The Soviet Union

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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:57 am

A little 'Communist Propaganda' to start out the day

Comrade Yuriy sent me, this so I translated it. They are hungry over there.
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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:21 pm

Event marks 25 years since defeat of 1993 Moscow Uprising against capitalist restoration

Translator's note: This year marks the 25th anniversary of the September-October 1993 Moscow Uprising against capitalist restoration in Russia. The rebellion was crushed by the Yeltsin regime on October 3-4, with support from U.S. imperialism, then headed by Bill Clinton. The House of Soviets (“Russian White House”) was shelled by tanks and unknown numbers of Soviet defenders were massacred.

Photos: Olga Ivanova
On September 28 at the "Alibi" club in Moscow, a memorable evening was held dedicated to the 25th anniversary of "Black October.”

The first part of the event was opened by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the United Communist Party (OKP) Vladimir Lakeyev. "Then, in 1993, we were closer to removing this regime than now in 2018," he said.


Among the witnesses to the events who spoke were defenders of the White House, People's Deputies of the RSFSR, and members of the Supreme Soviet:

Ilya Vladimirovich Konstantinov
Andrey Leonidovich Golovin
Darya Alexandrovna Mitina

The deputies and armed defenders talked about the course of events in the country since 1991 that ended with the tragic outcome on October 3-4, 1993, in Moscow.


Deputy of the Moscow City Duma Elena A. Shuvalova was a guest and speaker.

Konstantin Semin, journalist, author and leader of "Agitblog," did not remain indifferent to this event either. Konstantin did not build illusions about any good prospects. He urged those present to have a clear analysis of the outcome of those events and a sober assessment of our forces today.


During the second part of the event there was an open mic.

Also, there were musical performances by the bands "Echelon" [«Эшелон»] and "Strings and Sounds” [«Строки и звуки»].

#Октябрь93 #Восстание #Борьба #Память #ОКП #Коммунисты


Translated by Greg Butterfield ... at-of.html

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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Tue Oct 02, 2018 12:44 pm

Victor Anpilov, communist who resisted counterrevolution in USSR

By Greg Butterfield
Workers World

Red-and-gold flags of Soviet socialism flew high in Moscow on Jan. 20 as hundreds of people gathered at Troyekurovskoye Cemetery’s memorial hall to say farewell to communist Victor Anpilov, an historic figure in Russia’s long revolutionary history.

Anpilov, who stood at the forefront of the struggle against capitalist restoration in the USSR during the early 1990s, died Jan. 15 at the age of 72. Two days earlier he suffered a major stroke en route to a meeting to discuss which candidate leftists should back in the upcoming Russian presidential election.

Memorial for Victor Anpilov in Moscow, Jan. 20.
Speaking is Darya Mitina of United Communist Party.
Photo: Labor Russia

Victor Ivanovich Anpilov was born in 1945 to a peasant family in the Krasnodar region of Russia. His father was a veteran of the Great Patriotic War — the Soviet resistance to German fascist occupation in World War II.

His early life reflected the opportunities that existed for urban and rural working-class youth in the Soviet Union.

As a child, Anpilov suffered the privations that affected many following a devastating war that cost more than 20 million Soviet lives. But the country rapidly rebuilt thanks to socialist planning.

After doing his military service in a Red Army detachment in socialist Cuba, Anpilov attended Moscow State University and became a prominent international journalist. He covered struggles in Latin America, spending several years in Nicaragua during the 1980s when the Sandinista government was fighting the U.S.-backed Contras.

His time in Latin America — studying the Cuban Revolution and other movements for socialism and national liberation — was a turning point for him as a communist.

Anpilov learned the importance of revolutionary engagement with the masses, of militant fightback and street struggles. This was a keystone of the Bolshevik Party that led the 1917 Russian Revolution, but had been lost under the bureaucracy that guided the Soviet workers’ state after Lenin’s death.

These lessons served him well upon his return to the Soviet Union, where a dangerous effort to restore capitalism was under way, headed by the likes of Communist Party Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev and U.S. imperialist favorite Boris Yeltsin. Anpilov saw that parades and resolutions were not enough — militant, mass action by the working class was needed to confront the powerful enemies of socialism.

In 1990 Anpilov was elected to the Moscow Soviet. The following year, he helped found the Movement of the Communist Initiative, which criticized Gorbachev’s appeasement of imperialism abroad and moves toward capitalist restoration at home.

Anpilov published the first communist, anti-Gorbachev newspaper, Molynia (Lighting), distributed during the 1991 May Day celebration on Red Square. After a failed coup against Gorbachev in August by forces in the Soviet government, Anpilov organized “human chains” to protect Lenin’s mausoleum from pro-capitalist elements. And on Nov. 7, the anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, he was one of the initiators of an unauthorized demonstration of communist forces in the capital.

At the end of that year he founded the Labor Moscow mass movement, which later became Labor Russia, and was also a founder of the Russian Communist Workers’ Party.

Workers World correspondent Bill Dores recalled: “I met Victor in the grim days of 1992, when Workers World Party sent me to Moscow to make contact with communists resisting the restoration of capitalism. I found him outside the gates of the Kremlin, where he was leading protests against the Yeltsin regime.

“Victor’s confident words brought hope to revolutionaries the world over who were reeling from the overthrow of Soviet power in the land of the October Revolution. They cut like a knife through the bravado of the capitalist media gloating over the destruction of the USSR.

“I still remember his vivid message to our 1993 May Day rally in New York: ‘The working class never betrayed socialism. Once again this May 1st, we will see the columns of workers marching to Red Square. Their flags will be red, their slogan eternal — Workers of the world unite!’”

Dores recounted how “we watched with bated breath that May Day as Labor Russia defied Yeltsin’s police to march in the streets of Moscow. A week later the regime kidnapped Anpilov in revenge.” He was tortured by Yeltsin’s goons.

Victor Anpilov, carrying his son Sergey, at a demonstration in 1993.

Bloody October and after
Anpilov was freed in time to play a leading role in the popular uprising of September-October 1993, when tens of thousands of workers took to the streets of Moscow to defend the House of Soviets and the Soviet Constitution. Armed workers and youth took up positions around the so-called “Russian White House” to defend what remained of Soviet power.

With the full backing of the U.S. government — headed by Democrat Bill Clinton — Yeltsin’s tanks shelled the House of Soviets and his fascist OMON (special forces) troops slaughtered the Soviet defenders. Hundreds were rounded up and murdered in a Moscow stadium in scenes reminiscent of dictator Augusto Pinochet’s coup in Chile. Anpilov and other leaders were jailed.

“Here in the U.S., we marched outside the Russian Embassy to demand freedom for Victor Anpilov and the Moscow anti-fascist fighters,” recalled Dores, who coordinated the Campaign in Solidarity with Labor in Russia. “And we were thrilled when the prison gates opened in the amnesty of February 1994.”

Following the defeat of the 1993 uprising, the floodgates were opened to untrammeled privatization. Much of Russia’s vast industrial capacity and natural resources were sold off at cut-rate prices to Wall Street and other imperialist powers. Thousands of factories and other workplaces shut down, never to reopen. Hunger and homelessness soared. Life expectancy plummeted.

During these painful years, Anpilov and Labor Russia led several mass marches of workers from Russia’s industrial centers to the capital. He also led protests against Russian military cooperation with NATO and the Pentagon.

The situation became more complicated when Vladimir Putin became president in 1999. Putin’s rise signaled a shift in power toward more nationalist elements of the new capitalist oligarchy, away from the bootlicking Yeltsin’s cabal. Although there have been several outbreaks of popular resistance in the 2000s, nothing has yet rivaled the mass fight-back movement of the 1990s.

Anpilov’s later years reflected the difficulties of being a revolutionary who lives through a great defeat. He struggled to find ways to reach the masses that he knew were so crucial to the struggle for socialism, and this sometimes set him at odds with other sections of the left. But he never surrendered his vision of humanity’s communist future, nor his determination to fight oppression and injustice at every opportunity.

Today, as Russia’s communists work to find unity and build a new revolutionary movement, Anpilov’s example is key — especially his historic contribution of “bringing home” the importance of militant mass struggle with an engaged working class.

This could be seen at the Jan. 20 memorial in Moscow, where speakers included several Anpilov protégés who are today key figures in the Russian left – including Left Front coordinator Sergey Udaltsov, United Communist Party International Secretary Darya Mitina, and Stanislav Ruzanov, who succeeded Anpilov as head of Labor Russian in 2012.

Another Anpilov protege, Maria Donchenko of the Vanguard of Red Youth of Labor Russia (AKM-TR), wrote: “Our relationship was not always simple, but I want to say the main thing — he [Anpilov] was the one who raised the banner in the fall of 1991, the day after the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was banned, when everyone was hiding in corners, he came out and raised the banner. History demanded that such a person appear, and Victor Ivanovich was that person.”

A message from Workers World Party to Anpilov’s memorial said: “Today, on the cusp of new challenges and opportunities for communists in Russia and around the world, we reflect on Victor Ivanovich’s courage, his selfless sacrifices, and most of all, his role as a tribune of the people — a leader who came from the masses, who always listened to them and learned from them, while also teaching a Marxist-Leninist understanding of the class struggle.

“Comrade Victor Anpilov’s work, unfinished, remains to us. The seeds he planted will grow and flower in new revolutionary generations that lift up the red banner, as he did, and carry it forward to new victories.”

Victor Anpilov, presente!

The writer was an organizer of the Campaign in Solidarity with Labor Russia. Biographical information for this article came from statements by the United Communist Party, Russian Communist Workers’ Party and Labor Russia.

Posted 23rd January by Greg B ... #communist
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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:31 pm

Time capsule in Chernyshevsky
October 30, 16:10


In the village of Chernyshevsky in the area of ​​the Vilyuiskaya Hydroelectric Power Station on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Leninsky Komsomol, they opened the time capsule of hydropower station workers founded in 1979

“Through the years and generations on the day of the 60th anniversary of the Leninist Komsomol, Komsomol and youth of the village. Chernyshevsky, we appeal to you, our followers, the youth of 2018, the anniversary year - the centenary of the birth of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union.
The history of the Komsomol cherishes the exciting pages inscribed by the Komsomol of the civil war, the builders of the first Komsomol new buildings, the exploits of Komsomol members in the Great Patriotic War, the Komsomol members who raised virgin soil and mastered the immense expanses of Siberia and the Far North.

For us, members of the Komsomol of the 70s, the heroic feat of the older generations is always the guiding star. We worthy carried the baton of labor and valor. And here, in the uninhabited land, in the permafrost zone, a wonderful hydroelectric power station and a beautiful village were built. The labor feat of Komsomol members of the 50-60s was inscribed in the chronicle of the flourishing of the Yakutsk Republic. From the first tents on the site of uncharted deaf taiga to the magnificent monument of work of hydraulic builders - the Vilyuiskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant and the village of Chernyshevsky lies the path of almost 20 years. During this time, a lot of heroic deeds have been committed, connected with the names of the pioneers. Among them were the Komsomol members: Yura Panyukhov, Emma Lazutina, Gena Silov, Valera Rodin, Slava Krivolap, Sasha Manukhov, Raya Doroshenko, Sasha Kurilovich, Valera Dikarev, Tolya Mironov, Misha Rukosuev.

We are sure that the great construction on the Yakut land will continue in the era of communism. When you build nuclear power plants in the taiga expanses of our republic, develop new areas of the rich Yakut land, build a powerful hydropower station on the Lena river, difficulties will come your way and then let your memory call us and we will extend you a helping hand to your wonderful future. We, the pioneers, will walk beside you, help and accompany your successes on Earth and in Space, as the heroic Komsomol members of the Great Patriotic War went with us.
And in the era of communism there will be a place for romance. From the shores of the mighty Vilyuy, we extend the hand of friendship and pass on our labor baton.

And may in your daring and workdays inspire and lead you forward the Banner of the great Lenin, the Banner of October.

On behalf of the Komsomol members and youth, the letter was signed:

Secretary of the Party Construction Committee of Vilyuiskaya Yu. N. Ivanov
Chairman of the Village Council of People's Deputies M. Kh. Ivanov
Chairman of the United Building Committee USLEPiP S.P. Sergienko
Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of Construction of the Vilyuiskaya HPP LF Danilova

October 29 1979 YASSR village Chernyshevsky.

Youth of 2018, instead of an open capsule with a letter, laid a new one with a message for young people in 2043.

“Hello to everyone who reads this message!

Today we read the message of our peers who lived in the 70s, and you are the people of the future!
We believe that your life is beautiful and interesting, that our civilization has advanced to a new level of technology and has reached distant planets and stars. We very much hope that you have built a world without wars, strife, borders and other misfortunes arising from the fault of human stupidity. Our generation lives in difficult times, this time of change and difficult decisions. It can not be compared with the military or post-war. Not!!! Our generation is full, dressed, provided with televisions, and cell phones, and computers. But at the same time we lose the most important thing - humanity and humanity. We hope that in your time the power of good and peace has triumphed, a new ideal world has been built on our planet, filled with the light of love, friendship and mutual understanding. I wish you happiness! Take care of yourself and our wonderful planet!

Youth p. Chernyshevsky. October 29, 2018.

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Tears. Anger. Determination.
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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Mon Nov 05, 2018 5:51 pm

Communist poet

In memory of Boris Gunko

The history of world literature included many poets, whose work was inextricably linked with the struggle for the liberation of the working people. Among them, the author of the "International" Eugene Potier, trade union leader Joe Hill, who was executed by the United States, proud of its democracy, our compatriot V. Mayakovsky, Bertolt Brecht ...

Boris Mikhailovich Gunko

At the end of the 20th century, the chemical engineer Boris Mikhailovich Gunko took an honorable place on this list. He died 10 years ago on May 4, 2006. May 6, the Moscow Communists spent his last journey.

Boris Mikhailovich was born on August 31, 1933 in a family of hereditary nobles who became communists. His grandfather, an old Bolshevik, was shot in the late 1930s, and his father was detained for a long time.

The hardships of the family did not push its members onto the path of anti-Sovietism. Moreover, B.M. Gunko his whole life remained a convinced Stalinist, reacting extremely negatively to the criticism of I.V. Stalin.

About the tragedy of his family B.M. Gunko wrote the poem "Father":

I came to my father's grave

To remember and worship.

Here I stand here - and not from the face,

And from the heart a tear flows.

Dad, honey! Forgive me,

What come to you not often.

I'm at the front. There is a war.

Fierce enemy tore the country apart.

Dad, honey! I was so small

When in the dark night deaf

They took you ... I slept soundly,

Did not feel the kiss.

And then ... You have a gulag,

Many years of imprisonment.

I could not believe it

In fact, that you were the enemy of the people.

Might break my soul.

Thank God that he knew little.

I remember how mother was killed,

Day and night, the prose wrote.

And always only one answer

Though knit rope tie:

“There are no grounds for cancellation,

I confessed to my crimes. "

... Stalin died. Khrushchev came.

Judas rushed into the simpleton.

And then ... went to the Leader.

Obolg - and people were silent.

I did not believe! Sometimes in our hearts

In a fight climbed with indifferent scum.

I had two fathers

And both doused with mud.

And if you remember, grandfather

There was a brave ally of Lenin,

In the thirty-fifth - and there is no grandfather:

Turned out to be among the shot.

Who turns the robbery in the country?

There is a mystery here.

Only one thing was clear to me:

Not guilty Comrade Stalin.

My mind was dizzy in thoughts.

I wrote a letter to your camp.

Dad, honey! Do not believe, dear,

Charges to this brazen!

My friends laughed at me:

"Wait! Daddy will come back

Will explain to you the role of the Leader

And you will understand that the truth is ours! ”

You are back. I waited longingly

From you horrible stories,

What do Stalin say so-and-so ...

Only you did not say once

Nothing bad about him.

And when you hinted,

You were silent, but with such fire

The pygmy eyes sparkled!

But once, as if litter

Sweeping from my soul

Our conversation took place.

Every day I remember him!

You said to me: "Believe, son, -

I went through a hard school.

Would break many times

From resentment and grief.

I was pure before the people,

And I, as an enemy, was exiled.

Here, catch it here, hold on,

Do not say that Stalin is guilty!

You could sing with the fierce beast

Stand in the ranks of every rabble,

If only “yours is mine”

Put higher than the fate of the people.

Today they are talking about

That was too cruel Stalin.

And I think about something else:

Be it softer - what would become of us?

Repeat - GULAG! Gulag!

I know who was in the gulag.

Basically there was a sworn enemy -

Possessed, cruel, arrogant.

True, I also saw others

There were holy souls.

But planted their enemies

To rather destroy the country!

Remember my word, son, -

This pack will show itself

More angry dogs will rush

On our country in a wild rage!

With a new force will raise a howl,

Dissolve the swamp,

To drown in it the Soviet system,

Turning people into idiots.

And then ... But guess what?

You need to be ready for anything.

And to that, to give life

For the great and holy.

Remember, my son, life is precious,

If there is a high feat in it.


Without it, only lies and meanness. ”

So said you holy on that day,

Chopped off all doubts at once.

And before the tomb put in operation

My heart, soul and mind.

The only way! but how do I know -

Be your position,

Maybe “democrat” to become

Would ambition lead me ?!

And I would go in scoundrels

With frivolously evil bravado,

What offended, they say, father

And I do not need "this country".

How I think every time

The spirit of such visions will be sickened.

That you saved me, dad

Unselfish is my kind genius.

Dad, honey! I swear to you:

I will fulfill all your covenants,

Like you, not bend in the fight

For the victory of the Land of the Soviets.

And let the enemy rage,

Let riot police lute it

But our red flag will come.

Over Moscow and Washington!

Will never break me

No danger, no fatigue.

To the front line of fire

Raises holy fury.

I do not need another inheritance

I do not get along with a different fate.

The truth is so much affairs

That sometimes dizzy.

Because you forgive me

What come to you not often.

There will be peace. For now - the war.

Fierce enemy tore the country apart.


This poem is strikingly reminiscent of Arkady Gaidar's “The Fate of a Drummer” written 60 years before him, whose author tried to understand what the son of the repressed Red Army commander would do when he met the real enemy of his country.

After graduating from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology named after D.I. Mendeleev, Boris Mikhailovich worked in research institutes. He was an excellent engineer, a talented inventor and a hard-to-communicate person who was used to making very high (and possibly excessively high) demands on himself and others.

In Soviet times, B.M. Gunko wrote poems for himself and did not seek to publish them. Among his few early works, which were later published, it is worth mentioning the poem “The Goats”. This poem, distinguished by its energetic style and figurative metaphors and hyperbole, gives a vivid picture of the degradation of the national intelligentsia in the 1950s and 60s:

Just by lunchtime the day is coming

In the arms of tobacco smoke,

Rejecting the usual Russian laziness,

Exploding materschina.

And you behind the wall can not understand

But what happened there is this:

Then some eggs will be considered

That fish some catch!

As if knocking drumming fractions

Breaking the silence.

... Already on the heels driven all the wrinkles on his forehead,

Scientist ... "Goat scores"!

With the greatness of the woodpecker, hollowing the bitches,

With diligence that has become a habit

Gear "hollow" PhD

Silenced sallow chip.

From a crush to a wall, sticking belly

And putting a neck with a giraffe,

Kashlem to the green mat vomits

The uncle of some stranger.

And nearby, worrying, sit and stand

Squatting and tiptoeing

Pushing through the smoke only tongue and eyes,

Some kind of nerve tits.

Otherwise, even in the head count forget it,

Though lollobrigida undress,

Though in the ass the Baltic Sea inlet -

Does not feel, no, does not move!

But just try at least once in a hundred years

"Five" with the "six" confused.

Mischievous! Zaorut like a mad lion

Hedgehog by mistake ate!

And here matershinniki enter into a rage!

With such a joke -

The girls innocent seems as much

What they undress and feel.

And it is hard to believe that

Alas, every day is repeated ...

And somewhere, birds will sing spring,



Generally speaking, the domino game itself does not contain anything reprehensible. Another thing is bad: to a new generation of the national intelligentsia, by and large, neither the birds that sing the spring, nor the Cube fighting in the fire are interested. The Soviet intelligentsia is turning into a "middle class" and is turning gray before our eyes. This process was cruelly and mercilessly described by the then young engineer.

It is curious that the writer of completely opposite political views spoke about the same process a little later, who even coined the term “educated”. In essence, both Gunko and Solzhenitsyn talked about the same process, but looked at it from different sides.

It is said that B.M. Gunko wrote ... in verse. However, the leadership of the Institute, in which the applicant worked, without having fundamental objections to the scientific content, recommended that the material be presented in a more traditional form. Boris Mikhailovich did not want to sacrifice his principles and did not redo his dissertation.

I do not know whether it is a fact or fiction. But if fiction, then psychologically quite reliable.

In conscience time, being a convinced communist, B.M. Gunko did not join and did not try to join the CPSU. “In order to join the CPSU, ” he said, “it was necessary to receive two recommendations. I could ask for a recommendation only from a person who possesses two qualities: first, he must be a member of the CPSU, and second, he deserves my respect. Unfortunately, in my life I never met two people who had both of these qualities at the same time . ” Nevertheless, Boris Mikhailovich successfully graduated from the University of Marxism-Leninism. True, his thesis on the role of art in the communist education of the working people caused clear dissatisfaction among the ideological authorities.

In the late 1980s, the previously unknown chemical engineer Gunko was promoted to be one of the leading Russian poets. His position does not fit into the classification of the Russian political spectrum, which antisocialist forces tried to impose on the public. On the one hand, Boris Mikhailovich is a convinced communist, and on the other, a communist who has no relation to the nomenclature and its politics. In those days, it seemed very strange. B.M. Gunko among the few authors criticizes the policy of the communist nomenclature on the left. And besides, he does not seek to enter the circle of this very nomenclature. As for the “democrats,” the poet is absolutely incompatible with them, seeing in them the characters of his poem about goats.

Evil poems of Boris Gunko

In contrast to most of the beautifully-minded Russian intellectuals B.M. Gunko almost instantly saw through the essence of “perestroika” and understood how it would inevitably end. After appearing in the "Soviet Russia" article "I can not sacrifice principles" B.M. Gunko is associated with N.A. Andreeva and soon creates together with her a social organization of a left-communist orientation. And then he enters the newly created Russian Communist Workers' Party and becomes one of its leaders. In the fall of 1993, B.M. Gunko actively participates in the defense of the House of the Supreme Council.

The poems created by B.M. Gunko in 1990-2006, we can distinguish several ideological lines. The main line: understanding the historical process in general and the defeat of the communist movement in the late 20th century in particular. This is stated in the program poem of Boris Mikhailovich:

* * *

When the old world, mowing down in vice

Already ready for self-destruction,

He has a high mind resurrected

From the darkness of ages great idea.

Not the first time, alas, not the first time

She offered to save the world

And nowadays hardly any of us

Indicates where its beginning lies.

Still Christ in the wilderness of men

Her heart fire so hot touched,

What was called was an enthusiastic crowd

Savior, Messiah, Son of God.

He said that you need to live loving,

What is not given salvation otherwise

That the only way to save yourself

Lies through the salvation of another.

And the centuries went by. And this thought matured.

And carried me to heavenly nirvana.

... And crucified again, he ascended high

Over the terrible world of lies and chistocha.

And the century struck when not God, not King

And not a hero, but life-giving work

In himself opened the way to heaven.

And not in the afterlife, in the present!

And my great people arose from their knees,

And immediately became uniquely young.

And powerfully directed the world forward

Sickle and Hammer crossed over the world.

That new Cross was the former Cross

The successor is natural and right.

And the old world started for a reason

Over it the insidious punishment.

He could not overcome him by force

And then he took a different direction,

To overcome his spirit and flesh

To trifles calculated corruption.

And he let out his dead sweet poison

A river of lies in the minds of the people.

And the people were full of that river,

Suddenly turned into an insignificant freak.

And all the great work of countless ages,

Constellations of exploits and thoughts of the gigantic,

Obediently becoming a country of fools,

Gave people for the right to live in a swine.

And all that he knew was blasphemously forgotten.

And what he loved, why he believed so hot,

In the delirium of the chorus is trampled and insulted

Senseless, shameful betrayal ...

And again, all over again and in full -

Blood, poverty, the way from sheep to people

And maybe the last war,

After which there will be nothing.

And only after many thousands of years,

When the fog dries out poisonous,

Life and gloomy dawn will arise

Will call again to the sufferings and battles.

Everything can be ... But it can not be.

And the torch of Life will never break out,

Kohl so many times we could not swim

Before the fertile solid of Communism.


Boris Mikhailovich perceives the return of our country "to the channel of world civilization" as a world-historic tragedy. And sees its main reason - the loss of historical perspective. The future of humanity remains more than problematic and, worst of all, the strength and desire to fight for a better future most people do not have today.

Many left-wing authors view the events that led to the collapse of the Soviet system, as a result of the machinations of Western intelligence agencies. It is said about this in the poem. But the machinations of the special services are not the main thing. The main problem is that the people themselves refused the choice made by Russia in 1917. And for what? For the sake of "the right to live like a pig ”! Why?

The problem is posed, and posed seriously. Although not resolved. B.M. Gunko, like many other modern communists, does not dare to begin a serious analysis of the existing contradictions of socialism, unfortunately. For in politics and in life, the one who knows how to analyze the experience of his defeats and to learn the proper lessons from this experience wins.

The relationship between the revolutionary avant-garde and the people who are not always inclined to accept revolutionary ideas is discussed in the following poem

* * *

In vain fire pours from the podium Cicero,

In vain go to battle and the righteous and the warrior,

Vain deeds, prayers and law -

The people have what he deserves

And do not get what he is not worthy!


But if your people are like a pig in a stable,

Sleep shamefully and his sleep is terrible

And you rebelled to ignite him

The light of truth is high and beautiful,

But the truth is not his mind ...


Not! Do not rush to say that your people are dung,

What is useless in him trying to sow the mind.

Is it not from the dung that the roses bloom,

Not in crystal or they never survived?

This, sower! Be patient! Carry your heavy load!


Rise holy crops! And the righteous people

Worthy will be the best, bright share.

Let the devil himself attack him then,

Let him want to deprive him of will, -

The people have what he deserves



Everything is said correctly, but I would also add that the People will understand the Sower and accept his ideas because the Sower himself is part of the People, and not a stranger from another planet. Therefore, the Sower is concerned about the same problems that by and large also concern the people. And, therefore, mutual understanding is possible, and in the long run inevitable. Although it may not come as quickly as desired.

* * *

- “Oh, this is not easy work

From the swamp to drag the hippo! "

After all, today our hippo -

This is the former Soviet people.

Alas, the passivity of today's behemoth is largely generated by yesterday's CPSU. However, this passivity is not eternal. The power of the Sower is that he relies on historical experience and a deeper analysis of reality. And they have common interests with the people.

In a more specific language, all these ideas are discussed by Boris Mikhailovich in the popular song "Gentlemen of the workers":

Gentlemen working, engineers and others!

How are your promotions, vouchers like?

Well you were such lions, when torn to profit,

What nearly ruined the poor commies!

Gentlemen, what are you concerned about?

It is evident that the money is raining madly !?

Tea, you opened the shops on those halyvochki,

What do you predict Sverdlovsk leader ?!

Gentlemen workers, you are now the owners!

Here, I suppose, ate, all the way, all the best !?

Or you were furnished, you opened your mouth a little

For good people to steal it?

Gentlemen of the workers! Commie do not listen!

At least a hundred times in the face of you - for the bourgeois stand!

Spit in the face - wipe! Spit in the soul - eat!

Nothing, swallow, you're a simple people!

Commies arrogant, those waving flags,

You talk about the motherland. And why is she?

Here to fill the womb is a good thing!

And the ideology of cattle on horseradish?

Gentlemen of the workers! You are free now

From all the rights imposed on you once.

Therefore, do not really shout "Mom dear!"

There will be life hungry with steep thieves!

And do not expect pity! You do pigeons

Wanted of pranks in the market paradise!

And now, please, at least drown in the hole

Or at least poke the head "smart" in the loop!

Well, since I do not like it, so it's time to improve

And burzhuyu brazenly broke the sides.

Again, under the Red Banner, the beautiful Motherland

It will become, as under Stalin, young-strong!

And then conquered socialism,

As your soul, take care.

You know now, where is the nightmare, and where is the life

And where enemies are luring you.

May 1995

Boris Mikhailovich felt very well the historical analogies and actively used them in his poems.

* * *

"The sovereign is weak and crafty,

Bald dancer, the enemy of labor,

Accidentally warmed with glory

Reigned over us then! ”

Praise to you, O Russian genius!

Through such a thickness of years

No one could give more true

The Secretary General of the former portrait!

………………………………………… ..

He sold everything we were proud of.

Brought to the throne of the ghoul

Tsar Boris. And earth

Fire terrible lit up ...

But again you are right: “It will rise,

Star of captivating happiness,

Russia will shake from sleep,

And on the wreckage of autocracy

They will write our names! ”

In the works of B.M. Gunko draws attention to an atypical for a communist positive attitude towards Christianity. For Boris Mikhailovich, Christianity is not so much a religion as a step of humanity on the path to its liberation. The question of the Being of God is not so important, how important is the thought that “that the only way to salvation of oneself lies through the salvation of another” . This idea, by the way, was rejected by Protestantism, which became the ideology of the rapidly developing bourgeoisie.

From the point of view of the poet, the symbol of the communist movement "hammer and sickle" is the "new cross", the legitimate successor of the symbol of Christianity - the "cross." But not just a legitimate successor, but a new step towards the liberation of humanity.

* * *

Light candles and pray!

This is better than fornicating and stealing.

Just know for sure - celestial being

Do not chase the power of thieves!

Serve the poor, serve!

God for this you sins off your sins.

Serve, but do not forget -

This world of grief can not be saved.

Well, if you really

They wanted Truth and Good -

Only one is the path to the cherished goal,

It's time to go on it.

Raise the Red Banners,

Let the enemy suffocate from malice.

Get up! Millions soon

Become us under this Red Banner!

An inspirational shot is coming soon.

Not one, but thousands of Aurora.

Become the ranks of the Communists,

Enough candles, hymns and beggars

Become a trumpet playing collection!

October 1994

However, the Communist Party leaders also talk a lot about the connection between communism and Christianity. But between their position and the position of B.M. Gunko is a fundamental difference. For the Communist Party leaders, the cross is a symbol of certain, first of all, national traditions, not all of which can be considered revolutionary. And for Gunko, the cross is a symbol of the revolutionary spirit and revolutionary hopes of our distant ancestors.

* * *

And again Christ made a mistake in people

And crucified again.

Again, the same draw will be

For those who are holy.

And again, shame declared rubbish,

And honor does not count.

And the money changers in the temples shout again:

"On the host-calculation!"

And once again Learning is outlaw,

God fucked.

And humanity is driven into the neck

Bag and rock.

And above all acquisitions

In the course of junk:

Rust of money

And the cry: "Mine!"

And once again dominates Ho-zia-in!

Not Friend, not Brother!

And unselfishness booed

Exults the enemy.

And the blood of the nations is shed again.

My country.

And again freaks rule the ball -

Feast of Satan.

And again on the poor and the rich

Section of fate.

And that means they will once again take

Ax slaves.

And that means there will be a miracle again

And Life - go ahead!

And the all-consuming Judas -

On the scaffold!

“All the saints who have shone above Russia, the flag is waving above me!” - said B.M. Gunko in his poem, written in the White House on October 1, 1993.

The idea that "Beauty will save the world" was internally close to Boris Mikhailovich
The idea that "Beauty will save the world" was internally close to Boris Mikhailovich

Was Boris Mikhailovich Gunko, one of the leaders of the left wing of the Russian communist movement, a believer? At least deep down? We will never know ...

Boris Mikhailovich was very fond of classical art and, above all, music. He had a wonderful voice and, apparently, all the data in order to become a professional opera singer. But life was different.

Boris Mikhailovich Gunko was one of the few modern Russian communists who truly understood the role of art in the revolutionary struggle. His communist views were fueled in no small measure by the extreme anti-aesthetics of capitalism. Moreover, the poet simply did not share the art and revolutionary struggle:

* * *

The violin sounded. Bah Chaconne.

How revelation is simple and proud.

Unbeatable Laws

Verb suffering chord.

And in the flood of wondrous sounds,

Clearer than from thousands of books

Burning in joy and agony

I have comprehended the highest truth.

I understood - Life is given for Thought,

Thought - to fight for the ideal.

... Violin sounded. A communist

In my youth I became.

May 1994

In his work “A bird will fly up on one wing,” Boris Mikhailovich directly promises that after the victory of the Revolution, the Soviet government will force officials to listen to symphonic music in an administrative manner (which, presumably, will help reduce corruption). This idea may not be useless, of course, in combination with other methods of control over officials.

In the same work, B.M. Gunko writes about aesthetic education, as the most important priority of the socialist education system.

The idea that "Beauty will save the world" was internally close to Boris Mikhailovich. However, he was well aware that the mechanism for the implementation of this idea is the struggle of the working people against the modern world ruling His Prepohabia Capital. And beauty inspires workers to fight. Moreover, only by starting to fight for a better future for themselves and their children, people will be able to truly understand and love this beauty.

On May 1, 2006, Boris Mikhailovich Gunko walked at the head of the column of the EIF-PKK from Mayakovsky Square to the center. He read his poems, commented on current political events. After the rally, he said goodbye to his comrades and said: “See you on May 9!” .

This meeting did not take place. May 4, Boris Mikhailovich died suddenly.

Probably not all the political views of Boris Mikhailovich Gunko can be fully agreed. But this, by and large, does not matter. Separate political differences can not and should not affect the assessment of the literary creativity of the largest Communist poet of our country.

This work will remain forever in the history of Russia and Russian literature.

S.V. Bagotsky ... %81%D1%82/

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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:53 pm

The political economy of the Soviet Union
Albert Szymanski ... d-flag.pdf

I hate big readings on screen but from what I've seen this 123pp work is good.
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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by kidoftheblackhole » Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:21 pm

blindpig wrote:
Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:53 pm
The political economy of the Soviet Union
Albert Szymanski ... d-flag.pdf

I hate big readings on screen but from what I've seen this 123pp work is good.
I have a number of his Szymanski's books because Gowan's cites him extensively in his What's Left blog. They are good for data but I never pinned down where they stand on theory.

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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Tue Dec 18, 2018 2:33 pm

Unilateral disarmament

December 18, 16:50


Not later than in October, he wrote:

It’s certainly not worth regretting this treaty, it’s one of those Gorbachev’s paper “with consequences” that caused great damage to the USSR’s defense capability, weakened the position of the USSR in Eastern Europe and caused great damage to the Soviet military-industrial complex associated with the collapse of the ATS, the CMEA and the USSR. The agreement on the INF Treaty was followed by other concessions from Gorbachev and Shevardnadze aimed at surrendering the positions of the USSR in Eastern Europe and the collapse of the Soviet bloc, when strategic positions in Eastern Europe, later taken by NATO in the framework of "advancing on East. "The demonstrative" desire for peace "turned into a betrayal and the destruction of the country. - zinc

Some then bugurtil, that "You do not understand, an excellent contract," etc. Well, the

Treaty on Medium and Shorter-Range Missiles (DRSMD) for the USSR has actually become one-sided disarmament, said Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding that he did not understand the reasons for signing the document.
Speaking at the board of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Putin decided to dwell on the topic of a possible US exit from the INF Treaty, noting that this is a topical issue, "attracting the attention of the public in our country and in the world."
The President of the Russian Federation recalled that the agreement was signed in 1987 and provided for the elimination of medium and shorter range missiles - from 500 to 5 thousand km.

"Land-based missiles were liquidated. And the Soviet Union did not have others. The United States had both sea and air-based ones. And we did not. Therefore, from the point of view of the Soviet Union, this was unilateral disarmament. Why did the leadership of the Soviet Union go for this unilateral disarmament - God only knows, "- said Putin.
At the same time, he stressed that if the United States leaves the INF Treaty, Russia will be able to modernize air and sea-based systems by placing them on ground complexes.
“Let's see how this will happen. By and large, we already have everything, but if something happens that is trying to frighten us, well, well, we will have to respond accordingly,” Putin said.
He added: "As you understand, if we have air and sea-based such systems, it probably will not be too difficult to carry out appropriate R & D and put them on the ground, if necessary." - zinc

As for "not understanding" on Putin’s part, sheer slyness, especially considering all those concessions (including in the defense field) that Gorbachev and Shevardnadze made in the late 80s . The motivation for the concessions to the Americans on the INF Treaty was criticized by Soviet generals in the memoirs of the 90s. We also know very well the price of US promises not to expand NATO in exchange for such concessions - gentlemen are not inclined to fulfill promises given to non-gentlemen.

Otherwise, it was finally officially recognized that the USSR agreement was a clear concession by the USSR, although it would be logical to raise the question of the responsibility of those who caused irreparable harm to the army and the state. Oh, dreams, dreams ...

The very same rhetoric clearly indicates that they will not particularly cling to the contract, especially within the framework of the requirements put forward by the United States, since following this path will mean a repetition of Gorbachev’s rule. Therefore, it is more likely to accelerate the nuclear missile race.

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bolding added

I would add that if Putin "doesn't understand" then he is unqualified. He knows the treachery very well...
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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Mon Dec 24, 2018 12:42 pm

New Years: Back in the USSR

© Sputnik / Lev Ustinov

© Sputnik / David Sholomovich

© Sputnik / Miroslav Murazov

© Sputnik /

© Sputnik / Vladimir Rodionov

© Sputnik / Anatoliy Garanin

© Sputnik / Dmitry Debabov

© Sputnik / Valery Gende-Rote

© Sputnik / Vladimir Fedorenko

© Sputnik / Boris Kavashkin

© Sputnik / Valery Gende-Rote

© Sputnik / David Sholomovich

© Sputnik / V. Shiyanovskiy

© Sputnik / David Sholomovich

© Sputnik / Anatoliy Garanin

© Sputnik / Vladimir Fedorenko

© Sputnik / V. Shiyanovskiy

© Sputnik / Vladimir Fedorenko

© Sputnik / David Sholomovich

© Sputnik / Vladimir Fedorenko

© Sputnik / Yakov Berliner

© Sputnik / Lev Ustinov
New Year was a special, long-awaited holiday for a Soviet person, as the preparations for the festivities turned into an almost heroic effort, which many people now remember that painstaking work with nostalgia.

The Soviet Union officially celebrated the New Year holiday for the first time in 1935. New Year's traditions also appeared during Soviet times, people bought tangerines, made Olivier salad, and listened to the Kremlin's chimes, during which it was obligatory to make a wish. Later, the tradition of the state leader addressing the country's citizens a few minutes before midnight appeared.
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Re: The Soviet Union

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 05, 2019 1:57 pm

Romanian revolution - a crime against humanity
January 5, 15:37


The organizers of the murder of Ceausescu are being tried in Romania for crimes against humanity.

The Romanian Prosecutor’s Office indicted the leaders of the 1989 revolution, which ended in the overthrow of the dictatorship and the execution of the dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.
As the Romanian edition of Hotnews writes, the charge was brought against the former President of Romania, Ion Iliescu, the former Prime Minister Peter Roman and two other former high-ranking offenders against humanity. The case became known as the Romanian Revolution of December 1989.

Iliesku and Roman were the leaders of the “Front for National Salvation”, who came to power after the overthrow of the Ceausescu dictatorship on December 22, 1989. The

Prosecutor General’s Office, in particular, states that in December 1989,With the help of disinformation, an atmosphere of "total psychosis" was created in the country, which led to chaotic violent actions, contradictory military orders.
As a result , within a few days after December 22, 862 murders of former henchmen of the regime of the dictator occurred, and 2,150 people were injured or subjected to harassment.

"These tragic consequences were more serious than the repressions of the former government, they were preceded and which continued during December 17-22, 1989," the publication reports the position of the prosecutor's office.
The political crisis in Romania has been going on for several years in a row. It began with an attempt by the authorities to amnesty the officials convicted of bribery. After the government achieved the release of the head of the Anti-Corruption Directorate. The EU and the opposition emphasize that corruption is taking place in Romania now, says Rubrik. ... atora.html - zinc

It should be noted that in the tenth years of the XXI century there was a certain change in the Romanian society on the topic of attitude to Ceausescu.

In 2015, 47% of respondents spoke positively about the Ceausescu rule
In 2018, there were already 49% ... li_5723743
As part of an IRES survey in 2010, 41% of Romanians would vote for Ceausescu if there was such an opportunity. In 2016, those were already 63%.

Disappointment in the "European integration" and the complete loss of independence (under Ceausescu, Romania was more subjective within the Soviet bloc than modern Romania within the EU) naturally causes a keen sense of nostalgia for the past times, which Ceausescu associates with when it is small but proud. meant something and aspired to something. The power struggle in Bucharest is naturally accompanied by the use of nostalgia for Ceausescu and the Soviet past to justify the fight against the "heroes of the 90s" who participated in the overthrow of Ceausescu and the organization of his murder. Opponents naturally try to defend themselves with stories about the "horrors of the Soviet regime" and "the criminal regime of Ceausescu", as well as accusations against the USSR, such as the recent opus of the Romanian ambassador in Moscow about the "Soviet occupation." But simple Romanians are of little interest in stories about the "horrors of the Soviet regime" when the "democrats", mired in corruption, cannot provide a visible improvement in the position of the Romanians even while in the EU, where the democrats tried to lead Romania. As a result, one dependence on Moscow changed to a much more serious dependence on Brussels, but life did not become better. It is quite reasonable that over the years, the Ceausescu's malicious regime begins to look more and more presentable - everything is known in comparison. one dependence on Moscow has changed to a much more serious dependence on Brussels, but life has not become better. It is quite reasonable that over the years, the Ceausescu's malicious regime begins to look more and more presentable - everything is known in comparison. one dependence on Moscow has changed to a much more serious dependence on Brussels, but life has not become better. It is quite reasonable that over the years, the Ceausescu's malicious regime begins to look more and more presentable - everything is known in comparison.


Kara-Murza also wrote about this: “

Shortly after the hasty execution of the Ceausescu couple, it became clear that the number in the“ sixty thousand dead ”named at the trial was far-fetched, in fact, about a thousand and three hundred people died in the course of events in Romania. By May 1990, a new political system emerged in the country, which was enshrined in the constitution adopted in December 1991. Romania was no longer called a socialist state.
From the very beginning, the new government actively insisted on the version of the spontaneity of the revolution. The deputy chairman of the Federal Tax Service Board, Casimir Ionescu, in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper said: “Our movement was completely spontaneous, it was not organized,” but then immediately refuted his words, telling how a special team prepared to thwart Ceausescu’s speech on December 21.

There is a version that actions to overthrow the government developed in two parallel streams. One opposition group consisted of retired generals and former high-ranking officials, "offended" by Ceausescu. This is the basis of the future FTS (however, there is information that by the time of the events the FTS secretly existed for 6 months). The second group is the acting generals of the army and state security. The contradictions between these two groups may be the cause of the armed clashes on December 23 - 28, 1989. As it is known, none of the “terrorists” was presented to the public and journalists either to the living or to the dead.

For some time, television continued to maintain psychological stress in society. People were horrified when terrible shots were shown on television showing the blackened corpses of tortured people lying on the edge of dug pits. And the voice-over said that it was “mass graves where the Securitate buried the martyrs of the revolution”. However, shortly after this terrible screening, one of the doctors in Timisoara explained that the bodies that were shown on television were not at all the victims of the secularists, all these people had died before the December events. But it did not matter.

On December 28, 2004, immediately after midnight, when a man in the street went to bed, NTV showed a German documentary film “Revolution by Order. Checkmate to the Ceausescu family ”(director S. Brandtstetter, 2004). The film tells about the "revolution" in Romania and the murder of Ceausescu. Employees of the secret services of France, Germany and the United States told from the screen about the technology of organizing all the velvet revolutions in Eastern Europe and the USSR.

The film begins with a story about the "spontaneous" revolution in Romania in December 1989. The authors gradually analyze the joint operation of the CIA and the KGB in all its details, including the performance of Timisoara. And in the finale is given such a caption in Russian: "The film is dedicated to the heroic people of Romania, who spontaneously took to the streets in 1989". Recognized in the film, the recognition of the CIA officers and the testimony of some participants in those events leave no doubt that the overthrow of the Ceausescu regime proceeded according to a detailed scenario. But the most shocking point was that the plan of the organizers of the uprising included cold-blooded bloodshed. It was required to mobilize mass protests of the population. Bloody provocation becomes legalized political technology for the transition to democracy!

After many years, the real picture is being restored. Objective authors already recognize that the Ceausescu dictatorship has never been bloody. According to a public opinion poll, in 1999, 64% of Romanians believed that "life under Ceausescu was better than today." They started talking, albeit rather dullly, that Ceausescu managed to “do the impossible” and pay off all external debts, which immediately presented the Ceausescu figure in a different light and partly explained economic difficulties and tough savings in the 80s.

From year to year, life becomes harder for the majority, many beggars are on the streets of cities, in winter even in Bucharest most of the apartments are not heated. But the “new rich” live in luxury, many of them are party-state functionaries of the Ceausescu times. Colonel Ion Maresch, a member of the Ceausescu detention in December 1989, complains that he is called a “murderer” and is denied service in the store. Participants in the Ceausescu trial, which is now increasingly referred to as “shameful,” receive threatening letters. (c) Kara-Murza "Export Revolution"

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OK, not Soviet Union, close enough. So I'm cheap with threads, so what?

As usual the truth will not matter, the 'sell date' is very short these days.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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