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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Mon Dec 23, 2019 1:01 pm

Zyuganov received awards and has been silent about the attacks on Lenin
The Medal of Stolypin says more than any words

December 18th Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov, gratefully accepted the new government award - medal named after Pyotr Stolypin , the well-known reactionary and organizer of mass repression in the Russian Empire. The leader of the “official communists” received the award from the hands of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev , whom he repeatedly cursed and demanded his resignation. Earlier, in November, Zyuganov received another order from the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin , whom he never criticizes. Even Putin's recent attacks on Vladimir LeninZyuganov ignores how it should be ... That's all you need to know about the Russian political performance, in which the Communist Party plays the humiliating role of the "leftist" lackeys of the government.


The award took place in the State Duma, where Medvedev came on the final day of the autumn session of parliament. He thanked the deputies for their work and presented them with awards. Interestingly, the LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky was awarded the Stolypin medal of the 1st degree, and Zyuganov - the same medal, but of the 2nd degree. In social networks, this procedure has already been called the "sophisticated humiliation" of the Communist Party. After all, this party has repeatedly come forward with the slogan “Medvedev’s government is resigning!” And did not support the reassignment of Medvedev to the post of prime minister. At press conferences and in speeches, Zyuganov emphasized the “anti-people course” for many years .government of Medvedev. However, all this did not prevent the Communist Party leader with gratitude from accepting the award from the “hated” official. And what a reward! A medal named after the ardent enemy of the revolutionaries, the hanger and strangler of the peasants. Gennady Andreyevich did not refuse a shameful award. On the contrary, he took all this for granted.

On November 21, Zyuganov also received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class, from Putin’s hands. Since the time of the so-called “Crimean Consensus”, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in its propaganda has been keeping deathly silence regarding the figure of the president; any criticism of it has become unacceptable to the "Communists." Recent attacks by Putin against the founder of the Soviet state, Lenin, have also been left unattended by the Communist Party; there is not a single publication on this issue on the party’s official website; silence is also stored on Zyuganov’s personal page and social networks.

Zyuganov: "forcing recover stolen!"

But in October, in an interview with the Russia 24 television channel, Zyuganov said : “For all of us, the fulfillment of the President’s installations is safe . ” In other words, the leader of the Communist Party directly recognized that his party is pro-presidential. And, therefore, it serves the class of the bourgeoisie.

Zyuganov’s well- deserved awards, along with many other facts, convincingly indicate that the “official communist” party has long played the role of a servant of the ruling regime for a good salary , and performs the most important function of obfuscating and fooling the working class. To trust the Russian parliamentary parties and follow them is like playing with the thimbles according to their rules. ... ranit-mol/

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Shameful. Yet one can be sure that such allegiance is hateful to the rank and file. Though it may be difficult it is still in the hands of the workers to change this. Past time for a change of management.
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:38 pm

There were times when people lived, not survived. Life in the USSR and now. Opinion Survey 2019
16 December
Regarding the crisis, the crisis was deep and we fell more than many countries, absolutely. This is because of the fact that we have a one-sided economy. She what! Yesterday it happened? Yes, for seventy years it has evolved.

Because everything that we produced was needed by no one but our galoshes, no one bought, except Africans, who should walk on the hot sand (these are the words of Vladimir Vladimirovich at the beginning of his journey to the bowels of the state).
Hello dear friends. It is very strange to hear this from the mouth of the president, about the country where everyone used to produce it. From combs to vacuum cleaners, from airplanes to orbital space stations, and reliable Soviet refrigerators, until now, decades later, I have been reliably working for many in the kitchen.

Today in our survey we learn a comparison with the current time of those who remember, lived and worked under the USSR. The city of Nelidovo, and the usual Russian. The man without hesitation answered the question of where was the best to live:

A poll in the courtyard of the sleeping area.

- Better, better, without a doubt, more stable, well then in ARTEK it was possible to fly to the sea by plane, it was possible to travel everywhere, and there was money left. And all the geese, hens, well, there was always food. Well, it was better because the work was and the confidence in the future was. That is all.

Did people starve? Well, there wasn’t enough sausage there.

- Yes, where does the sausage, the main thing is that people were kinder, calmer, more fun. Before, I’ll go to a neighbor and ask a cucumber or tomato, she, yes, take as much as you need. And now, figs, she’ll soon sell it on the market. And I also remember learning if I was in school, and when I finish eight classes, and I know that I go with threes, I don’t go anywhere to go or go to go to school.

“But I'm not saying that I personally, but like my classmates.” They are there boys and even girls, they just go to school. Now, even if you study in three classes, you drag to eleven classes, for some reason they enter institutions for paid tuition. These are the specialists.

How is this possible?

- Yes, because the parents will pay for everything, and the tutors are different there, but that’s why such specialists are needed.

Thank you for your opinion, goodbye.

Move on:

Hello, please tell me, in Soviet times and now, is there any difference?

They just talked on the street, and found out the opinion of not indifferent.

- Well, of course there are, people were kinder.

But there was no sausage?

- Come on, there was no sausage, there was a sausage. Not always of course, but nonetheless. I will say more simply, then the pension was one hundred and twenty, and for the apartment it’s dime, and now the pension is eleven, and for the apartment eight. There is a difference.

But what about work as before?

- Ooooh, yes to work, everywhere they were required. Well, in the mine who wanted to work, they earned money well. Who did not want to work, he lived for ninety rubles, and then they managed.

But apartments were given out for free, is that true?

- Yes, yes they did, they gave an apartment from the mine.

Well, how is it, then the state could afford it, but now it can’t, why?

- Well, a difficult question, this is politics.

Thanks for your reply.

Then a very interesting grandfather met:

Another sleeping area, where I managed to chat with an interesting person.

Hello, but please tell me, it was better to live in the USSR than now:

- Well, they found something to ask, which is better, much better, and there was money and everything was there.

Do you remember how our city was built?

- The city I do not remember how it was built, I came here in the eighty-fourth year.

And you had a problem with housing.

- Yes, there were no problems with housing, no.

Did you get the apartment right away?

- Well, not right away, but two years later I got an apartment.

Tell me, but in Soviet times, there was no sausage, how did people survive, there was bread, but there was no sausage?

- Yes, it was, it was, they stood in line, only then the sausage was excellent not just now, which I don’t want to eat, but it has been lying in the refrigerator for more than a month and not spoiling what kind of sausage it is.

But you often buy sausage now?

- Well, what are you, I’d better take the meat, although it’s probably still natural.

What is your happiness?

- My thing is that we live without war, but this is not a fact. But greater happiness is my children and grandchildren. What else is needed then.

Do you see the future of your children and grandchildren at this time?

- Well, you certainly don’t see.

Why so? After all, there is no war.

- There is no war, thank God, but what is, what is, nothing. There is no work, there is no salary, the state seems to be there, but it is not for us, but for these elites, in power, who can’t do anything and have sold the country for nothing and it’s not enough for them. They build their own palaces and are treated there over the hill, but at the same time they advertise our vile medicine.

- That's when these bourgeois will be punished, all without exception, and then there will be hope that we old people who once raised our great power will see our great, once state again. Then it’s not ashamed to die. In the meantime, grandchildren need help, so we pull ourselves as best we can.

Here is a survey passed, what do you say? I'd love to know your opinion in the comments. Subscribe to the channel, and do not forget to put a class, for me it is very important.

Always in touch ordinary Russian, Maxim. ... 00af486042

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:46 pm

If Russia tries to violate our sovereignty, there will be a war - Lukashenko


MINSK , December 24, 2019 , 16:07 - REGNUM “Today we are an outpost of Russia ,” Alexander Lukashenko said in an interview with Ekho Moskvy radio station.

"Losing Belarus - this is worse than losing a piece somewhere in Russia» , - said the head of the former Soviet republic.

He commented on the thesis of Russophobes in Belarus about the alleged threat posed by Russia, noting that theoretically Russian sovereignty could also be threatened. Lukashenko believes that now Russia is not interested in the annexation of Belarus.

Russian government seeks to link roadmaps to future “united state” , Lukashenko said - with a single parliament and other political superstructures. However, according to him, we are talking about the Union State, and not about the inclusion of Belarus in Russia.

Now, Lukashenko noted, Moscow and Minsk remain at odds on issues of economic integration and there is a risk of Belarus leaving Russia. He pointed out Moscow’s reluctance to subsidize official Minsk for oil and gas prices: “Every time, every year you begin to press us, tightening the nuts, raising prices . ”

Lukashenko said he does not feel that Russia wants to include Belarus in its membership. If Russia “tries to violate our sovereignty” , then Russia will be drawn into the war, because Western countries will consider such a development a threat to themselves. At the same time, the West has the opportunity to "tilt Belarus," said Lukashenko.

“Does Russia need another headache?” Not. Russia will act carefully and cautiously, and the threat will appear then, a dangerous threat, when it will be very bad for us with the economy, when it will be impossible for people to bear it , ” Lukashenko said .

He said: "While I am in power, this is the only threat . "

“If someone suddenly wants to fight with Russia, we will not step aside ,” Lukashenko added.

Любое использование материалов допускается только при наличии гиперссылки на ИА REGNUM.
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Fri Dec 27, 2019 4:51 pm

The consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union! (For its yearly anniversary - 26th of December 1991)
The consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union!

26th of December is the anniversary of the collapse of the USSR.

Russia/Russian Soviet Socialist Republic

30,000 Medium to large scale factories in 1990 (before the collapse). That number is reduced down to 5000.

GDP of 1996 was 63.1% of the 1991 GDP keep in mind that the economy of the USSR in 1991 was worse off than before the Perestroika period, thus the GDP of 1996 would be even smaller compared to the pre-collapse era GDP of the USSR.

Number of hospitals has halved from 10700 to 5400.

Similarly, the number of schools has dropped from almost 70,000 to 42,600.

In just 17 years, from 2000-2017 26700,000,000,000 rubles have been illegally stolen from the people outside of Russia.

At least Russia is number one at some things like first at the number of Millionaires.

In terms of billionaires they are in 4th place.

22,000,000 Russians are in poverty

86% of Russians struggle to buy the most basic things

23,000 towns, villages and cities have been abandoned in the last 20 years

Because of Capitalism and the massive hit we took after the collapse of the USSR including the horrible living conditions and poverty that broke out the Russian population lost 30 Million in terms of demographics(More than in ww2)

Kazakhstan(Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic)

only from 1981-1986 - 400 enterprises/factories were built, in 1983 we had more than 9 million cattle, 36 million sheep and supplied meat to almost all Soviet Republics.

engineering and metalworking enterprises/factories fell from 2000 to 100

machine building in the total industrial production fell from 16% to 3% (mostly oil and gas now)

light industry - 15% fell to 0.6%, from 1990-2006 (all products are imported)

refined 18 million tons of oil, this number fell to 13.7 million tons (+ imported from Russia)

meat exports 184.5 thousand tons fell to 0.3 thousand tons(we import meat now)

compound feed production 4 million tons fell to 400 thousand tons

2006 → 2009, 540 rural settlements liquidated/abandoned

education expenditure 8% fell to 3% = shortage of qualified personnel + it's not always free.

Free medical care will soon be abolished too

GDP of 1996 was only 69.3% of the 1991 Soviet GDP, keep in mind that the economy of the USSR in 1991 was worse off than before the Perestroika period, thus the GDP of 1996 would be even smaller compared to the pre-collapse era GDP of the USSR.

Ukraine/Ukrainian SSR.

Ukraine seemed like it would become the next European power. It had 3 military districts left over from the USSR with the best weaponry in the world including 700,000 troops as well as a nuclear arsenal of 3000 that made it the 3rd strongest country in the whole world after the US and Russia. By the time of the war in the Donbass the number of military personnel dropped down to 168,000 while selling huge quantities of Soviet weaponry.

Scientists within the country reduced from 313 079(1990) down to 94,274 in (2017).

Doctors within the country reduced from 227 thousand (1991) down to 187 thousand in (2016).

nursing staff halved since the collapse of the USSR

Electricity generation, billion kWh per year fell from 238 (1980) down to 167 (2000)

Stone mining(Coal thousand tons per year) 197 100 (1980) down to 81 100 (2000)

Steel production (thousand tons per year) around 48 000 (1980) down to 31 767 (2000)

Production of tractors (thousand pieces) around 130, 000 (1980) down to 4000 (2000)

Production of mineral fertilizers (thousand tons per year) around 4 850 (1991) down to 1 554 (2000)

Grain Harvest (million tons per year) dropped from 51 (1990) down to 25,7 (2000)

Around 250 planes a year were being built, that number dropped to 1-2 a year after Capitalism.

The Ukranian GDP of 1996 was only 47.2% of the 1991 Ukranian SSR GDP, keep in mind that the economy of the USSR in 1991 was worse off than before the Perestroika period, thus the GDP of 1996 would be even smaller compared to the pre-collapse era GDP of the USSR.

The destruction of democracy

The 1991 referendum of keeping the USSR in one way or the other gained a 78% positive vote. However, this was thrown out of the window and the USSR was torn apart nonetheless.

In 1993 when the Parliament ie (Supreme Soveit) tried to remove Yeltsin, he ordered tanks to drive into Moscow and shoot the Parliament building. Crowds of Soviet Citizens tried to stop the attack, but were unsuccessful. Over 100 of comrades died that day. (live footage from the day). This allowed Yeltsin to change the constitution and increase his own power while selling Russia off to Western capital.

Consequences for the Soviet people

We lost our democracy.

We lost our right to free education, which used to be the best in the world.

We lost our right to free healthcare, which used to be the best in the world.

We lost our right to not be homeless.

We lost our right to not be jobeless.

According to the UN Human Development Index—which measures levels of life expectancy. Commenting on the situation in the former Soviet Union after capitalist restoration, Fabre stated, “We have catastrophic falls in several countries, which often are republics of the former Soviet Union, where poverty is actually increasing. In fact poverty has tripled in the whole region”.

To sum it up for the Soviet people - “98 Russian billionaires hold more wealth than Russians combined savings” or 200 Russian oligarchs have 485 billion USD most of which come from post Soviet factories that used to be owned by the workers but were sold off at extremely low prices.

Effects on the rest of the world

The USSR had connections with China, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Eastern Germany, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Birma, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, North Korea, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Algeria, Mali, Ghana, Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen, Somalia, Congo, Angola, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar. As the USSR was collapsing/collapsed Socialism and Socialist organisations in all of these countries would fall apart too leaving them at the grasp of the capitalists.

Cuba had huge economic problems as it was dependant on the USSR.

DPRK had a huge famine in the 90’s due to the collapse of the USSR.

Many Socialist nations around the world reverted back to the first stage of Socialism.

Civil wars within the USSR

Many love to say that “the USSR’s collapse was bloodless”.

This is a list of all the civil wars between Soviet countries and peoples:

Tajikistan Civil War - 50,000 dead

2010 South Kyrgyzstan ethnic riots - 2000 dead

Tajikistan Insurgency - 200 dead

East Prigorodny Conflict - 550 dead

First Chechen War - around 60,000 dead

War of Dagestan - 300 dead

Second Chechen War - around 80,000 dead

War in Ingushetia - 900 dead

insurgency in the North Caucasus - 4200 dead

Nagorno-Karabakh War - 33,000 dead

1991–1992 South Ossetian War - 1000 dead

Georgian Civil War - 20,000 deaths

Russo-Georgian War - 500 dead

Transnistria War - 1500 dead

Euromaidan - 200 dead

Russo-Ukrainian War - 15,000 dead

Overall - roughly 270,000 Soviet citizens have died from direct causes of the war.

Millions and millions have been displaced and have been thrown into poverty.


The Soviet Union was once the leader in all aspects of life, guaranteeing a tomorrow for all of its citizens where they would not fear losing a job, being homeless, being hungry, unabling to afford medical care. The Soviet Union produced its own planes, cars, hydroelectric dams, nuclear power stations, rockets while the workers used to own the means of production. In 1991, they took away our freedom while selling off all that my people have worked for, the consequences of which will be felt around the world until Capitalism finally falls.

Comrade Odarin Vladimirov.

Sources: ... rta_myasa/ ... ngs-a64720 ... v-v-topku/ ... he_soviet/

And this does not even account for the millions murdered by US capitalism & it's proxies since that event let the capitalists off the leash imposed by the existence of the USSR. Can there be any doubt the the demise of the Soviet Union was the worst thing to befall humanity in our lifetimes?
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Sat Dec 28, 2019 12:02 pm

Re: Zyuganov received awards and has been silent about the attacks on Lenin

yesterday at 1:35 pm
Our reader, Nadezhda, under an article about the shameful behavior of Zyuganov’s people who didn’t react at all to rewarding their leader with a medal in honor of the executioner of the revolution, Stolypin, left the following comment:
“A medal is something else. Do you really not know that not so long ago the entire Communist Party faction ( except Parfyonov) the death of the “last emperor” rose amicably and honored with a minute of silence. Volodin called on Duma to honor the last emperor and all the civilian victims. The whole hall, including the Communist Party, got up. Next, the Internet began to resonate, and then Smolin p Sal some pathetic excuses. But the most interesting in that respect if the bloody "communists" of the Communist Party, none of the other left-wing movements are not condemned. Some socialist party called it a shame and all. Even ROTFRONT was silent. "
-------------------------------------------------- ---
Comrade Hope is right. The general standing of the Communist Party faction as a sign of grief for Nikolai Krovavy is generally beyond the bounds and shows the limit of the moral decline of this party. Why no one wrote about this - probably because such disgraces on the part of the Communist Party occur constantly and have already become routine. We will say from our group that our comrades at the rally of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation raised this issue and directly accused the Communist Party of betraying the revolution. The comrades said that the Bolsheviks, even under pain of death, did not renounce their ideas, and the deputies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, without any danger to life, renounced the revolution. For this, Zyuganovites poured insults into our comrades, took away a microphone, and even threatened with physical harm. However, the recording of the performance hit the Internet, and Vera Ganzia herself gave explanations about this speech and tried to cover up the obvious shame of her party. Unfortunately, we could not find the record.

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Sun Dec 29, 2019 11:48 am

Russian Worker
yesterday at 2:26 pm
At the hospital, "Rosatom" in the Chelyabinsk region have left all surgeons


Medical Unit - the only hospital in the entire city Trehgornyi closed with a 35-thousand population. The hospital is not fully equipped, for example, for 2 years there is no ENT doctor in it. It's all about low salaries, which lead to an outflow of doctors and, as a result, to an increasing burden on the remaining. Stanislav Redkin, surgeon: “We approached the boss to talk about maybe somehow we should compensate for this whole thing. He said that we are not doing anything and that we get too much and demand too much. ... I, as the head of the department, have a salary of 7800 rubles. This is a salary for which all the other accruals occur. For comparison, the doctor has a salary of 22 thousand in the Chelyabinsk Region ... "

The state and the largest monopolies, such as Rosatom, are not interested in providing their workers with medicine. They are only interested in the profit that workers create for the capitalist state with their labor. And medicine, like all other social security, does not create profit, but only reduces it. Therefore, while maintaining the capitalist system in our country, the situation will not only not improve, but will also degrade steadily ...


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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:11 pm

Question to Uncle President

We explain in a working way

December 15th was the 15th press conference of Putin. One way or another, all the media highlighted this rather boring, according to the general opinion of the opposition, event. We asked Viktor Tulkin, head of ROT FRONT, to comment on this.

Corr .: Viktor Arkadievich, what would you note important in the content of the press conference? What question would you personally ask?

Today, when we have already seen the press conference and know about its propaganda anti-Soviet character, then I would have to Putin’s next statement that Lenin is not a statesman , and that he is guilty of the destruction of the Soviet Union , would have puzzled him with a boy from the movie the story of Vera Panova "Seryozha". Remember: “ Uncle Petya, are you a fool? "


In our case, Uncle Vova seems to be not quite a fool, so he is clearly cunning.

What for? Why does he say that Stalin was against the Leninist plan?

And then, to hide the essence of the problem. Lenin and Stalin had a single position in the main - they built a state of workers, where power has the essence of the dictatorship of the proletariat. This single foundation ensured the unity of the state, and the right of free exit only strengthened it, since it removed the distrust of small nations towards the center. As in a marriage between people, the right of free exit only strengthens sincerity relations, removes elements of repression and violence.

And when the party was reborn and power passed to parasites and exploiters, billionaires and oligarchs, such as Putin’s friends and classmates, they divided the places on the market and ruined the union. Sobchak and his then assistant, Putin, played a significant role in this. By the way, even before the destruction of the USSR, they hated Lenin and fraudulently renamed Leningrad to St. Petersburg, exactly as was indicated on the maps of Nazi fascists.

Thus, in Putin this hatred of Lenin is purely class in nature. The hatred of the exploiting class, the class of lords, to the working people and their leaders.

The conversation was recorded by Gennady Alyokhin

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Thu Jan 02, 2020 1:52 pm

Employees of the St. Petersburg network SPAR instead of salaries received a meeting with riot police
Everyone's New Year's gifts are different

More than 200 dismissed employees of SPAR and SemeYa stores spent the entire Monday, December 30, at the office of TD Intertorg (a company managing retail chains) in anticipation of the payment of the promised salaries. The last time money was received by store employees in October 2019. The total debt exceeds 10 million rubles.


As told the participants of the events correspondents "Fontanka" in the office "Intertorg" in Kupchinskaya TC "Danube" they were sent to managers of companies-employers: almost all employees of the shops were arranged to work through outsourcing agencies and by the trading house of the employment relationship is not made out. The interlocutors of Fontanka said that the Alternative company , located on ul. Radishchev. But as a result, such a company was not found at the specified address.

In the Danube itself, people also failed to get either an answer, or, moreover, money. When an impressive crowd of deceived employees gathered at the Intertorg office , the managers of the employing companies simply stopped communicating, and the administration of the shopping center called the police and riot police to the scene.

At the same time, the debts of Intertorg Trading House are not limited to ordinary store employees. The oldest and largest of St. Petersburg food retailers this year has faced a shaft of lawsuits from suppliers, the debt to which, according to the arbitration file, is currently more than 5 billion rubles.

The current situation in the company is far from a rosy situation, however, did not prevent its CEO M. Abdullayev from planning a New Year's vacation in Dubai. Recall that on the night of December 31, he was discovered at Pulkovo Airport and taken to the police station to clarify the circumstances and resolve the labor conflict.

In this example, in our opinion, the insecurity of the working people of the country, forced to depend on the goodwill of the “gentleman” who hired them, and the consumer attitude of the ruling class towards the common people, are clearly visible. These are all components of the exploitation of a powerless, in fact, majority majority by the minority on which the capitalist system is built. Exploitation with the goal of generating profit and increasing prosperity of units.

To prevent such incidents, it is necessary to develop the consciousness of the working people of the country, their desire to fight for their rights, and not wait for mercy from the "master". The result of this struggle should be a radical reorganization of society, a transition from a cannibalistic capitalist system to socialism, where there will be no such injustice. ... par-vmest/

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Thu Jan 02, 2020 2:04 pm

Sergey Obukhov: “The social-class structure of modern Russian society and the possible base for supporting left-wing forces: the working class, middle classes, precariat?”

Based on materials from publications on the Central website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation .

The scientific-practical conference “Russia-2024: either a left turn or a national catastrophe?” Completed its work in Moscow. Within the form of left-wing intellectuals, the section “Modern Society: Class Struggle and Left-Patriotic Forces” worked. The section was moderated by S.P. Obukhov, Doctor of Political Sciences, Deputy. Director of the Center for Political Culture Studies of Russia.
Over the past decades, the social structure of our society has been constantly changing. The working class was under attack. The number of industrial workers has almost halved compared to the late 1980s due to large-scale deindustrialization. The rest of the wage earners were hurt by the neoliberal policy, which led to the growth of temporary and precarious employment, to the weakening of trade unions and class consciousness.

Millions of people were forced to become self-employed or small entrepreneurs. What in these conditions can be the social base of the left-patriotic forces? How can the working class be organized and politically represented? Are wider social coalitions possible and what social forces can participate in them? “Red directors”, “national bourgeoisie”, urban middle class, intelligentsia - how and under what conditions should left-patriotic forces work with these strata?

Here is a list of problems that the organizing committee posed to the section participants. And during the discussion, the participants in the discussion tried to come closer to a greater understanding of these problems, and hence to the prospect of their theoretical solution.

Doctor of Political Sciences, member of the Presidium, Secretary of the Communist Party Central Committee Sergei Obukhov made an introductory report to the Forum section.

Vladimir Fedotkin , Doctor of Economics, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, member of the Central Committee of the Russian Lada, Boris Kagarlitsky , editor of the Rabkor website, Alexei Sakhnin , journalist, coordinator of the Left Front, Alexander Batov , secretary of the Central Committee, spoke at the section. RKRP-CPSU and the Central Committee "Rot Front", Yuri Dashkov, chairman of the interregional trade union of public transport workers, Mikhail Matveev , doctor of historical sciences, deputy of the Samara provincial Duma.

S.P. Obukhov
The social-class structure of modern Russian society and the possible base for supporting left-wing forces: the working class, middle classes, precariat?

Russian society between "trauma" and depression.

How to describe a social structure: an attack on class theory ..

The theory of precariate: a new class or new forms of employment of traditional classes and strata?

"Postcapitalism" and Russia as a global periphery.

The social structure of Russian society: classes, strata, strata of units and their electoral behavior.

The big bourgeoisie.

The middle layers.

Proletarian, semi-proletarian “social melt”, working people, marginalized sections of the population.

The scale of precarization of the working class and intermediate layers.

Electoral behavior of various social groups.

See the video at the link:

We inherited from the classics of Marxism-Leninism a theoretical concept according to which the proletariat (working class), the bourgeoisie, and the peasantry became the main classes in the newly transformed capitalist society.

Real life increasingly requires the left to answer a question that has not only theoretical but also practical significance - so what is the social structure of modern societies, including Russian? What changes are occurring in it, in what direction and in what is this expressed?

Russian society between "trauma" and depression
Do not forget also that after the start of perestroika 35 years have passed already, and over Putin's twentieth birthday, those born in 2000 already had their own children. By the way, in 2024 there will be 40 percent of voters who first voted in 1999-2000, at the time Putin came to power, and only he was seen by the president. And modern post-Soviet Russian society during this time has witnessed both regression, and archaization, and turbulence. Or as the famous Soviet and Russian scientist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Jean Toshchenko describes it , we have a “trauma society” where processes of deformation, stagnation, unpredictability, unpredictability and uncertainty are developing in all spheres of public life and especially in the economy and social sphere. And the director of political analysis at the Institute for Social Marketing (INSOMAR) Viktor Poturemsky , resorting to psychological analogies in assessing the situation in Russian society, argues that the Russian society is characterized by the emotional features of a patient with clinical depression, which are especially pronounced when citizens communicate with the authorities. This, incidentally, is to the note of our propagandists and agitators.

Probably, “trauma”, “clinical depression” are good images, but not a definition for describing a new reality. We need not only terminological beauty, but also a real tool for determining who to work with, on which social strata and working class squads to rely on and how to work with them in conditions of deconcentration of production, conflicting processes both in the field of archaization of life and robotics and the dying of many traditional professions.

How to describe social structure: an attack on class theory
Yes, social processes are now going very fast. And now, our opponents declare the class concept unsuitable for describing reality.

On the one hand, the search for a “new revolutionary subject” is underway. On the other hand, under the guise of denying the continued exploitation of man by man in the "post-post-industrial" world, the technological discoveries of a new era, the improvement of information technologies and robotics are interpreted accordingly, representing them as a "breakthrough" and a "new industrial revolution" in society.

Supporters of socio-professional stratification according to Pitirim Sorokin , adherents of the “socio-cultural context, and admirers of all kinds of theories such as the “ managerial revolution ”M. Börngheme have taken up the class Marxist theory . The course and the Keynesian "class transformation" , and the description of the "new class" of patterns Djilas and "nomenclature" Voslenski ...

One of the last "squeaks" fashion and scientific explanation of the social and class changes - is the concept of the creative class , which is associated with the name of the American sociologist Richard Fl of Rida . In his opinion, the creative class is a collection of people employed in the scientific and technical field, architecture, education, art, music, the entertainment industry, as well as in business, finance, and law. In general, the more representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation, bohemians and immigrants on the one hand, the supposedly more creative personalities are supposedly providing progress and development. It is clear that this concept does not answer the question, but what other, non-creative classes? How do they exist.

Well, the most popular approach today is all sorts of theories of the "middle class". By the way, at one time Stalin even had a special work entitled “The October Revolution and the Question of the Middle Classes”. Note that this is about layers, not class. And the question of the middle strata was presented "as one of the main questions of the workers' revolution." And here, by the way, his understanding is deciphered: "The middle strata, that is, the peasantry, the small urban working people." It was them who needed to be turned towards the goals and objectives of the struggle of the advanced, although not numerous then, working class. By the way, according to Stalin, the October Revolution was the first of all the revolutions of the world, highlighted the question of the middle strata ... and triumphantly resolved it despite all the "theories" and lamentations of the heroes of the Second International.

Yes, the theory of the "middle class" has become very popular now among Russian social scientists. It is actively developing at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a team of academician Gorshkov. But a deep study suddenly reveals, even with the attractiveness of such an approach to the analysis of the social structure of society, that this community is too heterogeneous. Therefore, scientists talked about a "flattened middle class." And one of the active researchers in the social structure Natalya Tikhonova came to the conclusion that modern “Russian society has become a mass lower middle class society” along with the upper middle and middle layers, while at the same time emphasizing that an unstable social structure has developed in Russia with “ floating ”social status .

Note that about the “social melt” and “floating social status” we read in the works of G.A. Zyuganov since the 1990-2000s. It turns out that the academic institute, in spite of all its remarkable large-scale stratification studies, has not yet given new conceptual conclusions, and has not gone further than the generalizations long ago reflected in the documents of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation?

In this regard, a small remark about the existential crisis of the Russian government.

Compare the two quotes of the two heads of special services and subsequently the leaders of the country. I mean V.V. Putin and Yu.V. Andropov.

“Speaking frankly, we still have not adequately studied the society in which we live and work.” This is the sensational statement of Yu.V. Andropov of July 1983.

And a similar statement by V.V. Putin from November 2018. “One must understand what is happening there, in real life, not on pieces of paper, but in real life.”

It turns out that after 35 years, the country's top leadership faces the same problems of misunderstanding as the progenitor of the current Russian socio-economic and political system, Yuri Andropov.

By the way, Russian researchers again began to talk more often not about the middle class, but simply about the middle strata. Finally, did they read Stalin?

The theory of precariate: a new class or new forms of employment of traditional classes and strata?
Well, completing this brief review, I note another popular concept - the theory of precariate. As the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Jean Toshenko, notes, more and more researchers are paying attention to the fact that in the world, in most countries, a new type of social class structure has developed, for the description and analysis of which the old concepts do not work. Most clearly this changed reality and the need for its comprehension was formulated and carried out by G. Standing, who was one of the first not only to notice the specifics and characteristic features of the new layers, but also noted their constant increase, their distribution in almost all countries of the world, calling this phenomenon precariate . Yes , each of the researchers interprets the essential and substantial signs of the precariate in different ways, but everyone agrees that it is a new, objective, and more clearly manifested phenomenon that cannot be ignored.

Zh.T. Toshchenko even allowed himself a statement and devoted a whole monograph to prove that the presence of such a variety of new deformed social strata (communities, groups) does not indicate some development costs, but a steady tendency to form a new social class - the precariat.

Toshenko's criticism of the concept of Standing is valid, which has divided the social structure into four layers. Moreover, the grounds for distinguishing each layer are different: here is the form of employment, in one case, in the other - income and influence on politics, in the third - the inclusion of marginalized layers in the classes. According to Standing, at the top of the class pyramid there is an elite - an insignificant layer of "absurdly wealthy citizens who can impose their decisions on any government." Then follows the “salariate”, i.e. living on a salary (from the English salary - salary), which is characterized by stable employment and full time. This is followed by “professional technicians” with certain knowledge and experience, who can act as independent workers on the market, not burdening themselves with “standard labor relations”. The fourth group is the classic proletariat, the core of the old working class, which is experiencing the decline and loss of a sense of solidarity.

Zh.T. Toshchenko gives his own definition of precariate : precariate is an emerging class that, on the one hand, personifies the social strata with professional knowledge, qualifications, experience and striving to build rational relationships with society and the state, on the other hand , it is a rapidly growing a layer of workers in an unstable social situation with an indefinite, flexible (flexible) degree of employment, with unstable forms of distribution of surplus product and arbitrary pay. They are completely or partially deprived of access to social and legal guarantees and social protection facilities and, as a result, do not see the prospects of civil (public) and personal (private) life that satisfy them.

An interesting look from Jean Terentyevich. But here, I’m closer to the point of view of the creator of CIPCR S.I.Vasiltsova and researcher A.N. Vasiltsova that we should not talk about precariate as a new class or the process of new class formation, but about precariatism , as more and more widespread forms of employment in industry from -for modern decentralization and deconcentration. For example, at the time of Marx, the concentration of production was obvious, and now in the development of productive forces, the reverse process is often observed, the deconcentration of the physical presence of workers in one production.

In my opinion, it’s more correct to talk about precarization of the working class (very heterogeneous), the urban middle strata, the small and middle bourgeoisie, etc. Nowadays, everything from an employee of state corporations to a locksmith in a management organization, from an oligarch to a government official, does not have reliable protection against a sudden loss of status or places of work, sit on temporary contracts. And what, because of these universal temporary contracts, will we all attribute to the precariat?

But what about the various forms of “hired labor” that encompasses various professional groups. I'm not talking about renting football players. And what about seasonal mobile squads of machine operators transferred from one latifundist to another? Well, about all the growing marginalized segments of the population, which for some reason are included in the precariat, we have already said.

By the way, the same Zh.T. Toshchenko rightly describes various forms of employment in a modern decentralized economy. This is standard employment, non-standard non-enterprise, part-time, overtime, temporary - seasonal and fragmentary, casual, secondary, informal, self-employment, unemployment, freelance, borrowed labor ...

All these new forms of employment do not negate the key Marxist criteria for class formation . The “trap” of all kinds of stratification theories about a “post-industrial society” is that it considers society on the basis of the technical level of development of means of production and forms of employment, and not on the basis of production relations.

Attitude to property: owns or not the means of production, including the means of production of information? And if owns, then how much of this property? A freelancer can, on the basis of a software product purchased or developed by him, produce a specific information product. And it can use the intellectual (information, etc.) property of the employer. In one case, he acts as a wage worker, and in the other as a small owner. And whether he engages in work informally, overtime, seasonally or fragmentarily does not change his attitude to property. Another thing is important: whether he acts as a seller of his labor or sells his goods produced on his own equipment. And in its place in the public economic system, this freelancer may differ: whether he can appropriate the work of others or is he himself exploited. Rob or not rob the "neighbor"? This is a key issue in industrial relations.

Yes, taking into account the form and nature of employment is important to facilitate or complicate the work of the revolutionary party in introducing class consciousness into the ranks of the exploited . Yes, they are important for understanding which of the units of the “aggregate working class” (for all the criticism from the left flank of the broad interpretation of this Marx term), is more advanced or more backward. As well as analysis - which of the detachments, layers is the most exploited, or, conversely, benefited by the opportunities to join the ranks of the "labor aristocracy" fed by the exploiters.

"Postcapitalism" and Russia as a global periphery
Nowadays, discussions about "post-capitalism", new technological structures, and "digitalization" have become fashionable. It is clear that the issues of social structure must be considered in connection with these processes in society. Especially in the context of the ridicule of our opponents over the classical Marxist definitions - “grave digger”, “decay” and “the theory of imperialism as the last stage of capitalism”. Like, the classics were a little hasty with the death penalty for capitalism ...

Let me remind you that one of the key patterns in Marx’s Capital was deduced: in the process of capitalist accumulation, the rate of profit (and loan interest as the main form of profit) will inevitably decrease. And this will inevitably lead to the "death" of capitalism.

And now, a hundred years after the Leninist “Imperialism, as the highest stage of capitalism”, there was not just an inexorable decrease in the rate of profit - negative rates have been fixed in the banking sector for several years.

Already Jacob Rothschild, president and main shareholder of the investment fund RIT Capital Partners, warns that in the coming years the main goal of the business will not be capital gain, but its preservation. But Rothschild apparently had no time to re-read “Capital”, in which the classic formulates the law - the tendency of the rate of profit to decrease.

Today, the traditional expanded reproduction of capital has become virtually impossible after capitalism swept the whole world and the non-capitalist periphery, which served as a reservoir for dumping the surplus goods produced by the capitalist system, disappeared.

The equivalent market exchange completely and completely turned into a fiction at the time of the abolition of the gold standard, that is, from the moment that the issuer of fiat money (unsecured by a physical product or product) was able to produce cost equivalents of real goods at a cost close to zero.

At this stage, the capitalist system of a market more or less equivalent exchange of goods produced was actually replaced by a system of withdrawal and subsequent distribution. That is, a system that, by its nature, has much more in common with the Asian way of producing oriental despots than with "classical" capitalism. Money from a medium of exchange between fundamentally equal market entities turned into an instrument, on the one hand, of voluntarily-forfeited confiscation of a manufactured product, and, on the other hand, of its virtually non-market distribution on the basis of remuneration for loyalty and observance of new standards of behavior prescribed by the system.

By the way, in the system of oligarchic power, one of the main levers was the ability to punish and reward subjects at their own discretion due to the monopoly on the issuance of fiat money, redistributing property. That is, removing it economically from some and rewarding it with others uneconomically.

This transnational oligarchy found support in the face of parasitic lumpenism and part of the so-called European left. In fact, it is precisely the part of the Western “left” in the spectrum from the “old” social democrats to the “new left”, “Freudomarksists” and “greens” generated by the Frankfurt school that mediated the group (post-class) interests of the narrow transnational world financial oligarchy and mass parasitic lumpenism against the civic team of economically self-sufficient producers. By them are meant both neoligarchic entrepreneurs of the real sector of the economy, and hired workers of mental and physical labor.

A talented young researcher Sergei Stroyev has many valuable publications on these issues .

It is the declassified, lumpenized mass in an increasingly humanized, atomized society that becomes the backbone of a new global project of humanization, collapse in the "Dark Ages" and the formation of a global distribution system.

After the landmark statements not by anyone, but by one of the leading ideologists of capitalocratic, oligarchic globalization - Jacques Attali - about the need to build a global world distribution system and establish control over financial capital, it is already difficult to doubt that there is real free market exchange, and with it and real "classical" capitalism irrevocably a thing of the past.

So capitalism has become a planetary phenomenon. Therefore, total capital cannot increase already. The brutal time of the “black redistribution” of the remaining capital began. The first sanctioned victims have already been identified, next in turn are the owners of 13 trillion dollars of deposits in offshore companies, the "wrong" capitalists from Russia, the Arab world, etc.

I emphasize once again: the "self-growth" of capital is over. It began to "decrease". But the classics of Marxism did not even imagine that the loan interest could fall below zero. They may object: negative loan rates are only in the stronghold of capitalocracy - the countries of the "golden billion", and the countries of the periphery are not allowed to lower them ... But this is temporary, while there is an overflow of capital from the periphery to the center.

Yes, the resourcefulness of capitalism, capitalocracy - these owners of the printing press of "candy wrappers" - knows no bounds. Having destroyed the world socialist system, Capital proceeds to destroy itself. Let us recall the actual abolition of the “sacred right of private property” that occurred during the crises of recent years. It manifested itself both as an expropriation of deposits in Cyprus by “wrong” capitalists, and as a refusal of banks from secrecy of deposits under the threat of sanctions from the Ministry of Finance and the US State Department. Capitalocracy seeks to maintain power over humanity, now to guide the global distribution system it is building, where virtual money is not a medium of exchange, but the basis of the value of everything - material and spiritual.

For the sake of its survival, capitalocracy, having exhausted the global-territorial limits of expansion after the collapse of the world socialist system, is trying to make the market seem to be completely non-market areas, including spiritual production. It may be recalled that even in 1894, Engels in his comments on the third volume of Capital warned that after the final conquest of the world market it would be very difficult for capitalism to find a new basis for economic expansion. But Capital found directions for a new expansion, turning it into previously non-market spheres of the market ...

The basis of capitalocracy is the virtualization of finance, their decoupling from both the gold equivalent and real production. The virtual signs arbitrarily produced by the capitalocracy or the transnational international oligarchy are imposed as a universal equivalent of not only value, but value in general. These virtual characters are being transformed from an exchange service mechanism to an assignment and management mechanism. The functioning of capitalocracy as a system requires the destruction of non-market values, the privatization (relying on the unlimited private source of finance) of the functions of the state, and the destruction of the sovereignty of nation-states. In parallel, through the establishment of total financial control over the media, there is a monopolization of the information space and the formation of the “necessary public opinion”. We see how politics is being supplanted by political technology and political theories are transformed into utilitarian management tools, into brands, and political actors into firms that "trade" these political brands.

Privatization of state functions and “public opinion” by transnational monopolies and the oligarchy helps them establish control over the sphere of public education . The goal of imposing new education systems is not only the formation of a “qualified consumer”, as, for example, was indicated in the World Bank's educational reform program for Russia, but also the destruction of personality structures, the ability to think independently, build a picture of the world, and make independent decisions. There is a compulsion of the masses to an endless increase in consumption, the imposition of models of unnecessary, prestigious and even harmful to health, reproduction of human consumption.

The purpose of all these social transformations is not particularly hidden: the power over people should extend to their consciousness.

Yes, modern "owners of money" realize that the capitalist model of the economy and society that has existed for several centuries has become obsolete. And in a "planned manner" they are preparing humanity for a transition to another model, where they could remain masters, but not of money, but of the whole world as a combination of natural resources, material productive forces and all people, their consciousness. They are already openly talking about the advent of the “new slavery” or “new feudalism”.

For the sake of preserving the dying capitalist system, even in the conditions of "declining capital", the transition of capital reproduction to a zone of negative values, the dominance system of "money producers" prepares humanity for collapse in the "dark ages". The growing archaization of vast world spaces, the destruction of modernization regimes in the Near and Middle East, all kinds of “color revolutions”, attempts to “break off” the “golden billion” of unreliable countries in Southern Europe, pumping millions of refugees into Europe are visible manifestations of these trends in the political process.

Even the Russian visionary, the notorious archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin draws such pictures of the fate of humanized mankind if the current global project wins:

“In a hundred years, there will be no humanity. At least in the form in which we know him. Will the program be a “scan of consciousness”? Will a brain be washed by natural or artificial blood, changing clone bodies? Will a creature trained to use speech and / or not having a right to be a human be? Will a person be psychologically dependent on total control?

All these situations will deprive a person of the remnants of freedom, and so very conditional. They are also deprived of responsibility - because there will be creatures that are guaranteed dependent and guaranteed to be controlled ... "

Already from the lips of a religious leader we hear that the "success" of capitalism is the greatest lie of our time. The fact that the "invisible hand of the market" is a hand with a bloodied knife, hidden behind its back. The fact that under the slogans of “freedom” lies an attempt to build a world dictatorship unprecedented in history.

Generally speaking, there is a realization that all of the above characteristics are elements of a gigantic project to transform doomed capitalism. To oppose this coming overexploitation and humanization for the sake of transnational corporations, which have become global quasi-states, imposed by them “new slavery” or “new feudalism” for the majority and perpetuate the almost immortal “kings of the hill”, towering above the sea of ​​chaos, can only be if you understand what the plans of the current "owners of money" are.

Moreover, these plans of the collapse of a significant part of humanity in the “Dark Ages” in order to preserve the power of “owners of money, printing money machines”, capitalocracies are enveloped in information, for example, by cultivating interest in fiction literature on fantasy themes - all about feudal worlds with fantastic abilities of people and the same fantastic creatures. There is a rapid buildup of technologies to lead the majority into the world of virtual dreams ...

In the modern world there is no alternative: either the transition to socialism and communism, or falling into the global distribution system in the form of a new Middle Ages and even new slavery . These projects are indicated by modern events in the world. Socialism is the salvation from this terrible future, prepared for humanity by the owners of money in the conditions of the actual death of capitalism - the cessation of the self-growth of capital.

Why all the above extensive comments? Simply, we are obliged also to look at intermediate layers in modern society from this point of view. And even to the small and medium-sized national bourgeoisie, which under the conditions of the emerging global financial oligarchy of the universal distribution system goes “under the knife”. Those traditional bourgeois strata that do not have access to printing fiat money in the face of negative loan interest, collapsing the expanded reproduction of capital are doomed to be “cleansed” along with the middle strata. By the example of Russia, this, by the way, has already been done twice - with the Soviet middle strata at the beginning of the Gaidar reforms of 1991-1993. and middle layers and small and medium-sized businesses during the 1998 default period. Now the next step is the sanctioning “tearing apart” the assets of that part of the bourgeoisie that did not bow to global TNCs and financial corporations.

In this connection, the key question is: is it possible for the proletariat, the exploited, the communists to look for fellow travelers and allies in the above-mentioned strata in opposing the global capitalist democratic project of humanization of humanity?

But we must understand, based on the Marxist methodology, that, as Marx and Engels wrote, “from the middle classes: the small industrialist, the small merchant, the artisan and the peasant — all of them are struggling with the bourgeoisie in order to save their existence from death, as the middle classes. They, therefore, are not revolutionary, but conservative. " Yes, probably, we, the left, also need to look for fellow travelers, realizing that they are just fellow travelers .

By the way, the CPSU showed us a methodological example, which developed the theory of a non-capitalist development path for countries of the world periphery, and recruited allies for the anti-imperialist struggle even in the ranks of the weak national bourgeoisie suppressed by the West.

I want to draw attention to the work of the Franco-Egyptian economic historian, the representative of the world-system school of Wallerstein, Samir Amin . Unfortunately, he, like Wallerstein, recently passed away. But their legacy requires further reflection. In 2017, for example, Amir got a job on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Marx - “Bicentenary of Marx”. He, as a neo-Marxist and at the same time a world-system engineer, shows that Russia is an ordinary part of a globalized world, an ordinary semi-periphery (Second World). She lives approximately like all countries of her rank - like the same, for example, Mexico.

Amin reinterprets Marx. He believes that a strong left turn in our world will occur, as Lenin predicted, again at the weakest link in global capitalism. And the main candidates for such a turn are Russia and China. They, like a hundred years ago, are the most vulnerable. By the way, Amin believes that the left turn is now taking place simultaneously with the bourgeois revolution, i.e. with an attempt at half-periphery to enter the First World. By the way, in Russia this is exactly what happened in February 1917.

Yes, a strong left turn can occur without a bourgeois revolution, but such a left regime will not be stable - and the current Latin American example in Venezuela or Bolivia shows it well.

Amin gives the general, generic features of the semi-periphery. This is necessarily an export economy. Necessarily cheap labor within the country. The ban in the country of the radical right and radical left, as well as trade unions. High underemployment and self-employment. Marginalization of the lower classes. Small and undeveloped domestic market. Capital deficit. High polarization of society. The top layer lives by European standards. The media is an analogue of the clergy (to read sermons).

Amin also gives another name for such countries of the "outskirts" of global capitalism - subcontracting countries. Samir Amin also warns the internal advanced forces of the subcontracting countries that they do not rely on the help of the West. The West in such a semi-periphery can change only one mode to another, more convenient for itself. The West is interested in the existence of such a model of globalism - a global center and outskirts.

Actually, and without Amin’s warning, we see that democracy is not needed for the global West in the Russian semi-periphery. We see with our own eyes that it is again updating the key provisions of the famous Stalinist speech at the close of the 19th CPSU. “The bourgeoisie sells the rights and independence of the nation for dollars. The banner of national independence and national sovereignty is thrown overboard. There is no doubt that you, the representatives of the communist and democratic parties, will have to raise this banner and carry it forward if you want to be patriots of your country, if you want to become the leading force of the nation. There is no one else to raise him. ”

And also: “The banner of bourgeois-democratic freedoms has been thrown overboard. This banner will have to be raised by you, representatives of the communist and democratic parties, and carried forward if you want to gather the majority of the people around you. ”

Actually, here is the methodological instruction for the gathering of those intermediate and general democratic and nationally oriented strata around the advanced detachments of the working people in our era of globalization and dehumanization.

So, for the purposes of practical struggle, it is important for us to understand, from the point of view of methodology, which of the units of the aggregate working class, which social strata in today's society are the most advanced, in order to rely on them. Which of them is most interested not in maintaining the status quo or regress, but in transformations . What layers and units are really ready to withstand in the era of the death of classical capitalism the attempts of the capitalocracy to organize a new fascization, over exploitation and collapse of new savagery, the Middle Ages and the global distribution system for humanity. At the same time, I note once again that we must not lose temporary fellow travelers, who can play a key role in our struggle, although if we succeed, they will inevitably become our class opponents.

The social structure of Russian society: classes, layers, strata
So, what is the approximate social structure in today's Russian society after 35 years of “perestroika” and “reforms”, social degradation and preservation of enclaves of modern industries and the remnants of the scientific and technological potential of the USSR.

Let me remind you, voters in the Russian Federation over the age of 18 are over 110 million, according to the Central Election Commission. The economically active population is naturally less.

The social melt into which the Russian “trauma society” was plunged during the era of perestroika and reforms, including Putin's, nevertheless crystallized and forms islands of social stability.

1. The big bourgeoisie
In the works of G.A. Zyuganov it was noted more than once that a layer of the big bourgeoisie had already crystallized in our country . Yes, comprador. Yes, often parasitic, not industrial. This is often the clerks of transnational corporations and looking after their assets.

It is easier to analyze the situation with the class of the bourgeoisie and the highest bureaucracy, which due to its power position really plays the role of manager of not only state, but also formally private property.

What is the physical volume of this class in modern Russia? Indirectly, you can isolate it by income statistics. The number of Russians, each with a fortune of more than $ 5 million, increased by 27% in 2017 compared to 2016, to 38.12 thousand people, according to the annual study The Wealth Report, conducted by a consulting company Knight Frank (Knight Frank). In total, they owned $ 1.2 trillion, which is equivalent to 73.5% of Russian GDP last year. Ultra-rich people with capital over $ 50 million in the country also became 27% more - 2 thousand 620 people.

According to Knight Frank, 58% of the wealthiest Russians have a second passport or dual citizenship. At the same time, 45% consider the possibility of going abroad for permanent residence. The number of requests from Russia for the purchase of expensive real estate abroad increased by 35% in 2017.

In terms of the number of multimillionaire yachts, Russia ranks 2nd in the world (168), behind the United States. But in their average length (59 meters) ahead of the States (52 meters), although the championship in this indicator is behind Saudi Arabia (68 meters).

Estimate the size of the class of big bourgeoisie together with family members can be 150-160 thousand people. Probably, taking into account the "service staff" - this is up to 1 million people.

These data are confirmed by another international study of the social strata that benefited from the collapse of the USSR and entry into the periphery of global imperialism.

By the way, Russia is the world champion here –0.1% of the population of Russia (from 40 million Russian families is about 40 thousand families, or 150 thousand people) - have improved their well-being due to the collapse of the USSR by 2562%. And in a narrower group of the ruling 4 thousand families, Russia bypasses generally all, all, all: the welfare of the higher 4 thousand Russian families is more than 8239%).

Russia is the only country in this list of countries whose lower 50% of the population has lost due to globalization and the collapse of the USSR. Their wealth over the past 35 years has fallen by an average of 26%.

2. The middle layers
But if everything is clear with the nouveau riche and comprador, these 0.01% percent of Russians, then the gloom and horror of state statistics continue ...

To understand the number of upper-middle strata in modern Russian society, we note the following:

In general, 10% of Russians have greatly benefited from globalization and the collapse of the USSR. Even the number of passport holders can be seen. 25-27% of Russians have passports. Although regularly, at least once a year, about 10% travel abroad. By the way, in the USSR, 5 million traveled annually to foreign passports.

Close data and the number of owners of new cars. They are about 20%, albeit with borrowing). The same percentage, who significantly improved housing conditions.

Former Yeltsin’s minister Yasin, now the head of the HSE research work, also made calculations three or four years ago, and came to the conclusion that 20% of Russians benefited from the “reforms”. Actually, these 20% are constantly featured in social studies based on the support of liberals, both systemic and non-systemic.

So, the middle classes - the middle and petty bourgeoisie, the state bureaucracy - state property managers, managers, specialists, etc. - 10-20%.

Nevertheless, we will try to estimate the size of the middle and small bourgeoisie in the modern Russian Federation.

According to a study of the dynamics of the number of commercial organizations (the lion's share of which is traditionally occupied by small and medium-sized businesses) and individual entrepreneurs (IP), conducted by SKB Kontur analysts from January to December 2019, the number of the first ones decreased by 12.4%, to 3.08 million, and the second - increased by 2%, to 4.06 million.

So, the number of commercial organizations is 3.08 million. If we take the average number of enterprises per entrepreneur equal to 2, then for legal entities the number of owners will be 1.5-1.6 million. To these should be added about 4 million operating individual entrepreneurs. It turns out only 5.6 million people.

It is clear that this is a very conditional definition of numbers. For example, an individual entrepreneur in an enterprise with less than 3 employees (and such an overwhelming majority) can quite arbitrarily be called “bourgeois”. Sometimes their income is slightly higher than the income of employees. But, he is the owner of the means of production.

3. Proletarian, semi-proletarian "social melt."
Semi-proletarian, proletarian "social melt", working people, marginalized segments of the population, according to various estimates - up to 80% of the employed.

By the way, more than 80% of the working age population of Russia do not have the skills and competencies to work in modern markets. This conclusion is contained in a study by the Boston Consulting Group.

The employment structure in Russia corresponds to the level of the raw material colony, states BCG : 35% of the population are engaged in low-skilled labor, which belongs to the category of “skill” (repeated typical or mechanical tasks, basic physical labor).

IAP RAS in the report "Transformation of the structure of the economy: mechanisms and management" related data:

The most popular groups of voters

drivers and machinists - 6.9 million people, or 9.5% of those employed in the economy;
sellers - 4.9 million (6.8%);
unskilled workers - 7 million (9.6%).
In total: 18.8 million people (25.9%). One in four employees is an unskilled worker or a representative of traditional occupations

By the way, in Germany there are 18.8%, in the Czech Republic - 18.5% (with migrants), and in Russia - one in four.

In the Russian Federation, another 11.9 million labor migrants from the CIS countries should be added to these working-class detachments , lowering the cost of domestic labor in the most massive segments of the working people.

As a result, these low-skilled groups of workers comprise 29.7 million people, i.e. more than 40% of employees. Recall that the BCG study concludes that 35% of Russia's population is engaged in low-skilled labor,

It is unlikely that these detachments of the working class and working people can be called advanced, capable of being carriers of the ideas of a radical transformation of society. Although, as representatives of dying and replaced professions, they should be conservative opponents of the global distribution system, which objectively pushes them into an even lower layer of a post-industrial society.

Only 17% of the population are engaged in highly skilled work belonging to the category of “knowledge” (intellectual work, creative and non-routine tasks). This is 1.5 times lower than in Japan or the USA, 1.7 times less than in Germany; twice lower than Singapore and 2.6 times - the UK.

There is no critical mass of demand for knowledge in Russia. So, the difference in the remuneration of the driver and the doctor in Russia is only 20% (for comparison: in Germany - 174%, in the USA - 261%, in Brazil - 172%). In the global competitiveness rating in terms of human capital GNCI 2017 (Global Talent Competitiveness Index), according to the criterion of attractiveness for talents, Russia takes only 107th place out of 118.

The share of technologically innovative companies in the country is less than 1%, and they do not inject into the labor market, BCG states.

For example, it takes at least 15 years to create a mass engineering school. The government and business do not see any desire to invest even in infrastructure, not to mention “human capital”. Well, they have already forgotten about Putin’s promise to create 25 million high-tech jobs. If the modern big bourgeoisie and the state bureaucracy reflecting its interests had solved this problem, they would have prepared for themselves the obvious grave digger in the person of the advanced detachments of the proletariat.

By the way, for 10 thousand workers in Russia there are only 1 to 3 industrial robots (different statistics) versus 531 in South Korea, 176 in the USA and 49 in China.

This is such an “international verdict” of the social structure of Russian society. Against this background, all the arguments of the liberal Russian authorities on modernization and all kinds of innovations look bluff.

Experts are already drawing such a future population structure of megalopolises of the era of automation, robotization, precarization and uberization.

The main product sold in the post-post-industrial world of “consumers” is emotions and time. “The time was pleasant and the time saved.”

The lowest layer is declassified and non-working beneficiaries

Bottom layer : laid-off cashiers, drivers, workers - will go (if you're lucky) to the “maid” (couriers, washers, dog walkers, etc.) or will be engaged in “bullshit economics” (this is the definition of anthropologist David Graber)

Middle layer : preserved traditional professions and constant skilled work, as well as "entertainers" (traders of emotions).

Well, the top layer - the owners of the "printing press" of fiat money and the global distribution system and, as a result "of all global resources, both tangible and intangible

Theoretically, automation was supposed to allow people to work less - for example, in industry and agriculture. In reality, free time has not increased. The cuts in these sectors were offset by "a bloated management sector and the creation of new sectors such as financial services or telephone marketing, as well as the expansion of others from corporate law to public relations."

Sociologists decided to test Graber's arguments. In surveys conducted in the UK and the Netherlands, respondents were asked the question: “Does your work bring real benefits?”. About a third answered in the negative.


So, the worker of the future is a “precocious nomad,” as Jacques Attali said . Work 50-60 hours a week, eternal study another 10-20 hours a week. Only gadgets and bioprostheses are owned, and the rest is in sharing ( sharing is a right of temporary use on a reimbursable basis, you can neither own, nor dispose of a means of production or an object). At the same time, such technological nomad - a worker, a small owner, etc., has social guarantees. - there will be no: free medicine, education, pensions. "What drowned, then dug."

Source: .:

(This is very long, continue to Part II)
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Thu Jan 02, 2020 2:10 pm

If half a century ago they described how in the future we will work 15-20 years, now they say, rejoice, if you will have at least such eternal labor ( ). Indeed, recipients of benefits or “basic income”, as well as workers of the “second level” from dog walkers to those employed in the “bullshit economy” will not have such a thing ...

But back to our native Russian reality.

Rosstat reports that the workforce in the Russian Federation is 76 million people. And 72 million people are employed.

TsIPKR researcher N.V. Fokina thus aggregates the official data of the Federal State Statistics Service by type of occupation.


Employment structure by occupation group

Well, then even more interesting. Rosstat gives a classification of employees without small enterprises, self-employed, security officials, defense industry workers, etc. And here the number of employees on the payroll in the economy is 30,246,488 (2016). Probably a reservation that this payroll includes all organizations and enterprises of all forms of ownership (except small businesses) and all types of economic activity (except state administration and military security; social insurance; activities: religious organizations, households, extraterritorial organizations) is important. Approximately 4-5 million employees are not counted. And where is another 38 million people?

Let me remind you of the question of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Russia, O. Golodets, who announced in April 2013 at the XIV International Conference “Modernizing the Economy of the Society” that 38 million people of working age work in opaque conditions, that “our labor market is practically illegitimate, and only a small the part functions according to normal rules. ” Out of the 76 million able-bodied population, such a number of Russians do not know where they are busy, what they are doing, how busy they are, as a result of which their living conditions and incomes are not reflected in official statistics.

But, before dealing with and figuring out who these 38 million are, let’s imagine what the 30 million employees examined by Rosstat are. Of these, 2.8 million managers, 11 million specialists, 2.6 million employees and 14 million workers (or 45% of employees). This is the official data for 2016. No fresher ones.

So, the key figure is 45% in the structure of workers employed in the Russian Federation. From the aggregated data on the structure of employed N.V., Fokina, approximately the same data follow, if only half the workers in the service, trade and property protection sectors and citizens are recognized as workers, i.e. do not rank as workers, for example, 2 million guards.

A well-known researcher of the problems of the working class, Doctor of Historical Sciences VV Trushkov cited such data of his calculations for 2013: skilled workers - 21 018 thousand people .; unskilled - 8363 thousand people; housing and communal services workers, advertising services, television studios, etc. - 510 thousand people Total - 29 891 thousand.

First Secretary of the Central Committee of the RKRP V.A. Tyulkin in his lecture at the University of Working Correspondents of the Workers' Academy Foundation in February 2017 made such an estimated judgment on the number of workers in the modern Russian Federation: from 25 to 38 million people.

Based on the official data from the Rosstat 2016 surveys of 30 million employees, we extrapolate these data to all employees and get a total of 72 million people. total number of employees: workers - 27 million people (28 million people in 2015).

So, in the modern Russian Federation - 27 million workers.

Based on the survey data and the statistics of the Federal State Statistics Service, the researcher from the Central Research and Testing Center N.V. Fokina calculated the share of workers in key sectors of the economy (Table 1).

The proportion of workers by industry (from payroll)

the number of workers, thousand people share of workers2016,% the number of workers, thousand people, 2013 share of workers,%, 2013 delta, thousand people
agriculture, hunting and forestry 776 73 861 74 -102.9
fishing, fish farming 19 52 23 58 -3.1
mining, manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 5446 67 5902 69 -490.2
mining 674 71 684 72 4.6
extraction of fuel and energy minerals 473 69 469 70 21.5
mining, except fuel and energy 200 76 215 77 -16.9
manufacturing industries 3702 68 4097 69 -460.4
food production, including beverages, and tobacco 604 71 643 71 -50.9
textile and clothing production 84 77 98 78 -17.5
manufacture of leather, leather products and footwear 23 81 26 82 -3.2
wood processing and manufacture of wood products 90 79 91 79 -2.0
pulp and paper production; publishing and printing activities 94 55 111 54 -34.9
production of coke and petroleum products 80 62 87 67 -1.1
chemical production 223 63 231 66 -1.0
manufacture of rubber and plastic products 95 71 104 71 -13.4
manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 249 74 326 76 -94.5
metallurgical production and production of finished metal products 558 74 605 75 -58.6
manufacture of machinery and equipment (without the production of weapons and ammunition) 305 66 390 67 -116.2
manufacture of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment 360 58 389 60 -20.8
production of vehicles and equipment 638 68 709 70 -71.6
other production 76 71 88 71 -17.9
production of other materials and substances not elsewhere classified 224 64 198 64 43,2
production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 1071 64 1120 65 -34.4
construction 685 69 899 71 -287.0
wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items 1209 48 1110 48 183.0
hotels and restaurants 175 56 185 65 26.3
transport and communication 1759 59 1930 61 -175.6
education and healthcare, financial services, other 3642 25 3860 26 -563.9
Total 13711 45 14770 47 1059

As you can see, the highest share of workers among the employed is observed in more extensive sectors - agriculture and forestry (73%), mining (71%), especially non-fuel (76%).

But the minimum share of workers is in the services and tertiary sectors (trade (48%), education, medicine, financial and other services (25%)).

In manufacturing, the average share of workers is 68%, the highest is in textile and clothing production (77%), leather and leather products (81%), wood processing (79%), metallurgy and building materials industry (74 each). %).

Once again, we note that on average in the country the share of workers among the employed is 45%.

If we analyze the number in absolute values ​​of the various working-class detachments of modern Russia, then the largest working-class detachment is manufacturing workers (3.7 million in the circle of enterprises surveyed by Rosstat). Here, by the way, is the biggest reduction in three years - by half a million people .

Further, workers are transport workers and signalmen (1.8 million people), workers in the extractive industries (1.3 million), workers engaged in wholesale and retail trade, household repairs (1.2 million), energy workers and gas workers (1.1 million), agricultural workers, foresters and hunters (0.8 million), construction workers (0.8 million, a decrease of 0.3 million), food and light industry workers (0, 7 million). Well, in the “other” section , and workers of enterprises and organizations of education, health and financial services - 3.6 million people.

The regional structure of the modern working class of Russia is also very interesting (Table 2)

Share of workers among employed by region

Region the share of workers from the payroll,% 2016 the share of workers from the payroll,%, 2013
Nenets Autonomous Okrug 60 60
Kemerovo region 55 56
Belgorod region 55 54
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 55 55
Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 54 58
Lipetsk region 54 56
Bryansk region 53 53
The Republic of Mordovia 53 54
Amurskaya Oblast 52 54
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 52 fifty
Chelyabinsk region 52 53
Novgorod region 52 53
Oryol Region 52 51
Kirov region 52 52
Leningrad region 52 54
Tula region 51 51
Vologda Region 51 53
Tambov Region 51 52
Arhangelsk region 51 51
Komi Republic 51 52
Vladimir region 51 52
Smolensk region 51 51
Udmurt republic 51 51
Kursk region 51 51
Tver region fifty 53
Kurgan region fifty fifty
Ryazan Oblast fifty 51
Arkhangelsk region (except for the Nenets Autonomous Okrug) fifty fifty
Republic of Tatarstan fifty 51
Pskov region fifty 52
The Republic of Khakassia fifty 52
Jewish Autonomous Region fifty 49
Orenburg region 49 51
Irkutsk region 49 fifty
Krasnoyarsk region 49 51
Murmansk region 49 fifty
Altai region 49 52
Republic of Bashkortostan 49 fifty
Sverdlovsk region 49 51
Mari El Republic 49 fifty
Transbaikal region 49 fifty
Chuvash Republic 49 51
Perm region 48 fifty
Yaroslavskaya oblast 48 49
Volgograd region 48 48
Ulyanovsk region 48 fifty
Penza region 48 49
Samara Region 48 52
Kostroma region 47 48
Republic of Karelia 47 49
Kaluga region 47 49
Omsk region 47 47
Ivanovo region 46 48
Saha Republic 46 46
Nizhny Novgorod region 46 48
Rostov region 46 46
Primorsky Krai 46 49
Saratov region 46 47
Republic of Crimea 45 No data
Khabarovsk region 45 44
Magadan Region 45 49
Stavropol region 45 46
Moscow region 44 47
Kaliningrad region 44 47
Tyumen region (except districts) 44 44
The Republic of Buryatia 44 46
Voronezh region 44 46
Krasnodar region 44 45
Sakhalin Oblast 43 44
Republic of Adygea 43 43
Tomsk region 42 45
Sevastopol 42 No data
Novosibirsk region 42 44
Astrakhan region 42 42
Kamchatka Krai 41 42
Karachay-Cherkess Republic 40 39
Tyva Republic 38 41
Republic of Kalmykia 36 38
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 35 37
Altai Republic 34 41
St. Petersburg 34 36
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 33 36
Chechen Republic thirty thirty
The Republic of Dagestan thirty 31
Moscow 29th 27
The Republic of Ingushetia 26 28
In the regional plan, the largest share of workers in the payroll is observed in oil and gas producing regions, regions with metallurgical specialization, as well as some engineering regions.

Minimum - in the underdeveloped republics of the South of Siberia and the North Caucasus, regions with large agglomerations - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk region.

According to N.V. Fokina’s calculations, since 2013 the number of workers in the average number of employees has decreased by almost 2 million people, and their total share among workers has been reduced by 2% (from 47% to 45%).

At the same time, the largest reduction in the share of workers among the employed is observed in both developed and depressed regions: Altai (6.8%), Samara Region (4.2%), Magadan Region (3.5%), Yamalo-Nenets District ( 3%), North Ossetia, Tuva, Primorsky Krai (3%).

The number of workers in the total employment structure (according to the lists) increased in Belgorod, Kurgan, Jewish Autonomous Oblasts (0.6% each), Khabarovsk Territory (1.1%) and Karachay-Cherkessia (1.4%). The most noticeable share of workers in the overall structure increased in Moscow and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (by 2%).

Among industries, the largest decline in the absolute number of workers is observed in the manufacturing industry (almost half a million people are reduced). Moreover, the main decline in the number of workers occurred in engineering (almost 50% reduction in the number of workers), construction (300 thousand people), as well as services industries (560 thousand people), agriculture and forestry (100 thousand people).

The number of workers in absolute terms increased by 3% in the extraction of fuel and energy minerals, by 7% in trade, and by 8% in the hotel and restaurant business. Moreover, in the latter sphere, with the growth of employed, the total number of workers decreased by 10%.

Let us try to single out the most advanced working class detachments in modern Russia in terms of connecting with the means of production.

A common place - in the coming era of universal digitalization, the most advanced group of workers (workers and specialists) in the IT sphere.


But such workers in 2017, only about 1.06% (0.69% in 2010) among the employed. In any case, this is 0.7-1.0 million workers.

Can IT workers fulfill the same advanced socio-political role as the proletariat of large industrial enterprises in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the early twentieth century? It is clear that there are no such conditions for self-organization of specialists in this field. Their work is often isolated from large groups, or even remotely organized.

True, due to the use of a wide range of communication technologies, there is a side effect: the possibility of self-organization around the movements of one goal. Hence the popularity of agitation and propaganda political projects in megalopolises such as Navalny or various local protest groups that are forming on a territorial basis or according to "pain problems". Thanks to modern telecommunications, a virtual concentration of not only labor abilities, but also political and socio-economic protests is possible.

As already noted, despite the dispersion of the working class of modern professions within the framework of deconcentration of production and the high automation of many processes, large detachments of the traditional working class remain.

According to N.V. Fokina’s calculations, on average, every worker in the modern Russian Federation produces value added to GDP of 2 million rubles. Of course, the largest contribution to the current Russian “pipe economy” is in export-oriented industries. The largest contribution of workers to value added in GDP is in the fuel and energy sector (one worker produces it for 12 million rubles), and the chemical industry (3.4 million rubles). Less is in the extraction of other useful resources (2.4), metallurgy (1.5), food industry (1.5) and electric power industry (2). It is the smallest in mechanical engineering (0.9), light and footwear (0.4), forestry and timber processing (1.0) industries. .

On average, workers in enterprises receive 15% less than other workers (Table 3) . In the mining industry, wages make up 85% of the average wage of employees, in manufacturing - 88%, in the electricity sector - 79%. In addition to the electric power industry, it is significantly less than the average in the pulp and paper industry (82%), the chemical industry and the extraction of fuel and energy minerals (83%), and the food industry (85%) - i.e. in those industries (except pulp and paper) that are advanced in the economy. The level of workers' salaries is closer to the average level in mechanical engineering (89%), metallurgy and woodworking (91%), light and leather and footwear (92%) and mining (except for the extraction of fuel and energy minerals) (92%).


The share of workers' wages from the industry average (2016)

the share of workers' wages from the industry average,%
mining, except fuel and energy 92.2
Lightweight and leather and shoe 91.7
Metallurgy 91.1
Engineering 88.6
Manufacturing 87.8
Timber, woodworking and pulp and paper 86.5
Food 84.7
Mining 84.6
extraction of fuel and energy minerals 82.8
Chemical 82.7
Power industry 78.5
Other production 88.9
The largest gap between the wage of the worker and the average wage in the region is observed in Tuva, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Altai, and other underdeveloped republics (it is 30-40% lower). Of the regions with significant industrial potential and a significant contribution to GDP, the largest gap is observed in Moscow (35%), regions specializing in the extraction of fuel minerals (Khanty-Mansiysk District (29%), Yamalo-Nenetsky District (25%) , Tyumen region (22%), Sakhalin region (19%), mining industry (Chukotka, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Magadan region (28-29%).

There is practically no difference in the level of remuneration of workers and other employees on average in Mordovia, Ivanovo Region, the Jewish Autonomous Region, Karelia, Amur, Vologda, Belgorod Regions.

On the other hand, in the largest resource-producing regions, the wages of workers exceed the average wage in the country (Yamal-Nenets, Khanty-Mansi, Nenets, Chukotka Autonomous Districts, Tyumen, Sakhalin, Magadan, Murmansk Regions, Kamchatka Territory, Republics of Yakutia and Komi - from 11% up to 89%). In addition, these are Moscow and St. Petersburg (an excess of 24% and 6%, respectively). In addition, in the same regions, workers receive more than the average worker in the country (30-130%). Workers' labor is also better paid in the Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky territories, Amur, Moscow, Tomsk, Arkhangelsk regions, Karelia and the Jewish Autonomous Region (by 10-23%).

In three quarters of the regions, workers receive less than the national average . In most republics of the North Caucasus, it is only 40% of the average Russian level, in the republics of the Volga region (Mari El, Mordovia, Udmurtia), Tambov, Bryansk, Ulyanovsk, Oryol, Kurgan, Kirov, Kostroma, Saratov, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Smolensk - 50- 60%

The greatest difference is also observed in the republics of the North Caucasus, Tyva and Altai (by 53-35%), as well as in regions with developed machine-building specialization ( Ulyanovsk, Bryansk, Oryol, Kirov, Vladimir, Smolensk, Ryazan and other regions ) (by 20 -thirty%).

By the way, these "machine-building" regions are traditionally distinguished by a high level of support for the left opposition and the Communist Party.

In connection with the success of the protest vote in the elections in Moscow in September 2019, it is curious to compare this not only with data on unexpected statistical growth in the number of workers in bureaucratic-petty-bourgeois-pensioner Moscow. It turns out that Moscow still demonstrates a decline in living standards compared to other cities in Russia (except St. Petersburg). So, the residents of Moscow in September 2019 spent 9.2% less than the same period last year, and the residents of St. Petersburg - 5.1% less, according to ROMIR. In other Russian cities, the opposite trend is completely compared with Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other millionaire cities, residents' expenses grew by 6.8% over the year. In the half-million inhabitants, the expenses of residents during this period increased by 16.5%. In the hundreds of thousands per year, the expenses of their residents increased by the maximum value throughout the country - by 18.6%.

So far, sociologists and economists have not taken up such studies of what happened in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which is why such unfavorable trends have arisen in the sphere of falling real incomes of the population and consumer spending.

According to experts of @proeconomics, a significant drop in real incomes in Moscow is explained by the fact that income from entrepreneurial activity, deposits in banks and income from property (rental of apartments, plots, etc. in rent). And these three components of income just fall with our prolonged stagnation. Whereas in the regions, revenue growth came from the growth of salaries in the public sector and the mining industry ( ).

It is clear that modern research on the socio-economic situation of the modern working class, identification of industries where there is the greatest degree of exploitation, identification of areas of possible strong protest moods and the formation of a “trade union and political infrastructure” to work with such groups of the working class are urgently needed. But this is not the purpose of this study.

4. The scale of precarization of the working class and intermediate layers
Let us evaluate the extent of precarization and degradation in key social groups.

So, in Russia 18% of the employed population does not pay taxes, up to a quarter of the income is invisible to the state, and the total amount of lost funds is 3 trillion rubles. Approximately the same figures were ascertained a year ago: up to a quarter of employees do not pay taxes in the capitals, about 12% in the regions, and 18% of the population in one way or another are involved in the “gray sector” throughout the country.

The number of working Russians, according to the Federal Tax Service, is 22% less than according to Rosstat. 58.9 million people pay taxes, it follows from the statistics of the tax service. I recall once again that Rosstat estimates the number of employees at 72.3 million people.

Perhaps the main reason for the discrepancy is in shadow employment, i.e. unofficially employed 13 million Russians. Although the figure of 18 million, apparently, includes even those who unofficially earn extra money.

Informal employment is one of the manifestations of precarization of various segments of the population - from workers and employees, to the underclass, the marginalized layers.

The average salary in Russia, according to the Federal Tax Service, by the way, is 25% lower than according to the Federal State Statistics Service.

The average monthly nominal accrued salary in 2018 was 39.2 thousand rubles, or 3.5 living wages, the Federal State Statistics Service reported. The taxable salary averaged 31.1 thousand rubles, or 2.8 living wages.

Another manifestation of precarization is rejection, as at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, which V.I. carefully studied. Lenin.

It would seem that at the beginning of the 21st century the emergence of otodnichestvo today - temporary work in a big city without final relocation to it - is an archaized repetition of tsarist Russia. At the beginning of the twentieth century, 15-20% of the peasant population went to temporary work in cities (this is about 10 million able-bodied male peasants).

Today, the proportion of migrants is apparently higher. I read an estimate of their number at the Khamovniki Foundation: “A third of all families in the province live off the latrine.”

But this is not the only difference between modern immigrants and imperial ones. Here's another: “The main directions of departure for residents of European regions everywhere are Moscow and Moscow Region. Of all the migrants we interviewed, more than 2/3 - and up to 3/4 worked or are working in the Moscow region . ”

Those. 60-70% of migrants today are concentrated in one metropolitan area. Whereas a hundred years ago, the geography of abandonment was much wider. Moscow and St. Petersburg accounted for up to 40-50% of migrants from the European part of Russia, the rest were scattered across provincial cities and industrial centers (such as Orekhovo-Zuevo).

It is possible that such an increase in otchodnichestvo today is associated with the emergence of freedom of movement around the country. In tsarist time, the peasant, in order to leave the village, needed to obtain a temporary passport (valid for up to 1 year). Running away from the village to work in the city without a passport was risky.

There was an enormous layer in the social structure of the so-called “siloviki”


The siloviki and “security guards in modern Russia are 11.3% of the economically active population, 6.4% of the electorate.

It is clear that the precarization of the siloviki is very specific. And it is connected with the extraction of "power rent" from the economy. We will not cite here the growing statistics of corruption crimes among the "siloviks". But the precarization of security guards (“property protection officers and citizens”) is an observable process by all. Fortunately, the form of employment (a day in three) provides opportunities for all kinds of side jobs and manifestation in other social and professional roles.

These are just some of the touches characterizing the processes of precarization of key layers of modern Russian society.

Speaking of precarization as a manifestation of unusual forms of employment for various classes and groups, we are reporting that there are two different processes in the social structure.

On the one hand, archaization, i.e. reproduction of the wildest forms of employment of the nineteenth century. Secondly, the modern transformation of the social structure, the formation of islands and information society, a society of a new technological structure. Yes, yes, it’s precisely the society that was talked about a lot in the decisions of the CPSU — a society (and not in the understanding of bourgeois ideologists who are correctly criticized by representatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation), in which science becomes the main generating force. This process was foreseen by K. Marx, who wrote about "the transformation of the production process from a simple process of labor into a scientific process, putting itself at the service of the forces of nature."

In this regard, I want to rely on the estimates of the doctor of historical sciences S.I. Vasiltsov. He rightly notes that much that determined the characteristics of imperialism in the industrial era is beginning to change rapidly.

“The enormous growth of industry and the remarkably fast process of concentration of production in ever larger enterprises are one of the most characteristic features of capitalism,” wrote Lenin. And industrial growth today remains the main feature of imperialism. But its forms themselves have changed. Concentration of production in ever larger enterprises - no, it is falling. The centralization of industry is replaced by its decentralization. Huge “great construction sites” are being replaced by small, but extremely efficient enterprises operating on the basis of microelectronics. They are managed not by thousands, but by a dozen or so highly skilled workers.

Deconcentration processes take the place of processes of concentration of labor in giant enterprises , emphasizes S.I. Vasiltsov. The outflow of workers, especially skilled workers, from cities also begins. For example, the bulk of the current entrepreneurs in the village are the recent residents of leading cities.

S.I. Vasiltsov makes an interesting forecast: unusual phenomena in a rapidly changing society will not dry out. New gives birth to new. Unusual - unusual ... As a result, huge social groups suddenly find themselves “between two chairs”. These hands are less and less needed by anyone. And only suitable for the most primitive work. But they are not able to get involved in new processes.

Hence, their hovering in socio-economic uncertainty. The process of decay of imperialism predicted by the classics of Marxism-Leninism is unfolding in full force. Extensive, already global, zones of marginalization are emerging. Moreover, the internationalized zones that cross borders.

Such degenerative changes in the history of imperialism are known. They once spawned fascism. Today these are global realities of a new type. Their consequences are extremely dangerous, warns S.I. Vasiltsov.

In its own way, this is also happening in Russia. Say, today's influx of migrants into the cities. It is only to a small extent socio-economic in nature. It is a predominantly artificial phenomenon. It says a lot because we have before us the latest version of the strategy of “controlled chaos”, the favorite weapon of the imperialist countries. And above all, the United States.

Lenin already said that "the main social (non-military) support of the bourgeoisie" is "a layer of bourgeois workers or labor aristocracy, quite philistine in terms of life, in terms of earnings, in their entire world outlook." Today, marginalized, decaying strata of the population, including the newcomer, have been added to them (more and more noticeably superior in numbers). These social neoplasms practically do not create anything, but they actively consume things done by outsiders. Marginality at the present stage of imperialism is becoming almost the leading social stratum, S.I. Vasiltsov emphasizes.

The injection into the group of leading world powers of foreign and foreign cultural marginal masses provokes an almost universal one - not so much an economic, but a cultural, psychological, even civilizational crisis.

Therefore, despite the importance of studying the processes of precarization of classes and strata in the modern social structure of society, understanding the processes of marginalization and the extent of their growth is no less important. It is the marginalized strata that are the main base of support for capital democracy, striving to fascize modern society and maintain their dominance over the material and non-material resources of the planet.

This leads to a somewhat paradoxical conclusion: the left forces should rely on:

ultra-progressive layers of the employed (such as hired workers creating high and digital technologies, and left-wing industrial intelligentsia),
extant traditional working-class units
Layers “falling out” of production that “cling” to it in order to preserve at least something
all kinds of social “melt” of supporters of the preservation of traditional values.
Subsequent differentiation into those with which layers will have to be demarcated after coming to power and during the implementation of the new project “USSR2.0”, and with which it will make sense to go further only after our common victory.

Electoral behavior of various social groups
Well, in conclusion, some estimates of the electoral behavior of modern groups. TsIPKR at the end of 2019 conducted another all-Russian monitoring study , which allows us to evaluate some features of the mass consciousness of key social groups in Russian society.

The WORKING CLASS of the sample of 2019 calls the “talking room” (46%), chaotization (38%) and stagnation (8%) the most suitable characteristic of the state of society. Only 7% of workers believe that society has a desire for order. Development, however, is not felt by any of them. The severity of the sensation of an increase in destruction in society among workers is higher than the average
Among the most acute problems, workers called low incomes (“working poverty”) and, as a result, the difficulty of paying all the time for rising prices, taxes, and tariffs. The socio-economic problems for workers were expected to be closest than to other layers in a crisis society.

Four fifths of workers do not feel the presence of social justice in Russian life. It is also slightly above average.

Naturally, the workers do not support pension reform more actively than others, i.e. a very real prospect of death in the workplace.

At the same time, a significant part of the especially poor working class (42%) is ready to endure power experiments on the country for the sake of stability. Nevertheless, 40% of the workers think that “everything is rotten” and the whole system needs to be changed. This is one and a half times higher than the average for the electorate. Will the left with their propaganda reach this "fuel", but not yet aware of its goals and objectives of the struggle of the working man?

By the way, the workers are clearly aware that the country needs a parliament, without which everything will slide into dictatorship (48%). Another 43% of them are in favor of expanding the powers of parliament and its role in the life of the country, considering the current representative bodies in the Russian Federation too weak and incapable of real influence.

HIRED WORKERS SERVICE AND REPAIR - one of the most popular social groups in the electorate.
As people who are constantly interacting with many other citizens, they can be called sort of social psychologists who feel public sentiment. Therefore, among them, the prevailing opinion is that in the country there is now a “talking room” and chaotization. They do not observe positive phenomena. In this, their moods are similar to the moods of workers.

Employees in the service and repair sector are concerned about unemployment (it is known that the “turnover” in the industry is very large) and poor-quality medicine. Service justice workers do not see social justice in the life of the country. But they complain about low salaries no more than others.

They do not support pension reform.

This group prefers not to dig deep into causal relationships - they do not approve of the government’s policies, but consider the only way out is the change of Medvedev’s government, and not the repair of the entire system. This is the difference from the more radical mood of the workers.

Regarding parliament, two opinions prevail among service workers - it is not needed, and it is needed in an enhanced form.

As for the Communist Party, they noted not only clichés (“the party of the Soviet past” and “Zyuganov's party”) in the study, but also constructive support for the requirements of nationalization.

Nuance - among the service workers, there is a very noticeable share of those who firmly wish the Communist Party of the Russian Federation victory in elections and return to power. The depressing part of them believes that it is better to let everything remain as it is.

Also, the led, depressed part prefers to be with "EP": "you have to be strong." With regard to the LDPR, the opinions are the same as those of all, based on the rhetoric of the party (see above).

Employees of the service and repair sector have the most mixed preferences regarding the future president. The most common answers are a request for a “new face”, as well as the choice of Shoigu and Grudinin. Few people have noted Medvedev as a successor here. Those. The group's approach here is cautious innovation.

Non-working PENSIONERS are the most massive group of survey participants, and the most motley, because Here are former employees of all areas of the economy - from officials to locksmiths. Therefore, the state of their mass consciousness is the most controversial.
Pensioners are not inclined to more acutely feel chaos and destructive tendencies in modern Russian society. They note some “talking room” and stagnation, and some of them even saw “the pursuit of order”. In general, the current situation suits them - they got housing, education and jobs back in the USSR, did not fall under the pension reform and have many concessions from the authorities ...

In fact, they point out one problem - lack of income, low pensions. As a result, difficulties with employment, as a salary would be a good addition to a pension. All other problems bypass most retirees. They are not inclined to consider even pension reform hell, because already received a pension before. However, they still do not feel social justice.

Pensioners traditionally, and by virtue of the above, are loyal to the authorities. Above average, their share is among those who believe that the government "does everything right." The most intolerant of the current political system, retirees advocate only for a change in Medvedev’s government and do not crave system repair. A considerable part is ready to endure “for the sake of stability”. Based on the results of the survey, current retirees will clearly not be the basis of protest sentiment, if any.

Regarding the role and powers of parliament, pensioners have not formulated a clear position. Their opinion is spread more or less evenly over all options for the perception of popular representation.

With regard to the perception of the Communist Party, they are more likely than others to link the party with Gennady Zyuganov. Strange as it may seem, not many pensioners consider the Party to be the “defender of the Soviet past”. But among them there is a high proportion of those who are aware of the construct - programs, nationalization, etc.

There is a minuscule, as among all groups, who believe that the Party does not need the country. On the contrary, many retirees want to return to the Communists the influence of the model of the late 1990s.

At the same time, many pensioners support ER (Television People) and the Zhirinovsky party. Among those who support Putin’s lifelong presidency are just some of the senior citizens and officials. This is a manifestation of the motleyness of this group.

The archaic nature of the group lies in the fact that the archetypes of a “military leader”, “a peasant in uniform who is praised on TV” are not outlived among the successors — they are ready to support Shoigu.

In general, although pensioners are inclined to forgive the authorities a lot, they are more extensive than the others inside the Communist Party’s nuclear electorate. With this phenomenon, they apparently consider the Communist Party a kind of “watchdog”, a “guardian” of power, which does not allow it to relax and go into all seriousness. But they obviously will not be the basis of the revolution.

The class of OFFICE workers (specialists of various qualifications, “clerks”) is one of the most widespread. Most of them do not see the positive in modern Russian life, noting the speaking, chaotization and stagnation.
A curious detail - the clerks are satisfied with their income level, while they still complain about prices and fees. Because many clerks work in business — they often report corruption. Another problem of this population group is poor medicine.

An amazing feature is that almost only clerks firmly feel social justice in the country. Among them, the share of sympathizers of the pension reform is also higher ...

Clerks have no illusions about Putin’s policies, but prefer to turn a blind eye to her “for stability”, “while the margin is dripping”.

Concerning the parliament, among office workers there are the most mixed opinions - half of them believe that it is not needed at all, half - that it is necessary even in its existing form.

Specialists-clerks are indifferent to the Communist Party. Above average the answers are that it is a “party of the Soviet past." The rest of the opinion is "spread" evenly across all the answers. At the same time, a considerable part of clerks advocates strengthening the Communist Party as in the late 1990s, considering it, like pensioners, a kind of “insurer” of their unstable life, an important part of the system of checks and balances.

The business nature of the clerks forces them to “be close to the strong” and “Putin's party” - their share among the sympathizers of “United Russia” is high.

With regard to the LDPR, the opinions are the same as those of all - based on impressions of the rhetoric: “they are not afraid to speak” and “there is a lot of screaming, there is little sense”.

On the issue of power transit, a large proportion of clerks advocate a "new face", some part - for Medvedev ("he will allow him to do business calmly, as at the end of the zero"). General Shoigu does not impress them.

In general, specialist clerks are potentially only a situational electorate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which is inclined to vote for the party only in case of absolutely indecent pressure from the authorities. Otherwise, they tend to "pull the rubber while bearable."

Summarizing the attitude to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation as the most massive left-wing party in modern Russian society , it can be noted on the basis of sociological data that the working class is inclined to perceive it in many respects in the mainstream of established myths: “the party of the Soviet past” and “the party of Zyuganov”. Moreover, it is among the working class that the highest proportion of those who are aware of the constructive and the meanings of the Communist Party program, understanding the need for nationalization and the return of public property. Such a look at the image of the Communist Party of the workers and employed workers in the service sector is 1.5-2.5 times higher than average. There is this request, and it has not yet been implemented by the Communist Party.

By the way, an analysis of the protest activity of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation during the action on December 14, 2019 showed that 16 regional branches expressed the most radical demands. But it is precisely in these regions that the average Russian share of the working class is higher. And in these regions every fourth Russian worker is concentrated.

And the key question is the readiness to vote for the Communist Party , which positions itself as a party of the working class and working classes.

So, firmly for the Communist Party only 5% of industrial workers. At the same time, 21% of employees in the service and repair sector constantly vote for the party. Whereas among pensioners only 14% are solid supporters of the Communist Party. It is clear that there are more pensioners, this is the largest electoral group, including in the core of the Communist Party’s electorate. The second here is the employees of the service and repair sector.

But potentially ready to vote for the Communist Party - 35% of workers, 39% of engineers, 46% of employees in the service sector, more than 45% of representatives of the social and humanitarian intelligentsia ...

How to activate these huge layers of the working class and workers is a big task for the Communist Party and the left forces.

The electoral behavior of various social groups is evidence of both the level of their spontaneous consciousness and the results of the work of the revolutionary party in introducing class consciousness into them. As you can see, the potential for electoral support of the Communist Party and the left is quite high. But this is only potential. The hardest agitation and propaganda, organizational and political work is needed to build communication channels with the working classes, its advanced and traditional detachments, semi-proletarian, working strata, and the entire social melt of modern Russian society.

* * *

Until the Communist Party and scientists collaborating with the party have completely determined that link, that detachment of the working class and workers, by pulling and pulling which to itself, can pull out the whole chain of problems and achieve a cardinal shift in party support and achieve a left turn. But a certain understanding is already crystallizing here.

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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