Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Thu Apr 12, 2018 4:55 pm

Ukrainian hopelessness
12 April 2018, 19:23


It is not necessary to explain that the global northern fur animal has got very clear, almost convex outlines. Operation Poison ("Poison"), launched by the British and American "civilizations", is a systemic manifestation of a still-cold, but very, very warmed-up war.

Somehow it became fashionable for them to operate with the concept of "poison". Then the Scribes were "fatally travannuli" agents "KGB", although as a result of hamsters and koshak, the "hemataka" in the Syrian Duma suffered. The case of the "runaway agent" quickly began to crumble, so I had to demolish the house and restaurant with the "remnants" of the extremely deadly "Novice". Now "a great friend of Ukraine" Donald Trump for 24 hours decides about the response to the "Himataka". Also, by the way, "mass poisoning", "violation of the convention," hysterics. The system, however.

Analysts of the Ukrainian TV channel 112 say that "the Russian empire collapses under the powerful coordinated sanctions of the West, and we (Ukraine) will inflict an all-destroying blow in the heart of the rogue state." With their anatomy, however, not very much. Under the "heart" they understand Rostov, Donbass and for some reason the Krasnodar Territory. But the essence of the "expert" was caught accurately. It is Ukraine, not Syria, that will become the main platform for an open military clash with the "evil empire". Yes, why go around the bush around? Amers drove Poroshenko to the war. In May, the four-year "antiterrorist operation" (ATO) will be reformatted into a "military operation" under the command of the "united armed forces", and not the SBU, as it was until recently. The most "powerful", "well-fed army of Europe" should demonstrate its "unprecedented power".

And everything seems to be working out for them, but a little discrepancy has emerged. Pyotr Alekseevich clearly does not want to lay bare his checker and jump on the battle horse in order to personally lead the "air assault brigades" (the parliament recently approved this typically "Ukrainian" name for the airborne troops of the Armed Forces). Elections have begun. Presidential. A completely different logic of action is needed by the "guarantor". He also that recently shows? The image of a caring father of a nation caring for the younger generation, a sort of "peacemaker with pasques", baked by his loving wife. Everything bad, he says, is already behind us. We will saddle hyperlamps, we will deduce "Lanos" into space and we will live like true Europeans. At the Donbass, we will introduce Finnish and Swedish peacekeepers who will quickly "clean up" the originally Ukrainian territory from the "Russian occupation forces". Then the Interior Ministry forces Arsen Avakov will begin "a comprehensive sweep of the territory from accomplices of terrorists." Filtration camps, comfortable interrogation rooms in cozy cellars, white bandages with the inscription "Polizai". All as in the good old days. Genetic memory, however.
And at that moment the State Department gave the order to prepare for a large-scale offensive. Generally not in the vein for the president of the "peacemaker". To him for the second term to go, but how to conduct an election campaign during numerous "boilers"? Do not add up puzzle. All the time you get one very ugly word. On top of that, the permanent scandal between Republicans and Democrats in the United States influenced the electoral situation in the dwelling places of the ancient Sumerian nation. Appeared, as has already been repeatedly written, a new, virgin candidate for the role of "savior." Well, yes, Glory Vakarchuk. "Reps" are so mired in endless intrigues with "investigations of the Kremlin's interference in Trump's electoral campaign" that they missed the time to "launch" their own candidate. Stupidly they decided to press Poroshenko to its logical conclusion. Well, where will he go? It is necessary to put on a glamorous commando beret and raise the cavalry in the attack. Aha ... So that someone else could climb onto his stool ?!

The Easter start of the election campaign of the soloist of the Ocean of Elsa greatly alarmed the guarantor. Insider sources in the AP speak about the emergency meeting of Poroshenko with the closest associates: Alexander Turchinov (secretary of the Security Council), Alexander Granovsky, Igor Kononenko ("looking" for the financial and judicial affairs of the president respectively), and Vasily Hrytsak (head of the SBU).

Most importantly, until the last moment everything seemed to be going well: Miho Saakashvili was deported to Poland, Nadya Savchenko was put in prison, and Yulia Tymoshenko was intimidated by the prospect of initiating a criminal case. Only Poroshenko's opponents remained convenient: the leader of the "Opposition block" Yuri Boyko, just Rabinovich and so on, in detail. But then a trumpet oligarch, a friend of Elton John, and, as it were, philanthropist Pinchuk, flashed by. Sniffed, scoundrel, with Hillary Clinton and launched the same project "I'll sing you an encore." He was warned: sit exactly at the fifth point, do not gleam, and you will be happy. Neither the prosecutor's office, nor the tax authorities, nor the SAP with the NABU worked for Pinchuk enterprises and people. His father-in-law - ex-president Leonid Kuchma sits in Minsk, plays some role in the hands. The TV channels of the oligarch - "STB", "Novy", "ICTV" - never fell under the National Council's sanctions on television and radio broadcasting. Almost all other players in the media market are either pressured or stupidly selected. And the "Pini" (such a nickname) is a complete idyll.

When he once tried to jerk, having published a "separatist article" in an English edition ("we need to negotiate with representatives of the Donbas", "the world") and slightly "lighted up" Vakarchuk as a politician (the singer abruptly interrupted his tour activities and went to America "to study on the leader "), the reaction was harsh. From the AP he was given a "bunch of greetings", promised an act using a pipe of very large diameter. Everything is as usual. Victor Mikhailovich is very intelligent, but a cunning oligarch. He seemed to have played it back, but, as it turned out, he continued to cherish far-reaching plans. The former Secretary of the State Department, Hillary Clinton, also participated in the "conspiracy."

Pinchuk repeatedly donated large sums to the Hillary campaign, then to the Democratic Party fund. True, he and Trump unfastened. Right now in the States an investigation is under way on this fact. No, well, everything is right: the eggs must be laid out in different baskets. This is the principle of Pinchuk's actions. We have such a country ... Often they (eggs) beat just soft. Clinton, like most Democrats, is obsessed with a revenge. Well, there is a "march of indignant vaginas", "impeachment to the Kremlin protege" and so on.

Hillary, unlike Donald, rather tightly engaged in Ukraine. It was with her that the "revolution of dignity" was brought to an end. Democrats for decades conducted systematic work to turn the country of the Sumerians into a springboard for an attack on the Russian Federation. Together with Soros, they created an effective grants structure in the form of "anti-corruption public organizations", which became the main instrument for influencing the political and media spheres of Ukraine. Pinchuk's proposal to "untwist Vakarchuk" was greeted with understanding by the democrats. Republicans in Ukraine are interested in more pragmatic "things": the market of medical services, the banking sector, oil and gas business. Having received as a "bonus" after "era" of Barack Obama "a managed president", "respa" did not particularly bother with political schemes. They have not yet prepared an "alternative" although in Washington, entire lines of "promising candidates" were built. Tymoshenko, ex-head of the SBU Valentin Nalyvaichenko, ex-Defense Minister Anatoly Gritsenko ... All of them wanted to go through the presidential casting, get the "official blessing of the State Department." But they did not.

The most sophisticated of all was Pinchuk. His project "Singer by mouth" really "shot". At least at the start. Competent "zakos" under the "licensed product of the State Department", the training of Glory in the "forge of the world elite" - Stanford University, the use of a team of political technologists who once led Viktor Yushchenko. Previous attempts to make Pinchuk's own political "start-up" ended in a complete fiasco. I'm talking about the "Winter Generation Team" ("KOPy"). No shit, none of the "team" is not up. Inna the Theological. Yes, and that so hurled from the extreme to the extreme, that at the present time Inna Germanovna is perceived as a mentally unbalanced "girl."

The phenomenon of Vakarchuk people passed in the Kiev-Mohyla Academy - a hotbed of racially-correct Ukrainians. Resonance turned out to be strong. At least, Pyotr Alekseyevich was upset. So I held a meeting with the "twin-cities" on the topic "How to make the" Ocean Elzy "resolve?". Not that Vakarchuk is a "deadly competitor" for him. For a year you can "roll". The problem is different: the situation is developing in such a way that this "pseudo-American peacekeeper" falls into the right political wave. While the commander-in-chief is fighting, predictably shoveling, Glory is gaining more and more popularity due to its pacifism - "one has to make such a standard of living in Ukraine that everyone in the Donbass wants to live in a prosperous country."

In the State Department, Poroshenko's reflection on the topic "one must postpone everything until the end of the election" is generally not perceived. He is listed as an expendable. When it goes "into the expense", then we'll think over the replacement. The main task of the Ukrainian president is to start a war in the Donbass. The staging "special effects" - the poisoning of the Fiddlers, the Himatak in Syria - ended. It's time for war. "We will give you Javelins, do not be afraid of anything."

If this is the case, then really Glory with a hairy chest, which he loves to demonstrate during concerts, will be the only US candidate. Democrats on time, and the Republicans do not have their own version. This, of course, is a simplified scheme. But, as for me, it clearly illustrates the picture of the "global collapse".

Alexander Yablokov

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:11 pm

A Protest was Held in Donetsk Against the War in Donbass


On April 14th in Donetsk, as part of an international action, a rally was held against the war in the Donbass region. The event was initiated by the Communist Party of the Donetsk People’s Republic — a correspondent of the Vperyod website reports.

«Today — April 14th — marks four years since the official announcement of the war in the Donbass region. On this day the criminal Kiev regime declared a bloody slaughter against the freedom-loving people of Donetsk. Today’s action has been international in nature, with protests also carried out in LPR, Germany, Italy, England, the USA, and a number of cities within the Russian Federation», — said First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPDPR — Boris Litvinov.


Veteran Communists, Young Communists, Pioneers, Soviet Officers, internationalist soldiers, and representatives of other leftist organizations — all took part in this rally. At the end of the event, a resolution was read out and adopted against the war in the Donbass. Protesters also expressed their Solidarity with the people of Syria, a country once again subjected to yet another attack by world imperialism. ... n-donbass/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:37 am

The shelling of Lugansk 04/17/2018
April 17, 14:07


If you remember, some time ago, the OSCE mission in the Donbass published photographs of the 2 nd Army Corps technique, which was to be used for the military parade on May 9.
Well, at night, using the OSCE data, the APU worked out 122 mm and 152 mm guns for the location of the parade-focused equipment. Although, of course, it can not be said that the data on technology were taken only from OSCE photographs, the preparation itself was demonstrated on the official channels of the LNR.
Suffered the ceremonial T-34, destroyed several cars. There are reports that one of the T-72s got light injuries. Losses in personnel seemed to be avoided, in any case, official sources do not say anything about this.




About complaints about the "violation of the Minsk agreements," I probably will not write anything, because it is already mauvais.
Arrange the preparation for the parade within the reach of heavy enemy artillery is certainly trash that one yet. At other coincidence of circumstances, could lose where as more technics and people.
Concerning the answer, at night there were quite strong arrivals and for the APU, officially the junta yesterday 1 killed and 3 wounded.
In the LC, they threatened to destroy the artillery of the APU in the event of a repeat of the shelling.
It seems better to destroy first and then threaten.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Apr 28, 2018 12:55 pm

New patriotic stamp series from the Poroshenko junta honoring Waffen-SS officers, Nazi collaborators, pogromists and other Holocaust perpetrators:

courtesy Bea Arthur death cult @pomobobomofo

Nope, no Nazis in Ukraine, none whatsoever....
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:05 pm

April 2018
The leader of the right wing group Street Front, Demyan Ganul stated that those who died on the Kulikovo field on May 2, 2014 were not people

He made this statement at a press conference on April 26, dedicated to the so-called “March of the Ukrainian order”, which Ukrainian radicals want to hold in Odessa on May 2 this year.

“I do not see any crime there” said Ganul, commenting on the question of who should be held responsible for the deaths on the Kulikovo field. To the remark that he received in response from the audience –“So there were not people?” — he answered: “I don’t think so.” ... i_982.html



Representatives of the radical organization C14 doused the head of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU) Natalia Vitrenko and her party members with paint. The action was accompanied by shouts of “Glory to Ukraine!”. “There will be no Vitrenko & Co on the Ukrainian land,” as C14 wrote in a commentary to the video they posted online.

This happened as Vitrenko was walking out from the District Administrative Court of Kyiv, which is considering her claims against the National Police of Ukraine in regards to the inaction of the police on May 9, 2017. Then the radicals attacked the leaders of the PSPU in their apartments, thus blocking their participation in the peaceful rally on the Victory Day, “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten,” that involves laying flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Kiev. ... jtsev.html



Right wingers are organizing a march on May 2 in ODESSA in order to intimidate those who come out on this day every year in commemoration of the victims of the massacre of May 2, 2014.

From Facebook event:


On May 2, 2014 in Odessa, there was a decisive test of the power of the Ukrainian idea in the fight against collaborationism, terrorism and foreign influence. On this day, hundreds of armed and trained pro-Russian criminals under the protection of the militia made an attempt to recreate the Donetsk-Lugansk scenario in Odessa: to bring the war to the Ukrainian Odessa, together with the despised Moscow’s occupying power. They were given a rebuff by the decisive and patriotic Odessan people. Their fearless upsurge became a decisive factor in determining the fate of not only the south of Ukraine, but the entire state. They saved the lives of thousands of people and unconditionally established the Ukrainian Order in Odessa.
Consequently, we, the united forces of Ukrainian nationalists, are convinced that pro-Russian colonialists do not have the right to take over this date –in fact, the ones who caused the bloody clashes and their sympathizers. May 2 in Odessa should not be used as a myth of enemy propaganda in order to consolidate an anti-Ukrainian element.

For Odessa and for the Ukrainian nation, it is a day of the decisive accomplishment by the people who, without fear of an enemy under the conditions of fatal danger, defended his city from war and chaos. We commemorate the feat of the living and dead heroes of May 2, who established and defended the Ukrainian Order in Odessa!” ... atriots-2/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Wed May 02, 2018 1:18 pm

Odessa massacre: Four years of lies and bullying will not go unanswered!

By Alexey Albu

Over the past four years, since the massacre of anti-fascists in Odessa on May 2, 2014, it has been possible to recreate the picture of what happened almost completely. A huge number of photos, videos and eyewitness accounts were collected.

The House of Trade Union in Odessa set ablaze by neo-Nazis on May 2, 2014.

The individuals who sanctioned the May slaughter, who organized the arrival of militants to Odessa, who provided their accommodations, food and money, have been identified. It was possible to establish who coordinated the groups of attackers, who gave the command to send their forces to the Kulikovo field [where anti-fascist activists had a protest encampment].

Also, the identities of the direct executioners, who shot unarmed people and finished off those who managed to jump out of the windows of the burning building of the House of Trade Unions, were established.

However, despite the availability of these materials, the killers continue to remain at large, breathing the clean air of the seaside town.

At the same time, the defenders of Odessa are in prison on fictitious charges.

Because of impunity, the killers continue to harass the relatives of the victims, demanding they be fired from their jobs, exerting moral and psychological pressure.

Today we see that there has been a serious split in the ranks of neo-Nazis – there is no unity among them, as was four years ago.

We, the activists of Union Borotba (Struggle), declare that none of the killers will escape a reckoning!

We declare that we remember every deceased defender of the city and do not intend to forgive those responsible!

Four years have passed of brainwashing, imposing alien ideological values ​​on our children, disfiguring the city with ultra-nationalist symbols.

Despite this, Odessa has survived! Odessa has not broken down! Odessa did not take on nationalistic ideas!

The task of every Odessa citizen is to make the fascists unwelcome: do not communicate with them, do not serve them in shops and taxis, show your contemptuous attitude to this pack of dogs! Keep throwing them out of public transport and cafes!

Today we do not have the strength to destroy them physically, but who knows what will happen tomorrow? ...

Alexey Albu is a coordinator of the Marxist, anti-fascist organization Borotba. He is a survivor of the Odessa massacre. At that time, he was an elected deputy of the Regional Council and a candidate for mayor of the city. Albu was forced into exile under threat of arrest and death following the events of May 2, 2014.


Translated by Greg Butterfield ... s-and.html
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Wed May 09, 2018 1:34 pm

Red Star Over Donbass

Victory Day 2018: Build communist movement to ensure fascism's defeat

A day we will never forget!
Commentary for I.B. Khlebnikov Workers' University about the significance of Victory Day, May 9 (the day former Soviet countries mark the defeat of fascism in 1945). The Russian version is here, together with comments from comrades in Venezuela, Peru, India, Germany and other countries.


In the United States, Victory Day is unknown to most people. In schools, children are taught about D-Day – when U.S. troops landed at Normandy, France, in June 1944. That’s because the ruling class here wants people to believe that the U.S. was responsible for defeating fascism in Europe.

It was only when I became a Marxist and began to study true people’s history that I learned about the heroic sacrifices of the Soviet people who, together with the communists and anti-fascist partisans of Europe, truly defeated Hitler-fascism.

One of the most powerful things I’ve ever experienced was the Victory Day parade in 2016, while visiting the capital of the Lugansk People’s Republic. I was invited to join the column of the Lugansk communists. I will never forget seeing thousands of people, young and old, pouring into the streets early in the morning with red flags, banners, and portraits of family members who fought in the Great Patriotic War.

But it wasn’t just history for them. I marched beside the leader of the Lugansk communists and his young daughter. She had been an infant two years earlier when the Ukrainian junta and fascist gangs were shelling the city and threatening to invade. As a parent myself, I thought about how frightened her mother and father must have been for her safety. The people around me, and throughout Donbass, were not just remembering the struggle against fascism – they were living it.

The Soviet Union and the partisans were able to defeat fascism in 1945 because the socialist system created by the October Revolution was utterly irreconcilable with the terrorist, racist, xenophobic and genocidal fascist regime, and with the capitalist profit system that was its basis.

No wonder comrades in Russia are indignant about the way the oligarchic government in Moscow celebrates Victory Day now! They literally cover up Lenin’s mausoleum and other symbols of the socialist revolution that made the victory possible.

Today, when fascist movements are resurgent in Europe and the U.S., it is more important than ever to remember our true history and teach it to new generations of revolutionary workers. The only way to ensure fascism’s defeat is by building a strong communist movement and winning new victories for socialism throughout the world.

Greg Butterfield
Workers World Party ... unist.html

The following comments are from the original Russian article translated by Google:

Today we are celebrating the 73rd anniversary of liberation from fascism. For me personally, this is a special day: the end of the tyranny of the Nazis in my country. My family participated in anti-fascist resistance, my ancestors at that dark time committed courageous and outstanding deeds. Some of them fell into a concentration camp because of their communist convictions. If it were not for the actions of the allied forces, and first of all for the outstanding role of the Soviet Union, which had borne the brunt of the war on its shoulders, I probably would not have just now. I owe my life to the heroic struggle of partisans and Red Army troops, although 73 years have passed since that! It is hard to imagine what the Soviet armed forces have done for all of humanity!

Willie Franke, Communist Party of Germany

The Venezuelan people will never forget the role played by the brave Soviet people in winning peace for all nations and the victory of the great Red Army over the forces of fascism! The 9th of May is of exceptional importance not only for the peoples of Russia, but also for the peoples of the whole world. I cordially congratulate the Russian people on Victory Day!

Angelis Manso Ruiz, Venezuela, member of the Union of Young Communists

The ninth of May is a very important date in world history. It was on this day that the Soviet Union was able to defeat Nazism and its allies. The Red Army, defeating Nazism, retained the achievements of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which was headed by Lenin and Stalin. The Soviet Union liberated Central and Eastern Europe, Manchuria from Japan, and so laid the foundation for a number of people's democracies alongside the socialist camp. The defeat of Germany, Italy and Japan accelerated the democratization of these countries. The Ninth of May ensured the restoration of bourgeois democracy in France, Italy and Germany. Moreover, the Soviet victory laid the foundation for the death of the colonial system. Victory would be impossible without socialist planning, collectivization and industrialization, which, like the victory itself, are connected with the name of Stalin.

Long live victory on May 9, 1945!
Long live the Red Army, led by Comrade Stalin!

Vijay Singh, Journal of Revolutionary Democracy, India

The greatest victory won on May 9, 1945, remained forever in human history, as a day in which fascism suffered a military defeat, inflicted by the army of workers and peasants, the Red Army of the Soviet Union. But we must understand that this is only a military defeat, since the fascist ideas are still alive to this day. The victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War is a victory significant for the whole world, since the Soviet government saved all of humanity from fascist claws. This is one of the most outstanding achievements of the revolutionary society of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Soviet people in this war deserved great honor and covered themselves with unfading glory, having won the most real freedom!

Lenin Arche, Peru, a member of the Young Communist League

Ninth of May is the victory of the Soviet Union over fascism - it is the victory not only of the Russian people. It is the victory of all the people of the world, especially the working class. Under the leadership of the great Stalin, the Red Army and the Soviet people saved mankind, preserved humanity, protected civilization, repulsing Hitler's fascist attack in World War II. This is the victory of the working class, the victory of socialism over the exploiters, the capitalist class, their exploiter system and society. Capitalism and imperialism are the great enemy of the people, science, society and civilization. Victory proved that Marxism-Leninism is a science and it is invincible.

Bimal Jahn, worker, Socialist United Center of India

May 9 should be celebrated with unprecedented praise, as this is one of the greatest human influences in history when Soviet women and men won what was considered the greatest military machine of the first half of the 20th century.

Lucas Rafael Cianello, Brazil, Marxist, lawyer and journalist

Victory Day on May 9 embodies all the best in humanity. We must not forget or take for granted the collective nobility and decisive courage of the Soviet forces. The USSR liberated Europe from the evil of Nazi tyranny. The huge losses incurred by the Soviet Union indicate the determination and courage of its citizens. Every European should turn to the East with appreciation and gratitude. We must respect and appreciate the USSR. We wholeheartedly respect Soviet soldiers and partisans, who finally defeated fascism. Long live Lenin! Long live the Red Army!

David Bird, British artist, communist

The ninth of May is a day that will never be forgotten, because the ideology of the working class is stronger than the most powerful weapon on the battlefield.

Siba Prasad Chakrabort, Communist Party of India (Marxists)

The victory of the Red Army over the Nazis is one of the greatest historical events of the twentieth century. The huge losses of the Soviet people, over 20 million people, made possible the collapse of fascism and Nazism. Honor and glory to the heroic Soviet people who, under the leadership of the Communist Party, saved peoples from fascism

Athanasius, a communist from Greece
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon May 21, 2018 11:26 am

Fights near Gorlovka. 05/21/2018

May 21, 12:49 PM


From the early morning, the MUU continued to intensify activities in the "gray zone" in the Gorlovka direction, which led to another escalation of hostilities.
There were even rumors of a "tank attack" in the Chigarei region (later denied by the DMDD - there, in principle, the terrain itself is not particularly conducive to tank attacks, which does not negate the fact of fire support for the active operations of the APU from the tanks and the BMS), but later everything came down to intense artillery shelling from barrel and rocket artillery, as well as repulsing attacks by assault teams, during which both sides suffered casualties killed and wounded. In addition, 3 soldiers of the 1st AK were captured by the APU in the Golmovsky district. Among the civilians in Gorlovka and adjoining villages there are again victims. Of course, the destruction of houses and infrastructure continues.
Taking into account the reinforcements transferred to Gorlovka, we can assume further intensification of hostilities and intensification of counterbattery work. Nevertheless, there is an attempt by the Armed Forces through the local escalation of hostilities, to improve their positions on the Gorlovka direction.
Of course, no one pays attention to sobs about the Minsk agreements and will not pay any attention. Attempt of activity can be suppressed only after losses in manpower and forces the command of the Armed Forces to curtail the ongoing operation.


Ukrainian units made an attempt to break through the defense line of the Dnieper in the Gorlovka area the previous night. As reported in the operational command, during the attack, three servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic were taken prisoner.
"Under cover of night, the enemy forces up to two platoons attempted an offensive near the village of Golmovsky. When the APU units came closer to our positions, the soldiers of the Dniester Army opened fire on the enemy to defeat from several directions. Under cover of heavy artillery fire and large-caliber machine guns, the enemy managed to come close to one of the positions. Our soldiers heroically fought, but the enemy group captured three of them in captivity. One of the servicemen was killed on the spot, "the statement said.
It is reported that the units of Kiev were stopped. One of the enemy groups managed to retreat with losses - five killed and four wounded.
Earlier today, acting. Mayor of Gorlovka, Ivan Prikhodko said that as a result of shelling in the morning, four civilians were wounded.

The prisoners

Urai siloviki fired almost 300 rounds of ammunition in the front territories of the Dnieper within the past 24 hours. This was announced today by the head of the Republic's representation in the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the ceasefire regime Ruslan Yakubov.
"The representative office of the Donetsk People's Republic in the SCCS notifies: for the past day the total number of violations by the APU has amounted to 20 times. The total number of used ammunition is 271 units, "it was informed.
The representative of the SCCC added that the Ukrainian military used mortars, armored infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, grenade launchers, large-caliber and light firearms. During bombardment in Gorlovka, four residential buildings were damaged.
Yakubov stressed that the northern suburb of Donetsk - the village of Spartak, the city of Yasinovataya and its surrounding villages, the Steep Gully, the Mineral, Gorlovka villages Vasilievka, Zaitsevo, Ozerianovka, Gagarin, the city of Dokuchaevsk, as well as the village of Bezymenne, Kominternovo and Sakhanka in the south of the DNR.
Also in the zone of shelling and hit the town of Petrovskoe, where in 2016 were the first time in the history of the conflict, the forces and means of the opposing sides were divorced. This zone was in fact demilitarized. However, since May 2018, according to the SCCC, the APU has stopped fulfilling its commitments in Minsk on the Framework Decision of the Contact Group on the cultivation of forces and assets.

Message from Ivan Prihodko: "A wounded civilian, Alexin A. A, aged 76. Hit into the house, Karbysheva street 98, shelling of Zaitsevo at 06.30 hrs, injuring the lower limbs, etc., was in the house." From 4 pm Gorlovka " bouncing "from the art of fighting.

* * *

The consequences of the shelling of Zaitsevo.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Wed May 23, 2018 11:11 am

Three years...

A tribute to ‘Ghost’ Commander Mozgovoi
By Greg Butterfield posted on May 31, 2015

Alexei Mozgovoi

When I learned that Donbass militia leader Alexei Mozgovoi had been assassinated, I immediately thought of Joe Hill’s famous last words: “Don’t mourn, organize.”

I had been talking with Mozgovoi and his press secretary, Anna Aseeva-Samelyuk, to arrange an interview that would allow him to speak directly to U.S. workers about the life-and-death struggle against NATO imperialism and 21st century fascism in Ukraine and the Donbass People’s Republics.

The last message I received from Anna was sent just hours before she and Commander Mozgovoi were killed.

Like Joe Hill, Mozgovoi was a singer, a poet and a warrior. And like that famous Wobblie musician murdered by U.S. mining bosses, he offered an example of strength, determination and modesty in life and in the face of death. He will continue to inspire working people around the world long into the future.

Alexei Borisovich Mozgovoi, commander of the Novorossiyan Ghost Brigade, died on the afternoon of May 23 when his car was attacked with mines and machine guns on the highway between Alchevsk and Lugansk in the Lugansk People’s Republic. He was 40 years old.

Four Ghost Brigade members accompanying him were also killed: press secretary Aseeva-Samelyuk, an activist, journalist and mother of three, said to be a key political leader of the Ghost Brigade; bodyguards Alexei Kalascin and Andrej Rjajskih; and driver Alexander Yuriev.

Two civilians driving along the same road, a pregnant woman and her spouse, were also killed.

A Ukrainian fascist group called “The Shadows” claimed responsibility, but this has not been confirmed. An investigation by the Lugansk authorities, with cooperation from Ghost, is ongoing.

Origins of the Ghost Brigade

During his all-too-brief leadership of the Ghost Brigade, Mozgovoi displayed many of the qualities of revolutionaries like Che Guevara and Thomas Sankara, with a seemingly inexhaustible integrity, uncompromising principles and ability to inspire and rally people to his cause.

Born and raised in Lugansk, and trained as a singer and a soldier, Mozgovoi emerged as a leader of the anti-fascist militia movement shortly after the junta in Kiev launched its bloody war on Donbass in 2014.

He enjoyed recounting how the Ghost Brigade earned its name. After repeated claims by the Ukrainian military that they had wiped out the armed resistance in Lugansk, his fighters always re-emerged to strike back like phantoms.

Mozgovoi did not call himself a communist or Marxist, yet he displayed a deep class consciousness and openness to learn and grow politically. He welcomed the Volunteer Communist Detachment into the Ghost Brigade and worked closely with its commanders, Pyotr Biryukov and Alexey Markov, who also became deputy leaders of the Brigade.

Mozgovoi put Biryukov in charge of military operations during the successful campaign to liberate Debaltsevo, Donetsk, from Ukrainian occupation forces this February.

After militant Donetsk militia leader Igor Strelkov was forced out by conservative forces in Donbass and the Russian Federation, Mozgovoi upheld the anti-fascist banner. He attracted many of the fighters most dedicated to serving the people and seeing the struggle through, from the liberation of historic Novorossiya all the way to Kiev, including international volunteers.

During an interview with a correspondent of Russian Planet, Mozgovoi joked that after the liberation of Kiev it might be necessary for Ghost to continue marching west to liberate Warsaw and “little hamlets” like Berlin, Paris and London.

Mozgovoi was outspoken in his opposition to the oligarchy and fascist reaction in Ukraine. He was unafraid to criticize the Minsk ceasefire agreements, which he saw as an unnecessary and damaging concession to the Kiev junta and U.S. imperialism. He denounced what he saw as the encroachment of oligarchic forces that simply want to remake Donbass in the image of corrupt, capitalist Ukraine, as it existed before the U.S.-backed coup, not as truly liberated people’s republics.

Class conscious and internationalist

In videos, teleconferences and interviews, Mozgovoi reached out to the workers and soldiers of Ukraine on a class basis, stating that there could be no winners in a bloody civil war and the common people should unite to fight the oligarchy and neo-Nazis.

From Ghost’s base in Alchevsk, Lugansk, he led the Brigade in supporting the local population. They established social canteens where militia and civilians eat side by side, preventing starvation and malnutrition due to the war and blockade. His team pioneered the efficient procurement and distribution of international humanitarian aid to hospitals, schools and pensioners.

In the last video Mozgovoi made before his death, he talked about Ghost’s efforts to help revive the local economy and develop self-sufficiency in food production by reopening a large poultry farm.

As a person of revolutionary integrity and popularity, faced with such challenging wartime conditions, Mozgovoi had a target on his back and enemies on all sides. He survived several earlier assassination attempts, most recently in March, near the spot where he was killed.

In his last days, he welcomed the Second Antifascist Caravan to Donbass and hosted the May 8 International Solidarity Forum on “Antifascism, Internationalism, Solidarity,” with delegates from more than a dozen countries — after anti-communist forces in Lugansk tried to shut it down.

In defiance of his political opponents, Mozgovoi held a spirited, internationalist parade in Alchevsk on May 9, the 70th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s defeat of German fascism.

In a video statement after Mozgovoi’s death, communist co-commander Alexey Markov said: “A person can be murdered, but not his ideas — the ideas Alexei Mozgovoi had been carrying on since last year, the ones which brought thousands of people to join us.

“With the death of one person, the ideas will not die. We are going to carry them through the war, through the misery, through the death. With these ideas, we will live, and build a better life.”

Co-commander Pyotr Biryukov noted: “The Ghost Brigade, and communist unit as part of it, will not disappear as a force against fascism. Our volunteers are the proof of this fact, and the people who help us, who trust us and rely on us to defend them.

“One of the combatants of the brigade has been killed; the commander. But his work lives with us. We will carry it on.”

“Our flag resists,” added Markov. “The Ghost Brigade’s flag will be seen in Lysichansk, Kharkov and Kiev very soon, and will be the best memorial for our commander.”

Thousands honored him and his fallen comrades at a public memorial in Alchevsk on May 24 as true inheritors of the best qualities of the Soviet Union and the Great Patriotic War against fascism.

Mozgovoi’s spirit of defiance and internationalism will also fuel an international day of solidarity with Donbass called to coincide with the commander’s funeral on May 27. And, no doubt, many battles still to come.

For more information, videos and translations about Alexei Mozgovoi and Ghost Brigade can be found at ... -mozgovoi/

This is the only immortality there is, and it is the best.

If I should live to see Ghost Brigade's flag in Kiev I should die happier than I deserve.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat May 26, 2018 2:28 pm

To justify more bombings
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 05/26/2018 ⋅ 1 COMMENT


Since the beginning of the war in Donbass in 2014, accusations and denunciations of new offensives from the other side have been a constant on both sides of the front line. The latest escalation of the battle in the Gorlovka area that has taken place this week - and which has caused significant casualties in both the Ukrainian Army and the DPR militia and heavy material damage to civilian infrastructure - has also become the center of the new accusations of breaches of the ceasefire and of new offensive attempts.

As the special envoy of the United States Department of State in Ukraine, Kurt Volker, has admitted and applauded, the Ukrainian Army has advanced this week within the supposedly neutral zone, which has led to this last local escalation in the vicinity of Gorlovka . However, despite the approval of the US envoy, Ukraine still sees the need to blame the other side and announce new offensives. After more than three years since the signing of the Minsk agreements and without offensive by the People's Republics in all this time (it is to them that Turchinov refers, since no one in his right mind could imagine at this time that Russian invasion that Ukraine has been announcing or denouncing for so long).

Always ready to use the circumstances of every moment to announce plans that never occur, Ukraine now warns that Russia - or the People's Republics, which Kiev refuses to mention in order not to grant them any kind of recognition and to undermine their rhetoric of "Russian occupation" - will begin an offensive after the end of the World Cup. With no offensive in sight, Turchinov's latest statements seek only to justify the Ukrainian bombings and to blame Russia for acts that it does not intend to commit, more pressure for the country that Ukraine has officially declared an aggressor on the eve of the start. of the soccer World Cup. As on previous occasions in which Kiev has warned of "Russian" offensives that have not occurred, there will not be, either now,

Turchinov and the World Cup
Original Article:

According to the president of the Defense and National Security Council of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchinov, Moscow could organize provocations against Kiev after the conclusion of the World Cup on July 15.

In recent days, the situation in Donbass has deteriorated, especially around Gorlovka. On Friday, Kiev accused the People's Republics of 36 violations of the ceasefire in the last 24 hours, while the militia reported that the Ukrainian Army had bombed the towns of Petrovskoe and Zaitsevo using 120 and 122mm projectiles.

"Weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements are used: artillery, tanks, multiple rocket launcher systems. The attacks on the Ukrainian territory are made at a depth of 10km, which results in damage to the civil infrastructure and there are casualties among the civilian population, "said the president of the National Defense and National Security Council of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchinov.

Earlier, the deputy commander of the operational command of the DPR, Eduard Basurin, said that, after the heavy bombing of Gorlovka on June 20 and 21, the Ukrainian troops again tried to break into the territory of the city through a group of sabotage, although the militia prevented sabotage.

"All this shows that Russia's military and political authorities prepare provocations and large-scale offensive actions that, realistically, can begin in July after the world cup held in Russia," said Turchinov.

The Ukrainian authorities, for their part, try to prevent their citizens from traveling to watch World Cup matches. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said security measures in Russia are insufficient and provocations against Ukrainians are guaranteed. In response to these statements, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia published, in its official Twitter account, a message in Ukrainian encouraging citizens of Ukraine to attend the tournament and not to hear other nonsense.

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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