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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:19 pm

Catholic communities of Nicaragua send letter to the Holy Father with thousands of signatures denouncing coup-plotting by Silvio Báez
Wednesday, October 31, 2018 | Nohemy Sandino

Catholic communities of Nicaragua send letter to the Holy Father with thousands of signatures denouncing coup-plotting by Silvio Báez
The Christian Community of St. Paul the Apostle informed on Wednesday that he delivered to the Nuncio of the Vatican in Nicaragua, Stanislaw Waldemar Sommertag , a letter with the support of 284 thousand signatures, to denounce the attitudes of Silvio Báez that have promoted crimes, destruction, violence, death and chaos in the country.

From Concepción de María Chapel, Comrade Thomas Valdez , said that the letter addressed to the Holy Father with the signatures of the Christian and Catholic people of the whole country, was delivered this morning in a meeting held with the apostolic nuncio and the secretary of the Nunciature.

In the document, the Nicaraguan faithful asks with all the respect and affection that God gives wisdom, to make the best decisions about the case of Bishop Silvio Báez, whose instigating work of violence and disunity, does not correspond with the pastoral tasks, proper to his investiture or the papal mandate for the ecclesial authorities.

"It is well known that Bishop Báez, through his messages, tweets and political activity, has promoted and promotes the actions that oppose the Nicaraguan families, one against the other." Bishop Báez encouraged the known extremes, in April, May and June, when in the Country there was a National Kidnapping with the Tranques de la Muerte, in those months of "tranque" hundreds of Herman @ s were kidnapped , tortured , murdered , disappeared, as well as Public and Private Goods were destroyed, the National Economy destroyed, which came so well, all of which was celebrated daily by Bishop Báez in his unusual texts encouraging hatred, violence, crimes, destruction and chaos ".

Valdez read the letter, which asks Pope Francis that for the good of all, that Monsignor Silvio Báez receives other tasks to perform.

" We call Báez out to accomplish other missions and to be able Nicaraguans understand without a bishop encourage and promote economic sanctions s powers against Nicaragua, political divisions and social conflict and hatred and unfair and incorrect resentment for majority of Nicaraguans " .

" Monseñor Báez must stop getting involved in the desire for continuity of a perverse coup, which seeks to impose entrepreneurs and wealthy are minorities, grouped with abortionists, feminists, drug traffickers and criminals; as he himself says, that would be implanted on the poor and struggling majority , who in Nicaragua have found and find in this Christian model, humanly imperfect, but improvable, encouragement and support, for the efforts of work, social justice, peace and well-being " .

" Holy Father, Pope Francis, from Nicaragua, the cradle of Darío and the scene of struggles and martyrdoms of the brave Bishop Antonio de Valdivieso, cradle of so much spiritual strength, we present ourselves to you, asking with all our hearts to understand and help us to advance in reconciliation and peace, from the family and communities of our country . "

The document also reiterates that " with the policy proposals for a culture of reconciliation and peace, we want to generate meetings and strengthen values ​​of harmony and coexistence, working from schools, health centers, communities, the family and all public and private entities. that we can join the restoration of the good soul, of the Nicaraguans . "

" From faith, we await God's decisions, hoping to continue with his blessing, working for peace and affection, which we have been affirming all these years with the Nicaraguan family and as a Christian family of great faith, tradition and strength. spiritual, Christian and supportive ".

When concluding, the letter indicates that they pray for the Holy Father, for Nicaragua and for our mother Mary, so that they may bless, work and social justice in this Nicaragua, blessed, united and always free.

Here is a letter addressed to the Holy Father:

Managua, October 24, 2018

San Rafael Arcángel Day

Your Holiness

Pope Francisco

The Vatican Rome

" Nothing is hidden, that is not to be discovered; nor hidden, that is not to be known. Therefore, everything you have said in darkness will be heard in the light; and what you have spoken in the apartments, will be proclaimed on the rooftops. "

(Luke, 12: 2-3)


The Catholic Communities and the Catholic People of Nicaragua write to you with all the Respect, Consideration and Affection we have for you, to cry out, as the People of God, asking Him, grant You Wisdom to make the best decisions regarding Bishop Silvio Báez, whose instigating work of violence and disunity, does not correspond with the Pastoral Tasks proper to his investiture, or of the Papal Mandate for the Ecclesiastical Authorities.

It is well known, in Nicaragua and the World, that Bishop Silvio Báez has been a promoter, instigator and generator of violence and inadmissible conflicts between Herman @ s. It is well known that Bishop Báez, through his messages, tweets and political activity, has promoted and promotes the actions that oppose Nicaraguan families, one against the other. Bishop Báez encouraged the known extremes, in April, May and June, when in the Country a National Kidnapping was lived, with the Tranques de la Muerte. In those months of "tranque" hundreds of Herman @ s were kidnapped , tortured , murdered , disappeared, as well as Public and Private Goods were destroyed, the National Economy destroyed, which came so well, all of which was celebrated daily by Bishop Báez in his unusual texts encouraging hatred, violence, crimes, destruction and chaos.

As an offended people, aggrieved and constantly threatened by the evil and improper work of Monsignor Silvio Báez, whose fruits are well known inside and outside the country, we ask God and the Holy Spirit to illuminate His Reflections, Holy Father, so that the Church and The Christian Communities of our Nicaragua, we recover Harmony, Tranquility and Parishioners that can trust in their Pastors, and be encouraged by them to walk building Peace and Harmony.

We are already coming to New Year's Eve, to the Celebrations of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Our Most Pure, and to all the Events that call us to Peace and Good Will; We want, therefore, to ask you, as Head of the Catholic Church, and for the Good of All , that Monsignor Silvio Báez has other occupations; come out to meet other missions, and that we are able l @ s Nicaraguans understand without a bishop encourage and promote economic sanctions Powers against Nicaragua, political division, social and political conflicts and hatred and inappropriate and shocking resentment, strange and incorrect for the Nicaraguan Majorities.

Monseñor Báez must stop getting involved in the desire for continuity of a perverse coup that seeks to impose entrepreneurs and wealthy, who are a minority, grouped with "abortionists, feminists, drug traffickers and criminals" as he says, which would be implemented on the poor majorities and fighters, who in Nicaragua have found, and find, in this Christian Model, humanly imperfect but improvable, encouragement and support for the Work, Social Justice, Peace, Security and Wellbeing.

Holy Father, Brother Pope Francis:

From Nicaragua, Cuna de Rubén Darío and Stage of Struggles and Martyrdom of the brave Bishop Antonio de Valdivieso, Nicaragua, Cradle of so much Spiritual Strength, we present ourselves with the Humility and Respect that characterizes us, asking of all Heart to understand us and help to advance in Reconciliation and Peace, from Families and Communities.

With our Policy Proposals for a Culture of Reconciliation and Peace, we want to generate Encuentro, and strengthen values ​​of Harmony and Coexistence, working from Schools, Health Centers, Communities, Families, and all Public and Private Entities, we can associate ourselves with the restoration of Alma Good l @ s Nicaraguans.

From the Faith, we await God's decisions, hoping to continue with His Blessing, working for Peace and Affection that we have been affirming all these years, with the Nicaraguan Families and as a Christian Family of many Faiths, much Tradition and much Spiritual, Christian and Solidarity Fortress.

We pray for you We pray for Nicaragua. We pray to Our Lord God every day, and to Our Mother Mary, to shed Protection, Blessings, Work and Social Justice in this Nicaragua, Always Blessed and Always Free!

May God our Lord, may Christ Jesus, may the Angels and Archangels continue to walk with us, United Nicaragua, listening, dreaming and singing to the New Fraternal, Joyful and Solidarity Day that God has for this humble Earth of so much Faith. ... ilvio-baez

Hmm, what will the Jesuit In Charge have to say? Dragging that bastard Silvio Báez to Rome in chains is the only appropriate response.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Wed Dec 26, 2018 2:45 pm

The real issue in Nicaragua is US President Trump’s ‘regime change’ agenda
Submitted by tortilla on Dom, 23/12/2018 - 06:19
Francisco Dominguez, December 22nd 2018

The real issue in Nicaragua is Trump’s ‘regime change’ agenda: a response to "Nicaragua - Jeremy Corbyn must end his silence over the country’s repressive regime"
Jeremy Corbyn has been a long-term supporter of progressive governments in Latin America. But Hilary Francis has called in The Conversation for him to ‘end his silence’
and condemn what she calls Daniel Ortega’s ‘repressive regime’

Photo of armed anti-government protestors, published in the The Guardian (11th June 2018) originally by Oswaldo Rivas/Reuters.

It is clear that Hilary Francis does not support the democratically elected government of Nicaragua. She has penned a number of pieces where she has made this abundantly clear. This is entirely within her right. Despite the 72% Daniel Ortega obtained in his re-election in 2016, not everyone supports him in Nicaragua, and his government has ferocious enemies particularly in the US Republican Extreme Right, who since the FSLN came back to office in 2006 have made it explicit that they wish to oust the Ortega government.

What is problematical in Ms Francis’ piece is to (a) distort the facts of the situation to suit a particular narrative (b) and, this narrative being an argument in favour of violent ‘regime change’ in Nicaragua. My contention is that Ms Francis’ piece (and similar recent articles on Nicaragua) seeks to demonise the democratically elected government of Nicaragua as well as denouncing individuals in the British Labour Movement so as to erode support for Nicaragua’s right to self-determination. The end result is inevitably to help facilitate external aggression against the second poorest country in the Americas.

I believe the first is a dereliction of academic duty, but the second is much more serious since it expresses an intellectual commitment to an undemocratic objective, namely, the ousting of the democratically elected government in Nicaragua both by unconstitutional means and by support for US external aggression. It cannot be denied by an objective observer that this was exactly what Ortega’s opponents intended in the uprising of April-July this year.

Ms Francis presents a skewed view of the events surrounding the outbreak of violence in Nicaragua since 19 April 2018 after the government announced the reform of the country’s social security system. The demonstrators’ demand was for the government to withdraw the proposed reform which the government did three days after. The response of the demonstrations’ organisers was not to stop their actions and use this opening to perhaps get the government to agree to amendments to the reform or to abandon it altogether. Instead they ignored the government’s offer and demanded that it resign.

Small sample of seized weaponry of the ‘peaceful’ demonstrators in Nicaragua during the coup attempt between April and July 2018 –
Source: ... tan-a-terr

This was followed by three months of wanton violence during which ambulances were attacked, hospitals became targets, ‘tranques’ (roadblocks) were set up in a large number of neighbourhoods guarded by armed civilians that terrorised the local population, a period during which being a Sandinista or Sandinista sympathiser made people a target of their violence, when many Sandinista sympathisers were kidnapped, tortured, assassinated, and the bodies of several of them burned in public.

Even worse the perpetrators filmed these gross acts and published them in websites videos and photos that were widely circulated (I have copies of most of them which I can make available on request). In other words, not only there is irrefutable evidence of the use of wanton extreme right-wing violence largely against ordinary civilians, but also that (a) the leadership of the wave of violence made it explicit that their aim was the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Nicaragua, (b) the violence they perpetrated was/is functional to this cherished objective and (c) US destabilization agencies and US funding were crucial in the preparations and deployment of a subversive movement to be the ‘boots on the ground’ for the coup attempt.

If one takes the view that it is all down to the nature of the FSLN government, it is a mystery to explain 12 years of political normality which were suddenly interrupted by opposition to a set of relatively modest economic reforms that the government withdrew barely three days after the demonstrations began. The previous 12 years were characterised by Nicaragua
+ having the second highest economic growth rates and most stable economy in Central America.
+ being the only country in the region producing 90% of the food it consumes.
+ poverty and extreme poverty being halved; Nicaragua was the country with the greatest reduction of extreme poverty.
+ reaching the UN Millennium Development Goal of cutting malnutrition by half.
+ having free basic healthcare and education.
+ illiteracy being virtually eliminated, down from 36% in 2006.
+ enjoying average economic growth of 5.2% for the past 5 years (IMF and the World Bank).
+ becoming the safest country in Central America (UN Development Program) with one of the lowest crime rates in Latin America.
+ having the highest level of gender equality in the Americas (World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report 2017).
+ not contributing to the migrant exodus to the US, unlike neighbouring Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala.
+ unlike its neighbours, keeping out the drug cartels and pioneering community policing.

The only explanation as to why Nicaragua exploded almost into a civil war was U.S. interference and deliberate destabilisation plans to create the conditions for ‘regime change’. This has been the explicit policy of the Republican extreme right wing that became official policy with Donald Trump (see an informative NSCAG Briefing from July 2018)

Felix Maradiaga jointly campaigning for ‘regime change in Nicaragua with Nikky Haley, U.S.
UN representative, Gonzalo Koncke, from OAS and extreme Right wing Republican, Cuban-American,
U.S. ambassador to the OAS, Carlos Trujillo; watch the whole event here:

Human rights reports

Ms Francis quotes, rather unrigorously for an academic, all sorts of figures from various sources without a serious look into them about the number of people who died during the three months of wanton violence. These figures, which have been banded about with a media effect in mind, have fluctuated (depending on who deploys them) from 100 to even more than 500. These numbers have been disputed with forensic detail on many occasions, and many representations have been made to the bodies that have published them, but unlike the more media-oriented human rights reports, these forensic objections have not made it into the mainstream media.

Thus, for example, most people would not be aware that of the total number of fatal casualties of the three-month opposition led wave violence, 22 were police officers, who died from gunshots, with over 400 police being injured. The Truth and Justice Commission’s detailed report of the number of deaths, department by department, identifies 199 victims, all with full names, and the exact conditions and situation in which they died. This confirms that many of the people who died, were murdered by members of the opposition using firearms. It is extremely unlikely that the government will have any interest in shooting dead its own police officers. Yet, in the oft-quoted reports on human rights they are squarely attributed to ‘government repression’.

Furthermore, the oft-quoted human rights reports on Nicaragua for those three months draw conclusions out of conjecture, many of their assertions are uncorroborated, have several cases of double counting, and, as a matter of procedure, they consider human rights violations only the acts carried out by the state but (in the case of Amnesty International, for example, as they have made clear when challenged) disregard violent acts perpetrated by non-state actors.

Terrorists laying armed siege on the city of Masaya: a typical opposition tranque ... a-captura-

These are serious shortcomings that should invite caution not only because it is the duty of an academic to be rigorous but because what is at stake is the use of human rights as a weapon of demonization against specific governments that happen to be the target of destabilization via U.S. foreign policy. This, in the case of Nicaragua, is being driven by the likes of Marco Rubio, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Ted Cruz and others in the extreme right of the Republican Party.

It is not surprising that Ms Francis’ narrative is in denial about the main driving force behind the violent destabilization against the democratically elected government of Nicaragua about which Marco Rubio et al are explicit. What happened in Nicaragua between April and July 2018 was a coup attempt, which was orchestrated, planned, supported, and financed by U.S. destabilisation agencies and with taxpayers’ money, but that failed.

Furthermore, Felix Maradiaga, the most prominent golpista, but also several other leaders of the Civic Alliance went to Washington, funded by Freedom House, to be met by Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, to drum up support for ‘regime change’ in Nicaragua by demanding harsh economic sanctions against their own nation. One is therefore hard put to understand Ms Francis’s derision of the view that “the violence in Nicaragua is the result of a failed U.S.-backed right-wing coup.”

Demonizing those who stand for small nations’ self determination

Ms Francis charges the Labour MPs, Jeremy Corby, Emily Thornberry, Dan Carden and Chris Williamson and all those at the Latin American Adelante 2018 conference with having committed almost a crime against humanity by speaking against U.S.-orchestrated ‘regime change’ in Nicaragua. But in order to do this she has to misrepresent what they said. Ms Francis has to explain why Dan Carden MP, is wrong for having said “Trump has no right to promote ‘regime change’ whether that be Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, or anywhere else”. Ms Francis, Trump does not have that right, does he?

In fact, Ms Francis bemoans the fact that the whole Latin America Adelante! 2018 solidarity Conference gave one of its warmest welcomes to the greeting sent to it by Jeremy Corbyn. This is highly revealing of the politics of the broad coalition that openly supports the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government of Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua. They object to the defence of countries’ right to self-determination and they vigorously set themselves against those who additionally oppose U.S.-led, US-financed and US-orchestrated ‘regime change’.

Among the forces that aligned themselves with the defence of Latin American nations’ right to their self-determination and vigorous political opposition to U.S. violent interference in their internal affairs are not just those MPs she mentions, but almost all the UK national trade unions that in specific ways support these principles and have policies on them.

So, it is patently false to argue, as Ms Francis does, that there is an international consensus about the complex Nicaraguan situation. Such consensus, as the Latin American Adelante 2018 conference she so vehemently attacks, shows, does not exist. For Ms Francis the conference’s crime and that of all those who support it, including Jeremy Corbyn, was (and is) to assert “that the violence in Nicaragua is the result of a failed U.S.-backed right-wing coup.”

Dora Tellez, one of the most prominent opposition politicians in Nicaragua, has warmly welcome the passing of the NICA Act by the U.S. Senate because she expects the economy to collapse and the government with it. The opposition party, the MRS, in its twitter account is full of praise for U.S. right-wing politicians for having managed to pass the NICA Act and are praying that Donald Trump signs it

It may be true that some of the other notable individuals mentioned have criticisms of the FSLN government but none of them are calling for ‘regime change’ as Ms Francis and the minority Nicaraguan right-wing opposition does. All of those mentioned in Ms Francis piece in one way or another favour a peaceful solution to the crisis created by the coup attempt.

It is almost certain, in any case, that commentators such as Noam Chomsky and Pablo Iglesias have been taken by the huge and well financed demonization campaign which produced a deluge of misinformation, fake news in almost no time at all, with them having to react to impromptu interviews without having had the chance to look at all the facts in detail.

Pablo Iglesias for instance in the very programme cited by Ms Francis (Fort Apache - which everybody should watch) says “frankly I would say that at least I don’t know all the details, I have tried to access to information in the last days (the programme was in Sept 2018) and the truth is I would say the information is confused, what is clear is that there are demonstrations and it is also clear that there is violence, and it is also clear there are people being killed and this makes the situation to be extremely grave; now apportioning responsibilities right now and distinguishing who is perpetrating what within the current conflict it certainly seems to me at least, premature…” Iglesias goes on to explain that Nicaragua is being subjected to all sort of international pressures, which makes it allergic to external interference. And he stresses “I wouldn’t be able to say what is really going on despite monitoring daily all statements, opinions and facts…”. Thus Ms Francis’s claims are at best incorrect and at worst, misleading.

Thus, to just very superficially quote people, decontextualizing their statements is one of the favourite methods utilised by the U.S. and pro-U.S. outfits and individuals to demonize governments the U.S. doesn’t like, demonization which is particularly intense when the U.S. seeks ‘regime change’.

It is difficult not to draw the conclusion that Ms Francis’ endeavour seeks to make Labour MPs and members of the labour movements who support Nicaragua’s (and other Latin American countries’) right to self-determination, uncomfortable so as isolate the democratically elected government of Nicaragua. The objective result of this would be to facilitate and make easier U.S.-led ‘regime change’.

The international left and Nicaragua

The instincts and principles of the UK Labour movement inclines it to identify in solidarity with small nations’ national sovereignty especially when under threat from big international bullies which is exactly the situation Nicaragua, the second poorest country in the Americas, subjected to aggression from the Trump administration. What Ms Francis is asking in her piece is for the British Labour Movement to abandon this honourable tradition and side with the golpistas such as Maradiaga, the Civic Alliance, and the small but powerful private business sector in Nicaragua, but worse she is condemning the Labour Movement (MPs, trade unions, and others) for actively opposing the extreme Republican right’s aim of violently overthrowing the democratically elected FSLN government.

The parties of the European Left (which coordinates over 40 political parties in West and Eastern Europe that command over 300 MPs in national parliaments) have also made clear their views: rejection of attempts to break the country’s constitutional continuity through violence, and advocating a peaceful resolution of the internal conflict. They specifically reject “the interference of the United States, which, as always, add fuel to the fire in countries whose governments do not follow its guidelines, using the tactics of a "soft coup" that we have already seen in other countries of the continent.”

The Sao Paulo Forum (that organises mass political parties of the Latin America Left such as Brazil’s Workers Party and Mexico’s Lopez Obrador MORENA) issued the following statement on July 20th 2018: “Strongly reject the interventionist policy of the United States in the internal affairs of Sandinista Nicaragua, a country that is implementing the same formula used by US imperialism in countries that do not respond to its hegemonic interests, causing violence, destruction, and death through the manipulation and destabilizing action of terrorist golpista Right groups, which boycott the pursuit for dialogue that constitutes the best way to overcome the current crisis and achieve peace, which is essential for the continuation of the process of social transformations promoted by the FSLN of the government headed by Commander Daniel Ortega, which has significantly reduced poverty and social inequality in this fellow country.”

Ms Francis’ argument that there is an international consensus of condemnation of the FSLN government is therefore, thoroughly false. It smacks more as media propaganda and it does not stand to rigorous scrutiny when confronted with the facts.

Thus on the one hand you have a de facto international progressive alliance involving dozens of organizations that command tens of millions of votes (the Workers’ Party alone obtained 47 million votes in the last election and Lopez Obrador got over 30 million) that support the small nations’ right to self-determination and their national sovereignty against U.S. aggression and U.S.-backed ‘regime change’, such as Nicaragua. On the other, there is a much better financed world coalition, led by Trump and the Republican extreme right wing (Marco Rubio et al), and which involves the extreme right wing in Nicaragua, most of the minority conservative forces in the private sector and with the decisive support of the world corporate media.

One of the many marches organised by the FSLN advocating peace, opposing violence and demanding peace in Nicaragua. ... 9..bolding added
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Thu Jan 17, 2019 12:20 am

REDVOLUTION 18 hours ago 1.087

The patio is full of mattresses and suitcases; some of them overflow clothes. Sheets are used to separate families from strangers and women from men.
A clandestine network pays the rent of three houses, including the house where "La Madrina" hosts Nicaraguan terrorists in Costa Rica.

This is how The New York Times explains the misery that Nicaraguans live in Costa Rica, after leaving Nicaragua fleeing from justice for directing and / or staging acts of violence, robbery and death, during the attempted coup d'état promoted by the Nicaraguan opposition.

"The stay here is considered temporary," said the woman. "We are already tired and we want to return home."

The real name of the Godmother is Lisseth Valdivia; She owned three clothing stores in Matagalpa, a city north of Managua, the capital of Nicaragua.

Valdivia, spent two months directing what she considered a " humanitarian checkpoint," which in reality was a command center for the dams, responsible for a great economic loss for Nicaragua; fed the tranqueros that closed the way to vehicles and people, with barricades.

He said he learned how to use homemade mortars, although in general he left the use of these devices to men.

He left Nicaragua fleeing from justice; her family called her to warn her: "Do not even think of coming here to your house, they've already entered. There are around twenty-five policemen in your house. "

"But for now I have to be with my people," he said, referring to fugitives like her. Valdivia now lives with dozens of people he met recently, including a radio announcer accused of setting fire to a government station, and several alleged university students.

"La Madrina" is the one who approves the entry of newcomers to the property.

A clandestine network pays the rent of three houses, including the house where "La Madrina" hosts Nicaraguan terrorists in Costa Rica.


These "students" paralyzed the trade, when cobblestones were torn from the streets and used to build barricades at intersections throughout the country, were armed and aligned with well-financed right-wing coup plotters, including the Catholic Church.

Of the number of people killed since the protests began, twenty-two were police officers and about fifty were members of the ruling party, the Sandinista National Liberation Front.

Lisseth "La Madrina" Valdivia, who initially hid in the Nicaraguan mountains, crossed the border in August 2018, after a surprise call. "I'm going to help you out," his interlocutor told him.

The voice belonged to the Nicaraguan businessman Jorge Estrada, who has been in Costa Rica for three years.

Estrada runs a clandestine network ; He has made preparations for about 600 people to leave Nicaragua, he said, and pays the rent for three houses, including the house where "La Madrina" hosts terrorists in Costa Rica.

A clandestine network pays the rent of three houses, including the house where "La Madrina" hosts Nicaraguan terrorists in Costa Rica.

One day in December, Estrada spends around 200 dollars a day only on food. The exiles consume 9 kilos of rice and almost 8 kilos of beans a day, only in this shelter, Valdivia told The New York Times.

All the coup leaders gathered around Estrada , impatient to receive some news that they had not yet found out through Facebook and WhatsApp, where false news of the crisis abounds .

Donald Trump had just signed the Investment Conditionality Law in Nicaragua (NICA), which promises to subject Nicaragua to heavy sanctions until the rule of law is restored.

"If everything that the United States is doing, all this pressure, does not work for this Mr. Ortega to react and leave, one of the bloodiest wars that Nicaragua has seen" , threatened Estrada. That, as long as the opposition has weapons.

"Weapons are not there," lamented Estrada. "The United States is the only one that can help with that and has not yet given the green light, as they say ," the businessman added.

Estrada and Valdivia are hopeful that Trump will intervene, that the Republican leader "will rescue Nicaragua from the Ortega regime."

"We believe in him, " Valdivia said. However, if international aid does not materialize, Nicaraguans are not interested in political asylum in Costa Rica, said La Madrina.

"I believe that almost everyone is going to return," he said. ... -a-guerra/

Google Translator
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Mon Jan 28, 2019 11:15 pm


The Nicaraguan government announced the implementation of a fiscal or tax reform, which eliminates exonerations of large businessmen.

With this reform it is intended to obtain a greater contribution from the most affluent sectors of the country.

During the National Dialogue, the representatives of the Superior Council of Private Enterprise (COSEP), expressed:

"We will pay the cost, that cost we will assume"

Michael Healy, representative of COSEP
In this way, the commitment that COSEP acquired live before the whole nation is being fulfilled; the tax reforms presented to the National Assembly, today, will NOT affect the SMEs and the Small and Medium Production.

The large companies (which are approximately 400) will have an increase in advance of Income Tax (IR) , which will go from 1% to 3% ; For the Micro and Small companies, 1% is maintained and for the Medium-sized companies with the highest income they become 2% .
Increase in taxes on cigarettes, alcohol, sugary drinks (which are harmful to health and with low nutritional value).
Increase in taxes on game rooms and casinos .
The list of products that were exempt from VAT is reduced, but all basic products, staples , are exempt from VAT .
Dora María Téllez says that the idea of ​​the reform is for workers and employers to pay for the bankruptcy of the INSS, which is false, those who will assume a greater tax commitment are not the workers, they are the employers but they have more money, that is to say big business .

The manipulation of the tax reform is being used to make the people believe that they will be the most affected, as they did in April.

The pocket that hits this reform is that of the businessmen who have earned the most money during these years, but logically the opposition does not want that to be interpreted by the population.

The opposition activated its bots and main accounts to move a negative message about the tax reform.

Another manipulation that the opposition moves in social networks has to do with the rescue of social security.

It is not true that a reform is imposed on the INSS, which will affect the people; The logic of this tax reform is more focused on the wealthy.

The tax reform is aimed at resolving the situation of the INSS, but not "bleeding" the working population.

The government of Nicaragua explains it in the following way, through a document that is exposed to the public:

This Social Protection will be achieved by saving and promoting a fair tax reform that aims to raise funds to ensure the acquisition of goods and provision of basic services for our people , as well as ensuring sufficient financial resources to sustainably finance all programs and Socio-Productive Projects that directly benefit our population and especially the most vulnerable sectors .

In addition, it is important to know that: new Taxes, Taxes or Special Liens are not being created .

This measure, in addition to providing important resources to the collection, taxes products that are harmful to the Health of our Population and the Environment.

Are alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and energy drinks so good for the population that they must cost very little?

It was determined the need to tax VAT on some consumer products that go through industrial process.

However, it is important to emphasize that the vast majority of essential products of the Basic Basket remain exempt from any Tribute.

The products that remain exempt and do not pay Value Added Tax (VAT) are:

Rice, beans, sugar, oil, salt, tortilla, bread, pinolillo, butane gas in a container of up to 25 pounds, electric light, household consumption up to 300 kw / h, water and transportation.
Res : beef and guts post, caracú, meat with bone, ordinary ground meat, special ground beef, cecina, high rib and rib of the shore, stone hand and other cuts of beef, breast, tip of chub, tip lounge , white room, back of cecina,
Chicken: chicken wings, ground chicken meat, chicken legs, chicken legs, chincaca and chicken entrails, chicken pieces, whole chicken, pork chop, pork rib,
Pork: palette, whole leg and bacon,
Dairy products: whole milk, liquid milk, eggs, dry cheese,
Vegetables and fruits: tomato, onion, chiltoma, potatoes, ripe banana, green banana,
The Popular Markets of the Country are not charged VAT or any other type of Tax.

The agricultural products produced in our country are the main goods of our export basket, which is why, in addition to the need to promote and promote national production, productivity and competitiveness of our agricultural sector, which has decided to maintain that protection special to our Agricultural Sector for the benefit of our Consumer People.

Voiced by Amazon Polly ... nicaragua/

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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Thu Feb 21, 2019 11:57 am

First Venezuela, Now Nicaragua? Bolton Says Ortega’s Days ‘Numbered’, People ‘Will Soon Be Free’


TEHRAN (FNA)- US President Donald Trump’s top foreign policy advisor John Bolton appears dead set on resuming his decades-long stand-off with Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega, hinting that Washington-backed regime change may be in the offing.
“The Ortega regime has sentenced three farm leaders to 550 years in prison for their roles in protests in 2018, where Ortega’s police forces reportedly killed 300 activists. As President Trump said Monday, Ortega’s days are numbered and the Nicaraguan people will soon be free,” the national security advisor to the US president tweeted on Wednesday, RT reported.

The leaders of anti-Ortega protests were given jail terms this week, after they were implicated in the deaths of four policemen and a teacher during a shootout last July.

The Central American nation has been rocked by unrest since April last year, with demonstrators demanding the resignation of Sandinista party leader Ortega, who has been president since 2007, and convincingly won another five-year term in 2016.

The US has repeatedly backed the uprising against the left-wing government, and last November Bolton made a keynote speech calling for the “crumbling” of what he called the “Troika of Tyranny” – Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba – saying the states represented a “a sordid cradle of communism in the Western hemisphere”.

On Monday, Trump name-checked the same three countries, saying their "great potential" would be unlocked with the collapse of socialism. To expedite the process, Congress last year imposed financial measures that would make it difficult for the economically-stricken Nicaragua to obtain international loans, as well as slapping sanctions on top officials in Managua.

Bolton’s history with Ortega goes back to the 1980s. Just as now, Ortega was the leader of Nicaragua, first as he spearheaded the revolution in 1979, and when he was elected president in 1985.

The Ronald Reagan administration spent significant financial resources backing the right-wing Contra rebels during the civil war, which lasted nearly the entire decade.

Bolton, at that time a legal specialist, held a number of senior positions in the Reagan White House, and was more than a witness to its shadowy CIA-aided schemes to bypass a Democrat-run Congress ban on helping the opposition militants.

He reportedly played a crucial part in hobbling both the scope of the Iran-Contra investigation and an inquiry into drug- and gun-running militants, who were enabled by Washington.

After he returned to prominence under George W. Bush in yet another chapter of an unsinkable career, Bolton failed to dislodge Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, the Sandinistas, or Cuba's Fidel Castro (at one point, he accused Havana of developing biological weapons, without solid evidence). But as a man who with permission from Trump now seems to be steering US foreign policy on dozens of key issues, Bolton has more resources than ever before to settle his lifelong ideological grudges.
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:54 pm

REDVOLUTION 3 days ago 1,237

The Extra newspaper of Costa Rica has published a note where it states that residents of border areas with Nicaragua express that armed groups of Nicaraguans operate on Costa Rican soil.

Narcos kill 4 policemen
Suspiciously the zones and the descriptions of the inhabitants of the ethnic communities, begin to have coherence with the murder of policemen in Rio San Juan, of Nicaragua.

The following note is included in the Extra newspaper:

The increase in criminal acts in the Northern Zone, especially in the border area, caused the neighbors to shout their cry to the sky.

Given this situation, the Deputy Minister of Security, Luis Carlos Castillo Fernández, visited the region to talk with the locals.


Castillo met with the community leaders, first in the municipality of Los Chiles and then in the town of La Guardia de Pocosol, San Carlos.

The neighbors raised the concern for several criminal acts that have been increasing, such as robberies and assaults.

The straw that broke the camel's back was the recent crime in which four people died in Coopevega, where the suspect entered and left the country calmly, in the absence of surveillance.

According to them, several gangs of assailants are operating in the border area, some of these groups attack their victims with machetes and others with firearms.

Assaults and robberies occur against pedestrians, commercial premises, houses, delivery trucks and even buses.


Another problem that is not new, but reaches very high levels, is the removal of livestock, including the theft of agricultural products.

Deputy Minister Castillo was concerned about the possible permanence of armed groups of the Nicaraguan contras in Costa Rica. One of the possible causes of these criminal problems, according to the neighbors, is that there is practically a border open at several points, so that anyone can pass without filters.

As they said, there are several police posts that were closed several years ago and that makes it easier for criminals to commit unlawful acts.

Between the closed positions they emphasize those of Buenos Aires of Pocosol, Mouth of Arenal of Cutris, San Humberto and Average Cheese of the Chilies, the Trocha, Delights, Jocote, San Isidro de Pocosol and Crucitas.

The leaders said that the lack of surveillance at the border facilitates the entry and exit of Nicaraguans, some of them delinquents who come to cause problems in the area.

They also exposed the problem of coyotaje and the scarce police presence in the region.

The official assured the leaders that they are dealing with these problems by sending more police resources properly equipped to deal with the situation.

By Alexander Méndez ... uelo-tico/

Google Translator is a comedian, "Average Cheese of the Chiles"?

Sounds like not so benign neglect, 'plausible deniability'.
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Thu Mar 14, 2019 10:38 pm

Wrong Kind of Green Mar 10, 2019 Amnesty International, Imperialist Wars/Occupations, Whiteness & Aversive Racism

February 26, 2019

By Louise Richards


OUR report, dismissing_truth, lays bare the biased and flawed nature of Amnesty International’s reporting on Nicaragua.

As the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign’s report states, Amnesty International has a history of producing controversial and unbalanced reports on Nicaragua which began soon after the Sandinista revolution defeated the Somoza dictatorship in 1979.

The organisation’s bias has continued for decades, to such an extent that Amnesty should now give up all pretence to be an impartial source of information about human rights in Nicaragua and indeed in the region as a whole.

A cursory glance at the Twitter feed of Amnesty’s director for the Americas, Erika Guevara-Rosas, shows that — during the crisis which engulfed Nicaragua last year — she openly sided with the opposition, regularly tagging the virulent opposition group #SOSNicaragua and retweeting reports from Fox News.

As early as 2016, prior to the Nicaraguan presidential elections, Guevara-Rosas wrote a piece telling her readers about four things they should know.

One was a direct attack on the government’s record on maternal mortality — this at a time when the Pan American Health Organisation stated that maternal mortality had been cut by more than half since the Sandinistas returned to power in 2007.

In 2017, the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group (NSCAG) wrote a detailed response to another Amnesty report — Nicaragua: Danger: Rights for Sale.

The report was largely, if not exclusively, based on testimony from a minority group of activists opposed to Nicaragua’s proposed interoceanic canal and linked with the local right-wing opposition.

As with Amnesty’s later reports, it presented a completely inaccurate and unrecognisable picture of Nicaragua.

We commented at the time that Amnesty had again fallen victim to the agenda of Nicaragua’s marginal right wing and its campaign to destabilise the Nicaraguan government.

In September last year, in yet another attempt to demonise Nicaragua, Amnesty launched an “urgent action” campaign denouncing the “wave of detentions of students and activists in Nicaragua,” and calling for the release of those it dubbed “political prisoners.”

In doing so, Amnesty completely ignored the fact that those detained were not victims but perpetrators of violent crimes, including kidnapping, torture and murder.

Amnesty has relied heavily for much of its reporting on local newspapers, social media and so called “independent” Nicaraguan human rights organisations such as the Nicaraguan Centre for Human Rights (Centro Nicaraguense de Derechos Humanos/CENIDH).

In a detailed analysis of CENIDH’s biased and misleading reports, local investigator Enrique Hendrix accused CENIDH of having a “specific objective of stoking people’s emotions so as to create discord and delegitimise the government.”

In all of its reporting, attributing all human rights violations to the government, CENIDH consistently ignored the violence perpetrated by the opposition.

This included such horrific crimes as kidnapping, torture and murder of municipal workers and teachers, targeting Sandinistas in their homes and burning of their property, killing police officers and setting their bodies alight in the street.

None of these cases have been documented, let alone investigated, by CENIDH, or indeed by Amnesty International.

Camilo Mejia, a Nicaraguan now resident in the United States, is a former Amnesty “prisoner of conscience” for his stance as in refusing — as a US soldier — to return to duty in the Iraq war after his initial bitter experience of the US war.

In a foreword to our report, Mejia points out that Amnesty is helping to destabilise not just Nicaragua but also Venezuela.

It has said that “the authorities under Nicolas Maduro are trying to use fear and punishment to impose a repulsive strategy of social control against those who demand change.

“His government is attacking the most impoverished people that it claims to defend, but instead it murders, detains and threatens them.”

The United States now has its eyes firmly fixed on regime change first in Venezuela, then in Cuba and Nicaragua.

Only last week, US National Security Adviser John Bolton stated that “Ortega’s days are numbered” and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has promised that the US intends to “help the people of Nicaragua to resist the non-democratic regimes in their countries.”

What happened in Nicaragua last year was without doubt a US-inspired attempted coup, something which Amnesty also denies.

Although the attempt failed, it is clear that pressure from the US and the right-wing opposition for regime change will continue.

It is to be hoped that President Daniel Ortega’s renewed call for dialogue will succeed. For the vast majority of Nicaraguans, the desire is for life to return to normal and for peace and stability to be restored.

At a time when Amnesty International should be supporting such moves, it is instead fuelling the flames of conflict and providing succour to those who support US intervention and the overthrow of democratically elected governments.

In doing so, an organisation which claims to stand up for human rights is in fact trampling on the human rights and dignity of millions of people who only want to live in peace. It is surely time for Amnesty to put its own house in order. ... nicaragua/
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Sat Mar 16, 2019 4:07 pm

Monica Aldana 2 days ago 1,000

Compas, we must maintain discipline, are we going to doubt our political leaders based on pure speculation and rumors? Recall what this caused in our country from last year: chaos and more chaos produced from false news.

Sandinista mobilization ... -el-mundo/


Do not fall for that. The discipline and unity has always characterized our militancy Sandinist ay is these characteristics that today are one of the strongest political organizations and joined there, a strength we have forged throughout history, marked by various difficulties from which we have emerged victorious and hardened thanks to our revolutionary mysticism and our discipline. ... serenidad/


Let's not allow it, let's trust our politicians who represent us at the negotiating table, because like us, they are militants who suffered the ravages generated since April of last year with the attempted coup d'état. I am sure that they are not indifferent to the feelings of all militancy, to our longing for justice, and will not allow crimes to go unpunished.

July 19

It is completely understandable that we react negatively to the possibility that terrorists who did so much damage to our country, be released and go unpunished for their actions , but that has not happened . It is simply a speculation that has produced an uneasiness in our militancy, but let's react comrades, that has not happened and it is counterproductive for us to speculate.

We are better than that, and for years we have shown it.

Sandinista Militants ... -otra-vez/

The Front has been characterized by being able to draw lessons from all the experiences lived, in this case I believe that the last months have helped us to realize some things that we have to consolidate, and one of them is not to fall into speculations and maintain trust in our leader.

The reinstatement of the negotiating table and the great political will shown by the FSLN Government is an important proof of the great commitment that our leaders feel to consolidate peace and stability in our country, in the Nicaraguan people.

With reference to this , the recent words expressed by Commander Doris Tijerino come to mind , in which she maintains that it is not the Front that needs to be saved, that we are strong, but that it is the country that must be carried forward. .


Young Sandinistas

That's how it is.

The country needs to reincurse itself in the way of development and progress, and if this is necessary to sit down to negotiate with the opposition, then it will be done, because what is at stake is a greater good, peace and progress of the Nicaraguan people.

Recall the words of Commander in Chief Carlos Fonseca Amador, who maintained that, although there are issues that bother personally, it is our obligation to subordinate everything to the interests of the Sandinista cause, to the interests of the subjugated Nicaraguan people, to the interests of the exploited and oppressed of Nicaragua.

The important thing, now as always, is that there is a unique will within the Sandinista National Liberation Front, a will capable of unifying an infinity of individual wills and groups that know how to combine discipline with party organizational democracy; that is to say, in our organization there may be and there must be different criteria, but once the organization makes a decision that has been removed from a majority criterion, we are all obliged to abide by that decision.

It must therefore be based on a single discipline and a decision based on the will of the majority of the members of our organization. That unique will must be the consolidation of peace and stability in our country.

Mobilization of Sandinista Youth
In short, to be a true Sandinista, we must fill certain qualities, cultivate them every day, water and fertilizer, be studious, forward looking, modest, simple, humble and dignified at the same time, frank, loyal, energetic, sacrificed.

A Sandinista is one who cares more for the people than for himself.

Only the Sandinista Front guarantees peace.

In any circumstance: maximum faith and confidence. Maximum awareness to preserve peace.

We are winning!

By: Monica Aldana. ... isciplina/

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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Fri Mar 22, 2019 2:25 pm

"Our revolutionary consciousness is our unity, our discipline, our vigor, our encouragement and impulse"

Cmdt. Ricardo Morales Avilés
The fascist opposition has intensified its struggle in the media war to try to divide the Sandinista militancy ; in these circumstances, our romanticism and political realism must be combined and balanced, to ensure the stability and peace that the people want.

Che Guevara described as beasts our historical executioners, explains that it is "the nature of imperialism that bestializes men", and as beasts they threw themselves into the streets to paint our bodies, to shout with anger the hatred they felt for our political ideology while they beat our bodies, like beasts burned our brothers. And we as revolutionaries assure you your right to life.

The Sandinista cause calls us to work and defend our country, to get rid of our individual interests by the collectives. The enemy knows us and by that detachment he puts traps to stain our history before the people.

We are facing the evolved vision of love for Jesus Christ, in contrast to the direct aggression to our emotions through the manipulation of our minds, in order to annihilate our organizational capacity and the basis of our revolutionary success, unity.

The so-called "Civic Alliance" knows that there is a huge gap between winning the position of asking for participation in power and the position of taking power for the people. Sandinismo knows both ways and knows the cost of each, we are aware that as the revolution advances and consolidates, the Yankee aggression is more violent.

Preparing ourselves for the defense of our revolution is a task that demands sacrifice, perseverance, responsibility and study.

The pain we feel for our brothers is indisputable, whether or not they are Sandinistas, remember that Comandante Carlos Fonseca always recognized the pain of the Sandinistas in their sacrifices to reach a radical social and national transformation, reminds us that our aspiration is deeper and that the fight is against the aggressions of the United States on Nicaragua and its working class. Hatred and anger can not be the feelings that move us in our struggle.

We can never forget that we are the vanguard of the working and peasant class that fights against the oligarchy and sells homeland and that "the unity between true revolutionaries and true Christians is fundamental in the Sandinista Front". Commander Carlos Fonseca.

The day will come when the people of Nicaragua will call you to trial, for the moment we must be clear that we must defend the freedom of our people, and that freedom is socialist, for the humblest of the peasants and the workers.

Let's not lose sight in the middle of this media war "the combativeness, lucidity, and understanding of the partial and final objectives of the revolutionary struggle" commander Ricardo Morales Avilés. ... andinista/

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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:37 pm

FSLN and democracy
Posted by Central Writing | Mar 29, 2019 |


FSLN and democracy
Understanding the FSLN and democracy implies seeing popular mobilization from: social movements, as a political party, government and state. This implies the practice of a real democracy in the FSLN, not like the one preached by opposition and coup groups.

In the FSLN, democracy is evident in the massive mobilization of citizens, as a militant, in conferences or from organizational structures. This is demonstrated by the people backing the FSLN, from before 1979 until the recent defeat of the coup, winning peace.

Respect, social movements have a role in participatory and direct democracy, promoted by the FSLN, since its founding. Among the social movements, students, indigenous, women, trade unions, some current, others that worked in a given context.

In relation to the FSLN as a political party, it has always promoted democracy at the internal and external levels of the party. One aspect that enhances is the community organization of the FSLN, currently the Sandinista Leadership Councils (CLS).

Another fact that confirms the democratic will of the FSLN is respect for the electoral results. Also, the electoral processes stand out where the FSLN brings together various political and social parties / movements, forming the "United Alliance Nicaragua Triumphs".

Likewise, it is worth mentioning that the FSLN has been elected in 4 presidential electoral processes: 1984, 2006, 2012, 2017. On this occasion, the Government of Reconciliation and Nationalist Unity, the popular consultation as a Government policy.

Likewise, the FSLN manages to transfer the popular consultation to the state apparatus as a democratic mechanism, it should be mentioned that the Sandinista Popular Revolution is the one that created the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE), in the 80's.

In short, the FSLN has installed a direct, participatory and representative democracy, complying with a constitutional mandate (Article 7). The FSLN is the one who manages to transfer that constitutional mandate to the social movements, the party, the government and the state.

Bladimir Calderón Aguilera, Estelí

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