
Impressions of an Occupation: Preface

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At this point, the majority of my knowledge of what is really happening on the ground at the various Occupy Together movements is based on videos, live streams, Twitter feeds, discussion boards and 48 hours spent at the Occupy Chicago site. I am deliberately avoiding most major media coverage because of its inherent ruling class bias, partisanship, and opportunism.

I will be attending Occupy Wall Street in the coming weeks and hopefully other locations as well. I am approaching this movement with a critical eye. I tend to get caught up in the abstract, emotional side of protests – the marching, chanting, ideals and camaraderie. But I am making a conscious effort to take a step back, examine the strengths along with the faults and weaknesses in the movement, and come out with a realistic assessment of what it is and what it may accomplish. In order for this movement to advance the economic and social interests of the 99%, it is vital for it to be self-critical and intellectually honest.

In sum, I am both a supporter and a critic.

The writing I do on this blog will hopefully represent a balance between these two angles. That’s enough about me. Onward to the occupations.
