our country in Russian for the help provided in the twentieth century was ridiculed and called a sheep, and the author of the short note, Sosorbaram, described modern Russia as a fascist state.


It is important to note that pro-Western speakers influence mainly young people. They skillfully take advantage of the desire of young men and women to oppose themselves to the older generation. Perhaps their intention is that friendly bilateral relations should be associated with old people gradually retiring, and confrontation with young leaders. This approach is bearing fruit.

For example, Mongolian supporters of liberal values ​​on the social network X (formerly Twitter) demand the demolition of monuments from the times of the MPR as a reminder of the “oppression” of the Mongols by Russian communists. First of all, this concerns the monument to Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov in Ulaanbaatar and the Zaisan memorial, dedicated to those killed in the battles at Khalkhin Gol.

Fraud in the academic environment


Among politicians, similar views are held, for example, by the secretary of the center-right liberal party “HUN” (formerly the “National Workers’ Party”) Tsegmadiin Lut-Ochir or the head of the Alliance of Freedom association, the leader of the pro-Ukrainian movement “No to War” B. Tsatsaral .

Officials and representatives of the Mongolian academic community are much more reserved in the public space. Among them there is hardly a person who would openly call for a review of the results of the battles at Khalkhin Gol. However, diplomat and former head of the Mongolian GRU Ravdangiin Bold published the book “Limited War. Military-diplomatic history of the battle near the Khalkhin Gol River.” Its undeniable advantage is a fairly accurate assessment of the losses of the warring parties.

However, in the study, the author criticizes the interference of the Soviet Union in the internal affairs of Mongolia and states that Moscow patronized politicians who allegedly did not intend to resolve possible disputes peacefully. Moreover, R. Bold suggests that the Japanese plan to attack Mongolia was “...invented by the Comintern and the Soviet side.”

That is, the mentioned historian talks about the peaceful intentions of Tokyo, which in reality did not exist, and he places the blame for inciting the war on Khalkhin Gol on the USSR.


Bat-Erdaniin Batbayar , known under the pseudonym Baabar, in the book “History of Mongolia: from world domination to the Soviet satellite” proposed the idea that the war on Khalkhin Gol was provoked not only by the aggressive activities of Japan, but also equally by the foreign policy course of the MPR, dependent on instructions from Moscow.

Subsequently, the author developed his hypothesis in a number of publications. In the articles “The Battle of Khalkhin Gol” and “Who Lost in the Battle of Khalkhin Gol,” the writer accuses the Soviet leadership of trying to create a controlled hotbed of tension near the Japanese border, and calls the border dispute between Manchukuo and Mongolia the cause of the armed conflict.

At the same time, the publicist repeatedly repeats the thesis that the Japanese Empire adhered to a peaceful course and tried to prevent aggravation. According to Baabr, the forces of the Quantum Army were few in number, and the garrisons did not have offensive weapons.

In addition, the commander of the 23rd division, which formed the basis of the Japanese strike force, Komatsubaro allegedly worked for the USSR. Of course, the hypothesis does not stand up to any criticism. Manchukuo was not an actor in international relations. The Japanese Ambassador, being not only a diplomatic official, but also the commander of the Kwantung Army in Manchuria, exercised complete control of the puppet state. Not a single important decision was made by Emperor Pu Yi without the approval of Tokyo.

The role of Japanese propaganda


Baabr's articles promote the same points as Japanese propaganda. Bat-Erdaniin Batbayar cooperates with the Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation .

The organization aims to "promote a greater understanding of Japan's role in the internationalization process" and does so by funding "any international student with high academic study in Japan." That is, he is a conductor of Tokyo’s interests in the scientific community.

The world community learns about the Japanese view of the events of 1939 from publications in the media. For example, the Asahi website contains a selection of English-language materials dedicated to the Nomonkhan Incident - this is how the war on Khalkhin Gol is called in Western historiography.

Publicist Yasuji Nagai repeats that the Japanese General Staff took a peaceful position, and the blame for the outbreak of the conflict lies with the leadership of Manchukuo and the Soviet Union. Allegedly, the buildup of Soviet military potential in the Far East and the strengthening of the MPRA caused concern in Xinjing (the capital of Manchukuo). This, according to the authors, provoked aggression against Mongolia.

Another Japanese author, Tanaka Katsuhiko , went further and directly pointed out at one of the international symposiums the “guilt” of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the conflict. The researcher believes that the armed conflict, in which the Mongols and Bargut-Manchus participated on opposite sides, was beneficial to Moscow. The discord sown between two similar ethnic groups was supposed to exclude their unification and the possible separation of the East Siberian territories from the USSR in the future.

The studies discussed above are supported by the academic and expert communities working in the interests of decision makers. The ideas reflected in scientific works influence the formation of Western policy towards Mongolia and provoke increased anti-Russian rhetoric in the public space within the state bordering our country.

Possible consequences
Thus, unfriendly countries are not abandoning attempts to undermine the development of bilateral relations between Russia and Mongolia.

The memory of the battles at Khalkhin Gol has a great influence on the sociocultural side of international interaction. That is why, in the Mongolian and international media and scientific environments, attempts are being made to rethink the meaning of the victory of the Soviet-Mongolian troops.


Against the backdrop of Tokyo's imperial ambitions, the Japanese academic community and publicists, Mongolian pro-Western researchers and journalists shift the blame for the outbreak of war to our country. The authors deny the aggressive nature of Tokyo’s aspirations towards Mongolia, and associate the outbreak of hostilities solely with the militaristic policy of Emperor Pu Yi.

Work with young people does not stop: events are being held in Ulaanbaatar aimed at increasing the attractiveness of EU countries for Mongols. In the information space, the collective West is promoting theses that good neighborly relations with Russia should remain a thing of the past.

This work turns out to be effective. Boys and girls who have internalized the above-mentioned ideas, as a rule, take an anti-Russian position on the most pressing issues of world politics. In particular, they express support for the Kyiv regime, and from their lips there are calls to forget the long years of friendship between Russia and Mongolia, to demolish the monuments to Marshal Zhukov and the Zaisan memorial.

Increasing efforts to falsify the history of the war at Khalkhin Gol, according to the law of quantitative and qualitative changes, will allow the idea of ​​the aggressive policy of the USSR in the 1930s to take root in the public consciousness and in the scientific community. Such a situation could provoke a change in the foreign policy approaches of the Great Powers and cause irreparable damage to Russian-Mongolian relations. ... -istoriyu/

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(For some reason the English language graphics from Rybar never seem to work.)


Kit Klarenberg

May 31, 2024 , 7:24 pm .

A pro-EU protester in Tblisi displays a Georgian Legion flag. Video by Rami Yahiah.

More than 25 thousand NGOs operate in Georgia, most of them financed by Europe and the United States. A new bill aimed at curbing Western interference has sparked angry anti-government protests explicitly encouraged by Washington.

A dark political atmosphere hangs over the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, and it is becoming more ominous by the day. The Prime Minister, Irakli Kobakhidze, was informed by an EU commissioner that he will suffer the same fate as Robert Fico, the Slovak leader who continues to fight for his life after an assassination attempt at the hands of a pro-Ukrainian ultra. US lawmakers are moving to sanction members of the ruling party, Georgian Dream, and on May 14, in Parliament, opposition MP Tako Charkviani threatened : “Believe me, there will be a color revolution in Georgia.”

The cause of this tumult is a bill known as the “Foreign Influence Transparency Act,” which would force organizations to publicly disclose their funding received from abroad. For weeks, the streets of Tbilisi have been filled with tens of thousands of protesters demanding authorities scrap the law, which they believe will jeopardize Georgia's path to membership in the European Union (EU). Despite vehement condemnation from EU and US officials, the law has been passed. The Hegemon has since threatened to impose visa restrictions on lawmakers who support the law, and the protesters show no signs of giving up.

The sincerity of the citizens who continue to occupy public spaces in Tbilisi for fear that their government's actions will sabotage Georgia's EU aspirations cannot be doubted. But there are clear signs that many were seriously misled about the nature of the new law, with some apparently convinced that it will mandate mass surveillance and force the public to denounce their neighbors as “foreign agents.”

The campaign to misinform Georgians about the bill is mainly led by foreign media and foreign-funded NGOs themselves. There are currently more than 25,000 NGOs active in Georgia, and almost all of them receive money from outside. Many are funded by the EU, which funds more than 130 different “active projects” and 19,000 small and medium-sized businesses in the country. The US intelligence services, USAID, the CIA and the NED are also important sponsors of the sector.

Together, these elements are mobilizing their constituents in the streets for a new round of protests that ultimately aim to overthrow the government and replace it with one that suits the interests of Brussels and Washington.

Caption: Above: Georgians wave American and Ukrainian flags as they protest the government's proposed “Foreign Influence Transparency Act.” Video by Rami Yahiah.

Many foreign-funded NGOs are explicitly concerned with integrating Georgia into the EU, NATO and other “Euro-Atlantic” structures. Among them is the Shame Movement , which has been at the forefront of the recent riots in Tbilisi. NED grant records indicate it received just under $80,000 in 2021 to “engage regional youth activists,” help young Georgians address political “challenges,” and advocate “for government accountability.”

Curiously, an NED entry indicating that the Shame Movement also received more than $90,000 that year “to promote democratic accountability and effective oversight of the Georgian parliament” was removed. It noted that the organization was responsible for tracking “the votes and statements of all parliamentarians and maintaining online profiles detailing this information.” Was it, ultimately, from the perspective of the West, about creating a “blacklist” of parliamentarians who vote in the “wrong” way?

The Shame Movement also participated in the 2023 riots, when Georgian Dream attempted to implement legislation similar to the aforementioned law, but had to give up after a violent mob threatened to invade parliament .

A Wall Street Journal report at the time made the organization's distaste for the government clear, quoting a Movement spokesperson who described Georgian Dream as a Kremlin proxy “aimed at pushing the nation closer to Russia and further.” far from the EU.” They stated that the government “can't come out and say that it is for Russia and against EU integration because it would get a huge public backlash, so they are trying to slowly boil us like a frog. “They are trying and doing everything possible to sabotage Georgia’s integration process into the EU.”

Both inside and outside the country, since protests against the law broke out, the Western propaganda line that the Georgian Dream serves Russian interests or is somehow a pawn of the Kremlin has been repeated with increasing frequency. Evidence to the contrary has been completely ignored by Western opinion makers, with the influential foreign policy think tank the Carnegie Endowment, based in Washington, DC, going so far as to remove a detailed report that broadly refuted the allegation.

Indeed, since coming to power in 2012, the Georgian Dream party has struck a delicate balance between strengthening ties with the West and maintaining civil coexistence with neighboring Russia. To join the EU, the Government has gone through all the procedures required by Brussels , has met all the conditions declared for accession and formally obtained candidate status in December 2023. However, since February 2022 it has become an always hectic dance, with increasing external pressure to impose sanctions on Moscow and send weapons to Ukraine.

Caption: The Tbilisi offices of the NATO-EU Information Center , an initiative sponsored by the Atlantic alliance that states its goal is to “involve our population in Georgia's European and Euro-Atlantic integration processes and obtain their well-informed support.”

Strict compliance with Western sanctions regimes and public condemnations of the Russian invasion are clearly insufficient for Brussels, Kiev, London and Washington. In December 2022, Garibashvili claimed that the Ukrainian government had repeatedly demanded that Tbilisi open a “second front” in the proxy conflict against Russia. His refusal was met with a firm rebuke, which in turn led to Georgian Dream being branded a Kremlin proxy and therefore a legitimate target of regime change operations.

Unlike in 2023, the government has refused to back down from applying “transparency on foreign influence” in the face of Western condemnation and the violent mobs flooding the streets of the Georgian capital. On May 3 , Prime Minister Kobakhidze issued a strong statement accusing the United States of orchestrating two failed coups in Tbilisi since 2020.

He claimed that these efforts “were carried out through NGOs funded by external sources” and were inspired by the “false statements” of Kelly C. Degnan, US ambassador in Tbilisi until 2023. Kobakhidze was referring to the fact that the diplomat accused the ruling party of being puppets of the Kremlin. These accusations “served to facilitate violence by foreign-funded actors,” he said. Referring to White House complaints about local police response to ongoing demonstrations, he wryly noted: “I have not expressed my concern…about the brutal repression” of students protesting in solidarity with Palestine two. days before in New York.

Former Georgian leader and former Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze opened the floodgates to NGOs seeking to enter his country by allowing foreign-funded civil society organizations to operate with little oversight. At that time he was a darling of the West, but with this act he signed his own political death sentence. As a now-deleted article from the USAID website noted, Western-backed NGOs began “promoting democratic and liberal values,” seriously undermining his rule.

“For example, in 1999 U.S. funding helped Georgians develop and rally support for a Freedom of Information Act, which the government passed. That law allowed the media and NGOs to investigate government budgets, force the dismissal of a corrupt minister, and give people the feeling that they had to regulate the government," the report continues. Exorbitant sums were also spent on training of “lawyers, judges, journalists, parliamentarians, NGOs and political party leaders” in the art of the color revolution.

This led to the Rose Revolution of 2003, which overthrew Shevardnadze and installed Mikheil Saakashvili, a politician groomed by the United States and personally approved by CIA billionaire George Soros, in power. One participant in the insurrection quoted in the suppressed USAID article acknowledged: “without foreign help I am not sure we would have been able to achieve what we did...USAID supported civil society and created a network of civic-minded people.” Elsewhere, a Saakashvili aide declared that Washington had “helped good people get rid of a bad and corrupt government.”

Foreign-funded NGOs exert an outsized and toxic influence in Tbilisi, having “long colonized most areas of politics and public services,” as an essay published on May 2 by LeftEast noted. These organizations “receive their mandate from international organizations, which create and pay for political reform to-do lists for Georgia,” and “lack incentives to consider the impact of the projects they implement because they are not accountable to the citizens in whose lives they play a role.” such an intrusive role.”

Although this “eroded the agency of Georgian citizens, the country's sovereignty and democracy,” the “transparency of foreign influence” law will not in fact address these issues, the authors argue. Instead, the legislation is concerned with countering “a small but powerful clique” of well-funded NGOs aligned with Saakashvili and his United National Movement (MNU), which “openly engage in partisan politics” to weaken the Georgian Dream. As can be seen in the current round of protests, this entourage is propping up opposition parties while calling for the dismissal of the government.

Caption: Despite the presence of foreign media at each protest, pro-EU protesters ironically play Gil Scott-Heron's iconic “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.” Video by Rami Yahiah.

Saakashvili ostensibly runs the UNM from Tbilisi prison. After fleeing Georgia and taking up residence in Ukraine as governor of Odessa at the invitation of Petro Poroshenko after the Maidan, after losing power in 2012, he returned in October 2021. Upon arrival, he was imprisoned for ordering violent attacks against rivals politicians and helping one of his ministers cover up a horrible murder he personally directed. President Zourabichvili has promised that she will “never” pardon the former leader.

According to recent polls , the party only has 9.6% popular support, well below Georgian Dream's 31.4%. Despite his waning popularity, Saakashvili's supporters seem determined to get him out of jail by hook or by crook. In September 2023 , security officials warned that “a blow to the Euromaidan” was being prepared. The conspirators included ethnic Georgians working for the Ukrainian government: Giorgi Lortkipanidze, deputy head of kyiv's military intelligence; Mikhail Baturin, Saakashvili's former bodyguard; and Mamuka Mamulashvili, commander of the famous Georgian Legion .

Mamulashvili is implicated in the false flag massacre involving snipers who fired on Maidan protesters in Kiev, Ukraine in February 2014, which was instrumental in overthrowing President Viktor Yanukovych and establishing a nationalist government prepared for war with Russia. . Apparently, the Georgian warlord brought the shooters to kyiv to wreak “chaos” by opening fire on the crowd, providing them with weapons to do so. This time, according to security officials, anti-government activists, trained near Ukraine's border with Poland, would set up a “tent city” in Tbilisi, much like the one erected in kyiv's Maidan Square. A false flag attack would then be carried out at the location, triggering violent mass riots.

The bloody plot, supposedly planned for sometime between October and December 2023, never took place. However, police discovered activists from a US government-backed group CANVAS (Center for Applied Studies and Innovation) operating in Tbilisi at the time, suggesting that something evil was afoot. CANVAS emerged from Otpor, a dissident youth group created by the NED that was instrumental in the overthrow of Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic in 2000. From then on, its activists began training agents of regime change around the world. on account of Washington .

Among the recipients of the CANVAS experience were members of Kmara , a youth resistance movement that led the Rose Revolution of 2003, directly inspired by Otpor, logo and all. That event has marked Georgian politics and society ever since, and looms large in the minds of many citizens, whose historical connotations are considered both positive and negative. Without a doubt, opposition MP Tako Charkviani knew very well what she was doing when she forcefully promised a new color revolution in Tbilisi.

This article was written in English by Kit Klarenberg and published on The Grayzone page on May 26, 2024 and was translated for Misión Verdad by Camila Calderón ... en-georgia
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:17 pm



by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

It was the English writer G.K. Chesterton who remarked that “compromise used to mean that half a loaf was better than no bread. Among modern statesmen it really seems to mean that half a loaf is better than a whole loaf.”

In the current war against Russian grain, less than half a loaf is what the European Union (EU) will get from its announcement last Thursday, May 30, of a prohibitive new import duty of €95 per tonne of cereals in order to ban Russian (and Belarusian) grain from entering the European market. Imports of oilseeds and derived products, as well as beet-pulp pellets and dried peas, have also been barred.

In its official announcement, the EU declared trade protection for the EU’s grain producers to be the main reason for the new sanction, not the Ukraine war. France leads the EU grain producers, followed by Germany and Poland.

“The EU’s imports of grain products from Russia have significantly increased since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022,” the EU announcement said. “While the Russian Federation remains a relatively small supplier of those products to the EU market, it is a leading world-wide producer and exporter of those products. Given its current volumes of exports to the world, the Russian Federation could reorient significant volumes of supplies of those products to the EU, causing a sudden inflow from its large existing stocks, thereby disrupting the EU market.”

For “disrupting the EU market”, read commercial threat to French, German and Polish growers.

The EU statement added “there is evidence that the Russian Federation is currently illegally appropriating large volumes of such products in territories of Ukraine, which it illegally occupies, and routing them to its export markets as allegedly Russian products. These measures will therefore prevent the EU market from being destabilised, halt Russian exports of illegally appropriated grain produced in the territories of Ukraine and prevent Russia from using revenues from exports to the EU to fund its war of aggression against Ukraine.”

In 2023 Russia exported 4.2 million tonnes of cereals and related agricultural products to the EU worth €1.3 billion. In volume, there had been a surge of 56% in Russian grain shipments to the EU from 2022 to 2023. Notwithstanding, the proportion of Russian grain in the European market has remained less than 1%.

The Kiev regime – currently barred from exporting its dumping-price grain to Poland and other neighbouring EU states – has been complaining that Russian grain should not have an advantage in the market. The Defense Ministry in Kiev and the state-funded think tank of the Kiev School of Economics are the sources of the Russian grain theft allegation, which was first broadcast by CNN in March 2022. US satellite and other intelligence was then used by CNN to repeat the Ukrainian allegation in May 2022. Just before, Reuters, the US propaganda agency based in New York, repeated the allegation, adding “the Kremlin denied Ukraine’s allegations, saying it did not know where the information was coming from.”

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) repeated the allegation with additional state-supplied intelligence in June 2022, but the propaganda organ acknowledged that an uncounted tonnage of the allegedly stolen grain had come from Donetsk and Lugansk, after they had seceded from the Ukraine but before they changed their status from people’s republics to Russian regions.

The BBC also claimed that “part of the grain that ended up in these territories directly belongs to the Ukrainian state. These are the grain of state-owned enterprises and strategic reserves in case, for example, of a war that has actually begun.”

After the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General’s office took over supervision of grain shipments from the Ukraine and Russia through the Black Sea in what was called the Black Sea Grain Initiative Joint Coordination Centre in the third quarter of 2022, the grain theft narrative from Kiev stopped.

With Russian grain harvests running at record levels of 158 million tonnes in 2022 and 143 million tonnes in 2023, the volume of exports to the EU amounts to less than 1% of the harvest; less than 3% of total exports.

This harvest boom has made Russia the western world’s leading grain producer; globally, it comes third after China and India. The Russian farm success has also been forcing down global grain prices. This, according to a western grain broker, amounts to “Russian wheat strangling global market.” “Rising Russian exports,” the broker adds, “increasingly aggressive [lower] Black Sea export pricing, surplus global stocks, waning international demand and the prospect of another massive crop in Russia this year drive global wheat values to their lowest level since the second half of 2020.” Strangling the global profits of wheat exporters in competition with Russia is what this means – Australia, Canada, France and the US. In short, the Ukraine war allies.

At the weekly Moscow briefing which followed the EU announcement in Moscow on May 30, Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova attacked the EU for hypocrisy in reducing market supplies and raising prices when it has been claiming its priority has been food security for the neediest grain-consuming states. “When the West begins to talk about prohibitive duties on Russian grain, I advise them to reconsider their own statements about food security, which they were insisting on two years ago,” Zakharova said. “From their point of view, everything was at stake in order to feed the countries in need. Are the same people, or is it their twins at the microphones, who are now saying exactly the opposite?”

“The Westerners lied two years ago. They had no interest in global food security. They just wanted to help fill the pockets of the major global players – mostly American, Anglo-Saxon companies – who were engaged in resale and made a huge fortune on margin. They used the situation of the moment, the political crisis in Europe, the world, and the situation in Ukraine in order to create opportunities for enrichment. It wasn’t just illegal. It was bloodthirsty. Now they’ve moved on to the next phase…The Westerners want to squeeze out Russia from everywhere. They hoped that our country end up destroying its agriculture by joining the WTO and playing by their rules. That didn’t happen. Agriculture has been restored and feeds the world, fulfilling the capabilities of the Russian Federation and its natural wealth, responding to the call and obvious needs of various countries.”

Trailing after the French in manipulating the Ukraine sanctions war for commercial profit, there have followed the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and his British associate, Martin Griffiths. To follow their scheming to stop Russia exporting grain and crop fertilizers, and to use Ukrainian grain exports to enable the Kiev regime to recover its Black Sea ports, read this and then this.


Vzglyad, the semi-official security analysis platform in Moscow, has just published its assessment of the reasons for the new EU attack on the Russian grain trade and the impact it will have on both sides. The text has been translated verbatim without editing; pictures, URL links, and captions have been added for illustration and reference.

May 31, 2024
Russian grain will find new buyers instead of Europe
By Olga Samofalova

Europe is imposing protective duties on Russian and Belarusian grain. In fact, this means stopping exports from Russia. Why did Brussels continue to buy Russian grain, despite the rupture of many economic ties? And what will this new ban lead to?

The EU has now adopted a ban on the purchase of Russian and Belarusian grain. Protective duties come into force on July 1. The amount of duties was announced at 95 euros per tonne. The EU explained the need for such duties in order to prevent the “destabilization of the European market.”

Now Russia and Belarus either pay low duties or zero, says Belgian Finance Minister Vincent van Peteghem. At the same time, the EU assures that these measures “will not affect transit through the European Union from Russia and Belarus to other countries.” The extension of the increased tariffs to Belarus was also explained by the close economic and political ties between Moscow and Minsk.

The Kremlin has noted that Russia has many alternative supply routes, but European consumers may suffer. The global food situation may also worsen.

Why is Brussels taking this step? From a political point of view, the EU explains this as a nod towards Ukrainian grain. Such a step became a new way to strengthen solidarity with Ukraine, said the Foreign Minister of the Belgian presidency of the EU, Ajah Labib.

“Europe has made such a decision, most likely, because foreign companies, including Cargill and Viterra, can no longer supply grain from Russia, and now only Russian companies are engaged in grain exports from Russia, which are coordinated by the Russian government,” says Ekaterina Novikova, associate professor of economic theory at Plekhanov University of Economics. In addition, this is a great opportunity for Europe to get rid of a rival in the local market with a better product and a more attractive price.”

“Russia has declared itself to be a significant competitive player in the global grain market, which means that it will try to increase its market share at the expense of other countries, including the European countries, Germany and France. The European rejection of Russian grain should help support local farmers. Another issue is that grain production in the EU has become expensive due to rising prices for
fertilizers and electricity. Therefore, in the near future, prices for grain products
in Europe may rise and cause dissatisfaction among European citizens,” Novikova concludes.

Many European farmers, especially the Bulgarian, Polish and Romanian, would, of course, be happy to get rid of Ukrainian grain rather than Russian. Because it has been the Ukrainian volumes which have put them on the brink of survival. However, it is impossible to impose protective duties against the Ukraine from the political point of view. Therefore, Brussels had to extinguish the internal fire against Ukrainian grain by allocating 65 million euros to support the affected farmers.

What are the consequences of such a step by the European Union?


One of the gainers from the EU ban on Russian grain imports is Viterra, owned by the Swiss-based trader Glencore and two Canadian investment funds. The company acknowledges in its annual report, issued in March of this year, that it has been pushed out of the Russian grain trade in which Glencore had once been dominant. In March 2023, Viterra announced that it would exit the Russian market and divest entirely its Russian businesses, including the Black Sea grain export terminal at Taman port. “In October 2023, Viterra concluded the sale of these businesses for an aggregate consideration of $82 million resulting in a loss versus book value of $159 million.” The Glencore/Viterra exit from Russia meant that the company had become a Ukraine grain trader. “As at 31 December 2023, Viterra had total assets of $261 million (approximately 1% of the total Group assets) and total liabilities of $22 million (less than 1% of the total Group liabilities) in Ukraine, after considering all above-mentioned reductions.” These Viterra assets include grain terminals at Chernomorsk and Nikolaev.

According to the [Russian] Union of Grain Exporters, in 2023 the supply of Russian grain crops to the EU amounted to 1.5 million tons – 1.3 billion euros. However, Financial Times sources in the European Commission estimated this volume at 4.2 million tonnes of cereals, oilseeds and their processed products, but for the same amount – 1.3 billion euros.

As for Belarus, according to the estimates of the European Commission, in 2023 it sent 610,000 tonnes of cereals, oilseeds and their processed products to Europe for the amount of 246 million euros.

On the one hand, the volume of supplies of Russian and Belarusian grain is not critical for either side. Even if we are talking about 4 million tonnes of grain which Russia sold to Europe, then as a percentage it is only 1% of the consumption of the European Union, so reducing these supplies will not affect either price growth or food security in Europe, says Nikolai Pereslavsky, head of economic research at CM Service.

However, the change of supplier is still unlikely to pass without leaving its mark.

“For sure, the change of the exporter of grain crops will affect their value, as logistics will become more expensive. First of all, the EU will begin to buy all French grain, and they can import the missing volumes from countries which are world leaders in the grain trade — from Australia, USA, Canada, Argentina, Romania and Bulgaria,” said Vladimir Chernov, an analyst at Freedom Finance Global. But the increase in grain prices should not affect all food products in the EU, he believes, only those goods which are produced from them.

It is worth understanding that during all these years, despite the geopolitical and economic confrontation, the EU continued to buy grain from Russia – and there were reasons for this. Russian grain is of higher quality, as it has higher standard indicators (such as bulk density ), Chernov notes. At the same time, its cost was more profitable and attractive for European consumers than their domestic supplier.

“This year, the cost of grain on the world commodity markets has increased significantly due to frosts in Russia in early May, so Russian exports should also increase in price. However, we assume that even in this case, the prices for Russian grain will still be lower than the European ones: primarily due to the large volumes of exports, and secondly against the background of the likely provision of a discount due to difficulties with export payments and other external risks,” Chernov argues.

Thus, export prices for Russian wheat with 12.5% protein FOB Novorossiysk increased by almost 4% just in the week before May 24, and by as much as 15.6% in the month, the price index centre calculated.



US dollars per bushel


For Russia, the EU’s refusal to buy our grain is unlikely to be critical. A product of such quality and at such a price will definitely find a buyer. “Russian producers shipped 65 million tonnes to all foreign consumers last year. Therefore, this volume of 4 million tons is also not decisive for Russia. Most of the domestic grain is sold to Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran,” Pereslavsky adds.

In the current agricultural season (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024), grain exports from Russia may reach a record of 68 to 70 million tonnes, Deputy Director of the Agroexport Federal Centre, Yevgeny Zaitsev, said at the All-Russian Grain Forum last week. The figure of 70 million tonnes of grain for export, of which wheat amounts to about 53 million tonnes, was also announced by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Patrushev.

From last week’s Russian Grain Forum in Sochi -- left, right.

It should not be difficult for Russia to find buyers for these volumes, Chernov agrees. After all, the EU was not initially the main buyer of our goods; traditionally Russian grain was bought by the countries of the Middle East and the CIS. Last year, the main buyers of Russian grain were Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Algeria, Pakistan and Israel. None of these countries refuses to import Russian grain, therefore, most likely, the lost EU volumes will be redistributed to them, Chernov believes.


Based on the UN COMTRADE data for value (USD), Israel’s importation of Russian grains had a one-year peak in 2018, and since then it has dwindled to below $7 million annually. Corn for animal feed has been the principal Israeli import. Source:

The good news has been the opening of the Indian grain market for imports. The country plans to waive its 40% duty on imported wheat, hoping to resume its supplies, including from Russia. The Indian market could just take over 4-5 million tonnes of grain falling out of the European market.

June 1, 2024 -- source:

The Indian decision to allow wheat imports is a temporary expedient to cover the shortfall of a poor harvest in 2023. However, negotiations are under way for a long-term agreement on imports of pulse crops from Russia, pea and lentil in the first instance.

As for the next season, according to Deputy Prime Minister Patrushev’s forecast, in 2024, despite the frosts, at least 132 million tonnes of grain are expected to be harvested, of which about 85 million tonnes are wheat. Such harvest volumes will allow Russia to supply up to 60 million tonnes of grain to foreign markets. ... st-russia/

Not Gonna Help.

For a very substantial reason.

The US Department of Defense has put out an order for several books by Western researchers on Russian and Chinese military strategies. The materials are meant for US Air Force personnel stationed at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama, which is home to the Air Force Historical Research Agency and Air University. The order, which was made in mid-May on the government’s e-procurement system, is for the following books: ‘Strategiya: The Foundations of the Russian Art of Strategy’ by Ofer Fridman, a lecturer at King’s College London; ‘Russian Grand Strategy in the Era of Global Power Competition’ by Andrew Monaghan; and ‘Putin’s War on Ukraine: Russia’s Campaign for Global Counter-Revolution’ by Samuel Ramani. Also on the list is ‘The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China,’ accompanied by two more books on the combat application of artificial intelligence and space warfare. The Pentagon expects to purchase 600 copies of each book by mid-June.

The reasons being:

1. There are currently NO serious Russia scholar in the West, with remarkable exception of people like Colonel Jacques Baud or Lester Grau. NONE, period. Russia's XX century history is a combination of horror fantasy novels and lies from dissident community and white immigration. How about learning about Soviet realities from REAL historians.

2. For any Western "strategist" writing on Russia the "research" should start from discarding fantasies and fairy tales about West's role in WW II and appropriate use of war correlates and statistics from authoritative sources--not from former Wehrmacht losers who supplied Anglo historiography with pseudo math and copious amount of BS.

3. Studying "strategy" without serious operational background and apparatus (tool kit) which goes into it--is a waste of time. Without serious grasp of math and physical principles on which modern battlefield and technology operate this whole "study" is a waste of time and will produce no positive outcomes with the exception of what Western "strategists" (most of them with humanities degrees) usually do--quoting Clausewitz, Sun Dzu, Jomini et al. This is a fool's errand.

4. In the end, they either accept the fact that the US is primarily a naval power and is not even in the same league with Russia in continental warfare, or they should simply cancel this order and stick to what they know best--confabulation of warfare.

These four points describe in general why reading Western "researches" not gonna help. ... -help.html
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 06, 2024 3:37 pm


When a virulent old anti-Russia person like Goble is forced to print something like this, it’s very interesting. – Natylie

By Paul Goble, Window on Eurasia, 4/26/25

Staunton, Apr. 26 – Despite the fears of many, Vladimir Putin has not blocked the access of Russians to alternative media, commentator Sergey Shelin says; but his policies which have included the closure of some internet sites and Facebook and led some media outlets to move abroad have changed the pattern of the consumption of media in Russia today.

Levada Center surveys show, he continues, that Russian reliance on and attitudes toward state television have remained largely the same; but use of and trust in Telegram channels has increased, from nine percent to 24 percent and five percent to 18 percent respectively (

But use and trust in Internet sites has fallen, not only because telegram channels and YouTube provide more attractive options, Shelin says, but also because many Russians fear that their use of websites is monitored and that if they visit sites the authorities don’t like, they will find themselves in trouble.

Telegram channels don’t inspire similar fears, and not surprisingly, they have become especially popular among Russians under the age of 25 who read them more than they watch TV. Even their elders are making the same choice, and today 32 million Russians turn to telegram channels and spend on average 5.1 hours on telegram every day.

Tens of millions of Russians thus have access to information not controlled by the state via telegram or web pages produced by media centers in the West, a situation very different than was the case in Soviet times when far fewer people listened to “foreign voices” or read underground samizdat.

And that difference from Soviet times must be recognized and hopefully exploited by those who want to challenge the Putin regime, even though the Kremlin leader still dominates the media landscape in his country in ways far greater than in any free and democratic country, Shelin concludes. ... elin-says/

I don't know how severe Soviet censorship was and of course we cannot take the word of their enemies But without doubt it was a state under siege and measures were taken in that regard. Much will be sacrificed for sovereignty.

E and Yo in passports
June 4, 21:35


The Russian Foreign Ministry explains the situation with the letters E and E in passports.

On June 4, 2024, the Consular Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave an explanation about the writing of the letters “e” and “e” in foreign passports.

“Publications periodically appear in the media about cases of foreign passports being invalidated due to the incorrect spelling of the names of citizens containing the letters “e” and “e”. The problem is caused by the fact that, taking into account the optional nature of the use of the letter “e” inherent in the Russian language, When issuing passports, other personal documents, as well as when performing other legally significant actions, the spelling of the applicant’s name was not consistent.

In connection with citizens’ appeals on this topic received by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we would like to note the following,
in accordance with Part 3 of Article 1 . The Federal Law “On the State Language of the Russian Federation”, when drawing up personal documents of citizens, the norms of the modern Russian literary language must be observed.

According to the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation (approved in 1956 by the USSR Academy of Sciences, the USSR Ministry of Higher Education and the RSFSR Ministry of Education) , the letter “e” is written in in particular, in cases where it is necessary to prevent incorrect reading and understanding of a word or to indicate the pronunciation of a little-known word (which can be a proper name).
Administrative regulations for the registration and issuance of a foreign passport, approved by orders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia dated February 12, 2020 No. 2113 and No. 2114, stipulate that when registering a foreign passport at a consular office, the applicant’s name (which means the surname, first name, and patronymic, if any) ) is indicated in accordance with the submitted identification document.

Such a document is a previously issued foreign passport, and in its absence - an internal passport or birth certificate for persons under 14 years of age.
The applicant who has changed his name submits the appropriate supporting document.

For our part, we proceed from the fact that eliminating the variability in the spelling of the applicant’s name and bringing personal data “to a single denominator” facilitates a more effective implementation of his rights and legitimate interests. We recommend that citizens carefully check the correctness of the name in the passport, the correspondence of its spelling with other personal documents, first of all, documents confirming the assignment of the appropriate name to the applicant (birth certificate, marriage certificate, certificate of name change, translations of these documents issued by foreign competent authorities , into the Russian language, the accuracy of which is certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries, i.e. by a Russian notary or consular official).

If discrepancies are detected, it is recommended to take measures to eliminate them: contact the authorized body to issue a passport with the correct spelling of proper names.
Resolving this issue in advance will allow you to avoid troubles, in particular, during passport control when crossing the state border of the Russian Federation."

According to the Consular Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry ... onsulskij- departament-mid-rf-razyasnil-prichiny-priznaniya-nedejstvitelnymi-zagranpasportov.html - tsiek

Georgia will not allow Maidan and Ukrainization.
June 6, 9:03


Georgia will not allow Maidan and Ukrainization.

No one took responsibility for the Ukrainian Maidan and its consequences.
Taking into account the experience of Kyiv, Tbilisi will not allow “Maidan and Ukrainization.”
Ukraine "is almost destroyed, and its economy is in a catastrophic situation."
“We are constantly reminded of the Maidan, and I also want to remind everyone that the Maidan brought Ukraine.
Then Ukrainian authorities were appointed from the outside without any responsibility for subsequent actions”
(c) Prime Minister of Georgia Kobakhidze

On the one hand, all this sounds like the Captain Obvious speech.
But if we take into account that this is coming from the Prime Minister of Georgia, which was ruled by an American puppet regime for a long time, this is a very brave speech.

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Adaptation of Russian enterprises to wartime conditions
June 3, 2024

Last year we wrote about the adaptation of some Russian enterprises to wartime conditions using the example of the Tula Oktava plant , which, in addition to electrical equipment, began producing Obereg body armor .

And today the news appeared that the Ministry of Defense has entered into a contract with the company for the supply of a large batch of these SIBZ. According to official statements, the Russian armed forces will receive a modified version of the Oberegov with a larger protection area.

The event is noteworthy for several reasons. On the one hand, this is a successful episode of production diversification through the creation of “non-core” products in conditions where there is increased demand for them. As a result, the company can receive greater profits and use it, for example, to upgrade capacities.

At the same time, the very fact of concluding such an agreement also indicates some kind of attention of the defense department to such proactive developments. In the end, everything is a plus: the factories are loaded with military orders and receive additional funds, and the customer, represented by the Ministry of Defense, receives tested products and a new alternative supplier.

Well, in general, the release of body armor from Octave is partly an example of a soft version of the same transfer of the economy to a military footing . When the expansion of military production is ensured, among other things, by greater flexibility and adaptation , and not by classic total mobilization measures. ... o-vremeni/

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Fri Jun 07, 2024 3:04 pm



by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

A newly released national poll reveals that Russian public support for the Army and for President Vladimir Putin is growing. At the same time, the proportion of Russians in favour of expanded military operations is rising at the expense of those who favour negotiations. The outcomes for negotiations acceptable to the Russians who support them are rapidly shrinking, too.

This Russian conviction is strengthening in the face of the battlefield casualty rate which, unusually, Putin acknowledged this week to be ten thousand a month.

Putin’s told a press conference on June 5 : “our losses, especially as concerns irreparable losses, unfortunately, then they are several times less than on the Ukrainian side. If we talk about approximate irretrievable losses, then the ratio is the same: one to about five… According to our calculations, the Ukrainian army loses 50,000 people per month as sanitary and irretrievable losses both, although their irretrievable and sanitary losses are approximately 50/50.”

Since the Russian rate of casualty survival for troops at the front is substantially better than the Ukrainian rate because of superior evacuation, front-line and rear medical care, Putin’s numbers suggest that the Russian killed-in-action (KIA) number is at least 3,000 per month.

According to a nationwide survey by face-to-face interview in Russian homes between May 23 and 29, the Levada Centre in Moscow, an independent polling organisation, reports: “Half of the respondents believe it is necessary to move on to peace negotiations — 43% are in favour of continuing military operations, their share has been growing in recent months. However, the majority is not ready to make concessions regarding Ukraine and this share is growing. Russians consider the exchange of prisoners of war and a ceasefire to be acceptable conditions for signing a peace agreement, while the return of new regions and Ukraine’s accession to NATO are completely unacceptable. If there was an opportunity to go back in time and cancel the start of Special Military Operation, slightly more than a third of respondents would reverse this decision — their share has decreased slightly in recent months.”

This also means that Ukrainian missile, artillery, and drone attacks on civilians, refinery and other targets on Russian territory are having no impact on the nationwide commitment to the war and its strategic objectives. On the contrary, threats by NATO leaders to intensify these attacks and extend their range into Russia are increasing public Russian support for lifting Kremlin restrictions on the General Staff’s operational plans for finishing the war at and over the Polish border.

For the official interpretation of what Putin said at his press conference, RT, the state propaganda organ for non-Russian audiences, published “key takeaways”, omitting the casualty disclosures.

RT had reported Putin’s remarks on the casualty rates shortly after he made them, with emphasis on the Ukrainian losses and with the claim that “without specifying the number of Russian casualties, Putin said the number of [Russian] irrecoverable losses was at least five times less than those incurred by Kiev’s forces.”


Levada conducted its home-interview survey across the country in the last week of May; the interview included fixed and open-ended questions.

The pollster had run a similar survey two months earlier in March; read the results published in English here. In this earlier report, Levada used the open-ended question to reveal the range of Russian public views on the end-of-war goals. “According to the data of the open-ended questions — when no hints are offered, but the answers are recorded from the words of the respondent and then combined into semantic groups — among supporters of the continuation of hostilities, 40% of respondents explain their opinion by saying that ‘it is necessary to go to the end’, ‘finish what was started’; 17% who said that ‘it is necessary to destroy fascism’. The opinion that ‘peace talks are useless’, ‘will lead to nothing’, and ‘it is necessary to protect and secure Russia’ is expressed by 15% and 14% of respondents, respectively.”

From its latest survey of public warfighting sentiment, published on June 4, Levada reports that more than half of Russians (55%) are monitoring the war news carefully – 19% very carefully, 36% quite carefully. Older Russians (55 years old and above) are following much more closely than the young under 24 years old. The older Russians watch television as their primary source; the young watch internet sources, such as Youtube.

According to the Levada report, “public assessments of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict are stable. More than half of the respondents are monitoring the situation quite closely. Most support the actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Half of the respondents believe that it is necessary to move on to peace negotiations — 43% are in favour of continuing military operations, their share has been growing in recent months. However, the majority is not ready to make concessions regarding Ukraine and this proportion is growing. Russians consider the exchange of prisoners of war and a ceasefire to be acceptable conditions for signing a peace agreement, while the return of the new [Donbass] regions and Ukraine’s accession to NATO are completely unacceptable. If there was an opportunity to go back in time and either cancel or support the start of [Special Military Operation], slightly more than a third of respondents would reverse this decision (their share has decreased slightly in recent months).”

Support for the Russian military is up to 79% — 83% in the older population, 85% among Moscow residents, 87% of those who rely on television as their source.



The pollsters asked their subjects the hypothetical question of going back in time to say whether, if they could, they would support or oppose the Special Military Operation (SVO in Russian). This is an unusual test of whether the results of the war to date are causing the public to have recriminations. Half the respondents said they would support the start of the SVO – this is up 7 percentage points since the last measurement in October 2023.


As for the future, the poll reveals that public support for achieving the end-of-war objectives first announced in February 2022 has not wavered. “Three quarters of respondents (76%) believe that Russia should not make concessions to Ukraine for the sake of ending the military conflict and signing a peace agreement. 17% say that Russia should make concessions. This ratio has remained virtually unchanged over the past year since February 2023.”

What end-of-war objectives are negotiable?

“The question was asked for the third time about which conditions of concluding a peace agreement are preferable and which are unacceptable. “Opinion on a ceasefire, exchange of prisoners of war, and return of the LDPR [Lugansk Donetsk People’s Republics] to Ukraine has changed little: the vast majority of respondents consider the exchange of prisoners of war preferable or permissible (94%); a ceasefire is considered preferable or permissible by more half (60%) of the respondents; and three-quarters of the respondents consider the return of the LDPR unacceptable (74%).”

“Regarding two other conditions, opinion in society has changed – for example, since February 2023 the proportion of respondents who considers the return of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions unacceptable has increased by 7 percentage points (73% in May 2024), and the proportion of respondents who considers Ukraine’s accession to NATO unacceptable (83% in May 2024) has increased by 7 percentage points.”



Levada surveys public approval of Putin’s performance every month. In the March and May measurements, the president’s rating was 87%. This tops the past decade of his monthly ratings except for mid-2015, when public approval for Putin reached 89%.

Image ... more-89964


New Federal District
June 6, 17:39


The head of the Zaporozhye region, Balitsky, said that it is planned to create a new federal district in the near future, which will include Crimea, Sevastopol, DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. The project itself is not new; it has been discussed for several years.
Of course, some of the enemy-occupied territories of the federal district still have to be recaptured.

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Reshuffles in the Russian Ministry of Defense
June 5, 2024

Reshuffles in the Ministry of Defense are still a hot topic of discussion in the domestic media field. It’s curious how Western think-tanks view them: an article by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) came across an attempt to predict the consequences of the appointment of a new defense minister.

The authors note the “economic” past of Andrei Belousov and point to effective measures to overcome the financial crisis in 2014-2016, measures to combat the consequences of the pandemic and a tax on excess income of corporations. At the same time, the publication calls him a “supporter of central planning . ”

According to CSIS, Belousov made great efforts to import substitution in the defense industry, but they turned out to be insufficient after the start of the SVO. As a result, it was decided to purchase the missing products of military or dual value from friendly countries - China, Iran and North Korea.

According to the compilers of the material, under Belousov, the Russian defense industry can count on closer integration with the vision of the Ministry of Defense on the future of the RF Armed Forces , and they see the appointment of an economist to the post of Minister of Defense as an attempt to “tune” the economy to a protracted conflict.

In general, the reshuffles in the Russian defense department at CSIS are considered in the context of the work of the defense industry, and not the “military” component . Which is not surprising given the words of the authors that the West should prepare for a “war of attrition” in the so-called. Ukraine.

It should also be noted that Belousov’s appointment came as a big surprise to Western think tanks. And when reading some of the abstracts of the CSIS material, one gets the strong impression that for them what is happening in the Ministry of Defense remains terra incognito .

Meeting of the President of Russia with representatives of major foreign media within the framework of SPIEF
June 6, 2024

Yesterday, Vladimir Putin , for the first time in a long time, held a meeting with representatives of major foreign media within the framework of SPIEF . One of the topics was a possible response to Western countries’ permission to use high-precision long-range weapons in the “old” regions of Russia.

According to him, Russia reserves the opportunity to supply similar weapons to those regions of the world from where it will be possible to strike sensitive targets on the territory of countries that supply military products to the Kiev regime. The latter, by the way, includes the lion's share of NATO countries.

How did the Western media react to these words? The New York Times noted that it remains not entirely clear which specific regions were discussed in the statement. Journalists recalled the recent appearance of Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus, as well as the fact that American bases in Syria are formally located in the affected area of ​​the Russian Armed Forces.

Other publications covered the situation even more restrainedly: in particular, the British The Guardian , The Telegraph , Reuters , the American CNN channel and other major media have so far limited themselves to only quoting the direct speech of the Russian President without any analytical calculations.

Be that as it may, Vladimir Putin’s statements are an important component in the information agenda of the Western media. However, a consolidated position on this matter and statements by various kinds of public opinion leaders will most likely appear later as events develop. ... mkah-pmef/

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Zircons Paying A Visit..

... no, not Cuba and Venezuela only. This is the message.

МЕХИКО, 6 июн — РИА Новости. Отряд из четырех кораблей российского Военно-морского флота прибудет с официальным визитом в порт Гаваны 12 июня, сообщило Министерство иностранных дел Кубы. "В период с 12 по 17 июня 2024 года порт Гавана с официальным визитом посетит отряд Военно-морского флота Российской Федерации в составе четырех кораблей: фрегат "Горшков", АПЛ "Казань", нефтяной танкер "Пашин" и спасательный буксир "Николай Чикер", — говорится в коммюнике на сайте ведомства. В Гаване отметили, что прибытие российских судов отвечает дружественным отношениям между Кубой и Россией, а также строго соответствует международным правилам. Там подчеркнули, что ни один из кораблей не несет ядерного оружия и их стоянка не представляет угрозы для региона.

Translation: MEXICO CITY, June 6 – RIA Novosti. A detachment of four ships of the Russian Navy will arrive on an official visit to the port of Havana on June 12, the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. “In the period from June 12 to 17, 2024, a detachment of the Russian Navy consisting of four ships will pay an official visit to the port of Havana: the frigate Gorshkov, the nuclear submarine Kazan, the oil tanker Pashin and the rescue tug Nikolai Chiker.” , says a communiqué on the department’s website. In Havana, they noted that the arrival of the Russian ships is in line with friendly relations between Cuba and Russia, and also strictly complies with international rules. They emphasized that none of the ships carry nuclear weapons and their stay does not pose a threat. for the region.

These are the biggest guns in cruise missile business in the world. Gorshkov carries 32 Onyx, Zircon, Kalibrs and Otvet. These are the most advanced and deadly cruise missiles in history, with a serious combat pedigree. Kazan, which is Yasen-class SSGN carries also 32 VLS and, in addition, has 10 torpedo tubes which can shoot not just torpedoes.


For people who long ago adjusted themselves to the realities of a modern missile combat it is absolutely clear that while both can strike all of the Eastern seaboard of the US and Canada, they are there not for that reason. God forbid it comes to real WW III there are plenty of Bulavas, Avangards, Sarmats and Yarses to deal with this horrifying business. No, both Gorshkov and Kazan are there to show that they can reach any combat ship or strategic sea lift vessel carrying any military combat set from North America to Europe in case of some nutjob deciding to try to survive a conventional war with Russia in 404.

I want to remind you again about what just one Yasen-class armed only with 800-km range Onyx missiles can do in terms of possible "patrol" along the Atlantic SLOC:


Zircon carriers can sink any CBG or escort without even entering the risk zone of farthest edge of CBG patrol, including early warning aircraft. But, of course, Russia has more than two carriers of this "strike package". Plus, never forget good ol' pr. 949A Oscars, not to mention venerable pr. 971 Schuka (NATO Akula) who go to sea regularly. That's the message--in case of war the US will not be able to resupply and deploy additional troops to Europe. In related news, commemorating 80th Anniversary of the D-Day, Biden didn't even mention a key role Soviet Union and Red Army played making Allied landing possible. But, of course, we all know, should have Patton planned and executed Operation Bagration he would surely have done it better than Russkies. Boy, I wish the guy was present at Kursk Battle. ... visit.html


Who Might Russia Arm As An Asymmetrical Response To The West Arming Ukraine?

JUN 07, 2024


Russia might seriously consider relying on its Iranian strategic partner to arm the Axis of Resistance in order to either force a humiliating American withdrawal from at least parts of West Asia, Syria in particular, or draw it into a major regional conflict right before the November elections.

President Putin cryptically answered as follows when asked on Thursday about his country’s response to the West letting Ukraine use its weapons to strike targets inside of Russia’s universally recognized borders: “If someone deems it possible to supply such weapons to the war zone, to strike our territory… why shouldn’t we supply similar weapons to those regions of the world, where they will be used against sensitive sites of these countries? We can respond asymmetrically. We will give it a thought.”

The Axis of Resistance is the only force that has political will to strike sensitive Western sites. These Iranian-allied groups already attacked American bases in Syria, Iraq, and Jordan, the first of which were built without Damascus’ approval while the others assist with this illegal occupation. They’ve ramped up their strikes since the latest Israeli-Hamas war, sometimes eliciting an overwhelming response, but the US continues to stay put since withdrawing would hand the Axis of Resistance a major victory.

Therein lies the reason why Russia might seriously consider relying on its Iranian strategic partner to arm these groups in order to either force a humiliating American withdrawal from at least parts of West Asia, Syria in particular, or draw it into a major regional conflict right before the November elections. The public doesn’t have the appetite for another war in this part of the world, nor do they want to fund one anywhere near the tune that they’re funding Ukraine, plus the Pentagon has to replenish its stockpiles.

On top of that, Israel is struggling to attain its goals in Gaza, so it too isn’t prepared for another major regional conflict. At most, the self-professed Jewish State could carry out more airstrikes against the Axis of Resistance and maybe arm Ukraine with offensive weapons in response to Russia arming Syrian and Iraqi groups via Iran, especially if they funnel arms to Hezbollah. Israel is unlikely to risk full-fledged Iranian retaliation by crossing its red lines, however, so escalation risks would probably remain minimal.

The reason why Russia hasn’t already done this and is only “giving it a thought” right now in President Putin’s words is because this policy could lead to very adverse unintended consequences. He’s a consummate pragmatist and generally very cautious about making major moves, which he only undertakes after carefully studying every possible dimension of them, and even then, usually only at the last possible moment. Crimea, Syria, and the special operation are perfect examples of this approach.

While many would love to see Russia help Iran give the US a bloody nose in West Asia via the Axis of Resistance, the Kremlin is worried that this could lead to the US maximally “escalating to de-escalate” in Ukraine by ordering NATO troops to cross the Dnieper and threateningly approach Russia’s new borders. In that dangerous game of nuclear chicken, Moscow might resort to tactical nukes as a last resort out of self-defense, which could prompt a series of fast-moving events that ends in the apocalypse.

Additionally, while there’s poetic justice in Russia using Iran to chase the US out of West Asia just like the US used Ukraine to chase Russia out of the Black Sea (as some Westerners spin it at least), there’s always the chance that regional escalation risks spiral out of control due to Netanyahu being a loose cannon. He’s under domestic and international pressure like never before, and he might seriously consider “escalating to d-escalate” against Iran just like the US might against Russia (whether coordinated or not).

From his perspective, Russia relying on Iran to arm the Axis of Resistance with better weapons for striking the US’ regional bases could tilt the balance of power between Israel and Hezbollah, thus making the self-professed Jewish State more vulnerable than ever vis-à-vis its adversaries. Accordingly, just like the US might order NATO troops to cross the Dnieper and threateningly approach Russia’s new borders, Israel might threaten to cross Hezbollah’s red lines, both of which could lead to World War III.

Even if the US and Israel don’t overreact to Russia’s potentially arming the Axis of Resistance via Iran, some of these weapons might also be funneled to Yemen’s Houthis, who could then use them to threaten Saudi Arabia. President Putin is on excellent terms with the Kingdom’s Crown Prince, and their two countries jointly manage the global oil market. The scenario of their ties deteriorating if some Russian weapons find their way to the Houthis might also make him think twice about this option.

All things considered, the most likely asymmetrical response to the West letting Ukraine use its weapons to strike targets inside of Russia’s universally recognized borders is Russia arming the Axis of Resistance with better weapons via Iran so that they’ll have a greater chance of destroying US bases in West Asia. That said, President Putin hasn’t yet decided on this course of action since he’s always reluctant to make major moves due to his fear of unintended consequences, but he certainly seems to be thinking about it. ... ymmetrical

(I like doing this thread because it allows us to see other aspects of Russia than the war and Western propaganda but it seems that war overtakes...)
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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