
Entries with no category

  1. ARTICLE: Political Illustration: Lebanon and Beyond

    This article was published at the Design Altruism Project, based on an interview by a student in the graphic design program at the American University of Beirut. It discusses the state of political illustration in the region.

  2. Digging at "Ground Zero": A Message from Radio Row

    I wrote this prose poem as a kind of overview of ten years of thinking about September 11, 2001, now that I have the hindsight of living overseas. The piece, published at CounterPunch, compares the violence of that day with the violence directed at the 14-block neighborhood referred to as "Radio Row", which was erased in order to build the Twin Towers.

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  3. Riots by Design: Resisting the London Olympics

    I wrote this article based on work done in a design studio here in Beirut called "Mediating the Real World". We chose as a project advocating for the boycott of the London Olympics. Based on our research, and what I've found in other Olympic cities, I am surprised at the lack of critical analysis of what role the Olympic Games had in the most recent London riots which, as we are seeing now, are allowing the government to complete their plan to destroy low-income parts of the city in the ...
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