Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Fri May 26, 2023 11:53 am

The front at Ugledar
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 05/26/2023
Original article: Dmitry Steshin / Komsomolskaya Pravda


The “green” that has appeared in recent weeks has become a true salvation for artillery and aerial reconnaissance and I could clearly see how these two sectors, the old and the new, honored by the gods of war, finally found a common language and began to work together. Last week, I was told, "our artillery worked so hard on Ugledar that the soldiers don't remember such heavy fire." We follow an unusual activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The opponent is constantly maneuvering along the front, he has enough paved roads. The fields have already dried up, so you can drive anywhere. Experts and analysts are right when they speak of the "Ugledar leadership" as interesting for the Banderista counteroffensive that is yet to begin. There can be many targets, such as the beautiful Donetsk-Mariupol highway, which has just been repaired. From the front line, it's a span.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces may attempt, if not to capture Volnovaja, then at least to relieve the pressure on their last remaining forces by defending Marinka near Donetsk. There are many options. However, as officers from the Cascade operational combat tactical formation observe, “if there is an attack in the Ugledar area, it is unlikely to be planned as the main one. Although, on the other hand, an auxiliary blow can easily become the main one, they are all probabilities that have to be calculated. It is difficult to calculate the opponent's plans, but try to detect them as soon as possible in order to hinder or block them.

Russian artillery has long been not standing still, but moving along the front. We move forward with aerial reconnaissance from Cascade and somewhere far away, beyond the woods, the engines of the trucks loading the artillery begin to start. They move at the same time. We hide the car in some kind of shed and I assume the artillery will have found a secluded spot as well. We run to the end of the field and immediately go into the comfortable forest. The guys from the aerial reconnaissance, looking at the clock, turn on the radio and take out the quadcopter. A hand with a quadcopter emerges from the bushes, the second operator calmly says "I'm taking off" and the vehicle rises into the sky like a sail. Briefly, he says to the radio: “A boa constrictor. We are working".

Over the operator's shoulder, I gaze at the screen. Flashes are observed under the apparatus, which the operator counts by moving his lips. Finally, the device is left hanging about 300 meters from the landing. It is difficult for the human eye to understand that this is a fortified area, but the device rotates the camera from left to right and then you can see, against the light, a red dot that stands out in the landscape: they have dug at night and have not had time to cover it. Then the garbage with remains of the green bags of food rations is clearly visible. When the sun goes down, they become even more visible. Our rations blend in much better on the ground. The radio gives a series of commands that are completely incomprehensible to me. But just then a cannon roars in the distance and a white dot appears on the screen. The wind lifts the smoke towards the field. It has been a short flight, but the explorer is happy: “A boa constrictor. Excellent. 10-West”. Another explosion is heard in the woods. "Boa constrictor. Good. Let's go there". The boys only intervene occasionally, always to correct the fire. "Boa constrictor. 10-north. And more. Come on". They are interrupted by one of the Russian aircraft, which can be heard in the distance. One of the operators turns around and says: “Grinders. When they fly, they blind everything around us. You can easily miss a drone.”

Two K-52 helicopters come back over the edge of the field followed by an Mi-8 just behind. I flew one of them on a ground attack in the Kharkiv region. This helicopter is surgical and, as part of a support group, its job is to evacuate personnel if another has been shot down. I cannot resist and ask: “Guys, you have attacked their fortified area, what do you do in response?” One of them smiles under the balaclava. "We shoot 152 millimeters and they 60."

I try to demonstrate my knowledge of the particularities of the Ugledar area: “Polish shells?”

"Yes, you can carry the mortar on your belt, it's done like that."

“Worst of all, they have those shells, they just refill them. They can, for example, shoot a hundred at a square at a time. So they make up for the little power with quantity, like a machine gun. In general, the Poles are good sponsors. The other day, an accumulation was found in an urban settlement, our colleagues flew in, fired a shell at them and that's it”.

I ask a second scout, Boston : "How does the opponent feel now?"

“Right now he has little equipment, but he tries to enter small groups. If our drones notice them, that's it, end of the offensive. Now the battles are different, drones and artillery fight. So the enemy is trying to catch us by surprise. It maneuvers all the time, but I wouldn't say there's been an increase in activity here. Everything goes in waves, it comes and goes.

The scouts take us back to the town where we left the hidden car. In the first rear, it is impossible to find anything. The soldiers say: “Sometimes it is rush hour, with our drones and those of others. Sometimes it seems impossible for them not to collide.” As confirmation of these words, I hear a great roar in the sky, something that flies very slowly and that is obviously not ours, what is it doing there? At the end of the flight, we hear a large thump to the ground, but no smoke. A little later, they explain to me that it was our electronic warfare, which has intercepted one of the Ukrainian drones full of explosives and brought it down to the ground far from the town. I'm not going to look, the sappers are still working there.

The boys show me trophies and curiosities. The first to brag is a combat officer, who arrived at HQ after being wounded by something they show me: an American machine gun. He was captured in one of the fortified areas near Ugledar, perfectly intact and with instructions in Spanish.

“Our Utes is better, but you can't carry that many cartridges, they're nowhere to be found. There are still a couple of boxes left, but it's for two minutes of combat. Maybe you can take it to a museum.” I promise, so Ruyan finally shows me the machine gun. It bears the inscription “Khojloma” and was produced in the late 1980s. It may have been used by a special forces soldier from the second Chechen war. Ruyan immediately fell in love with the machine gun and, with the help of the destroyed Azov regiment, decorated and improved it. He even fitted a new peephole out of his pocket.

A soldier with the nom de guerre Kulinar , a Siberian recruit, approaches us. The cook seems to have come out from under the coal fire, like on the pages of old Russian chronicles. In his hands he carries a rifle and hunting. Knowing that they have been used since 2014 in Donbass, I am not surprised. Sometimes the animals even interfere with the crossing of vehicles. In general, a game soup out front is not something exotic from a restaurant. I ask the cook for the normal thing: no skin, no feathers, but he tells me something unexpected: “I hunt plastic birds, drones. With the Troika, you can cover 60 meters. I myself have brought the weapon recently.”

"Were you able to reach something?"

“Not yet, but I have a good eye. And I've been hunting since I was a kid."

The cook explains that hunting is dangerous. If the operator notices that his drone is being followed, he can drop the ammo on the hunter himself . But Kulinar does not hunt alone, his comrades are, as he puts it, armed with “electronic weapons”. I remember the words of Boston : “We fly with confidence and they try to shoot us down with confidence. But we have expert hands and golden heads, so they hardly ever succeed. And we also have a Siberian hunter. That type of person is what the enemy cannot have, neither Europe nor the United States can hand them over to them”.

Returning from Ugledar, I immediately post a message on social networks: the captured Browning machine gun is looking for good hands. But let it be a museum. In the morning, I find two messages: from the Donetsk and Lugansk History museums. The machine gun has whoever wants it. Let those who rescued her bloodied be the ones to decide. ... more-27358

Google Translator


Russian tanks reach the Atlantic near Lisbon…

The “fake news” title to this article provides a vision of where current U.S. and EU foreign and military policy towards Russia may be taking us if we do not think things through and make a course correction. My point in this article is that no one in leadership positions on this side of the New Iron Curtain seems capable of seeing beyond one move in the grand chess game of the Great Powers now proceeding before the eyes of the world. I dedicate this article in particular to the unidentified but very welcome readers in the U.S. Army who are following me on LinkedIn.


The starting point for today’s discussion is where I left off in my expose two days ago of the conformist and ill-considered presentation of the Russian-Ukraine war by The New York Times senior diplomatic correspondent in Brussels, Steven Erlanger, at a prestigious downtown club in this city.

I closed that expose by expanding on my question to Erlanger at the start of his Q&A: why were Europe and the U.S. so unprepared for the land war that Russia unleashed on 24 February 2022 given the way they all had taunted the Russian bear ever since 2014 in a manner that could only lead eventually to war. The last insult handed to the Russians came in the period from December 2021 through early February 2022 when the U.S. and NATO rejected out of hand Russia’s demand to enter into negotiations over its proposals for a review and revision of Europe’s security architecture.

The United States and Europe gloated at the way Russia stumbled in the opening days and weeks of the Special Military Operation. They concluded publicly that Russia was far less strong than anyone had supposed. However, the Russians comforted themselves with the old folk wisdom that they as a people are slow to saddle their horses but quick on the course once mounted. Indeed, Russia’s military gradually came into stride and we began to hear from Western military observers that the war had evolved into a full-blown “land war,” a throw-back to the trench warfare and artillery battles of WWI, as opposed to tank battles or carpet bombing from positions of air superiority that the U.S. and its NATO allies have practiced over the past three decades when engaged against Third World victim countries.

Then it turned out that the Russians were firing up to 60,000 rounds of artillery a day, outdoing the Ukrainians firepower by a factor of from three or five to one. Casualty rates on the two sides rose in parallel with the disparity in firepower. The smiles were driven from the faces of our television commentators and political leaders. Now all attention was directed to propping up the Kiev regime with ever more lethal military hardware while cleaning out the armories in Europe to an alarming degree. The Russians were finally understood to have the world’s biggest accumulation of munitions, backed up by the world’s biggest manufacturing capacity in this domain. This is not to mention the new wonder weapons like the hypersonic Kinzhal which the Russians began to introduce on the field of battle a year into the war.

My question was and is: why were these aspects of the coming war in and about Ukraine not foreseen by those in power in the West? This bespeaks gross irresponsibility and incompetence…and, surely, also vast corruption. How else can one understand that the three or four hundred billion euros spent collectively by the EU member states on defense each and every year for the past twenty years versus the 80 billion euros of the annual Russian military budget yielded such a discrepancy in war readiness when it finally came in early 2022? And of course, by extension, why did U.S. stores and manufacturing turn out to be so paltry given its military budget greater than most of the rest of the world combined?

Now that I have flushed out that issue, let us move on. I do not see signs that current leadership in the U.S. or Europe has drawn any lessons from this experience. Instead by all their latest moves on the chessboard they are heading us straight for the checkmate described in the title line to this essay.

Great attention in the Western media has been devoted all this year to the decisions taken in Washington, London, Berlin and Brussels with respect first to shipment to Kiev of advanced tanks, namely the American produced Abrams heavy tank and the German Leopards, then to the shipment to Kiev of American F-16 fighter jets from out of fleets in Europe.

Very little is being reported about the build-up of NATO troop strength and materiel all along the Eastern frontier with Russia. Very little is being reported right now in Western media about the threats coming from Poland to support an armed uprising being planned against the Lukashenko government in Belarus. Indeed earlier this week Polish television interviewed a former deputy minister of defense General Skrzypczak, who is actively pushing for his country to intervene militarily in support of any such uprising, crossing the border into Belarus just as Ukrainian forces in the guise of anti-Putin Russian militia invaded the RF oblast of Belgorod over last weekend causing mayhem, including the destruction of more than 500 houses and shootings that sent Russian civilians to the hospitals with injuries or to the morgue. These “terrorists” as the Russian television describes them were liquidated by Russian security forces, but the threat of further such incursions has raised the temperature and the aggressiveness of Russian public discourse.

Some Russian nationalists, like the head of the Wagner mercenary company Yevgeny Prigozhin, are quoted today in The New York Times for their demands that Russian elites be called to order, that the country be put on a full war footing, that martial law be introduced. Other nationalist orators are saying that traitors like the gal who handed a fatal bomb to the journalist Tatarsky in St Petersburg several weeks ago be summarily executed.

However, a lot more is being said on mainstream Russian television like Sixty Minutes that goes unreported by our press and that goes well beyond cracking down domestically in Russia. The panelists on this show are not just talking heads from think tanks and Moscow State University. They include Duma members from United Russia, LDPR and the Communist Party. And among the Duma members are predominantly heads of relevant Duma Committees like Defense.

One of the most cogent such Duma member panelists is a retired general who has some very specific recommendations on military strategy that our boys in DC would do well to consider.

A lot of print has been spilled and all too many words have been spoken by Western analysts on whether or not Russia will use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine. This is empty talk that ignores two facts. The first is that the Ukraine regime can be decapitated at any moment of Russia’s choosing using the hypersonic missiles at Russia’s disposal equipped with conventional warheads. Secondly, Russia is holding its nuclear option in reserve use of nuclear weapons against NATO, as this Duma member made crystal clear. Let us all remember that Russia has the world’s largest stock of tactical nuclear arms, just as it is the world’s leader in strategic nuclear arms.

If the hare-brained regime in Warsaw proceeds with plans to do Washington’s bidding and create a “second front” by invading Belarus under the guise of local insurgents, Russia will certainly intervene. President Putin specifically stated that yesterday, but you will not find his citation in today’s NYT. If as a follow-on, NATO begins to move against Russia along the vast front line that it has recently manned, then the Russian general’s proposed response is also ready to hand: to use tactical nuclear weapons against these NATO forces, destroy them and move tanks past them to the next point of resistance where it again uses nuclear weapons. This game of leapfrog would logically take those Russian tanks to the Atlantic somewhere near Lisbon as I have indicated in the headline.

And what would the USA do about the destruction of its European allies? An informed guess is nothing. If Washington is now pussy-footing over whose tanks go to Ukraine, over whose F-16s go to Ukraine, all for the purpose of keeping the fight with Russia at the level of proxies, then why would the USA risk instant destruction by Russian strategic missiles just because Europe is burning?

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023 ... ar-lisbon/


Zelensky piling up his millions as Nato tries regime change via assassination

Washington continues to stoke the fire in Ukraine, but the blowback may refuse to remain safely in Europe.
Proletarian writers

Wednesday 24 May 2023

Ukrainian puppet actor-president Volodymyr Zelensky has been coming under fire from his own generals. Not for such trivial offences as prostituting himself and facilitating the massacre of his countrymen in the interests of US imperialism, but for taking a bigger cut from the billions pouring into the Kiev treasury than they are able to do ...

The failed bid to assassinate Russian president Vladimir Putin in May, whether directly ordered by the west-backed junta in Ukraine or the work of freelancing fascists, signalled a new level of provocation and threat against Russia.

The drone attack on the Kremlin, taken together with the supply by Britain and others of long-range weapons capable of striking deep into Russian territory, and especially the announcement that the Challenger tanks sent by Britain had been equipped with depleted uranium warheads, all confront Russia with a level of provocation that cannot be tolerated.

Russian ambassador to the USA Anatoly Antonov responded to the botched assassination bid, saying: “Russia will respond to this insolent and presumptuous terrorist attack. We will answer when we consider it necessary. We will answer in accordance with the assessments of the threat that Kiev posed to the leadership of our country.”

Defence minister Sehei Shoigu, recognising the deployment by Britain of depleted uranium shells as tantamount to an invitation to nuclear war, noted that Britain’s decision left the world fewer and fewer steps away from a “nuclear collision”, adding for the sake of clarity: “Naturally, Russia has something to answer this with.”

As a first provisional response to the failed assassination Moscow unleashed a massive barrage of drone strikes on Kiev the like of which had not been seen since the early days of the war.

And from the deputy chair of Russia’s security council, Dmitry Medvedev, came this blunt assessment: “After today’s terrorist attack, there are no options left except for the physical elimination of Zelensky and his clique.” (Zelensky regime’s fate is sealed by MK Bhadrakumar, 5 May 2023)

Ignoring all these warnings, the west continues to pour more weapons into Ukraine, staking everything on the much trumpeted ‘spring offensive’, which, when it arrives, will supposedly strike a blow that will alter the course of the war to the west’s advantage.

Kiev has been dangling this much delayed offensive in front of its imperialist sponsors for months, using it to keep the money and materiel flowing. When put under pressure to name the day on which the promised offensive will eventuate, actor-president Volodymyr Zelensky pushes back, saying that the sooner the allies come up with more weapons, the sooner Kiev will be able to deliver the long-awaited offensive.

This moral blackmail delivers diminishing returns, though. When Zelensky came to visit British prime minister Rishi Sunak, he received promises of lots of drones but no fighter jets, scotching his grand plan of a “jet coalition”.

And the symbolic potency of the do-or-die spring offensive drained pretty rapidly when Ukrainian foreign minister Dmitro Kuleba blabbed to Das Bild: “If Ukraine does not succeed in its counteroffensive against the aggressor country Russia, it will prepare for the next one,” lamely advising everyone “not to consider this counteroffensive as the last one because we do not know what will come of it”.

These words were not reassuring to European governments whose economies have already been sacrificed on the altar of sanctions, and who are now faced with the prospect of going through it all again, with no end in sight. (Ukraine SitRep: Delayed counteroffensive, Russian defence lines, weapon efficiency, Moon of Alabama, 11 May 2023)

Still less reassuring for the USA’s allies was hearing top brass General Mark Milley expressing doubt to Foreign Affairs magazine that Kiev would even launch its ‘counteroffensive’ at all. Other voices have suggested slowing the supply of weapons to Kiev to delay an offensive that could prove to be premature. (Russia launches barrage of drones at Kiev as counteroffensive looms by Roman Olearchyk, Financial Times, 8 May 2023)

The more obvious it becomes that the proxy Ukrainian forces are just the failing tool of US imperialism, the wilder the historical distortions coming out of Zelensky’s mouth have become.

“In a video address on Monday morning, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky honoured the millions of Ukrainians who fought and died during the second world war. ‘We fought then and we fight now so that no one ever again enslaves other nations and destroys other countries,’ Zelensky said. ‘And all those old evils that modern Russia is bringing back will be defeated just as Nazism was defeated,’ he added.”

This grotesque parody of the truth is a reminder that whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. Millions of Ukrainians did indeed fight and die to help rid the world of Nazis – Nazis like Stepan Bandera, the collaborator who is now held aloft as a national hero by the Kiev junta, but who is remembered by most of the rest of us for sending thousands of jews to the gas chambers.

The clown Zelensky dishonours the memory of all those Ukrainians, whether speaking Ukrainian or Russian, who really did fight and die to save the world from fascism. It is to those Soviet heroes that all honour is due.

So gross a distortion of reality as that purveyed by the puppets of US imperialism cannot long fool even the most credulous of holocaust deniers.

Zelensky’s mock-heroic poses on the world stage do not stack up with the political sewer he inhabits, as admirably charted by veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh (hotfoot from his recent exposure of US president Joe Biden’s hand in the sabotage of Nord Stream):

“Zelensky has been buying the fuel from Russia, the country with which it, and Washington, are at war, and the Ukrainian president and many in his entourage have been skimming untold millions from the American dollars earmarked for diesel fuel payments.

“One estimate by analysts from the Central Intelligence Agency put the embezzled funds at $400m last year, at least … ‘Zelensky’s been buying discount diesel from the Russians,’ one knowledgeable American intelligence official told me.

“‘And who’s paying for the gas and oil? We are … Many government ministries in Kiev have been literally competing,’ I was told, to set up front companies for export contracts for weapons and ammunition with private arms dealers around the world, all of which provide kickbacks …

“The issue of corruption was directly raised with Zelensky in a meeting last January in Kiev with CIA director William Burns. His message to the Ukrainian president, I was told by an intelligence official with direct knowledge of the meeting, was out of a 1950s mob movie.

“The senior generals and government officials in Kiev were angry at what they saw as Zelensky’s greed, so Burns told the Ukrainian president, because ‘he was taking a larger share of the skim money than was going to the generals’.” (Trading with the enemy, 12 April 2023)

Presumably he is saving pennies towards an early retirement? ... mir-putin/



Why should communists support Russia? Because this weakens the Democratic Party’s influence over our movement.

MAY 24, 2023

Image from the League of Filipino Students

To tell what a person or organization truly believes, don’t look at what they say they believe. Look at what things they show, through their practice, that they prioritize and de-prioritize. This is what we must investigate in order to see who shares the most important goal of communists at the moment. This goal being to break the Democratic Party’s influence over the communist movement, and over the wider liberation struggles.

An easy way to apply this judgement is by seeing what the geopolitical stances of a given political actor are. If they portray Washington’s rivals as imperialist, or claim Russia is in the wrong for carrying out a mission to end U.S.-facilitated ethnic cleansing, they’re clearly incorrect from an anti-imperialist perspective. China is not a capitalist state, Russia is not a fascist state whatever its contradictions, and dialectical analyses of these two countries are able to support what I say. The problem the imperial center’s left has is that there are deep ideological influences within it which prevent its dominant voices both from recognizing these realities about the nature of the new cold war; and which prevent even many who recognize them from doing anything besides simply comprehending the information. To effectively combat the Democratic Party’s co-optation efforts, we have to be counter-hegemonic in our practice, to act like U.S. hegemony is the primary contradiction.

As Mao said, there are types who merely absorb revolutionary knowledge without sufficiently putting it into practice, who want to have their Marxism and their liberalism at the same time. In our task of defeating opportunism and reformism in the imperial center, we have to avoid becoming those unprincipled actors. Many individuals like this can be found in our modern discourse landscape. They’re quite prevalent on social media especially, and their arguments can easily turn people who could otherwise have become counter-hegemonic into agents for their opportunist cause.

The trait that defines this type of opportunist, the one whose role is to assist the Democratic Party even if they themselves don’t view their role as such, is they substitute anti-imperialism for wokeness. Not “wokeness” in the term’s original sense, which was revolutionary in that it represented consciousness among the black masses about their systemic oppression. I mean wokeness in its modern, opportunistic sense, where elites have captured woke ideas to turn them into tools for reinforcing liberalism. The liberal versions of these ideas that get produced by those elites are then adopted by the types of radicals who don’t care about anti-imperialism. This radical liberal theory gets used as a way to rationalize engaging in the practices that reinforce Democratic Party dominance: neglecting the informational war against imperialism’s psyops; exclusively trying to appeal to liberals; viewing the element of the people who are most compatible with the anti-imperialist movement, and who show this by being pro-Russia, as necessarily reactionary and irredeemable.

These types of practice interrelate with the imperialism-compatible ideas that assist in Democrat foreign policy. If you believe that nobody can be pro-Russia without being right-wing, and that those who are most open to anti-imperialist ideas should be rejected simply because they aren’t all on the left, then naturally you’ll be incentivized to adopt the anti-Russia stance yourself. To believe the psyops the liberal academic intelligentsia and commentators promote, like that Russia is imperialist or fascist, that “Wagner” exists in the way we’ve been told it exists, and that the Russian side is guilty of the war crimes we’ve been told it’s committed. At the least, adopting such radical liberal modes of practice will lead you to apathy about geopolitics and anti-imperialism. To a habit of rejecting actions that counter U.S. hegemony, under the rationale that “we can’t affect these events” or that “our own conditions matter the most.” Such notions are about justifying the act of making wokeness overshadow anti-imperialism, when under a Marxist synthesis the domestic and international aspects of struggle would be reconcilable.

The imperialism-compatible left presents being apathetic about U.S. imperialism as an indicator of pragmatism and wisdom. It purposely underestimates the amount of power we can gain over international affairs, acting like we in the core lack responsibility to resist our government’s global crimes because supposedly we can’t change what happens in this area. The leftists and self-described communists who talk like this lack the type of ideological upbringing that produces those who’ve invested themselves in the information war. Because when you’ve gained experience in this part of the struggle, it’s become clear to you just how powerful the act of combating imperialist psyops can be.

Our government is alarmed by the idea of its foreign policy narratives being challenged, and has been growing more alarmed lately amid the resistance to the Ukraine proxy war. This is why it’s indicted the Uhuru members and introduced the RESTRICT act, which would criminalize international anti-imperialist outreach. This is why it’s waged a perpetually intensifying censorship campaign against anti-imperialist voices. This is why it’s taken the care to predicate this censorship campaign on the Russiagate psyop, and on the “supporting Russia is reactionary” myth that Russiagate created the foundations for. The centers of power have been showing us that at this stage in the class struggle, their core vulnerability is losing their narrative control. If anti-imperialist perspectives gain too much prominence in mass consciousness, not only will projects like the proxy war be forced to end, but the DNC will lose its status as the gatekeeper of mass movements.

No longer will Marxism be either prevented from becoming mainstream, or diluted into just another critical theory which liberals incorporate into their ideas. Marxism will be able to gain a strong identity and organizing presence, separate from the Democrats and their insidious influence.

If someone is presenting themselves as an authority on social justice issues, while either rejecting anti-imperialist ideas or barely ever advancing these ideas, it doesn’t matter how “radical” they claim to be. The effect of their decisions is one of helping the Democratic Party. Because like there are anti-woke grifters, there are also woke grifters. The anti-revolutionary, opportunistic nature of our present discourse makes it so that there can be pro-imperialists of both the right-wing and “leftist” varieties. To make the concept of being “woke” into something that again has a revolutionary character, communists ironically need to become more wary of wokeness. Because in a discourse climate with as many grifters and frauds as ours has, usually when you encounter someone who’s eager to let you know they support social justice, they seek to use that to cover up the pro-imperialist nature of their ideas.

There’s absolutely a place for LGBT liberation, black liberation, the struggle for tribal sovereignty, and so on. These things are intertwined with anti-imperialism and class struggle, so much that the identity struggles are in essence themselves all class struggles. The danger is when a person or organization is preaching for these struggles, while neglecting anti-imperialism and class. When you see that, you know you’re looking at a Democratic Party infiltrator within radical space. ... -movement/


From Cassad's Telegram account:

forwarded from
Voenkor Kitten Z
Military expert Boris Rozhin on the situation in the Artyomovsky direction at 00.06 Moscow time on May 26, 2023, specially for the channel Voenkor Kotenok Z @voenkorKotenok :

1. The city is completely under the control of PMC Wagner and the RF Armed Forces.
There is a process of rotation of divisions of PMC "Wagner" for rest and replenishment. Positions are transferred to other units.

2. The enemy continues shelling the western outskirts of Artemovsk.
There are no positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Samolet area. "Defense of Bakhmut" continues only virtually.

3. The rewarding of PMC "Wagner" fighters with state awards has begun.
In the DPR, an award "For the liberation of Artemovsk" was established.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces say they have made some progress west of Kleshcheevka, where landings are taking place.
From our side, they report the return of one opornik to the north-west of the city under our control. Fights gradually take on a positional character.

5. The battles near Khromovo also continue, but our troops have not yet entered the village itself. Most likely, this issue will be resolved after the completion of the rotation in the city.

6. The rains that have begun again complicate the active actions of the parties. The fields have been swept away again.

7. The enemy strengthens his defensive positions in Konstantinovka and Chasov Yar. In Konstantinovka today there were traditional arrivals in the clusters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Google Translator


War to victory
May 25, 11:11 p.m


Sergei Pereslegin on the problems of war to a victorious end.

War to victory

In the First World War, Germany each year set new military goals and formulated the conditions on which it would conclude peace. But every year the position of Germany worsened, especially by 1916. There was an increasing discrepancy between the military and political reality and the requirements that she set for the conclusion of peace. It was clear that Germany needed to withdraw from the war on any grounds, up to agreeing to peace without annexations and indemnities (as the Bolsheviks formulated) or giving up Alsace, but keeping Lorraine. But Germany continued to demand French, Belgian, Russian territories, British colonies. This meant that Germany could not agree to any peace other than its total defeat. And it was the defeat of Germany that had to be accepted in the end.

Ukraine is the world's first media power, we have repeatedly spoken about this. Opponents of Russia are waging an effective information war. The West loudly declared victory when planes and helicopters were shot down in the Bryansk region, and when the Patriot air defense system was hit, it was stated that he was slightly injured.

The battle for Bakhmut is over. The struggle for the city lasted more than six months. This is a major victory. Russia is naturally waiting for sane proposals to end the conflict. The counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not begin. This is a significant result on the physical battlefield. The West and Ukraine again answer in the communication space that they will not agree to any peace, except for the complete defeat of Russia. They insist on peace on Zelensky’s terms, a peace that destroys the Russian elites, a peace that gives Ukraine all the occupied territories that have become Russian.

Russia is interested in ending this war sooner or later. Since it was not possible to end the war in the form of a blitzkrieg, now there is no interest in doing it too quickly, because. the conditions of the war allow Russia to carry out many changes in the economic field with less caution.

Ukraine, according to its cultural code, would agree to peace on any terms, but this absolutely does not suit the Ukrainian elites. Peace will come to Ukraine after the change of these elites, and we are talking about when this will happen and under what circumstances. At this point in time, we can say with confidence that in terms of the number of deaths per elite rotation, Russia is now sharply outperforming Ukraine. We replace the leadership with heavy losses much faster and more vigorously than the Ukrainians do.

The United States is certainly interested in the conflict somehow successfully ending before the presidential election. But by and large, America is not so important how the conflict ends and when. And in Europe now, in principle, they do not want an end to the conflict. And even if it ends on their terms with the complete defeat of Russia, an extremely unpleasant question will be raised - what to do next? Now, like Russia and Ukraine, they can write off internal problems for war. But this possibility will soon be crossed out. Therefore, the collective West claims at the G7 summit that they do not need peace, and, apparently, Russia and Ukraine will fight until the complete victory of one of the parties. After that, the collective West will recognize the world in form - we will never recognize this, but for now we will agree that there are current realities. The realities of the division of Korea have existed for more than 60 years and have not been recognized by the West.

Secretary General Guterres made an interesting statement about the need to reform the UN and reform the global monetary system, bringing them to new realities. But which TNCs will agree to comply with the UN orders? It looks unrealistic.

(с) Sergey Pereslegin

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US Military Aid to Ukraine ‘Will Soon Be Tapped,’ Talk of More Funding ‘On Back Burner’
MAY 24, 2023

A group of Ukrainian soldiers receive a shipment of US-made missiles in early February, 2022. Photo: AFP/Sergey Supinsky.

As Russia took over control of the city of Artemovsk (Bakhmut), a major transport and logistical hub in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Ukraine’s President Zelensky, fully aware that he was under pressure to pull off some imminent battlefield success for his Western patrons, descended upon the G7 summit, pleading for fresh military aid.

It won’t be long before billions of dollars of US-approved military aid to the Kiev regime is tapped, and any talk of more funding is on the back burner, a US report claims.

Last year, Washington approved a whopping $113 billion in overall aid and military assistance to Ukraine through emergency supplemental funding measures. Around three-fifths of the sum had been allocated to defense needs, such as procurement of new munitions and equipment, replacement of Department of Defense (DoD) stocks provided to Ukraine and funds allocated to training.

Close to $37 billion has already been spent, said the report, citing the US Defense Department. Even if one were to take into consideration the accounting error discovered in March through an internal audit and revealed by the Pentagon on May 18—which would add another $3 billion—that would leave between $10 billion and $13 billion. The rate of spending witnessed at the moment may indicate that the funds for propping up the Kiev regime could be exhausted by September—the end of the fiscal year.

For all the much-touted readiness of Washington to support the Kiev authorities for as long as it takes, President Joe Biden’s troubles on the home front have required attention. The ongoing impasse between the White House and the Republicans regarding the debt ceiling is cited by lawmakers as one of the reasons any talk about the next round of funding for Ukraine is being put aside. Another reason is uncertainty regarding the “counteroffensive” that Ukraine promised but which has so far failed to materialize.

There is no clarity regarding whether the Republican-controlled House will continue to toe the line of relentless determination to provide one package of aid after another for Ukraine.

One lawmaker—Democrat Representative for Massachusetts, Bill Keating—confirmed in the report that a lot would ultimately depend on Ukraine’s counteroffensive.

“It’s not a precise science to say what, because it could be gains that were made that make more support less necessary… Or there could be damage inflicted where there has to be more [assistance],” Keating said, adding that Kiev has “enough right now for the near future.”

US Congress last approved the final package for Ukraine in December 2022, to cover most of 2023. When elected GOP-controlled House Speaker, the California Republican Kevin McCarthy, said there would be no “blank check” for Ukraine. However, in May he indicated that the House would stick to its guns with “what we’ve been doing.”

But meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the sidelines of the G7 in Hiroshima, Japan, US President Joe Biden touted a military aid package for Kiev that included artillery, armored vehicles, ammunition, and training.

“Together with the entire G7, we have Ukraine’s back and I promise we’re not going anywhere,” Biden told Zelensky.

The Ukrainian president was in Hiroshima to plead for more weapons aid after Russia took control of the city of Artemovsk. The Russian military confirmed May 21 that operations by assault detachments supported by artillery and aviation of the Southern Group of Forces had led to the total liberation of the DPR city.

Just days earlier, Washington gave allies the go-ahead to transfer US-built F-16 jets to Ukraine. Biden also informed his G7 counterparts that the United States would support a joint effort to train Ukrainian pilots on fourth generation fighter aircraft, including F-16s.

Western countries have been supplying military aid to Ukraine since Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine on 24 February 2022. The aid evolved from artillery and training in 2022 to heavier weapons, including tanks, later that year and in 2023.

The Kremlin, in turn, has repeatedly warned against continuously funneling arms to Kiev. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said any cargo that contains weapons for Ukraine will become a legitimate target for Russia. Moscow has repeatedly emphasized that the heavy levels of military aid being handed to Ukraine is only prolonging the conflict. ... ck-burner/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat May 27, 2023 12:02 pm

China, the West and the diplomacy of war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 05/27/2023


With Volodymyr Zelensky as the most popular guest in the media and whose role surpassed, for example, that of Narendra Modi, not only the president of one of the most important emerging economies but also the largest country in the world in terms of population, the G7 summit that was held in Japan a week ago he basically dealt with two major issues: the war in Ukraine and the containment of China, both closely related. Even more than in previous years, the summit was an exercise in closing ranks at a time of high political and economic tensions worldwide and in which each of the countries that aspire to be great powers are restructuring their alliances and building diplomatic muscle. Looking for new partners. It is no coincidence in this sense that one of the objectives of the seven great powers of the Western bloc was precisely to attract the countries of the global south to their position in relation to the war between Russia and Ukraine. Hence the importance of the presence of India, one of the large economies that has openly refused to join, for example, Western sanctions against Russia and that has established itself as one of the bridge countries through which Russia continues to export its products. .

It is notable, for example, the increase in the purchase of Russian crude, something that has recently worried the head of European Union diplomacy, Josep Borrell, who boasted that India buys these products at a lower price thanks to the price cap imposed by Western sanctions, but condemned that this crude be subsequently exported to European countries. In reality, even the first part of Borrell's argument does not correspond to the facts, since, as experts in the application of sanctions have shown, 96% of Russian crude sold in the first quarter of 2023 has done so above of the ceiling of 60 dollars marked by the unilateral sanctions of the western countries. But while economic sanctions by the United States and its allies have not achieved the goal of destroying the Russian economy, The political break between Western Europe and Russia is a fact and the Western bloc intends to deepen the international isolation of Moscow, which it has never achieved. Added to the desire for neutrality of a large part of the Asian, Latin American and African countries is the role of large countries such as India and, above all, China, whose weight is such that the media continue to reflect with concern the positions on Beijing's attempt to mediate between Russia and Ukraine.

The Chinese initiative, a roadmap of general geopolitical good practices and an attempt to immediately start a negotiation between kyiv and Moscow, has caused more concern than any other peace initiative. Although all of them are annoying, it is the Chinese proposal that continues to be one of the concerns on the international political agenda. This week, Victoria Nuland has confirmed something obvious: the United States has been working together with Ukraine for months to prepare the future counteroffensive with which Kiev hopes to recover as much territory as possible and defeat Russian forces. Under these conditions, any negotiation initiative has no chance of success, all of them well-intentioned and much more responsible than the warmongering attitude of the great powers. Even with no chance of success,

Yesterday, The Wall Street Journal published a new article on China's actions, which despite open Western rejection of its plan, continues to make moves to show its position on the war. As usual in this conflict, the article is based on anonymous sources from the different governments involved, an argument that has quickly drawn condemnation from the Office of the President of Ukraine. The reason for the Ukrainian protest is not the use of anonymous sources to reveal that China continues to seek a negotiation leading to a ceasefire, but the questioning of the possibility that the Kiev troops will be able to restore the territorial integrity of the country according to its 1991 borders. "Any compromise scenario that does NOT imply the liberation of all the territories of Ukraine that anonymous sources to which the European and American elites periodically refer is equivalent to admitting the defeat of democracy, the victory of Russia, the preservation of the Putin regime and, as a consequence of this, the sharp increase in conflicts in global politics”, wrote Mikhailo Podolyak, always quick in his responses, which usually include the demand for the overthrow of the Russian government. As usual, the argument ends with a reproach to those who dare to show a less friendly version of the Ukrainian victory speech. “Why do they continue to play according to the Russian media scenario ?of freezing the conflict some individual public actors?” asked the adviser to the Office of the President, for whom democracy does not seem to include the ability to dissent even in the slightest from the official narrative.

Quite apart from the concern always caused in Ukraine by any mention in the Western press of the possibility of negotiation or suggestion that complete victory is unlikely, the real reason for the Western obsession with the Chinese plan is simply that it strays from its path. . Despite the growing pressure exerted by the Western bloc against Beijing, the Chinese position has not changed since the war began and, without condemning Russia's actions, as Washington, Paris or Berlin demand, China only seeks an end to the conflict. Like other peace initiatives except for the one in Ukraine, which, as Lula da Silva correctly defined, simply demands Russia's unilateral surrender, the Chinese proposal seeks to paralyze the war machine in order to transfer the conflict to a diplomatic phase, an unacceptable scenario for kyiv's allies, who have shown their willingness to face a long war. The Chinese position, which this week resulted in the meeting between President Xi and Prime Minister Mishustin, a meeting in which China reaffirmed its interest in deepening its alliance with Russia, is uncomfortable for the West because it shows the bloc's inability to time to politically impose their position.

In this context, possibly accepted since it will not be possible to force China to be Beijing that forces Russia to capitulate unilaterally in the war, the interest of the West is to present the Chinese position as a Chinese and Russian attempt to break the Western bloc. At a time of reconfiguration of alliances and blocs, Washington, London or Brussels are also seeking to delegitimize and discredit Beijing's position on the international stage. That is where the article published by The Wall Street Journal delves into , which without specifying the name of its sources, affirms that the Chinese envoy in charge of negotiating with Russia and Ukraine seeks to guarantee Russian interests in the conflict.

“The Chinese emissary sent to impose Beijing's peace plan for Ukraine had a clear message: according to Western officials familiar with the talks in mainland capitals, America's allies in Europe must reclaim their autonomy and call a ceasefire. immediately, leaving Russia in possession of the parts it occupies of its smaller neighbor's territory," the outlet wrote yesterday. The objective of the interested leak is clear: to equate China's position to that of Russia and to delegitimize any attempt to transfer the conflict to a diplomatic phase. It is curious that that opening paragraph with which The Wall Street Journal opens an article that, in reality, does not offer any novelty in the position of Beijing, add the idea that Russia would maintain control over Ukrainian territories, possibly an attempt to present that idea as one of the bases of the Chinese plan. In reality, this control would only be a consequence of the ceasefire, which would consolidate the front line as a line of separation before a negotiation and not part of the Beijing plan, whose first point is to guarantee the territorial integrity of all countries.

The Western position, which the different countries continue to insistently repeat, is that Beijing seeks two objectives: to avoid a Russian defeat in the war and to break the unity of the Western bloc. For the official cynics in Washington, Berlin, Paris or London, there is no possibility that China seeks to restore peace to prevent the increasing closure of blocks, which significantly hinders one of its main assets: trade. "They are probably testing the unity of the West and trying to show initiative," says one of the diplomatic sources quoted by The Wall Street Journal., which adds that it was made clear to Li Hui that "it is impossible to separate Europe from America." With the subordination of the countries of the European Union to the United States as the only policy, the Western countries continue to believe that only their plan -war to the end- is acceptable and that only their capitals are capable of mediating for the conflict resolution. And those who were not able to demand that their Kiev ally comply with the peace agreement that they had signed and claimed to defend insist once again that "although it is too early to reject Beijing's efforts", it is necessary to question "China's ability to to act as an honest mediator in any negotiation taking into account its close alignment with Moscow”. Only those who since 2014 defend the imposition of peace Kyiv as the only way out of the conflict are qualified to mediate in a conflict in which negotiation is not necessary.

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What the Russians are saying about the nomination of AF General Charles Q. Brown, Jr. as next head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

As I have commented recently, the Russian state television news and analysis program Sixty Minutes hosted by Olga Skabeyeva and Yevgeny Popov provides excellent daily coverage of Western television broadcasts on topics of interest to their home audience. The video excerpts taken from CNN, Fox News, Euronews and other major channels are not sound bites. They are usually lengthy enough to ensure that nothing is taken out of context. The anti-Russian aggressiveness of interviewees and of news items on these US and European stations is so clear that it speaks for itself, and the Russian hosts can usually keep to a restrained demeanor.

As for the commentary on news items provided by the expert panelists on this program, it is often well researched and informative. A case in point was the coverage on Sixty Minutes of the nomination yesterday by Joe Biden of Air Force General Charles Q. Brown, Jr. to replace General Mark Milley as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the second highest post in the U.S. military after the Secretary of Defense and the post responsible for strategic planning, that is to say, the “brains” of the Pentagon. The handover of office will take place in October.

The explanation of who exactly is Charles Brown and the interpretation of what his appointment means for U.S. military policy to come was delivered by the editor in chief of a Russian military journal who frequently appears on Sixty Minutes. The description of Brown’s personal background and professional experience was substantive. We were told that Brown is a third generation military officer, that his father was a colonel and that he rose in the ranks not by “pull” but by dint of hard work and merit which is all the more noteworthy given that he is an African American.

A recent self-promoting video clip by Brown was put on air. In this he presents himself as an accomplished pilot of fighter jets and remarks that once he gets in the cockpit and puts on his headgear, no onlookers know whether he is black or white or Hispanic, whether he is a woman or a man. He is just a skilled flyer ready to “kick butt.” Yes, the video was acknowledged by the Russian presenters as impressive.

As the expert panelist further explained, Brown has logged more than 3,000 hours in the air, mostly on the F-16s on which he is a leading authority in the States, including or especially as regards their use for delivery of tactical nuclear weapons. Brown served in South Korea and is assumed to have carried out missions near or over the North. He also served in the Ramstein air base in Germany which is now the coordinating center for the Allied support of Ukraine.

In conclusion the panelist sees in Brown’s appointment a clear indication that as from his taking office in October, the U.S. will be raising its readiness to wage nuclear war on the European continent from the air.


The foregoing news and interpretation is a direct answer to the question I posed yesterday about whether the U.S. and NATO have further plans for the war in Ukraine beyond delivery of F-16s to Kiev. This is also a direct answer to my suggestion of the need for a “course correction.” Regrettably that course correction is in the direction of nuclear war.

It appears that fighting the war in Ukraine to the last Ukrainian will be succeeded by an American formulated plan to fight to the last European. We have to view in this context yesterday’s declaration by German Chancellor Scholz that he opposes any “freezing” of the conflict in and over Ukraine and wants to continue the fight till Ukraine is victorious.

Scholz has already done a great deal to destroy the economy of his country. Yesterday’s declaration of recession in Germany is just the start of news on that country’s economy that goes from bad to worse as deindustrialization picks up speed. Now it would appear that Scholz is keen to see the total destruction of Europe in a U.S.-planned war. Is Mr. Macron listening? Or is he too busy greening France?


I close this essay with a look at what American media are saying about the prospective appointment of Charles Brown, Jr. as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. One of the first articles you can find online by consulting Google Search is on ABC News, a pillar of the industry. I make reference to “Biden picks history-making general as next head of Joint Chiefs” by Chris Boccia and Alexandra Hutzler, datelined yesterday.

And what do they mean by “history-making”? Aside from the fact that Brown is a “butt-kicker” (quote Biden), we see the following:

Brown, if confirmed, would become the second Black Joint Chiefs chairman three decades after Army Gen. Colin Powell. For the first time in history, the Pentagon’s top two leaders, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and the Joint Chiefs chairman, would be Black men.

But that is not all which especially qualifies Brown in today’s America. We further read:

[In 2020] Brown..made headlines when he spoke out about racism in the military following George Floyd’s murder at the hands of Minneapolis police. ‘I’m thinking about how full I am with emotion not just for George Floyd, but the many African Americans that have suffered the same fate as George Floyd,’ he said in a highly personal video message. ‘I’m thinking about a history of racial issues and my own experiences that didn’t always sing of liberty and equality.’ His nomination on Thursday fell on the third anniversary of Floyd’s death.

In fairness to the authors of the ABC News article, they do mention in passing that Brown was an Air Force F-16 fighter pilot. They also mention that he “held senior leadership roles in the Middle East beginning in 2015 and in 2018 took command of Pacific Air Forces, America’s presence in the skies of the Indo-Pacific.” Good, but not good enough.

I leave it to readers to decide who will be better informed about what we may expect from General Brown once he assumes his new duties: the average Russian who watches Sixty Minutes or the average American who reads ABC News? Where is there Information? And where is there Dis-Information?

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023 ... -of-staff/


Britain at War: Provoking the Consequences
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 26, 2023
Christopher Black


On the 19th of May, the Financial Times quoted the British Minister of Defense, Ben Wallace, stating that the West could face the threat of full-scale war with Russia and China by the end of the decade and proclaimed defence preparation a paramount task for Western countries.

One has to wonder what universe Mr. Wallace and his boss, Rishi Sunak, are living in since Britain is engaged in war with Russia right now, has, with every step, every hostile action, set itself up for a full-scale war, a full-scale catastrophe, which they cannot prevent. Why Britain would go to war with China as well as Russia when China has not threatened it and is oceans away, no one can explain in rational terms. Yet, this is the British rhetoric, the fetishistic parroting of the words of their lord and master, the USA.

Many argue that statements, a war is not happening, that it is something that exits only in the future, are desperate attempts to fool the British people, to lie to them about their government’s intentions and what is coming. Others argue that they are signs that the British government has no sense of reality. But, in the end, one has to conclude that they are both at the same time.

Worse, these statements speak of a government, that seems to think it is untouchable, that the war with Russia will be limited in geographic space to Ukraine, that Britain’s participation in the war against Russia will have no direct consequences for Britain and its people, that Russia will not dare to follow military and political logic and conduct military strikes against Britain. Nothing could be further from the truth, yet the British establishment, dreaming of its past, is unable to accept reality, is leading the British people towards disaster, as the gathering storm of war edges ever closer to their shores.

The deluded thinking in Britain is an extension of the same psychosis that grips all the halls of power in the western world, a psychosis that has its roots in the deeply troubled societies which have developed in the west and whose causes will be the subject of study of future social scientists and historians if there are any. In fact, these governments display observable and classical symptoms of paranoia and delusional disorders, leading to the complete break with reality that constitutes psychosis. This is a very dangerous state of affairs because someone who is delusional, who has no grip on reality, who cannot make distinctions between reality and imagination or wishful thinking, will make decisions and take actions that are dangerous to everyone around them, in this case, Russia, and beyond, the whole world.

Just after Russian began its Special Military Operation, Britain declared its support for Ukraine along with the rest of NATO and announced it would supply it with weapons and munitions to fight Russia. Maria Zakharova, the Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman, in response, stated that NATO states providing weapons to Ukraine could be hit in strikes.

Ms Zakharova said:

“Do we understand correctly that for the sake of disrupting the logistics of military supplies, Russia can strike military targets on the territory of those NATO countries that supply arms to the Kyiv regime?

“After all, this directly leads to deaths and bloodshed on Ukrainian territory. As far as I understand, Britain is one of those countries.”

The Russian defence ministry, after several attacks inside Russia backed by NATO, has repeatedly said:

“We would like to stress that the direct provoking by London of the Kyiv regime into such activities attacking Russian territory, should there be an attempt to realise them, will immediately lead to our proportional response.”

In April, when the UK announced it was sending depleted uranium tank shells to Ukraine, Russia said it would respond and did so, destroying those munitions in Ukraine just after they arrived, and now a radioactive cloud is drifting west towards Europe and the UK. Russian warnings of the danger of this happening were ignored.

On May 11, Ben Wallace announced a further act of aggression against Russia with the decision to send Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Ukraine, which have since been used to attack civilian centres in Russia. Again, Russia stated clearly that there would be a military response to this action.

On May 23, during his visit to Laos, Deputy Head of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev issued another warning, on the day Russian security forces destroyed the Ukrainian raiding force that attacked civilians in the Belgorod region, an openly terrorist action backed by the UK and the other NATO states. From Vientiane, he stated,

“The North Atlantic alliance does not take the threat of nuclear war seriously enough, thus making a big mistake. NATO is not serious about this scenario. Otherwise, NATO would not have supplied such dangerous weapons to the Ukrainian regime. Apparently, they think that a nuclear conflict, or a nuclear apocalypse, is never ever possible. NATO is wrong, and at some point events may take a completely unpredictable turn. The responsibility will be placed squarely on the North Atlantic Alliance,”

Medvedev pointed out that no one knows whether the point of no return has been passed,

“No one knows this. This is the main danger. Because as soon as they provide something, they say: let’s supply this, too. Long-range missiles or planes. Everything will be all right. But nothing will be fine. We will be able to cope with it. But only more and more serious types of weapons will be used. That’s what the current trend is.”

But Russia can strike using its conventional weapons as well, against which the UK has no defence whatsoever.

Still, the British attitude towards these warnings is to call on the magic of “legality” as if they can weave a protective cloak around the island with incantations. Yet, everyone knows that to use incantations to ward off danger, the formula used must have mojo or force; otherwise the words have no effect.

In 2022, for example, then Deputy Prime Minister, Dominic Raab, hit back, after Russia suggested it could target British military installations over its support for Ukraine, by branding the Kremlin’s claim “unlawful.” Wallace, Sunak, and others have repeated this claim multiple times.

Raab, and the rest, can only be right if Britain had maintained its neutrality in the war between Ukraine and Russia. But, as we know, this is really a war by the USA, Britain and their NATO mafia against Russia and has been all along. Ukraine is the present battlefield. So, for Britain to claim that it has maintained neutrality is an absurdity.

A neutral state violates neutrality by breaching its obligation to remain impartial, to not participate in the conflict. It violates neutrality by supplying warships, aircraft, arms, ammunition, military provisions or other war materials, either directly or indirectly, to a belligerent, by engaging its own military forces, or by supplying military advisors to a party to the armed conflict, by allowing belligerent use of neutral territory as a military base, or for the storage of war material or passage of belligerent troops or munitions in neutral territory, by furnishing troops to a belligerent, or providing or transmitting military intelligence on behalf of a belligerent are also examples of violations of neutrality.

A State’s neutrality ends when the State becomes a party to an armed conflict, or, in other words, a belligerent. A State becomes a belligerent under the law of neutrality by either declaring war; or participating in hostilities to a significant extent, or engages in systematic or substantial violations of its duties of impartiality and non-participation.

Britain meets all the requirements of a co-belligerent, that is, of a party to the war with Russia; it not only supplies munitions and weapon systems to Ukraine with the objective of attacking Russia and Russian forces in Ukraine it has a direct role in directing the war against Russia, including sending military officers and soldiers to advise and operate with the Ukrainian forces, by preventing any peace negotiations -we remember the action of Boris Johnson just as Ukraine and Russia were about to conclude a peace settlement-by the training of Ukrainian soldiers in Britain and transporting them to the front, by supplying the Ukrainian forces with reconnaissance and intelligence data, actively sending aircraft close to the war zone for this purpose, by providing communications systems, by providing financial aid to Ukraine at the same imposing economic warfare measure on Russia, euphemistically termed “sanctions. These conditions apply to all the NATO allies, of course, but Britain’s role is an especially egregious one.

In fact, Britain’s aggression against Russia began much earlier than 2022. Britain, as part of NATO, supported the insurgency in the Caucasus region in the mid -1990s. Britain took part in the aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999, part of the strategy to attack Russia, eliminating a potential Russian ally, just as Hitler did in 1941. The Georgian attack on Russian forces in 2008 was also supported by NATO.

All through this period, the UK government and media put out a constant stream of propaganda against Russia, culminating in the wild claims by the British that Russia tried to use novichok nerve poison to kill two Russian citizens, the Skripals, in the UK. That incident had one objective, to prepare the minds of the British people for war with Russia. That no one has seen or heard from the Skripals for several years now, that Britain rejects Russia’s right to meet with them to see if they are all right, is never mentioned in the West. They have disappeared, their fate unknown, two expendable pieces on the chessboard of war.

Lastly, Russia claims, with some evidence to back up their claims, that the UK was involved, with the US and other NATO nations, in the attack on the NordStream Pipeline, an act of war against both Russia and Germany, though the Germans, still occupied by US forces, are required to accept this humiliation and keep quiet.

So British claims that Russia has no legal right to retaliate against it are absurd. Britain, as with all the NATO countries, cannot claim to have a neutral status in the war. It has become in law and in fact a party to the war.

It follows that any action taken by Russia against the UK to force the UK to stop its assistance to Ukraine and end its participation in the war against Russia will be legitimate under international law and justified under the ancient military doctrine that a nation cannot suffer the attack of another without retaliating to stop the attack and making sure that another attack will not follow.

The NATO gang’s claim of acting in “collective self defence,” a phrase Ben Wallace likes to use a lot, so that they can claim to maintain a neutral status, is not a valid or logical one and does not apply. It is clear that the USA and NATO have been planning an attack on Russia for a long time, and the Ukraine war is a part of this attack. The conspiracy to commit aggression has been developed over decades. Part of the preparation for the war was the overthrow of the elected government of Ukraine and the installation in its place of a puppet government that was then used to attack the Donbass and Russia itself. They now openly admit that the Minsk Accords were a ruse to stall Russia while they prepared the Ukrainian forces for war against Russia.

Further, they cannot rely on Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, since that clause can only be invoked if there is an unprovoked Russian attack on a NATO country. But when a NATO country attacks Russia, and here we have them all joining in the attack, it is the aggressor and therefore cannot claim to be are acting in self-defence. It is also important to bear in mind Article I of the NATO Treaty, since it requires NATO to act in conformity with the UN Charter. It states

“Article 1

The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.”

But the NATO nations have done the exact opposite. They have blocked peace at every turn and push Ukraine to keep the war going. Their forces are directly involved. They have even attempted to expand their military bloc by inviting Finland and Sweden to join the war alliance, in order to increase the forces available to them, with one purpose, to prosecute the war against Russia. They now openly state their objective is to destroy Russia. So, the NATO nations are not only active co-belligerents in the war, they are, in fact, the main protagonists of the enemy camp that Russia faces. They are, therefore, all legitimate targets.

But is an attack likely, and what will its nature be, and what will be the consequences? These are questions only the Russian General Staff can know and foresee. We can only speculate. But speculation can be useful, especially for the British people to realise the danger their criminal government is putting them in.

Medvedev warns again of the dangers of nuclear war, but Russia has no need to resort to that to retaliate against Britain. Conventional stand-off weapons will be more effective, and what can the UK do if a strike on military airfields takes place, on port facilities, to stop the shipment of weapons, on army bases where Ukrainian soldiers are trained, on warehouses storing munitions and weapons marked for shipment to Ukraine, or eliminating the UK Trident nuclear submarine force in Scotland, or any number of other targets they could select? They can do nothing.

The National and Defence Strategies Research Group based in the UK stated in a report on Britain’s air defences in 2016, that,

“Since the withdrawal from service of the Bloodhound missile system in the 1980s, the UK’s Air Defence posture has diminished to mainly a homeland benign airspace policing and point defence posture for deployed forces. The UK no longer has a comprehensive, integrated, or robustly layered short to long-range Air Defence capability, nor a credible or enduring operational capacity.”

Nothing has changed since then, except to get worse. In other words, the UK is defenceless against modern Russian stand-off weapons.

I can remember, as a boy, my mother taking me several times on a bus through London. It must have been 1955 or so and I can remember mile upon mile of burnt-out blackened buildings, as far as the eye could see, especially in east London where entire districts were levelled by German bombs. The country, despite its heroic RAF fighter pilots, could not stop the bombing and then missile attacks which went on for five years.

The British government assured the people before that war, that all would be well, that they would have peace in their time. But they lied to the people then, as they are lying to them now. Britain was never the same after that war. It never really recovered from it. Once again, the British government, ever saluting the masters in Washington, leads the British people into a dangerous war, which they were never asked about, and which they do not want. It lies to them about the causes, it lies to them about the fighting, and it lies to them about the dangers they face, placing them in a distant future, and hides from them the consequences of its actions. The British people must be warned. Britain is at war, and no amount of bluffing and lying can protect them from the consequences their government is provoking. They are predictable and they will be catastrophic. ... sequences/


Closing The Case Of Regime Changer Roman Protasevich And His Ryanair Flight To Minsk

Two years ago a Ryanair flight from Athens to Lithuania was diverted after the Belorussian flight control informed the pilot that it had received an email which said that the plane carried a bomb and would explode during landing in Lithuania.

The plane diverted to Minsk. All passengers stepped off board and where bused to the terminal. When they passed through passport control the immigration officers found that two of the passengers had outstanding arrest warrants against them. These were one Roman Protasevich and his Russian girlfriend and co-worker Sofia Sapega.

The 'western' media and politicians were up in arms over the 'unprecedented' incident. But the event was far from unprecedented.

Western media also failed to report that Roman Protasevich had been a western government financed neo-nazi who had fought with the fascist Ukrainian Azov battalion before working for U.S. sponsored regime change media in Poland. He was one of the persons who had directed the failed 2020 color-revolution in Belarus.

Belarus had handled the airplane incident by the book. During the following days claims were made that Belarus received the terror threat email after the plane was informed - i.e. the whole thing was a setup. However, Belarus has claimed that it received the threat email twice, once before it notified the pilots and another copy later.

Moon of Alabama has followed the case throughout. Those interested in the details of the original incident can find them in our June 2 2021 post. For a wider political view of the 'color revolution' business in east Europe see this piece by Kit Klarenberg. Links to all MoA posts about the case are listed at the end of this piece.

A week after the incident, during a long TV interview, Protasevich spilled the beans about the whole regime operation. He also says that he has come to believe that one of his regime changer colleagues had sent the bomb threat email to get him arrested.

A few weeks later Roman Protasevich and Sofia Sapega were released and put under house arrest. A trial followed and, in early May of this year, he was sentenced to eight years in prison.

I though that the sentence, in light of his public turnabout, was quite harsh but others accused of the same regime change operations against Belarus had received up to 20 years prison time. Still, eight years is a long time for a young man who had clearly changed his mind. Sofia Sapega, who is a Russian citizen, had earlier received a 6 year sentence.

On May 22 Protasevich was unexpectedly pardoned:

Roman Protasevich said: “I've just signed the paperwork saying that I have been pardoned. This is certainly simply great news.”

BelTA reported earlier that on 3 May the Minsk Oblast Court sentenced Roman Protasevich to eight years in a prison colony. He was found guilty of making public appeals for seizing power, committing acts of terrorism, giving offence to the president, spreading knowingly fraudulent information about Belarus, and other crimes.

Protasevich was quite surprised:

"This news is extremely unexpected. A month ago I could not think that it was even possible, that it would happen. I am really overwhelmed," Roman Protasevich said. “I would like to thank President Aleksandr Grigorievich personally because this is his decision. This is a bold move, a decision of a strong-willed person. I want to thank the country and the people who believed in me, in my sincerity, who think that people can mend their ways and admit their mistakes."
According to him, he is focused on the positive agenda. "I don't read what they write about me. I unsubscribed from all possible information resources a long time ago. I mean pro-Western, opposition one because they recycle stuff about me. I'm not interested in what's going on there, what they're saying. I am focused [on] the positive agenda. I will devote maximum time to my family," Roman Protasevich emphasized.

Reporting on Protasevich's pardon the Washington Post notes:

Sapega, a Russian national, was accused of running another Telegram channel called “Belarus’s Black Book,” which published personal information about the country’s security forces. She was sentenced in 2022 to six years in prison. Last month, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Belarus granted its Russian counterparts’ request to transfer Sapega to Russia following her family’s pleas.

I have found no other new information about Sapega but, if she is still with Protasevich, it is likely that she will now receive similar leniency.

Previous coverage of the case published on Moon of Alabama:

Lukashenko's Revenge (Served Cold) - May 24, 2021
Roman Protasevich - Arrested In Belarus - Is A Western Government Financed Neo-Nazi - May 26, 2021
By The Book - What Really Happened With The Ryanair Flight In Belarus - May 27, 2021
Ryanair Incident - Email Warning Received Before Plane Entered Belorussian Airspace - May 28, 2021
How ProtonMail Lost The Public Trust It Needs To Do Business - May 29, 2021
'Like An Amoral Infant' - How ProtonMail Contributes To False Media Claims About Belarus - May 30, 2021
Ryanair Bomb Threat In Belarus - 'Western' Media Narrative Disagrees With The Facts - May 31, 2021
Timeline, Narrative Control And Consequences Of The Ryanair Incident In Belarus - June 2, 2021
Roman Protasevich, Casualty Of The Ryanair Incident In Belarus, Is Spilling The Beans - June 4, 2021
Putin Teaching A Journalist And Other New Bits Around Ryanair Flight 4978 - June 15, 2021
U.S., UK Information Warfare Behind Regime Change Drive In Belarus by Kit Klarenberg - June 15, 2021
ICAO Report - Ryanair Plane That Landed in Minsk Was NOT Forced Down - January 22, 2022

Posted by b on May 26, 2023 at 16:36 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


Chinese peace plan
May 26, 19:43


The Western press writes about some aspects of the "Chinese peace plan", which is being promoted by the DPRK Foreign Ministry in the course of diplomatic contacts.

1. Immediate ceasefire.
2. Preservation of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions for the Russian Federation.
3. Strengthening the strategic autonomy of the European Union.
4. Restoration and strengthening of trust between Russia and Ukraine.
5. Restoring and strengthening confidence between Russia and the EU.

If everything is as they write, then the United States will certainly reject it.
It is also worth noting that today Medvedev said that there could be no negotiations with the Zelensky regime.
So the prospects for this Chinese initiative look, to put it mildly, vague.

Russian ATAK: KPO-A Awareness Complex
May 27, 14:21


Russian ATAK: KPO-A Awareness Complex

Modern warfare is not only weapons based on new physical principles and strikes across the entire economic and political territory of the enemy, modern warfare is primarily fast communications, digital combat control and knowledge of the enemy. Especially in the tactical level of command and control.

Today, in different armies of the world, there are many different systems that, to some extent, allow organizing information and communication interaction on the battlefield. This is the Ukrainian "Krapiva", this is the NATO "DELTA" system, this is the unified combat control system of the US Armed Forces (JADC2), of which ATAK (Android Tactical Assault Kit) is an integral part, this is the IVAS (Microsoft company) individual situation display complex, and a lot others.

In Russia, too, a number of developers in the interests of the Ministry of Defense and special services are developing tactical information and communication systems. The Kalashnikov Concern has developed the Fox system, there is the Veterok system, and there are other similar systems that have appeared recently. But all these systems have one drawback. They solve a rather narrow and specific problem. These systems cannot be compared with the "JADC2" level and its component - ATAK (Android Tactical Assault Kit).

Last autumn, NPO Dvina, on its own initiative, began developing a domestic digital multi-domain system that would improve the overall awareness of commanders making decisions on the battlefield.


Why did we choose the American ATAK (Android Tactical Assault Kit) system as the basis, why did we not take the Ukrainian "Krapiva" or the NATO "DELTA" as the basis..?

This is if you want, as in sports. A certain level, a threshold of achievement. A certain planochka record that you need to take. Well, in the end, the famous DARPA is related to the ATAK system, and this already says something. You need to equal and compete with the best ...!

What is the KPO-A Awareness Complex...?

"KPO-A" is a cross-platform geoinformation communication system that combines the functions of cartographic geoinformation systems, communication platforms and operational-tactical information managers. Due to its powerful functionality, "KPO-A" provides communication, target designation, coordination, planning and presentation of information about the situation in one device. Also, "KPO-A" allows you to organize a "direct" transmission of data from military personnel to command posts of the operational-tactical and strategic levels.

An ordinary commercial smartphone or tablet running the Android operating system with software (SW) Awareness raising complex "KPO-A", which allows you to:

- coordinate the actions of military personnel during the performance of their combat mission, determining their location using the signals of the GPS / GLONASS / BeiDou space radio navigation system;
- to provide joint access on the battlefield to electronic interactive maps of the area.



If necessary, maps, layers and elements of the environment can also be downloaded from the servers of the headquarters of units, from the servers of the National Center for Defense Control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (NTsUO MO RF) and other government departments. For a predetermined digitized area, a three-dimensional display of the relief and urbanized infrastructure is available.

Map layers are also capable of:

- displaying meteorological conditions, zones of radiation, chemical and biological contamination, features of terrain conditions;
- apply the tactical situation (objectives and enemy forces, positions of individual military personnel, units, fire weapons with their sectors of fire, elements of operational equipment of the area, the state of infrastructure facilities and other important information) on the cartographic layers in the form of symbols according to the KEUZ-2012 classifier ( 2015) and the US military standard MIL-STD-2525, supplemented by a textual description. It is possible to use libraries of symbols and markers from Google Maps, OSM, FEMA applications, as well as other sets that are easily imported into the system;
- indicate targets on the map and the sequence of their destruction, including for cruise missiles, aviation (unmanned systems) and artillery;
- Observe the current aviation situation;
- to carry out video broadcasts, exchange of photographic materials, text messages and combat control signals in a time scale close to real;
- display on the smartphone display intelligence data from various sources, including from ground-based robotic systems and UAVs.

KPO-A users can also receive current situational political and informational reports that relate to their immediate location.


The KPO-A Awareness Enhancement Complex software was originally designed so that it can work without a central node, that is, in peer-to-peer networks with IP addressing. This feature is required for units operating autonomously. If there is a connection between the advanced units and the headquarters, the information collected on the battlefield is summarized and stored on a local server running the Linux operating system with the KPO-server software installed.

This device can be located at a command post or tactical level headquarters, which can include an automated workstation (including a laptop or a desktop computer) with a Windows/Linux operating system and pre-installed console software "KPO-K Awareness Enhancement Complex". Also, if necessary, a WEB-interface can be available at remote workstations.

Console software The KPO-K Awareness Enhancement Complex also has a functionality that provides the output of tactical situation data to large-format displays for collective use.

At the same time, the displayed information is transmitted from peripheral devices (from individual servicemen from the battlefield, from command posts of active formations) to the server via a secure communication channel using an RS-232, Micro-USB or Type-C cable connected to a commercial smartphone or tablet of standard radio stations (Azart R-187P1, PRTs-117KV1(a)(C), XK-V104TE/XK-V103TE, GRANITE R48U.7 and others with packet data protocol support). The full functionality of the KPO-A Awareness Enhancement Complex, including video broadcasting, is provided through the use of mobile self-organizing communication networks using broadband data transfer protocols. Also in "KPO-A" it is possible to use DMR, UHF and VHF radio stations for data transmission due to a special attachment to a smartphone.

The KPO-A Awareness Enhancement Complex software will be licensed under four main licenses:

- KPO SOF: Version for use by Special Operations Forces;
- KPO MIL: Version for use by units of the Ministry of Defense and other special services;
- KPO GOV: Version for federal, regional and municipal departments of Russia (Municipal and regional administration, medical assistance, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.). The application will be complemented by specialized plug-ins to fulfill the tasks of each specific organization;
- KPO CIV: Version for civil use. The application is devoid of special features that are necessary for military use and adapted for use in cellular networks. Registration requires an account linked to a mobile phone number or Mobile-ID. The application will be available in the NPO Dvina Internet service only for Russia's partner countries. - zinc

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

forwarded from
SOME RESULTS - analysis of the situation from @Multi_XAM

As most of the resources on the network continue to discuss the possible directions of the counterattack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - there are many versions - over the past week we have noticed suspicious activity of the enemy in the Avdeevka and Konstantinovsky directions. While the attention of military experts was riveted on the results of the “Bakhmut meat grinder”, additional reserves were transferred to Avdiivka and Konstantinovka, where logistics are functioning well: armored vehicles and personnel of “assault brigades” reinforced by units of the National Guard.

Taking into account the fact that the Spartak area, although de facto is within our control of the line of contact, the enemy is constantly probing the defense here, trying to find gaps in it for a possible tank breakthrough in the direction of Donetsk.

The Konantinovsky railway hub ( we devoted special attention to the topic of railway logistics during the week ) has received a sufficient number of echelons with equipment in recent days. Although they hit him quite well, bravo to our artillery.

It is clear that after the failure in Bakhmut and the absence of significant advances on the flanks of the Wagner PMC, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to justify itself to Western curators, therefore, they took active steps to bring the DRG into the Belgorod region. Today, during the day, the shelling of the border areas also continued. The movement of the DRG on the border with the Bryansk region was noted. Back on March 2, after the first entry of the Ukrainian DRG into the Bryansk region, we tried to get through to those responsible for this that your border is not completely locked, and it’s not a border at all, but a continuation of the LBS.

While the DRG forces were diverting everyone's attention to the Belgorod junction, without having any serious offensive potential in the border area, the enemy secretly relocated additional forces to Avdeevka and Konstantinovka. Well, it's probably stupid to assume that this is all movement for the sake of movement.




Zaporizhia direction
Situation as of 12:00 on May 27, 2023

Judging by the characteristic signs, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have completed the main preparations for the offensive. The enemy grouping is practically formed for an attack in three areas: Orekhovsky , Pologovsky and Gulyaipolsky . In addition, the tactical group "Marun"

was created in the southeast of the Dnipropetrovsk region , which included the forces of 46 oambr, 82 airborne brigade and 132 reconnaissance battalion of the DShV, as well as 71 ebr of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Previously, 132 orbs were not observed near Zaporozhye . Also in Gavrilovka there were units deployed from the Kharkov region, presumably

assault brigade "Spartan" . And Chaplino housed members of the 3rd battalion of the 33rd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. HIMARS MLRS firing points are equipped

along the contact line in the areas of the settlements of Primorskoye , Krasnaya Krinitsa , General , Gulyaipole , Novosoloshchino . MiG-29 and Su-25 tactical aircraft with Storm Shadow cruise missiles (CR) regularly operate

from the airfield in Dnepropetrovsk . At the same time, attacks on Russian cities are being delivered from the same districts - Krasnogorsk , Gavrilovka and Novosoloshchino .


On the consequences of the use of depleted uranium projectiles

Senior Edda's colleagues @vysokygovorit and Turned at War @voenacher raised an important question about the consequences of the use of depleted uranium projectiles by Ukrainian formations in light of the supply of drugs to reduce radiation exposure.

In this case, it is interesting how the West is trying to convince the public that the threat from the use of such ammunition is minimal, referring to the lack of confirmed data. This is wrong. And the consequences are clearly visible not only from the results of the wars in Iraq or Yugoslavia, but also in Afghanistan .

The Americans used ammunition filled with depleted uranium from attack aircraftA-10 "Warthog" and bombers B-1B and B-2, although they still officially deny this. In the Battle of Tora Bora alone, about 32 GBU-31 bombs were fired . And if you look at the statistics now, the situation really looks depressing.

🔻Even though there is still no accurate data on health problems in Afghanistan and will not be available in the coming years, the number of cancer patients is growing every year. In 2008 there were about 14 thousand of them, in 2009 - already 16 .

According to the latest official data released by WHO, the number of people diagnosed with cancer was 22,817 . By 2035, a jump to 40 thousand cases is predicted. And these are only recorded cases of a specific disease without taking into account other consequences.

Notably, the largest number of people diagnosed with cancer were in the southeastern and southern provinces, including Nangarhar and Paktia, as well as Herat, Farah and Balkh., - regions where US troops actively used aircraft to strike the Taliban.

🔻If during the attack on the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Khmelnytsky a warehouse of shells with depleted uranium was hit, then the consequences of the release of radioactive elements will certainly make themselves felt years later. And you should expect about the same as in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.

A tank unit with a T-64 was deployed from Dnepropetrovsk to the Zaporozhye region, and four tanks and several MaxxPRO AFVs were delivered to the Vremievsky ledge to reinforce the 110th troop . High resolution map @rybar

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sun May 28, 2023 12:44 pm

"Rebels" in the service of Ukraine
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 05/28/2023


This week Western media and experts have wanted to see, with an enthusiasm that has sometimes been difficult to hide, the possibility of an internal rebellion in the Russian Federation. On Monday, a series of well-known groups and battalions began a cross-border raid in the Belgorod region where they temporarily claimed to have captured a number of villages, forcing Russian authorities to mobilize resources and confront units that had infiltrated into the territory of the Russian Federation in a clearly organized and coordinated action. Quickly, the media began spreading the news that “anti-Kremlin fighters” were carrying out an assault in the Belgorod region. Earlier, the leader of the Bratstvo battalion, Dmitro Korchinsky, whose ties to Ukrainian intelligence go back decades, had announced that his soldiers had begun the "assault on an enemy fortress." This "fortress" was nothing more than a series of undefended and sparsely populated border villages in which Ukraine was preparing a propaganda action, but also testing a possible way to force the Russian military authorities to divert resources, troops and equipment to places far from the front along the entire common border.

Boasting about starting a rebellion against “Putin's regime”, adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine Mikhailo Podolyak, summed up the Ukrainian strategy by implicitly confirming that cross-border incursions are part of the Ukrainian plan. Although without expressly mentioning Belgorod, the Ukrainian official wrote that "there are dozens of different actions to destroy the Russian occupation forces in different directions, which already started yesterday, continue today and continue tomorrow." kyiv's goal is to extend the front, not just to the line of separation between the two armies, but to the entire common border between Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus. Hence, the Ukrainian assertion that "it is possible" that actions similar to what happened this week in Belgorod, could not be surprising, could be repeated in several Russian regions. Curiously, despite alleging that the participating groups, "Russian underground groups", "partisans", "fighters against Putin" or "Russian patriots" do not act under the orders of the Ukrainian command, all the mentioned regions share a border with Ukraine. kyiv, which has so many times announced the instability and fragility of thePutin's regime , against which a national uprising will soon take place, does not seem to see a chance in the rest of Russia.

The Belgorod action ended with media and propaganda success, but, as expected, since that was not the objective, without any capture of territory or notable military feat. Russia quickly mobilized its resources and maintained control of events at all times without creating a panic situation that pro-Ukrainian propaganda could exploit to its advantage. As the hours progressed, the press began to publish their chronicles and improvised analyses, among which a headline published by La Vanguardia stands out in which, together with an image of two of the participants in the raid on Belgorod, one could read " Risk of civil war in Russia after the anti-Putin raid in Belgorod”.

By then, if Dmitro Korchinsky's announcement did not make it clear which groups were involved in the raid, journalists and experts more knowledgeable of the far-right scene in Russia and Ukraine had already begun to identify, sometimes with the ease that that these groups are perfectly known, to the visible faces of the main participating groups. Although not the only ones, since battalions such as Bratstvo or Stugna participated in the events, two were the groups highlighted as the main ones: the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) and the Russian Legion.

With the delay that characterizes the media in this conflict, several days after the events, the European and North American media began to give an account of the dominant ideology in these groups. Dominated by people from the underground scene of the Russian extreme right, some expelled from the European Union for that reason, even the Western media have been forced to admit that the bulk of these groups are made up of neo-Nazi, fascist, racist and racist ideologies. violent. However, until then not even the 1488 of the license plate of the first of the vehicles of the military column that was heading to Russia had attracted attention in a photograph explicitly chosen as the head of the raid,

Neither the surprise nor the exaggeration of a non-existent military feat is justified and one only has to look at the precedents to understand that the action, although broader and better armed and prepared than on previous occasions, was neither new nor was it carried out by groups and people unknown to those who have closely followed the development of events, not in Russia, but in Ukraine.

However, ignorance of the conflict beyond its most superficial layer and the eternal desire to ignore all those aspects that are less favorable to the Ukrainian government have given rise to all the customs and political and media contradictions that have been repeated throughout this long war. Exulting upon their arrival from Russia, where at one point they claim to have controlled a territory of 42 square kilometers, the fighters against Putin were received by the Ukrainian and Western press, which reproduced, without much problem, the speech that Ukraine wanted to convey.


A large part of the protagonists were known and, as we already underlined in the previous foray into Belgorod, their leaders have long trajectories in the far-right or neo-Nazi underground. This is the case of Denis Kapustin, Nikitin or White Rex , banned in Germany for his neo-Nazi activities and resident, since then, in Ukraine, "the only country where white nationalists can defend their ideas with weapons." "I want to prove that it is possible to fight against a tyrant," he said in the propaganda meeting with the press, according to The New York Times .

In addition to White Rex, Alexander Skachkov, a Russian white supremacist who, despite the impunity with which the extreme right acts in Ukraine, was even arrested by the Kiev authorities, also participated in the media events. In the footage, he could be seen wearing the emblem of the Russian Volunteer Corpus and a KKK emblem on his chest.

It is also known that Alexey Levkin, one of the founders of the Russian Azov Center, participated in the raid, of which Aric Toler, a Bellingcat researcher, stated that “he is a neo-Nazi who left Russia years ago. His organization, Wontanjugend, described Timothy McVeigh [executed in 2011 for an attack that killed 167 people] and Breivik as heroes”. Toler added that “revering McVeigh, Hitler and Breivik is just the tip of the iceberg. Levkin has a whole series of criminal cases and allegations against him ranging from vandalizing Jewish and Muslim graves to murder." A 2018 article based on a video by the National Corpus, a political party linked to the Azov movement, on Levkin's activities claimed that "Levkin was obsessed with Reich ideas and kept a diary in which he wrote that Hitler was the last hope." of the white race and a fighter for the liberation of the white race from the Jews.” This quote from his diary was posted online and serves as an example: “Adolf Hitler, a great leader, faced an unequal struggle for our White World. He is a great symbol of our struggle »”.

The evidence that these groups of Russian volunteers are made up of far-right people, some of them members of the Russian Imperial Movement, considered a terrorist by the United States, has been excessive and even the most sympathetic press has considered the bad image that these types of raids means for Ukraine. “The rhetoric was dissident freedom fighter,” wrote The New York Times of White Rex 's speech , “but there was a jarring note that emerged as clearly as the neo-Nazi Black Sun emblem [also present on the Azov shield, now fully normalized by media such as The New York Times itself] in the uniform of one of the soldiers: Mr. Kapustin and prominent members of the armed group he leads, the Russian Volunteer Corps, espouse far-right views. In fact, German officials and humanitarian groups, including the Anti-Defamation League, have identified Kapustin as a neo-Nazi." At the press conference, White Rex himself stated that he did not consider it an insult to be described as a neo-Nazi.

None of these groups hides that their fight is not only against the Kremlin but for a white and ethnically pure Russia. In this sense, his vision of Russia coincides with that of people like Kiril Budanov, who openly defend the idea of ​​partitioning the Russian Federation into ethnically homogeneous zones. Faced with this racist discourse, this week President Vladimir Putin highlighted ethnic diversity as one of Russia's strengths. Against this discourse of Russia united in its diversity, Ukraine hopes to use its proxies to promote separatism. It is no coincidence that, precisely this week, Anton Gerashenko published a video on his social networks in which various people promoted the separation of various Russian regions. Bryan Gigantino, a great connoisseur of the history of the post-Soviet world, it identified the first of the participants as neo-Nazi Mikhail Oreshnikov, a member of the Misanthropic Division, with a long violent record, protected by Ukraine from arrest in Bali because of his Ukrainian nationality. In an image shared by Gigantino, Oreshnikov poses in front of a banner that reads "National Socialism is order."

Faced with the Western press, whose only concern this week seems to have been the image given to Ukraine by the use of neo-Nazis as a proxy army against Russia, some Russian journalists based outside the country have expressed their disagreement with the raid and its protagonists. “Sending Vlasov-loving Nazis to occupy Russian territory on American armored vehicles is an example of an insultingly insane decision,” said liberal Russian journalist Leonid Ragozin, a long-term resident of the West who can by no means be considered neutral or favorable. to the current Russian government. Ragozin's comment, which adds that “whitewashing and ignoring the facts leads to deception, deception leads to wrong decisions,The Telegraph and former Moscow correspondent for the Associated Press , who claimed that “several well-respected war commentators refuse to discuss the Russian groups publicly when contacted by The Telegraph , claiming that publicly admitting that the soldiers were led by the Ukrainian military it would harm the Ukrainian army.”

This last argument has been the second major concern of the Western media, which has wanted to insist that there is no hierarchical link between the Russian volunteers and the Ukrainian military structures despite the fact that this link is well known both by the media themselves and in the In the past they have shown actions by special forces of the Ukrainian GUR in which members of the RDK have participated, as well as by those who follow the development of the conflict in detail. All the groups involved in the Belgorod raid have taken part both in the similar action that took place in March, as well as actions across the Dnieper or, as recently confirmed by The Times, in the failed and suicidal attempt to capture the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant last October. All these operations were organized, financed, armed and directed by the General Directorate of Military Intelligence (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, to which all battalions are attached.

Without much subtlety, as reported by the Ukrainian daily Strana, the leaders of the Russian Volunteer Corps, Denis Kapustin, and the Free Russian Legion, Maximilan Andronnikov, published a joint photograph taken next to the GUR headquarters. Despite the evidence, even those media outlets that, with a little more sincerity, have admitted that Ukraine "cooperates" with these groups, prefer to hide that all of them act under the command of Kiril Budanov's GUR as special forces. All of this responds to the objective of not damaging the image of the Government of Ukraine, either by using forces made up of neo-Nazis and white supremacists or by also using vehicles donated by the United States, which has explicitly asked Ukraine to provide weapons delivered is not used to attack sovereign Russian territory. However, as Mikhailo Podolyak stated, Ukraine now considers that there is a front of 1500 kilometers, that is, the entire border between Russia and Ukraine. A video posted yesterday by Valery Zaluzhny stating that "it is time to take back what is ours" heralds the start of the anticipated Ukrainian offensive. In this context, it is to be expected that allUkrainian indiscretion , whether in the form of the use of neo-Nazi rebels or US weaponry on Russian soil, is justified as a necessary evil in pursuit of the greater good. ... more-27373

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"There are no Nazis in Ukraine."


Belgorod Raid: Why are Russian Neo-Nazis Fighting Putin?
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 25, 2023
Paul Robinson

Pro-Ukrainian Russian fighters at a press conference after completing their Belgorod Oblast raid. Photo courtesy the Ukrainian Independent Information Agency (UNIAN)/Wikimedia Commons.

As so often, the reality is more complex than headlines would suggest

The war between Russia and Ukraine escalated further this week when two armed groups crossed from Ukraine into the Russian province of Belgorod and briefly occupied a village before being driven out by Russian troops. According to the Russian government, 70 “terrorists” were killed in the process.

What makes this episode unusual is not the fact that it took place on Russian soil but that the “Ukrainians” in question appear in fact to have been Russians, albeit Russians fighting on the side of Ukraine. They were members of two groups, the Freedom of Russia Legion (FRL) and the Russian Volunteer Corps (RVC), the latter of whom had undertaken a smaller, but somewhat similar, incursion into the Bryansk region of Russia in March of this year. The CBC reported the story as “Freedom Fighters Seize Small Part of Russia.” As so often, though, the reality is rather more complex than this headline suggests.

Little is known about the FRL, other than that it was founded by former Russian Parliamentary Deputy Ilya Ponomarenko. The organization’s Telegram channel has stated that its aim is “the preservation of a one and indivisible Russia within its 1991 borders,” a slogan clearly echoing that of the anti-Bolshevik White army of General Denikin in the Russian Civil War, “Russia, One and Indivisible.” One Legion member interviewed by CNN declared himself a “devoted member” of the Russian Orthodox Church and stated that “he misses the Tsarist era which predated the Soviet Union.” All this suggests a somewhat conservative and nationalist disposition.

The Russian Volunteer Corps is much more radical. Its leader, Denis Kapustin (who nowadays goes by the alias Denis Nikitin), is a one-time football hooligan whom the Guardian newspaper describes as “a Russian neo-Nazi who claims he once kept a framed photograph of Joseph Goebbels in his bedroom.” According to the Financial Times, Kapustin/Nikitin also goes by the nom-de-guerre “Rex” in honour of “his white nationalist clothing brand White Rex,” and is “a former mixed martial arts fighter with ties to neo-Nazis and white nationalists across the Western world.” In 2019, his far-right activities earned him a 10-year ban from the European Schengen zone. Since then he has lived in Ukraine.

The RVC is overtly ethno-nationalistic. The Russian language has two words for “Russians”—“russkie’ and ‘rossiyane.’ “Russkie” are ethnic Russians. “Rossiyane” are citizens of the Russian Federation, of any ethnicity. In a statement of its aims, the RVC declared: “We are ‘russkie’—we are not ‘rossiyane,’” and argued that the Russian Federation should be a “Russian [russkoe] national state” consisting of “predominantly ethnic Russian regions.”

The involvement of the RVC raises the interesting question of why far-right Russian ethno-nationalists would be fighting on behalf of Ukraine against their own country. According to the narrative commonly peddled by the Western media, Putin and the state he leads are “ultra-nationalist,” even “fascist.” Yet it seems that real Russian fascists don’t like him.

An explanation can be found in a speech Putin made last week in which he discussed the “State National Policy Strategy.” In this he commented that a growing majority of Russians identified first and foremost as citizens (in other words, as Rossiyane) and only secondly as members of this or that ethnic group (such as Russkie). This, said Putin, was a thoroughly good thing. He remarked that:

From generation to generation, our forbears worked together for the good of our common and vast Motherland and multiplied the spiritual heritage of a single state with the diversity of their languages and traditions, and formed its unparalleled multiethnic and multi-religious culture. Our state was built around values of multiethnic harmony. This is the bedrock foundation underlying our consolidation. … Our adversaries, that I mentioned earlier, people with neo-colonial mindsets—halfwits, in fact—are unable to realize that diversity makes us stronger.

Putin has said this sort of thing many times in the past. His government has been quite intolerant of Russian nationalism, fearing that it might incite ethnic conflict and so destabilize the country. In the 2010s, many Russian nationalists fell foul of laws outlawing extremist speech and were arrested. As a result, they tended to view Putin decidedly negatively. Following the invasion of Ukraine, some changed their minds and decided that Putin was after all on their side. Others like Nikitin, however, seized the opportunity to take up arms against him. For them, a smaller but ethnically more Russian state is preferable to a larger but more diverse one. Imperialistic projects, such as the Russian attack on Ukraine, are consequently viewed as undesirable.

While this may explain why members of the Russian far-right are willing to fight for Ukraine, it doesn’t explain why the Ukrainian state views them as desirable allies. They are, after all, not particularly interested in Ukraine itself. The reason may be purely pragmatic and cynical, based on the principle that “my enemy’s enemy is my friend.” Contrary to Russian claims, the Ukrainian state is far from being fascist. Nevertheless, since the 2014 Maidan revolution, it has been more than willing to tolerate the far-right for the practical reason that it provides a strongly motivated source of military manpower. Likewise, the Russian militias help to fill the ranks.

The Russians also serve a political purpose. The Ukrainian government regularly says that it is fighting a purely defensive war, and is not interested in invading Russia. But launching attacks on Russian territory helps to divert Russian resources from other fronts and can be seen as demonstrating to the Russian people that Moscow is incapable of defending them. The Ukrainian authorities have rather implausibly claimed that the FRL and RVC are unconnected to them, and have described the attack on Belgorod province as an uprising of the Russian people within Russia. The Russian militias constitute a mechanism through which Kyiv can carry out such actions while denying that it is.

Kyiv’s previous dalliances with the far-right have produced short term practical military benefits, but have arguably been politically counterproductive in that they have helped to alienate part of the Ukrainian population while giving Moscow an opportunity to portray Ukraine as fascist. The same dynamic may now repeat itself. On the one hand, the attacks on Belgorod provide some tactical advantages to Ukraine. On the other hand, they enable the Russian authorities to paint Ukraine as a “terrorist state” and strengthen Moscow’s propaganda narrative that Kyiv is in league with neo-Nazis. Rather than weakening support in Russia for the war, these attacks may therefore have the opposite effect. ... ing-putin/

Ukraine and the “Disinformation” Project: How Universities, NATO, and Intelligence Agencies Suppress Dissent
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 26, 2023

Tamara Lorincz has a Masters in International Politics & Security Studies from the University of Bradford and a Law degree and MBA from Dalhousie University.

She’s a member of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom-Canada.

Tamara is also on the board of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and is involved with World Beyond War, and the No to NATO Network.

She’s a long-time environmentalist, feminist and peace activist.

Tamara will also be one of the presenters during the Global Network’s 31st Annual Space Confab panel discussion on July 15 via Zoom. You can register for that 9-11 am (EST) Zoom event here ... 8565886757 ... -policies/ ... s-dissent/


Moscow Rejects Sullivan’s Remarks About Strikes on Russia

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. | Photo: Twitter/ @Spriter99880

Published 26 May 2023 (23 hours 15 minutes ago)

"We have not placed limitations on Ukraine being able to strike on its territory within its internationally recognized borders," U.S. Security Adviser said.

On Friday, the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry lodged a strong protest to the United States for giving the green light to Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory in the Crimean peninsula and the Belgorod region.

The diplomats consider "inadmissible" the statements of the White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, who practically approved Ukrainian attacks against Russian territory.

For this reason, a senior diplomat from the U.S. Embassy was summoned to the headquarters of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry in Moscow.

On Sunday, a CNN interviewer asked Sullivan if he thinks the Ukraine should have weapons capable of hitting Russian targets in Crimea. In his response, the U.S. Security Adviser said that he agreed with that possibility.

"Yes. We have not placed limitations on Ukraine being able to strike on its territory within its internationally recognized borders," he said, assuming Crimea is part of Ukraine.

"What we have said is that we will not enable Ukraine with U.S. systems, Western systems, to attack Russia. And we believe Crimea is Ukraine."

Russian diplomacy retorted by pointing out that "hostile actions by the United States, which has long become a party to the conflict, have brought U.S.-Russian relations into a deep and dangerous crisis with unforeseeable consequences. ... -0010.html


China opposes WHO body's Ukraine motion
China Daily Global | Updated: 2023-05-26 09:37


It votes against Western-led resolution, says health issues should not be politicized

China voted against a resolution with reference to Russian "aggression" against Ukraine, as the country has always opposed politicization of health issues, said a Chinese delegate on Wednesday at a meeting of the 76th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.

The WHA is the decision-making body of the World Health Organization.

The resolution, which was proposed by 43 countries, mostly Western nations, claims that the Russia-Ukraine conflict has caused a "continued health emergency" in and "wider regional and humanitarian impacts" on Ukraine as civilians have died, refugees are fleeing, and risks of radiological, biological and chemical incidents have appeared.

The motion passed with 80 votes in favor, nine against and 52 abstentions, with 36 WHO member states absent.

"Health issues are technical issues in the professional field, and the Ukraine crisis concerns international peace and security. The WHO is not an appropriate venue to discuss this issue," the delegate from China told the committee of the assembly.

"China has always opposed the politicization of health issues. We hope that the WHO will continue to focus on its main responsibilities and avoid introducing controversial issues and political expressions that will affect the process of the WHA," he added.

The delegate also mentioned a paper released in February that stated China's position on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The paper put forward 12 key solutions, including ceasing hostilities, resuming peace talks, resolving the humanitarian crisis, protecting civilians and prisoners of war, and keeping nuclear power plants safe.

"This is another manifestation of China's commitment to promoting peace and negotiations, fully demonstrating China's firm stand on the side of peace," he said.

Belarus also opposed the motion, and the country's delegate expressed concern that the Western-led initiative would cause further escalation of the conflict.

"The Western countries are increasing the supply of weapons to the country, weapons which create such a huge problem for the health of the population. Are they really hoping to solve the health crisis in Ukraine? I think that the answer is quite clear," the delegate said.

The representative of Brazil, which is one of the 52 countries that abstained from voting, said that singling out the Ukraine situation without referring to other similar and serious crises is not appropriate, and the WHO is not a suitable place for discussing such a conflict.

"We would like to recall the limits of the mandate of the WHO in accordance with its Constitution. Topics such as peace and security, international humanitarian law, human rights and international law have their own spaces for debate," he said. ... d5349.html


Three part documentary on Bakhmut / WION WideAngle

At the start of this past week, I was contacted by the production team at the English-language Indian broadcasting company WION and asked to give them time for an interview to be used in a documentary on the outcome of the battle for Bakhmut that they would be airing on Wednesday and would be posting on the internet yesterday, Friday.

We agreed and the interview over Zoom duly took place. It lasted for perhaps 20 minutes and was notable, in my eyes, for somewhat peculiar questions. They were peculiar in that they sought my commentary on rather extravagant statements from Zelensky: his denial that the city had fallen a day after the Russians posted videos of their raising their flag over the city and claimed total victory) and his assertion at the G7 gathering that the destruction of Bakhmut was like the destruction of Hiroshima at the end of WWII. They were also keen for comment on the Wagner military company and on the accusations their boss Prigozhin has made against the regular Russian army for incompetence and hindering his progress in the city.

Here is the final product as released on the internet in three parts. I appear at 2.30 minutes in Part 2 for 45 seconds and at 2.30 in Part 3 for just under one minute. The other interviewees show themselves to be firm defenders of the Washington-Kiev narrative on every aspect of the Bakhmut battle and the war in general.

The fact that 20 minutes of interview was picked over by their team to find a little over one minute of airtime appropriate to their corporate message is nothing new in broadcasting. CNN, for example, has used this practice with interviewees for decades. However, I hold it up in contrast to my more recent experience with other “Global South” broadcasters like Turkey’s TRT and Iran’s Press TV, who exercise no censorship over their interviewees or panelists: 20 minutes of taping there yields 20 minutes on air.

My perception was that the editorial stance of the broadcaster is carefully positioned somewhere between the two warring parties with perhaps the greater weight on the Ukrainian side of the argument. If so, it could be said to roughly represent the divisions in Indian society today between those favoring close relations with the United States and those favoring close relations with Russia.

I leave it to viewers to decide where the producers at WION have planted their feet. ... wideangle/


The results of the work of PMC "Wagner" for the entire time of the NWO
May 27, 15:59


PMC "Wagner" rolled out a table-report on the results of its work from the beginning of the presence of PMC fighters in the NVO zone in the spring of 2022 and ending in May 2023, when the PMC detachments were withdrawn from the front for rest and replenishment.

Summary report of PMC "Wagner" on the work at the front for the entire time of the Northern Military District.

Manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed - 72,095
Prisoners taken - 509

Tanks destroyed - 309 Infantry fighting vehicles destroyed -
566 Armored personnel carriers destroyed - 131 Vehicles destroyed - 1134 Vehicles destroyed - 2075 eno MLRS - 83 Air defense systems destroyed - 45 UAVs destroyed - 282 Aircraft destroyed - 5 Helicopters destroyed - 4 EW / radar systems destroyed - 149 A full table with other categories and results can be viewed / downloaded here Decent work.

In Ukraine, they were very fond of comparing the losses of the Russian Federation with the losses of the Soviet army in Afghanistan.
If we compare the meeting of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with PMC "Wagner" in a year with a tail of work, it turns out that the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other gangs lost from March 2022 to 2023 several times more than the USSR army in Afghanistan in 10 years. And here we are not even considering the loss of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the regular work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Governor Gladkov about the shelling of the Belgorod region.

The hardest day in the Shebekinsky district.

One person died. This is the guard of the operating enterprise of the city, at the time of the shelling he was on the street.

There are children among the victims - two teenagers: a 15-year-old girl with lower limb injuries and a 17-year-old boy with contusion. They are transported to the children's regional hospital. All necessary medical assistance is provided.

Another man with dissections of the scalp was treated by the doctors of the Central District Hospital. Hospitalization is not required.

By firing. There are shells hitting the territory of two large enterprises, as a result there is a fire at the facility. Fire crews are on site. Employees of the enterprise have now been taken to a safe distance.

Also in the city there is a damage to the power line. Emergency and operational services continue to survey the area.




Battles near Donetsk
situation as of 16:00 on May 27, 2023

In the Avdeevsky area, Russian assault groups conducted reconnaissance in battle in the direction of Novokalinovo from Krasnogorovka . As a result of intense clashes, 20 people of the 105th battalion of the 109th troop unit were liquidated.

Ukrainian units from the 129th brigade of the territorial defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to counterattack the positions of the RF Armed Forces near the H20 road from Novokalinovo , but the Russian fighters repulsed the attack.

However, something else is interesting: the other day at the turn of the North - Thin, where the 53rd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is located, one of the units of the 17th tank brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine arrived. Previously, the formation participated in the battles in the Soledar direction, but due to losses it was withdrawn near Kharkov .

The appearance, even partial, of the 17th brigade indicates a reinforcement near Avdiivka and may be associated with the planned offensive.

In the context of the increase in the grouping near Avdiivka, curious changes are also observed near Maryinka , where the assault on the city by Russian fighters continues.

Units of the 23rd ombr of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are establishing communication with other formations along the LBS. The number of contacts with the help of satellite communication systems has increased several times - a similar situation was observed near the Belgorod region before the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The 23rd brigade itself, judging by the supply of Western-style weapons, will be part of the shock backbone in the Donetsk direction . The 55th artillery brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was located approximately in the same place.

At the same time, the grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has a problem with the supply after a missile attack on the Karlovsky reservoir . Because of this, the water level in the Volchya River has risen and logistics has become difficult through the villages of Galitsinovka , Karlovka , Zhelannoye Pervoi and Vtorogo - deliveries are now bypassed and take longer.


forwarded from
SOME RESULTS - analysis of the situation from @Multi_XAM

As most of the resources on the network continue to discuss the possible directions of the counterattack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - there are many versions - over the past week we have noticed suspicious activity of the enemy in the Avdeevka and Konstantinovsky directions. While the attention of military experts was riveted on the results of the “Bakhmut meat grinder”, additional reserves were transferred to Avdiivka and Konstantinovka, where logistics are functioning well: armored vehicles and personnel of “assault brigades” reinforced by units of the National Guard.

Taking into account the fact that the Spartak area, although de facto is within our control of the line of contact, the enemy is constantly probing the defense here, trying to find gaps in it for a possible tank breakthrough in the direction of Donetsk.

The Konantinovsky railway hub ( we devoted special attention to the topic of railway logistics during the week ) has received a sufficient number of echelons with equipment in recent days. Although they hit him quite well, bravo to our artillery.

It is clear that after the failure in Bakhmut and the absence of significant advances on the flanks of the Wagner PMC, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to justify itself to Western curators, therefore, they took active steps to bring the DRG into the Belgorod region. Today, during the day, the shelling of the border areas also continued. The movement of the DRG on the border with the Bryansk region was noted. Back on March 2, after the first entry of the Ukrainian DRG into the Bryansk region, we tried to get through to those responsible for this that your border is not completely locked, and it’s not a border at all, but a continuation of the LBS.

While the DRG forces were diverting everyone's attention to the Belgorod junction, without having any serious offensive potential in the border area, the enemy secretly relocated additional forces to Avdeevka and Konstantinovka. Well, it's probably stupid to assume that this is all movement for the sake of movement.

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon May 29, 2023 11:58 am

hunting the enemy
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 05/29/2023


Marking the homes of people accused of "collaborationism", a new practice of harassing the population for ideological reasons and thought crimes in Ukraine

In addition to his broken promise to seek a compromise with Russia to end the war in Donbass, one of Volodymyr Zelensky's main objectives when he came to power in 2019 was to carry out a major transformation of the State. The change of government meant, in some key aspects, also a generational change, a rejuvenation of some sectors that had to modernize certain services with the ultimate objective, not to improve the efficiency of services, but to reduce the weight of the State. In this way, while ministries such as Health, simply in charge of managing the abandonment towards privatization, were left in the hands of the same people who had managed those sectors in Poroshenko's time, others, such as those linked to digitization, saw the arrival of young people,

In this way, while a new round of privatization of the already few public companies that were still in the hands of the State began and subsidies were reduced to leave basic services in the hands of the market exclusively, which the population had more and more difficulty paying for, the State was advancing on a striking project that is now boasted even in the United States. With the digitization of Estonia as the foundation of the idea, Ukraine has developed, with generous funding from USAID, the UK, and companies like Microsoft, which now have access to all the data, an application to digitize the state. According to the presentation made last week in Silicon Valley by the young minister Fedorov, the app contains all the essential services of the State: access to health and educational information, administrative services, payment of fines, consultations and access to all kinds of services. A show of efficiency that contrasts with the will to close health institutions or rural schools, privatize services, although it is perfectly consistent with the aim of reducing public employment, since it is the citizenry that must be in charge of all kinds of procedures that Previously they could correspond to civil servants.

The application did not help the pensioner population of Donbass to have access to the pensions that corresponded to them for their years of work in Ukraine, since Zelensky always refused to lift the economic blockade and resume the payment of these benefits in the DPR and the RPL. However, one of the big announcements is that the application can also be used to register as an internally displaced person and thus have access to the around 60 euros per month that corresponds to them per person, an amount that Ukraine can pay thanks to the constant supply of financing, debts of future that Kiev does not seem to have big problems in contracting, possibly because it hopes that they will be forgiven.

The war has not changed the overall goals of post-Maidan Ukraine: the institutionalization of the nationalist discourse as a national discourse in social and cultural terms and the removal of all loopholes of the social state that Kiev inherited from the Ukrainian SSR. However, the war has given new objectives and new possibilities to fulfill those already set. The conflict, and especially the focus exclusively fixed on the military development of events, has allowed a new impulse to be given to privatization and the change of hands of certain companies and conglomerates previously owned by oligarchs, businessmen or business groups now considered, fairly or no, “pro-Russians”. The absolute power of the Zelensky Government, and especially the Office of the President,

These types of actions are going unnoticed, when they are not openly defended and justified by the situation created around the war. This week, for example, the case of Vadim Novinsky's properties in the gas sector has been published. Novinsky, considered pro-Russian and deprived by decree of the deputy act achieved thanks to the votes of the population, received, hours before the raid with which the SBU intervened the companies, offers from British and American investors, in none of the cases of companies related to the sector, for a value much lower than its real price. The offers were rejected, after which the intervention of the Security Services of Ukraine took place, which according to Politico, have requisitioned $96 million worth of business assets in the gas sector alone, an obviously strategic branch of the economy at this time.

The war has also served to intensify the fight against all types of thought that deviate from the neoliberal and nationalist path that are now the basis of official discourse. In a trend that began during the war years in Donbass, any non-nationalist opponent of any government policy, be it economic or social, is branded as pro-Russian . However, the entry of Russian troops and their settlement in parts of Ukrainian territory, where local and regional authorities have been created that have necessarily coexisted with the population, has created the ideal context for the fight against collaborationists . Justified or even encouraged, not only by Ukrainian politicians and media, but by international media such as The New York Times, The Timeso Foreign Policy , the hunt for people considered enemies when accused of having collaborated with the Russian authorities in the territories recovered by Ukraine has been a constant since last fall. This week, Ukrinform referred to more than 2,000 cases of collaborationism against the civilian population of the Kherson areas recaptured from Russia. As reported, and in many cases openly legitimized, by various media outlets, collaborationism of those people may be limited to having continued their jobs or having agreed to work, even in professions such as drivers, for the Russian authorities. In Kharkov and Kherson, where without a doubt the most openly pro-Russian population left the region in the civilian evacuation prior to the military one, Ukraine has had the opportunity to try what it had been waiting for eight years to do against the population it most wants to inflict harm on. new collective punishment: that of Donbass and Crimea, which he hopes to re-educate , expel or eliminate in the future.

However, new technologies are also a help tool. Proud of its development, both Ukraine and the United States have boasted of the features and new uses of the application that puts the State -and large companies such as Microsoft- in the mobile phone of the citizenry. One of those novelties marked by the war is precisely eVorog, electronic enemy , an artificial intelligence chat in which the population is expected to make known the positions and movements of the Russian troops and to betray their friends, neighbors or acquaintances to those who consider collaborationists, the digitalization of the work of the whistleblower that until recently was carried out analogically .In the early years of the war in Donbass, signs encouraging the population to denounce their separatist neighbors were common even in areas far from the front lines . Now, with society much more polarized and with the war against Russia as a justification for all action, the method of ratting out your neighbors is even simpler and much more modern, a computer application that Samantha Power is proud of and that Ukraine intends to sell to the world ... more-27381

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By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

The man in the frame is General Valery Zaluzhny, commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

There are no insignia on his jacket, zipped tight to his chin. His torso and legs are concealed beneath the desk which also accommodates a computer screen without keyboard or mouse; and a pen held between the general’s right thumb and index finger, upside down and useless. Patriotic slogans have been pasted to the wall. A wall socket accommodates a thick communications cable routed along the base of the wall, but not visibly connected to the two telephones. There are ten unopened water bottles on display, six plastic cups. A single piece of paper on the desk reveals no date. The general is able to say a dozen scripted words and raise his left hand.

He is not dead from the Russian missile attack which had caused his disappearance until this video clip was published on Thursday evening to dispel what the Ukrainian introducer called the mystery and the Russian propaganda of Zaluzhny’s death. The clip proves the opposite of this intention. The general is visibly unwell and is no longer capable of commanding the Ukrainian forces.

Ukrainian production of the Zaluzhny cameo was published on the Telegram account of the Russian war news aggregator, Rybar; the 35-second video was originally displayed at 21:59 on May 25.

The Rybar team commented: “Such strange behaviour of the responsible persons cannot but suggest that the rumours about the injury of Zaluzhny really do have grounds. This explains his almost month-long absence from the media field: apparently, in order to appear in public, he needed to heal at least some of his injuries. There is no special point in speculating about the current capabilities of the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces to manage troops now: in the end, there is no objective information yet about Zaluzhny’s state of health. But we can say one thing – in the event of failures of the enemy’s armed forces, there will definitely be talk that the reason for the failures was an incapacitated general. Who, even after a serious injury, was left in office solely for political and media reasons.”

Twenty-two hours earlier, on the evening of May 24, Rybar picked up a Ukrainian attempt to make Zaluzhny appear much healthier. In that picture, an adviser to the command staff, Alyona Shevtsova, is shown with the general. However, investigation of the details of the photograph reveals it was taken at an official press opportunity on May 2, just before Zaluzhny disappeared.

Source: Rybar Telegram, May 24, 23:27. The watch on Zaluzhny’s right wrist appears to be missing from his appearance in the video of May 25.

The significance of Zaluzhny’s month-long disappearance, and of this week’s Ukrainian efforts to restore his visibility is that if the commander-in-chief can be targeted by accurate Russian intelligence, followed by missile or drone attack, then no Ukrainian soldier, from private to general, is safe at any location in the country.

The incident also raises the question of why the US and NATO are protecting the Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky outside the Ukraine more effectively than they are capable of doing for Zaluzhny and his staff inside. In the past week, for example, Zelensky has been photographed disembarking in Japan from a French presidential jet. Domestically in the Ukraine, the disparity of sacrifice is all too obvious, as is the steady collapse of security for the regime in the west of the country no less than on the front in east.


This collapse is the subject of a dramatic new statement by Dmitry Medvedev, the former Russian president and currently deputy head of the Security Council. This was published at 21:36 on May 25. For the first time a senior Russian official declared that the strategic objective of the war has now become the elimination of the Ukraine as a sovereign state, and its replacement by Russia in the east, Poland and Hungary in the west, with the possibility of a demilitarized zone in between the two.

“I recently wrote why Ukraine will disappear,” Medvedev announced. “Now it’s time to say how Ukraine will disappear, and also what will then be the risk of a resumption of the war in Europe and in the rest of the world. This will depend on which path the process of disintegration of this dying state will take as a result of the lost military conflict. There are two of them. One is the path of relatively slow erosion of Ukrainian statehood with the gradual loss of the remaining elements of state sovereignty. Alternatively, there is the path of its swift collapse with simultaneous annihilation of all signs of statehood.”

“In any case, after such a collapse, three possible scenarios are likely. In the first scenario, the western regions of Ukraine would come under the control of a number of EU states with a subsequent ‘anschluss’ [annexation] of these lands by the receiving states. At the same time, a certain ‘no-man’s-land’ would remain Ukrainian territory, squeezed between Russia and the territories which have passed under the sovereignty of a number of European countries. This remaining ownerless territory would declare its secession from the former Ukraine with its own international legal personality and with its intention to return the lost lands by all means. Naturally, this refers only to those lands which have become part of Russia. At the same time, this ‘new’ Ukraine would immediately declare its desire to join the European Union and NATO, which could happen in the medium term. The armed conflict would resume after a short time, turning into a permanent war and with the threat of its rapid escalation into a full-fledged third World War.”

“Second scenario: Ukraine disappears after it has completely dissolved in the process of its division between Russia and a number of the EU states. A government of Ukraine would then be formed in exile in one of the European countries. The war would end with reasonable guarantees of its non-renewal in the near future, but with thepreservation of the terrorist activity of the Ukrainian Nazis; they will be dispersed over the territory of the EU states which have received Western Ukrainian lands. In this case, the risk of the resumption of a full-fledged conflict or its escalation into a world war can be considered moderate.”

“Third scenario: the same thing happens as in the first case but taking the opposite direction. The western lands of Ukraine are joining a number of EU countries. The people of the central and some other ownerless regions of Ukraine, within the framework of Article 1 of the UN Charter, immediately declare their self-determination by joining the Russian Federation. This request is granted, and the war would end with sufficient guarantees of its non-renewal in the long term. There are simply no other options. And this is already clear to everyone, even if it is unpleasant for someone out there in the West to admit it.”

“ We may be temporarily satisfied with the second option, but we need a third one.”

Several hours after Medvedev published his statement, he participated (left image, centre) in the weekly session of the Security Council chaired by President Putin. According to the Kremlin communiqué, the only agenda item discused was “additional social guarantees for participants in the special military operation and their family members.”

Listen to the broadcast for more detail and the discussion. ... -may-2023/

Internet and telephone failure prevented Swedish guest Marcello Ferrada de Noli from joining the broadcast. He will return at a later date.

In the final segment of the broadcast, the breaking news is analysed of the abrupt change of mission for the US Navy aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald Ford and its flotilla, and their deployment to Oslo, Norway, and then north and east above the Arctic Circle. When the Gerald Ford left its Norfolk, Virginia, base on May 2, the Navy announced it was heading to the Mediterranean as the replacement for the USS George H.W. Bush. According to the official releases, this was the first operational deployment of the Gerald Ford with a full complement of aircraft on board. “Defense officials have told USNI News that Ford will continue the consistent carrier presence in the Mediterranean Sea, which the U.S. began in December 2021 ahead of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in early 2022. ‘Our presence at sea throughout the deployment will provide reassurance to our allies and partners that sea lanes will remain open, and our joint operations will demonstrate our commitment to interoperability and maritime stability,’ Rear Admiral Greg Huffman, the commander of Carrier Strike Group 12, said in a Navy news release.”

The Navy changed direction. On May 24, the Gerald Ford and its escorts docked in Oslo for what local media reported to be the first such carrier portcall in Norway in 65 years.


The Norwegian defense minister announced: “this is the concrete expression of our close relationship with the United States and demonstrates the will for collective defence and deterrence”. The Norwegian press also reported that the US carrier group would sail northeast over the Arctic Circle to join aircraft and vessels from several NATO countries for the start of the Arctic Challenge Exercise on May 29.

The NATO announcement of this exercise appeared on May 25. It identified the locations of the exercise and listed NATO state aircraft participating. There was no mention of the participation of the Gerald Ford. A Finnish Air Force announcement also omitted reference to the US Navy flotilla.

According to the operational maps published so far, the exercise area of Norway, Sweden, and Finland is in the Norway and Barents Seas, more than one thousand kilometres northeast of St. Petersburg.


A Russian statement on the new carrier force deployment called it “illogical and harmful. There are no issues in the North that require a military solution, nor issues that require outside intervention,” the Russian Embassy published on its Twitter account. There has been no response from Moscow to date.

Responding to these developments, a Moscow security analyst comments: “Let’s say the Americans despite all these military warnings and threats do nothing, and stick to supplying newer, and what they think are better weapons and systems. At the same time the Ukrainians continue their random cross-border raids, and on the Donbass front try a major push in this or that direction. The Russians will do what in response? Wait until the winter and in the meantime intensify the targeting of the electricity infrastructure and the weapons and fuel storages?

“If Russians can keep the toll high enough through this warfare, there has to be a tipping point for a country of now less than 20 million that it cannot keep up. And then the big question will be, Who gives? Will Zelensky be usurped by the neo-Nazis and Poles and Hungarians who will stop the fighting for the sake of Donbass and to keep their Anschluss with the motherlands? To me, this looks like a very workable strategy for doing nothing except very targeted strikes for a whole year or two. “

“With Germany now in recession, the UK most likely to follow, and then Italy and France not far behind, there will be a very significant depletion of public support for war and the tide will rise against Ukrainians refugees. That means Russia has to keep the war going for a couple of years because sanctions won’t ease, but it does not have to make human sacrifices to win. There is no need to rush it.” ... more-88049


Advertisement in NYT: “The U.S. Should Be a Force for Peace in the World”

In the week gone by the New York Times published a full page advertisement under the heading cited above. The dense basic text is remarkable. The subtitles are eye-catching: ‘The Potential for Peace,’ ‘U.S. Actions and Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine,’ and most particularly ‘Seeing the War Through Russia’s Eyes.’ You involuntarily ask yourself when is the last time that a mainstream U.S. media outlet cared to see anything through Russia’s eyes.

The Timeline on the right of the page shows key events in the chain of causality that led from the 1990 pledge by the U.S. to Russia that NATO would not expand towards its border to the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022.

The point of the advertisement is set out in three sentences in the opening section of the dense text:

We deplore the violence, war crimes, indiscriminate missile strikes, terrorism, and other atrocities that are part of this war. The solution to this shocking violence is not more weapons or more war, with their guarantee of further death and destruction.

As Americans and national security experts, we urge President Biden and Congress to use their full power to end the war speedily through diplomacy, especially given the grave dangers of military escalation that could spiral out of control.

Wow! This runs directly against the editorial line and daily pro-Kiev reporting of the newspaper hosting the advertisement! And the publication of this message has to be seen as an important political action given that serious money stands behind it. I assume that the Eisenhower Media Network, who paid for it and promote it on their website home page, paid the going rate for such advertising in the print edition, meaning between $100,000 and $150,000.

Yet, to the present day, I see almost no discussion of this advertisement among our political commentators of all stripes. In Google Search, I came across just one online article by a certain Matt Bivens, who is not a household name. In the 1990s, for some years Matt was the editor in chief of the leading English language daily newspaper in Russia, The Moscow Times. He later changed careers, took a degree in medicine and is a practicing emergency room doctor today. However, he clearly never lost his interest in big issues: he is a member of Physicians for Social Responsibility. Regrettably, Matt’s essay on the advertisement is rambling, unfocused to my reading. And there are serious questions open for discussion. So let’s begin.


First, I call attention to the 14 Signers of the appeal who are named at the bottom of the advertisement. Besides the Director and Associate Director of the Eisenhower Media Network, all but two are experts connected to the EMN; and all of those experts, like the directors, have career backgrounds in the U.S. military or intelligence. The two “outsiders” are Jack Matlock and Jeffrey Sachs. Matlock was the close adviser to President Reagan in his summit meetings with Mikhail Gorbachev, and ended his government career as U.S. Ambassador to the USSR just months before the Union dissolved and the Russian Federation emerged. Sachs is a professor at Columbia University with a long involvement in Russian economic and political affairs going back to the 1990s and also with service to secretaries general of the United Nations on environmentalism and other big causes.

Over the past three months there have been various public appeals to end the war that were structured rather differently from the NYT advertisement. I think of the appeal made in Germany by the Leftist Member of the Bundestag Sahra Wagenknecht on one side and by a feminist cause champion on the other side. They called upon Chancellor Scholz to stop sending arms to Ukraine. In support of this message the appeal was opened to signing by the broad public, aiming to obtain 500,000 signatures. In fact, they harvested more than 700,000.

Then there was the far more modest appeal of four Members of the European Parliament and representatives of various social and political groupings across Europe published following a Round Table discussion in the European Parliament building on 20 March. I have written about this in a couple of essays and most recently I posted a video taken within that Round Table discussion. The appeal to end the war at once and without preconditions attracted several hundred signers.

I mention these facts because they highlight the special nature of the EMN advertisement, which did not seek support from outside its own ranks, with the exception of the two named trophy experts.

The really big question is where did the money come from? Did the EMN take it from its own budget or was there an unnamed backer?

The website of the EMN has a page soliciting donations. They ask interested parties to send in $50, $100, etc. And I suppose some people do that. But that seems an improbable way to build a budget sufficient to cover a spontaneous 150,000 dollar outlay for one advertisement in one newspaper.

Usually such organizations have corporate sponsors, government sponsors and the like. There is no mention of such financial backers on the website and my email to the EMN asking for clarification got no response.

The default explanation of financing could be someone like George Soros, who keeps this kind of money for small change and who would enjoy supporting the logical contradiction that exists in the text of the appeal. This would be in line with his general practice of sowing discord and chaos in whatever he touches. If anyone has a better name to put forward, please do not be bashful.


What is the logical contradiction in the text of the appeal?

On the one hand the overarching argument of the appeal is that actions by the U.S. over the course of decades set the stage for the war in Ukraine.

The immediate cause of this disastrous war in Ukraine is Russia’s invasion. Yet the plans and actions to expand NATO to Russia’s borders served to provoke Russian fears. And Russian leaders made this point for 30 years. A failure of diplomacy led to war. Now diplomacy is urgently needed to end the war before it destroys Ukraine and endangers humanity.

On the other hand the perfect clarity of the foregoing is muddied by the following sentence further down the page.

Our attempt at understanding the Russian perspective on their war does not endorse the invasion and occupation, nor does it imply the Russians had no other option but this war.

And what “other option” Vladimir Putin may have had in February 2022 the authors do not say.

I am not surprised by the explicit statement that the authors “do not endorse the invasion and occupation.” I see this as the Hail Mary that had to be included if the advertisement would be accepted by The New York Times. The aforementioned appeal by Sahra Wagenknecht tried even harder to get past the Russia-bashing political thinking in Germany by putting right at the front of their text a direct condemnation of Russia for waging a war of aggression. Less than that would have been a non-starter in Germany.

The contradiction in the EMN text seems to have touched off a public discussion in the United States though without mention of the advertisement itself. The day after the advertisement appeared, Jeffrey Sachs published an article in Common Dreams that goes further than the advertisement in hammering home the message in its title: “The War in Ukraine Was Provoked – and Why That Matters to Achieve Peace.” Sachs pulls back the fig leaf and shows what big game he is going after:

The Biden team uses the word ‘unprovoked’ incessantly, most recently in Biden’s major speech on the first-year anniversary of the war, in a recent NATO statement, and in the most recent G7 statement. Mainstream media friendly to Biden simply parrot the White House. The New York Times is the lead culprit, describing the invasion as ‘unprovoked’ no fewer than 26 times, in five editorials, 14 opinion columns by NYT writers, and seven guest op-eds!

Understandably these are things that Sachs could not work into the advertising text being submitted to the NYT but which he believes must be said.

Quite separately, the former CIA analyst and founding member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity Ray McGovern published on his website this past Monday an article entitled ‘Did Putin Have Other Options on Ukraine.’ And McGovern followed this up and expanded upon it in an interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano (Judging Freedom) on Tuesday. I am uncertain if the NYT advertisement sparked this exchange but the contradiction I have called out is addressed directly in their talk on air, now available on the internet.


I close this brief examination of the NYT advertisement with a message of gratitude to all those responsible for preparing the text (if we may overlook the line on “other options”) and paying for its publication. Bravo! May others also come forward in public space with the message of immediate peace with no pre-conditions.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023 ... the-world/


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Forwarded from
Vоенкор Котенок Z
Military expert Boris Rozhin on the main points during the special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine at 23.42 Moscow time on May 28, 2023, specially for the Voenkor Kotenok Z @voenkorKotenok channel :

1. Artemovsk.

Despite enemy attacks to the northwest and southwest of Artemovsk , the Russian Armed Forces, after the transfer of reserves, increase pressure on the enemy's flanks.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine note the strengthening of the artillery work of the RF Armed Forces and the emergence of new units in this direction.
We can expect intensification of fighting in the area of ​​Krasnoe and Khromovo in the coming week.
The enemy will try to attack in the direction of Kurdyumovka and Kleshcheevka.

2. Kupyanskoe direction.

The RF Armed Forces are expanding the zone of control near Masyutovka , but there is no talk of a large-scale attack on Kupyansk yet.
The enemy, however, is strengthening the defenses on the right bank of the Oskol and in Kupyansk itself .

3. Seversk direction.

Our troops are stepping up pressure in the area of ​​​​Disputed and Belogorovka , but so far no tangible progress has been made.
A more promising movement through Vasyukovka and Razdolovka is still difficult.

4. Donetsk direction.

No significant changes. There are local shifts to the north of Avdiivka and in Maryinka itself.
In the Ugledar direction - positional battles. The appearance of new enemy units
in the area of ​​Velikaya Novoselovka and near the Vremievsky ledge is noted.

5. Zaporozhye direction.

Without changes. Both sides are stepping up strikes on the rear.
The active use by the enemy of Western cruise missiles in the Zaporozhye region also hints at the priority nature of the Zaporozhye direction in the plans of the enemy. For distraction, these are very expensive "distraction" toys.



In the Serebryansky Forest, our paratroopers are storming together with a special unit of the Don Cossacks, while on the other side is Zolotarevka, from where the 2AK units are pressing together with the Akhmat unit. Despite the serious defensive structures of the enemy, our guys are moving forward little by little. UAV reconnaissance detects opniks and enemy positions. As a result of the reconnaissance adjustments, artillery and aircraft successfully hit enemy targets, which helps our units from Serebryansky Les and Zolotorevka to occupy key enemy positions, displacing them and slamming the ring around Belogorovka .

Enemy losses

Significant losses of the enemy over the past day are reported: 1 M777 howitzer, 2 tanks, 2 BMP-1, 4 pickup trucks, 1 mortar were destroyed. Numerical losses are up to 90 people wounded and killed.

What is the goal of the Liberation of Belogorovka?

This step will provide us with a confident position for the development of our offensive operations on the city of Seversk, our army is able to turn the tide of enemy resistance and push the enemy back so that he cannot hit the peaceful quarters of the city of Kremennaya. I am fully aware that the enemy will do everything possible to hinder our advance. As a result of the latest defeats at the front of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, drug addict Zelensky began to be denied the supply of weapons and he will make every effort to contain this front line.


The fall of the tail of a Patriot SAM missile onto a moving car in Kyiv.
Zelensky’s gang is already in full hysteria that Klitschko published a photo of a fallen rocket, thereby preventing him from talking about a Russian rocket hitting a civilian car. The passengers of the minibus were wildly lucky - with a direct hit on the "Bogdan", there could be 10-12 corpses.

Also, the statements about "all the downed missiles" turned out to be obvious lies, since even on TV're coming out one of the witnesses said in plain text that she saw a missile hit and flying debris and bricks (I wonder what it was).

Now the Zelensky gang is trying to intimidate everyone as much as possible, so that in the absence of other information it would be possible to continue inventing mythical numbers of wins. But since the people of Kiev themselves see and film everything, this lie of the Zelensky gang comes up against a spreading word of mouth, where people share what is happening in reality.


Judging by the reports of Gauleiter Khmelnitsky, who immediately mentions 5 aircraft "damaged" during the strike on the airfield, the real damage after night arrivals turned out to be much greater - the enemy rarely admits such damage and the appearance of such reports rather indicates that there is a process of underestimation of much more damage.
Probably, it was about a strike on aircraft that launched British missiles. Probably, stocks of such missiles were also destroyed at the airfield.

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Post-Bakhmut scenario in Ukraine war

Ukraine President Vladimir Zelensky (L) met US President Joe Biden at Hiroshima, Japan, on May 21, 2023

Ukraine President Zelensky and US President Biden met on the sideline of the G7 Summit at Hiroshima within hours of the statement from the Kremlin at 1 am last Sunday, transmitting President Vladimir Putin’s greetings to the Russian forces for the “completion of the operation to liberate Artemovsk” (known as Bakhmut in Ukraine.)

The operation lasted 224 days and turned into an epic battle. Ukraine paid a heavy price in blood in trying to hold onto Bakhmut, which came to be called a “Meat Grinder”. American analysts have listed twenty five Ukrainian brigades and at least 9 battalions and 5 regiments — an estimated deployment of 120,000 troops at the very least — thrown into the battle by Kiev. An estimated 70% casualties would mean that Ukraine suffered over 70,000 killed and wounded. It is a devastating defeat.

Conventional military doctrine says that an army attacking an entrenched force will need at least three times more soldiers than the defending force in fortifications. But Wagner fighters numbering 32,000 fighters faced off with a NATO proxy force almost 4 times bigger in numbers and equipped with modern weaponry.

The shock over the crushing defeat was writ large on the faces of US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky as they faced the media at Hiroshima a few hours after the Kremlin statement appeared. Reading from a prepared text, Biden announced, in a major reversal of policy, that the US would be “launching some new joint efforts with our partners to train Ukrainian pilots on a fourth-generation fighter aircraft like the F-16.”

Meanwhile, in a series of showy incidents, Ukraine began hitting targets in Russia with US and British supplied weapons. There have been sporadic artillery and Himars missile attacks on Russian civilians in border towns; two drone attacks on the Kremlin; and British Storm Shadow cruise missile strikes on targets in Russia. In one particular instance last week, there has been a cross border incursion in the Belgorod region with US supplied vehicles and weapons. But none of these attacks can be deemed as “game changers.”

While the US and the rest of NATO are feigning ignorance about these attacks, the key fact is that Ukraine gets targeting data that only NATO intelligence sources could provide. Thus, the decades-old red line dating back to Cold War has been breached — namely, that neither the US nor Russia would attack the other side’s territory directly or indirectly. (They held the guardrails even during the Afghan jihad in the 1980s.)

There is going to be consequences. The first sign of it came with the news that nuclear weapons are already being deployed in Belarus and Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu was in Minsk to sign the necessary agreement detailing the logistics of deployment. Biden told reporters on Friday after returning from Japan that his reaction to the Russian deployment is “extremely negative.”

But in reality, Moscow’s intention is to provide Belarus with deterrent capability against any rash moves by NATO such as cutting off access to Kaliningrad. Incidentally, the US too has been keeping nuclear weapons on European soil for many years.

But a flashpoint can always arise. The upcoming NATO exercise codenamed Air Defender 23 (June 12-23) will be the most significant military exercise ever carried out over the European skies and the most extensive deployment exercise of air forces in the history of the western alliance — involving 25 NATO countries, 10,000 military personnel and approximately 220 aircraft.

To quote Larry Johnson, well-known American blogger and former analyst at the CIA, “a training operation of this size and scale against the backdrop of heightened tensions in the region is akin to lighting a match in a gasoline storage tank.” That said, at the tactical level, Russian military is also positioning itself for further operations to complete the liberation of Donbass, after having gained control of Bakhmut, which is a major communication hub through which all Ukrainian logistics passed along the Donetsk arc up to Seversk so far.

A report in Izvestia on Wednesday said quoting expert opinion that Avdiivka and Maryinka are “next in line… so that there will be no shelling of Donetsk city… Next, we will have to turn off the big Donetsk arc — from Ugledar to Seversk with access to Konstantinovka and Slavyansk. These are the last two cities of the large Donbass agglomeration, followed by the steppe (leading toward Dnieper River) where it will be very difficult for the enemy to hold on.”

Again, the Wagner fighters are being replaced by regular Russian forces for further operations. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview on Russian TV on Friday: “It’s hard to say where the breaking point is… Obviously, the degree of direct and indirect involvement in this conflict by the countries of the collective West is surging day by day. This may protract the conflict, but will not turn the tide drastically. It cannot turn the tide at all. Russia will press on with the operation, and Russia will ensure its interests one way or another and achieve the designated objectives.”

Meanwhile, Russia has been conducting an intensive bombing campaign to make it difficult for Kiev to assemble the manpower and firepower required to launch and sustain an offensive operation beyond a few days, and is intensifying its operations overall to decimate Ukraine’s military capabilities.

The “known unknown” is how the 2024 US election campaign will affect the trajectory of the war. Biden’s shift on F-16 can be seen as a knee-jerk reaction. Even Gen. Mark Milley, chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff admits that F-16 isn’t a “magic weapon.”

Meanwhile, Russia continues to probe the US intentions. In an interview with the prestigious International Affairs magazine, Russian Deputy Defence Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Friday that “The US ruling elite has consolidated itself to a great extent on an anti-Russian basis, regardless of party affiliation. In my opinion, the situation is turning into a force majeure.”

However, Ryabkov who is the highest ranking “point person” for relations with the US at the foreign ministry, also added, “No matter how things turn out, we are willing to maintain dialogue with whoever comes to power (in the US), stays in power.”

Therefore, Ukraine relinquishing the accession to NATO and the EU and returning to neutral non-aligned status will remain one of the key conditions of a successful peace process in Ukraine. The big question is how far the NATO will go at its forthcoming summit in July in Vilnius; or, would this mean Ukraine’s full membership or something else? The likelihood of any big decisions in Vilnius can, perhaps, be discounted.

Interestingly, the Kremlin instinctively warmed up to the idea of a phone call to Putin “in due course,” voiced by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz soon after his return to Berlin from the G7 summit in Hiroshima. Berlin has consistently disfavoured any precipitate move by NATO apropos Ukraine’s membership.

In an interview with Wall Street Journal on Friday celebrating his centennial, Henry Kissinger also remarked that “the offer to put Ukraine into NATO was a grave mistake and led to this war.” Kissinger advocated instead greater clarity in Russia’s stance on Europe, flagging that while Russia is interested in fostering ties with Europe for its own development, it is also cautious of potential threats coming from the West. ... raine-war/


On the role of BlackRock in managing the economy of Ukraine
May 28, 2:17 p.m

On the role of BlackRock in managing the economy of Ukraine

The financial octopus BlackRock began the absorption of Ukraine, hiding behind funds for post-war reconstruction.

Officially, the funds must attract investments in energy, infrastructure and agriculture. However, in fact, they become a front for transferring financial receipts from Western countries to Ukraine offshore.

When did it become known about BlackRock's intervention in the economy of Ukraine?

BlackRock was present in Ukraine until 2022: the company's investments in Ukrainian enterprises increased sharply after 2014. With the beginning of the SVO, the fund began to decisively penetrate into the strategic sectors of Ukraine.

BlackRock's cooperation with the Ukrainian government became publicly known on September 19, 2022, when Volodymyr Zelensky discussed with the organization's CEO Larry Fink the creation of a "Recovery Fund to support the Ukrainian economy."

On November 10, 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and BlackRock. According to the document, the organization was supposed to create a special investment fund in the amount of 25 to 100 billion dollars, which, however, would be focused exclusively on promoting the green agenda.

The agreement between the government of Ukraine and the world's largest asset management fund BlackRock FMA on the creation of a development fund for Ukraine was signed on May 8, and is only a formalization of the process of transferring the country's main assets under the control of a transnational company.

Current volume of investments

Today, Ukraine's public debt is 89% of GDP, which allows us to talk about the actual external management of the country. BlackRock also owns large stakes in Ukrainian enterprises Metinvest, DTEK, Naftogaz, Ukrzaliznytsya, Ukravtodor and Ukrenergo.

Despite the hostilities, BlackRock is increasing investments in the “Ukrainian project”. More than 17 million hectares of farmland, out of the 40 million currently in the land bank, are already owned by international companies, including Monsanto, which BlackRock controls.

What will the BlackRock Foundation's "international assistance" turn out to be for Ukraine?

Now there is an active sale of property before the bankruptcy of the state. Ukraine's budget deficit is covered by EU and IMF assistance. With such a level of obligations on government bonds, Ukraine, as a state, is already in a pre-bankruptcy state by all indicators. It is likely that the Kyiv authorities will announce official bankruptcy after the completion of the purchase of assets by BlackRock's subsidiaries.

Upon the fact of bankruptcy, the issue of servicing the public debt and payments on loans will arise, the collateral for which is precisely the most valuable assets of Ukraine. And these assets will become the property of the debt holder. The country will be sold in compliance with international law, which is necessary to further protect the assets.

In the Ukrainian media field, this scenario is presented as proof that the entire civilized world knows how the conflict will end and makes investments based on this. But in reality, BlackRock, which essentially manages the Fed's issuance through a bond buyback program, can painlessly print fiat dollars and use them to purchase real assets. That is why the representatives of the TNCs involved in this operation are so sure that their investments will pay off. The model for managing such assets has already been tested in African countries, in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. This is not about the development of the country, but only about exploitation and profit. ... j-ukrainy/ - zinc

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The new colonialism brings new 'efficiencies' to capitalist accumulation.....
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Tue May 30, 2023 12:16 pm

The tenth year of war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 05/30/2023


Last week, forgotten even in Donbass amid the day-to-day drama of the war, marked the ninth anniversary of the first fighting of the war in Donetsk, the mining capital and main city of the region. The war did not “arrive” in Donetsk, as Volodymyr Zelensky claimed exactly one year ago, but it was Ukraine that brought it and refused to withdraw it even despite the ceasefire agreement. Far from the headlines, including the Russian press, sectors on the outskirts of the DPR capital were never safe for the population, who still lived in those neighborhoods many times without electricity or heating.

Original Article: Denis Grigoriuk

May the people of Slavyansk and those who participated in the first battles in Donbass forgive me, but, for Donetsk, the date of May 26 makes all the difference. It was the last peaceful sunrise over the mining capital. A few hours later, as the sun was rising, the Ukrainian military stormed the Donetsk airport terminal buildings. That was the beginning of the war in Donetsk.

It cannot be said that the fighting on the outskirts paralyzed life in the city, but I vividly remember the fear of the population to approach areas far from the center of Donetsk for the first time. Now it seems naive or even ridiculous. After nine years of continuous fighting, especially now, with almost daily attacks and shelling of any part of the city, when the population takes to the streets immediately after the explosions subside, that first reaction to the combat at the airport is seen with a smile. The paralyzing fear was lost somewhere and was replaced by cold calculation and an assessment of the situation based on the experience gained over the years.

The opponent is perfectly aware of this feature in the behavior of the Donetsk population. So, on the ninth anniversary of the attack on the Kalininsky district of the DPR capital, Ukrainian soldiers fired again at that very neighborhood. The technique can be classified as terrorist. This is how the Ukrainian snipers also acted, who first wounded a person so that they had to be evacuated and then they could attack more than one. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are aware that the emergency and rescue services will quickly reach the area of ​​the shelling. There will also be journalists recording the consequences of the attack. These are the people who have become targets for Ukrainian gunners, who use NATO precision weapons,

It cannot be said that this situation is surprising. It is a common practice on the Ukrainian side. They have behaved like this more than once or twice. It's not something that's a factor in remote areas, because the goal there is to kill as much as possible. It cannot be said that it is revenge for something either, and that even before February 24, 2022, the Armed Forces of Ukraine behaved like this. There is an unwritten rule among the press: go to a bombardment thirty minutes later, although sometimes you lose control of the time to arrive as soon as possible. This is the profession, nothing can be done about it. If you don't, you may not be able to do your journalistic duties at all.

In Donetsk the tenth year of war has begun. Were we prepared for it? In the beginning, it was always spoken in the shortest possible times: a month, six months, a year. Over time, it became clear that the war was here to stay for a long time, since, after the signing of the Minsk agreements, we settled into the phase of neither war nor peace . And then came February 24, which for many was a shock and for Donbass was the hope that it was the beginning of the end of the permanent death in which we had learned to live with the war next door.

Unfortunately, the Kiev regime has bosses who only add fuel to the fire, supplying the Ukrainian troops with more and more weapons. Those shells kill people in Donbass while the hypocritical Western world sheds crocodile tears for the unfortunate Ukrainians. Donbass has also gotten used to this. Personally, I lost all hope of being heard exactly nine years ago, when I showed the pictures of the Donetsk airport to some foreign acquaintances, and in response received only propaganda messages from the Western press stating that the Ukrainian authorities were wiping out the terrorists, which were actually just people who disagreed with the Maidan in Donbass and also in Odessa, Kharkiv and other Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine. And they still turn a blind eye to the military and not only military crimes of the Ukrainian authorities. Even the persecution of the Orthodox Church occurs in the face of the indifferent silence of humanists who paint themselves in red paint in protest at world-class public events.

The war will continue as long as those who carry out the will of those who want the war remain in power in kyiv. And we will continue tearing pages from the calendar remembering those who gave their lives in this endless war. ... more-27387

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The Reconnaissance Strike Complex

The Reconnaissance Strike Complex
Lester Graun and Charles Bartles - May 30, 2018

The Soviet Union, and now Russia, have long worked on the development of twin concepts for the detection and assured destruction of high-value targets in near-real time. The Reconnaissance Strike Complex (разведивательно-ударный комплех-RYK) was designed for the coordinated employment of high-precision, long-range weapons linked to real-time intelligence data and precise targeting provided to a fused intelligence and fire-direction center. The RYK functioned at operational depths using surface-to-surface missile systems and aircraft-delivered “smart” munitions.
It took some time for the Russian reconnaissance-strike-complex to improve its reaction time. But it now seems to be quite fast.

First the reconnaissance element:

The Ukrainian Air Force Formed A New Strike Squadron—By Arming Reconnaissance Bombers With British Cruise Missiles
Forbes - May 28, 2023

Working closely with the United Kingdom, the Ukrainian air force has equipped at least some of the recon section—which flies two-seat, supersonic Sukhoi Su-24MRs from the regiment’s base in western Ukraine—with British-made Storm Shadow cruise missiles.
All the pre-war bombers and recon planes—as many as 16 of the former and nine of the latter—belonged to the 7th Bomber Regiment at Starokostiantyniv air base.
In a year and three months, the regiment has written off at least 17 Su-24s. Victims of Russian air-defense missiles, mostly.
It’s that simplicity [of the conversion] that apparently allowed the Ukrainian air force and its British supporters to form what amounts to a new long-range strike squadron—eight or more Storm Shadow-armed Su-24MRs—inside the battle-battered 7th Bomber Regiment ... in just three months’ time.

After reading yesterday's Forbes piece about Storm Shadow launching airplanes stationed at the Starokostiantyniv air base the commanders at the operation center of the Russian Special Military Operation, decided to have them destroyed.

The strike:

Russia Hits Military Facility In West Ukraine, Damaging Planes
AFP - May 29, 2023

A Russian strike hit a military facility in western Ukraine, damaging five planes, while Kyiv repelled another large volley of overnight air strikes, authorities said Monday.
In the western city of Khmelnytsky regional authorities said Russian troops attacked a military facility overnight.
In a rare admission of the damage, they said "five aircraft have been put out of action."

Work was underway to localise fires at fuel and lubricant warehouses, the statement said.

The Starokostiantyniv air base is some 40 kilometers north of Khmelnytsky.


Posted by b on May 29, 2023 at 14:45 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more

ICC’s Putin arrest warrant based on US-funded report that debunked itself

As ever, screaming corporate media headlines turn out to have almost no connection to the small print. Even when making accusations of ‘war crimes’.
Jeremy Loffredo

Sunday 28 May 2023

The following article is reproduced from The Grayzone with thanks.


The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Russian president Vladimir Putin, accusing him of the “unlawful deportation” of Ukrainian children to a network of camps inside Russia. The warrant was based on a report by the Yale Humanitarian Research Lab (HRL) centre, which is funded by the USA State Department.
US journalist Jeremy Loffredo visited one of Russian government-sponsored camps in question. At the Donbass Express, located just outside of Moscow, Loffredo met youth from war-torn regions who were flourishing thanks to free music instruction, and grateful to be in a secure environment. This article features his exclusive video report.
A Grayzone review of the Yale HRL report found the paper’s content contradicted many claims contained in the ICC warrant. It also undercut incendiary statements its director, Nathaniel Raymond, made during media appearances.
In an interview with Loffredo, Yale HRL’s Raymond further contradicted allegations he made in a CNN interview about a massive “hostage situation” underway in Russia, acknowledging that most of the camps he researched were “teddy bear”-like cultural programmes. He also disclosed his collaboration with US intelligence.
On 17 March, the prosecutor general of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, introduced an arrest warrant for Russian president Vladimir Putin and Russian commissioner for children’s rights Maria Llova-Belova. The warrant, which accused President Putin and Ms Lolva-Belova of organising the “unlawful deportation” of Ukrainian children to a “network of camps” across the Russian Federation, inspired a wave of incendiary commentary in the west.

US senator Lindsey Graham, perhaps the most aggressive cheerleader in Congress for war with Russia, proclaimed: “The ICC has an arrest warrant for Putin because he has organised the kidnapping of at least 16,000 Ukrainian children from their families and sent them to Russia. It is exactly what Hitler did in World War Two.”

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria echoed Graham, declaring the ICC warrant revealed that Putin “is in fact following parts of Hitler’s playbook”.

The ICC prosecutor appeared to have based his arrest warrant on research produced by Yale University’s Humanitarian Research Lab (HRL). Yale HRL’s work was funded and guided by the State Department’s Bureau of Conflict and Stabilisation Operations, an entity the Biden administration established in May 2022 to advance the prosecution of Russian officials.

During an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Yale HRL’s executive director, Nathaniel Raymond, claimed his report provided proof that “thousands of children are in a hostage situation”. Invoking the holocaust, Raymond asserted: “We are dealing with the largest network of children camps seen in the 21st century.”

Yet in an interview with Jeremy Loffredo, the co-author of this report, and in his own paper for Yale HRL, Raymond contradicted many of the bombastic claims he made to the media about child hostages. During a phone conversation with Loffredo, Raymond acknowledged that “a large amount” of the camps his team investigated were “primarily cultural education – like, I would say, teddy bear”.

Yale HRL’s report similarly acknowledged that most of the camps it profiled provided free recreational programmes for disadvantaged youth whose parents sought “to protect their children from ongoing fighting” and “ensure they had nutritious food of the sort unavailable where they live”. Nearly all of the campers returned home in a timely manner after attending with the consent of their parents, according to the paper. The State Department-funded report further conceded that it found “no documentation of child mistreatment”.

Yale HRL based its research entirely on Maxar satellite data, Telegram postings and Russian media reports, relying on Google translate to interpret them, and at times misrepresented the articles in its citations. The State Department-funded unit conceded that it performed no field research for its paper, stating that it “does not conduct ground-level investigations and therefore did not request access to the camps”.

Unlike the Yale investigators who inspired the ICC’s arrest warrant, our reporter Jeremy Loffredo gained unfettered access to a Russian government camp in Moscow that houses youth from the war-torn Donbass region. Though it is precisely the kind of centre that Yale HRL – and by extension, the ICC – have portrayed as a “re-education camp” for Ukrainian child hostages, he found a hotel full of happy campers receiving free classical music lessons in their native Russian language from first-class instructors – a “teddy bear”, as Raymond called it.

At the Donbass Express music camp located just outside of Moscow, young people told Loffredo they were grateful to have found refuge from the Ukrainian army’s years-long campaign of shelling and besiegement of their homeland. By fleeing the war in Donbass, these children had escaped a nightmarish military conflict for which Yale HRL and the ICC have demonstrated little to no concern.

Free music lessons, ‘spiritual enrichment’ and safety from war at the Donbass Express
When I, Jeremy Loffredo, visited a youth music camp in Russia in November 2022, I was unaware that the US government would soon exploit altruistic programmes such as the one I witnessed to advance political warfare.

At the time, I was in Moscow on assignment for Rebel News to conduct man-on-the-street interviews with average people around the city.

After meeting someone whose wife was influential in the Russian music scene, I was invited 45 miles southwest of Moscow to visit the kind of programme that was described by State Department-funded researchers as a “re-education camp”. It was there, at a Soviet-era hotel in the town of Pokrovskoye, that I entered one of the so-called facilities now at the centre of the ICC’s arrest warrant for President Putin.

By the time of my visit, the Russian government had transformed the hotel into a makeshift sleep-away camp for children native to the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The centre I visited, dubbed the ‘Donbass Express’, was focused on providing classical training to children interested in musical arts. Parents who wished to keep their families protected from the conflict back home had enrolled their children in the programme.

Peter Lundstrem, a professional violinist and teacher at the Donbass Express, explained to me: “Thanks to the support of the state presidential fund, we were able to bring 80 children from Donetsk and Lugansk regions. They are talented young musicians and they’re here for 12 days. They live here and take lessons from outstanding music teachers. They put together concerts. They receive education.”

Despite its glaring flaws and failure to seek on-the-ground corroboration, the State Department-funded Yale HRL report got one thing right about the experience of children enrolled in the Donbass Express: they are likely to keep their involvement in the programme secret. In the eyes of Ukrainian authorities, the simple act travelling to Russia – even for free music lessons – is tantamount to collaborating with the enemy.

As the report says: “Many families in Ukraine do not want to publicly share their [camp or school] experiences because they fear they will be seen [by Ukraine] as collaborators with Russia.”

Of the students involved in Donbass Express, Lundstrem said: “So that you understand what is done to children like these in Ukraine … children who receive any kind of help from Russian people or the Russian state … they would be simply killed.”

For much of their lives, these children lived with the threat of death on a daily basis. For the eight years leading up to Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, the ethnically Russian population of Donbass endured regular shelling at the hands of the US-backed nationalist government in Kiev. Even before February 2022, that civil conflict had left thousands of civilians, including children like the ones I met at the Donbass Express, dead.

“Of course many of [the young people enrolled in Donbass Express] were greatly affected by this conflict,” Lundstrem said. “Many of them lost houses. Some of them lost their relatives and friends. In the conflict zone, they in fact cannot continue their professional music studies. In Donetsk, philharmonic and general education institutions are not functioning.”

Although the State Department-funded Yale report would have Americans believe that Russia’s move to open camps such as the Donbass Express amounted to war crimes, the students I met there did not want to leave.

“Of course they all want this programme to continue. They want to stay and for it to go on and on. But we can do these small things only. We will do this again in the future maybe,” Lundstrem told me.

I spoke with two Donbass Express students on camera. Each expressed effusive gratitude for the programme.

“I am here on invitation, on generous invitation,” said one from Donetsk. “I never thought I would get to come to Moscow. I’ve been helping to perform in concerts, which is helpful for spiritual enrichment and soul purification. And I’m here to develop my musical performing skills.”

“Here, we continue our musical studies despite what has been going on around us because it gives us relief,” another kid from the Donbass told me.

Like all other students in the programme, these aspiring musicians grew up in a region in open rebellion against a Ukrainian government that has banned their Russian Orthodox religious denomination, sought to outlaw the Russian language, and violently attacked the ethnic Russian population of the country.

Most, if not all, of the students enrolled in the Donbass Express identify with the Russian nation, according to their instructor. “They have this [patriotic] song, ‘My Homeland is Coming Back’,” Lundstrem commented. “All of these 80 kids were screaming it. Simply screaming this song.”

But the teacher emphasised: “We are not organising [the Donbass Express] for political reasons. We’re not here to say ‘Russia forever!’ for example. We’re here to help these children. But of course, we’re Russians.”

The political sympathies and Russian ethnic background of the children who travelled from eastern Ukraine to programmes like the Donbass Express is referenced only in passing by Yale HRL’s State Department-funded report.

Content of Yale HRL report contradicts ICC arrest warrant
Nathaniel Raymond, the executive director of the State Department-sponsored Yale HRL, appeared on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 on 16 February 2023 to announce what he called “an amber alert for Ukraine’s children”.

Alluding to the holocaust, Raymond claimed he and his team had uncovered “the largest number of camps seen in the 21st century”, a finding that constituted possible “evidence of genocide”.

“They’re trying to make them into Russians,” Raymond said, asserting that Russian authorities had forcibly removed Ukrainian children from their families and subjected them to coercive military training.

“Thousands of children are in a hostage situation,” he proclaimed.

With an indignant scowl on his face, CNN’s Cooper muttered: “This is truly sickening. This is sick.”

However, the actual content of the 14 February 2023 investigation Raymond directed on behalf of the State Department conflicts with his claims of a “hostage situation”.

Raymond’s apparent cluelessness about the situation inside many of the youth camps may stem from the fact that neither he nor any of his colleagues sought to visit them. Nor did they attempt to contact any children who had attended the camps, their parents or staff members.

As his report stated: “Yale HRL does not conduct interviews with witnesses or victims; only the specific information available in open source is collected. When analysts are unable to identify public information about whether a child has returned home, it can be difficult to ascertain the current status of the child. Similarly, Yale HRL does not conduct ground-level investigations and therefore did not request access to the camps.”

In other words, the researchers who informed the ICC’s arrest warrant for President Putin conducted no field research, and admit they failed to obtain concrete information regarding the children’s status.

The paper acknowledged that, in fact: “Many of the children who have attended these camps appear to return to their families when scheduled.”

Also buried in the report was the following disclosure: “Many children taken to camps are sent with the consent of their parents for an agreed duration of days or weeks and returned to their parents as originally scheduled.”

“Many of these parents are low-income and wanted to take advantage of a free trip for their child,” the paper continued. “Some hoped to protect their children from ongoing fighting, to send them somewhere with intact sanitation, or to ensure they had nutritious food of the sort unavailable where they live. Other parents simply wanted their child to be able to have a vacation.”

So if the children voluntarily attended the camps and were mostly returned on time, while most parents provided “meaningful consent” and were grateful that their children could be in a safe place with healthy food, where was the “evidence of genocide” that Raymond alleged during his CNN appearance?

According to the Yale HRL/State Department’s paper: “There is no documentation of child mistreatment, including sexual or physical violence, among the camps referenced in this report.”

The report’s citations contain a link to a RIA Novosti [a Russian state-owned news agency] article about a two-week summer camp in the Russian town of Magadan. Polina Tsvetkova, a child quoted in the article, provided an unequivocally positive review that mirrored those offered by enrollees of the Donbass Express:

“While we were driving from the airport, we were very impressed with the local landscapes. I like to walk in the fields, pick flowers. It is very interesting to see nature. All kinds of beautiful views. When we were driving, I saw small rivers flowing from the mountains. Very beautiful, the views are simply gorgeous.”

The HRL paper omitted the testimony of joyful summer camp attendees featured in the RIA Novosti article it cited. Instead, it deployed the article in order to claim: “Children have been transported [to camps] by bus, train, commercial aircraft and, in at least one case, by Russia’s aerospace forces.”

As with his CNN appearance, Raymond’s State Department-sponsored report glossed over a single fact that exploded his entire assertion that “thousands of [Ukrainian] children are in a hostage situation”. That is: nearly all of the children referenced in the Yale HRL/State Department report are ethnic Russians from families and communities that have sided with Russia in its conflict with the nationalist [proxy] government in Kiev.

The young people who attended the camp referenced in the RIA Novosti article were from Zhdanovka, a town in the Donetsk Republic that separated from Ukraine in 2014, and formally declared its independence in 2022. Yet the ICC and all other official western sources referred to these children simply as “Ukrainian”, as though they were being forcibly extracted from pro-Kiev communities occupied by Russian forces and subjected to brainwashing inside Russian internment camps.

The report refers to the political and ethnic background of the youth campers only in passing, noting at one point: “Many families in Ukraine do not want to publicly share their experiences [at camp] because they fear they will be seen as collaborators with Russia.”

Not only have the Yale HRL/State Department paper’s authors demonstrated zero concern for the safety of these families, they have inspired calls for their immediate return to a conflict zone where they could be tortured or killed by the Ukrainian government.

Referring to the evacuation of 500 orphans from Donetsk in February 2022 just as Ukrainian forces escalated their attacks on the separatist republics, the authors wrote: “The reason given publicly by Russia’s government at the time was the supposed threat of an offensive by the Ukrainian armed forces against the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR).”

The citation provided to support this claim was a report by Donbass Insider detailing how the Ukrainian army had intensified its shelling of civilian areas in Donetsk on 19 February 2022, destroying a house, a poultry farm, and an electricity substation, leaving 800 residents without electricity. It was the 43rd Ukrainian violation of a ceasefire in the Donetsk People’s Republic. Five days later, Russian forces invaded Ukraine, announcing a mission to “demilitarise” the country.

So does extricating orphans from the Donetsk war zone to safer ground inside the Russian Federation constitute the crime of “kidnapping”, as Raymond alleged?

The Yale HRL/State Department researcher apparently upholds an extremely loose definition of the term. Back in 2020, Raymond approvingly tweeted a Washington Post editorial denouncing the Trump administration’s policy (continued by the Biden administration) of separating minors from migrant parents: “Let’s not mince words. The Trump administration kidnapped children.”

HRL director contradicts ‘hostage situation’ claims, discloses US intel ties
Nathaniel Raymond is a technologist who has worked at various international NGOs and universities, from Oxfam to Harvard’s Signal Project, and claims he served on the ICC’s tech advisory team.

Before securing his post as a lecturer at the Yale School of Public Health, he worked for George Clooney, the Hollywood celebrity who helped make the plight of the Darfur region of Sudan a cause celebre. Clooney, for his part, campaigned alongside the pro-Israel groups and president George W Bush, who threatened to send US troops to Darfur.

“I count tanks from space for George Clooney,” Raymond quipped to the Guardian in 2012, referring to his pioneering use of Maxar satellite technology to document alleged human rights abuses.

When I, Jeremy Loffredo, learned that Raymond’s Yale HRL had issued a report on Russia government youth programmes like the Donbass Express, I emailed him to inform him that I had been to one of these camps back in November 2022. I told him I was open to sharing my experience with him. He agreed to speak to me by phone.

Raymond explained to me that when he arrived at Yale HRL in 2021, he was directing a State Department-sponsored project documenting the Afghan government’s alleged abuses against the country’s Hazara minority. But as US intelligence began warning of an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine, the mission quickly shifted.

“Our initial concept of operations was actually on Afghanistan,” Raymond said. “And we got rerouted to Ukraine. We were going to be watching the Hazara. And, and then we got, we got pulled in on this. And two weeks before the invasion happened, we were told to stand by and form a squad, and then by spring, we knew the good stuff was happening.”

Raymond added that the USA National Intelligence Council applied “a lot of pressure” on his team at Yale HRL to document the Russian government’s operations to move citizens from eastern Ukraine to the Russian Federation.

“We were like: ‘Okay, how are we going to do this?’” he recalled. “And so we spent the summer into the early fall, trying to figure out our operational concept. And it wasn’t until October [2022], that we really realised how to do it. And the trick was, when we broke it open, it was getting inside Russian VPN networks looking like Russian citizens looking at local mayoral VK [Russian social media] accounts.”

Raymond said his team relied on the Pentagon’s US Indo-Pacific Command to “expand our satellite access in the Pacific Command to get the Siberian and eastern camps”.

When asked why his research team did not attempt to visit any programmes inside Russia like the Donbass Express, Raymond said: “We’re persona non grata. We’re considered extensions of US intelligence by the Russians.”

Though he acknowledged working closely with US intelligence and the State Department, Raymond denied that Yale HRL’s focus on alleged Russian atrocities at the exclusion of those committed by Ukraine was driven by US government funding. “The Ukrainian alleged Ukrainian abuses, we probably can’t see through our means,” he insisted. “Because they’re small unit stuff with POWs mostly. Like, they shot a bunch of guys in the knees allegedly.”

Raymond pointed to his unit’s documentation of a Russian strike on a Ukrainian grain silo as a typical example of “Ukrainian bullshit”. “What we think [the Ukrainians] were doing,” he said, “is they were running an ammonium phosphate lab, underneath that silo, to build munitions.”

Though he said that “the only thing that could have made that [blast] hole is basically a bomb factory”, Raymond claimed it was impossible to confirm his suspicion.

He used a metaphor about traffic violations to explain why Yale HRL was focused exclusively on nailing the Russian government: “We got a parking violation in terms of the laws of armed conflict, like the Ukrainians are double parked in a moving zone, right? At a bus stop. And the Russians, meanwhile, are doing the DUI in the 16-wheeler through a shopping mall.”

While minimising the Ukrainian military’s documented shooting of defenseless prisoners and use of civilian infrastructure to conceal military installations, Raymond homed in on Russia’s policy of bringing ethnically Russian children to cultural programmes, accusing Moscow of a criminal process of “Russification”.

When asked about the fact that most of the children involved in the programmes Yale HRL investigated already consider themselves Russian, and come from separatist, ethnic Russian regions that have been targeted with violence by Ukraine’s US-backed government, and that some have no home to return to because they were destroyed in the conflict, Raymond was dismissive.

“Even if that was true, it’s a war crime,” Raymond insisted. “Under the Geneva Convention, one state party to an armed conflict cannot adopt or transfer children from the other state party under any circumstances.”

While Raymond would not consider the ethnic and political backgrounds of the children while determining whether their rights had been violated, he freely acknowledged that the vast majority of camps his team at Yale HRL investigated were, like the Donbass Express, “primarily cultural education, like I would say, teddy bear”. ... -debunked/



European parliament to join the militarisation path
Originally published: The Bullet on May 26, 2023 by Herman Michiel (more by The Bullet) (Posted May 27, 2023)

The European Union is “in urgent war mode,” said Josep Borrell, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy at the Munich Security Conference in February 2023. The man spoke the truth, as the European Union has so far made no diplomatic attempt to intervene in Russia’s war against Ukraine. On the contrary, the EU is fully committed to supplying more and more and heavier weapons to Ukraine, whose military victory over Russia is seen as the only guarantee of a lasting peace.

This was also echoed in a European Parliament resolution approved by a large majority on 16 February. In it, one reads, e.g., that “the main objective for Ukraine is to win the war against Russia, understood as its ability to drive all the forces of Russia, its proxies and allies out of the internationally recognised territory of Ukraine; considers that this objective can be met only through the continued, sustained and steadily increasing supply of all types of weapons to Ukraine, without exception.”

Ukraine is fighting, still according to the resolution, not only for its sovereignty, but also for “freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and European values against a brutal regime that seeks to undermine our democracy and weaken and divide our Union.” Our European values defended without one EU citizen risking his or her life in the process, unless being maybe a journalist; that certainly seems to call for a generous contribution from the European purse, doesn’t it?

Three-Stage Rocket With More Ammunition
And that is what happened. Whoever wants to wage war must have ammunition, bullets, shells, and missiles. Ukraine would use some 7,000 every day, while for Russia it would be about 50,000.1 So European ‘solidarity’ means ammunition for Ukraine. In early March, a three-step action plan was proposed to this end, the work of the European Commission, the European Defence Agency, and Borrell’s diplomatic service (EEAS).

The first step was to increase the financial pot from which member states are reimbursed for donating ammunition from their own stocks to Ukraine. That pot, with the surreal name European Peace Facility, got an additional €1-billion, together with which the ‘facility’ will have supplied €4.6-billion worth of weapons to Ukraine.
Not to be hampered by legal or democratic objections (the EU is forbidden by treaty law to use the EU budget for military purposes), the European Peace Facility was set up outside the official EU institutions. It is an international agreement between member states, in which the European Parliament does not intervene. National parliaments could, but given the large consensus among mainstream parties that Kiev defends European values, there is little danger of that.
The second component is the joint procurement by member states, through the European Defence Agency, of munitions, including 155 mm shells and possibly missiles. The plan should be finalised by 30 September 2023, and €1-billion was provided for this purpose as well. However, while the principle of arming Ukraine hardly elicited a European debate, the question of which arms manufacturers get to walk away with the profits is the subject of disputes. Restricting the candidates to the European arms industry (including Norway, not a member state but part of the European Economic Area) would be a small counter to Biden’s industrial protectionism. But what if the munitions supply chain includes non-European companies? An agreement appears to have been reached on 5 May regarding this issue, with foreign links in the supply chain not being an objection to European procurement.
The first and second steps deal with the short term, but the ‘war mode’ Borrell mentioned does not end, in the eyes of European leaders, with the end of the war in Ukraine; Europe’s militarisation is there to last. The third step is to make the European munitions industry ready to respond smoothly to future demand. On 3 May, Thierry Breton, the French commissioner responsible for the internal market, proposed the ASAP plan, which stands for Act in Support of Ammunition Production. With a European subsidy pot of €500-million, the EU aims to support European ammunition producers to increase annual production to 1 million units within a year (worth some €3 to €4-billion). Commissioner Breton even visited several munitions factories in Europe in recent weeks. On the composition of the €500-million, Breton added that, in addition to the direct EU budget, member states can also use monies from the cohesion fund (earmarked to support Europe’s poorer regions) and from the Recovery and Resilience Facility, earmarked to counter the economic impact of the corona crisis. Munitions “factories are built in isolated areas,” Breton said, so cohesion money is “entirely appropriate” there…
| | MR Online
What needs to be underlined about this ASAP plan is that it will be part of ordinary EU legislation, once it is approved by the Council of Ministers (member states) and the European Parliament. We already mentioned that step 1 and 2 are intergovernmental agreements which are, strictly speaking, legally outside the EU institutions. One reason why this is not the case for ASAP is that part of the money will come from the European Defence Fund, with a budget that has to be approved by the Parliament. But in the meantime, European leaders will have been sufficiently reassured that little opposition to European militarisation is to be expected from Parliament. Indeed, Parliament had previously given carte blanche to the European Defence Fund on how the approved budget would be spent over the seven-year budget period.

As a further sign of goodwill, the vast majority of the Parliament agreed with the Commission’s wish to complete the legislative procedure for admitting the ASAP plan at an accelerated pace – the so-called fast track. On 9 May, Parliament gave the green light to do so. Speech time, etc. will be reduced to the minimum, and things are likely to wrap up with a special session of Parliament at the end of this month.

Not All MEPs Like Gunpowder Fumes
| | MR Online
At the time, then Commission President José Manuel Barroso said of the neoliberal economic straitjacket, the ‘economic governance’ of which the Commission had acquired the power: “What is going on is a silent revolution, a silent revolution in terms of stronger economic governance, by small steps. Member States have accepted – and I hope they have understood it correctly – they have accepted that a very important power is going to rest with the European institutions in terms of surveillance, and a much stricter control of public finances.” That was in June 2010. Should one not also ask whether MEPs have correctly understood what they are agreeing to? Is it not a ‘quiet revolution’ if the EU machinery can now be enabled, bit by bit, to fulfil the ambitions of a snooty political elite dreaming of a European Pentagon and a European military-industrial complex?

The few who have spoken out against this perfidious European course deserve our admiration and encouragement. There is, for instance, Clare Daly, Irish MEP for Independents4change, along with her colleague Mick Wallace, as well as German anti-militarist Özlem Demirel (Die Linke). Nor does Marc Botenga (Belgium, PVDA/PTB) support it: “Commissioner Breton wants to give huge amounts of taxpayers’ money to highly profitable multinationals, but refuses any democratic debate. The proposal goes beyond supporting Ukraine and contributes to the creation of a European network of arms manufacturers, a veritable EU military-industrial complex.” He also points out that ASAP undermines workers’ rights. “Article 18 of the law proposes to circumvent the Working Time Directive, which prescribes minimum daily and weekly rest periods, annual leave, breaks, maximum weekly working time and night work.”

Reasons enough exist for the people in Europe to oppose EU-militarisation, which will not only further reduce social and climate-related budgets but also seriously endanger peace and security in Europe. •



(1)Another source speaks of 60,000-210,000 per month on the Ukrainian side, 600,000-1.8 million on the Russian side. ... tion-path/


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Why the Russian Armed Forces are hunting for the Patriot air defense system in Kiev: analysis of the military chronicle On

May 28 and 29, a massive missile strike was launched at military facilities in Kiev and the region. Presumably, during the strike at Zhuliany airport, the launcher of the American Patriot air defense system was again destroyed. Why is the American air defense system considered a priority target for cruise and ballistic missiles?

Why attack the Patriot again if he's already been hit once?

On the night of May 15-16, the Russian Aerospace Forces were already striking launchers of the American air defense system in Kyiv. Presumably, after this strike, the air defense response and use system in the capital of Ukraine was rebuilt and reinforced with NASAMS air defense systems, which in theory should have increased the effectiveness of air and missile defense. A new strike, inflicted on the morning of May 29, showed that the missiles of the NASAMS air defense system could not respond to the use of the Kinzhal or Iskander missiles and were not used.

How many Patriot launchers did Kyiv have?

The Patriot anti-aircraft battery includes four to eight launchers, each of which contains four missiles. The battery is the smallest fire unit in terms of composition, capable of independently performing a combat mission. Presumably, Kyiv could receive at least one full division of the Patriot PAC-3 air defense system with MIM-104F (MSE) missiles from the United States. The maximum ammunition of the division is estimated at 64 missiles.

Most likely, the launchers and radars are dispersed in different places: some were located at the Zhuliany airport, the other part was in the city center, near the Muromets park, as well as in the Desnyansky district and Brovary.

What is the point of destroying the Patriot air defense system?

In addition to the defeat of the American air defense system as a legitimate military target, there are other reasons.

A modification of the Patriot PAC-3 air defense system with MIM-104F (MSE) missiles, allegedly deployed in Kyiv, is the most modern version of the American air defense system. In this version, the capabilities of the radar for detecting low-visibility high-speed targets, such as Iskander or Kinzhal missiles, are significantly expanded, as well as improved anti-missiles. The defeat of such objects by ballistic and cruise missiles will confirm the capabilities of Russian sea, land and air-based missile weapons.

In addition, the destruction of the Patriot air defense system will make it possible to collect a huge amount of data on the tactics of using this weapon, the characteristics and other features of the American air defense system. It can almost certainly be said that during the strikes, an accurate electronic portrait of the main systems and subsystems of the Patriot PAC-3 air defense system was obtained, which in the future will make it possible to detect these targets when deployed anywhere in the world.

What conclusion can be drawn?

Most likely, the attacks on the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kyiv will continue. After the second destruction of launchers with American air defense systems in the center of Ukraine, the necessary conclusions will be drawn not only by the Russian Aerospace Forces, but also by the American military, who delivered, deployed and, presumably, manages the work of air defense systems under the guise of Ukrainian military.

It is likely that after the loss of some launchers and, presumably, the control station of the complex, the place of combat duty of the system may change, and the scheme for covering the Patriot PAC-3 with NASAMS systems will also be finalized.

Another important observation: to intercept air targets, the Patriot PAC-3 air defense systems in Kyiv used almost all available ammunition. This indicates the uncertainty of hitting targets at the rate of one anti-missile per one object. The average consumption of more than one MIM-104F anti-missile for each Russian "Dagger" or "Iskander-M" is due to the fact that both types of missiles are equipped with modern means of overcoming enemy missile defense.

In particular, Iskanders and Kinzhals are equipped with containers with chaff, electronic warfare stations, and can also perform anti-missile maneuvers with overloads of up to 25 units, which makes their interception almost impossible.

source: @milchronicles



Massed strikes of the RF Armed Forces on targets in Ukraine May 28-29

Over the past two days, Russian troops have launched a series of massive strikes on enemy targets in Ukraine. For fire destruction of targets, both drones of the Geran family and cruise missiles were involved.

The choice of targets themselves is also interesting: in addition to infrastructure facilities and air defense position areas, aviation equipment, warehouses with weapons and ammunition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at military airfields also came under fire.

▪️Kyiv : On Sunday, the territory of the Imperial Tobacco Ukraine enterprise also came under attack . Today, local residents reported a series of explosions and debris falling in several districts of the capital: one of the ammunition collapsed near Zhuliany airport.

It is there that the positional area of ​​the Patriot air defense system is located, which has already become the target of the "Daggers" in May. According to our information, one of the drones fell near the launcher, but the extent of its damage is unknown.

▪️Zhytomyr : about ten explosions sounded near the city on the territory of the Ozernoye airfield . At the place of arrival there was a large fire and a cloud of smoke, characteristic of the detonation of an ammunition depot. According to some reports, two combat aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were also damaged at the facility.

▪️Khmelnytsky : a series of hits on the Starokonstantinov airfield . According to local authorities, at least five aircraft were put out of action, and the runway was damaged. However, the number of affected aircraft may be inflated for the purpose of disinformation. Fire damage was also inflicted on warehouses with fuel and ammunition.

▪️Odessa : Russian drones attacked targets in the port area, a fire broke out at one of the facilities. The local authorities did not confirm the arrivals, stating "the burning of the wreckage of drones."

▪️The media also reported on the sounds of explosions and the work of air defense systems in Vinnitsa , Kirovohrad , Poltava , Mykolaiv , Lviv and Cherkasy regions - at the moment there is no detailed information about the affected objects.

🔻In recent days, Russian troops have increased the number of strikes on targets throughout Ukraine. At the same time, the authorities, in the usual way, declare the “interception” of almost all air targets, and all damage is attributed solely to the fall of fragments of missiles and drones.

At the same time, local law enforcement agencies in only one capital detained several dozen people for filming air defense work and arrival sites.

And this is a clear illustration of what the Kyiv regime’s statements about the number of “downed” missiles and drones are really worth. The number of which, by the way, can be several times greater than the actually released ammunition.


Google Translator


Another 1 Patriot air defense system hit in Kyiv
May 30, 1:56 p.m


According to Shoigu, another Patriot air defense system was hit in Kyiv the other day.
Earlier it was reported about the arrival in the area of ​​the Zhuliany airfield, where the control station and 5 launchers of the Patriot air defense system had already been destroyed. The hunt continues. There is still at least 1 unaffected complex.

(Video at link.)

From other statements:

Shoigu about the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the fight against Western weapons.

1. Over the past month, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost over 16,000 servicemen, 16 aircraft, 466 UAVs, and more than 400 tanks and armored combat vehicles;

2. Western curators demand that Kyiv go on the offensive, despite the significant losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; Kiev authorities use NATO weapons to strike social facilities and carry out terrorist attacks against Russian civilians

3. Russian troops intercepted 29 Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles in a month; Also intercepted were 196 HIMARS missiles and 16 HARM missiles.

4. In recent days, large arms depots in Khmelnitsky, Ternopil and Nikolaev have also been destroyed.

5. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are improving the use of aviation in the course of a special operation, mastering new equipment and weapons;

6. Russian troops monitor the supply routes of Western weapons to Ukraine and strike at them;

7. Measures taken to ensure flight safety allowed the RF Armed Forces to practically eliminate the accident rate due to the human factor.

Poroshenko in the basement
May 30, 11:15


Dreams Come True. Drunk Poroshenko hides in the basement.

(For those of you, like myself, who have no Russian or may not remember, 'Porky', in this video I assume, promised that the children of Donbass would be hiding in basements while the children of Ukraine would be going to school. Ha!)

Drone raid on the Moscow region 05/30/2023
May 30, 9:24 am


According to the UAV attack on Moscow and the Moscow region at 9 am.

1. Up to 32 UAVs of various types were used. 19 were shot down by air defense, 10 fell caught on wires and Christmas trees on the approach. 3 flew to New Moscow
2. Launched from the northern regions of the Sumy or Chernihiv regions. It is also possible that some of the DRGs could be launched from the territory of the Russian Federation.
3. Now the situation is calm, the debris is being collected and the consequences are being eliminated.
4. The question of the need to increase the number of conventional anti-aircraft guns covering MSCs is quite relevant, they are in warehouses, for such purposes they are quite effective for themselves.
5. As a response to yesterday's attacks on Kyiv, and not only did it turn out to be rather sluggish, but it is obvious that attempts will be made to repeat such attacks. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance.

PS. The Ministry of Defense reported that there were 8 aircraft-type drones - 5 were shot down, 3 were rejected by electronic warfare,

Decision center hit
May 30, 12:52 p.m


The Kremlin reacted to Moscow's attempted attack.

1. The work of the air defense forces was rated as good.
2. Everything was reported to Putin in the morning.
3. The attack was assessed as an attempt to retaliate against effective arrivals from the Russian Aerospace Forces in Ukraine.
4. It was also stated that a certain decision-making center was hit during the latest strikes.
5. This attack shows that the NWO needs to be continued.

The Kremlin did not specify anything about the decision-making center mentioned, but there are two main versions - a certain buried object was hit, or it means an arrival near the headquarters of the Main Intelligence Directorate in Kiev. So we are waiting for the details.

The attack on Moscow itself did not cause significant damage, so the enemy will try to milk it for at least a PR effect. But one should not fall into complacency. The enemy will surely take this failure into account in future attacks.

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Wed May 31, 2023 11:50 am

"Spy Plot"
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 05/31/2023


Eight months have passed since, on September 26, 2022, the explosions that disabled three of the four Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines occurred, the latter never officially inaugurated or used. Since then, conspiracy theories and speculation have been the norm between the secrecy of the different countries that are investigating the facts and the general lack of interest in knowing who blew up critical infrastructure owned by various countries in one of the most patrolled areas by NATO. The accusations started almost immediately, especially from the western side. While Russia, in the mouth of Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, demanded to know what had happened and whether it was an accident or sabotage, Western officials and media began to take Russian responsibility for granted.

Confirmed the sabotage when the remains of explosives were found, Russia set its sights on the United Kingdom, remembering its old enemy of the 19th century as a great naval power. By then, the former Polish Foreign Minister, Radek Sikorski, had already deleted the tweet with which he thanked the United States. As the party most benefited from the elimination of a gas pipeline that it considered unacceptable competition, Washington has been, especially since the Seymour Hersh indictments, one of the main suspects for having committed the attack. However, and with little public interest in knowing what happened on September 26 in the waters of the Baltic Sea, the media have offered only fragments of different speculations and there is no certainty that there is,

After months of silence and a period of time that can be considered proof that the European secret services and investigators had not found evidence to blame the desired scapegoat, Russia, various media began to defend the hypothesis of the "pro-Ukrainian group" that , without the support of any state actor, had blown up the Nord Stream using a sports yacht, the Andromeda, and a small team consisting of Ukrainians and/or Russians. All the media that published this version insisted that the known details were scarce, although the most important one was given: the ignorance of Volodymyr Zelensky and his government. Soon, fervently pro-Ukrainian voices and think-tankscharged with defending the Western proxy at all costs began to insist on it. Michael Weiss, an old acquaintance of pro-Ukrainian propaganda since 2014, wrote then that "if he is the person I am listening to, Zelensky will have no problem denying knowledge of him." The following update of this theory included one more piece of information: the explosions had to coincide with the birthday of the businessman who financed the sabotage, an implicit accusation against Petro Poroshenko, born on September 26, 1965. The former Ukrainian president has the financial resources to finance an operation like the one proposed and the intelligence contacts to make it possible. However, it seems hardly credible that he would take the risk of destroying infrastructure owned by several countries, including Germany,

Always with the aim of exonerating both the United States and the Government of Ukraine, the latest information published several weeks ago sought to once again cast doubt on Russia's actions. Various media pointed to the presence of Russian ships in the vicinity of the areas where the explosions took place in the days prior to the sabotage. Common sense is enough to understand that Russia had nothing to gain and everything to lose from the destruction of the gas pipelines, especially if, as the Western press repeated so many times in 2022, it intended to use the danger of a winter without gas as a tool of pressure against the European Union. As published last week in The Times, a medium that, even so, continues to present Moscow as one of the main suspects, the German authorities are skeptical and have not observed any evidence of the participation of these mysterious Russian ships in the events. The German investigation seems to focus on the Andromeda yacht and the operation in which she allegedly participated to destroy the Nord Stream.

“Remains of “military grade and submersible” explosives were later found on the yacht. The theory states that five men and a woman traveled to Germany on false Bulgarian and Romanian passports and then used the yacht as a platform for a couple of experienced divers who planted the bombs at a depth of 70 meters," explains The Times, which in the The following paragraph admits that "the German authorities believe that the attack could only have been carried out with the help of a state security service and have uncovered evidence that the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and its news partners were involved."

Like the United States, which with the elimination of the Nord Stream and the European rejection of Russian gas eliminates a competitor in its fight and that of its allies for the lucrative European energy market, Ukraine is the main beneficiary of sabotage. Despite the war in Donbass and the political conflict between the two countries, for years kyiv has demanded that Russia continue to transit the gas that Gazprom sells to its European customers. Moreover, the Normandy Format summit in December 2019, which was supposed to move towards a resolution to the war, produced tangible results only on the gas issue. The existing agreements were extended and Russia committed itself, with the invaluable mediation of Germany, to minimum quantities that it had to transit through Ukraine even after the start-up of the Nord Stream-2.

Although without major revelations, journalistic investigations into what happened in the Baltic Sea continue. A long article published in the Polish media Frontstory , without ruling out the possibility of a false flagRussian, although even admitting that there is no evidence in this regard, tries to delve into the known details about that supposed Ukrainian track. The investigative journalists of the medium, following the data provided by the investigation and the mention of a travel agency called Feeria Lwowa and of which no one had heard of, have followed the trail of this company to a five-story building typical of the socialist stage and in which there is no trace of the company or the other 128 registered there, a practice that the article admits points to a cover for some intelligence service. Its striking increase in income is also suspicious, which multiplied by eleven in 2020, the year in which the pandemic led to the ruin of thousands of tourism companies.Frontstory only mentions his participation in the war and his "sumptuous tattoos" of that person.

Without proof of Russian culpability in a terrorist attack that would have been harshly condemned had Moscow's involvement been proven, interest in solving what the Polish media describes as a spy plot remains limited . With the European political authorities installed in the objective of protecting their allies from any fault, a resolution is not to be expected in the coming months, nor is it that the appearance of more uncomfortable accusatory evidence for Kiev or Washington will entail consequences that mark political positions. of the different actors. The Nord Stream seems to have been forgotten as collateral damage in a common war against Russia that has only just begun. ... s/#respond

Google Translator


Drones Strikes In Moscow - Missile Strikes In Ukraine

Today the Russian government revealed some numbers and information about its 'Special Military Operation'.

Today's 'clobber report' by the Ministry of Defense leads with this (machine translation):

During the day, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out group strikes using long-range high-precision air-launched weapons at central decision-making points where, under the guidance of specialists from Western intelligence agencies, terrorist acts were planned on Russian territory.
All assigned objects are hit.

'Central decision-making points' are ministries and main headquarters. These had so far not been targets. More to that below.

Defense Minister Shoigu had a conference call with the military command and noted:

"Russian forces continue to inflict an effective fire impact on the enemy. Its losses this month alone totaled over 16,000 troops, 16 aircraft, 5 helicopters, 466 drones, over 400 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, and 238 field artillery pieces and mortars," Shoigu said during a conference call.
He added that 196 HIMARS rockets, 16 HARM rockets and 29 Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles were intercepted and destroyed during the reviewed period.

The numbers are, with the exception of the downed Storm Shadows, largely consistent with the numbers from the daily 'clobber report' in my spreadsheet. But I have only counted 17 reported Storm Shadow kills over the last month. I do not know where Shoigu's 29 is coming from.

Shoigu also spoke of targets of the recent drone attacks in Ukraine (machine translation):

“The deliveries of equipment and weapons to Ukraine are increasing. We monitor the volumes and routes of supply and, if identified, strike.
In recent days, large warehouses of Western weapons in Khmelnytsky, Ternopil and Nikolaev have been destroyed, the American Patriot anti-aircraft missile system in Kyiv has been hit,” the Minister of Defense said.

"The military support of Ukraine only delays the hostilities, but cannot affect the outcome of the special military operation," the head of the military department is sure.

On today's drone strikes in Moscow he said (machine translation):

“This morning, the Kiev regime carried out a terrorist act in the Moscow region. I will note, on civilian objects.
It involved eight aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles.

They are all amazed.

In Moscow, three drones were suppressed by electronic warfare, lost control and deviated from their intended targets.

Five more were shot down in the Moscow region by the Pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun system, the Minister of Defense said.

Other people had claimed up to 20 drones. But there was little damage and no reports of any casualties.

Also today was the third large drone and missile strike on Kiev within 24 hours. I do not believe that Ukraine's claim of shooting down all of them is in any way reasonable. The air defense in Kiev and elsewhere is likely to soon run out of missiles. That will certainly increase the effectiveness of Russian strikes.

President Putin seemed to confirm that today's attack on a 'central decision-making points' hit the headquarter of military intelligence in Kiev:

Mark Sleboda @MarkSleboda1 - 13:28 UTC · May 30, 2023
Putin confirms recent Russian missile strike on Kiev regime military intelligence, under Budanov, which had claimed credit for several recent assassinations & terrorist bombings of civilians in Russia.

Budanov is a pretty nasty piece of s***. In a recent interview with Yahoo his threats were certainly not within the frame of any law:

The implication is that Budanov’s intelligence service, more commonly known by its Ukrainian acronym HUR, was behind a string of audacious and lethal attacks inside Russian territory — or what the Kremlin considers to be Russian territory. These include the August car-bomb assassination of Daria Dugina, daughter of Russia’s notorious far-right theorist Aleksandr Dugin, in central Moscow, and the suspected truck bombing in October that partially dismantled the Kerch Bridge, Russia’s only direct link from the Black Sea to occupied Crimea.

U.S. intelligence has attributed Dugina’s killing to the Ukrainian government, although not specifically to the HUR. Asked about this allegation, Budanov said, “Don’t continue with that topic. All I will comment on is that we’ve been killing Russians and we will keep killing Russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of Ukraine.”

Budanov should note that the old warrior tale has been updated to: "Live by the sword, die by the dagger missile."

Posted by b on May 30, 2023 at 14:36 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


British Warmongering Is Driving Europe Towards Catastrophe in Ukraine
MAY 29, 2023

Rishi Sunak and Volodymyr Zelensky on 8 February 2023. Photo: Simon Dawson/No 10 Downing Street.

By Jonathan Cook – May 24, 2023

From lobbying for fighter jets to supplying depleted uranium, the UK is making sure escalation is the only way forward.

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky made an unexpected trip to Britain last week on a whistle-stop tour of European capitals, pleading for more powerful and longer-range weapons to use in his war against Russia.

What was hard to ignore once again was the extent to which the UK is playing an outsize role in Ukraine.

Last year, shortly after the start of the war, the then-prime minister, Boris Johnson, hurried to Kyiv – presumably on Washington’s instructions – apparently to warn Zelensky off fledgling peace talks with Moscow.

At around the same time, the Biden administration made clear it favoured an escalation in fighting, not an end to it, as an opportunity to “weaken” Russia, a geo-strategic rival along with China.

Since then, the UK has been at the forefront of European efforts to entrench the conflict, helping to lobby for the supply of weapons, training and military intelligence to Ukrainian forces.

British tanks and thousands of tank shells – including, controversially, some made from depleted uranium – are being shipped out. Last week, the UK added hundreds of long-range attack drones to the inventory.

And an unspecified number of £2m-a-blast Storm Shadow cruise missiles, with a range of nearly 300km, have started arriving. Last week Ben Wallace, Britain’s defence secretary, said the missiles were already in use, adding that Kyiv alone was deciding on the targets.

Storm Shadow allows the Ukrainian military to strike deep into Russian-annexed parts of Ukraine – and potentially at Russian cities too.

A recent leak revealed that the Pentagon had learned through electronic eavesdropping of Zelensky’s eagerness for longer-range missiles so that his forces were “capable of reaching Russian troop deployments in Russia.”

Lip service
Britain now pays little more than lip service to the West’s claim that its role is only to help Ukraine defend itself from Russian aggression. The supply of increasingly offensive weapons has turned Ukraine into what amounts to a proxy battleground on which the Cold War can be revived.

During Zelensky’s visit to the UK last week, Johnson’s successor, Rishi Sunak, effectively acted as an arms broker for Ukraine, joining with the Netherlands in what was grandly dubbed an “international coalition” to pressure the Biden administration and other European states to supply Kiev with F-16 fighter jets.

Washington appeared not to need much cajoling. Three days later, Biden dramatically changed tack at a G7 summit in Japan. He effectively gave a green light for US allies to supply Ukraine not only with US-made F-16s but similar fourth-generation fighter jets, including Britain’s Eurofighter Typhoon and France’s Mirage 2000.

Administration officials surprised European leaders by suggesting the US would be directly involved in the training of pilots outside Ukraine.

After a highly staged “surprise” visit by Zelensky to the summit at the weekend, Biden said he had been given a “flat reassurance” that the jets would not attack Russian territory.

British officials, meanwhile, indicated that the UK would start training Ukrainian pilots within weeks.

‘Rightful place is in NATO’
No 10 has made clear that Sunak’s purpose is to build “a new Ukrainian air force with NATO-standard F-16 jets” and that the prime minister believes “Ukraine’s rightful place is in NATO.”

These statements seem intended once again to block any potential path towards peace. President Vladimir Putin repeatedly spoke out against NATO’s growing, covert involvement in neighbouring Ukraine before Russia launched its invasion 15 months ago.

“The prime minister believes “Ukraine’s rightful place is in Nato”

It is hard to imagine that the UK is heading off-script. More likely, the Biden administration is using Britain soften up Western publics as NATO becomes ever more deeply immersed in the military activities of Russia’s neighbor.

Ukraine is being gradually turned into the very NATO forward base that first set Moscow on course to invade.

At the same time, Britain appears to be exploiting the Ukraine war as a showcase for its weaponry. After the US, it has been the largest supplier of military equipment to Ukraine.

This week it was reported that UK arms exports hit a record £8.5bn, more than double last year’s total. The last time Britain was so successful at selling weapons was in 2015, at the height of the Syrian war.

Risk to health
Europe’s weapons largesse is, we are told, the precondition for Ukraine to mount a long-awaited counter-offensive to take back territory Russia has seized in the eastern and southern parts of Ukraine.

Speaking candidly in Florence this month, Josep Borrell, the European Union’s top diplomat, ruled out peace talks. Ukraine needed massive supplies of arms because otherwise “Ukraine will fall in a matter of days”, he said.

Borrell’s warning not only suggested the precariousness of Ukraine’s situation but implied that, out of desperation, its leaders might be prepared to approve ever riskier combat scenarios.

And thanks to British meddling, the heavy toll of casualties as the war rages on – among the Ukrainian population and Russian soldiers, as well as potentially inside Russia’s borders too – may be felt not just over the coming months but for decades.

In March, Declassified broke the story that some of the thousands of tank shells Britain is supplying to Kiev are made of depleted uranium (DU), a radioactive heavy metal produced as waste from nuclear power plants.

Keir Starmer’s opposition Labour party has said it “fully supports” the UK government’s supply of these armour-piercing shells to Ukraine, despite the long-term risk they pose to those exposed to the chemically toxic contamination left behind.

DU shells fragment and burn when they hit a target. One analyst, Doug Weir, from the Conflict and Environment Observatory, told Declassified that the ammunition produces “chemically toxic and radioactive DU particulate [microscopic particles] that poses an inhalation risk to people”.

Nonetheless, British ministers insist the threat to human health is low – and worth the risk given the military gains in helping Ukraine to destroy Russian tanks.

Cancer deaths
As Declassified has highlighted, however, a growing body of evidence following the use of such shells by the US in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s and by Britain and the US in Iraq a decade later that undermines these reassurances.

Italian courts have upheld compensation claims against the country’s military in more than 300 cases where Italians who served in the police or as soldiers in Bosnia and Kosovo have died of cancer after being exposed to DU.

Many thousands more Italian former service-people are reported to have developed cancers.

In 2001, Tony Blair’s government downplayed the role of DU in Italy’s deaths to avoid upsetting the new administration of George W Bush. Both leaders would soon approve the use of DU rounds in Iraq, though the UK admitted a “moral obligation” to help clean up some of the contamination afterwards.

The West has taken little interest in researching the effects of DU weapons in Iraq, even though local civilian populations have been the most exposed to its contamination. DU shells were used extensively during both the 1991 Gulf war and more than a decade later during the US and British-led occupation of Iraq.

Nonetheless, Iraqi government statistics suggest the rates of cancers leapt 40-fold between the period immediately before the Gulf war and 2005.

The city of Fallujah, which the US devastated after the 2003 invasion, is reported to suffer “the highest rate of genetic damage in any population ever studied.” Birth defects are said to be roughly 14 times the rate in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki regions of Japan, where the US dropped atomic bombs.

In 2018, the British government reclassified a 1981 report on the dangers of DU weapons by the Ministry of Defence’s Atomic Weapons Research Establishment it had made available three years earlier.

Meanwhile, James Heappey, UK’s Minister of Defense, has misleadingly suggested that international bodies such as the World Health Organisation and the United Nations have found no long-term health or environmental hazards associated with DU weapons.

But as Weir told Declassified in March: “None of the entities cited by the Minister of Defense has undertaken long-term environmental or health studies in conflict areas where DU weapons have been used.”

In other words, they simply don’t know – and possibly don’t care to find out.

Weir added that the WHO, UN, and International Atomic Energy Agency had all called for contaminated areas to be clearly marked and access restricted, while at the same time recommending that risk awareness campaigns be targeted at nearby communities.

British officials have also recruited the Royal Society to their efforts to claim DU is safe – as the US did earlier, in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, citing two of its reports published in 2001 and 2002.

However, the Royal Society has vocally distanced itself from such claims. A spokesperson told Declassified that, despite the British government’s assertions, DU was no longer an “active area of policy research”.

Back in 2003, the Royal Society rebuked Washington, telling the Guardian that soldiers and civilians in Iraq “were in short and long term danger. Children playing at contaminated sites were particularly at risk.”

At the same time, the chairman of the Royal Society’s working group on depleted uranium, Professor Brian Spratt, also warned that corroding shells could leach DU into water supplies. He recommended removing ordinance and conducting long-term sampling of water supplies.

Voices silenced
By lobbying for more overtly offensive weapons and introducing DU shells into the war, Britain has raised the stakes in two incendiary ways.

First, it is driving the war’s logic towards ever greater escalation, including nuclear escalation.

Russia itself possesses DU weapons but is reported to have avoided using them. Moscow has long warned that it regards use of DU in Ukraine in nuclear terms: as the equivalent of a “dirty bomb.”

In March Putin responded to the UK’s decision to supply DU tank shells by vowing to move “tactical” nuclear weapons into neighboring Belarus. Meanwhile, his defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, said it put the world “fewer and fewer” steps away from “nuclear collision”.

But Britain is also creating a situation where a catastrophic move, or miscalculation, by either Russia or Ukraine is becoming ever more likely, as events last week highlighted only too clearly.

Russia struck a military ammunition depot in western Ukraine, creating a giant fireball. Rumours suggested the site may have included British DU shells.

Whether this is true or not, it is a reminder that Moscow could hit such a storage site, intentionally or not, spreading contamination widely over a built-up area.

With Ukraine soon to be in possession of a full array of offensive weapons, largely courtesy of the UK – not only long-range drones, cruise missiles and tanks but fighter jets – it is not hard to imagine terrifying scenarios that could quickly bring Europe to the brink of nuclear conflict.

Moscow hits a DU ammunition depot, exposing a large civilian population to toxic contamination. Ukraine retaliates with air strikes deep inside Russia. The path to a nuclear exchange in Europe has never looked closer.

Those who warned that peace talks were urgently needed rather than an arms race in Ukraine are looking more prescient by the day. For how much longer can their voices continue to be silenced, not only by western leaders but by the western media too? ... n-ukraine/


NATO Soldiers-Serbs Clashes Leave Dozens Injured in Kosovo

Clashes between security forces and civilians, May 29, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/ @LNatifs

Published 30 May 2023

Serbia put its armed forces on the level of combat readiness and sent its forces along the administrative line.

On Monday, over 50 civilians and more than 40 NATO soldiers were injured in a clash between NATO's Kosovo Force (KFOR) and Serb protesters in front of the Zvecan municipality building in northern Kosovo.

KFOR units were trying to disperse a group of Serbs who protested after Kosovo police took control of the administrative buildings in Zvecan and two other municipalities in majority-Serb north of Kosovo.

A member of the Regional Operations Support Unit of Kosovo Police (ROSU), not a member of KFOR, fired several bullets in the direction of the retreating Serbs and hit local Serb Dragisa Galjak with two bullets. Serbs responded with stones and in other ways.

Kosovo's Serbs boycotted the April 23 local elections in four municipalities in north of Kosovo, which allowed ethnic Albanian parties to take control of local administrations despite a turnover of less than 3.5 percent.

Due to the intensification of ethnic clashes in Kosovo, Serbia has put the country's armed forces on the level of combat readiness and sent its forces along the administrative line.

On Tuesday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called on the U.S., Germany, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom to use their influence to get the Kosovar government to remove mayors from northern Kosovo municipalities where Serbs are in the majority.

After meeting with the ambassadors in Serbia from those countries, Vucic accused the Pristina government of discriminating and acting violently against the Serb community, a minority among the Kosovo Albanian population, but the majority in the north of the country.

Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia in 2008. Serbia rejects it and considers Kosovo its own province. ... -0005.html

Kosovo Seeks to Trigger Serbia - NATO Conflict, Vucic Says

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed an urgent message to the Serbian nation. May. 29, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@Trollstoy88

Published 29 May 2023 (12 hours 30 minutes ago)

The Serbian President declared a state of maximum military readiness in the country's army last week.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Monday that authorities in the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo are seeking a confrontation between Belgrade and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

As the President said in an address to the nation, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti organized the recent clashes in the north of the province "with his strong desire for a conflict between the Serbs and NATO."

Appealing to the international community over escalating tensions in the region, Vucic said that "the citizens of all Serbia must know that they have responsible leadership and that we will not allow pogroms and killings of our people."

The president said he had called a meeting with representatives of the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy for May 30, amid the current tensions.

Vucic said 52 Serbs were injured and three of them are in serious condition as a result of the clashes in Serb-majority towns in northern Kosovo. For its part, NATO's Kosovo Force, KFOR, reported that at least 25 of its soldiers were wounded.

KFOR deployed its soldiers near the municipalities of Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok with Kosovar security forces deployed behind the NATO forces.

Serbs have taken to the streets, rallying in front of the town halls to protest the appointment of ethnic Albanian mayors. It is reported that in the town of Zvecan, Kosovar police, composed entirely of ethnic Albanians, used pepper spray to repel the crowd, while in Leposaviс and Zubin Potok, citizens dispersed peacefully.

The Serbian President last week declared a state of maximum military readiness in the country's army, which involves the movement of troops to the administrative border with Kosovo. ... -0019.html


Government bid for EU membership deepens crisis in Moldova

On May 15, the head of the Moldovan parliament, Igor Grosu, announced the initiation of Moldova’s withdrawal from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States, a political and economic cooperation forum founded by the post-Soviet Republics

May 29, 2023 by Peoples Dispatch

Moldovan President Maia Sandu at a pro-EU rally

Political tensions in Moldova escalating as the government intensifies its campaign for EU membership, disregarding criticism from the opposition. On Tuesday, May 23, the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) and the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM), which together form the Bloc of Communists and Socialists (BECS) coalition in the parliament, slammed the government’s pro-EU policies as detrimental to the nation’s unity, sovereignty, and prosperity.

On Sunday, May 21, a major rally was held in the capital Chisinau by incumbent President Maia Sandu and her Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS), seeking support to make constitutional amendments to integrate the post-Soviet Republic into the EU. Opposing such moves, Euro-skeptic groups and the SOR party organized widespread protest rallies across the country and demanded a referendum on foreign policy.

On May 15, the head of the Moldovan parliament, Igor Grosu from PAS, announced the initiation of Moldova’s withdrawal from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), an intergovernmental political and economic cooperation forum founded by the post-Soviet Republics in Asia and Europe.

The EU’s ongoing attempts to integrate post-Soviet and post-Yugoslav Republics to advance its economic, political, and strategic interests has already led to political instability and social unrest. The goal of EU membership that is pushed by certain pro-EU political groups and their followers in these countries has resulted in divisions and conflicts.

A significant section of the population of many of the post-Soviet Republics wants to remain in the CIS. The EU-NATO strategy to take control of the region using pro-EU and Russophobic political groups has sparked protests and conflicts in several countries. One such long-running conflict escalated into the full-fledged war in Ukraine. Protests are also underway in North Macedonia against the proposed constitutional amendments to secure EU membership.

In the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, by stoking Russophobia, Sandu and her government intensified the pursuit for EU membership last year, which has been advertised as the solution to all problems faced by the people of the country. Sandu also derided anti-government protesters as pro-Russian saboteurs.

On the other hand, communists and socialists have pointed out the benefits of participation in the CIS, especially with respect to export of Moldovan agricultural products and remittances received from other CIS countries. They also accused other EU countries of treating the East European member states as a source of cheap labor, and also of fostering exploitation of their natural resources by big business.

On May 23, the leadership of the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) told the media that “In 2022, the crisis year, Moldova doubled the export of goods to CIS partners like Kazakhstan, which is a very important partner for us. Exports of Moldovan goods to Kyrgyzstan and Armenia increased three times, exports to Turkmenistan increased 2.5 times, and one-third to Belarus.”

“Authorities believe that their statements are much more important than the bread that our citizens earn with hard work. In conclusion, I want to tell all advocates of integration with the EU, including those who took part in the PDS party parade on Sunday, that there is not a single request from the EU authorities that the Republic of Moldova terminate its agreements with the CIS. These are the ‘inventions’ of the PAS. The statements of Sandu and PAS are costly for the national economy and the citizens of Moldova.”

According to reports, approval ratings of Sandu and the PAS government are dipping due to rising political tensions, failure to tackle double-digit inflation rates (18.1% in April 2023), the energy crisis, and widespread corruption. ... n-moldova/


No, Serbia and Moldova are not Ukraine, but all are of a piece to the new model Delian League of the West.


Maria Zakharova

May 29, 2023 , 5:09 p.m.

One of the US investments involved World War II and the Holocaust (Photo: Scott Olson / Getty Images)

South Carolina US Senator Lindsey Graham said with a smirk at the meeting with Zelensky: "Russians die... We have never invested money so effectively."

In the course of the Nuremberg Trials, Nazi Germany's Finance Minister Hjalmar Schacht declared that the Third Reich had been financed from abroad as well and mentioned the two largest American corporations: Ford and General Motors. He had made a secret agreement and obtained freedom in exchange for silence. Despite protests from Soviet representatives, he was released from prison and lived to be 93 years old.

I reiterate that the embodiment of the American dream, that same legendary Henry Ford, was Knight of the Grand Cross of the German Eagle. His plants in Germany not only produced up to 70,000 trucks a year for the needs of the Wehrmacht, but also used prisoners for that, including those from Auschwitz.

And the German icon of the automotive industry Opel belonged to… General Motors. Researcher Bradford Snell describes the role of the corporation thus:

"General Motors was far more important to the Nazi war machine than the banks of Switzerland. Switzerland was only a repository for stolen funds. General Motors was an integral part of Germany's military efforts. The Third Reich could have invaded Poland and Russia (the USSR) without Switzerland. They couldn't have done it without General Motors."

The Kodak company produced detonators for aviation bombs at its plant in Germany, not disdaining to use even the labor of prisoners of war.

Even before it was nationalized by the German government, the Coca-Cola factory in Cologne regularly supplied soft drinks even to German soldiers. And the famous Fanta drink was invented by the Nazis.

The oil giant Standard Oil helped Hitler through its branches to deal with the shortage of oil products, participated in the development of synthetic rubber and fuel. And the IBM corporation, beloved by computer scientists around the world, produced measuring and control devices for the Nazis, including those designed for oil production. Among other things, the teams of said company helped control the schedules of trains that went to the death camps...

And the banks played their part too: JPMorgan Chase & Co, then known as Chase National Bank, helped, which facilitated multi-billion dollar transactions and gave Berlin the opportunity to buy dollars and conduct financial operations on the other side of the ocean . Chase cooperated with the German bank Allianz including in such a matter as…providing property and life insurance for guards working in Nazi concentration camps.

Senator Graham has something to compare it to. One of the investments of the United States involved World War II and the Holocaust.

Now billions of US dollars are being poured down the insatiable throat of the neo-Nazi kyiv regime. In this regard, I would like to remind the senators and all US beneficiaries what the above adventure turned out to be. ... ayer-y-hoy

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Lindsey Graham, one of 'my' senators, can find so many ways of being an odorous piece of shit that it boggles the mind. A vulgar opportunist of the first rank and a disgrace to our species.


Erdogan’s mediatory role on Ukraine cannot be wished away

Jubilant crowds outside the Presidential Complex to celebrate President Recep Erdogan’s election victory, Ankara, May 28, 2023

Among the host of implications for international security stemming out of Turkish President Recep Erdogan’s election victory in the runoff on Sunday — be it in the Black Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, Transcaucasus, West Asia or Eurasian integration — what stands out is his mediatory role in the Ukraine conflict.

The international community puts China as the frontrunner in the race for peacemaking in Ukraine but don’t be surprised if Erdogan overtakes Xi Jinping to the finishing line. The Japanese government in its congratulatory message to Erdogan expressed the hope for cooperation to bring closer a peaceful solution to the Ukraine conflict and ensure security in the region.

Moscow walked the fine line during the Turkish election campaign, which is a tacit recognition of the fact that Erdogan is a strong ruler. Russia will need to be watchful since Erdogan can also be fiercely independent and stubborn. Equally, it is wrong to assume that Turkiye’s transatlantic bridge has broken down. Erdogan is at the peak of his power and Washington is acutely conscious of it. Thus, in the Turkish-US-Russian triangle, Erdogan has the upper hand currently.

Significantly, a high-ranking Russian diplomat in the Russian Foreign Ministry reiterated on the eve of the Turkish election that Ankara’s continued weapons supplies to Ukraine dented its credentials to be a mediator between Moscow and Kiev.

As the diplomat put it, “Ankara has repeatedly declared its intent to secure a speedy ceasefire in Ukraine and revive the negotiating process through its mediation. Arms and military equipment supplies to the Kiev regime directly contradict such intentions and are at odds with the role of a mediator.”

Indeed, a Turkish company, Baykar Makina, which is owned by a relative of Erdogan, has supplied the Ukrainian forces with its Bayraktar TB2 strike and reconnaissance drones in the early phases of the conflict. There was even talk that the Turkish company was setting up a factory to produce the advanced drone in Ukraine and that the detailed design phase for the plant has been completed.

Turkiye and Ukraine last year also signed a deal to establish a second manufacturing plant in Ukraine after the two countries deepened their cooperation in the defence industry for the co-production of crucial engines for aerial vehicles and tech transfer. Baykar’s Bayraktar TB2 drones have a proven track record of success in conflicts in Libya, Syria, and Nagorno-Karabakh.

Ukraine features prominently in Baykar’s supply chain, especially with the new heavy-lifter drone, Akinci, and the unmanned fighter jet, Kizilelma, or “Golden Apple”. Both use Ukrainian engines from Motor Sich MSICH.UAX and from Ivchenko-Progress. Baykar expected to net around $1bn in export revenues last year, about 50 percent higher than in 2021 ($650m), and a further 50 percent growth is expected in 2023. Again, since August last year, Ankara has also been provided Kiev with ‘Kipri’ mine-resistant armoured vehicles to the Ukraine military.

Yet, Moscow is far from in any threatening mood. Instead, the Russian approach is to put rings of engagement around Erdogan and make him a captive of the optics of a great friendship between the two presidents. In his congratulatory message to Erdogan, Putin called him “dear friend”.

Turkiye hosted peace talks in Istanbul between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations in March last year, a month after Moscow’s special military operation began. It resulted in a deal. But Washington and London got so flustered that a massive information war was triggered by MI6 on an alleged “massacre” of civilians in Bucha near Kiev by the Russian troops. The then UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson rushed to meet Zelensky with an offer that Ukraine had a far better option to take western military help and defeat Russia.

Of course, all that is history now. But there is no question that if Zelensky changes his mind, Erdogan will step in. By the way, Turkey rejects Russia’s annexation of Crimea. The collapse of the Istanbul deal didn’t discourage Ankara from mediating a grain deal between Moscow and Kiev together with the UN last summer, which is still working.

Turkiye has repeatedly called for peace talks to be revived, offering its services as mediator. As recently as in late March, Erdogan said peace in Ukraine could be achieved through “serious, determined mediation.” Meanwhile, Erdogan’s “special relationship” with Putin helped secure the latest extension of the grain deal.

Erdogan advocates a “balanced approach” toward Russia, and he frequently interacts with Putin. Turkiye is the only NATO member country that refuses to impose sanctions against Russia. That said, Erdogan also keeps the line open to President Biden. On his part, Biden conveyed his greetings to Erdogan within hours of the election results on Sunday. Biden called for cooperation to meet “global challenges.”

Washington played safe on Turkish election saying it would deal with whoever won. Clearly, Washington realises that Erdogan will be heading a strong presidency and will not be a pushover, and the US cannot afford to alienate Turkiye, as the Ukraine crisis is reaching a criticality. Turkish-American relationship has never been easy but both sides are used to keeping it in equilibrium. Without Turkey, NATO loses traction in Eastern Mediterranean, while Turkey needs the West to balance its strategic autonomy. Washington’s priority at the moment will be to dissuade Turkey from helping Russia to circumvent the sanctions.

The big question is whether Zelensky will be willing to return to the peace talks. Compared to the situation last year at the Istanbul talks, Zelensky holds a weak hand. Russia has gained the upper hand in the battlefield. Russia’s “new territories” — Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson oblasts — are new facts on the ground.

Therefore, peace talks has become a paradigm of complex probability that is inherently multi-dimensional and, one may say, a shift in that direction on Zelensky’s part will depend on his observing, understanding, and interacting with the radical change in the ground situation as well as in the power play within his own camp.

The factionalism in the power structure in Kiev has lately aggravated. The unexplained “disappearance” from public view of the commander-in-chief General Valery Zaluzhny for the past few weeks since April 13; the ascendance of the intelligence chief Kyrylo Budano (who enjoys American backing); the hollowing out of the Ukrainian military which suffered a series of reverses lately; the procrastination in launching the “counter-offensive” — all this suggests that serious disaffection is building up within the military against Zelensky’s leadership.

Consequently, the prospects of peace talks have receded. But that will not stop Erdogan and Putin from deepening the Turkish-Russian cooperation, which is rich in content and wide-ranging. Different perceptions or viewpoints have not discouraged the two leaders who are fundamentally committed to the “win-win’ relationship.

Therefore, if and when the climate for peace talks on Ukraine improves, Erdogan is certain to be the early bird to position himself for a mediatory role. ... shed-away/


From Cassad's Telegram account:

forwarded from
Voenkor Kitten Z
Military expert Boris Rozhin on the situation in the Artemovsk direction at 00.13 Moscow time on May 31 , 2023, specially for the channel Voenkor Kotenok Z @voenkorKotenok :
southeast of "Airplane" near Krasnoe . The enemy does not conduct offensive operations with the aim of returning to the city. This is confirmed by sources in the city. Enemy activity to the west of Artemovsk is limited to shelling outlying houses and former fortifications.

The shelling makes it difficult to remove not only the corpses in the ruins of high-rise buildings, but also some of those who are lying on the outskirts.
The rotation continues in the city. From June 1 until the end of the month PMC "Wagner" is completely on vacation. Various units of the Russian Armed Forces, volunteers and security forces of the DPR are celebrated in the city.

To the north-west of the city, fighting continued for forest plantations north of the Chasov Yar-Khromovo road . Since the road itself no longer plays the same role, the activity on the part of the enemy is rather aimed at leveling the front, and on our part - to provide convenient positions for the capture of Khromovo and subsequent actions in the direction of Orekhovo-Vasilyevka , Bogdanovka and Novomarkovo, if the General Staff decides to act specifically in the Kramatorsk direction . The enemy notes the increased work of artillery of the RF Armed Forces in this sector.

To the south-west of the city, fighting is taking place in the landings between Krasny and Kleshcheevka. After an unsuccessful attempt by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to break into Kleshcheevka and heavy losses on both sides, the fighting here is going on in a positional manner. The enemy blames the failure on the worsening weather.
In our country, an attempt to immediately take Krasnoe failed in the spring. So here the parties will build up forces for further activation. We'll have to take Krasnoe this way and that, well, and the enemy will probably try once more to probe for an opportunity to create problems for us southwest of the city.
Also, attempts to attack in the direction of Kurdyumovka are not ruled out .

In general, after the end of the Artemovsky battle, the fighting here took on a positional character, but this is not an operational pause yet, since both sides have the opportunity to activate operations again due to operational reserves.
On our part, further actions will be clear after the completion of the rotation of PMC "Wagner", and on the part of the enemy, the intentions will become clear if new units and formations appear in the direction. In the meantime, it is more likely that the enemy will sit on the defensive to the west of the city.

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Zaluzny put on the wanted list
May 30, 21:46


Valera, come out!

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation joined the search for Zaluzhny.
It is worth noting that Asia Times, despite all the videos and fake photos, stated that Zaluzhny was either wounded or killed.

PS. In the Russian Federation, the collaborationist white-blue flag has also been officially banned since today. There is already one sentence for its demonstration. Let's start with fines.
PS2. Putin confirmed the hit on the headquarters of the GUR MOU in Kyiv. Norm. Finally, the decision-making centers began to touch.

Where did the "Bayraktars" disappear to?
May 30, 18:32


Where did the "Bayraktars" disappear to?

In the early months of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, many called the Bayraktar TB2 drones the saviors of Ukraine and the future of hostilities.
Numerous messages and videos appeared on the network about how Ukrainian troops used them to strike. Their popularity was so great that the Ukrainians even wrote a song about them, which quickly became viral.

However, a year after the start of the conflict, almost all of these drones were shot down by Russian troops, and those that still remain, according to the expert, are now used exclusively for reconnaissance and surveillance.
"The general characteristic of drones like the TB2 is that they work very well, provided they are not targeted with complex air defense and electronic defense systems," said Samuel Bendett, analyst and expert on unmanned and robotic military systems at the Center for Naval Analysis.

“Being a relatively slow and low-flying UAV, the Bayraktar can be an easy target for a range of well-established air defense systems. We have seen this in Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh,” he explained.

Russia has a modern electronic warfare system at its disposal
Although Russia was indeed vulnerable to Ukrainian drone strikes in the first months of the special military operation, it quickly adapted and improved its electronic warfare capabilities. Since then, it has successfully shot down and jammed Ukrainian drones.
"Once the Russian troops got their bearings, they could shoot down a lot of TB2s," Bendett added.

Last year, Ukraine reported that it had received 50 TB2 drones since the start of the Russian special military operation, but by the end of 2022 they had practically disappeared from the battlefield.
The commander of the Russian air defense forces, Lieutenant General Andrey Demin, said that in April, Russian forces destroyed more than a hundred drones.
According to Bendett, Ukraine now uses TB2 mainly for reconnaissance, surveillance and reconnaissance, and not for attack.

According to him, the Ukrainian military uses "the modern optics and sensors of Turkish drones to control the attacks of other drones, but at the same time TB2 remains outside the reach of Russian air defense and electronic warfare systems."
Indeed, according to the latest data, Moscow has a marked advantage in the so-called “drone war”. The Russian military shoots down about 10,000 Ukrainian drones every month.

Electronic warfare is a "key component" of Moscow's tactics and is the reason why Ukraine is losing so many of its drones. This is stated in a report published by the British Royal Institute for Defense Research. The Russian army has managed to adapt to Ukrainian methods of resistance, experts at the institute said. - zinc

What a "sudden open". Even at the beginning of the war, it was said that Bayraktars were poorly adapted to operations in theaters with a high density of air defense systems. This was confirmed by subsequent events.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:55 am

The arrogance of war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/01/2023


An extreme situation both for those who wage it and for those who suffer it, war implies a qualitative change in the entire affected population and in the context in which it occurs. War is not only the military aspect nor the misery it entails for the population that lives and dies between the military and economic consequences, but also modifies the entire geopolitical, political, economic and social ecosystem in which it develops. Although information has always been power, the speed with which information currently circulates through the digital space -and even, at least in comparison with previous times, also the analogue one- makes the media aspect and the fight for the imposition of the media even more important. speech. And just like at the front, excesses and self-serving demonstrations take place here, which,

Much more aware of this than Moscow, which initially tried to stay on the sidelines and distanced itself from what was happening, for example, in Donbass, Kiev has always known how to manage that gray area between propaganda and fiction to achieve diplomatic, political and military of its partners. In this way, while Russia was wearing itself out and showing its inability to force Ukraine to act responsibly, Kiev managed to impose the false idea of ​​the Russian occupation of Donbass from the press.and from his allies, the diplomatic and political cover so that he did not even have to comply with the peace agreement he had signed. With that previous work painstakingly carried out for almost eight years, it was not difficult for Ukraine to make forget everything that happened in the Donbass war, a military and economic aggression that Ukraine refused to stop, or that its fight to win the hearts and minds of the lost territories had gone through to deny their pensions in the DPR and the RPL or build a wall to prevent the passage of water from the Dnieper to the channel of the north of Crimea.

This is where the arrogance of war begins to appear, caused in part by the enormous displays of solidarity towards Ukraine since February 24, 2022 and Western military support, but also by the self-serving use of communication and discourse to achieve certain objectives, whatever the cost. This feeling of moral superiority and the ability to impose a specific narrative affects both the political authorities and that part of the population that has a media focus to denounce -correctly, as should always be done- the dramatic situation of millions of people in Ukraine, but who never shed a tear for the people of Donbass in the eight years of conflict in which not a single demonstration against the war or in solidarity with their fellow citizens took place in the country.

Thus, a forum can be organized to consider how to bring the voice of the Ukrainian people to the world , which the media have understood as a valuable journalistic initiative to promote internationally. Installed in all the Western press a speech of solidarity with the Ukrainian people and defense at all costs of the war as the only tool to defeat the common Russian enemy, think-tank sand experts who have advocated war since 2014 use the international platform given to them by the Russian intervention to further advance their interests. This performance has already been worth a Nobel Peace Prize for those who, since that summer in which Ukraine began the war against Donbass, have demanded weapons from the United States to defeat Russia and they boast about it now, when the difference between the militias that were fighting then and the Russian army doing so is now evident to the human eye.

This sense of superiority also makes it possible for even the most cynical claims to be taken into account and disseminated as official messages. On Tuesday, Russian air defenses shot down more than half a dozen drones over the skies over Moscow. At least one of them caused damage to a residential home in the Russian capital. Shortly after, Europa PressIt was headlined “Ukraine Denies Involvement in Drone Attacks on Moscow.” Blind faith and the absolute willingness to follow Kiev even in its wildest justifications means reaching that headline from a tweet published by the adviser to the Office of the President Mikhailo Podolyak, who wrote that “drones become like explosive protests against the perpetrators of air terrorism in Ukraine" and that "even artificial intelligence is already smarter than the most visionary of Russian military and political leaders." Although actually a way of confirming Ukrainian authorship, Podolyak's words are enough to advance the discourse that he sees Ukrainian victory as inevitable, or “mathematical”.

The same aim is also to announce certain victory, something that can never be guaranteed in a military conflict, or to affirm, as Kiril Budanov or Oleksiy Danilov have repeatedly done, that Ukrainian troops will soon reach, or even take, Crimea. Months ago, the leader of Ukrainian military intelligence and a rising figure in the Ukrainian military and political field, stated in an interview that his troops would be in Crimea before the summer, an impossible omen to fulfill, but one that he has never wanted to qualify. .

The arrogance of war led to dreaming for eight long years of applying against Donbass the Krajina scenario of a military blietzkrieg that would end once and for all with the uncomfortable People's Republics, whose existence made it difficult to impose a centralist and unitary country based on the nationalism. But, above all, it is not understanding why the population on the other side of the front could seek allies and why the offensive was not to the east but to the west.

The summer of 2014 showed Ukraine that its theoretical superiority over the newly created Donbass militias and the aid that came from Russia -it was never possible to show armed columns similar to the one shown by Ukraine last week on the way to Belgorod- had no reason to result in the quick victory that Poroshenko heralded in his election campaign. 2022, for its part, showed Russia something similar, although there was no Ukrainian-like arrogance, at least publicly, and the oft-repeated claims that Moscow expected to capture Kiev in 72 hours were nothing more than war propaganda disseminated by the british intelligence. In war, nothing is guaranteed and even the most apparently consolidated positions may be in jeopardy in an always uncertain future, perhaps not even that far away.

There is perhaps no better example of the arrogance of war than that of former President Poroshenko, who promised to win the war "in days, not weeks" and tried, through a failed provocation in the Kerch Strait, to justify a state of emergency that prevented him from holding an election in which he was aware that he could never win. A few years ago, the then president Poroshenko pronounced, in an act in Odessa, some words that those who have defended Donbass remember perfectly: “Our children will go to kindergartens and schools; their children will sit in cellars. Because they don't know how to do anything”, possibly a phrase taken out of context, but which perfectly reflects the contempt of post-Maidan Ukraine for Donbass. In a boomerang effect that has not gone unnoticed - and should not be celebrated,

On occasions, those who have promoted or used war end up being victims of its consequences. However, the perception of one's own moral superiority or the feeling of absolute impunity can be misleading. On a military level, this can translate into lost battles or unjustified casualties, and on the media front, it can lead to discredit. However, Ukraine's ability to impose its discourse continues to be such that it can even afford to manipulate a fragment of video released to the international press -and repeated over and over again this week-, with which to make someone like Lindsey Graham even more belligerent than its natural state. Few have been the means that have qualified the images, in which, thanks to the assembly work of the Ukrainian authorities, the friend of John McCain, who extolled the war in Ukraine from its early years, responded that it was a "good investment" for the United States to a phrase by Zelensky in which the Ukrainian president referred to Russian soldiers who are dying on the front lines. From its current impunity, kyiv rewrites the facts at will, always in search of the necessary story at all times. ... more-27400

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Ukraine: The Moment of Truth
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 30, 2023
Theiry Meyssan

President Zelensky arrives in Japan on May 20, 2023, for the G7 summit.

Since February 24, 2022, the eyes of the world have been on the Ukrainian conflict. The West is supporting Kiev financially, delivering incredible quantities of arms and ammunition, but is careful not to get directly involved in the theater of operations. Moscow remains patient and pretends not to see the foreign military advisors present on the ground. We are reaching a tipping point where the West could be precipitated into war by a deliberate use of their weapons against Russia on its pre-2014 territory. This is why six EU states are suddenly recommending peace negotiations and two good offices missions are being set up by China and the African Union.

Since September 2022, that is to say for 7 months, Kiev’s troops have been fighting only in Karkiv and in Bakhmut/Artemivsk. The first city is not part of the Donbass. It is not claimed by the Donetsk Republic, which is a member of the Russian Federation. The confrontation was therefore quick. The Russian army withdrew from it. Bakhmut/Artemivsk, on the other hand, is located in the Russian cultural zone. The Russian army resisted. During the winter, the battle turned into a trench warfare, as deadly as the one in Verdun. So that from now on, everyone is waiting, at least in the West, for the weather to allow Kiev to lead a counter-offensive.

Note that nobody is waiting for Russia to continue its offensive towards Kiev. Indeed, everyone has understood that Moscow never wanted to invade Ukraine and take its capital, but only the Donbass and now Novorossia; two areas of Russian culture whose inhabitants are demanding to stop being Ukrainian and become Russian. Yet Western politicians and media continue to denounce the Russian “invasion” of Ukraine.


The famous counter-offensive was supposed to start in April. There is now talk of the end of May. Kiev assures us that this delay is due to the difficulty of receiving Western weapons. Operations should be launched only when all the equipment is in place in order to minimize human losses. However, never in history has a state been given so many weapons to wage war.

Unless what we denounced at the beginning of the war continues: during the first months, three quarters of the material sent from the West was diverted to Kosovo and Albania to supply other theaters of operation, in the Middle East and the Sahel. Another hypothesis is that today the Russian army methodically destroys the equipment upon delivery, before it is distributed to the fighting units.

In any case, the rhetoric of the counter-offensive applies only to the Ukrainian army, not to the population. The Nato media have stopped talking about the “valiant resistance of the Ukrainian people”: there is no significant action that has been taken in this sense either in Crimea, Donbass or Novorossia. There is talk of sabotage actions by Ukrainian Special Forces in the Russian territories before 2014, but not of Resistance actions in those that have joined the Federation since.


Weapons are not like other goods. A company that manufactures weapons cannot sell or give them away without authorization from its state. The state requires a written commitment from the recipient as to how the weapons will be used. This is not simply a matter of ensuring that the weapons will not end up in the hands of an enemy of the nation, nor that they will not violate a UN embargo, but that they will not be used to attack a third party in violation of the UN Charter.

Any other transfer is called “trafficking”. It is punishable by national and international laws.

Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, the West has refused to deliver weapons that could be used not by Kiev to defend its territory, but by the “integral nationalists” against Russia at home. Indeed, since the First World War, they proclaim that their raison d’être is to eradicate the “Muscovites” from the face of the earth. Their struggle has nothing to do with the current Russian special military operation. For them it is an apocalyptic struggle of Good (them) against Evil (Russians).

If the “integral nationalists” gain the upper hand over the Ukrainian civilian authorities, there is a serious danger that they will attack targets inside Russia. In that case, the states that supplied them with the weapons they would use would automatically be involved in the war. They would become co-belligerents. Russia would be entitled to retaliate against them on their territory.

This is a very serious risk. According to the Washington Post [1], based on documents revealed by Jack Teixeira (Discords Leaks), President Volodymyr Zelensky proposed to the Pentagon a few months ago to conquer Russian border villages, to sabotage the pipeline connecting Russia to Hungary (an EU member, as France and the Netherlands are owners of Nord Stream) and to point long-range missiles at Russia.

So the West first delivered weapons that can only be used on the Ukrainian battlefield: handguns and assault rifles. Then they moved on to guns and armour. Now the question arises of aircraft. The Mig-29s donated by Poland and Slovakia date from the 1970s. Half a century old, they are no longer used by the Russian army and have no chance in combat with modern aircraft such as the Sukhoi-35. But they can be used on Ukrainian territory provided they are protected from Russian aircraft by an effective anti-aircraft defense.

President Zelensky came to the UK to beg for F-16s. The British and Dutch Prime Ministers, Rishi Sunak and Mark Rutte, have announced that they are working on this. The F-16s are much more modern aircraft, dating from the 1990s. The question is whether they can fly into Russian territory or not. To tell the truth, no one can answer this question with certainty until they have tried. Russian anti-aircraft defenses have made considerable progress and may be able to shoot them down.

Last week, Mig-29s armed with Franco-British SCALP/Storm Shadow missiles managed to destroy an Su-34, an Su-35 and two Mi-8 helicopters at a military airfield in Russia. It seems that the Russian army did not know that these cruise missiles had already been delivered to Ukraine. They did not think that the Ukrainian Mig-29s could reach them and did not shoot them down. They will not be caught again. To begin with, the Russian army severely damaged a Ukrainian Patriot anti-aircraft battery. This is to ensure that Moscow’s own planes will be able to intercept Ukrainian planes without risk of damage.

In this example, Russia is legally entitled to retaliate against the United Kingdom, which delivered the Storm Shadow missiles. It is unlikely that London had been warned of this attack. It could have found itself in a state of war without wanting to.

The escalation continued, with President Joe Biden announcing at the G7 that he was allowing U.S. customers to give or deliver F-16s to Ukraine. Cautiously, Washington will not transfer them itself, thus not risking being plunged into war itself. Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland or Norway could do so at their own risk.

The 7 major Western powers gathered in Hiroshima, May 20, 2023.


So we have reached the tipping point: one more Western effort and the Ukrainian “integral nationalists” will generalize the war, with or without the consent of their sponsors.

According to Seymour Hersh [2], Poland has taken the initiative to ask Ukraine to accept a cease-fire and negotiate peace. His initiative was supported by five other members of the European Union: the Czech Republic, Hungary, and the three Baltic States.

The American journalist has not followed the Syrian war. He is not aware of the Russian military superiority and interprets this initiative as a reaction to the bloodbath in Bakhmut/Artemivsk. The Poles know that the Russian Kinjal hypersonic missiles do not miss their target and that, for the time being, they can never be stopped. Over the past few months, they have methodically destroyed numerous command centers and ammunition depots. They are the ones who have just damaged a Patriot battery. In the current state of forces, the war is lost for Ukraine. If it is generalized, it will be lost for the West. The Poles, until now eager to fight, immediately understood that the point of no return had been reached, beyond which they would be pulverized.


Two good offices missions are currently underway: one from the People’s Republic of China and one from the African Union.

On 24 February, Beijing published a twelve-point plan for peace in Ukraine [3]. Both sides agreed that it could serve as a basis for a solution to the conflict. President Xi Jinping has appointed Li Hui to shuttle between the capitals of both sides, including allies. He has already met with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, then with President Zelensky and probably with German officials.

Li Hui is a seasoned diplomat. He was for a decade the Chinese ambassador to Moscow. He was careful to begin his meetings with the Ukrainian side by noting that the Ukrainian side “would not accept any proposal that would involve the loss of its territories or the freezing of the conflict. He knows that the notion of “loss of territory” can change if one considers that the Ukrainian population is multi-ethnic and that one recognizes the right of each of its components to self-determination.

The other good offices mission is that of the African Union. Led by South Africa, it is expected to include the Congo, Egypt, Uganda, Senegal and Zambia. It is very important for Africans to show that they can play a peaceful role internationally and are no longer underdeveloped begging for emergency aid. In 2012, they had similarly designed a peace mission for Libya, but Nato had forbidden them to go to Tripoli on pain of destroying their plane in flight and killing any heads of state who ventured there.

However, their mission is less well prepared than that of the Chinese, as they have not drafted a text outlining their vision of the conflict and of peace. In addition, the United States is making every effort to undermine South Africa’s credibility. Pretoria is a member of the BRICS along with Russia. It will host the summit of the organization from August 22 to 24. But it is a member of the International Criminal Court, which has just issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin. He will obviously not arrest the Russian president during his official trip and will therefore be in default. In addition, the US ambassador, Reuben Brigety II, is accusing Pretoria of not being neutral and of having secretly delivered arms to Russia. He claims that a Russian cargo ship, the Lady R., came to pick them up. These antics mask the real conflict: South Africa is trying to demonstrate that a multipolar world is possible. It is not taking a position in the Ukrainian conflict, but its army is collaborating with the Russian army to train its soldiers. Thus, it asserts that it is possible to work together militarily while being politically independent.

Translation by Roger Lagassé


[1] «Zelensky plotted counterattacks in Russia, files show», John Huson & Isabelle Khurshudyan, The Washington Post, May 14, 2023.

[2] «The Ukraine refugee question», Seymour Hersh, Substack, Mai 17, 2023.

[3] “China’s “12 point position paper””, Voltaire Network, 24 February 2023. ... -of-truth/

Ukraine: The Moment of Truth – The West Refuses Peace
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 30, 2023
Thiery Meyssan

You don’t know his face. But Li Hui is one of China’s most important diplomats. It was he who came to propose peace in Ukraine to the West. He was kindly received, but nobody listened to him.

On behalf of China, Li Hui came to propose that the West make peace in Ukraine by acknowledging their mistakes. His analysis is precise and well founded. But the West did not listen. They are relentlessly pursuing the rhetoric they perfected during the Cold War: they are democrats, while the others, all the others, are not. They will continue to support Ukraine, even if it has no more soldiers and has already lost on the ground.

Last week, I reminded you that, under international law, selling arms makes you responsible for their use [1]. Consequently, if the West arms Ukraine, it must make sure that it will only use them to defend itself, and never to attack 2014 Russian territory. Otherwise, they will unwillingly go to war with Moscow.

Indeed, they are always careful not to become co-belligerents. For example, they first withdrew certain weapons systems from the aircraft they had promised Ukraine before delivering them. As a result, they do not have the capability to fire air-to-ground missiles from Ukraine at distant targets inside Russia. Eventually, however, the Ukrainians could supply themselves with the necessary equipment and re-equip their aircraft with it.

The game of arming Ukraine without giving it the means to attack Moscow is now being challenged by Chinese diplomacy. The Wall Street Journal has reported on some aspects of these contacts, while concealing the substance of the Chinese position [2].

Li Hui, who has just visited Kiev, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris and Brussels, put his foot down: on the basis of the “Global Security Initiative” and the “12-Point Plan for Peace in Ukraine”, published by the Chinese Foreign Ministry on February 24, he pointed out to his interlocutors who had accepted them that:

• Russia is right under international law to undertake its special military operation against the Ukrainian “integral nationalists”. Not only is it not contrary to the UN Charter, but it is a legitimate application of its “responsibility to protect” Russian-speaking populations.
• Crimea, Donbass and the eastern part of Novorossia legitimately joined the Russian Federation by referendum. These former Ukrainians have for centuries been a very different people from today’s Ukrainians.

He emphasized that Russia was not free from blame:

• It must comply with the March 16, 2022 decision of the International Court of Justice (i.e., the UN’s internal tribunal) ordering it to “suspend” its military operations in Ukraine, which it was slow to do, but is now complying with.

He patiently explained that the West was very much to blame:

• For having installed Nato arms depots and military bases in the East in violation of their signature of the OSCE Istanbul Declaration (2013) ;
• For organizing and supporting a coup d’état in 2014 against the legitimate authorities of Ukraine;
• For failing to implement the Minsk Agreements, signed by Germany and France (2014 and 2015) and subsequently ratified by the United Nations Security Council;
• For having taken unilateral coercive measures against Russia in violation of the UN Charter (1947).

In so doing, he challenged not only the entire Western narrative, but also the way in which his interlocutors thought about the conflict.

He pointed out that, contrary to what they claim, the United States does not want Ukraine to win. Such a victory would mean that a small country is capable of defeating Russia, while the United States dares not confront it. This would be their worst humiliation.

Above all, it is clear to outside observers that the purpose of sending second-hand weapons to Ukraine is not to defeat Russia, but to titillate it into revealing its new weapons. The West didn’t seriously observe the Russian army in Syria, too busy as they were having jihadists destroy the Syrian state. When, in 2018, President Vladimir Putin claimed to have mastered hypersonic missiles, laser weapons and nuclear-powered missiles [3], the West called his bluff. They now know he was telling the truth, but do not know the characteristics of these weapons or whether they have the means to counter them.

In the Ukrainian conflict, Moscow is showing great patience. It would rather suffer losses than play its cards. The only new weapons that have been used are Nato’s command jamming systems (tested in real-life conditions in the Black Sea as early as 2014 [4], in Kaliningrad, off the coast of Korea [5]), and in the Middle East [6]; and Kinjal hypersonic missiles (tested in real-life conditions in Ukraine since March 2022). The Ukrainians claim to have shot them down, but this is clearly just shameless propaganda. For the time being, they are invincible, and Russia is now mass-producing them. They reached underground bunkers on March 9 and just destroyed a Patriot system on May 16.

Nobody knows for sure exactly what weapons Russia has at its disposal. But everyone is aware that it has become far more powerful than the United States, whose arsenal has not been improved overall since the dissolution of the USSR.

Since the first shipment of Western weapons to Ukraine, Russia has deplored the fact that they have played no significant role on the ground, other than to cause even more destruction and casualties. Westerners don’t listen, convinced in advance that all Russian rhetoric is just propaganda. If they tried to understand, they would hear that what they are doing has nothing to do with the justifications they give.

Let’s return to the Chinese position. Li Hui seems never to have mentioned President Volodymyr Zelensky, whom Westerners have elevated to hero status. Indeed, while Western communication personifies all the players, the Chinese refuse to do so. In this way, they retain a clearer vision of the forces at play.

Li Hui also told his interlocutors that there was no reason for them to align themselves with the US position, and that they needed to be autonomous. This is exactly what President Vladimir Putin told them at the 2007 Munich Security Conference [7]. Mr. Li even ventured to tell them that if they needed to separate themselves economically from Washington, they could turn to Beijing.

For the Europeans, this reasonable speech was psychologically inaudible. They have not recognized the crimes committed by the United States over the last quarter-century, and continue to deny them. In reality, they are not particularly dependent on Washington, but are intellectually in its thrall.

So they didn’t respond to the Chinese argument, but declared unsurprisingly that they would not decouple from the USA, that they demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine before any negotiations could take place, and that they were counting on China to ensure that the conflict did not degenerate into nuclear war.

This last refrain shows that the Europeans still haven’t understood either the Russians’ or the Chinese position. President Putin has repeatedly explained that he will not be the first to use strategic nuclear weapons. So there’s no risk of this escalating. Moreover, China sees itself as Russia’s military ally in the event of a global confrontation, but not in conflicts that do not concern it, such as the one in Ukraine. Nor does it send any weapons there. This distinction between strategic and tactical allies is a feature of the multipolar world that Moscow and Beijing are striving to build. Nor is there any question of Russia forming a coalition behind it to support it in Ukraine.

There are none so blind as those who do not want to see.


[1] “The moment of truth in Ukraine”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Roger Lagassé, Voltaire Network, 23 May 2023.

[2] «Europe Snubs China Bid to Split West», Bojan Pancevski & Kim Mackrael, The Wall Street Journal, May 27, 2023.

[3] “The new Russian nuclear arsenal restores world bipolarity”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 6 March 2018.

[4] “What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?”, Voltaire Network, 8 November 2014.

[5] “Russia scrambles the controls of the aircraft carrier ’Ronald Reagan’ and the 7th fleet”, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 11 November 2015.

[6] “The Russian army partially blocks the air space over Lebanon and Cyprus”, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 24 November 2015.

[7] “The unipolar governance is illegal and immoral”, by Vladimir Putin, Voltaire Network, 11 February 2007. ... ses-peace/




By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

Existentially speaking — which means whether to live and let live, to do or die — how far from a mortal enemy is far enough? In between the one and the other outcome, is there anything but a no man’s land?

Carthago delenda est – “Carthage must be destroyed” – was a Roman strategic aim 2,200 years ago. It was regularly repeated in his public speeches by Marcus Porcius Cato in his advocacy of putting an end to the Punic Wars by destroying the Carthaginian adversary entirely, not just militarily, so that it could never rise again to challenge Roman power. The opposition slogan was Carthago servanda est – “Carthage must be saved”. Its author, Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Corculum, meant don’t rule by force if it can be avoided; instead conserve lives, resources, power.

Cato was a politician; Corculum was a soldier. The political strategy of doing what you can because you can, and as a warning to everyone else, won out; Cato is remembered even now; Corculum is forgotten. This is not because imperial history repeats itself, but because the history is always written by people aiming to stay on the winning side: they don’t know any better until the empire has been lost and their retainers with it.

In the evolution of the Russian war aims, former president Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy head of the Security Council, stood up for the Cato line last week. “Ukraine will disappear”, he declared. “Now it’s time to say how Ukraine will disappear, and also what will then be the risk of a resumption of the war in Europe and in the rest of the world.” Medvedev also left open the Corculum option after the Cato option in his last line. “We may be temporarily satisfied with the second option, but we need a third one.”

Because Russia is the only functioning democracy on the two sides of this war, where military tactics and war aims are openly argued in parliament and the media, the debate between the Cato delenda war aim, and the Corculum servanda war aim is an active one. Sworn to destroy President Vladimir Putin, the Russian army and economy, the US, European and western allies misinterpret this debate to be vacillation and vulnerability. Dialectically speaking, this encourages the Cato line faction in Moscow at the expense of the Corculum line faction. In this way the US and NATO axis provokes its own defeat.

This process has taken the war well beyond the 300-kilometre range of some of the US, French or British weapons which have been deployed and fired to date. The debate over the 300-km westward defence line was winding up in Russia, not beginning, when winter started last year.

Medvedev made this official last week, following the intensification of artillery, rocket, and drone attacks on Russian cities, including Moscow. This week the governor of Belgorod, Vyacheslav Gladkov, went further. Then yesterday President Putin (lead image, left) tried to pull Gladkov and Medvedev back in line — that’s the Corculum line, not the Cato line.

“We live in a state of de facto war. Whether we like it or not, it’s happening,” Gladkov said on the Rossiya 24 television channel. Asked what can be done to increase public security in the Russian border regions, he said one option is “to attach Kharkov to Belgorod Region. This is the best way to solve the issue of the shelling of Belgorod Region.”

That was a public, political challenge to the Kremlin. It was polite compared to those who use other names when they mean to criticize Putin’s conduct of the war.

Governor Gladkov is a southerner by birth, education, and career. Born in the Penza region, he has worked in high administrative posts in Penza, Crimea, Stavropol, and for almost three years now in Belgorod.


On January 24, 2023, the President was briefed by Governor Gladkov at Novo-Ogaryovo. Putin tried to be reassuring. “Anything is possible, but practical combat operations show that Russia's air defense is one of the best in the world. As I have said, the missiles that the US produces for the Patriot system, our country makes three times as many, even more than three times as many. And as for air defense missiles in general, for various purposes, Russian production is comparable to total world production. And apart from everything else, of course, our systems themselves are modern and reliable. Of course, anything can happen, but on the whole, the system is working properly.” Source:

The first Kremlin reply to Gladkov was Dmitry Peskov’s, the spokesman. He was opposed, he intimated, to annexation of more regions along the front line by repeating the restrictive limits of the war. “This already belongs to the category of issues related to the conduct of Special Military Operation. Therefore, I cannot comment on this in any way.” Peskov said his piece on Monday morning.

On Tuesday afternoon, after Ukrainian drones had landed in Moscow, Putin said more; he also said the same thing. “We all had to respond by launching the special military operation. We are striking at the territory of Ukraine, but with long-range precision weapons, at military infrastructure facilities only, either at ammunition or fuel and lubricants warehouses used for combat operations. We have talked about the possibility of striking at decision-making centres. Of course, the headquarters of Ukrainian military intelligence is one of them, and a strike at this target was carried out two or three days ago.”

This is the Russian version of the Corculum line. Pinpricks as the drone attacks are in military terms, in Belgorod or Moscow or other regions, they are triggering a great many public expressions of the Cato line – and as Medvedev, Captain Obvious when he was president, makes obvious, this is now a significant political force.

Was the Belgorod governor challenging the Kremlin to lift the restrictions Putin insists are “military infrastructure facilities only [and] decision-making centres”? Is Gladkov appealing to the Security Council and the General Staff to shrink the “no man’s land” as Medvedev called it last week? Will demilitarisation, as this was first defined in February 2022, to be extended westward by annexation of all territories from which cross-border terrorism, artillery shelling, drones, and missiles can be launched in the foreseeable future?

Here is a sample of the public answers from academic and military experts in Moscow as reported by mainstream publishers, editors and journalists:

The Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense Yury Shvytkin has agreed with the opinion of the Governor of the Belgorod region Vyacheslav Gladkov, who has advocated the annexation of Kharkov and Kharkov region to Russia in order to stop the shelling of the region by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). In the comments to the agency, the parliamentarian, however, noted that this is not the only way to resolve the issue and it is necessary to secure the border territories from the AFU as much as possible. “One military operation cannot solve the problem, there must be a set of solutions. One of them, I agree with Gladkov, is the capture of Kharkov. In parallel with this, other tasks need to be solved. We will take Kharkov not today and not tomorrow, and so security needs to be provided now. We need to take emergency measures in this matter,” Shvytkin said. The deputy added that it is now very important to move the AFU away from the border of the Russian Federation, securing the areas as much as possible. Shvytkin also called for the creation of an operational headquarters under the unified command of the border territories, as well as for training specialists in anti-sabotage activities. According to him, the decision on the operational staff was supported by the head of the State Duma Committee on Defense Andrei Kartapolov.”


The annexation of the Kharkov region to Russia will help stop the shelling by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as the Russian border will be significantly moved away. This was stated to the Regional Information Agency of the Moscow Region (RIAMO) by Moscow State University political scientist Artem Kosorukov, commenting on the related initiative of the Governor of the Belgorod Region Vyacheslav Gladkov. “The shelling of the Belgorod, Bryansk, and Kursk regions is a form of hybrid war; that is, maintaining tension, terrorising civilians, hitting civilian targets. To stop them, it is really necessary to move the border, because to suppress all these numerous points and constantly catch sabotage reconnaissance groups is a very difficult and painstaking work,” he explained. According to his estimates, if you shift the Russian border from the Belgorod region by about a hundred kilometers or more, Kharkov will certainly fall into this zone. However, there is no need to wait for Moscow to announce its plans, because if the Russian leadership has such thoughts, then this is a military secret, the expert noted. Kosorukov is sure that the Odessa and Kharkov regions should have been part of Novorossiya, based on the conditions of 2014. According to him, such plans may have been temporarily abandoned. Another option is to move the borders, but to make the territory a buffer zone until a final decision is made on the annexation of the region to Russia.”

The continuation of shelling and attacks on Russian regions forces the Russian government to think about moving the border of contact with Ukraine. So, in an interview with Regnum Information Agency, political scientist Yury Svetov commented on the statement of the governor of the Belgorod region Vyacheslav Gladkov about the need to take over the Kharkov region in order to solve the problem of shelling in the region. Political scientist Svetov conceded that a referendum might be held in Kharkov on joining Russia. “There is logic in this. The continuation of shelling by the Ukrainian Armed Forces forces us to move the contact line further and further. Obviously, until they stop firing, we will move. Kharkov has always been a predominantly Russian city. Russia still has to liberate territories and hold referendums. Without the liberation of Kharkov, Nikolaev, and Odessa, Ukraine’s aggression cannot be stopped,” Svetov believes. “Of course, the West will not like it if the Kharkov region becomes part of Russia. But the further we go, the more we begin to assess the situation for ourselves, without regard to someone else’s opinion. We need to think about ourselves and about protecting our population, and not about the reaction of the West,” the political scientist emphasizes.

Left to right: Yury Shvytkin, former airborne Guards officer, currently deputy chairman of the Duma Defense Committee; Artem Kosorukov, senior lecturer in political analysis, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Mikhail Onufrienko, originally from Kharkov and now in Russia, he produces regular podcast and printed analyses of the war

The statement of the governor Vyacheslav Gladkov is dictated by concern for the safety of local residents. But this problem covers all the border regions. To solve the problem, a complete demilitarisation of Ukraine is needed, military analyst Mikhail Onufrienko told the newspaper Vzglyad. Earlier, Gladkov had said that only the annexation of the Kharkov region will be able to protect the region from shelling. “The statements of Belgorod Governor Gladkov are a statement of fact, which was noticed only when the head of the region said so. This was discussed in the expert community last year, when the decision was made to withdraw our troops from the territory of the Kharkov region,” military analyst Mikhail Onufrienko said. “Even then it was quite obvious that such proximity of the Belgorod region and the territories controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine threatens that they will shell our region. Gladkov, of course, is concerned about the security of the subject entrusted to him, so he talks about the need to annex the Kharkov region,” he said. “But we understand that the governor of the Kursk region is also concerned about the proximity of the border in the Sumy region. Likewise, the head of the Bryansk region is concerned about the territories of the adjacent Chernigov region. In fact, this is what President Putin spoke about at the very beginning of his speech: the need for denazification and demilitarization of the entire territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. Until this happens, the shelling of our regions will not stop,” the source believes.
The governor of the Belgorod region Vyacheslav Gladkov has announced how to solve the problem of the shelling of territories of the region. He has proposed to annex Kharkov and Kharkov region. Military expert Vladislav Shurygin believes that this will only push the problems to new territories. According to him, the task is a different one – this is to destroy the military potential of Ukraine. He added that Gladkov’s idea is correct, but it’s worth considering who will defend the new territory. He believes that this step will push the problem away and the new authorities will have to deal with it.
A member of the Presidium of the All-Russia organization “Officers of Russia” Roman Shkurlatov commented on the statements of the Governor of the Belgorod region Vyacheslav Gladkov about the inclusion of Kharkov and the Kharkov region in the region due to shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the lieutenant colonel of the reserve, the head of the Belgorod region correctly expressed himself in this situation. He [the governor of the Belgorod Region] is absolutely right that Kharkov and the Kharkov region itself should be annexed to the Belgorod region in order to protect the region and the border territories from shelling by the Ukrainian army. This has been repeatedly said by both the leadership of our country and the command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. As the West continues to supply long–range weapons systems to the Nazi regime of Kiev, it is just as necessary to move the border of the so-called Ukraine away from the borders of Russia, thereby creating a buffer zone and preventing the use of long-range systems, the military expert commented for Military Review.

At the same time, Shkurlatov noted, by moving the border to a distance that these Western–style missile systems cannot overcome, Russia is creating a safe zone for its territory, including for the territories of new Russian regions – the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, as well as the Lugansk and Donetsk people’s republics. These territories are native Russian and legal in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. We all understand perfectly well that these borders [of Ukraine] will end up somewhere in the region of Poland. So you, Ukrainians, unfortunately, deprive yourselves of statehood in the future. The blame for all this lies with the current leadership of the country, which itself increases the escalation of the conflict, regularly firing rockets at Russian cities and villages, with its Western partners acting as accomplices in these crimes.”
“There are several independent elements here. Firstly, the Stavka would not want to take territory that is expensive to hold; capturing cities can be a nightmare. They are not even moving toward Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. I believe taking cities is a bad idea and they are not going to do it. Instead they are going to defeat the Ukrainians through decapitation of command-and-control, attrition of supplies and logistics, and open battlefield destruction. Secondly, the governors have no say in anything the Kremlin and Stavka now decide. [Wagner head Yevgeny] Prigozhin has also lamented the return of territories but in time this is going to be a non-issue.

Third, the cross-border raids help Kremlin. If they were losing public support, these raids help them shore it up. Fourth, once the Ukrainian army is defeated, the eight regions of Novorossiya will be inside Russia [Odessa, Nikolaev, Dniepropetrovsk, Kherson, Zaporozhye, Lugansk, Donetsk, Kharkov]. This is a war that has not seen a single ceasefire and there will be none. This ends with the end-game. For the Americans a very substantial loss of face for Putin with a large number of casualties and some claw-back of territory taken by Moscow is victory. For the Russians, there are no half-measures. They have to seal it and they have to destroy or defeat the Ukrainian army on the battlefield. There will be no bargaining with anyone. Putin will not make the mistakes of Gorbachev to give back what has been won on battlefield. They will come in and take the cities after the Ukrainian forces capitulate” — Moscow military analyst requesting anonymity. ... more-88064


IAEA Chief: Situation at Zaporizhzhia NP Plant Dangerous

Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, Ukraine. May. 31, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@inderjeeth

Published 31 May 2023 (7 hours 25 minutes ago)

"Military activities continue in the region and may well increase very considerably in the near future"

On Tuesday, the chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) cautioned that the nuclear safety and security status at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant situated in Ukraine is extremely fragile and dangerous.

'Military activities continue in the region and may well increase very considerably in the near future," IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi said in a UN Security Council briefing.

According Grossi, despite being in a temporary shut-down is not sustainable, the plant has been operating with a notably diminished workforce,

According to Grossi’s statement, there have been seven instances when the site lost all off-site power and had to rely on emergency diesel generators; the last one, the seventh, occurred just one week ago.

"We are fortunate that a nuclear accident has not yet happened... we are rolling a dice and if this continues then one day our luck will run out," Grossi said, adding, "So we must all do everything in our power to minimize the chance that it does."


Grossi laid out new "concrete principles" which “are essential to avoid the danger of a catastrophic incident” at the Zaporizhzhia plant.

According to the Grossi, it is not advisable to employ Zaporizhzhia as a storage or a hub for heavy weaponry or military personnel, as they may inflict an attack on the facility.

Grossi also emphasized the need of safeguarding all structures, systems, and components, which are fundamental to the secure and safe functionality of the Zaporizhzhia facility, from potential assaults or acts of sabotage. ... -0003.html

Russian MFA Denounces NATO Forces Escalating Tensions In Kosovo

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. May. 30, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@mfa_russia

Published 30 May 2023 (18 hours 3 minutes ago)

"Those who are supposed to protect the local Serb majority from the arbitrariness of Kosovars have ended up siding with Pristina's xenophobic aspirations," Maria Zakharova said.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Tuesday that NATO's Kosovo Force (KFOR) is provoking an escalation of violence against Serbs in the region.

Zakharova said in a statement that "NATO 'peacekeepers' became a source of unnecessary violence and a factor of escalation," referring to recent clashes with Serb protesters in the northern Kosovo municipalities of Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic.

"Those who are supposed to protect the local Serb majority from the arbitrariness of Kosovars ended up siding with Pristina's xenophobic aspirations and have essentially become accomplices to terror," the spokeswoman said.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic denounced that 52 Serbs were injured (three in serious condition) as a result of the clashes. For its part, KFOR declared that some 30 NATO soldiers were wounded.

According to Zakharova's statement, ensuring stability and security in the region requires "the establishment of a community of Serb municipalities in the region in its original form, enshrined 10 years ago in written agreements between Belgrade and Pristina under the guarantee of Brussels."

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has announced the decision to send 700 additional NATO troops to Kosovo, when there are already 4 000 troops in the region. He has also decided to put an additional battalion of reserve forces on high alert so that they can also be deployed in case of need.

The Serbian President has put the army on high combat alert and ordered units to move closer to the border.

The situation in the northern Serb municipalities of Kosovo and Metohija escalated last week after Kosovar police seized administrative buildings in the northern Serb-majority municipalities of Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic.

The police intended to make it possible for the new mayors of these municipalities to take office after winning local elections in April. Serbs refused to participate in the elections, and ethnic Albanian candidates won the mayorships of four Serb-majority municipalities with a turnout of 3.5%. ... -0015.html


From Cassad's Telegram account:

The explosion on the medium landing ship "Yuri Olefirenko" occurred after a hit and subsequent fire, which led to the detonation of ammunition for the regular "Grad".
On the video work "Yuri Olefirenko".
A worthy otvetka for attempting to attack Ivan Khurs.

According to Daniil Bezsonov, a search is underway in the city for residents who leaked the ship's parking lot to our military. Despite the Gestapo terror, the inhabitants of Odessa and the Odessa region still supply our military in significant quantities with information about the movements of enemy troops and the places where equipment and ammunition are stored.

It is also worth noting that the enemy periodically changed the place of the ship's parking and took measures to disguise it, so the help of local residents is essential for tracking the movement of enemy forces and assets.


forwarded from
"Noninsider" accidentally found out that there are alarming signals among Western military experts.
Conducting an analysis of the NWO process, they suddenly came to the understanding that, in fact, there was a constant practical training of the Russian army.

This conclusion follows at least two classified reports made by unrelated think tanks "RAND Corporation" and "Center for a New American Security".

It was revealed to them that in combat conditions, Russian troops are practicing the skills of countering Western military equipment, NATO standards of operational control and military tactics. Logistics is also being improved, and the process of modernizing the army has accelerated.

That is, pumping Ukraine with weapons and specialists, they teach us to fight with them,

This is a rather weighty fact, which now haunts the military elite of the West, in particular the United States, and gives rise to the demand to "stop training Russians."
Exactly how they should "stop" is not specified.
However, the quotation is from the part of the report that gives the opinion of the Chief of Staff of the US Army, General James McConville.

In addition, the closed report of the "RAND Corporation" emphasizes the danger of high-ranking NATO military advisers falling into Russian captivity, with all the ensuing consequences. In this part there is a reference to " incident that occurred earlier..". That is, it is quite possible that ours did take someone serious from their high command. Unfortunately no details were provided.

We cannot judge what impact the findings of the reports will have, but we fully assume that US national security demands may begin to take precedence in disputes over assistance to Ukraine. Especially on the eve of the presidential elections.


On attacks on the Belgorod border.

1. Despite the attacks and shelling of the border areas, there is no fundamental increase in the number of OSG "Kharkov" and OTG "Sumy". Attacks are carried out from available forces with the involvement of information and propaganda structures of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.

2. The main reserves that were transferred to the Kharkov direction (via Kharkov, Chuguev and Izyum) were sent to the Kupyanskoe and Svatovskoe directions.

3. The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in its internal documents separately points out the importance of demonstration and simulation activities, including by simulating the movement of columns to create the appearance of an accumulation of forces for a large offensive in order to force the RF Armed Forces to transfer operational reserves here, thereby weakening the main sectors of the front.

4. The shelling, the actions of the DRG and the activity of the IPSO are intended to give the impression that a larger action is being prepared. The command of OSG "Kharkiv" and OTG "Sumy", as well as the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense and the Security Service of Ukraine, are actively coordinated in the formation of a virtual threat of an attack on Belgorod, which is also manifested in the public narratives of the IPSO and internal documents of the above structures.

5. As before, the main reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are concentrated partly in the Zaporozhye direction, partly in the central regions of Ukraine. The Zaporozhye direction is still a priority for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is clearly seen in the concentration of people and equipment in the rear areas, from where they can move to the forefront within a day as part of the implementation of offensive plans.

Google Translator


Burn marks on the Decision Center
May 31, 20:11


Burn marks on the headquarters of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense after the strikes on May 28.
But the most interesting, of course, is the question of what the struck buried target on the territory of the complex was like.


Actually, Budanov's tantrum on May 29 and the attempt to attack Moscow with drones on May 30 were the result of these hits.

Russian Defense Ministry about an attempt to attack the Belgorod region
June 1, 12:55


Russian Defense Ministry about an attempt to attack the Belgorod regio

At about three o'clock in the morning, after intensive shelling, Ukrainian terrorist formations with forces of up to two motorized infantry companies, reinforced with tanks, attempted to invade the territory of the Russian Federation in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Novaya Tavolzhanka and the Shebekino international automobile checkpoint;

Russian servicemen repelled three attacks by Ukrainian terrorist groups;

Army aviation of the Western Military District delivered eleven blows to the enemy;

Rocket troops and artillery carried out 77 fire missions, heavy flamethrower systems inflicted two strikes;

The terrorist formations of the Kyiv regime, having suffered significant losses, were driven back, violations of the state border were not allowed;

More than 30 Ukrainian terrorists, four armored combat vehicles, a Grad MLRS multiple launch rocket launcher, and one pickup truck were killed in the border area from Ukraine. - zinc

PS, In the photo, the APU equipment was blown up by a landmine. Later, the area undermined was covered with "Grad".

"Yesterday Sevastopol passed to the Russians"
June 1, 8:49 am


Finnish newspaper report, May 10, 1944.
Yesterday Sevastopol passed to the Russians.
Berlin: "This fortress has lost its strategic importance."

Oh, but they could write that in spite of everything, the valiant 17th Army of the Verkhovna Rada still holds the southwestern part of Sevastopol and repels the attacks of the Red Army.

Google Translator

"....then farce."
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:55 am

will to submit
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/02/2023


In his speech yesterday in Moldova, one of the many countries he has visited in recent weeks, Volodymyr Zelensky referred to the security conditions in his country after the war. In Slovakia, Macron, who in his speech said he had traveled the long way to Bratislava , insisted yesterday on the same issue. The French president's speech has been clear for several months: after the Ukrainian offensive, a diplomatic resolution to the war will have to be negotiated. Of course, his words yesterday, in which he affirmed that, after the offensive "you will have to negotiate with the leaders that you find de facto, even if the day after you have to try them in front of an international court” do not offer much hope that European countries will ever negotiate in good faith. However, even that negotiation with the Russian authorities and the security guarantees that European countries and the United States would undoubtedly offer Ukraine do not seem to be enough for Kiev's increasingly demanding proxy .

As Zelensky specified in his speech in Chisinau, Ukraine not only wants "a clear decision" on its accession to NATO, that is, the promise of admission - what is known as the Membership Action Plan - but also wants to receive it as part of the decisions of the Alliance summit to be held next July in Lithuania. Although both Germany and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg have stated that the issue of access will not be dealt with in any way "until victory", the Ukrainian president continues to push for it. And even in the case of not achieving a complete victory, it is already beginning to promote itself through articles published in large media such as The New York Time the idea of ​​NATO accession for a potentially divided Ukraine following the example of Germany during the Cold War. But Ukraine, installed, at least publicly, in the victory speech, not only wants to achieve its maximum objectives, but also increasingly demands more.

Ukraine, which in April 2022, when much of the death and destruction this war has caused had not yet occurred, rejected the deal brokered by Vladimir Medinsky and David Arajamia in Istanbul, which included security guarantees then compared to NATO's Article V. The compensation required to obtain these security guarantees, the resignation of Crimea and Donbass, was unacceptable for Kiev, which since 2014 had followed the strategy of trying to impose its conditions even if they did not correspond to the political and military situation. What's more, the negotiation of the Minsk agreements and Ukraine's performance in the subsequent peace process is consistent with Macron's words. Ukraine was forced to negotiate and agree to sign a document containing the names of people with whom it had never intended to talk and whom it always wanted to judge as a necessary step after a failed offensive that failed to achieve its objectives. That is precisely the scenario that the French president proposed yesterday.

Since the beginning of the Russian military intervention, but especially since the political negotiations between the two countries broke down in April 2022, Ukraine has proposed only one possible scenario: its victory, a term that it has used as a synonym for peace. Neither Zelensky's team nor its Western allies have paid, nor do they intend to pay, any attention to the consequences such a victory would have for the people of Crimea or Donbass, to whom Ukraine has promised nothing more than collective punishment for which it sees itself morally justified in inflicting the sin of manifest disloyalty on the post-Maidan political regime.

With the idea of ​​equal victory, not only to the recovery of territories, but to the imposition of the pax ukrainiana without taking into account any relevant internal or external factor, especially the opinion of the population on the other side of the front, the only plan of peace that Ukraine is ready to accept is its own. Without needing to hide its positions, which in each case receive the explicit support of its powerful international partners, Ukraine has made clear its discomfort with the proliferation of peace plans. This was described last week during a visit to Morocco by the leader of Ukrainian diplomacy Dmitro Kuleba. Although the mediation proposals do begin to be numerous -Turkey and Israel were the first countries, after which China, Brazil or a group of African countries led by South Africa have applied-, there is no peace plan on the table. for Ukraine. The twelve points proposed by China, actually more of a roadmap of good practices for international relations than a specific peace plan for Ukraine, is the only proposal that could be considered as such.

However, the simple proposal, insisted on by heads of state such as Lula da Silva or Cyril Ramaphosa, to promote a ceasefire and start a negotiation is considered an affront to the interests of Ukraine. This position is not only manifested in kyiv, but is also the official discourse of the European Union, which Ursula von der Leyen has reaffirmed this week. Interested in wearing down an ally of its main opponent, China, to the maximum, without suffering much of the negative consequences of the war and benefiting economically from the growing trade in gas and arms, nobody can expect from Washington a constructive position in search of peace. . Nor are the main powers of the European Union, France and Germany, in favor of a negotiation if it is not according to Ukraine's terms.

The danger of a ceasefire, openly rejected this week by Ursula von der Leyen, who claimed that it would consolidate Russian positions -although the many months of defense preparation have also done so-, is non-existent, but, even so, Ukraine seeks to counterprogram that possibility with its own peace process. It is not the first time that kyiv has proposed a peace conference. In the past, it has hoped that the United Nations would organize the summit, to which Russia would not be invited to negotiate, but only after the fact, to sign the capitulation. As the adviser to the Office of the President Mikhailo Podolyak writes almost weekly, Ukraine has added one more point to its demands and kyiv does not only seek the return of its territories, the payment of reparations, an international court in which only Russia is judged, but also the voluntary surrender of nuclear weapons and a demilitarized zone of several hundred kilometers in the Russian Federation. The arrogance of war continues to rise, and the demands will hopefully increase in the future.

In this context, the recovery of the idea of ​​a peace conference, now endorsed by Emmanuel Macron, in which only countries sympathetic to the Ukrainian position would participate could seem like one more extravagance on an ever-longer list. However, the intention to count on countries that are considered allies of Russia or that have remained neutral shows that the objective is not even to present a serious proposal for the political reconstruction of Ukraine after the war, but rather to deactivate independent positions in search of the peace that have appeared in recent months in various countries of the global south. "We need a unified plan from the responsible and civilized world that really wants to live in peace", he stated in reference to this peace conference., which is, in reality, of war, Andriy Ermak, the powerful head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, de facto vice-president of Zelensky, who added that this process “is not possible without the whole world, including the leaders of the global south ”, those whom he despises on every occasion that show a position that deviates from what was established by Kiev. The will to submit to the opponent is not limited to the dissident population or Russia, but extends to those countries whose position is considered unfair. ... more-27406

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On attacks on the Belgorod border.
June 1, 16:08


1. Despite the attacks and shelling of the border areas, there is no fundamental increase in the number of OSG "Kharkov" and OTG "Sumy". Attacks are carried out from available forces with the involvement of information and propaganda structures of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.

2. The main reserves that were transferred to the Kharkov direction (via Kharkov, Chuguev and Izyum) were sent to the Kupyanskoe and Svatovskoe directions.

3. The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in its internal documents separately points out the importance of demonstration and simulation activities, including by simulating the movement of columns to create the appearance of an accumulation of forces for a large offensive in order to force the RF Armed Forces to transfer operational reserves here, thereby weakening the main sectors of the front.

4. The shelling, the actions of the DRG and the activity of the IPSO are intended to give the impression that a larger action is being prepared. The command of OSG "Kharkiv" and OTG "Sumy", as well as the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense and the Security Service of Ukraine, are actively coordinated in the formation of a virtual threat of an attack on Belgorod, which is also manifested in the public narratives of the IPSO and internal documents of the above structures.

5. As before, the main reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are concentrated partly in the Zaporozhye direction, partly in the central regions of Ukraine. The Zaporozhye direction is still a priority for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is clearly seen in the concentration of people and equipment in the rear areas, from where they can move to the forefront within a day as part of the implementation of offensive plans.

The best way to reduce the enemy's ability to shell the border areas is to establish and maintain control over the northern regions of the Kharkov, Sumy and Chernihiv regions.

PS. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the enemy lost up to 30 people, several wheeled and tracked vehicles, as well as 1 Grad MLRS during today's battles.

PS2. The head of the Shebekinsky district was awarded the Order of Courage for selfless work during the shelling today. Completely deserved.

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Ukrainian Police Tortured Kherson Residents for ‘Ties with Russia’
MAY 31, 2023

Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) servicemen enter a building during an operation to arrest suspected Russian collaborators in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Photo: Felipe Dana/AP.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has reportedly set up torture chambers in two police stations in Kherson – Dnieper and Komsomolsk – to deal with people who, according to the SBU, collaborated with the Russian authorities, a representative of law enforcement agencies, citing a source in the Ukrainian National Police, told Sputnik.

“The Dnieper Police Department is mainly staffed by Ukrainians. The unit is headed by Grigory Nikolaevich Nevkryty, the head of the Strategic Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kherson, with Alexander Priveda as his deputy. Senior officers include Alexander Maloshenko, Maxim Shevchenko, police officers Sergei Gordey, Arthur Frolov, Alexander Shvets and Artem Kononov,” the agency’s source said.

According to the source, Vladimir Malina, an assistant to a merchant who left for another region of Russia while he stayed behind, died in the police station of the Dnieprovsky district after being detained by Ukrainian security forces on April 5, 2023.

“He was held in the torture chamber of the Dnieprovsky police station, brutally beaten, and died the next day in his cell. In order to conceal his death, two people detained with him – Roman Gavriluk and Igor Gurov, employees of the Russian Humanitarian Center – were tortured for three days and forced to write statements claiming that Vladimir Malina had been released with them,” the source added.

Several people were tortured to death in these chambers, and all of them have been officially declared missing, the source clarified.

“As for the second police station, Komsomolsk, where a torture chamber is located, little is known about its activities because foreigners work there and locals are not allowed to enter. English, Polish and Georgian can be heard there,” the source pointed out.

According to a Russian security official, foreigners working in the Komsomolsk Police Department “use Ukrainian nationalist militant groups as a brutal physical force to eliminate people who are not favored by the Kiev authorities.”

“It is known that Bogdan Gnatiuk, who previously worked in the Suvorovsky Police Department and later returned to Kherson with the Ukrainian Armed Forces, is currently working in this department. There is also Alexey Lyubinsky, a Ukrainian nationalist who specializes in confiscating other people’s property,” he said.

According to the source, at least three people were killed. Anna Demenskaya, a nurse at a city clinic, died of torture. Alexander Sendetsky, who worked as an investigator during the Russian military presence in Kherson, disappeared after his arrest. In addition, Yevgeny Usachev, who worked under the Russian authorities in the 90th colony of Kherson, disappeared after being held in the basement of the Dnieprovsky police station, with no further information about him available.

“In addition, more than 15 citizens were forced to testify against themselves and sentenced to various terms of imprisonment as a result of physical coercion,” the agency’s source added.

Law enforcement agencies and special services in Ukraine conduct investigative actions in violation of Ukrainian procedural legislation, resorting to physical coercion against detainees, he pointed out. Foreign mercenaries and militants of nationalist formations are actively involved in exerting pressure and carrying out violent actions against the detainees, the source concluded. ... th-russia/


All NATO allies agree "Ukraine will become a member," says head of military alliance
From CNN’s Jake Kwon and Radina Gigova

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is seen at Oslo City Hall in Norway on Thursday. Hanna Johre/NTB/Reuters

All NATO allies agree that "Ukraine will become a member of the alliance," its chief Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday.

“All allies agree that the NATO’s door is open for new members,” Stoltenberg told reporters ahead of an informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Oslo. “It's not for Moscow to have a veto against the NATO enlargement.”
Part of Russia’s premise for its invasion of Ukraine was to fend off NATO from expanding close to its borders.

Even though Ukraine is not a member of the alliance, and NATO has insisted that it is not a party to the conflict, the bloc has played a critical role in supporting Kyiv, donating billions in military aid and other support.

On Thursday, Stoltenberg said NATO's most important task was to ensure that Ukraine prevails in the war against Russia — and to prevent the conflict from spilling over beyond Ukraine's borders. “That's the reason why we have increased our major presence in Eastern lines on NATO territory,” he said.

New faces at NATO: Finland’s accession to the alliance earlier this month marked a major shift in the security landscape in northeastern Europe, more than doubling NATO’s frontier with Russia.

Finnish public support for accession snowballed following the invasion of Ukraine, and also reignited calls from Kyiv to join.

Sweden also applied to join the bloc shortly after Russia's full-scale invasion began, with the support of an overwhelming majority of NATO members — but its membership has so far been held up by Turkey and Hungary.

Turkey has accused Sweden of harboring members of terrorist groups, which Stockholm denies, while Hungary has claimed Sweden behaved hostilely toward its government.

Stoltenberg said Thursday he would soon travel to the Turkish capital of Ankara to discuss Sweden's NATO membership, though did not specify the timing.

"My message is that Swedish membership, full-fledged membership of NATO, is good for Sweden, it is good for the Nordic countries, it is good for Norway, for the Baltic region, but it is also good for the whole of NATO," he said. ... index.html

Brave talk, and a possible death warrant for the Ukrainian state.


Tom Lehrer’s “Wernher von Braun” and Britain’s Foreign Minister James Cleverly

“Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?
That’s not my department,” says Wernher von Braun.

When I was an undergraduate at Harvard in the 1960s, a local bard with a wicked tongue was greatly loved by the student body. Tom Lehrer was then an instructor in math at nearby MIT. His songs were always at the cutting edge, sometimes in terrible taste (Poisoning Pigeons in the Park) but always with a message that spoke directly to my generation.

Our view of the world was shaped at the outset by the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis and the near- miss nuclear Armageddon that it signified. At the other end, at our graduation in 1967, there was the call-up by our draft boards to serve in Viet Nam. And so we were particularly receptive to the lyrics of We Will All Go Together When We Go. That song about the very brief but final nuclear war to come had the punch of Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove but was much shorter and hit the streets much earlier. See the link below.

However, in my analysis of today’s news I bring up the lyrics of Tom Lehrer from another song, Wernher von Braun. The punch lines are cited just below my title for the day. And what is the relevance to geopolitics in 2023, and specifically to the war in and about Ukraine? The relevance is direct and stunning.

I have in mind the video recorded and widely broadcast answer of British Foreign James Cleverly Minister to a question from a journalist yesterday. She was requesting clarification of Britain’s view of the previous day’s Ukrainian strikes on civilian targets inside the Russian Federation using latest long-range missiles provided by the UK and other NATO member states.

James Loverly was forthright, as these things go: Britain leaves it to the judgment of the Ukrainian authorities to decide what is the appropriate use. Moreover, Britain agrees that Ukraine can defend itself by striking at Russian military objects inside the RF.

The logic here is one to one with that attributed by Lehrer to Wernher von Braun.

The point of Loverly’s statement was picked up at once in Moscow, where the recording of his answer to the journalist was shown on major news stations. The same day, former president Dmitry Medvedev issued a statement that now all British functionaries in civil and military roles are fair game for Russian military attack.

Ladies and gentlemen: all the talk of our Talking Heads in the West these days is about whether the Russian attack on Ukraine in February 2022 was “unprovoked” as Biden and the US Government insist when they call it a war of aggression and justify the imposition of sanctions and military assistance to Kiev. Or was it a “preventive war” initiated by Putin in response to the immediate threat to the Donbas and to Russian Federation territory by the Ukrainian forces gathered at the line of demarcation and ready to strike?

Allow me to say that these discussions are a pure distraction from the hellish immediate future that awaits us when the Russians move beyond making war on the “weapon” or instrument, meaning the Zelensky regime in Ukraine and begin to make war on the real enemy, which they now openly identify as the UK and the USA. There will be no need to debate whether that coming Russian attack on military facilities and populations in the West was provoked or not. Mr. Cleverly yesterday gave the Russians full cause to destroy Britain in self-defense.

Link to Wernher von Braun


And what is it that put America in the forefront of the nuclear nations? And what is it that will make it possible to spend twenty billion dollars of your money to put some clown on the moon? Well, it was good old American know how, that’s what, as provided by good old Americans like Dr. Wernher von Braun!

Gather ’round while I sing you of Wernher von Braun,
A man whose allegiance
Is ruled by expedience.
Call him a Nazi, he won’t even frown,
“Ha, Nazi, Schmazi, ” says Wernher von Braun.

Don’t say that he’s hypocritical,
Say rather that he’s apolitical.
“Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?
That’s not my department, ” says Wernher von Braun.

Some have harsh words for this man of renown,
But some think our attitude
Should be one of gratitude,
Like the widows and cripples in old London town,
Who owe their large pensions to Wernher von Braun.

You too may be a big hero,
Once you’ve learned to count backwards to zero.
“In German oder English I know how to count down,
Und I’m learning Chinese!” says Wernher von Braun.

We Will All Go Together ... -cleverly/


From Cassad's telegram account:

They reportthat, according to the inspection of the US Department of Defense Inspector General, the equipment taken for shipment to Ukraine from the US Army depots in Kuwait (Camp Arifjan) turned out to be mostly faulty. “We have identified issues that have resulted in unanticipated maintenance, repairs and extended delivery times to ensure the readiness of military equipment selected to support the Armed Forces,” the Inspector General said in a May 23 announcement. As it appears from the message, we are talking about equipment that was seized in the spring and summer of 2022. In particular, all six 155-mm M777 howitzers taken from there and 25 of the 29 M1167 HMMWV vehicles (carriers of TOW anti-tank systems) required repairs, and the HMMWV had to be understaffed at the expense of cannibalization of other stored machines. “Problems with poor maintenance and weak oversight of equipment may lead to future delays in the support of equipment supplied by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In addition, if the US troops needed these weapons, they would face the same problems, ”the report says. The head of the U.S. Army Support Command, in response to the report, indicated that the level of funding for the storage base in Kuwait is 30% of the approved requirements in FY 2023 - about $ 27.8 million of the required $ 91.3 million. Photo from the warehouse in Kuwait 2018 (c) US Army


forwarded from
May has passed, I continue to count the monthly losses of the enemy in artillery. 259 units in total, 19 more than in April. MLRS - 9, only Grads. ACS - 84, 78 domestic, 2 "Crab" and 4 M109. Barrel towed - 166, of which western 11, of which M777 - 7.

The number of packed MLRS is steadily declining from month to month. The number of self-propelled guns and towed guns has grown slightly compared to the previous two months. The percentage of Western equipment in the total number of vehicles stuffed after its heavy losses in January-March (123 units in three months) remains very low for the second month. Calibers 122 mm and below are filled with 124 units, almost half of all losses.

Compensation for losses, which was openly announced for a month, was reduced to American howitzers of an unnamed model and an unnamed number. In pieces, this is most likely 24 or 36, less likely - 48.

Western materiel, including those received since the beginning of the year, after the January announcement of large alms for the "counterattack", are obviously trying to save. Purely statistically, some of its share could well have been covered during strikes on the rear of the last month, but no intelligible sources and figures on this score came across.

Soviet materiel (except, very possibly, MLRS) has not yet been depleted, and ammunition for it is still available. However, in any case, it will not work to ride it endlessly - the quantity will definitely turn into quality, it is only a matter of time.


forwarded from
military chronicle
Regarding what is happening in Shebekino, you need to understand something that lies behind the information noise and the virtual bravado of the attackers.

1. The previous attack on Grayvoron showed that the enemy did not learn from the losses of the donor army. The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost thousands of people during attacks on light armor in Kherson, Kharkov and many other places. The platoon of tanks that supported the nationalists during this sortie to the Shebekin area did not make any difference to the DRG. The attackers tried to get out to the border, were adequately met and rolled back to where they came from. Russian aviation and artillery regularly work on enemy positions on the other side of the border.

2. It was obvious that after Grayvoron, which brought nothing but noise to the enemy, they would try to repeat the attack. For the new attack, they gathered exactly twice as many forces as the last time. But even in such a composition they could not do anything.

3. As far as the Military Chronicle is aware, the issue of shelling the border areas is under the special control of the head of state, the situation and the entire alignment of forces are known. For more high-profile actions, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will have to remove really combat-ready units from the front, but there will be no surprise effect, which means that any attempt will be blurred.

4. The enemy carefully hides losses during sorties to the area of ​​the state border with Russia, presenting the action as a perfectly planned operation, which, of course, is a lie. The losses are big.

5. Each time a DRG attack is given a very specific military response. You can't fight on emotions - you need to methodically destroy all the enemy's military facilities. The actionism inherent in the opposing side is unacceptable in this matter - you need to stick to the plan.

6. While the enemy is trying to portray an attack in the border area, Russian aircraft and missilemen take out military facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kharkov region. Each strike is minus dozens of pieces of equipment and at least half of a company of personnel. Every time. Day after day. Yesterday's arrivals in the industrial area of ​​​​Kharkov proved that the military is focused on performing very specific tasks - the destruction of the enemy and his resources.

7. The success of combat work directly affects the activity of the enemy in the border zone.

These circumstances must always be kept in mind if it seems that the reaction of the Russian side to the situation is insufficient.


The Kremlin on peace talks and the goals of the Russian Federation.

1. Zelensky’s words about Ukraine’s accession to NATO speak of Kyiv’s inability to solve problems at the negotiating table;

2. The Russian Federation will seek to ensure its security, this excludes Ukraine's membership in NATO;

3. Russia considers taking into account its interests as a key priority in resolving the situation in Ukraine;

4. The potential expansion of NATO is an irritant for many years, many European countries understand this;


The hunt for Ukrainian air defense continues - during the night strike on Kiev, the next positions of the enemy air defense systems were hit.

Combined night strikes on Kiev again proved their effectiveness. Despite the opposition of the enemy, information is received about multiple arrivals. This attack involved both Geraniums and cruise missiles. In the course of the raid, power was temporarily lost in Kyiv - at the moment it is not clear whether this was caused by the defeat of energy infrastructure facilities or preventive shutdowns.

In addition, our troops once again tried to hit the enemy's air defenses and, judging by the incoming footage, they were successful. The video immediately showed several successful arrivals at the positions of one of the enemy air defense systems.At least one installation was destroyed and another had a spontaneous launch of a rocket, which soon fell on the city and exploded.

It is worth noting that the enemy, despite multiple evidence of hitting at least several targets, continues to claim that all missiles and UAVs were intercepted. However, there is certainly nothing new here.

In general, it can be stated that the combined strikes again showed their effectiveness even against a target that was maximally covered by air defense, formed according to the NATO model.

It is unlikely that there is a city in the world now more reliably covered by Western air defense systems than Kyiv. And still, the RF Armed Forces carry out regular and successful attacks that overcome enemy air defenses.

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1 Jun 2023 , 3:59 pm .

The US spies on citizens of their country and abroad through IT (Photo: File)

Russian security agencies once again detected that the US secret services carry out global systemic surveillance of its citizens and those of other countries, involving US technology companies.

The recent data was secretly collected via US-produced mobile phones and corroborated what was already known: US intelligence services have used technology corporations for decades to extensively collect data from internet users without them they know.

"In all international reference platforms we have raised the question of the need to put this area in order, develop universal standards of conduct in the digital space based on respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms and the sovereign equality of States" , points out the Russian Foreign Ministry in response.

The Russian authorities called for the formation of understandable and fair regulatory mechanisms in the digital sphere that are mandatory for all countries and particularly for designers of information communication technologies.

The objective is to achieve the creation of a UN Open-ended Working Group on Security and Use of Information and Communication Technologies. "No State can abuse its technological capabilities in such a sensitive area as access to the personal data of smartphone users," they reiterate. ... cnologicas

May 31, 2023 , 12:20 p.m.

This macabre business would not be possible without the participation of the Ukrainian State and various international NGOs (Photo: File)

An RT documentary points out that Ukraine not only exports grain, but is also a leading exporter of human organs for the Western black market. The main human resources for this business, which began to expand after the conflict in Donbass in 2014, would be soldiers killed in the war and orphaned children.

But this macabre business would not be possible without the participation of the Ukrainian state and various international NGOs. The audiovisual material documents that the Verkhovna Rada of the Eastern European country legalized posthumous organ donation by its citizens in 2021, without their notarial consent or that of their relatives, which, without a doubt, would remove obstacles to the system organ sales.

"There is a special database that cooperates with foreign clinics," according to the Russian media, who also points out that the path was even clearer when another law was approved in 2022 that exempts organ transplants from taxes.

This phenomenon is not new and the first organ transplant businesses were registered in Serbia after the arrival of NATO after the outbreak of the Balkan War. The same has happened in Africa and the Arab countries that experienced illegal foreign occupations.

Olena Kushnir, known as the death doctor, a symbol of the resistance in kyiv, openly said that Ukrainian corneas and other organs were "welcome" in the West. They have even let wounded soldiers die when they are potential donors. Anyone who arrives at a health center injured, whether a soldier or a civilian, risks being left an empty shell. ... occidental

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 03, 2023 12:03 pm

The diplomatic dance of eternal war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/03/2023


The words this week by Emmanuel Macron, who referred to the need to negotiate even with those de facto leaders who will later have to be judged, seem not only to have gone unnoticed, but have been understood as a sign of moderation and opening of the European countries to a negotiation with Russia in the event that the success of the expected Ukrainian offensive is not as definitive as Kiev would expect. It is true that, in recent months, the French president has led a faction that has not openly advocated war to the end as Kiev continues to demand, whose representatives reject any option short of complete victory and an international court to judge to Russia. The current position of France, which has offered to celebrate the Ukraine peace summit , in which Kiev would negotiate only with its partners and neutral countries, can hardly be satisfactory for those who work for a negotiation that seeks a diplomatic solution to the conflict that gave rise to the war.

First of all, that summit would include countries from the global south, although not to give voice to their positions, but rather to make them submit to the Ukrainian vision. Second, a peace summit in which one of the two sides in conflict is explicitly excluded cannot but be a public relations act for the war party. Thirdly, especially from Russia's point of view, the mention of negotiation but also judgment cannot inspire confidence in the good faith of European countries. The experience of the Minsk agreements is too recent and the Russian authorities are aware, not only of the role played by Berlin and Paris, but also of the current reaction of the leaders who negotiated that agreement. Signed at a time when it was Ukraine that needed a ceasefire to consolidate positions and prevent a further collapse of Ukrainian troops in the face of the advance of the People's Republics, the agreements were negotiated directly by Angela Merkel, François Hollande, Vladimir Putin and Petro Poroshenko. For years, even in the face of Ukraine's explicit refusal to comply with the main points of the document, Russia maintained, at least in public, a discourse of confidence in its European partners, from whom, assuming good faith, it expected some pressure on Kiev. to make progress in the process.

Nine years later and finally buried by the Russian recognition of the DPR and the RPL, only Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin maintain that they have negotiated in search of an agreement. Trying to regain some of his lost political relevance, Petro Poroshenko has publicly and repeatedly stated that his intention was simply to buy time to rearm the Ukrainian Armed Forces and protect the country through the ceasefire despite having no intention of ever complying. with the agreements that he himself had negotiated. Despite the fact that the most widespread part of his words was the comment about the time that Ukraine gained thanks to Minsk, former Chancellor Merkel has not reneged on her decision to negotiate or on the agreements themselves. That yes, in spite of the privileged situation of Germany in Europe, Merkel chose not to put pressure on kyiv to comply with the agreements. Even so, her refusal to denounce the Minsk process or the negotiation with Russia as a mistake have provoked harsh criticism of Angela Merkel. Her position contrasts with that of François Hollande, who represented France at the summit held in the Belarusian capital and from which the agreements were born. The former French president has raised that ceasefire practically as a trap for Moscow to achieve what Ukraine needed: time to rearm.

Macron's current position, proposing negotiation but immediately announcing a subsequent confrontation, is easily recognizable in Hollande's recollection of the Minsk process. However, the mistrust between the parties is just one of the many obstacles to finding a way towards military de-escalation and the opening of diplomatic channels, now practically closed for all political questions. With the Ukrainian offensive as a prerequisite for any subsequent political or diplomatic step, the words of Li Hui, the Chinese envoy in charge of giving impetus to the Chinese negotiation proposal, who has acknowledged enormous difficulties for Russia and Ukraine to they sit down to negotiate. With the flow of arms to kyiv growing for months, the possibilities of negotiation are currently nil.

The context of rearmament, growing confrontation and the recreation of blocs, a policy that seemed lost but that the simultaneous Western harassment of China and Russia has revived, not only does not favor peace, but also calls for political and diplomatic confrontation. Those who really aspire to mediate in this conflict - and not to fish in a troubled river taking advantage of their privileged geographical position to profit from the war - risk doing a thankless task. Those leaders, among whom Lula da Silva stands out, who despite everything continue to work to resolve the conflict and stop the misery of war deserve recognition, although they must be aware that they are fighting against a powerful minority.

The votes held at the United Nations have given a clear advantage to countries that condemn Russia over those that defend it, but have also left a majority of neutral countries that have refused to vote in favor of the resolutions proposed by the United States. . Although Washington insists that Russia is isolated, economic and political reality belies that view. A vast majority of the world's population resides in countries that have rejected Western demands to side with Ukraine, and several of their leaders aspire to help Europe end this war. However, the great powers, which measure their economic, political and moral superiority in the sum of the GDP and military power of their bloc, have repeatedly rejected any resolution that does not go through imposing conditions on Ukraine.

As Ukraine's creditors and suppliers of its military, the United States and its partners will continue to block any constructive steps that can be taken from the global south, Beijing or, if ever necessary, even Kiev. It is only necessary to remember the intervention of Boris Johnson in April 2022, when according to the Ukrainian press, he arrived in Ukraine to convey to Volodymyr Zelensky that the West would not accept a possible agreement that implied the cession of Ukrainian territory to Russia. By then, Ukrainian officials had already rejected the possibility of an agreement, so the demands of the then British prime minister should not be considered the turning point. However, they are representative of the position of the West, willing to keep the war going as long as it continues to serve their interests. To begin with, the war has not only already brought enormous benefits to the military industry, one of the bases of industrial growth, but it has managed to justify an increase in military spending that in previous years had been impossible.

Although installed in the dynamics of the war and eager for the start of the Ukrainian offensive, the Western countries cannot afford not to make some declarations favorable to peace either. This is the case of Macron's misleading comments and also of the latest statements by Antony Blinken, Secretary of State of the United States, who yesterday stated that the United States "applauds any initiative that facilitates the start of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine." With the capacity of those who can afford to contradict themselves even in the same speech, Blinken also affirmed that the United States will not support peace negotiations until Ukraine has the position of force.

Washington, which for years claimed to defend the Minsk process but never got involved in it and which also did not favor negotiations in March of last year, the only time when there could be an agreement between the two countries, this week promised another 300 million dollars for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is just the latest of the US pledges, which have been made regularly since February 2022 and will continue into the future. Like Ukraine, the only negotiation the United States is willing to accept is one involving Russia's capitulation.

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By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

The last time the Norwegians whipped themselves into a frenzy of warmaking race hatred, their minister president was Vidkun Quisling (lead image, left).

An exceptionally intelligent young military officer, he became the Norwegian General Staff’s expert on Russia at the time of the Russian Revolution. He then was posted to the Norwegian Embassy in St Petersburg early in 1918, returning to Oslo when the embassy was suspended after the revolution. He returned to Kharkov in 1922 where he married a Russian, and then the following year, he married another local woman, an ethnic Ukrainian. He was in Moscow for three years, 1926-28, first engaged in trading timber and buying Russian antiques, then representing the British Embassy which had been closed after the revolution and British troops invaded.

When he launched his political career at home, Quisling had become a fascist and racist, and his book of 1930, Russland og vi (“Russia and Ourselves”) a manifesto of Norwegian identity in combat against Bolshevism, revolution, and the Russian race. He met Adolf Hitler (right) many times, starting in mid-1939. “An unspeakable enemy is threatening our civilization”, Quisling’s book began. “This enemy is Bolshevism, the master of Russia and the champion of the World Revolution.” At the time, Norway’s military and economic survival, Quisling believed, depended on the British Empire, as he called it. “The Russian question is an issue between Bolshevism and the Teutonic nations, especially Great Britain, the natural upholder of all that is in opposition to and threatened by Bolshevism.” Breaking up the old Russian Empire’s states and the Soviet Union, especially the Ukraine, Quisling wrote, “might prove a useful means for attaining certain ends, but it might also lead to a reaction which would be destructive to those who had planned it. Charles XII and Germany had that experience in the Ukraine, though this does not necessarily prove much as regards the present and the future. For the rest, it must be remembered that the Ukraine is a country of the same size as Germany, with a population of over 30 millions, possessing great natural wealth, and every qualification for becoming an independent State.”

Quisling’s policy and his party, Nasjonal Samling (NS, “National Gathering”), were political failures until the German Army invaded and occupied Norway in 1940. Quisling and his NS party ministers were installed in power in Oslo alongside a German reichskommissar reporting to Berlin, in February 1942. They held office until the Germans left early in 1945. Quisling was arrested in May of that year; put on trial for embezzlement, murder, and treason; convicted in September; and executed in October.

The first time Quisling’s name was used in English to mean treachery, betrayal, and treason was in an editorial of The Times of London in April 1940. “Quislings everywhere” ran the headline. In New York, Time magazine followed by turning the name into the verb quisle, and the noun quislers. Quisling has stuck.

“I want to let history reach its own verdict,” Quisling said from prison after his arrest. “Believe me, in ten years’ time I will have become another Saint Olav.”

More than ninety years have elapsed since Quisling wrote this: “The most effective remedy for Bolshevism and Bolshevist-Russian plots and intrigues will be found in a closer cultural, economic and political co-operation between those peoples which are the main supporters of Western civilization, and which can be described as Nordic in the widest sense of the term. Where are these peoples? They are in the Scandinavian countries, in Holland and Flanders, the British Empire, Germany, the United States of America, to a considerable extent in France, and largely intermingled with the people of other countries where the Nordic race, however, does not prevail to the same extent. A Northern Coalition of these nations, beginning with Scandinavia and Great Britain—and with the inclusion of Finland and Holland—which might attract Germany next, and possibly the British Dominions and America later on would render innocuous any Bolshevist combination, and would within a measurable distance of time ensure European peace and civilization.”

A firing squad put Quisling into the grave on October 24, 1945. With the new Norwegian doctrine of Teutonic-Nordic war, that is to say, NATO war against Russia, Quisling has jumped out of his grave, and his doctrine has become Norwegian state policy.

Observers record that hatred of Russians and Russian culture is more intensely expressed and pervasive in Oslo than in any other west European capital. Once again, it is righteous in Norway to wage war against Russia for the advancement of the Teutonic-Nordic race and western civilization. To quisle, in short.

Listen to the hour-long discussion with Chris Cook:


Quisling comes in by name, causing the microphone to rumble, at Min 46.

Since October 2022, Gorilla Radio has been banned from broadcasting by Radio CFUV 101.9 FM in Victoria, British Columbia. The Gorilla Radio transcripts are published on the blog. For Chris Cook’s broadcast archive, click to open.

NOTE: Oslo has more individuals named Helmer in the telephone book than any other city in the world. I am not related to any of them. My family’s name, and so the byline, comes from Łowicz, near Warsaw in Poland. It is a small, modestly useful road and railway junction over which many armies have fought so violently that it’s never been prudent or practical to develop righteousness, especially not now. ... more-88075


Ukrainian Armed Forces attack port in Zaporizhia, Russia

It is still unknown what weapons were used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. | Photo: Telegram @vrogov
Posted June 2, 2023

According to the first reported data, three explosions occurred in the city of Berdiansk.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked a port in the city of Berdyansk, located in the Russian province of Zaporizhia, on Friday, reported the member of the main council of the local Administration and leader of the We Are Together with Russia movement, Vladimir Rogov.

According to preliminary data, there were three explosions in the city, but no victims or material damage were reported after the attack.

It is still unknown what weapons were used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, since kyiv has long-range British missiles and UAVs of the same type, there are no safe areas left in this Russian province or other newly incorporated territories.

Last week, the Ukrainian military also carried out a "massive" attack on Berdiansk. As a result there was an explosion.

On the other hand, the bombardments of kyiv against civilian targets in the Belgorod region, bordering Ukraine, continue. Several settlements, including Kozinka, were attacked on the day, according to the Governor of the region, Vyacheslav Gladkov.

In addition, two people were killed - both women - and two more were injured as a result of an artillery barrage by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on a section of the road in the village of Maslova Pristan, Shebekinsky district. ... -0009.html

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The exchange reacted to the meeting of "Dagger" with the "Patriot" air defense system
June 2, 18:18


The long-awaited meeting of the "Daggers" with the "Patriot" air defense system led to a drop in the value of the shares of the Raytheon corporation by 10%.
The advertising of "Patriot" continued exactly until the first meeting, then a process identical to what happened with the reputation of the "Bayraktars" in Ukraine went on.

Tonight in Kyiv there were 2 more hits on Western air defense systems (it is not yet clear whether the Patriot or IRIS-T were hit).


From Cassad's Telegram account:

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Map of hostilities and the situation on the fronts on the evening of June 2

⚡️During the night strike on Kiev, the positions of the air defense systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were hit . The Russian army used both Geraniums and cruise missiles, once again proving the effectiveness of combined strikes, especially against Western air defense systems. As a result, ours achieve both the destruction of anti-aircraft missile systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the consumption of expensive ammunition by Ukraine. And all this against the backdrop of an acute shortage of Patriot air defense systems and shells for them.

⚔️The situation on the fronts for the past day:

⚫️The Svatovo-Kremennaya direction

The Russian army continues to advance in Masyutovka and Novoselovsky . Ours also attacked in the direction of Stelmahovka . There are fierce battles in Belogorovka .

⚫️Donetsk direction

In the Avdeevka section, only oncoming battles in the area of ​​​​Experimental . Meanwhile, in Maryinka , ours continue to successfully advance.

⚫️The Zaporozhye direction

of the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to advance in the Vladimirovka area , where the intersection of several important roads is located. In the meantime, ours attacked the militants' targets in the areas of Novoselka , Novy Pole , Vremevka , Ugledar , Prechistovka , and Zolotoy Niva .

💥Air defense systems destroyed the Ukrainian Su-25 in the area of ​​Zolotoy Balka , Kherson region.

😂The Vyruss believed in themselves again and decided to organize a PR campaign in our border area, driving in two tanks in the direction of Novaya Tavolzhanka, Belgorod Region. As a result, the militants came under fire from Russian tanks. Our fighters destroyed one tank, and the second was abandoned by the crew that fled the battlefield.


The Russian army is storming Maryinka, pushing through the defenses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the flanks and in the ruins in the center.
Ukrainian military analysts also report on the advance of Russian troops in the latest reports.
▪️These days, Russian troops managed to push through the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the northern part of the city, knocking out the enemy from a number of trenches.
▪️With the support of the tanks of the Southern Military District, the assault groups drove out the Ukrainian fighters, who had settled in fortified points in the ruins.
▪️"Solntsepeki" of the Southern Military District hit the platoon stronghold of the 79th Air Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
▪️Also, in the Maryinsky direction, the artillery of the 150th motorized rifle division of the “South” group disrupted the rotation of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the line of contact.
▪️In turn, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports that the Russian army is actively attacking in the Maryinsky direction with the support of aviation and artillery, under the blows of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Georgievka, Maryinka, Pobeda and Novomikhailovka.


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Real Gladkov
The village of Sobolevka, Valuysky urban district, came under fire from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Grad shells were fired at the private sector.

Two people are believed to have died. At the time of the shelling, they were in the yards of their own residential buildings. They died on the spot from their injuries.
people were injured, including two children. They were all taken to the hospital by ambulances. Two men have multiple shrapnel wounds, one of them is in serious condition, the second is in a state of moderate severity. The women have shrapnel wounds of the lower extremities, the condition of both is satisfactory. Also, a 13-year-old boy with a closed fracture of the left shoulder and an 11-year-old girl with shrapnel wounds of the left eye were delivered to the Central Regional Hospital. All necessary medical assistance is provided.

A farm building and a garage in two private residential households caught fire from a direct hit by a shell. Fire brigades have already begun to put out the fire. After a door-to-door detour, damage was found in 4 more households: the roof was broken, facades and fences were cut, windows were broken. The walkthrough continues.


What is happening on the Kupyansky sector of the front?

In the past few days, Russian fighters have resumed their assault on Ukrainian positions north and northeast of Kupyansk . Recall that as a result of the sortie on May 15, the RF Armed Forces were able to gain a foothold on the opposite bank of the Oskol River .

🔻On the right bank of the Oskol, advanced reconnaissance groups of the RF Armed Forces attacked the positions of the 14th Ombre of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Dvurechnaya . Simultaneously with the attack from the south, the artillerymen massively fired on the Ukrainian strongholds from Tavolzhanka .

▪️A favorable tactical position at a height allows you to put pressure on Dvurechnaya, which is located in a lowland. Firing positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are located in the village, therefore, in order to further cover Kupyansk, the liberation of the settlement is necessary.

▪️A couple of days before that, servicemen of the RF Armed Forces knocked out units of the 20th rifle battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the outskirts of Sinkovka . Because of the imminent threat of breaking through the defenses, French-speaking mercenaries arrived at the front line.

🔻Positional battles near Kupyansk are important - thanks to the actions of Russian fighters, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are forced to strengthen the defense of the city and keep forces in this area. This has already affected the plans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to march on Svatovo , which were postponed indefinitely.


They report a massive air strike on the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kupyansk region.

According to preliminary information, the strike was carried out by FAB-500 air bombs with planning and correction modules at warehouses with ammunition of the 27th separate rocket artillery brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In the same area, the ammunition depot of the tank battalion of the 14th separate mechanized brigade was allegedly seriously damaged.

Both units were involved in combat operations in the Svatov region. Earlier, a massive missile strike was carried out on military and industrial facilities in Kharkov.

Apparently, the Aerospace Forces continue to destroy the accumulated reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, prepared for the counteroffensive.


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military chronicle
What is known about the strike on the headquarters of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine in Kiev: analysis of the Military Chronicle .

The attack on the decision-making centers in Kiev was inflicted as early as May 30, and the circumstances of the defeat of the targets caused heated debate.

How was this attack prepared?

Two days before the missile attack on the GUR building, Kyiv was attacked by drones. In total, about 40 UAVs were recorded, some of which were probably used to open camouflaged positions of air defense systems. It is known that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bRybalsky Island, where the GUR buildings are located, was covered by the crews of the IRIS-T and Patriot air defense systems from the territory of the Muromets park.

According to some reports, after a massive drone raid on May 27 and 28, a significant part of the Kyiv air defense ammunition was used up, and by the morning of May 30, the calculations of the air defense systems were waiting for the delivery of new ammunition and were not ready to fire.

What weapon was used to strike?

There are several main versions of what was actually applied to the power steering building.

Version one. Judging by the presence of two sets of stabilizers, a Kh-35U subsonic anti-ship missile with the ability to work on ground targets got into the CCTV footage. It differs from the anti-aircraft missiles of the Patriot systems both in size and in the layout of the stabilizers. In addition, Patriot missiles do not fall to the ground in a dive mode and could not “accidentally fall” on the GUR complex in Kyiv, as some bloggers previously wrote.

Version two. From the side of the water in the area of ​​​​the power steering building, a P-800 Oniks missile of the Bastion coastal complex flew in with a launch range of 300-400 km. Its speed and ability to maneuver with large overloads made it possible to carry out such an attack.

What conclusions can be drawn?

First and most important, there could be several missiles. Some of them were supposed to hit air defense facilities, the other - the GUR building on Rybalsky Island.

At the same time, the hit of the missile, identified as Kh-35U or P-800, does not occur in a random place, but a few meters from the parking lot, under which, presumably, another important object could be located.

The use of two missiles at first glance looks logical, but requires a creative, non-standard approach to planning the operation.

An approximate strike scheme looks like this: the first missile breaks through the ceilings of the administrative building or explodes at a depth of several meters without damaging the building, after which the exit to the surface and the transition between zero levels are blocked.

The second strikes the necessary object from the side of the water, causing the underground utilities to be flooded along with the officers on duty.

It is also worth noting the low effectiveness of the NASAMS, IRIS-T SLM and Patriot PAC-3 MSE air defense systems at the time of a massive strike by X-35U and / or P-800 Onyx missiles. Why?

Both types of missiles can be equipped with electronic warfare stations. The onboard electronic warfare station of these missiles can interfere with the AN / MPQ-53, AN / MPQ-64 Sentinel and TRML-4D radars deployed near Kiev.




The situation near the borders with the Belgorod region - what is known by 15.00 June 2, 2023

In the Belgorod region, the cannonade does not subside. Ukrainian formations are still shelling cities and towns: today a convoy of civilians was hit during the evacuation .

▪️In the morning, information appeared about an attempt to break through the DRG, numbering up to 100 people, at the Urazovo-Verigovka section , but sources from the field denied this information.

▪️Despite the stuffing, the concentration of Ukrainian forces is still high. Artillery guns were moved to Ugroyedy and Verkhnyaya Syrovatovka , and, according to some reports, 979 people from the 129th brigade of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the Donetsk direction arrived in the Sumy region .

▪️With a high degree of probability, the forces of the 129th brigade will partially replace the units of the 117th troop unit, which have lost more than 100 people in recent days . Chuguev and Klugino-Bashkirovka housed 800 members of the 92nd ombr of the Armed Forces of Ukraine .

🔻In another area near Novaya Tavolzhanka , Ukrainian formations, under the legend of the separatist project of the RDC, tried to hold a PR campaign to demonstrate “successful struggle against the Russian authorities” , for which they paid the price: artillerymen of the RF Armed Forces destroyed two tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


❗️Positional battles on the Svatovsky sector of the front: advancing west of Kuzemovka

On the Svatovsky sector, Russian fighters recently attacked the positions of the 92nd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Novoselovsky . During the ensuing battle, the RF Armed Forces were able to occupy several houses in the village. But the reinforcements of the Armed Forces of Ukraine arrived in time, as well as active fire support, forced the military personnel of the RF Armed Forces to retreat to their original positions in Kuzemovka .

▪️In another area north of Kuzemivka, Russian reconnaissance groups pushed the Ukrainian formations out of positions near the railroad, occupying an important foothold on the opposite side of the railway line.

▪️The assault groups of the 92nd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to counterattack from the Berestovoye area in the direction of Kuzemovka, but the attack was repulsed, and the Ukrainian formations were forced to retreat.

🔻At the moment, the line of contact for the most part runs along the railway. Kuzemovka is under the control of Russian troops. Having taken an important height on the bend of the railway line, the RF Armed Forces created a bridgehead for further movement to Novoselovskoye.

The settlement, unlike Kuzemovka, is located on a hill , which complicates its assault. In this case, it is more promising to attack from the flanks, using the advantage in relief.

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Professor Kees van der Pijl: « NATO and the EU Will Dissolve! »
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 2, 2023
Mohsen Abdelmoumen

Dutch professor Kees van der Pijl. D. R.

How can we organise a global resistance to the criminal capitalist system and the devastating imperialism that has ravaged entire countries?

Mohsen Abdelmoumen: You wrote the book translated into French: « Pandémie de la peur: projet totalitaire ou révolution? » (Pandemic of fear: totalitarian project or revolution?). In your opinion, what are the real issues in the creation of this pandemic?

Professor Kees van der Pijl: Like all large-scale historical events, the state of emergency in the name of a pandemic resulted from as complex of forces, it was a ‘systems event’ which we cannot reduce to a single project, let alone a single actor. But among the many forces involved, the fact that the world’s population had become restive in many countries in the wake of the financial collapse of 2008-’10, stands out as the main challenge to the existing order. It was responded to, first of all, by a core class bloc comprising the national security state and intelligence agencies primarily of the United States, plus the IT sector equally centred in the US, and the (multi-) media giants. The ‘biopolitical complex’ composed of the health sector and the pharmaceutical industry attached itself to this core via the Gates Foundation and others to profit from the vaccination drive that was selected as the main response (amidst a series of repressive measures without precedent in peacetime). To discipline the populations, the ruling class (regrouping behind the triangular structure mentioned) did not want to wait for a new ‘concept of control’ to establish itself organically (as in previous stages of capitalist rule), but imposed it by psychological warfare, a shock applied to society. In 2001, ‘9/11’ had already been an example of such a shock, and with ‘Putin’, ‘climate change’ and other scares in reserve, ‘the virus’ was deemed a highly effective means of executing a politics of fear. This is the formula used by the capitalist order now that the economy no longer enables a meaningful, more or less equitable social contract.

Can we say that in the West, people live in democracy? Are they not rather subjected to the totalitarianism of the ruling classes?

Even in the golden decades of class compromise after World War II democracy was closely guarded by shadow structures such as the ‘Gladio’ underground army. In the 1970s this NATO structure resorted to terror acts to prevent the Left from effecting serious political economic change. The parliamentary system has now been further weakened by further scaling back the role of the media as a public watchdog, due to concentration of ownership in the hands of the oligarchy, with newspapers a plaything for billionaires, say, The Washington Post for Jeff Bezos, or Le Monde for Xavier Niel. The jailing of Julian Assange serves as a reminder to mainstream journalists that any revelations about the misdeeds of the Western war machine will be the end of your career and possibly even your life. The ruling class of billionaires’ rules with the help of an auxiliary middle-class cadre, jointly exploring the possibilities of the IT revolution to freeze the social order into perennial submission.

In your opinion, doesn’t the European Union need to get rid of the US hegemony?

The EU was an aspect of the restructuring of post-war Europe to complement the new mass production economy developed in the United States and consolidate the bourgeois regime to ward off Soviet-style communism in countries like France of Italy. With the Treaties of Maastricht and Lisbon at the turn of the millennium the EU has given up the degree of autonomy it enjoyed in the previous period. This means that it has effectively become an appendage of NATO and also adopted neoliberal, speculative capitalism. The intimate ties with the US on both dimensions prevent any emancipation from US tutelage. What is rather to be expected are national departures from the NATO-EU yoke. For instance, in Germany the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) is now the largest political force in the polls, and there might also be a breakaway new progressive party formed by dissident Left Party leader Sarah Wagenknecht. That might create a crisis at the heart of US empire in Europe.

What is your analysis of the conflict in Ukraine?

It is a conflict forced on Russia by NATO, which was never a defensive organisation but first a structure essentially aimed containing progressive developments, before in the 1970s it turned towards aggressive power politics which contributed to the collapse of the Soviet bloc. As the military arm of US imperialism in Europe, NATO then was used to accelerate the dissolution of Yugoslavia and one by one integrate the former Warsaw Pact countries and even former Soviet republics such as the Baltic states. With Georgia and Ukraine, this crossed Russian red lines and led to war. NATO’s mission was always (from the original British perspective of the first Secretary-General), ‘keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down’ and the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines by the US is a reminder that this still holds. Moscow responded to NATO’s Ukraine operation initially clumsily but more and more methodically albeit much less powerfully than expected. Russia is handicapped by the post-1991 formation of an off-shore oligarchy skimming off the country’s riches and weakening its national economy and military might. The legacy of the present conflict now that Ukraine and NATO are losing nevertheless, may well be the creation of phantom terror networks migrating to new hotspots in the way al-Qaeda/ISIS did across the Middle East and Africa as imperialist proxies, this time composed of Ukro-fascists.

The European Parliament is shaken by a series of scandals such as Marocgate and Qatargate, with a vice-president and MEPs in detention under electronic bracelet after having been in prison. Can we say that the capitalist system only produces a degenerate and corrupt political class, such as the former French president Sarkozy who has just been sentenced to prison? How did we get here?

The capitalist social order has passed its sell-by date and all kinds of corruption, in the broadest sense of decay and rot, are in evidence. The shift from a productive economy to a speculative one has also changed the nature of the ruling class, replacing its long-term perspective by predatory behaviour. The BRICS can surpass the G7 West because although they too have adopted capitalist economies, their states still retain a measure of sovereignty and a capacity for direction. Far worse than the degeneration of the Western ruling class however is the social decay, in which society loses its ability to come up with well-thought-out alternatives and bring forth alternative elites in the sense of the rise of self-conscious labour and socialist elites that were on the ascendant around the turn of the twentieth century.

In your opinion, why has the press in the West abandoned its role of informing the people and just misinforms them, serving the interests of the 1% oligarchy that runs the world?

Because the oligarchy owns the media and journalists work for it, as noted already. There has emerged an alternative social media with a growing reach, but the EU for instance is preparing legislation to shut them down in case of dissident opinions being disseminated (separate countries around the world are doing the same). The censorship by the large IT companies is already a fact of life, but technical ways of getting round it will require renewed repression—just as people will have to realise that the keyboard cannot be the final battleground for defeating a corrupt order.

Every time voices in the West contest capitalism or imperialism and certain occult circles that run the world, they are called conspiracy theorists. Are we not living in a fascist era in the West at the moment?

I would rather see it as a phase of transition, possibly to a new fascism but possibly otherwise. Gramsci in Italy and Franz Neumann (German social democrat also witness to the rise of fascism) spoke of ‘corruption/fraud’ and ‘fascisation’, respectively. This is the phase where the ruling class does not yet dare attack the population head-on, but is exploring the possibilities for repression by picking out individuals like Assange and see how public opinion reacts. Of course, ‘Covid’ was a bolder stroke already, but it had to be called off because a large segment of society resisted, sometimes helped (as in the US) by the federal system and for instance, the fact that judges are elected. The conspiracy theory label was suggested by the CIA to US media after the Warren Report confirmed the untenable thesis that president Kennedy had been shot by a lone gunman. Henceforth the term was used far more often in the mainstream media and now has become the standard label for dissident opinion.

My country, Algeria, is the permanent target of neo-colonialist and imperialist circles. By what right, in your opinion, do neo-colonialist and imperialist foreign powers interfere unscrupulously in the internal affairs of my country?

Of course, Algeria’s raw material resources have all along attracted outside powers trying to get control over them, beginning with the original colonization by France. But the complex history of the country, its bitter fight for independence and splendid role as a beacon for Third World autonomy and economic sovereignty (the New International Economic Order movement, for all its shortcomings) also led to internal divisions that allowed renewed accommodation with the former colonial power. Algeria of course was also the victim of phantom terror networks in the past, in this case the GIA and its sponsors in the country itself and in France.

You have written another excellent book: « The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class« . Isn’t this class with its tentacles and networks that you talk about in this book a danger to world peace?

That is true. That book also documents that in the original EU member states, the ‘Atlantic’ fraction in the ruling class was dependent on US direction to support a common Atlantic stance (mostly under Democratic presidents presiding over an economic upswing). When the US retreated, a more inward-looking, sometimes reactionary fraction in Europe returned to power, with the EU in its various formats among the results. However, after Reagan and the switch to financial and later, speculative capitalism, this specific constraint has dissolved and we now look at straightforward EU vassalage whilst the US is decaying into drugs use, mass poverty and social anomy (as is Europe with only a slight delay). There is no longer a ‘Europe’ that can break free from Atlantic tutelage, only separate countries can, with Germany and/or France the main candidates: the role of Meloni in Italy is best understood as an Atlanticist counterstroke against Macron’s timid departures in the direction of ‘strategic autonomy’.

Is it not time to dissolve the criminal NATO organisation?

NATO will probably dissolve along with the EU/Eurozone in the aftermath of the Ukraine adventure. But as the imperialist ideologue, the late Z. Brzezinski, predicted, the decline of American hegemony will not be followed by a Chinese hegemony but more likely by 1930s-style chaos.

How can we organise a global resistance to the criminal capitalist system and the devastating imperialism that has ravaged entire countries? Are you optimistic about the future?

In the last phase of the Soviet era Warsaw Pact war games in all cases ended in nuclear combat in Europe. If the fighting in Ukraine is not contained and a truce installed, I am very pessimistic because those in government in the West have reached a stage of mental incapacity that is frightening in light of the risks. Generally, in a crisis there is little reason for optimism. But as Gramsci wrote, against the pessimism of the intellect there must be mobilised the optimism of the will. As long as conscientious, humanistic and progressive people keep their spirits up, we are not lost. The new possibilities of the Internet and the alternative news channels that have sprung up, can be compared to the invention of book printing at the end of the Middle Ages and have great democratic potential. That potential for resistance will never be global, but always be composed of local developments linking up with others. In Europe for instance, all democratic movements have their focal point in France, which is the beating heart of European democracy. ... -dissolve/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sun Jun 04, 2023 12:39 pm

war nationalism
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/04/2023


Completely ignored during the almost eight years that elapsed between the start of the protests against the change of government in Kiev in February 2014 and the Russian invasion of February 2022, the population of Crimea and Donbass have returned in recent months to being used as argument to justify the Ukrainian maximalist position. Of course, as in recent years, appealing to the identity of this population does not respond to seeking reconciliation or guaranteeing respect for their rights, but to the Ukrainian will to impose its law, its culture and, above all, his will above all else, especially above that population whose disloyalty he is not willing to forgive.

Time, legislative action and Ukraine's intentions have proved right those who began to demonstrate in certain Russian-speaking areas of the country, especially in Crimea, alleging the threat posed by the new government, which sought to impose a nationalist agenda and eliminate , for example, the Russian language of public space. Analyzing the facts from the present and seeing a direct line between the Kremlin's action in Crimea in March 2014 and the military intervention of February 2022, the pro-Ukrainian narrative now justifies censorship, self-censorship and the obvious attempt to eliminate language and culture. Russia from Ukraine as a reaction to external aggression.

The strength of the social protest, which resulted in the protest of thousands of people in the streets of the large cities of the southeast carrying Russian flags - with some exceptions, with a more cultural than political objective, there was not yet, not even in Donbass, a clear general demand for adherence to Russia - and Vladimir Putin's explicit threat to defend the Russian population forced Oleksiy Turchinov, acting president, to veto the project. The bill, then already defended by the establishment Politically, it was an old demand of the extreme nationalist right in western Ukraine, mainly from Svoboda, which had made this speech its raison d'être. The party, which had provided the muscle and shock forces that made the Maidan triumph possible, even became part of the first Yatseniuk government. Svoboda, even before the dignity revolution considered an ultra-nationalist and ideological heir to groups that collaborated with Nazi Germany in World War II, he was eliminated from the Government in its first reconfiguration. However, by then, the rest of the parties had already assumed the main points of his argument: the belligerence towards the Russian-speaking population of the southeast, the strategy of confrontation with Russia, the rewriting of history to demonize the Soviet past and the imposition of the nationalist precepts previously linked only to a minority mainly in the west of the country as a national project.

Ukraine has never ceased in its efforts to take legislative steps to correct the road traveled since independence and, as the social masses that could have acted as opposition lost the parties that represented those tendencies and demobilized before the nationalist tide that marked the beginning of the war in Donbass, the work began to be simpler. In these years, Ukraine has not only progressively approved bills that seek the progressive elimination of the Russian language - vehicular in a large part of the country, the mother tongue of the majority in the southeast and practically the only language of the population in Crimea - in education , but rather moved towards its complete removal from public space. Unthinkable just nine years ago, it did so before Russian troops crossed the Ukrainian and cultural establishment .

“If the people of the southeast and Crimea want to speak Russian, let them. Leave them alone”, said a young but already well-known actor named Volodymyr Zelensky, looking directly at the camera on a set of one of the main Ukrainian television channels. During the election campaign against an opponent, Petro Poroshenko, who had made "Faith, Army, Ukrainian Language" his slogan, candidate Zelensky promised to correct the nationalist excesses of his predecessor specifically on the linguistic side. President Zelensky, however, not only did not repeal, as he had implied, the law on the use of the language of Poroshenko's time, but rather deepened it.

If the war in Donbass, which was already presented as a war against Moscow, notably facilitated the nationalist excesses that in Yushchenko's time had been impossible, the war with Russia has eliminated all opposition and has given international legitimacy and justification to all kinds of actions. , from the elimination of the Russian language to the banning of Russian literature and cultural products or the destruction of thousands of books and their removal from libraries. And if the false news of the destruction of Ukrainian books in Luhansk caused accusations of “cultural genocide” among the Western community of experts, the images of the destruction of thousands of Soviet-era books in Kiev have not brought Ukraine any criticism. It's more,

The current Russian position towards Ukraine has to be seen from a critical point of view, but always in the context of the current situation, in which Kiev accuses its opponent, who is not in a position to eliminate Ukrainian culture, of doing the that he has been doing for years from power and impunity that has given him international support for having consolidated the idea of ​​fighting against Moscow. In the first months of the Russian invasion, Oleksiy Danilov, Chairman of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, one of the country's key institutions, claimed that it was necessary to remove the Russian language from the country. His words were nothing more than the verbal representation of the legislative steps that Ukraine has taken progressively in the last nine years and always without taking into account the opinion of the population,

In recent months, Mikhailo Podolyak, one of the key advisors to the Office of the President, Ukraine's de facto government , has insisted on the need to ban Russian media and cultural products from the Crimean peninsula once it is liberated . This week, Danilov delved into his speech attacking "those who believe they have the right to speak Russian Not only on the internet or on TV, but in politics and in Ukraine.” Danilov, who on Friday also insisted that the door to a possible negotiation with Russia is closed -after all, Zelensky prohibited by decree from negotiating with Vladimir Putin-, also stated that "all the pro-Russian bastards, who in 30 years have violated and betrayed the country, have been and will be uprooted and expelled everywhere like toxic garbage from Moscow.” The war has given the possibility of publicly verbalizing what remained latent until a few years ago. And the arrogance given by the impunity with which Ukraine currently acts in national and international politics allows us to recover the discourse of the first hours of the Maidan regime. At that time, The fear of a part of the population of the nationalist agenda of the new government was blamed on the Kremlin's propaganda. Now, it is not only Russian propaganda that post-Maidan Ukraine intends to impose the nationalist discourse as national, but even the very existence of the Russian-speaking population in the country. This month, the Center for Countering Disinformation, which falls under the auspices of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, released a video with the aim of conveying the message that the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine does not exist. Everything is Russian narrative, so the idea of ​​the “unity of the Ukrainian people” can be used as an argument to justify the bet on war to the end.

Google Translator


What is Ukraine doing in the town of Shebekino, Belgorod oblast and what consequences may we expect?
Uncategorized June 2, 2023 8 Minutes

Possible evolution of the conflict to total destruction of Kharkov and annihilation of the Kiev regime

Allow me to draw the attention of readers to the ongoing Ukrainian artillery attack on the border city of Shebekino in the RF oblast of Belgorod. This is not the sporadic shelling that the city of Donetsk has undergone over the course of years from fortified positions of the Ukrainian army that were put in place since 2014. No, it is an assault measured in hundreds of artillery shells during the past 24 hours as well as attempted armed incursions of Ukrainian fighters across the border. Several hundred residences and apartment buildings in Shebekino have been damaged or destroyed in the past several days.

Children have now been evacuated to further points in the oblast and in neighboring Voronezh oblast if not further still, where they are being put up in summer camp facilities. Adults are now being moved out as well from the entire border region of which the town of Shebekino, with its population of 39,000 is a part. Those who can are leaving in their own vehicles. Others are being moved by emergency workers.

The intensity of the attack on Shebekino is made possible by its proximity to the Kharkov oblast of Ukraine, which is under Kiev’s control. And that is front and center in the thinking of Russian decision makers as they consider what to do next. This is the territory that Kiev retook in its famous offensive of September 2022.

The widely watched host of Sixty Minutes, Olga Skabeyeva, this afternoon on live television called for notifying residents of Kharkov to leave their homes and not look back, because Russian forces will flatten the city and its surroundings to the ground. Meanwhile experts on the same program are repeating the call by Dmitry Medvedev yesterday for the annihilation of the “terrorist government” in Kiev.

Let there be no confusion here. The Ukrainian attack on Shebekino, a purely civilian town with no military value whatsoever, IS the long awaited Ukrainian “counter offensive.” It is the action of a spent military force which cannot engage the Russian armed forces on the field of battle. Evidence on Russian television suggests that day by day their advance west from newly conquered Bakhmut/Artyomovsk is proceeding relentlessly. The entire line in Donbas is pushing back the Ukrainian forces, which have not brought into play their much touted Western tanks and other top supplies, since they would be destroyed for lack of air cover and for lack of the munitions that the Russians have been systematically eliminating through missile strikes on weapons caches over the past several weeks.

Meanwhile, the Russian Talking Heads are paying close attention to President Biden’s fall on the podium yesterday during an awards event. They find it utterly shocking that this senile creature called Joe holds the fate of the world in his unsteady hands.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023 ... we-expect/


From Cassad's Telegram Account:



Since the morning, Ukrainian formations have been shelling the border areas of the Belgorod region .

In the Shebekinsky urban district , residential buildings and a roadbed in Novaya Tavolzhanka and Bezlyudovka were hit : two women died, two more people were injured by shrapnel.

In the Volokonovsky district, shell fragments shattered windows in three private residential households, and also damaged a gas pipeline and a power line on the outskirts of the village of Tishanka .

Over the course of yesterday, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired on civilian objects at 18settlements of the region: five civilians were killed, another 16 were injured of varying severity.


forwarded from
Voenkor Kitten Z
Military expert Boris Rozhin on the situation in the zone of the Special Military Operation of the RF Armed Forces at 15.50 Moscow time on June 03, 2023, specially for the channel Voenkor Kotenok Z @voenkorKotenok : "Encirclement of Artemovsk", taking up the stabilization of the front, which was formed by the end of the battle. The enemy is fortifying the Rai-Aleksandrovka - Chasov Yar - Konstantinovka line, and is also reinforcing the Red garrison, expecting imminent attacks by the RF Armed Forces after the completion of the rotation of forces in Artemovsk by June 5. So far, local battles are going on at the front to the northwest and southwest of Artemovsk. There is no decisive assault on Khromovo yet.
On both sides, there are processes of rotation and replenishment of available forces.

In the Donetsk direction, the RF Armed Forces have some tactical advances north of Avdiivka and in Maryinka.
Probably, they will try to put the squeeze on Marinka in the next month.
As for Avdiivka, the enemy is not yet allowing the offensive to be developed west of Krasnogorovka, making it difficult for our troops to advance in the direction of Orlovka. A direct assault on Avdiivka still seems rather dubious.

Positional battles continue in the Ugledar direction. The enemy periodically probes the front line of our troops, retaining opportunities for more ambitious attacks in the direction of Pavlovka and Nikolsky.
After the unsuccessful assault on Ugledar in February-March 2023, the RF Armed Forces switched to defensive operations here.

No changes in Zaporozhye. Positional battles + mutual strikes in depth against various military targets.
Our troops regularly process the right bank of the Dnieper in order to make it difficult for the enemy to carry out activities related to the preparation of landings on the left bank - they mainly hit targets in Kherson and Berislav.

On the Svatovsky and Kupyansky directions, our troops now have the initiative, advancing in the forest area west of Kremennaya and fighting in the Makeevka and Nikolsky areas west of the Svatovo-Kremennaya road.
The enemy practically curtailed his attempts to break through to Krasnopopovka.
In the Kupyansk area, our troops are fighting near Dvurechnaya and Sinkovka.
Statements about the presence of our troops 1.5 km from the outskirts of Kupyansk are somewhat ahead of events. To reach the outskirts of Kupyansk, it is necessary to completely clear Sinkov and the forest area located to the west of it.

On the border with the Belgorod region, the enemy continues shelling and various demonstration activities without a serious increase in the load on the operation, which is obviously of an information and psychological nature.
To reduce the intensity of shelling of the region, it is certainly necessary to occupy the northern regions of the Kharkov and Sumy regions, but, of course, not to the detriment of the main directions.




Ukrainian formations continue to fire on civilian targets on the left bank of the Kherson region .

Over the course of yesterday, the enemy fired more than 70 shells at nine settlements in the region.

In the village of Kostogryzovo , one of the ammunition fell near the roadway: the head of the local administration, Yuri Patlaty , received incompatible injuries .


forwarded from
south tower
“We [the US] told the Russians in 1991 and 1992, repeatedly and in writing, although we didn’t sign a treaty, that if they withdraw the 400,000 group from Germany and allow it to unite, then NATO will not move an inch to the East. Since

then we went to 14 countries in the East. Moreover, we placed AEGIS systems, with the option of nuclear missiles in Romania and Poland. Right on the border of Russia. Bill Burns, then ambassador to Russia, and now director of the CIA, wrote at one time in his famous memo: "If you [NATO] enter Ukraine, you will cross a red line that cannot be crossed." All actions of US foreign policy pushed Russia to aggression" - Senator Robert Kennedy




Ukrainian formations continue to carry out artillery strikes on the Shebekinsky urban district in the Belgorod region .

In Shebekino, the territory of the market, as well as residential buildings and a granary, came under fire: a fire broke out at the place of arrival.

In the village of Murom , a residential building was damaged, and in Novaya Tavolzhanka , the roof of a high-rise building, the House of Culture and the central square were damaged.

Earlier, air defense systems worked in Belgorod : the consequences on the ground are being specified.

According to the latest information, civilians were not injured. Emergency services are on the scene.


forwarded from
Vladimir Orlov

I may surprise someone, but the planners sitting at the Fort Breg air base actually set such a task for the Ukrainian soldiers from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Actually, for this, so that various correspondents filming the war show fear, horror and shelling of peaceful cities, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shoot at these cities, and various rabble from various volunteer formations arrange theatrical visits to Russian territory. Or do you think that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have nowhere else to spend ammunition? No, the Americans need the hands of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to form the information agenda they need, which, in fact, all our doctors do an excellent job of. The usual three-way from the Americans. All their intentions are visible, as they are sewn with white threads. It's strange that the admin panel will not understand this in any way...


According to the "Archangel of Special Forces", in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bNovaya Tavolzhanka on the border with Ukraine, the enemy's DRG was destroyed. The enemy continues to carry out harassing actions on the border, seeking to shift the informational focus here from the main directions where he plans to bring operational reserves into battle. Today's reconnaissance in force in the area of ​​the Vremievsky ledge also fits into this picture, coupled with recent attempts to probe the front near Orekhov and Gulyaipol.


🇵🇱🇺🇦Polish Volunteer Corps: Cannon fodder for sabotage

The Polish Volunteer Corps (Polski Korpus Ochotniczy, PKK), which has been talked about again in telegram channels, is a rather amusing phenomenon. Formally, it is a unit that has been formed since February of this year from Polish volunteers who are fighting on the side of Ukraine.

In fact , the MPC is another product of the propaganda machine, which rivets the corps and separatists like a blueprint.

🔻The Poles from the PKK attribute to themselves the legacy of the "Death Squadron Hussars" - a detachment created by Lieutenant Jozef Sila-Nowicki in 1920. They quickly gained fame as merciless warriors, but the reputation of swift and dangerous suicide bombers who "never take prisoners" was far from the truth . But they really were killers.

🔻Using historical references, the mercenaries are trying to give their "mission" some kind of continuity, again - in the image and likeness of the mass of other similar units, among the most media-active one can mention the Belarusian Kalinovsky Detachment .

🔻Like all fashionable mercenary units, the PDC has both a telegram channel and friendly media that do not hesitate to publish phone numbers to call if you want to disappear in the name of Ukropol.

🔻The common task of all national corps is to engage in "reconnaissance and sabotage." The MPK is allegedly organized by "an unnamed Polish citizen" who "has been at war with Russia since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine."

Why this sudden hype is understandable: the lack of cannon fodder for the MPC and the need to justify their own existence at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine makes them act as loudly as possible. Other sabotage groups organized according to the same semblance (like some separatist organizations) have the same tasks - RDK and BDK . There is also talk of setting up an American division.

📌However, shaking their weapons, threatening Russian soldiers, the Poles repeat their age-old mistake : by taking upon themselves the succession of the “Hussar of the death squadron”, they forget history. The detachment “protected” the Poles from the Bolsheviks for no more than a couple of years, after which it was defeated: the surviving members fled in all directions, and Sila-Novitsky completely fled, hiding like the last coward and drank himself.


Google Translator

This is the grand Ukrainian 'counter-offensive'?Some say an attempt to get Russia to re-deploy troops from other sections of the front but Russia has a hell of a lot more soldiers than that.


The Ukrainian Military Is In Bad Shape

Erik Kramer and Paul Schneider are two former U.S. special operations soldiers who have been in Ukraine since 2022 to train Ukrainian troops.

At War on the Rocks they paint a dark picture of the state of the Ukrainian military. Their intent is to get money for more training, thus the real picture may be less dark than they describe. But even if one takes that into account it is still a sad state for an army that has been at war for more than a year. Some excerpts:

Based on our nine months of training with all services of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, to include the Ground Forces (Army), Border Guard Service, National Guard, Naval Infantry (Marines), Special Operations Forces, and Territorial Defense Forces, we have observed a series of common trends: lack of mission command, effective training, and combined arms operations; ad hoc logistics and maintenance; and improper use of special operations forces. These trends have undermined Ukraine’s resistance and could hinder the success of the ongoing offensive.

What ongoing offensive?

Under mission command, the German Auftragstaktik, the leader disseminates his intent ("to attack through the northern woods to take town x") and authority to subunits that is passed down with the mission to empower subordinates at all levels. Each subunits can make its plans to coordinate and execute the mission as best as possible. The contrast is an order command where every detail of execution is ordered from the top down. Both have advantages but to have a mixed system, as Ukraine currently has, is the worst of all places.

In our experience, across many units and staffs, the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not promote personal initiative and foster mutual trust or mission command. As Michael Kofman and Rob Lee recently discussed on the Russia Contingency podcast, elements of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have an old Soviet mentality that holds most decision-making at more senior levels. Amongst military leaders at the brigade level and below, our impression is that junior officers fear making mistakes.

But to use mission command down to the lower levels of a Platoon one needs noncommissioned officers (sergeants) to run the show. Those the Ukrainian military had are by now probably dead:

Having trained every component of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, we have continually seen a lack of an experienced noncommissioned officer corps. It is common to see field grade officers running around during training counting personnel and coordinating for meals. In the United States, it takes years to develop just a junior noncommissioned officer.

The next big lack is combined arms training and use. Tanks protect the infantry, the infantry protects the tanks, the artillery covers the battlefield to allow tanks and infantry to maneuver, command takes care that all three coordinate their actions.

The armor/infantry relationship is supposed to be symbiotic, but it is not. The result is that infantry will conduct frontal assaults or operate in urban areas without the protection and firepower of tanks. Also, artillery fires are not synchronized with maneuver. Most units do not talk directly to supporting artillery, so there is a delay in call for fire missions. We have been told that units will use runners to send fire missions to artillery batteries because of issues with communications.

Most of the military’s operations are not phased and are sequential. Fires and maneuver, for example, are planned separately from infantry units — and infantry units plan separately from supporting artillery. This mentality also carries over to adjacent unit coordination, which is either nonexistent or rare and causes high rates of fratricide. Unit commanders have concerns about collaborators and thus are hesitant to pass on critical information that can be used against them to sister units.

These issues are compounded by unreliable communications between units and with senior leadership. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have a hodgepodge of radios that are vulnerable to jamming. Further, battalion missions are mainly independent company operations that do not focus on a main effort coupled with supporting efforts. The armed forces do not combine effects, so operations are piecemeal and disjointed. The separate missions are not supporting each other, nor are the missions of lower level units “nested” under a higher level mission. Sustainment is not synchronized with operations, either.

Due to the wild mix of weapons and for lack of trained mechanics logistics and the maintenance of equipment are a mess.

This lack of coordinated maintenance and logistics also translates into medical care. Medical evacuation and care are haphazard. Experienced Ukrainian combat medics have repeatedly stated that many of the evacuees would have survived it they had reached definitive care in a timely manner. The Ukrainian Armed Forces can solve this issue with a systematic logistics process.

Ukrainian special forces are mostly used as infantry even as they should be used for more demanding missions. There also are gimmick missions:

Ukraine special forces units comprised of international volunteers shop around their services to conventional unit commanders without a mission being tied to a strategic or operational goal. One example of a mission was a conventional brigade commander who had reported to his command that he had occupied a village taken from the Russians. When he realized that the information he had was mistaken and they had stopped short, he asked the international special operations forces unit to go into the occupied village and take a picture of a Ukrainian flag placed on top of a building in the center of the village.

A suicide mission to hide the commanders false reporting ...

The authors claim that most of the above problems could be fixed by more 'western' training which they are more than willing to sell. However, what has become of the last armies 'western' forces have trained in Iraq and Afghanistan? Both fell apart. An army must reflect the local society and culture. It can not be formed top down by outside forces.

Since 2015 the Ukrainian army has been build up and trained by U.S. and British forces. What the WotR authors describe is the result of that.

Posted by b on June 3, 2023 at 17:01 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more



Class and nation in the conflict in Ukraine
Originally published: Al Mayadeen on June 2, 2023 by Dmitri Kovalevich (more by Al Mayadeen) | (Posted Jun 03, 2023)

Every military conflict these days has a class component; the soldiers directly involved in hostilities are usually drawn or conscripted from poorer social classes. The current conflict in Ukraine is no exception to this.

There are also differences in approaches between Ukraine and Russia to military staffing and individual freedom from military service. This difference is primarily due to the difference in the economic potential and human resources of the two countries.

This past Sunday in a village in the Kiev region, I saw about 100 conscripted young men gathered on the grounds of a kindergarten. Some were already in the uniform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, some were still in civilian clothes. A pack of cigarettes was enough to get them talking. Soldiers rarely have cigarettes these days and ask for them from passersby.

I learned that many of the conscripts were taken from their workplaces by military conscriptors. “I was working at the Epicenter hypermarket,” one man told me. “Two military men came in with the police, and the senior manager then pointed out a few people. They were taken, including me,” His other colleagues turned out to be construction workers, marketplaces sellers, and workers at a local furniture factory.

In Ukraine, the conscription of men between the ages of 18 and 60 has been in full swing since last year. Since February 24, 2022, all Ukrainian males as well as females of certain professions (military and medical personnel), have been prohibited from leaving the country. The only exceptions are employees of Western NGOs, some IT specialists, and critical infrastructure workers who cannot be replaced by women. Men who do not want to fight either hide or cross the Ukraine border illegally at night. Even those previously recognized as restricted from military service, for example, due to handicap, are being subject to conscription.

There are various corrupt schemes for helping men to escape to EU countries or to obtain forged papers. The rates for such services vary from 5,000 to 12,000 euros (one euro equals US$1.09). Ukraine is the poorest country on the European continent; only its wealthy citizens can pay such money. Consequently, the trenches at the military fronts are filled with inhabitants of the poorer regions of Ukraine.

Farmers are particularly valued for military service in Ukraine because of their experience in operating tractors and agricultural machinery. They can be more easily trained to operate tanks and other military vehicles.

If a Ukrainian can afford to pay $5,000 every six months, he can simply buy a deferment each time and go on with his usual life. Medical boards check his health condition and decide if the man is eligible for military service. Having a treatable disease gets six months of deferment.

Travel outside of the country is allowed for several categories of residents of Ukraine, including those who work for Western NGOs, those working on collecting financial donations abroad for the Ukrainian army, and fathers of at least three underage children. Forged papers for such categories are bought; especially valuable are those bought from those working for Western NGOs.

The other day in Odessa, the head of the military registration and enlistment office, Yevgeny Borisov, was detained. He is accused of corruption by the State Bureau of Investigation for giving instructions to subordinates not to touch certain people, ie those who had paid bribes to avoid military service. Earlier, regional media reported that Borisov owned a car worth $250,000, imported to Ukraine under the guise of humanitarian aid and that his retired mother has purchased a residential property worth more than $3 million in the Spanish resort town of Marbella. She purchased the property last December. In fact, many Ukrainian military commissars are becoming like landlords, collecting tribute from enslaved Ukrainian men.

Many wealthy Ukrainian celebrities, including famous actors and singers, regularly pose for photos in military uniforms, but we hardly ever hear of such people being injured or killed. Rather than directly serve, most of them are assigned to raise funds and other aid to the AFU, where their status is more useful. Thus we see that having a high social status as well as high income earned from theatre performance, musical recordings and music concerts more or less automatically exempts a person from being drafted into the army. Some celebrities have also been able to illegally evacuate their children from Ukraine by paying large sums of money. For example, the grandson of People’s Artist of Ukraine Sofia Rotaru was detained last year while trying to cross the Dniester River by boat to Moldova. Despite being detained, the grandson still managed to end up in France, having found a different way to escape Ukraine.

Full-time students are also exempt from conscription, as are students of European universities. In Ukraine, however, only the middle and upper classes can now afford to send a son or daughter to university.

One of the most de-motivating factors against service in the Ukrainian Armed Forces that is becoming more and more visible has been the spread of cemeteries in the country. Long rows of standardized graves of fallen AFU stretch out. Videos of these graves and cemeteries are going viral, discouraging the enthusiasm of potential Ukrainian servicemen. Although both sides in the conflict guard their casualty numbers as classified information, the Russian army is using five times as many shells every day, according to the secretary general of NATO. This obviously affects the corresponding casualty rate of the AFU. Just recently, at the end of April, the Kiev city council decided to set aside 100 hectares for a new military cemetery in the city in which 50,000 people could be buried, not counting the columbarium (a structure used in cemeteries to store and often display urns containing cremated remains, typically a wall). This will add to the already-overcrowded military cemeteries.

In Russia, meanwhile, according to Russian comrades and to Ukrainians traveling there to whom I have spoken, the situation for ordinary citizens is almost unchanged. In Moscow or Novosibirsk, there is no indication that Russian soldiers are fighting somewhere. In a large country, this effect is blurred rather than concentrated as in Ukraine. Last year, Russia announced partial conscription, after which thousands of Russian men left for neighboring countries (Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan) and did so quite legally and freely. Many of them remain there today. Most of them were from the middle classes in Moscow and St. Petersburg –IT specialists, media workers, some small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.

Pavel Pryanikov, a Russian opposition journalist and critic of the current Russian government, argues in his blog ‘The Tolkovatel’ that the main fear of Russians’ is not the military situation in Ukraine but the possibility of a return to the years of the economic collapse of the 1990s. Pryanikov writes, “All sociological studies and general observations show that the main fear of Russians is not the country’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine but the fear of a return to the empty shelves of the late Soviet Union. They fear total impoverishment and, in general, a return to the terrible 1990s.” He stresses that Russians intuitively sense the likelihood of a return to that terrible, neoliberal period of economic collapse should they lose in the current conflict in Ukraine.

The Russian military presence in Ukraine is dominated by people from the poorer regions of the Russian Federation – the republics of the North Caucasus, the Far East, and Transbaikalia. In the Russian Federation, the level of average salaries varies greatly from region to region. The level of salaries paid to contracted or conscripted soldiers in the conflict in Ukraine is much higher than the salaries they would earn in their own regions. The high income earned by the Russian Federation from the export and sale of its natural resources covers military expenditure by the government. This is not the case in Ukraine.

The minimum, monthly salary of an ordinary Russian soldier serving in the military zone is about 200,000 rubles (2,375 euros, or US$2,600). There are additional bonuses available for those with specialized military skills. This is several times higher than the salary of a Russian soldier posted to Siberia or elsewhere in the Russian Far East. In other words, the Russian Federation relies more on financial motivation of its servicemen rather than coercion, although, as in Ukraine, poor people are more likely to end up at the warfront.

By comparison, in Ukraine, a conscripted private is entitled to 20,000 hryvnias (about 500 euros). On February 1, salaries were cut by 30 percent at the request of the IMF, as one means to fight the country’s budget deficit. The pay cuts caused discontent among many Ukrainian servicemen. Ukrainian General Mikhailo Zabrodsky says in a recent interview that there is simply no room for additional funds to permit a return of salaries to their previous levels.

NATO countries, primarily the U.S., regularly allocate billions of dollars to Ukraine for military needs. These funds maintain the Ukrainian army and state. A significant part of the funds allocated by the U.S. under the description “aid to Ukraine” does not actually leave the U.S. at all. It is serving to replenish the U.S.’ own arsenals from what is supplied to Ukraine and to maintain and build the facilities of the U.S. military-industrial complex. In other words, it can hardly be considered to be aid to Ukraine.

As shown by their online comments, many Russian servicemen are convinced they are fighting a proxy war against NATO and in favour of a multipolar world. They believe that when Ukraine’s forces are exhausted, NATO will throw in soldiers from Poland, Romania and other countries of eastern Europe. Russian servicemen more often perceive their actions in Ukraine as a regular job. They don’t voice bitterness, but neither do they express much enthusiasm.

A minority of Ukrainian armed forces personnel–holding ultranationalist views– believe they are fighting to defend Europe from Asian hordes coming from Russia. But ordinary soldiers tend to view the military hostilities as a kind of fate – they were unlucky and did not have time to hide, but fate can still help them survive if they are lucky enough to find a basement to hide somewhere on the front line.

I am sure that after the cessation of hostilities, the ordinary masses of Ukrainian soldiers (not the ultranationalists) will quickly and easily find common ground again with their Russian compatriots in struggling for a better country and better world. This will not even require a long period to heal moral wounds. ... n-ukraine/


Briefly about Ukraine. 06/04/2023
June 4, 14:24


Briefly about Ukraine. 06/04/2023

According to enemy attacks in the area of ​​the Vremievsky ledge.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have been carrying out reconnaissance in force in the Zaporozhye direction since 12:00 today.
The attack is proceeding in the area of ​​the Vremievsky ledge with forces up to a motorized infantry company in the zone of action of our 5th Army.
Attack areas - Neskuchnoe-Makarovka and Novopol-Priyutnoe.

By 2 pm, the enemy was able to advance up to 200 meters in the Novodarovka-Priyutnoye sector. On the Levadnoye-Priyutnoye and Neskuchnoye-Makarovka sections, he had no success.
In all sectors, the enemy acted with the forces of company-tactical groups with the support of tanks. During the attack, the enemy lost 2 tanks (affected by ATGM crews) and a certain number of killed and wounded.

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On the capture of Novomlynsk.


Regarding the reports about the liberation of Novomlynsk village by the Russian troops, there are currently no photo/video verifications of these statements.
The main battles to the north-west of Kupyansk are taking place in the area of ​​Dvurechnaya and Sinkovka. The enemy failed to return the positions lost by the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Masyutovka.
Information about the location of our troops 1.5 km from the outskirts of Kupyansk is also ahead of events - a real advance to the northwestern outskirts of Kupyansk will be possible with the liberation of Sinkovka and Petropavlovka, as well as the forest area west of Sinkovka.

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According to the attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Artemovsk region


The area of ​​activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the south-west of Artemovsk in the garden partnership to the south-west of the "Airplane". Actually, it is precisely her command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that gives out for holding positions in Artemovsk. The activity of small groups of infantry comes from the side of Red.

After the completion of the rotation in Artemovsk, the units of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the RG will have the task of pushing the enemy back from the city limits and taking Khromovo and Krasnoye. - online broadcast of hostilities in Ukraine continues in telegram - if you are interested, subscribe

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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