Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Thu Nov 24, 2022 11:06 pm

Ukraine - Running On Empty

Yesterday the Pentagon announced another transfer of weapons to the Ukrainian military:

According to the Pentagon, the package includes:
Additional munitions for NASMAS
150 heavy machine guns with thermal imagery sights to counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
Additional ammunition for HIMARS
200 precision-guided 155mm artillery rounds
10,000 120mm mortar rounds
High-speed Anti-radiation missiles (HARMs)
150 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs)
Over 100 light tactical vehicles
Over 20,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition
Over 200 generators
Spare parts for 105mm Howitzers and other equipment

The $400 million is being sent to Ukraine through the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA), which allows President Biden to send arms straight from US military stockpiles.

The Pentagon is clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Additional munitions for NASMAS

NASMAS is an air defense systems that uses re-purposed air to air missiles (active radar homing AIM-120 AMRAAM) in a ground to air mode.

Yesterday one of those missiles was used in Kiev but missed its target. It hit an apartment block and killed several people:

The missile that hit an apartment block in Kiev today was a US-made AIM-120C launched from one of the newly arrived NASMAS air defense systems, donated to Ukraine in the last months. Local people shared on social media photos of the wreckage of the missile. Even though Ukraine blamed Russia for the strike, it turns out the missile was not Russian but American and was fired by Ukrainian troops.

The fragment shown in the photo has the word LIFT as the American AIM-120C. This is an anti-aircraft missile for the NASAMS systems which were recently donated to Ukraine. By analyzing the photos which Ukrainian citizens published themselves the missile which hit their residential building can be easily identified as American.[/i]

Heavy machine guns with thermal image sights against drones.

This is a really bad sign. I have tried to find recent photos of machine guns used in air defense mode. There were only antique ones plus this model picture.


Several decades ago we trained to shoot down helicopters and planes with the machine guns attached to the top of our battle tanks. Despite firing from a stable platform and spending lots of ammunition our hit rates were really lousy. That's why no army I know of is still using this method. Most of the UAV's used in Ukraine for reconnaissance are electrical. They are unlikely to show up in a thermal sight. The propeller driven Iranian drones, probably made in Russia, are hot and make a lot of noise. They can be targeted but are reasonably fast and one has to act equally fast to get them. The Lancet kamikaze drones used by the Russian military in Ukraine fly low and fast. A machine gun team will have little chances when such a drones flies towards it.

Those machine guns Ukraine will get, minus those to be sold on the black market, can not be effective as air defense. They will likely end up to be used in a ground mode to defend this or that frontline ditch. They are good for that until some artillery round or infantry fighting vehicle comes along and takes them out.

Additional ammunition for HIMARS

HIMARS is the wonder weapon that wasn't. The reach of some 70 kilometers is reasonable but one also needs very good targeting data to put them to use. The Russians have learned from the early HIMARS successes and have become much better now with camouflaging their positions.

200 precision-guided 155mm artillery rounds

Nice to have - but again only if you have reliable targeting data. What is shocking is that there is no other 155 mm ammunition in this delivery. What are those M-777 guns that still exist in Ukraine supposed to fire?

10,000 120mm mortar rounds

That's not a lot either. Previously the U.S. had given Ukraine 20 120 mm mortar with 135,000 120mm mortar rounds. The 10,000 new rounds will likely be spend in less than a week.

High-speed Anti-radiation missiles (HARMs)

These are air to ground missiles used to target enemy radar. They have been jury rigged to fit on the few SU-27 fighter jets the Ukraine has received from some east European country. There have been reports that Russian air defenses usually hit these missiles before they reach their target.

Today the New York Times reported that one such missile, fired back in September, had hit an apartment building in Kramatorsk:

New York Times journalists were able to gather and identify distinct metal fragments left behind at the site of an earlier strike, in September in eastern Ukraine, providing a window into where the billions of dollars of United States’ military aid sent to Ukraine can sometimes land.
“Three people got wounded, they say. No dead. It hit the apartment where no one lives, and in the next one, people got hurt,” said Olga Vasylivna, a resident who lived adjacent to where the missile hit.

The trucks Ukraine will get may be useful but will there be enough diesel to fuel them?

20,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition is again practically nothing. The typical combat load for one infantry soldier is 240 rounds. Machine gun teams carry some 6,000 rounds. The frontline in Ukraine is 1,000 kilometer long. When one does the math one finds that these 20,000,000 rounds are practically nothing.

There is currently a roaring black market for generators in Ukraine. Those 200 new ones will be very welcome. They will most likely end up in Lviv or Kiev.

Spare parts for 105mm Howitzers and other equipment

The story of the U.S. weapon support for Ukraine is one of diminishing quantity and quality. First the U.S. gave 143 M-777 155 mm systems to Ukraine. These proved to have a high breakage rate and were also easily targeted. Then the U.S. had run out of 155 mm ammunition it could give away. It next offered 36 105 mm howitzers and 180,000 105mm rounds. Same story. After that came the 120 mm mortar.

Artillery is usually fought against with counter artillery. When battle radar pics up a flying artillery round one can calculate where its has been fired from. Then a dedicated counter artillery battery, usually with longer range, will be tasked to fire at that position. In a good organized unit that takes less than one or two minutes.

The M-777 guns have a firing range of about 20 kilometers. That is somewhat equal to 152 mm guns the Russians are using. The 105 mm guns came next. Their range is about 11 kilometer. The 120 mm mortar can reach about 7 kilometer.

Aside from HIMARS Ukraine's front artillery has become smaller with less reach than those systems used on the other side. That will make it easier to counter it. Ukraine also has an acute lack of ammunition for those few weapons that still exist. It has long lost the artillery war.

The war in Ukraine is waged on an industrial level. But the 'west' and its Ukrainian proxy are not prepared for industrial warfare. In a longer piece - It's War, Josep, But Not As We Know It - Aurelian explains why that is the case:

First, much of the policy impetus on Ukraine comes from Anglo-Saxon countries, whose history of warfare, and thinking about warfare, is essentially expeditionary and limited.
The type of military operations that Europeans have actually conducted since 1945, and especially since 1989, have tended to follow this model.
The second factor is simply that in general the West’s wars have been limited liability ones, where there have been few casualties at home.
For the Russians, geography mandated a different set of criteria. Always a massive country with a relatively large population and long borders, the nation has suffered foreign military invasions repeatedly in its history. It is used to being obliged to fight on its own territory, and in World War II alone, suffered nearly thirty million dead, a large proportion of them civilians. Thus, national defence is literally a life and death issue, and thinking about, and planning for, war, takes place at a massively higher and more complex strategic level.
This Russian experience inevitably produces a way of looking at conflict which is radically different from western one, with the proviso that the West itself has had to painfully learn similar lessons during two World Wars, only to promptly forget them each time.
The Soviet and Russian militaries have a long tradition of studying the terrible past wars of their country, and there are a number obvious conclusions from any such analysis. One is the importance of sheer numbers, of personnel, of equipment and ammunition. In a long war, which the Russians, unlike the West, have always expected to fight, these things matter a great deal.

Up to 2012 there was a Ukrainian company near Kiev which still produced artillery rounds for Russia. I no longer find the link to that story but the numbers produced for Russia was some 2,000,000 million per year. There is no way the 'west' can match the Russian stockpiles.

Russia expert Gordon M. Hahn looks at the upcoming Russian Winter Offensive. Only with a ceasefire can Ukraine and its sponsors avert the upcoming catastrophe. This for three reasons:

First, the Russian hammer is about to fall on Ukraine. The gloves are coming off; electric energy stations, bridges, and even ‘decision centers’ such as central Kiev’s government buildings are being targeted. ... What will the sociopolitical situation be like when these critical infrastructures are in complete collapse and temperatures are 20 degrees colder? Russia will be moving closer to the strategy of ‘shock and awe’, fully destroying all infrastructure – military or otherwise – as the US did in Serbia and Iraq and will likely take less care now to avoid civilian casualties.
After the infrastructures are completely destroyed or incapacitated, Russia’s reinforcements of 380,000 regular and newly mobilized troops will have been fully added into Russia’s forces across southeastern Ukraine. ... A winter offensive by some half a million troops will make substantial gains on those three fronts and multiply Ukrainian losses in personnel and materiel`, which are already high. This could lead easily to a collapse of Ukrainian forces on one or more front. On the backs of such a success Russian President Putin might also make another attempt to threaten Kiev ...

Second, the West is suffering from Ukraine fatigue. NATO countries’ arms supplies have been depleted beyond what is tolerable, and social cohesion is collapsing in the face of double-digit inflation and economic recession. All this makes Russia the winner on the strategic level and is forcing Washington and Brussels to seek at least a breathing spell by way of a ceasefire.
Third, Ukraine’s greatest political asset – Zelenskiy himself – just got devalued, putting at even greater risk Ukraine’s political stability. ... For now, in order to keep the West on board, Zelenskiy is rumored to be pushing Ukrainian armed forces commander Viktor Zalyuzhniy to start a last pre-winter offensive in northern Donetsk (Svatovo and Severodonetsk) or Zaporozhe in order to put a stop to the West’s ceasefire murmurs and reboost support. At the same time there is talk of continuing Zelenskiy-Zalyuzhniy tensions over the latter’s good press and star status in the West. ... On the background of the deteriorating battlefield and international strategic situation, such civil-military tensions are fraught with the potential for a coup. ...

We may be reaching the watershed moment in the Ukrainian war. No electricity, no army, no society.
All of the above and the approaching presidential elections scheduled in Moscow, Kiev and Washington the year after next make this winter pivotal for all the war's main parties.

Reading the two pieces quoted above I come to the conclusion war has been lost - by Ukraine as well as by its supporters.

NATO, already deeply involved, could still want to change that by fully joining the war. But I do not think that the U.S. military, nor its European NATO allies, will have the stomach for that.

Posted by b on November 24, 2022 at 17:54 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


Consequences of strikes on 11/23/2022
November 24, 22:04


On the situation with energy supply after the strikes on November 23.

1. Despite all efforts, a huge part of consumers are still without electricity.

2. The emergency shutdown mode is actually extended for an indefinite period - it would be a blessing to return to October times with rolling blackouts on a schedule, but apparently it will not work out.

3. Cellular and internet outages also continue on the second day, despite serious efforts to fix the problems.

4. Zelensky's gang is already broadcasting the thesis with might and main that the population should be thrown out of the cities. Klitschko once again voiced this today.

5. In the context of the restoration of electricity supply, the Zelensky gang calls to save electricity, as in the mornings and evenings the load on the crippled power system increases and various accidents roll through the network, which aggravate the overall situation.

6. Taking into account previous practice, it can be expected that after some time, in late November-early December, another wave of strikes will follow, which will be aimed at distribution capacities and finishing off already damaged facilities. At the same time, due to the cumulative effect, the consequences will be even more severe for the energy system than on November 23. As it is not difficult to see, the methodical nature of the strikes led to the fact that each subsequent wave squandered the energy system of Ukraine more and more.

7. Since the US and NATO are aimed at implementing the "war to the last Ukrainian" strategy, the war will continue in the winter, and the continuation of the war means that the unified energy system of Ukraine will be further destroyed.

Hotline of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
November 24, 17:39


With some delay, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation created a hotline to resolve issues related to financial payments to mobilized and volunteers participating in the SVO.
Such questions periodically arose during October and November (I also received requests from relatives who asked where to find out how to solve problems with delays or non-receipt of due payments), usually at the grassroots level. To increase the speed of the system's response to such problems, they create a new feedback tool, which, in theory, should reduce the number of problems of this kind.

Hotline of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

"Hot Line" for financial support of mobilized citizens (volunteers) is open in the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of Russia
To promptly inform citizens, from among those mobilized (volunteers) as part of a special military operation, on the issues of calculating monetary allowances, a “Hot Line” has been opened in the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The hotline number of the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is 8 (800) 737-7-737.
You can also send your question to the email address
(c) RF Ministry of Defense

Google Translator


European Parliament Resolution Against Russia Threatens Dialogue and Peace
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 24, 2022
Yoselina Guevara López


On November 23, the European Union Parliament, through a non-binding resolution, qualified the Russian Federation as a “State sponsor of terrorism” with 494 votes in favor, 58 against and 44 abstentions. As expected from Kiev came the immediate thanks of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba who declared “Russia must be recognized as a terrorist state throughout the world and Ukraine must be equipped with all necessary air defense systems as soon as possible”.

From Moscow came the frank response devoid of any diplomatic sweetener in the voice of Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova “the European Parliament passed a resolution recognizing Russia as a ‘sponsor of terrorism’. I propose to recognize the European Parliament as a ‘sponsor of idiocy’.” On the same day of the vote, the Europarliament’s website suffered a sophisticated cyber attack, which consisted of a distributed denial of service (DDoS), according to experts this is a technique that consists of saturating servers through the massive sending of requests issued with the intention of collapsing the system.

Terrorist attacks in Russia

In terms of diplomacy, and above all in terms of possible negotiations, the decision to declare Russia as a “State sponsor of terrorism” has not been the right one, and on the contrary, it could boomerang.
On the one hand, contemporary history, dating back at least twenty years, shows that the Russian Federation has devoted great efforts to the eradication of jihadism, including several attacks. Suffice it to recall the tragedy of the Dubrovka Theater in Moscow in 2002 when the Chechen separatist leader Movsar Barayev, accompanied by about 50 terrorists armed with grenades, explosives of all kinds and rifles, took more than 900 people hostage, including artists and spectators, in the middle of the second act of a musical-theatrical show. After three days of negotiations, the outcome was bloody and more than 130 hostages died during the storming of the theater by Russian security forces.

Another glaring example occurred on September 1, 2004 with the so-called Beslan massacre when a group of 30 terrorists, mostly armed and with explosives attached to their bodies, entered a school in the city of Beslan. The toll was in this case also ruthless 334 dead, 186 of them children, and more than 700 wounded. In this sense, the fight of the Russian security forces against terrorism has been constant and recognized even by the West, dismantling Daesh jihadist cells and links against these organizations.
Likewise, if we take into account recent actions such as the murder of the young journalist Daria Aleksandrovna Duguin, daughter of Aleksandr Duguin, with the explosion of the vehicle in which she was traveling; the bombing of the Crimean bridge, these are all operations carried out, organized and even carried out by Ukrainian agents that clearly demonstrate who the terrorist state really belongs to. It is worth noting that in the face of this absurd resolution of the European Parliament, nations historically plagued by international terrorism could distance themselves from the declaration of the European Union, just as some countries protested when it was attempted to apply the term “genocide” to the Russian operation in Ukraine, which evidently does not pursue ethnic or racial cleansing.

Folded to the United States and NATO

However, this resolution should not cause astonishment, because already NATO at its recent assembly in Madrid, Spain decided to classify Russia as a terrorist state. Beyond the media rhetoric, intrinsically what they are trying to sow in the public opinion is the belief and justification that the terrorist, or rather the “terrorist state” must be annihilated, defeated, without any possible mediation. It is necessary to remember that it is precisely NATO that has coined this definition, which has served to justify invasions, attacks and belligerent actions. It is worth asking why no international organization has ever issued a resolution that qualifies the United States as a terrorist state, by virtue of all the wars, invasions, sanctions and coups d’état that it has carried out and continues to carry out throughout the length and breadth of the world.

Special operation equals reasoning and strategy

The special operation being conducted by Russia in Ukraine follows a military logic. That is to link the concept of “terrorism” to the destruction of civilian infrastructure in the course of a war campaign is intellectually dishonest. The bombing of critical infrastructure of the enemy country belongs to the military strategic theory and this has also been a component of wars waged by Western countries.

It will not be statements of condemnation, let alone non-binding ones, that will make Russia desist from implementing military plans and broader strategies to bring the Ukrainian government to its knees. The systematic destruction of the power grid, water systems and, potentially, political-military command centers – the shelling of the intelligence headquarters is one example – will probably continue to be carried out throughout the winter season. The evacuation of the large urban centers which could no longer be heated and would be without essential services, UNO has spoken of about 2 million people leaving Ukraine, would allow the Moscow Armed Forces to hit more easily the Ukrainian local power centers. General Winter, about to make his first foray into this conflict, remains Russia’s main ally. Unfortunately there is no peace on the horizon. On the contrary, the conflict is becoming more and more radicalized. Let us hope that it does not reach its most disastrous, most exacerbated, most catastrophic point for humanity. ... and-peace/

Moscow Explains its Ukraine Objectives to the UNSC
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 24, 2022


Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on Ukraine


At the outset, let us repeat our position regarding the participation of the president of Ukraine in the meeting via VTC, which happens not for the first time. As we repeatedly stated, we have nothing against his participation, but he needs to be present here in person. This is prescribed by the rules that have been regulating the work of the Security Council for the past 75 years. Besides, Mr.Zelensky seems to be not taking part in this meeting at all. Apparently, we have just listened to his pre-recorded statement. Whichever UNSC meeting Zelensky addressed, he never stayed until the end, and most likely, he never stayed even a second.

I now turn to the esteemed representative of Norway. You said that you heard Zelensky “loud and clear”. I am sorry to disappoint, but he did not hear you at all. He is not interested in opinions of UNSC members. To him, this Council is only a podium.


In the course of our special military operation, we have to oppose not only the formations of the Kiev regime, but also countries of the North Atlantic Alliance that provide all sorts of military support to Kiev and thus wage a proxy war on Russia. In order to weaken and destroy the military potential of our opponents, we launch high-precision strikes against energy and other infrastructure that is used to supply Ukrainian armed formations with weapons, first of all Western, facilitate their logistics and liaison.

Today many grieved that the people of Ukraine risk being left without energy or water. But we cannot remember anyone in the West express any concern back in 2015, when through the fault of Ukraine the people of Crimea were left without water and electricity. To say nothing of the people of Donbas, who suffered from economic suffocation for eight years on end. We will not take over the sly logic of the representatives of Zelensky’s regime who are cowardly bombarding the Zaporozhye NPP and blaming it on Russia (given total connivance of their Western sponsors) and will not say that Ukraine itself is hitting its infrastructure. Especially if we recall that, as Ukrainian and Western media would put it, we ran out of missiles back in March, then in July, then in September. However, the residential buildings become damaged and civilians get killed on account of Ukrainian air defense systems that are deployed in centers of Ukrainian cities rather than on the outskirts. As a result, wreckage of the missiles or stray Ukrainian missiles hit the facilities that we never targeted. For example, today, Ukrainian web users posted photos of missiles that had hit residential buildings in Kiev and Vyshgorod (the Kiev Region). Those turned out to be American air defense missiles that Kiev had been supplied with. Let me draw the attention of my US colleague to this. Your thoughtless provision of weapons to Ukraine is already killing civilians not only in Donbas, but in Ukrainian cities and towns.

Quite understandably, Ukrainian propaganda makers do their best to conceal such incidents carefully and try to narrow it all down to the mantra about Russia being guilty of everything.

Reaction of Ukrainian leadership to the incident in which Ukrainian air defense missiles had hit the Polish town of Przewodow, made it clear to what extent one may trust the stories and evidence shared by the Kiev regime. After the incident, Kiev made hysterical and absolutely untruthful claims that were meant to provoke a large-scale war in Europe. But the Western partners, though blushing and stuttering, still try to blame it on us. We wonder what the results of the “transparent and objective” investigation of this episode are going to be. We very much want to believe that our Western colleagues will not fear to call things by their real names and will not lie to their people the way Zelensky’s regime does.

Unfortunately, many national and even international officials eagerly take up those fake stories while not thinking of verifying the facts and sources.

Absurd allegations by Special Representative of the Secretary-General Pramila Patten are a telling example of this. In October this year she claimed that Russian soldiers were allegedly supplied with “Viagra” in order to rape Ukrainian women. But recently a recording of her conversation with whom she thought to be the representatives of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was leaked to the web. In this talk, she admitted to not having any credible data on this. What’s more, she said, “It’s not my role to go and investigate. I have no such authority”. So the highest officials of the UN Secretariat may hide behind the limits of their mandates or easily overstep those – depending on what they need. Convenient, isn’t it? We pinpoint all such cases and we call on UN officials to be guided strictly by the UN Charter and the rules of conduct of international officials.

We also keep record of all real evidence of the crimes committed by Ukrainian armed formations, i.a. in the territories of the new Russian regions that are temporarily under Ukrainian control. Having landed in the Dnieper’s right bank, Ukrainian nationalists began mass “cleansings” and repressions against the local population. Ms.G.Lugovaya, a representative of Ukrainian authorities, warned in advance that the UAF would “shoot the traitors like dogs”. To cover up for this, a curfew was introduced. Though the Kiev authorities try hard to maintain the information blockade of the Kherson Region, bone-chilling photo evidence still reaches us. It shows Ukrainian militants tying up to lampposts those locals who cooperated with Russian forces. Back in the times of the Great Patriotic War, Nazis tortured the Soviet people in the exact same way.

Now they torture even those whom they discover to be in possession of a Soviet-issued military identity card. The goal is clear – intimidate the opponents of the Kiev regime. Fearing reprisals, citizens are forced to shout Nazi slogans and throw up their hands in a Nazi salute, as is customary among Ukrainian militants. This footage was aired by CNN, after which Kiev revoked licenses of the journalists of this channel. Same happened to Sky News. So what is it that official Kiev takes pains to hide? Why don’t Western delegations condemn these infringements on the freedom of media and access to information?

Thereby the European Union that champions these goals, flung aside its former peaceful ideals and openly embarked on the path of an aggressive military alliance, which brings it close as never before to being directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine. On 14 November, Brussels announced the launch of an “EU mission to train Ukrainian military”. The training will take place at the sites of EU members, Germany and Poland, and will provide exercise for at least 15,000 military personnel.


Last weekend, the shocking footage of Ukrainian military shooting unarmed Russian POWs went viral on the Internet. In an open letter, we called on the Secretary-General and UNSC member states to demand Kiev to put an end to its gross violations of international humanitarian law.

The amount of evidence of the use of torture by the Ukrainian side in violation of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 is growing. The DPR fighters released from captivity confirm that militants of the ultra-nationalist armed group “Right Sector” execute prisoners by hanging. In the LPR, forensic experts arrived at a conclusion that the POWs had had upper sections of their ears cut off and legs shot through before they were killed. Some Russian POWs were left lying in excavated graves under a layer of earth for as long as 5 hours.

The Investigative Committee of Russia holds inquiries into all these cases. But we also expect the international community and international rights advocates to give their principles assessments to Kiev’s non-compliance with its obligations under the IHL.

In parallel to this, the Kiev regime is carrying out provocations in order to pose a threat of an industrial disaster at the Zaporozhye NPP. On 19 November, UAF launched 12 large-caliber projectiles against the ZNPP industrial area, and then 8 more on 21 November. According to IAEA Director-General R.Grossi, these bombardments turned out to be the most serious incidents in the recent months. IAEA experts who were present at the ZNPP saw with their own eyes the explosions where the projectiles fell. They noted extensive destruction that occurred in the area of the NPP. In particular, condensate storage tanks were damaged, which resulted in a leakage of a non-radioactive material.

So far, the radiation background at the ZNPP remains normal. But taking into account the irresponsible attempts of Kiev to infringe on the integrity ZNPP’s critical infrastructure, this may change and the only question is when.

Now back to the issue on which account this meeting was called. We underscore again that we launch strikes against the Ukrainian infrastructure in retaliation for the pumping-up of Ukraine with Western weapons and the reckless calls to Kiev to win a military victory over Russia. Undermining the combat capability of the Ukrainian army, which threatens the security and territorial integrity of Russia, is one of the goals of our special military operation. This task will be carried out by military means until the Kiev regime adopts a realistic position that would allow to negotiate and try to resolve the issues that forced us to start the SMO. So far, what we have heard from Mr.Zelensky and his adepts can in no way be described as “readiness for peace”, but rather as the language of reckless threats and ultimatums. Kiev’s Western sponsors further encourage this irresponsible stance, because the war “until the last Ukrainian” to be fought on the Ukrainian territory is something they benefit from. This is how their weapons industries can receive colossal profits, and also how NATO can test its armaments. In doing so, Western states seek to establish their geopolitical hegemony by proxy at the expense of Ukrainian lives.

Thank you.


Ukraine: Electric War
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 24, 2022
Pepe Escobar


Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose-garden. My words echo
Thus, in your mind.
But to what purpose
Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves
I do not know.

T.S. Eliot, Burnt Norton

Spare a thought to the Polish farmer snapping pics of a missile wreckage – later indicated to belong to a Ukrainian S-300. So a Polish farmer, his footfalls echoing in our collective memory, may have saved the world from WWIII – unleashed via a tawdry plot concocted by Anglo-American “intelligence”.

Such tawdriness was compounded by a ridiculous cover-up: the Ukrainians were firing on Russian missiles from a direction that they could not possibly be coming from. That is: Poland. And then the U.S. Secretary of Defense, weapons peddler Lloyd “Raytheon” Austin, sentenced Russia was to blame anyway, because his Kiev vassals were shooting at Russian missiles that should not have been in the air (and they were not).

Call it the Pentagon elevating bald lying into a rather shabby art.

The Anglo-American purpose of this racket was to generate a “world crisis” against Russia. It’s been exposed – this time. That does not mean the usual suspects won’t try it again. Soon.

The main reason is panic. Collective West intel sees how Moscow is finally mobilizing their army – ready to hit the ground next month – while knocking out Ukraine’s electricity infrastructure as a form of Chinese torture.

Those February days of sending only 100,000 troops – and having the DPR and LPR militias plus Wagner commandos and Kadyrov’s Chechens do most of the heavy lifting – are long gone. Overall, Russians and Russophones were facing hordes of Ukrainian military – perhaps as many as 1 million. The “miracle” of it all is that Russians did quite well.

Every military analyst knows the basic rule: an invasion force should number three times the defending force. The Russian Army at the start of the SMO was at a small fraction of that rule. The Russian Armed Forces arguably have a standing army of 1.3 million troops. Surely they could have spared a few tens of thousands more than the initial 100,000. But they did not. It was a political decision.

But now SMO is over: this is CTO (Counter-Terrorist Operation) territory. A sequence of terrorist attacks – targeting the Nord Streams, the Crimea Bridge, the Black Sea Fleet – finally demonstrated the inevitability of going beyond a mere “military operation”.

And that brings us to Electric War.

Paving the way to a DMZ

The Electric War is being handled essentially as a tactic – leading to the eventual imposition of Russia’s terms in a possible armistice (which neither Anglo-American intel and vassal NATO want).

Even if there was an armistice – widely touted for a few weeks now – that would not end the war. Because the deeper, tacit Russian terms – end of NATO expansion and “indivisibility of security” – were fully spelled out to both Washington and Brussels last December, and subsequently dismissed.

As nothing – conceptually – has changed since then, coupled with the Western weaponization of Ukraine reaching a frenzy, the Putin-era Stavka could not but expand the initial SMO mandate, which remains denazification and demilitarization. Yet now the mandate will have to encompass Kiev and Lviv.

And that starts with the current de-electrification campaign – which goes way beyond the east of the Dnieper and along the Black Sea coast towards Odessa.

That brings us to the key issue of reach and depth of Electric War, in terms of setting up what would be a DMZ – complete with no man’s land – west of the Dnieper to protect Russian areas from NATO artillery, HIMARS and missile attacks.

How deep? 100 km? Not enough. Rather 300 km – as Kiev has already requested artillery with that kind of range.

What’s crucial is that way back in July this was already being extensively discussed in Moscow at the highest Stavka levels.

In an extensive July interview, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov let the cat – diplomatically – out of the bag:

“This process continues, consistently and persistently. It will continue as long as the West, in its impotent rage, desperate to aggravate the situation as much as possible, continues to flood Ukraine with more and more long-range weapons. Take the HIMARS. Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov boasts that they have already received 300-kilometre ammunition. This means our geographic objectives will move even further from the current line. We cannot allow the part of Ukraine that Vladimir Zelensky, or whoever replaces him, will control to have weapons that pose a direct threat to our territory or to the republics that have declared their independence and want to determine their own future.”

The implications are clear.

As much as Washington and NATO are even more “desperate to aggravate the situation as much as possible” (and that’s Plan A: there’s no Plan B), geoeconomically the Americans are intensifying the New Great Game: desperation here applies to trying to control energy corridors and setting their price.

Russia remains unfazed – as it continues to invest in Pipelineistan (towards Asia); solidify the multimodal International North South Transportation Corridor (INTSC), with key partners India and Iran; and is setting the price of energy via OPEC+.

A paradise for oligarchic looters

The Straussians/neo-cons and neoliberal-cons permeating the Anglo-American intel/security apparatus – de facto weaponized viruses – won’t relent. They simply cannot afford losing yet another NATO war – and on top of it against “existential threat” Russia.

As the news from the Ukraine battlefields promise to be even grimmer under General Winter, solace at least may be found in the cultural sphere. The Green transition racket, seasoned in a toxic mixed salad with the eugenist Silicon Valley ethos, continues to be a side dish offered with the main course: the Davos “Great Narrative”, former Great Reset, which reared its ugly head, once again, at the G20 in Bali.

That translates as everything going swell as far as the Destruction of Europe project is concerned. De-industrialize and be happy; rainbow-dance to every woke tune on the market; and freeze and burn wood while blessing “renewables” in the altar of European values.

A quick flashback to contextualize where we are is always helpful.

Ukraine was part of Russia for nearly four centuries. The very idea of its independence was invented in Austria during WWI for the purpose of undermining the Russian Army – and that certainly happened. The present “independence” was set up so local Trotskyite oligarchs could loot the nation as a Russia-aligned government was about to move against those oligarchs.

The 2014 Kiev coup was essentially set up by Zbig “Grand Chessboard” Brzezinski to draw Russia into a new partisan war – as in Afghanistan – and was followed by orders to the Gulf oil haciendas to crash the oil price. Moscow had to protect Russophones in Crimea and Donbass – and that led to more Western sanctions. All of it was a setup.

For 8 years, Moscow refused to send its armies even to Donbass east of the Dnieper (historically part of Mother Russia). The reason: not to be bogged down in another partisan war. The rest of Ukraine, meanwhile, was being looted by oligarchs supported by the West, and plunged into a financial black hole.

The collective West deliberately chose not to finance the black hole. Most of the IMF injections were simply stolen by the oligarchs, and the loot transferred out of the country. These oligarchic looters were of course “protected” by the usual suspects.

It’s always crucial to remember that between 1991 and 1999 the equivalent of the present entire household wealth of Russia was stolen and transferred overseas, mostly to London. Now the same usual suspects are trying to ruin Russia with sanctions, as “new Hitler” Putin stopped the looting.

The difference is that the plan of using Ukraine as just a pawn in their game is not working.

On the ground, what has been going on so far are mostly skirmishes, and a few real battles. But with Moscow massing fresh troops for a winter offensive, the Ukrainian Army may end up completely routed.

Russia didn’t look so bad – considering the effectiveness of its mincing machine artillery strikes against Ukrainian fortified positions, and recent planned retreats or positional warfare, keeping casualties down while smashing Ukrainian withering firepower.

The collective West believes it holds the Ukraine proxy war card. Russia bets on reality, where economic cards are food, energy, resources, resource security and a stable economy.

Meanwhile, as if the energy-suicide EU did not have to face a pyramid of ordeals, they can surely expect to have knocking on their door at least 15 million desperate Ukrainians escaping from villages and cities with zero electrical power.

The railway station in – temporarily occupied – Kherson is a graphic example: people show up constantly to warm up and charge their smartphones. The city has no electricity, no heat, and no water.

Current Russian tactics are the absolute opposite of the military theory of concentrated force developed by Napoleon. That’s why Russia is accumulating serious advantages while “disturbing the dust in a bowl of rose-leaves”.

And of course, “we haven’t even started yet.” ... ctric-war/


From Cassad's Telegram account:




The situation in the Starobelsk direction
as of 18.00 November 24, 2022 The

situation in the Starobelsk direction has not changed much. Both Russian units and enemy troops conduct positional defense without involving large forces.

The parties exchanged artillery strikes and attacks by sabotage groups to "probe" the front line of defense.

Settlements on various sectors of the front are in the "gray zone" and neither the RF Armed Forces nor the Armed Forces of Ukraine have confident control over them.

🔻In the Kupyansko-Svatovsky sector, the command of the 14th and 92nd mechanized brigades is restoring the combat capability of the units and carrying out a planned rotation of personnel.

▪️In the vicinity of Stelmahovka , UAV operators of the 92nd ombr conduct reconnaissance of the positions of the RF Armed Forces, and also carry out remote mining of the area with PFM-1 anti-personnel mines in threatened directions.

▪️Several 120-mm mortars were deployed to Sinkovka to conduct shelling of Russian advanced strongholds , and territorial defense units arrived west of Kislovka .

🔻In the Limansky sector, reconnaissance and sabotage groups of the RF Armed Forces conduct regular attacks on Ukrainian positions in the Torsky area . The artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is firing indiscriminately at the areas of the alleged presence of Russian fighters.

🔻At the moment, there is a relative calm in the Starobelsky direction . The Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing for a large-scale offensive.

Reserves are concentrated in the Kharkiv region. It is quite likely that the Ukrainian command is expecting the arrival of some formations from the Kherson direction .


forwarded from
In their planning, the Ukrainians must take into account the likelihood of our large-scale offensive starting around the second half of December. What plans our command has regarding the choice of terms is, of course, a separate question. But in any case, winter will fully come into its own by this time, the training period for those mobilized even by the very last will be two months, and we can deploy forces in a specific direction very quickly.

Therefore, in order to try to achieve some success in their own offensive, the forelocks have about three weeks, in a number of areas densely colored by mud. To count on at least something, they need a tank fist, a lot (hundreds) of battlefield armored vehicles, that is, infantry fighting vehicles and not too cardboard armored personnel carriers, a lot of accumulated artillery ammunition and fuel and lubricants, a rich military air defense and a capable logistics support system growing straight from an uninterrupted operation of the railways feeding the selected section.

With all of the above, the Ukrainians have problems after heavy losses in the fall - from serious to very large. At least some of them will almost certainly grow - first of all, this concerns the railways, where the forced transition from electric to diesel traction looks like a matter of time. But that doesn't mean they won't try. Because in anticipation of the deployment of all our forces, they, in fact, have nothing to lose.

Expose inactive sectors of the front to the limit, pulling artillery and armored vehicles of the first line from wherever possible. Line up in two or three echelons in a narrow area. And hope that it will be possible to break through it en masse, in the hope of operational success, entailing such a buildup of our public opinion that would force us to negotiate in an unfavorable situation. Hope is so-so, but they still can’t hope for anything better.

The game is very gambling, very risky, with very small chances of remaining at least on your own. But they can decide, because from month to month the balance of forces and means for them will only worsen: the owners have already raked too much out of their reserves, and repeating this approach quantitatively (even leaving aside its political side) would mean tearing away absolutely necessary.

A natural consequence of a highly probable failure: an instantaneous sharp change in the balance of forces, especially shock, entailing the exhaustion of the safety margin for defensive actions. The loss of the last bet looks exactly like this and is supposed to.

And perhaps the most interesting question is whether the hosts will bless this gambling game. The probability of this is the higher, the lower they estimate our combat effectiveness right now. The enemy may have the most outstanding illusions on this score.

In my opinion, if they still bless, then to our serious benefit.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Fri Nov 25, 2022 1:12 pm

a terrible fatigue
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 11/25/2022


Original article: Yulia Andrienko / Komsomolskaya Pravda

The morning was great: I received a call from a friend of Avdeevka's. “Can you imagine, I saw a cake in the store yesterday! Enormous! I stood there looking and admiring her, unable to move away from her. I came home, plugged in the stove in the garage, and thought I'd cook there, because you can't cook much on the street. I have food, don't worry”, she told me cheerfully, referring to stocks of canned food and cereals.

I listened to it while thinking that there are no food reserves that save you from the cold or the bombs. But my friend's situation has no solution: she has a bedridden mother. There have been no ATMs in the city for a long time, nor are there any salaries for the ex-employees of the factory. The Avdeevka coking plant has been in maintenance mode since March. There is not a single service that works in the city, not even the ambulances of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. So my friend and her sick mother will spend the winter in a city without heat, water, electricity. It scares me to think about it.

I don't ask the question "Why don't you go away?" On my personal list of anger-inducing questions, that's at the top. They are the following:

1Why don't you get out of here?
2There were hardly any bombings before February, why did you have to start?
3Don't you know that Russia only wants you as a stopper?
4You are a journalist, tell me, when will the war end?
5Are there coffee shops at war? As a variant of this question: do you celebrate birthdays, do you get married, do you have children, do you get manicures?
6Is Avdeevka worth it?
7Why have you not overthrown Nazism in 30 years from Ukraine?
8Aren't you afraid to go to the front areas?
9Why should my son go to defend Donbass if we live in Russia?

I don't know why, but even in war Donetsk, where the taps have long since dried up, the shop windows are boarded up, and life passes by to the sound of artillery, for some reason I feel happy. But it is a happiness in silence. Next to me are people whose lives have been destroyed by war and still don't complain. It's amazing, no complaints or reproaches are heard in the destroyed villages near the Donetsk airport. No one has made the air tremble with the rhetoric of complaint "how long!" since a long time.

“Here we all help each other to survive. Since February there has been no water at all. Only text messages arrive to the mobile saying that today there will be water according to a schedule, but only air comes out of the tap, the water pressure does not reach here. Neighbors who have wells help us,” an Oktyabrsky resident told me in line to get water from the truck.

“The other day, I was taking care of the goats, and all of a sudden there was an explosion. The goat had stepped on a mine. She was injured in one leg, the other was cut, like a knife, and her chest was cut open. I was at the same height, it turns out that the goat saved my life, ”explained Nikolai Vasilevich, wiping away tears.

I was surprised to see a young boy with some eggplants in his hand in the queue. Young people are becoming a rarity in Donetsk, some have been recruited and some have left.

“Thank you for bringing water. Now I'm taking it with me, I'll leave the aubergines at home and I'll go to school to drop off the water containers. So they will also have water there,” said Makar Ponomarenko. The boy studies international economics (I wonder what that will mean in a few years, when he gets his diploma) and on the weekends he helps out at a church. He is from a large family and has an older brother who is disabled in a wheelchair. So Makar is the main source of water. He doesn't have time to gossip, complain, or argue about politics.

Also in the Rehabilitation Center of the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, where I arrived together with the local singer-songwriter Vladimir Skobtsov, they are reluctant to talk about politics. Skobtsov immediately accepted my proposal to talk to the wounded. The center is located on the outskirts of Donetsk. There is a strong aroma of forest, mushrooms, humid nature and some birds sing immediately before the artillery hits, so loud that you have to cover your ears.

“Is it always like this here?” I asked the guys who were smoking quietly on the porch.

“Yeah, it's still quiet, they don't pay attention here, it's just background noise,” they laughed.

Young people without arms, without legs, in a wheelchair. I find myself more and more in Donetsk and realize that Donbass will be a place of mutilated people for many years.

“Not only are our wounded receiving treatment here, there are about a hundred Ukrainian prisoners on a separate floor,” explained head of neurosurgery Gennady Serbin. “We treat them, we cure them, we feed them. Do you think they have regrets? Absolutely. I remember one from Azov, who needed an operation, we anesthetized him, he looked at us and said: "How I hate you!" Do you remember the poem “I was cured by a Donetsk doctor”? In real life, everything is different. They have no gratitude or regret for what they have done.”

In the evening, the missile attacks in Ukraine will be discussed. Do you know the difference between the population of Donetsk and the population of Ukraine? There is no joy in my heart listening to the missile attacks on kyiv, Lviv, Rovno, Kharkiv. There is no such thing as the glee and euphoria of those who hysterically take selfies in front of a stamp commemorating the Crimean bridge fire or write news commentaries about the deaths of Donetsk residents and make jokes about exploding air conditioners.

They still don't know what a person looks like whose head has exploded into fragments, like plasticine, and whose body, like a paper doll children play with, can easily be torn in two by an artillery shell. They have not seen phones in bags full of blood and remnants of clothing from which the remnants of blood and hair cannot be removed, they have not been blown against the wall of a house by the shock wave or lost their loved ones, with the who drank coffee the day before and vowed to have dinner together the day autumn came. So I don't have that joy. I am certain that a moment of reckoning and punishment are inevitable. And a terrible fatigue.

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On the prospects for a new mobilization
November 25, 12:54


The Kremlin said that now no announcement of a new wave of mobilization is planned. Announcements on this topic can not be expected now.
Earlier, again in the Kremlin, it was stated that all questions on the need for a second wave of partial mobilization should be asked to the Ministry of Defense, essentially pointing out that the issue is determined by the military needs of the Russian Armed Forces grouping in the NVO zone.

In fact, the autumn partial mobilization made it possible to numerically equalize the balance of forces in Ukraine, adding to the regular army, volunteers and PMCs and solving those tasks that the bet on volunteers could not solve, which turned out to be insufficient to respond symmetrically to the pace of mobilization in Ukraine.
But it is quite clear that with a further increase in the size of the enemy grouping in Ukraine, coupled with the buildup of the NATO grouping on the western borders of Russia and Belarus, the issue of additional mobilization will be on the agenda. Possibly February or March. It is important to understand that the parameters of mobilization are limited, among other things, to issues of supply, training, coordination. What is the use of the huge masses of the mobilized if you cannot promptly dress, arm, train and prepare them for battles. I believe that the assessment of the results of the autumn partial mobilization and the assessment of the quality of actions mobilized at the front will also affect the prospects for further mobilization.

From my purely subjective point of view, in order to achieve the goals of the NMD in Ukraine by the offensive, a grouping of 1-1.2 million people is needed.

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How Ukraine’s Corrupt Elites are Profiting from the Conflict
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 24, 2022
Olga Sukharevskaya

Ukraine’s newly elected President Volodymyr Zelensky (C) walks to his Presidential office after a ceremony of his oath in the Ukrainian Parliament, in Kiev, Ukraine. © STR / NurPhoto via Getty Images

Officials and oligarchs have diverted much of the financial support sent to Kiev

Since the beginning of Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine, the United States, the European Union – and their allies – have provided Kiev with $126 billion worth of aid, a number almost equal to the country’s entire GDP. Moreover, millions of Ukrainians have found refuge in the EU where they were given housing, food, work permits, and emotional support. The scope is huge, even by western standards. Considering that the bloc has been funding Kiev while coping with an economic and energy crisis of its own, the assistance is perhaps especially notable.

Kiev bases its endless funding requests on the collapse of its economy, due to the war, and its need to “resist Russian aggression.” But is the aid reaching its intended destination?

The Monaco Battalion

While Ukraine has undergone a general mobilization affecting all men under the age of 60, many former and current high-ranking officials, politicians, businessmen, and oligarchs have moved to safety abroad – mainly to the EU.

The mass flight of Ukrainian elites started even prior to the armed conflict. On February 14, 2022, 37 deputies from the Ukrainian president’s parliamentary faction “Servant of the People” suddenly went “missing.” Had MPs not been banned from leaving the country the very next day, others would’ve definitely joined them. Meanwhile, former officials and oligarchs enjoyed more freedom to move around. According to the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, 20 business jets took off from Kiev’s Boryspol airport on the 14th as well.

Tycoons were at the front of the line. Entrepreneur and MP Vadim Novinsky, businessmen Vasily Khmelnitsky and Vadim Stolar, Vadim Nesterenko, and Andrey Stavnitzer all left the country on charter flights. Millionaire politician Igor Abramovich booked a private flight to Austria for 50 people – taking relatives, business partners, and fellow party members aboard. Oligarchs flew from Kiev to Nice, Munich, Vienna, Cyprus, and other EU destinations. Another group of businessmen took off from Odessa on private planes. The owner of Vostok Bank departed for Israel, while the head of the Transship group flew to Limassol. An ex-governor of the Odessa region, Stalkanat’s Vladimir Nemirovsky, also left the country.

In the summer and early fall of 2022, ‘Ukrainska Pravda’ prepared several investigative documentaries about fit-for-service Ukrainian billionaires and officials spotted vacationing on the Côte d’Azur during the war. A movie with the ironic title “The Monaco Battalion” shows Ukrainian oligarchs resting at their villas, mansions, and on yachts. In the first part, we see businessman Konstantin Zhevago, who is included on Interpol’s wanted list, relaxing on his private yacht worth $70 million. The yacht graces the shoreline of the Côte d’Azur as Zhevago’s family disembarks. Kharkov entrepreneur Alexander Yaroslavsky, who promised to sell his yacht and transfer the funds towards the restoration of Kharkov, can be seen sailing alongside.


‘Ukrainska Pravda’ journalists also got a glimpse of the Surkis brothers in France, who’re currently renting apartments worth €2 million per year. Meanwhile, a $300,000 Bentley belonging to Ukrainian businessman Vadim Ermolaev was spotted near the casino in Monaco, and Eduard Kohan, the co-founder of Euroenergotrade, was seen at one of Monte Carlo’s chic hotels.

A whole colony of Ukrainian oligarchs has apparently taken up residence in the elite French commune of Cap-Ferrat. Land developer Vadim Solar, oligarchs Dmitry Firtash, Vitaly Khomutynnik, and Sergey Lovochkin are among those enjoying high life in the middle of the war. The Cap-Ferrat villa once belonging to King Leopold II of Belgium was bought by the richest Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. His neighbors are Alexander Davtyan, President of the Investment Group DAD LLC, and Vladislav Gelzin, a former deputy of the Donetsk Regional Council.

As the creators of the film repeatedly emphasize, deputies and businessmen of “pro-Russian” parliamentary factions left the country during the war. Yet many active supporters of the current government also prefer to defend their homeland from abroad.

‘Ukrainska Pravda’ managed to interview Andrei Kholodov, an MP from Vladimir Zelensky’s faction “Servant of the People”, from his current residence in Vienna. The Austrian capital was also chosen by nationalist Nikita Poturaev and Sergei Melnichuk, a former head of the Aidar battalion known for war crimes reported by Amnesty International. The former head of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, 59-year-old Alexander Tupitsky, and the 45-year-old ex-prosecutor general of Ukraine Ruslan Ryaboshapka also preferred foreign “trenches.”

Members of the Ukrainian parliament are in no hurry to adopt vitally important laws for the country during wartime. According to the Telegram channel “Volyn News,” as of March 11, 2022, more than 20 MPs had moved abroad for unspecified reasons. The geography is extensive: Great Britain, Poland, Qatar, Spain, France, Austria, Romania, Hungary, UAE, Moldova, Israel, etc. In March, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine launched an investigation into the actions of six parliamentarians who have remained abroad.

Apparently, neither war nor punishment can put Ukrainian legislators to work. Only 99 deputies out of 450 attended the session of the Parliament on July 20. Presumably distracted by summer, the Côte d’Azur, the Maldives, and yachts… As for defending Ukraine itself – just leave it to the foreign volunteers, they say.

Lawmaker sits in an empty parliamentary chamber before the session. © Sergii Kharchenko / NurPhoto via Getty Images

Where’s all the military and humanitarian aid going?

Some western benefactors have recently noticed that most of the military and humanitarian aid never reaches Ukraine’s army or ordinary citizens.

In an original documentary, CBS reported that about 70% of military aid failed to find its way to the intended beneficiaries and donor countries are often unable to control its intended use. According to the creators of the report, some of the weapons are sold on the black market. As US Marine Corps veteran Andy Milburn said, “I can tell you unarguably that on the frontline units these things are not getting there. Drones, Switchblades, IFAKs. They’re not, alright. Body armor, helmets, you name it.”

The Grayzone writes that weapons and humanitarian aid provided by the West to the Ukrainian military is being stolen along the way and never reaches the soldiers. At the same time, Ukrainian MPs recently gave themselves a 70% pay raise. The author of the piece argues that billions of dollars from the USA and the EU have been diverted.

A Ukrainian soldier named Ivan told journalists about western funds never reaching the front: “Imagine telling an American soldier that we are using our personal cars in the war, and we’re also responsible for paying for repairs and fuel. We’re buying our own body armor and helmets. We don’t have observation tools or cameras, so soldiers have to pop their heads out to see what’s coming, which means at any moment, a rocket or tank can tear their heads off.”

Samantha Morris, a medical doctor from the US, drew attention to the theft of medical supplies and the overall corruption: “The lead doctor at the military base in Sumy has ordered medical supplies from and for the military at different points in time, and he has had 15 trucks of supplies completely disappear,” she said. The doctors couldn’t even set up courses for medical assistants until a friend of the Sumy region governor interceded.

CNN talked to a retired US colonel who said that Ukrainian troops are short on supplies. Small arms, medical equipment, field hospitals and a lot more are under the control of private organizations – more concerned about stealing money than saving the lives of their compatriots.

krainian military vehicles and soldiers are seen on the road to Irpin which is just near the capital Kyiv, Ukraine on March 30, 2022. © Metin Aktas / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

As Stephen Myers, a former member of the US Department of State Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy, insisted, “There is little to prevent a field commander from diverting some of the equipment to buyers, aka the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians or whomever, while claiming the equipment and weapons were destroyed…”

Thousands of tons of humanitarian aid is being stolen. In September, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) proved that the head of the Office of the President, Andrei Yermak, his deputy Kirill Tymoshenko, the head of “The Servant of the People” faction David Arakhamiya and his friend Vemir Davityan were behind the large-scale theft of humanitarian aid in the Zaporozhye region. Zaporozhye officials Starukh, Nekrasova, Sherbina, and Kurtev only superficially carried out the task of distributing aid. In six months, they organized the theft of 22 sea containers, 389 railway cars, and 220 trucks. Humanitarian aid was sold in ATB and Selpo – supermarkets owned by Gennady Butkevich and Vladimir Kostelman, respectively. Of course, Tymoshenko, Nekrasova and Davityan all became “refugees” and found asylum in Vienna.

Admittedly, not everyone is on the run. Andrei Yarmolsky, the scandalous former deputy head of the Volyn regional administration – accused of stealing humanitarian aid, supplying defective bulletproof vests, and illegally moving men out of the country – was promoted. He now works for the National Security and Defense Council.

Medical supplies are also being stolen. The Telegraph reportsthat “some of the donated supplies later made their way onto the hospitals’ pharmacy shelves: priced, and listed for sale”. Health workers appropriate medicine, bandages, and medical equipment, and resell them to patients for whom they were intended to be free, the article says.

A similar story was told by the aforementioned doctor Dr Morris: “I got a call from a nurse at a military hospital in Dnipro. She said the president of the hospital had stolen all the pain medications to resell them, and that the wounded soldiers being treated there had no pain relief. She begged us to hand-deliver pain medications to her. She said she would hide them from the hospital president so that they’d reach the soldiers. But who can you trust? Was the hospital president really stealing the medications, or was she trying to con us into giving her pain medications for her to sell or use? Who knows. Everyone is lying.”

War for some, Gucci for others

Enormous cash flows from Western countries are continuously used by corrupt Ukrainian officials for personal enrichment and to acquire luxury goods.

In a recently busted corruption scheme, Odessa customs smuggled shirts, backpacks, sports shoes, belts, and other luxury items by Givenchy, Gucci, Polo, Dolce & Gabbana, Michael Kors, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Armani under the guise of army equipment. The documents, declaring the cargo as “for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” were signed by the acting head of the Odessa customs Vitaly Zakolodyazhny. According to MP Alexander Dubinsky, this is a common theft scheme. “The work of the customs is unsatisfactory because while some are fighting at the front, others are making money under the guise of their customs uniforms,” the parliamentarian said.

US Customs and Border Protection officer unboxes counterfeit products seizured at the Los Angeles / Long Beach Seaport complex. © Brittany Murray / MediaNews Group / Long Beach Press-Telegram via Getty Images

To take another example, in May 2022, Western countries abolished customs duties for Ukraine. Within a week, over 14,000 passenger cars were imported into the country. As the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Mustafa Nayem commented, “Considering we’re a country at war, our partners in Poland, Slovakia, and Romania were quite surprised by this fast-paced upgrade to our vehicle fleet.”

As they go about acquiring luxurious clothes and cars, the thieves are also taking care to withdraw capital from Ukraine.

According to the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine, Ukraine’s budget is missing UAH 4.5 billion worth of taxes from agrotraders: “In August-September 2022, almost 12 million tons of grain crops and oil estimated at UAH 137 billion were exported through the customs territory of Ukraine. Of these, almost 4 million tons were exported by fake companies existing only on paper.” Moreover, “most of the non-resident companies to which grain is exported are high-risk and involved in criminal investigations.” Is this the “grain deal” that the global community is actively cheering? It looks like Ukrainian fraudsters are corrupting not just their own country, but foreign states as well. And this is just one example out of many.

When the Surkis brothers left Ukraine, they took $17 million with them. But that’s just a trifle compared to the “heroes of the Euromaidan.” According to former People’s Deputy of Ukraine Oleg Tsarev, after the outbreak of hostilities leading Ukrainian politicians sent both their capital and their families abroad.

He mentions that the parents and relatives of President Vladimir Zelensky and his wife all left the country. Zelensky’s predecessor, former president Petr Poroshenko, moved not just his children but also about a billion US dollars in cash to the UK.

The same applies to other major Ukrainian officials: former Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, the head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak, the second President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, the former Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk and many others all took their families and fortunes, estimated at around a billion dollars, out of the country. And that’s not to mention the numerous politically-affiliated oligarchs.

Scammers of smaller stature can “individually join the EU” as well. A system of bribery allows military-age males to leave the country. According to Izvestia, the fee is currently between $8,000 and $10,000. The Ukrainian media also actively reports on people paying to cross the border.

The sympathy of Westerners towards a country at war is understandable. But while some countries are doing their upmost to aid Ukraine – even while facing an economic crisis themselves – corrupt Ukrainian officials are using the funding to amass personal fortunes and live the high life at fancy resorts. And all at the expense of taxpayers in the West.

In 2015, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, upon leaving the post of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, openly declared that he had become a billionaire. It is yet to be seen how many new Ukrainian super rich tycoons – nurtured by foreign military aid – will appear in the West by the end of the conflict.

Olga Sukharevskaya is an ​ex-Ukrainian diplomat. ... -conflict/


24 Nov 2022 , 4:56 pm .

Reserves are running out just as winter begins in North America and Europe (Photo: File)

The world could face a supply crunch following diesel shortages as refining capacities are limited and reserves are running out, just as winter approaches in North America and Europe. The crisis would be total as this fuel is essential for transportation in general, industries and homes.

"Within a few months, almost every region of the planet will face the danger of a diesel shortage just as supply shortages in almost every world market have worsened inflation and hurt growth," Bloomberg warns, Zero Hedge reports .

The economic impact of rising diesel prices and worldwide shortages would be catastrophic as it would accelerate inflation that is already at record highs. According to Mark Finley, an energy fellow at Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy, high diesel prices could cost the US economy $100 billion.

Diesel inventories in the United States for this time of year are at the lowest levels in history. The country currently only has a 25-day supply of diesel, and the shortage is expected to persist until the economy slumps.

While the war in Ukraine caused diesel prices to rise, this is part of a process that has been slowly cooking around the world, according to some analysts. As for Europe, inventories are expected to fall further after Russian crude and crude product sanctions come into play in the coming months.

Without a doubt, this is the biggest diesel crisis in years, and the bad news is that winter could exacerbate the problems for Atlantic countries. ... -de-diesel

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From Cassad's Telegram account:


Prigozhin said that the PMC "Wagner" has a battalion of foreigners, commanded by a retired general of the US Army.

“I have already commented that there are a sufficient number of fighters of foreign origin, including in response to a request from the Czech telegram channel neČT24, I mentioned the legendary “Czech Švejk Battalion”. There are not very many Finnish citizens in the Wagner PMC, about 20 people. But for obvious reasons, I can not give accurate information about them. As a rule, these are highly qualified specialists, very ideological and motivated. I have a very good opinion about the Finns on the battlefield. They are fighting in a British battalion (as part of Wagner PMC), commanded by a US citizen, a former general of the Marine Corps "(c) Prigozhin




Kherson direction
situation as of 14:00 November 25, 2022 The

Ukrainian command continues to transfer units from the Kherson direction. The Armed Forces of Ukraine believe that the RF Armed Forces in the coming weeks will not have any opportunity to force the Dnieper .

Therefore, almost all reserves are withdrawn from the Kherson region, leaving only one or two formations along the right bank. Part of the forces is leaving for the Kharkiv region , the other - for the Donetsk direction .

The transfer of troops in the direction of Zaporozhye continues from the Krivoy Rog sector . Ukrainian formations depart in ground columns before a likely attack on Russian positions.

▪️On November 23, 640 people and 81 pieces of equipment of the 57th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine departed from the Yavkino, Novopoltavka and Novy Bug stations in the direction of Slavyanka in Dnepropetrovsk, Barvenkovo ​​and Gavrilovka in the Kharkiv region.

Yesterday, 133 people and over 30 pieces of equipment from the 57th brigade left for the Donetsk direction from Novy Bug to the Udachnaya station.

▪️According to local residents, Ukrainian units, as well as mercenaries, are engaged in looting when leaving cities and villages, taking everything, including doors and plumbing.

▪️The Russian sabotage group carried out a raid on the positions of the 3rd battalion of the 28th Ombre of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Antonovka area , eliminating two people and injuring four .

Immediately after the attack, the RDG of the RF Armed Forces fled the scene. The brigade command sent additional groups to search for her.

▪️In the waters of the Dnieper estuary north of the Kinburn Peninsula , reconnaissance groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to patrol on small boats.


2 days after the strikes, the official electricity shortage in Ukraine is 30%. More unofficially.
After 2 days, delays of freight and passenger trains continue.
After 2 days, interruptions with cellular communication and the Internet persist.

It will take a few more days for the Ukrainian energy system to recover from the November 23 knockdown. The next blow has every chance of knocking her out.

The NATO Secretary General called for further arms supplies to Ukraine and announced that Ukraine was in for a terrible winter. That's right - more weapons from Europe - more horror in Ukraine. Dependence is direct. The strategy of war to the last Ukrainian implies exactly this.




The situation in the Starobelsk direction
as of 12.00 November 25, 2022 The

situation in the Starobelsk direction remains unchanged. The transfer of people and equipment from the Kherson region continues. In the near future, the arrival of 57 ompbr in Barvenkovo ​​and Gavrilovka is expected .

🔻In the Kupyansko-Svatovsky sector, units of the 32nd combined battalion are conducting positional defense in the vicinity of Sinkovka . To level the front line, forces of the 32nd Special Guards Battalion of the TRO are planning an offensive at the Sinkovka-Petropavlovka line with the aim of reaching Liman 1st and Olshana .

▪️Artillery crews of the 14th Ombre of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, while targeting UAVs, are firing at the Orlyanka-Pervomaiskoye line . The enemy transferred one M142 HIMARS MLRS to Kupyansk .

▪️Russian troops with return fire struck at the stronghold of the 2nd battalion of the 14th ombr in Zagoruykovka . Part of the people of the Ukrainian brigade fled from their positions.

▪️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are firing continuously along almost the entire line of contact. In the Ukrainian ranks, morale is low due to heavy losses and poor living conditions.

The lack of electricity and gas supply and a sharp cold snap created a critical situation in some areas. More than a dozen people of 128 SRW in Stelmahovka received frostbite of their limbs.

🔻In the Limansky sector, the consolidated formations of the 66 mechanized and 25 airborne brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are strengthening their positions. And in the Rubtsov region , MATRIX UAV operators are being trained.

▪️In the vicinity of Kolodezi , personnel and armored vehicles of the 3rd battalion of the 17th tank brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, deployed from the Kherson direction , arrived . Logistics services organized the supply of fuel and lubricants.

▪️At the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Krasnaya Dibrov , there was a clash between units of the 19th Specialized Security Guard Battalion of the TRO and the 140th Marine Brigade due to the lack of interaction between the newly arrived formations.


A rally in Kyiv demanding that Zelensky's gang find the "missing" UAF members. Most of these "missing" are already dead. Just in this way, the Zelensky gang seeks to underestimate the huge losses in personnel as much as possible.



forwarded from
Mariana Batkovna
- Nastenka grew up here, she just said - I won’t go anywhere, how much I tried to take out, but she was eager to go home, for eight years, she says, mom, we weren’t afraid, but then we’ll leave? No, here to the end.
I just want to shout to everyone... I won't cry, I won't... shout to everyone... so that the whole world understands what Donetsk is. They don't understand that this is really happening here...

Probably the hardest and most terrible episode of my program. I would not wish anyone to look into the eyes of a mother who has lost her child.
And I don’t understand why those who are guilty of war crimes go on an exchange, why business is discussed behind our backs and deaths, and why I should rejoice at the suffering of such children and mothers from the other side ...
Watch and listen to stories - real, alive, mine.
Donetsk, Petrovsky district - there is only the truth.
Your Maryana Naumova

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Nov 26, 2022 2:03 pm

The winners of this war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 11/26/2022


War means mud, cold and suffering for soldiers. For the population, the conflict is poverty, death and all kinds of hardships. The population of Ukraine has been dragging this suffering for nine months, which is worsening at the moment due to blackouts, water supply difficulties and the winter cold. In Donbass, this situation has lasted eight and a half years. However, in this war, as in every war, there are a number of actors who are achieving exactly what they intended: exploiting human suffering for their economic gain. At this time of death and destruction in one of the largest countries in Europe,

Original Article: Antifashist

The American medium The Wall Street Journalhas reported that the world's major arms companies are increasing production of missile launchers, tanks and ammunition to meet the growing demand created by the fighting in Ukraine. The increase in production is taking place in Europe, which in times of peace is used to modest demand for its products. Rheinmetall, one of the largest ammunition producers, agreed last week to acquire its Spanish competitor to boost its production capacity. Its chief executive said he expects big new contracts for next year. “You have to make business decisions. Clients will sign contracts with companies that have capacity,” said Armin Papperger. The Dusseldorf company plans to double its annual production of tank ammunition from 70,000 to 140,000 units a year. This year the company will produce 110,000 units compared to 70,000 last year. The company has also doubled its production of mortar ammunition, increased production of medium-calibre shells from 1.2 to 2.2 million a year and its capacity to produce military trucks from 2,500 to 4,000.

Raytheon has brought back the dismantled production of old Stingers and retired employees to increase production, which had been reduced to a minimum. The United States has not placed orders for these weapons since 2008. L3Harris Technologies, which has received supply orders for Ukraine worth $200 million, said it is extracting computer chips from old radios to make new communication equipment so as not to lose options to send supply to Ukraine. Lockhead Martin, for its part, has doubled production of Javelin anti-tank missiles, which it jointly produces with Raytheon, and has also increased production of HIMARS rocket launchers by 60%.

In Asia, the Republic of Korea plans to sell artillery shells to the Ukrainian Armed Forces under a confidential arms supply agreement between Seoul and Washington.

In this context, the profits of arms manufacturing companies are also increasing. For example, Rheinmetall shares are up 115% since January 1, SAAB and BAE Systems 30% and 40% respectively, Lockhead Martin 36%, General Dynamics 22% and from Raytheon 12%.

In Eastern Europe, Poland is going to increase its defense budget to 3% of GDP in 2023 from the current 2.1%. According to the International Institute for Security Studies, a defense think-tank based in London, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are close to 2.5%. Sweden, Finland and the UK have also pledged to increase their military budgets. Germany has created a defense fund of 100 billion euros. Meanwhile, arms manufacturing companies encourage governments to sign new contracts to further production ramp-up efforts. ... more-26028

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On the situation on the Ukrainian railway after strikes on the energy infrastructure
November 26, 12:38


On the situation on the Ukrainian railway after strikes on the energy infrastructure

▪️On November 23, as a result of missile attacks by the RF Armed Forces on the energy infrastructure, several sections of the railway were de-energized, namely:

➖in the Kiev region
➖in the Dnepropetrovsk region
➖in the Nikolaev region
➖in the Lvov region
➖in the Vinnitsa region
➖in the Sumy region
➖in the Kharkiv region.

▪️During the day on November 23, there was a delay of 12 long-distance trains, and in the evening the number increased to 22. Delays in the movement of long-distance trains reached an average of 1 to 4 hours.

▪️By the evening of November 24, traffic pauses were already recorded on 28 flights. The largest: for trains in the direction of Odessa, Kharkov and Lvov, on average, delays reached 12 hours.

▪️On the afternoon of November 25, the movement of the Intercity electric train was resumed. It was reported that ten long-distance trains were behind schedule in the direction of Odessa, Kharkiv, Zaporozhye, Lvov, Ivano-Frankivsk and Uzhgorod. The longest - 13 hours for train number 120 "Lviv-Zaporozhye".

Rail traffic is gradually being restored. As of November 28, Ukrzaliznytsia has already announced the launch of several suburban trains in the Kharkiv region.

Most of the delays in the movement of trains are associated with a shortage of diesel locomotives. They are intensively used for transporting military cargo, fuel and lubricants and supplying the army.

Compared to past strikes, the duration and scale of disruptions to the Ukrainian railroad have increased. And in the case of repeated strikes, the problems will increase.

It should also be noted that the use of diesel locomotives for military transportation is not a panacea - they must be serviced and refueled. And for this and for the operation of the railway infrastructure as a whole, electricity is needed. - zinc

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Ukraine: The Russian Winter Offensive
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 25, 2022
Gordon M. Hahn


The only way Ukrainians will see anything approximating a holiday season is if a ceasefire can be arranged by New Year’s Day, and it just might happen, regardless of President Volodomyr Zelenskiy’s repeated assertions that there will be no negotiations with Russia until it withdraws all its troops from all occupied territories, including Crimea. There are several reasons for the possible ceasefire.

First, the Russian hammer is about to fall on Ukraine. The gloves are coming off; electric energy stations, bridges, and even ‘decision centers’ such as central Kiev’s government buildings are being targeted. Russia is one or two more massive bombing attacks on Ukraine’s energy and transport infrastructure from permanently disabling Ukraine’s electricity, water, and railroad systems. With ‘only’ 50 percent of Ukrainian electricity infrastructure knocked out by the first three widespread bombings of electricity grid components, demonstrations are already breaking out in Odessa and other places over the deteriorating humanitarian situation, with Zelenskiy sending the Ukrainian KGB, the SBU, in to break up the protests and banning coverage in media. The Office of the President was reportedly recently informed by technicians that the electricity system has entered the stage of ‘arbitrary and uncontrolled imbalance,” and one official has urged Ukrainians to be prepared to leave the country in winter. What will the sociopolitical situation be like when these critical infrastructures are in complete collapse and temperatures are 20 degrees colder? Russia will be moving closer to the strategy of ‘shock and awe’, fully destroying all infrastructure – military or otherwise – as the US did in Serbia and Iraq and will likely take less care now to avoid civilian casualties.

After the infrastructures are completely destroyed or incapacitated, Russia’s reinforcements of 380,000 regular and newly mobilized troops will have been fully added into Russia’s forces across southeastern Ukraine. Even without these reinforcements, Russian forces continue to make small gains in Donbass around Ugledar, Bakhmut (Artemevsk), as withdrawals from and stabilization of the fronts in Kharkiv and Kherson have led to a redeployment and thus concentration of forces in Zaporozhe, Donetsk, and Luhansk. A winter offensive by some half a million troops will make substantial gains on those three fronts and multiply Ukrainian losses in personnel and materiel`, which are already high. This could lead easily to a collapse of Ukrainian forces on one or more front. On the backs of such a success Russian President Putin might also make another attempt to threaten Kiev by moving a much larger force in from Belarus than the small 30-40,000 force that advanced and then withdrew from Kiev’s surrounding districts in the first months of the war.

Second, the West is suffering from Ukraine fatigue. NATO countries’ arms supplies have been depleted beyond what is tolerable, and social cohesion is collapsing in the face of double-digit inflation and economic recession. All this makes Russia the winner on the strategic level and is forcing Washington and Brussels to seek at least a breathing spell by way of a ceasefire. This is evidenced by the plethora of Western leaders calling on Zelenskiy to resume talks with Putin and the emergence of the ‘Sullivan plan’. Most recently, rumors have it that new British PM Rishi Sunak used a package of military and financial aide he announced during his recent trip to Kiev to cover up his message to Zelenskiy that London could no longer bear the burden of leading the European support for Kiev and that Kiev should reengage wirh Moscow. There has been a several day delay in the fourth round of rocket sorties against Ukrainian infrastructure, suggesting Putin is waiting to to see if Zelenskiy will cave and offer talks before unleashing the major assaults on Ukrainian infrastructure and the Russian winter offensive.

Third, Ukraine’s greatest political asset – Zelenskiy himself – just got devalued, putting at even greater risk Ukraine’s political stability. The Ukrainian air defense strike on Poland (accidental or intentional) and the Ukrainian president’s insistence that it was a Russian air strike, despite the evidence and nearly unanimous opposing opinion among his Western backers, has hit Zelenskiy’s credulity hard. Zelenskiy’s insistence on the Russian origins of the missile and technical aspects of Ukrainian air defense suggests that the event may have been an intentional Ukrainian false flag strike on Polish/NATO territory designed to provoke NATO or Poland into entering the war. Some in the West are beginning to wake up to the dangers of Ukrainian ultranationalism and neofascism, not to mention the growing megalomania of Zelenskiy, who has appeared on ore than one occasion to be willing to risk the advent of a global nuclear winter in order to avoid sitting at the negotiating table across from Putin. Some may now come to understand that claims that Putin wants to seize all Ukraine and restore the USSR if not conquer Europe are yarns spun by Kiev to attract military and financial assistance and ultimately draw NATO forces into the war. There remains a danger that Kiev’s dream of a NATO intervention might come to fruition is the following temptation. NATO has declared that a defeat of Ukraine in the war is a defeat for NATO, and NATO cannot be allowed to lose a war to a Russia because that would accelerate the coming of the end to U.S. hegemony. It cannot be excluded and may even be likely that should Kiev appear to be losing the war that Polish forces, NATO or some ‘coalition of the willing’ will move military forces into western Ukraine up to the Dnepr but do so without attacking Russian forces. This would force Russia to cease much of its military activity or risk attacking NATO forces and a larger European-wide war. This or something like it is probably already being considered in Washington.

For now, in order to keep the West on board, Zelenskiy is rumored to be pushing Ukrainian armed forces commander Viktor Zalyuzhniy to start a last pre-winter offensive in northern Donetsk (Svatovo and Severodonetsk) or Zaporozhe in order to put a stop to the West’s ceasefire murmurs and reboost support. At the same time there is talk of continuing Zelenskiy-Zalyuzhniy tensions over the latter’s good press and star status in the West. Tensions first emerged over disagreements of previous offensives and Zalyuzhniy’s earlier entry on the Western media stage. On the background of the deteriorating battlefield and international strategic situation, such civil-military tensions are fraught with the potential for a coup. Much of Zelenskiy’s strategy and tactics is driven more by political than by military considerations. Not least among the former is Zelenskiy’s political survival, which any ceasefire or peace talks requiring Kiev to acquiesce in the loss of more territory certainly will doom. Neofascist, military, and much of public opinion will not brook the sacrifices made in blood and treasure bringing only additional ones in Ukrainian territory. Others will ask why was not all of this averted by way of agreeing to Ukrainian neutrality and fulfilling Minsk 2 could have avoided it all.

We may be reaching the watershed moment in the Ukrainian war. No electricity, no army, no society. But here, as with any Russian occupation of central or western Ukrainian lands (not planned but perhaps a necessity at some point down the road for Putin), a quagmire awaits the Kremlin. Russia can not allow complete societal breakdown and chaos to reign in Ukraine anymore than it could tolerate a NATO-member Ukraine with a large neofascist component next door. All of the above and the approaching presidential elections scheduled in Moscow, Kiev and Washington the year after next make this winter pivotal for all the war’s main parties. ... offensive/


2022.11.24 What It's Like When The Lights Go Out In A Warzone


The G-7 may cap Russia’s oil price — but it won’t dent Moscow’s war chest
Lee Ying Shan

The Group of 7 nations are in talks to cap Russian oil at $65 and $70 a barrel — but analysts say it likely won’t have a significant impact on Moscow’s oil revenues even if it’s approved.

Prices at those levels are close to what Asian markets are currently paying Russia, which are at a “big discount,” said Wood Mackenzie’s vice president of gas and LNG research, Massimo Di Odoardo.

“Those levels of discounts are certainly in line with what the discounts already are in the market … It’s something that doesn’t seem, as it is placed, like it’s going to have any effect [on Moscow] whatsoever if the price is so high.”

Russia has threatened to it will not supply oil to countries setting and endorsing the price cap.

“Given Russian oil (Urals) is trading at $60‑65/bbl, the proposed price cap is already compliant under prevailing market conditions,” said Vivek Dhar, Director of Mining and Energy Commodities research from Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

In a note on Thursday, he said that current Russian oil shipments face minimal disruption from the European Union denying shipping and insurance services.

He agreed that the discussed price cap won’t make much of a dent or deter Moscow in its war against Ukraine.

“Russia’s seaborne oil exports have increased to China, India and Turkey at the expense of advanced economies following the Ukraine war,” he added.

The oil embargo should not have a huge impact, says Wood Mackenzie
In fact, he said the price cap discussed was higher than markets were expecting.

“Oil prices finished lower overnight after the EU discussed a price cap on Russian oil between $US65‑70/bbl, a higher price range than markets expected and at levels that will reduce the risk of disruptions of EU sanctions on Russian oil shipments,” Dhar said.

There was similar skepticism over the EU’s proposed cap on natural gas prices. Several EU member states locked horns over the effectiveness of capping prices at 275 euros per megawatt hour, with some saying it’s not realistic to keep gas prices at such high levels for so long.

The bloc is seeking to stop gas prices from soaring sky-high as consumers are already struggling with rising cost-of-living.

G-7 policymakers have a tough balancing act to tread.

It seems to me like [the G-7] will err on the side of caution — setting it high rather than low to avoid worsening the inflationary spiral.
Pavel Molchanov


If prices are set too high, they will be meaningless and risk having no impact on Russia — but if the price cap is too low, it could lead to a physical reduction in the supply of Russian oil onto the global market, said Raymond James’ energy analyst Pavel Molchanov.

A lower price cap “means more inflation, more consumer unhappiness, and more monetary tightening,” Molchanov pointed out.

“It seems to me like [the G-7] will err on the side of caution — setting it high rather than low to avoid worsening the inflationary spiral.”

Last week, official data showed U.K. inflation jumped to a 41-year high of 11.1% in October, higher than expected, as energy prices, among other factors, continued to squeeze households and businesses.

Downside risks to current forecasts
If EU members agree to the proposed cap, Dhar expects the price of oil to fall below $95 per barrel for the last quarter of 2022.

Oil prices were fractionally higher on Friday afternoon Asia time. Brent crude futures inched higher by 0.35% to stand at $85.64 per barrel, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate futures climbed 0.55% to $78.37 per barrel.

“Our price forecast assumes EU sanctions accompanied by a price cap on Russian oil will result in enough supply disruption to offset ongoing global growth concerns.”

The European bloc has imposed multiple rounds of sanctions against Russia since since Moscow began its unprovoked war on neighboring Ukraine in late February.

Earlier this week, Goldman Sachs lowered its oil price forecast by $10 to $100 per barrel for the fourth quarter of 2022, citing rising Covid concerns in China and lack of clarity over the Group of Seven nations’ plan to cap Russian oil prices. ... lysts.html


Anger letter to Scholz: "Do you really want to sacrifice your country for Ukraine?"
Thursday, 08/18/2022, 21:23
The most important
The Halle-Saalekreis district trade association in Saxony-Anhalt has written an open letter to Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
In it, they demand to stop all sanctions against Russia and to start negotiations to end the war against Ukraine.

The letter is available to the editorial network Germany and has 16 signatories from all guilds.

"We would like to begin by emphasizing that Russia's attack on Ukraine is a clear violation of Article 2 of the UN Charter and is viewed and criticized by us as a serious crime," the letter said. However, this war did not start on February 24, 2022. In addition, the district craftsmen's association is "justifiably concerned. Concerns about the future of our children and grandchildren, worries about the continued existence of our businesses, worries about our country.”

"We know that the vast majority is not willing to sacrifice their hard-earned standard of living for Ukraine"
It goes on to say: “We as craftsmen know from many discussions with our customers that the vast majority is not willing to sacrifice their hard-earned standard of living for Ukraine. It's not our war either!"

According to a publication by Transparency International Germany eV, Ukraine will be ranked 122nd in terms of corruption in 2021. "No other European country does worse here," say the signatories. And under no circumstances can one speak of a flawless democratic state in the case of Ukraine. The signatories therefore ask: "And you want to put Germany at risk for this?"

“Do you want to be the chancellor who ruined Germany”

It's rumoring in the country. Prices rose at such a rate that "average earners" would soon no longer be able to make a living. Then even normal, necessary manual work would become unaffordable, which would lead to layoffs and the closure of companies.

"Do you want to be the chancellor who ruined Germany?" It reads. "Do you really want to sacrifice your country for Ukraine?"

Craftsmen make three demands on Scholz
The district craftsmen's association therefore raises three demands: "1. Immediately stop all sanctions against Russia. 2. Immediately begin diplomatic negotiations to end the war. 3. All political decisions are to be checked for the benefits for the German people - as you have sworn."

At the end of the letter it says: "We are not talking about 1 or 2 degrees less room temperature or whether swimming pools have to lower their water temperature. We're talking about Germany's death here! Many people in our country recognize that, why don't you?" And: "Change your course. In the interests of our homeland.” ... 11040.html

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Old, and I'm sure that these attitudes have only increased since then.


Freedom of expression and genuine intellectual debate on Russian television today

On these pages, I have frequently made reference to the country’s premier political talk show, Evening with Vladimir Solovyov, and to its premier news and analysis show Sixty Minutes for their indicating the thinking of Russia’s political and social elites and thereby demarcating the limits within which the Kremlin can exercise its power domestically and in foreign policy. I have also at times suggested that the hosts of these shows were acting on behalf of the Kremlin to send unofficial but authoritative messages to the West.

All the while, I have been well aware that major U.S. and British media regularly denounce the hosts of these programs as pernicious propagandists. Solovyov has been declared persona non grata in Italy for reportedly being a close confidant of Vladimir Putin, an allegation that is quite exaggerated, with the consequence that his villa there was confiscated by agents of the Italian government. Meanwhile it also is to be noted that a little more than a month ago Solovyov was re-elected as president of the Russian Union of Journalists, which is a better indicator of why he is under sanctions.

I disagree entirely with the designation of Solovyov or Olga Skabeyeva and Yevgeny Popov as ‘propagandists’ and will in this essay introduce several pieces of evidence to substantiate my position. What I will concede is that these television hosts are decidedly ‘hard liners’ with respect to the ongoing war in Ukraine. Their most recent programs harshly condemn the notion of negotiating peace terms with Kiev until a complete victory has been achieved on the field of battle. They highlight the atrocities committed by the Zelensky regime, including in the past week the cold-blooded murder of Russian prisoners of war as filmed, distributed in social media and recognized to be authentic by The New York Times. They argue that the ongoing destruction of the electricity infrastructure in Ukraine finally is giving Kiev, Lvov and other Ukrainian cities pay-back for the nine years that they have used artillery bombardment to attack all civil infrastructure of their own citizens in the Donbas who happen to be ethnically Russian so that, for example, the city of Donetsk has long ago regularly experienced blackouts and even today has no running water, while the civilian population was living for years in basements for safety. Their expert panelists from the Donbas remind us that the Ukrainians’ indiscriminate bombardments of cities and villages in the Donbas even today are resulting in more deaths and injuries to civilians than are the massive Russian missile strikes on the Ukrainian power infrastructure that have so captured the attention of Western media.

Propaganda is a word that is bandied about a lot these days, and generally is being used to characterize any information source that contradicts the press releases issued in Washington that are uniformly disseminated by U.S. and European media as God’s honest truth about the state of the war in Ukraine. I have a rather different approach to the concept of propaganda: that it is by definition one-sided and excludes entirely other points of view. In this sense, virtually all programming on the BBC, for example, virtually all news on the war in The Financial Times is pure propaganda and must not be confused with journalism.

By this measure, Sixty Minutes is true journalism, not propaganda. Although there are expert panelists in the studio and the hosts have their own script to guide the show, a large part of the time, often measuring half or more, is given over to extensive video segments taken from Western media and setting out U.S., British and other unfriendly coverage of the news. I emphasize that these are not ‘sound bites’ but sufficiently long segments for the enemy’s views to be made perfectly clear. In this sense, I see today on these programs the same kind of editorial direction that I experienced as a panelist on all the major Russian talk shows in 2016. Only back then, in the time before Covid lockdowns and before the travel restrictions on Russia imposed in February of this year, there were U.S. and other Western guests who were given the microphone long enough to set out the CIA view of things so that it might be shown up by the superior logic of Russian positions. That is to say that today, just as in the past, the producers of Russian television have little doubt that viewers will draw the proper conclusions in a reasonably fair clash of views.

Now for Mr. Solovyov, I can present a more detailed justification for calling the show good journalism and not propaganda by pointing to some details of the proceedings in last evening’s edition.

Once again, I will focus attention on the little speech delivered by the panelist Karen Shakhnazarov, director of Mosfilm, whom I have characterized in my previous reports on the Solovyov show as someone drawn from the creative intelligentsia, as opposed to the political scientists and Duma deputies who otherwise are the talking heads on these shows.

There were several remarkable points in Shakhnazarov’s remarks. They were partly prepared in advance, but also partly directly in response to what others were saying before his turn to speak came.

In that last category was his comment on Russia’s relations with the former Soviet republics in the CIS, which political scientist Sergei Mikheev had just criticized for their being parasitical and ungrateful for Russian assistance. Said Shakhnazarov, the idea of cutting the satellites off from Russia was broadly accepted in Moscow society in 1991 when Yeltsin made it a key part of his political agenda. They were resented for siphoning off Russia’s wealth and for having a higher standard of living than Russia itself. However, Shakhnazarov said that little countries behave this way most everywhere; it is the way of the world. And if you don’t pay them off, someone else will. Moreover, these republics speak of Russia as the former colonial power and expect these forms of compensation. Yes, as we know, when Russia wants some favor in return, they respond that now they are independent and are looking at ‘other vectors.’ The last term was used a couple of days ago by president of Kazakhstan Tokaev in his press briefing following re-election.

Shakhnazarov’s overriding point is that Russians must be realistic. The war has not been not going well. At the outset, they had listened even to Western military experts who predicted it would be over in a week. Instead, Russians learned that their army was not what they expected and needs restructuring. They learned that this will be a long and tough fight. And foreigners also learned from what has happened and this has shaken somewhat the views about Russia among its friends. There is nothing to do about this at the moment but to face up to the facts. America and the West may be run by rabid feminists and queers, but they are doing well: they have money and armed forces in abundance to keep their allies in line. This is the way the world works. In the meantime we must fight on to victory, because there is no alternative.

Then Shakhnazarov touched on some still more unexpected and tantalizing themes organized around the question of ideology: we don’t think we have an ideology, but indeed we do – it is the ideology of the liberal bourgeoisie. In that sense we are much closer to our enemies, and especially to America’s Republican Party, than we are to those countries who are now our friends: socialist India, Communist China and Vietnam and North Korea. Our friends are all on the Left, while our enemies are conservatives like ourselves. He went on to say that our friends are sticking by us though all of them remember how we betrayed them in 1991 when Yeltsin completely severed ties with Cuba, for example. And even today we continue to observe sanctions on North Korea though doing so looks foolish.

I will stop there. My point is very simple: everything Shakhnazarov was saying on air on Russian state television, was as free and critical of his own society and its government as one could hope for in a state respecting freedom of the press and freedom of speech.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2022 ... ion-today/

" rabid feminists and queers", absurd and vulgar, rightfully rejecting the West's cultural hegemony has gone overboard, as with climate/environmental issues too.Very separate issues, the first reflecting a cultural conservationism undoubtedly aggravated by the Soviet's partial 'rehabilitation' of the Russian Orthodox Church during the war, which should have been curtailed.(I know, 'how ya gonna do that?"). The second a reaction against the so-called 'Green capitalism' which the West is dishonestly promoting while doing nothing that won't turn a big dollar. And coincidentally depriving governments which the US would destroy of their primary source of wealth(Russia, Iran, Venezuela). The kneejerk rejection of decency and science is not unsurprising given the traumas of war but sure is unhelpful. I guess sorting fish from fowl is too much to expect under the circumstances...

Civilization is going to crash without world-wide socialism, nothing else will do but every day that passes without that leaves us with less of everything, including hope.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sun Nov 27, 2022 3:15 pm

Gaston Besson and the Nationalist Revolution
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 11/27/2022


On November 12, people close to Gaston Besson, including his brother Jean François or the Croatian militant Denis Seler, spread the news of his death. Born in Mexico to French parents, a citizen of France and with a Croatian military pension, Besson died at the age of 55. Although little known by the general public, Besson played a relevant role in the international action of those nationalist volunteers always willing to mobilize, for different types of reasons, in actions with an anti-communist profile or directed against the heir states of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. (RFSY) or the USSR, be it Serbia or the Russian Federation. Some aspects of his biography deserve special attention.

Besson in Ukraine: 2014-2015

As far as Ukraine is concerned, Besson was back in the public eye in 2014 to take on the role of recruiter of pro-Ukrainian volunteers in its national revolution . The main link in the recruitment process is the new Ukrainian revolutionary ultra-right, in particular Dmitro Yarosh's Pravy Sektor and Andriy Biletsky's Social-Nationalist Assembly (SNA).

In an interview given in May 2014 to Il Giornale for the article, “Gli Uomini Neri” , against the backdrop of the Maidan square scene, Besson tells journalist Fausto Biloslavo that “I needed to come here, help again and this time create an International Brigade ” and talks about the volunteers who begin to join the men in black , the coup paramilitary group that would soon become the base of the future Azov movement.

Besson points out in the interview that the first recruits are already heading towards Ukraine and come from many different countries (Finland, Norway, England, France, Italy...) and warns that they don't want crazy people or fanatics, only people with military experience, motivated by the ideal of defending the independence of Ukraine. « Every day I receive dozens of emails with requests, but I reject 75% of them. Anyone who wants to join us must buy the plane ticket with their own money. And then pass an initial period of training in kyiv before being sent to the front line. We don't want fanatics, trigger-happy people, drug addicts or drunks. We need unpaid idealists, not hired mercenaries ," he asserts.

Some traces of the recruitment process organized by Besson still survive on the networks. In July 2014, the website collected an urgent communication from the already constituted Azov and the Nationalist Social Assembly (SNA), defined as its political wing and associated with the Pravy Sektor. The call states that all foreign volunteers are now " welcome to join our revolution " and contribute to building an international unity in the Mariupol region with the Azov Battalion. Volunteers were sought for training functions, or for full incorporation into the Battalion and participation in combat actions. The applicants were to undergo a basic assessment at the Azov kyiv military base before being sent to the Mariupol base and going to the front.

It was warned that the application could not be made without having strong military experience (or at least, in Besson's later clarifications, an experience of military service in the country of origin) and that the call, for the moment, only applied to European volunteers (or English-speaking Ukrainians from the diaspora). Due to the need for translators, joining the Battalion without military experience was only possible if one spoke Ukrainian or Russian and English.

The call presented Azov as a Nationalist Battalion and is claimed to be “Socialists, Nationalists and Radicals” (the SNA was actually “social-nationalist”). It was signed by Besson as Coordinator of the International Ukrainian Legion/Azov Battalion.

A little earlier, in June, a similar communication was accompanied by a more specific appeal for French volunteers in which Besson stated that: " Since the Second World War we are the only Nationalist Revolution to have seized power... 7 Ultranationalist Ministers in the government. Full battalions are formed. 100% nationalist. (…) “. By then, according to Besson, three Swedish volunteers, one Italian, one Canadian, three Finns, as well as Norwegians, Croats, Danes, Slovaks and South Africans had already joined. Among the first recruits, interviewed by Biloslavo, are Francesco Saverio Fontana ( Stan ) and the Swedish sniper Mikael Skillt.

Despite limiting the initial call to Europeans, in August a piece of information from referred to Besson sending emails to Colombian residents with the aim of getting them to join Azov. And it is that Besson's approach is flexible, as shown by the direct incorporation of the Swede David Eriksson who, at the age of 48, would be accepted at the front and would fight in Shirokino. The incorporation of this Swede, liberal in his opinion, is precisely one of the samples of the doctrine of diversity that Besson applies in recruitment processes. A doctrine that also allows confusion regarding the real objectives of the group, given the heterogeneity and idealism of its components.

Calls similar to those indicated were reproduced again in September 2014, a relevant date since, by then, Azov was already constituted as a Regiment. This indicates that, after the officialization of the new Azov, already fully linked to the Ukrainian National Guard, Besson continues to fulfill its recruiting role.

As of early 2015, Besson was still in that role. A forum related to the French Foreign Legion ( mentioned in April of that year Besson's call for the recruitment of veteran Western military men. The announcement revealed that Azov needed tactical instructors for elite basic infantry training, with three to five years of experience in a professional regiment (paratroopers, special forces, French Legion, Marines, etc.) and under 35 years of age. The appeal was open for the first time to citizens of the United States. Besson signed the call as Azov Foreign Volunteer Coordinator.

In reality, throughout this process Gaston Besson played a fundamental role in the relationship with potential foreign recruits. Except for financial collection, in everything else the contact process passed through his hands.

Besson's role is one of organization and coordination within the framework of the consolidation of the Azov Battalion through foreign support. Despite his combat experience, he will not directly participate in the confrontation. In an interview broadcast in April 2015 by Swiss television RTS , Besson said he was “tired of killing people. I have passed my age! In addition, it does not give me pleasure ”. According to his statements, the Frenchman deals above all in Ukraine with coordination and organization, using his knowledge and the contacts accumulated over the years of conflict in which he participated since he was 18 years old.

In the interview he also affirms that the true task that motivates him " is the revolution ". Besson enthusiastically refers to how only about 600 militants on Maidan had been able to take the city of kyiv. His goal was to " finish the revolution ," not to fight Russians - actually militias made up of the local population and volunteers who came to their aid, as in all post-Soviet space wars - against those who " had nothing ." ” and those who only had to face “ forced ”, according to Besson, because “ they have invaded ” in eastern Ukraine.


Before Ukraine. The war in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Black Bloc

When considering the role of Gaston Besson the Croatian connection should be noted. Some of the fragments of conversation of the people who dealt with him following his appeals show the Frenchman's clear desire to welcome as many Croatian volunteers as possible into Azov. The process would lead to the constitution of the Croatian Legion, with Denis Seler as one of its main representatives. Like the members of Buba 's group , including Denis Prokopenko, linked to the Dinamo Kiev ultras, Seler was one of the leaders of the Dinamo Zagreb fan groups. It is also significant to note that, in addition to Georgians such as Giorgi Kuparashvili, other Croatian trainers will be found among the main Azov instructors.

The most relevant connection between Ukraine and Croatia, through Besson's experience, is the participation of the French in different conflicts throughout his chain of military adventures, particularly during the process of disintegration of post-Tito Yugoslavia.

Besson enlisted at the age of 17 in the First Parachute Regiment of the Marine Infantry, based in Bayonne, a special operations unit in which he remained between 1985 and 1986. In it, he joined a commando trained in insurgency and counterinsurgency tactics. which will lead him to participate in different conflicts, generally anti-communist, in support of the Karen in Burma, the Hmong in Laos and other paramilitary groups in Cambodia, Suriname and Colombia (according to him in support of the M19, although according to other sources rather in support of ultra-right forces opposed to the communist guerrillas). But it is in Croatia where Besson ends up having a more direct participation.

As in Ukraine, especially with regard to the role of affiliation to the extreme right of Azov, many of the first French volunteers to arrive in Croatia in 1991, including Besson, would be linked to paramilitary organizations related to the most radical theses. In the case of Croatia, it was specifically the far-right neo-Ustasha organization HOS (Hrvatske Obranbene Snage). Within the 6th HOS Battalion, he fights in the towns of Vinkovci, Karlovac and Slavonski-Brod, in the company of Tomislav Madic, Major "Chicago", one of the many Croatian commanders convicted of war crimes and Bernardin Jelinic.

In addition to several dozen Croats from the diaspora in the United States fighting under the command of Chicago, the HOS units present around Vinkovci include other French volunteers, including Nicolas Peucelle ( Muller ) and Michel Faci, with previous experience in paramilitary actions abroad (attack on the Ceaucescu palace in December 1989, where Peucelle is one of the first to enter; invasion of a Stasi building in January 1990 in East Berlin and various actions in the countries baltics). According to Faci , Madi's unit was unequivocally National Socialist. For Besson, instead, what prevails around is "an immense nationalist impulse, a kind of crazy fight for freedom."

The conflict between the Croatian government and the HOS leads in 1992 to the dissolution of the group and the integration of Besson in the normalized structures of the Croatian National Guard (HVO). He then joins a unit of green berets or special forces, Bojna Frankopan, commanded by Bruno Zorica " Zulu " ( another Croatian military with Azov connections ). They operate in Bosnia-Hercegovina, in Mostar and in Kupres. Numerous crimes against the Serb civilian population are denounced in these attacks.

Besson's military participation in Yugoslavia continued until 1993. He joined the 108th Bosnian International Brigade (ARBiH), made up of 40% Croats, 40% Bosnians and 20% foreign fighters, some of them from the military. of Eduardo Rozsa Flores, a former correspondent for La Vanguardia who was killed years later by the Bolivian police in an operation in which the group was accused of planning the assassination of Evo Morales.

One of the three groups of the unit, the one commanded by Besson, includes foreign volunteers, French, German, English, Canadian, etc. They are present in the Brcko area, on the northern border of Bosnia, very close to Vinkovci. It is one of the areas in which Besson acknowledges "some war crimes", such as the cold-blooded murder of two prisoners and a militiaman in Zeric (probably Čelić), beyond sniper fire, motivated exclusively by the idea of ​​revenge, against six or seven people in Mostar.

He returns to France before “ the second war in Croatia, the war of reconquest ” that was not going to take long to start in the Krajina, with ramifications in eastern Slavonia. After the war, he partly settled in Pula and played a leading role in consolidating the association of foreign volunteers for the Croatian war of independence. A role that would allow him to successfully offer himself to the Ukrainian extreme right in 2014.

In the intermediate period between Croatia and Ukraine, the link between Besson, a self-proclaimed nationalist and right-wing anarchist, with the Black Block movement, which progressively approached the objective of controlling the movement against international forums of rulers, is also striking. like the G-8 or the G-20. At the end of the last decade , Besson organized anarchist groups focused, according to him, on the attack on banks and high-end cars (Mercedes 500). Besson speaks of the existence at that time of a hundred Black Bloc cells in France, cells linked to the project of " global resistance ".with whom he claimed to sympathize. Besson's group participates in government summits in Brussels, Göteborg, Genoa and Barcelona. In this period, Besson proclaimed the need to " reinvent anarchism ".

The participation of Besson, clearly perceived in positions of the extreme right in France (his sister has been in prominent positions in the National Front and Gaston Besson is the godson of Jean-Marie Le Pen himself), is relevant because it indicates the probable application of defense tactics military in the development of urban uprisings. Part of this can be observed, in fact, not necessarily in relation to the teaching of French, in the events of Maidan in 2014.


Departure from Ukraine and death in 2022

Gaston Besson's death leaves some doubts about its causes. According to some sources, generally based on information from the Russian media, Besson would have died in Ukraine during the current conflict. It does not seem very likely, taking into account that the latest news linking Besson and the Ukrainian conflict was well before 2022. The Frenchman's vocation for propaganda and his physical condition make it unlikely, although not impossible, to go virtually incognito through the current war.

Some information also speaks of the possibility of a not particularly dignified exit from Ukraine. In this sense, in the first months of 2015, in a forum associated with the French colonial military, it was mentioned that Besson would have had to flee Ukraine for having provided sensitive information regarding Azov, with some military consequences. In a June 23 message, Thibault D. (probably the far-right nicknamed Thibault Dupire, accused of war crimes by Donbass forces) claims to have replaced Besson as Azov recruiter, accusing him of diverting donor funds and of null results in terms of recruitment. The rapid passage in that period of Dupire by other battalions, such as the Dnipro or the Duk,

It is therefore not entirely certain that Besson left Ukraine around 2015 for the alleged reasons. It should also be remembered that the second Minsk agreements of 2015 in February 2015 forced the departure of those mercenaries who had not acquired Ukrainian nationality.

On the other hand, as already happened with the training provided by the American MPRI to Croatia, a fundamental support base in the reconstruction of the Croatian army in view of its offensive in Krajina, a reorganization of the Ukrainian military force can be seen from mid- the past decade, with international collaboration. In the case of Azov, this orientation translates, in addition to the approach to pro-NATO support structures, in a review of internal training policies. In this context, the creation by Georgi Kuparashvili, then with the Ukrainian nationality required to continue acting, of the Azov school of military cadres is essential.

It is equally true, in any case, that the political ideology of Gaston Besson, formulated on March 14, 2014 , and in fairly free representation of the Praviy Sektor, did not seem to be able to link in the long term with the dominant line: " We are not fighting Russia of Putin, nor the Russian-speaking minority in Ukraine, nor any of our minorities. Our enemy is your enemy! The same… A political enemy, imperialist, internationalist, without a nation, without roots, globalist, capitalist, who wants the death of the nation-states, the ruin, the exploitation of our peoples and the end of our history”. “Help the nationalists of the «Maidan»! For a Third Way! And for a free, social, nationalist and Christian Europe!”. This vision is in many aspects incompatible with the anti-Russian vision and, at the same time, progressively away from the ideas of the Third Way and more professionalized, from a military branch of Azov that would begin to make the principle of diversity of Besson a great asset. for your propaganda.

In any case, references to Azov on Besson's Facebook become more and more occasional. The last one is from August 4, 2017. Besson's Twitter wall went off on February 21, 2017, but not before, on January 30, he recalled his third-party ideological vision in relation to the Ukrainian conflict: “ Ukraine: from revolution to war Not red, not white. Neither left nor right. Social – National – Radical ”.

Although some of the closest sources link his death to his declared fondness for drinking, it is striking that virtually none of the closest sources make any mention of the cause of his death. Although it is necessary to organize in advance the mobilization of a family scattered between France, Portugal or Asia, there are also some doubts about the time spent between the dissemination of the information of the death by the closest people -November 12-, the confirmation of the date of the funeral -November 15- and the funeral itself, held on the 21st in Pula, where he had his residence. The reference of his brother Jean-François to a long illness, on the other hand, does not seem very credible since there is no previous record of direct references to it.

In a context in which the last contribution to his Facebook account (January 26, 2022) coincides temporarily with the start of the war, and in which the start of a new love relationship is recorded in December 2021 (union that It could also, however, contribute to closing a cycle), there is only one reference -with a credible source- that really makes one think of an alternative explanation. It is a condolence that mentions the death of Besson in Serbia after the injuries received in Ukraine. Time will tell if there is any truth or not in all this.

Besson was buried on the 21st in Pula with Croatian military honours. Many of his friends appealed to remember him with a little brandy. Barring possible mistake, no one in the Azov Movement, nor in the Ukrainian far-right with which he collaborated, has so far said a word to someone who once traveled to Ukraine to help it finish its “ revolution ” of hers.

Dedicated his entire life to the revolution in anti-communist guerrillas or nationalist military units, in secessionist processes, coup leaders or in black-bloc urban units, involvement in the most violent action would never mean any persecution for Gaston Besson. In his country, France, the French judicial institutions would never intervene in the internal affairs of his nationalist revolutionary action. ... more-26035


French flashbacks
November 26, 20:18

Northern France 1916-1917 vs Artemovsk 2022

Photo in color

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FRom Cassad's Telegram account:


Consequences of strikes on the energy system of Ukraine
by the end of November 26 On the

afternoon of November 23, the RF Armed Forces launched a massive missile attack on Ukraine's energy infrastructure facilities. Ukrenergo announced the restoration of the nuclear power plant. At the moment, 75% of subscribers are provided with electricity.

The authorities report that the mobile network has been restored in 73% of the country. Worst of all, it works in Zaporozhye and Donetsk regions.

▪️In Kiev , about a quarter of the capital's residents remain without electricity. Most of the population is provided with heat and water. From November 27, the authorities plan to introduce planned power outages in the city.

▪️Emergency shutdowns are still occurring in the Odessa region . Some residents of the region did not receive electricity for three or four days. In Odessa itself, the authorities promise to return to scheduled power outages from Monday. There are problems with mobile communication of Kyivstar operator. Fires in residential buildings and apartments have become more frequent in the city due to short circuits.

▪️Things are worse in the Dnepropetrovsk region . Power outages continue due to power shortages. In Dnepropetrovsk, the situation with water, electricity and mobile communications is still difficult. Things are best in Krivoy Rog - there is light, heat and water.

▪️In Ternopil and the region, a strict restriction on the power supply of subscribers was introduced.
➖Due to the growth of consumption in Ivano-Frankivsk, the shutdown schedules have been changed.
➖The situation in the Lviv region has slightly improved : about half of the inhabitants have electricity.
➖In the Volyn region , 55% of subscribers are provided with electricity.
➖In Lutsk emergency shutdowns of water.

▪️The part of the Kherson region controlled by Kiev was connected to electricity. First of all, the light is given to Kherson's critical infrastructure facilities.

▪️The time of planned outages in the Vinnitsa region increased by 1.5 times. In three districts of the Vinnytsia region, there are interruptions in the operation of pumping stations due to unstable power supply.

🔻On the third day after the attacks on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, the consequences of them have not yet been eliminated. The efforts of power engineers do not allow providing electricity even at some especially important facilities, including logistics ones.

The consequences demonstrate the cumulative effect of the previous ones. Each next one will increasingly affect the stability of the Ukrainian energy system, eventually bringing it to naught.

Asphalt laying on the Crimean bridge
November 27, 14:40


Asphalt is already being laid on the new spans of the automobile part of the Crimean bridge . The first lane for traffic should open already on December 5, the second - on December 20. In the first photo, you can see the damage to the railway bridge, which will also be repaired in the coming months.


Concern "Kalashnikov" appointed coordinator of supplying the army with equipment
November 27, 11:57

Concern "Kalashnikov" appointed coordinator of supplying the army with equipment

The Kalashnikov Concern has been appointed the main enterprise - the coordinator of the supply of combat equipment to the Russian army, this measure is needed, among other things, to provide the necessary equipment for the mass replenishment of the Russian Armed Forces - more than 300 thousand mobilized, an informed source told RIA Novosti.

"By the decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Kalashnikov Concern has been appointed as a consolidated data integrator and coordinator for the supply of elements of combat equipment. Now enterprises participating in cooperation in the supply of elements of combat equipment to military personnel - and these are dozens of public and private companies and even individual entrepreneurs - will report on a regular basis " Kalashnikov on the supply of body armor, helmets and other items of equipment to the Russian Armed Forces," he said.

The interlocutor of the agency explained that this decision was made to unconditionally provide the Ministry of Defense with combat equipment in a situation where the military-industrial complex and the entire system of state defense orders are facing "unprecedented challenges associated with a special military operation and providing everything necessary for the mobilized."

"Today, the entire supply system is operating in the most stressful conditions, judge for yourself - over the past five years, 300,000 sets of combat equipment have been delivered to the Russian army, and now, as part of partial mobilization, we have received over 300,000 new fighters in just one month. All of them are needed dress, equip something," the source said.

According to him, now the supply of combat equipment will go under the strict control of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which appointed Kalashnikov as the responsible executor of this task: , which acted as the lead on the projects of equipping the soldier of the future first and second generation ("Barmitsa" and "Warrior")". - zinc

It will be interesting to see how centralized supplies will coexist with military humanitarian aid, which just now began to be slightly squeezed. However, we have already gone through all this.

Taking into account incoming requests from front-line units, it is necessary to increase both centralized supplies through the state line and volunteer cargo. The front devours a huge amount of resources and in the foreseeable future little will change in this matter, which means that the issues of supplying troops with everything necessary will require increased attention.

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The Biden Zelensky Relationship: Who to Trust?
by Ted Snider Posted onNovember 25, 2022
US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speak often on the phone. But on a phone call in June, the conversation went very differently.

Biden told Zelensky that he had just authorized $1 billion for more military assistance. Instead of thanking Biden, Zelensky complained about what he wasn’t getting and began listing the additional help he needed. Biden, reportedly, “lost his temper.” “Raising his voice,” Biden told Zelensky to “show a little more gratitude.”

There has been much reporting of “Ukraine fatigue” and of concerns about limitless supply of weapons to Ukraine, but this was the first report of tension in the relationship between Biden and Zelensky.

Administration officials told NBC that “Biden and Zelensky’s relationship has only improved since the June phone call.”

But that may not be entirely true. Two months later, Thomas Friedman reported in The New York Times that “privately, U.S. officials are a lot more concerned about Ukraine’s leadership than they are letting on.” As for Biden’s relationship with Zelensky, in particular, Friedman added that “There is deep mistrust between the White House and President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine — considerably more than has been reported.”

As for the trust, in general, between Washington and Kiev, Friedman reports an erosion: “It is as if we don’t want to look too closely under the hood in Kyiv for fear of what corruption or antics we might see, when we have invested so much there.”

There had been hints about that frustration and lack of trust. After long forcing Zelensky not to negotiate with Russia, more than the tone has changed, and the Biden administration has begun pushing Zelensky to negotiate with Russia. There has been frustration with Zelensky’s effective refusal to negotiate. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has pointed out to Zelensky that “Ukraine’s leverage would be strengthened — not weakened — if it expressed openness to ultimately negotiating with the Russians.” The message is that the perception would be better if it was not Ukraine that was seen to be intransigent and if it was Ukraine, and not Russia, that was seen as wanting to negotiate an end to the war.

The lack of trust has been deepened by Ukraine’s response to the missile that landed in Poland, killing two people, on November 15. After it was first reported that a Russian missile had struck inside Poland, raising fears that Article five could be triggered, dragging the US and its NATO partners into the war, it was quickly realized that, though it was a Russian missile, the missile was not fired by Russia. It was an old-style Russian S-300 rocket that the Ukrainian military still possesses. Ukrainian air defense had fired the missile at an incoming Russian missile. The Ukrainian missile missed its target and landed across the border in Poland.

NATO, the US and Poland all accepted this account in harmony. Ukraine, alone, did not. “I have no doubt that it was not our missile or our missile strike,” Zelensky was still saying the next day. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba called the explanation a “conspiracy theory” promoted by Russia. Zelensky provocatively called the missile strike a “Russian attack on collective security in the Euro-Atlantic,” alluding to Article five. He called it “a significant escalation.”

Hearing those words, and the implication they bring with them, the distrust was again triggered, leading Sullivan to quickly call Zelensky’s office and urge “officials to tread more carefully with how they were speaking about the incident.” The relationship was also again in question as Biden seems to have spurned Zelensky’s attempts to arrange a phone call. By late the next day, though Biden had spoken to the Polish president and the NATO Secretary General, he had still not accepted Zelensky’s request to talk.

Zelensky could have accepted the unanimous finding. Samantha de Bendern, associate fellow of Chatham House covering Russia, said that the “denial is surprising. We have come to expect a much more sophisticated media response from the president… He needed to admit the mistake and apologise.”

Zelensky’s stubborn insistence that Russia had launched a missile strike on a NATO country has shaken the West’s trust in him. “This is getting ridiculous,” one NATO country’s diplomat in Kiev told the Financial Times. “The Ukrainians are destroying [our] confidence in them. Nobody is blaming Ukraine and they are openly lying. This is more destructive than the missile.”

Is it destructive enough to shake Washington’s trust in Zelensky? Five days after the missile strike, former Australian ambassador to Poland and Cambodia Tony Kevin claimed that “There were unmistakeable signs this week of growing Western war-weariness and irritation with Zelensky’s endless demands for more weapons and money.” Then, echoing and amplifying Thomas Friedman’s report that “privately, U.S. officials are a lot more concerned about Ukraine’s leadership than they are letting on,” Kevin added that “There is growing speculation that Zelensky’s position as leader may be weakening. Washington may be considering replacing him, but it remains very unclear how and to what end.”

Kevin’s claim is surprising. It is unexplained and unsourced and does not seem to be corroborated by other reporting. On its own, it needs to be taken very cautiously. However, Kevin is a very respected and well-informed diplomat.

There is also room for the Biden administration to distrust people other than Zelensky. There is room for the Biden administration to distrust hawkish elements within its own house who may want to push back against the new push for diplomacy. The one line report that first raised the alarm by reporting that “Russian missiles crossed into NATO member Poland, killing two people” was sourced to “A senior U.S. intelligence official.” It was someone in US intelligence who either irresponsibly or deceptively attributed the missile attack on a NATO member to Russia.

There is also a flipside to Biden being angry with Zelensky for his endless demands for weapons. In the first months of the war, including the April talks in Istanbul, it was the US that stopped Zelensky from negotiating an end to the war with Russia and pushed Ukraine on to fight for US core interests against the Russian superpower. It is not surprising, short of weapons that could strike inside Russia or draw the US into the war, that Zelensky would resent being sent into that fight without the weapons to survive it.

The seemingly endless nature of the war, the constant demands for more weapons and the need for negotiations may have strained the relationship between Biden and Zelensky. The missile that landed in Poland has deepened the distrust and tested that relationship. ... -to-trust/


73% of the World’s Population Did Not Call for Russian Reparations to Ukraine
NOVEMBER 26, 2022

UN scoreboard displaying the result of the vote on demanding Russia to pay reparations to Ukraine. Photo: Eduardo Munoz/Reuters.

By Roger Stoll – Nov 24, 2022

On November 14, 2022, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution (A/ES-11/L.6) calling for Russia to pay war reparations to Ukraine:

[The General Assembly…]

Reaffirms its commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine and its demand that the Russian Federation immediately cease its use of force against Ukraine and that the Russian Federation immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, extending to its territorial waters;
Recognizes that the Russian Federation must be held to account for any violations of international law in or against Ukraine, including its aggression in violation of the Charter of the United Nations, as well as any violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, and that it must bear the legal consequences of all of its internationally wrongful acts, including making reparation for the injury, including any damage, caused by such acts…
Here was the vote: [1]





Western media report these results as vast international support for the resolution. But measured by world population, this resolution, as well as its predecessors, was decisively rejected by the UNGA. [2]

First, a minor point: the majority of the world’s countries simply did not support this resolution:



Something much more important to notice is that UN General Assembly votes are extremely undemocratic. The UNGA consists of 193 countries representing over eight billion people, each country having a single vote, no matter the size of its population. For example, Tuvalu (population 11,792), Iceland (pop. 341,243), India (pop. 1,380,004,385) and China (pop. 1,439,323,776) each have a one vote. So voting in the UNGA is wildly disproportionate to population.

We can correct this disproportion by ignoring the country-by-country tally and treating the result as if it were a popular referendum. Here is the tally of percentages of world population represented in the vote:

IN FAVOR 26.94%

AGAINST 24.36%



Or, simpler:



By this measure, only 27% of the world’s population supported the resolution; 73% did not. This is a resounding defeat for US/NATO “soft power.” It can only be explained by global antipathy toward the US/NATO side in this war and sympathy for Russia.

Consider that the US has long used bribes and threats to engineer UNGA votes; it controls the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank; it imposes illegal unilateral coercive measures (“sanctions”) on a quarter of the world’s population; it is prolific and virtually alone in its constant coups and destabilization campaigns against uncooperative governments around the world. So it is not surprising that the US has mustered as many votes as it has for this and previous Ukraine/Russia resolutions. What is surprising is that it could not get more.

Over 50 Countries Vote Against Russia’s Anti-Nazism Resolution at United Nations

The UNGA’s previous resolutions condemning Russia show similarly lopsided votes. On March 2, 2002 59% of the world’s population would not support a resolution condemning Russia’s intervention on February 24. On April 7, 2022 76% of the world’s population would not support a resolution to remove Russia from its seat on the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). On October 12, 2022 55% of the world’s population would not support a resolution rejecting the accession to Russia of Russia of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia regions in Ukraine. (See fn. 2.)

To Western eyes, red with Ukraine War fever and alleged Russian atrocities, these results may surprise, but they shouldn’t. For one thing, the Western narrative about the war itself, atrocity allegations against Russia, the history of the conflict since the 2014 Maidan coup (or “revolution” in Western eyes), are not necessarily believed by the rest of the world. [3] After all, Western media sources recounting Russian atrocities also report with straight faces accusations that Russia blew up the Nordstream pipelines, and that it repeatedly shelled the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant while simultaneously occupying it.

More important, to many non-West European countries, this war is not seen in isolation from the history of North American and Western European aggression, exploitation, plunder and genocide, as shown by these quotes from opponents of the resolution speaking in the General Assembly: [4]

Cuba: Will Cuba be compensated for the damage accumulated over six decades of an economic, commercial and financial blockade; the lives lost; and the illegal occupation of its national territory? What about Mexico, Viet Nam, the Pacific Islands, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria and the State of Palestine?

Eritrea: States suffering from foreign interference, colonialism, slavery, oppression, unilateral coercive measures, illegal blockades and other internationally wrongful acts also deserve the right for remedy, reparation and justice. As national positions must be respected, the Assembly must play a positive role in ensuring the conflict in Ukraine is resolved through diplomatic efforts and means while avoiding any initiative that might further aggravate the situation on the ground and escalate tensions.

Syria: [The draft resolution is part of a series of] unbalanced, biased and provocative resolutions pushed by the United States and its Western partners. Its real objective is to pay for the increasing purchases of weapons by Ukraine. … Who will compensate my country for the destruction of the Syrian infrastructure by the so‐called international coalition?

Nicaragua: The resolution is an example of the hypocrisy and double standards of certain countries. …. [It] ignores the painful history that imperialist countries have left behind. It does not recognize the genocide against the original peoples of countries. [Nicaragua supports its] brethren in the Caribbean and Africa that are seeking reparations for these losses…

Rich vs. Poor/US vs. the World
Beyond these denunciations, global rejection of the UNGA resolution has deeper implications. This war is a battle in a far older, longer war of Western European aggression against the poorer nations of the world, the vast majority of humanity. Since World War II, this global war has been largely directed by a single hegemon, the United States. Europe is only one battlefront in this larger war.

55% of Humanity Does Not Reject the Accession to Russia of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia

Rich vs. Poor: Core vs. Periphery & Semi-Periphery [5]

This vote falls (although imperfectly) along the global divide of “core” nations vs. nations of the “periphery” and “semi-periphery.”

According to world-systems analysis, “core” countries are those that draw a disproportionate amount of the world’s labor surplus value through possession of monopolized and semi-monopolized high-value production processes. This production is girded by patents, copyrights, and various advantageous economic, military and political arrangements. [6]“Peripheral” and “semi-peripheral” countries, on the other hand, have many fewer of these high-value production processes and rely on the production of commodities and more generic manufactured goods. [7] Samir Amin calls this absorption of the surplus value by core countries “imperialist rent,” which sums it up nicely.

In other words, the global class struggle tells in the vote on the reparations resolution: poorer countries that pay imperialist rent tended to reject the resolution, while countries that collect imperialist rent have, with near perfect discipline, supported it. [8]

And by the way, Western media often give the misleading impression that China and Russia have economies comparable to the rich countries of the imperial core nations. Not so. China and Russia are peripheral or semi-peripheral countries. While the poverty of the Global South is well known, less well known is the relative poverty of both Russia and China. Nominal GDPs per capita (in US dollars) of the two countries are just fractions of that of the US: US ($69,287.5), Russia($12,172.8), China ($12,556.3). Thus the China-Russia alliance, and their alliance with the Global South generally, is an alliance of commonality.

The global divide is also racial, since countries of the imperial core are nearly all dominated by whites while the rest are populated largely by people of color. [9] This racial imbalance results from the construction of the global system over half a millenium of European colonialism, neo-colonialism and imperialism, accompanied by ideologies of white ethnic, nationalist, cultural and racial supremacy.

US vs. The World: A Global Military Occupation

The geography of the war is not confined to Ukraine. The US asserted that it is waging a war against Russia through Ukraine. Beyond this, the collective West, led entirely by the US, is on one side of the war, and large parts of the East and Global South are on the other, as shown by this UNGA vote plus the overwhelming lack of global support for the sanctions on Russia.

If from a bird’s eye view we could see the surface of the whole world at once, this war and the global divisions it exposes would be obvious. The US would appear as the primary belligerent since its occupation forces cover the world.

And the US is quite forthright about its military occupation of the globe. It officially maps the occupation into six zones of US military “command”: Northern (North America); Southern (South America); European; Central (West Asia, aka “Middle East”); Africa; U.S. Indo-Pacific (Asia, Australia and the Pacific). [10]

Within each zone US military bases enforce this occupation against friend, vassal, and potential foe alike. 800 to 1,000 of these overseas military bases and installations dot the globe. [11] Almost half of these bases are arrayed like a necklace, or garrote, around Russia and China. [12]

Ukraine has long been a battlefront in this global occupation. Ukraine’s military integration into NATO began years before the Russian intervention of February 24, 2022. Indeed, Ukraine’s fusion with NATO has been part of the 14-nation, three-decade eastward march of US/NATO toward Russia ever since the dissolution of the Soviet Union.


The war in Ukraine is a world war, dividing the world’s nations by wealth, core/periphery status, and race, as revealed in the vote on the November 12th reparations resolution. To prosecute the war the West sends troops, weapons, and money to Ukraine, and sanctions Russsia. Gas pipelines far from the battlefield are blown up to keep Europe under the sanctions regime. [13] And the war and sanctions affect the Global South as well as the Global North. [14]

The world’s historic failure to contain US aggression has produced the dead, wounded, displaced, and grief-stricken of Ukraine and Russia, and condemned hundreds of millions in the Global South to destitution and hunger. Little wonder that so many around the world see as a tragic necessity Russia’s determined resistence to the US eastward push in Europe.


1. KEY: (X) = ABSTENTION; (—) = AGAINST; (0) = NOT VOTING. (The 93 countries voting IN FAVOR are not listed here.) The percentage of global population follows each country’s vote symbol. Algeria (X) .56; Angola (X) .42; Antigua-Barbuda (X) .00; Armenia (X) .04; Azerbaijan (0) .13; Bahamas (—) .01; Bahrain (X) .02; Bangladesh (X) 2.11; Barbados (X) .00; Belarus (—) .12; Belize (X) .01; Bhutan (X) .01; Bolivia (X) .15; Botswana (X) .03; Brazil (X) 2.73; Brunei Darussalam (X) .01; Burkina Faso (0) .27; Burundi (X) .15; Cambodia (X) .21; Cameroon (0) .34; Central African Republic (—) .06; China (—) 18.47; Congo (Republic of the Congo [Brazzaville]) (X) .07; Cuba (—) .15; Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea [North Korea] (—) .33; Democratic Republic of the Congo [DRC (Kinshasa)] (0) 1.15; Dominica (0) .00; Egypt (X) 1.31; El Salvador (X) .08; Equatorial Guinea (X) .02; Eritrea (—) .05; Eswatini (X) .01; Ethiopia (—) 1.47; Gabon (X) .03; Gambia (X) .03; Grenada (X) .00; Guinea (X) .17; Guinea-Bissau (X) .03; Guyana (X) .01; Haiti (X) .15; Honduras (X) .13; India (X) 17.7; Indonesia (X) 3.51; Iran (—) 1.08; Iraq (X) .52; Israel (X) .11; Jamaica (X) .04; Jordan (X) .13; Kazakhstan (X) .24; Kyrgyzstan (X) .08; Lao People’s Democratic Republic (X) .09; Lebanon (X) .09; Lesotho (X) .03; Libya (X) .09; Madagascar (X) .36; Malaysia (X) .42; Mali (—) .26; Mauritania (X) .06; Mauritius (X) .02; Mongolia (X) .04; Morocco (0) .47; Mozambique (X) .40; Namibia (X) .03; Nepal (X) .37; Nicaragua (—) .08; Nigeria (X) 2.64; Oman (X) .07; Pakistan (X) 2.83; Russian Federation (—) 1.87; Rwanda (X) .17; Saint Kitts-Nevis (X) .00; Saint Lucia (X) .00; Saint Vincent-Grenadines (X) .00; Sao Tome-Principe (0) .00; Saudi Arabia (X) .45; Senegal (0) .21; Serbia (X) .11; Sierra Leone (X) .10; South Africa (X) .76; South Sudan (X) .14; Sri Lanka (X) .27; Sudan (X) .56; Suriname (X) .01; Syrian Arab Republic (—) .22; Tajikistan (X) .12; Thailand (X) .90; Timor-Leste (X) .02; Tonga (0) .00; Trinidad-Tobago (X) .02; Tunisia (X) .15; Turkmenistan (0) .08; Uganda (X) .59; United Arab Emirates (X) .13; United Republic of Tanzania (0) .77; Uzbekistan (X) .43; Venezuela (0) .36; Viet Nam (X) 1.25; Yemen (X) .38; Zimbabwe (—) .19.

2. “The UN Condemnation of Russia is Endorsed by Countries Run by the Richest, Oldest, Whitest People on Earth But Only 41% of the World’s Population” (March 28, 2022), here, here, or here; “Global Divide: 76% of Humanity (& Nearly All Poorer Nations of Color) Did Not Vote To Kick Russia Off the UN Human Rights Council” (April 25, 2022), here, here, or here; “55% of Humanity Does Not Reject the Accession to Russia of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia” (October 21, 2022), here, here, or here.

3. See these links on the historical background of the war, the killings in Bucha, reports of rapes and viagra, Bucha and Mariupol. On international support for Russia, even Western-aligned sources not sympathetic to Russia have reported some African support for Russia: Why are people in West Africa waving Russian flags?; Why Are Protestors In Ethiopia And Mali Waving Russian Flags?

4. The quotes are as reported by the United Nations.

5. “The countries of the world can be divided into two major world regions: the ‘core’ and the ‘periphery.’ The core includes major world powers and the countries that contain much of the wealth of the planet. The periphery has those countries that are not reaping the benefits of global wealth and globalization.” (Colin Stief,, 1/21/20).

6. According to Salvatore Babones (2005), the core countries are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong [a region of China], Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States.

7. See Immanual Wallerstein, World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction, Duke University Press, 2004.

8. Every core country (see fn. 7) except Israel voted IN FAVOR of the November 14 resolution.

9. 15% of the world’s population live in “white” countries; 12% of the world’s population live in core countries; all core countries are “white” except for Japan and Singapore, which together have just 1.7% of the world’s population. See “Global Divide: 76% of Humanity (& Nearly All Poorer Nations of Color) Did Not Vote To Kick Russia Off the UN Human Rights Council” (April 25, 2022), here, here, or here.

10. The World With Commanders’ Areas of Responsibility, Library of Congress. (See attached map of the commands.)

11. “The Pentagon’s New Generation of Secret Military Bases,” David Vine, Mother Jones (7/6/12). (And see attached map of the bases.)

12. Compare, Russia has twenty-five foreign bases and China has one.

13.”SCOTT RITTER: Pipelines v. USA” Scott Ritter, Consortium News (10/12/22); “Can Europe Afford to Turn a Blind Eye to Evidence of a US Role in Pipeline Blasts?” Jonathan Cook, MintpressNews (10/6/22).

14. “Russia sanctions hurt ‘bystander’ countries, South African President Ramaphosa says” Reuters (5/24/22). ... o-ukraine/

Oil War: How US and Saudi Crashed Crude Prices to Hurt Russia, Iran, Venezuela in 2014
NOVEMBER 26, 2022

Barack Obama, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Vladimir Putin, Ali Khamenei, and Nicolás Maduro (from left to right). Photo composition: Multipolarista.

In a 2014 “oil war,” the US pressured Saudi Arabia to overproduce crude and intentionally crash prices on the global market, in order to hurt the export-reliant economies of Russia, Iran, and Venezuela.

The United States and Saudi Arabia waged a very important yet little-known “oil war” in 2014, which had huge geopolitical and economic consequences for the world.

Washington pressured Riyadh to significantly overproduce crude and intentionally crash prices on the global market, in order to hurt the export-reliant economies of Russia, Iran, and Venezuela.

Multipolarista host Ben Norton analyzed this crucial historical episode in the follwoing video and podcast:

Historian and political scientist Aaron Good also joined Norton to discuss how oil is used as a geopolitical weapon in the following video and podcast:

Reuters published a new wire on June 27, 2014 titled “Kerry, Saudi King discuss oil supply, U.S. official says,” reporting:

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Saudi King Abdullah briefly discussed global oil supplies during a meeting on the crisis in Iraq on Friday, a senior State Department official said.During the talks, Kerry referred to recent comments by a Saudi oil official that the world’s largest oil producer would increase supplies should crises in Iraq or Syria disrupt supplies, the official said.“The secretary noted positively a recent statement from an oil official in the kingdom reflecting the kingdom’s desire to do what will be required in the event of any turbulence,” said the State Department official, who briefed reporters on the talks.

US Secretary of State Kerry subsequently returned to Riyadh in September 2014.

The economics editor of Britain’s top newspaper The Guardian, Larry Elliott, explained the scenario most clearly in a November 9, 2014 column titled “Stakes are high as US plays the oil card against Iran and Russia.”

US state media outlet NPR published a report on October 28, 2014 titled “Why Does Saudi Arabia Seem So Comfortable With Falling Oil Prices?” It answered its own question with the following:

While that’s good for consumers and most businesses in the U.S., the falling price is bad for oil-exporting countries such as Russia, Venezuela, Iran and Iraq.…“The Saudis have shown themselves to use oil politically throughout their recent history. They’re quite good at it; they think of oil as a strategic commodity and kind of their key lever of influence globally,” says Bronson, a senior fellow with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

German state media outlet DW published a column on December 16, 2014 titled “Oil price tanks,” writing:

Oil prices have dropped nearly by half since June, with declines accelerating recently after member nations of OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries – led by Saudi Arabia – decided on November 27 they would not cut back production despite an oversupplied oil market.…“Political and social tensions arise in producing countries that depend on income from oil and gas. Vladimir Putin has warned of harsh economic times in Russia. Venezuela and Nigeria are under pressure, and people speculate just how long [oil-exports-dependent] countries can dig into their savings, when they need $70 to $100 per barrel to balance the books,” [David Elmes, head of the Global Energy Research Network at Warwick University] said.…Geopolitical aims are in part responsible for the oil price plungeAnalysts speculate that US Secretary of State John Kerry, who visited Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states in summer, may have pressed the Gulf Arab oil states to overproduce oil in order to depress global oil prices and thereby weaken Russia – and Iran.…Jason Furman, chairman of the US White House’s Council of Economic Advisors, on Tuesday expressed satisfaction at the impact of low oil prices on Russia.“They are between a rock and a hard place in economic policy,” Furman said. “The combination of our sanctions, the uncertainty they’ve created for themselves with their international actions, and the falling price of oil has put their economy on the brink of crisis.”

Reuters released a report titled “Saudi Arabia is playing chicken with its oil,” which was republished by CNBC on December 16, 2014, noting:

Today, Saudi Arabia is once again using its “oil weapon,” but instead of driving up prices and cutting supply, it’s doing the reverse. In the face of a global slide in oil prices since June, the kingdom has refused to cut its production, which would help to drive prices back up. Instead, the Saudis led the charge to prevent OPEC from cutting production at the cartel’s last meeting on Nov 27.…“What is the reason for the United States and some U.S. allies wanting to drive down the price of oil?” Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro asked rhetorically in October. His answer? “To harm Russia.”…More broadly, the Saudis are also punishing two rivals, Russia and Iran, for their support of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in the Syrian civil war.

Former US military intelligence officer Ralph Peters, a notorious neoconservative, wrote a column in the right-wing New York Post on December 14, 2014, titled “Saudi Arabia’s oil war against Iran and Russia,” in which he boasted that the crashed oil market would hurt Russia, Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, and Brazil.

Reuters published a news wire titled “Saudi Arabia to Raise Spending, Cover Deficit with Reserves,” which was republished by US state media outlet Voice of America on December 25, 2014, stating:

Saudi Arabia plans to raise government spending 0.6 percent to a record high in its 2015 budget while covering a large deficit due to plunging oil prices with its huge fiscal reserves, the Ministry of Finance said on Thursday.…the plan suggests Saudi authorities are confident of their ability to ride out a period of low oil prices and see no need for major austerity.Some analysts believe Riyadh is content to see oil prices fall as a way to squeeze out competing producers in non-OPEC nations.

The geopolitical situation has changed somewhat drastically since 2014, however.

The Wall Street Journal published an article on March 15, 2022 titled “Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan Instead of Dollars for Chinese Oil Sales,” in which it reported:

Saudi Arabia is in active talks with Beijing to price some of its oil sales to China in yuan, people familiar with the matter said, a move that would dent the U.S. dollar’s dominance of the global petroleum market and mark another shift by the world’s top crude exporter toward Asia. ... a-in-2014/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon Nov 28, 2022 1:06 pm

The point of no return
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 11/28/2022


The start of the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, which involved a military escalation to which Western countries responded with massive military assistance to kyiv and also with massive sanctions against Russia, has led to a rapid recomposition of political and geopolitical positions both in the European continent as well as in its relationship with the United States. Needing an enemy strong enough to justify rearmament, NATO has been one of the main beneficiaries of this war. The recent episode in Poland, when a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile hit Polish territory and killed two civilians, has been illustrative, however, of the limits of the Alliance's current position.

The Russian attack and the military escalation in Ukraine have not only justified measures that a few years ago were considered controversial, such as the installation of American anti-missile shields, obviously against Moscow, in Eastern Europe, but the Alliance has also acquired new members. Although still to be ratified, the accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO does not mean a qualitative change in military terms, but it is a propaganda hit with which Western countries have wanted to make it clear to Moscow that they will not achieve the objectives of their intervention. Both NATO and the United States rejected last December the political negotiation proposed by Russia to stop the expansion of the Alliance towards its borders. Russian military intervention has not only failed to stop this expansion,

Rearmament, the increase in military budgets in a large part of the European countries and the growing dependence on the United States in terms of defense is only the military aspect of consequences that, for Europe, go much further. A few months ago, Josep Borrell warned that the European Union had based its prosperity on the Chinese market, cheap Russian energy and on leaving the continent's security in the hands of the United States. However, neither the leader of European diplomacy nor the French president, who has expressed himself in similar terms, have been able, for the moment, to present any viable alternative to the population they represent. With countries as important as Germany already bordering on recession,

In the past, although starting from the same position, to achieve that Ukraine recover its territorial integrity without the concessions that Minsk demanded, the positions of the United States and the European Union had been marked by the different nuances that the specific interests of the two continents demanded. . The European Union, and fundamentally Germany as the main customer of the Russian energy sector, had shown an interest in reaching a minimum agreement, always according to the demands of Ukraine, which would guarantee the continuation of trade relations between the EU and Moscow. Maintaining, albeit artificially and aware that Ukraine had no intention of implementing its points, the Minsk agreements were a part of that strategy of maintaining pressure on Russia,

Even then, both during the Trump and Biden presidencies, the United States position sought a break that would guarantee Washington a more favorable position in a region, Western Europe, which it considers a political priority. This is how one should read Washington's fight against the Nord Stream expansion project. The United States not only sought to destroy a project, the Nord Stream, in search of a piece of the lucrative pie of the sale of energy to the European Union, but also used the Ukrainian question as a tool to prevent the existence of a stable economic relationship and mutually satisfactory between Russia and the European Union, mainly between Moscow and Berlin.

Reluctant in the past to a break that was obviously going to entail economic damage for the industry of the European Union and for its citizens, the start of the Russian military intervention has served to convince Brussels that the break demanded by the United States was not a problem but a necessity. In these nine months of Russo-Ukrainian war, the European Union has tried to prepare itself to voluntarily give up cheap Russian energy in favor of "ideologically correct" energy from Iran, Saudi Arabia, or Azerbaijan, among other countries, despite its much higher price. highest. A few weeks ago, Emmanuel Macron seemed to have misunderstood when he complained that the US and Norwegian allies were taking advantage of the situation to sell their energy to the European Union at market prices. The United States has not hidden its joy at the new situation. Immediately after the Russian military intervention began, Washington offered to increase the flows of liquefied natural gas to the European Union, an objective that it had tried, without success, to achieve for years and which is one of the main reasons for the North American fight against the North Stream. Hours after the sabotage of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream-2 gas pipelines, of which Russia was accused without any evidence or logic, an emotional Anthony Blinken openly stated that the situation is a great opportunity for the United States.

For months, representatives of the European Union have been on the road to adapting to the new world, one in which competitiveness will be undermined by the loss of the privilege that had been access to cheap Russian energy for decades. If the war was the beginning of the end, the explosions in the gas pipelines linking Russia and Germany across the Baltic Sea were the symbolic representation of a rupture that cannot possibly be reversed when the war ends. Perhaps the lack of interest on the part of the European Union to investigate the episode, determine the culprits and even denounce the ecological catastrophe caused by the leaks is even more representative. Two are the most plausible explanations:

For months, ships with shipments of Russian fertilizers, important to guarantee global harvests, have remained or remain blocked in European ports. And the secondary sanctions – that is, the threat of falling under US sanctions if they offer services to sanctioned Russian companies – have even halted Russian shipments to countries that reject Western sanctions. However, largely thanks to high energy prices, which have allowed Moscow to sell its raw materials through countries such as China, India or Turkey, which sometimes act solely as intermediaries, Russia has maintained, or even increased , your income level.

Faced with other countries, such as China, India or the third world practically as a bloc, refuse to implement the unilateral sanctions -and therefore illegal- imposed by the United States, the European Union has been in these months one of the most firm for its implementation. Western sanctions have not succeeded in destroying the Russian economy or in the collapse of the ruble, but they have achieved one of their main goals: minimizing Russia-European Union relations and making Western European countries less competitive and more dependent on states. Joined.

Although months late, the countries of the European Union now seem to be realizing that their interests do not always coincide with those of the United States. "The Americans, our friends, make decisions that have an impact on us," lamented Josep Borrell in a comment to Politico, which this week has stated that "nine months after invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is beginning to fragment the West." The European complaints are due to the high prices of US energy, which unlike Russia does not offer discounts to its allies or related countries, or the benefits of the arms industry. The United States, much further from the front lines than European countries, has always been comfortable with using Ukraine as a military tool against Russia and remains so now, at least as far as its political authorities are concerned.

But to the benefits of the industry of death and the reality of the law of supply and demand, which the United States applies to the letter, has now been added to the European complaint about a scenario that is not new either: American protectionism. At a time when giving up energy at affordable prices undermines the competitiveness of European industry, the United States has announced a subsidy plan for its industry that the EU considers "an existential risk", 369,000 million dollars to which the European Union is hardly going to be able to respond. More united and politically subdued than ever, the European Union never ceases to be surprised that its great ally, the United States, acts focusing solely on its economic interests. Long past the point of no return,

Google Translator


By storming Artemovsk. 11/27/2022
November 27, 22:50


By storming Artemovsk.

1. Our troops here retain the initiative and continue the offensive. PMC "Wagner" is actively engaged in assault operations.
2. The main battles are going on for Opytnoye, south of Artemovsk in the direction of Kurdyumovka, on the eastern outskirts of the city and to the northeast in the direction of Krasnaya Gora.
3. There is currently no "encirclement" of the enemy in Artemovsk. The enemy, despite heavy losses (Ukrainian sources today reported that over 500 wounded in Artemovsk alone in the last 2 days - to understand the intensity of the fighting) continues to maintain the integrity of the front, regularly saturating it with redeployed reserves, which are concentrated in the Chasov Yar area.
4. There is also no reason to believe that the enemy will somehow react to strange stuffing about "ultimatums". The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is well aware that in the event of the loss of Artemovsk, the "Flower of Popasnaya 2.0" will bloom there.
5. After the loss of Experienced and the beginning of the assault on Artemovsk, the enemy clearly expects to hold on to the eastern part of Artemovsk for some time, and then retreat to the western districts of the city. The bridge in the city center has long been undermined. In case of loss of the city, they will gradually retreat to Chasov Yar.
6. In the current realities, it is quite possible to agree with Prigozhin's opinion that the more our troops grind enemy troops in Artemovsk, the better. - zinc (the broadcast of hostilities continues as usual in Telegram - if you are interested, subscribe) ... 56_900.jpg

How Akhmetov stole the wages of workers in the DPR
November 27, 16:51


Heading "We write".

How Akhmetov stole the wages of workers in the DPR

A clear example of the attitude of the oligarchs to their employees and the principles of doing business in general.

"How DTEK stole hundreds of millions of hryvnias from its employees with my help" 3750.html

I was driving a company car to Mariupol for a court session when Frolova called me and said that within half an hour I should give suggestions on a strategy for dismissing employees of nationalized DPR
enterprises and non-payment of their salaries for the month of March.

Several tens of thousands of people worked at the DTEK enterprises seized in the DPR, after the seizure of the enterprises they remained to work for them, the salary of these workers is millions of hryvnias, and the management of DTEK
decided to pay employees for the first half of March - the period when the enterprises were still controlled by DTEK, - don't pay.

Accordingly, it was necessary to substantiate that we do not have any information about the employees of the NKT, including the fact of work performance, payroll, the number of unused vacation days.
For this, orders were prepared, allegedly issued in 2015, on the division of accounting for the activities of the enterprise, in accordance with which the distribution of personnel and accounting was carried out into controlled and
uncontrolled territory, while the maintenance of documentation on the tubing was entrusted to employees located on the tubing.

How much money did DTEK steal from its employees?

In total, the approximate total amount of wages not paid by DTEK and Metinvest to NCP employees is at least UAH 600,000,000 (approximately $22.2 million at that time). Of these, about 402,000,000 hryvnias are
payments directly to employees, approximately 108,000,000 hryvnias are a personal income tax to the local budget, and 90,000,000 hryvnias are a military tax to the state budget. The division, of course, is very approximate, since
when calculating personal income tax, the amount of salary is reduced by the amount of the tax social benefit, but here again there is no data for calculations.

In addition, when paying salaries, deductions are made to the Pension Fund in the amount of 22% of the wage fund, respectively, for March 2017. The Pension Fund of Ukraine received less than approximately UAH 132,000,000.

That is, in March 2017, in total, Rinat Akhmetov "saved" about UAH 732,000,000 on the remuneration of NCP workers. (27.11 million dollars), this is without taking into account the amount of severance pay to employees of mining enterprises.

Feast of the Holodomor
November 28, 15:08


Holodomor victims celebrate their professional holiday.

"Here's your fries."

Herr Goebbels laughs in hell.

Waiting for winter
November 28, 10:32 am


Dynamics of weather changes in Ukraine in late November-early December.
Winter will be in full swing next weekend. The ground will begin to freeze slightly and we can expect an intensification of active offensive operations on both sides, since now the terrain and weather are not favorable for the movement of equipment outside of highways and asphalt roads.


Of course, the expectations of frosts and improvement of soil parameters do not stop the current hostilities, it is just that positional factors are still pressing in them.

Google Translator


From Cassad's telegram account:

▪️Chronicle of the special military operation
for November 26-27, 2022

🔻Belgorod region:

▪️Ukrainian formations fired on the outskirts of Shebekino , and power lines were damaged. There are no victims or injured.

🔻Kharkov region:

▪️The Ukrainian command is transferring units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and nationalist regiments to the Kharkiv and Volchansky districts bordering the Belgorod region .

In Kharkov , Volchansk , Izyum and Balakliya , mobilization measures are being stepped up.

🔻Starobelsk direction:

▪️Clashes are going on in the Svatovsky sector in the west of Kuzemovka .

The parties are engaged in artillery duels along the entire line of contact.

▪️In the Liman sector , Ukrainian units attempted an offensive in the direction of Ploshchanka .

The RF Armed Forces repulsed the enemy attack, forcing him to retreat to his original positions with losses.

🔻Soledar direction:

▪️In the Bakhmut (Artyomovsky) area , the fighters of the Wagner PMC continue to fight with units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the southeast of Bakhmut (Artemovsk).

▪️To the south of Bakhmut, fierce fighting continues in Ozeryanovka.

🔻Lugansk People's Republic:

▪️Ukrainian formations attacked Svatovo and Nizhnyaya Duvanka : residential buildings, a gas pipeline and power lines were damaged. At least two people were injured.

🔻Donetsk direction:

▪️The enemy fired cannon and rocket artillery at the Donetsk agglomeration : residential buildings and infrastructure facilities in Donetsk , Makeevka , Mineralny , Yasinovataya and Gorlovka were hit . There are civilians who have died.

🔻Zaporozhye direction:

▪️As part of preparations for the offensive, the Ukrainian command continues to gather additional forces in the Orekhov region.

▪️In the Zaporozhye region on Saturday, another exchange of prisoners of war took place according to the formula "9 for 9".

▪️Artillery duels continue along the line of contact: the RF Armed Forces have worked out on enemy positions in Yelenokonstantinovka , Zaliznichny , Malaya Tokmachka and Shcherbaki .

🔻Dnipropetrovsk region:

▪️Russian troops hit a railway infrastructure facility in Krivoy Rog.

🔻Southern Front: Kherson direction

▪️The Ukrainian command continues to transfer forces to the Zaporozhye , Starobilsk and Soledar directions.

▪️Russian rocket troops and artillery carried out strikes against enemy positions in Antonovka , Chernobaevka , Berislav and Pridneprovsky .

▪️Ukrainian formations attacked residential buildings in Kakhovka and Nova Kakhovka , killing one woman.


Google Translator



German military preparing for potential war with Russia, leaked internal report reveals
By Ben Norton (Posted Nov 26, 2022)

Originally published: Multipolarista on November 24, 2022 (more by Multipolarista)

Germany’s top newspaper Der Spiegel obtained a leaked confidential strategy paper that reveals the country’s military is preparing for a potential war with Russia.

The German military, the Bundeswehr, released the secret 68-page document internally in September.

The Bundeswehr chief, Inspector General Eberhard Zorn, warned that Germany could be attacked, and he proposed plans for a future armed conflict with Russia.

The report claims that Germany faces “existential” threats.

The document opens stating, “War in Europe is a reality again.” It predicts that the most likely scenario would be a conflict with Russia on NATO’s eastern flank.

Der Spiegel noted that the strategy paper stresses the need for “deterrence.”

In the past few decades, the German military has focused on small, specialized units, but this report says the armed forces will now prioritize training large units that are always ready for war.

The document reaffirms the Bundeswehr’s commitment to the U.S.-led NATO cartel, but also makes it clear that Berlin is beginning to consider its own strategic autonomy independent of Washington.

Der Spiegel summarized the document as an outline for a “mega-reform” of the armed forces.

The Germany newspaper has not translated the article into English, and the striking report got almost no coverage in the English-language press.

Germany plans to become world’s third-biggest military spender

As a member of NATO and the de facto leader of the European Union, Germany has played a significant role in the Western proxy war on Russia that began in 2014, when a U.S.-sponsored coup d’etat violently overthrew Ukraine’s democratically elected neutral government and installed a staunchly anti-Russian, pro-Western regime.

This U.S.-backed putsch set off a civil war in Ukraine. In an attempt to end the violence, Germany and France helped Ukraine negotiate the Minsk II accord with Russia in 2015. Berlin was supposed to guarantee that Kiev implemented the agreement, but Ukraine refused to do so—and Washington discouraged it from meeting its political obligations.

Germany and France were generally seen as less hawkish against Russia than the United States. But when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the situation changed completely.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz described the escalation of the proxy war as a “turning point” for Europe. His government promptly embarked on the first substantial re-militarization of the country since the end of the first cold war.

Scholz announced his administration would create a €100 billion “special defense fund,” in addition to the ballooning German military budget of €50 billion per year.

In June, Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag, approved this special fund.

Reuters reported that Germany plans to devote at least 2% of its GDP to military expenditure,

making it the world’s third-biggest military spender behind the United States and China.

Germany’s military budget is expected to grow to nearly €60 billion by 2023, more than €70 billion by 2024, and eventually €80 billion by 2030.

German military expands its role in NATO

With the proxy war in Ukraine heating up, Germany is also playing a more active role in NATO.

The New York Times reported in June that the U.S. military is using bases in Germany to train Ukrainian troops, and Germany became home to a coalition cell of Western militaries planning the proxy war on Russia:

Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine in February, the [US] Army’s 10th Special Forces Group, which before the war had been training Ukrainian commandos at a base in the country’s west, quietly established a coalition planning cell in Germany to coordinate military assistance to Ukrainian commandos and other Ukrainian troops. The cell has now grown to 20 nations.

In September, Germany sent more troops to a permanent NATO deployment in Lithuania, a former member of the Soviet Union that is close to the border with Russia.

In October, Berlin initiated a NATO military exercise in Lithuania which will involve roughly 5,000 German troops.

Germany remilitarizes with €100 billion ‘special budget’

The re-militarization of Germany is bipartisan, and has the support of both the current centrist, social-democratic government as well as the right-wing opposition.

German state media outlet DW explained in June:

the government has joined forces with the main opposition parties to change the constitution and allow €100 billion ($107 billion) in additional debt to upgrade the military–an unprecedented occurrence in the history of the Federal Republic.

It comes on top of this year’s record defense budget of €50.4 billion and will be spent over the next five years.

DW noted that this military spending is in addition to the billions of euros worth of support that Germany has provided to Ukraine in the proxy war with Russia.

The only major political party that opposes the re-militarization of Germany is the socialist Die Linke (Left Party). DW reported:

The Left Party in Germany is the country’s only major political camp to fundamentally reject the Bundeswehr’s additional funding. It calls the special fund a “cornerstone for permanent militarization” in Germany.

“The purchase of nuclear bombers like the F-35, new tank systems, and armed drones is sending the stock prices and profits of the major arms makers soaring,” says Sevim Dagdalen, spokeswoman for international politics of the Left Party’s parliamentary group.

Meanwhile, she says, poverty is on the rise in Germany.

According to DW, €41 billion of this special fund will go to the Bundeswehr’s air force, which plans to buy CH-47F Chinook helicopters from the U.S. corporation Boeing and F-35 fighter jets from Lockheed Martin, as well as the Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft from pan-European company Airbus.

Germany has already ordered Heron TP armed drones from Israel.

The Bundeswehr’s navy will receive €19 billion to modernize its forces with U12 submarines and other combat boats.

The Bundeswehr’s ground forces were designated €17 billion to buy armored personnel carriers and more combat vehicles, including potentially tanks.

Germany currently has troops in Mali, as part of a United Nations mission in western Africa, although Berlin has claimed it will withdraw them by 2024. ... t-reveals/


Weapons Handed Over to Ukraine Returned to Western Terrorists and Criminal Gangs
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 27, 2022
Vladimir Platov


A year ago, the whole world was actively debating the fate of United States weapons supplied to Afghanistan, which ended up in the hands of terrorists and criminal gangs.

It should be recalled that according to Joe Biden, the total US military spending in 2001-2021 on military operations in Afghanistan exceeded $2 trillion, and the total military aid to the Afghan army from the US amounted to $88 billion. Over twenty years of military operations in the country, Washington gave the Afghan armed forces equipment, weapons and various military ammunition worth many billions of dollars.

After the USA’s disgraceful flight from Afghanistan, a huge mass of Western weapons not only ended up in the hands of the Taliban (banned in the Russian Federation), which is recognized as a terrorist movement in many countries, but also appeared on the black markets, which many extremist and terrorist groups and various criminal networks, including those in Europe, took advantage of. The US Congressman Jim Banks claimed in August 2021 that the Taliban had more than 75,000 vehicles, 200 planes and helicopters, not to mention hundreds of thousands of small arms in their hands. In particular, they have more Black Hawk attack helicopters alone than some NATO member states.

Attempts then to find out specifically where and how many weapons generously supplied by the United States were being held proved fruitless. As did the identification of those specific individuals in the US political and military establishment who were to blame for such irresponsible behavior.

However, after more than a year, as Task&Purpose wrote on November 17, the Pentagon still has no idea how much military equipment it has actually left in Afghanistan and in what hands, other than just the Taliban, it has fallen. A Pentagon inspector general’s report released in August this year only stipulated that the total value of military equipment in service with the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) was approximately $7.12 billion. However, as US media stresses, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) admitted recently that the Pentagon has for years resisted keeping accurate records of the equipment it has transferred to ANDSF and therefore the true size of these military arsenals is unknown. According to some media reports, some of it has already begun to surface in armed conflicts in Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere, ending up in the hands of criminals and militias.

This issue has recently become particularly salient against the backdrop of virtually the same situation with Washington’s uncontrolled pumping of various weapons into Ukraine to support the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev. And not only by the US itself, but also with Washington dragging countries in Europe and a number of states from other regions into this reckless policy.

Meanwhile, as Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said at a government meeting on November 18, Ukraine has already received $23 billion in aid since the start of Russia’s special operation, including $4.8 billion from the European Union and $8.5 billion from the United States. He also added that Kiev expects another $37.7 billion worth of aid from the United States. As you can see, these figures are considerably higher than the amounts of weapons supplied to Afghanistan. Hence, the negative consequences of uncontrolled US weapons supplies should be expected to be far greater!

As media reports reveal, in just the first four months of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, European and Western countries have supplied or committed to supply Kiev with some $38.5 billion worth of weapons. This, according to SIPRI, is more than the military expenses of countries such as Italy, Australia, Canada or Poland for the last year.

According to the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation, the weapons supplied to Ukraine (not only small arms) have ended up in the hands of European criminals. They have already been found in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands. The EU police service, Europol, warned back in the summer that international criminal organizations were trying to smuggle weapons from Ukraine into EU countries.

An investigation by the Austrian newspaper Exxpress has also previously confirmed that weapons supplied by Europe and the US to Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s government are disappearing and ending up with European criminal groups. The routes for smuggling such weapons from Ukraine are well known. In particular, this “business” goes through international groups of so-called biker gangs (for example, the Bandidos Motorcycle Club has representatives in every major Ukrainian city) and seaports, which are not as carefully guarded as airports.

In fact, a similar situation took place after the wars unleashed by the West in the 1990s in Yugoslavia, from where smuggled weapons entered many countries and on November 2, 2020 were used in the worst ever terrorist attack perpetrated by Muslims in Austria.

US media outlets are voicing their serious concern over Washington’s uncontrolled allocation of billions of dollars for weapons to the criminal Kiev regime. A recent article in Substack bluntly states that no one in the US knows exactly where all the weapons and cash aid sent by the White House to Ukraine is going. Allegedly, not even the inspector general, the watchdog of American finances, knows this…

Given the recurrent pattern of uncontrolled supply of huge quantities of weapons by the US during the war in Yugoslavia, then in Afghanistan and now in Ukraine, it is no secret that their appearance on the black markets is extremely profitable for the US. It is not just that this “arms business” is an established corruption scheme in the United States, for which no one is held accountable. It must not be forgotten that these smuggled weapons, which have been resurfacing for decades, are destabilizing the situation and creating new conflicts. And they create new hotspots, where Washington is successfully lining its pockets.

When it comes back to Europe, including with Ukrainian refugees, this so-called “military aid,” which Josep Borrell is particularly active in advocating from the European podium, could fire a shot at an EU country at any time. Such “aid” arms not only criminals and terrorists, but also neo-Nazi formations actively revived by certain military and political forces in the United States and Europe, capable of bringing the brown plague back to the European continent. That will be the EU residents’ payback for US corrupt weapons schemes in Ukraine – a nice addition to the dire consequences already experienced by the Europeans from the US-imposed Russophobic sanctions policy, the removal of Russia from the EU energy market, the instigation of a sabotage attack on the Nord Stream 1&2 pipelines, which would have ensured, as in previous years, European energy security from Russia.

This is the price for Europe and the world as a whole for the White House’s policy of Russophobia in the name of a maniacal quest for US world domination.

“Ukraine is receiving weapons in large quantities, and that is a good thing. But we will now be dealing with these weapons for several decades elsewhere. This is the price we will have to pay to fight back Russia,” a senior police official said. ... nal-gangs/

Russian Ministry of Defense Report on US Bioweapons, November 26, 2022
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 26, 2022
Studies in the United States to increase the pathogenic properties of microorganisms are compelled to rethink statements by US officials in charge of countering biological threats.

One of them is – John Bolton, who served as National Security Advisor.

Pay attention at the report « Restructuring of the Defense of America », submitted in September 2000, co-authored by Bolton. The document noted, CITATA: « … that in order to achieve a position of world leadership, the United States needs to maintain the superiority of its armed forces, while one of the ways to modernize is to create biological weapons.

At the same time, advanced forms of biological weapons, capable of targeting certain genotypes, they will be able to change the role of this type of weapon – instead of a means of intimidation, it will be used favorably in politics … » END.

⁇ मLet me remind you that Bolton led the US delegation at the 2001 BTWC Fifth Review Conference. Following the consultations, the American side completely blocked the work on the verification mechanism and abandoned the proposed processes for checking the likely storage sites of biological weapons, citing the fact that this threatens their national interests.
Briefing by Lieutenant General I.Kirillov, Head of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops of the Russian Armed Forces
November 26, 2022

The Ninth Review Conference of the States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention will be held from November 28th to December 16th, 2022, in Geneva. In accordance with Article 12 of the Convention such events are held every five years, and their purpose is to discuss the current status of the BWC, issues of compliance with its provisions, review of scientific and technical developments with dual-use potential.

I would like to remind you that in September on the initiative of the Russian Federation the Consultative Meeting of States Parties to the Convention was held, and in October Russia brought the issues of violations of the BTWC by Ukraine and the USA to the UN Security Council.

Western countries actually sabotaged the vote on the Security Council resolution on an international investigation into the activities of U.S. biolaboratories in Ukraine. The U.S., France and Britain voted against the document, while Russia and China voted in favor of the resolution. Other countries, including India, Mexico and NATO member Norway, abstained from voting.

Despite the fact that the resolution did not receive the necessary number of votes to pass and the Security Council failed to activate the investigative mechanism, the voting results show that U.S. military and biological activities in Ukraine raise questions even among its closest allies.

We would like to point out that the United States continues to include targets for military-biological capabilities in its doctrinal documents.

For example, on October 18, the White House published a new strategy for countering biological threats that calls for $88 billion in funding, including $17 billion in the first year.

According to the document, managing biological risks is a vital priority for the United States, and the response to their occurrence will be tough and immediate. Once again, there is an attempt by the U.S. to interfere in the internal affairs of other states. Thus, QUOTE: “…activities to counter biological threats are supposed to be carried out regardless of whether they arise within the United States or abroad…” END OF QUOTE.

One of the key areas of the Strategy is identified as improving the individual and collective biological defenses of U.S. military personnel in various theaters of war. The goal is to continue the study of agents of particularly dangerous infectious diseases endemic to specific areas.

In order to relieve the Pentagon of accusations of military-biological activities, the official participation of U.S. military biologists in foreign projects will be limited by wider involvement in such work of civil structures as DOD contractors.

Thus, as part of the Strategy, the U.S. intends to strengthen global control of the biological situation in the world and reserves the right to conduct “dual-use” research, including outside national territory.

Another strategic planning document is the updated U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DITRA) strategy through 2027, which explicitly recognizes its dual role. It is not only to provide protection, but also combat support to military units. According to the strategy, one of the priority tasks of DITRA is to ensure the military superiority of U.S. forces over the enemy.

At the same time, DITRA’s activities are carefully concealed from the Americans themselves. Thus, on November 10, at the request of the non-profit organization we received a three hundred and forty-five page document concerning the financing of Black & Veech and its activities on the territory of Ukraine.

Please note that in the reports provided by the Pentagon dozens of pages have been edited, information about contractors, as well as the results of research activities obtained on the territory of Ukraine have been completely removed.

The published documents once again confirm the cooperation between Kiev and Washington, as well as the attempts to establish control over pathogens in Ukrainian laboratories by implementing the PACS system, elements of which were transferred to Ukraine under the label “US government property”.

This is consistent with the materials at our disposal: the project registration card and contract documents approved by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.

As we informed earlier the PACS system enables the Pentagon to monitor in real time the location and use of highly dangerous pathogens in laboratories all over the world, as well as to get access to the results of experiments, ambiguous from ethical and legal points of view.

An example of such research is the work being conducted in the United States to enhance the pathogenic properties of the pathogen COVID-19.

We would like to draw attention to the fact that the United States continues to include targets for building up military-biological capabilities in its doctrinal documents.

For example, on October 18, the White House published a new strategy to counter biological threats, which assumes funding of $88 billion, including $17 billion in the first year.

According to the document, managing biological risks is a vital priority for the United States, and the response to their occurrence will be tough and immediate. Once again, there is an attempt by the U.S. to interfere in the internal affairs of other states. Thus, quote, “…activities to counter biological threats are supposed to be carried out regardless of whether they arise within the United States or abroad…” END OF QUOTE.

One of the key areas of the Strategy is identified as improving the individual and collective biological defenses of U.S. military personnel in various theaters of war. The goal is to continue the study of agents of particularly dangerous infectious diseases endemic to specific areas.

In order to relieve the Pentagon of accusations of military-biological activities, the official participation of U.S. military biologists in foreign projects will be limited by wider involvement in such work of civil structures as DOD contractors.

Thus, as part of the Strategy, the U.S. intends to strengthen global control of the biological situation in the world and reserves the right to conduct “dual-use” research, including outside national territory.

Another strategic planning document is the updated U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DITRA) strategy through 2027, which explicitly recognizes its dual role. It is not only to provide protection, but also combat support to military units. According to the strategy, one of the priority tasks of DITRA is to ensure the military superiority of U.S. forces over the enemy.

At the same time, DITRA’s activities are carefully concealed from the Americans themselves. Thus, on November 10, at the request of the non-profit organization we received a three hundred and forty-five page document concerning the financing of Black & Veech and its activities on the territory of Ukraine.

Please note that in the reports provided by the Pentagon dozens of pages have been edited, information about contractors, as well as the results of research activities obtained on the territory of Ukraine have been completely removed.

The published documents once again confirm the cooperation between Kiev and Washington, as well as the attempts to establish control over pathogens in Ukrainian laboratories by implementing the PACS system, elements of which were transferred to Ukraine under the label “US government property”.

This is consistent with the materials at our disposal: the project registration card and contract documents approved by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.

As we informed earlier the PACS system enables the Pentagon to monitor in real time the location and use of highly dangerous pathogens in laboratories all over the world, as well as to get access to the results of experiments, ambiguous from ethical and legal points of view.

An example of such research is the work being conducted in the United States to enhance the pathogenic properties of the pathogen COVID-19.

For example, in October, Boston University created an artificial coronavirus pathogen based on the Omicron strain and the original “Wuhan” variant.

The modified virus obtained by the Americans caused the death of 80% of diseased model animals with the development of atypical neurological symptoms and severe lung damage. Testing the protective properties of antibodies showed an 11-fold decrease in their ability to neutralize the new pathogen and the ineffectiveness of existing vaccines.

Although the U.S. Department of Health has decided to investigate the university’s management, the “Boston experiment” suggests that the United States lacks a system for government oversight of R&D in genetic engineering and synthetic biology. Despite the high biological risks, the research was conducted with U.S. government funds without proper approval from the national biosafety regulator.

U.S. research on enhancing the pathogenic properties of microorganisms forces a rethinking of statements by U.S. administration officials in charge of countering biological threats. One of them is John Bolton, who served as national security advisor. Note the September 2000 report,

“Restructuring America’s Defense,” which Bolton co-authored. The document notes, quote, “…that to achieve a position of world leadership, the United States needs to maintain the superiority of its armed forces, with biological weapons as one way to modernize. In doing so, advanced forms of biological weapons capable of targeting certain genotypes could change the role of this type of weapon – instead of being a deterrent it would become beneficial in politics…” END OF QUOTE.

John Bolton’s September 2000 report ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses

Recall that Bolton led the U.S. delegation to the Fifth BTWC Review Conference in 2001. As a result of the consultations, the U.S. side completely blocked work on the verification mechanism and rejected the proposed processes for verifying probable biological weapons sites, citing that it threatened their national interests.

We have previously talked about biosecurity violations at U.S. laboratories, including instances of mass mailings of viable anthrax spores to foreign organizations.

In accordance with the U.S. federal Freedom of Information Act, in early November the U.S. publication Intersept analyzed National Institutes of Health documents regarding safety violations in biological laboratories in the United States. More than five and a half thousand pages of incident reports over the past 18 years were examined.

It concluded that research conducted in high-security laboratories (BSL-3 and BSL-4) at universities in Washington, Minnesota, and Illinois resulted in intralaboratory contaminations and created the risk of further spread of genetically modified viral fever pathogens, severe acute respiratory syndrome, highly pathogenic avian influenza, and a number of other infections.

Numerous violations of basic principles of work with pathogens, attempts of biolaboratories management to conceal the facts of accidents, as well as failures of filter-ventilation systems and protective equipment were noted.

Here are a few of those examples.

On September 2, 2011, a laboratory incident occurred at the National Institutes of Health in New York. After being bitten by a laboratory animal infected with a recombinant influenza virus, the researcher was sent home to be quarantined unsupervised in the most populous city in the United States.

Between April 2013 and March 2014, cases of laboratory animals infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome escaped from zoned rooms at the University of North Carolina.

In September 2016, a graduate student at the University of Washington punctured her glove while conducting experiments with animals infected with a recombinant strain of the Chikungunya virus. In a gross violation of safety regulations, the employee only washed her hands, removed her protective gear, and left the lab without telling anyone about the incident or taking steps to isolate herself. Four days later, she was diagnosed with an acute form of the disease.

In all, more than two hundred such incidents have been recorded. We assume that the official statistics include only a small portion of the incidents and that the real situation is much worse.

I would like to point out that in the U.S., the system for monitoring safety violations in biolaboratories is decentralized, covering only facilities that receive federal funding. There is virtually no control of private laboratories, even though they conduct research with highly dangerous pathogens. The lack of uniform standards for the activities of such facilities creates risks of bypassing the BWC and grossly violating safety requirements.

The high risk of accidents in U.S. biolaboratories is one of the reasons for their withdrawal from national jurisdiction and transfer to the territory of third countries, including Ukraine and other states. This explains the deterioration of the epidemic situation in their locations, the emergence of diseases that are not typical for these regions and their vectors.

We remind that during the special military operation it became known about the implementation of military and biological programs of the Pentagon in Ukraine in violation of Articles 1 and 4 of the Convention. The analysis of the documents found in the Ukrainian biolaboratories gives grounds to claim that the development of biological weapons components was carried out in the immediate vicinity of the Russian borders.

This is confirmed by the work contracts, the approved registration cards, the reporting documentation of the Pentagon contractors Black & Veach and Metabiota.

The nomenclature of pathogens, which were studied in the framework of U-P and Tap “Ukrainian projects” has nothing to do with the actual problems of Ukrainian health care. At the same time, the main emphasis was made on the study of natural focal and particularly dangerous infections, which are considered to be potential agents of biological weapons. For example, the goal of the Tep-2 project was to study the causative agent of glanders, cases of which have never been registered on the territory of Ukraine.

Testing of infectious disease agents and toxic substances on Ukrainian servicemen and mentally ill people, who are one of the most vulnerable categories of citizens, under the control of the U.S. Department of Defense, is of particular concern.

Earlier we cited the decision of the ethical committee of the “Center for Public Health of Ukraine” dated June 12, 2019, about the research with unknown risk to the life and health of participants. Although the research program provides only a standard blood sampling procedure, the document prescribes reporting, quote: “…minor incidents involving volunteers to the US Bioethics Committee within 72 hours of the incident, and serious ones, including death of subjects, within 24 hours.”

At the same time in the international reporting on the BWC the USA and Ukraine deliberately keep silent about joint activities, despite their obvious military-biological orientation.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that since 2016, the time of the Eighth Review Conference, the world community has faced new threats, including the pandemic spread of human and animal infections (COVID-19, monkeypox, African swine fever), the risks posed by modern advances in biotechnology and synthetic biology, as well as military and biological activities of the Pentagon in various regions of the world.

In the face of emerging challenges and threats, the Russian Federation proposes:

First: Resume negotiations to develop a legally binding protocol to the BWC that would include lists of pathogenic microorganisms, toxins, specialized equipment, take into account current scientific and technological advances in biology, and provide for an effective verification mechanism.

Two: Supplement the confidence-building measures with information on biological defence research and development outside national territory, as well as information on animal vaccine production facilities.

Third: Provide for the establishment of a scientific advisory committee to evaluate scientific and technological developments of relevance to the Convention with broad geographical representation and equal rights for the participants.

The practical implementation of our proposals will increase the “transparency” of national biological programs and compliance with the requirements of the Convention by all States Parties without exception.

The Russian Federation has repeatedly pointed to indications that the United States and its allies are implementing “dual-use” programs outside national territory, including through the operation of bio-laboratories under their control and so-called “shared-use” laboratories, which receive funding from the military departments of these States or organizations affiliated with them.

Questions about the real goals of the Pentagon’s research programs have been raised repeatedly at various international venues, but so far remain unanswered. We intend to return to their discussion at the upcoming Ninth Review Conference of the States Parties to the BTWC.

📄Full text of the briefing by the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov ... lova-11-26 ... r-26-2022/

Bolton is a monster, that's why they hired him and keep hiring him.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:11 am

Ukraine War - A Contentious Graveyard In Poland

An independent Polish news site, Niezaleizny Dziennik Polityczny, has an interesting piece about Polish losses in the war in Ukraine.

I can not confirm the reports veracity but since at least 2014 the site has regularly published several news and opinion pieces per day. It seems to be opposed to the current conservative PiS led government in Poland.

Below is the machine translated Polish text:

A shameful end. American quarters for Polish mercenaries

In early November, the regional media announced plans to create burials similar to American war cemeteries in Olsztyn. The reports sparked a wave of indignation, both among the city's residents and Poles across the country. "This is a necropolis for Poles? We are from a different culture ”this is how indignant users in social media reacted to the strange ideas of the city council.
The municipal cemetery in Dywity is the main necropolis in Olsztyn and covers over 35 ha. Today it is loud about it all over Poland, because soon it will look like a war cemetery in the USA. It has to be like in an American movie. A large lawn with identical tombstones on it. Without trees, benches, angels bending over the dead. The tombstones will be the same, they will only differ in color. Their manufacturers provided for only three: black, gray and red-brown.
The main reason for the creation of the American cemetery in Olsztyn was the drastically increased number of burials in the region, mainly soldiers' graves.

This situation has become a real problem for the local government of Olsztyn, where the 16th Pomeranian Mechanized Division is stationed. Almost daily military funerals combined with volleys of honor began to irritate the residents and provoked numerous questions to the city administration and the command of the 16th Division. To avoid additional publicity of the problem, the authorities decided to create a separate "American" cemetery.
After the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in February this year, President Andrzej Duda and Minister of National Defense Mariusz Błaszczak officially called on Poles to join the ranks of mercenaries and fight on the side of the Kiev regime. Among the fighters who went to war were professional soldiers of the 16th Mechanized Division and veterans of the unit living in the region.

During the 10 months of bloody fighting, according to information from publicly available sources, over 1,200 Polish citizens died in Ukraine, including soldiers and veterans of the 16th PDZ. The number of injured and maimed people also amounts to several thousand.

The number of wounded is probably three times the number of dead, though that can vary depending on the war's circumstance. It means that in total some 4800 men of the Polish contingent in Ukraine were wounded or killed. Is that one third of the Polish 'mercenary' forces in Ukraine? Is it more? Or less?

We don't know but I expect that quite a lot of regular soldiers of the 16th Pomeranian Mechanised Division in Olsztyn have been 'asked' to take part in the war. The division consists of one armored and two mechanized brigades plus the usual auxiliaries which makes it a 15,000 men strong unit.

The style of Polish graveyards is typical for a Catholic European country. Trees, individual graves, elaborate tombstones, candles and flowers.


It is understandable that people in Poland do not like the plans for an 'American' style military graveyard:

The authorities prepared "special honors" for them. Uniform quarters are being built in Olsztyn: There are to be two slab sizes. Larger (meter by meter) are graves for officers, smaller ones (60 cm by 60 cm) are quarters for soldiers. It will not be possible to cover the tombstone with cubes, or to sprinkle pebbles and plant flowers. Only grass is to be spread around the graves. Such an inglorious end awaits the mercenaries who died in Ukraine.
There will be 1,700 of such burial places only in Olsztyn. Therefore, many Poles who believed in the false promises of government propaganda will be victims of the provocative international policy of the PiS regime.

With plans for 1,700 dead Polish soldiers, beyond those 1,200 already buried, the Polish government seems to expect its soldiers to take part in an even more intensified and longer war.

Posted by b on November 28, 2022 at 16:16 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more




By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

For the buffer zone to achieve the demilitarization of the Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned in July that military factors, not politics, will decide. “I see no reason to question what President Vladimir Putin announced on February 24, 2022, and reaffirmed a few days ago,” Lavrov said. “Our goals remain the same. And they will be met. There is a solution to this problem. The military know this.”

In case the distinction Lavrov was making between political negotiations and military operations, between soldiers and civilians, wasn’t clear enough, Maria Zakharova, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, made it the target of her irony last Thursday. In her regular briefing for reporters, Zakharova was asked to comment on US weapons supplies to the Ukraine. “Something is wrong with this world if two women are discussing Stingers, MANPADS, SAMS, and HARM anti-radar missiles,” she answered the journalist. “As a reminder, scaling up its military supplies to Kiev and directly controlling Ukrainian forces, including the provision of real-time recon data, Washington has, in fact, become a party to the conflict in Ukraine…As far as their internal dealings regarding how much money they give to whom, what particular supplies are underway, or what items they are running out of or have more of, this is not our concern. Let them decide what kind of games they want to play among themselves.”

The Kherson manoeuvre, announced by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and General Sergei Surovikin on November 9; the electric war campaign which has followed*; and the cutoff of troops, arms and supplies by train from Kiev to the eastern front, first announced by the Russian Defense Ministry on November 24, foreshadow how the military are preparing to establish the Ukrainian Demilitarized Zone (UDZ), its depth to the west of the Dnieper River, and the cities to be included in Russian-controlled territory.

This is a future to be established by the Russian General Staff, negotiated and signed by military officers of the NATO-controlled commands in Kiev and Lvov. The outcome is an end to hostilities with an armistice that is not a peace treaty.

The model is the armistice of Panmunjom of July 27, 1953, which ended the Korean War. The terms of the armistice took two years to negotiate by US, Korean and Chinese officers. The Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ) which was the outcome was four kilometres in depth. The Ukrainian demilitarized zone (UDZ) will be up to one hundred kilometres in depth, depending on the range of the US and NATO missile and artillery weapons deployed on the Kiev side of the Dnieper. On the ground inside the UDZ there may be no electricity, no people, nothing except for the means to monitor and enforce the terms of the armistice.

For avoidance of doubt, red on the map means Russia.

In what follows, Russian and other military sources have reviewed the official Russian policy statements, published operational bulletins, and social media and website commentaries in Russian. The maps with their overlays of the UDZ have been drawn by the sources to illustrate some of the constants, some of the variables in the present situation — the tactical options and the operational scenarios.

They are presented to warn that Russian politico-military thinking should not be interpreted as if it’s similar to US military doctrine.

The sources also caution that the recent evidence of Polish government decision-making, leaked last week by Moscow, rules out the foreseeable prospect that, whoever wins next year’s Polish elections, any regime in Warsaw will be capable of more independence of Washington’s control than the regime in Kiev. Consequently, the Galician region will remain nominally Ukrainian, de facto North American. De-nazification of the Americans and Canadians entrenched between Lvov and Cracow is not a Russian objective.

By contrast, the future for Hungarian Transcarpathia is beyond Washington’s control. Either way, Russian thinking is to “let the disaster zone that is rump Ukraine, west of the Dnieper, remain someone else’s problem.”

There are well-known advocates in Moscow for “the Ukrainian demilitarized zone to be all of the Ukraine”. In their words, “there is no sense in leaving western Ukraine to remain in bed with the US and deploy NATO weapons. Nothing will be offered to the Hungarians and Poles — they will have to earn it for themselves. It follows that demilitarization is not four or one hundred kilometres deep, comparable to the terms imposed on Germany in 1945 or on Korea in 1953. For Russia’s long-term security, look where we are in Germany and on the Korean peninsula right now. So eventually, for the long term the solution is the December terms. But the Americans won’t discuss this. Short of that — the Banderite state and its army must be defeated. That’s what demilitarization and de-nazification mean. There must not be a UDZ but a buffer that will be all of the Ukraine.”

Other sources believe that the official statements from Moscow, the operational evidence, and General Winter are all now indicating six months of formation and testing of the lines of a new UDZ and of the new Russia to the east of these lines.

For the demarcation of the eastern line of the UDZ, according to one source, “look at Kherson – I think she’s the prototype. Look at Krasny Liman as well. The electric war raids have been extended for the first time in November to the rail tracks moving west to east with Ukrainian military reinforcements of men and resupply of arms and ammunition. This signals the start of the campaign to disrupt Ukrainian logistics. This is coordinated with the situation of what is left of the civilian population in the cities along this line. We are seeing the large population centres emptied.”

Social media reports of new Russian ground force movements also indicate that a winter offensive of ground operations is being readied in parallel. How much is calculated feint and battlefield deception will be clear soon enough.

A Russian videoclip of Russian tanks repainted in winter white camouflage was recorded from a civilian car and posted this weekend on the internet; no location was identified. The car is travelling at about 40 kph; the clip lasts for one minute and when it stops, the line of tanks in the opposite lane is continuing to stretch to the horizon.

One Moscow source: “I cannot see Russians risking massive armoured movements or repeating their March manoeuvres. I believe the General Staff will wage the electricity war and put pressure on Kiev and on Europe while continuing a slow, inch-by-inch movement in Donbass. General Patience is more important than General Winter. Those two are on a par with General Iskander taking out electric substations and transport corridors. Putin will only come under pressure if he puts himself under pressure to take territory and takes thousands of casualties in the process. He does not want this. The General Staff does not want this. They have made this explicitly clear. So they have come up with new forms of warfare. Just how new these are hasn’t dawned yet in Kiev or Washington or Brussels.”

This is not positional warfare by Russian forces, all sources agree. But the outcome of highly mobile deployments (known as РЕЙД – “reyd” – in Russian military terminology) will be geographical.


Legend: Black lines=UDZ; red arrows=Russian РЕЙД movements; blue arrows=withdrawal and re-deployment; red stars=attack targets; blue crosses=Russian fortifications.


Legend: broken line=state border; black points=near-border train stations; red points=western train stations; red circles=western train stations included in international passenger tariff.

Military source: “The maps speak for themselves. The РЕЙД will consist of several heavy armoured spearheads with the objective of occupying and destroying enemy logistical hubs and transportation routes as well as any infrastructure. This will include whatever remains of the Ukrainian electrical grid in the target zone. Once the destruction of these targets has been completed, the remnants of the infrastructure will be mined, and the area planted with sensing devices. The armies will then begin a rapid, staged withdrawal behind Russian lines where the process of fortification and entrenchment has already begun.”

“Civilians and disarmed Ukrainian troops – except for the Ukro-Nazi units — will be allotted one or two corridors through which they will be permitted to leave the zone. They’d better not dawdle.”


First detected in operation in March, Zemledeliye (literally “agriculture”) is a remotely fired rocket system for planting mines across a landscape. The mines “can be used in defence and offence. In defence to block the enemy’s advance and in offence to block retreat and channel the enemy into the desired killing zone. The mines launched by this system are programmable -- they can be deactivated or they can self-destruct in the future with the cessation of hostilities.” Source:

The sources agree that the city of Odessa is not a target for direct military attack. There are several reasons. One is that up to half the city population is already pro-Russian and willing to wait for the opportunity to open the city gates; for the evidence, read this.

A related reason, according to this source: “The Ukronazis have put their maximum effort into de-Russification using terror, and they are dug in for a fight, while the locals appear content to let anyone or everyone else to do the fighting. It looks like [General] Surovikin has arrived at the conclusion that there is no point in trying to slog across unfavourable ground with dodgy logistics in order to ‘liberate’ a headache — at least not until depopulation due to de-electrification occurs. I take Surovikin at his word.”

For Surovikin’s October 18 statement, read this. ... vikin.html

The sources agree there will be a new military demarcation line before the thaw next spring; they differ on how it is being drawn now, and how it will look next April. “For now the line will be on the Dnieper with the zone extending from the west bank into the rump Ukraine – my guess is at a depth of not less than 100km. This will put Russian territory out of the range of most Ukrainian artillery. A 100km-deep zone will also give the Russian forces time to detect and intercept anything in flight. In the central sector, Kherson City will remain without population for an as yet undecided period. For as long as this lasts, the city is likely to be part of the zone rather than part of Russian territory. Time and armistice negotiations may change that.”

“In the northern sector – that’s from Kramatorsk and Slovyansk to Kharkov, then northwestward to Sumy and Chernigov – these are garrisons and staging areas of hate on or near to Russia’s borders; they will not be spared. It’s lights out for them. They made their decision in February-March and during the pull-back last spring. The shelling, sabotage, and other attacks on Bryansk, Belgorod and Kursk have qualified them for de-electrification, de-population, and de-nazification.”

“The point to emphasize, especially in the Russian operations in the north, is that they will be РЕЙД operations – they will not seize and hold territory. The penetrations will be deep, but not as deep as last February-March. This time they will include a massive security element, including drones and infantry support. The idea won’t be to occupy the territory, let alone administer it, for any length of time. The goal will be to destroy enemies who raise their heads and the infrastructure they rely on; lay mines and sensors; and then withdraw.”

“Once the assigned transportation and logistics nodes have been taken, the job of destroying them by engineer units will begin. Bridges, roads, railroads, marshalling yards, rolling stock, airfields, fuel storage and dispensaries, electrical substations, transmission and communications towers, central offices, warehouses, laydown areas, agricultural equipment – anything that could possibly be used to support the Ukrainian-NATO effort east of the zone’s western border will be destroyed. That will be also be the ground forces’ job – more comprehensive and thorough than missile and drone strikes can achieve.”

“Civilians and disarmed fighters, without their motorized equipment, will be permitted to walk out of the zone to specially prepared buses (as Surovikin supervised in Syria) with whatever they can carry on their backs. The United Nations Secretary-General, so enthusiastic about saving Ukronazis at Mariupol, will be told to have them ready at prescribed pick-up points. The elderly will be encouraged to come to prepared aid stations for care and processing. Anyone who chooses to stay inside the zone will be informed explicitly via radio, flyers, and loudspeaker that they are considered enemy combatants and will be targeted accordingly. After a prescribed amount of time, the ‘golden bridges’ for the exiting population will be destroyed. For those remaining they will have had no power, sanitation, or communications before the Russians arrive, and even fewer means to restore these utilities after they leave.”

Inside the UDZ, take Poltava, for example — the source has indicated by the red arrows the western and eastern lines of approach by the Russian forces:

Above: Poltava with the highway approaches marked by red arrows. Below: satellite picture, just south of Poltava, of electrical substation and transmission towers destroyed by Russian military engineers before they withdraw.

“If the Russians are able to skirt the large population centres, reach the outskirts of Poltava, and bring the large railway marshalling yards, junctions and highways under fire, this will be the death knell for the NATO-Ukrainian forces to the east. After a set interval allowing those who wish to escape, the infrastructure can be destroyed. As Russian forces move back along the E40 and north along the routes that got them there. they will be able to destroy everything including fuel stations, radio/microwave towers, sub-stations, and bridges along the way.”

Another source: “I see a continuation of strikes to hit commanders in Ukraine, though it would seem that now all strategy meetings and even tactical command meetings happen overseas. Russians will try to push as many civilians as possible toward Europe. Darkness over the country gives a clear view of small units spread out in the country in defensive positions if they are not using civilian cover. They will be picked out and hit with drones or artillery right across the eastern front.”

[*]There was plagiarism on this topic by Pepe Escobar in a recent piece he entitled “Electric War” in which concepts, terms and references were cribbed from Dances with Bears. Following republication of Escobar by Ron Unz of The Unz Review and Andrei Raevsky of The Saker, they have refused to acknowledge the evidence of the plagiarism. ... more-70281

I wouldn't get too upset about 'plagiarism'in this sort of situation where we're all just trying to 'get the word out'. However, attribution is a courtesy that should be observed.

It would be a pity if Odessa were left in Nazi hands, it is a Russian city.


Washington is Running Out of Weapons to Give Ukraine. Is This Checkmate for U.S. Imperialism?
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 28, 2022
Rainer Shea


The imperialist media’s big secret at the moment is that Washington is exhausting its arms supply for Ukraine. With a global series of occupations to maintain, and a military-industrial complex that prioritizes profits over outcome, the U.S. can no longer keep sending optimal or sufficiently numerous equipment. It’s having to tap into its lower-quality spare materials, send humvees in place of tanks or actual military trucks, and ship inadequate amounts of guns and rounds. The deindustrialization of Europe that the war has accelerated represents another obstacle in NATO’s project to keep Ukraine sufficiently armed.

Operation Z isn’t just demilitarizing Ukraine, it’s demilitarizing NATO as a whole.

This is only the latest in the long list of reasons why Ukraine can’t win. Even before this decline in Washington’s capacity to send aid, the Ukrainians had lost the manpower to mathematically be able to beat Russia in the long term. Ukraine has had to expand its draft far beyond the optimal fighting demographics, mobilizing soldiers up to sixty years of age while recruiting torturers and child molesters.

Russia had only used around a quarter of its population’s potential mobilization capacity prior to when it transitioned beyond the special operation phase. Now that Russia has intensified towards a real war, there’s no way Ukraine won’t be successfully demilitarized. The series of territorial gains Ukraine made during the fall were for the sake of optics, not for the sake of strategy. They actually created new liabilities for Kiev, forcing Ukraine and NATO to commit their dwindling resources in excess. Kiev’s illusion of advantage has consequently started to be broken, with Russia carrying out a series of new mobilizations that Kiev can’t adequately counter.

We know Kiev won’t be able to overcome this offensive because as the foreign policy commentator Paul Craig Roberts has observed: “It seems Russia won’t require a winter offensive to win the war.” Roberts says this not because Russia won’t continue its offensive throughout the winter, but because from an honest assessment, Ukraine has been so weakened that Russia could complete Operation Z’s demilitarization goal quite promptly. The only reason this hasn’t happened yet, says Roberts, is because Putin has been and will likely continue to hold back. Roberts sees this as a blunder on Putin’s part, one that serves to keep the conflict going longer than necessary. Nevertheless, he anticipates that Russia will win, because Kiev’s forces are so crippled that that’s the only logical outcome at this point:

The Western peoples have a totally false picture of the situation. Russia could destroy Ukraine in a day without using nuclear weapons. The Kremlin’s restraint–in my view a strategic blunder as it enabled the West to get involved and widen the war–in Ukraine has a number of legitimate reasons. Ukraine and the population there have been a part of Russia for centuries. There is much intermarriage. Most Ukrainians are not favorable to the neo-Nazis who have dominated Ukraine since the US overthrew the government in 2014 and have suffered at their hands. The Kremlin doesn’t want a poverty-stricken ruin of a country on its border, and the Kremlin doesn’t want the responsibility for rebuilding Ukraine’s infrastructure. It is inconceivable to me that “experts” and “reporters” in the West are so stupid and corrupt to have written the ridiculous accounts of the conflict that bear their names. It is total nonsense and has encouraged the false belief that Russia can be defeated and that “Ukraine can be in Crimea by Christmas.”

If NATO can’t win a proxy war against Russia even when Russia insists on showing mercy, U.S. imperialism has lost the geopolitical chess game in Eurasia. And by extension, it’s lost global primacy.

Washington’s destabilization attempt in Iran is a desperate ploy to fulfill the Ukraine proxy war’s goal of cutting off the Chinese trade network. The evidence that the U.S. ops in Iran have the intent of creating an equivalent of the Syrian war, with the CIA-backed actors carrying out spectacular acts of violence designed to provoke a civil conflict scenario, shows how frantic the imperialists are to sow more chaos.

Their ongoing efforts to starve Syria and Afghanistan through sanctions are another facet of Washington’s operation to disrupt the reconstruction of the Silk Road. If they were to succeed at bringing civil war to Iran, as they have in Syria, they would better be able to sabotage Iran’s capacity for facilitating multipolarity’s rise. Yet even in Syria, there’s still an Assad government in place to work with China in the rebuilding effort.

There’s no way the imperialists will succeed at bringing Iran’s government under control. And it’s not a serious possibility that Iran will be brought to Syria’s situation of being ravaged by a conflict which allows the U.S. to gain a military foothold within its borders. The U.S. propaganda outlets act like such a collapse of Iran’s social stability could come, but their analyses are warped by wishful thinking. Iran will prevail against the U.S.-backed terrorists, and the emergence of a Chinese-aided new global economic order will continue.

These facts are encouraging, but they’re not cause for anti-imperialists to rest. Because until the USSR is restored, imperialism will likely continue to find post-Soviet states that are willing to work in its favor. This year, the U.S. instigated and backed an Azerbaijani invasion of Armenia. Kazakhstan’s government is headed in a pro-imperialist direction, giving Washington new chances to expand its influence within the country. Ukraine, aside from its eastern former areas that Russia has annexed, will remain under fascism indefinitely. The other Eastern European countries have been taken over by fascists as well, their governments tearing down communist monuments and persecuting opposition to the Ukraine proxy war.

The ongoing imperialist foothold within Kazakhstan and Ukraine is due to the problem which Roberts spoke to: that Russia’s government is not fully committed to carrying out interventions against imperialism, instead taking whatever actions it thinks will benefit its ruling class. Sometimes this self-interested mentality on Putin’s part works to imperialism’s detriment, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s an unreliable source of hope.

This problem is a consequence of the deeper issue, which is that the Soviet Union isn’t around anymore and Russia’s government (despite what imperialism’s propagandists say) doesn’t view Soviet restoration as worth pursuing. Putin doesn’t care about bringing back the USSR, as a bourgeois politician he has no incentive to. If the USSR returns, this will prevent Washington from using countries like Azerbaijan and Ukraine as launching pads for its militarist adventures. It will allow for fascism to be suppressed across Eastern Europe. It will keep Russia and Kazakhstan unified in their objectives. And it likely won’t produce a repeat of the Sino-Soviet split, as today’s Communist Party of China doesn’t share the ultra-left adventurism of the CPC from the Mao era. Modern China is prioritized around fostering international cooperation, and will do so whenever possible. The only thing preventing it from becoming friends with every country is that there haven’t yet been enough new socialist revolutions. Not in Eurasia, Africa, Latin America, or the imperialist countries that seek to perpetuate division between China and the peripheral countries.

The coming of multipolarity is only one step towards our end goal, which is global workers revolution. Class struggle is the ultimate solution to all of humanity’s crises, with multipolarity merely being capable of ending the threat of a third world war while making the global economy more equitable. With the next wave of revolutions, imperialism will lose the last of its global grip, and the transition into a new human developmental phase will be made possible. ... perialism/

'Multipolarity' cannot help but increase imperialists competition among the 'first tier' capitalist states, probably a necessary first step but it ain't going to be a bed of roses.

Two Thirds of NATO Countries Have Depleted Their Arms Stockpiles for Ukraine
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 28, 2022
Pierre Duval


The conflict in Ukraine is draining the arms stocks of Western countries. The situation has become critical for the arms and ammunition stocks held by Western countries. The military engagement of the West in Ukraine is threatening their security.

A financial and military stockpile drain

The conflict in Ukraine, an abyss: “The war in Ukraine puts Western arms stocks under pressure”, headlines Le Monde, stating that “as the conflict lasts and intensifies, the arsenals are being emptied, to the point of having reached a critical level, including in the United States. The Pentagon is multiplying orders for equipment, but reconstituting the reserves will not be easy. When the Soviet Union collapsed, European nations seized the “peace dividend,” drastically reducing their defense budgets, armies and arsenals.

With the rise of al-Qaeda nearly a decade later, terrorism became the target, requiring different military investments and lighter, more expeditionary forces. Even NATO’s long engagement in Afghanistan hardly resembled a high-intensity ground war as we now have, again, in Europe with heavy artillery and tanks. Almost every defense ministry thought it would never happen again.

Now, nine months into the conflict in Ukraine, the West’s fundamental lack of preparedness has triggered a mad dash to provide Ukraine with what it needs while replenishing NATO stockpiles. As both sides burn weapons and ammunition at a rate not seen since World War II, the competition to keep arsenals up to snuff has become a critical front that could prove decisive for the Ukraine effort. The amount of artillery used is staggering, according to NATO officials.

In Afghanistan, NATO forces could have fired up to 300 artillery shells a day and didn’t have to worry much about air defense. But, Ukraine can fire thousands of shells a day and remains desperate for air defense against Russian missiles and Iranian-made drones.

“A day in Ukraine is equivalent to a month or more in Afghanistan,” said Camille Grand, a defense expert at the European Council on Foreign Relations, who until recently was NATO’s deputy secretary general for defense investment and who was keen to assert that NATO is not engaged in the conflict in Ukraine against Russia. Last summer, in the Donbass region, the Ukrainians were firing 5,000 to 6,000 artillery shells each day, a senior NATO official said. The Russians were firing 40,000 to 50,000 rounds a day. In comparison, the United States produces only 15,000 shells each month, The New York Times reported. Thus, the West is scrambling to find increasingly scarce Soviet-era equipment and ammunition that Ukraine can now use, including S-300 air defense missiles, T-72 tanks and especially Soviet-caliber artillery shells.

The West is also trying to offer alternative, if older, systems to replace dwindling stocks of expensive air defense and anti-tank missiles. This sends strong signals to Western defense industries that longer-term contracts are in sight – and that more crews should be employed and old factory lines renovated. They are trying to buy ammunition from countries such as South Korea to “refill” stocks sent to Ukraine.

Continental Observer stated that the conflict in Ukraine is causing an unprecedented production of weapons. There are talks of NATO investing in old factories in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria to restart the manufacture of Soviet-caliber 152mm and 122mm shells for Ukraine’s still largely Soviet-era artillery arsenal.

But the obstacles are as numerous as the solutions sought. NATO countries – albeit often with great fanfare – have provided Ukraine with advanced Western artillery that uses 155mm shells to NATO standards. NATO systems are, however, rarely certified to use shells produced by other NATO countries, which often manufacture shells differently. And then there is the problem of legal export controls that determine whether arms and ammunition sold to one country can be sent to another at war.

This is why the Swiss, claiming neutrality, denied Germany permission to export the necessary Swiss-made anti-aircraft ammunition sold to Germany to Ukraine. Italy has a similar restriction on arms exports. In February, when the war in Ukraine began, many countries’ stockpiles were only about half of what they were supposed to be, and there had been little progress in creating weapons that could be used interchangeably by NATO countries.

For those NATO countries that provided large quantities of weapons to Ukraine, particularly front-line states such as Poland and the Baltics, the burden of replacement has been heavy.

The French, for example, have provided state-of-the-art weapons and created a 200 million euro fund for Ukraine to buy French-made weapons. But France has already given at least 18 modern Caesar howitzers to Ukraine – about 20 percent of all its existing artillery – and is reluctant to provide more. Besides, the French army cannot participate in large-scale military operations, French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu said earlier this month. In total, NATO countries have so far exceeded $40 billion in armaments for Ukraine, roughly the size of France’s annual defense budget. ... r-ukraine/

That's what happens when ya believe that 'end of history' crap. Suckers...


From Cassad's Telegram account:


💡On the Impact of Attacks on the Energy Infrastructure of Ukraine on the Logistics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

With the start of massive missile strikes by the Russian Armed Forces on the energy infrastructure in Ukraine, problems began with the transportation of military cargo: the cause was power outages, complicating the operation of electric locomotives. The authorities have already promised to solve the problem through more active use of diesel locomotives.

But how realistic are these plans? To do this, it is necessary to analyze the state of the industry and rail transport in the country.

▪️In 2018, the Ukrainian fleet of traction stock included:

➖1628 mainline electric locomotives,
➖680 main diesel locomotives,
➖1258 shunting diesel locomotives.

All of them were not new and required repair to varying degrees.

▪️At the beginning of the NWO, Ukraine owned only about 250 serviceable mainline diesel locomotives , which, in addition, were badly worn out. Now there are even fewer of them: in the course of hostilities, Ukrainian railway workers lost diesel locomotives in Popasna, Nikolaev and Pologi.

▪️The general decline in the country's economy and the decrease in freight traffic freed up a significant part of the diesel locomotives for military needs. But even they are still not enough to simultaneously provide the APU, fuel supplies and grain transportation.

▪️The situation is exacerbated by the need to use diesel locomotives for domestic passenger flights. This is due to the stoppage of main electric locomotives on the routes due to the disappearance of voltage in the network after missile strikes.

▪️If the systematic fire impact continues, the unified Ukrainian energy system may fall apart, which will actually make the use of electric locomotives impossible. In this case, the authorities will be forced to completely stop passenger traffic and use diesel locomotives exclusively to support the front.

But even such forced measures will not be able to completely correct the situation due to other serious problems:

🔻The transfer of military supplies to diesel locomotives will greatly reduce the pace and volume of cargo delivery to the front line due to their lower average power compared to electric locomotives. The problem of shortage of diesel fuel will also become aggravated.

🔻On Ukrainian railways, diesel locomotives 2TE-116, 2TE10m and 2TE10u, which were produced at the Lugansk Diesel Locomotive Plant, are mainly used. With the beginning of the SVO, the Kyiv authorities lost the opportunity to receive original parts even according to the previously operating "gray" schemes.

🔻The lack of a stable power supply will affect the operation of the entire railway infrastructure: automatic blocking, locomotive signaling and turnouts will not work. There will also be difficulties with the repair of locomotives.

At the moment, the energy system of Ukraine has not yet suffered critical damage, which will force the authorities to completely transfer the supply of military cargo to diesel locomotives. But in any case, this moment will come with the continuation of missile attacks and the cumulative effect caused by them .

And this will really seriously complicate the logistics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


📝 Chronicle of the special military operation
for November 28, 2022

🔻Kharkov region:

▪️The enemy is pulling personnel and equipment to the Volchansky and Kharkov regions , bordering on the Belgorod region . Ukrainian authorities are holding mobilized events in the cities of the region.

🔻Starobelsk direction:

▪️There are no significant changes on the front line. In the Kupyansky sector , the enemy made another attempt to advance towards Kuzemovka , but came under artillery fire and retreated to their original positions.

▪️On the Limansky section of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they again tried to attack in the direction of Ploshchanka, but the attack was repulsed by Russian servicemen.

🔻Soledar direction:

▪️Fierce fighting continues in the suburbs of Bakhmut (Artemovsk). The enemy suffers heavy losses in personnel.

▪️South of Bakhmut , Russian troops liberated Ozeryanovka, Zelenopolye and Andreevka . Developing the offensive, the RF Armed Forces came close to Kurdyumovka and Kleshcheevka.

▪️The 53rd brigade and 71st brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to counterattack in the area of ​​Opytny , occupying the Novaya Poshta building in the village, but the fighters of the Wagner PMC were able to repulse the attack.

▪️The command of the Ukrainian army is planning another attempt at a counteroffensive, using those who arrived from the Kherson direction from the silt.

🔻Lugansk People's Republic:

▪️The Armed Forces of Ukraine once again shelled Svatovo, damaging several civilian buildings in the city.

🔻Donetsk direction:

▪️Ukrainian formations continued to shell the Donetsk agglomeration : Gorlovka, Zaitsevo, Yakovlevka and Donetsk were hit , there were dead among civilians.

🔻Dnipropetrovsk region:

▪️Late in the evening, the Russian Armed Forces launched rocket attacks on the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Dnepropetrovsk , several explosions warmed up in the city.

The enemy positions were hit near Nikopol, Marganets, Chernogrigorovka , as well as Sinelnikovo, where a large railway junction is located.

🔻Southern Front: Kherson direction

▪️Russian rocket troops and artillery worked on targets in Kherson, Dudchany, Kazatsky and Tokarevka.



forwarded from
Voenkor Kitten Z
Military expert Boris Rozhin on the main points during the special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on 22.07 Moscow time on 11/28/2022 especially for the Voenkor Kotenok Z @voenkorKotenok channel :

Avdiivka direction.

The assault on Vodyany, Pervomaisky and the fortified area in the Nevelsky area continues.
The pace of progress is low.

Maryinsky direction.

Fighting in the city center. The control of the administrative quarter is of decisive importance for the liberation of Maryinka. The enemy is gradually squeezed out of there.

Ugledar direction.

In the area of ​​Pavlovka-Nikolskyand Novomikhailovka as a whole without significant changes.

Artemovsk direction.

To the south of the city, our troops seriously pressed the Armed Forces of Ukraine, occupying Ozaryanovka , Zelenopolye , Kurdyumovka and Andreevka.
There is also a promotion in Experienced .
Fighting began at Kleshcheevka .
In general, a detour south of Artemovsk continues to emerge , which, if moved to Chasov Yar , could create serious operational difficulties for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine in these battles suffer heavy losses.

Soledar-Seversk .

In Soledar - without any changes, there are street fights. Street fighting continues in Belogorovka on the Soledar-Lysichansk highway . Our troops again entered Disputed , there is a battle for control over the village.

6. Svatovo-Kremennaya.

On the front line without significant changes.
Enemy attacks in the Kuzemovka area and in the direction of the Svatovo-Kremennaya highway were repulsed. The enemy is now building up forces in the Kharkov region for a possible resumption of the offensive on Svatovo and further on Starobelsk.


On the prospects for the energy supply of Kyiv.

“According to the order of Ukrenergo, we must reduce 60% of the power consumption in Kyiv. Providing light for critical infrastructure requires 58% of electricity. Only 42% of electricity is available for household consumers. We do our best to give light to each client for 2-3 hours twice a day” (c) DTEK


🇬🇧🇺🇦Soledar direction
situation as of 14.00 November 28, 2022


In the vicinity of Bakhmut , intense clashes continue. Assault detachments of PMC "Wagner" and units of the NM of the LPR are pushing through the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the village and to the south of it. The front of the enemy is collapsing more and more.

The situation for the Armed Forces of Ukraine is critical. The number of losses of only one 30 ombr over the past two days amounted to over 150 people . The wounded are not being treated, a significant part of the dead are those who died from blood loss or sepsis.

▪️During fierce battles, the settlements of Ozaryanovka , Zelenopolye and Andreevka were liberated . The defense of the Ukrainian formations along the quarries collapsed. Soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation came close to Kurdyumovka and Kleshcheevka .

▪️To reinforce the 24th assault battalion of the 53rd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, two groups of mobilized 50 people, the 2nd detachment of special forces of the 71st Jaeger brigade and the 65th combined troop troop battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were deployed to the Bakhmutsky sector to reinforce the 24th assault battalion.

▪️Consolidated units of the 53rd brigade and 71st brigade attempted a counteroffensive in the area of ​​Experienced . During the fighting, the assault groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine entrenched themselves in the building of the "Novaya Poshta" and advanced to the temple in Opytny.

Soldiers of PMC "Wagner" repelled the attack. Ukrainian forces withdrew from the settlement and lost two people killed and 13 wounded, another 20 were captured.

▪️The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is planning another attempt at a counterattack. Several units of the 57th brigade and the Aidar battalion from the 53rd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine arrived in Bakhmut from the Kherson direction .

An artillery unit of the 57th brigade is stationed in Kramatorsk . In the coming days, fighters of the 112th troop detachment from the Kyiv region will also arrive at the Bakhmut site. 12 people from the 53rd mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine arrived

at the strong point in Kleshcheevka . To the south of Bakhmut , an artillery battery of the 53rd brigade is located, consisting of three Acacia self-propelled guns.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Tue Nov 29, 2022 1:17 pm

Interested rumors and tension from the front
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 11/29/2022


The Russian withdrawal from Kherson has consolidated the Dnieper River as a temporary border on an important part of the southern front and has become the fundamental barrier separating the two warring parties. However, the constant Ukrainian insistence on announcing its next offensives in the face of a perceived Russian weakness makes new moves to be expected. Despite still failing to break through the Russian and Republican defenses in the RPL since last September or actually trying to force the Dnieper in the Kherson area, new places are now opening up where offensive is possible. In its eagerness to show confidence in certain victory, Ukraine constantly announces attack moves, partly real and partly simple provocations, such as the idea announced this week to take the necessary steps to meet, already in January,

Faced with unrealistic adventures that would require direct support from their foreign partners to destroy, for example, the Black Sea Fleet, other directions are possible. One of them is the Zaporozhye front, which since the collapse of the Kharkov front and the Russian withdrawal from Kherson, has not yet really been reactivated. It is there where the Russian troops seem to expect offensive movements, partly due to the facilities offered by the terrain, east of the Dnieper, without a natural barrier separating the parties. The direction to Melitopol is, right now, the most vulnerable and that is where the Russian troops build their line of defense.

However, it is not Melitopol but Energodar that has been repeatedly mentioned these days in all kinds of rumors, information and misinformation. There is evidence that the International Atomic Energy Agency is negotiating with Russia and Ukraine an exit to guarantee the safety of the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant, located in the town of Energodar, under Russian control since March. Rumors of handing over the plant to Ukraine or to an international organization - the IAEA or the United Nations - have been repeated on several occasions, but have increased recently since the resumption of the Ukrainian bombardments against the plant. That is the Ukrainian strategy regarding the plant: use the bombing to force Russia to make “hard decisions” or remain under the increasing danger of a nuclear incident on its soil. Over the past few days, even the director of Energoatom, the Ukrainian national company, has gone so far as to say that Russia has been preparing its withdrawal for weeks. To give a more current tone to the speculation, Petro Kotin added that previously they try to "steal everything they can." The open bar to accuse Russia of all kinds of crimes continues.

The rumours, which occur at a time of uncertainty for the population of the territories defended by Russia, have caused the Kremlin to react, which, unlike in the case of Kherson, has wanted to deny the existence of such plans. "There is no need to look for signs that do not exist and cannot exist," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who insisted that the delivery of the plant to Ukraine is not possible. After the withdrawal from Kherson, the words of the Kremlin may not be excessively convincing for the population of the area. However, after months of Ukrainian bombing of the plant, Russia could hardly explain the logic of handing over the infrastructure to Ukraine so that it could use it as it pleased. Yesterday, Telegram channels were even speculating on a withdrawal from the city of Energodar,

Russia also insists on the Ukrainian intention to storm the plant to try to take control of some important infrastructure right now, in the middle of the energy crisis caused by the Russian bombings. However, for this, the Ukrainian troops would have to force the Dnieper from Nikopol, an operation that would have to be carried out with groups of special forces and that the Russian troops should be able to prevent. An operation much less feasible than an advance by land, following the same tactic that they already used in Kharkiv, to try to break the front south of Zaporizhia, thus threatening Melitopol and making an amphibious operation against Energodar more feasible.

For the moment, the situation on the southern front remains stable, partly due to the difficulties caused by the autumn weather, but also due to the regrouping of troops that both sides are carrying out in anticipation of new actions, whether offensive or defensive. The moment of impasseat the front it gives rise to all kinds of accusations and rumors. For the moment, neither Russia has tried to test the Ukrainian defenses south of Zaporozhye, even if only to prevent Ukrainian advances, nor has Ukraine launched an offensive in this area, possibly the most foreseeable considering the current conditions. With no great chance of achieving a truce in the short term, it is to be hoped that the calm on this front will not be perpetual, hence the tension that gives rise to all kinds of rumors, some possibly real and others, simple maneuvers to cause the nervousness of the population.

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Bakhmut meat grinder
November 29, 13:58


"Bakhmut meat grinder"

In the light of the successes of recent days in the Bakhmut Meat Grinder, it can be noted that for the assault on the city, a non-straight-line tactic of storming the city in the forehead from the east was chosen (especially since our forces entered the industrial zone of Artemovsk back in the summer, where they fought in the area of ​​Patrice Lumumba Street ), but pushing through the enemy defenses on the flanks, in order to cover the grouping defending the city. This has already led to the fact that our troops occupied Otradovka south of the city, and then not only started fighting for the fortified areas in Opytny and Ivangrad (the latter had already been taken), but also began to develop an offensive on Kurdyumovka, which violates the integrity of the enemy front between Artemovsk and Dzerzhinsky. With the loss of Kurdyumovka, as well as Andreevka, Zelenopolye and Ozaryanovka, the situation for the enemy in this sector became much more complicated,

An important role in achieving the results of the offensive is played by suppressive artillery fire (including through competent work with drones and corrected fire) and the skillful use of assault group tactics, which determine the bypassing nature of the actions of the advancing troops, creating a threat to the enemy’s flanks, which allows minimizing their own losses and maximizing losses of the enemy, which is confirmed by both Western and Ukrainian sources. Hence, in fact, the appearance of the term "Bakhmut meat grinder". In fact, on this sector of the front, the Artyomovsk grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the attached forces of foreign mercenaries are being systematically grinded, making the battle very costly for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and forcing the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to transfer more and more reserves in the area of ​​​​Artemovsk and Chasy Yar to replenish the units and subunits that burn out in battle. In fact,

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My old man, a WWII vet, called ambulances 'meatwagons'. War is universally dehumanizing.


Ukrainian War Crimes Become the Burden for Europe
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 28, 2022
Slavisha Batko Milacic


The crimes of the Ukrainian army, which we can often see on social networks, horrify the entire civilized world. And if the West is the main financier and logistics provider for the Ukrainian army, the crimes committed by Ukrainian soldiers appalled even them. After the recent Ukrainian war crime in Makiivka, it was the Western media that put pressure to launch an investigation. Unfortunately, despite the pressure from the West, it is difficult to expect that the Ukrainian army will respect the Geneva Convention in the future. It is more realistic to expect that they will continue to behave like a wild horde.

Therefore, the video of the execution of Russian prisoners of war by Ukrainian troops, which circulated in the media and social networks, is far from the only video recording of war crimes by Ukrainian army.

Since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, videos of beaten and stripped prisoners of war and civilians suspected of collaborating with the Russians have appeared on the network. Records of torture also circulated widely.


However, what shocks the public is that official Kyiv promotes the violation of the Geneva Convention and does not care about the promotion of war crimes. What are the reasons for such “public violence”, which greatly compromise both the Ukrainian military and Ukrainian president Zelensky himself?

It is certain that the Russian army in Ukraine also committed some crimes, bearing in mind that it is an armed formation of over 200,000 people. However, the Russian military police has an iron discipline in this matter, and such things are severely punished. And such an order comes from the Kremlin, because President Putin has repeatedly emphasized publicly that Russians and Ukrainians are one nation. And that the Russian army must take into account not only Ukrainian civilians but also captured soldiers.

The above can be confirmed by the fact that since the beginning of the conflict, a large number of independent journalists have been accompanying the Russian army and reporting from the front. It must be emphasized here that the majority of journalists are not from Russia but from the West. This is evidenced by the fact that more than once, due to journalists filming and revealing the positions of the Russian army, there have been losses of equipment in the Russian army.

But Russians are not characterized by cruelty. The main difference between Ukrainian nationalists and Russian fighters is different cultural traditions. In the 80th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, formed in Lviv from the natives of Western Ukraine, the personnel were brought up in the spirit of the traditions of the Ukrainian underground during the Second World War. Recall that then the supporters of Stepan Bandera shot back pro-Soviet and pro-Polish activists, including doctors and teachers sent to western Ukraine, and also massacred entire Jewish and Polish villages.

In the Russian mentality, mockery and mistreatment of prisoners is unacceptable. You can kill the enemy, but not torture. Russians in their ideology have always opposed themselves to the German Nazis with their concentration camps and gas chambers. So, if someone posted a video of the torture and murder of captured soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russian audience would explode with indignation, recognizing the perpetrators of such acts as war criminals.

However, the true reason for the appearance of Ukrainian torture videos lies not even in the different mentality of Ukrainian nationalists and Russians. In fact, Kiev propagandists deliberately give the green light to such videos. This is primarily done to scare Russian soldiers and reservists. And official Kiev does not pay much attention to these crimes.

Take for example the recent Ukrainian war crime in Makiivka. The Ukrainian army immediately began to claim that the video was staged and fake. However, it was the Western experts who confirmed the authenticity of the video and the Western media exerted pressure to launch an investigation.

However, such video propaganda of cruelty actually has a much more serious purpose. Its main task is to form a stable feeling of hatred between Russians and residents of Ukraine. EU residents have little idea of ​​the mentality of the average Russian. The fact is that many in Russia sincerely consider the current war to be a civil one. Almost all Russians treat Ukrainians either as a very close people or as southwestern Russians. Half of the inhabitants of Ukraine have Russian surnames, relatives in Russia and use Russian as their main language. However, each such video should, according to the plan of Kiev radical propagandists, change the mentality of Russians more and more. They must hate all the inhabitants of Ukraine, stop treating them as “their own” and recognize that reconciliation with Ukraine and a new reunification with it is impossible. Peace will come sooner or later, but a steel wave of hatred will fall between the future Ukraine and Russia. At the same time, Russia’s desire to punish the killers of defenseless prisoners of war and civilians will also prevent the settlement of relations between Moscow and Kyiv for many decades.

The line of military contact between Russia and Ukraine is lengthening, fresh troops and new weapons are coming to the front from both sides. Obviously, the execution in Makiivka will not be the last video demonstrating the complete disregard of Kyiv, for “democratic values”, the Geneva Convention and human rights.

However, what appalls observers of the conflict in Ukraine even more is the fact that the Ukrainian army tortures and kills its own citizens. We could see this during the Ukrainian seizure of Izyum and Kherson. After which hundreds of Ukrainian citizens simply disappeared, that is, they were liquidated by the SBU and the Ukrainian army.

The question involuntarily begs itself, does a united Europe need such a Ukraine, proud of the massacres? ... or-europe/

EU Accuses the US of Profiteering from the Ukraine Crisis
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 28, 2022
Drago Bosnic


When talking about the political West, one of the most common misconceptions is that the thalassocratic power pole is a giant geopolitical monolith with a near-constant consensus on all matters. One of the pillars of the political West’s power is creating an illusion that precisely this is the case. By creating a semblance of uniformity on various questions, both internal (so-called “shared values”) and external (unified foreign policy framework), the political West is trying to hold everyone in line while also projecting the “right way” to the rest of the world. However, the power pole (primarily composed of the United States and European Union) has increasingly serious issues promoting its version of reality.

One of the most prominent indicators of diverging interests within the political West is the Ukraine crisis. Back in 2014, when the US-orchestrated coup brought the Neo-Nazi junta to power in Kiev, Victoria Nuland, then serving as the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, famously (or rather infamously) used a common profanity to show how the US feels about the EU. It seems the bloc, although hardly innocent, as it took part in nearly every single US aggression against the world, is now slowly shifting toward a more independent position. Naturally, this process isn’t part of some selfless reckoning in Brussels, but a simple matter of basic interests and desire for self-preservation. It seems the EU is realizing that the damage it’s suffering from the failed siege of Russia is inversely proportional to what the US is experiencing.

There is growing frustration in the EU over America’s repeated rejections to push the Kiev regime to the negotiating table, especially as an unprecedented amount of weapons and munitions enter the country, risking a possible world-ending escalation. In addition, EU populace continues being at the forefront of economic shockwaves resulting from the failed sanctions war. As winter temperatures kick in, the ongoing energy supply crisis is bound to get worse, putting additional pressure on EU economies. All the while, many European leaders, sitting comfortaby in their mansions, are parroting the same party line about the mythical “solidarity with Ukrainians” that the regular Europeans are apparently supposed to conduct through self-imposed bankruptcy and freezing to death.

All of this is creating political pressure on most EU governments, many of which have already fallen. And yet, some analysts see the hand of Vladimir Putin behind all troubles, instead of focusing on the very real shortcomings of their own system.

According to Politico, “nine months after invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is beginning to fracture the West.” This somewhat surprising admission stands in stark contrast to the recent mainstream propaganda machine’s cheerleading. “Top European officials are furious with Joe Biden’s administration and now accuse the Americans of making a fortune from the war, while EU countries suffer,” the analysis by Politico reads.

To add insult to injury, the Biden administration continues rolling out various controversial “green” subsidies and taxes, all of which are extremely damaging to EU industries at a time when the Old Continent is being ravaged by the sanctions boomerang, in addition to the largely forgotten (but still hardly irrelevant) fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a statement for Politico, an unnamed senior EU official also criticized the US policy of effectively using the Ukrainian crisis to fill the coffers of its Military Industrial Complex, while also turning a blind eye to European pleas for a peaceful resolution.

“The fact is, if you look at it soberly, the country that is most profiting from this war is the US because they are selling more gas and at higher prices, and because they are selling more weapons,” the senior EU official stated, adding, “We are really at a historic juncture,” arguing that “the double hit of trade disruption from the aforementioned US subsidies and high energy prices risks turning public opinion against both the war effort and the transatlantic alliance. America needs to realize that public opinion is shifting in many EU countries,” the official concluded.

And yet, the US National Security Council keeps insisting that the crisis is solely Russia’s fault. At the same time, Washington DC is quite content with the massive windfall its natural gas industry is experiencing, while also presenting the exorbitantly priced LNG deliveries to the EU as some “purely altruistic” endeavor aimed at “diversifying away from Russia.” Even the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, who is anything but sympathetic to Russia, is now showing frustration and questioning the concept of a “united front to help Ukraine,” acknowledging to Politico, “Americans — our friends — take decisions which have an economic impact on us.”

Other senior EU officials have also become more outspoken of this glaring hypocrisy. “The United States sells us its gas with a multiplier effect of four when it crosses the Atlantic,” European Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton said on November 23 during an interview on French TV. “Of course the Americans are our allies… but when something goes wrong it is necessary also between allies to say it,” Breton concluded.

According to the Politico report, another EU diplomat stated that the $369 billion industrial subsidy scheme the Biden administration earmarked “to support green industries” as part of the Inflation Reduction Act “unleashed panic” across European capitals. “The Inflation Reduction Act has changed everything,” the EU diplomat said. “Is Washington DC still our ally or not?” he asked. ... ne-crisis/


28 Nov 2022 , 5:38 pm .

Arms manufacturers in the Czech Republic have doubled their income since the war in Ukraine began (Photo: File)

The shipment of arms to the Ukraine during the war has been a very profitable business for the countries of Eastern Europe. RT reports that the arms industry in these countries is producing weapons, artillery shells and other military equipment at a rate not seen since the Cold War.

Both officials and companies are aware of the great business that the war context in the region results in. "There is a real chance to enter new markets and increase export earnings in the coming years," said Sebastian Chwalek, chief executive of industry company Polish Armaments Group (PGZ).

This company set the goal of producing a thousand Piorun man-portable air defense systems in 2023, 40% more than manufactured this year. This increase in production also occurs in other companies in Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

Czech Deputy Defense Minister Tomas Kopecny confirmed that they have sent more than 2 billion dollars worth of weapons and other equipment, exports that have not been recorded since the late 1980s, during the Cold War. "More than good business," he noted.

The truth is that, beyond wanting to "help" Ukraine in the war against Russia, these companies have almost doubled their income in the first half of the year compared to the previous year. In addition to the United States and the United Kingdom, Poland and the Czech Republic are among the largest suppliers of weapons to kyiv. ... a-de-armas

Totally unsurprising that these countries are among those whose governments are most inflamed by war mania. Capitalism will do that...

28 Nov 2022 , 3:52 pm .

Snipers confessed to receiving orders from specific Maidan leaders to massacre both protesters and police (Photo: File)

One year after the judges and jury deliver the verdict on the "Maidan massacre", compelling evidence has been found that the protesters were not massacred by the police but by snipers. Let us remember that these events of 2014 were the trigger for the rise of Nazism in Ukraine and the subsequent war that led to the Russian special military operation.

The political scientist and expert on the Ukrainian conflict from the University of Ottawa, Iván Katchanovski, reports that the 72 wounded demonstrators, of whose shots Berkut (Ukrainian police) is accused and whose testimonies were revealed in the trial, testified that they were shot by snipers from buildings controlled by far-right groups or who witnessed snipers there.

It also points out that snipers confessed to having received orders from specific Euromaidan leaders to massacre both the protesters and the police, orders that were carried out by some. All these crimes are recorded in videos that were projected during the trial.

"The videos show Maidan sniper fire at protesters from the room of the far-right deputy Svoboda in the Ukraina Hotel," Katchanovski said, noting that the Ukrainian government denied there were snipers and so far no one has been arrested or convicted for the massacre of protesters and police.

More evidence:

*Forensic medical examinations indicate that nearly all of the protesters on the ground were shot from steep, rear, or side directions.
*An investigation by the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office found that nearly half of the injured Maidan protesters were not shot from government-controlled sectors.
*The trial revealed that the prosecution ordered to stop the investigation when it was determined that the first Maidan protesters were shot from the Hotel Ukraina.
*There was also tampering with key evidence during the government investigation.

These regime change mechanisms have been applied in other territories. Venezuela, Libya, and Ukraine have been examples of a formula that includes urban warfare operators on the ground, politicians and diplomats close to the US agenda, and the media, in swarm actions. ... an-de-2014

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:25 pm

Artyomovsk butcher shop
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 11/30/2022


Although without major changes since last July, when kyiv managed to paralyze the Russian and Republican advances that had put the Ukrainian group on the ropes, the changes on the Donbass front have been few. Since then, not only has Russia not made great progress, but it has found itself in the last two months with the need to defend gains that seemed consolidated. After the rupture of the Kharkov front, the DPR lost, after defending it for several weeks, the city of Krasny Liman, in the north of the Republic, and the Ukrainian troops reached the RPL border, where they managed to capture several villages and put in danger cities like Svatovo or Kremennaya. Despite the triumphalism of last September, Ukraine has failed, at least for the moment, to

In this time, the DPR's baggage has also been scant. After years in which it had been one of the strongholds of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the DPR managed, after months of fighting, to capture the town of Peski, although it has not yet succeeded in driving Ukrainian troops away from Donetsk. On Tuesday, reporter Alexander Kots, reporting on an attack that had killed a Donetsk civilian, claimed that the attack came from the town of Selidovo, 40 kilometers from the DPR capital. The security of the population of Donetsk will not be guaranteed as long as the Ukrainian troops are not removed from the city. Russian and Republican troops continue to fight street to street for control of Marinka, which despite premature announcements remains under Ukrainian control. Territorial gains around Donetsk are slim, fundamentally because neither the use of aviation nor the few land advances have succeeded in cutting off the supply routes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The situation is similar in the Gorlovka area, where the Republican troops are fighting to drive the Ukrainian troops away from the city, and in Pavlovka, the last town captured, where according to Denis Pushilin Ukraine is trying to counterattack taking advantage of its privileged positions in Ugledar, most important point in the area and which, for the moment, is not being threatened by the advances of the RPD.

Although the fighting extends along the entire front in the DPR, one point stands out above the rest: Artyomovsk, where the private company Wagner has been fighting since last July in an assault that seems to be claiming large numbers of victims among the soldiers. Ukrainians in recent days. This has been reflected by various Western media, which have spoken of half a thousand injuries in just a couple of days. In a battle that is being compared to that of Verdun and in which trench warfare has not abated for months, it is difficult to estimate the number of casualties on both sides of the front or whether the latest warnings about the dire situation are really due to a better position of the Russian troops or simply to the Ukrainian attempt to get a reaction from its foreign partners. In any case,

This is how Boris Rozhin, Colonel Cassad , reported it yesterday :

In view of the successes of the last few days in the “Bajmut butchery” [Artyomovsk], it can be noted that the assault on the city is not being carried out frontally from the east (especially considering that our troops entered the Artyomovsk industrial zone in the summer, where they briefly fought on Patrice Lumumba street), but by pushing through the lines defense of the enemy on the flanks, with the purpose of overcoming the group that defends the city. This has led to our troops occupying Otradovka to the south of the city and subsequently not only have started the fight for the fortified areas of Opitnoe and Ivangrad (the latter has already been captured), but an offensive has also begun to develop towards Kurdyumovka, which breaks the front between Artyomovsk and Dzerzhinsk. With the loss of Kurdyumovka, Andreevka, Zelenopole and Ozarianovka,

An important role in achieving these results in the offensive has been played by powerful artillery fire (favored by competent work with the use of drones and corrective fire) and skill in the use of assault group tactics, which makes it possible to threaten the enemy's positions on their flanks, thus minimizing their own casualties and maximizing the enemy's, something both Ukrainian and Western sources confirm. Hence the appearance of the term “Bajmut butcher shop”. In fact, in this sector of the front, a methodical destruction of the grouping of the Armed Forces and foreign mercenaries in Artyomovsk is taking place, making the battle very expensive for the Ukrainian troops and forcing the command to send more and more reserves to fill the gaps. units burned in battle.

Whatever the development of events in the coming days and weeks, the known data allow us to affirm that the battle has turned into a carnage that has left the city destroyed and has caused heavy casualties to the fighting armies. On Ukraine's part, these casualties have served to defend a front that it has managed to stall for months, which has protected its supply lines and cities such as Slavyansk or Kramatorsk. For Russia, the capture of Artyomovsk is an indispensable step when trying to advance towards the DPR border, a task that has been further complicated by the loss of Izium, north of Slavyansk, a city that should have been key to a multi-pronged attack on Kramatorsk-Slavyansk.

At a time when good news on the front is scarce, Russian sources compare the possible capture of Artyomovsk - which by no means seems imminent - with the capture of Popasnaya, which involved a rapid advance in several directions. However, the stalemate on the front due to the battle for Artyomovsk, Soledar or Seversk has given Ukraine precious time to reinforce the defenses of the areas of Donbass still under its control. The images that come from the ground and the recent data on casualties among the Ukrainian troops make it clear that this has been achieved at the cost of the almost complete destruction of the city and the sacrifice of a large number of troops. ... rtyomovsk/

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

📝 Chronicle of the special military operation
for November 29, 2022

🔻Border territories of the Russian Federation:

▪️Ukrainian formations fired mortars at the border villages of Lomakovka and Maritsa in the Bryansk region. Both villages were de-energized, the pensioner suffered.

▪️The enemy also launched strikes on civilian targets in Tetkino and the Sudzhansky district of the Kursk region , after which part of the municipality was left without power supply.

▪️In the Belgorod region , the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired on Shebekino, Murom and Novaya Tavolzhanka, no one was injured.

🔻Starobelsk direction:

▪️In the Kupyansky sector , the enemy tried to attack in the vicinity of Ivanovka , however, having fallen under heavy artillery fire of the RF Armed Forces, he was forced to retreat.

▪️In the Liman sector , Ukrainian formations tried to resume the offensive in the direction of Krasnopopovka , but also failed.

🔻Slavic direction:

▪️Russian rocket troops and artillery carried out several strikes on the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Slavyansk and Kramatorsk.

🔻Soledar direction

▪️In the south of Bakhmut (Artemovsk), detachments of the Wagner PMC and units of the NM DPR were able to develop the offensive, occupied Kurdyumovka and reached the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal.

▪️In the Bakhmut sector , the enemy is strengthening positions in the Kleshcheevka area in the southern vicinity of Bakhmut.

In order to prevent the collapse of the defense, the enemy is transferring additional subunits to the sector.

▪️On the Lisichansk site , fighting is underway in the vicinity of Belogorovka. The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine sent a company of 81 oambr to Serebryanka .

🔻Lugansk People's Republic:

▪️The Ukrainian army shelled Svatovo again, a woman died, residential buildings were damaged.

🔻Donetsk direction:

▪️The Armed Forces of Ukraine continued to strike at the cities of the Donetsk agglomeration : Donetsk, Gorlovka, Yasinovataya, Zaitsevo, Kashtanovo, Kvashino and Panteleymonovka were hit.

🔻Dnipropetrovsk region:

▪️Russian troops worked on targets in Nikopol, the Marganets community and Malomikhailovka.


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Gosoboronzakaz 2022-2023
November 30, 14:26


From Shoigu's statements on the State Defense Order 2022-2023:

1. In 2022, the State Defense Order was completed by 99%.
2. For 2023, the State Defense Order has been increased by 1.5 times. Talk about the fact that defense spending in 2023 will be reduced, frankly, does not correspond to reality.
3. In 2023, it is planned to provide troops with military equipment at 97%. It is worth noting that even before the war there was a lower limit of 70% of new military equipment in the troops.
4. Great emphasis is placed on the development of artillery systems and methods of their application. And also on the forces of nuclear deterrence.
5. The optimization of the arms procurement system will continue.
6. As part of the mobilized training program, 8,000 crews of armored vehicles / artillery crews / UAV and EW crews were trained.

The numbers are beautiful. It remains to see their application to the situation on the battlefield both during the winter campaign and during the spring-summer campaign of 2023. Moreover, we know perfectly well that the beautiful figures for the logistics of the troops differed significantly from reality, which affected, among other things, the operational situation on the fronts.

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If Russia suffers any more reversals or logistic cock-ups Shoigu is toast.


Pope Francis calls Chechens and Buryats ‘the cruelest’ Russian troops fighting in Ukraine
By Seb Shukla and Jack Guy, CNN
Published 8:17 AM EST, Tue November 29, 2022

Pope Francis pictured on November 23.
Stefano Costantino/SOPA Images/LightRocket/Getty Images

Pope Francis has described two of Russia’s ethnic minority groups, the Chechens and Buryats, as some of the “cruelest” troops fighting in Ukraine.

The pontiff was speaking in an interview with a Jesuit magazine, America, which was published on Monday but took place on November 22, according to the outlet.

“The cruelest are perhaps those who are of Russia but are not of the Russian tradition, such as the Chechens, the Buryats and so on,” he said. “I speak of a people who are martyred. If you have a martyred people, you have someone who martyrs them.”

Chechens are an ethnic group originating from Chechnya in southern Russia. Ramzan Kadyrov, the pro-Kremlin leader of the region, has largely been supportive of the war in Ukraine, and has even reportedly sent his own sons to fight there.

Pope Francis waves as he arrives for the weekly general audience on June 8, 2022 at St. Peter's Square in The Vatican. (Photo by Alberto PIZZOLI / AFP) (Photo by ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP via Getty Images)
Ukraine war 'perhaps in some way either provoked or not prevented,' says Pope Francis
The Buryats are an ethnic group from eastern Siberia, in an area which borders Mongolia.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, defended Russia’s ethnic makeup on her official Telegram channel.

“We are one family with Buryats, Chechens and other representatives of our multinational and multi-confessional country,” she said. “And together we will definitely pray for the Holy See, each in his own way.”

In the interview with America, the Pope also addressed the anniversary of the Holodomor, a man-made famine that led to the death of millions of Ukrainians in 1932-33.

The anniversary of the famine, which is widely attributed to the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, is usually marked on the fourth Saturday of November.

“The genocide that Stalin committed against the Ukrainians [in 1932-33]. I believe it is appropriate to mention it as a historical antecedent of the [present] conflict,” the Pope said.

(more...) ... index.html

And there ya are: all the footwashing bullshit was smoke as was all the faux humility. You can take a Jesuit out of the Argentine junta but you can't take the Jesuit out of 'Papa'. The Roman Church is just another aspect of the Western ruling class; racist, virulently anti socialist, supporting every reactionary in Latin America from Brazil to Bolivia and Nicaragua. Where is the Elector Palatine when ya need him?


Campaigning to Free Ukraine’s Kononovich Brothers
November 28, 2022

Just after the onset of the war, the Ukrainian government arrested and imprisoned the two communist youth leaders, accusing them of pro-Russian and pro-Belarusian political views.

Communist Youth, KJO, and student group KSV protest in Austria calling for the Ukrainian government to release Aleksander Kononovich and his brother Mikhail Kononovich, earlier in November. (Via People’s Dispatch)

By Peoples Dispatch

The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) and its federating progressive youth groups across the world have intensified their campaign for the immediate release of Aleksander Kononovich and his brother Mikhail Kononovich, communist youths imprisoned by Ukrainian authorities.

Both the Kononovich brothers belong to the leadership of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine (LKSMU), a member organization of the WFDY. The WFDY leadership also demands an end to all deadly, imperialist wars raging across the world.

Nov. 21 marked 260 days since the arrest and imprisonment of the Kononovich brothers by the Security Services of Ukraine (SBU). On Nov. 11, WFDY and its federating youth groups worldwide staged a week-long campaign and held protest demonstrations in front of Ukrainian embassies in various countries demanding the release of the Kononovich brothers.

After the beginning of Russian military action in Ukraine in February, the SBU arrested the Kononovich brothers in the capital Kiev on March 6 and put them in jail. The SBU accused them of being propagandists holding pro-Russian and pro-Belarusian views with the goal of destabilizing the internal situation in Ukraine and creating the “necessary information picture” for Russian and Belarusian channels.

Even before the war began, the post-Euromaidan regime in Ukraine had started decommunization attempts and persecuting communists. The Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU) led by Petro Symonenko was banned from contesting elections.

Conference of the Socialist Youth Union in Brazil. (Via WFDY)

Its publication Rabochaya Gazeta was also banned, and its members, as well as the senior leadership, faced police repression and assaults from far-right groups.

Braving all these difficulties, members of the KPU and LKSMU continued to organize protests against decommunization, pro-corporate land reforms, government support for neo-Nazi groups, rise in electricity and water prices and NATO expansionism.

They also organized campaigns urging the peaceful resolution of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The Eighth Administrative Court of Appeal in Lviv, Ukraine, ruled on July 5 to uphold the ban on KPU and ordered the state to seize the properties of the party.

Communist Youth in Switzerland. (Jeunes POP Suisse)

According to reports, in their trial in the Solomensky District Court of Kiev which began on July 1, the Kononovich brothers stated that “our case is completely fabricated from start to finish. What are we charged with? Pro-Belarussian views are being charged. We are being tried for our views. What kind of democracy can we talk about?”

Bangladesh Youth Union. (Via WFDY)

WFDY President Aritz Rodríguez Galán told Peoples Dispatch on Nov. 21,

“the arrest of the Kononovich brothers based on false accusations on posts on social media was a new step of the political persecution against the communists and anti-imperialists in Ukraine. For the anti-imperialist youth, this is, for the World Federation of Democratic Youth, solidarity with Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich has been a priority since they were kidnapped. That is why we have explored all possible ways to prevent them from being assassinated, stop the torture, put an end to the violation of their rights and obtain their release.”

According to Aritz, WFDY has taken several actions for the release of the Kononovichs, including diplomatic moves so that Ukrainian institutions felt international pressure, “although it is true that they have not been the central nucleus of the struggle.”

Cadres of Giovani Comunisti/e in Italy demonstrate in front of the Ukrainian consulate in Milan for the release of Aleksander and Mikhail Kononovich. (Via GC Milan)

Secondly, legal support to be able to avoid the continuous violations of their right to defense has been important to monitor their legal situation, the reasons for the arrest and how to proceed to defend their rights.

Juventud Comunista, CJC, and Juventud Comunista, UJCE, meeting in Madrid. (Via WFDY)

Thirdly, individual pressure has also been key to pressuring Ukrainian institutions, such as sending letters and mass petitions to Ukrainian embassies demanding information about the status of Mikhail and Aleksander and their immediate release, as well as actions on social networks to amplify solidarity.

Lastly, popular mobilization has manifested itself in different ways including mobilizations in front of the Ukrainian embassies in different countries. The slogan “free Kononovichs” was widespread in the demonstration against NATO’s June summit in Madrid; banners demanding their release were displayed in football matches in which the national team of Ukraine played. Activists launched an International Solidarity Week to mark 250 days since their kidnapping.

Dozens of youth organizations from across the world joined the call for their release and continue to organize various social media campaigns.

Hampden Park football stadium in Glasgow, Scotland. (YCL-Glasgow)

“In the words of the Kononovich brothers themselves, these actions have been crucial to avoiding assassination at the hands of the Ukrainian reactionaries and to delaying and making clear the political character of the trial for their communist and anti-imperialist militancy. This is a great example of the potential of the internationalist struggle. This must be an example to reinforce our anti- imperialist struggle,” said WFDY President Aritz.

Cadres of Young Communist League of Canada, YCL-LJC, in Toronto. (Via Rebel Youth)

Regarding the persecution of communists in Ukraine, Mikhail Kononovich told Peoples Dispatch in an interview in February 2021,

“I emphasize that in the communist ideology, the idea cannot be banned by any laws, so it is impossible to ban common sense and science. It is simply impossible to ban the Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU), because we are a party with more than a hundred years of history, a party that has an experience of underground struggles. We communists have fought and will continue to fight for the benefit of our people!” ... -brothers/

If those boys had been liberals in Russia the Western press would have been on this like flies on shit. But they're commies you see, and Ukraine is a 'democracy'(jfc that was hard to type...). Joe Biden, you lying sob.


IAEA to Strengthen Presence in Nuclear Plants in Ukraine​​​​​​​

The NGO Judicial Watch had access to documents revealing US financing of anthrax laboratories in Ukraine (Photo: Getty Images)

Before the start of Russia's military special operation to protect the Donbass region, it was not entirely clear how dangerous the activities of US laboratories in Ukraine were.

Irrefutable evidence has now emerged that its activities are of a military nature and radically violate the obligations of the United States and its cooperating countries under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (CABT).

A new scandal has erupted on that subject. On November 10, Judicial Watch reported that it had received a 345-page set of records owned by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a component of the US Department of Defense.

The NGO was able to access the information thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The documents offer data from Black&Veatch , the US contractor linked to these projects, which involves financing work with biosafety laboratories in Ukraine.

It should be noted that dozens of the pages provided by the Pentagon were edited in compliance with US law.

In any case, the information served to confirm that the United States implemented a control system for active pathogens in Ukraine and financed anthrax laboratories, all with funds of more than 11 million dollars.

What Judicial Watch specifically shows are reports on the implementation in Ukraine of pathogen asset control systems (PACS), which was carried out "on the ground", that is, in Ukrainian laboratories, in three stages.

PACS is a program developed by Black&Veatch in "close collaboration" with the Pentagon's DTRA to "prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the former Soviet states," according to the company's website.

The system registers, manages and monitors biological agents in public and private laboratories. This allows the Pentagon to monitor the location and use of dangerous pathogens in countries bordering Russia that implement PACS.

Trainings for Ukrainian laboratories to work with the PACS program were conducted between 2018 and 2019. Participants in the trainings include Black&Veatch employees and a full list of Ukrainian laboratory officials whose personal data has been removed, but appears the charges:

Senior Researcher Laboratory of Anacrobic Infections.
Lead Researcher Laboratory of Anacrobic Infections.
Senior Researcher Laboratory of Anacrobic Infections.
Anacrobic Infection Laboratory Researcher.
Leading veterinary laboratory in anacrobic infections.
Senior Researcher Laboratory of Animal Bacterial Diseases.
Head of the Anthrax Laboratory.
Anthrax Laboratory Researcher.
Senior Research Scientist Mycotoxicology Laboratory.
Leading veterinary laboratory in mycotoxicology.
Junior Researcher Leptospirosis Laboratory.
Laboratory Assistant Laboratory of Neuroinfections.
Scientific Researcher International Relations and Geoinformation Sector

At the same time, as part of the training, research activities were carried out at the Ukrainian anthrax laboratory on December 28, 2018, the details of which were not disclosed.

Judical Watch also reviews a Black&Veatch report dated December 19-21, 2018, which states that the company has completed the final stage of PACS implementation at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. .

The site was fully operational with all PACS functions.

Among the published pages are ten reports titled "Report on Transfer of US Government Assets" between DTRA and a name that appears redacted, but is most likely Ukraine.


Ukraine and other post-Soviet states have become a testing ground for biological weapons by the US and its NATO allies (Photo: Getty Images)
The documents published by Judicial Watch once again confirm the cooperation of Washington and kyiv in the military-biological field, as well as the attempts to establish control over pathogenic agents in Ukrainian laboratories through the application of PACS.

In addition, the financing of the activities of these laboratories and their endowment with "US government assets" have been verified once again. Large sums of money appear in the published reports, as well as names of dangerous diseases, names of laboratories and virology research institutes in Ukraine, the Pentagon, its agency DTRA and its contractor Black&Veatch.

The very fact that the documents have been carefully edited and compromising information removed from them, allows the imagination to open up to any option about the goals pursued by the White House in the course of work on biological laboratories in Ukraine.

The impressions of Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, lend further weight to the idea of ​​US experimentation with dangerous pathogens:

"These new documents shed much-needed light on US involvement in pathogen management in Ukrainian biolabs, " Fitton said .

On the other hand, the State Duma of the Russian Federation reported that there was a meeting of experts from the parliamentary commission investigating the work of US biolaboratories on Ukrainian soil. Commission co-chair Irina Yarovaya stated :

It is clear how methodically a pathogen control system has been implemented in Ukraine with the help of military medics. The funding of the anthrax laboratories has been confirmed and the nomenclature of the personnel who participated in the training has been revealed.

The parliamentarian said there are many reasons to believe that Ukrainian laboratories "can be used to prepare and carry out biological sabotage and acts of biological terrorism." And he added that, within the framework of the IX conference of the signatory states of the BTWC, the Russian Government will do its best to draw the attention of the world community to this dangerous threat, "which is much more serious than any type of weapons of mass destruction."

Official Pentagon activities in Ukraine, which the institution describes as preventing public health threats, are just a front for illegal military and biological research. ... en-ucrania

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Wed Nov 30, 2022 11:26 pm

Conflict in Ukraine is doomed to escalate


Defining moment in the Battle of Donbass, as the 4-month long defiant Ukrainian resistance to the Russian offensive is ending

The meet-up location of NATO foreign ministers on November 29-30— Bucharest — was where ten years ago, former US President George W. Bush persuaded America’s transatlantic partners that Ukraine and Georgia should one day join their military alliance. The foreign ministers duly “reaffirmed” that decision yesterday and left it at that.

However, their statement on the conflict in Ukraine emphatically stated that the NATO “will never recognise” Russia’s incorporation of four Ukrainian regions and underscored the alliance’s resolve to “continue and further step up political and practical support” to Kiev.

The NATO General-Secretary Jens Stoltenberg who is the mouthpiece of Washington, warned that despite Ukraine’s bravery and progress on the ground, Russia retains strong military capabilities and a large number of troops, and the alliance will continue to support Kiev for “as long as it takes … we will not back down.”

Such pronouncements betray the absence of any new thinking although developments on the ground are showing that Washington’s best-laid plans are floundering. And there are also growing signs of disunity on Ukraine issue among the US’ European allies and between the latter and the Biden Administration.

The neocons in the Biden team who are the driving force in the Beltway are still full of passionate intensity. The flicker of hope that the moderate opinion voiced in the famous statement by 30 Democratic lawmakers recently was brusquely snuffed out.

Moscow has drawn appropriate conclusions too, as evident in the Russian Foreign Ministry stance that it makes no sense in the prevailing climate of unremitting hostility from Washington to hold the Bilateral Consultative Commission under the Russia-US New START Treaty, which was originally scheduled to take place in Cairo on November 29 – December 6.

Again, nothing much need be expected out of the French President Emmanuel Macron’s meeting with President Biden at the White House tomorrow. Macron still hopes to be the western leader to accept President Putin’s surrender terms and go down in history books, but in reality his credibility is in shatters in Europe and Atlanticist circles in particular, and even within France.

Europe’s number one priority at this juncture, which is a turning point in the conflict in Ukraine, ought to be its strategic autonomy to act in its own interests. But that requires deep thinking as to what is it that Europe wants to be autonomous about, and secondly, the understanding that deep down, a strategic interest cannot be reduced to security interests.

In our new Hobbesian world, a world of competing economic zones, Europe’s first goal should be to achieve strategic economic autonomy. But is that goal attainable anymore when its energy security that gave underpinning to its prosperity and industrial might has been smashed to smithereens in the depths of the Baltic Sea by unseen hands?

Be that as it may, the unfolding events in Ukraine are sure to create a new dynamic. The visible acceleration of the Russian offensive in Bakhmut in the most recent weeks is dramatically shortening the timeline for the capture of the city from several weeks ahead to the next few days at the most. Similar signs are appearing in Maryinka and Ugledar in the Donbass region, too.

If Bakhmut is the lynchpin of the Ukrainian defence line in Donbass, Maryinka is from where Ukrainian forces are bombarding Donetsk city; and, the capture of Ugledar will enable the Russian forces to move toward Zaporozhye city and conclusively ward off any future challenge to the land bridge to Crimea and to the ports in the Azov Sea.

The common thread here is that the ongoing beefing up of the Russian forces deployed in Donbass after the mobilisation of nearly 400,000 soldiers is beginning to show its first results. For once, Russian forces are outnumbering Ukraine’s and Russian fortifications have been significantly strengthened.

The fall of Bakhmut will signal that the Battle of Donbass, which is the Russian special military operation’s leitmotif, is entering its final phase. The Ukrainian defence line in Donbass is crumbling. Russian control of Donbass is at hand in a conceivable future.

What happens next? The Russian objective may be to push the Ukrainian forces further away from the Donbass region and keep the steppes to the east of Dnieper river as a buffer zone. Indeed, the Dnipropetrovsk oblast is also rich in mineral resources, containing large deposits of iron ore, manganese ore, titanium-zirconium ore, uranium, anthracite coal, natural gas and oil and lignite coal and is the major centre of Ukraine’s steel industry, apart from being a region of intensive grain growing, animal husbandry, and dairy industry. Its loss will be a crippling blow to Kiev. In political terms, the narrative of victory in Kiev — that Ukraine is winning the war and is about to capture Crimea, etc. — is becoming unsustainable for much longer.

Meanwhile, Europe too is struggling with its demons — unable to shake off the idea of a price cap on Russian oil that is sure to boomerang and further aggravate Europe’s energy security; need to step up imports of LNG from Russia still, which is far cheaper than from America; Europe not being in a position to respond to the launch of the highly consequential inflation reduction act in the US or migration of European industry to America; EU’s inability to strengthen the international role of the euro for absorbing some of the world’s surplus savings, and so on.

Therefore, at this defining moment faced with an imminent escalation of the conflict in Ukraine in the coming weeks, the neocons in the US are having their way to step up the arms supplies to Ukraine. The neocons invariably win the turf battles in the Beltway, especially under a weak president. If the Republicans step up the investigations on Biden, his dependency on the neocons will only increase during the period ahead.

The regime-change-in-Russia propaganda is not going to wither away even under the emerging stark realities of the emerging ground situation in Ukraine. The neocons’ aim, as the investigative historian Eric Zuesse put it succinctly, is “to destroy Russia so fast that Russia won’t be able to destroy America in retaliation.” The sheer absurdity of the thought is self-evident to everyone but the neocons. So, they are going to argue now that the cardinal mistake the US made in Ukraine was its failure to put boots on the ground in that country in 2015 itself. ... -escalate/


At Stake in Ukraine Is the Future of Globalized Capitalism
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 30, 2022
Samir Saul and Michel Seymour

Photo by Dmytro Smolienko/Ukraine Territorial Defense Forces/Twitter

Ukraine is only one front in an all-round confrontation

The far-reaching war in Ukraine is only one phase of a world-wide conflict that began earlier. In international relations, the driving forces are often obscured by surface occurrences, such as immediate military events and the din of apologetic or denunciatory rhetoric. What is at stake in Ukraine is not Ukraine: it is the future of globalized, neoliberal, financialized, US-ruled capitalism, the model that has been in place since the 1980s. While the parties gear up for the next stage of the fighting, while moronic propaganda continues unabated, even as public attention has dwindled, it is important to get to the root causes.

Hierarchical global economy

Globalization was the expedient found as a way out of the impasse faced by the Western economy following the exhaustion of the postwar economic boom. Capitalism was restructured and its territorial base broadened. As productive activities became less profitable, they were relocated to the “developing” world. The West reserved for itself the command functions, military industries, high technology and the more profitable sectors of finance and services.

Neoliberal globalism is hierarchical. At the top, the United States rules the system, uses the dollar to drain the world’s resources for its own benefit, and retains the key role of military arm of the whole structure. At the second rung, Europe, Japan and Canada reproduce the US formula and are progressively deindustrialized, financialized and service-sector oriented, while their foreign and military policies are integrated into those of the United States. At the bottom of the ladder, the rest of the world, more than 80 percent of humanity, is expected to produce industrial goods and raw materials in subcontracting economies.

The elites of the second-tier countries are in a subordinate position and are expected to bite the bullet in disputes with the US, but they are nonetheless beneficiaries of globalized capitalism, and thus are self-interestedly loyal to the US leader, no matter what the cost to their people and to their countries’ independence. Under the effect of Americanization they tend to merge with their American counterparts. As for the elites of the lowest-ranking countries, their share in globalization is, with individual exceptions, the smallest, and their countries’ room for maneuver the most limited.

The tribulations of American-centric globalism

They are of two kinds, one economic, the other political. Hailed at the outset as a guarantee of limitless and endless prosperity, financialized neoliberal globalization revealed its nature as a casino economy in crises and bubble bursts with international repercussions, notably in 1987, 1994, 1997 and 2008. Moreover, as was to be expected, the economies that produce material goods did not take kindly to their subordinate status to the rentier economies at the top of the pyramid. Their interests were translated politically in a desire for autonomy expressed through their states.

But globalization requires the compliance of states, their openness to external intervention and the loss of whole components of their sovereignty. The unipolar world knows only the state of the American hegemon, the others being only local extensions. It is monolithic and cannot tolerate autonomous tendencies, let alone withdrawals or disconnections, the risk being that a successful case set an example and led to a chain reaction of imitations.

Herein lies the motive of regime change operations in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen over the last 30 years: to destroy states so as to dislocate societies and set back economies in order to remove the means of possible autonomy.

Russia and China

The same method is being applied to Russia and China, with military pressure by means of Ukraine and Taiwan, economic threats, media campaigns and attempts at regime change. The strengthening of these two countries coincides with the relative weakening of the US, so much so that their submission becomes a precondition for continued US hegemony. Failure would expose American-centric globalism to eventual unraveling. Without disguise, Biden’s National Security Strategy, made public in October 2022, sets the sequence: put down Russia, then do the same to China.

Bleeding Russia white and inducing it to crumble is the proclaimed policy of the US. The objective is destabilization and internal collapse. This amounts to posing an existential threat to the Russian state and to Russia as a country, a situation explicitly provided for in its doctrine for the use of nuclear weapons. A Third World War looms as the outcome of this strategy.

In the event that nuclear war is avoided, an American success against Russia would prolong US hegemony and weaken China, itself destined for the same treatment. A breakup of Russia would represent the worst calamity in that country’s history, already strewn with disasters overcome at great cost. The Yeltsin years would look blessed by comparison. On the sidelines, disoriented and adrift, Europe will have its hands full rescuing its economy jeopardized by anti-Russian sanctions. It would be an understatement to qualify these stakes as enormous.

The conflict between the US and Russia is fought out in Ukraine but its scope is much wider. Can US-defined globalization continue? Can another form of globalization replace it? Can globalization be non-hierarchical? At the same time, Ukraine is only one front in an all-round confrontation pitting a dominant power, the US, and two other powers standing in its way, Russia and China. In Taiwan, a similar scenario is taking shape. Moreover, Ukraine and Taiwan are not the sole bones of contention between Washington, Moscow and Beijing. There are and will be others as Russia and China close the gap with the US and the latter strives to enlarge it by all means available, including force. ... apitalism/

“Rules Based Order”: The Mantra of US Propaganda
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 30, 2022
Luciano Lago


Every day, more fires of war are being created around the world, from Iran to the Caucasus to Ethiopia to Yemen, where the hegemonic superpower seeks to sow chaos to destabilize and overthrow governments and regimes that do not conform to its rules, fomenting riots and civil wars.

Meanwhile in Ukraine the conflict continues and marks a new phase after Russian strikes on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure are crippling the country and Ukrainian NATO forces, those who already felt they had victory in their pockets, are mired in their positions waiting for the Russian winter offensive that, as everything suggests, will be the final one.

The Ukrainian population is the first sacrificial victim of the proxy war that Washington and London desired and instigated to wear down Russia, but things are not proceeding according to the expectations of the Anglo-Saxon power elites.

On the Russian Federation force front, all missile formations have been re-equipped with the modern Iskander-M OTRK system that has no analogues in the world. According to, the Russian Defense Department, these systems, given their destructive power and accuracy, as well as carrying nuclear warheads, are the ones that make the difference on the ground in a conflict with Ukraine and NATO.

In Ukraine it is reported that direct combat has begun between the Russian Wagner Company and the U.S. PMC Mozart. In response to the Russian company’s participation in Ukraine, several hundred of these U.S. foreign mercenaries have been sent to the territory of Ukraine to confront the Russian Wagner Company, this being the first de facto direct confrontation between Russian and U.S. forces on the territory of Ukraine. This is a private U.S. company operating in a restricted area that coincides with the area where the Russian company is present. It is not known exactly how long this military force will be allowed to be stationed, but it appears from a variety of data that these mercenaries have been present for about two months and are the largest foreign company participating in the conflict in Ukraine, in addition to NATO units disguised as Ukrainian units.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, speaking at the International Security Forum in Halifax, Canada, said the outcome of the conflict in Ukraine will shape the geopolitical order of the 21st century and the stability and prosperity of the West is at stake, he emphasized.

“The outcome of the conflict will determine the course of global security throughout the century…,” Austin said in the international forum, “…and all of us in North America are at risk of being left out of this…..prosperity and stability on both sides of the Atlantic are in jeopardy,” he continued, saying that the Russian military operation launched in Ukraine puts at risk “the rules-based international order” that keeps us all secure, he added.

Apparently, the mantra of the rules-based order, established by the U.S., is repeated over and over again indiscriminately by various members of the Washington Administration to justify the U.S.-dominated unipolar order that actually consists of the liberal globalist order, the one that includes the Western-dominated institutions such as the World Bank, IMF, WTO, UN, WHO, EU, NATO and other bodies that have regulated international order, diplomacy and trade since the end of World War II.

On the Russian side, the Russian president commented in a speech in September that this order, rather than benefiting the world, has been realized as an instrument of unipolar hegemony, used by the U.S. to convert the rest of the world’s countries as its vassals with the aim of subjugating all other countries to its interests.

“The West insists on an order based on phantom rules but where did this order come from, who has ever seen these declaimed rules? Who ever approved or agreed to them?” said President Putin.

According to the director of the Russian Defense Foreign Policy Council, Sergey Karaganov, Russia is a millennial great power, a civilization that does not adapt to living with false and improvised rules. We are in the presence of the emergence of a new world order, in which the West will have to live within its means, Putin said when he spoke on several occasions, expressing his desire to want to build a new multipolar order where the various powers should coexist with each other on an equal footing and respect for different cultures, and disputes between states should be resolved within the norms of international law, without the interference and sordid maneuvering of the hegemonic power.

Only then can a system of stability, balance and peace be re-established, exactly what has been lacking since the hegemonic superpower launched into direct or proxy wars to re-establish what they call “The Rules-Based Order”.

This explains the hostility and aggressive spirit that the Anglo-Saxon elite manifests in every way against Russia and its allies. They fear losing the old privilege of world domination that they derive from a misunderstood sense of exceptionalism and primacy over the peoples of the world. The end of an empire now in its final phase will be defined by History. ... ropaganda/


NATO Doubles Down on Pledge to Eventually Admit Ukraine

NATO foreign ministers are holding a summit in Bucharest, where the alliance first made the promise in 2008
by Dave DeCamp Posted onNovember 29, 2022CategoriesNewsTagsNATO, Ukraine

NATO on Tuesday doubled down on its pledge to eventually admit Ukraine during a meeting of the alliance’s foreign ministers in Bucharest, Romania, a position that played a major role in provoking Russia’s invasion.

The Romanian city was where NATO initially made the promise to Ukraine back in 2008, and at the time, US officials acknowledged that attempting to bring the country into the alliance could spark a war in the region.

“We made the decision in Bucharest in 2008 at the summit,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday. “I was there … representing Norway as Prime Minister. I remember very well the decisions. We stand by those decisions. NATO’s door is open.”

In a joint statement, the NATO foreign ministers, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, said that they “reaffirm” the decisions that were made at the 2008 Bucharest summit.

CIA Director William Burns wrote a cable in 2008, when he was the US ambassador to Russia, that said promising NATO memberships to Ukraine as well as Georgia touches a “raw nerve” in Russia and raises serious security concerns for Moscow.

Burns wrote: “Not only does Russia perceive encirclement, and efforts to undermine Russia’s influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests.”

Burns said in the cable, which was released by WikiLeaks, that Russia was particularly concerned about Ukraine. “Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face,” he wrote.

The pledge to admit Ukraine into NATO didn’t lead to a civil war right away, but one was sparked after former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted in a US-backed coup in 2014. Separatists in the eastern Donbas region rejected the more Europe and US-friendly post-coup government and declared independence.

Starting after Yanukovych was ousted, NATO began a deep partnership with Ukraine by sending troops to train the country’s military, and the US began providing Kyiv with anti-tank missiles during the Trump administration. Yahoo News revealed earlier this year that the US deployed CIA paramilitaries to the frontlines of the Donbas war in 2014 to train Ukrainian forces.

During the lead-up to Russia’s February 24 invasion, Russia presented the US with a list of security demands. Chief among them was the issue of NATO expansion, which Russia wanted to be rolled back. Moscow was also seeking a guarantee that Ukraine won’t ever join NATO, but the US refused to entertain the idea even though President Biden had acknowledged that Kyiv wouldn’t be joining the alliance anytime soon.

Shortly after Russia’s invasion, Ukrainian President Voldymr Zelensky said he was told privately that Ukraine won’t be joining NATO. “I requested them personally to say directly that we are going to accept you into NATO in a year or two or five, just say it directly and clearly, or just say no,” Zelensky said in March. “And the response was very clear, you’re not going to be a NATO member, but publicly, the doors will remain open.”

While NATO doesn’t plan on admitting Ukraine as a full member anytime soon, the alliance has big plans for the country. POLITICO reported in October that NATO is developing a 10-year plan to rebuild Ukraine’s military and arms industry with a focus on shifting the country from using Soviet equipment to primarily using NATO weapons. The report said the plan would make Ukraine a “default” member of NATO, a situation that will never be acceptable to Russia. ... t-ukraine/

Ukraine Says NATO Must Step Up Weapons Production or It Won’t Win War

Ukraine's FM says there is no pressure on Kyiv to negotiate with Russia
by Dave DeCamp Posted onNovember 28, 2022CategoriesNewsTagsUkraine

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Monday that NATO countries need to ramp up weapons production, or Kyiv won’t be able to win the war against Russia.

Kuleba said that NATO countries must “begin the production of necessary weapons today.” If that doesn’t happen, he said Ukraine “won’t be able to win — as simple as that.”

Kuleba’s comments come amid reports that the US and other NATO countries are depleting their military stockpiles by sending so many arms to Ukraine. US arms makers are benefiting from the policy as they are essentially in a position where they can sell as many weapons as they can make.

Kuleba made the comments to POLITICO ahead of a NATO ministerial meeting that begins in Bucharest on Tuesday. Kuleba said that at the meeting, he will ask the NATO ministers for “air defenses, tanks, and production lines.”

While being entirely reliant on military aid, the vast majority being provided by the US, Ukrainian officials are not afraid to criticize their backers. Kuleba said there are countries “in the world who have what Ukraine needs but who are not going to sell it in sufficient quantities for political reasons.”

Kuleba denied the idea that Western countries have been pressuring Ukraine to negotiate with Russia. “I have to say that this notion of soft pressure on Ukraine is largely exaggerated,” he said.

Kuleba characterized the talks of negotiations as a “discussion on what’s next, how are we going to handle it together.”

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, the highest-ranking US military officer, recently came out in favor of peace talks to end the fighting. But his view is not a popular one in the Biden administration, as high-level officials in the State Department and on the National Security Council don’t think it’s time for negotiations. ... t-win-war/


Unknown volunteer at the front
November 30, 19:00


Suddenly. An unknown volunteer somewhere at the front.

Well, Strelkov is just a soldier and an old one at that but give him a small command.))

Irretrievable losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine over 100,000
November 30, 15:26


Irretrievable losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine over 100,000

Ursula von der Leyen said that the loss of the UAF in killed since the beginning of the war is more than 100,000 people. A little later, the recording of the speech with this statement was deleted and published again, but without a fragment about the loss of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Apparently they realized that in this way von der Leyen actually accuses the Zelensky gang of brazen lies when it talks about losses of 10-15 thousand killed since the beginning of the war.

From my point of view, even 100,000+ is an underestimated figure.
According to my estimates, the irretrievable losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (killed, captured, missing, non-combat) range from 130,000 to 155,000 - 160,000 (AFU, NSU, SBU, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Border Guard Service, PMCs, NATO regulars mimicking the APU or PMCs).
The wounded, as I understand it, since the beginning of the war, well, for 200-250 thousand rubles.

Nevertheless, the European Commission actually independently set the lower limit for the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at 100,000+ killed since the beginning of the JMD, not counting civilians. It is worth noting that back in the first half of autumn, there were calculations about the irretrievable losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine up to 190,000 people.
I believe that we will find out the real numbers up to thousands after the war.

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CP of Greece, Cunning Euroatlantic supporters
11/28/22 3:48 PM

Cunning Euroatlantic supporters

Supporting the further escalation of the imperialist conflict in Ukraine, on 23 November 2022 the European Parliament adopted a resolution characterizing Russia as a “state sponsor of terrorism”. Putting forward the well-known “anti-terrorist” pretexts that have been utilized for imperialist interventions around the globe, the European Parliament, in continuation of previous resolutions-warmongering frenzy, attempts to “whitewash” the role of the Euroatlantic bloc in the imperialist conflict in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. It paves the way for further involvement of the EU in the war as well as for new sanctions that add fuel to the fire. The European Parliament and the other EU institutions have supported the sending of arms worthbillions of euros to Ukraine, the training of Ukrainian military personnel on European bases, the EU's military preparation measures for the generalization of the military conflict to which the intensification of imperialist rivalries is leading.

As the MEPs of the KKE voted against this resolution, as was natural, some “cunning” preachers of the EU-NATO propaganda keep repeatingthat the KKE supposedly “supports Putin and his brutal invasion”.Of course it’s common knowledge that the KKE from the very first moment condemned the unacceptable Russian invasion of Ukraine, while at the same time it highlighted the imperialist character of the war and the role of the USA - NATO - EU in it. It also called for independent organization of the popular struggle against the imperialist conflict and the involvement of our country. Over the last nine months, the increasingly overt and multiform involvement of the Euroatlantic bloc in the war and the constant threat of generalization of the war hanging over the heads of the peoples, fully confirm the position and action of the KKE. This is exactly what annoys various writersof the bourgeois media, as well as a number of EU staffs and mechanisms that act in the dark within the European Parliament and target MEPs who denounce the responsibilities of both the US, NATO and the EU on the one hand and Russia on the other hand, in the imperialist war in Ukraine.

“RIZOSPASTIS” - Organ of the CC of the KKE, 25/11/2022 ... upporters/


FRom Cassad's Telegram account:


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military chronicle
The offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Svatovo and Kreminnaya is stalling due to a shortage of ammunition: details of

the Armed Forces of Ukraine failed the offensive scheduled for November in the Kupyansky and Krasnolimansky directions due to an artillery crisis.

Checking the combat readiness of the 92nd and 80th brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Svatov region showed that units armed with self-propelled and towed guns are experiencing serious shell starvation and cannot participate in major offensives.

According to the Military Chronicle, the greatest deficit is associated with artillery shells of 122 and 152 mm caliber, as well as with the delivery and use of NATO caliber shells (155 mm). A particularly difficult situation with ammunition is in units using 203-mm Pion guns. Shells for these guns were not produced in Ukraine, and their number was strictly limited.

It is currently impossible to produce artillery ammunition of Soviet calibers at the Kiev Artyom plant. The enterprise cannot work in conditions of energy shortage in Ukraine and constant missile attacks on the country's military infrastructure.

In the 25th and 95th brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​Novovodyanoe (35 km north of Kremennaya), the situation is different. The units are depleted due to high casualties and gun wear. About 30-40% of self-propelled and towed guns have been destroyed or require repair, another 30% have already been sent for repair and decommissioned. For the remaining shells of 155 mm caliber, the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Kremennaya do not have enough guns.

Due to the shortage of artillery, the Armed Forces of Ukraine receive not modern weapons, but foreign 105 mm M101 guns, produced since 1941. The shells for these guns do not have the required efficiency and are consumed 15 times faster than 152 mm ammunition, which only exacerbates the shortage of ammunition.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot promptly replenish ammunition from old depots in the nearest regions: most of the RAV depots in the Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kharkiv, Sumy, Kyiv and Chernihiv regions were destroyed by high-precision weapons.

Shells that can be delivered to artillery units have expired storage periods. The newest long-life ammunition was produced in the late 1980s and shows signs of hull failure, leading to incidents. Since the beginning of October, in the howitzer division of the 25th brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, at least three fatal incidents with a shell explosion in the breech of a 122-mm D-30 gun have been recorded.

The November thaw, the shortage of heavy equipment for transporting ammunition, and the activity of Russian Orlan-30 drones, which aim rocket artillery and Su-25 attack aircraft at the surviving convoys of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, depriving Ukrainian forces of the opportunity to form strike group.


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Today we want to show documents that show that in Ukraine everything is very bad with the storage of radioactive materials. The Americans already knew about this problem several years ago and were very concerned about the problem of nuclear and chemical waste smuggling.

Now our Cabinet of Ministers is trying to hastily solve the problem of an impending environmental catastrophe. Our officials deftly plundered the money allocated for the storage and disposal of nuclear waste.

In 2019, the radioactive safety program was not funded, in 2020 the budget was reduced due to covid, in 2021 the program was completely reduced.
During this period, the Barrier state enterprise (Dnepropetrovsk region) at the expense of the European Commission was able to perform only the minimum amount of work on monitoring the radiation state and technical control of radioactive contamination.

Now Barrier has 7 tailing dumps, 2 crane production facilities, 13 radiation-contaminated buildings, structures and sites of the former plant, on which the gamma radiation power is recorded from 6000 to 40000 mcr / h (with an allowable norm in the room of 50 mcr / h).

Even our officials admit that with man-made destruction there will be a catastrophe for the residents of the Dnepropetrovsk region. Pollution of groundwater, which through hydraulic connections can carry radioactive and chemical substances to the city of Dnipro. There will be contamination of farmland and forests due to the removal of radioactive dust from tailings. And the Dnepropetrovsk region will turn into a lifeless desert.

All this was well known to our greedy politicians. And now they are thinking about how to use it in order to set up the Russians and pump out more money from foreign partners. And we thought we wouldn't know.

We are Beregini ! We know everything!


My source in Kyiv said that the Zelensky administration is actively discussing a military offshoring plan for the Ukrainian defense industry.

It is planned to accelerate the construction of Ukrainian (working for Ukraine) defense plants in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic for the military needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is planned to deploy there the production of ammunition, the assembly of "drones", armored vehicles, various missile systems, and so on.

Now Kyiv is convincing its patrons in the United States of the reasonableness of such a plan that the Russians will not allow such production to be deployed on the territory of Ukraine, that it is unprofitable and time-consuming to deploy these productions on the industrial base of neighboring countries, and that it is more profitable to create such production on the territories of neighboring states on the principles of extraterritoriality, under which these enterprises will have the status of temporary, and, accordingly, will not pay taxes, rent, etc.

Electricity and materials are supposed to be received at the expense of loans allocated by the USA and the European Union. Partially take out the equipment from Ukraine from specialized plants, partly purchase it in the West for the same loans. It is proposed to recruit working personnel from Ukrainians who went abroad earlier, engineering personnel, as well as highly qualified specialists, to be exported from Ukraine as well.

The authors of the plan claim that the first such "ersatz factories" may begin to produce products in the spring. But so far, the governments of the countries in whose territories such construction is supposed to begin are not very eager to meet Ukraine's needs in this matter. Such "extraterritoriality" does not imply any profit. And this does not suit them at all ...
At first glance, the idea seems absurd, but when studying the topic, its absurdity no longer seems complete.

The creation of "temporary" defense enterprises with an extremely low cost of production and outside the zone of destruction of Russian weapons is quite justified and logical. Moreover, there are those who will pay for everything - Americans and Europeans.

source: @ramzayiegokomanda

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Thu Dec 01, 2022 1:25 pm

The Donbass front
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 12/01/2022
Original Article: DonRF


Capturing five villages at night isn't a huge success, but it's there. And Marinka, according to available information, is preparing. The defense of the enemy in these two directions - Marinka and Artyomovsk - is reeling. Little by little, step by step, but it wears out. And there are obvious and understandable general reasons for this. Troops have turned out to be a limited resource for everyone, not just us. On Tuesday, Ukraine moved a battalion of at least 160 people to the front with minimal equipment. It's obvious why it happens. The Ukrainian Army had 250,000 peacetime troops, 500,000 of whom have fought in reserve. That is all. All of them have already been called up. Then they called in the experienced ones, over 45 years old, who served in relatively normal times, and finally all at once.

There are places where there are not enough troops. Actually, there are, but those who are capable, well-equipped and trained are located in two directions - Svatovo and Melitopol. They are the best of the best and the best. There are also the best of the worst, but they are spread out over thin ground in the north, covering the Volhynian-Chernihiv border, concentrated in the Kharkiv region, pretending to strike a first strike against Belgorod and taking heavy casualties on the DPR front. . There is no one to make up for that. More specifically, there are cases such as what is being written from Podolia, that a 54-year-old man was caught and sent to the front instead of home. His relatives have panicked, he will not survive to tell the tale. In this way, troops are added, but they still have to be trained. But he is already he, he is already gone.

The result is what can be observed: the enemy has two fists. There are experienced soldiers and normal equipment there. Outside of those two points, everything is sadder, they defend themselves, but the front suffers and staggers. This is what happens in Bakhmut, which will lead to Bakhmut becoming Artyomovsk again. Here, Kiev has two options: a goodwill gesture according to previously established plans, or transfer worthy reinforcements. They could come from kyiv or from shock groups. Judging by the information coming from the ground, hysteria is rising, stories are being published about the massive superiority of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and about the unimportance of Bakhmut for Ukraine. But that is the media and there the victory factor is felt with more pain or betrayal , so it is not ruled out that more reinforcements are transferred. Just so there is no betrayal .

In short, it can be said that, this time, they have been led to a dead end: military logic would require abandoning Bakhmut, Soledar, Marinka and the Avdeevka-Krasnogorovak route, but society is trapped in the demands of victory, to maintain the ruins and not let them escape. At whatever price. We'll see what they choose. I would prefer that they put their fists away, but that's just my opinion, the press and the morale of the population require maintaining those cities.

A couple of words about casualties. We talk happily about the dead and injured, but the leading cause of death in the fall and winter is different: disease. For someone over the age of 35, a couple of weeks in a dank, smelly trenches without quality ammunition leads to nephritis, sciatica, pneumonia, and other stupendous maladies. Bad food for months causes digestive diseases. The result is often incapacitation. The lower the temperature, the higher the percentage.

"Ammunition" in the last paragraph should probably be translated as 'supply'.


The risk of nuclear war is huge
December 1, 13:16


From Lavrov's statements today.

1. The US and NATO are directly involved in the war in Ukraine.
2. No change in Western policy should be expected.
3. Russia strikes at the Ukrainian infrastructure that helps to kill Russians.
4. The OSCE is a marginal organization.
5. The risk of nuclear war in a military clash between nuclear powers is enormous.

Today's statements by Lavrov (and not only) clearly show that there is no agreement and is not expected. Of key importance in the coming months will be not consultations in third countries, but the course and outcome of the winter campaign 2022-2023.

On the supply of NASAMS air defense systems to Ukraine
December 1, 10:08


On the supply of NASAMS air defense systems to Ukraine

The United States signed a $1.2 billion contract ( ... d-document ) for delivery for Ukraine of six NASAMS air defense systems.

This contract represents the materialization of intentions to supply Ukraine with six more NASAMS air defense systems in addition to the two already shipped. This is part of the fifth USAI package announced in August 2022 ( ... r-ukraine/ ) and representing long-term assistance. Two more NASAMS air defense systems promised under the third USAI package in July ( ... r-ukraine/), were already delivered in November ( ... o-ukraine/ ).

The contract must be completed by November 28, 2025 ( ... e/3232469/ ) noted ( army_announces_contract_award_for_national_advanced_surface_to_air_missile_systems ) that the US will try to shorten the production cycle, which is currently 24 months per battery, from production to delivery to the customer.

In this example, we can see the difference between short-term assistance, which allows you to transfer something that can be acquired relatively quickly, and long-term assistance, which requires you to climb into long-term production plans and enter into appropriate contracts.

The composition of the NASAMS batteries, which should be transferred to Ukraine, is not specified. At full strength, each battery includes up to four fire platoons, each of which is an autonomous firing unit. The platoon includes a command post, a radar, an electro-optical station and three launchers. Thus, six batteries, in the case of transfer in full force, this is up to 72 launchers with six missiles each. The structure of the battery and some interesting data on the operation of the NASAMS detection tools can be found here ( ... 143-13.pdf ). - zinc

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The Hell With the Peace Movement, I’m Joining the War Movement
NOVEMBER 30, 2022

Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird holding a rifle. Photo: Scott Ritter Extra.

By Scott Ritter – Nov 25

I once helped lead a million-person march against the war in Iraq through the streets of London.

I spent untold hours traveling the width and breadth of the United States and the world advocating against the war in Iraq.

I wrote articles until my hands cramped and spoke until my voice went hoarse.

I sacrificed everything in support of peace, and against war.

As such, I feel I am in a good position to say the following:

The peace movement in America is dead.

Aside from a handful of dedicated activists who have stuck to their anti-war guns over the years, the peace movement has become a war movement, albeit an ersatz one.

My evidence? Just look at all the Ukrainian flags that have sprung up next to the on-line identities of those who once called George W. Bush a warmonger for his decision to invade Iraq in 2003. Back then, the peace movement called itself the “anti-war movement.” But their anti-war posturing only lasted as long as George W. Bush’s tenure in office; enter Barack Hussein Obama, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing, and the anti-war movement disappeared.

This disappearing act was intriguing, given the fact that the esteemed Nobel Laureate previously known as Barry enthusiastically continued the very policies the anti-war movement once condemned his predecessor for engaging in, doubling down in Afghanistan, unable to leave Iraq, and dealing death-by-drone to thousands of enemies, real or imagined, regardless of their status: enemy combatant, US citizen, wedding party, innocent child, it didn’t matter—Barry killed them all, and the peace movement was silent.

I hate hypocrisy. While I marched and worked with the peace movement, I’ve never been in the peace movement—I’m not a pacifist.

I believe that the world is full of rabid dogs and, like Atticus Finch, sometimes people are called upon to put them down, violently.

I believe in both the need for war and, frankly speaking, the inevitability of war. To think otherwise is to be ignorant of the human condition. I believe that any society worth defending should be prepared to wage war in its legitimate self-defense.

I believe that if a nation goes to war, it should fight to win—there is no “fair fight” principle, but rather simply kill or be killed.

And my goal as a warrior is to kill the enemy as efficiently as possible, with as little harm inflicted on my side. I believe in modern weaponry, professional warriors, and high levels of readiness that can only be achieved by training for war during times of peace.

And, as someone who has experienced war in all its awful reality, I believe that war should be the absolute last option, only undertaken after every possibility short of war to resolve the issues at stake have been exhausted. I believe that it is far better to have old men and women exhaust their vocal chords than their younger counterparts bleed out on a battlefield. Hot air isn’t lethal—hot steel is.

I know that the modern-day incarnation of the fraudulent movement that calls itself “peace” or “anti-war” is neither—their little blue and yellow flags prove this. They openly support war, enthusiastically endorsing the provision of billions of dollars’ worth of military assistance from the United States and its European allies to Ukraine, despite the fact that this aid only feeds the meatgrinder that is the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, condemning hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to death, and tens of millions of others to the kind of suffering that is the lot of civilians caught up in the conflagration of human conflict.

73% of the World’s Population Did Not Call for Russian Reparations to Ukraine

“I stand with Ukraine” has become the epitaph of tens of thousands who otherwise would be alive today were it not for the so-called “peace movement.”

Let’s be clear: if you stand with Ukraine, you stand for the precipitous expansion of NATO, of outside powers fomenting illegal coups designed to overthrow the constitutional authority of a sovereign state, and the empowerment of white supremacist neo-Nazi ultra-nationalist movements who worship the memory of mass murderers whom they have elevated to the status of national heroes.

You stand for murder, rape and torture. You stand for the incessant shelling of civilian populations for eight years, killing thousands, including women and children. You stand for fake diplomacy, using negotiated agreements as a shield for genocidal action.

In short, you stand for war, but you don’t have the integrity to admit it because, in all honesty, you stand for nothing.

I stand for war, and as such I seek to avoid war. I will exhaust all options short of war to prevent war. I support ceasefires. I support negotiated deals like the Minsk 2 accords. I support pre-emptive diplomacy that puts finding the path toward a new European security framework ahead of secret preparations for war.

And I believe that, it after attempting all of this, and failing, I believe that you wage war with a vengeance, seeking the shortest possible path toward decisive conflict resolution. I support not using civilians as human shields. I support the proper treatment of prisoners of war. I support a prohibition against the torture and murder of civilians. I support international humanitarian law and strict adherence to the law of war.

My bottom line is this—if you want peace, join the pro-war movement. If you side with the peace movement or its progeny, the anti-war movement, all you will get is hypocrisy, death and destruction.

The peace movement is to blame for the Ukraine conflict, because the peace movement is little more than a front for Russophobia, just as it was a front for Islamophobia before (how else do you explain the silence as Barry Obama bombed the civilian populations of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and elsewhere?).

Barack Obama’s Father Identified as CIA Asset in US Drive to ‘Recolonize’ Africa During Early Days of the Cold War

The pro-war movement knows no politics—it’s about defending the nation, with the understanding that comes only from knowing the true cost of war that avoiding war is the best service one can provide in the service of your fellow citizens.

The anti-war movement is democratic, which means it is blind to the sins of its political master, only becoming active when the political benefits of opposition are manifest.

If you truly want peace, come over to the dark side.

Embrace war.

Then—and only then—will you truly hate it enough to know that it must be avoided at all possible costs.

And, in doing so, you will have done the cause of peace a greater service than that provided by the so-called “peace movement.”

Ask the Inspector streams live on YouTube every Friday night at 8 PM ET and Tuesdays at 3 PM ET.
Scott Ritter will speak in Ann Arbor, MI on December 1, 2 and 3. ... -movement/

Videos at link.


An African View On Ukraine
Jacqueline Luqman 30 Nov 2022

Dr. Fred M'Membe, President of Socialist Party of Zambia

Dr. Fred M'Membe, President of the Socialist Party of Zambia, was a recent guest on the Sputnik program, By Any Means Necessary. He discussed an African view of the crisis in Ukraine.

Sean Blackmon

Welcome back to By Any Means Necessary on Radio Sputnik in Washington DC. I'm your host, Sean Blackman here with Jacquie Luqman. And as always, we are your guide book connecting the political, social, and economic movements shaping the world around us. And today, we're talking about the war in Ukraine from an African perspective. And we're happy to be joined for this conversation today by Dr. Fred M’Membe, president of the Socialist Party of Zambia. Dr. M’Membe, thanks so much for joining us.

Dr. Fred M’Membe

Thank you very much for inviting me on your show.

Sean Blackmon

Absolutely. And, Doctor, of course, we've been following on the show very closely the rapidly escalating war in Ukraine, this proxy war between us NATO forces and Russia. And we've been keeping a close eye on the international response to this war, as you know, the US and the West, its allies and junior partners, you know, try to present this image as if, you know, the whole international community is sort of a siding with them in condemnation of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February of this year. But I feel like once you take a closer look at how some of these opinions and perspectives from different governments are really playing out, I think the picture is a bit more complicated. Now. Back in March, in the United Nations there was a debate over resolution fundamentally to condemn Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine. And within that vote, 35 countries abstained from it, including 17 member states of the African Union. And there have also been leaders like the Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa, that have not necessarily uh, jumped on the western bandwagon with this as well. And so we wanted to bring you want to sort of discuss this, because, from your perspective, obviously, you're there in Zambia a country in a southern Africa, and I'm just wondering why you think we've seen these kinds of responses from some of these different African governments towards the war in Ukraine. And what do you think it says about the reality of geopolitics right now.

Dr. Fred M’Membe

First, let me say, it is very important to understand that no war is good. It is impossible not to be moved by the outrageousness of warfare. They grow some fears of civilians who are trapped between choices that are not their own, but was make very complicated historical processes that appear to be simple. The war in Ukraine is not merely about NATO, or about ethnicity. It is about many things. Every war must end at some point. And the diplomas must restart must come in. Africa and the Russian people share a history of struggle. When the African people were fighting for their independence for their liberation, those who are condemning Russia today, we are not with them [then]. They were on the other side. They never took our site. Not that our side was wrong. Our side was right. But they never took our side. They took the side of the colonialists. They took the side of the side of apartheid, they took their side of racist superiority against the forces of liberation, African liberation. We'll never forget that. They want us to forget that, but it's not easy to forget that. Because it's not very long ago. Zimbabwe only became independent in 1980. Namibia only became independent in 1990. This is not very long ago, in terms of historical processes. We know who stood with the apartheid regime in South Africa. We know who stood with the racist regime in Rhodesia, now, Zimbabwe. We know who sided with the colonialists in Angola, in Mozambique, in the Cape Verde. We know all these things. So the African people have a sense of history as well. It's not possible for Africans to condemn Russia, given where we are coming from together.

And the Russian war is a complicated process. Let's not be simplistic about it, Let's understand where this process is coming from. Since 1990, there has been an attempt to expand the NATO forces in Eastern Europe, up to Russia. There was some cooperation, initially, even from Russia itself, under Boris Yeltsin, there was some engagement. But all that has changed. And it is important to understand that long history and the Africans understand that.

We are able to analyze things for ourselves, we are able to see things for ourselves, we are able to come to our own conclusions. And also we understand the decisions and actions of our enemies, and also the decisions and actions of our friends. We are even able to understand the mistakes of our friends, and to separate them or single them out to identify them from the actions and decisions of our enemies.

We know who our friends are. The Russian people have stood on our side. Russia has never had colonies in Africa - that must be understood. Despite helping to liberate us, Russia has never taken control of any African country. Russia has never colonized any country that they helped to liberate. Russia has not exploited an African country. We do not know of any country in Africa that can claim it was a colony of Russia, [claim that] it has been exploited and humiliated by Russia. This history is very clear to us. And this is not easy for us to be swayed by propaganda against Russia.

We don't want the war in Ukraine to continue as Africans. War is bad. War is not good for the poor. War is not good for the workers. War in itself is a crime. War produces crimes. Peace must always be a priority. We Africans want the war in Ukraine to end. But that won't to end without taking into account the security concerns of Russia, and indeed, the security concerns of Ukraine itself. And even the security concerns of Europe itself. It shouldn't be the security of one section, or one region or one country, the security of all must be considered. The security of Ukraine must be considered, the security of Russia must be considered. And indeed the security of Europe. Emphasizing on just one side of the equation, it won't work. You cannot have security for Europe, you cannot have security for Ukraine without taking into account the security concerns of Russia. Similarly, you cannot have the security concerns of Russia addressed without taking into account the security concerns of Ukraine, the security concerns of Europe. We all need our security. As we pursue our own security interests, we also must take into account the security concerns of others. This is what is lacking in the issue of Ukraine. Russia has legitimate security concerns. And it just didn't walk into Ukraine. From 2004 they have been actively pursuing these issues. But instead of addressing them, the opposite has happened. NATO has been expanding its lines, NATO has been trying to consolidate its positions in Eastern Europe, up to the Russian border. What did you expect Russia to do, sit idle and watch? Its security concerns not being addressed? Its security being violated? Its security being threatened? Would the USA or Europe accept that situation? Who in the world would accept that to happen?

Jacqueline Luqman

You know what you just said that that brief encapsulation of the history of solidarity really, that the Russian people and that the Russian government has had with the African liberation struggles over the decades is so important, I think to this conversation, because I think in some ways, we in the United States, even though we who are our Pan Africanist, understand and know a little bit of that history, most people do not so most people don't understand and don't know, they're ignorant of the struggle against colonialism on the African continent. So they're ignorant of the abuses, and they're ignorant of their relationship with Russia and the continent. And in that context, do you think that the it's that ignorance of this relationship that you just explained, that makes it difficult for us in the United States to understand why African nations are refused to condemn Russia and also why we have a difficult time, pulling back from literally cheering this war to continue In order to quote unquote support Ukraine, as our government tells us, without having any consideration for the lives of the people who are caught in the middle of this war, as you said, who do who did not choose it, and who did not ask for it, most of whom are working class and poor people on the continent of Africa.

Dr. Fred M’Membe

Sometimes it's not only the issue of ignorance, sometimes the issue of arrogance, and the problem sometimes even racist attitudes. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. What's good for America is also good for others. America would not tolerate what it wants Russia to tolerate on its borders. If Russia was to move into Mexico today or into Canada, and they do what the Americans and the Europeans are trying to do in Ukraine, I don't think they would tolerate that. We have the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Cuba is 90 miles away from Florida. But when the Soviet Union placed missiles there, there was a big crisis, which had to be resolved amicably. Why should Russia feel secure? With Ukraine, becoming a NATO member, and placing missiles on his border? These are issues that need to be guaranteed. What we need is adherence to the Minsk agreements. What is needed is security guarantees for Russia and Ukraine, which would also require Europe to develop an independent relationship with Russia that is not shaped by US interests.

There will also be need to have a reversal of Ukraine's ultra-nationalist laws, and they return it to a much more plurinational...national compact. If in some sense negotiations and agreements regarding these essential matters do not materialize, it is likely that the dangerous weapons will face each other across the divides. And additional countries may be drawn into this conflict with a potential to spiral out of control. We don't want this conflict to get out of control. There is a need for negotiations to end this war. And the negotiations, in our view center around the three principal issues. They're returning to the Minsk agreements, security guarantees for Russia and Ukraine, reversal of ultra-traditionalist laws. This is not demanding too much. Of course, these are not simple issues. But there are issues that need to be addressed.

Sean Blackmon

For sure. And you know, last question, Dr. M'Membe is, you know, we're in a time from the standpoint of a US imperialism, as it sees itself engaging in great power conflict, both with Russia and China and the African continent seems like, it's sort of poised to become a real battlefield for this new Cold War. And so, for the African continent for all of its linguistic and cultural and ethnic and geographic diversity, how do you see sort of the role of the continent in the coming period as we continue to see efforts to, you know, bring about a world order that isn't controlled from Washington.

Dr. Fred M’Membe

For our diversity, for the difference [uninteligible] among us, one thing that we all need is peace. We need peace to develop, we need peace to move people out of poverty. We don't want to be drawn in[to] any Cold War, or any other war. We don't want war. We have had enough. We have been humiliated. for over 600 years. We were hunted as slaves traded as slaves. We were colonized. We moved from classical colonialism, neocolonialism. All these humiliating things. We have had enough of our torture, we have have had enough crucifixion. It's time for Africa also to have its resurrection. And that resurrection cannot come under a Cold War. That's why our position is of non-alignment. We have the right to pursue our own interests, while others also have the right to pursue their own interests. But one thing that is in common is we need a peaceful world. All our people need a peaceful world. The Americans need to live in peace, the Europeans need to live in peace. The Africans need peace. The Russians need peace, all need peace. Everything that threatens peace threatens all of us. It threatens our peaceful existence here. And it also threatens our progress. War is destructive. It destroys wealth. It destroys production, it increases poverty, it increases despair. It brings suffering it brings pain. We don't need this. We have had enough. We want to develop and developing peace. And we don't want to be shackled to wars that are not ours. These are not wars that are ours or benefit us. But we are there to try and offer solutions because every war, no matter how small it is, it has got ripple effects. It affects not only the primary people involved in it, but there are also secondary implications. We don't want war.

Sean Blackmon

Absolutely. Well we thank you so much Dr. M'Membe for joining us today. We're gonna leave it there and move to a break here on By Any Means Necessary on Radio Sputnik in Washington DC. We'll be right back. So please stay with us.


Crocodile tears for Ukraine as millions of U.S. families suffer utility shutoffs
November 28, 2022 Stephen Millies

A protest in Albany, New York, in June 2022 demanded the extension of a statewide moratorium on utility shutoffs. Photo: Communities for Local Power

“Kyiv Readies for Brutal, Cold, Dark Winter” is a typical headline in the capitalist media these days. The Nov. 21 Associated Press article—reprinted by Voice of America, the official U.S. propaganda outlet—tells of electrical outages caused by Russian missile strikes.

Other headlines include “A Capital Draped in Darkness” in the New York Times and “Missile Strikes Leave Kyiv in the Dark” in the Atlantic Magazine.

What about the millions of U.S. families facing electric and gas shutoffs by the profit-mad utility monopolies? Twenty million households are behind on their electric bills.

Just in 2020 and 2021, households had their power shut off 3.6 million times. Each of these shutoffs caused misery for millions of children and their parents.

The actual figure of utility shutoffs is higher. Only 33 states and the District of Columbia require utilities to report disconnections.

Many seniors and disabled people have to juggle to pay their rent, food and prescription medicines. Morgan Magda, who lives in Girard, Ohio, had her gas cut off.

Her sole source of income is Social Security disability benefits. Millions of workers become disabled because capitalists speed up work to make more profits. Carpal tunnel syndrome can strike workers at both computer keyboards and assembly lines.

“I’m disabled and have had to live without hot water, a stove to cook on, and now heat. It’s been so hard,” said Magda.

Utility shutoffs can also become a death sentence. A May 15, 1982, fire in Baltimore killed 10 people, including seven children. The fire was caused by a candle the family was forced to use after their electricity was shut off.

The family owed just $808 on their electric bill to Baltimore Gas and Electric, now part of the Exelon Corporation. That works out to $80.80 for every person killed.

A dozen years later, two adults and seven children died in another Baltimore fire on Feb. 26, 1994. Once again, an overturned candle started the inferno after their electricity was shut off.

Stop the shutoffs!

Last year it was estimated that U.S. households owed $32 billion in unpaid utility bills. President Biden is doing practically nothing to help the millions of families facing life-threatening utility shutoffs.

Yet Biden and Congress have spent $68 billion so far on the war in Ukraine. The White House has just asked Congress for another $37.7 billion.

This $105.7 billion total is three times what could pay all the unpaid utility bills.

Capitalists aren’t spending this money—all of it stolen from poor and working people—because they want to help Ukrainians.

Human life is cheap to the wealthy and powerful. For the executives at Baltimore Gas and Electric, each child killed in that May 15, 1982, fire was worth just $80.80.

Black grandmother Eleanor Bumpers was killed on Oct. 29, 1984, by a New York City cop because she owed $394 in back rent.

To save a mere $5 million a year, Flint, Michigan, stopped pumping clean water from Lake Huron and instead used water from the Flint River, a virtual sewer. Flint’s children were poisoned while thousands face water shutoffs in Detroit and other cities.

Stop NATO’s war!

Wall Street and European banks are turning Ukraine into their colony. Foreign capitalists are taking over the country’s fertile farmland. A 2021 law is making this theft easier.

The Russian Federation is now targeting Ukraine’s electrical infrastructure in an attempt to disrupt the massive deliveries of weapons from the U.S. and NATO. The stock price of Lockheed Martin, one of the biggest U.S. war contractors, has gone up $100 per share since the conflict started.

Russian forces are not carpet-bombing cities like the U.S. did to Baghdad. They’re not dropping napalm to burn children alive like the Pentagon did in Korea, Laos and Vietnam.

The capitalist media sheds phony tears for Ukrainians but it says nothing about the over 14,000 people that were killed by the Kyiv regime’s war on Donbass since 2014.

Why can’t the White House loosen the economic blockade of Cuba while the socialist country is rebuilding the parts of its electrical grid that were wrecked by Hurricane Ian?

The Russian Federation is fighting the NATO alliance of big imperialist states. NATO uses a puppet Ukrainian regime that rests upon fascist militias like the Right Sector and Azov Battalion, as well as thousands of foreign mercenaries.

For the brass hats in the Pentagon, the conflict in Ukraine is just the first step of a war to take over the 6.4 million square miles of the Russian Federation.

The working class and all oppressed people need NATO and the U.S. to get out of Ukraine. We need to take over the greedy utilities to guarantee electricity, gas and water for all. ... -shutoffs/


From Cassad's Telegram account:

The EU officially refused to apologize (as the Ukrainian clowns demanded) for its yesterday's jamb with the recognition of the lower bar for the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at 100,000+ people. After the ridiculous excuses that this was not what they meant and the miserable babble of the Zelensky gang about 10,000 - 15,000 dead, for people living in a propaganda bubble, yesterday's statement by von der Leyen became a real break in patterns (it must be understood that real numbers can further undermine the idea of the reality of propaganda pictures're coming out TV). The EU does not see the need to apologize for this, since formally you can continue to pretend that something else was meant, but on the other hand, you can later say, well, you see, even then we said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were suffering huge losses and did not hush them up. In any case, this assessment, due to its official nature,

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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