Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Mon Oct 16, 2023 11:56 am

The aviation problem
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/16/2023


The issue of aviation has been one of the most repeated in this war in which Ukraine's strategy to achieve the delivery of the desired weapons has been based on repeating its need ad nauseum and, above all, acting on the assumption that it will arrive. earlier than later. This could be seen in the press conference held last September by Dmitro Kuleba and Annalena Baerbock, leaders of diplomacy in their respective countries, and in which the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine stated in relation to the expected Taurus missiles that "You'll do it anyway, it's just a matter of time." Enacting Ukraine's right to certain weapons, publicly assuming that they will arrive and simply demanding speed has been Kiev's modus operandi since the first requests for weapons in the weeks after the start of the Russo-Ukrainian war and have piled up over time. throughout this year and a half. Ukraine has achieved, by increasingly demanding, heavy artillery, Western anti-aircraft systems, tanks from NATO countries and British missiles in an unprecedented flow of weapons, ammunition, financing, training and provision of real-time intelligence in a proxy war.

The strategy worked for Ukraine and the German Chancellor finally accepted, despite his personal reluctance, the sending of Leopard tanks, which ultimately have not had the success on the battlefield that Ukraine desired. But even before the German Government confirmed the approval of the shipments, when the media campaign of pressure on Olaf Scholz included members of his executive, Ukraine already began to demand that the tank coalition be repeated for aviation . The aircraft that countries like Slovakia or Poland had donated to Ukraine were not enough. kyiv did not want fighters of Russian or Soviet design adapted for the use of Western missiles. The reasons were varied, but one of the least commented on by the press is that the Russian aircraft that Ukraine had had superior characteristics to those delivered by Poland. Ukraine, a country allied with Russia until 2014, had received privileged material that other buyers had not accessed. Kiev also sought, as it has done with the insistence of receiving Western material, not Russian or Soviet, to replace its weapons with the most ideologically correct Western material to reinforce its argument that Ukraine fights for NATO countries and with NATO weapons. . This is precisely one of the bases of the Ukrainian argument that the country is already a de facto member of the alliance, so official accession should not be delayed.

Above all, Ukraine needed aviation, Russian or Western, due to the losses it had suffered in the first moments of the war, when Russia attacked hangars and airports. Although the Russian Federation never managed to completely destroy Ukrainian infrastructure, it did damage aviation to the point of making it a virtually marginal aspect of Ukrainian capabilities for months. Hence, Ukraine's first cry for help was to “close the skies”, that is, shoot down Russian aircraft to balance air power. Although aviation is not one of the Russian strengths nor has Russia ever achieved absolute control of the skies - mainly due to the powerful Ukrainian anti-aircraft defenses, until a few months ago basically Russian-made material - the imbalance between the potential of the two opposing sides has always been one of the issues that Kiev has asked its partners to solve. Once the promise of sending tanks was achieved, Ukraine worked actively for it, first demanding the material and later, when the Western argument was the lack of pilots trained to use it, proposing to facilitate the arrival of foreign volunteers. That proposal by then-Minister Oleksiy Reznikov never had a chance of going ahead. That foreign legion similar to the volunteers, mercenaries and all kinds of soldiers of fortune who arrived in Ukraine starting in February 2022 to act as infantry and cannon fodder for some of the toughest battles differed noticeably from the request for pilots capable of drive an F-16. So Ukraine returned to the original plan of presenting Western aviation as the decisive weapon that would change the war, a tactic also used in the case of tanks.

In August, two months after the start of the Zaporozhie counteroffensive, Ukraine finally received the good news and was able to announce the United States' approval of the beginning of the training of Ukrainian pilots and the shipment of material once that training was completed. At that time, Reznikov announced that the training of Ukrainian pilots in the operation of the F-16 had already begun. This was followed by announcements of the pilots assigned for training, only 16, which indicates that these weapons will not be able to create the effect promised by Zelensky on their own. “Russia will have nothing to do,” stated the Ukrainian president despite the fact that, until now, all the weapons that Kiev has presented as miraculous have been useful, but they have not changed the development of the war, marked in its first year by artillery, infantry, tactics and logistics.

After the announcement, several countries showed their interest in instructing Ukrainian pilots and talk continued for weeks about the start of training. The moment was delicate for Ukraine, after two months of disappointing offensive and with the obvious need to present good news. In reality, the announcement of the dispatch of Western aviation had a hint of defeat, a sign that the current offensive was not going to achieve the military and political objectives set. Furthermore, the beginning of the instruction process that Reznikov announced led to a certain error. At that time, the media stated that the training would take six months, although the period could be even longer. In this way, the F-16s would not arrive in Ukraine at least until spring, perhaps for the future 2024 offensive.

The complexity of the task has been proven this week, when Politico announces that training for Ukrainian pilots in the United States will begin in the coming days. It is now and not last August, as the then minister stated, when this learning will finally begin, once the language study phase in which the process has to be carried out is over. The planned six months of training would put the end of that process at the end of April, perhaps even May, a delay that kyiv may consider excessive. The results of the current counteroffensive and the constant complaints from senior Ukrainian commanders about US demands to continue a ground military operation without air cover, something that NATO countries would never accept for their armies, make another large-scale operation unlikely before resolve the aviation issue.

Long before Western tanks, which were also going to change the reality of war, expectations of the effects of the F-16 seem to begin to decline. Politico , for example, insists on the “small group of Ukrainian pilots,” implying that Ukraine's ability to include Western aviation in its doctrine will be limited. But perhaps the most important part of the article is left for the end, when the American media refers to the difficulties that have arisen in creating the “coalition” of countries to instruct pilots, a process that “took months.” Hence, training in the United States has not yet begun and is still limited to simulators in European countries.

“The pilots will first learn the basics of handling the F-16 in classes and in simulators before moving on to fly the aircraft, as is typical for any Air Force pilot training program,” adds Politico, referring to once again to those six months of training, an excessive period in the face of Ukraine's rush to present tangible results to the countries it hopes will continue financing the country. “However, according to a top officer, the course may be accelerated due to the urgent need to return them to the front,” the article admits. The weeks in which the Ukrainian pilots spend training the few F-16s that will appear on the front in the spring or summer of 2024 also implies their absence from the front, further exposing the shortcomings of Ukrainian aviation. To this we must add the danger posed by accelerated instruction, something that has already been proven in the current campaign. The accelerated training of the troops and the shortcomings of this training have been one of the complaints that have even emerged in the Ukrainian press and that in the current offensive has resulted in enormous casualties. However, precipitation seems to continue to be one of the main arguments of the Ukrainian authorities, eager to see Western aviation fly over their skies, although it will be an amount that is unlikely to change the reality of the front and can be done at cost of the safety of its own pilots. ... more-28369

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 15, 2023
October 16, 2023
Fierce fighting continues on the fronts along the entire line of contact. Over the past 24 hours, the intensity of artillery shelling of enemy positions in the area of ​​the Avdeevsky fortified area has increased significantly . The Ukrainian Armed Forces are making unsuccessful attempts to regain previously lost territories.

In the Starobelsky direction, military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces, with the support of artillery and aviation, continue to storm enemy strongholds in the Kupyansky and Svatovsky sectors . The Ukrainian Armed Forces units tried to counterattack, but were quickly discovered and dispersed by artillery fire.

In addition, Ukrainian formations attempted a massive drone attack on border settlements in the Belgorod and Kursk regions : Russian air defense crews neutralized several dozen drones without causing damage or casualties.


The situation on the front line and combat operations

There are no significant changes in the Starobelsky direction . Russian troops continue to push back the enemy in the Kupyansky sector . Kupyansk itself is subject to regular air and artillery strikes. The Russian Armed Forces are also active at the Svatovo - Kremennaya line in the Makeevka area and on the Torsky ledge . Several attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled in the Serebryansky forestry area .

In the Donetsk direction, the assault on the Avdeevsky fortified area continues . Over the past 24 hours, artillery and air strikes on Ukrainian Armed Forces positions have intensified significantly. The Russian Aerospace Forces operate against the enemy with FABs and air-to-ground missiles. On the northern flank, the enemy made several attempts to counterattack, but was driven back to their original positions.

Positional clashes continue in the Vremevsky sector in the area of ​​Priyutnoye and Grushevaya gully. The enemy is unable to advance due to constant artillery fire and FPV drone attacks on the trenches.

In the Orekhovsky sector in the Verbovoy area , the Russian Armed Forces unit was able to storm an enemy stronghold, taking several people prisoner. In other sectors of the front, mutual artillery shelling and the use of attack drones continue.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported a massive attack by Ukrainian drones on Russian settlements using UAVs. According to the department, a total of 27 drones were intercepted overnight, 18 of which were destroyed over the Kursk region . Among other things, the shelling of the village of Kozino , Rylsky district, was mentioned.

During the day, the Ukrainian Armed Forces repeatedly attacked populated areas in the Belgorod region . Russian air defense systems intercepted two targets on approach to Belgorod . In the afternoon, Grafovka and Demidovka in the Krasnoyaruzh region came under fire: power lines were damaged, and Popovka and Romanovka were also left without power . The enemy dropped several shells from a drone at a substation in Krasnaya Yaruga , causing damage to the facility. In addition, attacks were reported on the following populated areas: Vyazovoe , Zadorozhny , Ilek-Penkovka , Prilesye and Spodaryushino .

Despite a slight decrease in the intensity of shelling, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are still firing dozens of shells at residential buildings and civilian infrastructure of the DPR . There is information about civilian casualties: a child died in the Kirovsky district of Donetsk , a man was wounded in the village of Vladimirovka , and one woman was injured in Gorlovka . In addition, the Kiev and Kuibyshevsky districts of the capital of the republic were under fire.

Over the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have increased the intensity of shelling on the left bank of the Kherson region . The following areas came under fire: Novaya Kakhovka , Kakhovka , Korsunka and Sagi . Civil infrastructure and residential buildings were damaged. Local authorities report that over the past 24 hours in the city of Alyoshki , two civilians were killed and another was wounded. Earlier it was reported about the death of another resident in Radensk .

Political events
About possible financial problems for Ukraine

Ukrainian Finance Minister Sergei Marchenko told Reuters about possible difficulties with financing the Ukrainian army and government from the United States. where questions about the appropriateness of such assistance are increasingly being asked. According to him, “the partners would like to forget about the war, but it is still going on.” The country needs to cover a budget deficit of $ 43 billion , and this allegedly could turn into a disaster for the Ukrainian state. Such speeches against the backdrop of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are not surprising: the authorities in Kyiv are seriously afraid of a reduction in funds to support them. Nevertheless , there is no point in hoping that Western countries and the United States will stop fully providing Ukraine: the support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine remains vitally important for containing Russia. ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


Ukraine War Updates

OCT 14, 2023


Moving briefly onto the Ukrainian conflict.

Pro-Ukraine observers continue to note that Russia has apparently launched an even broader series of offensives in a variety of directions. There are gains being made in Kupyansk, in Bakhmut (around Berkhov and elsewhere), in Avdeevka, in Novomikhailovka—south of Donetsk, and near Marinka—and even regaining territory in the Zaporozhye region.

In Kupyansk region, it’s even said Ukraine has abandoned Sinkovka and the town is now in a gray zone, though it’s not confirmed.

Major Ukrainian accounts are admitting they’re now on the defensive everywhere:


The post he’s commenting on above said the following:

The tweet you won't like. In about a month a decision will be made on whether to commit reserves to achieve a breakthrough. And after that (regardless of the outcome) we'll be on the defensive for almost a year. I'd guess somewhere until August 2024.

But the real pivotal fight all eyes are on is Avdeevka. Ukrainian accounts have been full of footage of Russian losses in the past two or three days. They claim that the offensive is becoming a disaster on par with Ugledar early this year. Huge numbers of losses are being thrown around, with hundreds of destroyed tanks, thousands killed, etc.

I’ve tried to analyze it very soberly and from a neutral standpoint, poring over every video. Most certainly the offensive is experiencing some moderate losses, however the Ukrainian videos are selectively edited and aren’t representative of any ‘disaster’. There’s a few old BMPs destroyed, a tiny handful of tanks, a dozen or two KIAs, all of which is nothing compared to a large scale assault comprised of thousands of troops. Much of the armor shown is quickly cut away from and in fact only damaged and recoverable, as was the case in Ugledar.

One Ukrainian account even absurdly admitted that in his count of the destroyed armor he included—I kid you not—“all stationary vehicles.” So if you happen to be caught putting your tank momentarily in park while your gunner works out a target, sorry but you’re now listed as “destroyed” on Oryx and elsewhere.

However, I will say that I believe this offensive will be extremely telling for the future of the SMO. In that, if it does result in a disaster, then that will be a very bearish signal for the remainder of the SMO. It will be confirmation that modern maneuver warfare, and advancing under the limitations of modern ISR is simply not workable, and it’s a nut that Russia itself simply cannot crack, just like the AFU wasn’t able to with their Zaporozhye offensive.

If this becomes the case, it will have negative connotations for the remainder of the SMO. Not that Russia will lose, but that it will be an even longer and bloodier affair than we could have ever hoped for.

That’s because we know AFU is offensively exhausted and will not have any more equipment to launch significant offensives, possibly ever again. Thus, if it’s proven Russia is offensively incapable of gaining ground also, then we’ll just be back in the World War 1 scenario. Two sides slaughtering each other with drones but unable to move forward.

We can’t say that’s the case just yet—there are some promising developments. I’ll outline both pros and cons:


Russian columns are not being decimated like Ukrainian ones in Zaporozhye, particularly not by drones. There appear to be some ATGM, artillery, and mine hits, as always, but many commentators have been surprised by how ineffective Ukrainian drones have been. This is a huge positive that means Russia is finding ways to nullify Ukrainian FPVs as they advance.

Manpower losses appear small as well. Despite some BMPs hit, in virtually every case you see the dismounts are fine and end up completing their mission of securing the treelines, etc.


But the ability to suppress hidden ATGM/artillery teams on the fly continues to be one of the chief Achilles heels. Another problem is that Ukraine has now sent major reinforcements there, including some very elite and experienced units.

Russian OPSEC is said to be particularly elevated on this offensive, so we’re getting almost no information from their side. That’s made it increasingly difficult to truly judge progress, particularly because the Russian side is not releasing much footage, including ‘positive’ footage showing defeats of AFU positions, etc. This is a sign they’re taking it very seriously but the tradeoff is it leads to negative perceptions of the offensive’s health when we don’t see constant footage showing ‘successes’.

One piece of footage was released however, and you can see the scale of the armored advances:

Here’s a drone view as well: (Videos at link.)

So what are the promising gains thus far?

Firstly a general zoomed out map:


The yellow in the north is exaggerated, but at least it gives a rough idea of the vectors.

And for those interested in the units involved:


Ukrainian correspondents state that the offensive has as many as 10 axes or vectors. The two most important are those coming from Krasnogorovka toward the slag heap in the north, and that of the direct south. Other vectors include Vodiane, also in the south, as well as Opytne, directly heading toward Avdeevka city itself, seen here:


The most important gains have occurred in the north. Russian forces took the slag heap pictured south, although today it was said they retreated slightly, making it a gray zone. This is a standard rope-a-dope where they capture a position, bait AFU into a counterattack, briefly retreat to bombard the AFU, and then regain it afterwards.


However, more important than that, is forces have crept up to the key railway line seen in red above, capturing one of the forest landings directly adjacent and perpendicular to that railway—seen as the red arrow next to the railway.

The red box to the west of the railway is a forested position right on the outskirts of Berdichi that some reports claim Russian forward units have embedded into. Unfortuantely there’s no real confirmation of this.

Myself personally, I have seen videos confirming the digging in of the forest plantation at the edge of the railway line (eastern side), but not further.

Here’s a quick re-orienting picture showing the area of interest:


But if you zoom into that area, you’ll note there is an all important road leading out of Avdeevka, which is the chief life line of the city. The yellow arrows below denote the road, while the red arrow shows the slag heap Russian forces have captured:


The slag heap is very high and gives fire control over the whole region. Some Russian observers have already salivated at the fact that this all-important road is now under fire-control in the same way that the famed Bakhmut “road of death” had become, leading up to the terminal phase of Bakhmut’s liberation.

The problem for the AFU is that Russian forces have now pushed up onto Severne’s outskirts from the south. Here is the same road marked with yellow arrows, but viewed from slightly further to the south:


Note that the area circled in red is where Russian forces have begun pushing into. And note that there is no other road other than the one above leading out of Avdeevka.

Why might this be disastrous for the AFU?

Recall that Rasputitsa is already starting and will soon kick into high gear. That means all those big open fields surrounding Avdeevka will be sludge. That road will be the only life line left to move heavy equipment and supplies in and out of.

On one hand, Avdeevka is heavily fortified with tunnels and fortifications that probably have massive amounts of supplies stockpiled, but that’s still never an optimistic proposition when you’re completely besieged.

The fact that Russia may already have that final road on fire-control means bad news for the AFU.

Recall how Severodonetsk-Lisichansk looked just before the AFU was forced to abandon it:


There was only one main road out, and the AFU got out of dodge long before Russia was able to even fully clamp it down.

That being said, the coming weather changes could prove problematic for Russia’s advances as well. But now there’s word that Wagner units are being moved to this front to help with the siege in the same way they slowly suffocated Soledar and Bakhmut.

But given the losses Russian forces are experiencing, it’s definitely not a sealed deal, which is why I gave the disclaimer up front that the outcome of this fight could have major repercussions on the remainder of the SMO. If Russia can solve the puzzle of this highly fortified city in a reasonable manner (i.e. reasonable losses and time spent), then that will be bullish for the SMO.

I will give it at least another couple weeks before judging. Recall that most major and semi-major urban agglomerates took minimum two months or more to capture. Lisichansk-Severodonetsk was about a month and a half, Mariupol 2-3 months, Bakhmut even much more than that. Avdeevka may be the smallest of them all, but it’s heavily fortified in an area that has had the longest fortification build ups of all. Thus I’d expect at least a couple months of operations at the minimum, and likely it can even take much longer. Analyst Yuri Podolyaka says he expects it to fall by New Years. All that matters is the losses trade off. If it takes a long time but the loss ratio is favorable to Russia then that’s fine.

In two more weeks or so, if Russia still hasn’t even crossed the railroad tracks toward Stepove/Berdychi, as an example, then it could signal a negative outlook and quagmire.

(more, unrelated to thread.) ... atological


Palestinians evacuate wounded after an Israeli airstrike in Rafah refugee camp, Southern Gaza Strip, October 12,2023. (Photo: AP/Hatam Ali)

Israelis mulling ‘Leningrad approach’ in Gaza: Seymour Hersh report
Originally published: Al Mayadeen on October 12, 2023 by Agencies (more by Al Mayadeen) | (Posted Oct 14, 2023)

According to U.S. investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, an Israeli national security veteran said that “Israel” is pondering whether to use a “Leningrad approach” to starve out “Hamas forces” in Gaza and avoid an invasion, something the source said may lead to the murder of nearly 100,000 civilians.

The Israeli source told Hersh that “The big debate today … is whether to starve Hamas out or kill as many as 100,000 people in Gaza,” adding that,

Hamas now only has a two or three-day supply of purified water and that, along with a lack of food … may be enough to flush all the Hamas [forces] out.

The Israeli occupation continues to bombard residential areas and hospitals, as well as vital infrastructure in the Gaza Strip amid a stifling blockade that is putting at risk numerous vital resources, such as fuel, food, and medicine, with the health sector being seriously jeopardized by the stifling siege.

Information revealed to Al Mayadeen indicates that the humanitarian situation in Gaza is being exacerbated by the hour, with 330,000 people, 15% of Gaza’s population, being displaced since the start of the aggression. This figure does not include the families moving between their families’ homes, meaning this figure could be as high as 33%.

The Palestinian people, according to information obtained by Al Mayadeen, do not feel safe in UNRWA schools where they usually take shelter.

Arab foreign ministers called for the “immediate” dispatch of food, fuel, and humanitarian aid to Gaza, urging the Israeli occupation to reconsider its unjust blockade.

The source told Hersh that Hamas forces are believed to live underground, rendering the Leningrad approach more effective as it would avoid a ground offensive.

According to the source, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and occupation officials are skeptical they could manage a ground attack in Gaza since they have not been trained for warfare and are primarily utilized as security guards in the West Bank.

The source also believes the Leningrad method may also push Hamas to release some hostages in return for supplies.

The situation is exceedingly fluid and unexpected, and “Israel” may opt to launch a broad ground assault, according to the source.

The Leningrad Siege

Three men bury victims of Leningrad’s siege 1942, Volvo Cemetery, Leningrad (RIA Novosti’s archive)

The Siege of Leningrad stands as one of the darkest chapters of World War II, when German and Finnish forces, under the command of Nazi German leader Adolf Hitler, besieged the city of Leningrad in the Soviet Union. The attack resulted in an estimated 1.2 million casualties, including 140,000 children, over approximately 842 days.

Nazi forces laid siege to the city of Leningrad, now known as St. Petersburg, during World War II, from September 8, 1941, to January 27, 1944, hoping to break Soviet resistance and capture the city.

Hitler tasked the besieging forces with destroying the city to the largest extent possible, using aerial bombardment and artillery shelling, before entering it in the spring to displace its residents to remote Russian regions or take them as prisoners.

During the city’s siege by Nazi forces time, civilians endured the hardships of starvation, indiscriminate shelling, and air raids.

German forces cut off Leningrad from the south and west, encircling the city by land and sea, and blocking all supplies from reaching the city.

The residents of Leningrad suffered greatly during the siege, losing access to food, water, electricity, and medical care. Over a million people in the city perished due to hunger and disease.

Studies have shown that shelling and bombing by the invaders accounted for 3% of siege victims, while the majority succumbed to food shortages and sickness due to the shortage of essential goods.

‘Atrocity’ allegations debunked

Netanyahu alleged that what Hamas carried out was worse than ISIS, claiming “evidence” that Hamas members committed war crimes. However, these allegations have been debunked.

Oren Oziv, a journalist based in “Israel” and part of the group of journalists who were admitted into a media tour of the “Kfar Azza” settlement, denied reports of “Hamas beheading children.”

“During the tour, we didn’t see any evidence of this, and the army spokesperson or commanders also didn’t mention any such incidents,” Oren Ziv said in a post on X. ... sh-report/


The Battle of October: Stop US/Israel Genocide in Gaza – Support the Palestinian People’s Resistance
OCTOBER 14, 2023

Palestinian supporters protest during a march in response to the conflict between Hamas and Israel in New York City, USA, October 8, 2023. Photo: Bill Dores

By Khaled Barakat – Oct 13, 2023

Since October 7, the alliance represented by the United States, Israel, Britain and European countries, along with their subordinate Arab reactionary regimes, has been exposed by the initiative and achievements of the Palestinian resistance – and this camp is now responding with a genocidal assault on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

The resistance is unifying the Palestinian masses in the homeland and in diaspora, unifying the Arab masses from the Gulf to the ocean, unifying the international forces of liberation and dignity, the free people of the world who have declared their full support to the Palestinian people’s resistance and struggle for liberation. The imperialist-Zionist-reactionary camp is united in committing war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people in Gaza, and they share a joint responsibility for every crime carried out by the Israeli occupation military.

The people of the world have seen how the rhetoric of imperialism and Zionism is collapsing and being exposed. The masks of “human rights” and “democracy” have been pulled from the faces of these forces. What is happening today in Palestine is genocide and ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Israeli occupation forces, targeting universities, hospitals, schools, razing entire residential areas and neighbourhoods. Nothing and nobody in Gaza has been untouched by this brutal and criminal assault.

The Zionist enemy is carrying out this war of “revenge” without a strategy or clear targets, making it even more dangerous and brutal. They seek to cover the complete chaos in the Israeli regime and army with genocidal rhetoric and demands, making this regime a greater danger not only to the Palestinian people but to the entire region and the world.

The United States and Europe rushed to support their colonial project in the region without conditions or restrictions. This is expected behaviour, and has been repeatedly the case for over 100 years. “Israel” is a colonial settler project that was established by these forces. And the level of repression that has risen inside these imperialist powers – such as Germany, France, Canada, the United States, Australia and elsewhere – is also not a surprise, targeting Palestinian activists and communities and banning marches and demonstrations for Palestine, especially in Germany and France. Today, this is accompanied by the ban on the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network in Germany as the latest assault on our communities.

The rise of resistance in Palestine and the rise of Palestinian mobilization in the diaspora reflect the rise of an international revolutionary movement that is being born, from Gaza to Sana’a to Berlin.

In the last few days, the Palestinian people have been united behind their armed resistance. It is crucial for our struggle to be clear and to be principled in these times and at all times, but particularly when the Palestinian people are facing total genocide. There is no room for ambiguity and general statements that are devoid of content. What the Palestinian people expect from their allies and solidarity movements around the world is unconditional and full support of the Palestinian resistance actions and to bring an end to the illusion of the so-called “two-state solution.” The battle of October is not only a Palestinian battle against Israel’s crimes and genocide, it is the birth of a Palestinian, Arab and international revolution, on military, political, social, economic and all levels, because this revolution is being born in the oceans of pain and blood of our peoples, through the will and determination of the Palestinian people to launch their revolution.

This revolution does not come from a position of comfort. It comes from the most impoverished area of our people, under siege, on the front lines of the anti-imperialist camp confronting Israel. This is what makes the Palestinian revolution an international revolution. The U.S. sending its military forces and aircraft carriers to the region only proves that the Palestinian people are at the forefront of confronting imperialism, Zionism and fascism.

This is the time for anti-imperialist movements around the world to unify in their struggle and the tasks of the revolution locally in their countries. This is not separated from the rise of Africa and the shifting international balance of power. This is not just the battle of the Palestinian people. As the October Revolution in Russia opened the horizons of defeating capitalism and confronting imperialism in 1917, as October of 1956 marked the Egyptian people’s defeat of imperialism and Zionism, a liberatory moment for the entire Arab homeland, as October 1973 marked the Arab reclamation of stolen land from colonial occupation, today’s glorious October battle is an international battle, and this is the time for an international revolutionary front.

The battle of October has also been a battle of the entire camp of resistance in the region, led by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza. This sacred and unshakeable relationship has been forged through joint sacrifice and struggle of Lebanese, Yemeni, Syrian, Iraqi, Jordanian, and all Arab masses. As the Palestinians are rising, Palestine has proven once again to be the cause and the compass of the Arab masses, and as Palestine rises, sectarian wars and divisions and reactionary projects promulgated by imperialism in our region will be defeated and fade away. It is the destiny of the Palestinian people to be at the forefront. History and geography have chosen this for us for many, many centuries, defending Egypt, Syria, Lebanon , and we will remain as the shield and sword of the Arab nation until it practices its full self-determination and liberation from the ocean to the Gulf.

As the camp of the enemy is led by the United States, “Israel,” the European imperialist powers, with the complicity and submission of Arab reactionary regimes, another camp in the region is rising, led by the people of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Bahrain, Lebanon and the masses of North Africa; this camp stretches to Caracas, to Haiti resisting new imperial invasion, across the continent of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. It is the camp of the people who seek to develop and protect their own resources, wealth, destiny, culture, freedom and future – the future of humanity. And this camp is led by the working class of the world.

Western media is being exposed on a moment-by-moment bases, promulgating fascist propaganda and malicious lies and misrepresentations about the Palestinian resistance, its cause and its battle. At the same time, more people than ever are aware of the role of these state and corporate media forces in warmongering, fomenting racism and hatred, and manufacturing consent for genocide.

The battle of October has goals and objectives, which were put forward clearly by the Palestinian resistance:

1) The freedom of our political prisoners. The Palestinian people have ordered their armed resistance forces to take the necessary actions to ensure the liberation of the Palestinian prisoners, and as our Palestinian people issued this resolute decision, they understand that this is going to come with a great deal of sacrifice and pain, due to the nature of the enemy.

2) The Palestinian people have demanded to end the siege on Gaza, permanently. They have launched an 18-month popular uprising known as the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege to achieve this goal, and thousands of Palestinians were murdered, injured and paralyzed by the occupation’s forces as they marched to defend their right to return to their homes and to break the siege. Over 70% of the Palestinian population of Gaza are refugees since al-Nakba, denied their right to return home.

3) The Palestinian people will no longer accept the constant threats against their Christian and Muslim holy sites, particularly the Zionization of Jerusalem, our eternal capital of Palestine.

4) The end of the so-called “two-state solution,” permanently. No progressive voices should echo the reactionary King Abdullah II of Jordan, the fascist general Sisi of Egypt, and their crony Mahmoud Abbas. No progressive voice should be calling for permanent colonialism as a solution. The path of return and liberation against imperialism and Zionism will only come through a unified people, their revolutionary armed forces , on their unified land, from the river to the sea, and an international framework of revolutionary mutual solidarity.

An alternative world is possible. Socialism is possible. Justice and true peace and freedom are possible. They are possible with the defeat of imperialism and Zionism. And these are the messages and the lessons of the October battle in Palestine: that resistance is possible and the people of the world do not need and will no longer accept the bootheels of imperialism on their backs. This is the time to stand with the fishers of Gaza, the workers, the students and the teachers, to stand with the 5,350 Palestinian political prisoners subjected to all forms of torture and oppression, whose freedom is now within grasp. This is the time to support the Palestinian armed forces and the Lebanese resistance. This is the time to defend Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as they are not only sacred and holy places; they are also the manifestations of our history, culture and existence. Be part of this historical battle by raising your voice, now. The time is now to take a position, to be clear, to stand for justice. Do not wait until after the battle is done.

(Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement) ... d-barakat/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Tue Oct 17, 2023 12:17 pm

active defense
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/17/2023


Yesterday, concerned about the recent prominence that the Middle East has taken on, Ukraine commemorated the “600 days of war.” kyiv thus seeks to make people forget the almost eight years of civil conflict whose military reality was only really suffered in the Donbass region. As in Israel, where the status quo that was broken on October 7 was considered peace, the breaking of peace in Ukraine did not occur, according to the official narrative, when Ukrainian tanks began rolling on the roads, but only when the Russians did it. Removing from memory the civil war phase of the conflict not only confirms the version of unprovoked war in which Ukraine is simply the innocent victim of the imperial hunger of its eastern neighbor, but, above all, the idea that it cannot there be a negotiated solution. Like Israel, Ukraine sees only a military resolution to the current conflict. But for this it depends completely on the will of its foreign partners, sponsors and suppliers of the army that continues to say that it fights in its name.

The passage of time and the limited capacity of Western societies to maintain interest in a single issue are no longer Kiev's only concern, aware that it currently has significant competition in the case of Israel, a country that causes US Congress the consensus that Ukraine produced in the first weeks of the Russian invasion. The risk of making the war chronic, the perception of a part of society that the shipment of weapons can prolong a conflict in search of a Russian defeat that they see as unlikely, or simply the partisan use of the funds required for the supply of weapons. now make it difficult to approve new funds, necessary for Biden to guarantee the financing of the Ukrainian State during 2024. The Ukrainian attempt to link its struggle to that of Tel Aviv has not received reciprocity from Israel, which, according to local media, has rejected the visit with which Volodymyr Zelensky intended to show his full support for the Israeli operation and also maintain global media presence linking the two allies of the United States and their two wars. As the Ukrainian media has also reported, the Israeli response to the Ukrainian president's request was “now is not the time.” It does seem like the time for Scholz or Biden, whose visits seem to be announced for the coming days. In this situation of accumulated crises, political actors show their priorities.

Unlike Tel Aviv, Washington has adopted Ukraine's rhetoric and is actively trying to link the two conflicts, primarily to obtain the financing it considers necessary. “We are the most powerful nation in the history of the world,” a smiling Joe Biden proclaimed in an interview with the 60 Minutes program, insisting that “we can take care of Israel and Ukraine and continue to maintain our general defense.” The president of the United States seems to adhere to the theory of Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. “We have to get funds for both Israel and Ukraine. This is a priority,” she declared to explain what she seems to see as the only problem. “Really, it is up to Congress to find and elect a president and put ourselves in a position where legislation can be passed,” she said, making it clear that the only obstacle to obtaining the funds necessary to finance the war is the Republican Party. . “America can certainly afford to support Israel and support Israel's military needs and we also have and must support Ukraine in its fight against Russia,” he insisted, revealing what the first priority of the United States is, which has changed the discourse of Kiev to twist reality to include Hamas in the list of allies with which Moscow seeks to “destabilize democracy.”

On the military level, the reactivation of some fronts that have been stagnant for years, especially the Avdeevka sector, has returned Ukraine to its usual techniques. The beginning of a Russian attempt to advance on the fortified city north of Donetsk has helped Kiev to divert attention from other fronts in which its discourse simply involves always repeating the same idea: Ukrainian advances and heavy Russian casualties. This is how kyiv has been describing the fighting around Artyomovsk since last May despite not having been able to recapture the city as promised. Yesterday, media such as Newsweek reported the Ukrainian version of the battle and estimated that 3,000 Russian soldiers were killed in the local offensive that began just a few days ago. The figures are hardly credible, especially considering that an attempted assault on the city has not even begun and that the Russian advance is limited to trying to approach it from the flanks. It is possible that the Russian tactic is similar to that used in Artyomovsk and that the operation is extremely costly, but despite the few images currently available, it can be said that the scenario is not, at least for now, similar.

Military logic indicates that the attacking party must be numerically superior and that it tends to suffer higher losses than the one that, entrenched, defends itself from the attacks, so a spike in Russian casualties is to be expected once certain conditions have begun offensive actions. However, so far, even with Western data, the trend has been towards an increase in Ukrainian casualties and a significant decrease in Russian casualties, confirming this norm. It is Ukraine that has carried out offensive operations that it expected to be massive while Russia has remained waiting.

Although the casualty figures are the secret that both sides want to keep under lock and key, it is enough to observe the concern of Ukraine's allies, which has emerged in the Western press, usually willing to hide such data. Russia regularly insists on the high level of personnel casualties in the Ukrainian Armed Forces and dares to estimate a figure: 90,000 soldiers since the start of the counteroffensive, a possibly highly inflated figure with which Moscow seeks to present its solvent as a great success defense and undermine the morale of your opponent.

However, there is no triumphalism in Russian speech. Defenses have held up and Ukrainian advances are limited in the place where kyiv and its partners aspired to be most successful, the Zaporozhye front. Even so, Russian sources continue to refer to the reconnaissance carried out by Ukraine in the Kherson region, which opens the possibility of an attempt, perhaps desperate, to force the Dnieper that, for the moment, has not occurred. Ukraine has not been successful on other fronts either, especially Kupiansk, the second sector in which Russian troops carry out offensive operations. Yesterday, Oleksandr Sirsky, commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, acknowledged a “significant worsening” of the situation in the Kupiansk and Krasny Liman sector. Priority front a year ago, this is where Ukraine aspired to inflict an even harsher defeat on the Russian and republican forces retreating from Kharkiv. Kiev was not able to capitalize on its offensive and the Russian attempt to hold the front has become what the Russian president yesterday described as “active defense”, that is, an attempt to recapture positions to protect the rear.

This is the second time in just a few days that Vladimir Putin insists on the defensive nature of Russian action on the front at this time. What's more, the Russian president insisted that Moscow is aware that new Ukrainian attacks are planned. The Russian president repeated that message yesterday, making it clear that the troops of the Russian Federation are only seeking, at least at this time, territorial advances. The exception, as usual, is in Donbass, where Russian aspirations do include capturing the entire territory of Donetsk and Lugansk. But even there, the nature of those advances in Kupiansk and towards Krasny Liman are due to the defense of northern Lugansk. In the case of Avdeevka, the Russian attempt to advance on one of the most fortified areas of the front is fundamentally due to the need to stop the bombing of Donetsk.

On all fronts, the conflict has settled into a positional war and in many cases trench warfare that requires significant resources, but which, given the strength of both armies, makes major advances and, consequently, great victories difficult. A war that, despite continuing to cause casualties and destruction, causes fewer headlines and increases the fear in Ukraine of losing prominence. In this context, the fact that Kiev's needs are being presented as a priority, although always behind those of Israel, can only cause nervousness in the Ukrainian authorities, whose greatest fear is being forced to negotiate with Russia. ... more-28375

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 16, 2023
October 16, 2023

In the Kherson direction , Ukrainian formations landed on the left bank of the Dnieper the night before and attacked the positions of the Russian Armed Forces near the Cossack Camps . Another group landed on Frolov Island and shelled Krynki . Ultimately, the attack was repulsed and the enemy retreated.

Russian troops continue their offensive near Kupyansk , moving towards Sinkovka . The enemy command is actively drawing fresh forces to the site, intending to carry out a counterattack. Thus, tank units of the 41st mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces arrived at Dvurechnaya .

In the Soledar direction, the Russian Armed Forces continue to hold the line near the railway line near Kleshcheevka , repelling attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Low-intensity fighting is also taking place in the area of ​​Rabotino , Novoprokopovka and Verbovoy in the Orekhovsky sector .

At night, Russian troops launched combined attacks on enemy rear targets. One of the targets was the airport in Dnepropetrovsk , others were presumably the Mirgorod airfield in the Poltava region and Kanatovo in the Kirovograd region .


The situation on the front line and combat operations
At night, the Russian Aerospace Forces inflicted massive fire damage on the rear areas of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with cruise missiles and kamikaze drones. The target was enemy bases and aircraft. According to some reports, the airfields “ Kanatovo ” in the Kirovograd region , the International Airport near the town of Aviatorskoe in the Dnepropetrovsk region and “ Mirgorod ” in Poltava region were hit : the effectiveness of the hits and the scale of destruction are being clarified.

In the Kupyansky sector, units of the West group of troops of the Russian Armed Forces continue their offensive. Russian troops, with the support of artillery and aviation, are gradually advancing in the direction of Sinkovka , where the defense is held by the forces of the 105th regiment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Due to the rather difficult situation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, they transferred tank units of the 40th rifle battalion of the 41st infantry brigade to Dvurechnaya . From there, enemy tanks fire at the positions of the Russian Armed Forces on the opposite bank of Oskol , as well as near Novomlynsk .

In addition, mechanized detachments of the 3rd battalion of the 54th infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces arrived in the vicinity of Dvurechnaya . According to some reports, the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces intends to conduct a counterattack to regain lost positions. A similar transfer is noted in the southeast of Kupyansk. Up to 150 people from the so-called “Ukrainian Volunteer Army” arrived at Novoosinovo , Petropavlovka and Peschany . And for the continuous supply of the group, pontoon crossings have been restored in Kupyansk and Kupyansk - Uzlovoy .

In the Kremensky sector, positional battles continue in the Serebryansky forestry area , as well as at the Stelmakhovka - Torskoye line . The Russian army repelled attacks from Ukrainian formations advancing with formations from the 14th infantry brigade and the 95th infantry brigade, the 68th Jaeger Brigade, the 12th Azov Special Forces brigade and the 63rd infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Fierce clashes continue in the Soledar direction near Kleshcheevka and Andreevka . Despite the fact that the “fog of war” is still present in this area, it is known that the Russian Armed Forces are still staunchly defending positions near the railway line, pushing back the enemy.

In the Donetsk direction, the Russian Aerospace Forces are working to accumulate enemy manpower in the area of ​​the Avdeevsky fortified area . Ukrainian DRGs are actively operating, trying to get behind the advancing formations of the Russian Armed Forces. Due to heavy rains and increased fire damage from the enemy, further advance has so far become difficult. During the counter-battery fight, they managed to hit the M-109 self-propelled howitzer of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In the Orekhovsky sector, from 11 a.m., Ukrainian formations began intensively striking the forward lines of the Russian Army near Verbovoy and not far from it. Cluster munitions from MLRS and missiles from aircraft were also used. After artillery preparation and the destruction of strongholds of the Russian Armed Forces in the landings north-west of Verbovoy, assault detachments of the 82nd air assault brigade, under the cover of armored vehicles (Marder infantry fighting vehicles and Leopard tanks), went on the attack. Ukrainian paratroopers (up to 6 company groups) made several attempts to storm the village, but most of them were repulsed. Detachments of the 82nd Airborne Brigade were able to advance only to a position that was destroyed by artillery, but at the same time suffered losses of several dozen people.

At the moment, the enemy has suspended the offensive. However, attacks on the forward lines of the Russian Armed Forces continue. In addition, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have at least one more battalion in reserve, which can be used for the next assault. In this case, it is interesting that the attack on the Orekhovsky sector took place almost at the same time as the landing of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the railway bridge across the Dnieper in the Kherson direction . Whether this was planned or a coincidence is difficult to say. But this option is quite possible: while demonstrative actions are taking place in one area, a springboard is being prepared in another for the development of an offensive.

In the Kherson direction, yesterday evening a Ukrainian sabotage group landed on the left bank of the Dnieper. The DRG, operating from a bridgehead north-west of Podstepnoye, attacked positions near the Cossack Camps. Another unit, which landed on Frolov Island the day before, began shelling the village of Krynki . As a result of the fighting, the attacks were repulsed. The group that operated on Aleshkinsky Island retreated to its western part, and the one that was on Frolov Island came under attack.

In anticipation of this, on October 13 and 14, the Ukrainian Armed Forces transferred up to 80 people on 16 boats to the islands of Aleshkinsky , Alekseevsky , Antonovsky , Melkiy and Frolova . Somewhere this was due to reinforcement, but somewhere to rotation and removal of the wounded and killed due to regular attacks by the Russian Army. Now the situation on the Dnieper is relatively stable. However, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have noticeably increased the number of shelling of Russian positions on the left bank, using HIMARS MLRS and cluster munitions.

Mortar crews of the 35th infantry infantry infantry regiment are stationed in Ponyatovka , which indicates the transfer of forces of the Katran strike group to the front line. Along the Ingulets River, the movement of columns, probably of marine brigades, is noted. This indicates the imminent activation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Kherson . Yesterday's foray and the appearance of bards in the Dnieper - Bug estuary , apparently, was a test of the state of defense along the Dnieper, and such attacks will become more frequent in the future.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

Ukrainian formations have somewhat reduced the intensity of shelling of the Donetsk People's Republic . The Petrovsky and Kuibyshevsky districts of Donetsk came under enemy fire ; in Kievsky , several houses were destroyed by a direct hit from a shell, but there were no casualties. Explosions were recorded in Yasinovataya , Makeevka and Gorlovka ; there is no data on casualties or damage.

Today, Ukrainian formations once again shelled the left bank of the Kherson region : Radensk , Novaya Kakhovka , Kakhovka , Solontsy , Aleshki and Gornostaevka came under attack . In Radensk, two civilians were injured, and civilian cars were seriously damaged. The Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the populated area with cluster munitions.

Political events
On the reasons for the failure of the Ukrainian counter-offensive according to BILD journalist Julian Röpke

The controversial journalist Julian Röpke from the German publication Bild said that Western technology turned out to be ineffective during the summer offensive of the Ukrainian formations. According to “ Jihadi Julian ,” the tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers supplied to the Ukrainian Armed Forces became useless due to Russian fortifications, minefields and FPV drone attacks, and their use was reduced to playing the role of “armored buses.” He also noted that in four months the Kyiv regime failed to achieve its strategic goals.

It is very symbolic to hear this against the backdrop of past statements by Western officials and resources, which all summer talked about an impending breakthrough in the defense of the Russian Armed Forces. Now even very low-quality publications no longer want to pass off wishful thinking. At the same time, the technology of NATO countries has, rather, lost the “ wunderwaffe ” aura that the media diligently created for it. Together with the Leopards and Bradleys , Polish T-72s and Soviet T-64s were destroyed in the Zaporozhye direction , and Russian T-72s and T-80s burned in approximately the same conditions near Ugledar in the winter. Minefields and the saturation of battle formations with inexpensive high-precision weapons reduced the survivability of equipment. This cannot but affect the possibility of the parties conducting offensive operations.

About the visit of US Special Representative for the Reconstruction of Ukraine Penny Pritzker to Kyiv

Pritzker made her first visit to Ukraine after her appointment. Negotiations took place with the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky . They talked about macro-financial support and the use of frozen Russian assets to restore Ukrainian infrastructure. Zelensky said that he intends to attract private American investment in long-term projects in the agricultural sector, mechanical engineering and chemical production, and is also interested in the participation of American companies in the restructuring of the Ukrainian energy system.

About US financing of Ukraine

Despite statements by individual Ukrainian politicians about problems with financing the budget and the army, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen today gave an interview where she actually refuted these statements. In her words, America cannot allow Ukraine to “lose a war for economic reasons when it has demonstrated the ability to succeed on the battlefield.” She guaranteed that the White House would “fight” to keep the aid flowing.

Moreover, Yellen also considers it necessary to send excess profits from Russian assets blocked abroad to Ukraine’s needs. She also added that America, without a doubt , can “pull” two conflicts: financing Israel and providing the required amount of financial military assistance to Ukraine . The US economy itself is in good condition to afford such expenses, so the war must go on until the last Ukrainian . ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


The bridge to Azovstal has been restored
October 16, 20:34


The bridge to Azovstal has been restored


Google Translator


Interview with Journalist Sonja Van den Ende
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 16, 2023
Mohsen Abdelmoumen

Dutch freelance journalist Sonja Van den Ende. D. R.

Ukraine is a magnet for Islamic State militants seeking asylum after losing territory in Syria and Iraq. The country is a good place to hide and wait until they have the opportunity to return safely to the European Union or to fight in the Donbass », reveals Sonja Van den Ende, a freelance Dutch journalist who has taken refuge in Russia because of death threats from the CIA and the SBU, the Ukrainian secret service.

Mohsen Abdelmoumen: You have been in the Donbass since 2022, covering the Russian special operation as a freelance journalist. Can you describe the situation you saw there?

Sonja Van den Ende: I went to the Donbass in March 2022, one week after the start of the Special Military Operation. There had been a civil war going on since 2014, so there were already many destroyed houses. Many people forget that in the West the conflict has been raging since 2014. People were angry and at the same time very happy that finally the Russians came to help them in the fight against the Kiev regime. My first experience with the violence and battlefield nearby was in April 2022 in Mariupol. There were fights at the port and the Azov steel factory. Things were also rough in Donetsk city, every day there are, until now, still attacks by the Ukrainian army who fire (US) HIMARS on residential areas, schools and hospitals, in other words Ukrainians who attack civilians, according to them their own citizens, after all they speak of occupied territory. There are many deaths, just like in the proxy war that the West has waged in Syria or other countries!

Why, in your opinion, do the Western media continue to spread false information about Russia’s special operation in Ukraine? Don’t you think that Russia’s fight in Ukraine is also aimed at establishing a fairer multipolar world free of US hegemony?

The West, and I mean the US and its colonies in Europe, have an agenda, the agenda of world dominance and hegemony. The goal is to destroy Russia, the largest country on earth with the most natural resources. This goal has existed for decades, when we think of Napoleon or the Second World War and more recently after the fall of communism. The West’s script is to distort the facts and blame Russia for starting a war against Ukraine. But anyone who investigates the facts knows that it is the US and its vassals that have started a war against Russia through their proxies in Ukraine. The Western press has fallen into a lie and propaganda press, freedom of the press does not exist in the West. One must follow the political agenda, this is something that has become painfully clear in this conflict and many people in the West now see this, their support on social media, for example, is declining and they try to compensate for this by saying that people are radical, which is total nonsense, we are seeing the birth of a totalitarian state in Europe and the US.

Russia, President Putin, has made it clear since 2007, in the famous Munich speech, that Russia will not submit to the US and its colonial system. He was already talking about a multi-polar world. At the same time as the « birth » of the totalitarian West, we are now seeing the « birth » of a multi-polar world in Africa, the Middle East, India and many countries in Latin America. If, despite war and violence, anything good has come out of the proxy war in Ukraine, it is the liberation of Africa and parts of the Middle East, which are breaking off the chains of centuries of colonialism and the modern colonialism of the US.

In one of your recent very interesting articles, you mention the role of the Khorasan jihadists in Ukraine and their very close links with the Ukrainian intelligence service SBU. Can you tell us more?

Many jihadists fled Syria and Iraq after Russia decided in 2015, at the request of the Syrian government, to help eliminate these terrorist groups, called Daesh, which were supported by the West. Terrorists from the Caucasus also fought in Syria and Iraq. What I wrote is that many of these, including Abu Omar Al-Shishani, declared dead by the US, found shelter in Ukraine, including the notorious Muslim Cheberloyevsky, a brutal killer from the Chechen wars. One of the allied militias in Ukraine or rather NATO/US proxies are participating in their war against Russia, are the Chechens, they are called the Sheikh Mansur Battalion. The Chechen Sheikh Mansour Battalion has been fighting Russia in Ukraine since 2014. For instance, a brutal Iraqi Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) leader Maysara bin Ali, better known by his nom de guerre Abu Maria al-Qahtani approved of the joining of HTS members to fight Jihad as they call it “against the Russians”. Furthermore, he stated that if a Muslim in Ukraine fights and defeats the Russians he would be rewarded, and if he gets killed, he would be a martyr. He did so on social media X (Twitter). The SBU knew about these groups such as the Sheikh Mansur Brigade but according to them it was impossible to arrest them and now this group is being used in the fight against Russia, as the US is trying to contain the jihadists in the prisons (such as Abu Ghraib) in Iraq for the fight against Russia.

What are the consequences for Europe and the world of the deadly alliance between Ukrainian neo-Nazis and jihadist terrorists? Why is the mainstream media turning a blind eye to the strategic alliance between the neo-Nazis ruling Ukraine and the jihadists?

The consequences of using Islamic fighters, or rather terrorists who actually have nothing to do with Islam, in Syria and Iraq are already being seen in Europe itself, the flow of refugees and terrorist attacks in recent years. On top of that, the US and its vassals have introduced a new group, the neo-Nazis, they use the same script as in the Syria/Iraq war. It is known that there are many neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine, such as Pravdy Sektor, Azov, Aidar, which are deployed by the Ukrainian government in the Donbass. Mariupol was Azov’s stronghold. The Baltic States are also a Nazi stronghold, you can compare it with Turkey’s role in the Syrian war, where jihadists from Europe were given free passage to fight in Syria.

What I indicated, the Mainstream media (MSM) is not media but the mouthpiece and propaganda channels of Western pseudo governments. Free independent journalism is no longer in the West, which is why they will never report on the role of neo-Nazis. They tried until 2019, many articles have since been removed that reported, for example, the torchlight processions of neo-Nazis in Kiev and the attacks by Pravdy Sektor on Russian-speaking Ukrainians since 2014. According to the MSM, a connection between Jihadists and Neo-Nazis does not exist, it is due to stupidity of this media and the hidden agenda of the West.

In your opinion, doesn’t the West need Islamic terrorists around the world just as much as it needs neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

The US in particular needs these fighters for their proxy wars, so they need both groups. Actually, you can say that they need radicalized groups for their wars in the Middle East and now against war. They are also throwing sand in the eyes of their own population, after all, the blame lies with the « jihadists » and now they are trying to prove that there are many neo-Nazis in Russia, they do not talk about Ukraine, they are all « good » fighters who only defend their country against the « evil » Russians.

A group claiming to be an independent Russian opposition group called: “the Russian Legion”, but of course they are backed and financed by the Ukraine political and military leadership, also back- up by the West. Last June, they tried to launch a kind of ISIS (Daesh) style attack on the border region with Russia, amid loud applause from the Western media. It failed, but these are the tactics of the West.

You mentioned Ukraine’s role in the Syrian tragedy. Don’t you think that Ukraine is a hub for jihadism? What exactly is the role of the terrorist Abu Omar al-Shishani in Ukraine, given that the announcement of his death was fake news?

Ukraine is now a stronghold for Jihadists who fought in the first and second Chechen wars, these jihadists as I said were radical fighters from the Caucasus and Omar al-Shishani is an example of them. Omar Al-Shishani was declared dead by the US, like many, if we are to believe the lying press and politicians of the West. There are testimonies from the Syrian population that the US evacuated notorious Daesh members at night and took them to safe places, including this Shishani. As they declared Bin-Laden or Abu-Bakr-al-Baghdadi dead, they were usually already dead or the big mystery of Abu-Bakr-al-Baghdadi, which remain to this day, whether he was a Mossad agent. The Chechens were among the first volunteers to join the war against the Syrian people and their government. Considering that HTS, the region’s de facto rulers of Idlib, are driving the Chechens out, they are looking for a new « jihad » and that is Ukraine, the Russians have long been their enemy in the first and second Chechen wars and in Syria. Ukraine’s welcoming attitude toward foreign fighters has made relocation very easy. They are losing on the battlefield so they are very welcome. We can only guess what Omar-Al-Shishani’s role is in Ukraine. He probably fought with the Mansur brigade or started his own brigade. The Mansur brigade played an important role in the defence of Artyomovsk (Bakhmut for the West).

Ukraine is attracting Islamic State militants seeking asylum after losing territories in Syria and Iraq. The country is a good place to hide and wait until you have the opportunity to return safely to your home in the European Union or fight in the Donbass” according to Abu Omar al-Shishani”

Western governments keep claiming that they are fighting terrorism when in fact they are supporting, funding and harbouring every jihadist on the planet. How do you explain this hypocrisy?

This is exactly the script or agenda I am talking about; it throws sand in the eyes of their own people to justify their wars, they say it is for the security of the US and Europe, just like Israel does with the Palestinians. The US and Europe support these terrorists (jihadists) with money and weapons in order to eliminate their enemies. It is as President Putin recently said “everyone who behaves independently, acts in accordance with their national interest turns into obstacle that must be eliminated for Western elites ».

The West sees its influence ebbing away, its world dominance slowly crumbling. It accelerated in 2011 with the start of the US’s ‘Arab Spring’. There, for example, it tried to influence Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood came to power for a while, the same scenario for Syria and Iraq, where the Muslim Brotherhood first became Al-Qaeda and then all brigades and groups turned into ISIS, which is called Daesh in the Arab world. This is the hypocrisy of the West, I would rather call it the lies, the belligerence of the West, which has been ingrained in their genes for generations. The process of a multi-polar world has now been set in motion and the West will fight this with everything they have. Even if this means a totalitarian state for their own people.

Zelensky has Israeli nationality, as do a number of Ukrainian leaders. What exactly is the role of the Zionist entity of Israel in what is happening in Ukraine, given that there has been talk of a project for a New Israel in Ukraine?

This is a difficult question but actually simple. Zelensky and all other « Jewish » politicians in Ukraine support fascism. As I often explain, being Jewish is a religion, like Islam or Christianity, fascism is an ideology that some call a political movement. During the Second World War, Jews also collaborated with the Nazis, a good example is George Soros. Which can now be seen as the driving force behind the politics of the West.

I have heard of this theory that the Zionists want to create a new « Israel » or a colony of the current Israel. Considering that Ukraine was densely populated with Jews before the Second World War. Zelensky recently said that he wants Ukraine to become a “big Israel after the Russian invasion end”. According to the Jerusalem Post Jews behind Russia-Ukraine war want to form new Jewish state in Ukraine. According to the Atlantic Council, Europe’s so-called Think Tank, Zelensky has already developed a « road map », a plan for how Ukraine can be colonized by Israel. But given that Ukraine is losing on the battlefield and Europe and the US are running out of money for arms supplies, these dreams are likely to shatter. Rather, one should think of Poles who want to annex the West to Poland, which according to them rightfully belonged to Poland. Most of the territory of today’s Western Ukraine belonged to the Second Polish Republic until 1941. The Donbass is now Russia (Novorussia) and no longer Ukraine. The country of Ukraine will probably cease to exist.

The Zionist entity of Israel continues to kill Palestinians with impunity. Why has no Israeli leader been tried for crimes against humanity and war crimes?

The simple fact is that the State of Israel was established in 1948 with the approval of Western countries, after the Holocaust in Europe. It enjoyed special status because of this fact and became an unofficial state of the US. They West will never defend the Palestinian people or help them to achieve a real peace! Now, seventy-five years later and the total oppression and murder of the Palestinian people, Israel itself has become a totalitarian state. The myth of the oppressed people is gone and the lesson from the past of the Holocaust is also gone. They are now the oppressor and I hope that with the growth of the multipolar world this will change. In any case, the 1992 Oslo Accords must be renegotiated, not with the US or Europe, but perhaps in a different form with Russia and its Arab neighbours.

It must be made clear to Israel that they are the oppressor and that the Palestinians have a right to their land just like the Israelis. This must be the starting point. Without a solution there will never be peace in the Middle East. Currently, no Western leader or Israeli leader will be convicted of crimes against the Palestinians because the International Institutions such as the International Criminal Court have become Western institutions. Where the Western-oriented judges will only conduct cases or administer justice against members of the Western colonies. Or against opponents such as Russia. But Israel is part of the West and not a member of the ICC like the US, so justice can be administered by a worthless institution.

In the name of human rights, democracy and freedom of speech, Western governments have dismantled countries such as Iraq, Libya and Sudan. Why do you think the arrogant Western oligarchic minority insists on giving lessons in democracy to the entire planet?

The answer is in the question. The West is arrogant and is in fact ruled by large corporations, by a wealthy elite who are at the head of these corporations or institutions, such as the Rockefellers, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, George Soros, Klaus Schwab etc. Unfortunately, Europe is dominated by the US, a country de facto without culture and is a « new » state compared to Europe, Africa or the Middle East, where Europeans sought their fortune or where criminals were sent, just like in Australia. They first exterminated the original inhabitants, the Indians. After the Second World War, America developed its « American dream », which collapsed long ago. They also took the example of « old » Europe and recolonized many countries, started with Europe and then the Middle East and Africa with American bases.

The West doesn’t even know what democracy is, for the elites and oligarchs it is just a word just like anti-Semitism. Democracy means the will of the people and Semitism refers to all Semitic peoples, including Arabs, who are related by language. The West is stupid and getting stupider given the state of education and politics. Americans (not all) are hopelessly stupid when it comes to other cultures and basically as I see it, the new barbarians of the modern age. For them, everything is a kind of « Hollywood » show with deadly consequences.

My country, Algeria, has always been and continues to be the target of plots aimed at it because Algeria does not recognize the Zionist entity of Israel and is against normalization with Israel, and also because it has always supported the just causes of the Palestinian and Sahrawi people, etc. Why do the Zionist-led Western ruling classes want to destabilize Algeria?

Algeria, like other countries that want to remain sovereign, receive immediate « punishment » from the West, the US. This is how the new « colonialism » works. What I said before, the world is seeing a new kind of colonialism since 1945. America has about eighty-five military bases in the world. Supposedly to bring democracy, security and medical facilities to the population. We have already discussed the first two democracy and security; in fact, they push towards war or start a conflict in every country. In terms of medical safety or aid, Russia has proven since the SMO that the biological laboratories in Ukraine only aim to produce biological weapons. They conduct research into all kinds of viruses such as Covid-19, Ebola, etc. At least more than half of those eighty-five bases have biological laboratories. The US and its colonies are bent on world domination, but see their world domination slowly but surely disappearing into thin air. Of course, if a country like Algeria wants to harm their ally Israel or, in the case of Algeria, support the Palestinians and the Sahrawi people, they are immediately considered an enemy of America and the entire West. So, the country must suffer if it wants to remain sovereign. The more the West lose its domination, the more it will behave fanatically, which we see now in Ukraine and before in many countries in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

In your opinion, why have all the Arab countries with large armies been targeted by the empire and the Zionists?

Of course, these Arab countries that become too rich and too powerful, as happened with Libya, must be destroyed. They are a threat to the West. These big powerful Arab countries pose a threat to Israel. Israel itself has aspirations for a « greater » Israel, as described in the Yinon plan. Israel has been a military totalitarian state since its founding in 1948. Israel is together with three other countries – but Israel pretends to be democratic – which have not ratified their nuclear program with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Especially Libya because it was one of the richest countries in Africa and was dangerous for the elites in the West. They see their wealth (mostly stolen) in danger, just as is happening now in Niger. Egypt was a threat to Israel, but after signing the so-called Camp David accords it became no threat anymore, although the US first target of the Arab Spring was Egypt, they tried to get the Muslim Brotherhood into power, which worked for a while. But fortunately, they were ousted out of power. But, when they would have stayed in power, it would allow the US to expand its position of power in Egypt, because then, just like in Syria and Iraq, some kind of Islamic State would emerge, the US and the West could continue its proxy war.

You lived in Syria many years. My country, Algeria, has historic ties with Syria, and these two countries have lived through a conspiracy that targeted them and almost dismantled these nation-states. Why were these two countries targeted and what role did Israel play in the tragedy that befell our two brother peoples?

Syria and Algeria play an important role in the opposition to Israel. Syria is officially still at war with Israel since 1948, only a ceasefire was agreed at the time. The Golan Heights are occupied by Israel. Many members of Hamas, the PLO and Fatah have lived or found shelter in Syria over the years. Algeria saw the first office of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in Algiers, a thorn in the side of the Zionists and the West. That is why Algeria and Syria are high on the target list as « undesirable » countries in the US, the Zionists and the West. Algeria also has one of the largest economies in Africa now that Libya is in ruins. Syria was important after Saudi Arabia and Iraq for oil, one more reason for the Western oligarchs to keep the countries under their power. Both countries also suffered greatly under the French occupation, exploited and treated as if they were slaves in their own countries. Furthermore, the similarities with the jihadists, Algeria has suffered from the FIS, Muslim brotherhood that we would now call Al- Qaeda or Daesh. Algeria and Syria have suffered the same fate. Hopefully now that the world is changing and the hegemony of the West is crumbling, the countries can finally find peace and prosperity.

On 5 October, we saw a deadly terrorist attack on a military academy in Homs, Syria, this time using a drone. By using drones, haven’t the Al Qaeda and Daesh terrorist groups shown that they are highly adaptable? Doesn’t the use of drones represent a qualitative leap in terrorist harm, which is very important to study, bearing in mind that if terrorists have been able to strike in Syria, they can do so anywhere in the world? When we know that Ukraine, whose government is reputed to be the most corrupt on the planet, has become the country with the largest military arsenal in the world, thanks to the ‘good care’ of the West, and that massive arms trafficking is taking place there beyond any control, isn’t there a real danger to global security?

The tragedy in Homs, Syria, where about 100 people died, young people, cadets who were just finished their education is a great tragedy in a country torn by war, murder and violence. Modern warfare is now turning to drones, unfortunately, a new killing weapon for humanity. But one has to wonder where those drones come from? Al-Qaeda or other groups called Daesh do not have the resources to produce drones. So, the drones come from the West, perhaps in this case Turkey. Terrorism has taken a new dimension. The world is becoming even more dangerous now that « enemies » are going to fight each other with drones, perhaps killing thousands of innocent people. It had started with Afghanistan. The largest US drone base is located at the US/NATO headquarters in Ramstein, Germany. The West has now found an easier way to eliminate their unwanted « enemies ». We all see the bloody proxy war in Ukraine, where the West is actually at war with Russia. A drama, the greatest drama of our time. The West is completely blinded by its hatred of Russia, a difficult opponent that cannot be eliminated. Pumped full of Western weapons that the stupid and dangerous politicians in the West call « weapons for peace ». They are so blinded by power and money (most of them bought by the elite) that diplomacy is no longer possible. They are afraid of the changing world, that is why they are building new physical walls in the Baltic states and Poland. But also new digital walls, the censorship is unprecedented. Europe has fallen into a totalitarian digital dictatorship, eliminating every domestic and foreign enemy!

You are living in Moscow, you don’t dare return to your country, the Netherlands, for fear of reprisals, and you are on the Myrotvorets list, the famous ‘kill-list’ of all those Ukraine wants to eliminate, drawn up by the Ukrainian secret service SBU in association with the CIA. How do you live with this death threat on a daily basis? Are European countries still living in democracy or have they become fascist countries?

Fortunately, I have found safe shelter in Russia. As I already indicated, the West has become completely insane. Every form of truth is suppressed, freedom of the press and freedom of expression have completely disappeared. In my country of birth, the Netherlands, freedom of expression was always a great asset, but now people live under the yoke of the elite of the European Union (EU) and the oligarchs whose goal is for the population to buy from their corporations and dominate them, like the big tech companies. It has all gotten out of hand, add to that the refugees who arrive every day, a deadly cocktail. Europe is ripe for civil war.

So perhaps despite the many threats I receive every day, on social media but also from the Dutch government and institutions, which have already closed my bank and deactivated my social service number, which makes life impossible without this number and bank, you cannot live. It is a good thing that I live in Moscow, I can continue my work here and report from the Donbass. I am very grateful to the Russian government and people that I have found a safe refuge here. Indeed, I am on the Myrotvorets so-called peace list, which is actually a death list. Everyone who has been to the Donbass is on it, an honour actually, as I see it.

Governments that keep lists of people they want to eliminate are criminal governments. The US has a criminal government, the list actually comes from the CIA that says the address on the website and the European Union approves of it, so it can also be called criminal. They want their own journalist to be killed. I have been used to threats in recent years, where Al-Qaeda and Daesh have declared all kinds of Fatwas against me, recently I wrote an article about jihadists going to Ukraine to fight against Russia, after which I promptly received a message from an unknown French branch of Daesh with another Fatwa, threats came on X (Twitter). Furthermore, I am on the EU disinformation list and probably on the Dutch domestic security service list, into which I have now started an investigation. But it won’t stop me from writing the truth, that’s my job as a journalist.

You have chosen a courageous path and a noble commitment that involves many sacrifices. What message would you like to pass on to all anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist resistance fighters in Algeria and around the world?

My message to my brothers and sisters anti-Zionists and anti-imperialists is that we are truly entering a time where the world is turning into a multipolar world. Where sovereign states are sovereign and decide their own fate for their people. The West is falling, their world domination is now truly over. It will take some time and we will see the last throes of a declining empire, which, cornered, will become increasingly fanatical. But their stupidity and arrogance is their downfall. Colonialism is over, Africa and the Middle East are now breaking free from their chains after decades of oppression. Leaders and people on both continents are focusing more on Russia, not as a colonial ruler but as a trading partner on an equal footing.

Israel has the most radical government ever, which I wouldn’t even call right-wing but radical and totalitarian. Israelis protest day in and day out and call for change. Today’s Israel cannot continue in this way, they must seek peace with the Palestinians and the decades of oppression must stop.

We must continue our fight against Western imperialism. Their murderousness and wars have gone on for too long. I think Ukraine will give them the « death blow » and throw them back in time. We have had a long wait and now we have to wait for the collapse.

I want to give my support to the people of Palestine who have been oppressed by Israel since 1948. Deprived from their land and goods. The killing of innocent Palestinians has to stop. There should be a new peace plan, through Russia and China. The West has shown it has been incompetent in diplomacy or brokering peace in the conflict since the last century. Israel has to stop its crimes against humanity and now entered a very dangerous phase by proclaiming the extermination of the Palestinian people in Gaza, with an embargo on food and deprived them from basic needs like electricity and water. They should strive towards peace and justice for all people and especially their neighbours, the Palestinians. ... -den-ende/


The Return Of Several Ukrainian Children Proves That Russia Didn’t Kidnap Them

OCT 17, 2023


Russia was telling the truth when it claimed that these children were removed from the conflict zone for their safety in line with the country’s international humanitarian commitments to protect civilians.

The “International Criminal Court” (ICC) issued a warrant for President Putin’s arrest earlier this spring on charges that he’s allegedly responsible for the “unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine.” That claimed duped a lot of Westerners at the time, but it’ll now be more difficult to uphold after Qatar just mediated the return of several such children to their families, which wouldn’t have been possible if Russia ‘kidnapped’ them.

After all, if they were really ‘kidnapped’ like many people were misled into thinking for purely political reasons related to the West’s self-explanatory desire to discredit President Putin personally and Russia in general, then there’s no way that Moscow would have entered into talks about their return. Not only that, but the Kremlin wouldn’t have retained any records of where those children originally came from if it intended for them to forever live with Russian families after supposedly being ‘kidnapped’.

The fact that such records exist, a third party commenced mediation with Moscow on this issue, and some of those children were returned to their families discredits the reason behind the ICC’s arrest warrant. All of this proves that Russia was telling the truth when it claimed that these children were removed from the conflict zone for their safety in line with the country’s international humanitarian commitments to protect civilians.

Records were retained in the event that some of these same children’s parents were later found to be alive and inquired about their kids, which confirms that Russia behaved responsibly from the get-go by preparing for this scenario that ultimately came to pass in several cases thus far. Upon a reputable third party commencing mediation on this issue and passing along relevant information, officials were able to verify the identity of the parents and children, which resulted in them being reunited.

Those Westerners who learn about this latest development would do well to reconsider everything they’ve hitherto heard about President Putin allegedly ‘kidnapping’ Ukrainian kids. If they’re brave enough to do so, they’ll realize that they were blatantly lied to about this highly emotive issue, all in an attempt to maximally manipulate their perceptions of Russia and its leader. Many people can’t accept that, however, so it’s unlikely that a large enough number of them will do so to make a major difference.

Nevertheless, the Alt-Media Community would still do well to raise awareness of how these children’s return discredits the ICC’s arrest for President Putin’s arrest since that also serves to expose one of the West’s most outrageous lies since the start of Russia’s special operation. Those few Westerners who go down the rabbit hole after learning the truth about this might then enlighten others, which can accelerate the erosion of the West’s credibility and thus speed up the collapse of its “empire of lies”. ... n-children
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:05 pm

New weapons for Ukraine
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/18/2023


Since October 7, when Israel was surprised and overwhelmed by the unexpected attack by Hamas and began a military escalation that has cost thousands of lives and is causing the destruction of entire cities in the Gaza Strip, Ukraine has been concerned about the possibility that its war will take a backseat to its main allies. The fear centered, above all, on the position of the United States, for whom Israel is too important an ally and which has immediately become the main priority. American statements in favor of Israel and even the sending of aircraft carriers to the area have coincided with messages such as that of John Kirby, who warned that funds for Ukraine are running out. All of this had caused tremendous nervousness in kyiv and Brussels, which has gone so far as to publicly ask the United States for “clarity” about the situation and its involvement in the war effort.

To counteract the loss of media prominence and prevent its cause from being removed from the first line of priorities due to Israel's war against Gaza, Ukraine began to link both conflicts from the first hours. Kiev thus sought to insist on the importance of its armed forces to wage a common war of the Western world against the other , an enemy that it defines in different ways depending on the needs of the moment. When Russia began using Shahed kamikaze drones, of Iranian design, Ukraine incorporated the Persian country into that kind of reissue of George W. Bush's axis of evil and also introduced the People's Republic of Korea even before Vladimir Putin took office. meet with Kim Jong Un. All that was needed was the rumor of military cooperation and deliveries of North Korean artillery ammunition to Russia. This week, Ukraine has added Hamas to that list of international actors that it describes as terrorists and that it understands have something in common: they are threads managed from Moscow. Kiev thus presents a global war in which it proclaims itself the defender of Western civilization against Asian barbarism, a rhetoric on the rise in the media, although directed, not at Moscow, but at Palestine.

Demanding help to fight a common war has been Ukraine's strategy since even before Russian troops crossed the Ukrainian border, but the argument has been increasingly used as Kiev has needed more military assistance. The slogan is now repeated to maintain relevance and ensure that the meager territorial gains of the current counteroffensive do not translate into disinterest in the Ukrainian cause in Western capitals. But kyiv is aware that the most efficient way to maintain the interest and support of its allies is to offer them victories and show what it is capable of doing with the weapons sent. The plan failed in the case of Western tanks in the first passes of the Ukrainian attack on Zaporozhie, but was efficient in the case of precision artillery in 2022. The first HIMARS sent by the United States were used - usually alongside heavy artillery of Russian origin, a detail that Ukraine ignored when showing its successes in war reports - to destroy magazines and Russian military and logistical infrastructure in the rear. The most obvious case is that of the Antonovsky Bridge, whose destruction made the defense of the city of Kherson unfeasible for Russia and guaranteed Ukraine the supply of increasingly more heavy artillery.

Although without the possibility of obtaining a victory significant enough to attract the attention of its partners on the front that the United States demands be the priority, that of Zaporozhie, Ukraine has wanted to return to the front pages of international newspapers showing its military power. Following the example of the initial use of HIMARS, kyiv has carried out a series of strong attacks against military targets in important locations in the Russian rear in recent hours. With missiles, Ukrainian troops attacked Berdyansk, on the coast of the Azov Sea in the Zaporozhie region, and Lugansk, where Russian military logistics for Donbass are centralized. In its habit of giving a cinematic tone to its exploits, Ukraine even wanted to name the operation, Dragonfly , in which it attacked airfields and ammunition warehouses in the two cities. Russian sources speak of the use of six missiles, of which three were shot down and the rest reached their targets. These sources confirm Russian losses, especially significant in the case of damaged helicopters.

The attack is further proof that the danger in Ukraine is not only on the front line, where the Russian president has stated this week that more attacks are expected, but especially in the rear. This is where kyiv's troops have achieved the most successes, some of them propaganda, others relatively relevant. The images of the Berdyansk airfield burning add spectacularity to an attack that must be considered worrying. kyiv once again shows its ability to harm Russian troops. Unlike in the Ukrainian case, where foreign dependence is absolute, Russia is capable of replacing lost equipment thanks to its military industry, which has endured the pull even despite the sanctions. However, aviation and the navy are the weakest links in that chain due to the time required to replace equipment. Both sides are aware of this and hence the attacks that are also taking place on the other side of the front, where Russia has attacked Ukrainian airfields in recent days at least in the regions of Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson and Odessa.

Even before the images of the remains of the ammunition used were published, The Wall Street Journal announced the weapons with which Ukraine attacked Berdyansk and Lugansk, American ATACMS, the cruise missiles that it had been demanding for months. The United States had played with ambiguity in recent months: Ukraine announced during Zelensky's visit that Washington had approved the delivery, although there was no official statement, as occurred in cases such as HIMARS, cluster munitions or tanks. Westerners. According to The Wall Street Journal , the missiles were delivered to Ukraine “secretly in recent days.”

The images of the missile remains show, according to the Russian source Rybar , two types of ATACMS, one of them with cluster munition as Ukraine had demanded. “Today we give special thanks to the United States. Our agreements with President Biden are being fulfilled. They are being carried out with great precision, the attacks show it themselves,” said Volodymyr Zelensky. His words show that, in addition to the obvious objective of causing losses on the Russian side, Ukraine sought to show the world, really only the United States, its military capacity. Use Western weapons and obtain good results - as has undoubtedly happened on this occasion judging by the images and the explicit reproach of Rybar , who accuses the Russian command of having ignored warnings and made mistakes similar to those that caused great losses in the first months of the Russo-Ukrainian war - is Ukraine's main argument to show its partners that it is still useful. And sending cruise missiles secretly, thus avoiding the risk of their delivery being detected, is perhaps the best example to show that Washington has not forgotten, nor will it forget in the future, its Kiev proxy. Thus, Ukraine now has a new miracle weapon with which to attack the Russian forces in the rear and obtain its headlines. It remains to be seen whether the small number of missiles referred to by The Wall Street Journal is just the beginning, which will determine the danger it poses, and whether other countries, mainly Germany, will follow the example and also send the missiles that Ukraine has demanded so much arrogance from them.

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 17, 2023
October 18, 2023

Last night, the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched missile attacks on the airfield in Berdyansk , using an American ATACMS ballistic missile and several GLSDB shells for the attack . Some of them were shot down by air defense systems, but several reached their target, hitting an ammunition depot and several helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

In the Kherson direction , Ukrainian formations, operating along the railway bridge, made a breakthrough and occupied the village of Poyma on the left bank of the Dnieper . After the arrival of reinforcements, the Ukrainian Armed Forces moved on and were able to reach the northern outskirts of Peschanivka . Fighting in the area continues.

In the Svatovsky sector, Russian troops continue their positional offensive from Ploshchanka towards Makeyevka . The Ukrainian Armed Forces are transferring fresh forces to this area and are trying to establish new crossings near Borovaya in order to improve their logistics capabilities.

At night, the Russian Armed Forces launched strikes at the rear targets of the Ukrainian formations: the Ukrainian Armed Forces' deployment points in Odessa and Slavyansk , as well as presumably the airfield in Voznesensk , came under attack .


APU push to Peschanovka in the Kherson direction

Yesterday evening, at least four groups of the 35th and 36th infantry infantry fighting forces of the Katran strike group landed at the railway bridge on Aleshkinsky Island and tried to advance to Peschanovka and Aleshki . As a result of artillery fire on enemy movement areas, eight people were injured. The Marine advance was halted and the wounded were moved ashore for evacuation.

However, in the afternoon, two assault groups of the 35th and 36th Marine Brigades of the Ukrainian Navy, after regrouping, continued the attack along the railway bridge. As a result of the breakthrough, with the support of artillery and FPV drones, the Marines were able to occupy the village of Poyma . There, enemy units took up a perimeter defense, and after reinforcements arrived, they reached the northern outskirts of Peschanivka . According to some reports, several houses on the northern outskirts were occupied by Ukrainian formations.

Artillery was intensively used in the areas where the Ukrainian Armed Forces are located, which is why the Ukrainian formations suffered losses. Some of the seriously wounded were evacuated to the northern part of the island. But nevertheless, the situation in Poyma and Peschanivka now remains a mystery due to the fog of war. At the same time, on the opposite side, near Sadovoy and Pridneprovsky , the 501st and 1st battalions of the 36th infantry brigade (up to 300 people) are preparing to cross the Dnieper , whose task is to capture Peschanivka and reach Podstepnoye .

At the same time, to the north of the islands of Kozatsky and Melky , several more assault groups of the Ukrainian Navy are preparing to attack the line Cossack Camps - Krynki . All day on October 17, weapons and ammunition were transferred from the Ingulets area . The tactical success of the assault detachments of the 36th brigade creates the preconditions for a more active entry of the Katran strike group into battles in the Kherson direction. This is indirectly confirmed by the movement of counter-battery weapons to the contact line, such as the Cobra and AN/TPQ-36 radars, as well as Bukovel electronic warfare stations, which, as a rule, are kept at a distance because of their value.

And the question arises: how was such a breakthrough allowed to reach two populated areas? We wrote for several months that there is a bridgehead of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the island zone and in some areas of the left bank of the Dnieper, but no measures were taken. I would like to believe that now the threat will be taken more seriously .

About the attack on the airfield in Berdyansk

At night, the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked the airfield in Berdyansk . According to updated information, Ukrainian formations used not only ATACMS to attack the airfield ( photos of fragments of the M74 cluster submunition appeared online ), but also a cheaper version of the Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb or simply GLSDB .

Six missiles were fired, three of which were shot down by air defense crews, and the other three hit their targets. As a result of the combined attack, an ammunition depot was hit, and several helicopters received varying degrees of damage. ATACMS have a shorter flight time than cruise missiles, making it more difficult to escape an attack. This will make certain adjustments in actions at different levels - something similar has already happened before after the enemy appeared with HIMARS and Storm Shadow.

Both GLDSB and ATACMS are used from ground-based MLRS M270 and HIMARS, and both have a range of more than 150 km. The most likely launch area, taking into account the combat radius, is the Zaporozhye region. Apparently, the command did not expect such an attack on the airfield , although there were warnings about a possible raid. The advent of ATACMS, GSLDB or other new long-range missiles will make adjustments to the use of army aviation. Otherwise, the situation with Chernobaevka at the beginning of the Northern Military District will be repeated, when carelessness cost the loss of several aircraft on the ground.

As colleagues correctly note , ATACMS are not “wunderwaffes” - air defense will learn to shoot them down, and other measures will greatly reduce the effectiveness of their use. The question is how quickly it will be possible to adapt to their use by Ukrainian formations.

Contrary to official statements by Western politicians and the media, the first batch of missiles of this type was delivered to Ukrainian territory back in August. Apparently, the beginning of their use by Ukrainian formations will now be announced in the White House . All publications by the WSJ and any other publications that ATACMS missiles were supposedly delivered to the Ukrainian Armed Forces only a few days ago, pursue one single goal - to “legalize” the beginning of their use. But in fact, they arrived in Ukraine back in August .

Similarly, Western media reported that the Ukrainian formation sent HIMARS MLRS, Storm Shadow / SCALP cruise missiles and other products after they actually began to be used in the Northwestern Military District zone. Therefore, apparently in the near future we should expect launches of German Taurus missiles , which have long been in storage near the Kanatovo and Ozernoye airfields .

About the enemy's plans in the southern direction

The night attack on Berdyansk , the raid of nine Mugin-5 UAVs on Krasnoperekopsk and the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ forays on the left bank of the Dnieper once again raise the question of the enemy’s impending combined operation in the southern direction. So far, the implementation of this scenario is hampered by our superiority over the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the air. Due to the presence of attack helicopters in Russia, a ground attack looks unpromising.

The strike on Berdyansk caused serious damage not only to army aviation, but also to ground units in the Zaporozhye direction (fire support would become more difficult). The Ukrainian Armed Forces want to achieve a similar effect in the Kherson sector, which makes Dzhankoy and other bases in Crimea priority targets for attacks.

Over the past three days, the airfield in Dzhankoy was photographed five times by American satellites. And the total number of shootings of objects on the peninsula increased sharply to 113 in a week. As before, special emphasis is placed on military bases and proposed air defense areas. In the Kherson region, the number of filming increased from 7 to 14 on average per day. The interest of the satellite constellation largely falls on the coastline of the Dnieper, including Krynki and nearby areas, as well as logistics junctions from Crimea.

The situation on the front line and combat operations

At night, the Russian Aerospace Forces launched combined strikes using missiles and drones against the rear areas of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Ukraine. According to preliminary data, the Martynovka military airfield in the southwest of Voznesensk , Nikolaev region , was hit . In addition, the dormitory of the Donbass Agrarian College in Slavyansk was hit . Educational institutions at such a short distance from the front line are often used as locations for Armed Forces personnel; children do not study there. In Odessa , drones hit a yacht club in the Primorsky district of the city. According to some reports, mercenaries from foreign units were stationed there.

In the Svatovsko - Kremensky sector, Russian troops continue a systematic offensive from Ploshchanka . Advancement through fortified areas and minefields is gradual in order to preserve the lives of personnel. The enemy's position is deteriorating due to active artillery and air strikes. For this reason , one of the units of the 4th tank brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was transferred to the Makeevka - Nevskoye line .

Similarly, the movement of 150 people from the 25th airborne brigade to Novoselovka is noted . If the situation worsens, paratroopers of the 25th brigade will also be transported to the Svatovsky site . Against the backdrop of regular attacks by the Russian Army on crossings across Oskol , Ukrainian formations sent pontoon formations to Borova , which should build new bridges to diversify logistics. This will also make it possible to secure the supply of the Kupyansk group in the event of the destruction of the pontoons in that area.

At the same time, the Ukrainian command expects a resumption of hostilities in the area of ​​the Tor ledge . 160 people from an unidentified formation were transferred to the Dibrov direction . The enemy's efforts are concentrated on the defense of already occupied lines. Despite the strengthening of the group, there are no prerequisites for an attack in this direction. But the intention to reduce the combat potential of the Russian Armed Forces can be seen in the increasingly frequent use of aviation and missile forces for attacks on the rear. And the main target, judging by the trend, is airfields.

In the Soledar direction on the southern flank of the Bakhmut defense , enemy attacks continue in the Kleshcheevka area , but without any success. Russian troops confidently hold positions near the railway line near a settlement destroyed in battles.

In the Donetsk direction, the operation to encircle the Ukrainian group in the Avdeevsky fortified area continues. In the southern sector there are battles on the outskirts of Vodyanoye , on the approaches to Opytnoye and on the E50 highway section ; the advance is complicated by a powerful fortified area of ​​the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the territory of the former Tsarskaya Okhota hotel; in the northern sector - near Berdychi and Stepovoy ( Petrovsky ). Neither side still has stable control over the waste heap.

At the moment, the assault units of the Russian Armed Forces are consolidating on the achieved lines; due to active counteraction from enemy artillery and unmanned aircraft, further advance is difficult. In addition, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have transferred a significant amount of manpower to the area to maintain direction, and fierce clashes continue.

In the Orekhovsky sector, fighting continues between Rabotino and Verbov . According to yet unconfirmed data, the enemy began to withdraw some of its manpower from this area in order to transfer them to another direction.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas
In the morning, the enemy attempted to strike the territory of Crimea with nine Mugin 5 Pro UAVs. Electronic warfare equipment suppressed the operation of the drones, they fell and detonated in a field near the village of Sovkhoznoye , Krasnoperekopsk district, there were no casualties or destruction. Increased enemy activity in the Black Sea area was again noted. The RQ-4D Phoenix drone was patrolling in the air all day, either near the Krasnodar Territory or south of Crimea.

And in the western part of the Black Sea, off the coast of Romania , there is an American MQ-9A Reaper UAV, which is periodically involved in guiding sea drones. Also, a couple of hours ago, 100 km southwest of Sevastopol, naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet destroyed one unmanned boat. Considering the intensification of fighting on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson direction, attempts at both diversionary attacks by the DRG in Crimea and attacks on important military targets are quite possible.

In the evening, air defense crews shot down an aircraft-type UAF drone in the sky over Belgorod . According to preliminary data, there were no casualties or damage.

The Donetsk People's Republic has once again come under fire from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Arrivals were recorded in Gorlovka , Golmovsky and Yasinovataya , there were no casualties. In Donetsk, civilian infrastructure was damaged in the Kuibyshev and Kiev regions, and one woman died there. The Kirovsky and Petrovsky districts also came under attack, but no one was injured.

Today, Ukrainian formations carried out massive strikes on Skadovsk , as a result of which two civilians were injured. In addition, Novaya Kakhovka , Kakhovka , Malaya Lepetikha , Sagi , Aleshki and Novaya Zburevka became the targets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces . According to the head of the Kherson region , Vladimir Saldo , the enemy fired cluster munitions at Novaya Kakhovka , causing significant damage to civilian infrastructure.

Political events
On the problems of the Ukrainian counteroffensive

The British publication The Economist also drew attention to the obvious discrepancy between the achievements of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the south and their strategic goals . According to the authors, the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ attempts to break through the front in the Zaporozhye region ultimately ended with the Russian Armed Forces themselves launching an offensive near Donetsk . It is curious how the material describes the battles in Avdiivka : they call it nothing less than a symbol of Ukrainian resistance. Although, it would seem, the example of the same Bakhmut clearly shows that giving such media sacred significance does only a disservice to the Ukrainian formation.

At the end of the article there is an interesting conclusion: regardless of whose control Avdeevka ends up, the actions of the RF Armed Forces will force the Armed Forces of Ukraine to withdraw forces from other areas. This will have a negative impact on the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the south, and officials in NATO countries no longer believe that the Kiev regime will be able to make progress there before winter. That is, the Western reader is once again being hinted that there is no need to expect an early victory for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Therefore, we need to prepare for a “war to the last Ukrainian” with new large packages of financial and military assistance to the Kiev regime.

About the repair of damaged Leopard tanks in Lithuania

The Lithuanian army, together with representatives of the German military-industrial complex, will repair Leopard tanks transferred to the Ukrainian Armed Forces on its territory. The Lithuanian military department noted that such events make it possible to train and maintain the readiness of personnel, ensure verification of supply chains and provide uninterrupted support to Ukraine. This is not the first time that Lithuania has provided such assistance to the Ukrainian army: previously, the Lithuanians repaired PzH2000 self-propelled howitzers for the Ukrainian Armed Forces , and also trained 18 Ukrainian military personnel in their repair.

Apparently, the Lithuanian and German enterprise will not be an addition to the Polish Leopard repair center, but a direct competitor. Which is quite logical, after the very first tank sent back to the battlefield, it became clear that the Poles were not up to the task: two Leopards were sent for repairs at the end of July, and one was returned only at the beginning of October.

On the supply of American M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine

According to Colonel Martin O'Donnell , representative of the US Army in Europe and Africa, Ukrainian formations received 31 Abrams tanks. In addition, Ukrainian military personnel who trained to operate tanks in Europe and the United States, as well as technical personnel, shells and spare parts, also arrived.

O'Donnell believes it may be some time before the Abrams hit the battlefield, as "Ukrainian forces need to decide when and where to use the tanks for maximum effect." It was exactly the same with the English Challenger 2: more than three months passed from their arrival in Ukraine to the first destruction near Rabotino.

On the creation of the Ukraine Facility in the EU

The European Parliament approved in the first reading the creation of a Ukraine Facility fund worth 50 billion euros . This is a new EU financial instrument through which Ukraine will be provided with grants and loans to “recover” the country in the period from 2024 to 2027. This amount will also include confiscated Russian assets in Europe. Ukraine, in turn, will have to carry out a number of reforms in exchange for the allocation of money. The new fund was forced to be created as part of the revision of the current long-term EU budget, which is already coming to an end and does not provide for any financial assistance to Ukraine after 2023. The European Parliament wants to add this aid package to the annual budget for 2024. At the same time, the final approval of the decision to create this fund lies with the EU member states.

The Europeans have outwardly strengthened provisions to combat fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest and irregularities in the use of EU funds in Ukraine. Companies affiliated with oligarchs should not have access to money. The European Parliament website states: "MEPs call for strengthened democratic accountability within this mechanism and call on Ukraine to preserve the multi-party character of its ' democratic state ' and bring it into line with the requirements of EU membership." To increase transparency and improve control over the spending of funds, members of the European Parliament plan to create a website where it will be possible to view detailed information about the money transferred to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the government, for what purposes it was spent, as well as what reforms were carried out in the country. ... 2023-goda/

(Other images at link.)

A new “wunderwaffe” for Ukraine? Or not.
October 17, 2023
Goodwill Revenge

ATACMS is an abbreviation for Army Tactical Missile System (army tactical missile system) designed for high-precision destruction of particularly important targets located deep in enemy defenses: command posts (group, area target), missile launchers (group, area target), air defense facilities (single or group target), communication centers (single and group target), fuel depots (area, group target), in any weather conditions and at any time of day.

The ATACMS system was designed to replace NATO's outdated MGM-52 Lance (liquid-fuelled missiles), providing tactical support with precision-guided missiles to ground troops.

ATACMS Block 1 had a maximum firing range of 165 km. This warhead (weighing 560 kg) was equipped with 950 M74 submunitions, which were dispersed over an area. ATACMS Block 1 had only an inertial guidance system, which provided it with a certain level of accuracy. However, meteorological preparation, combined with the missile's short firing range, provided a greater likelihood that the target would be successfully hit (as was successfully demonstrated in 1991). The rocket was 3.98 m long and 0.61 m wide with a launch weight of 1,673 kg. It used a single-stage solid propellant engine.

Development began in 1982, when the US Army CSWS (Corps Support Weapon System) program began in 1980 as a successor to the MGM-52 "Lance" and the US Air Force CSW program. Conventional Standoff Weapon) combined into the JTACMS program (English: Joint TACMS, literally Unified Tactical Missile System).

In 1985, after awarding preliminary development contracts to several companies, the USAF withdrew from the program, after which it was renamed ATACMS (Army TACMS).

In the mid-2010s, the US Department of Defense made a fundamental decision to gradually phase out the production and use of cluster warheads. Such plans make it impossible to continue operating three types of ATACMS missiles out of the four existing ones (but old missiles can be melted into Khokhlov, the war in Ukraine is a way to write off old weapons). A new program was launched, its goal was a deep modernization of existing models that no longer met the new requirements. As part of the new project, Lockheed Martin was required to create updated versions of the existing MGM-140A / ATACMS Block 1 and MGM-140B / ATACMS Block 2 missiles. A promising operational-tactical missile, based on the design of existing models, received the official designation M57A1.

The main method of production of M57A1 products was the repair and modernization of MGM-140A/B operational-tactical missiles removed from storage.

ATACMS Block 1A has a minimum range of 100 km and carries one 160 kg warhead. The maximum firing range depends on the warhead. 300 km for a warhead with submunitions and 270 km for a unitary warhead. The cluster warhead can be equipped with 300 M74 submunitions, which are dispersed over a target area, or unitary. ATACMS Block 1A uses an improved inertial guidance system in combination with a global positioning satellite system (GPS), which gives it a higher level of accuracy (compared to ATACMS Block 1 missiles).

The circular probable deflection of the missile (at maximum firing range) is 10 m. The missile has the same length (3.98 m) and width (0.61 m) characteristics as ATACMS Block 1, but has a lower launch weight of 1,321 kg. The ATACMS Block 1A missile also uses a single-stage solid propellant motor.

Currently, missile systems can use four types of ATACMS missiles. Of these, only one (MGM-168A ATACMS Block 4A) carries a high-explosive fragmentation warhead. Three other products are equipped with cluster warheads with high-explosive fragmentation or other submunitions; their number depends on the type and purpose: for example, the 560-kg head of the MGM-140A missile carries 950 combat elements, while the MGM-164A is equipped with only 13 products of this type with a total weight of 268 kg.

The M142 HIMARS (on a wheeled chassis, one missile) and M270 MLRS (on a tracked chassis, two missiles) launchers are designed to launch missiles.

From an electronic warfare point of view, the object is not the most convenient. The GNSS receiver, as with cruise missiles, must be suppressed along the entire flight path of the missile (of course, it is not a Chinese receiver, but a real military receiver). This approach can give a certain number of meters of deflection, which is critical for a high-explosive fragmentation warhead, but for a cluster warhead it may not play any role.

Thus, the best means of combating ATACMS remains air defense (even better, of course, is to destroy missile launchers and warehouses).

Camouflage and prototyping of target objects for a given weapon system can also play a role. ... y-ili-net/

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On the military course of the new Polish government
October 18, 14:29


About the military course of the new government of Poland.

Polish Armed Forces: expenses and numbers will be reviewed

On October 15, elections were held in Poland, as a result of which the “Civic Coalition” (CC) came to power. Today its representatives began to highlight the vector of Polish politics for the next 4 years.

According to the Coalition, the Polish Army will continue modernization relying on its own industry, and the volume of weapons purchased abroad will be reduced. The number of troops will be brought into line with the challenges. In addition, the service life will be increased. NATO remains our main ally. Permanent American bases will appear in Poland. The strategic goal is to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia together with Ukraine.

The ex-Deputy Minister of Defense of Poland, Czeslaw Mroczek, who is applying for the post of Minister of Defense from the “Civil Coalition”, went over the Polish troops in more detail, who said: ▪️the production of

Polish self-propelled guns “Crab” will be restored;
▪️Korean weapons will fade into the background;
▪️300 thousand troops are pure propaganda;
▪️to purchase 100 helicopters, we need 400 pilots, which we don’t have;
▪️Apache helicopters and Abrams tanks are too expensive;
▪️TerO troops will be reassigned to the chief of the general staff;
▪️The strategic defeat of Russia is vital for Poland.

In turn, the press secretary of the parliamentary club of the Left party, Marek Kacprzak, voiced the party’s position:

▪️supplies of ammunition and military equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine must continue;
▪️the nature of the presence of NATO troops in Poland must be permanent;
▪️the Polish air defense and missile defense system will be created no earlier than 2030;
▪️in recent years, more than 35 thousand people have left military service;
▪️in the Armed Forces there are unhealthy interpersonal relationships, an absolute shortage of everything, a shortage of weapons and equipment, total supply problems.

As we see, despite serious problems in the development of the armed forces of Poland, the new government of the “Coalition” will for the most part maintain a confrontational course towards Russia and Belarus, will continue to purchase weapons and prepare for aggression against our states. - zinc

Undersea cable between Sweden and Estonia damaged
October 18, 13:02


Undersea cable between Sweden and Estonia damaged

Sweden has received information about damage to the undersea telecommunications cable running between Estonia and Sweden. Minister of Civil Defense Karl-Oscar Bohlin announced this at a press conference.

“We have received data about damage to an undersea telecommunications cable running between Estonia and Sweden. We cannot assess what caused the damage,” said Karl-Oskar Bohlin. “But we can state that this damage occurred in time and space close to reported damage to the gas pipeline [between Finland and Estonia]."

The minister explained that the location of the damage is not in Swedish territorial waters or the economic zone, but in Estonia. According to him, the authorities of the two countries, as well as Finland, are working closely to find out the causes of the incidents.

The operation of an undersea gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia has been suspended due to a suspected leak. Finnish authorities said at a press conference on October 10 that the damage to the gas pipeline, discovered early on the morning of October 9, was likely the result of external influences. Chief Criminal Inspector Timo Kilpeläinen indicated that the point of damage to the gas pipeline is located in the economic zone of Finland, in the central part of the Gulf of Finland.

PS. A little earlier, the Balticconnector pipeline was damaged, which will be repaired until April.
While everyone is silent, I’ll tell you the terrible truth - they were Ukrainian saboteurs on a yacht.

Weapons sanctions against Iran have expired
October 18, 11:47


UN weapons sanctions against Iran expired today. The UN is removing sanctions data from its resources. Accordingly, the opportunities for military-technical cooperation with Iran are increasing sharply.

Statement by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with the expiration of a number of restrictions within the framework of UN Security Council Resolution 2231

On October 18, the requirements of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 regarding the Iranian missile program and international cooperation with Tehran in this area, as well as the “freezing” of the assets of certain individuals and legal entities of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), are terminated. At the same time, the United States and European countries were obliged to take a whole range of practical steps to finally lift the inherently illegal unilateral sanctions against Iran, which would create conditions for the Iranian side to ratify the Additional Protocol to the Agreement with the IAEA on Comprehensive Safeguards.

We firmly believe that the decisions of the Security Council must be strictly implemented in strict accordance with their letter and agreed upon parameters. Opportunistic attempts by Western countries to retroactively rethink or revise the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 are illegal, destructive and undermine the carefully calibrated balance of interests that underlies it.

We are talking not only about the chronic failure to comply with this resolution on the part of the United States, but also about the decision of the European Union announced on October 17, contrary to its obligations to maintain anti-Iranian restrictions and thus follow the “slippery slope” of legal arbitrariness trodden by Washington.

In an effort to settle political scores with Tehran, the West is taking direct aim at the JCPOA, openly demonstrating disdain for international law, the UN Charter and the authority of the Security Council. The promises of the current US administration to abandon the policy of maximum pressure on Iran and return to the “nuclear deal” remained in words. Now the EU, which formally remains the coordinator of the Joint Commission of the JCPOA, as well as the European countries that are direct participants in the “nuclear deal” find themselves in a very unsightly and ambiguous position.

The promises made in the statement of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Jean Borrell, on October 6, to continue efforts in favor of restoring the full implementation of the JCPOA are no longer credible. It is difficult to imagine how the course taken by the European Union towards deliberate non-compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 2231 can be combined with productive work to revive the “nuclear deal”. The EU members are clearly unable to impart decency to their actions, since the JCPOA mechanisms on which they are trying to rely have not been used. Thus, Brussels and the European countries participating in the JCPOA voluntarily joined the campaign launched by D. Trump to collapse the comprehensive agreements of 2015.

We strongly condemn the unfair practice applied by Western states: the Security Council, after lengthy negotiations in strict accordance with the UN Charter, makes a decision on a specific country, and then the United States and its satellites supplement it with unilateral sanctions without approval in the Security Council. This problem was urgently raised by Russia at the level of the UN Security Council, incl. during a meeting on September 20 on the topic of promoting the implementation of the principles and purposes of the UN Charter through effective multilateralism.

The plans of the Anglo-Saxons and EU members to justify their unlawful actions by escalating the imaginary Iranian threat and shifting responsibility for the fate of the JCPOA to Tehran are futile. Unilateral decisions made in the West to please irrepressible ambitions and phobias are a manifestation of inability to negotiate and obviously do not entail legal consequences for other countries that treat international law and their obligations with due respect.

For our part, we will continue to be strictly guided by the provisions of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2016 No. 109 “On measures to implement UN Security Council Resolution 2231 of July 20, 2015.” Supplies to and from Iran of products falling under the Missile Technology Control Regime no longer require prior approval by the UN Security Council. The list of “listed” persons contained in the annex to the resolution is no longer relevant. European countries should recognize this and immediately abandon their policy of unilateral restrictions on Tehran. Any other options call into question the prospects of the JCPOA and lead to an escalation around the Iranian nuclear program with very likely disastrous consequences for the already tense situation in the Middle East. - zinc

The expiration of these sanctions opens up additional opportunities for the Russian Federation to purchase missiles from Iran, and for Iran, the opportunity to purchase missile technologies in Russia.
There is something to discuss.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:32 pm

“Influencers” of war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/19/2023


War gives visibility, prominence and relevance to all types of people and groups capable of capitalizing on the misfortune of others for their benefit. The increase in arms demand, accompanied by the impetus to modernize armies and equipment and replenish arsenals, has meant enormous economic benefits for large Western companies that are impossible in peacetime. It is the most explicit and direct case of the economic benefit that the suffering of distant populations represents for certain elites. However, he is not the only one. Several studies on the voices that are influencing the analysis of this war also show a benefit, perhaps not economic, but political and media, for a varied range of think-tanks linked to that same Western military-industrial complex. War gives voice to more war, always amplifying the most belligerent sectors.

The Ukrainian conflict has not only given more media presence, but has practically catapulted the status of stars to the most exalted of all types of sectors in favor of the war, from liberal humanitarian interventionism to neoconservatism, passing through those who want to fight against Russia to the last Ukrainian as a way to confront China. This is the case of people like Mijailo Podolyak, a figure previously in the shadows of the Office of the President, who has managed to have each of his words considered an official statement of Ukraine and each of his tweets translated into headlines in the mainstream media. international. Their fanaticism has contributed significantly to creating a situation in which there is no possible alternative to war until the end, something that the West has allowed by sharing with the most radical sectors of Ukraine the final objective of wearing down as much as possible or even militarily defeating Russia. .

Mikhailo Podolyak is currently the most talked about political figure in Ukraine, only behind Zelensky. His ability to synthesize the position of the Ukrainian Government, to do so quickly and consistently and without fear of showing Kiev's true intentions - war to the end, attacks in Russia, collective punishment of Crimea and Donbass and even mass imprisonment of dissident populations - have made your communications the place where you can most quickly understand what Ukraine's position is at any given time. His belligerence, his fanaticism, hatred of everything Russian and refusal to accept that there is a civil factor in the war in Ukraine must be taken into account since time has shown his influence in the Government. Lately, the advisor to the President's Office has added to his repertoire the idea of ​​global war, the one in which Ukraine must be the main theater.

However, Mijailo Podolyak has not been the first political figure to become a media attraction. It has not been the last either and people like Kirilo Budanov, a born provocateur who uses the media as part of his psychological warfare work, continue to climb the steps of fame that this war is creating. Even so, the most paradigmatic case of how war has helped media figures create a character from which they subsequently profit is that of Oleksiy Arestovich. The former advisor to the President's Office, former member of the Ukrainian delegation in Minsk and once close to the circle most closely linked to Andriy Ermak and Volodymyr Zelensky, took the position of spokesperson for the official authorities in the first weeks of the war. Arestovich's rise to fame has always occurred outside of that theoretically political and official role. His skillful use of communication, constant media presence and his acting abilities have made him a figure capable of commercializing his image. To achieve this, Arestovich has not needed coherence, quite the opposite. What's more, the former spokesperson has made contradiction and incoherence his hallmark and has not minded navigating between publishing images of himself alongside the Kremlin after the Ukrainian takeover of Moscow and becoming a meme of Russian propaganda to deny the triumphalist Ukrainian speech. Even from his official position, which he lost in part due to his tendency to suddenly distance himself with a sporadic truth that was annoying for Ukraine, Arestovich stated in the first weeks of the Russo-Ukrainian war that Russian missiles did not attack civilian targets and that, in the event of hits in houses, it could be assumed that these were projectiles from the Ukrainian defenses. The contradiction with the official discourse, which alleged that Russia was deliberately attacking residential areas, reached a point where it became unsustainable. It was possible to maintain the Arestovich who in March 2022 stated that Russian arsenals were running out of missiles, but not the one who denied that Russia was bombing civilian areas or that Ukraine could recover all the territory according to the 1991 borders.

The dismissal was never going to be the end of Arestovich as a public figure. His appearances on programs like Felman Live and other high-profile television programs were always going to become political and media attention. A political chameleon, Arestovich began his rise towards the creation of his character at the dawn of Alexander Dugin's Eurasianism in the vicinity of Dmitro Korchinsky, now leader of Bratstvo and another of the extravagant personalities to whom the war has given voice (in his case since 2014). Always a free verse, he distanced himself from the beginning from the rhetoric of commitment that Zelensky maintained during his campaign and the first months of his presidency. Arestovich seemed to quickly understand that there was a part of society - a minority, although well organized and capable of presenting its discourse as official - openly opposed to any commitment and chose the opportunism that was going to give it prominence instead of a responsible and coherent political stance with the mandate that Zelensky had obtained at the polls. His presence in Minsk, always with the aim of sabotaging any progress and making any negotiation impossible, denoted that the true intentions of the new Government included enormous doses of cynicism and theatricalization.

Theatrical experience has lately been the burning nail that Oleksiy Arestovich has clung to in one of the few cases in which he has been dangerously questioned. The controversy, and the criminal case opened against him, has not referred to his political opinions, which have long lacked any coherence, but to his sexist attitudes, specifically in one of the many seminars he teaches. And even before being removed from positions adjacent to the Government and the Office of the President, Arestovich was already preparing a career as a political influencer . The still spokesman for the Office of the President was already promoting his seminars on philosophy to stop talking about the present and politics and focus on more important topics. “You may know Oleksiy Arestovich as a showman , military expert and spokesperson who publishes sexist quotes. He is also a good businessman and Arestovich's income has multiplied during the great war,” recently stated an article published by the Ukrainian edition of Forbes , which has calculated how much the former advisor to the President's Office can earn in these times of war. The article recalls that Arestovich's role as a coach - evidently self-proclaimed - precedes February 24, 2022. However, his YouTube channel has multiplied its subscribers by nine in just three months and his seminars on any topic - from philosophy to reading of body language - are no longer viewed by 68 people as was the case at that time. But even in cases of seminars with fewer participants, the lack of numbers does not translate into low income.

For reasons that are far from logical, the person who in February and March 2022 stated that the war would last two or three weeks has become one of the most followed political and media influencers . With him there are other figures with equally radical positions such as Dmitry Gordon, whose journalistic program theoretically justifies any aggression against the Russian civilian population, or Serhiy Sternenko, the radical former leader of the Praviy Sektor in Odessa, accused of kidnapping and who finally went unpunished when he fatally stabbed to a man in the middle of the street. That is the political-media scene of today's Ukraine, where the war has polarized the interest of at least part of the population towards increasingly radical figures.

This media success does not have to translate into political influence. This is the case of Arestovich, who, unlike Podolyak, who has risen politically to become a key figure in the country's decision-making chain, has focused his interest on economic benefit. Ukraine has been considered, for several years, the poorest country in Europe. The war with Russia has been a severe blow to its economy, which has not only suffered from the physical destruction of infrastructure and industries, but has also lost a significant part of the active population, who have fled the country to avoid the war. Ukraine now depends on its foreign partners to be able to pay salaries and pensions, miserable before the war and now even more scarce due to the need to face the inflation that the conflict implies.

In contrast to the situation of the civilian population, Arestovich's accounts seem to have improved notably in the last year. It is not so much about those “seminars” that Arestovich constantly gives and in which he charges about 1,800 hryvnias (the average pension in Ukraine does not reach 5,000), but about his “advisory” services. It's questionable to what extent a figure who has based his promotion on inconsistency can advise anyone, although Forbes still claims there is a waiting list of 170 clients willing to pay that amount for Arestovich's advice. Compared to the average salary in Ukraine, around €635, Oleksiy Arestovich claims to be earning an amount of $30,000 per month. However, the increase in audience in media in which visits can be monetized, such as YouTube, raises doubts about that amount. The calculations made by Forbes refer to a significantly higher figure, which could even rise to $120,000 per month while maintaining the current level of visits and seminars. The war is being a ruin for Ukraine and for a large part of the population, although not for those Ukrainians willing to use the conflict and the tactics of controversy to promote themselves. ... more-28387

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 18, 2023
October 19, 2023

Ukrainian formations attempted to strike Crimea with two Grom-2 missiles . One missile fell near the Black Sea Fleet repair base in Inkerman, and the second in the Korabelnaya Wall area in the north of Sevastopol , preliminary, there was no damage. An S-200 missile was shot down in the Kara-Koba area.

In the Kherson direction , fighting continues in the Peschanivka area , where the Russian Armed Forces launched multiple strikes on enemy personnel, forcing them to retreat to the coastline. At the moment, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are holding a bridgehead, and a Ukrainian DRG is operating on the southern outskirts of the settlement.

In other sectors of the front, relative calm remains: bad weather and heavy losses hinder the enemy’s offensive potential. Nevertheless, positional clashes are taking place in the Avdeevsky sector , and the Russian Armed Forces are building on their success near a section of the E50 highway.

Russian troops carried out attacks on rear targets of Ukrainian formations, including in Kramatorsk , Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov . In Pavlograd, a chemical plant was hit, and in Zaporozhye , the Dynamo sports base came under fire , but as a result of an abnormal activation of air defense, one of the anti-aircraft missiles hit a residential building, killing five people.


Aviation tracking in Crimea and the Kherson region by American satellites

Yesterday's night attack on Berdyansk , the raid of nine Mugin-5 UAVs on Krasnoperekopsk and the Ukrainian Armed Forces' forays on the left bank again raise the question of the enemy's impending combined operation in the southern direction. So far, the implementation of this scenario is hampered by our superiority over the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the air. Due to the presence of attack helicopters in Russia, a ground attack looks unpromising.

The strike on Berdyansk caused serious damage not only to army aviation, but also to ground units in the Zaporozhye direction (fire support would become more difficult). The Ukrainian Armed Forces want to achieve a similar effect in the Kherson sector, which makes Dzhankoy and other bases in Crimea priority targets for attacks. Over the past three days, the airfield in Dzhankoy was photographed five times by American satellites. And the total number of shootings of objects on the peninsula increased sharply to 113 in a week. As before, special emphasis is placed on military bases and proposed air defense areas.

In the Kherson region, the number of filming increased from 7 to 14 on average per day. The interest of the satellite constellation largely falls on the Dnieper coastline , including Krynki and nearby areas, as well as logistics junctions from Crimea.

About the missile attack on Crimea

Around 17:00 on October 18, Ukrainian formations again tried to attack Sevastopol . Two Grom-2 operational-tactical missiles were fired from the vicinity of Belgorod - Dnestrovsky . One missile fell near the Black Sea Fleet's repair base in Inkerman , and the second in the Korabelnaya Wall area on the northern side of Sevastopol . According to preliminary data, there is no significant damage to the infrastructure.

Judging by the geography of the missile fall, the targets were again the ships of the Black Sea Fleet and the infrastructure of the Russian fleet in Sevastopol. The latest attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the peninsula were, in one way or another, aimed at neutralizing the combat potential of the Russian Navy in the Black Sea. And the recent attack once again confirms this. Particular attention of the authorities of the peninsula should be paid to the actions of pro-Ukrainian residents of Crimea, who deliberately whipped up panic in Sevastopol chat rooms.

About the ATACMS strike on Berdyansk

Following yesterday's strike, Ukrainian special operations forces released footage of ATACMS missiles being fired from a HIMARS MLRS . The operation in the MTR of Ukraine was called “Dragonfly” ( DRAGONFLY ). The footage shows the release of four standard rockets ( easily identified by the characteristic white contrail ), as well as two ATACMS ( black smoke ).

Our GEOINT team, thanks to the help of subscribers who reported the Atakms flight area, determined the exact position from which the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched missiles at the Russian airfield. The HIMARS MLRS installation was located in the vicinity of Yablonovka in the south-east of the Dnepropetrovsk region, 150 km from Berdyansk . Near this area there is a training ground for the DShV and MTR of Ukraine in Pokrovsky .

After the strike, the Ukrainian Armed Forces were guaranteed to withdraw the MLRS to the rear to prevent detection. But it should be remembered that the Americans transferred ATACMS Block 1 missiles to the Ukrainian Armed Forces , the range of which does not exceed 165 km. And you need to look for them approximately within this radius, not far from convenient logistics junctions.

The situation on the front line and combat operations
Russian troops carried out strikes throughout the day against rear targets of Ukrainian formations, including in Kramatorsk , Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov . In Zaporozhye, the Dynamo sports base came under fire, but as a result of an abnormal activation of air defense, one of the anti-aircraft missiles hit a residential building, killing five people. In Sumy, a kamikaze drone hit an infrastructure facility, details are being clarified. A chemical plant was hit in Pavlograd . The assembly of the Alder MLRS was carried out at the Pavlogradsky Chemical Plant. The extent of the damage is unknown, but two of the three missiles hit their target. Explosions were also heard in the Nikolaev region, there is no data on destruction.

In the Starobelsky direction, the Russian Armed Forces continue their positional advance east of Kupyansk . Several enemy attacks were repulsed in the area; artillery and aviation are providing assistance to the advancing Russian formations, striking at places where the Ukrainian Armed Forces' manpower is concentrated in the front-line zone.

In the Soledar direction , the Ukrainian Armed Forces once again made attempts to break through the Russian defenses in the Kleshcheevka area . As before, the attack was repelled by military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces. In addition, attacks were carried out on enemy positions in the area of ​​​​populated areas: Orekhovo - Vasilevka , Chasov Yar and Andreevka .

In the Donetsk direction, the assault on the Avdeevsky fortified area continues . Ukrainian formations are transferring reserves, including from rear regions, near Avdiivka , and also making attempts to counterattack. In addition, the enemy concentrated a significant amount of artillery in this area, but the Russian Armed Forces again increased the density of fire.

In the Vremevsky sector, the situation has not undergone significant changes: artillery duels and positional battles continue along the entire line of contact. Ukrainian formations, against the backdrop of significant losses, have reduced their activity and are rotating. Russian troops uncover areas where enemy forces are concentrated and cover them with concentrated fire. A similar situation persists in the Ugledarsky area .

Near Orekhovo , Ukrainian units resumed attempts to break through the Russian defense in the Verbovoye area : in the morning, assault detachments of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, with the support of armored vehicles, tried to advance, but after a massive strike by artillerymen of the Russian Armed Forces, they retreated to their original lines with losses. Nevertheless, the tense situation in the area remains, and it is possible that this very night the enemy will again launch an attack on the positions of Russian military personnel.

In the Kherson direction yesterday, by nightfall, after the assault groups of the 35th and 36th infantry infantry regiments had passed through the Peschanivka area , Russian troops launched an attack on enemy concentration areas. Both the advanced groups and those in reserve at the railway bridge came under fire. As a result, the enemy suffered heavy losses and lost their combat potential. About 30 people received varying degrees of injury and retreated back to the bridge, where they took shelter while awaiting evacuation.

But the Russian Armed Forces continued to strike on the opposite side of the Dnieper , hitting the battalions of the 36th Infantry Infantry that were preparing to cross the river with two missiles from the Iskander OTRK. Despite requests from the advanced groups of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the evacuation was never carried out. At the moment, one of the sabotage groups with a flamethrower remaining in Peschanovka has been tasked with diverting the attention of Russian troops on the southern outskirts of the village. If successful, a reserve will be deployed to clear the settlement and consolidate in the surrounding area.

At the same time, in the evening and at night, units from the Normandy tactical group continued to be transferred from Tyaginka to Frolov Island to attack the positions of the Russian Armed Forces in Krynki simultaneously with the attack on Peschanivka. Now the situation has stabilized thanks to massive shelling of both the forward and rear lines of the Ukrainian Navy. However, the complete suppression of the enemy is still far away, since there are reserves, and no one has canceled plans for an offensive in the Kherson region.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas
This night, Ukrainian formations again tried to strike Crimea with drones and unmanned boats. Two drones in the period 02.46 - 3.08 were destroyed 50-80 km west of Saki by MiG-29 fighters, and another one was destroyed over Yevpatoria by the crew of the S-300 air defense system of the 31st Air Force and Air Defense Division. Also, naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet, west of Cape Tarkhankut , discovered and shot down two unmanned boats that were conducting reconnaissance in that area (their activity was initially reported at Cape Priboyny , but the information was not confirmed). In the evening, another attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces was repelled; the governor of Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvozhaev, reported that a rocket was shot down in the Kara - Koba area , no one was injured. The Russian Ministry of Defense clarified the type of missile: we are talking about a converted S-200 complex.

The Kursk region was also attacked by drones at night: six drones were intercepted by air defense crews, and four more were landed by electronic warfare systems. The debris of one of the drones fell on a school building in Kursk : the facade and glazing received minor damage. There were no injuries, the school continues to operate as normal. Local residents reported shelling on the outskirts of the village of Tetkino ; no official information was received.

Ukrainian formations again used drones to attack the border areas of the Belgorod region . Russian anti-aircraft gunners intercepted seven devices in the Yakovlevsky urban district and Belgorod region . According to preliminary data, there was no destruction or casualties.

In addition, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled Novaya Tavolzhanka : the power line was damaged, and the neighboring village of Arkhangelskoye was also left without power supply . The village of Dronovka , Grayvoronsky urban district, also came under attack , one house was damaged, there were no casualties. Local residents reported shelling at Vyazovoy , but there are no details.

Despite the general decrease in the intensity of shelling of the Donetsk agglomeration, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continued to strike populated areas of the DPR. It was reported that a woman was injured in the village of Verkhnetoretskoye , as well as damage to a private house. Also under fire were: Donetsk , Gorlovka , Yasinovataya .

Ukrainian formations continue to strike settlements on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region . Nova Kakhovka , Gornostaevka , Peschanovka , a plant for the production of plastic windows and window sills in Kakhovka and Cossack Camps also came under fire from the Ukrainian Armed Forces . In addition, the enemy fired at the regional hospital in Aleshki and an outpatient clinic in the village of Novaya Mayachka : eight ambulances were completely burned, an outpatient clinic in the village was destroyed, and there were no casualties. Once again there were casualties: a local resident was injured in Novaya Kakhovka.

Political events
Gingerbread for Ukrainian mobilized

The Ukrainian authorities decided to make a temporary relief for draft dodgers. Previously, some Ukrainian speakers, for example, People's Deputy Fedor Venislavsky , threatened extradition and criminal prosecution against persons who are abroad and hiding from mobilization. Now Venislavsky himself admitted that he was wrong:
“I was sincerely convinced that this was possible. Then, when the discussion began, I realized that in this way we can not only stimulate the return, we can cut off the desire to return to Ukraine altogether.”

A look at the Ukrainian crisis from the perspective of the Global South

The Financial Times, citing senior Western officials and diplomats, writes that the current conflict in Palestine has seriously damaged the image of the United States and its allies in the eyes of the countries of the Global South. The newspaper notes that in the current configuration, Western rhetoric of condemnation of Russia with open support for Israel , which violates the rules of war, is perceived by a number of countries that previously took a neutral position on the Ukrainian conflict as hypocrisy.

According to the source, a significant part of the countries of the Global South sympathize with the Palestinian people, as they see the origins of this conflict as a struggle for self-determination and resistance to oppression. The Financial Times notes that in such conditions, the EU, G7 and NATO “will not be taken seriously” and that today there is a possibility of an increase in the number of “abstaining” countries when voting in the UN General Assembly to support Ukraine.

Further loyalty towards Israel clearly contradicts the rhetoric that Western countries have been building around Ukraine for a year and a half. Over the past few months, the United States has made attempts to form an anti-Russian coalition with the participation of countries from the Global South, but so far to no avail. It is obvious that in the current realities, Russia has a chance to regain its influence in the international arena, nullifying all Western plans to isolate the country. ... 2023-goda/

(Other images at link.)

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"A gift from heaven for Russia"
October 18, 18:24


As condemnation of Israeli and US actions against Palestine grew, the Western mainstream press began actively whining that everything that was happening was undermining US strategic efforts and playing into the hands of Russia.

"A gift from heaven for Russia"

Western support for Israel has “poisoned efforts” to pull the countries of the “global South” to the side of Ukraine. The Financial Times writes about this with reference to officials and diplomats.

Dozens of Western officials told the publication that it "undid months of work to portray Moscow as a global pariah for violating international law," and the West is now accused of hypocrisy because Israel is clearly also violating the rules of war.

"We have definitely lost the battle in the Global South. All the work we did with the Global South [on Ukraine] has been lost. Forget about the rules, forget about the world order. They will never listen to us again," said a senior diplomat from a G7 country .

Many developing countries supported the Palestinians, viewing the situation through the prism of "self-determination and resistance to US global dominance."

“What we said about Ukraine also applies to the Gaza Strip. Otherwise, we will lose all our authority. Brazilians, South Africans, Indonesians: why should they even believe what we say about human rights?” the diplomat added.

"It's a godsend for Russia. I think what's happening is damaging because Russia is using the crisis and saying, 'Look, the global order that was built after World War II isn't working for you,' and appealing to 1 billion people in the Middle East or the Arab world," said a senior EU official.

Former NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer says there is now a danger that the EU, G7 and NATO "will not be taken seriously".

“There is a risk that at the next [UN] General Assembly vote on support for Ukraine we will see a big explosion in the number of abstentions,” says a senior Western diplomat. - zinc

That is, it was Russia that forced Israel to commit war crimes in Haaz and determines exactly how certain countries react to the actions of the United States and Israel.
In fact, the attitude of many countries towards the United States and Israel is determined primarily by their actions and their crimes. And the increase in this reaction is also a characteristic sign of a change in the existing world order, in an attempt to maintain which the United States is fomenting various wars.

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Extensive coverage of Israel and Ukraine here at SIMPLICIUS THE THINKER ... kraine-war
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Fri Oct 20, 2023 12:17 pm

Tactics and narrative
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/20/2023


In the four months since the beginning of the summer counteroffensive, the main Western bet for 2023, Ukraine has not achieved its main military objectives: advancing on Melitopol and endangering control of Crimea. However, the fact that things have not turned out as kyiv and its partners expected is not a sufficient reason to modify the strategy. The counteroffensive was to put Russia in a position of military weakness that also became political. None of that has happened, but Ukraine is not willing to lose sight of its real objective, the same one for which the Minsk agreements never had any chance of succeeding: Kiev is not willing to accept the loss of part of what it considers his territory.

In war, new situations, enemy counterattacks or obstacles may imply a change in tactics while maintaining the strategy. In terms of discourse, the last nine and a half years have seen all kinds of political and military changes, but not a change in the strategic objectives of Ukraine, which has only been forced to adapt tactics at every moment. Applied that same idea to the narrative, the Zelensky Government maintains its speech of certain victory and only qualifies the times or the way to achieve it.

At the moment when it was evident that the summer offensive was not going to break the Zaporozhie front to advance on Melitopol and endanger control of Crimea, Ukraine was forced to adapt and modify the terms under which it had proposed the operation. As Mikhailo Podolyak wrote at the time, Ukraine's objective was not to fight inch by inch for every town in Ukraine until reaching the 1991 borders. The advisor to the President's Office did not mention as reasons the consequences that this type of war has for the civilian population, but rather framed that message in the impracticality of that tactic. The speech clashed with reality, since Ukraine was, as it is now, fighting for every meter of the territory of the Zaporozhye, Artyomovsk, Kherson and Kupyansk fronts. However, Podolyak's words were not without logic, since throughout this summer it has been possible to observe with complete clarity that Kiev intends to make it clear that its tactic is not to break the front and militarily capture the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov. but to destroy the Russian army to make it impossible for it to continue fighting. Hence Kirilo Budanov, one of the protagonists of this summer, has insisted that everything is going according to plan, although the times have been delayed. Budanov, whose special forces drawn from some of the most radical groups in Ukraine's nationalist scene continue to carry out raids, often purely propaganda, in the Russian rear, has asserted that there are objective reasons for these delays.

As has been repeated on numerous occasions, as has been evident since the start of the war in 2014, the Ukrainian discourse has the invaluable help of the international press, which throughout this time has been willing to tell about the war exclusively from the Ukrainian point of view. This situation has increased even more with the Russian military intervention and Ukraine can now allow itself to openly contradict reality without the danger of being exposed in media terms. The press has defended Ukraine even in those cases in which the mainstream media has dared to contradict the Ukrainian version. This is what happened with the bombing of the Konstantinovka market. Ukraine denounced a Russian bombing, while Russia denied bombing the site and blamed a missile on Ukrainian air defenses. Citing witnesses, its own journalists and experts on the subject, The New York Times accepted the Russian version as valid. However, arguing that it was Russia that started the war - it did not, the Russian-Ukrainian war is one of the consequences of the Donbass war started by Ukraine in April 2014 -, the media blamed Russia for the death of fifty civilians despite admitting that it was not a Ukrainian bombing. Still, the article angered Kiev, which called it a “conspiracy theory” and warned of “pro-Russian messages” that Russia was “infiltrating the press.”

Aside from the isolated cases in which the Western press has been critical of Ukraine, this summer has once again shown the ease with which kyiv has established its discourse at an international level. Proof of this is that, despite not having met any of the planned objectives for the offensive, media support for Ukraine is maintained and calls for negotiation or seeking a compromise with Russia to end the war are scarce and They generally come not from the media or political spheres, but from academics. Not even in the moments in which there has been the most doubt about Ukraine's ability to break the front and put Russia on the ropes has there been a majority opinion that, perhaps, war until the end might not be the most reasonable path. for the country. Like Ukraine, which has qualified its speech of certain victory by ensuring that times have only slowed down or moving the goalposts and alleging that the recovery of territory by force was never the objective, Kiev's partners and the Western press have also adjusted its narrative without losing sight that the strategic objective remains the same.

The attacks that have occurred in recent days since the arrival of the missiles have helped Ukraine establish the version that the destruction of the Russian army was always the objective. The moment in which it occurs is also significant, when Ukraine struggles to remain relevant on the global geopolitical table and the Biden administration seeks a way to force Republican dissidence to accept the increase in funds for Kiev that it has been demanding for weeks. Despite doubts, reproaches and statements such as those of John Kirby, who stated that funds are running out and US assistance will not last forever, it is likely that the issue will be resolved in the short term future. Biden's latest initiative to make it impossible for Republican congressmen and senators to show their rejection of funds for Ukraine is to link them, not only to assistance to Israel, but also to Taiwan and the fight against immigration, that is, the wall of border with Mexico. Ukraine will have funds in the same way that Biden has ensured that it has the opportunity to graphically show that it is fulfilling its mission: to wear down Russia and destroy its military capabilities as much as possible. The American ATACMS have caused significant losses to Russia and have reminded it that none of its rear military bases are safe. But, above all, the images have helped kyiv and Washington to justify their speech. Kiev has shown that, regardless of its limited progress on the front, it continues to be useful to its partners, while Washington shows the world - and its internal dissidents - the capabilities of its proxy force, exploits Russian weaknesses and boasts of the power of their weapons.

But even there, reality colors the discourse. In one of his media appearances this week, Vladimir Putin has taken advantage of one of the usual slogans of Kiev and its partners, which says that "Russia has already lost the war" to wonder why, if so, the United States is seen forced to send cruise missiles to Ukraine. The Russian president has insisted that the ATACMS will not change the reality on the front. Beyond the premature triumphalism of the Russian authorities, the data supports, to a certain extent, Vladimir Putin's version. An article published by Forbes states that “there is one thing ATACMS missiles cannot do: destroy armored vehicles.” The article emphasizes that the characteristics of these weapons and their cluster munitions mean that they will not be very useful against Russian tanks or armor on the front line.

Ukraine has not renounced, in any way, achieving territorial advances that force Russian troops to withdraw or use their strategic reserves in certain areas of the front. Attacks continue in Zaporozhye, Avdeevka, southern Donetsk or Kherson, where attempts to create bridgeheads on the left bank of the Dnieper River are increasingly common. However, especially with the arrival of the mud season and later winter, the emphasis is currently on achieving successes at the rear. The destruction of Russian infrastructure and equipment is the best showcase that Ukraine can have right now to maintain the support of its partners. For that, and not for use on the front, where artillery and drones are the priority weapons, for which kyiv needed cruise missiles. And the possibility of showing results to its population and its suppliers makes this tactic the best propaganda argument. This is how Ukraine can argue that its strategy has not changed and that its tactics were never territorial advance but the destruction of the Russian army in the rear. The images of the Berdyansk airfield were enough for Mijailo Podolyak to declare that “the final phase of the war” has begun, a statement that does not take into account that the Russian capacity to replace its losses is far superior to that of Ukraine, which currently It lacks a heavy military industry, and that, in demographic terms, Russia is much better placed to sustain a long war. But in the media war in which out-of-context images replace analysis, it is not necessary for there to be coherence between propaganda and reality or between desires and possibilities.

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 19, 2023
October 19, 2023

In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops continue the operation to cover the Avdeevsky fortified area . On the northern flank, servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces occupied a waste heap, but the enemy managed to counterattack near Berdychi and push Russian units back to the railway.

South of Avdievka , assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces have been able to expand the zone of control near the railway line in recent days, however, the tense situation in the area remains. The Ukrainian command is transferring additional forces and preparing for counterattack attempts.

Meanwhile, in the Kherson direction, enemy saboteurs landed and attacked Krynki . They were able to gain a foothold in the village and advance all the way to the road, but after artillery and air strikes they were driven out to the northern outskirts of the village.

In the Vremyevsky and Orekhovsky sectors, the situation has not undergone significant changes: positional battles and artillery duels continue. Ukrainian formations make half-hearted attacks from time to time, all of which are successfully thwarted by artillery and small arms fire.


The situation on the front line and combat operations

In the Starobel direction, the predominantly positional nature of the confrontation remains. The enemy avoids active offensive actions and limits itself to incursions by the DRG. The artillery of the Russian Armed Forces is actively striking both identified enemy groups and positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Local battles were also reported in the areas of Serebryansky forestry and the Torsky ledge .

In the Donetsk direction , after several days of relative calm, Russian troops resumed their assault on Ukrainian positions in several areas of the Avdiivka fortified area . On the northern flank, fighters of the Russian Armed Forces, as a result of fierce fighting, were able to completely occupy the most important stronghold on the waste heap. The Ukrainian Armed Forces, under the cover of tank fire, retreated behind the railway track. Now the positions are being cleared. After the initial push to Berdychi, the Ukrainian Armed Forces transferred several battalions of the 31st and 110th infantry brigade to strengthen the lines. This allowed the enemy to push the Russian Armed Forces towards the railway. The line of control runs along it. Also, units of the Russian army carried out an offensive in the south of Avdievka for several days . During the attack, with the support of artillery, it was possible to advance from the Avdeevskaya ring road to the 450 km railway station .

The offensive of the Russian Armed Forces near Avdeevka continues in a systematic manner without sudden and hasty actions to save the lives of personnel. The enemy transferred a large number of forces and means to stabilize the front. At the same time, rather suspicious activity of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is also noted in Pervomaisky . Mechanized groups, presumably the 59th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, are being brought into the village. Judging by the movements, the Ukrainian Armed Forces want to attack the Vodyanoye - Sands line from the flank while the Russian Armed Forces are distracted by the offensive.

In the Vremevsky sector, Ukrainian formations again tried to attack the forest belts north of Priyutnoye . Russian military personnel quickly discovered the enemy group and dispersed it with concentrated artillery fire. In addition, concentrated strikes thwarted the Ukrainian Armed Forces' attempt to evacuate the wounded in the forest belts west of Staromayorsky . Meanwhile, artillery duels continue near Ugledar .

In the Orekhovsky sector, positional battles continue at the Rabotino - Verbovoe line . The enemy is making sluggish attempts to break through the defenses of the Russian Armed Forces in the sector, but each of them ends with losses and a retreat to the starting lines. Along the entire line of contact, artillery cannonade does not subside, and drones are actively used.

In the Kherson direction, early in the morning, assault detachments of the MTR “South”, with the support of two DRGs of the 35th Infantry Marine Corps of the Ukrainian Navy, crossed the river and attacked Krynki . As a result, the Ukrainian formations managed to gain a foothold in the village and advance all the way to the road. The enemy used very simple tactics: first, terrestrial defense units were sent into battle, which overwhelmed the Russian Armed Forces in numbers, and then the more trained special forces and marines developed their success. After some time, Russian artillerymen and army aviation helicopters began firing at the enemy, and the infantry pushed the Ukrainian Armed Forces towards the village. Now the assault groups are still holding several houses in Krynki, awaiting the arrival of reinforcements.

To the west, near the railway bridge, units of the 36th Infantry Brigade tried to carry out rotation and evacuation all night. Due to the lack of boats, this process has been delayed (in 24 hours, 19 boats from Kherson, Sadovoy and Tyaginka were detected), but the enemy presence at the bridge remains. Along the railway crossing, the Marines equipped five strongholds, and formations of the 501st separate battalion of the 36th brigade were transported to Aleshkinsky Island . They were given the task of occupying and clearing Peschanivka. DRGs are actively working near the settlement under the cover of mortars and AGS crews.

The road from Aleshki to the Cossack Camps and Krynki passes through Peschanovka . If the village is captured, one of the supply routes for the Russian Armed Forces group along the Dnieper will be cut . In this situation, the Ukrainian Armed Forces can gain a foothold on the Peschanivka - Krynki line , creating a springboard for an attack on Aleshki and Novaya Kakhovka . Apparently, this is exactly what the Ukrainian units are trying to achieve.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

Ukrainian formations again tried to attack the territory of the Rostov region . Air defense systems intercepted an air target as it approached the region. According to official information, there was no destruction or casualties on the ground.

Ukrainian formations, despite the ongoing operation to encircle the Avdeevsky fortified area , still have the ability to strike the western outskirts of Donetsk and other settlements of the DPR . In the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, 21 transformer substations, two boiler houses were de-energized, 2,100 subscribers in Aleksandrovka were without power supply , and a man was injured in Mirny .

Ukrainian formations continue to shell settlements on the left bank of the Dnieper : Novaya Kakhovka , Kakhovka , Dnepryany , Cairo , Aleshki and Rybatskoye were under fire, among others . In addition, there were reports of the death of one resident in Saga and the injury of three people in Chelburd , Aleshki and Poyma as a result of yesterday's enemy strikes.

Political events
On the transfer of “Ukrainian” shells to Israel

US authorities are considering options for sending tens of thousands of 155-mm artillery shells that were intended for Ukraine to Israel , Axios reports, citing Israeli officials. “ US officials have concluded that redirecting shells from Ukraine to Israel will not have an immediate impact on Ukraine’s ability to fight Russian troops ,” the publication clarifies.

On the protection of refugees from Ukraine in Europe

The EU has extended the protection regime for refugees from Ukraine for a year until March 2025 . Temporary protection allows you to enjoy a consistent set of rights across the EU. In particular, this is access to the labor market and rental housing, medical care and the opportunity to receive an education.

About Umerov’s new protégé

Ex-Gurovite Illarion Pavlyuk became the new head of the press and information department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine instead of the dismissed Anna Malyar . The latter noted that Defense Minister Rustem Umerov played a decisive role in his appointment . Pavlyuk is known as a fantasy thriller and science fiction writer, as well as a producer and media manager. ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)

"fantasy thriller and science fiction writer", That's what I call good HR work...


Neighbors of the European Union Prepare the Dismemberment of Ukraine
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 19, 2023

Diana Sosoaca initiated a bill for Romania to get back its former territories from Ukraine.

During Zelensky’s recent visit to Romania, the deputy of the Alliance for the Unification of Romanians, Diana Iovanovici-Sosoaca, demanded the return of Bucovina del Norte and Bessarabia and respect for the cultural rights of the Romanian minority. To avoid incidents, the host party had to cancel the speech of the Ukrainian president in the Romanian parliament.

Eastern European political parties increasingly question the legitimacy of Ukraine’s current borders. Diana Iovanovici-Sosoaca only says aloud what many Romanians think internally. Bucharest expects, at a minimum, cross-border control over the territories of Ukraine that it considers Romanian, with formal respect for the attributes of Ukrainian sovereignty over them. In particular, he tried to approach the Ukrainian president in the corridors of the Romanian Parliament, shouting questions over a loudspeaker and demanding that the president respect more the Romanian minorities living in Ukraine.

Albania and Kosovo offer a similar example. Formally they are two independent states, but in practice Kosovo is almost a duplicate of the Albanian state. Bucharest also wants the Ukrainian regions of Chernivtsi and Odessa to be a continuation of Romania in a cultural and military-strategic sense, even if they remain within the borders of Ukraine.

The issue of the Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia slows Ukraine’s accession to NATO. Budapest claims autonomy for Hungarians in the Transcarpathian region located in Ukraine. It became part of Ukraine in 1944 after being for many years within the borders of Hungary. The Hungarian government also strives to exercise cross-border control over the region, but its ultimate goal is to return Transcarpathia within its borders.


Hungarians are the most troublesome minority in Kiev. They are consolidated and practically not susceptible to Ukrainianization. By 95 percent, Hungarian remains their mother tongue. The Hungarian press spares no adjectives to criticize regional politicians with anti-Hungarian opinions.

Hungary is already preparing for a hypothetical deployment of police forces in Transcarpathia in the event of a collapse of the Ukrainian state.

Poland claims most of Ukraine: the Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk, Ternopol, Rivne and Volhynia regions. Officially, these lands are even considered historical heritage of the Polish-Lithuanian “ Commonwealth.

Its inclusion in Poland is not mentioned, but the importance of preserving the Polish cultural, religious and other presence is emphasized. Once again, analogy with Albania and Kosovo: for Warsaw, the “ eastern lands ” are a continuation of the Polish state; the Polish-Ukrainian border is assigned a formal role.

Geographically, the “ eastern lands ” almost reach the western regions of Russia. Historical guides on the lands of the Polish-Lithuanian “ Commonwealth ” are published, where the eastern borders of the state extend eastward. Abandoning that memory is impossible for Poles. The Ukrainian Nazis expelled the Poles from those territories, leaving indelible marks on Poland.

Official propaganda interprets it as follows: “ Kresy ” is Polish land within friend Ukraine. But it is possible that, in the context of the current deterioration of relations between Kiev and Warsaw, the latter will speak in the future of the “ countries of the east ” in a more severe tone.

Poland considers it strategically more advantageous not to reoccupy “ Kresy ”, but to influence Ukraine in the political, religious, cultural and economic spheres. To do this, they must remain an integral part of Ukraine, but be as polished as possible. It is difficult to achieve due to Kiev’s reluctance to make Galicia, as a model of Ukraine as such, an ideological appendix to Poland. Warsaw’s policy in this regard is the constant search for balance with Kiev. This should result in a strengthening of the Polish presence in the region or its weakening.

Ukraine itself has set the tone for communication with its neighbors. The Ukrainian state is based on a Nazism, which finds enemies everywhere. In its classic version, the Ukrainian Nazis present territorial demands to all their neighbors without exception, and as the Kiev government stagnates in war and weakens, neighbors’ mouths water.

According to the Ukrainian Nazis, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Transnistria, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary should give way to Ukraine. What the Nazis especially want is Poland ( 18 districts of the subcarpathian voivodeship ) and Russia territories that reach the Caucasus.

Therefore, it is at least strange to hear complaints from Ukraine towards its neighbors, while it considers territorial claims itself as an acceptable ideological attitude towards those same neighbors. ... f-ukraine/


The remains of Kleshcheevka. October 2023
October 20, 11:43


The remains of the village of Kleshcheevka, for which fighting has been going on for several months. Almost the entire village was razed to the ground. There were only a couple of buildings left that were not yet completely destroyed.
In Andreevka the picture is identical. Fighting on the Kleshcheevka-Andreevka-Kurdyumovka line continues. The enemy does not abandon attempts to break through the railway line and take Kurdyumovka.


Actually, these ruins are where the battle is going.

Sentences for Nazi criminals
October 20, 10:36


The LPR and DPR have convicted several Nazi criminals who were involved in the murders of the civilian population of Donbass.

Sentences for Nazi criminals

The evidence collected by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation was recognized by the Supreme Court of the Lugansk People's Republic as sufficient to convict the intelligence chief of the 87th separate anti-tank artillery division of the reserve of the 45th separate artillery brigade, Captain Yuri Rozhk. He was found guilty of committing crimes under Part 1 of Art. 356 (cruel treatment of the civilian population, use of prohibited means and methods in armed conflict) and Part 2 of Art. 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional damage to someone else’s property in a generally dangerous way).

The investigation and the court established that on June 20, 2022, Rozhok and his unit were located in a forest at a distance of about 7 km south of the city of Lisichansk, Lugansk People's Republic, where at that time there were civilians. Having received an order from the command of the 45th separate artillery brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to shell the territory of the city of Lisichansk, Rozhok instructed his subordinates to fire 4 shots from a 100 mm MT-12 “Rapira” anti-tank gun using high-explosive fragmentation artillery shells for maximum coverage and destruction of infrastructure. , residential buildings and hospitals. As a result of these criminal actions, a multi-storey residential building was damaged.
During the investigation, examinations were appointed and carried out, including construction and technical examinations to confirm the amount of material damage.
Rozhok fully admitted his guilt and repented of his actions.

The court sentenced him to 14 years of imprisonment to be served in a maximum security colony.

The evidence collected by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation was recognized by the Supreme Court of the Donetsk People's Republic as sufficient to convict the servicemen of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Commander of the reconnaissance company Vladislav Stryukov, senior reconnaissance operator of the first section of the first platoon of the reconnaissance company Ilya Galchukov, gunner-operator of the second platoon of the reconnaissance company Artem Buchkovsky, commander of the first section of the first platoon of the reconnaissance company Vladislav Sergeychuk, commander of the watercraft platoon Sergei Knizhnik, steering mechanic Sergei Krivtsun and driver Alexander Matushansky, depending on the role of each, were found guilty of committing crimes under Part 1 of Art. 356 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (cruel treatment of prisoners of war and civilians in occupied territory), Part 3 of Art. 30, paragraph “g”, “l”, part 2, art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (attempted murder, that is, deliberate actions aimed at causing the death of another person, committed by an organized group, motivated by political, ideological hatred) and paragraphs “c”, “d”, “e”, “h” h .2 tbsp. 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional infliction of moderate harm to health, committed with extreme cruelty, by an organized group, motivated by political, ideological hatred, using an object used as a weapon).

The investigation and the court established that from February to May 2022, servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including Stryukov, Galchukov, Buchkovsky, Sergeychuk, Knizhnik, Krivtsun and Matushansky, occupied positions located on the territory and near the Azovmash machine-building plant in the city of Mariupol. One day, while monitoring the territory of the yard between residential buildings on Metallurgov Avenue, Stryukov discovered a civilian man who was not participating in the armed conflict and did not have a weapon with him. However, believing that the civilian was supporting a special military operation and assisting the armed forces of the DPR and the Russian Federation, and also took a pro-Russian position, he ordered his subordinate Buchkovsky to shoot the man. Fulfilling this criminal order, Buchkovsky fired a Kalashnikov assault rifle at the victim, wounding him in the shoulder. Avoiding danger, the man managed to escape from the shelling zone, taking refuge in a safe place.

In addition, it was established that on March 30, 2022, military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, while patrolling the territory adjacent to the Azovmash plant, detained a serviceman of the 1st Slavic Brigade of the DPR. At the time of his arrest, he laid down his arms and did not take part in hostilities, which, in accordance with international law, guaranteed him humane treatment as a prisoner of war. At the same time, servicemen Krivtsun, Matushansky, Knizhnik, Sergeychuk, Galchukov and Buchkovsky realized that the victim was not resisting and did not pose a threat. However, they wanted to punish the latter for the actions, in their opinion, committed and the actions of other persons from among the military personnel of the DPR, LPR and the Russian Federation during the period of participation in the Northern Military District against an indefinite number of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and also to obtain from him information that, in their opinion, he could possess. Acting by applying violence and torture to a prisoner of war, executing criminal orders from the command, the accused systematically struck him with fists and a wooden bat over the course of two hours, repeatedly hitting him on the head, torso and limbs. As a result of their criminal actions, the victim received numerous bruises and fractures and dislocations. Subsequently, he was held as a prisoner of war on the territory of the Azovmash plant under the protection of other military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The court sentenced Stryukov to 20 years, Galchukov - 16 years, Buchkovsky - 22 years, Sergeychuk - 16 years, Knizhnik - 16 years, Krivtsun - 16 years and Matushansky - 16 years in prison to be served in a high-security penal colony.

A number of other court cases involving war crimes by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the DPR and LPR are approaching sentencing.

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Photo by Gladson Xavier on
By Tarik Cyril Amar, Substack, 10/17/23

Tarik Cyril Amar is an expert on Ukraine and Russia. A historian based in Istanbul and trained at Oxford, the LSE, and Princeton, he speaks both Ukrainian and Russian and has lived in Ukraine for five years.

October 2023 is likely to be remembered as either a historic turning-point or a last chance humanity missed before stumbling into World War Three. Here’s why:

Two important developments are unfolding before our eyes. First, while Israel is committing massive atrocities against Palestinians (especially but not only in Gaza), the United States leads the West in enabling the extreme-right-Zionist settler regime by providing diplomatic cover and arms. While Western publics show some signs of resistance and solidarity with the Palestinian victims of the Israeli massacre, Western governments and media are digging in their heels. Israel may not achieve all its aims, namely the ethnic cleansing of Gaza (and then the West Bank) by genocidal means. But if Israel fails, that failure will be due to Palestinian resistance and, perhaps, intervention from other states in the Middle East. The West will have done its worst, meanwhile, to help Israel win and preserve its total immunity against the claims of international law and elementary ethics.

(“Zeitenwende” Germany, weak as it is, is playing a particularly perverse and revolting role, hiding behind its historic Holocaust guilt to leave Palestinians to their fate at the hand of a genocidal regime. Indeed, many Germans seem to positively enjoy the massacring of Gazans in a manner reminiscent of their parents and grandparents who saw nothing wrong with, for instance, the siege and bombarding of Leningrad. German “Vergangenheitsbewältigung” has failed.)

Second, even while making yet another horrific crisis worse, Washington is now backing out of its preceding fiasco, namely its proxy war in Ukraine. And it is America’s fiasco, for two reasons. Concerning how it happened, Russia’s invasion in February 2022 broke international law. Yet Moscow did offer a perfectly viable off-ramp at the end of 2021, and, as the General Secretary of NATO Jens Stoltenberg has now blurted out, the West – of course with Washington calling the shots – knowingly rejected Russia’s offer to negotiate instead of fighting it out. Rather than finally cease to provoke Moscow by deliberately infringing on its elementary security interests, the USA decided to go for broke.

Then, apart from the causes of the war, there is the outcome: That as well is a fiasco for the West, because Russia is winning. Whereas a compromise in 2021 would have left the status quo intact, the defeat of Ukraine and its Western backers will greatly damage the Western position overall: The West has done its worst to Russia, and it has not been enough. Now Moscow knows how strong it really is, and it also knows how weak the West really is. And the rest of the world knows, too. This defeat will not be like the Western rout in Kabul, grotesque as that was. This one the West will not just be able to walk away from. This one will hurt and keep hurting.

These two Western failures, over Ukraine and Palestine, have three features in common. They confirm the USA’s “leadership” in the sense that the West – i.e., most of Europe, NATO, and the EU, plus several odd cases such as Canada or Japan – obey Washington’s orders, often with sickening enthusiasm. They also show that this “leadership” is now severely circumscribed: No one outside this “West” is going along anymore, and insofar as they do, then only out of a fear that is diminishing rapidly. And finally, and most importantly, both failures ultimately stem from the USA’s shortsighted refusal to adjust to the fact that its post-Cold War “unipolar moment” is over and that it will now have to find a place as one important but no longer dominant state among others.

Washington 2023 is, in other words, radically different from Moscow 1986. Back then, the still powerful yet crisis-ridden Soviet Union was not merely ready but took the initiative to end the Cold War with a compromise instead of a hot war. Indeed, within less than a decade, the Soviets would acquiesce not only to the loss of superpower status but of their whole state. Whatever you think about Soviet history, the Soviets lost their empire peacefully and reasonably and at great cost. They did not have to. They could have fought and taken us all with them.

The American empire in decline is very different. This is not the place for analyzing why. For that, things are too urgent. What we must do now is face the fact that Washington’s “elites” are very likely to fight and fight again – and then some more – to prevent the inevitable, the end of their global power. That is why we need to think beyond multipolarity even now. Valdimir Putin and Xi Jinping are correct when they tell us that a multipolar world order is emerging whether Washington likes it or not.

Yet the real danger is that, instead of finding its place in that new world order, the USA will keep provoking, instigating, and starting wars, until we finally reach one, big overarching cataclysm. The only way to prevent this is to contain and deter Washington. Those states who understand that the survival of humanity is more important than the “Manifest-Destiny” and “Indispensability” delusions of the USA will have to do more than just bypassing Washington. They will have to form a global coalition to threaten it into accepting its decline no less peacefully than the Soviets had to accept theirs. ... ot-enough/

I take exception his calling the USSR an empire, otherwise OK.
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:51 am

Distant conflicts
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/21/2023


“Global norms, global agreements, the global political system are under the harshest systemic attack,” Mijailo Podolyak wrote this week, pointing, of course, to Moscow. “The chaos is already evident. Unfortunately, Russia, which has not been stopped in time, which has been destroying the sovereignties of other nations for many years, murdering civilians with impunity in other countries and financing international terrorist networks, has openly initiated a destructive mission," he added to sentence. that “either we return to norms, law, stability or local wars/conflicts/escalations will really turn the world into a great hotbed of death and destruction.” Although on this occasion there is no explicit reference, the Advisor to the Office of the President of Ukraine refers here to the situation in the Middle East, which since last October 7, he has repeatedly linked to the hidden hand of Moscow. Present Ukraine as the main theater of a global war against the rules-based international order , against Western, actually American, dominance, has since that moment been the main tactic of Zelensky's entourage and his international defenders to maintain their priority position on the international agenda.

Podolyak was even more explicit in his message yesterday, in which he stated that “today, the world is in a special political phase. When one has to accept the obvious: either the world lives according to clear and predictable rules or an alternative vision appears . One of the most radical voices in the Ukrainian Government, Podolyak was one of the visible heads of the Ukrainian delegation that attempted to negotiate with Russia in the first weeks of the Russian military intervention to finally reject an agreement that Ukraine had negotiated without any intention of accepting. The objective of sabotaging the negotiations was, as it was during the Minsk years, to gain time to achieve its objectives thanks to pressure from its allies. In the Minsk years, that pressure was economic and political, to which in the last year and a half military pressure has been added. Since the Russian invasion has made it possible to present the Crimean issue as Ukraine's main objective, Podolyak has distinguished himself as one of the voices that, most explicitly, has advocated solutions that are openly undemocratic, and authoritarian, and that border on the intention of ethnic cleansing. However, little by little, his speech has become not only the official Ukrainian one, but also the one that dominates the Western establishment , as has become clear in the last two weeks.

Although in the first hours after the Palestinian attack on October 7, several media outlets and the entire think-tank sector that has been seeking a war with Iran for years focused on the Persian country, assuming that it was Tehran that planned the operation (something which both Israel and the United States have denied), eyes quickly turned to Russia. The planned tactic of linking both wars despite their obvious differences was officially consummated Thursday night, when in a speech to the nation, Joe Biden attempted to explain why the United States, “the indispensable nation,” must increase its role in both. .

“I know that these conflicts may seem far away,” said the American president, who continued to ask “Why does this affect America?” "Let me share why ensuring the success of Israel and Ukraine is vital to America's national security." In his speech, Joe Biden took advantage of all the clichés of the Cold War and the war on terrorism to justify the fight against Moscow - of course, insisting that the United States is not going to fight directly either in Russia or against Russia. and against Hamas, which for two weeks has been fallaciously equated with the Islamic State. The story increasingly resembles the “global war” that Zelensky and his entourage have presented. Nor does Biden's argument about what to do differ excessively from the speeches of Kuleba, Podolyak or Ermak. “You know, history has taught us that when terrorists do not pay the price for their terror, when dictators do not pay the price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction. They continue to move forward and the cost and threats to the United States and the world continue to increase,” said the American president in his ideological and exalted speech.

Biden's appearance was not only due to once again showing the United States' unconditional support for Israel, something that North American and European authorities have done daily since last October 7. The real objective was to install the discourse of a just war in which the United States, the exceptional country , must be fully involved, even if indirectly, fighting through two proxies this battle that brings together the two wars, the Cold War and the George W. Bush's war on terrorism, which both American political parties have supported in the past.

The rhetoric of creating a new just war narrative always seeks an economic goal and Biden's speech was no exception. It is no secret that the president of the United States has been fighting for months with the Republican majority in the legislative branch, where a small minority of the Trumpist wing threatens to block financing for the war in Ukraine. Linking Ukraine's struggle with that of Israel, even with the sole coherence that kyiv and Tel Aviv share allies, has already achieved part of what he sought. After the speech, especially because of the mention of the defense of Israel and national security, even Fox News, the news channel closest to Trump, praised Joe Biden. Revisiting the catastrophic war on terrorism - which has destroyed several countries and killed or displaced millions of people - is the tactic with which Joe Biden has decided to appeal to the Republican Party in search of financing for Ukraine.

As several media outlets had already anticipated, the United States Government is seeking $105 million to finance its wars, not only those in Ukraine and Israel, but also the “defense” of Taiwan and the fight against immigration in its territory. southern border. The nod to the most radical wing of the Republican Party, which advocates abandoning the war against Russia to focus on the fight against China and immigration (certain sectors even defend bombing the Mexican cartels) could not be more explicit.

However, despite the prominence that Tel Aviv has recently acquired, which has replaced Kiev as the capital of the propaganda inns of the Western political class, the planned distribution of the funds indicates that Ukraine remains the priority. Joe Biden proposes 60,000 million for military assistance to Ukraine, 14,000 for military assistance to Israel, 10,000 for humanitarian aid in both conflicts, 7,000 for Taiwan and 14,000 for “border security.” The evident imbalance towards Ukraine, for which Joe Biden seeks an amount equivalent to the Russian military budget, demonstrates, once again, that the words of John Kirby, who warned that funds for Kiev were running out, were only seeking to pressure the opposition to maintain economic and financial assistance. Although this would require recovering George Bush's idea of ​​the axis of evil. ... more-28400

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 20, 2023
October 20, 2023


In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops continue to gradually advance in the Avdeevsky sector : at the moment, military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces are entrenched on the waste heap and are conducting positional battles near the railway line in the Berdychi area and on the southern approaches to Avdeevka .

In the Vremyevsky sector, fighting resumed in the Staromayorsky area : Russian units tried to advance to the southwest of the village, while the enemy attacked to the north. Neither side was successful. Nevertheless, the Priyutny RF Armed Forces have slightly expanded their control zone.

The tense situation continues in the Kherson direction , where Russian troops are making efforts to destroy a Ukrainian sabotage group on the northern outskirts of the village of Krynki . Artillery and aviation are actively working against the enemy.

Ukrainian formations have somewhat reduced the intensity of shelling of front-line territories. Nevertheless, for the first time since the beginning of the week, the DPR was not without casualties: a man was killed as a result of a rocket launched from the Grad MLRS in the Kuibyshevsky district of Donetsk.


The situation on the front line and combat operations

In the Starobelsky direction, fierce fighting continues in both the Kupyansky and Svatovsky sectors . Russian troops storm the defenses in the Sinkovka area and at the Ivanovka - Kislovka line , and also attack strong points towards Makeevka and Nevsky . Sporadic clashes do not stop in the areas of Serebryansky forestry and the Torsky ledge .

The situation in the Soledar direction has not undergone significant changes. The Ukrainian Armed Forces again tried to advance in small groups near Kleshcheevka and Andreevka , but the assault groups were quickly opened and covered by Russian artillery fire.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops continue the operation to cover the Avdeevsky fortified area . On the northern flank, Russian troops are entrenched on a waste heap and are trying to attack in the direction of Berdychi . To the south, fighting is taking place on the approaches to the UAF stronghold “ Tsar’s Hunt ”. Fire support for the advancing units is provided by artillery and aviation: early in the morning, Russian crews worked at the Avdeevsky coke plant , hitting places where enemy forces gathered. In turn, Ukrainian formations continue to pull additional forces into the area and carry out counterattacks: at the moment, units of the Russian Armed Forces are managing to stop them with artillery and small arms fire.

In the Vremevsky sector there are battles in the vicinity of Staromayorsky . Neither side can currently improve its tactical position. Meanwhile, Russian military personnel managed to expand the zone of control in the Priyutny area after an unsuccessful offensive attempt by the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Rovnopol . However, the attempt of the Russian Armed Forces to attack the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Urozhayny was also unsuccessful.

In the Zaporozhye direction, Ukrainian formations made several attempts to attack Verbovoye , but all of them were unsuccessful. The enemy suffered significant losses in manpower and armored vehicles, including the loss of another British FV103 Spartan armored personnel carrier. In addition, footage of destroyed Ukrainian Armed Forces equipment appeared on the approaches to the village: photographs of German Marder infantry fighting vehicles, American Stryker armored personnel carriers and a T-72AV tank.

In the Kherson direction, fighting continues on the outskirts of the village of Krynki , where Ukrainian formations were previously able to gain a foothold. Russian artillery and aviation are actively working against the enemy, hindering his further advance. The soldiers of the 26th regiment tried to knock out the enemy with the help of tanks, but so far they have not achieved success.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas
Ukrainian formations again tried to attack the territory of the Azov region and the Crimean Peninsula . Russian air defense systems intercepted five enemy missiles in the Kherson region , three in the Kakhovka and two in the Genichesk urban districts, another ammunition was neutralized in the Lyubimovka area in Sevastopol .

According to SHOT, in the Bryansk region , a Ukrainian Armed Forces drone attacked a fuel tank near the Troebortnoye automobile checkpoint in the Sevsky district. However, there was no explosion because the tank was empty. No one was injured as a result of the attack.

Despite the ongoing operation of the Russian Armed Forces to cover the Avdeevsky fortified area , the enemy does not stop conducting chaotic shelling of populated areas of the Donetsk agglomeration . Donetsk , Gorlovka , Lugansk and Yasinovatsky district were under fire . In the Kuibyshevsky district of the capital of the DPR, one man was killed as a result of the arrival of a single rocket from the Grad MLRS.

In the Zaporozhye region, Ukrainian formations shelled the village of Verbovoye , Pologovsky district: a shell hit the administration building of the local village council, there were no casualties.

In the Kherson region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces again shelled Novaya Kakhovka , Kakhovka , Aleshki , Gornostaevka , Dnepryany and Podlesne , causing damage to civilian infrastructure.

Political events
Western military assistance to Ukraine

Germany announced a new package, which included 3 Gepard air defense systems, 20 RQ-35 Heidrun reconnaissance drones, 20 Vector reconnaissance UAVs, one Biber bridge layer, as well as vehicles and artillery shells for the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden plans to ask Congress for another $60 billion to support Ukrainian forces. In addition, the White House said that the funds previously agreed upon by American congressmen were already “almost finished.”

Pressure on the UOC (Moscow Patriarchate)

The SBU referred to the court the case of the rector of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, Metropolitan Pavel , who had previously been arrested and later released on bail in August. He is now under house arrest. The case will be considered by the Pechersky Court of Kiev .

Meeting of Elena Zelenskaya with Google representatives

At the meeting, the wife of the Ukrainian president asked representatives of the corporation to show Crimea to the entire planet as part of Ukraine. Now the peninsula appears to Europeans as a disputed territory, to Russians as Russian, to Ukrainians as Ukrainian.

In addition, she asked to change the issuance of recommendations for Ukrainian users. In her opinion, it is necessary that more Western and Ukrainian-language materials be present in the search results. The fact is that Ukrainians often search for content in Russian and receive recommendations in it. The purpose of such changes is to try to continue to squeeze the Russian language out of the everyday life of the residents of Ukraine.

Coordination of the new Ukrainian budget

The Verkhovna Rada adopted in the first reading the draft state budget for next year, in which more than half of the expenses and almost all of the income will go to finance military operations. As before, social items remain the most cut, including healthcare and education.

Meanwhile, experts from the World Bank believe that the Ukrainian economy is beginning to adapt to the war and, after a sharp drop of a third last year, will grow by 3.5% in 2023.

Theft of humanitarian aid

The Customs Service of Ukraine, together with the Ministry of Defense, conducted an inspection, which revealed that about a third of the collected humanitarian aid for military personnel disappeared on the way to military units. ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)


From the Telegram account of Cassad:

— Kherson direction: battles for Krynki and the consolidation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the northern bank of the Konka,
the situation as of 12.00 October 21, 2023

— Due to bad weather over the last two days, both the capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces for fire and reconnaissance, as well as the ability of Ukrainian formations to transfer reinforcements, have been reduced. While Russian troops successfully ousted the enemy near Peschanivka and Poyma , fighting continues in Krynki at this stage.

—To the north of Alyoshki, Ukrainian formations managed to gain a foothold along the northern bank of the Konka River and continue to dig in. The Russian Armed Forces constantly fire at them with artillery and mortars. —There are battles

in the west and east of Krynoki . To the south, Ukrainian formations control approximately 1 kilometer of forest belt. So far, the Russian Armed Forces have not been able to completely liberate the populated area.

—Ukrainian formations are trying to rotate the units that entered Krynki , but due to bad weather, the moral and psychological state of the units is low: those units that were planned to be involved in the new assault at 5 am refused to go on the attack.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sun Oct 22, 2023 11:53 am

The “right to defend oneself” and Western hypocrisy
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/22/2023


“Delivered at what he correctly called a turning point in history, the president's comments reflect the risk that the United States could abandon its friends as wars rage in Ukraine and Israel,” wrote Saturday's editorial in The Washington Post . The influential American media refers to Joe Biden's speech in which he stated that "Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but both want to completely annihilate neighboring democracy." Addressing the nation from the Oval Office, Biden wanted to link both wars in a global fight in which the United States must assert its position as an exceptional nation . In addition to mobilizing public opinion towards the defense of two wars that imply a high degree of danger of escalation - a direct conflict with Russia would imply a nuclear confrontation, while the danger of a regional war in the Middle East can have very serious consequences for the zone-, Biden seeks to guarantee financing for both projects.

The figures, Ukraine would take around 60% of the requested funds, and the needs show that financing Kiev continues to be the priority of the Democratic Party. War fatigue has been felt in recent months and even the Ukrainian president, generally averse to admitting uncomfortable realities, has denounced it. The arguments that in February and March 2022 mobilized international solidarity with Ukrainian refugees who fled the war to the west are no longer sufficient to convince that the war must continue at all costs and under any conditions, which is why Biden has been forced to modify the speech. Taking advantage of the situation in Gaza, the United States Government has adopted the Ukrainian argument of presenting the current conflicts as a single fight against democracy and has created a new axis of evil that, in reality, could look more like a network. It is not about the Hamas-Moscow axis, but also the Moscow-Pyonyang or Moscow-Tehran axis, arguments used interchangeably depending on the needs.

In this work, the United States, like its European partners, has encountered the irremediable contradictions that exist between the situations of Israel and Ukraine, which have revealed a hypocrisy that has been present since the beginning of the Ukrainian conflict. Since October 7, when Tel Aviv replaced Kiev as a priority point on the Western political agenda, the idea of ​​Israel's right to defend itself has been the most repeated slogan by the American and European authorities, who have united in the same way they did in February 2022 to denounce a party and unconditionally support the occupying power. All this despite the fact that it openly contradicts the reasoning by which the need to defend Ukraine until final victory in the war has been legitimized.

Since February 2022, the argument of rejecting the use of force by Russia has been one of the central elements to justify unconditional support for Ukraine. Kiev had the right to defend itself from an unprovoked invasion and the West had the obligation to support the country in the time of need, when there was a risk of the country's demise. The idea that if Russia stops fighting the war would end, while if Ukraine stopped fighting it would disappear has been another of the great arguments of the war. The reasoning - more than questionable, since the Russian withdrawal would not eliminate the existing civil conflict in Ukraine nor has Russia shown interest in occupying the entire country - gives the Russian military intervention a totalitarian and perhaps even genocidal nuance that the Ukrainian authorities have wanted. explode to the maximum. kyiv has gone so far as to describe the transfer of minors from Donbass to camps in Belarus to spend the summer as ethnic cleansing.

The Russian capture of large areas of southern Ukraine, added to Crimea, under Russian control since 2014, and the People's Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, evidently pro-Russian since the Donbass rebellion began, has given the West the possibility of exploiting the right that international legislation grants occupied populations to fight against the occupier. In this way, military, economic, political and diplomatic assistance was not only necessary for the West, but became a moral obligation. That same argument, that of the fight against the occupying power, is used to justify Ukrainian bombings against the civilian population - something that has increased since 2022, but which began during the Donbass war, when Russian troops did not even occupy the territory. , targeted assassinations in the territories under Russian control, deprivation of the right to obtain salaries and pensions and even water cuts.

None of these rights has been extended to the Palestinian people, under occupation since 1948 and without the Israeli authorities ever wanting to seek an agreement. Israel and Ukraine not only share contempt for the population facing them - the people of Donbass have fulfilled for Zelensky and Poroshenko the role of the Palestinian people for Tel Aviv - but also the absolute refusal to comply with the commitments made. In this way, the Oslo agreements or the two-state solution are nothing more than the application of the Ukrainian logic of the Minsk agreements: demanding everything from the enemy without offering anything in return. None of this would be possible without the practically unconditional support of the Western powers, which have protected Kiev and Tel Aviv from criticism , and, in the Israeli case, also from the possibility of being investigated by the International Criminal Court despite repeated examples of war crimes.

In this context, the cases in which a European authority has departed from the official discourse have been rare and have generally been directed at specific aspects and for reasons that are not always completely humanitarian. Slightly distancing himself from the authoritarian position of Úrsula von der Leyen, who has hijacked the foreign policy of the European Union to subordinate its interests to those of the United States, Josep Borrell was critical of Israel after the announcement of the cut of electricity and water supply to Gaza. “We have said it in Ukraine and we say it in Gaza: you cannot cut off water and all services to a population,” said the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign and Security Policy in an interview with El País . In reality, in the case of Ukraine, complaints have come only when the situation has affected the right part of Ukraine, not the populations of Donbass or Crimea.

These days we have also recalled von der Leyen's denunciation or the "barbaric" description of the Russian attacks against Ukrainian infrastructure, which, unlike in Gaza, have never left the population without electricity or drinking water. However, all of them forget one detail: those condemnations, the qualifiers and the demands for civilized action never occurred when it was Ukraine that built a wall to prevent the passage of water from the Dnieper to the North Crimean canal, the main source of water. Of the peninsula. There was also no criticism of Ukraine during the seven years in which it denied the most vulnerable population of Donbass their pensions and social benefits, nor when Ukraine besieged cities or implemented a trade blockade that was added to the banking and transportation blockade.

For years, Ukraine and its partners condemned, calling it an invasion, the humanitarian aid convoys that Russia sent to Donbass to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in the region, devastated by the economic consequences of the war. There were no complaints when Ukraine repeatedly lied and accused Russia of bombing the Donbass cities it supposedly occupied. These Ukrainian bombings were considered Ukraine's right to defend itself in the same way that Israeli air strikes, which have destroyed entire neighborhoods, are defended even by highlighting Israeli "moderation", capable of causing even more victims.

The hypocrisy of Western authorities has been so evident that concerns have even arisen from the European Union itself. Of course, they generally refer to the poor image of the institutions and, above all, the possibility that they imply loss of soft power. This aspect is especially important in the case of the Ukraine war, in which the West has tried to draw non-Western countries into a confrontational posture with Russia. “We have definitely lost the battle for the Global South,” says a senior diplomat from a G7 country quoted by The Wall Street Journal , adding that “all the work we have done with the Global South [on Ukraine] has been lost. Forget the rules, forget the world order. They will never listen to us again,” he adds. The priorities are clear and among them is not the defense of the civilian population against bombings nor the right to defend itself against the occupier if he is a Western ally.

In two weeks, according to United Nations data, two thirds of the Gazan population have been internally displaced. The refugees - many of them in Gaza as refugees from the ethnic cleansing of 1948 or their descendants - do not have dozens of countries willing to temporarily host them until the end of the war, nor suppliers that provide enormous flows of weapons and ammunition to defend themselves against the occupier, who has ordered a medieval siege, broken only by the agreement to give access yesterday to around twenty cargo trucks. The United Nations affirms that a hundred a day would be necessary to cover the most basic needs of the more than two million people under siege while the Western world defends those who have imposed inhuman conditions, openly threaten even hospitals and announce a future land incursion after which “the territory of Gaza will be much smaller.” In this time, Israel has killed more than double (it is quickly approaching triple) the number of children and more journalists than in a year and a half of war in Ukraine (adding the minors killed on both sides of the front). However, Israel, like Ukraine, is defined as a democracy that defends itself from aggression.

Despite the contradictions, in its response to the two conflicts, there is a line of continuity marked by absolute support for the actions of its own ally. The statements of each and every one of the political authorities of the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union and other allied countries such as Canada, a month ago news for its tribute to an SS veteran, have sought, above all, to defend to Israel at all costs. This has been the case even in cases where it has been requested, in the most polite way possible and without trying to make it a demand, for some moderation towards attacks against the civilian population or the possibility of delivering humanitarian aid. Even in those cases, the Western authorities have wanted to insist on presenting the population of Gaza - completely forgetting that of the West Bank, where Israel has murdered more than 80 people since October 7 despite the complete absence of Hamas, a group against which the West claims the Israeli authorities are fighting -, as victims of Hamas and not of the Israeli occupation, siege and bombing.

The hypocrisy of Western countries has been revealed to the Palestinian and Arab population in general, who have understood that the right of peoples to self-determination and defense against the occupier applies only to those peoples chosen and fighting against a designated enemy of the West. But Western action also shows the continuity of unconditional support for the ally to whom everything is allowed and justified. In this case, it has been necessary to erase from the story everything that happened in Palestine before October 7, 2023, in the same way that eliminating from memory the eight years prior to the Russian invasion of February 22, 2022 made the narrative possible. of Ukraine as an innocent victim of an unprovoked attack. ... more-28407

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 21, 2023
October 21, 2023

In the Kherson direction , fighting continues in Krynki , where Ukrainian formations are still located. They also managed to gain a foothold north of Aleshki . At the same time , the Ukrainian Armed Forces were completely forced out from near Peschanivka and Poima . Due to bad weather, the capabilities of Russian artillery and aviation are reduced, but it also makes it more difficult for the enemy to transfer reinforcements to the left bank.

The situation remains stable in the Vremevsky sector , where neither side can achieve success. The Russian Armed Forces are gradually expanding the zone of control north of Priyutnoye , but the fighters have not yet had any major successes. Ukrainian formations, in turn, are still trying to occupy the heights between Priyutny and Staromayorsky .

Active hostilities are taking place near Avdeevka , where Russian troops are biting into the enemy’s defenses, continuing to continuously suppress the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces with artillery and drones.

This afternoon, Ukrainian formations again attacked the Rostov region , but Russian air defense systems managed to intercept all the fired shells. Anti-aircraft gunners also intercepted a Ukrainian Armed Forces drone in the Voronezh region : according to some reports, it was neutralized near Novovoronezh , next to which there is a nuclear power plant.

On the Vremyevsky sector of the front, a kind of parity has developed: neither side can achieve superiority and success. Both the RF Armed Forces and the Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to move forward and take each other’s positions on an almost daily basis. Russian units slowly (hundreds of meters per day) continue to make breakthroughs north of Priyutnoye , expanding the buffer zone. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are counterattacking, trying to occupy tactically important heights between Priyutny and Staromayorsky .

Ukrainian formations do not allow Russian troops to advance to the south and east of Urozhainy , while the Russian Armed Forces repeatedly disrupt the rotation of enemy units. Both the Novodonetsk and Novomayorsky sides are making no attempts to advance. The fighting in this area acquired the character of situational positional warfare after the withdrawal of Ukrainian marine brigades to the Kherson direction. At this stage, neither side can gain an advantage, so no breakthroughs should be expected in the coming days.

In the Orekhovsky sector, the situation has not undergone significant changes: positional battles and artillery duels continue along the entire line of contact. The Ukrainian command is pulling additional forces to the front line. In turn, Russian artillerymen and air crews strike at areas where enemy forces are concentrated. In addition, units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to advance northwest of Verbovoy and in the direction of Novofedorovka , but were covered with artillery fire and retreated with losses

In the Kherson direction , due to bad weather over the last two days, both the firepower and reconnaissance capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces and the ability of Ukrainian formations to transfer reinforcements have been reduced. While Russian troops successfully ousted the enemy near Peschanivka and Poyma , fighting continues in Krynki at this stage. North of Alyoshki, Ukrainian formations managed to gain a foothold along the northern bank of the Konka River and continue to dig in. The Russian Armed Forces constantly fire at them with artillery and mortars. There are battles in the west and east of Krynoki . To the south, Ukrainian formations control approximately 1 kilometer of forest belt. So far, the Russian Armed Forces have not been able to completely liberate the populated area. Ukrainian formations are trying to rotate the units that entered Krynki, but due to bad weather, the moral and psychological state of the units is low: those units that were planned to be involved in the new assault at 5 am refused to go on the attack.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

This afternoon, Ukrainian formations once again tried to attack the territory of the Rostov region . The governor of the region reported at least two episodes of the operation of Russian air defense systems: at around 14:10 an air target was hit, the debris of which fell in the area of ​​the Aksai Bridge , and during the second attack two enemy missiles were shot down.

Ukrainian formations continue to shell the Donetsk agglomeration daily , including using cluster munitions. The enemy fired at least four missiles from the HIMARS and Uragan MLRS in the Kalininsky and Budennovsky districts of Donetsk ; not all were intercepted. Four people were injured, over 20 houses were damaged, as well as several private enterprises, a motor depot and the state enterprise Donbassgaz. One of the GLMRS shells was shot down and fell with an unexploded warhead and control unit, which will allow it to be studied. In addition, Gorlovka, Makeevka, Zaitsevo, Shirokaya Balka were also under fire throughout the day : there was no information about the wounded, but there was destruction of civilian infrastructure.

Zaporozhye region

Amid attempts to gain a foothold on the left bank of the Dnieper, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue shelling settlements in the Kherson region . Dniepryan, Cairo, Kakhovka, Krynki, Nova Kakhovka, Podstepnoe and Proletarka were under fire . In addition, one civilian was reported killed as a result of yesterday's shelling of Peschanivka .

Political events
About corruption in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Another scandal related to corruption in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is breaking out in Ukraine . The detention of senior lieutenant Yuri Ulshin (call sign “Grek”) is reported . He was suspected of receiving a kickback in the amount of 600 thousand hryvnia. It is noted that Ulshin collected 150 thousand hryvnia from his subordinates for the unhindered calculation of combat payments. Previously, Ulishin received the unofficial Order of the People's Hero in 2019. In addition, he fought near Avdeevka and served in “Azov”.

At the same time, it is unknown whether the detention of the Azov citizen is connected with the current PR campaign against corruption that Ukraine is conducting for its Western partners. The amount of kickback is absolutely symbolic in terms of the scale of Ukrainian corruption in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Remembering stories about food, uniforms and weapons that flow to the domestic or international market, and not to the Ukrainian army, one can assume that the case is either indicative, or Ulishin did not please someone. As practice shows, larger Ukrainian corrupt officials either retire or move to another department. ... 2023-goda/

(Other images at link.)

How the battle for Avdeevka proceeds: analysis of Rybar
October 21, 2023
On October 10, at 4 am, the operation to cover the Avdeevsky fortified area began with large-scale artillery and aviation preparation . According to reports from the field, the entire range of cannon and rocket artillery was noted, bombs with UMPC, including one and a half ton bombs, were actively used.

In the feedback bot, we were repeatedly asked to shed light on the tactics of the Russian troops: given the abundance of footage of damaged Russian equipment on the Internet, the average person got the impression that the operation to cover Avdeevka turned into a second assault on Ugledar .

Therefore, Rybar’s team presents a detailed analysis of the battle for Avdeevka and records the result achieved by the end of October 21.

Stage one: October 10-11, 2023
Apparently, the main goal of the first stage of the operation was to expand the semi-coverage of the fortified area by taking under fire control the roads leading to the already semi-encircled Avdiivka .


On the northern flank, from Novobakhmutovka , an apparently diversionary attack was carried out on Keramik and Novokalinovo , which was also accompanied by artillery and air strikes.

The main push from Krasnogorovka to Berdychi allowed us to jump over abandoned railway lines leading to Avdeevka and catch on to the northeastern outskirts of Berdychi . Not so many forces were involved in this breakthrough: only five groups crossed the “piece of iron”, which managed to create a “center of concern” on the northern flank of the Avdeevsky fortified area and force the enemy to disperse reserves with harassing fire.

From the southwest, attacks were directed from Vodyanoye and Opytny to Severny .

In the southeast - from Spartak to the southern fortified area at the DKAD junction and the stopping point at 450 km of the Yasinovatsky branch of the Donetsk Railway.

The initial push in the “fog of war” was successful only in the north , which, in general, is not so surprising. The Avdeevsky fortified area, in the best traditions of the First World War, is densely filled with concrete and equipped with the latest fortification, including an impressive belt of minefields and tanks embedded in concrete, as well as buried communication passages and video surveillance cameras.

By the end of the first day of the operation, the enemy was able to be “knocked off” from the ash dump of the Avdeevsky Coke and Chemical Plant (AKHZ ) to the north-west of the city. However, it was not possible to gain a foothold there, but one should not underestimate the impossibility of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to place “eyes” there. Despite the abundance of various UAVs, “classical” spotters and observers at dominant heights also play a role, not to mention the possibility of deploying light anti-tank weapons (ATGMs).

Stage two: October 12-15, 2023
By October 11, despite the ongoing fighting on the outskirts of Berdychi , the Russian Armed Forces managed to expand the base of the northern wedge, starting battles for Petrovskoye . Thanks to this initiative, it was possible to at least partially reduce the threat of cutting off the advancing northern group. Judging by the enemy's further actions, this had a certain effect.


However, the groups northeast of Berdychi had to be pulled back behind the railroad tracks after a couple of days: having secured themselves along the railroad line, Russian troops began to inflict active fire on the Ukrainian formations rushing in pursuit.

At the same time, the cleanup of the waste heap (ash dump) south of Krasnogorovka continued . Partially, Russian troops managed to gain a foothold in the northeastern part of the waste heap, but it was not possible to advance further due to Ukrainian artillery fire.

Near Spartak , Russian troops approached the outskirts of the Tsarskaya Okhota recreation center , which was turned into a powerful fortified area that prevented them from approaching the private sector in the south of Avdeevka .

Stage three: October 16-19, 2023
During the battles of October 16-19, the Ukrainian formations, having recovered from the initial shock and transferring reinforcements to the fortified area, were able to finally push the Russian Armed Forces back not only from Berdychi , but also from Petrovsky .


An additional reinforcement force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, apparently, is being formed in Novokalinovo : reserves are apparently being transferred there for an attack towards Krasnogorovka and the surrounding area. Fighting around the ash dump continues. The height itself remains a draw: neither side can gain a foothold on the waste heap.

At the same time, to the west of Avdeevka there are fierce battles on the Vodyanoye - Severnoye - Tonenkoye line . Due to the dense mining of the area, neither Russian troops can approach Ukrainian positions, nor the Ukrainian Armed Forces are able to launch a successful counterattack.

The advance from Spartak is relatively successful: the front line along the railway is leveled, the assault groups of the Ukrainian Armed Forces deployed through the “Tsar’s Hunt” are scattered.

Enemy movements were noticed in Pervomaisky and Netailovo : apparently, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine attempted to seize the initiative by striking the flank of the now southern advancing group of the Russian Armed Forces.

But the RF Armed Forces are solving the main task of this stage: the destruction of the transferred reserves - including those that were hastily withdrawn from the Kharkov region and the Zaporozhye direction .

Fourth stage: October 20-21, 2023
By the end of October 21, one can see how the Russian group of troops manages to complete the task of expanding the buffer zone around Krasnogorovka after the destruction of the assault groups and reinforcements of the Ukrainian Armed Forces transferred to this area.


On the northern flank, the Russian Armed Forces are building a defense north of the ash dump along the railway and thwarting counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Berdychi and Petrovsky (Stepovoe) with artillery. The waste heap comes under the full control of Russian troops, the railway track becomes the demarcation line. The fighting is shifting to the eastern outskirts of Petrovskoye .

In the southern section the situation is similar. It was not possible to break through the enemy’s defenses in the direction of Severny and Tonenky ; there are oncoming battles for landings. Artillery is active on both sides, as are UAVs, including FPVs equipped with drop systems.

To date, the fighting continues. Avdiivka fortified area is one of the oldest and prepared from the very beginning of the war in Donbass .

Over the course of almost ten years, a powerful network of communications and fortified areas was built on this site, turning Avdiivka and the industrial zone into a fortress worse than the “Bakhmut Fort.” And given the configuration of the front, which allows Ukrainian formations to send units into the city, the number of counterattacks will only increase.

To minimize losses, the advance of the RF Armed Forces is proceeding measuredly, without sudden jerks. However, since the Ukrainian Armed Forces still have enough resources to carry out strikes on Donetsk, this could provoke an increase in the onslaught of the Russian army.

Sooner or later, constant pressure in different areas will produce results in one of them: additional forces will be deployed there. Well, the northern breakthrough and a significant improvement in the positions of Russian troops around the fortified area form a good basis for continuing offensive operations. ... r-rybarya/

Google Translator


By Natylie Baldwin, Consortium News, 10/20/23

Canadian-Ukrainian professor Ivan Katchanovski’s investigation of the Maidan massacre in Kiev in February 2014 found an organized mass killing of both protesters and the police, with the goal of delegitimizing the Yanukovych government and its forces and seizing power in Ukraine, as he wrote for Consortium News in an in-depth article in 2019. (On Wednesday three policemenwere sentenced for the massacre, one was acquitted and one was released for time served. The official investigation ignored Katchanovski’s academic research.)

Natylie Baldwin: Tell us about your Ukrainian background and how you came to be an academic focused on the 2014 coup in Ukraine and the subsequent war?

Ivan Katchanovski: I was born in Western Ukraine. I became interested in politics and conflicts since I was about 10 years old, and I wanted to become professor since then.

The dangerous Cold War and my family experience were motivating factors. My family and I did not participate in any political parties, wars, or other armed conflicts. But politics and conflicts shaped our lives.

My mother lived in four countries and my grandmother lived in five countries without ever moving on their own. I grew up listening to recollections of my mother about her and her family survival during World War Two in Poland when she was a teenager and recollections of my grandmother about her experience as a small child of being a refugee during World War One. They always wished that there would not be another war.

Although I was interested in studying politics and read hundreds of books about politics of different countries, I could not pursue this formally since there was no such academic discipline in the Soviet Union.

The only department of international relations in Ukraine was in Kyiv University, and it required a recommendation from the regional committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. I could not get such a recommendation, since I was not a party member. When the head of the local party committee asked me in 1985 why I am not joining the Communist Party, which was the only party in existence in the Soviet Union, I told her that I had not decided yet which party to join. But Petro Poroshenko [Ukraine’s post-coup president from 2014 to 2019] and Mikhai Saakashvili [former president of Georgia] were students in this department at Kyiv university at that very time, which means that they got such recommendations from the regional Communist Party committee.

Poroshenko, on right, with U.S. Vice President Biden in Kiev on Dec. 7, 2015. (U.S. Embassy Kyiv, Flickr)

While I was a student in another Kyiv university in 1988, I attended a small rally organized by the Ukrainian Helsinki Group. This smally rally with a few dozen participants was the first opposition demonstration in Kyiv in some 70 years. I also attended all rallies by Rukh and other Ukrainian organizations in Kyiv in 1988-1990. But I was in a very small minority. I supported the then and now multiparty system, freedom of the media, speech, assembly and rights of ethnic minorities and language rights.

I was threatened with expulsion from my university in Kyiv when I proposed to write my undergraduate thesis based on theories of Max Weber and Western economists. I also proposed to write it in Ukrainian, and the administration told me that I can write it even in Chinese. I wrote it anyway and concluded that the Soviet system was bound to collapse.

While I was not expelled from the university because [Mikhail] Gorbachev’s glasnost started making headway in Ukraine, I was given a “C” grade and could not pursue graduate education then because this required recommendation from the university from which I graduated.

After the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, I was able to pursue my graduate education in the West. I wrote my PhD dissertation under the direction of Seymour Martin Lipset at George Mason University on regional political divisions and separatist conflicts in Ukraine and Moldova. This study, which I published as a book, predicted a real possibility of a violent break-up and civil war in regionally divided Ukraine, especially with pro-Russian separatism in Crimea and Donbas, similar to what happened in neighboring Moldova after de facto secession of pro-Russian Transdniestria Region with Russian military support following a civil war.

I specialized in the study of comparative politics, conflicts, and political violence in Ukraine since. I researched all major conflicts and cases of political violence in Ukraine since the end of the 1930s, including Stalin’s Great Terror; World War Two; the Nazi collaboration and mass murder of Jews, Poles and Ukrainians by the OUN and the UPA; and the “Orange Revolution.”

Orange-flag waving demonstrators in Independence Square in Kiev on Nov. 22, 2004. (Serhiy, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

Therefore, as soon as the Maidan started in 2013 and almost immediately turned violent, I started to research it. I published op-eds warning that the violence during the Maidan, specifically by the far-right, could lead to a violent break-up of Ukraine and a civil war.

But such a possibility was dismissed then by almost all scholars researching Ukraine. I was watching the start of the Maidan massacre live over several Internet streams, but on the next day I noticed that all recordings of these streams disappeared.

Helmeted protesters face off against police on Dynamivska Street during the Maidan uprising in Kiev, Jan 20, 2014. (Mstyslav Chernov, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

I researched the civil war and Russian military interventions in Donbas as soon as the separatist conflict in Donbas started following the violent overthrow of the Yanukovych government by means of the Maidan massacre and assassination attempts against Yanukovych.

Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, I warned in my publications, media interviews and social media posts about a real possibility of a war between Russia and Ukraine. I am researching this ongoing war now. My books on the Russia-Ukraine war and its origins, on the Maidan massacre, and on modern Ukraine are forthcoming from three major Western academic presses.

Baldwin: How did your investigation of the events surrounding the 2014 coup in Ukraine evolve and what are your conclusions?

Katchanovski: I researched the Maidan massacre for almost 10 years. I published a book chapter and two peer-reviewed journal articles on this massacre. Another of my articles on this crucial massacre is in press following very positive peer reviews by two experts. All these articles are open-access thanks to crowdfunding, and can be freely viewed, downloaded, shared, translated and republished.

My studies found that the Maidan massacre was a false-flag mass killing of the protestors and the police in order to seize power in Ukraine. It was conducted with the involvement of oligarchic and far-right elements of the Maidan opposition using concealed groups of Maidan snipers in Maidan-controlled buildings. The evidence shows this beyond any reasonable doubt.

Baldwin: It sounds like your work on these events has been censored. Please explain what challenges you’ve had in presenting and publishing your work and why you think this has been happening.

Katchanovski: My comprehensive article concerning the Maidan massacre was accepted for publication with minor revisions by a major peer-reviewed journal but then the decision was reversed in a clear case of political censorship. My appeal, with a supporting letter by Jeffrey Sachs, was rejected. Now the same article has been published as two separate articles in two other major peer-reviewed journals.

In retaliation for my academic studies of the Maidan massacre, my own house, land, and all property in Western Ukraine were seized by court decisions, which were issued on the orders from the top, despite all the documents and dozens of witness testimonies and in reversals of the decisions by the same judges and courts which confirmed my ownership. My house and all my property there have been damaged.

I faced ad hominem attacks, denunciations and defamation from a few researchers, most of whom are linked to the Ukrainian far right and obviously have vested interest in whitewashing the far right and denying their involvement in the false flag mass killing of the Maidan protesters.

Ukrainian opposition leaders Oleh Tyahnybok, seated on van, with Vitali Klitschko and Arseniy Yatsenyuk, addressing Euromaidan demonstrators, Nov. 27, 2013. (Ivan Bandura, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0)

A far-right activist linked to Svoboda, which my studies show was implicated in the Maidan massacre, was involved in the creation of several dozens of identical blogs and social media sites calling me “falsifier of the Maidan massacre.” It is telling that he used what he called “scientific anti-Semitism” to justify the OUN-led pogrom of Jews in Nazi-occupied Lviv.

A small group of Wikipedia editors resorted to similar defamation and fraud in order to whitewash the far right and the far-right involvement in the mass murder of the Maidan protesters and the police. They systematically whitewash the contemporary far right in Ukraine and their historical predecessors from the OUN and the UPA, and their Nazi collaboration and involvement in mass murder of Jews, Poles, and Ukrainians, and smear and defame many scholars of Ukraine.

They include editors who were identified by “Wikipedia’s Intentional Distortion of the History of the Holocaust” article by the University of Ottawa professor. Most of them are identified by various publications and online sources as academics, who are not experts in Ukraine but whitewash the far right and Maidan mass murders and smear scholars either because of political agenda or even possibly for pay.

Silhouette of a victim painted on a sidewalk in Hrushevskoho Street, Kiev, July 2015, over a year after the clashes in Maidan square. (Skoropadsky, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)

But my Maidan massacre studies were reported or cited, overwhelmingly positively by over 100 Western scholars and experts. Such leading scholars and experts as Richard Sakwa, (University of Kent), Professor David Lane (Cambridge University), Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia University), Jack Matlock (Duke University and the former U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union), Stephen F. Cohen (New York University), Anatol Lieven (Quincy Institute), and many others in their peer-reviewed articles, books, and media publications either accepted my research findings concerning the Maidan massacre or [have] written favorably about my studies of this massacre.

Similarly, more than a hundred Western media outlets and over 50 Ukrainian media outlets positively reported or cited findings of my Maidan massacre studies: They include major American, Austrian, Canadian, Danish, Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, New Zealand, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swiss media outlets such as The Nation, Huffington Post, Courthouse News, Jacobin, Consortium News, Counterpunch, The Grayzone, Truthout, and Ukraina Moloda.

Their number is dozens of times higher than the few Western and Ukrainian media which attacked or denounced my Maidan massacre studies by resorting to outright fraud or the deliberate omission of overwhelming evidence revealed by my studies and the Maidan massacre trial.

But the absolute majority of the Western media deliberately does not report concerning findings of my studies of this massacre and various overwhelming evidence that this was a false-flag operation with the far-right involvement.

Feb. 18, 2014: Protesters throwing pieces of brick pavement at Ukrainian troops obscured by the smoke of burning tires in Kiev. (Mstyslav Chernov, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

In contrast, my interviews, comments and publications concerning my other research areas, such as the Russia-Ukraine war, the war in Donbas and World War Two, appeared in more than 3,000 media reports in some 75 countries. They include the following media: Associated Press, BBC Ukrainian, Canadian Press, CBC News, CTV News, Daily Express, France 24, Global TV, Globe and Mail, The Guardian, Hill TV, Le Figaro, National Post, Reuters, Times Higher Education, Toronto Star, Vice, Voice of America, The Washington Post, Euronews, Sky News Australia and CNN Brazil.

My research-based tweets and interviews concerning the standing ovation to the SS Galicia Division veteran by the Canadian parliament, the Canadian prime-minister and [Ukraine’s President Volodymyr] Zelensky were reported by several hundred media in dozens of countries and helped to make it the top story in Canada and one of major stories in the U.S., Poland and other countries.

There is also outright media censorship concerning my Maidan massacre research. A popular Polish media outlet Onet removed my interview following a request from the office of president of Poland. British OpenDemocracy accepted for publication in 2014 a popular version of my original study but did not publish it. A dozen of my interviews concerning the Maidan massacre were either not reported or canceled by major TV networks, radio stations and newspapers in the U.S., Canada and the EU.

My applications for research funding or research positions in Canada and the U.S. were denied since I first presented my study of the Maidan massacre in 2014, including during the current war, even though I am one of the most cited political scientists specializing primarily in the conflicts and politics in Ukraine and earlier held such research positions at Harvard, the University of Toronto, and the Kluge Center at the Library of Congress.

I published four books, 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and 12 book chapters, and have three forthcoming books on Ukraine. And I am one of a few Ukrainian political scientists in the Western academy specializing in conflicts in Ukraine.

I was denied presentations in Ukrainian studies conferences in Canada and the U.S. One of the persons, who denied me a Canadian government-funded research grant, denounced me on Twitter for my Maidan massacre studies and suggested that she contacted my university demanding my removal. She is a professor specializing in Canada and not Ukraine but claims to know simply because she is from the Ukrainian diaspora.

I intended to use this large research grant to pay for open access publication of my articles and book. I used my own money to fund my Maidan massacre research, and I am thankful for ongoing crowdfunding support for open access publication of my articles and a book from over 100 donations.

It is simply astonishing and revealing that I am the one punished for my academic studies of the Maidan massacre, while mass murders of the Maidan protesters and the police are supported, whitewashed, and even glorified by the Westen governments, politicians, the media, and even by many academics.

Baldwin: You’ve talked periodically about investigations and court proceedings in Ukraine regarding the events surrounding the Maidan and the change of government that resulted from it. Can you tell us more about those court proceedings and investigations – how are they set up and what are they investigating? What are the most interesting revelations that have come out of them and do you think there will be any meaningful accountability for illegal and/or violent actions?

Ukrainian Internal Troops form a phalanx against protesters with Berkut special police grouped behind them. (Amakuha, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

Katchanovski: The Maidan massacre trial, which started in 2015, examined charges against five members of Berkut [a special police unit] who are charged with the massacre of the Maidan protesters on Feb. 20, 2014.

My recent peer-reviewed journal article and video appendixes show that the absolute majority of wounded protesters testified at the trial and the investigation that they were in fact shot by snipers from Maidan-controlled buildings or areas or that they witnessed snipers there.

Some 100 prosecution and defense witnesses and relatives of killed protesters also testified about snipers in the Maidan-controlled buildings and areas. This is consistent with testimonies by several hundred other witnesses and confessions by 14 self-admitted members of Maidan sniper groups.

Statements by the far-right Svoboda Party, videos and numerous witnesses show that the Hotel Ukraina and other buildings, which were locations of snipers who massacred the protesters and the police, were controlled then by the Maidan forces. My analysis of synchronized videos revealed Maidan snipers in these buildings during the massacre.

Forensic medical examinations by government experts showed that nearly all protesters were shot from the top, the back, and from the side directions, which match these Maidan-controlled buildings.

Government forensic ballistic experts determined that many protesters were killed or wounded from the Hotel Ukraina and other Maidan-controlled buildings or areas. A forensic ballistic examination by government experts with use of an automatic computer-based system found that bullets extracted from killed protesters did not match bullets from the Kalashnikov assault rifles of Berkut police. My analysis of synchronized videos showed that the specific time and direction of shooting by Berkut policemen did not coincide with the killing of specific protesters.

But the government investigation in Ukraine in a most blatant cover-up simply denies that there were any snipers in these Maidan controlled buildings in spite of the undeniable evidence. As part of such a cover-up, no one was convicted or under arrest for the massacre of the protesters and the police for almost 10 years after this massacre, which was one of the most documented cases of mass killing in history.

Crucial evidence, such as security cameras recordings, bullets, shields and helmets, “disappeared” or were destroyed. There is also tampering with evidence, such as bullets and forensic ballistic examinations, whose results were reversed without any explanation and contrary to videos, witnesses and forensic medical examinations. There is no trial for the killing of the police even though Maidan snipers, in particular, members of a far-right-linked group, publicly confessed in Ukrainian and Western media interviews of killing or shooting the police during the massacre.

Baldwin: Given that Ukraine is your family homeland, what is currently happening there must inform your work in a way that is different from other experts who may not have a personal connection. How has this war, both from 2014 and from 2022, personally affected you and your family?

Katchanovski: My relatives live in Western Ukraine which was not much affected by the war. One distant relative was wounded during the war in Donbas. My best friend, who lived then in Mariupol with his family, disappeared after the Russian invasion in 2022. We studied together at Central European University in Prague and communicated over Skype often when he was in Mariupol or taught in American universities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

War-damaged Mariupol on March 12, 2022. (, CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)

Baldwin: You made reference on Twitter to a recent poll of Ukrainians living both in and outside Ukraine that found 43 percent of those in Ukraine and 36 percent of those in Europe disagree that Neo-Nazi ideology is not a significant problem in Ukraine. It also revealed that 29 percent of those in Ukraine and 35 percent of those in Europe disagree that the 2014 Maidan events were not a coup. Can you discuss these results and their significance given the western media narrative about what’s been going on in Ukraine since 2014?

Katchanovski: Since the poll question does not specify “no spread” as an answer, this poll means that 46 percent of respondents in Ukraine agree that Nazi/neo-Nazi ideology has a small spread in Ukraine, while 43 percent disagree, i.e. regard Nazi/neo-Nazi ideology spread as either significant or non-existent.

This poll, like other polls in Ukraine during the Russia-Ukraine war, underestimate responses that go against the narrative propagated by the Ukrainian government, in particular concerning the Maidan. Russian-annexed parts of Ukraine, including pro-Russian Crimea and Donbas, are excluded. There are also social/political desirability bias and fear to express views contrary to the official narrative of the Zelensky government.

Protesters in Kiev with neo-Nazi symbols – SS-Volunteer Division “Galicia” and Patriot of Ukraine flags, 2014. (CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)

The poll results show that contrary to the narrative propagated by Western and Ukrainian governments and the media, Ukrainians have different views concerning the Maidan and the far-right in Ukraine. But this poll also contradicts the narrative propagated by the Russian government and the media about Nazi or neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine since a “fascist coup” in 2014.

Baldwin: I’ve seen you mention on social media that there is a Neo-Nazi element in the Wagner forces. Can you tell us more about that? Does it have to do with a lot of them being convicts?

Katchanovski: It was Dmitry Utkin, the Wagner military commander, who used Nazi SS symbols as his signature and the name of the Hitler’s favorite composer as his nom de guerre, which became the name of the Wagner mercenary company. The Wagner company also included small “Rusich” unit, which was organized and led by Russian neo-Nazis. ... chanovski/


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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:38 pm

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POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/23/2023
Original Article: Alexander Kots / Komsomolskaya Pravda


A young gray cat climbs over the camouflage-clad shoulder of his owner in the driver's seat of a UAZ to calmly climb onto my lap. On all fours, leaning against the door, he looks carefully out the window, assessing the situation with his black eyes. Out there, autumn was exploding with its bright colors, flooded by the still warm sun. Judging by his long mustaches, Barmalei - that's his name - likes what he sees and I know perfectly well that rains are coming after this period of sun. And with them, the impassable mud, which sticks to the boots making them weigh kilos, turning them into heavy cement. Baramalei doesn't know this yet. He's only a few months old, but his Telegram channel has almost 4,000 followers. It is a cross between a common cat and what looks like a noble Briton. He has become the unofficial mascot of the Southern Group troops.

“A friend in the special forces gave it to me,” says an officer I know. “The cat chose me. He was the size of the palm of my hand, he climbed my leg and fell asleep,” explains another friend. “Keep it, let it stay with you.” Since then, he travels with the units, communicates with soldiers and studies different weapons. He already has combat training and is ready to pass the training course. When it comes to how things affect soldiers mentally, he's not far from the master of it. Sometimes he goes out with the explorers on a search mission, other times with the rescue services. Now he's going to see the tankers and I'm going with him.

I've only been out of the RPL for a month, but the changes are eye-catching. The road from Luhansk to Schastie has finally been completed and turned into a four-lane highway. In the capital of the Republic, beautiful playgrounds are beginning to appear in some areas, just like in Moscow. There is material again. “Yes, everything is calm here,” a friend who came to Luhansk from Donetsk in search of products told me, with some envy. “There is no problem with water, mothers walk with their children's strollers, I haven't seen anything like that in a long time.” Sometimes I think about the misfortunes that have befallen the city. Now, Lugansk has swapped roles with Donetsk. How unfortunate Lugansk was in 2014-2015, just like Donetsk is now.

Unfortunately, the changes have not affected the front line along the RPL borders much this month. The same positional battle continues that exhausts the resources of both sides. It's just that the opponent is spending his reserves excessively and we are saving them. And we prepare things near the line of contact.

I meet acquaintances from the August tank battalion of the South Group troops. Without exaggeration, the unit is already legendary. “We began our combat path in 2014. We have been in all the acute phases: the Debaltsevo operation, the Ilovaisk boiler, the beginning of the special military operation [OME], which caught us at the front of the attack. The personnel of our companies were the first to cross the Seversky Donets, we forced the river and destroyed the enemy. We have actively participated in all large-scale operations of the OME. We don't just sit on a bench,” explains the battalion's deputy commander, a soldier with the nom de guerre Petrel .

“Why August?”

“In honor of the icon of August.” The Russian Orthodox Church venerates this icon in memory of the appearance of the Virgin in 1914 before the soldiers during the battle of Augusovo, in the province of Suwalki. The soldiers saw the image against the background of a star in the sky, a miracle that, according to legend, lasted about ten minutes. The battle then ensued, resulting in a Russian victory. None of the witnesses to the phenomenon died.

“What surprises you most about this war?” I ask Petrel .

“The cynicism and cruelty of the enemy. When he knows that there is only a civilian population, they attack with cluster munitions, destroying their own population, as they say. Children, women. It hurts, it is inappropriate cruelty.”

Nearby, middle-aged soldiers work on another worn-out tank. They have armor and drone protection on the tower. The men take position, start the vehicle and head towards the line of fire, hidden among the thick bushes. It is clear that they have no experience yet. Everything is done carefully, but still not quickly. It will come with time. I have seen how that same “exercise” is done in real combat conditions and when you stop for a second to look, you are dead. But beginners first have to get used to the vehicle, make friends with it. So the staff calmly watch, aim the barrel at the target and fire two shots. Then, carefully step back and return to the original position. Each movement will become more refined until it is finally an automatism.

“Have the tank units changed in any way over the course of this operation?” I ask the deputy commander.

“Now we have moved on to shooting primarily from closed shooting positions. The enemy has a colossal number of NATO anti-tank weapons. “If there is an opportunity to shoot at a distance, it is better to do so without risking the lives of personnel.”

“It turns out that the tank becomes artillery. Is it more accurate?”

“It is inferior to artillery in range, but it beats it in pressure.”

Obviously, this type of shooting is possible only when there is correction from the sky, so among the personnel of the separate tank battalion there are reconnaissance and drone operators. Molodoy [young] clearly justifies his nom de guerre. Even under the balaclava, he looks very young. He has a nice Russian face, big eyes and a good smile. During the war, the boy escaped from the Lugansk Pedagogical Institute, where he studied physical education. In “Agosto” he is a drone operator. He goes on a mission, detects the enemy, transmits the coordinates by radio and, if necessary, makes corrections.

“And you haven't detected this?”

“These are things that happen. We arrive at a position and two minutes later eighties [82mm projectiles] arrive. We reach the shed. After another two minutes, a 120mm. And then another and another…They fired twenty projectiles at us. There was even a direct impact, but without a break. The shed kept us safe. We had luck".

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“Tell me, does the command pass orders quickly when you find a target?”

“Yes, well, about five minutes,” Molodoy responds . At first glance, that indicator might seem fantastic. But in a year and a half of battle, they have learned to find targets and hit them literally in real time.

“In fact, the attack reconnaissance circuit has been implemented on a battalion basis, with scouts, drones, tankers and mortar all united in a single network,” explains Skif, commander of the reconnaissance squadron, while loading his weapon. “We achieved it a year ago, working in real time.”

“Have you been serving long?”

“I've been in the military since I graduated. And I served in kyiv in the separate presidential regiment.”

“Under what president?”

“With Yanukovych.”

“Have you met colleagues here?”

“Yes, recently, in the Serebryansky forest. They received massive resistance and retreated with casualties. The 101st Brigade itself, the most elite they have, has also been here.”

“And everything for what?” explains Petrel . Because my comrades and I are unique people who have a solid policy in society and we are not afraid to defend a just cause. Which? The work of our grandparents, who heroically fulfilled their task. They're almost done with this. We have to give it one more hit. We will do it, no one will leave without their punishment.”

Meanwhile, Barmalei has passed from hand to hand. “This type of guests is very positive.” Adult men dressed as soldiers take turns saying goodbye to the cat. Above the ground, projectiles make their way into the darkening sky. Russia continues to prepare its reserves, which still have something to say. Maybe very soon.

Google Translator


Chronicle of a special military operation for October 22, 2023
October 22, 2023

The Russian Armed Forces continue to strike at enemy rear infrastructure facilities. At night, a missile strike destroyed a logistics point at the Nova Poshta branch in the village of Korotych .

Fighting continues along the entire line of combat contact, especially active near Avdiivka . The initiative is owned by the Russian side, the Russian Aerospace Forces and artillery are actively working. Massive attacks are still being carried out on the Donetsk agglomeration , despite heavy positional battles and attempts by the Russian Armed Forces to build on the success of the first day of the offensive.

In the Kherson direction, enemy sabotage groups managed to create a bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper . In addition, enemy aircraft are trying to carry out strikes; several missiles were shot down in the Golopristansky district .


Strike by the Russian Armed Forces on the Nova Poshta terminal near Kharkov

During the night, Russian troops attacked the terminal of the Ukrainian logistics company Novaya Pochta in the village of Korotych , west of Kharkov . The missile hit one of the two buildings and caused significant damage to it. Several workers inside were killed.

Both Novaya Poshta and other similar companies have long been providing logistics services to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, sometimes even delivering armored vehicles to the front lines. Therefore, their facilities have already become targets of Russian attacks several times in the past .

It is curious that during the night raid, an innovative terminal with automated equipment from the Dutch company Vanderlande , which was capable of sorting 8.5 thousand parcels per hour , was hit .

We will see soon whether the terminal's failure will affect the speed of delivery of copters and other equipment to the Ukrainian formations to the front line in the Kharkov region.

The situation on the front line and combat operations

In the Starobelsky direction , compared to more active areas, it is relatively quiet, but combat work does not stop. The Russian Armed Forces hit identified targets with artillery and conduct reconnaissance. In turn, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have become more active in the area of ​​Kislovka and Yagodnoye and are actively using FPV drones.

There are still no significant changes in the Soledar direction . The Russian Armed Forces continue to hold the southern flank of Bakhmut, repelling attacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kleshcheevka area . The enemy, as before, is attacking in assault groups.

In the area of ​​the Avdeevsky fortified area on the northern flank, Russian Aerospace Forces aviation and artillery strike the Avdeevsky Coke and Chemical Plant . The enemy is trying to maintain control of the railway line, throwing reserve units into this area again and again, just to prevent Russian units from advancing. On the southern flank there are battles towards Severny and Tonenky , the Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to hold back the onslaught by transferring manpower and dense minefields.

In the Vremevsky sector, Russian units, in the course of several successful assaults, expanded the zone of control north of Priyutnoye . According to preliminary data, there are battles for plantings at a distance of up to 2.5 kilometers from the populated area.

Positional clashes continue in the Verbovoye area. Artillery and unmanned aircraft are actively operating on both sides of the front. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have recorded a very intensive use of cluster munitions. The enemy rotates at night, trying to reduce daytime movements to a minimum due to the high risk of being destroyed by Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft and FPV drones.

In the Kherson direction, the Russian Armed Forces continue to hinder the attempts of Ukrainian formations to gain a foothold on the left bank of the Dnieper . Attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repulsed in the area of ​​Krynoki , Prydneprovskoye , and the village of Tyaginka . There were also reports of enemy attempts to install a pontoon bridge near Olgovka-Korsunka .

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas
In the border areas, shelling activity has dropped somewhat. In the Kursk region during the day, the village of Tyotkino was shelled from the Ukrainian side . None of the residents were injured; the power supply in the village was disrupted. In the Belgorod region, Ukrainian formations fired at Dronovka and Spodaryushino ; in addition, in the Shebekino area , according to local reports, an artillery duel took place.

The enemy continues to strike the Donetsk agglomeration daily . Despite the fact that today there were fewer arrivals than usual, this phenomenon is rather temporary.

In the Kirovsky district of Donetsk , the Palace of Culture was damaged, in the Kievsky district a supermarket was damaged, and the Petrovsky and Kuibyshevsky districts were also under fire . In Makeevka , one person was injured, damage to civilian infrastructure was recorded in Gorlovka , there is no information about casualties.

Ukrainian formations continue shelling the left bank of the Kherson region . Today, Sagi , Kakhovka , Podstepnoye , Novaya Kakhovka , Aleshki and Radensk were under enemy fire . As a result of yesterday's strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, two civilians, Aleshek and Tarasovka, were injured .

In addition, the governor of the Kherson region reported the downing of at least three missiles in the sky over the Genichesk municipal district between 16:45 and 17:30.

Political events
About the American choice

The New York Times confirms information that the United States has begun transferring shells to Israel that were previously intended for Ukraine . At the same time, according to the official position of the White House, the West does not intend to give priority to any specific conflict.

One should not assume that the capabilities of American industry, as well as weapons reserves, may not be enough to sponsor several conflicts at once. In addition, the United States can delegate part of its powers and obligations regarding Ukraine to its European NATO partners. However, the prolongation of the war in Palestine , coupled with the ongoing Ukrainian conflict, may in the future present the United States with an unpleasant choice. ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)


Military supplies to Ukraine through the Pentagon 2022-2023
October 23, 13:21


Official funding for Ukraine according to the Pentagon line from February 2022 to October 2023.
It is worth remembering that funding comes not only from the Pentagon and not only from the United States.
This is just one of the channels for pumping up the Nazi regime, although, as expected earlier, problems began in September 2023.

Ukraine in the new world order
October 22, 19:21


As soon as Bviden announced yesterday about the construction of the New World Order, the following immediately popped up in my mind:

In Ukraine, as soon as the Act of Independence was proclaimed after the State Emergency Committee, and the question was put up for a future referendum - whether the people of Ukraine are ready to vote for secession from the USSR, the head of the Ukrainian SSR Foreign Ministry Udovenko ran to the Americans and Bandera and on October 12-13 in the suburbs of Washington at the Sheraton Hotel The 5th annual “leaders’ conference” entitled “Ukraine in the New World Order” took place. The conference examined "Ukraine's position in a dynamically changing international environment", "using the Declaration of Independence as a starting point", "external and internal factors influencing Ukraine's position in the New World Order", "the coming defragmentation of the USSR" and "obstructing Russian imperial ambitions" (?!!!).

The moderators of the “leaders’ conference” were Katerina Chumachenko from the American side, and Foreign Minister Gennady Udovenko from the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Two months after the conference, the independence of Ukraine was announced, and soon Gorbachev dissolved the Soviet Union

(c) Miroslava Berdnik - zinc

The role of Ukraine was determined even before its creation in 1991.
After the destruction of the USSR, this function was consistently cultivated and began to be implemented in the 2000s.
Still within the framework of the previous world order, which is now obviously deflated. Ukraine's role in the “new world order” is consumable for the attempt to build a new world order.

Poisoned Cake
October 22, 16:50


Poisoned Cake

Yesterday a significant event took place in the life of AVVAKUL, namely the 20th anniversary of the next graduation from this wonderful pilot school, in honor of which traditional festive events were held in Armavir in the “Banquet” mode.
On which I, of course, congratulate those involved!

Grateful fans of the work and service of graduates (and graduates who have graduated for 20 years are mostly active pilots in serious positions and ranks) could not ignore this event and sent a huge 20 kg cake and several boxes of Jameson whiskey to the anniversary graduation.

The grateful graduates were stunned by such royal encouragement and, while the cake was being cut, they began to traditionally take selfies and post photos with words of gratitude and thanks to their closed groups of peers. Everything is as usual.

At the same time, all the guests began to try to find out the names of the benefactors in order to raise a toast to his health, but for some reason they could not be found.

One responsible officer, rudely and shamelessly taking advantage of his official position, sent his majors a photo of the courier from surveillance cameras who brought such a wonderful and tasty fix, because gratitude should be grateful. You understand.

I don’t know how, but a man who looked like a courier suddenly bought a plane ticket at the time of the check.
Purely by chance, he turned out to be a native of the glorious city of Melitopol, apparently arriving to congratulate the graduates and leaving for home. Well, then it’s a matter of technology.
The courier was found and placed on the bottle.
He immediately told everything: about the cake with a potent poison and which bottles he bought in addition, and which were poisoned right away. And how did he know the number of guests and where the holiday would take place? Even the HABACUL emblem was drawn to be current. The cake was made from scratch in Armavir. They are currently looking for confectioners.

By pure chance and thanks to the conscientiousness of the officers who put the anonymous cake and the booze aside, no one stupidly had time to eat the cake or taste the booze. They even had time to cut the cake. It would be a disaster. Everybody is alive. This time the power steering fell off completely. And this is good.

Now I am addressing, in principle, all tomorrow’s graduates and military personnel.
Remember that there is a war going on. A lithtech graduate is, perhaps for now, a near-zero specialist, but an excellent group and relaxed goal. From whose death the crests will make a media victory. You are graduating soon, there will be a holiday.
You will pour.
Keep in mind that you can not only be poisoned. But there are also a thousand other ways to kill.
Be careful! - zinc

Let me remind you that the GUR is still not recognized as a terrorist organization in Russia.

Google Translator




By Nahal Toosi, Politico, 10/2/23

Biden administration officials are far more worried about corruption in Ukraine than they publicly admit, a confidential U.S. strategy document obtained by POLITICO suggests.

The “sensitive but unclassified” version of the long-term U.S. plan lays out numerous steps Washington is taking to help Kyiv root out malfeasance and otherwise reform an array of Ukrainian sectors. It stresses that corruption could cause Western allies to abandon Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s invasion, and that Kyiv cannot put off the anti-graft effort.

“Perceptions of high-level corruption” the confidential version of the document warns, could “undermine the Ukrainian public’s and foreign leaders’ confidence in the war-time government.”

That’s starker than the analysis available in the little-noticed public version of the 22-page document, which the State Department appears to have posted on its website with no fanfare about a month ago.

The confidential version of the “Integrated Country Strategy” is about three times as long and contains many more details about U.S. objectives in Ukraine, from privatizing its banks to helping more schools teach English to encouraging its military to adopt NATO protocols. Many goals are designed to reduce the corruption that bedevils the country.

The quiet release of the strategy, and the fact that the toughest language was left in the confidential version, underscores the messaging challenge facing the Biden team.

The administration wants to press Ukraine to cut graft, not least because U.S. dollars are at stake. But being too loud about the issue could embolden opponents of U.S. aid to Ukraine, many of them Republican lawmakers who are trying to block such assistance. Any perception of weakened American support for Kyiv also could cause more European countries to think twice about their role.

When it comes to the Ukrainians, “there are some honest conversations happening behind the scenes,” a U.S. official familiar with Ukraine policy said. Like others, the person was granted anonymity to discuss a sensitive issue.

Ukrainian graft has long been a concern of U.S. officials all the way up to President Joe Biden. But the topic was deemphasized in the wake of Russia’s February 2022 full-scale invasion, which Biden has called a real-life battle of democracy against autocracy.

For months, Biden aides stuck to brief mentions of corruption. They wanted to show solidarity with Kyiv and avoid giving fuel to a small number of Republican lawmakers critical of U.S. military and economic aid for Ukraine.

More than a year into the full-scale war, U.S. officials are pressing the matter more in public and private. National security adviser Jake Sullivan, for instance, met in early September with a delegation from Ukrainian anti-corruption institutions.

A second U.S. official familiar with the discussions confirmed to POLITICO reports that the Biden administration is talking to Ukrainian leaders about potentially conditioning future economic aid on “reforms to tackle corruption and make Ukraine a more attractive place for private investment.”

Such conditions are not being considered for military aid, the official said.

A spokesperson for Ukraine’s foreign ministry did not respond to requests for comment. But Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has fired several top defense officials in a recent crackdown on alleged graft — a message to the United States and Europe that he’s listening.

The Integrated Country Strategy is a State Department product that draws on contributions from other parts of the U.S. government, including the Defense Department. It includes lists of goals, timelines for achieving them and milestones that U.S. officials would like to see hit. (The State Department produces such strategies for many countries once every few years.)

A State Department official, speaking on behalf of the department, would not say if Washington had shared the longer version of the strategy with the Ukrainian government or whether a classified version exists.

William Taylor, a former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, said many ordinary Ukrainians will likely welcome the strategy because they, too, are tired of the endemic corruption in their country.

It’s all fine “as long as it doesn’t get in the way of the assistance we provide them to win the war,” he said.

The document says that fulfilling American objectives for Ukraine includes making good on U.S. promises of equipment and training to help Ukraine’s armed forces fend off the Kremlin’s attacks.

The confidential version also describes U.S. goals such as helping reform elements of Ukraine’s national security apparatus to allow for “decentralized, risk-tolerant approach to execution of tasks” and reduce “opportunities for corruption.”

Although the NATO military alliance is not close to allowing Ukraine to join, the American strategy often cites a desire to make Ukraine’s military adopt NATO standards.

One hoped-for milestone listed in the confidential version is that Ukraine’s Defense Ministry “establishes a professionalized junior officer and non-commissioned officer corps with NATO standard doctrine and principles.”

Even the format and content of Ukrainian defense documents should “reflect NATO terminology,” a confidential section of the strategy says.

One target includes creating a “national level resistance plan.” That could allude to ordinary Ukrainians fighting back if Russia gains more territory. (The State Department official would not clarify that point.)

The U.S. also wants to see Ukraine produce its own military equipment by establishing a “domestic defense industry capable of supporting core needs” as well as an environment that boosts defense information technology start-ups, according to one of the confidential sections.

U.S. officials appear especially concerned about the role of an elite few in Ukraine’s economy.

“Deoligarchization, particularly of the energy and mining sectors, is a core tenet to building back a better Ukraine,” the public part of the strategy declares. One indicator of success, the confidential version states, is that the Ukrainian government “embraces meaningful reforms decentralizing control of the energy sector.”

The United States appears eager to help Ukrainian institutions build their oversight capacities. The goals listed include everything from helping local governments assess corruption risks to reforms in human resources offices.

As one example, the strategy says the U.S. is helping the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine enhance its auditing and related work in part so it can track direct budget support from the United States.

The strategy describes ways in which the United States is helping Ukraine’s health sector, cyber defenses and organizations that battle disinformation. It calls for supporting Ukrainian anti-monopoly efforts and initiatives to spur increased tax revenue for the country’s coffers.

The confidential portion calls for Ukraine’s financial systems to “increase lending to encourage business expansion” and a reduction in the state’s role in the banking sector.

One envisioned milestone for that section is that “Alfa Bank is transparently returned to private ownership.” That appears to be a reference to an institution now known as Sense Bank, which was previously Russian-owned but nationalized by Ukraine.

The U.S. strategy appears intent on ensuring that Ukraine not only retains its orientation toward the West but that it develops special ties with America.

One way Washington believes that will happen is through the English language. The strategy indicates the United States is offering technical and other aid to Ukraine’s education ministry to improve the teaching of English and that it believes offering English lessons can help reintegrate Ukrainians freed from Russian occupation.

U.S. officials also are helping Ukraine build its capacity to prosecute war crimes in its own judicial system. The desired milestones include the selection of more than 2,000 new judges and clearing up a backlog of over 9,000 judicial misconduct complaints.

The strategy also calls for rebuilding the U.S. diplomatic presence in Ukraine, expanding beyond Kyiv to cities such as Lviv, Odesa, Kharkiv and Dnipro.

Due to earlier staff drawdowns spurred by the full-scale Russian invasion, “the embassy remains in crisis mode,” one of the public sections states. (The State Department official would not discuss the current Embassy staffing numbers.)

As they have in past communications reported on by POLITICO, U.S. officials note inventive ways in which the United States is providing oversight of American aid to Ukraine despite facing limitations due to the war. Those efforts have included using an app called SEALR to help track the aid. ... al-threat/

2000 judges to try Ukrainian war criminals? Ha! they'll need them....


Biden gives booster dose to the faltering Ukraine war


The prognosis of “war fatigue” on the part of the United States and its allies in the proxy war in Ukraine was greatly exaggerated. On the contrary, the war is acquiring a new swagger.

The Biden Administration is riding a tiger and a dismount is fraught with the danger of being devoured by the beastly consequences of defeat in the war, which could only lead to the discredit of trans-atlanticism and the disintegration of NATO, and spell the doom for US’ global hegemony.

Biden’s formal address to the nation from the Oval Office on Thursday can only be seen as the launch of a new phase of the Ukraine war carrying forward the the demonising of Putin to a new level, Biden weaves together a new narrative claiming that Hamas and the Russian leader both want to “completely annihilate a neighbouring democracy — completely annihilate it.”

The bedrock of Biden’s argument was that resolute support of US allies is essential for preserving American primacy in the world. The main plot was that the hybrid war in Ukraine will continue so long as Biden remains in office in the White House. It has morphed into a “forever war”. Biden called Ukraine President Vladimir Zelensky before making his speech.

Analysts would have us believe that Europe is increasingly disenchanted with the war. But Poland, a major frontline state, has just voted to power a centrist government that is cause for celebration in Kiev (and Washington). In Britain too, a similar outcome is to be expected — only that it will be Tweedledum replacing Tweedledee, two rotund little men of the Deep State who are identical except that they are left-right reversals of each other.

Make no mistake that the Joint Statement after the US-EU summit in Washington on October 20 amounts to a resounding victory for the Biden Administration as the EU agreed with the US on “unwavering” military support to Ukraine; demand that Russia should “end its brutal war and withdraw its military forces and proxies and military equipment immediately, completely, and unconditionally from the entire internationally recognised territory of Ukraine”; the imperative of restoration of “internationally recognised borders” in any peace settlement; forcing Russia to “bear the legal consequences of all its internationally wrongful acts” against Ukraine; further deepening of “joint work to undermine Russia’s ability to wage its war, and maintain and expand its defence industrial base and capacity”, and so on.

There is no sign of a potential wobbling in the steadfastness of Europe’s military support to Ukraine, either. The most recent example is Sweden where, as in other Nordic countries and across the Baltic states, geographical proximity to Russia has heightened security fears, and there is little sign of any wavering.

Politico reported on Tuesday that Sweden’s Defense Minister Pål Jonson had instructed the country’s military leadership to examine the potential impact of providing various types of support to Ukraine’s fighter-jet capability, including Gripen planes. The military is to report back to Jonson by November 6. This followed announcements by Sweden’s European neighbours Norway, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands that they planned to send Lockheed Martin F-16 jets to Kiev.

The expert opinion is that even a limited number of Gripen could meaningfully help Ukraine’s efforts to control its airspace, and is seen as relatively cheap and easy to maintain jet that can operate from shorter, narrower runways, including improvised landing strips on straight stretches of highways, thus reducing the risk of aircraft congregating at a larger base and being destroyed by a single enemy attack.

As for the US, now we know that the Biden Administration was dissimulating as regards the ATACMS missiles, whereas, it had already surreptitiously equipped Kiev’s forces with that system. Furthermore, encouraged by the success of Kiev’s devastating attack on the Russian-controlled airfield attacks in Beryansk and Luhansk on Tuesday by using ATACMS (which reportedly destroyed multiple Russian helicopters, an ammunition dump, and an air defence system), the Biden Administration is now considering supply of an advanced version of the missile that can fire twice (190 miles) as far as the ones Ukraine just received (100 miles only).

Certainly, there is no weakening of Biden’s resolve. In fact, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan brazenly disclosed on Friday in a special White House briefing that Washington has “contracted for certain types of weapons systems that have yet to be delivered because they’re still in production.” Plainly out, the Biden Administration considers it possible to hand over weapons and military vehicles to Ukraine that have never been shipped before.

“The President has the discretion based on circumstances of the conflict, the situation on the ground, consultations with allies to make determinations about whether he will provide weapons systems to Ukraine that we have not previously provided,” Sullivan noted. He then went on to explain that the US has “contracted for certain types of weapons systems that have yet to be delivered because they’re still in production. We expect them to be delivered in the coming months.”

Yet another flawed assumption has been that within the US Congress, a groundswell of opinion is building that would make it increasingly difficult for the Biden Administration to get approval for military aid to Ukraine in an election year. But, as luck would have it, Biden, who is an immensely experienced politician in navigating challenging legislations, has found an ingenious way.

Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy put it nicely, “They’re intentionally combining the debates around Ukraine, Israel, & our border to ram through the $61BN for Ukraine that otherwise would have never passed.” According to White House documents, the request for the fiscal year 2024 proposes to allocate over $61.4 billion for Ukraine and over $14.3 billion for Israel.

Sullivan called the Biden administration’s latest budget request as coming “amid a global inflection point” following the Hamas attack on Israel “and as the people of Ukraine continue to fight every day for their freedom and independence against Russian brutality.” He turned the focus on Biden’s new narrative that “the outcome of these fights for democracy against terrorism and tyranny are vital to the safety and security of the American people.”

Who can say now that what happens in Ukraine, which is 10000 kms away, does not concern the United States? Biden began his speech on Thursday on a Churchillian note: “We’re facing an inflection point in history — one of those moments where the decisions we make today are going to determine the future for decades to come. That’s what I’d like to talk with you about tonight.”

He went on to say, “American leadership is what holds the world together. American alliances are what keep us, America, safe. American values are what make us a partner that other nations want to work with. To put all that at risk if we walk away from Ukraine, if we turn our backs on Israel, it’s just not worth it.”

So, Ukraine war is no longer about the Westphalian principle of national sovereignty and the UN Charter — or even about this being not an era of wars. It is actually about American leadership, American alliances, American values — plainly put, hegemony, NATO, exceptionalism. ... raine-war/

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:44 am

From the hand of the CIA
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/24/2023


In September, an article published by The Economist brought to light a reality that was evident to those who followed the news of the Donbass war between 2014 and 2022: Ukraine had carried out targeted assassinations in the territories of the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk . With the testimony of Valentin Nalivaychenko, one of the directors of the Ukrainian Security Service throughout those years, the British media described a unit dedicated precisely to that clandestine work and whose murders were inevitably attributed to internal struggles between power groups. from Donbass. In his statements to The Economist, Nalivaychenko justified the tactic of the attacks by hiding behind Ukraine's need to reduce support, which Kiev has always denied existed, to the People's Republics. The former director of the SBU stated that it was decided that “the policy of imprisoning collaborators was not enough.”

Without stating it openly, the article mentioned three cases in which the Ukrainian hand was always evident: the murders of Arsen Pavlov, Motorola , Mikhail Tolstij, Givi , and Alexander Zakharchenko. All of them occurred in the supposed ceasefire phase, with the Minsk process in force, when Ukraine was putting all its energy into preventing the implementation of the road map. As a signatory of the agreements, the assassination of Zakharchenko, the first leader of the DPR and whose death brought tens of thousands of people onto the streets at a massive funeral, was, without a doubt, the most serious and the most representative. At that time, Ukraine distanced itself by stating indistinctly that it was a new case of internal struggle for power with Russia eliminating important people from the People's Republics whom Kiev described as its puppets . Ukrainian participation in this case was always obvious, not only as an attempt to destroy the People's Republics, but also as a message that made clear its opinion on the Minsk agreements.

Now, an article published by The Washington Post adds more details to what goes beyond being a selective assassination program and is, in reality, a reorganization of Ukrainian intelligence - civil and military - at the hands of the CIA. a project in which tens of millions of dollars have been invested since 2014. The objective, as usual, was to transform services that were considered Soviet and infiltrated by the Russian Federation to turn them into a Western-style service. In reality, this reconfiguration is one more example of the transformation of Ukraine's state structures as a tool against Russia, the real objective of the Western presence in the country. Nalivaychenko now claims that it was about fighting the Russian hybrid war . However, the control exercised by the CIA over almost eight years between 2014 and 2022 shows that the proxy war did not begin on February 24, 2022. What's more, at this point, the only thing the Agency demarcates from Central Intelligence Agency of the United States is executing the operations, supposedly always in the hands of Ukraine.

"Over a three-year period, at least half a dozen Russian operatives, high-ranking separatist commanders and collaborators were killed in violence that was routinely attributed to some kind of internal score-settling, but which was actually the work of the SBU according to Ukrainian officials,” The Washington Post writes this week. The media only mentions one of the three major murders attributed to the Ukrainian authorities, that of Givi . Perhaps admitting that it was Ukraine that murdered the person with whom Leonid Kuchma, Ukraine's second president, had signed the peace agreement that Kiev never intended to fulfill was too much for a Western media that, despite everything, legitimizes much of it. of this performance.

The article offers details that make clear the magnitude of this assassination program and the reorganization carried out by Western secret services. Justifying itself in the capture of Crimea - although it is likely that these plans were put in place from the moment the coup d'état of February 2014 triumphed or even before -, The Washington Post refers to millionaire amounts invested, training of units elite, surveillance material and even the delivery of uniforms of the People's Republics to facilitate the infiltration of agents into the territories of Donbass.

The starting point was the creation of a new unit “prosaically qualified as the Fifth Directorate to distinguish it from the other four veteran units of the SBU,” he says and, making it clear that the collaboration is not only with the American secret services, he adds that “from So, according to officials, a sixth directory has been added to work with the British spy agency MI6.” The involvement of British intelligence is one of the clearest and least discussed aspects of this war.

Although with few details beyond the testimony of Nalivaychenko, one of the protagonists of what we now know was a remodeling at the service of the CIA, the publication of the article in The Economist, which went completely unnoticed, left no doubt about the continuation of the selective murder program and only the authorship of the recent cases remained in the air. There were only two candidates: the SBU or the GUR, that is, the civil intelligence dependent on the president, and the military, led by Kiril Budanov and formally under the control of the Ministry of Defense.

One of those selective murders, in this case committed with the terrorist method of the car bomb, was that of Daria Dugina, known primarily for being the daughter of the reactionary guru of Eurasianism Alexander Dugin and an aspiring writer. Under the nom de plume Platonova, Dugina intended to make his way in the field of traditionalism, the recovery of natural hierarchies and currents contrary to Modernity. She Dugina had visited Mariupol a few weeks before she was murdered, although that was the extent of her involvement in the current war. In August 2022, when the attack occurred, the Russian authorities, in an extraordinarily quick period of time, gave their version of the events. According to Russian investigators, the target of the attack was Alexander Dugin, hated in Ukraine for his fanatical political stance, which denies the existence of a Ukrainian people. The FSB also released the image of a woman, Natalia Vovk, who was accused of the crime. Russia added that it knew that it had used a 12-year-old girl as cover and that both had immediately left the country, driving to Estonia. For more than a year, that hypothesis has been considered Russian propaganda in the West.

“At the time, Ukraine vigorously denied its involvement in the attack,” The Washington Post now claims , quoting Mikhailo Podolyak as insisting that “Ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with this, because we are not a criminal state like Russia, or a terrorist one” to end by concluding that “in recent interviews in Kiev, several officials admitted that these denials were false.” It is not expected that anyone will ask Podolyak for explanations for this false statement, one of the many to which he has become accustomed. The way in which even articles questioning the appropriateness of using terrorist methods in some of the targeted killings - in fact, Dugina's murder is the only one that some of the article's sources question - legitimizes the Ukrainian action It suggests that Ukraine's credibility will not be undermined by these revelations either. The war against Russia justifies everything, in the same way it did in the years before the Russian invasion, when the press exonerated Kiev for actions in which its participation was, at least, possible.

It is not the first time that time proves the Russian version right. It also happened in the case of the attempt by Budanov's GUR to storm and capture the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant a year ago now. Also then, that intelligence operation occurred exactly in the way that Russia had denounced. His version was not taken into account until, months later, it was published by The Times . In Dugina's case, The Washington Post article confirms exactly the Russian version: Natalia Vovk traveled to Russia with her 12-year-old daughter to assassinate Alexander Dugin. At the last moment, Dugin changed vehicles and was driving behind the one driven by his daughter at the time of the attack. After the murder, Vovk and her daughter left Russia through Estonia. Some analysts dared to claim that it was a false flag attack , that is, a Russian attack to blame Ukraine, whose version has not been questioned until this week.

“She is the daughter of the father of Russian propaganda,” says an intelligence official quoted by The Washington Post to close the article. “The car bomb and other operations inside Russia are for the narrative , showing Ukraine's enemies that punishment is imminent even for those who believe they are untouchable ,” he adds in a statement that can only be understood as the promise of more murders. with terrorist methods and threatening anyone Kiev considers an enemy and those it seems to have already targeted.

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 23, 2023
October 23, 2023

In the Kherson direction, Russian troops counterattacked in Krynki and practically pushed the enemy to the shore. However, the Ukrainian command managed to transfer additional forces to the islands of Melky and Frolov .

In the Starobelsky direction, servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces went on the offensive in the Kremensky sector and occupied an enemy stronghold. Meanwhile, in the Donetsk direction , fighting continues on the northern and southwestern flanks of the Avdeevsky fortified area .

In addition, Ukrainian formations again carried out massive shelling of populated areas of the DPR : residential buildings and infrastructure were damaged. There were casualties: at least one person was killed and three were injured.


The situation on the front line and combat operations

In the Starobelsky direction, the main battles took place in the Kremensky sector . In the morning, the Russian Armed Forces, with the support of artillery and tanks, launched an attack on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. After landing from armored vehicles, Russian soldiers occupied a Ukrainian outpost in the nearest forest belt. It is also reported that the aviation of the Russian Armed Forces was involved in the area.

In the Soledar direction , Ukrainian formations continue to try to advance on the southern flank of the Bakhmut defense and occupy the positions of the Russian Armed Forces near the railway line. Russian troops discovered enemy assault groups on the approaches to Kleshcheevka and Andreevka and covered them with artillery fire. And north of Bakhmut, Russian Armed Forces captured three members of the Ukrainian formations near Khromovo .

In the Donetsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces continue to strike Ukrainian positions near Avdeevka . The main battles took place on the northern and southern flanks of the Avdeevsky fortified area . The Ukrainian Armed Forces attempted to counterattack in the area of ​​the settlements of Peski and Opytnoye , but this was suppressed by Russian artillery fire.

In the Vremevsky sector, Russian assault groups again expanded the zone of control at the Priyutnoye - Novodarovka line . In turn, Ukrainian formations are beginning to pull additional forces to the front line, and in the Urozhainy area they are using remote mining systems.

In the Orekhovsky sector, sporadic fighting continues at the Rabotino - Verbovoe line . At the moment, neither side is able to change the situation in their favor.

In the Kherson direction, after a rapid breakthrough of the Ukrainian Armed Forces towards Krynki , Russian troops counterattacked with the support of artillery and aviation and were able to push the Ukrainian Armed Forces out of a significant part of the positions in the village. Despite this, the presence of the enemy still remains, but now the fighters of the Russian Armed Forces have managed to clear several landings, practically pushing the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the shore. But the command of the Katran strike group at night transferred additional units to the islands of Melky and Frolov under the cover of mortar crews of the 35th infantry infantry regiment.

Also, four assault groups of the 88th battalion of the 35th infantry regiment of the Ukrainian Navy were transported from Nikolskoye to the northeastern part of Aleshkinsky Island , where they dispersed and equipped observation posts. Another advance group of the 36th Brigade arrived at the railway bridge . From there, together with the forces of the 35th Infantry Brigade to the east, another attempt is planned to break through to Peschanivka and Podstepnoye .

Apparently, despite the losses, the enemy plans to continue to push through the defenses of the Russian Armed Forces on the left bank. Judging by the activity of the Marines both in the Krynok sector and at Peschanivka, the attack will be coordinated with the goal of sharply capturing a larger settlement, such as Radensk .

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

After a long lull, which was observed since the beginning of active hostilities in the Avdiivka area , Ukrainian formations carried out another large-scale attack on populated areas of the Donetsk agglomeration .

The Ukrainian Armed Forces fired over a hundred shells, including cluster munitions. Arrivals were recorded in Gorlovka , Donetsk , Makeevka , Yasinovataya and the village of Zaitsevo . The main destruction occurred in the capital's Kuibyshevsky district : several residential buildings were damaged, three civilians were injured, and another person was killed.

Ukrainian formations continue to shell settlements on the left bank of the Dnieper . Novaya Kakhovka , Kakhovka , Lyubimovka , Gornostaevka , Rybatskoe and Kardashinka were under fire . In addition, additional information was received about yesterday’s shelling: one civilian was killed as a result of shelling at Knyaze - Grigorovka , two more people were injured of varying degrees of severity on the Aleshki - Peschanovka highway .

Political events
About the future American aid package for Ukraine

While turmoil reigns in the House of Representatives of the US Congress, which was left without a speaker , the Senate decided to take over the development of a bill at Joe Biden’s request to allocate funds to help Ukraine and Israel. The Senate is in a hurry - they plan to make it before Thanksgiving, which in the USA this year will fall on November 23 . The initiative is led by Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell , giving the document strong bipartisan support in the Senate.

Due to the fact that the only obstacle to the passage of the bill through Congress are conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives, on October 19 the most influential party members in the Senate went to negotiate with them. It is noteworthy that the meeting was also attended by Kristen Sinema , an independent senator specializing in immigration issues and representing the interests of the White House and Democrats.

Considering that the Conservatives have always conceded when approving serious financial requests , the same thing is highly likely to happen this time. The situation will most likely develop according to the following scenario:
– The Senate will develop a bill through bipartisan efforts;
– Democrats will meet the conservative Republican stratum halfway to solve the migration problem;
- Conservatives, in turn, will vote to approve the funds requested by Biden .

Let's remember that the White House's $101 billion request includes $61 billion to Ukraine, $14 billion to Israel, $14 billion to improve border control, $10 billion to provide humanitarian assistance and $2 billion to help ensure security in the Indo-Pacific region.

Where does humanitarian aid go?

Colleagues from the Warsaw Mermaid Telegram channel write that a third of the humanitarian aid donated to the Ukrainian military this year did not reach military units . These are the results of an inspection carried out by the Customs Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense. During 9 months of 2023, more than 9 thousand facts of receipt of humanitarian aid to two hundred military units were verified. In 3 thousand cases, it was not possible to find evidence of its receipt for its intended purpose.

In Poland they say: violations are not only unacceptable from a moral point of view, but also pose a threat to those who rely on it. It is therefore imperative that the relevant authorities take strict control measures. Back in the summer, customs officials said they had registered 653 cases of disappearances of humanitarian military supplies. They contained plates for body armor, night vision devices, thermal imagers, drones and even vehicles.

And now the important thing: the fight against corruption is one of the main conditions for Ukraine’s rapprochement with the European Union. However, the successes of the Kyiv regime in this field, frankly speaking, are not particularly outstanding. Just recently, information appeared that President Vladimir Zelensky demanded that Ukrainian journalists not write about corruption “until victory”, that is, the ban will approximately always be in effect.

Weapon smuggling

A good example of where aid allocated for the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces flows is the current conflict in the Middle East. In the Arab segment, a video is being circulated of a Palestinian militant filming an arsenal of Hamas anti-tank weapons. The shot included American M136 and M141 grenade launchers , as well as Swedish-British NLAW ATGMs .

Where all this could have gotten into the Gaza Strip is a purely rhetorical question. Back in March, we talked about the smuggling routes of military products supplied to Ukraine and the main beneficiaries of its sale on the “black market.” And the very appearance of these weapons among Palestinian groups, apparently, has long been no secret to the Mossad: in June, Benjamin Netanyahu directly stated that Western weapons transferred to the Kiev regime were found near the borders of Israel.

Another question is whether Hamas will be able to use the same NLAWs: during the NVO, Ukrainian formations often did not use these ATGMs due to the banal lack of batteries. It is possible that even now enterprising businessmen have sold substandard complexes without batteries to the Palestinians.

Trade in cultural property

News that only slightly illustrates the scale of the export of jewelry from territory controlled by the Kiev regime: in Spain, police discovered a collection of “Scythian gold” totaling 60 million euros , which was previously stored in one of the Kiev museums. Law enforcement officials arrested thieves trying to sell 11 pieces of jewelry dating back to the 9th-8th centuries BC on the black market. The criminal group for smuggling cultural property from Ukraine included two Ukrainians and three Spaniards. The nuance is that the collection of “Scythian gold” that surfaced was stolen back in 2016, when the country at least maintained the appearance of supervision over antiquities. One can only imagine how many relics were taken out and ended up in private collections after the start of the SVO.

About Ukrainian mobilization and its costs

Much has been said about the preparation of total mobilization in Ukraine in recent months - the same eminent Western experts and theorists called it a prerequisite for the Kiev regime to continue hostilities. Now this narrative is increasingly appearing in the Ukrainian media, and not only from the lips of politicians. An interview recently appeared with the commander of the 80th Airborne Brigade, who directly speaks about the need not only to tighten conscription, but also to recruit women. A member of the Ukrainian Armed Forces also openly expressed support for the military registration and enlistment office employees who catch people on the streets: according to him, at the front, the Ukrainian formations have a daily shortage of people, so he does not intend to protect draft dodgers.

The mobilization potential of Ukraine has not yet been exhausted , and Kiev can still replenish the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by all available means. True, this will become increasingly difficult to do over time, and tension in society will grow, which will affect the combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At the same time, the West does not plan to abandon “war until the last Ukrainian.” This means that soon the Ukrainian media field can expect a massive information campaign, where stories about the inevitability and importance of a total war will be heard from every voice.

American trace in the work of the SBU and GUR

The Washington Post published a large article about the cooperation of the CIA with the SBU and the Main Intelligence Directorate. In addition to revealing the “open secret” that the Kiev regime is behind the murders of Vladlen Tatarsky and Daria Dugina , the material contains several important points: The text briefly describes the scale of American participation in the reforms of the Ukrainian intelligence services. Since 2015, Washington has allocated tens of millions of dollars for the purchase of advanced reconnaissance systems, personnel training, and construction of new facilities.

With the beginning of close bilateral cooperation, a separate department for relations with the United States appeared in the SBU: the Americans were afraid of the presence of deep Russian intelligence networks, so they created a separate structure in order to avoid leaks. The GUR has undergone an even greater transformation - the publication’s interlocutors from the CIA call it their child. Intelligence was reorganized from scratch by rejuvenating personnel who were trained in the United States and received advanced electronic surveillance, hacking and wiretapping systems.

Separately, the article focuses on the fact that the Americans knew very well about the preparation of the SBU and the Main Intelligence Directorate for terrorist attacks on Russian territory. Of course, a disclaimer immediately follows that the CIA allegedly did not participate in these operations and was not involved at all. In general, the message of the article boils down to the fact that in the person of the Ukrainian intelligence services, the United States has received an excellent working tool for a war by proxy with Russia and not only it. Which can be used in any, even the dirtiest, cases, and which will bear all the costs. ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)


The Grim Prospects of US Proxies: Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 23, 2023
Brian Berletic


The Grim Prospects of US Proxies: Ukraine, Israel, and TaiwanAs Russia’s special military operation (SMO) approaches two years of intense fighting, having parried Ukraine’s “spring counteroffensive” and with the initiative shifting to Russian forces, Western capitals are now admitting they are reaching the limits to remaining support for Kiev.

During the Ukrainian offensive alone, the Western media has admitted Ukrainian forces have suffered catastrophic losses in both manpower and material. The Ukrainian economy has all but been replaced by heavy subsidies from the United States, Europe, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Ukrainian infrastructure including its power grid and ports have suffered severe damage the collective West is unable to repair in a timely manner.

Ukraine’s territory has shrunk. Four oblasts, Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, and Kherson are now considered by Moscow as part of the Russian Federation. Crimea had already joined the Russian Federation following a referendum conducted in 2014 after the US-backed overthrow of the elected Ukrainian government.

In fact, from 2014 onward, Ukraine’s sovereignty had been stripped away, with the resulting client regime installed into power by the US answering to Washington at the expense of Ukraine’s best interests. To say Ukraine’s status as a viable nation state hangs in the balance because of this arrangement would not be an understatement.

Ukraine, as a US proxy, has suffered irreversible losses economically, politically, socially, and militarily. In a wider sense, Europe is also politically captured, led by the European Union bureaucracy who, like the Ukrainian government, serves Washington’s interests entirely at the expense of Europe’s collective interests.

Germany stands out as a particularly poignant example, having ignored the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, imposing sanctions on Russia to restrict any remaining hydrocarbons required by Germany’s industry and public, beginning a process of recession and deindustrialization.

Europe’s wider economy is suffering from similar setbacks, setbacks that cannot be offset by alternatives such as US liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) moved by ship across the Atlantic Ocean which will always be more expensive than Russian hydrocarbons piped in directly to Europe.

The price of subordination to the United States is in reality the existential threat the US claims Russia poses to Europe in fiction.

It should be noted that the US had long-planned to use Ukraine as a proxy to overextend Russia. Laid out in a 2019 policy paper published by the US government and arms industry-funded think tank, RAND Corporation, titled, “Extending Russia: Competing from Advantageous Ground,” US policymakers would recommend providing lethal aid to Ukraine to draw Russia into the ongoing conflict between Kiev and militants in eastern Ukraine. The idea was to “increase the costs to Russia, in both blood and treasure,” as it dealt with the conflict between Kiev and eastern Ukraine along its borders.

The paper also noted, however, the strategy posed a high risk to Ukraine. Such a move, the paper warned, might:

…come at a significant cost to Ukraine and to U.S. prestige and credibility. This could produce disproportionately large Ukrainian casualties, territorial losses, and refugee flows. It might even lead Ukraine into a disadvantageous peace.

Despite these acknowledged risks, the United States pressed ahead with the plan anyway. Today, we see that fears expressed by US policymakers proposing this strategy have been fully realized, if not entirely surpassed.

Taiwan is Next…

As Ukraine is destroyed by a US-engineered proxy war against Russia, with members of the US Congress vowing to fight Russia to the “last Ukrainian,” a similar arrangement is being used to organize the Chinese island province of Taiwan as a heavily US-armed proxy against the rest of China.

Just as was the case with Ukraine, US policymakers acknowledge the existential threat Taiwan faces in its role as a US proxy.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), likewise funded by the US government and arms manufacturers, published a 2023 paper titled, “The First Battle of the Next War: Wargaming a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan.” In it, policymakers acknowledge that during any fighting between a US-backed Taiwan administration and the rest of China, heavy damage would be inflicted on the island.

The paper notes that any infrastructure the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) does not destroy in the fighting, because of its possible use to the PLA, the US itself would target and destroy it:

Ports and airfields enable the use of more varied ships and aircraft to accelerate the transport of troops ashore. The United States may attack these facilities to deny their use after Chinese capture.

Beyond infrastructure useful to Chinese military forces, US policymakers have also explored the possibility of destroying economically useful infrastructure on Taiwan. An October 2022 Bloomberg article titled, “Taiwan Tensions Spark New Round of US War-Gaming on Risk to TSMC,” would report:

Contingency planning for a potential assault on Taiwan has been stepped up after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, according to people familiar with the Biden administration’s deliberations. The scenarios attach heightened strategic significance to the island’s cutting-edge chip industry, led by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. In the worst case, they say, the US would consider evacuating Taiwan’s highly skilled chip engineers.

The article also stated:

At the extreme end of the spectrum, some advocate the US make clear to China that it would destroy TSMC facilities if the island was occupied, in an attempt to deter military action or, ultimately, deprive Beijing of the production plants. Such a “scorched-earth strategy” scenario was raised in a paper by two academics that appeared in the November 2021 issue of the US Army War College Quarterly.

CSIS’ paper would analyze the possible outcome of a conflict between China and the US-backed administration on Taiwan, surmising:

In most scenarios, the United States/Taiwan/Japan defeated a conventional amphibious invasion by China and maintained an autonomous Taiwan. However, this defense came at high cost. The United States and its allies lost dozens of ships, hundreds of aircraft, and tens of thousands of servicemembers. Taiwan saw its economy devastated. Further, the high losses damaged the U.S. global position for many years.

In other words, even under the best-case scenario, following a US-backed defeat of any Chinese military operation aimed at reunification, the US would nonetheless have suffered heavy losses in terms of its military while Taiwan would have suffered catastrophic losses both militarily and economically.

Like Ukraine, Taiwan, in its capacity as a US proxy, would be destroyed.

Israel Will Not Be Spared Either

US policy papers are also abounding with strategies employing Israel as an eager military proxy in the Middle East. Israel is elected to strike at nations across the region with impunity, freeing Washington of the political, military, economic, and diplomatic baggage of carrying out such military operations itself.

Of course, such military operations expose Israel to the same dangers that have threatened Ukraine’s self-preservation and threaten to undermine Taiwan’s.

With the US having demonstrated a fundamental inability to sponsor and win proxy wars against peer and near-peer adversaries in both Ukraine and Taiwan, there is little reason to believe that an already overstretched US military industrial base could somehow give Israel the ability to wage and win protracted proxy war in the Middle East.

Such a proxy war has already unfolded from 2011 onward both in Syria and Yemen with little success. Israel has already played a role in Syria, carrying out missile strikes across the country in an attempt to provoke Syria into a wider conflict.

Syria and its allies Iran and Russia have only strengthened their positions in the region and are driving a fundamental transformation across the Middle East. Even long-time US allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey find themselves gradually divesting from a US-led regional order to one that better fits with the wider trend toward global multipolarism.

This has left the US and its remaining proxies in the region more isolated and vulnerable than ever. The US itself finds its own troops illegally occupying eastern Syria in an increasingly precarious position.

Israel, in many ways, finds itself likewise isolated. Should it lend itself to a major US proxy war more directly, it may find itself in a similar position as Ukraine – locked in intense, protracted combat with its US allies unable to provide the arms and ammunition necessary to win.

Unlike either Ukraine or Taiwan, Israel is believed to be in possession of between scores to hundreds of nuclear weapons. While Israel will thus never face the same sort of defeat Ukraine faces, a protracted military conflict will leave Israel exhausted economically and isolated diplomatically. Its Arab neighbors will move on with the multipolar world while Israel exhausts itself fighting to reassert US-led unipolarism.

Because of the deliberate, premeditated manner in which the US uses and then disposes of its proxies around the globe, there is little reason to believe it will spare Israel. While Israel has several advantages over other US proxies in terms of its economy, military capabilities, and diplomatic connections, these advantages will only prevent Israel’s use and disposal by US foreign policy if there is a conscious decision to pivot with the rest of the region away from US subordination and toward regional and global multipolarism. ... nd-taiwan/


The Anglo-American Axis Benefits From The Ecological Terrorist Attack In The Baltic Sea

SEP 27, 2022


This terrorist attack destroyed any chance of an energy-driven Russian-German rapprochement, immediately catapulted Poland into the position of being one of the continent’s most pivotal energy hubs, and thus took the Anglo-American Axis' plans for dividing and ruling Europe to the next level.

The unprecedented damage done to the Nord Stream pipelines Monday night was certainly an act of sabotage exactly as Denmark, Germany, Poland, and Russia suspect, though nobody can agree on who carried out this ecological terrorist attack in the Baltic Sea. Kiev, however, predictably blamed Russia for destroying its own pipeline in a remix of its earlier conspiracy theory alleging that Russia regularly bombs the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant that’s also under its control. That ridiculous scenario can therefore reasonably be ruled out, especially since Moscow could just keep the tap turned off for technical reasons without risking getting caught sabotaging its own pipelines in NATO-controlled waters.

Continental European countries like Poland also shouldn’t be suspected either even though that aspiring regional leader’s newly inaugurated Baltic Pipe from Norway makes it a major energy player nowadays. There’s just too much risk of serious ecological blowback to that country’s direct interests to justify carrying out such an act of terrorism just to forever cripple its only potential pipeline competitor, the two Nord Streams. That said, the attack nevertheless does indeed serve Poland’s larger interests for exactly that reason even if it most likely wasn’t behind what happened or had any advance knowledge about it, which is why suspicion should fall on its allies in the Anglo-American Axis (AAA).

Both have an interest in dividing and ruling the EU by facilitating Poland’s rise as a continental Great Power capable of eventually competing with the bloc’s de facto German leader (at least in Central & Eastern Europe [CEE]), which was explained in my mid-September analysis about how “Poland’s Hyping Up The German Threat To Central Europe To Consolidate Its Regional Influence”. In order to knock Germany out of the geopolitical and geo-economic game for good, the AAA must not only successfully trick it into committing economic suicide through its compliance with the anti-Russian sanctions, but also destroy any chance of a strategically meaningful rapprochement with Russia in the future.

Sabotaging the Nord Stream pipelines accomplishes precisely that by completely disincentivizing Germany from potentially clinging to whatever energy-driven plans it might have for eventually repairing relations with Russia. With that scenario confidently discounted after Monday night’s ecological terrorist attack in the Baltic Sea, which also served the purpose of making Poland among the continent’s most pivotal energy hubs, Germany might also figure that it doesn’t have anything more to lose vis a vis Russia by possibly being the first country to send cutting-edge battle tanks to Kiev. This artificially manufactured strategic inertia would thus doom Russian-German relations for decades.

Considering these outcomes, both immediate and emerging, there’s no doubt that the AAA benefits the most from the ecological terrorist attack that was just carried out in the Baltic Sea against the two Nord Stream pipelines. They’re insulated from the consequences of the ecological disaster that they created and are thus able to advance their grand strategic goals without any cost to themselves. This terrorist attack destroyed any chance of an energy-driven Russian-German rapprochement, immediately catapulted Poland into the position of being one of the continent’s most pivotal energy hubs, and thus took their plans for dividing and ruling Europe to the next level. ... s-benefits


Are the Walls Finally Closing In on Ursula von der Leyen?
Posted on October 24, 2023 by Nick Corbishley

Creeping censorship, corruption, authoritarianism, economic decline and support for war: these are five of the defining characteristics of the Von der Leyen era. Is it any wonder that internal opposition is on the rise?

“Europe will always be on the side of humanity and human rights.”

That was the message Ursula von der Leyen, the embattled President of the European Commission, sent in an internal Commission memo on Monday (Oct 24). Von der Leyen (whom I shall henceforth refer to as VdL) may somehow believe those words — after all, the Commission she fronts did pick up the “World Price for Peace and Freedom” just four months ago, even as it escalated its involvement in the Ukraine conflict as well as its largely self-maiming sanctions on Russia — but many of the staffers working for the Commission apparently do not.

In fact, VdL’s latest message of peace and love was widely construed as a desperate response to a barrage of internal criticism unleashed last week against her unbridled support for Israel and her “apparent indifference” toward the “massacre of civilians in the Gaza Strip.” To make matters worse, VdL was breaching her mandate as president of the Commission when she made these comments. In a letter that accumulated 842 signatures, staff members of EU institutions accused VdL of giving “a free hand to the acceleration and the legitimacy of a war crime in the Gaza Strip”.

After roundly condemning Hamas’ “terroristic (sic) attack” against “helpless Israeli civilians, the loss of life and the taking of hostages,” the letter squarely took aim at VdL’s unabashed support for Israel’s war aims, which, as Yves recently averred, appear to consist of making Gaza uninhabitable:

“We equally strongly condemn the disproportionate reaction by the Israeli government against 2.3 million Palestinian civilians trapped in the Gaza Strip; an action that is considered by many observers as war crime (sic)… Notably, we are concerned by the unconditional support by the Commission you represent for one of the two points. This support is being expressed in an uncontrolled manner, e.g. EC buildings lit up with the Israeli flag.

We hardly recognise the values of the EU in the seeming indifference demonstrated over the past few days by our Institution toward the ongoing massacre of civilians in the Gaza Strip, in disregard for human rights and international humanitarian law. We have just learnt that a hospital was bombed with many casualties. According to UNRWA statements, not a drop of water, not a grain of wheat, not a litre of fuel has been allowed into Gaza since the start of the Israeli operation, generating an unprecedented humanitarian crisis.”

The letter warns that the EU is “losing all credibility” as well as its status “as a fair, equitable and humanist broker” while also damaging its international relations and risking the safety of EU staff. As if that were not enough, the letter also rips into VdL’s “patent” double standards over what is currently unfolding in Palestine and the events of the past 20 months in Ukraine. A perfect case in point: in October 2022, VdL tweeted the following message:

Russia’s attacks against civilian infrastructure, especially electricity, are war crimes.

Cutting off men, women, children of water, electricity and heating with winter coming – these are acts of pure terror.

And we have to call it as such.

By contrast, as the letter notes, VdL “completely ignore[s]” the almost identical actions taken by Israel against the Gazan people. In a speech last Thursday at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think-tank in Washington, she prioritized Israel’s right to defend itself after Hamas’ assault on October 7 while neglecting even to mention the two-state solution that forms a core part of many European countries’ position on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

One of the best critiques of VdL’s position on the conflict has come from Irish MEP Claire Daly. As she says, “she has no authority in foreign affairs matters” and “does not speak for the citizens of Europe”:

Damage Control

Now, VdL is trying to undo some of the damage she has caused, without changing her position much. In the internal message she sent out on Monday morning, to which the Spanish daily La Vanguardia has had access, she says the Commission regrets the loss of “all innocent lives in this conflict, of all faiths and nationalities” and claims that its services have been working “from the beginning of the crisis” to alleviate the suffering of “ALL” those affected by the indiscriminate terrorist attacks, both by showing solidarity with Israel and by tripling humanitarian aid to Gaza and supporting the creation of an air bridge to Egypt.

As La Vanguardia notes, those last two measures were announced last week by the EU’s executive branch after a week of intense criticism of VdL’s statements of support for the Israeli Government, which initially did not even include the condition that Israel’s response to the brutal Hamas attack, which left 1,400 dead, must be “in accordance to international and humanitarian law”.

For VdL, the damage may already be done. After all, it is not just EU officials that are bridling at VdL’s one-sided support for Israel. Some EU capitals are apparently “fum[ing]” at “Queen” VdL’s go-it alone approach to EU foreign policy, according to a piece published by POLITICO Europe last week.

Several [European diplomats] told POLITICO they were unhappy that von der Leyen, who voiced solidarity with the victims of the Hamas attacks, had not relayed their calls for Israel to respect international law in Gaza during her trip.

The EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, even dared to issue a rare public rebuke of his boss. Von der Leyen, he said, is not entitled to represent EU views on foreign policy, which are normally coordinated between member countries.

“The official position of the European Union with any foreign policy [issue] is being fixed — I repeat — by the guidelines,” Borrell told journalists in Beijing on Saturday. Foreign policy is decided by the leaders of the EU’s 27 countries at international summits, and discussed by foreign ministers in meetings “chaired by me,” he added.

“Queen” Ursula

One unnamed diplomat cited by the POLITICO Europe piece said VdL “has been increasingly behaving like a Queen,” failing to consult EU capitals properly before making important policy decisions. The examples mentioned include a deal VdL oversaw to give the President of Tunisia Kais Saied more than €1 billion to help manage irregular migration as well as her recent announcement of an investigation into Chinese subsidies for electric vehicles. The article also mentions similar murmurings of disquiet over her role in the Ukraine conflict:

“We saw the same thing with the sanctions announcements, or on most Ukraine-related issues: She doesn’t discuss this with a lot of people, she just decides,” said a Commission official granted anonymity to discuss internal matters.

The official continued: “She has grabbed the power in the pandemic and she has [clung] to it. Nobody is really disputing it, also because her track record is very positive. The downside of it is that some things stay undecided for a very long time.”

The words “very positive” in that second paragraph, to describe VdL’s overall track record as president of the EU’s most powerful institution, are, to put it mildly, eye catching. After all, during that time, Europe’s two major industrial economies, Germany and Italy, have stalled and are going through the painful process of deindustrialisation, largely (but not exclusively) due to the surge in energy prices caused by the Ukraine conflict and the US and Europe’s sanctions on Russia, which appear to have inflicted more harm on Europe’s economy than Russia’s.

That’s not to say that VdL is solely responsible for the EU’s self-inflicted economic harm; it has been very much a collective effort. But it did happen on her watch.

Then there was the EU’s COVID-19 vaccine procurement disaster that VdL’s Commission directly oversaw. Having allowed vaccine negotiations to drag on for months, between late 2020 and early 2021, the Commission found itself drastically short of supplies. As the pressure on von der Leyen increased, the Commission took the decision to halt all vaccine exports from the EU. In doing so, it closed the Northern Irish border — something it had said it would never do. It was only after protests from the governments in London and Dublin, neither of whom had been consulted on the matter, that the Commission backed down.

None of this should have come as much of a surprise given the litany of procurement debacles and scandals that plagued VdL’s six-year term as Germany’s Defence Minister, as recounted in a blistering 2021 article in Foreign Policy, mercilessly titled “The Aristocratic Ineptitude of Ursula Von Der Leyen“:

Von der Leyen held the post as defense minister from 2013 to 2019, a remarkable run considering her inexperience. But when things came crashing down, they came crashing down quickly—and exposed a slew of mismanagement, incompetence, and potential corruption. The scandal is usually called the “consultant affair” due to the untold hundreds of millions of dollars von der Leyen and her chief deputy Katrin Suder paid to consultants who were responsible for helping to determine how the military should spend its substantial armaments budget…

The Gorch Fock, a sailing ship—with sails!—the German Navy used for training was docked for repairs in 2015, briefly before von der Leyen assumed office. The estimated cost was $11.6 million. When she left office in 2019, the estimated cost of repairing the training vessel had risen to $163 million. The mission-critical components of von der Leyen’s armament expenditures fared even worse. In 2017, according to N-TV, 97 new weapons systems were delivered to the Bundeswehr. Only 38 were functional.

Creeping Corruption and Authoritarianism

If the European Commission’s vaccine procurement disaster was bad, it pales in comparison with what came after, which also had VdL’s fingerprints all over it. In April 2021, VdL personally negotiated a deal with Pfizer Chief Executive Albert Bourla to buy up to 1.8 billion doses of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine — enough to “inoculate” (something the mRNA vaccine never really did) all of the EU’s 450 million citizens, including children and babies, four times over — for a reputed €36 billion.

This was on top of the billions of vaccines the Commission had already ordered from Pfizer-BioNtech and other manufacturers. In total, the Commission signed vaccine supply agreements for a staggering 4.2 billion vaccine doses (I’ll let readers do the math!).

Now that most people do not want any more boosters, governments around the continent are having to destroy untold hundreds of millions of doses. But at the same time they must continue to buy hundreds of millions more of the Pfizer-BioNtech mRNA vaccines until 2028, thanks to a renegotiated deal the Commission reached with the two pharmaceutical companies in May, the details of which it has also refused to make public.

As readers well know, VdL has been accused of destroying all of her communications with Bourla — a charge she neither admits not denies. In fact, she refuses to discuss the matter in public at all. Like Bourla, she refused to give testimony to the European Parliament’s inquiry into the Commission’s COVID-19 response. In the meantime, the New York Times has sued the Commission for failing to release the text messages and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office has launched investigations into the Commission’s vaccine procurement practices.

Even more of a threat than the EU’s creeping corruption under VdL is its creeping authoritarianism. While VdL may insist that “Europe will always be on the side of humanity and human rights,” the Commission she fronts has declared a global fatwa on freedom of expression on the Internet through its highly controversial Digital Services Act (DSA), which is already being used to stifle the free exchange of information on social media platforms, not just in Europe but across the world.

In one of the most Orwellian statements of recent times, for which the bar has been set vertiginously high, Thierry Breton, the European Commission for the Internal Market, said the actual purpose of the DSA is to “protect free speech against arbitrary decisions.” The Associated Press describes the act as cementing the EU’s position as “a global leader in reining in Big Tech.” Less than two months after becoming operational, the DSA is already being put to use to smother the spread of (in the Commission’s words) “incorrect, incomplete, or misleading” information about the war in the Middle East.

Above is the tweet with which VdL launched the DSA in all its censorial glory back in mid-August. In response, Martin Sonneborn, a German MEP, satirical journalist and regular thorn in VdL’s side flagged the message up as “fake content” and “misleading disinformation” to the relevant EU regulatory and control authorities, arguing that it “significantly fuels hatred of the EU and is therefore likely to endanger social peace in Europe”. From Berliner Zeitung (machine translated):

Von der Leyen must be held accountable for her official actions, said Sonneborn. Firstly, because she violates Articles 41 (right to good administration) and 42 (right of access to documents) of the Charter; secondly, because she violates the last article of the Charter, which prohibits abuse of rights:

“When we looked through all 54 articles of fundamental rights of the European Union, set out in the Charter of the same name, we struggled to find an article that had not been violated by the von der Leyen Commission.”

“After a four-year study of their official conduct, things come to mind that, by the most normal interpretation of the EU Charter, are clear violations of fundamental rights — especially with regard to Article 41, ‘Right to good administration’ (Lol!), and Article 42, ‘Right of access to documents, regardless of the form of medium used for these documents’, which of course expressly includes intimate short message exchanges with pharmaceutical bosses via SMS.”

“With the introduction of the DSA by the von der Leyen Commission, in addition to a number of secondarily affected fundamental rights, the following are now in question:

Art. 11 (1): Every person has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes freedom of expression and the freedom to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authorities and without regard to national borders.

Art. 11 (2): The freedom of the media and its plurality are respected.

Art. 10 (1): Every person has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

Art. 6: Every person has the right to freedom and security.

Art. 7: Every person has the right to respect for their private and family life, their home and their communications.

Art. 8 (1): Everyone has the right to protection of personal data concerning them.”

Five Defining Characteristics of VdL Era

Creeping censorship, corruption, authoritarianism, economic decline and war: these are five of the defining characteristics of the VdL era. Is it any wonder that internal opposition is on the rise?

The first and, until now, last European Commission president to resign from office was Jacques Santer, in 1999. Even though he had little, if anything, to do with the misconduct of some of his fellow commissioners, he took responsibility and stepped down together with his entire Commission. Could the same happen with Ursula von der Leyen, who is directly implicated in a huge corruption scandal as well as cheerleading for a war that is going very badly for Europe as well as one that is just beginning in the Middle East, with potentially genocidal consequences?

It is possible though unlikely. After all, 1999 was a more innocent time in European politics. Corruption was less tolerated and politicians somewhat less craven. What’s more, VdL still has powerful friends, many of whose interests she has served for the past four years. They include, of course, the German and French governments that agreed to put her in the role in the first place. And, of course, Washington, which is now trying to convince EU leaders to commit another round of economic seppuku by forming a steel and aluminum tariff club to keep Chinese metals out. According to POLITICO, VdL is poised to give in to US pressure, once again.

Also, von der Leyen, lest we forget, has a rare talent for failing upwards, so even if she does lose her job, she will probably land a new one that is at least as good, if not better — such as, say, NATO chief. She has already shown she has a taste for war, is happily beholden to US interests and Joe Biden is apparently keen for her to fill the role. ... leyen.html

It would be a very good thing to knock that woman off the stage entirely, she would increase her war-mongering at NATO.
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Wed Oct 25, 2023 11:56 am

The diplomacy of war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/25/2023


In political terms, there have been two moments that can be considered turning points in the last 19 months. Western sources insist on giving all the importance to the second, the referendums in the Ukrainian territories under Russian control and the annexation of those territories, while they prefer to forget the first, the moment when negotiations between Russia and Ukraine broke down. The dialogue began just a few days after the Russian military intervention, when the Russian advance continued unhindered in the south and the war had not yet entered the trenches in the Kiev region, and dragged on for weeks to culminate in the summit of Istanbul March 2022. Barely six weeks had passed since the Russian invasion and, although damage and casualties were mounting, none of the bloodiest major battles had yet occurred. In those days, in just a few hours, the situation went from rumors about an imminent ceasefire announced by media such as The Financial Times to the announcement of an agreement in principle that, if fulfilled, would have the possibility of resolving the conflict between the two countries. . However, in just a few hours and through written messages on social networks that contradicted the proposed terms, not only the negotiation but any possibility of resuming it was broken.

Months later, in September of that year, Russia called accession referendums in the four Ukrainian territories that had not voted in 2014: the DPR and the LPR, which had held an independence referendum, and Kherson and Zaporozhye. The annexation of these territories was presented by the West as an escalation that confirmed the Russian refusal to seek a negotiated solution and, therefore, one more argument to defend that there was only one possible way to resolve the conflict: the military way of defeating Russia on the battlefield. However, to consolidate that idea it was necessary to downplay or simply forget what happened in the days before and the hours immediately after the Istanbul summit. That meeting, the culmination of several face-to-face and virtual meetings and continuous work that took several weeks, seemed so important that it even included the presence of the president of Turkey, who surely would not have put his image at the service of the summit. not having believed that it was going to end with an important result.

The habit of presenting the Ukrainian version as the absolute truth and the lack of interest of the press in revealing the ins and outs of the agreements and disagreements, as well as the speed with which the war escalated at that time amid accusations of massacres and major battles that They covered everything up, they made it possible for the Istanbul summit to remain in the background. There was no great analysis of what had happened and how it was possible that what, for a moment, seemed like a principle of agreement - at least Vladimir Medinsky, head of the Russian delegation, believed he had it within reach - could be so twisted. speed to return to military dynamics, definitively moving away from political paths. Although the accusations of war crimes - among others the executions of Russian prisoners, with videos published on the Internet that demonstrated it - and the harshness of the war were already evident during the negotiation process, it was once this was concluded that they became the center of the discourse as a political tool to justify the rejection of dialogue as a viable option.

The Russian withdrawal from the Kiev region, a mixture of a goodwill gesture in the form of compliance with the principle of agreement and an admission of not being able to advance further or maintain the positions gained, made it possible for examples like Bucha to be used as an argument. Without Russia knowing how to counter the discourse, Ukraine presented Bucha, at least in part deaths due to artillery duels that occurred for weeks, as a war crime and began the path to trying to classify the war as genocide. Added to this were the deaths in Kramatorsk, where a Tochka-U missile, then used only by Ukraine, hit, possibly after being shot down by one of the air defenses, in the town's train station, at that time plagued by civilians who were trying to flee from the proximity of the front. Both examples were used to justify the decision to permanently suspend negotiations with Russia. Later, the battle for Mariupol, the attack on the Elenovka prison (which according to Russia was carried out with the use of American HIMARS while Ukraine accused the Russian authorities of bombing themselves) and, finally, the referendums and the Russian annexation of Zaporozhye, Kherson, the DPR and the LPR.

Although the annexation of the territories, which occurred at a time of maximum Russian military weakness, marks a point of no return in the war, since no Russian withdrawal is possible without the admission of defeat, this step cannot be understood without the breakup of Istanbul. At that time, before much of the death and destruction that is entailing the continuation of the war occurred, the Russian Federation offered Ukraine security guarantees in all its territories except for Crimea and Donbass in exchange for the end of war and resignation from NATO. As had happened during the years of the Minsk process, there was no interest on the part of Ukraine or its partners in compromise. This is how Boris Johnson wanted to show it during his visit, just five days after the Istanbul summit, when the negotiations were already inevitably broken down. As reported months later by the Ukrainian press, the then British Prime Minister boasted of having warned Zelensky that Western countries, “we”, possibly referring to the United Kingdom and the United States, would not accept an agreement on those terms even if Kiev did it. The revelations, published by Ukrainska Pravda , were understood from moderate or pro-Russian positions as confirmation that there was a shadow actor at the Istanbul summit.

Later, who in the first months of the Russo-Ukrainian war was Prime Minister of Israel and would-be mediator, Naftali Bennett, provided information that, in part, led to even more confusion. Bennett, who traveled to Russia to test the waters and convey Moscow's message to Ukraine, spoke in terms consistent with Boris Johnson's actions. The now former Israeli prime minister then stated that there was an agreement in principle, but the United States prevented it from coming to fruition. Given the commotion created by his statements, Bennett clarified the situation by clarifying the situation in a much more coherent way with what had been perceived at that time: the West did not prevent the agreement but rather hindered the dialogue, which in the long run could have led to an agreement.

Now, another political figure who briefly carried out mediation tasks, apparently at the request of Ukraine and quick acceptance by Russia, has added a third version of events. Gerhard Schroeder, former chancellor of Germany and personal friend of Vladimir Putin, went to Moscow at the request of kyiv to mediate the start of negotiations. His interlocutor was Rustem Umarov, then in the second line behind David Arajamia, theoretically the leader of the delegation, and Mijailo Podolyak, the person who, with a single tweet, made it clear that Ukraine was not going to accept the agreement that Medinsky believed he had with the Ukrainian delegation in Istanbul. Umarov is now Ukraine's defense minister.

“In the peace negotiations in Istanbul in March 2022 with Rustem Umerov, the Ukrainians did not agree on peace because they were not allowed to,” Schoeder stated in an interview with Berliner Zeitung with words that would seem to give the right to Boris Johnson's version and Bennett's first statements. However, when expanding his perception of the negotiations, the former foreign minister gives a series of details that are inconsistent with Ukraine's actions, both up to that moment and since then.

“For everything they discussed, they had to ask the Americans first. I had two conversations with Umerov, then a meeting alone with Putin, and then with Putin's envoy. Umerov opened the conversation with greetings from Zelensky. As a compromise for Ukraine's security guarantees, the Austrian model or the 5+1 model was proposed. Umerov thought it was good. He also seemed willing on the other points. He also said that Ukraine does not want to join NATO. He also said that Ukraine wants to reintroduce Russian in the Donbass.” These last two points, the resignation from NATO and the reintroduction of the Russian in Donbass, are significant and make it scarcely credible that Ukraine would be willing to accept these terms unless it was pressured or abandoned by its partners.

During his time as president in peace , Zelensky had begun to contradict his electoral promises precisely on those points. Zelensky continued to use the Donbass war as an argument for entry into Western political and military structures and even encouraged NATO countries to set up bases in Ukraine. And when it comes to language policy, not only did he not qualify the law on the use of the language approved by Poroshenko, which sought to progressively remove the Russian language from the public sphere, but he deepened it. Umarov's words do not seem consistent with the actions of Mijailo Podolyak and the rest of the President's Office at that time, although perhaps they do seem consistent with those of David Arajamia, who, judging by his move to the second line after the failure of Istanbul, He was possibly negotiating in good faith an agreement that his Government was never going to accept.

“But in the end nothing happened. My impression was that nothing could happen, because everything else was decided in Washington. That was fatal. Because the result now will be that Russia will be more closely linked to China, which the West should not want,” Schroeder finally laments, who also criticizes the European authorities for not having been able to have their own voice. His impressions show the obvious Ukrainian dependence on the United States, although they can be blinded by the desire to see a light at the end of the tunnel and look for a clear culprit for a collective, but also personal, failure.

As a supplier and financier of the Ukrainian state from the moment the Russian invasion, massive population flight and war damage paralyzed the Ukrainian economy, the West had tools to pressure Kiev in search of an agreement. This was also the case during the Minsk process, when the countries of the European Union were able to use the argument of access to the EU as a carrot to counteract the stick of compliance with agreements that Ukraine did not want to implement. In none of the cases was there a Western commitment to commitment and the search for a negotiated peace, not even when Ukraine risked a total war extended over time, with the consequent increase in casualties, destruction and catastrophe for the population and the economy. . Quite the opposite happened and the renunciation of the path of compromise to resolve the conflict not only made an appearance in Istanbul but, above all, in Minsk and Normandy.

However, these arguments do not imply that there was Western pressure against the possibility of an agreement that, in reality, was always unviable. In the same way as in previous years, Ukraine could not renounce any part of its territory, especially Crimea, except when it found itself militarily defeated. This was not the case at that time, nor was it the case during the Minsk years nor is it now, so the lack of interest in seeking a quick resolution to the war in exchange for compromises that they considered unacceptable was common to Kiev, Washington and London. .

Although in need of vital aid to cover the most basic services, the Ukrainian State has maintained itself and this viability allows Ukraine to stay afloat even in times of retreat on the front and gives it room to risk the lives of the population at the expense of not having to accept excessively painful commitments. This is what happened at the Istanbul summit, whose agreement was not broken by outside intervention against the will of Ukraine but by the objective reality of the priorities of the Ukrainian Government and in favor of the West, in whose interests the continuation of the war was also . The time gained by Ukraine thanks to the weeks of negotiations allowed its partners to organize the flow of weapons and ammunition that continues to this day and that makes it possible for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to continue fighting and fulfilling the mission that all parties accept as the main one: to wear down the Russian Federation militarily, politically and economically. ... -guerra-2/

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 24, 2023
October 25, 2023

The Russian army continues its offensive on the Kupyansky sector of the front. Over the past days, with local attacks supported by artillery, the Russian Armed Forces have driven out Ukrainian forces from several strong points, but it is too early to talk about the battle for Kupyansk .

In the Donetsk direction, fighting continues around the Avdeevsky fortified area . After clearing the waste heap, Russian fighters went on the defensive and consolidated positions in the occupied areas, while the Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to counterattack.

Heavy fighting is taking place in other sectors of the front. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to attack in the area of ​​​​the settlements of Rabotino and Kopani , but, however, they are not very successful. On the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson direction, the Russian Armed Forces push the Ukrainian bridgehead into the water in the Krynok area .


The situation on the front line and combat operations

Near Kupyansk, Russian troops continue their systematic assault on Ukrainian positions. Over the past few days, local attacks supported by artillery of the Russian Armed Forces have driven out the forces of the 115th mechanized brigade from several strong points. Now the formations of the Terrestrial Defense and the 40th Artillery Brigade are mining the approaches to the forward lines in order to complicate the advance of the Russian Army.

Nevertheless, the position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the command of the Kupyansk group is recognized as critical . To strengthen the forward lines in anticipation of a new phase of the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces, the transfer of reinforcements began. Unidentified units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were sent from the Soledar direction and from the Zhitomir region to Kupyansk. Also, 200 people from the 4th brigade of the National Guard and 300 people from the 15th border detachment of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine occupy the lines in Dvurechnaya , Sinkovka , Petropavlovka and Stelmakhovka . The enemy grouping near Kupyansk has strengthened, which confirms the information about the extremely difficult situation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area.

Fighting continues around the Avdeevsky fortified area . After clearing the waste heap, Russian soldiers went on the defensive and consolidated in the occupied areas, while the enemy, on the contrary, pulled in reinforcements for a counterattack.

Due to heavy losses, at least one battalion of the 47th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was transferred from the Orekhovsky sector to Ocheretino and Novobakhmutovka . Their forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to strike positions near the waste heap, but to no avail. There were similar enemy counterattacks from the coke plant in Avdeevka , as well as on Opytnoye and Pervomaisky . Ukrainian formations intended to occupy the gray zone, but by artillery strikes of the Russian Armed Forces they were forced back to their starting points.

Russian aviation and artillery continue to target enemy lines. The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are growing: according to sources, during a week of active fighting, the number of killed members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine alone exceeded 1 thousand people and 60 pieces of equipment. There are losses on our side, too, but thanks to the chosen tactics of total destruction of the fortified area and subsequent clearing of the area, our command managed to reduce their number to a minimum.

It is relatively calm in the Yuzhnodonetsk direction . The Russian Armed Forces attacked concentrations of manpower and equipment in the areas of the settlements of Ugledar , Nikolskoye and Novomikhailovka . Fighting was also reported in the Staromayorsky area .

In the Zaporozhye direction, the enemy again attempted to expand the zone of control in the area of ​​​​Rabotino , Kopan and Novoprokopovka . The Ukrainian Armed Forces, with the support of artillery, went on the offensive, using infantry formations in the attack, as well as German Leopard tanks and American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles. The Russian Armed Forces repelled the attack, inflicting significant damage to the enemy in manpower and equipment. A similar attack was repulsed in the Verbovoye area, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces threw small assault groups into battle.

A couple more words about the results of today’s Ukrainian attack: Russian troops burned another Leopard 2A6 with an FPV drone , accurately hitting it in the rear hemisphere of the turret. It is curious that in the video a German tank was firing at the positions of the Russian Armed Forces while moving. The footage is rare in its own way - since June, Leopards have been caught on fire much more often than shooting. Also in the recording you can see the smoke that the Ukrainian formations set up to cover their equipment. But these enemy measures ultimately turned out to be ineffective.

In the Kherson direction, the Russian Armed Forces continue to push out the enemy from the left bank of the Dnieper. There is heavy air and artillery activity in the area. According to some reports, Russian fighters managed to force the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the banks of the Dnieper in the Krynok area . Despite the losses, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are not going to give up continuing this adventure. Information appeared about the evacuation of the civilian population at the Zolotaya Balka - Antonovka line on the right bank of the Dnieper. A week earlier, similar events were held at the Belozerka-Stanislav line .

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

Ukrainian formations once again tried to attack targets in the Rostov region . The governor of the region reported the successful shooting down of air targets by Russian air defense systems.

In the Kursk region, in the village of Tyotkino, Glushkovsky district, an explosive device was dropped from an Armed Forces drone, a local resident was slightly injured.

In the Belgorod region, the village of Novaya Tavolzhanka , Shebekinsky district, came under enemy fire : one house was damaged, there was no information about casualties. In addition, according to some sources, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the villages of Zarechye-Pervoye , Spodaryushino , Kozinka , and Mokraya Orlovka in the Grayvoronsky urban district.

Shelling of the Donetsk agglomeration by the Ukrainian Armed Forces continues . The western regions of Donetsk , Gorlovka and Yasinovataya , as well as the village of Golmovsky , are under enemy fire . In the Kalininsky district of Donetsk, a man was killed and another woman was injured as a result of an airstrike using an American AGM-88 HARM anti-radar missile. Another person was wounded in the Kuibyshevsky district.

Ukrainian formations do not stop shelling the left bank of the Kherson region . Today, the Cossack Camps , Kakhovka , Korsunka , Novaya Kakhovka , Podstepnoye and Radensk were under fire . In addition, the Ministry of Defense reported on the work of air defense near the village of Saga . According to local authorities, two civilians were killed as a result of yesterday's shelling of the village of Pody . Another person was injured in the village of Peschanovka .

Political events
About the mobile reserve of the flywheel of Ukrainian mobilization

RTVI calculated the potential mobile reserve of Ukrainian formations. Based on various sources, the media came up with a figure of 7 million 465 thousand people. Another 560 thousand men received a deferment due to their studies. And if we take into account only statistics with a certain amount of assumptions, the indicated number is close to the truth. We provided figures for losses of Ukrainian formations as of October 1, 2023 : according to internal records at the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 493 thousand people were irretrievably lost. The number of missing people written off is incalculable. It is impossible to include the factor of illegal migration in the statistics : but such attempts lead not only to the opportunity to get the coveted ticket to freedom, but also often end in a bullet to the temple. The authors of the study did not take into account the fact of the possible involvement of both women and adolescents (not to mention the disabled ). And this significantly increases the total number (by at least 20%).

And, perhaps, the most important thing. Ukrainians here and now are not able to carry out widespread mobilization: in addition to the obvious problems with controlling such a large population, providing uniforms, weapons and military equipment, there are also purely political reasons. After all, the more people are thrown into the meat grinder, the higher the level of social discontent, which can cause a spontaneous riot. Yes, students’ reservations can be canceled even now and they can be sent to the front, but there is a high probability of a sharp increase in discontent. This will be done partially, but in such a way that there is no sharp increase in discontent (by gradually canceling reservations and expanding the scope of mobilization for some categories). And of course, over time the volumes will increase - but not all at once. And so the mobilization figure of 10-11 million people can potentially be stretched over 4-5 years - there is nothing unrealistic about this (provided the conflict continues).

About corruption in Ukraine

Corruption remains one of the key problems in Ukraine. Despite the fact that this summer the Ukrainian authorities carried out raids on employees of regional military registration and enlistment offices (in the spirit of pure populism), incidents of corruption continue to occur. For example, over the past six months, unsubstantiated assets worth more than 255 million hryvnia were discovered in Ukrainian military commissars . These figures were provided by the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC). It is noteworthy that most of the suspects are the leaders of the TCC of the border regions of Ukraine.

Such close attention to the “cleanliness” of military registration and enlistment offices is justified primarily by the mobilization requests of the Ukrainian authorities. Zelensky’s team is absolutely not embarrassed by the level of corruption that reigns directly in the Armed Forces of Ukraine or in some more peaceful structures. For example, Zelensky is currently considering a bill that will allow about ten thousand people to be removed from the register of corrupt officials . The head of the previously mentioned NAPC, Alexander Novikov , expressed his concern about these prospects. However, nothing prevents Zelensky from refusing to sign this law, and then “selling” this news feed to the Ukrainians and his Western partners.

When weapons are more important than people

Recently, many statements have been made in the Western media that in one way or another express the concerns of NATO officials and experts about Ukraine’s current capabilities on the battlefield. The main message, as a rule, was that the West does not have enough production capacity to cover all the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is partly true. First of all, Ukraine suffers from a shortage of ammunition.

For example, Politico took a comment from the Minister of Strategic Industries of Ukraine Alexander Kamyshin . He stated that Ukraine requires up to 1.5 million shells annually to meet its needs, while the West is only able to provide 1 million shells next year. Kamyshin expressed the hope that Ukraine will be able to partially cover this need with domestic production, and for this it is necessary to develop the country’s military industry in the rear regions.

Against this background, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, during a press conference with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson in Stockholm, said that military assistance to Ukraine has greatly depleted the Alliance's reserves. He called on NATO countries to immediately increase military production to ensure their defense capabilities.

It is a mistake to believe that the Ukrainian conflict could end in the coming months or even next year (even if the war in Palestine drags on for a long time). The West is preparing for a long trench war, in which artillery and UAVs play the main role. Such statements are only a formal confirmation of NATO's long-standing intentions. And after statements by Ukrainian politicians about tightening mobilization measures, there is reason to believe that Ukraine will run out of human resources faster than weapons. Although, judging by some sentiments, the Ukrainian authorities are already looking for a way out of this problem . ... 2023-goda/

(Other images at link)

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About plans to reduce the Polish army
October 24, 15:24


About plans to reduce the Polish army

The Poles cannot decide whether to reduce or expand the Polish Army.

In the parliamentary elections held in Poland on October 15, the opposition “Civil Coalition” (CC) received a majority in the Polish Parliament.
Meanwhile, even taking into account the change of power in Poland, the aggressive position towards the Union State will not change, but the intensity of hysteria around the “migration crisis” and “aggression from the East” may decrease.

Thus, the statement of ex-Minister of Defense T. Siemoniak, representing the Civil Code, about the impossibility, for demographic reasons, of forming 300,000-strong troops in Poland is of interest. Previously, this was a key argument for Polish security, at least in the pre-election rhetoric of the Law and Justice party (PiS).
Meanwhile, according to Siemoniak, the optimal option for the Polish Army is 150 thousand contract soldiers, 30 thousand TerO troops, 20-30 thousand volunteers and several hundred thousand military-trained reserves.

In essence, Siemoniak's statement constitutes an indication of the end of the career for the current Minister of Defense Blaszczak, as well as for the recently appointed Polish Chief of Staff and his deputy.

PiS tried to use Semonyak’s statement by accusing him of intending to fire more than 37 thousand military personnel. Let us recall that Blaszczak previously reported the number of Polish armed forces at 187 thousand people.
However, Blaszczak’s hysteria about impending layoffs in the Polish troops was not given due attention. This is explained by the fact that 187 thousand. Polish troops, according to the Supreme Control Chamber, exists exclusively on PiS papers. Moreover, over the past year, more than 10 thousand Polish military personnel went to Ukraine and stayed there to “fertilize the land.” Another 5-7 thousand sensible Poles refused to fight for the Ukrainian Armed Forces and “went into civilian life.”

Thus, the new Polish government will not need to carry out massive layoffs; most likely, they will have to persuade those who quit to return, and in addition to them, find another 20-30 thousand volunteers for the future reserve forces. - zinc

1. The entire increase in the Polish army was carried out mainly on debt.
2. Plans to increase the Polish army from 150 to 300 thousand in 2 years initially looked dubious, primarily due to the lack of equipment and weapons.
3. The opposition initially criticized the plans of the Kaczynski gang for the explosive growth of the army without a corresponding financial economic base.
4. From the point of view of the implementation of populist statements, the correction of the plans of the Kaczynski gang is a winning move, primarily due to the reduction of a number of project-based initiatives.
5. At the same time, the increase in the combat capabilities of the Polish army will still continue due to the planned purchases of modern weapons, as well as through the further deployment of NATO troops on Polish territory.
6. Of course, all this will be directed against Russia. Poland will remain a hostile state for a long time, posing, among other things, a military threat to Russia in the context of the threat from the United States and NATO.

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Something Different.
But very true, nonetheless.

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The Captive Nations Lobby
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 24, 2023
Moss Robeson

1969 AF-ABN protest in New York City to mark the 10th anniversary of Stepan Bandera’s assassination by the KGB. Ivan Dochev is standing on the left.

Part I: Nazi Collaborators
The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC) is well known, but its origins are not. This notorious right-wing organization is the successor to the National Captive Nations Committee (NCNC), a relatively obscure outfit that created the VOC in the 1990s and faded into its shadow by the 2000s. In other words, the hidden history of the “Victims of Communism” starts no later than 1959-60 with the creation of “Captive Nations Week” and the NCNC.

This installment of VOC INFO will look at the role of former Nazi collaborators in the broader “Captive Nations Movement” — in particular, the American Friends of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations. “It is with deep sorrow that we mourn the millions of victims of Communism and colonial Russian imperialism,” the “American Friends,” praying for “strength to successfully resist and vanquish Communist Russian imperialism,” addressed “Fellow Americans” in 1959.

Radi Slavoff (1926-2019) was a founding member of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation and served on its board of trustees through 2010. Several years before the VOC’s creation, Slavoff resigned as the national co-chairman of the GOP’s “Bulgarians for Bush” after journalist Russ Bellant exposed him as the representative in Washington, D.C. of the far-right Bulgarian National Front (BNF), which was established by veterans of a pro-Nazi organization that brandished swastikas and held torchlit marches in 1930s Bulgaria.

The BNF was part of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), “the largest and most important umbrella for former Nazi collaborators” according to Inside the League, Scott and Jon Lee Anderson’s exposé of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). The ABN, insisting that World War III was “inevitable,” represented the “Iron Curtain nations” in the WACL, the Fascist International of the Cold War. WACL historian Keith Allen Dennis contends that the ABN “was as much a hindrance as help in building the League,” but credited it as the “centerpiece” of the “Captive Nations Lobby.”

“Is It Time for an Updated ‘Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations?’” wondered Paul Goble, now a member of the VOC Academic Council, in the title of a blog post that he wrote for the conservative Jamestown Foundation in 2016. The ABN was established in 1946, however traced its origins to a 1943 “Conference of Enslaved Nations of Eastern Europe and Asia” in Nazi-occupied Ukraine. The OUN-B, or “Banderite” faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, organized this conclave after launching a fanatical mass murder campaign against Poles and Jews earlier that year with its Ukrainian Insurgent Army.

In his biography of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, historian Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe wrote, “The conference must have been a disaster for the OUN-B, as they destroyed the minutes and afterwards killed several of its delegates.” The ABN was always a Banderite project. According to Rossoliński-Liebe, by the eve of Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941,

the OUN-B wanted not only to found a state for the “Ukrainian race” but also to struggle for other “nations of Eastern Europe and Asia enslaved by Moscow, for a new order on the ruins of the Moscow Empire, the USSR.” For this reason, the “Ukrainian National Revolution” was planned to take place not only in the “living space” of the “Ukrainian race.” The OUN-B also wanted to inspire a number of other “nations enslaved by Moscow” and involve them in the “liberation struggle” against the Soviet Union. This was to take place under the slogan: “Freedom for the Nations and the Individual.”

This became the slogan of the ABN, which the OUN-B established in 1946. Early partners included the former Nazi puppet government of Belarus, and remnants of likeminded fascist movements that were defeated in Hungary, Slovakia, and Croatia. By 1950, the ABN inherited some former “national committees” from Nazi Germany’s Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories.

Bandera’s deputy and successor Yaroslav Stetsko chaired the ABN Central Committee from its inception until his death forty years later. Like Bandera, the ferociously antisemitic Stetsko became an inspiration for neo-Nazis in Ukraine, in particular the 1990s “Social-National Party,” but contrary to internet lore, Stetsko did not co-chair the National Captive Nations Committee.

As told by Stepan Halamay, a leader of the OUN-B network in the United States, “a group of patriots, mostly former leaders of liberation movements of Central and East-European descent” established the AF-ABN in the early 1950s “to prepare Americans to fight Communism and Russian imperialism and to promote the ideas of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations.” After the Korean War failed to become World War III, Stetsko wrote this about the armistice:

It was not the time for half-measures. It was, much more, the time for Russia to experience its Pearl Harbor… The time demands that western commanders of the stature of General Patton place themselves protectingly before the revolutionaries with a few lightning panzer-divisions. The moment presses for military support of our nations’ underground fight, by a simultaneous advance on the central point, the Kremlin… Moscow’s despotic rule would be eliminated more quickly than one has ever dared to hope. No armistice and no compromise with the Kremlin can bring peace on earth and free the world from fear, but only a resolute, offensive advance. It is still not too late.

The AF-ABN’s first rally in the spring of 1952 featured a pair of Congressmen and General Ferenc Farkas de Kisbarnak, the far-right Hungarian chairman of the ABN Military Commission. The New York Times noted that the ABN claimed to represent 250,000,000 people. A leader of the Hungarian National Council in New York subsequently provided this “Background of General Farkas” in a letter to the Times: “in 1944 he was responsible for sentencing to death the anti-Nazi heroes and oppressing the Hungarian anti-totalitarian underground movement.”

Earlier that (election) year, Congressman O.K. Armstrong (R-MO), who addressed the AF-ABN rally in Manhattan, organized a “Conference on Psychological Warfare” in Washington, which historian Sarah-Jane Corke described as “one of the first meetings between Republicans and the psychological warriors.”

Readers of the “prelude” to this series already know that in 1952, the Republican Party endorsed the “liberation” of the “captive nations,” which Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson called a “cynical and transparent attempt, drenched in crocodile tears, to play upon the anxieties of foreign nationality groups in this country.”

Future VOC founder Lev Dobriansky, as the president of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, participated in Armstrong’s event, but withdrew because Russian nationalists supposedly “took over and virtually ran the conference.” Other speakers included the chairman of the CIA’s Free Europe Committee (FEC), which wanted nothing to do with Ukrainian nationalists and the ABN. According to historian Anna Mazurkiewicz, this is how an assistant director of the FEC’s Exile Relations Division once described Yaroslav Stetsko’s group:

The ABN is led by Slovak separatists, Hungarian Arrow-Crossists, Croatian Ustashi elements, extreme Ukrainian nationalists, and the like, many of whom are veterans of SS units assimilated into the German armed forces toward the end of World War II. The Bulgarian National Front is led by the remnants of the Tsankov government, a puppet regime established by the Nazis in Vienna after the Bulgarian surrender in 1944. We customarily do not acknowledge correspondence from these groups, since they tend to make use of any acknowledgement as an FEC endorsement of their aims.

Bulgarian National Front leader Ivan Dochev received three death sentences in absentia after the war. According to a 1953 memo by the CIA’s Southeast European Division, “Sources do not agree entirely on DOCHEV’s background but there is sufficient evidence in the files to indicate that he was definitely pro-German and that he worked for German IS [Intelligence Services].”

Ivan Dochev chaired the AF-ABN for years. By the 1960s, the “American Friends” (including BNF and OUN-B activists) typically spearheaded the celebration of “Captive Nations Week,” especially in New York and Philadelphia. They grew increasingly fed up with Washington’s reluctance to suicidally ignite World War III for them. The “Organization of the Ukrainian Liberation Front” (OUN-B) called on President John F. Kennedy “to screen and investigate the experts and advisers on East European Affairs in the State Department.”

“Then, of course, come the standard and timeworn labels,” bemoaned a Ukrainian American AF-ABN member at the 1979 Captive Nations Week rally in Central Park, Manhattan. “The Captive Nations supporters are right-wing extremists, benighted anti-communists, rabid nationalists pursuing selfish goals… So it seems that our commemoration here today is, one of those bitter, though instructive ironies of our times.” Two decades after the first Captive Nations Week, every president since Eisenhower had let them down.

Then in 1980, Ronald Reagan launched his successful presidential campaign at a Labor Day “ethnic festival” at Liberty State Park in Jersey City. According to Jersey City’s Ukrainian Weekly newspaper, “The majority of the more than 20 ethnic groups taking part in the festival were affiliated with the Captive Nations Committee of New York.” Ivan Dochev died in 2005, but on paper he remains an honorary president of the Captive Nations Committee of New York, which the AF-ABN established in the 1950s.

With a friend of the “captive nations” finally in the White House, the 25th annual Captive Nations Week was dedicated to the fake 40th anniversary of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, and ABN leader Yaroslav Stetsko got an invitation to Washington where he shook hands with President Reagan and Vice President Bush. According to Old Nazis, New Right, and the Republican Party by Russ Bellant, the BNF-affiliated VOC trustee, Radi Slavoff, arranged Ivan Dochev’s 1984 visit to the White House as executive director of the Republican Heritage Groups Council, the GOP’s “special ethnic outreach unit.”

Austin App, said to be “the first major American Holocaust denier,” became a vice-president of the AF-ABN by 1973, and chaired the Captive Nations Committee in Philadelphia from at least 1969 until his death in 1984. Four years later, Christopher Simpson, author of Blowback: America’s Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects on the Cold War, argued that App wasn’t just a bad apple. “Similar attitudes are a pervasive part of the Captive Nations movement throughout the U.S., and have been for many years.” Austin App was a founding member of the National Captive Nations Committee, which established the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.

In 1984, Christopher Simpson observed Captive Nations Week in Manhattan, and witnessed a speech by Nikolai Nazarenko, “the self-styled leader of the World Federation of Cossack National Liberation Movement … and the Cossack American Republican National Federation.” Nazarenko was unashamed of being a Nazi collaborator. As told by Simpson, “Nazarenko’s speech at the 1984 Captive Nations ceremonial dinner in New York left little to the imagination about his own point of view or that of his audience.”

“There is a certain ethnic group that today makes its home in Israel,” Nazarenko told the gathering. “This ethnic group works with the Communists all the time. They were the Fifth Column in Germany and in all the Captive Nations … They would spy, sabotage and do any act in the interest of Moscow,” he claimed … “They had to be isolated … arrested and imprisoned … This particular ethnic group was responsible for aiding [the] Soviet NKVD,” he continued. “…You hear a lot about the Jewish Holocaust,” he exclaimed, his yellowed mustache quivering, “but what about the 140 million Christians, Muslims and Buddhists killed by Communism? That is the real Holocaust, and you never hear about it!” The Captive Nations Committee’s crowd responded with excited applause in the most enthusiastic welcome for any speaker of that evening.

Thirty five years later, I observed Captive Nations Week in Manhattan, and learned that the Captive Nations Committee of New York is a one man operation these days. I received a flyer that emphasized the importance of East Prussia: “The Cornerstone of all Captive Nations MUST BE FREED NOW.” With a small crowd assembled in Central Park, an old-time fellow traveler of the “Captive Nations Movement” seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been coming to this demonstration since 1964, and my parents before that,” a man named Jeff Smith said into a megaphone, hunched over in a suit and tie, as he started jabbing at the air. About 30 seconds later, he launched into a tirade against the “people throughout the history of communism who have aided and abetted it, people like the New York Times, people like the Council on Foreign Relations, and all these NGOs on the Upper East Side, people that do business with Russia, people who do business with China,” and all the other “schmucks.”

The man congratulated his audience, “YOU are the uncorrupted! That’s the difference between you and them. They want comfortability. They want respectability,” he said, mocking the passersby in the park. Afterwards, Mr. Smith told me that there is an “invisible government” ruled by “all the same families,” many of them from the Upper East Side, and they control the international banking system, and facilitated the rise of Communism. During the conversation, he name-dropped only two people from his past: Nikolai Nazarenko and Robert Welch, the head of the John Birch Society. The latter was another founding member of the National Captive Nations Committee, which was chaired for life by ABN ally Lev Dobriansky.

In 1959, Prince Niko Nakashidze, a Georgian Nazi collaborator and Secretary General of the ABN, wrote a letter to Senator Paul Douglas (D-IL), who sponsored the Captive Nations Week legislation. “As long as the United States of America exist they have never aimed to conquer foreign countries. They have allowed neighboring small states to exist and develop unmolested and have respected the freedom of other peoples and individuals.”

The following year, Nakashidze wrote “The Truth About ABN,” a pamphlet in which he admitted, “many of us fought on the German side against Russian imperialism and Bolshevism,” but defended this choice, which he also made, because it “was in our national interests.” As for the Holocaust, “The Jews themselves know only too well that our people have never been and are not anti-Semitic… [and for those that] do not cease to spread propaganda lies about us, we shall not keep silent any longer, but shall likewise attack them ruthlessly, even at the risk of being called ‘anti-Semites.’”

The invention of Captive Nations Week was “extremely gratifying to us,” according to Prince Nakashidze, because it was “wholly identical with the fundamental idea which we of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, as the united spokesmen of the entire subjugated world in the East, first propagated and have always championed.”

Roughly five years before the National Captive Nations Committee established the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, Christopher Simpson observed that “these [Captive Nations] groups continue to enjoy favorable media coverage, endorsements from leading political figures, and a substantial role in right-wing political coalitions year after year. The reasons for this phenomena are complex, but they stem in large measure from these organizations’ ability to use militant anti-Communism as a ‘respectable’ cover for hate politics.”

Part II: The CIA-funded “Little U.N.”

1959, New York City: “ACEN Commemorates Captive Nations Week—Unveiling a mammoth poster in front of their headquarters, the Assembly of Captive European Nations is located across the street from the United Nations building.” (source)

If the previous installment of this Captive Nations Week VOC INFO series was about the American Friends of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, this one is about its CIA-funded rival, the Assembly of Captive European Nations (ACEN), which was established in 1954.

Many reading this will already know about the National Committee for a Free Europe, also known as the Free Europe Committee, the major CIA front organization that oversaw the ACEN, because it created Radio Free Europe. There was also the Crusade for Freedom, the domestic “fund-raising arm” that provided cover for the CIA to finance this entire apparatus. According to Blowback: America’s Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects on the Cold War by Christopher Simpson,

Through the National Committee for a Free Europe (NCFE) and a new CIA-financed group, the Crusade for Freedom (CFF), the covert operations division of the agency became instrumental in introducing into the American political mainstream many of the right-wing extremist émigré politicians’ plans to “liberate” Eastern Europe and to “roll back communism.”

In other words, the CIA largely planted the seeds of the “Captive Nations Lobby,” which sprouted in the 1950s. The ACEN essentially functioned as a Model United Nations club for the following members, and aspiring governments in exile: the National Committee for a Free Albania, the Bulgarian National Committee, the Council of Free Czechoslovakia, the Committee for a Free Estonia, the Hungarian National Council, the Committee for a Free Latvia, the Committee for a Free Lithuania, two Polish organizations, and the Romanian National Committee. According to historian Anna Mazurkiewicz,

the ACEN wished to be perceived as an alternative to the communist representation of East Central European nations in the free world – a “little UN”– as the “New York Times” referred to it at one point. In 1956, the ACEN received some funds to organize the Captive Nations Center across from the UN Building. The money was not enough to open the actual center, but the façade of the rented building was used to display political posters directly opposite from the UN headquarters. Together with the Carnegie International Center, located just around the corner, these locations where the ACEN delegates met offered prestige and the opportunity to be noticed by the UN representatives, diplomats, journalists as well as any potential visitors and tourists. In the years 1954 to 1972, the ACEN held 18 sessions. The ACEN’s Plenary Meetings were organized in concurrence with the UN sessions and therefore they began in September.

The CIA once described the ACEN as “a propaganda organization and a lobby.” VOC advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski told Anna Mazurkiewicz, “I believe the initial purpose of the ACEN was to provide political legitimacy for sustaining from outside the internal opposition to communism.” The Assembly was not packed to the gills with former Nazi collaborators like the ABN, but then again, according to Christopher Simpson, “The Albanian [Nazi] collaborationist Balli Kombetar organization controlled the pivotal ACEN Political Committee for most of the 1950s.” Hasan Dosti, the former minister of justice in Italian-controlled Fascist Albania, led the Free Albania Committee, and chaired the Albanian delegation (which included several Balli Kombetar leaders) at the first session of the Assembly of Captive European Nations. Simpson tells us,

It would be a mistake, however, to view the ACEN as a whole as a “Nazi” organization. The influential Czech delegation was controlled by anti-Nazi (and anti-Communist) moderate socialists. The Polish delegation consisted in large part of the old wartime Polish government-in-exile in London combined with a handful of surviving Polish underground fighters, many of whom had risked their lives in the struggle against Germany. Most of the Hungarian emissaries were indisputably conservative but apparently free of culpability for war crimes, and so on. The relatively mainstream character of those ACEN groups, including the anti-Communist and anti-Nazi credentials of some top ACEN leaders, gave this Captive Nations movement a thoroughly acceptable image in the eyes of the media and the public at large.

Niko Nakashidze, the Georgian prince and former Nazi collaborator that we heard from in the previous installment, complained that members of the ACEN “consist of leftist exile politicians.” The ACEN’s Bulgarian National Committee, Council of Free Czechoslovakia, and Hungarian National Council were rivaled by their fascist counterparts in the ABN, including the “Slovak Liberation Committee” chaired by Ferdinand Durcansky, a wanted Nazi war criminal, and the “Hungarian Liberation Movement” led by General Ferenc Farkas, who “appears to be the Hungarian neo-Nazi candidate for leadership of the military elements of the emigration,” according to a 1958 CIA study.

“ACEN and ABN membership did not overlap,” according to Anna Mazurkiewicz, with one exception. Before the ACEN was established, one of its Latvian leaders, Alfred Berzins, chaired the “Peoples’ Council” of ABN, making him its second-in-command after Yaroslav Stetsko. In 1952, already on the staff of the CIA’s Free Europe Committee, Berzins unsuccessfully “approached some of the Americans in Free Europe as to the possibility of sponsoring Stetsko to the United States.” As we already know, that was not going to happen, but future VOC co-founder Lev Dobriansky helped the ABN leader get his first US visa in 1958. Once again we can return to Blowback by Christopher Simpson.

Alfreds Berzins, now deceased, was propaganda minister in the prewar Latvian dictatorship of Karlis Ulmanis. During World War II Berzins “help[ed] put people in concentration camps,” according to his CROWCASS wanted report, and was “partially responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Latvians and thousands of Jews.” The United States asserted that Berzins was “responsible for murder, ill treatment and deportation of 2000 persons.” He was, the United States said, “a fanatic Nazi.”

The ACEN stepped up its lobbying efforts after the 1956 Hungarian revolution was crushed. Among other things, it organized the “American Friends of Captive Nations,” which according to Anna Mazurkiewicz described itself as “a liaison between the ACEN and the American public and various anti-Communist organizations… because ACEN cannot carry on educational work among the American people.”

Mazurkiewicz writes that “by 1957, the ACEN’s members had already realized that the U.S. government policy toward Eastern Europe was no longer about the restoration of freedom and democracy but about freezing the status quo and maintaining so-called peaceful coexistence. The ACEN did not agree to go along with this plan. In insisted on a firm ‘no’ to the status quo.” But the Assembly of Captive European Nations faced budget cuts over the coming years, and because it relied on the U.S. government, the organization faded away.

Mazurkiewicz counted 175 meetings that representatives of ACEN had with members of Congress in 1955-1963. According to this historian, “It should be mentioned, however, that during the decade analyzed here, the cases of citing ACEN materials by staunch anti-Communists in the congress were rather sporadic. For them, this organization was not radical enough.” The far-right American Friends of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, on the other hand, was established a couple years before the ACEN, and outlasted it by many more. The next installment of this series will be about the Cold Warriors in Congress who were perhaps the most important part of the “Captive Nations Lobby.” ... ons-lobby/

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