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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:42 pm

Sinapred alert that vandalism increases vulnerability of Nicaraguan families

The destruction of power lines, as well as damage to streets and roads, represent risk factors205444

Dr. Guillermo González, Co-Director of Sinapred |


The National System for the Prevention, Mitigation and Attention of Disasters (Sinapred) reported on the human damages caused by vandalism the country suffers. The deterioration of the road infrastructure, the lack of access of rescue vehicles and other elements resulting from this situation limit the good development of prevention actions.

"Taking into account the vulnerability that much of our population has in much of the national territory, with much responsibility we have analyzed the situation that at this moment the Nicaraguan people have, if it were to present a situation of national emergency, which may impact mainly those sectors with the poorest population, "explained Dr. Guillermo González, co-director of Sinapred.

He pointed out that among the limitations that already exist is the issue of food income for vulnerable sectors such as children and young people, many of whom are not receiving school meals. This situation leads to the creation of food insecurity conditions, with health conditions such as malnutrition. Other affected sectors are the elderly and pregnant women, since the response capacity to respond to them in an emergency situation would be limited, said González.

The destruction of power lines, as well as damage to streets and highways, in many Nicaraguan cities, represent other risk factors and danger for the population, said the co-director of Sinapred.

In this regard, he said that the destruction of cobbled streets causes the existence of ponds and the obstruction of drainage systems, which means that in the rainy season many neighborhoods are exposed to floods and major damages.

Throughout the country 317 neighborhoods of 17 communities, 24 companies in 31 municipalities and 13 departments of the country accumulate tons of garbage that are promoting the growth of vectors that transmit lethal diseases, he said.

"The use of mortars and spellbinding weapons in sectors very close to where flammable material accumulates, such as gas stations and restaurants where there are propane tanks, can cause far-reaching explosions with incalculable damage. In the neighborhoods there is fear, which affects the fact that the population is fragile to implement their family and community plans and emergency evacuation routes, which can be highly dangerous for many sectors, "he said.

He warned that the obstruction or denial of entry and free movement of fire departments, the Red Cross and ambulances to places where incidents are recorded, also affects the safety of families.

"We are having difficulties in first response institutions, especially when qualified personnel try to enter to provide services to the population. The destruction in these moments of 57 delegations of government and mayors, is not limited to the destruction of infrastructure, it has also lost valuable information that is what allows to organize the response in a timely manner to sectors affected by the threats we are facing. exposed, "he said.

He indicated that more than 200 vehicles have been destroyed, including ambulances, fire trucks, work machinery and more than 500 computers in government delegations and city halls.

He reiterated that the 48 dams located in the national territory reduce the possibility of effectively and timely serving families and communities. As an example of this, he reported that out of 67 registered fires, only 34 were extinguished. ... raguenses/

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Wednesday, June 6, 2018
National Police presents members of the criminal gang "Viper"
The group was dismantled on May 31. The bloodthirsty criminals hid in the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua205451
National Police presents members of criminal gang "Viper" |

The National Police of Nicaragua presented on Tuesday to members of the criminal gang known as "Viper", linked to organized crime, drug trafficking, terrorism, murder and robbery.

After days of intense investigation, the Chief Commissioner, Luis Alberto Pérez Olivas, head of the Judicial Assistance Department, reported the capture of Cristhian Josué Mendoza Fernández, alias "Viper", and Felix Maradiaga, the group's main leader.

Pérez explained that these subjects have carried out murders, robberies with force, theft of vehicles, looting of stores, terrorism and other crimes. The bloodthirsty criminals hid in the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua (UPOLI).

At the press conference, a series of murders and robberies committed by the "Viper" and his cronies, who received guidance from Maradiaga, were announced. It should be noted that most of these events occurred within the framework of the alleged "social protests" that take place in the country.

Also, the entity presented a video where "Viper" reveals how the crimes were committed and names each of the criminals involved in these criminal acts. This band was dismantled on May 31, capturing Cristhian Josué and Andrew Salvador Úbeda Martínez and Katherine Maurian Ruiz López.

"Since April 18, 2018, they had been committing criminal activities in different parts of the country, with firearms, handicrafts, mortars and Molotov cocktails. These facts came to alter the peace, the tranquility, causing terror, anxiety, in the Nicaraguan families and communities, "Pérez said.

He also added that Javier Carrillo "El Mexicano", Humberto Arias (aka H) Pio Arellano (logistics manager) and Antonio Gutiérrez ("El Perro"), among other criminals, are involved in this structure.

Image ... ial-viper/

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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:55 pm

Two people die during violent events in Nicaragua

The victims were attacked by a group of armed hooded men during two isolated demonstrations in Nicaragua. | Photo:
Published 7 June 2018 (50 minutes ago)

The Nicaraguan police called for peace, respect and free circulation in public spaces to stop vandalism.
The National Police of Nicaragua confirmed the death of two people, who were attacked by armed vandalism groups in the cities of Masaya and Chinandega, towns recently affected by violent street protests.

According to a statement from the authorities, the young man, Jorge Zepeda Carrión, was killed by a bullet hit by groups of hooded men armed with mortars and Molotov cocktails that were in the Masaya region .

The second victim was the administration student, José Leonel Cascos Berríos from the city of Chinandega, in the south of the country, he died in similar circumstances, when allegedly a group of young people shot him when he was walking near a private property that was fenced and taken by several hoods.

According to the local newspaper La Prensa, the isolated incidents took place during the lifting of the barricades and violent demonstrations in the country, which have caused the death of more than 127 people and hundreds of wounded, despite Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega's call for dialogue.

The Nicaraguan police called for peace, respect for free circulation in public spaces so that vandalism, led by university students from the private sector and groups opposed to the government, could cease.

They also ratified their commitment to guarantee the tranquility, protection and safety of civilians for the peace of the families of the country. ... -0037.html

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Time for authority to be exercised.
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 12, 2018 1:48 pm

Current situation puts at risk fifty thousand jobs in free zones
Trade unionists and workers from free zones reaffirmed their willingness to defend their work
Fifty thousand jobs in free zones in danger |

The Trade Union Confederation of Workers José Benito Escobar and the Trade Union Confederation of Free Zone Workers issued a statement to reaffirm their willingness to defend their work and not stop their work, given the violence that Nicaraguans employed in that area have been victims of. sector.

"We will not support or endorse any act of violence against our coworkers," the document reads.

They stressed that no NGO represents the workers of the maquilas, so they can not issue statements on their behalf.

They indicated that they support the possibility of integrating representatives from different social sectors into the national dialogue, while repudiating "any intention that promotes instability in our work environments."

"Employers have told us that because they can not work, they will decide to suspend companies in free zones, and that would be catastrophic for the country. If these dams continue because of people being manipulated, we would lose approximately fifty thousand jobs. The majority are women who are the only support in their homes and single mothers, "said Pedro Ortega, Secretary of Labor Affairs of the Confederation of Trade Union Free Zone Workers.

He added that the position of the workers has been all the time to defend their jobs in the face of violent acts and lack of access caused by the various dams located in the country, which also make it impossible for raw materials to enter.

"We call for these attitudes to be dropped because workers in free zones want work and job stability," he said.

For its part, trade unionist Damaris Mesa said that to date workers in free zones are guaranteed employment. ... =hootsuite

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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 12, 2018 2:26 pm

Nicaragua Police: Organized Groups Committing "Acts of Terrorism"
Published 11 June 2018

The police statement detailed multiple incidents of violence spreading across Managua, Masaya, Jinotega, Matagalpa and Leon.
The Nicaraguan police, in a press release to the media, have disclosed a number of incidents of criminal activities which have been destabilizing the country and disrupting “public order and peace” of the people of the nation.

The security officials say that various organized groups – armed with firearms, mortar shells and Molotov cocktails – have been committing “acts of terrorism” against Nicaraguans.

The statement detailed multiple incidents of violence, spreading across Managua, Masaya, Jinotega, Matagalpa and Leon, resulting in kidnappings, several deaths and injuries as well as the destruction of private and government property.

The release said members of the Los Frijoleros gang turned guns on each other in Managua, while one man was shot dead, a cafe set on fire and several police officers received injuries in Masaya. A number of vehicles and properties were said to be extensively damaged, and many people injured and or kidnapped in Jinotega, the statement further added.

The rampage, police said, took place on Saturday and Sunday.

A healthcare facility was attacked by projectiles and a church was robbed of a sound system and other items in Leon. Four people, two of whom are yet to be identified, were injured in a fracas in Matagalpa late Saturday.

The National Police is urging criminal elements to “respect life, public and private property” as well as allowing people to move freely without hindrance throughout the states.

The police also added that they will continue to work relentlessly towards sustaining the peace, security and tranquility of the people, for families and communities across Nicaragua. ... -0002.html

see video at link

The video stats that police are being kept in barracks. This is the same as Ukraine and Venezuela where the governments bent over backwards to placate the US proxies, to no avail. It is a losing tactic but giving the US an excuse to go medieval has it's downside too....
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:55 pm

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Workers of the markets turn their backs on the coup d'etat


Despite the announced coup d'état that promotes private enterprise in the country on Thursday, many sectors ignore among themselves the self-employed workers of the Israel Lewites and Oriental markets.

The sellers of fruits, vegetables, seafood and basic grains, among others, keep their activities normal and shatter the destabilizing attempts of those who have put their economic interests above those of the people.

According to Petrona Sánchez, a merchant, their work does not depend on the private company, but on the newspaper they make, so they will not stop working.

"We do not stop because people need to eat and we too, here we keep seafood prices, we have a lot of product and we are very enthusiastically welcoming the people," he said.

Also Henry Campos ensures its good supply of seafood whose prices have not changed. "We are working with dignity and helping each other between brothers, because we need the people and the people of us merchants, here are the best prices for families," he said.

The own account sector ensures that they are not represented by employers, promoters of unemployment that today has been discredited by the people and workers.

"We all need to work, we have to feed our children, pay our debts. I believe that those who did not open their businesses today and are in the bars, are vague people, without obligations. We urge the people to come because we maintain the prices, "said Dina Carballo.

In as much Santos Hernandez reaffirms that the poor we must look for the daily bread, although the private company says that there is unemployment, to us we do not interest because if we do not work we do not eat. The poorest come to the markets and we can not close.

The population also ensures that the commercial activity has not stopped, which is why they went to the markets to make their usual weekly purchases, noting that in these sites the prices are more accessible and the products are fresher.

"We are all normal, doing our shopping, carrying our little books of chicken, egg and cheese. This stoppage does not affect us because we do not work for any company, we work but we do not eat, so I say to those of Cosep, stop putting the people in fear, "said Nubia Flores.

Many considered that the call to unemployment is abusive and that it undermines the economy of humble families. This is what Luz Marina Miranda says and says that we can not stay at home, we have to work.

In the outskirts of Servigob, Griselda Cruz, in a small kiosk sells donuts and soy products.

"We have to continue in the struggle to keep subsisting and getting work done and the adults are coming to pay, thank God we have done well and we are working," he said.

Likewise, the Directorate of Immigration and Immigration is assisting Nicaraguans and foreigners who need to complete immigration procedures normally.

Sub-inspector Fanor Arana Moncada explained that they are carrying out all the procedures concerning a passport and a visa for minors leaving.

"The headquarters has increased the passport and exit visa procedures by seventy percent; as for the departmental offices, the schedule goes from eight in the morning to five in the afternoon; in Metrocentro and Plaza de las Américas we fear a schedule from ten in the morning to six in the afternoon. "

At the headquarters, the hours of operation are eight in the morning until the last person is served.

Fanor said that in the departmental headquarters they have had difficulties in sending documentation and the return of passports.

"At the border posts, they are attending in a normal manner, with an increase in passport procedures."

Guadalupe Cruz, of Guatemalan origin, commented that she is doing the passport procedures with the normal attention of other occasions. "The attention is fine and thanks to the gentleman they are attending normal".

Image ... -golpista/

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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:31 pm

Six dead after arson in Nicaragua

These facts are given a day before the Government and the protesters decided to resume the peace talks. | Photo: The New Diary

Published 16 June 2018 (20 hours 28 minutes ago)

Neighbors indicated that a vandal group threw Molotov cocktails and mortars inside the house.
At least six people lost their lives early this Saturday after violent groups set fire to a home in Managua , capital of Nicaragua .

Among the deceased were two children, eight months and one year and a half. The remaining four people, including two women, were totally burnt, according to the Benemérito Fire Department , who attended the fire.

Photo: The New Diary

In that residence, located in the Carlos Marx neighborhood , fabrics and mattresses were also sold.

Neighbors indicated that the vandal group threw Molotov cocktails and mortars inside the house. Firefighters were also attacked, according to a statement from the National Police.

Hours later, two people were set on fire with fuel and after being shot by hooded criminals while workers of the municipal mayor's office , the National Police and residents carried out street cleaning work to clear roadblocks.

These facts are given a day before the Government and the protesters decided to resume the peace talks. ... -0018.html

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Barrier removal is agreed in dialogue in Nicaragua

The meeting was held at the Seminary of Our Lady of Fatima, in Managua (capital). | Photo: The 19 Digital

Published 16 June 2018

The bishops and the delegate of the Government, Denis Moncada , debated on the pockets of violence that have been registered in the nation by groups linked to the opposition.
On Friday, the dialogue for peace in Nicaragua was resumed after 15 days of being suspended by the Episcopal Conference . The Government called again in order to present its proposals and return peace to the country.

The bishops and the delegate of the Government, Denis Moncada , debated on the pockets of violence that have been registered in the nation by groups linked to the opposition.

The meeting was held at the Seminary of Our Lady of Fatima, in Managua (capital), where major issues such as human rights and democratization were discussed, as well as the response of President Daniel Ortega to the proposals presented to him.

After a day of work, the points agreed by the representatives of the different sectors were known, among which the call to the cessation of all types of violence, as well as the final removal of the barricades stand out.

Agreements on Human Rights reached this Friday
1. Urge the presence of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to continue the investigation into the deaths and acts of violence in Nicaragua. Installation of independent experts for Nicaragua.

2. Invite the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Human Rights and the European Union.

3. Immediate presence of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS).

4. Call for the cessation of all types of violence and threats wherever they come from.

5. The Verification and Security Commission is created.

6. Cessation of all forms of all forms of surveillance and threats from wherever they come and a Plan for the removal of traffic jams. ... -0003.html

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This is madness, these scum are not even making the pretense of politics, this is flat out extortion and terrorism, in it's most succinct definition. How long can this be tolerated or be met only with conciliatory words?
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 19, 2018 8:50 pm

MSMEs say that the only dialogue to achieve peace

Published on Tuesday June 19, 2018 at 2:41 p.m.


The micro, small and medium enterprises ( MIPYMES ) state that dialogue is the only way to achieve peace, it should be noted that MSME producers make up the National Dialogue table, where they highlight that the situation that the country is facing seriously affects each of them. the productive sectors.

" It is unfortunate that we continue to pay death to this situation of social, political and economic crisis, " said Leonardo Torres, Representative of MSMEs. With the confidence that the mediating agent of the National Dialogue, such as the Episcopal Conference as mediator, is persevering and enlightened with divine wisdom so that the welfare and tranquility of Nicaraguan families can be successfully and impartially achieved.

Also, Presidency of the National Agricultural Union of Associated Producers ( UNAPA ), highlighted the loss of dairy production, as the delay in the inputs for the first planting and all kinds of impact on the family and national economy.

" We are contributing to an atmosphere of peace, " emphasized Lola Esquivel, representative of women producers, preserving the hope in the dialogue and the prudence of the population not to be manipulated by some media that keep the population in distress. ... ar-la-paz/
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:45 pm

General in retirement Glauco Robelo denounces manipulations and threats against his family

The General in Retreat of the Nicaraguan Army, compañero Glauco Robelo, denounced through the news channel Multinoticias of Channel 4, the death threats that sectors of the Golpista Right are carrying out on his person and his family in the different social networks.

General in retirement Glauco Robelo denounces manipulations and threats against his family

The former Nicaraguan soldier rejected accusations from different media outlets of the Right, which point him as a leader of armed groups and invited them to promote peace, reconciliation and good coexistence among Nicaraguans.

"For days now they have been taking social networks that I am the leader of paramilitary groups, they have taken pictures of me, where they say look for it and kill it, that is a violation of my rights and they have followed my children, my daughters and they have attacked me. vehicle, "Robelo denounced.

He assured that he has been removed from the army since 2005 and that he is appointed by the Right, as a leader of paramilitary groups.

"I am a Sandinista militant for 45 years and that is my right, but that they already mess with my family that is something else, I have come to make this public denunciation because I will go to the last places to go, I will go to the human rights commission to accuse Miguel Mora, Carlos Fernando Chamorro and the director of La Prensa, because they will not kill my family for pleasure, "said Robelo.

He assured that he will not use the same methods of intimidation that are being promoted by the media of the right, nor the leaders who want to promote a coup d'état.

He acknowledged that 40 years ago he was leader of the insurrection of the town of Masaya against the Somoza dictatorship and later joined the Nicaraguan Army, of which he is proud of having belonged.

"With a series of comrades we led the final offensive, but that does not make my police, that was a police operation (lived today in Masaya), the police have the constitutional right to put order, but I have nothing to see and my put like the great Rambo that I went to release Masaya, "he said.

He called on the Sandinista militancy not to be provoked by the hordes of the Right, and to be careful because of the violent actions carried out by the criminals who are being financed by the coup leaders.

"We want peace, we do not want the Sandinistas to go out into the streets and do the atrocities that these criminals are doing, who have burned the cities, burned Leon, burned down all Masaya, who are the arsonists, if the people are not gross, this people are not gross, who are what they are doing barbarities, because we better not sit and talk, the people want peace, "said Robelo.

He demanded that where there are dams be eliminated because they are a focus of crime, they are places where crimes and abuses against the population are committed.

Source: El 19 Digital ... su-familia

The 'dams' in this wretched Google Translation are road blocks the fascist punks have set up to harass and abuse the public and to bring economic activity and sustenance itself to a halt.

I can only think that the Sandanista government is making absolutely sure the public fully supports whatever strong measures it deems necessary to put an end to this shit. Me, I'd hang a brace of bankers, which is proly why I got no responsibility.
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:15 pm

US Gov. Meddling Machine Boasts of ‘Laying the Groundwork for Insurrection’ in Nicaragua
As Nicaraguan student protest leaders meet with neoconservatives in Washington, DC, a publication funded by the US government’s regime change arm, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), boasts of spending millions of dollars “laying the groundwork for insurrection” against Daniel Ortega

By Max Blumenthal

While some corporate media outlets have portrayed the violent protest movement gripping Nicaragua as a progressive grassroots upswell, the country’s own student leaders have suggested otherwise.

In early June, Nicaragua’s leading young activists went on a junket to Washington, DC, on the dime of the US government-funded right-wing advocacy group Freedom House. The Nicaraguan student leaders were there to beseech Donald Trump and other right-wing US government officials to help them in their fight against Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega.

On the excursion to the US capital, the young activists posed for photo-ops with some of the most notorious neoconservatives in the US Congress: Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. The Nicaraguan student leaders were also shepherded to meetings with top officials from the State Department and the US government soft power organization USAID. There, they were reassured that they would have Washington’s full-throated support.

A month before the student protesters’ meetings with ultra-conservative lawmakers in Washington, a publication funded by the US government’s regime change arm, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), bluntly asserted that organizations backed by the NED have spent years and millions of dollars “laying the groundwork for insurrection” in Nicaragua.

This article openly boasting of US meddling was published in the Latin America-focused news website Global Americans, and was authored by US academic Benjamin Waddell, the academic director of the School for International Training in Nicaragua. Following publication of this piece, Global Americans replaced the term “insurrection” with the more innocuous word “change.” The original headline can however still be seen in the article’s URL.

Despite the cosmetic alteration, Waddell’s article offers a remarkably candid assessment of the impact of the National Endowment for Democracy’s sustained investments in Nicaraguan civil society. The author’s conclusions inadvertently echoed those of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and his supporters, who have framed the protests as a carefully staged plot backed to the hilt by Washington.

“International press has depicted the rapid escalation of civil unrest in Nicaragua as a spontaneous explosion of collective discontent, triggered by the government’s changes to its insolvent social security system and rooted in more than a decade of authoritarian rule by the Ortega-Murillo family,” Waddell wrote. “And while the underlying causes of the turmoil are rooted in government mismanagement and corruption, it’s becoming more and more clear that the U.S. support has helped play a role in nurturing the current uprisings.”

In another striking passage, Waddell concluded, “the NED’s current involvement in nurturing civil society groups in Nicaragua sheds light on the power of transnational funding to influence political outcomes in the 21st century.”


A history of meddling
The NED is a leading agent of US soft power that has meddled in other countries’ affairs since its founding at the height of the Cold War, in 1983. Its first success took place in Nicaragua, where it incubated anti-Sandinista media outfits like the La Prensa newspaper through a cut-out, PRODEMCA, that was also covertly funded by allies of Oliver North.

In 1990, the Sandinistas were defeated at the polls by the right-wing candidate Violeta Chamorro, whose family happened to own La Prensa. Chamorro’s victory represented the culmination of nearly $16 million dollars in NED grants to anti-Sandinista political parties and media outlets.

“A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA,” Allen Weinstein, a founder of the NED, commented in 1991.

In the years that followed, the NED and its partners have helped swing elections for right-wing neoliberal candidates in Russia and Mongolia in 1996; fomented a coup that drove Haiti‘s democratically elected president Jean Bertrand Aristide from power; and directed millions towards dismantling Venezuela‘s socialist government, an ongoing effort complimented by crushing US sanctions.

The protests that have erupted in Nicaragua have brought the NED’s influence back into focus all over again. According to Waddell, the NED has spent $4.1 million in the country since 2014, helping grow 54 groups into major players on the political scene and “laying the groundwork for insurrection.”

The US-backed network behind the protests

The unrest that has paralyzed Nicaragua was triggered by the announcement by President Daniel Ortega of reforms to the nearly bankrupt social security system. The International Monetary Fund and a local business umbrella group had insisted on changes that would have raised the retirement age and gradually privatized health clinics, threatening some of the most significant gains of the Sandinista revolution.

When Ortega countered with a proposal that would have demanded a greater contribution into the system from businesses and retirees, with business owners paying the lion’s share, a sector of the public exploded with outrage. The angry reaction to Ortega’s plan, reinforced with intensive coverage by opposition media sources, became the spark for rolling protests that have set the country on fire — literally, in many cases.

The most visible faces of the anti-Ortega movement have not been retirees impacted by the social security reforms, but urban, politically unaffiliated students seeking a total victory. They have forged an alliance with the traditional right-wing, pro-business opponents of Sandinismo, along with a marginal sector of former Sandinistas alienated by Ortega’s rapid consolidation of power.

Meanwhile, masked men toting homemade mortars and firearms have formed the front line of the tranque road blocks that have already drained Nicaragua’s economy of some $250 million in revenue. To date, some 170 people have been killed in the chaos. As the death toll mounts on both sides, talk of a new civil war seems like a more than remote possibility.

Since the unrest began, the NED has taken measures to conceal the names of the groups it funds in Nicaragua on the grounds that they could face reprisals from the government. But the main recipients of backing from Washington were already well known in the country.

Hagamos Democracia, or Let’s Make Democracy, is the largest recipient of NED funding, reaping over $525,000 in grants since 2014. The group’s president, Luciano Garcia, who oversees a network of reporters and activists, has declared that Ortega has turned Nicaragua into a “failed state” and demanded his immediate resignation.

The Managua-based Institute for Strategic Studies and Public Policy (IEEPP) has received at least $260,000 from the NED since 2014. The grants have been earmarked to support the IEEPP’s work in training activists on “encouraging debate and generating information on security and violence.” The funding has also covered efforts to monitor the “increased presence of Russia and China in the region,” an obvious priority for Washington.

As soon as the violent protests against Ortega were ignited, IEEPP director Felix Mariadiaga brought his agenda out into the open. A former World Economic Forum Young Global Leader educated at Yale and Harvard, Mariadaga was hailed by La Prensa for having “sweated, bled and cried alongside the young students who have led the protests in Nicaragua that continue from April until the end of May.”

Asked by La Prensa if there was any way out of the violence without regime change, Mariadaga was blunt: “I can not imagine a way out at this moment that does not include a transition to democracy without Daniel Ortega.”


“We have given ourselves a terrible image”
This June, Mariadaga led an opposition delegation to Washington to denounce Ortega’s rule before the General Assembly of the Organization for American States. He was joined by Anibal Toruno, director of Radio Dario — another longtime recipient of support from NED (PDF), and one of the key hubs of anti-Ortega media in the Nicaraguan city of Leon.

While Mariadaga was in Washington, he was charged by the Nicaraguan police with overseeing an organized criminal network that has murdered several people during the violent unrest that has gripped the country. Mariadaga slammed the allegations as a “political persecution” and a “ridiculous accusation,” but postponed his return to Nicaragua. The US State Department backed him up with a statement of vehement support.

At the same time, a group of Nicaraguan student leaders of the anti-Ortega protests were in Washington to lobby the Trump administration for help in bringing their country’s leader down.

Among the US officials to receive the students was USAID director Mark Green. “We need to stand with those who are standing up for things that we need to believe in,” Green said of the students, in an interview with McClatchy.

Aside from NED, USAID has been the most active promoter of regime change against socialist-oriented governments in Latin America. In Nicaragua, USAID’s budget topped $5.2 million in 2018, with most of the funding directed towards training civil society and media organizations.


The Nicaraguan students’ junket to Washington was paid for by Freedom House, a US government-funded NED partner whose agenda typically aligns with the neoconservative wing of the American foreign policy establishment.

Freedom House crafted an itinerary for the students that culminated with a photo-op with some of the most hawkish Republicans in Washington: Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.

Back in Managua, another prominent student leader, Harley Morales, reeled in disgust at his peers’ appearance on Capitol Hill. “It was terrible,” Morales told the newspaper El Faro. “They (Cruz, Rubio, and Ros-Lehtinen) are the extreme Republican right. We are very unhappy with this trip; they were paid for by the United States and an agenda was imposed on them. We have given ourselves a terrible image.”

Though he hoped for “an error correction plan,” Morales conceded that the grip of powerful outside interests on the student protesters was tightening. “All movements now have advisors,” he lamented. “Movers and shakers. Children of politicians, businessmen… They have a very clear political line.” ... overnment/

All true, but weirdly out of context. The context of Honduras, Libya, Syria. Perhaps that's cause Max is a Democratic Party tool.
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:54 pm

The Paramilitary people?
pelona 2 days ago 1 2,918 Reading $ s minutes


Eleven years after the Sandinista Front returned to power, Nicaragua managed to position itself as one of the safest countries in Latin America and the safest in Central America, thanks to the government model of family, community and life.

NIC01 MANAGUA (NICARAGUA), a couple in front of the old cathedral of Managua (Nicaragua), a city that is filled with light and color at this time of year. EFE / Jorge Torres

In 2017, the independent consultant M & R conducted a survey measuring the popular approval of the work of the Army and the National Police. This survey resulted in 93.8% for the Army and 69.3% for the National Police; in the streets of the country, security, stability and development were breathed. The word "paramilitary" was non-existent.

Organized crime and drug trafficking was not a problem that would take away the sleep of Nicaraguans, drug seizures and drug trafficking were observed in the media, the most frequent crimes and social impact that most worried the population were the robberies and the increase of femicides.

Strangely, since the beginning of the protests by the INSS, the delegitimization of the National Police and a series of denunciations of paramilitary attacks allegedly carried out by members of the Sandinista Youth were marketed by social networks. As time went on, the attacks never ceased to position themselves in the imaginary of the people and to this day have not been able to verify that it is the Sandinista Youth that is behind all this.

Pure anarchy in the streets of Managua and in some departments of the country is what the emerging groups of the 19 April Movement try to promote, entrenched in their factory of lies to maintain the permanent mobilization of sympathetic people to their supposed proposal of "democratization".

The barracks have been the main focus of violence and their main excuse to say they are attacked by paramilitaries, they say that behind the barricades are students and the people who feel afraid of being attacked, that was the explanation for lifting the barricades near the universities.

But, why do it in the departments? The answer is simple, drown the people blaming all their ills on the police and the Sandinista Youth to provoke a popular uprising, damaging the national economy and playing with the minds of the residents with levels of insecurity that the same bars originate to request the resignation of the executive.

The weeks passed and their gangs joined organized gangs paid to maintain the barricades, soon this action got out of hand to the leaders of the opposition, violating 16 articles of the 30 contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .

Mutilating Nicaraguans their right to life, freedom of expression, free movement and security; subjecting them to torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. All this brought with it a rejection of the bars in most people, but the artillery of the opposition media continues to justify its existence.

The question here is Who are the paramilitaries? At the beginning of the alleged peaceful demonstrations in social networks was the JS, today all those who oppose the barricades are considered paramilitaries, many civilians and FSLN militants have died. added to the removal of the cobblestones. The last victim was Gloria Carolina Collado, left home with the desire to support the town of Masaya and received a bullet in his head that ended up taking away his right to life.

Although the leaders of the 19 April Movement say that their protesters do not have weapons, a number of photos and videos prove otherwise. This wave of violence endangers the security of the State and opens the doors to organized crime and drug trafficking.

The people ask for justice. ... ramilitar/

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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