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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Wed Sep 29, 2021 1:16 pm

Briefly about the results of the parliamentary elections in 2021

From the editor. This note was prepared for communication with foreign comrades at the Greek Komsomol Festival (KNE), as well as for exchanging views with representatives of various leftist organizations in Europe. We believe that this text can be useful for targeted propaganda and our supporters.

The parliamentary elections held in Russia can be assessed as a falsification, which has nothing to do with the popular will. The following facts force us to come to this conclusion.

1) The legislation on elections in Russia is structured in such a way that allows the authorities to easily filter out unwanted parties and individual candidates. For example, in 2018-19, our ROT FRONT party faced widespread blocking of candidates in regional elections, and in 2020 it was deprived of registration (and, therefore, the right to participate in elections) due to “non-participation” in the elections. Before the current parliamentary elections, the authorities blocked the participation of Pavel Grudinin , who in 2018 was a presidential candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and is now trying to run for parliament from the Communist Party. Thus, from the very beginning, only those parties and candidates who are admitted by the authorities can participate in the elections.

2) During the pre-election period, different political forces have obviously unequal conditions for conducting propaganda. The ruling party ( United Russia ) has the ability to make extensive use of the federal mass media, as well as the "administrative resource", i.e. structure of state power. For example, budget workers are often forced to vote for the ruling party under threat of dismissal. Another example is political propaganda in educational institutions; it is prohibited by law, but the government still enforces it. Other political parties lack expanded propaganda opportunities and often face additional legislative obstacles. In particular, all propaganda materials are censored by government officials.

3) The so-called electronic voting was widely used in the parliamentary elections. This means that the voter must register on a special website and vote via the Internet. Electronic voting facilitates fraud many times overbecause, firstly, it is completely controlled by the government. The participation of observers from other political parties in electronic voting is not provided for and is technically impossible. Second, electronic voting deprives voters of anonymity. Voters are registered using their passport data, which allows the authorities to exert pressure on them. Many cases were recorded when officials demanded from budget employees to provide them with access details from the portal for electronic voting. Apparently, hundreds of thousands or even millions of votes cast via electronic voting are bogus.

4) In addition to the above, it should be recalled that all the current parliamentary parties in Russia are controlled and governed by the authorities. Parliamentary parties depend on government funding, which is regulated through parliament by the ruling party. For example, 89% of the revenue side of the KPRF budget in 2018 consisted of subsidies received from the state budget. "United Russia" at any time can raise the issue of revising the financing of parties and thereby bring down their activities. In a political sense, parliamentary parties have also long since turned into branches of United Russia. For example, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Gennady Zyuganov, completely avoids criticism of Vladimir Putin; on the contrary, Zyuganov called Putin "sovereign" and said : "It is salutary for all of us to fulfill the President's instructions . "

In total, the parliamentary elections have nothing to do with the real expression of the will of the population of Russia. The voting results were generated by the Russian authorities themselves (the internal policy department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation). A slight increase in the results of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and a drop in the results of "United Russia" in comparison with the previous elections - this is an action planned by the authorities, which has very specific political goals. By showing the population a slight increase in the results of the Communist Party, the authorities expect to strengthen the shaken faith in the elections among the workers. It is no secret that a huge part of Russian workers have long ignored the elections, rightly considering them a fake procedure that does not in any way affect their lives. These sentiments are dangerous for the authorities, since in the future they threaten to lead to the development of extra-parliamentary methods of struggle. Hence,

PS Immediately after the parliamentary elections, the authorities began repressions against the opposition, incl. and against the Communist Party. Several regional deputies were arrested. On September 28, the police came to the reception of the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Ivan Melnikov . We assume that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will be unable to respond to these repressions (for example, to mobilize its supporters), since it has long been under the control of capital. Consequently, these repressions are a new step in transforming the political system of Russia towards an open dictatorship of capital, in which the need for a parliamentary "opposition" will gradually disappear. ... kih-vybor/

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:43 pm

Shoigu's advisor published a manifesto on the abolition of "Western democracy" and the transition to autocracy
"An idea whose time has come"

A future in which the civilized world will plunge into chaos, and a "people's empire based on the principle of" autocracy "will become a chance for Russia's revival, Andrei Ilnitsky, adviser to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, described in Parliamentary Gazette . As the epigraph of his appeal, the Third Class Acting State Councilor chose the statement of Victor Hugo "There is something stronger than all the troops in the world - this is an idea whose time has come . " About the new manifesto of the right-wing conservatives of the modern era - in the material.

Andrey Ilnitsky - Advisor to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation since 2015

Ilnitsky believes that the inevitable crisis that will come in 2022-2025 will create new rules and a special world order. Successful preconditions can become "a chance for the revival of Russia as one of the world leaders . "
We proceed from the premise that Mr. Ilnitsky, like any PR manager, fulfilled the will of the customer, and, therefore, the ideas and positions outlined in the article are shared by a certain interested group in the power structure, which has already formulated the idea of ​​the desired state model.
“The“ Russia of the Future ”model is a people's empire based on the principle of“ autocracy ”- not in the sense of the restoration of the monarchy, but in the sense of true democracy, where we, the Russians, led by a strong state leader (sovereign), keep ourselves through a strong local self-government, which, for example, was the zemstvo at the end of the 19th century ”, - indicated in the material.

This interest group also has an “external enemy” that poses a threat to the “Russian idea”. In recent years, an allegedly friendly China has been increasingly featured among such "enemies".

“In the event of the implementation of the worst,“ inertial-catching ”scenario, the country will lose its integrity, and the population of Russia may decrease by several tens of millions. Natural resources will be pumped to the West and to China, ”reads the text of the manifesto.

From the telegram channel ROT FRONT: “With expressive imperial yats and eras - this passport cover was shown to the public by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who came to vote.
That's the name, ladies and gentlemen, sir. "

At the same time, according to the official, "The West, relying on the fifth column, has unleashed a mental war against Russia, the task of which is, by" resetting "the worldview, replacing the goals of Russians, and young people, in the first place, to deprive us of a sovereign future . "

The Big Project, which will become Russia's chance for revival, should include "a transition to a mobilization economy and partial closure from a disintegrating global world . " In this model, the state “takes control of the country's economic, informational and geographic space” and also plays “decisive leadership and organizing roles” .
The significance of the announced manifesto for the political agenda is between the lines. The author is aware of the strategies and programs being implemented in the country, including the most promising of them: “Construction - New Oil”. What does Ilnitsky write about in this regard?
“The new territorial policy is the priority of the state,” he says.

Russia should be a "uniformly populated and low-rise country" , and this requires abandoning the "megalopolis urbanization" imposed on Russia by Western partners.
From strategy Metropolitan Area of urbanization in the upper echelons have already given, but not then to the entire territory of the Russian Federation were "jobs, schools, hospitals, FAPs, pharmacies, shops, cultural centers, yard sport, leisure and other" , and to enhance the inflow of investors and retain capital in Russia through endless renovation. It is this idea that runs through the entire Aggressive Infrastructure Development plan, which industry managers immediately dubbed “Aggressive Construction Strategy”.
Ilnitsky also speaks about the retention of capital in Russia, having formalized this idea with a simple slogan: "He who is not with us is against us . " Those who are against are asking for property confiscation.

“Those“ who are not with us ”must realize that they risk losing everything,” writes Ilnitsky.

The military elite of Russia around the president of the country

A third-class active state adviser notes that it is the army and the military-industrial complex that should become the key "source of ideology of serving the Fatherland" and "the center for the formation of nationally oriented managers" for all spheres, including health care, education and science.
The command economy combined with protectionism and corporatism, multiplied by the ideology of the nation's cohesion around the ruler and the state, is a very recognizable model that was popular in the early to mid-20th century in a number of states consistently carrying out aggression towards the Soviet Union. There will be no doubt when you pay attention to how Ilnitsky nurtures the importance of strengthening the role of the military elite and singling out the “national” elite in opposition to the “comprador” one.
Do you think that the word with the letter "F" always sounds disgusting and disgusting? It can also be so - attractive, promising, inspiring hope. And only those who have studied history well will not allow those in power who dream of a new brown plague to “reset” their worldview, replacing the goals of Russians, and of young people in the first place ” . ... -manifest/

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Mon Oct 04, 2021 1:03 pm

The wedding of a descendant of the Romanovs: today is Isaac's Cathedral, and tomorrow the house of Ipatiev?

Provocative trick of the monarchists with full government support

On October 1, in St. Isaac's Cathedral (St. Petersburg), Georgy Romanov , after his father Hohenzollern , who calls himself “the Grand Duke,” and Rebecca Bettarini , the daughter of an Italian diplomat, got married. This event immediately became scandalous. The magnificent wedding was served by guardsmen of the Preobrazhensky regiment, although the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov said that "this issue is not within the prerogative of the Kremlin . " Foreign commentators sarcastically called the spouses "false kings of the dead reigning house . " And in Russia they noticed that the father of the "Grand Duke" was a Nazi accomplice. Criticism of the wedding caused a nervous reactionMaria Zakharova , official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.


The magnificent wedding caused a mixed reaction both in our country and abroad. For example, one reader of The Telegraph called it "a repetition of the civil war," while another was even more emphatic:

False kings of a dead reigning house! Place them in the dustbin of history!

In Russia, Georgy Romanov also does not enjoy love. Even many monarchists are hostile to him, and the "Association of Members of the Romanov Family" does not recognize that the Kirillovichs (descendants of Kirill Vladimirovich Romanov) are related to the imperial family. They also point out that Georgy Mikhailovich has more to do with the German aristocracy, since his father is Franz Wilhelm Hohenzollern , a businessman and "Prince of Prussia". Only the Orthodox oligarch and anti-communist Konstantin Malofeev fully favors the German-Russian "prince" and even became the best man at his wedding.


But it's not even a matter of Germanic roots. The well-known journalist Konstantin Semin recalled that the love and respect of Georgy Romanov was won by his grandfather - Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov , Hitler's accomplice, collaborator. When the Great Patriotic War began, this man issued an appeal to the emigrants with an appeal to join the "crusade against communism-bolshevism . "

Romanov looks at the Victory Banner as a trophy

Of course, the grandson is not responsible for his grandfather, even if he shares his views. And there is nothing unusual in the wedding of citizens. However, in the story of the wedding of the Romanovs, the deliberately ostentatious, even provocative nature of the event is striking. And - what is even more important - the active participation of the Russian authorities in this provocation.

The state museum-monument "St. Isaac's Cathedral" was provided at the disposal of the spouses . The newlyweds were saluted with sabers naked by the soldiers of the Preobrazhensky regiment , a military unit subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. After the wedding, a reception was held in the building of the State Russian Ethnographic Museum , and visitors were urged to leave the museum early. In other words, without the active assistance of the Russian government, this magnificent celebration would not have taken place. But at the same time, the Kremlin, through the mouth of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov, said that the marriage of the Romanovs "does not in any way belong to our agenda."... And as if in a mockery of society, his daughter, Elizaveta Peskova , was seen at the celebration.

In other words, the Russian government actually provided broad state support for the PR actions of the Russian monarchists, which are followed by a dirty trail of an open history of cooperation with Hitler. Commenting on this fact, journalist and ROT FRONT activist Alexander Stepanov noted that "the Russians should somehow look differently at the cruel decision made by Yurovsky and his comrades under the pressure of the Russian workers of the Urals . " Maria Zakharova , an official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, reacted extremely nervously to this remark . She cursed Stepanov "Sharikov" and "provocateur" . At the same time, in a video dedicated to the notorious wedding, Konstantin Semin reported that a case on operational development was opened against him.

A pick between Zakharova and Semin

In all that happened, there is nothing unexpected for those who remember the political physiognomy of the Russian government, who remember the Mannerheim plaque , the monument to Solzhenitsyn , the textbook of Medinsky , Putin's favorite philosopher, and many Russian anti-Soviet films. The line of the ruling class of the Russian Federation is anti-communism, anti-Sovietism, indulgence of the wildest, most misanthropic ideas in order to preserve their power. In this, Russia is no different from Ukraine.

If the ruling class of our country wants to recreate the political system of tsarist Russia with its oppression and police rule, then let it not be surprised if this system reaches the same end. And let the self-styled Romanovs-Hohenzollerns not complain if one day the majestic vaults of Isaac are replaced for them by the stuffy basement of the Ipatiev house. ... godnya-so/

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:22 pm

"Who wrote the four million denunciations?" In Chelyabinsk, they complained about an extremist teacher
The teacher "from God" and the victim of Russian education
A student of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) under the President of the Russian Federation, having caught one of the teachers of "extremism" , wrote an official letter to an array of departments at various levels. The applicant believes that the university administration condones the candidate of historical sciences Aleksey Shilkin in his “extremism”. The teacher denied the charges and is preparing to file a complaint with law enforcement. Everyone is good in this story - both the author of the denunciation and the allegedly innocently convicted teacher.

“Shilkin AM literally stated the following (see the audio recording of the lecture): President Yeltsin committed a state crime; this person committed the act. called "treason", this is the person who committed the coup; The Russian Constitution is an illegal document, it appeared in the process of a coup d'etat; The President in Russia heads two systems: the criminal and the official ", - the document (available at the disposal of URA.RU) provides a number of theses made on October 4 at the lecture" Legal regulation of the passage of the civil service "- reads an excerpt from the" statement ".

The listener notes that the leadership allows Shilkin to conduct anti-state views in the audience.

“According to the management of the branch, they are aware of the illegal statements of A. Shilkin. For this reason, they do not instruct him to give lectures with bachelors and masters, but in fact all municipal workers and civil servants of the Chelyabinsk region, including representatives of law enforcement agencies, undergo retraining and advanced training at this teacher, who considers the Constitution of the Russian Federation to be illegal, and the President of the Russian Federation as a “Father” who seized Crimea and destabilized the situation in the country, ”the applicant also notes.
The woman asks the departments to check the audio recordings of Shilkin's lectures for slander, insults against government officials, signs of extremism aimed at undermining the constitutional order. The listener demands to dismiss the teacher and involve the leadership of the university under Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (negligence).
“If the lady who wrote this statement had not been 30-40 minutes late for the lecture, she would have heard the introductory part. Where I explained to the audience that I was giving the normative point of view, the official position of law enforcement agencies and academic opinions from various publications of well-known legal scholars for familiarization. In particular, the words about the legal coup committed by Yeltsin belong to the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation V. Zorkin and were published by him in Rossiyskaya Gazeta in March 2015. The situation is similar with other “seditious” quotes: words in the recording are taken out of context, and other people's theses are submitted in the application, like mine, ”Aleksey Shilkin himself explained to URA.RU.

Slander on Mr. Shilkin
We are aware that such statements constitute a dangerous precedent, which may become the reason for bringing to justice honest representatives of Russian education, real professionals and people in love with their work. We do not classify Mr. Shilkin as such - the method of his teaching causes nothing but skepticism and fear for the future of students who are taught by teachers of the same quality throughout the country.
But why are there so many surnames and frightening abbreviations? Why is the head of the Department for Internal Policy of the Presidential Administration being asked to deal with the case of a bad teacher, one of many, Mr. Shilkin? A student undergoing a retraining program for the specialty "State and Municipal Administration" should be aware of the procedure for writing official appeals to the authorities, but the array of names of top officials from various branches of government regulation suggests otherwise. It becomes sadder and sadder, watching the fruits of national education.
However, "who wrote the four million denunciations?" Citizens of liberal and even conservative views often repeat this question like a mantra. Who, after all, summed up the articles "the most talented people of the era", "the luminaries of Soviet thought"? Indeed, not all denunciations were written out of a sense of nobility. Epochs are changing, characters are not changing: in the Soviet Union there were such citizens as our applicant, cowardly acting exclusively in the mainstream of a subjectively understood state policy and trying to remove unwanted ones with the help of denunciations. The desire to rely on the mighty of this world to tame the inappropriate person and at the same time to stand out on his own - this is the life position of the bad boys who write denunciations, on whom the Russian punitive system today rests. ... a-donosov/

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Fri Oct 15, 2021 2:01 pm

In addition to joining a labor union, there is nowhere to go
The mirror of Russian capitalism: the Khromtan plant

Why am I writing this article? Because I cannot live in peace when the workers are turned into cattle. My grandfather, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, worked at this plant, was a drummer of communist labor at an ironing machine roaring all over the district. He left his health at the plant, but for his merits he received vouchers to a sanatorium, to Abkhazia, enjoyed honor and respect. Before the war, he received a free education from the factory in the factory FZU. After the war, a free two-room apartment with running water and sewerage. Before his eyes, the plant from 1930 to 1960 grew from a semi-handicraft factory into a large enterprise of national importance. The plant rebuilt the city that grew out of the village at its own expense. But the old consciousness, the consciousness of a rural handicraftsman, was deeply rooted in this man and in the townspeople, who yesterday were half-artisans - half-hired. After the appointment is low, as he expected, counting on his merits, pensions, grandfather threw his party card on the table and called the party "villains." He passed away in 1992 in a state of shock, confusion: "How can it be that there is no Soviet Union ??" - asked the former front-line soldier, looking frightened at the atlas of the world. At the same time, he approved with satisfaction the publication of the law on private property on the eve. And now, remembering these moments, deeply engraved in my child's head, and also observing everything that happened to the country in subsequent years, to the plant that my grandfather created and who created him himself, I pick up an abandoned party card and go to the front. To begin with, to the front of agitation for that there is no Soviet Union ?? " - asked the former front-line soldier, looking frightened at the atlas of the world. At the same time, he approved with satisfaction the publication of the law on private property on the eve. And now, remembering these moments, deeply engraved in my child's head, and also observing everything that happened to the country in subsequent years, to the plant that my grandfather created and who created him himself, I pick up an abandoned party card and go to the front. To begin with, to the front of agitation for that there is no Soviet Union ?? " - asked the former front-line soldier, looking frightened at the atlas of the world. At the same time, he approved with satisfaction the publication of the law on private property on the eve. And now, remembering these moments, deeply engraved in my child's head, and also observing everything that happened to the country in subsequent years, to the plant that my grandfather created and who created him himself, I pick up an abandoned party card and go to the front. To begin with, to the front of agitation for workers' union.

Tannery "Khromtan"

So, briefly about the plant. It was founded in the 19th century, when the technology of leather finishing achieved great success. The Khromtan tannery in the city of Bogorodsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region is a Russian manufacturer and supplier of natural leather and leather semi-finished products, according to the company's website . But this is only a memory of the former glory of the Soviet era. There were or exist in the city several similar industries: BoKoZ, "Karavan" them. Jurgens and others. Who owns them? Here is one of the hosts, for example, before the last FIFA World Cup - a certain Kaganovich. This is an example of a new Russian capitalist, a classic character of the era. And in short: "buy and sell". And, again trying to catch a crane in the sky, this adventurer closed the branch of the Bogorodsky plant in Nizhny Novgorod ("Red Tanner"), letting workers all over the world, including my retired father, to invest from the sale of the newly purchased equipment into the purchase hotel to accommodate athletes. Now on the site of the branch - the field, "Carthage is destroyed", the field "plowed and sowed with salt" - is ready for the construction of high-rise housing. But Khromtan itself already belongs to the Patriot firm, another Horns and Hooves with an address in a barn in the Arctic Circle.

Labor at the plant is physically difficult in many respects; you have to manually throw thousands of blanks per shift.

All Soviet years there was a life-and-death struggle to correct the ecological catastrophe around the plant: the river and the village before the revolution were turned into one endless fetid mess of swamps and leather waste, where people, horses, carts were drowning. Only in the first years of Soviet power were the swamps dried up, the pavements were paved before the war, and cleaning filters were installed. After the war, the city was paved and flowerbeds bloomed everywhere. But even at the same time, the ecology was far from perfect, and already in the post-Soviet years there was again a tendency to barbarously manage the economy in relation to nature. This, in particular, will be mentioned below.

And what can we say about barbarism in relation to the working conditions of workers?

All the nineties and zero - this is a continuous period of non-payment of wages. How can people live, is there anything, when for 20 years in a row there is not a penny of money? They can. Then everyone was cut three times for 6 acres in different parts of the city. Now, instead of a vegetable garden within walking distance of "fast-money", and these offices are entirely owned by Kaganovich's cronies, having driven the workers of Bogorodsk into personal bondage. Yes, it is personal, but they are encouraged to pay off the debt by massacre, putting a bag on their head and taking them to the forest in the trunk. And these are our days, not the 97th year.

It's clear that all the way this Kaganovich ate and drank sweetly, slept with his mistresses, sat in the local Duma. In short, I did not weed and loosened in the garden.


Drying leather, and this also requires only manual, hard and tedious work. Well, "new left theorists", do you see robots and programmers here? Here they are modestly peeking out from behind the drying stand!
Next, I will give the reviews of the plant workers about themselves, having previously provided them with a useful comment:

Message 1 : here we are talking about the absence of machine tool adjusters. Relying on a close - knit workers' trade union , and not on the bitter tears of a few, it will not be difficult to solve these elementary problems: the employer can easily get away with this disgusting, but after all, it will also not be difficult for him to strain a little and provide everyone with everything necessary, hire an adjuster or pay extra for setting up machines by the workers themselves. Gentlemen have just gone too far! I would also like to ask the workers: is it not a shame to write your loved ones about yourself as about cattle - “have they brought them back?” The issue of non-payment of wages is resolved through the union's appeal to the prosecutor. After all, "there is nowhere to go," that is, "there is nothing to lose."

“It’s not sweet to work at this plant anyway, and the last two years have been quite a disaster, with these covid restrictions they have completely lost their minds. For the last two years they promised me to update the twin cars, worked with second-hand, overbought ones, the second half was old, still from Soviet times. Well, how do you order to work with such equipment? If anything broke, he repaired everything himself. There is no adjuster in the staff and there was no, they saved on everything. About the quality of the blanks: I want to cry with burning tears, everything is battered, perforated, as if it was already used, as it came to our plant.
Last year they promised to keep their jobs, but they fired almost all of them, then they drove them back, they didn’t officially register anyone, they gave money almost for each shift, they promised to accrue everything that was not paid separately with bonuses. And nothing, we are still waiting. And there's nowhere to go too much, because in other places everything is almost the same. "

From the following message, you need to draw a conclusion for the future for everyone: when applying for a job, you need to carefully read everything that is slipped into the signature; if you don't like something and have nowhere to go, then join an independent labor union or create one. The issue of overtime pay and the ratio of wages and bonuses is also the competence of the workers' trade union, which entered into collective negotiations with the plant administration to conclude a collective agreement - the "enterprise constitution", in the draft of which all the wishes of workers to improve working conditions can and should be entered. This is about the union. But the question of ecology will be decided already, apparently, only under the new Soviet regime.

In addition to the stupefying work of sorting the skins, you have to throw them into a drum with chemical reagents, the harmfulness is off the charts.
Message 2 : here we will talk about the lack of tools and workwear.

“I was specially trained so that I could work as an asylum operator, I spent a lot of time so that the certificate was not empty, and in order to get the necessary knowledge. I specialize more in water-chemical processing and fermentation of skins, although I calmly also perform haul-off-sweeping of all kinds of skins and skins, I planned to develop further, improve my qualifications, but apparently away from Bogorodsk and Khromtan.

I had no idea that at a decent-looking factory, which has been operating for more than 150 years, so many different things can happen. The most disgusting thing started at the beginning, as soon as I was appointed. At the interview, along with the personnel officers, the foreman was also sitting, in addition to general questions, they also asked a few on the topic. I was also glad that I got to the right place, that they would teach new things. Rejoiced early.
I go out for a shift, I thought they would give me a jumpsuit, some kind of protective suit, but at least an apron and a raincoat with gloves. Nothing at all. The foreman comes up to me and says that I have come to them unprepared. To my question: "did I really have to buy all the equipment myself with my own money?" - I was told that yes, it is a common practice for them. And nothing that you can't get all this for free and don't just sell it on the street ?? It's not a loaf of bread, you can't buy it around the corner. And there is a good kit, respectively. Only then the foreman-foreman walked around, sighed and gave me someone's old apron and overalls. Yes, there were a couple of holes and patches, but everything is better than nothing.

This is despite the fact that at the very beginning I was persuaded to sign the safety instructions, I seem to agree with everything and, if anything, I have no complaints. I foolishly took and put signatures everywhere. And in vain, it was necessary first to at least work a shift in order to understand what hell I had to get into.
All equipment had to be cleaned of dirt, rust, soot. I do not know what they did with the tools, but it seems that they were not cleaned from the unions, just as they were bought.

The first months he worked, albeit in disgusting conditions, but more or less. Then they began to gradually delay payment. All bonuses, overtime, everything over and above the salary, were simply taken and removed. Even officially, through the staffing table, it was pushed into a piece of paper. Then the rumor went that all the workers got in this way, right down to the office workers, because Khromtan is being leased to Patriot, there is a long process of changing the legal entity, and now, if they pay salaries, it may be in envelopes, or maybe and they will detain. That the enterprise already has huge debts for electricity and water, it seems that this will allow not to fire everyone and keep the enterprise afloat. It was, of course, poorly believed. And not in vain, because since that time I have not seen my salary either in an envelope or in my hands.

This pipe is also disgusting. Our bosses always consider themselves the smartest. So they decided in this case. We just bought a pipe somewhere. By the way, they brought a new one, they didn't save much, and they just dug it near the river, and everything is poured into it. And considering how many different things pass through the filters, or rather, should already pass, the river just turned into a swamp. Then from the shift they drove us out a couple of times to dig in this pipe so that it would not stand out so much on the ground. They saved on cars, but why save on people. Well, for me this is already a disgrace, I paid off, now I work in a new place, where safety standards are in accordance with all the rules and pay what they promise and do not spoil the environment ”.

In conclusion, I will tell you about the Nizhny Novgorod regional workers' trade union "Zashchita". The Zashchita trade union unites workers regardless of the industry and has a territorial structure. This means that trade union organizations are not tied to individual enterprises, but operate on a regional scale. Any employee, except for representatives of the administration, can join such an organization. Having become a member of a regional workers' trade union, you can confidently count on the organization's help in defending your labor rights. The workers of the Khromtan plant have nothing to lose, but it will not be easy to learn bit by bit to achieve something new that has never happened in their lives: elementary, non-bestial working conditions and human rights.

Contacts of NRRP "Zashchita": tt. 8-906-366-95-31, 8 (831) 433-16-36; e-mail:, 603000, Nizhny Novgorod, PO Box 35.

Activists of the Nizhny Novgorod regional branch of
the Russian United Labor Front. ... ofsoyuz-d/

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Thu Oct 28, 2021 1:57 pm

Where is the money, Gennady Andreevich?

Inconvenient questions to the leader of the Communist Party

Information appeared in the media yesterday that five parties that had passed to the State Duma reported on their campaign expenditures. The picture of their costs is as follows:

1Liberal Democratic Party - 698 million rubles.
2United Russia - 617 million rubles.
3"Fair Russia - For the Truth" - 479 million rubles.
4"New People" - 422 million rubles.
5Communist Party - 178 million rubles.

At the first glance at these indicators, I would like to praise the leadership of Zyuganov's party for thrift, economy and efficiency in spending money. But then I remember other financial indicators of the party and involuntarily begin to torment vague doubts ...


To begin with, let us recall that the lion's share of the current budget of the Communist Party is made up of subsidies from the federal budget, paid in accordance with the law "On Political Parties." State funding of political parties in Russia is carried out at the rate of 152 rubles for each vote cast for the party in the elections to the State Duma. This rule applies only to those who won 3 percent of the vote. In addition, remuneration is provided for in case of a successful performance of a candidate from a party in the presidential elections.

Thus, according to the results of the previous elections in 2016, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation received a little more than one billion rubles each year for its expenses. And in 2018, due to the votes cast for Pavel Grudinin, this amount generally increased to 2.4 billion rubles .

Summing up, we get at least 5 billion rubles in five years . And the expenses for the supposedly most important event, the elections to the State Duma - only 178 million rubles! Even if we take only the amount of the annual subsidy, it turns out that the Zyuganov leadership spent less than 20 percent of the funds received on the State Duma elections .

Doesn't it seem strange and inexplicable to you? Something does not agree here ... We all remember how Gennady Zyuganov and his associates, including Nikolai Platoshkin, who joined the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, shouted at the top of their lungs that these elections were the last chance to change the situation peacefully. That you need to make every effort to win. Maximum effort, maximum resources ... Immediately we clearly see that the party leadership was saving their money for something else.

That is, if we evaluate not empty words, but real actions, it turns out that in September 2021 the Communist Party functionaries did not at all fight their party in the “last and decisive battle”. And they did not expect to win, because otherwise they would have thrown all their financial resources into the election campaign. And their pompous speeches were essentially a deception of their own voters and ordinary members of the Communist Party.

There is another side of the coin to the financial problem. These are sponsors. We will list only those whom the party bosses included in the passing places in the list of candidates, and who eventually received the coveted deputy seat. They are banker Vadim Kumin and “vodka king” of Kabardino-Balkaria Anatoly Bifov . This is another banker, and with a criminal record, Ivan Babich . This is the Orthodox businessman Sergei Gavrilov . "The Fish King" Nikolay Blotsky . Education businessman Mikhail Berulava . Co-owner of the agricultural holding Sergey Kazankov . Roman Lyabikhov, head of a large development business . Finally, a businessman-athleteBoris Ivanyuzhenkov , about whom a number of media wrote that in certain circles he is known as "Rotan". However, maybe this is just an enemy slander.

What merits to the party do all these people have? None! We add that they are all representatives of the ruling class in Russia, big capitalists. Why did the Communist Party of the Russian Federation bring them a deputy mandate literally on a silver platter, putting them in a passing place on the list? The answer is obvious.

Naturally, we do not know all the intricacies of Gennady Zyuganov's relationship with such characters. The party leadership on this score remains deathly silence. But what can I say, if even after the scandal with the former deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Denis Voronenkov, no one bothered to explain how this businessman with a murky biography and criminal inclinations turned out to be a parliamentarian from the "communist" party. Just note that, according to numerous publications in the media, the cost of a State Duma deputy's mandate is about $ 5 million, that is, 350 million rubles. And if there are about a dozen willing sponsors? Whatever one may say, a very large amount should come out, incomparable with the current expenses for the elections.

At the same time, in the elections, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation did not stand out with any particularly creative and expensive advertising, and observers from the party complained that, compared to observers from other electoral associations, they were paid the least. In general, the question arises again for the party bosses - where is the money? But can ordinary party members be able to ask it?

By the way, from all the above figures it is clearly seen that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has turned into a very profitable political business. Having officially invested less than 200 million rubles in the election campaign, the party will receive 8 billion from the budget over the next five years, 1.6 billion rubles a year. For the most part, as in previous years, this money will go to the maintenance of the party apparatus.

Well settled!

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Mon Nov 01, 2021 1:45 pm

About covid and card tricks

Obscurantism versus science

Coronavirus infection is a more than pressing problem. Therefore, it is not surprising that the "covid" topic has been raised more than once both on the pages of "Trudovaya Rossiya" and on the website of our party. For example, in the publications "Demonic Power" ( "Labor Russia" , No. 02 (555), p.3), as well as "Once again about Covid-19 and vaccination . " Let me remind you that these articles dealt, among other things, with all sorts of ridiculous inventions of "anti-vaccine" people. The most ancient of them date back to the end of the 19th century. In those days, opponents of smallpox vaccination argued that the vaccinated could grow horns and udders. In our time, "horror stories", of course, are different, more modern. For example, they write that "the DNA of demons is embedded in the vaccine against coronavirus " 1... What a funny synthesis - a material carrier of hereditary information (DNA) and mythological disembodied spirits (demons)! In the same vein, a quote from the “works” of Roberto Petrello: “ What are going to inject us under the guise of a vaccine against COVID-19 [which vaccine? - VA], - this is the most dangerous vaccination of all! This is a real coming to hell! » 2


But all this, of course, is designed for a very undemanding audience. For those who are difficult to convince of the existence of demons, and, moreover, the presence of their DNA, there are more "intellectually advanced" articles and videos on YouTube. As an example of one of them - a video with a speech by Sergei Kurginyan, notorious among the Russian left-wing patriotic opposition .

So, Kurginyan's video, fragment from 0:42 to 1:16 . The quintessence of the fragment, of course, is the data on Israel. The rest, as a rule, from the field of hints and conspiracy theories. The presenter artistically broadcasts that the experience of Israel clearly shows that the vaccinated get sick more often and more severely than the unvaccinated. For nervous ladies who are not used to thinking with their heads, just right. True, there are still regrets of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Iceland that the anticoid vaccines are not 100% effective. I must confess that I myself regret it. And hardly anyone is happy about it. But for now we have to be content with what we have.

However, back to Israel. I specially downloaded the table shown by Kurginyan with the percentage of vaccinations vaccinated among the sick and among the seriously ill.

Statistics on vaccination demonstrated by Kurginyan in Israel

Take a look at the table. The second column is the percentage of fully vaccinated among the population of Israel. The third column is the percentage of severely ill vaccinated. The fourth column is the percentage of vaccinated among the simply sick. The percentage of vaccinations among all age groups, except for the first (12 - 15 years old) is very high. You don't need to be a professional mathematician to understand that if 100% of the population is vaccinated, and the vaccine is only partially effective, then among the sick, everyone will be vaccinated. In theory, it can be a funny situation when in a country of universal vaccination there is a negligible number of cases. Let's say only two or three people. But at the same time, the number of vaccinated among the sick is likely to be just 100%! And vice versa, in a country with negligible vaccination figures, there will be very few previously vaccinated among the huge number of cases. The effectiveness of the vaccine used in Israel can and should be judged by the data of the third and fourth columns only in comparison with the data in the second column. If the data in the third and fourth columns are approximately equal to the data in the second column, then the vaccine has no effect. If the data in the third and fourth columns is greater than the data in the second column, the vaccine is killing people. If, on the contrary, there are fewer numbers in the third and fourth columns than in the second, the vaccine works and helps to cope with the pandemic. If the data in the third and fourth columns are approximately equal to the data in the second column, then the vaccine has no effect. If the data in the third and fourth columns is greater than the data in the second column, the vaccine is killing people. If, on the contrary, there are fewer numbers in the third and fourth columns than in the second, the vaccine works and helps to cope with the pandemic. If the data in the third and fourth columns are approximately equal to the data in the second column, then the vaccine has no effect. If the data in the third and fourth columns is greater than the data in the second column, the vaccine is killing people. If, on the contrary, there are fewer numbers in the third and fourth columns than in the second, the vaccine works and helps to cope with the pandemic.

What will we see if we make such an analysis? For young people from the first age group, the vaccine helps both not to get infected at all, and, if infection does occur, not to get seriously ill. For other groups, the vaccine mainly helps to avoid the severe course of the disease. For older age groups, this effect of the vaccine is less pronounced than for middle-aged people. So, the vaccine used in Israel is, alas, not an elixir of immortality, but it really works, reducing to varying degrees for different age groups both the possibility of infection and the severity of the disease, if such an infection did occur.

And what is Kurginyan doing? He acts like a magician. Or rather, even as a card sharper. And, as befits a card sharper, he juggles the cards. Looking at the data in the third column, it pretends that the second column does not exist. Pathetically exclaims as many as 58% of those vaccinated among seriously ill patients in the 60-69 age group, forgetting to note that the number of vaccinated citizens of the country in this group is 87%. I repeat, if there were 100% of the vaccinated environments and the entire population, there would be 100% of the vaccinated among the sick.

Sergey Kurginyan - leader of the Essence of Time movement

One of the tasks of the sharper is to divert the attention of those whom he intends to deceive. Kurginyan is quite successful in this. Although the table is shown on the screen for a long time, it is unlikely that the majority of viewers, who are enthusiastically listening to Kurginyan's accusations, will have time to analyze the table data. Moreover, the video was staged quite well. There is intrigue in it, and whipping up passions, and "uncompromising revelations." Affects, apparently, that Sergei Ervandovich Kurginyan graduated from the theater school. B. Shchukin with a degree in drama directing.

Perhaps, I have expounded my considerations about Kurginyan's "statistics" too verbose and confused? In this case, I invite readers to solve a very simple example, at the level of a problem in arithmetic for students in the third grade of secondary school.


The population of the city N is 1000 people. In order to prevent the threatening epidemic of the “Martian fever” the city was vaccinated. 900 people were vaccinated, 100 refused. The vaccine has proven to be very effective. Among the vaccinated, only one in ten fell ill, i.e. 90 people, and among the unvaccinated - every second, i.e. 50 people.

Find: out of 140 cases in percentage terms who and how many more - vaccinated or unvaccinated?

That's the whole point of Kurginyan's "statistics" ...

Back in January 2012, the press service of the RCWP published an analytical article "The essence of time or diversion from the essence." The article addressed to Sergei Kurginyan stated that “we are dealing with a sincere Soviet patriot who holds anti-Marxist and, consequently, anti-scientific theoretical positions. And these false theoretical positions largely negate all his efforts to defend the Soviet past and, in a sense, play against the cause for which he is fighting. "

Well, now, after 10 years, we can clearly see where the anti-scientific theoretical positions that the RKWP warned about led Kurginyan. Adhering to anti-scientific views in relation to society, it is difficult not to switch to anti-scientific views in relation to nature.

But, fortunately, there are materials on the Internet that consider the coronavirus epidemic from a purely scientific standpoint. Recently I was recommended a video by the doctor Alexei Vodovozov (first hour).

I began to look with a prejudice that I was wasting my time. And, in general, I do not like "talking heads on the screen", I prefer printed texts. But gradually he listened. A lot of interesting and useful information about coronavirus infection. In fact, Vodovozov's video is an educational lecture delivered by a professional of the highest standard. Aleksey Vodovozov examines such topical issues as whether covid vaccination reduces the incidence rate or only makes the course of the disease easier, about the "side effects" from "Sputnik V" and other vaccines, than the Delta strain is more dangerous than the English and Indian strains. Vodovozov pays special attention to the fight against covid in Israel. At the same time, he compares the field effectiveness of the Phaser and Sputnik V vaccines, and tells how, in the end, in this state it was possible to reduce mortality to single values. And along the way he makes fun of people citing tables with data confirming the exact opposite of what the speaker said to confirm their words. The hint, I think, is clear. The topic of covid and WHO is very interesting. By the way, WHO stubbornly does not recognize vaccines developed and produced in Cuba. Yes, there is a lot of interesting and informative in the video of the doctor Alexei Vodovozov! Look, you won't regret it!

In conclusion, some personal thoughts about covid and how to combat it.

About vaccination and quarantine measures. To fight epidemics, mankind has not yet come up with anything other than vaccination and quarantine measures. Anti-vaccine users like to say that we don't know how the vaccine will affect us years and decades later. Theoretically, of course, any drug we use, and, in general, any of our activities after a long time can have an adverse effect. But nevertheless, it is much more likely that in old age, the transferred, especially in severe form, illnesses, and not vaccinations against them, will have a negative impact.

About Russian vaccines. The most common and, as they say, the most effective of them - "Sputnik V". Sputnik is far from perfect. First, this vaccine has a short duration of action. Revaccination is required 5-6 months after the second stage of vaccination (third dose). Secondly, a reaction to the vaccination is possible in the form of joint aches and fever. Sometimes it is quite significant. However, this increase is easy to bring down with paracetamol.

So Sputnik is not perfect. But what to do? Don't get vaccinated, get sick and die? Personally, I prefer being vaccinated even with a far from perfect vaccine than not being vaccinated at all. As the saying goes, "in the absence of a stamp, we write on a simple one."

As for the benefits of vaccinations, in addition to the official one, I have already accumulated my own personal statistics. There are many acquaintances. So, only those who were not vaccinated died of covid. Among the vaccinated there are those who are sick with covid, but their disease was mild.
About the tasks of our party. It is obvious that the reaction of the communist opposition to any actions of the authorities must always be dialectical. Something - to completely reject, offering their own options for action. For example, it is necessary for all and by all means to fight against unreasonable restrictions on the possibilities of holding public events. To something - to be neutral. And something to support. Fully or partially. As an example of such a dialectical policy, one can recall the actions of the Bolsheviks, who acted along with the Provisional Government during the Kornilov revolt, which did not prevent them from overthrowing the Provisional Government just two months later.

The absolutely opposite, anti-Bolshevik position is held by the "ultra-left", who are ready to unequivocally reject any actions of the bourgeois authorities. Let us note "in parentheses" that if they were so radical not only in words, but also in deeds, they would have to go without pants, because the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, and Prime Minister M.V. Mishustin wear trousers ...
I am deeply convinced that the RKWP-KPSS, in the conditions of an epidemic that is taking away the lives of workers, it is necessary to put forward a demand for the government and the President of the Russian Federation to take more decisive measures to combat coronavirus infection. In particular, the organization of universal vaccination of the population. We all need to fight the covid now, not postponing this fight for a wonderful socialist future.

V. Andreev

1 From a handwritten leaflet torn off in the lobby of the train.

2 Newspaper "Trudovaya Tyumen", January 2021, No. 2 (1478), p.4.

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:36 pm

Communists commemorate 104th anniversary of the October Revolution

The commemorative events for the anniversary of the Socialist Revolution were repeated in various Russian regions. | Photo: Internet
Published November 8, 2021 (6 hours 39 minutes ago)

The leader of the Communist Party of Russia, Gennadi Zyuganov, described the anniversary of November 7 as the "most important holiday."

At least 2,000 supporters of communist political collectives gathered in Moscow, Russia's capital, on Sunday to commemorate the 104th anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution, which led to the creation of the Soviet Union.

The coordinator of the Left Front, Sergey Udaltsov, stressed that they held an act of patriotic left-wing forces in Red Square and Manezh Square to commemorate the Bolshevik Revolution.

In statements that were quoted by the Echo of Moscow radio station, Udaltsov mentioned that the rally brought together "a lot of people."
Today we celebrate 104 years of the glorious October Revolution. Long live the USSR! Long live socialism! # Bolshevik Revolution #OctoberRevolution # СоюзСоветскихСоциалистическихРеспублик #CCCP #URSS #USSR

- Adán González (@rpkampuchea) November 7, 2021
The leader of the Communist Party of Russia, Guennadi Zyuganov, highlighted at the Red Square ceremony that November 7 is the "most important holiday" for the country, since it created "a new world", in reference to the Union of Republics Soviet Socialists (USSR, which existed from 1922 to 1991).

According to communist militants, there were other celebrations in different parts of Russia to commemorate the anniversary, which ceased to be an official holiday in the mid-2000s. ... -0002.html

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Police detained Viktor Tyulkin on October Revolution Day
In St. Petersburg, the leader of the ROT FRONT, secretary of the Central Committee of the RKWP Viktor Arkadyevich Tyulkin was detained .

Traditionally, Leningrad communists came today to Lenin Square to the monument to the Leader of the world proletariat. There activists of the RCWP, ROT FRONT, RKSM (b), "Left Bloc", "Other Russia" and "Union of Officers" held a small impromptu rally (taking into account the antiquated situation) and laid flowers at the Lenin monument. The numerous police officers who were present did not interfere with the event, taking only the corresponding subscription from the leader of the RCWP Stepan Sergeevich Malentsov. However, at the end of the laying, the police officers in five patrol cars overtook and blocked the car of the leader of the ROT FRONT V.A.Tyulkin.

Viktor Tyulkina at the rally

UPD. 13:00 Now they are trying to take Comrade Tyulkin to the remote 3rd police department, which is located in the north of the city. It is likely that it would be more difficult for the communist's comrades-in-arms to get to the place.

UPD. 16:00 At the moment, 3 hours after the arrest, comrade Tyulkin has not yet been released. He is being held under escort at the 3rd police station in St. Petersburg. According to the assistant to the operational duty officer, no documents have yet been issued by those who detained our comrade.

Branch address: St. Petersburg, Severny pr., 79, Tel. duty department 573-07-65

We ask all those who are not indifferent to start calling the specified phone number, to find out the reason for the detention and the name of the person who made such a decision. Only together we can influence the situation!

UPD. In the evening (after 16:00) Comrade Tyulkin was released.


Image ... politsiya/

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We should note who got arrested and who didn't. The leader of the Communist Party of Russia, the degenerate remains of the old party transformed into a flaccid social democratic party was unbothered. The leader of the Russian Communist Workers Party, which is the real deal, was the target of police harassment. Speaks volumes...
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Fri Nov 12, 2021 2:59 pm

Food prices in Russia are growing at a record pace
Eloquent figures for the holiday of the Great October

The anniversary of the October Revolution is a good occasion to assess the quality of life of Russians. And this is not difficult to do. The Ministry of Economic Development, as if for a holiday, announced a new estimate of the rise in prices. The population of the country continues to be rapidly impoverished: inflation has set three records in a week .


Publisher Finanz reports that in the last week of October in our country the rate of growth of consumer prices set a record for the 11th consecutive time. Annual inflation reached 8.14% and hit a record since January 2016, i.e. over the past five years. At the same time, the main “driver” of inflation is the prices of food products, which is emphasized by Dmitry Polevoy , an expert of the publication, investment director of Loko-Invest Investment Company :

"Almost completely the growth of annual inflation is again provided with food products."

Food prices in October began to grow twice as fast as in September - by 2.17% against 0.99% . The annual price increase reached 10.91% , which is a record since December 2015. Among all the products, the prices for vegetables were the most inflated; in October they jumped by 8.7% , which is five times more than in September.

It is noted that such intense food inflation in Russia has occurred only three times over the past 15 years: on the eve of the global crisis in 2007-08, due to drought and unfavorable conditions on the world market in 2010-11, and also due to the devaluation of the ruble in 2014.

The negative effect of inflation could be compensated for by regular and significant indexation of salaries, pensions, scholarships, and benefits. But this just does not happen. The bill on the indexation of wages not lower than the inflation rate was blocked back in 2015 . The indexation of pensions this year will certainly not cover the inflation rate. Incomes of Russians continue to fall, and this fall has only accelerated due to "covid" restrictions in 2020 and even more so this year . Instead of rectifying the situation, the state is engaged in self-deception and changes the methods of calculating incomes in order to “rewrite” poor citizens into wealthy ones.

However, the situation could be corrected only by the state, which is interested in the growth of the well-being of the population. The Russian state, judging by its deeds, is only interested in the income growth of several hundred of the largest owners . Yakov Mirkin , head of the capital markets department at IMEMO RAN, interviewed by Finanz , believes that the current inflation in Russia "comes from monopolies and oligopolies, from prices and tariffs regulated by the state . " In other words, inflation is a convenient way of indirectly robbing ordinary citizens, pumping money from their pockets into the pockets of big business.

All this is very reminiscent of the situation of the socio-economic impasse in which the Russian Empire found itself on the eve of 1917. There is only one significant detail, in which there is no coincidence. At the beginning of the 20th century, the economic crisis in Russia was exacerbated many times over by the protracted world war. There is no war yet. But what is happening on the world stage makes you seriously think that this is not for long ... ... sii-rastu/


An acute food shortage began in the Far East
The market has settled

In the Kamchatka Territory, Chukotka, Sakhalin and the Magadan Region, there is a severe shortage of food and some other essential goods. In Chukotka stores there are no vegetables, eggs, onions, dairy products, potatoes are running out. The cause of the food crisis was the overloading of the Vladivostok port, which is loaded with transit goods from China and other countries of Southeast Asia, which are transported along the Trans-Siberian Railway to Europe. The growth of freight traffic on the Transsib, in turn, was caused by the global transport crisis - disruptions on sea routes, as well as problems at border crossings led to a reorientation of freight traffic.


The coastal ports have accumulated huge amounts of cargo for several Russian regions: 1.6 thousand containers for Kamchatka, 1.1 thousand containers for Sakhalin. Commodity cargoes from Central Russia are of little interest to the owners of the ports - you can't get big profits for them. It is also likely that many transport ships have also switched to shipping from China. Naturally, for business, income comes first, not the stomachs of ordinary citizens.

In this situation, the government had to take urgent measures - to give an order on the priority in the supply of food, so that other orders were fulfilled after the fulfillment of the plan for loading food for the Russian regions. But such measures, of course, will lead to a decrease in the transit of goods from China to Europe and a drop in profits, as well as, possibly, to the difficulty of relations with China. In addition, due to the problems with the collection of information and management, characteristic of the market economy, aggravated by the Russian reality, the authorities did not receive timely information about the crisis in the supply of food in the Far East, which did not allow taking the necessary decisions on time.

But even now there is an opportunity to quickly solve the problems that have arisen if we resort to transport aviation. The population of Kamchatka, Chukotka, Sakhalin and Magadan is 989,867 people. The consumption of food per person in Russia is about 2.1 kg per day, for example, about 2.08 thousand tons per day are consumed by all residents. The carrying capacity of the An-124 aircraft is 120 tons, so to supply the population, it is necessary to make 18 sorties per day, which is not so much - there are 35 aircraft of this type in Russia, 11 of which are in the Russian Aerospace Forces.

But the authorities are not going to do this yet - after all, it is quite expensive and unprofitable to transport cargo by aviation. It is also unprofitable to put out forest fires in Siberia, maintain hospitals and pay pensions. Therefore, goods from China will follow in transit to Europe, and the inhabitants of Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Magadan and Chukotka will remain on starvation rations. ... stryj-def/

It stands to reason that the 'less refined' capitalist stage in Russia would be more adversely affected by the contradictions of international capital.


By the end of the year, life expectancy and retirement age of Russians will be equal
Pension reform coupled with coronavirus

Former Rosstat employee, independent demographer Alexei Raksha, predicted that by the end of 2021, the average life expectancy of a Russian man will statistically coincide with the retirement age. The researcher analyzed the number of deaths in Russia in June and July and came to pessimistic conclusions. The results are reported by Readovka.

Demographer Alexey Raksha

According to the analyzed data, the Delta strain significantly increases the mortality rate of citizens under 55 years of age, especially men. However, the mortality rate of Russians over 60, on the contrary, is statistically decreasing.

If the proportions of mortality in July remain until the end of 2021, then life expectancy for men will decrease by 1.4-1.5 years - up to 65 years , and women - by 1.9-2 years, that is, up to 74.4 years . Thus, the average life expectancy of a man will be equal to the retirement age. Overall, life expectancy is expected to drop by almost two years.

Readovka drew attention to the fact that business has already reacted to the super-mortality of the older generation: sales of hereditary apartments have increased on the Moscow real estate market.

Meanwhile, the government is more optimistic - the life expectancy, according to their calculations, will be almost 72 years.

The situation with the coronavirus in Russia continues to be difficult. The number of deaths per day in November continues to break record after record. Citizens are not ready to trust the new vaccine - only 34.33% of those vaccinated with EpiVacCorona and Sputnik V - and this once again underlines their unwillingness to play with the authorities on the same field. However, the point is not to sign an agreement on lifelong support for the regime's course, the point is to save lives here and now - and after all, not all "refuseniks" have contraindications to this.
Meanwhile, our fellow citizens die not only from the coronavirus: nutrition, stress, workaholism and ecology - all this affects life expectancy. The only way not to remain an extra, an observer of the destructive processes taking place with your loved ones - friends and relatives - is to get involved in organizations aimed at changing our lives. ... st-zhizni/

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Sat Nov 13, 2021 2:01 pm

Polish security officials accused Belarusian colleagues of helping illegal migrants

The situation is heating up

The Polish Border Guard has accused the Belarusian military of helping migrants from the Middle East to illegally cross the border, TASS reports . Polish security officials said that their colleagues from the Republic of Belarus destroyed part of the wire fence, blinded them with lasers and stroboscopes, and supplied the migrants with tear gas.

Internally displaced persons on the border of Poland and Belarus

“At night, in the area of ​​the city of Cheremkha, Belarusian soldiers began to destroy the temporary border fence. They knocked down the fence posts and tore the net with the help of a company car. Polish services were blinded by laser beams and strobe lights. Nearby, a group of about 100 migrants were waiting for the possibility of illegal border crossing. The Belarusians supplied the foreigners with tear gas, which was used against the Polish services. This and subsequent attempts to illegally cross the border were prevented, ”the Polish border agency said in a statement.

The situation around the migration crisis on the border of Belarus and Poland, which began in the summer, is heating up every day. We see saber rattling on both sides of the border: either the British military fly to the aid of their Polish brothers-in-arms, or Russian and Belarusian paratroopers will conduct joint exercises near the camp . Both are pointing their fingers at each other, accusing them of escalating the situation.

Polish officials threaten to cut off rail and goods transit through Belarus. Lukashenka announced the possibility of shutting off a valve on the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline. Putin reminded him through the media of contractual obligations.

While the "national leaders" are exercising in "the power of speech", and their military are still shooting blank cartridges, thousands of refugees from Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Uganda and other countries, driven from their places by war and poverty, are forced to freeze in tents, waiting for a "ticket to a better life. "

Politicians, "talking heads" from the media, various experts on both sides of the conflict name many reasons for its occurrence. But practically none of them will say: “The capitalist system is to blame. The financial and industrial tycoons are to blame, who are constantly fighting for resources and markets , provoking armed conflicts around the world . "

And, as always, the poorest and most powerless in all corners of the Earth, regardless of the citizenship of the owners of corporations, will die in this "struggle for the survival of the capitalists".

This can only be stopped by destroying the very system of exploitation of man by man. This can only be done by the oppressed themselves, waging a meaningful collective irreconcilable struggle with their still masters, supporting such a struggle of workers in other countries. ... -beloruss/


NATO abuses refugees, threatens to ignite war on Poland/Belarus border
November 12, 2021 Greg Butterfield

A refugee family stranded at the Polish/Belarus border. Photo: Minsk Pravda

Nov. 11 — The U.S. and its European allies are staging a dangerous provocation at the border between Poland and Belarus, which threatens both a humanitarian catastrophe and a military conflict that could quickly explode into a wider war.

Thousands of refugees, fleeing imperialist-fueled wars in West Asia and beyond, have gathered on the Belarusian side of the border, demanding entry into the European Union. Poland’s far-right government — a NATO member, acting on behalf of Germany and other EU powers where the refugees wish to go — has responded with a massive buildup of military forces.

Polish border guards and troops have violently abused refugees who attempted to cross into the country. In one case, on Nov. 10, four Kurdish men were found beaten by Polish security forces. They were treated by Belarusian doctors. The same day, a young boy was pepper-sprayed by Polish border guards.

The Border Committee of Belarus stated: “All these people, including women and children, do not pose a threat to security and do not behave aggressively. According to the stories of the refugees themselves, they organized themselves into such a large group in order to prevent forcible displacement by the Polish side, as well as to draw the attention of the international community to the actions of Poland in terms of non-observance of human rights.

“Taking into account the statements of Polish officials about the concentration of armed forces and equipment near the border, we do not exclude provocative actions by the Polish side aimed at justifying the use of physical force and special equipment against refugees,” the statement concluded.

The government of Belarus has called for high-level consultations to defuse the situation and resolve the crisis. So far, Poland has refused — with strong backing from its powerful U.S. and European sponsors.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration, other Western governments and corporate media are spreading wild rumors about supposed Belarusian government “trafficking” of migrants and refugees, reporting this as fact.

They claim this is a plot by President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus to pressure Europe to lift brutal economic sanctions imposed by the West, rather than the all-too predictable outcome of Western military and economic interference in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and North Africa.

Polish riot police and coils of razor wire face off against migrants, including families with children, camped just across the border in Belarus.

Polish gov’t vs. the people

While presenting a one-sided, hostile view of the Belarusian government and the refugees, these same governments and media actively cover up the behavior of the U.S. puppet regime in Poland, including its pro-fascist policies and its war on women’s reproductive rights, LGBTQ2S people, workers and communists.

In fact, while Western media were completely focused on presenting the Polish side of the border crisis, on Nov. 6 tens of thousands of women and supporters were protesting in the streets of Poland’s capital Warsaw after a woman died of pregnancy complications as a result of the country’s Draconian abortion ban, similar to the one imposed recently in Texas. Last year millions of people across Poland protested the abortion ban.

And buried amidst the anti-Belarus propaganda, the Associated Press noted that Poland’s government is supporting a fascist demonstration planned in Warsaw on Nov. 11, the country’s independence day — much like those held annually in the neighboring Baltic republics.

The far-right regimes of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia — also NATO members that dance to Washington’s tune — claim Belarus “posed serious threats to European security by deliberately escalating its ‘hybrid attack; using migrants to retaliate for EU sanctions,” Reuters reported Nov. 11.

This latest U.S.-sponsored information war combines the crude racism of Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric with the vicious smear campaigns used against so many countries that suffer brutal U.S./European sanctions, like Venezuela and Cuba, into a toxic stew meant to justify acts of racist brutality and regime change.

Minsk picket in solidarity with refugees at Polish Embassy, Nov. 9. Photo: Nadezhda Sablina

Belarus aids refugees

Estimates of the number of refugees at the border vary widely, between 3,000 and 8,000. But the number continues to grow daily.

Correspondents for Minsk Pravda have been documenting the situation with interviews and photos. On Nov. 8, Minsk Pravda reported: “Most of them, the migrants said, are Kurds. … There are many children in the crowd. They are not allowed into Poland.

“‘We are being sprayed with gas [by the Polish side]. See what happens,’ an elderly man shouts emotionally. His son was brought on an impromptu stretcher from the side of the border. In a mixture of languages, he explains: the young man’s legs are lost, he can no longer walk.

“‘Many of us are with families. I have six children. All are small. No food, no milk for them, no diapers. We have no firewood to keep warm, no tents to shelter from the rain, and we are not allowed into Europe,’ says another man. He says that he and his family have already made several unsuccessful attempts to get into the EU.”

Hard hit by Western sanctions, Belarus is ill-equipped to provide the necessary humanitarian support but is doing what it can. Border guards and soldiers are trying to maintain order and protect the refugees while attempts to negotiate with the Polish regime and the EU continue.

The government and people’s organizations, including the Belarusian Women’s Union and Communist Party of Belarus, have expressed solidarity with the refugees and are helping to provide them with food, water, shelter and health care.

At a meeting of government ministers Nov. 10, Belarus declared that priority must be given to the needs of children and pregnant women at the border. Education Minister Igor Karpenko said Nov. 11 that children’s health camps and other facilities, established during Soviet times and still maintained in Belarus, would be organized to provide safe havens for them, including teachers for the children.

On Nov. 9, dozens of people protested outside the Polish Embassy in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. Signs and banners read: “Leopards [Polish tanks] against women and children?”, “Stop genocide at the border!”, and “Stop torturing women and children.”

Organized on just three hours’ notice and in bitter cold, the action included members of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, Belaya Rus and the Communist Party, and ordinary workers.

One woman interviewed on the picket line condemned the hypocrisy of the Western powers: “Those people who say that some human rights are being violated in the world are violating them themselves, not allowing migrants to enter the EU. We are ordinary peaceful Belarusians who came out in support of ordinary people who do not deserve such an attitude.”

West escalates tensions

A new European Union threat to ban flights between West Asia and Belarus won’t just harm those countries’ economies, but may force thousands of refugees to make the dangerous journey to Europe across the Mediterranean, which has already cost so many lives in recent years. It is also, of course, an egregious violation of those countries’ independence, just like all U.S.-EU sanctions.

Responding to the threat of a fifth round of sanctions, President Lukashkenko pointed out Nov. 11 that Europe’s main transnational gas pipeline, Yamal-Europe, goes through Belarus, and recently Russia has significantly increased the volume of gas transit to the West.

“We provide heat to Europe, and they are threatening us with the border closure. What if we block natural gas transit? Therefore, I would recommend the leadership of Poland, Lithuanians and others to think hard before opening their mouths. But it is up to them. They are welcome to close the border. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should warn everyone in Europe that if they impose additional sanctions, ‘indigestible’ and ‘unacceptable’ for us, we will hit back.”

Struggle-La Lucha spoke with Nadezhda Sablina, a Minsk Pravda journalist and Belarusian representative of the Anti-Imperialist Front. She explained: “We saw last year, against the background of protests in Belarus after the presidential elections, Poland brought soldiers and military equipment to its eastern borders. The troops stood ready to ‘come to the rescue’ of those who intended to overthrow Lukashenko here.

“The slightest manifestation of weakness by the Belarusian authorities could serve as a signal for NATO’s military invasion of Belarus,” Sablina warned. “The Belarusian authorities and Belarusian military survived, including by strengthening the concentration of troops on the western border. At that time, half of the armed forces of Belarus were transferred to the west.

“Now, against the background of the growing migration crisis, Poland is again bringing its troops and armored vehicles to the border. The formal reason for this, according to the Polish side, is the protection of the Polish border. However, the number of military personnel already exceeds the number of migrants at the border by 3-4 times!

“This suggests that Poland intends to fight not with migrants,” Sablina said, “but with Belarus, as well as with Russia, since we are united in the Union State and the military bloc (CSTO). It is clear that Poland does not act independently, but is subordinate to the stronger countries in the EU and the United States. So it cannot be ruled out that the imperialist forces of the West may start an armed conflict with Belarus at the hands of the Poles, staging some kind of provocation as a pretext to start an attack.”

Sablina added: “Poland is suitable for a military conflict with Belarus like no other country. After the counter-revolutionary coup in the late 1980s, the Poles were actively instilled with nationalism and Russophobia. And now a lot of Poles are hostile to Russia and sincerely believe that in 1939 it took away part of their territory, which they call the East Cresses (Western Belarus). Therefore, if, for example, Poland invades Belarus and occupies its western cities (Grodno, Brest), then ordinary Poles may well consider this step to be fair, because, in their opinion, the lands taken from them will return to them.”

Both the anti-war and immigrant rights movements need to be on full alert and get ready to take to the streets to demand: “Let them all in! No war, no repression! Hands off Belarus!” ... us-border/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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