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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:24 pm

2 Nov 2020 , 12:25 pm .

The interior of El Arepazo restaurant, a meeting point for Venezuelans in Doral (Florida) (Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images)

Let's answer the question "Why is Miami important to Venezuela and the US elections?" succinctly, taking into account the influence of Venezuelan citizens who have decided to reside in South Florida, being enemies of the Bolivarian Revolution and who have sided with Donald Trump lately and could support Biden to win the US presidency if he guaranteed the long-awaited "regime change" in Venezuela.

The important thing for this axis is that Washington deepens its aggression on the Caribbean basin, regardless of who wins this November 3.

Where, today, millions of tourists cross the streets of Disney World and many others bathe in the wealthy beaches of the Atlantic shore, Ponce de León founded a Spanish colony in the 15th century that would later become part of the North American Union in the XIX. For this reason, the profusion of "Latino" settlers, especially in the most coastal cities like Miami or Tampa, and of Spanish as a quasi-autochthonous language.

Florida is a state that is currently torn between two political cultures. One, the northern part, which is part of the Deep South; the other responds to globalizing expectations, and therefore it is not surprising that, when reviewing the development of Miami as a cosmopolitan city, we find that a lot of drug money was laundered in the extensive construction and speculative businesses that made it an attractive place for investors of legal and illegal life.

Billy Corben's documentary, The Cocaine Cowboys , shows well this relationship of drugs with the transformation of Miami into one populated by characters like Tony Montana in Scarface or in some Martin Scorsese films. That world of cocaine addicted gangsters, who roam among bankers, real estate businesses and Cubans transplanted to gringo soil in order to conspire against the life of Fidel Castro and besieged Cuba.

A region of high influence in the United States, Florida brings together some social groups with a vocation for power that shapes the political ecosystem in the different governmental, judicial and legislative institutions, not only in the state but also in the federal center. Cubans residing in the south, near the island, formed a participatory mass in political life in such a way that the anti-Castro lobby took Congress by storm, and had a lot of support from the intelligence and security agencies (CIA, FBI ).

Above all, the middle classes of Cuba and other Caribbean and Latin American countries such as Puerto Rico, Colombia and Venezuela, more recently, have taken South Florida by the neck. According to academic Guillermo Grenier , currently 25% of businesses in the state are owned by Latin American immigrants.

Although there has always been high economic and political participation of the "Latinos" in that state, Venezuelans are the ones who are giving what to talk about with "the diaspora" and the center points for the (anti) political conspiracy.

It is not about conspiranoia, because even the Colombian journalist Gerardo Reyes, from Univisión , admits that " Miami has lived off political conspiracies ," and assures that certain of the characters who live in that city participated in the 2002 coup against President Hugo Chávez.

Many journalists have confirmed the same. Miami is a city where the most diverse groups of Latin American gangsters have conspired to attempt on the lives of presidents, high-ranking politicians and other characters who threaten their interests, whether on US soil or in their countries of origin. The most recognized terrorists in Hispanic life in Florida have been protected by the local establishment , including Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch.

The aforementioned Reyes, anti anything related to the revolutionary leaders of Cuba and Venezuela, manages to guess that "Miami had proportionally more CIA collaborators than any other part of the United States, including Virginia."

In relation to Venezuela, strictly speaking, the Venezuelans living there are usually the most belligerent with respect to the presidents Hugo Chávez at the time and Nicolás Maduro at the moment. Some for ideological vocation, others for having committed crimes and then speak of a "political persecution" by the Bolivarian Government.

Bankers and corrupt Venezuelans coexist in Miami who embezzled the nation to use the usufructs against the stability of the country. Eligio Cedeño is one of those financial actors who fled to South Florida along with nine other bankers for a scam concocted through banks, stealing money from savers who trusted the financial institutions they managed.

Nelson Mezerhane also enters this list, who had savers in check with his Federal Bank. And so at least more than 20 bankers who are in Miami under the pretext of a supposed "political asylum."

These are joined by an important lobby in the US Congress of associations, NGOs and groups of Venezuelan exiles in Miami who are calling for an intervention against Venezuela. This shows an ancestry of Venezuelans in Florida politics .

Ernesto Ackerman, president of the Venezuelan-American Independent Citizens (IVAC), a group that advocates for greater aggressions against the Republic that gave birth to them, is also president of the Miami-Dade Latin American Republican Club, and also a volunteer of the campaigns of Senator Marco Rubio.

Just as Ackerman is embedded in the brokerages of the Florida political establishment, the other bankers also do the same from the financial front. Its tentacles are usually centered around the city of Doral, or Doralzuela as some call it. Some kind of Venezuelan branch of Miami.

By 2010 alone, Venezuelans represented 20.6% of Doral's population, surpassing any other national group, including Americans. That city is also home to Florida's largest company, World Fuel Services , which deals in energy products. Likewise, Doral is the headquarters of the media The Miami Herald , El Nuevo Herald and Doral News , which usually attack Venezuela in news reports.

Also in Weston, Florida's Bervely Hills, some say, according to 2010 Census figures, 6,360 Venezuelans live, tripling the 2002 figure. Pembroke Pins (with 40% Latinos among its population) and Miramar (37%) are ideal places for Venezuelans of the wealthiest middle class (upwards) to reside and invest in businesses.

However, Miami, which lives to the rhythm of conspiracies , is the favorite place of political influence for those who resent against the Bolivarian Revolution, specifically against President Nicolás Maduro in recent years. Not in vain, Jaime Bayly makes his program obviously pro-assassination in that city.

The most important thing for the political machinery to carry out its aggressions, with the impulse of Venezuelans "in exile", is the personnel in Florida who are well entrenched in the US establishment.

In that state, the republican hegemony is too noticeable. Partisan control in Florida is known as the trifecta , as the Republican Party maintains power in the governorship, the Senate, and the lower house of Congress.

Most Republican voters are in areas where Latin Americans live. Tampa, Orlando and Miami provide the largest number of votes, although this does not always respond to an inviolable hegemony over time. Florida is considered a swing state , that is, one in which, at election time, it is usually debated between the reigning bipartisanship in the United States (between Republicans and Democrats).

It should be remembered the role of the Republican Party in the belligerence of Latin Caribbean revolutions such as the Cuban, the Sandinista ( Oliver North , who devised the financing plan for the Nicaraguan Contra through drug trafficking, tried to become a senator for the Republicans) and how no, the Venezuelan.

Since Chávez became president of the Republic, Florida has had governors openly against the Bolivarian Revolution. Jeb Bush , brother and son of former US presidents, members of the Texas oil oligarchy, was governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007 and has connections with Venezuelan crude since the 1980s.

Similarly, Rick Scott, former governor of the state and who reached the top of the Senate in 2018, at least from a budget point of view, is one of the promoters of the blockade against Venezuela. Between energy lobbies and interests the threads of interventionist politics move.

But it is Marco Rubio (Republican), from a narco family , who has paradoxically become the number 1 enemy of Venezuela, a faithful son of Miami and its neoliberal expression.

All these actors play an active role in the US attacks against the country that has the largest oil reserves in the world. Added to this are the military threats that have crept into Washington's legislative halls.

Although party affiliation has played a crucial role for the Trump Administration to take action on the matter with its sights set on overthrowing the government of Nicolás Maduro, the political composition of its main paralegal power agents, be they financial, drug traffickers or media, and that live from the 1950s to the present in Miami and its surroundings, significantly shape the agenda of "regime change" against Venezuela.

It does not seem, then, an exaggeration that, as the Venezuelan president himself has denounced, the plot of conspiracy, not only of the assassination attempt but of other belligerent actions against the leaders of Chavismo and the population in general, has as its point of origin the south from Florida. It is one of the fundamental axes of aggression in the United States, much more influential than the opinion of a Washington official or a New York stockbroker. ... ounidenses

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Mon Nov 23, 2020 2:28 pm

Maria Fernanda Barreto

20 Nov 2020 , 8:07 am .

It is possible that the DEA and Colombia have manufactured a false positive to harm Venezuela (Photo: Andrés Torres Galeano / Reuters)

In April 2018, we published an analysis of the weak case of the Colombian Prosecutor's Office against Jesús Santrich and its claims to link Venezuela to that same case.

At that time, Santrich was a former FARC-EP Commander and was about to assume a seat in the House of Representatives. After little more than a year, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) decided that the evidence presented by the Prosecutor's Office was not sufficient, so he was released and in accordance with the agreements signed in Havana. A guarantee of non-extradition was given.

This served as an argument for the resignation of the then prosecutor Néstor Humberto Martínez from his position, in an alleged outburst of dignity, wielding what he defined as his "devotion to the rule of law."

But that supposed passion had already been questioned by the Odebretch case , where Juan Manuel Santos and Álvaro Uribe were compromised, as was the prosecutor himself. As is often the case in Colombia, the main witness in that case - who also directly mentioned Martínez as involved - and the son of this witness, as well as a second witness , died consecutively.

In at least two of those cases there was talk of cyanide poisoning. Also these "bad coincidences" were linked to the name of Martinez. And according to some journalistic analyzes , it is in this case of corruption and its consequences that the true reason for the resignation of the former prosecutor lies.

However, from what has been known during these days, thanks to the publication of some of the remaining audios and official documents of the case that have been published, it can also be thought that his resignation was motivated by the end and relative failure of the that it would be the most important operation of his management in the Colombian Prosecutor's Office, coordinated by the DEA and the US courts, which in a sovereign country would have been the root of the scandal, but this is not the case in Colombia.

That case, which ended partially collapsing the agreement signed between the Colombian State and the FARC-EP, did not, however, achieve the extradition of Santrich or any of his other political objectives about which little or nothing is said.

A little over a week ago, a Colombian journalist had access to the almost 24 thousand audios of telephone interceptions of Marlo Marín - Iván Márquez's nephew - , attached documents, and was also able to see the file of interceptions of the latter in whose conclusions the Prosecutor's Office made it clear that he did not find any conversation to indicate it.

The scandal unleashed has dropped surprisingly in volume, it will soon be covered by another scandal and surely forgotten by public opinion or simply assimilated as one more case of false positives, montages, corruption and habitual lies of the Colombian political class.

In the first instance, the case concerns the peace of Colombia as it is also a victim of the extraterritorial advance of the Colombian internal conflict and its human, political and economic consequences. There will be no peace in Venezuela or in the region as long as there is no peace in Colombia.

But secondly, from the beginning this operation has sought to involve the Bolivarian Government and justify before international public opinion the military aggression of the United States with the subordinate participation of the Colombian military and paramilitary forces.

The audios published by the Colombian journalist belong to a total of 24 thousand, of which only 12 had been known, that the Prosecutor's Office delivered to the JEP as alleged evidence that both Santrich and Márquez were in negotiations with Mexican drug traffickers and in that Venezuela is sometimes mentioned.

The extracts and syntheses of these audios and documents that have been published are still confusing, but the little that is understood already demonstrates the high levels of internal conspiracies within the Colombian State against national and international peace.

A first thing that seems to be clear when learning about these new elements is that it was an operation coordinated by the DEA, in which the drug belonged to the Colombian Prosecutor's Office, who authorized its controlled delivery to an infiltrated agent.

Marlon Marín, nephew of Iván Márquez, who as far as is known was never a member of the guerrilla organization, is already a protected witness and a prisoner in the United States, to which he was transferred in 2018 and it is from there that he has given his statements to the case.

It also follows that Marín's interlocutors were DEA agents posing as Mexican narcos, although in reality they could be Mexican narcos working for the DEA; as terrible as it sounds, there is no contradiction.

It is now known that the money delivered was false and belonged to the DEA and that Marín ended up collaborating with the DEA, although it is not specified since when.

The audios also show that this entire assembly operation began in 2017, a year after Martínez began his four-year term as Colombian Prosecutor and when Juan Manuel Santos was still holding the presidency of Colombia.

The goal of the DEA drug agents was to get Marín to put Santrich or Márquez at the forefront of the negotiations so they could implicate them, but that never happened. Despite the pressures heard in the audios, they did not even get either of them to get on the phone to even greet them and endorse Marín's operations.

In addition, in the audios the alleged DEA agents mention someone who appears to be General Óscar Naranjo (former vice president of Colombia by the time the agreements are signed in Havana and that operation begins) as if he were part of the business, they also mention someone like "M" or "El Plátano", whom the press identifies as President Nicolás Maduro, by name Tareck El Aissami and even a woman who says her name is Piedad and works in human rights, gets on the phone. In reality, he doesn't even have the accent or voice of Piedad Córdoba.

From these first evidences thrown by the investigation of the journalist Edinson Arley Bolaños, it can be deduced that said operation was not intended to search for the truth, but to press for the verification of a hypothesis, which for science are different processes and it is presumably police scientist are too.

That is why this operation has been described by the Colombian press as "entrapment", since it shows that between the DEA and the Prosecutor's Office they sought to end the Havana agreements by incriminating former FARC-EP commanders and people who supported the signing. of the peace accords and, of course, forging evidence to indicate the Venezuelan government in the abundant drug trafficking that currently exists between Mexico and Colombia.

In other words, all this was done not to achieve the clarification of a crime, but to achieve political objectives of the United States in our region.

Of great interest to the Venezuelan Prosecutor's Office is the clarification made by journalist Bolaños in his investigation :

"Another call made by Marlon Marín, at the beginning of 2017, had as an interlocutor the New York citizen Vincent Schifano, and again the topic was the possibility of developing a money laundering operation. Specifically, on February 27, Schifano He literally told Marín that this maneuver had to be done through the Venezuelan and Panamanian banks. On March 1, 2017, Schifano asked him if there was news of the operation in Venezuela, to which Marlon Marín replied that he agreed with him in a for a while because I was in a meeting. What seems to derive from this episode is that the plan was to be carried out through the Venezuelan bank Banesco, whose directive fell months later in the 'Operation Hands of Paper', carried out by the government of Nicolás Maduro against 'the mafias that stole and devalued the Venezuelan currency. '"

But while this investigation was being made public, media from other media corporations titled " Nicolás Maduro was mentioned in the recordings of the Jesús Santrich case ", ignoring everything said here and reproducing the conversations, which everything seems to indicate are nothing more than a script written by the DEA itself and acted in complicity with the Colombian Prosecutor's Office.

The conversations between a criminal named Marlon Marín and the Sinaloa Cartel, allegedly represented by two DEA agents, plus the testimony of the first now that he is protected by the United States justice have been enough to fabricate a case against the Bolivarian Government on which we will be deepening.

For now, some senators in opposition to the Duque government have called the High Commissioner for Peace, Miguel Ceballos, and the Colombian Minister of Justice, Wilson Ruiz, to a political control debate to continue learning about this case.

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Nov 27, 2020 12:40 pm

Venezuela: An Examination of the Opposition and the Elections for the Legislature
November 24, 2020 Katu Arkonada G4, Opposition parties, us blockade, Venezuela
By Katu Arkonada – Nov 21, 2020

The death of Hugo Chavez, violent opposition barricades and blockades, executive orders that declare Venezuela a danger to the security of the United States, blockades and embargos that become worse with the impact of a pandemic – what Venezuela has been through in the last seven year is unprecedented. And all this without any real formation of democratic opposition to the Bolivarian and Chavista Revolution, but rather an opposition that has remained basically the same since 2002, adherents of coups and guarimbas (barricades and blockades imposed and maintained by violence) and without any alternative designs for the country.

With two weeks remaining before the elections for the legislature, the Venezuelan opposition continues in crisis, currently with a new split between the Democratic Action Party (AD) and the Voluntad Popular Party (VP) of the terrorist Leopoldo López and the self-proclaimed Juan Guaidó.

Henry Ramos Allup, long-time Democratic Action leader, has instructed the AD members of parliament and the leadership to refrain from participating in actions called by Guaidó, like the “citizen assemblies” that seek consensus for a “popular referendum.” The same call has gone out to the Venezuelans in other countries, prohibiting them from promoting the referendum or participating in actions by Leopoldo Lopez in Europe.

This hidden dispute may be due to the financing and payments that the “interim government” of Guaidó is supposed to have made – but hasn’t made – to the Democratic Action Party. They also seem to have different assessments of the ability to mobilize the bases of the opposition, and of the continuity of the opposition legislative assembly once the December elections are held.

It is probable that there will be a summit meeting between Ramos Allup and Guaidó, but Democratic Action, which used to be the most important Venezuelan opposition party, is undergoing a profound crisis and is trying to get out of the opposition maze, with debates about the unity of the party, its symbols, bases, but, above all, its leadership, with one Bernabé Gutierrez who recently has been upstaging Ramos Allup.

If we look beyond the Democratic Action Party, the opposition crisis persists. At the end of October, a videoconference took place including some of the G4* leaders and two U.S. officials, James Story and Rafael Foley, from the Venezuelan Affairs Unit in Colombia (VAU.) In this meeting, the representatives who finance (and direct) the actions of this group with the goal of overthrowing the government of Maduro, put a halt to the Primero Justicia Party, represented by Tomás Guanipa.

For Guanipa, the most important point for Primero Justicia is the modification and rotation of the interim presidency that Guaidó flaunts, and the fact that there is little effective consultation proposed by this self-proclaimed head of state. On their side, the U.S. officials pointed out that the opposition does not have time to keep arguing about structural questions and leaving out the practical aspects. Furthermore, the Venezuelan Affairs Unit recognized that they must confront another problem: the slow bureaucracy that holds sway in the United States, the country that has to validate and financially back the actions decided upon by the G4 (the most. extreme wing of the Venezuelan opposition, and includes the parties Voluntad Popular of Leopoldo López, Primero Justicia of Henrique Capriles, Acción Democrática and Un Nuevo Tiempo).

Another opposition party that participated in these meeting to conspire against a democratically elected government, the Causa R, faced off against Primero Justicia for trying to block the opposition unity with Guaidó.

Guaido the opposition leader in Venezuela also likes to carry out videoconferences to conspire against the Bolivarian Revolution. Recently he convoked one with his closest collaborators, including Carlos Vecchio, his “ambassador” in the United States, and Juan José Rendón, formerly the “presidential” commissioner for strategies. Vecchio and Guaidó got tangled up in an argument about the Iranian ships that transported petroleum to Venezuela, since, if the supplies are re-established, they will be unable to stir up more popular resentment against the government.

Still more serious is Rendón’s proposal to carry out the plan of a “great national black-out” with Guaidó’s authorization, hoping to use his people infiltrated in Corpelec (the national electric company), supported by foreign sabotage. The ambassador of the virtual embassy of the U.S. in Venezuela, James Story, has committed to continue to pressure other parties and organizations to participate in these plans for a coup; these include the Movimiento Al Socialismo, Soluciones, Bandera Roja and Prociudadanos parties.

Other agreements on which the principal Venezuelan opposition forces, with Guaidó in the lead, are trying to reach consensus on are: increase the pressure on Chavista political leaders and military commanders; promote activity and overt actions by paramilitary groups (civilians, dissidents among the police, Venezuelan army deserters and mercenary organizations); promote disturbances of public order like looting and attacks on public institutions; pushing allied countries to continue to initiate legal cases against members of the Venezuelan government and its associated businesses; promote the declaration that Venezuelan police forces are terrorist organizations, and preparing a database about the political parties, businesses, NGOs, and unions to distribute to other countries, especially those in the Caribbean, to try to eliminate support for the Venezuelan government.

This is the panorama of the opposition as they face the upcoming legislative elections. If the Guaidó image is already devalued for Trump, as John Bolton says in his book, now after the victory of the Democratic Party, he will soon be replaced. Some of the suggested names are Julio Borges, Carlos Vecchio or Leopoldo López, who has fled the country.

Meanwhile, a Chavista victory is coming on December 6.

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:36 pm

Venezuela Resumes Sending Oil to China Despite U.S. Sanctions

Venezuela's oil company PDVSA has succeeded in renewing its direct oil shipments to China despite U.S. sanctions. | Photo: Twitter/@PressTV

Published 27 November 2020 (14 hours 40 minutes ago)

Venezuela is resuming direct oil shipments to China after more than a year of U.S. sanctions have forced it into creative trade deals.

British news agency Reuters informed as such this Friday, citing tracking data of Refinitiv Eikon's ships and the state owned company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA).

The news comes after illegal U.S. sanctions, which since 2019 prevented the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and the PetroChina refinery from loading crude oil and fuels in Venezuelan ports.

According to the source, the first tanker that resumed shipments to the Asian country was Kyoto, which at the end of August loaded 1.8 million barrels of heavy oil in the port of Jose, in northeastern Venezuela.

According to Eikon, after covering a portion of its route to Asia in a "black voyage," or with its transmitter off, the Kyoto unloaded at Dalian's Chinese terminal.

The state-owned company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA)continues to repudiates all U.S. attempts to exercise hegemonic control of the oil market through sanctions.

In the same line, according to PDVSA's export schedules, the tanker Warrior King unloaded Venezuelan oil on Thursday in the Chinese port of Bayuquan. In contrast, two large oil tankers owned by PetroChina loaded crude in Venezuela this month.

PDVSA documents also show that two Chinese supertankers with the capacity to transport some 2 million barrels of crude loaded Venezuelan heavy oil in recent days. The Xingye left Venezuela on Thursday for Singapore, and the other, the Thousand Sunny, has not yet sailed.

The imposition of so-called secondary U.S. sanctions against the South American country in 2019 was part of the attempts by the U.S. Administration, headed by Donald Trump, to overthrow the government of President Nicolas Maduro.

These sanctions from Washington against Caracas, in addition to attacking its oil sector, have affected imports of food, drugs, and medical equipment, especially amid the new coronavirus pandemic that further endangers the lives of thousands of Venezuelans. ... -0021.html

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Tue Dec 01, 2020 2:08 pm

Yellow corn production increased in Venezuela despite the US blockade (Photo: INIA)

Clara Sanchez

30 Nov 2020 , 10:06 am .

The Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) and the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) updated the 2020/21 report for Venezuela in relation to its production agriculture, consumption, trade and applied policies, specifically for grains and forage crops.

In the new report, published in November 2020 , which ignores the sanctions, the persecution of PDVSA, the hope in low oil prices and the impact of the covid-19, they argue that, although production continues to decline, it is at a rate slower than initially anticipated, as "farmers find creative solutions to shortages of agricultural inputs and fuels."

In a previous report, they hoped that the country's scarcity of resources would be exacerbated and the state unable to "import fuel, buy basic products or maintain long-standing social programs at existing levels", as well as further stimulate "the scarcity of certified seeds and fertilizers ".

For, particularly in the time that elapses, "the fuel shortage" became "unmanageable" by the Venezuelan State, causing the national food production to fall precipitously and massively in 2020.

As it should be remembered, the United States predicted for Venezuela since the beginning of the year, on the subject of agriculture, which in any case impacts the diet of the Venezuelan population, the "decrease in the production of most basic items", among these wheat, corn, rice and sorghum, due to the lack of agricultural inputs and other components, but, above all, due to the incorporation of the new horse for the unconventional war against Venezuela in 2020, the fuel, qualified as an accurate dart for the "precipitous and massive drop in production", stating among other things that "without fuel, tractors cannot be operated."

And it is that, if the coercive measures imposed on Venezuela and its oil industry, its partners and clients, were wreaking havoc on the domestic production of gasoline, considered insufficient by the government of Donald Trump to make the national government collapse, with the passage of the For some time the alerts were lit, even in sectors opposed to Nicolás Maduro , including in the Washington Office for Latin America ( WOLA ), when the possible end of the oil exemptions was announced , which included the trade in Venezuelan oil for diesel, the main fuel Both for the generation of electricity, and especially for transportation, on which the production of basic inputs such as food or medicine depends.

In this regard, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recognizes that the government of Nicolás Maduro "was able to extend the supply of fuel, through a combination of refining imported Iranian gasoline and domestic diesel," therefore, "Updated production forecasts project that producers will have some continued access to inputs this year."

And, although initially, fuel shortages, for example, "forced farmers to choose between planting sorghum and other crops for human consumption"; or in sectors such as corn, producers "faced a massive shortage of fuel, fertilizers and agrochemicals in early 2020", causing "decreases in planted area and yields, which were expected to continue throughout the year"; finally, from those first forecasts, "the shortage is not as serious as it was initially anticipated."

In short, it is reaffirmed that it is thanks to "Iranian fuel shipments and a slight recovery in national refining that gave farmers enough gasoline and diesel to continue operating."

On the specific issue of agricultural production, and particularly the consumption of wheat, of which Venezuela is highly dependent on imports, it is stated, it will not fall by 780 thousand metric tons, and although the fall with respect to previous years will continue, the It will reach 900 thousand tons, above the expected estimates.

Similarly, Venezuela will import one million metric tons of wheat in the 2020/21 season. Considering an increase of 225 thousand tons over the initial estimate of 775 thousand tons, due to the flexibilities granted to the private sector to import freely, which affects a recovery in imports, with a change in the pattern in imported products and, therefore , greater provision for consumers. However, they are still waiting for a complete liberalization of this market so that they increase.

It is precisely in this area that Venezuela becomes one of the main export destinations for the raw material of Cargill, a transnational company with a North American parent company that recently announced the sale of all its assets in the country and which, along with other companies, the national transnationalized and transnational oligopoly present in the Venezuelan agri-food system, with a dominant position over the food market of greater national consumption, among which are wheat flour and pasta, among others.

Regarding corn production, an increase is estimated to 390 thousand metric tons or 110 thousand tons more than the official USDA forecast, whose increase is explained by an expansion of 30 thousand hectares of the planted area, together with a slight improvement in returns.

In this sense, it is indicated that more yellow corn was planted than white during the winter cycle of 2020, and that "total consumption for the 2020/21 campaign increased to 1,350 million metric tons. 4% above the USDA Official Forecast ".

Corn inventories higher than the average are also reported and even that large millers reported the fall in sales in April and May, which would correspond to the beginning of the pandemic in Venezuela, causing a subsequent accumulation of inventories, however, "the industry begins to normalize "; and in this case, the companies report storage of 100 thousand metric tons of yellow corn and about 250 thousand tons of white corn.

And in terms of international suppliers, it is considered that the United States continues to be a large supplier of yellow corn to Venezuela, while the majority of white corn imports come from Mexico.

Regarding the planting of rice, it is maintained that the planted area would decrease to 55 thousand hectares, 8% less compared to 2019, due to the limited access to agricultural inputs, whose decrease will continue constant since 2014.

However, one element stands out: the increase is estimated to 130 thousand metric tons, corresponding to 25 thousand tons above the initial USDA forecast, particularly due to increases in yields in the current year, which makes them suggest that estimate.

And although it is only considered that it is due to the additional access to fertilizers, abundant rainfall and better control of pests and diseases in the current season, and there are no official public data, this forecast could correspond to the planting of rice of the ViVe variety , an early variety developed thanks to the Vietnam-Venezuela Agreement that allows, in less than 100 days, the yield of 6 thousand kilos of rice per hectare, particularly from ViVe 80 and ViVe 95 seeds .

In this same area, the increase in consumption is estimated from 20 thousand metric tons to 620 thousand tons, due to the improvement in production and, of course, supply.

Regarding rice imports, they are estimated at 450 thousand metric tons, which is 10 thousand tons, below the official USDA forecast, coming mainly from Brazil.

On the other hand, there is a warning about a new element in relation to rice, referred to negative profit margins for farmers, which is discouraging growth in the area in relation to the purchase price.

In this case, domestic rice producers indicate that they cannot compete with imported rice at a lower cost. This would reinforce the action of the national government with the imposition of the 20% tariff on the importing agro-industry on the types of paddy rice, white in bulk, packed, flour, by-products and other rice derivatives; This industry has already anticipated the increase in production costs and, therefore, consumer prices.

However, the USDA recognizes that the national government continues to be the largest buyer of domestic and imported rice for distribution through the CLAP (Local Supply and Production Committees) system.

For sorghum, it is still forecast that 2020/21 production will fall to 15 thousand metric tons, as well as consumption will be reduced in the same proportion due to scarce inputs, in an item that is used as a source of food for the poultry industries and porcine, which is lately being replaced in animal feed by yellow corn.

Remember that Venezuela does not import or export sorghum. It imported seeds for sowing mainly from the United States, through the exclusivity that Agroisleña had; after their nationalization, these imports fell to zero.

On the other hand, the report continues to highlight the presence of Venezuela's new commercial partners.

This is how he refers that new imported wheat products are appearing in the monthly deliveries of the CLAP food subsidy program, among which are mostly Turkish pasta.

This shows the presence of a new actor in the supply of food to Venezuela, which according to its commercial data shows a "rebound in imports of flour and pasta, and Turkey sends most of both."

In fact, it is said that in recent months "increasing volumes of pasta and flour have arrived in Venezuela from Turkey," whose imported products have a lower cost than similar products made in the country. In this case, it is necessary to clarify that the raw material used in the Venezuelan milling industry in the manufacture of the products is completely imported.

For this reason, the notable increase in Venezuelan imports of processed wheat products, since mid-2019, stands out, with Turkey now becoming the largest supplier of flour and pasta for Venezuela. Although the increases in flour imports from Brazil and Colombia are also being monitored during fiscal year 2020.

And as if that were not enough, the new supermarket chain Megasis is mentioned, which also sells Iranian-brand flour and pasta in Venezuela.

Therefore, it is considered that "the regime continues to rely on non-traditional trading partners, such as Iran, Turkey and Russia, for certain basic products", and in the particular case of Iran, with fuel.

These new trade partners, among which Turkey, Iran, Russia and China stand out, are actors of strategic importance for Venezuela, in this phase of application of the policy of "regime change" that the United States is advancing against the country, and therefore Therefore, with their alliances, they have constituted a brake on the economic, financial and commercial blockade, which gives greater freedom of action in the immediate term to the Bolivarian Revolution, above the estimates of foreign intervention and everything that is behind the siege of the country North American to the Venezuelan agri-food sector in 2020.

And it is that the use of fuel as an essential component for the scenario of conflict between the United States against Venezuela, in order to make the national production of food fall massively and precipitously, is an example of unconventional war, a simultaneous attack or " war in parallel ", where only by resorting to the theory of the Five Rings of Power of John Warden III, colonel of the US Air Force , and its adaptation to the Six Rings, in order to advance in the weakening of the central power, This action of preventing the supply of gasoline or diesel can be explained to exacerbate all the vulnerabilities that lead to strategic paralysis or the inaction of the national government.

In this sense, the implementation of the simultaneous attack on essential elements of production, among which are food, was visualized, affecting the logistics infrastructure and its connections, the population and agriculture, beyond the military forces. , to get to the first ring of power; mainstreamed by the importance of energy for the war effort, regrouping factors such as electricity and fuel, and incorporating it in a new ring of power (sixth) that cuts through all the others, and strips all vulnerabilities.

It is not enough to consider food as an essential supply corresponding to the second ring, it is also necessary to affirm that the agri-food system is part of the main infrastructure within the third ring, which in turn can affect the rest, among which are the population and the armed forces. If it is also crossed by the sixth energy ring (see image), the forecasts that Venezuela faced in 2020 were not less, only on the food issue.

(see diagram at link)

And while it is assumed that production estimates will improve because producers have some continuous access to inputs and fuels this year, although far from total insurance; The truth is that they reacted quickly with the relaunch of the Great AgroVenezuela Mission.

On the other hand, Donald Trump lost the elections in the United States without specifying the policy of "regime change" in Venezuela, at the same time that the exemptions to its oil companies in Venezuelan territory are extended from the North American country, until next month of June, and the Bolivarian Revolution remains standing, hand in hand with the government of Nicolás Maduro.

However, let's get ready for the 2021 battle on the agri-food issue: let's wait for the hungry enemy, with our troops well fed. ... la-en-2020

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Jose Roberto Duque

The Venezuelan resistance does not diminish in strength (Photo: Luis Morillo)

27 Nov 2020 , 10:07 am .

First, there is a review of the mechanism that connects the natural rebellion of the oppressed peoples with the desire to change course, strategy or simply government.

Preaching or speaking against the government, or against governments, is an easy matter, a more or less natural reaction or position; "Even biological," someone said, referring to youth. It could be said, therefore, that the anti-government factors tend to have an easy time proselytizing when the people are "going through work", when their condition as a looted collective subject becomes unbearable. Nothing more elementary than to tell people, politicized or not, that their sufferings are the fault or responsibility of whoever "is in power."

As during two centuries of republican history people got used to the idea that "the Government" is the depositary and executor of "power", the canonical idea that overthrowing one government and installing another is the only or the most effective way for things to go better. The cases or governments of Allende, Fidel, Chávez, Jacobo Arbenz, and others have sufficiently demonstrated that this parallel or equation is not automatically true. The government is not always or has the power; being anti-government is not always being anti-power. Will it be necessary to indicate to the anti-Maduro speeches, "but from the left" how similar is their preaching to that of the Anglo-Saxon hegemonic power?

Many decades ago, Marx and the Marxists placed a crucial idea on the table of analysis: what needs to be changed is not the government (any one), but the system. Among many other readings, that statement or postulate supports and verifies the following verification of the concrete and immediate world: you have a Venezuela trying to do a socialist experiment or something similar, but that Venezuela is surrounded by factors of sabotage and disturbance, then that Venezuela does not it will not easily succeed in a short time to make its anticapitalist experiment prosper. Why? Because around you there are only pieces and mechanisms that will force you to continue depending on capital. No oxygen bubble survives surrounded by helium or nitrogen; no socialist experiment has it easy if it is surrounded and harassed by promoters of liberalism and capital. A polite way to navigate that awkward premise is to assume that socialism under construction must be financed by capitalism. The dying man must finance his gravedigger. With what? Well with dollars.

Let's get crawling: in Venezuela the dollar has emerged as the hegemon and paradigm, not because Maduro wants it, but because as long as the only system with universal voation is capitalism anchored to the dollar, there is no way to do without the dollar.

And let's stop bullshitting: there are no socialist currencies, there is no communist exchange value or anti-power: dollar, crypto assets, gold, rubles, yuan, whatever arises: everything is the work of capital in crisis or in mutation.

Such is the context. Let's land now on the subject, which is the verification of what appears in the next sections of this rugged road that Venezuelans travel.

For a violent overthrow to take place, a simultaneous conjunction of factors is necessary:

Generalized popular discontent;
Mass detection and understanding of the origin of disturbances and discontent;
Generalized attack on the currency, the economy and the flow of energy resources;
Activation of a leadership or vanguard capable of channeling that discontent in the face of an uprising;
Incorporation of living and active forces to the process of insurgency, conspiracy or insurgent movement;
International support for the overthrow plan;
Weakness, isolation or cracking of the factors that support the Government and the institutions.
The squalid have managed to make several of these factors coincide in time, but not all. In that dramatic April of Chávez it seemed that everything was coming together, but in the street there was a people who shouted "with hunger and without a job, with Chávez I am resisting." And also the military establishment was already impregnated and penetrated by the Bolivarian Chavista spirit. That is why the overthrow was born, but he died as a neonate: as in Bolivia, it was an artificial, unsustainable and unsupported coup in the crowd.

The Venezuelan right has in its favor, entering the third decade of the XXI, with several of the necessary requirements to crown an overthrow, but fails in some fundamental requirements: leadership with credibility or roots in the people, identification of the people with the idea of overthrow as a solution and synchronization of factors.

There have been moments of deep depression and discontent, like that disastrous year that was 2016. It was a stage-moment that seemed decisive and propitious for a direct attack that would have been lethal. The fascist leadership reacted out of time: "Exit II" took place in 2017, probably because the resources arrived late, or the street device of the conspiracy was activated late. In the absence of a genuine popular movement Popular Will and the State Department bought something that looked remotely like it, a handful of fierce neighborhood boys who carried out spectacular actions in exchange for a salary, along with alienated elements that put the criminal touch on it. and murderer to street actions. All this when the effects of the shortage had already been moderately controlled;

Nor did the conspiracy have effective support from any operative faction within the Armed Forces. They also bought elements that gave the impression of dislocation or fracture of the military establishment, but those elements taken from the sleeve did not generate any multiplying or propagating effect.

A year and a half later there was the mental collapse of Trump and his environment, and the well-known blockade recipe and threats from satellite governments grouped in a ghostly "Lima Group." But the rest was missing: the people and the military. There was an experiment of communion of these elements in the border Cúcuta, or a propaganda simulacrum that made many say: "now it has turned on." The episode had neither bellows nor a vocation for propagation. We must insist: if all this had come together in a situation like that of 2016, the neo-Nazis would probably have been successful.

Heading to 2021: Trump is gone, although a worse subject has probably arrived at the White House and the destruction devices of the empire.
There is still no leadership in the anti-Chavista opposition capable of mobilizing or at least agitating broad sectors of the population after a project of liquidation or extermination of Chavistas and Chavismo as current.
A significant segment of the Venezuelan military world openly folded or willing to bow to the calls and incitement to the coup has still not manifested.
The process of dissolution, dismemberment or effective bankruptcy of the United States satellite governments in Central and South America continues.
Nicolás Maduro has proven to be the most solid of the continent's anti-hegemonic leaders; Of the characters that 18 months ago seemed to be about to destroy him personally, and Venezuela as an anti-capitalist experiment, today only Duque and Bolsonaro persist as threats.
There are signs of a weakening of the blocking and persecution mechanisms for any company and country that does business with Venezuela, which may mean a respite in the medium term in terms of access of Venezuelans to goods and resources.
Whatever the result of the election of parliamentarians on December 6, everything indicates that this exercise of sovereignty will heal the wounds that had sprouted in our institutionality.
In conclusion: it may be that in the year 2021 the forms of harassment and attack against the Revolution, against the government and against the people of Venezuela will persist and even be perfected (by the way, it will be necessary to speak again about the difference between these three elements of our historical Process), but after having survived (and more: having triumphed) the dreadful years 2016, 2019 and 2020, it seems that we will have a good opportunity to rehydrate, gain momentum, regroup, establish new strategies and new alliances and programs with a fresh head the battles of the future. ... errocarnos

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Wed Dec 02, 2020 2:59 pm

Venezuelan authorities are trying to prevent the Communist Party from participating in elections
Communists talk about "collusion of the bourgeoisie and elites"

On November 29, the Venezuelan Communist Party made an appeal to the communist and workers' parties, solidary with it, with a request to disseminate information about the violation of the electoral process in the Bolivarian Republic. The CPV appeal states that the Party and the alliance that it is part of to participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections - the People's Revolutionary Alternative (NRA) - are not allowed to participate in pre-election debates and are not given the opportunity to distribute their campaign materials either through the state or through private media. This, as stated in the message, violates the 80th and 81st articles of the law on the electoral process in the Bolivarian Republic and testifies to the censorship used against the unification of the left forces.


The CPV tried to defend its rights to participate in electoral events by contacting the National Electoral Council. The court formally and legally supported the position of the communists, however, no sanctions and measures were taken in favor of the CPV.

It should be noted that supporters of the official current government - representatives of organizations belonging to the Great Patriotic Pole of Simon Bolivar , as well as representatives of the right-wing opposition take part in pre-election events on radio, television and Internet sites . From the CPV's point of view, this is evidence of a "collusion of the bourgeoisie and elites" fearing electoral competition from the CPV and the NRA, and also reveals the real face of the "advanced participatory democracy" in Venezuela.

On December 6, 2020, parliamentary elections will be held in Venezuela, and the Communist Party of Venezuela in the election campaign of this period decided to act as an alternative to the current government.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro at the Congress of the Venezuelan Communist Party

Previously, the CPV was part of the Great Patriotic Pole of Simon Bolivar, an alliance of parties and movements in Venezuela, which was created in 2011 and supported in the 2012 elections Hugo Chavez, leader of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. Amid imperialist aggression, tougher US sanctions and tensions in Colombia and Brazil, the CPV has long supported Chávez's successor, Nicolas Maduro., the current president of the Bolivarian Republic. However, now, in the context of the severe economic crisis and the inability of the government to respond to the needs of the poor, the policies pursued by Maduro are regarded by the CPV as concessions to the bourgeoisie and an attack on the rights won by the social bottom of society during the Bolivarian process led by Chávez. This year, the CPV initiated the creation of the People's Revolutionary Alternative with the aim of uniting a number of left-wing organizations and inviting the Venezuelan population to vote for candidates from this union. The CPV emphasizes that it consistently maintains anti-imperialist positions, but considers it vital to solve socio-economic problems in favor of the working people.

From the editor. We turned to the representatives of the Venezuelan Embassy in the Russian Federation for clarification. There is no reaction yet. We also propose to contact the administration of the President of Venezuela. ... e-dopusti/

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Tricky business. On the one hand the revolution must advance or it will stall. The compromises the Bolivarians have made with their local bourgeoisie are certainly a drag on progress. Pragmatic, timid, complicit, hard to say. But I am very wary of accusations of complicity which can all to often be the work of wreckers. On the other hand the full wrath of the Hegemon is not to be incurred, Venezuela cannot be conquered but it can be hurt and is hurting much as is or this issue would never have come up. It is likely that wholesale expropriation at this time could trigger such a response.

I was hollering for such actions as VCP is now endorsing for years, now I wonder... But if not now then when?
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Dec 04, 2020 2:00 pm

The electoral campaign for women parliamentarians has mobilized Chavismo once again (Photo: AFP)
Carola Chavez

3 Dec 2020 , 10:17 am .

The three months have already passed those that in September seemed eternal, irremountable, and in a blink they took us here, a couple of days before the election ... oooanother crucial, vital election, like all the ones we have made in these 20 years.

None more difficult than this, I think, because going out to vote while a giant suffocates you so that you do not do it, so that you give yourself, so that you give the future of your children to whom they viciously, with hatred, with contempt, designed a systematized plan of suffering to punish us for being daring, for being irreverent, for being brave, because one day we said that here we decide, for us and that the gringos go to hell for a long time ... It's not easy, but who said fear?

It has been more than twenty years of a hard and beautiful fight; dodging strikes, trips, conspiracies, betrayals. More than twenty years fighting in peace, for peace. Quenching the violence to votes, so many times conspiring in an election all the evils they want to throw at us.

We have been saved by votes of so many things and if anyone doubts it, they only have to look at the window of recent history: a few years ago, in 2008, when we lost the government of Miranda, the CNE had not finished announcing Capriles's victory when his neo-boys went out to burn Simoncitos, to chase the doctors from Barrio Adentro, there in the modules where they treated the people. And it was not only Capriles, it was all the opponents who won a governorship from Chavismo, among them Salas Feo in Carabobo, Pérez Vivas in Táchira, Pablo Pérez in Zulia. They returned viciously, with a thirst for revenge and could not find a better way to retaliate than by burning, looting and dismantling institutions that served the most needy.

From those victories in governorships and mayors, the violent territories of the guarimbas arose, financed and protected from those spaces that we once lost. From there the paramilitarism leaked and the plan to Colombianize Venezuelan politics that still continues. In each space that we leave, a yaga arises against democracy and peace for all. The worst of all is the one that grew in the National Assembly in 2015, when Lorenzo's war, who is always at war against the people, led us to an oversight that now does not weigh so much: the lie of the last line.


We did not vote and they took power to use it against us, against all of us, including their voters who did not know what they had done. They used power against the entire country. A bit of power placed at the command of the White House became a weapon of massive destruction of our achievements, of our rights in exercise: the right to food, work, health, a dignified life; bombarded methodically, with sadism ... And those who were elected to work for the country were the employees of the month of an enemy country. We all paid except Guaidó, Ramos Allup, Julio Borges, Leopoldo López and their usual thirty MMGs, who did not pay, but took millions of our dollars that ended up in Fabi's fridge.

Now comes the new litter of aspiring puppies, while the trained puppies wag their tails in desperation so that they are not sent to the kennel of oblivion, so that they do not change them for these new puppies that refresh the image of the usual coup.

Between entry dogs and exit dogs, all salivating, all ready for the low perreo of delivery; With a brutal blockage that wants us to wrinkle With the experience burning raw of what brings about fatigue, wrinkles, doubts lead us to stop voting ... aware - because all sadicones tell us, they remind us daily with their threats, with their sanctions - that They still have so much more damage to do to us if we leave them, if we open more windows where they can damage us. There is no room for tiredness or carelessness.

On Sunday, December 6, voting will be much more than voting, it will be to stop the infamy to continue writing this beautiful story - difficult, but beautiful - of dignity, conscience, love, courage, and peace.

We will win!

This article was published on December 2 on the website of Con el Mazo Dando.

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Mon Dec 07, 2020 3:26 pm

Today, December 6, a new political cycle begins in Venezuela (Photo: TRT)

6 Dec 2020 , 12:32 pm .

The most important day of the year arrived. After this December 6, 2020, a new political cycle begins in Venezuela, with a new National Assembly elected by the force of the votes, an entity kidnapped by an anti-national faction that has endangered the existence of the Bolivarian Republic, aligned with the US strategy of siege and violation of the fundamental rights of the Venezuelan population.

In this Electoral Data Data we will tell and analyze the future of this day, with the most important details to understand the center and context of the parliamentary elections.


In the early hours of the morning of this Monday, December 7, the president of the CNE, Indira Alfonzo, announced the results of the total of 5 million 264 thousand 104 votes counted corresponding to 82%, with a participation of 31% of the total voters registered: the Great Patriotic Pole (GPP) reached a total of 3 million 558 thousand 320 votes for 67.6%.

According to the first official bulletin, the Democratic Action Alliance, Copei, CMC, AP and El Cambio won a total of 944,665 votes for 17.95%.

The parties of VU, PV, VPA: 220 thousand 502 votes for 4.19%. The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV): 143 thousand 917 votes for 2.73%. Other parties obtained 357 thousand 609 votes for 6.79%.

It should be noted that Alfonzo authorized the regional boards to total, award and proclaim the positions awarded as the transmission of the votes is completed at 100%.

Without a doubt, it was an exhaustive day of mobilization for Chavismo and for the sectors of the democratic opposition that decided to go to the electoral contest as a mechanism for the political resolution of conflicts. The anti-Chavismo division played an important role in this election, however the GPP forces managed to win the majority of seats due to the participation of the so-called "hard vote" for Chavista, which together with the electoral machinery, managed to achieve the parliamentary objective and, Furthermore, they defeated the US strategy of "maximum pressure" so touted by foreign and anti-national agents.


After 7 pm, the anti-Chavista leader Juan Pablo Guanipa, second in charge of the so-called "interim government" of Guaidó, promoted the elections, indicating, without citing any source, exit point or leak, that the turnout was just over 18%.

Again in the narrative line of delegitimizing the electoral appointment, he pointed out that even among 18% of the participants many did so in a "forced" way, without showing evidence.

In ignorance and complete denial of the Venezuelan electoral system, he declared that the polling station members were dedicated to marking and casting votes, knowing, by their own election as a deputy in 2015, that such a thing is impossible at a polling station.

Guanipa added that for them "there were no elections" and that, therefore, the objective of maintaining their deputation and that of Guaidó indefinitely will concur, since this election "will not have any effect," said Guanipa, continuing the dictated line of discourse. by the State Department.


Shortly after 6 pm, and in view of the fact that there are still queues to go to vote, the National Electoral Center (CNE) gave an extension until 7 pm so that those who have not done so and are ready in the voting centers , can do it.

However, there are already polling stations that have closed due to the zero influx of voters.

Shortly before any announcement was issued by the CNE, the Chavista candidate Diosdado Cabello offered a press conference where he called for the so-called "Remate Operation", which consists of a larger mobilization shortly after the end of the day in the centers voting.

Cabello added that the election day of December 6 was "extremely satisfactory" and analyzed that, historically, parliamentary elections tend to be less crowded than others such as the presidential ones, which generally have a high turnout compared to the legislative ones.

On the other hand, the outgoing deputy Juan Guaidó insists that there has been a very low electoral turnout, according to how the opposition aligned to the United States has been narrating on 6D.


Sources from the National Oversight Office inform Misión Verdad that they have been distributed throughout the national territory in order to supervise the faithful compliance of all the protocols of the election process that is held today, denying the matrices of different media anti-Chavistas who alleged " the absence " of this electoral supervision mechanism.

Despite the refusal of international observers from the European Union, more than 1,500 national and international observers have joined and deployed to the country's electoral centers to corroborate the progress of these important elections.

In this sense, the majority of the observers affirm that the attention to the voters in the voting centers is optimal, as is the attendance of the table witnesses, being another control and supervision mechanism in the Venezuelan electoral process.

Regarding biosecurity measures, the Bolivarian Militia supports each stage of the well-known "electoral horseshoe."

Addenda : in the United States, not all states allow the participation of international observers in their elections, and to this is added the accusations of fraud by the incumbent US president, Donald Trump, which calls into question the operation of the US electoral system . The fanciful authority with which they announce, in advance, is striking not to recognize the elections in Venezuela due to alleged irregularities that they do not verify.


Around 4 pm Venezuela time, the Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, sent comments against the Venezuelan elections from his Twitter account. Although he pointed out the results, he boasted anticipated a victory for Chavismo.

"Electoral fraud in Venezuela has already been committed. The results announced by the illegitimate Maduro regime will not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people," the official said.

He added that "what is happening today is a sham, not an election."

Pompeo's comment is consistent with the narratives of the Venezuelan opposition, making their orchestration clear.

At noon, the outgoing deputy Juan Guaidó appeared outside an electoral center in Macuto, La Guaira state, where he recorded himself indicating that there was little electoral participation.

By 4 pm the anti-Chavista electoral analyst Eugenio Martínez commented from his Twitter account that until 3 pm there was an accumulated participation of "only 22%" and that after a "auction operation" by Chavismo the figure would reach a possible 30%.

Martínez did not explain the origin of the "data" he was announcing. Like the so-called Anti-Fraud Observatory of the outgoing AN, it does not explain if it is a measurement in the exit of the exit or another type of source.

The abstentionist opposition has orchestrated simultaneously, from morning hours and during the day, the labels #CentrosDelFraudeVacios and #EstoNoEsUnaEleccion to promote an alleged failure of the electoral appointment.

The media construction of a very low participation is for these sectors an indispensable mechanism, not only for the delegitimization of the election, but also for the alleged and unconstitutional support of Guaidó's AN and its so-called "interim presidency" after the expiration of its parliamentary term and indefinitely.


Several Chavista leaders, including President Nicolás Maduro and candidates for parliament Cilia Flores and Jorge Rodríguez, exercised the right to vote after 1 pm.

Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza offered statements after exercising his right to vote:
Statements of the Chancellor
: All those who have voted today are an example of resistance. Today's vote is for peace, sovereignty. I congratulate the opposition candidates who endured pressure to participate in this process. The AN should be a great political forum
Mission Truth
Arreaza: dialogue is the only way. We will call all the opposition factors, economic, to dialogue in the AN. Hopefully they will come. We are not interested in whether or not the European Union recognizes us. The only opinion that interests us is that of the humble man and woman, who are voting today

On the other hand, Timoteo Zambrano, who was the leader of Un Nuevo Tiempo and now the leader of the Democratic Alliance, an opposition coalition, called for a vote at a press conference, regardless of the political side: "Only with votes will we solve the problems of Venezuelans. If you are dissatisfied with the government, vote, if you do not agree with the economy, vote, but vote because that is the only way to express yourself. "

The opposition leader assured that there is a participation greater than 40%.

Meanwhile, the campaign outside of Venezuela is intensifying with the intention of offering a perception against the legitimacy of the elections on December 6. El Tiempo de Colombia, for example, " reports " that there was a 4-hour delay for the polling stations to open, when earlier the president of the CNE, Indira Alfonzo, announced the deployment of 99% of the polling stations.

Disinformation and media intoxication was something to be expected for this day, imposing from the large anti-Venezuelan media consortiums a kind of information blackout that maintains a pro-American line regarding the narrative of the elections, and therefore in support of the "project Guaidó "today depleted by election day.

In fact, the so-called Observatory against Fraud of the outgoing National Assembly assures, without any basis, that there is only an electoral mobilization of 2% in Venezuela, a figure that has nothing to do with reality, according to the influx in voting centers.


In the early hours of December 6, declared the president of the National Electoral Center (CNE), Indira Alfonzo, who reported that 99% of the polling stations are installed in Venezuela and the opening of the voting centers was at 95% for the parliamentary elections.

In effect, 14,221 voting centers are deployed in the 24 states and 87 districts of the country.

Before noon many of the leaders of the Great Patriotic Pole voted, including Diosdado Cabello and governors of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

There have been no major incidents at the voting centers, with a general and continuous influx.

Regarding the mobilization, the national secretary general of Democratic Action (AD), Bernabé Gutiérrez, took the opportunity to call his militancy and the country in general to vote and also indicated that until 11 a.m., he estimated a participation of the 61% nationwide.

The rejection of abstention by politicians, Chavismo and the opposition, who decided to measure themselves at the polls has been categorical. The urgency for participation comes from the context in which these elections arise, amidst economic, commercial, financial and diplomatic blockades and military threats from the United States and failed coups d'état.

About 1,500 observers and 300 representatives from more than 34 countries accompany the elections to the National Assembly of Venezuela this Sunday, December 6. Among them is the American researcher from the Public University of New York and electoral observer, Danny Shaw, who highlighted in an interview: "I have been able to verify that everything that is spoken in my country is a lie, Venezuelans could well give lessons in democracy to Americans. " ... arias-2020

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:05 pm

Elijah J. Magnier

Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza at the Manuel Palacio Fajardo Commercial Technical School in Caracas (Photo: Elijah J. Magnier)

8 Dec 2020 , 3:14 pm .

From Caracas, Venezuela

At the Manuel Palacio Fajardo Commercial Technical School in Caracas, Venezuela, in the January 23 area, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza went to the polls. People from the neighborhood stood in line, waiting their turn after being disinfected by the health personnel. A few guards are present, without interfering with the organization of the population. The minister's company was joined by the daughter of Commander Hugo Chávez, María Gabriela, who also went to vote at the same school where the Commander voted.

This is a fairly normal and everyday scene here, seeing people of all kinds go to the same place to vote, including the elderly who can hardly walk, assisted by their closest relatives. The number of voters who go to the polls is not very high (only 31%), which is understood taking into account the restrictions imposed to contain the coronavirus. Furthermore, in the Latin American context it is normal to see legislative elections with low participation (Costa Rica with 24%, for example), and much more attendance in presidential elections. Four of the opposition parties have decided to boycott the elections, yet they have won 18% of the seats.

The quality of the connection between the people and some government officials is certainly unique and unmatched. The interaction between both parties indicates a strong bond and this explains that the majority of the population, despite the harsh US economic sanctions, does not give up.

After voting, Jorge Arreaza has walked to a nearby cafe, where he has been received by people of all ages. They sat down when he arrived in his black T-shirt, dressed casually. Without the presence of public television or nearby media, it can be seen that this gesture was not merely due to propaganda. A couple of members of the security forces have kept their distance so as not to spoil the interaction. Arreaza thanked each person in the cafe for going to vote, bumping their fists and talking to them like just another neighbor, whom everyone is used to seeing on a regular basis.

This episode hardly constitutes a propaganda effort, simply because it has already been voted on. "We see Jorge and other members of the government in this neighborhood regularly," says Diego, a young man who has just asked the minister for a selfie.

"If people find out about any corruption or mismanagement in any district, we are informed when we visit them and we intervene with them directly because we need to take care of our country and we have been given the power only of the people, to act on their behalf. This is the teaching of Commander Hugo Chávez, "said Minister Arreaza.


The modest behavior of these civil servants who are part of the population (and those who never distanced themselves) is certainly surprising. The secret of Venezuela is that, on the one hand, there are politicians like Juan Guaidó who asked the US superpower for a military intervention against their own people, while, on the other hand, there are politicians like President Nicolás Maduro and most of his team who they feel part of the people and that they believe conscientiously that the power they enjoy emanates from the people, who protect them from harm.

Regardless of what the Venezuelans who are in the opposition say, live or criticize, the fact that their representative has called on a foreign military army to intervene and impose on the opposition leaders in power is considered high treason, for To say the least, and it goes totally against the will of the majority of voters, even against the will of many other opposition groups. It seems that nostalgia for the colonial past still hangs over Venezuela.

Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías was born to impoverished teacher parents in southwestern Venezuela, joined the Venezuelan military, and was jailed in 1992 for his failed coup attempt. Six years later, when Chávez was released, he ran for election and won 56% of the vote and became President. In 2002, a million people took to the streets and the military arrested Chávez to appoint an interim president, Pedro Carmona. A few days later, he was released by the people and by his military companions and returned to the presidential palace. The power of the population was a determining factor.

In 2004, again, people supported Chávez when the opposition called a referendum. In 2006, Chávez obtained 63% of the votes and in 2012 he won the Presidency again with 54% of the votes. In Venezuela, the people have the final decision because it is a collective society where it is the population who grants legitimacy to the President.

That is why the United States has no chance of defeating this population in any fair case. The only feasible attempt to stop Venezuela, in the mind of the United States, is to starve it and turn it against officials and the government. This is exactly what the United States is doing today in Lebanon, in Iran and Syria, but without success.

Here in Venezuela, in this poor and rich country, the population has the last word. Here there are no warlords and kings - as in the Middle East - sitting on their throne for decades with some of them passing power to their children (all with the approval of the United States, of course).

Venezuelans love to say "Hasta la Victoria Siempre", a mythical phrase spoken by Che Guevara, adopted by Chávez and repeated by the population at all times. In fact, the victory was registered again today when the Maduro-Chávez party won the elections with 67% of the parliamentary seats. Both the United States and the European Union and their allies (some 50 countries that illegally declared Juan Guaidó as President) are expected to reject their results in order to keep Guaidó as a puppet. However, we must attend to an additional detail: he is no longer the Speaker of the Chamber and does not enjoy any official legitimacy in the country. It will be very interesting to see what the new US administration led by President-elect Joe Biden will do. The Venezuelan Foreign Minister left the door ajar: "It is not possible to have a civilized conversation with the United States while Trump is in power." There is weak hope for a change in US behavior in Venezuela, as "one US administration could be very similar to another."

"I have hope in the people of the United States of America," said Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza. With a positive approach and probably genuine illusion.

This article was originally published on Elijah J. Magnier's website on December 8, 2020 , the translation was done by Eli C. Casas. ... io-oriente

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Dec 18, 2020 2:02 pm

A Manual to Defend the Revolution From Our Community

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on DECEMBER 17, 2020

María Fernanda Barreto


How to confront the paramilitary and mercenary invasion of Venezuela and local terrorist groups in our community.


In the second part of this manual, I talk about the INVEDECOR method of the Venezuelan sociologist Carlos Lanz Rodríguez, a method that he taught me during the long days of study that we had throughout 1994 in Caleb, Lara State. So before I published it I sent him the text and his answer was “now you have graduated as an invedecorist”.

When the first version of the second part of this text was finally published, he took the trouble to write and call me to congratulate me for what he considered an important contribution to the integral defense of the Homeland.

Both memories honor me and I treasure them, together with the study and struggle days I have shared with him in these 26 years along with those that are waiting for his return.

Therefore, because he was one of the teachers who gave me life, because of his dedication to the struggle, because of his brotherhood, because of his ethics, because he has worked more than anyone else the issue of the hybrid war against Venezuela and he has always been concerned about strengthening the social fabric to resist it. And also because today our comrade is a victim of forced disappearance, which has much to do with what is denounced in this manual and I want to raise my voice to shout that we want to see him alive, back in his house and in our lives, is that today I dedicate this manual to that tireless Venezuelan revolutionary teacher:

Dedicated to Carlos Lanz Rodríguez

Alive they took him away and alive we want him back!

Recent photo by Carlos Lanz Rodríguez


This manual is a militant effort to synthesize and give practical meaning to a participatory research project of many years that begins in the border territories and concludes by nourishing the exchange with rural and urban communes, Colombian immigrant communities that participate in the construction of the Bolivarian Revolution, as well as other researchers on related topics, state institutions, and personal experience acquired in recent years.

Every manual is eminently practical and this one seeks to be a tool to contribute to the Integral Defense of the Homeland from the communities in the framework of a prolonged popular war in which the Venezuelan People have been immersed for several years, even without realizing it. This document has been conceived within a series of manuals to strengthen the capacities of the People’s Power in the Integral Defense of the Fatherland and the Bolivarian Revolution, supporting the fundamental task of the Bolivarian Militia and strengthening the civic-military-police union; the fight against corruption and bureaucratism; and the actions that seek to overcome the crisis generated by the pandemic, which has forced us to reflect on the importance of public health and ultimately, to advance in the construction of Peace, with a capital “P”.

The urgency generated by the current scenario, forced us to produce two partial preliminary publications so that it could be used and simultaneously, could begin to benefit from all the criticisms and contributions that indeed arrived.

We provide here an instrument to make visible the invasion of Colombian paramilitarism and mercenaries in Venezuela, with the aim of evidencing the need to denounce and confront it, as well as the local terrorist structures in the making.

For this reason, the first part will consist of fourteen recommendations whose objective is that by looking around we can discern whether the problem is actually present and surrounding us, or whether it is alien to us, because only what is perceived as real and relevant generates awareness, and only conscious actions can generate historical changes.

We will then move on to how to confront them and even prevent them from settling in our territories.

The spirit of this Handbook to defend the Revolution from our community is to promote and provide tools to exercise the co-responsibility established in Article 326 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which states:

“The security of the Nation is based on the co-responsibility between the State and the civil society, in order to comply with the principles of independence, democracy, equality, peace, freedom, justice, solidarity, environmental promotion and conservation, and the affirmation of human rights, as well as the progressive satisfaction of the individual and collective needs of the Venezuelan people, on the basis of a sustainable and productive development of full coverage for the national community. The principle of co-responsibility is exercised in the economic, social, political, cultural, geographical, environmental and military spheres”.

It is an attempt to contribute to the understanding of the reason and the way in which this invasion has been taking place for almost two decades, as part of the hybridization of the war against Venezuela for being the main obstacle to the re-launching of the Monroe doctrine in the region and the scenario of geopolitical disputes that transcend it and finally, we will present some proposals to confront this operation from the communities, which certainly entails military and police implications, but above all, political, cultural and economic ones of a strategic nature.

It is directed at social leaders of Venezuela, militants of revolutionary parties, public servants who work in the communities, militiamen and militias, communal men and women and communal farmers in general.

Part I

Keys: to make visible, to learn, to know, to locate, to diagnose.

What is social intelligence?

In a very useful book, which we recommend reading, called “Inteligencia social y sala situacional” (2004), Venezuelans Luis Bonilla-Molina and Haiman El Troudi, answer this question masterfully:

“Social intelligence refers to the experience and knowledge accumulated by communities and social groups that express themselves in strategies for survival against the enemy, those contrary to their interests, and to contribute to to achieving the success for the friendly, the allies, and for themselves.

The social intelligence organizes the resistance, combat and legacy of the unruly and rebellious historical journey of the sovereign people. Consequently, it is expressed by the people. When social intelligence is associated or connected to institutional spaces, it is redimensioned and qualified, demanding its use based on the transversal concept of social ecology (everyone wins and no one loses), never to be used against the citizens themselves or against a segment of the population with which the institutions differ. In this case, situational social intelligence is usually referred to as intelligence whose place of enunciation is the neighborhood, the urbanization, the condominium, but which, in order to achieve more efficient and effective collective action, is associated with the institutionality”.

This manual is intended, in the first place, to be an exercise of that situational social intelligence to defend the Bolivarian Revolution, national sovereignty and the integrity of our social fabric and our territories.

From whom should we defend ourselves?

Brief contextualization and characterization of the enemy

The latest geopolitical events in Our America have been evidencing the tactics of the relaunching of the Monroe Doctrine which, breaking with the traditional search for stability to dominate and beyond the strengthening of the regular armies, proposes a tacit declaration of war against the Peoples in rebellion, at the same time it strengthens drug trafficking and seeks to expand the Colombian model of paramilitarization at the service of the subordinate governments of the region, which in turn implies an increase in the corruption of the states and the transnationalization of the so-called “parapolitics” at the service of the imperial strategy, all this to convert the states of the region into failed states and generate a chaos favorable to their interests.

Proof of this is the upsurge in paramilitary actions in Colombia and all of Mesoamerica, the legitimization of paramilitarism after the dictatorship in Bolivia and, of course, a new push for the paramilitary invasion of Venezuela, with the adaptation of the violent groups of the Venezuelan right to this model, the co-optation of Venezuelan criminal gangs and the growth of a “parapolitics of opposition”.

It should be noted that the advance of this model also goes hand in hand with the private military companies (PMCs) that have coordinated their actions with paramilitary groups in Colombia, mainly those that provide services to US military bases and large mining and energy transnationals. In the case of Venezuela, the recently revealed participation of the company Silver Corp USA Inc. in arms trafficking, training, planning and attempted execution of actions against the Bolivarian Revolution from Colombian territory, left clear evidence of this. The arrival a few months ago of new U.S. military contingents in Colombia indicates a possible increase in these types of actions.

This means that although this manual was originally written to confront the expansion of Colombian paramilitarism over Venezuela, it later became evident that it was important for the community to also locate the arrival or simple circulation of mercenaries in its territory.

But in this context we must emphasize two things that we tend to reiterate. First, that this whole operation, although it may represent profits for some sectors of the Colombian right, does not correspond to the interests of the country, nor even to those of its entire ruling class – part of which have lost millions in exports that they traditionally made to Venezuela and which also fear the economic and political instability that a war between the two nations could generate – but is once again, the subordination of national interests to those represented by the US, the only country that would obtain great profits from a hypothetical war between Colombia and Venezuela.

The second thing that we reiterate is that Colombia, as an experimental laboratory of this model and a focus of its irradiation, is also for this reason, an example of popular resistance and of that historical accumulation the peoples of Our America should draw from.

Venezuela, for which these lines are written, must never forget that in the process of confronting the paramilitary invasion, the Colombian people, who live on both sides of the border, can and must be their best companions, because to confront Colombian paramilitarism and its spawn, is to fight against the extermination of the popular forces that resist the plundering of our common wealth.

Colombian paramilitary groups, mercenaries and local terrorists

Despite the fact that Colombian paramilitarism is increasingly a political-military phenomenon and less of a group of organizations or structures, which makes it more diffuse and therefore more difficult to see, confront and eradicate, we have synthesized these first indicators that we present below briefly, for the purposes outlined above.

We also add to this first actor, the groups of mercenaries, particularly Private Military Contractors who have been penetrating the country using Colombia and some Caribbean islands as their beachhead.

The adaptation of the violent groups of the Venezuelan right to this model, which began with the so-called “white hands” that ended up forming their leaderships directly in Colombian territory, was mixed with the co-optation of Venezuelan criminal gangs and the growth of an “opposition parapolitics” until some local terrorist groups were created that are also part of the enemy we are seeking to profile in this manual.

How do we know if they are in our community?


Some indicators of the presence of these groups in a territory are

1.- Sudden appearance or unusual increase of illegal economies in the community. Smuggling, drug sales, illegal mining, human trafficking, prostitution, etc.

2.- Sudden appearance or increase of businesses linked to money laundering. Gambling and betting houses, buying and selling of broken gold, pawn shops, construction “boom”, non-productive businesses, etc.

3.- Appearance of moneylenders. Particularly of the “drop by drop” modality, which allows small and long term payments, to commit as many people as possible.

4.- Collection of vaccines. Stickers or similar prints are beginning to be seen on vehicles and business premises that identify the groups that collect these taxes called “vacunas” to allow operation and supposedly guarantee protection.

5.- Increase in gender violence and sexual crimes against women and children Although sexual assaults on men have also been reported in some territories, the most common are violence against women, rape, disappearance, and forced prostitution, which in most cases includes child prostitution.

6.- Emergence or increase of disputes over control of illegal economies New groups of smugglers, drug dealers, pimps, etc. arrive in the community. They begin to dispute territory with those who controlled it until now and if they resist, armed confrontations between gangs begin.

7.- Waves of unjustified immigration In the border areas, it is common for communities displaced by state violence through the public forces or paramilitary groups to enter from Colombia; these displaced communities are mostly victims of the conflict and require the support and solidarity that characterizes the Bolivarian people. But when this immigration is sudden and not due to forced displacement, it is a sign that should set off alarms. In these cases, particular attention should be paid to people of combat age, with such a profile, especially if in their discourse or practice they identify with the Venezuelan opposition.

8.- In rural areas, the appearance of agricultural items linked to territorial control. These are above all oil palm and cattle raising, but also when lands for agricultural use are suddenly converted into mines.

9.- Forced displacement of the resident population. This phenomenon is already occurring even in neighborhoods of Caracas, and semi-rural areas of Aragua, Carabobo and Miranda, but it remains unreported and undocumented. Any threat to have someone leave their home or land against their will may be an indication of invasion by these forces.

10.- Appearance or increase of political violence Threats, actions to intimidate, assassinations, torture or forced disappearances of social leaders, people linked to the left, militiamen or militias, military, police and servants of Bolivarian government institutions. Particular emphasis must be placed on actions that tend towards an “agrarian counter-reform”.

11.- Presence of aggressions with an unusual level of violence. Increase in robberies accompanied by disproportionate violence, torture, cruel and apparently unmotivated murders, which may be related to paramilitary training of local criminals.

12.- “Social cleansing” announcements, written or verbal. These supposed “cleansings” begin with the murder of common criminals, and end up extending to sex workers, people in street situations, diverse sex people, revolutionaries and revolutionaries.

13.- Increase in private surveillance on farms, big national or transnational private companies, especially if these companies begin to exceed the territorial limits of the property they are guarding and pretend to assume police or even judicial tasks, in the surrounding territory.

14.- Non-institutional patrols and curfews. Imposed by armed groups that decide who can be on the street and until what time.

How many indicators must we find to set off the alarms?

Although there are undoubtedly other signs that have not been mentioned in this text, the existence of only one of the indicators presented here should trigger alarm and, as far as possible, be communicated to the competent agencies in the area, but above all, it should mean that a process of situational social intelligence must be initiated to verify whether other indicators exist and at the same time initiate or strengthen the community’s organizational processes and liaison with state institutions to prevent the advance and definitive control of these groups over the territory.

The presence of more than four indicators implies that the territory is at serious risk. However, even in the presence of all the indicators, the community and the Venezuelan state can regain control over their territory, as long as they are aware of this and work together. The task of regaining the territory that is the habitat of a community, strengthening control over it so as not to lose it or even starting to inhabit vacant territories before they are occupied, is not necessarily a military or police task. The experience of recent decades in Colombia has shown that stopping the advance of these armed arms of the transnational right is possible above all when there is popular awareness and organization.

In this sense, the organized Communes are the first ones called to understand this operation and to consolidate control over their own territories from the vision of the integral defense of the Fatherland and the construction of the Communal State.

Although we have been and continue to enunciate the common, and to contribute analysis of general and relative contexts of the communities, the most important thing is that each community pass it through the sieve of its specific context, its accumulated knowledge, experiences and particular circumstances.

One of the most complete contributions received from the Communes of the Venezuelan border warns of a “mutation” of paramilitarism to infiltrate the revolutionary forces of the communities in which it has managed to settle.

They denounce the aforementioned contribution, in which the mafias that sustain the contraband were imposing the circulation of Colombian pesos and dollars in the Venezuelan border territories, and with this the Venezuelan currency was further weakened, subjected to a systematic attack from the Colombian exchange houses and web pages of the Venezuelan opposition, and the capacity of these mafias to co-opt merchants, but also officials of the Venezuelan state, to increase and legitimize their presence, was strengthened.

Corruption is obviously a serious crack in any revolutionary political construction, against which the State or the communities should not lower their guard, not only because it means the ethical decomposition and weakening of the revolutionary forces, but also because it is a method with which the paramilitary organizations and drug traffickers have managed to control the Colombian institutions and that is the model of the subordinate State that they aspire to build in Venezuela. Above all, it is very important to attack any sign of corruption within the personnel of the security and defense agencies of the state, to prevent them from being placed at the service of or being functional to the groups we are denouncing here.

Beyond the “natural importers”, which are the transnational companies and the landowning sector, another way in which we are told that this invasion has achieved a certain legitimacy is through direct financing of small and medium agricultural and livestock production units, as well as indirectly through the purchase of products at the farm gate, – in higher amounts and in foreign currency – for the smuggling of items such as coffee, cocoa, cattle, fish, leather and even mining products extracted by hand.

The particular complexity of the smuggling business and especially that of Venezuelan fuel has been addressed in other of our analyses because of its implications in the economic war against Venezuela but particularly because of its role in the production of cocaine and the legitimization of capital in Colombia.

It should also be noted that in some Venezuelan border and coastal communities, Colombian mafias and paramilitaries have set up shop mainly to protect this business. An example that needs to be made visible is that of the eastern coasts of Venezuela where this fuel theft has been carried out especially through large industrial fishing boats but which over time also managed to co-opt some fishermen from multipurpose boats that were financed by the government and thus penetrated a social fabric born of the Bolivarian Revolution.

The most important thing is that this and other contributions that we received from the communities, pointed out the need to clarify that the paramilitary invasion directed from Colombia has indeed managed to settle in some Venezuelan territories, as we have said on other occasions, but in others it has not managed to advance or has even been expelled in recent years.

In the specific case of Táchira and Zulia, the retreat of the invading forces has been sustained in the last year, thanks to the impulse of a political-military offensive of presence and permanent attention of the Venezuelan State in both border regions and which, starting with the successful “Battle of the Bridges” in Táchira on February 23, 2019 and other battles won in Zulia, deepened from the first line of defense, the civic-military alliance that is the bastion of the Venezuelan process. But we must not forget that there are still local terrorist gangs that were strengthened by that invasion.

Part II

Keys: organize, investigate, communicate, educate, resist.

In this second part we will go deeper into the attempt to contribute to the understanding of how this incursion and attempt to settle in Venezuelan territory by Colombian paramilitaries for almost two decades, the mercenary incursion and the constitution of local terrorist groups as part of the hybridization of the war against Venezuela as the main obstacle to the re-launching of the Monroe Doctrine in the region and scenario of geopolitical disputes that transcend it, and above all, we will deliver proposals on how to confront them.

What to do when we have already detected the existence of more than one indicator of the presence of paramilitary groups in our community?

Because of the above, we suggest that after reviewing the fourteen indicators that we pointed out in the first installment within our community or organization, we should identify the level of control that these organizations have achieved in our territory. To do this we suggest:

Identify how long ago the first indicators appeared and if they still remain.
Count how many indicators we perceive and how easy it is to see them.
The longer the signs of this incursion, the more indicators we find and the easier they are to detect, the more advanced this presence is.

Thus, in general terms, we could locate if that penetration is located in one of these six stages:

1.- Without the presence of invading forces.

2.- With sporadic presence, that is to say, that our territory is only a transit zone.

3.- Beginning of the penetration of our territory.

4 .- In the process of legitimacy and implementation.

5 .- In control of the territory and the community.

6 .- In retreat or escape.

To locate in which stage these forces are in our community will tell us which are the levels of alert that we must adopt – being stage 5 the most serious – and, contrasting with the level of organization and capacity for the defense of our community, to evaluate with sense what are the actions that we can carry out as People’s Power in co-responsibility with the institutions of the State and for which the action of the diverse police and military institutions of the Venezuelan State is essential.

What are the decisive factors in preventing the enemy from advancing from one stage to another or from stage 2 directly to stage 6, or better still, from approaching our territory even though it is important to them?

The decisive factors for this are fundamentally two:

The presence of the state, not only with the FANB and the police forces but also with all its other institutions and government policies. Schools, hospitals, Misión Barrio Adentro, local representatives of ministries, ombudsmen’s offices, large missions, missions and micro-missions, feeding houses, shelters, etc.
Existence of an organized community, whose social fabric is strong and forms part of a larger network that transcends its vital space, ideally a national organization such as networks of communal men and women, popular organizations, feminists, students, parties of the great patriotic pole, Bolivarian Militia, CLAP, musical groups, theater collectives, community radio stations, etc.
The key is that in addition, channels of communication and permanent coordination between the institutions of the State and the community should be opened or maintained. It will be a very difficult task for the community to defend its territory without the support of the State, as is the case in Colombia, and it is impossible for the State to defend the territory without the support of the communities.

In a classic vision, this would be the task of the party. But in the roadmap drawn by President Chávez that task transcends to the construction of the Communal State that continues in the horizon of the project of the Bolivarian Revolution, to guarantee the development and integral defense of the homeland. Because as we said before: “The task of recovering the territory, which is the habitat of a community, strengthening the control over it so as not to lose it or even start inhabiting vacant territories before they are occupied, is not necessarily a military or police task. The experience of the last decades in Colombia has demonstrated that stopping the advance of these armed arms of the transnational right is possible when there is popular consciousness and organization”.

This means, then, that there are three tasks to accomplish in order to achieve the success we are aiming for:

To make our territory an “organized community” that is strong, in solidarity, just, and in a constant process of learning and transformation for the construction of the Communal State and its consequent defense. A community that links with other communities and national and international organizations. Article 4 of the Organic Law of the Communes defines it as:

“Organized community: Constituted by the popular organizational expressions, workers’ councils, peasants, fishermen and fisherfolk and any other base organization, articulated in an instance of the Popular Power”.

To strengthen the presence of the institutions of the State in our community, calling on the institutions that are not present, accompanying and supervising those that are present and particularly forming the Popular Units of Integral Defense where they do not exist, or simply strengthening them and making them dynamic where they already are.
To optimize all the channels of communication possible between our community and the institutions of the State, which of course also includes, deepening the civic-military police union. Never leave those who defend our security and sovereignty alone.

How to organize our community

Venezuela has a broad historical accumulation of popular organization that has crystallized in the last twenty years in unprecedented experiences of popular organization.

The diverse instances of aggregation of the Popular Power, Communal Councils, Communes, Communal Cities, Corridors, etc. They have a good set of laws and above all policies that guide and support their formation and growth.

But this has not been a linear growth, much less easy, there is still internal resistance and negligence. In some instances, for example, there have been setbacks, for various reasons that are the subject of another analysis, but some have already been mentioned here. However, an emblematic case that is inescapable in this manual is the agrarian counter-reform that the landowners who were expropriated by the government of President Chávez have tried to achieve. These landowners were among the first “importers” of these Colombian paramilitary forces and even today they use them to murder and displace the peasant communities that benefit from the Bolivarian government’s policies. For this reason, the People must sustain their will to power and therefore, their constant struggle to prevent backsliding on the advanced.

A suggested method for organizing our Community

During the last decades, Venezuelan sociologist Carlos Lanz has developed the INVEDECOR method, which proposes the transformation of the communities through the articulation of processes of participatory action research, liberating education, community communication and popular organization, which should be part of a superior fabric of resistance that is expressed at all levels, reaching the national and ideally Our America, because it is not a question of making the communities islands but of making each one a space for the construction and defense of a historical project.

That is to say, an organized community should have community media that coordinate with diverse organizations of popular power that in turn have spaces of popular education and permanently develop participative action research to achieve its transformation. We would like to emphasize here the importance of popular organization for production, and not only for the distribution and consumption of food, which is also important.

An organized community in Venezuela must be part of a Commune and as such must also have its Popular Units of Integral Defense of the Fatherland, fundamental cells of the Bolivarian Militia where the situational social intelligence is articulated to defend the sovereignty.

It is also fundamental that in each community organizations of human rights defenders are formed, capable of constantly following the situation of the community in general and the particular cases, registering information, writing reports, linking with the corresponding institutions and of course, opening spaces of sensitization, diffusion and community training on the subject.

Finally, every Commune must always coordinate with other Communes in Systems of Aggregation and advance together towards the construction of the Communal State which is the one that will allow us to sovereignly build our Historical Project, to defend the Homeland from its fundamental cell and to brotherhood with the neighboring Peoples to continue raising the sword of Bolivar and the dreams of Hugo Chávez.

What is Peace and what is it for?

Peace is a fundamental historical construction to be able to develop ourselves fully. That historical construction has as base the social justice in its different dimensions for what if we want to live in Peace, we must aim to make them reality: the economic justice, the political justice and for their position the justice from the juridical point of view. Without social justice there is no peace, only pacification which is a state of control of the conflict by force and not of resolution.

But it is also impossible to build this peace that we are proposing here without respect for our sovereignty. Defending our sovereignty is also one of the tasks for building it, and this is the strategic objective of this Manual and others that we hope to publish soon.

To build Peace from our communal territories, with sovereignty and justice

This peace also implies defeating discrimination and gender violence. For this reason, another pertinent call would be to confront the latter more efficiently and not stigmatize people or migrant communities, for example, and especially not stigmatize those who live in the territories that are being infiltrated by this type of organization.

This is fundamental, especially from the state, which cannot and should not “lower the Santamaría” or declare territories lost. On the contrary, a community that is being controlled by these groups should be one in which state institutions make greater efforts to support the reconstruction of the social fabric. Strengthening positive leadership, promoting and supporting community organization of different types: sports, artistic, productive, etc. And of course, guaranteeing also psychological and emotional attention, which is usually the most forgotten of the variables when planning the recovery of a territory.

In conclusion, the pertinent strategy to deepen the Revolution and defend the sovereignty of our territories in Peace, continues to be that of building the Communal State from its fundamental cell: the Commune. As defined in Article 8, number 8 of the Organic Law of People’s Power of 2010:

“Communal State: Form of social political organization, founded on the democratic and social state of law and justice established in the Constitution of the Republic, in which power is exercised directly by the people, with an economic model of social property and sustainable endogenous development, which allows the achievement of the supreme social happiness of Venezuelans in socialist society. The fundamental cell for the formation of the communal state is the Commune”[ii].

This book is available free of charge on the internet at: https://luisbonillamolina.files.wordpre ... cional.pdf

Translation by Internationalist 360° ... community/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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