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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Thu Apr 25, 2019 1:15 pm

US Hide Their Crimes Against Syrians
Go to the profile of Pamela Spenser
Pamela Spenser
Apr 24


In the Syrian camps for refugees and displaced persons Rukban and Al-Hawl, the situation continues worsening. Tens of thousands of people live in conditions of lack of water, food, shelter and medicines. However, the United States continue to prevent diplomats and representatives of international organizations from entering the camps.

Difficult living conditions in the Syrian refugee camp of Al-Rukban, located on the territory controlled by the United States, force parents to sell their children. This was announced on Wednesday by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu during the VIII Moscow Conference on International Security. “Due to the most difficult living conditions, there are cases when parents sell their children to representatives of criminal communities. Sexual abuse of minors is widespread, ”the minister said.

Shoigu stressed that the problems with Al-Rukban should be solved by withdrawing US units from these areas and transferring the territories to the control of the Syrian government. “We have repeatedly urged the United States to liquidate the camp, to give the civilian population the opportunity to return to their former places of residence. However, there is no reaction. The camp continues to function, remaining one of the main factors for the growth of extremism and terrorism, creating the conditions for the emergence of new generations of jihadists, ”said the minister.

The population of the Syrian Al-Hawl refugee camp almost doubled during the year, Shoigu said. Now the situation in the camp is similar to the situation in Al-Rukban, where “there is not enough food, water, medicine” and outbreaks of infectious diseases have been repeatedly observed. Now there are more than 67 thousand people, “most of them are women and children”.

The US leadership says that the coalition will not allow representatives of the Russian diplomatic corps, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Syrian government and international organizations into the 55-kilometer zone of Et-Tanf.

The response of the American side means that it is impossible to monitor living conditions in Er-Rukban, where Syrian citizens are dying of unsanitary conditions, hunger, cold and illness. By their actions, the American side is trying to hide crimes against the civilian population in the zone under their control. ... d1b33b03b5
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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:57 pm

US troops kill Iraqi policeman, injure two others while ‘transferring’ Daesh terrorists: Report
Fri Apr 26, 2019 05:52PM [Updated: Fri Apr 26, 2019 06:11PM ]
HomeMiddle EastIraq

The photo shows a police vehicle belonging to Iraqi police forces that were targeted by US forces in the country's northern province of Kirkuk on April 25, 2019. (Photo via Alahad)

American troops have killed an Iraqi policeman and injured two others while allegedly transferring a group of Daesh Takfiri terrorists in the country's northern province of Kirkuk.

The incident happened after American troops were deployed to the region by helicopter in an attempt to airlift the terrorists to an undisclosed region, Iraq's Alahad television network reported on Friday.

The operation turned deadly after US forces opened fire on an Iraqi police unit nearby. Iraqi forces had been monitoring the Daesh elements but were not informed of the US operation.

Iraq's Joint Operations Command (JOC) later issued a statement announcing the formation of a committee investigating the incident.

During an interview with the Alahad, Iraqi law expert Ali al-Tamimi claimed the incident was a case of intentional murder that should be dealt with according to Iraqi law.

Tamimi stressed that based on mutual agreements, the military immunity of US forces expired after the 2011 withdrawal from Iraq.

The Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq group, a main component of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), later issued a statement describing the incident as a violation of Iraq’s sovereignty.

The statement said that despite Washington’s claims that US military presence in the country is to provide military and logistical assistance to Iraqi forces, American forces have operated in the country at will and without coordination with Iraqi forces.

While circumstances surrounding the incident remain unclear, this is not the first incident where US forces have 'airlifted' Daesh terrorists to undisclosed locations. Many similar cases have also been reported in Syria.

US aircraft reportedly airlifted Daesh commanders from a northwestern town before the Syrian army staged an offensive to liberate it.
Daesh overran large swaths of Syria and Iraq in offensives beginning in 2014. The group was, however, militarily defeated by the governments of the two countries in the course of some four years.

Speculations have been made about Washington's direct or indirect support for the terrorist group in the past years.

Numerous accounts have emerged alleging airlifts, weapon airdrops and aerial support for the group, especially as its strength gradually diminished in the region. ... -policeman

Yeah, I know, close though..
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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Mon May 06, 2019 1:42 pm

Infamous Blackwater group allegedly training ISIS near Syrian border: Al-Akhbar
By News Desk -2019-05-057

The Arabic-language newspaper al-Akhbar reported on Saturday that the infamous Blackwater group, along with other security firms, had returned to Iraq to train jihadist fighters against the government.

According to the report, a source close to the U.S. charge de affairs in Iraq Judy Hood said that Blackwater has transferred the U.S. military equipment from Jordan to Western al-Anbar province in full coordination with Ein al-Assad base, adding that the company is now training the ISIL terrorists in the base.

Meantime, al-Akhbar quoted field sources as saying that trucks carrying ISIL militants, escorted by the US vehicles, were transferred from the town of Baqouz in Deir Ezzur to Ein al-Assad amid clashes in Baqouz.

Al-Akhbar did not specify how they came across this information; however, new reports suggest that the Iraqi Armed Forces have increased their presence in eastern Syria.

The Iraqi, Syrian, and Iranian governments are now planning to form a joint bank that would help both Syria and Iran to no longer become dependent on other nations in the region. ... al-akhbar/
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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Tue May 07, 2019 12:59 pm

SYRIA TESTIMONIES: “The White Helmets are more dangerous than any terrorist” – retired schoolteacher, Mesyaf.


Vanessa Beeley
21st Century Wire

“The White Helmets are more dangerous than any terrorist”.

Find out why by listening to this important testimony from the town of Mesyaf that has recently been under attack from Israel and the Israeli-backed terrorists in northern Hama and Idleb. Ali Habib, a retired schoolteacher eloquently describes the growing antagonism towards the people of Europe and the U.S after eight years of a punishing war imposed upon the Syrian people by elected governments in the West and their regional allies.

“It was so safe here but you – Europeans, came to us and did what you did to us.

Europeans don’t see that, the Europeans only see that they want to overthrow Bashar al-Assad regime. We, the people, are satisfied with Bashar al-Assad. What does this have to do with you? What is it to you? We are satisfied with him. Soon Bashar al-Assad will make elections and we either elect him or not. We decide, not you.”

These are the voices of Syrian people that are never heard in the West. Western state-media has deliberately silenced them. If they had been listened to, this war might never have happened, let alone lasted eight terrible years and left Syria damaged and bleeding.

Full transcript of the interview below"


“First, my name is Ali Habib. I am from a village here, near Mesyaf but I spend most of my time in Mesyaf. I have witnessed multiple terrorist aggressions on Mesyaf, during one of them, I was only about 50 meters away when they targeted the hospital few days ago.

So, this hospital which is treating the residents of this region, despite all the pressure and siege imposed on Syria, ,nd which is treating patients and injured, was hit by three rockets. I saw that with my own eyes. What is the purpose of shelling such a place? What’s the purpose of shelling a hospital? Why don’t that people (the West) write about the terrorists targeting the hospital? Why don’t they write about the economic siege which has affected all of us psychologically, socially and morally? Our psychological state is not normal anymore, our psychological state is not normal anymore.

Why is the whole world talking about the White Helmets and Chemical Weapons and “They will use CW…” and “the Syrian government used CW…” Which Chemical Weapons are they are talking about? They are targeting us daily using psychological, social and economic poisons. They have burdened us in every sense and they are the ones who caused that and now they claim that now they want to protect us and to protect the Syrian people. No, that’s not right. They want to destroy the Syrian people, they don’t want to destroy the Syrian government, they want to destroy the country, to destroy Syria as a country. They didn’t see all that.

Yesterday, they shelled (there) and I saw the injured people with my own eyes, what did these innocent civilians do wrong? Why don’t al-Jazeera and al-Arabia and France 24 and American media report about these civilians who were killed? Why don’t they report about the hospital that was shelled? They have been targeting the hospital for about six months, but they didn’t manage to hit it directly. Of course, shells landed around it, but finally they hit the hospital and finally, they injured people and doctors who are rescuing people. But all that, unfortunately, Westerners don’t see…

We used to…I am one of those who used to believe that the French and the English and Germans have some morals. We know that the Americans have no morals but the French and Germans and Europeans in general to be subordinates of the American immorality – this is a new thing for us and it is frustrating for us.

Honestly, it’s seeding an internal (Syrian) antagonism towards them and we were not like that. We used to love them. When I used to see a foreigner like you hereI would run to you to see what you may need. I speak good French, I would use my knowledge of French to help you. That’s how we used to show our love to foreigners when they come to our country. Now we don’t want to see any of them because all of them are liars and all of them are deceitful, all of them are besieging us and all of them are tightening the noose on us and all of them are suffocating the hell out of us – the citizens, and we – the citizens…or I as a civilian, I am a civilian, I am a retired teacher. What crime have I committed to be hit by a shell? Or my car to be destroyed by a shell, or to be robbed by the militants?

Europeans don’t see that, the Europeans only see that they want to overthrow Bashar al-Assad regime. We, the people, are satisfied with Bashar al-Assad. What does this have to do with you? What is it to you? We are satisfied with him. Soon Bashar al-Assad will make elections and we either elect him or not. We decide, not you.

I mean this matter, manipulation of peoples manipulation of peoples’ thoughts, undermining peoples like that. It is absolutely abnormal. It’s unacceptable. I hope our voice will reach Europeans. We used to love them a lot. We used to deal with them. I have been to Europe a lot. I have been to Europe 11 times. I have visited all the European countries and I was happy with them, but now, honestly, I don’t have good feelings towards them as a result of their wrongful positions towards us. So I hope our voice will reach Europeans and that they will know the truth about what’s going on in Syria.

The people are as you see…the level of security in Syria was better than any other place in the world. Billions were spent to create this and unfortunately, the Europeans and Americans participated in the destruction of this country.


What crimes have we committed? What crimes have these people, who used to live in complete security, committed? I could sleep in the street and no one would come close to me. I have slept in the streets of Paris and no one robbed me and one could sleep in the streets here and no one would rob him. It was so safe here but you – Europeans, came to us and did what you did to us. I hope our voice will reach to you. I hope our voice will reach the people…

The European people, I believe, are different from the governments but for them to be subordinates to the Americans like this, it is shocking. It’s unfortunate. Unfortunate. European are known for their morals while Americans are known to be gangsters. Yes, I am talking from personal cultural experience. So, that is how we used to love Europeans, but unfortunately, now we don’t (love them) at all.

The White Helmets are much more dangerous than militants who slaughter people. What happened regarding the militants, I didn’t tell you, there is the slaughtering practice in the name of Islam, in the name of religion,while religion has nothing to do with all that but the White Helmets are more dangerous. The militants used knives and guns explicitly, while the White Helmets are working politically. I mean they are implanting narratives to bring more rockets to target us. We are fed up with rockets and fed up with killing.

White Helmet posing for shot during production of another “interventionist” narrative. (Photo: White Helmet PR archives)

The White Helmets are more dangerous than those who have slaughtered people, this is an undeniable fact. They (White Helmets) are pushing the Americans and Europeans to bombard us on the pretext that we are using Chemical Weapons against our own people. We – the people…

So, the White Helmets are much more dangerous than those (terrorists) who slaughter people in streets. The White Helmets, they are a terrorist organization, more terrorizing and more bloodsheding than those who slaughter people in streets – and this is probably a public opinion here.

We know who the White Helmets are. The White Helmets are more dangerous than any terrorist.

You are welcome..”

End of transcript. ... er-mesyaf/
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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Mon May 13, 2019 1:37 pm

Syria - OPCW Engineering Assessment: The Douma 'Chemical Weapon Attack' Was Staged
On April 7 2018 Syrian 'rebels' claimed that the Syrian government used chlorine gas and Sarin in an attack on the besieged Douma suburb near the Syrian capital Damascus. They published a series of videos which showed dead bodies of mainly women and children.

The claim of the 'chemical attack' was made shortly after U.S. President Trump had announced that he wanted U.S. troops to leave Syria. It was designed to "pull him back in" which it indeed did. In an illegal 'retaliation' the U.S., Britain and France launched a number of cruise missiles against Syria. Most of them failed to reach their targets.

Moon of Alabama published a number of pieces on the issue which are listed below.

It seemed obvious from the very first claims of the 'gas attack' that it did not happen at all. The Syrian government had no motive to use any chemical weapon or an irritant like chlorine in Douma. It had already won the battle. The incident was obviously staged, like others before it, to drag the U.S. into a new attack on Syria.

Of special interest on the incident scene were two gas cylinders which were photo- and video-graphed near to where the dead bodies were found. It was claimed that the cylinders were dropped from Syrian army helicopters and crashed through concrete roofs. One cylinder allegedly 'bumped' after completely penetrating the roof and came to rest on a bed. The other cylinder allegedly broke a roof open and came to rest on a balcony.

To anyone with a bit of 'feel' for material behavior of concrete and metal on impact, it was obvious that the damages caused on the concrete and on the cylinders was incompatible with each other. The concrete, reinforced with steel, was thoroughly penetrated while the cylinders showed only minimal damage. The roofs were most likely penetrated by artillery impact while the cylinders were most likely put there by hand.





Shortly after the incident the NATO aligned propaganda group Bellingcat asserted that the cylinders were dropped from helicopters. In June 2018 the New York Times published a rather laughable virtual crime scene analysis of the Douma incident. Neither included an engineering assessment of the impact forces and the related damages on the cylinders and roofs. Neither had visited the scene. From observing superficial visual markings both falsely concluded that the gas cylinders were dropped from helicopters.

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which sent a Fact Finding Mission to the scene to investigate the case, made a detailed engineering analysis of the impact and damage. But the results of the engineering assessment were left out of its mealy-mouthed and inconclusive final report (pdf).

Now the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media obtained a copy of the 15 pages long OPCW Engineering assessment of two cylinders observed at the Douma incident - 27 February 2019 (pdf).

After testing various hypotheses through experiments, simulations and finite element analysis the engineering sub-group of the OPCW investigation concluded (emphasis added):

32. At this stage the FFM engineering sub-team cannot be certain that the cylinders at either location arrived there as a result of being dropped from an aircraft. The dimensions, characteristics and appearances of the cylinders and the surrounding scene of the incidents, were inconsistent with what would have been expected in the case of either cylinder having been delivered from an aircraft. In each case the alternative hypothesis produced the only plausible explanation for observations at the scene.
33. In summary, observations at the scene of the two locations, together with subsequent analysis, suggest that there is a higher probability that both cylinders were manually placed at those two locations rather than being delivered from aircraft.

The engineering assessment confirms our earlier conclusion. The whole scene as depicted by 'rebels' and propaganda organs was staged. The more than 34 dead on the scene where murdered elsewhere under unknown circumstances.

In its discussion of the OPCW engineering assessment and its suppression by the OPCW management the Working Group states:

The new information we have removes all doubt that the organization has been hijacked at the top by France, UK and the US. We have no doubt that most OPCW staff continue to do their jobs professionally, and that some who are uneasy about the direction that the organization has taken nevertheless wish to protect its reputation. However what is at stake here is more than the reputation of the organization: the staged incident in Douma provoked a missile attack by the US, UK and France on 14 April 2018 that could have led to all-out war.
The cover-up of evidence that the Douma incident was staged is not merely misconduct. As the staging of the Douma incident entailed mass murder of civilians, those in OPCW who have suppressed the evidence of staging are, unwittingly or otherwise, colluding with mass murder.

Earlier coverage of the Douma incident published by Moon of Alabama:

April 8 - Syria - Timelines Of 'Gas Attacks' Follow A Similar Scheme (Update II)
April 9 - Syria - Any U.S. Strike Will Lead to Escalation
April 11 - Syria - A U.S. Attack Would Be Futile - But Serve A Purpose - by M. K. Bhadrakumar
April 11 - Trump Asks Russia To Roll Over - It Won't
April 12 - Syria - Threat Of Large War Recedes But May Come Back
April 13 - Syria - Manipulated Videos Fail To Launch World War III - Updated
April 14 - F.U.K.U.S. Strikes Syria - Who Won?
April 16 - Syria - Pentagon Hides Attack Failure - 70+ Cruise Missiles Shot Down
April 19 - Syria - Who Is Stalling The OPCW Investigation In Douma?
April 20 - Syria Sitrep - Cleanup Around Damascus - WMD Rumors Prepare For New U.S. Attack
July 6 - Syria - OPCW Issues First Report Of 'Chemical Weapon Attack' in Douma
July 7 - Syria - Mainstream Media Lie About Watchdog Report On The 'Chemical Attack' In Douma

Posted by b on May 13, 2019 at 07:55 AM | Permalink ... taged.html
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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Mon May 20, 2019 1:16 pm

SUPPRESSED OPCW FINDING: War-Crime Likely Perpetrated by U.S. Against Syria on 14 April 2018
May 19, 2019
Another important dispatch from The Greanville Post. Be sure to share it widely.

The alleged war-crime was totally staged by America’s own proxy-soldiers, Islamic terrorists who were trying to overthrow Syria’s Government.


On May 13th, Tim Hayward of the Working Group on Syria made public on his website an utterly damning document that had been suspiciously excluded from the final investigative report by the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) regarding the U.S.-and-allied allegation that on 7 April 2018 the Syrian Government had sarin-attacked residents in its town of Douma and had killed a large number of non-combatants. Seven days after that alleged incident, the U.S. and two of its allies, UK and France, massively missile-invaded Syria on April 14th, in alleged international ‘response’ to that alleged national war-crime on the part of Syria’s Government. It now turns out that that alleged national war-crime was totally staged by America’s own proxy-soldiers, Islamic terrorists who were trying to overthrow Syria’s Government, and so the attack against Syria on 14 April 2018 by U.S., UK and France, constitutes an international war-crime, an unequivocal violation of the U.N.’s Charter.

This excluded finding by the OPCW is proof that “the US Government’s Interpretation of the Technical Intelligence It Gathered Prior to and After the August 21 Attack CANNOT POSSIBLY BE CORRECT”. That’s the way an independent detailed study by the two top U.S. experts had concluded their study of the U.N.’s evidence concerning the U.S.-and-allied allegations that there had been a 21 August 2013 sarin-attack by the Syrian Government against its town of East Ghouta. Their finding then was virtually identical regarding that U.S.-alleged sarin-use by Syria’s Government — identical to this recent OPCW finding. And that finding regarding the earlier ‘incident’ likewise was suppressed, instead of reported by the ‘news’-media. The two investigators in that earlier report, which was issued on 14 January 2014, were MIT’s Ted Postol and Richard Lloyd.

The clearest summary-report about the newer suppressed finding was “signed by Ian Henderson (an investigative team leader for the OPCW” and is best summarized by Kit Knightly’s May 14th “Leaked Report: Douma ‘Chemical Attack’ Likely Staged” at (a terrific website of investigative journalism that exposes lies by mainstream ‘news’-media, such as Britain’s Guardian). As Knightly especially pointed out, that OPCW investigative team’s report to OPCW had concluded:

“In summary, observations at the scene of the two locations, together with subsequent analysis, suggest that there is a higher probability that both cylinders were manually placed at those two locations rather than being dropped.”

As we shall later show, that statement at the end of the OPCW team’s report, was a huge understatement: they had, in fact, proven that “both cylinders were manually placed at those two locations [by the anti-Government side, as a set-up to stage the event and blame it on the Government] rather than being dropped [by a plane, from the Government, as the U.S. alleged].”

So: that’s virtually a clone of the earlier Postol-Lloyd finding regarding the 13 August 2013 incident, except that, whereas the earlier incident was real and had been carried out by America’s Syrian proxy-forces (fanatic Islamists), this more recent ‘incident’ was (as now is clear not only from the latest revelation) entirely staged by the U.S.-and-allied side. It had not existed at all.

Obviously, if that finding is confirmed by an international tribunal not for internal war-crimes but for international war-crimes, then Donald Trump, Theresa May, and Emmanuel Macron, could be sentenced to prison, or worse, but is there any tribunal anywhere that could handle such cases? Almost certainly not. Leaders, such as those, stand above any law. And isn’t that the real problem here?

On 17 May 2019, Russia’s Tass news agency headlined “Militants preparing provocation with chemical weapons in Syria” and reported that, “Militants from Jebhat al-Nusra terrorist group (banned in Russia) are preparing a provocation to accuse Russian servicemen of using chemical weapons in Syria, the Russian Center for reconciliation of the conflicting sides said on Friday [May 17th].” Jabhat al-Nusra is Syria’s branch of Al Qaeda, and U.S. President Barack Obama’s efforts to overthrow the Syrian Government depended very heavily upon that organization to train the non-Kurdish proxy-forces that the U.S. regime and its press called ‘rebels’ instead of jihadists (which they actually were). The U.S. armed and protected al-Nusra.

Back on 13 February 2018, less than two months prior to the faked 7 April 2018 Douma chemical ‘attack’, Russia’s RT had headlined “Tip-off received on Al-Nusra, White Helmets plotting chemical weapons provocation in Syria – Moscow”, and reported that:

Russia’s Center for Reconciliation in Syria says it’s been warned that Jabhat Al-Nusra terrorists brought in chlorine containers to a local village, where they aimed to work with the White Helmets to stage “a provocation.” … According to the source, on the afternoon of February 12, rebels from the Jabhat Al-Nusra (Al-Nusra Front) terrorist organization brought three cars packed with more than 20 cylinders of chlorine along with personal protective equipment to Serakab. Additionally, according to the caller, representatives of the local branch of the White Helmets, wearing individual means of protection, conducted rehearsals of “giving first aid” to “local residents” who were supposedly suffering from poisoning.”

That appears to have been an accurate description of what the OPCW investigators found in Douma after the faked 7 April 2018 incident there. However U.S.-allied press didn’t report anything of the kind, neither before nor after that faked incident. The reality was suppressed instead of reported there. The latest suppressed finding by the OPCW is a repeat of that pattern.

Further indication of how clear the evidence actually is that the 7 April 2018 Douma incident was staged has been presented by the excruciatingly detailed May 12th document from the team of Paul McKeigue, David Miller, and Piers Robinson, headlined “Assessment by the engineering sub-team of the OPCW Fact-Finding Mission investigating the alleged chemical attack in Douma in April 2018”. It explains “that the cylinders were manually placed in position is ‘the only plausible explanation for observations at the scene’,” BECAUSE (and this is quoting now directly from paragraph 32 of the OPCW Engineer’s suppressed report of his team’s findings) “The dimensions, characteristics and appearance of the cylinders, and the surrounding scene of the incidents, were inconsistent with what would have been expected in the case of either cylinder being delivered from an aircraft. In each case the alternative hypothesis produced the only plausible explanation for observations at the scene.”

The full paragraph 32 opened by saying that “At this stage the FFM engineering sub-team cannot be certain that the cylinders at either location arrived there as a result of being dropped from an aircraft.” But when it went on to say “In each case the alternative hypothesis produced the only plausible explanation for observations at the scene,” that “alternative hypothesis” referred to the alternative to the cylinder’s “being dropped from a plane.” That “alternative hypothesis” refers to people on the ground having placed it there. That “alternative hypothesis” referred to the event’s having been staged by people on the ground. That “alternative hypothesis” referred to the U.S. side’s proxy-forces — America’s ‘Syrian rebels’) having staged this event and filmed its alleged aftermath so that the U.S.-UK-led White Helmets could then feed it to the U.S.-and-allied ’news’-media so as to enrage their publics against Syria’s Government enough for those publics to think that the subsequent U.S.-and-allied bombing of Syria, On 14 April 2018, was a ‘humanitarian’ action.

The OPCW’s Engineering team stated there, very clearly, that the U.S.-and-allied allegations that those cylinders had been dropped from a plane or planes “CANNOT POSSIBLY BE CORRECT,” as Postol and Lloyd had previously said about the U.S.-and-allied alleged Syrian Government 21 August 2013 sarin gas attack against East Ghouta. This is a tactful way of saying that the U.S. and its allied regimes had lied about it.

Britain’s Daily Mail headlined on May 16th “Strange News from the OPCW”, and Peter Hitchens, at his blog there, reported that “I have received the following reply from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.” It said that, “the OPCW Technical Secretariat is conducting an internal investigation about the unauthorised release of the document in question.” This had been an “unauthorized release”; no question was being raised as to the document’s authenticity.

Who will get the rope to hang Trump, May, and Macron? Of course, nobody. This is the type of world we are living in. Accountability and punishment are only downward, to the individuals below (and many of them are railroaded); credit and rewards are only upward, to the masters above; and so there is no ultimate downside for the people at the very top to perpetrate any crime. There really is no legal jeopardy for people in the positions of Trump, May, and Macron. Such people administer whatever laws actually apply to themselves. There is no accountability for such people, in our world. They are above the reach of any law. And their press say that they are a free press, and that their nation is a democracy. Has the term “democracy” now lost all significant meaning? Or is everything that’s important now, just propaganda, just lies? Is that what we should expect? How can democracy even function under such conditions? It obviously can’t.

The lengthy presentation and analysis of this Engineering report, that the group to which the document had been leaked issued, closed by saying “We thank the OPCW staff members who have communicated with us at considerable personal risk.” All of the decent people there must be terrified, much like a woman who has just been raped is. But this is on a much bigger scale.

This article is part of an ongoing series of dispatches by historian Eric Zuesse ... 17c5da32a9
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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Fri May 24, 2019 3:39 pm


US-Backed SDF Kills Civilians Trying to Escape Hasaka Refugee Camp

TEHRAN (FNA)- The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are killing and injuring residents of al-Hawl Refugee Camp in Southeastern Hasaka as they were trying to flee the camp due to unfavorable humanitarian and hygienic conditions, media activists said.
The activists in Hasaka province said that the SDF has opened fire at a group of women and children who were attempting to abandon Hasaka's al-Hawl Refugee Camp.

They pointed to the death and injury of a number of civilians by SDF, and said that several residents of al-Hawl Camp have been incarcerated.

The sources noted that the SDF has imposed tight security measures in al-Hawl refugee camp and laid it under siege, and said the SDF's measures come among concerns that the situation is ripe for uprising by the refugees while large groups are seeking to escape from the camp.

They also pointed to the very critical conditions of al-Hawl Camp, acute shortage of foodstuff and drinking water, and said that a large number of al-Hawl residents need urgent treatment available outside the camp.

In a relevant development on Wednesday, the Arabic-language al-Watan newspaper reported that the angry residents of Hasaka torched the security centers of SDF across the city.

The newspaper noted that people's fury in Hasaka's Khashman district came after SDF killed a young man who had resisted forced recruitment of soldiers by the SDF.

Al-Watan pointed to the wide differences between Hasaka people and SDF militants in Khashman region, and said the SDF has dispatched reinforcement and military equipment to the region.

Meantime, battlefield sources in Hasaka reported that Asayesh and Military Police militants affiliated to the SDF launched massive attacks on the towns of Nas Tal, Daraja, Un al-Rous and other towns in Tal Barak region, and said that the Kurdish militants have arrested tens of civilians, including teachers, for forced recruitment.
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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Tue May 28, 2019 4:59 pm

Latest attempt to prosecute President Assad at the ICC is further criminalisation of “international justice”

Toby Cadman. Co-founder of Guernica Chambers 37, one of legal entities bringing latest case against President Assad at the International Criminal Court. (Photo: The ICC and our politics)

Vanessa Beeley
21st Century Wire

In March 2019 two law firms filed cases at the ICC against Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad and unnamed members of the Syrian government. Toby Cadman of Guernica Chambers and Rodney Dixon of Temple Garden Chambers were the protagonists in this latest attempt to criminalise the Syrian President and government.

These law firms are basing their case upon the testimony of 28 “refugees” from Syria who claim they were “forced” to flee to Jordan during the war that has been waged against Syria by a collective of interventionist mafia states that form the U.S coalition, determined to achieve regime change in Syria.

Syria is not a signatory to the ICC in the Hague but precedent was set by the ICC when a preliminary investigation was opened into military leaders of Myanmar for alleged crimes against humanity involving deportation of Rohingya people. Refugees fled to Bangladesh which is party to the Rome statute that established the ICC, as is Jordan where more than 1 million Syrian refugees now reside. Guernica Chambers and Rodney Dixon are clearly hoping that the Rohingya precedent will open up the legal avenue for their case.

Both legal firms are claiming the intended deportation of Syrian civillians by the Syrian government as part of their cases.

However, even some members of the legal profession, have already remarked upon possible holes in the case being presented by both legal entities. Kevin John Heller is Associate Professor of Public International Law at Amsterdam University. According to Heller, there is a vital element of the Syrian situation that distinguishes it from the Myanmar situation. Heller argues that in Myanmar, it is evident that the government “intended to drive the Rohingya into Bangladesh” while in Syria it is not evident that the Syrian government intended (in the legal sense) that their civilians end up in other countries. Heller points out that without sufficient evidence, the Syrian government may only be accused of “forcible transfer” but not “deportation”. “Forcible transfer” falls outside the ICC’s jurisdiction because it takes place uniquely on Syrian territory.

“In other words: for the Court to investigate the forcible displacement of Syrian civilians proprio motu, it is deportation or bust.” ~ Kevin John Heller

This is not the first time that Guernica Chambers (GC) have attempted such a legal attack against the Syrian government. In March 2017, the Madrid offices of GC tried to bring a case against eight members of the Syrian security and intelligence services. The case was based upon the testimony of a Syrian national’s sister who had Spanish citizenship. Spain is party to the Rome Statute of the ICC. The woman allegedly identified the body of her brother among the photos that were “smuggled out of Syria” and formed part of the Caesar Report which I will discuss later in this article.

Who is really behind the legal war being waged against Syria?

I asked Peter Ford, former UK Ambassador to Syria and outspoken critic of the UK government’s role in the eight year regime change campaign in Syria, to comment on the timing of this legal initiative. Ford told me:

Nothing could be more likely to bring the ICC into disrepute than this attempted action by actors transparently serving the political agenda of the British and Qatari governments. Having failed in attempted regime change via miltant proxies Syria’s enemies are now embarked on an enterprise to secure the same result by waging economic war which must be justified by constant demonizing of Assad. That is the game being played here.
Ford went on to tell me that:
“if the ICC goes along with it, that will provide more justification for those who accuse the ICC of being a tool of the rich and powerful, and an incentive to Assad to halt any move towards elections in Syria which might see him removed from power. This is just a cheap trick designed to make political capital out of the remaining credibility of the ICC, such as it is.”
Ford pinpointed the drivers behind these legal cases and the UK Government and intelligence services must be considered as primary players. The UK/US-led intervention alliance have seen their terrorist-proxy-military-campaign fail dismally after hitting the brick wall of the axis of resistance -Syria, Hezbollah, Iran and Russia with China offering diplomatic and technological support.

What will follow is perhaps an even more destructive economic warfare campaign that will capitalise upon the post war dissonance in Syria to pressurise the Syrian state and to further foment discontent among civilians now struggling to cope with life in a Syria that has been severely impacted by 8 years of terrorist occupation and destruction of infrastructure.

Academic and acclaimed author (A History of Political Trials), John Laughland, independently concurred with Ford’s conclusions. I asked Laughland why would this case receive prominence now, just as the Syrian/Russian/Iranian/Hezbollah arc of resistance is heading towards military success in Syria? He replied:
“I believe that the reason why this attempt is being made to circumvent the fact that the International Criminal Court has no jurisdiction over Syria, is to remove Assad from power and to de-legitimise him as part of the future of Syria. This has been the goal of the jihadists from the very beginning.”

Historian and analyst, Dr Marcus Papadopoulos, further expanded upon the timing of the legal case:

Well, talk of war crimes cases being brought against President Assad, at the International Criminal Court, has been in the air for some years now. Indeed, I remember how such talk was emanating from Western capitals in 2012. However, there is no doubt that the today’s timing of lawyers, acting on behalf of Syrian refugees in Jordan, submitting lawsuits against the Syrian president at the ICC, is not coincidental. Because today, the Syrian people have all but won the war against Western-backed terrorism and so by submitting cases now to the ICC is a way of Western governments subtly informing President Assad that whilst the military war against him has been lost, the legal, media and communications war against him will continue.

Furthermore, I suspect that by initiating ICC proceedings against the Syrian leader – which will only increase in volume and go on indefinitely – may be a way of the Americans and the British maintaining their military presence in Syria, as well as their sanctions on the Arab country, on the pretext that the region has a leader in power who ‘waged war against his own people, destabilising not just his country but the wider region’ hence the presence of American and British forces in Syria is a means to limiting any future ‘carnage’ that the Syrian ‘strongman’ (a favoured word from the West’s lexicon to describe leaders whom it disapproves of) can inflict on both Syria and the region.” (Emphasis added)

International criminal lawyer, Christopher C. Black, pointed out the importance of the NATO and UK government links of the legal firms:

“The answer is revealed in the lawyers who are behind this scheme to try to drag the ICC into the picture. Rodney Dixon and Toby Cadman, and, it seems, from your information, Geoffrey Nice. All of them have links to the British governent and NATO through acting for them in various capacities.”

Links to UK Foreign Office, NATO and the CIA

Guernica Chambers – offices in London, Spain and Washington.

Toby Cadman. (Photo: Guernica 37 website)

Toby Cadman is the Co-founder and Head of Guernica 37 International Justice Chambers in London. According to the International Forum for Democracy and Human Rights (IFDHR), Cadman was hired by the UK Foreign Office in 2012 to “head a team to investigate crimes committed in the Syrian Arab Republic“.

I would challenge Cadman to demonstrate any serious investigation by Guernica into the ongoing crimes committed by the terrorist/extremist groups in Syria, armed and financed by the U.S Coalition. The fact that Cadman is a hired legal hand of one of the central players in the international campaign to reduce Syria to another Libya-style failed state, should immediately raise the alarm.

Doctors Under Fire – cluster of anti-Syria medical, legal and chemical “experts”

Cadman is also on the board of directors of Doctors Under Fire (formerly Medics Under Fire). Alongside him are Hamish De Bretton Gordon, Dr David Nott (Nott Foundation) and Dr Saleyha Ahsan.

Dr David Nott. (Photo: Nott Foundation website)

Nott has run UK Government-endorsed training courses for Syrian doctors in Gaziantep, Turkey – the hub of UK intelligence training for Syrian “opposition”, with a reputation for being the centre of ISIS organ and human trafficking operations. The flight from Istanbul to Gaziantep was known as the Jihad Express. The town itself was reported to be the area where new ISIS recruits from around the world would gather before being transported into Syria. The UK FCO-midwived and financed White Helmet propaganda construct also have their base in Gaziantep, established in 2013 by former MI6-turned-private-security expert, James Le Mesurier.

In 2013, Nott was largely responsible for the rumours that Syrian Arab Army snipers were targeting pregnant women in East Aleppo, which was freshly under control of the armed extremist gangs that included Al Qaeda in Syria, Nusra Front. The photo of a bullet lodged in an alleged foetal brain was published by most mainstream media outlets in the West without any expert second opinion regarding the credibility of such an image. Nott has operated on ISIS fighters during his forays (exclusively) into terrorist held territory of Syria.


Nott also amplified the discredited narrative surrounding Omran Daqneesh during the final moments before liberations of East Aleppo from terrorist rule. This story is now known to be another of the fraudulent campaigns to criminalise the Syrian government. This article by journalist, Steven Sahiounie, goes into depth about the bias and misprepresentation of reality by Nott during his time in the terrorist-held enclaves of Aleppo and Idlib. ... l-justice/

much more to this at link.Ms Beeley ain't never gonna get a gig at CNN with this sort of excellent work.
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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Wed May 29, 2019 3:35 pm

SYRIA: Consign “Barrel Bombs” to the Propaganda Graveyard

21st Century Wire

“Every time one of these barrels strikes, it is the seismological equivalent of a 7.6 magnitude earthquake, and it happens around 50 times a day. (In Syria)You can’t dial 911. You can’t dial the fire service. You can’t call the local police department. They don’t exist.” ~ James Le Mesurier, British ex-military trainer of the NATO-state, multi-million-dollar-funded White Helmets, based in Gaziantep, Turkey.

In an interview with CNN in May 2015, this is the claim made by British mercenary trainer of the White Helmets to Dr Sanjay Gupta. Again, in June 2015, Le Mesurier made a similar claim to an audience during a speech at The Performance Theatre, Lisbon entitled very grandly, “Act 1: Witnesses to history in the making”.

On the front page of the fraudulently named Syria Civil Defence aka the NATO state sponsored, White Helmets, there is the same claim made by the extensively discredited, Ammar Al Salmo, “leader” of the Syria Civil Defence in Aleppo:


Al Salmo’s “evidence” was pivotal to the US alliance claims that, on 21st September 2016, Russian jets had targeted a humanitarian convoy to the west of Aleppo – Urum al Kubra, causing international outcry and almost precipitating a terrifying escalation of the conflict between Russia and the US on Syrian soil. Claims that were universally debunked, as were so many before them. Syricide on Twitter produced a video that demonstrates the grave anomalies in the Al Salmo report, that was used to trigger international outrage against Russia and the Syrian government.
· Sep 23, 2016
Replying to @Syricide
I am an adult, if you think a Russian rocket created a neat hole and then hid itself among cardboard boxes, it way past your bedtime.

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My interpretation of #WhiteHelmets "manager" #AmmarAlSalmo's on-site report on the #UNConvoy attack in #UrumAlKubra

2:26 PM - Oct 20, 2016
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In November 2016, Raed Saleh, president of the White Helmets and “humanitarian” poster boy for the international community supporting the terrorist support group, gave an acceptance speech for the Right Livelihood Award. During this speech, Saleh reinforced the barrel bomb/earthquake imagery and increased the magnitude to a whopping 8:0


Here is the segment of the speech in which Saleh presents the barrel bomb case. Watch ~

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Just after the liberation of East Aleppo by the Syrian Arab Army and allies, BBC Radio 4 interviewed James Le Mesurier who trotted out the usual platitudes regarding his band of “selfless humanitarians”, described, universally as “Nusra Front civil defence” by Syrian civilians freed from almost five years of Nusra Front-led terrorist and extremist imprisonment, supported by the interventionist alliance of the US, UK, EU, Gulf States, Turkey, Israel, Canada, Jordan & Australia & Co.

This time the BBC, themselves, announce that one barrel bomb is equivalent to an earthquake of an 8:0 magnitude, so parroting the White Helmet and NATO-state-aligned NGO narrative without hesitation. Listen to the interview here.

We have compiled statements by James Le Mesurier into a short video. They include the bare-faced lie, presented to CNN, that in Syria there is no emergency number to call for rescue or fire services, an attempt by this UK regime intelligence operative & OBE recipient, to disappear the REAL Syria Civil Defence, established in 1953: Watch ~

YouTube Video Preview - see link
Do They Have Us Over a Barrel?

Just a casual check on scientific charts correlating Richter scale magnitude with corresponding amounts of explosives will show that anything above a 7.0 magnitude would require as much as 20 billion kilograms of TNT, or according to other charts as much as 10 megatons, something approaching the output of an atom bomb, greater than the one used against Hiroshima by the US.

21st Century Wire had previously debunked CNN claims, in October 2016, that a White Helmet centre in Damascus had been targeted by a barrel bomb:

A NOBEL LIE: CNN’s Claim That ‘White Helmets Center in Damascus’ Was Hit by a Barrel Bomb

In August 2015, Ken Roth, director of Saudi/Soros funded & CIA linked, Human Rights Watch, tweeted that “Assad’s barrel bombs” were equivalent to the US nuclear bomb that had destroyed Hiroshima.
Kenneth Roth

For the planners of the Hiroshima bomb (like Assad today) the point was to kill civilians.

9:00 PM - Aug 9, 2015
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YallaLaBarra’s blog addressed Ken Roth’s unhealthy obsession with barrel bombs:

“This was the first of a whopping 200 Syria tweets that he has posted about “barrel bombs”. These don’t include at least an equal number of other anti-government tweets that range from Assad’s “use of chemical weapons against his people” to fawning praise of militants in Syria. Between 12 November 2013 and December 2014, Ken Roth tweeted about “barrel bombs” (BB) a total of 65 times. This is no small number, but it pales in comparison to the 135 barrel bomb tweets he posted in 2015 – thus far. During the first 8 months of 2015, the frequency of barrel bomb tweets varied from month to month. For example, after having posted 27 BB tweets in February of 2015, he surprisingly controlled his urges and kept it at under 15 for each of the following 4 months (March -June). In July his obsession got the best of him and he graced us with 28 BB tweets.Things got worse in August with a staggering 40 BB tweets. One of the reasons the BB tweeting became so trigger happy in the last two months is because he is now frantically inserting “barrel bombs” into tweets that are unrelated to the topic.”

Now lets consider the earthquake magnitude claim, bearing in mind that, at various stages, members of the NATO-aligned White Helmets and associated NGOs, & corporate media outlets have stated that as many as 50 of these earthquakes are hitting Syria per day for possibly the last six years.

Here’s a look at the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, which struck January 12, 2010. The earthquake measured a “mere” (by White Helmet standards) 7.0 magnitude:


Much more to this at link. Told Vanessa she'd never get a CNN gig like this & she said, "Do I look as though I care?" Whadda gal, real journalism.
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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:22 pm


The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) deployed additional forces in the northern Hama countryside on June 8 and 9 in order to repel the ongoing attack by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies on the region.

Syrian sources said that reinforcements from the Russian-backed 5th Corps, the army’s 3rd and 7th Divisions had arrived in northern Hama. These forces were reportedly armed with heavy weapons, including tanks and armored vehicles.

The government-held part of northern Hama is currently under a fierce attack by HTS, Turkish-backed groups and al-Qaeda-affiliated factions. The terrorist coalition managed to capture the towns of Jibeen and Tell Meleh. However, the coalition failed to develop its advance further.

Syrian Army Deploys Additional Forces In Northern Hama Amid Continued Terrorists' Advance


In the last two days, the SAA repelled at least three ground attacks by HTS and its allies. Despite their heavy losses, the terrorists are still determined to go on with their attack.

The deployment of these reinforcements indicates that the army is planning to put an end to the terrorists’ hostilities, likely by launching a large counter-attack. ... ts-attack/
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