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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:24 pm

All for Cuba
The Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) joined this Friday the call that the mass organizations are calling for people to join the sanitation of homes, communities and cities

Author: Gustavo Sánchez Pérez |
Author: Rosana Zamora Fernández |
September 16, 2017 00:09:15


The Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) joined this Friday the call that the mass organizations are calling for people to join the sanitation of homes, communities and cities.

"We call them this Sunday, together with their families, a day of sanitation, solid waste collection, elimination of possible sources of vectors. All can contribute: from the youngest to the most experienced ", urges the statement of the national secretariat of the FMC arrived at our editorial office.

The letter acknowledges that we have experienced, in these days, difficult but great moments after Hurricane Irma, before which "a hurricane of solidarity, humanism, resistance and patriotism has risen".

"Faced with the devastating winds, intense rains, the waves of destruction imposed the organization of our people led by the authorities of the Party and the Government in all instances. The recognition that Army General Raul Castro made to women makes us proud, and in turn, commits us to continue in the vanguard during the recovery process, "the message to the federates says.

The national secretariat of the FMC reaffirms that work is done day and night to guarantee basic needs in the shortest time possible and that no one will be abandoned, but the work being done "is not only work for specialists, all hands are welcome and necessary '.

"It is time to start up the centers of production and services, the schools and universities, to rebuild the houses, to raise even more beautiful and solid destroyed works. The unit will give us strength so that the recovery will advance. "


Taking into account the battle for recovery in the country, the National Coordinator of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), Carlos Rafael Miranda Martínez, summoned the Cuban family to a day of mass mobilization for the purpose of contribute to the sanitation and rehabilitation of public areas, in support of all agencies that carry out these tasks.

"The Cederist organization today is more useful than ever in each neighborhood, because the CDRs are characterized by responding to the call of the Revolution in difficult times like the ones we are living. We have the responsibility to take the streets of our communities and transform them, that is, to turn voluntary work into a systematic task these days. To return to cleanliness, to order, should be the main objective, "said the member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.

The National Directorate of CDR stands in solidarity with those who were affected by Hurricane Irma, and at the same time recognizes the discipline that the people maintained during the meteorological event, as well as the assistance provided to those who needed shelter. anniversary 57 of the Committees, to be held on 28 September, will be dedicated to these days of recovery.

"We must remember the creator of our organization, Fidel Castro, just as the anniversary date approaches. The Commander always appealed to the people for each of the tasks of the Revolution, because he relied on the unsurpassed strength of Cubans, "said Miranda Martinez.

Likewise, the need is for the Cuban family to contribute to the recovery of schools and labor centers located in the areas of residence, especially in the central provinces and the Cuban capital, where the impact of the meteor was more devastating, in such a way that these institutions return to their usual activities in the shortest possible time.

The CoR National Coordinator reaffirmed the words of the President of the Councils of State and of Ministers Raúl Castro Ruz, expressing that despite the damage caused by Hurricane Irma, we will once again go forward. ... =hootsuite

Beautiful, how a proper society is organized and functions. Americans have been conditioned to hate this kind of solution which strengthens social bonds while supplanting the vultures who would profit on the people's misery.

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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Sat Sep 16, 2017 3:17 pm

in 2 pictures....


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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Sat Sep 16, 2017 5:04 pm

Gratitude that involves solidarity
All of Cuba is doing an arduous task and progressing in the restoration of the country's services, brigades of workers from different provinces collaborate in the restoration of the telecommunications network

Author: Elba Salazar Cuba |
September 16, 2017 00:09:37

ETECSA brigade of Los Tunas advances to Ciego de Ávila
Photo: István Ojeda Bello

ISLA DE LA JUVENTUD.- This island, one of the Cuban territories most affected by cyclones, did not suffer direct damages from Hurricane Irma, but from its people gratitude moves members of the contingent Jesús Montané Oropesa that will contribute to the recovery process in other provinces of the country.

A brigade of specialists from Radio Cuba and the Telecommunications Company, Etecsa, and a second one made up of executives and workers of the Electricity organization were flagged in the museum Casa Natal de Jesus Montané Oropesa in Nueva Gerona, with the presence of Party authorities Communist of Cuba and the local government.

The communicators will work in areas of Havana, while workers in the electricity sector will do so in the municipality Manicaragua, in Villa Clara, where there are considerable damages to that service and other sectors of the economy and the life of the settlers.

Ivonne Friero and Marcos Acosta are part of this force of the Special Municipality who ratified the commitment to work as long as necessary and provide their solidarity so that the neighbors of that town have electricity and produce food, can start their industries and have energy in their homes.

Yolanda Blanco Rivero, General Secretary of the Central Cuban Workers in that island recognized the response of the labor movement and urged to work with greater productivity to revive the economy and to provide with food if necessary to other parts of the country. ... 7-00-09-37

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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Thu Sep 21, 2017 8:40 pm

Cuba: Medical care guaranteed
Minsap leaders emphasized that immediate priorities for institutions and staff across the country are the gradual reestablishment of services in polyclinics and hospital damaged by the hurricane, and the intensification of hygienic and sanitary efforts

Author: Nuria Barbosa León |
september 20, 2017 12:09:48

Nurse María Isabel Rodríguez Miranda (standing) faced Hurricane Irma on the job at the William Soler. Photo: Nuria Barbosa

Speaking to Granma International, Lázara Hernández Arias and Nayari Corrales Medina stated that they “never felt scared” as Hurricane Irma made its way along Cuba’s northern coastline.

At that time, both were at a medical facility in Havana, with their sons Leovany and César, respectively.

The two women noted how thankful they were to staff at the William Soler Pediatric Cardiology Hospital, for the care they received during those difficult hours of strong winds and persistent rain. Lázara and Nayari explained that the ward remained lit and the television on to receive information; food and medicines were distributed as usual, while the director of the hospital also made several visits.

Ward nurse María Isabel Rodríguez Miranda, worked a double shift, as her colleague was unable to make it to the hospital given the weather situation. For over 24 hours María cared for and reassured patients and their families.

Mothers Lázara Hernández Arias and Nayari Corrales Medina with their sons Leovany and César, respectively, in Havana's William Soler Pediatric Cardiology Hospital. Photo: Nuria Barbosa

“Luckily the building didn’t suffer any major damage, and we all awoke on September 10 anxious to get back to normal as quickly as possible,” she stated.

This has been the number one aim of healthcare workers across Cuba, who provided medical services in difficult conditions, which resulted in damage to 785 facilities, 62 of which were hospitals, 116 polyclinics ,and 314 local doctors’ offices, among others.

Partial damage to roofs, broken windows, and fallen trees constituted the main damages caused by the storm.

In this regard Dr. José Ernesto Betancourt Lavastida, director of the Ministry of Public Health’s (Minsap) Defense and Civil Defense departments, stated that given the proximity of the dangerous hurricane a series of measures were taken, above all to protect the lives of patients, staff, and family members.

Steps were also taken to protect material resources and supplies, to ensure that all healthcare institutions were ready to support the post-hurricane recovery efforts currently underway.

“Pregnant women living in vulnerable zones and those likely to be affected were evacuated. Patients in hospitals at risk of flooding, such as the Hermanos Ameijeiras and América Arias, were transferred. Those in need of dialysis continued to receive treatment in sheltered facilities close to hospital establishments. Given the possibility of a breakdown in lines of communication, 76 clinical-surgical brigades were mobilized and deployed in communities located in remote or hard-to-reach areas, in order provide medical attention during and after the hurricane,” he stated.

Dr. Ernesto Betancourt Lavastida, director of Defense and Civil Defense for the Ministry of Public Health, said vital services were available during and following the storm. Photo: Nuria Barbosa

Likewise, medical institutions such as doctor’s offices, polyclinics, opticians, nursing and maternity homes, located in buildings deemed unfit to withstand the hurricane, were relocated. Some 240 pharmacies were relocated to temporary premises belonging to state agencies and in local homes, in order to protect one hundred percent of their stock. Medical care was organized in all evacuation centers and thousands of health workers, including doctors, nurses, and hygiene and epidemiology technicians, worked uninterruptedly alongside Red Cross brigades to provide care to the evacuated population.

Now in the recovery phase, hygiene and sanitary measures are being implemented, and the population has been called on to pay the utmost attention to guidelines issued to prevent the outbreak of disease, Betancourt Lavastida assured.

Yanaris López Almaguer, Minsap Environmental Health director, confirmed that to date no outbreaks of any type of communicable disease, due to contaminated food or water, have been reported in the country. “If a suspected case were to appear, isolation would be carried out in the centers created for this purpose,” she noted.


During this recovery stage, cisterns, wells, and tanks are being cleaned and water chlorified. In addition, there is specialized monitoring at key points of the water distribution network, to ensure required quality, among other measures.

López Almaguer explained: “We will continue to undertake educational action through the media and personal intercommunication activities. Our family doctors will hold talks at sites where the population is concentrated, not only within health institutions but also in morning meetings in workplaces and student centers, explaining how to maintain hygienic measures to avoid the onset of gastrointestinal diseases.”

Dr. Yanaris López Almaguer, Minsap director of Environmental Health, emphasized the importance of hygienic measures to avoid the appearance of opportunistic diseases. Photo: Nuria Barbosa
She also urged all Cubans to join the sanitation efforts inside and outside their homes, as help collecting debris, fallen trees, cleaning yards, streets and gardens is required, to eradicate vectors such as rats, insects, and mosquitoes.

According to the specialist, despite the magnitude of the hurricane, the joint efforts of health workers and the population in general was demonstrated, as evidenced in the reigning sense of calm. Even in those places without power and water, no cases of leptospirosis, outbreaks of diarrhea, or respiratory diseases were reported.

Medical students and those studying specialties aided these efforts, carrying out door-to-door surveys, inquiring as to the presence of any symptoms, and speaking to families about the measures they should take to stay healthy.

Jorge González Pérez, Minsap Teaching director, explained that in the 13 medical universities of the country, classes will be gradually resumed according to the situation in each territory. Meanwhile, students are undertaking social work within local communities.


Minsap leaders emphasized that immediate priorities for institutions and staff across the country are the gradual reestablishment of services in polyclinics and hospital damaged by the hurricane, and the intensification of hygienic and sanitary efforts.
Granma International visited the Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital located on Havana's waterfront, seriously affected by flooding. Dr. Rigoberto García Gómez, deputy director of Teaching and Research, explained, "We implemented a plan designed for this type of disaster and safeguarded all the equipment, but the flooding caused by the hurricane surpassed expectations."

To recover, help was first sought from the Firefighters Command to extract water from the basement and central cistern, then the entire staff assumed the clean-up of all areas to prepare for the resumption of services as quickly as possible.
A similar effort was mounted at Salvador Allende Hospital, in the Havana municipality of Cerro, a complex with several pavilions and 430 beds, 180 of which are for patents in serious condition.

Dr. Mery Torres La Era, deputy director of Medical Assistance, indicated that the principal cause of damage was falling trees, which downed utility lines and banks of electrical transformers.

To provide services during and after Irma, an emergency system of six fuel oil generators was activated to provide electricity. However, even after the national electric grid was restored, a ward serving chronic kidney disease patients remained without power, as a result of a damaged transformer.

These individuals were therefore transferred to another hospital, but thanks to a quick response, power was restored shortly in this vital area.

Dr. Torres reported that the institution's 1,780 workers stayed on the job before the hurricane struck, and were focused on the return to normality, saying, "I thank all the state institutions which supported us during these difficult days, because we know that almost the entire country is immersed in addressing damage similar to ours."

Reinold García Moreiro, director of Public Health in the province of La Habana, reported that all measures projected in plans for this kind of disaster were adopted in the capital's healthcare centers, thus avoiding greater damage and allowing services to be quickly reestablished in unaffected facilities, adding, "We have quantified the damages, and already estimated the economic expenses. Material resources available have been assigned to resolve problems."

The main impact, he said, was concentrated in five municipalities of the capital: Plaza, Playa, Centro Habana, La Habana del Este and La Habana Vieja; while some 367 city blocks were seriously impacted, mainly by coastal flooding. Now, he emphasized, work must focus on ensuring hygiene in conjunction with authorities and the population, to avoid epidemiological problems. ... guaranteed
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Fri Sep 22, 2017 4:57 pm

Hubei, a Chinese province committed to Cuba
Hubei is currently pursuing two cooperation projects with Cuba

Author: Iramsy Peraza Forte |
september 21, 2017 13:09:58


Hubei, China.-To talk about Cuba in Hubei, in southwest China, not only evokes images of paradisiacal beaches and one of the best rums in the world, but increasingly biotechnology and agriculture, which have earned a place among the leading sectors of the island.

Twisting and turning along the middle and lower course of the Yangtze River, this Chinese territory, with a GDP of 502 billion dollars in 2016, and a level of development almost comparable to that of Sweden, in accordance with World Bank standards, has the desire to further strengthen its ties with Latin America and the Caribbean. Havana is one of its big bets.

Hubei is currently pursuing two cooperation projects with Cuba, stated Hu Jian, provincial director for Latin American and Caribbean Affairs. “The first is in the biotechnology area, a sector in which the two countries have advanced very rapidly in recent years,” he acknowledged, adding that the second is a joint collaboration program for the establishment of a demonstration farm on the island.

Both projects are part of agreements signed between the two nations in the framework of Xi Jinping’s visit to the island in 2014, which were confirmed last year during Prime Minister Li Keqiang’s stay in the Cuban capital.

We are currently importing and selling Cuban biotechnology products in the province's local markets, such as PPG, a drug that is well received in the Chinese population especially due to its natural origins, something that we value very much here, Hu explained.

He also noted that plans are to introduce a high-capacity manufacturing line for other highly globally rated Cuban biotechnology products, such as Interferon, for oncological use and to combat viral infections, auxins and vaccines, in the Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone, within five years.

Cooperation in the biotech industry between China and Cuba is divided into three stages. The first is the establishment of agencies for the commercialization of Cuban compounds in the country; in the second stage the Cuban side will provide the technology, while the Chinese side will provide the equipment and facilities to build drug production plants; and the third stage involves the opening of joint development and research institutes to reach a higher level and promote innovation.

The ties between China and Cuba in the sector have been developing for more than 15 years.

This important achievement of the Cuban Revolution is already present in the second world power through the Chinese-Cuban joint ventures Biotech, located in the Special Economic Zone of Beijing, and Changchun Heber Biological Technology, located in Jilin, in the north of the country.

With an extension of 187,400 km2 and an estimated population of 64 million, Hubei is known as the land of rice and fish, and has an important industrial base and very advanced technology for agricultural development.

As Zhang Xiaojun, Council president of the Nong Ken Lian Feng state agricultural group explained, for this reason, the Ministry of Agriculture of China entrusted the group with the mission of helping establish a demonstration farm in Cuba, a project that will include a grain production center and the construction of an area for rice cultivation, as well as the donation of livestock equipment.

The center was inaugurated in 2014, also during the visit of the Chinese president to Cuba, and is based in the Los Naranjos Genetic-Livestock Enterprise, in the province of Artemisa, an entity created on the initiative of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz.

“Our ultimate objective is to help the Cuban side to raise the level of its technology and agricultural production management,” Zhang Xiaojun noted. The Nong Ken Lian Feng group was founded in 2006 with the aim of helping to develop agriculture and providing international cooperation.
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:40 pm

Unicef: Cuba among the few countries supporting healthy brain development in children
Cuba is one of 15 countries recognized by the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) with three essential policies to support young children’s healthy brain development

Author: Cubadebate |
september 22, 2017 16:09:43

Photo: Cubadebate
Cuba is one of 15 countries recognized by the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) with three essential policies to support young children’s healthy brain development, according to a report by the organization, published September 21.
According to the document entitled Early Moments Matter for Every Child, Cuba is one the few nations which provides “two years of tuition-free pre-primary education; six months of paid breastfeeding breaks; and six months of paid maternity and four weeks of paid paternity leave.”

Such policies help to “lay the foundation for optimal early childhood development,” notes the report, which will be presented when heads of state or government, and senior officials of the UN’s 193 member-states address the issue of inclusive human well-being during its General Assembly sessions.

The 15 countries with three essential national policies that support families with young children include Cuba, Belarus, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxemburg, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Sweden, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine.

The report also notes that “around 85 million children under five live in 32 countries that do not offer” such policies, including economic powers like Australia and the United States.

According to the document, “These policies help parents better protect their children and provide them with better nutrition, play and early learning experiences in the crucial first years of life when the brain grows at a rate never to be repeated.”
(With information from Prensa Latina) ... n-children
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Re: Cuba

Post by choppedliver » Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:26 pm

Rally Against the USA Embargo on Cuba Albany, NY

Wednesday Sept. 27 5:00 to 6:30PM

Townsend Park (corner of Central & Washington Avenues w Henry Johnson Blvd.)

Important – invite your friends to join you using our Facebook &/or event pages (info below)

Whether an earthquake in Pakistan, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, hurricane relief in Antigua, or a tsunami in Bangladesh, Cuba is usually first among the countries providing medical care and other disaster assistance. Today Cuba has over 45,000 physicians and other professionals working in disaster assistance and other development projects in 103 countries. Cuba provides more medical personnel to the developing world than all the G8 countries combined. Even while Hurricane Irma was being ravaged by Hurricane Irma, Cuba sent 750 physicians and other health workers to Barbuda, St Kitts Nevis, St Lucia, The Bahamas, Dominica and Haiti, to assist those sister Caribbean nations recover from the damage caused by that powerful storm.

But today Cuba needs our help. Much of Cuba has been devastated by Hurricane Irma, the first Category 5 hurricane to make landfall in Cuba's history. Thousands of homes, agriculture, electrical plants, the infrastructure, have been seriously damaged. The Cuban people, government, and mass organizations are working hard in the recovery efforts. Even more damaging than natural disaster is the U.S. economic blockade, which has cost the country hundreds of billions of dollars and hampers its development. Additionally the embargo keeps critical medications and medical equipment inaccessible at a time of great need.

Many have mistakenly thought that USA embargo against Cuba had ended during the Obama administration, THE EMBARGO REMAINS IN EFFECT, AS IT HAS FOR WELL OVER 50 YEARS, and today the embargo and its extraterritorial components are major obstacles to providing the hurricane assistance that Cuba needs.

It is our turn to come to Cuba’s aid.

How you can help:

1) Help end the embargo, join us for a Rally Against the USA Embargo on Cuba, this coming Wednesday (9/27) from 5:00 to 6:30PM at Albany’s Townsend Park (corner of Washington & Central Avenues with Henry Johnson Boulevard) (see attached flyer, and urge your friends to join you). & use our Facebook event page: AND our event page: ... 243583077/ to RSVP and to invite your friends, better yet, call and agree to share a ride together to the demonstration.

2) Join us for a demonstration at the United Nations (NYC) November 1st On that day the United Nations General Assembly will again express the universal, opposition to Washington's economic and political war against Cuba. The General Assembly Resolution demands “Ending the Economic, Commercial, and Financial Embargo by the United States of America Against Cuba.” The annual UN vote has been a major political embarrassment for successive US Administrations and Congresses, with near-unanimous support for the Cuban government-sponsored Resolution year after year since 1992. The vote in 2016 was 191 – 0 with 2 abstentions, after the US (and Israel), in the last period of the Barack Obama Administration, both "abstained." At a time when President Trump has stepped up anti-Cuba rhetoric and threats, it is important that we join the world in demonstrating our opposition to this cruel embargo and the ban that keeps Americans from traveling freely to Cuba. Albany Cuba Solidarity is organizing car pools for those that want to participate in this important event. Please contact us ( if you need a ride or can offer a ride to others.

3) Donate money to assist with hurricane relief and reconstruction – either of 2 ways (both will forward 100% of your donation for hurricane relief in Cuba):

3a) Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee (Paypal or Checks)

3b) Canadian Network On Cuba (CNC) Donations to the Hurricane Irma Relief & Reconstruction for Cuba Campaign can be made by mailing checks made out to the Canadian Network On Cuba to: CNC Hurricane Relief, 56 Riverwood Terrace Bolton, ON L7E 1S4. Please write "CNC Hurricane Irma Relief Fund" on the memo line of your check.

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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:56 pm

Mary F wrote:
Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:26 pm
Rally Against the USA Embargo on Cuba Albany, NY

Wednesday Sept. 27 5:00 to 6:30PM

Townsend Park (corner of Central & Washington Avenues w Henry Johnson Blvd.)

Important – invite your friends to join you using our Facebook &/or event pages (info below)

Whether an earthquake in Pakistan, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, hurricane relief in Antigua, or a tsunami in Bangladesh, Cuba is usually first among the countries providing medical care and other disaster assistance. Today Cuba has over 45,000 physicians and other professionals working in disaster assistance and other development projects in 103 countries. Cuba provides more medical personnel to the developing world than all the G8 countries combined. Even while Hurricane Irma was being ravaged by Hurricane Irma, Cuba sent 750 physicians and other health workers to Barbuda, St Kitts Nevis, St Lucia, The Bahamas, Dominica and Haiti, to assist those sister Caribbean nations recover from the damage caused by that powerful storm.

But today Cuba needs our help. Much of Cuba has been devastated by Hurricane Irma, the first Category 5 hurricane to make landfall in Cuba's history. Thousands of homes, agriculture, electrical plants, the infrastructure, have been seriously damaged. The Cuban people, government, and mass organizations are working hard in the recovery efforts. Even more damaging than natural disaster is the U.S. economic blockade, which has cost the country hundreds of billions of dollars and hampers its development. Additionally the embargo keeps critical medications and medical equipment inaccessible at a time of great need.

Many have mistakenly thought that USA embargo against Cuba had ended during the Obama administration, THE EMBARGO REMAINS IN EFFECT, AS IT HAS FOR WELL OVER 50 YEARS, and today the embargo and its extraterritorial components are major obstacles to providing the hurricane assistance that Cuba needs.

It is our turn to come to Cuba’s aid.

How you can help:

1) Help end the embargo, join us for a Rally Against the USA Embargo on Cuba, this coming Wednesday (9/27) from 5:00 to 6:30PM at Albany’s Townsend Park (corner of Washington & Central Avenues with Henry Johnson Boulevard) (see attached flyer, and urge your friends to join you). & use our Facebook event page: AND our event page: ... 243583077/ to RSVP and to invite your friends, better yet, call and agree to share a ride together to the demonstration.

2) Join us for a demonstration at the United Nations (NYC) November 1st On that day the United Nations General Assembly will again express the universal, opposition to Washington's economic and political war against Cuba. The General Assembly Resolution demands “Ending the Economic, Commercial, and Financial Embargo by the United States of America Against Cuba.” The annual UN vote has been a major political embarrassment for successive US Administrations and Congresses, with near-unanimous support for the Cuban government-sponsored Resolution year after year since 1992. The vote in 2016 was 191 – 0 with 2 abstentions, after the US (and Israel), in the last period of the Barack Obama Administration, both "abstained." At a time when President Trump has stepped up anti-Cuba rhetoric and threats, it is important that we join the world in demonstrating our opposition to this cruel embargo and the ban that keeps Americans from traveling freely to Cuba. Albany Cuba Solidarity is organizing car pools for those that want to participate in this important event. Please contact us ( if you need a ride or can offer a ride to others.

3) Donate money to assist with hurricane relief and reconstruction – either of 2 ways (both will forward 100% of your donation for hurricane relief in Cuba):

3a) Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee (Paypal or Checks)

3b) Canadian Network On Cuba (CNC) Donations to the Hurricane Irma Relief & Reconstruction for Cuba Campaign can be made by mailing checks made out to the Canadian Network On Cuba to: CNC Hurricane Relief, 56 Riverwood Terrace Bolton, ON L7E 1S4. Please write "CNC Hurricane Irma Relief Fund" on the memo line of your check.
So good to see you here, Mary. How did the 'demo' go?
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:59 pm

A comic worth much more than a thousand words
For the writer Omar Felipe Mauri Sierra (Bejucal, La Habana, 1959), who has produced a vast body of work for children and youth, the comic book or ninth art, as it is also known, could become a effective vehicle in Cuba today, to promote our patrimonial, historical, and cultural values

Author: Ricardo Alonso Venereo |
september 26, 2017 10:09:07

Omar Felipe Mauri Sierra, winner of the 1993 National Prize for Children's Literature, emphasizes that comics are an excellent way to present important historical events and support learning. Photo:

For the writer Omar Felipe Mauri Sierra (Bejucal, La Habana, 1959), who has produced a vast body of work for children and youth, the comic book or ninth art, as it is also known, could become a effective vehicle in Cuba today, to promote our patrimonial, historical, and cultural values.

According to Mauri, uniting, organizing, and supporting creative collectives devoted to the genre looks to be a necessity. It has been shown, he says, that the comic book or graphic novel, far from damaging reading habits at an early age, develops them, combining two different kinds of literacy: graphic and written word.

The genre's communicative power, he explains, goes back ages, to cave pictographs, Egyptian hieroglyphics, ancient canvases and wall hangings, Trajan's Column, Mesoamerican codices, medieval scrolls, etc. The French Revolution used such works as a humoristic "guillotine" against the morally decadent aristocracy. The development of printing (especially rotary) and newspapers, at the beginning of the 20th century, contributed to generalizing cartooning.

It is said that Hitler prohibited the reading of comics in Germany, and during the Cold War, paper superheroes were true Trojan horses used against socialism, liberation movements, and progressive forces.

Well aware of the communicative and educational power of comics - which are enjoying a golden age internationally - of their importance in contemporary culture and new technology (animated film, video games, TV, etc), this creator has written several scripts for graphic novels since 2015.

In this work, he has encountered the interest of several Cuban publishing houses and a number of young drawers and painters who he has brought together in what he likes to call a creative group.

They are visual artists graduated from the Eduardo García Delgado Arts Instructors School in Havana, the Eduardo Abela Academy in the province of Artemisa, and the Advanced Institute of Art (ISA); as well as communications and audio-visual professionals from municipalities in Mayabeque and other provinces.

His first two scripts were for Juan Delgado. Un relámpago a caballo, illustrated by Wimar Verdecia Fuentes, and Las estrellas del general Quintín, with illustration by Maykel Luis García Díaz, released by the Union of Cuban Journalists’ (UPEC) Pablo de la Torriente publishing house, and Gente Nueva, respectively. Since then, Mauri has written Tiempos de cocuyos, with drawings by Wimar Verdecia Fuentes, María Ester Lemus Cordero, and Irán Hernández Castillo, published by the Pablo de la Torriente house, and El oro de Oyá, illustrated by Wimar Verdecia Fuentes, published by Capitán San Luis.

A comic, Mauri tells us, used as an instrument of reaffirmation, liberation, and justice, is an infallible weapon. Today, when the denial of memory and oblivion are an important part of imperialism's strategy, the graphic novel extends its hand to history and the nation's authentic values, to reach younger generations with immediacy, imagination, and novelty.

If a picture is worth a thousand words: an anecdote is good for a thousand pictures. This is our goal, states the author, who is already thinking about new scripts. ... sand-words
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Sat Sep 30, 2017 12:29 pm

US State Dept. Confirms Departure of Embassy’s Non-Emergency Personnel From Cuba
September 29, 2017 | 8:05 pm ... departure/

US State Dept. Confirms Departure of Embassy’s Non-Emergency Personnel From Cuba

The United States has taken a decision to pull out more than half of its diplomatic personnel from the embassy in Havana. Routine visa operations are suspended.

The decision was made after an incident involving an audio device, a senior US Department of State official told reporters on Friday.

“On September 29, the [State] Department ordered the departure of non-emergency personnel assigned to the US embassy in Havana as well as all family members,” the official said. “Until the government of Cuba to ensure the safety of US government personnel in Cuba, our embassy will be reduced to emergency personnel.”

The United States does not eliminate the possibility of a third country being involved in sonic attacks against US diplomats in Cuba, the official added.

“We have not ruled out the possibility of a third country as a part of the investigation, but that investigation continues,” the official stated.

The official added US investigators do not know the methods, the means or how the sonic attacks were carried out.

The last report of attacks was received in August, the official noted. Meanwhile, the State Department has not confirmed that the incidents have completely stopped.

The Cuban government is cooperating with the United States in the ongoing investigation into the incidents, the official said.

The United States is suspending issuing visas in Cuba, the official told reporters.

“Routine visa operations are suspended indefinitely,” the official said.

Previously the US media reported the US was planning to withdraw most of its diplomats from Cuban capital of Havana after embassy workers allegedly suffered brain injuries caused by sonic weapons.

Tourists walk next to a poster of Cuban President Raul Castro and US president Barack Obama in Havana, on March 18, 2016
Cuba Found No Evidence or Origin of Any Sonic Weapon Injuring US Diplomats
In August, US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said diplomatic personnel working in the US embassy in Cuba were involved in an incident that resulted in physical symptoms. The investigation into injuries of US diplomats allegedly sustained in Havana had not found any evidence that ccould confirm the injuries’ origin.

The incidents, allegedly caused by a sonic weapon, have affected at least 21 diplomats, some of whom appear to have suffered permanent hearing loss and possibly brain injury, according to media reports.

On September 14, US senators sent a letter to State Secretary Rex Tillerson, urging the State Department to close the embassy in Havana and expel all Cuban diplomats from the United States, since Cuban authorities failed to ensure the security of US diplomats.

Last week, Tillerson told CBS that the US government was considering closing its embassy in Cuba. On Thursday, a meeting between Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez and Tillerson took place in Washington. The talks between the two diplomats focused on ensuring the safety of US diplomatic staff. ... from-cuba/

fucking ridiculous, looks like Cuba ain't gonna dignify this garbage with a refutation. Proly CIA, right up their alley, proly testing device to deploy in embassy and things went awry.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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