
August 12, 1676-The Death of Metacomet ("King Phillip")

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Metacomet (known to the Puritan colonists by his adopted name "King Phillip") was a chief of the Wampanoag Indians in modern-day Massachusetts. When the Puritans started to push westward, he sough to live in harmony with them, at first. This turned out to be a fatal mistake.

The English were ruthless in taking land from the Wampanoag and other tribes in New England. By 1662, when Metacomet became Grand Sachem of the Wampanoag Confederacy, the colonists were well into the territory of the Wampanoag.

Then, in 1675, came "King Philip's War." What began with the killing of a Wamapnoag traitor-John Sassamon, who had told the colonists of Metacomet's plans to attack them-escalated into a series of battles that left over 600 colonists and 3000 Native Americans dead, including Metacomet. Metacomet was shot and killed, then beheaded and drawn and quartered. His head was displayed in Plymouth for 20 years.

Meanwhile, the colonists' defense of New England attracted the attention of the British government, who revoked the charter of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1684. This was the beginning of the British attempts over the next 100 years o assert more power and influence over Massachusetts.
