Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Tue Jan 01, 2019 4:25 pm

January 1, 2019 Analysis

Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard

The Ministry of Education of Ukraine obliged publishers and authors to edit a history textbook for the 10th class: the mention of cooperation between the commander of UPA Roman Shukhevych and fascist Germany during World War II will disappear. The department made the relevant decision in response to the inquiry of the radical “Svoboda“ party. The nationalists insist that the structures under the control of the Third Reich, as well as local SS divisions, weren’t engaged in collaboration, and the emergence of such a textbook “equates to supporting Russian propaganda”. Experts call such a distortion of facts “a tragedy for the whole generation” of Ukrainians and don’t exclude that support for such initiatives can lead to new split in the country.

“Earlier Oleg Osukhovsky addressed scientists and educators with a letter in which he expressed his outrage at the topic approved in 2018 by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of the school textbook for class 10 of general secondary education “History: Ukraine and the world (integrated course of study, standard level)” by M.M. Mudry and A.G. Arkusha”

it is reported on the official website of the “Svoboda” party

According to the “scientists and teachers” that the deputy refers to, the emergence of a textbook featuring a section entitled “National military formations in the German army. Manifestations of collaboration”, illustrated with a photo of Roman Shukhevych, “equates to supporting Russian propaganda”.

“People are simply afraid”
At the same time, it is difficult to say that views of those historians who the authors of the petition appeal to can be described as objective. Special attention should be paid to Ivan Patrilyak, who is a graduate of the Kiev National University of Taras Shevchenko (KNU) specialising in the history of the Ukrainian “national liberation” movement. In 2014 he became the dean of the history department of the KNU.

Patrilyak is known as an ardent defender of OUN-UPA and the SS “Galicia” division. In an interview he called the Nuremberg process “problematic” — the historian challenges the recognition of the SS as a criminal organisation.
“The Nuremberg process is not God’s judgement. A process involving the winners trialling the defeated can’t be fair”

said Patrilyak
An example of the dissenting opinion of this scientist is the notorious Volyn massacre, which he calls an “incident”.
“Concerning the Volyn massacre. When the Algerian Arabs started their war for independence, they in large quantities killed French white colonists. The same thing happened in other countries that waged war for independence. In no case does this qualify as genocide against colonists”

said Patrilyak in an interview to the Federal News Agency

It should be noted that the situation surrounding the textbook “Ukraine and the world” is not the first time “Svoboda” has complained about “wrong” school textbooks. Even before “Euromaidan”, in January 2013, the movement urged parents, pupils, and teachers to boycott a history textbook for the 5th class that didn’t have a chapter about the “national liberation” fight of Ukrainians, Shukhevych’s portrait, and also other myths from the backbone of Ukrainian nationalism — like the myth about Moscow’s deliberate “organisation” of Holodomor in Ukraine.

The scandal surrounding the textbook written by the historians Maryan Mudry and Elena Arkusha inflamed in the autumn when teachers and pupils received an electronic version. The authors of the textbook work at the Lvov National University of Iván Franco, and in October a whole campaign was unleashed against them. Thus, an unknown person plastered the university with leaflets “branding” the historians, and the Lvov nationalist media devoted a whole series of publications to the “unpatriotic” textbook.

At the end of October Roman Shukhevych’s son Yury declared his determination to file a lawsuit against the authors of the textbook and promised to send a complaint to the Ministry of Education.
“It is hammered into our heads that we are collaborators, that we are Hitler’s helpers … But all of this is a lie … A child in the 10th class can’t be told “collaborators”, “collaboration” and shown Shukhevych’s portrait. It is driven into the child for the rest of their life, like a subliminal message…”

declared the descendant of the leader of UPA
However, many colleagues of Mudry and Arkusha weren’t afraid to stand up for them and wrote an open letter expressing their indignation with the “prejudiced public campaign” unleashed against them. According to those who signed the appeal, during a discussion about the textbook unacceptable tricks, such as “distorting facts” and “frank insinuations”, were allowed.
“Maryan Mudry and Elena Arkusha were subjected to frank persecution for their ideologically ‘wrong’ position, and in fact for having an objective, scientific, and critical approach towards teaching difficult pages of history from the 20th century”

it is said in the letter signed by about 300 representatives of the professional historical community, mainly from Lvov and Kiev
A similar statement was made by a group of students from the history department of University of Lvov named after Iván Franco on its page on Facebook.

The political scientist Anna Aryamova in a conversation with RT paid attention to the fact that the historians who supported the authors of the textbook urged to stop only persecution, and didn’t demand to stop trying to edit it.
“People are simply afraid to act with sensible ideas in order to not be subjected to the attacks of nationalist structures that the state doesn’t even control”

explained Aryamova
In turn, a source of RT in the “Samopomich” party considers that the persecution of the textbook’s authors will stop, however the practice of rewriting monographs in Ukraine will continue.
“The position of the Ukrainian authorities has coincided with the initiatives of nationalists for a long time. Therefore I am not surprised that the Ministry of Education could follow the tastes of ‘Svoboda’. This is not surprising. There are a lot of problems in the education system: school leavers don’t know the Ukrainian language, the country’s history, and the Ministry of Education at this time thinks about Shukhevych”

stressed the interlocutor of RT
A source of RT in the “Batkivshchyna” party holds a similar opinion. In his opinion, education in Ukraine “turned into propaganda long ago”.

“A split awaits Ukraine”
The glorification of such historical figures as Roman Shukhevych and Stepan Bandera started in Ukraine before “Euromaidan”, and after the coup in 2014 they received the official status of “national heroes”.

At the beginning of last year the government of Ukraine put forward an initiative for the reburial of the remains of Ukrainian “heroes” from OUN and UPA.
“They have to come back home. Doroshenko, Golovaty, Oles, Bandera, Shukhevych, Konovalets, Skoropadsky, Petliura, Vinnichenko…”

wrote the head of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine Vladimir Omelyan on his Facebook page
In December of this year Petro Poroshenko signed a law that gives the former fighters from OUN and UPA the status of veterans. In official documents they are called as fighters “for the independence of Ukraine”.

In addition, the Verkhovna Rada decided to celebrate at the state level such dates as the birthday of Stepan Bandera, and also the anniversary of the foundation of OUN and its military wing UPA.

According to historians, fighters from OUN-UPA exterminated about 1,000,000 people, including 200,000 during the Volyn massacre. At the same time, radicals try to avoid the topic of cooperation with Hitler’s Germany.

Nationalists try to present the activity of OUN-UPA as “the fight for freedom”. However, this narrative isn’t backed up by historic facts. Hitler’s command considered Ukrainian nationalist formations to be only a tool for the achievement of aims. Speaking about the independence of such organisations as the SS “Galicia” division and the independence of an occupied Ukraine is a waste of time. In 1941 the German leadership created “Reichskommissariat Ukraine” – an administrative unit of the Third Reich.

The reason why Ukrainian nationalists try to suppress the unattractive facts from the past about their “heroes” is very simple, considers the president of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting Rostislav Ishchenko. Declaring a commitment to the doctrine of fascism means to be in opposition to all the international community, claims the expert.
“The current Ukrainian regime very much tries to explain that their SS groups were “a little but different” from the German ones. But in Nuremberg such segregation wasn’t made, any belonging to any SS units was considered to be a crime”

explained Ishchenko in an interview with RT.
According to him, with such initiatives the Ukrainian nazis once again prove their lameness. Hitler wasn’t ashamed of his ideology, he defended it, reminds the expert. And modern Ukrainian nazis are “ashamed of their Nazism”, and with such a feeling of their own inferiority and cognitive dissonance they won’t stay in power for long, claims the expert.

Attempts of the modern Kiev authorities to rewrite history, most likely, will affect Ukrainian society, considers Ishchenko. However such changes won’t be irreversible, he claims.

“Of course, what the Ukrainian authorities are now doing will become a tragedy for a whole generation of Ukrainian society. But the worthlessness of the modern Ukraine project itself will lead to people changing their views both towards it and the history written by it”

assures the expert
Anna Aryamova also adheres to a similar point of view. According to her, the Ukrainian authorities will also continue to support such initiatives of radicals.
“Cultivation of these myths only humiliates the Ukrainian nation, despite the fact that Ukraine can’t preserve even the statehood that was gifted to it. Most likely, a new split awaits the country if the current situation continues”

summed up Aryamova ... f-ukraine/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 05, 2019 2:05 pm

#Ukraine post office celebrates Waffen SS nazis.


courtesy @BungeeWedgie
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:50 am

Herein some powerful stuff, everything we've been saying...
13 Dec at 2:25 pm
Why did the curators let a GUR officer Svitan, suspected of organizing the Odessa Khatyn, go to Ukraine?

Writes Yuri Evich (excerpts from the book - "In the trenches of Donbass").

The government, which has the audacity to call itself “Russian,” lost the war and capitulated without even starting a war. Accounts in foreign banks, children and relatives living in the West, real estate there, their own immense meanness and stupidity - all this together led to the fact that the state is ready to condemn to death all those who are in Russia only it would not be too noticeable ...

In such a situation, “God remains silent” - to tell about what happened there, not only possible, but necessary, because the situation is extremely serious, and tomorrow the fate of Libya, Yugoslavia and Iraq awaits us here in Russia.
People who are still there, of course, sorry. However, it is even more pitiful not only for them, but also for those who are here, and all others - those who are doomed to death because they do not know the truth about the true state of affairs and, accordingly, cannot change anything.

However, in order not to create unnecessary difficulties for them, I decided not to indicate or change their call signs in the work.
As for the "harm to our cause" - then I don’t even know if this is funny, or rather, very sad. How much and from the heart, diligently and painstakingly harmed and injured by those who, in theory, should defend their homeland and this very thing - will be repeatedly told on the pages of this work. At the same time, "God surrenders to silence" - the less we talk about the vile, traitorous and sabotage role of those structures that must protect Russia and save it - the more calmly, with comfort and scope, they harm it.

"The last drops", which overfilled the cup of long-suffering and forced to take up the pen, for the last few days was enough. At first - “a show on blood” - disgusting and disgusting, in Russian television about the year of “events in Odessa”.
Infinite stories on TV about the fact that "people burned in Odessa", the show in detail exactly how it happened. Tell me the full truth, what are you talking about? About how, it seems, the leader, our seemingly great power, solemnly said publicly that he "would not allow the Russian-speaking population to be killed."

As the people deceived by this promise, they believed in such a beautiful, later deceitful, slogan “they don’t give up their Russians” and stood up with bare hands on Kulikovo Pole - for Russian peace, for the right to speak Russian, against fascism. How then they were brutally murdered on camera, tormented, the dying were crawling at the feet of the executioners, and the murderers, reveling in their suffering, shouted: "Well, where is your Putin?" And Great Russia was silent ...

Then the Russian media threw out a pool of articles and articles about the fact that “there was an unbearably terrible Russian silence,” and we all held our breath in anticipation of inevitable revenge and the salvation of other Russians from the same terrible fate.
But there was no revenge - the TV was screaming, articles were ridiculous in their formidableness, and the Russian state shyly turned away while those who stood up for it were being killed.

In the DPR and LPR, we control, unfortunately, a tiny piece of territory. And as soon as we launched the counter-offensive, mass graves of local civilians were killed by the damned fascist khokhlomutants.
It is easy to imagine what is happening in the occupied territory of the rest of Ukraine - where the pendosskie special services are ruled by the hands of their Ukrainian henchmen from the SBU.

All these massacres began from Odessa - when everyone saw: it is profitable and unpunished to kill Russians, for it will be nothing! At least one of the famous organizers of the Odessa massacre paid off - was indicatively executed by the Russian special services, so that everyone would know - so it is impossible to do?
Where there. They were only enough for Alexey Mozgovogo, almost the last remaining hero of the first days of resistance in Novorossia. Of course, he, unlike the Odessa executioners, is not under the protection of the CIA, the conflict with which our special services are so afraid!

However, the Brain will be slightly lower. And now the next moment, directly in Odessa. Well you did not show on TV Svitan? Yes, well-known in narrow circles of the executioner, Colonel GUR (in Russia - the GRU, and in Khokhlostane - GUR - the main intelligence department). The one that organized the massacre in Mariupol, the atrocities in Odessa.
He arrived in Donetsk to do the same with us: burn the RSA with all its defenders. Then Russian television would falsely and hypocritically show our charred bodies on TV and whisper: "Kill people!" The project New Russia would have been successfully closed, and a great betrayal would have been a success. A bit failed.

The Lord is merciful, and I happened to serve in the group that tracked down and screwed this carrion. When he was arrested, he was wounded and we, along with other medical workers, operated on him and saved his life. It was the most important operation in my life — I used a tiny cosmetic needle to sew a deep wound in the thick of my muscles, from which blood simply whipped, and sweat poured over my forehead as if from a fire hydrant.

This non-human was needed to be saved - for the sake of the information with which he was stuffed. However, as with military drugs, he had no pain sensitivity at all ...
After the operation, he spoke, thanks to this the destruction of resistance in Donetsk was foiled. The Russian special services took him away from us ... in order to return the Khokhlovs safe and sound. Now this creature, whose hands are deep in blood, lives quietly in Ukraine, plans and organizes new massacres of the Russian people - using its rich experience.

Well, you didn’t show it and didn’t tell that, just like Odessa citizens, you were planning to burn us, Donetsk residents and Luhansk residents - so that your overseas partners were happy? Your partners are active, not otherwise, but you yourself are so passive, but diligent ...!
So, the Russian special services touchingly saved and saved this mass executioner and murderer of the Russian people. And what happened to those who prevented the massacres in Donetsk by tying this non-human?

The commander of our group, the legendary Mongol, was arrested, and I don’t know what happened to him. The commander of the subgroup that took him, Valera ...
This is an extraordinary person. Phenomenal fighter, attack aircraft, melee. PhD, doctor, intellectual. Always gentle, polite, discreet, even in the most difficult conditions, caring and selfless. He was very wealthy before it all began, but he spent everything acquired on the equipment of his squad, to save his people.

He was also arrested. Brutally tortured, broken spine. Think ukry? In general, yes! Now in the DNR "trend" - massively take on the service of employees of the SBU, the punishers of participants of the ATO and other scum.
Immediately put on command positions. And they instruct to arrest, torture and kill those of ours who from the first day fought for Russia against all this evil.

For me personally, this is not the kind of "drop that has filled the bowl."
For me personally, it is hot lead to the skin. I had the honor to fight with him, under his leadership. This man saved my life several times. This is one of the most worthy people I have ever known in my life, a man with a capital letter.
And now he is - from the valiant "competent authorities".
Of course, he is not Svitan, he does not work for overseas "partners" who our "competent" are so eager to please!

Well, "for a snack" - the news of the death of the Brain. Unfortunately or fortunately, I did not have the honor to personally know him, to serve with him.
But I know that half a year ago another commander, who was very respected by me as commander and man, said in secret:
"Our general does not give the order to my Russian special forces to nullify because he knows that immediately after this my battalion will arrive at headquarters and headquarters will not become! " I know that a week before the first unsuccessful attempt on the Brain one Russian special service told me:

"Something will happen to him soon." I know that everyone knows - about Batman, and I know about others, less well-known, about the fact that the destruction of their own commanders is the norm - as I was told, as they say in such cases: "He was too authoritative and uncontrollable."

Yuri Evich
"In the Trenches of Donbass". Way of the cross Novorossia (excerpt). 2016 ..

Denis Artemyev
Brain Center ..

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:48 am

That's it.
01.11.2019 0 Comments

Writes Donetsk (donrf)

If they write a lot and willingly about direct war victims, if they are civilians of course, with videos, diagrams, names of direct killers commanders, then the other categories of war victims are not interesting to anyone. HYIP on diseases can not be done, just statistics, moreover unofficial, officially everything is fine on both sides of the front in the Donbas.

Here and in Maiorsk at once three corpses of pensioners, the reasons in principle are clear - cold, traffic jams and nerves. About how our checkpoints work was written more than once, about the work of the checkpoint of Ukraine and other procedures with a pension too, even a completely healthy person is difficult to transfer all of this and in normal conditions, if they are abnormal ...
The reasons are clear in principle, and the DLNR and Ukraine are interested so that pensioners do not go back and forth, because anti-advertising for the Republics and costs for Kiev. And nothing to do with politics, these old people are really not needed by anyone except volunteers like Smirnov. Shary still helps old people with media personalities, albeit to a point ...
But in general, there is health to endure humiliation and you will have two pensions, no, sit on 3-4 thousand, for there is nothing.
At the same time, the authorities have an iron excuse - “they did not send, they have their own pension”, if this is the DNR, and “they themselves went to the referendum”, if they were Kuyivs.

And the people still break through, the youth from the Republics is leaving, and the one that does not support the elderly cannot financially, but here the penny is alive, that's the result.
More precisely, not even the result but the visible part of the iceberg, the problem with cardiovascular and oncology in the Republics is the most acute, and in the statistics of pensioners a significant proportion of it, I think, is these skates.

Of course, no one will solve the problem. Why should we ruin the business?
Yes, and reducing the number of pensioners is a positive for officials, in poor embittered warring states, officials profess uncovered social Darwinism, sincerely not wanting to understand - we will all be like that.

Slow but effective clearing of the population ..

Natalya Rostov

# Novorossiya

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Too early for this stuff.I am a pensioner but I do not suffer like this(yet!) because I am a bribed, complacent cunt in the poisonous womb of empire.

What's it gonna take?
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:50 pm

Donbass-Russia: There would be less victims if ...
Such an article turned out, everything, as usual, too, in the key to resetting the brain. To begin with an appeal to the bastards and murderers. After the first interview with the Donetsk priest of father Boris, the “right-siders”, “councilors” and just the trolls flew up, saying, “lazy Ukrainians got up incorrectly,” “where you were when the Chechen war was going on,” “why Russian Roly must fight for you” etc. Listen, well, really, already ridiculously, maybe it's enough to engage in this nonsense? For your information, one of the clearest examples of the real hero of the Chechen war, a Russian officer, was Colonel Yuri Budanov, a native of Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region. The counter question, where was the vast majority of you at that time? Something I did not see the flow of volunteers. Why did not they tell Russian refugees from Chechnya how to get up correctly, organize self-defense detachments and fight exclusively against Chechen militants? Manuals are not delivered? Where were you when the Sakharov Center in 2015 hosted an exhibition of “heroes of the ATO” who killed your compatriots? Where were you all when the film “The Flight of the Bullet” was shown about punishers from the “Aydar” battalion who tortured, mocked, and killed Russian volunteers? In addition to a small handful of volunteers and combatants in the Donbass, no one was indignant. Where were you when a pro-Ukrainian rally was held in St. Petersburg in September 2017 with the slogan "Glory to Ukraine - Heroes of Glory", under which your children were killed, whom you love to remember only when it is beneficial for you? No, when a little later, about a month later in the same St. Petersburg with a Ukrainian flag, one person came out, he was made a comment. But he was alone, all were brave against one. And when about two hundred people came to the pro-Ukrainian rally a little earlier in September, the multimillion Peter chose to pretend that nothing was happening. In contrast to the rally, one person only came out in a single picket. To date, aboutKolo 400 Russians are kept in Ukrainian prisons, so where are you, the “right-ups”? Where are the “correctly rising” Russians of the Russian Federation? Where is the majority? And I will say this to you, you wanted to spit on the heroes of Afgan, Chechnya, and on volunteers who fought in the Donbas. Who among you is interested in their fate? Which of you really helps them? You need them only as a subject of speculation: they remembered them in order to try to justify the Minsk agreements, and then they forgot. Therefore, it’s not your guys, you bastards, they definitely don’t belong and you don’t need to mention them in the cue.
Do you know that Russian volunteers came not so much to the aid of Donbas, as for the sake of the return of its territories to Russia, for the sake of Russia's revival? If they knew that there would be the Minsk agreements, the maximum who would come were volunteers and quite a few of those who cannot imagine their life outside the war. There is such a psycho type of people - warriors. They are where war is, and they go from one hot spot to another. But the overwhelming majority of volunteers did not come for the sake of the process, but for the result - they came for the sake of Russia! But you, the murderers, do not understand this. Why the killers? Because anyone who justifies the Minsk sacrifices and tries to hide the truth about them in every way is an accomplice. And the accomplice is the killer.
Against the background of the passivity of the entire Russian people, the fact that the Donbass rose is a real miracle. And he got up in such circumstances, when, it would seem, “his” meanly put sticks in the wheels. Starting from the wrecking behavior of the command - the misdirected Cossacks and ending in general with the whole militia organization. As an example, one of the cases that a comrade from the Lugansk militia told me was literally: “They sent us to repel the enemy’s tank attack, one might say, with bare hands. Miraculously, they fought off her, returning to headquarters, where they looked at us in surprise and asked: “Are you still alive?” After that, I left such militia. ” Many people know how in DonetskBoroday appeared with credentials from "respected people" from Moscow. Then authoritative calls followed with requests for orders to receive and appoint him. He himself loudly stated that a special operation of the special services of the Russian Federation was allegedly taking place in the Donbas, so no militia should be formed, for it will only get underfoot and interfere with the special operation being conducted. And now Boroday falsely declares that the Crimea has risen, and Donbass allegedly was waiting for something. That Crimea, which after the bloody events on Maidan and the murders of its compatriots near Korsun, quietly allowed Euromaidan in Simferopol on February 23, 2014. That Crimea, whose population on February 26, 2014, was mostly preferred by observing the beating of their own countrymen by the Tatars, instead of actually helping them.
And what Donbass? And Donbass responded. He responded to the call Strelkova. Let me remind you a fragment of his interview after the April appeal: “Nevertheless, this appeal played a serious role here in the Donetsk Republic, and who took it in Russia (again, I repeat: the patriots, who mostly fight at the keyboard) somehow not very interested. Actually, I have 40-50 people a day every day. Replenishment comes from Donetsk and Lugansk regions ... ”. No matter how anyone treats him, but Strelkov was the center of power, around which a much larger number of militia could gather than we had in the end, and at the very top understood this perfectly. So that you know, before the call of the curators, the conduct of a universal oath and the creation of a unified military council of isolated warlords began. Even during the Slavic epic, about 30 thousand applications from volunteers to join the ranks of the militia were collected. Agreements were reached with a fairly large number of active military and reserve officers. The creation of the New Russia Army on the basis of the Strelkovsky brigade was a matter of several weeks. After the arrival of people from the “Old Square” the process was launched on the brakes. The lists of volunteers are gone somewhere. And one of his generators, Alexander Proselkov, was treacherously shot. Bribery, meanness and betrayal - these are the methods that have always been used to seize power. With the help of these methods, the strongest regimes were overthrown, the most powerful states were destroyed, then what do you want from a small Donbass? Likewise, so that no one suspected anything, vilely "left" Strelkov from the DPR. Let me remind you that then wrote the mediamoves on to “other important work”. At the same time about the vacation was not mentioned. "


With all due respect to the clergy and separately to Father Boris, who performs a real feat, I cannot help expressing my opinion, to which I also have, like everyone else, the right. When about. Boris said “the fight against fascism is progressing slowly,” to be honest, I thought the video from his interview would no longer be watched. For what a fight with fascism? Where is she? To destroy fascism, it is necessary to get rid of its source, and this, at least, is Kiev. I don’t see any struggle against fascism in the Donbas, but I see trench warfare without any intelligible, normal goal. We all express opinions, it does not matter whether it is a person in a cassock, in military uniform or an ordinary civilian. And even experienced militia commanders had completely opposite opinions. For example, one of the last statements of the system Alexander Khodakovsky: “We address our claims to Russia, its tactics regarding us, but this is not entirely fair - Russia simply turned out to be unprepared for such kind of challenges and pauses as long as it can. And this is not only Surkov, not only the Kremlin and Putin - this is also a large part of the population of Russia, which, even supporting us, does not know how to deal with the consequences of an active position . ” Brain thought otherwise:“Only in hindsight do you understand how they circled us. In July, when the situation around Donetsk was brought to the brink as in Slavyansk, Strelkov believed the threats of the curators at the FSB that if he did not leave, they would not give help from Russia. It was a mistake. At that moment, Russia was so united in the desire to help that the inaction of the authorities would completely undermine the shaky Crimean authority. If, in response to the blackmail, Strelkov with the militia commanders appealed to the people of Russia, declaring the betrayal of Novorossia, they would have given help. But we accepted their conditions, hoping for patriotic forces surrounded by the president. The conviction that power in Russia is heterogeneous and different forces operate in it, some of which are for Russians and Novorossia, is an illusion. Unfortunately, belief in this is our common disease. ”It was then that the people were ready, but now, how much to wait while the average man swings? 10-20-50 years old? As Vladimir Vladimirovich said: "There are no uncontrollable processes." I believe that the “readiness” or “unreadiness” of a people is a process controlled by politicians. Regarding the unavailability of the Russian Federation as a state, I think that the “unprepared” state through the mouth of its president in March 2014 will not give out beautiful promises to protect Russians, referring to Yanukovych’s written request to send troops. Or here's another from Skif: “Yesterday a conversation took place with one of the Russian volunteers who fought in the Donbas. They came to the conclusion that even reaching the boundaries of regions is not a solution to the problem. Just the front line doubled, as well as the number of dependents on the neck of Russia ... " .


Donetsk Communists provide completely different data: “Control over the main industrial enterprises and mines of the LDPR since 2017 has been exercised by the South Ossetian company Vneshtorgservis, which belonged to the oligarch from the Yanukovich group Sergei Kurchenko who had fled to Moscow in 2014. And the other company Kurchenko, Gazalyans, since March 15, 2018, by the decision of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, became the sole legitimate supplier of coal from the LC and the DPR and manages the mines of Donbass. Coal is exported to Russia, then re-exported to Turkey, Europe and Ukraine (about 400-500 thousand tons of coal per month). Kurchenko's revenue exceeds $ 25 million per month. " Then at least go to the Dnieper, if the money will settle at a small group of people, the population will remain to live in poverty.People wrote to me that Alexander Sergeevich is fluent in all the data and sincerely surprised at such an opinion. Yes, and about the dependents somehow offensive. And the last example from Khodakovsky: “One of the reasons is that 2014 was ambiguous, and there is a lot that was then hidden behind official propaganda rhetoric ... Ultimately, we would lose, this is an objective reality. Only the political intervention of Russia, the taking of certain guarantees by it, allowed the DPR and the LPR to take place, did not allow Ukraine to completely crush us up to the Russian border. ”He does not want to say how the Russian Federation in every way tried to appease the respected Ukrainian partners to fulfill the Minsk agreements? How did the Russian curators up to the second “Minsk” not hurry to build statehood in the Republics, for they nevertheless hoped to reach an agreement, and the LPR and the DPR were held not thanks to, but contrary to the Minsk agreements? Those who are not with us thought otherwise, for example, Alexander Bednov:“The signing of the Minsk agreements saved the Ukrainian army from total annihilation. At the time of the signing of the Minsk agreements, the Ukrainian army was practically defeated, it ran in panic, throwing uniforms, ammunition, equipment. And the signing itself, I think, saved Ukraine from collapse ... They stopped us, let's say so. It received a negative assessment among the population, an extremely negative among the militia fighters, commanders, who were trained .., well, among my friends, the guys with whom we fought shoulder to shoulder all this time ... The offensive potential was very great! People were ready to go to victory. Where would we stay? Well, it is difficult to guess, but it could have reached Kiev as well. ” Pay attention to the difference in opinions between systemic and non-systemic people.
But let us return to the topic of coal, when Father Boris and some others say that we must take everything into our own hands and raise mines, we do not give methods and ways, how to do this? Natural resources and manufactured products are sold as much as demand allows. Recently I watched a report about Vorkuta, despite the reduction in the number of some villages, there is still good quality coal mined there, which is used in the production of high-quality steel. Moreover, it is mined by the open method, which is much cheaper than in the Donbas. Recently, an acquaintance came from Kuzbass, telling me that coal was also being mined. That is, Russia has its own coal, plus gas and oil. It is unlikely that Kurchenko would refuse to sell more coal, but he sells as much as he has a request. Well, now you invest the budget money, you will raise all the mines, and who will buy coal in such quantities, father Boris? See, faith is good. But economists and politicians are unlikely to do what the priests say, no, they still turn on their head and make calculations. It is easy to say common phrases, but how to suggest methods for achieving them, then silence. The same with the products of large enterprises. If it were irreplaceable and very much in demand, all the large enterprises of Donbass would have been working for a long time, and no one would pay attention to this non-recognition. The industry of Donbass was designed for the economy of the USSR, now it is not. The Ukrainian economy is falling into decay, which means that the demand for the products of large factories of Donbass is falling. Despite the fact that the Russian Federation has its similar large-scale production, they are ready to buy products of large enterprises of the Republics, but at a very low price, because the Russians are sure that people in the LDNR are ready to work for a penny, but then for Donbass it makes no sense to produce it. In addition, the Russian Federation has an alternative to Donbass products. If small and medium-sized enterprises can still squeeze into the Russian market, they always survived, and in the early 90s, when large-scale production stood, but the Russian market needed to open at least normally, then with large ones, the question.

There is another moment in all this. Pay attention to a bunch of the Russian government with the oligarchs, when the interests of Kurchenko were lobbied in the Russian government. His brother-in-law will not throw. And “to take in your (people's) hands”, let's speak directly, means to make a revolution. But it is impossible when small Republics surround oligarchic states, one of which has 40% of the world's reserves of natural resources, a strong army, special services, and other security forces. They will blockade both sides and say: "Either die there with your people's power, or accept our conditions."

God checked us. How do we know exactly what he checked us? Maybe quite different. Even in Soviet times, those who lived in the Voroshilovgrad region in the soot plant area can tell how the plant emitted quietly at night, causing all the windowsills in the morning, underwear, snow (if winter) were covered with black spots. Even then there was a joke "Alchevsk - a city of young and funny". Merry, because when the smoke from the metallurgical plant goes to one side of the city, the other laughs. When the smoke passes to the other side, that part of the city that it does not have is laughing. And the young, because due to emissions into the atmosphere, few people live to old age. Unhappy Seversky Donets as soon as they poisoned. The last serious release was in Lysychansk in the mid-90s, when the whole river rummaged through spots of foam. Then a huge amount of fish and crayfish died, and still Donets cannot restore the former abundance. Mariupol is a resort city. What nonsense. Locals tried to get out of Mariupol away to swim in the Sea of ​​Azov. When I used to travel from the Crimea to the mainland, you only enter the Donetsk region, so you immediately feel the heavy air and the specific industrial smell of Donbass. From harmful production, especially in metallurgical plants, workers also developed cancer. My relative, working at such a plant, received a benign tumor in the lungs, underwent an operation, cutting off a quarter of the lung, still lives. And his neighbor got a malignant tumor, later died. Such cases were not uncommon, but in the semi-official office they were not particularly willing to talk about their causes. Now there are examples, I personally observed, when people drilled wells, the water was clear, but it stank badly of solvent. And no matter how much you pump out, the smell does not go away. If the pollution of Donbass continued at the same pace, when would we stop? Then, when would irreversible processes occur? So maybe this war God pulled us up so that we would stop destroying his creation - the Earth and our environment? To come to their senses and somehow differently approach the industry of our region? Unfortunately, I did not even hear such an approach even from priests. Everything seems to be believers, but to be honest to the end and an absolutely believing person, how then is God in his faceless manifestation on Earth - Nature? Take, for example, Germany, there is already a little over 40% of electricity generated from renewable sources - water, biomass, sun and wind. And this share exceeds the share of hard coal. And we want in the old manner: mine, destroy, pollute. Yes, Western countries have their own “bziki”, but specifically in this we can and should take an example. In general, we take on too much, interfering with God's worldly affairs. After all, the ultimate goal of religion is to purify the human soul and bring it to God in eternal life. And politics, wars, technology, technology, even human comfort, the development of civilization for the sake of body comfort (when civilization develops, culture dies) and much more - this is all worldly. Mankind itself has done and he himself will have to rake. development of civilization for the sake of body comfort (when civilization develops, culture dies) and much more - this is all mundane. Mankind itself has done and he himself will have to rake. development of civilization for the sake of body comfort (when civilization develops, culture dies) and much more - this is all worldly. Mankind itself has done and he himself will have to rake.

There would be less victims if more fell - utter nonsense! First, and so it was going to get up more, and how we were “helped” in this at the beginning of the article. Secondly, we must understand that even if the militia somehow miraculously reached the borders of the regions, ignoring the will of Moscow, Donbas would be opposed by Ukraine, fed not only by the United States, but also by the Russian Federation. For the sake of suppressing the popular uprising, I think the Kremlin would not confine itself to returning weapons from the Crimea, I do not rule out the unofficial deliveries to Ukraine and other military equipment for the sake of one goal - to kill everything popular. Here the Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs would act together. For them, the will of the people is worse than fascism. Do you still believe that it is possible to awaken in them even the slightest sense of patriotism? What they say "if only you, if you were" is just an excuse, after all, they themselves have made every effort to ensure that this “if, yes, if only” did not happen. What next? And then Moscow would wait for the militia to retreat to Lugansk and Donetsk, and only then would it issue an ultimatum: either accept our game conditions, or die in complete blockade. Thus, Moscow solves two problems: the first is the formation of small territories that the Russian Federation can feed, taking into account the Crimea and the appetites of the oligarchs; the second - as many Russian assets as possible remain in the territory where no sanctions are imposed. Not for this, Russian businessmen invested billions of dollars in their Ukrainian assets, so that they later found themselves in unrecognized territory and stopped making a profit. In detail this moment is analyzed here: until the militia retreats to Lugansk and Donetsk, and only then would it issue an ultimatum: either accept our terms of the game, or die in complete blockade. Thus, Moscow solves two problems: the first is the formation of small territories that the Russian Federation can feed, taking into account the Crimea and the appetites of the oligarchs; the second - as many Russian assets as possible remain in the territory where no sanctions are imposed. Not for this, Russian businessmen invested billions of dollars in their Ukrainian assets, so that they later found themselves in unrecognized territory and stopped making a profit. In detail this moment is analyzed here: until the militia retreats to Lugansk and Donetsk, and only then would it issue an ultimatum: either accept our terms of the game, or die in complete blockade. Thus, Moscow solves two problems: the first is the formation of small territories that the Russian Federation can feed, taking into account the Crimea and the appetites of the oligarchs; the second - as many Russian assets as possible remain in the territory where no sanctions are imposed. Not for this, Russian businessmen invested billions of dollars in their Ukrainian assets, so that they later found themselves in unrecognized territory and stopped making a profit. In detail this moment is analyzed here: that the Russian Federation will be able to feed in view of the Crimea and the appetites of the oligarchs; the second - as many Russian assets as possible remain in the territory where no sanctions are imposed. Not for this, Russian businessmen invested billions of dollars in their Ukrainian assets, so that they later found themselves in unrecognized territory and stopped making a profit. In detail this moment is analyzed here: that the Russian Federation will be able to feed in view of the Crimea and the appetites of the oligarchs; the second - as many Russian assets as possible remain in the territory where no sanctions are imposed. Not for this, Russian businessmen invested billions of dollars in their Ukrainian assets, so that they later found themselves in unrecognized territory and stopped making a profit. In detail this moment is analyzed here:

So, in this case, when the militia retreated, there would be more victims, because the stronger the action in relation to the oligarchic system, the stronger its opposition will be. Maybe for some it's a secret, but Ukraine in the spring of the 14th was in no hurry to defeat the militia. Brainstorm wrote about this in such a way that the Ukrainian army could quickly break them when the militia, somehow self-organizing despite the curators помощи help ’, had automatic weapons and sticks, APUs were going with tanks, armored personnel carriers and aircraft, but she didn’t. The same thing was done by the Minsk “truces” on the part of the Russian Federation so that the war would continue. Why? George Orwell answered this question well:“This war is fraudulent, as it must last forever, without victory. Its main goal is to preserve the existing system, destroying not only human lives, but also the fruits of human labor, as well-being growth threatens a hierarchical society with death . And, if the existing system decides that Donbas already suffices, it will end the war there, but will start another somewhere else for the sake of its continued existence. As long as this “system” exists, such scenarios will be implemented in the future. No matter how long it gets, as long as the current system of government exists, it’s just a stupid death of people. A "system" can not be changed in a small province, it is changing from the head.
I can roughly imagine what the “councilors” meant when they sent poorly armed or unarmed and untrained residents of Donbass to fight. And they imagined the following: crowds of unarmed or poorly armed people go forward, they are bombed by enemy aircraft and artillery, there are bodies, blood pools, severed heads, legs, hands, but people don’t pay attention to this and, as if by zombies bodies defeat the amount of weapons and ammunition of the enemy, and then from the corpses of their countrymen build walls to protect the military equipment of the Ukrainian army. The 21st century is on the nose, and we are still trying to accustom us to the fact that we should die in batches. And this is when those who said “let them only try” about the “great divided people” have modern weapons. We completely turned the thinking put everything upside down. The militia is created to help the professional army, if it were introduced, as promised by the “neutral” president of the “neutral” state, but not as the main force. Although then there was such a situation that it could be resolved in small numbers in the presence of modern weapons. In today's world, it is important not so much quantity, but quality, especially considering the state of the Ukrainian army in the summer of the 14th. As Strelkov wrote: especially considering the state of the Ukrainian army in the summer of the 14th. As Strelkov wrote: especially considering the state of the Ukrainian army in the summer of the 14th. As Strelkov wrote:"In May 2014, 30 operational T-72 tanks for the militia (with crews, maintenance and commanders, of course) could easily and quickly resolve the issue of protecting Donbass."After all, the planes stopped bombing, not because people lined up towers from the corpses and tried to reach them with sticks, but because the air defenses appeared. Modern technology, plus a normal instructor for training fighters - that is why there would be less casualties among the militia and civilians. And with the normal organization of the militia, there would be more people. Quality needs to win, not drive people to the slaughter, quietly watching it, while having modern equipment that could save people. But all such "good", "believers" from themselves are portrayed, the priests are listening, but how it comes down to it, they are ready to send unarmed and inexperienced people to the slaughterhouse. And now they are ready to send for slaughter the “corps” in the state to which the curators brought them, and also the “Mirnyak” at the same time, and then go to church, again " ... ium=social

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:02 pm

anti-fascism does not know the reservations

Today we remember all those who died fighting the fascists. In 2009, Russian Nazis killed lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova, people who set an example for all anti-fascists.

Ten years have passed and the situation has changed. Everything has become even worse. Today not only street gangs terrorize those who disagree with their cannibalistic ideas. Nazi battalions are involved in a war with the “wrong” region, marching with torchlight processions through the streets of cities, smashing Roma settlements ... The fascists penetrated into all authorities, and their ideology has ceased to be marginal.

Some people who call themselves anti-fascists are astounded by their blindness. They do not see the terror of the ultra-right against people living in the DPR, the LPR and the territories controlled by Ukraine. They do not notice how the state actively indulges the ultra-rightist sentiments, uses the fascist scum to harass people who, despite everything, retain humanity. Such "anti-fascists" see only those crimes that are committed against them. They express solidarity with the intelligentsia protesting against Putinism, but they will not notice people opposing Ukrainian militarism. We cannot say how many people have already suffered for their views. In 2014, 67 sentences for treason were handed down, in 2015 - 89, from 2016 this number exceeded one hundred. Often people who are accused of “treason” cannot afford a good lawyer, their cases will not be covered in the media. And we know that the reasons for the charges under this article may be quite insignificant. In addition, those who disagree can be attracted by other articles.

We express solidarity with all people who disagree with this state of affairs, who do not echo chauvinists, do not reproduce hatred. We are in solidarity with those who are intimidated by ultra-right gangs and were forced to shut up.

Worse than the fascist only fertile ground for the dissemination of his ideas. If one day all the Nazis disappear, the idea itself will not go anywhere. It is generated by the logic of capitalist relations, which seeks to transform all living things into goods, pits the exploited and oppressed with each other.

Fascism has a thousand guises. No need to wait until your country follows the same path as Germany or Italy at the beginning of the last century. It is important to see fascism in the bud. The fascists always act on the brink of bourgeois legality. They will not necessarily kill their opponents, they can harass, humiliate and morally trample.

We, the communists and anti-fascists of Donbass, are being offered a compromise with the Ukrainian authorities. But how can you give in to those who are trying to destroy us? For the fifth year, people here have been killed, robbed, deprived of civil rights. We live in an economic blockade. We are separated from our families. We, in fact, were driven into the ghetto under the hypocritical words that we are an inseparable part of Ukraine.

We are frightened by the devaluation of human life. It has become the norm to divide the victims of the fascists into deserved and undeserved ones. On the good and "pro-Russian", as those who burned down in the House of Trade Unions or died or suffered during military actions.

Despite the fallacies of the left-wing liberals, we are ready to show anti-fascist solidarity.

Anti-fascism is a struggle against capitalism that breeds fascism. This anti-fascism does not know the reservations.

Communists and anti-fascists of Donbass ... t-ogovorok

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:44 pm

This from a private communication with Nova Shpakova, permission granted:
I now understand fully over what Novorossiya, Russia Spring has long been about, even since 1991, for which Maidan gave the people the reason to seceed. It was a dream of reinstituting the Donets Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic. In fact, in 2015 the DNR legislated that the DNR is the legal heir of the 'DKR' -Donets Krivoy Rog. This is the true reason why all players in in game, West, Ukr, the Oligarchs & Russia work together to decapitate the ideological warriors & politicians. The DNR is seen as a revival of a neo-Bolshevik Revolution, that they will not tolerate. This is the movt that all who we have known & loved have fought for.

For the past 1/2 year, I have come to know people there, some who were activists, militia fighters & politicians that have pushed for this since 2005 in a huge way. Actually, Yanukovych & his Party of Regions were developed as a substitute over the Communist uprising in order to counterbalance the revolutionary push & maintain the status quo regional bourgeoisie as well as try to marginalize the Left opposition. The Kremlin the West & Ukraine were all part of this carefully manged ops, including allowing that fucking war to weed out those that chose to fight for their dream & do everything to destroy it both externally & internally. Its in the last stages now, especially after they knocked off Zakharchenko. End of story.
To which I can only add."No war but class war."
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:54 pm

We are Donetsk Petrovka!
four hours ago

Hello, dear comrades! Despite the fact that the Russian authorities officially declared themselves defenders of the Russian World, they regularly send convoys with humanitarian aid to LDNR, condemn the Kiev junta for aggression in the South-East, and in September 2018 the State Duma of the Russian Federation officially recognized Ukraine as a terrorist state, in reality, the attitude of the Russian Federation to the residents of Donbass and the militia, including the Russian, who protect the Donbass from the accursed Bandera punishers, dismissive. I mean, in this case we are talking about the attitude of the bourgeois class ruling in the Russian Federation to the simple Russian people Donbass, and not about its geopolitical interests.
It can take a very long time to list all such monstrous mistakes, accidental jambs, as well as serious premeditated crimes of certain liberal structures in the Russian government. The main ones are: firstly, the non-recognition of the LDNR and the related continuation of the war, death and suffering of the people; secondly, it is the failure to provide emergency legal assistance and "stretch" with the exchange of Russian political prisoners and prisoners of war of militias in Ukraine for Ukrainians arrested in the Russian Federation; thirdly, this is the sad practice of the sadistic extradition of the Ukrainian oppositionists - the defenders of the Russian world and the communists, as well as the LDNR militia, from Russia to the fascist Ukraine.
As you know, recently certain forces of the Russian regime simply transferred the staunch anti-fascist and communist Elena Boyko into the clutches of the Bandera authorities. She was simply deported from the Russian Federation to Ukraine in connection with the violation of immigration laws - she stayed on the territory of the Russian Federation for more than 90 days (she lived there since 2016), working as a political expert on anti-Bandera talk - shows and at the same time did not apply for permanent residence or RAH. political asylum was necessary to discredit Ukraine as a fascist state at the level of the OSCE, the PACE and the UN).
The bourgeois propagandons and liberoids - the Surkovites say that the alleged extradition of Elena Boyko - this is a purely legal nuance due to her violations of the immigration laws and therefore the court, which decided to expel her, acted according to the law! Our honest and righteous Russian court !! But not for everyone (as in March 2018, the
Traktorozavodsky District Court gave only (!) A suspended sentence in the corruption case to the Minister of Social Relations of the Chelyabinsk Region Oleg Bekhterev for bribing and fraud on a large scale, although the prosecutor's office demanded 10 years in prison) !!
You can imagine the VKP (b), Stalin, or Beria, who deport a Jew who arrived legally for the sake of salvation in the USSR (a convinced communist, stigmatizing the ideology of the Third Reich in Pravda) to Nazi Germany for a Gestapo massacre for violating some nuances of Soviet migration legislation! ? Me not ! But the authorities of the Russian Federation are doing this starting from 2014 ...
So, in February 2018, the activist of "Antimaydan" Marina Menshikova, unable to withstand the abuse of regime guards, hanged herself in the detention center of Dnepropetrovsk after her deportation from the Crimea for "violation of the migration regime" (was in the Russian Federation more than 90 days). Marina in 2016 in the theater attacked with a hammer on the militant ATO in Ukraine.
And a native of Zhytomyr, Irina Vorontsova, who has been legally living in Leningrad since December 2009, officially works as a web designer, honestly pays taxes and is married to a citizen of the Russian Federation, in December 2017, the residence permit in Russia was simply revoked. This was done after the completely illegal detention of Helen by cops at a rally on the Day of the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution !! In addition, the claims to the State Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on migration issues in Leningrad and the Leningrad Region were denied.
In September 2018, Irina filed an application for temporary asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation, but in December 2018 she was denied this.
Irina, an ardent anti-fascist who is at the base of the peacemaker, is, like Elena Boyko, going to be deported to Ukraine and transferred to the arms of the SBU. And there she faces arrest and a 15-year sentence for anti-state activities.
As you can see, in the cases of the extradition of anti-fascists and militias to the fascist Ukraine there are no violations of immigration laws or non-execution of RWPs, in reality nothing to do with! After all, Irina is simply not given not only citizenship or political asylum, but she is even deprived of RVP! Russian bourgeois authorities simply do not want decent and sincere passionaries and fighters for social justice and human rights to live in Russia.
Irina was from 2006 to 2008 the organizer and participant of many political actions in support of the “Russian world”. Many times she was attacked by the Ukrainian Natsik. In 2014, she took part in collecting humanitarian aid for Donbass, and in 2015 she went to the DPR as a volunteer, engaged in humanitarian aid. Her husband, Andrei, fought on the side of the militia as part of the Fifteen battalion. Both, activists of our wonderful party "Other Russia", are included in the base of the site "Peacemaker" in Ukraine as "accomplices of terrorists and militants".
I will note that the Russian regime also deports servicemen of the DPR army who arrived in Russia for treatment, work or for some personal matters.
Most often, the courts occur at the place of detention of these militias: in Moscow, Moscow, Leningrad and Rostov. This usually happens like this: on the street, the police check the documents and the problems immediately begin - overdue visas, invalid registration and migration card. The next day the trial. The first instance sentences the militia to deportation to their homeland and a fine of 5 thousand rubles. Then people get to the center for the deportation of foreign citizens who are in Russia illegally or to be extradited. People are usually detained due to the fact that they spent in Russia more than the allowed time or arrived for treatment with expired documents.
In Ukraine, they face imprisonment for a term of 8 to 15 years under Article 258-3, to which more often h is added. Part 2 of Art. 407 (waging aggressive war against Ukraine).
At the same time, from a purely legal point of view, migration benefits for immigrants from Donbass are spelled out in Russian laws, but many of the volunteers are natives of other regions of Ukraine, and it is difficult to explain in court that they also served in the militia.
Despite the fact that in most cases, due to the hype, understood by the media and the involvement of human rights defenders and deputies in LDLR’s supporters in such cases, they are often left in Russia, many cases of vile deportation of militias to Ukraine, including year 2014 .
For example, Mikhail Tarasenkov from Lugansk, who fought in the LPR in the Don and Leshy battalions, after a hard contusion, was engaged in the delivery of humanitarian aid and was the commander of Anna-News. During the next delivery of humanitarian aid in April 2015, the Russian customs refused to allow him to pass. Then he crossed the border illegally and was detained in the area of ​​Rovenki. Then he was handed over to the Ministry of State Security of the LC, which for some reason transferred it to the Russian frontier guards, and those to Banderovites.
Kharkiv antimaydanist journalist Andrei Wart in November 2014 emigrated to Russia, lived here for a year and a half, but on July 2, 2016, the Moscow Arbitration Court accused him of violating the rules of staying in Russia (being over the norm in 90 days) and sentenced him to deportation. Wart wanted to be sent to the Donbass, but by a court decision he was deported through Baku to Kiev, where he was immediately arrested by the SBU under a separatist article.
Why do the Russian authorities act so mean and low, discrediting themselves in front of their own citizens and the international community !?
Some political analysts believe that this is due to the fact that Russia, due to economic problems, Western sanctions and subjective ignorance and egoism of the Kremlin and the Government, does not intend to deal with Donbas in either Crimean or Ossetian-Abkhazian and intends to shove the LDNR back to Ukraine. That is, we are talking about plum.
Other experts are convinced that the bastard Russian judicial system and the imperfection of immigration laws are to blame. But the courts say they do not understand, formally violated the law - answer. Plus, until now, mutual agreements on the extradition of criminals are in place with Russia and Ukraine.
From my point of view, it is unlikely that the Russian Federation is going to merge the Donbass. Too many attendants invested in this project, plus pushing us back into the fascist bosom of Bandera dill discredits Putin, who advocates a multi-polar world and defends Russia's geopolitical interests.
On the contrary, it is unprofitable for Russian oligarchs to return to Ukraine the most powerful enterprises of LDNR - they want to privatize them for a penny.
The version of a certain autonomous bureaucracy and the stupidity of the judicial system is also untenable. For the courts in Russia is a club in the hands of the ruling regime. In addition, in all cases of the deportation of militias to Ukraine, left-wing organizations and the press usually scandalize. For example, a lot was written about Boyko, she was demanded to be left in Russia by the head of the State Committee for Human Rights Moskalkov, deputy Shargunov, numerous Russian journalistic organizations, etc. And Vorontsov stood up, except for Limonov and Shargunov, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, G. Zyuganov.
Why, then, do the Russian authorities give such wonderful people to the fascists' hands? I think this is actually punishment of leftists and communists like Boyko and Vorontsova for their political views and also de facto complicity of a number of Russian officials in the crimes of the Bandera regime (and in the Holocaust in the case of Elena !!). Russia does not want to see either selfless anti-fascists and Bolsheviks, who go to demonstrations on November 7, criticize pension reform and want to restore the USSR, nor ideological militias of the first wave, who believe in the project of New Russia and are ready to fight for it.
Why is the Russian bourgeoisie so fearfully afraid of us that it is simply going on for monstrous reputational losses before the international community and its citizens !? But the fact is that in the past few years the standard of living of workers has sharply deteriorated in Russia. There is the impoverishment of the masses. As you know, the number of poor people in Russia now stands at about 40%, including 13.2 million people who have income below the subsistence minimum.
By average, about 4% of the country's population, which is more than 6 million people, are on the verge of poverty, saving even on food. Poverty reduction occurred only in 22 regions, while poverty increased in 44.
Real disposable incomes of Russians decreased in September by 1.5%, while wage arrears increased by 21%. The sharp decline in Russian income in 2018 is due to the economic crisis, sanctions of Western countries; falling oil prices and the fall of the ruble against the dollar - by 6.4% and the euro - 6.9%.
This increases the cost of utilities, transport, food. Since the price of products in Russia from January to July 2018 has grown 4.2 times faster than in the EU. If in Russia prices rose by 2.1%, then in the EU only by 0.5%. In Russia in July 2018 compared with December 2017. There was a significant increase in prices for fruits - 8.6% and vegetables - 6.1%.
However, it is surprising that amid the impoverishment of the working people and literally every quarter of the tougher euro-American sanctions, the cumulative state over the rich in January-September 2018 increased by 18.422 billion dollars. The number of oligarchs, whose wealth exceeds $ 1 billion, has increased from 77 to 106 people over the year. The total state of all 200 richest Russian entrepreneurs over the year increased by 5.4%, or $ 25 billion, to $ 485 billion.
As we can see, against the background of social turmoil, the Russian authorities are terribly afraid of powerful social gains and left-wing activization. Therefore, they, by deporting the militia and political fighters of the Russian Spring, get rid of potential oppositionists.
I believe that this behavior of the Russian authorities is a blatant lawlessness and a crime not only against the militias, but also against their own people! By the way, I agree with TV presenter V. Solovyov about being deported to Ukraine to this fascist terrorist state (which, by the way, is heavily criticized in several UN reports in connection with fabrication of criminal cases against dissidents, torture in secret prisons of the Security Service of Ukraine and extrajudicial killings and executions) - no one is allowed at all !!! Under no circumstances !! Not for any articles !! Neither political nor criminal, nor even with proven espionage in favor of the SBU!
Each case must be dealt with individually. If a person is persecuted Bandera security forces for their service in the army or in connection with his criticism of the regime, it should automatically give RVP, political asylum and citizenship of the Russian Federation - any option on his zhelaniyu.zhelaniyu
As rightly suggests the former head of the DNI of the Government, and now head of the Union of Volunteers Donbass comrade A. Boroday, all the militia should receive the status of Veteran Donbass.
If the Ukrainian authorities have declared someone wanted by criminal articles, he should be arrested in Russia and investigated. For example, in 2017 in Crimea, the commander of the “Kerch” battalion of the Ministry of Defense and Defense of Ukraine, Vadim Pogodin, was arrested at the request of Kiev. In 2014, he met in the Crimea in the spring, then, being a successful Donetsk businessman, he took up arms to protect the Donbass and fought as part of the DPR militia. Pogodin’s lawyers proved that Ukraine, by sending a request to search for a militia member to Interpol in 2015, applied the norms of peacetime legislation to a combatant in order to arrest him at any cost. Therefore, the Russian court released Pogodin.
However, if the fault of a Ukrainian in the Russian Federation for a criminal offense is not in doubt, then such a person, like SBU shny spies, should be put in Russian hard correctional labor camps. Let them fix, work and benefit our economy.

Benes Ayo, a soldier of the DPR Army, an activist of the Communist Party of the DPR and Other Russia.


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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon Feb 18, 2019 1:16 am

more from @NovaShpakova
Found some fresh info on the internal situation & the oligarch game players in the DNR.

Developments in “DNR“ and “LNR“: 16. January – 12. Febr ...

BY TIM · 14. FEB 2019

Details about Alexander Ananchenko, the “DNR” secretive “Prime Minister”. Ananchenko’s biography revealed

The secretive new Prime Minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic used to work for a Donbass-born metals tycoon in Russia and later for a businessman close to former Ukrainian President Vyktor Yanukovych, a Ukrainian media report said.

Alexander Ananchenko worked for metals magnate Mikhail Zhivilo in Moscow in the 1990s as head of the legal department of Zhivilo’s company Mikom, according to a report by Sloviansk-based Donbass Public TV published on January 19. Zhivilo fled to France in 2000 after being accused of plotting to kill Aman Tuleyev, the long-standing Governor of the Siberian region of Kemerovo.

Ananchenko subsequently returned to Donetsk where he worked for Eduard Prutnik, a businessman turned politician who was an advisor to Yanukovych turning his time as Ukrainian Prime Minister (2002 to 2005). According to the report, Ananchenko also worked for NTN, a TV channel set up by Prutnik. The report noted that both Zhivilo and Prutnik hail from Selydove, a town west of Donetsk. It is not entirely clear, where Ananchenko was born, but the TV station speculated that he may also come from Selydove.

Ananchenko has been shrouded in mystery since first appearing in Donetsk in September, shortly after the assassination of Alexander Zakharchenko. Despite being appointed a deputy head of cabinet in charge of economic policy and later to the new and powerful post of “Prime Minister”, Ananchenko has never appeared in public so far. He was not scheduled to speak at a parliamentary hearing on February 15th, when his government reports about its past year’s work.

The only available photo shows Ananchenko slightly from behind, shaking hands with Vladimir Pashkov, CEO of the equally secretive company Vneshtorgservis. Ananchenko is thought to have been an advisor for the company before joining the separatist leadership.

Vneshtorgservis has been linked to Serhiy Kurchenko, a billionaire businessman who in turn was closely linked to Yanukovych during his time as President of Ukraine. The holding company appeared in 2017, after the separatists seized local factories following a trade blockade imposed by Ukraine. Said to be registered in South Ossetia, Vneshtorgservis is thought to act as an intermediary between the “People’s Republics” and Russia, which has not recognized them for fear of international sanctions. However, the company only holds a dozen plants in the region, while most seized factories (34 alone in the “DNR”) were made state enterprises controlled by the government – which is headed by Ananchenko.

(Note: these industries are NOT under so-called 'State' control, they are under oligarch ownership after Pushilin's 1st decree after Zak was murdered)

Ukrainian observers speculate that Ananchenko was chosen to restructure the “DNR” industry on behalf of business interests based in Russia. Just like separatist leader Denis Pushilin – who took over after Zakharchenko’s death – just acts as a front man to Vladislav Surkov...."
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Mar 02, 2019 11:53 am


In Ukraine, allowed to "illegally enrich"

The European Union has already made a protest

The representation of the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine (EUAM) opposed the decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of Ukraine on the abolition of the criminal article on illicit enrichment. The authority found the decision "short-sighted" and noted that this would negatively affect the fight against corruption.

The European Union reminds the Ukrainian side that the criminalization of the fact of illegal enrichment and the fight against corruption is one of the conditions for granting loans from the EU and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

On February 27, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine declared an unconstitutional article on illegal enrichment. The norm, according to the court, does not comply with the principles of the presumption of innocence and the rule of law: suspects are obliged to prove the legitimacy of their capital themselves, and this is unacceptable.


"This decision of the Constitutional Court will lead to the closure of at least 50 cases concerning the likely illegal enrichment of top officials, who are currently investigating the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, as well as the closure of the proceedings in all cases that are now being heard in the courts," said Transparency International Ukraine .

Also in February, the anti-corruption prosecutor’s office and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine did not initiate a criminal case on illegal enrichment against Yulia Tymoshenko, the presidential candidate and the leader of the Batkivshchyna party.

About corruption in Ukraine, the media wrote throughout the month. February 25 surfaced information about the smuggling of spare parts for the military-industrial complex of the country. A journalistic investigation states that officials sold parts with a margin of up to 300% to state-owned Ukrainian companies. Among the defendants in the case were the closest associates of the current president, Petro Poroshenko: the leadership of the state concern Ukroboronprom, the first deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), Oleg Gladkovsky and his son, as well as family partner for business Vitaly Zhukov.

Presidential elections in Ukraine will be held March 31, 2019. Citizens will choose from 44 candidates.

What is happening in Ukraine - the new 90s - another period of redistribution and accumulation of capital. The elites are aimed at the continuation of tranches from the IMF, but at the same time they see an opportunity to strengthen their own positions. The reason for the growing corruption is “the theory of broken windows” - everyone steals from the state and I need, because otherwise rivals and competitors will go far ahead, and I will remain at the bottom of the trough.

Ukraine present and future consists of bribe takers and embezzlers, and this situation is the norm for any state that has survived a bourgeois coup. ... onno-obog/

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