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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Tue Nov 19, 2019 12:27 am

A look towards Latin America
By: Graziella Pogolotti
In this article: Latin America and the Caribbean , Left , Neoliberalism
November 17, 2019 | 1 |


Something, perhaps insufficient, taught us school programs about Latin America. Superficially, we learned about the conquest and colonization and the heroes of the war of independence. Despite the Martian warning we did not understand the essential reasons for our Americanity. We lacked to understand the concrete substance and the complexities of the social fabric of countries built from the violence that castrated the organic development of their original inhabitants and made them marginalized. Providing arms for the extraction of raw materials introduced the brutal African slavery. In that context, different cultures clashed, became contaminated to a certain degree, although above all the dominance of one over the other was exercised with the sustenance, at the objective level, of economic oppression and, at the subjective level, of a racism that fell on the conscience of many and subsisted in terms of bad memory, harmful to the unity of our peoples. However, the marginalized and forgotten have shown an enormous capacity for resistance. They begin to emerge in very adverse situations. Their voices and their values ​​begin to become recognizable. Against its renovation projects, neoliberalism unleashes economic power and its instrument of action on subjectivities, the monopoly of the media, including personalized work through the sophisticated use of social networks. They begin to emerge in very adverse situations. Their voices and their values ​​begin to become recognizable. Against its renovation projects, neoliberalism unleashes economic power and its instrument of action on subjectivities, the monopoly of the media, including personalized work through the sophisticated use of social networks. They begin to emerge in very adverse situations. Their voices and their values ​​begin to become recognizable. Against its renovation projects, neoliberalism unleashes economic power and its instrument of action on subjectivities, the monopoly of the media, including personalized work through the sophisticated use of social networks.

The events that took place after the triumph of the Revolution gave us an apprenticeship of the deep realities of America, hidden behind the splendid showcases of some of its great cities. After the victory of January 1959, many came to share our work, to exchange ideas, to offer knowledge. Some stayed with us forever. Others found refuge here in lazy days of exile. We discover the cinema and music of Brazil. We were closely touched by the drama of dictatorships that cut lives and produced thousands of missing persons. We familiarize ourselves with the image of the mothers and grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo. We live with intensity the transformative wave that invaded the continent.

The progressive overturn that extended from Venezuela to the south increased our proximity. Latin America assumed a new language, simultaneously affirming its identity values ​​and proposing, according to the circumstances of each, development models that improved the conditions of existence of millions of citizens as opposed to the formulas established by neoliberalism. For the first time, the voice of our native peoples was heard.

The electoral defeats in some countries baffled us and raised many questions. For some, newly emerging from poverty begin to think otherwise. They endorse the aspirations of the petty bourgeoisie. Regardless of what they have won, they forget that the return of neoliberalism will deprive them of their conquests. The argument is not entirely satisfactory. Changes in consciousness do not occur so quickly, especially when the material benefits add to a systematic work of citizen education. The issue deserves an in-depth study, because social phenomena respond to multifactorial causes.

The elected vice president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández, has narrated the infamous defamatory campaign to which she was subjected by the great press and private television channels. Contrary to all ethical principles, infamy transgressed the limits of his personal life, doubting his mental health. Accused without evidence of all kinds of crimes, she suffered the deterioration of her public image and paid a high cost at the family level with the breakdown of her daughter's physical condition. The propaganda bar undermined the essentials of a government project to rescue the nation, expanding opportunities for the most disadvantaged, boosting science and protecting culture.

The current panorama shows a deep perversion of democratic institutions. The coup d'etats are carried out with the use of other methods. Information transparency implies knowledge and constitutes a way of exercising power through access to reality in its complexity and in the contradictions of the dialectic of all historical becoming. The events in Brazil are revealing in this regard. The fierce media campaign was complemented by the parliamentary coup d'etat perpetrated against President Dilma Rousseff, despite not having been charged with any crime. With the active complicity of the Judiciary, in the name of a just cause, the fight against corruption, the sentences are concentrated in the representatives of the PT. To conjure up his great popular support and marginalize him from the electoral process,

It is what is called judicialization of politics. In truth, the operation responds to the enormous oil reserves in the Brazilian seas and to the raw materials - water included - preserved in the vast territory of the country. The formulas can be even more extreme. In the case of Bolivia, violent groups are organized with the intention of destabilizing the nation in terms of civil war. In an even more sinister background, in a plurinational territory, where the historical demands of the original peoples have been claimed, latent racism is used.

In all cases, the traditional role of the three powers has been annulled. In the name of press freedom, the possibilities of taking measures against the systematic use of slander and defamation are limited. Meticulously prepared, the fascist coup d'etat was consumed, as a tragic turnaround in the development of a national project, to rescue sovereignty, the rich mining resources and to claim the full rights of our original peoples.

It is a lesson we have to learn. Our in-depth knowledge of Latin America remains a pending subject. In the hands of the empire, the oligarchic right acts in a cohesive manner and articulates the use of violence with the systematic use of the media and social networks. By palliating differences in nuances, the left and progressive movements have to forge, in theory and in practice, a common platform against wild capitalism represented by neoliberalism. What is at stake at this decisive moment is much. It is our right to life and the future of our children. ... dM1s9VKiM9

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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Wed Nov 20, 2019 8:17 pm

New US slander campaign UU. against Cuba
It drives it against the political failure to try to render the Cubans with the strengthening of the economic blockade and the measures to deprive us of fuel, and before the demonstrated capacity of resistance of our people

Author: Granma |

November 20, 2019 01:11:39

For several weeks now, the United States Government has been conducting a new slander and discredit campaign against Cuba as part of its policy of growing hostility against our country. It drives it against the political failure to try to render the Cubans with the strengthening of the economic blockade and the measures to deprive us of fuel, and in the face of the demonstrated capacity of resistance of our people, which optimistically celebrates the 500th anniversary of the capital.

It uses as pretext the arrest of the counter-revolutionary José Daniel Ferrer, a salaried agent serving the United States, with a long history of provocative actions against public order and against legality.

The Embassy of the United States in Cuba has been the fundamental vehicle of attention, orientation and financing of the behavior of José Daniel Ferrer, in clear manifestation of interference in the internal affairs of Cuba and of open instigation to violence, to the disturbance of order and contempt of law enforcement by this citizen. The head of the diplomatic mission personally conducts this performance.

It is known that, far from being dedicated to the promotion of bilateral ties, to watch over the interests of the American people and their Government, and to the promotion of peaceful relations between the States, the Diplomatic Mission of that country in Cuba and particularly its In charge of Business, they have focused in recent months on the failed purpose of recruiting mercenaries, promoting division and confusion in our town, identifying areas of the economy against which to direct coercive measures, and trying to slander and discredit the management of the Cuban Government and the Revolution.

As practice tends to be, the lie in the mouth of US government officials is a fundamental ingredient of the campaign.

José Daniel Ferrer was arrested by the police on the 1st. October in response to the complaint filed by a Cuban citizen, who accuses Ferrer and three other individuals of kidnapping him for a whole night and has caused a severe beating that left him in conditions of hospital admission.

Ferrer is awaiting trial. He has received a visit from his wife and children, as appropriate according to the rules for their legal situation. All references to his physical disappearance, alleged physical abuse, torture or receiving insufficient food are pure lies deliberately conceived and guided by the United States Government and its Embassy in Havana. He has had proper medical attention, performs regular physical exercises and, upon request made, is provided religious assistance.

It must be known that before his activity at the service of the United States Government, José Daniel Ferrer had a criminal and violent behavior trajectory totally absent from political motivations. He has recorded records dating back to 1993. These include attacks with physical violence against other citizens, including women, and public disorder, behavior that has increased in recent years.

Above all this there is sufficient evidence.

It is not new for the United States Government to use people of these characteristics for its subversive political activity against Cuba and for discredit campaigns with unscrupulous support from the mainstream media. ... 9-01-11-39

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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Wed Nov 27, 2019 3:15 pm

Another blocking measure: US sanctions company for buying fuel for Cuba
19 hours ago

The Treasury Department announced Tuesday sanctions against the Pan American Corporation, accused of being used by Cubametales as an intermediary for the purchase of Venezuelan oil.

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of the Treasury blacklisted the Pan American Corporation for allegedly owning or being under the control of Cubametales, an entity sanctioned last July for operating in the oil sector of Venezuelan economy

"Cuba has played a direct role in preventing the return of democracy to Venezuela," Deputy Treasury Secretary Justin G. Muzinich said in a statement released on the agency's website.

"The Treasury continues to pursue evaders of sanctions to prevent the arrival of resources to the illegitimate Venezuelan regime," the US official justified.

Last July, the government of US President Donald Trump imposed measures against Cubametales, the company responsible for guaranteeing total imports and exports of fuels to and from Cuba, as part of a plan to hinder the arrival of fuels to the Caribbean nation

Shipping companies, insurers and countries that flag ships have been threatened and sanctioned by Washington for transporting fuels to Cuba, in a true act of irrationality and imperial genocide.

As a result of the sanctions against the Pan American Corporation, assets that the company may have under US jurisdiction are frozen and financial transactions with US entities are prohibited.

Between April 2018 and March 2019 alone, the blockade has caused losses to Cuba in the order of 4,334.6 million dollars.

In September and last October the country suffered a strong energy contingency as a result of not being able to hire the necessary tankers in time to bring the fuel, due to the brutal pressure from the United States.

Since the end of 2018, practically every week, the United States Government has taken new and greater measures to block Cuba's economy, finances and commerce. ... ssion=true

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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:39 pm

United States vs. Iran: keys to an international conflict
Once again, the United States is the cause of an international conflict, with incalculable consequences for peace and security on the planet. Imperial darts point to the Islamic Republic of Iran today

Author: Enrique Moreno Gimeranez |

January 8, 2020 00:01:29

Almost 20% of the world's oil passes through the Strait of Hormuz and approximately 35% sold by sea.

«Wars lie. No war has the honesty to confess: "I kill to steal." Wars always invoke noble motives: they kill in the name of peace, in the name of God, in the name of civilization, in the name of progress, in the name of democracy. And if in doubt, if such a lie is not enough, there are the great media willing to invent imaginary enemies to justify the conversion of the world into a large asylum and an immense slaughterhouse, ”Eduardo Galeano said a few years ago.

His phrase acquires full force in our day. Once again, the United States is the cause of an international conflict, with incalculable consequences for peace and security on the planet. Imperial darts point to the Islamic Republic of Iran today. Last Friday, US President Donald Trump authorized a bombing in Baghdad, capital of Iraq, in which the Quds Force commander of the Guardians of the Iran Revolution, Qasem Soleimani, and the subcomandante of the Units of Popular Mobilization of Iraq, Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes.

The pretext on this occasion to commit this aggressive, unilateral, unjustified and violating action of International Law and Iraqi sovereignty, was explained by the White House itself through a message in its official Twitter account: «Under the direction of the President , the US Army uu has taken decisive defensive measures to protect US personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Force Force, an organization that in Washington tweet did not miss the opportunity to call it a terrorist.

Iran responded Tuesday with an attack of at least a dozen missiles against the Al Asad air base in Iraq, which houses US forces. The Guardian Corps of the Islamic Revolution of Iran (cgri) confirmed the authorship of the attack, while White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said: “We are aware of reports of attacks on US installations in Iraq. The President has been informed and is monitoring the situation closely and consulting with his national security team ». Donald Trump confirmed on Twitter that he will offer statements tomorrow morning.

The Trump administration, with the attack on Soleimani, trampled on the Charter of the United Nations and invoked the "protection of its personnel abroad", as on other occasions it has used tricks to attack "its widths" without presenting evidence blunt: explosion of Maine (war against Spain and intervention in Cuba in 1898), incident of the Gulf of Tonkín (Vietnam), fight against terrorism (Afghanistan), alleged weapons of

mass destruction (Iraq), alleged "democratization" (Libya) and an alleged attack with chemical weapons (Syria), among other sad episodes in the US war file.

What reasons have prompted the US Government. uu to unleash now this serious escalation against Iran? Undoubtedly, the recent actions of the White House are motivated by imperial interests of external and internal politics.

Why Iran

After the Islamic Revolution of 1979, relations between Washington and Tehran have been characterized by a dramatic setback and hostility. Today, both the United States and its most important ally in this geographic area - Israel - face an unfavorable regional context for their political, economic and military ambitions, which limits their influence.

On the geopolitical level, Iran is a key player in the Middle East, has strong relations with Russia and was supported by Europe after the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the nuclear agreement with the Persian nation. On the other hand, the prosperous relations between Iraq and Iran, especially after Tehran's military advice to the Iraqi Army and the Popular Mobilization Units (Al-Hashad Al-Shabi) facing the Islamic State or Dáesh, do not please either Washington or to Tel Aviv.

In this way, the selective assassination of Qasem Soleimani constitutes a demonstration of imperial force, a desperate attempt to "regain ground" in the strategic area and a message in order to "contain Iran" and prevent the advance of Hezbollah (important organization of resistance of Lebanon).

It cannot be ignored, for a moment, what is at stake in the region: huge reserves of oil and gas, and the control of geographic points of great importance in world trade. Iran owns the fourth reserves of oil and is in the first places of those of gas worldwide. In addition, the Persian nation is the second producer of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, after Saudi Arabia; and share with Qatar the largest gas field in the world, South Pars-North Dome. Recently, the Iranian government announced the discovery of new oil reserves, of great importance in the area. These resources arouse the imperial appetite.

No less relevant is the geopolitical role of Iran, being an important center of communication between the Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia. The proximity to international commercial roads such as the Strait of Hormuz - where almost 20% of the world's oil passes and approximately 35% marketed by sea -, the Suez Canal, the Persian Gulf and the Oman Gulf, among others, They ratify the Persian country as a strategic enclave.

In commercial matters, Tehran is an important actor in the Chinese project of the new Silk Road, of cardinal interest for Beijing, but that would generate important geopolitical changes, if it ends the economic dominance of the United States through trade in national currencies and Not in dollars.

China and the countries of Central Asia will have access to the Persian Gulf through the Iranian railways. In this sense, the journey of a train in 2016 with 32 containers of commercial products took 14 days from the coastal province of Zhejiang (east of China) to Tehran, crossing Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

“This route is comparable and compatible with respect to maritime transport, which usually takes between 25 and 30 days to the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas and another seven days to Tehran, while by rail it has arrived in 14 days and the cost is also effective compared to air cargo transport, ”said Sadaf Sabaghian, commercial director of the Iranian company ptv.

Therefore, the US attack on Iran is also a blow to the Chinese megaproject and its infrastructure, and Washington has already unleashed a trade and tariff war against the Asian giant, in search of planetary economic hegemony.

All these factors, together with the loss of influence of the Trump administration in the Middle East after the decision to evacuate almost all troops from their country in Syria, due to Operation Source of Peace (military action initiated by Turkey on September 9 October 2019 in northern Syria), except those located near the oil fields, confirm that usa. uu He has changed his tactics to regain his power.

The political move inside the White House

With the bombing of Baghdad and the selective murder of the Quds Force commander of the Guardians of the Revolution of Iran, Qasem Soleimani, the American President, Donald Trump, pursues two preliminary objectives within his country.

On the one hand, in an electoral context marked by an ongoing political trial against him, although he increases the criticism of the Democrats, he diverts public opinion of this fact towards a greater reason and national security. Thus, it weakens the political scandal of his administration.

Geopolitics specialist Eduardo Martínez, quoted by RT, says that "with the attack on Soleimani, Trump wants to ensure re-election." With this warlike conflict, Trump shows himself as a challenging and strong leader before his nation, and with this strategy he seeks to organize a new electoral victory.

«A President at war is never changed in the US Trump, a conflict that arises extensively, enables him to remain in power (...). Bush [son] had severe criticism at the close of his first term, and was reelected in the middle of a war [invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan], ”Eduardo Martínez says. "The idea is to" support those who defend us, "and that was for all presidents," adds the expert.

Several equations, perhaps, were not taken into account by imperial hawks: the "harsh revenge" predicted by Iran and the Axis of Resistance to the aggressor, the Iraqi Parliament with a resolution that ends the presence of foreign troops, among them the military of the US-led coalition, or Tehran's reduction of its commitments under the 2015 nuclear agreement.

Did the Trump administration calculate the cost of this new contest? Did you underestimate the answer? Will the White House lead to a new war in the volatile region of the Middle East? There are many questions and answers left of an international conflict that should never have begun. ... 0-00-01-29

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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 12:00 pm

Cuba found to be the most sustainably developed country in the world
Matt Trinder
January 10, 2020


Organic agriculture in Cuba.

Cuba is the most sustainably developed country in the world, according to a new report launched on November 29.

The socialist island outperforms advanced capitalist countries including Britain and the United States, which has subjected Cuba to a punitive six-decades-long economic blockade.

The Sustainable Development Index (SDI), designed by anthropologist and author Dr Jason Hickel, calculates its results by dividing a nation’s “human development” score, obtained by looking at statistics on life expectancy, health and education, by its “ecological overshoot”, the extent to which the per capita carbon footprint exceeds Earth’s natural limits.

Countries with strong human development and a lower environmental impact score highly, but countries with poorer life expectancies and literacy rates as well as those which exceed ecological limits are marked down.

Based on the most recent figures, from 2015, Cuba is top with a score of 0.859, while Venezuela is 12th and Argentina 18th.

The SDI was created to update the Human Development Index (HDI), developed by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq and used by the United Nations Development Programme to produce its annual reports since 1990.

The HDI considers life expectancy, education and gross national income per capita, but ignores environmental degradation caused by the economic growth of top performers such as Britain and the US.

“These countries are major contributors to climate change and other forms of ecological breakdown, which disproportionately affects the poorer countries of the global South, where climate change is already causing hunger rates to rise,” Hickel said.

“In this sense, the HDI promotes a model of development that is empirically incompatible with ecology and which embodies a fundamental contradiction: achieving high development according to HDI means driving de-development elsewhere in the world. For a development indicator that purports to be universal, such a contradiction is indefensible.”

Britain, ranked 14th in 2018’s HDI, falls to 131st in the SDI, while the US, 13th in the HDI, is 159th out of 163 countries featured in the new system.

Hickel added: “The SDI ranking reveals that all countries are still “developing” — countries with the highest levels of human development still need to significantly reduce their ecological impact, while countries with the lowest levels of ecological impact still need to significantly improve their performance on social indicators.”

The SDI is available at

[Reprinted from Morning Star online. Editor’s note: Australia scored 0.153 and is ranked 160th in the SDI.] ... ntry-world
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Fri Jan 31, 2020 9:27 pm

Cuba’s success in child health: what can one learn?
Mauro Castelló González1, Imti Choonara2
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Cuba has excellent child health as illustrated by its low child mortality rates. Child mortality rates (under 5 years, infant and neonatal) in Cuba have all been lower than in the USA for many years. WHO figures for 2016 for under 5 child mortality (U5M) show that Cuba has a U5M rate of 5.5 per 1000 live births, whereas the USA has a U5M rate of 6.5 and Costa Rica has a rate of 9.7.1 Cuba has the second-lowest U5M in the Americas behind Canada with a rate of 4.9. U5M is considered to be an excellent indicator of child health by UNICEF.2 Cuba is a middle-income country with considerable economic problems exacerbated by the blockade imposed by the USA. How then has it achieved such good child health outcomes?

Cuba’s achievements in child health are due to a combination of factors.2 3 Cuba has an integrated healthcare system with all sections cooperating fully. Universal healthcare and universal education are the basis for good health. Literacy is at 99.7% and this enables public health campaigns to reach the entire population. Free universal education has resulted in Cuba having one of the highest doctor-to-population ratios. Programmes, such as ‘Educa a tu hijo’ (educate your child), are in place to prepare young children for school.4 This non-institutional-based programme was developed in rural areas, and subsequently extended throughout the country, as it was recognised that early child development is essential for child well-being.

Primary healthcare is a key feature of healthcare in Cuba. Almost half of all Cuban doctors work in primary healthcare. Primary healthcare exists both in urban and remote rural areas. The presence of health facilities even in remote rural areas is essential to ensure universal access to health. The primary healthcare team usually consists of a doctor and nurse working together in a consultorio (primary healthcare facility). Each team is usually responsible for approximately 300 families. The team know each family both medically and socially, which is important due to the effect of social determinants on child health. There is a strong emphasis on the prevention of disease. Health promotion is a key feature of Cuban society and involves children’s TV programmes as well as schools and the mass media. Healthy eating, the importance of handwashing and exercise alongside sexual health have all been featured in a variety of different campaigns.

There is a recognition that good antenatal care has a major impact on child health. During the pregnancy, each woman is seen at least 12 times.2 Women with medical or social problems are seen more frequently. Screening for fetal congenital malformations is offered. One of the unique features of antenatal care in Cuba is the provision of maternity homes where women with medical or social problem are offered free residential accommodation for several weeks.5 At the maternity home, women are given free meals to ensure adequate nutrition for both the women and the fetus. Education about the importance of diet and the minimisation of risk factors, such as alcohol and tobacco, is given. This multidisciplinary approach has seen Cuba achieve a significant reduction in the number of low birth weight (LBW) babies born.6 7 LBW babies (<2.5 kg) account for 5.3% of all births in Cuba (2015 data).7 In contrast, in the USA, LBW babies account for 8.3% births (2017 data).8 Infant mortality rates are significantly higher for LBW babies. Cuba, thus, ensures that fewer babies are likely to be disadvantaged at birth.

Each child is seen regularly during infancy (fortnightly for the first 6 months and monthly between 6 and 12 months) and early childhood by the primary healthcare team. More frequent visits are arranged for infants with chronic illnesses. These checkups occur both in the patient’s home as well as the family doctor surgery (the consultorio). This helps to ensure that health professionals have a true picture of family life. A comprehensive immunisation programme is in place (table 1).9 Cuba was the first Latin American country to eradicate poliomyelitis and as of 2016, had eradicated five other infectious diseases (neonatal tetanus, diphtheria, measles, whooping cough and rubella). In 2015, the WHO validated the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis in Cuba. Polyclinics provide a link between primary healthcare and hospitals. Paediatric specialists offer clinics in the polyclinic. This means that children can be assessed in the community without needing to attend the hospital. Polyclinics also offer clinical psychology support to children with mental health problems. This ensures a waiting time of only 1–2 weeks for children with mental health issues.

Table 1
Immunisation schedule in Cuba

Vaccine Age
BCG Birth
HepB Birth
DTwPHibHep 2, 4 and 6 months
MenBC 3 and 5 months
OPV <1, 1, 2 and 9 years
DTwP 18 months
Hib 18 months
MMR 1 and 6 years
DT 6 years
Typhoid 10, 13 and 16 years
TT 15 years
Breastfeeding rates are high (approximately one-third of infants exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months) and breastfeeding is encouraged by the primary healthcare team.10 The nutritional state of children in Cuba is good, although obesity is increasing.10 A positive attitude towards disability is encouraged. The presence of an educated population reduces misconceptions and stigma associated with diseases, such as epilepsy.

Empowerment of women in civil society has been a major achievement in Cuba. First, all girls attend school. Women have the same rights as men in Cuban law and receive equal pay. Maternity leave is 12 months and the women’s job is protected by law. The majority of professionals in Cuba are women.11 Additionally, the majority of Members of Parliament in Cuba are women, with Cuba having the second-highest proportion of women in parliament worldwide. This representation in parliament is a reflection of the importance of gender equality in Cuba. This empowerment is likely to be a contributory factor to child health in Cuba. Unlike many other Latin American countries, women are in full control of their sexual and reproductive health through the widespread availability of family planning clinics alongside specialised services. Different forms of birth control are available and abortion is provided where requested in a safe environment.

Socioeconomic determinants contribute to health, and to child health in particular. Inequality is a problem in Cuba, like all other countries. The greatest inequalities involve people working for foreign investment companies, self-employees, private workers and individuals working in the tourist industry, who may receive significantly more than official incomes. The Cuban government constantly looks at ways of reducing the inequalities by either raising salaries of state employees or increasing taxes in the private sector. Additionally, Cuba’s welfare state ensures that nobody is destitute. Severe malnutrition in children was declared absent in Cuba by UNICEF over a decade ago and malnutrition is not considered a major problem in Cuba.12 This is despite the problems caused by the economic blockade of Cuba by the USA. Inequalities between regions in Cuba are less than compared with other countries. Regional U5M rates for the years 2015–2018 show the highest rate in Guantanamo in the East (7.5) and the lowest in Pinar del Rio in the West (4.1).13

The Cuban government recognises health as a priority. This is of major importance and is recognised as such by groups, such as UNICEF.14 It is unfortunate that many other governments do not show the same priority to health, and to child health in particular. Investment in people through health, education and social services has unfortunately resulted in less money being available for other services, such as roads, transport and housing. Cuba has shown that despite limited resources a country can achieve excellent child health if the government and citizens are committed to making health and children a priority. Cuba is an example of what is possible. The key factors for ensuring children healthy are listed in box 1.

Box 1
Key factors in achieving excellent child health in Cuba
Universal healthcare

Universal education

Focus on primary healthcare

Immunisation programme

Empowerment of women

Political commitment of government

Adequate nutrition

↵WHO. Levels and trends in child mortality. Available: ... dicator=i0 [Accessed 4 May 2019].Google Scholar
↵Rodriguez FV, Lopez NB, Choonara I. Child health in Cuba. Arch Dis Child2008;93:991–3.doi:10.1136/adc.2007.131615FREE Full TextGoogle Scholar
↵Robertshaw K, Weldon A. Paediatrics and child health care in Cuba. J Paediatr Child Health2013;49:E373–6.doi:10.1111/jpc.12181Google Scholar
↵Educa a Tu hijo. Available: ... o%E2%80%9D [Accessed 13 Sep 2019].Google Scholar
↵Gorry C. Cuban maternity homes: a model to address at-risk pregnancy. MEDICC Rev2011;13:12–15.PubMedGoogle Scholar
↵Lopez NB, Choonara I. Can we reduce the number of low-birth-weight babies? the Cuban experience. Neonatology2009;95:193–7.doi:10.1159/000155649CrossRefPubMedGoogle Scholar
↵Santana Espinosa MC, Esquivel Lauzurique M, Herrera Alcazar VR, et al. Atencion a la salud materno infantil en Cuba: logros Y desafios. Rev Panam Salud Publica2018;42:e27.Google Scholar
↵Brown CC, Moore JE, Felix HC, et al. Association of state Medicaid expansion status with low birth weight and preterm birth. JAMA2019;321:1598–609.doi:10.1001/jama.2019.3678CrossRefPubMedGoogle Scholar
↵UNICEF. Immunization summary, 2013. Available: ... m-2013.pdf [Accessed 16 Sep 2019].Google Scholar
↵UNICEF. The state of the worlds children, 2017. Available: ... NG_WEB.pdf [Accessed 22 Aug 2019].Google Scholar
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↵Gorry C. Interview: protecting children takes more will than resources: Jose Juan Ortiz, UNICEF representative in Cuba. MEDICC Review2010;12:10–12.Google Scholar
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Fri Mar 13, 2020 1:51 pm

Cuban interferon in China

The selection by the Chinese health authorities of the Cuban interferon alfa 2B (IFRrec) among 30 other drugs to combat the new coronavirus Covid-19 should not be surprising. In fact, there is a Sino-Cuban mixed company in the Asian giant in the province of Jilin that, with Cuban technology, has produced the drug since 2007, which has been used with good results by the Chinese health system to combat viral diseases, especially hepatitis B and C. The product can also be used to treat infections caused by HIV, respiratory papillomatosis caused by human papilloma and condylomata acuminata. "Interferon alfa 2B has the advantage that in situations like these it is a mechanism to protect itself,

Cuban interferon in China (I)
But it is natural that news like this cause strangeness or curiosity in many people, since Cuba is a poor, underdeveloped country, subjected to the merciless blockade of the United States and this may lead to doubts that it has an international biotechnology industry. In addition, there is the tremendous difficulty that the largest of the Antilles is one of the countries on which the dominant media machinery is most misinforming. Many Mexicans can explain it better in these times, when they verify daily the grotesque way in which most of the national and international media deforms the reality of the administration of the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. They are the same media that also silence economic and social achievements,

That is why many do not know that in 1965 Fidel Castro inspired the emergence of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNIC), where many young Medicine graduates voluntarily went to his call to train as researchers. Gradually, new research centers emerged from the CNIC harvest.

By then Fidel had given a huge boost to the development of medical sciences and research in this field and was looking for new scientific findings and technologies to strengthen the universal and public health system created by the Cuban Revolution. So in 1981 he inquired with the American oncologist Randolph Lee Clark, visiting Havana, what was new in the cure for cancer. His interlocutor told him about work being done with a new medicine called interferon at the Anderson Hospital and Tumoral Institute, in Texas, which he directed. The commander was interested in the possibility of sending Cuban professionals to familiarize himself with the new product, which only existed in a few countries in the first world, and Clark agreed to receive two researchers, something possible then because Trump was not in the White House. The Cubans fulfilled the mission but were unable to bring INF back to the island because the US hospital center still received it from Finland, where it was produced under the direction of Professor Kari Kantel, in Helsinki.

The envoys, summoned by Fidel upon arrival in Cuba, explained to him the need for a group of researchers to carry out an internship in Dr. Kantel's laboratory to learn how to produce the INF of blood cell banks. Between the moment the leader of the Cuban Revolution heard a suggestion like that and the researchers' departure to Helsinki, not many days could pass. Fidel, concerned like very few heads of state about the health of his compatriots and, it must be said, of humanity, saw in the new product the possibility of saving many lives. This explains not only the trip of five Cubans and one Cuban to the center of Kantel in Finland, but less than four months after their return to Cuba they already had the first amounts of INF from bank globules produced on the island and very soon INF recombinant, it allows for higher production and is the desirable type in most diseases. On the island, the appearance of the INF coincided with a large dengue epidemic, which allowed a number of serious cases to be successfully treated with the new product. Thus, in 1981, Cuba became the first third world country to produce INF. From that initiative emerged the Center for Biological Research and five years later an institution with much more complex and ambitious objectives from a scientific point of view: the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Thus, in 1981, Cuba became the first third world country to produce INF. From that initiative emerged the Center for Biological Research and five years later an institution with much more complex and ambitious objectives from a scientific point of view: the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Thus, in 1981, Cuba became the first third world country to produce INF. From that initiative emerged the Center for Biological Research and five years later an institution with much more complex and ambitious objectives from a scientific point of view: the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. ... -0001.html


Cuban interferon in China (II and final)

Interferon is a substance made by cells of the immune system of vertebrate animals and can be produced in large quantities in the laboratory. Refined from bacteria or yeast is called recombinant and counteracts viral diseases mentioned in the first part of this article. It is also useful to help fight certain types of cancer and other viral diseases such as Covid-19.

Cuban interferon in China (II and final)
When China decided to use interferon alpha 2B (IFRrec) in the fight against Covid-19, there were not enough quantities of the drug in the warehouses of the Chinese-Cuban company Chang Heber. Explaining its executive director Li Wenlan: "Upon learning of the serious outbreak of the new coronavirus in China and the urgent need for the original interferon for the production of antiviral drugs, the Cuban side deferred its previous import requests to China. In addition, it appointed a group of Cuban experts to help China. ”With Cuba deferring the receipt of amounts of IFRrec produced by Chang Heber in favor of China, it was possible to shorten the time to make a certain amount of the product available to Chinese patients from 50 to 21 days. .

The Cuban cooperation was mentioned in a telephone conversation by President Xi Jinping with his Cuban counterpart Miguel Díaz-Canel. Xi said China highly appreciates the understanding that the Cuban side and President Díaz-Canel himself have shown in China's efforts against the epidemic. It is very interesting that in this talk, around February 28, the Chinese president already stated that "the positive trend" in the prevention and control of Covid-19 "was gaining strength" and that his country had "full confidence, capacity and certainty ”that he will win the battle against the epidemic. The facts have confirmed XI's assertion, with the constant decrease in the number of infected and deceased in China, lately almost exclusively in Hubei, whose capital Wuhan is the epicenter of the epidemic.

In the telephone talk, Xi added that China is ready to continue cooperation with Cuba in the fields of medicine and the control of epidemics. China and Cuba "are good friends, good comrades and good brothers who can depend on each other in difficult times and are as close as lips and teeth." The Chinese leader recalled that this year marks the sixtieth anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations, adding that his country will take the opportunity to raise bilateral exchanges and cooperation in different fields to new levels, starting from a new historical starting point. I do not remember reading warmer words from the Chinese leader to another country. For his part, Díaz-Canel stressed that this experience has fully demonstrated China's mobilization capacity and the advantages of the socialist system. He added that China's timely and effective response made outstanding contributions to controlling the spread of the epidemic, which has been highly appreciated by the international community, including the UN and WHO.

Interferon, Dr. Luis Herrera has said, was the inspiration for Cuban biotechnology. The always visionary commander took this product as if it were a lever and around it he developed natural production and created the bases for intensive genetic engineering development. The maturation of a biotech industry on the island is expressed with the emergence of the powerful Biocubafarma Business Group that employs more than 22,000 workers, exports to more than 50 countries, has 1,800 patents outside of Cuba, and its annual income amounts to around 2,000. million dollars, a totally new item in Cuban exports, which, in addition, has made a substantial contribution to the health of the people. Among the institutions attached to the group are the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, the Laboratory Animal Production Center, the National Biopreparations Center, the Immunoassay Center and the Center for Molecular Immunology. Cuba has created very prestigious unique medicines: Heberprot-P, among others, for the cure of diabetic foot; the CIMAvax-EFG C vaccine has opened up hope for the survival of people with lung cancer; PPG is mainly used to lower cholesterol, but it has been shown to have antiplatelet, antiischemic and antithrombotic effects; VA-MENGOC-BC is the only effective vaccine in the world that attacks meningococci B and C. for the cure of diabetic foot; the CIMAvax-EFG C vaccine has opened up hope for the survival of people with lung cancer; PPG is mainly used to lower cholesterol, but it has been shown to have antiplatelet, antiischemic and antithrombotic effects; VA-MENGOC-BC is the only effective vaccine in the world that attacks meningococci B and C. for the cure of diabetic foot; the CIMAvax-EFG C vaccine has opened up hope for the survival of people with lung cancer; PPG is mainly used to lower cholesterol, but it has been shown to have antiplatelet, antiischemic and antithrombotic effects; VA-MENGOC-BC is the only effective vaccine in the world that attacks meningococci B and C. ... -0002.html

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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 17, 2020 1:30 pm

BioCubaFarma Gaurantees Production of Drugs for COVID-19

Cuba has been supplying the drug, which is produced with Cuban technology at the Changchun Heber Biological Technology joint venture, located in Jilin, China. | Photo: Granma / Ariel Cecilio Lemus

Published 15 March 2020

Interferon Alpha 2B, produced in Cuba, as well as another group of medications, are part of the protocol to care for patients with the virus.

The Cuban pharmaceutical industry guaranteed Saturday the production of the 22 drugs used for the treatment of the COVID-19 coronavirus, especially Interferon Alpha 2B, which has proven to be very effective in fighting the disease.

"We currently have requests from a large number of countries, which we are responding to because we have sufficient capacity, without putting at risk the amounts required by the country," the Director of BioCubaFarma Eduardo Martinez Diaz said.

The Recombinant Human Interferon Alpha 2B, produced in Cuba, as well as another group of medications, are part of the protocol to care for patients with this disease and any complications that may arise.

Martinez Diaz assured that the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) has "all the capabilities to supply this antiviral to the national health system."

Cuba has been supplying the drug, which is produced with Cuban technology at the Changchun Heber Biological Technology joint venture, located in Jilin, China.

It is currently used in vulnerable and health care personnel as a preventive measure, as well as in patients with COVID-19 in the form of a nebulization, as it is a quick route to reach the lungs and act in the early stages of the infection, the officials highlighted.

In relation to this therapeutic drug, the deputy director of the CIGB Marta Ayala Avila explained that interferons are molecules that the body itself produces in response to viral attacks, making them the first organic response of the immune system to combat disease.

In previous outbreaks of the coronavirus, SARS in 2002 and MERS in 2012, interferons were also being used for the care and treatment of infected people.

Later published studies showed that these viruses, instead of inducing the creation of interferon in the body, decrease the production of these molecules, hence the effectiveness of the drug in treating COVID-19.

“We have in inventory the product that would be equivalent, practically, to the amount necessary to treat the total of all the infected that occurred in China,” CIGB Director-General Eulogio Pimentel Vazquez affirmed. ... -0008.html


Chile's Communist Mayor to Import Cuban Mads to Fight COVID-19

Cuba has been supplying the drug, which is produced with Cuban technology at the Changchun Heber Biological Technology joint venture, located in Jilin, China. | Photo: Cuba Net

Published 16 March 2020 (9 hours 19 minutes ago)

“This will be for high-risk infected people. We make ourselves available to the municipalities that require it," Jadue added.

Chile’s Daniel Jadue, Mayor of Recoleta - a borough in Santiago - announced Monday that through the People's Pharmacies initiative they will begin importing Cuban medicine in order to help patients infected with the novel coronavirus.

"We started import procedures for Interferon 2b, a Cuban medicine used successfully in China and Spain. This will be for high-risk infected people,” the Mayor from Communist Party said on Twitter.

The mayor pointed out that this will be done in cooperation with the Association of Municipalities with Popular Pharmacies (AChifarp).

In 2015 Jadue implemented the People's Pharmacy - a series of government-run pharmacies with very accessible prices - in the Recoleta borough.

The program was initiated in reaction to the fact that a few private pharmacy chains were ratcheting up the price of medicines and colluding in the process, making it nearly impossible for the average person to afford cures. The program has since spread to over 100 municipalities in the country, including Chile's largest cities.

“This will be for high-risk infected people. We make ourselves available to the municipalities that require it," Jadue added.

The Recombinant Human Interferon Alpha 2B, produced in Cuba, as well as another group of medications, are part of the protocol to care for patients with this disease and any complications that may arise.

The island has been supplying the drug, which is produced with Cuban technology at the Changchun Heber Biological Technology joint venture, located in Jilin, China.

It is currently used in vulnerable and health care personnel as a preventive measure, as well as in patients with COVID-19 in the form of a nebulization, as it is a quick route to reach the lungs and act in the early stages of the infection, as officials highlighted Sunday.

In previous outbreaks of the coronavirus, SARS in 2002 and MERS in 2012, interferons were also being used for the care and treatment of infected people.

Later published studies showed that these viruses, instead of inducing the creation of interferon in the body, decrease the production of these molecules, hence the effectiveness of the drug in treating COVID-19. ... -0017.html
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:21 pm

The history of interferon in Cuba, in use today to treat Covid-19
Cuba’s pride in Interferon Alfa 2b is a natural reaction given the international prestige enjoyed by the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology which produces the medication

Author: Yaditza del Sol González |

march 23, 2020 16:03:48

The interferon project began in 1981, after Fidel met U.S. doctor Randolph Lee Clark. Photo: Granma Archives

Recombinant Human Interferon Alpha 2b continues to make headlines around the world and captures the interest of readers given its effectiveness in treating patients with the new SARS Cov-2 coronavirus, which causes the illness known as Covid-19.

Nonetheless, it is not a vaccine that "miraculously" prevents infection, nor a 100% made-in-Cuba drug, although the Cuban technology used to obtain the Interferon molecule has made the process more efficient and improved the product’s quality.

This is not national chauvinism, but rather an accurate fact, as evidenced by the international prestige enjoyed by the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB).

According to Santiago Dueñas Carrera, deputy general manager of the Changchun Heber Biological Technology joint venture - which produces Alpha Interferon 2b with Cuban technology - the decision to create this entity in 2003 was based on the common interest of Cuba and China to develop the production and commercialization of biotechnological products, based on the experience accumulated by Cuban scientists in this field.

Toward this end, he said, the transfer of technology, and also knowledge, from the CIGB to the new Cuba-China company for the manufacture of this therapeutic drug, with antiviral action, a process that ended in 2007 with the obtaining of sanitary registration.

"At that time, Interferon began to be used to treat conditions like Hepatitis B and C, until it was granted coverage by Chinese medical insurance, which has extended availability to 20 regions of the country.”

When Changchun Heber was founded, Interferon had already been used extensively in other countries, but the Chinese government recognized the capacity of Cuba’s biotechnology industry to develop safe and effective products, and chose to work with us, he said,

"Currently, the drug is produced at the joint venture plant in four principal formats, with different doses, all injectable: 3, 5, 6 and 10 million international units per vial, while since it began marketing, in 2007, through the end of 2019, more than four million doses had been administered, involving more than 100,000 patients in the country.

"This is the background to how 'Cuban' interferon got to China and the previous uses it was given, before in the current epidemiological situation," he said.

Since the spread of the new coronavirus," Dueñas explained, "China’s Health Commission asked companies producing interferon, including Changchun Heber, to supply this drug to the health system." It is not the only drug used to confront the pandemic, but it is one of the most used for the treatment of Covid-19, especially in aerosol form.


To understand how the development of Interferon Alfa 2b came about in Cuba, we must go back to house number 149, in the in Havana neighborhood of Atabey, with only 180 square meters of floor space, where professionalism and commitment took root.

Completely faithful to history, we can say, "It was Comandante en jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, with his visionary thinking, who understood the need for Cuba to immerse itself in the field of modern biotechnology."

This is how Gustavo Furrazola Gómez, a biologist by profession and founder of the CIGB, recalls the early days:

Work on the project began in 1981, after Fidel met with the U.S. doctor Randolph Lee Clark. "On that occasion, the leader of the Cuban Revolution had asked him about the newest treatments that were being used internationally for the treatment of cancer, and Lee Clark told him about the interferon that was being developed at the hospital he directed in Texas. Following that meeting, two Cuban scientists traveled to Texas to receive a certain level of training.”

Later, four other specialists joined this team, which traveled to Helsinki, Finland to the laboratory of Professor Kari Cantell, who had first isolated the interferon molecule in 1972.

The scientists returned to Cuba and, with the support of other professionals, that "little house" remodeled as a laboratory became the epicenter of an intense effort, making possible the first production in our country of interferon, from white blood cells, on May 28, 1981, Furrazola recalled.


"When the Cuban biotechnology industry began production of interferon, a technology very similar to that used by the U.S.-based pharmaceutical company Schering-Plough was employed.

"But we began to develop our own elements and particularities in the technology used, seeking to improve the production process," recalls Yaí Cruz Ruiseco, current director of CIGB imports, who worked for 16 years on the interferon production line.

Research studies conducted allowed us to develop methods based on established practice and scaling for production of the medicine in question, and thanks to this technology, we have been able to reach 99% purity in extracting the interferon molecule, which is very difficult, in addition to the fact that batches are produced with a high level of efficiency and security, she added.

The CIGB works jointly with the National Center for Biopreparations (BioCen), in the production of Interferon Alpha 2b, especially in the second stage which consists of filling containers and freeze-drying the product, to prepare the drug for distribution in its finished form.

We have always worked with those involved on the clinical and research side, depending on new applications of the drug with different patients, since, although it is mainly used to treat cancer, interferon also has antiviral properties, Cruz explained.

It is worth noting, she added, that this drug has been used in other epidemiological situations in Cuba, such as the dengue hemorrhagic fever epidemic in 1981, and in the 1990s, to treat conjunctivitis of viral origin, this time in the form of eye drops.

It is not surprising, that, given the Covid-19 situation, the CICB is working uninterruptedly to increase production and that workers like Gustavo Furrazola are proud to have participated in obtaining a drug that has helped so many, regardless of the hours of work he invested. As he says, in his own words, "in moments like this, we remember Fidel's visionary perspective, and this becomes another reason for our commitment." ... t-covid-19

Over 45 Countries Ask Cuba for Interferon to Treat Covid-19
Published 27 March 2020

Since the 1980s, this drug is used in cases of acute respiratory conditions and viral infections.

Outlet Granma reported that over 45 nations have requested Cuba for Interferon Alpha 2b Human Recombinant supplies given that this drug is effective in treating Covid-19 patients.

Interferon is produced by the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), a Cuban institution that enjoys prestige in the international scientific community.

Created in the 1980s, this drug has been used in cases of acute respiratory conditions and viral infections such as hepatitis B and C, shingles, and HIV/AIDS.

For this reason, Interferon works well to counteract Covid-19, which is the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus.

"Interferon continues to be a drug that is used to combat viral infection and it can be effective, as is happening in China... it serves to control and later disappear the virus," the Interferon creator, Luis Herrera, a Cuban physician, said.

"Interferon: "It is a natural compound whose function is to create a mechanism of inhibition at the first level of the body's response"

This medicine has been successfully used to treat outbreaks of dengue fever type 2 and hemorrhagic conjunctivitis in Latin America.

Since 2003 it has also been produced by the Cuban-Chinese company Changchun Heber Biological Technology.

Interferon won the 2012 National Technology Innovation Award and the 2013 National Health Award. It is currently the most requested drug to limit the Covid-19 effects.​​​​​​​ ... -0004.html
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:29 pm

Political Bureau approves suspension of May Day parade and postponement of ANAP Congress

The First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, presided a meeting of the Political Bureau yesterday, during which new measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 were also approved

Author: Granma |

april 1, 2020 10:04:45

Photo: Granma Archives

The First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, presided a meeting of the Political Bureau yesterday, during which the decision was made to cancel May Day parades, and postpone the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP) Congress.

New measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 were also discussed.

These decisions were made in compliance with measures that the country has adopted, as part of the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Plan and was reported by the President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, in the daily governmental review of nationwide efforts to combat the new coronavirus.

Photo: Granma Archives

During this meeting, the President called on the Federation of Cuban Workers (CTC) to make proposals for May Day celebrations in accordance with current conditions, so that International Workers Day is not overlooked. ... p-congress


Ministry of Public Health reports 170 cases of Covid-19 in Cuba and 4 deaths
As of yesterday evening, March 29, a total of 2,681 individuals were hospitalized for clinical and epidemiological surveillance at isolation and care centers; 91 from abroad and 2,590 Cubans. Another 29,885 are being monitored in their homes by primary health care teams

Author: Digital news staff |

march 31, 2020 09:03:13

Photo: Granma

As of yesterday evening, March 29, 2,681 individuals were hospitalized for clinical and epidemiological surveillance at isolation and care centers established for this purpose; 91 from abroad and 2,590 Cubans. Another 29,885 are being monitored in their homes by primary health care teams.

A total of 342 cases were tested for the new virus and 31 samples were identified as positive. The country has tested 2,077 individuals and 170 were found to be positive. With the 31 new cases confirmed, a total of 170 was reached.

The 31 new cases involve 29 Cubans and two persons from abroad, including a 4-year-old boy from the United States visiting his grandparents in Bayamo, Granma province, and a Chinese citizen who works in the Mariel Special Development Zone and was in direct contact with a previously confirmed case.

Of the 29 Cubans identified, seven contracted the infection abroad: USA (2), Mexico (2), Spain, Panama and France (one each). The other 22 were exposed to the virus within the country, coming in contact with either visitors from abroad or Cubans who had traveled overseas, or are secondary cases linked to travelers.

Three patients are reported to be in critical condition, and five in serious condition.

The death of a 63-year-old patient, resident of the municipality of Venezuela, in Ciego de Avila province was also reported. He had a history of diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure, and interacted with two travelers from Spain, who arrived in the country March 12. The Ministry conveyed condolences to his family and friends. ... d-4-deaths
29,885 are being monitored in their homes by primary health care teams
Imagine US health care providing comprehensive care like that... I can't.
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