Exposing the Underground Reich

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Exposing the Underground Reich

Post by blindpig » Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:24 pm

Exposing the Underground Reich Part I
Posted by ADMIN on AUGUST 15, 2017
Alexandra Valiente and Hugo Turner
Internationalist 360°
From the moment I first read Hugo Turner’s article, Underground Reich, my immediate sense was that this was clearly the most important information people could have in this era of growing fascism, racism and widespread oppression.
I found in that piece, a perfect summation of things I had discovered in my own research and experience. But it went much farther, as Hugo provided a detailed summary of the history of the Underground Reich from its inception to the global phenomenon it is today. He exposed the tactics of deception deployed that enabled it to thrive, hiding in plain sight behind a multitude of organizations, political and religious movements.
As Hugo and I discussed this research and the revelations based on the investigative work of Dave Emory, it was clear to me that this topic deserved deeper exploration.
Exposing the Underground Reich – Part I
Alexandra Valiente: Welcome Hugo. I am pleased that you agreed to do this interview.
Hugo Turner: Thanks. It’s a pleasure, plus of course I owe you for agreeing to share your knowledge in an interview on Libya last year.
AV: Some researchers have referred to the existence of the “Fourth Reich” but they haven’t addressed the full depth and breadth of it have they? What led you to this area of inquiry and the discovery of the Underground Reich?
HT: Well, my research on the war on terror lead me to the importance of Operation Gladio and the related Gladio B, better known as Al Qaeda, ISIS, Daesh, etc., exposed so brilliantly by Sibel Edmonds. Also, during the NATO war on Libya, I was so disturbed by the level of propaganda turning reality on its head that I began to research previous “humanitarian interventions,” like the war on Yugoslavia, and was stunned to discover that NATO had installed a fascist regime in Croatia, a fact completely opposite to the narrative during the war when the Serbs were falsely accused of being the new Nazis. Thus when the war in Ukraine began and the US once again installed an openly fascist government, I undertook a more in-depth investigation of the topic. I had read The Iran-Contra Connectionby Peter Dale Scott, Jane Hunter and Jonathan Marshall, which has a great deal of information about the World Anti-Communist League and the CIA ties to fascists right before the coup. One of my earliest articles, America the CIA and Fascism, was an attempt to convey everything I knew about fascism up to that point.
I expanded on what I had written in that article after reading Christopher Simpson’s Blowback: America’s Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects on the Cold War, and wrote Nazis and the CIA.
I then read NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe, by Daniele Ganser, which became the basis for my next article, Operation GLADIO, on the use of fascists to carry out false flag terror attacks to manipulate public opinion.
Next I tackled the topic of the World Anti-Communist League and started listening to Dave Emory’s shows. (World Anti-Communist League Part 1, World Anti-Communist League Part 2 )
I consider Dave Emory the world’s leading authority on fascism. He’s been studying the topic for 30 years. I also read some of the books he is always plugging; The Hitler Legacy, by Peter Levenda, The Beast Reawakens, by Martin A. Lee, and Dreamer of the Day, by Kevin Coogan. That led to my Underground Reich article. (Underground Reich)
Of course, for years I had worried about the fascist undercurrent in the alt-media and the amount of racism, xenophobia and antisemitism floating around on social media, so I decided to use my article as a chance to speak out.
AV: Clearly this has been a profound journey, leading you deeper into what most find an incredibly difficult subject. How did you feel about these discoveries?
HT: Well, as a researcher, what I learn continues to amaze me. The more I dig into the history of postwar fascism, the more important the topic becomes. It is impossible to understand the Cold War without understanding America’s alliance with fascism. but most scholars completely ignore it. As a human being I was horrified to discover the scale of the fascist violence in places like America and Germany and the speed with which it can be completely forgotten. The size. scale and sophistication of the Underground Reich is shocking. Most people see fascism as a relic that will eventually disappear. Instead, it is a problem that is constantly growing in size.
AV: I think it’s important that you distinguish between your responses as a researcher and as a human being. It seems this balance has made it possible for you to process this information and not be overwhelmed by either its complexity or horror. And because of this, you are able to offer a unique perspective to your readers.
What impact did discovering the truth about the Underground Reich have on your understanding of current trends – and here I mean not only the popularization of fascism, but also the ways the Underground Reich has led to the destruction of most of its potential opposition?
HT: There is a sort of symbiotic relationship between the faux left and the Underground Reich. After 9/11, Chomsky and other liberal gatekeepers, discouraged people from investigating the attacks. The extreme right, however, seized on the topic of 9/11, and although they ended up spreading confusion and disinformation along the way, they were onto something, while Chomsky was, as usual, dead wrong. When one learns of a shocking truth like government involvement in 9/11, it can shake one’s whole world view and one is, in that moment, ready to imprint whatever new world view is nearest to hand. Thus many people began to adopt an Alex Jones-style belief system. But few bothered to investigate the history of the American extreme right, and without knowing it, were being indoctrinated into fascism, while believing themselves to be freeing their minds. If they had traced back the origins of many of these ideas they would have discovered they were all popularized by fascists. And even if you point this fact out, many will remain in denial.
To understand American fascism you must begin by studying it in the post 1917 period, and the fascist’s hatred of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the rise of the John Birch Society and similar groups after the war. The Arab world was also targeted with fascist propaganda for many decades and the ugly effects of this are apparent on social media.
Basically it’s time people began a mental housecleaning. For example, many oppose war but believe that the world’s problems will be solved by imposing an even harsher form of capitalism, oblivious to the fact that it is capitalism that drives war. They vilify “the globalists” (who are basically the world’s billionaires) and their lackeys, while at the same time demanding the exact same thing the globalists are working for, namely unfettered free market capitalism and further cuts to social spending. They claim to oppose the police state but view Black Lives Matter protests as solely a Soros conspiracy. Of course, they are misinterpreting the NGO complex which seeks to gain control of all social movements by buying off the leaders and steering them in a direction that doesn’t pose a threat to the system. In other words, people who began with good intentions, to oppose the war on terror and investigate CIA backing of terrorists, were subtly indoctrinated, and over time, the seeds planted back then have matured into full-blown American fascism. Now a huge section of the alternative media is happy simply to be paid propagandists for the Trump administration.
AV: I am glad you mentioned 9/11. Without doubt, this was a deep event. At that time, some recognized emergent trends that mirrored the rise of Nazi Germany, even going as far as to compare the destruction of the twin towers to the 1933 Reichstag fire. While a few protested the entrenchment of a fascist police state, the majority were remarkably passive, even indifferent, so to have a person like Trump in the White House today is not at all surprising.
Before we delve into the topic of NGOs, could you briefly address the distinction between faux revolutionary and authentic revolutionary movements? What dangers do legitimate revolutionary movements face from the Underground Reich’s efforts to infiltrate and subvert them?
HT: Unfortunately, my most shocking discovery was that nearly everyone has been forced into at least temporary alliances with the Underground Reich, both in the socialist world and in the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). The line between national liberation and fascism can be a blurry one. This is one of the keys to the success of the Underground Reich, since it is outwardly fragmented and constantly mutating, it has managed to ally itself with every side. It is like the CIA in Iraq which is backing all three sides in the war. This is clearly the model empire was using with the War on Terror. Back terrorists and at the same time offer support to the governments they are destabilizing. Then deploy terrorists to infiltrate and destroy those governments.
But to answer your question, genuine revolutionary movements seek to transform the entire society while fascist groups instead seek to scapegoat some group for the problem of society, be they immigrants, Jews, Muslims, or Blacks, etc. They thus channel rage away from the ruling class and towards the poor and powerless.
Infiltration by the Underground Reich can be used to discredit movements like, as one example, those seeking the liberation of Palestine. Over the decades they have learned to mask themselves behind nearly every cause or movement. Even opposition to fascist Ukraine has been infiltrated by a more sophisticated breed of fascist, the Duginists. In third world liberation,peace, ecology, democracy, anarchism, socialism, there are strands of fascism that have mutated so as to better infiltrate these movements. This is what is truly frightening.
AV: Since it is in the reformist and faux movements that the Underground Reich finds its useful foot soldiers, how much of a role has the Underground Reich played in the creation of these movements?
Going farther, are Soros and the CIA mere fronts for the Underground Reich and would it be accurate to view the NGO non-profit complex as a superficial mechanism deployed by the Underground Reich to further its political agenda rather than a separate phenomenon?
HT: Before I answer I want to return to your earlier question about the Fourth Reich.
The Underground Reich is Dave Emory’s term for all the interlocking fascist deep political forces which he sees as centered in Germany, but with allies around the world. It is not how they refer to themselves. The Fourth Reich would be the goal that Nazis were striving towards who weren’t satisfied with a crypto-fascist Germany and wanted a return to full blown fascism. The Fourth Reich is also a term the media applied to Neo-Nazis who Emory and others prefer to simply call Nazis.
There are conflicts among the various networks that make up the Underground Reich, especially at the lower echelons. The Underground Reich is thus more of a conceptual framework for the fascist factions of the world’s deep political forces. More like interlocking circles of networks. Probably most important would be the business networks of German industrialists, capitalists, and their allies around the world in places like the US. Even within this circle there are matters of degree, some seeing fascism as a means to an end, others true believers.
Moving on to your question about the NGO complex and the Underground Reich, in coordination with intelligence agencies, oligarchs in general, not just the fascist ones, fund and run the NGO complex. This is the layer that Peter Dale Scott refers to as the overworld and of course there are different factions within the overworld – American, Israeli Japanese, British, GCC, etc. What portion of it are the Underground Reich would be difficult to determine. However, during the cold war, the CIA used German NGOs as fronts to funnel money for their various schemes to destabilize the USSR and to create a left compatible with their interests. Thus a huge portion of the NGO complex is controlled by the Underground Reich. Dave Emory believes Soros may be part of the Underground Reich and if true, they would have a tremendous amount of influence on the NGO complex. The various factions have their own networks and they all interconnect.
Related to this, an area that interests me most and that demonstrates the way the Underground Reich operates, is the role the Underground Reich played in the destruction of the Soviet Union. When I first learned of color revolutions I was immediately reminded of the scenes of massive crowds protesting during the fall of the Soviet Union and I wondered what part intelligence agencies played. Since then I continue to discover clues that the Soviet Union was destroyed by NATO and the CIA. Fascists were deeply involved. For example. they played a major role in the fall of the Berlin Wall. Neo-Nazis crossed into East Germany and caused all sorts of chaos. Ukraine was of course the most blatant example of the Underground Reich’s role in a color revolution. However, in the so called Arab Spring and the dirty wars against Libya, and Syria, the Underground Reich worked through the fascist Muslim Brotherhood. Western-leaning liberals in these countries seem to have no problem working with fascists and terrorists. The more foolish ones because they trust the western media, the more cynical ones because they know they will be rewarded with money and power for their obedience. Liberals in America have completely ignored the fascist coup in Ukraine and Obama’s criminal wars on Libya and Syria for similar reasons.

http://anti-imperialist-u.blogspot.com/ ... reich.html
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Re: Exposing the Underground Reich

Post by blindpig » Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:28 pm

Exposing the Underground Reich Part II
Posted by ADMIN on AUGUST 16, 2017
Alexandra Valiente and Hugo Turner
Internationalist 360°
Part I of this interview provided a general introduction to the concept of the Underground Reich where we touched upon its elemental modus operandi. In the next segments, we will focus in greater depth on the history of the Underground Reich, how it became a world wide network, as well as exposing the Underground Reich operating behind current events.
AV: Before we examine the historical trajectory of the Underground Reich, I would like to address the events that took place in Charlottesville this past weekend (August 13). Now the topic of Nazis dominates both media reporting and general public discourse. Do you have any comments on what happened and the responses thus far?

"A photograph of Charlottesville victim Heyer is seen amongst flowers at the scene of the car attack on a group of protesters in Charlottesville © Justin Ide / Reuters

HT: Yes. An innocent young girl, Heather Heyer, was killed protesting against Neo-Nazis, and now the issue of the Underground Reich is front page news. Unfortunately this is what I have been concerned about since these escalating clashes began. Most people have no idea how dangerous what we are facing actually is. There are hundreds of well armed, highly trained fascist groups and militias, many interlocking with the military, police, FBI, and the CIA. They are also funded by wealthy backers. This isn’t a new phenomena. It goes back to well before the Civil War when “copperheads” as they were called, would lynch free Blacks and even Whites who supported the abolition of slavery. Post Civil War saw the rise of the KKK and other terrorist groups populated by former Confederate officers. In a sense they were among the original Underground Reich or “Invisible Empire” as they called it. They shared many similarities with the fascist White Russians and defeated German officers who were the founders of the Third Reich before going underground after World War 2 – a pattern that would repeat itself in Taiwan after the Chinese Revolution and in Miami after the Cuban Revolution.
AV. While we can see, as you say, the Underground Reich behind front page news, not many will view it that way, and this is where the greatest danger lies is it not, in how these events are interpreted and understood?
HT: Obviously, to someone who hasn’t researched the topic, it might seem impossible or crazy to believe that an Underground Reich could manipulate events this way. However, once they study the enormous influence of Reinhard Gehlen on the Cold War and the CIA, the history of the Gladio networks in Europe which conducted thousands of terror attacks, followed the career of Al Qaeda from Afghanistan, to Yugoslavia, Chechnya, Macedonia, Iraq, Syria and Libya, and examined the workings of the World Anti-Communist League network combining fascists and respectable mainstream politicians, and explored the role of fascists in post Cold War Europe in Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine, once one realizes that Germany and Japan were never de-Nazified or cleansed from militarism, and investigated Operation Condor which ruled most of Latin America with an iron fist – then one would be forced to admit that however crazy it sounds at first, the impact of fascism on world history did not end in 1945.
AV: When we see events like this, it is tempting now to ask if Gladio was behind it. Given their mandate is to perpetrate acts of home grown terror, perhaps all acts of terror, wherever they occur, should be viewed as Gladio in action. Ultimately, the most revealing is cui bono? In this case it seems the Nazis are the primary beneficiaries as media portrays them as victims of a hate crime.
HT: The victim was protesting the Nazis. However the incident was seized on to demonize Assad supporters. Neo-Nazis are bragging online that this is a first step in a strategy of tension that will lead to a race war, but they have been trying to start a race war for decades. Frankly, I see it as a blunder since they killed a white girl and brought the rage of the mainstream media upon themselves. This is a country in which a missing American white girl has in the past dominated the news for months at a time. However, sadly people will soon forget this case once the news cycle shifts. The rally itself was undeniably a well planned psyop and I’m sure it gained them many new recruits.
AV: What is interesting is all the fracture lines being played simultaneously, in seeming discord, yet fulfilling a common agenda – from Nazis as victims, to the stirring of anti-Assad sentiment.
It’s also revealing that the Nazis are broadcasting, to quote you,”that this is a first step in a strategy of tension that will lead to a race war”. They are using Gladio language, Gladio terminology.
HT: Yes, they are using Gladio language. Gladio was (and still is) a secret army (active in all NATO, and even neutral European countries) of “stay behind networks”. They justified this by claiming they would be used to resist a Soviet invasion, when they knew there was no such threat. The CIA, MI6, and NATO intelligence, in conjunction with the local intelligence services and the military, created secret armies in every country with hidden arms stockpiles. The recruits were usually fascists. They were used to wage secret wars via bombings, kidnappings and assassinations, which they would blame on the left. The most famous example is Italy, where each secret army had their own distinct name, yet researchers refer to them all as Gladio for convenience sake. It was psychological warfare meant to both discredit the left and empower the military and intelligence agencies that were actually behind the operations. With the War on Terror, and the CIA’s close ties to Al Qaeda which it claims to be fighting, this scenario has entrapped the whole world. Every terrorist attack should be viewed with suspicion. On the other hand, once you train someone and use them to carry out terror attacks, they may decide to launch an attack for their own purposes. Each case should be investigated. There is a troubling pattern in recent terror attacks in which the attacker was under surveillance by security services who are mysteriously called off a couple weeks before the attack takes place.
AV: You describe a global secret empire: the government behind many governments, the army behind many armies, the intelligence agency behind many intelligence agencies…which leads back to your mention of the “Invisible Empire, ” which we have not discussed in the previous segment of our interview. Do the Underground Reich refer to themselves by that name? If so, what does that say? It’s a rather grandiose self-perception isn’t it?
HT: Invisible Empire is how the KKK referred to themselves. I was struck by the similarity to the term Underground Reich (Reich means empire. Rome was the first Reich. The holy Roman Empire the second, hence the term term Third Reich). Both the KKK and the Nazis were and are completely grandiose and megalomaniacal.
AV: Again, looking at Charlottesville in the context of Gladio, the one thing media spin masters have skillfully avoided addressing is America’s race problem. But the Nazis are discussing it, strategizing the next step in their version of a race war…
HT: Unfortunately, yes. If liberals weren’t so busy whitewashing history and preaching ‘American exceptionalism,’ maybe we wouldn’t have so many ignorant people believing in “white genocide.”
While I’m glad so many are taking a stand against a resurgence of fascism at home, given how for many years I and others have been desperately trying to draw attention to the genocidal war in Ukraine, I cannot resist pointing out the liberal hypocrisy. Only last year Hollywood nominated a movie glorifying Ukrainian fascists for an Oscar. While Obama was in the White House, he launched a racist war against Libya that began with the lynching of Black Libyans. At the same time he also waged a genocidal war in Syria to exterminate religious minorities. Then came the fascist coup in Ukraine that launched Cold War 2.0, which most liberals support. Anti-Russian hysteria is not seen as racist. Liberals have been silent while Muslims were demonized after 9/11. Until American liberals can bring themselves to actually care what happens to the people of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, their claims to champion racial equality will remain nothing more than hypocritical nonsense.
AV: How do you view the protests that have swept across America since the election of Trump? Are they based on a genuine resistance to fascism and white supremacy or are they more of a battle between the Clinton and Trump camps?
HT: Even the current outrage against the murder of Heather Heyer is tainted by racism. I was inspired to write my Underground Reich article in part because while I was reading The Hitler Legacy, a Black student, David Josiah Lawson, was murdered by racists close to my home. No one has been charged and the case received no nationwide media attention. One can only wonder how many other recent hate crimes against minorities were ignored or suppressed to avoid scandal, not to mention the three police shootings a day. America is in complete denial about its racism problem. It is ironic that the victim of the Charlottesville attack received so much attention because she was white. Hence even right wing racists like Trump condemned her death along with John McCain who actively supported the fascists in Ukraine just as he did in Libya and Syria.
Hillary also condemned it but the Clintons have been allied with fascists since they won the support of the Croatian lobby during the 90’s which helped them beat Bush senior. Croatia was one of the most brutal fascist dictatorships of World War 2. They massacred countless Jews, Serbs, and Gypsies in the most gruesome manner imaginable. During the Cold War they formed terrorist groups backed by the CIA and Germany’s BND. With the end of the Cold War, Bush senior and the Germans put them back in power and used them to destroy Yugoslavia. The Clintons won the 1992 elections in part due to the support of the powerful Croatian lobby when they promised to back Croatia in the civil war. Like with today’s Ukraine, Americans didn’t care that we had installed a fascist regime since most know nothing about the history of Croatia. No one cared in the 1990’s when they expelled 250,000 Serbs from their homes where they had lived for centuries. This was accomplished with the help of the Clintons who sent in the mercenary firm MPI, to advise and train the Croatians. The Clintons also implemented racist policies at home, slashing welfare and overseeing a massive expansion in the prison system population from half a million to over two million. They recolonized Haiti, once the home of the world’s first successful anti-slavery revolution and the first third world country to achieve national liberation. Hillary’s protégé, Victoria Nuland, oversaw the fascist coup in Ukraine.
Thus American politics is merely a game of crypto-fascists like the Clintons vs open fascists like Trump.
AV: Given the intensity of the psychological war combined with general lack of public awareness of deep events, I cannot see a way to avoid the fulfillment of the Nazi’s goal of a race war unless people become informed about the true nature of the enemy, and here I don’t just mean the enemy of people of a specific race, gender, color, religion, or nation, but the enemy of all humanity.
HT: Well, for Blacks and other minorities this race war has been going on for centuries and in more recent times has been hidden behind the war on drugs, the war on terror and COINTELPRO targeting of leaders. There is also an ongoing economic war on ordinary people. Even some of my white friends live in desperate conditions of poverty.
To live in America is to live under a constant state of low intensity warfare.
A civil war would cripple the empire and topple the ruling elite. They have spent trillions of dollars indoctrinating the world in the illusion of American democracy, so I don’t think they would bring in an open dictatorship without threat of revolution. We will probably see more hate crimes, more terror attacks, I don’t think America will enter into a Syria-style civil war or become an openly fascist dictatorship. Worldwide however, we are in the midst of World War 4 which could easily escalate and destroy all life on the planet. One of the major hot points is Ukraine, so in that sense, the Underground Reich does pose a grave threat to humanity.
AV: Well said. I would leave this thought: Not only in America, but in every nation of the world, we live in a constant state of low intensity warfare. We can see the tremendous advances made by progressive social movements confronting empire with intelligence, strategic brilliance and principled strength. Just as humans created the structures that oppress, we can also dismantle them.

In Part III we will continue to explore the history of the Underground Reich, from its origins through to the present, to provide context for understanding its function in the destabilization of sovereign nations, the Gladio network and international terrorism.

https://libya360.wordpress.com/2017/08/ ... h-part-ii/
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Re: Exposing the Underground Reich

Post by blindpig » Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:53 pm

A short twitter thread by Στενή Αυτοάμυνα‏ @Obscureobjet relating to post-war fascism:

Let me ask a different question first. Was the DDR the German antifascist state and West Germany the opponent of the DDR?

Like, THIS kind of opponent of the antifascist state?

Yes. Were Siemens, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Thyssen, Krups all major Nazi sponsoring monopolies that did splendidly in W. Germany?

So there were some fairly basic reasons to be antifascist in West Germany, but far more basic ones to not be a DDR-supporting antifascist.

To be an antifascist listenin to the winds of change.

Today too there are reasons to be an antifascist who remembers nothing and recognizes nothing. The other kind is potentially dangerous.

Some antifascists in West Germany died in white cells as they called them. Their supporters got a bullet in the head. It wasn't the right
kind of antifascism. The right kind of antifascism emerged after ppl realized that the wrong kind of antifascism led to the cemetery.

This was all clear and done by the late 1970s.
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Re: Exposing the Underground Reich

Post by blindpig » Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:39 pm

More from Στενή Αυτοάμυνα‏ @Obscureobjet:

But let's talk real West German antifascism, and hence 1970s. You know this girl?


She was Monika Ertl. Her mother was Lenni Riefenstahl, Hitler's great director. Her father was Hans Ertl, lead cameraman in Lenni's team.

On April 1, 1971, Monika Ertl visited the Bolivian Embassy in Germany to apply for a visa, she said. She was let in with no security check
possibly because she was pretty and possibly because she was a Nazi child. There, she pulled a revolver and planted three bullets on the
Bolivian Ambassador. He had been living a happy and quiet life in West Germany, a post he had received in recognition of his services.
He was the man who had killed Che Guevara. Monika's bullet holes were V-shaped. Like in Hasta la Vitoria siempre?

But how come Monika Ertl cared about whatever the hell was going on in Latin America? Well, her daddy had been hiding in Bolivia. With other
Nazis, like Klaus Barbi, a close friend. You know, till rehabilitation time in West Germany.

Barbi, the butcher of Lyon, was part of the operation "kill Che". And in Bolivia, Monika had become a communist. She escaped Germany and
her assassination of Che's killer and went back to Bolivia in 1973 with the goal of capturing Klaus Barbie. This time they killed her.

She was antifa. Anyone remember her?

I've never heard her mentioned in any mainstream. Anything about her is in German lang & she's buried in an unknown grave

Well, remember her.

Remember Christos Kasimis, killed outside AEG plant in Athens in 1977.

He was trying to plant a bomb to avenge the death of West Germans in white cells. Both countries had parliamentary democracy.

You ain't gonna get any of that in any "do you know what antifa means", that's for sure.

People did not become "lifestyle left" before that option was pummeled into their skulls with batons, bullets, electroshock and fists.

Don't let them tell you it was simply a choice. The other choice was a bullet to the fucking head.
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Re: Exposing the Underground Reich

Post by blindpig » Thu Sep 14, 2017 7:21 pm

Exposing the Underground Reich Part III


Alexandra Valiente and Hugo Turner
Internationalist 360°

Part I of this interview provided a general introduction to the concept of the Underground Reich. In Part II we opened with a discussion of events in Charlottesville, where Heather Heyer was murdered for participating in a mass protest against Nazis.
Not only did this event raise global awareness of Nazis in America, it provided an opportunity to explore the history of American fascism, and ultimately as we progress in Part III of this interview, American Gladio.
Before we begin, I would like to address a rather surprising response we received, where excerpts from Part II of our interview made mainstream American news. Even more interesting was all this attention was generated by the German Marshall Fund of the United States and their Alliance for Securing Democracyproject.
AV: Hugo, would you like to tell us about the response and their strategy of personally attacking you?
HT: It was surprising to see myself slandered in USA Today. First they ignore you then they try to destroy you. I’ve always mocked mainstream media for turning truth upside down but was shocked to see myself branded as part of a Kremlin controlled alt-right propaganda campaign to defend Trump. I’m a black man and a communist. While I’ve always been a friend to Russia, I despise Trump and am not, by any stretch of the imagination, part of a campaign to defend him.
One of our goals in this interview series was to expose the so called “alt-right” fascists trying to rebrand themselves. It was absurd to see my unfunded personal blog compared to Breitbart, a multi-million dollar operation. I was pleased that they quoted my blog (even if completely out of context) warning of hundreds of well armed, well trained fascist groups, including mention of the fascist coup in Ukraine, a truth the mainstream media still censors four years later.
https://www.splcenter.org/sites/default ... k=3p9498X5

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there are currently 917 active hate groups in the US.

USA Today ignore historical facts. Ukraine’s fascist coup was the product of a 70 year alliance between the CIA and the Ukrainian OUN-B, a fascist death squad that joined the Waffen SS during World War 2, then were smuggled out by the Americans and British to eventually be re-settled in Germany, the UK, Canada, and Australia. As the Cold War was ending, they were sent back to Ukraine where they were involved in two coups: one in 2004, the other, much bloodier, in 2014. In Ukraine it is now illegal to criticize the OUN-B or to praise the Soviet Union of which Ukraine was once a part. For the past four years, Ukraine, with NATO support, has been waging a genocidal war on its Russian speaking minorities, murdering, torturing and imprisoning any Ukrainian who dares to oppose them. With a little help from Russia, the people of Donbass smashed the NATO-backed forces sent to crush them in 2014-2015. You can read about it in my blog archives from 2014-2015 and many other places, like the excellent site, Slavyangrad.
Since the CIA launched the fascist coup in Ukraine right after I launched my blog, and just as the anti-Russian hysteria was getting started, I was well aware that I would be labeled a Russian propagandist for trying to cover the war in Ukraine. Since I still follow many pro-Russian twitter accounts and have many pro-Russian followers, I was selected as one of the 600 twitter accounts suspected of being Kremlin controlled bots by the Hamilton 68 project. Since I tweet links to my blog every day, Anti-Imperialist U ended up on the list of top domains. The whole thing is a scam. Some of the biggest names in alternative media are mysteriously missing from their site. They are clearly manipulating the results. It is a watered down version of the ‘prop or not’ campaign which faced litigation when they accused most of the alt-media of being Russian propagandists. Since this time they are also targeting mainstream news outlets like Fox and the BBC, I doubt this will be any more successful.
AV: What does the response of the German Marshall Fund suggest in terms of the significance of the Charlottesville events in the unfolding of the Underground Reich agenda?
HT: Charlottesville exposed the current interlocking fascist groups. We’ll have to revisit them at greater length in future, but it is clear that the more obscure fascist trends I explored in my Underground Reich article were far more relevant to understanding Charlottesville than I expected. Through our joint research I was able to establish clear connections between where my former studies ended, the 1990’s, up to the present.
AV: I will add the links to what we found in the notes at the end of this segment.
HT: I hope people will explore the links on these groups you have collected so they can familiarize themselves with the face of fascism in 2017.
Fascism is a mutating super-virus and it constantly seeks to camouflage itself in new forms. Like intelligence fronts, fascist groups constantly splinter and rename themselves. It was interesting to see that two of the groups behind Charlottesville were led by people connected to the military. This also highlights the connection between racism and imperialism. Jason Damigo of Identity Europa(influenced by Thiriart) found inspiration for his racism by the balkanization of Iraq. The Traditionalist Workers Party is styled after Evola and Dugin. Vanguard America, the “left fascist” group that the Charlottesville killer belonged to, is led by another military veteran, Dillin Irizarry. Identity Europa is the youth wing of the “American Freedom Party,” a Nazi group close to David Duke, continuing the tradition of disguising fascism as “100% Americanism”. Even the neo-Confederate League of the South drew their inspiration from the fascist Italian Northern League, demonstrating the worldwide connections of even the KKK- linked groups. All of the fascist groups at Charlottesville have since merged into the umbrella group the Nationalist Alliance which is the rebranded version of the old Aryan Nations.
Today’s fascists are image-conscious, tech savvy rich kids and college campuses are their main recruiting grounds. They disguise their white supremacy agenda by calling themselves white nationalists, white separatists or traditionalists. Not only are they racists, they also seek to destroy the gains women have made in the 20th century, returning to a sexist, misogynist past.
They’ve replaced shaved heads with new “fash” haircuts and reframe fascism as multiculturalism, referring to themselves as Identitarians, pretending concern for free speech. They have even adopted the rhetoric of “safe spaces.”
Charlottesville is an Iran-Contra-style deep event. The challenge is not to discover what happened, but to follow the trail of the many fascist networks involved. Charlottesville is an example of a favorite fascist terror tactic, the leaderless resistance-style lone wolf attack. This way their groups cannot be blamed. There have been many such attacks over the years and the media and law enforcement often conceal the suspects’ membership in a wider fascist network. Charlottesville also revealed the sympathetic relations between Nazis and police. The key task now is to uncover the funding and possible government connections of these groups.
AV: I also hope people will study this topic in depth. In the context of our interviews to expose the Underground Reich, we have certainly provoked them into revealing a great deal about themselves. As for government connections, I found if of interest that Senator Mark Warner sponsored S.J.Res.49,
“A joint resolution condemning the violence and domestic terrorist attack that took place during events between August 11 and August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia, recognizing the first responders who lost their lives while monitoring the events, offering deepest condolences to the families and friends of those individuals who were killed and deepest sympathies and support to those individuals who were injured by the violence, expressing support for the Charlottesville community, rejecting White nationalists, White supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups, and urging the President and the President’s Cabinet to use all available resources to address the threats posed by those groups.”
While this is a welcome initiative, it is not likely to go anywhere. Fascists have always been embedded in the US government. An article on the persecution of Assata Shakur published in 1998exposed Nazis in the New Jersey State Police. I encourage people to read that report.
Can we look more closely now at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, who they really are, their history and alliances?
HT: Yes, now that I’ve had a chance to defend myself against the slanders of USA Today, and have said my piece on Ukraine, we can get down to business. In part 2 of our interview, I mentioned that the CIA used Gehlen Organization-controlled German NGOs as fronts to funnel money to their psychological warfare operations. It was amusing that one of the most infamous of these, the German Marshall Fund, should be behind this USA Today story. Its predecessor, the Marshall Plan Fund which helped the US purchase the loyalty of Western Europe, was a CIA front. Clandestinely, the MPF (M-Fund) allowed the CIA and OPC to legally (off-the-books) finance both their covert war on the Soviet Union and their interference in European politics, through bribing politicians, rigging elections, effectively destroying the once strong European left.
In the tradition of the M-Fund, the German Marshall Fund (founded in 1972) was involved in financing Croatian fascists and Al Qaeda to break up Yugoslavia in the 1990’s. It was also involved in the recent coup in Ukraine.
NGOs like the German Marshall Fund rely on the ignorance of the general in order to maintain their deception of lawful benevolence. Thus they would do well to avoid the attention of anti-fascist researchers like us.
Even a cursory examination of their funders reveals a host of sinister red flags exposing both the hand of the CIA and the Underground Reich – not only its German branches, but its Italian and Japanese ones as well. The German Marshall Fund receives money from the US State Department, NATO and the infamous CIA front, USAID. As for the Underground Reich connections, it’s also funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. The Thyssen family funded Hitler’s rise to power, merged with the Krupp arms merchants, and are suspected of being part of the Bormann network. Then there is the misnamed “Sasakawa Peace Foundation”. Ryoichi Sasakawa made a fortune during World War 2, looting China for materials for the Japanese war machine that killed 20 million Chinese and by cornering the heroin market. After the war Sasakawa was hired by the CIA. He escaped punishment for his crimes and loved to brag that he was the worlds richest fascist. He ran the Yakuza and controlled Japanese politics for decades bribing politicians for the CIA. He oversaw the infamous M-Fund money gained from the 100’s of billions in gold the Japanese looted during the war that the CIA helped them hide. (See: Gold Warriors, by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave)
One could spend a year studying all the perverse connections of the German Marshall Fund. I’ve only mentioned a few examples. I encourage anyone interested in exposing the CIA or the Underground Reich to study the German Marshall Fund closely. Investigate its past and present board of trustees that include people like neo-con Bill Kristol, or Marc Grossman, who Sibel Edmonds identified as one of the most sinister and corrupt of the Gladio B network of operatives. Gladio B run Al Qaeda and use the proceeds of the heroin trade to bribe American politicians, just like Sasakawa bribed Japanese politicians.
AV: Any attempt at future attacks or provocation from the Underground Reich will only serve our interests, which is to expose them.
With all that we have discovered about them up to this point, what are your conclusions about their Alliance for Securing Democracy?
What my research revealed is they not only operate in foreign countries to destabilize them, staging coups under the banner of “democratization”, they run covert operations on US soil against American civilians, conducting mass surveillance of activists and social movement leaders, engaging in perception management through propaganda and promotion of fake news, and the waging of psychological war and cyber-war against the general populace. As an active branch of the US intelligence apparatus and NATO, they target American civilians with impunity, just as often, and with as much intensity and brutally as they target foreign leaders and nations.
Why are the American people not outraged?
HT: I’m sure most Americans have never even heard of it. In the typical style of the empire of chaos, they plot to “secure democracy” by destroying it. Funded by fascists like the Thyssens and the Sasakawa family, this is no surprise. They hope to discredit anyone working for peace or those who oppose empire, defaming them as nothing more than Russian propagandists intent on destroying democracy. They are doubtless plotting ways to ban websites like ours from the Internet. NGOs like this buy reporters, influence politicians, and overthrow governments to install fascist regimes.
AV: One would think Americans would pay attention to anything that involves covert operations against American citizens on US soil. Perhaps I expect too much…
How has the German Marshall Fund – Alliance for Securing Democracy’s obsession with Russiabecome an aggressive assault on political discourse in America? What are the implications?
HT: Political discourse in America is already pretty much dead and has been since the 1990’s. Everyone who opposes capitalism or imperialism is barred from having any voice in mainstream media. That’s why I was shocked to see myself mentioned in USA Today. Even experts like Douglas Valentine or Peter Dale Scott are never permitted on American TV. On the other hand, mainstream media actively promotes fascists like Richard Spencer, which should tell you something about American political discourse being confined to choices between crypto-fascists and overt fascists.
One of the most popular news sites, Vice, was founded by fascists, and is in love with both the Ukrainian Nazis and ISIS, which it attempts to promote to America’s nihilistic hipsters. Certain Western youth welcome horror with joy, as a temporary release from the boredom of suburban nihilism, and this is where the Underground Reich hopes to find a new generation of fresh recruits.
AV: Western culture is based on genocide in many forms, including the annihilation of the authentic self. Decades of social engineering have created the fertile psychological ground which stultifies life so that death cults, fascism and terrorism could flourish, which involved inculcating a culture of narcissists and nihilists.
American Gladio. How far back do its origins go?
HT: America has had its own fascist groups constantly emerging from World War I onwards. In the wake of the American defeat in Vietnam and the limited gains of the Civil Rights movement, there was an increasing focus on paramilitary training among American Nazis.
AV: African and Indigenous American revolutionary groups also became more militant, such as the Black Panthers, the Black Liberation Army and the American Indian Movement.
In my research, I have found that fascists are always embedded in the military and intelligence apparatus, whereas the armed revolutionary movements operate on the outside, universally perceived as a threat to fascist hegemony, targeted by official governments through their state law enforcement and military.
What are your thoughts on this based on your findings?
HT: Most American fascist groups of the 1950’s and 1960’s were founded by or connected to General MacArthur’s inner circle during the cold war, a bizarre fact Dave Emory discovered in the 1980’s and explains in his classic Aryan Nations episodes. They were in essence, American Gladio.
In the 1970’s they adapted and modernized their message, often in a parody of the Civil Rights Movement. David Duke was a pioneer in this although he borrowed the ideas of European fascist like Thiriart and de Benoist, which Le Pen managed to popularize in France. Instead of talking openly about their racist ideas, they created myths of white victimhood and claimed they were trying to preserve Christianity and European culture. They created a brand of fascism that could be deceitfully promoted under the guise of promoting racial diversity. There is no doubt European culture is in decline, but this is the result of American pop culture dominating the planet which caters to the lowest common denominator. Before I began what amounts to my war on Western civilization, I spent years reading the classics. I would advise people to read a French or Russian novel, go to an art museum, watch a foreign film or listen to an opera, instead of joining a Nazi organization. People choose to embrace the ugliest, bestial side of the West – fascism and white supremacy, Instead of broadening their horizons, they narrow them and by dehumanizing themselves. Racism is a handicap like blindness because it prevents us from recognizing our common humanity.
AV: The choice to embrace the lowest, most barbaric qualities is a result of decades of colonization, enculturation, combined with the intellectual laziness, moral ineptitude, even psychopathic tendencies of individuals. Not all living under empire succumb, which is encouraging.
Let’s explore Thiriart and de Benoist. Given their immense influence, what were their connections to the government, military and intelligence apparatus?
HT: First I should point out that David Duke is almost certainly a CIA agent. He served in Laos and his dad worked for the US State Department. One of the reasons Dave Emory likes Martin A. Lee’s “Beast Reawakens” and Kevin Coogan’s “Dreamer of the Day,” is that they both go into fascism’s paradoxical side. It’s not just their weapons, training, and funding that people underestimate, but the intellectual sophistication and complexity of fascism. There is much more to fascism than Adolf Hitler, although in his time he came to dominate the movement. Hitler, it should be remembered, did not create fascism.
Before Mussolini in Italy there was Salazar in Portugal in 1914, Admiral Horthy in Hungary in 1919, and in Russia, fascist death squads operated under the Czars. America’s homegrown breed of fascism predates the Civil War. Martin A. Lee discusses the close ties of homegrown fascists like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to their German counterparts. The KKK traveled to Europe to teach cross burnings while German Nazis traveled to the US to train the militia movement, and were tied to the Oklahoma city bombing, the most dramatic recent example of homegrown fascist terrorism.
Fascist thugs who march in the streets are only one aspect of the movement. Fascist intellectuals, like de Benoist and Thiriart, have been largely ignored by media and academia. Lee and Coogan discuss them and others extensively in their books. So it is dangerous to believe that all fascists are uneducated street thugs. These are only the foot soldiers. Fascism also includes people like Carl Jung, Zivek and film director David Lynch. There is a fascist underbelly to both literature and pop culture especially in rock music and genres like science-fiction and fantasy.
The Belgian, Jean Francois Thiriart, began his career as a socialist but quickly became a fascist, joining the pro-Nazi National Legion, later trained as a commando by the Germans. After the war he was imprisoned for three years as a collaborator but became part of the Undergound Reich after his release, meeting frequently with Otto Skorzeny, one of the top leaders. After Belgium lost its colony in the Congo where it had carried out mass murder for decades, with at least 10 million killed, Thiriart organized a movement to get Belgium to reconquer the Congo. He also formed a group to support the fascist French OAS, which wanted France to continue fighting its war against Algerian independence. However, after it became clear that Europe had lost its African colonies, Thiriart reversed course. Seeking to appeal to the radical youth of the 60’s and 70’s, he revised his fascist movement, copying existing revolutionary and national liberation groups.
AV: Is this where we see the creation of shadow or duplicate organizations that impersonate the real? If so, did this concept originate with Thiriart?
HT: Thiriart argued that Europe was under American occupation (he was right) and paradoxically argued that it must ally with the Third World against NATO. Thus he became a model for what on the surface seemed a sort of anti-imperialist brand of fascism.
AV: But, was he the originator of this shadow/duplicate creation strategy?
HT: Actually, Thiriart’s morphing of fascism is a much older strategy. In America there was the Renaissance Party of James Madole, which had supported Third World national liberation movements in the 1950’s and 1960’s, and before him, there was the infamous Francis Parker Yockey, who was Thiriart’s primary inspiration. Yockey sought to form an alliance with the Soviet Union against America.
As I discussed in my Underground Reich article, this current of fascism has its roots in the work of Karl Haushofer, the father of geo-politics in Germany. Haushofer created a Eurasianist brand of fascism that sought a strategic alliance with both the Third World and the Soviet Union. There was also the National Bolshevik Movement in Germany. After the war, they created another strand of fascism that sought to imitate communism. In this way, fascists camouflage themselves as their opposites. Dugin was inspired by fascists like Thiriart to create his own fourth position fascism. Within the SS there was tension between pan-European fascism and Northern European fascism, between scientific racism and spiritual racism.
One other fascinating detail on Thiriart was published in an interview from the 1970’s that Martin A. Lee quotes, where he outlined his strategy which was identical to NATO’s strategy for the Cold War – form an alliance with China to pressure the USSR and push for the liberation of Eastern Europe – all of which later came to pass.
AV: That does not surprise me given that NATO is a Nazi fascist organization.
HT: Yes. Then we have the French de Benoist who laid out a strategy for the 21st century involving dividing the world into tiny ethnic statelets in the name of preserving local cultures.
AV: The same as Dugin’s plan of creating separated ethnic blocs in the coming Eurasian Union to maintain “racial purity”.
HT: Yes, and de Benoist’s strategy was essentially a global Yinon Plan, the infamous Israeli plot for breaking up the Middle East, which continues to be the blueprint for the wars in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, and Syria.
De Benoist initially began as a more conventional fascist and imperialist. He joined Jeune Nation, a fascist group supporting French colonialism in Algeria, and the Nazi Europe Action that published Otto Skorzeny in French and backed the American war in Vietnam. Then he began his mutation, abandoning scientific racism for spiritual racism. He founded GRECE which promoted proto-fascist German philosophers like Ernst Junger and Oswald Spengler. He sought to revive paganism, just as some of the Nazis did, drawing inspiration from Julius Evola, the occultist and spiritual guru to some of the most notorious of Italy’s Gladio terrorists. Like Thiriart, he sought alliances with the Third World. He began to promote his brand of fascism, “Ethnopluralism” and sought to create a “Europe of a hundred flags”. Like Thiriart, de Benoist’s ideas served the very interests he claimed to oppose, since breaking Europe into tiny weak states would render them helpless to resist multinational corporations, and no place in Europe is more thoroughly colonized than the former Yugoslavia, which has been balkanized. De Benoist was another inspiration for Dugin of course, but he also inspired Le Pen in the 1980’s, who promoted his breed of fascism under the banner of protecting French culture. Interestingly, de Benoist opposed this attempt at co-option. His Ethnopluralism had evolved past Le Pen’s simplistic anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric, although he remained thoroughly rooted in fascism and continued to popularize lesser known fascist thinkers in French media while maintaining contacts with Europe’s fascist networks. These are only two of many fascist ideologues unknown to the general public but increasing popular in the 21st century.
AV: Getting back to American Gladio…
HT: When I was studying Gladio I found it useful to divide Gladio countries into three stages like a disease. Stage one would be a country like Norway where the Gladio network was present but had minimal impact, like a carrier with no symptoms. Stage two would be a country like Italy, where the Gladio networks are very active and have impunity for their crimes. While they were not permitted to fully seize power, they completely infiltrated the police and military. America and postwar Germany would be in this second category. The final category was when the Gladio network was allowed to stage a full coup like in Greece or Turkey and openly rule crushing all opposition. There is probably no country that is not at phase one, with fascist elements present but the effects invisible. Many are in phase 2. Only those in phase 3 are fully fascist. Likewise, with the Underground Reich, it is matters of degree. Some organizations are interconnected with others and have a great deal of influence, while others exert full control. The vast scope of the Underground Reich’s influence is formidable.
AV: In Part IV we will continue exposing the Underground Reich operating as the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Hitler Legacy, Peter Levenda
The Beast Reawakens, Martin A. Lee
Dreamer of the Day, Kevin Coogan
Traditionalist Workers Party leaders,Matthew Heimbach,Matthew Parrott
League of the South
League of the South – SPLA
Vanguard America
Vanguard America – SPLA
Nationalist Front: Leaders – Jeff Schoep, Matthew Heimbach, Michael Hill
Identity Evropa Website
Identity Europa/Evropa: Linking Dugin with US Fascists
Identity Evropa
SPLA – Nathan Damigo
The Traditionalist Workers Party was established as an offshoot of the Youth Network. They have the same logo as Dugin’s Eurasian Youth Moment.
The Traditionalist Workers Party was established as an offshoot of the Youth Network. They have the same logo as Dugin’s Eurasian Youth Moment.
The Traditionalist Workers Party was established as an offshoot of the Youth Network. They have the same logo as Dugin’s Eurasian Youth Moment.
Identity Europa: Linking Dugin with US Fascists
Copyright © Internationalist 360° 2017

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