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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 21, 2023 1:42 pm

Venezuela: Public Ministry Appoints Prosecutors for New Anti-Corruption Investigation, Deputy Hugbel Roa Arrested
MARCH 20, 2023

Venezuelan Public Ministry headquarters in Caracas. Photo: File photo.

Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab reported that the Public Ministry appointed prosecutors 50, 67, 69, 85 and 94 to investigate the “serious acts of corruption” recently unveiled. The National Anti-Corruption Police has arrested several mayors, directors of institutions, judges and deputies.

The attorney general released the information on Sunday, March 19, through a statement published on social media, where he affirmed “the commitment to justice and truth.”

According to the Venezuelan news outlet Últimas Noticias, those arrested so far are:

• Joselit Ramírez, president of the National Superintendence of Cryptoactives (Sunacrip), allegedly involved in the disappearance of $3 billion. As reported by Últimas Noticias after interviewing an oil consultant, the money was being sent to Venezuela as payment for the sale of oil, using cryptocurrencies managed by Sunacrip to evade the illegal sanctions imposed by the United States. Ramírez was removed from Sunacrip by President Nicolás Maduro, as stated in decree number 4,788, published in the Extraordinary Official Gazette 6,739, on Friday, March 17. The restructuring of the organization, chaired by Anabel Pereira Fernández, was decreed.
• Hugbel Roa, deputy in the National Assembly for the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). On Sunday, journalist Eligio Rojas from Últimas Noticias reported that Roa was allegedly involved in “acts of corruption in the oil industry.” According to sources in the judicial system, the Trujillo parliamentarian and former minister of higher education is being investigated for acts of corruption that occurred in Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). Roa is associated with PDVSA joint ventures, specifically Petrocedeño, a venture between the Venezuelan state and shareholders from France and Norway. “To speak with the president of Petrocedeño, you had to go through Hugbel,” said a source linked to the industry.
• Pedro Hernández, mayor of the Santos Michelena municipality (Las Tejerías), Aragua state. He is being investigated for his alleged links with a criminal organization founded by Carlos Enrique “El Conejo” Gómez Rodríguez, whose main base of operations was the town of Las Tejerías.
• Judges Cristóbal Cornieles, president of the Criminal Judicial Circuit of Caracas, and José Maximino Márquez García, fourth anti-terrorist judge, were allegedly involved in the January 9 release of Oswaldo José Cheremos Carrasquel, accused of supplying weapons of war to the organization criminal Tren del Llano.
• Jorwis Bracho Gómez, 41, Falcón state’s first control judge, was reportedly another of those arrested, according to the investigative journalistic blog La Tabla.

Below is the full unofficial translation of the statement by the Attorney General:

The Public Ministry informs the country that, due to having been notified by the National Anti-Corruption Police of the arrest of a group of public officials allegedly involved in serious acts of corruption, it has initiated the pertinent proceedings for the purposes of their prosecution.

To direct the investigation of these findings, national prosecutors 50, 67, 69, 85 and 94 have been designated with competence in matters of corruption, organized crime, human rights and full competence.

The illegal acts investigated correspond to different branches and levels of the Public Power and involve strategic sectors for national development and the administration of justice.

In this sense, the Public Ministry reiterates its commitment to fight corruption and seek justice in order to protect the nation’s interests against unscrupulous practices and officials that damage the institutional framework and betray the country’s trust.

Caracas, March 19, 2023

National Anti-Corruption Police
On Friday, March 17, Venezuelan Minister of Communication Freddy Ñáñez published a statement from the National Anti-Corruption Police on social media. The statement announced that “it has initiated, before the Public Ministry, a request for judicial prosecution of a series of individuals” who “could be involved in serious acts of administrative corruption and embezzlement.” They indicated that these actions are “the result of an in-depth investigation, carried out for months, that points to citizens who exercised functions in the judiciary, the oil industry and some municipalities of the country.” The statement does detail the number of people named or their identities.

“We have the express instruction that this investigation be carried to the ultimate consequences, and we will not stop in our sacred duty to confront the scourge of corruption and punish in an exemplary manner those who commit these criminal acts, whoever they are and whoever falls,” concludes the statement.

“Whoever falls”
At a press conference on Monday, Vice President of the PSUV Diosdado Cabello stated the party’s full support for the government and the National Anti-Corruption Police in the investigations against corruption.

“The PSUV is at the forefront of the fight against the scourge of corruption… Never before in Venezuela has corruption been condemned as in the government of Commander Chávez and President Nicolás Maduro,” said Cabello.

He added that they will confront the corrupt “no matter who falls,” as they will not cover up “any criminal act of anyone, absolutely no one.” ... -arrested/

Venezuela’s Oil Minister Resigns Amid New Anti-Corruption Investigation
MARCH 20, 2023

Venezuelan Oil Minister Tareck El Aissami at an OPEC+ meeting in December 2022. Photo: Twitter/@TareckPSUV.

Venezuelan Oil Minister Tareck El Aissami reported that he submitted his resignation “in order to fully support, accompany and back” the investigation process “on serious acts of corruption in PDVSA.”

El Aisammi wrote on Monday, March 20, that in his “capacity as a revolutionary militant, I place myself at the disposal of the PSUV leadership to support the quest undertaken by President Nicolás Maduro against the anti-values ​​that we are obliged to fight, even with our lives.”

The statement was published via El Aissami’s social media hours after Joselit Ramírez’s arrest by the National Anti-Corruption Police. Ramírez, who was president of the National Superintendency of Cryptoactives (Sunacrip), is accused of being behind the disappearance of $3 billion from the sale of oil. This occurred a few hours after the arrest of deputy Hugbel Roa, who was implicated in “acts of corruption in the oil industry.”

El Aissami was appointed as minister for oil in April 2020, acting as the head of Venezuela’s most important ministry for nearly three years. He has held several top positions in public office since Hugo Chávez’s presidency, being Chávez’s interior minister from 2008 to 2012 before being elected governor of Aragua state from 2012 until 2017. El Aissami was then Venezuela’s vice president from 2017 until 2018 and minister of industries from 2018 until 2022, when he was appointed oil minister. ... stigation/
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Wed Apr 19, 2023 2:54 pm

Venezuela, Crime and Punishment?
APRIL 15, 2023

"Revolution without corruption" reads this mural in Venezuela. Photo: Venezuelanalysis.

By Maria Paez Victor – Apr 14, 2023

During the past couple of weeks, Venezuelans have witnessed something unheard of before in their country: many people in high-ranking government positions have been arrested for corruption. An entire network was discovered of public officials and private businessmen who have allegedly robbed the nation of billions of dollars centered around three key government enterprises, the public oil company PDVSA, the entity supervising the cryptocurrency (SUNACRIP), and the public steel industry.

In a heartfelt address to the nation, an indignant President Nicolás Maduro called them a mafia, and it was obvious he feels deeply betrayed by people who up to now had his full confidence. He vowed that no stone will be left unturned to catch all the criminals and to regain the people’s stolen funds. The citizens have been very attentive to the proceedings, giving much support to the government against criminals deemed also as traitors and demanding no impunity.

It all started last October with the discovery that government accounts were missing $US 3 billion that should have been transferred there from PDVSA. That was the little breadcrumb that investigators started to follow leading to the oil company, the cryptocurrency agency, the important steel state industry, to private businessmen, one former deputy of the National Assembly (who had at some point been a minister), a former governor, a mayor, and even a few judges. Up to now, near one hundred people have been arrested awaiting trial.[1]

Money laundering operations have been discovered and illicit goods shown on TV: warehouses full of hundreds of brand-new automobiles, several buildings under construction in an upper-class section of the capital, half a dozen aeroplanes (one found stuffed with dollars) and several mansions in the most exclusive Caracas neighborhood where, allegedly, orgies were held and a prostitution network maintained. Many of the accused are now confessing and giving information to obtain leniency in their sentencing.

The National Assembly speedily passed (by unanimity) an anti-corruption law that mirrors the Assets Forfeiture Law model promoted by the United Nations, whereby the assets of those who have been sentenced for corruption are returned to the state. This is important because up to now, said assets had been auctioned off allowing lackeys of the corrupt to buy them to safeguard them for later use or sale by the criminals. [2] As well, the Penal Code was modified allowing the maximum sentencing for corruption and treason to be extended from 30 to 50 years. (Venezuela does not have a death penalty.)

These well-placed individuals are not the first to steal from the people, but it is the first time that in Venezuela that an operation of this magnitude against corruption within the government files has been attempted.

Corruption has existed since the Europeans arrived at those shores, robbing, killing, enslaving, taking all that was not theirs under grandiose pretexts to cover their sins. But also, in later years government officials and politicians have stolen a great deal from their own people. This is why, with frequent corruption in the political and economic culture, it is necessary to exert constant vigilance. To have honest judges, a nation needs honest lawyers. To have honest politicians and officers one needs honest citizens. As Simón Bolívar famously stated that “morals and enlightenment” are our greatest needs.” However, this is all predicated on an infrastructure of just laws and impartiality in their enforcement. No one, whatever their position can be above the law.

The Bolivarian Revolution started by Hugo Chávez obtained landslide victories at the polls because it stood against the two-party system that ruled in Venezuela for 40 years which allowed corruption to thrive. And yet how little this is understood outside the country. For example, a writer in The Times Higher Education Supplement, recently stated that “… back to the 1980s. Venezuela is by the definitions of the time among the most prosperous countries in Latin America, and certainly one of the most Democratic.”[3] This is wishful thinking on the part of those who are adverse to the socialist Bolivarian government The demographic data on inequality and poverty of that time shows that prior to the Bolivarian Revolution , Venezuela was anything but an idyllic place as revisionist opposition people like to think, but a veritable swamp of corruption “which was not being confronted by the state; instead it was being encouraged and justified… Thus, one of the main priorities of the Bolivarian Revolution, of its constituent process, as well as of all the initiatives of the Chavista forces, was aimed at eradicating corruption.”

[4] The supposed “capitalist” economic system of Venezuela was reduced to a bacchanal, not real useful production, but of individual sacking and enrichment at the expense of the public welfare. This supposedly prosperous nation in 1999 had a poverty rate of up to 80%, despite the immense petroleum income of the government.[5]

Not only did economic corruption flourish, but violations of human rights were commonplace under previous governments: from 1960 to 1998 constitutional human rights were suspended 21 times.[6] The Bolivarian government, in contrast, has never once suspended human rights guarantees, despite tremendous US sponsored terrorism, mercenary invasions, cyber-attacks, and numerous coup d’état attempts.

Now the enemies of the Bolivarian government of Venezuela are screaming: “Look at how corrupt the Chavistas are!” But those are voices of hypocrites and liars, who have a very biased and selective memory, who never complained about human rights violations, robbery and fraud by previous governments led by Acción Democrática or COPEI, in which the criminals -high ranking as they were- were not held accountable and punished for their crimes.

Here are some alleged crimes in the pre-Chávez era that have come to light.[7]

Alleged crimes of former presidents, who supposedly governed an idyllic Venezuela before Chávez and Maduro:

Carlos Andrés Pérez, president (Acción Democrática Party): he was impeached, and prosecuted for embezzlement of public funds, but fled the country rather than serve his sentence:

Theft of funds destined for Nicaragua, $US 100 million

Theft of $US 400 million with purchase of the ship “Sierra Nevada”

Theft of $US 1.2 billion of communal accounts, along with his mistress Cecilia Matos

Theft of Bs 1.8 billion at the workers’ bank (BTV) along with Carlos Ortega president of the workers union

Theft of Bs 600 million at the Simón Bolivar Centre relating to purchase of busses, along with Diego Arria.

Theft of Bs 1 billion of cement enterprise Andino, with Williams Davila

Theft and bankruptcy of VIASA, national airline, the state lost more than Bs 65 billion

Theft of Bs 1.7 billion in privatizing the telephone company CANTV.

Luis Herrera Campins, president (COPEI Party):

Theft of $US 100 million destined for corn to Africa

Theft of Bs 90 billion in banks Progreso and Latino, along with Orlando Castro

Theft of $US 300 billion on Black Friday increase of the dollar, along with Leopoldo Díaz Bruzual

Theft of Bs 700 million, with Vinicio Carrera

Jaime Lusinchi, president, (Acción Democrática Party):

Theft of $US 180 million buying jeeps and arms for the Acción Democrática party, with Manzo González.

Theft of Bs 122 million in RECADI (foreign exchange agency)

Theft of Bs 1.5 billion of workers’ benefits institution (INH) along with his wife Blanca Ibáñez

Rafael Caldera, president (COPEI Party):

Theft of Bs 20 million in gold bars of the National Bank of Venezuela, deposited in the Chase Manhattan bank, with Pedro Tinoco

Theft of Bs 10 billion in workers’ bank (INCRET), for workers’ vacation city.

Antonio Ledezma, (Acción Democrática), presidential candidate, former parliamentarian, former mayor of Caracas, coup plotter, escaped from custody and lives in golden self-exile in Spain:

Theft of Bs 300 billion from building bus terminal La Bandera

Theft of Bs 5 billion from the Municipal Markets Institute

Fraud for Bs 1.5 billion per year for 20 years, with Hai-China company in the Main Southern Cemetery

Crime of Leopoldo Lopez, (founder Primero Justicia party), coup plotter, fugitive of justice having been sentenced for the death of 43 people in the riots he provoked, darling of the extremist opposition, in golden self-exile in Spain, stole with the help of with his mother:

Theft of Bs. 5 billion per year from PDVSA to bolster his party Primero Justicia.

The esteemed Venezuelan historian Luis Britto Garcia points out that the conquest was a colossal looting operation, and the grossly stratified colonial society that ensued, left a legacy of inequality and larceny. “With the explosion of the petroleum and mining based economy, public goods and earnings overtook the private economy, and a batch of newly rich and newly corrupt people came out of the trafficking of concessions and the milking of the state.”[8] The previous governments, can be accurately regarded as oligarchies, governing for the benefit of an elite that had minimum public spirit, that absorbed all the individualism and consumerism obsessions of capitalism, but not the minimum work ethics or any sense of social responsibility.

But why is this corruption network operating now? Although not having tangible proof, there is a plausible explanation. Based on the fact that the USA is the prime haven for Venezuelan thieves involved in the former PDVSA, RECADI, and the banking debacle, and known coup plotters, terrorists, and many fugitives of Venezuelan justice. They have found political support in the USDA which has become the place where all sorts of conspiracies against Venezuela are plotted with US government approval. So, it is worthwhile to note what Britto García recently says, “The way to destroy socialism is to infiltrate its leadership with neoliberalists. As an example: the Soviet Unión.”[9]

Therefore, it is not too farfetched to surmise that the sinister hand of the CIA has been corrupting, tempting, offering all sorts of incentives, looking for the officials of lesser morality, honesty, and principles, to try to corrupt and bring down Venezuela’s socialist government. They have not realized, however, that the “good ones” are much more abundant than the “bad ones”, and that the Bolivarian Revolution will not be defeated by the hand of Judas.

The Dutch sociologist Rutger Bregman in his excellent book “Humankind” presents overwhelming evidence “That most people, deep down, are pretty decent.” [10] What happens is that the media (seeking always profit and sensationalism) and the elites, fearful of their positions, do not really want to understand this. Author Rebecca Solinit explains it thus: she proposes that panic and pessimism, and we may add corruption, is abundant in unscrupulous people in positions of power who consider humankind in their own image. That is, they assume that the ordinary citizen behaves only according to their own selfish interests, just as they do. They steal because they think everyone else are thieves too. And this is not so. [11]

The Venezuelan Bolivarian social and political transformation has been, in its very essence, a revolution for education, for the opening of conscience, for extending the arms of solidarity throughout society, for the quest to liberate and construct a country that is peaceful, free and sovereign.[12] And a few thieves and traitors will not destroy 20 years of this broad work of official and grassroots nation building that we have seen, time and again, is resilient having survived, and even flourished, in the face of illegal and cruel US sanctions, numerous attempted coup d’états, terrorism, a pandemic, and the malice of the empire.

Jorge Rodríguez, president of the National Assembly, has assured, “Maduro is the president in the history of Venezuela from 1830 to date who has most fought against administrative corruption in all of its forms.”[13] However, through education, grass-roots actions, political participation, and community organization, the fight against corruption has not just been confined to government files, but has affected the outlook and behavior of the citizenship itself that now has a sense of what is owed them and what is expected of them also.

As to the ordinary citizen’s probity today, the humble fishermen of the tiny coastal village of Chuao are a shining example. In May 2020, with only one rifle among them, they singlehandedly brought down the armed Colombian and US mercenaries that sought to kill the president and overthrow the government. When offered dollars in exchange for releasing the mercenaries, the fishermen firmly rejected the bribe saying their integrity was more important than any dollar.[14] They are proof enough of what the Bolivarian Revolution has accomplished.

The future is good for Venezuela with people like that.

[1] Orinoco Tribune, “Anti-corruption Campaign: 142 raids in last 72 hours”, ... -72-hours/

[2] Orinoco Tribune, “Venezuela’s National Assembly Approves Law to Seize Assets linked to Coruption”, 1 April 2023, ... orruption/

[3] Alex Usher, “Venezuelan Higher Education”, The Times Educational Supplement, 6 April 202

[4] Jesús Farías, “The Fight Against Corruption, the Banner of Chavismo”, Orinoco Tribune, 1 April 2023, ... -chavismo/

[5] “Venezuela celebra 12 años de la Revolución Bolivariana”, Gobierno Bolivariano de Venezuela, ... iciaid=179

[6] Priselen Martínez, “Desde 1960 hasta 1998 se suspendieron 21 veces las Garantías Constitucionales “, Panorama, 28 Oct. 2007,

[7] Correo del Orinoco, “La IV República se caracterizó por la corrupción descarada e impune”, 6 diciembre 2017, ... -e-impune/ Correo del Orinoco is a Venezuelan newspaper launched in 2009 with government backing.

[8] Luis Britto Garcia, “In Order t Overcome Corruption in Venezuela”,, 3 September 2013,

[9] Luis Britto García, ‘Corrupcieon en Venezuela: caiga quien caiga”, Nodal, 10 abril 2023, ... to-garcia/

[10] Rutger Bregman, “Humankind”, Little, Bown and Company, 2019, p. 2

[11] Rebecca Solnit, “A Paradise Built in Hell”, 2009, quoted by R. Bregman, op.cit.

[12] Venezuela has created 42 new universities; and according to UNESCO is the 5th nation in the world and 2nd in the region with the highest university enrollment. Since 2005 it eliminated illiteracy. TELESUR, Dec. 2020, ... -0025.html

[13] El Nacional, “Jorge Rodríguez: Maduro es el presidente que más ha combatido la corrupción en Venezuela”, 21 marzo 2023, ... venezuela/

[14] VIDEO: ... unishment/

Venezuela: Authorities Arrest DEA Operative (+Valle del Cauca Cartel)
APRIL 17, 2023

A narco-jet belonging to DEA operative Manuel Antonio Silva Jaramillo that was seized by Venezuela's Bolivarian National Police (PNB) in Anzoategui state, Venezuela. Photo: Twitter/@ceballosichaso.

Manuel Antonio Silva Jaramillo, a 68-year-old man allegedly linked to a Colombian drug trafficking cartel from Valle del Cauca, was detained in Lechería, Anzoátegui state, according to law enforcement sources.

Venezuela’s Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace Remigio Ceballos confirmed the arrest on his social media. He added, “The Bolivarian National Police Corps (PNB) has dealt a strong blow to drug trafficking.”

According to a report from PNB’s Directorate of Strategic and Tactical Actions (Anti-Drugs) Caracas Base, Silva Jaramillo was arrested in a townhouse complex in Lechería, Diego Bautista Urbaneja municipality, Anzoátegui state.

In addition to his ties to the cartel in Valle del Cauca, Silva Jaramillo is classified as “an operative for the Drug Enforcement Administration, a US agency known by the acronym DEA,” as stated by the PNB report.

The 70th National Anti-Drug Prosecutor was present during the arrest of Silva Jaramillo.

One of the activities that Silva Jaramillo carried out in Venezuela was purchasing and selling aircraft, several of which have been seized containing drugs in different countries, mainly Sierra Leone.

Due to this history, the PNB carried out a series of raids where they seized 17 aircraft, among other assets, once Silva Jaramillo was captured.

One of the search warrants was carried out at the Ciaca Hangar, located on Avenida Fuerzas Armada in Barcelona, Anzoátegui state, where they seized five aircraft. They also seized a Toyota Hilux and several documents of criminal interest.

Meanwhile, in Lechería, they seized a house and two vehicles belonging to Silva Jaramillo.

In Anaco, Anzoátegui state, there were raids with the seizure of 12 aircraft, four vehicles, a yacht, a house, five aircraft engines and an aircraft propeller.

Sources explained that the PNB is continuing operations to locate and apprehend the rest of the members of the drug trafficking network. ... ca-cartel/
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 21, 2023 2:11 pm

Three New Arrests in PDVSA-Crypto & Cartones de Venezuela Corruption Investigation, One Dies in SEBIN Custody
APRIL 21, 2023

A manufacturing plant of the Cartones de Venezuela state-owned corporation in Yaracuy state, Venezuela. Photo: Crónica Uno/File photo.

Caracas, April 20, 2023 (—Three people allegedly involved in the mass corruption schemes surrounding a number of state industries and branches, including Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), the Superintendence of Cryptoassets (Sunacrip), Cartones de Venezuela, among others, were brought before Venezuelan courts this Tuesday, April 18. Ysmel Romer Serrano and Salem Hassoun Atrach were both allegedly involved in the PDVSA-Crypto corruption plot, while Leoner Jesús Azuaje Urrea, the president of Cartones de Venezuela, was linked to the Cartones de Venezuela scheme.

In the morning of Thursday, April 20, Attorney General Tarek William Saab reported that national prosecutors were being appointed to investigate the suicide of Azuaje Urrea while in the custody of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (SEBIN) in the SEBIN detention facility of El Helicoide, in Caracas.

“I have appointed national prosecutors 50 and 67 to investigate the unfortunate suicide of the citizen Leoner Azuaje Urrea in his place of confinement,” Saab announced via social media. “I commission the Public Ministry Criminalistics Unit, together with CICPC [Forensic Criminal Investigation Police], to advance the inspections, interviews, and autopsy of law.” Analysts have notably questioned Saab’s statement labeling Azuaje Urrea’s death as a suicide without conclusive evidence, given that there is no confirmation of the cause of death.

Before taking on his position in Cartones de Venezuela, Azuaje Urrea was a mechanical engineer graduated from the Central University of Venezuela, with a master’s degree in management engineering from the Metropolitan University, as well as a member of the executive secretariat of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) presidency. He also worked in the mayor’s office of Guaicaipuro municipality, Miranda state, during the administration of Francisco Garcés.

According to Diario VEA, Ysmel Romer Serrano has held several important positions within the Venezuelan government. He was appointed vice president of PDVSA on November 2017, president of PDV Caribe in February 2018, and secretary general of PetroCaribe the same month.

Before holding these positions, he was PDVSA’s vice-president of commerce and supply, and of crude oil international marketing since January 2017. From May 2016, he served as president of the Fund for the Social Protection of Bank Deposits (FOGADE). Prior to that, he was chief of staff in Aragua state government while former oil minister, Tareck El Aissami, was governor. He was also in charge of the Corporación Venezolana de Guayana (CVG) Internacional, CVG Internacional Europa SL and CVG Internacional América INC.

Between 2010 and 2011, he had directed the ChávezCandanga online service, which reviewed the requests that people made on Twitter to the account of then-President Hugo Chávez, and directed them to the respective government agencies. Years later, he wrote a book on the subject, called “@ChávezCandanga, A Hurricane In Social Media Networks.”

Anti-Corruption Campaign in Venezuela Continues: 7 New Arrests Including Opposition Officials

61 detainees
Between Friday, March 17, and Tuesday, April 18, a total of 61 people involved in the various corruption schemes investigated by the national government have been arrested, which include cases surrounding PDVSA-Crypto, CVG, Cartones de Venezuela, and the Judiciary, as well as the arrest of the former mayor of the Santos Michelena municipality in Las Tejerías, Aragua state.

The updated total was presented on Tuesday by Attorney General Tarek William Saab, who reported via social media that a total of 172 raids have been carried out throughout the country, and that there are still 20 arrest warrants yet to be conducted. ... n-custody/



The Cayapo

Apr 19, 2023 , 11:36 a.m.

Why does the existence of capitalism disappear from the collective imagination when we talk about corruption? (Photo: El Cayapo)

This text is dedicated to those who swear to be the most honest, the crusaders against corruption, the tough, the spotless, those who cross the swamp without staining themselves, but without a shred of brain devoted to thought. Not the scrawny, because their hatred is definitely infinite, that is, their hunger, fear and exacerbated ignorance will never allow them to understand what is happening to all of us on this planet. Because they will always be worried about why their plate of food does not overflow like others'.

The government knows that our fundamental enemy is the capitalist empire and not any country in particular, it understands that this enemy has fundamental contradictions between speculative financial capitalism that proposes controlled chaos as a strategy with the elimination of nation-states and the privatization of all national and international institutions under the sole command of large corporations in their own rules, which they will apply at will according to the benefit of their interests, with the aim of absolutely controlling material resources and labor, regardless of their quality, specialization or status, in order to have control over wealth, which gives them more power.

On the other hand, the productive capital sector, which has the Highway and Belt Initiative and seeks multilateral relations where the rules are accepted and discussed by all in a win-win relationship among all, according to their capacities and opportunities. , maintaining the nation-state as the regulatory axis of relations between countries and transnationals with pre-established rules shared by all.

If that is the case, then the policy of the piquijuye, of mobility, that the State is permanently rebuilding itself, that the party becomes a guerrilla leadership, that it be a camp with the capacity to rise up and rearm along the way and that their cadres merge with the people, because the only guarantee that the guerrillas have to survive and contribute to victory in the framework of the irregular war against the regular armies is the sustenance of the people. If relations with the people are through television, networks, newspapers, platforms, pamphlets and clichés, that guerrilla is fried. Although the use of these means is essential, it is no less true that by themselves they will not achieve the objective unless we believe that we are robots or drones that can be controlled from afar. This is why everything must become a fusion with the people. But if we fight this enemy from the perspective of a formal headquarters, then we will lose the battle, because the force of habit is more powerful.

The people-government fusion cannot be based on the fact that the government has a duty to help us because we voted for it, or that we believe that we have rights under capitalism. The merger must take place because we both need each other, we are both the targets in this war, the capitalist elites will not forgive us for the audacity to decompose their plans in this territory. Let us never lose sight of the fact that the objective of speculative financial capital in Venezuela in this battle is to generate a civil war, because this allows it to win from every point of view: it obtains the resources, breaks down the State and keeps us at war, being able to control its whim the territory by way of petty warlords who will no longer care if they are Chavistas, ultra-leftists or ultra-rightists, as long as they guarantee the flow of resources, as is the case in Libya, Syria, Iraq and other countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Haiti, Mexico and others on the planet. Its business and governing elites, not having their own decisions, are subjected in various ways and turned into submissive aggregates of speculative financial capital. A fact that until now the people and the government, under a serious political-military leadership, have been able to avoid.

This and no other, is the real problem to which we are obliged as a people and government to find a solution and not get entangled in the red rag of corruption.

Corruption is, in the collective imagination, easily accessible to the conversation. It is enough that someone decides to say that another is corrupt so that the pros and cons of attack and defense immediately come out. There no one reasons, each one acts by ancestral impulses already incorporated in the mind and body. Since time immemorial, it has been said that every government is corrupt, no matter what it is, therefore every official is corrupt, even when there are exceptions; of course, justification of the rule, every president is a thief until he proves otherwise; If you say that Maduro is a thief, there is no one who does not say in his feverish mind: "Well,

The issue of corruption must be specified and seen from another perspective, because it cannot be the plate of food for public servants or the issue of first-aid kits in telling me and say in favor of or against corruption. This discussion must be taken seriously, in depth seeking to find solutions, we must all contribute, be it from the party, the street or the government, not selfishly accommodating ourselves, not trying to fix things to get individual benefit, because nothing we fix here will help us for the future, because everything that is wrong here is not wrong because the government has done it wrong, it is not wrong because it has not wanted to fix it or because the government fell asleep and it is bureaucratic, no: it is wrong because that is how it works the capitalist system.

Most of us don't understand why this government exists, we don't understand why the government is there. It is believed that it is there because some ambitious people knocked down other ambitious people, as has always happened. The government is there not because the system needed a Chávez, an emergent who would solve the problem of governability; it is there for reasons very different from those of capitalism, even though it acts within the capitalist framework, because it was an accident that was not pre-established in the plans of capitalism, because the plan of capitalism was and continues to be to disrupt the nation-state. That means putting an end to the army and other institutions, privatizing the main strategic companies such as PDVSA, metallurgical and steel companies in Guayana, turning this into chaos, so that it is not seen that they are corporations invading, but that it was an internal problem of the country, that they were clashes between communists or adecos, and that it is not a problem for the businessmen because they must continue negotiating. Whoever sells them oil, well welcome, but that's a plan, it's not something casual. The arrival of Chávez and the government paralyzes these plans of the elites, the plan of controlled chaos carried out by speculative financial capital is paralyzed in Venezuela by Chávez, and he then begins to talk about how to build a country, he begins to talk about another car very different from capitalism, but people get stuck in wanting to repair the same car that has turned to shit, repairing schools, hospitals, roads, having electricity, water services, without discussing another way of living, stop being a mine to be a country, that is,

Chávez proposed a Constitution that was like a road map, a guide to action, and that is why Chávez was given a coup, guarimbas, an oil strike, he was assassinated; They have tried everything on Maduro, assassinations, blockades, but since they have not been able to, they then appeal to the issue of corruption. And where do they end up giving the hardest pain in the ass? They give it to the companies in Guayana, in PDVSA, in the world of the petro, because the issue of the blockade and the "sanctions" was being maneuvered right there. Who pulls those strings? Those who need to create chaos, and the corruption in the collective imagination is easy to get rolling, everyone will shout "There goes the thief!".

Since the government was overcoming the effects of the "sanctions" and the blockade, due to the laws that have been implemented to maneuver the situation, what is the immediate objective of this new strategy of controlled chaos? The elections, if they keep that worst of corruption alive, they do not hand over the money to the government to manage the problems, they keep the government blackmailed with talks with the opposition, they are creating a climate that when we get to the elections we will have the country in a chaos. And whose fault is it? Of course, we will shout in chorus that from the government, no speculative financial capital actor appears there paying commissions or anything like that. So it is important that we analyze it, because they are cooking us over low heat in our own sauce.

According to the advice, there is a system, a society, a mode of production, a culture that works very well, or not to exaggerate, but within it there are factors or sectors or beings that due to their ambitions lie, bribe, corrupt, they pervert collective honesty. They disrupt, destroy, break, disintegrate, decompose, explode into a thousand pieces with their actions, gossip, remorse, original sin, broken soul, what up to now has worked for everyone: this is what we know as corruption. Decomposition, putrefaction, dissolution, increase of disorder or breakdown of the system.

But will that be so beautiful, so mechanical, so bucolic, so modest, or rather it will not be a red rag that hides the true functionality and origin of the system, society, culture, it is not easier to understand that such corruption does not exist and that what we attack as such is nothing more than the simple exercise of power in all its spheres on a regular basis.

Destroying, breaking up, destroying together, in complicity, in the economic and social fields, isn't that a daily reality? The so-called commercial and financial transactions of the elites that govern the world that mafiously seek to twist the arm of their partners, with the control of the nation-States, the information apparatuses, but above all the use of powerful armies and state-of-the-art technologies all applied to war with which they blackmail the world, making their fortunes increase disproportionately and with it the accumulation of more power, which means greater submission of the majorities to their designs.

At present, speculative financial capital, the last link of development that imperialist capitalism has achieved, is the one that most strongly manifests this characteristic, but for everyone it is the duty to be, it is what we all aspire to, it is the daily thing but! Oh! from those who dare to steal from these exemplary lords of robbery and crime, because we will immediately be accused of being corrupt.

The ruling elites of the countries have nothing to do with the independent movement carried out by capital, they only serve their interests in the determined territory. The failure is that the problem continues to be analyzed as if the countries were decisive, that is to say, that it is not the capital that moves but the countries. Lenin was precise in Imperialism, the highest phase of capitalism, where he talks about a thought, turned into a global physical action, of a system used by corporate business elites for the domain and exercise of power. Now, the daily functionality of this system is governed by chaos, it is not harmonious nor does it pretend to be; The true truth is that to stay in power the elites fight daily to eliminate competition, and for this they use all the tricks and gadgets that war provides as a tool, and of course that mass murder, those famines, those malnutrition, those destroyed forests, those seas, rivers, lakes, and lagoons polluted, no one would dare to call them corruption, unless an owner is affected by the action of another owner who barks at him in the cave,

We must convince ourselves that capitalism is a system controlled and supported by elites who make decisions about everything that exists on this planet. For example, the economic problem in the United States and the collapse of the currency; how speculative financial capital managed to dominate and destroy all productive capital in the United States, because the war between capitalism is not only for the seizure of territory and resources, it is for whom and how it is imposed through the actions carried out by the elites . Speculative financial capital, as a vital fact, needs to destroy all productive capital because the investment to produce dollars is highly low, and if they have a large army and an imaginary that they are powerful in the world, they obviously oblige the others to give them all the resources they have in the name of that role. Of course they are not handing it over because the guys own the dollar, but because they have power and machinery, the media and disinformation; The entire propaganda apparatus today pays tribute to imperial capitalism and especially to speculative financial capital, there are very few media owners who are not paying tribute within that machinery.

If in everyday society everyone practices robbery against others, this cannot be called corruption in the terms of magical-religious mechanical thought, which is applied to chemistry or biology or religious ideologies, where one starts from of the principle of a healthy body that is corrupted by factors unrelated to its dynamics, but we insist: if in a culture the rule is robbery, looting, crime, invasion, then corruption is not a cause: it is the culture in itself that has as its daily practice what is condemned in ideology but it is its duty to be, without which the existence of the culture of power that some elites exercise over the species in its total majority is impossible.

The religionists, since time immemorial to justify the slavery of the species as a natural fact, have imposed the idea of ​​the existence of original sin that corrupts the pure and spotless soul or spirit, breathed into people by God, assuming that everything has always been good, but the damn corruption made everything to lose; the happy mediocre class world, where some damned selfish and ambitious rot with their corruption on three tables, but they do not portray anywhere that being is cultural and that it is determined by the circumstances of the mode of production in which it is born, that the relationships of people is determined by the position they occupy with respect to the mode of production where slaves work for powerful elites. And that has been the case at all times, since war is war.

The approach of religious power, which speaks of the four alterities that we are supposed to face, speaks of God as the greatest alterity, but when we think about it, we realize that all this is an invention, a fiction, because they start from a false premise , which is the existence of God, from then on everything that happens in this analysis is wrong, we cannot analyze anything taking as a fundamental premise the existence of a superior entity that only inhabits the ideological imaginary of power that by different means, Modes, uses and customs are transmitted to the slave, who end up believing it natural that the world is like this and always has been, making possible the existence and continuity of power.

In all known forms of exploitation, the powerful elites generate the sensation in those who are subjected to it that the present is fine, that what is bad is the process of corruption that we must permanently combat. and when there is a lot of daring, we must fight for the world to improve, for there to be more freedom, more democracy, more progress, more honesty, more justice, more and more and much more capitalism, it does not matter if it is called neo, classic, postmodern , popular, liberal, nice, sexy, as long as it is more capitalism, but yes: that we continue to study and attack corruption, the cause of all evil.

For example, when we analyze the topic of corruption that is in fashion right now, we find the same premise. The world is happy and someone one day tries to spoil it. "Hell, even Chávez we were happy and we didn't know it." So nobody asks: Who were we happy? Were those who stole social benefits happy? Were those who worked with starvation wages happy? Were those who committed suicide because of the balloon quotas happy? Happy were those people, or were those who in 1989 were led to be looted and then massacred in order to justify a civil war that would destroy the nation-state, and in this way the foreign owners of the mine could obtain profits with many more advantages than they had so far?

Believers agree that the world is fine but corruption is bad, especially that of the government. The absence of memory and thought of these people does not allow them to understand that, throughout history, the warriors, the crusaders against corruption, always end up occupying power and negotiating with the same businessmen that no one ever chooses but that in every government are the who direct behind the scenes the strings of power.

Sometimes we think, in line with the opinions that are heard around corruption and the government, and especially that of those who call themselves Chavistas, that when we voted for Chávez the first time, it seemed that we did it because we were tired of being happy. . "We were happy and we didn't know it", and we did it because we wanted to experience and find out what a bad, painful, complicated day was like, with a blockade, with "sanctions", to have that exaggerated experience, because it is with the body that one learns, because it was not enough for us to be told that communism was bad, we did not care about the gulags, the rafters, the fugitives in the landing gear of the planes, the supposed millions of people tortured by communism throughout the world, but we were stubborn, brave,

If we reflected a little, we would realize why the current government really exists and why we voted for Chávez and later for Maduro, and we will know that it was not precisely because we were happy. We would know that the plans of the foreign bourgeoisie were undermining the foundations of Venezuela as a nation, that the discredit of politics, the destruction of small and medium-sized industry, that Black Friday, that the abandonment of public and social services, that the brazen robbery in all levels of the State, to destroy PDVSA, the Guayana companies, formed and continues to form part of a plan that has been forged since 1970 by the foreign bourgeoisie, owner and lady, who dictates and decides what happens with the economy, with agriculture, with education, with health, with housing in this country.

However, we intend to turn this political decision by foreign businessmen into a mere act of corruption, something that does not really exist, because in the first system we are not happy, not everyone is eating flowers, and not everything is beautiful in the world, neither now nor ever has it been so; so they are using a fiction, an ideological framework to destroy the government, and with the government to destroy a country, because the real objective is iron, gold, oil, water, it is the people so that they consume and work in conditions of greater slavery than those who work today.

When we condemn a corrupt person, we are really condemning a fiction that hides what we really are: a product of a culture that sustains itself on robbery and crime and that hides behind the loose nut, the isolated screw, that justifies the true ethics of society of criminals that we are and that we do not dare to confront crudely in order to talk in another sphere, which would allow us to understand reality, its problems and produce the necessary solutions, but we prefer that our heads do not hurt and we avoid thinking: Why? do they buy these people? why are they weak? why did they get cheated on? No, it's not because of that, it's because these people since they were born, like us, live in a system of thieves and criminals. The family, the school, the high schools, the universities, they are imbued with a pod that they call competition, personal growth, aspirations, development. These people believe in civilization, they believe in progress, and the most outstanding thing is their extraordinary individualism and selfishness exalted by all the buying and selling media that exist on the planet and that are based in all countries. They know that working for a salary will not cover the aspirations of the big phone, the big car, the beautiful girl that television or the networks say, the model or the model that they sell us, that is, those people got there for that reason. , because their ways, uses and customs were prepared in this cultural data that is capitalism, which is humanism. Prepare people to be thieves.

And why does he train them to be thieves? Because the system is one that is controlled by criminals, that is, while they sell us the idea of ​​democracy, progress and humanism, they are bombing and killing thousands of children every day, and they are stealing someone's oil and gold, and they are putting children on the planet as slaves, that is, when the bourgeoisie talks about freedom, it is stealing, it is covering up its act of robbery. It is not that corruption exists, what exists is crime and theft systematized in centuries of experience of thieves who have managed to systematize, and create a legal framework for it. What is a scammer doing? The same as a banker, an insurer, anyone who sells us a product and tells us that it has a guarantee,

Because if we read these letters we would never buy. If we buy a battery, they give us a one-year warranty, but when we read the fine print, in order for the warranty to be fulfilled, there must be a car service that we must pay for. And what will the car review say? That we were at fault because the car was not prepared for that battery that had a certain specification and they make us lose two, three, five days of life to finally buy the battery again, and just like with the battery it is with the car, the apartment, the house, the food, everything has a guarantee, but it's all a big lie because it's made by thieves, controlled by thieves, to piss off those who are small-time thieves, who are us, and all this happens because of a simple principle: the society we live in is a society of thieves, if not, let's look for a person who wants to sell cheap, or another who wants to buy expensive, everyone wants to buy cheap and sell expensive; then, it is a competition between thieves, that is the daily reality, it is not the happy world, it is not the stories of Juan Sonso and Pedro Rimales.

The sustained and customary crime that capitalism commits in every territory on this planet is brutal, and when we review why it happened, it is because they wanted oil, coltan, rare earths, they wanted, they wanted, they want, always wanting for themselves , because a thief who steals from a thief has a thousand years of forgiveness and since the owners are more thieves than the slaves, they will be eternally forgiven, while the so-called corrupt boil in the pans of hell. So, all that "There goes the crooked!" It is promoted by the big media, which in turn, the owners of those big media are thieves, and why do they shout "Corrupt, corrupt!"? Because the thief, so that they don't discover him, shouts: "There goes the thief!", while he is stealing the big slice and accuses everyone of being a thief. That is the true essence of the corruption approach. Corruption does not exist, it is not possible because how can one corrupt what does not exist? Where is that happy world that is corrupted?

The true truth is that the bourgeoisie refuses to accept that in Venezuela there is a government different from the previous ones that for 500 years have governed this mine in their favor and are willing in the name of corruption, democracy, freedom, of civilization, of progress, of growth, of development, to destroy the government and with it the population and the territory in the name of their interests.

Living differently is an option that involves reflecting that it cannot be, that the one on the right coincides with the one on the left in the same fight, that they have the same vision as the owners of the world, that is not normal. We must understand why the existence of capitalism disappears from the collective imagination when we talk about corruption.

Thousands of people with the ability to fight, with the possibility of being able to think, do not do it because they are focused on fighting corruption, believing that the world is shitty, but according to what there are some corrupt damned who make the pod not work. ... corrupcion

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Wed Apr 26, 2023 1:35 pm

25 Apr 2023 , 3:34 pm .

Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro (left) with PSUV Vice President Diosdado Cabello (right). Photo: Al Jazeera.

The vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, spoke about Juan Guaidó’s illegal getaway to Colombia, noting that Guaidó “had to flee because his party took away his candidacy.”

This Monday morning, Guaidó declared that he would participate in The International Conference on Venezuela, a meeting convened by President Gustavo Petro in Colombia to contribute to the reactivation of dialogue in Venezuela. Under this pretext, the former member of parliament left Venezuela illegally.

However, the Colombian Foreign Ministry denied having invited Guaidó, and confirmed that he could not participate in the meeting.

On this issue, Cabello said that he had already anticipated that Guaidó would seek a way out, since his party, Popular Will, had withdrawn their support for his presidential candidacy: “The truth is that Popular Will took away his candidacy and he had to try to leave the country. We will see what he will say from outside… This is the fate of those who play with the hope of the people.”

Cabello shared this information during the PSUV’s weekly press conference, during which the party inaugurated a new headquarters that will function as a space for political debate and the organization of Venezuelans. ... candidacy/

Guaidó Arrives in Miami With Washington’s Assistance, Denounces Threats but Leaves His Family Behind
APRIL 26, 2023

Former Venezuelan deputy Juan Guaidó minutes after arriving in Miami, while being interviewed by a few news outlets that received him, this Tuesday, April 25, 2023. Photo: CiberCuba.

Caracas, April 25, 2023 (—This Monday, Venezuela’s former deputy Juan Guaidó was escorted by Colombia Migration and US “agents” to the El Dorado airport, from where he flew, before midnight, to the city of Miami, Florida, United States, in a commercial Avianca flight with a ticket provided by the US government, according to statements by Colombian Foreign Minister Álvaro Leyva.

Earlier on Monday, April 25, the Colombian Foreign Ministry, through a press release published on social media platforms, reported that in the afternoon of Monday, Colombia Migration took Juan Guaidó—who hours earlier had entered the country illegally—to the El Dorado airport and placed him on a flight to the US.

“In the afternoon, Migración Colombia drove Juan Guaidó, a Venezuelan national who was in Bogotá irregularly, to the El Dorado airport with the aim of verifying his departure on a commercial airline to the US, during the night,” wrote the Colombian Foreign Ministry on social media.

Guaidó enters Colombia “inappropriately”
On Monday, in statements to the Colombian media, Foreign Minister Leyva warned that Guaidó was running “risks” due to his “inappropriate” entry into Colombia, for which he could be deported. The statement was issued hours before the opening of the International Conference on Venezuela, organized by the Colombian government and aiming for the resumption of negotiations between the Venezuelan government and part of the Venezuelan opposition. Guaidó stated that he was in Colombia “within the framework of the summit,” but this was denied by Colombian authorities.

“Obviously, it is not that he wants to participate. He is not invited,” said Foreign Minister Leyva. “On media there were reports that I had invited him. I don’t know Guaidó. I have not had contact with him and, naturally, if he appears, he is at risk, because he entered inappropriately, and in Colombia we abide by the law. He could be deported.” However, in reality, Guaidó was granted safe passage after he presented a ticket provided to him by the US government, and received protection appropriate to a US diplomat.

Guaido, the mythomaniac
For many analysts in Venezuela, the issue is not if Juan Guaidó was invited to the International Conference on Venezuela, or if he was deported or taken by his masters to the paradise of corrupt Latin American outlaws, Miami. The issue is how, after all the money he allowed the White House to steal from Venezuelan assets and all the corruption scandals involving his imaginary tenure as the “interim president,” he left Venezuela unscathed by the so-called dictatorship that he spoke about every time he was in front of a microphone. There is not a single arrest warrant against him, despite multiple cases opened against him by Venezuelan authorities.

Not happy with all the false statements he issued on Monday, former deputy Guaidó found ways to outdo himself. When he was already on the plane to Miami, he denounced the “terrible persecution of the dictatorship” against him and how he was kicked out of Colombia, stating that the “persecution of the dictatorship” even reaches Colombia.

In response to this, Colombian Foreign Minister Leyva explained that Guaidó was not expelled or deported from Colombia, but accompanied to the airport and provided a humanitarian safe conduct. This occurred after Colombian Migration was attempting to determine his location, due to his illegal entry into Colombia, and was provided information about his whereabouts by a high-ranking US official. Leyva added that during the whole process, Guaidó was accompanied by US “agents,” and that his plane ticket was provided by the US government.

Leyva added that Guaidó could have entered Colombia without all the drama that he did, explaining that Guaidó’s wife traveled between Colombia and Venezuela in June 2022, and she had no problem with Colombian migration authorities. Furthermore, Guaidó did not have restrictions to exit Venezuela. For that reason, the Colombian minister explained that behind the whole incident there was an attempt to create a scene and sabotage the summit on Venezuela.

Many Chavistas in Venezuela questioned the statement issued by Guaidó about his alleged persecution and the threats against his wife and family. Prominent Chavista influencer Luigino Bracci Roa wrote on social media: “Allegedly, the regime threatens your family and your daughters, but you escaped and left them alone in Caracas. Bravo, how brave you are.”

Arrival in Miami without red carpet
In the early morning of Tuesday, April 25, Guaidó arrived at the International Airport of Miami without any of the fanfare Washington customarily arranges for his public appearances. Only a handful of television networks were present upon his arrival, and his statements were a hollow repetition of his previous denunciations.

When asked by the US press what kind of threats he received, Guaidó evaded the question, answering: “I would like to give details, but I feel that her life is at risk,” referring to his wife.

At the Miami airport, Guaidó, in front of the cameras, also tried to portray himself as one of the many Venezuelan migrants who emigrated with nothing but their backpacks. Venezuelans know that it was Juan Guaidó, the Venezuelan opposition, the US, and many Latin American right-wing governments that organized and promoted the “Venezuelan migration issue” with the only goal of destabilizing the Venezuelan government and ousting President Nicolas Maduro.

For many analysts in Venezuela, this incident formally ends the failed US-led regime-change operation staged using this second-class Venezuelan opposition figure, despite his removal as “interim president” by the same parties that promoted the operation and now are represented in the Unitary Platform. ... ly-behind/

Biden’s Goal for International Conference on Venezuela
APRIL 25, 2023

Gustavo Petro (left) and Joe Biden (right). Photo: Jim Watson/AFP.

On March 28, the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, announced that an international conference on Venezuela would be held in Colombia with the aim of bringing Venezuela’s government back into discussions with the political opposition.

After the announcement, some important political and diplomatic factors emerged:

1. A bilateral meeting between Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro and Colombian President Gustavo Petro took place after the recent meetings between the United States and Colombia.

2. US Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian Nichols said that the Biden administration intends to participate in the meeting.

3. The Colombian Foreign Minister Álvaro Leyva stated before the UN Security Council that the event was scheduled for April 25 in Bogotá.

4. Following a preparatory meeting between President Maduro and Foreign Minister Leyva, it was reported that the Venezuelan president will not attend the conference.

5. President Petro issued a statement to journalists, in the context of his official visit to the United States, regarding the central objective of the conference: “Let there be no ‘sanctions.’ Let there be much more democracy. More democracy, zero sanctions, is the objective of this conference.”

The conference in question aims to lift US sanctions and has been presented as a space for dialogue in order to overcome the state of inertia and stagnation in which the National Dialogue Table finds itself in Mexico as a result of Washington’s refusal to comply with last year’s agreements.

In November 2022, after resuming the negotiation process in Mexico, the parties signed an agreement that provides for the creation of the Fund for the Social Protection of the Venezuelan People, through which more than $3 billion seized or frozen by the opposition, the US, and its vassal states, would be channeled to carry out social projects of importance to the Venezuelan people.

Dag Nylander, director of the Norwegian Center for Conflict Resolution (NOREF), reported after the agreement that the necessary steps would be taken to obtain the legitimate funds confiscated by the international financial system.

In practice, the US administration has hindered the execution of this commitment and has oriented itself towards a license administration scheme in accordance with specific interests —for example, the license to Chevron—whose objective is to maintain a narrative of flexibility while the general architecture of pressure and economic blackmail remains unchanged.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration plans to continue calibrating its “sanctions” policy with an eye on expanding its access to Venezuelan oil due to internal inventory pressures from US companies seeking to resume operations interrupted by the failed maximum pressure campaign of the Trump era.

Recently, CARICOM, in its 44th Summit, renewed its demand for the lifting of “sanctions” against Venezuela, in order to revitalize Petrocaribe. On the other hand, the United States Strategic Petroleum Reserve has dropped to its lowest level since 1983. In March, the Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm informed US senators that “the restocking of the United States Strategic Petroleum Reserve could take years.”

In addition, the heated US pre-election campaign heightens the political and electoral costs of a rapprochement with President Maduro because the Republican Party hopes to use this movement against Joe Biden, who has already confirmed that he will opt for re-election.

In this sense, the conference is useful for the Biden administration as a mechanism to reduce political and electoral backlash, and from it, a gradual movement to lift “sanctions” and strengthen a communication channel with President Maduro can be made viable, taking advantage of the coverage of the international event and the support granted to US flexibility on the issue from European and Latin American countries, as a diplomatic, electoral, and discursive shield. ... venezuela/


24 Apr 2023 , 12:29 pm .

The Executive Vice President during her participation in the seminar National Unit for the Recovery of the Venezuelan Economy in the face of the International Blockade (Photo: EFE)

The executive vice president of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, assured this Friday that since 2015 the country has lost 29 billion dollars each year due to the “sanctions” against the oil industry and the blockade against the country.

"Since 2015, the loss has been 232 billion dollars (...) which meant, at the time, 99% of the income in foreign currency. It is a way of completely annihilating entire towns," Rodríguez said. during the seminar National Unit for the Recovery of the Venezuelan Economy in the face of the International Blockade, an event that took place in Caracas from Thursday 20 to Saturday 22 April.

This money that the country stopped receiving, he explained, "results in loss of life, food and education", as well as "losses in the development" of the nation.

Likewise, the vice president said that there are some 20,000 unilateral coercive measures in force in the world, applied mainly by the United States on 35 countries. In the case of Venezuela, the government denounces that that country and its allies have applied 929 "sanctions" since 2015, when Obama considered that Venezuela was "an unusual and extraordinary threat." ... -sanciones

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 28, 2023 2:11 pm

Venezuela’s Public Ministry Has Over 20 Cases Open Against Guaidó
APRIL 27, 2023

Former deputy Juan Guaidó tries to climb the fence to enter by the compound of Venezuela's National Assembly in Caracas, January 5, 2020. Photo: Matias Delacroix/AP Images.

Last Monday, April 24, it was reported that former Venezuelan deputy Juan Guaidó had fled Venezuela. A report published by La Tabla confirms that Guaidó was under investigation for numerous alleged crimes.

As of March 2021, the former deputy had some 22 investigations opened by the Public Ministry for crimes such as usurpation of functions, corruption, money laundering, arms trafficking, terrorism, as well as treason.

In March of 2019, Venezuelan attorney general announced a criminal investigation against the former deputy for his alleged involvement in the electrical sabotage that occurred in the country. Clíver Alcalá linked him to the operation.

On March 31, after the seizure of weapons of war in Colombia that were intended to enter Venezuela, the Public Ministry issued a summons to Juan Guaidó for his alleged involvement with a plan to eliminate government officials.

The most serious crimes concern Guaidó’s direct participation in the plot that led to the dispossession of the nation’s assets abroad as well as his signature on the contract for the mercenaries for the failed assassination attempt against President Nicolas Maduro and other Venezuelan authorities, known as Operation Gideon ... st-guaido/


27 Apr 2023 , 12:02 pm .

A significant portion of the funds retained by the US would be directed to improving electrical service (Photo: CNN)
The release of 3.2 billion dollars was one of the points of social agreement signed between the Venezuelan government and a sector of the opposition grouped in the Unitary Platform at the close of the meeting held in Mexico at the end of November of last year. Since that date, many events have happened, both nationally and internationally, but the repatriation of the country's funds has not yet occurred.

The objective of the so-called "Second Agreement for the Social Protection of the People" was to attend to the most decisive social and economic impacts on the life of the population as a consequence of the expansive and generalized use of "sanctions" by Washington. Namely: economic and salary limitations, difficulties in access to food, reduction in the availability of vaccines and other inputs in public health centers, failures in both electrical and educational infrastructures.

Regarding the agreement read by the head of the facilitating team of the Kingdom of Norway, Dag Nylander, the following should be noted:

"( ...) convinced of the urgency and necessity of these implementations, the parties have agreed to take all steps before the corresponding national and foreign, public or private authorities and institutions to obtain the legitimate funds of the republic that are frozen in the international financial system.

This directly committed the Unitary Platform to manage, with a criterion of speed in view of the social emergencies raised in the document, the release of resources to feed the "Fund for the Social Protection of the People", and the United States and the Union Union, which have implemented a large part of the coercive measures against the financial assets of the Venezuelan State.

The agreement is part of the dialogue and negotiation process installed in Mexico in August 2021 with the facilitation of Norway, and created three instances for its compliance:

1.A National Board of Social Attention: Responsible for the concretion of social protection programs.
2.A Special Overcompliance Attention Group: In order to identify and resolve cases of overcompliance with "sanctions" that prevent access to State resources.
3.A Commission for the Monitoring and Verification of the agreements.

Overcompliance is understood as the decision of some financial entities to block the funds of the Venezuelan State to avoid future "sanctions" against them, which responds to a certain covert complicity on the part of banks and financial institutions in the Western world.

The commitments agreed last November were focused on social problems (Photo: EFE)

At a press conference Jorge Rodríguez, president of the National Assembly and head of the delegation for the Venezuelan government, explained that the resources would be allocated to the following projects in Venezuela:

Attention to more than 2,300 schools, their infrastructure and technological material.

More than 1 billion dollars destined to the total endowment of all the vaccines of the immunization schedule and the payment of the Revolving Fund of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

*Provision of oncological medicines for more than 60,000 cancer patients.

*Provision of medicines for patients with HIV.

*Recovery from the radiotherapy program.

*Attention to surgical debt at the national level.

*Recovery of seven blood banks.

*Modernization and equipment of 10 maternal and child hospitals.

*Revitalization of 21 hospitals in the National Hospital Network.

*More than one billion dollars allocated to the National Electric System to increase generation by more than 432 megawatts and strengthen the transmission system.

The heads of the two parties in the national dialogue process, Jorge Rodríguez and Gerardo Blyde, said publicly that it would be "more than 3 billion dollars", initially. These legitimate funds of the republic have been frozen in the international financial system since 2018 after continued siege by the elites that determine the policies of the United States and Europe, and constitute a fraction of the more than 20 billion dollars "blocked" — says the agreement - by banks and other financial entities.

The parties undertook to manage with the corresponding international and national organizations the release of the frozen republican money, and its transfer to the aforementioned fund for the payment of the aforementioned projects.

From the beginning there was divergence in how the resources would be administered. The president of the AN affirmed that the Fund would be managed by State institutions, while Blyde indicated that the money would be "protected" through the United Nations and fed "progressively" for its execution through the United Nations Program for the Development, PAHO and the World Food Program. However, the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, in addition to applauding the preliminary results of the negotiations, expressed the commitment of the multilateral organization to support them in the implementation of the agreement, in line with what was stated in the signed text, where the institution would have an accompanying role in resource management.

Between declarations and justifications, the spokespersons for the Platform have not been able to explain the breach of this agreement. Former congressman Stalin González, a member of the opposition delegation, explained in January that the process involved identifying the resources frozen abroad, without going into details. This Thursday, April 27, he declared to Unión Radio that the government must "contribute" in the search for solutions to access the resources withheld abroad, thus making it obvious that the Venezuelan State is the aggrieved party and that it was the opposition that he directed the illegal appropriation of Venezuelan assets from the beginning.

Policies such as the National Surgical Plan advance in the social recovery of Venezuela despite the "sanctions" (Photo: YVKE Mundial)

Meanwhile, President Nicolás Maduro and other Venezuelan state officials have denounced that the United States maintains its refusal to disburse the assets. He recently sent a public message to the Platform, in particular to Blyde, reiterating that the "only way" for a national government delegation to return to the dialogue table in Mexico will be if the agreement signed in November 2022 is complied with.

For his part, during an interview with journalist Román Lozinski, Blyde responded to the president that "he —President Maduro— and his delegation know on the page where the Americans are, that they are also the owners of the majority of the "sanctioning" regimes ". (…) He knows why the execution was blocked," he said, in a damage control statement that covers up the inability to carry out the commitment made in November.

The delay in releasing these resources shows Washington's intention to prolong the adverse social and economic effects due to its "sanctions" campaign, and also reveals the way in which it uses the population's discontent and accumulated injuries in relation to aspects of humanitarian nature —highly sensitive— as a catalyst for pressure and blackmail against the Venezuelan government. With this, Washington seeks to derail the social and economic recomposition of the country undertaken by Maduro and obstructs an important base of resources that his administration could count on.

Precisely the destination of the funds reflects the points of discomfort in which Washington wants to put pressure to politically capitalize on the discontent during the celebration of primaries in which the oppositions are measured. The educational and health infrastructure and the failures of public services are problems of the first order for the population and have an important place in the public conversation, and it is precisely there that the United States is committed to deepening the weaknesses accumulated during the re-growth of the " sanctions", and aims directly to hit the prospects of recovery.

In short, the US acts today as the main promoter that these problems are not solved. ... -en-mexico

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AN of Venezuela sanctions the Organic Law of Asset Forfeiture

After its approval, the law was sent to the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ). | Photo: Twitter @Asamblea_Ven
Posted 27 April 2023 (9 hours 11 minutes ago)

The regulation was unanimously approved in the second discussion and has 48 articles.

The National Assembly (AN) of Venezuela sanctioned this Thursday the Organic Law of Asset Forfeiture that will contribute to the fight against corruption carried out by the State of the South American country.

The regulation was unanimously approved in the second discussion and has 48 articles, which are distributed in four chapters and a final repealing provision.

According to a press release from the Venezuelan Parliament, this law aims to "establish the mechanisms to identify, locate and recover the assets derived from illegal activities and the extinction of the rights related to their ownership."

After its approval, the law was sent to the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) in compliance with the procedure established in the Magna Carta of Venezuela in relation to organic laws, indicated the president of the AN, deputy Jorge Rodríguez.

The parliamentarian also stressed that this regulation is a fundamental tool to combat corruption and thus give a useful use to the assets that are recovered, the AN note specified.

In addition, he announced the creation of a Special Commission that will be made up of members of the Internal Policy, Comptrollership and Economy commissions, and will be chaired by Deputy Diosdado Cabello.

The purpose of this Special Commission will be to review and adapt the laws that are related to the fight against corruption, "to make them more energetic and efficient in their work," he stressed. ... -0032.html
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Wed May 03, 2023 2:42 pm

Venezuela Blasts White House for Handover of CITGO to Opposition
MAY 2, 2023

Featured image: CITGO billboard. Photo: File photo.

Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro expressed his repudiation of the recent resolution signed by the United States government to hand over the Venezuelan company CITGO to “an unknown management group” of a far-right opposition sector belonging to the Unitary Platform.

“On behalf of the people of Venezuela, we reject and repudiate, indignantly, the theft of CITGO by the United States government and the Unitary Platform of Venezuela,” said the head of state at the International Workers’ Day rally held in Caracas on Monday, May 1.

Maduro describe the US resolution as a blatant theft of CITGO—”a company estimated at $8 billion, with more than 10,000 gasoline pumps in the US [and] more than $1 billion in profit annually.” President Maduro noted that the illegal board installed by the opposition has not reported financial results in four years.

The Venezuelan president also noted that the US decision was announced days after the international conference on the political situation of Venezuela hosted by the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, in Bogotá, Colombia, with the participation of 20 countries. At this conference, almost all participants requested the United States to lift its illegal coercive economic measures—euphemistically referred to as “sanctions”—against the Venezuelan people.

In an official statement, Venezuela reiterated “its denunciation against the United States of America for actions that violate the right to free trade and international law and reiterates its commitment to assert the rights of all Venezuelan people.”

Furthermore, Venezuela’s publicly owned petroleum company, PDVSA, issued a statement in which it condemned “before the international community the policy of aggression by the US government through unilateral and illegal coercive measures, judicial decisions, and other measures of a restrictive and punitive nature.”

At the International Workers’ Day rally in Caracas, President Maduro went on to describe this latest US decision on CITGO as a mockery, “a slap in the face of the international conference that was held in Bogotá on Venezuela… It is a reprehensible decision against the people of Venezuela, [against] sovereignty, and that is why we must all resolutely reject it in the streets.”

President Maduro called on workers to maintain the struggle that they have courageously waged in defense of the nation, peace, and sovereignty, and reaffirmed that Venezuela is “on the right side of history, and that is why we must continue persevering to recover our homeland.” ... pposition/


May 2, 2023 , 5:19 p.m.

CITGO is made up of three refineries and one of them, Lake Charles in Louisiana, connects with one of the arteries that supplies the United States Strategic Petroleum Reserve (Photo: File)

On May 1, Andrea Gacki, director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), signed General License No. 42 that establishes the authorization to liquidate the assets of the subsidiary of Petróleos de Venezuela, SA ( PDVSA), Citgo Petroleum Corporation. This document is related to the negotiations to indemnify the international creditors who have sued the subsidiary.

Let's look at the pieces of the puzzle of the dispossession of Citgo by the United States, which used the "Guaidó project" as pantomime.

After the victory in the 2018 elections by President Nicolás Maduro Moros, the Donald Trump administration imposed Executive Order 13835 that prohibits the sale, transfer or use as collateral of any entity in US territory, and Citgo is one of the main reasons for this decision. In addition, this unilateral "sanction" was an escalated and direct blow to PDVSA in order to prevent any financial operation.
In 2019, needing an "institutional" figure to serve the assault by Citgo, Trump recognized Guaidó after the self-proclamation as "interim president", and the general blockade was imposed on the assets of the Venezuelan State abroad, a prelude to the confiscation from Citgo.
In 2019 The New York Times published a note on the Citgo case in which it added the caveat made by former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin: "Citgo may continue to operate and any money will be sent to a designated account." This could be done through the 7B license. It is noted that it has been repeatedly renewed to date, which has prevented every dollar produced by Citgo from reaching Venezuelan coffers.
In 2021 OFAC issues a license to authorize transactions and/or activities of Venezuelan assets blocked in 2019 only to entities that involve the "Guaidó project" under the institutional façade of the National Assembly of 2015. This allowed a small group of that extremist political faction could "control" Citgo.
In January 2023, OFAC extended until April 20 the license that prevents the holders of the PDVSA 2020 bond from acting against the US subsidiary of the Venezuelan state company.
Last April, OFAC extended until July 2023 the license that prohibits the holders of the PDVSA bond from making use of the guarantee that the majority shareholding of Citgo would give them.
The prequel to the legal framework forced by the United States to seize Citgo from Venezuela began in 2018 with a lawsuit by the Crystallex corporation in the Delaware Court by Judge Leonard Stark, in order to collect a dispute with the assets of the Venezuelan subsidiary . It should be noted that the great lobbyist in this looting thriller is the lawyer José Ignacio Hernández, pseudo-prosecutor of the "Guaidó project", who served as Crystallex's lawyer.
In 2020, Judge Stark determined that Crystallex can collect on its old claim with the sale.
By 2021, this scheme helped members of the "Guaidó project" reach an agreement with ConocoPhillips and thus pay the oil company 1,287 million dollars with money from the Venezuelan State. ConocoPhillips is also a Citgo plaintiff.
This year Stark granted four companies apart from Crystallex and ConocPhillips (OI Glass Inc, Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc, ACL1 Investments Ltd and Rusoro Mining Ltd) the right to seize Citgo shares.
This General License No. 42 is a schism in the assault on Citgo because it authorizes the liquidation of the subsidiary's assets, and this goes hand in hand with what the United States Department of Justice indicated that establishes a "favorable license policy", that is, from this point on, a license issuance process will begin that will allow the absolute theft of everything related to Citgo.

From a technical point of view, Citgo is made up of three refineries and one of them, Lake Charles in Louisiana, connects with one of the arteries that supplies the United States Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). , which today is in an unprecedented oil maintenance and recharge crisis after last year's withdrawal of 180 million barrels by the Joe Biden administration.

This technical consideration may be crucial when moving forward once and for all with the Citgo case, since recharging the US reservoir is a matter of national security.

The Citgo case is part of the unfortunate consequences of the failed "Guaidó project", intricacies that have not even allowed the Venezuelan State to send its legitimate judicial representatives to defend the sovereign position of its assets in the face of the criminal behavior of the United States against Venezuela, in open positive regard for corporate interests.

Thus the season of robbery over Citgo has begun. ... orporativa

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri May 05, 2023 1:19 pm

May 4, 2023 , 10:00 a.m.

Venezuelan migration has become a factor exploited by actors outside Venezuela, both for political reasons and for reasons of profit, opacity in the destination of resources and corruption (Photo: Eric Gay / Associated Press)

The main reason for migration from Venezuela abroad is the fall in the public budget. That gives most migrants the status of "economic migrants." The fall in income from State exports was negative in 2020. The fall was 99% of the currencies that entered the BCV.

The impact of the blockade on State finances shocked the entire structure of public services and social services; health, education, electricity, water, fuel. In sum, the balance of affectation to basic living conditions was very negative, especially from 2017 to 2021.

It is estimated that it is in the 2017-2021 cycle when more migration from Venezuela has been generated. But during the last years there could be a change of pattern. An important part (to be considered) of the migrants are now public sector workers, or members of families whose income depended on the public sector.

Due to the blockade, there was an immobilization in the payroll adjustment policy for public workers and pensioners. In February 2022 the official minimum income was 3 USD/month. Although there was a nominal increase to USD 30/month in March 2022, it fell again (due to budgetary constraints, devaluation and inflation) and reached around USD 5/month by the end of April of this year.

Other component factors of migration is the adaptation and consolidation of the socioeconomic situation of some of the migrants from waves of previous years. Once they are secured under minimum conditions abroad, they reunite with their relatives in those countries-destination.

There are also components of political subjectivity that encourage migration. The oppositions in Venezuela, trying to make the country's situation politically profitable, prefer to omit that they have requested the blockade and say that "you cannot live in Venezuela." They trivialize, reject and attack any narrative of resilience and improvement of Venezuelans who have improved their situation in the country. They also omit the recovery that has occurred in GDP since the end of 2021. The hopeless narrative has been elevated to the category of a psychosocial component that encourages migration.

Venezuelan youth have been especially bombarded with false promises about migration, especially through the push via social media algorithms. Many have been convinced that working in underpaid conditions abroad is better than studying at a free university at home. It can be affirmed that within the framework of the multiform strategy, there is an interest in stripping the country of our demographic bonus (young population entering the economically active age).

Venezuelan migration has become a factor exploited by actors outside of Venezuela, both for political reasons and for reasons of profit, opacity in the destination of resources and corruption.

Venezuela does not accept that the term "refugees" is used for our migrants. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) of the United Nations (UN), the category of "migrants for economic reasons" applies .

According to the same IOM, the term "refugees" is a category that applies to people at risk of their integrity, persecution or threat for political, racial or religious reasons. It is even ridiculous to affirm that the Venezuelan State persecutes so many people who are abroad.

The compatriots who have returned these years have done so with absolute freedom. In fact, we have "pendular migrants" who come and go from abroad very frequently and cannot be classified as "refugees."

The use of the term "refugees" is politically and narratively biased. The actors who promote it, such as the OAS, affirm that this immigration issue "is a refugee crisis bigger than that of Syria." They intend to place Venezuela in a state of armed war and intend to equate the Venezuelan government with terrorist organizations such as the Islamic State.

The label "refugees" is a communication resource to promote the story of "humanitarian crisis", "failed state" and at the same time to criminalize our government. They want to victimize migration to request resources on their behalf and their situation.

During these years some neighboring governments and political parties used the issue, putting it at the center of their anti-left political campaigns. Although many of these governments supported the blockade against Venezuela, they prided themselves on questioning and misrepresenting its consequences, such as the migration of Venezuelans to their countries. Both governments and NGOs abroad involved in the issue have been economic beneficiaries of migration.

The United States government said it would send 656 million dollars to Venezuela between 2017 and 2019, supposedly intended for "humanitarian aid." That was not reflected in any social action in national territory, much less in the immigration issue.

In 2018, the European Union allocated 35.1 million euros to allegedly help Venezuelan migration, money literally intended for neighboring governments.

In 2021, Iván Duque stated that his government received money for each migrant. "We have not received more than 300 dollars per migrant," he specified , although he considered that the amount was insufficient. He indicated that they estimated that there were 1,800,000 Venezuelans in Colombia. According to his own figures, only Colombia could have received 540 million dollars to attend to Venezuelan migration at that time. Duque requested 3,000 dollars for each migrant.

Some factors have created an architecture of theft abroad, they have formalized it. For example, David Smolansky, a fugitive from Venezuelan justice, was appointed commissioner of the OAS General Secretariat for Venezuelan Migration. They have organized events to attract donations from public and private entities and prepared a detailed report on how many millions of dollars should go to each country and their NGOs. But so far there is no accountability for what has been spent.

A report by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) published in July 2021 indicated that this entity had delivered 507 million dollars, expressing doubts about the destination of that money. The document titled "Improved Processes and Implementer Requirements Necessary for Challenges and Fraud Risks in USAID's Response to Venezuela" indicated that only 2% of USAID's "humanitarian aid" reached the hands of those who required it, while the remaining 98% had uses other than their original objectives. Most went to governments and NGOs.

In June 2021, and even having doubts about the resources delivered, the so-called "international community" promised to deliver more than 1.5 billion dollars to the countries that host Venezuelan migrants.

The "interim" supported from abroad was also a den of corruption. According to his own accounts , which are very opaque, in three and a half years the funds stolen from the nation managed by the "interim government" were 228 million dollars. Of this, supposedly, 159 million dollars were allocated for "humanitarian aid". But everything was stolen.

Again, in this 2023 the European Union approved another 75 million euros for governments and NGOs involved in the issue.

Venezuela understands that the presence of Venezuelans in neighboring countries increases the demand for social services in the countries. But these do not refer to how the Venezuelan presence positively impacts its GDP, increases the level of consumption (demand for goods and services) and the increase in the availability of personnel (in many cases qualified) for economic activities in the destination countries (capital human).

Venezuela does not know how to ask for help from abroad to deal with migration. Historically we had a positive migration balance until 2017, just when the coercive measures escalated.

In 2015, there were 1 million 159 thousand people registered as immigrants in Venezuela. Taking for granted millions of Colombians who already had Venezuelan nationality and who were not classified as foreigners.

Let us remember that, for the year 2004, the estimate of irregular Colombians in Venezuela was between 2 and 4 million people. President Hugo Chávez gave nationality to 220,000 in 2004, to some 186,000 in 2005, and so on. The figures were so high that a Plan for the Regularization of Foreigners in the country had to be created. Some 3 million Colombians of origin achieved nationality. Venezuela did not request resources to serve them.

There are no regulations for NGOs, there is no control that demands transparency for the use of these resources. Due to their operation beyond governments, it can be affirmed that they are part of formalized mechanisms for theft.

Within important financial limits, Venezuela has applied actions to attend to the phenomenon both in the circumstantial and in the structural.

In the short-term, the Plan Vuelta a la Patria should be considered the only measure of this type aimed at Venezuelan migration.

Although neighboring countries receive hundreds of millions of dollars to care for Venezuelans, they do not offer minimum conditions to those who say they want to return. They are left on foot at a border exit gate, applying expulsion methods. Return transit is prevented. This has been the cause of the situations seen in the north of Chile in recent days.

Venezuela, on the other hand, despite its limitations, offers air flights and has repatriated more than 30,000 compatriots through this Plan.

The Plan Vuelta a la Patria has only achieved obstacles in neighboring countries, on issues such as permits for Conviasa, fuel supply to our planes (in Chile and Peru ) and there are also countries like Argentina, where it is not possible to go for fear of being kidnapped our aircraft.

Venezuela has offered concrete responses to the issue, but the countries that could help finance the Plan Vuelta a la Patria, do not do so because they submit to the "sanctions."

There are governments that complain about having to attend to Venezuelans. But it would be more economical for them if they helped to repatriate in dignified conditions those who request support to return. They are contradictory.

Structurally, Venezuela has been busy rehabilitating public service infrastructures to recover their operability. Electricity, water, domestic gas, fuel, telecommunications. All these services have recovered part of their quality to positively impact the living conditions of the population.

In terms of social services, work is being done on the recovery of 40,000 health and educational service buildings throughout the country. This recovery could be faster, but part of the goals outlined in the fields of health and education this year were planned based on the resources (3.2 billion dollars) agreed upon in Mexico last year. Neither the Venezuelan opposition nor the US government have complied.

Venezuela recovered its GDP, taking it into positive territory from the end of 2021 and throughout 2022. Venezuelan GDP was the highest in the region in 2022. The recovery has allowed the private sector to increase wages for its workers and is estimated at an average between $120 and $200 a month for most of that workforce.

However, the critical knot continues to be in public salaries and pensions. The new amount that has been announced increases revenue from USD 5/month to USD 75, according to what was published on May 1st.

The challenge for the Venezuelan State is to make the salary base sustainable and promote its increase, with the blockade on its back. If the new income for those who make up the public payroll is maintained, it will have a favorable impact on various variables.

The increase in consumption, in the demand for goods and services, can favor the feedback loop of economic activities (increase in GDP) and therefore there would be more collection of taxes by the State. All these factors will have a positive impact on the general conditions of the population.

If neighboring countries want to address the Venezuelan migration issue, they must contribute positively to the structural causes that have generated it; they must help us to break the blockade.

Possible scenarios, such as the return of Venezuela to the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) and the restitution of our full membership in Mercosur, may offer better conditions for commercial relations, but at the same time they will help settle the migration issue through the terms provided for in these mechanisms. ... -venezuela

May 4, 2023 , 5:30 p.m.

Barkin served as a senior adviser to the US ambassador to the United Nations (Photo: File)

On May 19, James Story will hand over the position as supposed "ambassador" of the United States to Venezuela, a position he held from Bogotá, the Colombian capital. The designated replacement for the diplomatic post will be Michael A. Barkin.

Here is a brief profile of the new United States representative for the country:

The last position he held before being appointed as ambassador was that of counselor minister of the US Foreign Office for Venezuela (VAU).
In his career as a diplomat, Barkin served as a senior adviser to the US ambassador to the United Nations, where he even represented his country on the Security Council.
He was also Minister Counselor for Consular Affairs at the United States Mission in Canada.
In 2014, he was appointed Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in El Salvador.
He was also consul general at the United States Consulate General in Matamoros, Mexico, in 2010.
The change of ambassador would be linked to the turn of the screw in the US strategy on Venezuela; James Story was associated from the beginning of his management with the purposes of the regime change of the "Guaidó operation". Barkin's assumption is in tune with the alleged attempts by the Joe Biden government to approach and resume relations with Venezuela for energy interests. ... eve-perfil

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Thu May 18, 2023 2:17 pm

Venezuela: Blockade and plunder


How the imperialists use theft and sanctions to try to force regime change in countries that defy their diktat.
Lorena Gimenez

Thursday 18 May 2023

The USA has for years been applying the most cruel and unusual collective punishment against the people of Venezuela, hoping to bring about economic collapse and regime change by starving the people and making their lives unliveable. This heinous crime is totally unreported in western media, which persistently attribute Venezuela’s economic difficulties are the result of governmental ‘mismangement’.
This report by human rights organisation Sures, detailing the brutal sanctions regime being imposed against the Venezuelan people by the USA and its allies, is reproduced in sightly edited form with thanks.

Download the original booklet as a pdf here. ... %81nez.pdf


What are unilateral coercive measures?
The term ‘unilateral coercive measures’ (UCM) generally refers to economic, commercial or other measures taken by a state, outside the auspices of the United Nations security council, to force a change in policy of another state.

They are acts of interference that violate the sovereignty and self-determination of a state. It is a mechanism to pressure decision-making against a country’s principles and interests.

Is there a difference between sanctions and unilateral coercive measures?
From a legal point of view, a sanction is the consequence or effect of an action that infringes a law or legal norm. The sanction seeks to achieve: 1) forced compliance with the respective legal duty; 2) compensation for damages, established in general, when the former is not possible, and 3) a punishment, when the act is already serious; punishment that materialises through a penalty. The defining nature of a legal sanction is enforceability. [1]

The international law established in chapter VII of the United Nations charter is the legal basis for the security council to adopt sanctioning measures that do not involve the use of armed force, with the aim of maintaining or restoring international peace and security. In this regard, since 1966, the security council has established 30 sanctioned regimes. [2]

Currently, there are 14 ongoing sanctions regimes, which focus on supporting the political settlement of conflicts, nuclear non-proliferation, and counterterrorism. Each one of them establishes a committee, chaired by a non-permanent member of the security council. [3]

Unilateral coercive measures refers to the unilateral imposition of economic, commercial or other measures adopted by a state to destabilise and subsequently force a change of policy or government in another state. These do not have the support or sponsorship of the international community. Thus, their use has been widely rejected by multilateral and regional organisations, particularly due to the direct negative impact it has on the full enjoyment of human rights in the affected state.

In this regard, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights in 1993, urged states to:

“Refrain from any unilateral measure not in accordance with international law and the charter of the United Nations that creates obstacles to trade relations among states and impedes the full realisation of the human rights set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in international human rights instruments, in particular the rights of everyone to a standard of living adequate for their health and wellbeing, including food and medical care, housing and the necessary social services.”

In addition, human rights treaty bodies and a series of UN studies [4] have outlined the legal limitations regarding the imposition of unilateral coercive measures with respect to the essential rights for dignity and survival. A number of statements and resolutions [5] have drawn attention to the need to address the negative impact of these measures on human rights.

How long has Venezuela been subject to economic blockade?
In December 2014, the USA Congress approved Act 113-278 (the ‘Venezuela Defence of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014’) and executive order 13692 (aka the ‘Obama decree’) issued on 9 March 2015, when Venezuela was declared an “Unusual and extraordinary threat to US national security”.

Punitive measures were then formally issued by the USA against individuals, properties and/or related assets of the Venezuelan government. These actions were carried out by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

From that moment on, the USA has ‘led’ Venezuela’s economic blockade, and since 2015 has issued seven additional executive orders (13692, 13808, 13827, 13835, 13850, 13857, and 13884), with their respective extensions and restrictions targeting natural and legal persons. These legal instruments set down US foreign policy’s line of action against Venezuela, while establishing a roadmap for other states under its sphere of influence to adopt similar coercive measures.

In 2019, a report prepared by the UN special rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights noted that the USA for more than a decade has been applying an increasing number of economic sanctions to Venezuela and has included it in a ‘blacklist’ for various reasons.

For instance, since 2005, the USA has every year issued a directive stating that Venezuela has failed to make sufficient efforts to fulfil its obligations under international agreements to combat illegal drug trafficking and human trafficking.

Why is Venezuela targeted?
Since the election of Hugo Chávez as president in 1998, the USA has defined a ‘regime-change’ policy towards Venezuela, considering that the political and socioeconomic model promoted by the government – of sovereignty, independence and social justice – constituted a threat to its own domination and control scheme designed for the region.

This strategy led the government of George W Bush to finance and support the coup d’etat of April 2002 against President Chávez. [6]

Trump’s administration has exacerbated these measures, with the open intention of overthrowing the government of President Nicolás Maduro.

This idea has been expressed repeatedly by himself and different spokespersons, proclaiming that the most expedited way to withdraw the UCM is by handing over the presidency to the deputy Juan Guaidó or to a government that the USA will approve as being ‘democratically elected’.

Which countries are sanctioning Venezuela?
Besides the measures imposed by the USA (62 times), the governments of Canada (2), the United Kingdom (2), Switzerland (1), Panama (1) and the European Union (4) have imposed measures against Venezuela, alongside similar acts of interference in the country’s internal affairs.

These include a prohibition on any transaction, acquisition or trade in military weapons or technological equipment intended for the surveillance of telecommunications and internet by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. These states have replicated the list of over 110 people sanctioned by the USA, which includes senior executives and popularly elected officials, imposing bans and restrictions on their movement, commercial transactions and financial services.

What does the blockade consist of?
The United States of America is the country that has imposed the greatest volume of UCMs, imposing an economic, financial and commercial blockade against the Venezuelan state. It has imposed measures against Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA – the Venezuelan state-owned oil company), 43 of its vessels, two aeroplanes, and 109 private and public companies, including six state banks (including the Central Bank of Venezuela, holder of the Venezuelan international reserves and monetary authority).

US measures also include the confiscation of CITGO (the main subsidiary of PDVSA abroad) and all property of the Venezuelan government on US soil, prohibitions on the purchase of debt bonds, freight movements, financial transactions, purchase of supplies and diluents for gasoline, and more.

Moreover, the US Office of Foreign Assets Control has listed 123 individuals as “special designated nationals”, including the president, members of the executive boards of state-owned enterprises, and Venezuelan representatives in international financial institutions. These measures, besides banning the designated individuals from entering the USA or accesing their assets (if they had any), further complicate Venezuela’s access to financial transactions and markets.

The blockade also affects trade routes. Since the USA dominates the commercial routes and main shipping companies, sanctions have prevented the arrival of essential goods to Venezuela – not only those coming from the USA, but those being brought in from any other country within its sphere of influence.

What is OFAC?
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) was established in 1950 under the pretext of regulating the activities of US companies and foreign governments in the USA. It is an agency within the US treasury department in charge of dictating unilateral coercive measures.

Since the objective of the measures is to prevent what could be considered an intromission in their economy, national security or political interests, they focus on prohibiting business, imposing fines and preventing people from accessing the USA and/or to any property within the USA’s jurisdiction.

The measures are in force through an executive order issued by the president. Congress has the power to renew or limit their action, but not to repeal them. OFAC has a significant influence on the direction and implementation of US government foreign policy initiatives, and is closely connected to the president’s office, as well as to the state department and the office of terrorism and financial intelligence.

At present, OFAC has UCM on: 1) Belarus, 2) Burundi 3) Cuba 4) Central African Republic, 5) Iran, 6) Iraq, 7) Lebanon, 8) Libya, 9) Nicaragua, 10) Somalia , 11) Sudan and Darfur, 12) South Sudan, 13) Syria, 14) Ukraine, 15) Yemen, 16) Zimbabwe, 17) Venezuela.

Impact of the blockade on Venezuela’s oil industry
In the first quarter of 2015, when the first effects of the UCMs against Venezuela began to be felt, the country’s oil transactions, calculated at the constant dollar rate of 1997, amounted to over ¢16bn, which was slightly higher than that of the fourth quarter of 2014.

A drop below ¢16bn was observed in the third quarter (to ¢15.842bn) and in the fourth quarter (to ¢15.306bn). In 2016, this steady erosion continued, arriving by the fourth quarter at a turnover of ¢13.440bn. In 2017, the year opened with a trade of $13.418n and closed at ¢10.586bn.

By the third quarter of 2018, the last reported period, Venezuela’s oil GDP barely reached ¢8.723bn. [7] By that time, the impact of executive order 13808 (pass on 24 August 2017) had been thoroughly demonstrated. Payments to PDVSA debt holders were impeded, and there an explicit prohibition was issued in executive order 13827 prohibiting the renegotiation or restructuring of Venezuelan state or PDVSA debt, or the repatriation of CITGO profits.

By January 2019, oil production in Venezuela was down to 1.3 million barrels per day, and in April the same year it was down again to less than 800,000, directly and brutally affecting the Venezuelan people. [8]

How does this blockade impact the international financial system?
In July 2017, after the issue of the first formal financial UCMs, Citibank, a US private financial company, decided abruptly, without prior notice, to close its accounts for the Central Bank of Venezuela and the Bank of Venezuela. This arbitrary action immediately created difficulties for the state in trying to pay for imports and to cover other financial commitments.

In November 2017, following US Congress Act 113-278 and executive order 13808, Citibank also refused to process Venezuelan state funds that had been sent to a private foreign company’s account in payment for 300,000 doses of insulin.

Also in November, the European Union received ¢1.65bn that the Venezuelan government had cancelled for the purchase of food and medicines. Even more seriously, during the same month the blockade was extended to cover not only imports, but also receipt of payment for services and products generated by the Venezuelan state. Venezuela was thus prevented from obtaining profits from economic services rendered to other states or foreign companies.

Another example of this was when Wells Fargo, a private US bank, withheld and cancelled a payment of ¢75m made by the Brazilian government to Venezuela for electrical services. A similar case occurred with Venezuela’s state-owned oil company CITGO, located on US soil, which has been prevented from transfering any earnings to Venezuela since 2017. Moreover, in 2019, control of the company was arbitrarily transferred to a group of people outside the national government.

Likewise, following executive order 13808, which explicitly prohibited transactions in Petro (a gold-backed cryptocurrency issued by the government of Venezuela), the cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex, based in Hong Kong, announced that it would no longer trade Petro in order to avoid itself being sanctioned by the US government. According to US law, contractors and personnel “wherever they are” are prohibited from making transactions in Petro.

These few examples illustrate how the economic blockade is imposed against Venezuela.

How does the blockade affect human rights in Venezuela?
The economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Venezuela has a great impact on the country’s economy, on its social development and, above all, on the state’s ability to import basic necessities, including food, medicines and health supplies.

Venezuela imports most of the medicines it needs so as to guarantee the life and health of its inhabitants. To that end, 34 percent of medicines are imported from the USA, 7 percent from Spain and 5 percent from Italy. This means that 46 percent of the medicines Venezuela’s people need comes from countries that have applied unilateral coercive measures. [9]

In relation to food, 45 percent of imports (33 percent fro the USA and 12 percent from Canada) are from countries that maintain an open confrontation and have applied the maximum possible economic sanctions against Venezuela.

Likewise, the control that the USA exerts over global shipping companies and trade routes, along with the explicit restrictions on imports (industrial inputs and financial transactions, among others), greatly increases the difficulty of transporting goods to Venezuela, even when purchased from countries that are not themselves applying any sanctions.

For example, a unilateral coercive measure has been issued by the USA against any ships carrying food to Venezuela or exporting oil from Venezuela to the world. Undoubtedly, by crippling the country’s economy in this way and preventing the flow of essential goods and serviecs, the UCMs imposed by the US and its allies have a direct and extremely negative impact on the enjoyment and full exercise of human rights, seriously limiting the ability of the state to fulfil its obligation to guarantee and protect the rights of its people.



[1] Legal Encyclopedia: sanción.

[2] Southern Rhodesia, South Africa, Yugoslavia (2 times), Haiti, Iraq (2), Angola, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Eritrea, Eritrea and Ethiopia, Liberia (3), Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Sudan, Lebanon, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iran, Libya (2), Guinea Bissau, Central African Republic, Yemen and Mali, as well as against Al-Qaida and the Taliban.

[3] UN security council sanctions committee: sanctions.

[4] See, for example, the working paper ‘The adverse consequences of economic sanctions on the enjoyment of human rights’ (E / CN.4 / Sub.2 / 2000/33); Thematic study of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights, including recommendations on actions aimed at ending such measures; Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General observation #8 of 1997 about the relation between economic sanctions and respect for economic, social and cultural rights (E / C.12 / 1997/8).

[5] Resolution ‘Human rights and unilateral coercive measures’ presented by the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and adopted annually in the UN human rights council (A/HRC/37/2); Report of the UN special rapporteur on the negative impact of the unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights (A/ HRC/42/46).

[6] Sanctions and Blockade, Crime Against Humanity, Ministry of people’s power for foreign affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

[7] Central Bank of Venezuela statistics on manufacture

[8] Prodution of oil in Venezuela plummets to 732,000 barrels per day, EFE news.

[9] Special Report on unilateral coercive measures, the economic, comercial and financial blockade against Venezuela, and its impact on human rights, Sures, 2018. ... a-gimenez/


May 16, 2023 , 1:54 p.m.

The profits produced by Citgo were mainly injected into social areas in Venezuela (Photo: File)

This Monday, May 15, during his Con Maduro+ program, the President of the Republic referred to various issues of national interest. In addition to the social protection system and the growth projections of the oil industry, global de-dollarization and criticism of the OAS, he emphasized the Law for the Protection of Assets of the Republic Abroad, which is currently in the process of consultation. and debate in the National Assembly.

In this context, he pointed out the plot orchestrated from the United States to steal Venezuelan assets abroad, particularly Citgo, a subsidiary of PDVSA based in Texas, United States. Here are some facts provided by the president:

*The PDVSA-owned company owns 10,000 stations throughout the United States, refineries and 24 terminals that process 400,000 barrels of Venezuelan oil per day.
*It is a Venezuelan company, and since it was dispossessed and kidnapped by Trump they cut off the supply from Venezuela.
*Venezuela would be receiving 900 million dollars a month, resources that could be invested in salaries, health, housing and education, according to the president.
*"The extreme right is responsible for Citgo being stolen from us," he said. ... o-de-citgo

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Mon May 22, 2023 2:25 pm

May 17, 2023 , 2:16 p.m.

How long does the Joe Biden administration plan to tighten the rope with Venezuela? (Photo: Julio Cortez/AP Photo)

Relations between Venezuela and the United States are undergoing a major schism, after White House officials met with President Nicolás Maduro in March 2022. The meeting marked the beginning of a series of attempts toward a paradigm shift in the Bilateral nexus, with the issue of lifting unilateral coercive measures as part of the talks, in addition to the energy and political issue itself —elections.

Since then, Washington has issued measures to authorize operations and marketing in the field of oil and gas —such as General License 41— and political orders focused on the fields of energy and politics —General License 42— , framed in the development of the energy crisis that prevails in the countries of the Global North. The signs of the current times point to the US agenda on our country, one of the reasons why it is so difficult to determine where we are in relations between the two.

The other primary reason resides in the erratic strategy of the Joe Biden administration regarding Venezuela, in response to the actions and statements of Caracas in the national and international arenas that have emerged in recent months.

Since August 2021, the government of President Nicolás Maduro, with the facilitation of Norway and the accompaniment of the Netherlands and Russia, installed the Dialogue and Negotiation Table in Mexico City together with the so-called Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), which represents the opposition sectors traditionally more related to the United States, in order to reach political, economic and social agreements that could unlock the scenario of conflict that has been promoted in the last decade over the Bolivarian Republic with foreign support.

Let us remember that the foundation of the PUD was carried out by Juan Guaidó and forty anti-Chavista political parties and organizations in an act in April 2021, months before the first rounds of talks began in Mexico between the government and that opposition sector. Among its purposes is to serve as a platform for dialogue and negotiations, including electoral matters: the holding of presidential elections is one of the most prominent points on the table set up in Mexico.

The PUD delegates, including its chief, former mayor and congressman Gerardo Blyde, and other politicians such as Stalin González and Freddy Guevara, have represented the interests of the United States at the dialogue table even when it is formally the national opposition, understood Thus, not only because of the direct links between them and the US government apparatus, but also because both the State Department and the anti-Chavista compatriots confess the same intentions regarding the negotiating process, as if it were a carbon copy.

At the end of 2022, the Venezuelan government and the PUD signed a second partial agreement guaranteeing the creation of a fund of 3.2 billion dollars to finance a social assistance agenda in Venezuela through the financial management of the United Nations Organization (UN), with state resources blocked by Washington's coercive measures in accounts in international entities.

In short, there would be a return of part of the —liquid— assets to Venezuela but administered by the UN, which would have meant a high political cost in the face of the vox populi failure of the US strategy, which has "sanctions" based on the dollar, and the entire financial system that revolves around it, as the main weapon.

The White House has not fulfilled its part and has added a series of actions that have eroded the bridge of contact between the country of the North and Venezuela —not to forget that there are direct communication channels between Caracas and Washington, DC, according to President Maduro himself. Of course, the final decision is on the US side and would mean a fundamental change in the scheme of coercive measures applied to the country, a "recalibration" conditioned by the political moment.

The geopolitical factor is taken into account when understanding the direction in which the Biden administration's decisions on Venezuela are navigating. The war in Ukraine has been one of the greatest milestones in recent times in terms of paradigm shifts in international relations, and the aggressive response of the United States to that has had a boomerang effect , negative for its economy due to the ravages of the crisis. global energy, fed back by the decisions of the Biden administration.

Our country is at the center of a rearrangement of the global markets for raw materials and financial architectures away from the dollar-centric influence. Within this framework, the Venezuelan oil industry plays a crucial role for which US decision-makers are concerned in its development, due to its strategic alliances with the biggest competitors of US power: China, Iran, Russia, etc.

The largest of Venezuela's assets abroad, Citgo Petroleum, was kidnapped and distributed to the cast of the "Guaidó operation" both as loot at the service of corporate greed and to continue financing that opposition, since there is a private profit by said operators via dripping of prey. That in 2019. To date, it remains in the hands of third parties who have no connection with the Venezuelan State but rather in private hands —of individuals— to continue staging the "interim" under other extralegal channels, with the so-called Council of Administration and Protection of Assets, where political operators of the G3 —parties that are part of the PUD— participate.

Without forgetting that, even after having dispensed with Juan Guaidó as the protagonist of his strategy, he continues to move him at will —like a pawn— among the political corridors of "civil society", between think tanks and the NGOs of the dominant brokerage in Washington, DC

The almost inherent handing over of Citgo at auction, the contradictory distinction regarding which is the "true Venezuelan government" —AN-2015 or the Bolivarian Government, although in their official documents they continue to differentiate one as an "interim government" or as a "National Assembly legitimate against the regime"—and, therefore, the assignment of accounts of the Venezuelan State to people who are not official officials, accumulate the compendium of actions and norms that identify a contradictory policy regarding Venezuela.

But, above all, they are US decisions that constitute a reply to the good estimate of Venezuela's foreign policy in relation to the demand for the lifting of "sanctions", which had the Bogotá Conference at the end of last April as its greatest expression. with the support of 20 countries —including Europeans— against the blockade on the Bolivarian Republic.

Although the event did not have the relevance with which it was anticipated, due to not having issued binding policies on the central issue, it served as a platform for the energy problem behind the "sanctioning" scheme of the Department of the Department to acquire greater relevance in North America and Europe. Treasure. In that sense, it was a Venezuelan diplomatic achievement that the United States was perhaps unwilling to fully tolerate, not in the midst of its own constantly exposed economic, financial, and social debacle.

The mistakes of the Biden administration have only exalted this situation, and the Bolivarian Republic is one of the stumbling blocks of its interests in the region. The "rules-based order" does not fully subsume the Western Hemisphere, and Venezuela has everything to do with it.

For this reason, after a decade of coup attempts, "regime change" strategies, economic, financial and commercial suffocation measures recently caused a change in bilateral relations. However, a point of stability has not been reached, everything points to the opposite happening. Rather, it is experiencing a period of ups and downs, with conjunctural actions by the White House and without a visible strategic plan for its relations with Venezuela.

The government of Nicolás Maduro has placed the lifting of "sanctions" as a determining factor in relations at the center of the conflict, and is betting on it in a context of economic recovery and reorganization of Venezuela's international relations in the world market.

So what can we expect from relations that are at an impasse? First, in the political-diplomatic sphere, there will be no unlocking due to the aforementioned costs that the United States entails if it does indeed recognize President Maduro and his government as legitimate in the international arena, an element that goes hand in hand with the demand Venezuelan to lift "sanctions".

Second, and this follows from the above, the Joe Biden government will continue to use the issuance of licenses through the Treasury Department as a component of management and regulation of relations between the two countries. This being a necessity for the US economy, with serious difficulties in its internal energy dynamics. At the same time, the opening and reorganization of the commodity markets is a favorable scenario for Venezuela, so this point should not be seismically disturbed if there are no major political changes.

With the political on stand-by and the management of energy licenses setting the tone for relations, the United States resorts to other maneuvers to try to continue influencing Venezuela. The channeling of financing to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) , the public support for sectoral protests at the beginning of the year — recommended by think tanks such as the Wilson Center — and the discriminatory allocation of state resources to members of the AN-2015 are the other behind-the-scenes moves carried out by the White House.

In view of the behavior of the Biden administration with respect to our country, it is assumed that it will continue promoting the aforementioned activities unless some external disturbance causes a new readjustment of its altered strategy. But the fact that it has to resort to NGOs and opposition political parties erratically in Venezuela to carry out its agenda also shows that it is subject to global events that disturb the hegemonic status of the United States and, therefore, , is involved in multiple scenarios that it cannot fully cover. ... zuela-eeuu

May 19, 2023 , 10:39 a.m.

The Venezuela Bella Mission has served 1,700 temples and religious centers (Photo: Correo del Orinoco)

The International Report on Religious Freedom Venezuela 2022, issued by the International Office of Religious Freedom of the Department of State on May 15, has been rejected by the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry because, according to its owner Yván Gil, the United States government " it continues to take powers that have not been granted by multilateral mechanisms or other sovereign states. Venezuela is an example of tolerance and harmonious coexistence between cultures and religions."

It is a text that tries to present episodes of confrontation between political factors such as "attempts by the regime to limit the actions and influence of the church", while stigmatizing the attention paid by the State to religious organizations and their members scattered throughout the territory. national.

Everything indicates that the aforementioned document seeks to position subjects of national politics and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to present them as members of religious groups that are persecuted, when in reality their main role is to promote regime change agendas within Venezuela. . He alludes to the legal impasse between Rafael Lacava, governor of the Carabobo state, and the priest Alfredo Infante, current superior of the Jesuits in Venezuela and then coordinator of human rights of the Jesuit NGO Centro Gumilla.

In the presentation of a work prepared by Provea, the religious leader told the media that the number of alleged extrajudicial executions committed by security forces in the regional entity warranted investigating Lacava himself, even though the official was not named in the report.

This prompted the governor to file a lawsuit against him for continued aggravated defamation, to which Infante publicly clarified that the intention of the report and the activists' statements was not to directly or indirectly accuse Lacava. If the lawsuit had continued, Infante would have had the right to defense and freedom of expression within the framework of the law. The same freedom that is denied to Julian Assange by the British justice system encouraged by Washington, if we have to compare it with other cases.

Political subjects, whether or not they belong to a certain religious confession, are part of the debate and diatribe, hence their participation in national issues is not exempt from the exchange of accusations. This is frequently confused with grievances against the institutions or movements in which these actors are active. These collectives are also a factor of power, which has been demonstrated many times throughout history.

The report also accuses the Venezuelan government of an increase in "anti-Semitic rhetoric" due to personal statements by congressman Diosdado Cabello against the former mayor of the El Hatillo municipality, David Smolansky. As is well known, this activist from the Voluntad Popular party was the organizer of violent insurrectional events in 2017, and failed to comply with a decision of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) that ordered him to guarantee free transit in the jurisdiction.

Cabello's accusations about Smolansky focus on his belonging to Zionism , a political movement of a European Jewish sector whose origins go back to the 19th century, which demanded the formation and consolidation of the "ethno-State" of Israel, and which became hegemonic after the its proclamation in 1948 with the endorsement of the United Nations (UN). The Zionist entity has developed a policy of apartheid against the Palestinian Arab and Christian people, harassment that is rejected even by members of other sectors of the same Jewish religion.

The "State" of Israel is run by Jewish elites that make up international Zionism (Photo: BBC World)

Smolansky is part of the group of opposition leaders who live abroad. He recently starred in the violent eviction of an older adult who rejected the statements of former Venezuelan congressman Juan Guaidó during an event in Washington, DC But, in addition, he was appointed Commissioner of the Organization of American States (OAS) for Venezuelan migrants and refugees, for which reason who is known as a defender of the so-called Venezuelan "diaspora", a phenomenon that mobilizes financial funds and influence at the expense of Venezuelan migratory suffering as a result of the "sanctions" against Venezuela.

Beyond the positions of the associations linked to the Jewish community in Venezuela regarding merely individual declarations, none of them has stated that their religious activity is persecuted by the Venezuelan State. Rather, they are accompanied by official institutions, which have collaborated so that their rituals develop normally by managing the entry into the country of certain supplies necessary for it.

Another of the issues "reported" by the State Department has to do with the legal situation of four radio stations in the Cabimas municipality. The National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel) applied administrative measures to several radio stations that had registered as community radio stations, but which ended up functioning as broadcasting organs of evangelical Christian churches, after the state entity gave a period of several years for their regularization. The increase in the number of private media for these purposes is evident in Venezuela, for which the respective licenses have been issued, provided they comply with the legal requirements.

Last January, President Nicolás Maduro asked Conatel to "give the evangelical church full access to Venezuelan radio and TV," even though the relationship of some of them with economic groups inside and outside the country is known. Unlike this, the United States has forced the closure of media such as RT America, the Turkish channel TRT World, the Chinese channels CGTN1 and CGTN2, the South Korean channel Arira ng, Africa Today , France 24 , TeleSUR from Venezuela, DW from Germany, among others, by qualifying them with the status of "foreign agents".

The US text presents the alleged desecration of a tepuy in southern Venezuela in February 2022. It is a celebration carried out by wealthy people who arrived there by helicopter, without any kind of permission to do so. The geological formation is a sacred place for the indigenous communities that live in the surrounding territory and the participants were investigated by the Public Ministry when inquiring about the possible ecological damage caused in the place. The curious fact is that it has not reviewed the number of churches that enter these territories through irregular processes —for which they have been expelled— , some from the United States, where they are already a type of enterprise .

Another of the alleged accusations in the report are cases of assaults, robberies and thefts against members of some Christian, Protestant and Catholic churches. The summary fails to show statistics that corroborate any criminal pattern, as well-known international media do, which recorded up to 100 attacks against Catholic sites in the United States from May 2020 to October 2021, according to figures from the Conference Committee on Religious Freedom . of United States Catholic Bishops.

Likewise, Jewish communities in the United States declared themselves on alert after an attack on devotees of a synagogue at the Beth Israel Congregation in Colleyville, Texas , where a man interrupted a Shabbat service last January and held four people hostage for hours. . CNN made a recount of the different events similar to this perpetrated in recent years on US soil.

The Venezuelan government, understanding the importance of freedom of religion and worship stipulated in article 59 of the Constitution, has implemented special policies such as the Plan for Attention to the Good Shepherd. The State Department, on behalf of the elites, Catholic and Evangelical, presents it as "the regime's attempt to increase the 'control and inspection' of religious groups." However, the social situation of many parish priests and pastors who have also been affected by the socioeconomic effects of the "sanctions" is well known.

The Venezuelan government attends to the social situation of many parish priests and pastors also affected by the "sanctions" (Photo: File)

It is striking that the report calls groups such as the Movimiento Evangélico Cristiano por Venezuela (Mocev) "pro-Maduro organizations" while it describes others as "independent and led by civil society" such as the Venezuelan Interreligious Forum, of which it refers that it was formed in 2020 to supposedly coordinate "dialogue and consensus building around human rights, democratic institutions and the rule of law." This is an attempt to launder the organizations sponsored by Washington and the demonization of those that do not subscribe to their agendas.

Many parishes and other religious centers receive support from the State, ranging from the remodeling of temples —some 1,700 to date— to the donation of electrical appliances and various tools, added to a help and benefit bonus. In addition, it seeks to deepen the cooperation between these movements and the government in terms of social policies, through missions such as Chamba Juvenil and cultural programs such as Corazón Cristiano, to approach interreligious dialogue, which is part of the construction of national identity. .

This is another step in the pile of "reports" that try to sow the narrative of a "persecutor regime" and protect actors and assets that, under the guise of a religious figure , operate in favor of plans against the State. On this occasion, what is "new" is that it seeks to "criticize" religious inclusion and cults in Venezuela in a selective manner with respect to the interests of the US agenda, with NGOs as protagonists and their range of edges to trigger artificial conflicts. . ... a-otra-vez

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Aww, the poor widdle Catholic Church....If ever a church deserved persecution...
And Jesuits, wouldn't ya know?
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Wed May 24, 2023 2:44 pm

Venezuela Rejects Washington's Unfounded Accusations

People walk past a mural with the Venezuelan flag. | Photo: Twitter/ @AndyVermaut

Published 24 May 2023

By using an issue as sensitive as terrorism to launch unfounded accusations of a political nature, the U.S. demonstrates its indolence before the millions of victims of this scourge.

On Tuesday, the administration of President Nicolas Maduro issued an official communiqué rejecting the United States questioning Venezuela's commitment to the fight against terrorism.

"The Government of the Boliviarian Republic of Venezuela once again rejects the questioning of Venezuela's commitment to the fight against terrorism, which year after year has been demonstrated by complying with all its nacional and multilateral obligations in this sensitive matter," the official communiqué reads.

This declaration came after the U.S. State Department certified before Congress that Cuba, Iran, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Syria, and Venezuela were not "cooperating fully with U.S. antiterrorism efforts."

Underscoring U.S. cynicism, the Venezuelan statement said, "there are plenty of examples of terrorist practices against our region that have been protected and encouraged from Washington."

For example, the Bolivarian government recalled that the use of unilateral coercive measures as a foreign policy constitutes, in itself, a true form of terrorism.

"By using an issue as sensitive as terrorism to launch unfounded accusations of a political nature, the United States demonstrates its indolence before the millions of victims of this scourge," the official communiqué reads.

Venezuela also blamed the United States for the fact that one-third of the planet suffers from "economic, political and financial terrorism," which impedes development and world stability. Caracas again urged Washington to respect international law. ... -0007.html


May 22, 2023 , 4:03 p.m.

The Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think Tank Complex shapes, designs and makes decisions in the United States (Photo: File)

The review of the activity of three high-profile, circulation and influential US think tanks within the spheres of power of the US government and the corporate universe, in their work and approach to Venezuela, reveals that a line of investigation is "producing " , discussion and analysis about Colombia and its relationship with Caracas.

Where could this relationship be directed? Think tanks keep that question in mind at all times. The matter is subject, of course, to the direction it takes and the actions carried out by the current government of Gustavo Petro in Colombia.

Despite the cacophonous, wordy, and even humorous nature of the acronym, former CIA analyst and one of the founders of the group Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, Ray McGovern, refers to the power structure that effectively shapes, designs, and makes decisions. decisions in the United States such as MICIMATT , an abbreviation in English for the Spanish "Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academy- Think Tank" complex .

The abbreviation essentially defines what makes up the so-called "Deep State": the non-elected power structures that do not depend on the electoral cycles to govern, exercise weight, presence, definition and operation within the US State.

Thus, from this synergy, the place of the different think tanks in the process of creating policies, later implemented by some instance of formal power —either the executive or the legislative branch— is clearly located, and how, also, their actors and promoters circulate through the rest of the links that establish the circuit of the letters that make up the McGovern acronym.

There are many competencies or areas of study and policy design that characterize them, for example one with a tradition in defense matters and with strong ties to the Pentagon: Rand Corporation , from where some recommendations and procedures can be detected that are later used in theaters of operations or the analytic approach that would be established by the Army Joint Chiefs or the White House bureaucracy. In essence, it has the same financing schemes and relationship system as any of the high-level ones, but it is limited to that area of ​​expertise.

Apart from the Rand, those with the greatest prestige, tradition, and even longevity focus mainly on foreign policy and its different conceptual fields such as trade, energy, human rights, migration, and bilateral relations —between individual countries and the United States— or on multilateral action in the different political or commercial forums.

Perhaps the oldest organizations in the United States in this regard are the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded in 1921, and the Brookings Institution, founded in 1916.

But there is a "breed" that emerged after the post-war order in the middle of the last century—another way of putting it would be in the Cold War framework—that of itself has structured a tradition and a pattern of influence, which to some extent , like the CFR, is assumed to be non-partisan ( non partisan ) but which, in its own ideological reflection, also like the CFR to a great extent, expresses the liberal vision that permeates today the generalized world perspective within the labyrinthine corridors of MICIMATT in Washington.

The most descriptive examples of the latter might be the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the Atlantic Council , and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars . Woodrow Wilson International for Scholars —better known as the Wilson Center.

Further to the right are also representative formations such as the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) or the Hudson Institute, generally explicitly at the service of the Republican Party, to name, along with those above, those that perhaps represent the main cluster and more conspicuous.

Regarding Venezuela, the three mentioned in the penultimate paragraph have been occupying a significant place in recent years. That under a Democratic administration, as now, those prevail over the others puts in between the lines, precisely, the presumed " non partisan" character .

CSIS, the Wilson Center and the Atlantic Council have in various ways targeted Venezuela especially in recent years. It is worth saying that they hold two regional study programs —it is a common brand— from all over the globe, generally one of their fellows , guests or plant specialists address some element of temporary interest, in electoral or resource matters in which they gloss the specific issue without much immediate consequence, at least in appearance.

However, from the beginning of the "Guaidó cycle" to the present day, with emphasis during the "interim", several indicators seem to point to a special role or interest of these formations in the case of Venezuela.

This could obey several patterns, but one of them is to arrange, under the same mechanism of MICIMATT, and supply lines of action to the approach that the current executive branch has had, erratic in its own right, on Venezuela. In turn, an explanation could be offered by the implicit logic that Guaidó represented, firstly within the "maximum pressure" campaign that characterized the last years of the Trump administration and, secondly, the extreme dissonance that the government itself represents . "Guaidó project" in the harmonization of the "order based on rules", the totemic mantra not only of the current administration but of the world vision of the liberal order itself, or of how the imperial donkey is herded in the current context.

Another element, not only with respect to Venezuela but also to the region, could be the regional political correlation, very different from the restoration consensus that prevailed from 2015 to 2020, that is, more or less since Macri's electoral victory in Argentina at the end of the year. —together with the electoral debacle in Venezuela in the legislatures— until, perhaps, the return to democracy in Bolivia.

Today this point is accentuated after last year important regional subjects such as Colombia and Brazil, words more words less, also changed their political sign —a development on this is presented later. Gone is the operational consensus that it meant with respect to Venezuela, and to a certain extent and by extension to Cuba and Nicaragua, which brought together the Lima Group as a "multilateral" instance capable of granting that coverage to the regionalization of regime change actions. against Caracas.

On the energy level of the United States, but not of Venezuela, the event with the greatest global incidence so far in 2022 and 2023 with its respective reverberations exerts a specific weight —which urges a new look—: the war in Ukraine and the injection of steroids into the "sanctions" regime against the Russian Federation which, in turn, has put transatlantic energy dependence itself in check.

A cursory review of the production of these three think tanks establishes some consensual minimum points that, at the same time, are expressed by the White House itself, namely: the recognition of the failure of disruptive ways to effect regime change, the recognition of the principle of the electoral route as a mechanism to implement this "change" and "transition", the specific focus on migration and "humanitarian crisis" —along with the speculative ways to stir them up —, the different roles of the subjects of "civil society "as reinforcement of the rickety parties and, finally, at least to open the compass of the discussion on the function and effectiveness of unilateral coercive measures.

Inevitably, this leads to the attempt to redirect itself based on really existing situations, such as the dialogues in Mexico, one of the fundamental points to establish, despite the differences between the different groups and "specialists", the government-opposition dialogue.

Other elements come together: what these three think tanks understand by opposition —fundamentally the G4, particularly the most devalued by the failures of "maximum pressure"—, the non-modification of the representation of the Venezuelan government and President Nicolás Maduro as a dictatorship , and highlight maladministration, authoritarianism and corruption as causes of the crisis, leaving, depending on the case, in a second or very second level the responsibility of the "sanctions" in the economic, financial and commercial deterioration of the Republic Bolivarian.

This is the framework within which the three institutions studied for this report operate.

Supporting the premise of the erratic nature of the Biden administration's foreign policy approach to Venezuela, and adopting the energy urgency resulting from the war as a defining point, in some cases the recommendations explicitly focus on what to do regarding oil and gas. Venezuela and the attempts to reintegrate into the market; in others, without recognizing it, the need for the so-called "paradigm change" is strengthened.

An example of the latter is the way in which a counterpoint was established between the outline of recommendations and the analysis of the situation that the Wilson Center presented in December and the "road map" that it established "seeking a different course" in which it is established with accurately the framework described in the previous section . However, despite the change in language and signifiers, it is clear from the way the side of the government and Chavismo are understood that the "paradigm shift" is nothing more than a resource of optics and decoration.

But the cluster of keywords and conceptual field that was established there seemed, at least until the end of March, to be reproduced in the indirect approach mode that was structured around the "conflict agenda" of the moment , when trade union instances prevailed over the traditional partisans, since it seemed to suggest that either through the primaries or through that very thing, it would be possible to recover a certain degree of entity and incidence, and the possibility of the appearance of the so-called outsider was also opened if the recomposition of the parties failed . parties of preference for the United States, be they Democrats or Republicans.

However, strictly on the political level, the apparent harmonization between the Wilson product and what had been happening in Venezuelan national politics and its relationship with the United States seems to have suffered a deviation, which rather raised a shift, both in attention as in the way of acting. Regarding the first, the anti-corruption day within the government simply erased from the panorama any other record of the moment, raising the question of how far, in reality, the protest movements around wages enjoyed, let's say, organic energy to exist.

Then, in the field of international relations, a new approach that moved away from the suspense of the elements around the ongoing dialogue and negotiation, the political imprint of 2022, based on the indirect results of the conference on Venezuela that had an appointment in Colombia in April.

If the Wilson Center played a "lead" role in the "thintankland" sphere in the first quarter, much of the public discussion, conclusions and recommendations began to pass later mainly through the Atlantic Council itself.

It gives the impression that the main way to increase the profile and attention is mainly due to the change of government in Colombia and the breakdown of stability in terms of absolute obedience that has marked relations between Washington and Bogotá .

The arrival of Gustavo Petro at the Nariño Palace in itself arouses attention and no less concern despite the fact that, in general terms, it is not an alarming radicalism, although it is within the Colombian political context.

The main controversy or point of anxiety for the United States, by all accounts, is the relationship with Venezuela , and within that the process of normalization and —capital sin— of cooperation and collaboration between Caracas and Bogotá.

This could explain the signing of Geoffrey Ramsey as a Senior Fellow in their ranks on March 6. Emerging "Specialist" , one of its fundamental merits is "controlling" a subject of study with an above-average level of interest, involvement and perseverance, something that has little to do with myth and is more niche in a world of experts: no more than the bureaucratic effort of being one of the three people with communication skills who has studied Venezuela in the MICIMATT "market".

Previously playing for WOLA , in the second division, and riding the wave of think tanker surfing , he established himself as a reference among the few scholars on Colombia and Venezuela in the Anglosphere. That not the only one, but one that has had a camera, is from a new breed and has continuously promoted a moderate, pragmatic position, pro-negotiations, in favor of the United States approaching Venezuela from a "non-ideological" perspective.

Here there is no stitch without a thimble. The Atlantic is officially the center of thought for NATO, Colombia one of the "global partners" of the alliance, and Bogota the main route of penetration to influence Venezuelan politics without the strict regulations of the formal; or so it had been until Petro's arrival and his, now, his cabinet "in battle."

Due to all of the aforementioned, the less complicated intuitive explanation of these movements can also be related to the operational advantages that the Atlantic Council itself has in terms of content production format —more synthesized, brief and continuous audiovisual conferences and discussions— with a scope and higher projection than the Wilson Center itself.

Petro's visit to the United States on April 20, and the actions of his cabinet in the following days, particularly his foreign minister Álvaro Leyva Durán, coincide with the suggested increase in the pace of the "production of ideas" and discussions about Venezuela but, above all, about the role of Colombia regarding Caracas as an important conduit of Washington's own policies.

It is within the framework of that visit that the Atlantic created the Colombia-United States Advisory Group. Clearly, the vacuum that exists regarding Venezuela in terms of a policy established by the foreign relations instances of the US government was already extensive to Colombia since the time of Iván Duque himself where, as with Venezuela, inertia seemed to prevail in the face of another Political actor in the region who became deeply involved with the excesses of the Trump administration. The erratic also affects what happens in the New Granada area. And with Petro, at least in principle, the uncertain.

That the CSIS also handle a similar, pragmatic, pro-negotiation, "non-ideological" approach in search of solutions, also operating on the implicit admission of failure in the "maximum pressure" model, especially in the last two years in a constant manner, Rather than describing a competitive scheme, it alludes to the relatively general consensus in foreign policy on the presumed need to "renovate" .

In previous years, the CSIS assumed a notably belligerent position, in tune with the spirit of the times that preceded the current one, when military options against Caracas were analyzed and discussed even behind closed doors.

And at this point it is feasible to say that the confluence in the approach of these three high-level thought groups does not exactly refer to a matter of competition but to an inevitable consensus with a geopolitical background that mainly touches on existential points in the United States.

This, in addition, is accompanied by a structural reflection within the organizational logic and participation of both the Atlantic Council, the CSIS and the Wilson Center: The study programs and advisory bodies. Both CSIS and the Atlantic Council, within their respective regional programs, have different groups exclusively dedicated to Venezuela and, in the case of the Atlantic, now Colombia. The CSIS, within the Americas Program , has the "Initiative for the Future of Venezuela" , while the Atlantic Council, under the umbrella of the Adrienne Arsh Latin American Center , has the Working Group for Venezuela and the scholarship program of study Venezuela Transatlantic Fellowship, which has so far awarded two editions.

At this point, an essential key to the universe of think tanks and the essentially inbred circuit of MICIMATT can be gleaned . In the three formations a series of academics meets —mostly gray—, American political operators of the decision-making bodies of power and, in particular, politicians who became academics or owners of NGOs, who can even be found in two think tanks at the same time.

Take for example José Ignacio Hernández, the "prosecutor" of the "interim Guaidó": he is a fellow of the Growth Lab and the Center for International Development at Harvard but, at the same time , affiliated with both the Atlantic Council's Working Group for Venezuela and the CSIS Initiative for the Future of Venezuela.

On the other hand, the Venezuela Transatlantic Fellowship brings together cabinet members or staffers from the US Congress and Senate and the European Parliament. At the core of this project is "transatlantic cooperation" to "promote a deeper understanding of the complex Venezuelan crisis" as well as "identify action-oriented policies that can address the most salient issues surrounding the crisis."

The CSIS Initiative schedule lists the goals of your work , including:

*A road map for the negotiations in Venezuela.

*Violence and insecurity in the face of the growing presence of non-state actors.

*Increasing geopolitical challenges advocated by external actors who maintain the Nicolás Maduro regime.

*Address ecological degradation caused by gas flaring and illegal mining.

*The role of the oil sector in the economic degradation of Venezuela and its reconstruction.

*Improve the effectiveness of humanitarian assistance to Venezuelan migrants in neighboring countries and address the humanitarian crisis that is unfolding in Venezuela.

*Promote the political involvement of youth and women within a democratic transition.

*The effects and future of international "sanctions" on Venezuela.

"The Venezuela Working Group (VWG) is one that informs politicians in the United States, Europe and Latin America on how to move forward with a long-term vision and action-oriented policies to foster democratic stability in Venezuela. The VWG is part of the ongoing programming of the Adrienne Arsht Latin American Center, which promotes the restoration of democratic institutions through a sustained, human-centered campaign that points toward a democratic resolution to the political crisis led by Venezuela itself," he states . the purpose of the VWG.

The foregoing is completed by the fact that its members come from "diverse contexts, global networks and a deep domain to face the most challenging issues regarding a policy on Venezuela, at both domestic and international levels."

These, too, are the central topics of the main reports and debates that in the last two years, but with particular emphasis on 2022 and 2023, the Wilson Center itself has produced with a different stylistic temperament.

The lexical confluences, of intentions and purposes are clearly not accidental and, moreover, they share the same semantic field of other instances of the system, such as the NED, the USAID and the spokespersons of the State Department and the White House. It's not coincidence.

Up to this point, the lines of "thought" and political molding that would later be raised to decision-making levels can be established, especially in these times when, it is insisted, the United States, at least with respect to Venezuela, has not been able to establish a policy of continuity since 2021 until mid-2023, with a new change of tone and sign that to a certain extent goes against what the different products have raised to a greater or lesser extent, with the exception of the use of pressure through "sanctions" contemplated by practically all .

Apart from that, when making a collection of the majority of the names of the different fellows and recent Venezuelan guests, another logic can be derived, even another mechanics from the function and place of this link of MICIMATT.

The VWG of the Atlantic, in addition to having notable names such as Douglas Farrah —author of the thesis of the Bolivarian government as a criminal enterprise— or representatives of the world of academia and financial circuits such as Francisco Monaldi, there are names that offer another "timbre" to the composition of these groups.

Ricardo Patiño, Leopoldo Martínez and Adriana D'Elia (First Justice); David Smolansky, Miguel Pizarro, José Ignacio Hernández (Voluntad Popular) and "officials" from Guaidó's parallel government are some of the names that "decorate" this group, given that at least Smolansky and Pizarro are not exactly luminaries or academic voices. consistent to talk about nothing but, nonetheless, waiting for better political opportunities incubate within the system.

In a similar way, the CSIS "initiative" has to its credit figures such as Gerver Torres, but also Alexandra Winkler and Moisés Rendón , both well integrated into the circulatory system of "thinktanklandia." The first is Smolansky's deputy in El Hatillo —she is also the co-author of most of the papers along with Ryan Beck, who chairs the initiative and the program itself—, while Rendón belongs to the orbit of María Corina Machado. True "aparatchiks" of the political groups defeated in the different disruptive cycles of regime change that took place between 2014 and 2019.

In addition to this, Leopoldo López, now an alleged animal of the Oenegera fauna , also had —brief and unstable as everything in his career— his own fellowship at the Wilson Center , since he gives speeches now as a representative of briefcase NGOs in Geneva, now "expert" on Venezuela at the Hudson Institute .

Even more: Juan Guaidó, after his inglorious departure from Venezuela, received air and electroshock to his entity, precisely as a guest speaker at the Wilson Center , along with another "aparatchik" of the stature of Mark Green and former ambassador William Brownfield, who for his part is a senior fellow at Wilson and a senior adviser to the "non-resident" affiliates of CSIS's Future of Venezuela Initiative. Let's talk about revolving door politics.

In short, this panorama can already preliminarily conclude that both in the "production of ideas", with different degrees of seriousness and academic rigor —from the Wilson Center downwards—, all these groups within the extreme bureaucracy of the think tanks of the K Street in Washington DC remain basically devices for influencing and enunciating discourse—no matter how repetitive this may be. In the end, all three hold more or less the same financiers, capable of paying the different mariachis for the same song.

Seen in this way, the creation of the group of advisers for Colombia in the Atlantic Council just now , when the Petro government begins to face its first high-voltage test in terms of internal politics, and the fundamental achievement - and perhaps The only one— that the Conference on Venezuela meant revolved around the recognition of the Venezuelan government and the presidency of Nicolás Maduro —with Juan Guaidó leaving through the door of the kitchen of history for the umpteenth time— and to consolidate the consensus that the measures Unilateral coercive measures are not part of the solution and must be lifted, even if certain conditions apply.

In this way, with fanfare the day the group to advise on Colombia-United States relations with Foreign Minister Leyva Durán was inaugurated may be very colorful but it is, at the first opportunity, a poisoned present.

It is not so unreasonable to predict that if Petro prevails and, therefore, enters new stages in which he will have to face the "furies of history" of his own country —the clash between the new order and the old regime— , that group becomes another weapon in the arsenal.

But, even more, if this prognosis is confirmed, even partially, it is not surprising that now the approach to Colombia together with Venezuela is explicitly, in the same way that the regional was conceived in cases such as Afghanistan and Pakistan (AfPak ) or Syria and Iraq (Syriaq), very much to the liking of the neoconservative logic that by itself thrives behind the positive liberal packaging that has been glossed up to now.

In short, the interaction of these groups can hardly be understood as a matter of competition beyond a superficial level and that, on the contrary, their own internal mechanisms and their political agenda purposes, although labyrinthine, feed off each other and establish synergies in each other. a moment when the United States —and the eurosphere— suffers a crisis of overproduction of elites , a bad sign in the medium term for the transatlantic world. ... -venezuela

May 17, 2023 , 11:01 a.m.

The G3+1 would seek to finance its primaries with State funds of illegal origin (Photo: Paula de la Cruz / GK)

The primary elections are the preferred option of a sector of the Venezuelan opposition to define a presidential candidate, this in the context of the atomization that it experiences. However, doubts persist in this regard because other sectors are still hesitating about whether or not to participate, either due to the lack of consensus on the CNE's technical assistance or due to mere factional divisions.

The mobilization of pre-candidates throughout the national territory has already begun without any type of impediment, not even financial. Some of them are affiliated with the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), the same political coalition that supported the "interim" and that had in the former deputy Juan Guaidó the personification of the failure of anti-politics.

On May 4, Bloomberg published a note informing that said coalition, articulated in the figure of the National Assembly elected in 2015 (AN-2015), took control of at least 347 million dollars from the Venezuelan bank accounts frozen in the United States.

The appropriation that the anti-Chavismo has made of the Venezuelan State funds withheld by the United States is not something new, the same Bloomberg note affirms that they have depended on said sources to finance their operations since 2019 due to the fact that the United States Department of State certified "opposition officials" (sic) to regain access.

This was detailed by Alejandro Plaz, founder of the NGO Súmate and former representative of the Ad Hoc Board of Directors of the Administration Council for Interim Expenditure, who said in a rendering of accounts that the money destined to promote regime change in Venezuela —or Fund for the Liberation of Venezuela and attention to Vital Risk Cases— is not a national budget but a fund created by AN-2015 through a "special law".

A report submitted to the AN-2015 shows how the US financed the opposition with money withheld from Venezuela between 2020 and 2022 (Photo: Tal Cual)

The validity of this supposed legislative body is non-existent, it works through another pseudo-legal construct called the "Legislative Delegate Commission" and is headed by the fugitive from Venezuelan justice, Dinorah Figuera, who has served as "president" since last January when she was elected by the remaining group of ex-deputies who support said parapet. Figuera belongs to the Primero Justicia (PJ) party, in which the disqualified candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski is also a member, and has denied that the funds withheld from the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) are under her administration or in her personal accounts .

However, the AN-2015 itself approved the "partial reform of the Law of the Fund for the Liberation of Venezuela and attention to Vital Risk Cases" on December 30 to inject a little more than 49 million dollars to , thus called, "Statute of Transition to Democracy to Restore the Validity of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela". The expenses contemplated by the legal artifice include three programs:

*Defense and strengthening of the National Legislative Power and the Social Protection of its members: 7 million dollars.

*Protection and defense of democracy: 35 million dollars.

*Operation of the Board of Administration and Protection of Assets, of the AD-hoc Board of the Central Bank of Venezuela and Petróleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA): 7 million dollars.

The "Protection and defense of democracy" program, which concentrates more resources, has an amount similar to that used in 2022, includes bonuses to activists from opposition political parties even though on paper it says that it is intended for "training activities, organization and support for citizen activism to restore the constitutional order, the defense of human rights and the demand for free, fair and transparent elections".

In the session held on March 21, Gustavo Marcano, who chairs the Board of Administration and Asset Protection, submitted a report with an estimate of the debt for litigation, so that in addition to the 49 million dollars already described, approval other resources for the payment of law firms that supposedly work in the defense of assets such as Citgo.

Neither during the interim nor under the presidency of Figuera has the salary of the deputies been specified, but after a statement by the president of PJ, María Beatriz Martínez, it was learned that in previous years the alleged parliamentarians received salaries that ranged between the 1 thousand 200 and 1 thousand 500 dollars.

The political sector whose legitimacy is protected by the consent of the White House and other satellite countries of the United States has shown that transparency is not its forte. This was the case before, during and after the "Cucutazo", also with the bankruptcy of the Monomeros petrochemical company and the consequent denunciations by Humberto Calderón Berti. Between what Bloomberg has reported and what they declare as the "Liberation Fund" the difference is close to 300 million dollars.

The Venezuelan Constitution stipulates in its article 67: "The financing of associations for political purposes with funds from the State will not be allowed." In view of the foregoing, there is a transfer of funds from the State to the particular agendas of the parties added to the G3+1, in particular to the financing of the primary elections, in case they are carried out.

On the other hand, in the debate regarding the technical assistance of the CNE, the problem of the origin of the funds for the campaigns should be addressed. One of the functions of the Electoral Power, according to article 293 of the constitutional text, is to control, regulate and investigate the financing funds of organizations with political purposes -numeral 9-, so the aforementioned transfer of funds would be a timely object of investigation by the governing body.

(Photo: File)

The important point in political-institutional matters concerns the Law on Political Parties, Public Meetings and Demonstrations , which dates from 1965. In its article 6 it says that said formations "will express in their constitutive act that they will not sign pacts that force them to subordinate their action to directives coming from foreign entities or associations", which evidently runs counter to the actions of some parties.

Bearing in mind that said law dates from the 1960s, and that there is evidence that part of the public treasury, looted from financial institutions abroad via blockade, is being used for political purposes, it is necessary to update and strengthen this law. legal instrument that could allow important measures to be taken in a context of robbery carried out by opposition sectors in recent years. The strengthening of public mechanisms for the control and transparency of said elements would be addressed with punitive tools, and it is there where the National Assembly returns to insert itself in the center of the national political dynamics.

The very existence of AN-2015 jeopardizes the electoral route demanded by the opposition because the "sanctions" regime causes damage to national social and economic stability, also because members of the same parties—Voluntad Popular, Acción Democrática , Un Nuevo Tiempo and PJ— who have confirmed that they will go to primaries receive state funds that have been withheld by a foreign government.

The previously prefigured scenario is added to the disbursement of 55 million dollars that the intervening agencies of the United States have assigned to the NGOs to strengthen the "democratic" sector. Said amount is only 20% of the accumulated since 2011: the increase in financing to these organizations fits with the intention of strengthening them to revive the opposition political base in the face of the deterioration of the public perception of the opposition parties. ... -primarias

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Venezuela’s Communist Party Controversies Reach New Level
MAY 23, 2023

The main panel at the PCV grassroots congress organized this Sunday, May 21, in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo: Twitter/@PCV_Patriotico.

This Sunday, a dissident Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) faction held a grassroots congress in Caracas, creating controversy within the political organization. While formal leaders stated that this congress intended to assault this political party, others oppose the position of the party leaders.

The leadership of the PCV, represented by the general secretary of the Central Committee, Oscar Figuera, claimed that the Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) wants to “assault” the PCV to “subordinate it to the interests of the government of Nicolás Maduro.”

“The PSUV leadership wants to usurp the legal personality of the Communist Party of Venezuela. They want to put their hand on the PCV’s capacity for action and neutralize its role in the country’s social struggles,” Figuera said in an interview. He did not clarify that the PCV’s role in social movements in Venezuela is marginal and has been strongly affected by the party’s leadership taking an opposition stance.

Due to this position, the participants in the controversial congress carried out by PCV alternative groups stated that they reject the party leadership, which opposes the Venezuelan government’s policies.

“We want to rescue the party’s acronym from the leadership that divorced itself from its base, from the revolutionary line of the left and repositioned the party to the right,” said congress leader Darío Fermín during the event.

Likewise, he ratified his support for the revolutionary government led by President Nicolás Maduro and rejected the PCV’s current political bureau.

Who are the dissident leaders?
Seven people presided over the PCV Extraordinary Congress of Grassroots. One by one, they were accused by the PCV leadership of being Venezuelan state officials and PSUV militants. Below we include the PCV Central Committee description of the movement’s most visible leaders along with available online information:

Griseldis Herrera: National Electoral Council (CNE) official on secondment to the Monagas governorate, providing services as a legal consultant. According to PCV Central Committee, she is also a PSUV militant. She is a militant of the Gustavo Machado cell of the PCV and the Clara Zetkin Women’s Front, as well as a member of the Monagas delegation and the National Patriotic PCV Movement.

Johan Coraspe: PSUV militant and official at the Ministry of Communes. According to the PCV, he also works for the CNE as coordinator of the electoral center in the Altos de los Godos Parish, Maturín, Monagas state. Coraspe was quoted on April 26 by La Nación announcing the organization of the now-controversial congress.

Robinson García: Member and councilor of the Somos Venezuela political movement, affiliated with PSUV, in the Obispos municipality of Barinas state. Past Instagram and Twitter posts show Garcia as a PCV candidate for the Obispo municipality in 2017. A news piece by PCV Tribuna Popular from October 2018 describes him as a peasant leader and PCV member.

Carlos Figueroa: Popular Political Unity 89 (UPP89) party candidate in the 2021 regional elections. Criticism against the Venezuelan government and the UPP89 can be seen on his Instagram account. On right-wing outlet Infobae, Figueroa is mentioned in February, labeling himself as a PCV coordinator in Miranda state. However, the statement was rejected by PCV leadership.

Zoilo Arosteguí: He belonged to the team of Raúl Brazón, former PSUV mayor of Ezequiel Zamora Municipality, Monagas state. Argentinian website Que Paso specifically names Arosteguí as Raúl Brazón’s chauffeur and a PSUV militant. He is a political coordinator of the PSUV regional organization in Monagas. In February, the Monagas state governorship published a news piece about PCV bases supporting Nicolás Maduro’s government, naming Zoilo Arosteguí. His name appears in Supreme Court documentation as an individual suing the Nation Institute for Lands (INTI) in 2008. Que Paso indicates that Arosteguí may have been rejected by the PCV due to alleged misogynistic behavior against a regional PCV leader.

Henry Parra: Expelled from the PCV in 2021 after publicly supporting PSUV member Freddy Bernal’s candidacy for governor of Táchira state, which was outside of the electoral alliance policy approved by PCV’s Congress. On Freddy Bernal’s official website, a post from 2021 can be found with Henry Parra’s coherent position in support of Bernal’s candidacy.

Sixto Rodríguez: He left the PCV over a decade ago./ A 2010 post by Mi Parroquia Full Blog reports that, as PCV regional legislator, Rodríguez worked with PSUV regional legislators in a proceeding to form the Carabobo state parliament board.

What is happening in the PCV?
Amid the controversy, sociologist and analyst Franco Vielma explained that the PCV’s internal division began three years ago when the leadership “put them in opposition, practically without consultation.” In this regard, Vielma added that the bureau does not consult its base on each decision.

“It is not true that what is said below converges at the top. If that were the case, there would be the mobility of cadres in the leadership… Therein lies the fault of origin of what is happening in the PCV,” Vielma wrote on social media.

He also stated that the PCV leadership in Caracas is one thing, and the militants in the regions and interior of Venezuela are another, alleging that they have different realities.

Vielma explained that many PCV members in the regions have felt resentful for the last three years, seeing that the PCV became the “red opposition.” This caused “the mutilation of their aspirations and conditions for their political work.”

“Although these leaders and party members had discomfort and criticisms of the national government, criticism was one thing and being in the opposition was another. As that implied changes in their working conditions and even in certain daily life conditions,” Vielma added.

According to the report, the PCV Central Committee’s new stand generated frustration “because a feeling that there is no future there was imposed.” In addition, the “Figuera line” was hardened, exacerbating the “immobility” in the regional and municipal leaderships.

For many Venezuelan communists, not all of them being PCV members, the PCV Central Committee’s position does not represent Marxist-Leninist positions, tending to favor imperialist narratives against the Bolivarian Revolution from an ultra-left perspective similar to those of Leon Trotsky.

Despite the differences of opinion among communists regarding the positions taken by the PCV Central Committee, many see this move as an anti-democratic and unnecessary step to replicate initiatives previously used by other opposition parties such as Homeland for All (PPT), Democratic Action (AD) and Justice First (PJ), among other actions that have judicialized differences within those parties with results that fail to elevate Venezuela’s political debate.

Violation of PCV charter
In an interview with Radio del Sur, Griseldis Herrera explained that “the decision corresponds to the fact that on November 22, 2022, the questioned leadership convened in an irritating manner and systematically violated the statutes and guiding principles of the PCV… leaving the bases outside the vote and preventing the participation of the bases and the majorities in the election of its authorities.”

“In said illegitimate Congress, the same political bureau was ratified for the 27th time, reelected with the participation of only 89 delegates who do not represent the bases of the PCV qualitatively nor quantitatively,” she stated.

“We are here today,” said Herrera, “ignoring the political line decided in that 27th congress in November, which proposes the dissociation of the PCV and the cessation of accompaniment to the Venezuelan revolution,” so that now, the bureau is seen flirting with the imperialist right.

“We are even ignoring the convening of that congress, and therefore, all the decisions that were made there and the election of the authorities that today hold the party’s leadership,” she stated. ... new-level/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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