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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Fri Mar 22, 2019 5:04 pm

People of occupied Golan denounce Trump’s irresponsible statements, assert Golan is Syrian land

22 March، 2019


Quneitra, SANA_ People of the occupied Syrian Golan have condemned US President Donald Trump’s statements regarding the Golan, saying that they are a distortion of the Golan’s Arab identity and encourage the Israeli occupation authorities to go to extremes in their expansionist and aggressive plans against the occupied Syria Golan.

The stressed that these irresponsible statements reflect the US absolute support for the occupation authorities in a flagrant violation of international treaties and laws, renewing their belonging to their homeland, Syria and adherence to the Syrian Arab identity.

A number of residents of the occupied Golan, in a telephone conversation with SANA reporter in Qunietra on Friday denounced as ” trivial and worthless” Trump’s statements .

They underlined that all dreams and plans of leaders of the Zionist entity and those who back it are doomed to failure.

The liberated prisoner Assem Al-Waly, from the occupied village of Mas’ada, renewed adherence of people of the Golan to their land, stressing their determination to foil all settlement and aggressive projects aimed at judaizing the Syrian Arab Golan and annexing it to the Israeli entity.

For his part, member of the People’s Assembly, Rifat al-Hussein, said that Trump’s remarks were issued by a blind person who is thirsty for hegemony and declaration of obedience to the Israeli entity.

He added that these statements contradict the international conventions and laws, particularly Law No. 497 on the occupied Golan and the Fourth Geneva Convention related to the Treatment of Civilians under Occupation, stressing the inevitability of liberating the entire occupied Golan no matter how long it takes.

Golan Mayor Issam Shaalan said that Golan is an integral part of the Syrian Arab Republic and Trump’s statements are provocative, irresponsible and worthless, adding that the people of the Occupied Syria Golan will thwart all Zionist expansionist measures.



Syria strongly condemns US President’s statements on the occupied Syrian Golan

22 March، 2019


Damascus ,SANA- Syria condemned in the strongest terms irresponsible statements made by the US president on the occupied Syrian Golan, which confirms the United States blind bias to the Zionist occupation entity, stressing that these statements will never change the fact that the Golan was and will always be a Syrian Arab territory.

An official source at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry told SANA in a statement on Friday that the US stance towards the occupied Syrian Golan clearly reflects its contempt for international legitimacy and its flagrant violation of international resolutions, especially UNSC Resolution No. 497 of 1981, which categorically rejects the decision of the Israeli occupation government and its arbitrary measures regarding the Golan and considers it null ,void and has no legal effect.

The source continued to say that it is obvious to the whole world that the USA with its reckless policy governed by a mentality of domination and arrogance has become a main factor for tension at the international arena that is threatening the international peace and stability, which requires a serious stance by the world to put an end to the US arrogance and to reconsider the international legitimacy as well as to preserve peace, security and stability in the world.

The source added that the US president’s statements and his administration on the occupied Syrian Golan will never change the fact that the Golan was and will always be a Syrian Arab territory and that the Syrian people are more determined to liberate it by all possible means no matter what.

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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 26, 2019 2:45 pm

Provinces, SANA- People in different provinces across Syria on Tuesday organized protests against US President Donald Trump’s decision on the occupied Syrian Golan, affirming that it will return to the homeland Syria.


In Sweida, people gathered near the building of the Governorate building in condemnation of Trump’s declaration on the occupied Syrian Golan.

The locals in Sweida raised flags and national banners, expressing in the strongest terms their categorical rejection and condemnation of Trump’s decision.

They affirmed that Trump’s decision on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void and it doesn’t change the fact that the occupied Golan is inseparable part of Syria’s geography and history and that it will return to the homeland no matter how long.

In Daraa province, popular and official activities organized a protest at the Square of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party against Trump’s declaration in the occupied Syrian Golan.

Participants in the stand indicated that Trump’s declaration is part of the conspiracy and the hostile war wage against Syria.

In Quneitra, people gathered in front of the Governorate building in al-Baath City in condemnation of Trump’s declaration on the occupied Syrian Golan and to express solidarity with its people.


In Homs, intellectual, religious, cultural, and popular movements gathered in front of al-Baath Party main branch in the city to denounce Trump’s declaration.

The participants affirmed Syria’s right to reclaim its occupied territories as per international law, and that no country in the world can change the fact that the occupied Golan is Syrian territory.

Meanwhile in Hasaka, official and popular activities protested Trump’s declaration, gathering in front of the city’s Justice Palace carrying banners denouncing that declaration, and saluting the people of the occupied Syrian Golan.

In Qamishli city, social and religious activities gathered in front of the Arab Cultural Center to denounce Trump’s declaration, asserting that it shows America’s bias in favor of the illegitimate Israeli entity.

In Hama province, people gathered in Hama city, al-Salamiya city, and al-Seqailibiya area to protest Trump’s declaration, expressing anger at it and asserting that it has no legal value as it contradicts all international accords.

The people of Deir Ezzor province also gathered in front of the Governorate building to denounce’s Trump’s declaration, stressing that it contradicts all international accords.

People also gathered at Saadallah al-Jebri square in Aleppo city to denounce Trump’s declaration.

In Lattakia city, people flocked to the Governorate Square to take part in the protests against Trump’s declaration, asserting that this declaration will not change historical and geographic facts, nor will it affect the Syrians’ right to reclaim their occupied lands..





Deir Ezzor








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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 26, 2019 4:13 pm


Now #Nasrallah is addressing now the #Trump's administration latest move on the #Golan. Condemnation is not enough.

#Nasrallah: this recognition by #Trump and his rush to sign it into decree should not be taken lightly, this is a great humiliation to Muslims and Arabs. Those Muslims and Arabs, especially those whom #Trump met recently are being humiliated.

#Nasrallah: Most Arabs and Muslims are #US allies, yet they are being humiliated by #Trump. But this is not only a humiliation for Muslims and Arabs, it extends also to the international community, all for the benefit of #Israel.

#Nasrallah: the reality is that the #US has no respect for international law and the international community, but uses them for its own narrow interests, and ignores them when they do not serve its interests.

#Nasrallah: what does this mean? This means that no one is protected under international law. #US #Golan

#Nasrallah: the recognition of the #Golan also means that the #US has no real allies but #Israel

#Nasrallah: the recognition of the #Golan is a hard and final blow to the peace process in the ME.

Courtesy Sophia @les_politiques
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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:58 pm

Nebenzya: All foreign troops occupying areas in Syria must leave the country

27 March، 2019

New York, SANA- Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzya said that Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization seizes 90% of Idleb province and continues targeting the Syrian Arab Army and civilians , which cannot be tolerated.

Speaking during a UN Security Council session on the situation in Syria, Nebenzya said that the terrorists used chemical weapons while shelling the civilians in Hama northern countryside , which is not acceptable.

Nebenzya added that all the foreign troops , which are occupying areas in Syria, must leave the country, pointing out that the situation in al-Rukban Camp is disastrous due to the US occupying troops that are preventing its residents from leaving the area.

He went on saying that most of the displaced Syrians are willing to return their original places of residence as the Syrian government has prepared all the necessary procedures for their return, yet some countries are still creating obstacles preventing the very return.



Army destroys Jabhat al-Nusra dens and vehicles in Hama northern countryside

28 March، 2019

Hama, SANA- Army units retaliated to terrorists’ breaches of the de-escalation zone agreement through conducting concentrated bombardments against their dens and positions in Hama northern countryside.

SANA reporter in Hama said that army units conducted bombardments against dens and positions of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists and the affiliated groups in the towns of al-Sharia and Tal al-Sakhir in the northern countryside.

The reporter added that a number of terrorists were killed in the bombardments, in addition to destroying their dens and vehicles and an amount of their weapons and ammunition.

Earlier on Wednesday, army units destroyed a drone loaded with explosive bombs belonging to the terrorist groups and a number of their dens in Kafr Zita and al-Latamina in Hama northern countryside.

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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Sun Mar 31, 2019 5:09 pm

SYRIA: Suspected Al Qaeda chemical attack in Northern Hama and Al Skeilbiyyeh bells ring in defiance

Nabel Alabdalla, commander of the volunteer Syrian National Defence Forces in Al Skeilbiyyeh. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Vanessa Beeley
21st Century Wire

Al Skeilbiyyeh – on the 23rd March 2019 I entered the Syrian Christian town of Al Skeilbiyyeh. Between 4 and 5pm, at least four villages to the west of the town were attacked by Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS) forces embedd to the north of the villages. HTS is a poorly disguised rebrand of Al Qaeda or Nusra Front in Syria and now controls the majority of Idleb province and terrorist-held areas of Northern Hama bordering Al Skeilbiyyeh.

One of the child victims of the suspected chemical attack in Northern Hama, arriving at Al Skeilbiyyeh hospital. (Photo: local photographer)

The villages of al-Rasif, al-Aziziyyeh, al-Khandaq and al-Jayyid were hit by an estimated 5 mortars. 34 victims of a suspected chemical attack were brought to Al Skeilbiyyeh hospital after being treated at the scene of the attack. I spoke to pediatrician, Dr Modhesh Farha who informed me that three children were among the victims, one of whom was severely affected with breathing difficulties. By the time I arrived at the hospital at around 11pm, two of the children had been released back to their families.

One of the victims suffering with breathing difficulty – Sajiaa Abu Kahla, from the village of al-Khandaq (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

Medical staff and doctors told me that victims were washed at the scene of the attack before being brought to the hospital where doctors had administered oxygen, saline drips, antibiotics in some cases, and cortisone (steroids) for the shock. While I was speaking with doctors in front of one patient, she went into what appeared to be a toxic shock reaction (also confirmed by the doctor). The following video shows this moment – warning, it is distressing:

Video Player (at link)

I spoke with some of the victims who were already starting to recover. They described the attack taking place between 4 and 5pm. They are used to regular mortar attacks from the extremist groups embedded in the surrounding countryside but this was the first time they had experienced what appears to have been a chemical attack. The nephew of one victim, Sajiaa Abu Kahla, from the village of al-Khandaq (see photo above), described his aunt struggling to breathe after inhaling the white “smoke” that was seen after the attack, he told me:

“Smoke, white smoke, its color was white, it covered the land, this was in the village of al-Rasif”.

Another victim I spoke to, Nawfal Tawbar, described the same white smoke that hovered about one meter above the ground and was very thick and static. He told me that he had also had difficulty breathing, he reported a stinging in his sinuses. This testimony was repeated almost without variation by all victims I manged to interview despite the chaos in the hospital as ambulances brought more patients for treatment. Tawbar’s interview is here:


We were told at the hospital that a Syrian/Russian team had been immediately despatched to collect soil samples etc and to ensure the area was safe for residents to return to once they had recovered sufficiently. HTS were being held responsible for the attack. To date, I am unaware if the OPCW has been mobilised to investigate this event. Previously, on 24th November 2018, so-called “moderate rebels” appeared to use chemical weapons in an attack on districts of western Aleppo, the OPCW has not produced a final report on this attack so far, despite having deployed the Fact Finding Mission (FFM) in December 2018 and January 2019.

As far as I am aware no colonial media outlet reported on this suspected chemical attack. A quick google search reveals two reports by SouthFront and AlMasdar News and local news agencies. There were no White Helmet theatrics to attract western media, no opportunity to further criminalise the Syrian government and its allies. The wrong kind of Syrians were affected by this attack – the villages and towns in this region are steadfast in their resistance against the U.S coalition campaign to destabilise Syria and to topple the Syrian government – their voices, their suffering does not serve the agenda of the NATO-aligned media.

Ongoing terrorist attacks

The towns of Al Skeilbiyyeh and Mhardeh, about 3o minutes apart, have been under sustained attack by the HTS-controlled extremist armed groups over the last few weeks. Despite a Russian/Turkish brokered ceasefire, the armed groups have systematically been targeting civilian and residential areas in both towns. In Mhardeh, the electrical power station is constantly under attack which has a detrimental effect on the whole country as it supplies electricity to an extensive area of Syria, including Damascus.

I had previously visited Al Skeilbiyyeh shortly after a particularly destructive series of attacks. Commander of the local, volunteer National Defence Forces, Nabel Alabdalla, told me that he believed the “rebels” were using a new, more destructive form of C4 explosive that was capable of causing much more widespread damage to entire neighbourhoods. Al Skeilbiyyeh had received more than 25 rockets/mortars over a three week period, invariably targeting schools, civilian homes and busy markets. Watch my full interview with Nabel just a few days after one of the attacks:

On September 7th 2018, the same armed groups supplied and promoted by the U.S coalition, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia had targeted Mhardeh with ground-launched cluster munitions. Two days later, the same munitions were used to target Al Skeilbiyyeh causing considerable damage to infrastructure but thankfully not claiming any lives.

In Mhardeh, 13 civilians were murdered in this attack, some dying later in hospital from the awful wounds they had sustained. Shadi Yousef Shehda lost his three children, his wife and his mother in the Mhardeh massacre. I met with Shadi over Christmas 2018 when he told me that he would never leave the “city of the sun”, Mhardeh, despite his unimaginable grief and loss.

Remember #LastHospital, etc in Aleppo?

Again, these attacks barely register in western media while the hysteria over retaliatory attacks by the Syrian Arab Army and allies is commonplace. Without these defensive measures by the SAA and Russia who knows how many more civilians would have lost their lives by now in the towns bordering terrorist-held northern Hama and Idleb. This threat to besieged Syrian towns appears to be of no consequence to media in the West.

One of the ground launched cluster munition rockets that targeted Al Skeilbiyyeh in September 2018. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

As one National Defence Forces soldier says in this video…. “the terrorists are cowards” – they will never face the soldiers of Al Skeilbiyyeh on the battlefield, they prefer to kill or maim the elderly, children, pregnant women – on 16th March 2019 three children were injured during one attack, one child later died from their wounds. Ayat Mahmoud, a young Palestinian woman from Damascus living in Al Skeilbiyyeh was also killed in this attack. She was pregnant, her child was due in one week. What did these children or an unborn child do that they should be targeted by western-sponsored terrorism in their own homes.

This shameful aspect of this externally fomented war is hidden from view by The Guardian, the BBC, CNN and Channel 4 and others, it is unreported and disappeared just as many of the terrorist atrocities have been conveniently ignored throughout the 8 year war that has been waged against the Syrian people.

The UK Foreign Office (UK FCO) has poured £ 2.8 billion into “humanitarian aid” for Syria. Aid that is supplied predominantly into areas controlled by HTS, including Idleb. On the 27th March 2019, Ambassador Jonathan Allen, UK Deputy Permanent Representative to UN, made a statement at the Security Council Briefing on Syria during which he proudly confirmed the expenditure of taxpayers money that has serious potential to be financing terrorism in Syria (emphasis added):

At the Brussels Conference, the United Kingdom pledged £400 million – or $530 million. And indeed we have mobilised over £2.81 billion to the Syrian Crisis since 2012 – that’s over £3.7 billion. That’s our largest ever response.

Allen makes no mention of the armed group attacks on the Syrian Christian communities in the region. Nor does he mention that the UK FCO intelligence asset, the White Helmets, are embedded with the armed groups (including HTS) in Madiq Citadel just 500m from the outskirts of Al Skeilbiyyeh town.

No reports have been issued by the White Helmets condemning the targeting of children and civilian areas by the armed groups, or the use of prohibited weapons including potential chemical weapons last weekend – meanwhile the UK FCO continues to claim that a primary role of the White Helmets is to document “war crimes”. Apparently the White Helmets only report on alleged “war crimes” committed by the Syrian government, army or allies that coroborrate an aggressive UK FCO interventionist policy, and not on the daily crimes committed by the extremist armed groups against defenceless civilians.

Confronting terrorism with resistance and steadfastness

The newly restored bell-tower in Al Skeilbiyyeh. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

What enables these besieged towns to keep resisting and to weather the storm that has threatened them for more than 6 years since the armed groups consolidated in Northern Hama and Idleb?

According to Nabel Alabdalla, it is the steadfastness of the ordinary people, their refusal to abandon their land and their country. It is the belief in the “way of the martyr“, the ultimate sacrifice for their mother, Syria. The soldiers I have spoken to across Syria and their families genuinely believe that the greatest honour bestowed by God is that of dying for their country, dying to defend their families, their people and their way of life.

One of the volunteer NDF soldiers in Al Skeilbiyyeh. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

This belief in solidarity, unity, resistance and ultimate victory for the righteous forms the backbone of the fighting forces that have defended Syria for eight arduous and devastating years.

View from the Assumption of the Virgin Mary monastery that has been targeted many times by the terrorist groups less than 500m away. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

The morning after the suspected chemical attack we all gathered at the church in Al Skeilbiyyeh. The chaos of the previous night was still fresh in our memories, soldiers had been deployed to guard the hospital in case HTS decided to target it. This was a new day. The day of blessing the newly rebuilt bell-tower that had been destroyed in a previous terrorist attack, a project personally undertaken by Nabel Alabdalla.

Nabel Alabdalla in Al Skeilbiyyeh with commander of Mhardeh NDF, Simon AlWakil. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

The bell had been gifted to Al Skeilbiyyeh by the Russian Orthodox church almost 200 years ago. The church had been built around the bell. Now history came full circle as the bell was restored to its rightful place and a service was held to celebrate this momentous demonstration of resistance and to honour the martyrs whose bloodshed and sacrifice has made such events possible.

The Patriarch blesses the recently restored bell-tower in Al Skeilbiyyeh. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

The service in the simple church was a moving and powerful recognition of the “way of the martyr”, tears were shed quietly by the families, mothers and wives of the soldiers who have given their lives to protect their loved ones. As I witnessed the sharing and outpouring of grief and pride, I began to fully comprehend why this town will never kneel to hatred and violent extremism.

Elderly lady wearing the traditional headdress of Al Skeilbiyyeh. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

In front of me sat an elderly lady almost bent double, perhaps with arthritis. She wore the traditional headdress of Al Skeilbiyyeh. During the service, despite her physical discomfort, she rose when required and prostrated herself on the floor to pray. Her unwavering belief in prayer and the power of the protection of the Virgin Mary seemed to sustain her throughout the hour long service.

In front of her sat another elderly lady, her hair pulled back in a silver twist. She sat next to a young child wearing a black bow in her hair. Both were transfixed by the ceremony, old and young absorbed in the making of history and the dreams of a future without war.

After the service, we all entered the courtyard to witness the blessing of the bell-tower and to hear the bells being rung by the sons of martyrs, the honoured few who are given this privilege. The town’s brass band accompanied the bell-ringers filling the air with the sound of music that echoed across the valley towards the gatherings of armed groups, defying them to attack on this glorious Sunday morning.

The guns and mortars were silenced. Despite all the threats and the impotent extremist rage, the people of this town still stand proud and strong – “carrying the candles of peace and love in one hand and with the other hand on the trigger of the gun” as Nabel Alabdalla has often said.

The following video is a compilation of the bell-ringing. The passion demonstrated by the bell-ringers is indicative of the love these people have for their history, their culture, their town and their country. This is why this war will be won by Syrians (and allies) defending Syria and why the U.S Coalition of terror will never be victorious, there is no place in this secular society for ideological extremism and tyranny.

Vanessa Beeley is an independent journalist, peace activist, photographer and associate editor at 21st Century Wire. Vanessa was a finalist for one of the most prestigious journalism awards – the 2017 Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism – whose winners have included the likes of Robert Parry in 2017, Patrick Cockburn, Robert Fisk, Nick Davies and the Bureau for Investigative Journalism team. Please support her work at her Patreon account. ... -defiance/

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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:19 am

Zakharova: Terrorists in Idleb continue to prepare for committing provocations using toxic materials

5 April، 2019

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday that terrorists in Idleb are preparing to stage provocations with the use of toxic materials.

Sputnik quoted Zakharova as saying in a press conference that “As mentioned earlier, the terrorists in Idleb continue to prepare provocations with the use of toxic materials.”

On March, 29, The Russian Defense Ministry said that members Belgian and French intelligence officers have arrived in Idleb province to stage provocations with the use of chemical substances against civilians, as they met with the field commanders of the terrorist organizations of Jabhat al-Nusra and Hurras Al-Din , as well as with the representatives of the pseudo-humanitarian organization “White Helmets” in order to organize the provocations of staged film shoots, which would falsely depict Russia and Syria using toxic materials against civilians.



Army units target terrorists in Idleb countryside

3 April، 2019

Idleb, SANA – Syrian Arab Army units on Wednesday targeted terrorist groups in the countryside of Idleb province.

SANA’s reporter said that army units eliminated terrorist groups and destroyed their vehicles at al-Nabi Ayyoub summit in al-Zawiya Mountain in Idleb countryside.

The reporter added that other army units destroyed a hideout for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists at the outskirts of Basanqul village in Idleb countryside.

Later, the reporter said that the army units targeted with missile strikes the terrorist groups on the outskirts of Talmans and M’arshamrin in the southeastern countryside of Idleb.

The reporter added that army units eliminated Jabhat al-Nusra-linked terrorist groups in Khan Sheikhoun , al-Tah, and al-khwein in Idelb southern countryside.

Shaza/Hazem Sabbagh


The army strikes terrorist dens in Hama, Idleb countryside

4 April، 2019

Hama, SANA-Units of the army destroyed dens and fortifications of terrorist groups in Hama northern countryside and Idleb southern countryside, in response to their repeated violations of the de-escalation zones agreement.

SANA reporter in Hama said that a unit of army carried out rocket and artillery strikes on dens of terrorists in the surrounding of al-Hweiz village to the north of al-Ghab plain, killing and injuring many of them.

The army also struck fortifications of terrorists in Kfar Zeita town to the north of Hama.

It sent rocket strikes against dens of terrorists near Ma’arat al-Numan in Idleb northern countryside, inflicting the terrorists heavy losses.

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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:23 pm

Under supervision of Belgian experts, terrorists supply missiles with chemical warheads

5 April، 2019


Idleb, SANA – Local sources revealed that terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra and “Turkistani Party” have mounted chemical warheads on 120 missiles in cooperation with western experts as to launch assault on safe areas and military points in Hama and Lattakia.

The sources clarified according to a report published Russian in Sputnik News Agency that Jabhat al-Nusra and Turkistani Party terrorist groups have mounted chemical warheads on 120 missiles in one Jabhat al-Nusra positions in Sahl al-Rouj area in western Idleb.

The sources added that the missiles had been transferred from one of Jabhat al-Nusra’s arms caches to their position in Sahl al-Rouj on five ambulance vehicles last Monday, noting that “the White Helmets” terrorists have also transferred special equipment from Khan Sheikhoun to the region.

They said that Belgian chemical experts collaborated in equipment of missiles with chemical materials, adding that they also supervised transfer of eight chlorine gas capsules from one of Jabhat al-Nusra positions in the town of al-Dana in Northern Idleb to the base.

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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Mon Apr 08, 2019 7:54 pm

Will Kurds merge with ISIS as U.S combines proxy forces to maintain dirty war against Syria?

U.S military footprint in north-east Syria. (Photo: Twitter)

Finian Cunningham
Strategic Culture

Kurdish fighters have been used by the US to ostensibly defeat the remaining Islamic State holdouts in eastern Syria. But what is emerging is not a final defeat of the terrorists, more a redeployment to further destabilize the Arab country.

Potentially, the Kurds could wind up not with the regional autonomy they desire, but as part of a rebranded American dirty war army whose ranks include the very terrorist the Kurdish militias have been successfully battling against.

President Donald Trump has been lately crowing about how US-backed Kurdish forces have wiped out the IS self-proclaimed caliphate around Baghouz in eastern Syria. “They’re losers… they’re gone tonight,” he boasted about supposedly vanquishing the jihadists.

However, things are not that clear-cut. Syria’s envoy to the United Nations Bashar al Jaafari dismissed Trump’s victory celebrations as a “bluff”. He said that IS was not defeated in areas under US control, but rather were being shunted off to various camps for retraining.

There are credible reports that thousands of jihadists who surrendered or were captured in the fighting around Baghouz have since been relocated by US forces to its military base at al Tanf near the border with Iraq and Jordan, as well as to nearby refugee camps such as Rukban, where some 40,000 detainees are held. Suspiciously, the Americans are refusing international access to these camps, even for UN humanitarian relief agencies. As Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pointed out recently, the detention centers are being used by the Americans as a pretext for illegally occupying Syrian territory.

We can also add the purpose of clandestine military recruitment for US proxies.

Despite Trump’s announcement four months ago that US military was pulling out of Syria, there seems no sign that his plan is being implemented. That’s why Moscow reacted angrily to Washington’s demand for Russian troops to leave Venezuela. The Kremlin responded testily that the US should first deliver on its promise to withdraw from Syria, where its forces are illegally present unlike Russian personnel in Venezuela under bilateral agreement.

In Syria’s supposedly post-war scenario what seems to be happening is the US seeking to find a way to reconfigure its destabilizing intervention in the Arab country. The past eight years of US-sponsored covert war has failed in its objective for regime change against President Bashar al Assad, who is allied with Russia and Iran. What the US is aiming to do now is keep military footprints in the country, effectively annexing swathes of territory, especially in the oil and gas-rich eastern region around the Euphrates River.

That accounts for why supposedly defeated enemy terrorists are being retrained by US special forces at al Tanf. They are reportedly being tasked with capturing the oil and gas fields in Deir ez-Zor province as well as production infrastructure in Homs province.

This puts the Kurdish forces in an invidious position. There is little doubting the courage and fighting ability of the Kurdish men and women who make up the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and its spearhead YPG militias. The Kurds have managed to liberate up to 30 per cent of Syria’s territory in the northeast and east from the IS jihadists. They have dealt a decisive blow to the residual caliphate at Baghouz. American air power augmented the Kurds in their offensive.

But what the US is maneuvering to do is to combine the defeated jihadists with the Kurds in order to push its agenda for breaking up Syria and controlling its eastern mineral-rich resources.

The Special Monitoring Mission to Syria reports that IS militants captured by the SDF are being redeployed by the Americans for seizing oil and gas production facilities.

Still another crucial objective for Washington is to control the Deir ez-Zor east-west corridor from Iraq to Damascus so as to contain Iranian presence in Syria.

This is the context for Trump’s brazen declaration recognizing Israel’s annexation of Syria’s southern Golan Heights. Washington’s game plan is to keep Syria destabilized and fragmented, partly to appease Israel and partly for the US’s own imperial designs for dominance in the region.

In this insidious US maneuvering, the Kurds face a potentially treacherous situation. They have been well armed and supported by Washington, but are finding they are being used like a disposable asset. The Kurds may have calculated that accepting Washington’s patronage in recent years was a way to earn political capital for building a future separate independent Kurdish state. What seems to be emerging, however, is that the Americans only intend to exploit the Kurds as a fighting force to do its dirty work of breaking up Syria – in the same way that the Americans have covertly used jihadist terror groups in other parts of Syria.

The Kurds have been very effective in routing IS in the latter’s remaining strongholds in eastern Syria. But the result is the Kurds are being used as a recruitment agency for the Americans to redeploy the “defeated” terrorists in its ongoing covert war against the Syrian state.

There are signs, though, that the Kurds are well aware of the treacherous danger in dealing with Washington. When Trump made is troop withdrawal announcement, there were palpable concerns among the Kurds about being betrayed to the mercy of Turkey. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly threatened to send his military forces into Syria to crush the SDF and YPG militia whom Ankara views as “terrorist” affiliates of its own separatist Kurdish movement, the PKK.

It’s not clear if the US will implement a withdrawal of its estimated 2,000 troops in Syria. There are indications it won’t happen, despite Trump’s claims. Nevertheless, the surprise announcement was enough to undermine Kurdish confidence its patron. With the result that Kurdish leaders have begun reaching out to the Assad government in Damascus in the hope of dialogue producing a future federal arrangement.

The Kurds have reportedly requested Russia to mediate with the Syrian government.

Kurdish forces have not heretofore been at war with the Syrian Arab Army. They share the same common enemy of IS and assorted jihadist terror groups.

In the past, President Assad has rebuffed Kurdish aspirations for regional autonomy. But apparently, Damascus has shifted to be more open on forming a new federal constitution for Syria in which the Kurds would gain important regional independence – in a way analogous to the Kurdish Regional Government in northern Iraq.

In this fateful political triangle that the Syrian Kurds find themselves, they would be advised to throw their lot in with the Damascus government. If a mutual pact could be established that would bring the two major chunks of Syria’s territory back into territorial integrity.

If, on other hand, the Kurds accede to Washington’s nefarious agenda, they run the risk of losing independence and being eviscerated from exploitation in endless dirty-war machinations by the Americans. An ominous sign is that after bravely fighting to rout IS, the Kurdish militia are being set up to form a devil’s bargain with the same terrorists – to satisfy Washington’s geopolitical interests.

The Kurds would do well to remember a cynical maxim in Washington, whereby the US “does not have allies, only interests”. ... nst-syria/

Someone skilled at photoshop could replace those US flags with Imperial Eagles, 'SPQR' & all that jazz.
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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Thu Apr 18, 2019 1:44 pm

Scores of industrial facilities put in service in country’s industrial cities in 2018

18 April، 2019


Damascus, SANA- 78 industrial facilities were put in service in Hessia, Sheikh Najjar and Adra industrial cities in 2018, including 34 facilities in Adra, 34 in Sheikh Najjar, and 10 ones in Hessia, according to a report by the Industry Ministry.

The report said that the number is expected to increase six times due to potential of the above-mentioned cities as to attract investments, especially that authorization for some 533 buildings has been given in the cities to put in service later, including 191 facilities in Adra, 276 in Sheikh Najjar, and 66 in Hessia.

Head of the Industrial Cities and Zone at the Local Administration and Environment Ministry , Ali Bilal indicated that 15 industry and handicraft areas are being put in investment, clarifying that they are distributed among the countryside of Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Sweida, Lattakia, Hama, Tartous, Quneitra, and Daraa.

He pointed out that a sum of SYP 2.5 billion has been allocated of the investment budget for the current year to contribute to establishing new industrial and handicrafts zones as part of the provided support over the three past years to the industrial cities, which has reached SYP 8 billion.

Shaza/Rasha Milhem


Over 100 new industrial facilities started production in Hama in 2018

10 April، 2019


Hama, SANA- The industry sector in Hama province has restored its important role in moving the wheel production and the national economy , and meeting the markets’ needs from various goods and products as large numbers of industrial facilities have returned to production , while new ones have been licensed .

Speaking to SANA, Chairman of the Board of Hama Chamber of Industry, Ziad Arbu said that over 100 industrial facilities have joined the chamber in 2018, as the total number of the facilities in Hama reached 1626 distributed among food, engineering, chemical and textile facilities.

Arbu pointed out to the industry chamber’s will to establish an industrial city in Borkan and Zail al-Ijil areas in Salamyieh in the upcoming period, over an area of 1,100 hectares, to serve the countryside of northern Homs, Raqqa, Idleb, and Hama.

For his part, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Hama Chamber of Industry, Moaz khalouf said that the industrial sector in Hama has been recovered gradually and resumed production despite the current circumstances, especially Hama takes the third place at the level of the provinces in terms of the number of the industrial facilities and the production , and its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).


This is Baathism in action & Western capital hates it.
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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:47 pm

US Deploys ISIL Commanders to Run SDF Routine Security Affairs in Raqqa

TEHRAN (FNA)- The US Army has deployed ISIL commanders and terrorists in the security bodies of the Syrian Democratic Forces in Raqqa paving the way for fleeing of a large number of militants from SDF prisons after paying large amount of cash, sources said.
The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) quoted informed sources as saying that former ISIL commanders and terrorists who had still been in Raqqa before the SDF gained control of the region are now in charge of different security responsibilities, including traffic police and similar responsibilities in the town of Ain Issa in Western Raqqa.

It said militants are asking for bribes and taxes from vehicles, which has enraged citizens.

Meantime, a battlefield source in Hasaka also reported that an SDF commander has released three ISIL terrorists from the SDF prison in the city of al-Shadadi after receiving $5,000 from each of them.

In a relevant development in mid-March, media reports said that the US Army troops helped a military convoy of the ISIL terrorists to get out of the Eastern Euphrates and reach the areas under their control in Raqqa province.

"A US-led coalition military convoy helped a group of terrorists to be relocated to Northern Raqqa City from Ain Issa military base in Deir Ezzur," the pro-militant Smart News website quoted Asayesh Kurdish forces as saying.

It noted that the military convoy comprised of two trucks packed with the ISIL terrorists and 12 US military and armored vehicles, adding that there was no immediate report on the exact number of the ISIL terrorists relocated to Raqqa.

Meantime, the Syrian Democratic Forces also announced that some 1,500 to 2,000 ISIL terrorists have been moved out of Eastern Euphrates.

This is while the US-led coalition and their allied militants are preparing to declare end of the ISIL by helping out the ISIL terrorists from Deir Ezzur province.

In a relevant development on Tuesday, an Iraqi security expert warned that the US plans to help several thousands more ISIL terrorists move from Syria to Iraq.

"Washington plans to help 5,000 more ISIL terrorists get out of Syria and reach Iraq," Sabah al-Akili told the Arabic-language al-Maloumeh news website on Tuesday.

The Iraqi security expert described the US move as an attempt to create insecurity inside Iraq as the Iraqi parliament is determined to expel ISIL terrorists from Iraq.

"The US intends to gather up the ISIL terrorists in Iraq to release them later exactly as it did before," al-Akili said.

He pointed to the move by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to hand over the ISIL militants to Iraq with the US green light, and said that Iraq had agreed to receive the militants because they were Iraqi nationals, but French terrorists were also among them and this shows that the US plans start of a new round of chaos in Iraq.

In a relevant development in late February, the Syrian sources said that the US Army has transferred senior ISIL commanders to safe places in lieu of receiving over 50 tons of gold treasure from the terrorists.

According to the initial information obtained in Deir Ezzur, the US Army troops stationed in Al-Jazeera region of Eastern Euphrates agreed with the ISIL commanders to relocate them to safe places after receiving tens of tons of gold ingot that the terrorists had stolen from different parts of Syria and Iraq, the state-run SANA news agency reported.

The local sources, meantime, reported that the US Army took control of ISIL's 50 tons of gold treasure in Baqouz region in Southeastern Deir Ezzur after it had reached an agreement with the terrorists.

They pointed to the recent intensified movements by the US choppers concurrent with flights over several ISIL-controlled regions in Eastern Euphrates, and said that the US has conducted important heliborne operations in key areas where the ISIL commanders' hideouts are located and where the gold treasure was hidden.

In a relevant development earlier in February, a source close to Kurdish forces said that the US Army was taking ISIL's gold treasure that is estimated to weigh around 50 tons from Eastern Syria to America.

The Kurdish-language Bas News quoted a Kurdish source as saying that the Americans have transferred tens of tons of the gold ingots they have seized from the ISIL terrorists in Baghouz region in Southeastern Deir Ezzur to their own country and only kept a small portion of the treasure to be given to the Kurdish fighters.

The source who spoke on the condition of anonymity reiterated that about 50 tons of ISIL's gold has been sent to the US from the US military base in Kobani in Northeastern Aleppo.

The report comes as the US has been using the airport in Southern Kobani for transferring consignments and military equipment in recent years.

In a relevant development also in February, the US Army troops took out a sum of 40 tons of gold ingots belonging to the ISIL in heliborne operations after agreeing with the terrorist group and while Washington is preparing to announce the end of ISIL in Eastern Euphrates.

"The US troops in concordance with the ISIL terrorist group relocated big boxes packed with ISIL's gold treasure on several helicopters from al-Dashisheh region in Southern Hasaka," the SANA news agency quoted local sources in Eastern Deir Ezzur said.

The sources pointed to boxes containing 40 tons of gold ingots that the ISIL had hidden in the Eastern part of al-Shadadi city, and said that the ISIL had stolen the treasure of gold from the Iraqi city of Mosul and different parts of Syria.

The US troops reportedly took out a group of ISIL terrorist commanders from Eastern Syria in two heliborne operations in Hajin region of Eastern Deir Ezzur and al-Dashisheh in Southern Hasaka and they were directed to the place where the gold treasure was hidden.

In a relevant development earlier in February, a prominent Syrian military expert revealed that Washington plans to transfer the remnants of the ISIL terrorists from Eastern Euphrates to other regions through Turkey and Iraq.

The Arabic-language website of Sputnik quoted Brigadier General Mohammad Issa as saying that less than 600 ISIL militants are stationed in a 4-km/sq region in Eastern Euphrates who will be soon evacuated from the region to foreign territories.

He added that the operations to transfer these militants will be conducted similar to the operations earlier carried out to evacuate the ISIL terrorists from Raqqa, saying that the US forces will transfer them via Iraq or Turkey to some other Arab states for future operations.

Issa questioned the US forces' claims of fighting against the terrorist groups along with the SDF, stressing that the Syrian army will soon move to retake control over this region.

Media reports said last Sunday that the US army had agreed with the ISIL on the latter's exit from areas under Washington's control in Eastern Euphrates.

The US-led coalition troops and the SDF had reached an agreement with the ISIL terrorists on the militants' retreat from areas under the control of the US and its allied forces, the Arabic-language al-Mayadeen TV news channel reported.

It pointed to the preparations by the ISIL to move its terrorists out of Eastern Euphrates, and said that the ISIL terrorists might be transferred to al-Anbar desert of Badiya al-Tanf in Western Iraq.

The report comes as the SDF claimed that it had started the final battle for uprooting the remaining elements of the ISIL from Eastern Euphrates.

Also the Arabic-language service of RT quoted media activists as saying on Saturday that the US-led coalition forces have carried out heliborne operations in the Eastern Badiyeh of Deir Ezzur.

It added that two US Apache helicopters have landed in Falitah region of Eastern Badiyeh of Deir Ezzur, taking away 7 big boxes whose contents were not known.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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