Russia today

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Wed May 27, 2020 1:41 pm

The State Duma is ready to reduce the moratorium on fines for late payment of housing and communal services
"Servants of the people" in the service of capital

At a meeting of the Committee on Energy, the State Duma deputy announced that lawmakers are supporting the reduction of the moratorium on levying fines and cutting utility bills to non-payers for housing and communal services, TASS reports . The reason for such measures is the emerging conflict between generating, network and resource-supplying companies and consumers.


Payable Debt Email

"According to the deputy, the terms of the decision can be reduced to the 1st day of the month following the month in which the non-working days set by the regulatory legal act of the President of the Russian Federation expire ," TASS quoted his interlocutor from the State Duma.

The President announced that since May 12 a single non-working day period has been completed for all industries. Accordingly, the moratorium on the prohibition of charging fines for utilities may end already on June 1 .

According to the explanations of the Ministry of Construction, this moratorium applies only to consumers who cannot pay for housing and communal services remotely. To do this, they must enter into an installment contract with a utility provider. The grace period has so far been determined until January 1 of next year.

The Council of Energy Producers (EIT) believes that a decrease in collection in the housing and communal services will not only increase debt in the housing and utilities sector, but also negatively affect the economy of the country as a whole, related industries will suffer, and there will be a threat of lower tax revenues.

The owners of many “generating”, “network” and “resource-supplying” companies, which had broken up (and continue to break) during bourgeois “reforms” of the once unified energy system, are ready to join in the struggle for floating profit. After all, they are so “effective owners” that they cannot survive even a temporary decrease in collection of payments.

And here legislators come to their aid. Having taken care of the “brewing conflict”, they are ready to cancel, even on duty talk about supporting the economy, even the most ridiculous benefits for the constantly impoverished people, whose “servants” they call themselves. Well, in fact, ordinary people do not have such difficulties with paying for "communal" as, for example , the Russian Orthodox Church.

It doesn’t matter which party the deputy was from who voiced the readiness of the “people's representatives” to once again solve business problems at the expense of ordinary citizens. The entire state machine defends the interests of the ruling class of the big bourgeoisie today. Only by taking power from the capitalists will the working people be able to get a chance to really change their lives for the better. ... roki-mora/

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The government received the right to regulate labor relations bypassing the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
What should workers expect?

The State Duma allowed the Government of the Russian Federation to change labor relations without amending the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The corresponding bill was adopted in the third reading as part of the work on the third “anti-virus” package of laws.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The adopted law makes it possible "to establish the specifics of the legal regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them, taking into account the opinion of the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations."

We are talking about such standards as the duration of the working day, fixed-term contracts, overtime work, Deputy Oleg Shein explained at a meeting of the State Duma . Now the government will be able to correct these norms without coordination with the main labor legislation, as well as adopt resolutions directly contradicting it, which was previously not allowed at the legislative level. This provision will be valid until the end of this year.

The law was adopted by the State Duma during a flaring crisis in the economy. Many citizens have already lost their jobs ; salaries are being cut everywhere . Against this background, the opportunity given to the government to ignore the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not resemble an attempt to protect the interests of workers. On the contrary, this decision gives greater freedom of maneuver for employers in their attempts to solve their problems at the expense of employees .

The law adopted by the State Duma is commented by Oleg Babich , head of the legal department of the Confederation of Labor of Russia ( KTR ), member of the Central Committee of the ROT FRONT party :

The adopted federal law gives the Government of the Russian Federation the right to independently, albeit taking into account the opinion of the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations , establish the specifics of the legal regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them. This provision will be valid until December 31, 2020.

Initially, the draft law did not imply participation in the RTK process , but during its discussion, due to explicit disapproval from the trade unions, the Government made some concession, which expressed itself in the need for preliminary discussion of the “features” proposed for adoption within the RTK with trade unions and employers.

When the draft law was discussed in the RTK, representatives of the Russian Confederation of Labor spoke out strongly against its adoption, since it contradicts the basic principles of labor relations regulation enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, article 5 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that labor law standards contained in other federal laws must comply with this Code. In the event of a conflict between this Code and another federal law containing labor law, this Code shall apply. If a newly adopted federal law containing labor law norms is contrary to this Code, then this federal law shall apply subject to the introduction of appropriate amendments to this Code.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Article 252 determines that the specifics of the regulation of labor relations are established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law, collective agreements, agreements, local regulatory acts. Moreover, the features of labor regulation, which entail a decrease in the level of guarantees to employees, restriction of their rights, increase of their disciplinary and (or) material liability, can be established exclusively by this Code or in cases and in the manner prescribed by them.

Thus, the new law breaks the current system when the Labor Code of the Russian Federation was the central source of labor law, and any by-laws are adopted exclusively in its development and should not contradict it.

Regarding the question of the extent of the legal regulation of labor relations, which by the end of the current year may be carried out by the Government bypassing the legislative authority, it should be noted the controversy of the assertion that the new rules will allow the Government to arbitrarily change fundamental labor rights, including the right of workers to 8- hour working day. At the same time, it is possible that certain “hotheads” in state bodies, as well as employers, will try to take advantage of a temporarily opened legal loophole. ... vo-reguli/

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The Russian people yearn for the Soviet Union more every day.
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Fri May 29, 2020 2:02 pm

Russia continues to increase unemployment
To eliminate unemployment, you need to destroy capitalism

According to Rosstat, as of April 2020, there are about 4.3 million unemployed in Russia (1.9 million applied for unemployment benefits). This figure is 21% higher than the same period in 2019.Russia continues to increase unemploymentAlso in Russia there is an increase in wage arrears. As of May 1, 2020, the amount of debts to employees is 2 billion 209 million rubles. It is noteworthy that 29% of the total debt falls on the debts of 2019 and 36.9% for 2018.

The economic crisis in Russia continues to gain momentum and more workers are losing money and work. Not everything is so good for those who were able to save their jobs. As a rule, they only had their salary, while others were gradually transferred to a four-day working week. Many see the main problem in self-isolation, which is associated with the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The situation with the virus in Russia is bad, however, in many regions the regime of self-isolation is weakening and people are hoping to recover at their previous jobs.

According to the daily growth of infected people, it can be understood that the virus is not defeated , and the authorities are taking such actions in order to slightly improve the economic situation of citizens. That is, the authorities are at a direct risk of infecting more people? Or is the virus not as scary as they say and hide something from us?

The truth is that power is repelled solely from one main goal - the preservation and increase of capital. Further isolation will only exacerbate the crisis, and competitors from other countries are beginning to emerge from self-isolation.

Coronavirus did not cause an economic crisis, and the maximum that the authorities can do is to slow down the growth of unemployment. At the same time, the number of detected infections and deaths will increase. Unemployment is an integral feature of capitalism , generated by the division of social production into separate private constituent parts and particles that work in the personal, private interests of the owner. And to destroy unemployment, you need to destroy capitalism. ... bezraboti/

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Mariinsky hospital: doctors' cuts and patient deaths
Citizens accuse hospital management of leaving patients without medical care

The overload of doctors at the Mariinsky Hospital in St. Petersburg leads to premature death of patients, as well as to the inability for relatives to receive timely information about hospitalized patients. So say the residents of the city, who sent a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. Meanwhile, the hospital administration intends to reduce staff , which will cause an even greater increase in the burden on the remaining.

Mariinsky Hospital (St. Petersburg)

Earlier it came to the press that Petersburgers could not contact their relatives who were in the Mariinsky hospital for several days. The press service of the hospital confirmed the problem and referred to the high workload of the information and referral service. However, then the case took a more serious turn. The editors had at their disposal a collective appeal from relatives of patients, from which it follows that due to savings on doctors in the hospital they do not provide proper medical care, and this leads to death of patients:

On April 27, 2020, in the evening, my grandmother from the intensive care unit of hospital No. 26, where she was infected with a coronavirus inside the hospital, was transferred to the intensive care unit of the Mariinsky hospital. At the time of the transfer from hospital No. 26, the state of the grandmother was stable, the temperature was 37.3 ... April 28, 2020 in the morning we called the Mariinsky hospital information desk asking about the state of the grandmother, but information about the grandmother in the system had not yet been entered except for the fact that she was in intensive care Mariinsky Hospital ... April 30, 2020 we went to the building of the Mariinsky Hospital in the hope of receiving information personally, and not by phone. At the entrance of the Mariinsky Hospital, we were told that the data on Prus E.A. still no. On the same day, April 30, 2020 at 11:58, we called the secretariat of the head physician of the Mariinsky Hospital, where the secretary once again confirmed to us that the grandmother was alive ... About

Shocked citizens leave comments in the VK group of the hospital. The administration replies that “the statutory deadline for answering letters is 30 calendar days . ”

At the same time, photographs of the hospital’s order to downsize the information and referral service and related notifications to employees are being distributed on the Internet. It is difficult to understand the logic of what is happening: the help desk is already not coping with its responsibilities, and its reduction will worsen an already crisis situation.

The order to reduce the staff of the Mariinsky hospital

Our source in the hospital team confirms the above information:

Since May 1, the hospital has been completely transferred to an infectious disease. Relatives do not have a weekly relationship with patients. Even when people die, relatives may not be informed for weeks. The help desk gives at least some information ... And at the same time they decided to reduce the entire service.

Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia has managed to maintain the Soviet health care system. True, this statement contradicts the previously said words of Dmitry Peskov , the presidential spokesman. The discord with Putin’s speech was the recent scandal in Dagestan , where the statistics of infections and mortality from COVID-19 were repeatedly underestimated. The federal ministry is also "adjusting" the method of counting infected people. However, the manipulation of numbers and optimistic statements by officials cannot hide the disastrous state of Russian health care .

Capitalism means destruction, degradation and death. These words were filled with visible meaning for millions of Russians. ... iya-vrach/

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:21 pm

Ministry of Health told how they count number of pandemic cases

Statistical Kung Fu Masters Back in Action

As follows from the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, when calculating the number of patients with coronavirus, only those who have severe symptoms of the disease should be considered.


“If the virus is detected in the absence of complaints, of objective additional information, this condition should be regarded as «a virus carrier» and encoded in section Z22.8. Such cases are not included in morbidity and mortality statistics», the recommendations read.

The organizers of obtaining statistical data in Russia once again show miracles of resourcefulness. There is no better way to convince people that everything is in order than to show them the numbers that confirm it. And so that the numbers confirm this, a special calculation method will be applied. And it does not matter that the actual number of patients will be much higher, it does not matter that the destroyed healthcare system does not cope with the epidemic, because the main thing is the appearance of order, well-being and stability. ... mic-cases/

Sounds familar....
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:54 pm

Russia accused of involvement in riots in the United States

Familiar picture

Susan Rice , a former adviser to US President Barack Obama , in an interview said that by protests erupted in the United States involved in Russia. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called this charge information manipulation. The protests that began in the United States in late May were triggered by the murder of African-American George Floyd by the police .US Protests in MayNow we have seen a mirror image of the statements of many Russian politicians who are accustomed to seeing in any manifestations of discontent exclusively subversive actions of external forces. In Russia, now any dissatisfaction with politics, social status, and the actions of the authorities is blamed on the machinations of the State Department, and the protesters themselves are branded as agents of the State Department. So it was during the protests on Bolotnaya Square, and during the rallies against raising the retirement age. Now Russian leaders have received a response from their American "partners" who are in a hurry to accuse the Russian Federation of subversive work.

In fact, such a massive uprising never arises as a result of the subversive activities of any foreign organizations. It is also not the result of a separate incident, for example, as in this case, the murder of George Floyd by the police. Such an incident is only an excuse, a detonator for the emergence of an uprising. The reasons for the events occur in the contradictions that take place in American society, in its structure. Despite the many legislative acts, the dominance of "political correctness" in the United States, racism deeply settled in American society. Many whites still disregard African Americans and often see them as potential criminals. In addition, the high crime rate has already become a tradition in the United States, so police suspect every criminal they meet.

The United States is a country of standard capitalism, even a bastion of capitalism throughout the world. But capitalism is characterized by violence, racism and crime. Racism makes it possible to justify the direct robbery of other peoples or excessive exploitation. In the past, racism justified slavery in the United States. Now, although the times are different, discrimination also exists in practice: ceteris paribus, African Americans in the United States receive salaries are 22% lower than whites. Crime also grows out of capitalism: deep social stratification generates theft, robbery and robbery. And respectable businessmen themselves are not averse to resorting to criminal tools from time to time: robbery, murder, bribing officials. Thus, in the country of reference capitalism, we see reference racism that generates a response - the struggle of the oppressed, oppressed people for their rights. ... ti-k-besp/

Anyone who speaks well of the Obama regime is on the other side.

In capitalist Russia, just as the US, all discontent with the status quo must be deflected to 'outside agitators'.
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:07 pm

The possibility of campaigning against amendments to the constitution is not provided by law
One-goal game continues

The law on voting on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not provide for campaigning, but only informing citizens about the amendments. So, CEC member Maya Grishina responded to the opposition’s demand to provide an opportunity for campaigning against the adoption of amendments to the country's main law.


Opponents of zeroing the presidential term from the No movement sent a letter to the CEC stating that a campaign was already underway on television and street billboards to support the change. At the same time, the opposition has not yet been given the opportunity to convey its arguments against the amendments to citizens.

“This creates an inequality of access to campaigning,” the authors of the appeal emphasize.

To this Maya Grishina replied that the materials on billboards and videos are purely informative in nature, with the goal of conveying to the citizens the meaning of the law and amendments to the constitution. And she emphasized that such information will continue to be maintained.

It turns out that it is possible to inform citizens about the need for adoption of amendments using the resources of the CEC and pro-government propagandists, but agitation against changes by law is no longer provided for.

This principle contains the essence of the system of “popular will” existing in Russia, which has long been an act of legitimization of the will of the ruling elite . The administrative resource and the inertia of the existing laws will allow management to both justify any of their actions and not give a word to those who, for whatever reason, do not agree with the decisions taken.

Therefore, it makes no sense to hope that all sectors of society in bourgeois Russia will have equal opportunities to promote and defend their opinions. Laws in capitalist society are adopted in the interests of the ruling class, and no amendments to the constitution will correct this situation. ... ii-protiv/

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:23 pm

More than a quarter of Russians reported a lack of money for food
No money, but you hold on

About 27% of Russians admitted that they did not have enough money for food and clothing. Lack of funds caused by the crisis that began in Russia with the epidemic of coronavirus. In addition to layoffs, many companies made a significant reduction in salaries - by 30-50%. At the same time, the end of the pandemic will not lead to a sharp improvement in the situation - according to experts, after the end of the coronavirus epidemic, reorganization of “work and jobs” will take place.


The coronavirus epidemic has exposed the many myths that proponents of capitalism love so much. One of the most popular says that the capitalist takes risks, for which he receives huge money, and the employee does not risk anything. However, we see that now it is employees who are the first to suffer, who are either fired from their jobs, or sent on unpaid leave, or their salaries are reduced. In addition, all top managers and shareholders are not at risk of catching an infection, while workers are forced to work without the proper protective equipment.

The crisis has already led to an increase in unemployment. An increase in unemployment will cause an additional reduction in salaries, as supply in the labor market will increase and demand will fall. This will also lead to the fact that in addition to lowering wages, working conditions will be worsened, and it will become more difficult for workers to fight for their interests.

Under these conditions, the importance of working solidarity and organization of workers is growing even more. It is much easier for an employer to infringe on the rights and dismiss disparate workers than to deal with a cohesive team that can decisively respond to any attempt to infringe on someone's interests or make a dismissal. Even in conditions of high unemployment, the administration will not be able to dismiss the entire team and quickly recruit new employees - this threatens long downtime and large losses. ... li-o-nehv/

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Them old capitalists cannot restrain themselves from making new gravediggers, even where you'd think they might be cautious.
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:17 pm

President orders increase minimum unemployment benefit
Capital is not profitable to fight unemployment

Following the meeting on the situation on the labor market, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to increase the minimum unemployment benefit to 4,500 rubles, RBC reports . The published list of instructions to the Government also refers to an extension of payments for three months.


For citizens registered with the employment service and whose payment period has expired after March 1, 2020, an extension is provided until October 1, 2020.

Unemployed parents, adoptive parents and guardians will receive the right to additional payments in the amount of 3,000 rubles. for every minor child.

Against the background of continued growth in unemployment , the mass closure of enterprises and a decline in the standard of living of the working people, the President and the Government have no choice but to deal with “distributing crumbs from the lordly table” (especially since it costs them nothing personally) and reassure the population that “ worse than in the 90s, will not be . "

They cannot and do not want to defeat unemployment. Indeed, capital, whose interests the bourgeois state protects, is always "fed" by unemployment. It helps the owners of the means of production to reduce their "costs" to pay wage earners. And no matter how much they give handouts to the population in the form of various allowances, there will be no more people from this. Any minimal increase in income of the lower strata will inevitably lead to higher prices for food and basic necessities. ... vysit-min/

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(The following is eight years old, the situation is much worse now.)

What salary should a modern worker have
Liberals with democrats and other defenders of the capitalist system constantly repeat to us about a “worthy” life of a person in modern society. Under this slogan, Soviet socialism was destroyed at one time, which, in the opinion of these bourgeois demagogues, in principle could not provide this very “worthy” life to Soviet citizens.

We Communists, supporters of the socialist path of development of the country, have nothing against the truly worthy life of every person in modern society. It is another matter that we would very much like to clarify with the defenders of capitalism, and what do they mean by a “worthy” life and who, in their opinion, should live with dignity?

Indeed, even if we take only one side of human existence - the material and not take into account its other side, the spiritual, then, in our opinion, really worthy could be called only such a life of an ordinary person, in which his material security would allow him at least in fact minimum level to use all the existing benefits of modern civilization. Those. every citizen of a truly modern society would be provided with work with a good salary, housing, would be able to support himself and his family with children, would be able to use medical services and cultural benefits to the extent necessary for him and his family, would be able to give his children a good education and secure yourself for old age.
The fact that modern society, by which the supporters of capitalism is understood only as a modern capitalist society, is clearly not able to provide each of its members with such a truly worthy life, examples of even the most developed countries of capitalism - the USA and Europe, in which destitute people make up a significant part of society .

The workers of St. Petersburg decided to calculate what minimum wages are needed in Russia today so that a working-class family of 5 people with 3 children can live truly worthy.

Cost calculation

on the normal reproduction of the employee and his family members

1. The cost of acquiring a three-room apartment in St. Petersburg on credit for 25 years. The first installment (15%) is 750,000 rubles. plus 54,000 rubles. monthly based on the price of the apartment 4,500,000 rubles. A total of 16,950,000 rubles.
Per month - 56,500 rubles.

2. Costs of life and health insurance. The cost of life insurance at the rate of 1% per year (45,000 rubles. X25 years) plus the cost of home insurance at the rate of 0.15% per year (6,750 rubles. X 25 years) are for the entire period of labor 1 293 750 rubles .
Per month - 4 312 rubles.

3. The cost of repairing an apartment (2 times) totals 400,000 rubles for a total of 25 years. x 2 times = 800 000 rub.
Per month - 1,733 rubles.

4. An employee will have to spend 1,620,000 rubles for paying utility bills for 25 years.
Based on a monthly basis - 5,400 rubles.

5. The total cost of protecting the apartment will be 75,000 rubles.
Based on a monthly basis - 250 rubles.

6. For the purchase of books, newspapers, magazines, music, payment for the Internet, mobile communications over 25 years will have to spend 480,000 rubles.
Based on a monthly basis - 1,600 rubles.

7. The cost of acquiring small cultural and household equipment (music centers, cameras, video cameras, mobile phones, etc.) over 25 years will amount to 215,000 rubles.
Per month - 717 rubles.

8. The cost of acquiring 5 mid-range computers over 25 years: 27,000 rubles. x 5 comp. = 135,000 rub.
Per month - 450 rubles.

9. The cost of purchasing furniture for 25 years will amount to 750,000 rubles.
Per month - 2,500 rubles.

10. The cost of purchasing large equipment.
Refrigerators: 18 000 rub. x 2 = 36,000 rubles.
Per month - 120 rubles.

Washing machines: 16 000 rub. x 2 = 32,000 rubles.
Per month - 107 rubles.

TVs: 12 000 rub. x 2 = 24,000 rubles.
Per month - 80 rubles.

Dishwashers: 15 000 rub. x 2 = 30,000 rubles.
Per month - 100 rubles.

Cookers (gas or electric): 8 000 rub. x 2 = 16,000 rubles.
Per month - 54 rubles.

11. The cost of purchasing kitchen utensils for 25 years is 160,000 rubles.
Per month - 533 rubles.

12. The cost of the purchase of bathrooms and toiletries - 180 000 rubles. for 25 years.
Per month - 600 rubles.

13. The cost of clothing and footwear seasonal, everyday and weekend for 25 years for a family of five will amount to 3,000,000 rubles.

Per month - 10,000 rubles.

14. Personal insurance of an employee for 25 years will require 375,000 rubles.
Per month - 1,250 rubles.

15. The cost of insurance for three children under 20 years for 25 years will amount to 900,000 rubles.
Per month - 3,000 rubles.

16. Payment for medical services will require 2 150 000 rubles for 25 years. Including dental services 275 000 rubles, other medical services 1 875 000 rubles.
Per month - 7,167 rubles.

17. The cost of purchasing medicines and other medical devices for 25 years is 300,000 rubles.
Per month - 1,000 rubles.

18. The fee for fitness and fitness services for 25 years will be 200,000 rubles.
Per month - 667 rubles.

19. The cost of acquiring sports equipment is 258,000 rubles.
Per month - 860 rubles.

20. The fee for maintaining children in kindergartens (nurseries, kindergartens) for a twenty-five-year period will be 135,700 rubles.
Per month - 450 rubles.

21. Separate payments for teaching three children at school for a twenty-five-year period will amount to 267,300 rubles.
Per month - 891 rubles.

22. The cost of training three children in higher education institutions of the middle level will amount to 780,000 rubles.
Per month - 2 600 rubles.

23. The cost of food for the home of the whole family over 25 years will amount to 9 million rubles.
Per month - 30,000 rubles.

24. The cost of food outside the home for a twenty-five year period will amount to 2,970,000 rubles.
Per month - 9,900 rubles.

25. Contributions to a private pension fund to ensure a normal life in old age from 2 to 10% - 600 000 rubles.
Per month - 2,000 rubles.

26. The cost of using public transport (metro, tram, trolley bus, bus, minibus) - 1,110,000 rubles.
Per month - 3,700 rubles.

27. The cost of acquiring and maintaining a summer cottage is 800,000 + 600,000 = 1,400,000 rubles.
Per month - 4,667 rubles.

28. The cost of family vacations once a year for a package tour will amount to 3,750,000 rubles.
Per month - 12,500 rubles.

29. The cost of family holidays, including gifts, over 25 years will amount to 537,500 rubles.
Per month - 1,790 rubles.

30. Costs for weddings of children: 150,000x3 = 450,000 rubles.
Per month - 1,500 rubles.

31. The cost of visiting theaters, museums, concerts for 25 years will amount to 4,200,000 rubles.
Per month - 14,000 rubles.

32. The cost of purchasing cars on credit (4 cars in 25 years) will amount to 2,080,000 rubles.
Per month - 6 670 rubles.

33. Insurance, car taxes for 25 years will amount to 1,215,000 rubles.
Per month - 4 050 rubles.

34. Operating costs for the maintenance of vehicles:

- for gasoline for 25 years with a mileage of 20,000 km per year at the rate of 10 liters. per 100 kilometers they will make up (20,000 / 100х10х27) х25 = 1,350,000.
Per month - 4,500 rubles.

- for vehicle maintenance over 25 years will amount to 312,600 rubles.
Per month, 1,042 rubles.

- in the parking lot for 25 years will amount to 900,000 rubles.
Per month - 3,000 rubles.

35. The cost of the burial of deceased parents: 100 000 rubles. x 4 = 400 000 rub.
Per month - 1,333 rubles.

Adding the above costs per month, we get the amount of 204 527 rubles.

Given the need to pay 13% income tax, the monetary value of the labor cost of working family members of five is now in 2012 204 527 rubles. x 1.13 = 235,090 rubles. So much money is required today for the normal reproduction of the employee and his family members, provided that only one parent works in the family.

If both parents work in the family, then it must be taken into account that in connection with the birth and upbringing of three children, the employment of one of the parents will be not 25, but 25 - 3x3 = 16 years. Then, in order to get the value of the labor force of one employee, it is necessary to divide the previously obtained value of the labor force of working family members by 1 + 16/25 = 1.64. We get the following value: 235 090: 1.64 = 143 347 rubles.

Thus, the cost of labor per employee is 143 thousand 347 rubles.

Corresponding calculations were made by dockers-machine operators of CJSC “First Container Terminal” V.A. Remizov, V. Degrees. and locksmith S.A. Tiunov under the scientific supervision of M.V. Popov in the summer of 2007, updated as of 2011 by the docking mechanic of CJSC “PKT” E.I. Kuslin.

The above calculations are based on the calculation of average prices for the 2011 level.

This means that in order to live with dignity in modern Russia a family of 5 people with three children at the current price level, the salary of each parent must be at least 144 thousand rubles!

Can capitalist Russia pay every employee such a salary? No, under any circumstances! For in this case, in our country there would be no oligarchs and businessmen living many orders of magnitude better and more satisfying than simply “worthy”. Precisely because they take away part of the material wealth earned by others, appropriate them, they are able to live better than the vast majority of our society.

A truly decent life for a citizen can only be ensured by socialism, in which such high salaries are not required. For a person in a socialist society does not have to pay for much of what was listed above by St. Petersburg workers - after all, socialism provides the majority of the most expensive material goods to all members of its society for FREE (housing, education, healthcare) or at very low prices (cultural goods, payment of housing and communal services, etc.).

Do you want your family to live DECENTLY - fight for socialism with all your might! Only in this way can you ensure both your future and the future of your children. ... -rabochego

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 11, 2020 1:25 pm

Peskov: the oligarchs are over in Russia


Dmitry Peskov , spokesman for the President of the Russian Federation, said that there are no oligarchs in Russia. According to a spokeswoman, oligarchs are businessmen with political ambitions and using money to achieve political goals.

Mordashov, head of SeverstalIf we use the definition of Peskov, then we may well find oligarchs in Russia. Among the deputies of the State Duma of Russia there are several dollarbillionaires, for example, Alexander Skoch, whose capital is $ 6 billion. Significantly more in the lower house of ruble billionaires and millionaires. Once in parliament, these businessmen acquired a certain power. Conducting an election campaign requires considerable resources. Becoming a deputy is an expensive investment. Thus, it is not even necessary to conduct serious research on the connection of large capitalists and Russian authorities. Evidence on the surface. And this simplest evidence smashes all Mr. Peskov’s attempts to refute the obvious facts. If we dig deeper, then we will see many capitalists who have close ties with the authorities. Among the most notable: Arkady Rotenberg, the owner of the Plato system; Mordashov, owner of PAO Severstal and many others. President holds regular meetings with themThey visit the Duma and so on.

Under capitalism, power belongs to the capitalist class, one of the direct evidence of this is bourgeois representation in the legislature. In addition, capitalists may not sit in government, they promote their people there, finance their election campaigns and pay them salaries. Laws in a bourgeois state are adopted in the interests of the capitalist class and protect their power. Authorities also act in the interests of the capitalists.

This state of affairs will continue as long as the market world order continues to dominate. Power will belong to the capitalist class, while, of course, some politicians will succeed others, some capitalists will gain more influence in the government, pushing others away, but the system itself will remain the same. ... -oligarhi/

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:58 pm

In Moscow, the participants in the vote on amendments will be given "a million prizes"
Authorities need to increase turnout

In Moscow, from June 25, the program will start "to stimulate consumer demand," "Million prizes" . According to the head of the Moscow City Department of Trade and Services, Alexei Nemeryuk , residents who came to vote on constitutional amendments will be able to participate in the program. Alexei Nemeryuk explained that the program is aimed at supporting the business when it leaves the self-isolation regime.


Recall that from June 25 to July 1 in Russia will be a vote on constitutional amendments. For the law to enter into force, two conditions are necessary. Approval by the constitutional court of the Russian Federation and support for voting on amendments. The Constitutional Court has already approved the proposed amendments. Among these amendments are those that will allow the incumbent president to run for president for more than two consecutive terms. This and other amendments caused a lot of controversy among the political parties and movements of Russia.

Judging by the agitation of the authorities, there is only one goal - to bring as many people to polling stations as possible . To achieve these goals, the ruling regime takes all sorts of reasonable and not very reasonable steps . Two days off are introduced. On June 24, on the eve of the voting, a victory parade will be held, where, without a doubt, they will campaign to participate in the vote. Finally, Putin announced July 1 day off, the final day of the amendment vote.

Tons of advertisements calling to go to vote pour from the TV screens. Organize remote voting through a mobile application. And volunteers will come to citizens at risk because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Finally, in a number of regions, the regime of self-isolation of citizens is being removed, and this despite the fact that the situation with the spread of coronavirus infection in Russia is not yet in decline.

All this clearly shows that the most favorable outcome for the authorities will be voting “FOR” the amendment. However, campaigning for only one option can greatly reduce turnout. And here additional levers are included that advertise the idea of ​​voting “AGAINST” . Power calls to the polls, and the opposition calls to the polls.

In particular, the Communist Party and the "Movement for a New Socialism" Platoshkin oppose these amendments, because this will strengthen the vertical of power and strengthen the dictatorship of big business. At the same time, such parties and organizations as ROT FRONT, RKRP , Left Front and others are calling for a boycott of the vote , since the authorities need the appearance of the active participation of citizens in this vote. ... iya-po-po/

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Every sixth Russian citizen does not have the means for proper nutrition
Capital is not interested in real help to people

At 25 million Russian citizens do not have the financial ability to eat in accordance with Ministry of Health regulations. According to Vedomosti, Director General of the largest producer of pork and poultry Cherkizovo, Sergei Mikhailov , one in six Russians consumes no more than 50 kg of meat per year, compared to 73 kg that are required, according to the Ministry of Health.

Rising food prices
These words are indirectly confirmed by statistics: Rosstat reports a decrease in food costs in April 2020 by 9.3% .

Such a tendency for socially unprotected layers of the population will only grow, since citizens who are left without earnings are forced to tighten their belts more and more. Despite the fact that they did not manage to recover from the continuing decline in living standards over the past 5 years .

Mikhailov believes that targeted food aid, a one-time share of money distribution, and indexation of salaries and pensions could correct the situation. According to the Cherkizovo top manager , such measures to stimulate buying activity for agricultural producers, mostly tied to foreign currency, would be more effective than direct support from the state.

But, in our opinion, this is hardly capable of somehow rectifying the situation with nutritious nutrition of Russians . After all, the aid package announced by the government in April covers only 2.2% of the money lost by citizens. And May injections of 250.3 billion rubles "close the hole in their wallets" by a miserable 1.6% .

Therefore, the above measures of one-time support can only somehow keep afloat small and medium-sized producers, increasing the purchasing power of citizens for a short time.

In a crisis, the state provides real support only to its beneficiaries - large capital . Business representatives will think about people only when their inability to pay will threaten the existence of enterprises. ... meet-sred/

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:56 pm

Residents of the Ural city were “unprofitable” for officials
Why invest in infrastructure for the poor?

The officials of one of the cities of the Sverdlovsk region explained to local residents that helping them is inappropriate, because they are old and poor . The presidential administration confirmed this cynical conclusion ... Since last year, residents of Novaya Lyalya have been unsuccessfully fighting for the gasification of their residential buildings. The mayor refused to help them, but handed the gas personally to himself.

City of New Lyalya

The story began last year, when residents of the Zarechny microdistrict turned to the local authorities with a request to finally conduct a gas pipeline. The request was supported by 39 sheets of collected signatures. However, local officials refused. Despite the existence of a ready-made gasification scheme, authorities refuse to give it a go. The reason is traditional: there is "no money" in the budget . But it turns out that this verdict applies only to mere mortals. According to a local resident Vyacheslav Firsov , the mayor of the city Sergey Bondarenko refused to help the townspeople, but he took care of himself - he extended the gas pipeline to his house. Moreover, the gas pipeline passed just through the Zarechny microdistrict, for the gasification of which “there is no money”.

Having received the mayor’s refusal, local residents wrote a letter to the Presidential Administration. The response from this reputable body shocked them. Vyacheslav Firsov told reporters:

“We received a letter in which, in fact, there is discrimination by age and property status. Say that we are 49 years old and that our salary is on average only 12 thousand. They think that we are not people and unpromising. What are we going to go to the cemetery now? ”

Indeed, one of the arguments in the letter against the gasification of the district was an indication of the age and income of local residents. This was followed by a stereotypical phrase about "budget constraints . "

The response of the presidential administration to residents of New Lyaly

According to local residents, this answer in the style of the theory of "social Darwinism" flagrantly violates the Russian constitution, where, in particular, it says:

“The state guarantees the equality of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official position, place of residence ...” (Article 19, paragraph 2)

But does the constitution in Russia mean anything? ... kazalis-n/

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A rhetorical question, of course. The present Russian constitution, written under the tutelage of the 'Chicago Boys', is every bit as phony as the US constitution, documents whose true purpose is to preserve the extant oligarchy.
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