Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:08 pm

Ukraine: The Massacre of Bucha, a Ukranian Timisoara
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 4, 2022
Christelle Néant

On 3 April 2022, Ukrainian authorities and Westerners accused Russia of committing a massacre of civilians in Bucha, a town on the outskirts of Kiev. But several inconsistencies indicate that the Bucha massacre is an episode worthy of the Timisoara mass grave case (a textbook case of disinformation).

To understand what really happened, we need to go back to the chronology of events.

On 30 March 2022, the Russian army withdrew from Bucha, as part of the redeployment of troops to the main theatre of operations, namely the Donbass. Alexander Kots, a journalist who was with the Russian troops in Bucha, even says that the Russian army had started to withdraw from this area already several days before, and that 30 March is just the date when the last soldiers left. The Ukrainian army did not immediately realize that the Russian army had left and continued shelling the area for several days, which may have caused civilian casualties.

On 31 March 2022, the mayor of Bucha, Anatoli Fedorouk, recorded a video in which he expressed his joy at the departure of the Russian armed forces from his town. At no point in the video does he mention the massacre of civilians. The mayor smiles broadly and speaks of victory, etc. Not a word about a possible massacre in Bucha, not a word about civilian casualties. Not a word about civilian casualties. Nothing. Which is strange, to say the least.

At the same time, the Telegram channel Bucha Live, which reports on Bucha, does not mention any massacre of civilians on 29, 30 or 31 March 2022. There is nothing on this channel before the public scandal broke. Rather strange for a channel that is supposed to be aware of what is happening locally.


The “shooting” of civilians in Bucha for some reason went unnoticed by the large urban community and local residents – there were no reports of “mountains of corpses” that appeared only two days after the Russian Armed Forces left the city

This can be traced back to postings on the Telegram channel Bucha Live, which covers the situation in the city daily and in detail. If you look at the community’s posts on the dates of the alleged “shooting,” you can see that there are no reports of mountains of corpses lying in the streets.

It is logical to assume that the town community would have been among the first to report such a thing, and hiding so many bodies strewn about in a town of just under 30,000 people is simply impossible — the locals would surely have noticed it and reported it immediately.

If you go back to the April 3 articles, you can see Oleksiy Arestovych posing against the background of a wrecked BMD in Irpen (near Bucha) – the very day when the scandalous video with the bodies on the streets of the city appeared. At the same time, according to the statement of the Russian Defense Ministry, which is also confirmed by external data, Russian troops left Bucha as early as March 30.

All this confirms the thesis that Arestovich could have been the direct director of the viral video, especially if we compare this post with the fact that Zelensky’s office advisor had disappeared from the media space for two days before that, returning with the new rank of lieutenant colonel.

On 1 April 2022, a video was posted on Twitter by an account belonging to a Ukrainian woman, who said she had received it from her brother. It clearly shows bodies lying in the street, but also at 8 seconds a fresh crater, probably left by a mortar shell, is clearly visible to the right of the road. Several bodies are only a few meters away from this crater, which seems to clearly indicate that these civilians died because of a recent shelling (and therefore a shelling by the Ukrainian army) and not because of a bullet in the head (they are not tied up unlike other bodies).

Another view of the street that i tweeted video about yesterday.

— Viktoriia 🇺🇸🇺🇦 (@ViktoriiaUAH) April 2, 2022

On 2 April 2022, the Ukrainian police published a long video of their journey through Bucha, in which only one body can be seen in all the streets visited (at the beginning of the video – and from the state of the body, it is obvious that it was killed by a bombing.

This video is such a blot on the narrative that some in Ukraine are saying so publicly.

Even Ukrainian propagandists admit that everything did not go according to plan with Bucha. They wanted to make it look good, but the ogres lacked interaction. They revealed themselves.

“Our source in the presidential office said that there is a big scandal in Bankova about the video of the national police, which was posted online on the instruction of Anton Guerashchenko on the clean-up of Bucha. It is this video, which shows strong discrepancies with the images of the murdered residents, which went viral yesterday, but which was made two days after the clean-up and was not included in the state police report, that is now raising questions. Mr Arestovich considers Mr Guerachthchenko’s actions a deliberate provocation, as the video raises many questions as to why there are no dead people in the streets and the mayor is only reporting on the clean-up operation,” the post reads.

On the same day, 2 April 2022, the head of Kiev’s territorial defense, Sergei Korotkikh, nicknamed Botsman (who fought in the neo-Nazi Azov regiment), publishes several videos of the work of ‘his guys’. In the second video of his post, at 6 seconds you can clearly hear one of the guys asking if he can shoot the “men who don’t have blue armbands” (Ukrainian army armbands). To which his commander (Botsman) replies positively.

BOATSMAN BOYS work in Bucha. In fact, there is nothing to do there anymore. Just mountains of burnt equipment and houses. Russians should watch this footage and see how they are destroying everything around them! And our cities and ourselves. We will definitely rebuild Bucha, but today this once cozy little town is a dump and ruin. Ruins of our houses, and a dump of Putin’s machinery and rotting bodies of orcs.

P.S. By the way, in Bucha we met a swarthy deputy from Servants of the People, the famous wrestler Jean Beleniuk. It was unexpected. Well, well done, he did not run away and does not hide. Though he could easily do it. Other deputies were not visible. #nasha_war

However, a number of bodies, including those in the famous “torture cellar”, wear white armbands, typical of civilians living in a Russian-controlled area (these armbands are used to indicate that they are not hostile), and echo those of the Russian army in Ukraine.

⚡️⚡️⚡️ Here you are, Mr. Zipsoshniks, with your staging in Bucha, for which you killed those whom you considered to be agents of the “occupants”. You were burned on your own video.

Now they are spreading this video in the Ukrainian segment, in which they claim that the Russians set up a torture chamber in one of the buildings in Bucha, where they shot people.

As I wrote in a previous post, locals (not all, but many) knitted white rags or ribbons on their sleeves when Russian troops were present, just in case. This was our identification sign – “our own, do not shoot”. For the Ukrainian military, accordingly, this sign meant “enemy.

And now pay attention to the screen, 22 seconds, on the body on the left is the same Russian identification sign. Once in Bucha, the terbatists grabbed people, dragged them into the basement, tortured them to get information, and shot them for “cooperating” with Russian troops.

And now they pass off the people they killed as victims of Russian aggression. And the world believes them. Pretends to believe them. Fantastic hoax!


Moreover, if we look at Botsman’s Telegram channel, we can clearly see that the first photos of dead AND tied up people, date only from April 2, i.e. when Botsman and his men are already on the spot with the Ukrainian police to (and I quote there the Ukrainian media, in an article of April 2, 2022) clean the city “from saboteurs and accomplices of the Russian forces” !!!

This is town of Bucha. As Russian army retreats, this is what remains: dead bodies of civilians, destruction and sorrow. And this was not done by Putin’s guardsmen, no. This is the grim work of „ordinary“ Russian soldiers. Thus modern Russia must be destroyed as a terrorist state before it causes more deaths and grief.

Russia delenda est

If you put this together with the question from Botsman’s team about being able to shoot men not wearing a blue armband, the scenario starts to become clearer.

Let’s highlight the other inconsistencies. On the numbers alone, no one agrees. Prosecutor General Venediktova announces 410 bodies, the mayor of Bucha told AFP by phone 280 bodies found in mass graves, AFP itself speaks of only 24 bodies seen, and Associated Press announces 20 dead in the streets.

If we look at the different bodies, four different locations emerge:

– Yablonskaya Street, where about 20 civilians were killed, presumably by Ukrainian army shelling on Bucha after the departure of Russian soldiers. They were left behind until 3 April 2022. A BBC report sheds light on this. At 16 seconds, the cameraman films a mortar shell embedded in the asphalt. Once geolocated, we realize that this shell comes from the south, i.e. from the place where the Ukrainian army was!

– The mass grave near St Andrei’s church. The trench was dug by the municipal authorities in consultation with Russian troops, to bury civilians who died during the exchange of fire between the Russian and Ukrainian armies. And this trench does not date from 30 or 31 March, but from mid-March, as this video from 13 March shows, where the bodies were decently buried. The video also clearly states that the people buried died as a result of the bombing. So there is nothing to do with civilians executed by the Russian army. According to the video, there are 67 bodies in this mass grave.

– There are nine bodies near, and in, a building that would have housed the Russian armed forces. One of the dead has his hands tied behind his back with tape and cling film (a typical Ukrainian method, visible in all the videos of people tied to poles before being beaten, which have been actively circulating on the internet for several weeks). One of the bodies also visibly shows a bullet wound in the knee, a method of torture used by the Ukrainians against captured Russian soldiers (which they themselves filmed).

The whole world must see this footage so they realize that this is not a war between Russia and Ukraine, which is supported by the NATO countries, but the war between good and evil.

In this video Ukrainian soldiers shoot Russian prisoners of war in the legs and afterwards give them a severe beating. At the beginning of the video, there are Russian POWs lying on the ground with bullet wounds in their legs, some of them have got leg bones broken. It might give the impression that the Russian military were captured after having been wounded. But that’s not the case. At the end of the video, we can see Ukrainian soldiers shooting all the newly arrived prisoners through their legs. Many of them are dying from shock due to the pain right on camera. And all of this is being filmed by Ukrainian soldiers themselves. They have been treating the captured Donbass defenders the same way throughout these eight years.

– Photos of dead civilians on the Zhitomir highway. This is in fact the same place where a video was filmed on 7 March showing a shoot-out involving members of the so-called territorial defense battalions.

Finally, to complete the picture, in an interview given to the media outlet Meduza (classified as a foreign agent in Russia), a woman living in Bucha and a member of the territorial defense (so not a pro-Russian), says herself that “the people lying on Yablonskaya died because of chaotic shooting”, and she does not report any cases of Russian soldiers shooting civilians during the time they controlled the city. Rather odd.

If we now take all this information, and analyse what emerges from it all, the scenario that emerges is this:

– On 30 March 2022 the Russian army withdrew its last soldiers from Bucha. But the Ukrainian army did not immediately realize this and continued to fire on the town for several days, including on Yablonskaya Street where there was a building occupied by Russian troops.

– On 31 March 2022 the mayor of Bucha made a video to celebrate the liberation of the city, and made no mention of civilians being massacred by Russian troops or bodies being seen in the streets.

– On 1 April 2022, the bodies on Yablonskaya Street are filmed from a car and the video is published late at night on Twitter. This means that these people certainly died on 31 March (after the time of the mayor’s video) or on 1 April (before the time of the video showing the bodies).

– On 2 April 2022, the Ukrainian police filmed the streets of Bucha and only one body obviously killed by a bombardment appears at the beginning of the video. There is no mention of a massacre, or even of the deaths on Yablonskaya Street. Yet the information is known since a video has been circulating since the day before. My hypothesis is that the Ukrainian police did not want to show the bodies because these civilians were killed by Ukrainian army bombing and not by Russian troops. The police would therefore have tried to avoid highlighting this crime of the Ukrainian army against its own population. It seems that the Ukrainian police did not have the idea of exploiting these deaths to blame Russia. This has earned them a reprimand.

– Also on 2 April 2022, Botsman’s team of Ukrainian fighters arrived in Bucha with the Ukrainian police to flush out possible saboteurs or accomplices of the Russian troops. Botsman’s troops were given permission to shoot at men not wearing a blue armband. The Ukrainian troops then reportedly captured, tortured and killed several civilians whom they considered to have collaborated with the Russians. It was at this point that photos appeared of civilians being tortured and killed with their hands tied behind their backs, whose deaths were attributed to the Russians. The same goes for the civilians who were buried in the mass grave near the church in mid-March, even though they died during the bombing and were not executed by Russian soldiers at all.

If we add up the 67 civilians buried in the mass grave, the 20 bodies in Yablonskaya Street, and the nine near and in the building where the Russian soldiers were stationed, we are a long way from the 410 bodies announced by the Ukrainian authorities. Civilians have died in Bucha, but most of them died during the shelling of the city, including shelling by the Ukrainian army, and nine were clearly tortured and murdered by Ukrainian troops for collaborating with Russian troops.

As can be seen, the Bucha massacre case bears a striking resemblance to the Timisoara massacre, but with a Ukrainian twist. It is clear that an impartial and rapid international investigation into what happened in Bucha is needed. But it seems that this is not on the agenda, with the West refusing Russia’s request for an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council on what happened in Bucha. ... timisoara/

(Other video at link.)


Meeting with the consequences of the Minsk agreements
April 5, 22:43


Meeting with the consequences of the Minsk agreements

I have said more than once that Kyiv did not spend all these years of relative silence in vain: dozens of military training grounds for training soldiers (each one was staffed by Western instructors), rearmament, and, most importantly and terrible, a change in ideology in the minds of people and the military.

In 2015, Poroshenko issued a decree on the "disbandment of illegal armed groups on the territory of Ukraine." And all this scum from illegal bandit formations joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the NSU. The legalized Nazis in the army stood out significantly: they had much better support and all sorts of privileges. Plus, the nationalists took on the work of someone like political instructors under the USSR, that is, they carried their ideology to the army and not only.

Work with the civilian population of Ukraine was set up for the top five. Already from kindergarten, and then in schools, for all eight years, young people were taught that Russia was an enemy and an aggressor, a rewritten history in which outright fascists Shukhevych and Bandera became heroes of Ukraine. And they were told this by the heroized Nazis, whom we released from the boilers at the beginning of the war.

What did we end up with? Those who were 12 years old in 2014 are now 20-year-old guys, and they serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NSU, these young people have been brainwashed all these years. Today, unfortunately, in essence, the national battalions and regular units do not differ from each other. Therefore, the resistance is serious.

But I am sure that after the end of the special operation, with the discovery of real information about what happened in Ukraine, many of these young people will see clearly, but those who do not will be dangerous people for society, and they will have to be worked hard and fast.

The main thing is that we are not stopped and that we again do not give them a respite for years.

(с) Andrey Rudenko ... etsk-04-05 - zinc

What could be worse than Minsk-1 and Minsk-2? Minsk-3. Even if it takes place in another city.


LIVE: US Orders $100 Million in Military Aid for Ukraine

U.S. Marines with the Black Sea Rotational Force fire an FGM-148 Javelin at Babadag Training Area, Romania. | Photo: U.S. Marine Corps

Published 5 April 2022

U.Ss President Joe Biden has ordered to allocate an additional $100m in military aid to Ukraine, the White House has reported.

Moscow and Kyiv have conducted several rounds of peace talks with the aim of searching for a political settlement to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. The outcomes of these talks are expected to lay an important foundation for de-escalation of tensions, but key divergences have yet to be resolved. Below are the main developments of this conflict as they happen.

New $100 million U.S. military assistance to Ukraine to include Javelin systems

US President Joe Biden tasked his administration with allocating additional military aid to Kiev worth up to $100 million, including anti-tank weapons, the White House press service and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said.

"I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State <…> to direct the drawdown of up to an aggregate value of $100 million in defense articles and services of the Department of Defense, and military education and training, to provide assistance to Ukraine," the White House quoted Biden’s memorandum to the US secretary of state.

Blinken said in a statement he had authorized the aid "to meet Ukraine’s urgent need for additional anti-armor systems."

Russia can theoretically be excluded from UN HRC, but not from Security Council - envoy

Excluding Russia from the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) is theoretically possible, but the country cannot be deprived of its permanent seat in the UN Security Council, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya told Channel One on Tuesday.

"Talks that someone may exclude us from the UN Security Council are not backed by anything. However, nothing can be ruled out at this point, because we are living in a world where all rules have become totally irrelevant," he said.

‘The US envoy [to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield,] said today that the United States would seek to exclude Russia from the Human Rights Council. Well, this can be done in theory, but under no circumstances can they exclude us from the Security Council," the Russian diplomat added.

Russia seeks peace in Donbass, not Ukrainian lands - diplomat

Vasily Nebenzya

Russia’s goal in Ukraine is to achieve peace in the war-torn Donbass region, not seize Ukrainian lands, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya told the UN Security Council on Tuesday.

"I just want you to give it a thought and really hope that you will find a solution to this situation, because it depends only on you," the Russian envoy said, addressing Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who earlier delivered a speech before the UN Security Council. "We didn’t come to you for Ukrainian land. We came to bring a long-awaited peace to a bleeding Donbas. Not a truce, but a genuine lasting peace."

"To do so, it is necessary to root out the cruelty that I mentioned and remove that Nazi malignant tumor that is devouring Ukraine and would have eventually begun to devour Russia," the Russian diplomat added.

Romania expels 10 Russian embassy employees - MFA

Romania is expelling 10 employees of the Russian embassy in Bucharest, the Romanian Foreign Ministry said in a statement published on its website on Tuesday.

"The Romanian government decided to declare 10 people working in the Russian Embassy in Bucharest as personae non gratae on Romanian territory, believing that their activities run contrary to the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961," the statement said.

Russian Ambassador to Romania Valery Kuzmin told TASS the embassy employees were given five days to leave the country. He called the decision an "unfriendly step" and assured Russia will retaliate.

Russia ready to work honestly at negotiating table with Ukraine - Lavrov

Russia is ready to work at the negotiating table with Ukraine honestly and consistently, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

"We insist that the international community must know the truth. And the international community should know that the Russia side is ready to work honestly and consistently at the negotiating table," he said.

"If the Ukrainian delegation continues to say that some extra steps from Russia are needed, if it continues to categorically refuse, as it is doing now, to even discuss denazification and demilitarization, the restoration of the rights of the Russian language, if they continue to say that they have no problems with the Russian language, with the rights of the Russian-speaking population, and with Nazification of all spheres of the country’s life, I don’t think it will promote further progress of the negotiating process," he stressed.

Russia announces final offensive on Mariupol. On Tuesday afternoon, the Russian Army announced the launch of its final offensive to take Mariupol. This announcement came after the deadline for the Ukrainian forces to lay down their arms and leave this port city located on the Sea of ​​Azov.

"Taking into consideration Kyiv's lack of interest in preserving the lives of its military, Mariupol will be liberated from nationalist units," Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Igor Konashenkov said, adding that the Russian Army frustrated a new attempt to evacuate the command of the nationalist Azov battalion by shooting down two Mi-8 helicopters that were trying to reach the city from the sea.

Konashenkov reported that the Lugansk forces continued their advance against the positions of the Ukrainian 24th Motorized Brigade. They also managed to break through the defense lines of the Ukrainian 57th Motorized Infantry Brigade, which lost up to 50 troops and 9 armored vehicles.

For several weeks, Mariupol, a city where some 100,000 people still remain, has been under siege by Russian troops and separatist militias. At the end of March, Russia withdrew from the Kyiv region and regrouped its forces to focus all its efforts on the liberation of Donbas.

Ukraine and its allies try to sabotage the negotiations by claiming a massacre in Bucha. On Tuesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned that the West is trying to sabotage negotiations, attributing responsibility for the murders in Bucha to his country.

"Moscow has twice requested an urgent session of the United Nations Security Council on the Bucha situation, but the United Kingdom (which is at present presiding over the UNSC) refused both times to hold the meeting," outlet Spunik recalled.

Latvia closed two Russian consular posts and declared their staff personae non grata. Latvia's Foreign Ministry said that Russia's Consulates in Daugavpils and Liepaja were being closed "in solidarity with Ukraine." Mikhail Vanin, the Russian Federation's ambassador to Latvia, was notified of the decision.

Italy and Romania expel 40 Russian diplomats. Italy's foreign ministry announced the expulsion of 30 Russian diplomats for what it called "reasons related to national security." Also on Tuesday, Romania decided to expel ten Russian diplomats.

"The Romanian authorities have decided to declare as personae non grata on the territory of Romania ten people working in the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bucharest, given that their activities and actions are contrary to the provisions of the Vienna Convention," the country's foreign ministry said.

Ukraine is the third largest importer of German arms. In the first three months of 2022, German authorities granted arms export licenses worth 2.8 billion euros. In the similar period of 2021, however, that figure only reached 981 million euros.

"The increase can be largely explained by a high-volume acquisition project from the Netherlands, which will last several years and which alone represents 62 percent of the total approval value in the first quarter," the Economy ministry said.

The main destinations of German weapons during the first quarter of 2022 were the Netherlands (1.7 billion euros), the U.K. (215 million euros), and Ukraine (186 million euros). "Germany strongly supports Ukraine in its right to self-defense, as evidenced by the current values of weapons permits," State Secretary Sven Giegold said.

Russia denounces staged video of dead Ukrainian civilians. On Tuesday, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov denounced that the Ukrainian military made and released a new staged video in which civilians are allegedly killed by the Russian forces.

The video intended to incriminate the Russians was actually made by the Ukrainian military of the 72 Information and Psychological Operations Center in the Moschun region. This recording was later released by Western media. "Similar activities are now being organized by Ukrainian special services in cities like Sumy and Konotop," he added.

The French Justice opens investigations over possible war crimes in Ukraine. On Tuesday, the French National Antiterrorist Prosecutor's Office (PNAT) opened four investigations over possible war crimes committed in Ukraine against French victims, without currently identifying the alleged perpetrators, although some elements point to Russian forces.

The PNAT indicated that three of these investigations "against X" have been formally launched for events that occurred in the cities of Mariupol (between February 25 and March 16), Gostomel (between March 1 and 12), and Chernihiv (since February 24).

The qualification of war crimes is justified because they are voluntary acts against the physical integrity of people; deliberate attacks against civilians who were not involved in acts of war; of the deprivation of essential goods for the survival of civilians; and/or for deliberate attacks on civilian objects, their theft or their destruction.

The investigations have been entrusted to the police of the Central Office for the Fight against Crimes against Humanity and Hate Crimes (OCLCH). On March 16, the PNAT had already launched another investigation for war crimes following the death two days earlier of French-Irish television cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski, who was part of a team from Fox News that was shot north from Kyiv.

French justice can declare jurisdiction over war crimes committed abroad when there are victims of French nationality or residents in France, but also when the alleged perpetrators are French.

Denmark Expels 15 Russian Diplomats. On Tuesday, Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod announced the expulsion of 15 Russian diplomatic staff members, accusing them as "intelligence officers" for espionage.

Russian Ambassador to Denmark Vladimir Barbin had been earlier informed of the expulsion of the "intelligence officers working at the Russian embassy in Copenhagen." The expelled officers have 14 days to depart Denmark.

The Russian embassy in Denmark denies the accusations, claiming that the Danish move aims to further deteriorate relations between the two countries. "It will not remain unanswered," wrote the Russian embassy in an email to the Danish news agency Ritzau.

In response, Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Moscow will take retaliatory measures against Denmark over the expulsion of Russian diplomats.

Russia hopes Kiev won't listen to "advisers" from afar. Moscow hopes Kiev will follow its national interests at Russia-Ukraine peace talks, but not listen to "advisers" from afar, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

"It is not the talks that influence the course of the operation, but external 'players' who are trying to hinder these negotiations and keep the clashes 'on the ground' going on for as long as possible," he told a press conference following talks with Arab League (AL) representatives on Ukraine.

"We know who gives such 'advice' to our Ukrainian neighbors. This is done with useless goals that have nothing to do with the interests of the Ukrainian people, the security of Ukraine, the security in the region of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and in our European region," he added.

"I hope that those who lead the delegation of Kiev at the said talks will start to be guided by their own national interests, the interests of their people but not listen to 'advisers' from afar, who sometimes only want to see how the crisis situation will continue to build up," Lavrov said.

He added that Russia will debunk fakes related to the special operation in Ukraine. The minister also expressed the readiness to cooperate and continue to inform colleagues in the AL about the development of the situation, according to the statement.

The Arab Ministerial delegation, headed by Ahmed Aboul-Gheit, secretary-general of the AL, visited Russia to seek a diplomatic solution for the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The group, including representatives from Egypt, Jordan, Algeria, Iraq, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates, will travel to Warsaw on Tuesday for another meeting with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. ... -0001.html

Putin and Zelensky Meeting Possible Upon Peace Treaty Readiness

Russia said it is necessary to have a written agreement between Russia-Ukraine. April. 5, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@DailyWorld24

Published 5 April 2022 (8 hours 37 minutes ago)

On Tuesday, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is possible only after a written agreement advocating peace is worked out between both nations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has never ruled out such a meeting. Still, for making it real, a written document must be generated by the two delegations, the top official said.

Peskov said at a daily briefing session: "Nothing has changed for us. We do not reject the possibility of such a meeting for our president."

The Russian press secretary said that such a meeting is possible only after the document's text is agreed upon.

Moscow and Kiev have conducted several rounds of negotiations to finalize a treaty to end the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a special military operation in Ukraine late in February following Kiev failure to meet with the Minsk Agreements and the eventual recognition by Russia of the sovereignty of the Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics. Russia's special military operation responded to a request for help from the Donetsk and Lugansk republics leaders.

Russia has been facing the imposition of many illegal sanctions by the West and its allies worldwide, who have been looking to punish Moscow for its move to Ukraine. ... -0019.html

I suspect Zelensky is just killing time and Ukrainians at the behest of his US masters and Nazi minders.

West Uses Bucha Situation to Disrupt Russia-Ukraine Talks

Russia Says Bucha claims aim to slander the country. April. 4, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@frediejustine

Published 5 April 2022 (12 hours 28 minutes ago)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday that the West is feeding Bucha's provocation hype to disrupt Russia-Ukraine negotiations.

Kiev and western media blamed Russia for the killing of civilians in the Ukrainian city of Bucha. Russia has said that Ukraine and Western media have created such a situation, noting that it is another provocation that only damages the ongoing Russia-Ukraine talks.

The Russian foreign minister said that Bucha's provocation came right after Kiev put forward possible peace proposals such as those on Crimea. He added that Western attempts to provoke Russia pose a high risk that the negotiations will fail, just like the Minsk agreements.

Referring to the talks between the two sides held in Istanbul, Turkey, in late March, Lavrov said they were productive, as crucial deals were suggested for the much-desired peace. The senior official said that then Ukraine confirmed the necessity of ensuring the country's non-nuclear and non-bloc status and its assurance that the country will not become a member of the U.S.-led NATO alliance and Ukraine's recognition of Crimea and Donbass as finally resolved issues.

The minister said that Kiev must abstain from spoiling the process under any circumstances to achieve real progress in the negotiations. Lavrov also said Russia is concerned about Kiev's decision to demand the ratification of a possible peace agreement and a referendum, saying this could slow down the process.

Lavrov made these statements in light of claims by Western media and Ukrainian media, who keep stirring up the narrative that Russia is responsible for the mass killings of civilians in the city of Bucha, despite the lack of evidence to prove these allegations.

Western and Ukrainian media have used footage showing dead bodies lying on the city's streets to support their claims. However, the images have sparked controversy, with many observers claiming that the alleged corpses moved or even stood up once the camera passed in front of them.

Russia said that the situation in Bucha is another provocation aimed at defaming Moscow, which has already called for an urgent session of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on the situation in Bucha twice; however, Russia's request has been rejected both times. ... -0011.html

Alleged Attack on Ukrainian Chemical Plant by Ukraine Forces

Explosion in the Zarya chemical plant in Ukraine. Apr. 5, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@dimpenewscom1

Published 5 April 2022 (13 hours 16 minutes ago)

Reportedly Ukrainian forces have blown up a tank that is supposed to contain hydrochloric acid while retreating.

Ukrainian forces have allegedly blown up a tank that contained hydrochloric acid during their retreat from a chemical plant in the town of Rubezhnoe in the Lugansk People's Republic, resulting in a flashpoint in the ongoing military conflict.

According to the LPR's militia, the tank exploded in a populated area controlled by local fighters. "[These] terrorist actions might lead to mass civilian casualties," LPR's forces adverted via Telegram. The authorities are carrying out investigations to collect information about any possible casualties resulting from the incident.

LPR's authorities have accused Ukrainian media of "actively spreading fakes" about Donbass fighters having allegedly blown up the tank. The self-proclaimed people's republics have said that intending to cover the "criminal terrorist actions" performed Kiev military forces; they have been doing this.

On Tuesday, Sergei Gaidai, Kiev governor to Lugansk, said via Telegram that a projectile from Russian troops had struck a nitric acid tank in the area. He urged people in the region to stay indoors and close all doors and windows and prepare wet face masks. "Nitric acid is dangerous if inhaled or swallowed," warned Gaidai.

Once one of Ukraine's leading chemical enterprises, the' Zarya' chemical plant suffered Tuesday the explosion of one of its tanks, which allegedly contained hydrochloric acid. The videos that emerged after the attack show thick, orange-tinged smoke billowing over the area with some residential buildings.

The Ukrainian chemical plant has some installations to store sulfuric and hydrochloric acid. Once in contact with the atmosphere, that acid might cause a toxic fog affecting people's eyes and airways. If mixed with various oxidizers like potassium permanganate, it releases highly toxic chlorine gas. ... -0010.html


Press Briefing by Amb.Nebenzia on the Situation in the Town of Bucha and Related Matters
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 4, 2022

Press Briefing by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia on the situation in the town of Bucha (Kiev Region) and related matters

Vassily Nebenzia: These are unprecedented times, as you know. What is also unprecedented is what happened yesterday and earlier today. It was unprecedented, unbelievable, and unthinkable. We were denied a Security Council meeting that we requested today from the British Presidency. During my time here, I had emergency meetings of the Security Council on many issues that happened on weekends, on US holidays, etc, and we never objected. What happened is something unbelievable and unprecedented in the history of the United Nations. That is a fact.

I heard today’s press conference by Ambassador Barbara Woodward. I heard questions that she was asked, and I heard answers that she gave. Frankly, some of the answers she was just not able to give. Before we have a meeting tomorrow, I would like to tell you of a few things which it is very important to get through to you – press and media. It is about what has happened recently and is happening now around Kiev.

On April 4 the Kiev regime with an active support from its Western sponsors started to promote in Western mass media fake news about alleged “atrocities” of the Russian military forces in the town of Bucha (a suburb of Kiev) in Ukraine.

From the very beginning it has been clear that this is nothing else but yet another staged provocation aimed at discrediting and dehumanizing of the Russian military and levelling political pressure on Russia. Not many of you know about the Russian military, but I assure you that Russian military is nothing that it is being accused of, in particular what regards “cruel atrocities” against civil population. It is not the case. It never was, and will never be.

We have factual evidence that proves this point. We intended to present it to the Security Council as soon as possible so that the international community is not misled by the false narrative promoted by Kiev and its Western sponsors.

To this end, the Russian Federation requested a Security Council meeting to be convened at 3 pm New York Time today on April 4 to discuss this heinous provocation by the Kiev regime.

I would like to emphasize that we did it as early as on 2.51 pm on Sunday, full 24 hours before the requested meeting, so the UK claims that we asked for a meeting “too late” are misinformation.

Our efforts have been met with the fierce opposition of the UK Presidency with the support of other Western delegations, namely the US, France, Ireland, Norway and Albania.

They tried to invent an invalid and lame pretext not to convene this meeting on Monday insisting that it should be postponed to Tuesday.

The UK Ambassador keeps claiming, and you could hear that at her press conference earlier today, that they wanted to have a more “informed” meeting with the UN Secretariat as a briefer. This is a lie. We have never objected to having a briefer on Monday, and it is the obligation of the Presidency to arrange for that. We did not request a briefer from our side. During the Russian Presidency, we duly arranged for such meetings at the request of the Western delegations, in the middle of the day or night, regardless of the complex geopolitical context and constant provocations vis-à-vis our country.

I would like to stress: the UK Presidency openly rejected our request to convene a meeting on April 4. And they did it twice. Since the situation around Bucha kept evolving overnight, today we requested an urgent Council meeting at 3 pm.

However, the Presidency took the liberty to qualify that there is no reason to convey an emergency meeting. As they put it, the UK does not believe that the situation in Bucha is calling for immediate attention of the Security Council.

This is a unilateral assertion of the UK Presidency, not a decision of the Council members. You can see clearly now what a “rules-based order” promoted by the UK and other Western countries means in real life. It means them imposing rules that are comfortable to them with total disregard for the international law and the established UNSC rules of procedure.

This behavior is very illustrative and reveals true attitude of the West to the Ukrainian people. While blocking the discussion on Bucha, where we see a clear-cut provocation in classical Goebbels’s style, risking to have serious implications for the international peace and security, the Western delegations rushed to convene a Security Council meeting on the education for girls in Afghanistan some time ago. You can see what their real priorities are.

The reason why the Western delegations do this is very simple. It would not benefit Western cause if the Security Council meeting was convened by Russia, because this would shake the anti-Russian narrative that they are comfortably promoting. The Western delegations prefer to “blend in” the situation in Bucha with the discussion of the humanitarian situation at the meeting they convene tomorrow, to shift the focus away from the staged provocation by the Kiev regime. To this end, the UK by its own discretion added our agenda item to tomorrow’s briefing. We have never approved that. It is yet another illustration of their behavior.

I would like to recall Rule 2 of the Provisional rules of Procedure of the Security Council. It is explicit that the Presidency should call for a meeting at the request of any member of the Security Council.

What we see now is a shameful and unprecedented abuse by the UK of the President’s prerogatives. At the same time, this is a demonstration of weakness showing that the Western delegations had to resort to this maneuvering to shut Russia’s voice. It only proves the point that Western delegations care neither about the real situation in Bucha, nor about the Council authority.

Abusive, condescendent, colonialistic line of the UK Presidency is undermining the very foundations of the UN, and we will yet have to assess the implications.

The Presidency is entrusted by the Charter to lead the Security Council. The UK failed to lead. It is a disgrace for the British diplomacy and an undeniable stain on its reputation.

Given negligence of the UK Presidency, we decided to convene this press conference to shed light on the Western-backed provocation of the Kiev regime in Bucha.

I would like to present to you the real facts about Bucha.

During the time that the town has been under the control of the Russian armed forces, not a single local resident has suffered from any violent action.

For as long as the town was under the control of the Russian armed forces locals were moving freely around the town and using cellular phones. So they could post on social media any photo and video footage of any theoretical “harassment” if this were the case. However, that did not happen.

Let me address the developments in chronological order.

On March 30, following another round of talks in Ankara, Russian Ministry of Defense announced the withdrawal of forces from a number of regions, including Bucha.

That fact was confirmed the next day by the mayor of Bucha. In his video of March 31 Anatoly Fedoruk presented the withdrawal of Russian forces as a victory of Ukrainian Army. Interestingly, he had not mentioned any mass atrocities, dead bodies, killings, graves or anything like that. It is hard to imagine that a city mayor can “forget” to address such a devastating scenario.

Let me show you the video posted by Mr. Fedoruk. As you will see, he looks happy and smiling. It is hard to imagine that he is acting like this against the backdrop of “massacre” in the streets. That’s in Ukrainian, but as I said, he is very happy that Russian troops withdrew, which he regards as a great victory of the Ukrainian army. He makes no mentioning of any atrocities in the city.

This video was posted on “Ukraine 24” channel on the 1st of April. I would like to stress – nothing about “atrocities” was revealed on April 1st.

Let me also show a photo of Zhan Belenyuk, a deputy of the Ukrainian parliament, who, according to his reports in social media, visited Bucha after regaining control by the Ukrainian government. As you can see, he is also smiling. He is joyful. In his reports he mentions no dead bodies. Not a single reference to “atrocities”.

On April 2nd the National Guard of Ukraine posted on official resources a video from Bucha. Let me show you the footage. The video captures members of Ukrainian armed forces entering Bucha. The footage shows no dead bodies in the streets. The Ukrainian military interviewed several people in different locations across the town. None of them said a word about any “massacre” or mass killings. Camera also captures background behind these people, with no dead bodies in sight.

To sum it up, there are no reports of atrocities which are accredited to the Russian military in Bucha, which happened before the Ukrainian army took control of the town. Four days after the Russian military left the city of Bucha there was not a single sign of any “atrocities”. I repeat – not a single reference to it, anywhere.

The infamous video depicting bodies on the city roads only appeared on April 3rd. It is full of discrepancies and blatant lies. According to its authors, the bodies were lying on the streets for at least 4 days by the time the video was filmed. However, the bodies are not stiffened. How is that possible? It is against the law of biology. The bodies do not have signs of decomposition known to forensic experts, including cadaver stains. The wounds contain no blood.

Another point illustrating that this video is fake.

The Ukrainian forces use either blue or yellow armlets or stripes. Because members of Ukrainian militia do not always wear military uniforms, local civilians in Bucha wore white stripes on their upper arms when the Russian forces were stationed in Bucha. That was done to prevent misidentification of civilians from members of militia. When the Ukrainian forces entered the town, they fired at the people with white stripes, killing the civilians. There is a video showing a conversation between members of Ukrainian units. It was published in social media by the so-called “territorial defense” – a radical nationalist fighting group. One of the radicals asks if he can shoot at the people without blue stripes. The other confirms that this is permissible.

Russian speakers know that, but let me translate for the rest of you:

Question behind the scene – «There are folks without blue bands, can I shoot them?»

Answer: «Of course».

I hope the evidence we demonstrated today leaves you with no illusion that the video circulated by the Kiev regime is a crude forgery. It does not stand any scrutiny. However, some Western leaders, for example German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron, and of course British Foreign Minister Liz Truss have already lined up to promote this false narrative.

What happened in Bucha is exactly a false flag attack by the Kiev regime and its Western sponsors. The possible goal of this provocation is horrifying and brings back the nightmares of the Nazi crimes during the Second World War.

Vladimir Zelensky, once he arrived in Bucha, hinted that this “incident” justifies any “uncivilized response”. By this basically he confirmed that the Kiev regime considers genocide as a method of warfare. Now the nationalists have a pretext to commit a real massacre of innocent Ukrainian people executing them as “traitors”. We want the world to stay alert and we call on the Council not to let these horrific cleansing to happen.

To conclude I would like to reiterate that the Russian military forces act in strict compliance with international humanitarian law and do not target civilians and civilian objects. If we were pursuing aggressive goals, like those of the US-led coalition in Iraq, the scale of losses and devastation would be worse by digits. Like in Raqqa and Mosul that were bombed by the US to ashes, killing thousands of civilians, including women and children, whose bodies were left unburied for weeks and even months.

You will hear more from me tomorrow, because more information is coming. I think that the truth about what happened in Bucha will reveal itself very soon.

Q: A Security Council meeting did not take place because Great Britain said no. The United States intends to pursue Russia’s suspension from the UN Human Rights Council. Do you think these actions can undermine the negotiations efforts for a humanitarian ceasefire? What are the next steps you are planning here at the UN?

A: Of course, Human Rights Council is not our piece of cake, so to say. We are in another format. But I think that this is again unbelievable what the West and the rest are trying to do with Russia today, trying to exclude it from whatever multilateral forums we have in the world.

So in response to what you are saying, I think yes they can. This is, again, unprecedented. And this will not facilitate, encourage or be helpful for what is happening at Russian-Ukrainian peace talks.

Q: On the other side, the Ukrainians have presented footage of people who have said that their loved ones have been killed by Russian troops – civilians not doing anything. As for the footage that’s been shown. We’ve seen a little bit that you’ve shown, but do you consider that the statements of these women and family members who’ve watched their own loved ones being killed by Russian troops are fake?

A: This is a warfare. And in warfare, anything happens. You cannot exclude that civilians may die. That is a sad fact of life. But the footage that we are being presented with, in particular in Bucha, of which I spoke, does not give us any doubt that it was staged. We will present more evidence on that tomorrow when we speak in the Security Council.

Q: I’d like to ask you one follow-up question. Ukrainian Prosecutor General Irina Venedictova today told Ukrainian television that the situation in a town called Borodyanka may be worse than Bucha in terms of people who have been found killed. That town was also occupied by Russian forces until recently. Do you know anything about that?

A: Frankly, no. I just hear from you as you speak.

Q: My question is about Bucha. There are pictures. There’s eyewitness evidence. What are you saying about how this happened? And you did show us pictures of two pregnant women who were fake photos, and we saw one of them give birth and we saw the other one die. Do you believe that the pictures and the story you’re getting right now and telling us are true about Bucha?

A: I just saw a footage today on the Russian television of the lady that gave birth in Mariupol. She admitted that it had been a fake. She’s an Ukrainian blogger named Mariana. She admitted that it was a fake, that she was made to make that footage.

Now, to what you see in the streets of Bucha. The corpses had never existed before the departure of Russian troops, and then suddenly appeared in the streets, lying on the road one by one, right and left. If you look carefully, you will see that some of them are moving. Some of them are showing signs of life. You cannot escape from an understanding that this is staged, that it is a fake and a provocation. Because, as you all know, besides the warfare, we have a raging information war. And we have evidence that it was premeditated and arranged by the Ukrainian information warfare machine.

Q: Therefore, you’re blaming the Ukrainians for actually putting these bodies there?

A: One thing you cannot deny is that Ukrainians are using people as a human shield when they hide behind them in residential buildings, which they use to call fire on themselves.

Q: The second woman who was pregnant, by the way, did die.

A: If that is the case, I’m sorry for her. I really am. You may believe me.

Q: But part of the question is then the bigger picture. Martin Griffith just came from Moscow. Is there any possibility of a ceasefire?

A: And the question is, from which hands she died. They claimed that it was a Russian airstrike, while the evidence shows that the building had not had an air strike, but rather an explosion.

On Martin Griffiths and the resolution. We offered a resolution last week, which they rejected. They said no because “Russia as an aggressor” cannot offer anything. We are trying to get people out of cities and provide them with free evacuation, which they also deny. They say “no, Ukrainians can only leave to the West, they cannot live to Russia, they have no right to do so”. They say so despite the fact that half a million Ukrainians are already in Russia. And believe me, there is no xenophobia to Ukrainians in Russia. There has never been any, despite what is happening with Russians around the globe today. I’m grateful to the Americans that they are not up to that. But look at what is happening in Europe, at how they treat Russians only because they have Russian passports. That is incredible. That is unbelievable. I leave aside the issue of sanctions, which are beyond any understanding, but the way they are treating Russians in Europe is something that goes beyond any understanding.

Q: Would Russia, for example, welcome an independent investigation? You talk about the misinformation wars, the fog of war. It’s difficult to understand who’s giving you facts and who’s not. Right. So would you agree to an independent mechanism to investigate the atrocities that we both can agree are happening in Ukraine? And then a second part, what is so egregious about the 24 hours delay? To help us understand, this meeting that you requested for today is happening tomorrow. So what is so outrageous about this delay?

A: The question is who is doing the so-called independent investigation. We’ve seen lots of independent investigations which were not independent at all because they were politically motivated, biased, etc.

As for the meeting, their aim and the idea is absolutely clear. They do not want to let us present our views, and want to go ahead with their own interpretation of the situation. But by tomorrow many things may come to surface which they wouldn’t like to hear. So perhaps they lost time when they did not have this meeting today and postponed it until tomorrow.

Not just in my memory here, but in the procedure, tradition, and rules of the Security Council, I cannot recall a case when the Presidency would deny a country a meeting whenever it wants to. If that’s an emergency meeting, the Council should meet in 3 hours after the announcement. I’ve been in this situation many times over myself.

I listened to the briefing today and I heard the question that you asked to [Ambassador] Barbara [Woodward]. She never answered to it. I mean we’ve been accused of atrocities, we are being accused of not observing the rules of warfare, etc, but what did she answer when you asked her about Raqqa and Mosul? She just evaded. She went sideways. Anyway, let’s see what happens tomorrow. Tomorrow you will hear more from us. I promise that I will be even more factual than today. ... d-matters/


Mount Kremenets
April 6, 14:36


A beautiful photo from military officer Kots from Mount Kremenets in Izyum. For a long time there were heavy battles for it and the southern part of the city.
The city is taken, the troops are developing an offensive on Barvenkovo ​​and Slavyansk.

Google Translator

That ain't no RF soldier but a soldier of Donbass.

Whadda ya say to that flag, ZZ? More on that later.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Wed Apr 06, 2022 3:23 pm

‘Bucha incident’ not to be used as pretext for inflaming situation: Global Times editorial
By Global Times
Published: Apr 06, 2022 01:47 AM

ISTANBUL, TURKIYE - MARCH 29: Russia - Ukraine negotiation delegations leave after the peace talks between delegations from Russia and Ukraine at Dolmabahce Presidential Office in Istanbul, Turkiye on March 29, 2022. Emrah Yorulmaz / Anadolu Agency Emrah Yorulmaz / ANADOLU AGENCY / Anadolu Agency via AFP

The United Nations Security Council will hold a meeting on April 5 (EST) to discuss the situation in Ukraine, with the "Bucha incident" in the spotlight. Ukraine has accused Russian military forces of killing a large number of civilians during the occupation of the city of Bucha, located in the western suburbs of Kiev. Russia categorically denied it and presented the UN Security Council with empirical evidence of the Ukrainian side's video falsification and other fakes. Previously, Ukraine claimed that hundreds of bodies in civilian clothes were found in Bucha, and Western media following the Ukrainian army into the city captured photos and videos showing dead bodies strewn on city streets, which quickly stirred up the international public opinion and cast a deep shadow over the Russia-Ukraine peace negotiations at a critical juncture.

It must be emphasized that any violence against civilians, under whatever pretext, is absolutely unacceptable and must be condemned and the perpetrators held accountable. This is actually the consensus of the international community. But unrest and war are always accompanied by such distressing tragedies, which is one of the reasons why we firmly oppose chaos and war, and insist on advocating for peace and promoting talks. Although the truth is yet to be uncovered, it is certain that war is ultimately the culprit of all tragedies. As long as Russia and Ukraine cannot achieve a cease-fire, humanitarian tragedies will not end.

However, it is regrettable that after the exposure of the "Bucha incident," the US, the initiator of the Ukraine crisis, has not shown any signs of urging peace and promoting talks, but is ready to exacerbate the Russia-Ukraine tensions and create obstacles to the peace talks between the two sides, by increasing sanctions against Russia, providing more weapons to Ukraine, and continuously pressuring Russia in diplomacy and public opinion. In particular, Washington has indicated that it will provide a range of heavy weapons systems. The Pentagon has described the work to fulfill Ukraine's main security assistance requests at an "unprecedented pace." We have to say, it is very irresponsible to fan the flames at this juncture.

Many Western media refer to the "Bucha incident" as a turning point in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which is an ambiguous judgment. Is it a turn in the direction of further deterioration of the situation? This is precisely what the peace-loving people in the world need to be highly alert to. At present, the "Bucha incident" seems to be deviating from its normal course, and the atmosphere of the public opinion war and the psychological war is getting stronger. However, any attempt to take advantage of the Ukraine crisis to unilaterally occupy the "moral high ground" and continuously push up conflicts in order to extract geostrategic benefits is likely to trigger a greater humanitarian tragedy in the end.

It is rational to suspect that behind the indignation of the US and the West over the "Bucha incident" lies a profound double standard and a political purpose that is not single-minded. This is because over the years, the military forces of some countries have committed numerous crimes in killing civilians with impunity. According to incomplete statistics, as many as 100,000 Afghan civilians have died under US gunfire, and a significant number of them are children. Australian special forces have killed 39 unarmed Afghan civilians, including juveniles, by slitting their throats for "practice." What's more, in order to obstruct the International Criminal Court (ICC)'s investigation of US war crimes in Afghanistan, the US government went so far as to restrict the issuance of visas for ICC staff and impose sanctions on the court's senior officials.

"The first casualty of war is truth." This well-known Western proverb has been quoted many times by American and British lawmakers and politicians, who should be fully aware that as important as the pursuit of "truth" is avoiding tragedy. No matter how the "Bucha incident" took place, no one can deny at least one thing: War itself is the main culprit of the humanitarian disaster. The current humanitarian disaster in Ukraine has added new pressure to the Russia-Ukraine peace talks. But the crisis shows the necessity and importance of the cease-fire and peace talks, because if no cease-fire is achieved as soon as possible, there may be more disasters in the future.

In this sense, the "Bucha incident" once again reminded the international community that along with a serious pursuit of responsibility and investigation, fanning the flames and "passing the knife" should be avoided. Advocating for peace and promoting talks should be insisted on. No matter how difficult it is, a cease-fire and peace should be achieved as a result. Only peace can protect life and bring tranquility.

World junks 'American solution'
By YIFAN XU in Washington | China Daily | Updated: 2022-04-06 07:44

Military-framed response to issues exposed as flawed view, expert says

As the world evolves, the "American solution" will not be the only way or even the mainstream approach to solving global issues, according to a professor at Georgetown University.

In an interview with China Daily, Jack Midgley, the principal of global consultancy Midgley & Co and an adjunct associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown, said that since the end of World War II, the US has looked to build institutions that reflect its ideals about the rule of law as well as an assumption about US power. However, the world has changed.

"Europe has developed; Europe is now very rich. China has developed enormously since 1949 and is rich," Midgley said. "So, now we expect that these rules are going to have to evolve over the next decades to reflect a different balance of power, to reflect the different degrees of wealth and the different interests that countries have in the world."

He warned about the challenges brought about by a changing world.

"The perception inside the United States of what's in America's interest may be very different from a Russian or Japanese or Chinese or Indian idea of what's best for the world," Midgley said. "Our challenge in the future will be to bring these different points of view together and to avoid resolving the conflicts that will happen with force."

Midgley stressed that institutions such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the World Bank and the United Nations were set up seven decades ago.

"So, we should expect that those institutions are going to evolve, and we should expect that the solutions which were mainly American solutions in the past will not be American solutions in the future. They will be European, they will be Indian, they will be Chinese, they will be Japanese, because these economies are now rich and influential, just as America is," said Midgley.

Midgley also said that the US has continued to outspend the world on defense and military operations.

On March 28, President Joe Biden submitted his administration's budget for the 2023 financial year-a total of $5.8 trillion with $813 billion for defense, a 4 percent increase in military spending. Midgley did not view the increase as "unusual", considering that US military spending has always represented a sizable percentage of total global military expenditures.

"The American defense spending is about 40 percent of the entire global budget for defense. If you think of the total defense spending in the world, it is about $1.1 trillion a year," he said.

The US has been the country most involved in military conflicts since the end of World War II.Since 1945, the US has been involved in or led at least 19 regional wars or military operations.

Unwarranted influence

Midgley spoke of how president Dwight Eisenhower coined the term "military-industrial complex" in a January 1961 farewell address and warned that it could have too much influence over US policy and budgets.

"We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex," Eisenhower said at the end of his second term. "The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."

Midgley said: "We do live in a world where there are very large, very powerful military and defense contractors.… It is in their own interests for them to want to grow. In the case of the American military-industrial complex, that means selling more weapons to the Americans but also selling more weapons around the world."

He added: "No one wants to keep spending endlessly on defense. People want other things. They want healthcare; they want education; they want a clean environment."

Of the current Russia-Ukraine conflict, Midgley said: "A big part of the solution should involve NATO. NATO has been allowed to expand since 1991 really without much rationale. If you look at that expansion from a Russian point of view, it could be perceived as very threatening. After all, we now have NATO soldiers stationed in places that were formerly republics of the Soviet Union: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and so forth." ... 55298.html


(This from Colonel cassad's Telegram account:)

Forwarded from
Dnepropetrovsk Partisans
Operational report from the Dnepropetrovsk Partisans (04.04. - 04.05.2022):

[04.04. - 04/05/2022] On April 4, in Dnepropetrovsk, the air raid siren sounded from 03:03 to 03:42; from 09:05 to 09:36; from 18:21 to 18:58; from 22:51 to 23:57; April 5 - from 03:03 to 03:42; from 05:28 to 05:52; from 15:43 to 16:13; from 22:30 to 23:37.

[04/05/2022] [22:30] The Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack on targets in the Dnepropetrovsk region. There is information about a strong fire in the Novomoskovsk region.

[04/05/2022] [22:10] The head of the Dnipro Terror Defense Center, war criminal Gena Korban is begging for flatbed trucks, tractors, lifts for the needs of the army. Apparently in the Ukrainian army it became very bad with transport. Also, Gena is very unnerved by the fact that for each truck imported from abroad, you have to pay 20 thousand euros of excise duty: “We need flatbed trucks, tractors, lifts - a lot. The army must move, this is a living organism. army. It still operates without exceptions. This is an average of 20,000 euros per truck." Even in such a situation, the top of the Kiev Junta continues to profit by imposing customs duties on trucks for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

[04/05/2022] [12:28] In the Dnipropetrovsk region, the police and the SBU are doing complete chaos. The policemen - instead of detaining the marauders - tie them to poles, and the SBU do not hesitate to beat and undress the detainees, mock them, doing all this right on camera. Only one conclusion follows from this: there is no longer any law or legality in Ukraine.

[04.04.2022] The forces of the NM DPR liberated Novobakhmutovka. During the fighting, up to a company of the 25th OPDB (Ukrainian airborne brigade) was destroyed.

[04/04/2022] [12:12] Drugs, weapons and false documents are the three most popular goods on the black market in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Every day the demand in the region for these products is growing more and more. So, in the Industrial district of the Dnieper, a curfew violator was detained. The man had signs of intoxication, behaved aggressively. Other people's documents, weapons, knives, as well as drugs were found on him. It is worth recalling that the criminal situation in the city leaves much to be desired.

[04/04/2022] [20:32] Mayor of Zelenodolsk, war criminal Dima Nevesyoliy. spreads fake claims that Russian troops allegedly shelled Zelenodolsk with phosphorus ammunition. We remind you that the Russian army does not use prohibited ammunition. Any shelling with prohibited ammunition, both real and fictional, is carried out exclusively by the nationalist leadership of Ukraine in order to further inflame ethnic hatred, compromise the Russian army and beg for another handout from Western masters.


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Map of military operations and the situation on the fronts on the evening of April 5

Against the backdrop of information battles, reports from real fronts were almost lost again. Media spears were broken today not only online, but also at a meeting at the UN. The main theses of our side from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation Nebenzi: “Ukraine's accusations against the Russian military are not supported by any evidence. Hundreds of people are ready to testify about the crimes of neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Neo-Nazis and radicals are distinguished by unprecedented cruelty towards the civilian population, which they use as a "human shield" and install artillery and MLRS next to living houses. Also at this meeting, the permanent representative presented evidence casting doubt on the involvement of the Russian army in the incident in Bucha.

But let's see what news today from the real fronts. There is silence in the entire north of Ukraine, where the Russian troops left the previously occupied territory. But, as you know, the V army did not go home - the forces were transferred to other sectors of the eastern front.

On the southern front:From reports from the Ukrainian side, we know that in the direction of the South Buzh direction, Russian troops are conducting assault operations with the support of artillery in order to capture the village of Aleksandrovka, and according to reports, they are partially successful. In the area of ​​​​the settlements of Lyubino, Mirnoye and Kopani, Russian artillery fired at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Arestovich also said that the Russian army left the territory of the Nikolaev region, and is preparing Kherson "for surrender". Information about Kherson is apparently a stuffing, as it is not strategically beneficial for Russia and will again cut Crimea off from the "mainland". And as comrades from the fields report, we are also in the Nikolaev region.

Eastern front.In Kharkov, no changes. According to Izyum: it is reported that we achieved success in the direction of Barvenkovo, advanced 7 km and captured the village of Brazhkovka. (Yesterday there were reports of a tank battle in this village - the RF Armed Forces lost 1 tank, the Armed Forces - 6 tanks). The village of Malaya Kamyshevatka was taken, the road to Barvenkovo ​​was opened. The attack on Dolgonkoye continues, after the capture of which the road to Slavyansk will open. Right now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are firing at Izyum, covering the private sector with “cassettes”.

Fighting continues in Rubizhne and Popasnaya, and the LNR has local successes. Disturbing news came from this part of the front today. The army of the LNR informs about the explosion of the APU of a tank with chemicals (a tank with nitric acid) in the village of Frontier. “Today, by blowing up a tank with hydrochloric acid in shop No. 1 of the Zarya production association, a cloud of a poisonous substance was spread in the factory district of the city, where more than 10,000 people live.”

In Mariupol, the nationalists are divided into three boilers, where the enemies are successfully finished off. At the same time, the resistance is quite fierce. In particular, it is reported that right now the Azovmash checkpoint is being stormed. Many wounded on our side. At the same time, it became known that more than 30 military servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered in Mariupol, left with their hands up in the area of ​​​​kindergarten No. 91 on the Left Bank.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation also reported on two Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters, which again tried to evacuate the leadership of the Azov National Battalion (banned in the Russian Federation) from Mariupol, both helicopters were shot down.



forwarded from
Evan Braden Montgomery and Henshi Yoshihara of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA, Washington) on the PLA military analysts' conclusions about the Russian army's special military operation in Ukraine:
1. Nuclear deterrence is very effective. In a special operation to reunite Taiwan with mainland China, a nuclear deterrence could force the US military to retreat, reducing the risk of an all-out war between the US and China.
2. The need for a complete naval blockade of Taiwan.
3. The physical elimination of the military-political leadership of Taiwan at the very beginning of the special operation can prevent a protracted insurgency war on the island in the future.

A couple very different views from socialists on the current situation:


War and Wars, a Necessary Reflection
April 5, 2022
By Vladimir Acosta – March 29, 2022

I believe that in order to make a substantive analysis of the new geopolitical playing field that has started to take shape since the onset of the current war in Ukraine, in which the US is arming and essentially manages its proxy, Ukraine, in order to attack Russia with the intention of crushing her with as much external help as it can gather (just in order to later try and do the same thing to China), we would be wise to start with a necessary reflection on war, or better yet, on “war and “wars.” This is a key exercise in order to clarify several things, or at least to open up a space for productive discussions on this topic.

I will start at the beginning, with an analysis of the concepts at hand. The revolutionary Marxist left, which for many decades defended the Leninist idea that there were unjust wars, those of colonial and imperialist aggression, fought in order to subjugate and loot weaker countries, and simply “wars”—those of the oppressed peoples fighting to free themselves, in order to carry out the revolution and recover their independence, and their rights. But now, for a few decades, the remnants of that weak and mistreated left that have managed to stay alive have declared themselves pacifist, condemning war out of pure principals. As a consequence of this, this left has condemned all wars without exception, without establishing any differences between them. It is worthwhile for us to stop here and reflect on this, because this has generated some serious problems.

I have found several valuable articles written by critical authors who attempt to denounce the US for its use of Ukraine against Russia, but since they start with a condemnation of all war, they thus begin by placing Russia on the same level as the US. This appears to be a contradiction of theirs to which they are not privy. Of course this isn’t about celebrating war, it isn’t good nor pretty, it entails destruction, violence, the murder of many innocents. But the fact is that the universal condemnation, not just of war, but of all wars, forgetting that each war is different, with its own causes and specific context, necessarily brings us to draw an equivalency between, in this case, Russia and the US, without permitting us to understand that the war isn’t being waged by Russia against Ukraine but by the US against Russia, and that Ukraine is just a tool that happens to be useful for the US.

Thus, at first glance, as a declaration, and for its ethical and humanist tinge, the aforementioned principled condemnation of war appears to be fair, and we might indulge ourselves in it on a theoretical level, with our sights fixed on a future utopia in which peace, equality, and justice reign. But the fact is that, apart from being out of touch with reality, this absolute declaration is abstract, and to let it govern over us removes us completely from the course of human history and from the very same social and cultural reality which makes us part of the society that we live in, with its struggles and history.

In this regard it is necessary to point out three things.

The first is that human beings, on top of possessing a rationality which is not always used, is also violent and uses force in order to impose its will when it encounters resistance, or considers it impossible to reach a peaceful agreement. All of the available evidence indicates that this has been the case since the origins of humankind and that war is an inherent part of our species. Various archaeologists and anthropologists have searched and found traces of this behavior in the first societies of humans. These interpretations are part of an open discussion because many archaeological objects, especially the oldest and most incomplete, can be read in several ways, and because of this some have their doubts or opposing opinions, but what is beyond doubt is that violence has present since the beginning, in early, original preclassist societies.

The second point is that the history of humanity is full of wars, and that century after century war has been passed down from society to society, from the first insults, volleys of stones and arrows, to the nuclear threats of today. It is impossible to understand human history if the wars which form part of all of the civilizations of human hustory are excluded: the ancient wars of China, India Japan, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran, Greece and Republican or Imperial Rome. The invasions of Gothic and Germanic peoples. The medieval wars of Europe, Asia and Africa, crusades and christian wars, the Islamic and Mongol wars and empires, empires which follow each other back to back. More invasions and more wars. Inter-European wars, the modern European colonial wars to take control of America, Asia, and Africa. The killings and imperial European wars of the recent centuries, the two world wars and German Nazism. And how could we forget the worst criminal of them all, the current US empire, decadent, but still convinced it owns the world, the master of a subservient Europe, the hypocritical protagonist with its hidden agenda in which Ukraine is just a pawn to crush Russia.

The third is that, despite the fact that war is bad, and that we wish that it didn’t exist, the fact is that each day shows us that it does exist, and that it can take on diverse forms, precisely because not all of the wars or the same, and neither can they be deemed equivalent, and annulled with an abstract declaration of absolute rejection out of pure principle, above reality and discussion. Even if we refrained from taking part in these old arguments by not attempting to judge if they are just or not, the least we can do is recognize that condemning all war a priori without distinguishing between them is an arrogant blunder which places us above society and fails to appreciate humans as the social being that we are, leaving nothing left to say or do. And the fact is that nobody can deny that there are wars that were necessary or unavoidable—whether in the past or in the present.

Without going any further, us Latin Americans are proud of our War of Independence two centuries ago, and we celebrate the glorious battles in which we managed to free ourselves from Spanish colonialism. We have celebrated Carabobo and we will celebrate Pichincha, Junín, and especially Ayacucho, the most significant of them all. It wasn’t a pretty war because none of them are, there were terrible moments and periods, but for us it was an inevitable, necessary war, to free ourselves from Spanish colonialism. And together we achieved it. But I better get back to Ukraine and the war.

In the past few weeks I have written no less than seven articles on this conflict which centers around the US, Ukraine, and Russia, and I won’t repeat what I’ve already said. I will simply reiterate that it isn’t a case of Russia waging war against Ukraine, but of the US waging one against Russia via a Nazi Ukraine which bends to the will of the US. Russia has been asking for its right to security and its borders to be respected for three decades, and given the disregard shown by the US in its refusal to accept these reasonable proposals, the overbearing actions of the Yankees forced Russia to choose between bowing down to the US and its European pets, who continue to arm Ukraine in order so that it can attack Russia, or to make both of these entities respect Russia as the nuclear power that it is.

This war, which Russia was forced into, and through which she defends her borders and sovereignty, is a defensive and indispensable war for Russia. On top of this it is a peculiar war intended to be a rapid and efficient military action, which without causing too much damage for Ukrainian civilians, would force it to become a peaceful, neutral, disarmed and denazified neighbor, with written obligations to conserve this status. Yes there has been an aggressive response from the Nazi government, armed by Europe and the US. But the Russian advance continues while the fake media hides the almost imminent Ukrainian defeat (which will be a US defeat) through lies and by looking for more bodies so that it can accuse Russia of being a murderer and demonize Putin. To sum things up, everything seems to point to the fact that the results of this war will have decisive implications for the new geopolitical playing field which I will examine in an upcoming article. ... eflection/


Posted by Greg Godels | Apr 4, 2022


V. I. Lenin’s pamphlet, Imperialism, remains the leading elaboration of the concept of imperialism for Marxists. It is the starting point for any discussion of the global dynamics of capitalism from the late- nineteenth century until today.

While capitalism has taken twists, turns, and even detours since Lenin’s time, the destination remains the same– the exploitation of labor for profit, wherever workers and resources can be found. Capitalism’s evolution, concentration, growth, and uneven development are the necessary conditions for imperialism. Imperialism respects no social or political borders.

The pamphlet, Imperialism, captures the features of modern– monopoly– capitalism. Yet, many seemingly fail to read Lenin’s subtitle: The Highest Stage of Capitalism (International Publishers, 2004). They fail to grasp that Lenin is writing about, elaborating on, explaining a particular stage of capitalism, not characteristics of individual states. He is describing an historically bound period, a period in which capital in its mature, financially organized, monopoly form comes to dominate the entire world through the conquests of the “great powers.” In Lenin’s words:

…we must say that the characteristic feature of this period [imperialism] is the final partition of the globe– not in the sense that a new partition is impossible– on the contrary, new partitions are possible and inevitable– but in the sense that the colonial policy of the capitalist countries has completed the seizure of the unoccupied territories on our planet… in the future only redivision is possible… (p. 76)

As Marx’s method demands, Lenin is addressing processes, tendencies– in this case, a tendency for capital to not merely dominate nation-states, even regions, but the entire world. It is the completing or redividing that defines imperialism as an historical era, a process that– through competition– creates ever-changing alliances and blocs. In the final analysis, it is intense competition carried beyond national borders that may ultimately be settled with arms, by wars.

These processes that Lenin associates with imperialism occur unevenly and in different forms. After the Bolshevik revolution, monopoly capitalism’s domination of the entire world was interrupted by the existence of the Soviet Union. An anti-Communist crusade on the part of the great capitalist powers ensued, but the underlying process remained the same: delivering every worker and peasant into the arms of monopoly and finance capital.

Again, after World War II, the growing power and influence of a socialist community proved decisive in the liberation of nearly all of what were once colonies of the great powers. New “independent” countries sprung up in Asia and Africa. But the underlying tendency identified by Lenin expressed itself again through a new expression of imperialism: neo-colonialism.

Neo-colonialism maintained the old economic advantages for the dominating great powers, but without the burden of occupation and administration. “Spheres of influence,” a more benign term coined in the nineteenth century, captured the tendency for capital to penetrate every nook and cranny of the world, while masking the raw subjugation implied by “colonies.” Thus, a dependent “independence” was born, cemented more by economic necessity than naked coercion.

With the fall of the Soviet Union, the most viable economic scaffold for independent development outside of the imperialist system was eliminated. Western commentators vigorously celebrated the prospect of unimpeded capitalist penetration to all countries without exception. Huge labor markets entered the capitalist system from Eastern Europe and from Asia, dramatically lowering the costs of goods, services, and most importantly, labor.

Capitalism got a second wind, enjoying higher, more stable growth and profit rates.

Capitalists scurried to pry open new markets, remove impediments to trade, accelerate foreign investments, secure mutuality in a manner unseen since the early decades of modern imperialism. Indeed, the later decades of the twentieth century resembled that earlier period of classical imperialism to many Marxists.

Ironically, capitalist triumphalism served to underscore the timelessness of Lenin’s theory of imperialism. Once again, the global economy was dominated by the mobilization of great powers, seeking economic advantage (exploitation) and spheres of influence.

With the US, like Great Britain in its nineteenth-century glory, claiming the right to determine the terms of economic activity and trade for the world, a period of cooperation and peace was foreseen. On this view, the capitalist economic links and mutual dependency would serve to cement social and political relations and insure stability in international relations. A new world order would be welcomed by all and guaranteed by the US.

Those few in the West familiar with early-twentieth-century Marxist revisionism noted that this fiction was remarkably similar to Karl Kautsky’s theory of “ultra-imperialism,” a theory that the big powers would divide the world and settle the matter between themselves without friction or conflict.

Lenin, much earlier, mocked this idea. When he wrote Imperialism in 1916, he saw the catastrophe of World War I as the decisive refutation of the idea of stable imperialism or imperialist equilibrium.

Most of the Western, non-Communist left, alienated from Leninism and blind to historical parallels, scrambled to make sense of the “new” post-Soviet era, failing to connect it with the classical imperialism described by Lenin and his adherents. At a loss for a theory, they cryptically coined the vacuous term “globalization” to describe monopoly capital’s celebratory lap.

Post-Marxist, post-Fordist, Postmodernist theories abounded. Some academic “Marxists” thought the late twentieth century ushered in an era of the withering of the nation-state. Others thought we were seeing the rise of a supra-state, Empire, a totalizing entity sprung on the world like an alien invader.

The celebration of capitalist triumphalism came soon to an abrupt end with the return of constant, near-endless wars and frequent political and economic crises. Along with the exit of “benign” imperialism, leftist theoretical fantasies faded.

Global trade shrank in the aftermath of the 2007-2009 crisis and tensions between capitalist countries grew over who would gain and who would bear the burden of a sluggish or stagnant global economy. Centrifugal forces in the EU split the EU from north to south.

Germany dominates EU policies, imposing one-size-fits-all austerity on diverse, unevenly developed states.

PRC’s impressive entry into the global capitalist economy and subsequent remarkable growth threatens US hegemony, creating intensified competition and tensions.

The US has sought to quell independent development outside of the global hierarchies, using surrogates, war-by-other-means: sanctions, boycotts, and tariffs. And with exceedingly obstinate resistance, the US engages its coup-fomenting apparatus or unleashes its military to shepherd those who dare to escape from the US constructed imperialist corral.

“New” great powers replaced or changed places with the line-up active in Lenin’s time. The EU, despite its member differences, scraped together an imperialist agenda under the US stewardship of NATO, as witnessed by its participation in the dismantling of Yugoslavia and its wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria.

Saudi Arabia, infused with petro-dollars, seeks to enforce its influence over its neighbors, demonstrated most recently by its bloody war in Yemen.

Even tiny Israel participates in the imperialist scramble by annexing territory from its neighbors and from the Palestinian people.

Where there is capitalism, there is a drive for territory, resources, labor, or influence.

As in Lenin’s time, countries fit into this chaotic, unstable cauldron in different ways– sometimes as greater powers, sometimes as lesser powers or victims. Competition– promotion or protection of economic interests– stir this cauldron.

In Imperialism, Lenin does not identify countries as “imperialist,” without qualification. It would violate his steadfast recognition of uneven development to do so. In Chapter VI, “The Division of the World Among the Great Powers”, he simply identifies those countries (the big six!) that have been most active between 1876 and 1914 in acquiring colonies.

He can be viewed as establishing an imperialist hierarchy, but this too can be misleading. Lenin, always attentive to historical contingency and shifting social forces, goes to some length to describe the variety within the “great powers”:

… great differences still remain; and among the six powers, we see, firstly, young capitalist powers (America, Germany, Japan) which progressed very rapidly; secondly, countries with an old capitalist development (France and Great Britain) … and, thirdly, a country (Russia) which is economically most backward, in which modern capitalist imperialism is enmeshed, so to speak, in a particularly close network of pre-capitalist relations. (p.81) [my emphasis]

Lenin leaves no doubt that a country (czarist Russia) can be a big player in the imperialist scramble for colonies (or spheres of influence) while remaining a less-than-robust capitalist country with remnants or foretells of other (non-capitalist) economic formations or features. In other words, their place in the imperialist system is not strictly determined by their place in the capitalist hierarchy– they can be a bright young capitalist star or a decadent, old star clinging to a brilliant past, while still playing a decisive role in the empire games.

It would be wrong, as some have argued, to mechanically take Lenin’s “five essential features” found in Chapter VII as giving a criterion for admission into some kind of imperialist club. It could not be clearer that “Imperialism as a Special Stage of Capitalism” is not about the status of individual countries in the imperialist system, but about imperialism as a whole.

Capital concentration, the merging of financial capital with industrial capital, the export of capital, international monopolies, and the territorial division of the world (spheres of interest) are features of the imperialist stage of capitalism, and not necessarily any individual country in the imperial project.

Countries– small or large, developed or backward, endowed or impoverished– play different roles at different times in the march of imperialism.

Whether it is czarist Russia (a mix of emerging capitalist relations in urban areas and only weakly exited feudal relations in rural areas) or Putin’s Russia (a stunted industrial capitalist economy, but with enormous essential resources), the capacity to participate in great power activity, to enlarge or protect spheres of interest, to confront other great powers is an unquestionable reality. To hide this reality– this active participation in the conflict with other capitalist countries– behind the facade that Russia does not meet the “five essential features” characterizing the imperialist era is sheer sophistry.

Lenin is clear. Apart from the “great powers” are a host of countries whose “participation” in the imperialist system is complex. The dialectics of uneven development produces no ideal types.

Lenin speaks of smaller players in the imperialist system that have diverse relations with imperialism. Some have their own colonies but “retain their colonies only because of the conflicting interests, frictions etc., among the big powers…” They risk losing their colonies to a new colonial “share-out” to the big powers (page 81).

He also recognizes “semi-colonies” like Persia, China, and Turkey which were, in his time, nominally independent, but exploited profoundly by the big powers. He refers to them as “examples of transitional forms which are to be found in all spheres of nature and society”; they are in “a middle stage” (page 81). Today, all three have transitioned into bigger players in the capitalist firmament.

In his discussion of Argentina and Portugal, Lenin anticipates the mid-twentieth century Marxist concept of neo-colonialism, discussing how independent countries can be tied into the imperialist nexus as financially dependent or as a protectorate (page 85-86).

Thus, Lenin shows, with great nuance, that imperialism is a dynamic global system, constantly in motion, and that countries participate in the system in many ways. The imperatives of monopoly capital enjoin all capitalist countries to seek advantage in the competition for resources, markets, and labor. In this struggle, there are those that become the biggest powers and dominate others through the exercise of their power. Lesser powers lose to the most powerful, but may aspire to challenge, nonetheless, or exercise their power over the less powerful. The system tends to engage all economies in relations of dominance and dependence. Competition breeds aggression and war.

Lenin derisively notes the petty-bourgeois reformist tendency to separate imperialism from capitalism, to deny “the indissoluble bond between imperialism and the trusts, and, therefore, between imperialism and the very foundations of capitalism…” Without recognizing capitalism as the source of imperialism and war, anti-imperialism remains “a ‘pious wish’”. (page 111).

It might be useful to summarize this discussion by showing how a closer read of Imperialism might shed light on twenty-first century imperialism.

1.Twenty-first-century imperialism shares more features with the imperialism of Lenin’s time than differences.

2.Imperialism constitutes a system of global competition for resources, markets, and labor-power that pits capitalist countries against one another to establish spheres of interest and a better field of operation for its monopolies. The struggle instigated by the US for dominance of Ukraine involves monopolies in the energy sector and the weapons industry, as well as an attempt to secure and expand existing spheres of interest. While the US is the more powerful great power and the instigator, Russia is an aspiring great power drawn into invading a “transitional” country– Ukraine. With successive corrupt governments, Ukraine has, since its independence, longed to be a protectorate of a great power, whoever offers the best bargain. At stake are the interests of the various ruling classes.

3.The argument popular among Western leftists over whether Russia is an imperialist country or an anti-imperialist country opposing US and EU imperialism is a sterile, scholastic debate. From a Leninist perspective, today’s Russia, like czarist Russia, is a nascent capitalist country vying for a position as a leading force in the scramble for markets and spheres of interest. Russia’s engagements in defiance of US imperialism– in Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.– is just that: defiance of a rival. That powerful rivals are aggressively threatening Russia’s ambitions is notable, but of little bearing on the interests of the Russian, Ukrainian, US, or EU working class.

4.In fact, the Ukraine war’s “progress” has– as a Leninist perspective would predict– dramatically and negatively affected the fate of workers globally. Millions of lives have been disrupted, harmed, or ended.

5.The demise of the Soviet Union has freed the hand of imperialism, producing a world substantially congruent with early-twentieth-century imperialism. Some of the players have changed or assumed different roles, but the logic of great-power imperialism is intact. Those of us who defend the historical role of the Soviet Union must dispel any remaining romantic attachment to today’s Russia. It participates in the global system of imperialism as a great power.

6.As Lenin warns, the attempt to separate imperialism from its capitalist roots destines anti-imperialism to ineffectuality– “petty-bourgeois reformism.” Moralistic anti-imperialism, what Lenin calls “the last of the Mohicans of bourgeois democracy,” collapses into pacifism– a posture good for the soul, but impotent against the schemes of the great powers. Today’s leftist celebration of a projected “multipolar” capitalist world is a further attempt to separate great-power rivalries from their roots in capitalist– specifically, monopoly– interests. Multipolarity was a feature of imperialism in the prelude to World War I. In fact, the attempt to impose multipolarity upon a world saddled with the domination of the British Empire was a critical factor leading to World War I.

7.The retreat from Leninism is essentially a retreat from socialism. Desperate, unfounded faith in (a) the efficacy of multipolarity, in (b) the hope of finding a principled anti-imperialist rallying point around an eviscerated, ravaged former socialist state now owned by mega-billionaires, in (c) the miraculous transformation of the existing money-driven, elite-led Western bourgeois parties, and in (d) the belief that the splintered, self-absorbed, multi-interest, multi-identity left can magically coalesce into a force for radical change are all products of a loss of confidence in the socialist project.

The lessons of history and history’s most brilliant teachers are the best guides for the future we want. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. ... on-to-ask/
I find weakness in both works.One recognizes the dialectical nature of history without necessary reference to Lenin's 'Imperialism'. The other is all about Imperialism without any reference to history or current reality.

While Acosta might have addressed the imperialist rivalry of the US and Russia which while certainly extant is grossly unbalanced in favor of the hegemon. Russia, regardless of it's motivations, by opposing the overbearing arrogance of the US stands as a block to the planetary warmonger.

The existence and atrocities of the Nazis in Ukraine, their ties to the US since WWII, which we have seen all too much of in the past eight years, cannot possibly be ignored in discussing the current situation. Yet Mr Godel does, deftly laying out Lenin's theory with zero reference to history or present conditions. Theory devoid of historical reference ain't nothing but paper, empty and useless. Yet without theory we cannot advance.

I think Acosta's point about western leftist becoming doctrinaire pacifists is on target. The Bolshevik's motto during WWI was "Peace and Bread". But when civil war was imposed upon them other slogans were necessary.

As Marxists we should be able to walk and chew bubblegum at the same time. Likewise we should employ Lenin's Imperialism and Historical Materialism together.

We do not love the government of Russia any more than that of the USA, yet under current circumstances it is clear who is doing what. To take an Olympian stance and pronounce a pox upon both their houses is a denial of material reality.

The 'multipolar' world some folks envision post-US hegemony will be no Paradise and could indeed be hair-raising but is certainly a step in the right direction. US hegemony is most certainly leading humanity to doom, time for something different, with the opportunity for something very different.

And btw, I find Greg's choice of images(if it were his choice) quite the 'tell'.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Thu Apr 07, 2022 3:50 pm

Briefly about Ukraine. 04/06/2022
April 6, 23:10


Briefly about Ukraine. 04/06/2022

Fights for "Azovstal" and "Azovmash", promotion to the seaport of Mariupol. Clashes also continue in the northern part of the Eastern Region. In the port of Mariupol, the command ship "Donbass" of the Ukrainian Navy was damaged.

2. Kherson-Nikolaev.
The Russian Armed Forces control Snegirevka, as well as the Aleksandrovka area. The enemy cannot lead a serious attack on Kherson from the side of Nikolaev. In Nikolaev itself, the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered serious losses as a result of the strikes. From the side of Nikopol, the enemy is trying to crush in the Novovorontsovka area.

3. Odessa.
Almost daily attacks on fuel storage facilities continue. The city continues to the best of its ability to prepare for defense. The potential for provocation with chemical weapons is also high. In the Ochakov area, according to a number of unconfirmed reports, foreign mercenaries and NATO officers were killed.

4. Zaporozhye.
On the line Kamenskoye-Orekhov-Gulyaipole without changes. There is very little information on the situation east of Gulyaipole. It is difficult to determine the zones of control of the parties and the settlements occupied.

5. Ugledar—Great Novoselka.
There is no significant progress in this direction. Heavy fighting continues.

6. Marinka.
Positional battles continue in the fortified area of ​​the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Troops cannot advance beyond the line of the waste heap.

7. Avdiivka.
Avdiivka itself is unchanged. To the north, after the capture of Novobakhmutovka, troops are fixed there and preparing for further advance near the Avdeevka-Konstantinovka highway. The advance to New York has not yet brought great results.

Advance in Popasna, where heavy street fighting continues. Also, fighting continues on the southern outskirts of Rubizhne, for which the enemy continues to cling. There are also fighting on the outskirts of Severodonetsk.

9. Raisin.
Fighting is going south and southeast of Kamenka in the direction of Barvenkovo ​​and Slavyansk. The enemy puts up serious resistance. Izyum itself is under fire from artillery and MLRS. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to prevent the accumulation of forces on the expanding bridgehead on the southern bank of the Seversky Donets. The enemy stepped up the evacuation of the local population in the western regions of the DPR and in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

10. Kharkov - Sumy.
No significant changes. The enemy expects in the near future to intensify operations in the Kharkov region. Evacuation is being carried out from some districts of the Kharkiv region.

Broadcast of hostilities in Ukraine as usual in Telegram - (if you are interested, subscribe)

8 years of the Donetsk People's Republic
April 7, 16:40


8 years of the Donetsk People's Republic

8 years ago, on April 7, 2014, the independence of the Donetsk People's Republic was proclaimed.
Then it seemed like a temporary solution on the way to Russia, but once again the thesis "there is nothing more permanent than temporary" was confirmed.
The republic was born and survived, gradually filling its statehood with practical content. As well as its neighbors from the Luhansk People's Republic.
These weeks, the Donetsk People's Republic, with the help of the RF Armed Forces, is engaged in the liberation of those territories that are part of its composition in accordance with the document adopted 8 years ago.

Happy holiday, Donbass. I hope we will live in the same country soon.

Google Translator

Other video at link.

Washington's Role in Ukraine Jeopardizes World Stability

Image of an area devastated by the Ukrainian conflict, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/ @AndyVermaut

Published 7 April 2022

"Ukraine will be further devastated. And we may move on to terminal nuclear war if we do not pursue the opportunities that exist for a negotiated settlement," Noam Chomsky said.

As the Ukrainian conflict grinds on, picturing Washington's role in the chaos is less challenging than predicting an endgame of the crisis. Since late February, the United States has continued to add fuel to the fire by delivering lethal weapons to Ukraine, goading allies into cornering Russia, and imposing massive economic sanctions on Russian institutions and enterprises.

All these moves run counter to global efforts to de-escalate the crisis and put world stability in peril. No matter which side gains the upper hand in the crisis, "the United States is the winner," said Chen Fengying, a researcher with the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.


On Wednesday, the United States imposed additional sanctions on Russia, targeting its major financial institutions and the two daughters of President Vladimir Putin. The United States will impose full blocking sanctions on Russia's largest financial institution, Sberbank, and the country's largest private bank, Alfa Bank, freezing any of the two banks' assets in the U.S. financial system and prohibiting Americans from doing business with them.

U.S. President Joe Biden will sign an executive order banning new investment in Russia by Americans no matter where they live, the factsheet said, adding the executive order aims to "ensure the enduring weakening of the Russian Federation's global competitiveness."

Since the conflict broke out in Ukraine, the United States has imposed rounds of sanctions on Russia, despite experts' warning that sanctions alone are inadequate to de-escalate the tensions and might even invite a nightmare scenario.

"For the U.S. allies in Europe, the sanctions punish them as much as predictable skyrocketing energy prices bedevil their economies now, and threaten even the very survival of the European economy," said Herman Tiu Laurel, founder of Philippine BRICS Strategic Studies.

"We should fully understand the causes and consequences of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Will the sanctions against Russia solve the problem? Will the sanctions force Russia to withdraw their troops? The answers unfortunately are No. The sanctions will only deteriorate the world economy already weakened by the COVID-19 pandemic," Wichai Kinchong Choi, senior vice president of the leading Thai bank Kasikornbank, said.


The root cause of the outbreak of the conflict is the continuous eastward expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Putin had repeatedly warned NATO against deploying its troops and weapons to Ukraine, saying this represents a red line for Russia.

Russia's concern that NATO is expanding to its borders has never been heeded by the United States, "which is only interested in maintaining its hegemonic status in Europe, and which has been steadily retreating from that collaborative policy which the West committed itself to after the Cold War," said William Jones, Washington bureau chief of the U.S. publication Executive Intelligence Review.

In the past several weeks, U.S. politicians have flown back and forth across the Atlantic to instigate hostilities against Russia, while showing little interest in acknowledging the root cause of or brokering a political solution to the tragedy in Ukraine.

Immediately after the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out, Biden announced that the United States would provide US$350 million in military aid to Ukraine. On March 16, Biden announced an additional US$800 million in security assistance to Ukraine.

On Wednesday, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said that his country has already sent 100 killer drones called Switchblade to Ukraine. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also said that the U.S. and its allies have provided Ukraine with 10 anti-tank systems for every single Russian tank.

John Pang, a senior fellow at New York-based Bard College, said U.S. sanctions "worsen the situation," adding that "they possibly prolong the conflict because of suffering in Russia, but also in Europe and around the world. They will bring the global economy into, very likely, a recession in which millions of innocent people will suffer."

"If you put this together with the fact that... NATO and the U.S. continue to arm Ukraine, the actual effect will be to prolong the conflict, not to end it," he pointed out.


The United States has sowed discord between Russia and European countries, and driven Russia and Ukraine into a corner of confrontation, causing geopolitical tensions and economic shocks that jeopardize world stability.

The country, unconfident and insecure, still wants to maintain hegemony in the international system or a dominant position in the global economy, thus attempting to suppress countries that it thinks could threaten and challenge it, said Zhao Suisheng, a professor at Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver.

The current disruptions in energy, metals and food markets caused by the month-long conflict in Ukraine are "broad and savage," The Economist magazine reported in mid-March, warning that a retreat to Cold-War spheres of influence or self-sufficiency would be "a mistake" and the costs would be vast.

"We're approaching the most dangerous point in human history... We are now facing the prospect of destruction of organised human life on Earth. What we do know is that Ukraine will be further devastated. And we may move on to terminal nuclear war if we do not pursue the opportunities that exist for a negotiated settlement," Noam Chomsky said.

"Virtually any additional steps -- reducing imports of oil and gas, banning a wider range of exports, or telling European firms to withdraw from Russia -- would entail an economic cost for Europe," Jean Pisani-Ferry, a senior fellow at Brussels-based economic think tank Bruegel, said in an article published by Project Syndicate in late March. ... -0007.html

So Noam, how does one negotiate with Nazis? On the end of a rope, that's how. As is typical of this treacherous dog the US role in this tragedy is blithely ignored.


Was Alleged Russian Army Massacre of Civilians at Bucha Actually a False Flag Event Staged by Ukrainian Nazis?
By Evan Reif - April 6, 2022 12

A screenshot from the film Credit for Murder about one of Botsun’s most infamous crimes. [Source:]

Why was Nazi Butcher Botsun at Bucha?

[The story below by Evan Reif raises an important challenge to the official storyline of the Bucha massacre promoted in the mainstream media. The U.S. military has admitted that it cannot independently verify Ukrainian accounts of the atrocity alleging that Russian troops were behind it. The Russian Defense Ministry reported that Russian troops had left Bucha, on March 30, while “the evidence of crimes” emerged only four days later, after Ukrainian Security Service officers had arrived in the town outside Kyiv. The Ministry stressed that on March 31, the town’s Mayor Anatoly Fedoruk had confirmed in a video address that there were no Russian troops in Bucha. However, he did not say a word about civilians shot dead on the street with their hands tied behind their backs. Reif’s article points to the presence of a notorious neo-Nazi commander in Bucha at the time of the massacre, suggesting that he was a key figure implicated in it.—Editors]

Sergey Korotkikh is a man with many names. Botsun, Malyuta. Bandit. Terrorist. Nazi. All of them are fitting.

Born in 1974 in Tolyatti, USSR, his early life is not well documented. It is known that, as a child, his family moved to Belarus, where he would live for several decades. He served in the Soviet Marines as a young man, and allegedly attended the KGB Academy in 1994 (Belarus retained the name KGB for its secret police but there is no relation other than the name to the Soviet-era KGB) and was expelled in 1996 for his involvement with center-right anti-Lukashenko groups. [Alexander Luakashenko is the socialist leader of Belarus since 1994 who is allied with Vladimir Putin].

In 1999, Korotkikh joined the Belarussian chapter of Russian National Unity (RNU), his first neo-Nazi organization. The gang mostly sustained itself through petty gangsterism and racketeering, at which Korotkikh excelled. His training and skills meant that he rose quickly up the ranks, becoming one of its most feared muscle men.

Later that year he was involved in a fight with two of his former comrades in the Belarussian Popular Front. While much has been made of this encounter that made him appear as a stooge of Lukashenko, this was his only altercation with BPF activists as far as anyone knows. It was brutal, however, with some accounts saying Sergey beat one of the BPF men to death, which Sergey denies.

In 2001 the leader and founder of the RNU, Gleb Samoilov, was murdered while standing at the entrance of his home. Sergey was a prime suspect, but he and all other RNU members refused to co-operate with the police so the case was dropped. The RNU fell apart soon after that and Sergey moved to Russia in 2001. In 2004, he founded the National Socialist Society (NSO), which quickly became one of the wealthiest and most dangerous neo-Nazi organizations in Russia.

Unlike most other groups at the time, the NSO had a rigid hierarchy and offered military-style training to its members. It was able to pay its members a generous salary thanks to the backing of gangster Maxim Gritsay, which made it far more attractive than other Nazi groups.

The group itself could be the subject of many articles, but under the leadership of Korotkikh it carried out countless murders, robberies, extortion schemes and even bombings. It would become so successful and wealthy that, when finally shut down in 2010, the Russian authorities would find over 200 million rubles in its accounts.

In 2007, Korotkikh had himself filmed murdering two innocent Caucasian immigrants against the backdrop of a swastika flag in a video entitled “The Execution of a Dag [Dagestani] and a Tajik.” This video was so vile that it was initially believed to be a fake, but was quickly found by Russian prosecutors to be legitimate. The footage spread like wildfire throughout the internet and caused an outrage, possibly provoking the previously reluctant Russian authorities to action.

Only a few months thereafter, Korotkikh was expelled from the NSO. The reasons for this are not entirely clear, with the official NSO statement accusing him of theft and “financial mismanagement” which were likely true, however, almost certainly not the whole story. Over the next few years, Russian authorities launched a comprehensive attack on the remainder of the organization, arresting nearly all its members for a combined 28 counts of murder.

Sergey, however was untouched by this crackdown. At this point, rumors of police and/or intelligence collaboration also began to emerge. While I do believe he collaborated with the police to save his own skin, his ties to the FSB are much less clear. Ukrainian hackers have released what they say are chats between Sergey and his FSB handlers (now scrubbed from the site, for reasons unknown); however, while Sergey’s participation is clear, we have only their word that the other party is FSB.


While the content is suspicious—discussing smuggling, payment for illicit activities and so on—it is not out of the ordinary for a gangster, which Sergey very much still is. At one point, Sergey says he does not trust FSB, and it is specifically denied that he will be working for them.

I should point out here that there are very few trustworthy sources regarding Botsun, his life and his activities until about 2014. He is a loudmouth who loves publicity, with active YouTube, Instagram, and Telegram channels. I will not link to them to avoid giving this thug any more fame or fortune.

He loves to sit down for long interviews with anyone who will have him. His stories seem to grow ever more fantastical with each telling, claiming to have been a mercenary in the Middle East, in South America, and the founder of a Private Military Contractor (there is a company registered in his name called X-Trident, but I have found no evidence of its activities and it is registered out of an MMA gym).

The only evidence ever provided is the word of a scumbag Nazi thug or his equally repugnant Nazi friends, and these are not exactly trustworthy people.

I do not believe that he is an FSB agent or informer currently. He probably was one previously, but there are a variety of reasons I believe he went rogue, or perhaps defected to the other side.

Chief among them is that, upon arriving in Ukraine in 2014, he quickly became one of Azov’s top soldiers and has spent his entire time in Ukraine brutally slaughtering the separatists the FSB is backing.

It seems rather counterintuitive for the FSB to hire someone to kill its other employees, and while many liberals claim he is a provocateur, Ukraine had plenty of home-grown provocateurs long before Botsun arrived. It would not have been necessary to import terrorists into post-Maidan Ukraine. As for the second reason, I will elaborate below.

Living in a Nazi’s Paradise

Petro Poroshenko in ceremony after awarding Botsun Ukrainian citizenship. He was the first foreign fighter to be awarded Ukrainian citizenship. [Source:]

After the destruction of the NSO, Sergey kept a low profile for several years. Very little is known about his activities during 2010-2014. Uncharacteristically of him, he does not seem to want to talk about it.

It is likely that his betrayal of his former comrades ruined his reputation and earning potential among Russian Nazis, and his extensive criminal background meant legitimate work was not possible. If he became a mercenary as he claims, this would most likely have been when he did so.

When the Maidan coup occurred in 2014, however, Sergey saw an opportunity. The ground has rarely been more fertile for a bloodthirsty fascist thug to ply his trade than 2014 Ukraine.

In 2014, Sergey moved to Ukraine. He did not just join Azov: By his own admission he was one of its original members and has been a military leader since day one. While this should be taken with a grain of salt, I have yet to find any information to refute it. His skills and experience meant that he climbed the ranks very rapidly in the early days of Azov.

He would become its first intelligence leader, a leader of the civic corps and eventually leader of Azov special forces. Once Poroshenko legitimized Azov as part of Ukraine’s security apparatus, Sergey was given command of a Ukrainian federal police force.


Sergey was a busy boy in his new home. Beyond playing an important role in the daily atrocities carried out by Azov and Ukrainian forces, he was also incredibly active in Azov’s “business ventures,” including racketeering and extortion. Kharkov became his fiefdom, one which he ruled with an iron fist. Between this and generous funding from Ukrainian gangster Ihor Kholomoisky, Botsun became very wealthy, amassing a fortune of more than a million euros by 2015. He would even acquire a private jet, an L-39 Albatross. This advanced jet trainer can be configured for a variety of combat roles.


He would ruthlessly consolidate power, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake, while also gaining friends in high places, including former Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, whose son Oleksandr trained at Botsun’s MMA gym, and even Petro Poroshenko himself.

Oleksandr Avakov [Source:]

Despite his incredibly sordid background, he was the first foreign fighter to receive Ukrainian citizenship, as a reward for his service (torturing, murdering and robbing) in the anti-terrorist operation zone (ATO). In response to widespread condemnation, the SBU carried out exhaustive background checks.

While I know the Ukrainian government of Poroshenko was incredibly corrupt and incompetent, it beggars belief that it would allow a man with so many red flags to walk in the door unless it was very sure he was not working for the enemy. Even Poroshenko is not THAT stupid. This also would have given Sergey a huge incentive to come into the Ukrainian camp and stay there.

All of this leads us to Bucha, Ukraine. What has been widely publicized is the massacre of civilians that took place there on the outskirts of Kyiv some time between March 31 and April 2, 2022.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits scene of alleged Bucha massacre outside Kyiv. [Source:]

What has not been so widely publicized is that the Nazi murderer and terrorist, a well-paid agent of the Ukrainian state, Sergey “Botsun” Korotkikh was not only among the first Ukrainian forces in the town along with his squad of terrorists, he was making jokes about shooting civilians as he entered. He would later happily post these videos on his official telegram channel.

At 6 seconds, you can hear the dialogue, a rough translation of which is:

“There are guys without blue armbands, can I shoot them?”

“Fuck yeah.”

The Ukrainian government clearly has a lot of explaining to do. Not just for allowing this bloodthirsty Nazi terrorist free reign in Donbas, not just for making him rich, not just for arming and supporting his death squads, not just for granting him citizenship, status, and power within its society, but for allowing this right-wing fanatic to breathe the same air as decent people.

I doubt we will ever receive satisfactory explanations. ... ian-nazis/


China In First Response To Bucha Killings Tells West "Avoid Unfounded Accusations"
WEDNESDAY, APR 06, 2022 - 10:10 AM

Multiple days following Kiev alleging mass killings of civilians committed by Russian forces in the Ukrainian town of Bucha which has been driving headlines in the West, China has weighed in for the first time, also as the EU and US ratchet sanctions on Moscow over what they say are clear war crimes.

China's ambassador to the United Nations Ambassador Zhang Jun said on Tuesday that the reports and images coming out of Bucha are "very disturbing", but stressed that any accusations against Russian forces must be independently verified and based firmly in facts.

"Attacks against civilians are unacceptable and should not occur," the ambassador said. "The reports and images of civilian deaths in Bucha are deeply disturbing."

But he added a key caveat while stopping short of condemning Moscow or Vladimir Putin, stressing that "circumstances and specific causes of the incident should be verified and established" and that "all sides should exercise restraint and avoid unfounded accusations."

And Reuters reported further his words as follows:

Speaking at a Security Council meeting, Ambassador Zhang Jun repeated Beijing's stance that sanctions are not effective in solving the Ukraine crisis but instead they accelerate the economic spillover. He also called the United States, NATO and the European Union to engage in a dialogue with Russia.

(more) ... ccusations


Voices from Donbass speak to U.S. anti-war movement
April 7, 2022 Struggle - La Lucha


On March 27, the Socialist Unity Party and Struggle-La Lucha newspaper hosted a webinar called “Stop the War Lies: Voices from Donbass.” This was a unique opportunity for the U.S. anti-war movement to hear directly from people in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR), whose voices are silenced by the Western mass media’s pro-Ukraine war propaganda.

A day before the event, organizers learned that the Zoom video conferencing service had suddenly blocked users in the DPR and LPR. Efforts to work around the ban through other services were unsuccessful, but thanks to pre-recorded messages from three speakers, the webinar was held successfully. The webinar was live streamed to Facebook and the full recording is available to watch on YouTube.

The webinar was chaired by John Parker, Socialist Unity Party candidate for U.S. Senate in California, and SLL co-editor Greg Butterfield. Messages of solidarity were delivered by Jacqueline Luqman of the Black Alliance for Peace and Carlos Martinez of the International Manifesto Group. Solidarity messages were also received from the Workers Voice Socialist Movement, Communist Workers League, International Action Center and others.

Special thanks to translators Jane Letova, a Donbass solidarity activist from Moscow, and Leonid Ilderkin, a leader of the Union of Political Refugees and Political Prisoners of Ukraine.

Following are transcripts of the speakers’ remarks.

Kristina Melnikova, journalist in Donetsk

Melnikova has covered Ukraine’s war on Donbass for several years.

Heavy shelling of the Donetsk People’s Republic continues. There are wounded people every day among civilians. There are civilian deaths. I think it’s very important that you get to hear about this, because this is something that is not covered in Western media.

The most civilian casualties are happening in the territories that are being liberated from the Ukrainian military by the army of the Donetsk People’s Republic, such as Mariupol. But in spite of this, shelling of front line cities and villages continues.

The biggest tragedy of the last few days, as you may have heard, is the rocket that fell in the center of Donetsk on March 14. There were over 20 killed and 30 wounded. There is a library next to the site and a lot of public transportation goes through there.

A few days later, another rocket hit a busy area of Donetsk at 8 a.m., the time people go to work. Four women were killed – workers in the market area who were going to their jobs that day.

One good thing is that, as more territories are liberated in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the less shelling and other attacks like this will happen.

I was recently in contact with refugees from Mariupol and Volnovakha. These people report about the cruelty of the Ukrainian military, such as at the hospital in Volnovakha, where two floors were occupied by the Ukrainian military, and patients and doctors were locked in the basement. They wouldn’t let them go – they were kept as hostages.

The Ukrainian army sees such situations as an opportunity for revenge against those who voted for independence from Ukraine in 2014. They’re trying to create as many civilian casualties as they can while they are being forced out by the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Militias.

The Ukrainian army uses tactics like putting its tanks in highly populated areas where there are buildings with many apartments. They are using the buildings and the people inside them as a human shield. This is a tactic they also used in 2014 and 2015 in Donetsk.

Follow Kristina Melnikova’s reporting on Telegram.

Alexey Albu, political refugee, Lugansk

Albu is a coordinator of the Marxist organization Borotba (Struggle), banned in Ukraine. He is a survivor of the May 2, 2014, massacre at the Odessa House of Trade Unions.

I’m pleased to have the opportunity to speak to you, comrades.

In the Lugansk People’s Republic, life has changed a lot since the beginning of the joint military operation by Russia and the Donbass republics. The shelling of cities and towns has been stopped. Terrorist actions have been stopped.

I remember the days when the Ukrainian military was trying to place as many of their forces as possible near the LPR’s borders. And I also remember how, when that happened in January and February, the republic tried to bring it to the world’s attention that the Kiev regime was bringing more and more forces and weapons to the frontline.

The situation reached the point where the army and nazi regiments like Azov Battalion brought their reserves of artillery shells, explosive devices and fuel for their military vehicles to the closest point to the LPR and Lugansk, the capital city. This was clearly preparation for a major assault. It was at this point that the people of the republic began to evacuate their families abroad, to safety.

By March 4, everyone who evacuated from the LPR could have returned safely. Life began to return to the LPR because the People’s Militia, with some help from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, pushed back the nazis and nationalist forces of Kiev to a point where they could no longer shell the towns, cities and villages of the Lugansk region.

The situation in Donetsk is not as good, because there the Ukrainian forces are much stronger and larger in number, and they keep shelling the capital and surrounding cities.

There were terror attacks by Kiev in Donetsk with powerful missiles of great explosive capacity. For instance, the March 14 attack on central Donetsk that instantly killed 23 people in the street. Because of this type of attack by the Kiev regime, the LPR has temporarily closed schools as a precaution. Now the children are learning remotely. We hope this situation will soon be overcome as well.

Speaking about the achievements of the joint military operation, today the first stage has been achieved. The forces of the Kiev regime have been pushed back deeper into the country so they are not such a threat to the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, Russia and Belarus. They are now pushed back toward central Ukraine and westward. But in the Donetsk People’s Republic they are still present at several points in range to shell the city of Donetsk and other places like Gorlovka and Makeevka.

Another great achievement of the current operation in Ukraine is to secure the nuclear power stations. The biggest is the nuclear plant near Zaporozhye. Several of these nuclear power stations are now secured by the alliance of the Ukrainian opposition and Russian military. There are still a few in Western Ukraine. But the rest are very secure right now.

Another important accomplishment was to uncover biological research laboratories created by foreign powers in Ukraine. Some say they are of U.S. origin, others that they are British. And these biological laboratories, apparently for the creation of viral weapons, were discovered and documentation partially secured. There is evidence of what these laboratories did. There are about 15 of them throughout Ukraine. Some of them are already captured by the approaching forces of Ukrainian opposition with the help of the Russian Federation.

Concerning casualties of this conflict: You see that the civil war has had a very cruel development. It’s not a very pleasant situation with this ongoing civil war, including the current involvement of the Russian Federation. The scale of casualties is high. The Ukrainian army accounts for about 50,000 casualties, including many wounded. Most likely, it is less than this number for the advancing forces of the Ukrainian opposition, the People’s Republics and the Russian Federation. But we cannot count it exactly at this point.

Nevertheless, the tragedy is large-scale, as it was in other civil wars. For instance, the Spanish Civil War, when the republic tried to defend itself from the approaching fascist rebels, and failed. The situation for now is not finished on either side. In my native city, Odessa, I must admit the situation is not certain.

Long live the struggle against imperialism! No pasarán!

Follow Borotba on Telegram.

Katya A., activist in Donetsk

Katya A. is leader of the Aurora Women’s Club and a feminist, socialist and internationalist organizer.

I have been living in Donetsk for most of my life. I lived through almost the entire war and the economic blockade.

For more than a month we have been living in a phase of active escalation of the conflict. But I want to note that the escalation of the conflict to one degree or another took place through all eight years of the war. Since 2017, the intensity of shelling has gradually decreased, but people continued to die – from artillery shelling, mines and even from snipers. I’m talking about the civilian population of Donbass.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) report says that in the “territories not controlled by Ukraine” (LPR and DPR) since 2017, three times more civilians have suffered from the war than in the controlled ones. I do not take into account now the destruction of infrastructure, residential buildings and psychological harm.

According to official data, more than 1,600 residential buildings, more than 400 infrastructure facilities, including hospitals, schools, gas supply and water supply facilities, have been damaged in the DPR since Feb. 17 this year. The threat of complete disconnection of the republic from the water supply is hanging over us. You can imagine what this means in a pandemic.

People in frontline areas especially suffer from this situation. For example, in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, the shelling is non-stop. In some areas, there’s been no water supply at all for a long time. This situation places a heavy burden on the shoulders of women, who still do most of the housework.

Our authorities have also been evacuating people since Feb. 17. But many people decided to stay. Many have elderly relatives who find it extremely difficult to make such trips. Some refused to go because they had already experienced the terrible phases of the 2014-2015 war. Some are afraid of the unstable refugee status.

We have no problems with food yet, but everything has significantly increased in price. And we are feeling the consequences of the sanctions policy. Important medicines are disappearing from sale.

The biggest problem is with the water supply. Otherwise, our workers are trying to fix breakdowns quickly. In February, one of the workers of the gas service was killed due to shelling when he and other colleagues came to repair the consequences of another shelling that happened about an hour earlier.

The people of Donbass need peace more than anything else in the world. We’ve been talking about this for many years. A humanitarian catastrophe has developed in the newly liberated cities. People need the most basic things – food, clean water, medicines.

I think the socialists of the Western world should condemn the warmongers. It is necessary to prevent a full-scale NATO intervention in the war. It should be understood that all the weapons that are supplied to Ukraine are used, among other things, against the people of Donbass.

It is also necessary to consistently criticize the hypocritical sanctions policy. Such a policy harms the poorest segments of the population. In particular, people in the Donbass, against whom the Ukrainian state is waging war, suffer from sanctions.

We want to express our gratitude to all our comrades for their solidarity. We admire the struggle of the U.S. workers in the very center of global imperialism. Capitalism brings a lot of grief to the working class. But together we can overcome injustice and build a new world.

Follow Aurora on Telegram. ... -movement/


Victims in Bucha. (Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Development Mikhail Fedorov/Wikimedia Commons)

Questions abound about Bucha massacre [Warning Graphic Images]

Originally published: Consortium News by Joe Lauria (April 4, 2022 ) | - Posted Apr 06, 2022

W ithin hours of news Sunday that there had been a massacre at Bucha, a town 63 kms north of the Ukrainian capital, the verdict was in: Russian troops had senselessly slaughtered hundreds of innocent civilians as they withdrew from the town, leaving their bodies littering the streets.

Unlike their judicial systems, when it comes to war, Western nations dispense with the need for investigations and evidence and pronounce guilt based on political motives: Russia is guilty. Case closed.

Except the case hasn’t even been opened yet and the sentence is already being proposed. French President Emmanuel Macron, for instance, has called for Russian coal and oil to be banned from Europe. “There are very clear indications of war crimes,” he said on France Inter radio Monday.

What happened in Bucha demands a new round of sanctions and very clear measures, so we will co-ordinate with our European partners, especially with Germany.

Other voices are now perilously calling for the U.S. to go to war with Russia over the incident.

Screenshot from Fedoruk Facebook video.

“This is genocide,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told Face the Nation on CBS. “Mothers of Russians should see this. See what bastards you’ve raised. Murderers, looters, butchers,” he added on Telegram.

Russia has categorically denied it had anything to do with the massacre.

Where to Start

If there were to be a serious probe, one of the first places an investigator would begin is to map out a timeline of events.

Last Wednesday, all Russian forces left Bucha, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

This was confirmed on Thursday by a smiling Anatolii Fedoruk, the mayor of Bucha, in a video on the Bucha City Council official Facebook page. The translated post accompanying the video says:

March 31 – the day of the liberation of Bucha. This was announced by Bucha Mayor Anatolii Fedoruk. This day will go down in the glorious history of Bucha and the entire Bucha community as a day of liberation by the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the Russian occupiers.

All of the Russian troops are gone and yet there is no mention of a massacre. The beaming Fedoruk says it is a “glorious day” in the history of Bucha, which would hardly be the case if hundreds of dead civilians littered the streets around Fedoruk.

“Russian Defence Ministry denied accusations by the Kiev regime of the alleged killing of civilians in Bucha, Kiev Region. Evidence of crimes in Bucha appeared only on the fourth day after the Security Service of Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian media arrived in the town. All Russian units completely withdrew from Bucha on March 30, and ‘not a single local resident was injured’ during the time when Bucha was under the control of Russian troops,” the Russian MOD said in a post on Telegram.

What Happened Next?

What happened then on Friday and Saturday? As pointed out in a piece by Jason Michael McCann on Standpoint Zero, The New York Times was in Bucha on Saturday and did not report a massacre. Instead, the Times said the withdrawal was completed on Saturday, two days after the mayor said it was, and that the Russians left “behind them dead soldiers and burned vehicles, according to witnesses, Ukrainian officials, satellite images and military analysts.”

The Times said reporters found the bodies of six civilians. “It was unclear under what circumstances they had died, but the discarded packaging of a Russian military ration was lying beside one man who had been shot in the head,” the paper said. It then quoted a Zelensky adviser, who said:

’The bodies of people with tied hands, who were shot dead by soldiers lie in the streets,’ the adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, said on Twitter. ‘These people were not in the military. They had no weapons. They posed no threat.’ He included an image of a scene, photographed by Agence France-Presse, showing three bodies on the side of a road, one with hands apparently tied behind the back. The New York Times was unable to independently verify Mr. Podolyak’s claim the people had been executed.’

It is possible that on Saturday the full extent of the horror had yet to emerge, and that even the mayor was unaware of it two days before, though photos now show many of the bodies out in the open on the streets of the town, something that presumably would be difficult to miss.

In Bucha, the Times was close to the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, whose soldiers appear in the newspaper’s photographs. In his piece, McCann suggests that Azov may responsible for the killings:

Something very interesting then happens on [Saturday] 2 April, hours before a massacre is brought to the attention of the national and international media. The U.S. and EU-funded Gorshenin Institute online [Ukrainian language] site Left Bank announced that:

‘Special forces have begun a clearing operation in the city of Bucha in the Kyiv region, which has been liberated by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The city is being cleared from saboteurs and accomplices of Russian forces.’

The Russian military has by now completely left the city, so this sounds for all the world like reprisals. The state authorities would be going through the city searching for ‘saboteurs’ and ‘accomplices of Russian forces.’ Only the day before [Friday], Ekaterina Ukraintsiva, representing the town council authority, appeared on an information video on the Bucha Live Telegram page wearing military fatigues and seated in front of a Ukrainian flag to announce ‘the cleansing of the city.’ She informed residents that the arrival of the Azov battalion did not mean that liberation was complete (but it was, the Russians had fully withdrawn), and that a ‘complete sweep’ had to be performed.

Ukraintsiva was speaking a day after the mayor had said the town was liberated.

By Sunday morning, the world learned of the massacre of hundreds of people. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: “We strongly condemn apparent atrocities by Kremlin forces in Bucha and across Ukraine. We are pursuing accountability using every tool available, documenting and sharing information to hold accountable those responsible.” President Joe Biden on Monday called for a “war crimes” trial.

This guy is brutal, and what’s happening in Bucha is outrageous, and everyone’s seen it. I think it’s a war crime.

The Bucha incident is a critical moment in the war. An impartial investigation is warranted, which probably only the U.N. could conduct. The Azov Battalion may have perpetrated revenge killings against Russian collaborators, or the Russians carried out this massacre. (Once again the Pentagon is dampening the war hysteria, saying it can’t confirm or deny Russia was responsible.)

A rush to judgment is dangerous, with irresponsible talk of the U.S. directly fighting Russia. But it is a rush to judgment that we are getting.

[Update: Satellite images, published after this article appeared by The New York Times, purportedly showing bodies strewn on a street in mid-March, should be considered by an impartial investigation. It cannot be considered at this point as conclusive evidence.] ... ic-images/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:11 pm

LIVE: United Nations Suspends Russia from Human Rights Council

A session of the United Nations General Assembly, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/ @livemint

Published 7 April 2022 (7 hours 41 minutes ago)

Peace negotiations are stalled. Lavrov denounced that Ukraine presented a draft agreement that abandons "very important points" agreed upon at the March 29 meeting in Istanbul.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict continued on Thursday as relevant parties are working to broker a peaceful solution. Following are the latest developments of the situation:

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) suspends Russia from Human Rights Council. On Thursday, the UNGA adopted a resolution to suspend the Russian's membership in the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council. The draft resolution obtained 93 "yes" votes and 24 "no" votes from the 193-member General Assembly. A total of 58 countries abstained.

Eighteen countries did not participate in the voting. China voted against the move pushed by the United States. A two-thirds majority of voting members - abstentions do not count - can suspend a country from the 47-member council. As a member of the Geneva-based council, Russia was in its second year of a three-year term.

The Lviv City in western Ukraine started to construct a container town for people who fled conflict-affected areas. After being completed, the settlement comprising 70 containers with furniture, electricity and heat would accommodate up to 350 people, Mayor Andriy Sadovyi said Thursday.

Over 1,000 civilians have been evacuated from Mariupol with assistance from the Red Cross. This international organization has led a convoy of buses and private cars with civilians to enable them to leave Mariupol to Ukraine's southern city of Zaporizhzhia safely.

Zelensky sparks controversy among Greek parliamentarians. During a video conference with Greek lawmakers held on Thursday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appeared accompanied by two neo-Nazis from the Mariupol's Azov Battalion.

Their presence generated discomfort among the members of the Greek parliament, many of whom left the Chamber in sign of protest. Others remained in the meeting, but avoided applause or other forms of approval.

For example, Nasos Iliopulos, the spokesperson of the Coalition of the Radical Left–Progressive Alliance (SYRIZA), said that their presence was an “extremely dangerous and insulting” affront to Greek democracy.

The European Realistic Disobedience Front (MeRA25) stated that "is in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, not with the Nazi Azov battalion. What happened today in the Greek parliament is unacceptable, it is reprehensible, it is an absolute humiliation, and it took place with the complete loss of face and indulgence by the speaker and the government.”

Outlet Sputnik recalled that the Azov Regiment was formed as a volunteer militia and integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard in 2014. "It is one of the most notorious fighting units in the country, with many fighters known for openly neo-Nazi leanings and for war crimes including murder, torture and mass looting."

Negotiations for a ceasefire in Ukraine stall. Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov said that "the Kyiv regime is controlled by Washington and its allies, which push President Volodymyr Zelensky to continue military actions."

He also stated that the Ukrainian side presented on Wednesday a draft agreement that abandons "very important points" agreed upon at the March 29 meeting in Istanbul. "The Ukrainians clearly formulated that future security guarantees to Ukraine would not extend to Crimea and Sevastopol. In yesterday's draft, that clear statement is absent," Lavrov explained.

Kyiv would also have modified the clause in which it was established that any military exercise in its territory with the participation of foreign contingents could only be held with the agreement of "all the guarantor countries, including Russia." Lavrov said. The new Ukrainian proposal modifies that by opening the possibility for Kyiv to hold maneuvers "with the approval of the majority of the guarantor countries, without any allusion to Russia," he added.

Meanwhile, the Russian Army is preparing to launch the final offensive in Donbas in "three or four days," according to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Russia says the U.S. has withdrawn from the bilateral dialogue on cybersecurity. On Thusday, the Russian Security Council Vice Secretary Oleg Khramov announced that his country received a notification from the US indicating that Washington was withdrawing from the dialogue on cybersecurity, thus closing a channel of communication initiated after the summit of Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden held in Geneve in June 2021.

From that event, both countries began to cooperate and exchanged lists of critical information infrastructures that required to be protected. Now, however, those efforts will disappear. ... -0009.html



Manufactured Crisis: CIA Trained the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and Has Chosen Ukraine as Birthplace of New ‘Global White Supremacist’ Terror Threat
April 6, 2022
By Whitney Webb – Apr 3, 2022

The eruption of war between Russia and Ukraine appears to have given the CIA the pretext to launch a long-planned insurgency in the country, one poised to spread far beyond Ukraine’s borders with major implications for Biden’s “War on Domestic Terror”

This is particularly true given that former CIA officials and a former Secretary of State are now openly saying that the CIA is following the “models” of past CIA-backed insurgencies in Afghanistan and Syria for its plans in Ukraine. Given that those countries have been ravaged by war as a direct result of those insurgencies, this bodes poorly for Ukraine.

Yet, this insurgency is poised to have consequences that reach far beyond Ukraine. It increasingly appears that the CIA sees the insurgency it is creating as more than an opportunity to take its hybrid war against Russia ever closer to its borders. As this report will show, it appears the CIA is determined to manifest a prophecy propagated by its own ranks over the past two years.

This prediction from former and current intelligence officials dates from at least early 2020 and holds that a “transnational white supremacist network” with alleged ties to the Ukraine conflict will be the next global catastrophe to befall the world as the threat of Covid-19 recedes.

Per these “predictions”, this global network of white supremacists – allegedly with a group linked to the conflict in the Donbas region of Ukraine at its core – is to become the new Islamic State-style threat and will undoubtedly be used as the pretext to launch the still-dormant infrastructure set up last year by the US government under President Biden for an Orwellian “War on Domestic Terror.”

Given that this CIA-driven effort to build an insurgency in Ukraine began as far back as 2015 and that the groups it has trained (and continues to train) include those with overt Neo-Nazi connections, it seems that this “coming Ukrainian insurgency,” as it has been recently called, is already here.

In that context, we are left with the unnerving possibility that this latest escalation of the Ukraine-Russia conflict has merely served as the opening act for the newest iteration of the seemingly endless “War on Terror.”

Insurgency Rising

Soon after Russia began military operations in Ukraine, Foreign Affairs – the media arm of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) – published an article entitled “The Coming Ukrainian Insurgency.”

The piece was authored by Douglas London, a self-described “retired Russian-speaking CIA operations officer who served in Central Asia and managed agency counterinsurgency operations.” He asserted in the article that “Putin will face a long, bloody insurgency that will spread across multiple borders” with the potential to create “widening unrest that could destabilize other countries in Russia’s orbit.”

Other notable statements made by London include his assertion that “the United States will invariably be a major and essential source of backing for a Ukrainian insurgency.”

He also states that “As the United States learned in Vietnam and Afghanistan, an insurgency that has reliable supply lines, ample reserves of fighters, and sanctuary over the border can sustain itself indefinitely, sap an occupying army’s will to fight, and exhaust political support for the occupation at home.”

London explicitly refers to models for this apparently imminent Ukrainian insurgency as the CIA-backed insurgencies in Afghanistan in the 1980s and the “moderate rebels” in Syria from 2011 to the present.

London isn’t alone in promoting these past CIA-backed insurgencies as a model for “covert” US aid to Ukraine. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose State Department helped to create the “moderate rebel” insurgency in Syria and oversaw the US and NATO-backed destruction of Libya, appeared on MSNBC on February 28th to say essentially the same.

In her interview, Clinton cited the CIA-backed insurgency in Afghanistan as “the model that people [in the US government] are now looking toward” with respect to the situation in Ukraine. She also references the insurgency in Syria in similar fashion in the same interview. It is worth noting that Clinton’s former deputy chief of staff when she was Secretary of State, Jake Sullivan, is now Biden’s National Security Adviser.

The Afghanistan insurgency, initially backed by the US and CIA beginning in the late 1970s under the name Operation Cyclone, subsequently spawned the US empire’s supposedly mortal enemies – the Taliban and Al Qaeda – who would go on to fuel the post-9/11 “War on Terror.”

The US’ campaign against the descendants of the insurgency it had once backed resulted in horrific destruction in Afghanistan and a litany of dead and war crimes, as well as the longest (and thus most expensive) war and occupation in American military history. It also resulted in the bombings and destruction of several other countries along with the whittling down of civil liberties domestically.

Similarly, in Syria, the US and CIA’s backing of “moderate rebels” was and remains incredibly destructive to the country it supposedly wants to merely “liberate” from the rule of Bashar al-Assad. The US military continues to occupy critical areas of that country.

With these openly touted as “models” for the “coming Ukraine insurgency,” what is to become of Ukraine, then? If the history of CIA-backed insurgencies is any indicator, it heralds significantly more destruction and more suffering for its people than the current Russian military campaign.

Ukraine will become a failed state and a killing field. Those in the West cheering on their governments’ support for the Ukrainian side of the conflict would do well to realize this, particularly in the United States, as it will only lead to the escalation of yet another deadly proxy war.

However, in addition to the above, we must also consider the very unsettling reality that this Ukrainian insurgency began to be formed by the CIA at least several months, if not several years, prior to Russia’s currently ongoing military campaign in Ukraine. Yahoo! News reported in January that the CIA has been overseeing a covert training program for Ukrainian intelligence operatives and special ops forces since 2015.

Their report explicitly quotes one former CIA official with knowledge of the program as saying that the CIA has been “training an insurgency” and has been conducting this training at an undisclosed US military base. This training of Ukrainian “insurgents” was supported by the Obama, Trump, and now Biden administrations, with the latter two expanding its operations.

While the CIA denied to Yahoo! that it was training an insurgency, a New York Times report also published in January stated that the US is considering support for an insurgency in Ukraine if Russia invades.

Given that the CIA, at that time and prior to this year, has been warning of an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine up until the current escalation of hostilities took place, it is worth asking if the US government and the CIA helped “pull the trigger” by intentionally crossing Russia’s “red lines” with respect to NATO encroachment in Ukraine and post-2014 Ukraine’s acquisition of nuclear weapons when it became clear that the CIA’s repeated predictions about an “imminent” invasion failed to materialize.

Russia’s red lines with Ukraine have been stated clearly – and violated repeatedly by the US – for years. Notably, the US’ efforts to provide lethal aid to Ukraine have coincided with the winding down of its lethal support to Syrian “rebels”, suggesting that the US war and intelligence apparatus has long seen Ukraine as the “next” on its list of proxy wars.

However, more recently, the CIA’s warnings of an imminent invasion of Ukraine were scoffed at, not only by many American analysts, but also apparently by both the Russian and Ukrainian governments themselves.

It is alleged that this all changed, at least from the Russian perspective, following Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s claim at the Munich Security Conference that his government would seek to make Ukraine a nuclear power in violation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum. Surely, Zelensky and his supporters in Washington DC and Langley, Virginia would have known that such an extreme claim from Zelensky would elicit a response from Russia.

One need only consider the reverberations that follow any country announcing its intentions to become a nuclear power on the world stage. Russian leadership has since made the case that they felt compelled to act militarily after Ukraine, which has been regularly attacking separatists along its border with Russia with embedded paramilitary units that have called for the “extermination” of ethnic Russians who live in those regions, announced plans to acquire nukes.

In addition, given Ukraine’s growing ties to NATO and its desire to integrate itself into that alliance, these theoretical nuclear weapons would be NATO-controlled nukes on Russia’s border. Zelensky, the US, and their other allied parties surely knew that this intention, particularly its admission in public, would push an already tense situation to the next level.

Of course, this statement from Zelensky followed a US-led airlift of weapons to Ukraine early last month, weeks before the current Russian military campaign. US lethal aid to Ukraine has previously been described as being tantamount to a “declaration of war” on Russia by the US, per members of Russia’s Ministry of Defense as far back as 2017.

It is worth considering that these red lines and the potential to cross them was discussed by Zelensky and representatives of Ukraine’s intelligence services when they met with the head of the CIA, William Burns, in January. The CIA, at that time, was already claiming a Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent. Given the events described above, could it be possible that the CIA wanted to bring about the insurgency they have been preparing for, potentially since 2015?

Would they have done so by pushing their allies in Ukraine’s government to manifest the conditions necessary to begin that insurgency, i.e. prompting them to cross Russia’s “red lines” to elicit the reaction needed to launch a pre-planned insurgency? With the CIA also training Ukraine’s intelligence operatives for nearly seven years, the possibility is certainly one to consider.

If this theory is more than plausible and close to the truth of how we got here, we are left with more questions, mainly – Why would the CIA look to launch this insurgency in Ukraine and why now? The apparent answer may surprise you.

Manufacturing the Narrative and the Threat

In May 2020, Politico published an article entitled “Experts Knew a Pandemic Was Coming. Here’s What They’re Worried About Next.”

The article was written by Garrett Graff, former editor of Politico, a professor at Georgetown’s Journalism and Public Relations program, and director of cyber initiatives at The Aspen Institute – a “non-partisan” think tank funded largely by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Carnegie Corporation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Graff’s introduction to the piece states the following:

“Every year, the intelligence community releases the Worldwide Threat Assessment — a distillation of worrisome global trends, risks, problem spots and emerging perils.

But this year, the public hearing on the assessment, usually held in January or February, was canceled, evidently because intelligence leaders, who usually testify in a rare open hearing together, were worried their comments would aggravate President Donald Trump. And the government has not yet publicly released a 2020 threat report.”

In 2020, the CIA did not release a “worldwide” threat assessment for the first time since it first began annually releasing them decades ago. This article published by Politico was intended by Graff to serve as a “Domestic Threat Assessment” in the absence of the CIA’s Worldwide Threat Assessment and is styled as a “list of the most significant events that might impact the United States” in the short, medium and long terms.

Graff created this Threat Assessment document after interviewing “more than a dozen thought leaders,” many of whom were “current and former national security and intelligence officials.” A few months later, the Department of Homeland Security, for the first time since its creation in 2003, would publish its own “Homeland” Threat Assessment in October of that year.

As I noted at the time, this signalled a major shift within the US national security/intelligence apparatus away from “foreign terror”, its ostensible focus since 9/11, to “domestic terror.”

Just months after this Homeland Threat Assessment was published, the war on domestic terror would be launched in the wake of the events of January 6th, which itself was apparently foreseen by then-DHS official Elizabeth Neumann.

In early 2020, Neumann had presciently stated: “It feels like we are at the doorstep of another 9/11 — maybe not something that catastrophic in terms of the visual or the numbers — but that we can see it building, and we don’t quite know how to stop it.”

Indeed, when January 6th took place, no real effort was made by Capitol Police or other law enforcement officials present to stop the so-called “riot”, with plenty of footage from the event instead showing law enforcement waving the supposed “insurrectionists” into the Capitol building.

This, however, did not stop top politicians and national security officials from labelling January 6th as the “another 9/11” that Neumann had apparently predicted. Notably, the DHS’ first-ever Homeland Threat Assessment, Neumann’s warning, and the subsequent official narrative regarding the events of January 6th were all heavily focused on the threat of “white supremacist terror attacks” on the US homeland.

Returning to the May 2020 Politico article – Graff notes that many supposed pandemic “experts“, which – per Graff – includes Bill Gates and US intelligence officials James Clapper and Dan Coats, had “projected the spread of a novel virus and the economic impacts it would bring” as well as “details about the specific challenges” the US would face during the initial phase of the Covid-19 crisis. Graff then asks “What other catastrophes are coming that we aren’t planning for?”

According to the “thought leaders” he consulted for this piece, which included several current and former intelligence officials, the most immediate “near-term threat” likely to disrupt life in the US and beyond following Covid was “the Globalization of White Supremacy.” In discussing this imminent threat, Graff wrote:

“‘Terrorism’ today conjures images of ISIS fighters and suicide bombers. But if you ask national security officials about the top near-term terrorism threat on their radar, they almost universally point to the rising problem of white nationalist violence and the insidious way that groups that formerly existed locally have been knitting themselves together into a global web of white supremacism.

In recent weeks, the State Department — for the first time — formally designated a white supremacist organization, the Russian Imperial Movement, as a terrorist organization, in part because it’s trying to train and seed adherents around the globe, inspiring them to carry out terror attacks …”
(emphasis added)

Graff then adds that “There are serious — and explicit — warnings about this coming from U.S. government and foreign officials that eerily echo the warnings that came about for al Qaeda before 9/11.” He then quotes FBI Director Christopher Wray as stating:

“It’s not just the ease and the speed with which these attacks can happen, but the connectivity that the attacks generate. One unstable, disaffected actor hunkered down, alone, in his mom’s basement in one corner of the country, getting further fired up by similar people half a world away. That increases the complexity of domestic terrorism cases we have in a way that is really challenging.”

This quote from Wray was first published in a piece Graff had written a month prior to publishing his Politico piece. The focus of that interview centered around domestic terrorism in the US, with extensive discussion about the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the Russian Imperial Movement.

In that article, published in Wired, the State Department’s coordinator for counterterrorism, Nathan Sales, characterized that movement as “a terrorist group that provides paramilitary-style training to neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and it plays a prominent role in trying to rally like-minded Europeans and Americans into a common front against their perceived enemies.”

This Russian Imperial Movement, or RIM, advocates for the re-establishment of the pre-1917 Russian empire, which would exert influence over all territory inhabited by ethnic Russians. Their ideology is described as white supremacist, monarchist, ultra-nationalist, pro-Russian Orthodox, and anti-Semitic. They are not considered neo-Nazi, but have worked to build ties with other, far-right groups with neo-Nazi connections.

RIM was allegedly responsible for training a bomber whose acts resulted in no deaths in Sweden from 2016-2017. The bomber, Victor Melin, was not an active RIM member but was reportedly trained by them, and he conducted 2 of his 3 bombings with an individual completely unaffiliated with RIM. Melin was, however, a member of the Nordic Resistance Movement at the time.

A few years later, in April 2020, RIM became the first “white supremacist” group to be labeled a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity (SDGT) by the US, despite not being tied to an act of terror since 2017 and despite those previous acts resulting in no deaths. The acts of terror cited as justification by then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were those perpetrated by Melin.

However, the Nordic Resistance Movement, of which Melin was an active member at the time of the bombings, did not receive the SDGT label, even though it is significantly larger in terms of membership and reach than RIM. The decision to label RIM this way was considered “unprecedented” at the time.

It has since been claimed that the group now numbers in the “several thousand” worldwide, though little publicly available evidence exists to support this statistic and that statistic notably only emerged roughly a month after the US terror designation and originated from a US-based institute. There are also no statistics available on the number of individuals they have allegedly trained via their paramilitary arm, known as the Imperial Legion.

Per the US government, RIM’s reach is global and extends to the US. However, its US ties are based on dubious allegations of a relationship with Atomwaffen Division’s Russian affiliate and a “personal relationship” with the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally organizer Matthew Heimbach. However, this again is based on the allegations (not direct evidence) that Heimbach received funds from RIM.

Heimbach’s group, the Traditionalist Workers’ Party, has been inactive since 2018, two years before the US SDGT designation for RIM. It is also alleged that RIM offered to train other “Unite the Right” figures, though RIM and the “white supremacists” who supposedly received this offer deny the reports. Furthermore, there remains no evidence of any US citizen ever participating in paramilitary training with RIM.

This contradicts Nathan Sales’ April 2020 claim that RIM plays “a prominent role in trying to rally like-minded Europeans and Americans into a common front against their perceived enemies.” Despite the lack of evidence left-leaning, non-partisan, and right-leaning think tanks have continued to use RIM as proof of a “large, interconnected, transnational network” of violent white supremacists.

It seems odd that a group that is apparently small and very limited in terms of its presence in the US and that is responsible for no deadly terror attacks would earn the honor of becoming the first US-designed, white supremacist Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity. This is especially true when the acts cited as justification for the SDGT designation were committed by a member of a different, larger group, a group that did not receive this designation at the time or in the years since.

However, in the context of current events in Ukraine, the 2020 designation of RIM begins to make more sense, at least from the US national security perspective.

RIM is alleged to support separatists in Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions since 2014 and has been described by the US as “anti-Ukrainian.” These regions are at the center of the current conflict and its most recent escalation last month.

The US government and pro-Western think tanks list RIM’s “first attack” as its involvement in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. According to Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), the number of fighters sent by or trained by RIM in Eastern Ukraine is unknown, though one report states RIM sent “groups of five to six fighters” from Russia to Eastern Ukraine in mid-June 2014.

RIM’s paramilitary arm, the Imperial Legion, has not been active in Ukraine since January 2016. However, some reports have asserted that “some individuals opted to stay and continue fighting.” Claims have also been made in more recent years that RIM members have fought in the Syrian conflict and in Libya on the side of General Haftar.

Following this “first attack,” Stanford’s CISAC claims that, from 2015 to 2020, they have been “building a transnational network,” though as previously noted – their success in that endeavor is based on reports of dubious authenticity and/or significance, particularly in the United States.

However, their alleged role on the side of separatists in the Donbass has been used by US think tanks to argue that RIM advances Moscow’s policy goals, which they say include “seeking to fuel white supremacist extremism in Europe and the United States.”

Some think tanks in the US, like Just Security, have used RIM to argue that Russia’s government plays a major role in “transnational white supremacy” due to “a mutual affection between Western white supremacists and the Russian government.” They claim that because Russia “tolerates” RIM’s presence domestically, “the Kremlin facilitates the growth of right-wing extremism in Europe and the United States that exacerbates threats to the stability of democratic governments.”

However, what Just Security fails to mention is that RIM has vocally opposed and protested against Putin’s government, has been labeled an extremist group by the Russian government and has even had its offices raided by Russian police because of their opposition to Putin’s leadership.

Notably, Just Security’s advisors included former CIA deputy director and Event 201 participant, Avril Haines as well as former deputy chief of staff to Hillary Clinton at the State Department, Jake Sullivan. Haines and Sullivan now serve as Biden’s Director of National Intelligence (i.e. the top intelligence official in the country) and Biden’s National Security adviser, respectively.

The Dawn of “Domestic Terror”

As a result of the current escalation of events in Ukraine, it appears inevitable that the effort to use RIM to paint Russia as a driving force behind “transnational white supremacism” are due to resurface. This effort appears to have as one of its goals the minimization of the role that neo-Nazi groups like the Azov Battalion, the Neo-Nazi paramilitary unit embedded within Ukraine’s National Guard, are actively playing in the current hostilities.

In January of this year, Jacobin published an article about the CIA efforts to seed an insurgency in Ukraine, noting that “everything we know points to the likelihood that [the groups being trained by the CIA] includes Neo-Nazis inspiring far-right terrorists across the world.”

It cites a 2020 report from West Point which states that: “A number of prominent individuals among far-right extremist groups in the United States and Europe have actively sought out relationships with representatives of the far-right in Ukraine, specifically the National Corps and its associated militia, the Azov Regiment.”

It adds that “US-based individuals have spoken or written about how the training available in Ukraine might assist them and others in their paramilitary-style activities at home.”

Even the FBI, though more publicly concerned about RIM, has been forced to admit that US-based white supremacists have cultivated ties with the group, with the Bureau stating in a 2018 indictment that Azov “is believed to have participated in training and radicalizing United States–based white supremacy organizations.” In contrast, there remains no proof of any concrete ties of a single US citizen to RIM.

With the CIA now backing an insurgency that prominent former CIA officials are claiming will “spread across multiple borders,” the fact that the forces being trained and armed by the agency as part of this “coming insurgency” include Azov battalion is significant.

It seems that the CIA is determined to create yet another self-fulfilling prophecy by breeding the very network of “global white supremacy” that intelligence officials have claimed is the “next” big threat after the Covid-19 crisis wanes.

The injection of the group RIM into the narrative should also be of concern. It seems plausible, given the pre-conflict terror designation for the group and its alleged past ties to the Ukraine conflict, that a CIA-trained Ukrainian insurgent, perhaps from a group like Azov or an equivalent, would willingly pose as a member of RIM, allowing RIM to be labeled as the “new Al Qaeda”, with its base of operations conveniently located in Russia and its presence there “tolerated” by Moscow.

It certainly would serve the now, rather pervasive narrative equating Putin with Adolf Hitler in the wake of Russia’s decision to launch its military campaign in Ukraine. It would also serve to launch, in earnest, the up-until-now largely dormant War on Domestic Terror, the infrastructure for which was launched by the Biden administration just last year.

While January 6th was used to equate support for former President Donald Trump with neo-Nazism and white supremacism, recent articles that have followed Russia’s recent military campaign against Ukraine deliberately link this “Putin as Hitler” narrative with US Republicans. US conservatives have long been the focus of “domestic terror” fear-mongering over the past several years (They are also, incidentally, the majority of gun owners).

An editorial by Robert Reich published in The Guardian on March 1st claims “the world is frighteningly locked in a battle to the death between democracy and authoritarianism.” Reich goes onto to state that Russia’s incursion into Ukraine “is a new cold war … The biggest difference between the old cold war and the new one is that authoritarian neo-fascism is no longer just an external threat to America and Europe.

A version of it is also growing inside western Europe and the US. It has even taken over one of America’s major political parties. The Trump-led Republican party does not openly support Putin, but the Republican party’s animus toward democracy is expressed in ways familiar to Putin and other autocrats.” Other articles making similar claims have appeared in The New York Times and The Intercept, among others, in just the past week.

On March 2, Salon followed Reich’s piece with a similar editorial entitled “How white supremacy fuels the Republican love affair with Vladimir Putin,” which concludes with the assertion that “today’s Republican Party is America’s and the world’s largest white supremacist and white identity organization” and “that “conservatism” and racism are now fully one and the same thing here in America.”

As this muddying of the waters regarding the relationship among Putin, the US Republican Party, and white supremacism escalates, we also have intelligence agencies in Europe and the US increasingly linking opposition to Covid measures, like lockdowns and vaccine mandates, to neo-Nazism, white supremacism and the far-right, frequently with little to no evidence.

This recently occurred with the Freedom Convoy in Canada and, more recently, German security agencies and officials asserted just days ago that they can no longer distinguish between “far-right radicals” and those who oppose vaccine mandates and Covid restrictions. However, these efforts to link opposition to Covid measures with “domestic terrorism” and the far-right go back to 2020.

In addition to these trends, it also seems inevitable that the “Russian misinformation” label, used and abused for the past several years so that any dissenting narrative was often labeled “Russian” in origin, is likely to make a comeback in this context and provide the justification for a zealous censorship campaign online and particularly on social media, where this “transnational white supremacist network” is said to be dependent upon for its supposed success.

The coming “global white supremacist” terror threat, if we are to believe our unusually prescient intelligence officials, appears to be the “next thing” to befall the world as the Covid crisis wanes.

It also appears that the CIA has crowned itself the midwife and chosen Ukraine as the birthplace of this new “terror threat,” one which will create not only the next proxy war between US empire and its adversaries, but also the pretext to launch the “War on Domestic Terror” in North America and Europe.

Featured image: Azov Battalion ... or-threat/


Provocation in Kramatorsk
April 8, 12:07


Briefly in Kramatorsk.

1. As a result of the arrival of a tactical missile at the Kramatorsk railway station, 30 civilians were killed and about 100 wounded.
2. Ukraine immediately stated that it was Russia that fired at people who were in a hurry to evacuate, and that it was an Iskander with a cluster warhead.
3. When photos of rocket fragments appeared, it turned out that this was Tochka-U, which is used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After that, Zelensky changed his shoes and began to assert that this was not an Iskander, as Arestovich and Kirilenko broadcast, but Tochka-U, only Russian.
4. In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, "Tochki-U" was officially withdrawn from the armament of missile brigades in connection with the transition to the "Iskander". There is not a single video showing the combat use of Tochek-U by the RF Armed Forces or the armies of the DPR and LPR in the Donbass (even if we assume that they will be taken from long-term storage bases). At the same time, there are a lot of videos of the combat use of the Iskander and other types of missiles. At the same time, Ukraine uses Tochki-U everywhere, including to strike at Donetsk, where the SBU gathered a rally specifically for this strike through front men in social networks.
5. The missile, presumably, flew in from the southwest. According to one data. was hit. For others, it worked just fine. On the rocket everything was inscribed "For the children"
6. It is also worth noting that the population of Donbass, including Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, is considered by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to be disloyal (in Ukraine, residents of Donbass are actually deprived of voting rights), so they can easily be sacrificed.

Google Translator


Ukrainian Tochka-U Missile Killed Dozens At Kramatorsk Train Station
The current top headline of the New York Times is:

Live Updates: Russia Strikes Train Station, Ukraine Says, as Thousands Flee From East

“Dozens” were feared dead and injured, a local official said, after a missile strike in Kramatorsk, which had been a main point of evacuation for people trying to leave eastern Ukraine.

A pro-Ukrainian twitter account describes this as a result of the missile attack (the time stamp is UTC+2):


The same account describes this as the remains of the booster section of the missile that hit the train station:


The picture in full size:


Another view of the debris from a different account:


A check with Tineye proves that the pictures above have not be published earlier. They are new.

The booster section of a missile typically departs from the war head in mid-flight and lands separately. However, the booster section shown in the above pictures is from a Tochka-U missile.

Here are pictures from of the SS-21 SCARAB (9K79 Tochka) system. The booster section is the aft half to the right:


The fins and the grid stabilizers are clearly identifiable.


Russia, unlike the Ukraine, is no longer using Tochka-U missiles. As the not recently edited Wikipedia entry about Tochka operators says:

Russia - 220 launchers. Missile systems have been upgraded since 2004 (replacing the onboard automated control systems) and are scheduled to be replaced by the 9K720 Iskander missiles by 2020
In a March 16 press release Russia denied that its forces still have Tochka-U missiles:

UNITED NATIONS, March 16. /TASS/. Tochka-U tactical missiles are not in service in Russian Armed Forces, Russian mission to the UN said in its letter to the UN Security Council and General Assembly.
"Given the proven record of the Kiev regime promoting false allegations and fake evidence, it should be noted that Tochka-U tactical missiles are not in service in the Russian Armed Forces," the letter says.

Ukraine, which had retained some 90 launcher systems for Tochka-U missiles from Soviet times, has recently fired several of these against Russian and Donbas forces.

There have been no recent reports of the use of Tochka missiles by Russian forces.

This clipping from the most recent Southfront map shows Kramatorsk right in the middle and not near the frontline.


A current situation report says that Russia has systematically disabled train tracks along the Ukrainian supply lines to the Donbas areas:

As the big showdown in Donbass looms, a lot of forces are pouring in on both sides. Russia has shifted strategies and is now striking railway stations and reinforcement hubs / corridors, as many have hoped it would do. Overnight there were several reports of important railway hubs being hit by missiles. One near Zhytomir, which is possibly the single most important reinforcement hub to the frontlines in all of western Ukraine. Reinforcements being sent to frontlines were reportedly destroyed in the strike, though there’s no visual confirmation. And another in Kharkov region – just south, in Lozovaya – which evoked a video message plea from the Kharkov mayor who said railways were hit, oil has run out, but pleaded for people not to flee (presumably because the militants who control him need citizens to use as hostages / human shields just like in Mariupol).
As can be seen on this map, the Lozovaya junction is a critical resupply / reinforcement route for the Ukrop Donbass cauldron and specifically their stronghold of Kramatorsk, which had been the central headquarters of the entire JFO for some time. And other reports said a railway bridge was hit leading to that junction as well.


Of note is that so far all Russian attacks on train junctions were reported to have happened at night time.

As Russia has already interrupted the train lines west of Kramatorsk, and thereby stopped resupplies to it, it has no need to attack Kramatorsk station at all.

It is therefore almost assured that it was a Ukrainian missile that today hit Kramatorsk station. It was either aimed badly, went off course or was intentionally aimed at it for propaganda purposes. (The 'for the children' marking in Russian on the booster section may point to the later cause.)

We have no further information for us to decide which is the case.

Posted by b on April 8, 2022 at 10:38 UTC | Permalink


Greek MPs leave Zelensky session for including message from neo-Nazi Azov
By Al Mayadeen Net
Source: Agencies
7 Apr 19:10

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks to the Greek Parliament, and includes a video message from the neo-Nazi Azov battalion, prompting MPs to walk out.


The Ukrainian President caused controversy in Greece by including a video message from members of the neo-Nazi Azov battalion in his speech to the Greek parliament.

This caused a walk-out by a number of Greek MPs who protested the move on Thursday.

Greek City Times reported that the Greek government's spokesperson said "Including a message from an Azov Battalion member was wrong and inappropriate." The appearance prompted MPs from SYRIZA, the main opposition party, to walk out of the session.

“The speech by members of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion in the Greek Parliament is a challenge. They spoke of a history day, but it’s a historic shame. Solidarity with the Ukrainian people is a given. But the Nazi cannot have a say in parliament,” said SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras.

In the video, an Azov fighter who claimed to be Greek, but could not speak Greek, said in Ukrainian: "I am addressing you as a Greek." He then introduced himself, saying he was born in Mariupol and is fighting there.

The Azov Battalion is based in Mariupol, and had led a terror campaign against civilians there, including the city's 120,000 Greeks. Greek City Times also reported that the Ukrainian nationalist forces have "killed people for trying to leave the city."

Greece's SKAI news asked Mr. Kiouranas, a Greek who lives in Mariupol, if he was planning on leaving the city, to which he responded:

“How can I leave? When you try to leave you run the risk of running into a patrol of the Ukrainian fascists, the Azov Battalion," adding “They would kill me and are responsible for everything." ... ssage-from

Didn't Biden say that the Ukrainian government couldn't be Nazis cause Zelensky was a Jew? Ha!! Everybody knows Ukraine is crawling with Nazis except those hypnotized by the MSM.


Zelenskyy speech at Greek parliament overshadowed by Azov video
By Georgia-Evangelia Karagianni and Marianthi Pelekanaki | Apr 7, 2022 (updated: 4:03)

Zelenskyy also called on Greeks to mount pressure on the EU and adopt stricter measures. [EPA-EFE/ORESTIS PANAGIOTOU]


A speech by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the Greek parliament on Thursday (8 April) was overshadowed by the inclusion of a video message from the far-right militia group, the Azov Battalion, that was addressed to lawmakers.

Addressing the Greek parliament via videoconference, Zelenskyy called on Athens to put pressure on the EU to adopt stricter sanctions against Moscow.

However, a video showing a member of the Azov Battalion, which was broadcast to Greek lawmakers right after Zelenskyy’s speech, has triggered strong reactions in Athens.

“I have been waking up every day for more than a month thinking about Mariupol, which is being destroyed by Russian troops,” the Ukrainian president said.

“There are still 100,000 people on the border with Mariupol. There is no building left. Mariupol has been destroyed,” Zelenskyy added.

He stressed that “Ukraine is one of the Orthodox countries that was Christianised by the Greeks. In Ukrainian culture and history it will be seen that we will lose a big part of history if we lose the culture brought by Greek culture”.

“Freedom or Death was what your revolutionaries were saying. We are shouting the same today,” the Ukrainian president said, referring to the Greek Revolution of 1821.

Zelenskyy also called on Greeks to mount pressure on the EU and adopt stricter measures against Russia.

“We must close the door on Russian banks. No Russian ship should approach European ports. No acceptance on Russian tankers. With the money Russia earns, it destroys our cities,” he said, emphasising also the need for weapons, anti-aircraft equipment and armour.

Lawmakers from the biggest parties, ruling New Democracy (EPP), Syriza (EU Left) and socialists (Pasok) attended Zelenskyy’s speech, while communists and the populist Greek Solution party abstained. Diem25, Yiannis Varoufakis’s leftist party, was represented by just one lawmaker.

Although all lawmakers present hailed the Ukrainian president’s speech expressing their support for Ukraine, a video message to parliament showing a member of the Azov Battalion describing the disaster of Mariupol overshadowed the event.

The soldier in the video message said:

“I was born in Mariupol, and I take part in the defence of the city from the Russian Nazis. I will not talk about the difficulties we have in defence, participating through the Azov Battalion. This is my debt to my city, my debt as a man and I must talk about the catastrophic conditions in which the Greek Mariupol is experiencing.”

The video of Azov Battalion’s soldier triggered the reaction of opposition parties as well as influential members of the ruling New Democracy party.

“The speech of members of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion in the Greek Parliament is a provocation. The absolute responsibility lies with the Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. He talked about a historic day, but it is a historic shame. The solidarity with the Ukrainian people is a given. But the Nazis cannot have a say in Parliament,” Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras posted on Facebook.

Similarly, former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said allowing this video to be broadcast in the Greek House was a “big mistake”.

“The Greek government irresponsibly undermined the struggle of the Ukrainian people, by giving the floor to a Nazi. The responsibilities are heavy. The government should publish a detailed report of preparation and contacts for the event,” commented former foreign affairs minister Nikos Kotzias.

The socialists issued a statement asking why Greek lawmakers had not been informed about the video intervention of an Azov Battalion member and called on the president of the Greek Parliament to bear responsibility.

Mitsotakis issued a statement saying “Europe is called upon to immediately put out the fire of war that ignited in its heart the Russian regime. The heinous crimes that were committed should be punished”.

Meanwhile, government spokesperson Giannis Oikonomou said the inclusion of the Azov Battalion message was “incorrect and inappropriate”. However, he did not say who should be held responsible for this.

[Edited by Sarantis Michalopoulos, Benjamin Fox |] ... zov-video/

What a clown, he should include that in his stand-up(on the witness stand)
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:27 pm

Eye-Witness Report from Donbass: How the War Looks From the Russian Side
By Sonja Van den Ende - April 7, 2022 6

Source: Photo courtesy of Sonja Van den Ende]

[Following in the tradition of the late Wilfred Burchett (1911-1983), an Australian who reported on the Korean and Vietnam Wars from the communist side, this article continues CAM’s reporting on the “other side” of the war in Ukraine, the side that is not presented in western media. Readers can balance this article with the pro-Ukrainian government stories we are fed every day and try to discern the truth for themselves.—Editors]

As the war in Ukraine rages on, I visited the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk as an embedded reporter with the Russian army.

Both of the republics are the trigger of the current conflict.

Russian President Vladimir Putin declared their independence on February 24, 2022, something a lot of people were waiting for since the CIA backed coup in Ukraine of February 2014. That coup had resulted in the ouster of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and new laws forcing the Ukrainian language on Russian-speaking residents. Luhansk and Donetsk consequently voted on their independence and Ukraine attacked them, precipitating the war.

European support for the so-called Maidan coup was considerable: the Dutch MP Hans van Baalen from the ruling Dutch VVD party (Mark Rutte), for example, was at the protests that helped trigger the coup, as was the former Prime Minister of Belgium Guy Verhofstadt. Both were seen cheering on the crowds, surrounded by right-extremists on the stage, shouting “democracy.”

Hans van Baalen [Source:]

Guy Verhofstadt [Source:]

A View From Eastern Ukraine

The first stop in my own journey was in Donetsk, where we were welcomed by the head of the Republic Denis Pushilin.

Denis Pushilin [Source:]

We were welcomed at the place where on March 15, a few days before, there was a rocket attack by the Ukrainian army (in collaboration with various battalions such as the Azov). Twenty-three people died in the attack, including children and more than eighteen people were injured. The people were waiting in line to get money from an ATM.

Macabre scene after rocket attack on March 15 by the Ukrainian army in Donetsk. [Source:]

“People were waiting in line near an ATM and were standing at a bus stop,” Denis Pushilin said, “There were children among the dead.” Pushilin added that the casualty count would have been much higher had the rocket not been downed.”

Sonja with Russian army protectors. [Photo Courtesy of Sonja Vandenvende]

The rocket attacks were largely ignored in the western media along with many other attacks on the people of the Donbass during the long eight-year conflict.

The Maidan “color revolution” was undertaken for the benefit of Western countries. My home country, the Netherlands, closed several poultry companies immediately after the coup and sponsored a large poultry company in the Ukraine.

Prior to the Russian invasion, EU citizens could buy “cheap” chicken and eggs from the Ukraine, where the employees of the Ukrainian company received very low wages. The Dutch poultry company in Ukraine is now bankrupt, partly due to the conflict.

Sonja at the place of the rocket attack in Donetsk, the ATM machine. [Photo Courtesy of Sonja Van den Ende]

Moscow and the DPR republic said that Ukraine’s army fired a Tochka-U missile at the residential area in Donetsk, which is what caused the destruction.


The Tochka-U missile is a Soviet practical ballistic missile. The missile itself can be used for precise strikes on enemy tactical targets, such as control posts, bridges, storage facilities, troop concentrations and airfields.

The fragmentation warhead can be replaced with a nuclear, biological or chemical warhead. The solid propellant makes the missile easy to maintain and deploy.

[Photo Courtesy of Sonja Van den Ende]

Above is a photo of the Monument of Angels, a monument in memory of the many children who have been victims of attacks by the Ukrainian army since 2014.

Ministries have reported the high number of children killed to various human rights organizations, such as UNICEF, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty. But to this day, it hasn’t been publicized.

These human rights organizations only report if it is in their own interest, that is, if their Western donors instruct them to report on it. The monument was at the city park of Donetsk and from there we could hear the aerial sounds of attacks, either from the Ukrainian or Russian army, because Mariupol is not very far away from Donetsk.

Residue from missile strike in home on Donetsk. [Photo courtesy of Sonja Van den Ende]

After visiting the monument of angels, we moved on to a city called Horlivka (Gorlovka).


We visited a school that was attacked by the Ukrainian army a few days ago. The school was partly destroyed and two teachers died instantly, again by a rocket attack.

The city authorities said that Ukrainian troops also attacked a residential area in Horlivka (Gorlovka). Two houses were destroyed. The city is often shelled by Ukrainian troops collaborating with Nazi battalions. When you drive and walk to the city, you can see that the city has been the scene of fierce battles. It has been on the frontline since 2014.

The school principal said that schools all over Donetsk have been targeted by the Ukrainian army, which work closely with the Azov regiment.

[Photo Courtesy of Sonja Van den Ende]
A tactic of the West is to sponsor these battalions, just like they supported terrorist groups in the Syrian civil war—which they presented to the public as “moderate rebels.”

The CIA has sponsored right-wing paramilitary groups in Ukraine since World War II. The leader of these Nazi groups in that era was Stepan Bandera, who was protected by the CIA in collaboration with the German Bundesnachrichten; until his death and lived in Munich, Germany.

More Devastation Caused by Ukraine

The last stop on our trip was to the recently liberated city of Volnovakha.

On the way, we saw many plumes of smoke rising as the fiercely fought city of Mariupol was very close. Large columns of Russian soldiers, tanks, weapons, and supplies passed our bus on its way to the front.

As I could see, the soldiers heard the “blessing” of the people of Donetsk, they were encouraged, blessed and applauded on their way to the front. The morale is very good, even if the West claims otherwise, but that is part of the war propaganda.

As we entered the town I could see that there had been heavy fighting and I heard that it had only been liberated a few days ago. The Ukrainian army in collaboration with Nazi battalions has wreaked havoc in the city during its withdrawal. Nearly all the buildings had been shot down or destroyed by rocket attacks.

The destroyed city of Volnovakha in eastern Ukraine. [Photo courtesy of Sonja Van den Ende]

Photo Courtesy of Sonja Van den Ende

A resident told me that she had worked all her life in the hospital and for the past few months the Ukrainian army had been quartered there. She had given the soldiers food and drink, but when they had to retreat, when the Russian army moved in, they destroyed the entire hospital, including her house, which was next to the hospital.

She couldn’t believe that Ukrainians would do this to other Ukrainians, even though she belongs to the Russian-speaking majority in Eastern Ukraine.

The Russians delivered humanitarian aid to the people who still lived there and had nothing. Of course, the delivery of humanitarian aid is not mentioned in Western media outlets. But in every liberated town or village I went to, the Russian army was delivering aid to the people who suffered immensely.

Russian soldiers delivering humanitarian relief. [Source: Photo courtesy of Sonja Van den Ende]

The destroyed hospital in Volnovakha and delivery of humanitarian aid. [Photos Courtesy of Sonja Van den Ende] ... sian-side/


French journalist: We are forbidden to talk about Nazi atrocities in Ukraine
A video of the brutal murder of Russian soldiers by Ukrainian Nazis that appeared on the Internet on April 4 shocked the Internet.


According to Rybar Telegram channel, the executioners of the Russian soldiers were identified.

The video of the massacre was filmed on the road from the settlement of Dmitrovka to the settlement of Zabuchye near Kiev. Originally, the video was longer and part of it — the footage with military vehicles from the destroyed column — was published by Ukrainian publication UNIAN under the heading The Georgian legion continues helping Ukrainians to cleanse Kiev region from liberators.

We cannot show the video here as it is extremely graphic. You can watch it on our Telegram channel. WARNING: 21+ viewer discretion is strongly advised!!!

The second part of the video made by an unknown operator appeared later. The video shows the same Russian military column and the same Ukrainian military men.

"The brutal murder of the Russian soldiers who were tied up and then had their throats slit was the work of Kiev nationalist battalions," Readovka Telegram channel said. "Some of the butchers have been identified. One is a representative of the Georgian Legion, which has been fighting in Ukraine for more than eight years, the other one is a Ukrainian from Kiev.

According to military correspondent Alexander Kots, the Russian military men, who were killed on camera, did not die in a battle.

"There's a white bandage on the sleeve, the hands are tied behind the back. This is exactly like on the photos from Bucha, the pattern is similar. They did not die from bullets. Each of the paratroopers is lying in a large pool of scarlet blood. This does not happen after a gunshot wound," the expert said. Alexander Kots also suggested that "animals in the Ukrainian uniform use them for their purposes."

The fact of the crime has been established, the suspects have been identified, but the international community does not seem to be showing any interest in that.

Unlike the videos and pictures of the mass killings in Bucha, the authenticity of Russian soldiers execution video is beyond doubt. Yet, the West does not seem to be concerned.

UN Secretary General spokesperson Stephane Dujarric called the video a report of human rights violations, one of many incidents that should be investigated.

French journalist Dmitry de Koshko believes that the video from Bucha appeared like a shot of an information war, similarly to how it was in Kosovo, in Sarajevo markets, in Syria (white helmets) and in Kuwait (a maternity hospital).

"This is a common method of information warfare. Western media does not allow anything else. You may show as many Russian videos as you want, as many terrible crimes committed by those Azov* fighters and other Nazis, but they will not let it show. We (Western journalists — ed.) are not allowed to speak up in our media to bring an alternative opinion to people's attention. Only one opinion is allowed here. Everything is one-sided. There is severe censorship. It's even on YouTube and on Twitter. We have a Twitter channel called "Stop Russophobia". There are articles in French, English, a few in Russian. They have already banned several articles and warned that they would close down the whole channel." ... s_ukraine/


The Necessity of Russian Victory in Ukraine: “I Don’t Want Peace. I Want War and I Want War to Finish it’s Awful Business.”
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 5, 2022

In this webinar titled “The First Casualty of War is Truth”, Scott Ritter delivered a powerful statement, departing from Western left hypocrisy. I concur with his assessment. Russia’s operation in Ukraine merits the full support of anti-imperialists throughout the world.

As a punishment for speaking the truth about the war in Ukraine, his twitter account was suspended.

So apparently I’ve been suspended from Twitter for the crime of challenging the orthodox narrative of the so-called Bucha massacre. I’ve appealed, so who knows what the future will bring. I’m any event, I’ll be posting my articles and occasional musings on Telegram going forward, if anyone is interested. Freedom of speech in America today is an endangered concept.


His article on Bucha was published on RT: The truth about Bucha is out there, but perhaps too inconvenient to be discovered ... -business/

How the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement Post-WWII was Bought and Paid for by the CIA
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 6, 2022
Cynthia Chung

In part 1 of this series Fact Checking the Fact Checkers, the question was posed “why does Ukraine seem to have so many Nazis nowadays?” In that paper we were led to the further question “is the United States and possibly NATO involved in the funding, training and political support of neo-Nazism in Ukraine and if so, for what purpose?” It was concluded that in order to answer such questions fully, we would have to look at the historical root of Ukrainian nationalism and its relationship with U.S. Intelligence and NATO post-WWII. It is here that we will resume.

The Historical Roots of Ukrainian Nationalism

The birth of Ukrainian Nationalism as it is celebrated today has its origins in the 20th century. However, there are a few important historical highlights that should be known beforehand.

Kievan Rus’ was a federation in Eastern-Northern Europe from the late 9th to the mid-13th century and was made up of a variety of peoples including East Slavic, Baltic and Finnic, and was ruled by the Rurik dynasty.

Above image: The principalities of the later Kievan Rus’ (after the death of Yaroslav I in 1054). Source Wikipedia.

Today’s Belarus, Russia and Ukraine all recognize the people of Kievan Rus’ as their cultural ancestors.

Kievan Rus’ would fall during the Mongol invasion of the 1240s, however, different branches of the Rurik dynasty would continue to rule parts of Rus’ under the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia (modern-day Ukraine and Belarus), the Novgorod Republic (overlapping with modern-day Finland and Russia) and Vladimir-Suzdal (regarded as the cradle of the Great Russian language and nationality which evolved into the Grand Duchy of Moscow).

The Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia was under the vassalage of the Golden Horde during the 14th century, which was originally a Mongol and later Turkicized khanate originating as the northwestern section of the Mongol Empire.

After the poisoning of Yuri II Boleslav, King of Galicia-Volhynia in 1340, civil war ensued along with a power struggle for control over the region between Lithuania, Poland and its ally Hungary. Several wars would be fought from 1340-1392 known as the Galicia-Volhynia wars.

In 1349, the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia was conquered and incorporated into Poland.

In 1569 the Union of Lublin took place, joining the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania forming the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth which ruled as a large and major power for over 200 years.

From 1648-1657 the Khmelnytsky Uprising, also known as the Cossack-Polish War took place in the eastern territories of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which led to the creation of a Cossack Hetmanate in Ukraine.

Under the command of Khmelnytsky, the Zaporozhian Cossacks, allied with the Crimean Tatars and local Ukrainian peasantry, fought against Polish domination and against the Commonwealth forces; which was followed by the massacre of Polish-Lithuanian townsfolk, the Roman Catholic clergy and the Jews.

Khmelnytsky to this day is a major heroic figure in the Ukrainian nationalist history.

By 1772, the once powerful Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth had too far declined to further govern itself and went through three partitions, conducted by the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Russian Empire.

From the first partition of Poland in 1772, the name “Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria” was granted to the Habsburg Monarchy (Austrian Empire, which later became the Austria-Hungarian Empire in 1867). Most of Volhynia would go to the Russian Empire in 1795.

Above image: Partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (often referred to just as Poland) in 1772, 1793 and 1795.

By 1914, Europe would be dragged into WWI. In March 1918, after two months of negotiations with the Central Powers (the German, Austria-Hungary, Bulgarian, and Ottoman Empire), the new Bolshevik government of Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ceding claims on Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as the condition for peace (Note: the Bolshevik Revolution began in March 1917). WWI would officially end on November 11th, 1918.

As a result of the treaty, eleven nations became “independent” in eastern Europe and western Asia, Ukraine was among these nations. In reality, what this meant was that they were to become vassal states to Germany with political and economic dependencies. However, when Germany lost the war, the treaty was annulled.

With Germany out of the picture and the dissolution of both the Austria-Hungary and Russian Empire; Poland and Ukraine found themselves in a position to establish their independence.

During the Habsburg’s rule, due to their leniency toward national minorities, both Polish and Ukrainian nationalist movements developed, and both were interested in claiming the territory of Galicia for their own. Western Galicia at that point, with the ancient capital of Kraków had a majority Polish population, whereas eastern Galicia made up the heartland of the ancient Galicia-Volhynia and had a majority Ukrainian population.

The Polish-Ukrainian war was fought from November 1918 to July 1919 between the Second Polish Republic and the Ukrainian forces (consisting of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic and Ukrainian People’s Republic). Poland won and re-occupied Galicia.

The Polish-Soviet war would be fought between February 1919 and March 1921. This coincided with a series of conflicts known as the Ukrainian War of Independence (1917-1921) which fought to form a Ukrainian republic.

By 1922, Ukraine was divided between the Bolshevik Ukrainian SSR, Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia. The Second Polish Republic reclaimed Lviv, along with Galicia and most of Volhynia, the rest of Volhynia became part of the Ukrainian SSR.

The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) was founded in 1929 in East Galicia (located in Poland at the time) and called for an independent and ethnically homogenous Ukraine.

From the beginning, the OUN had tensions between the young radical Galician students and the older military veteran leadership (who grew up in the more lenient Austria-Hungary Empire). The younger generation had only known oppression under the new Polish rule and underground warfare. As a result, the younger faction tended to be more impulsive, violent and ruthless.

During this period, Polish persecution of Ukrainians increased and many Ukrainians, especially the youth (who felt they had no future) lost faith in traditional legal approaches, in their elders and in western democracies who were seen as turning their backs on Ukraine.

The OUN assassinated Polish Interior Minister Bronislaw Pieracki in 1934. Among those tried and convicted in 1936 for Pieracki’s murder, were OUN’s Stefan Bandera and Mykola Lebed. Both escaped when the Germans invaded Poland in 1939.

Support for the OUN increased as Polish persecution of Ukrainians continued. By the beginning of WWII, the OUN was estimated to have 20,000 active members and many times that number in sympathizers in Galicia.

In 1940 the OUN would split into the OUN-M led by Andriy Melnyk, and OUN-B headed by Stefan Bandera which made up most of the membership in Galicia and consisted mainly of youth.

In August 1939, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed the non-aggression pact known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, dividing Poland. Eastern Galicia and Volhynia were reunified with Ukraine, under the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

In June 1941, when Nazi Germany invaded western Ukraine, there were many western Ukrainians who welcomed the invading Nazis as their “liberators.” It should be noted here that this was not a sentiment predominantly shared by the rest of Ukraine, who fought in or alongside the Russian Red Army against the invading Nazis.

Both the OUN-M and OUN-B would spend much of the war collaborating closely with the Germans. They had no issues with the Nazi ideology for they too believed that a solution was found in returning to a “pure race.” In the case of Ukraine, this pure race consisted of a somewhat romanticised concept of “ethnic Ukrainian,” based on the golden age of Kievan Rus’.

The OUN believed that the “pure ethnic Ukrainian race” were the only true descendants of the royal bloodline of the Rurik dynasty that ruled Kievan Rus’. And rather than looking at Belarusians and the Russians as their brothers and sisters who shared the same ancestry, the OUN viewed them more so as “ethnic impostors” so to speak of this pure bloodline.


This can be seen today with Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups attacking Ukrainian ethnic Russians for the past 8 years in Ukraine. An issue that is almost entirely ignored in the West. See part 1 of this series.

It was believed that if the purity of the bloodline were returned, greatness would once again be bestowed on Ukraine (which had never really existed as a fully independent region).

It was for this reason that the OUN and the SS Galician division believed that exterminating tens of thousands of Poles, Jews and any other non-ethnic Ukrainian was justified. The SS Galician division (which had an overlapping membership with the OUN) were notorious for their extreme cruelty, including acts of torture and mutilation on par with Japan’s Unit 731.

To give an idea of the level of support in western Ukraine at the time for a “pure Ukrainian race,” the SS Galician division recruited 80,000 Galician volunteers in one and a half months.

The trident symbol, known also as tryzub, is an important symbol for Ukrainians, since it comes from the days of Kievan Rus’ and its earliest use was during the rule of Vladimir/Volodmyr the Great, about 1,000 years ago.

However, it is also most unfortunately why the OUN chose the tryzub for both their emblems and flag, to signify their desire to return to those glory days, which was thought could only be achieved through ethnic cleansing.

The above OUN-B flag (also used by their paramilitary unit UPA) is known as the “Blood and Soil” flag. The “Blood and Soil” nationalist slogan originated in Nazi Germany to express its ideal of a racially defined national body (blood) united with a settlement area (soil).

It is also why Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups that formed from 1991 onward (after Ukraine’s independence from the USSR), more often than not, also use the tryzub.

Image above shows flags of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine today. In the Azov flag shown above, there is a combination of the Wolfsangel and Black Sun, two symbols associated with the Wehrmacht and SS.

In 1998, the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG), at the behest of Congress, launched what became the largest congressionally mandated, single-subject declassification effort in history. As a result, more than 8.5 million pages of records have been opened to the public under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act (P.L. 105-246) and the Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act (P.L. 106-567). These records include operational files of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the CIA, the FBI and Army intelligence. IWG issued three reports to Congress between 1999 and 2007.

A research group was put together to compile and organise key elements of this massive newly declassified database, the result was the publication of “U.S. Intelligence and The Nazis” in 2005, and “Hitler’s Shadow Nazi War Criminals, U. S. Intelligence, and the Cold War” in 2011, both published by the National Archives, and which will be used as a key reference for the rest of this paper.

Richard Breitman writes in “U.S. Intelligence and The Nazis” (1):

“What must be the earliest history (or mini-history) of the extermination of the Jews in Lvov [Lviv] was prepared on June 5, 1945. The ten-page document pointed out that, as soon as German troops took Lvov, Ukrainians in the city denounced Jews who had cooperated with Soviet authorities during the period of Soviet occupation, 1939-1941. Those Jews were arrested, gathered near the municipal building, and beaten by the Germans and local inhabitants. Later, local inhabitants, especially from the villages nearby, ravaged the Jewish quarter and beat Jews who stood in the way of their robbery. Starting on July 1, a pogrom was organized; German police, soldiers, and local Ukrainians all took part. Many of those arrested were tortured and killed… More than twelve thousand Jews were killed in the first weeks of the German occupation of Lvov.” [emphasis added]

Norman J.W. Goda writes in “U.S. Intelligence and The Nazis” (2):

“In its work to destabilize the Polish state, the OUN’s ties with Germany extended back to 1921. These ties intensified under the Nazi regime as war with Poland drew near. Galicia was allotted to the Soviets under the August 1939 Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, and the Germans welcomed anti-Polish Ukrainian activists into the German-occupied General Government. In 1940 and 1941, in preparation for what would become the eastern campaign, the Germans began to recruit Ukrainians, particularly from Bandera’s wing, as saboteurs, interpreters, and police, and trained them at a camp at Zakopane near Cracow [Kraków]. In the spring of 1941, the Wehrmacht also developed two Ukrainian battalions with the approval of the Banderists, one code named ‘Nightingale’ (Nachtigall) and the other code named ‘Roland’.”

What showcases the youth, and unfortunately ignorance, of the OUN-B, is that the “blood and soil” slogan originating with the Nazis, to which they chose for their own OUN-B flag, was also tied to the belief that the German people were to expand into Eastern Europe, conquering and enslaving the native Slavic and Baltic population via Generalplan Ost. Thus, these Ukrainian nationalists were never considered worthy of sharing in this vision of Nazi Germany but had been regarded as the ultimate slaves for the new German empire from the very beginning.

The OUN-B would learn this lesson the hard way. Eight days after Germany’s invasion of the USSR, on June 30th, 1941, OUN-B proclaimed the establishment of the Ukrainian State in the name of Bandera in Lviv and pledged loyalty to Hitler. In response, the OUN-B leaders and associates were arrested and imprisoned or killed outright by the Gestapo (approx. 1500 persons). The Germans had no intention of even allowing a semi-independent Ukraine to form. Stefan Bandera and his closest deputy Jaroslav Stetsko were initially kept under house arrest and then sent to Sachsenhausen concentration camp (a comparatively comfortable confinement to the other concentration camps).

Mykola Lebed was able to slip through the German police net and became the de facto leader of the OUN-B leadership, also known as the Banderists.

On July 16th, 1941, the Germans absorbed Galicia into the General Government. In October 1941, the German Security Police issued a wanted poster with Lebed’s photograph.

The Germans transferred administrative and senior auxiliary police positions in western Ukraine to Melnyk’s group, OUN-M. (3) German security police formations were ordered to arrest and kill Bandera loyalists in western Ukraine for fear that they would rise against German rule, though this order was eventually revoked.

The following year Lebed would become the leader of the underground terror wing, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), which continued in function until 1956.

Image to the left: Stefan Bandera. Image to the right: Mykola Lebed

Eastern Ukrainians later claimed that Mykola Lebed as leader of the OUN-B, took over the UPA by assassinating the original Ukrainian leaders. (4)

The OUN counted among its enemies those that had denied Ukrainian independence (including Poles and Soviets), those in the Ukraine who had failed to assimilate (Jews) and at times when it suited them the Germans. They also regarded the Jews as the primary support and “spreaders” of Bolshevism.

Breitman and Goda write (5):

“When the war turned against the Germans in early 1943, leaders of Bandera’s group believed that the Soviets and Germans would exhaust each other, leaving an independent Ukraine as in 1918. Lebed proposed in April to ‘cleanse the entire revolutionary territory of the Polish population,’ so that a resurgent Polish state would not claim the region as in 1918. Ukrainians serving as auxiliary policemen for the Germans now joined the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA)… On a single day, July 11th, 1943, the UPA attacked some 80 localities killing… 10,000 Poles…The Banderists and UPA also resumed cooperation with the Germans.” [emphasis added]

This was all done under the command of Mykola Lebed.

By 1943, aware that their situation was becoming increasingly insecure, the OUN tried to re-centralise their forces. However, infighting occurred between the OUN-B against the OUN-M and the UPA unit of Taras Bulba-Borovets (of the exiled Ukrainian People’s Republic) who in a letter accused the OUN-B of among other things: banditry, of wanting to establish a one-party state, and of fighting not for the people but in order to rule the people.

In their struggle for dominance in Volhynia, the Banderists (OUN-B) would kill tens of thousands of Ukrainians for any link to the networks of Bulba-Borovets or Melnyk (OUN-M). (6)

By September 1944 German Army officers in northern Ukraine told their superiors in Foreign Armies East that the UPA was a “natural ally of Germany” and “a valuable aid for the German High Command,” and Himmler himself authorized intensified contacts with UPA. (7)

Norman J.W. Goda writes (8):

“Though UPA propaganda emphasized that organization’s independence from the Germans, the UPA also ordered some young Ukrainians to volunteer for the Ukrainian SS Division “Galicia,” and the rest to fight by guerilla methods. Lebed still hoped for recognition from the Germans.” [emphasis added]

The SS Galicia Division existed from April 1943 to April 15th, 1945. Germany surrendered on May 7th, 1945.

In September 1944, the Germans released Bandera and Stetsko from Sachsenhausen.

The Ukrainian Nationalist Movement Post-WWII: Bought and Paid for by the CIA and served à la Lebed

“[Lebed] is a well known sadist and collaborator of the Germans” (9)

– 1947 Report by The U.S. Army’s Counterintelligence Corps (CIC)

In July 1944 Mykola Lebed helped form the Supreme Ukrainian Liberation Council (UHVR), which would claim to represent the Ukrainian nation and served as an underground government in the Carpathian mountains, in opposition to the Ukrainian SSR. The dominant political party in UHVR was the Bandera group and the UPA, which from that point on served as the army of UHVR and continued to fight the Soviets until 1956.

A feud erupted in 1947 between Bandera and Stetsko on one side for an independent Ukraine under a single party led by Bandera himself vs. Lebed and Father Ivan Hrynioch (chief of the UHVR Political Section) who were against Bandera being head of state.

At an August 1948 Congress of the OUN Foreign Section, Bandera (who still controlled 80% of the UHVR) expelled the Hrynioch-Lebed group. He claimed exclusive authority on the Ukrainian national movement and continued terror tactics against anti-Banderist Ukrainian leaders in Western Europe and maneuvered for control of Ukrainian émigré organizations. (10) However, Lebed who had become close with the Americans at that point was recognized, along with Hrynioch as the official UHVR representation abroad.

With the war lost, Lebed adopted a strategy similar to that of Reinhard Gehlen – he contacted the Allies after escaping Rome in 1945 with a trove of names and contacts of anti-Soviets located in western Ukraine and in displaced persons camps in Germany. This made him attractive to the U.S. Army’s Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) despite their above admission in their 1947 report.

In late 1947, Lebed who it was feared would be assassinated by the Soviets in Rome, was smuggled along with his family by the CIC to Munich, Germany in December 1947 for his safety.

Norman J.W. Goda writes (11):

“By late 1947, Lebed had thoroughly sanitized his prewar and wartime activities for American consumption. In his own rendition, he had been a victim of the Poles, the Soviets, and the Germans – he would carry the Gestapo “wanted” poster for the rest of his life to prove his anti-Nazi credentials…He also published a 126-page booklet on the UPA, which chronicled the heroic struggle of Ukrainians against both Nazis and Bolsheviks, while calling for an independent, greater Ukraine that would represent the human ideals of free speech and free faith. The UPA, according to the booklet, never collaborated with the Nazis, nor is there any mention of the slaughter of Galician Jews or Poles in the book. The CIC considered the booklet to be the ‘complete background on the subject.’ The CIC overlooked the fact that under its own watch an OUN Congress held in September 1947 had split, thanks to Lebed’s criticism of the creeping democratization of the OUN. This was overlooked by the CIA which began using Lebed extensively in 1948…In June 1949…the CIA smuggled him [Lebed] into the United States with his wife and daughter under the legal cover of the Displaced Persons Act.” [emphasis added]

The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) began investigating Lebed and in March 1950 reported to Washington that numerous Ukrainian informants spoke of Lebed’s leading role among the “Bandera terrorists” and that during the war the Bandersists were trained and armed by the Gestapo and responsible for “wholesale murders of Ukrainians, Poles and Jewish [sic]…In all these actions, Lebed was one of the most important leaders.” (12)

In 1951, top INS officials informed the CIA of its findings along with the comment that Lebed would likely face deportation. The CIA responded on October 3, 1951, that all of the charges were false and that the Gestapo “wanted” poster of Lebed proved that he “fought with equal zeal against the Nazis and Bolsheviks.” (13)

INS officials as a result suspended the investigation on Lebed.

In February 1952, the CIA pressed the INS to grant Lebed re-entry papers so that he could leave and re-enter the United States at will. Argyle Mackey, Commissioner of the INS, refused to grant this.

On May 5, 1952, Allen Dulles, then Assistant Director of the CIA wrote a letter to Mackey stating (14):

“In connection with future Agency operations of the first importance, it is urgently necessary that subject [Lebed] be able to travel in Western Europe. Before [he] undertakes such travel, however, this Agency must…assure his re-entry into the United States without investigation or incident which would attract undue attentions to his activities.”

Above image is the original document of the Dulles letter to Mackey on behalf of Mykola Lebed.

What was in West Germany? General Reinhard Gehlen, former chief of the Wehrmacht Foreign Armies East military intelligence, who had been conveniently allowed to re-enter West Germany to establish his Gehlen Organisation which would later form the Bundesnachrichtendienst (Federal Intelligence Service of West Germany) in 1956 .

Dulles also wanted Lebed’s legal status changed to that of “permanent resident,” under Section 8 of the CIA Act of 1949. The INS never investigated further after Dulles’ letter and Lebed became a naturalized U.S. citizen in March 1957.

Bandera would also be stationed in West Germany with his family after the war, where he remained the leader of the OUN-B and worked with several anti-communist organizations as well as with British Intelligence. (15) At this point Bandera had become too much of a liability and there were multiple attempts, by both the Americans and British starting in 1953, to get Bandera to step down and for Lebed to represent “the entire Ukrainian liberation movement in the homeland.” Bandera refused and went rogue.

It is said that Bandera was assassinated in 1959 by a KGB agent in Munich, however, one cannot help but note that it was excellent timing and extremely beneficial for the Americans that Bandera was taken out when he was, considering what they had planned for Ukraine’s future…

Among the declassified records are that of Hoover’s FBI, who had a small trove of captured German General Staff documents from 1943 and 1944, which revealed German appreciation of the UPA’s work while mentioning Lebed by name. (16) It appears this was never shared with any agency or institution, other than the CIA, despite requests from the INS during their investigation of Lebed.

Interestingly, Goda writes (17):

“The full extent of his [Lebed’s] activities as ‘Foreign Minister’ [of the UHVR] may never become known, but FBI surveillance of him gives some idea. Partly, Lebed lectured at prestigious universities such as Yale on such topics as biological warfare used by the Soviet government in the Ukraine.” [emphasis added]

The following is an indication as to what Dulles may have been referring to as the urgent need for Lebed’s re-entry into Western Europe.

Breitman and Goda write (18):

“By 1947 some 250,000 Ukrainians were living…in Germany, Austria, and Italy, many of them OUN activists or sympathizers. After 1947 UPA fighters began crossing into the U.S. zone, having reached the border on foot through Czechoslovakia.”

However, Lebed was not only urgently needed in Europe, but also within the United States. Once in the United States, Lebed was selected as the CIA’s chief contact/advisor for AERODYNAMIC.

Breitman and Goda write (19):

“AERODYNAMIC’s first phase involved infiltration into Ukraine and then exfiltration of CIA-trained Ukrainian agents. By January 1950 the CIA’s arm for the collection of secret intelligence (Office of Special Operations, OSO) and its arm for covert operations (Office of Policy Coordination, OPC) participated [author’s note: the Allen Dulles rogue faction of the CIA]…Washington was especially pleased with the high level of UPA training in the Ukraine and its potential for further guerilla actions, and with ‘the extraordinary news that…active resistance to the Soviet regime was spreading steadily eastward, out of the former Polish, Greek Catholic provinces… [However] By 1954 Lebed’s group lost all contact with UHVR. By that time the Soviets subdued both the UHVR and UPA, and the CIA ended the aggressive phase of AERODYNAMIC.

Beginning in 1953 AERODYNAMIC began to operate through a Ukrainian study group under Lebed’s leadership in New York under CIA auspices, which collected Ukrainian literature and history and produced Ukrainian nationalist newspapers, bulletins, radio programming, and books for distribution in the Ukraine. In 1956 this group was formally incorporated as the non-profit Prolog Research and Publishing Association. It allowed the CIA to funnel funds as ostensible private donations without taxable footprints. To avoid nosey New York State authorities, the CIA turned Prolog into a for-profit enterprise called Prolog Research Corporation, which ostensibly received private contracts. Under Hrinioch [Hrynioch], Prolog maintained a Munich office named the Ukrainische Geseelschaft fur Auslandsstudein, EV. Most publications were created here.

Prolog recruited and paid Ukrainian émigré writers who were generally unaware that they worked in a CIA-controlled operation. Only the six top members of the ZP/UHVR were witting agents. Beginning in 1955, leaflets were dropped over Ukraine by air[,] and radio broadcasts titled Nova Ukraina were aired in Athens for Ukrainian consumption. These activities gave way to systematic mailing campaigns to Ukraine through Ukrainian contacts in Poland and émigré contacts in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Spain, Sweden, and elsewhere. The newspaper Suchasna Ukrainia (Ukraine Today), information bulletins, a Ukrainian language journal for intellectuals called Suchasnist (The Present), and other publications were sent to libraries, cultural institutions, administrative offices and private individuals in Ukraine. These activities encouraged Ukrainian nationalism…” [emphasis added]

The CIA bought and paid for a brand of Ukrainian Nationalism à la Lebed. One of the most horrifying butchers of OUN/UPA was given reign to shape the hearts and minds of the Ukrainian people around their nationalist identity, an identity as defined by the OUN. It is also shaped historical and cultural interpretation such as to further romanticise the concept of the great Ukrainian race of Volodomyr the Great, encouraging a further sense of superiority and further divide between themselves and Belarussians and Russians.

One CIA analyst judged that, “some form of nationalist feeling continues to exist [in the Ukraine] and…there is an obligation to support it as a cold war weapon.” (20)

Breitman and Goda continue:

“…Prolog [also] influenced [the next] Ukrainian generation…Prolog had become in the words of one senior CIA official, the sole ‘vehicle for CIA’s operations directed at the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and [its] forty million Ukrainian citizens.’

Lebed overtly distanced himself and the Ukrainian nationalist movement from the overt anti-Semitism of his Banderist days…More to protect the name of Ukrainian nationalism, he publicly condemned the ‘provocative libel’ and ‘slanderous statements’ against Jews, adding in a particularly forgetful note that, ‘the Ukrainian people…are opposed to all and any preaching of hatred for other people.’…Former Banderists…now attacked the Soviets for anti-Semitism rather than with it.

Lebed retired in 1975 but remained an adviser and consultant to Prolog and the ZP/UHVR…In the 1980s AERODYNAMIC’s name was changed to QRDYNAMIC and in the 1980s PDDYNAMIC and then QRPLUMB. In 1977 President Carter’s National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski helped to expand the program owing to what he called its ‘impressive dividends’ and the ‘impact on specific audiences in the target area.’ In the 1980s Prolog expanded its operation to reach other Soviet nationalities, and in a supreme irony, these included dissident Soviet Jews. With the USSR teetering on the brink of collapse in 1990, QRPLUMB was terminated with a final payout of $1.75 million. Prolog would continue its activities, but it was on its own financially.

In June 1985 the General Accounting Office mentioned Lebed’s name in a public report on Nazis and collaborators who settled in the United States with help from U.S. intelligence agencies. The Office of Special Investigations (OSI) in the Department of Justice began investigating Lebed that year. The CIA worried that public scrutiny of Lebed would compromise QRPLUMB and that failure to protect Lebed would trigger outrage in the Ukrainian émigré community. It thus shielded Lebed by denying any connection between Lebed and the Nazis and by arguing that he was a Ukrainian freedom fighter. The truth, of course, was more complicated. As late as 1991 the CIA tried to dissuade OSI from approaching the German, Polish, and Soviet governments for war-related records related to the OUN. OSI eventually gave up the case, unable to procure definitive documents on Lebed.” [emphasis added]

Mykola Lebed died in 1998 under the protection of the CIA in New Jersey at the age of 89. His papers are located at the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University.

And there you have it, the true story of the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement in its form today, bought and paid for by the CIA. Thus, it is no coincidence that the OUN ideology is inextricable from the western Ukrainian nationalist identity today, nor that several neo-Nazi groups have formed since 1991 (since Ukraine’s independence from the USSR) who all view the OUN and Stepan Bandera as the Father of their movement.

Part 3 will discuss NATO and the Gehlen Organization and how this ties into the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement and neo-Nazism in Ukraine today.


(1) Richard Breitman, Norman J.W. Goda et al. (2005) U.S. Intelligence and The Nazis. National Archives & Cambridge University Press: pg. 65
(2) Ibid. pg. 249
(3) Richard Breitman and Norman J.W. Goda. (2011) Hitler’s Shadow Nazi War Criminals, U. S. Intelligence, and the Cold War. National Archives: pg. 74
(4) Ibid. pg. 74
(5) Richard Breitman and Norman J.W. Goda. (2011) Hitler’s Shadow Nazi War Criminals, U. S. Intelligence, and the Cold War. National Archives: pg. 75-76
(6) Timothy Snyder. (2004) The Reconstruction of Nations. New Haven: Yale University Press: pg. 164
(7) Richard Breitman, Norman J.W. Goda et al. (2005) U.S. Intelligence and The Nazis. National Archives & Cambridge University Press: pg. 250
(8) Ibid pg. 250
(9) Ibid pg. 251
(10) Richard Breitman and Norman J.W. Goda. (2011) Hitler’s Shadow Nazi War Criminals, U. S. Intelligence, and the Cold War. National Archives: pg. 78
(11) Richard Breitman, Norman J.W. Goda et al. (2005) U.S. Intelligence and The Nazis. National Archives & Cambridge University Press: pg. 251
(12) Ibid. pg. 252
(13) Ibid. pg. 252
(14) Ibid. pg. 253
(15) Richard Breitman and Norman J.W. Goda. (2011) Hitler’s Shadow Nazi War Criminals, U. S. Intelligence, and the Cold War. National Archives: pg. 81
(16) Richard Breitman, Norman J.W. Goda et al. (2005) U.S. Intelligence and The Nazis. National Archives & Cambridge University Press: pg. 254
(17) Ibid. pg 254
(18) Richard Breitman and Norman J.W. Goda. (2011) Hitler’s Shadow Nazi War Criminals, U. S. Intelligence, and the Cold War. National Archives: pg. 76
(19) Ibid. pg 87
(20) Ibid. pg. 89 ... y-the-cia/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:56 pm

LIVE: Venezuela Says Media Justifying Escalation Against Russia

Gas prices are displayed at a gas station in Toronto, Canada, on March 4, 2022. | Photo: Zou Zheng/Xinhua

Published 8 April 2022

"The Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine has initiated the nationalization of 400 railcars owned by Russian and Belarusian companies," reported Railway Supply magazine.

The military conflict between Ukraine and Russia has lasted 44 days without any sign of a permanent ceasefire. Below are the main events as they happen.

Biden signs bills on tightening trade regime with Russia, Belarus, banning energy import

US President Joe Biden signed bills, passed by the Congress earlier, on suspension of normal trade relations with Russia and Belarus and on prohibition of energy import from Russia over the situation in Ukraine, the White House press office said Friday.

According to the press office, Biden signed both papers; previously, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki announced his intent to do so.

Earlier in March, Biden already signed an order banning energy imports from Russia. The bill, passed by Congress, effectively turns the presidential order into law.

Biden also previously announced US and NATO allies’ intent to abandon the normal trade relations with Russia. According to the US President, each of these nations intend to take steps to strip Russia of the most favored nation status. In the US, such status can be removed only under approval from the lawmakers.

The suspension of this status will allow the US to set higher tariffs for Russian and Belarus than for all other WTO member states. This power will remain in effect until January 1, 2024. In the meantime, the US President would be able to restore normal trade relations with Russia and Belarus, should these countries cease what Washington considers aggressive actions against Ukraine, or under other conditions.

Venezuela denounces that the media campaign against Russia could lead to war

The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, denounced during a broadcast of the state channel Venezolana de Televisión that the West is promoting a media campaign against Russia that could lead to a third world war.

"Today more than ever we are seeing a media dictatorship of the West against the world to justify an escalation that could lead to a disastrous war, to a third world war, the West is being alienated economically, politically, diplomatically and militarily to go to a great war against Russia," Maduro said.

US authorities expand export restrictions for Russia and Belarus

The US Administration made a decision to expand the export restrictions for Russia and Belarus, according to a notification published by the US Department of Commerce in the Federal Register Friday.

"This rule expands license requirements for Russia and Belarus under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to all items on the Commerce Control List (CCL)," the document reads.

The list, published on the US Department of Commerce website, includes hundreds of products, including pipe valves, fertilizers and bearings.

Russia restores air service with 50 more states - Prime Minister

Russia withdraws pandemic-related flight restrictions to 52 more countries, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin announced.

The federal anti-Covid crisis center informed that Russia withdraws restrictions for regular and charter flights to the following countries: Algeria, Argentina, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Venezuela, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Israel, Indonesia, Jordan, Iraq, Kenya, China, North Korea, Costa Rica, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lesotho, Mauritius, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, Mozambique, Moldova, Mongolia, Myanmar, Namibia, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Serbia, Syria, Thailand, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Fiji, Philippines, Sir Lanka, Ethiopia, South Africa and Jamaica.

While restrictions for some countries have already been lifted earlier, flights to these destinations were limited with quotas. Air service with the rest is being restored for the first time in two years.

In early March, Russia also mutually lifted flight restrictions with Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Iran. Currently, flight restrictions have also been lifted with Belarus, Dominican Republic, Egypt, UAE, Turkey, Finland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, South Korea and Cuba.

Over 133,000 people saved from Mariupol via humanitarian corridor - Russian defense ministry

More than 133,200 people have been evacuated from Mariupol via a humanitarian corridor, including 758 in the past day alone, Mikhail Mizintsev, chief of Russia’s National Defense Management Center, said on Friday.

"A total of 133,214 people have been saved from Mariupol via a humanitarian corridor in the easterly direction. During the past day, 758 people were saved from total lawlessness caused by Ukrainian nationalists in the city," he said.

He noted that most of people who are forcibly kept by nationalists in Ukrainian cities are looking for any possibility to be evacuated to Russia. "Over the past day alone, the Russian side received 917 such requests," he said, adding that the database has 2,742,698 names and addresses from 2,126 settlements in Ukraine.

More than 9,780 tonnes of humanitarian cargoes have already been delivered to Ukraine by the Russian side since early March, Mizintsev said.

"Since March 2, a total of 9,780.3 tonnes of humanitarian cargoes have already been delivered to Ukraine by Russia. As many as 772 humanitarian operations have been conducted, including five during the past day in the Kherson region, and in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. As many as 259 tonnes of food products, clothes, medicines and articles of daily necessity were distributed among people," he said.

According to Mizintsev, more than 9,500 temporary accommodation centers are operating in Russian regions. He also said that some 22,500 tonnes of humanitarian cargoes have been raised in Russia to be dispatched to Ukraine.

Western countries, UN, ICRC do not react to torture, execution of Russian POWs

The Western countries, the UN, the OSCE or the ICRC have not yet reacted to monstrous torture and cruel executions of Russian prisoners of war by the Ukrainian army, head of Russia’s National Defense Control Center Mikhail Mizintsev said.

According to him, the issue of the condition of Russian captured servicemen is the most critical one nowadays.

"The countries of the so-called ‘civilized West,’ the United Nations, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross as well as other international human rights organizations, displaying complete indifference to humanitarian issues initiated by the Russian Federation, to date, have not reacted in any way to statements by the Russian side about monstrous torture and cruel executions of Russian prisoners of war," said Mizintsev, who heads Russia’s Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine.

He noted that, given multiple facts of the gross violations of the Geneva Convention supported by documents which testify to the inhumane treatment of the Russian prisoners of war, Russia undertakes every effort to give the world real truthful information about the atrocities of the Kiev regime.

"To this end, all reports on the crimes of the Ukrainian army and nationalist battalions are carefully documented and digests are sent to the international organizations, including the UN, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the OSCE and the embassies of foreign countries," the military official emphasized.

Ukraine nationalizes all Russian properties. On Friday, Ukraine's Prime Minister Denis Shmygal announced the nationalization of all Russian property in the country. He said that this measure will serve "to offset the cost of part of the losses that Russia is causing us."

The nationalization process will be possible thanks to a law approved by the Parliament that breaks with the Ukrainian Constitution, which establishes that the forced expropriation of properties can only be applied on the condition of prior and full compensation of its value.

Under the new law, however, Russian assets will be confiscated without compensation or the need for a court ruling. The nationalization only required the decision of the Security Council.

"The Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine has initiated the nationalization of 400 railcars owned by Russian and Belarusian companies," reported Railway Supply magazine.

Russia denies responsibility for the missile strike at the Kramatorsk railway station. According to According to the Russian military, the strike was carried out by a Ukrainian missile division from the Dobropillya area.

"The Kyiv regime tried to prevent the mass departure of residents from the city in order to use them as a 'human shield' to defend the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as in many other settlements of Ukraine, the military department said, "as reported by Sputnik.

Japan to impose fresh bans, asset freezes on Russia. On Friday, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced that his country will impose additional sanctions on Russia, banning imports of coal and vodka, freezing assets held by major lenders Sberbank and Alfa Bank while halting new investments.

The five-point sanctions list is part of Japan's latest measures to add economic and diplomatic pressure on Russia. The Japanese government plans to expand the number of individuals subject to Japan's asset freezes from 400 to around 550. Japan will also expel eight Russians including diplomats.

Attack on Kramatorsk train station leaves 39 dead. Donetsk Governor Pavlo Kirilenko announced that the attack on the Ukrainian train station in Kramatorsk, in eastern Ukraine, left at least 39 dead and 87 wounded. Apparently the station was attacked by Russian forces with "Tochka-U" missiles.

Von der Leyen and Borrell arrive in Kyiv. On Friday, the European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy Josep Borrell, and Slovakia's Prime Minister Eduard Heger arrived in Kyiv on a visit to see the situation first hand.

They will meet with Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, and other top officials. They are also scheduled to visit Bucha City, where the bodies of civilians were found, some handcuffed and with signs of torture.

The EU officials' trip comes after the approval on Thursday night of the fifth package of European sanctions against Russia, which includes a ban on importing Russian coal, an arms embargo on Russia, and the closure of high-tech exports to Russia.

Prime Minister Heger will propose to Zelensky the departure of Ukrainian wheat by train through Kosice, a Slovak city near the Ukrainian and Hungarian borders.

Lviv constructs container town for fleeing Ukrainians. On Friday, Mayor Andriy Sadovyi said that the city of Lviv started to construct a container town for people who fled conflict-affected areas in other parts of the country. After being completed, the settlement comprising 70 containers with furniture, electricity and heat would accommodate up to 350 people. ... -0005.html

Russia: NATO Engaged in 'Proxy War' Against Russia in Ukraine

The Russian Foreign Ministry has stated that NATO is playing a part in the "prolongation of the conflict" in Ukraine by providing them with more weapons. | Photo: Twitter @OttawaCommies

Published 9 April 2022 (6 hours 33 minutes ago)

NATO countries have been regularly supplying weapons to Ukraine since before the start of Russia's special operation, although Moscow has repeatedly warned that this would result in more casualties.

NATO has been engaging in a “proxy” war against Russia in Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. She stressed that the alliance has been "strengthening the Kiev regime's belief that its war crimes and cruelty towards civilians all across Ukraine will be left unpunished".

"It is becoming more evident that, although dismissing its direct participation in the conflict, NATO is practically fighting against Russia on Ukraine's side and by using Ukraine's people", Zakharova said in a statement published on the ministry's website.

The spokeswoman added that by sending more and more weapons to Ukraine, NATO contributes to the prolongation of the conflict.

The U.S. and its NATO allies have already provided Ukraine with some 25,000 anti-aircraft systems, and Washington is considering a new arms package for Kiev, U.S. Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently said. He added that Ukraine has already received 60,000 anti-tank systems.

The EU has also joined the list of arms suppliers to Ukraine, having agreed upon a package of military aid worth $1.1 billion.

In its statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry also pointed to the fact that the alliance has been routinely turning a blind eye to the crimes of the Kiev regime.

"Jens Stoltenberg recently avoided commenting on Russian prisoners of war tortured and killed by Ukrainian militants. He said he knew nothing about that. Or maybe he just does not want to know... However, he spoke much about 'the tragedy in Bucha’, saying that once Russian forces leave Ukrainian towns, ‘mass graves and new evidence of atrocities and war crimes’ will emerge. These are double standards that are apparently shared as a common value by the West", the ministry's statement says. ... -0001.html


Evaluation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and VPO on the territory of modern Ukraine
April 8, 15:54


Evaluation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and VPO on the territory of modern Ukraine

The enemy - the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), having suffered the defeat of strike groups in the eastern regions of Ukraine in 2014-2015, under the guise of peace negotiations, switched to active defense. In previous years, Kyiv, with the financial, military and political support of the United States and other Western allies, began to modernize its armed forces. New and deeply modernized models of armored weapons and artillery systems were put into service, domestic missiles of anti-ship and anti-aircraft systems were improved, dozens of combat aircraft were restored and repaired, and specialists were trained. A lot of work has been done in personnel approaches for the selection of command personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It has become a widespread practice to train in military schools and military academies the military personnel of the participants in the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in the Donbass of extremist and radical beliefs of the Nazi and nationalist persuasion. These personnel, after graduating from military universities, were sent to the troops and were of great importance in educating young recruits in the necessary moral and psychological context of devotion to the ideals of the modern regime of Ukraine under external control. The main directions of the construction and development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in recent years have been associated with the political goals of returning the Crimea, defeating the rebel corps of Donbass and restoring the integrity of Ukraine by military means.

From 2016 to 2021, in the Donetsk and Lugansk directions, the enemy created a universal united group of troops, supported by artillery and aircraft, capable of conducting effective offensive, defensive and hybrid military operations. On April 30, 2018, the Antiterrorist Operation (ATO) began to bear a new name - the Joint Forces Operation (JFO). The JFO, in fact, with the introduction of martial law or a state of emergency, seized control from the SBU, which formally led the ATO, to the Joint Operational Headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to its operational mission, created under the leadership of NATO specialists in the model and likeness of the Joint Operational Formation (OOF) and having the main purpose - a single command and control all the different types of forces in the OOS.

By the end of 2021, under the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a group of 120,000 troops was concentrated in the left-bank part of Ukraine, including: military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the border guards, the National Guard of Ukraine (NGU) and the police; as well as up to 500 tanks, more than 1,500 lightly armored vehicles, about 2,000 self-propelled and towed artillery mounts and mortars, 550 MLRS systems, 42 fighters, 45 attack aircraft and front-line bombers, and 34 attack helicopters. At the same time, most of them were focused on the directions of the upcoming strikes during the offensive on the LDNR.
And directly in the JFO zone, in order to go on the offensive, the Ukrainian command was supposed to have two shock operational-tactical groups (OTG) of troops: OTG "Sever", OTG "Vostok" and units of direct subordination.

OTG "North" located in the Luhansk direction included two mechanized brigades, one motorized infantry brigade, two air assault brigades, with the support of the 26th artillery brigade. Units of the 8th Regiment of the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces also operated in the area of ​​responsibility of the group. Units from the 40th Artillery Brigade and the 17th Armored Brigade were brought in to reinforce the combined-arms and air assault formations.
In total, the Sever OTG in its composition before the start of active hostilities could have battalion tactical groups (BTGR) - 17, tanks up to 160, field artillery guns - 320, MLRS installations - 90

Vostok OTG located in the Donetsk-Mariupol direction included in two mechanized brigades, one motorized infantry brigade, a marine brigade and an airborne brigade, supported by 55 independent artillery brigade. In total, the Vostok OTG could include 19 battalion tactical groups, up to 160 tanks, 250 field artillery guns, and 90 MLRS installations.
Parts of the direct subordination of the JFO command included a separate tank brigade (90 tanks, BTGR), an airmobile brigade (3 BTGR), a separate artillery brigade - 72 high-power guns, two rocket artillery brigades (REABR) - 72 Uragan MLRS, 54 Smerch MLRS ”, Missile brigade (RBR) OTR 12 Tochka-U launchers.

In total, in the grouping of troops for action in the JFO, the operation command concentrated 76,000 people, including 39 armored personnel carriers, 320 tanks, more than 1,000 lightly armored vehicles, 642 self-propelled and towed artillery mounts, more than 300 MLRS systems, 42 fighters, 45 attack aircraft and front-line bombers, as well as 34 attack helicopters.

The plan of action for this grouping of forces was to inflict massive strikes by artillery, MLRS and aviation, direct fire from tanks, inflict fire damage on the defending units and formations of the LPNR corps and go on the offensive in selected areas with mechanized and motorized infantry brigades to break through the tactical defense zone and block the settlements of LUGANSK, BRyanKA , GORLOVKA, DONETSK. Further increasing efforts by landing tactical assault forces and bringing armored formations and units into battle, complete the defeat of the defending troops of the LDNR and on the fifth, seventh day reach the state border with the Russian Federation in the Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Shakhtinsky and Taganrog operational directions, block roads and demonstrate readiness for decisive prevent actions along the state border to prevent the provision of any assistance from the Russian Federation, it is possible in a border battle to defeat the forward detachments of the Russian Armed Forces and stop their advance into Ukrainian territory. By these actions, the Ukrainian side could create favorable conditions for the start of negotiations on joining NATO and the European Union and, under their cover, keep Russia from entering the war.

The main grouping of the OTG "North" was preparing to develop an offensive in the direction from North to South along the state border with the Russian Federation, the main task of isolating the theater of operations, blocking Luhansk and other settlements of the LPR. Having a numerical superiority BTGR 1:1; tanks 1:5; PA tools 1:9; MLRS 1:5.
Another grouping of the Vostok OTG located in the Donetsk-Mariupol direction was preparing to deliver the main blow north and south of Donetsk in the direction of Gorlovka, Anthracite, Novoshakhtinsk deep to the state border with the Russian Federation, with the main task of dissecting the defensive groups of the LPR and DPR, encircling (blocking) DONETSK and further blocking the E-50 highway to isolate the theater of operations and prevent military and other assistance from the Russian Federation. Having a numerical superiority of BTGR 1: 1.5; tanks 1:1; PA guns 1:1; MLRS 1:1.5.

Thus, taking into account the parts of the direct subordination of the JFO command, the Armed Forces of Ukraine had superiority in tanks 1:2, guns 1:3, MLRS 1:3, in strike aircraft and OTR absolute, which made it possible to achieve operational superiority and achieve the set goals at the set time. At the same time, a stronger grouping of troops was created against the LPR, which contributed to the development of an offensive with the tasks of covering the flanks and creating a threat of complete encirclement, which in turn contributed to an increase in the pace of the offensive.
Other strengths of the Armed Forces of Ukraine include:
- direct information and reconnaissance support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine using NATO air and space-based reconnaissance and technical means;
- provision of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with reconnaissance and communications equipment, anti-tank weapons and MANPADS of the NATO standard;
- high training of artillery units, saturation of battle formations with artillery, MLRS and anti-tank weapons;
- high training and combat experience of soldiers and commanders, morale, devotion of many military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to criminal nationalist beliefs and Nazi ideals.

Weaknesses include a weak fleet, insufficient training of aviation units and military air defense, the attachment of combined arms units and subunits to prepared positions, low maneuverability of troops, the current shortage in manpower and equipment, the impossibility of replenishing losses in equipment, low preparedness of reservists, their lack of motivation . And with the beginning and during the conduct of hostilities, shortcomings in command and control were revealed, weak maneuverability indicators affected the refusal to conduct counterattacks and counterattacks agreed upon in time and place, as well as timely counteraction to Russian troops advancing in all directions. For the first two weeks, the Armed Forces of Ukraine were torn apart by plugging gaps in the defense and could not demonstrate organized resistance outside populated areas. This contributed to the transition to a new defense tactic based on settlements and cover by the local population, which demonstrates the weaknesses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At the same time, the most combat-ready and numerous grouping in the JFO zone, bound by LDNR corps in the Donetsk and Luhansk operational directions, was unable to allocate the necessary forces to support its troops in other directions, which forced the country's military-political leadership to resort to an informal form of mobilizing the population through the free distribution of weapons and the formation of self-defense detachments of cities, the so-called territorial defense detachments, which often turned into uncontrollable armed gangs that did not obey anyone and often opened friendly fire on the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

After the withdrawal of Russian troops from the northern territories of Ukraine, from part of the forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine involved in the defense of Kyiv and CHERNIGOV, an operational reserve was created with forces of up to two infantry brigades, which regrouped to the Dnieper direction, where it was partially destroyed on 06.4.22 at station. LOZOVAYA. Other parts of the operational reserve, even before the brigade, were formed partly from foreign mercenaries and volunteers in the western part of Ukraine, but were also destroyed during the regrouping on 07.4.22 at the Novograd-Volynsky station. Thus, the Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine failed to collect a significant reserve to prevent the encirclement of its forces in the Donbass at the request of up to 15,000 people. In order to prepare and conduct a general battle, the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continues to concentrate the remnants of combat-ready units near PAVLOGRAD, as well as restoring the combat capability of its armed forces through the third wave of mobilization, which will allow it to partially make up for the current shortage and form up to two or three infantry brigades, which can later be used to hold settlements along the western bank of the river. Dnieper.

Thus, it can be assumed that, having suffered a defeat in all directions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they switched to the tactics of holding settlements in the directions of action of the Russian troops. The passivity of the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is explained by the high losses of its mobile forces from the actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the reduction in fuel reserves. The number of the main defensive grouping of troops in the JFO zone was reduced by 20-30% due to the destruction of the Mariupol fortified area of ​​up to 14-15000 people. according to official data of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (6-8,000 people, according to expert estimates), as well as significant losses of manpower and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the directions of GULAI POLIE, IZYUM, AVDEEVKA. As of today, on April 08, 22, the defensive grouping can number up to 40,000 people, about 240 tanks, more than 700 lightly armored vehicles, up to 500 self-propelled and towed artillery mounts, more than 200 MLRS systems, it is possible to use separate strike aircraft, UAVs and helicopters to perform special tasks and deliver single strikes in the interests of direct support of troops. However, with the active influence of high-precision long-range fire weapons and the creation by these means of conditions for the operational isolation of the theater of operations, the troops of the Russian Federation were able to significantly deplete the stocks of ammunition, fuel and other material and technical means and exclude their timely replenishment. Which today contributes to a decrease in the activity of the use of aviation, military air defense, missile forces and artillery, tanks and armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Based on the current situation, the likely nature of the actions of units and formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can be. By stubbornly holding the positions occupied, to prevent the breakthrough of the troops of Russia and the LDNR of the tactical defense zone in the zone of the JFO. By fire of all means, inflict maximum fire damage on the first operational echelon and exclude the organized introduction of the second operational echelon into battle, for which purpose active massive actions of sabotage and reconnaissance groups (DRGs) and other small tactical units under the guise of civilians in civilian transport with the widespread use of anti-tank weapons ( PTS) and portable anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS) to create a zone of active operations on the borders of the Russian Federation and the BR in Kharkov, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kiev regions with the threat of impact on civilian and poorly covered military facilities in the border zone. By these asymmetric actions, to delay and tie down part of the operational reserve, disrupt the timely and planned actions of the troops, draw the attention of the international community to the destruction of the civilian population, and by these actions persuade the Russian Federation to reduce the activity of offensive operations. At the same time, in the event of a threat of a breakthrough by the Russian troops of the tactical defense zone, decisive counterattacks and counterattacks prevent the dismemberment of the JFO grouping in the AVDEEVKA direction and stubbornly hold defensive positions using reserves to secure the flanks of the grouping. In the event of a breakthrough of the tactical zone, go over to a mobile defense based on the Pavlograd defensive line, withdraw with the main forces to the line of the river.

(c) R. Klupov

PS. In the title photo - one of the burial places of unidentified soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine killed on the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic.

About the negotiations and the duration of the operation
April 9, 11:39


About the negotiations and the duration of the operation

With regard to the negotiations on Ukraine, as many have probably already noticed, their external content is less and less different from the content of the “negotiations in the Minsk format”, where the same profanation of statements, obligations, promises and promises took place. At the same time, they are taking place against the backdrop of US and NATO promises to support a long-term war on the territory of Ukraine and to ensure long-term supply of weapons for combat operations.

In fact, the negotiations for the United States and their Ukrainian puppets are just an ordinary smoke screen that is used to try to restore the Armed Forces of Ukraine after the losses incurred with the aim of subsequent attempts to switch to local offensive operations sometime in the summer, when the replenishment received by mobilization and re-armed with NATO supplies , will be ready enough to strengthen 1-2 directions and create the necessary superiority over the RF Armed Forces there if they remain to operate there in the current grouping without increasing its number at the expense of volunteers, foreigners, PMCs, additional mobilization in the DPR and LPR and partial mobilization in RF, coupled with the transfer of additional forces.

Any, even declarative, concessions on the part of Russia will be unequivocally interpreted as a sign of weakness and used in internal propaganda to raise morale and support the course to continue the war at any cost. No one will appreciate the outstretched hand and exhortations there - it will be interpreted and is already being interpreted as a reason to continue adhering to the chosen strategy of institutionalizing the war and profanation of the negotiation process along the lines of Minsk-2. And the probability is quite high that even the complete defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass will not lead to a complete revision of this strategy. On the contrary, the elimination of the main brigades of the field army will only push the restructuring of the remaining military forces to structures suitable for waging a terrorist war based on the remaining large cities. And NATO will provide fuel for this structure for at least the coming months.

Accordingly, the Russian Federation needs to be ready not only to defeat the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbas, but also to continue hostilities after the completion of operations in the East of Ukraine. That will require additional mobilization measures in various aspects of the state machine. As the Russian Foreign Ministry noted today, Russia is actually in a state of proxy war with the United States and NATO on the territory of Ukraine. And it is quite clear that the defeat of part of the Ukrainian forces is only the weakening of one of the tools in the hands of our main enemy, who intends to continue the war further. Accordingly, one must be prepared for this long confrontation. - zinc

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More Evidence That Ukraine Fired The Missile Which Killed Dozens In Kramatorsk

This is a follow on to yesterday's Tochka-U missile strike on the Kramatorsk railway station. Russia no longer has Tochka missiles while the Ukraine, Belarus and several other states still use them.

There is now additional evidence that the missile was fired by Ukrainian forces. The facts do not matter in 'western' media who stick to whatever story they are told to produce. Still, I do believe that facts matter at least in the long term and that there is a historic value in documenting them.

The Tochka-U is a tactical missile with a maximum range of some 120 kilometer. It is typically fired from a transporter, erector, launcher vehicle (TEL) with little need of preparations.

The TEL vehicle for the Tochka is a six wheeled BAZ 5921 /5922. These are amphibious floating hull chassis. The picture below shows a BAZ TEL in parade mode with a Tochka missile slightly erected. In the normal transport mode the missile lies horizontally under a protective roof.


There were several claims of such vehicles being seen in Belarus or with Russian forces in Ukraine. But not every six wheeled BAZ vehicle can be said to be a Tochka missile TEL or Tochka transporter. There are various look alike variants of the vehicle with radar or communication equipment or simply used as transporters or ferries for all kind of goods.


The Tochka missile, below in a firing position, consists of a rocket engine, four fins and grids to direct its course, a solid fuel compartment and a warhead. A complete missile weighs about 2,000 kilogram.


There are various warhead types available which weigh about 500 kilogram each.

The warhead which was used in Kramatorsk is a fragmentation one with 20 sub-munitions (gray) each with some 7.5 kilogram of explosives.


These sub-munitions get expelled and explode while still in the air and each one creates some 800 fragments. The warhead thus leaves no hole in the ground but expels a huge number of deadly metal fragments at high speed over a relative large area. The Tochka missiles are not very precise. They have a circular error probability (CEP) of some 150 meters. They are so called area weapons to be used against concentrations of infantry or unarmored vehicles.

After being fired the rocket engine propels the warhead towards is destination. Shortly before the impact the warhead separates from the missile or booster section and continues its path while the rocket engine shuts down. Having lost its drive and aerodynamic tip the booster section will then tumble to the ground. If everything works as designed the booster section always falls short of the warhead section.

Which brings us to the scene in Kramatorsk. Several pictures from the scene show the booster section of the missile.




The place where it landed was geo-located as being near a parking space some 60 meter west-southwest of the railway station. Here is the Google maps view of the railway station area. The warhead explosions happened on the east side of the station over the departure platform.

The location of the booster debris and where the explosion happened allows one to point out the trajectory from where the missile was fired. I have checked the locations depicted below and found them to be correct.


North is to the top. The station is encircled and the point is where the booster section landed. The arrow shows the trajectory the missile must have taken.

Oh, the map is annotated in Russian and you don't trust Russian sources? Well, here is the New York Times posting a similar map.


Here is map from Liveuamap depicting the current front lines in Ukraine. Kramatorsk is marked in yellow.


Note that there are no Russian or Russia-aligned forces west-southwest of Kramatorsk within the 120 km maximum range of a Tochka missile. The missile must have been fired by Ukrainian forces.

Unsurprisingly the Russian military has come to the same conclusion:

An analysis of the engagement radius of the warhead, as well as the characteristic position of Tochka-U missile's tail section, clearly confirm that it was launched from a south-western direction away from Kramatorsk.
According to intelligence reports, one of the divisions of the 19th Missile Brigade armed with Tochka-U missile systems at the time of the strike on Kramatorsk was located near Dobropol'e in Donetsk Region, 45 km south-west of Kramatorsk.

This area is still under the full control of the Ukrainian military grouping troops in Donbass.

The publicly available evidence shows that the Ukrainian military must have fired the missile that killed some 50 Ukrainian civilians in Kramatorsk.

The only purpose of the attack I can think of was to create propaganda that, when distributed as 'Russian attack' through 'western' media, will create more military support for Ukraine.

Everyone who urges to give more arms to the Ukraine or who eggs it on to continue this war is guilty of creating impetus for more incidents like the one seen in Kramatorsk.

Posted by b on April 9, 2022 at 10:23 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more



Fox News Deletes Interview Segment Relating President Zelensky of Ukraine to Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion
April 9, 2022

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, gave an interview to the US network Fox News, to discuss the situation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The interview was broadcast last Saturday, April 2, on the YouTube channel of Fox; however, the network removed the segment where Zelensky states that members of the neo-nazi Azov battalion are part of the Ukrainian Army.

In this particular segment, the Ukrainian president was asked about the atrocities committed by the Azov battalion, a far-right military unit of neo-Nazi volunteers in Ukraine.

“The Azov was one of these many battalions. They are what they are,” responded Zelensky, as quoted by the Argentine news outlet Página12.

“They were defending our country and after that—I want to explain to you—all the members of those battalions were incorporated into the Ukrainian Army,” he added. “The Azov fighters are no longer self-established groups, they are a component of the Ukrainian Army.”

In the interview, Zelensky also confirmed that in 2014, several members of this battalion were brought to court and sentenced to prison.

Numerous Ukrainians have denounced the torture of civilians and soldiers committed by this battalion. Survivors also claimed that the Azov battalion used people as human shields, stole food and even their homes.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated multiple times that the special military operation in Ukraine, which began on February 24, are intended to protect the people of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics from the genocidal Kiev policies.

“It is to free people from this suffering, from this genocide, that is the main reason, motivation and purpose of the military operation that we launched in Donbas and Ukraine. That is the goal,” Putin had said in his address to the nation before the operation was launched. ... battalion/


The Birth of a “New World Order” from the Ukrainian Battlefield
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 6, 2022
Elijah J. Magnier

There is a lot of speculation about the birth of a “new world order” from the womb of the battle in Ukraine between America and Russia. The Middle East, Asia and Africa are awaiting the results of this battle, its implications and what will be the outcome to form new alliances once the dust has settled. A new world will inevitably be born after long labours and punctuated by direct wars, countries’ occupations, proxy wars and illegal unilateral sanctions which have exhausted the world’s population. What will the “New World Order” look like, and will it be better or worse than the current one?

If and when the “new world order” emerges, it is expected to challenge the current order that the US led and had taken control of since 1990, when Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev announced Perestroika (means “reconstruction” in Russian). The US world order and unilateral hegemony were dominant until September 2015, when President Vladimir Putin decided to fight the battle for Russia’s return to the international arena through the Syrian war and the presence of Russian troops on the battlefield. Syria was not an ordinary battlefield but a territory where the US decided to create a failed state that would prevent Russia’s access to the Mediterranean through its naval base in the Syrian harbour of Tartous.

It was far from a coincidence that the US moved to consolidate its position in the Middle East before Russia’s return and created a coalition with dozens of western states to occupy Afghanistan, Iraq, and lastly, remove President Bashar al-Assad from power. The US objectives imposed Moscow’s and Washington’s troops to be dangerously present in a tiny geographic area with contradictory goals. The Russian upper hand in offering adequate support to Assad and regaining most of the Syrian “useful territory” upset the anti-Russian strategic plans of the US. European states were and still are, involved as a secondary force in the US wars of dominance and occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, with little return for the continent.

Europe has witnessed great ancient civilisations, the Greek, Hellenistic and Roman eras. The Portuguese, the Spaniards, the British, the Austro-Hungarians, and the French created their empires, conquered considerable parts of the world, and seized significant wealth. The European continent fought hundreds of wars through the ages until the First World War, known as the Great War of 1914. Britain, Russia, Italy, Romania, Canada, Japan, and the US (which entered in 1917, 6 months before its end) fought against Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire. A few European states and Russia found themselves in one trench (with the US) against the other enemy alliance. Britain’s significant casualties lost 994 thousand people but came second to Russia, which lost 3 million and 300 thousand people. The Russian and European blood mixed on the continent’s soil, fighting for freedom.

In World War II, Russia also had the largest share of deaths (24 million military and civilians) and fought alongside Europe, especially Britain, against Nazi Germany. The US entered the war through the economic gate. Indeed, President Franklin Roosevelt obtained from Congress an exceptional power of the “Lend-Lease” Act rather than sell war supplies at the price it deemed appropriate to support the war effort. Five years after the war’s end, Europe repaid the sums to the last penny. It finished the previously engaged payments between 2006 and 2015.

America had been waiting for an adequate opportunity to return to the European continent to establish itself for decades. Europe represented about a third of the world’s population at that time. WWII stimulated the faltering US economy – which suffered from the Great Depression caused by the stock market crash in 1929 – by creating 17 million jobs, which helped the US economy grow from $88.6 billion in 1939 to 135 billion in 1944. War was a profitable geopolitical and business growth for the US economy, a doctrine and practice that the US adopted for many decades after WWII. However, the war results in the Soviet Union were different from those of America. Russia lost more than 10% of its population, 70% of its industrial facilities, and 50% of its buildings and real estate.

The US found itself cooperating with the Soviet Union – which Washington had no affection for – to defeat Adolf Hitler and his expansionist plans. The US shared with Europe many values, but Washington was interested in the European theatre to confront the Soviet Union’s expansion. It was necessary to create a breach between European states and the Soviet Union.

For this purpose, America created the Marshall Plan, announced in 1947, to form an American-European front and cooperation under the title of reconstruction and operation of the European economy and factories. The Marshal plan also ensured a mutual and common security pact, arming Europe with American weapons, stopping Soviet influence in Europe and achieving American national goals.

With the outbreak of the Cold War after World War II, the United States experienced tremendous economic growth. The war brought back prosperity, and in the post-war period, the United States cemented its position as the wealthiest country in the world.

America began its media and propaganda war and the armament and nuclear race in the Cold War phase. However, 1991 marked the end of the cold war and the disintegration of the Soviet economy to its lowest economic level leading to Perestroika. The US plans of dominance did not start in 1991 after the fall of the Soviet Union, as researchers may recall. It did not emerge during the Cold War after World War II. It began on the 7th of December 7, 1941, when Japanese forces attacked the US naval fleet in Pearl Harbor, and the US decided to send troops to land in Europe.

Perestroika gave America absolute power over the world due to the absence of other forces facing it, which fit Washington’s expansionist policy. America has considered that Russia will return one day to the international arena again due to its capabilities, history, natural resources, military strength, productivity and expertise in many fields. Russia could be an attractive alternative for those challenging the US hegemony, and Washington was aware of this threat.

Therefore, the goal of the United States has focused on delaying Russia’s return to the international arena and the potential race on world hegemony. It was believed that Russia would not fully recover its economy and military capabilities until around 2025-2030. The West was surprised that Russia’s return ahead of schedule, with a strong economy and new weapons capabilities, posed an obstacle to Western goals of subjugating China and maintaining U.S. unilateralism in the world.

Washington had to aim first to clip Moscow’s wings and weaken it, given China’s strategic depth. Russia became a major international player and enjoyed huge economic contracts with Europe, a continent where the level of energy and trade exchange reached over $190 billion per year. Russia was able to weave strategic relations with the countries of Asia, Africa and the Middle East and was prepared to return to the international arena that the US had always considered among its spheres of influence.

The Americans believed that it was possible to corner the Kremlin when, in 2008, NATO announced its readiness to prepare Ukraine and Georgia to become part of the Organization. This move is believed to be a response to President Vladimir Putin’s Munich security briefing a year earlier in his 2007 Munich speech, when he said that Russia was back and that the unipolar system would no longer be acceptable. “Nobody feels safe because nobody feels that international law is like a stone wall that will protect them,” Putin said, alluding to the many wars the U.S. has fought in violation of international law.

“We believe that the expansion of NATO to the east is a mistake and a serious mistake,” Boris Yeltsin, the first post-Soviet Russian president, said at a 1997 press conference with U.S. President Bill Clinton in Helsinki, where the two signed a declaration on arms control.

The U.S. found in Putin a president determined to stop the expansion of NATO, which aims to besiege and confront Russia with EU-US troops and American nuclear bombs scattered on European soil. America has 150 nukes in Europe and Turkey aimed at Russia because Europe has no enemies and France and the UK already have nukes. Putin wants the US to keep its verbal promise that two secretaries of state (James Baker and Warren Christopher) offered two Russian presidents (Michael Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin) not to expand NATO and to keep its membership to 12 and not 30 as it has reached today.

The hatred of American Democratic leaders (mainly President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and President Joe Biden, to name but a few) for President Vladimir Putin has overshadowed the U.S.-Russia relationship. American officials failed to notice that the Russian bear had developed claws with the capacity and strength to respond and inflict pain on its opponents in the event of a conflict. The whole world began to sense Russia’s power, its capabilities and, above all, its alliances in Asia and the rest of the world. In fact, the sanctions imposed on Russia by the US and the West were the cause of great pain for the US, the West and the world economy, including Russia. The Russian economy was the target, but it seems that the West has imposed sanctions on itself as well and is hurting its economy.

The US President blames – but it looks like he won’t get away with blaming Putin for inflation – Russia’s war on Ukraine for being behind rising prices in the US, forcing Biden to use 60 million barrels of oil reserves to calm the panicked domestic market. This decision offers evidence of US economic distress, followed by the EU due to its sanctions against Russia. Biden did not appreciate President Putin’s reaction when the Ruble regained its original value within a few weeks, as before the sanctions.

The United States itself has given the green light to begin the long journey of eliminating its unilateralism. Its gradual decay from 32 years of world leadership began when Iran bombed the US base at Ayn al-Assad, then the US left Afghanistan, attacked Iraq and asked to leave. Finally, Russia challenged NATO and the US in Ukraine. This American decadence was triggered when they forced Russia to choose between a war against Ukraine or allowing NATO bases in Ukraine and Georgia, believing that Putin would have no good options and whatever he decided, he would be the biggest loser. In fact, Putin had the choice of seeing Ukrainian forces attacking Crimea to reclaim it, embarrassing the Russian state, having a NATO base on Russia’s borders, or declaring war. The US has openly said that its goal is to inflict the most significant damage possible on the Russians in Ukraine, not to defeat them.

However, early results seem to indicate that Ukraine will no longer join NATO and that Georgia has received the message loud and clear to stay away from the US-led alliance. Ukraine has lost strategic territories, and NATO has lost its ability to establish its bases in any country that Russia considers within its circle of existential danger. Russia has obtained an agreement from Ukraine to remain neutral and refrain from having nuclear or strategic missiles on its territory. It is only a matter of time before the Donbas province falls under Russia’s control, including Mariupol in the south, which will provide a land route between Crimea and Russia.

The Ruble seems to be on its way to becoming an international currency. Europe is gradually separating from its Russian partner, which fought by its side in the two world wars and has become one of the most important economic partners. Europe has decided to buy American gas, which is 30 percent more expensive than Russian gas, and will have to build a dedicated platform to receive and equip itself for liquefied gas. The US won the isolation of the European continent from Russia, but opened the door for Moscow to have access to the rest of the world, eager to see the US hegemony more fragile.

Five percent (US) of the world’s population may be able to lead the twelve percent of wealthy European states (from 22 percent in 1950 to 12 percent of the world’s population in 2020). However, the US can no longer spread its dominance over rising Asia, representing 60% of the world’s population, particularly with China as an economic superpower left with Russia, not the US. The American superpower is not that big a thing, and the Russian superpower does not have all the elements to retain its title. Russia-Pakistan-India-Iran-China and the other BRICS countries represent solid economic cooperation that is difficult for the US-EU to break or challenge.

China, Africa and other Middle Eastern countries are waiting for the final results of the US-Russia battle taking place in Ukraine to expand their alliances without necessarily becoming anti-Western. The multipolar world is born, but the question remains: How long will America be able to maintain its control over Europe? And will European states react to the loss of their natural Russian ally, or is it already too late for that? ... ttlefield/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Apr 09, 2022 3:11 pm

‘Wall of lies built up by West will collapse under its own weight’
April 9, 2022 Marina Polyakova and Dmitry Strauss

Greg Butterfield speaks at ‘Stop the War Lies’ action in New York, April 2. SLL photo: Sharon Black

The following interview with Struggle-La Lucha co-editor Greg Butterfield originally appeared in the Russian-language web publication on April 8.

Ukraina: How do people in the United States react to anything related to Russia and to Russians in the U.S.? Are you aware of any cases of discrimination against Russians in the U.S.?

Greg Butterfield: It must be said first of all that the war propaganda against Russia is overwhelming and monolithic in the U.S. mass media, from government officials and all but the most radical public organizations. There is intense censorship on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms. In this sense, the climate is similar to the months after the Sept. 11, 2001, attack in New York, when any dissenting voices were not permitted.

There have been awful attacks on Russians and Russian-speakers in the past weeks. People have been harassed on the street and threatened for speaking Russian. Russian shops and restaurants have been vandalized and received bomb threats. In one particularly ridiculous case, a college in Florida with a library named for Karl Marx changed its name because of Marx’s association with the former Soviet Union!

This is a common occurrence in the U.S. whenever the government decides to demonize another country. For example, when the Trump administration blamed China for COVID-19, Asian people (not just Chinese) were attacked, and this is still going on today.

Of course it is only a small minority of the U.S. population that engages in such antisocial behavior. Most workers are simply overwhelmed by the propaganda barrage and don’t have the information or context to stand up against it. That’s where the leftist movement has to act, to present true information and organize people to stand up to the official lies.

On April 2 we organized the first anti-U.S., anti-NATO protest held in New York City since the Russian-Donbass joint operation in Ukraine began. Unfortunately, many anti-war and left groups have surrendered to the anti-Russia propaganda or are hiding their heads. But those of us who rallied in the busy Herald Square shopping area found that there was great interest among the people to hear a different point of view on the conflict, and great skepticism about the Biden administration’s rationale for antagonizing Russia. To our surprise, there was hardly any hostility at all.

I think this bodes well. The wall of lies built up by the West is going to collapse under its own weight, but we need to push it.

Ukraina: The entire U.S. leadership unanimously claims that “Putin is to blame” for skyrocketing fuel prices. Do people in the U.S. mostly believe this accusation? What do people say about it?

GB: A key component of the Western propaganda war is to make people blame Russia whenever they go to the gas pump or the grocery store and have to pay inflated prices. But most people are not buying this story so far. Inflation was already high in the U.S. before the latest conflict began.

When we talk to workers about the crisis, we always point out that the Big Oil companies and Wall Street banks are the beneficiaries of high fuel prices. They are not under any orders to raise prices to consumers. Also, the government has the power to enforce price controls, but chooses not too.

People understand that the oil companies have been a major force behind all recent U.S. wars around the world, like the devastation of Iraq, so pointing this out is a strong argument.

Ukraina: How do Americans generally feel about sanctions against Russia?

GB: People generally don’t understand that sanctions affect common people in Russia and the many, many other countries sanctioned by the U.S. In the media it is only reported that there are consequences for Russian oligarchs, like seizing yachts or vacation homes in the West. In our work we emphasize that sanctions are an act of war, and what the consequences are for working people in the sanctioned countries – on jobs, healthcare, housing and so on.

I’ve noted a good trend by young people on social media here – many are asking if Russian oligarchs are sanctioned, why shouldn’t we sanction U.S. oligarchs like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk who rip off their workers?

Ukraina: Google removed the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense and other state websites of the Russian government from its search results. How do you think Russia should respond to such “blows” in the information war?

GB: Generally I think it is better for Russia’s government to take the high road on this issue, since the flow of factual information is already being so badly inhibited by the West. On the other hand, I completely understand Moscow’s decision to designate Facebook/Meta as a terrorist organization after it explicitly allowed Azov Nazi propaganda and calls for killing Russians.

It is not only Russian and other foreign sites that are affected by Google censorship. The publication that I work on, Struggle-La Lucha, has also recently been removed from Google’s search results because of our anti-imperialist content.

I think it is urgent for Russia, the Donbass republics, China, Venezuela and other ostracized countries to work to jointly develop new social media platforms and alternatives in conjunction with people’s movements here and worldwide.

Ukraina: What can you say about U.S. President Joe Biden’s call for regime change in Russia?

GB: It was outrageous, but not surprising. The tactic of demonizing the leadership of an “enemy” country has been an effective one for the U.S. rulers over many decades. Think of how they demonized Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, Mummar Gaddahfi, Bashar Assad and now Vladimir Putin. Each of them has been declared the “new Hitler” by the Western media at one time.

It’s unfortunate and somewhat vexing for us that President Putin continues to court the U.S. far-right by demeaning the Black Lives Matter movement and transgender people when speaking to U.S. media. The ultra-right groups in the U.S. that support this view are akin to the Ukrainian neo-Nazis and in some cases even have direct relations with them, send supporters to fight alongside them! It would be much better for the Russian government to appeal to the multinational working class and people’s movements of the left.

But regardless, for us the issue is not the politics expressed by the leaders of countries under attack from imperialism, but the fact that they are resisting and objectively taking positive action in the global struggle, as Russia is doing today in conjunction with the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.

Ukraina: How do you assess the prospects for denazification of Ukraine (the struggle against Nazi ideology there)?

GB: So far the progress appears very good on the denazification front. Certainly the liberation of Mariupol is a heavy blow to the Azov Nazis who have been a backbone of Ukraine’s war of terror on Donbass. Strong measures have been taken against the Aidar Battalion, leading figures in the Right Sector and so on.

It’s crucial that the Ukrainian anti-fascist underground is included in the process, along with the DPR and LPR. Ultimately, it will really be up to them to root out the poisonous elements of Ukrainian society.

I hope that in the short term, this can include liberating the many Ukrainian leftists and others swept up in the latest witch hunt by the Security Service of Ukraine and neo-Nazis. Also important will be helping those Ukrainian activists living in exile for the last eight years to safely return home to continue their work.

Source: ... wn-weight/


The Bucha atrocities and the tilted character of reporting on Ukraine

Below is a published on-line comment re The New York Times‘ op-ed (April 6, 2022) on the Bucha atrocities. The comment speaks to the tilted character of reporting on the Ukraine war. That tilt should be of concern to all who care about aspiration to truth, democracy, and peace.

“Who committed the Bucha atrocities is still unproven.

(1) There is also a case that this was the doing of the Azov Brigades, killing those who were civil toward or had dealings with Russian troops during the occupation.

(2) There is an online interview with the Mayor of Bucha smiling and happy two days after the Russians left, with no mention of atrocities.

(3) Ukraine has not secured the massacre site and brought in outside forensic (ICC) expertise to identify time of killing, caliber of bullets used, blood spill markings regarding whether the bodies were placed there or not, etc.

(4) The satellite images proving Russia did it are supposedly from March 18. Why were they not exposed back then?

(5) On April 4 the UK (Chair of the UN Security Council) blocked Russia’s request to discuss the Bucha massacre.

(6) In sum, the case is far from closed. However, my reading is that is not how it is being reported, and first impressions stick with the public even if the story is revised later. There is a significant propaganda war accompanying the battlefield war. Every reader needs to be aware of this.”


Below are some further observations expanding on my initial parsimonious comment:

(1) The New York Times’ satellite image of March 18 shows seven dead. We do not know how they died, and nor do they appear to relate to the Bucha massacre which involves far more dead. They may be tragic casualties of war.

(2) The New York Times’ satellite image is paired with a subsequent drive by video of April 4. Russia claims the bodies in the video do not appear to have stiffened. If true, that potentially renders the drive by video a set-up.

(3) The US government is significantly involved on Ukraine’s side of the propaganda war. A collateral doubt concerns the past behavior of the US government. In 2018 it accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons, and then exploited the resulting public opinion revulsion to illegally attack Syria. Subsequently, doubts were raised about the charge of Syrian involvement. Unfortunately, past dishonesty has consequences for current credibility.

(4) I repeat: (i) I do not know who committed the atrocities. (ii) On the basis of current evidence, the question of who committed the Bucha atrocities remains open. (iii) That is not how the media is reporting the incident.

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 7th, 2022 at 10:47 am and is filed under Political Economy, U.S. Policy, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

Thomas, you may not know but we know Nazis and the lying US so...


Volnovakha Physician: Ukrainian forces occupied the hospital, mined the ICU entrance
27,803 viewsApr 7, 2022

Eva K Bartlett
17.3K subscribers
In liberated Volnovakha, in the DPR, on March 24, Chief Physician, Viktor Fedorovich Saranov, said:

“[The Ukrainian army] were there. There were tanks on our territory. There were guns and MLRS (“Grads”) outside the territory. I asked them to act in accordance with the Hague and Geneva conventions. I asked them to leave the hospital. They said it was war.

The second and third floors were occupied here. We were preparing for a long siege, and then it turned out like this: they conducted an attack. They evacuated the soldiers. And they mined the entrance to the intensive care unit. On the last day when they were leaving, they shot at the intensive care unit.” The ICU, he said, had already been evacuated.

A woman who said she had worked at the hospital as a nurse for nearly 58 years, said.

“On the 28th I was home alone. They soon started shelling A tank came here and stopped. A soldier jumped out of it and said ‘get out of here immediately’.
How can they do it with their native hospital? With patients here. They were laying in corridors, as they have been evacuated. They said there were no one in the hospital, no staff, no patients. This is a lie.”

Later, researching, I came across this news:

“Foreign mercenaries who were wounded in the Volnovakha hospital were shot by their own before leaving the city so that they could not tell anything. All the wounded have a control shot in the temple or the back of the head.”


Alleged henchmanship
April 9, 16:11


From the creators of the euphemisms "final decision" and "special jurisdiction" ...

The sanctions lists open up a simply incredible abyss of formulations of the newest "compositions of crimes" for which extrajudicial execution is due in the brave new world - so far by economic methods. But that's for now. Medieval inquisition, Soviet special troikas and just judges of the Stalinist period nervously smoke on the sidelines, exclaiming "what, it was also possible like that ?!"

So, some examples of new elements of "crimes" from the 5th package of EU sanctions ( ... L:2022:110: FULL&from=EN ):

• considered to be the "henchman" of...);

• close ties with ... (closely associated with ...);

• subversive policy and activities;

• congratulating people belonging to a professional group (congratulated people from the ...);

• an open expression of support and friendship (openly declared his support to and friendship for ...)

• enjoying good relations with ...;

• dissemination and legitimization of aggressive anti-Western propaganda (disseminating and legitimizing aggressive anti-Western propaganda);

• publication of a newspaper that someone liked (newspaper ... has been described also by ... as his favorite newspaper);

• responsibility for supporting actions and policies in relation to ... (responsible for supporting actions and policies ...);

• active participation in propaganda through the creation and dissemination of distorted information in the interests of someone (actively participated in ... propaganda by creating and disseminating distorted information in the interests of);

• initiator and main creator of ... TV channel ... and owner of the TV channel • initiator and main creator of ... TV channel ... and owner of the TV channel , these channels are the main mouthpieces of ... propaganda, effectively fulfilling the task .... These channels discuss the future of ..., the failures of the reforms of ... , and any actions of the .... authorities are ridiculed or condemned);

• participation in meetings (participates in meetings ....);

• the role of the CEO of the leading multi-category e-commerce platform (CEO of ... leading multi-category e-commerce platform);

• participation in one meeting at which the impact and effect of illegal sanctions from the point of view of international law were discussed, as well as the fact of being invited to such a meeting (attended a meeting ... to discuss the impact of the course of action in the wake of ... sanctions.The fact that he was invited to attend that meeting... );

• involvement in the activities of sectors of the economy that provide significant tax revenues (is involved in economic sectors providing a substantial source of revenue to the Government ...). - zinc

This is how the "European sense of justice" looks now, which we have been presenting as the norm for 30 years.

Google Translator

And ya wonder why the Russians are fed up with the west...


More on the Bucha atrocities: Iran’s Press TV
gilbertdoctorow Uncategorized April 8, 2022 1 Minute

“Short and to the point.” With those words I would characterize the 12 minute news bulletin on Iran’s Press TV yesterday in which I was given the microphone to place the Bucha scandal in the broader context of the ongoing vicious Information War. The United States and the United Kingdom are conducting precisely such a hands-off operation due to their animal fear of confronting Russia in a kinetic war. Moreover, it is the only kind of war they have any chance of winning, for all that is worth. The hasty, indecent withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan last August capped a series of disastrous military adventures by the US and NATO forces in Iraq, Syria and Libya over the course of the past two decades that left millions of civilians dead and these given unfortunate countries in ruins economically and politically.

The result of the present Washington policies is a vast discrepancy between the “virtual world” being disseminated by the U.S. led Collective West and a “boots on the ground” reality from the Russians.

As I note, for reasons of military secrecy, the Russians are divulging very little about their troop concentrations and immediate plans. Consequently, we will have to wait some time to see the outcome. I anticipate it will be the utter destruction of the bulk of the Ukrainian military parked to the West of the Donbas demarcation line. Such an outcome will obviate the need for a negotiated peace treaty. Facts speak louder than words.

With regard to Press TV: I draw your attention to the moderate and rather fair handed news management. This drives home the fact that even in present day massive censorship in the USA and Western Europe and propagandistic manipulation of the media facilitated by a blackout on Russian news sources of all kinds (not just Sputnik and RT), the curious and open-minded public can find the “other side” or sides of issues making the headlines by tapping into the English language broadcasts of major global players like Turkey, Iran, India. ... -press-tv/

"This war will be won on the battlefield": Borrell openly supported the Armed Forces of Ukraine during a visit to Kyiv

The head of European diplomacy promised to provide Kiev with additional financial and military assistance for the war with the Russians.

The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, following a visit to Kyiv, said that Ukraine must defeat Russia on the battlefield, the Pool No. 3 telegram channel reports.

Borrell, in particular, noted that he was touched by the "stamina, determination and hospitality" of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, so he returned from Ukraine with a "clear list of things to do."

"This war will be won on the battlefield. An additional €500 million is in full swing. Arms deliveries will be tailored to Ukraine's needs," Borrell said. ... 93370.html

Fat Fucking Chance

“Everyone is immersed in animal fear”: a resident of Bucha told what really happened in the suburbs of Kyiv


A “cry from the heart” of an eyewitness to the crimes of Ukrainian militants in Bucha was sent to the editorial office of the Novorossiya news agency.

The editorial office of the news agency "Novorossiya" received a letter from Kyiv, which contains the words of eyewitnesses to the crimes of Ukrainian militants committed after the withdrawal of Russian troops from Bucha and other villages of the Kiev region.

On condition of anonymity, a resident of Bucha said that he was evacuated from the village on March 12, and after the withdrawal of Russian troops, their entire house with 250 apartments was looted.
"The Ukrainian press accuses the Russian Orcs of plundering Bucha, and people believed it ... But a week passed, and those single neighbors who still live in the house whisper after you swear by your mother, the health of your children and all the saints, horrified by the lawlessness they have seen, tell the truth," the letter says.
The author points out that the Russians left Bucha on March 30, and already on the 31st in the evening the looting began: a brigade of more than 10 people in civilian clothes worked, but they were guarded and commanded by the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine around the clock.
“They robbed our house for three days (April 31, 1 and 2). All apartments were broken into and looted, except for those four where there were people. Everyone knows about this, but they are silent. Even those whose relatives serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the police are silent! Everyone is immersed in animal fear! Women, when approached, bow and with horror in their eyes begin to cry and say “thank you” in a trembling voice. This reaction is because they know that those whom we consider ours are killed immediately without warning ", the letter says.
The author of the letter emphasizes that, despite the fact that he lost his property, he had a dream that the Russians would return to Kyiv and rid their homeland of the "fierce Satanism" that swept the Kyiv neighborhood after the departure of the Russian military.
]"Please, "Russian Orcs", my dear, good ones, don't stop... For the sake of Christ, dear ones," the author of the letter added.
] ... 93365.html

Google Translator
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:45 pm

LIVE: Japan Removes Neo-nazi Designation From Azov Battalion

Despite the fact that the battalion's own logo bears Nazi insignia, the japanese agency does not recognized the Azov battalion as a neo-Nazi organization. Apr. 09, 2022. | Photo: @rianru

Published 9 April 2022 (5 hours 58 minutes ago)

Day 45 of the ongoing military conflict between Ukraine and Russia, without any sign of a permanent ceasefire. Below are the main events as they happen.

Tokyo's Public Security Intelligence Agency (PSAI) has removed the neo-Nazi designation of the Ukrainian far-right Azov Battalion from Japan's 2021 manual on international terrorism.

"Recently, cases of misinformation have been published as if the PSAI recognized the Azov battalion as a neo-Nazi organization. We regret that this situation has arisen," the Japanese agency said, apologizing for the designation of a neo-Nazi organization as neo-Nazi.

"The 2021 guide includes data collected from various open sources, including foreign and Japanese media, research institutes and others," the statement said. It added that the results were not an independent assessment.

"This does not mean that the agency has recognized the Azov battalion as a neo-Nazi organization," it stressed despite the fact that the battalion's own logo bears Nazi insignia.

To prevent the circulation of incorrect information, the PSIA said it had decided to remove the description from the manual.

The Twitter account of the Ukrainian National Guard had posted a video boasting that Azov fighters greased their bullets with lard for use against Muslim Chechens on the Russian side.

The cancellation of the terrorist designation came after intelligence suggested that Azov militants had been planning terrorist attacks in Lvov against Western diplomats to force NATO to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

Azov is said to have been behind many war crimes in Ukraine, from killing civilians and trying to shift the blame to Moscow, to murdering prisoners of war of the Russian armed forces.

The nationalists also faced further accusations from Moscow of holding hostages in a maternity hospital in Mariupol, which would not be the first crime committed by the notorious far-right neo-Nazi group, as they opened fire on civilians during their evacuation of the city, killing at least two people and wounding four others.

Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov

Evacuation Attempt of Nationalist Leaders Fails

On the night of April 8, the Kiev regime made a new attempt to evacuate the leaders of the Ukrainian nationalists by sea from Mariupol, the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Igor Konashenkov, anounced to journalists.

"The Kiev regime does not stop trying to evacuate the leaders of the nationalist Azov regiment and foreign mercenaries from Mariupol," he pointed out.

"Earlier actions to airlift them out by helicopters failed. On the night of April 8, the Kiev regime made a new unsuccessful attempt to evacuate the leaders of the Ukrainian Nazis by sea," Konashenkov remarked.

According to the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Ukrainian cargo ship "Apache" under the Maltese flag followed at night in a caravan of ships from Taganrog Bay to the Kerch Strait.

At 22H38 Moscow time, 30 kilometers off Mariupol, it abruptly changed course and attempted to break into the seaport of Mariupol, which is blockaded by the Black Sea Fleet.

The cargo ship continued to move without responding to demands by Russian border guards to make contact through the international channel.

Warning artillery shots, fired by two border patrol boats along the vessel's course, did not cause a change of course or a slowdown in the cargo ship's speed, he said.

"As it was heading into port, the ship was conducting a radio exchange, transmitting messages:
"'I'm a maniac, I'm coming to you,'" Konashenkov said, adding that signs of fire were seen offshore.

The cargo ship then diverted and the crew contacted the border guards, asking them to cease fire and stating that they were ready to comply with the requirements.

"As a result of the impact of the fire, there are no injuries among the ship's crew members. The ship's crew extinguished the fire on their own. After the inspection, the Ukrainian cargo ship Apache with the crew is escorted to the port of Yeysk," Konashenkov concluded.

Russia Denounces Ukrainian Provocation in Irpin City

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov denounced on Saturday that Ukrainian nationalists are preparing new intentional actions to blame Russia for the murder of civilians in the town of Irpin in Kiev province.

According to the Russian Defense entity, its troops left Irpin a week ago.

He indicated that the Russian military left the city more than a week ago and that the officers of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) plan to transfer, from the morgue of a hospital, the corpses of civilian residents who perished after the Ukrainian artillery attacks and leave them in the basement of a building outside the city.

Similarly, he detailed that later a staging will be organized in the forest, in the framework of which, supposedly, "will be eliminated" a Russian reconnaissance group which, according to the scenario, will arrive in Irpin to kill witnesses of war crimes by Russia.

The official also explained that they will present, as evidence, the corpses of Russian servicemen who were tortured and killed by nationalists.

"This cynical staged action [will be] organized for later broadcasting videos through Western media," Konashenkov specified.

Russia Opens Criminal Investigation on Kramatorsk Attack

On Friday, the Kramatorsk railroad station was attacked, while several civilians were evacuating. Following the attack by Ukrainian troops on the city of Kramatorsk, the Investigative Committee of Russia decided to open a criminal case to investigate the premeditated dissemination of false news about the Russian Armed Forces at the site.

Prior to the announcement, the spokesman for the militias of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), Eduard Basurin, explained that about 30 people were killed and 100 others were wounded by a missile attack on a railway station in the DPR town of Kramatorsk, which Russia believes was perpetrated by Ukraine.

"The Ukrainian side spread deliberately false information that the attack on the city was carried out by Russian soldiers. On the occasion of that fact a criminal case was also opened for the crime (...) public dissemination of deliberately false information about the Armed Forces of Russia," the Committee said on its channel on Telegram.

According to the entity, a file was opened "against the commander of the brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other unidentified persons", for "abuses against the civilian population", as well as "for the use in an armed conflict of means and methods prohibited by an international treaty signed by Russia".

This Friday a missile hit the train station in the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk while evacuating civilian population, resulting in several casualties. The head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, Pavel Kirilenko, stated that there were about 50 deaths, including five children, and 86 wounded, as reported by Russian local media.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry denied any involvement of Moscow and its troops in the attack. It specified that the Tochka-U missiles, fragments of which were found near the station, were only used by Ukraine, and the attack was launched by its troops from the Dobropolie region, 45 kilometers southwest of Kramatorsk.

He also added that the aim of this offensive was to thwart the mass exit of residents from the city in order to use them as human shields to defend positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as in other areas of the country.

The advisor to the head of the Ukrainian Presidential Office, Alexei Aristovich, minutes after the first reports of the attack appeared, said that an Iskander missile was used, contradicting what the DPR, Russia and the Ukrainian president, Volodymir Zalensky, declared. Russian media also reiterated that a Tochka was used, based on its very particular characteristics shown in photographs. ... -0004.html



Europe is Sleepwalking into Another World War
April 9, 2022
By Boaventura de Sousa Santos – Apr 4, 2022

More than 100 years after World War I, Europe’s leaders are sleepwalking toward a new all-out war. In 1914, the European governments believed that the war would last three weeks; it lasted four years and resulted in more than 20 million deaths. The same nonchalance is visible with the war in Ukraine. The dominant view is that the aggressor should be left broken and humbled. Then, the defeated power was Germany. Some dissenting voices, such as John Maynard Keynes, felt that the humbling of Germany would be a disaster. Their warnings went unheeded. Twenty-one years later, Europe was back at war, which lasted six years and killed 70 million people. History neither repeats itself nor seems to teach us anything, but it does illustrate similarities and differences.

The hundred years before 1914 offered Europe relative peace. What wars took place were of a short-lived nature. The reason for this was the Congress of Vienna (1814-15), which brought together the victors and the vanquished from the Napoleonic wars to create a lasting peace. The chair of the conference was Klemens von Metternich, who made sure that the defeated power (France) paid for its actions with territorial losses but that it signed the treaty along with Austria, England, Prussia, and Russia to secure peace with dignity.

Negotiation or total defeat
While the Napoleonic wars took place between European powers, today’s war is between a European (Russia) and a non-European (United States) power. It is a proxy war, with both sides using a third country (Ukraine) to achieve geostrategic goals that go well beyond the country in question and the continent to which it belongs. Russia is at war with Ukraine because it is a war with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which is commanded by the United States. NATO has been at the service of US geostrategic interests. Once a steadfast champion of the self-determination of peoples, Russia is now illegally sacrificing these same principles to assert its own security concerns, after failing to have them recognized through peaceful means, and out of an undisguised imperial nostalgia. For its part, since the end of the first cold war, the US has striven to deepen Russia’s defeat, a defeat which in fact was probably more self-inflicted than brought about by any superiority on the part of its opponent.

From NATO’s perspective, the goal of the war in Ukraine is to inflict an unconditional defeat on Russia, preferably one that leads to regime change in Moscow. The duration of the war depends on that goal. Where is Russia’s incentive to end the war when British Prime Minister Boris Johnson permits himself to say that sanctions against Russia will continue, no matter what Russia’s position is now? Would it be sufficient for Russian President Vladimir Putin to be ousted (as was the case with Napoleon in 1815), or is the truth of the matter that the NATO countries insist on the ousting of Russia itself so that China’s expansion can be halted? There was also regime change in the 1918 humbling of Germany, but it all ended up leading to Hitler and an even more devastating war. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s political greatness could be construed as being either in recognition of the brave patriot who defends his country from the invader to the last drop of blood or in recognition of the brave patriot who, faced with the imminence of so many innocent deaths and the asymmetry in military strength, successfully enlists the support of his allies to negotiate fiercely to secure a dignified peace. The fact that the former construction is now the prevalent one probably has little to do with President Zelensky’s personal preferences.

Where is Europe?
During the two world wars of the 20th century, Europe was the self-proclaimed center of the world. That is why we call the two wars world wars. About 4 million of Europe’s troops were in fact African and Asian. Many thousands of non-European deaths were the price paid by the inhabitants of remote colonies of the countries involved, sacrificed in a war that did not concern them.

Now, Europe is but a small corner of the world, which the war in Ukraine will render even smaller. For centuries, Europe was merely the western tip of Eurasia, the huge landmass that stretched from China to the Iberian Peninsula and witnessed the exchange of knowledge, products, scientific innovations, and cultures. Much of what was later attributed to European exceptionalism (from the scientific revolution of the 16th century to the industrial revolution in the 19th century) cannot be understood, nor would it have been possible, without those centuries-old exchanges. The war in Ukraine—especially if it goes on for too long—runs the risk not only of amputating one of Europe’s historic powers (Russia), but also of isolating it from the rest of the world, notably from China.

The world is far bigger than what you get to see through European or North American lenses. Seeing through these lenses, Europeans have never felt so strong, so close to their larger partner, so sure of standing on the right side of history, with the whole planet being run by the rules of the “liberal order,” a world finally feeling strong enough to go forth sometime soon and conquer—or at least neutralize—China, after having destroyed China’s main partner, Russia.

Seeing through non-European lenses, on the other hand, Europe and the US stand haughtily all but alone, probably capable of winning one battle, but on their way to certain defeat in the war of history. More than half of the world’s population lives in countries that have decided not to join the sanctions against Russia. Many of the United Nations member states that voted (rightly) against the illegal invasion of Ukraine did so based on their historical experience, which consisted of being invaded, not by Russia, but rather by the US, England, France, or Israel. Their decision was not dictated by ignorance, but by precaution. How can they trust countries that created SWIFT—a financial transfer system aimed at protecting economic transactions against political interference—only to end up removing from that system a country on political grounds? Countries that arrogate to themselves the power to confiscate the financial and gold reserves of sovereign nations like Afghanistan, Venezuela, and now Russia? Countries that trumpet freedom of expression as a sacrosanct universal value, but resort to censorship the moment they are exposed by it? Countries that are supposed to cherish democracy and yet have no qualms about staging a coup whenever an election goes against their interests? Countries in whose eyes the “dictator” Nicolás Maduro becomes a trading partner overnight because the circumstances have changed? The world is no longer a place of innocence—if it ever was. ... world-war/


"I'm a Maniac, I'm coming to you"
April 9, 19:08


At night, another attempt was made to evacuate some important persons from Mariupol. This time by sea.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation about an attempt to break through the dry-cargo ship "Apache" in Mariupol.

At 10:38 pm Moscow time, 30 km south-east of MARIUPOL, the cargo ship abruptly changed course and tried to break through to the seaport "MARIUPOL" blocked from the sea by the Black Sea Fleet.

The Ukrainian dry cargo ship did not respond to the demands of the Russian border ships to communicate via the international channel, continuing to move in the direction of the port of MARIUPOL.

Warning artillery fire, carried out by two border patrol ships along the ship's course, did not lead to a change in course and a slowdown in the speed of the dry cargo ship.

During the movement to the port of MARIUPOL, the ship conducted a radio exchange, transmitting messages "I am a Maniac, I am coming to you." At the same time, signal fires were observed on the shore.

To block the movement of the offending vessel from 22.53 to 23.30, the Black Sea Fleet ship and border patrol ships opened artillery fire on the Apache dry cargo ship.

As a result of a direct hit on the vessel, a fire broke out in the stern of the vessel.

After that, the Ukrainian dry cargo ship drifted, the crew contacted the border ships with a request to cease fire and confirmed their readiness to fulfill all the requirements of the Russian sailors.

As a result of the fire impact, there were no casualties among the crew members on the ship. The ship's crew extinguished the fire on their own.

After the inspection, the Ukrainian dry cargo ship "Apache" with the crew is escorted to the port of EYSK.

(c) RF Ministry of Defense ... banner.jpg

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British intelligence told Zelensky the start date of the decisive battle for Donbass - insider

According to the British, a large-scale grouping of the Russian Armed Forces is actively concentrating on the border with Ukraine, the Resident telegram channel reports.

A new large-scale offensive by Russian troops in the Donbass and the eastern part of Ukraine will begin from April 12 to 16. This was reported to Kiev by British intelligence, the Ukrainian telegram channel "Resident" writes, citing a source in the Office of the President of Ukraine.

"Mi-6 has transmitted intelligence to the Office of the President and the General Staff that a new military campaign of Russian troops on the eastern front will begin from April 12 to April 19," the message says.

According to intelligence transmitted to Kyiv, Russian troops have been concentrating on the border with Ukraine for several days.

“When their number reaches 90,000, the battle for Donbass will begin,” the Resident writes. ... 93373.html

Russia replaces commander of special operation in Ukraine - source

According to the telegram channel "Special Operation Z", General Alexander Dvornikov will command the group of Russian troops in Ukraine.

The commander of the Southern Military District, General Alexander Dvornikov, has been appointed as the new commander of the grouping of Russian troops performing combat missions as part of a special operation in Ukraine. The telegram channel "Special Operation Z" reports this with reference to a source.

It is noted that 61-year-old Alexander Dvornikov has extensive experience in military operations, including in Chechnya and Syria.

"Combat experience: the Chechen campaign, the Syrian campaign. It was under his command that the regime of Bashar al-Assad was saved at a time when everyone had already written off this Arab country," the report says. ... 93378.html

Syndrome of the White Brotherhood: On the problems of denazification of Ukraine


Looking through the Ukrainian information channels, you understand that it is now that the deceitful and vile Ukrainian propaganda has reached its climax. As the Russian troops advanced, demilitarizing the territory of Ukraine, Kiev propagandists found few performances about the recent "tragedy" in Bucha.

Refinements of dill propaganda and properties of the brain

Another fake, created by dill propagandist and pseudo-historian Oleksandr Paliy, was intended to explain not so much to Ukrainians as to Europeans "the main reason for the atrocities of the Russian military against the civilian population of the country."

In it, Paliy, who decided to enlighten the world community, told that the alleged current population of Russia is in fact ... the descendants of cannibals. And that is why it is prone to unmotivated atrocities, the "results" of which manifested themselves in the so-called Buchan tragedy.

“Many Ukrainians, looking at what the Russians are doing in Ukraine, are beginning to suspect that the names of Russians as androphages or descendants of androphages are not accidental,” Paliy said. “And this is not historical speculation. We see that the Russian leadership is aimed completely at the destruction of the Ukrainian people for the atrocities and senseless killings of their military..."

The next pearl of the propagandist leads to the delusion of his "concept", but what does not happen in today's Ukraine ...

“Perhaps it is not for nothing that Petersburg is called the city of dismemberment… There are so many crimes there that it is difficult to imagine in Ukraine or in Europe,” the propagandist emphasized.

Declaring that the Russians trace their secret ancestry from a certain semi-animal tribe of cannibals, Paliy refers to Herodotus, who allegedly claimed that behind Scythia, "the ancestral home of the Ukrainians, live tribes that eat people."

According to the Donetsk psychologist Anastasia Vronskaya, the Europeans and the inhabitants of Ukraine once again decided to frighten the mythical "bestiality and bloodthirstiness" of the Russians.

“At first, a staged provocation about the murders in Bucha was created, then a delusional explanation came from a Ukrainian historian about why this happened,” the psychologist noted.

In her opinion, the Buchansky performance was played out for Europeans who are not interested in subsequent investigations into the reliability of fabricated facts.

"It is not designed for a logical understanding of events, but for emotions ... And the more it overwhelms them, the better ..." - added the psychologist.

Such propaganda is very dangerous because it affects the weakest parts of the human brain. Propaganda lies can only be recognized if a person is sufficiently educated and knows what manipulations propagandists use, introducing harmful images into a person’s consciousness.

“Ukrainian manipulators with such fakes create a distorted picture of the world for the local population that the Kiev regime needs, where Russians, allegedly descended from cannibal ancestors, pose a real threat to Ukrainians and especially Europe. The Ukrainians themselves are presented as a heroic people whose mission is to save Europe from the Russian Invasion. And the inhabitants of Ukraine have been listening to this nonsense since 2014, for eight years a new reality filled with terrible Russians has been constructed for them. Ukrainians are poisoned by this propaganda, "added the psychologist.

Ukrainian propaganda is a dangerous weapon. The psychologist explained this by the peculiarities of the human psyche:

"The brain is pretty lazy. We don't like to think, it's laborious, it takes a lot of energy, so the mental process can be extremely slow. And propaganda offers a quick explanation for incomprehensible or shocking facts, to which it is completely unclear how to react."

The picture of the world that has been created by propaganda fakes for many years is becoming super-strong, and it is very difficult to make a hole in it. Even if it is quite contradictory, as in Ukraine, it can completely enclose a person in an informational cocoon through which it is difficult to hear any counterarguments, even if they are logical and reasonable.

“There was such an apocalyptic sect in the Donbass in the 90s – the White Brotherhood. And it was extremely difficult to free the consciousness of the brothers from zombie programs.

common practice in the West
Information about the "atrocities in Bucha" appeared after several German publications published evidence of the real atrocities of the Ukronazis against Russian prisoners.

According to Donetsk historian Svetlana Volnova, the fake video about the Buchan "tragedy" is not accidental. This is not the first time the West has resorted to such a provocation against Russia.

“For the first time, such a performance was played out in Romania to justify the murder of the Romanian leader Ceausescu. Then one and a half thousand corpses of Hungarians living in Romania were discovered. Ten years later, a confession of one of the high-ranking officers of German intelligence followed, revealing the truth about the Romanian operation, that how corpses were brought from mortuaries from all over the area, there was not even blood on them ... However, the European reader swallowed the rough propaganda bait and believed that the bloody tyrant was overtaken by fair retribution. corpses from morgues, passing them off as victims of Serbian bloodthirst."

The historian noted that, given the high geopolitical stakes in relation to Ukraine and the scope of Russophobia, the West will organize such "performances" many times.

"It is clear that this is not the last provocation to denigrate the Russians, there will be more such in those parts of Ukraine where the Russian military has been," the historian summed up.

What will happen to denazification?

It is known that war does not end with victory on the battlefield. After it, the war for the mind of people begins again, which is no less difficult than the war of the usual order.

The denazification of Ukraine, during which the stratum that implements the ideas of Ukrainianism should be removed from the political leadership, is an extremely complex and lengthy process. In contrast to the completely material demilitarization leading to disarmament, denazification implies, in fact, the purification of the consciousness of the inhabitants of Ukraine from the deadly infection of Ukrainianism, the anti-human doctrine of the superiority of the Ukrainian nation.

But the fact is that consciousness is an intangible structure, and for the majority of the inhabitants of Ukraine for thirty years it has been subjected to the most severe information pressure.

According to historian Svetlana Volnova, on the issue of denazification, one should refer to the experience of countries that denazified Germany after World War II.

"The population of Ukraine has been brought up in an anti-Russian and anti-Russian spirit for a long time. And we need to seriously work with this, first of all, history should become the main object of change, since it always serves as the foundation of the present. The phrase "Who controls the past, controls the future" is absolutely true. So, If we take the experience of denazification after the Second World War, before 1949 more than 50% of German textbooks were corrected ... ", Volnova emphasized.

One of the effective means of denazification was the organization of tribunals for Nazi criminals and their accomplices.

"In post-war Europe, such tribunals were organized everywhere, not only in the liberated territories, but also in Germany itself. Most Germans were not even aware of the atrocities of the Nazis. Many fainted when they were shown a chronicle of murders and torture that were carried out in concentration camps by the Nazis," – said the historian.

It is known that after the end of the Second World War, out of 13.2 million tested Germans, only 613 thousand people were found guilty to one degree or another of involvement in the crimes of Nazism. However, despite these figures and the fact that only the highest-level leaders were actually punished, it was psychologically clear to everyone that Germany had been punished.

From the experience of denazifications

The denazification of Germany for the first time became a way of ideological reformatting of the whole country, and done in an extremely short time.

In the Soviet zone of occupation of Germany, the Germans were relieved of personal responsibility for complicity in Nazism. Everywhere there were posters in German with Stalin's saying: "Hitlers come and go, but the German people and the German state remain."

“According to the Marxist-Leninist theory, fascism was a natural product of monopoly capitalism and the guilt of an ordinary citizen, if there was, it was very small,” Volnova said.

The Americans, on the contrary, believed that no one could be missed, and carried out denazification, when everyone had to answer the questions of a huge questionnaire. If personal involvement in the actions of the Nazis was found out, then repressive measures followed.

"This aroused the indignation of the Germans, because Nazism was judged not by their own fellow citizens, but by American lawyers - people who had never lived in a totalitarian system," the historian noted.

Immediately after the war, ordinary Germans were not ready to repent and admit their guilt for Nazism, since they did not consider themselves accomplices in the crimes of the Nazis. They reminisced about the Anglo-American bombing, burnt to the ground in Hamburg, Dresden and many other German cities.

It was necessary for time to pass, for a new generation to grow up, for a different spiritual situation to arise. The new generation of Germans opposed the generation of their fathers, holding them responsible for the crimes of the Nazi regime.

True repentance began with the trial of the Auschwitz concentration camp, which took place in Germany in 1963-1965. Since then, criticism of one's past and self-accusation have taken on a universal character in Germany. From here grew the ideology of German repentance for Nazism, which became one of the foundations of modern German society.

Whether the experience of Germany's denazification will help Ukraine, time will tell. So far, one thing is clear: Ukrainian Nazism must be cursed, like its German counterpart a century earlier.

Author: Natalia Zalevskaya ... 93206.html

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This in part explains the slow slog of the Russian military: These Ukrainians are fighting tough, motivated by the deadly nonsense of Nazi propaganda. As I and Colonel Cassad have said, had the Russians allowed Donbass to follow through, with perhaps a minimum of help on the ground, this problem could have been nipped in the bud. And the reason it wasn't is that Moscow still held out hope that it could negotiate with the US in a reasonable manner, but this was not to be the case, it was Washington's way or the highway.
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by kidoftheblackhole » Sun Apr 10, 2022 1:21 pm

blindpig wrote:
Wed Apr 06, 2022 3:23 pm

I find weakness in both works.One recognizes the dialectical nature of history without necessary reference to Lenin's 'Imperialism'. The other is all about Imperialism without any reference to history or current reality.

While Acosta might have addressed the imperialist rivalry of the US and Russia which while certainly extant is grossly unbalanced in favor of the hegemon. Russia, regardless of it's motivations, by opposing the overbearing arrogance of the US stands as a block to the planetary warmonger.

The existence and atrocities of the Nazis in Ukraine, their ties to the US since WWII, which we have seen all too much of in the past eight years, cannot possibly be ignored in discussing the current situation. Yet Mr Godel does, deftly laying out Lenin's theory with zero reference to history or present conditions. Theory devoid of historical reference ain't nothing but paper, empty and useless. Yet without theory we cannot advance.

I think Acosta's point about western leftist becoming doctrinaire pacifists is on target. The Bolshevik's motto during WWI was "Peace and Bread". But when civil war was imposed upon them other slogans were necessary.

As Marxists we should be able to walk and chew bubblegum at the same time. Likewise we should employ Lenin's Imperialism and Historical Materialism together.

We do not love the government of Russia any more than that of the USA, yet under current circumstances it is clear who is doing what. To take an Olympian stance and pronounce a pox upon both their houses is a denial of material reality.

The 'multipolar' world some folks envision post-US hegemony will be no Paradise and could indeed be hair-raising but is certainly a step in the right direction. US hegemony is most certainly leading humanity to doom, time for something different, with the opportunity for something very different.

And btw, I find Greg's choice of images(if it were his choice) quite the 'tell'.
May I send this to ZZ BP?

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sun Apr 10, 2022 1:34 pm

May I send this to ZZ BP?
Why not? I haven't pissed off anybody in a while. (because no one will talk to me anymore)
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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